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Bad Moons Rising

Going in the backdoor (DM Stephen)  d100=80 d6=3 d100=58 d100=5 d100=70 d6=4 d6=5 d6=5 d20+5=24 d20+3=23
Thursday March 10th, 2005 8:19:13 PM

The hobbits make their way to the back of the house and enter into the yard through the gate. The group seem to be quiet enough not to draw the unwanted attention of the dogs. Whew! (lucky)

Kendry and Selithe head straight for the cellar doors. Airin also very stealthily creeps up on the back door. Along the way, she notices that the powder trail does in fact circle around the house. Kendry and Selithe find the cellar doors locked with a padlock. Airin notices the backdoor is locked as well. She can also see in through the window next to the door. This back door enters into the kitchen. The rogue instantly gets to picking the lock. She can hear more commotion inside, but cant make out the words. Sounds like the wolf-man is making a mess of Marigold's parlor. Suddenly the lock goes "click" and doornob is now able to be turned. The door is unlocked.

Patty and Olo stand back and keep a watchful eye. The priest prepares for the worst.

Thursday March 10th, 2005 11:10:44 PM

Patty begins to wonder if prehaps the danger beyond the door is closer then previously thought. He hefts his longsword and divides his attention between his surroundings and the cellar door, ready to defend the party from attack in either direction.

Friday March 11th, 2005 1:34:09 AM

Selithe looks to her brother and chews her lip slightly and leans in, whispering in her brother's ear, "Guess we should go in first. If nothing else I can use my spells to slow whatever we might meet down some."

Selithe smiles lightly and motions for her brother to open the door. Selithe has her sling out and ready but she also is clearly got a spell in mind to use if need be.

0th:Acid Splash(2), Detect Magic(1), Prestidigitation(1)

1st:Mage Armor(1), Magic Missile(2)

Kendry  d20+4=17 d20+3=4 d20+5=10
Friday March 11th, 2005 2:15:56 AM

Kendry gives Airin a congratulatory hand signal. He motions for her to open the door. Once she has done so, he steps over the threshold, moving silently (17), spotting what he can (1+3=4, pretty much nothing), and listens (10) for what he might hear. He steps aside to let the next person in. Also, he gauges the ambient light in the room. His bow is still out and ready.

Airin  d20+10=26
Friday March 11th, 2005 3:36:59 AM

Happy the door opened soo fast, Airin quickly puts her tools back into ther pouch. She opens the door for the others to move in first. Phfew ... this could be close quarter fighting ... Airin preferes long range combat :-)

Suddenly she tries to stop the others by tappin on their shoulders and tries to make hand signals to make clear what she wants to say :
Hopefully you can figure out what she's trying to tell you :-)
Highlight to display spoiler: { "Me ... to front door ... knock on door ... divert wolf/man ... you attack from back by surprise ? ...yes ? ... no ? ... Need signal ..."}
As she's not in danger from the dogs in the front garden she might as well take that chance.

There's no use to jump through the back door into the living area all together. So Airin descides going round the house again up to the front door to create a decoy could be fun. Of she goes again, very silently of course (move silently 26)

She gives another casual look at the powder circle. Is there only 1 circle ? Or are there 2 ... 1 close to the house and 1 close to the fence ? Maybe to keep the dogs inside those circles and to change them whenever someone enters the circle ?

Hide from animals : 9'30"

Friday March 11th, 2005 12:42:41 PM

When Airin indicates she plans to go around to the front, Kendry signals no. He motions that she should come in with the rest of them.

He is concerned that, though invisible, that lazy-eyed dog is likely bright enough to figure out something is funny if a knocking sound is made at the front door, and he can't see who is doing it.

Kendry motions for the rest of the party to enter. Best to stick together as much as possible.

Friday March 11th, 2005 3:48:27 PM

As Kendry waves not to go the other way around, Airin sticks with the rest after all. Best thing for to do is to prepare her crosbow ...

She casts a gentle smile at Kendry for helping her stay out of trouble ...

Patterton  d20-2=16
Friday March 11th, 2005 4:53:24 PM

Patty pushes ahead of the others and enters the doorway as quietly as he can (move silently 16- sweet roll even with the minuses!), his eyes darting about for danger. The prospect of a good scrap has put him in a good mood and Patty grins a bit as he surveys his surroundings.

Very nice kitchen! (DM Stephen)  d20+5=12 d100=62 d100=62 d6=4 d6=2
Friday March 11th, 2005 7:57:17 PM

The door opens and the shouts and growls of the wolf-man become louder and easier to hear. For now, it seems the wolf-man is taking out his frustrations on the furnishings and knick-knacks of Marigold's parlor. Splintering and cracking wood, shattering glass and ceramics. Marigold remains silent while the other two gasp with freightened responses to every slash and blow to Marigold's personal belongings.

Patty bravely takes the lead and stays very quiet as he enters. But with all the ruckus in the other room, its quite easy to remain unheard. But you can never be too careful! The kitchen is a very tidy and neat. Everything is in its place. Not a single smudge of uncleanliness can be seen anywhere. Its a very fine kitchen. Pots and pans, large and small, hang from hooks on the wall. Potted herbs set next to the window to take in the sun during the day. There is a wood burning stove and oven against the left wall, along with a fireplace. There's a closed door on the right wall with a small plaque, in the shape of a rooster, saying, "Root Cellar." A dumbwaiter is just to the side of the root cellar door. Over on the counter there are jars, storage bins, a bread box and various other kitcheny things. Cabinets line the walls above the countertop. In the middle of the room is a big butcher block-style table. A very sharp looking cleaver rests on top along with a simple, plain, wooden stick. Across the kitchen on the opposite wall from which you entered is a doorway with a set of loose swinging doors. Its apparent that the doorway leads into the dining room. All the commotion that you hear is coming from that direction. Suddenly ... a scream!

(BTW - The powder, by your estimate, circles the entire house. Only one circle. The powder trail is just a few feet away from the outer wall, so its a tight circle, not loose.)

Kendry  d20+3=17 d20+3=20
Saturday March 12th, 2005 3:57:36 AM

Kendry searches for Aunt Marigold's big jar of ground pepper. Ah - there it is! (Search: d20+3=17) (or something in the neighborhood - flour, salt, paprika, what have you).

"Find Silverware," he whispers in Selithe's ear. He whispers the same to Airin, and adds to Olo, "Tablecloth or net or blanket."

He sets down the bow and arrows carefully on the counter. Gingerly, he removes the lid from the pepper jar, and moves his finger around in it a little, to make sure the contents are loose enough. To Patterton, he points to the darkwood bow, and indicates it is a very good bow. With a wave, he invites him to take it, if he wants to.

He waits for a few moments, allowing the others to prepare. Then he walks out into the living room, looking down at the jar. "Aunt Marigold, is this what I use for the oatmeal cookies?" As soon as the wolf-like man is close enough to him, Kendry tosses the contents of the pepperjar into his face (pepper-poof in the face attack, d20+3=20).

Patterton  d20+7=22 d8+4=6
Saturday March 12th, 2005 6:06:15 AM

Patty waves off the bow Kendry offers him and as soon as Kendry enters the room, he hurridly applies the magic fang potion and rushes in to help. He will try to cordinate his attack on the wolf man right after Kendry tosses the pepper in his face so as not to get caught in the cloud. Patterton stabs at the wolf man's torso (attack= 21, dmg=6).(OOC entered wrong attack bonus on attack roll. Should be +6 so the roll is 21, not 22)

HP 12
AC 20
attack bonus +6
dmg(masterwork longsword)1d8+4

Diehard feat: You can remain conscious after attacks that would fell others.
When reduced to between -1 and -9 hit points, you automatically become stable. You don't have to roll d% to see if you lose 1 hit point each round.
When reduced to negative hit points, you may choose to act as if your were disabled, rather than dying. You must make this decision as soon as you are reduced to negative hit points (even if it isn't your turn). If you do not choose to act as if you were disabled, you immediately fall unconscious.

Saturday March 12th, 2005 2:12:01 PM

OOC: OK. Brain fart. I was right the first time. Hit bonus is +7 with the halfling racial bonus.

Sunday March 13th, 2005 8:00:17 PM

Selithe takes in a deep breath and holds it a moment as she lets her brother do his thing. Selithe keeps her sling ready but also a magic missile spell on her lips just in case.

Olo  d20+4=11 d20=16 d6+2=7
Sunday March 13th, 2005 10:46:10 PM

Olo's happy bringing up the rear until he hears a scream. Gritting his teeth to keep from doing anything too hasty, he pulls the door closed behind him and latches it. Nodding to Kendry's suggestion for a tablecloth, he grabs one if he spots something appropriate (spot=11) though he doesn't stop to search through drawers or cabinets.

He's right behind Patty when entering the room and this time he doesn't stop to ask questions.

ooc: if he's got a tablecloth..
Olo rushes in as close as he can get and tries to sweep the tablecloth up and over the wolfman's head. (Attack = 16 + 2str - 4nonprof = 14)

ooc: if he doesn't have a tablecloth..
Olo rushes in as close as he is able considering all the people in the room, and takes a swing at the wolfman with his morningstar, intent on teaching the beast a lesson regarding threatening halflings in their own homes. (Attack = 16+2Str, Dmg = 7)

Airin  d20+5=9 d20+10=11
Monday March 14th, 2005 3:33:47 AM

As Kendry whispers to find silverware, Airin takes a look around. However what good can a silver fork do ?!? She quickly scans the room, carefully opens a few drawers hoping to find a silver steak knife that resembles a dagger ..

spot = 9
move silently = 11 (nat 1 - EEEK)

but the last drawer she opens makes a terrible noise. Airin is soo surprised she jumps up, hitting the pottery with her head, causing one of the jars to fall to the ground ... BANG ... CRACK ... CURSE ... this isn't exactly her idea of a surprise. Sheepishly she looks to the others ...

Exactly at that moment Kendry throws the door to the living area open and moves over to the Wolf/man. Airin is way too surprised ... all this is happening soo fast !

She readies her crossbow and attempts to look inside the living area. However with all other going in front of her it'll be difficcult to see anything.

Peppered! (DM Stephen)  d100=88 d100=27 d100=42 d20+5=11 d4=3 d20+5=18
Tuesday March 15th, 2005 1:22:46 AM

Kendry does find a canister (88%, lucky) with some ground pepper and proceeds to follow the noise through the dining room, toward the palor.

Airin quickly rumages though the drawers (27%, sorry) only to find measuring cups, some wooden spoons, small standard pieces of kitchen cutlery and various other unhelpful items. The cleaver on the butcher block looks promising, but so does a heavy cast-iron skillet. As she follows her friends into the chaos, she spots a beautiful wooden cabinet along the wall in the dining room. Fine dinner plates, sausers, gravy boat, tea cups and some fine silver serving trays are on display behind glass doors. Looks to be the good stuff. Who knows what else.

Patty takes his potion and follows in behind Kendry. Olo does the same, but also looking for that ever elusive tablecloth. Unfortunately, the dining table is left bare, since its also made of a fine, highly polished wood. However, the cleric spots a table cloth, disguarded on the floor, in the parlor during the wolf-man's rampage. (It will be your full turn to get to it and pick it up. Rolled a 42% chance for you. Not bad, but not good either.)

After Kendry says his thing, he forcefully empties the contents of the black pepper can into the direction of the culprit. (Wolf-man's AC is 16) A cone of pepper billows forth and stings the eyes of a surprised wolf-man (Reflex 11, fail). He shrills in pain. But that shrill quickly becomes a roar of feral rage, unlike any of you have ever heard. (Wolf-man's new AC is 12)

Patty then rushes in and slices into the beast with his sword. Again, it cries out making your ears ring.

Selithe prepares her sling or spell. Now seems like a perfect time to strike.

The beast stumbles backwards, dazzied in confused. Almost tripping over broken furniture and other debris. He's unable to act this round. He rubs at his eyes, trying to regain his sight. Those in front look on in shock that the creatures wound, from Patty's sword, isnt nearly as severe as it should be. His deep piercing cut is only a mere scratch.

The room is in shambles. Doesnt appear to be anything left in one piece. All three women are still tied up in their chairs next to the fire. The woman to the right of Marigold has tipped her chair over trying to get loose. Marigold looks as furious as the wolf-man, but remains cool and calm.

(Wow, masters of the surprise attack! Sorry I was late. Didnt get home until after 10:30pm.)

Kendry  d20+4=15 d20+1=3 d20+1=6 d20+1=4 d20+1=21 d20+1=6
Tuesday March 15th, 2005 3:51:28 AM

"Girl - the gift bag!" Kendry yells in Airin's direction as he grabs a box from his knapsack, and opens the box as he swings it in a low arc towards the raging wolfman. Emptying from the box are a set of masterwork caltrops, scattered at the wolfman's feet (AC 15 for aim to get it in the right area, roll 1d20+1 vs AC 12 for wolfman to step on any caltrop. A successful hit does 1 hp damage, and slows person with wounded foot to 1/2 speed for 24 hours. 1st three miss. 4th is nat 20, no crit though). He drops the box after the four-spiked metal objects exit, and steps to a point adjacent to Aunt Marigold's chair. He prepares to pull another weapon...

Airin  d20+5=24 d20+5=18 d20+1=18
Tuesday March 15th, 2005 8:58:27 AM

"Girl - the gift bag!" is exactly what Airin needed to snap out of her amasement of what's happening now soo sudden.

She quickly snatches the Tanglefoot Bag from her pouch and throws it at the Wolf/Man.
(attack roll : 24)
The funny looking bag cracks open right on the Wolf/Mans torso, covering him with a sticky goo. Upon exposure to the air, the goo quickly turns rigid disabeling the Wolf/man to move freely
(att roll -2 / Dex -4 / WolfMan make a DC15 reflex save of be glued to the ground / DC17 to break free if glued).

Airin cheers as she sees the bag splattering right on the Wolf/Man and hopes the goo will successfully pin down their opponent. It could be MOST interesting to capture this beast alive !! If it's glued they can carefully tie him down and interrogate BEFORE releasing aunt Marigold maybe ? After all ... who's the good guy and who are the bad girls ?

After throwing her Tanglefoot bag, Airin scans the living area and especially takes a good look at Aunt Marigold and her friends. Why is Aunt Marigold soo enraged and not affraid ... she sure acts weird. (Spot 18 - sense motive 18)

(active spells = Hide from Animals 9'18")

Olo  d20+2=22
Tuesday March 15th, 2005 9:32:32 PM

Cursing under his breath, Olo feels a bit clumsy as he takes longer than he wanted to snatch up the tablecloth. Finally getting a decent grip on it, he spins and runs after the others to engage the wolfman. Running into the room, he gives the tablecloth an expert snap and is delighted to see it settle over the blinded and glued creature (To Hit = 20 + 2).

Selithe  d4+1=3
Tuesday March 15th, 2005 11:55:05 PM

Selithe frowns when she sees the wolf man and instead of using her sling she quickly raises her free hand and points her pointer finger at the wolf man, speaking quickly, "I do believe your luck is going to change hairball for tonight the joker is wild." Once Selithe speaks a burst of magic energy comes from her pointer finger in the shape of a single small magic missile.

<magic missile damage:3>

Patterton  d20+7=21 d8+4=11
Wednesday March 16th, 2005 1:18:46 AM

Patty does not hesitate as he sees the strange goo and the tablecloth envelope the wolfman. With a loud grunt, Patty whips his blade overhead and cleaves deeply into the beasts chest. (attack roll =21 damage roll= 11)

Marigold [DM Jerry]  d20+2=22
Wednesday March 16th, 2005 1:50:42 PM

The wolf is bombarded with goo, sword, missile, and steps on pointy things. He sneezes, while struggling to see.

Marigold rises tentatively to her feet--chair on her back. She then flexes and the chair is destroyed to her great delight. Sending shards in various directions, there are sounds of things breaking which can be faintly heard.

"Finally!" She screams maniacally.

"You FOUL MANGY FLEA-BITTEN MUTT! Now it's my turn! You ARE going to tell us NOW all we wish to know, aren't you Sotirod! You will do this because you fully understand what I'll do if you don't!"

She holds up the amulet as if to break it with her bare hands.

She continues.

"You are going to explain the actions of Xemrac and what the bloody moon he thinks he's doing! We are not his pawns and we won't be sacrifiiced!"

With a start, she stops frozen, looking directly at Patty and the others with horror and surprise on her face.

The Wolf, fighting down the pain in his eyes, his feet, and struggling with the goo, pauses as well.

He chortles coughing. "Ohhh ho ho hoooo! You didn't want them to hear that! Ohhhh hoo hoo hhooooo.

"Goody Goody Marigold doesn't wants her secrets revealed to the kiddies. She wants them ignor......."

"Silence you fool!" shouts Marigold.

Almost giddy, Sotirod continues, "Why don't you tell them about the election! About the reason behind my employment? Why you stole the amulet? Go on! Tell them!"

Wednesday March 16th, 2005 4:25:44 PM

About to pull his dagger to cut Aunt Marigold free of the chair, Kendry is surprised at her show of strength. "Well, Auntie, I suppose now is not the time to talk about oatmeal cookies. Unless Xemrac might like a dozen. Who is Xemrac? If you don't mind me asking."

He turns to the wolfman, and says, "I hope you'll understand our zeal in defending our family, Sotirod. I'm Kendry. Is that your welcoming pack outside the door?" he asks the wolfman, then turns toward Marigold, "Or are they your dogs?"

Patterton  d20+6=25
Wednesday March 16th, 2005 5:02:34 PM

Patty, his blood still racing from the breif skirmish, turns his attention to Aunt Marigold and her friends. He keeps his sheild up and gestures at them with his sword, "Start talking,then. What about the election? The good folk of Hovel are going to want an explanation. What is it the church does to witches, Olo? Burnt at the stake, aren't they?"(intimidate=25 almost a nat 20) :(
Patty shoots the priest a wink with the eye that's facing away from the witches.

Wednesday March 16th, 2005 10:21:41 PM

Selithe looks around and is utterly confused as she tusks her sling back in her belt and looks to everyone, "Okay, someone explain this whole mess to me because this makes no sense. What is this wolf dude doing here? who or what are those dogs outside? where the heck did you get so much power Aunt?" Selithe is very confused and awaits a answer, not to patiently either.

As Selithe stands there she looks to the wolf man and frowns some, "Well, if your not the enemy then I'm sorry for hitting you with a magic missile."

Airin  d20+5=18
Thursday March 17th, 2005 2:50:29 AM

"Go on Sotirod ... tell us more"

Airin is quite suspicious about his accusations to Aunti Marigold. She drops a keen eye at the amulet. Maybe there are markings to be seen (spot 18)

Next she takes out her silk rope and walks over to Sotirod. As she walks over there, she asks the others if she should tie him for safety.

Olo  d20+2=12
Thursday March 17th, 2005 10:35:41 AM

Not catching the intent of Patterton's question, Olo shrugs and answers it seriously.

"That fully depends on the church, Patty."

Olo really wants to find out what's going on, but doesn't feel that adding another voice to the chorus will help much. While he waits for an explanation, he keeps his guard up in the case that someone tries something sneaky.

OOC: With all the muscle around to back him up, Olo's more worried about someone using magic. He's keeping an eye out (held action) for spell casting or use of a magic item, with the intent of grappling/subduing the caster should it be attempted (ToHit=12).

Thursday March 17th, 2005 11:45:53 AM

OOC: Whoops! Olo's Melee ToHit is +3.
Don't know why I've been using +2 all this time.

So ToHit = 13

Listen To Me! [DM Jerry]  d20+15=33 d20+4=10 d20+3=13
Thursday March 17th, 2005 5:52:36 PM

"Shut up Kendry! Are you so quick to put your aunt to the fire?"

Then when Patterson tries to intimidate her, she starts for a second, but only a second. Then she turns on him with a smile of understanding. "Nice try Patterson. Respect your elders!"

As Selinthe addresses the wolf. He laughs.

"Oh! Oh ho ho hooooo. Such politeness. I'm sorry I hit you sir. I hope you're not real evil cause I might try to save you and then parade you as a fool through town! Oh, these youngsters are precious indeed witches. They will taste oh so good....ON A SPIT!"

Then Airin tells the wolf to talk more.

"Tell you more? Sure puddin, and in one is exactly how I see ya, but let's even the odds a bit shall we?"

He stretches but remains held fast which causes the wolf to let loose with some of the most vile curses and cusses anyone in the valley has ever heard!

Marigold then takes a step forward. "I have had enough. Not only did I lose an important election tonight, but now I find myself confronting evil incarnate (and she indicates the wolf as that evil) but my precious dears have been exposed to you as well.

This ends now and Xemrac can be damned to the Estates of Unrest! She pulls out the amulet. It begins hissing and burning her neck. "Listen to me and grant my petition!"

At this moment, Olo rushes Aunt Marigold as per his readied action. His morning star is raised and he swings it mightily! [d20+3=13] It slams against her chest, but bounces off seemingly rebuffed as the world around everyone seems to rotate becoming a grand vortex!

The spinning!

Crashing into things!

The roar of something evil shouting Marigold's name!

Loss of vision and location.

Things going black!

Darkness and dreaming. Dreaming of being chased by wolfs who want to tell you something. Dreaming of things in threes. Three witches. Three dogs. Three candidates. Three stars in the sky. Three pies in a window beckoning. Three scrumptious meals. Then warmth and light and heavy snoring.

Sleepily you awaken to the sound of ogre snoring, a bright warm morning sun, smells of the barn around you, and smells of your ripe selves without baths!

It is morning.

Thursday March 17th, 2005 6:51:41 PM

"No more pie for me, thanks...", Patterton mumbles in his sleep, "Give it to the puppy...he looks hungry." Then his eyes slowly open and adjust to the new surroundings.

Patty springs to his feet so quickly, he almost pitches himself over backwards. He whirls in a circle, looking for any threat when he discovers they are in the barn.

"What in the...? Wake up everyone! We've got to get to Marigold's!"

Thursday March 17th, 2005 7:00:26 PM

Kendry looks confused & hurt when his Aunt falsely accuses him of wanting to put her to the fire. He had just come to her defense! It was Patterton who spoke of burning at the stake, not himself. He was about to caution Patty on such speech. But circumstances did not allow for such...

Whose dogs were they, anyway? Who is Xemrac? "No, Olo!" is all he has time to shout out before he enters into a strange night of dreaming.

Who is Sotirod, in his non-wolf form? A weird thought - could that be Calfast? - crosses his mind, and is instantly discarded. No way. Absolutely.

Kendry stretches his legs, his shoulders, his arms. He listens to Lomar's snoring as he sits up and looks around him. "Selithe? You awake, sis? Hey, Patty. Olo? Airin. Bobbles?" He stands up, and stretches again. He rubs his eyes. "What a night. What a night." He takes better inventory of his surroundings.

DM Jerry 
Thursday March 17th, 2005 7:47:22 PM

OOC: Congratulations. For the last module, you receive 2000xp each. This applies to everyone, even our new Jon as he will need to add that to the starting point of his character.

This should put everyone at 2nd level.

Complete your changes to character sheet. This is an official character sheet resubmit time. Send reconfigured sheets to Stephen and I for approval. ;)

Spend a moment updating your background too please. We'll send those on to Carl for uploading to the site.

We know this takes time so set yourself a couple of deadlines.

First, try to get into the queue in the CC for what you want to purchase by Wednesday of next week. If that's going to take awhile, send in the sheets anyway and you can add your purchases easily later and send the sheet again.

Rewards for services rendered is still coming friends, so wait for that to send in your sheets. That should be coming on Monday or Tuesday at the latest. Sorry, but it just won't fit into tomorrow's post. ;)

Second, with our without your shopping done, we need sheets in by a week from tomorrow.

Friday March 25th.

If everyone meets this due date, we will add 5% to the xp you just earned. If we're missing one, no bonus. :)

Hey! It's a group game!

So again, avoid sending in the sheets until you receive your monetary reward for the last module as well.

Now, for hero points.

Everyone receives one hero point.

I know Stephen handed out some hero points during the module. You may petition Stephen, I, and the group for additional ones for yourself or others in the group through next Friday.

Remember, it is not selfish to nominate yourself. Possession of hero points by an individual is valuable for the group. It lets the individual have second changes to succeed for the good of the group.

Remember that you get 30 x your level for hero points. Sorry, but you receive the hero points before the xp points so you get 30xp per hero point.

Friday March 18th, 2005 4:04:56 AM

"What in the Wold was that ?!? Were we dreaming ? ... Or did this really happen ?"

Still a little shaken from what just happend, Airin feels a little confused. "Now what ?" she throws into the group. "Should we try to investigate Aunt some more ? Should we alert Calfast of what just happend ? You know he WILL ask questions. I'd suggest to keep this to ourselves a little longer. Maybe we ought to visit aunt once more ... I bet she'll be acting pretty normal again ..."

Friday March 18th, 2005 1:48:20 PM

Selithe lays on her back, snoring as she enjoys her sleep other then the weird dreams running through her mind. At one point it looks like she begins swinging her staff at something and she even speaks, "Back you evil wolf, back I said." Then her dream shifts to something else again and a grin pops on Selithe's face as she rubs her hands together this time, "Hey Kendry, I'll bet you highest card pulled for the slice of pie you have....what do you say huh?"

Selithe jerks awake when she finally notices the loud snoring and sighs as she looks around, "Great, first we visited our Aunt and now where in the barn sleeping."

Selithe hears the comments on what to do and speaks up really quick, "I don't know about anyone else but a bath comes first and then we visit our Aunt I think." Selithe stands slowly and stretches, "That sound okay with everyone?"

Friday March 18th, 2005 3:14:29 PM

"I'm not sure what you were dreaming, Airin, but I dreamt about things in threes. Witches, dogs, candidates, stars, pies, meals. And wolves chasing us, to tell us something," Kendry says with a yawn and another stretch.

To Patty, he says, "I figure that Sotirod did not win. Otherwise we would be puddin' pies, or roasting on spits. I know, after Aunt Marigold started talking to that amulet, and Olo tried to whop her, that things started spinning. I wonder at the power of that amulet. Did anybody get a good look at it?"

He waits for an answer, then adds, "I would guess that somehow or other, Aunt Marigold got us back here. Did anyone get a good look at the other two ladies sitting next to her?" [OOC: Am wondering if we recognize either of the other women.]

"Hey, Lomar. Lomar, wake up, sleepyhead. Were you awake when we got in last night? Good morning, by the way." He asks the same of Bobbles, trying to get to the bottom of their mysterious change of locale.

Friday March 18th, 2005 5:02:16 PM

After the initial suprise wears off, Patty relaxes a bit and pulls off his chainmail shirt. "A good bath sure sounds fine to me. Where do you Hovel folk keep your tubs at?" He sticks his head out the barn door and scans the area for a well or stream.

Patterton grins at Olo, "Any chance you could whip us a up another masterpiece, Olo? My belly is grumbling after our run in with Sotirod and the witches."

Friday March 18th, 2005 5:59:36 PM

The bard checks to make sure he has all his equipment, including his darkwood compound short bow.

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