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The Big Dream [CDM Jerry]

The Big Dream [CDM Jerry] 
Saturday March 19th, 2005 1:16:23 PM

As our heroes continue to wake up and discuss the strange events of the previous night with both frustration, confusion, and a sense of purpose to find out the answers to the mysteries the visit to Marigold's house presented, they are confronted with even more surprises.

Calfast comes running in with two of the city militia. "You goodpeople in here? You ok? Have you been outside? Did you sleep? What happened?"

In the confusion that follows, Calfast interrupts any beginning explanations. "So you haven't looked outside? Look! Look!"
A quick glance out of the barn door shows that the entire barn is surrounded by 3' tall mushrooms.

As you look they begin to glow. This causes something strange to happen to your stomachs which are very empty. A feeling of movement, uneasiness.

Then without warning, a secondary awareness begins to grow on your conscious. Your minds begin to meld and grow into one.

Calfast, wonder in his voice says, "Something's happening."

Some sort of collective elven effect is at work!

As you struggle to come to grips with these events, your conscious minds fade and a waking dreamlike state begins.

There is then a joining of minds. Elven minds. Minds that look at life in terms of centuries instead of years.

Nearby elves join in. Some join to a lesser extent being half-elves or other relates species.

The pool of collective thought grows until it becomes Woldwide!

The overwhelming thought becomes "Why?"

An ancient being joining the mix replies, "This has happened twice before. This is the third time."

"What has happened before? comes the overwhelming response."

"This. Prepare and listen."

A common Elven Dream begins.


You are floating...in space..?

You can see The Wold turning lazily beneath you, so very far below--slow but steady, the planet rotates, basking blissfully in the light of the bright golden disk hanging above it. Sunlight dapples the large fertile brown expanses of land dotted with areas of green forest...it sparkles across the waves of the blue-green ocean.

The Wold is as it is.

Suddenly you become aware that there are three smaller discs approaching the bright one, also at a slow but steady pace...you realize that the bright disk must be the sun, and the others are the moons of The Wold.

The three new discs align to cover the sun completely, leaving it and The Wold in darkness. But there--right in the middle of the now-black sun-disk--a pair eyes blink open, as though awakened from sleep.

The almond-shaped eyes--the bright, brilliant hue of sky and sea--look down upon The Wold. They widen in surprise, as though viewing the burgeoning world for the first time in a very, very long time...then the expression in the turquoise eyes grows rather sad. A tear forms and falls from one of the eyes as it blinks.

The eyes in the black sun narrow slightly--as though the unseen person to whom they belong has suddenly begun contemplating...and then the eyes blink again, once more brightening with the enlightenment of a great idea..!

The eyes glow warmly--if there were a face to go with them, you just know that it would have a happy, friendly grin in place--and The Wold, turning in its slow, steady pace, begins to grow green. Focusing on the planet, you can see that the forests of The Wold flourish and grow lush once more, spreading their fertile growth across the faces of the both the continent of Yrth and the Fragmented Lands, as the owner of the eyes laughs delightedly.

You swoop down from your lofty perch and find yourself standing in an ancient forest, Culverwood, breathing in the good green scent of the ancient trees. There is a dark, malevolent blot at the edge of your senses whom the collective knows to be Parnoth the oppressor--then suddenly, the blot disappears from sight and you hear the great beast's agonized screams.

More screams and cries ring in your ears now--the voices of those who oppose and harm Nature, the voices of those who would hold back the elves and make them lesser beings, the voices of evil. Too long they have been allowed to run free, but now they face their just reward. Through it all, the owner of the eyes continues to laugh.

The dream ends and the personal you physically awakens with laughter still ringing in your ears.

You slowly awaken. Your eyes open as if they have been asleep.

Sunday March 20th, 2005 1:50:26 AM

"Jumpin' John's wort!" exclaims Kendry as he comes out of the group trance. He opens his backpack, rummages within, and comes up with some paper. Searching a bit more, he finds his pen and ink.

The halfling quickly begins writing down as best he can the words and images he just experienced, not wanting to forget such an amazing vision. He follows that up with a description of what he dreamed last night.

As he writes, he speaks aloud some of what he writes, and asks whether anyone else saw what he just saw. He wants to confirm he is not going batty. He sketches the eyes he saw, trying to capture the blinking, the surprise, the narrowing, the warmth, the delight.

He draws out the disks. He realizes that he needs to organize what happened in some sort of order, so grabs a fresh piece of paper, and draws a grid, 3 rectangles wide, 3 rectangles tall, for a total of 9 panels on the page. He then begins to place text and illustrations in a sequential fashion, to show the unfolding of the vision. He continues on the opposite side of the paper. Then another piece of paper...

As he beings his work, he looks up. "Burgomeister Calfast - can you tell us something about this Parnoth?"

Sunday March 20th, 2005 11:00:54 AM

"Well, I don't think I'll be taking another nap anytime soon. I've hit my quota of strange dreams for the month."

Patty stand up and sits down on a bail of hay, trying to process what the visions meant. Had he felt a presence watching him during the commune? He can't shake the feeling and falls into silence as the members of the party discuss the vision.

Monday March 21st, 2005 12:00:43 AM

Selithe snaps out of the vision and frowns as she is terribly confused and looks to the others and even nods at Patty's comment. After gathering her wits and thinking over the things she seen in the vision she speaks to Kendry and the others, "Anyone make sense of that vision at all? It was really weird and I can take a gamble on it wasn't good at all, not by a long shot."

Monday March 21st, 2005 3:31:00 AM

Heavily breathing from exitment all Airin can exclaim is " WHAT WAS THAT ?!? " ...

This "dream" was about the woldian sun and moons. Airin gazes up to the sky. Something weird is going on ...

As Kendry starts to write things down, Airin helps to fill in the blanks, amased they all lived the same dream. In a way that dream wasn't all too bad was it ?

"Hey who believes in dreams anyway !" says Airin as she turns around looking for something to eat. She's starving.

Monday March 21st, 2005 5:57:08 PM

"I really have no idea what that was all about," Olo says as he sits up and scratches his head. "I wish I did know, since it seems to involve Wardd in some way, but...," his words fade away, and not finding better ones to replace them, he simply shrugs.

Latching on to a new train of thought, he offers up a suggestion. "Maybe the elves could tell us a bit more?"

Monday March 21st, 2005 6:59:29 PM

"Breakfast would be good," Kendry says as he continues his sketches and writing. He looks up to Airin. "I believe in some dreams. Others I just scratch my head at. Since obviously we shared two dreams in a row, that is not just chance. Some things, and some people - even some gods - are tied in somehow. We ought to figure out how, and why and wherefore."

He nods his head in agreement with Olo's idea to contact the elves. "Just outside of Angel Springs are a group of them, usually."

He calls out in goblin back into the barn. "Ooigh! Bobbles! You plan sleep all day? Wake up your eyes! Tell Lomar stop snoring. Come out and see big mushrooms! Big enough for soup for giant."

Hoping their two friends will roust themselves, the young bard turns back to the Burgomeister. "Calfast - you need to hear what we saw last night. Have you heard of someone of power named - just a moment." He sets his writing down on his pack, and goes to whisper in Calfast's ear. The two militia men are all right, he's reasonably confident, but he decides that a small measure of discretion may be appropriate.

"Have you heard of a person of power named Xemrac? Of a nasty wolfman called Sotirod? Heard of any hell hounds in the neighborhood lately?" he whispers, his back to the militiamen, then, stepping away, he again takes up his work. "Lots to think about this day, and in days to come, no?"

Selithe (Illegal 2nd post before DM post) 
Tuesday March 22nd, 2005 3:33:51 AM

Selithe looks to everyone as she gets ready to go get some breakfast and also some washing done as she would like to take a bath. She does look to Kendry and whispers to her brother, "Before jumping into things to much brother, please do remember you appearance and such at this moment. All of us need a good bath and some decent food before jumping to much farther."

(OOC:Will be getting my updated CS in later today.)

Airin  d20+6=24
Tuesday March 22nd, 2005 8:48:45 AM

Kendry is right, Airin knows he is yet is reluctant to admit that all having the same dream is very strange. Something higher is at work here.

Nature now plays a strong roll in Airins life and as she gazes up to the sky again she begs Mother Nature for guidance and wisdom : "What beauty will thou reveal to us ... How can we protect thy glory ... Show us the time of eclips and give us a way to defend the trees and all peacefull creatures in the Wold ... "

Airin tries to find answers. When will the moons allign with the sun and darken the Wold.

Knowledge Nature : 24

(ooc : Airin is now a Rogue(1)/Druid(1). Char sheet updated and will be send to DM's today)

Tuesday March 22nd, 2005 10:49:56 AM

Patterton breaks from his momentary silence and looks about the barn at his companions. "Well...what do we do now? A lot has happened in the past day. Kinda hard to make sense of it, to tell the truth."

OOC:Patty is now a 2nd level fighter with power attack. Woo-Hoo!

Questions? [DM Jerry] 
Tuesday March 22nd, 2005 12:51:58 PM

Calfast says, "What? I? No idea.

"Oh! Parnoth. He's a green dragon who rules the Emerald Kingdom far to the Southwest. SW end of Culverwood. Nasty fellow."

Calfast nods at Patterson. "Yes, I think I'll be an insomniac from now on by choice!"

"I am Burgomaster now though. So I must find out what's going on! Hmm...."

"Last time there were sendings like that, it was to the priests and it was just before the Gods destroyed the interior of the continent! This doesn't seem like that though. This feels like some...like a segining of bomething....I mean a beginning of something."

As Airin talks, and kinda states that she doesn't believe in it, Calfast looks at her carefully trying to determine where that comment came from. Her fear? Something in her past? He goes silent for a second.

"Olo, what makes you think it involves Wardd?"

Calfast looks at Kendry in surprise as the young halfling mentions monsters in the valley. He shakes his head no. "Connected?"

"It would indeed be a good idea to go to the Elves Retreat near Angel Springs and see if this is a racial thing. It was elves we were merged with in this...vision. Perhaps they can shed light on this."


Meanwhile, Airin has been searching inwardly and trying to remember the movement of the moons and sun for the last few days. Her knowledge of nature does allow her to piece things together....sorta.

She realizes that yes, the moons are converging. How long? Her guess is about a week....or it could be sooner. She is not an astrologer after all.

[sorry, I thought Stephen was posting this week.]

Tuesday March 22nd, 2005 4:30:24 PM

Kendry nods his head as Calfast fills him in on who Parnoth is. [OOC: Would this be general knowledge in Crescent Valley?] He is a little surprised at the Burgomeister's spoonerism, as he has always seemed well spoken before. Well, an election brings plenty of stress, and the first few days of one's administration - particularly with the events surrounding this one - perhaps, especially so.

Kendry rips off a little piece of paper on which he has written something. He hands it to Calfast. Here is what was written:
Last night at M.'s house, she & two other women were tied up. Werewolf S. was raging, asking them about his missing amulet. In front of house, three sleeping dogs. They changed form to hell hounds as we approached, and one, with a red eye, commanded us to leave. We snuck in back, surprised and partially bound wolfman. M. broke free. Mentioned name I just told you. "We won't be his pawns!" M. said to S. Then M. brought out S.'s amulet, invoked some power. Amulet burned M.'s neck. Evil being called out M.'s name. Weird vortex, darkness, we found ourselves back here this morning. Don't know what happened, exactly.
After handing that to the mayor, the halfling introduces his sisters, his friends, and himself to the two militia hobbits, asking after their names. He gives them a 'Well met!'

Then Kendry suggests to the group, "Let's get some breakfast, bathe, swing by our Aunt's place," the 'our' including him and Selithe, "then get ready to head to the elves. Unless someone else has a better plan. We'll take Biscuit," he says, referring to the pony belonging to his family, "and her cart.

"Let's see if Lomar and Bobbles want to come with us. Shall we ask them - or shall we see if they might stay here for a while? I'd love to have them along - but it might complicate things as we introduce them to the different towns and people along the way."

He turns to Calfast, "What is your counsel on these matters? If you intend to visit the elves, shall we travel together? If our big friend and green friend come along with us, could we have a letter from you - maybe two copies, just in case - stating that they are with us by your leave, and are to be treated with courtesy and politeness?"

And addressing all, he says, "When we pass through Humble's Ford, we can drop off the cart and pony. No doubt Gramama Eglantine will give my ear a turn for supporting Mr. Tunnelly, after she baked the twelve dozen rumberry pies for Marigold. We might spend the night in our hometown," he says, looking to Selithe and Olo, "Then move on to the Elven Enclave the next morning."

Turning to Airin, he asks, "Are there many in town, here, who keep books? I'm wondering whether we might not get some clues as to what's going on by speaking with someone who has read a lot."

"I'm open to all kinds of other ideas any may have. What are your suggestions, friends?"

Tuesday March 22nd, 2005 4:54:34 PM

OOC: Quick clarification on past events...
Olo's intent was to "grapple and subdue" if someone used magic back at Marigold's, not necissarily whack 'em on the noggin with his morningstar. He didn't have justification (in his mind anyway) to use lethal force.

Olo first responds to Calfasts question regarding Wardd. "Well, it involves Wardd's moon to a large extent in anycase. And now," he adds with a quick shrug, "it appears to involve at least one of his clerics as well."

When Kendry recommends a course of action, Olo nods through most of it, but has a suggestion. "I think we need to check the house first, eh? I don't know how much time has passed, but that above all else might have an urgency to it. Then, we can clean up and discuss events further over breakfast."

If Lomar shows his face, Olo has a surprise for him. "Heya Lomar! You'll never believe what I've got. Last night, on the road, someone entrusted me with a gift for you. Um... In all the confusion since then, I don't quite remember who it was," he adds apologetically. With that, Olo rummages around in his pack and produces a plantain. He looks at it for a moment, shrugs, and hands it to the giant.

another quick ooc:
The plantain was a gift for Lomar from Clark the Catacombs Clerk. Hey, wasn't my idea, I just passed it along.

Kendry, quick question back to Olo 
Tuesday March 22nd, 2005 5:43:20 PM

"Sure, we could do that," Kendry agrees with Olo's idea. "We did bathe before last night's party, after all. Say, Olo - do you suppose these mushrooms are edible?"

Tuesday March 22nd, 2005 10:29:46 PM

Patty stands up, grabs his chainmail shirt and slings it over his shoulder. He then turns to the Cleric.

"I don't know if I'd bother with those mushrooms, Olo...those things might be the cause of these dreams in the first place. A friend of mine found a mushroom in the woods and took a bite...poor sod thought he was a glass of orange juice for a month." :)

Selithe  d4=1 d4=3
Wednesday March 23rd, 2005 1:17:08 AM

(OOC:Jerry, I went ahead and rolled Selithe's 2nd level hit points here. We reroll 1's right? if so she has gained 3 hit points + con bonus.)

Selithe looks to her brother and shakes her head as she speaks up, "Well, a bath is calling me and then I'll meet up with all of you."

Selithe will quickly run off to find a nice place for a bath, even checking at one of the inn's to see if they have one available. Once she is cleaned and has abit of food she will cetch back up with the group.

Wednesday March 23rd, 2005 2:52:29 AM

As Kendry mentions "books" Airin tries to remember the things her parents used to say about Angel springs. Wasn't there a library or something like that ? The dream told them something similar has happend twice in the past. Some tales or songs might clarify a few things.

Otherwise there will certainly be a temple in Angel Spring where the elders might be able to explain more.

The thought of visiting the Elves in Angel Springs sure sounds great to Airin. Maybe she will hear something about the whereabouts of her mentor ... and not to forget ... she still holds those signet and two of them were Elven style.

With the road ahead in sight, Airin heads over to Blossom. "Are you up for a little walk through our beloved Valley my dear Blossom ..." she whispers as she gently pats blossom on her sides.

Rise and Shine! (DM Stephen)  d100=75 d100=93 d6=3 d6=4 d100=65 d100=34 d6=2 d6=3 d20+4=21 d20+4=16 d20+6=7
Thursday March 24th, 2005 12:41:45 AM

Calfast looks at Kendry's note. His eyes move from left to right as he reads. Suddenly his expression changes to shock and his eyes dart back to Kendry. He looks very perplexed. He returns to the note and reads it again. Calfast takes hold of Kendry's wrist and leads him to a corner of the barn away from the militia's ears. "What manner of story is this," whispers the Burgomeister? "I would not be talking of this to anyone else! Marigold, your aunt, is a very respected member of the community, and the commander of the militia." Calfast pulls off his spectacles and starts massaging his brow. With a short sigh, he puts them back on and continues. "Are you sure you saw this. You didn't have too many spirits last night or dream this outrageous story. There's a lot of that going around." After a short pause Calfast continues, "Ok, I'll look into it. Write down those names for me, and tell no one. I mean that! I know the ways of the world, good Kendry. So does your aunt. Don't give yourself any false sense of security for who you are or where you live. This place, in all its goodness and serenity IS NOT immune from the dark designs of those who wish to do harm. IF any of this you say is true, dare not speak of it to anyone. There are those who hear but are not seen."

A militiaman comes running up to speak with the Burgomeister. Calfast quickly pockets the note and composes himself after Kendry's shocking story. He's handed another note. "What a first day on the job. Oh my goodness. Oh my!" Calfast continues to read and rushes off with the militiaman. As he leaves he says goodbye to all and heads off to perform his duties as Burgomeister. "Oh, one last thing, if Lomar and Bobbles decide to go with you, take this too." He tosses a pendant that he pulled off from around his neck. It shows a crest identifying the authority of the Burgomeister. "Show that to any officials that may give you grief. That is the best I can do without having legal papers drawn up. Sorry, I must go, good day!"

You all don't feel terribly dirty. A night in the barn didn't help keep you fresh as a daisy, but it didn't make you too dirty that a good brushing of the hand wouldnt fix. Good thing you all washed the day before. The bathhouse and temporary bath tents are crowded with party goers from the night before. Expect long lines if you go.

Lomar and Bobbles cant help but wake from all the commotion. However, Bobbles doesnt appear too lively. He had a wee bit too much food and drink. "No good, Bobbles feels ... uggghh!" The morning light doesn't help situations for the goblin. The bright sunlight always hurts his eyes, but this morning the pain is especially keen. It's obvious that Bobbles isnt going anywhere anytime soon. Lomar is in good spirits and helps prepare for breakfast. However a small group of halfling men and women stop by the barn to drop off a welcome wagon of food to Crescent Valley's newest addition. Almost a full cart of leftovers from the night before. Enough to feed an ogre (and his hobbit friends) for several meals.

Several of you know of the "elven encampment" outside Angel Springs (especially Airin). It's actually a small druid grove, tended to by mostly elves and a few local hobbit druids.

(Im assuming you all decided to visit Marigold again.)
After breakfast, you all decide to get ready and head back over to Aunt Marigold's house. Lomar decides to stay behind at this time, because of concerns for Bobbles. As you all turn the corner, just up the lane from Aunt Marigolds house, you all see the three dogs still in her yard. In the light of day, they dont appear threatening. They look like normal dogs. They act like normal dogs. Or are they?!

Thursday March 24th, 2005 4:35:05 AM

The left overs from last night provide a nice breakfast for Airin. Well fed, and anxious to get on the road again she heads towards Aunt Marigolds house.

Along the road Airin wants to discuss how to handle things. We don't want to stand in front of her house once more chattering without doing anything right ?

" Let's give it another try and approach aunties house by the front door. Them dogs won't bite right away or they could have taken a little "Kendry's Snack" last night.

I even bet, Aunt will try to hide everything that happend last night. Let's not mention anything from last night either ... I would like to see her reaction if we also avoid the subject. Then later we might question her about all this."

Thursday March 24th, 2005 2:43:37 PM

Patty furrows his brow a bit. "I don't know if I'd do that, Airin. You don't have that potion anymore." He leaves it at that, waiting to see what the rest of the party thinks.

Thursday March 24th, 2005 5:36:39 PM

Outside and inside the barn

"Well, I do respect her, sir, very much. I just worried about what she's got herself mixed up in!" Kendry answers Calfast. "No, sir - only a cup of beer and a cup of cider. My friends can confirm what I said." As requested, he writes on a scrap of parchment:
His face reflects the serious tone of Calfast's admonition.

He catches the pendant that Calfast tossed, and puts it around his neck, and under his shirt. "Thank you, sir! And - Burgomeister Calfast - we wish you very well, and may wisdom serve you!"

"Ooigh, Bobbles! You eat too much the hobbit food last night. Too much the Brock's brew!" Placing his hand on the goblin's upper arm for a moment, Kendry adds. "Bright sun hurt Bobbles' eyes. Maybe we see if we find way help so sun not hurt eyes so bad."

Enthusiastic about the welcome wagon, Kendry says, "For your thoughtful kindness, friends, a blessing on your heads!"

As the group breakfasts, Kendry tucks away several pieces of meat into a bag that he ties to his waist. "Lomar, we are going to take a look at something here in town today. Then, unless our plans change, we plan to head over to Humble's Ford. That's where Selithe's and my home is, also Olo lives there. Then, later, we go to Angel Springs. If you and Bobbles want to come along, you can. But I see that folks here seem to like you. If you want to stay here for a while, and it's all right with Betty Burrboot for you to stay in the barn for the time being, that would be all right, too. If you stay here, you will want to see what kind of work you can do to help earn your keep. But I expect you could do in a few hours what might take someone our size a week or two! So, we'll be back in a few hours. You, and Bobbles, let us know if you want to stay, or want to come. We'd welcome your company! Think it over." He tells Bobbles pretty much the same thing, and adds, "You have chance now to learn better the common tongue. Practice, Bobbles. Learn new words each day. Little hobbits maybe help you!" He also adds, since he knows that Bobbles feels less than wonderful at the moment, that he can ride in the cart with a blanket over his head to keep the sun off his eyes should he choose to come along.

Outside Aunt Marigold's place, in the morning sun

Kendry unties the bag from his waist he prepared at breakfast. He pulls out some of the meat from inside - three pieces. He pulls open the gate, and steps forward a little. "Morning, pups! Want a little snack?" He tosses two pieces of meat off to the left, off the porch - each piece about six feet from the other. The third piece he tosses off to the right, also off the porch.

If the dogs act like dogs, and go for the meat, then Kendry will walk to the door and knock. As the dogs finish the first scraps, he tosses away from the porch some more morsels as he waits for someone to answer.

If the dogs behave as they did last night, he steps back out the gate, and suggests to the group that they walk last night's path.

Thursday March 24th, 2005 9:24:07 PM

As they head towards Marigold's house, Olo feels he has a bit of explaining to do.

"Um, about what happened last night in the house... I want you all to know that it wasn't my intent to hurt anyone. I got a bit jumpy what with the wierd dogs and that wolf beast and then the amulet and all."

Olo gives a worried, sidelong look at Kendry. "If your aunt wants to turn me into a toad or something, can you put in a good word for me?"

When they finally arrive at the house, Olo waits patiently, trying to look as harmless as possible, as Kendry works his magic with the dogs.

Ryan OOC 
Thursday March 24th, 2005 11:59:08 PM

Hi everyone! Happy almost Easter and respective religious holidays. :) Anyway, this isn't hugely important, just thought I'd let everyone know there is a new member to the group. Patty just bought a war pony called Barnabus(and a masterwork breastplate). Thanks.


Selithe  d20+2=5
Friday March 25th, 2005 12:23:48 AM

Selithe decides to hold off on the bath and mumbles to herself, "Maybe if our Aunt is in good spirits we can use her bath."

Selithe notices the dogs this time and sighs as she looks around and grins thinking of something, "I have a small trick up my sleeve also if need be so I'll go in first brother and friends."

Selithe will open and shut the gate when she walks in inless she sees the dogs change when Kendry throws the meat in or something. (Spot:5 so she won't be seeing much. LOL)

Friday March 25th, 2005 1:08:45 AM

Patty slowly pulls his sword from his sheath as he follows Kendry into the yard, not taking the time to remove his shield from his back. Gripping the blade in both hands, Patterton falls into stride with Selithe, keeping himself between the dogs and the wizard. 'Hope they play nice today.' he thinks.

Good doggie, good good doggy! (DM Stephen)  d100=15 d100=48 d6=1 d6=4 d20+4=17 d20+4=21 d20+4=11
Friday March 25th, 2005 1:46:37 AM

As soon as Kendry throws down the meaty treats, the dogs chomp them down ravenously. Just like normal dogs. With tails wagging, wimpers and yelps, they beg Kendry to give them more. He does, and the dogs repeat the same action. Oh my goodness they are so happy. They lick Kendry's hands and face in gratitude. They excitedly look at the others to see if they have treats as well.

"Hello, oh helloo," shouts a kind voice from the side of the house. A woman emerges from around the corner. She is dressed in a simple dress, with gardening gloves and a big floppy hat to block out the sun. She carries a basket full of turnips, onions and bright red tomatoes. In the other hand is a small hand shovel and gardening shears. "Ohh oh helloo. How is everyone today," she says in a kind voice. You all easily recognize her from the night before. "Miss Marigold is just inside. Im afraid she decided to sleep in today. She will be up in a little while though. We're preparing a second breakfast. Im sure she wouldnt mind if you all joined us." She spies Patty with his sword drawn. "Oh, how I could have used you that garden a little while ago," she says with a smile.

Kendry  d20+6=25
Friday March 25th, 2005 3:03:47 AM

Backstep to Olo's request
During the earlier walk to Marigold's, Kendry listens to Olo's explanation and petition. "Sure, buddy. I'll suggest a turtle, instead," he says, deadpan. After a beat, he says, sincerely, "Don't worry, Olo, friend. There was a lot of stress in that room. And I don't think you phased her." A thought occurs to him, and he allows, "I'm more likely the one she'd want to change into a ... magpie!"

Talking with the nice lady
"Mornin', ma'am," Kendry returns a greeting to the kindly lady. "Beautiful day for starters, ain't? I'm Kendry, this's my sis, Selithe, and these are my friends." He laughs at himself. "I'm afraid I just fed Aunt Marigold's doggies part of their second breakfast," he says, showing his now emptied bag, and petting the dogs in turn. "Couple of years since I saw them in the light of day. Second breakfast sounds lovely. Oh, we're some of the Humble's Ford Pipewoods. Leafwin Pipewood family. Now, you industrious and kindly lady, I'd be much obliged to learn your name!" [Diplomacy: d20+6=25]

Airin  d20+6=16
Friday March 25th, 2005 7:27:15 AM

"HAH ! " Airin says to Patty just loud enough for him to hear, but the lady won't here it "Told you these dogs wouldn't hurt us ! At least not at daytime ..."

Airin casually looks around the garden ... where was that powder circle ... is it still here ? (Spot=16)

"Thank you for the invitation Ma'am. My name is Airin. Sorry I didn't catch your name ... " Airin says as she follows the rest of the group most likely inside.

Friday March 25th, 2005 4:40:29 PM

Patty looks at his sword awkwardly and stuffs it back into his scabbard. "Errr...shoot! Guess I'm to late to help you with those weeds, eh? Maybe next time..." he trails off.

A the party prepares to enter the house(presumably), Patty gives Airin a playful poke in the ribs with his elbow and sticks his tounge out at her. ;)

Friday March 25th, 2005 10:49:52 PM

Olo didn't even realize he'd been holding his breath until he let it out in a long slow exhale of relief. The pleasant greeting was a good sign that he might yet make it through the day without finding out what life was like as a frog, or a turtle even.

"That's so very generous of you ma'am, and uh.. if there might be something I could do to help with preparations, I'd be more than glad to roll up my sleeves."

Olo puts on what he hopes is a not so nervous smile, though it ends up being stretched a bit wider than would be natural.

Sunday March 27th, 2005 4:05:58 PM

Selithe smiles and looks sheepishly at the lady as she had expected some other type of greetings. After composing herself Selithe speaks up, "Hello ma'am. I was worried we might of caught Aunt in bed still but we wanted to suprise her since we we're in the area you know. We don't get to see her as often as we use to."

Where's the Beef? (DM Stephen)  d20+2=9 d20+4=10 d100=22 d100=41 d6=2 d6=6
Monday March 28th, 2005 12:05:02 AM

The woman answers everyone, esepecially Kendry and Selithe, with a warm smile. "Oh that is so kind of you to think of your aunt like that. Seems like the youth now-a-days are more interested in fun and frolicing than family. Oh please forgive me. Where are my manners, my name is Daisy. I've been under your aunt's employment for three months now."

Airin looks about very carefully. For the life of her, she sees no trace of the powdery ring from the night before!

Another voice calls out from the back, "Daisy, I need your help with this side of beef."

A joyful expression forms across her face. "Coming right away, Bea! Hurry everyone. Your Aunt Marigold had a yearling butchered this morning. A glorious cut of meat for sure. Your aunt likes her meat fresh."

She quickly turns and heads back to the back of the house. If you follow her, she leads you to the kitchen door. Another woman pushing a wheelbarrel, a woman you all recognize from the night before, sits huffing and puffing from over-exertion.

Bea looks up after wiping her brow. Inspecting the young crowd before her, she says, "Oh my, I was afraid I got too much. But you know what they always say. Better to get too much, than not enough."

"Yes, you are so correct," Daisy says with glee. "We're preparing Madam Marigold's favorite dish, spicy peppered steak and eggs with a fresh garden salad. Most may think it's a little too hardy for second breakfast, but Madam Marigold says it always picks her up in the morning."

Monday March 28th, 2005 1:50:08 AM

Patty rushes over to help the exhausted old woman with the wheelbarrel, "Please...let me." He says, hefting it easily. He takes an opportunity to inspect its contents and keeps an eye on the (ex?)witch, making sure not to turn his back to her. They may be acting like nice old hobit women now, but Patterton doesn't trust them one bit. If the old bitty makes a blatently violent move, he will draw his longsword and defend himself.

Monday March 28th, 2005 4:13:43 AM

"Nice to meet you, Daisy," Kendry replies.

"Ooo! Peppered steak and eggs sounds great. We'd be happy to pitch in and help, if you'd like. Olo here is a great hand in the kitchen. I can toss a salad, or peel some potatoes without cutting myself, usually. Good job, Patterton. Watch your step there. Hard to walk forward when you're looking back."

Kendry pitches in and helps in any manner that seems appropriate. He looks forward to second breakfast, getting to know the two ladies, and to catching up on the news with Aunt Marigold.

Monday March 28th, 2005 6:43:53 AM

As Patty playfully pokes Airin's ribs when passing her by, Airin whipsers in his ears : "Better watch your pockets tonight ..."

She's not in the least surprised that the powdery circle ain't there anymore ...

"Steak " Airin says "that sure sounds delicious !" as she can't help but thinking if this is beef or wolf's steak ...

Monday March 28th, 2005 9:59:23 AM

"Right! Like Kendry said, I can usually find my way around the kitchen and would be more than happy to lend a hand."

Olo thought about it for a moment, then decided not to push too much to help out. Some people are particular about their kitchens, and that might go doubly so for witches. Who knew what one might find in Marigold's spice rack?

Monday March 28th, 2005 10:31:10 PM

Selithe smiles and nods at the comments Daisy makes and speaks again to her, "Yeah, we travel alot lately so we understand more how much family means and to take any chance to see them for atleast alittle bit."

Selithe notices Bea and leans her head to the side as she reguards her before speaking to her, "May we give you any more of a hand?" Selithe wonders and whispers to Kendry when she can without hopfully being heard, "Hey Kendry, did you know anything about our Aunt have magical powers? Is it known at all maybe she uses being a wizardess or something as cover? If so maybe I should strike up some shop talk later with her."

Drawing Straws? [DM Jerry] 
Monday March 28th, 2005 10:39:03 PM

The cooking takes on the look of half a dozen mad scientists as eveyrone kicks in and helps get Second Breakfast ready.

The table is set. The fire kept low for the late morning chill.

As everyone moves to sit down at the table, it is quickly noticed that there is not enough spots at the table.

Marigold smiles and says, "Guess we have to break out the Kiddie table like at Festival."

"You youngins can draw straws to see who has to sit at the kiddie table."

She then produces some pieces of celery. "This will work. Quick work with a knife and she cuts them all to the same length except for two short ones. Then she holds them in her hands and passes them around to draw.

[Stephen's phone was down tonight so I'm subbin' in for a day--maybe more.]

Tuesday March 29th, 2005 12:02:38 AM

Patty pulls a straw and hopes that he doesn't get a short one. His bulk would not be accomadated well by the kiddie table.

Tuesday March 29th, 2005 12:03:10 AM

Patty pulls a straw and hopes that he doesn't get a short one. His bulk would not be accomadated well by the kiddie table.

Kendry  d20=16
Tuesday March 29th, 2005 1:20:30 AM

As Selithe asks whether their Aunt has magical powers, Kendry shrugs his shoulders. When she asks about bringing up shop talk, he nods his head in affirmation.

(d20=16 for drawing a straw - er, celery stalk.)

He looks at the celery stalk he drew, and compares it with Patterton's. "All right, Airin, Olo, sis, your turn."

Airin  d20=13 d20+6=13 d20+1=16 d20+7=21
Tuesday March 29th, 2005 2:06:26 AM

Airin giggles as aunt Marigold offers the celery sticks and also draws one (d20=13) watching with anticipation to see if she will be sitting at the kiddies table :-)

Then Airin casually looks around to see if she can notice anything from last nights "dream". She's not expecting to see anything, but still ...
There's not enough room at the table ... are there enough chairs ? Is one chair missing ?!? Maybe the one that was broken last night !!

spot - 13

Then she carefully starts to observe Marigold and her two servants. If they start talking among eachother Airin will try to figure out about what they talk.

sense motive = 16
read lips = 21

Is Aunt Marigold wearing a medallion ?!?

Patterton  d20=2
Tuesday March 29th, 2005 8:30:10 AM

OOC: forgot a roll...2! :(

Olo  d20=14
Tuesday March 29th, 2005 2:50:04 PM

Olo waits his turn and then dutifully picks one of the remaining stalks of celery (d20=14). He looks at it and a seems to be a bit confused. After a moment he shakes his head as if to clear it.

"Why on earth is noone talking about last night?"

He looks around at the room full of people, genuinely perplexed as to why everyone is acting so normal.

"You ladies," he points around with the celery in his hand, "were tied up and there was a wolfman with a bad temper trashing the house! The hounds outside were decidedly not normal, and one was speaking no less! And," Olo continued, flourishing the celery, "There was that bit with the amulet and the magic. Now... witch, shaman, druid, sorcerer, whatever.. I'm not one to judge on labels," again a dismissive gesture with the celery, "but what happened last night has me really worried. Could someone please give me an explanation?"

Somewhat drained after letting all that out, Olo sagged back against the countertop. Looking down to see he was still holding the celery, he took a bite. Chewing, he looked at Marigold expectantly.

OOC: Uhoh! Olo might just get turned into a frog afterall!

Tuesday March 29th, 2005 3:54:42 PM

"Oh, Olo, let's eat something, first," Kendry says. "It's always better to talk over important things with a full stomach!

"Wow, those eggs look great!"

Tuesday March 29th, 2005 5:17:54 PM

Selithe takes one of the celery sticks and looks at it and then the others before speaking to her Aunt, smiling as she does, "I was wondering Aunt Marigold, do you have any knowledge of the arcane arts? As you know I'm in my opinion still learning the arts and thought maybe you might beable to give me soe advice on things."

Selithe shoots Olo and glare and whispers in his direction, "Olo, we will get to it my friend."

What's Eating You? (DM Stephen)  d20=13 d20=19 d20=18 d20+5=7 d20+5=11 d20+9=19 d20+9=26 d100=27 d100=30 d100=76 d6=3 d6=6 d6=4
Tuesday March 29th, 2005 11:30:38 PM

Daisy and Patterton both draw losing sticks of celery. She looks at the small table and then at Patterton and says, "Well young man, looks like it will be you and me."

Airin uses her keen sense of observation when she can during the preparation of the meal. She gets the feeling that both Daisy and Bea are not being completely truthful. Not in what they've talked about so far, just that they are withholding or trying to avoid certain topics. Its hard to explain, but the two just don't seem trustworthy. Both Bea and Daisy glance back and forth at each other while they prepare the meal. They even pause to look at you and the group. They're actions seem coordinated in some way. Bea hands the pepper to Daisy without asking for it. Daisy has her hand ready to accept it without even looking. How'd she know? At one point, Bea notices you looking at them. They both, at the same time, turn to look at you, even though Daisy had her back turned. A quick smile forms across their faces and Daisy asks, "Do you need anything deary?" The whole encounter makes you a little uneasy.

Marigold, on the other hand, is acting normally. You don't sense anything from here. She's her normal, stuffy, prim and proper self. Her hair is tied up into a tight bun. She is wearing a nice casual dress. Her blouse's collar completely covers her neck. A velvet tie with an ivory-looking cameo helps bring the outfit together. You cant see if she is burned or not. Marigold doesn't give you a noticable clue to prove otherwise.

Olo then has his outburst. The room goes still and silent. Marigold, Daisy and Bea look at each other and then bursts into laughter.

"Sorry my dear Olo. We don't mean to mock you. But, what is it you're talking about," questions Marigold? "Werewolf?! Talking dogs?! Trashing my house?! Did you suffer from a nightmare in last night. All this talk about druids, shaman, magic, and lacanthropy, what an active imagination. Bea, please fetch young Olo here a nice glass of milk. It will calm his nerves."

"Yes, madam."

Marigold continues, "Kendry is right, lets eat and discuss this dream of Olo's. If it will make you feel better, you can tour my house if that will ease your mind. And while you're at it, you can bring two stools from my palor. You and Daisy need a place to sit."

Daisy and Bea both emerge from the kitchen. One with a large platter of peppered steak swimming in its own juices and the other a serving tray with a bowl of salad, seasonings, a hunk of cheese, a few loaths of toasted bread, butter and a small bowl of spicy, diced-cut tomatoes and olive oil for dipping, and a tall glass of milk for Olo.

Patterton  d20=4
Wednesday March 30th, 2005 3:12:54 AM

Patterton politely slides Daisy's chair in behind her as she sits down and waits for the host to be seated before he takes his own stool. Although he had grown up in the woods, his mother had been fanatic about table manners.

He then steals a glance at Olo, half expecting the priest to continue the interogation. A part of him respects the cleric for being so direct about the night before, but something tells him the party may be able to glean more from these three witches if a more subtle approach is used.

Patty takes a roll as it passes by and looks about for the butter. "I've gotta say, you Hovel folk sure know how to make a meal." He says to Marigold. "I may just have to move here permanently so I don't miss another spread like this!"

"All that cooking has really made it hot in here, though. You must've beeen 'burning' up in the kitchen on the 'stake'...I mean with the steak." Patty watches Marigold's expression when he stresses the words 'burning' and 'stake' to see if she reacts (sense motive=4 boo!).

Airin  d20+2=13 d20+1=16 d20+1=8
Wednesday March 30th, 2005 4:24:44 AM

Airin takes a little jump when both Bea and Daisy suddenly turn around at her and she stammers : " Please forgive me my curiosity, but I was marveling the way you two work together. It's as if there's a mental link between the two of you ! I must say it's almost like magic ... Between the three of us, I've recently discovered a few magic tricks myself ! So when I can "detect magic", I would be the first to search for more answers !! Maybe the two of you can give me a few hints ? I'm only a humble beginning druid ... not as experienced as the three of you are ... after all, it was you who was flying over our heads after the elections right ! Oh I which I could do that myself one day !! I would love to find a tutor ..."

The moment Airin said "Detect magic" she waves her hands and actually casts this spell hoping to figure out if the ladies indeed have magical aura's. She will spend time to thouroughly concentrate on both ladies. After all, she IS trying to learn more about magic !!

Concentration = 13
Diplomacy = 16
sense motive = 8

Wednesday March 30th, 2005 7:05:28 PM

Kendry relishes this fine second breakfast, dipping his toasted bread into the bowl with the spiced tomato & olive oil, and listens to his friends and the ladies.

"Yes, I've certainly had some strange dreams, or visions, since yesterday. Tell you what has me curious, though. Last night, three ladies called out, 'Woe!' 'Blessed Be!' and 'Praises! - then warned of the Great Conjunction, and told dwellers in the Valley of the Moon that their time had come, and that woe would come to the unprepared, but that that which is to come is blessed." He sets down his dripping bread on his main plate. "That is a jumble of riddled prophecies to me, I'll tell you. I sure would not want to be among those who are unprepared. And I'm looking for counsel from those who have knowledge and wisdom about such matters.

"Auntie, and you two dear ladies, you have lived at least a little longer than we. What advice might you have for us? How can we prepare for the Great Conjunction, when our three moons align, and the light of the sun is darkened? How do we prepare for this event? How do we protect others from dangers to come? And, do we know how soon it is to occur?" He picks up his bread again, and brings it to his mouth, but pulls it back at the last moment. "I'll confess, I have not dedicated much time to the study of matters astrological." Then he bites into the delicious morsel.

Wednesday March 30th, 2005 11:56:44 PM

Olo's a bit stunned. Not only that the ladies deny his story, but that none of his friends have the courage to speak up. He looks from face to face, hoping someone will back him up on the events of the previous night. When it becomes clear that noone will corroborate his version of events, he shakes his head in dissapointment.

As the food is brought in, Olo takes his place and accepts the tall glass of milk. Frustrated by the denial, he decides to focus on the food in front of him and let the others take whatever initiative they will with the conversation.

After following up a bite of a biscuit with some milk, he can't help but make one last remark.

"You know... I didn't say it was a werewolf."

Good Food, Good Conversation (DM Stephen)  d100=29 d100=47 d100=32 d20+4=5 d20+4=22 d20+8=17 d20+9=12 d20+2=7 d20+2=13 d6=5 d6=4 d6=2
Thursday March 31st, 2005 12:49:54 AM

(back in the kitchen, before the food is served...)

Airin confronts Daisy and Bea about how they coordinate their tasks. She also comes right out and accuses them of being witches. Both maids look at you with blank stares. "Oh deary, what ever are you talking about? Us, witches?! haa haa haa hahaha!" They both giggle like its some kind of joke. "Oh, the young has such active imaginations." As Airin begins to cast her spell and waves her hand, she can feel her natural magic coming to life. Bea watches with wide eyes full of wonder. Daisy quickly turns around takes a pot that was hanging from a hook. Airin instantly feels her spell blink out of existence before she can finish casting it. Daisy turns back around and hands Bea the pot. Bea accepts it without even turning to see Daisy hand it to her. Bea asks, "Did you cast your spell? Is something about to happen?" Her eyes dart around as if trying to spot some kind of magical effect. Daisy interupts, "Our talents in the kitchen come from years of experence. We've worked together so long that it may seem that we know what each other is thinking. Im afraid its only the magic of repetition."

Airin isnt sure, she's not very experienced with magic, but its possible your spell was countered by something or someone. (Make a Spellcraft check to figure out for sure.)
(During the meal ...)

Patterton sit politely at the kiddy table. He says his thing and Marigold appears absolutely unflappable. In fact, she agrees.

"It is a little warm in here. Bea, could you open a window," asks Marigold.

"Yes, madam."

Marigold listens to Kendry and gives him a comforting smile. "Yes, I heard about those ladies flying around shouting to all who would hear. Unfortunately, election time always draws all sorts of different people. As far as eclipses go, they are natural occurances. It's only time for one to happen. And the crazed masses always try and attach some kind of sinister meaning to these astrological events. This is nothing out of the ordinary. It happens every time. Woe indeed! Woe in having to listen to their rantings. I say enjoy the wonder of what is about to happen. You may be my age before you get to see another one. Don't worry, the sun will always rise and greet you in the morning. That is something you can always count on. Oh, and death and taxes, of course," she says with a chuckle.

Olo, somewhat disappointed, resigns to eat his food. However, with the utterance of his little remark, Marigold freezes. Her eyes widen for a second. She appears to be "flapped". (100 exp for Olo)

Marigold explains, "You must have mentioned a werewolf! I heard you say it. Lets talk about something else please. This topic is getting tiresome and your upsetting yourr ... !" Marigold appears distracted for a second.

"Oh Daisy," asks Marigold. "Would you be so kind as to fetch a fresh jar of apple preserves from the cellar. Im really in the mood for something sweet."

In an almost somber tone, "Yes madam, right away!"

(For those who make a Spot check DC 12, you notice a small spot of reflected light dance across the wall opposite from one of the windows. A reflection from something moving outside.)

Thursday March 31st, 2005 1:14:46 AM

(OOC:Sorry if this post is late.)

Selithe smiles when she doesn't get the short celery stick but blinks when all the comments are made about the dreams and such.

Selithe lets these drop from her mind though as he ponders reasking her Aunt about magic but leaves it be for now inless her Aunt comments. Selithe does shoot Patty a slight glare when he seems to Selithe anyway to be acting kind of flirty. Selithe huffs under her breath and turns her gaze away from Patty, looking instead to Kendry for a moment and then away figuring her brother might pick on her over her reaction towards Patty.

(DM Stephen - No biggie :) Go ahead and make your checks and post again if you wish to react to what is happening. Im a late night poster too.)

Airin  d20+6=16 d20+3=17 d20+8=25 d20+7=23 d20+13=24
Thursday March 31st, 2005 9:26:30 AM

spot = 16

Just before going into the dining room :
spellcraft check = 17
After Airin feels Bea counter her spell she says to both woman "Pff ... I was hoping you would at least be willing to teach an aspiring Druid a few tricks. Instead you prefere to be rude and mock me. "
It's very clear to both Bea and Daisy that Airin is very dissapointed in them. She leaves the kitchen with an angry face to find a spot at the table.

At the table :
Still quite angry and very distrustful towards Bea and Daisy Airin never even noted Olo's brilliant remark. (OOC Way to go Olo !!)
She tries to find rock solid proove that the three woman are more than they reveal. She sits seemingly sulking at the table covering her eyes with her hair. Yet she tries to concentrate and keep her "covered" eyes and ears focussed on Bea and Daisy hoping to hear a hint, see suspicious moves. ( listen=25 ; read lips=23 ; hide=24 ) Airin is convinced they are witches or something like that.

Then suddenly she spots the dancing lights on the wall and gets distracted after all. Where does this come from !?!? She checks where the sun comes in and remaining at the table she tries to look through the windows.

Thursday March 31st, 2005 10:58:31 AM

Sensing that Morpth might be the cause of the stir at the breakfast table, Morpth will quickly return to the edge of the forest; well out of spell range, and then wait to see if Patterton comes to the window.

(Barbarian move rate is 30 ft when not carrying a heavy load)

Olo  d20+4=23
Thursday March 31st, 2005 11:31:27 AM


Following the exchange between Marigold and Daisy, Olo hurriedly wipes his mouth with his napkin.

"Preserves, eh? I'll go with you Miss Daisy. You said we could check out the house, right?"

Quickly he pushes back his chair and stands, so Daisy doesn't have a chance to skirt out of the room without him.

"Or... we could go see who's outside your window there, howabout that?"

Olo stands there looking at the ladies in turn, waiting to see exactly what their next action will be. If Daisy or one of the others tries to disappear on an errand, he's going with her.

Patterton  d20=6 d20=19
Thursday March 31st, 2005 5:33:47 PM

Listen 6
Spot 19

Patterton notices Selithes dour demeanor and is just about to ask her about it when he notices the reflection on the wall. After Olo speaks, Patty nods to him and stands as well.

"Right then. I'll take a look outside if you'd like to help Daisy with the apples, Olo. Don't want anyone crashing the party now do we? Please excuse me ladies."

Patty rests his hand on the hilt of his longsword as he opens the door half expecting to see Sotirod lurking by the window. Instead he sees a young hobbit running at breakneck speed towards the woods.

"Hey!" He yells, knowing he has zero chance of chasing him down.

Kendry  d20+3=22
Friday April 1st, 2005 12:47:04 AM

Kendry notices the reflected light from the motion outside. Kendry finds himself amused at the interplay between those who express themselves honestly and directly, and those who try to skirt various issues. He knows his family, and is not unacquainted with the occasional 'let's pretend' that something unpleasant that we all know happened, didn't really happen. He knows it helps save face. Helps avoid unpleasantries. But he appreciates Olo's guilelessness. He saw Aunt Marigold, carefully counting those at Calfast's party last night. He noted the shadow image of her as the three women flew into the air on broomsticks, and one looked quite a bit like his aunt. And now she and her two housemates are trying to pretend that what happened last night, did not happen, or is a flight of fancy on the part of those here. He figures that Auntie, in cahoots with Bea and Daisy, attempted to divert them with implanted dreams - and somehow managed to whisk them safely back to the barn. And good Olo has managed to catch her adding a detail to the story that he himself did not mention. Why does she poo-poo the prophecy?

When Selithe begins to get pouty about Patty, Kendry looks at her cross-eyed. "Here, have some more bread and dip, sis." He gives her a wink.

He notes the momentary change in light (spot 22), and accompanies Patterton to the door. Over his shoulder, he notes the fleeing halfling. "Anyone you know?" he asks Patty, as he stretches, and pats his now well-filled stomach.

Meandering back, he takes a brief stroll through the living room. With his toe, he scoots aside the small throw rug now placed over the spot where his caltrops landed last night. He notes the indentation left by two points of a caltrop - ah, there's the faint third dot - the one Sotirod trod upon painfully last night. He replaces the little rug.

"Sweet things are nice. Darcy Lee, next youngest to Selithe, she has a sweet tooth just like you, Aunt Marigold. You should come out and visit us some time. Papa could show you all the improvements he's made to his shop, and everyone can catch up on all the latest gossip." Kendry could be as direct as his friends, but just decides to let this play out for the moment. How much deeper will the ladies dig?

No, he can't let things go, entirely. "Sorry 'bout the marks my caltrops made, Auntie. Thanks for your help, too. I'm glad you're looking so well today."

Cold Breakfast! (DM Stephen)  d100=96 d100=55 d6=2 d6=4 d20+4=7 d20+4=18 d20+9=15
Friday April 1st, 2005 12:57:36 AM

Almost everyone in the room spots the morning sunlight's betrayal of a sneak outside the window. Those with quick reflexes see the hairy top of someone's head before it darts off at great speed.

Along with Daisy, Olo and Patterton make a beeline for the back door in the kitchen. The warrior and the cleric quickly pass by the maid as she prefers to stand within the kitchen and watch the strange hobbit run away through the open doorway. Patterton yells out to the runner. Patty adjusts his eyes a little. This wild-looking hobbit looks familiar to him! Scruffy, wears a chain shirt and carries a big axe, a really big axe ... yeah, very familiar.

Morpth hears the shouts. He loses a step in his stride. He remembers that voice from somewhere! Should he dare look back and see?!

Selithe and Airin remain seated at the table with Bea and Marigold. The tension in the room cant be cut with an ordinary knife. Airin notices both Bea and Marigold are noticably upset. Marigold cant take her eyes off the food on her plate. Her eyes shift back and forth slowly. She's deep in thought. Bea exhibits a pained expression as she massages her forehead. Looks to be having a headache. Airin can hear her heart rapidly beat within her chest. She's troubled. Bea gets up from her chair and asks, "Madam, may I be excused? Im feeling a bit ill." Marigold breaks her silence, "Yes, you are excused." Bea bows her head to all at the table and leaves for her room. You all can hear her door shut.

When Kendry returns to the dining room and says his thing. She nods and replies, "Yes, I do need to make a concerted effort to visit the family more." She seems to appreciate Kendry's more tactful treatment and not continuing to force the subject any further. Until he makes his little remark about the rug. She looks like she's about to lose her temper, but quickly collects her wits. "Will you please just sit down and finish your food before it gets cold. You too Selithe ... Airin. I don't want people thinking Im inhospitable with my own family. Clean off your plates and we can finish the last pie."

Friday April 1st, 2005 2:41:15 AM

"Pie!" Kendry exclaims. Whatever her reasons, Marigold has declared the topics they are trying to raise off limits. As Calfast told him, his aunt is an astute woman, and not to be trifled with. He realizes that, but still wonders at the continued attempts to cover things up. He recalls her remark from last evening about the possibility of her being burned at the stake. And Calfast counseled against even mentioning certain names. Perhaps she is trying to protect us? And others, even, we know not about... Maybe they are aware of someone who might try to scry upon them.

"Friends, let's just enjoy the great food and hospitality here. I love the bright sun shining down this morning. Oh, oh - we saw some huge mushrooms this morning over by the barn. They were as tall as Selithe!" He finishes off what's on his plate, and makes room for the pie.

"Oh, we'll likely be headin' cross the valley in a bit."

Friday April 1st, 2005 3:38:04 AM

Patty squints at the hobbit in the distance and suddenly his face lights up. "Well, pickle my beets! It can't be! Morpth?! Morpth, is that you? What are ya doing here?"

Patty walks ten paces foreward(not wanting to go very far from his friends while they are in the company of witches)and gestures for the barbarian to approach.

Looking at the Cleric, he says, "Hey, Olo. Let me introduce you to my friend Morpth here. We go back a ways." Then when Morpth is close enough, "Hey buddy! This is Olo, priest of Warrd. Fancy meeting you here, eh?"

Airin  d20+1=19
Friday April 1st, 2005 8:00:15 AM

Aunt Marigold clearly doesn't want us to infere and Selithe and Airin seem to be giving them all a terrible headache. Oh if only there was a way to get away from the table, out of their sight and take a quick look around the house. It may not be worth it, but it sure would be interesting.

After Aunt's remark Airin nicely finishes of her plate and like Kendry makes room for the pie to arrive.

"Auntie, take a look at this ! ", proudly Airin shows the Elven style ring at her hand, " This is one of the four rings we found on one of them Goblins we met a few days ago ... You like it ? We may go to visit the Elves shortly ... I could give the rings back ... "

(ooc : all clues we found so far about the rings are on Airin Char sheet)

The minute Airin holds her hand under Aunt Marigolds nose, Airin keeps a keen eye on her reaction. "Trust" is a word that right now can't be found in Airins dictionary.

(sense motive 19)

Friday April 1st, 2005 10:35:39 AM

Morpth approaches Patterton, but stay about 10 paces away, still a bit cautious. "Nice to see you again, Patterton. Are you alright?"

Waiting to see Patterton's reaction, Morpth shifts uncomfortably on his feet, as if to bolt at the slightess distraction.

"As you know Patterton, sometimes I scout ahead for interesting things to do. As I drew closer to this neck of the woods, I heard the celebrations. I guess curiosity grabed hold of me, I well I had to scout it out."

"Where's my manners?! Nice to meet you Olo Priest of Wardd." Morpth waves at him. Then Morpth beckons to Patterton to come closer to him for a private conversation.

If Patterton approaches him, Morpth will make sure they are out of earshot from the priest before Morpth tells Patterton about the strange things Morpth witnessed the night before.

If Patterton stands his ground, then Morpth wil slowly beging to back away from the house trying to put distance between himself and the house about 35 feet worth.

Friday April 1st, 2005 1:37:55 PM

Selithe watches her Aunt and goes about cleaning her plate as she does. When she is finished she stretches and rubs her stomach once before speaking to her Aunt, "You and the everyone else make a real good meal Aunt Marigold. We honestly don't mean to trouble you either with our questions but being young and all our curiousity does get the best of us."

Selithe thinks a moment and looks to her Aunt, "Anyway, me and my card playing ways always figured don't tip your hand till your ready so I wanted to end this matter as to insure nothing is accidently said outside. Anyway, if you prefer to wait and discuss this then I will not argue."

True to her words Selithe now shuts up on the subject inless it is talked about by Marigold now, instead she smiles, "The pie is one that we delivered? or one of your own?"

Friday April 1st, 2005 2:31:36 PM

Kendry glances at the ring that Airin proffers, interested in whether Marigold might have any familiarity with the insignia.

He winces when Selithe asks whether it is one of the pies they delivered. That was a week ago, and it's unlikely that Marigold wants to be reminded of that incident. "Of course it's a fresh pie, sis."

Olo  d20+4=16
Friday April 1st, 2005 4:10:55 PM

"Pleased to meet you. Morph is it? Morpth?" Olo nods in greeting and watches the exchange between Patty and the newcomer. Glancing back at Miss Daisy, he checks her reaction to see if the newcomer is a surprise to her as well (Sense Motive 16).

When the axe wielding halfling beckons Patty out a bit further from the house, Olo takes the hint and steps back into the kitchen with Miss Daisy. Still facing out and watching the exchange between Patty and Morpth, he takes advantage of the opportunity for a private conversation of his own.

"You know Miss Daisy, there's an uncle of mine, Mr. Roscoe Goodbarrel, who's a bit eccentric. Not just personality wise, but his dealings with the church and his other business too. When I was younger and I'd ask him about it, he'd either tell me or he wouldn't, but he never lied or denied it."

Olo paused for a moment, trying to find words but failing, then looked at her and shrugged.

"We're just all really worried, you know? A few sincere answers would go a long way here."

Then, having said all he feels is worth saying, he turns back to watch the exchange between Patty and Morpth.

Friday April 1st, 2005 4:16:59 PM

(OOC: sorry for the second daily post, but as this is Morpth's introduction and he has important information to share with the party I figured I'd get the ball rolling for the sake of expediency).

Patty approaches Morpth and listens closely as the barbarian whispers in his ear. He furrows his brow upon hearing what he has to say and claps him on the shoulder. "On moment, Morpth. Would you mind telling my friends what you just told me? Away from the house of course."

Patty pokes his head in the door and looks at his companions, "Um, Kendry, Selithe, Airin. Would you come outside for a moment?"

Saturday April 2nd, 2005 1:18:51 PM

Morpth awaits the rest of Patterton's friends to arrive and assemble outside Aunt Marigold's house.

After they assemble, Morpth asks all of them if they wouldn't mind stepping back away from the House another 15 feet or so closer to the Forest.

If they do so, Morpth checks to be certain they are not overheard. Then Morpth tells them the following series of events from the night before. "The night before, I was resting under a tree near Marigold's house and witnessed my friend Patterton and company sneak into Marigold's house from the back door. Since I know Patterton, I snuck up to the window and saw the battle with the wolf-man, and Marigolds speech while wielding a magical amulet. Suddenly the entire interior of the house is engulfed with a blast of white light. The shock threw me back to the ground and blinded me for several minutes. Once I gathered my wits, I headed back to the trees and watched the house until morning.

The night before, after the flash of blinding light, my sight returned and I saw and felt a blustery wind circling around Marigolds house. I wasn't sure, but I thought I saw a giant, gaseous, ghostly image the wolf-man floating above the house. I only saw his upper body (stomach, chest, arms and head), his lower body fades away and becomes invisible. Like a genie. He appears to be riving in pain, (gnashing of teeth, clawing at the sky, really dramatic) yet he makes no sound. All I heard is the wind. The winds spin into a funnel and consumes the wolfman completely. The winds suddenly die and the ghostly wolf-man is gone. All is quiet. All the lights in the house are out, pitch black. I can't see in anymore. I retreated to my hiding spot in the trees and pondered about what I've seen. No one leaves the house until morning, only Daisy and Bea exit the back door to start their chores.

I never saw you folks leave. I was surprised greatly to see a party of hobbits (you nice hobbits) that look just like the hobbits from last night come over for 2nd breakfast! "

Morpth says, "now if that doesn't say "stay out of my house" I don't know what does!"

Morpth also explains, "I feel that since Patterton is my friend, it was my duty to keep him from danger and to tell him what I saw. Since he's you're friends, he asked me to explain that very story to all of you. I know Kendry that she's your Aunt and all, but I honestly have to tell you, I'm not going into that house!"

Saturday April 2nd, 2005 6:09:23 PM

Selithe blinks and blushes at her brother's comment and she is reminded of when the pies were delivered, "Sorry, time has flown by so fast since then that I forgot."

Selithe moves to follow the others and looks over Morpth as he tells the group his story. Selithe thinks over all this carefully and sighs after bit as she looks to the new man, "I understand your concerns but Aunt Marigold can't be a bad person, I just don't believe that. There has to be a explanation. I mean I'm a magic user and know alittle of pacts and such you could make with creatures. Maybe the wolf form you seen was actually our Aunt, it's possible the wolf dude and her switched bodies some how or he's hiding her from our vision."

Selithe holds out her hand to Morpth, only after she dusts her clothing off and straightens her hair and ruffled sleeved shirt, the front cut in it's revealing way still, "It's nice to meet you Morpth and please do not take my comments as insults, we just need to try and be open minded about all this till we know the facts."

Selithe makes it a point to still not look at Patty as she still hasn't forgotten how it seems like he was flirting with Daisy.

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