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Political PARTY!

Parade End [DM Jerry] 
Tuesday February 15th, 2005 2:52:19 PM

Soon Lomar is on his feet again and the parade moves forward through the town.

The scowls of the older hobbits are plain as the younger hobbits welcome monsters into their midst.

You can tell that all are not in favor of the goings on of the Adventure Party.

Once the parade arrives at the Party Grounds, everyone is congratulated and urged to sign the Book of Voting. Then a nearby family hovel is opened so that the adventurers can refresh themselves for the evenings festivities.

All are encouraged to eat both before and after their cleaning. The Ogre is led to one end of the field so that he won't trample on anything and a makeshift amphetheatre is quickly designed around him and a tree as chairs and tables are drug in that direction.

Bobbles sits nearby the tree as well next to a barrel of apples and holding a halfling sized mug of beer.

Calfast approaches Kendry. "Son, you have the makings of a politition. Would you speak this evening and then introduce Lomar for a concert of a few songs with all who want to play? Be sure to talk of your adventure and we'll use that moment to pass around the beer just before the music begins. That should draw out the reluctant hole-dwellers."

Tuesday February 15th, 2005 4:58:22 PM

Patty keeps an eye on the actities and pitches in here and there with the heavy lifting. After a few, he grabs a couple of mugs of the hard-won beer and approaches Selithe, handing one to her.

"Looks like the music is about to begin. May I have this dance?" He says with a shy smile.

Tuesday February 15th, 2005 8:49:57 PM

Kendry thanks the children who added so much to the music and fun. He signs the book of voting. Very pleased to have a homey place to wash up and eat proper, he extends his gratitude to their hosts.

His cheeks flush red when Calfast makes his request. But he answers, "That would be an honor, sir." He talks to his friends about this request. "What should I say?" he asks them.

Tuesday February 15th, 2005 11:11:41 PM

Selithe smiles and helps where she can, grinning and patting Airin's shoulder later when she gets the chance, "Thanks for the encouragment back there. The flower took me by suprise."

Selithe looks to Patty when he comes over and grins as he blushes and she winks at him just to get him flustered more, "Sure, I did say I owed you a dance anyway I believe." Selithe smiles and awaits the music to start and keeps an eye out for her brother and also for any possible trouble. (

Selithe (addition)  d20+3=4
Tuesday February 15th, 2005 11:13:13 PM

(accidently hit the submit without my spot check.)

Spot:4 (nat 1 lol)

Wednesday February 16th, 2005 3:56:55 AM

"You're more than welcome Selithe", Airin says as Selithe thanks her for the support, "but I really didn't do anything at all. You told it well. It's obvious you and Kendry are brother and sister. Story telling seems to be in your blood."

Then Airin graciously accepts the meals and is relieved to be able to take a long bath. After a while (and other allready banging on the door as she stays in the bathroom a long long time) she joins the group once again. Hairs nice and tidy, her armor polished and in top condition.

"Time for a party !" she thinks to herself. Although she's not really a dancer she strongly feels that tonight she has to enjoy the festivities and temporarily leave her paranoid nature.

The Festivities Begin [DM Jerry] 
Wednesday February 16th, 2005 12:13:51 PM

A woman, Pawlie, stands. It turns out she is Calfast's daughter. "Welcome to all of you! I'd call you by clan, but one of my dad's platforms is that we are all one clan, one family. The Crescent Valley Halflings!

"In honor of my father and all of you who have chosen to support him, I am pleased to announce that...


Hundreds of plates, covered dishes, drinks, mugs, appear suddenly on each table. Fireworks go off looking and smelling like the food as well trying to draw in any stragglers who haven't arrived yet.

The place is full. Extra tables are being set up as beer is given to those waiting for a seat.

Kendry - The Longest Post in the Wold  d20+4=14 d20+4=22 d20+7=25
Thursday February 17th, 2005 7:22:07 AM

[Opening remarks, introductions, Diplomacy: 14. Speech about the adventure itself: Diplomacy 22. Music: Perform, 25.]

After folks have had a chance to tuck in some of the great food provided, Kendry takes advantage of the moment to do as Calfast requested.

[Note to fellow adventurers - feel free to add your highlights and anecdotes to the telling of this story. I'm just doing what Calfast requested. And you know that hobbits can be longwinded. :-)]

KENDRY'S SPEECH: In the Wide Wold, There Are Foes - But Many Friends, As Well


"Hi, all. I'm Kendry. Kendry Leafwin Pipewood, mainly from Humble's Ford, where my ma and pa have a little farm, and make instruments of music and toys - and some good pipes, too, just like the one that Mister Halsey Topbottom Oakendale is enjoying this very minute," he nods toward the amply wide farmer hobbit sitting at the next table. "Smokes smooth, eh?" he asks.

"Isn't this a great party? Good folks, good food, good fireworks - and great beer! Right? Right!" He nods his head with a broad smile as several in the crowd acknowledge that fact.

"Well, the way that beer came to you, turns out, was quite the adventure," he begins. "Let me take a sec' and introduce you to some of 'em who brought the beer to you.

"But just before I do - know this: There are foes out there in the wide Wold - but many friends, too."

Selithe and Nalfein

"This here is my sister, Selithe. She's got some talents with the cards, and has even studied magic a bit. Beautiful voice, she has. We grew up singing together. My brother, Nalfein also was with us."


"You all know Polly Leafwin Turnbell. She's been practicing with the militia, and is one of my favorite cousins." He looks around. "'Course, I have lots of favorite cousins," he jokes, but gives her a wink.


"Duncan Settlefoot - he doesn't talk with his mouth, but his hands say a lot - he lives right near Polly. I'll let you know where he is a bit later.


"Mayzie Greenhill Treetender - she came with us, too. She was raised by the elves - and even has a wolf friend - I know some of you have seen her around town once in a while."


"Shale Leafwin Oakendale - off in the corner there with that pie and a mug of beer - I used to live with him and his folks out in the Culverwood. He's been staying with the Leafwin Turnbell's for the past few years - no stranger, here."

Willoughby, Airin, Olo, Patterton

"A few others came too - Willoughby Pipewood Fancytoes, of Angel Falls. And we met some more along the way. Airin Moondancer Turnbell and Olo Thistlefoot of Humble's Ford, here, for example, and Patterton Cloverturn Burrows - wait until you hear his story. Captured by goblins, and all."

We set off

"Well, we set off to travel to Trader's Corner. A cart and pony, also what they call a war pony, and eight of us from Hovel, Humble's Ford and Angel Springs. We headed south of town here," he says, pointing off in that direction, "to the Wash Away Bridge over the Peaseblossum River. There we met caravan leader Saloman, who took us toward the docks. One of the ox carts broke down, so we had to set up for the night. My brother, Nalfein, got us playing a game of tag called 'Wildman' - it's really fun, too. Anyone here know that one?"

Thinking he is getting too wordy describing the mundane - but, then, don't lots of adventures begin with everyday life, that then takes a turn?

A Spritely Visit

"Well, that night, the strangest thing happened. My aunt Nilli told me about this before, and if she says it, I pretty much know it's true." As he says this, he pulls out his lute and makes a few adjustments to the tuning. "Some of you have heard of ... well, let me tell you first what happened. Maybe you can guess once I fill you in a bit.

"As we went to sleep, an owl landed in a tree nearby. We all had our bellies filled with a real good stew," he says, and rubs his tummy contentedly, "and drifted off nice like. Well in my dream, I saw these tiny little spheres of light, floatin', spiralin' about. Falling like dust. Soon lightning bugs and dragonflies were buzzing around in a funny dance. Frogs, crickets, joined in as this music started filling the air." As he explains this, he starts plucking the melodies he recalls from the dream. "The little critters changed right in front of my eyes into little fey, and they were so spritely. They smiled and buzzed, and wiggled their cute little bums, and were silly and funny and happy. Guess what happened then?" he asks. "Guess what sprung up in a circle around us where the bright orbs fell? I'll give you a clue. They grow up outside when you're sleeping, and are so tasty in soups or salads. Kind of round at the top, with a little stem holding them up."

He gives members of the audience a chance to guess. "No, not flowers." He laughs when someone suggests tomatoes. "Not quite - these are not red. More brownish, overall." When a young mother and a farmer shout out simultaneously, "Mushrooms!" Kendry plays a quick riff of triumph on his lute. "Right-O! It was a circle of mushrooms. But," he says, holding out his hand in caution, "these were not just any mushrooms. No, sir! They pulsed in time to the music, and sort of glowed from within, once in a while.

"The little people with wings - they were maybe three or four inches tall, that was all - they would shake their fingers if you reached out for the mushrooms. I kind of remembered in my dream my Aunt Nilli telling me about the mushrooms at a faery dance. 'Don't eat their mushrooms, if you want to see your family again before they're old and grey.' So, how many do you think I ate?" he asks the crowd. "Two? Three? Twenty nine?" he laughs at the latter suggestion. "Nope. You didn't all turn old and grey on me, now. Yes, yes, some of you already bear the honor of many years - but not too many more grey hairs than when we left a few days ago."

"You didn't eat none!" calls out a somewhat crosseyed young hobbit in his twenties.

"Right you are. Nary a one. Wanted to, though. So, if you ever find yourself in a faery circle, what do you do? Repeat after me: 'Don't eat the faery mushrooms.' Got it? 'Don't eat the faery mushrooms,'" Kendry repeats. Directing with one hand, he gets more of the audience to say, 'Don't eat the faery mushrooms!'

"All right, good advice. But, we can eat regular mushrooms, as long as we know which ones are safe.

"Anyways, when we woke up, guess what? We had ALL had the SAME DREAM! Everyone one of us! And those faeries had eaten up all the rest of our stew. Licked the pot clean, they did. But they left us presents."

He opens a pouch, and withdraws a small bundle of leaves. "Inside these very leaves, they left us each three wild elderberries. Fragrant and tasty they were - and very precious. Our friend, Mayzie, called them 'goodberries'. They were magic. Eat just one - and it was like a full meal, all by itself. If you get hurt a little, one of those berries can help to heal you up!

"Later, we compared stories, and everybody pretty near had the same sweet dream. We kept most of the berries - which helped us later, I'll tell you!" He then asks if anyone knows which kind of faeries these were. To the first person who answers 'Sprites' - he hands his sister Selithe a goodberry, and asks her to give it to that person, and explain what it is.

The River Trip

Kendry tells a bit about the captain and mixed crew of the riverboat, and how the big paddles and the sails and the current helped speed the boat downriver. That Willoughby stayed behind with Biscuit the pony and the cart. He tells of what Polly called 'water chariots' - riding a shield on the water while attached to a rope tied to the back of the boat.

Trader's Corner

Kendry relates meeting Samual, then Brock. How Nalfein put his foot in his mouth, and got a stomach full of fist. And of how, once the misunderstanding was cleared up, negotiations began in earnest. The wonderful taste of the beer. The early departure of the boat, with us and brew on board, and Duncan's plan to stay behind for a few weeks at Brock's place. He sings the song of Markie, Brock and Duncan:
Markie, Brock and Duncan
They work a well-run inn
At Traders' Corner outpost
They deal in beer and grins

Markie serves great eggs and ham
Brock keeps things straight, his strong right hand
Is sure to serve the Wold's best beer
And keep the trav'lers full of cheer

Silent Duncan twirls the broom
Defeats dust devils, sweeps the room
One day his name through all the Wold
'Duncan - Hero - the quick and bold'

Markie, Brock and Duncan
They work a well-run inn
At Traders' Corner outpost
They deal in beer and grins
Good Sleeping Spot ... Really?

Going upstream is harder work. The Captain pulls ashore at his favorite spot. We enjoy our rest ... until ...
"A gnome, a lady gnome, came running through the woods, bearing a lantern, in the middle of the night. And right behind her - seven or eight ferocious goblins!" He sings, a capella, the six-line song he had sung to inspire his friends to take heart.
'We shall rescue,
from dark beasties,
Brave hearts have we
Light the pathway
Stop the beasties
Save the gnome!'
Battle, The First

The bard weaves the story of how the ruse was staged, and the ambush on the boat; the captain and Biguns and others being gravely wounded - the rescue of only one barrel of Brock's Best Beer before the triumphant goblins stole the boat. He tells of Shale's duel with the crafty goblin leader, and of the valiant actions and efforts and frustrations of his other companions.

Bobbles & The Lady of Light (The Unicorn, That Is)

And, after all was done - Polly's discovery of a heavily wounded goblin. Bobbles.

He asks Bobbles to come up, and he introduces him to the gathering. He asks Bobbles to tell the story of the 'Lady of Light' - and translates for him, editing as necessary. He then reveals that she was, in fact, a unicorn - who used her powerful magic to heal the whole party. Of Bobbles' good heart - so different from most goblins. And how he, and Runt, the little kobold, helped guide us through the dark of night to the place the boat was beached.

New companions - Airin & Olo

He gives the cleric of Wardd - Olo, and Airin, the skillful, a broader introduction - and tells of how they, too, had been aided by sprites, who had given them goodberries. "There are foes out there in the wide Wold, yes - but so many friends, too!" This theme Kendry weaves throughout his story...

Battle, The Second; and A Rescue

The whispered plans, the trip through the woods, and two goblins - one Bobbles, and one Kendry - but in the guise of Barker - whom Bobbles calls Uncle Foxbiter. The dangerous tree that wraps victims in its vines. The carnage left by goblins killing goblins, vying for leadership with Grekie gone.

He tells those gathered of their bold approach to the laboring goblins, and of goblin Bob's rage, and Bobbles' intercession to save the life of 'Uncle Foxbiter.' The members of the party concealed in the surrounding brush, tension mounting as the darkness wore on, and the unloading of the boat drew to a close.


Of Patty's plight, and how he came to be prisoner of the goblins, Kendry lets Patterton himself tell a bit, and the 'interrogation.'

Victory! Then Pursuit

All the bad goblins, save one, killed in the ambush initiated by Shale's trigger finger, he speaks of the role each hobbit played, and sings the next song:
"Tricky goblins took us in,
So glad they had hoodwinked us,
But goblins took the bait they hooked,
And swallowed whole the line and look!
Their head cut off, and tail draggin',
Hogwild booty drops off the wagon

"Now be ye brave
And be ye bold
This newborn tale
Shall long be told!"
He covers the coming of the captain and crew, the aftermath, mentions the funeral of Moopy, Bobbles' best friend, then their setting out, accompanied by Bobbles, Biguns and Slag, to follow the wagon that got away. Nalfein and Mayzie, plus Ghost, her wolf, stay behind to help out with repairing the boat. He does not mention the rings that Airin found.

Forensics: Squished Goblins and the Big Snorer

Finding flattened goblins (and Bobbles rejoicing over a new gold tooth), the party tries to figure out how this might have happened. Giants? Trebuchet? The answer soon comes: A giant, now asleep at the foot of an old tower, and a large, empty beer barrel next to him. The treasure chest he holds to his side, and the ship's sails serve as his blanket. The party ties him up, with Airin's expertise. Kendry & Bobbles explore the tower, bringing rocks to tie the ropes to. Kendry finds a book of songs and poems and stories. Some good stuff!

Lomar, the Friendly Ogre

The giant's eyes open! Biguns and Slag attack! Biguns is pushed back, the wind knocked out of him, and Slag misses. The bard leaves out the part where the giant turned to mist. Some secrets are best kept secret. But, after some initial misgivings, the party sees the giant means no harm. And Kendry quotes one of his poems, and tells him he likes it. We learn his name - Lomar.

He again introduces Lomar to the crowd. He speaks of his treasured drum, the music, the feast, the fellowship. He sighs, contented.

A Quick Trip Back Home

"Wait! We have to get the beer back, right away!" Kendry recalls. He tells of how Lomar, the friendly ogre, carried them and the casks, sail, rigging and all swiftly back - even helping them get the extra cask of Brock's Best they hid in the woods near the captain's favorite resting site. Sleeping at the docks, bringing Biscuit and cart and newfound friends back to Hovel ... there is a lesson in all this:

The Lesson

"Know this, and do not forget: There are foes out there in the wide Wold - but many friends, too.

"The Adventure Party will help us learn better how to defend against our foes - and how to grow a wider circle of friends.

"And Pawlie is right in what she said. We halflings are one clan, one family. I am related to every single one of the halflings who helped in this little quest. We spend enough time going through genealogies, and we'll find we are all cousins, aunts, uncles, grandfolk, grandkids."

The Politics

"And now, at last, that I've talked your ears off, let's listen to some music, break out that cider, too - Brocks Delicious Hard Cider - and celebrate together the coming election of the hobbit with a vision and a plan. Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly recognizes the importance of maintaining our core traditions - family, friends, food, farms, hard work, good times, fair play, and taking care of each other. Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly also knows that sometimes, to keep the old, you need to stretch, and accommodate the new. With him as our candidate, you don't lose - you gain! The Adventure Party remembers what's important, and finds new ways to help defend what's good in our old ways. Vote, tonight, for Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly!"

The Music (and a half pint of Brock's Best Beer)

Grabbing Patterton's newly-filled mug of beer he just set down, Kendry takes a good swig. "Thirsty!" he says.

Then he lays down the three chords on his lyre that lead into a well-known hobbit song about the joys and pleasures of halfling life, and into some follow up medleys. He waves Selithe over to help him out, and Bobbles on the spoons. He calls for other musicians - Lomar, especially, to join on in in making for a merry celebration, and any of his friends who want to help.

When Calfast indicates he is ready to speak, Kendry will help rally the crowd to listen to their candidate.

Thursday February 17th, 2005 11:09:06 AM

Fully filled with food and drinks Airin starts to nod at the table. Kendry's tale is fun to listen too, but after a while she starts to feel drowsy after all.

Then when Kendry comes to the end of his tale and starts to arrouse the crowd by his political intermezzo Airin is shaken from her slumber by all the cheering from the crowd.

When Kendry finishes his tale, Airin starts to clap loudly in her hands hoping the rest will follow and then joins the group to celebrate till Calfast is ready to speak up.

Patterton  d20+2=18
Thursday February 17th, 2005 12:59:57 PM

(Diplomacy= 18)

Patty smiles warmly as Kendry tells his tale, as caught up in its telling as any in the audience. When Kendry comes to the part about the goblin ambush and indiactes Patty, he adds a bit of his own narative to the story.

"The most amazing thing I've seen! I had chased a hare to the clearing and those nasty lil' buggers blindsided me...got a few licks in myself of course, but none the less when I woke up, I was tied to a tree hand and foot and looking at the biggest goblin you've ever seen! He worked me over pretty hard for a bit, but when I told I was a Burrows he gave up." He adds drawing a chuckle from the crowd.

"Well, after a while these two other greenies show up and start yappin' at the big one then he points at me and one of them comes over and wouldn't you know it? It was my cousin Kendry in disguise! Well, he slips me a knife and dives into the bushes just as the sky was filled with arrows!" Some of the children gasp, "The big goblin was filled with so many arrows, he looked like he was collecting them." The militia officers in the room give a heartly laugh at this inside joke.

"Well, then the woods came alive with Hovel folk! Never thought I'd be so happy to see so many chubby faces." He says, winking at his audiance, "There was Olo swinging his mace left and right, and cousin Shale and Airin let fly with more shots. The goblins were in a fuddle and I cut through my ropes and joined the fray. We made short work of them, let me tell you and it's all thanks to these fine hobbits here. I know the militia would love to have you I am proud to call you friends...ALL of you."he adds, indicating Bobbles and Lomar with his drink. "Thank you." He gestures to Kendry to continue and gives Selithe a grin and a wink.

Thursday February 17th, 2005 8:20:46 PM

Selithe smiles and listens to her brother's tale and smiles. She doesn't say a whole lot as she listens and glances to Patty, giving him a smile and a quick wink before going back to listening. As she listens she pulls her deck of cards from her pouch and flips through the cards slowly without looking at them.

Thursday February 17th, 2005 11:49:08 PM

Olo becomes a bit self concious of the fact that he's still wearing armor when it comes time to sit and eat a hearty meal. Figuring there's not much that can be done about it -- since he's not about to take it off and leave it unattended -- he shrugs to himself and gets down to the business of filling his stomach.

Listening to Kendry as he eats, Olo comes to two conclusions. Firstly, Kendry can talk! Secondly, this whole affair really did have all the trappings of a true adventure, and not a bad one at that. He starts to feel proud of his part, small as it was, in the undertaking.

As Kendry wraps up and Airin starts clapping, Olo joins in. Not so much to get the others to join in, but in true appreciation of Kendry's skill; both with words and with handling a crowd.

Friday February 18th, 2005 10:49:29 AM

Calfast literally gleams watching Kendry speak so fluently.

He goes to the podium and gives him a huge political hug.

"Well done. Now, in a moment, just say yes. It's my turn now and I won't have you interrupting me, my friend."

He then gives him a private smile, letting him know he's kidding the young halfling.

He turns to the audience and says, "Ladies and Gentlemen! The future of Crescent Valley Politics is before you, Kendry!

::big cheers::

"But do not be mistaken. One of the supreme unstated tenets of a successful adventuring group is the belief that it takes a team to succeed. Everyone of these young halfs before you risked equally, fought equally, and succeed equally.

"They are all heroes! But there were mothers and fathers, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, brothers and sisters, friends, mentors, teachers, neighbors who taught them, guided them, set examples for them, showed them wrong from right, and exhibited courage in front of them.

"That makes each of you heroes as well! It would serve these young halflings to remember that always that they are products of their valley!

"Some, including my opponents, would say that the idea of an Adventuring Party comes from without--comes from Plateau City. I tell you nay!

"Heroes come from family, from Valley! And just as these heroes come from within you, so does this party! It was predestined when we settled here and fought off the giants. It was laid into the hands of fate when we bargained with the trolls and ogres and set up Trader Corner as a solution to things south of us.

"Our opponents would also tell you that adventuring and seeking adventure is reckless and life taking. It is even unseemly for a halfling! How gauche!

"However, I tell you that protecting our borders in the early days without the magical towers was heroic! It was adventurous! We have heart in our bones friends. All the way into our feet and hair!

"Halflings are adventurers at heart! A mom who handles 13 sons, daughters, cousins, along with 4 elderly grands is a adventurer and every day an adventure!

"Halflings who work baking food to feed us at each of our ongoing multitudinous meals are adventurers. They deal with fire, juggling 12 different courses of food at the same time, while going over in their heads the secret family recipies for each and then improving upon them!

"Whoever made this beer is an adventurer! Who knows how many sour tastes he had to endure before this grand beverage was invented!

"We have courage in our hearts. We never give up. We enjoy our luxuries, but will die to protect them.

"Friends, we ARE the Adventuring Party. It is what is in us! Embrace who we are, not traditions that hold us back.

"Traditions are good! They give us history and a sense of belonging! But sometimes, the tradition become all instead of the value that formed it among us.

"These we must fight. Improve upon. Embrace.

"We must embrace that fighting spirit within us. This doesn't mean we glorify violence. It does mean that we learn to protect ourselves.

"Not only are we adventurous and brave, we are also naturally curious. How many among us parents have not had to scold our kids when they constantly find their pockets full of things they didn't even know were there!

"We should be turning this perceived negative trait into a positive. Adventurers seek out the world. They explore it through their naturally curious eyes. And when those eyes are open and untainted, they can possibly befriend a lonely ogre or a goblin who can understand the nature of being good!

"These things are why I run for Burgomeister! I see a Crescent Valley full of young adventurers, mature powerful adventurers, and retired codgers telling stories of their youth to the next generation.

"I tell you that these are noble activities! These are precious to us and must be preserved, accentuated, and fostered!"

"There is a need for the Adventuring Party! Our hearts demand it. Our gods promote it. Our future will benefit from it!

"Thank you for being here and voting with your presence!

"Now! Some music!"

He bows to tremendous applause and takes his daughter onto the dancing lawn.

Saturday February 19th, 2005 12:22:07 AM

Patty walks over to Selithe and smiles, "Now that that's over and done with..." He extends his hand to her as the music kicks in.

Kendry - Now, for a shorter post 
Saturday February 19th, 2005 3:52:22 AM

Kendry takes in Calfast's speech, enjoying and appreciating his message, and joins in with applause and cheers, or assenting nods from time to time. At the end, he says, "Uh, yes?"

And plays the music!

Selithe  d20+3=7
Sunday February 20th, 2005 12:52:28 AM

Selithe claps for her brother and Calfast both after each finishes their speach. When Patty approaches her she chuckles and takes his hands in her and will dance a couple dances with Patty.

After a couple dances Selithe will probably be thirsty so will speak to Patty, "I'm getting thirsty dance partner, think you could get us something to drink?" Selithe smiles to Patty and gives his should a gentle pat. While waiting for Patty to come back she also does a quick glance around to see if there might be any gambling going on that she might find interesting.

(spot:7 Dance:14 *just taking 10 on dancing if possible*)

Patterton  d20=14
Sunday February 20th, 2005 1:21:15 PM

Patty nods to Selithe. "I'll see what I can scrounge up." He says as he heads towards the bar. As he does, he scans the crowd for (*spot 14*) the militia captain, hoping that he regained his nerve and joined the party.

When Patterton returns, he sees Selithe flip expertly through her cards and flashes a smile. "Who's the sucker going to be tonight, then? Elden Hazelbread looks fairly deep in his cups already...might be good for a coin or two." He chuckles and hands the drink to her

Monday February 21st, 2005 4:02:08 AM

Speeches ... more speeches ... loooong speeches ... feeling drowsy :-)


Airin sees herself, a bold and powerfull adventurer, running through the mountains chasing mountain giants who appear to be terrified of her. There are allready one or two laying on the ground, and three more are running in agony. Her beloved crossbow starts to get warm from all perfect shots fired. She continues the chase ... they run into a cave ... Brave Airin follows ofcourse, not affraid of anything, after all she IS a brave adventurer ... At the end of the entrace she suddenly finds herself in this incredible arena. The giants are no where to be seen ! In the center see sees 3 huge casks of beer !! And all around the arena she sees the halflings from the Crescent Valley. They appear to be cheering and applouding for her. Then as she starts to move to the center of the arena a immense door swings open on the other side ... BANG ... "

Suddenly Airin wakes up ! Everyone is loudly applouding Calfast speach. "Oops" she thinks to herself, ashamed she fell asleep hoping no one noticed. Time to party !

Airin stands up and will join those dancing. Who knows, some cute halfling might just show ...

And the Winner is.... 
Monday February 21st, 2005 3:56:56 PM

The party continues long into the night. After many had fallen asleep at their tables, etc. [grinning] a loud set of fireworks awakens everyone.

A fancy covered limo wagin with important looking halflings inside emerge.

"Hey everyone, it's the officials of the vote! And hey! The other two candidates are with them."

Stepping out of the limo, the officials head to the stage looking serious and pompous. The candidates behind them wave at those assembled as they were among members of their own party.

The female of the two seems to be counting under her breath while trying to continue smiling.

The shortest of the halflings stands up and says,

"All rise! I am here to announce the winner of the election! Would Calfast come forward please and stand beside your two competitors."

He does so to the roars of the crowd.


Monday February 21st, 2005 6:28:30 PM

Selithe smiles and claps when the voting is being figured. Selithe doesn't cheer though as she waits, not wanting to insult her realtive who is in the election also.

Selithe await and chuckles also at Patty's comment, "Not sure yet, for now I guess I will wait."

Kendry  d20+7=26
Monday February 21st, 2005 10:25:02 PM

Though joining in with the musicians for a good part of the evening, Kendry takes a break from performing to enjoy a dance or two with Airin, and with his sister, too. He asks Pawlie, Calfast's daughter, if she wouldn't share a turn around the dance area with him.

At last - the results are about to be announced! Kendry claps for his aunt, Marigold Pipewood Pastna, leader of the Non-stop Party, for the current Burgomeister, Tomas Pennyweight Breedbottom, and for Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly. All three, worthy people, and assets to the community - despite differences in attitudes and policy. Takes many kinds to make the Wold go 'round.

This occasion calls for a song of the country they all love. One they grew up singing...

"Friends, family, neighbors, regardless the outcome, this is a fine moment in our community. No tyrants here, but free hobbitmen and hobbitwomen. There's a song we all grew up with. Won't you join me?"

Kendry leads off in his clear tenor voice, singing the opening lines to the classic song of the Valley, 'Our Gratitude We Offer' [Perform, singing: d20+7=26]:
Crescent Valley halflings
Lands of health and peace
Children playing, laughing
Joy without surcease

Our gratitude we offer
To those who watch above
Ale and bread we proffer
To guests and friends we love

We cultivate our green fields
We care for our good beasts
We work and play together
Enjoying our increase.


Fair winds fan the harvest
Sun and rain make growth
Pipeweed burns so sweetly
In inn and burrow both

Then, with a gleam in his lightly moistened eyes (Kendry is quite sentimental), he asks, "So, vote master - what are the results of our peaceful election endeavors?"

Monday February 21st, 2005 11:50:37 PM

Aside: During one of the breaks he took during the evening, Kendry elbowed Olo. "Tell you what, Olo, me hobbit," he whispered. "What say we enjoy a bit of time off after all this - then recruit some more like-minded folks, and go off on another adventure? You game?"

Airin  d20+7=22 d20+5=23 d20+6=20 d20+1=18
Tuesday February 22nd, 2005 3:16:20 AM

Airin spends the time of her life dancing with several nice chaps. Apparently many want to dance with a young adventurer like herself ;-)

Then as the officials enter the tent, Airin falls silent and observes them well. She concentrates on the officials and in case they are talking to each other she tries to see exactly about what (read lips 22).

The other two competitors most likely brought some of their supporters along as well. Seeing the success of Calfast, Airin starts to keep a protective eye on him as well ... we don't want to end up with a dead wanabee bourgemeister now do we?
Almost instinctively her hand slides to the dagger tucked away in her sleave. Should someone make a suspicious move against Calfast, Airin will jump up to protect Calfast.
(spot 23, tumble 20, sense motive 18)

ooc : Airin IS a paranoid halfling, never forget that ;-) She ALWAYS sees the worst of a situation. It's rare she let herself go like this on the party :-D

(spot to find possible aggressors, tumble for the acrobatic moves to get up on stage through the crowd, and a sense motive to identify possible aggressors)

Tuesday February 22nd, 2005 9:52:53 AM

Olo nods and breaks out in a large grin when Kendry mentions another adventure.

"Aye! I'm all for it. I was hoping you'd feel the same."

Tuesday February 22nd, 2005 3:36:57 PM

Patty claps loudly when Calfast is anounced the winner and makes a loud whistle with his thumb and index finger. He then settles in to a night of dancing and merriment.

Interruptus Grande! [DM Jerry] 
Tuesday February 22nd, 2005 3:51:45 PM

The important halfling of the Voting Committee has to catch himself as he starts to announce the winner.

He scowls at Kendry the whole time he sings his song.

Then when done, he raises his hands for quiet.

"There, if that's all done then?" He pauses, boring holes with his eyes into Kendry.

"The winner is Calfast."

He says it almost as a sigh.

Tuesday February 22nd, 2005 4:43:38 PM

(OOC-oops! Thought Calfast was already announced as the winner)

Tuesday February 22nd, 2005 11:37:26 PM

Selithe claps for Calfast and smiles as she nods to him and waves. Thinking over everything quickly she moves over to Kendry and speaks to him quickly, "We have a aunt in this election didn't we? we better see to her and hope she isn't upset that we helped Calfast."

Wednesday February 23rd, 2005 2:23:48 AM

What's wrong with you? Kendry thinks to himself about the election crier. That's like, one of our best songs! He nods his head, indicating that, yep, that's it.

It's Calfast! "Hip - hip, hurray!" Kendry says. "Hip - hip, hurray!" Though impolitic it may be close-relation-wise, now is the time to cheer the winner. The people have spoken! And the parade and the ogre and goblin and beer and cider.

Aside from joining in with the cheers, the young bard with this first taste of politics steps back, to allow the new Burgomeister the chance to enjoy the limelight, and the people to hail him.

"Yes, sis, you are right. She will be upset. Let's go talk with her." He holds out his left arm for Selithe to take, and approaches the Non-Stop Party candidate. "Hello, Aunt Marigold."

Wednesday February 23rd, 2005 10:16:53 AM

Olo, still working on his second mug of ale, elbows whomever happens to be sitting on his right. "No surprise there, eh? Guess noone else thought of invitin' a friendly giant. Speakin' of which, I better go check on the big guy."

Olo stands, stretches, and looks around for Lomar. Wanting to make sure the ogre is handling the crowd well, he heads off to check up on him.

Airin  d20+5=18
Wednesday February 23rd, 2005 10:43:41 AM

Well, nothing happend when Calfast was announced to be the winner. In case Airin is able to get close to Calfast, she walks over to him and shakes his hands to congratulate him.
"Best of luck to you, master Calfast."

In the meantime Airin always keeps an eye out for suspicious or angry looking folks. (spot 18)

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