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Three Woes!

Three Witches! [DM Jerry] 
Wednesday February 23rd, 2005 1:57:29 PM

There is great cheering! The crowd breaks into the song yet again. People are waving the green crescent flag! Fireworks!

Then....from behind the clouds emerges one and then a second moon: Ffloy and Wardd. Fate and Luck in the sky at once.

As Kendry walks over and addresses Marigold, he finds that she is only a shadow.

Then, from around the corner of the tent and screaming up into the sky are three witches on brooms!

Each screams out....


"Blessed Be!"


Did one of those looks like Aunt Marigold? Hard to tell.

The last one, with the booming voice makes her pronouncement!

"Beware the Great Conjunction! Beware!"

Then the second one makes her pronouncement.

"Crescent Valley, Valley of the Moon! Your time has come!"

Then the first one makes her pronouncement.

"Woe to he who is unprepared!"

Then together as they leave the area flying seemingly into the 2nd moon...

"Blessed be that which is to come!"

Then they are gone.

At first, there is silence.


Wednesday February 23rd, 2005 4:10:17 PM

Patty stares up at the moon in wonder as his mug slips from his grip and thumps to the ground unnoticed. He had heard of such hags as these three, but never had he seen anything like them before. He takes a few slow steps foreward and lets out a low whistle. Glancing at Olo he says, "Well...that certainly put a damper on the evening."

Kendry  d20+7=26
Thursday February 24th, 2005 3:42:16 AM

"Who knows aught of the great conjunction, how is it our time has come, how do we prepare, and what is that which is to come?" Kendry asks succinctly of no one in particular. He thinks he would really like to have one of those brooms that fly. Was that his Aunt who flew off?

He steps up to Calfast. "Sir. Shall we gather some of the wise heads of the community to puzzle out these prophecies? Or pronouncements?" He glances over to see if Tomas Pennyweight Breedbottom might be available for counsel.

He also gauges how this may be sitting with the crowd. "If I might, sir," he asks leave of Calfast to address the people. If granted, he leaps up onto a table.

"We are hobbits. We stand together. We stand together in difficult times. You there! Stop running in circles. Someone help that gentlehobbit who is holding his hand over his heart. Take some deep breaths, sir." He raises the volume of his voice. "Offer prayers, friends, tonight, and ask for wisdom. There is no need for undue fear. There is need for clear thinking. If you have ideas, suggestions, or questions, Burgomeister Calfast will appoint some wise heads to work with us." As he is speaking, he motions for his friends with whom he just adventured to gather round - Airin and Olo, Shale, Patterton, Bobbles and Lomar, and his own dear sister, Selithe. "There is always room for woe for those who are unprepared. There is always room for weal for those who take heed. Let ours be the blessing - if we take care, and prepare. Times are appointed. Let us keep our meet appointments." With confidence, he says, "The time for Crescent Valley has come. Let the Wold watch, and see how well we meet this time."

Again, if Calfast has granted him leave to speak, he sings a song to inspire courage [perform, singing: d20+7=26. Gives all those affected - that is, any who can hear his voice - a +1 on saves vs charm and fear effects] in those crowded together tonight:
Take heart, bold ones, protect the meek
Together courage, wisdom seek
For Ffloy and Wardd their work we'll see
Yet halflings, we'll find, Destiny -
rewards the brave, and good and bright
So give we our lives full to what's right
He looks to his close friends. "Take heart. Take heart."

Thursday February 24th, 2005 6:12:29 AM

Airin hurries to join Kendry as he tries to inspire the crowd. She's quiet shocked from what happend. She never saw this coming.

"Oh my, oh my ..." she thinks to herself "what will happen to us now ! First Goblins, then Ogres ... now witches."

She's happy Kendry knows his way with words soo well, and sings along with his songs. As she sings with the whole group, her heart's filled with courage again.

Thursday February 24th, 2005 10:30:22 AM

"Hey now! Who's to say this is a -bad- sign? If you're listenin' to the witches you get 'woe', 'blessed be' and 'praises'." Olo counts on his fingers as he repeats the witches remarks. "That's two out of three for the good you know, and that's better than your average day. Plus," Olo continued, gesturing to the moon Wardd with his mug, "Wardd is shining his light down upon us, and that's worth a thousand blessings from a thousand witches."

Silently to himself he adds, "Whatever fate is about to lead us into, we'll be needin' Wardd's good luck to lead us out." A brief sense of anxiety is replaced with calm when he reaches down and feels the familiar wood of his god's symbol at his belt. He takes a few steps to stand so a tree blocks his view of Ffloy, and raises his chin to catch the light of Wardd upon his face.

Inge ooc 
Thursday February 24th, 2005 11:27:38 AM

They will be installing a firewall at work tomorrow, so I may or may not be able to post ... I'm not sure.
If deadline draws near, and I haven't posted can someone else make one for me ? Thanks

Jason OOC 
Thursday February 24th, 2005 11:51:05 AM

Sure Inge,

Does something along the lines of "Airin decides to repent her gold hoarding ways and gives all her worldly possessions to Olo." work for you?

If so, I've got ya covered!

Thursday February 24th, 2005 12:51:28 PM

Patterton frowns, "I've never heard of witches being a good sign of anything but trouble. Let's go speak with Kendry."

Patterton makes his way through the crowd to where Kendry and Calfast are. "Well, what do you think, cousin? That looked like your aunt to me, but I can't believe that she has been a witch all along. Prehaps one of those hags used magic to steal her appearance."

He turns to Calfast, "I'd like to take some of the Militia boys over to check her house, just to be safe, sir. I'm sure the captain would do the same thing." he adds, still ashamed of the captain's earlier display.

Thursday February 24th, 2005 12:57:10 PM

Kendry answers Patterton, "Your supposition sounds reasonable, Patty. I am concerned for her."

The Unexpected Party Ending [DM Jerry] 
Thursday February 24th, 2005 12:57:23 PM

With the appearance of the witches, it seems most halflings want to check on relatives, houses, food stores, etc. and the party ends rather quickly.

Calfast thanks Kendry for the song and Airin for inspiring the crowd.

"I never expected you kids to be so influencial in the election. Thanks. Now, I need to call a meeting of the other candidates, the generals, and whatnot to find out if there is anything to worry about concering these witch words.

"I'll let ya know if your advice is needed. Betty Burrboot will let Lomar and Bobbles use her barn as it has a fireplace in it to keep them warm for the night.

"I'll need to know your plans for these two. What do you intend on them doing? What do they intend on doing now?

"Then keep me appraised if you head out of town on another adventure in case I need ya.

"And I hope you're right Olo. One bad omen and 2 good. That doesn't seem too bad does it?"

Thursday February 24th, 2005 1:41:09 PM

(OOC:Sorry for missing my post yesterday.)

Selithe was to shocked to say anything when the witches showed up and nods about Patty's comment, "Yes, I want to go check also just to make sure. This has me worried."

Selithe looks to Kendry and smiles to him, trying to keep spirits up mostly and speaks to him, "Kendry, Patty, why don't we gather the others and go to check on Aunt Marigold."

Friday February 25th, 2005 2:37:30 AM

"Our pleasure, your honor," Kendry responds to the words of gratitude from the new mayor.

"Betty Burrboot? Great. We'll talk things over with Lomar and Bobbles, then get back to you. Might be good for us to find out a bit more what's going on before we go running off into the woods somewhere. Olo is our mathematician."

About to turn from Calfast, Kendry recalls something. "Say, Calfast, you mentioned inviting the Woldian League of Adventurers to open up a training center here in the Valley. What would we need to do to join up, and get some training from them?"

Friday February 25th, 2005 3:00:35 AM

Airin still a little amased by the sudden change of this party, stands next to Kendry and nods as he asks about the training center. She's certain they can either help less experienced adventuerers, or pick up a few moves from the better ones.
Maybe she ought to pay a visit to the Elven camp in Angel Spring.

As she thinks about the Elves her thought dwell to her mentor Aresius who once trained her to what she became. Thankfull he felt she was ready to take on the Wold, sorry he's not around for giving advice.

Without knowing, her hands that are tucked away deep in her pockets, play with the rings she found. Now isn't a good time to start asking questions about the rings but maybe sometime soon.

Kendry [who hit submit before he was done] 
Friday February 25th, 2005 3:04:18 AM

He adds in his conversation with Calfast, "No need to answer tonight on the topic, but maybe in the next few days, if that's possible."

Then, taking counsel with his friends, he suggests, "Let's first go to the Burrboot barn, get Lomar and Bubbles settled in, maybe talk things over a bit, then swing by Aunt Marigold's place, to see how she's doing - or if she is even home. Wonder how Pearl is. If Marigold is not around, she may know something."

"Hello - you must be Betty Burrboot? Well met, and on behalf of our friends, thanks for your hospitality. I'm Kendry, this is Airin, Selithe, Olo, Patterton. Where did Shale get off to? Anyone see Polly? And of course, Lomar, and Bobbles. Lead on, kind lady, and we'll follow in your footsteps."

Shale (post by Kim) 
Friday February 25th, 2005 3:20:45 AM

The ranger, having watched much of the night's activities from a table on the outskirts of the party, comes up to his cousins and companions.

"Polly told me she's needed at home," Shale tells the group. "I'm going that direction, myself. Have a lot to think over. Thanks, everyone, for being who you are. I have some things to take care of. Maybe we'll talk, later." He heads out of the party area, unties his horse, Valor, from just outside, and trots him by the light of the fateful moons over toward the Leafwin Turnbell burrows.

Friday February 25th, 2005 10:33:25 AM

As they prepare to follow Hobbit Burrboot, Olo nudges Kendry and whispers. "Hey Kendry, make sure Bobbles knows what's going on, eh? I think Lomar will be okay, but i want to make sure Bobbles doesn't get... nervous."

Though he's not too concerned that they'll find anything out of the ordinary, Olo grabs his helmet and buckler. "Just because it would be foolhardy to leave them behind out here in the open," he tells himself.

Kendry follows Olo's suggestion 
Friday February 25th, 2005 11:05:47 AM

"Yes, good idea, thank you, Olo," Kendry responds.

He takes some time to let Bobbles know what is going on (election results, witches' words, Betty Burrboot's barn, what's up with Aunt Marigold, etc.), and asks what he thinks of all the festivities, and was the food good tonight? He tells him that he needs to think about his future, about things he can do. We'll need to work on where he and Lomar can stay. "Much to think on, Bobbles. I happy you with us. We figure these things out we will."

Discretion [DM Jerry] 
Friday February 25th, 2005 4:12:33 PM

Calfast turns to Selithe and says, "Yes, by all means. Go check on her.....but be careful. Last thing we need is a rumor that our party things she is a witch. That could ruin us. So be descreet. If you find out something....sinister, do not act on it until you consult with me please."

Then to Kendry, "We'll talk about things some other night, my friend."

Friday February 25th, 2005 4:41:26 PM

Kendry nods in understanding at Calfast's scheduling suggestion.

"Well, Lomar - what do you think of your first night in Hovel? Want to write a song or poem about it?" he asks once they get to the barn.

Sunday February 27th, 2005 1:38:26 PM

Patty walks over to Selithe, "Well, I guess we should head over to Marigold's house. The others said they were going to get Lomar and Bobbles settled in the barn. Ready?"

Sunday February 27th, 2005 9:29:21 PM

Selithe nods and smiles to Patty as he asks her if she is ready to go, "As ready as I'll ever be considering. I mean "if" she is a witch.."

Selithe walks out with Patty and makes her way to see her Aunt Marigold's place, Selithe having picked up her staff as she goes.

(Jerry: Hope you don't mind me commenting on the staff bit. I know I didn't state Selithe brought her staff with her so if you want to say she would have to go to a inn or something to pick it up I will understand.)

Monday February 28th, 2005 12:37:19 AM

Patty scratches his red hair uncomfortably as the two walk down the streets of Hovel together. "Err...you know if your aunt really is a witch we may have to...well, you know, defend ourselves if she's there. Ah, what am I talking about? She's probably just having a cup of tea and has no idea what's going on." He says with as reassuring a smile as he can muster given the turn of events.

Monday February 28th, 2005 4:06:40 AM

At the moment Airin feels a little lost. Should she go with the ones who will check up on Aunt Merrigold, or should she stay with the rest trying to find a place to sleep.

What strange times are waiting for her she can't tell. Hopefully she can stay with the rest as she really enjoyed this "Beer Run"

Monday February 28th, 2005 10:41:21 AM

As they walk along, Olo feels the need to remind his fellow halflings of something important. Waiting until they're out of earshot of others, he addresses the group in a low tone.

"Now, remember the trouble we very nearly got ourselves into when we met Lomar? Let's make sure that we don't rush to judgements and make that same mistake twice."

Olo looks around at the others, making sure he's got their attention.

"Even if Marigold is a witch, and even if she did fly around on a broom and shout her blessing at us... well, anybody see a reason to put a hand to weapon over any of that? I'm not saying to drop your guard, but please think before you do anything you'll regret in the morning."

Having said his mind, Olo tries to judge the reaction of the others to his words.

Home Alone? [DM Jerry] 
Monday February 28th, 2005 4:46:49 PM

Bobbles says, "Everyone knows you don't separate the tribe to go hunting clues. Ya stick together....cept for me. So you guys goes aheads and Lomar and I'ze ullstay here quietlike and guarding. And beez careful. Ize smells trouble."

"Yeah, Lomar big, but can pretend to be small. No want trouble, just sleep. Nice fire."

[OOC: I prefer to keep the group together. I won't punish you for leaving 'em. Though I love to hit parties that separate. Your choice. Only time I'll ever say this. Please spefically state if you're going to Marigold's house or staying in the barn with Bobbles and Lomar.]

[Justin, email me concerning the staff. I'm not privy to that one. I'll ask Stephen about it tonight.]

Kendry  d20+7=15
Monday February 28th, 2005 4:57:50 PM

"No, hang on, friends. Bobbles is right," Kendry says. In goblin and in giant, he asks Bobbles and Lomar if they are sure they don't mind the rest of the folks leaving. Assuming they affirm it's fine, then Kendry says, "All right, let's check out our beloved Aunt Marigold and her whereabouts together."

If unable to find Marigold at home, he repeats his suggestion that they look for Pearl, who may know something. [Gather information 15.]

Monday February 28th, 2005 9:29:22 PM

(OOC:Actually Jerry the staff is just a normal staff. I was just meaning our characters took time to clean up and stuff on their return and I forgot to state that Selithe was carrying her staff with her during the party so I figured it was up to the DM to decide where Selithe left it. :).)

Selithe makes her way to see her Aunt with the others, patting her brother on the arm also to get his attention, "Lomar and Bobbles will be fine I think, come on though, our aunt could be in some type of trouble."

Kendry adds a bit of family history 
Monday February 28th, 2005 9:43:02 PM

When they are in an area out of earshot of others, Kendry will match Olo's discretion, while adding this into the mix. Speaking quietly, he says, "My father's side of the family has a few of the sort we're talking about a little ways back. My Great Aunt Gladiola was a hedgewitch, and her grandmother practiced an even higher order of that type of, uh, thing. Leastways, that's what our Aunt Nilli - she's my father's sister, tells me. Nilli's a druid. She knows lots of family stories, too."

Monday February 28th, 2005 11:06:29 PM

Patty arches an eyebrow at Kendry. "Seems to me your whole family has a knack for magic.' Then, as they near the house, "Right then. Should we just go up and knock or kick the door in and suprise anyone inside?" As he is speaking, Patty reaches for his shield subconciously.

Kendry gives gifts 
Monday February 28th, 2005 11:27:28 PM

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Kendry says. He opens his knapsack (which he had reorganized while back at the barn), and pulls out a few items. "Been saving up a few things."

The first thing he withdraws is a bag bound with strings, with a bit of heft to it. He hands the four-pound bag to Airin. "This is for you, Airin. It's called a tanglefoot bag. When you throw it at something, it bursts open, letting the goo inside splash all over whatever you hit. The goo sticks to things, and hardens pretty quick. You get some stuck on you, and it's harder to move - might even get stuck to the ground. If you find yourself in a situation where you want to slow someone down, this might do the trick. I know you have good aim."

Next he pulls out a couple of scrolls. "These are for you, Olo. They have divine words on them. One will help to calm down animals, and the other one to help heal up someone." [Scroll: Calm animals; Scroll: Cure light wounds.]

He takes out a few small wooden sticks. On one end of each is a little solid glob of a rusty-colored substance. "Patterton, these are tindertwigs. You rub the one end with this little ball on the one end on a rough surface, fast-like, and it lights right up. Good for starting fires." He gives him three of the sticks. "And this here is a sunrod." Patty can see that the bard is handing him a foot-long, gold-tipped iron rod. "You strike this gold end hard on something, and it lights up better than a torch for about six hours. It's called a sunrod."

Then he turns to his sister. "Selithe, this is an arcane scroll. It has a spell on it that makes you, or someone nearby you point to, fall light as a feather." He gives her a light kiss on the forehead. "Maybe it'll help you out someday."

Monday February 28th, 2005 11:48:12 PM

Patty looks at the sunrod and tindertwigs appraisingly, then looks at Kendry. "You're full of suprises, Kendry. My thanks."

Tuesday March 1st, 2005 3:05:27 AM

"And you're right, Selithe. Who's going to tangle with an ogre and a goblin?"

And later, "My pleasure, Patters. And let's just knock. No weapons need be drawn, nor should be unless the occasion arises. We're on a mission of peace," he says with a wry smile - perhaps hard to see in the dark.

When they get to Aunt Marigold's house, Kendry glances about for a moment. He wishes Polly and Duncan were here. Shale, too. They know the town real well. Besides, he misses them.

[OOC: Selithe's scroll is feather fall.]

Tuesday March 1st, 2005 4:07:34 AM

The group takes of to see Aunt Marigold. As Airin just heard some strange voice from within her head say : I prefer to keep the group together. Though I love to hit parties that separate. she decides that following the group would be the best thing for her to do.

ooc : :-D

Airin gratefully accepts Kendry's gift. "Gee, Kendry ! That's one fine present you have here !! I'll make sure to put it to good use. Hopefully one day I can return you such a favor, or even save your life with this present. Thanks pal ! Remember to ask me if you need something."

Then she continues to walk along. Kendry and his sister most likely know the way. Along the way she continues to examine this Tanglefoot Bag she got ... strange stuff ... she mutters. Not as heavy as Kendry thought but still ... strange stuff ...

ooc. Items for small creatures only weight 1/4 the listed weight. This Tanglefoot Bag only weighs 1lbs instead of 4. Thanks a lot Kim !

ooc Inge 
Tuesday March 1st, 2005 4:12:17 AM

Dear DM's. I bought a few thingies in the Catacombs earlier. Stephen was goign to tell me when i was allowed to actually bring them into the game. I hope you have not forgotten about them ? I should look for those mails once more, but it included masterwork thieves tools and a few potions I think. Thanks !

Tuesday March 1st, 2005 1:30:50 PM

"Thanks much Kendry! These might just come in handy." Olo tucks the scrolls into his pack and makes a mental note to pick up a scroll case or two.

When Kendry talks about a mission of peace, Olo nods emphatically. "Aye, I know we just got done with some pretty dangerous business, but let's not let that carry over, eh? Remember, we're in our town now and surrounded by friends and neighbors."

No Soliciting, Just Dogs [DM Jerry] 
Tuesday March 1st, 2005 3:52:31 PM

The group approaches Marigold's house. It is a surface house with a underground entrance down the hill making it look more "classic."

There is light inside which flickers like a hearthfire. Otherwise, all is dark. Marigold's 4 dogs sleep in twos curled up against the night chill.

I wonder if they are friendly?

There is a wooden gate to get through before one can approach the front door. That puts ya in the front yard where the dogs sleep. It is about 30 feet from your position to the gate. Another 20' past the gate to the round purple door.

A sign is nailed to the fence. "No Soliciting."

Tuesday March 1st, 2005 4:57:39 PM

Well, Kendry recalls he got on well with the dogs a couple of years back, last time he visited Aunt Marigold. But she was with the dogs at the time.

But, in the middle of the night? Kendry pantomimes to Olo opening a scroll and reading it, then points toward the dogs, hoping the bushy-haired cleric will take the hint.

He will wait to see what Olo, or others may do. If they need to take advantage of his smooth way with animals that belong to a high-strung domineering woman, then he will loan his skill check with a d20+4=5 - say, isn't that a natural one? - in animal handling.

Tuesday March 1st, 2005 5:55:49 PM

Patterton laces his fingers together palms up and whispers, "I could boost you over the fence." to Airin as he gestures towards the window with his head.

Tuesday March 1st, 2005 10:37:13 PM

Selithe smiles and takes the scroll from Kendry and kisses his cheek, "Thanks brother. I will make good use of the scroll I'm sure."

Selithe puts the scroll up and then makes her way to her aunt's with everyone else. She looks to the dogs and frowns abit and grins thinking and whispering to Kendry, "If we need I can summon up a rabbit or something that might keep them busy for a few moments."

Airin  d20+7=20 d20+5=23
Wednesday March 2nd, 2005 4:05:56 AM

ooc : DM's did you receive my mail concerning the Catacomb purchases ? Among the items I bought was a potion of Hide from Animals ... I would sure love to use that one now ! I suppose when we arrived in traders corner and on our way back to Hovel we passed a little store where I could buy/sell something like this no ? Please say yes ;-)

In case I allready bought the items
Airin whispers to her friends : "Let me try to get closer to the house and look through them windows first. We can use this little drink here that will make me virtually invisible to those dogs."
Airin pops out a little vial from her bag. It's a "Hide from Animals" potion ! Airin drinks the potion and slowly approaches the wooden gate carefully inspecting the path in front of her (search = 20)(she will take 3 rounds to get to the gate so she can move slowly to inspect carefully). She signs her friends to stay behind.

In case the items are not purchased yet
Airin whispers to her friends : "Let me try to get closer to the house and look through them windows first. Maybe we ought to use Olo's scroll to calm those dogs just to make sure ?"
Slowly Airin moves ahead and approaches the wooden gate carefully inspecting the path in front of her (search = 20) (she will take 3 rounds to get to the gate so she can move slowly to inspect carefully). She signs her friends to stay behind.

Continuing for both options
Simultaniously she checks on them dogs to see if she can see something strange about them ... are they really sleeping ? Don't dogs always sleep with one eye open ? (spot = 23)

As Airin approaches the gate she checks to see if the gate has a lock or not. Maybe them dogs are providing enough safety, or aunt Marrigold isn't the lovely lady anymore Kendry knew soo well.

Wednesday March 2nd, 2005 10:42:03 AM

Seeing Kendry sign for the scroll, Olo knows exactly what he's indicating. He shrugs his pack half off his shoulder and pokes around inside for the scroll that the bard gave him earlier. While he does, he shakes his head in disaproval.

"Remember what we talked about, eh? This is the home of a respectable halfling. Do we really want to be sneakin' around her house fully armed? What's wrong with announcing ourselves like proper folk?"

Finally finding the scroll he's looking for, Olo shrugs his pack back into place.

"Now, I'll keep this here scroll ready, just incase there's trouble, but I'm not going to use it to sneak around. Kendry, if you want it back, that's fine too."

Wednesday March 2nd, 2005 10:47:18 AM

I fear Olo is right. However we're arriving here at night time. Is there a door bell of somekind ?

However, we may want to have a little peek just before we ring that bell. Just to make sure no ?

Wednesday March 2nd, 2005 3:55:49 PM

Patty rests his hand on the hilt of his longsword and watches Airin carefully. If the dogs look as though they might attack, Patty is prepared to spring into action to save his friend. "She might also be a witch, Olo. Don't forget that bit. No harm in taking a peek first anyway." he says, without taking his eyes off the scout's progress.

Wednesday March 2nd, 2005 10:54:45 PM

"Aye, she might be a witch and I might just be a cleric of Wardd, patron of lunatics and the insane. Doesn't that sound dangerous? I'd still say you'd have no business charming my dogs and peakin' in my windows with a crossbow in your hands."

Olo shakes his head and crosses his arms.

"Do what you will, but I vote for a quick knock on the door."

ooc: I know the rule is only one post a day, so feel free to strike this out if you want.

Thursday March 3rd, 2005 12:56:23 AM

"Oh, bother," Kendry says with a bit of irritation in his voice. He's not irritated at Olo in particular, just at those who speak with little discretion.

He opens the gate and walks up to the door. "Hey pups! Is my auntie in?" If they don't rend him limb from limb, then he knocks on the door.

Thursday March 3rd, 2005 3:04:02 AM

Just as Airin was about to pop the potion in her mouth, Olo and Kendry start arguing about the dogs and sneaking in or not. She turns around to look at them, puts the little cork back on the vial, puts it back in her backpack and waits in anticipation.

Actually, Olo might be right. Witches aren't always evil right ?

"Carefull Kendry !" Airin whispers.

Three Hounds, Three Times [DMonic Jerry] 
Thursday March 3rd, 2005 11:13:05 AM

Airin quaffs her potion and approaches the gate. The dog's eye does not follow her. She opens the gate and nothing untowards happens.

Then Kendry in his impatience pushes the gate the rest of the way open and begins walking towards the door.

At this point, the "wandering-eye dog" jumps to his feet and literally howls! A powerful set of lungs on him too!

The other two dogs awaken and sneer their growls in Kendry's direction.

"Right-eye" looking a might too intelligent for being a dog. He licks his lips and they begin to look somewhat undoglike. In a demonic voice he cries out as his eyes begin to grow a small red dot in their center.

"I speak to you three times!"




The other hounds begin to grow in size with the first, eyes red, foaming at the mouth. Evil intent in their eyes. Patchy dark red fur that smells burnt.

These hounds must be from...hell.
[Airin, I have the sheet you are approved to use your new stuff.]

Patterton  d20+6=10
Thursday March 3rd, 2005 2:43:30 PM

Patty jerks his sword from its sheath and grabs his sheild. He takes a step foreward, just inside the gate. "Blast it!" he curses, "Kendry! Airin! To me!" He will attempt to act as a buffer for the beasts if Kendry and Airin are able to make it behind him and through the gate in time. Also he hopes he can prevent the beasts from escaping into town by boxing them in.

note: if one of the hounds comes close enough, he will swing at it. (attack =10)

masterwork longsword- +6

Thursday March 3rd, 2005 2:45:38 PM

OOC: oops...that +6 is the to hit bonus

Thursday March 3rd, 2005 5:40:23 PM

"Uh, you wouldn't want to let my Aunt Marigold know that her nephew and niece are here to see her, would you?" Kendry asks. "However, I can take a hint." He walks with measured steps backwards towards (& through, if possible) the open gate, with light peripheral glances over his shoulder to ensure he does not run into someone. "We'll just wait here outside the gate while you announce our presence to the mistress." His hand casually rests on the hilt of his sheathed rapier.

"Come, friend, let's wait outside the gate. No soliciting, and all that."

"Different dogs," he whispers to his companions outside the gate.

Olo  d20+3=15 d6+2=6
Friday March 4th, 2005 1:30:56 AM

When the dog starts to howl loudly, Olo gets ready with the scroll just in case.

"Well that will let her know we're..." Olo's voice trails off when the hound begins to speak. Stunned for a moment, he watches the transformation of the beasts take place. He's startled into action when Patty draws his weapon.

Transfering the useless scroll to his left hand, Olo himself reaches down and unhooks the mace from his belt. He restrains from brandishing it as long as noone is being attacked, but he has it at the ready.

Airin [Hide from Animals]  d20+12=31 d20+10=22 d20+7=16 d20+5=19
Friday March 4th, 2005 3:52:32 AM

Airin jumps about 3 feet in the air when one of these dogs suddenly charge into Kendry. They only gaze at Kendry ... they did not move towards her ! The potion works ...
These dogs can not hear, smell nor see her :-)

"Kendry", she whispers, "I will move up to the house to carefully look through these windows."

Airin croushes towards the house out of the light coming out of these windows. She runs up to the house unnoticably (Hide 31 / move silently 22 ) avoiding all noise from stepping onto little braches or things like that.

Maybe she can hear something inside or see something weird about the house or the light inside ? She not peeking through the windows yet. She will position herself right of a window crouched to the ground.

listen = 16
Spot = 19

Hide from animals = 9'54"

Friday March 4th, 2005 12:00:28 PM

Selithe frowns and begins pulling her sling out along with a stone to be thrown at one of the dogs. She has the crossbow from the previous goblin enounters to get back to the city but hasn't had much luck with it so is saving it.

Selithe looks to Kendry worried and speaks up to him, "Becareful brother."

Three Dogs? [DM Jerry] 
Friday March 4th, 2005 4:24:31 PM

As everyone in the group except Airin has backed through the gate once more, the three dogs go back to looking normal and sleeping as before, with the lazy eyed one possibly watching you.

Airin looks in through the low window.

Inside, is a fourth canine, if it can be called that. It walks on two legs.

Aunt Marigold and two others of her political staff dressed in strange ceremonial robes are tied up in the hearth chairs before the fire--their little toesies being pushed ever closer to the flames by the wolf-man.

No one inside seems to be aware of any activities outside.

Saturday March 5th, 2005 4:50:11 AM

Patty grips his sword tightly as he watches Airin sneak the rest of the way across the lawn. His blood is still pumping from the dog's sudden transformation and his eyes dart to them frequently, looking for signs of movement.

Saturday March 5th, 2005 3:00:16 PM

Kendry waits to hear what Airin might have to report. Meanwhile, using Patty to obscure the line of sight to the one-eyed dog, he takes the bow from off his shoulder, and extracts a few arrows from his quiver. Three arrows are grasped by the ring and little fingers of his left hand, which also holds the grip of the bow. The fourth arrow he nocks, and holds to the string with light back pressure on the string, his index finger wrapped around the arrow's shaft. The bow rests, arrow pointed groundward, against his left hip. "Beautiful moons tonight," he comments.

Sunday March 6th, 2005 5:50:41 PM

Selithe doesn't like this at all and runs through her spells and everything through her head as she ponders what to do. She glances to the others as she frowns more and whispers to Kendry, "These three dogs are going to be a big annoyance."

(Jerry: Will be posting a spell list asap.)

Sunday March 6th, 2005 8:15:11 PM

Kendry returns his sister's frown with a smile. "More'n likely, sis, more'n likely," he answers, still tracking Airin's progress with his peripheral vision, as well as scoping out the lay of the land.

The fence: Slatted wood? Stone? Laid logs? Its height. Well made? Easy access to the roof of this modern house with the faux burrow entrance? How high the roof above the ground? Size of the fenced yard? Any stacked rocks, trees, stumps, firewood? Proximity of neighbors? If nearby, similar housing, or more traditional? Kendry is in his information gathering mode. He tries to think if he has any silvered weapons. Um, nope. He has a few silver coins. Shape-changing doggies... moons out. Lycanthropy in play?

Sunday March 6th, 2005 10:55:49 PM

Patty wonders how long Airin's potion will protect her and suddenly a thought strikes him. Reaching into his belt pouch, he withdraws his potion of magic fang and places it in his sword hand while still holding the blade so it would be easy to pop the cork and enchant the sword if need be.

Airin [Hide from Animals]  d20+7=20 d20+10=27 d20+12=25 d20+5=20
Monday March 7th, 2005 3:00:57 AM

Airins heart is raging inside her as she tiptoes towards the house. Carefully she peeks through the window only to see this strange creature threatening aunt Marigold and her companions.

What foul creature can this be ?!?

Airin tries to signal to the rest of the group that something weird is going on inside. Aunt Marigold didn't turn evil ... this strange canine is.

Carefully (move silently = 27, hide = 25) she tries to hear what they are saying inside (listen = 20, spot = 20). If this "dog" is threatening them he surely wants some information. Airin needs to know what ...

If she can gather a little more information, she turns around to her friends to talk about some sort of plan. She can't handle this on her own. Maybe Kendry can fill her in about the house or maybe someone else has an idea to remove them dogs. They need to hurry ... she's not certain exactly how long this potion will protect her from these dogs outside.

Once back to her friends she reports what she has seen. Should she try to enter the house ? Must they attack the 3 dogs hoping they can slay them before they can bark ?!?

Hide from animals = 9'48"

Monday March 7th, 2005 12:22:21 PM

Moving slowly so as not to attract too much attention from the hounds, Olo slips the scroll he was holding back into his pack and then adjusts his hold on the morningstar for a better grip.

"Hey Patty, odds are you were right about her being a witch, eh?" he says in a fairly sober tone.

Patterton  d20=17
Monday March 7th, 2005 2:00:25 PM

Patty shrugs to Olo and whispers, "Could be. Or maybe that other beast is pulling the strings. Either way, we need to sort this out quickly or Kendry's aunt may be burnt without benefit of a stake. There's no time to summon the militia, so I guess it's up to us."

Patty turns to the rest of the group, "Anyone know what these things are?" (knowledge check: 17) Patty looks up at the moon and raises an eyebrow at Kendry. "Oh."

Kendry - OOC 
Monday March 7th, 2005 10:39:24 PM

... Holding for environmental feedback (fence & gate construction materials, sturdiness, other things listed in prior post, etc.) ...

What the ...!? (DM Stephen)  d100=34 d100=73 d100=76 d100=46 d100=100 d20+12=17
Tuesday March 8th, 2005 8:24:10 AM

Most of the group find refuge outside the well-made, and sturdy wooden fence of Marigold's yard. As Kendry recalls, Marigold always expects the highest quality, especially to her own personal belongings. Her house is always well-kept and extremely tidy. She's a clean freak as you recall. You remember being asked several times to take your shoes off before entering. Even when they were completely clean.

As long as the group remains outside of the yard, the three dogs (one medium, two small) look like ordinary dogs and appear unthreatening.

Airin feels safe with her potion active. She can stomp around the place, yell in their ears and the dogs wont notice her. She looks in the window at the goings on. She hears the wolf-man say, "why am I here. what are you three doing with me. are you the ones who took my amulet." He says snarlingly, "I cant allow you to keep it or know my secret. Yooouuu have some fast choices to make!" And he growls menacingly into their ears. Marigold appears to be confident and cool-headed. She seems more embarrassed than distressed. The other two dont display the same confidence. The wolf-man swipes his arm across the table sending everything on it onto the floor.

Airin happens to spot something else. Outside under her feet is the glint of something metalic on the ground. At quick inspection, it looks like a ground up powder and it appears to be spread around, circling the house. As far as you can tell.

Airin [Hide from Animals] 
Tuesday March 8th, 2005 8:51:47 AM

While on her way back to her friends she suddenly notices this strange powder on the ground. Carefully, with the tip of a dagger she scrapes some of the ground and walks over to her friends. Maybe they can inspect the powder?

She speaks quick to her companions in a low voice. Somthing's wrong in aunt Marigold's house and she doesn't want to disturb anything.

"Ok, there's this strange wolf/man inside threatening Aunt Marigold and her witch friends. However, it asks what THEY did to HIM and what it is doing here! And something about an amulet he lost ... My mind feels like I'm running around in the fog ... I don't know what to think of all this. Let's find a way for you all to join me at the house without these pets going berserk.

The distance from here (the fence) to the house is 20ft. We have several ropes available (mine is silk). We could attach one side of the rope at the top of this fence, and the other side at Aunt Marigold's chimney (I can climb up the roof to attach the ropes as these dogs won't hurt me). Then you all can attempt tight rope walking ... Or maybe even crawling along the rope will do just fine. This may allow you all to cross the distance to the house without touching the ground and stay high enough so these doggies can't bite.

Any other suggestions, or should I concentrate on gathering info INSIDE the house?"

Hide from animals = 9'42"

Airin more ideas (Illegal I know, but we're brainstorming here ;-) ) 
Tuesday March 8th, 2005 8:54:31 AM

What if we try to lure the dogs away ? If someone among us has some meat we could attach it to a piece of string. Then, as those dogs can't see me, might be able to lure them away from the fence for you to run up to the house ?

Olo  d20+3=4 d20+3=20
Tuesday March 8th, 2005 10:10:35 AM

Olo touches his forefinger to the powder on Airin's dagger, inspects it, then rubs the powder between finger and thumb.

When he speaks, it's in a low, conspiratorial tone, so as not to be overheard by the beasts.

"Mayhap it's silver? A protection circle would be my guess, though I wouldn't know if it's to keep something away or to keep something contained." (Know:Arcana 1+3=4, Know:Religion 17+3=20)

Olo turns again to examine the yard, and looks as if he's calculating in his head.

"You know, I could throw a mist over most of this yard. That, and a some of my stronger spices in the air could keep these beasts busy long enough for us to make it inside and throw the latch. Of course, Airin would have to make sure the door was ready for us ahead of time."

Tuesday March 8th, 2005 2:05:59 PM

Patterton looks at the powder for a moment, then shrugs. "I don't claim to be an expert on magic, but I do know that we need to get in there quickly and sort this business out."

He then unslings his backpack and reveals a quiver of elven design containing 20 glowing arrows. "If these beasts can only be struck by magic weapons, I suggest we fire some of these at them while they're on the other side of the fence. After that, I have a short lived potion that will allow me to harm them with my blade. Olo, Selithe, Kendry, you must have some magics that can aid us."

OOC: Stephen, I won the arrows at the christmas tree contest in the giggeling ghost. I never got a straight answer what they are, but sience they're glowing, I assume they're magical.

Kim - OOC re: arrows 
Tuesday March 8th, 2005 3:46:13 PM

The arrows are masterwork arrows, according to what is posted in the Giggling Ghost for that time. [Or maybe it was posted on one of the other boards about the GG tree gifts.]

Tuesday March 8th, 2005 7:50:13 PM

Lest the small group stand near the gate and let the, likely, sharp-eared 'dogs' listen in on their plans, Kendry suggests they take a walk about. Though concerned for his aunt's toes, perhaps a turn around the dwelling will reveal alternative avenues of approach.

"Come, let's go," he tells them all. "We've others we can visit." If any resist, he gives them a wink, yet not so that the lazy-eyed dog can see this visual cue. He takes them along to the opposite side of her house, to see what they may find there. Another entrance, perhaps? Quietly, he mentions, "We can't just be making plans within earshot of such fierce guardians - yet some deliberate speed is in order. Rocks through the windows? Rain arrows down on the hounds from the roof? A back door? Let's see what can work to our advantage, and the rescue of the captives. Perhaps, Patty, I could use a few of your arrows - say six or eight? Do any have nets? Should we break the sprinkling of dust?" Kendry looks to see whether the circle of dust encompasses the whole house...

Going in the Back Door! (DM Stephen)  d100=99 d100=15 d100=5 d100=47
Wednesday March 9th, 2005 8:22:40 AM

(Kim is right, the arrows are masterwork and give only a +1 bonus to hit.)

Airin returns to the group to tell the others what she has learned. She brings with her a small sample of a powder she found on the ground circling the house. Olo possible theory for the powders use is correct. It does appear to be the same material component used in Magic Circles of Protection. Only slightly altered. (Olo gets 100 exp point. :)

Airin does see the dogs morph into their more dire beastly form as she walks near them, but they dont react to her. As soon as she steps far enough away, they return to normal.

The group makes it around to the back. Their is a back door into the house in full view. And a gate to the fence as well. There is also a set of double doors that leads down to a root cellar against the back of the house. The dogs didnt follow. (Lucky. rolled a 99!)

What will our hero's do next?

(Airin's use of the potion has been most helpful as well. 100 exp.)

Airin preparing real post 
Wednesday March 9th, 2005 11:11:41 AM

Airin first makes a few signals to her friends to propose to sneak up to the house to open the back door for them without risk of them doggies to come round the corner suddenly.

If they all think that's the best thing to do Airin will make her move next post.

Wednesday March 9th, 2005 3:30:20 PM

Kendry nods his head to affirm Airin's signaled plan. Since Kendry's bow is masterwork, he changes his mind on his request for some of Patterton's arrows. [I think that there is no net benefit to using masterwork arrows with a masterwork bow.] His arrow remains nocked. He stands behind the fence, and glances back and forth in case a canine should round one corner or another of the house, ready to fire if he deems it appropriate.

Wednesday March 9th, 2005 4:02:55 PM

(OOC: Sorry about not posting yesterday, some RL matters came up.)

Selithe moves around the house and notes the celler door and whispers to Kendry, "Think that it will lead into the house? If worked right and we can get it opened unnoticed then if the doggies do attack then we will have them in a smaller area."

Selithe also thinks over Airin's idea and waves her over as Selithe motions to the crossbow she had gotten before, "If your idea is the one we have to go with then I can use my crossbow with a rope attached to the bolt to get the rope on the roof. We are light enough and if it hits good enough it would surely hold for one of us to get up there and tie it off better."

Other then making some suggestions Selithe still thinks over her spells she has ready and speaks up when magic from her is brought up, "I currently have little to protect against those dogs but I will do my best."

0th:Acid Splash(2), Detect Magic(1), Prestidigitation(1)

1st:Mage Armor(1), Magic Missile(2)

Wednesday March 9th, 2005 5:45:36 PM

Olo shakes his head when he hears Selithe talking about engaging the dogs.

"Hopefully," he whispers, "we can get the door closed behind us quick enough so we don't have to fight them."

Olo then proceeds to doublecheck the buckles on his bracer and hefts his morningstar in his hand.

Wednesday March 9th, 2005 6:09:58 PM

Patty gives Olo a nod, then turns to Kendry. "Right. I say we sneak into the cellar, find the door and take this beasty by suprise before your aunt comes to any harm. I could try to position myself between him and the front door so he can't let the other dogs in."

Thursday March 10th, 2005 12:59:31 AM

"Airin, see if the door will open." To Selithe, he says, quietly as circumstances dictate, "The cellar may have an opening into the house, but usually they don't. Say, while Airin checks the door, let's you and I see if the cellar does allows access."

"Olo, Patty - keep watch, signal if need be, or do whatever else comes to mind."

The bard thinks to himself that the whole group should be schooled in Duncan's sign language. At least enough for situations like this.

He walks over to check out the cellar. If Selithe agrees to accompany him, then with her. If the cellar doors are locked, he grasps his hands together in the locking sign to signal others. If not locked, he opens one of the doors (or both if the design demands it), taking care to move slowly, carefully, quietly. He prepares to jump out of the way should something leap forth. No telling what may be going on with fate and luck in the sky.

Airin  d20+10=18 d20+5=23 d20+7=14 d20+10=22
Thursday March 10th, 2005 2:44:57 AM

As her friends also want to attempt the entrance through the back , Airin sneaks up to the house. (move silently 18)

Not worried about the dogs, but still carefull not to make too much noise she casually scans the ground to see if the powder is everywhere around the house (spot 23).

As she approaches the backdoor, she takes out her masterwork thieves tools. If Kendry manages to open the door she will not interfere. If the door is locked she will do her job.

First she will carefully listen at the door. Never know who's behind it right (listen 14) but the door seems to weaken whatever can be heard. Then her nimble fingers play with the thieves tools and carefully open the lock (open locks 22).

Let's get inside quietly ...

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