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'Lomar, the Friendly Ogre'

Friday January 21st, 2005 1:31:33 AM

"Whew!" comments Kendry as the old hobbit passes without incident.

At Airin's mention of the rings, and Olo's offer to check them for magic, Kendry says, "Great! Yes, it might be worthwhile to make some inquiries - discreet inquiries, as in showing only one or two at a time, until we have a good feel for whoever we are asking about them. As far as seeking direct gain from them, Airin -- since they are family seals, I am sure that the families to whom they belong would be anxious to learn what they can about how we came into their possession. As it's probable, or at least possible, that the goblins shortened the lives of those who bore them, I should be shy of asking any reward in that situation. What if your father bore such a ring, and someone returned it to you? In your moment of grief, how would you feel if the person said, 'Oh, yeah, and by the way, could I have a hundred gold piece reward?'"

After a moment, he adds, "If we are able to find one or more of the families, maybe, upon the return of the rings, that will lead to yet another adventure. Maybe those who bore the rings are still alive in a goblin camp somewhere, and we could run a rescue. Life is full of adventures!"

He punches Patty in the shoulder in a comradely fashion when he sees his distant cousin's eyes sparkle at the mention of visiting his home in the woods.

"Uh, Olo - let's hold off on that wine, what do you say? I don't want people to smell it on our breath, and later claim that a bunch of drunks brought an ogre into town - no offense, Lomar. Plenty of time to drink once we get there. Or at most folks, just a sip or two for the nonce," Kendry counsels, not quite teetotally. He himself sticks to water from one of his waterbags, which he also offers around. He squeezes the bag lightly as he holds it aloft, and a stream of water flows through the air into his mouth, with only one drop missing as it lands on his chin as he stops the flow.

"All right, Patty, Polly, Selithe. We'll give you a half hour head start - then we're coming along. Hey - wait, on second thought - the town is just around the bend. Why don't we just stick together for now?" he suggests on impulse. "Or no - Polly - I know how fast you are, and you know your way around Hovel. Go find Calfast, if you please!" He explains, "With more of us, some of you can walk among the crowds, and help calm them, reassure them. Yep, Selithe, and it's our job to help them be accepting. We need more people for the chorus. And that way Shale can get his own drink. Here, let me teach you a song or two. Bobbles - you can dance, yes? I know you like ravens. Do you like eagles, too? I have a song about you."

Lomar - The Friendly Ogre - A Song by the Crescent Valley bard Kendry Leafwin Pipewood 
Friday January 21st, 2005 1:42:33 AM

"Okay, everyone, listen up." He pulls out his lute, and plucks a tune. "All right, that is the tune. And here are the words." Kendry sings the first verse through twice:
Meet Lomar, the friendly ogre
He'll squish your enemies
But is gentle as you please
With halflings, whom he likes
He'll protect, defend, and plays such lively songs
La la-la la-la la-la la-la la-lah!
"All right, everyone get that? Lomar, can you add a beat on your drum?" Then he sings the first verse another time or two, making sure everyone gets it down as well as they can. "Selithe - here's the harmony - as if I have to tell you," he grins mischievously.

Then he teaches the rest of the song to his friends and family:
Meet Lomar, the friendly ogre
He can sing and write and work
And be sure his tasks not shirk
For Lomar, the friendly ogre
Is the best big friend the halflings ever had!
La la-la la-la la-la la-la la-lah!

Hear Lomar, the friendly ogre
He's a bard of song and drum
And his music shakes your tum
Now Hovel, welcome him
Do not fear - be of good cheer - he's our friend!
La la-la la-la la-la la-la la-lah!

As for Lomar, the friendly ogre
He and Kendry make a team
Their good fun will split your spleen
With kids he'll - gladly play
And teach them - their parents to obey
La la-la la-la la-la la-la la-lah!
As everyone gets to know the song, he translates for Bobbles, so he can have some idea of what is going on. He suggests that the goblin get two small sticks to clack together for percussion. If Bobbles has good rhythm, he'll let him play on. If not, he suggests he dance instead.

Happy Bobbles, Goblin Friend - A Song by the Crescent Valley bard Kendry Leafwin Pipewood 
Friday January 21st, 2005 1:46:23 AM

After the first song is more or less mastered, Kendry teaches his friends a simple round, about Bobbles (To the tune of Frere Jacque):
Bobbles goblin
Bobbles goblin
He's my friend
He's my friend
Dances sings and giggles
Likes the flying eagles
He's so green
He's so kind
He tells Bobbles what it means, and teaches the goblin how to take a bow.

Airin  d20=3
Friday January 21st, 2005 3:32:17 AM

Airin blushes at the remarks Kendry gives her concerning them rings. "It could be they were simply stolen, and there is some reward no ? ..." she stammers, knowing the lure of gold was inapropriate here.

"Olo's proposal is a good one. Let's wait till we've delivered the beer, got a place to rest, and then sit down all together and let him check the rings. Later we can do some carefull investigations. Unless the rest feels we don't need to think about those rings anymore ! "

Then she starts to pratice Kendry's songs :

Meet Lomar, the friendly ogre
He can sing and write and work
And be sure his ...
euh ... oh yes ... tasks not shirk
For Lomar, the friendly ogre
Is the best big Halfling the friends ever had!
... no that's not it ...
La la-la la-la la-la la-la la-lah!

Hear Lomar, the friendly ogre
He's a bard of song and drum

He's a what ?!? Damn, now I'll have to start all over again ! Ok, here I go again ...

Meet Lomar, the friendly ogre
He can sing and write and work
And be sure his tasks not shirk
YES ... got it now ... DOH should continue singing ...
For Lomar, the friendly ogre
Is the best big Halfling the friends ever had! La la-la la-la la-la la-la la-lah!

Haha ! Getting closer don't I Kendry ?

Seeing Kendry looking at her "singing" makes her realise her performance was below average ...

(perform = 3 untrained)

Maybe Airin should playback ?

OOC I hope I haven't messed up all those text definitions :-/ I'll see it when I post it :-D

Friday January 21st, 2005 1:07:06 PM

Patty shakes his head, a bit flustered with Kendry's tendency towards spontaneity. "What about the militia and the constables? Do you think you can warn everyone in time, Polly? Singing songs are well and good, but if our audience is taking up arms against us, we may as well practice a funeral dirge." He adds, wincing as Airin hits a high note.

Friday January 21st, 2005 1:31:08 PM

The songwriter smiles at Airin. "Hobbit girl, you're picking it up. Just keep trying, and you'll have it in no time."

When Patty expresses his concerns, Kendry responds, "We don't want to warn everyone. Just Calfast, if possible, and let him decide whom he wishes to tell. And even if she can't get to him before we come, that is all right. Forewarned is forearmed - and we don't want too many of the militia armed against us at the edge of town. In this instance, I think that a good song, friendly faces, and a bit of initial chaos may well work to our advantage.

"We should be fairly well into town before much of an effective defense will be raised, and by then, some of our friends and neighbors of the more adventurous sort will be singing along with us. When they see we mean no harm - and hear that Lomar will teach the youngin's to obey their folks and to be of good cheer - we should have lots of them won over.

"You are right, that I may be wrong - though I don't think so. Let's work on these two songs first. If we need a funeral dirge, that will have to wait. I haven't written one yet."

"Now, run, Polly, Run!"

Friday January 21st, 2005 4:51:44 PM

Patterton frowns, "I don't think it's a good idea Kendry. We can't just wander into town with a giant, give little warning and expect folks not to panic. Besides, I'm obligated to inform the militia about this. Polly can go tell Calfast while Selithe and I explain things to the captain."

Friday January 21st, 2005 7:19:11 PM

"Patty - you do that, and they may forbid it, and prevent our entry at all. This is a case of - let's show them that we are peaceful, and have a fait accompli, rather than give them a chance to say 'no,' before they know what they are saying 'no' to. But, if you want to run off ahead, I will not stop you. I would not be upset if you prove me wrong. If you prove me right, then, we'll... Look - just talk to Calfast, first, I ask you," Kendry implores. "After that, if you feel you need to talk to the captain of the militia, then fine."

Friday January 21st, 2005 10:52:02 PM

Patty considers for a moment, then scratches his head. "If this turns sour, I could be demoted or worse, Kendry. How about this; I will help escort these two and keep them 'under guard' while Polly is speaking with Calfast. That way, if it comes to it, we can say that these two are under militia protection."

"If all goes well, the captain might be more apt to consider that promotion I've been trying to get. If not...well, I just hope you know what you're doing, Kendry."

Saturday January 22nd, 2005 12:35:19 AM

Selithe looks to Patty and Kendry as they talk on what to do exctly and after a moment taps Patty's shoulder, "We should just tell Calfast that we got his beer here and also tell him about Lomar and Bobbles and see what he thinks should be done. He isn't a dumb halfling and his advice should be sound to act upon."

Selithe looks to Kendry and smiles to her brother, "What ever happens for the moment most of the group should stay out here with Lomar and Bobbles and we'll come tell you what we find out. This way we know if it's safe or not and can plan from there." Selithe lights her pipe and takes a puff before speaking to Patty and Kendry, "Our primary concern should be Lomar and Bobbles safty. I don't think any of us wanted to go through bringing them here and all just for them to get hurt or so."

Saturday January 22nd, 2005 1:38:23 AM

Patty turns to Selithe thinks a moment before saying, "Hmmmm...I'm just as concerned with Lomar and Bobbles safety as anyone. I suppose if Lomar and Bobbles stay hidden untill we talk with Calfast about it, it wouldn't cause any harm. I will need to report to the captain shortly after, however. I will try to delay them long enough so that Lomar and Bobbles can get in without a fuss. How does that sound, Kendry?"

Saturday January 22nd, 2005 3:07:44 AM

"Half an hour, and we come, singin'. Do what you can until then. See you soon! Wardd's luck be with us all!"

Saturday January 22nd, 2005 3:29:13 AM

Patty nods to Kendry and mounts up with Polly and Selithe, intent on informing Calfast of the situation.

Side note- Patty will wait untill the half hour is nearly up before speaking with the captain.

Kim - OOC: Tune for Lomar - The Friendly Ogre - where to download it (so you all can practice over the weekend) 
Saturday January 22nd, 2005 10:19:23 PM

If you would like to hear the tune to Kendry's song about Lomar, all you have to do is to download it by right clicking on http://www.woldiangames.com/repose/music/lomarthefriendlyogre.nwc and choose Save Target As... - then tell it where to place it on your hard drive.

If you have software that can play Midi files, you should be able to listen to it - if you have a sound card and speakers, or headphones.

Props to my son, Tamas, who helped by taking my singing, and plugging it in to Noteworthy Composer. He tells me the song is in the Mixolydian mode, with half steps between 3-4, and 6-7, and is in a major scale with lowered seventh degree. Kendry and my son might understand what that means, but I do not claim to do so.

If you have Noteworthy Composer, you can download the file in Noteworthy's own format at http://www.woldiangames.com/repose/music/lomarthefriendlyogre.nwc - and if you want to download a free version of Noteworthy Composer, just click on http://www.noteworthysoftware.com and then click on the "Try It" link.

The latter has the benefit of showing the lyrics as the tune is being played. With N.C., you also can print out the tune and lyrics.

Otherwise, for the lyrics, just scroll back up to the post: Lomar - The Friendly Ogre - A Song by the Crescent Valley bard Kendry Leafwin Pipewood
Friday January 21st, 2005 12:42:33 AM

Kendry to Airin, and the small chorus left behind 
Saturday January 22nd, 2005 10:46:50 PM

As the three ride ahead on - who's horse did they take, anyway? - Kendry turns to the inscripted musicians.

"All right, good effort, everyone. Oh, by the way, Airin, on the second verse, there, you want to sing '...Is the best big friend the halflings ever had.' Note - the best big friend the halflings ever had. You'd kind of mixed them up the first few times. Lomar is not a halfling. Other than that, doing great.

"Bobbles, you have the 'La la-la's' down good. You do also good on 'Lomar, the friendly ogre' - so sing those loud. Sing softer on parts you still learning. I like your voice. It adds, uh, good gravel to song." he says in goblin.

"Now, Lomar," he addresses the ogre mage, "How about, on the drums, you go 'Lomar' Boom! 'the friendly ogre' Boom!" He sings the part a couple of times for him to get the booms in. "Good, good."

"Everyone, on the line, 'Shakes your tum,' everyone put your hands on the sides of your stomach, like you feel it shaking.

"All right, Olo, do you have any questions? Shale? Shale, I know you can sing. Don't be shy, I like your voice. Think of this as a game, and shout it out!"

And so forth goes the rehearsal...

About twenty minutes after Patterton, Selithe and Polly leave, Kendry suggests, "Let's move up the road a bit, until we can just see the town. We'll watch a few minutes, then head on down, singing together." As they move along the road, before coming in sight of town, he has them quietly practice the Bobbles round.

And sets up a chant which consists of the repetition of the tonguetwisting line "Brock's Best Beer at Calfast's Party," four times, followed by "Hear the ogre sing and play" four times, and then, "Adventurers can make your day!" four times, with one last quartet of "Brock's Delicious Cider Too!"

Taking the cleric aside for a moment, he asks, "Olo - could you be in charge of calming any who get too frightened? Or angry? I think you have a reasonable way about you."

Everyone loves a parade. (DM Stephen)  d20+10=29 d20+4=10 d20+4=16 d20+4=21 d20+2=5 d20+2=16 d10=10
Sunday January 23rd, 2005 11:28:48 PM

Polly replies to Kendry with bit of sarcasism. "Sure thing, Boss! I'll go and tell Calfast. Im dying to see his expression. He may regret ever encouraging us to go." With a sly smile, she turns and darts off to Calfast's party headquarters.

Patty is concerned with the militia's reaction. (Im confused with who is all going with him. Just include yourself in your next post if you're going with him.) As Patty rounds the bend, he can see the lights of town. Tents from party goers begin to appear and line the road on the way into town. The town of Hovel is crowded with countless hobbits. The scent of sweet pies, pastries and all sorts of food and drink fill your nostrils. Many hobbits can be seen sleeping in chairs and benches. Obviously between parties. Others still spend their time dancing, singings songs and playing games. The only ones not lost in song, food or drink are those militia standing guard and those washing tower-sized stacks of dishes, mugs and cups in a big outdoor tub. Patterson approaches the militia headquarters. Not many are there. You recognize a young sargent named Timmy Willowdee. He sees you ride up from his window and walks to the door to greet you. "Hey Patty, what's up. Funny not seeing you snookered already!" He says with a smile.

Back on the road Kendry prepares his parade. The singing of his songs have a rough start but everyone seems to be getting the hang of it. Even Bobbles! He becomes really good with the La la la laa's. When Kendry suggests he play two sticks, he pulls out two spoons from his pocket. Bobbles puts the two spoons together and starts to rap them against his hand and leg as he skips and dances. They make a clickity clang sound. Olo may recognize the spoons. The same kind he keeps with his cooking gear.

Lomar practices with his drum. He plays it masterfully. The beat is a lively tune. It seems to draw you in. The sounds he produces is very fascinating. So much so that it draw the attention of others not yet known to you. A group of ten small children come walking out from the trees. They stand there slack-jawed and wide-eyed. After you all take a short pause from your practice, they continue to stand there in awe. One young hobbit nerviously steps forward, points at the giant and says, "Is th-that Lomar?!"

Patterton  d20+2=7
Sunday January 23rd, 2005 11:54:29 PM

Patty hops off of Selithe's mount and salutes the sargent with a grin. He then extends his hand to the hobbit warmly, "Hi-ya, Timmy. Listen, I've got something important to tell Calfast and I need to find him right away. Can you tell me where he is? Also, where's the Captain?"

After he answers(if he knows the answer), Patty thanks him and moves to leave when he turns and adds off-handedly, "Oh. And I heard something about wolves being seen on the other side of town near old farmer Leafwin's place on the way in. You boys might want to check it out. I'd go with you, but I've got to deliver this message right away." (bluff =7 if necessary)

Patty then quickly jogs out of the headquarters and heads towards Calfast, hoping that the militia members nearby will go looking for the "wolves", so that Lomar and crew can enter town unharassed. He doesn't feel right about it but hopes that once they talk with Calfast everything will be ok.

Monday January 24th, 2005 3:17:38 AM

Airin hops down from Blossom, and kneels next to the little kids (could there be any maternal feelings in this little halfling woman ?!?).

"Yes young one. This here is our good friend Lomar. He'll take you up on his shoulders if you like to join our little parade. Are you scared of him ? You shouldn't be. He's very friendly. Come ... let's go a little closer to him. What's your name ? I am Airin Moondancer Turnbell, and these here are all my friends." as she waves to the party of adventures, Lomar and Bobbles.

Airin hopes this little youngster will indeed go closer to Lomar, and gestures lomar to kneel too and say a friendly hello to the kid. She tries to introduce the kid to Lomar and vica versa. Kendry can help translating what Lomar is supposed to do. Airin tries to calm the kid, and make him realise how nice Lomar really is. If the kid starts to like Lomar, maybe Lomar can gently give the kid a hand (not to hard Lomar !).

"Why don't your friends come any closer --- the kids name --- ? You see he's very friendly ! I told you so. Wanna sit on his shoulder ? Hey I have an idea ! ... you heard us singing Kendry's song didn't you ? Why don't you sing along and join our parade ... all of you ! Come one ... let's give it a try. Kendry !" Airin gestures to Kendry to start playing to help these kids overcome their fear and join the little parade.

Airin hopes that once kids join their parade, the older folks in town won't be that scared Airin.

Monday January 24th, 2005 8:35:08 PM

(OOC:Just a quick comment. Selithe doesn't have a mount that I know anyway. We must of borrowed someone's mount.)

Selithe looks to Patty and his friends and smiles and nods to Patty's friends, "Hi there." Selithe looks to Patty, "I want to head over to Calfast's tent. Meet me as soon as possible Patty."

Selithe moves quickly off to find Calfast's tent and also to talk to Calfast if possible. She will stay if Patty asks her to and will do her best to explain to the catpain Patty wants to meet with.

Tuesday January 25th, 2005 2:11:13 AM

"Sure kids! Like Airin said, this is Lomar. We met him in the Culverwood, and he has helped us a lot. My name is Kendry. Kendry Leafwin Pipewood. My other friends, 'sides Airin, can tell you their own names. But this here fella playing the spoons is another friend, named Bobbles. He speaks a different language, but wants to learn common. I can interpret for you - that is, you ask him something, and I'll tell you what he says." He turns to Bobbles, and says, "Take a bow, Bobbles, just like we practiced a little bit ago." Kendry bows himself to prompt him.

"You wanna learn some songs? Follow us into town, and we'll teach ... say," he says to the boy with the dark wavy hair, and a shock of white just above the left temple, "Aren't you Kivrey - you live the next burrow over from the Leafwin Turnbells, don't you? Mister Rollin and missus Pepper, Winnet and Leaf, and Jorell, and Polly, and Annice and - the whole bunch. It's gotta be you, Kivrey. 'S been a year or so since I saw you last. How're your folks?" He pauses for Kivrey's response, if any, and responds as may be appropriate, asks the rest of the children to tell their names (and tries to remember as many as he can), then encourages them all with, "Well, c'mon kids, join on in! Let's learn the Bobbles song. You all know what a round is? Where you split into two groups, and ... well, let's just learn the song first."

He offers encouragement to them as they go along - should they go along. A bit of Bobbles, then back to the Lomar song. He gives Lomar a huge grin.

Tuesday January 25th, 2005 1:07:49 PM

Thoroughly enjoying the music and what's turning into a parade, Olo nevertheless keeps an eye on Lomar. He hopes the giant will stay at ease and engrossed with his drumming, but he can't be sure how the big guy will react as the crowd swells.

Since Airin and Kendry are seeing to the children, Olo simply continues to sing enthusiastically. Thinking of the beer, the parties, and the stories that he has to tell, he breaks out into a large smile.

ooc: sorry about the lateness of the post, pc issues prevented me from getting online last night.

From the mouths of babes. (DM Stephen)  d100=92 d100=78 d6=6 d6=5 d20+10=30
Wednesday January 26th, 2005 12:51:09 AM

The sarge takes a more serious tone. "Oh you mean business this day! Well its your lucky day. The Captain is with Calfast at his tent. Hurry before you miss them." As Patty starts to run off, Timmy yells from the doorway, "I'll send a squad to investigate the wolves." Patterton makes his way through the crowd and finds Calfast's party headquarters. As he enters the tent, he sees both the Captain and Calfast sitting at a table have a smoke and a few drinks. Polly is also there. She gives you a look that tells you she hasn't explained the situation yet. You interupted her in mid-sentence. Calfast stands to his feet and welcomes the warrior. "Yes, yes, come on in. Hmmm, hardy looking lad. Do you know this gentleman, Captain?" The Captain stands to his feet as well. "Why yes. This is Patterton. Fine soldier ... one of the best of your new young crop. Looks like you come here with a purpose, Sir. Mind giving us a report?"

Back on the road, everyone becomes acquanted with the young children. "Im Popper. Im Memaw. Im Rolander. My name is Sammy. Im Topher. Yeah, Im Kivrey! Im Jorge. Im Haras. My name is Hobie, but you can call me Hob, mister. Im Sissy," she says shyly. Kivrey replies, "They're ok. Uhhh, what you up ... too?!" He cant help but keep his eyes fixed on Lomar and Bobbles. Both giant and goblin give back warm smiles. Bobbles gives his bow. He wonders if this is the custom. He prepares to do a lot of bowing when they enter town.

With Airin and Kendry's persistence they all agree to sing. And boy do they sing. They lift lift their voices in song and they sound amazingly well (lucky, I rolled a natural 20 to determine their group performance.). Lomar says, "Wow! Do all you hobbits sing and play this good?! Very good!" The kids clap and cheer to celebrate their performance. An excited Kivrey tugs at Kendry's shirt. "Can we be in your parade? Oh oh, can we?!"

Wednesday January 26th, 2005 1:56:43 AM

"Nice spoons, Bobbles!"

As the children tell their names, rat-a-tat-tat, Kendry repeats them. "Popper, Memaw," (which one are girls, which boys?) "Rolander, uh-huh Sammy. Topper? Topher! Kiv, Jorge, Haras. Can I say Har-r-ras?" he asks, trilling the r. "Okay, Hob. Say, Sissy - welcome!" he shoots the lass a charming smile.

"Oh, Kivvers, we just went on a trip to Trader's Corner on the river. Lots of things to tell you about. Water chariots. An ambush in the night. A unicorn! Some bad goblins, and a good goblin. A boat crash. Robbery! Rescue! An old tower. A sleeping ogre, all tied up. Too much to tell all. But we made friends with these two, and others, as well."

"You all sound gr-r-r-reat! together!" he agrees with Lomar.

"You want to be in our parade. Hmmm. I dunno. What do you think, Lomar? Want some rambunctious hobbit kids to march with us?" he asks with a wink. "But first, a test. Any performer must know how to bow, or, if a lassy, how to curtsey proper. There are dozens of types of bows."

Kendry starts with an elaborate bow with multiple small rotations of his right forearm and hand as he elegantly bends forward, the left hand gracefully going out to his side, the bard's eyelids suitably and somberly half-lidded, and his right leg sliding back and to the left of his left leg. At the end, he raises his head, serious for a beat - then he warps his countenance into a silly face.

Standing erect, he tells them, "This is not the kind of bow we want to start with. So let's start with it." He demonstrates a few times, and watches the kids give it a try. He laughs and applauds. "When someone bows after a performance, remember to clap!"

"All right, all right. Let me show you the right kind of bow for tonight." He shows a simple bow, feet together, hands at the side. He also shows the girl(s) (Memaw? any others? and Sissy) how to curtsey. He compliments any good efforts.

He drills the children for maybe two or three minutes, until they can do it in unison. "Almost, almost. Well, good enough for starters. You can sing, you can bow.

"Yes! Please join our parade! Some on the wagon. Shale - can you fit a couple on Valor? Lomar can take a few - only if you can hold on real tight, though! Olo will test your grip to see if your hands and arms are strong enough."

After getting the swelling chorus into some semblance of order, Kendry, guiding Biscuit down the road, pulls open his knapsack, pulls out two sunrods, strikes them together to offer light, giving one to a child on the cart, and one to a child on Lomar. "No, none for you, Kivrey. You ever help guide a pony in a cart? Watch me for a few minutes, then I'll let you get the feel for the reins."

He gives a click of his tongue to get Biscuit's attention, and a nice snap of the reins - no so as to pull much on her mouth, but so she feels the leather on her sides, and knows it's time to stop enjoying a grassy snack. "Hovel, Ho! And a-one and a-two Meet Lomar, the friendly ogre..."

Airin  d20=5 d20+5=20
Wednesday January 26th, 2005 6:01:06 AM

As the children begin to sing loudly Airin winks to Kendry pleased to see they are joining their parade. What could possibly go wrong now !

"Who wants to ride on Blossom ?" she says to the childres, and if any join her, she will put them on Blossom, and walks along side to help them. "There we go ! ...

Meet Lomar, the friendly ogre...
As she sees the look on Patty's face again when she hits that high note again (Perform = 5)
, she sings a little less loud and concentrate on what she can do best ... scouting :-)

So Airin sings along though it becomes more and more play backing. With the additional singers no one will even notice. So she tries to keep an eye out to whomever she can see or who would be interested in this group (Spot = 20).

ooc. I don't know why those perform rolls end up soo bad every time I roll them ... Guess airin really is not made to sing after all :-) Luckily I never tried to become a Bard !!

Airin correction post 
Wednesday January 26th, 2005 6:03:15 AM

Guess I made a mistake. Patty is no longer with the group ... let's change that sentence :

As she sees the look on these children's faces when she hits that high note again (Perform = 5)
, she sings a little less loud and concentrates on what she can do best ... scouting :-)

sorry :-)

Selithe  d20+3=11
Wednesday January 26th, 2005 3:27:23 PM

Selithe having left Patty at the guard post has moved on to Calfast's tent inless Patty holds her up anyway to wait for him.

Once at the tent she looks around and once she spots (spot:11) Calfast she moves over to them and smiles to Calfast, "Greetings again sir. Umm, I hate to interupt you but may I speak with you for a moment, it's something important."

Selithe leaves her comment at that as she hopes she doesn't have to speak about Lomar at the moment infront of everyone in the tent. She kind of like to find out Calfast's personal opinion on Lomar and Bobbles.

Wednesday January 26th, 2005 11:40:11 PM

Patty salutes the captain sharply and nods politely to Calfast, "Pleasure to meet you, sir." He says as Selithe leads Calfast away(presumably to fill him in on what's happening).

Turning back to the captain, Patty continues. "I do have something to report, sir. We thought it best to speak with you and Calfast about it first. Ya see...*Patty proceeds to tell the tale as he knows it to the captain, making sure to paint Lomar and Bobbles in a good light.*"

"...and you should've seen what this guy did to those greenies! Squashed half a dozen of them 'em flat without so much as a scratch. And that Bobbles fellow helped save me when the other goblins had me captured. At any rate, my companions and I couldn't just leave them out there to be killed and we knew Hovel folk wouldn't turn away such a nobel pair. They should be here any moment...under guard, of course." He adds quickly.

Patty hopes that Selithe has had time to speak with Calfast and that the captain is reasonable.

(OOC- I'm a little confused as to what's happening with the captain and Calfast right now. This is under the assumption that Patty is alone with the captain and Selithe has pulled Calfast away to speak with him)

Thursday January 27th, 2005 7:57:42 AM

"Hey, that's a great idea Kendry! Let's see... Sammy, you look like a strong young lad, hold onto my arms here and right here." Olo holds out his forearms and let's the young halfling grab hold. Olo then lifts his arms up in the air and let's the boy hold his own weight. "Wow, you are strong!" I'm sure you can manage just fine up on Lomar's shoulder.

"Okay, one other. Who will it be?" Olo picks an eager youngster and repeats the test to make sure the child can hold on. "You kids sure are strong! I bet it's because you eat all your vegetables eh?"

If any other children need a spot to ride, he'll place a couple up on the back of the donkey. Once that is done, he returns to humming the tune the others are singing and enjoys the thought of returning home.

Thursday January 27th, 2005 3:26:25 PM

Kendry smiles as Olo helps a few of the children out. He is glad that his friends and cousins are so good with children.

Look who I brought to dinner! (DM Stephen)  d6=3 d100=97 d100=13 d6=5 d6=2
Thursday January 27th, 2005 9:17:57 PM

(Calfast's party headquarters is a large tent with four walls and a flap for a door. It is private and separate from the crowds.)

The Captain pulls Patty aside, away from Calfast, Selithe and Polly. Both Selithe and Polly continue to speak with Calfast together, in a similar fashion on the other side of the tent. However, in the middle of each of your reports, both the Captain and Calfast blurt out, "OGRE ... GOBLIN!!" Calfast looks at the Captain. The Captain looks at Calfast. Then Calfast speaks up, "Are we talking about the same thing?" The Captain responds, "Apparently so!" Calfast continues, "Well then, we have a possible catastrophy on our hands. I understand that these two have shown you kindness and helped you with your task, but to bring them here! With all of Crescent Valley in attendance, no less! The people aren't ready for something like this! But we cant just let a giant and a goblin come marching into Hovel without some notice to everyone. There would be wide spread panic. People could get trampled and hurt trying to flee." The Captain agrees, "Yes, I'll assemble the militia and head out to meet this giant and his goblin friend!" Calfast not liking his tone, "Captain, you will NOT go charging out to them with banners waving and swords drawn! Not one bit, Sir! This problem needs to be dealt with subtly. Not with a battlecry!" Calfast walks to the door and turns around, "Come on! Im not walking out to greet a giant by myself!" Polly starts to follow. She gives Patty and Selithe a worried look.

Out on the road, everyone is having a grand ol' time. Lomar plays his drums with the childrens' acceptance. All fear is removed from their eyes. With Olo's help, kids are being lifted up onto Lomar. He accepts them with a smile. Lomar says to Kendry, "Yes, the more the merrier. We can have a very good parade. Uhh, what's a parade?" Bobbles continues to do a lot of bowing. The kids mimic the goblin and laugh. Kendry demonstrates the proper bow and curtsey. The kids improve. However, by this time Bobbles is starting to get dizzy. All but Shale seem to be enjoying themselves. Perhaps he's seeing problems starting to brew. Little Memaw walks up to Shale and gives him one of her flowers. "Can I ride on your pony?"

Airin offers her pony for rides and Popper, Topher and Jorge yell out, "Me me me me me!!" As she begins to help a few up on the horse, she spots several other hobbits down the road. The drum playing is beginning to draw more attention. There are three young males standing in the road from town. One is holding a lute. The other two are hold pints of ale. One drops his drank on the road. They all stand frozen in place, slack-jawed and awe-struck. Kendry and Shale may recall the guy with the lute from their aunt's party.
(Popper, girl. Memaw, girl. Rolander, boy. Sammy, boy. Topher, boy. Kivrey, boy. Jorge, boy. Haras, girl. Hobie, boy. Sissy, girl.)

Thursday January 27th, 2005 9:58:03 PM

Patty hurries after Calfast and the captain, wringing his hands a bit. "I assure you, they're no danger, sirs. These two are not like the others...and Kendry and the others are watching them carefully. Just wait and see. If we hurry, we may be able to catch them before they get to far into town, but I tell you they mean no harm."

He returns Polly's worried look and winks a bit to reassure her.

Thursday January 27th, 2005 11:23:17 PM

"A parade, good Lomar," Kendry answers, "is when a lot of people march forth in a group, play music, entertain, and make people happy who watch them." He switches to the giant tongue. "Some people may be afraid of you, ogre mage, just as we were wary of you when we found you sleeping. The way you escaped when Biguns and Slag tried to attack you, you might need to be prepared to do, again. But mind the children on your shoulders, first, and set them gently down. If that happens, stay close by, in misty form. Let's see if our tongues and songs and merry making can't help allay people's fears. Once they find you truly mean no harm, then many will be willing to treat you as a friend. Some never may, for each answers to his own heart. If you can keep from hurting any, even if some hurt you, then your steadfastness and kindness will win more hearts. We are about to enter a contest, friend. May the contest have many winners, ourselves included. Do you know of Wardd, the god of luck?" Kendry asks. "Let's agree to ask his oversight. Despite this speech, be not afraid," he says. After a beat, he adds, in common, "If there's any trouble, the children themselves will protect you, drummer! Right, kids? We will sing about Lomar, and protect our big new friend. Isn't he nice? Three cheers, for Lomar! Hip hip, hurray, hip hip, hurray, hip hip, HUZZAH! Yay, Lomar! Yay, Lomar! Yay, LOMAAAAR!!!"

"Good bowing, Bobbles, very good. But save some for later, when we get to town - which is soon, soon. Too much bowing make head feel cloudy. Oh, harah! There is music man I know. His name Bobbik. I talk with him."

Kendry calls forth from his perch on the cart. "Hail, Bobbik Raspel Tumblefoot Mellips. Listen to our song, and lend us your music, bard! It is I, Kendry, back from an adventure with friends old and new, little and big, and the best beer in the Valley! Come and join our parade! Be not afraid, the giant is our friend! The goblin too. I'm not so sure about the pony, though," he jests. "Your two friends, too - welcome!"

If Bobbik is willing to join in, Kendry will lay down the basic chords for him to play along. If this is too tough for Bob, he will limit him to strumming the last chord of each line. "For special emphasis," he explains, making sure he understands the importance of his role in the parade.

"All right, it's down the hill and into town!" Kendry rallies the crew. He picks up the song ...Their good fun will split your spleen
With kids he'll - gladly play
And teach them - their parents to obey
La la-la la-la..."

He hopes his friends will invite any others they encounter along the way.

Kendry adds a transition verse from Lomar's song to Bobble's song 
Thursday January 27th, 2005 11:51:42 PM

"Oh - oh - I have a new verse. Listen everyone, listen up!
Meet Bobbles, the happy goblin
Though his skin is very green
He is friendly and not mean
He loves the lady bright
Who brings healing to all at darkest night
La la-la la-la la-la la-la la-la
Kendry uses that verse to lead into the Bobbles round.

He translates the new verse for Bobbles, too.

Airin  d20=18
Friday January 28th, 2005 9:19:32 AM

Airin makes sure Blossom walks gently forward and keeps an eye on the kids riding Blossom. She doesn't want any to fall off.

She can't really help to persuade the hobbits that are gazing at the group, but encourages all in the parade to sing loud. No one can resist the beat of the drum and this happy party.

This time it seems Airin's got the hang of it as she takes another attempt to sing along (Perform 18). You can even say it almost sounds good!

Friday January 28th, 2005 2:54:04 PM

Olo grins and shakes his head at Kendry. "Oy! Another verse Kendry? I can't keep up, you've reduced me to just humming along!"

Olo keeps a close watch, and stays near at hand, to Lomar (just incase a child should lose his grip). Watching the children is making Olo feel like a kid again, and for a second he considers asking Lomar for a ride on the shoulder as well. Maybe later.

Friday January 28th, 2005 5:05:23 PM

Selithe races to cetchup with Calfast and the captain and speaks to them as they go, "Yes, please keep in mind that both are not going to put up a fight inless you go out their brandishing pikes and such. Lomar and Bobbles are not a threat and their friends. I will defend my friends if need be, there has to be a way to work this all out."

Selithe looks to Calfast and the captain as she puts her hands on her hips and holds her pipe carefully, "Your not going to try and hurt him right? Either of you?"

Friday January 28th, 2005 6:00:46 PM

Patty puts a reassuring hand on Selithe's shoulder, half to show support and half to prevent her from impedeing the captain and Calfast's progress.

"No one is going to try and hurt them, Selithe." He whispers to her, "Have some faith, it will all work out." Patty keeps a confident look on his face, but inside he too is a bit worried.

Saturday January 29th, 2005 9:34:06 PM

"Say, Airin, by Alemi, I think you've got it!" Kendry interjects. "Well sung, young woman, well sung! I knew you'd find your voice once you got the lyrics down."

Here Comes the Bosses! [DM Jerry] 
Tuesday February 1st, 2005 4:57:28 AM

Those with Calfast come into sight. This causes some of the children to falter in their playing and begin to hide under, behind, and inside nearby bushes, trees, etc.

Calfast booms, "So! What have we here?"

[Sorry for the short post. Under the gun. CDM problems with another game taking my time.]

Tuesday February 1st, 2005 4:29:15 PM

"Biscuit, whoa! Hold up, girl," Kendry says, bringing the cart to a stop. "Wait here a moment, Lomar. Wait here, Bobbles. We talk with Calfast, tell him you good."

He puts on the brake, ties off the reins, and hops down off the cart. "Kivrey, will you stay with the cart a couple of minutes? Thanks. Children, don't be afraid - you've done nothing wrong, and no one's going to hurt you."

He motions for any of his adventuring companions who wish to, to come forward to talk with Calfast.

"Well met, Calfast." Looking at those who accompany him, he checks to see if they are the same ones who were previously at Calfast's opening night party, or if there are some he does not recognize. Not knowing whether the politician would want everyone to know that it was he who sent the group on the Quest for Beer, Kendry chooses not to reveal this tidbit of information.

"Well, since we want to support the political process here in Crescent Valley, we thought we'd pick up some beer," he says with a wink. "Owing to our own efforts in part, but with the decided and indispensable help of two unusual new friends, we would like to deliver to your tent a quantity of Brock's Best Beer, and Brock's Delicious Hard Cider."

"A pack of goblins attacked us as we slept the first night back upstream. They stole the boat, and nearly killed Captain Titus. Fortunately, there was one goblin who refused to go along with their plan." Turning to indicate the goblin, he continues. "Bobbles, here, helped us track where the boat was taken, and played a key role in our retaking the boat. I consider him my friend. He speaks goblin, but knows maybe ten or twenty words of common. I can translate, if you wish. There are many more details, but we know the parties are due to begin fairly soon.

"Also, a BIG help to us, is Lomar. Olo? Airin?" He nods toward his other friends, too. "Anyone want to tell the role of our ogre friend in our adventure?"

Kendry will defer to someone else to tell the story of Lomar. He hopes they don't mention his being a half ogre mage quite yet...

A Real Ogre? [DM Jerry] 
Tuesday February 1st, 2005 8:11:21 PM

Lomar actually looks afraid and about to run. he's half-turned around and his legs are shaking.

Bobbles hides behind Lomar.

Calfast listens intently to Kendry. He nods slightly beginning to grin.

"Well I see Kendry has not lost his tongue. How about the rest of you? Lose your tongue to goblins?"

The captain is turning red in the face, now that he's come face to face with the ogre itself. His mind seems to be far away, however.

"I thought when you said ogre that you were using a metaphor for a large person. That's a.....real....a....."

You can see fear, and panic rising in the voice of the captain. His hand inadvertantly goes to his horn.

Selithe  d20+3=16
Tuesday February 1st, 2005 9:38:05 PM

Selithe looks to Calfast and nods, "Yep, Lomar here helped us out alot and so did Bobbles. We would of never made it here already if it wasn't for both of them."

Selithe spots the guard captain's hand moving towards the horn (spot:16) and frowns and points at him, "Don't you dare." Selithe puts her hands on her hips and glares at him, "Lomar is a friend and he is perfectly safe. Why would he be here with us if he wasn't? he could of just squashed us and had done with it when we met him." Selithe motions to Lomar now, "Anyway captain and Calfast, both of you should be atleast polite please and say hello to Lomar and Bobbles."

Selithe looks to her brother Kendry knowing he might not like the way she spoke considering but of course Selithe isn't a stranger to run in's with the law.

Patterton  d20+2=9
Tuesday February 1st, 2005 9:58:46 PM

Patty stiffens as Calfast reaches for the horn, but makes no move to stop him. "Please, sir. He's more afraid of you then you are of him. These two are just seeking protection. Please, hear them out..." (diplomacy =9)

Airin  d20+1=19
Wednesday February 2nd, 2005 3:21:40 AM

"Captain, maybe we ought to tell the tale how we met Lomar. Maybe then you will understand his true nature, his kindness and the reason we feel confident of bringing him to our homes ..."

Airin takes a deep breath. She never told stories before, but will do to the best of her abilities. She walks over to Lomar, puts her hands on his legs and beckons him to bow so his face comes at the same height as her own. This way, his size won't be soo overwhelming.

"Frankly sir, if I may say so, we were acting pretty stupid when we met Lomar. We were chasing the remaining Goblins who stole our beer as they wanted to sell it to the Ogres living in the mountains. We were following their tracks untill we suddenly heard someone sawing a huge tree down. It turned out to the our friend Lomar who was sleeping ! ", Airin occasionally laughs in between her story so hopefully Calfast will be pleased with it.

"Imagine, a huge Ogre sleeping fast on the ground, and us little ones trying to get our beer back. Lomar took the beer from the Goblins and emptied one whole barrel ! :-)" , Airin casts a loving smile on Lomars face as if to say he was a little rascal ...

"Next we tied him down. But to our ... especially my surprise as I was tying him down ... he was wide awake. When we noticed he was awake he pleasantly greeted us. We never expected an Ogre to be soo polite and pleasant to talk with. We made a merry all morning ... I bet you have heard his amasing drum playing ? Anyway, Lomar has helped us a lot to retrieve our beer and protecting us all. I bet in his hart he would prefere to be a little Hobbit but he was born an Ogre. Who are be to judge him on his looks and size. I will personally ... and probably not just me alone ... guarantee that Lomar will do nothing wrong. Look how these kids played with him !! He really likes children !!
Please sir, just give both Bobbles and Lomar a chance. They really deserve one. They are our friends and deserve to be treated with respect."

Then Airin falls silent ... gives a kiss at Lomars cheeks to prove she's not scared of Lomar at all, and then carefully looks at Calfast and the captain, trying to figure out their intentions (sense motive 19)

Wednesday February 2nd, 2005 5:33:40 PM

Still standing next to Lomar, Olo see's that the big guy is on the verge of panic. Hoping to avoid an incident, Olo tries to settle him down. "Hey Lomar it's okay. We're your friends, we won't let anything happen to you. I promise you that. Just take a deep breath and relax."

Olo leads by example, taking in a deep breath and slowly letting it out.

"There you go, you'll be playing your drum by a fire before you know it."

Wednesday February 2nd, 2005 9:26:34 PM

"No, the Captain does not fear for himself, but is concerned for the town he guards. Captain, please, grant us a moment to allay your understandable concerns. Listen, Captain, Calfast, to our song. And then, consider, whether you might blow your horn to arrange, not a defense, but rather, an honor guard. If you and your men can escort us into Hovel, showing bravery and stout hearts, as well as calmness in the presence of such unusual, uh, largeness (and long teeth)," he adds the last more quietly, yet knowing that Lomar, with his excellent ears, will hear him, casts a wink over his shoulder to the ogre mage, "then, observing your own demeanor, will people be calmed, and panic averted."

Letting this sink in for a moment, Kendry continues, "Lomar is a bard - he writes songs, and poems, and stories. He is one of the best drummers I know. Besides, folk love parades, and a marching band!"

Kendry calls out to the bushes and trees. "Come, children. Time for our first audience! Don't be shy, now Sissy with the beautiful voice, and Topher whose words carry far. Rolander - I see you in that tree. Good climb, boy! Come one, come all.

"Bobbik!" he calls to the bard who still stands dumbfounded before the group, "Are you going to play with us, or just listen?"

Retrieving his lute, Kendry plays a chord, and looks to Calfast & the Captain, as if for permission. "By your leave?"

If they indicate in the affirmative, then Kendry leads the group in Lomar's song. He encourages the ogre, who he knows is apprehensive. He plays lively, nodding his head occasionally to match the beat of Lomar's drum.

The Ogre's New Clothes [DM Jerry] 
Thursday February 3rd, 2005 7:39:27 AM

The captain's face turns red with embarrassment as he realizes he's wrong AND that his own personal scruples prevents him from welcoming "MONSTERS" into the "Peaceful Kingdom" as his mother always called it.

"Iya...don't know....OGRES!....but then......GOBLINS!.....attacking grandmama.....NO!.......This is the Peaceful Kingdom! Can't!"

Turning so read he's about to pop, he runs back down the road....his fat little legs pumping for as long as they can last, which is about 30 seconds. Then he ducks into his house and bars the door and locks the windows.

Calfast looks concerned for an appropriate amount of time and then beams at Lomar and Bobbles.

"I think a parade is in order! A parade leading to the best Political Party of all time! Come children! Run! Go find all your friends! Bring your sparklers! Bring your instruments!

"These 'Heroes of the Beer' will get me elected this day!

"Here child. Take this coin to the tavern and tell my boys to send me the Campaign Wagon!"

Turning towards the party, he adds, "I hope you don't mind me taking a bit of your glory here. I promise to make it up to you."

He then approaches Lomar and shakes his hand helping him to his full height. Then he leads Bobbles around and looks him over.

"We need new clothes for this one! He must look his best. Hmm...."

[sorry for the missed post folks. I have to get back into the habit again.]

Thursday February 3rd, 2005 7:56:05 AM

Happy the group manages to persuade Calfast, and somewhat mocking the captains fear, Airin waits to see how they will refit the Ogre.

Then once everyone is ready, she joins the parade and walks into town feeling mighty happy with the twinkle of victory in her eyes.

Thursday February 3rd, 2005 3:02:24 PM

Disappointed in the Captain, Kendry just shakes his head in bemused disbelief as the leader of the militia turns tail and runs.

Then, returning the candidate's grin, the halfling puts look to his companions, and places his arm around his sister, Selithe. "Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly, this quest was inspired and financed by you, sir. The glory is yours, though some of the challenge, and sorrow, and fun have been ours. Let your face shine, and let's win this election for The Adventure Party, sir!"

As the children return with friends and sparklers, Kendry prepares to lead the musical portion of the parade. In his head, he begins composing a new song for the campaign...

Thursday February 3rd, 2005 3:36:42 PM

Absolutly disgusted with the captain's cowardice, Patty stares after him in disbelief and shakes his head slowly. "Never thought I'd see a captain act like such a fool. Well, it can't be helped now...let's get this parade underway."

Looking at the children climbing on Lomar's shoulder, Patty waves at them cheerfully and looks to Kendry. "Alright, old boy. That worked out better then we could have hoped for. I guess you'd better teach me a verse or two of that song."

Thursday February 3rd, 2005 7:48:47 PM

"Alrighty then, let's get back to it shall we?"

Giving Lomar a quick nudge (at what ends up being calf level for the ogre) and a smile, Olo once again takes up humming the tune as the others begin singing.

Then, getting a thought in his head he wanders over by Kendry. "You know Kendry, this is the most fun I've had in ages. I'm almost sad it's over. Maybe there's a bit more to be done in getting those rings back to their owners?"

Thursday February 3rd, 2005 10:53:44 PM

Selithe grins and nods at her brother's comments and turns quickly and hugs her brother before stepping back, "YEAH! I'm glad this turned out so good. I was worried."

Selithe waves to Lomar, "Play us a tune Lomar, come on Bobbles, lets sing." Selithe winks to Kendry and whispers to him, "Come on brother, one of the songs like we used to sing when we were little."

Selithe also moves over and claps Patty on the back as a friendly good job and hugs Airin also, "Good job Airin."

Monster Music! [DM Jerry] 
Friday February 4th, 2005 8:54:30 AM

Soon, children are returning with cloth, beads, perfume, and even a huge tentcloth.

Wrapping it around the ogre like a ribbon game, they soon have the ogre looking like a huge giant child playing makeup!

Bobbles takes one sniff of the perfume and begins to raise it to his lips.

The bedlam which could only be half a dozen halflings racing a wagon through town can be heard in the distance.

People are beginning to come out of their houses. One burly 'sittin' hobbit begins to shout the news!

"A parade is entering the town! Come out! The Political Party for the Adventuring Party Candidate is about to begin!"

He turns to Calfast. "And what else should I say sir?"

Calfast grins and points to the beer, the ogre, the goblin, the children, and the adventuring party.

Friday February 4th, 2005 10:33:58 AM

Enjoying the sparkle in Airin's eyes, Kendry acknowledges the words and suggestions of Patterton, Olo - "Ay, the rings, but later!" Selithe - "Sure, sis, we'll sing one at the party!"

Kendry laughs with joy at the decoration of Lomar.

Bobbles - don't drink! It for put a little on the skin - on neck, on armpits, on wrist,' he speaks in goblin. 'Try it! But no drink it.

Kendry offers to add to the cryer's repertoire. "Why not try something like this?" He belts forth this rhythmic chant, repeating it a couple times for the fellow to get it down, and jotting it on a piece of paper to hand him at the end.
Brock's Best Beer at Calfast's Party
Brock's Best Beer at Calfast's Party
Hear the ogre sing and play
Adventurers can make your day

Don't miss the fun,
At Calfast's tent,
Come all come one
To this event!

Brock's Delicious Cider too
Brock's Delicious Cider too
Watch the happy goblin dance
The Adventure Party helps us advance

Don't miss the fun,
At Calfast's tent,
Come all come one
To this event!

Hear the story of the year
Of goblin, unicorn and beer
Miscues, rescues, puddin' and pie
Bring the girls and all draw nigh!

Don't miss the fun,
At Calfast's tent,
Come all come one
To this event!

Family, crew and stolen ship
Unexpected new friendship
Goblins, warthogs, ogre's tower
Hear of hobbits' friendship power

Come to Calfast, hear the drum
Bring your grandpa, bring your mum
Hear the halflings' joyful song
Come one come all and join the throng!
As through the town they go, this chant, Lomar's song, and Bobble's song he leads, engaging the crowd, and waving for people to fall in behind.

Friday February 4th, 2005 4:54:19 PM

Patty attempts to sing a few verses, feels foolish and quits. 'There's plenty of kids around', he thinks, 'they can handle the singing bit.' Instead, Patty moves over near Bobbles and says, "Alright, Bobbles. I'll stay near you. No need to be worried about anything...wait, not the whole bottle!" Patty takes a step back as the goblin experiments with the cologne.

Friday February 4th, 2005 7:25:19 PM

Selithe grins and watches everything going on as she dusts off her outfit more and straightens it. Of course she is wearing one of her normal showy outfits, the neck line cut lower then it should be for her age and the sleeves are ruffled to make it easier to hide cards, etc when she is gambling.

Selithe looks to the others and nods to Calfast, "My brother speaks true, we were just the messenger boys and girls in this and thats about it. All the real glory goes to you."

Monday February 7th, 2005 3:46:52 AM

Airin is enjoying the parade a lot. Laughter, music, dancing ... ah ... what a great life she chose. Not growing up to be a farmer girl was the best descision she ever took.

But she must keep her mind to the business. Paranoid as she is she starts to examine the bystanders. Maybe there are some that are looking suspicious at the group ...


Airin  d20+5=22
Monday February 7th, 2005 3:47:40 AM

ooc. Hit the wrong button :-)

spot 22

Patterton  d20=20
Monday February 7th, 2005 4:35:12 AM

Patterton, noticing Airin's suspicious glance, takes a survey of the crowd as well. Waving and nodding to people he knows, he also keeps a sharp eye out for these "street toughs" he's heard the others talk about and anyone else who looks agitated by the presence his strange, new friends.(spot roll...a natural 20!!)

Monday February 7th, 2005 7:59:36 PM

After watching the ogre to make sure he's okay with it, Olo laughs himself to tears watching the children play dress-up with Lomar. "I was wrong Lomar! Looks like you're not so safe with all these kids around!"

Still staying close to the big guy, or as close as he can get with all the children crowding in, Olo walks along enjoying the new verses as sung by the others.

Parade Halt! [DM Jerry] 
Tuesday February 8th, 2005 9:06:31 AM

[Sorry guys. I thought Steven was posting yesterday.]

The parade begins in earnest as people come out of their houses, dressed for a party. Most pause a bit, staring at the monsters. Then realizing that the "BRAVE ADVENTURERS" have "tamed" them, they join in.

"No worries," one says, "They've used magic to charm the beasties. It's part of the show. Hope it doesn't wear off."

Soon it's a full blown parade. Hundreds of halflings following along or in front singing various songs as Kendry makes them up. Lomar turns out to be very adept at key changes and interludes between verses.

Then suddenly the music begins to falter. Something's out of tune! Something loud. Looking back, first Kendry and then the others see a backup in the parade because the ogre has stopped.

He stands there, then an explosion of tears come out of his eye ducts showering all around and pert near soaking some. Then he plops down on the ground causing some cobblestones in the street to crack. A wail comes up from his beer barrel chest that turns into something very dissonant and unpleasant to hear.

He is crying.

Kendry  d20+5=24
Tuesday February 8th, 2005 11:31:17 AM

Kendry overhears [Listen: 24] the comment about using magic to charm. "No mister, it's friendship - much more reliable than magic. Friendship is what we have here."

He enjoys thoroughly the growing parade, the music, the excitement.

Oh. Oh. It's all too much for Lomar. The persecution and long-term rejection from his family and tribesmates. To now have new friends, who speak well of him, and now surrounded by halflings who - some obviously misunderstand - but, nevertheless, they enjoy his music, and revel in it.

Kendry makes his way back to the ogre mage. "Lomar, Lomar, you're with friends." He pats him on the arm. In the giant tongue, he asks, "What can we do for you, friend? Why do you weep?"

Tuesday February 8th, 2005 2:03:34 PM

Patty rolls his eyes as Lomar begins crying and looks over at Bobbles. "Now, don't you start too." He says, shaking his head, laughing.

Tuesday February 8th, 2005 5:19:14 PM

Olo is caught completely off guard when Lomar burts into tears. "Whoa! Lomar, what's wrong friend?"

Trying to figure out what's wrong with the big guy, Olo quiets up when Kendry starts talking to Lomar in his own tongue. I'll let Kendry handle this, he's got a good way with people

Tuesday February 8th, 2005 11:21:31 PM

Selithe blinks as she hears the crying, let alone the ground shaking sit down and twirls around to see Lomar crying. Selithe's face contorts into one of confusion at first and then she looks to Kendry and speaks up, "Is he okay brother? whats wrong with him?"

Selithe moves over to the kids and people and waves to them, "hey everyone, come over here and meet Calfast and some of the group who helped bring our two new friends here."

Selithe hopes she is able to pull some of the crowd away from poor Lomar and buy her brother some time to calm the ogre.

Wednesday February 9th, 2005 2:59:46 AM

Selithe's got a good plan there. Airin joins her efforts to lure away people from Lomar and to let Kendry talk to Lomar quietly.

"Go ahead Selithe, tell them the story of how we met Lomar and Bobbels ... I'll help to fill in the blanks."

Lomar [DM Jerry] 
Friday February 11th, 2005 10:33:24 AM

Lomar looks up to Kendry. "Tha muusicc. Lomar hears it? Its...taaste it! Fweel it! Moooosic is good! See?"

He begins to play while sitting accompanying Selithe's story with countermelody. It's as it the big guy helps her weave the story.

Then, all of a sudden, a flower begins to grow, coming up between Selithe's toes. It blooms and matches her hair.

Saturday February 12th, 2005 12:34:56 AM

Selithe smiles as she tells the story of the group meeting Lomar. She gets to the part of him pushing the wheelbarrel like wagon just as the flower shoots up infront of her and Selithe jumps back eeking, "Where? what? how?"

Selithe looks to Airin as she tries to collect herself from the shock.

Kendry  d20+7=17 d20+4=5
Saturday February 12th, 2005 3:48:01 AM

"Ah, I see," he answers Lomar. As, at Airin's suggestion and with Lomar's accompaniment, his sister tells aspects of the adventure, Kendry uses the valley's traditional throat singing to accompany the performance, echoing her words and phrases from time to time, or just singing a mood-appropriate background, both high and low harmonic tones emanating simultaneously from the bard's throat. [Perform, singing: 17, adding +2 to both Selithe's and Lomar's vocal / musical performance.] [Spellcraft check to discern nature of magic of the flower growth: 5 (nat 1) - never mind :-)]

Looking about at the gathered crowd, with Calfast nearby, and Shale, Airin, Olo, Patterton near - hm, where is Polly? - Kendry considers what next to do. Encourage Lomar and all to get moving again towards the tent? Not necessarily. 'Bloom where you are planted,' Aunt Nilli was always saying.

"Look you all. The magic of story and song have lent life to this flower which blossomed from between my sister's own dear toes!" he announces.

"'Tis I sign, I say, and a symbol. Where peace and harmony reign between those once deemed enemies, there will blossom beauty, and songs of joy. Oh, people, oh people of Hovel. See the early blossom of friendship, the magic of friendship. This, in part, is what the Adventuring Party can help bring to us! The earth, watered by the tears of joy of Lomar, here," he points to the tear-soaked ground, "now brings forth a new harvest. Come, come to the party of hope. Come to the party of bravery. Come to the party of hard work, of friendship, of beauty. Come one, come all, to the party that brings new riches to our community!"

He awaits Calfast's leadership and response to the situation, as he picks up Kevrie and places the lad upon his own shoulders, spinning once in a circle, a big smile on his face.

Sunday February 13th, 2005 10:10:56 AM

Patterton smiles at his cousin Kendry, bemused with his theatrics. 'Always did have a way with words', he thinks as he positions himself between the crowd and Bobbles in as non-threatening a manner as possible.

"Here, here! Three cheers for Lomar the kind and Bobbles the goblin hero!" He calls out in a deep voice, hoping to add to the magical moment. :)

Monday February 14th, 2005 8:19:27 AM

As Selithe starts to tell the story, Airin sits down in front of her and invites the children to sit with her listening to this beautifully told story. The story accompanied by Lomar's and Kendry's music creates an intoxicating mix. She and most likely many others listen with open mouth to Selithe. Though Airin has been part of the adventure hearing it like this makes it as if she listens to this great story for the first time.

Then suddenly a beautifull flower blooms between Selithe's toes and a wide smile appears on Airin's face. "Yes ... she thinks ... this IS by far the most beautifull story I have ever heard ..."

When Selithes looks to Airin it appears that simply Airin's smile creates a mental bridge between her and Selithe making sure Selithe doesn't loose faith and continues her lovely story ... Go on dear Selithe ... it's wonderfull

Monday February 14th, 2005 5:13:48 PM

"Well now, there's something you don't get to see every day." With a curious glance back at Lomar, Olo steps as close as he can reasonably get to the flower - considering so many people are around - and crouches down to get a closer look. If he's close enough, he smells the flower too.

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