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Homeward Bound

Home Sweet Home (DM Stephen)  d100=65 d100=40 d100=60 d100=12 d100=100 d100=42 d6=5 d6=3 d6=1 d6=4 d6=5
Thursday January 13th, 2005 8:01:33 AM

Everyone is up and on the road. Slag tells everyone to go ahead and keep going north. They are only going to take the sails and rigging back to the boat and secure everything in the hold. Then they're going to go ahead and head back to the ferry station themselves. "Its going to take a great deal of supplies and help to get the boat back on the water again. Dont worry, we'll bring your friend and her wolf pet back with us. Nothing will happen to her."

Everyone packs up and heads up the road, back to the Crescent. There are plenty of places to ride on either horseback or on the wheelbarrel. The hobbits added weight doesnt bother Lomar in the least. Lomar is able to move his normal movement while pushing the wheelbarrel on the road (His movement 40'). Lomar feels very excited to be on his way. Bobbles does to, but he seems to be just as affraid as he is excited. Maybe he would be braver if he were Lomar's size. But he tries his best to comb his hair to match the hobbits style. His oversized pointy goblin ears arent helping.

The sun hangs low in the west at the end of an uneventful day. Many miles were covered and Lomar is looking a little tired. Up ahead, for those who are looking, can be seen the lights of the ferry station. A sigh of relief for many hobbits. They're in the Crescent Valley, they're almost home. Tommorrow evening the last parties of election for Burgomeister are going to take place. You all have a very very good chance now of making it back in time. You even have time to eat and sleep some during the night at the ferry station and head out for Hovel in the morning. Lomar and Bobbles are looking more nervious.

Thursday January 13th, 2005 7:46:43 PM

Selithe enjoys her time at the ferry station and since the trip was uneventful and seeming like rather quick she has fun just taking in the talk and everything.

Selithe not knowing how well Lomar is excepted or Bobble's she goes out to eat with them, smiling and talking to them as she does, "So guys, ready for tomorrow? I bet you will all do fine tomorrow and we will introduce you to some neat people and you'll make new friends."

In the morning Selithe sees Lomar and Bobbles nervousness and shakes her head and she claps Bobbles on the back and taps Lomar, "Come on you two, stop worrying so much. Anyone complains and they have to talk to us."

Thursday January 13th, 2005 11:42:28 PM

Shale rests easy during and if he can find a place attempts to clean up as best he can. (Wash his face and hands, clean off blood from old wounds) He also pays close attention to Valor as he cleans his hair and hooves.

"Maybe we'll draw a crowd with the beer, but I know for sure we'll draw a crowd with our new friends."

In the morning Shale packs up and prepares to leave with the rest of the group.

Olo  d20+6=25
Friday January 14th, 2005 12:00:43 AM

Making camp for the night, Olo breaks out whatever leftovers they had from the morning meal and cooks up the remaining cuts of meat. To round out the evening fare, he dips into his supplies and grabs some sausages. "Might as well use these up while they're still fresh, eh?" (Cook 25)

After the meal, he approaches Selithe and discretely asks "Hey Selithe, I'm not one to worry, but I've been thinking about Lomar and these Shafbaffum towers. I figure you know more about them than anyone, can the big guy even get near Crescent Valley?"

Friday January 14th, 2005 12:02:53 AM

OOC: Whoops! Looks like we're eating at the ferry station tonight. If that's the case, disregard the whole "Olo cooks a meal" bit.

Kendry - Ruminations, plans, and ferry station greetings 
Friday January 14th, 2005 12:32:24 AM

"Lomar, you perhaps have heard of the towers that the mage Shafbaffum constructed around Crescent Valley when my great grandfathers were young. They provide magical protection against the giants who might seek to harm us.

"Now, I have been giving it some thought. And I do not ken the answers to my questions. Will they keep all giants out? Or only those who intend harm upon the halflings of the valley? What might they do to a giant who comes within their perimeter? If a giant does so, and stays, will that weaken the protections? If other giants learn that a giant lives within the valley - will that encourage them to come and test the defenses?

"Now, this is one line of questioning," Kendry says, rubbing a knuckle under his nose to get a sudden itch. "Another is just as bothersome. Among us halflings - and especially the older bunch - are many who want things to stay just as they are. Never change, never try something new. Adhere to the traditions. Now, I don't have any problems with most of our traditions. But here is the rub. Just a sec."

"Bobbles, I was just talking with Lomar here about the some of the things we'll be looking to face back in the Crescent Valley." He catches him up on what he has said thus far.

"As I was saying, Lomar, there will be many in our towns who will find you interesting, and probably a fair number who decide they like you. You'll probably have a bunch of halfling kids who want to play with you, and crawl up on your shoulders. On the other hand, some, just because you are an ogre, may decide, on that account alone, that you are a danger. Some may call for you to be kicked out - even though you are a very nice ogre mage and all."

Kendry watches Lomar to see how all this is sitting with him, so far, and, while giving it a chance to sink in with the giant, tells Bobbles what he has said. He adds, "It will probably be interesting for you too, Bobbles. Some may like you, some may hate or fear you, just because you're a goblin. You and Foxbite are the two best goblins I've ever known. Would you like to learn how to say something in halfling?" If Bobbles does want to do so, he teaches him to say in the tongue of the hobbits, 'In peace come I, with friendship nigh.' Once he has this down, he will teach him to say 'Of hobbit tongue, I know no more.'

So that two students may learn together, he offers to teach Lomar these two phrases as well.

He goes on to tell their two odd friends that hobbits love stories. "Bobbles, you can tell the story of the Lady of Light. I will translate for you."

"Lomar, you have stories of the like that have never been heard in Crescent Valley. Tomorrow, as we travel along, tell us some, and we can decide which might be best to gently introduce you to our friends and families, and neighbors."

He asks the others in the party what ideas they might have to help win over the hearts and minds of their fellow citizens to these two good people.

"And we are going to have to apply some of those ideas right away, as we arrive at the ferry station."

"What ho!" Kendry calls as they approach the station. "We bring unusual friends, large and small. We are back from the trading post, and have news of a shipwreck. Hullo! Hullo! Do not fear this ogre, for he indeed is a friend to halflings, and a foe to those who harm us. Do not fear this goblin, for he helped to save us from our enemies. We bring word from the captain, and Biguns and Slag!"

Friday January 14th, 2005 3:02:27 AM

Airin's also worried that the appearance of a Giant Ogre and a Goblin might be too much for some in town. Better take this slowly.

"Kendry, I have an idea. First we get the beer to the party. Once there, you and a couple of us will go inside the tent. The rest of us will wait outside the town with both Lomar and Bobbles. Then you tell the tale about what happend to us, and gradually you introduce both Bobbles and Lomar. Make it a funny tale and clearly tell that they are both very friendly and have helped us a lot.
Then once the tale is over, you may start to introduce one of both ... either Bobbles or Lomar, as you see fit in your tale ... and after the crowd made it through that surprise, in comes the second one.
It might be a silly tale, but I think it will enable us to introduce both withuot starting a riot."

Lot's of plans :-) How do we move on ?!?

Home Coming. (DM Stephen)  d100=94 d100=44 d100=70 d20+4=16 d20+4=7
Friday January 14th, 2005 8:17:43 AM

The stable boy you met before stands in shock before the approaching giant. Only the persistent calls of his worried mother does he quickly break from his chores and runs for the house. The Ferry Master looks on in shock. He fights every instinct to run for it too. He hears your words and waits for you to get closer before asking a few questions himself. He seems to accept the fact that the giant or the goblin dont appear to be threatening.

(Will have more info tonight about magic towers and so on. I passed out too early last night, again, and I dont have the time this morning to get into it. Expect another post later today. Continue on with what you want to do for the night. Either stay or continue on. Whatever you want.)

Friday January 14th, 2005 1:20:35 PM

As they near the ferry, Patterton leaps off the wagon and helps unload everyone's belongings. He then wanders over to where Selithe is.

"That was some trip, eh?" He says a bit awkwardly, "It's just too bad I had to spend most of it tied to a tree." He chuckles,"I would have liked to run into another scrap or two, but I guess we can be thankful that the beer is safe and sound."

Friday January 14th, 2005 11:27:26 PM

Kendry approaches the Ferry Master. "Hello, sir. You might remember seeing a few of us about three days back. Captain Titus and his crew took us downstream to Trader's Corner. Well, things went fine one the way down. Good, fast trip.

"On the way back, we stopped at one of the Captain's favorite spots for the night. Turns out some goblins set a trap while most of us were sleeping, killed a couple of the crew, hurt many of us, and stole the boat. Almost killed the Captain. But don't worry, he's fine now. Well, one goblin wasn't going along with the plan, and he has ended out helping us get the boat and rigging back. That's him, there," he indicates, "by the name of Bobbles. He's actually a remarkably kind chap, a good sort, despite his being a goblin. He only knows a few words of common, though, but I can translate if need be.

"Well, turns out as well that the goblins crashed the boat into the shore about five miles downstream. Took us a few hours to get there. We took them out, except for one, whom the crew kept for questioning.

"Before we got there, though, the critters had already taken away a wagon full of the ship's rigging and sails.

"So we followed their tracks. Came upon a squished goblin. Then some more squished & dead green ones. Found this big guy here, taking a snooze. We tied him up. He woke up. Turns out he himself is quite a good fellow, too, despite how big he is and those tusks. He's a bard - a singer, and a poet. Pretty rare among his people, I'd say. He helped us a lot. Understand, he's a bit concerned about what sort of reception he might receive among us hobbits.

"Ask us, any of us, any questions you might have, good sir. Oh, and Ferry Master, my name is Kendry. What's yours? If possible, we would like to stay the night, and be on our way by sunrise."

Kendry, an afterthought 
Saturday January 15th, 2005 1:30:20 AM

"Oh, and by the way, how is our pony, Biscuit?" adds Kendry. "We left her here with our cart. Sorry about the fright your stableboy had. Maybe I could speak with the lad and his mum. Let them know it's safe."

Kendry, responding to Airin's earlier suggestion 
Saturday January 15th, 2005 1:46:59 AM

[Sorry, gang. I've been sick today, and am not firing on all cylinders.]

This conversation should take place away from listening ears.

"Yes, Airin, your plan has merit," Kendry replies. "Say, we have that hat of disguise. Wonder if that can make Lomar look a little bit smaller? 'f course, if we do that, it might make it look like we're trying to deceive folks... Maybe better to swallow the medicine all at once, get it over with. Other ideas, friends?"

"Y'know, one of the benefits of adventurers, is that, if they are the right sort, good folk - they might be able to make friends and allies of people we think of as enemies round about us. Some might be afraid of that type of approach - but look at the two new friends we have in just a couple of days of adventuring! Trust me, there'll be opponents to our idea. But, with what happened to us, we might be able to persuade enough that - say, I wonder if Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly might have a ring of invisibility? Might be a way to sneak him in. Lomar, that is.

"Say, Lomar - how long can you stay in your misty form? Can you make yourself look like a little cloud, floating over our heads?" he asks the ogre mage.

"Wouldn't you think, that, once word gets out there is a friendly giant in town, that Calfast's party would be flooded with people? Why, who's more curious than us halflings!" he exclaims.

Kendry - After - after - after thought 
Saturday January 15th, 2005 5:24:04 AM

"Oh! And, is Willoughby here? He thought to stay with the pony," queries Kendry.

First Contact. (DM Stephen)  d100=94 d100=17 d6=2 d6=4
Saturday January 15th, 2005 12:10:06 PM

The ferry master looks on still in shock. He mumbles "Goblins" and "Biscut" and "Lomar" and "Titus?!" as Kendry retells their story. "Uhhh, ya your pony is fine ... in the stable." The nervous hobbit ferry master cant keep his eyes off Lomar. He also looks at Bobbles trying to appear as pleasant and friendly as possible. He finally starts to talk again after what seems minutes of uncomfortable silence. "Uhhh, the Captain is fine, huh? And these :gulp: friends of yours helped you? Well then, who am I to turn away ... uh, friends! You all may stay the night if you wish. The barn is big enough for, umm Lomar to stay the night. As long as he doesn't mind eating ... errr, I mean sleeping with a horse and our ONLY milk cow. The hay should be comfortable." He turns to Kendry and whispers with his back turned to Lomar and Bobbles, "Are you certain these two are safe. I have a family to look after. You know the towers to the north are there for a reason! Granted Lomar isnt a Hill or a Stone Giant..." Lomar interupts, "No, I be a ogre!" The Ferry Master laughs nerviously and shrugs after realizing the ogre can hear him, "Yes, yes Lomar. Ya, you are an ogre, yes!" The nervious hobbit puts his arm around Kendry's shoulder and ushers him further way, towards the house. He then continues to whisper, "He is still very big. We're only knee-high to him!" Lomar interupts again, "Im only nine feet tall. Other ogres consider me a runt." The ferry master freezes again and laughs nerviously. "Dang, he has good ears! I give up!" The nervious hobbit developes a nervous tick and calmly walks back to his porch to smoke his pipe. He continues to mumble to himself.

Lomar answers Kendry's question. "I can only turn misty once a day. It only last a few minutes. Lomar not too good with magic. I dont have all the abilities of my poppa."

(The Towers: The Towers to the north of Crescent Valley do magically block Giants of all kinds from entering the valley, but ONLY from the north. The towers dont surround the valley. They run along the northern border and magically holds back a giant with a magical forcefield. All the "major" giants are from the lands north of Crescent Valley. Ogres are technically giants and therefore would be held back by the towers, but you all wont be passing by the towers from this direction. They are further north. You can reach Hovel and all the other towns with no problem from your present location. If you were north of the valley, Lomar wouldnt be able to pass.)

Saturday January 15th, 2005 3:44:01 PM

Selithe looks to the others and leans back, smoking her pipe now as she listens and then pipes in, "If we need some people can always go hunting and get more food for the big guy there."

Selithe shrugs and allows the others to decide if this is a good idea as she mainly relaxes where she is.

Saturday January 15th, 2005 6:53:27 PM

Feeling a bit snubbed by Selithe, Patty stalks away grumbling and helps the others prepare for making camp.

Shale  d20+7=23
Saturday January 15th, 2005 7:49:27 PM

Taking his bow from the saddle, Shale makes his way into the brush to hunt up some dinner.

(Survival 23)

Kendry to Patterton & Polly, and the rest.  d20+7=19
Saturday January 15th, 2005 8:11:48 PM

Seeing Patterton looking down, and noting how quiet Polly has been, Kendry calls them over. "Polly, and Patty," he says. "Let me run an idea by you. Everybody else, listen up. It might be a good idea to forewarn Calfast what we have planned. Let him know we've got the beverages coming on the way, due in the afternoon. But also let them know about Lomar and Bobbles.

"Polly, you've been with us on this whole trip, so know the whole story.

"Patterton, you've been with us since the site where the goblins crashed the boat. You fill him in on everything up to that. Or, on the way, you can just figure out together how to present it.

"But here," he says, handing them a few sheets of parchment, "I've written a few notes for you to give him from me."

He looks at each, searching their eyes. "It's sundown, maybe an hour or two of light left. Should you wait maybe until an hour before dawn, so he has an hour or so warning? Or are you up for getting a better headstart, a few hours tonight, and early on the morrow? You might reach Hovel by late morning, or noon at the latest, if you do that."

He turns to look at all. "Or, shall we just all go as a group early, and let things happen as they might?"

"Let's decide that, then, yes, Selithe, a good idea. Anyone want to join Shale and me while we try to hunt up a meal worthy of Lomar? I've got my bow and enough arrows. Maybe some deer about." He checks in with the ferry master to see if he knows a good spot round about where they might find some game.

Survival: 19, to augment Shale's 23 to 25 in the hunt.

Selithe  d20+5=18 d20+4=22 d20+4=15
Saturday January 15th, 2005 11:12:28 PM

Selithe jumps up once she notices Patty's down cast look at was so caught up in her own little thoughts and just trying to relax that she didn't notice the poor guy. Feeling very bad she hops up and runs over to him, tapping his shoulder gently from behind before smiling and holding her pipe in her free hand, "I'm sorry Patty, I didn't mean to ignore you honestly."

Selithe thinks and nods before speaking up, "I have an idea Patty my friend. I'll cut my deck and if you get a higher card them me then I owe you a dance, what do you say?" With that said Selithe splits her deck and smiles as she pulls a queen of heart and while she pulls the queen slips a ace of hearts on top of the pile and holds the split deck up to Patty, "Next card on top is yours."

(Craft gamble:18 Profession Gamble:22 both for the knowledge of her deck to pull the queen of hearts. Sleight of hand:15 to slip the ace of hearts on top without being noticed.)

Sunday January 16th, 2005 11:22:37 AM

Airin is not sure where we are supposed to deliver this beer, but she feels it would be a good idea to warn those hobbits first, and then get over there with all the beer ... and their companions.

She stays behind with the rest, and is alwys interested in a hunt.

Sunday January 16th, 2005 9:47:17 PM

Patty smiles, a bit embarassed that he was caught sulking, and shuffles his feet a bit.

"Ok...you're on." He says with a wink and draws the top card and glances at. A smile crosses his face as he shows the ace(thinking it was purely chance that he drew a higher card). He replaces the card. "A dance it is, then. Not to mention some of the finest beer in the land. It's been a while since I've been to a Hovel party."

Monday January 17th, 2005 10:36:16 PM

Once Shale and Kendry (and whoever else) get back with some game, the bard suggests that Olo cook it up, if he will do the honors, and make sure that hardworking and now tired Lomar gets a good meal to sleep on, not to mention the rest of us.

As he does where ever he goes, he tries to learn the names of those who are there - the ferry master, his wife, their son, and any others who may be about. He repeats his question about Willoughby, who had remained behind with Biscuit, to see if he had left any word as to where he was going.

Unless someone else does so, he fills the ferry master in on a few more details, and lets him know that someone from the boat should be coming his way soon.

"Airin, we are delivering the beer to the place where Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly will hold his party tomorrow night - the last night of the elections. If enough people attend, and thus cast their votes, then he could end up as the next Burgomeister of Crescent Valley." He recounts to her the words of each candidate, the rumberry pie incident with Aunt Marigold Pipewood Pastna, the sedate party held by current Burgomeister Tomas Pennyweight Breedbottom. He suggests that some of the others in the group tell her and Olo and Patty about the group of toughs and what happened to them. He describes the boy who smokes the corncob pipe, and their interactions with him. [In a nutshell, for Airin and Olo and Patterton, we should tell them enough so that they will be aware of most of what their players would get from reading the archives.]

To his friends he suggests, "Let's awaken before the dawn. I will work with the stable boy to get Biscuit hitched to the wagon. Lomar & Bobbles - make sure that Biscuit gets used to you." He, of course, tells this to Bobbles in goblin, and in common to Lomar. "She might be nervous at first. But give her a wee bit, and she'll be fine." He helps introduce them, feeding her a bit of oats, and having Lomar, then Bobbles, feeding her some, too.

About an hour and a half before dawn, Kendry awakens. "Gods above, who care for such things, grant us wisdom, and luck, and favor this day. And thank you for the times we have had so far."

He rouses all, carefully hitches Biscuit, double checking the cart, axles, wheels, pins and connections.

He thanks the boy, and pays him an extra three gold - "That's one for you, one for your mother, and one for your future, lad," over what he paid him earlier, thanking him for the good care he gave their pony.

He asks his companions if anyone can pay the ferry master something for his time and trouble, and the night's lodging.

"Let's go!" he says before the sun even peeks over the horizon for its morning stretch. "Giddup, Biscuit," he tells her, signaling her to go, and steering her to the road south, a torch planted on the left front side of the wagon in the little hole made for that purpose until the light grows brighter.

Another thought occurs. "Say, Bobbles. Would you like to try a disguise?" If so, he'll have someone else take over the reins for a bit, and see if he can't help Bobbles look something like a hobbit. Or a gnome, if he can't look hobbitish enough. If he does not wish the disguise, then Kendry is fine with that.

"So, friends - what shall we do to the allay the fears of the next people we spot coming down the road toward us?" Kendry asks. "Regarding that, I've written a song I'd like to teach you."

Tuesday January 18th, 2005 7:29:36 PM

Patty hops up on the wagon after a good night sleep and smiles happily with thoughts of music, song and beer filling his mind.
He looks over at Kendry and remarks, "You know Kendry, it might be a good idea if I head into town first. The boys in the Hovel militia know that I'm one of them and they might be a bit more willing to believe me about the, ah...giant situation. They have no love for goblins either, let me tell you." he adds, giving Bobbles a rueful look.

Tuesday January 18th, 2005 8:13:29 PM

"Great, Patty. Head on to town, and take Polly with you. She knows the militia, too," replies Kendry.

"But there's one rub. Go to Calfast, first. Tell only him. Then, if he tells you to inform others, then do so. If not, then not. It might be a good idea to attempt to meet with him surreptitiously - that is, secretly, so that he does not end up getting blamed for the coming of ... us."

Tuesday January 18th, 2005 9:31:37 PM

Listening in to the plan, Shale agree's heartily.

"I was thinking Kendry, what are we going to do after we return the beer? I've been thinking of a hunt into the wilderness north of Valley."

Adjusting his hat back Shale takes on a whimsical tone, "We could spend days in the wild roughing it, take on hill giants and orcs, win treasures and find items of great magic. It'll be just like when we were kids."

"I see nothing stopping us. I bet Calfast would even finance part of it and give us some good locations. He's the one who wanted adventurers in the Valley and that's why we all liked him so much."

Last Legs of the Trip. (DM Stephen) 
Tuesday January 18th, 2005 9:33:00 PM

Shale bags a deer, and Kendry a rabbit. Airin finds a few varieties of berries. Olo cooks up a storm, and the woman of the house provides some kitchen utensils, spices, and a few vegetables. Lomar is grateful for the food, as all this walking left him hungry. He assures the family that he would never eat their last milk cow.

The Ferry Master gives his name as Simon Fairfoot Rowgold. His son, the stableboy, is Jarkin, who thanks Kendry for the gold. He decides, once over the initial shock, that Lomar is good fun, but he keeps his distance from Bobbles. Simon's wife and the boy's mother is Simka Pearl Fancytoes Trufflefinder Rowgold, and her 3rd cousin once removed, Willoughby, headed back, he told them, to Humble's Ford yesterday.

They would be pleased for any payment the party wishes to give them in exchange for the night's lodging. The Ferry Master appears relieved to see the party go.

The prior evening, and as the party begins again to travel, plans and possibilities are discussed...

The party meets no one on the path, other than a racoon family walking across the road and into the woods just as dawn arrives, until midday.

Lomar announces, "There is wagon with donkey coming this way." No one else can see it.

Tuesday January 18th, 2005 11:29:33 PM

In the morning Selithe grins and looks to Patty, "Not getting away that easy boy, I'm going with you."

Selite walks over to the wagon and not anywhere near lady like crawls up on it with Patty and sits down, smiling as she begins stuffing her pipe and looking to Patty, "Can't let you go alone, a heart breaker like you will have all the girls swooning and leaving poor ol me alone. An poor Kendry may get all upset if all the ladies are swooned by you too." Selithe grins wide at her picking on Patty and her picking on her brother abit.

Airin  d20+8=24 d20+4=8 d20+5=25
Wednesday January 19th, 2005 10:03:08 AM

Hearing Lomar say some wagon is approaching Airin makes a few suggestions to the group.

"Maybe we ought to hide Bobbles and Lomar in the woods here to see who's on that wagon. Then if they are friendly we could introduce our new found friends carefully ... one by one if you want. Or we could send someone ahead to meet that wagon."

Airin descides she will stay with our wagon. It will be a strange sight for the ones coming though ... this wagon is being pulled by no one if Lomar hides in the woods :-)
Airin does a litte acrobatic trick and stands on Blossom (balance = 24). Luckily Blossom halts (ride = 8) as she does this. Standing soo high above the ground helps her to clearly see who's coming (spot 25 nat 20).

Wednesday January 19th, 2005 4:59:50 PM

Patty chuckles and smiles at Selithe, "Now,I wouldn't dream of such a thing. We all know that Kendry's the local heart-throb in these parts...besides, if I'm not mistaken, my dance card is already full." He gives her a wink and takes a small swig off of his flask of wine.

Just then Lomar calls out and Patty looks up. "Well, I guess we'll be heading out a little earlier then we thought, Selithe." Patty climbs down the wagon and gestures towards Selithe's pony. "Let's go meet them so everyone has time to hide, eh?"

Kendry  d20+7=27
Wednesday January 19th, 2005 9:23:17 PM

"Good idea, Airin. Lomar, Bobbles, let's head into the woods. The rest of you, let them go by, and we'll come out after they pass. We don't want anyone seeing us, then fleeing back into town. Let's go! Crouch down, Lomar." He switches to goblin, "Come, Bobbles. We hide in woods until people pass."

[Survival roll, for hiding and helping Lomar & Bobbles hide in the woods, 27. Natural 20!]

Wednesday January 19th, 2005 10:06:57 PM

Olo's slightly dissapointed when it becomes apparent that Bobbles and Lomar are to hide in the woods. He had visions of a new tale, that of Olo and the beer delivering giant, being carried back to town before his arrival. Oh well, the story would be told soon enough he supposed.

Letting Patty and Selithe go to meet the oncomers, he takes a seat on the damaged wagon and keeps an eye on their progress and that of those approaching.

Kendry - a couple of notes 
Thursday January 20th, 2005 1:44:02 AM

[Busy day today!]

A small step backward
Earlier, to Shale as he waxes on about what we might do once this task is accomplished, Kendry replied, "North sounds good. Maybe we can visit the Rainbow Highlands, where Patty comes from. Treasures and magic sound great! Hey, we could visit Aunt Mili and all out at the forest cottage!"

We now have a good wagon
Rather than needing to use the damaged wagon, the party has the perfectly good wagon that the original party left behind, and now picked up again from the ferry station. Biscuit, a pony, pulls the wagon. (It's the same wagon that carried the 144 pies baked by Grandma Eglantine.) So, we can continue with the partially repaired wagon that we put somewhat back together at the tower, but don't really need it, as far as I know.

My thought was - let's see how this encounter goes, and keep our options open, and give Airin's plan a try, if it looks appropriate...

Airin to Kendry 
Thursday January 20th, 2005 6:17:11 AM

Ah, I wasn't aware that we were now travelling with a good wagon. Sorry. Thanks for clearing this up though ... funny ... I have been sitting on this wagon since we left traders corner, and I haven't noticed ;-)

Home again! (DM Stephen)  d100=99 d6=6 d100=76 d6=6 d20+6=22
Thursday January 20th, 2005 8:18:23 AM

Lomar and Bobbles take up crouched positions in the overgrowth. A few hobbits ride forward to greet the traveler. The wagon looks to be driven by a very old hobbit. He has a face full of wrinkles. His hair is white as snow. He puffs on a pipe as he looks to be delivering a wagon full of corn to the ferry station. As a reflex, he nods a simple greeting to each of you. He doesnt say a word. He continues on ahead humming an unknown song. He seems very pleasant. As he passes by Lomar and Bobbles on the road, he even gives them a nod. However, as he pulls away, you all seem to hear him chuckle a bit. As if remembering an old joke that was very funny. He continues on his way.

You all can continue on your way home. Its late afternoon and the group of hobbits are beginning to recognize the surroundings. Hovel must me just around the bend.

Airin  d20+5=21
Thursday January 20th, 2005 9:04:47 AM

"yipee ! Almost home again. The way home was pretty quite wasn't it" Airin says with a broad smile upon her face.

"How will we introduce our friends now ? We can't expect everyone to act like that old fellow that passed us by ... I think he must have trown away his bottle of whisky once he realised what he thinks he saw ! I suppose Kendry, Patty and Selithe were going to introduce them ? Well ...good luck."

"One little extra thing. Remember those four rings we found earlier ? Do you guys think of someone who can help us identidy them or maybe lead us to their owners ? Maybe we can get a good bargain out of this."

When the others will introduce Lomar and Bobbles, Airin will take time to have a closer look at the crowd, and spot anyone who is particularly interested in them.
spot = 21

Thursday January 20th, 2005 1:07:15 PM

After passing the strange old hobbit and once they start approaching Hovel, Patty looks over to Selithe and Polly.

"The three of us should go on ahead now and talk with Calfast about Lomar and Bobbles before we cause too much of a stir."

earlier, about Shale and Kendry's suggestion:

Patty's face lights up at the mention of his hometown. "I'd love to go back and visit. That sounds like a great idea."

Thursday January 20th, 2005 9:08:02 PM

Shale remembering the good times coming home after a successful hunt begins to get a little fidgety as Hovel comes into the horizon.

Not being much of a talker Shale waits with Lomar and Bobbles to see how things turn out with Calfast.

"If anyone has a chance grab us a drink on the way back!"

Thursday January 20th, 2005 11:44:51 PM

"I'll stay with the wagon myself as well"

Turning to Airin, "Don't know much about rings I'm afraid, but I'll check to see if any of them are magical if you like. Maybe we'll get lucky and someone will know who they belong to, eh? Howabout we take care of that when we're back in town, deal?"

"Oh! I know we can't touch the beer, but I've got quite a bit of wine with me if any of you'd like to join me in a toast or two to a job well done."

Olo grabs three of the big-person sized wineskins from the pack on the donkey. Tossing one to Lomar, he passes the other two around as requested.

"Just a bit to celebrate eh? Don't want to be seeing double when we get back to town."

Thursday January 20th, 2005 11:51:49 PM

Selithe thinks over the old man's reaction and nods to Patty, "Yeah, I agree. We know that not everyone is going to react the way that guy did." Selithe shrugs and she thinks, abit worried, "I hope Lomar and Bobbles will end up being okay and everyone is atleast alittle excepting till they find out they both are good."

Friday January 21st, 2005 12:56:27 AM

Patty turns to Selithe and nods. "I think everything will turn up just fine. Hovel folk are a bit tamer then Highland folk after all, you know. My kin wouldn't let these two within a league of them. Of course, they're not as nice either." He adds with a wink.

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