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Ogre Tower

Heavy Sleeper (DM Stephen)  d20+2=3 d20+2=21 d20+2=4 d20+2=3 d20+2=13 d20+2=11 d20+2=17 d20+2=16 d20+2=14 d20+2=20 d100=32 d6=4 d100=79 d6=6
Tuesday December 21st, 2004 10:44:13 PM

Slag whispers back to Kendry, "Aye." Turning to Biguns, he says, "Lets go ... quietly." Both Slag and Biguns don their shields and draw their weapons. Each one taking up a position with a different group.

Shale releases his horse to roam free for a while. Valor nudges him with his nose in acceptance and wanders off. Shale also takes a little time to examine the ground for tracks. This time he finally notices something disturbing. He sees signs of huge footprints. He also finds smearings of blood rubbed off in some of the tracks. Its quite evident how the goblins met their fate. Each flattened goblin is lying within these large footprints.

A little closer to the tower, a few more squashed goblins can be found. There are weapons still scattered on the ground. Probably dropped by paniced goblins as they tried to make a run for it.

Airin and Olo easily spot a damaged wagon up ahead. The worthogs are no where in sight. The snoring is getting louder as you approach. As you all get even closer you see one giant-sized figure sleeping in the shade of the tower. The giant is covered by the sail of the ship. Apparently using it as its bedding. The kegs are unloaded and stacked near the slumbering giant. One keg appears to have been emptied. There's also a large wood and steel-banded chest placed next to the giant. A heavy padlock is keeping the lid shut. A huge left arm is reaching out from the covers and holding the chest securely like a protective mother. The giant seems oblivious to any approaching threats.

Tuesday December 21st, 2004 11:51:42 PM

Olo gets a crazy idea in his head (it happens quite often, really) and then tries to figure out how to signal the others by sounding like a disgruntled chipmunk. Giving up on that idea, he holds up his hands in a 'stop' type motion hoping the others can see him.

Waving at Airin, the sneakiest halfling he knows, he points to the giants feet and makes a knot tying motion with his hands. Hopefully, someone's got some rope.

ooc: does the giant happen to be wearing shoes or boots with laces?

Patterton  d20-1=4
Wednesday December 22nd, 2004 2:38:25 AM

Patty stops dead in his tracks upon seeing the giant. 'That is NOT an ogre', he thinks to himself as the behemoth snores away. Deciding against trying to sneak any closer to the thing at the moment(provided he is within charge range), Patty quietly unlashes the rope coiled at hip and extends it towards Airin(move silently 4 if necessary).

(DM Stephen - btw, ogres are members of the giant creature type.)

Kendry  d20+5=9 d20+6=21 d20+4=7 d20+4=14 d20+3=5 d20+3=8
Wednesday December 22nd, 2004 2:40:47 AM

As they draw near the sleeping giant, Kendry thinks that a quick, bold, unanimous attack would do them well. But, what if this is not an evil giant? He's heard there are such, though rare. However, as Olo performs his pantomime, Kendry smiles. He signals to Shale & Polly & Selithe in the sign language of Duncan that they ought to tie the giant's two great toes together, in line with Olo's suggestion. Gingerly.

After drinking such a quantity of Brock's Best - was it the beer or the cider, he wonders - surely the monstrosity will be hard to rouse ... if they take care. He hopes the sail will not be damaged. The bard slips up near the giant's shoulder, angling to get in good position to toss his blanket over the giant's eyes.

He looks at its countenance more closely, the shape of his nose, the quality and color of his skin, the formation of his limbs.

He also glances at the tower, looking to see if he can see any stairs either outside or inside the tower. Does it look safe enough to enter, to climb?

[Is the giant handsome, ugly, well- or ill-proportioned, really big, or really extremely big... etc.? Kendry speaks the language of giants, so should have a fairly good idea of which sort this one is.]

[Listen 9. Hide 21. Move silently 7. Bardic knowledge 14. Spot 5. Last roll accidental (fat fingered)]

Airin  d20+10=22 d20+4=21 d20+12=19 d20+5=17
Wednesday December 22nd, 2004 3:12:00 AM

OK ... it's obvious Olo and Patty would like Airin to tie this giant's toes together. Quiet like a mouse (move silently 22) Airin takes Patty's rope (ooc hope it's a silk one Patty?) and slides towards the giant.

Carefully she tries to wrap the rope around the giant's ankles (ooc is he wearing boots or nothing ?) a couple of times and ties a good knot (use rope 21). Like this they may not have to worry about the giant flattening them to a pancake, but he might still be able to squash them with his hands.

Airin's nerves are on edge, and the slightest evidence of the giant waking up will speed her away from here.

Once the giant is safely secured she will back away to find a good hiding place where she can sneak up to the giant (hide 19 - spot 17)

Wednesday December 22nd, 2004 7:34:02 AM

(OOC- sorry Airin. It's a hemp rope :)

Airin quick thought 
Wednesday December 22nd, 2004 8:56:15 AM

Didn't Bobbles say "We went to see the Ogres to buy weapons " Where's the rest of them ? Are there visible signs that this Ogre lives on his own, or are there traces of more Ogres ... if so ... keep a look out everyone !

Better Description (DM Stephen) 
Wednesday December 22nd, 2004 11:37:25 AM

Just to clarify things:

You aren't even near the trading post called Ogre. This is just a lonely guard tower that was once used to guard the traders road from evil doers. This guard tower is merely located next to the road on the way to Ogre.

The slumbering giant is mostly covered up by the ship's sails. He's using it as bedding. He's a big lump lying on the ground. Only body parts you see, at this vantage point is an arm that's extended out from under the sail grasping a large wooden chest (looks like your standard treasure chest) which happens to be locked with a padlock. You might also notice part of a foot protruding from under the sail. You might also see some dark hair sticking out from where his head should be. (I will give you that.) No other giant folk seem to occupy this place. No weapons, equipment or supplies can be seen at this moment. There is evidence of a campfire (I forgot to mention).

The large figure continues to snore. Since he's huddled up under the sail it's hard to tell how big he is. It would be an easy estimate that he may be somewhere between 8 to 12 feet tall. His skin (from his exposed arm) is a yellowish brown and slightly covered with black hair. His fingernails are rough, unkept and dirty if that means anything.

If you want to get to both feet, you will need to pull away part of the sail to get to them.

You can update your post if you see fit.

Airin  d20+2=22 d20+8=22
Wednesday December 22nd, 2004 11:59:07 AM

As this giant is probably sleeping from drinking an entire barrel of beer, Airin will take her chances and uncover a little bit of the sail to uncover his smelly feet. She will hold her breath though while wrapping a part of the rope around his feet to tie her knot (use rope checks allready made).

As there is no "lift sail carefully" check I'll add a couple of others :

concentration = 22 nat 20 !!
pick pocket = 22

ooc : all other checks were allready made in prior post. Thanks for the extra clarifications.

ooc2 : holiday starts tomorrow. I should be able to enter my turn every day, but postings will be done around 13.00 to 15.30 each day. Hope you are willing to delay DM posts in case I did not made it. Thanks a lot

Selithe  d20+3=9
Wednesday December 22nd, 2004 12:49:29 PM

Selithe moves in with the others and frowns when she sees the giant or ogre, or whatever it is. One thing was for sure to Selithe and thats it was big and probably strong.


Shale  d20+4=7
Wednesday December 22nd, 2004 7:04:37 PM

Shale, who has a very strong hatred of giants attempts to identify what the creature is. From his vantage point he keeps the bow locked onto the things neck in case it wakes up.(Knowledge 7, hill giants are favored enemy)

Wednesday December 22nd, 2004 10:50:39 PM

Kendry looks for something fairly big and hard to carry up the tower. Like a boulder, or a log. Since the tower is decaying, if there are loose stones or bricks, he will gather and take some up, and signal to Bobbles to do likewise. If Bobbles does not seem to comprehend, Kendry places a stone or two or brick or two in Bobbles' hands. When he has a decent load, he enters the tower, having Bobbles come, too, climbs to the top, testing for safe footing as he goes along, then, well above the giant's head up on the tower, he arranges rocks / bricks for easy access. He waves to those below.

To those who understand Duncan's sign language, he signals, Shall we attack? He is especially interested in Polly's take on the matter.

Wednesday December 22nd, 2004 10:51:24 PM

Patty crouches low, preparing to strike the giant down if he awakes from his slumber.

Wednesday December 22nd, 2004 11:37:48 PM

And his bow he leans next to the wall, but down low enough, that, should the edge crumble or the like, it will be less likely to fall down.

Looking down, he gauges the height, and wonders what it would be like to jump down upon the giant's stomach.

Sleepy Head (DM Stephen)  d100=14 d100=8 d100=64 d6=4 d6=1 d6=6
Thursday December 23rd, 2004 10:13:51 AM

The stealthy Airin sneaks forward and pulls away the sail in order to expose a pair of dirty smelly bare feet. Airin needs to pause for a short mement to adjust her nose. She is able to tie the big toes together masterfully. The giant only wiggles a little bit. As she backs away and hides, the giant adjusts his position. He pulls the sail away from his upper half and pulls the big chest closer to him. He lovingly hugs the chest much like a mother holds a child. Although his snoring halts for a short time, he looks to remain asleep.

You all can see now that the giant definitely looks to be a giant of the ogre persuasion. His head is somewhat oversized when compared with the rest of his body. His face looks like a combination of a goblin and a half-orc. His head is topped with a thick crop of black hair. His ears are pointed. His nose is short and snout like (much like a half-orcs) and two tusk-like teeth protrude upward, through his lips, from his lower jaw. His clothing is loose and tattered, not to mention smelly. He does appear to be a young ogre. Kind of uncharacteristic for one this young to be out on their own, but there isnt any evidence of any other ogres around the place. Closer observation reveals that this young ogre has experienced varied degrees of abuse. Bruises are present and his left eye looks to be somewhat swollen.

Kendry also sneaks up to the tower to get a better look. Bobbles reluctantly follows quietly behind. There are many loose bricks from the tower lying around. However they are big and heavy pieces of ilregular pieces of solid stone. Hardly any pieces small enough to fit in your hands. The upper levels of the tower are almost completely gone. Some of the thick support beams for the upper floors are still in place, but even they are showing heavy wear. The remains of a spiraling stone stairs once followed the inner wall, but mostly is collapsed along with other rubble on the tower ground floor. The ogre has put some of his possessions inside the tower to keep them hidden from view. There are two bags filled with things and a tattered backpack. One of the worthogs hangs dead, by its rear legs, from a support beam. Its been gutted and awaits to be the ogres dinner.

Patterton  d20=18
Thursday December 23rd, 2004 6:24:40 PM

Patty looks at Airin and gives her a "thumbs up" as Kendry disapears into the building. As the ogre shifts about, Patty looks for evidence of any kind of weaponry he may have on him. (spot=18)

Friday December 24th, 2004 1:03:38 AM

Kendry looks about for more rope. The worthog must certainly be tied by something or other, even if a short rope or such. If nothing is readily visible, he looks into the ogre's bags, hoping to find more rope. Of course, there was a fair amount of rigging - which includes lots of rope - missing from the boat, so perhaps some of that is about the premises, or lying around outside somewhere. He explains to Bobbles that they need more rope, to further tie down the ogre outside.

"If we go careful, we maybe not wake ogre. Look for rope, Bobbles, for to tie down ogre. There may be in ogre sacks or backpack. I be right back. Unless ogre squish me," he jokes as a goblin would.

He steps outside. He pantomimes more rope, tie down ogre. He also signals that he cannot climb up in the tower. In sign language, he says, Bags in building, and dead hog.

Stepping next to Patty, he whispers, "Patience gains quicker rewards. Don't stay so close that he can roll over you. You wanna help Airin tie him up more?"

He will gather rope, help tie things up.

He signals to Selithe, whose eyes look half-lidded, "Yes, sister, we sleep soon. But not yet."

Kendry returns to the tower to see how Bobbles is doing.

Friday December 24th, 2004 11:07:35 AM

Patty nods to Kendry, but doesn't move from his spot for fear that the sounds of his chainmail might wake the giant. A bead of sweat runs down his forehead and Patty tightens his grip on his sword. 'The tension is killing me!" He thinks impatiantly to himself,"We need to bag this bugger soon before he smells dinner...I don't know what you're planning cuz, but I hope it happens quickly!"" He glances at his blanket-weilding companions to see if they are in position.

Friday December 24th, 2004 6:02:03 PM

Selithe notices the signal from her brother and nods, biting off a sigh as he looks over the creature infront of her and waits to see what happens or should be done. She awaits some sign or signal so to know to pitch in or something.

Friday December 24th, 2004 6:15:05 PM

Knowing that he can't exactly be trusted to move around quietly, Olo whispers to Airin, Kendry or anyone else close enough, "There's about eighty more feet of rope on that donkey over there."

Keeping his crossbow trained on the ogre, Olo wonders exactly how much of this activity the brute can sleep through.

Kendry - answering Olo just before returning to the tower 
Friday December 24th, 2004 11:35:06 PM

"Great, Olo. Airin? Shale? Anyone? Could someone grab Olo's rope?" Kendry asks quietly. "Toss it - lightly - back and forth across him until it runs out. See if there's something to tie it down to."

In the tower, he looks about to see if there are good things - ah, the bricks and stones. He can carry as much as 150 pounds, so, using both arms, take up one in the 100 pound range, and carries it out to his friends.

Patterton  d20-1=6
Saturday December 25th, 2004 12:05:19 AM

Patty quietly sheaths his sword as Kendry (move silently 6 if applicable)approaches and takes the large stone from his hands. He hefts it onto one shoulder and waits for the others to lay the rope across the ogre.

Airin  d20+10=25 d20+6=25 d20+8=15 d20+2=7 d20+12=14
Saturday December 25th, 2004 2:00:10 PM

Quite releived that the first step succeeded well, and certain the Ogre is still fast a sleep, she will attempt Kendry's plan to tie the Ogre as good as possible.

He's hugging the chest ... a chest Airin is interested in a lot ...

"There's 10 ft of silk rope right here" Airin whispers as she gets the rope out of her backpack in her hiding place. But maybe we should not try to tie him down compltely ?
How about we all take place well hidden, then we shout at him to wake him up. He will jump up, fall as his toes are tied together, and then we can either take him out or talk reason into him ?

She will close in on the Ogre (move silently 25) and start to tie him up as good as possible if the others really want her to.

use rope = 25 +2 for using silk rope
pick pocket = 15
concentration = 7

If the Ogre gives sign of waking up, Airin will run away outside the Ogres reach and hide herself
hide = 14

Patterton  d20-1=4
Sunday December 26th, 2004 1:03:14 PM

Patty waits for Airin to finish laying the rope about and then (move silently=4 if applicable) eases the large stone onto the rope as an anchor. He gives Kendry a lopsided grin and withdraws his longsword once again.

You lookin' at Me?! (DM Stephen)  d100=5 d100=98 d6=1 d6=1 d6=4 d20+4=14 d20+4=11 d20+4=12 d20+4=9 d20+4=17 d20+4=13 d20+8=18 d20+5=16 d4+5=9 d6=3 d20+10=18
Tuesday December 28th, 2004 2:12:48 AM

The hobbits, oh so carefully, tip toe around the huge lug. The ogre continues to snore, pausing only slightly at times, as nervious halflings look on.

Kendry and Bobbles look around in the partially collapsed guard tower. And Kendry is right, the worthog is tied up with the thicker pieces of the boats rigging. The ogre seems to have made good use of all the prizes he got from the goblins. His bags and backpack is filled with personal items. There are crude cups and plates. A cooking pot with spoons and a ladle. There are a change of clothes. They dont smell any cleaner! The bard spots a large tome. A quick glance reveals that its filled with crudely handwritten songs and poems inside. In two languages: some in Common, others in a Giant (if you know the Giant language). The last written page contains a large quill. Obviously used as both a pen and a bookmark. There are also small wooden figurines of woodland animals. A bear, a deer and a bird can clearly be made out. Several others are stuffed down at the bottom. One of the bags contain a large ball of string, a fishing net, a piece of wood with fish hooks stuck in it, a skinning knife, a whetstone, rags and several other survival tools. The last bag contains fruits and wild vegetables that he has gathered from around the hills. Bobbles finds it hard to restrain himself when he finds some extra rope. He almost begins to hop up and down but stops when he catches a glance at the ogre again.

Patty doesnt notice any weapons of any kind lying about. Except for the ones left by the fallen goblins. He does notice a pair of sticks next to the chest. Each one is about 20 inches long, thin and have a small ball of leather tied at the tip of one side. They couldnt be weapons. Your sword could easily snap them in two.

Olo lets everyone know of all the rope he has back on his donkey. Airin, combined with her silk rope, makes excellent use both and ties the ogre's feet very securely.

Both Kendry and Patty are able to move some sizeable pieces of stone that had fallen from the guard tower. With Selithe's help they are able to throw more ropes over the giant and tie them down, using the stones as anchors.

Airin finishes tieing off one of the last ropes. She stands up to look over her handy work and is shocked to the core to see the ogre's wide open eyes staring back at her. They look groggy and bloodshot and seem to have a hard time focusing. He also remains calm and docile. They regard each other for a short moment. It isnt certain that the giant realizes what he's looking at. Suddenly Biguns yells, "The beast is awake ... SLAY HIM!" The half-orc takes his sword and charges in to attack. The ogre begins to scream in terror! He desperately begins to struggle and fight against the ropes. He manages only to get more tangled up. His eyes widen as Biguns approaches. With his superior reach, the ogre is able to lift his large legs up and kick back the charging half-orc with the flat sole of his huge feet(Attack of Opportunity, -4 for being prone). Biguns goes flying backwards and lands like a rag doll on the ground. The half-orc gasps for air as he clutches his chest (3 points of damage from the fall, 9 points of nonlethal damage from the kick).

Slag takes his axe and charges forward as well. The ogre seems to give up on breaking out of the ropes. Instead he closes his eyes and frantically starts chanting strange words over and over with a great deal of concentration. The ogre's physical form poofs into a cloud of mist. The ropes fall limp to the ground as the gaseous giant rises 5-ft into the air and hovers in place.

Patterton  d20+6=24 d20+6=22
Tuesday December 28th, 2004 3:49:11 AM

Patty snarls at Biguns(intimidate 24), "YOU STUPID PIG-BOY! STAY DOWN AND DON'T MAKE A MOVE!" He then whirls on Slag, "STEP BACK! BACK, I SAID!(intimidate 22)" He then turns back to the hovering giant and says (in a much calmer manner), "OK...ok...everything's just fine. He's just an idiot. We don't really want to fight you...we just want to talk. Can we talk?"

Patty makes sure to keep his blade behind his sheild so as to appear less threatening to the ogre. For a breif moment a nausiating wave of fear washes over him as he looks at the monsterous beast hovering overhead, but he quickly swallows the feeling and set his jaw firmly.
Patty- HP:12
Masterwork longsword +6 to hit 1d8+4 damage. crit: 19-20(X2)

Kendry (HP 6, AC 15) 
Tuesday December 28th, 2004 11:10:15 AM

Kendry steps out of the tower as he hears Biguns' cry, and arrives just in time to see the ogre's body dissolve into mist, and Slag's axe cleave air.

He adds his voice to Patterton's, saying, "Stop! We don't want to hurt him!" Then, noticing his misty form hovering in the air above, he laughs.

In giant, Kendry says, "Well, clearly you are no ordinary ogre. Forgive, if you can, the attack of the two bigger ones. We tied you up so we would not need to hurt you, and so you would not hurt us."

He switches to the common tongue. "But you know common, too." Quoting from the penultimate page he scanned, the bard recites part of what he found in the ogre's book:
'Outcast the young one lived alone
In woods & wild he made his home
Sucked out marrow, gnawed on bone

Ill-favored family brought him shame
Ill-timèd magic, ill-won fame
Left BigTooth's son both halt and lame.'
"So, large poet, we only seek to reclaim that which was stolen from us. And we wanted to keep from getting squashed, as happened to the goblin thieves.

"You just enjoyed one of the finest drinks in the Wold, also stolen from us by them. You wear the sail to our boat. And, up to a moment ago, were caressing a box of our shipmates' treasure.

"I am Kendry. What is your name, oh misty giant?"

Should Bobbles show his face, Kendry will try to forestall any action on the part of the ogre mage by saying - "This one is not our enemy, but has been trying to help us get back what the other goblins stole. Harm him not."

Airin  d20+1=7
Tuesday December 28th, 2004 2:58:02 PM

For a moment Airin looked into the Ogre's eyes and got fascinated by his eyes. She did not even notice Bigguns and Slag charging. But the minute the ... thing turned into myst she got to her senses. As the creature rises into the air she falls to her knees and begs this giant cloud forgiveness for trying to bind it.

"Please forgive my ignorance mighty one ! These are hostile lands, and we did not want to to to end up like those goblins pancakes out there ... you masterfull escape artist !! Me humble halfling, usually make good knots ... you very mighty. Please forgive me. Maybe you were awake all the time ? Enjoying the puny effort of tying you up ? "

Hoping the giant will be good tempered
sense motive : 7
, she crawls back to her friends.

"Dear mother Earth, please don't let me end up like a flat pancake ..." she thinks to herlself ...

Tuesday December 28th, 2004 8:25:54 PM

Selithe looks to the ogre and blinks when it vanishes from the rope bindings and is floating in the air. She sighs as she has her crossbow leveled at the ogre, "Now I really don't want to have to try and shoot you mister ogre and would love to end this peacefully. Shall we try to talk this out or you going to leave us no choice but to end this ugly like?"

Selithe says everything she did with a gentle grin and hopes that the ogre doesn't want to fight.

Tuesday December 28th, 2004 8:55:30 PM

Seeing the giant turn to mist, Olo simply stares and raises his eyebrows. In the ensuing babble of conversation, Olo declines to add to the confusion and simply remains quiet.

Looking down to his now quite useless crossbow, he shrugs his shoulders and lowers the weapon so it's pointing to the ground.

Let's just see what happens next.

A Big Problem (DM Stephen)  d100=97 d100=16 d6=3 d6=4 d20+3=9
Wednesday December 29th, 2004 2:58:26 AM

The mist hovers over next to the far side of the tower (using the tower itself as partial cover) and materializes. With his body up against the wall, he cautiously peers around the corner to look at the party of hobbits. He stands almost 10-ft tall. He is dressed in just loose-fitting clothing. After casting his spell, his skin has taken on a slightly blue tint. He then begins to talk to the group in common. "Why you do this to me. I done nothing to you. You try to steal my treasure too?! Like them pesky goblins. Fleas they are ... pests ... so I treat them like the vermin they are and stomp them like bugs. For I be a MIGHTY OGRE ... ma mage." He tries to keep the strong forceful facade of a proud ogremage, but then he realizes he cowering behind the tower while in the company of little people. His head hangs depressingly low and he mutters, "What you hobbits want? Why do you bother with me? Why cant I sleep in peace?"

Kendry then recites one of his poems and introduces himself. He hears the brief explanation as to why they're here. "You read my poem!? Those be my private words!" The young ogre steps forward to Kendry and reaches into the tower to grab his book. He backs away thumbing through its pages. "You not going to make jokes about it too ... are you?"

He appears to be ignoring you for a short moment as he checks the condition of his book. He then spots his treasure chest all by itself over next to the group, unprotected! He steps forward again, grabs his treasure chest and drags it back to where he was standing. "You say the goblin pests stole from you!? What they take?"

Airin isnt quite certain how read the giant. She does notice that he is mostly concerned with protecting his belongings. He doesnt appear to be too trusting. Probably for good reasons.

Patty berates both Biguns and Slag. The half-orc still lays on the ground, where he landed, stunned and coughing from having the air knocked out of him. Slag's eyes go wide and he slowly backs away. He still holds his handaxe to his side. He whispers to the halfling warrior, "Sorry laddy, you cant trust these [dwarven curse word] giants. These giants are a nasty sort. I trust them 'bout as far as I can throw one!"

Olo and Polly remain quiet as they watch the scene unfold. Selithe says her thing with warm inviting smile. The ogre doesnt know how to take the remark about being shot with a tiny crossbow. He kinda stares at you with a little disbelief. "Yeah, the goblins got really ugly!" You make the observation again that there are goblin weapons lying all around from a recent battle. The ogre hasnt bothered with collecting them. In fact, there is a dagger at your feet. Other than a few old bruises, there isnt a single fresh wound on his body.

The ogre doesn't divulge his name at this time. He seems to be waiting for a continued explanation for the disturbance. He doesnt appear to be angry or wishes you dead, but he still seems annoyed and untrusting. He rubs his forehead with his left hand. Apparently from a hangover. In doing so, you all see two little white nubs protruding from his head when his black hair is pulled away. Are they horns?

(Anyone who can make a Knowledge Nature check [or any knowledge check you think might help you about understanding giants] of DC 14. If you make it check the spoiler. Highlight to display spoiler: {You can tell that he is a half-breed. Part ogremage and ordinary ogre. Which could be a good reason why he is an outcast.})

Kendry  d20+6=9 d20+4=17 d20+3=6 d20+4=24
Wednesday December 29th, 2004 4:28:10 AM

[Knowledge, nature: 9. Bardic knowledge: 17]

"They took a whole shipload of things from us," Kendry answers the ogre. "They killed two of our crewmembers, and nearly did in a few others. Most of them are dead now - some by fighting each other for leadership, and some by our hands. I dislike killing. But if someone else starts a fight, then I would prefer to finish it." He looks at the ground for a moment, then looks back up at the fellow with the book. "Like I said earlier, we tied you up so that, if all went well, none of us - you included - needed get hurt. Well, our friend here got a bit antsy," he indicates the gasping Biguns, "and - say, Olo, can you make sure he's gonna be all right? Anyway, he went bellowing at you, and, in your position, if I were you, which I'm not, I probably would have done the same thing you did."

[Search, 6, to see if Kendry happened to glance the ogre's name in his book. Apparently not.]

"Sir, no, I would not make fun of your book. That you write shows intelligence and creativity. I liked the little snippets I read.

"And, yes, you might consider my reading of your book an invasion of your privacy. But I was hoping to find out a bit about who you are. I have written down some of my own poems, and have an extra copy of some of them. Just a second, they are in my backpack." He shrugs off the right strap, and swings his knapsack around. As he opens the top, he says, "Don't worry, this is not a trick." He digs out a folder filled with sheaves of paper. "I would be happy to give you a couple of my favorites," he says as he quickly scans what he has, "as a gift, from one poet to another."

He holds out three sheets of paper, written in brown ink. The three poems are Lazing at the swimming hole, which treats of memories of times with his buddies at the boys' pond, and the time the girls stole their clothing; Aunt Nilli and the Displacer Beast, a story of how she tracked and tamed the evil cat; and A Song of Bread and Ale, concerning the fun and fellowship of hobbits eating, singing, gossiping and drinking together after a hard day's work.

"Read 'em now, or later, as you wish," he tells the large person.

"What we need to do though, is keep a promise. We need to get this stuff back to the captain, rigging, sails, treasure and such, and to get our beer & cider back home. Oh, by the way - did you drink the cider or the beer? Was it any good? Looks like it packs a kick, anyway," he notes.

He asks Slag and Biguns to help answer the ogre mage's question about what else might be missing from the ship. He will recite whatever he is aware of from having traveled on the boat for a bit. He picks up the two leather-tipped sticks, and tosses them in his knapsack for the moment.

"Say, mister - I still don't know your name, but it's up to you to give it or don't - but some of your stuff looks good enough to publish, with just a bit of polishing here 'n there. You wanna be famous? And no, I'm not joking with you. Some is kind of rough, but so is some of my writing, first time through. You wanna travel with us a while? I promise I'll make sure - by the way, Selithe, you can lower the crossbow now - I'll make sure nobody here tries to hurt you, long as you don't try the same with one of us."

One more thought occurs to him. "Say, we've got some goodberries here. Might help with a hangover." Kendry takes out a goodberry from his little pouch. "I know it's small, but you can eat it, if you want. If you don't want to, well, it's up to you." He holds it forth in his open palm.

[Diplomacy: 24]

Patterton  d20=20
Wednesday December 29th, 2004 9:13:34 AM

Patty nods to Slag and turns back to the ogre, tucking his sword into it's scabbord and shaking his shield off his arm. He smiles and says, "You'll have to forgive my cousin Kendry. He's naturaly inquisitive and I'm sure he didn't mean anything by looking at your poems. I'm Patterton Cloverturn Burrows; a member of the local militia and lumberjack by trade. Pleased to meet you...err...I'm sorry. I don't know your name(OOC-natural 20 on nature knowledge)."

Patty walks foreward and extends his hand to the giant confidently. If this appears to anger the beast, he will respectfully retreat.

Wednesday December 29th, 2004 3:17:07 PM

Please the Ogre has opened a discussion with them, Airin will not draw her weapons at all. No need to anger an Ogre Mage right :-)

However, she felt the Ogre has a strong hate towards Goblins, so she checks where Bobbles might be hanging out. She hopes he will not show himself. Seeing a Goblin in our group might arouse his anger after all.

She does not want to interfere Kendry's conversation with the Ogre so she waits and sees what happens next.

Selithe [by Kim for Justin]  d20+2=22
Wednesday December 29th, 2004 7:01:14 PM

When the ogre mage tells her that the goblins got really ugly, Selithe laughs. Kendry asks her to lower the crossbow, and she does.

"Say, you don't happen to play cards, do you? I've got some if you'd care for a game," she offers to the half ogre / ogre mage. For some reason, she discerns his dual heritage [Knowledge, nature, natural 20, for 22 - I think].

As Kendry and the ogre carry on though, she hears Biguns' labored breathing, so steps over to him. "Have a goodberry, Biguns." She kneels down, and reaches under his head to hold it up a bit so as to allow him more easily to swallow the berry. She whispers to him, "And don't pay too much mind to Patty. He just got excited, I think. 'Course, you got pretty excited, too, big guy." She wonders whether Biguns even heard what Patterton said to him.

Olo  d20+6=11
Wednesday December 29th, 2004 11:51:14 PM

"Oh yeah, Biguns."

Olo thinks for a second, then, hoping to show they don't intend to attack, deliberately turns his back on the ogre, starts to whistle a tune and goes to inspect the wounds of the half-orc. He offers whatever mundane aid (heal 11)he can to Biguns, and will try to determine if magical healing is called for.

ooc: can i get an idea of how wounded (severly, lightly, etc.) Biguns actually is?

(DM Stephen - I posted Biguns' damage. He took 9 points of nonlethal damage and only 3 damage from the fall.)

Olo - Quick OOC 
Thursday December 30th, 2004 2:13:23 AM

ooc: I was trying to get an idea of Biguns wounds (including nonlethal) in reference to his total hitpoints. I might need to have him up and ready pretty quickly if talks go south, but don't want to waste a spell or two on him if he still seems fairly able-bodied.

Cry me a river back to Hovel! (DM Stephen)  d20+7=23 d20+10=26 d20+10=18 d100=25 d100=47 d6=3 d6=1
Thursday December 30th, 2004 3:26:52 AM

Bobbles can be seen hiding behind a pile of rubble. He looks be extremely frightened. His eyes are wide and tearing up as he frantically and silently mouths unintelligible words to Kendry in a begging fashion. He is breathing way too heavy! He's going to pass out if he doesnt stop that!

The ogre seems not to be paying much attention to the explanation he's been given. He seems more concerned with his book and his face remains buried in it. He only shows slight hints that he is listening. A few darting glances and a nod or two. When Kendry mentions that he likes his poetry and compliments him on his intelligence and creativity does he warm up and pay more attention. "You like it," he says with surprise! "You're the first to ever say to like my words! Do you really," questions the hulking wordsmith. A huge toothy grin forms across his face. He abruptly slides up next to Kendry and plops down on the ground next to the him. The opens to the page where the young bard had recited his poem from. "You really like this one. Me too. It's one of my favorite ones, even though it be sad. Most ogrekind think stuff like this to be stupid and useless. They say it good for nothing but kindling for the fire."

Patty holds out his hand in friendship. The ogre has to adjust his hand into several positions in order to shake the Patty's hand without grabbing his entire arm. "My name is Lomar. Glad to, uh, meet you." The exchange is somewhat awkward. Not so much from the size difference but from the fact that Lomar has had so little experence with social pleasantries.

When presented with Kendry's own works, he accepts them with a bit of awe. He's never had the opportunity to read anyone elses work before. Kendry continues on speaking about things that were taken from the boat and obligations about getting the beer back to town, but again, the young giant seems entranced with the new literature. After several minutes of reading and rereading Kendry's poems, the ogre interupts by asking, "Is hobbit life really like this, or you make it all up. It sound too wonderful to be true. Nothing like what life is for me." A single tear flows down his left cheek. "I would like to see hobbit towns but you all hate me too!" A sniffle and another tear. "No one like Lomar at all. Im all alon ... oh, this poem be so blissful..umm oh, could be made in song!" Another sniffle, eyes turning red and puffy. Even more tears. "Lomar sooo lonely ... all alone, no friends!" It's apparent that the ale he drank has made him still quite emotional. Lomar the depressed ogre drops the poems and his book onto his lap and gently reaches for Kendry.

(Grapple check: Hit Touch AC: 23. This is good enough to grab Kendry. You must roll an opposed grapple check of DC 26 to avoid being grappled. If you fail this grapple check, Lomar pulls you in and presses you up against his chest in a form of a hug. He is obviously in desperate need of comfort and consoling. If you wish, you may try and break free with another opposed grapple check or an Escape Artist check of DC 18.)

As if the flood gates are opened, Lomar bursts into a waterfall of tears. (tears that are raining all over Kendry, if he is being held.) The giant that everyone crept up on in fear now see him as a lost and vunerable child scared of living his life alone as an outcast trapped between two races that despise him.

Olo is able to tend to Biguns wounds. They are minor. Mostly bumps and scratches and the wind knocked out of him.

In shock, Selithe drops her playing cards in midsentence after witnessing the emotional transformation.

Thursday December 30th, 2004 4:00:30 AM

Out of the corner of his eye, Kendry notices Bobbles trying to tell him something. But the way things are going with the ogre, he is afraid to break the spell. "Shale, can you see what Bobbles needs?" he hand signals to his cousin as the giant is absorbed in reading.

The halfling does not resist the young ogre mage's hug, but allows himself to be engulfed by the giant. If there is any room for him to do so, he tries to give Lomar a few comforting pats.

"Lomar. Lomar. We all need frfds," he says, his voice muffled against the chest of the pitiable fellow. "There, there." Kendry can't help but coughing a little, as the smells up close are a bit overwhelming. "May... maybe we could be friends."

Thursday December 30th, 2004 11:58:18 AM

Selithe bends down to pickup her cards and thinks over everything before looking to the half ogre and speaking up, "This is bad, we can't leave him out here alone. I refuse too brother, cousins and friends."

Selithe sighs and sits down thinking of things in her mind, "The election in our home. If we can talk to the person elected couldn't we possibly find him a place there to stay? I mean he could be of great help, big, strong, magically talented. I mean heck he even has abilities our family would like at the shop." Selithe sighs and shrugs now as she isn't sure how to help the ogre but wants too none the less.

Thursday December 30th, 2004 12:28:43 PM

Patty eyes the giant appraisingly and scratches his chin. "We might be able to work out a way for you to visit our town...if you're with us, no one will hurt you. We won't let 'em. Besides, we could use some help getting this brew back home."

Airin  d20+7=14
Thursday December 30th, 2004 2:30:34 PM

"What am I supposed to do know ??? We've got barrels of beer, but no wagon, we've got a crybaby of an ogre, maybe Kendry won't drown in that big fellows tears ... " Airin thinks to herself.

Quietly Airin stands to collect her silk rope. In case the Ogre is looking at her she will tell him she simply collecting her own rope. She will not touch his stuff.
She will however take a good look upon Lomars treasure chest.

appraise 14

"Maybe lomar can help us to get the ships stuff back to the captain, and help us getting the beer back ? " she says to no one in perticular.

Friday December 31st, 2004 12:08:00 AM

Finishing up with Biguns, Olo turns in time to see Kendry swallowed up in a bear hug by the ogre. Having missed most of the words exchanged between the two, he's hesitant to speak on the off chance he would say something inappropriate.

He'll keep his position kneeling next to Biguns, and will make sure his crossbow is still easily within reach though he doesn't pick it back up.

Kendry attempts to foster intercultural exchange 
Friday December 31st, 2004 12:42:42 PM

After a few more pats and murmurs of consolation, the now dampened Kendry says, "Now, now, let's buck up, Lomar. Hey, let me introduce my friends and family and acquaintances to you. Sound good?" He thinks that for frantic Bobbles' health and welfare, he needs to let Lomar know about their goblin friend before he jumps to conclusions. He wishes he could have found out what Bobbles was trying to tell him a moment ago...

"You see most of us are halflings. But let me first tell you about the one with us I don't think you've seen yet. Now, most goblins are pesky and, frankly, I don't mind at all what you did to these we see lying about. I'm sure that, among your people, there are some who are kinder, or better, than others. I hope. Well, I don't mind saying we have a new friend, who refused to join in with his tribe in their attack on us. So, he is, himself, somewhat of an outcast. Especially if Dup gets away alive, Kendry thinks to himself.

"And he has been helping us get back what was taken from us. He does not speak much common, other than a word or two here and there. But I can interpret for him and you. Promise me you won't hurt him, and I'll call him forth." He whispers in the giant tongue, "And I would not be surprised if he has soiled his clothing, for fear of you, Lomar. So be gentle.

If Lomar agrees not to hurt him, Kendry calls Bobbles forth. In goblin, he tells him, "Lomar, the ogre mage, say he not hurt Bobbles. Bobbles, Lomar be all alone, need friends. I know it be strange, but, maybe, we be friends with him. Say greetings to Lomar."

"Lomar, this is Bobbles. He is a kind and hard-working goblin."

Kendry interprets between the two, as seems appropriate.

On the other hand, if Lomar does not make such an agreement, Kendry will call on his friends & relatives to introduce themselves to him. Of course, Patterton has already done so.

Kendry, addendum 
Friday December 31st, 2004 12:46:31 PM

And, if Lomar & Bobbles do meet now, then will Kendry, after those pleasantries (mayhaps) are concluded, he will then still call on the others to introduce themselves.

Friday December 31st, 2004 4:17:12 PM

Patty relaxes a little now that the giant seems to be in a descent mood and he walks over to Biguns and helps him to his feet(if he will allow himn to).

"Sorry about the the pig-boy comment. We were trying to talk to him...not kill him."

Kim to fellow Crescent Valley players - thinking of Duncan 
Monday January 3rd, 2005 9:58:50 PM

OOC: I came across a cartoon that made me think of Duncan (he was with us at the beginning of our campaign, for the newcomers, but stayed behind at Trader's Corner yesterday game time, or October 26th, real time):


Shale  d20+9=23
Tuesday January 4th, 2005 9:51:44 PM

Whispering loudly from the bushes Shale attempts to remind someone to ask the important question, "What about the beer???!!"

Shale doesn't keep his bow drawn but is hesitant to come out. (23 Hide)

My Precious! (DM Stephen)  d100=2 d100=86 d6=3 d6=3
Wednesday January 5th, 2005 12:08:25 AM

Lomar calms down and begins to wipe his nose and the tears from his eyes. He seems far more relaxed. Like much of the weight has been lifted from his massive shoulders. He sets Kendry back down and apologizes. He answers back in Giant, "Do not worry, I will not harm this Bobbles. I knew he was there. I could smell him. And yes, he did do what you suspected him to do. More than once!" He tries to politely conceal that he is holding his nose from the unfortunate odor.

One of the bushes inquires about the beer. The 'bush' quickly sees all the barrels of cider and beer are accounted for. Except for the one cider barrel back at the shore-side camp and an empty barrel of beer that Lomar had drank just a few hours before.

Bobbles doesn't make a comment because he has long since passed out. At least his breathing has returned to normal and he seems more peaceful as well. Although he looks and smells like he needs to be changed.

Lomar greets everyone individually with a wave and a smile. He looks more than willing, and able, to help you all set everything right. Lomar apologetically says, "Sorry, I drank one of your casks of beer. It was the best ale I had ever drank. I couldn't stop. Thank goodness I passed out before starting on another." He presents the empty barrel. He holds it easily in his large left hand, as if any of you were holding a normal pint at the local tavern. The assets his size brings to the table becomes all too clear. Lomar continues, "I would love to help you back to the hobbit towns. I can do many things, be a big help to lots of hobbits. Although, I don't cast my magic too well." He bows his head. "Not all the talents of my father are born into me." Suddenly an idea pops into the giants head. "My treasure!" He grabs his huge treasure chest and drags it closer to the group. "Before I left the other ogres, they took my treasure and locked it inside this heavy chest. They think it funny and laugh at me because I can't get it out. Lomar forced to drag it everywhere I go. Can you hobbits help me?"

DM Stephen 
Wednesday January 5th, 2005 12:13:48 AM

Just a quick note: If Im unable to post every 24 hours, you can post again and continue to roleplay. Only in non-combat situations, of course. This allow you to continue to plot and plan your actions or resolve things between yourselves and so on.

Wednesday January 5th, 2005 4:06:41 AM

"Uh-huh," is Kendry's reply to Lomar's observation regarding Bobbles. He looks at the unfortunate, but presently peaceful goblin. He resolves to help his green friend out ... in a moment.

"Well, two barrels then of the beer, and the cider left. Glad you showed some restraint, there!" Kendry kids Lomar lightly. "I'm truly glad you enjoyed it, though. We'll all have to wait until we're back home at the party to try it again ourselves."

Kendry looks at Lomar's treasure chest. "Papa could have this open in under a minute, no doubt, right, Selithe?" he grins toward his sister.

He turns toward one of the newcomers to the Beer Barrel Expedition. "Airin - don't suppose you might have any clue as to how to help Lomar get to his treasure? And if you do - take your time. No tellin' if someone, as a joke, maybe, put a trap in the unlocking of the chest, too."

He considers his sister's offer, and that of Patterton, to bring Lomar back to town. He wonders whether it is even a possibility, considering the magic ward that the towers provide against the giants. But time enough to discuss that later, perhaps. There are other things to attend to now.

"Lomar - most of us slept little or not at all last night. We've been in two battles. Is there some water around here? How about this... Let's get things organized and cleaned up a bit, and you pull together whatever you need to that you want to bring along. But let's take a good nap, so we don't find ourselves stumbling in our sleep halfway done the road. I know that Olo would like a proper meal," he grins as he looks at the cleric of Wardd, "and I don't oppose him on that.

"I wouldn't mind..." he tries to continue, but interrupts himself with a huge yawn.

"Say, Shale, what time do you suppose it is?" he asks his cousin the ranger.

He asks Slag and Biguns, once the latter has his breath back, what their thoughts are. He takes a minute or two to try to foster good will between the dwarf and half orc and the ogre mage halfbreed. "Suppose you can identify and work with us to round up any necessary ship's gear and rigging?"

Kendry invites Shale, Polly, Olo, Selithe, Airin and Patty to put forth their ideas, druthers, etc. Like they need an invitation. Ha!

Is the wagon salvageable? If even one axle is good, and a pair of wheels, that could still be helpful in moving their items back. There is likely too much even for Lomar to handle by himself ... though Kendry tries to gauge this, too.

"Well, let's talk about what to do, and when to do it. I've gotta see to my friend Bobbles." Kendry takes a look at the dead goblins, thinking that their bodies should be gathered and dealt with. Maybe one of them has a set of somewhat cleaner clothes than Bobbles currently wears. The halfling sets about preparing to make the goblin into better company. Don't worry - he's not going to strip him while he's sleeping. He tries gently to awaken him, and quietly tell him all is well. He will take him a discreet distance away with some fresher clothes, and give him a chance to change. If there is any water about, he'll see about getting a supply to Bobbles.

At some point, he asks Lomar if he can spend a bit of time reading some more of his book. He will also lend some additional pages of his own writings to the giant to read.

Airin  d20+2=12 d20+8=24 d20+7=25
Wednesday January 5th, 2005 4:23:15 AM

"Allow me to introduce myself Master Ogre ... can I say Lomar ? I am Airin Moondancer Turnbell, at your service. You said something about a chest you can't get open. Would you mind if I have a go with it ? Of course I will only try to open the lock ! I have a way with locks" she smiles, " they tend to be ... how should I say this ... intoxicating for me and I get a rush from trying to open one. I'd be delighted to help you get your treasure back."

In case Lomar agrees Airin comes closer to him and his chest, and stands in front of the chest. It's a large wood and steel-banded chest closed with a heavy padlock ...
" what can you tell me about this chest ?" she asks Lomar, " are your friends good at making traps ? Magic ? "

Airin carefully examines the lock and concentrates on nothing else but the lock ...

concentrate = 12
open locks = 24
search = 25

In case Airin notices some sort of trap she will try to figure out a way to open it without activating the trap. As she can not disable a possible trap she will try to find a way not to get hurt. (a hole next to the lock might give her a hint that some sort of projectile might be shot, in this case she makes sure not to stand in front of the hole. If a tiny wire is attached to the lock, she will attempt to hold it before opening the lock so the wire hardly moves ...)

If the lock opens, Airin will back away from the chest allowing Lomar to open it himself.
"please be carefull master Lomar. The chest might be booby trapped."

Wednesday January 5th, 2005 12:37:02 PM

Patty gathers up his shield and walks over to Airin, holding back a yawn. "Fine bit of work, that." He says(proivided she opens the lock)"You've quite nimble fingers if I may say so." He then pops another cookie into his mouth and chews happily before offering one to Airin and anyone else interested.

Wednesday January 5th, 2005 2:07:42 PM

Quite satisfied that Lomar poses no threat, Olo sets down his crossbow and waits his turn for an introduction.

"Hi Lomar! I'm Olo! I'm glad that the first giant I meet is a nice one like yourself. Watch Airin with this chest, she's a wiz at this kind of work I tell you. Give me a minute to gather up our ponies and then I can take a look at that left eye of yours, deal?"

With that Olo walks over to pick up his crossbow where he dropped it, and goes to gather up the ponies and the donkey and bring them closer to the camp.

Wednesday January 5th, 2005 3:56:22 PM

Selithe looks to Lomar and bows to him and smiles, "I'm sure I can help you with learning your spells more. See my teachers are back at our home town and would surely be willing to teach you."

Selithe looks to the chest and frowns as she shakes her head, "I don't have the knock spell or the talent. I'm sure that someone back in town can open it." Selithe grins as Kendry comments on their father, "Deffinetly he could."

Shale  d20+6=13
Wednesday January 5th, 2005 10:05:38 PM

Coming out of the bushes to greet Lomar, Shale takes a good look at the sky. (Survival 13)

Taking a quick appraisal of the situation he gives Kendry his best estimate.

Thursday January 6th, 2005 2:36:08 AM

Rummaging around in his knapsack, the halfling finds the leather-wrapped object. He pulls open the flaps, and withdraws a creamy-colored light brick of sorts. "Ah, here it is. Do you know what soap is, Bobbles?"

Little Drummer Boy (DM Stephen)  d20+10=24 d100=19 d100=29 d6=1 d6=1
Thursday January 6th, 2005 8:11:11 AM

Bobbles finally wakes up. He seems a little embarrassed with his current situation and accepts whatever help he can get. He sniffs at the soap and gives it a lick. His face makes a sour expression. "You eat this stuff?!"

Shale is able to gage that it is still early morning. With the threat of the giant gone, he is reminded that he is tired from no sleep and quite hungry.

Lomar looks on as Airin works carefully with the lock. After a minute or so and padlock clicks and the bolt becomes detached. Airin also determines, after careful observation, that the chest also doesnt appear to have any traps. However, the lock coming loose is all Lomar needs to see. He grabs his chest and quickly throws open the chest's lid to get at his treasure. A large drum emerges from the chest. "My treasure, oh my treasure!" cries Lomar. He quickly hangs the drums around his neck by its strap and grabs the two long sticks with the leather ball on one end. Apparently the two sticks are drumsticks. Amazingly, Lomar begins to play his drum. He plays it very very well. The rhythm of the beat is almost hypnotic and "catchy". Then Lomar begins to sing with his low deep voice. His song is sung in giant, but its beauty isnt lost to anyone who doesnt understand the words. The song sounds almost like a dirge but it speaks of the happiness he lost when separated from his beloved drum. (im not about to write a song! :) His performance is as good or even better than any other bard you have ever seen (Perform 24).

After Lomar finishes his song, a few extra tears rolls off his eyes. He gives Airin a hug much like he gave Kendry in thanks. Olo cant help but notice that Lomar's bruises and swollen eye look a little less prominate. Almost as if having his drum back was more than enough to heal his old wounds, both physical and emotional.

The wagon's axle is broken. It was poorly constructed and overloaded. Kendry is able to find an extra pair of goblin clothes from various bundles left behind. However, they are less than desirable, but wearable.

Lomar looks at the pig hanging upside down in the tower. He asks the group, "Are you hobbits hungry? Your stomachs are making enough noise."

Thursday January 6th, 2005 8:46:51 AM

To Lomar :
" MMM ... GGGDGDD OOOLDDD ... HHHLLLPPPPP " is all Airin could say while Lomar hugged her. Once he releases her she repeats " I'm glad I could help ! May I add you play your drum lovely. How about some little background music while all of us have something to eat and perhaps catch a little sleep ?"

To the group :
"Do you guys know when you were supposed to deliver the beer to town ? Won't we be too late if we sleep now ? How do we get to town from here, and how will we retrieve the barrel we left behind ?"

Then Airin makes herself confortable, eats the cookie Patty gave her and takes a look around to see if there's anything else to eat besides trail rations.
She arranges her thieves picks back in place, checks her gear, gently pats Blossom (retrieved by Olo) on the back and if everyone descides to take a nap right here, she will remove her armor to sleep comfortably. The safety of the tower, and Lomar will most likely offer enough protection for a good rest.

Patterton  d20+6=18
Thursday January 6th, 2005 9:26:12 AM

Patty walks over and observes the damage to the cart and lets out a low whistle. "This thing's not going anywhere without some serious repairs. Unless..." He glances at the axle and frowns as he gives it a tug to test how badly it is broken. "Hmmmmm...the other two wheels seem to work reasonably well. Maybe we could rig it up like a giant wheelbarrel for you, Lomar."

Patterton rolls his shoulders to work the cramps out and strokes his red goatee. "Tell you what; why doesn't anyone who's to tired to continue on take a bit of a nap in the wagon after we load it up? I can stay up for a bit and watch over everyone with Lomar (endurance 18) untill someone is rested up enough to relieve me. In the meantime we should find some beams in that old tower to lash to this wagon for leverage."

Patty walks into the tower to survey the beams. On the way over, he tosses Shale the remainder of his cookies, "Pass 'em around, Shale. I've had my fill."

Thursday January 6th, 2005 11:10:17 PM

Selithe looks to everyone and then Lomar when he begins playing his drum. Selithe grins and claps for Lomar when he finishes, "Very good Lomar. I know you could make it in our city now with talents like that."

Selithe walks over and looks over the wagon as she thinks and calls over to Kendry, "Hey bro come here for a moment." When Kendry comes over she motions to a wagon as ideas pop into her head, "The wagon probably won't hold alot of weight considering it's condition but we now have a ogre to help us so how about this. We fix the wagon up to help hall some of the stuff back and have Lomar help with some of the heavier stuff. He has that chest, surely we could fit some of the stuff in the chest and he can carry it right? This way some people can sleep in the wagon like commented on and it won't be as crowded."

Selithe calls to Lomar, "Lomar, you think you could carry stuff in that chest of yours for us?" Selithe grins and gives a side glance at Kendry, "I bet if you do that Kendry here will tell you all about are great home and the many perils we have went through to get this far. An now meeting the great Lomar who played so magnificent on his drum will be in our stories." Selithe winks at Lomar thinking of another thing, "An once I get some sleep I'll teach you a couple card games too."

Olo  d20+6=20
Friday January 7th, 2005 12:19:07 AM

Olo laughs aloud when Lomar smothers Airin in a huge hug. He saw that coming! Then when Lomar straps on the drums and plays, he sobers quite a bit. He doesn't understand the song, but it's power and emotion are undeniable. When the ogre finishes playing, Olo finds himself speechless for once.

He snaps out of it when he hears Lomar asking about food. "Hey, the only thing I want more than a nap right now is a nap on a full stomach. Whatcha got there Lomar?"

Olo takes a quick gander at the pig, trying to figure out if it was properly gutted, how long it would take to cook and how many it would feed. (Cooking 20)

Friday January 7th, 2005 1:34:45 AM

Kendry laughs as Bobbles samples the soap. "No, no, we do not eat it. Mama, though, made me eat a sliver of it once. A dwarf came to town. His face turned red, and he said words I did not know. One word he said over and over. So, at home, I was playing, and I said this word. My Mama heard it, grabbed my ear, and took me inside to feed me soap.

"She taught me a not to say that dwarf word any more.

"But soap has a better use. It makes things clean. It makes skin clean, and clothes clean. Mix it with water. Rub it in. With clothes, rub it in, rinse, and rinse again. With skin, or hair, rub it in, so it gets bubbly, then wash it off. It takes off dirt and bad smells."

By about that time, Airin has received her hug of gratitude, and Lomar begins his song of lament. A tear comes to Kendry's eye as he absorbs Lomar's remarkable performance. He takes out his lyre, tunes it, and toward the end of Lomar's performance, is providing a soft accompaniment. After Lomar sings his remarkable song, Kendry offers a loose translation.

"Thank you, Lomar. Absolutely remarkable."

"Time, Airin? About three days, I think. Let's get some sleep now, then start travel later in the afternoon."

He looks at the wagon remnants at Selithe's suggestion. "I dunno, sis. Nalfein would be real handy at fixin' something like this up. Why don't you check with some of the others, and see what can be put together?" He gives her arm an affectionate little squeeze.

When food is mentioned, Kendry is up for it. "Bobbles & I have something to take care of while someone makes breakfast."

If there is water to be found, Kendry uses that to help Bobbles get himself cleaned up. He gives him the found clothing, and cleans that which was soiled, then finds a place to hang it up to dry.

DM Stephen 
Friday January 7th, 2005 9:39:19 AM

Will have a post a little later today. Expect it around noon to 1pm CST. Im sick at home today. I dont necessarily feel like posting at this moment, since ive been up and down most of the night.

Saturday January 8th, 2005 1:48:54 PM

Patty glances at the beams in the tower, trying to find a few that might serve as handels for Lomar or any wood that might be used to repair the broken wagon enough so that the ponys could pull it.

Down Time! (DM Stephen)  d100=94 d100=13 d6=3 d6=2
Sunday January 9th, 2005 3:39:39 PM

Patterson easily determines the wagon is not mendable out in the wilderness. However, with a little help from Lomar, the wagon can be converted into something of a wheelbarrel that Lomar can push.

Lomar graceously thanks everyone for the compliments. He's very happy to see that the Kendry is also musically inclined. He is obviously not used to all the acceptance. "Wow! No one likes my drumming and singing before. Most ogres have no appreciation for music and song."

Olo takes a gander at the pig Lomar had tied up. He did a good job at field dressing it. It would easily take the better part of a day to cook the whole hog over a large fire. However, if Olo sectioned off some pieces, he could cook them in no time after a fire is built. Lomar had collected a sizable amount of firewood next to the backside of the tower. Lomar also has a fire pit prepared. He has been here many days. And there are even some hot coals still present under a thin layer of ash. Looks like Lomar had set up some kind of skewer, a pointy stick, that he could lean over the fire to cook meat on.

Bobbles is able to wash up and look far more presentable. However, his nasty and tattered clothes didnt stay together to well after he tried to wash them. He requires replacements, if Kendry doesnt mind giving him his spare shirt and pants. However, they might be a little small for the goblin. Bobbles sniffs his arm pits and one foot and is amazed that he actually smells good!

Slag and Biguns helps out as much as they can. Converting the wagon to a crude wheelbarrel, building a fire, handling the food and helping get everything together. Slag admits to the group, "You laddies better go on to up the road to Hovel if your going to make it back. Our boat is going nowhere for the next couple of days and going to take several more days to sail up stream. Me and Biguns will roll up the sail with the rigging and carry it back to the boat. You all should travel north up this road back to the Crescent. Its the fastest way for you. Especially when pushing this wheelbarrel, thing!"

Shale  d20+6=14
Sunday January 9th, 2005 7:31:26 PM

Shale takes off into the woods to find some other foodstuffs to compliment the meal (spices, eggs, etc.) and comes back to make sure the meal and camp are in good shape. After everyone has eaten and the watch schedule is setup, Shale will doze for a good rest.(Survival 14)

Once everyone has rested and eaten Shale will pack up Valor and prepare to ride north.

Patterton  d20=3
Sunday January 9th, 2005 8:00:36 PM

Patty helps Lomar fix the wagon with whatever beams and nails they can salvage and uses the butt end of his hand axe to hammer them into the frame(wisdom roll? =3). He also keeps an eye on Olo's cooking, having heard a tale or two about his culinary prowess.

Olo  d20+6=26
Sunday January 9th, 2005 11:48:35 PM

With Lomar's permission, Olo gets to work on cooking up a proper meal. He makes sure the fire is properly stoked and selects cuts of meat. Not sure how much this group will eat, he tries to err on the side of preparing too much (as if there were such a thing!). Accepting whatever accoutrements are available, he'll roast or boil them as appropritae.

Happy to finally have the opportunity, he digs into his pack of herbs and spices and does what he feels is a quite satisfactory job in seasoning the entire affair.

Not wanting to rush the meal, he breaks out his supplies of bread, cheeses and a bit of wine to keep the others at bay while the meal has a chance to cook properly.

(Cook = 26, nat 20!)

Selithe  d20+2=9
Monday January 10th, 2005 12:02:30 AM

Selithe nods and will try helping out where she can but being overly tired she moves to the wall and flops down, leaning back against it as she speaks up, "Someone wake me when the food is ready please."

Selithe looks over at Lomar as she thinks and speaks up, "Hey Lomar, you think you could play a nice little song while the others cook and some of us get abit of sleep?" Selithe smiles to the ogre before closing her eyes and relaxing. (Listen:9)

Kendry, feelin' sleepy 
Monday January 10th, 2005 3:09:13 AM

All the activity has begun to catch up to him.

Kendry does offer Bobbles his extra clothing, and is pleased at the end results. "You look good, Bobbles. Too bad no one here can make drawing of you right now. Handsome!"

He spends a few minutes going over the map with Biguns and Slag, pointing out what he believes to be the site of the boat now, as well as the place where the captain snuggled in his favorite spot upstream farther, that is, where the goblins stole the boat. He asks for their confirmation or correction. He mentally marks the two places, and shows the map to any who wish to see it.

"After sleep and food, we head back. We will split off from Slag and Biguns where we first came on this road, and then cut toward shore where we left the other beer barrel. We then head back to the road, and north to the ferry station - that's the place we left Biscuit and the cart." He takes a moment to explain to Lomar that Biscuit is the name of their pony, a mare. He also asks for clarification from the half orc and the dwarf of the place on the map where the ferry station lies in relation to the road and the river. He also asks for any identifying landmarks and the like that might aid them in finding it.

"From there - oh, first we let the people at that spot know about the goblin attack - maybe they can send help downstream to fix up the boat - so, from there, we continue on the road back to town, and, I trust, in time for the party."

He also checks in with Biguns and Slag to learn whether they know of any hazards - or potential allies - on the road north.

After the fifteen minutes or so that this takes, Kendry thanks all. "Wake me for any watch you want to, except 1st watch. I'm sleeping now."

He takes his blanket, finds a comfortable spot, and starts snoozing. Thoughts of the benefits of exploring the inside of the tower, climbing up high to see what odds and ends might have been left behind enter his mind, urging him not to give in to sleep. As Olo and others work on building the fire, and he thinks of how much fun it is to travel with his friends and family - and to make new, unexpected friends! - Kendry drifts off into dreamland with a few incipient lines of poetry forming in his mind.

Airin  d20+7=19 d20+5=16
Monday January 10th, 2005 3:11:05 AM

Seems everything is well under control. With great expectations Airin looks at Olo's cooking, looking forward to a great dinner.

She takes her bed roll, spreads it out on the floor, places her leather armor next to her and sits down on the bedroll.

Once again she takes the four rings from her pouch. "What are these good for?" she thinks to herself as she lets the rings roll around in her hands.

"Should I try one on? ... maybe ... but which one? ... These thick ones have writing and something that looks like shields on them ... these gorgeous ones are clearly elven. Aresius, my old mentor, was Elven. I have never seen evil things spout from the Elves ... let's try one on ..."

Airin takes of her gloves and slips one of the Elven kind rings on her left finger. (ooc : one of those that are made to look like thin vines and berries as if taken right out of the forest)

She waits with anticipation. Wondering if she will sense anything ...

search 19
spot 16

Kendry dreams of Polly 
Monday January 10th, 2005 4:58:43 PM

In his dreams, Kendry sees his cousin Polly, running around, jumping, making pithy observations. He sees her jump out of a tree - and she actually flies, swooping and making loops in the air. Kendry claps his hands in glee, as if he were a boy.

But then, as he watches her, he can tell she is starting to fade away. "No, no, Polly! Don't go! Don't leave us. We need you!" The young halfling is agitated in his sleep.

Patterton  d20+6=22
Tuesday January 11th, 2005 1:48:36 AM

After helping with the wagon, Patty unslings his backpack and plops down heavily opposite the fire from Olo as he is preparing the meal. Feeling his belly growl a bit as he watches the hobbit chef at work proves to be to much, however, and he turns his attention elsewhere.

Looking about the hastily prepared campsite Patty notices Airin as she examines the rings and, after a moment, withdraws the longsword taken from Boss Bob and examines it closely. With his pocket hankerchief and a bit of canteen water, Patty cleans off the sticky goblin blood for a better look.

Patterton takes a moment to get off his feet, but his second wind is still still going strong(endurance=22) and he announces, "I can take the first watch after dinner," to nobody in particular.

Fat Happy (DM Stephen)  d20+10=21 d10=8
Tuesday January 11th, 2005 8:29:04 PM

Shale hunts around the area and is able to gather four well shaped tubers and a wild onion. He brings that back to Olo who is able to create a feast befitting a King! Everyone looks on in awe and drooling slack jaws. What a miracle he has performed! And in so little time too.

Patterson and Lomar is able to fashion the wagon into a working wheelbarrel. Lomar carefully loads each keg. He plays his drum and sings a few songs while everyone else continue on with their appointed tasks. His voice can get soo deep that it rattles your bones. You all feel somewhat inspired with his performance.

Bobbles smiles with a big toothy grin. "Bobbles be good lookin', I be?! Bobbles feel good too. Boobles smell good, I do. Thanks to Uncle Kendry Foxbiter." Bobbles gives Kendry a hug much like Lomar. There's a lot of love in the air.

Kendry asks Slag and Biguns about the road back to the Crescent Valley. As far as they know, it's clear sailing. They have rarely traveled the road, but havent heard of any recent bad things happening to travelers. Its mostly traveled by farmers, miners and lumberjacks.

After all preparations have been made everyone sits down for the feast. Everyone eats until they become fat and bloated. A few songs are sung by Lomar in Olo's honor. There is peace, laughter and a well deserved sleep. Lomar stays up and writes a song about the meal and his new friends. After several hours, everyone begins to wake fully refreshed and full of spirit.

(The meal was so good that everyone receives 8 temporary hitpoints and a +1 morale bonus to hit, saves, skill and ability checks for the next 24 hours.)

Tuesday January 11th, 2005 10:05:30 PM

Once Selithe has ate the great meal that Olo prepares she can't help but fall asleep right away as sleep over takes her.

Her dreams are peaceful and she dreams of home, gambling and fun in games in general.

When she wakes later she walks over to Olo onces she is fully awake and she is to and gives the man a hug, "Thanks for the meal Olo it was very good and I feel so much better to. You will have to fix food for us more often." Selithe gives Olo a big grin and winks as she prepares to get moving again.

Selithe does look to big Lomar and thinks abit about everything he has done and snaps her fingers, "I decided Lomar, when we get back home you have to meet me and Kendry's mom and dad. Your singing will most deffinetly win them over." Selithe looks to Kendry and gives him a thumbs up, "An Bobbles surely can help out also. We'll have to look into getting him some work and a nice place."

Kendry  d20+4=7 d20+4=19
Wednesday January 12th, 2005 3:10:30 AM


"What a pleasant turn this adventure has taken," Kendry remarks. "Well done, all! New friends and acquaintances, good music, good food. Of course, that was preceded by some unpleasantness, too. But," he says, rubbing his hands together briskly, "what can I say? I love this! How 'bout you, Polly, Shale?"

"Great grub, Olo."

He returns the hug, and is pleased that his goblin friend does smell considerably better. "Welcome you are, welcome you are, Bobbles." A rather sombre thought occurs to him. "Say, should we put goblins who lie here up in trees?" If the answer is yes, he will help do so - and ask if Lomar might help, too. If Bobbles thinks not, he lets the matter drop.

He returns his sister's hand sign, with an extra wink.

Kendry helps break camp. "Lomar, you have everything you need? Forget anything?" He takes a quick look inside the tower, glancing here and there quickly in the nooks and crannies, to see if anything was overlooked. [Search 7, Spot 19]

Then, as they now set out to return what needs to be returned, and to deliver what needs to be delivered, he chats with anyone interested in chatting. He also offers to teach Bobbles more of the common tongue. If he agrees, then Kendry begins the lessons.

He talks as well with Lomar, and asks if he might read some more of his poetry and songs as they travel along.

Wednesday January 12th, 2005 5:24:48 AM

Airin wakes up after a couple of hours and feels very good.
"Olo my friend ! That was one heck of a meal you prepared for us !! You MUST do that more often " she smiles at him.

She casts a quick look at the Elven ring she's wearing but as she feels no direct positive or negative effects she keeps wearing it ... the ring does look very beautifull of course.

She puts on her gloves and armor, puts the backpack in place, sheaths her sword and dagger and checks her crossbow.

"Ready to move out again !" she says to the others. "Where are we going from here ? Will we collect that other barrel you left behind first ?"

Patterton  d2=1
Wednesday January 12th, 2005 5:52:31 PM

Patty awakes as yawns happily, giving his full belly a pat before jumping up up to his feet.

"Olo! Good show, m'boy!" He remarks, giving the cleric a playful jab in the shoulder,"Guess I'll have to tell my mum she's not the best cook in the valley anymore. Say...how are you with hare? There's a nice, big fat one around here somewhere." He then walks across camp and nods pleasently to Airin and Selithe as he gets his things.

Patterton collects his backpack and tosses it up into the wagon for the time being and looks over to the ogre. "Hey Lomar, how about I ride on the wagon and help you keep an eye on the goods? I sort of left my pony back at the farm."

Wednesday January 12th, 2005 10:00:49 PM

"Yep," he says, answering Airin's question. "We're going back the way we came this morning, until we get to where the road forks. We'll take the right fork, Biguns and Slags will take the left fork back to the boat. If anyone wants to stay and help with the boat, then they'll want to go with them. The rest of us head on the right fork northward a few miles, cut westward to the water and our other hidden cask. Then back to the road, and toward the ferry landing. Pick up our horse and cart there, see if Willoughby is still there, then to town. To Hovel, that is. The guys," he says, with a lift of the chin toward Biguns and Slag, "say that the road is used mainly by lumberjacks, traders, farmers, and the like."

Thursday January 13th, 2005 12:17:24 AM

With his stomach full, his body rested and his ears full of the compliments of his companions, Olo finds himself in a great mood.

Seeing everyone busy breaking camp, he loads his cooking gear and any leftover food onto his donkey before gathering the rest of his equipment and donning his armor. Enjoying the wind in his ample head of hair he resists putting on his helmet, though he'll make sure his crossbow is handy just in case.

Thursday January 13th, 2005 4:18:07 AM

As everyone continues to prepare the departure, Airin walks over to Blossom. She caresses the pony over the nose and prepares it for another walk along the forest.

When heading out, Airin will ride Blossom, taking one or two extra persons with her is needed.

OOC : how fast can Lomar go with the loaded wagon ? If this would be similar to 20ft or preferably lower than 20ft, Airin may descide to scout up ahead to spot possible ambushes ...

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