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Aftermath. Lady of Light. New friends. Recovery plans

The Aftermath (DM Stephen)  d20+6=18
Tuesday November 9th, 2004 2:25:53 AM

Many of the halflings run to the shore to help Kendry pull the large barrel up on the beach. Not an easy chore. Kendry looks so exhausted from the ordeal, he's unable to speak for lack of breath. However, after a brief moment to catch his breath, he makes his way over to Biguns to give him a goodberry. He is still unconscious but looks very stable.

Both Polly and Shale go to inspect the dead goblins left behind. Polly discovers that one of the goblins she cut down was still clinging to life but unconscious and dying. Shale inspects the trickster far more carefully than the rest. She was definitely the leader, he thinks. Her gear is only slightly tattered. Much better condition than the rest of her brethern. She wears studded leather armor, that was masterwork at one time. Could possibly be that way again with a little care. Her dagger is definitely a masterwork weapon. Finely crafted and perfectly balanced. Just needs a little spit and polish to be good as new.

Shale finds the hair comb that was knocked from the trickster. It was actually an illusion. The comb's true form is a simple leather hat. When Shale picks it up, the hat changes into a size and style that would favor a halfling. It's easy to see that this hat is magical.

In all, Shale and Polly recover eight rusty daggers, five javlins, five suits of tattered piecemeal leather armor and a hooded lantern.

Selithe feeling the sting of her wounds decides to stay on the shore with captain and what's left of the crew. Runt, seeing that he can do no more for his captain, gives a roll of bandages to the half-elf and moves over to Selithe. "Runt seez yooz hurt. Me try ta helpps." (Heal check 18) He starts to dab a clear liquid on the wound with a rag. It stings at first, but it numbs the wound well enough to pull the bolt. Runt still offers Selithe a piece of leather to bite on when he makes the attempt.

Slag yells for a little help. The half-orc crewman grabs a roll of bandages and heads over to help take care of Biguns.

The human woman being held under the animal hides struggles with the man. "Please Thadius, unhand me. I must help them." The man, who she referrs to as Thadius replies, "Stay down, my lady. You could still be in danger." "LET ME GO!" she says forcefully. Thadius relents to her demand. "Please my lady," pleads Thadius, "as your protector we mustn't linger here much longer. Please, lets make haste and leave this place. We are so close to the end of our quest. I fear this skirmish will only alert our pursuers! They have eyes everywhere." She answers, "I am more aware of that then you." "Yes, of course my lady, I mean not to preach. I say this because I made a sacred vow to be your protector, to the death if need be." She turns to Thadius and gently lays her hand lovingly across his cheek. "Yes, my dear Thadius. Without you this quest would have met its dreadful end from the very start. You are my champion and I can never expect you to be any different. But remember, this is who I am and I can't turn away from these good gentle folk. I must do what I must."

The woman steps away from her companion and turns to face the group. "Please, kind souls, hear me well. Be not alarmed for what you are about to see. I wish only to bring you relief from your wounds. All I need is for you all to come to me. Bring me your wounded so they shall suffer no more." Upon uttering those last words, a dazzling spectical begins to happen. Her body becomes bathed in a glorious nimbus of light. Then slowly her human shape forms into that of a horse with a single horn pertruding from her head. You all have heard of these mystical beasts from bedtime stories and legend. However, none of you would've ever thought it be possible to look upon an actual unicorn. Her glow fills all your hearts with peace and tranquility. She again asks, "Bring to me your hurt and fallen."

Kendry  d20+6=19 d20+4=21
Tuesday November 9th, 2004 2:57:17 AM

The young bard's mouth drops open. A single-horn! The tales of such wonders he recalls [Knowledge, history: 19. Bardic knowledge: 21]. They are creatures of goodness, and strong in magic.

"Oh, lady. Oh, Lady, Lady of Light! May you be blessed, blessed indeed for your kindness to us this eve."

Kendry works with his companions and the healthier members of the crew to bring the Captain, and Bigun, and to assist any others to come. He glances at his own wound, slightly healed by the berry he earlier ate.

If Polly communicates that one of the goblins is yet alive, he brings him over, although he takes the precaution to tie his hands and ankles, and lightly gags and blindfolds the wretched creature, asking Polly to help him in the task. He will not allow, in so far as it is in his power, any to further injure their opponent.

"Here we are, good Lady, and those who have suffered from the goblin raid tonight. One of the attackers is here, as well. Have you the will to heal even him? Or is it wrong to pity such?"

Tuesday November 9th, 2004 3:03:38 AM

Answering Kendry, "Me no think da two crewman left onboard be living now (He is referring to the two half-orcs that fell in battle on deck). Me real names be Zippzitzz, but everybodies no say well. So they call me ... IEEEE!!" Runt stares frozen in fear at first but relaxes in the glow of the unicorn's true form.

Tuesday November 9th, 2004 9:55:33 AM

Selithe does take the leather strap and waits for Zippzitzz to pull the bolt. She winces alittle when theb olt is pulled but smiles up at the man and nods to him, "Thank you Zippzitzz, that bolt was really starting to hurt." Selithe is happy for the liquid that numbed the wounds and also smiles to Kendry as she sits up now slowly, "Thanks for taking care of my pipe for me Kendry."

Selithe takes the pipe and just gets it lit when the lady changes into a unicorn, the sight shocks Selithe greatly and she watches in awe before even being able to summon the energy to walk over also, "By Warrds feet....I thought they were only legends...but one stands right there."

As Selithe waits, making sure she is one of the last ones heal so she can possibly ask questions. Once her turn arrives she smiles sheepishly, "My names Selithe, I'm honored to meet you miss...ummm....ummm...miss...I..you see..I have a diary of interesting things and people I meet and see....I...you see..uhh was hoping I might beable to learn somethings..about unicorns and your travels maybe...I mean...uhh no specific details...you sound like your on a very important mission and I don't want to endanger that by asking of that." Selithe smiles all though nervously since she has never met a unicorn before and she pulls her diary out from where as nestled in her bedroll.

Getting abit more composed she now speaks mainly to herself, "wow, a real unicorn and a bodyguard of one. Dang this is a once in a life time chance to learn about how unicorns live, what they eat, if the legends of only letting a maiden of pure heart ride them is true, the magics that unicorns have thats suppose to be natural....I heard legends that people hunt unicorns but why, such a beautiful creature should be allowed to live free." Selithe looks to of just went to lala land at this chance to learn of a legendary unicorn.

Tuesday November 9th, 2004 5:25:50 PM

Polly, who is not interested in any goblin's stinky old equipment, glares at Kendry over the body of the living one. "Well, you obviously don't need my help, you big busybody, so do it yourself!" She leaves him to do what he likes and starts dragging the goblin bodies together for a pyre, wearing a full-on scowl.

So pre-occupied is she with her angry frustration that she loses all interest in the glowy horse woman and her offer of healing.

Tuesday November 9th, 2004 7:43:03 PM

Shale stares with an open mouth until it is his turn for healing. Before long the blade of grass he had been chewing falls out as Shale remains slackjawed in awe.

Tuesday November 9th, 2004 7:43:03 PM

Shale stares with an open mouth until it is his turn for healing. Before long the blade of grass he had been chewing falls out as Shale remains slackjawed in awe.

Tuesday November 9th, 2004 10:08:02 PM

Facing Polly's wrath, Kendry revises his plans, somewhat. "All right, Polly. Sorry. I guess I was trying to help too fast. What do you want us to do? And you were hurt, Poll - don't let your being mad at me keep you from the Lady's kindness, Polly. Just punch me or something, instead." His chagrin is apparent.

Asleep at the Wheel! (DM Stephen) 
Wednesday November 10th, 2004 8:10:17 AM

As the very last one is brought into range of the unicorn, a pulse of her white light flows outward and through every single person. The wave of energy blinds all those who stare directly into her light for a second or two. As soon as you realize what had happened you also notice that everyones wounds are completely gone. (Mass heal - everyone is completely healed) When you all look up from your quick inspection of yourselves, the unicorn is back in the form of her human shape.

The goblin is also fully healed and is cowering and quivering on the ground where he had layed. He seems terrified and unable to move from being frozen in fear. The unicorn turns her gaze upon Kendry who asks about allowing the goblin a second chance at life. She smiles and says, "You may not realize it now, but the greatest gift one can offer the wicked is a chance for redemption. It's the way of the Celestials. There is no greater reward then leading evil towards the light."

Suddenly her attention, along with her protector is drawn toward the thick brush of the surrounding trees. A pony with two hobbits riding together emerge from the woods. A donkey loaded with supplies is lead by its reins behind them. Both halflings and fast asleep and are slumped over in the saddle. As if they were relying on luck to deliver them where they need to go.

(Everyone say hello to your newest players, Jason and Inge. You guys are free to post.)

Wednesday November 10th, 2004 10:26:45 AM

( OOC : this post will be easy as we seem to have fallen asleep :-) Glad to be joining you all !)

"We'll find them ... they will get into trouble without us ... long yourney ... must keep an eye out for ambushes ... zzzzzzz ... " were the last words she said just before falling a sleep.

Wednesday November 10th, 2004 4:29:25 PM

"I don't want to hit you, Kendry; I want you to trust me. I'm not about to murder a helpless person, nor let die one who might know where they've taken the barge off to."

Reminded of her wound, Polly joins the others gathered around the lady long enough to be healed, then returns to her self-appointed task without a word. She's barely dragged the next corpse a wagon length before movement at the edge of the brush sent her scrambling to ready her spear.

She squints at the slumped figures in the dim light. "Airin?" Polly hurries over to the pony and shakes her cousin to wake her. "Airin! What are you two doing here? Wake up! You almost slept your way into a battle."

Shale  d20+7=21
Wednesday November 10th, 2004 9:40:59 PM

Shale stunned by the quick heal suddenly feels invigorated. Then it hits him, they still have a chance to get the ship back!

"Anyone speak goblin??" Looking over at Runt he grins wide and says nicely to him, "Could you ask the evil goblin where they were taking the ship. Feel free to tell him we'll cook and eat him if he doesn't tell us, but be polite."

Moving around the outside of the battle scene Shale attempts to pick up any signs of where the fleeing goblin went. (Track 21 not sure if +7 is right mod, but it should be close)

Collecting up his bow Shale studies the ground carefully.

Wednesday November 10th, 2004 10:14:52 PM

Selithe looks at those riding in on the wagon but doesn't know them right off atleast or at all. She sighs softly and smiles, "Some help maybe to take care of all this."

Selithe smokes her pipe lightly and awaits to see what happens before turning her attention back to the unicorn lady and her bodyguard, "I hope we can talk alittle before you two have to move on."

Selithe looks to the bodyguard of the unicorn lady's and smiles politely to him, "I'm glad you protect the lady to sir. I heard alot of the legends and wish you both the best atleast."

(OOC:Hi to Jason and Inge and welcome to the game. Looking forward to gaming with both of you.)

(DM Stephen - No wagon present. They were both riding on the back of a pony. A donkey was being pulled behind them.)

Wednesday November 10th, 2004 10:55:25 PM

With the noise and the shaking, Olo starts to wake up and looks at the world around him through half-opened eyes.

Seeing Polly, and the gathering of halflings behind her, his eyes pop open wide and any sign of sleepiness immediately disappears. "Airin, wake up! We made it! Ha!"

Olo drops down from the pony and pulls off his helmet to reveal the fullest, wildest, and bushiest head of hair that you've ever seen on a halfling. Dropping the helmet to the ground, he'll make the rounds to all the halflings in the group (friends and strangers alike) and give them a solid hug and a good strong clap on the back.

Once that has been accomplished, he'll look around again to take in the state of affairs. "When you went off to fetch beer, I thought that you'd be coming back with more than one barrel. If it were me, I'd have floated a whole boatload of them down the river!"

Olo shrugs and continues. "But whatever... I'm just glad we found you. Who's the goblin?"

ooc: Olo Thistlefoot is a halfling cleric of Wardd who's native to Humble's Ford. Feel free to know him or be a stranger to him, he'll treat you just as friendly in any case.

Thursday November 11th, 2004 1:26:51 AM

OOC:Hey everyone. I'll be posting soon, just wanted to give a preemptive hello!

Kendry  d20+4=13
Thursday November 11th, 2004 3:13:41 AM

To Polly, just before the healing
"You think I don't trust you?" Kendry asks Polly, incredulous at the thought. "Of course I trust you. I just wasn't sure about some of the folks we don't know so well. I guess maybe it might've looked like I didn't trust you. But, trust me, cuz, that's not the way I feel. I do tend to just barge ahead on things, though, so feel free to tell me when to slow down."

During the wonder
Kendry does gaze at the unicorn as the healing wave washes out from her. Funny, it seems he's mainly heard stories about male unicorns, though, he now realizes, there have got to be both genders among them. White, bright light. He blinks, looking around, trying to get his vision back again, listening to hear if anything odd is going on until he can see a bit better again. The ache in his side is gone! He looks about at the others, noting the pain on their countenances has disappeared.

And the bard hears the Lady's words. The kindness, the hope, the possibility of change for the wicked. He wants to talk with her more, and ask her many questions. But looks down at the goblin, and removes the blindfold. Shlifkh pokh, he tells the goblin - 'Tremble not.' In the wretched creature's own tongue, Kendry tells him, 'You and yours who killed some of us, tried to kill more. This is bad-bad. One here says he eats you. I tell him no. Shining woman says you change. She make you better. Your guts can stay inside you. The halfling kneels down close to the face of the goblin, along his left side. He puts his hands behind the head, on the knot he tied there. With an intense whisper, he speaks into the odd folds of the creature's ear, 'You say us true words, I say you live. But you tell us where go boat, what do with boat, what big plans.' He unties the gag, and awaits the goblin's response. [Diplomacy 13, plus whatever circumstantial modifications the DM wishes to make.]

Much as he wants to go greet Airin and Olo, whom he has not seen for ages, Kendry keeps his attention focused on the goblin before him.

Thursday November 11th, 2004 4:32:36 AM

Mayzie will arive on shore hurt and soaked, pulling the wounded Ghost behind her.

She shakes her head at the mention of politics, and is about to make a stinging comment when she sees one of the passengers transform into a unicorn in front of her eyes.

Awestruck, Mayzie nonetheless manages to come close, pulling the reluctant Ghost with her to be healed too.

'Th... Thank you my lady' she manages to whisper in elvish to the Unicorn.

'I overheard you mention a quest. I do not wish to pry into your affairs, but is it likely that the attack on the barge was something to do with that? We are on an errand and are worried that it is to interfere with that that the attack took place. However if it was directed at us, then someone back home has commited a serious crime and we would wish to seek redress. It seems a rather - extreme - thing for one of our own folk to arrange though.'

OOC - Kim 
Thursday November 11th, 2004 7:30:34 PM

[Does someone want to check on the Captain and Bigun, now that they're back with us?]

All this trouble for BEER! (DM Stephen)  d20=9 d100=29 d100=35 d100=81 d6=6 d6=3
Thursday November 11th, 2004 10:19:54 PM

After the magical aura of the now human unicorn fades, everyone notices that both the captain and Biguns rise to their feet. They feel where their wounds once were and are amazed and awe-struck. The captain and his crew, what's left of the them, rush toward her to show their gratitude. Thadius noticably gets nervious.

As soon as Shale suggests someone trying to speak to the goblin, Kendry has already taken the innitiative. Pleasantly surprised by Kendry's elloquent goblin accent, Shale looks for tracks and finds them very easily. They're extremely fresh and all over the place. It's almost as if a battle had just happened. :) All the tracks on the shore lead down stream, which is where they made their exit.

As Kendry speaks to the goblin and his expression changes from fear to awe. He pokes at his stomach where he was mortally wounded. (in goblin) "Ahhhh, me guts be back in where belong, yes they be! This cant be, me must be dead. You be dead too, you are!" He stares at the woman who healed him and his eyes go wide with a thought. "The Raven be she? The one whose black wings spread over the sky an block out the nasty sun. Stares down on us all with eyes sparkly, she does." He then sees the trickster dead and the biggest smile forms across his face. "Hee hee! Grekie stay real dead. Hate her, I do! Yaaah!" His eyes turn back to the woman and with his arms stretched out wide, he walks over to give her a loving hug. "Bobbles love the Raven with all me hearts, I do!" Thadius likes this even less and steps in front of the goblin before he could make any contact.

Polly gets to reunite with her kin. She notices, right off the bat, a tiny tiny arrow sticking into each of Olo and Airin's necks. The arrows are barely longer than an inch. Both new comers also notice eight small leafy pouches tied to the mane of the pony. Each pouch is filled with three wild berries.

Thadius tips his hat at Selithe with a smile. "Thank you for your concern. I hope you too also find success with your endeavors." He quickly turns to Mayzie and projects his answer enough to get his Ladies attention. "I'm afraid we must'nt speak of our quest. Giving you all the knowledge of our task will only be puting you in grave danger. There are those who would do anything to know it. And we must really be going now ... my Lady!"

Airin  d20+6=17
Friday November 12th, 2004 2:53:39 AM

The cheers from Olo made Airin wake up from her deep sleep and seeing Polly and the rest of her Kin made her tumbles (tumble=17) from the saddle.

Suddenly she feels an itchy feeling in her neck. Thinking its a bug or something like that she feels her neck. "What's this ?!?" she exclaims. Carefully she removes the arrow, asking Polly to have a look.
"So we didn't just fell a sleep ... we were ambushed ! And I figured I had keen ears to spot danger ..."

Then Airin, taking her pony by the reigns, joins her relatives, kindly greats them and shares Olo's amasement seeing them with only one barrel of beer.
"Are you guys really going to push this beer all the way up to town ?!? The roads are dangerous you know ... we HAVE been ambushed ! You guys were lucky ! You all seem to be in good health, but up ahead there's danger ..."

Then she notices the extra 8 pouches on her pony (occ still need to figure out a name for my pony). She quickly examines them and finds seemingly delicious berries. "HMMMM" she says to the group, "would they be eatible, I am famished. Perhaps I should try one. Besides, there are 8 pouches, so we can all have some." And Airin takes a berry from the pouches to take a closer look, yet not eating it. She first wants to make sure they are eatible.

Friday November 12th, 2004 2:55:22 AM

Kendry translates for others the gist of Bobbles' babbles.

He answers him in goblin, 'Not Raven. This be the Lady of Light. You owe life to the Lady. Grekie dead, you not dead. I not dead. Lady wants you change, be good. She say so. Save your guts, change your mind.'

As Bobbles moves toward the woman, Kendry goes into full acting mode. 'Aiee! Not try touch Lady of Light! Only she can touch you. Lady love you too, so she have man protect you from touch her. I ask her. If she say yes, then yes. If she say no, then no. I ask. If she say yes, then you get on knees, fold your hands together.'

Before they leave, Kendry turns to the woman. "Good my lady, Bobbles here wants to express his love for you. Frankly, he does not understand matters fully - nor do I. I think, nevertheless, you might help him take one more small step toward the redemption you speak of." He gets down on one knee. "Refuse if you wish, for I have no real standing to ask. He thought you to be The Raven. I told him no, you are a lady of light. Might you touch him as he kneels, and give him a word or two? Or tell him of seeking the light? Or, I don't know ... Sir, forgive my presumption. I admire your commitment, and would not detain you from your mission."

As he awaits her response, Kendry says to Bobbles, 'Kneel. Fold hands.' If she deigns to speak any words to the goblin, Kendry will translate - if he understands her words, and translation is needed.

Airin to Kendry OOC 
Friday November 12th, 2004 5:59:31 AM

Grekie was the trickster
Isn't Bobbles the one you are talking to ? I think you're getting mixed up on the goblins here :-)

Friday November 12th, 2004 4:23:45 PM

"It IS an arrow! Ha!"

Olo peers at the tiny arrow in wonderment for a few moments. Then as if a thought had suddenly come to mind, he quickly steps to the edge of the clearing, and with his back to the noise and conversation behind him, he speaks in a clear voice. "I am Olo Thistlefoot, a priest of Wardd from Humble's Ford. I thank you for helping me find my friends! I am in your debt and would gladly repay the favor if there is a service I can provide in return." He stands there for a moment, just listening to the sounds of the forest.

"Now then" he says with a quick clap of his hands, "where were we?" He turns around and walks back to the circle of conversation. "Will somebody PLEASE tell me what's going on? Who is this goblin (pointing to Bobbles, who is most likely kneeling with his hands folded) and why on earth is he proposing to this big lady here?"

Olo tucks the tiny arrow into his pack while he waits for someone... ANYONE... to tell him what's going on.

Friday November 12th, 2004 7:30:31 PM

Coming back to the group Shale smiles as Olo and answers his question patiently,

"We were getting the beer when we were ambushed at night. The goblins took the ship but Kendry saved a barrel of it first. Everyone was pretty hurt but his fine lady healed us all up and then you came riding out of the woods together."

Pausing for a breath Shale continues, "So, now we have to go get the beer since that is the whole reason we came all this way. Kendry apparently speaks goblin so he is gonna try to get some info out of the goblin who the lady healed. If that doesn't work I think we can track the goblins pretty easily and get our ship back. We better hurry though or they will probably drink all our beer."

After babbling off the story Shale waits with a serious expression for Kendry to get the info out of the goblin. If that doesn't work he takes off downstream after the goblins following their tracks with his bow drawn.

Friday November 12th, 2004 11:03:47 PM

Selithe smiles to the man and nods to him, speaking up after writing the name of where the group will be going to next on a piece of paper and handing it to the guardian of the unicorn lady, "Sir, this is where me and my friends are heading. If it would be possibly can you have your lady friend write to me about what unicorns are like and how they live and such please? I would really like to beable to put the info in my diary....I mean you see, I love knowledge and gathering it since I'm a conjurer and studier of the arts but since I'm still a novice and learning about different things I would love the info she could provide." Selithe nods to him now and goes to greet the new people.

Selithe looks over Olo and Airin a moment while smoking her pipe and then finally blows a circle of smoke into the air as she speaks up, "Greetings you two. I'm afraid I don't really remember either of you if we have met anyway. Seems like I would know the lady there since Polly does but maybe my memory is slipping." Selithe smiles anyway and looks around, "I'll take a gamble and say we would never cetch the goblins, the current is swift and even with those of us who walk riding the wagon we wouldn't make good time. We were also suppose to get the beer and cider back to Calfast as soon as possible but how soon? was there a deadline? mainly meaning even if we get the beer and cider back unharmed even and got it back what good would it be if it is too late to help him?"

Selithe looks to Polly and Shale since her comments might not go over to well with them and speaks up, "Sorry if my comments strike a nerve. I want to help Calfast out too and there is a matter of honor here in the sense that we were sent after so much beer but I think our next course should be thought out some everyone. Do we stand a chance cetching the ship, well first we better ask the captain of the ship for any info he can give us and his crew also. Next we need to find out if anyone but us is going after the ship and the cargo on board. I hate to say this but I'm not a experienced enough conjurer to take on a whole nest of goblins and this was well thought out....to well thought out for my taste and maybe to much of a gamble for even a gambler like me."

Friday November 12th, 2004 11:18:55 PM

Polly peers at the miniature arrow Airin handed her. "Well, I don't recognize it. I'm trying to picture the bow that shot it -- couldn't have been much longer than my forearm. I think you've got the right of it, Olo." She points to the uncovered berries. "We were left berries like that, maybe in trade for a very nice stew, maybe by some dream fairies. They'd be small enough for a bow that size, wouldn't they?"

Handing the little arrow back to Airin, she says, "Everybody, Airin is my cousin on the Turnbell side. We haven't seen much of each other since we were kids. Olo's a distinctive figure in town -- or at least a distinctive sillouette. How did you ever get all your hair stuffed into that helmet, Olo?"

Polly's shoulders slump as she listens to Selithe. "I guess you're right about that. If we have to choose between getting one barrel there in time, and being too late with any of it, some beer is better than none. It's just that I feel badly for the captain and crew, and I'd feel worse if we couldn't help Calfast at all. I'd like to find out if we can try, at least. If they haven't gone far, and there aren't many more than we fought earlier, and we can come up with a plan, maybe we can steal the barge back quick."

Glancing at the lone barrel on the shore, she muses, "Maybe they'll all be drunk."

Saturday November 13th, 2004 7:35:07 AM

Mayzie looks increasingly angry and agitated as she paces up and down the bank, Ghost sitting watching her looking downcast.

"Several things worry me here.

"Firstly I do not believe these goblins were sent to interfere with the Lady and her quest. Whoever sent them then would have known they would have no chance against her and her guardian.

"That means they were either sent for US, or we were simply unlucky. I am suspicious of coincidence."

Turning to the captain

"Captain, are goblin attacks on ships here something that happens often? If so why did your ship not have more guards? I do not mean to insult you, I simply wish to know if this event is something that happens now and then or if this is something new and suspicious."

Turning back to the others Mayzie speaks up again.

"What bothers me is this. If these goblins were sent by one of the other candidates, then someone who is prepared to murder other hobbits is standing for election as Mayor of our valley. I assume your own Aunt would not try and kill you. I hope not anyway. Then again the Mayor currently in power has never shown any signs of such behaviour as far as I know. So something very strange is happening here. Perhaps the thugs we ran into before leaving town?

"As to what we should do, I think we need to accomplish our mission. That mission was to deliver beer to Calfast's party before the end of the party season. If we have time to retake the beer we have lost from the goblins, or the ability for that matter, then fine. If not we should be ready to go back to Brock and buy another smaller shipment with whatever money we have."

Saturday November 13th, 2004 2:14:47 PM

"It seems to me that no matter what the reason for the goblins it is our obligation to stand up against them and not to turn away when evil strikes."

Shale is obviously anxious to take off down the trail and seems at least a little overconfident that he can take on the goblins.

Goblin knows best (DM Stephen)  d100=99 d6=3 d20+12=28 d20+2=7 d20+2=6
Monday November 15th, 2004 1:57:59 AM

The captain gets a little defensive at the tone of Mayzie's voice. With his arms crossed and a raised eyebrow, he answers her. "You think I would put the lives of my crew and my property in jeopardy if I thought we would be raided by bunch of goblin thieves? I would have never taken the pleasure of sleeping at this camp if I thought it was dangerous. The Crescent Valley has always been peaceful and good. I am surprised by all this as you are. You lost your beer ... SO WHAT! I lost my boat, and everything loaded on it."

Kendry, Thadius successfully keeps Bobbles from hugging the leg of the "Lady of Light" (nice name Kim :) The Lady responds to her protectors, "Gentlemen, please, I have nothing to fear from this goblin. In fact, Bobbles, here, is going to answer all your questions honestly and truthfully. Hopefully he can end all the speculations being thrown about." She turns to the goblin and says in his language, "You will answer our questions won't you, Bobbles?" She hands the goblin a shiny red apple. Bobbles nods his head vigorously and accepts the apple graciously. She looks to Kendry and asks, "Will you translate so everyone can understand?" The Lady kneels down to Bobbles level and begins with her first question. "Bobbles, why you and Grekie come tonight and steal the boat?" Bobbles takes a big bite of the apple and begins to tell his story willingly. "We go to see the ogres and buy weapons and armor. Ogres gots good stuff, but we have not enough money, we don't. Wants to steal and rob to get money, Grekie does. Grekie thinks that money and stuff was easy pickin's in hobbit valley. So outside trading post, we hide, and saw the boat and the hobbits and we follow. Me not want to fight, no I don't. Bobbles had to fight or Grekie would kill me, dead. Grekie pretend to be hobbit with magic hat to make hobbits leave the boat by itself. Cut ropes an float it down river, we did." He thinks about it a little more and then remembers the rest. "Grekie told Blek, Tepe, Dup, Mong, Pohie, and Bob, to run boat onto shore down river. Then unload and take stuff to ogres for weapons and armor." Bobbles looks over at the body of Grekie and frowns. "Me not know what they do now. Grekie dead and the pack have no leader. Me think Dup, Bob, Gorp and Blek will be fightin over who be leader. Dup and Bob never like each other! Blek be crazy. He say a talking fish told him he be next leader if something happen to grekie! But me say that stupid!" Bobbles chomps down into the apple and devours it like a rabid wombat.

The Lady looks up to and exclaims, "He is telling the truth. I detect no lies." She looks to Kendry and says, "I can't make Bobbles be good, he has to take those steps of redemption for himself. I can only show him the right direction. It is promising that he chooses to help you."

Olo and Airin are still a little groggy from just waking up. But the bodies left from the battle are quite sobering. They both begin to recall the last memories before they fell asleep. You both remember mushroom circles and that one of you might have picked a couple.

The captain gets excited again. "Wha! They're going to run my boat onto the shore! I know only one place between here and the trading post that is clear enough to unload the boat. It's about five miles down river! It will take them a while to unload, we could get there in no time!" One of the crew asks the captain, "We don't have to lug this barrel of cider all the way there, do we?"

Monday November 15th, 2004 3:17:50 AM

As the Lady requests, Kendry translates as they go along her questions and Bobbles' responses for the group.

"Thank you, good my Lady. Excuse me a moment." He approaches Olo and Airin. "Hey, cousins of my cousins - well met," he begins, extending his right hand to each with a welcoming handshake. "Glad you showed up, as we can use your help tonight. I think the last time I saw you was maybe eleven years ago, at the wedding of Borrow Turnbell Fernsprout and Clover Sweet Pipewood Peasebottom. That was when someone gave Polly's sister Annice punch from the wrong bowl. Boy, did Nalfein get in trouble for that one," he smiles. "Just in case you don't remember, I'm Kendry. Papa let me play the 'quiet' lute while he played his best one for the music at the party."

On hearing the captain's surmise, and the crewman's query, Kendry says, "Well, let us hide this one barrel in the brush. I hope, should we attain success, Captain, to retrieve it on our way back upstream. Shall we commit the dead to the earth, or the fish? Let us quickly restore the campsite, then be on our way. What say you all?" he asks his companions.

After he talks with the Lady, he helps find a good spot to hide the cask of Brock's Best Beer, and cover it with a tarp, if one is available.

He says to the Lady, "I cannot speak for all, but I am in your service, good my Lady, and yours, loyal Thadius. I am Kendry, of Humble's Ford, and, and other parts. Kendry Leafwin Pipewood. For your kindness, if there is aught I might do for you, please name it."

Monday November 15th, 2004 1:16:21 PM

Polly dusts her hands and grins at Shale. "Now we've got something to work with: a chance! I was thinking we could maybe burn the bodies, Kendry. Not very nice to folk downstream if we dump them in the water. Since we're coming back for this barrel, we can take care of them at that time, because I'd sure like to retrieve our stolen cargo before it gets traded to ogres. Ogres are pretty big, aren't they?"

Monday November 15th, 2004 3:27:20 PM

Airin definitely likes the idea of trying to get back both boat and the beer. Leaving this beer to those goblins would be a terrible waste and who knows ... there might be Ogres for supper.

"Let's toss those dead goblins in the river. No need to spend more time on them. With any luck those goblins will now be fighting to see who will become the new leader. Here's a thought ...
Grekie used a magic hat to look like a hobbit, where's that hat? Maybe we can make Grekie return to the Goblins ... One of us who speaks Goblin ... I believe only Kendry can do this ... might be able to use the hat to look like a goblins and go to the camp. Some of us have keen ears to spot them and we could sneak into the camp while "our" goblin distracts them."

Putting herself up as scout (remembering the good times she spend trying to follow Polly to pick up her moves) and thinks these are now going to come back.

"What are the other plans? I suggest not wasting too much time though," she says as she turns to the group.

Monday November 15th, 2004 4:34:16 PM

As the goblin begins to recount events with the assistance of Kendry, Olo's smile beings to fade. For the first time, he looks around and
notices the very obvious signs that a battle took place. He then listens as plans are hashed out among the halflings.

"I think Airin's got the start of a plan, but we've got a few miles to cover before we have to have things hashed out. Let's figure out what to do with the bodies and we'll cover the other details on the way?"

Monday November 15th, 2004 7:46:58 PM

Selithe listens to the comments made and nods after bit and looks to everyone, "I'm more then willing to go along with this as long as I can get just abit of rest to regain my spells that I used. I hate to say it but without them I will be less use to all of you." Selithe smiles gently and shrugs as she looks around again, "So, where can I help out and please tell me it doesn't involve hauling those stinky, smelly, dirty goblins to the river or something." Selithe looks rather unhappy at the thought of carrying any of the dead goblins, specially since she is still wet, cold and abit tired.

Monday November 15th, 2004 10:17:00 PM

Grinning happily at Polly, Shale starts throwing the dead goblins in the river. He puts the masterwork dagger in his quiver pouch and hands the magical hat to Kendry.

Tightening the saddle on Valor, Shale says quickly to Kendry, "If we ride ahead on Valor you can wear the hat and stall the goblins until the rest get there. I'll hide in the bushes and cover you in case anything happens. You've always been quick with the wit and I'm not a half bad shot..."

Shale goes over to the captain and quickly asks for directions to the place he was talking about downstream. He pays careful attention to what it will look like as he approaches as he doesn't want to ride up too close.

"I think maybe one more could ride on Valor too if we sit real tight, it would have to be one of us from the Valley though."

As soon as he fits all the halflings he can on Valor wihtout slowing him down too much, Shale takes off towards the spot.

Monday November 15th, 2004 10:34:26 PM

"Friends, I think Polly is right. Sorry, sis, but if we wait until morning, I believe the number of obstacles we are likely to face will increase. I'm out of spells, too, but we have two fresh faces, whom the kindly sprites have blessed with enough goodberries to help us all. Mayzie can explain them better than I, since she makes them all the time - but, basically, you eat one, and it helps heal you a little bit. If you're not wounded, it's like having a good, full meal - just the one berry! So don't just go eating them willy-nilly - save them in case you take a walloping - or are about to.

"Y'see, I popped one into my mouth when I was up there on the boat, after I'd already gotten a crossbow bolt in my side. Had it ready to bite down on if I got hit again, and stop any extra bleeding before it got started too much. But when I jumped into the water, after rolling the cask of beer off the riverboat, I ended up biting down on the berry by accident. Sure felt good, though," he comments, rubbing his side in remembrance.

"Anyway, it might seem forward to ask this, but would you mind sharing the goodberry pouches? Everyone should have at least one berry, and some should probably have more than that. It's up to you two, though, since the sprites gave them to you.

"Selithe - let's get one of the crossbows the marauders left behind, load it up for you, and let you carry it. But point it at the ground - and not your foot - until you really need to use it. You might be able to get a shot off at one of our opponents, and even hit him, if you're lucky. And I don't know many who're luckier than you, sis. Although Olo, being a priest of Wardd and all, may rival you."

He looks to Airin. "Good idea, there. I'd be willing to try to pull off something like what you're saying. Don't know if I could pull off representing Grekie - all I heard was his Gnome-accented voice. If our apple eater here is willing help me out in the ruse ... hmm, might that jeopardize my hope of leading him toward being better?" he muses.

"Wait - Olo - you live over by Old Coot Surefoot the Bachelor, don't you, there in Humble's Ford?" He hits his forehead with the palm of his hand, not believing he'd forget someone who lived not too far off from him. "Sorry, neighbor. I must've got hit on the head tonight, too. I was speaking more of Airin as far as the wedding of a decade ago. We'll play catch-up later."

"Hey, Zippzzitz ... no, it's Zippzitzz, right? Gotta get that extra buzz at the end of your name. Do you want to help us get back the captain's boat, so's you can keep your job? Oh, while we're at it - Airin, Olo, this is Zippzitzz," he tells them, nodding toward a small scaled fellow with a tail. "A member of Captain, Captain - say, Captain, I don't know your name, besides Captain. If we all manage to get your boat back, do you suppose you could tell us your name?" he asks with a friendly smile. "Only if you want to, of course," he adds, should there be some sensitivity on the topic. "This here is Slag," he says, introducing the ship's dwarf, "And Biguns - one strong guy, I'll say," he says of the half orc. "Who did I leave out?" he asks, as there are a few other crew members present.

Then he realizes that with all his blabbing, they are not making any time toward catching up to the boat. "Is there a path along the shore, Captain?" Then, turning to Bobbles, he asks of him the same thing. He also asks Bobbles if he is willing to help them get the boat back - and if he has any suggestions.

"Shall we go? Does someone have a source of light?"

Just then, he learns that Shale has tossed the dead goblins into the water. He takes the hat from his good cousin and listens to his plan. "Maybe we should go together, Shale. I'm all for speed, but if we run into ogres down there, I'd just as soon have us all as a group. There are two ponies here, now, and a donkey. And yessir, you are one fine shot, cuz."

DM Stephen 
Tuesday November 16th, 2004 11:20:29 AM

Sorry, I will post as soon as possible. Mondays and working on multiple holiday advertising campaigns drains my time and makes my life rather hectic!

Horsing around (DM Stephen)  d100=20 d6=3 d100=76 d6=3 d100=50 d6=4
Tuesday November 16th, 2004 11:17:55 PM

The halflings start to load up on the ponies. They're able to get three on each. Zippzitzz cowers a little when Kendry mentions helping against the goblins. "Me not good fighter! But me want to gets boat back. Boat be me home! Me know how to use me sling." He pulls a small sling out and a pouch of bullets out of his bag. "Ohh, me can see in dark," he says excitedly! The captain interupts, "The name is ... um," Slag and Biguns look at each other trying to forcibly hold back their smiles, "uh, my name is Titus Bloomers! And you may refer to me by that if you can help get my boat back!" Both Slag and Biguns look at each other in shock. Titus continues, "You go up ahead and try and stake out the place. Wait and rest while my crew and I catch up. Runt has a good idea, he can see in the dark. I wouldnt use torches. Goblins can see in the dark as well. They'll see you coming a mile away! Runt, go on ahead with them and make sure they dont get lost in the darkness." Runt salutes and leaps up on the donkey. The kobold is the slightest frame of the bunch, only weighing in at 25 pounds. Bobbles hops up next to the kobold. He looks at the frightened creature and says in goblin, "where we going?" Runt just sits there frozen in place with a slack jaw. Mayzie has either the choice of her wolf, Ghost, or make room on the donkey with Zippzitzz!

As you all pull out of camp, Thadius and the Lady of Light load up onto their row boat. She waves goodbye as Thadius rows away into the darkness. As you, yourselves, enter the darkness of night, the lights from the campfires slowly fade away from your sight. The last images you see are the captain and crew starting to gather the weapons from the fallen goblins. The ponies and donkey cant move too fast with all the extra weight, but at least they can walk twice as fast than furry hobbit feet without any trouble.

(Make your checks. Whatever you see fit.)

Kendry  d20+6=10 d20+7=18 d20+10=14
Wednesday November 17th, 2004 12:51:36 AM

Kendry looks over at the kobold, and translates for him. "He asks you, 'where are we going?'" I thought I already told him we're going for the boat. You want me to remind him?" he asks Runt. "Bobbles's not going to hurt you, Zippzitzz." 'Bobbles - you guard kobold Zippzitzz. He help us. You keep him safe. I give you good thing later, you do good job.'

As they ride along, Kendry reflects on what just happened, and how he might describe this in song.

He reminds Olo and Airin of the notion of dividing up the berries. "How about a full pouch of three for each of you, and the same for Selithe, Mayzie, Polly and Shale. Or should Mayzie have four berries, and someone else two? Not you though, Selithe - you make sure you've got three. Help others who are hurt bad, if it comes to that. I'll take two berries, and two each for Zippzitzz and Bobbles - so that's two pouches split three ways. I've already got a little pouch to put them in from before. Just a suggestion. Let me know what you think."

If they go for it, Kendry will explain their purpose to Bobbles. He also will translate anything anyone wants (within reason) between the party and the goblin.

[Knowledge, nature: 10; Survival: 18; Keeping track of way in forest: 14]

Airin  d20+7=18 d20+5=15
Wednesday November 17th, 2004 3:14:59 AM

After mentioning her plan, her friends and relatives set foot right away, most likely making an awfull lot of noise ...

"Just a second" Airin says, "first all have a pouch of these berries and please allow me to put back the berry I had in my hands first before running of." Airin hands over a pouch of berries to each. "Second, we can be heard from miles if we go running of like this !"

Airin asks Kendry to try and interrogate Bobbles to find out exactly how far the Goblin camp was. Then she tries to make the others think a little harder before rushing of like this ...

"Are we going to try this hat thing ? Kendry wouldn't it be interesting to try the hat before stepping into the goblin camp ? Polly and me are able to sneak up on them and maybe even take them out one by one. How about this ..."

Airin wonders if it would be possible for Kendry to change into Grekie, move into the Goblin camp, gather all Goblins around him to discuss why they left him/her in the hands of those pesky Halflings, how she escaped etc etc. She speaks more : "Then maybe Kendry/Grekie can send of one Goblin to go check on the boat and the loot ... In the meantime some can gently walk in shooting range from the boat. Once the first Goblin appears, we can shoot him. Then after a while Kendry/Grelie might send of a second one, to go check on the first one ... and so on ..." she says with a wicked smile.

Airin fears the group will not be able to walk up to the camp unnoticed and tries to urge all to think twice before running of. She thinks they have to use the advantage of the surprise the same way her friends were ambushed first.

In the meantime she takes her crossbow from her back and loads it with a bolt. She also ensures her shortsword is safe in it's sheath and is not stuck when she wants to take it out.

After speaking to the group she hopes for the best and tries to hear and see things as good as possible however she fears all the noise will cover a well placed ambush (listen 18, spot 15). "we can't move too fast please ... we must be carefull ..." as she examins the underground. "after all they came by foot, so their camp can't be too far right ... Kendry what does Bobbles say ? Maybe we ought to go on foot too or even split up ?"

"Actually", she suddenly says as she stops her pony, "I refuse to go any further soo fast without knowing where we are going or how far it is. If it isn't too far I prefere to go slowly on foot and sneak up on them. Maybe I am too paranoid, but I like myself too much to see holes into my tummy."

Selithe  d20+3=10
Wednesday November 17th, 2004 10:03:40 AM

Selithe listens to everything thats said and sighs softly, "With the little guy from the captain's crew out ahead of us helping guide us we should be pretty good. The goblins would probably be partying after this anyway. All though it's up to all of you."

Selithe takes the pouch thats offered to her for the berries and also as Kendry says she will look around for a working crossbow that the goblins were using against them. Hopeing to find one working crossbow and some bolts for it. <Spot:10>

Wednesday November 17th, 2004 4:45:54 PM

"Come on, Airin, we can talk on the way. How about if, when Bobbles tells us we're close, we leave the ponies and donkey and go the rest of the way on foot. The quieter ones can even circle around the area and sneak up on them from downstream. If they've thought at all that we might follow, they'd be expecting us to come from upstream. Maybe we can even sneak right onto the barge from that direction. I'd like to be in the group that circles round like that."

Shale  d20+6=7 d20+9=22 d20+2=3 d20+4=12
Wednesday November 17th, 2004 10:30:23 PM

Shale grateful to have to berry thanks Airin heartfully. Taking lead of Valor he does his best to keep the pony at ready and his bow is strung in case of emergencies. Shale watches and listens carefully as an old hobbit once said, "he who chases goblins, goes home hobblin..." or something like that. (Handle Animal=7 Ride=22 Spot=3 Listen=12 )

Airin (second post) 
Thursday November 18th, 2004 2:40:43 AM

Airin listens to Polly's suggestion and accepts. She will continue to follow the group.

Thursday November 18th, 2004 6:44:03 AM

'If they are unloading a boat, they will be busy and making noise. They will also be trapped by the river on one side. Without a new leader yet, and not being very smart, they won't have spotted lookouts and will be busy watching each other to make sure none of the others steals a choice bit of booty.

'If we circle a little past the spot where they are unloading the boat, we can pretty much cut off all their escape routes, and when we attack from all sides, it is more likely to make them panic.'

Night Riders! (DM Stephen) 
Thursday November 18th, 2004 9:18:40 AM

The hobbits, goblin and kobold continue on. You all run out of shoreline and have to ride into the thick brush and trees. Nothing can be seen. Only the sounds of night creatures: owls, crickets and so on. Many of you find comfort in their ramblings. Silence isnt always the best thing to hear when in the dark.

So far, no sign of the goblins. You're all a few miles from camp. The horses are doing fine and seem at ease.

(Include Survival checks to keep from getting lost.)

Thursday November 18th, 2004 2:00:53 PM

Olo softly hums to himself as they break a path through the forest. With darkness closed in all around them, he finds comfort in running his fingers over the familiar grooves of the wooden High Woldian symbol that he wears at his belt. Having given up long ago on regaining any sense of bearings, he's content to let the others lead him in the right direction.

"You know..." he starts softly, "I've got a few tricks up my sleeve as well. I can look like a goblin too... and I can summon up a fog that's so thick you'd barely see your hand in front of your face. Maybe we slip the boat free from it's ties under cover of fog?" He thinks for a moment and shrugs. "I'm sure something will come to us."

He goes back to his soft, tuneless humming.

OOC: In case anyone missed it in Airin's post, the berries have been split up as Kendry had recommended.

Shale  d20+7=24 d20+2=8 d20+4=9
Thursday November 18th, 2004 6:13:05 PM

Leading his mount through the darkness Shale does his best to lead the group on.(Survival 24)

Riding near the front Shale continues to keep his eyes and ears open as he fiddles with an arrow. (Spot 8 Listen 9)

Thursday November 18th, 2004 7:15:21 PM

Selithe moves on with the others, relaxing some as she does and thinking over the course of things to come and wondering if she is really ready for this.

(OOC:Was Selithe able to find one of the goblin crossbows and some bolts?)

Airin  d20+4=13 d20+5=19 d20+7=19 d20+4=22
Friday November 19th, 2004 2:44:04 AM

Airin's still worrying that the group seems to be riding of to battle without too much caution.

Starting to feeling lost in this immense forrest (survival check = 13) doesn't make her feeling more at ease. She hopes she's not completely lost yet, but she makes sure her pony will follow the other two, hoping the one in front will know the way.
She's constantly trying to spot any possible ambushes (spot = 19) and trying to hear something between all the noise (listen = 19) ,though she agrees that it would be uncanny to walk these woulds in complete silence.
She's happy she found a calm pony she can ride safely and gently trough these woods (ride=22).

(occ : who's riding with me on my pony, and who's sitting with whoom ? Bobbels is with the first pony right ? Am I right that we are riding with 3 on one pony ? If so, I'd like to be sitting in the back so I can jump of at the back of the pony ... in case of immergency I don't want to be trapped in between two of my friends ;-) )

Kendry  d20+15=23 d20+8=9 d20+7=26 d20+10=19 d20+3=5 d20+5=19
Friday November 19th, 2004 4:14:25 AM

Kendry addresses some of Airin's concerns. "Of course we don't know what we are doing. We have never had a boat stolen by goblins before. So what kind of plan can we make than to find the boat, and try to get it back? Some things you have to make up as you go along.

"I heard Grekie yelling, but did not get a close look. Shale spent more time with him, I gather," he says somewhat drolly. Shifting in his saddle, he adds, continuing in a whisper in which his left hand acts as a barrier to the sound carrying forward, and as a reflector of sound to the rear, "I might appear as Foxbite, though. He taught me the language. He got the name when a fox bit off the top of his ear." He turns the other way now, so his back does not get sore from staying in one position, his right hand serving its purpose. "Olo says he can look like a goblin, too, and that fog trick sounds interesting."

He goes ahead and tries on the hat, working to put his features into a goblin-like cast, trying to make his eyes look bigger, and moving his jaw so it juts out a bit to the left as he talks. [Disguise 1d20+3+10+2(circumstantial, can speak goblin, spent time with some)=23]

After this initial bit of artifice, Kendry growls to Bobbles, 'Come back here, we talk plans on Valor horse. Sit behind my mother sister son, I sit behind you. Kobold nervous, your eyes here, his eyes there, see more. We talk what do, get boat back. Not want kill you friends, just want boat back. Tell me ideas. How we get them go away, let us have boat? You want come with after?'

The young bard listens (19) to ensure that they do not wander too far from the sound of the river to their right.

[Survival: d20+8=9; Knowledge, nature: d20+7=26; Keep from getting lost in Culverwood: 19; Spot: 5; Listen: 19]

Polly  d20-1=13
Friday November 19th, 2004 11:35:33 AM

Polly, riding with Airin and Selithe, tries her darndest to keep track of the moon when they have to move inland away from the river. (Survival=13) "I think we'll just have to do our best, Airin. Kendry and Selithe are pretty good at thinking on their feet. I like Olo's idea of fog, but remember we'd have as much trouble seeing the goblins as they would us."

DM Stephen 
Friday November 19th, 2004 11:40:48 AM

Sorry, again! I was ill and didnt post last night. Will as soon as I can. If I dont get a handle on my situation, I will hand you over to my co-DM Jerry.

Friday November 19th, 2004 7:47:53 PM

OOC Are we in Culverwood? If so I left off that bonus so my survival would have been a 33.

Kendry (Extra credit post) 
Saturday November 20th, 2004 11:20:36 AM

At some point along the way, Kendry finds some loose dirt or sand to place in a pouch.

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