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Goblin Camp

Goblin camp (DM Stephen)  d100=16 d100=20 d6=6 d6=5
Monday November 22nd, 2004 9:19:45 AM

(Yes, we're just barely on the edge of Culverwood. As far as I understand it.)

Things get a little confusing for a while. The sounds of the river seem to come from all directions for a little while. But with the combined efforts of the group, who are familiar with the effects of Culverwood, they are able to stay on the right direction.

A little along the way, Runt whispers, "Stop!!" He sees a dead goblin, no two, being strangled by a vine. He cautions the group to stay clear of the menacing vine. A little while longer down the stream, you're able to travel along the shore again. After traveling four miles, the group begins to hear voices up ahead. Those who know goblin can hear commands being barked back and forth like, "hurry" and "get it on wagon." Bobbles jumps off the donkey and moves over to Kendry's pony. "That sounds like Bob, it does!"

Airin  d20+7=27 d20+10=29 d20+5=23
Monday November 22nd, 2004 2:48:36 PM

The minute she hears the Goblin voices she stops her pony looking at the ones in front of her. Silently she wispers to Selithe and Polly who are riding with her : "Better go further on foot, no ?"

She takes a close look at Kendry to see if his disguise worked or not. It would be too dangerous to walk in their camp if the disguise failed ...

Crossbow loaded, blade readied ... let's ambush them she thinks to herself. Then she steps down her pony, looking for a safe place to leave her pony and tries to keep her pony quite. Then she walk forward silently (move silently = 29) , closely listening the Goblin activities (listen=27/natural 20) and keeping an eye out for traps and stuff (spot = 23) ... She will try to get as close as 30 for her crossbow to strike leathal.

Polly  d20+7=17 d20+7=26 d20+9=17 d20+9=18 d20+1=20 d20+1=18
Monday November 22nd, 2004 3:07:34 PM

Polly slides off of the pony and crouches to brush leaf cover from the ground. With the point of her dagger, she sketches out the river, a boat and wagon for the goblins' landing place, and a stick-figure pony to indicate where the halflings are now, just upstream of the goblins. She taps her chest and draws an arc around the goblin area all the way back to the shore again, where she marks an X and taps her chest again. Tilting her head, she points to her ear and then to Kendry and Bobbles.

Once the others have given some idea of where they're going, she sneaks off through the brush (Hide=17,26, Move Silently=17,18), circling the goblin area by listening for their commands (Listen=20,18) to reach the shore downstream of the goblins. There she waits for some signal to attack.

Selithe  d20+2=20
Monday November 22nd, 2004 4:05:00 PM

Selithe slides down from the pony and looks around as the others go about working on plans. After a quick glance she looks at what Polly is making on the ground and waits for some type of orders. (Spot:20)

If Selithe was able to salvage a crossbow and some bolts for it back where the boat was first hijacked then Selithe will approach Polly and whispers to her as she holds it out to her, "ummm Polly...I hate to ask this but I have never used one of these before really, can you show me how it works? I mean my teacher said I could use one but I never tired it out."

Olo  d20-3=-2
Monday November 22nd, 2004 4:22:08 PM

Seeing the others dismounting, Olo decides to do the same. After making sure that the donkey is still tethered to the pony, he swings his leg back and off of the animal so he can slide down onto the ground. Unfortunately, in the heavy armor, he looses his grip and lands heavily in the underbrush!(Move Silently = 1 - 3 = -2)

Mortified, he stands silently, praying that the goblins were too preoccupied to hear him. His right hand slowly slides down to unhook the morningstar that hangs from his belt, while his left unconciously confirms the presence of the holy symbol he wears at his side.

Mayzie  d20+9=10 d20+8=9
Monday November 22nd, 2004 9:34:50 PM

(omg look at those rolls)

Mayzie attempts to contribute to not getting lost. She is very good at finding her way around but this time she has managed to get completely turned around in her mind and cant understand why everyone else is insisting on clearly going the wrong way. (check result is 10, but clearly a natural 1 was rolled)

Once she sees the vine, mayzie attempts a knowledge nature check. Once again she considers herself an expert, but rolls a natural one (despite modied to 9) and gets some weird theory into her head as to what the vine could be.

Feeling thoroughly foolish and confused, Mayzie will hang near the back and just keep an eye out for any ambush.

Kendry / Barker  d20+4=22
Monday November 22nd, 2004 11:14:14 PM

Tersely, Kendry whispers, "Team One - Shale, Runt, circle around with Polly. Team Two - Olo, Selithe, Airin, tie up the mounts. After Bobbles and I move forward, you come forward as quietly as you can," and he eyes Olo, gently moving his two hands to indicate slowly, carefully. He takes some dirt from the ground and rubs it on his face and clothes, and grabs a few pieces of foliage, tossing them on his shoulders and head.

"When you hear me say, 'Poff,' Team One move in. When you hear me say, 'Spitz,' Team Two move in. If I need to signal something else, just listen and play it by ear."

He takes his new companion, Bobbles, by the elbow. 'My goblin name be Barker. I Foxbite uncle. We go in, I bring new message from ogres. You tell Bob that Barker have message. My name Barker. What my name? And what you tell Bob?'

If Bobbles seems to get the signals right, then Kendry signals for Team One to head out, and moves on in with him toward the boat and wagon, jaw jutting leeward, and limping slightly on his right leg. He makes lots of noise, on purpose, banging two daggers together. At one point, he falls down (on purpose) and makes lots of noise thrashing at the ground, stabbing it a couple of times with a dagger. "Hah-Cha-Jah! Hah-Cha-Jah!" he shouts the goblin victory cry as he rises up. He approaches the wagon. "I find this Bobbles. Bobbles wake up. I find him. Fight strangle vine, it no win! Ha! I thought that strangle vine again," he says, pointing back to where he just finished thrashing about. "Just root this time. So, which ugly Bob here? Ha! Bobbles, who I tell you message from?" He scrapes some fern off his shoulder with one of his daggers.

[Diplomacy in interaction with goblins: 22]

Inge (OOC) Traveling distance and visibility ... 
Tuesday November 23rd, 2004 5:45:49 AM

We've crossed several miles :

So far, no sign of the goblins. You're all a few miles from camp. The horses are doing fine and seem at ease posted on Thursday November 18th

A little along the way, Runt whispers, "Stop!!" and After traveling four miles, the group begins to hear voices up ahead

The donkey moves slowest of all especially with the heavy load so I think we travel at 2 to 3 miles per hour ?

I suppose it is daybreak now ? Normal visibility ? Please say yes ;-)

Stephen, feel free to remove this post after you've confirmed or replied. Thanks

Battle of the Bobs (DM Stephen)  d20+2=8 d20+2=9 d20+2=5 d20+2=10 d20+4=13 d20+4=12 d20+4=15 d20+4=11 d20+4=16 d20+2=15 d20+2=7 d20+2=16 d20+2=13 d20+2=10 d20+2=3 d100=46 d100=75 d6=2 d6=1 d6=2 d6=2
Tuesday November 23rd, 2004 4:17:41 PM

Dawn is nearing. You all know that within the hour the sun is about to rise. A blessing for you, a bane for the goblins. And they know it.

Olo awkwardly falls from his pony. He doesnt fall onto the hard ground. He hits something soft. In the dim light of the stars, he can tell that he landed on the dead body of a goblin! A crossbow bolt to the gut was his undoing!

Polly gives her instructions about her soon to be location at knife point. She then slinks off in the darkness. She is still a good distance away. You cant see them yet, but you can hear them in the distance. Before she goes, she is interrupted by Selithe.

Airin also dismounts, locks and load, and sets out toward the goblin camp. Again, they are still a good ways away. 50 to 75 yards, but you're not sure.

Mayzie is beside herself with confusion. She stays put trying to regain her wits.

Kendry had put on the hat, and he feels the magic work, but unable to view the results. He cant see Bobbles' reaction, but he says, "hey, that be close to Grekie in uh male-looking way, yes it be!"

Kendry then gives out his battle plan to the others. Bobbles looks a little confused. "You me uncle?! Okk, me thinks!?" They both then head into the goblin camp. Kendry rambles on words of victory and so on. Once they reach camp all work stops for a moment as on lookers gawk at the newcomer. Bob barks an order and they start up again."BOBBLES," shouts Bob! "Where you be, they says you be dead! Who this whelp be?" Bobbles looks clearly shaken. "Uhhhh, it be... uh, me uncle!? Uncle Bark ... uh, Foxbiter!?" Bob eyes Bobbles really hard and then looks at Kendry exactly the same. "What says you? You be his uncle? See or hear of you before, me not!"

Kendry - OOC post in a hurry 
Tuesday November 23rd, 2004 4:28:53 PM

[OOC note: Kendry put on the hat of disguise many miles back, trying to look somewhat like, not Grekie, but another goblin acquaintance, from whom he learned to speak the goblin tongue, one Foxbite. See Kendry's post of Friday November 19th, 2004 3:14:25 AM for detail. His disguise check is 23. He really should not look anything like Grekie. Will post later, have to run to help a customer.]

DM Stephen - I know Kim. I was simply responding as Bobbles. Since it was Grekie's hat, he was comparing you to her. I did say you looked male. Grekie was female.

Kendry as Barker amidst the Bobs 
Tuesday November 23rd, 2004 9:33:40 PM

[OOC: Cool! (Sorry) And I can see how Kendry's goblin syntax might have confused Bobbles -Kim]

"No, no I not Bobbles uncle. Foxbite my nephew - maybe you not know him. I not know you. I think Bobbles head confused. My name Barker." He looks at Bobbles. He looks back at Bob. "No, we not look like uncle nephew. Ha! Bring message from ogres, I bring. They want boat. Say ogres want boat. Say put all back on boat, wait ogres here. They have boat man driver, he come soon, you get paid big what you deserve. More than deserve. Make you remember this day many moons."

'Barker' looks in the general direction the sun rises. "Night be over soon. Hurry! Hurry! Ogres say light torches, help boat man driver find way. I hate torches! So," he says with a crooked smile, "Bobbles get light torches. Yes! Ha!" He slashes the daggers in the air to stir the goblins to action. "Hurry, off the stupid cart, on the stupid boat! Hah-Cha-Jah! Big reward!! Light torches! Move, move! He say leader get double bonus."

If, and only if, movement of his friends can be heard round about, Barker calls out to the outskirts. "No come in, no come in. They do work, they get reward. You protect, you get reward, too. Stay out, unless they not load boat!" And in goblin-accented common, he says, "Stay back ugly dark dwarf. Wait for boat man." He looks back to Bob. In goblin, he says, "Bring extra protection, crew for boat driver man. Dark dwarf nasty, nasty-nasty. But he know help boat man driver. Him friend of ogre armor maker. Him make dark armor, too." With a grimace he adds, "Bob look fearsome in dark armor. Fearsome!"

Selithe  d20+2=13 d20+4=15
Wednesday November 24th, 2004 12:26:10 AM

Selithe moves with those she is supose to (Olo and Airin) as she does Selithe looks over the crossbow in her hands since she still is abit unsure of the weapon and wondering how well it will work. As she moves and hopes one of the other two know which way they are going she keeps her eyes out for trouble.

(Spot:13 Move silently:15)

Airin  d20+10=28 d20+7=25 d20+5=16 d20+12=20 d20+7=10
Wednesday November 24th, 2004 3:09:21 AM

Seeing Selithe looking a bit worried at the crossbow Airin tries to figure out just how much Selithe knows about shooting crossbows ... She takes a closer look at Selithes Crossbow (appraise = 10) but can't see anything special about it. "It will work fine" she whispers, "just aim well, and let that bolt fly. Make sure to stay hidden once you shoot. Perhaps it would be best for you to stay within 80 ft from the Goblins. Your bolts will strike at that distance and that will buy you time to reload your crossbow. I will try to move in closer to sneak up on them" All this talking happens in a very low voice as she gathers Olo and Selithe together. "Be carefull my friends ... we must be very carefull ... Kendry is buying us some time, we must be in place fast but if we reveil ourselves all our plans are worth nothing. Olo, any long range capabilities ? Let's move out ..."

Airins continues to sneak up to the Goblin camp threading lightly and carefully (move silently = 28). She tries to orientate herself from the camp by slowly advancing closer to the Goblin voices. When she hears Kendry it makes things easier ... she remembers where he went, and now can rely on the guidance of his loud voice (listen = 25) so finding the right way to camp isn't hard at all. Constantly keeping an eye out for danger (spot = 16). Her friends Olo and Selithe go along with her. Hoping they will be as quite as possible she continues carefully.

If she is closing in on the camp, and figures she comes within shooting range (preferable closer than 30ft) she will find a good place to hide herself (hide = 20).

Olo  d20-3=14 d20+4=17
Wednesday November 24th, 2004 11:35:11 AM

.oO What luck on that dismount! Wardd surely favors me this day. Oo.

Seeing that he didn't make nearly as much noise as he could have, he slowly releases the breath he was holding and takes his hand away from his morningstar. Moving much slower and more deliberately, he takes the leads of the animals and lashes them to nearby trees.

Readying his crossbow, he begins to creep forward with Selithe and Airin and is happy to note that despite his heavy armor, he's doing a much better job of staying silent (Move Silently 14). Not content to assume all the goblins are in the camp, he peers around looking for other dangers (Spot 17).

It strikes him that today, for the first time, he will lift a weapon to spill blood.

Polly  d20+7=14 d20+9=25 d20+1=18 d20+1=7
Wednesday November 24th, 2004 11:05:13 PM

Polly continues to sneak around to her intended position (Hide=14, Move Silently=25), listening for Kendry's signals between steps (Listen=18). She makes quick checks over her shoulder to see if Runt and Shale are coming along as planned (Spot=7), but for all she can see, she's alone in the woods.

Thursday November 25th, 2004 9:02:05 AM

Still confused about where she is, and not in one of the teams, Mayzie stays where she is with Ghost trying to figure out what is going on.

She will keep low and watch what is happening or for any Goblins heading her way, feeling nervous now all alone.

Leadership (DM Stephen)  d100=18 d6=2 d20+2=3 d20+4=15 d20+2=14 d100=92 d6=1 d20-1=5 d20-1=19
Monday November 29th, 2004 8:49:07 PM

Bob stands there, at a monstrous 4 feet 7 inches in height, staring down at Foxbite (Kendry) without the slightest clue that he isnt a goblin. However, Bob begins to shake and twitch with fury. After coming to a boil with anger, he interupts Kendry with a violent push.
(Hit TouchAC: 15. Kendry is flatfooted. Kendry must make a Dex or Str check of DC14 to keep from being pushed to the ground.)

Bob yells, "Who do you thinks you are givin' orders? You challenging me, do you!? Gut you, I should. Like others, I did!" He draws a bloody sword from its scabbard. Bobbles cries out and falls down at Bob's feet, hugging the warriors ankles. Bobbles screams, "Pleeease, no hurt my barking fox biting friend ... Pleeaasse!" He continues his groveling at Bob's feet until he kicks him away. "Bahhh," bellows Bob, cursing and spitting. "How the ogres know 'bout the boat? How you know 'bout the boat? Knowing 'bout the boat, we not, until night ago! Ogres more than two nights away! How you tell them?" Bob begins to pace back and forth. He stares at a pile of dead goblins that he and a few other friends had slain just a few hours earlier. Bob turns back to Kendry and says, "Kill too many, I have today. I need workers to carry loads to ogres. I thinks you a liar. Have dirty tricks, you do, to steal some of the looty. Real sneaky, you be, but I be too smart for you. You an Bobbles will unload the boat. Not kill, I wont, if you do good job. You both now belong to me!"

After hearing Kendry get out a few words of common, the goblin leader looks at you and says, "You, FoxBarker, go talk to the prisoner tied up over there. What he knows, you learn. Gleck, put Bobbles to work." Over to your left, tied up at a tree and bound by both feet and hands, is a halfling that looks a little he has had a rough night. He is striped down to his underclothes and barely looks conscious.

The rest of you hiding out in the bushes and trees can easily hear and see all that is happening. You see the bodies of slain goblin and the halfling tied up at the tree. At the moment, the big goblin, Bob, doesnt seem to be threatening Kendry or Bobbles. He has merely taken them in as workers due to killing off too many of his rivals. His sword is still covered in their blood. The rest of the goblins are continuing their work at unloading the boat. Those of you hiding appear to remain hidden from their view.

(you may continue)

Selithe  d20+3=19 d20+2=15
Tuesday November 30th, 2004 12:50:16 AM

Selithe watches whats going on and where her brother is as she stays still now and levels the crossbow, taking aim at the goblin leader and hoping that her brother will be okay and that her shot is not that far off when fighting starts.

(Spot:19 Listen:15)

Kendry, a.k.a. Foxbarker 
Tuesday November 30th, 2004 1:40:03 AM

Kendry takes the new goblin leader's shove lying down (dexterity check d20+2=10). "Ha! I not challenge you. I try help. So I go help. Talk to stupid halfling, I do. Ha!" he says as he rises to his feet. "Go help on boat, Bobbles, like Bob tells. Ogres be mad, but Big Bob closer, him say what do now. You be fine. You be fine, work."

He gives Bob a wide berth, looking as obsequious as possible.

He limps over to the poor halfling. "So, I talk to stupid halfling, find out what he know. Ha!" he talks in his growling goblin voice. He makes a show of slashing the air with his knives. In common, he says, "Ha! Halfling. You want live, you tell me what you know. Oh, you tied up." He puts one knife away in his leg sheathe. He kneels down by the fellow, seeing in the very dim light whether he can make out the features on his face, wondering whether this is the only survivor of the four who fled earlier, as he removes a goodberry from its tiny pouch.

As he kneels, he quietly says in halfling, "We may get out of this alive if you tell me what happened. Your life is in my hands, and mine in yours. The lady of light gave us succor. Fear me not. Yes, pretend to be afraid, but do not fear me in your heart. Not all is as it appears. I have good medicine for you. Trust me, and swallow. In a few moments, I want you to tell me your full name - first, middle, mother's & father's. Later, I will tell you mine. Now I will make a lot of noise and dance about."

In common, he begins, "You will TALK! You will tell me ALL, or it's the KNIFE for you, miserable WORM." And Kendry dances in a mad circle, brandishing his one knife. "You tell me ALL, and maybe will I find you a BISCUIT! HA!" He goes on like this for a bit, alternately yelling, then coming in close to speak quietly in halfling.

He carefully avoids giving either of the two commands to move in, hoping his friends will take advantage of his occasional outbursts of noise to position themselves - but not yet to attack.

In whispered halfling, he says, "I'll hold the unsharpened edge of my knife to your throat. Wimper a bit, then whisper what happened in your tongue. It's my tongue, too. You have many friends close by to help. But don't look for them yet. And talk quietly." He holds the dull edge of the dagger to the hobbit's throat, and, face to face, lets a dull growl issue from his own throat.

He also takes time to discern how the halfling is bound up, and where best to cut the rope to set him free (taking 10 or so). Not doing so yet, just preparing for it should the occasion arise.

Should the prisoner respond as he wishes, he tells him, again in gruff halfling, "Good. Now more for show."

In common, he says, "Ha! You not so afraid of KNIFE." He digs into his knapsack, and pulls forth a torch. In goblin, he exults, "Ha! Here is! Here is! This will work. Will tell more, he will, he will!"

"Me need flint, steel, light torch," he says to a passing goblin. "Scare halfling with fire, I will. Scare him to tell me more."

Airin  d20+10=18 d20+12=24 d20+7=15 d20+5=20
Tuesday November 30th, 2004 3:18:46 AM

Slowly Airin continues to move in closer (within 30 ft). Good thinking Kendry to make all that noise ... this will allow me to get closer and sneak up on them ... nice job pal ... she thinks to herself as she closes range hoping Kendry's noise will cloud her movement( move silently = 18 ) and finds herself the most perfect hiding place where she can target various Goblins ( hide = 24).

Then she notices the prisoner Kendry's now talking to. Not knowing who he is she tries to make up what they are saying by reading their lips (read lips = 15). Their conversation is vague, and she can't risk concentrating too hard on them so she focusses on her crossbow instead. Bob would be the usual suspect, but first she starts to count exactly how many Goblins she can spot (spot = 20) ok ... 'Bob' ... let's see how you will react when you find Bolts where your brains were supposed to be ... as she starts pointing her crossbow at Bob's head and thinks 'When you hear me say, 'Spitz,' Team Two move in.' ... ok Kendry say 'Spitz' and you'll see them bolts fly with an evil look in her eyes and an wicked grin on her face there's nothing like a perfect plan .

Patterton "Patty" Cloverturn Burrows 
Tuesday November 30th, 2004 10:13:16 AM

The bruised Hobbit looks up at his Goblin inquisitor through blood-shot eyes, nearly bruised shut from the beating he has received. He is a mammoth of a Halfling with bulging muscles and although his height is not easy to determine at the moment, he appears to be taller then average. His ruddy red hair is disheveled and it looks as though one of his Goblin tormentors pulled a few hand fulls of it out, but he sticks his chin foreword(upon which he wears a well trimmed red goatee) defiantly at Kendry.

(OOC-hi everyone! Those of you who have already spoken with me have seen my character sheet. Anyone else who wants to, just give me a holler. P.S. sorry about the long post everyone! Dagonaki@aol.com )

Kendry-He limps over to the poor halfling. "So, I talk to stupid halfling, find out what he know. Ha!" he talks in his growling goblin voice. He makes a show of slashing the air with his knives. In common, he says, "Ha! Halfling. You want live, you tell me what you know. Oh, you tied up." He puts one knife away in his leg sheathe. He kneels down by the fellow, seeing in the very dim light whether he can make out the features on his face, wondering whether this is the only survivor of the four who fled earlier, as he removes a goodberry from its tiny pouch.

Patty: "You're lucky I'm tied up, runt," he manages, "or you'd be wearing that grin as a necklace..."

Kendry-As he kneels, he quietly says in halfling, "We may get out of this alive if you tell me what happened. Your life is in my hands, and mine in yours. The lady of light gave us succor. Fear me not. Yes, pretend to be afraid, but do not fear me in your heart. Not all is as it appears. I have good medicine for you. Trust me, and swallow. In a few moments, I want you to tell me your full name - first, middle, mother's & father's. Later, I will tell you mine. Now I will make a lot of noise and dance about."

Patty is struck dumb for a moment as the goblin starts speaking to him in his native tongue. After a few moments he stammers in whispered confusion, "How do you speak....what the...Lady of what? What are you on about? I'm not eating anything, you stunted greenie. Now, either cut me with that toad sticker or get outta my face..."

In common, he begins, "You will TALK! You will tell me ALL, or it's the KNIFE for you, miserable WORM." And Kendry dances in a mad circle, brandishing his one knife. "You tell me ALL, and maybe will I find you a BISCUIT! HA!" He goes on like this for a bit, alternately yelling, then coming in close to speak quietly in halfling.
He carefully avoids giving either of the two commands to move in, hoping his friends will take advantage of his occasional outbursts of noise to position themselves - but not yet to attack.

Patty: As Kendry is carrying on, Patty looks about the camp site and ponders what was just said and the fact that the Goblin had mentioned something about there being others nearby. Frowning in anger Patty decides that he is just going to have to trust this Goblin and hope for the best.

Kendry-In whispered halfling, he says, "I'll hold the unsharpened edge of my knife to your throat. Wimper a bit, then whisper what happened in your tongue. It's my tongue, too. You have many friends close by to help. But don't look for them yet. And talk quietly." He holds the dull edge of the dagger to the hobbit's throat, and, face to face, lets a dull growl issue from his own throat.

Patty Whispers in Halfling, "I'm not gonna whimper, friend. This isn't the first beating I've taken a beating (OOC-toughness and Diehard feats!) and the big one over there already tried flashing his blade around in front of me. Now, I don't know who you are or what this is all about, but if you're here to help, I guess that's all that matters. My name is Patterton Clovertun Burrows, but most folks call me Patty. I'm a logger by trade, but I'm also a member of the local militia near the Rainbow Highlands. I was heading along the road a while back, just after visiting some relatives in the area, and I saw a hare cross my path. I decided to go after it, but forgot about the hour. It soon got dark and I saw this campfire. Figuring it must be the boat men, I approached and the lil' greenies blind sided me. Just get me outta here and I'll crack a few of their skulls for ya. Oh, and I'll take that medicine now if you're still offering it."

Tuesday November 30th, 2004 4:12:29 PM

(Are we within bow range?)

(DM Stephen - yes)

Shale  d20+2=10 d20+4=12
Tuesday November 30th, 2004 8:59:20 PM

Shale hunkers down low with an arrow nocked. He keeps a close eye on those around Kendry making sure nobody can take him by surprise. ( Spot 10 Listen 12)

Olo  d20+4=13
Tuesday November 30th, 2004 10:09:08 PM

Olo reflexivly starts when Bob attacks Kendry, but relaxes when he realizes it was just a push.

As Kendry continues to deceive the goblins, Olo peers through the underbrush and takes a moment to determine how many goblins there are, and where they are in the camp (spot 13). He then trains his crossbow on Bob the boss goblin and voices a silent prayer to Wardd as he gets ready to pull the trigger.

Polly  d20+1=3
Tuesday November 30th, 2004 11:56:19 PM

Quivering with suspended tension and frustration, Polly sets herself to charge out into the midst of the goblins at the first sign of trouble. The problem being recognizing that sign. At least she has no trouble recognizing Kendry; even as a goblin, he's still the showman.

She fingers the shaft of her spear, considering the working goblins. Are all of them armed? She wouldn't want to attack an unarmed goblin by mistake. (Spot=3)

Sunrise (DM Stephen)  d100=36 d6=4 d100=36 d6=5 d100=18 d6=2 d100=78 d6=4
Wednesday December 1st, 2004 9:40:32 AM

The sun finally begins to break past the horizon and even more light floods in over the land. The goblins curse and moan that the sun is up and they havent finished completely unloading the boat. They pause to rub their eyes and fight through the daze.

Everyone can easily see the whole situation. There are just a dozen goblins left at the scene. All are armed with daggers of some fashion. Some also have light crossbows. There are several javilins leaning up against a tree. A large cart, loaded with goods from the boat, is hitched to a pair of nasty looking wort hogs. There doesnt appear to be any barrels on the cart. Multiple sets of wagon tracks lead inland, away from the river.

Kendry performs his song and dance for the crowd as he continues his mock interigation. Kendry's request to a passing goblin for flint and steel, to make a fire, is pretty much ignored except for a snide goblin remark at Kendry's expense.

The boat appears to have taken some damage and is grounded on a sand bar. One of the paddle wheels looks completely destroyed. Bobbles continues to look like a nervious wreck. His eyes dart all about and he's beginning to make other goblins wonder why.

(Everyone make Spot and Listen checks)

Olo  d20+4=23 d20+6=25
Wednesday December 1st, 2004 10:23:07 AM

Getting ever more anxious while he waits for Kendry's signal, Olo remains alert to his surroundings (Spot 23, Listen 25) and the movements and noises in the camp.

Airin  d20+5=19 d20+7=20 d20+10=20 d20+12=31 d20+5=22 d6=2 d6=3
Wednesday December 1st, 2004 11:10:44 AM

(ooc:now would be a great time to have a new map I think - were are we all sitting compared to the G's, where's the boat, the chart and the road. Any chance we can see one ? Sorry for troubeling you Stephen)

spot = 19
listen = 20

Finally sitting at lethal range Airin now crouches into the bushes really silently (move silently = 20) hoping Kendry will continue to make noise, to take complete cover (hide = 31) from the Goblins. From where she sits she get's a good look at the Goblin camp and is capable to targetting almost every Goblin. Those carrying crossbows are most appealing to her. She does not want those to be able to fire bolts. They have to be silenced first. Most likely her friends will take care of the leader.

in case Kendry says 'Spits'
Airin targets the first Goblin closest to her carrying a crossbow. Laying low in the bushes in her hiding place those Goblins won't even see where her bolts would come from. So she carefully aims, and hearing Kendry say 'spits' she releases her very first bolt (attack = 22 total damage 2 + 3 (+1d6 sneak attack).
Having fired her first bolt, she immediately reloads her bow (rapid reload). If no Goblins close in on her (eyeballing her) she will remain hidden. ( occ : if the Goblins can't spot Airin, the next time she fires, is she still able to use the sneak attack ?)

in case Kendry avoids to warn his friends
Laying low in the bushes, she carefully aims at the closest Goblin holding a crossbow. gee ... my finger starts to itch ...

Shale  d20+2=17 d20+4=10
Wednesday December 1st, 2004 11:03:26 PM

Waiting carefully for Kendry's signal Shale attempts to cover his cousin as best as possible, making sure nobody will take his flank. (17 spot 10 listen)

Thursday December 2nd, 2004 1:31:09 AM

Selithe keeps her crossbow at ready and watches the goblins in the camp. She smiles some when they begin to squirm do to the sun coming up and she prays that soon the fun will start as she wants to get her brother out of there.

Kendry as FoxBarker the yakky figgity goblin  d20+3=15 d20+5=18 d20+5=18
Thursday December 2nd, 2004 2:12:59 AM

FoxBiter takes the halfling's blanket off the bottomside of the knapsack, and places it over his head. If anybody asks him, it's to keep the bad sun out of his eyes. He wears it in such a way as to make it easy for him to waft it off and up and over ... whatever he decides to waft it over.

[Per DM request: Spot 15, Listen 18]

Meanwhile, having given Patterton one of his goodberries, he also gives him his last one (Patty gets two hit points back) during the interrogation, although he counsels him to continue to look miserable.

Noting that most of the goblins are busy loading, and he does not appear to be watched too closely, Kendry, each time waiting for the right moment, cuts and/or loosens the halfling's bonds. He slips his extra dagger into the back of his old friend's remaining clothing, letting him know of its presence (and making sure he doesn't cut his buns in the process) under the guise of harassment and torture.

If the javelins are close enough by, Kendry marks them in his mind, keeping tabs on how close the other goblins (strangely, considering the facts, thinking of himself as one of the goblins) pass by the tree. Maybe one of his friends will run in at the signal, toss the weapons in the water or something.

He lets Patty in on his plan, then waits until Bob is not too far off, without anyone real close to him.

The next thing he will try to plan such that Bobbles is coming off the boat, on his way to the cart, so that, when things happen, he can get out of the way quickly.

"Hey, Bob Boss," FoxBarker says to the big goblin in a conspiratorial voice. "Halfling - him got something to say. Don't know if you want everyone hear." If Bob presses him as to the general topic, he will quietly explain, It about treasure." If this is not enough, he will further explain, "Also he have rich father, maybe some ransom pay. I tell him never mind ransom, tell you where treasure. I got that it nearby, and think he say true. He say he want promise from you, see your own eyes for promise. Something about six in four and three in one."

If he goes for it, FoxBarker says in common to Patterton, "So, now you look Bob Boss in eyes, and ask him for promise he make if you tell him about treasure." If Patterton plays along, and tells the main goblin something about promising to let him go if he leads him to the treasure, then will Barker translate. "He say he want you say promise you look in his eyes so he know you say true or no. No kill halfling in trade he make you richer."

If Bob does take the moment to look into Patty's eyes, then, during that moment of concentration, he takes his blanket and tosses it over the goblin's head. Flanking ranged touch attack 18 with blanket over Bob's head by Barker.

He then crouches behind Big Bob, so that Patterton can push Bob over the FoxBarker (Kendry) obstacle. He holds his dagger, handle against the ground, point upwards, so as to ease the landing of the falling goblin, should Bob so oblige. "SPITZ!" "POFF!" he shouts in common, hoping the two teams are well ready. He intends, if Bob is wrapped well enough, to entangle his sword arm. If all this goes terribly awry, he will see about tumbling out of the way behind the tree, if there is a ghost's chance of doing so.

What's that!? (DM Stephen)  d100=69 d100=83 d20+2=6 d20+2=21 d20+2=13 d20+4=16 d20+2=18 d20+2=22 d20+2=7 d20+2=17 d20+2=18 d20+2=20 d20+2=16 d20+2=3 d20+2=19 d20+2=5 d20+2=9 d20+2=17
Thursday December 2nd, 2004 9:46:23 AM

"Bob, uh our Great Leader," yells a goblin from the wagon, "Wagon be full, it is! What we do now?" Bob looks back aggrivated by the fact that they dont have another wagon, "Takes all you can carry. Now leave for ogre camp, we do." Bob turns back to Kendry and tells him, "Says he got treasure, he do! He be lying. He got nothing. Trying to save neck, he does. Go tell him Bob promise to let go for his treasure. When tell where treasure be, he does, KILL HIM! If he not tell, KILL HIM! We go to Ogres now! Slow us down, he will." Bob turns around and heads for the wagon.

Patty should be getting a little nervious by the tone to Bob's voice. His intentions are pretty clear. However, the ropes are looser than they were. (A full round action can be used to cut the ropes with the dagger Kendry gave you. Or a Strength, Dex, or Escape Artist check of DC 15 will get you loose.

Those on the boat grab what they can and come to shore. They start to prepare for travel and load the final items on the wagon, wherever there is room.

Everyone of the hobbits, except Polly, Mayzie, Selithe, Runt and Patty either hear or spot movement from behind. So does Ghost, the mule, Valor the war pony, AND SOME OF THE GOBLINS! Including Bob!! "What?!" says Bob as he looks out in the direction of where the party is hiding. "Everygoby, lets go now, we do! Hurry!" He yells at Kendry, "Kill hobbit now, leaving quick, we do." Bobbles takes the opportunity to jump behind a tree.

(May have a map shortly. Almost all the goblins are standing around the wagon. Bob is standing at the front. Kendry and Patty are to the left of the wagon. Patty is mostly tied to a tree. All are in crossbow range.)

Patty  d20+3=8
Thursday December 2nd, 2004 11:09:24 AM

Patty feels a chill creep up his back as he listens to big goblin speak. It is obvious by his gestures and mutterings that they mean to do him in. Shooting a glance at the helpful goblin (whose voice sounds strangely familiar), Patterton begins carefully sawing away at his bonds(OOC-not sure if you need a roll here Stephen or if the full round action takes care of it, but I rolled one anyway) with his newly acquired dagger.

(DM Stephen - I was meaning that you could either take a full round action and cut yourself free [sure thing, no attack roll necessary], or chance a Str, Dex or Escape Artist check as a standard action, which would allow you to have a move action afterward. The javalins are leaning up against the tree next to you. Your equipment isn't in sight. Possibly loaded up in the wagon! :)

Kendry - quick note 
Thursday December 2nd, 2004 1:26:43 PM

Kendry already cut / loosened Patty's bonds. [See above - done before he talked to Bob about treasure.] Patty should just be able to shake them off at this point.

(DM Stephen - I was taking in account that you loosened them. That is why Patty is having an easy time getting out of the ropes. Otherwise, it would have been a lot harder to get loose. To break a rope, you need a Strength check of 23, and that's not with your hands tied up. With hands tied, that DC would be higher. A rope is cut when it takes 2 hp of damage. I see you able to make one or two cuts with the dagger, at 1d3 per slice. He is tied with rope in more than just one spot. We're talking hands, feet and the body to the tree.)

Shale  d20+7=26 d20+6=8 d8=8
Thursday December 2nd, 2004 8:53:09 PM

To those standing around Shale, it is becoming obvious he is getting impatient. As the goblins start to walk away Shale mumbles under his breath something about Kendry. Then as all the heads turn towards their hiding place, Shale snaps. (Attack 26 Damage 8)

From the bushes a bow string twangs as an arrow comes flying out at the leader of the goblins. Realizing how revealed he now is Shale makes a weak attempt to whistle for Valor as he nocks another arrow. (Handle Animals 8)

Shale (AC 18 HP 10)  d20+9=27
Thursday December 2nd, 2004 8:54:13 PM

(27 Hide if it matters at this point...)

FoxBarker / Kendry 
Thursday December 2nd, 2004 10:02:16 PM

"SPITZ! POFF! KHABAI KRON!?" yells FoxBarker, which in goblin, of course, means, 'Toes! Tush! Who goes there?'

"I will kill this halfling!" he yells, and runs up toward Patterton. He brings his knife down behind the halfling's back, parallel to the tree, helping to cut one of the ropes, and whispering, "I'm Kendry, your cousin. Good luck. Pretend you're writhing in dying pain as you get out - and I'll distract where I can elsewhere." He quickly wipes the blade on his blanket so no one wonders at the lack of blood, and takes up a javelin, 'accidentally' knocking one down to lie parallel to Patterton's legs, and appearing to prepare to defend himself from the as of yet invisible attackers.

Selithe  d20+5=6 d4=3
Thursday December 2nd, 2004 10:56:40 PM

(OOC:Having a few problems with my charactersheet tonight. My computer is running slow for some reason. DM Stephen might want to double check my to hit and make sure I rolled the right numbers.)

Selithe frowns and takes aim as she sees everything starting to break down. She hopes she can hit the goblin leader as she squeezes the trigger on her crossbow. Selithe growls in flusteration as in her quickness of trying to fire she drops the crossbow and the quarrel flies who knows where. (Can hit AC:6 *Nat 1* Damage:3)

(LOL, first show with a crossbow and get a Nat 1.)

Polly (AC 14 due to charge, 8 HP)  d20+5=25 d20+5=14 d6+3=6 d6+3=5 d6+3=7
Friday December 3rd, 2004 12:05:05 AM

Released from her tense crouch, Polly bursts out of the foliage and runs at the goblins on the side nearest her, screaming in the Common tongue. "Thieves! Murderers! You'll pay for your evil night's work!" She charges directly at the nearest crossbow-wielder and rather over-enthusiastically spears him in the gut. (Possible crit to AC 14, for 6 (regular) or 18(crit) hp damage.)

Airin  d20+5=24 d6=4 d6=4 d20+5=12 d20+7=23 d20+10=20
Friday December 3rd, 2004 3:00:33 AM

Damn that boat captain and his noisy crew ... she thinks as she hears the noise behind her, We have waited too long.

Laying comfortably in her perfect hiding place (hide = 31 / did not move) she sees the impact from a first arrow from somewhere on the other side. A skillfull shot, yet she's uncertain Bob will be silenced by this one. To make the remaining goblins loose faith as they loose their leader, she releases a deadly accurate bolt aimed at the Goblin leader (attack roll = 24 / rolled 19, possible critical hit x2) for total damage of 8 hp (4hp bolt damage increased by her sneak attack for another 4 hp - could be 12hp if it's a critical hit).

Laying low in her hidout she's certain the goblins never knew where that bolt came from and carefull reloads her crossbow (move silently = 20).

Spot = 12
listen = 23

(occ : what's pulling the chart ? Is it possible to stop them from heading out if we target the animal pulling the chart ?)

(DM Stephen - As stated in my post, the wagon is hitched to two wort hogs.)

DM Stephen 
Friday December 3rd, 2004 9:18:16 AM

(Ok, we're in combat, everyone needs to post. Its very important. Will wait a little longer to allow everyone to contribute.)

Patty  d20+2=13 d6+3=7
Friday December 3rd, 2004 9:26:07 AM

Patty lurches to his feet (provided that the combined efforts of Kendry and himself have allowed him to take a full action) feeling the blood rush back to his hands and feet. He gives Kendry an odd look, still finding it difficult to grasp that the ugly goblin is his cousin and snatches up the javelin, hoping that the incoming crossbow bolts distract the other goblins enough for them not to notice him.

Scanning the goblins quickly, Patterton chooses the one closest to him and ,with a grunt, hurls the javelin at him.

Note- current unarmored AC for Patty is 13

Olo  d20+4=21 d6=4
Friday December 3rd, 2004 12:23:48 PM

Olo reflexively squeezes the crossbow trigger as he hears "SPITZ! POFF! and looses a bolt at the goblin leader Bob (Hit 21, Dmg 4) and is satisfied to see it strike true, impacting the vile creature in the chest.

Dropping the crossbow, he crashes as noisely as possible from the undergrowth while yelling, hoping to attract attention from his less armored comrades.


Charging towards the nearest goblin, he grabs for the morningstar at his belt.

(OOC: Apparently we're posting hits and such, how do we know what AC we're targetting?)

(DM Stephen - I will tell you if it hit or not. But its easy to assume a 21 hits. :)

Ambush (DM Stephen)  d100=9 d100=69 d100=40 d6=3 d6=2 d6=3 d20+4=19 d4=4 d20+5=25 d20+4=13 d4=3 d4=4 d4=2 d4=2 d20+4=5 d100=21 d6=2 3d6(1+3+5)=9 3d6(6+5+3)=14
Monday December 6th, 2004 9:31:25 PM

The air buzzes with arrows and bolts from the darkness of the overgrowth. Shale, Airin, Olo and even Runt, with his sling, strikes with deadly accuracy. Bob, the newly crowned goblin leader, is struck by them all. Bob fails to give his final order because he dies before even hitting the ground.

Polly charges forward with her trusty spear and she thoroughly impales a goblin right through his head. He falls dead on the spot.

Two more bolts fly forward from behind the party striking two more goblins. One goblin takes a mortal head wound and dies. The second is struck in the arm and screams in pain.

Kendry helps Patty get loose and he grabs a javalin leaning against a neighboring tree.

The rest of the goblins are in total suprise and shock. They are unable to move. The one goblin on the seat of the wagon, who noticed movement in the wilds, whips the hogs and screams a bloodcurdling cry. It was more than enough motivation to get the hogs whipped into a frenzy. They dart off wildly down the trail. The driver is unable to control them in this state and is unable to steer around the obstacles. (Natural 1 on the roll, 22%, bad) The wagons wheels hit a log and the whole rig goes tumbling over, load and all. Both goblins are crushed in the accident and the pigs continue on down the trail, dragging what's left of the broken wagon.

From behind the party, the captain and his crew rise and charge forward with swords drawn. Runt readies another attack with his sling.

(You all get another turn before the goblins can react due to being surprised. Good job. 5 goblins dead, already :) Everyone gets 200 exp for an excellent surprise attack.)

Patty  d20+3=12 d4+3=7
Monday December 6th, 2004 9:56:07 PM

Patty reflexively ducks as the crossbows sound, but upon seeing the carnage they cause to the goblins nearby, he grins. Gripping the javelin tightly in both hands, Patty charges toward the nearest goblin and with an enraged snarl, thrusts the crude weapon at the startled goblin's guts

Selithe  d20+4=7
Monday December 6th, 2004 10:00:24 PM

Selithe loads the crossbow again and takes aim at one of the remaining goblins who is hopefully out of melee with anyone and also in a clear shot area. (OOC:You can load a light crossbow this fast I hope, if not then just say Selithe loaded it.)

Selithe takes aim and fires if she can get the crossbow loaded quick enough to fire at a goblin. (Can hit AC:7 Damage: none)

(OOC: Looks like Selithe better stick with the sling till higher levels.)

Shale  d20+7=12 d20+6=16 d6=4
Monday December 6th, 2004 10:06:10 PM

Shale snaps off another arrow from the bushes, cursing the arrow for having a curve. (clearly it's the only reason he would miss).

Whistling again for his pony, Shale makes a decent attempt as Valor comes trotting up from behind. (Handle Animal 16)

Attack 12 (Damage 4 on the off chance that hits)

Olo  d20+4=8 d20+3=20 d6+2=4
Monday December 6th, 2004 11:05:27 PM

Olo chances a quick glance towards Patty, trying to see exactly how injured he is (Spot 8) but has to return his attention to the goblin he's now facing.

Swinging with his morningstar, he's satisfied to hear the goblin grunt in pain when his blow connects with the creature's shoulder (hit 20, dmg 4).

Polly (AC 16, 8 HP)  d20+3=18
Monday December 6th, 2004 11:52:41 PM

Polly yanks her spear free of her unfortunate victim's head, dragging a few unpleasantly squishy bits free along with it. She waves this bloody mess menacingly in the face of the nearest standing goblin, jabs the point of the spear toward him a few times, and growls out in the Common tongue, "Surrender or die!" (Intimidate=18)

FoxBarker disappears in the bushes, Screams, then emerges Kendry (AC 15, HP 6) (Morale bonus: +1 attack, +1 damage for self & all allies) 
Tuesday December 7th, 2004 4:52:06 AM

Looking over his shoulder, FoxBarker appears to find retreat the better part of valor. He jumps into the nearby bushes, then screams, with the scream cut off abruptly, coincident with the sound of flesh striking flesh, as Kendry slaps his own face.

While in the bushes, with a bit of shaking about, Kendry removes the hat of disguise, brushes himself down, and rearranges himself into the semblance of his own (*ahem*) rather handsome halfling self.

His voice rises from the bushes with its nongrowly, nongoblin timbre, as he moves to inspire his longsuffering companions further on to greater courage still.

"Tricky goblins took us in,
So glad they had hoodwinked us,
But goblins took the bait they hooked,
And swallowed whole the line and look!
Their head cut off, and tail draggin',
Hogwild booty drops off the wagon

"Now be ye brave
And be ye bold
This newborn tale
Shall long be told!"

[Note: Bardic inspire courage: An affected ally receives a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 morale bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls. So, friends within the sound of Kendry's well-projected voice, add +1 to attack rolls and +1 to weapon damage for this and the following 5 rounds.]

As soon as he can, he emerges from the bushes with rapier in hand...

Airin  d20+5=18 d6+1=5 d6=1 d6=2
Tuesday December 7th, 2004 3:29:38 PM

Happy to see the ambush succeed soo well causing such mayhem and encouraged by Kendry's song Airin releases another bolt ( aiming at a Goblin close to the wagon, not currently in melee with any of her friends - preferably one carrying a crosbow )

attack roll 18 +1 from Kendry = 19
damage = 5 (1d6 +1 from Kendry)
sneak attack = 2 (still well hidden ?)
total damage = 7

After releasing this bolt, Airin reloads her trusted crosbow quickly but as no Goblins started to run towards her she stays in her hide-out.

Bloody Yard Sale (DM Stephen)  d20+4=12 d6=5 d20+4=20 d6=2 d20+3=14 d20-8=7 d20+2=18 d20+5=19 d4=2 d100=90 d20+5=16 d20+5=12 d20+5=18 d10+3=12
Tuesday December 7th, 2004 8:55:27 PM

Patty charges forward and stabs the nearest goblin with the javelin. The goblin falls, barely clinging to life, and screams in pain. His shrill is as piercing as the weapon rammed into his gut.

Selithe loads her crossbow (move-equilvant action without the Rapid Reload feat) and fires, but the shot goes misses her target completely.

Shale also fires off another arrow. He curses the fact that its path curves away from his target, but it strikes another goblin instead. Both the injured and the lucky goblin pulls their crossbows up and fires back.
(goblins fire at Shale hitting ac 12 and 20. If the 20 hits, you take 2 points of damage.)

Olo also charges forward and strikes the injured goblin with his mace finishing him off. The lucky goblin, standing next to him, all of a suddenly doesnt feel too lucky!

Polly yanks the spear free from her first victim and dangles the bloodied spearhead, along with a few gushy pieces, at a nearby goblin. The goblin's eyes go wide and he screams a bloodcurdling cry. He turns tail and at runs off at full speed.

Kendry reappears back into the scene in his true blue self, with a song to inspire all who hear it.

Airin tries very hard to remain hidden after firing the first shot (to remain hidden after sniping, you can attempt to remain hidden by making another Hide check with a -20 penalty. I will roll for you to save time. Hide check 7. Target spot check 18, sorry) Airin's bolt strikes hard on the not so lucky goblin and he falls to the ground. He's still alive though and attempts to crawl away.

Runt slings another bullet that injures paniced goblin. The captain and his crew charge into the fray, just barely tripping over the other halflings. The halfelf throws a dagger that finishes off a goblin that Runt had injured. Biguns and Slag swing at the first goblin they get to and completely shred the little bugger into burger. The captain rattles his sabre in a very threatening matter at the remainder who he cant reach. The last two goblins take the hint and make a run for it, leaving their packs behind.

The scene is total chaos. Dying goblins continue to scream in agony. Bobbles remains hidden behind his tree, crying as well. Supplies and goods from the boat lay scattered about like an unorganized yard sale. The ship was run ashore and the hull rests firmly on the sandy beach. One of the paddlewheels are is completely destroyed. The other wheel cannot be seen from this vantage point from shore. The place is a total mess. In their hurry, the goblins cared very little about keeping the operation neat and tidy.

Kendry  d20+4=24 d20+4=20 d4+3=5 d4+3=5
Tuesday December 7th, 2004 9:55:54 PM

"IF THEY KNEEL AND SURRENDER, SPARE THEM! KILL OR CAPTURE THOSE WHO FLEE!" shouts Kendry, followed immediately in goblin with the words, "Fight or flee, and you die: Surrender and live! Kneel and live!"

He walks right up to whichever goblins may still be alive and conscious. Since he has heard them using each others' names for the past hour or so, in FoxBiter's voice, he says, "Mong, Tepe, Pohie, will you surrender? I suggest you do. Too much death today. We have healing."

Held action:
Only IF one nearby attacks him, he thrusts his rapier through for (wow!) 10 hp of critical damage (d20+4=24 threat, d20+4=20 crit, 5+5 damage).

IF all surrender, he has them lay down their arms, and place hands behind their back.

"Berries for the dying," he suggests to his friends. "They will help us reload."

Patty  d20+6=25
Tuesday December 7th, 2004 10:17:25 PM

Patty takes Kendry's cue and bellows, "YOU HEARD HIM YOU LITTLE BUGGERS! DROP YOUR WEAPONS...NOW!!" He stomps towards them menacingly and waves his bloody javelin at them for emphasis. "DON'T THINK I WON'T GUT YOU WHERE YOU STAND! LINE UP!"

Intimidate =25

Shale(AC 18 HP 8/10)  d20+8=24 d6+1=6 d20+9=10
Tuesday December 7th, 2004 11:44:17 PM

Gritting his teeth as the arrow cuts his arm, Shale concentrates and fires another arrow at the fleeing goblins. (Attack 24 Damage 6) This time the arrow finds its mark and sinks into the back of a fleeing goblin with a thud.

Making a quick move Shale attempts to leap onto Valor, much to his dismay Valor moves and Shale barely manages to remain standing as he totally wiffs the pony. (Natural 1 Ride Check)

Airin  d20+5=24 d6+1=6 d20+5=9
Wednesday December 8th, 2004 3:33:17 AM

(occ, thanks Stephen to explain about the hiding after sniping. I will take this into account in the future)

Hearing Kendry shouting to spare the Goblins, Airin leaps to her feet, crossbow aimed.
If they are not about to surrender, she will fire a bolt at a Goblin still holding a crossbow in case she has a clear line of sight (no risk to hit her friends).

Attack roll = 24 (wow) = 25 thanks to Kendry
Damage = 6 (still a +1 from Kendry's song)

Next she drops her crossbow, takes out her shortsword and closes in on the Goblins warning them to lower their arms or get spiked ... she moves towards the Goblin she struck who is dying and crawling away. She tries to make clear to him she will not harm him if they surrender.

While going towards the Goblins she tries to count numbers ... there were a dozen of them ... how many are laying down, and how many have been able to get away (spot 9) but she's too hasty to see things clearly.

Olo (AC 18, HP 11/11)  d20+3=12 d6+2=8
Wednesday December 8th, 2004 11:05:23 AM

Hearing Kendry call for mercy, Olo pauses, waiting to see if any of the goblins within melee range still have the heart for a fight. Having abandoned his crossbow in the bushes, there's not much that he can do about those fleeing the battle.

[ooc: held action]
If any of those still in the camp make ready to attack, Olo will cease all attempts at mercy, close to melee range and engage. (Hit 12+1, Dmg 8+1).

Wednesday December 8th, 2004 4:25:02 PM

Selithe spends the time reloading her crossbow and afterwards covering her friends till she knows if the enemy surrenders or not. She does wonder about this whole crossbow bit though since the weapon seems to just not work correctly for her.

Polly (AC 14, 8 HP) 
Wednesday December 8th, 2004 8:33:11 PM

Polly takes off after her fleeing adversary, shouting in the Common tongue as she runs, "Surrender, goblin! Surrender or die!"

If he continues to run, she chases him until she's just out of earshot of the ambush scene, then turns back.

Aftermath (DM Stephen)  d100=61 d100=75 d100=59 d6=5 d6=5 d6=5
Thursday December 9th, 2004 9:18:15 AM

The last remaining bolts are fired and the fleeing goblin is brought down. One goblin continues scream in agony. As he lays there on the ground, he tries to cover his wounds.

Bobbles screams, "Please no kill me too. Bobbles good goblin, I am!"

The battle is won. The dead lay all about. Including the ones that died by the hands of Bob. The barrels of 'Brock's Best' arent visible among all the scattered goods lying about from the ships hold. The place is an absolute mess. You wont know what you'll find until you start searching.

Airin  d20+5=18 d20+1=20 d20+1=19 d4=4
Thursday December 9th, 2004 11:35:07 AM

Keeping her shortsword readied, she closes in on the dead Goblins but she points her shortsword to the screaming Goblin. She makes a good spot check at this Goblin to see if he really IS injured ( spot 18, sense motive 20). In case this Goblin is trying to fool us Airin will not hesitate and strike him with her sword (attack roll 19, damage 4).

She will remember though where she left her crossbow to collect it as soon as she's certain all danger is gone.

Airin  d20+7=25
Thursday December 9th, 2004 11:37:18 AM

Forgot to add this ... sorry.

If the screaming Goblin is indeed in real pain (clearly blood to be seen) she will make inspect the dead Goblins looking for loot, clues, or other things of interest (search 25)

Thursday December 9th, 2004 1:43:26 PM

"Bobbles, we not harm you," Kendry tells him. "You have two goodberries." He asks Bobbles to come over to the goblin who is in pain. "If you give goodberry to him - is that Dup? - will help heal him. I no more berries, gave to halfling prisoner, my cousin, Patty." He then asks Bobbles, "My friends have berries, too. We can save some others, too, save if we give them berries. You want us to try?" If Bobbles says yes, he asks his friends to give the goodberries to any who still look to be alive. "Where is Mayzie? Is she all right? She can help with the healing. Patty - there's plenty of rope by the tree, there. Can you and - hey, everyone - this is our cousin, Patty - use it to bind the legs of the remaining goblins? Someone want to help Patty with this?

"Thanks to Wardd for good luck, and Domi for bold courage. After the battle, is it time for the mercy of Alemi, perhaps? Disarm, bind legs, heal."

[OOC: Stephen - besides Bobbles and the screaming goblin, are there any more goblins who are still alive, whether wounded or not? -Kim]

If there are additional goblins alive, Kendry tells them that they will be shown kindness, if they try no tricks, and help reload. "You stole our boat. You killed our friends. Now your lives are in our hands. If you do well, if you obey FoxBarker commands, then it go well with you. If you try bad things, you may not see the moon again. You decide. You tell me if you obey me or no." After he has gotten a response from the goblins, he will let the party know what he told them, and what they said.

"Welcome back, Captain, Biguns, and all! I'm sorry, what is your name?" He asks the half-elf. "So, Captain, do you suppose your boat can be fixed by us here? I've done some woodworking, though mainly on small instruments and toys."

He'll leave it to his friends to get started on recovering what was dumped, and finding Brock's Best, as he works to find out whether the remaining goblins are in a cooperative mood.

He will help with any interpretation between the party and the goblins.

Thursday December 9th, 2004 3:28:20 PM

Patterton looks about at the dead and dying goblins and decides that they are relatively pacified for the moment(between his intimidation and the cover of the skilled halfling marksmen) and whirls on Kendry, a huge grin on his meaty face. He steps forward and hugs the bard tightly, lifting him off the ground and nearly crushing the air from his lungs. "You son of a satyr!" he growls happily, "Never thought I'd be so happy to see your sorry puss...oops. Mind the blood." He sets Kendry down and wipes the red smear from his tunic.
"I see you've brought some familiar faces with you." Patty nods to Shale and shyly smiles at Selithe.

Bobbles  d20-2=11
Thursday December 9th, 2004 3:56:24 PM

(Int 11)

The goblin peeks around his tree. "Okkay Uncle Foxbiter, me help Dup, but not nice, he is. Best to let die. Meaner than spit, he is!" Bobbles continues on and drops a berry in the mouth of the miserable Dup. He looks back at the big halfling, which is near his own height, and says, "Uncle, is that big hobbit my cousin too? Me know some common words too. Called him cousin, you did."

Olo  d20+6=17
Thursday December 9th, 2004 5:56:59 PM

With the brief combat over, Olo takes a moment to look around and assess the state of his companions. Seeing noone greviously injured with the exception of Dup, he bends down to check the state of the goblin's injuries. Seeing that the goblin isn't going to bleed out in the next moment or so (Heal 17), he turns his attention once again to his comrades.

"Who's hurt then? I lost track a bit with all the confusion." Turning to Patterson.. "You alright there friend? Have any injuries that need tending to? You're a tough one, but I know these goblins can be wicked bastards."

Selithe  d20+2=18 d20+3=10
Thursday December 9th, 2004 6:20:34 PM

Selithe walks out of the bushes and smiles as she brushes off the front of her dress. She sighs as she holds the crossbow up with one hand and calls to Kendry, "I think I got the faulty crossbow brother. I missed twice with this thing."

Seeing the new guy better now Selithe smiles and walks over to him, holding out a hand and clearly showing normal side now, "Hi, nice to have a new face among the group. My names Selithe, sister of Kendry there." Selithe's dress may be dirty now but it is low cut in the front and at one time a pretty white.

After laying her crossbow to the side shortly after greeting Patterton, Selithe pulls out her pipe and begins smoking alittle. Only after she has her pipe lit does she walk around with the others to see who is only wounded and tries giving them a berry. She also keeps a lookout as she does for possible hidden goblins or any treasure left in the rubble of all this.

Selithe does hover over the body of the goblin leader to see if he can be healed or not. If not then Selithe pulls out one of her extra ace of clubs that she has and tosses it down on him, "Shouldn't of messed with us buddy. This is for the nasty hit I took on the ship before getting off. May you remember me in death."

(Spot:18 Listen:10)

Shale  d20+2=22
Thursday December 9th, 2004 10:24:37 PM

Triumphantly marching out of the bushes Shale heads quickly over to Patty with a big grin on his face.

"Did you see the way I nailed those two goblins. And that first one that was messing with you?!! I gotta say I'm getting better."

Giving Patty a friendly handshake and a hug, he then turns to Kendry.

"Good Job on the deception there Kendry! I still think theater is your best bet for fame."
Smiling big, Shale seems to have forgotten about all the dead laying around, until one of the wounded goblins moans.

Turning to see the mess Shale gets a little bit more serious and heads over to the boat, drawing his sword just incase. Peeking carefully inside the boat Shale takes a full inventory. (Spot 22, Natural 20)

Polly  d20+1=9 d20+1=5
Thursday December 9th, 2004 11:06:50 PM

"Hiya, Patty," Polly says, waving amiably as she stands in roughly the area where the goblins' cart was loaded. She walks slowly along the path taken by the panicked pigs, looking for signs of Brock's barrels or any intact cargo from the barge. Whenever she pauses to investigate something more closely, she takes the opportunity to wipe a little more of the mess from her spear onto the local foliage. As usual, her attention to the search is . . . somewhat less meticulous than her cleaning of her gear. (untrained Search = 9, 5)

Up the river without a paddle (DM Stephen)  d100=91 d100=17 d6=6 d6=1
Friday December 10th, 2004 9:55:46 AM

Everyone takes a little time to greet Patty to the group. Besides Bobbles, there is only one surviving goblin, and Dup isnt a happy camper. He hisses and growls at anyone who comes near, even Bobbles. He's injured and scared and so only his base emotions seem to surface at the moment.

After careful search through all the goods scattered about, the barrels of Brock's Best cannot be found. They are apparently missing, along with other goods that were being stored topside on the main deck. Shale makes a special observation as he looks through everything. There appears to be a second set of wagon tracks that head inland. The deep ruts, the wagon left behind, tells him that it was hauling a heavy load.

Olo notices that Shale was the only one injured in the battle. And only mild at that.

Patty's gear is found among the wreckage of the wagon that crashed. Amazingly, none of his stuff was damaged.

Bobbles looks over all the dead with a bit of remorse. He finds his only friend among the dead that was killed by Bob before they arrived. Bobbles approaches the party carrying his friend in his arms. "Can we take Moopy to see pretty lady. My bestest buddy no move no mores!!" He is clearly shaken and upset.

The captain and crew inspect the boat. He appears to be equally remorseful. The damage to his boat is extensive. Not an inch of the boat has been spared in the ransacking. He turns to the party and reports, "It will take days to dig the boat off this shore. And even then, they stole a majority of the ropes, rigging and sails. Not to mention the starboard side paddle wheel! My beauty isn't going anywhere anytime soon!"

Friday December 10th, 2004 2:02:37 PM

Patty accepts Shale's handshake and hug warmly, giving the ranger a playful punch in the shoulder. "Haven't seen you in a dog's age, buddy. You always were a good shot. Have to start calling you 'Deadeye Oakendale', won't we?"Patty chuckles, "We'll catch up in a few, I've got to grab my gear."

As he is heading over to the wagon, Patty waves at Polly and Selithe approaches him. He takes her hand and smiles nervously, "You must not remember me...I used to deliver wood to your town when I was younger. Kendry and I used to pal around a bit. Errr...I'll talk to you later."

Patty hurries off to his equipment and struggles into his chainmail(which barely seems to be able to contain his bulk) and grabs his battle axe.

Friday December 10th, 2004 9:34:18 PM

Spotting the tracks Shale quickly gets everyone's attention, "It looks like they made off with the beer before we could get here." Pointing down at the wagon tracks Shale continues, "We can easily follow them, we still have a good chance of getting the beer back. With Patty with us we got a real good chance."

Giving an eager smile its obvious what Shale's vote is.

Saturday December 11th, 2004 2:56:10 AM

Selithe smiles as Patty gets abit nervous speaking to her and whispers to herself, "kind of cute." She sighs when the beer isn't here and frowns more when the captain speaks about his boat.

Selithe looks over to the captain, "I'm glad we were able to get this much of your boat back for you though. Has to be cheaper to repair the damages then buy a whole new ship."

Selithe almost goes white when she hears the comment of chasing down the goblins and the beer, "Hey, wait a minute. They were suppose to be meeting ogres and how we know there isn't a goblin camp out there?" Selithe sighs and looks to Kendry knowing if he goes she will follow, "Bro, surely your not going to chase after them...I mean ogres? big, ugly and powerful. I don't want to see no one cleaved in two or turned into a stain by a big club."

Selithe pops her pipe back in her mouth and begins puffing on it now to keep quiet and waits for the inevitable of the group deciding to go. Selithe wears a face of worry but it is also clear she is curious to see a ogre for once, let alone she would like to get the beer back to Calfast.

Kendry: Tries to help Bobbles better understand things; Pulls things together; Talks over plans to recover shipment  d20+4=13
Saturday December 11th, 2004 7:44:38 PM

Greetings After Improv
Kendry receives Patty's strong embrace with a grin. "So, how was I as your torturer, cuz? Great to see you, too, you oak tree, you. I didn't even recognize you, at first. We'll have to catch up on stories, eh?"

Addressing all, following his earlier brief one-way intro, he says, "Patterton Cloverturn Burrows, allow me to note my talented sister, Selithe Greentree Leafwin Pipewood, and also our cousin, swift of feet and ever lively, Polly Leafwin Turnbell. Over on that stump is my brother, Nalfein. You already know Shale Leafwin Oakendale from the 6-in-4 legged race of legend. A new friend, and also distant cousin, Mayzie Greenhill Treetender, and Ghost, her wolf-friend. Airin Moondancer Turnbell, Polly's relative, and, in need of a haircut or festival ornaments, Olo Thistlefoot. Nice charge, Olo! Oh - and sharpshooter Shale likely will punch me if I neglect his brave steed, Valor."

He also introduces the captain, Biguns, Zippzitzz (a.k.a. Runt) ("Say - you're good with that sling, Zippzitzz!"), and the rest of the crew.

"Olo - what's the rest of your family name?"

Bobbles' Confusion, Part the First
Following Bobbles' clear confusion about kinship and where he fits into the halfling / goblin family tree, Kendry ponders how to help him understand. "Oh, Bobbles. My talk in the darkness may be puzzle to you. I am not your ... um, where to begin? Foxbite was friend of mine. I not see him for few years. When I put on hat, I say I his uncle, name Barker, for pretend. So, when I put on hat, look like, uh, male Grekie, then my name be Barker. Barker my name then. I not Foxbite. Can you say my goblin name, Barker?"

Once this, maybe, is clear, then Kendry adds, "So, Bobbles, I not really your uncle. I sorry this be puzzle in your mind. But, though I not your uncle, I want be your friend. So, you not my nephew. But, you be my friend? I be your friend. I thank you, you save my life when Bob want kill me. Me like Bobbles. We help us. We have food together, and tell stories together. Sound good?" Then, to further overtax his goblin friend's mind, he takes time to explain to him that, when he looks like halfling, his name is Kendry. At appropriate times during the morning, he will help clarify and reinforce Bobbles' understanding of things.

And, regarding Patterton Cloverturn Burrows, Kendry acts as a go-between, introducing Bobbles to Patty, and Patty to Bobbles. "Maybe Bobbles can be our honorary cousin?" he asks Patty, after explaining his friend's confusion.

With my sis
Kendry looks over Selithe's crossbow [Appraise, 13.] "Huh. Maybe it's not the most well-made crossbow." He looks up at her. "Shall we go shopping, later, and see if we can't find you a better one?"

He later notes his sister tossing the card on dead Bob. Bob did have some leadership abilities, and a fair degree of discernment. Not enough for his long-term health, though...

With Shale
"Well, it was the goblins who first ran the masquerade, Shale." He seems somewhat bemused at being complimented for deceptive behavior, regardless the benefits or outcome.

Dealing with Dup
Kendry asks Mayzie for one of her goodberries. He then takes the berry over to Dup. "Dup, you hurt bad, all growly. Now, here have I medicine berry, it help you feel better." Kendry gets down on one knee, ready to protect himself, should Dup try something, despite being tied up a bit. "Now, Dup, you listen to what I say. You and your friends killed some of us last night, steal our boat and things. This morning most of you die. But I say not kill you. I ask question. You want to see moons again? Then listen what I say, and do what I say. Otherwise, no see moons no more." If Dup looks like he will settle down, Kendry feeds him the goodberry, thus. "Open mouth wide. I give you medicine berry." He then tosses it into Dup's mouth. Mindful of the goblin's teeth, he is ready quickly to withdraw his hand should he try to bite him.

If Dup refuses the berry, Kendry shrugs, adding, "You not want feel better, be more healed? Your choice, Dup, to remain miserable." He'll give him one more chance to take the berry.

If Dup does take a berry, Kendry reiterates, if he discerns such to be necessary, his terms. If Dup appears at all cooperative, he sees about getting a second berry from one of his party members for the injured goblin.

Bobbles and his friend, Moopy
Kendry looks at Bobbles, and the face of his dead buddy, Moopy. Sadly, he translates for the others what was just said. He slowly approaches. "Oh... Oh... Oh, Bobbles. Oh, Moopy. He your buddy, bestest, be? Oh..." The young bard's eyes fill up with sorrow for his goblin friend.

Adapting a goblin song of mourning that Foxbite once taught him, he sings:

"Moopy, bestest buddy, Moopy, don't go.
Bobbles, Bobbles need you, oh Moopy, don't go.

"All of us now scream - ayi!
All of us now growl - gurdurr!
Our bowels churn within us,
They twist for you now gone."

He spends some time with Bobbles, mourning, if only for a brief space, his loss. "Tell me 'bout Moopy. Tell me 'bout Moopy, Bobbles," he asks. "What make you bestest buddies?"

Practical Matters
Hearing Shale's observation, and those of the captain, and hearing the fear in his sister's voice, Kendry ponders for a few moments.

"The captain needs help, and perhaps some security. Nalfein, what do you say to this: You stick with the captain and crew, and see what you can do to help out.

"Mayzie - you make a choice. Actually, all of us have a choice to make. The captain needs the sails and rigging and such. We need the barrels. Anyone who wants to go in pursuit of the casks, and other cargo, let's follow the first wagon. Anyone who is not willing, stay here and help out the captain.

"Captain - do you want to send any of your crew to help us out? That's your call.

"Bobbles - will you come with us? Zippzitzz - would the captain let you come along?"

He looks over at Dup. "Shall we bring him along, too?" he asks his friends and family.

Kendry - A private prayer to Gargul 
Sunday December 12th, 2004 4:11:05 AM

At some moment when he might, perhaps as he mourns with Bobbles, Kendry prays in his spirit, thus:

"Gargul, you who oversee the dead and departed. You who judge, and send, and return. I ask of you a gift. My friend Bobbles - a goblin, unusual he - a goblin who would be good. His friend Moopy, his bestest friend, was killed by that rascal, the dealer of death, whom you just now have greeted, the goblin Bob.

"Bobbles mourns for his friend, and I, who knew not his friend, do also mourn for him.

"So, Gargul, you who see what happens after this life on Wold - I ask of you a gift. Return to life the goblin Moopy. Assign to me a task. And it be a noble and a good and worthy task, and harm not my friends or kin, then gladly shall I hear it for the sake of Bobbles, and for Moopy.

"Hear, I ask, my petition. Answer me when you will, O Gargul. This is Kendry Leafwin Pipewood who asks this gift of you. Thank you for listening."

Thus ends his prayer.

Sunday December 12th, 2004 2:44:47 PM

Patty gathers the rest of his equipment and trots over to the middle of the camp just as they are discussing the ogre situation.

"Ogres, eh? Patty scratches his head. ,"How many ogres are we talking about here, Bobbles? If there aren't many of them, we may be able to deal with them the same way you did the goblins." Patty picks up a discarded goblin crossbow and glances down the stock discerningly. "Plus ogres are a bit dim...I'm sure a tricky group of hobbits like ourselves could think of something to even up the odds."

Sunday December 12th, 2004 7:10:20 PM

"Besides, Bob said the ogres are two days away. They'll have to rest the horses from time to time, and have maybe a couple or four hours lead on us," Kendry adds, realizing that the rest of the party did not know that bit of information.

Monday December 13th, 2004 12:34:32 AM

Patty glances over at Kendry (OOC- I'm assuming Patty has been filled in on the details. I've read almost all of the postings, so I pretty much know what's going on at this point)and nods. "Makes sense to me. We should be able to catch up to them if we're fast enough. Still, I think we should prepare ourselves to deal with these ogres just the same. Maybe the camp is closer then the greenie says...they aren't exactly known for being the brightest spoons in the box."

Patty casually flings the crossbow onto one of the goblin corpses.

"At any rate, we'd best leave soon if we plan to catch up with them...ogres or no."

Airin  d20+7=25 d20+7=21 d20+5=8
Monday December 13th, 2004 3:50:06 AM

Seeing Dup really in pain she sheaths her blade, and retrieves her crossbow where she left it.

Hello Patty, nice to meet you. Never mind Kendry, I really don't need a haircut and certainly won't need ornaments. I'm not the one to reveal myself with shimmering gold and I certainly don't want my eye's to be seen by others when I don't want them to. It will be nice to have you around yet she casts a disrespectfull eye on the chainmail and thinks to herself oh no ! ... another one of those noisy lads ... I thought we had it with Olo and now this walking disco comes along ... they will hear us coming from miles ... oh well ... perhaps they can be usefull to receive the blows while I can hide, or they might even be a good shield ... and thinking of this a smile appears on her face. To Patty this will look as if Airin is really happy to have him around (occ no offense, I'm trying to be the sneaky one ;-) )

Then Airin goes over to the dead Goblins and inspects their gear. There must be some good bolts, weapons or so here. Besides, they wanted to go buy weapons ... where's the gold or were they only going to trade ? (search 25)
When she finds the crossbows she will take a closer look at them. Maybe she will find a better one for Selithe (appraise 21).

Look, we've been up all night. Are we capable to go chasing those Goblins ? First I want a bite .. I'm hungry. Next, how do we plan to go on this chase. Walking down the road is a nice invitation for them to shoot us. Don't forget these Goblins wanted to buy weapons from those Ogres so they will be well armed. Battle plans ? Kendry, I suggest we either interrogate your friend Bobbles a little more to find out where that Ogre camp is, or you try to interrogate Dup. But now I'm going to collect Blossom ( occ her pony) and the rest of my gear.

Airin goes away from the camp to get back on her tracks to find Blossom. When going back she wants to keep an eye out for those dangerous plants (Spot 8) but she's thinking too hard how to retrieve that beer instead. Once she found Blossom she will return to the group.

Kendry responds to Airin's understandable misunderstanding 
Monday December 13th, 2004 4:12:08 AM

"No, no, Airin. I was referring to Olo's hair, not yours," he grins. "And yes, breakfast is a good idea. Do we have any food, or is it on the wagon we need to chase down?"

Airin to Kendry 
Monday December 13th, 2004 4:34:36 AM

" aha ! Guess I'm not accustomed to your way of speach. Never quite understand when a Bard starts rambling " ;-D

Patterton  d20=10
Monday December 13th, 2004 4:50:40 AM

Patty smiles at Airin's apparent appreciation(sense motive =10) of his skills and gives her hand a warm shake. "Nice to meet you."

Patterton then turns to Kendry whilst digging into his backpack. "I've got a little gnash stashed away here, but most of the good grub is just tack...cookie?" Patty hands Kendry one of his mother's homemade honey-oat cookies. "Look Kendry, we've gotta talk strategy here. The more time we sit around here, the closer those greenies get to their ogre pals and that would be bad...very bad."

Patty cracks his knuckles absent-mindedly as he speaks. "I know you guys have already seen some blood tonight, so I'll understand if everyone isn't rearing to go....but I've spent the better part of the night tied to a tree getting the snot beat out of me. I'm with Shale. I don't intend to let those lil' buggers make their delivery."

Patty jerks his thumb at Shale, "Not everyone needs to go. Between the two of us, we should be able to overpower whatever goblins are left...hmmmm, maybe one or two more just to be safe. Seems to me it would be a lot easier then risking them getting away."

Monday December 13th, 2004 2:10:16 PM

"Eh? Food?" Olo turns and looks to Kendry and smacks his hands together. "Kendry my good man, you're talking to the right guy. Let me go gather my belongings and I'll get to work on a proper breakfast for the lot of us."

With that he takes off his helmet, dropping it to the ground, and frees his bushy head of hair. Running his fingers through it in an attempt to shake off the 'helmet head', he continues: "And my hair is just fine. I'm quite sure everyone will be doing it in a year or two."

"Now, what to do with this fellow," he gestures to Dup. "We either need to be killin' him or healin' him. Letting him lie there suffering isn't right. He can have my berries if we're voting for the latter, though I'd much prefer to be using them on Shale." Olo tosses his full pouch of berries to Kendry to do with as he pleases.

"I've got Wardd looking after me and we can rely on him for a bit of healing. Let me know who still needs attention once things are straightened out."

He heads off to collect the animals previously tied up, and collect his crossbow while he's at it.

"Prayer's always best on a full stomach" you hear him say as he crunches through the undergrowth on the way to fetch the animals.

Monday December 13th, 2004 9:27:05 PM

Listening carefully to everyone's conversations, the ranger steps in for his two cents, "We'll never catch up to them if we stop for supper and a bit of rest. We should saddle up and ride hard."

He nods to Patty and continues, "We don't intend on letting them steal from us and make no mistake goblins are an evil bunch of critters. There's no wrong in slaughtering them to the last one."

Pausing briefly he adds, "With exceptions of course."

"We can eat a goodberry and take off down this trail. They have a wagon and are natural a bunch of slobbering idiots. We are traveling light and between the group of us, enough wit to outsmart a dragon. I say we go now."

Tuesday December 14th, 2004 12:54:43 AM

Patty returns Shale's nod and adjusts his gear. "Those goblins cracked me over the head before I got a good look at the camp, so I couldn't say whether or not the wagon was here then or not. They could have made quite a bit of ground by now, but we should be able to overtake them, provided the ponies hold up."

Patty glances around at the group, "I'll need to borrow someone's mount or ride with you, Shale. How many are coming and how many are helping to fix the boat?"

Battle Plans (DM Stephen)  d100=40 5d100(90+53+47+5+77)=272 d12=4
Tuesday December 14th, 2004 2:34:21 AM

The group goes straight to strategy after the pleasantries are dispensed. Kendry does his best to explain things to Bobbles and the goblin begins to accept the fact that he isn't kin and that his friend is gone for good. He briefly tells Kendry a disturbing tale about when they first met.

(Disturbing tale of friendship)
Bobbles had caught a fish from the stream and quickly began eating it. Moopy comes running up and hits him across the head with a stick and steals his fish. They both begin to fight and wrestle for the prize. In the heat of the struggle, they both tumble down a steep hill and fall unconscious on the rocks below. A groggy Bobbles wakes up staring up at dizzy Moopy weilding a big rock. As Moopy was about to smash him in the head again to finish the job, he instead drops it on his foot. Moopy dances around, holding his foot in agony, Bobbles cant help but laugh at the spectacle. Moopy starts laughing at himself as well and they both quickly became the best of friends. Sigh, goblins!

(Equally disturbing burial rites)
Bobbles takes Moopy and does his best to put his body up in a tree securely. He takes a rock from the river and taps his head with it. He then places the rock in Moopy's hands. Bobbles looks back to whomever is watching and says, "Moopy would have wanted it that way. Now the birds can come and eat his body and eyeballs and fly up to the Father Raven in night sky, they will. Add his eyes be tied to all the other sparkly ones in Ravens black wings." Bobbles stands back to take one final look at his friend. After Kendry finishes his song, Bobbles cant help but be reduced to tears.

Dup remains still and sticks out his tongue longingly when the berry is presented. However Kendry is careful to pull back before the crazied goblin bites his finger off. Dup growls and curses Kendry's race and heritage, along with a few other nasty statements.

Shale recalls that the wagon ruts are deep from carrying a heavy load. Its also easy to determine that traveling in the wilds with a wagon load of goods will have to go slow. (Int or Wisdom check DC 12 to reveal the spoiler. Highlight to display spoiler: {You all still have the element of surprise, since the lead goblin wagon doesnt know their comrades have been slain.})

Airin does a quick search of items from the goblin horde. A dozen quality bolts are found for a crossbow. A total of 40 copper pieces are collected from the bodies. Bob, however, was carrying a large pouch of 272 gold pieces and 4 gold signet rings with three different family crests divided among them. His sword is a fine weapon, well balanced too. You could say its masterwork quality. Just encrusted with layers of old dried blood.

Kendry prays to Gargul and is left the feeling that Moopy is in the land of the dead to stay.

Airin  d20=4
Tuesday December 14th, 2004 4:37:39 AM

(Spoiler Int Check 4 Won't peek. Anyone willing to tell me ?)

Collecting and dividing the Goblin Loot :
Happy her quick search pays off, she starts to collect a few items.

First the quality bolts (occ can I assume these are masterwork bolts then ?). She will refill her own case of bolts, and offer a refill for those who fired bolts too. In case these bolts are masterwork ones, she will keep one case of bolts, and give the other ones to her friends.

She has no interest in the copper pieces, but the gold of course draws her attention. " Look friends ! Something to cover our travel expenses. I think we all deserve a piece of this right ? " and she divides the gold, " 24gp for each of us "[/b} she says to her 7 companions, [b]" 24gp for Runt for being such a good help, 24gp for our friend Bobbles also for helping us soo well, and 24gp for you captain to partially cover your repairs to your boat ... and 32 gp for me ... dividing has never been my strongest in school and I could not divide 272gp by 11 ...hope you don't mind."

She examines the signet rings. These might be loot the Goblins took from well knows families ? Perhaps she will be able to give these back to these families in time ( occ any check needed to know if these rings belong to the Goblins or to a Halfling family we might know ?) She certainly shows them to her friends. Maybe they know something about the family crests.

And last but not least, the sword. (occ is it a short sword ) She removes the dried blood to reveal the sword. If it's a shortsword, Airin replaces her own sword by this masterwork sword.
If it's not a short sword she will offer the sword to one of her friends who can use it.

Then she remebers the lottery she once won ... anyone able to use a masterwork large steel shield ? I won this some time ago but I can't use this.

The chase
Airin mounts Blossom, offers some to sit in front of her and prepares to move out with the rest of the group. Guess we will need to move quickly if we want to catch them before they arrive at the Ogre lair. Never mind those dead bodies ... we're wasting time. And I strongly suggest no one stays behind ... we capture their wagon and use that to return later. Do we know how long they are gone ? Saddle up friends, we've got some unfinished business !

Polly  d20+1=9 d20+3=15
Tuesday December 14th, 2004 5:46:55 PM

Not being particularly good at thinking ahead, Polly is all for going after the first of the goblins' wagons. (Int roll=9) "We can catch them, sure. They stole from us and I'm happy to retrieve our property and the other stolen cargo and supplies from the barge. I don't think there's any need for wholesale slaughter, though, Shale.

"I do think we should leave right away. If any of them got away to warn the others, we have to beat them to that wagon. And we sure have to catch them before they get to the ogres. I think once the ogres have the goods in trade, they're entitled to them, if that makes any sense."

Polly will mount up with Airin if there's room, or run alongside if the ponies are overburdened. She pops a goodberry for breakfast and offers her remaining five to her companions. "Maybe instead of giving yourself the extra gold, Airin, it could be shared with the barge's crew? They helped in the attack, and they're out of wages until they're back on the water. Let me have a look at that ring. I know a lot of the families in the the Humble's Ford area." (Local Knowledge=15 to guess at the ring's meaning.)

Tuesday December 14th, 2004 5:49:54 PM

Having just reclaimed his crossbow, Olo is busy digging out his cooking supplies when he hears talk of "mount up" and "ride hard". Sighing, he looks forlornly at the skillet in his hand and shoves it back in the saddlebag.

"Right then, let's get to it. What do we plan on doing with this here fellow?" He nods over in Dup's direction. "He could be a pretty big pain if we bring him along, and we can't just let him loose into the woods."

Olo picks up his helmet from where he dropped it in the undergrowth and pulls it onto his head.

ooc: Kendry, remember you've got my three berries to distribute.

Tuesday December 14th, 2004 6:10:39 PM

Patty gratefully takes a few goodberries and tucks them into his pouch before walking over to Shale's pony and hoists himself into the saddle.

"C'mon Shale! We've got some greenies to catch!"

Tuesday December 14th, 2004 8:38:33 PM

Selithe sighs and shakes her head at her brother's comment, "No, splitting up is not a good idea in my opinion so I guess I will come along also. Anyway I can't pass up a chance to see what type of trouble you get into brother." Selithe grins since she knows she is usually the one seeking out trouble.

Shale  d20+2=21 d20+9=27 d20+6=14
Tuesday December 14th, 2004 9:56:24 PM

Shale takes one last look at the wagon tracks and then says to the others. "Seems to me that the wagon has a heavy load, shouldn't take us long to catch up." (Wisdom 21)

Jumping up onto Valor in a running leap, Shale lands behind Patty firmly.

"Let's Go!!" Shale nudges Valor ahead and leads the way down the trail. (Ride 27 Tracking 14)

On the Run! (DM Stephen)  d100=41 d100=96 d100=52 d6=3 d6=1 d6=2
Wednesday December 15th, 2004 1:46:27 AM

For once Kendry is struck speechless assumingly from the sight of Bobbles' funeral for his friend, Moopy.

Airin quickly divides up the gold among the party and the captains crew. Bob's sword is a masterwork longsword (I think!? I will need to look at my earlier posts to make for sure, but I think I remember calling it a longsword. It's sized for small creatures though.) The styles of the rings seem to vary some. Some have thick golden bands and with symbols that look like shields. Two rings look delicate and extremely well crafted. They're made to look like thin golden vines with leaves and berrys. As if taken straight out of nature. (since you made no skill check of any kind, Im not going to give away any info :) Try appraising them or use a knowledge skill check if you have one.) You are, however, pretty certain that these didnt originally belong to goblins.

Polly cautions the party to use restraint when they catch up with the other wagon. However, Shale and Patty are off to the races on the back of Valor. Before mounting up on Airin's pony, she takes a quick look at the rings. They dont look like anything coming from Humble's Ford. In fact, they dont look like hobbit styles at all. They definitely came from other cultures outside the Crescent Valley.

Olo gets ready to continue chasing after the goblins. However his stomach has other plans. Selithe gets ready to go as well.

Before the rest of you can leave, the captain digs a roll of thick paper out of a scroll case. "Here, take this with you. Just in case you get lost. It may also help you find the goblins if you lose their trail." He unrolls it to reveal a map of the region. He points at the spot where you currently are. "The goblins may be trying to head to a well known ogre trading post. It's marked here. The place is simply called 'Ogre'!" He also points that out too. "Its a very good chance of being the place where they're heading. It's about two days away with a full wagon load."

Beguns, Runt and Slag are more than willing to watch over the captured goblin, Dup. They drag him back to the ship in a 'not so gentle' way! They seem interested in continuing the interrogation.

Wednesday December 15th, 2004 2:43:39 AM

As they ride down the trail, Patty curses himself for leaving his pony at home. 'Nothing to do about it now,'he thinks as they plow down the trail towards the unsuspecting goblins.

Patty smiles to himelf, thoughts of revenge filling his mind.

Airin  d20+4=16 d20+7=22 d20+3=15 d20+7=13 d20+5=8
Wednesday December 15th, 2004 3:25:48 AM

(ooc could not find any details on Bob's sword in the archives other that that is was a bloody sword. You say it's a longsword, a longsword it is ... unless you want to change your mind ;-) )

At Polly's remark Airin hands 8gp to the captains crew ( ooc all add 24gp to your personal treasure - and all those who fired bolts have a complete refill I think)

Airin decides to have one last quick look at the rings (appraise 22 - decipher script 15 ) to see if she can find out something else other than what Polly has told her so far. Then, having the feeling these rings might come in handy later, she puts them into a belt pouch for further investigation once they have succeeded to get back the beer.

"Anyone able to wield a masterwork longsword ?" If so Airin will hand the sword to her companion as this sword would only hinder her.

After all this, Airin spurs Blossom to ride down the track with the rest of the group. (ride 16) hoping they will capture the Goblins before they reach the Ogre camp. "Ride fast Blossom ... " she mumbles to her pony.

(listen : 13)
(Spot : 8)

Wednesday December 15th, 2004 5:07:53 AM

(OOC to Airin-I would like the longsword if that's ok, but we'll have to wait for you guys to catch up)

Kendry  d20+4=16 d20+6=14 d20+6=24 d20+4=7 d20+4=7 d20+4=8 d20+4=19
Wednesday December 15th, 2004 5:16:19 AM

[OOC: Busy, busy day. At last, the Wold!]

"Great cookie. Thank you, Patty," he says, enjoying the honey-oat treat, and catching the last crumb before it drops to the ground.

Kendry passes on to the others the information and stories that Bobbles relates. He tells Bobbles that he hopes that a high-flying raven will fulfill his wish for his friend.

He receives from Olo the goodberries, amazed at his generosity and faith. He nods his thanks. He returns one to the cleric of Wardd, and says, "Look! What luck, Olo. Breakfast!"

He asks Airin he he can take a crack at examining the four rings found among Bob's possessions. Turning them about, examining the patterns, he checks to see if there might be anything familiar about them. [Regarding the four rings: Appraise 16; Knowledge, local 14; Knowledge, history, 24; Knowledge, arcana 7; Bardic knowledge 7 for ring type 1, 8 for ring type 2, and 19 for ring type 3.] Whatever he is able to discern, he will pass on to the rest of the group.

Among the goblins' dropped and scattered possessions, Kendry sees if he can scrounge a flint and steel, and also a bag and pouch or two. One of the bags he fills with about five pounds of rocks, generally of a size of one to three inches across.

When the captain offers the map, Kendry looks it over. He checks to see if the map answers his question before he asks the captain, "Is there a road on this map that will take us back to Humble's Ford? We might have to take the wagon if we're to get the cargo back to town in time for the parties. 'F course we first want to get any rigging and such back to you, Captain, if at all possible."

He tells his brother Nalfein and cousin Mayzie that they should watch after each other and the captain and crew until the group gets back. He says goodbye to Ghost for the time being. He shakes Nalf's hand, and gives Mayzie's a squeeze in parting.

"How do you do that, Shale?" he asks as his cousin leaps onto Valor's back.

"Bobbles, you want to come with? Let's go!"

When Airin offers Bob's longsword, Kendry takes a look at it, swinging it about a bit. "Nice feel. Quick, fairly light, well balanced. Might be interested in trying it out. How 'bout you, Patty - you want to try a long sword?"

As they ride along, Kendry asks Polly, "How do you suppose we can recover the wagon and what's in it, without having to kill anybody? Or too many, any way? I'd like to do that, sure, but what approach do we use? How do we keep them from following us back, if we let them go? Should we take the wagon and such in ransom for Dup? Just trying to figure this out." He checks to see, as well, if others in the group have any ideas about this.

Airin sidenote 
Wednesday December 15th, 2004 8:51:48 AM

"Kendry, as you are allready swinging the blade, you descide who will use it in battle. I dislike those large toothpicks. Oh ... here take a closer look at these rings, but those I want back of course" she smiles.

Once Kendry took a closer look, Airin makes sure the rings dissapear all four in her pouch. The Masterwork Longsword stays with Kendry. Patty and Kendry can argue who uses it.

Wednesday December 15th, 2004 8:56:46 AM

(OOC-for the sake of continuity, let's say that Patty accepted the longsword before heading off down the trail with Shale <as long as Stephen doesn't mind>. These posts overlap a little bit :).)

Wednesday December 15th, 2004 10:40:46 AM

Selithe grins as her comment was evidently not heard by her brother and she moves after them as quick as she can while also carrying the crossbow (if someone didn't grab it) for good measure. Selithe sighs and calls up to her brother and others who are listening, "Please remember I'm not a sprinter people. I'm a lady, gambler and conjurer and not a sprinter for a halfling marathon." Selithe grins though as she is having abit of fun complaining, mainly to pick on her brother.

Wednesday December 15th, 2004 2:31:38 PM

Olo looks at the tiny berry, rolling it around in the palm of his hand. "Hrmph! breakfast indeed." He thinks of the juicy sausages he was about to fry up and sighs, then pops the berry in his mouth.

If others are walking, he'll choose to walk as well. Otherwise, provided there is room, he'll hop up with Airin on Blossom once again.

Allowing the others to lead, he is content to follow. Not knowing when to next expect trouble, he'll take the extra precaution of loading his crossbow so that he is prepared. Once this is done, he allows his mind to drift as he takes this time to silently recite his prayers.

Wednesday December 15th, 2004 10:25:17 PM

"Well, Selithe, as those mounted race on ahead, happy to pursue and split us up, so that if they get attacked, we won't be around to help, and vice versa, I'll walk with you." He holds out his arm for her to take, if she will, and heads down the path. "Maybe they'll wait for us after the initial excitement wears out. There is the donkey, right?"

[Not sure to whom the donkey belongs, but Kendry will lead him (her?), unless Airin wants to have a lead line back to the donkey. We can all cover more ground, faster, if all are mounted...]

Shale  d20+9=22 d20+16=31 d20+2=5 d20+4=14 d20+2=13
Wednesday December 15th, 2004 10:27:58 PM

As Shale takes off he hears Selithe being left behind. Slowing down a second he gives her a hand up onto Valor before taking off.

Smiling at Kendry, "Trick to jumping on a pony is to run like hell and jump. Oh and try to land more on the backside of your pelvic area..."

Hearing the comment about getting lost Shale makes a snorting noise as his ability as a tracker seems to be in question.

"I say we follow the pattern that's worked to this point, get up close as we can, then we ride around in front of them. Once we're in position we'll ambush em, kill all those who don't flee, and then make our way back with the beer. This is beer we're talking about here Kendry, I say no mercy..."

Tilting his hat back some Shale continues, "After all this battle we'll have to post a watch at night like me and my dad used to in Culverwood. Much safer."

Shale rides on a ways, stopping the group every now and again to make sure he's following the wagon track and to check to see how old it is.(He'll get off Valor if need be) He plans to keep leading the group on until the tracks look extremly fresh or he catches a glimpse in the distance.
(Tracking 22, Against getting lost 31, Spot 5, Listen 14)

While he's riding along Shale gets his look at the coins to see what he can find out. (Knowledge Nobility 13)

Thursday December 16th, 2004 2:13:52 PM

Quick OOC:

The donkey should still be on a lead and tied to Blossom (Airin's pony). The donkey has a pack saddle and is ladden with sacks and such. It really can't be ridden in its current state.

We have two ponies right? Valor and Blossom? I doubt it's feasible to get everyone on ponies.

Thursday December 16th, 2004 7:39:11 PM

We could previously fit three per pony. We have seven in the group now, so I figure we could squeeze an extra on ole Valor. It's a warpony after all and that makes everything ok.

Thursday December 16th, 2004 11:07:16 PM

OOC: Kendry could voluteer to tie himself as baggage to the donkey. :-)

I like Shale's idea better, though.

Thursday December 16th, 2004 11:28:43 PM

Polly frowns as they ride, forethought not being one of her strong suits. "I don't know exactly, Kendry. Shale and Patty just seem so gung-ho about killing goblins. But it's not about killing goblins; it's about retrieving stolen property. If some goblins die along the way, I guess that's a risk they took when they stole in the first place.

"But saying that it's okay to kill them because they're evil? Well, that doesn't seem to leave room for people like Bobbles, you know?"

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