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Too Tart!

Time for Pie! (DM Stephen)  d100=10 d6=1 d100=18 d20+15=17
Tuesday August 17th, 2004 12:52:44 AM

Upon hearing Selithe and Nalfein's words, Lord Burgomeister Breedbottom turns his head back with a sly smile. He tosses the small money pouch over his shoulder and it lands perfectly in Nalfein's hands, from more than 40-ft away! You can tell by the glimmer in his eyes that, even at his advanced age, his senses are still sharp as a tack! With the agility of a hobbit half his age, he flings himself up into the seat of his wagon. His driver also has an amused expression on his face. He apparently has seen his boss do this many times already. The Burgomeister tips his hat to Selithe and says, "Good, good! I'll be expecting you all then. Your youthful exuberance towards the political process is most inspiring. Farewell." His driver tugs at the reins and off they go. You all realize you just got a quick lesson in the art of politics.

Willoughby makes a run after the druid. He witnesses an amazing sight. The halfling grows into a tall folk right before his eyes! Myrridan places his hand on the tree and appears to speak a few words. He steps into the tree and disappears.

After the wolf departs, many of the townspeople begin to calm down. The militiaman also feels relieved that Mayzie sent her wolf away. Another militiaman walks over to him and they talk. However, the first militiaman sends the second back to where he came from. He turns back to Mayzie and gives her a shy smile and a little wave. He quickly regains his composure as if someone was watching him. It's not certain, but it's possible Mayzie has a new friend!

Kendry, Selithe, Nalfein, Polly and Duncan, along with their tasty cargo, rolls into the NonStop Party headquarters. The area around the pavillion is the center of activity. A bard nearby practices a new campaign song. A rotund woman woman in a green and yellow dress sees you coming and motions for you to bring your wagon over to her. You recognize her as Pearl Pipewood, of the Hovel Pipewoods. A few workmen stop to move aside and allow you easy passage. They receive you with cheer and applause. A white tent is set up to next to the pavillion. The commotion draws the attention of its occupant. A very thin and stern looking woman stands at its entrance. She then steps out to watch you all park the wagon. Her bleach-blonde hair is tightly rolled into a bun. Her expression is a little stressed and aggrivated. With a strong tone, she says, "Humph! It's about time you got here!" It can be no other ... it's NonStop Party leader, Marigold Pipewood.

Tuesday August 17th, 2004 1:41:16 AM

Shale strolls in easily after the wagon, cocks his hat back in a relaxed position on his head.
Rolling his sleeves up he quietly sets to work unloading the pies. With a quick wink to Polly you notice him lick his fingers after a few pies are unloaded and a tiny hole in one of the pies.

Kendry  d20+6=15 d20+3=7
Tuesday August 17th, 2004 3:18:16 AM

"Good day, Pearl!" the young one enthuses as he guides Biscuit in a semicircle so as to position the pies for unloading. "Aunt Marygold!" Kendry runs up and gives her a quick peck on the cheek. "Gramama Eglantine sends her love and support by way of her pies! Yes, about time, I'd say. Folks on the way were offering to start the pie party early, slowed us up just a wee bit. But all twelve dozen delicious treats made it, guarded by fiercesome us. Grrrr!" he growls, shaking his head as though in warning. Taking her elbow for a moment, he quietly offers, "Just let us know what we can do to help, and we'll pitch in. And take a deep breath or two. We already have some folks recruiting more attendees for the Nonstop Party."

He turns and scans the area. He looks to see the bard (knowledge (local) 15 to recognize him, with a circumstantial bonus of 3, for 18, Kendry himself being a bard), then scans the rest of those gathered to get a feel for who all are here thus far. And he looks about to look for a likely place to reserve four pies to keep his commitment to the 'recruiters.' [Spot check 7.] He thinks maybe he should ask Pearl for some help.

Tuesday August 17th, 2004 1:24:40 PM

Selithe chuckles at her brother and nods also, "Yes, please let us know how we can help and it will be done."

Selithe leans against then earest, strudiest object and waits for some idea on what to do, as she does she begins going about playing with her staff. Her playing mainly involving rolling it in her hand and playfully ruffles some of Duncan's hair while he isn't looking her way.

Willoughby  d20+6=20
Tuesday August 17th, 2004 7:37:43 PM

Willoughby stood in awe as the druid disappeared. After a few moments of just standing there, he walked up to the tree to inspect it out of curiosity. (Spot check 20)

Tuesday August 17th, 2004 7:44:47 PM

Duncan was just about to begin helping Shale unload pies, after propping up his staff alongside the cart, when he felt his hair get tossed about. He whipped around, sending his braided blond locks flying, and saw Selithe's playful expression as she walked away. His confidence lifted high, for he was sure he'd get that dance later when the party is in full swing, as long as he remained gentlemanly.
But the task at hand beckoned, and he started helping Shale unload the pies. He looked over to see Pearl, giving her a wave while balancing a pie in hand. When he caught the stern gaze of Marigold, however, he put the free hand back under the pie, so as to not stress her further. Running to be the head honcho of so many life-loving halflings seemed like it would be a more fun, but Marigold looked like someone smashed all her prized tomatoes. At least that's what he would look like!
After unloading his share, Duncan trotted over to Marigold and waved to get her attention, then pointed to himself and signing the word "help" (or, how can I help to be precise).

Tuesday August 17th, 2004 10:37:37 PM

Polly bows to the applauding workmen as the group passes by them, turning to walk backwards so she can see them all. "Thanks, lads; just wait till you taste the pies! The littlest crumb will have you swooning."

Shaking her head at Selithe's staff-play, Polly helps Shale uncover the cargo. She scoops out a pie for each hand and waits on directions from Pearl. When she catches his wink and telltale stains, she groans and whispers, "Cousin, I understand impatience, believe me, but couldn't you wait till the work was done?"

Taste Test (DM Stephen)  d100=85 d6=3 d20+4=6 d20+4=10 d20=13 d20=16 d20=14 d6=2
Wednesday August 18th, 2004 2:13:39 AM

Willoughby checks around the tree. He finds nothing but a few acorns. No tracks or anything either. However, the tree does feel warm to the touch, but it's rapidly cooling.

Pearl gleefully helps direct everyone to start unloading the pies onto a rolling serving cart. Many others are meant to go in the large pie safe (a large wooden cabinet with many shelves meant for pies and cakes to cool and store. Wicker screens on the doors allow air to pass through while protecting them from unwanted insects or opportunistic hobbits). This pie safe is fortified with a masterwork lock.

Kendry looks at the bard. He thinks, "Is that Bob? Or is his name Bill?" Whoever he is, he's not playing very well. Kendry then greets his aunt in a way that makes her feel rather uncomfortable. It is evident she isn't the 'touchy-feely' type. However she tolerates him and appears thankful in her own special, somewhat stoic, emotionless, thankless way.

Marigold appears all business when she and Kendry march back over to inspect the pies on the serving cart. She completely ignores everyone's warm greetings. The cart is already loaded with several dozen pies after everyone pitches in. Full of cheer and enthusiasum, Pearl presents a pie to Marigold. "Look, are they just beautiful. Ohh, these youngins did soo very well. Yes you did!" Marigold says accusingly, "You sure ALL the pies are here? How they taste?" Marigold stabs a pie with her finger and tastes it. "No!" she takes another taste. "This ... this is UNACCEPTABLE!" Marigold's not-so-pleasant expression just became very sour. "This pie is too tart! Are they all this way?" She sticks her fingers in another. Marigold bitterly scolds everyone. "NO, NO, NO! This is NOT acceptable! ALL these pies are too TART! I HATE TART RUMBERRY PIES!" Pearl takes a taste. "These pies taste fine to me. In fact, they're delicious!" Marigold scowls at Pearl and responds in a venomous tone, "By looking at you it's easy to see you don't have a very discriminating taste. You'll eat anything put in front of your fat face!" Marigold slams the pie out of her hands and it falls to the ground. Bits of rumberry go flying everywhere. (Reflex save 14 vs. pie chunks. Everyone within 10-ft of the pie.) Pearl stands frozen in shock. Her dress speckled with rumberrys and purple pie goo. She begins to make whimpering sounds.

Kendry  d20+5=19 d20+6=14
Wednesday August 18th, 2004 2:47:00 AM

Kendry's warm feelings for his tautly-wound aunt seem to dissipate as does foam along the river banks. It is one thing to be upset. It is another to be unkind.

As pieces of pie fly on either side of him, Kendry makes bold to stick his finger in one of the pies that Aunt Marigold tested. He ponders for a moment, and tries another. Hmmm [Figure anything over a 10 tastes fine. Rolled 14. Aunt Eglantine merits at least a +6]. "They taste fine to me, my Aunt. Perhaps something in your mouth was already sour before you tasted. You want to lead, yes? Control over others requires self-control, and respect. I love you, Aunt Marigold. I don't like what you just did to sweet Pearl." If necessary, he is willing to endure a slap from his aunt.

He turns to Selithe and Polly. "Could you girls take Pearl and help her clean up? We've a long night before us." Should they take Pearl aside, he pulls Nalfein next to him, hoping his brother will support him, and tells the candidate quietly, "If you will apologize to Pearl, and for your insult to Gramama Eglantine, and behave as a leader of halflings ought, I'll stay and support you. Pride before the fall, humility before honor, and all those proverbs the old ones taught us, right?" He wonders what it will be like to be punched out by his own aunt. Or have a delicious rumberry pie shoved in his face...

Nalfein  d20+1=21
Wednesday August 18th, 2004 7:55:29 AM

Nalfein steps up to his distraught relation. Wrapping his arm around her waist he attempts to guide her easily into a more secluded corner speaking softly. "Now Aunt Marigold. I know you are under a lot of pressure with the party and the politicking and all, but you really must try to calm down. Now take a few deep breaths and lets go get you cleaned up. I'm sure the others can take care of the pies and everything will turn out fine." (Diplomacy 21 nat 20) Turning over his shoulder he would call to Kendry. "Would you mind getting this cleaned up? We need to get Aunt Marigold ready for her guests." His face relays a whole new meaning. 'Don't push this, wee will handle it later.'

Wednesday August 18th, 2004 11:27:21 AM

Selithe blinks and looks to everyone after the pies are taken care of. Just before she is about ready to ruffle Duncan's hair again, thinking of how fun it is to pick on him since he is a friend, Aunt Marigold throws her fit about the pies.

Selithe hurries over, glad that she was out of the way of the pie mess and places a gentle hand on Pearl's shoulder, "Come on Pearl, we'll get you cleaned up and looking nice for the party."

Selithe can't help it, maybe it is her gambling side or her lack of cutiousy for things but she speaks as she is gently leading Pearl off to get cleaned, "shows like that will not speak good for a leader or possible leader, might make people wonder if you'll do that over a pie then what about polictics. I mean no disrespect Aunt Marigold."

Duncan  d20+4=9
Wednesday August 18th, 2004 8:05:04 PM

Duncan is startled when his silent request to help Marigold is met by a temper tantrum that rivalled Nalfein's when he loses to Duncan at wrestling! And he was thouroughly unprepared for when she slammed the pie down, showering him with chunks of rumberry filling and crust (Reflex roll of 9).
For a moment Duncan just stood stunned, literally speechless, but then proceeded to skulk away, head bowed in defeat. Noticing Seilthe's glance, he put on a weak smile, pointed at himself, then made a roof-like shape with his arms over his head, and then pointed to his soiled clothes (going home to change). He began walking in the general direction of his farmhouse, which is about ten minutes away as the bluebird flies, to get out of those surely-to-be-stained-for-life clothes.

Polly  d20+6=8
Wednesday August 18th, 2004 10:13:12 PM

Polly nearly laughs when the candidate's temper tantrum scatters pie everywhere. Standing right beside the serving cart, she makes only a half-hearted attempt to duck, and a big chunk of rumberry pie hits her shoulder and drips down the front of her party blouse. Not one to let a treat go to waste, she scoops it up and pops it into her mouth. "Tastes divine to me."

With a shrug, she leaves Marigold to her more diplomatic cousins and catches up with Selithe and Pearl. "I think this filling might stain a bit. Is anybody home at your burrow, Pearl? I can run over and fetch you a clean dress. Or maybe I should jog; that'll give you more time to settle yourself. You'll want to look be at your best, because if Marigold goes on the way she's started, I think you'll need all your best hosting skills to make this party a success. Has she been like that all day?"

Wednesday August 18th, 2004 10:21:52 PM

Willoughby stood near the tree for a bit after his search turned out fairly empty.

Oh well! There goes my hope of good conversation!

With his tangent quest finished, he began to head back to his companions. Parties weren't that much lower on Willoughby's entertainment scale than good conversation.

Shale  d20+8=9 d20+8=25 d20+9=25
Thursday August 19th, 2004 2:53:50 AM

Just as the pie hits the floor, Shale turns around to recieve a large piece in the face. (Rolled a Nat. 1!) Wiping it off with his hands he eats a good bit and unloads some more pies.

When Polly starts talking about a change of clothes he sees an opportunity. While Polly inquires about the condition of his pissy aunt, Shale hurridly unloads pies, sometimes five and six at a time(Ref 25). When he thinks his fair share of the work is done, he takes a finger full of pie.Still smacking it around in his mouth approaches Polly. "Since your headed home, why don't we ride instead of walk?" With that Shale steps outside and whistles a shrill bird call. From the side of the building a brown war pony trots up. The pony is wearing a worn leather saddle and on one side has a round wooden shield with a red symbol on the front. Shale takes a step and mounts quickly (Ride 25), reaching a hand down to whomever is interested, Shale grins and waits patiently.

Ohh, the Hobbitity! (DM Stephen)  d100=28 d100=34 d12=1 d20+4=17 d20+9=14 d6=2 d6=5 d100=22 d100=71
Thursday August 19th, 2004 9:30:36 AM

Nalfein's words seems to work on Marigold, she steps back and tries to collect herself. She answers, "Of course, you're right. These pies may be just fine for the commoners and their less discriminating tastes.

Being pulled aside, Pearl looks down at her dress. It's covered in rumberry stains. She lets out a shrill in shock and disgust. "Oh look what you did to my dress, you, you, frigid old ocra biter!" Marigold hisses back, "How dare you talk to me that way. Change out of that hideous dress and get back to work!" "Hideous!" Pearl cries. "I made this dress myself and now its ruined! Rumberry never washes out!" Pearl rushes forward and grabs a another pie. "Here, why dont you have anther taste!" Pearl smears a whole rumberry pie down Marigold's dress! Marigold screams, "AUUUGHH! You trollop ... AUUGHHH!" Marigold launches out at Pearl and they start struggling with one another. They slap, rip and tear at each others dresses with the voracity of wild dogs. Suddenly they throw each other into the pie cart, knocking it over, sending every pie to the ground. They continue to punch and claw, mired down in a huge pile of rumberry pie filling. They're completely covered in rumberrys now.

A crowd is beginning to form. Some look on in horror while others seem to find much amusement in their struggle. Shale, in all the commotion, begins to unload 5 pies into pie safe (you didnt say where. I chose the pie safe since the cart is no longer an option. Plus you dont have enough time to pull everything off.) Many pies are still left in the wagon. The pony becomes a little spooked from the fighting but Shale is able to keep him in control.

(Everyone in a 20-ft radius make another Dex check 14 to avoid flying pie chunks.)

Friday August 20th, 2004 4:02:13 AM

[OOC: Rolled 1d20+3=5 for dex check. Accidentally hit Reset button after three paragraphs written. Page disappeared. :-( ]

Ah, thanks Nalfein, Kendry thinks to himself. Then things go from bad to worse - and he takes a pie in his chest, and a chunk on his left hip. As he stares down at the rich color of the elliptical rumberry patch, the side of his palm scoops up the berries and a bit of crust. His tongue licks up the tasty bits. And he begins to laugh.

Kendry moves to the pie cart, thankful that Shale has Biscuit under control. He tosses his knapsack over his shoulder, rescues four intact pies, and threads his way over to the stage with Bob. Bill? Setting the pies down, he pulls a lute from his knapsack, quickly tunes it, and asks the bard whether he knows Telin's party. He strums the opening chords of this popular song. "I may change the lyrics a bit as we go along. Bob, is it? I'm Kendry."

Nalfein  d20+7=20 d20+2=21 d20+1=6
Friday August 20th, 2004 5:07:14 AM

(Reflex = 20 to avoid pie)
Nalfein finally loses it. "CHILDREN!" He screams, stamping his foot and grabbing his aunt Marigold by the collar (Melee touch = 21).
"Stop this at once! You are drawing a crowd and that is hardly the publicity you need at this juncture!" Nalfein's normally jovial face is twisted into a grim mockery of itself. The corners of his mouth, so accustomed to wearing a constant grin now contorting into a frown that looks more of a sneer as muscles, long unused are called upon to do their duty.

"Polly, go get cleaned up! That is NOT a request or a suggestion. Marigold. Pull yourself together. If you ever hope to lead this people I suggest you learn to control yourself! Selithe, take Polly and get her cleaned up. Do not let her come back here until after the party has officially started. Marigold, you are coming with me. The rest of you. Try to get this place looking presentable again." Nalfein's does his best to sound commanding but his voice betrays him. (CHA check = 6) Far more used to dealing with troublesome children Nalfein lacks the finesse necessary to direct a crowd of this size. Hardly daunted he still attempts to drag his pie coated Aunt away from the ruined desserts. Hoping beyond all hope that the others will do as he directed.

Friday August 20th, 2004 10:18:15 AM

Mayzie will wave back to the guard without thinking, then notcing what she has done, blushes pink.

Looking around a little as her bad mood fades, she hesitates a moment and walks towards the guard, trying hard not to be shy.

'Hello. I.... I seem to be a bit lost... I'm looking for one of the parties. I heard one of them have elven wine but I have no idea which one. I don't suppose you would have heard which does, would you?'

Selithe  d20+4=22
Friday August 20th, 2004 1:24:02 PM

Selithe happily dodges the peices of flying pies (Dex:22). Selithe blinks when her brother seems to blowup and looks to Polly, whispering, "I think he meant Pearl."

Selithe looks to Pearl and frowns, "Now come on Pearl, you two are not little kids. Don't make me have to use a spell to try and calm you two. Now will you come with me or make me have to use other means?" Selithe puts a fist to her own hips and glares at Pearl as she waits.

Friday August 20th, 2004 4:38:15 PM

Willoughby returned to his companions only to find pies flying everywhere. Not wanting to do his laundry again this week, he attempted to hide behind the nearest object that would shield him from the mess. He did make a few grabs for some pieces that had fallen near him, though.

"What's going on here?" he asked rather loudly and he began to lick his fingers.

Friday August 20th, 2004 8:07:22 PM

Duncan winds his way back to his parents' estate, pausing at the front door and thinking a prayer to the gods for their souls to rest well in the afterlife (cause the gods can hear you think as well as speak, hi mother always said). He rushed on inside, shedding his rumberry stained garments, tossing them in a corner. Later he will shred the clothes into a fine mulch, to add as compost for the corn which will soon be nearing ripeness.
Duncan goes to his room, and selects one of his more formal outfits--a pair of long pants and a button-up shirt, both dyed in shades of pumpkin pie and yellowroot, respectively. He donned one of his fathers tanned leather vests, which were still a tad baggy on his youthful frame but lended to him a distinguished look he was sure would impress Selithe. He was fortunate that his hair was spared the brunt of Marigold's rumberry assault, but still he went ahead and tightened up the braid to hide the few hairs that strayed out due to today's activities.
Satisfied that he looked presentable for the party, Duncan headed out the front door, pausing to leave his staff behind. Can't do any dancing with that in ones mitts! Looking down, at the rainbow of flowers that decorate the front of his abode, Duncan chose a round, fully bloomed carnation, yellow as the sun with pink caressing the tips of the petals. 'This will be a fine gift to present the lovely Selithe,' Duncan thought to himself as he stowed the flower in a pocket of his vest, and began the short walk back to the Nonstop Party pavillion.

Saturday August 21st, 2004 12:50:30 AM

Still waiting patiently to see if Polly wants a ride, Shale calms his warpony Valor amid the flying pies. Shaking his head at the childish display Shale pats his pony on the nose and whispers to the critter, "Family or not I don't think this woman is cut out for the position of mayor. Looks to me like Nalfein would make a better mayor than this old hag."

The horse snorts an agreement as they wait patiently.

Polly  d20+8=16 d20+2=21 d20-2=5
Sunday August 22nd, 2004 9:19:58 PM

"Oh, go ahead, Shale," Grinning like mad, Polly waves a hand at him during a pause between dodging pie bits (Reflex = 16). "From the looks of things, I might as well keep the stained on till all the good pies are safely locked away."

She circles the combatants, waiting for a chance to join in the fun. When Nalfein collars Marigold, Polly tries to nab Pearl and drag her away from her opponent (Touch=21, contested Grapple=5 incl. size modifier) but can't seem to get a grip on the pie-slippery halfling. "Right you are, Nalfein; I'm a mess. Pearl Pipewood, will you kindly help me tidy myself up? I'm banished from the party until I do, and I'd really like to come back and see the results of all your hard work."

Shale  d20+2=3
Monday August 23rd, 2004 12:38:22 AM

Giving out a little sigh as his excuse to escape the politcal party decides, Shale shrugs and nudges Valor into motion.

"Well, I've met two of the three candidates maybe the third will be better." Heading down the road Shale keeps an eye out for anyone he knows to be a little more knowledgable about the political happenings of the Valley. (Wis Check 3, Natural 1)

An End to Nonstop Fighting! (DM Cayzle)  d20+10=30
Monday August 23rd, 2004 6:31:57 AM

The militia member talking to Mayzie says, "Well, the Burgomeister would never serve a nontraditional drink like Elven Wine, so it must be the Nonstop Party or the Adventure Party that has the stuff. But if it's the Nonstop Party, you won't get any unless you're in the militia or related to the candidate. The Adventure Party might be the place to try."

Just then, Mayzie and her new militia friend hear a wild commotion from the Nonstop Party pavillion. "Come on!" the warrior says, as he races off to see what is going on.

Duncan decides to skeedaddle on home to change. But he does not make it very far because everybody else is headed for the scene he is leaving. Fighting the gathering crowd, sees his friend Polly join the fray, and he wonders if he should stick around in case she needs help. [OOC: There is not enough time to go home, change, and then return in one post, or even in a few. And it would be better (read, easier on the DM!) if the group stayed together, in general. Thanks!]

At the Nonstop Party, the party seems to have stopped! Everyone is gawking at the turmoil, and the crowd aroundabouts is growing!

Kendry, Shale, Duncan, and Polly are stained in rumberry to a greater degree, and most of the others have a drip or two here or there. Nalfein has grabbed Marigold and Polly grabs Pearl.

Suddenly, Marigold regains her composure. She draws herself up, and somehow makes it seem as if Nalfein is giving her a hand (Bluff check 30). "Thank you, nephew," she says, as if he had just greeted her politely instead of yelling. She turns to Pearl and says in a clear, carrying voice, "My, I don't know what came over me! Pearl, I guess now we're even!" She laughs. "Well, I hope there are no hard feelings! Let me replace that dress for you!" She sticks out her hand, and Pearl (intimidated by Selithe and looking a little befuddled in Polly's grip) takes it and mutters, "Sure, sure."

Looking around, Marigold sees the crowd and laughs some more. "Well, friends and relations, this concludes the opening act of of our evening's entertainment!" That draws chuckles from the crowd. "Come back in a little while for even more fun!"

"Well," continues Marigold more softly, looking at the group, "This is no way to greet family!" She thanks Kendry and Willoughby for saving some of the pies -- about half are left intact. "These will be fine after all," she adds, "with a little sweet cream for them what likes it sweet ... like me!" Her brilliant smile is either a sudden change of heart or the superb reflex of a natural politician.

"Please, nephews, neice, let me make this up to you. Head on over to the Inn, and give Gearge this chit." She hands Nalfein a wood coin. "He'll get you cleaned and settled, put some pot roast in your bellies, and bed you up for the night. I hope you'll accept my apologies for this reception. Sometimes my temper does get away from me!," she adds ruefully.

Shale  d20=19
Monday August 23rd, 2004 1:06:09 PM

Stained in Rumberry, Shale decides to wait for the confrontation to be over. Seeing it resolved and the issue at hand over he hopes off his warpony and leads it towards the Inn with the others. (Check Against Bluff 21)

When the others catch up Shale asks in a quiet tone, "Has anyone ever met the leader of the Adventuring Party?"

Monday August 23rd, 2004 7:32:44 PM

Willoughby did as Marigold asked and followed the others to the inn. He was a bit disappointed that he didn't get to catch much of the party, but after looking at the rest of his companions, he thought he at least came out cleaner.

"I've heard of the fellow, but not much else. I don't follow current politics much. The past is just more interesting," he answered Shale.

Monday August 23rd, 2004 8:49:05 PM

Mayzie follows the guard tot he scene of the disturbance, curious as to what can be going on.

Once there, she gapes wide mouthed at the spectacle. Bits of pie everywhere. People smeared in berry juice, including, if she recognises the woman, one of the candidates.
Mayzie glances around at the large watching crowd.

Muttering to herself, but only loud enough to be heard by someone standing more or less against her, she says

'I'm glad i didnt make it here earlier. I sure don't want this lovely elven dress ruined. Politicians. Making a spectacle of herself. Probably on purpose just to draw a bigger crowd to the party.'

Turning to the guard she smiles shyly and says 'My name is Mayzie. It was kind of you to show me here. I'm not sure this is my kind of party though.'

/ooc does Mayzie know the other members of the group at all? I confess that if she doesn't, she would be likely to wander off and drag the guard with her to show her where the party with the elven wine is.


[OOC: Fear not! Your able (more or less) DM Cayzle has several ideas for hooking you in more firmly. Just wait for the morning post! :-) ]

Monday August 23rd, 2004 9:08:00 PM

Selithe looks to Pearl and the others and nods, "Calm on Pearl and well see about getting you cleaned up yet so you can hurry back. You need to be in the best shape you can be for this party."

Selithe smiles and winks to Pearl trying to calm her down since Selithe's threat might of made her worry.

Tuesday August 24th, 2004 12:04:03 AM

"I hate to leave a job half done," Polly says, rushing to load the rest of the pies in the safe so the others can lead the wagon and pony away with them.

Tuesday August 24th, 2004 4:13:22 AM

Since Bob, or Bill, seems unresponsive, Kendry tables his plans to make music with him when he hears his family & friends are moving on for the moment. "Maybe later, Bob."

He asks before he leaves, "Aunt Marigold, how would you compare yourself to the other candidates, and what you can bring to our community that they cannot? I've got some ideas on that, but if someone asks me, I'd like to be able to pass on your thoughts."

Following her answer, should she deign to offer one, he thanks her. He tells her, too (or one of the leading militia people, should she be too busy) of the seven young halflings who agreed to recruit attendees for the NonStop Party, describing them, especially the leader, and tells of the promised pies (one half each). "If they get them, it will be good for the party. If not, it could be bad. These might be good militia members themselves, one day."

Finally, he makes sure that someone separates Biscuit from the cart and stables her, then accompanies the others to the Inn, asking for Gearge when they arrive.

Tuesday August 24th, 2004 4:41:55 AM

Nalfein waits for everything to settle down before following the rest of the family to the inn.

Catching up he drapes his armes around Kendry and Silethe's shoulders anouncing. "Life sure can be interesting when rumbary pie's involved. Just you wait for the party! Now if that had been Duncan in them pies you woulda seen a tussle. He woulda been hearing pie for weeks. As is I think I might be." Nalfein distractedly tries to clean the bits of pie out of his ears. "I need a bath, and a good clean shirt. Yellow I think."

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