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Cleaning Up

Taunts and Jeers (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday August 24th, 2004 6:33:49 AM

The musician finally finishes his very long (and somewhat boring) tune, takes a deep breath, and tells Kendry, slowly, "Well, now, turns out that my name happens to be Bob. Or to be more formal about it, just to state it for the record, so to speak, Bobbik Raspel Tumblefoot Mellips. Very pleased to meet you, young fellow, I am."

There's no time to engage the fellow some more, since Kendry wants to ask Aunt Marigold about her platform. She smiles and has a ready answer: "Well, that old Breedbottom is as crusty as a rusted hinge. Government should be fun, not boring. I'll run things better, no question. For one, I'll put effective people into the important jobs, not old relics. People like your friend here," she adds, pointing to the industrious Polly, who is putting the remaining pies away.

"Plus we need a strong defense. A bigger militia. Not undependable foreign big-folk adventurers, but local trained people who live here and love their homes."

She thanks Kendry for the help with recruiting. "Good work! I'll have a place for people I know I can rely on. That's what friends and family are for, I always say!"

"But look at me! What a mess! I really need to go get cleaned up!" She dashes off to a smaller tent.

As the crowd breaks up, Pearl tells Selithe that she has a change of clothes in her house around the corner. She heads off in that direction.

Mayzie, watching the proceedings from a bit back, tells the militia guard her name. He seems about to respond in kind ... "I'm --- Hey! That's Rumberry Pie they're wasting! Come on! You look like you could use a big piece of pie!" Having commented on her slimness, he dashes off to try to get some pie.

Before Mayzie can decide to follow, a new crowd of people -- mostly young men -- show up, and she finds herself in the midst of them. They also seem to have heard about pie.

The seven friends -- Shale, Willoughby, Nalfein, Kendry, Selithe, Polly, and the quiet Duncan -- head off toward the inn. But before they get too far, they see the six rowdy boys who Kendry had recruited to bring folk to the party -- plus another dozen they seem to have brought to the Party. Judging by the company they are in (all young boys such as themselves, except for a skinny girl in their midst who looks familiar?), the scallywags must have run off to gather their friends.

The leader of the gang, the one smoking a corn cob pipe, takes a look at the seven rumberry-pie stained friends and starts to laugh! "Hey, Pie-Bringers! You're supposed to eat pie, not wear it!" Showing off for his twenty friends, the tough seems eager to annoy. "You better not have wasted all those pies! We came here for pie, and we better get it, right boys?"

His gang shouts out in support.

"Pie-wasting is a pretty serious offense around here, strangers! We don't much like it when folk throw away good pie they promised to someone else!"

The atmosphere gets tense pretty quick. Mayzie, through a quirk of luck, finds herself standing directly behind the corn-cob-pipe-smoking leader. She notices that he is standing next to a big mud puddle -- he is right between herself and the mud.

Tuesday August 24th, 2004 10:24:38 AM

"Ah, welcome, you all to the NonStop Party!" Kendry says as the boys show up. Using his finger, he counts the additional ones that the recruiters brought. "Hmmm, looks like you managed two apiece. Not sixteen a piece, but not a bad start. All right, you fellows kept your end of the bargain." He asks some of his friends to pick up a few of the empty pie plates. "Be right back." He dashes over to Bobbik's stage, picks up the four pies he had set down there, cuts each in half with his eating knife, and hands half to each of the recruiters (using the empty pie plates to hold the second half), and the last of the four pies to the leader. "Now, for the rest of you, there should be a piece of pie or so for each of you in just a bit, if you'll be patient, unless these fine lads who brought you want to share a sample with you early. Hey, I'll give up most of my half of the pie so's you can get a bit of a taste, so you know what's coming. The party's just getting started, the pie's good, and you all look like the sort who might be great additions to our militia, given proper training and such. I'm Kendry. What are your names, friends?"

Tuesday August 24th, 2004 7:33:37 PM

Duncan stood in silence as the ladies pie tussle died down, and Marigold seemed to melt down into a more humble mood. The others had a good handle on unloading the rest of the pies, so Duncan took a brief stock of himself.
Rumberry managed to make him look like a berry-spotted dog, and he began to blush a bit. 'This is surely an ungentlehobbitly look,' Duncan thought to himself, embarrased that he had to look so ragged in front of Selithe. She seemed to be distracted by others, so maybe it wouldn't be so bad--he could get changed at Gearge's and be more presentable for the party dancing.
Duncan joined the others as they headed off to clean up, and he had to sneak a poke in Nalfein's ribs at his comment, holding a fist in his face in a mock threat. Out of the corner of his eye some familiar figures strode proudly towards them. It was the would-be pie thieves, perhaps they were here to collect on their bounty for bringing in more potential voters. But all the excitement put Duncan in a mood for some tangling, and if these kids wanted to force the issue, he wouldn't mind obliging. Tapping Nalfein to get his attention, Duncan nodded his head towards the coming crew, putting his hands locked together, weaving his fingers and shaking his hands slightly (be ready to wrestle). As nonchalantly as possible, Duncan drifted away from Nalfein as they walked to the kids, standing to the left of Kendry and holding his staff one-handed at his side.

Tuesday August 24th, 2004 9:26:43 PM

Selithe eyes the mob infront of them and nods, "your rumberry pies await you so please let us be on our way to get cleanedup and get back."

She grins when Kendry helps the couple thugs, "See, there they are now enjoy them and thanks for bringing so many people for the party." Selithe taps her staff on her boot and gently taps Duncan's shoulder, giving him a sly wink before walking on inless the thugs decide to start some trouble.

Tuesday August 24th, 2004 11:17:44 PM

Willoughby helped Kendry with the pie plates. He hoped that this would satisfy the gang, although he had his doubts. It looked as if he had spoke too soon about coming out of the party clean; his mess may be coming.

The halfing faked a smile as he delivered the pies to the boys and he let his companions do the talking. After all, they did get everyone out sately in the previous encounter. Perhaps they could get out of this one as well.

Wednesday August 25th, 2004 2:12:21 AM

Leaning closer to Shale, Polly mutters, "Looks like they didn't take my advice about the militia. I should have brought my sap along. I never expected this would be such a good day to thump heads."

Wednesday August 25th, 2004 4:54:45 AM

Seeing the thugs return, Shale hops down off his pony Valor and gives him smack on the bottom. The well trained pony strolls off the other way (More than likely towards his mother's stable).

Watching the others react to the thugs he catches a hand signal from Duncan he recognizes, wrestle.

Listening to Polly's response Shale replies in a whisper, "A sap would be awful handy, but a good day for thumping heads is still a good day for thumping heads."

Stretching his shoulders Shale waits for the thugs response to their free pies.

Wednesday August 25th, 2004 6:49:41 AM

Nalfein shoots a quick thumbs up in duncan's direction. Not even paying attention to the mute halflings gestures he knows him well enough to know that, come time for a rumble, Duncan has his back.
Steping forward he shares a sidlong glance with his brother Kendry. "See. I told you they didn't have sixteen friends between them, let alone each. Go on and give them their pies. They did the best they could."

Mud Pie (DM Cayzle)  d20+3=9 d20+3=12 d20+4=18 (three trip attempts on Mayzie, two hit AC11) d20=8 (Str check 1) d20+1=17 (Str Check 2) d20+4=21 (1st opposed Dex roll from Mayxie succeeds) d20+4=12 (2nd opposed dex roll from Mayzie fails)
Wednesday August 25th, 2004 10:46:35 AM

Kendry fetches some pie, and the rest get ready for catastrophe. The chief of the rowdies does not seem impressed. "Well, that's not --" is all he manages to say when the commotion starts!

There are great shouts of "PIE!" from the crowd of rowdies. They surge forward in a mob, pushing to get at the pies. They shove the chief and Mayzie from behind. The chief splashes into the mud but remains upright.

Mayzie is not as lucky. Three troublemakers all take a chance to trip the slender girl as she is surounded. One misses and two hit (assuming Mayzie is not wearing her armor and shield). She evades the first foot that gets in her way, but the second brings her down into the mud.

She is prone and lying covered head to toe in mud!

Only one of the recruiters manages to keep his half a pie all to himself. He dashes away laughing. The others all end up fighting over pie with their so-called friends. A fistfull of pie grabbed here, a huge mouthful swallowed there, and more than half ends up squished on the ground. Amazingly, no fist fights break out, although the corn-cob-pipe-smoking leader stalks off in a huff. Eight that got pie sit down to eat, and the rest head off to find more pie.

The one who tripped Mayzie calls over his shoulder as he goes, "Sorry! Ha Ha!"

Kendry  d20=10 d2+2=3
Wednesday August 25th, 2004 12:49:06 PM

"You unschooled twit!" Kendry says to the fellow who tripped the slender girl into the mud. "That was deliberate. She did nothing to you. I challenge you, twit!" Kendry steps up to him, ready to punch. [CS not available. I think he has a +2 to hit against another halfling, for AC 12. Fist is 1d2, right? Plus 2 is 3 hp nonlethal damage should he connect with the lout.]

Wednesday August 25th, 2004 4:07:58 PM

Selithe looks quite upset at the trip and walks over to Mayzie and kneels down by her next to the mud puddle, "Are you okay? Here let me help you out."

Selithe holds out her hand to Mayzie and smiles and she plants her staff firmly into the ground to help pull the young lady up.

Wednesday August 25th, 2004 4:27:08 PM

Nalfein dashes over to help the young lady up, extending a hand "Come on. Let's get you cleaned up. *Chuckling* It seems I should have gone into the laundering business." His day is not going as planned. Come for the fun, stay for the immaturity... What a 'party'. He keeps a close eye on his brash sibling. The last thing we need is a fight with injuries. Any other circumstances and he would have been interposing himself between the two hot heads.

Duncan  d20+3=6
Wednesday August 25th, 2004 7:56:40 PM

Duncan is as outraged as Kendry at the deplorable and unhobbity manner in which the lady in the fine dress was pushed to the ground. Taking the cue from Kendry, Duncan tries to position himself so that he could intercept any attacks made on his friend with a well-placed staff (Aid Another for defense, rolled a 6 and failed, probably will trip over his own feet!).

Wednesday August 25th, 2004 9:39:34 PM

Willoughby shoke his head at the barbaric nature of the gang.

"If they weren't so short, I'd say they were giants," he muttered under his breath.

After the mud settled and the hoodlums ran off, Willoughby approached the fallen girl to check on her condition.

Shale (HP 10 AC 20) 
Wednesday August 25th, 2004 11:39:33 PM

Shale steps up to the side of Kendry, opposite of Duncan. Standing guard over Kendry's flank, Shale takes a defensive stance and prepares for the thugs to attack. (+2 ac)

Thursday August 26th, 2004 12:06:50 AM

"Whoops!" When the unfed ruffians stampede off in search of pie, Polly spares a thought for the newly stocked pie safe and winces. Did it get locked after it was loaded up? She sprints in that direction, hoping to beat them to the safe and make sure one of Marigold's people has pie distribution under control.

Thursday August 26th, 2004 6:44:32 AM

Mayzie lies in the mud, totally shocked, scarcely believing what has happened to her. Mud in her face, her hair and all over her. OPening her mouth to scream, no words come out, only mud goes in.

Sutmbling, she pushes herself up, seeing that her beautiful elven dress is completely ruined. Tears start to flow from her eyes, drawing lines through the mud covering her face.

The she hears the lout taunt her, making it obvious that it was done on purpose just to be mean, and it is only with great effort that she manages to stifle her sobs.

Standing up, Mayzie turns her tear streaked face to the ones that knocked her down and looks as closely as she can at all their faces, especially the one who taunted her, to remember them.

Sobbing she says 'I curse you all and this whole town with you. You are no better than Big folk.'

Pulling her ruined dress over her head (elven fabrics dont survive the heavy cleaning needed to get all this mud off) she throws her mud covered dress straight into the face of the Jeerer and starts to run back towards her house in her underwear, hiding her face under her hands.

Thursday August 26th, 2004 7:24:47 AM

/ooc: Sorry folks, Mayzie isn't ignoring your offers of help or trying to make it harder to get the group together. But try to put yourselves in the place of a shy teenager on her way to a party alone, who has just had her best party dress ruined and been humiliated in front of everyone including the nice guy she had just met :) In Mayzie's place I would have run away too when I was a teenager :)

Fists Fly! (DM Cayzle)  d20+1=4 (sap attack vs kendry) d20+7=12 (demoralize roll vs. kendry)
Thursday August 26th, 2004 12:01:42 PM

[OOC: Folks, since Kendry threw a punch, we move into combat mode. Everything slows down. So do not be surprised if your characters have not had the time to complete the actions you posted.]

[By the way, I'm a bit of a combat purist, so a review of the PHB may help you all. Or feel free to ask me about things before you post. I'm pretty good about checking my e-mail. I'd like to post the next turn early tomorrow morning, but if I am missing posts, I will wait until midday Friday, as I did today.]

[Please put your current AC and hit points next to your name when you post. You can also add any spells in effect on you, either by your name or at the end of your post. The rascals are all AC 13.]

PC Actions =====

Outraged, Kendry jumps into action! He dashes up to the cad who tripped Mayzie and punches him! Because Kendry catches the fellow off guard (flat-footed = no dex bonus), the lout does not dodge the blow! Kendry's punch would also usually provoke an attack of opportunity from his opponent, but once again, the flat-footed foe can make no AoOs. The punch lands for 3 hp nonlethal damage.

Duncan and Shale step up next to Kendry, ready to fight!

Selithe, Nalfein, and Willoughby all gather near Mayzie to offer her a supporting hand. But the very upset young girl simply gets up (a move action), strips off the soiled dress (another move action) and throws it ineffectually at Rascal Number 1 (a free action, since I'm counting this as a dropped item rather than a thrown weapon). She looks like she wants to run away!

Polly thinks about the three-quarters of the mob that ran off to grab pie! She runs off after them. (Her current position represents a run of 80 feet from the now-empty wagon.) Another round of running will bring her close enough to see what is going on, if she choses to move off the map.

Enemy Actions =====

The cad that Kendry punched (Rascal 1) gets real mad! "You bum! You'll be sorry you did that!" He reaches into a pocket and pulls out some kind of blunt weapon (Int or local knowledge check vs DC10 to recognize a sap. All rogues and fighter-types ID it for free). (That's a move action.)

Then the cad attempts to bean Kendry with it! But he swings wildly in his anger and misses.

There are eight other ruffians sitting around eating pie. Seven set their pie down carefully (move action) and then stand up (another move action). One of them, Rascal 3, is less careful with his pie. Dropping it on the ground (a free action), he stands up (a move action) and takes a five foot step up to Kendry. He shouts in Kendry's face, trying to demoralize him (standard action): "Hey! Jerk! You've messed with the wrong people! Now you're going to pay!"

[Rascal 3 is using his Intimidate skill to "Demoralize Opponent." Now Kendry must make a roll of 1d20 + level + Wis Bonus + fear bonus vs DC12 to resist. If he rolls a 12 or higher, he is not affected. If he fails, he is shaken for 1 round. A shaken character takes a --2 penalty on attack rolls, ability checks, and saves.]

[Please see map in your e-mail in basket!]

Kendry (HP 6, AC 14 (leather armor, +2 dex. Same size, so no size bonus)  d20+8=12 d20+2=16 d4+2=6
Thursday August 26th, 2004 2:17:38 PM

Seeing the ruffian who tripped the girl get out a sap, Kendry does likewise. Then, as the next fellow gets into his face and warns him of impending consequences (saved vs demoralize right on the nose), he replies, "Oh yeah?" and whacks him with the sap (hits AC 16) for 6 hp nonlethal damage. "You stick up for a girl tripper, and THAT'S what you get!"

Nalfein (HP 6, AC 15 (+4 Dex, +1 size))  d20+2=13 d2+2=4
Thursday August 26th, 2004 2:58:23 PM

"Willoughby, take care of the girls!" Nalfein hollars launging himself at the nearest ruffian. (#7 unarmed provokes AoO Hit ac 13 for 4 hp subdual) Delivering a brutal uppercut and grimacing in sympathy as he felt his fist make solid comtact with chin bone.

Thursday August 26th, 2004 3:00:35 PM

OOPS only a +1 from STR. Change damage from 4 to 3 in last post.

Duncan (Hit Points: 10; AC: 15)  d20+3=21
Thursday August 26th, 2004 4:28:57 PM

Duncan, knowing full-well that Kendry was more than just a pretty voice, turned to face the certain threat of possibly more of this ruffian's buddies coming to join in the fracas. Not wanting Nalfein to show him up (again), Duncan drops his staff (cause he didn't want to kill any of these foot-hairless punks) and assumed the 'angry bear' stance--knees bent and fist outstretched on bent arms. Trying to go for the closest thug (I can't find the map!), Duncan weaves into his opponent's wild swing and delivers a well-placed blow to the thug's ribs (roll of 21!).

Thursday August 26th, 2004 8:57:06 PM

Selithe looks to Mayzie and hollers to her brothers and friends, "I'll try to help in a moment." She figures her brothers and everyone will understand as Selithe takes off running after Mayzie. Selithe glances back again and yells to Nalfein and Kendry, "One of you two save that dress of the girl's you hear. I have ways of fixing it and your guy's of the rumberry also."

As Selithe runs after Mayzie Selithe calls out to her and begins to take off her blue colored cloak which matches Selithe's clothing (for everyone else who has been watching posts. I had forgot to add it to my sheet and such so forgive the sudden appearance of the cloak), "Hold up alittle, please. I will try and fix your elven dress tonight for you, trust me I have my ways of taking care of such things. Anyway, please slow so I can lend you my cloak for the moment."

If Mayzie will slow up enough Selithe puts her cloak around Mayzie and whispers, "I'm sorry you had to go through that but please use my cloak for now." Selithe smiles and looks to Mayzie, tryng to make the lady feel alittle better by not mentioning that Mayzie needs to retain some dignity by not running home naked.

(Cayzle: If you need any rolls then let me know. Also if I can I was wondering if you can let me know how long it would take for Selithe to rememerize her spells and use presidigitation (misspelled but anyway) to clean the clothing of everyones of everything please.)

Thursday August 26th, 2004 9:53:09 PM

Mayzie will try to run away. However, before she takes more than a few strides, she suddenly remembers that she lives a good mile or two outside the town, that she is in her underwear and covered in mud and that there are lots of people around and staring.

Upset and embarassed, and not knowing where to run, Mayzie runs for the wagon and hides underneath, sobbing uncontrollably into her hands. If Selithe tries to put the cloak around her, she will let her, but is sobbing too much to answer and too embarassed to look at her, still hiding her face in her hands, what parts can be seen of it between her fingers and the mud are crimson with shame.

Polly (AC 14, HP 8)  d20+1=16
Thursday August 26th, 2004 11:40:32 PM

Committed to her course, Polly speeds back toward the Non-Stop pavillion, responsibility for the security of the pies and for the safety of anyone caught between pies and mob, gnawing at her. She doesn't slow down to take a good look as she returns to the party area. (Spot=16 for that first fleeting impression.)

Shale(AC 17 HP 10)  d20+1=7
Friday August 27th, 2004 1:30:27 AM

Shale comes around the corner of Kendry at the intimidating halfling (#3) and takes a swing at his head.

As Shale goes into motion he thinks to himself, "Hmm.. my first non-drunken brawl.. this could be very interesting or very bad..."

Seeing him coming the halfling thug leans back as Shale totally wiffs his intended target. (AoO Invocted)

DM Cayzle 
Friday August 27th, 2004 11:16:40 AM

Sorry friends, waiting for Willoughby, plus evacuation drill at work, plus long meeting at work, means the turn will be later on today. Feel free to make your post tonight or this week-end. With luck I'll be back in the swing of things bright and early Mon am.

Fists of Fury! (DM Cayzle)  d4+2=3 (Duncan's damage) d20+7=21 (Intimidate vs Kendry) d20+4=23 d20+4=17 d20+2=3 (3 attacks on Kendry) d2=2 d2=2 (damage to Kendry) d20+2=22 d20+2=5 (crit threat does not crit) d20+2=5 d20+4=23 d2=2 d2=1 (damage to Shale) d20+2=15 (attack on Nalfein) d4=1 (damage to Nalfein) d20+2=9 (attack on Will misses)
Friday August 27th, 2004 8:13:31 PM

[Note: Everybody gets a +1 on attacks and AC due to size. Please include these rather than ignore them! For example, the enemies are first level warriors, so they have a +1 BAB and a +1 size bonus for a total +2. They are AC13 due to dex and size.]

PC Actions =====

Kendry does not take kindly to the rude fellow's threats. He draws a sap of his own and whaps the guy for 6 points of nonlethal damage!.

[OOC: Kim, the roll to resist Intimidate for Kendry is d20+3Wis+1Lvl+2Fear = d20+6. You rolled a d20+8. No biggie this time.]

Shale steps up and swings at the rude Rascal 3 also, but misses.

Nalfein takes a step up to Rascal 7 and punches him. Rascal 7 is currently unarmed, so he cannot take advantage of the opening Nalfein offers (no AoO if unarmed). The eldest sibling delivers a blow for 3 hp non-lethal damage.

Duncan drops his staff and punches the cad who tripped Mayzie. The monk uses an unarmed attack for nonlethal damage -- 1d4+2 (you can roll damage yourself, next time) = 3 hp to Rascal 1. He's starting to look woozie.

Mayzie runs for the wagon and hides underneath. Selithe follows and offers her a cloak. [OOC: Sorry, once you have prepared spells, you have to wait for the next day to memorize new ones.]

Polly runs north toward the Nonstop party. She is now 60 feet past the top of the map. She sees a crowd by the pie safe, but it seems like an orderly crowd. If you can make a DC13 spot check, then Highlight to display spoiler: { It seems that one tiny old halfling lady has used her tongue to whip those boys into shape. They are standing in line and one is beet red.}

Willoughby stands still, perhaps amazed at the sight of Mayzie running away in her underclothes.

Enemy Actions =====

The rascals make fists (the even numbers) or pull out saps (the odd numbers). They converge on Kendry and Shale. One keeps fighting Nalfein, and one steps up to Willoughby.

Rascal 1, the one who tripped Mayzie, mocks Kendry. "Ha ha! What a wimp! Why don;t you go back home to the swamp, you toad!" His threat requires Kendry to roll vs. DC 21 or be demoralized [roll as noted above, If fail, shaken for 1 round: -2 penalty on attack rolls, ability checks, and saves.]

Rascals 4, 3, and 6 attack Kendry; 4 and 6 are flanking. Kendry is AC15 including size, not 14. The flanking rascals 4 and 6 both land punches, inflicting 4 hp damage total to Kendry. Rascal 3 misses!

Rascals 2, 5, and 8 attack Shale. Rascal 8 is flanking. Rascal 2 really connects, but with no critical. Rascal 5 misses, and Rascal 8 hits. Shale takes 3 hp nonlethal damage.

Duncan is ignored.

Rascal 7 attacks Nalfein, and just hits! Nalfein takes 1 hp nonlethal damge.

Rascal 9 attacks Willoughby and misses.

[Map in the mail. Duncan, e-mail me if you do not get the map!]

Shale(AC 18 HP 7/10)  d20=20 d20+2=4
Saturday August 28th, 2004 1:05:52 AM

After his total wiff, Shale recieved a whack to the skull that brought him a little more seriously into the fight. Seriously outnumbered and clearly out of his element, Shale decides that them having weapons is way to much of an advantage. Reaching out to the thug near him (5), Shale goes to snatch the sap from his hand.
(Nat 20, Crit missed)(AoO invoked)

Nalfein (HP 5/6, AC 15 (+4 Dex, +1 size))  d20+2=20 d2+1=2 d6=3
Saturday August 28th, 2004 4:55:30 AM

Nalfein steps boldly between two of the threatening youths (5' step no AoO between 7 and 6 to flank 6 with Kendry.) "No ganging up now!" he declares lashing out to strike the youth squarely between his shoulder blades.(Hit AC 20 for 2 +3 sneak attack non lethal) "Now kiss the dirt!"

Willoughby ((HP 5, AC 17)) 
Saturday August 28th, 2004 8:31:06 AM

((OOC: Really sorry about the lack of posts. I had to go out of town unexpectly. Normally I'd let everyone know. I'm back and I'll be posting more regularly!))

Willoughby pulls out his leather whip from its home on his belt and lashes out at the rascal closest to him (#9).

Willoughby (HP5. AC 17)Hitroll  d20+1=12
Saturday August 28th, 2004 8:32:13 AM


Saturday August 28th, 2004 8:36:40 AM

Mayzie will let Selithe wrap the cloak around her, trying to stifle her sobs now she is under the wagon and out of sight somewhat.

Trying to wipe the tears from her eyes, she peers out at the fight. Choking a little she gasps out to Selithe 'They.. they will pay for this. I swear they will. Every last one of them. I swear it. By the forest I swear it.'

Mayzie will look again at the thugs esepecially the one who pushed her and comit every face to memory. By the time she is done, she has stopped sobbing, and is starting to become angry, wrapping Selithe's cloak around herself and edging towards the edge of the wagon so that she can see.

'Thank.. thank you for loaning me your cloak.'


A picture of Mazyie - in a clean and dressed state :) Stolen from Phaere's website of female portraits for NWN.

Was at: http://members.lycos.co.uk/aurore/Mayzie.jpg

Now at: Mayzie

Nalfein (OOC) 
Saturday August 28th, 2004 12:55:10 PM

*dare I whistle at that? Or would the ladies slap me silly?*
Sorry all had to be said.

Kendry (AC 15; 2 hp; shaken)  d20+6=19 d20+4=20 d4+2=4 d20+2=13
Saturday August 28th, 2004 1:28:04 PM

Shaken (19), perhaps as much from suffering blows fore and aft as from the stupid words tossed his way, the anger Kendry feels toward the hobbit who tripped the girl refocuses his attention on the rude taunter. "You need to learn better manners all around," he says in an indignant voice. "Sleep on it." Kendry punches the sap into Rascal #1's solar plexus (AC 16, not 20) for 4 hp non-lethal damage, knocking the wind out of the windbag. The young bard then takes a 5-foot step backwards and to his left, ending up next to Duncan and Rascal #6, away from #4.

[OOC: With a 5-foot step, one does not need a tumble roll to attempt to avoid attacks of opportunity, does one? If one does, then Kendry's roll is a 13.]

Kim OOC (Kendry) 
Saturday August 28th, 2004 2:44:43 PM

Aurore - the picture of Mayzie looks like one of my cousins (at least when she was younger).

Duncan (Hp 10; AC 15)  d20+3=7
Saturday August 28th, 2004 3:11:55 PM

Duncan, suddenly supremely confident in his pugilistic skills, turns to a rascal next to Kendry (#4) with another well-timed, if somewhat off-target, swing (rolled a 7 :( ).

Selithe  d20+2=3
Saturday August 28th, 2004 4:51:04 PM

Selithe looks to Mayzie and smiles, patting the lady's shoulder gently, "I better see to helping my friends if I can. I will see about your dress later as I have skills that should beable to remove the mud from the delicate fabric."

Selithe steps out from under the wagon after giving Mayzie a wink and a grin to help lighten her mood more and also a quick whisper, "Be right back to give you a hand."

After Selithe steps out she slaps her staff lightly a few times against the side of the wagon and speaks as loud as she can, "That is quite enough all of you. This is not the time to be fighting with each other inless it would be in just plain good fun."

Selithe tries something but fails in her bluff even as she says it, "You ruffian's better stop or I will call down lightning and balls of fire on your keisters." (bluff:3 nat 1)

(OOC:Better leave the bluffinf to others. LOL)

Polly (AC 14, HP 8)  d20+1=13
Saturday August 28th, 2004 6:36:09 PM

Seeing that somebody's grandmother seems to have the pie-raiders under control (Spot=13), Polly takes a deep breath and retraces her steps at speed. Abandoning her friends right after Kendry's challenge is starting to seem a little foolish, and she hopes that Kendry had sufficient backup.

"I'll take that sap, thanks!" (DM Cayzle)  d20+2=5 (AoO misses Shale) d20-2=15 (opposed roll to avoid disarm fails.) d20+4=9 d20+4=24 d20+4=9 (two AoOs on Nalfein, one hits but does not crit) d4=1 (hit for 1) d20+2=10 (AoO on whip-wielder Will fails) d20+7=12 (intimidate check vs. Shale) d20+2=14 d20+4=9 d20+4=10 d20+4=21 (4 attacks on Shale; one hits) d2=1 (damage to Shale) d20+4=6 (aid another by 6 to help 7 fails) d20+4=22 (7 hits Nalfein anyway.) d4=3 (damage to Nalfein) d20+2=21 (attack on Willoughby hits) d4=1 (1 dam to Will)
Monday August 30th, 2004 3:07:45 PM

[Yikes! I've started the week late! I like to do a bright and early post. Gosh darn sleep and dentist! lol! And work!]

PC Actions =====

Shale attempts to disarm Rascal 5. But his action opens a hole in his defenses. When making a Disarm, the disarmer provokes an AoO only from his target. That attack fails to hit Shale, so his Disarm attempt continues.

Shale reaches out to take the sap away from Rascal 5. [OOC -- you didn't make enough rolls, so I'll do it now for you to speed the game along.] Since both are using light weapons (hand, sap), both take a -4 on their opposed attack roll. Both have a +2 to attack. Shale rolls a 20 +2 -4 = 18. Rascal 5 rolls a 17 +2 -4 = 15. Shale takes the sap from Rascal 5 and is now weilding it.

Nalfein steps up between Rascals 6 and 7 and punches Rascal 6. His doing so provokes attacks of opportunity from both 6 and 7. One of those AoOs hits Nalfein for 1 hp, bringing his total nonlethal damage to 2. Nalfein's kidney punch hits Rascal 6 where it hurts for 5 points nonlethal damage."

Willoughby draws his whip (move action) and uses it to attack Rascal 9, right in front of him. He should have taken a 5-foot step back first, though, because using a whip provokes attacks of opportunity. Rascal 9 takes a poke at Willoughby but fails. Willoughby lashes out and hits AC12, just one shy of hitting the AC13 rascals.

Mayzie huddles under the wagon and watches and thinks of revenge.

Like his brother Nalfein, Kendry swings at Rascal 1 -- but with a sap, so that he does not provoke AoOs. He hits Rascal 1 for 4 nonlethal hp, driving the lout into unconsciousness.

Duncan attacks and misses.

Selithe stands up and tries to stop the fight. But no one is listening.

Polly runs back to the area.

Enemy Actions =====

Rascals 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8 go after Shale. The disarmed Rascal 5 mocks Shale: "Too poor to afford your own weapon, huh? Come on, boys, let's give him some weapons, if that's what he wants!" This is a standard action to demoralize an opponent. The rascal rolls an Intimidate check of 12. Shale, please roll 1d20+Wis bonus +level +fear bonus to oppose that. [OOC: For Shale, that's 1d20+5. If you fail you are shaken for 1 round. A shaken character takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls, ability checks, and saves.]

Rascals 2, 3, 4, and 8 attack Shale. 2, 4, and 8 are flanking. Rascal 8 manages a lucky punch for 1 hp nonlethal damage.

Rascal 6 yells, "I'll help you take this guy!" to Rascal 7. Rascal 6 makes an Aid Another roll to help Rascal 7 but fails. Rascal 7 hits Nalfein, even without help, for 3 nonlethal with a sap. That means Nalfein has taken 5 hp nonlethal damage -- one more will knock him out!

Finally, Rascal 9 swings at Willoughby with a sap. He is very lucky and hits for 1 point of nonlethal damage.

From over at the Pavillion come a faint echo of a yell: "Fight! Fight!"

[Map in mail]

Nalfein (hp6, 4 nonlethal damage, AC17)  d20+2=20 d2+1=2 d6=5
Monday August 30th, 2004 4:28:56 PM

Spitting a bit of blood out from a newly split lip Nalfein eyes his opponent (#6) as he lightly side steps to the right to keep from letting the two knaves surround him. (5' step to M12)
"You're gona wish you hadn't done that," he says with venom nearly dripping from his lips. Suddenly Nalfein grabs the other halfling by the shoulders forcing his body down as he drives his knee up into the offender's solar plexus (Hit ac 20 for 2 damage + 5 sneak attack total 7)
"I told you to KISS THE DIRT!"


[OOC: Note that I made a rules error. Thanks Andrew for pointing it out. I'm restoring a nonlethal hp to Nalfein. -- Cayzle]

Monday August 30th, 2004 5:02:04 PM

Getting angry enough to set her humiliation aside long enough to do something, mayzie will transform her Goodberry spell into a Summon Natures Ally 1 spell, and cast it, summoning a big black wolf (to hobbits it probably looks very big).

Mayzie doesnt want the wolf to attack yet, she is still reluctant to actually hurt someone seriously, but she does want it to howl as loudly as it can. She will step out of the wagon 5ft, the wolf trailing her and hopefully howling (not sure if I can order it to howl. If not maybe I can use animal empathy to make it know I want it to).

Mayzie is looking straight at Rascal 1 who pushed her over.

Willoughby (HP 4, AC 17)  d20+3=21
Monday August 30th, 2004 6:21:21 PM

"We're going to have to do something about that sap!" Willoughby said as he took a few steps back - enough to get a little distance between the rascal and himself.

Once he reached an ideal distance, he lashed out at his opponent in an attempt to disarm him. (21)

Monday August 30th, 2004 6:55:31 PM

Selithe frowns as he words touch no ones ears and she huffs as she glares at the ruffians. After a few moments Selithe mumbles under her breath and summons a giant fire beetle (believe it is in the book under the spell).

Selithe continues glaring at the ruffians and yells, "Fine, ignore me and my friend here will just have to see to you." Selithe motions to the fire beetle when she says friend.

Duncan (Hp 10; AC 15)  d20+1=11 d20+1=3 d6+3=7
Monday August 30th, 2004 7:59:17 PM

Duncan is now upset, not just at his own clumsy swing but also the fact there is a growing dogpile on Shale. This could not stand.
Face reddening angrily, Duncan makes a low feint, ducking in beside one of the ruffians (to L 10, setting Dodge to Rascal 4 (AC 16 to him). With blinding speed, Duncan launches several blows in rapid succession, targeting the ribs of his enemy (first roll is 11, the second a 3, rolled 7 for damage in case the first blow hits).

Kendry (AC 15, 2 hp left after 4 hp nonlethal (I think) damage)  d20+2=14 d20+4=16 d4+2=4
Monday August 30th, 2004 10:14:49 PM

"What say we end this now?" Kendry suggests, as he takes a 5' step into the spot Nalfein just vacated, and almost sap punches #7 for 4 hp nonlethal damage (AC 14). He deliberately stops his punch a couple of millimeters from #7's face, letting him know he could have gotten him. In a loud voice he calls out, "Folks, perhaps enough has been done to make our point. Manners are needed towards young women. Three of you are down. Shall we declare a truce, and talk with our mouths, rather than our fists? You still have rumberry pies to finish. Girls, hold the pets if our worthy opponents will also stand down." (Diplomacy 16)

[Cayzle - which numbered ruffian is the corncob pipe smoking leader of the group? -Kim]


[Note my post of Aug. 25: " Amazingly, no fist fights break out, although the corn-cob-pipe-smoking leader stalks off in a huff. Eight that got pie sit down to eat, and the rest head off to find more pie." The pipe-smoking leader was not actually around for this fight. -- Cayzle]

Shale(HP 6/10 AC 22)  d20+5=7 d20+2=14
Tuesday August 31st, 2004 1:24:41 AM

Managing to take the sap from the thug Shale holds it in the ready. The punk's taunt seems to have affected Shale as he is visible shaken by the annoying voice.

Sap and fist out in front of him Shale takes full defensive position preparing to maul all of the would be gang. As Duncan steps up behind him Shale starts to feel the mounting storm subside and a half smile forms on his face.

Kendry's words echo from behind him. Pretty typical for Kendry to be first with the fist and first with the tongue. More than once it has worked to their advantage, this time Shale didn't feel like a truce.

Still standing defensively Shale adds in, "Worthy opponents?" pausing in mock thought he continues,"No, I don't think so. But if these boys would like to run away, we might work something out." (Diplomacy 14)The half smile slowly returns to Shale's face.

((Should Shale have gotten an AoO against one of the unarmed thugs that punched him?))


[OOC: Nope! The punchers all have Improved Unarmed Attack as their first level feat. Glad you thought of asking, though; I need you folks to keep me on my toes! -- Cayzle]

Polly (AC 14, HP 8) 
Tuesday August 31st, 2004 12:26:59 PM

Hoping that the cries from behind her are about the fight she's closing in on rather than a new one that's broken out at the Non-Stop Party, Polly bulls her way past the tree toward the crowd of ruffians surrounding Shale. She comes to a stop on the opposite side of Ruffian 3, and raises her empty fists. "You boys had better think about my cousin's offer. We're drawing the sort of crowd that won't have as much care for your pies."

Fight or Flight? The latter, please! (DM Cayzle)  d20-2=10 (Will's opponent is disarmed)
Tuesday August 31st, 2004 1:26:17 PM

After an effective kick, the rascal Nalfein attacked is unconscious and on the ground.

Mayzie sees that the rascal who tripped her is already unconscious and lying down. She casts a spell, taking a full round to do so. The wolf will appear next round.

Willoughby's whip cracks! and his opponent's sap falls.

Selithe begins to summon a giant beetle, which will also appear next round.

Duncan speeds up, and though he does not land a blow, it is an impressive display.

Kendry attempts to reason with the enemy, with bluff, threat, and talk. And to some, at least, his words hit home.

Shale's diplomatic efforts complement Kendry's.

Then Polly runs up, fists ready.

With two rascals lying on the dirt and another two disarmed, the fight goes out of the rascals' eyes. "Those girls are casting spells," shouts a shorter rascal with blond hair. "And the militia is coming!" says another wearing a short curly beard.

The rascals turn tail and flee as a group, leaving two behind. People standing next to rascals can take an AoO as they flee, if desired (see previous map).

A group of milita members and onlookers are approaching from the Party. They'll be here next round. Also, a lone, middle-aged halfling on a wardog rides out from behind a tree on the town side. He is well dressed, and his mount is well groomed and appointed in shiny leather tack and a saddle. He is smiling.

[OOC: Friends, this battle is over -- good job. I hope it gave you a taste of my combat style, and a sense of what fighting will be like when the stakes are higher and the threats more deadly! -- Cayzle]

Tuesday August 31st, 2004 3:04:59 PM

"That's right! Run along the lot of ya! And don't ya ever be lettin' me catch you roughin' up any more young ladies ya hear?!" Nalfein taunts after them as they flee. Looking up at the on coming militia and the man on the war dog Nalfein realizes that some onlookers may not see the justification in their actions. "Uh, Kendry. This may not turn out so well for us I'm thinkin'" he will walk over to the fallen sap (The one dropped by Willoughby's whip) and recover it. "I think I'll be holdin' on to this." He mutters. "I hope it never has to come in handy. Where did that girl go?" He asks, glancing around until he spots her, now sporting his sister's cloak. "Two peas in a pod those to be. Twixt the both of them ya might be able to get one of em' properly dressed. Have to be the hungry one though."
"Come on over here." Nalfein will gesture to Mayzie. "It's not much but I have a shirt and pants ya can wear 'till we can get your fine dress washed." Looking down at his own shirt his ruefully adds, "Looks like I could use a change too." Stowing his new sap, Nalfein starts rummaging through his pack until he finds a suitable shirt for the underdressed druidess.

Tuesday August 31st, 2004 5:11:44 PM

Willoughby watched the rascals flee, and when he was satisfied that they weren't coming back for the time being, he began to coil up his whip. After finishing, he lodged it back in his belt.

"Is everyone alright?" he asked as he walked towards the others.

Tuesday August 31st, 2004 7:35:28 PM

Satisfied with the retreat of the now lightly tutored ruffians, Kendry says, "Good. Perhaps one day we can be friends." He surveys the two left behind, and the muddied, crumpled dress twixt the mud puddle and the downed hobbit who riled him. "Can someone see to the well being of our two fallen pie eaters?" he asks as he leans down, moving his fingers in a complex pattern. He picks up the dress, waving his hands over the material [prestidigitation]. As he does so, the mud and muck starts to fall off the dress, allowing the natural, beautiful colors to reassert themselves. He turns it this way and that, until the garment again is clean. With a shake and a final smoothing, he folds it neatly, and presents it to the slender hobbit beside whom a wolf just appeared. "I'm Kendry," he tells her.

Tuesday August 31st, 2004 8:18:07 PM

When her wolf appears Mayzie strides forwards, cluthing the cloak about her, the big wolf matching her stride, to stand over the unconscious body of the ruffian who pushed her, glowering, the wolfs saliva dribbling down onto the unconscious ruffians face.

At that moment Kendry walks up to her and magickly cleans her dress, to her surprise and delight.

'Th thank you' she stammers, taking back her dress and slipping into it hurriedly, reddening slightly at the onlookers.

Her voice picking up some heat she adds.

'He will thank you too. I was about to take him home and work him till he had paid for a replacement. Elven fabrics are not cheap, so it would have been a few months work, whatever the militia had to say about it.'

Glaring at the unconscious man, she says

'I wont be satisfied with him getting away with just a beating though. I want to make sure that he never wants to do this again. Hopefully for him the militia will lock him up for a while. If not then I will have to teach him not to do this again myself. We will see what these so called guards have to say (clear contempt in her voice) who arrive after the trouble is already over. No doubt they were too busy eating pie to help.'

Tuesday August 31st, 2004 8:31:02 PM

Looking at the others, Mayzie thanks Nalfein for the offer of pants and shirt, but declines since Kendry has cleaned her dress.

Turning to Selithe she says 'I very much appreciate your help. I'm afraid I completely lost my composure. This dress is very precious to me. I should have known better than to wear it here, I usually only wear my elven clothes in the elven city. But it has been several months since my Guardian has had the time to take me and I sorely missed the chance to dress properly.

'Excuse my rudeness. My name is Mayzie. I live alone just outside this town, and for the most part dont come into it much, and will probably come into it less in the future. I did not realise the town was such a dangerous place. I am glad I discovered this when kind and brave folk like yourselves were here to help. I shall not travel here unarmed again.'

To Selithe

'If you like I can take your cloak home and clean it before returning it to you. But from what I have seen and what you have told me, both you and your friend can do a much better job of that than I. Still, I should offer you all a cup of coffee or wine, and whilst I am not a good cook, I have some nice berries you can eat which may also make some of your bruises go away.'

Mayzie will look to see if any of her new acquaintances are badly bruised, and use a cure light wounds spell if one looks badly hurt.

Tuesday August 31st, 2004 10:45:59 PM

Selithe smiles brightly at Mayzie and shakes her head, "No need to thank me Mayzie. My name is Selithe and I always hated people picking on others. We have something in common I see. You summoned a beautiful wolf there, I specialize in conjuring magics." Selithe winks and with a simple shrugs says, "We girls have to stick together. Go ahead and hold onto the cloak for now and I will clean it later, it is a winter cloak anyway and kind of hot for this time of the year but great for hiding secrets while gambling or spell casting."

Selithe looks to her giant fire beetle that just appeared and chuckles, "Looks like I summoned you alittle late buddy, you better go though before the guard gets here."

Selithe pulls a extra ace of hearts that she keeps from her belt pouch and tosses it onto the ruffian who pushed Mayzie into the mud, "A momento of our meeting, may you remember this when you wake up."

Selithe takes out her pipe and begins filling it, lighting it shortly afterwards and then remembers, "ohh my I almost forgot, why don't you join us Mayzie. My night hasn't even began yet and there is plenty of gambling yet to do. I'm sure we can find a nice place for all of us to go, get some food and drink and after abit of talk I can find a nice, not so honest game." Selithe grins as she puffs on her pipe, clearly her gambling streak has peaked out again, but then again thats normal Selithe for you.

Wednesday September 1st, 2004 5:35:57 AM

"The name's Nalfein" The elder halfling pronounces, offering a had and seeming more mature than the last few moments would have suggested. "Glad I am to make your acquaintance. Though I would have preferred more hospitable circumstances." Nalfein's face resumes it's normal grin. "You must join us at one of the parties this evening. I won't take 'no' for an answer."

Wednesday September 1st, 2004 6:54:32 AM

Mayzie takes Nalfein's hand uncertainly, frowning slightly at his and Selithe's words.

'Well.... I confess I had planned to just go home after all this. It has rather ruined what little mood I had for partying.'

Mayzie sighs.

'On the other hand, party or not, this day is about choosing a new Leader. Doing it the way they do shows that they really don't take that seriously. Parties...'

'Nonetheless, especially after what has happened, I expect it is my duty to take part and help choose someone suitable, although I doubt any of them are. The party I was attacked at here was the one that supported a stronger militia if I recall. So much for that, the militia were too busy eating to do their job. The one to support the current Burgomeister - well he hasn't exactly done a great job. Maybe the one who wants adventurers. If the militia can't do their job maybe someone else should do it for them. Perhaps we could go to that party.

'You were all very brave and saved me from those ruffians. Maybe we could go to the Adventurer party. If it wins, maybe they would even give you the jobs (Mayzie smiles).'

Mayzie smiles at Selithe.

'I am a druid. I've never thought much about the technicality of the magick, but now that I do, most of what I do is a form of conjuring. Nature sends me help when I call for it, my hairy friend here for instance.'

Wednesday September 1st, 2004 9:48:59 AM

As Mayzie makes herself known, and his siblings talk with her, Kendry notes those drawing nigh. He nods at the well-appointed middle-aged halfling riding the war dog, and says, "Good day."

Wednesday September 1st, 2004 10:10:27 AM

As the thugs run off Shale sticks the sap he has collected into his belt.

Shale smiles a polite greeting to the skinny girl joining their group. "I think we all ought to get something to eat and especially drink. I gotta tell you though, all this tumbling has given me a taste for more. I've been thinking a lot about that letter we recieved."

Smiling at Kendry, Shale flips the brim of his hat back and turns to the mounted warrior as he sees Kendry greet him.

Wednesday September 1st, 2004 12:33:50 PM

"Well, now, I think you're maybe being unfairly judgemental of the militia, Mayzie. We can't all pop into a fight like that wolf of yours; we have to hear there's trouble and get to it on our feet. You can see they're headed here now.

"I'd still like to check out all the parties while they're in full swing. First --" Polly, plucks at her rumberry-stained blouse, and glances around at the various berry and mud spatters on everyone's clothes and hair "-- let's get ourselves into party shape."

"Greetings, adventurers!" (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday September 1st, 2004 1:30:52 PM

Nalfein picks up a sap and offers Mayzie more clothes.

Willoughby puts away his whip and joins the gang.

Kendry cleans the fallen dress with a spell and hands it back to Mayzie.

Mayzie gets dressed and expresses her anger toward the rascal who tripped her, now lying unconscious. Her summoned wolf picks up on her emotion and growls.

Introductions are made and Selithe and Mayzie exchange kind words. Mayzie accepts an invitation to join the group for a party tonight. Polly defends the militia, but is also looking forward to tonight's party.

Kendry and Shale turn to the mounted halfling to say hello.

Five members of the militia arrive on the scene, with another 10 onlookers. They take in the wolf and the two people lying on the ground, and for a brief moment a misunderstanding is in the air. "A wolf!" one shouts.

The halfling mounted on the wardog quickly rides up to the new come militia. "Now, now, good fellows," he says, "No need to worry. These two ruffians have simply got what was coming to them -- please do your duty by hauliing them off to the drunk tank. That'll do for now."

The militia seem to hold this fellow in some kind of regard, and grudgingly do as he asks. One says, almost under his breath, "Marigold's going to hear about this!" They pick up the rascals and head off. The crowd disperses.

The halfling on the dog just smiles and dismounts. He walks over to the group, holding out his hand. "Let's see," he says, "A druid ... two mages ... warriors ... even a martial artist. My kind of people!"

"But where are my manners? Greetings, adventurers! I am Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly, running for burgomeister on the Adventure Party ticket. Let me give you a hand." He gestures, and all the group's gear and exposed spots are free of blood, mud, and pie. "I saw how you defended this maid's honor, and ran off those ruffians. I am proud of the restraint you showed, as well. I think we need more groups like yours, my friends, and I hope I will be hearing more about your adventures."

"And of course, I would appreciate your attendance at my party tonight. The first party of the week's events is always a crucial one." He gives directions to the events.

Wednesday September 1st, 2004 2:59:36 PM

Listening carefully to the directions Shale waits until Calfast is finished speaking and then catches the halfling's attention, "Before you go sir, I was hoping to get your position on the defense of the Valley. Are you proposing the militia is not enough and that outside groups should be in charge of protecting our lifestyles? If not, what is it you are proposing?"

Shale seems very serious in his line of questioning and waits anxiously for the potential burgomeister's answer.

Wednesday September 1st, 2004 6:13:50 PM

'I was just suggesting attending your party. Mostly because I'm not impressed by the other candidates so far. I too am interested in knowing your position.

For my part, I admit I would like to see a proper standing army for the valley, but I am not convinced it is possible to make our people take the role seriously, and they would spend too much time getting drunk. Adventurers on the other hand are more practical people, or so the stories tell us. I would be concerned about what would keep them in check though, if they prove dangerous or erratic.'

Wednesday September 1st, 2004 7:13:55 PM

Selithe looks to the man who just introduced himself and thinks to herself as she puffs on her pipe and then nods, "Nice to meet you Calfast. If my friends and brothers are going to your party then I surely will be there. My name is Selithe by the way and as you have guessed, yes I'm a conjurer."

Selithe looks at her clothing and sighs as she looks at the mud and other stains, "I do agree that we will need to go change and get ready for any party we would attend."

(DM Stephen - Calfast has magically cleaned your clothes of all stains. It was mentioned in his post.)

Wednesday September 1st, 2004 8:53:07 PM

Duncan had to admit, just as disappointing as it was that the ruffians were running away, so was he that his martial skills had failed him so. Maybe it was because he was holding back, he reasoned to himself, for he didn't want to seriously hurt anyone, just teach the thugs a lesson.
Still, the fight was exciting, and Duncan was positively jazzed and ready to take on the world. That's when he remembered Selithe.
Duncan saw that everyone had headed over to see to the new girl and the mounted halfling. The mounted one he recognized, not by name but by seeing him riding through town. Duncan figured he was an adventurer or some such, and Duncan had an admiration of his freedom. Plus, riding a large dog looked like alot of fun!
Dismissing the knocked-out ruffians with a scoff, Duncan ran up to the group, playfully grabbing Selithe by the waist in an attempt to startle her. He then waved to the new lady and the dog-rider, and silently bid Polly to introduce him.

Wednesday September 1st, 2004 9:47:12 PM

Willoughby was relieved when the candidate got the militia and others off his party's back; he felt they had made enough "friends" for the day and he was hoping the rest of the evening would be relaxing.

While the others raised some interesting questions to Calfast, Willoughby wasn't really interested in present day politics and was silent while he half-way listened to the others.

Thursday September 2nd, 2004 3:18:03 AM

As the militia go to take away the two semi-conscious youths, Kendry says, "My salute to you who help guard our valley, sirs. Take some care with those two. I think their bones are rattled enough."

If ruffian #1 shows any sign of coming to before they take off, Kendry gives his name, and asks his name. He tells him quietly, "You got no less than your actions and words deserved. I will keep my eye on you. If you learn to choose kindness and good manners, there is hope. If not, then these are not the last blows that life will deal you." He nods with respect in his eyes for the militia members as they cart off the two.

He walks up as yet another politician comes to the fore. As the candidate cleans up his potential constituents, the bard says, "Kendry Leafwin Pipewood, sir, and pleased to meet you. Our thanks."

When Selithe comments on the need to change, Kendry looks at her in puzzlement.

As his good friend and cousin Shale advances his question, Kendry adds, "Why do you say the first party is crucial? I'm interested in your answer to Shale's questions, too."

He leaves it to Polly to make additional introductions as Duncan requested.

Thursday September 2nd, 2004 6:29:30 AM

"Well sir, it seems we may be in your debt. But I don't know about attending your party this evening. You see, one of the other contestants is a close relative. I wouldn't feel right hanging her out to dry like that."

Thursday September 2nd, 2004 12:24:22 PM

Polly thanks the militia for their help and wishes them good partying. Then, catching Duncan's signs, she wrinkles her nose at him. She takes a step toward Mayzie.

"I'm sorry Mayzie -- my friend here reminds me that I'm being rude." She turns to include Calfast in the introductions. "I'm Polly Leafwin Turnbell, and this is Duncan Greenthumb Settlefoot. He doesn't talk much, but he has plenty to say, if you know what I mean.

"Calfast, thanks for the clean-up. I hope we can take some time for the Adventure Party tonight. I know my old gran is keen to go. And I think it's fair to give all three parties a fair look."

An eye for potential adventurers (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday September 2nd, 2004 1:30:11 PM

Calfast seems pleased by the questions and comments. "This is the best time to talk politics," he declares.

"As far as defense goes, I think the Giant Tower Guard does a fine job, and I would not tamper with it. I don't think any of the candidates would."

"But there are other threats that the Guard is not suited for. I think the militia is perfect as a local constabulary and for keeping the peace. I also think the militia is a good reserve in case of dire emergency. However, I fear that the current incumbent puts too much of our resources into the militia, for political reasons. We spend too much on what has evolved into a social club. And the other candidate would only make matters worse, in my opinion."

"I, however, think that encouraging adventuring groups to come to the Crescent is a better idea. It costs nothing, and these groups are often willing to serve as protectors in exchange for the respect and honor they earn. Moreover, adventurers often seem to be flush with wealth and magic, which is a great boon to the local economy."

Answering Shale, Calfast adds, "I would not replace the militia, but I think encouraging adventurers is a great way to gain a supplement to the Crescent's defense capabilities."

Mayzie suggests that adventurers could be dangerous or erratic. Calfast agrees wholeheartedly. "You are very perceptive, young lady. That's why I also propose inviting the Woldian League of Adventurers to open a branch office in Angel Springs. The WLA is a marvelous group that is sworn to act in good faith and to oppose oppression and evil. The presence of WLA-aligned groups will balance or even scare off the possible miscreants."

Calfast acknowledges Kendry's thanks for cleaning everyone up and says, "It was the least I could do for a group of local folk who look to my eye like potential adventurers! That's what I hope for most of all -- a few local groups of adventurers who will gain fame, honor, and the desire to protect their home."

"As to timing, the first night of the election parties often sets the momentum for the rest. A good turn-out gets tongues wagging."

He bows when Nalfein mentions the family responsibility. "Of course. The first thing I like to see in a group of adventurers is loyalty and honor. But if you have time, there is no rule that says you can't go to two parties. Or three!"

An assistant of some kind appears at Calfast's elbow and whispers in his ear.

Then Calfast nods at Polly's welcome and seems pleased that she wants to go to his party for at least part of the night. But he seems a little distracted. "Well, friends, I have much to prepare, as you can imagine. If you would like to talk more, please stop by the festivities this evening!"

The candidate mounts up and makes an exit.

Thursday September 2nd, 2004 3:32:09 PM

Selithe blushes now when she realizes that her clothing and everyone elses was clean again and nods to the man before he leaves, "Thank you for cleaning our clothing for us, I was to deep in thought and also thrilled with the possiblity to be gambling alittle again that I didn't even notice sir."

Selithe takes a nice puff of her pipe but right then Duncan grabs her waist which suprises Selithe and she coughs a few small circles of smoke before turning, her pipe coming down in a small swing to hit the person who grabbed her waist till she sees it's Duncan and then she laughs, "You little devil you." Selithe winks to Duncan and smiles, "You just wait till the party, I'm making sure your in my first gambling game just to exact some pay back." This is of course said with a smile and clearly a joke to Duncan.

Thursday September 2nd, 2004 9:57:10 PM

"Friends and family - we're cleaned up - which took a lot less time than we thought it would. We have this chit to give to Gearge at the inn. Should we do that, or pop in on the Burgomeister's party, then Aunt Marigold's, and then stop in at Calfast's party? We can pass on to her what we pick up elsewhere, and get a better view of what the candidates have to offer along the way."

Then, knowing that Mayzie has not met everyone, takes what time might be available to make sure she knows the names of all his family and friends here present, their full names, how they are related to each other, and he'll ask her about her family. Oh, raised by elves? He slips into elvish, and asks after various elves he has met while living in the Culverwood.

Friday September 3rd, 2004 12:49:27 AM

Nodding shrewdly as the mounted candidate disappears, Shale turns to meet the delicate Mayzie. Being as polite as a country boy can be, Shale takes her hand and gives it a good shaking. Stuttering a bit Shale obviously has forgotten his name. Turning quickly back to Kendry he says to him, "I think we ought to discuss further this letter that came before the pies. Whose idea was that again?"

Friday September 3rd, 2004 5:42:38 AM

"Letter what letter?" Eyes never leaving the new arrival in that awful, yet wonderful, dress. Nalfein is clearly distracted. "Yes, definitely parties and dancing..."

Inn and Parties (DM Cayzle) 
Friday September 3rd, 2004 10:06:15 AM

(Exercising the DM's right to move things along)

The group get's to Gearge's place, and the quiet man gives them two rooms. "With the parties tonight, there's no hot dinner. Most folk go out to eat at a party. But if you want some cold salt ham, I have some."

The ponies and wagon are stabled.

Which party or parties will the group attend? In which order?

Friday September 3rd, 2004 1:09:08 PM

Setting her palms against a wall of the room, Polly leans into it while pressing her heels back. "If you mean the let's-go-adventuring letter, Shale, Kendry sent it, but who knows which of his troublemaking sibs was behind the idea?" Over her shoulder, she throws Selithe a wink. "I think it'd be fun to try, and that Rowgold Tunnelly fellow even thinks we might be suited -- and looks like he knows what he's talking about. Though I'm not sure I care for his attitude that the militia is a social club."

She laces her fingers together and stretches her arms high overhead. "Well, if we're going to try to make all three parties tonight, we can probably pass on George's ham. That'll leave more room for pie and -- what was it you were after, Mayzie? Elven mead? And if Kendry wants to report to Marigold on the other parties, we'd best leave the Nonstop Party till last."

Friday September 3rd, 2004 1:20:41 PM

"I say we hit the ruling mayor's party first for a quick stop by, then we head over to the adventuring party. From there we can go to Marigold's and finish the evening. This is all provided nobody gets arrested."

Shale grins and tips his hat back.

Friday September 3rd, 2004 5:04:37 PM

Mayzie smiles with delight at Kendry, replying in fluent Elvish to him. She mentions her Guardian, Ereleth, and talks about his family in the same way as her own, and the tragic loss of his little daughter, mentioning that this is where her elven clothes come from which makes them all the more precious.

'I am happy to go to whatever party you wish to go to. Yes, I had heard one was serving elven wine, and it has been a while since I have had any. I suppose you can call it elven mead if you like, since a lot of elven wine is not made with grapes and much of it is honeyed, but the care put into its making is more akin to wine than mead as is the delicacy of the flavour.'

Mayzie will let the others lead the way and tag along after them. She will acknowledge the introductions and introduce herself in return except that for a halfling her introduction is rather strange.

'I am Mayzie Greenhill Treetender. I am also Mayazelana Tar'Quisenda when I am with elves. Which one is the real me, I do not truely know.

My mother and father were killed or disappeared soon after I was born. I assume killed but no bodies were ever found. The only relative I knew was my Aunt Rosie but she was very old and died several years ago. I was never told my genealogy so I couldn't tell you much more than that.'

Friday September 3rd, 2004 10:56:27 PM

Duncan cannot even think about food. With the excitement of parties, brawls, and good-natured flirtation, he could barely contain himself. And without a verbal way of letting his feelings flow, Duncan does the next best thing--not stay still for a second.
When the discussion turned to which party to go to first, Duncan started marching around the room, puffing out his tummy into more rounded proportion, and began acting like he was handing everyone money and laughing jollily. Then, he put his staff between his legs and began to prance about the room, waving his hand and using an imaginary sword to slay imaginary goblins. Finally, he picked up the stick and began dancing elegantly as if it were the fair Selithe herself, coming to a stop near Polly. Duncan put an arm around his best friend's shoulder, as if saying 'well, what do ya think?'

Friday September 3rd, 2004 11:01:00 PM

Willoughby explored George's place and inspected any paintings or old-looking items as the others decided about which parties to attend. While he didn't care which parties he attended, he did hope to run into the druid from earlier and have a conversation.

After Mayzie introduced herself, Willoughby also introduced himself formally.

"Hello there, Mayzie. I'm Willoughby Pipewood Fancytoes," he said with a short bow.

Saturday September 4th, 2004 11:37:42 AM

"As fine a plan as any Shale. Besides, with a name like the non-stop party, well it sould last the longest too right?" Nalfein remarks with a wink. "I say we drop what things we can do without here in our rooms and go out on the town. What do you think?" Nalfein deposits his pack in his room. Still feeling the brawl earlier he takes the time to slip on his elegant yet functional, black leather armor.

Saturday September 4th, 2004 3:44:27 PM

Kendry laughs at Duncan's suggestion. "I agree, Dunc, Nalf, Poll, Shale. Our current burgomeister, then the adventuring party, then on to the NonStop Party. And yeah, brother, we can leave our extra stuff here at the inn."

"Polly's got it right, Shale. I wrote a letter to Duncan by way of her. Just a moment, I kept myself a copy, too." Kendry opens his knapsack, and pulls out an oilcloth wrapping. Inside are many sheets of paper. He leafs through them, then pulls one out.

"Here it is." He places the letter on the table.

Kendry's letter to Duncan from a week back 
Saturday September 4th, 2004 3:45:24 PM

Dear Duncan Settlefoot,

Hallo! Well, we've been busy around here in Humble's Ford lately. Just got back from a wood gathering trip to the Culverwood. My mama (Bekka Lilly Burrows Leafwin Pipewood, you know), the twins, Darcie Lee & Demko (you might recall their 30th birthday is coming up in just a few weeks!), Polly's & my cousin Shale Leafwin Oakendale and I went. We took a few dog carts. Darcie Lee & Demko (the twins) are real good with the dogs. Anyway, we picked up from some fallen trees a couple of good boles, plus some good straight pieces, that Papa and Kember (he's my oldest brother, who is really good at leap frog, you might remember) will be able to make into good musical instruments and toys. Papa is making some harps - he said that one of the boles will be terrific for a harp for bigger folk, like elves or humans. We get some of them coming through once in a while. People like the stuff Papa makes.

Nalfein and Rosehips (my second oldest brother, and my sister, third born in the family) have been off in Angel Springs, running the family shop there, Winwood Toys and Music. Nalf just came back for a visit, though, for a few days.

Oh, speaking of Kember, his wife, Sarta, is pregnant again. They have a cute little girl and a boy already. Kember is hoping for twins this time.

I wrote a song about when the giants tried to attack Crescent Valley, just after the ol' wizard, Shafbaffum, erected the warding towers. Boy, were they in for a surprise! All kinds of stuff happened to them, and they got driven back. My uncle Orby, the pipe maker, was telling me part of the story just before we headed into the Culverwood. So I wrote this song called 'The Testing of the Sentinel Towers.' Here it is. I'll play it for you when I see you next, because it's better with the music. At least, I hope it is.

In Crescent Vale they tell the tale
Of when the green grass grew
With twisted cords it wrapped and scored
The big'uns coming through

Past tall stone sentinels they fought
But deep deep magic flew
And pierced their limbs and made them doubt
The wisdom of Chief Gniew

Then hied the slingers came the knives
A-flying through the air
And giants saw the might of wives
Whose skillets broke their stare

Though ten times their size ungainly they
When little folk they thought would yield
The small ones made them richly pay
For messing up their green grass fields

So giants - 'ware the little folk
'Tis Wardd's own luck they make
You'll ne'er break the oxen's yoke
On halflings' lands you try to take!

In Crescent Vale they tell the tale
Of when the green grass grew
With twisted cords it wrapped and scored
The big'uns coming through

I laughed when he told me about these big ugly giants, all wrapped up in twisty plants, just bellowing and slobbering and wanting to do bad things to our ancestors, then a bunch of housewives brought out their skillets and kitchen knives and such, and let 'em fly at those wrapped-up giants! A lot of kids were pelting them with sling stones, too. But there was this one giant who got hit in the head by THREE skillets - and one of the ladies who skilleted the giant was Polly's and our, oh, and Slate's great grandmother, Plush Heather Leafwin Blueberry Leafwin. Knocked out that giant, they did. There were lots of other bits he told me about the battle, but if a song is too long, then people get kind of tired out listening to it, sometimes. Sigh...

I'm sending this letter to you through Polly, who can help you if some of the things I write are hard to read. She knows my handwriting. Hi, Polly!

You know, I was thinking we ought to get some of our friends together sometimes soon, and go on an adventure. Like search for dragon's treasure, or rescue a princess, or foil some brigands who harry travelers, or the like. What do you say to that, good Duncan? It could make for some rollicking good stories, eh? And I think that my sister Selithe is getty antsy to get out and see more of the Wold, too. Maybe Nalfein, my second-eldest brother, could come along. And Slate, and Polly. Can you think of anyone else?

Oh, and Demko (who was just reading over my shoulder) wants me to tell you again that he's really sorry about the time he put the ants in the bread surprise that Polly's mama made for you. Even though you already forgave him before. Demko - you are SO guilty!!!

How is your garden growing, Duncan? Well, I suppose I have written more than enough for now. Write me back, if you want to. If you don't, that's okay. We can talk the next time we're together, which, I hope, will be soon. You can teach me some more hand signs, too!

Your friend,

Kendry Leafwin Pipewood

P.S.: How do you like this brown ink? When we visited with some of the druids of the Culverwood, one of them gave me this bottle of it. He said he makes it from forest herbs, and it's not poisonous to drink. Not that I'd want to drink ink. That brown bubbly tea they foist on us is bad enough! Well, all right, it's not that bad. The bubbles do surprise you the first time, though.

Sunday September 5th, 2004 1:21:41 AM

Selithe grins and listens to the group talk and nods to comments made before speaking up, "I don't mind which party we go to. I believe if the one person's party isn't busy that I have a gambling date to attend but otherwise I will have the rest of the night free to do this or that."

Selithe grins, clearly interested in the chance of practicing her gambling and maybe earning a few extra coins. She does look to her brothers, half expecting a nasty glare or something at her gambling impulse from them or maybe someone else.

Sunday September 5th, 2004 4:38:29 AM

Wrapping his arm tenderly around her shoulders and patting her arm with the other, "Selithe, my dear little sister. Why can't you be a good wholesome girl like that Mazie? Gambeling just doesn't become you."

Selithe  d20+3=18 d20+2=12
Monday September 6th, 2004 6:28:07 PM

(OOC:Sorry for the extra post.)

Selithe grins and watches her brother as he hugs her and she winks, "I'm a gambler brother, you and everyone knows it. It's a profession none the less and you know I'm a good girl." (Spot:18 Bluff:12)

Selithe winks, "Anyway, not only do I gamble but I can make cards, dice and other things you know. So it's not like the skills are totally useless to us or the family." Selithe looks way to happy about her skills.

Kendry  d20+6=23
Tuesday September 7th, 2004 3:40:25 AM

"Thank you, Gearge. The pair of rooms'll be great. We'll pass on the cold salt ham for the evening, thanks." He rubs himself gingerly where the ruffian had punched him in the kidney, and wonders whether he'll have a bruise from it.

As they make plans, Kendry enjoys taking in Mayzie's conversation. "'Mayazelana'? How beautiful a name!" Saddened to hear of her early orphanage, and of the death of Ereleth's own daughter, he says after a pause, "I wonder at a story such as yours, whether some high one, seeing your loss, and his, arranged or intervened to bring you two together. You lost your parents, and gained a kind Guardian. He lost his daughter, and gained you to raise in the ways of his people, and to love. Though sorrow come, comes consolation, too."

He ponders Mayzie's name, and her Aunt Rosie. Great aunt, maybe? Using his knowledge of local families and relations, he wonders whether he might piece together whether she might be a relative, and if so, how, perhaps, related [Knowledge local, 23].

"Say, Willoughby - did you catch up with the druid you chased after?" he asks his cousin.

"Selithe, I share Nalf's concern for you. Playing games is fine, but people don't like it if you bend the rules and it costs them money. But you're right - your dice and cards sell pretty well at the shops - especially in Angel Springs."

"So, let's get going to see the Lord High Burgomeister Tomas Pennyweight Breedbottom at the Steady Party. Polly, Duncan, Shale this is your town Want to lead the way?" Checking to make sure everyone's ready, Kendry heads out the Inn to find out how the current community leader's party is starting out.

[Just back from Oregon.]

Tuesday September 7th, 2004 12:55:27 PM

Still chuckling over Duncan's antics, Polly beams over to George to double-check on the location where the burgomeister's people have set up. "This way to the Steady Party," she declares, pointing her arm forward as if a spear and leading her friends onto the street.

Nalfein [SteveK] 
Tuesday September 7th, 2004 3:52:09 PM

He smiles and toussles his sister's hair, and brings out one of his yo-yos to play with. It is a sad and worried smile, though.

Tuesday September 7th, 2004 7:33:17 PM

Willoughy responded to Kendry's inquiry regarding the druid.

"Nah, he vanished in a tree. I tried to see if I could follow him, but it was solid to me. It was neat, although I wish I could have talked to him. Maybe I'll get to see him at a party this week."

Tuesday September 7th, 2004 8:14:08 PM

"In a tree? Wow! Aunt Nilli does that. She took me with her, once! We stepped into one oak tree, and came out of another one, miles away," Kendry answers. "I smelt kind of woody right after that. Yeah, I hope we can see him again, too, Willoughby. Able to do that, he has some power, he does."

Wednesday September 8th, 2004 12:10:16 AM

Selithe looks to her brother and gives him a gentle push, "No pouting, it doesn't suit you brother. Anyway, you know you love me as I am not matter."

Selithe smiles and then looks to the others, "So, off to the party we go?"

Three Parties (DM Cayzle)  d2=2 (secret DM roll)
Wednesday September 8th, 2004 7:49:33 AM

Kendry thinks a bit and remembers that his Great Grandma Dekki was a Greenhill before she was married. Mayzie's mother was a Greenhill, as was her Aunt Rosie, her mother's sister. Maybe there's a connection there, so who knows. There are some Greenhills serving in the Tower Guard, Kendry has heard, but does not know if they are related.

Of course, they say that if you put two halflings who never met in a room together, inside of ten minutes they'll be able to tell you how they are related!

After settling in at the inn, and refusing the pork in favor of party food (though the innkeeper doesn't seem to see why the two are mutually incompatible), the group goes a-partying!


At the Steady Party, aside from the help hired to serve the food, you all are clearly the youngest folk there. The big focus of the event is the Canasta Tournament. It being a card game, Selithe may find herself intrigued. If so, she can make a Profession (Gambler) check and a Concentration check: add the two together to determine the number of copper pieces she wins. Yes, this is truly a penny-ante game, and some of the elder players are a somewhat slow, or a little more than somewhat.

But the food is good, and there is plenty of cheek-pinching to go around. There's a lot of talk about how wonderful it is to see the youth out, and inquiries about grandparents and great-grandparents.

The Burgomeister takes a quick moment to say hi, and thanks you for coming. But he has a Canasta controversy to adjudicate, and off he goes.

Pretty much everybody tries to get Mayzie to eat a lot. She is too thin, and, according to sympathetic whispers that are easy for young ears to hear, an orphan too, the poor skinny thing! What? She's a dolphin! No! I said, ORPHAN! Oh.

One old fellow says to Duncan, "It's refreshing to see such a respectful young man! But you don't have to be shy!"

A younger lady -- in her fifties, arrives, and approaches the party. "What are you kids doing here? Let the old folks have their fun now. You all come back later for the square dancing -- after the granddads head off to bed!"


Heading to the Adventure Party, Mayzie at last gets her wish ... they are serving Elvish wine here! In fact, there is an elf, too, come over from Elftown in Angel Springs, telling a story of hunting for chimera in the Culverwood. There's a band, too, although the singer is a little flat. The food is plentiful and includes some exotic items, like Gnomish Coney Kabobs.

The party-goers here are, on average, a third of the age of the Steady Party goers -- unfortunately, there are only about a third as many of them, as well. You get the feeling that the "thinker" types here far outnumber the "worker" types. Nobody is actually dancing -- too shy or self-conscious, most likely.

And it is no surprise, given how few attendees there are, that the candidate himself seems nervous. But he gives it a good shot, coming over and talking to you all for a while. He continues his encouragement to you from earlier, to convince you to become an adventuring party. He thinks you all would be naturals.

But at length it is time to visit Aunt Marigold.


Everybody is flocking to Marigold's for rumberry pie! Even though it is getting later, the party is still going strong. The music is wonderful (no sign of Bobbik Mellips the musicion from earlier) -- Roll Local Knowledge DC12 to recognize these minstrels as professionals from Angel Springs.

Marigold comes right over. "My own flesh and blood!" She is glad to see you, and gives you all the very last Rumberry Pie (which she set aside for you) to share.

This party is a real party! More than half the people are dancing, more than half are eating, and, yes, some are doing both at once!

Marigold goes on at length about how she would love to have you Pipewoods and Leafwins (and your friends) come work for her after the election. She wants people she can count on, and after hearing the story about this afternoon, she is convinced that you all would be great on her staff. "I would be grateful to have friends and family with me," she adds.

If she finds out Polly has been in the militia, she will warm to the girl. She has stories of her own youth in the force -- and she made so many friends!

All those friends seem to have showed up, too. Marigold goes off to chat. It seems she is very popular.

Since it is a sure bet that Selithe will be looking, at this party she finds a handful of militia rolling high-stakes bones behind the kitchen tent. If she can make a Profession (Gambler) roll vs DC 12, she gains the result minus 12 in gold. If she fails, she loses 12 minus her result in gold. If she can't cover it, they'll take an IOU because Selithe is Marigold's niece.

At length the evening winds down, and the group heads back to the inn.

Selithe  d20+4=16 d20+6=12 d20+4=11 d20+2=5 d20+4=7
Wednesday September 8th, 2004 2:11:05 PM

Selithe grins as she enjoys the first party and chuckles and gives a sly wink as she makes her way to the gambling and enters it. After alittle while of this she walks away bouncing a bag cantaining 28 copper. She winks to her brother Nelfein, "See, and you said gambling was bad."

Selithe is greatly bored at the next party really and spends most of her time walking around and watching the people and listening to what is spoke about, specially if there is anything of importance. (listen:5) The party though and the bordom seem to much of a distraction to hear much.

At the last party Selithe homes right in on the gambling being done after telling Duncan that she would like to dance later if he would like anyway. Selithe feels like her luck will hold but unfortunetly her rolls turn out just alittle off. As she thinks and begins to hand over the gps she lost she grins, "I will have to give a IOU but how about one more roll, double or nothing?"

Depending on the answer and such Selithe will make her way back into the tent and try dancing with Duncan as long as he has not drank to much or is not busy.

(OOC:Ignore the last roll, it was a messup.)

Wednesday September 8th, 2004 3:19:22 PM

Steady Party

Mayzie calms down from her ordeal and settles down with the others. She eats lightly, a little flustered by all the people trying to make her eat. She refrains from eating her usual goodberry tonight, since she wont have any peace if she does, and eats some fruit and salad.

Adventuring Party

Mayzie feels a bit more at home here, and chats to the Party Organiser some, seemign interested in his idea. She also chats to any of the people there who are inclined to talk, mostly about politics and the future of the valley and how to look after it.

She is very happy to enjoy the elven wine though and greatly appreciate it.

She will also approach the Elf and listen to his story with interest. She will ask for news of her Guardian Ereleth in case he has passed through Elftown, since she has not seen him for a good 3 months now, which is a bit longer than usual.

Non Stop Party

Mayzie will come only reluctantly after what happened just outside it earlier. She will keep close to the others and be very careful of all these dancing people and all the pie, not wanting to get her dress dirty. She will politely try a tiny piece of Rumberry pie, and compliment the others on it since it was made by their aunt, but she wont eat too much. It looks very fattening.

Mayzie will be interested when told that she may be related distantly to some of the others. She has always believed herself to be without a family and brightens considerably at the thought that she may have relatives.

Wednesday September 8th, 2004 3:29:41 PM

Polly skips back to the inn, keyed up from all the dancing, pie, and other treats at the Non-Stop Party. She was so glad they'd saved the best for last; she'd hardly managed to survive the inactivity at the first two. And happily, Marigold had been in too much demand by other party-goers to talk her ear off for long.

She performs an impromptu twirl just before the door of George's place. "Well, I hate to call it a night just because a party's slowed down, but we do need to sleep some time, and do you think there's enough room for us all to bed down here because I don't mind heading back out to the farm and Shale's got his pony here, and besides, there are chores to be done in the morning, though I don't expect anybody to be up early for that."

She pauses, possibly to take a breath, but spotting Duncan's silly grin distracts her. As soon as she gets a chance, she pulls him aside to question him on important matters. "Well? I saw you twirling around with Selithe; was it everything you hoped?"

Wednesday September 8th, 2004 9:15:58 PM

After all the excitement of the day thus far, the Steady party was a total boor. He was friendly to his elders, of course, some of whom he had to depend on in those early days when he realized his parents weren't coming back.
Things were alot better at the Adventure party, not so much by the action but by the fact that alot of these people have been on REAL adventures. The dog-man from earlier chatted up the group for a bit while there, and at the conclusion Duncan made a point to give the man a hearty handshake. He figured that maybe his strong grip would emphasize his interest in adventuring, since he was sure the man wouldn't understand his signing. Duncan made a mental note to bring this up to his friends later on, about how much exciting it would be to go on a real life adventure!
The real fun was had at the Non-Stop party. There was plenty of food (which Duncan partook with probably too much haste), plenty of ale (which he certainly did partake in, but not tto much), and lots of dancing. Duncan loves dancing, for the expressiveness of it and also it's utility--keeping the joints and muscles limber and toned while having fun is a win-win in his eyes! He made sure to save some energy for Selithe, for when she finally came to the floor he wanted to show her a great time. She seemed a bit low at first (perhaps the gambling here wasn't as kind to her), but she seemed to enjoy herself. He even got in a slower dance, one that was a little more formal and allowed him to showcase his more complex moves. He surely hoped she was impressed!
They broke off after a bit, and Duncan was suddenly confronted by his best friend Polly. She's always looked after him since they were pups, and he could tell by the sly look on her face that she was going to grill him for details.
He began to sign in response to her inquiry, "She has feet like an angel! I hope she liked it like I" he said, unsuccessfully hiding his blush.

Wednesday September 8th, 2004 10:57:50 PM

Willoughby walked about the Steady Party and talked to any of the older people that would share a tale. He ate a bit, but he was careful to leave room for the other parties. Throughout this party, as well as the other two, Willoughby looked out for the druid from his earlier encounter.

At the Adventure Party, the elf caught Willoughby's attention. He listened to his tale and asked a few questions about the origins of chimera. It was one creature he knew little about.

When he arrived at the final party of the evening, the Nonstop Party, Willoughby greeted Marigold and grabbed a slice of rumberry pie. While eating, he thought about the rascals earlier and wondered if he would think of them every time he ate rumsberry pie.

Tired and full of food, Willoughby met up with his companions and headed back to the inn.

Nalfein  d20+4=15 d20+3=10
Thursday September 9th, 2004 12:18:41 AM

Grins at Selthie's conquest of the Canasta board. After all, she's the biggest action going on here! What a yawner! The only pleasant thing is talking about the families. It's like watching grass grow. There were a couple of interesting things said (Listen: 15), but it is hard to hear the droning when someone is pinching your cheeks.

The Adventure Party really brings Nalfein's sprirts to their lowest. These guys aren't going to win against the Steady Party! The elf wine is nice, but because he lives in Angel Springs, not something totally exotic. And it is with relief he heads to Aunt Marigold.

"Now THIS is a party!" Nalfein says happily around a mouthful of rummberry pie. He is quite happy to eat, dance, sing a little (Perform: 10), and show off his yo-yos.

"Anything we can do to help? Tell others about how great the Nonstop Party is? Bring in more voters?"

Kendry parties with his friends  d20+4=20 d20+7=22 d20+9=27 d20+6=17 d20+3=6
Thursday September 9th, 2004 2:57:55 AM

Steady Party

Kendry enjoys the Steady Party, thinking back on spending many holidays with his older relatives, listening to their stories. Not all of them are the type of folk to stir the blood, but he likes to learn about people, find out what interests them, how they spend their time, who or what they are complaining about (in small doses), as well as getting to know more family histories. He lends his ear here and there.

He wonders whether any here might want to hear the song he wrote a few weeks back, but since the Burgomeister leaves just at the time he was going to ask about that, Kendry thinks perhaps not with this older Canasta-playing crowd, at least not on this first night of parties. He keeps occasional tabs on his siblings, and tries to help fend off food-pushers who urge Mayzie to fatten herself up.

Adventuring Party
Certainly Calfast has a number of excellent ideas, and the leather-clad bard thought well of this candidate's explanation of his positions late this afternoon. How to help advance such in this community? Too bad so few are here this first night. Kendry asks whether he might sing a song about a local historical event, which might have at least a light bearing on some of the Adventuring Party's concerns [Diplomacy, 20]. If so allowed, Kendry sings in his clear tenor voice the song he styles The Testing of the Towers [Perform, Singing 22]. If the song seems well-enough received, he'll follow the last verse with the penultimate again, and repeat the last...

...So giants - 'ware the little folk
'Tis Wardd's own luck they make
You'll ne'er break the oxen's yoke
On halflings' lands you try to take!

In Crescent Vale they tell the tale
Of when the green grass grew
With twisted cords it wrapped and scored
The big'uns coming through

[For the song's full lyrics, see Kendry's letter posted September 4, 2004]

"I agree with Marigold Pipewood Pastna, that we need the militia, and we need the towers. But I also agree with Mister Calfast, that good-minded adventurers - from our own community, I hope - is something else we need. To defend ourselves. To engage in commerce, at least some'at, with the outside world, so we know what's there, and what might be comin'. And get some good for ourselves - I mean, for all of us, our friends and relations and towns here in Crescent Valley. And to have good stories to pass on to the next generations, eh?" Thinking he's going on a bit too long, he again sings the second to the last verse of his song, says, "Hurrah for Crescent Valley, and our clans. Hip hip, hurrah!" then stands down, somewhat embarrassed at how he went on about things.

Nonstop Party

Hoping that his speaking up at the Adventuring Party is not counted disloyalty - for Kendry loves his Aunt, despite that her temper occasionally bubbles over, this candidate's nephew chats folks up at her party. Enjoying the music, he recognizes the musicians, and claps in time to a song or two.

He approaches his Aunt to see if he can sing a song in support of the militia. If she grants him leave, he gives a quick intro, telling of how the giants many years ago tested the towers - and the heroics of those who fought against the incursion, and, asking Selithe and Nalfein to join in, repeats his earlier performance, albeit more competently. If the Angel Springs musicians (whom Kendry recognizes [Local Knowledge 17]) care to join in once they learn the tune, the more the merrier! [Perform, singing, with +2 from extra helpers, for a 27.]

"The Towers, bless Shafbaffum and the gods, do offer us protection. But we need our wonderful, brave militia as well! And, I think, raised up from among us, some halfling adventurers and halfling friends," he slips mention in, "who also can help in the defense of Crescent Valley. For the militia! For the defense Of Hovel and Humble's Ford - Hurrah! Of Angel Springs and Sleepy Vines - Huzzah! Of us, our families, our neighbors, our clans - Huzzah! Hurrah! Hip, hip, hurrah! Let's hear it for the Nonstop Party! Let's hear it for Marigold! For Marigold Pipewood Pastna, Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!"

Should Kendry learn that his younger sister has got herself in debt (unlikely, with Spot 6), Kendry makes careful inquiry into the amount owed, and pays off her IOU.

When it is suggested after they leave the Nonstop Party that they all retire to the Inn, Kendry asks, "But, don't we want to square dance tonight?" He's not tired!

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