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All in favor, say, "Pie!"
I want pie!

Political Parties, Crescent Valley Style! (Cayzle) 
Friday August 6th, 2004 5:39:41 AM

[OOC: This first scene has a LOT of background and detail. Please do spend the time to read it over from start to finish. Post in response if you like, but the game officially starts with the DM post on Monday. If you want to read even more (grin), go over the Crescent Valley description again. Enjoy and welcome!] 

Grandma Eglantine's powerful words were still ringing in their ears as Nalfein, Kendry, Selithe, and Willoughby left Humble's Ford. "Now, you take good care of those pies, you scamps! And don't eat any! Bring them all to Marigold, and my niece will take care of you in Hovel!"

Walking beside the mule and wagon loaded with 144 rumberry pies, the four set out to do the job that their grandmother had set them. Nalfein, the oldest, hadn't known that a visit home from Angel Springs would leave him chained to his kid brother and sister, Kendry and Selithe. But at least it would give him the chance to catch up with their cousin, Willoughby.

And this job was bringing them to a party! It is election time in the Crescent, and this year there were three candidates vying for the office of Burgomeister, the highest official in all Crescent Valley. All three towns in the Crescent -- Humble's Ford, Hovel, and Angel Springs -- were holding political parties. Each candidate was sponsoring parties -- the candidate with the most popular parties was elected Lord High Burgomeister!

That's why these rumberry pies were so important. Everybody loved rumberry pie, but the recipe was a Pastna family secret. For a gross of runberry pies, the people in Hovel would flock to Cousin Marigold's party -- the aptly named Nonstop Party.

There would be parties in Humble's Ford, of course, if you could call old folks sitting inside musty barns a party. Almost all the single and younger folks -- incuding the milita -- had high-tailed it over to Hovel or Angel Springs for real parties.

As Nalfein, Kendry, Selithe, and Willoughby trudged on the road to Hovel, Kendry wondered if his cousins on the Leafwin side had gotten his letter.


Duncan, his friend Polly, and her cousin Shale had indeed gotten Kendry's letter.

You know, I was thinking we ought to get some of our friends together sometimes soon, and go on an adventure. Like search for dragon's treasure, or rescue a princess, or foil some brigands who harry travelers, or the like.

The three of them were already headed to Hovel for the parties, and Kendry's invitation to meet them there sounded interesting. As they took in the Hovel party scene, they heard from each of the candidates.

Tomas Pennyweight Breedbottom is the incumbent Burgomeister, of course. His party is the Steady Party. He seems to be talking mostly about tradition and peace. That'll go over well in Humble's Ford, probably. 

Marigold Pipewood Pastna is related to the Pipewood cousins through their other Grandma. (Polly and Shale are related through the Burrows Leafwins -- Polly, Shale, Nalfein, Kendry, and Selithe all have the same grandma, Grandma Silkie Closebody Burrows Leafwin, and all their moms were Burrows Leafwins before marriage. Polly's mom married a Turnbell; Shale's mom married an Oakendale; and Nalfein's, Kendry's, and Selithe's mom married a Pipewood. Of course, all this family tree stuff is second nature to halflings.) Anyway, Marigold seems friendly enough, at least to the folks she knows. There are a lot of Pipewoods and Pastnas at her party, and a lot of militia. Polly says Marigold is a militia old hand, and the militia folk say she'll do right by them if she is elected. Marigold talks a lot about defense and having a good time.

The third candidate is the weird one. Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly running the Adventure Party. He seems to want more adventurers to come to the Crescent, like those Defenders of the North people -- the big folk who set up a Manor House south of Angel Springs. Lots of people say Halfling culture means NO ADVENTURES! So Calfast is the least popular candidate right now.

But to lots of people, what matters is that there are three parties in town!


Mayzie knew about the parties, of course, but what drew her like a moth to candle was the rumor that one of the parties in Hovel was serving elvish wine! That was enough to attract her interest.

Kendry leads the pony which pulls the pie cart  d20+4=24
Saturday August 7th, 2004 1:19:08 AM

As he helps guide the pony on the road between Humble's Ford and Hovel, a tall halfling (a full three and a half feet in stature) with wavy auburn hair whistles a happy tune, aided in this endeavor by a slight gap betwixt the two front teeth. His wide set hazel eyes are framed by handsome cheekbones. All together, a pleasant effect, as his face is nearly symmetrical.

"Ho, there, Biscuit, don't you wander off the path for that nice clump of grass," his voice scolds as he pulls the lead reins leftward against the pony's movement. "Your lips will turn green if you keep that sorta thing up. Besides, leaving the ruts might upset this here cart." He adds cheerfully, "You don't want even to know the wrath of Gramama Eglantine if something happens to her rumberry pies."

As Biscuit follows the hobbit's lead (handle animal, 24!) along the path, he calls over his shoulder. "Hey, Nalfein! You think you'll try wrestling Duncan again when we get to Hovel? It's fun watching two guys with such tricky moves go at it. He told me once he figured out his tricks watching some of the animals go at each other." He then makes some spitting sounds, interspersed with the yapping of a dog and "Grrrrr," a cat's hiss, and the dog's responsive high-pitched "Yip yip yip!"

Biscuit, perhaps used to the expressive actions of her short guide, only opens her eyes wide for a moment, drawing her head up an inch or two, then continues plodding along as the young one laughs.

"So, Selithe," he inquires a bit later of the one young female in the group of four hobbits. "You think Aunt Marigold will be our next mayor, sis? I hope so. But I have to admit I'm partial to the notion of finding out more about this here League of Adventurers that Tunnely talks about. Yet on the other hand, good ol' Breedbottom has been doin' a pretty decent job overall. In any case," he concludes, looking longingly back at the cart of cloth-wrapped pies, "politics sure is a tasty business!"

Sunday August 8th, 2004 2:06:45 PM

A halfling who is smaller than probably each person with her currently moves off to the side of the wagon being pulled by the mule. Selithe's pony tail bounces as she walks along and she brushes one hand over her tunic as she straightens the ruffled sleeves a little and pulls it a bit straighter. She grins since the tunic is low cut and like all of her outfits is a little showy which she knows gets her brother upset since he is like most brothers and protective.

Selithe taps her staff against the side of her pants, the pants being tight to match her shirt and of a light brown color which matches her light brown tunic. Her green eyes glance to Kendry when he speaks and she flashes a smile while she also clenches the wood pipe she currently smokes between her teeth, "I don't know brother, I would take a gamble and say that she has a chance and I would hope she could but I also think that she has better luck pulling 4 aces against me in a gamble. Breedbottom sounds like he has more propularity at the moment but we will have to wait and see. Things could change depending."

Selithe simply shrugs and taps her staff again before blowing a ring of smoke.

Monday August 9th, 2004 10:30:32 AM

"Ya know Kendry, I think Duncan has a little surprise a comin' this year." Nalfein says with a wink. "I been watching some of those animals too and I dare say his Crouching poochie hidden kitty doesn't stand a change against my happy puppy!" Nalfein does his best impression of a puppy licking its master's face before breaking down laughing. "Never see that coming in a million years."

"Now Selithe, I know you don't find my jokes that funny. What you grinning at?" Nalfein immediately regrets turning towards her, flaunting those... those... clothes? "It's downright indecent if you ask me. Wearing clothes made for someone half your size. Here, use mine." He offers, producing an extra pair of black trousers and pristine white shirt. They are far too large of course, having been cut for his 3'7" frame. But to his mind far too baggy was much better than far too small. Especially when it was his little sister.

"You are right Kendry, Politics is tasty. But when it's all said and done I hope Breadbottom stays the course. We really don't need a bunch of halflings running around pretendin' to be giant folk. We've been doin' just fine here in the valley for many years now and there's no need to go a changin' just cause we can. If it ain't broke don't fix it," he says matter-of-factly, "but if it is broke bring it to WinWood."

"Why don't you Give us some of your fine music to help the trail pass more pleasantly?"

Kendry (Kim) 
Tuesday August 10th, 2004 1:37:08 AM

Enjoying the light banter as they go along (and concurring somewhat with Nalfein's evaluation of Selithe's attire), Kendry replies, "Sure, Nalf!" to his older brother's request. He throat sings in a style passed on through generations of Crescent Valley halflings. In this peculiar vocal art, the techniques allow a singer to simultaneously sing with two, and even three or four voices. Some of his songs have no words, but in others the young bard sings of seeking mushrooms, of smoking pipes with friends by the swimming pond, and of picking blackberries just past midsummer. After a bit he asks Willoughby what he has been doing lately, as he grabs a few fresh bunches of grass for Biscuit to enjoy along the road.

The Fellowship of the Pies! (DM Stephen) 
Tuesday August 10th, 2004 2:38:20 AM

The trip to Hovel is a bit slow but still pleasant. Kendry is able to steer their wagon, with its precious cargo, clear of any bumps and holes in the road. He understands the need to travel slow. One harsh collision with a dip in the road could very well break the golden brown pie crust or flip a pie over completely. A rumberry pie is a terrible thing to waste!

All along the way, the four Pipewoods are met with smiles and greetings from local Crescent Valley residents. They come from all over the valley to attend the various parties. Most have to camp along the side of the road because of the lack of rooms at the inns. Small children walk with you as the wagon rolls by. Many only wish to catch a glimpse at the wonderful pies they smell. Other children ask countless questions. No one answer seems to satisfy their insatible curiosity. They pout and whine annoyingly when their parents call them back.

The 'fellowship of the pies' finally arrive at the entrance to Hovel. The streets are teaming with hobbits. The camps of party-goers dot the surrounding landscape in greater number. Many halflings nearby celebrate your arrival with a sudden clap and cheer only to quickly get back to their chores. You all hear musical instruments being tuned and practiced upon. The scent of stews, meats, fresh-baked breads and sweet pastries fills your nostrils. Colorful flags and banners also flap in the wind. There's an energy in the air, the kind you can't describe, but it fills your hearts with excitement and anticipation.

A gang of six young halflings suddenly approach your wagon. The apparent leader of the pack jumps down from an over-hanging tree branch and joins them. He takes the corn cob pipe from his lips and yells, "Hey! What you got there in the wagon? Is that Rumberry?! Let us see. Give us one!"

(Those not entered into play so far may do so. You are all a witness, in some way, to what is happening. You may put yourself into the scene any way you see fit.)

Kendry  d20+4=20
Tuesday August 10th, 2004 3:29:58 AM

"Ah, yes indeed, you have fine schnozzles for discerning rumberry pie, and made by our own Grandma Eglantine herself. Family recipe, you know!" Kendry answers the toughs.

"And she herself charged us to get all of them to a certain place. You'll be welcome to sample her rumberry pie, when they are offered to those who attend a certain political party later today. Come along, and your patience - and certainly patience is a virtue, which I encourage you all to practice - will be rewarded, along with your tastebuds, which will appreciate the rumberry all the more for the delay.

"Let us test your mettle. Are you strong enough, and brave enough, and tough enough, to marshal your appetites, and taste it at the proper time? If you can wait, you are good halflings, indeed. Quarterlings would lack the character to wait. Tell you what - you talented fellows gather up a good crowd for Marigold Pipewood Pastna's party, and I'll see to it that each one of you gets half a pie. Hmm - I see seven of you. That'd be three and a half pies - and I'll have the last half of the fourth pie with you. AT the party. What do you say? How many folks can you gather for the party, eh? One each? Two? Sixteen?" he asks both with a smile, and a bit of a challenge. [Diplomacy 20.] He stands before the cart, keeping himself between the cart and the apparent leader, trusting his siblings and Willoughby to help in defense of the precious pies, should more than a verbal defense be called for.

Nalfein  d20+1=17
Tuesday August 10th, 2004 10:41:38 AM

"I don't know Kendry. I'm not sure they have that many friends between them let alone each." Nalfin says with a laugh. Hoping to, in his own way help his brother goad the youths into proving otherwise. (Aid another Diplomacy = 17)"Half a pie is an awfully big reward. But I guess it doesn't matter since they couldn't possibly come up with that many people. Could they?"

Duncan  d20+7=22
Tuesday August 10th, 2004 7:39:35 PM

Duncan sat for most of the day in the boughs of his favorite tree in quiet meditation--it was his favorite because it could be hard to see someone in its leafy embrace, and because of its close proximity to the entrance to town. He knew Kendry and his kin would be rolling into town soon, and rumor had it that they would be laden down with Auntie Eglantine's famous rumberry pies. If seeing his friends again wasn't enough incentive to wait at the edge of town, the pies surely were.
In the distance he could see the cart finally approach, with Kendry at the reins, Nalfein and Willoughby walking alongside, and Selithe riding with the delectable delicacies. 'Beautiful Selithe' Duncan thought to himself as he watched their approach, there was a lass that would be a fine catch for any gentlehobbit in the valley, but Duncan had vowed that he would be the first to get a dance from her at the party tonight, don't you doubt.
So distracted was Duncan that he failed to hear the coming of a group of halfling youths that ran boldly to intercept the cart just yards away from his tree. From their swagger and the bits of conversation he could hear it looked as if they had designs on gaining the pies before the festivities began. Kendry and Nalfein stood between them and their tasty prize, and appeared to be negotiating their way past the ruffians without giving them a good knock. But Duncan knew Nalfein, and he was sure he wouldn't let any of the youths get at those pies without a bruise or two.
Duncan had left his staff on the ground by the tree, but up in this mighty oak there were plenty of hefty acorns in easy reach. With a bit of a mischevious grin, Duncan plucked one of those acorns, and decided to give it a toss at Nalfein. He would try it discretely, so as to not let the youths know he was watching all of this from above. If Nalfein knew he was up in the tree, he was sure that the pies would be safe, and they might just have a little fun and exercise at the expense of the hasty hobbit pie-thieves.
With careful aim, Duncan let the acorn fly (roll of 22) and plastered his best howdy-doo grin and waited for Nalfein to give the signal.

Wednesday August 11th, 2004 1:13:55 AM

Selithe sighs and shakes her head at the halfling thugs, thinking "I thought only bigger folk did this".

After listening for a moment she puffs a few more clouds of smoke and grins stepping forward, "boys boys, You would act this way infront of a nice lady and on such a beautiful day as this? I mean there are beautiful ladies to dance with, drinks to be had and food to be had later as well. Why ruin such a fine day with such acts when there are so many much better things to do this fine day."

Selithe pulls a deck of cards quickly from her pocket and pulls the four aces on top of the deck and spreads them in a fan formation as she begins waving them like a fan now also, "ahh, it is kind of hot out here also and all this talking is making me thirsty. Maybe one of you know a nice place to get something to drink and maybe a friendly game before the fun begins at the festeval of sorts."

Selithe grins since she is trying to use her normal flair and charm along with hoping being a female scores her some points also. (didn't roll a diplomacy check but will if needed for my post. First time in 3 years for playing a female so people let me know what you think so far.)

Wednesday August 11th, 2004 2:08:05 AM

Polly waves to roadside campers as she jogs into Hovel, her damp trousers and blouse barely beginning to dry. Granny Clover had announced that she'd be attending "that young Tunnelly nipper's" party, and when the household threw themselves into the ensuing debate, Polly volunteered to take bathtime duty. Why stand around talking when you could chase wet children around the burrow?

Of course, it might have been smart to do so before putting on her visiting clothes, but she'd been so muddy when she got home. With so many militia in town for the parties, the officers had organized a fantastic game of Tree and Tower earlier that day, and things had gotten rambunctious.

Much like Hovel itself, Polly thinks, spotting some of her Leafwin Pipewood cousins through the crowd. She shakes her head as she slows down, not surprised to see Selithe break out the cards barely steps into town. Stepping out to stand behind Nalfein, she confides to him a bit loudly, "You know, there are a lot of militia in town. I bet it'd be easy to convince some of them to go to Marigold's party." She winks at the youngsters.

Sweet Success (DM Stephen)  d20+2=16 d20+1=21 d20+1=17 d20+1=3 d20+1=3 d20+1=4 d20+1=15 d100=42 d6=1 d20+3=18
Wednesday August 11th, 2004 2:44:50 AM

The halfling puts his corncob pipe back to his lips and takes a few puffs. He wasn't expecting this kind of response. Several of the others look at each other with wide eyes and smiles. The idea of having half a pie for each of themselves sounds much better then sharing only a single pie. One among the group isn't impressed with their words and steps forward. "Why should we believe the likes of ...!" The boy with the pipe interupts his friend and sneers at him scornfully. "Shhhh! Shut up, Topher! I'm talking here!"

During the arguement, Nalfein feels an acorn bounce off his shoulder. If his curiosity gets the better of him a simple glance upward will reveal a friendly face. (Spot check 12)

Polly then shows up and makes her comment about the militia. The leader of the gang allows that information to sink in as he quickly makes up his mind. He takes the pipe from his lips and points the mouthpiece at Kendry. "Alright then, we'll play your game. We'll get you your party goers, sure enough! You better make good with the pies!" He turns back to his gang and motions for them to leave. A curly-haired boy in the gang actually seems enticed to play a game of cards when Selithe flashes her fan of aces. Again, the leader enforces his will on the others. "She's only luring you in, stupid! She'll rob you blind. Come on, lets go!" As they walk away, the pipe smoker yells back without turning around, "We'll be see you guys later."

The threat of a scuffle is at least postponed for now. You all now have a little time to greet one another and finish your task before you draw anymore unwanted attention. As you all begin to get ready and finish your delivery, you can't help but notice someone else watching you. He looks to be quite impressed with the way the problem was handled. It's the Steady Party candidate himself, Burgomeister Tomas! Several of his lackeys are loading chairs and supplies into his wagon. Obviously in preparation of his own party. He beckons for all of you to come over to him.

Kendry, amidst dangers galore  d20+3=7
Wednesday August 11th, 2004 4:55:30 AM

Kendry sends a silent prayer toward Wardd for his good fortune in having such a terrific family, cousins included. He nods in acknowledgement of the gang leader's acceptance of the challenge and reward. As the young halflings head away, Kendry gives Selithe a brotherly wink. He does not notice Duncan at first (Spot 7).

He notes that Willoughby is keeping a good eye on the cart, so turns, gives his brother an appreciative punch in the shoulder on his way past him. "Polly!" he says, giving his cousin's hand a light squeeze. "Good to see you." As he notices the dampness of her clothes, he asks, "Been swimming?"

Kendry hand signals to his family to keep an eye out for the pies as they begin to move on toward Aunt Marigold's burrow. He takes up the mare's reins.

Ah, let more politicking take place. "Excellent to see you, good Burgomeister Tomas!" Kendry raises his voice in greeting. "We see you are busy in preparation for your party. I trust your day is well?"

Lord High Burgomeister Tomas Pennyweight Breedbottom (Cayzle) 
Wednesday August 11th, 2004 9:44:29 AM

The incumbent burgomeister offers a grandfatherly (i.e., lacking a couple teeth) smile as the young halflings draw near.

"Welcome to Hovel, youngsters! It is excellent to see such upright youths as yourselves working to sustain our traditions!"

Clarifying his remarks, it is clear that the grey-haired, well-dressed halfling has lost none of his auditory acuity -- he seems to have heard every word of the exchange with the pie-seekers.

"Are you fine young people working in the cause of our democratic process? If so, I thank you for the way you turned those ruddy scalawags from hooliganism to vote-gathering! Well done!"

"And I hope that when it comes time for you to attend to your civic duty, you will enjoy the wholesome entertainments at the Steady Party."

Tomas seems to be specifically not looking at Selithe when he says, "wholesome entertainments."

The burgomeister's hand jingles in his pocket as he sees what the group has to say.

Polly  d20+8=20 d20+1=6
Wednesday August 11th, 2004 3:32:33 PM

"I've been capturing soapy fish and smothering them with towels. It's amazing how big those fish are this season." Polly makes a quick circuit of the wagon, greeting everyone and pausing to peek at the pies and take an appreciative sniff. "Selithe, wait till you hear what Annice has been up to. Hi, Willoughby; it's nice to see you again. Did you come for the parties, or has Kendry talked you into this adventuring idea of his? Granny Clover had a thought or two about it, and Shale and Duncan --"

She breaks off as they approach the burgomeister's wagon, and smiles politely at him for all of half a minute before turning in place to scan the crowds. "Cousins, have any of you seen Duncan? I thought he'd be waiting for you out here." She hops up onto a nearby low wall (Jump=20) and searches the bustle of activity for the point of calm that characterizes their quiet friend. (Spot=6)

Wednesday August 11th, 2004 5:15:29 PM

Willoughby waved at Polly and responded to her question.

"'Lo there, Polly. Great seeing you here! The parties in particular brought me, but it looks like Kendry is already leading us into some type of adventure," he said while referring to the encounter with the hoodlums.

After Burgomeister Tomas spoke, Willoughby nodded in the candidate's direction.

"I believe you have witnessed the first time my cousins' mouths have got them out of trouble rather than in it!" he said in jest. "I hope whoever wins this election takes care of the seemingly abundant pie bandit population," he said while he circled the wagon and made sure no one was reaching for something they shouldn't be.

Wednesday August 11th, 2004 8:59:31 PM

Selithe snaps the cards back into a neat row and puts them up, giggling alittle when the boys move off and looks to her brothers, "Well darn, such a promiseing bunch for a good gamble and yet they wouldn't take me up on it." She breaks out into a big grin and shrugs.

As the group moves over to see Burgomeister, Polly shows up and Selithe rushes over and hugs her, "Polly! it has been to long since I seen you. Still the straight arrow?" Selithe grins at the straight arrow comment and gives Polly a wink to let her know she is joking with her, "You have been trying atleast some of the card tricks I showed you I hope. I don't want to be the only gambling halfling lady around." Selithe smiles, happy to have a fellow girl around, not that her brothers aren't nice but having another girl to talk with about girl things is nice.

Selithe looks to Burgomeister and smiles, "Thank you for such compliments sir Burgomeister. I'm sure your party and everything will be great and we all are looking forward to it." Selithe thinks and smiles, "Maybe we could have a simply and friendly game later. I bet your good at card games, I figure politics and gambling have alot in common?" Selithe smiles and puffs a few times on her pipe, hoping her words are not taking as a insult.

Thursday August 12th, 2004 12:12:07 AM

"Why, thank you for your gracious invitation. Now, as you may ken, we have a commitment to attend Aunt Marigold's party. But tell us, good Burgomeister -- and please, I hope you not think me impertinent in the asking -- but, if you were to compare and contrast yourself with your two main contestants in the election, what do you think are your strong suits?" he asks with an involuntary glance in Selithe's direction, then, eyes returning square to the Burgomeister, he adds, "Where do you perceive your fellow candidates' weaknesses, or strengths, in relationship to those of your honor? What of defense, and what are your thoughts on the notion of encouraging adventuring groups? I must add, I believe you have done an admirable job, sir, and merit honor for your service to Crescent Valley."

Nalfein  d20+2=3
Thursday August 12th, 2004 6:07:59 AM

"What the?" Nalfein yelp in surprise at the assault on his person. "Who threw that?" (Spot 3) "Oh so I guess it's just a rainin acorns this day is it? Blast those hooligans. And you..." Nalfein says, putting Kendry in a head lock and nuggieing him. "Not even a word of protest. Nothing to defend me or my pride. Honestly. They pelt ME with acorns and YOU offer them pie." The good natured halfing is all jest. Figuring that it must have been dropped by an acorn laden swallow.

"Ah my good Burgomeister. How goes the politicing? Can we count on you to make a showing at our party? " he asks, indicating the infamously delectable pies. "No halfling worth the title would pass up the chance at these goodies, just look what we go through to bring them to the good folk."

"Come on Ken. We got a ways to go yet and a whole party to help set up. No more dilly dallying else the rest of the town may turn out to abscond with our confections."

Shale  d20=16
Thursday August 12th, 2004 3:08:00 PM

Shale smiles heartily at everyone in turn, even the old politician. (Spot 16) Looking up he spots Duncan in the tree, his smile changes to a gleeful grin. Thinking for a second he decides to keep quiet, waiting patiently.

Thursday August 12th, 2004 3:39:41 PM

Mayzie looks out of the window of her little house, getting the last of the washing done to hang up on the line just behind the large herb garden she keeps behind the house.

Seeing large numbers of people wandering everywhere she remembers the political parties taking place today. Mayzie shrugs to herself. She definitely has an interest in politics but she doesnt think any of the candidates take the Valleys defense seriously enough. Then, remembering, Mayzie thinks to herself 'Ohh I do believe Ive heard that one of them is going to be serving elven wine...' It had been several weeks since Mayzie had had any elven wine, or indeed elven food....

Hanging up the clothes neatly, the bigger items in the middle and the little ones at each end, Mayzie goes back inside and fetches one of her finest elven dresses to wear. The elven childs dress fits her perfectly, and putting silk ribbons in her hair, Mayzie is quite a sight, if an unusual one. She doesnt often get the chance to dress up and she decides to enjoy the opportunity.

Now the problem is, three parties, and no idea which one to go to for the wine. Oh well. Hovel is not that big a town. Setting out of her door, she heads towards the nearest of the parties to where she lives.

Lord High Burgomeister Tomas Pennyweight Breedbottom (Cayzle) 
Thursday August 12th, 2004 4:03:02 PM

The genteel halfling sticks his thumbs in his fine leather belt and laughs when Will and Nalfein make their jests.

He winks at Selithe and answers her back, "Come by the Steady Party tonight and I'll sit you a hand of Canasta or Euchre!"

At Kendry's question, Tomas smiles and says, "Oh, don't give a politician such an open ended question, my lad! Fortunately for you, I don;t have the time to do your questions justice. Honestly, I don't like to criticize my honorable opponents. I do think that my agenda features less edacity than the respected Miss Pastna. And I think that the enthusiastic Master Tunnely does not have enough true respect for the noble traditions of our people."

[The burgomeister seems to be hinting at more than he is saying. If you can make a Sense Motive (or Wisdom) check vs. DC15, highlite the hidden text for your intuition: Highlight to display spoiler: {Tomas thinks Pastna is a greedy opportunist and Tunnelly is just wacko.}]

The burgomeister then smiles at Malfein, Selithe, Willoghby, and Kendry. "Such devotion to tradition cannot go unrewarded! Here, please take this small token of my esteem." He offers each of the four a clinking pouch. If you take it and open it, you will see that each small pouch holds 5 platinum pieces.

"No time now to chat!" he cries, turning to the lackeys who are now done with their chores. "See you all tonight at the Steady Party!" He listens to any final words and makes an exit.

Thursday August 12th, 2004 6:05:50 PM

"Bribes?" Nalfein asks no one inperticular. bouncing the pouch lightly in his hand. "And if we don't return them I assume our vote will be assumed or we will be arested as thieves."

"Ah politics is a dirty game. I'm afraid I simply can not accept this. And I'm sure that my siblings feel the same way. Don't you?" The last is said with just a hint of brotherly over bearing. Leaving no doubt that Nalfein will be quite upset if the pouches are not returned at once.

Thursday August 12th, 2004 7:28:51 PM

Duncan laughs heartily, though silently, to himself as Nalfein looks around in vain for the "bird" that knocked him with an acorn. He was so thouroughly pleased with himself that he continued to watch his friends talk to the Burgomeister, giving a polite and playful wave to Shale, who just happens to spot him. When the Burgomeister hands his friends all small pouches Duncan rethinks his position, and readies to leap down to see if he can get one. But the Burgomeister begins to walk off before he can, and Duncan didn't want to appear like a mooch and chase the hobbit down.
Duncan finally exits the tree, hopping to the ground so nimbly that nary a clover is stirred by his landing. With the tip of his left big toe, he flips his staff up into his waiting hands and runs over to where his friends are gathered.
Running up to Nalfein, Duncan siezes him from behind in a friendly hug, first pointing to Nalfie's head and to himself, revealing himself as the mystery pelter. Then, with a flurry of hand gestures, Duncan begins to speak.
"Hiya ladies and gents! Too bad me and Nalfie didn't get to roll on those youngins. It's so good to see you all again," Duncan finishes by giving each of his old friends a hug, lingering slightly longer on Selithe (my how good she smells!).
"So, are we going to old man Breedbottom's party or what? And when do we get to dig into Eglantine's pies?"

Willoughby  d20+2=20
Friday August 13th, 2004 12:19:37 AM

"Heck, I kept my mouth shut the entire time. The others did the talking. 'Fraid I can't accept this," Willoughby said as the Burgomeister attempted to hand him the pouch.

The halfling didn't notice Duncan in the tree, and he was fairly surprised to see him all of the sudden. He took a few moments to regain his composure before speaking. "Ah! There's Duncan," he said before they embraced. "It's good to see you."

Friday August 13th, 2004 1:26:15 AM

"And there's Duncan." Polly hops down from her vantage point, still hanging back from her cousins' conversation with Tomas. She nudges Shale with her elbow. "I just don't want to talk to him until I see what his party is like. Do you think they'll let us help unload the pies?"

Friday August 13th, 2004 1:57:47 AM

Selithe smiles when the pouch is handed too her and glances in it. Her little gambler mind kicked into over drive for a moment till her old brother comments on everything and she grins as she looks to Nalfein and jokingly comments, "Well, won't be the first time I been in trouble with the law. It might be fun."

Selithe is greatly suprised to see Duncan and hugs him tightly when he hugs her, speaking to him and hoping he can pick up her words by lip reading or something since she had great trouble picking up the sign language, she being much better with cards, "Hi Duncan. I haven't seen you since being sent to live with Polly's mom and her. My you look more grownup since then."

Selithe glances to Polly and gives a wink to her, "Going to have to watch Duncan here, he has the makings of a fine heart taker and breaker." Selithe puffs on her pipe alittle more before finally apping the remaining and mainly used up tabbaco (yes, can't spell it, is clearly not a smoker in person LOL) and puts up her pipe till later, glad she carried enough pipe fillings for awhile. Selithe looks to the others an taps her staff agasint the wagon, "Well, lead the way dear brothers or does us girls have to lead you." Selithe says the last part with a grin and winks at her brothers, clearly in the joking spirit today.

The Hustle and Bustle of Hovel (DM Stephen)  d20+15=26
Friday August 13th, 2004 2:11:01 AM

The Burgomeister seems a little surprised that the small pouch is handed back to him. Before he can react, one of his lackeys drop a crate that makes a sound of breaking dinner plates. The Burgomeister winces as he turns around to survey the damage.

While some of you look around, a banner can be seen just a few blocks away that reads, "Come To The Party That Never Stops ... The Nonstop Party!" You see the edge of an open tent with an elaborately ornamented design. Several workers are still tying down its supports ropes. Some of the ruffians from before are standing near the tent looking around. One seems to spot someone he knows and goes off running after them. The other stomps his foot in aggrivation. He then scans the area and runs off in another direction.

Around the corner comes walking a hobbit that appears somewhat familiar. He wears a druidic vestment and walks with a staff. His cloak is a brilliant green with gold trim. A circlet of jade, carved to appear like a garland of holly and mistletoe, rests upon his head of long black hair. He nods with a smile as he passes by on his way out of Hovel. The Burgomeister catches a glimpse and begins to wave until he realizes that the druid wasnt looking in his direction.

Shale  d20=2
Friday August 13th, 2004 2:57:24 AM

Shale removes his dusty old hat to scratch his head and places it back over his wild hair. (Sense Motive=5) Watching the events of the day unfold very carefully, he grins over at Polly, "I certainly hope so" lowering his voice a little he adds, "ifn they do I'm sure I'll get a sneak preview of the flavor".

Trying not to stare Shale is obviously curious as to whom the staff carrying halfling may be, but quickly refocuses his attention on the party at hand. With a quick smile and a flourishing gesture towards the tent he inquires, "Shall we?"

Kendry  d20+3=12
Friday August 13th, 2004 5:51:12 AM

"Nevertheless, Burgomeister Tomas, I should like to hear in more detail your thoughts on our governance. Perhaps later, should Wardd so grant..."

[Sense motive: 12]

Kendry answers Nalfein, "A token of esteem is not to be confused with a bribe." He ducks out of the way if his brother looks likely to attempt another noogie.

Seeing Duncan, he signs to him, 'Friend, your toes are well? Squirrels eat your grapes today?' He loves to sign nonsense to his monk buddy. "Glad you could drop in on us, Dunc! You want her pies? Stick with us!"

Knowing many druids, as the Leafwin Pipewood children's mother is herself a druid, Kendry returns the wave. He whispers, 'Hey, Shale cuz, is he the one who visited your father, and you, later?', and offers the man's name in greeting should they be acquainted. If he does know him, he asks if all is well, and whether he might want to pause for a bit for some rumberry pie in the tent beyond (if, based on his acquaintance with him, such a question would not seem too out of bounds to ask).

Then, remembering his duty, he takes up patient Biscuit's reins again, and leads her and the full cart of Grandma Eglatine's pies to the Nonstop Party tent, singing a two-part round for the remaining distance to the Nonstop Party's tent, and encouraging his siblings, and cousins, and friends to join in on the round.

Rumberry pies, Pies of Rumberry
Tasty and rare, better than sherry
Vote ye tonight, take your delight
With rumberry pies at the Nonstop Party!

Kendry  d20+6=23
Saturday August 14th, 2004 12:55:50 AM

[Knowledge (local) roll to recall name or identification of druid: 23]

Saturday August 14th, 2004 6:30:29 AM

Mayzie will walk round the town, daintily to avoid getting mud on her dress, careful not to get jostled by the people milling about or to get splashed byt he carts carrying delicacies and other equipment to the various parties.

Trotting up behind her an enourmous white wolf pads up to her.

'Oh there you are.' She says to him. 'I wondered where you'd got to. Off hunting again? Or paying court to that she dog across the fields? You know she runs three leagues at the sight of you, you great lumox' Looking abashed the huge wolf nudges Mayzie with his big head, whereupon she ruffles his fur.

'Hey, watch that fur you woolheaded hound, if you ruin my dress I'll make you into a rug.'

The pair then stride along the road, eventually ending up at the entrance to party being run by the lady hobbit.

'If anyone is going to be serving wine, it will be the girl' Mayzie says to the wolf 'men like their ale too much, and it turns their tongue to wood so they cant taste delicate flavours anymore. Only one way to find out though'

Saturday August 14th, 2004 6:53:53 AM

"Greetings Duncan." Nalfein pipes in. "Now stop it with that rediculous flapping. You know I don't speak flail."

"Greetings to you friend of nature." Smiling Nalfein tips his hat to the druid walking past. With his naturaly cheery attitude and his line of work everyone was a close friend untill they showed otherwise. "What say you on the weather this day? Can we count on clear skies for the parties or should we put the rain fly up?" No matter what happened Nalfein was certain that the parties would last long into the night. But the party that never stops would certainly be less festive if the pies were to be ruined before they were enjoyed.

"Well. We best get these pie to the party. Lead on Kendry"

"Rumberry pies, Pies of Rumberry
Tasty and rare, better than sherry
Vote ye tonight, take your delight
With rumberry pies at the Nonstop Party!"

Saturday August 14th, 2004 11:38:27 AM

"And the work of unloading would be its own reward." Polly grins at Shale. "But I wouldn't turn down a taste."

"Come on, Selithe; what makes you think Duncan isn't already trampling hearts into the dust?" She claps a hand on Duncan's shoulder. "There's the Greenhill Treetender girl over by Marigold's tent. Would she make a likely victim?"

Saturday August 14th, 2004 12:48:45 PM

Duncan smirks at Kendry's slaying of the Sign, pointing at his friend and swirling his finger at his own head in a circle, "you're crazy," Duncan suggests while turning his smirk back into a smile. Duncan's boyish cheeks turned bright crimson at Selithe and Polly's teasing, and heads over to the wagon, grabbing a pony by the muzzle while petting it fondly between its ears. As Kendry led the cart to the Nonstop Party tent, and led in the singing of his pie song, Duncan walked backwards in front of the cart, facing the cart and waving his hands in the air in the rhythmic manner of the Hovel Ladybugs Choir maestro, contributing in his own way to the merryment of the procession.

Saturday August 14th, 2004 11:27:11 PM

The thoughts of the rumberry pies left Willoughby's head (briefly) as he noticed the druid waving to someone in his direction. He put a smile on his face to seem friendly.

"Hey, do any of you know that fellow over there?" he asked his companions. "He seems familiar, but I can't seem to match a name with the face."

Making Friends (DM Stephen)  d100=45 d100=26 d6=5 d6=2 d20+2=13 d20+5=8 d20+7=26
Sunday August 15th, 2004 3:17:15 AM

Shale and Kendry don't sense any malciousness or hint of slander in the Burgomeister's words. The rest appear disinterested in the conversation. Shale is content to continue on to the NoStop Party tent but Kendry seems to have taken an interest in the druid that passed by. Willoughby's interest has peaked as well. The person that the traveling hobbit reminds Kendry of is not a hobbit at all ... it's one of the adventurers who live outside Angel Springs. The one called Myrridan the Wild! But he's one of them tallfolk ... 'a human-dryad something', as Kendry recalls?! Whoever or whatever he is, the druid keeps on walking after leaving town. He's looks to be heading toward a small group of trees.

The Burgomeister seems a little upset and shamed that the group wouldn't accept his gift. "There was a time when a gift was..." Tomas suddenly pauses. After a short sigh, he then concludes with, "oh, forget it." He turns around and continues directing his lackeys. His old tired joints force him to limp back to his wagon. That limp seems more pronounced now. Maybe the winds of change makes him feel a little bit colder and misplaced.

Mayzie continues on into town to take in the sights. When her wolf shows up, many nervous halflings give the animal a wide berth. A freightened mother grabs her small child and goes running back into her house. The door slams shut and locks. You can see her peeking out a window. In the distance two excited halflings are talking to a member of the militia and points in your direction. The militiaman looks to try and calm their worries. He then calls for someone to come over who is out of your sight. You're instantly reminded that wild animals may be friendlier in Crescent Valley, but they still make many of the city-dwelling halflings uneasy.

Sunday August 15th, 2004 4:52:07 AM

At Duncan's sign telling him he's crazy, Kendry crosses his eyes and sticks out his tongue for an instant.

The bard marks the grove of trees the Myrridan-like halfling travels toward, and fixes the features of the passing druid in his mind, hoping to talk with him some other time.

Kendry earlier had not refused the token of esteem from the Lord High Burgomeister Tomas Pennyweight Breedbottom, but had nodded his thanks to the hobbit leader, despite his brother's labeling it a bribe. Kendry did not so deem it, and indeed, believes the man worthy of honor for his long service to the citizens of the area.

Noting as well the apparently dispirited departure of the good Burgomeister, Kendry does hope to be able to talk with him later, and feels a bit sad for him. He thinks he needs to learn more about how their community is run.

He chuckles in the midst of his mental ramblings, thinking that his thoughts dart about almost as much as his dear cousin Polly does.

Who did she tell Duncan that willowy gal ahead was? A something Treetender? Hey! A wolf! Just like the ones Aunt Nilli has in the Culverwood.

As they draw up to Aunt Marigold's party place, Kendry narrows his focus to the task at hand, sings one last time the round, joins Duncan in directing his fellow singers in drawing the Rumberry Round to a close. To Willoughby and any nearby, he says, "The druid reminds me of a fellow named Myrridan the Wild - but he's a tall, unlike the one we saw. You can never tell with those druids, though. Changing the way they look and all."

Sticking his head inside the tent, Kendry calls out in a clear voice. "Marigold Pipewood Pastna! Aunt Marigold! We've all brought Grandma Eglantine's rumberry pies! Where to put them?"

Sunday August 15th, 2004 8:21:18 AM

Mayzie sees the glances and pointing fingers and sighs. 'Go on with you Ghost. You know you're not supposed to follow me into town.'

The Wolf whines, nuzzling Mayzie who runs her hand through his shaggy fur.

'Go on with you. Get back to the house. Yes these are silly folk who don't understand you. I know, I know. Go on with you. I'll be back home soon.'

The wolf reluctantly bounds off back to Mayzie's house, no doubt frightening several other people on the way back out.

Mayzie, returning stares and pointed fingers with cold glares, continues looking for the party.

Sunday August 15th, 2004 2:47:10 PM

Selithe watches Burgomeister walk away and looks to Nalfein and sighs, "We will have to visit with him later brother and try to make a better impression. I think we might of hurt the poor guys feelings."

Selithe thinks and moment a calls after him, "I'll be sure to look you up for the game Sir Burgomeister, later this day if you have time."

Selithe moves with the rest to deliver the pies, once reaching Aunt Marigold she greets her politely and smiles, "Yep, the pies sure smell good this year also. I think Grandma Eglantine put extra care in making these ones."

(OOC:Sorry for throwing a ooc comment in here but I was wonder if as ADM if I should be doing the ADM reports? I completely forgot about them till today and am sorry if I have been neglecting that duty.)

Monday August 16th, 2004 7:07:43 AM

Nalfein wears an uncharacteristicaly solemn face. Lost in thought he only half notices what is going on around him. Selithe is right. He probably should have just accepted the gift. but to take money from one of the candidates on the day of decision. And on his way to another party at that. It just didn't feel right.

"Perhaps I was a bit hasty... I just... It just... Why today? Sure he's a great guy, and he has done a great job. I just..." Nalfein's swirl of unfinished thoughts reflected the turmoil of his soul. "I don't want him to be hurt. I'll be right back."

With that Nalfein would leave his siblings for a short while, confident that they could make it to the party with or without him, and scamper off to make peace with the Burgomeister. Once he had relocated the would be benefactor he pours out a heart felt appology.

"I am so sorry lord Burgomeister. I meant no disrespect. I would simply hate for anyone to sugest impropriety when you win this year. I hope there are no hard feelings."

Monday August 16th, 2004 2:13:03 PM

Trying not to laugh at Duncan and Kendry's antics, Polly helps bring her part of the pie round to a close, more or less on beat. She watches as the wolf lopes off through the crowds, then approaches the Treetender girl.

"Hey, there. I guess your friend didn't like our singing. Sorry if we scared him off."

Monday August 16th, 2004 8:02:28 PM

Willoughby was unable to take his eyes off the druid, especially when Kendry recognized him. His curiosity began to overflow.

If that is indeed Myrridan the Wild, he must know a lot about the history of the area and beyond. I would really like to talk to him for a moment or seventeen!

When the druid started walking towards the small group of trees, Willoughby worried that he was departing.

"It looks like he's leaving! Maybe I should speak with him? After all, he did wave at us!" he said and without waiting for a response from his companions, Willoughby began running towards the direction of the druid.

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