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DM Rob - "Better.... Lets get this menagerie moving...." 
Thursday September 22nd, 2016 8:07:37 AM

It is a lovely spring afternoon for Flufferbutter the rabbit. His wife was in the burrow tending after the young, and he'd taken the opportunity to get a few minutes peace in the setting sun. Bounding through the daisies that scattered the meadow he realised that life was good. Yes, Maab truly had blessed...


Atlas and Mack are successful in hunting a rabbit today.

Curiously, Mack rates Atlas a 9 out of 10 when it comes to trustworthiness. A high rating, to be sure, why not the perfect 10?

Osul double checks his possesions and finding both things there, is content.

Armand let's Zulok have his moment with the fire, but points out the problem with having a fire at night: by the time you can see something, they've already found you.

Carver enjoys the chance to stretch his legs. His new shoes making the journey quite easy.

Leskni has a quiet word with Atlas. If worst comes to worst, to try and not do any lethal damage to Eclyndryl.

Owen relaxes. Finally the party are acting maturely and like friends. Well, except for Zulok of course.

If Zulok has picked up on any animosity, it doesn't show.

Dinner is delicious and enough to fill the bellies of all.

The camp fire is smothered, and the night watches commence.


During the third watch (Leskni, Mack, Owen) notice everything goes quiet. No birds or crickets. Just the gentle snoring of the others. Zulok is seated cross-legged and wide awake.

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