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Leskni (Paul Jackson) AC: 15/14/11; HP 35/35; CMD: 16 Character Sheet 
Thursday September 22nd, 2016 9:40:48 AM

Leskni quickly calls on Pella to assume his large battle form.

She will then start to quietly wake the others up, starting with Carver and then Atlas.

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 21 (T 13 FF 18), CMD: 22/17; HP 58/58 Character Sheet  d20+9=27 ;
Thursday September 22nd, 2016 10:48:56 AM

Atlas startles awake in the middle of one of his rather obnoxious snores. "Sorry, I'll be more quiet." He turns over to go back to sleep, but eventually realizes this is something more than his snoring keeping people awake. Wow, I don't usually sleep that hard.

Atlas quietly jumps up with his sword and shield, prepared for battle as usual. He shakes his head to clear the last memories of a sad dream he was having about the rabbit they had for dinner, and looks around to see what the emergency is. He whispers, "What is it Leskni?"

Perception Check upon waking: 1d20+9=27

ooc: I laughed out loud when I read the Flutterbutter story, but I think I did feel a tear well up. Not sure if it was from the laughing or sadness ;-) Well done!

Armand (Robert D) AC 16/touch11/flat15 HP 50/50 CMD 17 Character Sheet  d20+4=20 ;
Thursday September 22nd, 2016 3:41:38 PM

Armand wakes up. He crouches and picks up his crossbow. He scans the darkness and listens Perception 20. (d20+4) trying to figure out what is going on while he loads his crossbow.

Mack (Eric R) AC: 16 (T 16 FF 13), CMD: 16; HP 46/46, Speed: 30'  d20+20=29 ;
Thursday September 22nd, 2016 5:13:47 PM

Only Mom gets a 10 on the "trust" scale! :)

I help quietly make sure folks are awake, and also scan the area. Most likely, it's the rest of the rabbit family, come for vengeance.

(d20+20 perception check of 29)

'Osul (Graham) AC:11, HP:37/37 
Thursday September 22nd, 2016 6:18:18 PM

OOC: apologies - will not get to post today.

Carver (John C) AC 16, AC 18 with shield, CMB 6, CMD 17, HP 55/55 Speed 65 Character Sheet  d20+8=26 ;
Thursday September 22nd, 2016 8:09:03 PM

Carver awakes, and as soon as he understands the situation he brushes a hand across his own chest and his fatigue from sleeping in his armor vanishes. (lay on hangs used for the mercy)
He gets to his feet as quietly as possible for a big person in armor as he can.
He uses the rest of his movements readying his shield, hoping he won't need to use it.

Using his low-light vision, he scans about them looking for whatever has made the critters nervous enough that they went silent......

Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 12/12/10; HP: 32/32; CMD: 16 
Thursday September 22nd, 2016 8:23:55 PM

Owen looks to Carver and Zulok to see if they spy anything out in the darkness.

'Osul (Graham) AC:11, HP:37/37 
Friday September 23rd, 2016 4:28:25 AM

OOC: will post - bear with me please

'Osul (Graham) AC:11, HP:37/37  d20+13=14 ;
Friday September 23rd, 2016 4:54:03 AM

Does 'Osul enjoy the silence? {Perception: 14, before the -10, probably not}
'Osul rolls a little in his sleep, but is otherwise undisturbed.

DM Rob - "Better.... Lets get this menagerie moving...." 
Friday September 23rd, 2016 6:35:23 AM

The party are up in an instant. Where others would relish some peace and quiet and the chance to get a good nights sleep, this group do not.

"Wolf pack. About a hundred feet out" Zulok declares calmly. "Acting weird though. Half are calmly walking around us to the north. The others to the south. And then there's that one..."

Those with lowlight vision can see.what Zulok is talking about. 7 wolves pacing around 100ft to the north and keeping a wide berth of the party. The same to the south.

The odd one in question is headed straight towards the party. It is clearly larger than the rest, and almost certainly the Alpha

Carver can see that the wolf has something in its mouth, but exactly what is hard to tell at this range.

There's something about this wolf that looks familiar though, as strange as that sounds. That's when it comes to him. Carver has seen this wolf before! In the Culverwood!

Beordir (Galen) AC: 19, HP: 43 ,Currently Unaugmented 
Friday September 23rd, 2016 9:48:25 AM

Beordir rises when shaken, dagger in hand. As there's no immediate threat, he takes a moment to strap on his rapier. He joins the others looking out toward the wolves under the starlight.

"It's like they're guarding us. Back home, the Spirit of Oaks allowed some....". Beordir pauses before, continuing with some bitterness, "Not me...to speak to the birds and squirrels. Can any one do that?"

(OOC Seems I've missed a couple days. My apologies. Let me get back into the swing of things.)

Mack (Eric R) AC: 16 (T 16 FF 13), CMD: 16; HP 46/46, Speed: 30'  d20+11=21 ; d20+20=24 ;
Friday September 23rd, 2016 10:15:19 AM

"I think Osul and I should go out and try to talk to him.", looking to Osul here as our Druid, and me just as an assistant. "Osul, what do you think? I'm with you. Squeaver, you better stay back here with the others."

(d20+11 aid Osul handle animal check of 21 against DC 10 --> +2 to Osul)

(d20+20 perception check of 24)

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 21 (T 13 FF 18), CMD: 22/17; HP 58/58 Character Sheet  d20+9=25 ; d20+6=9 ;
Friday September 23rd, 2016 10:35:41 AM

Atlas listens to those with better night vision and reacts. He calmly walks towards where they indicated the lone wolf was coming from. He doesn't go far, just to the front of the group so that he can intercept it if it attacks, or talk it down if this is one of those types of wolves. "It could be a distraction so that the others can catch us from behind. Keep an eye on those to the North and South so we're not caught off guard. Might just be that they're checking us out, but better safe than sorry. 'Osul, you want to come up here...please?"

He looks out at where the wolf would be, "OK Mr. Wolf, you obviously know we are here. You won't find us to be easy prey. Or did you have something else in mind? Oh good, here comes our resident nature lover. Mr. Wolf, meet Lasse'Denosul, better known as 'Osul."

Atlas stands there with the ease of a trained adventurer, ready to jump into action if needed. He is truly enjoying being on the road again, the adrenaline coursing through his veins!

Perception: 1d20+9=25
Diplomacy: 1d20+6=9

'Osul (Graham) AC:11, HP:37/37  d20+7=13 ;
Friday September 23rd, 2016 1:01:24 PM

"Hmmm, huh, wha?... Did someone say wolf?"

"Mack, " If you understand the Druid language Highlight to display spoiler: {...that may not help you. He speaks it as he has done previously - like a dictionary, with a complete vocabulary and no consistent grammar, "Wild Empathy and Sylvan speaking. Wildshape if insufficient this I shall."}

He gets to his feet, dusts off his vestments, picks up an leans a little more heavily than usual upon his Gnarled Darkwood Quarterstaff (fashioned from the leg of a fallen Timber Wight from The Culverwood).

'Osul shoots Atlas a look that should leave him in no doubt the introduction was not appreciated. If you understand the Elven language Highlight to display spoiler: {Atlas has just introduced 'Osul to the wolves as Leaf Upon the Wind. In your experience, neither Atlas nor 'Osul speak Elven.}

Then together with Mack he walks out towards the likely alpha wolf - maintaining green-eye contact, and muttering on in Sylvan {Wild Empathy Check: 13}

Leskni (Paul Jackson) AC: 15/14/11; HP 35/35; CMD: 16 Character Sheet 
Friday September 23rd, 2016 1:11:08 PM

Leskni tells Pella to keep watch but to NOT attack.

Although it looks unncessary, she also readies an action to cast Calm Emotions if anybody looks like they're about to start trouble,

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 21 (T 13 FF 18), CMD: 22/17; HP 58/58 Character Sheet 
Friday September 23rd, 2016 2:48:19 PM

When 'Osul gives Atlas the look he shrugs his shoulders in a way that says, 'What did I do? There is a big wolf out there, there is no protocol for this.' He is oblivious that 'Osul is upset about the name, he thinks it is because Atlas was being flippant talking to the wolf.

Armand (Robert D) AC 16/touch11/flat15 HP 50/50 CMD 17 Character Sheet 
Friday September 23rd, 2016 4:59:31 PM

Armand pauses. "No one seems too worked up about wolves wandering around." He thinks to himself.

He picks up a rock that had been digging him in the side as he slept and stands, contemplating what to do, but decides for now he will wait and see what goes on. He prepares to cast light but waits.

Highlight to display spoiler: {0-light, detect magic, create water, mending
1-Bless, Protection from Evil, Divine Favor, Sanctuary (wis bonus), Shield of faith (domain)
2-Lesser Restoration, Hold Person, Silence (wis bonus), Gentle Repose (domain)
3-Create Food & Water(cast), Blindness/Deafness, Searing Light(wis bonus), Searing Light (domain)

Beordir (Galen) AC: 15, HP: 43 ,Currently Unaugmented 
Friday September 23rd, 2016 8:20:16 PM

Relieved that someone more suitable is trying to talk to the wolves, Beordir sheathes his rapier. He slings his quiver on his back and strings his bow just in case.

While he knows some of what the others are talking about to each other, he does not know what the wolves understand. So he waits quietly trying to stay alert in spite of having just been woken up.

Carver (John C) AC 16, AC 18 with shield, CMB 6, CMD 17, HP 55/55 Speed 65 Character Sheet 
Sunday September 25th, 2016 5:59:56 PM

"No one attack."
Carver will trot towards the Alpha, with his lance in a vertical position, looking as non-threatening as one can with a lance in the hands of a centaur. He'll stop about 50% of the way to the wolf.
Other than moving a bit closer, Carver will let the wolf make the first move....

Mack (Eric R) AC: 16 (T 16 FF 13), CMD: 16; HP 46/46, Speed: 30' 
Monday September 26th, 2016 7:34:23 AM

I continue waiting for the wolf's reaction as Osul, Carver, and I approach and attempt to communicate.

DM Rob - "No one attack." 
Monday September 26th, 2016 8:22:21 AM

Beordir posits that the wolves may be guarding the party. He puts his rapier away, confident that someone in the party will have this under control.

Mack wants to go out and greet the wolf. And by that, he means Osul should take the lead and he will have his back.

Atlas is a little wary still. He puts himself between the lead wolf and the party.

Osul maintains eye contact with the lead wolf as he approached it.

Leskni and Pella watch on, but don't act. Yet...

That noone seems concerned is a little off to Armand. He holds a rock in his hands. Just in case.

Zulok produces a hand-crossbow and cocks it. He isn't taking any chances.

The alpha wolf moves closer to the advance party of Mack, Osul and Carver. They can now see that it carries a dead pheasant in its jaws.

The wolf approaches, and carefully drops the pheasant on the ground before your feet. The wolf gives some quiet yelps, howls and growls as if it's trying to say something to the party. It looks to the drow, and the wolf bares its teeth and raises its hackles.

With that done, the wolf casually walks off to join the rest of its pack as they leave the party alone in the night.

"That was strange" Zulok comments, lowering his crossbow.

'Osul (Graham) AC:11, HP:37/37 
Monday September 26th, 2016 11:02:43 AM

Looks like someone wants us to have a pheasant plucking night... well, most of us

"Thank you, but wait!", 'Osul calls to the alpha wolf - first in Sylvan (the language of woodland creatures as noted in the Druid Class features, or the language of the fey -- Centaurs, unicorns, fey creatures and plant creatures as noted in the Linguistics skill), and then in Common.

To Mack and Carver he says, "I am not sure what has just happened here, but clearly there was more to that than giving us a bird and not liking Zulok. I need to know more."

If the wolf stops he wild shapes into a wolf, all the better to understand and speak.

Carver (John C) AC 16, AC 18 with shield, CMB 6, CMD 17, HP 55/55 Speed 65 Character Sheet 
Monday September 26th, 2016 3:41:11 PM

As the Alpha drops the pheasant, "Thank you, let us know if you ever need our help, and may Lord Gargul look over your pack and after you for eternity in the fields of rest." Carver retrieves the Pheasant and heads back to camp with it.
After the Alpha returns to his pack, Carver plucks the pheasant and cleans it as needed, then sticks it on a spit to cook, hopefully someone else can make sure he doesn't burn it.
While sitting around, "He's just repaying a favor that was done from a while ago. As to not liking the Drow, I imagine that a lot of the natural creatures in the region have a dislike for those from beneath it. Probably due to the continuous warring from both sides. That is yet another thing we will need to deal with before we are finished here."

Armand (Robert D) AC 16/touch11/flat15 HP 50/50 CMD 17 Character Sheet 
Monday September 26th, 2016 4:52:50 PM

Armand gets a sense of what is going on. "I really wish there was a way to see in the dark for humans." He thinks to himself.

He decides that since it is not his watch yet, to settle back in for some beauty sleep. However, he leaves his crossbow cocked and near to hand.

Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 12/12/10; HP: 32/32; CMD: 16 
Monday September 26th, 2016 8:57:05 PM

Owen scribbles some notes about Carver's interaction with the wolf. Interesting...

Leskni (Paul Jackson) AC: 15/14/11; HP 35/35; CMD: 16 Character Sheet 
Monday September 26th, 2016 9:50:24 PM

To the group, away from the Drow
"Well, that was interesting. I was a little surprised that one of you didn't speak to the wolf. I found his reaction to the Drow interesting. While you're right that it could just be a reaction to a Drow, it sort of feels like there might be something a little more personal to it. Lets make sure that somebody is always deputized specifically to watching him, both at night and during the day.

See. I AM learning a little caution :-)"

Beordir (Galen) AC: 15, HP: 43 ,Currently Unaugmented  d20+6=26 ;
Monday September 26th, 2016 10:13:40 PM

When 'Osul, a brief look of envy crosses Beordir's face before he looks away. When Leskni speaks aside, Beordir nods in agreement then replies, "There were three awake. The current watch should decide who keeps an eye on him."

He waits to see if Osul is successful in talking to the wolves. 'Course wolves don't take to foreign wolves real well.

(OOC Knowledge Nature for wolf behavior : 26)

Mack (Eric R) AC: 16 (T 16 FF 13), CMD: 16; HP 46/46, Speed: 30'  d20+21=41 ;
Tuesday September 27th, 2016 7:06:40 AM

"Does anyone have any barbecue sauce?"

My first priority is staying near Osul until the meeting is complete.

Once we return to watch, I keep an extra eye on Zulok.

(d20+20+1 (TTT) perception check of 41)

OOC: I initially read that as "peasant" instead of "pheasant". Completely different image. ;)

DM Rob - "Does anyone have any barbecue sauce?" 
Tuesday September 27th, 2016 8:28:34 AM

Osul calls out to the wolf in druidic and in sylvan. If it understands him, it does not respond in any way (Highlight to display spoiler: {Per the rules forum discussion, I'm going with if the creature doesn't have the language listed then it doesn't understand. In this case, the wolf writeup doesn't make any mention of them speaking druidic or sylvan})

When Osul wildshapes into the form of a wolf, however, things get a little more interesting. The wolf looks back and now sees a wolf standing where Osul once did. The wolf howls, growls and groans once more, but to onlookers does not appear aggressive to Osul.

If you speak 'wolf'... Highlight to display spoiler: {"Trees are better now. Darkness has gone. Food has returned and our pack grows. Thanks to you and your pack. The food is gift to you." The wolf looks to Zulok "That one though ... he smells different to you. I don't like it."

"May your pack hunt well and grow strong"

The wolf howls loudly and the pack move quickly away from the party.

Carver thanks the wolves for their gift and offers a blessing from Gargul. He may have the right of it, this may have just been the wolf repaying a debt.

Armand laments now being able to see in darkness. Sure, there are folks out there with Goggles of Night, or Permanent DarkVision, but who has the gold for those sort of expenses?

Owen makes notes about the interation. How often does one see a peaceful wolf?

"You are a strange group" Zulok comments as he returns to a cross-legged position by the burnt out fire.

Leskni takes a moment to speak with the group privately. She suggests that someone always keep an eye on Zulok, proudly pointing out how cautious she is becoming.

Beordir nods in agreement, noting that there would always be someone on watch with Zulok. The behaviour he observes in the wolf is indeed unusual. Not the sort of thing you would normally see between a humanoid and a wolf. It was more like the wolf was interacting with the party as if they were a pack themselves. A pack on equal footing. For a wolf to share food, its supply must indeed be bountiful.

Mack agrees to keep an extra eye on Zulok. Where that eye is is anyone's guess.

The rest of the evening is uneventful.

'Osul (Graham) AC:11, HP:37/37 
Tuesday September 27th, 2016 8:29:55 AM

OOC: Checking in - unsure if 'Osul has two legs or four, or why a wolf that clearly wanted to communicate didn't.

Mack (Eric R) AC: 16 (T 16 FF 13), CMD: 16; HP 46/46, Speed: 30' 
Tuesday September 27th, 2016 12:43:07 PM

"I can't speak wolf, yet. Osul, was he also asking for barbecue sauce?" I ask, nervously. ;)

Carver (John C) AC 16, AC 18 with shield, CMB 6, CMD 17, HP 55/55 Speed 65 Character Sheet 
Tuesday September 27th, 2016 4:16:45 PM

Since Carver is on last watch, "Everyone not on watch, back to bed. It could be a long day and if you're unrested, it'll be a very long day....."
He tries not to turn the pheasant into charcoal, turning the spit every once in a while. While the bird cooks, he eats a part of one of the rations he carries stored on his back, it takes a bit of food to keep him going.
He starts to work on a song in his head about the wolves and their meetings.....

Beordir (Galen) AC: 15, HP: 43 ,Currently Unaugmented 
Tuesday September 27th, 2016 4:24:34 PM

Beordir shrugs and unstrings his bow. He settles down on his bedroll with a dagger under the pillow. Still wary near the woods, it takes him a while to actually fall asleep.

Armand (Robert D) AC 16/touch11/flat15 HP 50/50 CMD 17 Character Sheet 
Tuesday September 27th, 2016 5:08:37 PM

Armand sleeps and dreams of nothing, which is pleasant as it reminds him of Gargul's cold embrace.

In the early morning he will rise and pray for guidance and renew spells, with a few changes...

'Osul (Graham) AC:11, HP:37/37 
Tuesday September 27th, 2016 6:19:51 PM

'Osul farewells the wolves, and sheds that skin.
In common 'Osul says, "The blight is gone, they are thankful, and have given us this gift. May your pack hunt well and grow strong."

Given Leskni's words, he sees little point in adding the wolves opinions on that matter.

"No barbecue sauce, Mack. They are definitely not pets."

And he takes little time to be back asleep, and dreaming of padding through the terrain on the hunt.

Leskni (Paul Jackson) AC: 15/14/11; HP 35/35; CMD: 16 Character Sheet 
Tuesday September 27th, 2016 11:18:18 PM

Leskni has nice dreams about [censored] and wakes up mostly cheerful but with a slight air of meloncholy about her

Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 12/12/10; HP: 32/32; CMD: 16 
Wednesday September 28th, 2016 1:47:26 AM

Owen sleeps the few hours he needs and then resumes his watch.

DM Rob - "They are definitely not pets." 
Wednesday September 28th, 2016 5:33:46 AM

Confirmation is provided by Osul: the wolf pack were there only to extend their gratitude to the party. Your good deeds are going noticed by both the noble races and the animal kingdom.

The rest of the journey is quite uneventful. Long, but uneventful.

It has taken several days, but the party can finally see the rocky mountains of the Scab starting to loom before them. In between the land looks quite barren. Rocks and the remains of very few dead trees are all the can be seen on the ground. Every now and then a steam pocket erupts from the ground with a hot hiss of water vapour.

Even though it is midday, the sky is quite dark. In the distance you can see lightning crackling atop the peak of one of the Scab's many active volcanoes. Even from what you consider to be a safe distance, you can still feel the ground rumble.

There are many powerful forces - natural and unnatural - at play in the Scab.

The perceptive of you can hear Zulok mutter something to himself in drow before advising in common: "You might want to stay alert from here on in. Besides the dragons, the valley full of insects, the demons, the undead hordes, and the giants, there are other things here that could kill you" You can tell by his voice that he's serious. That and you've never heard him joke about anything before.

If you speak drow ... Highlight to display spoiler: {Zulok whispered: "Oh Sacred One, I honor You. Bestow a blessing upon me for I am filled with respect"}

Knowledge History DC20 ... Highlight to display spoiler: {Many, many, many years ago, dwarves used to warn travellers in the Scab: "Beware traveler, and show respect. For the land is a sacred place and home to a sacred demon. So state your respect. Say your racial or religious litanies. Leave offerings of respect. For these sites are sacred: earth, water, fire, and air".}

Knowledge Religion DC15 ... Highlight to display spoiler: {The Scab is home to two of the Wolds Immortal Powers: Fhorge and Scald. Fhorge is worshipped, loved, and feared by all inhabitants of The Scab. He is positioned in the deepest part of the mountains and in the old days served as a final defense point between Elenna and the Forbidden Lands. Scald lives within a large Hot Spring lake full of fountains that goes by the same name. Brutal to the extreme, his territory is growing as more and more of the water features of the area come under his control. He opposes Fhorge as often as he can causing a great tension between fire and water in The Scab.}

Knowledge Religion DC20 ... Highlight to display spoiler: {Travellers can show respect to Fhorge by reciting a litany: "Oh Sacred One, I honor You. Bestow a blessing upon me for I am filled with respect"}


If Zulok is following a trail, it doesn't show. The ground does not show signs of regular travel. It may have been weeks since the last horse passed this way, and who knows how much time preceeded that one. There are no signs of foot travel either. Still, Zulok is unwavering in the direction he is travelling. The direction: straight towards a mountain.

As the party slowly approach the mountain you can see a simple cave in the side of it. Eclyndryl stands before the cave with a small entourage - 4 armed honor guards and 2 men-in-waiting. The guards stand stiffly at attention in polished armor, scimitars held upright in their left hands, daggers held by their sides in their right hands. Eclyndryl holds her head high and proud, but you can see behind her tough facade that she is happy you have come.

Zulok dismounts from the cart and approaches her. "Lady Eclyndryl, may I..." he stops when he sees that she has focused her attention on him, and has raised her eyebrows - obviously trying to convey some silent message. He pauses for a moment before realising his faux pas.

Zulok drops to one knee and restarts "Senior Sister, I present the outsiders you requested"

"Thankyou Zulok, but I would prefer you refer to them as our guests." Eclyndryl admonishes him "You may leave us. Go. Rest from your travels. I am glad you have returned safely"

Zulok rises and bows his head "By your leave, Senior Sister". He does not dare look back at the party as he makes his way into the cave, leaving his horse and empty cart behind.

Mack (Eric R) AC: 16 (T 16 FF 13), CMD: 16; HP 46/46, Speed: 30'  d20+20=35 ;
Wednesday September 28th, 2016 7:56:57 AM

"Thanks Zulok!!!" I say sincerely, and wave good bye as he heads out.

I blend back in with my group, and check out the drow guards and the surrounding.

(d20+20 perception check of 35)

I gently rub the top of Squeaver's head to help keep him calm. In Goblin, Highlight to display spoiler: {"What do you think, Squeaver? Any of those guards look suspicious to you?"} (And I keep a special eye out to see if any of them look.)

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 21 (T 13 FF 18), CMD: 22/17; HP 58/58 Character Sheet 
Wednesday September 28th, 2016 10:59:34 AM

Atlas looks to Leskni, "Well, it looks like you're up. I'll walk with you if you don't mind." Atlas walks with Leskni, assuming she doesn't object and that she approaches Eclyndryl. He is just a presence, more there to listen and observe...and protect, although he doesn't think Eclyndryl is up to anything at this point. He doubts Eclyndryl will even look at him, but if she does he'll nod in a way that acknowledges her. If she speaks to him, which is even more doubtful, then he'll be courteous and congratulate her on her promotion.

Carver (John C) AC 16, AC 18 with shield, CMB 6, CMD 17, HP 55/55 Speed 65 Character Sheet  d20+2=17 ; d20+6=23 ;
Wednesday September 28th, 2016 12:57:12 PM

Carver mentions as Zulok finishes speaking.
"I'm not sure how many of us know this, but the Scab is home to a couple of the Immortal Powers that hold sway in the Wold. Both Fhorge and Scald call it home. They oppose one another, as fire opposes water, in fact those seem to be their domains. One lives in the mountains the other in the hot springs.
It's also customary to say a short litany as travelers in the Scab to Fhorge. You can repeat it if you want."

Carver bows his head, after about 10 seconds of silent prayer, he says aloud, "Oh Sacred One, I honor You. Bestow a blessing upon me for I am filled with respect"
He waits to see if any of the others follow his lead, then he's ready to move on.
When they arrive at the Cave, he lets some of the others deal with the Drow....

Know History 17
Know Religion 23

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 21 (T 13 FF 18), CMD: 22/17; HP 58/58 Character Sheet 
Wednesday September 28th, 2016 2:29:04 PM

Atlas turns to listen to Carver before he heads up with Leskni, "Does Scald take offense if we only say it to Fhorge? I don't know if it is worse to say it to Fhorge and tick off Scald, or if it is worse to just not say it and hope that Fhorge doesn't get mad. I don't mind recitin' a few words to keep me alive though. Maybe I'll say it to Scald so that we can get the blessing of both for this journey? Carver, help me out here, what should I do?"

Beordir (Galen) AC: 15, HP: 43 ,Currently Unaugmented  d20+4=18 ; d20=16 ;
Wednesday September 28th, 2016 3:13:43 PM

Well aware of the effect of Immortal Powers in his world, Beordir offers his own liturgy. ”Oh, Spirit of this place, please pardon my trespass. I am insignificant and beneath your notice intending no harm as I move past.”

Once they meet with Eclyndryl, Beordir waits with caution as diplomacy begins. It is intriguing that Eclyndryl sends her trusted courier away. Uncertain of the politics involved, he remains quiet, looking around in case threats to the meeting appear.

When Mack insults the guardsmen, Beordir works to remain impassive, But he does look at their faces curiously, wondering if they will react.

OOC Perception 18 Bluff 16

Armand (Robert D) AC 16/touch11/flat15 HP 50/50 CMD 17 Character Sheet  d20+7=11 ; d20+7=8 ; d20+5=16 ; d20+10=27 ;
Wednesday September 28th, 2016 5:20:22 PM

Armand contemplates the Scab for the first time. He desperately tries to remember something about the area, knowledge history 11 (d20+7). Unfortunately his schooling was not consistent and he can remember nothing. As he tries to remember his religious training he again distracted by Carver's words. Knowledge religion 8 (d20+7).

Armand nods at Carver's words. "Oh Sacred One, I honor You. Bestow a blessing upon me for I am filled with respect."

He then turns to Atlas and whispers. "I don't think it matters, since we don't say a specific name it could imply either of them."

Armand considers the ways of the various powers of the Wold. Knowledge planes 16. "Do these powers call this plane their home or is this a manifestation and they call somewhere else their true home?"

Once they arrive at the cave Armand will dismount and bow to Eclyndryl. Diplomacy 27. "I greet you Senior Sister Eclyndryl ne Lidily. May you live long and prosper. We come at your request. What service can we render?"

(OOC, new spells on character sheet for now.)

'Osul (Graham) AC:11, HP:37/37 
Wednesday September 28th, 2016 6:19:48 PM

Not knowing much of such things, 'Osul is glad for Carver's counsel. He says a similar thing every morning, and has no problem saying it again.

Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 12/12/10; HP: 32/32; CMD: 16  d20+13=25 ; d20+9=15 ;
Thursday September 29th, 2016 12:09:49 AM

Knowledge (History, Religion): 25, 15.

Owen follows the lead of Carver and Zulok in paying his respects to the Immortal Powers of the Scab. He also bows when called a guest of the Senior Sister, and waits to see what Eclyndryl has to say.

Mack (Eric R) AC: 16 (T 16 FF 13), CMD: 16; HP 46/46, Speed: 30'  d20+20=31 ; d20+18=31 ;
Thursday September 29th, 2016 7:20:03 AM

Not really being the religious type, I just try to stay quiet while everyone else prays. I do try to position myself, though, so that when everyone finally lifts their heads up in completion, I'm standing right in front of them..... "accidentally". ;) "OH! Sorry about that." I make myself scarce again. ;)

(d20+20 perception check of 31)
(d20+18 stealth check of 31)

DM Rob - "They are definitely not pets." 
Thursday September 29th, 2016 8:30:15 AM

Carver briefs the party on the Immortal Powers of the Scab, and on the traditional blessing. Some say it, whilst Beordir offers his own solemn version.

Armand's knowledge of such things fails him at the moment, but he does recall that these powers are present on this plane. They are almost tied to the land itself.


Mack farewells their travelling companion as he disappears into the cave. If Zulok heard, he didn't respond.

Mack then says something in goblin, and eyes the guards for a reaction. Both Mack and Beordir notice that Eclyndryl and one of the men-in-waiting stifle a grin. The guards look confused. As Mack speaks he notices the guards grip their scimitars a little tighter, one leans forward as if he is going to attack or stop Mack, but stops himself. They look confused rather than insulted. Was Mack trying to cast a spell with foreign words? Was something about to go down?

Eclyndryl raises a hand "Calm, men. Our guest was simply inquiring as to my level of protection" she says as a half-truth "These honor guard have protected generations of House Dul'g. Each has proven their loyalty more than once. I feel safer with them than around any others. My sisters included"

Atlas looks to Leskni to commence the diplomatic side of things. He's quite happy to just be a presence and observe what happens.

Armand offers a very diplomatic greeting to Eclyndryl. Any apprehension the guards may have had goes away with the kind words. The men-in-waiting nod to each other in approval.

Following the prayers from earlier, Mack is still silent. Seen, but not heard.

"On behalf of House Dul'g, I thankyou for answering our call." Eclyndryl says, opening her arms in what appears a very rehearsed motion. "We should continue discussions inside. Kyan, would you see that the passage is clear? Guldor, please see than the horses are tended to"

The men-in-waiting both step forward and bow to Eclyndryl. One (Kyan) makes for the cave whilst the other (Guldor) makes his way to the horses.

Kyan returns back and announces to Eclyndryl "The passage is clear, Senior Sister"

"Very well. Thankyou, Kyan. Now guests, if you would follow me..."

Two of Eclyndryl's honor guard take the lead, whilst the other two remain to serve as rear guard for the party.

What looked a simple cave on the outside actually opens into expertly carved and perfectly fashioned stone tunnels. It’s like a small drow community. The party are quickly ushered into a side room without sighting of any other drow, including Zulok.

The room is very plain. Eclyndryl has set 4 everburning torches into the walls (obviously for the party’s benefit) and in the centre of the room stands a large rectangular granite table. Cold metallic chairs line either side of the table. Whilst they look very nice, they have been made to look valuable rather than feel comfortable. Some chairs look to be missing, but in their place are some large sized cushions and blankets (taur sized). At the head of the table sits a more ornate version of the chairs.

"I wish to speak to our guests privately" Eclyndryl says firmly to the guards "Please wait outside and see that we are not disturbed. Kyan, could you see if you could find some food and drink for our guest?"

The drow men obey Eclyndryl without hesitation. Her word looks to be law here. Kyan shuts the door behind him as he leaves, and Eclyndryl visibly relaxes. "Please sit down, friends" she says gesturing to the chairs "There is no need for formality in here."

Eclyndryl takes her seat at the head of the table and leans forward to speak to the group. "It is so good to see you all again" she looks to each of you as she says this, and smiles to Leskni as she finishes.

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 21 (T 13 FF 18), CMD: 22/17; HP 58/58 Character Sheet 
Thursday September 29th, 2016 10:36:24 AM

Atlas visibly relaxes after the guards leave and Eclyndryl speaks to the party. He is impressed that she is willing to speak to all of them rather than just Leskni. "Thank you for the warm welcome Eclyndryl, and congratulations on your rising within your house. I'm not one for formality, so your words are more welcome than you know. Before we get into the business that brought us here, can you bring us up to speed on the current situation within your family and the larger political aspects? It sounds like you have been busy since you returned. The last thing I want is for our lack of knowledge on your politics to get us or you in trouble while we are here.

"And please forgive me if I step on any of your customs by being blunt, but I've found that mixing my words gets me into even more trouble."
Atlas smiles warmly as he waits for her response.

Beordir (Galen) AC: 20, HP: 43 ,Currently Unaugmented 
Thursday September 29th, 2016 10:57:03 AM

Beordir knows little of It-lal and is very nervous as they follow Eclyndryl and her honor guard into the cave. He is wholly unprepared for the alteration of the cave’s natural form into this crafted underground town.

He stares about in interest as they walk into the small community only to get redirected to Eclyndryl’s home immediately. His interest frustrated, Beordir allows himself to be diverted into looking about her house.

Once he sees the room, Beordir realizes she does not live here. It’s a meeting room. What a waste.

Beordir sits in one of the uncomfortable ornate chairs. Not having a strong relationship with It-lal or Eclyndryl, Beordir waits quietly as the other start the conversation.

(OOC is there an organized elven nation in the Emerald Forest or on the Elennian Peninsula?)

Leskni (Paul Jackson) AC: 15/14/11; HP 35/35; CMD: 16 Character Sheet  d20+6=9 ;
Thursday September 29th, 2016 11:03:54 AM

OOC: Sorry for missing yesterday. Life got hectic.

Apparently Leskni knows nothing about religion today :-(

Leskni approaches Eclyndryl, bows respectfully, and greets her in Drow
"It is very good to meet again in person, Senior Sister"

She repeats the blessing that the others have
"Oh Sacred One, I honor You. Bestow a blessing upon me for I am filled with respect."

When the group and Eclyndryl are alone she can no longer resist and heads to Eclyndryl and grabs her up in a lion hug and whispers something to her.

She then puts her down and steps back

"As my friend says, we are greatly interested in your House and are hoping that it is prospering. We, of course, do not seek any information that you would consider secret but given that you are now a Trading partner of the Tree what affects you also affects the Tree and us. It is good to know how one's friends fare.

We should, in turn, give you a quick update on the Tree"

Leskni briefly mentions anything that would affect the Drow trade that has happened in the last while.

Mack (Eric R) AC: 16 (T 16 FF 13), CMD: 16; HP 46/46, Speed: 30'  d20+22=34 ; d20+21=27 ;
Thursday September 29th, 2016 2:32:01 PM

Once Eccy says formalities are out, I immediately dive onto the largest pillow. After a minute though, I realize I should probably check this place over for any holes or spying devices, so I get back up and check the place out thoroughly. If Eccy glances at me in offense or question, "I trust you, but wasn't sure about any of those that might be out to get you."

(d20+21+1(TTT) TrapFinding check of 34)
(d20+20+1 (TTT) perception check of 27)

Carver (John C) AC 16, AC 18 with shield, CMB 6, CMD 17, HP 55/55 Speed 65 Character Sheet 
Thursday September 29th, 2016 3:55:43 PM

Carver smiles as Atlas says he's blunt....."Atlas, there's blunt, and then there's a sledge hammer. I tend to think you are more of the Sledge Hammer type. But then again, the silver tongue trait doesn't run through your ancestors either I bet." He leaves that lie there, because he's not sure how many realize he has a touch of the silver tongue in his own veins.....
He looks to the Drowess, "You called us here to examine something you've located. You also mentioned that it could possibly effect everyone in the area, not just your people. That is the main reason we came as quickly as as we did.
When we examine whatever it is, we'd prefer to look at it first as a group without anyone else looking over our shoulders.
Oh, one more thing. Our mutual acquaintance, at last word was currently under arrest. How long that weasel will stay in jail is unknown, he does have a lot of "friends" he probably has leverage over."

Armand (Robert D) AC 16/touch11/flat15 HP 50/50 CMD 17 Character Sheet 
Thursday September 29th, 2016 5:07:29 PM

Armand settles down in one of the chairs nearest the door. He squirms a little trying to get comfortable. He awaits Eclyndryl's tale with anticipation.

'Osul (Graham) AC:11, HP:37/37  d20+13=26 ; d20+5=23 ;
Thursday September 29th, 2016 6:38:54 PM

'Osul tries out the dropping of the formality, and eventually concludes that leaning against the wall near one of the torches is about as comfortable as he can get whilst remaining bipedal.
With the conversation already underway, he observes from his vantage point.

{Checks: Perception: 26, Sense Motive: 23}

Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 12/12/10; HP: 32/32; CMD: 16  d20+13=19 ; d20+9=10 ;
Thursday September 29th, 2016 10:17:36 PM

Owen sits down next to Armand and looks to Eclyndryl expectantly.

Now that the party has arrived, he tries to recall any mention of this particular place in the Scab. Knowledge (History, Geography): 19, 10.

Mack (Eric R) AC: 16 (T 16 FF 13), CMD: 16; HP 46/46, Speed: 30' 
Friday September 30th, 2016 7:27:54 AM

I say Hi to the spider I find as I'm searching. And then I think back to us using plants as spies, and start to get paranoid about everything around me.

DM Rob - "There's blunt, and then there's a sledge hammer" 
Friday September 30th, 2016 9:21:56 AM

With the party now alone with Eclyndryl, everyone relaxes enough to ask the questions that have been on their mind.

Beordir's emotions have been highs and lows. Just when he gets his hopes up that he might see something special, he is diverted away into something mundane.

Atlas offers a heartfelt thanks, and then takes the opportunity to speak his mind. Carver smiles in response at his brazenness.

"The politics will be the death of me. My eldest sister is reaching her senescence, and the next eldest has no interest in leadership or clergy at all. So the mantle of leadership falls to me."

Osul can sense some sadness in her words.

That changes as soon as Leskni offers a heartfelt hug. Words are exchanged and Leskni places Eclyndryl safely down once more.

Mack takes to examining the surrounds. Perhaps the room is trapped, or being spied upon? Despire his keen and thorough check, he does not turn up anything out of the ordinary.

"I don't know how much Leskni has told you, so I will start from the beginning. House Dul'g is at a tipping point. It's not unusual for there to be uncertainty with a chance in leadership, but this feels different. I hear the whispers and see the glances. There is a perception that our house is weak, and ripe for overthrowing.

I won't let this happen, obviously. I needed a way to demonstrate that we are still strong and still capable of leading. My solution is expansion. To that end we have been excavating and reopening the Lava Tubes of Thekk."

"Not only would it show we have grown as a race since the massacre, but we could even look at charging others who want to use the Lava Tubes to safely travel the Scab. There are many, many dangers on the surface of the Scab after all. Owning a safe passage could boost our economy and open further trade routes"

Eclyndryl seems genuinely interested in all of this.

"Things were going surprisingly well. But then we came across something unusual. Adjacent to one of the lava tubes we have uncovered a stone room with a door inside that we cannot open. The mystery of what could be behind it has become the source of much speculation and gossip."

It's at this point that Eclyndryl addresses Carver's point of wanting to go without an escort.

"I place my trust in Leskni on this, and so, will in turn place my trust in each of you. I WANT you to enter without any of my people present. If there is something inside that could be dangerous to the Wold, I don't want to know of it nor do I want my people to know of it. Such a thing could be a temptation for some wanting to overthrow my house and use that power for conquest. No, if there is anything dangerous inside I trust that you will remove or destroy it."

"If it contains something dangerous, then it cannot remain here. Then again, these tunnels were collapsed at the end of the Year of Ascension. There could be culturally significant finds inside. Provided they are of no threat to the Wold, anything that is culturally significant to my people should be returned to my people."

"Finally, I assume there will be finds that are not of significance to us. If you find anything that isn't culturally sensitive, then we split the finds based on market value: 80 percent for you, 20 percent for my house."

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 21 (T 13 FF 18), CMD: 22/17; HP 58/58 Character Sheet 
Friday September 30th, 2016 10:35:00 AM

Atlas beams at the thought of treasure, and more importantly, at how well the negotiations went down. "Eclyndryl, thank you for your logical thinking and for inviting us to help you with this problem. Your vision is sound and would be a benefit to many in the Wold. I thought the biggest fight on this trip was going to be the negotiation, but you have shown yourself to be very pragmatic. I don't see any sense in why we cannot help out under these terms, but we make these decisions as a group. Thoughts everyone?" Atlas looks around at the rest of the group waiting to see if he made anyone mad with his lack of further negotiating.

Leskni (Paul Jackson) AC: 15/14/11; HP 35/35; CMD: 16 Character Sheet  d20+15=27 ;
Friday September 30th, 2016 12:22:45 PM

"Although many of my people are merchants I myself am not. so take the following for what little it is worth. A 20% finders fee for you seems basically fair if perhaps a little high. Perhaps 15% would be fairer? The issue that I see is if we recover items that both have cultural significance for you AND have appreciable material value. Perhaps there we could negotiate a finders fee for us, say 60% of the fair market value?"

Not at all sure if diplomacy is required, but if it is I'd take 10 if allowed for a 25 or, if can't take 10, get a 27 instead :-)

OOC: Apparently those mercantile relatives rubbed off on Leskni more than she realized :-)

Carver (John C) AC 16, AC 18 with shield, CMB 6, CMD 17, HP 55/55 Speed 65 Character Sheet 
Friday September 30th, 2016 2:38:10 PM

Carver smiles as things seem to be going smoothly.
"You foresee opening the tunnels to others for trade purposes, maybe you can set up some of that trading with the tree as well. I'm sure that they would deal fairly with whomever."

He then waits for the others to decide before voicing his decision, "I doubt anyone here doesn't already know, but I say lets get this underway."

'Osul (Graham) AC:11, HP:37/37  d20+2=22 ;
Friday September 30th, 2016 6:11:38 PM

"With Leskni's and Carver's caveats, this seems fair.", adds 'Osul from the wall.

{Aid Another: Leskni - Diplomacy:22 (for +2)}

Mack (Eric R) AC: 16 (T 16 FF 13), CMD: 16; HP 46/46, Speed: 30' 
Friday September 30th, 2016 8:51:45 PM

"I'm not real fussy, or really into these types of negotiating things. Eccy, your proposition seems fair to me. We are taking most of the risk, it seems, but also getting most of the fun. Do you have anything that could aid and/or help keep us safe on this mission?"

Beordir (Galen) AC: 20, HP: 43 ,Currently Unaugmented 
Friday September 30th, 2016 10:36:50 PM

Beordir is impressed. Eclyndryl is very clearly a leader with a long vision of good intentions. The fact that she has not attempted to trade with the Tree, or Troll seems to be a limit on her thinking that the above ground world has no value. Perhaps the groups continued involvement can help that.

Beodir nods in agreement and replies, "The price seems fair to me."

Armand (Robert D) AC 16/touch11/flat15 HP 50/50 CMD 17 Character Sheet 
Saturday October 1st, 2016 5:48:16 PM

Armand addresses the group. "Let's remember that Eclyndryl has already paid us just to come here. I think her terms are fair. Especially if she is simply going to buy anything we don't find useful for ourselves. It would be easier to travel back to the tree with a pocket full of coins or gems rather than a load of miscellaneous items that we still have to find a buyer for."

Armand pauses to consider something. "However, if all cultural items automatically go to House Dul'g, then perhaps all hard currency items should go to the party?"

Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 12/12/10; HP: 32/32; CMD: 16 
Saturday October 1st, 2016 8:01:27 PM

Owen recalls that Eclyndryl is perhaps on the edge of neutral, if not yet good. It would be important to praise and encourage her good acts. "These terms are very generous. I hope our returns are worthy of this kindness."

'Osul (Graham) AC:11, HP:37/37  d20+13=22 ; d20+5=10 ;
Monday October 3rd, 2016 8:43:34 AM

'Osul raises an eyebrow, and now without a consensus, still hopes for a positive response.
{Checks: Perception - 22, Sense Motive - 10}

DM Rob - "I doubt anyone here doesn't already know, but I say lets get this underway." 
Monday October 3rd, 2016 9:49:26 AM

Atlas praises Eclyndryl on her sound thinking, and both Beordir and Carver are happy that the direction the drow are taking is one of construction and trade.

"Trading with the Tree would still be difficult from the Scab. The lava tubes would allow travel within the Scab, but travel to others areas of the continent would still pose the usual dangers."

Owen also takes a moment to praise Eclyndryl for the terms of her agreement. If a drow is trying to do the right thing, a little positive reinforcment could go a long way!

Mack enquires on whether Eclyndryl has anything that could aid the party in their task

"Did Zulok provide you with the fire rubies? I sent a pouch with him. I had hoped you would use them to prepare yourselves for whatever you might face."

The party are all in agreement that the exercise is worthwhile. The only question now is, what's the payment?

Some of the group are happy with the price, others don't care too much about it, although Leksni and Osul consider the payment arrangement could do with some negotiating.

Eclyndryl purses her lips as she reclines back in her chair. She looks to Leskni and smiles, and then to the rest of the group. She takes a few moments to consider the counter proposal before responding "Very well. If you wish to rediscuss the terms, I'll agree to an 85% share of anything not of cultural value to us, if you will agree to a condition on anonymity. As far as anyone outside of this mountain is concerned, whatever is found inside was found and recovered by House Dul'g. Otherwise 20% in addition to the fire rubies seems considerably fair for what might turn out to be a harmless room"

Osul doesn't sense anything untoward in the way Eclyndryl is handling herself. He doesn't believe her to be withholding any information.

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 21 (T 13 FF 18), CMD: 22/17; HP 58/58 Character Sheet 
Monday October 3rd, 2016 10:36:34 AM

Atlas speaks to his friends, "I'm going to have a hard time keeping this a secret. What's the fun in adventuring if you cannot tell anyone. I would trade 5% for that ability, sticking with 80% us and 20% them. The fire rubies were a nice touch and may very well cover the 'culturally significant' items that we find. There is no way to predict every scenario that we could encounter, so I suggest we take the original deal and we just move forward to see what situation we are in. That's where I'm at. However, Leskni and 'Osul, I do appreciate your efforts!"

Mack (Eric R) AC: 16 (T 16 FF 13), CMD: 16; HP 46/46, Speed: 30' 
Monday October 3rd, 2016 1:34:19 PM

Not wanting to get into a political discussion around the fact that the fire rubies only went to those that have been less fortunate with their money up to this point, I let the discussion of communism, socialism, and capitalism slide past........ ;)

"I threw one of those fire rubies at the last monster we met, and it didn't do a darn thing!" ;)

Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 12/12/10; HP: 32/32; CMD: 16 
Monday October 3rd, 2016 2:44:30 PM

Owen laughs at Mack's quip. "The initial 80-20 offer sounded good to me; let's stick with that."

Leskni (Paul Jackson) AC: 15/14/11; HP 35/35; CMD: 16 Character Sheet 
Monday October 3rd, 2016 4:56:23 PM

"far be it from me to deprive Atlas of fun and joy :-). Fine, lets go with the original 80/20 split."

Armand (Robert D) AC 16/touch11/flat15 HP 50/50 CMD 17 Character Sheet 
Monday October 3rd, 2016 5:00:49 PM

Armand nods. "The initial deal seems to be the consensus. I say we go with that. I don't see why we couldn't have it both ways. Atlas can still brag about whatever happens. House Dul'g can still brag about recovering whatever cultural artifacts are found and not having to risk one Drow life in the process."

He continues. "Let's get this party started. How far is it to this room? What time of day is it? Where's that food your retainers were bringing?"

'Osul (Graham) AC:11, HP:37/37 
Monday October 3rd, 2016 5:30:30 PM

"Atlas, you now know what the price of fame is."

Without begrudgement, 'Osul waves off his support of Leskni's previous position.

Beordir (Galen) AC: 20, HP: 43 ,Currently Unaugmented 
Monday October 3rd, 2016 8:02:59 PM

Beordir shrugs. The money is significantly irrelevant compared to the long term gains. "80-20 seems reasonable to me."

Carver (John C) AC 16, AC 18 with shield, CMB 6, CMD 17, HP 55/55 Speed 65 Character Sheet 
Monday October 3rd, 2016 8:06:50 PM

Carver just shakes his head.... whether they get recognition or not, it matters little to him,
He lets them do the money decisions.....He's just happy that some of them got out of the tree... Pushing them too much now would just send them back to the tree and then hiding out and claiming it has nothing to do with what they see as their only job....

DM Rob - "Atlas, you now know what the price of fame is." 
Tuesday October 4th, 2016 5:46:06 AM

The group have a quiet chat amongst themselves, and come to the conclusion that the price of fame works out to be around 5%. They're happy with the original 80/20 split and let Eclyndryl know of their approval.

Eclyndryl is happy that agreements have been reached. She stands and walks to each of you to shake your hand "I would think we are all honorable enough in this room to be able to seal an arrangement with a handshake rather than a contract"

Armand then starts the discussion on to "what now?" and "where's the food?"

"Time can be hard to tell when underground" she smiles to Armand "It is currently just after midday. The room we have uncovered is an hours walk through some of our tunnels. A safe travel, I can assure you. You have had a long journey however. Please partake of my hospitality for tonight, and start afresh in the morning. I will have what provisions I can brought here for you"

Eclyndryl goes to the door and opens it. Her honor guard stand on either side of the door, and nearby stand Kyan and Guldor. The two men-in-waiting carry trays of food.

"Kyan and Guldor will be here to meet your needs" she says, looking back to the group and then to her men "Please see that our guests have everything they require"

Perception DC20... Highlight to display spoiler: {You notice she continues to refer to you as "guests" in front of others, but "friends" privately}

The trays are set upon the table to reveal a minor banquet: Purple worm steaks with a cranberry and violet fungus reduction. Lichens and hollow bread that you put a drop of some kind of syrup into before eating. The bread is sweet and buttery the sap is more tangy than sweet. A pitcher of dark red wine and another of fresh water. Good ol' fashioned subsurface food.

Kyan and Guldor bring blankets and pillows for the party to make the room more comfortable.

The party are undisturbed for the remainder of their time in the room. The only time you see a drow is if you open the door to summon Kyan or Guldor.


After a comfortable (and very quiet) nights rest, there is a knock at the door. It's Kyan.

"Honored guests? Honored guests? The Senior Sister asked that I see if you are ready for the day. I have brought some breakfast for you"

Assuming the party permit their entry, Kyan and Guldor enter with two more trays: breads, fruits and two pitchers. One has some kind of blue milk in it, whilst the other has fresh water.

The guards are still stationed outside the door.

"Will you be needing anything else?" Kyan asks with head bowed.

'Osul (Graham) AC:11, HP:37/37 
Tuesday October 4th, 2016 7:45:41 AM

When Kyan asks his final question, 'Osul quietly and respectfully looks to Leskni for her response.

Mack (Eric R) AC: 16 (T 16 FF 13), CMD: 16; HP 46/46, Speed: 30'  d20+20=35 ;
Tuesday October 4th, 2016 8:21:00 AM

(d20+20 perception check of 35 against DC 20 --> SUCCESS!)

I smile happily, and wish Eccy a good night!

"I should probably check all of this food for poison before any of you dig in." I begin sampling everything brought in. "Appears to be.... some type of..... sleep..... poison........" And I crash happily into a pile of pillows and blankets.

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 21 (T 13 FF 18), CMD: 22/17; HP 58/58 Character Sheet  d20+6=12 ;
Tuesday October 4th, 2016 11:03:37 AM

Atlas shakes his head 'no' when Kyan asks his question, "Your hospitality has been wonderful, thank you. Anyone else need anything, or are we ready to get going? Leskni, should we wait to speak with Eclyndryl?"

Atlas is eager to get going, but he does his best not to rush everyone.

Leskni (Paul Jackson) AC: 15/14/11; HP 35/35; CMD: 16 Character Sheet 
Tuesday October 4th, 2016 12:28:58 PM

"I believe that we have everything that we need, thank you. We should be ready to go soon"

OOC I'm presuming we all did our morning spell preparation etc stuff BEFORE breakfast arrived

"I'm not sure if the Senior Sister will see us off or not. It would be a great honour if she did so"

Beordir (Galen) AC: 20, HP: 43 ,Currently Unaugmented 
Tuesday October 4th, 2016 3:47:05 PM

Glad the negotiations were no longer wasting time, Beordir was looking forward to the rest of the evening. The food they brought in looked incredibly exotic and he was dying to try it. He worried briefly about poison, but decided there were too many factors against it.

The meal was incredible and he had to stop much too soon to keep from eating himself into a stupor. Many years amongst the Hungry Trees had made that a habit. After a couple of hours of digestion he took over a space of the room for stretching, then laid out his bedrolls there.

Time was hard to judge underground and Beordir didn’t sleep easily anyway. Once he woke up for the fifteenth time, he finally started stretching. A bit of weapons drill cleared his mind and he sat down to review spells. Today he chose spells that sought information rather than destruction.

He was not quite finished when breakfast was brought in but it was still welcome when he got around to eating a small meal. While Atlas was packed up first, Beordir was a close second, packing quickly and making himself ready for the day

Carver (John C) AC 16, AC 18 with shield, CMB 6, CMD 17, HP 55/55 Speed 65 Character Sheet 
Tuesday October 4th, 2016 4:51:18 PM

Carver uses his special ability to Detect Evil, and looks over the two Drow guards, he just wants to verify that they are evil....
He is always on edge but does his best to keep it to himself when they are in the room. His hand near a weapon, but with a smile on his face.
He eats his fill at breakfast, saving his carried food when or if it's needed.
He used a lay on hands to clear away his fatigue from sleeping in the armor, but it was just a normal day when in the field.
When everyone has finished eating, "Lets get started, it could be a very long day if we're unlucky."

Armand (Robert D) AC 16/touch11/flat15 HP 50/50 CMD 17 Character Sheet 
Tuesday October 4th, 2016 5:32:39 PM

Armand tried the Drow food. But he's grown up a simple life and it is very different from what he's used to. Still he made do.

His faith is strong and at dawn he still awoke and prayed to Gargul. Breakfast arrives. "Just to let you guys know, I hope you brought some provisions, because Gargul has granted me a different spell than create food and water."

Armand eats heartily of the bread, fruit, and water. When all have eaten he will tuck away any leftovers in case the party is gone overly long.

Highlight to display spoiler: {spells
0: light, detect magic, create water, mending
1st: Bless, Protection from Evil, Comprehend Languages, Sanctuary (wis bonus), Shield of faith (domain)
2nd: Lesser Restoration, Hold Person, Silence (wis bonus), Gentle Repose (domain)
3rd: Dispel magic, Daylight, Searing Light(wis bonus), Searing Light (domain)

Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 12/12/10; HP: 32/32; CMD: 16  d20+1=10 ;
Wednesday October 5th, 2016 1:01:26 AM

Owen doesn't really need to eat, but he samples the subsurface food out of politeness and interest. In the morning he sticks to water; blue milk is suspicious.

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