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The Barren Path... (DM Wayne) 
Thursday April 25th, 2024 11:42:52 PM

Armalad and Joker discuss locating the ceiling.

Stohp is still in full mapping mode.

An invisible Stock tells Joker that Joker is the best scouting choice because he can intelligently report back. Then Delia thinks she hears Stock move towards the pile of bones.

Bartomus keeps pace, ensuring smaller Shields can walk around him if need be.

Zanderallen pulls out his bullseye lantern, lights it, aims it towards the ceiling, and wonders aloud if this is the room the journal page spoke of.

Delia stares at empty space and corrects Stock. Then she prepares her everburning torch for Hawky to explore the tall room they just came from.

Zanderallen’s lantern follows the wall up its full 120’ and then shadows play on the walls above that, and then darkness. Still no ceiling. Zanderallen whistles quietly.

Hawky begins his flight up with the Everburning Torch (20’ radius).

Stock looks at the pile of bones up close, Highlight to display spoiler: {and sees, with no particular challenge to his trained eyes, that these are largely dwarven bones, but a small amount seem to be human, gnomish, and halfling as well. If some of these were the scribes, and not another dwarven expedition, how would we know?

To Stock’s left, the side passage goes some 35’ feet ahead to a wall with a 10’ wide exit on the left side.

While Joker wheedles, Hawky, a much faster flier, begins spiraling upward, rising 10’ every second, and it is an astonishingly long time, 48 seconds, before the torch’s light clearly shows the ceiling! Hawky’s highest arc also reveals a wide exit, between 10 and 20 feet wide, so hard to be precise from around 500’ away! The high tunnel is probably the source of the slight breeze, combined with the exit Stock and Delia used to enter the next room.

By the time Hawky’s expedition is completed, Stock and Delia have cleared the next room. With Stock’s potion perhaps half-gone, Stohp, Delia, and Dolgrin make careful note of the tunnel’s location and mark it to check later.

Hawky, with a gravity assist, is quickly back with the Shields in the time they gather in the next room.

As the group passes the bones, Stock asks Dolgrin about them.

Dolgrin admits he’s not a bones expert, but agrees it’s a fair number of dwarven bones compared to the human, halfling, and gnome bones.

Leaving behind the bones, a 15’-wide exit takes you 25’ further and then the tunnel ends in front of you but not on the left corner, as a 10’wide exit takes you into a 25’-wide by 65’ long chamber with four stalagmites each receiving a slow drip from the stalactites above them, and at the end of the left wall a 15’-wide exit.

Carefully hung around the ‘necks’ of the stalagmites, apparently so as to not inhibit their slow growth, are the remains of rusted and/or sodden adventuring gear – two halves of a chain shirt broken by rust, and perhaps claws, on one stalagmite. On the others an assortment of rotted and sodden leather armor… and a breastplate with a six-inch-wide puncture through the “heart” and out the back…

What do you do?

Barren Path

(OOC –
Stock’s Potion – 15 rounds remaining.)

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27  d20+27=43 ; d20+13=17 ; d20+27=36 ;
Friday April 26th, 2024 4:58:44 AM

Know[Nature]: 43
Know[Dungeonerring]: 17
Linguistics: 36

Armalad looks at the bones and at the armor pieces on the stalagmite formations and thinks to herself what she might know.

As they pass the armor pieces she casts detect magic and scans each piece of armor individually for any magic auras

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip)  d20+23=29 ;
Friday April 26th, 2024 7:38:08 AM

Stohp is expecting trouble and does her best to keep an eye out for it (perception 29)

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 136/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  d20+16=32 ;
Friday April 26th, 2024 12:52:41 PM

Bartomus followed behind Zander and took in the obvious trophy display. A very telling and gruesome trophy display, he thought to himself. He took a moment to look at the breastplate piece of armor with a puncture hole and tried to determine whether it was a weapon or a claw that did that damage.

Perception 32; move to where the breast plate piece is on display.

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44   d20+33=40 ;
Friday April 26th, 2024 2:43:57 PM

Longstrider, Darkvision, Underground +2

Delia grimaces, "Could be something marking its territory. We were warned of scorpion/dwarves - could that puncture be the scorpion tail?"

She wonders what sort of creatures might use the tunnel in the ceiling of the previous room and keeps an eye out with everyone else.

Perception: 40 (44 v undead/aberrations)

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 226/226 AC: 36 DR:5/Evil T: 15 FF: 35 CMD: 35 LoH 13/14 SE 6/6  d20+10=19 ;
Friday April 26th, 2024 3:35:44 PM

Leaned way back to watch Hawky map the ceiling Zander lets out another whistle as the bird's torch finally hits the top. He briefly hopes they don't have to explore the tunnel up there before having his attention drawn to the stalagmites. "I agree with you Delia. That looks like territory markers, or warning markers to keep out. Eyes up and weapons ready everyone." Zanderallen does just that, hand held ready to receive his blade as he douses and stashes his lantern.
Perception: 19

The Barren Path... (DM Wayne) 
Saturday April 27th, 2024 11:40:13 PM

Armalad considers the bones and armor pieces, casts Detect Magic, and scans the armor pieces. She Highlight to display spoiler: {Determines that if the broken gear was ever magical, some kind of large claws seem to have sundered the chain shirt in two, and the magic gone, rust came in quantity from the slow drips that grow the stalagmites here. The relatively few former armors all seem to have been rent in two or in the case of the breastplate, punctured so thoroughly front and back (through the heart!) that again, if any were magical, the enchantments were broken by the sundering and the elements, what little there are here in the Deep, took over from there, rotting leather and rusting metal. That puncture hole though… giant cave scorpion stinger??? As to the bones, Dolgrin seems to have covered the key parts without sitting down with a magnifying glass and a library of books on bones…}

Stohp is alert.

Bartomus reviews the wrecked armor… trophy display…, thinking perhaps either one claw coming to a sharp point when closed, or… Highlight to display spoiler: { a stinger… ? Do the Shields face cave scorpions?}

Delia verbalizes what some could be thinking – scorpion stinger? Unnerved by a possibility, she returns to guard duty.

Zanderallen marveled at Hawky’s mapping spiral. He suggests the armors aren’t just detritus from past victims of some aberration, but a kind of warning, of marking one’s territory. After warning the others to ready for battle, he douses and stashes his lantern, anticipating battle soon.

Stock says some of the armors seem to be dwarf-sized, but so battle-damaged and rusted or rotting that he’s not ready to call it true.

Dolgrin agrees with Stock, “The armors are too weathered and damaged for me to attribute any of them to the scribes, but it’s possible.” He winces when he stares at the breastplate with the six-inch hole front and back.

The group reassembles into marching order and enters the next room.

This next chamber is quite spacious – you’ve entered on the “long side,” more than 60’ of Darkvision can see, but your footsteps echo closely so perhaps 100’ long? Directly ahead of you is the short side, about 30’ deep. The ceiling is once more unseeable and you once more feel a slight breeze with the same subtle stink. As you round the corner and advance, indeed you find the other end of the ‘long’ wall about 95’ from its opposite. As well, there’s a 25’-wide opening at the back of the ‘long’ wall.

Each one ponders the horrors of the Night Above them, tensing for battle, but no foes appear… yet…

The room is otherwise “just” another chamber with unseeable ceiling, so the group moves ahead enough that Delia and Stock are…

Rounding the very-wide corner, this chamber is empty of stalagmites and stalactites, but not empty of… scrawls… writing (?)… on the walls. There is a fairly substantial amount of it… perhaps equivalent to one scroll’s worth of writing, though poorly scrawled and in large symbols/characters/something.

The chamber is 25’ wide and starting from the prior chamber goes forth some 55’ before ending though there is a 10’-wide exit on the right.

Armalad says that in the time she needs to translate the writing, Hawky has enough time to take the torch up again in the prior room.

Zanderallen lights his lantern again, and again it cannot reach the ceiling so he douses it and lets Hawky do his thing.

Once more Hawky takes some 48 seconds to reach the ceiling – another 500’ ceiling, with one 15’-wide tunnel at the top, in the bottom-left corner pointing in the direction of the other chamber with a 500’ ceiling.

Delia wonders aloud whether the two chambers connect at that height; and given the ground-level tunnels, maybe that’s why there’s a slight breeze.

Stohp works with Armalad to translate the Aklo, and their translation is, “The writing is in Aklo… bad Aklo, but Aklo nonetheless. It is the most primitive known form of writing – an accounting of food, apparently always shared in 4 parts. All of it is of the type, ‘six humanoids. One and one-half share.’ There is no narrative or explanation – just the extensive accounting.

What do you do?

Barren Path

(OOC –
Stock’s Potion – 5 rounds remaining.

Hawky’s ascent and descent takes a total of 10 rounds, likewise the translation with two Shields working on it, as it was a scroll’s worth of text.)

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 136/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  d20+16=20 ;
Sunday April 28th, 2024 1:21:34 PM

Bartomus followed along and listened as Stohp and Armalad worked through the accounting records apparently writ large, and poorly, along the giant wall.

"A creature that can figure and write. We need to keep that in mind. They set up their out parameter." Bartomus said cloud. He took it all in.

"Dolgrin, any legends about a warlord or ruler here in these caverns? Not Drow but someone else??" Bartomus nodded toward the ledger. Then he looked about again for any other signs.

Perception 20

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27 
Sunday April 28th, 2024 11:30:16 PM

Armalad says to Bartomus, "Well potentially multiple somethings considering the figuring in Aklo such as it is is dividing each line item in shares of four, so perhaps whatever is down here is at least four different groups or entities? Though that doesn't necessarily mean all groups or entities can read or write or figure, just the lead group or entity perhaps?"

"Also that armor back there looked to be pierced by giant cave scorpion stingers and if any of it was magic it was rendered too damaged to continue to function as a magic armor. Between the armor pieces and the writing I'd say it is safe to say at least one group can read, write and figure in a form of primitive Aklo and one group contains one or more giant cave scorpions, I do not know if we come across anything if we should potentially try to communicate in Aklo before hostilities arise or given the broken armor on stalagmites if that is meant to be a warning and since we ignored it they won't listen to anything we potentially have to say."

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip) 
Monday April 29th, 2024 8:23:35 AM

Stohp shrugs. "There's no real way to know except by continuing on."

Stock (JonM) HP: 265/265; AC: 34/31/17; DR 4/-; CMD: 41; Rage: 0/44 used 
Monday April 29th, 2024 2:39:51 PM

"Yeah Stohp. I suspect you're right. Still though, it takes a funny set of circumstances for a being to understand accounting, let alone need accounting. And then the fact that it decided to keep its accounts on the wall...strange. Of course when the strangest thing you are encountering is unexpected accounting, you're probably in good shape."

Stock continues ahead, occasionally squinting up to where he expects the ceiling to be overhead.

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44   d20+33=38 ; d20+40=53 ;
Monday April 29th, 2024 3:34:34 PM

Darkvision, Longstrider, Underground +2

"I'm not sure that many things that speak Aklo are willing to negotiate... I picked it up to understand how to hunt them better, not to have a nice chat." Delia tosses over her shoulder as she keeps an eye on Hawky, grateful that she wasn't tasked with translating the Aklo, despite her level of Aklo grammar probably being closer to the wall-scrawl than the more academically trained Arlamad and Stohp.

She retakes her place ahead of the group and continues their forward march.

Perception: 38 (42 v undead/aberrations)
Stealth: 53

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27 
Monday April 29th, 2024 8:48:06 PM

Armalad says, "You never know till you try and I wasn't necessarily recommending we be all diplomatic like we will part with x amount of rations in order to continue to investigate your territory I was thinking more along the lines of trying to intimidate them from even bothering to mess with us, kind of a you don't want to fool around and find out in Aklo and then if that doesn't work well perhaps if any survivors speak Aklo they'll tell whatever else is down here not to mess with us."

The Barren Path... (DM Wayne) 
Monday April 29th, 2024 11:05:40 PM

Bartomus asks Dolgrin for any tales of some leader down here.

Armalad speculates as to the number of groups of denizens.

Stohp says the group should just keep moving.

Stock agrees with Stohp, but noting that accounting tends to require specific circumstances. He moves on, invisibly.

Delia notes Aklo speakers tend not to be the most intelligent, and then like Stock, moves on into the Night Below, scouting.

Armalad offers her own take on ‘Aklo diplomacy.’

Zanderallen brings up the rear once the group begins moving again.

Dolgrin ponders the Aklo and the Shields’ speculations, and likewise moves on with the group. “Writing carved into stone isn’t unusual… but that’s significant effort, to write, even crudely, in limestone…

(OOC – sorry I didn’t advance the group on the map after the prior post. I’ve added ‘Aklo Writing’ so you can see where the group found it.)

The 10’-wide tunnel takes you over 100’ before coming to an end, with a 10’-wide exit on the right and a 15’-wide exit on the left. This tunnel has a ceiling about 10’ high. (OOC this is from the perspective of walking “down” from the top of the map.)

On the right, you see a lot of stalagmites and stalactites through this 10’-wide chamber that dead-ends after 60’. Nothing of interest, but Taurs would find it very difficult to navigate through here compared to humans and smaller.

On the left, the exit goes but 10’ and then opens up into a vast unknown where you cannot see the end of any sides of the massive chamber before you!

Stock, Delia, and Stohp comment on a noticeable stink.

Stock and Delia only Highlight to display spoiler: {Standing in the entranceway to the unknowably-vast chamber, many stalagmites are Darkvision-visible on the left and on the right, but only darkness lies ahead. There is a more-noticeable breeze here. The stink is more noticeable too. The ceiling cannot be seen at all.}

What do you do?

Barren Path

(OOC –
Stock’s Potion – 3 rounds remaining.)

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27 
Tuesday April 30th, 2024 12:04:39 AM

Armalad says."I suppose I could send a flaming sphere out into the darkness, and it can get 220 feet ahead of me before winking out of existence."

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip)  d20+23=33 ;
Tuesday April 30th, 2024 6:26:53 AM

Stohp looks down the stalagmite filled passage to see if there's any point in exploring it before turning her attention to the bigger room (perception 33)

Stock (JonM) HP: 265/265; AC: 34/31/17; DR 4/-; CMD: 41; Rage: 0/44 used 
Tuesday April 30th, 2024 8:45:57 AM

”It is so so dark ahead. That doesn’t look natural. And that smell…it comes from the darkness I think…does anybody have any way to Detect anything besides using my old eyes?”

Stock hugs the wall on the left as he enters the room.

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44  
Tuesday April 30th, 2024 5:00:51 PM

She'll look at Bart and Armalad, "If anyone can make magical light we could put it on an arrow and see how far it goes. As long as we don't mind everything knowing we're here."

She nocks an arrow in preparation.

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27 
Tuesday April 30th, 2024 5:39:55 PM

Armalad agrees to Delia's request to light up her arrow should the rest of the group agree the risk is worth taking.

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 226/226 AC: 36 DR:5/Evil T: 15 FF: 35 CMD: 35 LoH 13/14 SE 6/6 
Tuesday April 30th, 2024 5:52:50 PM

Zanderallen complies with the hidden request in Stock's words and moves to the entrance of the cavern. He can't see anything with his eyes but will focus his divine sense outward.
Detect Evil 1st round 60ft cone presence of evil.

The Barren Path... (DM Wayne) 
Tuesday April 30th, 2024 9:35:09 PM

Armalad suggests a Flaming Sphere to search ahead.

Stohp considers the “Taur’s Misery” passage – nothing visible within the range of the nearest light source (Light spell on Armalad’s arrow?). Those with Darkvision report to Stohp they see nothing out of the ordinary even to the back wall. That said, something small, or thin and tall, could be behind a stalagmite.

Stock comments on the Night Below, asking for magical aid in noticing things. He follows the left wall about twenty feet, ready to respond to any danger, and for his troubles only spots a few more stalagmite columns at the edge of his Darkvision.

Delia suggests Light on an arrow, then shoot the arrow.

Armalad agrees with Delia’s idea, if the group votes for it.

Zanderallen moves up, hoping not to bump into the Invisible dwarf, and begins Detecting Evil.
(OOC – Round 1 – no evil within the cone ahead. (Moved Z to AD32))

Bartomus considers what to do.

What do you do?

Barren Path

(OOC –
Stock’s Potion – 2 rounds remaining.)

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 136/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  d20+16=17 ;
Tuesday April 30th, 2024 11:32:44 PM

Bartomus looked at the cavern filled with stalagmites and stalactites and shivered. The darkness in the other room seemed equally problematic.

"I have an idea that might help a bit." Bartomus said and shifted into the form of a large earth elemental and glided forward through the wall to where he had a sense that Stock was standing nearby.

He paused a bit past Stock and then stood trying to get a sense of any movement from that point.

Move to AF 29/30 with earth glide through the wall. Pause there to get a sense of tremors or movement 60' outward via tremorsense. Perception natural one for a total of 17

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27 
Wednesday May 1st, 2024 12:37:03 AM

Armalad asks in a whisper, "Is Delia firing her arrow or not or are we waiting to see if our earth elemental detects something first?"

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip) 
Wednesday May 1st, 2024 6:08:12 AM

With a shrug Stohp follows Stock into the room.

Stock (JonM) HP: 265/265; AC: 34/31/17; DR 4/-; CMD: 41; Rage: 0/44 used 
Wednesday May 1st, 2024 9:31:59 AM

”Shoot Delia”

Stock continues ahead to the point he can see around the larger stalactites, walking ahead another 30 ft

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44   d20+31=32 ;
Wednesday May 1st, 2024 1:22:38 PM

Delia will fire the Light arrow in an arc across the chamber.

facing AE33, fire across the room. If you need a roll I did roll a 1... for a 32 with farshot feat, -1 for every 110 ft traveled

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 226/226 AC: 36 DR:5/Evil T: 15 FF: 35 CMD: 35 LoH 13/14 SE 6/6 
Wednesday May 1st, 2024 5:32:13 PM

Zander gives the all clear signal and waits to see what the arrow illuminates.

The Barren Path... (DM Wayne)  d100=92 ; d100=78 ; d100=67 ; d100=22 ; d100=43 ; d100=72 ; d100=66 ; d100=80 ; d100=71 ; 8d6=22 ; 8d6=27 ; 8d6=35 ; 8d6=25 ; 8d6=21 ; 8d6=28 ; 8d6=31 ; 8d6=26 ; 8d6=32 ; 4d6=12 ;
Wednesday May 1st, 2024 11:25:45 PM

Bartomus shifted into a large earth elemental and moved through the wall straight for Stock and a bit beyond.

Armalad asks which strategy the group is following.

Stohp had noted the faint sound of Stock moving further into the room. His new armor makes hearing him a lot harder! She decides she’ll know if she’s gone too far if she bumps into Stock and moves in a bit, pausing at Bartomus’ elemental form, as that was around the limit of Zanderallen’s Light.

Stock directs Delia to shoot the Light Arrow Armalad’s been carrying around, and then moves further ahead.

Armalad takes Stock’s cue and walks up to the entrance to pass the Light arrow to Delia so she can fire it right away.

Delia fires the arrow!

Zanderallen notes no ambush thus far and watches the Light arrow take flight.

Delia’s bowstring wobbled – bad pull, it happens, so the arrow went ten degrees off to the left compared to Delia’s aim, but it still goes across the room, arc not as high as Delia wanted as the ceiling is not lit up.

Dolgrin moves up to just behind Armalad so he can see the show.

Armalad only Highlight to display spoiler: {your low-light vision comes in handy, as the extension of the 20’ radius of the Light arrow allows you to see the ceiling and guess it’s about 100’ up.}

There is a distant shout, very brief, in a language unfamiliar to all but Armalad, Stohp, and Delia: Highlight to display spoiler: {In Aklo, “NOW!}

As you delved deeper into this unknowable chamber, admired the pristine stalagmites, worked hard to ignore the increasing stench, a split-second after the shout there is suddenly an uncomfortable feeling – a sharp abrupt feeling riding a wave of loud rumbling sounds – CAVE-IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(OOC – the area of effect is LARGE. The entire group is in it. No one is near the edge of the quake.)

Though the group was ready for foes of myriad types, the very ground and ceiling, all the rock and stone of the Underwold catches you by Surprise!

An intense tremor rips the very ground asunder in far more than one place, in the large chamber, its entrance, and the tunnel that led you here, and rends the ceiling above, raining rocks and boulders down upon all of you!

(OOC – There’s a lot going on here, but in order:

1) The effect is the same as an Earthquake spell; was it a spell? Not saying – no one saw a spellcaster, and The Scab has a lot of lava action and accompanying earthquakes, so could be either spell or natural. Dolgrin apparently wasn’t expecting an earthquake now, and he’s been good about warning the Shields on UnderWold dangers, so take that for what it’s worth.

2) “When you cast earthquake, an intense but highly localized tremor rips the ground. The powerful shockwave created by this spell knocks creatures down, collapses structures, opens cracks in the ground, and more. The effect lasts for 1 round, during which time creatures on the ground can't move or attack. A spellcaster on the ground must make a Concentration check (DC 20 + spell level) or lose any spell he or she tries to cast. The earthquake affects all terrain, vegetation, structures, and creatures in the area.”

If it’s the spell version, your next post is most definitely subject to the spellcasting Concentration check above. If it’s a natural earthquake, those things can go on much longer than 6 seconds, (from personal experience) so it’d be a good sign for Shields’ spellcasters if you only have to make a spellcasting check in the next post instead of… longer.


3) Cave-Ins, from the Core Rulebook:

Cave, Cavern, or Tunnel: The roof collapses, dealing 8d6 points of damage to any creature caught under the cave-in (Reflex DC 15 half) and pinning that creature beneath the rubble (see below). An earthquake cast on the roof of a very large cavern could also endanger those outside the actual area but below the falling debris and rubble.”

Open Ground: Each creature standing in the area must make a DC 15 Reflex save or fall down. Fissures open in the earth, and every creature on the ground has a 25% chance to fall into one (Reflex DC 20 to avoid a fissure). The fissures are 40 feet deep. At the end of the spell, all fissures grind shut. Treat all trapped creatures as if they were in the bury zone of an avalanche, trapped without air (see Environment, Core Rulebook p.429, for more details).”

NOTE – Bartomus is in Earth elemental form – he’s surprised, so he can still be battered for damage, but on his post can earth glide past/through any rocks, etc.

NOTE – Hawky was in the air, but the rockfall of A) PINS him to the ground like the rest of you, and then he might fall into a Fissure.


A) Everyone Reflex Save DC 15, 8d6 damage, save for half, and no matter what, PINNED beneath the rubble, and will need to escape, as detailed below. (I googled; yes, you’re PINNED regardless of your saving throw result.)

8D6 ROCKFALL DAMAGE ROLLS - Going in the following order: Armalad 22, Joker 27, Bartomus 35, Delia 25, Hawky 21, Dolgrin 28, Stock 31, Stohp 26, Zanderallen 32.

B) Everyone 25% chance to fall into a Fissure, in which case you need a DC 20 Reflex Save. 01-25 on d100 in DM post is what I’m using to see who needs to make this saving throw. Going in the following order: Armalad, Joker, Bartomus, Delia, Hawky, Dolgrin, Stock, Stohp, Zanderallen.

These characters must make a DC 20 Reflex Save or fall in Fissure: Delia, alone.

Delia’s fissure is 40 feet deep. (It is YELLOW on the map – 5’ wide, 55’ long, 40’ deep.)

Delia if you make your DC 20 Reflex Save I will place you at AE 33, otherwise 4d6 falling damage – result of 12 base damage. (If you have any ability/item that affects falling damage, use it, of course)


Pinned Beneath Rubble: Any creature pinned beneath rubble takes 1d6 points of nonlethal damage per minute while pinned. If a pinned character falls unconscious, he or she must make a DC 15 Constitution check or take 1d6 points of lethal damage each minute thereafter until freed or dead.”

Yes, there is a time limit to avoid everyone dying of suffocation.

Should Bartomus survive the rockfall, he may free one person within his Reach with a standard action (earth glide), representing using his body to shape/create a temporary 5’-wide tunnel the victim may use to exit from under many hundreds or thousands of pounds of rock (Stohp can Squeeze to escape in this way). Additionally, on his turn, his earth glide ability enables him to free himself from being PINNED so long as he moves from his starting location.

If Bartomus hasn’t come to your rescue just yet:

Cave-Ins and Collapses… (Core Rulebook p.415): Characters who aren’t buried can dig out their friends. In 1 minute, using only her hands, a character can clear rocks and debris equal to five times her heavy load limit. The amount of loose stone that fills a 5-foot-by-5-foot area weighs 1 ton (2,000 pounds). Armed with an appropriate tool, such as a pick, crowbar, or shovel, a digger can clear loose stone twice as quickly as by hand. A buried character can attempt to free himself with a DC 25 Strength check.

Yes, some of you will be wholly unable to free yourself at DC 25. That’s why you have friends. The DC 25 Strength check is a full-round action. (DM ruling; Corebook doesn’t state.)




What do you do?

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27  d20+20=33 ; d20+19=32 ; d20+12=31 ;
Wednesday May 1st, 2024 11:55:34 PM

Concentration = 33

Armalad attempts to protect herself and Joker in her 12 foot diameter Resilient Sphere centered on herself and succeeds at getting the protection up in a single standard action.

(OOC1: functions like wall of force so sphere has hardness 30 and 240 hp)
(OOC2: being that Joker and Armalad are protected by the sphere are they still damaged/buried or are they unharmed and unburried with the sphere causing the rubble to divert around it?)

Armalad Reflex if needed: 32 + evasion = no damage
Joker Reflex if needed: 31 + improved evasion = no damage

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 101/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  d20+11=14 ;
Thursday May 2nd, 2024 1:41:32 AM

Something wasn't right and as it became obvious to Bartomus what it was, the ground gave way underneath him and he fell. As he did so, everything above him started falling as well. He slammed down and had rock slam down on him. He failed in dodging the falling things onto him and took a moment to catch his breath. Then he slipped through the rock that pinned him and as he did so, he sensed that Stohp was nearby.

He shifted towards his fellow Taur and then created an opening using himself as a support for the other rock.

"Stohp, this way, quickly." Bartomus shouted. He took the time to let Stohp climb out and then stood up.

[i]Reflex save of 14/15 - fail - take 35 points

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip) 
Thursday May 2nd, 2024 7:42:35 AM

Stohp is surprised by the quake and even her reflexes can't keep her from being buried, though she avoids most the damage (with +23 reflex she can't fail, but I"m a little uncertain if Evasion applies here so that she takes no damage). She's fairly grim once Bart digs her out. "Get the other's out. I'll see if I can find who caused the cave in before they hit us with another."

Stock (JonM) HP: 305/316; AC: 32/30/15; DR 4/-; CMD: 42; Rage: 1/44 used  d20+11=19 ; d20+10=19 ;
Thursday May 2nd, 2024 9:53:31 AM

====Status - Raging====

Something about his innate subterranean heritage allows Stock to sense the impending earthquake before it buries him. His chest feels tight and the rocks press down tightly. He channels his inner rage but is only able to move the rubble a fraction of an inch.

Reflex 19
11 damage - I’m assuming DR applies
Stock has 30 strength while raging…Can I petition to use his strength surge rage power? It is outside the rules as written but thematically fits. It is not included in my roll on this turn
Strength check 19

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27 
Thursday May 2nd, 2024 2:59:01 PM

(OOC: Evasion - If she makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Is this is indeed an attack since someone yelled "NOW!" in Aklo and then the next thing we knew earthquake and these saves normally deal half damage on success)

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 226/226 AC: 36 DR:5/Evil T: 15 FF: 35 CMD: 35 LoH 13/14 SE 6/6  d20+17=20 ; d20+7=25 ;
Thursday May 2nd, 2024 6:51:03 PM

As the floor begins to rumble, Zander yells out for everyone to watch out. He manages to get his shield raised to absorb the brunt of the impact of the rocks falling but still finds himself buried. Taking barely a moment to grasp the seriousness of his situation his brain switch to survival mode. Working his arms and legs up and out with a mighty surge of strength Zanderallen manages to pull himself from the debris! He immediately starts reaching into his Bag of Holding for the shovels and picks he threw in their before leaving the dwarven hold. "Is everyone OK? We'll get you out. Bart, free Stock next. Strongest first to help move rocks. Stohp if you find someone yell."
Reflex 20 saves, 11 damage taken after DR
Str 25 to pull himself free

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44   d20+23=30 ; d20+13=19 ; d20+23=36 ; d20+5=15 ;
Thursday May 2nd, 2024 9:29:54 PM

At the shout in Aklo, Delia whistles sharply and Hawky attempts to dive to her before the cave in occurs. They both dodge the brunt of the falling rocks, Delia hoping to tuck Hawky safely underneath her body before they are pinned.
In her rock dodging, Delia neatly steps onto stable ground before getting pinned beneath the rocks.

She heaves against the rocks, but to no avail. If Hawky made it to her, she is calm and composed, trying to dig herself out but waiting for rescue.
If Hawky is buried on his own, she yells, "Someone free Hawky! Help him, please!"

Delia Reflex: 30 (with evasion if applicable, if not 12 damage)
Hawky Reflex: 19 (with evasion if applicable, if not 10 damage)
Delia Reflex v fissure: 36
Delia Strength check: 15 v DC 25

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