Spell: Eye of Newt and Toe of Frog

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Level: Witch 4
Components: S
Casting Time: 1 free action
Range: touch
Effect: bit of hair or skin or scale or a drop of blood
Duration: see below
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: none

This spell gathers a bit of hair or skin or scale or a drop of blood or other very small fragment or sample from a creature or object the witch is touching and preserves it indefinitely for use as a component for future spells. If the creature is helpless or willing, or if the object is unattended, then this can be accomplished in a flash. If the creature is not willing, a melee touch attack is required, and such an attack does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If the attack misses, the charge can be held and the touch may be tried again, but the spell is lost if some other spell is cast before the component is gathered. Because the casting time is a free action, the witch can cast it in the instant that he is struck with a natural attack, with no melee touch required, gathering the component from his attacker as he is touched. The component can be stored in a spell component pouch or on the witch's person, and it will not spoil or degrade so long as the witch carries it. It is available for use as soon as the next round for casting or tinkering or improvising spells. This spell can also be used to take a component from an enemy's spell component pouch or pocket, but doing so does not stop the enemy from using the same component in the future (it does not empty the pouch). A component gathered by this spell does not have any effective weight or cost under usual circumstances.