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The Sentinel Head

DM Kent (enough is enough already or too many Sahuagin spoil the battle)  d20=19 d8=7 d20=3 4d20(18+18+1+13)=50 2d6(4+1)=5 3d20(3+10+10)=23 2d20(17+13)=30 d8=3 3d3(3+2+3)=8 3d20(11+18+13)=42 d20=2 d20=11
Tuesday February 29th, 2000 1:45:59 AM

As Branze makes his suggestion that they fall back several things happen. First the door, finishes raising and more sahuagin run in with weapons at the ready. Secondly the head has reached the original level and seems to be lowering more. Borbo is no more to be seen as the pond swallows him up again. K'isst manages to parry her opponents strike and retaliates with one of her own that momentarily sends the sea devil to one knee, K'isst relaxes for a moment and realizes too late that it was a sham as her opponents weapon slams into her side for 7 points. Sedar starts to back up and sees one Sea devil holding off two more and watches for a moment more as one of its opponents is decapitated. As Sedar tries to back up though, he realizes that there is a slight problem with that plan. There is nowhere for him to back up to as Draax's fill in behind Sedar and S27 steps up to attack Sedar but misses badly. Branze, Draax, and Rond all manage to back up a bit while fighting but their opponents keep pace with them and now Rond is all but surrounded by four sea devils. Branze still faces 3 and Draax now only faces 1 as his last attack finished off s14. Rond is hit twice for 5 points while s11 tripped over the dead s1 and stabbed S15 for 5 points. Branze's opponents all miss, while Draax takes another 3 points as he is hit with S28's wicked looking sword. S7 & S21 think they have figured out which Arien is the real one and both attack the same Arien and another double disappears. S8 attacks as well and misses due to indecision. S19 having had its fill of being used as a pin cushion is twirling a barbed net around and over its head and lets it fly trying to snare Bill but forgot to take into account that Bill is somewhat shorter than most and the net goes flying over Bill's head and hits the wall. S26 attacks Sedar's new friend and misses still stunned that one of his own would change sides like that. Arien goes to reach for his bow and realizes that he is much to close for bow work as his opponents are sword and trident length away.

Sedar  d20=10 d20=6
Tuesday February 29th, 2000 5:53:59 AM

With no place to go, but through the sea devils in his way, he draws his steel. Short sword and dagger come into play. Spinning for a counter attack, he fails to do damage in his haste to regroup with the others.

Branze Bones  d20=8 d20=9 d20=18 d4=4
Tuesday February 29th, 2000 7:33:59 AM

"Get back to back warriors make a place for teh mage. Get that airy water spell ready. We need to group up we need to get together and keep as many off us as possible, hurry to me." he says as he moves towards Ronds back and begins the formation of a circle. Making two quick sword strokes as he leaves, and slams the front of his shield into the front of another clearing the path to Rond.((4 points from shield punch, ac goes down 2 because of move following round.))

K'isst  d20=7
Tuesday February 29th, 2000 7:41:59 AM

K'isst suddenly deciding that Borbo's body cannot be left to this fate, dives into the water and attempts to free the body. She switches to breathing air as she struggles with the effort. She thinks to herself that she has about a minute or two to work on this before she will have to give it up and go for the head as it lowers to a reachable level. Being dead, she doesn't worry about the condition of the body and jerks and pulls trying pull it free. (Made voluntary strength check of 7 which succeeds by 11 plus 2 super strength categories.)

Draax  d20=19 d8+4=10
Tuesday February 29th, 2000 11:22:59 AM

Draax looks at #28 with hatred in his eyes and slashes the creature across the chest (10 Dmg).

Ari  d20=18 d10+1=6
Tuesday February 29th, 2000 10:35:59 PM

(ooc I'm going to need help on this one). Rond begins a sweep starting with s24 and working his way counter clockwise. (AC -1 for 6 pts of dam). Then if possible, Rond will meet up with Branze and go back-back.

Wednesday March 1st, 2000 1:07:59 AM

Cursing when he realizes his mistake Arien begins to backpedal to a more defensible location keeping an eye on the Sea Devils the entire time.

Bill Troublefinder  d20+1=14 d20+1=17 d6+1=6 d4+1=3 d3+1=4
Wednesday March 1st, 2000 7:42:59 AM

"Nuts to you, net man!" Bill says, as he slashes at the sahuagin (S19) with his short sword (6 hp damage), and follows through with a sharp thrust from his dagger (rolled d4+1 by mistake, then d3+1 - but will stick with first roll, for 3 hp damage). "You have been bad to my people."

DM Kent (circles within circles)  18d20(17+8+3+13+10+13+12+9+7+10+9+3+14+18+19+11+10+14)=200 2d20(15+17)=32 d3=2
Thursday March 2nd, 2000 12:36:59 AM

Rond and Branze manage to get back to back and then see that they are totally encircled by 8 Sea Devils. Sedar finally is able to move and manages to get back to back with Draax but they are surrounded by 6 Sea Devils. Two Ariens manage a hasty retreat and are able to get their backs to a wall and Bill to one side before they are surrounded by 4 Sahuagin. K'isst having made her decision to go after Borbo's corpse dives down and finds she has no problem getting him loose with one tug. The charmed Sea devil attacks his opponent and connects for 4 points and then in return is severely injured himself when struck back for 10. All eight foes come at Rond and Branze and most end up getting in each other's ways. However Both Rond and Branze are hit for 4 points each. The six surrounding Draax and Sedar also all attack and all miss. The four on the Ariens and Bill attack and Arien's last double vanishes as it is struck.

Rond  d8=4
Thursday March 2nd, 2000 2:32:59 AM

"I'll do my best to help, but no guarantees!" As Rond pulls out a healing potion and takes a sip, restoring the points that were just taken from him.

Thursday March 2nd, 2000 5:15:59 AM

K'isst comes to the surface letting Borbo's body float away from the pillar towards the door (thus preserving his actions) Gasping for breath, he yells, "Bill! Borbo's body! There! Floating! Get it! All together guys, I'm going for the head!" Shaking the water out of her hair, K'isst then turns looking at the pillar hoping she has timed things right. If it's within reach, she takes a weightlifting breath and mutters, "Donyra aid me!" Then she reaches for the head, hefts it, bumping up against the pillar as she does so with her leg trying to hit the lever to begin closing the door. If successful, she begins moving as fast as she can toward the exit. "AARRRRGH! Coming through!!!" (I'm letting you make the rolls Kent, since I don't know what rolls you will want. And that will be faster as well.)

Arien  d4+1=4 d4+1=4
Thursday March 2nd, 2000 5:26:59 AM

Arien looks for a weakened opponent, ideally the one hit before. If he finds one he will nail that one with 2 magic missiles, otherwise he will just blast the closest one. The magic missiles strike for a total of 8 points of damage.

Sedar of the long odds  d20=18 d20=4 d6=2
Thursday March 2nd, 2000 5:40:59 AM

"Just like Wardd to put us at these odds " as he lunges forward with his short sword (2 dam). his charmed ally gets in the way of his dagger(misses).

Brother Branze Bones doomed of Domi.  d20=18 d8+3=8
Thursday March 2nd, 2000 5:50:59 AM

"Rond, dispute are differences it has been a pleasure to fight with you as the guardians of Windhorn." he shouts as he looks forward at the impending doom they face in the wave of overwhelming odds. "Domi guide my blade." but his god doesn't here as the amount of foes pressing on him is to much to handle. He does hit the most damaged sea devil around him, though for 8hpd.

Bill Troublefinder  d20=18
Thursday March 2nd, 2000 8:52:59 AM

Bill hears K'isst shout for him to get Borbo's body, and he glances in the direction of her voice. Borbo's ... body? "No. No. NO. NOOOOOOO!!" He disengages from the sahuagin he has been facing, running between him (S19) and the adjacent sea devil (S7). Feet having splashed in the water, he parries (18+1), then cuts, running towards Borbo's damaged remains, and pulls him with all his might back toward the door.

Draax  d20=15 d20=15 d8+4=7 d8+4=11
Thursday March 2nd, 2000 11:27:59 AM

Draax concentrates on taking out the opponents one at a time. He continues to direct his attacks against S28 hitting it across the chest with the first hit and across the neck on the return swing (18 dmg total).

DM Kent (circles within circles)  14d20(8+15+9+4+20+7+4+20+16+1+14+15+6+13)=152 2d20(20+13)=33 d20=7 d20=18 d20=11 d20=18
Friday March 3rd, 2000 2:19:59 AM

Branze's attack is just enough to bring s24 down but he and Rond still face seven opponents and s9 hits Branze(15) for 4 points of damage. S29 takes a swing at Rond and connects with his forehand swing (20), catches him again on the back swing (20) and misses as he goes for the kill (7) for 12 points of damage. Sedar's attack cuts straight to the heart of the matter and kills s8 and Draax's attack does the same to s28. Their remaining three opponents take advantage of their numbers and attacked. S31 hit Sedar with a vicious strike (20) and again with a 13 for a total of 11 points. S33 also hits Sedar (16) for 4 points. As Draax tries to pull his sword out of s28's body he is attacked by s27 which hits for 3 and s13 which fumbles when bumped by Borbo's body and drops his weapon. Arien blasts s19 with two magic missiles and aids in Bill's scooting thru to claim Borbo. However the remaining opponents now faced with only one Arien have a pretty good idea what they should aim for and both s32 and s21 hit Arien (15, 13) for 10 points. K'isst frees Borbo's corpse and sends it toward the shallows and then goes for the levers and the head (dex rolled 13 and 18), she manages to kick the correct lever and the door starts to drop yet again. However as she goes to maneuver the head her grip slips and the side of her head comes into contact with the statue. She feels a jolt shoot through her body Save vs magic at a -3 (rolled 18+3 =21) and she loses consciousness strangely still stuck to the head. Borbo manages to dodge thru s7 and s19 and Parries s7's attack. He gets to Borbo's corpse and sees that he is very, very much dead. He starts to drag him backward, but it is slow going and even bumps into s13 on the way.

DM Kent (You light up my life......)  14d20(8+15+9+4+20+7+4+20+16+1+14+15+6+13)=152 2d20(20+13)=33 d20=7 d20=18 d20=11 d20=18
Friday March 3rd, 2000 2:29:59 AM

Now as K'isst becomes part of a not so modern piece of art work and the rest of the party inflicts wounds and has wounds inflicted upon themselves something very very weird happens. There is a sudden burst of scintillating light as the Sentinel Head rises into the air, taking K'isst with it. It reaches a height of about 15 feet above the water and then a very soft, deep and well projected voice echoes throughout your body and around the room." BE CALM, BE STRONG, LEND ME YOUR STRENGTH, YOUR DESIRES, LET YOUR HATRED FLOW FROM YOUR BODIES TO ME, LET US BE AS ONE. (all roll vs int. or wis. whichever is better)

Bill Troublefinder  d20=15 d20=12
Friday March 3rd, 2000 4:10:59 AM

"Excuse me," he says to S13. [Rolled 3 under Int, 5 under Wis]. Bill thinks back to the annual rituals of renewal of his community before the Sentinel. And is sad for Borbo. He looks around to see what effect the Sentinel's call has on those in the cave, and tries to figure out what to do next... as he pulls Borbo further out of the water.

Rond  d20=20
Friday March 3rd, 2000 5:07:59 AM

Rond crumples to the ground, unconscious, and bleeding from several cuts. (did not make any wis/int roll, unless he has a temp boost! :) )

Branze Bones  d20=2 d20=17 d20=4 d8=6
Friday March 3rd, 2000 6:48:59 AM

::makes wisdom by 15:: "Rond. This battle shall not be won so easily Sea devils." he says launching into attack forms.((second 2 twenties)) Striking once he delivers a nasty wound to the one that hit him. ((9 points))

Sedar  d20=5
Friday March 3rd, 2000 3:48:59 PM

As the damages take their toll on the half-elf, he falls to the ground. his vision fails and the last he sees is his enemies standing over him. Everything goes black ........... a strange buzzing in his ears. He wonders ....

Friday March 3rd, 2000 6:46:59 PM

Arien slumps against the wall and slowly slides down it leaving a trail of blood. He watches the head for a bemused moment and its words echo in his ears as he slips into the murky depths of unconsciousness.

Bill Troublefinder 
Saturday March 4th, 2000 9:25:59 AM

Just then, he recalls that Borbo wore a ring of invisibility. If the ring is there, Bill will remove it, place it on his finger, and twist it as the Dread mage who once wore it did to activate it. {Bill observed this during the time he had infiltrated that group to spy on them, as well as in the temple of Donyra.} And he will leap aside to move away from the slashings and thrashings of the combatants. Then visit his fallen companions, and look for potions of healing to pour down their throats (there should still be about a dozen or so vials scattered among members of the party). He goes first to Rond, then Sedar, then Arien. His mind racing, he considers if there is a way to touch the Sentinel's head. "How do I lend it my strength?" we wonders. And prayers to the gods arrow skyward.

Draax  d20=14
Saturday March 4th, 2000 1:22:59 PM

Draax gets ready to attack S27, but stops as he hear the voice and it message (fail Int by 1). He begin to talk to himself. "Be calm, be strong, lend my strength, my desires, let my hatred flow, be as one."

DM Kent (the upright citizens) 
Sunday March 5th, 2000 2:35:59 PM

As Branze finishes his final attack and Bill searches Borbo for the ring, finding nothing, The Sentinel Head and thus K'isst start to glow. Seven, what can only be called bands of light emanate from the Head and directly seek out and envelop the heroes of the Hamlett Branze and Bill feel a calming sense of well being flow thru them, get back 4 hps, and find they are frozen where they are. The voice is repeating its litany over and over. Sedar, Rond, Arien, and Draax start to collapse into unconsciousness, when they feel themselves wrapped in this blanket of calm safety, get back 4 hps, and while not totally aware of what is going on you feel the head's voice throughout your bodies. A Band of light also approaches Borbo, wraps around him for a moment and then retreats back to the head. All of this happens in mere seconds and then suddenly red rays of power start emanating from the Sentinel head's eyes and all six of your hands. Whenever one of these rays touches a live Sahuagin, it is destroyed in a few fiery moments. In less time than it would take for you to say all of your names, all the Sea Devils are dead and vanished. The only things remaining are the body of your fallen companion Borbo, the head which is now resting on the floor, with K'isst lying next to it having been released as the head went quiescent. You all are conscious and remember everything that just happened. the water has started to recede, the door is closed and the pillar top is level with the water.

Branze Bones  d8=2 d8=5
Sunday March 5th, 2000 3:51:59 PM

"Praise Domi for the miracle." he says as he takes out a potion of healing and cast a quick prayer upon his person.((got back 10 hp)) "Now before more Sea devils show up lets get the head and blow out of here." he says as he quickly heads over, looking down at the slain halfling. "You will be remembered and praised in the halls of Domi for bravery in battle."

Bill Troublefinder 
Sunday March 5th, 2000 8:03:59 PM

"Whoa... wow..." Bill just stands there for a few moments, his skin tingling and a sense of awe washing over him. He sees Branze walk over to Borbo and say something, but he doesn't seem to comprehend what the warrior cleric is saying. He is sure it is something nice. He looks around, and sees his companions beginning to stir. He walks over to K'isst, and gently shakes her.

Sedar of poor health 
Sunday March 5th, 2000 8:37:59 PM

Slowly getting to his feet, barely aware of what's happening. He hears Branze speak of getting the head and leaving. he staggers to lend what little support he can. Trying to figure out what just occurred, he asks of anyone ... "?"

K'isst the Dreamer 
Monday March 6th, 2000 5:08:59 AM

As Bill gently shakes her she in her strange dreamworld answers "No mother, I already washed the dishes...Oh, it's you Bill...sure I like you too....marry you!...well I don't know..." Then her eyes flutter open. "Oh Bill. Are we dead? I was having the strangest dreams."

Arien  d8=6
Monday March 6th, 2000 8:12:59 AM

Arien opens his eyes and blinks them in wonder. Where were the Sea Devils? What was going on? He stands up and grunts in pain. He quickly quaffs another dose of healing potion and sighs as his pains and aches fade. He looks to the others and asks, "Now what?"

Monday March 6th, 2000 9:59:59 AM

Draax gets back to his feet a little scared and very excited. "Did what I think just happened actually happened or was it only a dream?" He looks around and sees all the bodies of the fishmen gone and realizes that it was not a dream. "I am not sure what just happened, but I agreed that we should move the head while we have the opportunity."

DM Kent (the upright citizens part 2) 
Monday March 6th, 2000 2:39:59 PM

As you all get up and start wondering if you were dreaming or not you hear in the distance the very familiar sounding chiming of a gong. It is struck once and then silenced. The door is still closed and the water has receded to its original level. K'isst as she wakes up also feels refreshed and has regained 4 hps as well. You all now must decide how you are going to get the head and hammer back to where they belong.

Bill Troublefinder 
Monday March 6th, 2000 7:05:59 PM

"H-hi, K'isst." Bill blushes at what she was saying. "Oh, no, we're not dead. Far from it! The Head saved us." He goes over to the head, and with a measure of reverence puts out his hand to touch it, and says, "Praise be to Donyra, Alemi, Domi, and our own dear Sentinel Head ... Oh, and to anyone else who helped out," he post-scripts. "No, Draax, it wasn't a dream. I was awake the whole time. You were, too, weren't you, Brother Branze? Hey, Sedar, you okay? Arien, I've never seen so many of you before. Sorry I left you there alone with all those sea devils. I guess I wasn't thinking too clearly. Rond - hey, Rond, you look kinda dazed." For those who were unconscious, Bill quickly relates what he saw happen with the Sentinel Head and the destruction of the Sahuagin.

K'isst the Dreamer 
Tuesday March 7th, 2000 4:02:59 AM

K'isst, still somewhat shaken stumbles and sits down on the floor. "What's that gong mean? And where's one of those floating disk thingees like the one we used on Mengor when you need one? Ow, my head hurts." She cradles her head between her legs and rocks slowly back and forth.

Sedar of poor health 
Tuesday March 7th, 2000 5:40:59 AM

Making his way to the statue head as he hears Little Bill recount the last details of the battle. "The lever on the right opens the door ..... I can't tell which direction the gong is coming from, but let's move towards Atomos' place. If we can get the head to there ... he should be able to help with the last bit of the journey." then tries to help any who will move the head.

Tuesday March 7th, 2000 6:24:59 AM

Arien approaches the head and gives it a shove to try to gauge its weight, looking at the others he says, "This ain't gonna be fun."

Branze Bones 
Tuesday March 7th, 2000 7:11:59 AM

"It is time we leave this place. We will need to work together dragging the head, or putting it on carrier to do so, if we lay out cloaks and use the sea devils tridents perhaps we can make a sleigh for the heads weights." he says beginning to work on the strange creation usually reserved for pulling dead soldiers off a battle field.

Bill Troublefinder 
Tuesday March 7th, 2000 7:43:59 AM

Bill says, "So we need to take the Head, and we're not gonna leave poor Borbo behind, are we? I wonder if there are any boats around this island. Atomas' cave is about five miles away." The halfling looks around the cave again. "Hey, I'm gonna see what's under the water here." And he wades into the water, slips beneath the surface, and begins to explore below.

Bill Troublefinder 
Tuesday March 7th, 2000 7:49:59 AM

Just moments after submerging, Bill's head pops up above the surface of the water. "I forgot to tell you. Or did I? Back in the temple room, when I tried to take the hammer back, I actually made it -- I saw Atomas standing there, big like always. But the shark being was trying to get into my mind, and I had to concentrate on keeping it out, and so, well, 'Pop!', and I was back here, with a bad bad headache." Bill nods his head, his explanatory duties done, and resumes his underwater search.

Tuesday March 7th, 2000 9:14:59 AM

Draax goes over to the head and gives it a push. "There has to be some way for us to move the head. I wonder how the sea devils got it here." Draax looks around to see if anything catches his eye before turning the ring and going into the water with Bill to look.

DM Kent (pushing and shoving)  d20=10 d20=15
Wednesday March 8th, 2000 2:17:59 AM

As Arien and Draax push at the sentinel head they realize that it only looks heavy. or maybe it is but when the push on it, it moves easily and without friction about 1 inch off the ground. As Bill goes into the dark water, he notices two things. First like the other water, once under or in it the water is remarkably clear and second there are many dark areas that might be openings in the distance.

K'isst the Dreamer 
Wednesday March 8th, 2000 5:24:59 AM

K'isst upon hearing that the head moves, rises and then finds herself unable to make a decision. Still a little befuzzled, she turns to Bill and says, "Bill what should I do?"

Bill Troublefinder 
Wednesday March 8th, 2000 8:11:59 AM

Bill's head pops up, and he treads water, "There might be some openings, here," he announces. "Maybe we can take our beloved Head out through the back door. Kinda roll it along the bottom, or something. We might not want to go back the way we came in, what with the gong going off again, and all." He then looks and sees Draax wading in the water toward him, and K'isst's head swinging around to look his direction. "Hi. Everything okay?" He blinks a few times, better to get the water out of his eyes. "Want Draax and me to check out the dark places here?"

Wednesday March 8th, 2000 10:04:59 AM

Draax is very surprised when he pushes the head and it moves. "I think we can carry it especially in the water." As he swims toward Bill he hears Bill's question to K'isst. "Sounds like a good idea to me Bill. Now that we know we can move the head, we just have to find a way out."

Branze Bones 
Thursday March 9th, 2000 1:39:59 AM

"Lets just push it out the way we came, quickly get off this island." he says cleaning blood of his sword. "I have access to Domi's ability to heal twice more, and of the 30 healing potions we acquired im quiet certian we have stock remaining lets get to fealing battle ready and then get out of here. The dragons may have already done enough damage to make the village feal it for years to come.

Sedar of Much better health  d8=3 d8=7
Thursday March 9th, 2000 3:25:59 AM

As he sees that the head is magically light, he stops for a moment. Rummaging in his satchel he pulls out his last two remaining potions and drinks them whole heartedly. (10 pts, returned). Feeling much better he takes charge of pushing the head. "Down through the water might be better than a room full of sea devils. .... or not ..."

K'isst the Dreamer 
Thursday March 9th, 2000 4:50:59 AM

K'isst looks back and forth between Branze and Bill. Then without hesitation, she gets up, and with her strength returning, overcomes her fears and again touches the head gently pushing in the direction Bill indicated.

Thursday March 9th, 2000 6:14:59 AM

Since Arien already took care of his wounds he lends his strength to moving the head.

Thursday March 9th, 2000 1:38:59 PM

After spending several minutes of just staring into space, animation returns to Rond (ooc got back in town! :) ). Groaning aloud, " I need to take some time to heal, by whatever means."

DM Kent (at odds) 
Thursday March 9th, 2000 4:23:59 PM

with Arien pushing on one side of the head opting for going back the way they came in and K'isst pushing on the other to try to go where Bill is indicating might be a way out, the head goes no where fast. Just as Rond speaks about the need for healing another single Gong strike is heard.

Bill Troublefinder 
Thursday March 9th, 2000 7:17:59 PM

[OOC: It didn't seem from Arien's post that he was pushing against K'isst. 'He lends his strength' implies a cooperation, not a contrary action.] Bill says to Brother Branze, "Say, don't you have one of those, whatchmacallem, divination spells? Maybe you can ask which way would be best. But I'm gonna check this one out." And he dives back down, heading toward the underwater dark spot furthest to the left.

Friday March 10th, 2000 6:08:59 AM

stands back for the moment trying to sort out who will win this 'push of war'

DM Kent (pushing and shoving) 
Saturday March 11th, 2000 9:15:59 PM

[oops got Branze's post and Arien's actions mixed up] Anyway where/what are you all doing?

Draax  d8=6
Sunday March 12th, 2000 2:16:59 PM

Draax takes another portion of the extra healing potion that he took earlier (6 points). While Bill is searches under the water for a way out, Draax will go back to the door they came through to see if it opens.

Sunday March 12th, 2000 9:39:59 PM

"Well we've got a few options here, we can try going back or forward, let's consider this. We know for sure we can go back but it sounds like we would be having company. On the other hand we don't know for sure if we can go forward plus if we were fighting Sea Devils it would be in their home environment, giving them the advantage. But it could conceivably be a short cut too thus cutting down on the time it takes to get out of here. I'm newer at this high adventure stuff so I'll let you more experienced types take over from here." Arien leans against the head waiting for the others to decide.

Rond  d8=7 d8=2
Monday March 13th, 2000 12:01:59 AM

Rond finishes off the potion he had pulled out prior to unconsciousness.

Bill Troublefinder 
Monday March 13th, 2000 2:45:59 AM

Bill continues swimming to the leftmost dark spot.

Sedar of Action 
Monday March 13th, 2000 5:19:59 AM

As no one seems to want to decide. The mage takes hold of the head and begins pushing it after the happy go lucky little fellow who just dived into the water (Bill). "let's go Arien" prodding his fellow mage to help out.

K'isst the Dreamer 
Monday March 13th, 2000 6:04:59 AM

K'isst continues to push after her friend Bill. She is still kinda oblivious to what is around her and didn't notice the pushing in the opposite direction. Her thoughts are muddy and unclear first taking her to one place and then another. Slowly they begin to clear.

Branze Bones  d8=3
Monday March 13th, 2000 6:11:59 AM

::sucks down another healing potion:: "Ah starting to feal good again. Lets get out of here, i have no way to speak with Domi today. In fact alls i can do for rest of this day is heal once and chill and oppenants metal. Let us leave by whatever means nesacary. I say we go the way we came, we know there is no traps and we know which way each turn leads. With the head as easily moveable as it is we can easily engage, what ever we face quickly, swim by and then have the engagers try to out swim the sea devils using are magical cloaks rings and helms. And hopefully it will not come to fighting anymore if the head did that to over 2 dozen it will easily frighten off lessar sea devils i hope.

Monday March 13th, 2000 11:19:59 PM

Arien surreptitiously rubs the place where Sedar poked and glancing at the other mage mutters something about people who poke. With a sigh he slowly starts pushing on it muttering again under his breath about this not being in the job description.

DM Kent (pushing and shoving) 
Tuesday March 14th, 2000 1:45:59 AM

Bill sees three openings ahead of him under the water. Two are blocked with lowered iron gates the other is wide open and sooooo inviting. The others with the exception of Branze start pushing the head into the water after Bill and Branze is son speaking to the backs of their heads as he looks back toward the way they entered.

Bill Troublefinder 
Tuesday March 14th, 2000 2:00:59 AM

[OOC: So, left-center-right: which opening is open?] Bill checks the two grates with bars over them to see if there is a way to get them open.

Bill Troublefinder 
Tuesday March 14th, 2000 7:46:59 AM

["two grates with bars over them"? - try two gated passageways]

Tuesday March 14th, 2000 11:16:59 AM

Draax waits to see if Bill found a way out.

Tuesday March 14th, 2000 2:48:59 PM

K'isst pushes for all her might towards the unbarred opening. When she gets there she stops and waits for Bill. "Are you sure this is what we should do, Bill?"

Sedar the mage 
Tuesday March 14th, 2000 3:41:59 PM

Quickly pushing the head, although unable to match K'isst's strength, he continues as best as he can.

Tuesday March 14th, 2000 4:09:59 PM

Rond lends a hand as he is able. Provided there is enough space.

Bill Troublefinder 
Tuesday March 14th, 2000 8:34:59 PM

Bill signals to surface so they can talk. While bobbing in the water, he says to K'isst and his other friends, "Well, as far as we know, most of the sea devils who attacked us came through the open tunnel," the halfling says, indicating which one it is [Mr. DM: Left, right or center?]. "Maybe there are more there. Maybe one of the closed passageways would be better. Maybe the gongs we heard were signs that some of our friends have arrived back in the temple. In short, I don't know. I just wanted to see what was down here before we left. I'm open to suggestions. Maybe the levers by the pedestal can open or close these gratings. You know there've gotta be more sahuagin whichever way we go, and lots of us are kinda hurt, but we gotta go one way or another. Anybody got an extra potion of healing? I used mine, or gave them to others."

DM Kent (decisions) 
Wednesday March 15th, 2000 4:38:59 AM

The open passage is the center one. The passages on each side have nothing on the floor at all totally clean. The center has general debris; small pebbles, pieces of metal.... there is no sign of any Sahuagin either above or below.

Bill Troublefinder 
Wednesday March 15th, 2000 10:00:59 AM

Bill suggests, "Sedar, don't you know how those levers work now? We don't need to raise the pedestal or open the door we came in, but maybe you can see if one of those levers will open the other gates here. Can you try it out, and I'll be below, watching. If it works, I'll bob up and tell you. 'Kay?" He then pops back under the water, and spends a few moments visually examining the covering for the opening on the left, to see if there is any obvious way to open it in addition to or other than the topside lever, and also seeing if Sedar, or someone, can move it using the lever(s).

Wednesday March 15th, 2000 2:39:59 PM

"Has the head given any indication of what way to go? Like a slight tugging in any direction, or the nose facing any certain way?"

K'isst  d100=73
Wednesday March 15th, 2000 5:33:59 PM

K'isst goes over to the grated opening that Bill is at and tried her hand at opening the gate. She misses. "Umph. Nope. No good. Can't lift it. I'm going a short way down the open passage. If I'm gone more than 2 minutes, I'm in trouble." K'isst proceeds into the unblocked passage.

Sedar the mage 
Thursday March 16th, 2000 3:46:59 AM

Seeing K'isst and Bill T disappear under the water. He waits a moments before moving the lever for the main gate (right one and down, then up) He will make sure that it does not let any unwanteds through.

Thursday March 16th, 2000 5:25:59 AM

Arien waits near the head to see if moving the lever has any effect.

Thursday March 16th, 2000 8:46:59 AM

Draax hands Bill one of his potions of extra healing before Bill disappears under the water (1 full and 1 with 1 portions left). Then turns his ring and drives under the water to back-up Bill.

Bill Troublefinder  d100=18
Thursday March 16th, 2000 10:13:59 AM

"Thank you, Andraaxius!" Bill is about to quaff a portion of the potion, when he notices that Rond looks worse off than him. "Hey, Rond, I guess I'm not really doing too badly. Why don't you take this, instead -- if that's okay with Draax. Is that all right, Draax?" If so, he hands off the potion to Rond. / Back at the left grating, Bill takes the hammer out, and, if after Sedar has tried the various levers, the bars do not move out of the way, then Bill tries using the hammer to move or bend the bars aside. Of course, he's not so strong, so, though he made a good effort ... [anything happen, Kent-our-DM?]

DM Kent (gonna wash that halfling right outta my hair....)  4d20(20+4+14+3)=41 d20=14
Thursday March 16th, 2000 2:54:59 PM

K'isst, Bill, Draax go under the waves and as K'isst goes up the tunnel Sedar closes the main door. Then he goes to the lever that doesn't move the pedestal and moves it. Bill and Draax are at the left grated door when Sedar stars playing with the lever and definitely find something out about the grated doors as a great inflow of rushing water and debris propels them backward around 55 ft. Bill being the one right at the gate gets the brunt of it and is also severely hit in the head with some foreign object(rolled 20 for 3 pts dam and loss of consciousness) Draax is bounced around a great deal and propelled about 35 ft backwards but sustains no physical damage (roll under con to retain some semblance of equilibrium. K'isst feels a water pressure change as she moves up the passage and feels a little push forward but the path goes straight onward, at this moment perfectly level with no side passages to be seen. Sedar, Rond, Arien, and Branze see a disturbance in the pool where the Sahuagin appeared before and notice the water moving towards them once again. No sign of Bill, Draax or K'isst.

Thursday March 16th, 2000 5:50:59 PM

Having moved forward for 60' (half movement under water) she turns back and returns. Surfacing, she says, "Straight ahead for 60'" Then she notices that no one is where they were. "What happened?"

Bill Troublefinder 
Thursday March 16th, 2000 7:04:59 PM

The hobbit floats suspended somewhere in the water, a nasty mark above his right eyebrow.

Branze Bones 
Saturday March 18th, 2000 7:01:59 AM

"More come, we need t get the head out of here." he says as he pushes the head the way they came. "THis is teh way i know out, i cannot risk the fate of village with a guess.

Draax  d20=15 d20=11
Saturday March 18th, 2000 7:59:59 AM

At Bill's request to give the potion to Rod, Draax nods in agreement. "Sure Bill I have no problem with that I should have thought of that myself. Here this one still have a third of the potion in it." Draax give Bill the potion with one portion left (1 full one still on Draax). As Draax gets propelled backwards he barely keeps his sense of which way is up/down/forward/back (made Con exactly). He take a few seconds to get his bearings and then looks around to see if he can locate Bill (made int by 2, miss Wis by 1).

Rond  d20=9
Saturday March 18th, 2000 8:05:59 AM

As Rond is about to drink the potion, the commotion occurs in the water. As he sees Bill go down, he puts the potion away for the time being, and goes to help Bill out.

Sedar the Mage 
Sunday March 19th, 2000 3:34:59 AM

Seeing the water rise, the mage quickly puts the lever back into its neutral position. "Finding anything K'isst ?...." points to Bill as he sees Rond go in after the little guy. "Branze wait ... lets not rush ... there are still plenty of those sea devils around."

Sunday March 19th, 2000 9:36:59 AM

Seeing Bill down and out, she looks back at Branze. "Branze, I agree we know the way back, but that's where the bell came from. That's where they are gathering for attack. Only one open door. I hope I'm doing the right thing. May Donyra forgive me, but we're out of time. Into the open passage everyone! I'm pushing it that way!" K'isst dives under the water again, and using her water breathing, pushes the head into the open passage as fast as she can. She uses the thing as a battering ram, stopping for nothing.

Sunday March 19th, 2000 11:07:59 AM

Arien looks at the others a moment and with a shrug hurries after K'isst

DM Kent (will they stay or will they go) 
Sunday March 19th, 2000 2:55:59 PM

As Bill finally surfaces and Rond retrieves him, K'isst decides it is time to go and takes a dive for the open underwater passage, Arien makes to follow. As Rond gets Bill to shore, he regains consciousness and while he has a very sore head and a large lump to go with it he seems to fine otherwise.

Bill Troublefinder 
Sunday March 19th, 2000 6:25:59 PM

Bill groans as he regains consciousness. His hand goes to his head as he gingerly explores his new phrenological topography. "Wha- what was that? There're mules underwater?" He looks up at his rescuer. "Hi, Rond. Are you feeling better now?" He feels around his clothing, as though trying to find something. "Ham... where is it? Where's the ham- hammer? Oooh, my head."

Sunday March 19th, 2000 6:42:59 PM

"You tell me! We saw the water level start to rise, then we saw what ended up to be you, floating in the water."

Monday March 20th, 2000 6:02:59 AM

K'isst not able to talk underground without someone else's air bubble, motions to Arien and pantomimes going to get them and bringing them after. Meanwhile, she keeps pushing watching for crevasses, passages, and other obstacles.

Bill Troublefinder 
Monday March 20th, 2000 6:28:59 AM

Bill answers Rond, "I had the hammer out, and was by the grating on the left. Suddenly, water and debris rushed, and ... now I'm here. But we've gotta find the hammer. And we hafta take Borbo with us, too. Maybe we can tie his body to the head, 'cause it floats all right, right? Not leavin' him here." Bill stands up, his legs a little shaky, and goes to retrieve Borbo's remains. He pulls him slowly toward the water.

Branze Bones 
Monday March 20th, 2000 6:50:59 AM

::coninues along previous path::

Monday March 20th, 2000 8:05:59 AM

Seeing Bill pulled from the water and seeing K'isst enter the water with the head, Draax follows after her and Arien.

Monday March 20th, 2000 9:46:59 AM

Arien rises to the surface, and shouts for the rest to follow before quickly submerging again.

Bill Troublefinder 
Monday March 20th, 2000 6:29:59 PM

As he gets Borbo's body to the water, he asks, "Rond, can you take Borbo and catch him up to the Head? I'll look for the Hammer, that Atomas needs." Just before he submerges, he asks the warrior cleric, "Branze, why are you standing at the closed door? Aren't you gonna come with us? Or are you just standing rear guard?" [OOC: Branze, with everyone else pushing the head in the water, how do you figure you are pushing it back the way we came?]

Monday March 20th, 2000 8:30:59 PM

"I can handle Borbo on my own, seeing as how it looks like you guys are handling the head okay. And I'll keep an eye out as you guys move, for anything coming from behind."

DM Kent (Divided they fall?)  d100=9
Tuesday March 21st, 2000 2:34:59 AM

While Draax dives and catches up to K'isst at the opening after Arien calls to the others, Rond assists Bill with Borbo's body and then heads below with it, while Bill searches for the lost hammer. Hearing first Sedar's call and then Bill's, Branze gets to the end of the cavern and realizes that in his haste no one ever reopened the door. As Branze reaches the door a third GONG is heard. After only a few moments Bill finds the Hammer.

Sedar the Mage 
Tuesday March 21st, 2000 3:39:59 AM

looks about as hear the last GONG , then dives i after his comrades.

Bill Troublefinder 
Tuesday March 21st, 2000 5:47:59 AM

Bill places the hammer back where he stored it earlier, cinches up his belt, and follows K'isst and company down the central tunnel.

Tuesday March 21st, 2000 9:39:59 AM

Draax will help push the head.

Branze Bones 
Tuesday March 21st, 2000 4:54:59 PM

"Draax open the door and walk ahead of teh head to be sure nothing gets in are path and to scout ahead, for the head. Now lets get the frak out of here, before every Sea devil in the ocean comes.

Tuesday March 21st, 2000 5:48:59 PM

Rond follows, carrying Borbo in a fireman's carry (OOC I believe the easiest way to carry)

Wednesday March 22nd, 2000 5:41:59 AM

K'isst pushes with all her might attempting to get things into a rhythm she can keep up for some time. She adjusts her pushing as others join her. She motions Draax to go ahead of the head so as to guide them.

Wednesday March 22nd, 2000 1:34:59 PM

Draax swims ahead to guide and look for any immediate danger.

Bill Troublefinder 
Wednesday March 22nd, 2000 7:14:59 PM

Bill continues swimming along behind.

DM Kent (Reunited and it feels so good) 
Thursday March 23rd, 2000 2:20:59 AM

With Sedar in the lead and K'isst, Draax and Arien pushing the head, Branze brings up the rear (I guess)with Bill and Rond just a head of him. The first 60 ft or so of the tunnel is as straight as an arrow and seems to go slightly downward. The passage continues to goes straight for a while and then starts curving right, in a not so gentle arc. The pass also seems to be taking a decidedly upward turn. There have been no noticeable openings, doors or side passages this entire time. after about an hour of definitely spiraling upwards, the passage deadends with 2 doors, one on the right wall and one on the left wall. The right door seems the most worn and used while the left door looks like it is in much better shape.

Sedar the Mage 
Thursday March 23rd, 2000 4:18:59 AM

Reaching the doors, the mages turns to frantically wave the others to a stop, before he gets squashed. He will then check to see if they are both locked before attempting to open them. If unlocked he will check the passages behind them. (if any)

Thursday March 23rd, 2000 5:17:59 AM

Straining and groaning, K'isst pulls back on the head bringing it to a stop just before it crushes Draax against the back wall of the T intersection. Then she collapses, thinking it odd that she can't sweat underwater. "Oh Gods! That was the longest hour of my life. I was worried we were just going to go on like that forever." Then she lays back on the floor heedless of those around her, breathing hard.

Branze Bones 
Thursday March 23rd, 2000 5:23:59 AM

Branze confused about the situation takes rear guard but doesn't follow. "How the freak do you have any clue that doesn't lead into there main chamber. Take the head be my freakin guest." he sees as the last of the party heads the unknown way. "Agh. Never do they do anything the smart tactical way. Domi why do i suffer with these people." he says as he pulls his cloak on and swims after, doing exactly what he doesn't want to do. Rear guard and going a way there is no certainity leads out.

Thursday March 23rd, 2000 10:26:59 AM

Draax slows down as they get closer to the doors and helps the others slow the head down until it stops. Once the head is stopped he will move near Sedar to back him up, but he makes sure that Sedar has enough room to move around, defend himself, or open one of the doors.

Bill Troublefinder 
Thursday March 23rd, 2000 6:14:59 PM

Waiting to see what his companions do, Bill rubs his temples. Glancing behind him, he sees Branze, and gives a little wave.

Thursday March 23rd, 2000 10:01:59 PM

Setting down his load, Rond take a little breather.

DM Kent (Under pressure) 
Friday March 24th, 2000 4:59:59 AM

As the group gathers around the doors, Sedar looks at the two doors. The well worn door is unlocked and the other door is locked. Both doors, upon further examination have some sort of symbols or writing on them. (Sedar roll d20 int and d100)

Branze Bones 
Friday March 24th, 2000 5:40:59 AM

"Im going back the other way Branze points. I will keep the Sea devils off of you all, by the time you need to get the head where it belongs. I will die in battle the way my father did and teh way my god demands. Save the village friends, goodluck gods speed and For windhorn!" he says drawnig his sword and holding his shield tight he stops at the intersection where the least amount of Sea devils could attack him at once.

Bill Troublefinder  d10=2 d20=18
Friday March 24th, 2000 10:39:59 AM

Bill wonders how Branze figures he can talk understandably underwater when he's in the form of a manta ray. But seeing him start to swim away, Bill grabs his tail and won't let go. (Initiative 2, modified to 1 by dex, to hit, er, to grab, AC 0.) "Stay here with us!" Bill insists. "We need you." Of course, Bill doesn't know whether Manta Branze will understand his words, either.

Sedar the Mage  d20=7 d100=9
Saturday March 25th, 2000 3:42:59 AM

The Mage intently ponders the symbols upon the doors as he signals to the others to be still for a moment. (Made checks)

Saturday March 25th, 2000 3:37:59 PM

Draax draws his sword and stay as motionless as he can in the water waiting to see what happens with the doors.

Sunday March 26th, 2000 2:44:59 AM

Breathing heavily, she rests on her back while the others work on the doors. When she hears Branze talking when we should be underwater, she sits up and looks back as his retreating figure. Her shoulders sag. She thinks to herself, ::Ahh, the curse of being stubborn.:: She begins to rise to go after him, then realizes that to change his mind or to go after him, would further endanger the party. She silently offers a prayer up to Donyra on his behalf and blows a kiss of friendship and luck in his direction. ::Farewell, my friend.::

Sunday March 26th, 2000 2:49:59 AM

Arien takes the chance for a welcome break and hums tunelessly to himself while tracing designs on the floor with a finger.

Sunday March 26th, 2000 5:26:59 AM

Rond waits, not knowing of anything further to do.

DM Kent (leave taking) 
Sunday March 26th, 2000 3:38:59 PM

Bill makes a heroic effort to catch and stop Branze but in his manta ray form he is much to swift and agile for Bill to catch up. As he fades in to the distance and back toward the hall you all feel a change of water pressure and then dulled sound waves reach you with what can only have been a loud GONG. After Sedar peruses the doors for a moment he realizes that the words on the door say "do not enter" in very poor elven.

Sedar the Mage 
Sunday March 26th, 2000 4:05:59 PM

Points to the locked door, then to Bill. Making the signal of turning a key, waving the little fellow forward. he then opens the well worn door and begins entry ..... waving Draax to follow slowly.

Monday March 27th, 2000 9:45:59 AM

With Sword ready, Draax enters behind Sedar.

Monday March 27th, 2000 6:19:59 PM

K'isst maneuvers the head into the "T" at the end of the hallway and against the wall trying to make room for those who want by. When she sees the old elven writing, she looks at it closely to see if she can determine the reason for the writing being so messy. She thinks that it either was done by someone who doesn't know elven very well or someone who was in a hurry. She tries to determine which of these possibilities might be the case.

Bill Troublefinder 
Monday March 27th, 2000 8:29:59 PM

Bill watches Branze swim off, shrugs his shoulders, then turns his attention to the rest of the party. He loads his speargun.

Monday March 27th, 2000 10:47:59 PM

Rond picks up Borbo's body, and prepares to move on, but staying behind the head, to be rear guard.

DM Kent (door#1) 
Tuesday March 28th, 2000 3:43:59 PM

K'isst decides that the writing was done by someone with little knowledge of . The door opens easily which, considering it is under water, seems just a bit odd. But open it does and as you step through, you get this feeling that you just might have been here before. You seem to be on the side and about in the middle of a 20 ft wide channel. It seems to go strait to your left for as far as you can see and to the right, it seems to curve around counter clockwise. 20 ft straight ahead is a wall that seems to rise out of the water and parallels the wall your door is in. Also just about where the curve starts on the opposite wall there is something not quite right, but you are just not close enough to tell what.

Tuesday March 28th, 2000 10:56:59 PM

"That writing on the door looks like it was written by someone who didn't know elven very well. That either means that the writer expected elves to need this message to escape the place, or it was written by a Sahuagin and therefore is a trap. I suggest we try the other door."

Bill Troublefinder 
Wednesday March 29th, 2000 9:06:59 PM

Bill looks blankly in K'isst's direction, not quite understanding what she is saying. He waits until someone does something, with an occasional glance over his shoulder to see if Branze is still gone.

Sedar the Mage 
Thursday March 30th, 2000 3:34:59 AM

Seeing K'isst's stressed expression. Sedar points to the other door indicating to the fighter to perhaps kick it in.

Thursday March 30th, 2000 8:03:59 AM

"Well whatever, I'll help out anyway I can just let me know. I want out of this place as quick as possible that gonging is giving me the willies..."

Thursday March 30th, 2000 9:43:59 AM

Draax goes over to the other door and gets ready to open it, but just before touching the door he stops. "Has this door been checked for traps?"

Arien  d100=16 d100=30
Friday March 31st, 2000 1:47:59 PM

"Here let me try." Arien swims over to Draax and proceeds to closely examine the door. If he sees any traps(made it by 19) he will try to disable them (made it by 5).

Bill Troublefinder 
Saturday April 1st, 2000 12:04:59 AM

Bill yawns, and rubs his sleepy eyes. He hasn't slept since the Sea Devils stole the head, about two days ago. As he rubs his eyes, he sees swirly images. * "First your stew, THEN the pie, Bill. You know that both are important for you to grow up to be a healthy hobbit." * Where is his mother's voice coming from, anyway? he wonders idly. He dreamily thinks how much easier it is to stand up when water surrounds one. "Darius forgot his dog. Darius, Darius, your doggy wants you. Come back through the waterfall! Daaaari-uuuuuus!"

DM Kent 
Saturday April 1st, 2000 10:18:59 PM

As Draax and Sedar had already moved through the door before K'isst could signal them, (see my last post and theirs before that)you all know, by default that there was no trap on the door. As the rest of you enter, you feel the sense of Deja-vu, mentioned in my last post, and as you look toward the area that's not quite right, something shiny enters the water with a big splash, to your left. It appears to be a shield.

Bill Troublefinder 
Sunday April 2nd, 2000 7:00:59 PM

Brought out of his reveries by the movement, Bill looks over at the shiny shield-like object. He swims up to the surface to take a look around.

Sedar the Mage 
Monday April 3rd, 2000 6:54:59 AM

realizing that the time has been wasted going in circles. As Bill moves off, he waits to see what the little fellow has found.

Monday April 3rd, 2000 3:17:59 PM

Feeling frustrated from waiting, K'isst goes and opens the other door and peers through. She hopes she hasn't just made a fatal error, but they just can't afford to stand still.

Tuesday April 4th, 2000 12:14:59 AM

Holds onto Borbo, as the others checks things out.

DM Kent 
Tuesday April 4th, 2000 5:18:59 AM

K'isst tries the other door just to see if it is still locked and finds that it is and follows the others into the canal. the water is lighter here from some sort of light from above. every now and again some rocks fall into the water and now you start to see other objects on the bottom as well as rocks. Bill discovers that his shiny object is a small shield that has several arrows stuck through it. as it settles to the bottom Bill sees what can only be a body below him under some rocks. (all make perception rolls under Wis. or Int. which ever is better)

Sedar the Mage  d20=10
Tuesday April 4th, 2000 6:55:59 AM

Moves out to look around. (made perception check)

Bill Troublefinder  d20=11
Tuesday April 4th, 2000 7:21:59 AM

[Made perception check.] Bill dives to see if he (*gulp*) recognizes the body, and or the shield.

K'isst  d20=4
Tuesday April 4th, 2000 7:30:59 AM

K'isst seeing that the others have found something signals the others to move on or get out of the way and pushes the head through the door not willing to wait any longer. She hopes once again that she has not chosen foolishly. As she notices that something looks "a little off" or "a little familiar," she tries to figure out what that is. [Perception check of 4]

Arien  d20=14
Tuesday April 4th, 2000 9:36:59 AM

Curious as to what Bill had found Arien swims in for a better look. (made it by 3)

Rond  d20=16
Wednesday April 5th, 2000 12:56:59 AM

Oblivious to what everyone else is noticing, Rond continues to carry Borbo. ( ;) )

DM Kent 
Wednesday April 5th, 2000 5:16:59 AM

Bill recognizes only the fact that the body is that of a Sahuagin and that it did not die pleasantly, the shield is also not recognizable. however as you all enter further into the area and approach the body the strange area is strange because there are steps going up out of the water towards the round dais like area. It is then that you all realize that this area reminds you a lot of the Temple.

Wednesday April 5th, 2000 6:32:59 AM

::Ahh good! This is fortunate,:: K'isst think to herself. She pushes the head up the steps grunting with her effort. Then slumping against the head, she draws her trident looking for sea devils. She then breathes lovely air...Clean fresh air. She spits getting the saltwater out of her mouth. "Yuck!" she accidentally says out loud.

Sedar the Mage 
Wednesday April 5th, 2000 7:47:59 AM

Quickly realizing where they have come out, he bounds up the stairs.

Wednesday April 5th, 2000 7:56:59 AM

Rond lets go of Borbo temporarily to check out what's above the water. If there is no attack, he will grab Borbo and continue out of the water.

Bill Troublefinder 
Wednesday April 5th, 2000 11:42:59 AM

Bill nods to his friends, and signals with his hands that he is going to continue underwater around the dais [not dais], and along one of the channels to the side of the platform toward the temple's entrance. Unless he comes across something (or someone) of particular interest underwater, Bill will cautiously climb out along the stairway at the entrance side, speargun still loaded, held in his right hand, and sword available in his left.

Wednesday April 5th, 2000 4:09:59 PM

Arien draws his dagger and makes his way out of the water.

Bill Troublefinder 
Thursday April 6th, 2000 10:56:59 PM

Before exiting the water, Bill stops, fascinated for a moment with the way tiny air bubbles float toward the surface. He thinks to himself that a snack would be nice. And a good hot cup of tea. He shakes his head, and ascends the stairs.

Sedar the Mage 
Saturday April 8th, 2000 6:03:59 PM

Before he reaches the surface he looks about. He sees his little companion (Bill) stop for a moment in deep thought (or what appears to be). Chuckling as he thinks how easily his friend is distracted. Then continues to break the surface and exit the water. "ahhh .... fresh breathable air ... ahhhh ..."

DM Kent  d10=10 d10=10 d10=8 d10=7 d10=3
Saturday April 8th, 2000 8:29:59 PM

Arissa gets down to the dais, he sees that there was obviously some sort of battle here as there are blood stains all around. The pile of rubble and debris appears to be the remains of some sort of statue and the roof above that seems to have collapsed recently and is still occasionally dropping small pebbles down into the room. About this time you turn around to talk with your travel mate and realize that he did not follow you down the aisle but is instead peering at one of the doors that lead to the tower rooms. At that moment, you are just about to call to him when several things happen, First off you see the door that Ahkum is next to sling open and several Sahuagin start coming out. And secondly there is suddenly quite a bit of plashing around you and the sounds of several voices as well. Ahkum is checking out the door and turns to see what Arissa is up to when he sees and hears several things happen. First, you hear the door you are at start to grate open and you see several figures leap and climb up onto the dais where Arissa is. As K'isst, Sedar, Arien, Rond and Draax pop out of the water with various sounds, splashes, lunges and noise. None of the surfacing group is startled by what they find when they surface. K'isst and group sees a strange Elf prowling on the dais and had just turned around , as if to look for someone, and is now having a cataleptic fit at being scared by your abrupt appearance.

Saturday April 8th, 2000 9:23:59 PM

The thin caster backpedals slowly from the onrushing fish men his eyes narrowing as he points his staff at the lead creature and roars a single word, "Light". [centered on the lead sahuagin's eyes]

Draax  d20=10
Sunday April 9th, 2000 5:01:59 AM

Draax comes out of the water and see the elven stranger at the dais, his attention is then drawn to the Sahuagin coming through the door. He draws his sword and makes his way to engage the fishmen. He figures that he will worry about who the strangers are after the immediate threat has been neutralized.

Sunday April 9th, 2000 7:02:59 AM

Seeing that HER travel companion is in danger, Arrisa tightens the grip on her Quarterstaff and follows Draax into the oncoming fish men

Sunday April 9th, 2000 8:24:59 PM

K'isst tensing her aching muscles yet once again, begins pushing the head down the aisle towards the exit. Seeing the new person seeming to fight on their side she grunts and says, "Hiya! ::ugh:: I'm ::ugghh:: K'isst. We could ::ooff:: use ::oof:: your help!"

Rond  d20=7 d20=18 d8=5
Monday April 10th, 2000 12:16:59 AM

Rond moves to where he can use his bow, and fires two arrows at the lead gin. If there's no target, then he draws his sword and gets ready to intercept any Sahuagin headed for K'isst. The first arrow misses, while the second arrow imbeds itself firmly into the lead Sahuagin.

Monday April 10th, 2000 3:19:59 AM

Moving over to relieve K'isst from pushing the head. "let me take that .... you are much better with weapons than I .... best you be at the ready"

Monday April 10th, 2000 4:51:59 AM

Arien joins Sedar in pushing the head hoping to get it out of the temple as soon as possible.

Bill Troublefinder  d20=16 d6=5
Monday April 10th, 2000 9:49:59 AM

As the water rolls off his face, Bill observes the sahuagin pushing their way out of the tower door. He aims and fires the speargun through the air into the first of the onrushing sea devils, hitting for 5 points of damage.

DM Kent (Deja who?)  d20+1=9
Monday April 10th, 2000 4:14:59 PM

Ahkum's spell comes off without a hitch and the first Sahuagin screams almost as if in pain as his face is enveloped. He is, however, rapidly pushed aside as seven more Seadevils force their way out the door, pushing Ahkum backwards while the rest of you helplessly look on and move towards the fray (you are all way out of range for any attacks currently.) As the seadevils push through the door, the first to reach Ahkum attacks with his trident and misses as he stumbles over his blinded companion. And from inside of the tower you here the sound of a Gong, and a voice say "So the defilers and thieves return to the scene thinking to escape." And out of the room steps the largest Sahuagin any of you have seen. He is 10 ft tall and is glowing. Ahkum roll save vs spell at -2(fear) or run away.

Monday April 10th, 2000 8:13:59 PM

K'isst nods at Arien and Sedar. "Get it to the door and out. We'll fight the battle there if we can. Perhaps we'll have the advantage outside." Then K'isst paces the head as it progresses. "Everyone to me and together! I feel it's our best chance. Make them come to us! Our Gods will be with us for true! We've come too far and sacrificed too many friends already to fail now!" K'isst stays in front of the head her Broadsword held two-hander style. She begins once again, unconsciously to revert to her natural tongue, chanting in a strange mix of Troglodyte and elvish. Her mind calms. Her spirit soars! It's time for battle!

Bill Troublefinder [OOC ??s] 
Monday April 10th, 2000 8:30:59 PM

[Bill had exited not at the dais, but up by the stairs ... let's say on the left as one faces the entryway. So he would be not too far from the tower door to his left, farther from the one on the right. But, because of the greater distance, he would exit there a minute or two later than those who climbed out by the dais. Also, question on the range of the speargun out of the water. The missile should have a longer range in the air than in the water, right?]

Monday April 10th, 2000 9:25:59 PM

(ooc not realizing there was some distance). Rond will ready his bow for when they come in range.

Ahkum the Soiled  d20-2=8
Tuesday April 11th, 2000 2:36:59 AM

The caster's rage filled facade suddenly drains of color as the massive sea devil blasts through the door. His legs wobble and he turns without regard for his back and runs as fast as he possibly can towards the doors. Upon reaching the doors he bursts out and onto the path running at full speed.

Sedar the slick 
Tuesday April 11th, 2000 5:24:59 AM

Pacing K'isst, he awaits melee or rather his chance to push the head through it and to safety (?)

Tuesday April 11th, 2000 10:41:59 AM

Draax hesitates at K'isst's suggestion, the warrior in him wants to take the battle to them no matter the cost, but the team member in him see the wisdom in her plan. With sword ready he moves slowly over to K'isst and the others while keeping an eye on the fishmen. Seeing Arrisa following him into the battle, he gathers her with the others. "I don't know who you and your companion are, but my comrade in right we need to fight as a group and protect the head, the important thing for us to do is to get the head back before it is too late. I think the head is more important to the fishmen than chasing your friend, if we survive this battle we may be able to find him later."

Tuesday April 11th, 2000 9:59:59 PM

Arrisa follows Draax back as he indicates. "I'll tell you later who I am. Just like a mage to run....". She spins her quarterstaff around and then clasps it firmly in both hands. "Let them bring the battle to us if they dare...."

DM Kent 
Wednesday April 12th, 2000 3:07:59 AM

As you all move forward the Seadevils move to block the door arranging themselves in front of the big guy. The Giant seems to be concentrating very hard on something and is clenching his hands in front of him.

Bill Troublefinder  d20=17 d20=20 d20=17 d6=6 d8+2=10
Wednesday April 12th, 2000 5:15:59 AM

When Bill, emerging from the water, sees the fresh array of opponents before him, he fires off the speargun in his hand at the huge glowing sahuagin (17, AC3, 6hp damage), then, thinking he may need something magical to hit a person who himself is glowing, hauls back with his wonderful (+1) sword, and throws it end over end into the center of the glowing face (called shot, natural 20+1, AC -3 +4 = AC 1, max 10 hp damage, followed by 17+1, AC 0 [do you add the +4 for called shot, too, following a natural 20? if so, AC 4] for an extra 10 hp damage, 20 total from sword) (and expend one hero point to really drive the blade home, allowing him to throw the sword to best effect - you can decide, Kent, what this may be). [PS: Did someone adjust the dice roller probabilities?].

Bill Troublefinder  d20=13
Wednesday April 12th, 2000 5:25:59 AM

[13+3(Wis)-2=14: Saved vs. fear, if needed.]

Draax  d20=7
Wednesday April 12th, 2000 10:35:59 AM

Draax switches his sword to his off hand and flings a dagger at S6 (AC 7). The dagger misses and flies by the fishman's head. He switches the sword back to his primary hand. "Oh well, I guess we will have to do this the hard way." He continues to advance with the others.

Rond  d20=5 d20=13 d8=7
Wednesday April 12th, 2000 1:52:59 PM

Rond looses two arrows at the 'big' guy, loosing them in the crowd. (best was AC 3, for 7 points, if hit).

Ahkum the Soiled  d20-2=8
Wednesday April 12th, 2000 3:55:59 PM

The caster continues running until he feels the pangs of fear and loathing rolling off him. He takes a quick look back towards the temple and sighs feeling the guilt and pain for disobeying the tenet of one of his principle deities. [voluntary check if necessary, failed again]

K'isst  d20=6
Wednesday April 12th, 2000 8:12:59 PM

K'isst estimating the distance, says to Bill, "Good shot Bill! This gives us our chance. K'isst dives forward and misses. [I'm looking on my sheet and see no hero points. I'm lobbying for them now, please.] She curses as she comes up short and stops at the end of the "runway." Looks like it's toe to toe unless someone can take out the first two long enough to push through. Sorry guys, I tried." She sets herself to defend.

Thursday April 13th, 2000 4:16:59 AM

Arien draws back from the head and strings his bow, determined not to go down without a fight.

Thursday April 13th, 2000 7:35:59 AM

Gets ready for a sprint, once the combat begins. Settling behind the head.

Thursday April 13th, 2000 2:51:59 PM

uttering a prayer for protection, Rond fishes out a healing potion, and gulps it down. His health is improved greatly (thanks Jerry! ;)).

DM Kent  d20+1=2 d20+1=10
Friday April 14th, 2000 2:10:59 AM

Bill's Speargun shot and amazing sword throw seem to skewer the giant right in the head and suddenly the giant is no longer there. But in its place is a slightly pudgy, much shorter still glowing, creature, that is holding something shiny in his hands and chanting. As K'isst and Draax make it to the end of the walkway they must save vs fear at -1, as a palpable wave of it pushes against them. Sedar and Rond see and Bill feels the water drawing up and away from them. Almost as if it is trying to stack itself up. In moments there is a 10 ft tall water being bearing down upon the party from the east channel behind Bill. S5 and S6 attack K'isst and Draax respectively. K'isst's managing to drop its trident as it sees the figure being formed and Draax's also misses.

Friday April 14th, 2000 8:41:59 AM

Rond, not liking the odds, picks out another potions (strength 18/00), and quaffs it.

Arrisa  d20=20 d6=6
Friday April 14th, 2000 8:40:59 PM

Seeing the water creature, Arrisa spins around and attacks it considering it to be a major threat. Her Quarterstaff connects with the water... (first time I use the dice roller and I get a 20 and a 6! :-) hit doing 6+4 damage for a total of 10)

Arien  d20=19 d20=19 d6=3 d6=3
Saturday April 15th, 2000 5:35:59 AM

Arien lets loose a pair of arrows directed at the glowing fat little thing. Hitting AC -2 both times for a total of 6pts. (I think the roller might be busted :-p )

Ahkum the Shaken  d20-2=2
Saturday April 15th, 2000 9:52:59 PM

Ahkum continues running furiously his breath quickly running out and causing his eventual collapse to the ground outside, somewhere. (another check failed badly)

Draax  d20=13 d100=18
Sunday April 16th, 2000 1:13:59 AM

Draax pushes ahead and then suddenly becomes affected by a terrible fear (missed save by 1), he screams and runs back away from the glowing creature.

Bill Troublefinder 
Sunday April 16th, 2000 12:10:59 PM

Bill takes a sharp left at the top of the stairs, and runs to the door of tower #2 to the east. He runs up the steps, drawing his non-magical short sword as he ascends. [The map shows the door open.]

Sedar the Nimble 
Sunday April 16th, 2000 7:01:59 PM

Maneuvering the head, and himself, the 1/2 elf dances out of reach of the seadevils weapons. Astounded at the formation of the water being, Sedar keeps the head between it and himself.

bill Troublefinder [OOC for Arrisa] 
Sunday April 16th, 2000 8:51:59 PM

[When you roll a natural 20, roll another d20. If you hit, roll damage, and add to total damage. If you get another natural 20, damage is max, and you again reroll to hit and damage. Kent - maybe you can do this for Arrisa this time. The virtual dice are hot!]

Arrisa [OOC Dice rolling]  d20=6 d6=4
Sunday April 16th, 2000 9:24:59 PM

[Oh! I didn't know that. Thanks! So...according to that, my first roll was 20 and 6. The next roll is 6 which hit's AC 9 doing a further 8 damage in addition to the other 10 if I hit. But I doubt it! :-)]

K'isst  d20=12 d20=13 d8+5=12 d8+5=6
Monday April 17th, 2000 6:43:59 AM

K'isst taking advantage of the surprise of his sea-devil opponents, attempts to rush between the two of them and attacks the fat glowing creature. He hits AC2 and AC3 for 12 and 6 hpd respectively if those connect. She then with leftover movement attempts to get to the left (South) side of her opponent so as to team with Bill and the "newcomer" if possible.

DM Kent  d20=19 d20=20 d20=19 5d6(3+2+4+6+5)=20 d6+1=2 d20=3 d20=16
Monday April 17th, 2000 7:08:59 PM

Rond stands and quaffs his potion and almost gets run down by a fast, fleeing Draax. Sedar dances and moves around trying to avoid all combat, and Arien's two arrows manage to somehow avoid all the bodies in between and moving around and strike Mr. Glowy. K'isst still needs to make her first save vs fear and now that she is up close and personal needs to make a second this one at -2. As K'isst tries to move on, after hitting the shiny one, s4 pokes her with a trident for 2 pts. Arissa's staff meets water and for a moment there is a space in the beast that is waterless, then it is refilled. Striking out in return, it attacks the moving body that is closest to it and rips s6's head right off (50 pts) and throws the two pieces of seadevil to the side and starts looking for other targets. Bill enters the towerlike room and finds no stairs going up. There are a set that disappear into a pool of water at the back. Other than that, in the room is a small table and stool and lots of bones.

Rond  d20+4=5
Tuesday April 18th, 2000 12:05:59 AM

Not liking how the Water Beast just took someone's head off, Rond will think ' I am not here' thoughts;, as he moves to engage S4, trying to put S4 between him and the Beast. (If I have time to engage, will promptly trip, and lose my balance, if not, should any attacks come my way, I'll volunteer to put my neck in the way (defensive fumble)! :) )

Draax  d20=7
Tuesday April 18th, 2000 12:59:59 AM

Draax take a moment to steady himself, he knows that it is just a spell, but he cannot find the willpower to overcome it. He stands looks back at the glowing creature repeating to himself. "I am not afraid, I am not afraid, I am not afraid." The words may be soothing, but he cannot make his feet go forward. (failed saving throw again, the dice is not being nice to me)

Bill Troublefinder  d20=9 d20=7 d3=2 d3=3
Tuesday April 18th, 2000 1:54:59 AM

If Bill sees a window or door to the outside, he will [try to] go through it, and see if he can come in behind the glowing guy at the door. Otherwise, he tucks the sword back into his belt, pulls out a fresh dart with his right hand, picks up the stool with the other hand, and pokes his head around the corner back to where the battle rages. He throws a pair of darts at the nearest non-watery opponent, hitting AC 8 for 2 hp & 10 for 3 hp (whiff whoosh).

Sedar the Horrified 
Tuesday April 18th, 2000 5:13:59 AM

Horrified at the brutality of the water beast. The mages thoughts race for an idea to hurt the creature .... shouting above the commotion of the battle "who had any airy water spell ..... it may hurt him .... or kill the master of it !" pointing at the glowing creature.

Arrisa  d20=2 d20=1
Tuesday April 18th, 2000 5:15:59 AM

Arrisa too notices how the creature knocked a sea devils head clean off. Deciding she doesn't like this and it might actually be a friend, she backs away and attacks the nearest sea devil. (and the d20 say I drop my weapon somewhere......how annoying....)

Ahkum the Solid 
Tuesday April 18th, 2000 6:49:59 AM

The steeply willed priest straightens his back after and stands proudly. He straightens himself and turns running back towards the temple and the conflict.

Arien  d20=13 d20=17 d6=6 d6=4
Tuesday April 18th, 2000 7:28:59 AM

Arien yelps as he watches the torn Sahuagin body fly through the air. He looks to both sides and with a small nod, scrambles away from the water. Scared but not terrified he maneuvers for a relatively unpopulated area and fires off another pair of arrows at glow boy. The arrows hit AC 4 and 0 doing 6 and 4 points respectively.

K'isst  d20=18 d20=6 d20=20 d20=9
Wednesday April 19th, 2000 5:56:59 AM

[sorry for forgetting to save.]K'isst makes her first save, [which I guess justifies her two attacks last round] but misses the second. She decides to use her lonely hero point at this most important time. A 20!!!!!!!! "Hoody Hoo!" K'isst yells as a lifetime of frustration is released and expressed in one moment of glory. She starts to swing again at the glowing one, but hesitates. It's spell struck at the sea devil. She looks for a second at the strange little creature with new eyes and decides that until it strikes at her, she'll leave it alone. Instead she spins to strike at S4 who struck at her. "I hate wimpy warrior who strike at one's back!" She however, slips on the set surface and rolls a 9 hitting only AC8. She refocuses and begins her chanting once again backing a step towards the west wall so as to not put her back to any opponent.

Dm Kent 
Thursday April 20th, 2000 6:46:59 PM

Bill finds no windows or doors to the outside and returns to the fray via his previous route and attacks S4. K'isst fights the fear and manages to ignore it fairly handily but in concentrating on the fear banishing, she loses focus on her weapon and misses her attack. Arien's second arrow finds a home in Mr. Glow Boy's side and a guttural grunt is heard coming from that direction. Ahkum returns to find the temple door now blocked by the same glowing figure that caused him so much trouble. Currently Ahkum is being ignored due to the fact that he is behind the figure he wants/needs to pass. (save vs spell -1) Draax turns to return and the combination of the water beast, glow boy and the flying, severed, body parts, has him still frozen in place fighting the compulsion to flee. Sedar yells out his question attracting the attention of the still blind S1. Rond and Arissa move into the fray against S4 and S6 respectively and both drop their weapons.

Dm Kent  d20=17 d20=12 d20=10 d20=8
Thursday April 20th, 2000 6:53:59 PM

S1 attacks (at -3 due to blindness) Sedar the yeller and comes ever so close to giving Sedar a hair cut from the neck up but only manages to clip a few hairs. S4 beset upon from all sides chooses to attack the weaponless Rond and misses and then realizes that something is not quite right as he falls to the floor. S6 also gets the benefit of an unarmed opponent and also misses due to the fact that he was laughing so hard at Arissa dropping her weapon. The water beast moves forward to the corner of the stairs and takes a swipe at the Arissa/S6 combo and misses, but which figure was it trying to hit? (OOC I am in Florida on a 392 so don't have access to my maps i will send a new one updated on SUN)

Sedar the Shouter  d20=11
Friday April 21st, 2000 2:15:59 AM

Ducking the devils (S1) blade, the 1/2 elf draws forth his short sword. Spinning around the head he makes a feeble effort (misses), not wanting to let go of the head with his offhand.

Draax  d20=7
Friday April 21st, 2000 6:11:59 AM

Sweat begins to form on Draax's forehead as he tried to break the hold that is affecting his mind, he take one step forward and then turns and runs in the opposite direction again. He has no idea what is going on here, never has any spell had such a tight hold on him as this one. If the glowing creature is still in sight when Draax regains control of his feet, he look at the creature with all the hatred he feel displayed openly on his face. (OOC: Moving into my new apartment tomorrow and will not have access to a phone line until Tuesday)

Rond  d20=14
Friday April 21st, 2000 8:24:59 AM

Rond will retrieve his sword, though he gives the WB a wide berth. (ooc no, it's not a frog! ;) )

Friday April 21st, 2000 8:42:59 PM

Realising that she doesn't have any spare weapons. Arrisa also goes to fetch her Quarterstaff. She too stays as far away from the WB as she can

Saturday April 22nd, 2000 7:20:59 AM

The thin robed man rounds the corner and gazes upon the scene of carnage again. He looks over the situation and points his hand at the massive Water Beast. He speaks with loud and vibrant conviction, "DIE"

Saturday April 22nd, 2000 8:29:59 AM

[OOC: Silly me I forgot to say that I'm casting Command on the Water Beast, just in case it's on our side.]

K'isst  d20=16 d20=18 d8+5=8 d8+5=11
Saturday April 22nd, 2000 5:39:59 PM

K'isst chanting and focusing for all she's worth, while still trying to keep her fear at bay, swings twice at #4. Hoody Hoo! She hits AC-1 and AC-3 for 8 and 11 (19 total) points of damage. "Die, pond scum!!" she screams echoing Ahkum's sentiments without the spell.

Bill Troublefinder  d20=16 d20=2 d20=5 d20=14 d3=1 d3=3
Sunday April 23rd, 2000 11:14:59 AM

Near the wall east of K'isst and S4, Bill sets his stool down. From behind it he tosses off a series of darts at S4. His first dart lightly pierces the laughing sahuagin (AC 0, 1 hp), but his next two darts miss as the green fellow absorbs the blows K'isst offers. "Go, K'isst, go!" he encourages her. His fourth dart also hits his target (S4, AC 2, 3 hp, total 4 hp damage this round). Bill glances to his right at the water beast, and ahead at the weird guy with something in his hands. He regrabs the stool and looks for an opportunity to slip through to the weird guy.

DM Kent (Splish splash I was.....)  d20=16 d20=6 d20=3 d20=1 d20=9
Monday April 24th, 2000 2:23:59 AM

S4 goes down under K'isst's and Bill's attacks and remains down as Bill moves to a better vantage point. As Sedar Misses the blind man, he barely manages to avoid being hit himself (16-3, its almost as if his sight is getting better). S6 stabs at Arissa, with his trident, just as she bends down to retrieve her staff and misses The Water beast, starting to come up the steps, grabs at Rond as he retrieves his weapon and while gets a bit damp from dripping water is not struck. S2 casts his net towards Ahkum, but gets tangled in the drag line and it partially entraps Glow Boy for 4 pts. S3 throws his net in Bill's direction but misses as he tries to adjust for Bill's movement. Arien Stands there slightly bewildered as if unsure of who to target as he nocks another arrow. Draax retreats a few steps further down the aisle and no longer feels the waves of fear he was feeling.

Ahkum  d20+1=20 d20+1=14 d6=2 d6=5
Monday April 24th, 2000 2:45:59 AM

The spindly mage draws back his arm to strike the sahuagin before him (S7) striking mightily and roaring a praise to Domi as his spell fails. [I rolled a twenty with my first roll but i would have hit a 6 AC with the second so I don't know]

Rond  d20+4=13 d10+7=10
Monday April 24th, 2000 3:51:59 AM

Turning around, Rond utters, "I'm going to try to clear out those two (ooc so that S7 is clear to be attacked, clearing s3 and s5). Rond that approaches S3 with a sweeping slash (left to right), with the intent of continuing into s5 (hitting AC5). (ooc let me know if I have to make other rolls for the sweep on s5) (10 points if hit).

Sedar the Shouter  d20=9
Monday April 24th, 2000 4:45:59 AM

Spinning deftly around the head the 1/2 elf stabs again with his sword, missing (s1) again in frustration. "will some one get this beast out of my way" he shouts, venting.

Arien  d20=20 d20=19 d20=12 d6=2 d6=6
Monday April 24th, 2000 6:49:59 AM

Arien decides that the best course of action is to keep after the glowing thing and shoots twice more at it. His first arrow flies true (a 20! :-) ) striking the creature for 8 points while its partner goes skittering along the ground to wind up in the water.

Arrisa  d20=1
Monday April 24th, 2000 7:44:59 AM

Arrisa grabs her staff and swings back at S6 (*Curses the dice roller*) and drops her staff again. She sighs and goes to pick it up again. (OOC: Looks like a hotmail problem then. Try this e-mail address instead Arraden.Fairwind@Angelwings.co.uk)

Bill Troublefinder  d20=20 d20=4 d20=12 d20=9 d20=13 d3=1 d3=2 d3=2
Tuesday April 25th, 2000 12:11:59 AM

Bill is relieved to have been missed by the barbed net. And that the sea devil who tossed it is now busy with Rond's sword. The halfling, who has dashed around toward S7, again stays close to the south wall. He puts the stool in front of him, and slightly to his right - close enough so he can kick it, if need be. Bill's first dart hits the glowing fellow (nat 20, 13 AC 3) for 3+1=4hp. Second dart misses, third AC 4 for 2 hp, and fourth AC 7 for 2hp. Total 6 if AC 4 or worse, 8 if AC 7 or worse. He keeps a wary eye out for the water beast. If S7 goes down, Bill plans to rush forward to try to grab whatever in the world the fear-emanating figure is holding in his hands. If S7 does not drop, Bill will try to squeeze past him, to just outside the main door, so as to keep S7 between himself and the WB.

Draax  d20=12 d8+4=12
Tuesday April 25th, 2000 3:29:59 AM

Finally about to act Draax rushes over to S1 and swings at it with all his might (12 dmg).

DM Kent (Splish splash I was.....)  d20=9 d20=15 d6=5 d20=3 d20=17 3d6(3+2+2)=7
Tuesday April 25th, 2000 5:51:59 AM

As Bills daggers strike and or bounce of GlowBoy, and as Bill moves toward the door, There is a slight dimming of the glow and it seems like a sheet of water sloughs off from around him and onto the floor. Rond's attack on S3 cuts deeply into its side and sends it stumbling into S2. S2 reacts by turning away from S3 and seeing Ahkum behind GlowBoy moves to attack him, but misses. ((Bill, Ahkum and Rond save VS spell or run away in fear.)) Draax finally able to overcome his fear charges S1 and manages not only to hit it but it falls below the surface never to rise again. S3 attack Rond and connects for 5 points of damage. S6 trying to take advantage of Arissa's clumsiness jabs again with his trident and misses yet again. The water Beast changing direction, moves toward the head and hence toward Sedar and Draax and blocks Arien's view of GlowBoy as his first arrow sinks several inches into its pudgy body. Swinging widely it connects with Draax for 7 points of damage. K'isst busy dancing and chanting over her kill that she does nothing this round.

Ahkum Needs Depends  d20=10
Tuesday April 25th, 2000 6:34:59 AM

Once again the spindly mage after striking out at the creature turns and runs as fast as his legs can take him in any random direction begging under his breath for mercy from his mighty Gods.

Draax  d20=11 d20=18 d12+4=6 d12+4=10
Tuesday April 25th, 2000 6:41:59 AM

Draax is knocked sideways by the force of the blow from the creature. Determined not to run again Draax slashes at the creature with his magical longsword. (hit AC1 with first blow (6dmg) and AC-6 with second(10dmg). Draax looks up at the creature. "I guess this is as good a place to die as any."

Sedar the Head Pusher  d20=18
Tuesday April 25th, 2000 7:25:59 AM

Slamming his useless blade back into it's sheath, he sees the water beast making it's way towards. with no clear understanding how to stop it, he simply takes hold of the head and begins to push it faster and harder towards the beast. Hoping it still has some magic left. "ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" (rolled an 18 for ramming hit, ? dam if any)

Rond  d20=17 d20+4=7
Tuesday April 25th, 2000 7:46:59 AM

Rond changes the direction of travel with his sword, and swings back to the left, at glow bow. Noting the emanation from glowboy, Rond swing is a little distracted, thus missing, but Rond stays put, in the midst of the fray. (ooc sav first att second (phew! :) )).

K'isst  d20=8 d8+5=13
Tuesday April 25th, 2000 9:20:59 AM

(Sorry, couldn't log on last night. Local access was having problems I think.) K'isst spins on S3 and attacks it (from the back?) hitting AC 5 if from the back for 13 points of damage. She deliberately places herself within reach of the glowboy to see if it will attack her. She extends a careful smile in his direction. "Can we help you?"

Bill Troublefinder  d20=7 d20=3
Tuesday April 25th, 2000 9:45:59 AM

Sudden, irrational fear grips the normally doughty halfling (7+3[Wis]=10). He leaves behind his thoughts of attack, and realizes he must flee! Bill runs out the doorway toward the path, yet fleetingly notices his shiny sword lying on the ground not five feet outside the entrance (perception check). No time to get it, must run! For some reason, just as he does not stop to get the sword, neither does he think to drop the stool. [Okay, no cracks about that one, guys :-)].

Arrisa  d20=10 d6=3
Tuesday April 25th, 2000 10:47:59 PM

Noticing the sea devil isn't having much luck itself, Arrisa silently thanks her god and strikes out S6 again (Hits AC 5, doing 3+4 dam for a total of 7, makes a change from dropping it.... :-) )

DM Kent (Splish splash I was.....)  d3=2 d20=19 d20=18 d20=4 d8+2=7 d8+2=8 d20=13
Wednesday April 26th, 2000 6:43:59 AM

As Ahkum and Bill "Run Away," K'isst manages to drop S3 into a pool of its own blood never to rise again. S2 seeing his intended target go scurrying out the temple decides to take a poke at Rond and connects for 7 points at the same time Arissa's foe also tired of playing the fool connects with a poke of his own, doing 8 points of damage. the water beast takes a swing again at Draax but misses as it is buffeted aside by the rolling head and takes 2 points of damage himself. S7 sensing that things are not quite going its way turns slightly toward K'isst and reaching out just misses touching her with its shriveled looking hand.

Arien  d100=2 d20+4=22 d4=4
Wednesday April 26th, 2000 6:45:59 AM

Cursing the water beast Arien drops his bow and closes in on the nearest Sahuagin from behind. Hoping that the mass melee has distracted the creature enough he moves silently (first roll) and plunges his dagger in its back (ac -2) for 8 points (4 if it was an unsuccessful backstab)

Ahkum  d20=3
Wednesday April 26th, 2000 7:09:59 AM

The mage continues running.

K'isst  d20=14 d20=12 d8+5=10 d8+5=8
Wednesday April 26th, 2000 7:18:59 AM

K'isst shakes her finger at the slimy S7 fellow and says, "Ahh, see you've done it now. You've shown you're an enemy. No shriveled hand touches for me thanks. And I think if you die, so hopefully does your water giant." She slices at S7 hitting AC1 and AC3. If she hits, she does 10 and 8 hpd respectively for a total of 18. She focuses on the slimy fellow totally now.

Draax  d20=9 d12+4=5
Wednesday April 26th, 2000 8:17:59 AM

Draax see the waterbeast getting ready to hit him with one of its arms, he braces himself for the hit, but see the creature turn aside by the head. Draax looks over at Sedar and smiles. "Thanks, that was going to hurt." He steps in and take another swing at the creature. ( hit AC3, 5 dmg if hit)

Bill Troublefinder 
Wednesday April 26th, 2000 9:52:59 AM

Bill sees the dead sahuagin lying outside. He then reaches the battered body of Brother Branze Bones. "Branze!" Why won't Bill's feet stop moving? He doesn't want to pass by the body of his friend. Bill drops the stool off near Branze. His fast-moving legs carry him to the red-white stone drawing image of the sea devils dancing about the Head of the Sentinel, the arrow protruding from both sides of the head of the largest dancer. *"Heart, slow down!"* he thinks to himself. Who is that skinny fellow running further down the path?

Rond  d20+4=20 d10+7=17
Wednesday April 26th, 2000 10:13:59 AM

Rond pokes at S7 (AC=-2) adding another 17 points to K'isst's damage.

Sedar the Rock Roller  d20=16
Wednesday April 26th, 2000 6:48:59 PM

"Anytime time Draax" as he sees the water beast knocked aside by the head. The 1/2 elf moves around the beast, moving off with the head. Trying for another saving run. (rolled a 16 to hit, if 2nd run is possible for the next run)

DM Kent (Splish splash I was.....)  d20=2 d20=19 d20=20 d20=10 d20=2 d6+6=8
Thursday April 27th, 2000 7:09:59 AM

whether distracted by Sedar rolling the head around or by the abuse that Glow boy is sustaining The Water creature misses Draax again. In rapid succession As both K'isst and Rond nail Glow boy you twice see the slight dimming of the glow and the shedding of two sheets of water. You now hear a definite guttural growl from GlowBoy and he reaches out and touches K'isst with a withered tight-skinned skeletal hand (K'isst save vs spell or be paralyzed for 4 rounds). S2 misses Rond but S6 nails Arissa for 7 points. Arien moving around to get an attack in manages to block himself out this round. Ahkum is soon accompanied by Bill and both are now feeling a bit sheepish for running away in fear. Sedar manages to back the head off but is not able to get a ramming in this round.

Ahkum  d4+1=2
Thursday April 27th, 2000 7:23:59 AM

The mage turns around and growls irritably as he realizes he's been driven away twice and for what reason he has no idea. He levels his hand at the glowing creature still in the doorway, "Izsel." A streak of light shoots forth from his spread palm and slams into the creatures back.

Rond  d20+4=18 d10+7=12
Thursday April 27th, 2000 7:31:59 AM

Rond slashes at glowboy, hoping to end this little encounter. Rond hits AC0 for 12 more points of damage.

Thursday April 27th, 2000 3:00:59 PM

[[sorry S7 for 2 points of damage from a magic missile]]

Bill Troublefinder 
Thursday April 27th, 2000 8:08:59 PM

Bill, his terror subsiding, slows, stops, blushes deeply. He pivots, and runs back the way he came, his hobbit heart wanting to introduce himself to the newcomer, but realizing now is not the time. When he gets back, he retrieves his sword from the ground. [Assuming that his full actions are taken up in movement this round. Is the Glow Boy still under the net?]

Arrisa  d20=16 d6=6
Friday April 28th, 2000 12:05:59 AM

(OOC: Sorry about the lack of post, my PC hard drive refused to function. Seems ok now though) Arrisa lets out a low growl as the sea devil hits her with his trident. She spins around and strikes at S6 with her staff (hit AC -1 for 6+4=10 damage)

Arien  d20=20 d20=18 d20=2 d6=5 d6=6
Friday April 28th, 2000 3:10:59 AM

Moving forward to be beside Draax and trusting his companion to keep the water beast occupied Arien drops the dagger into its sheath and grabs his bow. Determined to take out a Sea Devil he draws bead on S2 (line of sight, shot down between Arissa and Sedar) The first arrow flies true, shrieking as it splits the air in its quest to imbed itself in Sahuagin flesh. However in his haste he improperly sets the next arrow and when he releases the string it falls to the ground at his feet.

Sedar the Rock-n-Roller  d20=3
Friday April 28th, 2000 5:17:59 AM

Finally able to turn the head around. He again starts pushing it towards the water beast, but trips horribly on the wet floor. The head skittering off somewhere (?). "oooooouuuuuucccccchhhhhhh !!!!"

Draax  d20=3 d20=14 d12+4=14
Saturday April 29th, 2000 7:22:59 PM

Draax side steps the creature's attack and swings his sword again. Avoiding get hit by the creature makes him miss his first attempt, but catches the creature with his return swing. (AC -2, 14 damage)

K'isst  d20=18 d20=1
Monday May 1st, 2000 7:41:59 AM

[Sedar, if that was a dex check you made it. You roll under for dex checks. Of course if it was a save, then you failed. [sad grin]] Hoody Hoo! K'isst freezes from the touch her heart seeming stop. Then low in her throat her chanting begins and she with a series of jerks overcomes the paralization saving with a 18. She Spins to strike another mighty blow, but drops her sword in the process. She curses and prepares for the worst as she notices that her hands feel numb from the paralysis attempt.

DM Kent (old man river)  d20=9 d20=18 d20=6 d20=14 d8=8
Monday May 1st, 2000 4:13:59 PM

For the first time during this combat, Glow Boy shows real frustration, as K'isst overcomes his spell attempt, and he lets out a sound not unlike that of a whale song. The sound seems to actually reverberate through the temple and almost sets the walls to humming. He is so frustrated that even with K'isst's weapon on the ground, he stands there and makes his weird moaning sound and waves his arms around in a seemingly random pattern. S6 collapses from the blow he just received and is writhing on the floor. S2 very irritated by having an arrow sticking out of him tries to take it out by cutting up something near him and hits Rond for a big 8 points of damage. The Water beast seems distracted both by being hit, the head rolling by him and into the water, and by the frustration of glow boy, and misses Draax with his wide sweeping arms.

DM Kent (old man river) 
Monday May 1st, 2000 4:18:59 PM

Bill makes it back to where his sword is and peers inside to see that the net is now on the ground at Glowboy's feet. Ahkum sends off his missiles from the relative safety of outside and sees them strike Glowboy, hiss and disappear. Soon after both Bill and Ahkum hear a strange moaning seeming to come from the temple walls themselves.

Rond  d20+4=17 d10+7=9
Monday May 1st, 2000 6:06:59 PM

Rond grunts from the blow he receives, but he stays focused on glow boy, and swings again. He connects (AC 1) again for 9 points of damage.

Bill Troublefinder  d20=3 d20=18 d6+1=2
Monday May 1st, 2000 8:12:59 PM

Bill picks up his sword. "K'isst, Draax, Rond, whoever, push him out! See what's in or on his hands! Everyone out of the temple! Get the Head! Get Borbo!" Makes a dex check to get around net and near GB without tripping. Swings his sword (called shot) to cut into Glow Boy's waving right wrist. (18+1-4=15, hit AC 2, 2 hp.)

Ahkum  d20+2=9 d20-2=5
Monday May 1st, 2000 11:56:59 PM

The mage says a prayer to his immortal patrons and rushes ahead again to aid his comrades. As he runs he points the skillfully crafted staff at the glowing sahuagin and looses a word, "Flutter!" [unleash faerie fire against glowboy(everyone gets a +1 to attack glowboy :)>, attack if i can, the second is a save if it is required.]

Draax  d20=13 d12+4=15
Tuesday May 2nd, 2000 12:18:59 AM

Avoiding the water creature's attack again, Draax moves in for another swing at the creature and hits again. (AC-1, 15 dmg)

Bill Troublefinder  d20+3=23
Tuesday May 2nd, 2000 2:13:59 AM

[Save vs. fear if needed]

Sedar the Rock Fetcher 
Tuesday May 2nd, 2000 6:02:59 AM

(OOC K'isst the roll was to hit, as in ramming the water beast. I 'll be sure to elaborate more next time) Hearing the call to run for it. The 1/2 elf runs to retrieve the head and then make a run for the exit.

Arrisa  d20=19 d20=3 d6=1 d20=19
Tuesday May 2nd, 2000 6:52:59 AM

Hearing the call for everyone to run outside, Arrisa takes a couple of jabs at the squirming sea devil (Hit AC -4 and missed. 5 Damage on S6) striking once. She then runs ahead towards the door (Save if necessary = 19. Passed unless modifier is -3 without wis bonuses).

K'isst  d20=17 d8+8=9
Tuesday May 2nd, 2000 9:17:59 AM

K'isst, realizing that glowboy still stands in the way of the exit, is curious as to what Bill thinks he's discovered. She can't disengage without taking another of those deadly attacks. Having two attacks this round, she pivots to grab her sword missing her first attack. She wants to obey bill, but can't do a called shot this round neither can she safely break. Too risky. She also can't overbear the guy out of the way and still pick up her sword because she only gets two attacks this round when using her sword. In frustration, she does the only thing she can....swing! She hits AC -2 screaming in triumph and chanting full force as the blow drives home doing 9 more points of damage. "Sorry Bill! Can't stop right now! Talk to me. What have you discovered?"

Bill Troublefinder 
Tuesday May 2nd, 2000 9:30:59 AM

"Yeah, the walls of the temple are moaning somethin' fierce. You can hear it outside. Get the head out. Okay, let's get this guy." Bill jumps back a little toward the door, trying to keep track of the multiple opponents and friends, waiting for a chance to attack again.

Tuesday May 2nd, 2000 10:52:59 PM

Hearing Bill's call Arien runs after Sedar to give him a hand with the head. As he runs he slings his bow over a shoulder and shouts after Sedar "Hey Sedar once we get the head lets do to Glow Boy that you did to the Water Beast, you know ram him. That ought to get him out of the way and get the head out of here at the same time!"

DM Kent (water falls.....)  d20=18 d8=8 d20=7
Wednesday May 3rd, 2000 6:10:59 AM

Draax's last attack on the water beast cause the beast to break up and drench Sedar, Arissa, and Draax in a deluge of water. Rond and Bill's attacks cause another sheet of water to shed off of Glowboy. K'isst's attack draws a red gash across Glowboy's chest who is now only glowing because of Ahkum's spell. Sedar and Arissa go for the head which is currently floating twenty feet off the ramp. Arissa's foe having been stabbed beyond death stops squirming and lies there in a messy pile. S2 swings at Rond and connects for another 8 points. And glow boy misses another attempt at touching K'isst with his bony hand.

Bill Troublefinder  d20=20 d20=6
Wednesday May 3rd, 2000 6:57:59 AM

Bill this time steps and aims with his +1 sword for the left hand of Glow Boy. [20+1-4=17, hits AC 0, 6 misses, no extra, total 7 hp damage. Hand removed?] Bill checks to see if the receding glowing nearly skeletal sahuagin has been holding anything in this hands, or is wearing rings or bracelets. He knows he saw him concentrating on this hands or something in his hands earlier.

K'isst  d20=17 d8+5=13
Wednesday May 3rd, 2000 8:00:59 PM

She sees the blood of her previous attack and rejoices in their success. She howls with joy as the water monster is destroyed by Draax. "Way to go Draax!" K'isst maneuvers without breaking contact from glowboy so that her back is to the door and she is close to escape if the temple begins collapsing. She thanks Holy Donyra for keeping the boy's withering touch at bay and focus for another attack. The moment comes. Luck is still with her. Her shot tears into her opponent's abdomen once again (rolled a 17 hitting AC-2) for 13hpd. Her chanting begins to become a yell.

Ahkum  d20+2=5 d20-2=18
Thursday May 4th, 2000 4:16:59 AM

The mage strikes out with his staff again and roars a praise to the god Domi as he misses again. He steps aside quickly hoping that the others will bust through any moment. (attack misses, and if I had to save I actually passed!)

Rond  d20+4=22 d10+7=17
Thursday May 4th, 2000 4:20:59 AM

Rond executes a sweep going from left to right (trying to push glowboy out of the way, and into S2 if possible (no map for a bit)) hitting AC -4 (let me know if another roll is needed), doing another 17 points of damage.

Thursday May 4th, 2000 6:27:59 AM

Arien continues to retrieve the head.

DM Kent (Is that the staypuff marshmallow man?)  d20=3 d20-3=2
Thursday May 4th, 2000 6:39:59 AM

Arien and Sedar manage to retrieve the head with a little bit of effort. As Rond K'isst and Bill swing at Glowboy, connecting with most of their attacks, Ahkum swings his staff and misses yet again and just as he is starting to feel a tinge of fear, the sensation is abruptly cut off as a hand falls to the floor and Glowboy falls into S2. S2, getting ready to attack Rond is taken unawares and is able to turn his fall into a leaping dive for the water and manages to escape. As the severed hand strikes the floor Bill hears and sees a 3/4 inch wide metal band fall out of the hand and roll toward the water. Bill roll under dex to catch it before it drops. (combat is now over)

Thursday May 4th, 2000 7:05:59 AM

Hearing K'isst's words of praise, Draax smiles. "Thanks K'isst, for a minute there I thought the beast would never fall. I glad the others kept getting in its way before it could really do some damage to me. I wonder, where did it came from? Good job with glow boy." In a voice loud enough for all the member to hear Draax shouts. " Lets get out of hear before this place fall apart or we get more visitors, I am not sure, but I think one of them escaped." Draax puts away his sword and goes to help get the head out of the temple while it is still standing.

Thursday May 4th, 2000 8:05:59 AM

Putting away his sword, you notice that there is just as much blood from Rond, as on Rond. "Let me retrieve Borbo, and get him outside, then someone can grab him if possible, and I'll help with the head, for as long as this potion lasts"

Bill Troublefinder  d20=7
Thursday May 4th, 2000 10:44:59 AM

Bill leaps to catch the ring before it rolls into the water. He grabs hold of it, and slides on his stomach on the blood- and water-smeared floor. "Oof!" He lies there for a moment, gasping for air, the wind knocked out of him, the motions of his mouth making him look somewhat fish-like. His chin rests on the edge of the walkway next to the water. The wet halfling finally pushes himself away from the edge. He turns onto his back, and looks up at Ahkum. "Hi!" his voice squeaks out. "I'm Bill."

Bill Troublefinder 
Thursday May 4th, 2000 11:24:59 AM

Bill then notices how badly Rond looks. "Hey, Ronderiadshal, friend, you need this more than I!" He extracts a potion of healing from a pouch and, still lying upon his back, holds it up for Rond to take.

Bill Troublefinder 
Thursday May 4th, 2000 11:33:59 AM

The hobbit finally forces himself to rise, and shakes his head, feeling dizzy. Still addressing Rond, he asks, "You remember when we met with Judith? I mean, not that that's her name, except I thought it would be a good name for her. You know, at the House of the Crystal Sphere? And she said, she said, "That which you disbelieve is real and that which you believe well... may be false." He looks down at the ring recently worn by their glowing opponent. "I think this makes strong illusions. We gotta be careful with it." Bill opens his mouth, and swallows the ring.

Thursday May 4th, 2000 12:06:59 PM

Now totally wet, Arrisa looks around and then at the wound she has. She wanders over to Ahkum. "Now where did YOU run to? Anyone would think you're afraid of a battle....."

Ahkum  d8=3
Thursday May 4th, 2000 9:43:59 PM

The mage starts slightly and raises an eyebrow at the return of Arissa, "Why it was that foul creature and his strange powers of fear that took away my steel nerves." He kicks the creature and sighs looking at Bill for a moment, "Ah yes my name is Ahkum nice to meet you," watches him swallow the ring and smiles, "Bill." He sees this Rond and the others trying to retrieve something out of the room and wanders to help. He mutters a prayer to himself and reaches out to pat the man on the shoulder, "You must be the people we were looking for. Domi saw that you fought well this day I see." At that he helps them remove whatever they are looking for from the temple post haste. [casts cure light wounds on Rond for three points]

Thursday May 4th, 2000 9:58:59 PM

Arrisa sighs and places a very wet hand on 's shoulder. "You should try living in un-civilised areas. That builds up you're nerves even more.". She smiles slightly seeing the nice wet hand-print on Ahkum's clothing and then turns to the rest. "Now that's over with, I am called Arrisa. I assume you are the group that we heard about....."

Sedar the exiteer 
Friday May 5th, 2000 7:49:59 AM

Getting momentum built up behind the head. the 1/2 elf pushes for all he is worth, to get the head through the exit. "can't get out of here fast enough, lets go"

Friday May 5th, 2000 8:03:59 AM

K'isst leans on her sword as she catches her breath after the battle. Then she sees Bill reach for the ring. Good Bill. Getting the ring. Always can depend on good 'ol Bill. Ahh, he's going to put it on! No. Bill! Stop. K'isst tries to speak. She tries to warn him. But ahh! He's stopped. Now he's......he's.......he's.

Friday May 5th, 2000 8:06:59 AM

K'isst's mouth drops open as she literally falls on her seat in surprise. She screams. "NaaaaaaAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOO!!" Her head lolls back and hits the rock of the temple wall. "Uhh."

Friday May 5th, 2000 8:07:00 AM


Friday May 5th, 2000 11:46:59 AM

Arien checks to see if any of his arrows are salvageable, gives his greetings to Arrisa and Ahkum and follows Sedar out of the temple.

DM Kent (Is that the staypuff marshmallow man?)  8d2(2+2+2+1+2+1+2+1)=13
Friday May 5th, 2000 10:31:59 PM

Arien is able to retrieve 5 usable arrows as he and the others except Bill and K'isst exit the building. At the moment of glowboy's demise the weird moaning stopped and there was a large CRACK heard. And as you all are exiting there are large chunks of walls and ceiling starting to fall. Bill swallows the gore covered ring and then as it starts going down his throat he feels it starting to grow (save VS poison +2) and (System Shock % roll please). K'isst is unconscious and leaning against one of the broken doors that is about to fall on her.

Bill Troublefinder  d20=13 d100=37 d20=15
Saturday May 6th, 2000 1:44:59 AM

Bill feels the swelling inside him. "Oops!" He says. His right hand balled into a fist, he taps himself near the solar plexus with the side of the thumb and forefinger. An eructation is accompanied by a bubble escaping from his lips. [made save, system shock.] "It's growing!" Bill sees K'isst lying down, unconscious. "Help, K'isst is here!" Bill grabs his sword, tosses it outside (not at anybody - rolled a 15 to make sure he missed) goes over and tries to drag her out of the collapsing building. He keeps on burping.

Saturday May 6th, 2000 3:05:59 AM

Hearing bill's call, Draax rushes back into the room and tries to pull K'isst out of harms way before carrying her out to the others.

Saturday May 6th, 2000 6:24:59 AM

Placing Borbo's body down outside, then hearing the call from inside, Rond approaches the doorway on his way in, in order to see if any more help is needed. If they are struggling, Rond will jump in and help.

Sunday May 7th, 2000 1:57:59 AM

Keeps shoving the head towards the safety (seemingly) of the outside.

Sunday May 7th, 2000 6:28:59 AM

The mage rushes up and helps drag K'isst out of harm's way and away from the crumblin temple.

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