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In The Beginning...

Journey to The Beginning (DM Donna) 
Friday April 19th, 2002 8:58:39 AM

All of the Hamleteers are present in the main Archive Room when Morphia reacts to being informed of Jonno Virdune's cryptic reference to a "journey to The Beginning."

"Father Virdune said that? You're sure?" the pale young cleric asks, then puts away what she was looking through when the party confirms Jonno's exact words. "Follow me, then..."

The ebon-garbed priestess leads the group through the large room and down a hall...then down some stairs and through some gloomy basement rooms. She stops in front of a stone door that appears to have only a reverse-relief of the symbol of Gargul on it--there is no handle or doorknob to be seen. Morphia takes her holy symbol and presses it into the concave carving. When she removes it, the door slides up with a rumble.

"Inside this room is an ancient magic scroll." she tells you simply. "Go into the room and you will start your...journey to The Beginning." The party enters the room, but Morphia remains outside...and the door slides down with a thud of finality.

The party is in a room that is a windowless cube fifteen feet on all sides. In the very center of the room floats a scroll. As soon as the door closes, darkness descends on the room--but it is immediately dispelled by the sudden glowing of the roll of parchment. Once everyone's attention is centered on the scroll, it unfurls with a snap and a deep voice redolent with timeless wisdom booms out:

"Behold...The Beginning..!"

There is a blinding flash of light from the scroll...

...and, suddenly, you stand in the middle of a town. It's a town, and not a city, but it's a large town, and you love it because it's home. Because you love it so, you gladly serve as a captain of the town patrol. You're just SO glad that you have several of your lifelong buddies who are also members of the patrol, too, because lately there's been an escalation of crime and just plain bad things happening in the area that don't quite sit well with you.

There's something wrong with The Wold lately, and you just can't put your finger on it--but you just KNOW that it's true.

Suddenly you are grappled from behind by a pair of arms that are the strongest you've ever been pinioned by--and your laughter joins the boisterous mirth of the best friend who is squeezing you to death in his patented unbreakable hold.

"Alemi! You're gonna get your butt kicked if you just stand around in the middle of the road with your head in the clouds!" says the grappler as he releases you. You laugh and turn to face a muscular human male, one with the look of a champion wrestler about him.

"Not with YOU watching my back, Domi!" you say the warmth of your voice reflecting the deep friendship you have with your fellow Patrol member and friend.

"Pondering the mysteries of the gods, weren't ya?" Domi replies, grimacing. "Between you and Rollie, you'd think that the sky was falling or something!"

"Caeroldra's scrying has given us many clues--" you defend your other friend, but Domi waves the protest away.

"Don't get prickly! I'm with ya, you know that--it's just that I don't hold well with second-guessing the gods." Domi looks around. "Speak of the devil--here's Rollie now."

You whirl and see a human woman dressed in the modest robes of an apprentice wizard hurrying across the town square towards you. She is Caeroldra, your other best friend in the entire Wold, and she looks very, very worried.

"Alemi! My latest visions confirm that the gods just aren't doing their job." she says to you, anxiety furrowing her brow. "There have been rifts manifesting all over The Wold--three of them in our own area!--with all manner of alien beings coming through and setting up shop! All these incursions are upsetting the delicate balance of power...and touching off many, many acts of evil, both small and large."

"My latest consultation at the temple wasn't very encouraging, Caeroldra." you reply. "The priests there didn't even want to do more than accept the tithe, first of all--then the one cleric who DID cast a divination was awfully blase about it...he said the usual stuff about how The Wold is just the way the gods want it and that I'm going to go on a journey. Then he yawned and wandered off."

"This isn't good at all, Alemi." the wizard says fretfully. "If the balance isn't restored to The Wold soon, then everything will just wreck itself! I doubt that any of the Noble Races will survive."

"But if the temple priests won't listen, who will?" demands Domi.

"Well...we could seek out the dragon conclave..." suggests Caeroldra, but the wrestler scoffs.

"Not THAT old hoot? It's an old wives' tale!"

"We don't know that for sure!" the female argues hotly. "Why, dragons are far older than even elves, and--"

"And we're going to go see them." you say firmly, the surprise on Caeroldra's and Domi's faces surpassed only by your own. "We don't have much of a choice--Rollie's spells keep confirming that The Wold is getting worse...and I, for one, trust in her judgement."

"Well...okay, then--let's go!" Domi says, shrugging and then setting off with enthusiasm. You and Caeroldra go with him, wondering if there IS, in truth, any way to avoid the doom that seems to be looming on The Wold's very horizon...

...to be continued...

The Beginning, Part 2 (DM Donna) 
Friday April 19th, 2002 9:52:42 AM

The three of you make an eventful journey across the landscape of The Wold, facing (and defeating--sometimes VERY narrowly!) all manner of creatures from other planes and even some native to The Wold who--in thrall to the gods--seek to stop you from reaching the Dragon Conclave.

You try to talk to the priests of the gods--your party even manages to get to see the very deities themselves!--but neither the gods nor their servants think that there is any credence to Caeroldra's theory about the balance of The Wold and it needs to be restored. The gods merely dismiss you and your group back to The Wold.

You determine to continue with your original intent--to make it to the age-old site where the dragons of The Wold are supposed to hold meetings. There you speak urgently with a beautiful elven woman who calls herself Maab. You make your case about the balance of The Wold being in peril and--to your surprise--she nods.

"You're the first person to believe us instead of dismissing our story out-of-hand," you say.

"Many of those you speak to don't believe you because you are very young." Maab says, smiling empathetically. "I know that feeling, for I am the youngest one to ever become a member of the Conclave, and many of the others often dismiss my ideas, too."

"Member of the Conclave..?" Caeroldra echoes, her eyes widening. "Then... then that means that you're..?" Even as the wizard speaks, the "elf" metamorphosizes into her true form: that of a very young Fey Dragon.

"I am Maab, recently ascended to the throne of the Valley of the Fey," the colossal drake confirms, "And I will help you present your findings to the Conclave."

The humans and the dragon face all the other dragons of The Wold and explain how the true state of things are. Many of the older dragons are skeptical at first, but they at least listen to the whole story... and eventually confirm for themselves that you and your friends are correct.

"It is clear that those who were to be the Guardians of The Wold are not doing their job," Maab says. "We must inform the Creator of these developments and allow him the opportunity to correct these mistakes."

The dragons all agree to put you and your friends in direct communication with a being that, they say, is ultimately responsible for The Wold's creation. A being they refer to as "the Jericko."

Time passes... for some odd reason, you can't recall exactly what happened--only that you are successful in alerting the Jericko to the imbalance of The Wold, and that the Jericko was very, very angry because he had been told by the gods of The Wold that everything was just fine when it really was not.

You know that the Jericko has determined that the gods are no longer worthy of being Guardians of The Wold... and that he has asked you to stand up and defend The Wold by being willing to take on the gods themselves.

You do not hesitate. The fate of The Wold is at stake--what is your life... even the lives of your friends... compared to that?

There is a fight--a battle huge and terrible--with you and your handful of allies fighting the very gods face-to-face. The carnage is horrific... the damage to the physical landscape deep and permanent...

...yet, incredibly--you prevail!

"The Jericko..." pants Caeroldra as you all stand over the last of the ex-gods, "...he must have done something... to boost us, our effectiveness... somehow..."

The Wold needs us more than the Jericko... insisted the dying deity. ...he isn't here... he can't know The Wold the way... we do... The Wold NEEDS us... it needs... ussssssss...

"Too bad you didn't live up to the responsibility," says Domi scathingly. You look sharply at your friend.

"But he's right, Domi," you say, once more surprising yourself with the truth of your words. "The Wold does need gods...the Jericho can't be here... he can't see to the day-to-day needs of The Wold all the time... but there MUST be Guardians who do that, or The Wold is doomed."

"We've just managed to kill off all the old Guardians, Alemi," Gargul says, "Whom do you suggest to replace them?"

"Anybody who will remember that they ARE the Guardians of The Wold first!" you reply firmly. "Anybody who will have the honor, the courage... the love required to maintain the balance of The Wold."

"That would be you all, then," a voice says.

Suddenly, you are Alemi, the god of wisdom and justice. Domi is the god of courage and battle. Caeroldra is the goddess of love. Gargul is the god of death.

The Jericko tells you to protect The Wold and to maintain the balance and that you will have the power to do this. It is a power that will be used at your discretion, so act wisely, and delegate authority where you will.

And, from that day on, you do.

The Beginning, Part 3 (DM Donna) 
Friday April 19th, 2002 10:04:34 AM

Suddenly the Hamleteers are all just standing around inside the windowless room. The scroll still floats in the very middle of the room, glowing softly. It is now rolled back up again.

You just lived through what Alemi lived through countless eons ago--thanks to whatever magic the scroll embodied, you now know what only a handful of people in The Wold are truly cognizant of:

...a mere mortal CAN kill a god.

Alemi's humble beginnings prove this. Now it is a question of finding the means. You know that, while Arien's dream was deceptive...Hobbes' dream was not. There exists...somewhere, somehow...the means to defeat the deity that would unbalance The Wold and destroy it.

The party just needs to utilize ALL its resources to find the answers.

Renik  d20+4=6 d20+4=24 d20+4=10
Friday April 19th, 2002 11:53:49 AM

"Did... did everyone else just see that? Feel that? Is it possible?" Renik is dumbfounded by the events and revelations of the past few moments.

"Now more than ever we must find a way to Koshe Marr. If I understand the vision correctly this is proof that a humble mortal, any one of us even, could slay the Cult Gods if only we had recourse to sufficient power! And the only source of power I know of in that kind of league is the engine that Marteaus used to slay Domi! He sucked life force from them to destroy a God."

"Now if we could find that dark engine, and somehow turn its power against the oncoming armies of the Dark Lord, perhaps we could amass power in the same way that he did! I know it's evil, but if we are using it to destroy both Marteaus and his forces, I say let's do it anyway! Better that than the fate Marteaus has in store for us!"

He subsides for a moment, thinking, then continues "We must find a way to Koshe Marr, and quickly. I will go and attempt to assist Morphia with her researches in that area." (And this time you believe him; his lascivious intent from earlier is entirely gone.)

"I believe that gate could still hold the answer. Perhaps we simply used the wrong sonic key? Or perhaps the servants of Marteaus somehow corrupted the portal. Is there any way our magically adept characters could attempt to dispel any recent magics on the gate?"

"Failing that we need an alternate route. Any suggestions?"

When Renik goes to help Morphia with research, he is at least concentrating on the task at hand rather more than he did before. (Gather Info 6, 24, 10)

Friday April 19th, 2002 9:42:56 PM

OOC: Not feeling well, will post tomarrow

Saturday April 20th, 2002 1:20:43 AM

Speachless, the feral gnome sits with Darkfang and contemplates what he has just witnessed.

"We could trry the bone gate aggain." shrugging his shoulders, Ferrak just isn`t sure what to make of it all.

Saturday April 20th, 2002 2:44:19 AM

Once again seeing events that leave him speechless, Rond takes a few moments to compose himself after everything is said and done.

Hearing Renik's comments Rond chimes in, "I think we also need to get word to this dragonstone person about this. I'm thinking that those that fight Marteaus need to know that he can be defeated."

Bill Troublefinder 
Sunday April 21st, 2002 2:13:32 AM

From Library to Scroll
Bill mentally maps the route from the library, looking around, and using elf-sight the better to discern his surroundings as they pass through the darkened pathways.

He observes Morphia's manner of opening the door, and takes in the image of the retreating indentation as the stone rises into the ceiling, then looks closely at her holy symbol.

At her command to enter the room, the halfling does so with his friends. He extracts his psicrystal from his waistcoat, so that he can have a look around, too, holding William in the palm of his hand. He glances quickly at the scroll, possessing the prominent place it does in the room, then up at the ceiling. As the stone door slams shut, he looks back at it, and the area around the door, but then the scroll commands his attention...

The Scroll tells its story
He jumps when the arms wrap around him. He finally then begins to understand the nature of the story and its telling, and relaxes - somewhat - just to focus on the taking in of all he sees and hears. He thinks to himself that this 'beginning' is not the earliest of beginnings - but perhaps truly does relate the beginning of an important era, or age, of the Wold. He enjoys looking at the slightly younger face of Domi. Bill's eyes narrow at the mention of Caeroldra, then his countenance softens as he feels the regard Alemi had for her - and he recalls that, until recent months, he himself held her in high regard, and even prayed to her from time to time.

He takes in the details of the journey, marking the opponent creatures, and the different combat and tactics used by the three in overcoming what the gods threw against them. Oh, and to see the gods themselves! Bill continues to absorb all he can, now seeing these ancient gods. Is that Raven? Then Maab - he has heard mention of her by some of the Gold Dragons, but knows he is rather short of details about her.

Oh! To learn of the Jericko! So, he is the Creator? But, how can the Creator make mistakes? Should he not be without limit, boundless - except as he may bind himself, for his own inscrutable purposes? Should he not know all, see all? How can someone with such vast power as that of creation, not be the repository and source of all wisdom? Of all knowledge? Something seems fishy to Bill about this. Is this Jericko the ultimate Creator, or some sort of subcreator? In any case, Creator though he may be, if what Maab and the dragons of the Conclave report concerning this being be true ... he is obviously one of vast power, who holds the gods of the Wold accountable in some respects, and has the power to raise up or cast down -- but either can not or, or maybe, chooses not to exercise his power on a continual basis. Perhaps he limits his power so that his creations can move and breathe and make decisions on their own. And choose paths that are good, or not good, as they will. To fight for the right, or corrupt to the wrong.

And what of the words of the dying deity? Which deity? Are, or were, his words true, somehow? Does the Wold not need the Jericko? But rather the ancient gods? Alemi's words answer that in part. The ancient can be replaced.

That is what Marteaus now plays at doing. But to replace the newer, both with newer still, and the regrown shadows of the old.

If the Jericko granted to the gods he and his friends grew up learning about, and in some cases worshipping, or serving -- if he granted them power to delegate authority, how might Alemi and -- and whoever of the gods still have not swung over to Marteaus and the reascending gods -- how might the party seek a measure of this delegation, this empowerment?

The ancient story told, the hamleteers discuss
Bill listens to Renik, and Ferrak, and Rond. "Valdor is the Dragonstone. I see him from time to time at the Catacombs, and the Red Wyrm Inn. Perhaps I could attempt to contact him there," he answers the party's leader.

"Recall, Renik, that we beat the Soul Sucker apart in the Golden Arena on that terrible night. Not that we had time to ensure its complete destruction - we were rather too busy rescuing folk, and fighting that raven godling - Dathil. The scroll maker was the smaller version of it."

Bill takes a close look at the floating scroll, walking around, looking at it from various angles. As he does so, he comments, "I'm all for going to Koshe-Marr. I wish we knew just how to go about turning the power of such an artifact as we seek to the good. I've heard too many stories about such things corrupting people." He looks around. "I know that the spellcasters in our group have used a fair bit of power today. I could go for some renovation, myself. What say we gather as much information and wisdom and direction and resources as we might today, then, should we in that time encounter the key to travel to the land of nightmares, head there tomorrow morning?"

His listens to his friends and ponders things. He asks, "I wonder what would happen if I touched the scroll? That was amazing! I felt for a while there that I was Alemi." Then he looks concerned. "I hope that's not sacriligious, or somethin'. I know I'm not Alemi. Don't want you guys to worry, or anything."

Sunday April 21st, 2002 3:32:08 PM

Draax stands in awe for about a minute digesting the vision that he just experienced. The gods were once mortal, which explains why the gods show the same petty emotions that inhabit mortals. If he interpreted the vision correctly, the group has already achieved the first step to Marteaus' downfall and that step is the willingness to fight against a god. Now they need to find someway to diminish his powers or augment their own.

He listens to everyone and nods in agreement with Bill about taking time to look for answers and rest.

Sunday April 21st, 2002 6:01:15 PM

Hobbes watches quietly as the movie is played before him, squinting as he sees these figures playing their roles. By movie's end his teeth are gritted and he is shaking. He shakes his head from right to left, then turns toward the exit, arms crossed. He lowers his head and remains that way for several minutes.

"Blasphemy," he growls, "This is all blasphemy! Such lies! Why do you show such lies?"

He sobs and reaches for the door. "Let me out of here. I cannot watch this."

He pulls open the door and stomps off down the hall stopping a little ways off to steady himself.

"Gargul, forgive them," he is heard shouting, his low voice echoing down the stone corridor. "They know not...-- Reveal the truth of yourself to me, your servant. Not this blasphemy!"

Hobbes trails off, sobbing, now on his knees.

Bill Troublefinder 
Monday April 22nd, 2002 3:05:33 AM

"Boy. Yeah. This could be tough for him to take," Bill comments quietly as Hobbes runs off (assuming he is able to open the door). Respecting the cleric's need to process this, he does not follow him for the moment.

One more thought does occur to him. "I was just thinkin'. The Sentinel - it's a large head set on a base which guards Windhorn Hamlet and all of New Elenna against incursions from the dragons of Dragon Bay," he explains for those not from his hometown. "Each year it is renewed, restored with power by a community ceremony. We pour our thoughts, and feelings, and loves, and hates, and yearnings, into the head. Empowered by the community, it returns power to the community. It can even heal, and bring people near death back to health! That sort o' seems similar to what the scroll maker and soul sucker do, but in a benign way."

Bill thinks for a moment longer. "The ancient Teucri made the Sentinel, and many such artifacts of old. Might the archives here hold any information concerning their craft?"

Monday April 22nd, 2002 10:57:32 AM

Feng is currently detached from anything that's going on. The young half-orc stood quietly in the corner pacing back and forth. Their latest revelation did not sit well with Feng. Was it blasphemy? He hadn't proceeded that far. Feng is given gifts by the gods for his service to them. The gods were ordinary men once upon a time. Does that mean the gods he serves are just men with power? Not omnipotent beings that he thought they were. Were the gods truly good beings? Feng didn't know what to think anymore. To Feng, there was only one thing that was clear. Feng was about to proceed on the same path as the gods did all those years ago.

Tuesday April 23rd, 2002 3:28:38 AM

Arien struggles with the vision shown and the secret origin of the current gods of the Wold. Although it did make some sense, after all everything has a beginning, as all things have an end. The scroll had shown how the courage and love of a few had saved the Wold and Arien believed that it was such qualities that would save the Wold again. Was the message a piece of blasphemy? No, how could it be? After all it was a message from Alemi, showing that even in dark times as long as one has the courage and loves the Wold enough that anything is possible, like destroying Marteaus.

Finished with his internal soliloquy Arien starts when Hobbes bursts out of the room. He considers his words a moment before saying them aloud. "We should separate into two groups. One would remain here to search here and the others should attempt to get ahold of our employer. His silence makes me nervous, I don't want to get stuck in a tight spot and find out that we are on our own."

Tuesday April 23rd, 2002 5:22:24 AM

Hobbes' magical scythe is released from its grasp and falls to the ground with a heavy *CLANG*. The noise meanders down the hall.

Footnotes (DM Donna) 
Tuesday April 23rd, 2002 7:27:06 AM

The door to the chamber slides open, and Jonno Virdune steps into the room, an anxious Morphia behind him.

"Brother Hobbes..?" the young lady asks anxiously, hurrying over to him and laying a concerned hand on one of his shoulders. She bites her lip and throws a worried glance back towards Virdune. "Whatever happened, Father Virdune, wasn't pleasant."

"This group of adventurers, Morphia," Jonno replies gravely, "Have been priviledged to learn the unvarnished truth...and oft-times the truth isn't pleasant. Leave us, child, and return to your research. It will ultimately help these heroes with their task." The pale girl in the dark robes hesitates, but goes as she is bid. Virdune waits until she is out of sight for a good, long moment before addressing the upset Hobbes:

"You are obviously upset, my son, and I can understand why...but believe me when I tell you that you have just been privvy to the truth of the origins of the current Gods of The Wold. They began as mere mortals, and--through many sacrifices and deeds on behalf of the rest of The Wold, they eventually attained their hard-won Immortal status. The old gods of The Wold...those whom the Dark Lord seeks to restore to power...became concerned with only themselves instead of doing their appointed task, which was to protect The Wold from outside influences and incursions. Thus did the Cult Gods of old forfeit their right to be worshipped as deities by the population of The Wold. With the dissipation of those rights, so came the dissolution of their power. That power went from the Cult Gods to those who had--by virtue of their unrelenting concern for the entire Wold--proven to be worthy of it...Alemi, Domi, Gargul and the friends who had quested with them to save our Wold." Virdune pauses to let this sink in.

"The mortal roots of the gods are not a secret, exactly--any person who studies religious texts and writings eventually discovers that Alemi and the current Gods of The Wold were once mortal. What is NOT known by the general public--and what MUST remain secret--is the fact that the Cult Gods of The Wold did NOT create our dimension, our place of existence. The Jericko did.

"The Jericko, you see, made The Wold and let it go from his direct supervision," Virdune explains, "All beings on The Wold have free will, and thus are allowed to choose their own way. Marteus, however, would force his will upon us all, with no regard for the consequences. He will do irreparable harm unless you can find--and exploit--any weakness or loophole to his ill-gotten power."

The temple cleric sighs heavily.

"To you all has fallen the burden of knowing this truth--but you may NOT speak of it to anyone else!" Jonno Virdune states this emphatically, gesturing with his holy symbol. You all feel the grip of a divine spell ensnare you. "Nobody in this room is to ever divulge the existence of the Jericko, nor to speak or even think of the Jericko unless they are only in the presence of other people who already know of the Jericko and his role in the creation of our Wold." The stern older human replaces his holy symbol as the injunction takes hold.

From now on, you cannot make any reference to the Jericko, nor to his role in how The Wold and its deities were created...the only exception to this rule is that you can speak of it to other people who already know about the Jericko.

"Now, with all the recent events, it's been nigh on impossible to have the proper prophets divine the dreams that have been presented for our clerics to investigate." Jonno Virdune changes the subject. "There has been enough of a lull for me to check in with all the clerics that had been assigned to the task, however, and I can finally let you know our discoveries:

"Arien was sent a false dream, though it had enough grains of truth in it so that it could motivate your party to walk into an ambush." the priest says. "Brother Hobbes, here, was honored with a more truthful version of what happened...but the interpretation of the dream escaped our diviners...until now.

"It seems that the people who willingly returned the machine to its place of origin did, indeed, destroy that infernal device...but were slain when they did so. However, it was neither the machine NOR the agents of the Dark Lord who made them become undead." Virdune frowns, stroking his beard. "Here is what all the diviners agree upon--even though it quite appears to the doctrine of Gargul to be heresy: the heroes in Hobbes' dream became undead because they were supposed to! Beyond this, however, there are diverse opinions...some of the interpreters say that you should journey to Koshe-Marr...others say that you should concentrate on turning blasphemy to your advantage." Here Jonno rolls his eyes.

"Don't ask me what that phrase means--dream interpretation is often VERY cryptic." he tells you. "Morphia will continue to comb through our archives. You may assist her if you wish...or not. The choice of what you all should do is completely up to you."

Renik  d20+4=23 d20+4=16 d20+4=14
Tuesday April 23rd, 2002 7:46:47 AM

All this talk of gods and the origins of the Wold is too much for Renik. He decides to concentrate on the portions of Jonno's speech that he can at least begin to understand.

"Turn blasphemy to our advantage?" He looks sidelong at Hobbes and ponders that some of them might find that easier than others. Assuming they find out what that means, of course!

Changing tack he quizzes Jonno further. "How could it be that Damocles and Qancis were supposed to become undead? That's insane! No-one is supposed to become undead, surely? That's the worse fate that could befall anyone! Reanimated as an unholy creature of darkness? That has to be the work of the Dark Lord, or one of his minions? Are we somehow supposed to turn that to our advantage? But how? Are they supposed to lead us somewhere? Are we supposed to kill them? Might they provide us with some clue?"

He turns to his companions and says "Well as I understand it Damocles and Qancis are in Koshe-Marr, undead or not. I say we find a way to reach them, and that way we can fulfill both interpretations; we can find our companions in the Dread Realms, and perhaps turn the blasphemy of what has happened to them to our advantage? And even if we fail, we owe it to Damocles to end his living death."

He waits to hear what his companions have to say, and if there are no contradictory orders he goes to assist Morphia in her research for ways to enter Koshe-Marr (Gather Info or Search 23, 16, 14).

Bill Troublefinder  d20+12=30 d20+13=24
Tuesday April 23rd, 2002 10:27:38 AM

[Will saving throw versus whatever spell it was that Jonna Virdune cast, DC 30.]

"I already have heard of the Jericko in the past, and have spoken of him with others - and had even heard he was the original creator. I have even sent a few prayers in this direction. Not a great deal is known of him, of course. I have often thought that it is truth that grants freedom. I see no advantage in hiding this truth from others - although I do recognize the importance of discretion, and that there are times to speak, and times to keep silent. With due respect, I ask this question: What is your justification for this instruction?" Bill will resist with all his might this magical coercion, for he values above most all else his free will. "You yourself just said, 'All beings on The Wold have free will, and thus are allowed to choose their own way.' And you would compromise our free will by attempting to force us via divine complusion, rather than persuasion or reason?" The halfling, though generally quite well-disposed toward this high priest, is rather puzzled and dismayed at what appears to him to be a measure of high-handedness, as he recalls his father's injunction to avoid the taking of oaths. [Spellcraft 24 to see if he discerns the spell Virdune cast.]

"My dismay is tempered with the understanding that what we have just witnessed could cause - well, our friend here, Hobbes - I see the shock this revelation caused him. Hobbes - this has the ring of truth. Nonetheless it's gotta be like a blow to your solar plexus. Um, your gut. So, your holiness, I will certainly exercise discretion regarding what we have just witnessed, but I cannot promise to be bound by your proscription. But I will hear your reasons, and perhaps be further persuaded. Oh, and, your worship, please do not think that my questions are born of rebellion. I would rather you think of them as a submission to truth."

The young adventurer has in the back of his mind further exploration of the purported benefits of becoming undead, and he thinks Renik's questions good, but this naked use of power in an attempt to overcome their free will is the point of his focus, until answered.

Tuesday April 23rd, 2002 8:44:41 PM

The magical compulsion combined with his inner turmoil almost pushed Feng over the edge. Looking down he sees his warhammer unhooked from his belt and in his hands. With shaking hands he reattatches his warhammer. His knees begin to buckle and Feng barely makes it to a chair. Feng finds it almost impossible to believe that the gods were mortal at one point. Yet he can't deny what he saw and felt. In an act of frustration, he slams his large fist down on the table causing the wood to groan. "I agree with my small friend. Though now that I've had a moment to think, I'm not that worried about it. We are onto something that could lead to the downfall of the cult gods. I serve all the gods of the Wold. Maybe they were mortal long ago, but that doesn't change anything now. This is a test of my faith, one I will not fail. I have no doubt that if they want me to speak of Jericko, your spell will not hold me back."

Feng takes a few deep breaths to calm himself. Standing up he begins to pace and scans the room, looking at everybody. "Koshe-Marr will require everybody to be ontop of their game. I will gladly go. We will also need Hobbes, if he can pull himself together." Feng walks down the hall after Hobbes. "Hobbes, pull yourself together. I understand what your going through. It doesn't matter if what we saw was true or not. That vision doesn't change anything. Gargul has been with you since the beginning and he will be with you now. You cannot go wrong if you keep to your faith." Feng picks up the scythe and holds it out for Hobbes. "We have to go to Koshe-Marr. Serving the Gods is not an easy thing. They are demanding but also rewarding. This is a test. Our actions here and now determine a lot. Stay strong."

Tuesday April 23rd, 2002 9:32:29 PM

Draax listens to Virdune and has no problem with keeping the secret. He does not think much of the gods, their creator, or their origin. To him it is just something that explains some of their inconsistencies. He does take offense to Virdune casting a spell on him without a warning or his permission, but keeps silent for the time being. He wonders if he would have viewed the vision if the priest had told them the consequences.

He decides to go and help Morphia with the research. As he leaves he says under his breath just loud enough to be heard by everyone. "It is funny how easily someone with power will force their will upon you without your consent."

Ferrak (Stan) 
Tuesday April 23rd, 2002 9:59:30 PM

Ferrak sits and watches everyone's reaction to what they witnessed and to the compulsion placed upon the group. He is not sure how he feels about any of it, but decides that he and Darkfang would be more useful helping to contact Marcus.

The feral gnome gets to his feet and says, "My brother and I will look for the one who gave us the coin. If he is not at the usual places Darkfang still has his scent." Ferrak and the wolf stops at the door and waits to see if anyone is coming with them.

Hobbes  d20+5=20
Wednesday April 24th, 2002 3:05:44 AM

Hobbes pants heavily continuing his downward gaze to the wall as the elder cleric steps up to him. These feelings of doubt, like a favorite china plate which has just been smashed to bits in front of him, fill his head. The near-woozy Hobbes lifts his head slowly and gazes up at the old man as if in a mist.

Hobbes seems drawn to Father Virdune's words and listens obediently to his elder. His lips stutter for sound, but are stayed mesmorized by the Father's charismatic oration. Hobbes is powerless against the geas that washes over him like a soft spring rain.

As the old man stops, Hobbes hears his breath again and becomes a little red in the face. He looks down, then uncomfortably over at the many feet about the room. A gaze at Bill, a startled stare at Feng as he blindly accepts his scythe back into his hand, and finally a gaze over to Ferrak. He quickly gets up, his left hand grasping his holy symbol so hard the chain which it hangs on breaks. Hobbes breathes heavily with a low stare back to Jonno...then turns and walks purposely out of the room.

"Come on, Ferrak," he utters, "Let's go. I have to get my horse first."

He clangs down the noisy corridor, not even waiting for the gnome before climbing back up to the main cathedral floor.

Hobbes fetches his horse and offers both Ferrak and Darkfang (and anyone else) a ride atop if they wish. On the quickly ridden trip to the import shop, he thinks of the unusual things just presented to him, trying to push out the more unpleasant realities. But his mind keeps coming back to the phrase, "...supposed to be undead..." He searches his mind for answers on what that could mean. [Knowledge Undead: 20]

Wednesday April 24th, 2002 6:29:02 AM

One thing that Arien most certainly does not like is having his will subverted. So without further word to Virdune, Arien leaves the room. Stopping outside to collect his thoughts and calm down he waits a moment before trusting himself to speak. "Ferrak I will accompany you to find Marcus, we should update him...on what we can, and see if he wants us to do anything specific."

Wednesday April 24th, 2002 6:55:49 AM

Still mulling over the significance of the scene that played out before him. Rond once again feels like a pawn that is being maneuvered by things he doesn't understand or see. As Hobbes and Ferrak depart Rond clears his throat to get their attention. "Hearing what the father he has said. I suspect we know where Marcus may be at this point. If he has had access to the same information that we have, I think he's probably gone to save Qancis, which is his wife. That would potentially explain why things have been dead."

Sighing, and looking at Father Virune, "I do not know much about the process of being undead. I wonder if they have any free will about what they're doing? Anyways. I think I agree that we should make the attempt to do something for them."

Land of Confusion (DM Donna) 
Wednesday April 24th, 2002 7:39:13 AM

Bill's knowledge of matters arcane stands him in good stead--the spell that Jonno Virdune cast upon everyone present is of divine origin, sent directly by Gargul himself.

There is no saving throw for the spell, as it is a very powerful injunction against the recollection of The Jericko and his connection to The Wold. Bill, however, can also tell that this spell is not cast to punish or restrain the Hamleteers, but, rather, to protect them from any fellow Woldians who may attempt to wrest this secret knowledge from them and attempt to use it to their advantage.

"It is all too often that I find that I must take actions that are, technically, anything BUT neutral," sighs Virdune, truly regretful for having cast his Injunction spell. "But there are unprecedented actions occurring in The Wold that are dangerously threatening its balance. I can only hope that, in time, you all will be able to understand why I did that... and perhaps even forgive me for doing so. Now, please help Morphia. She is very intelligent and I trust that her meticulous research will come up with a break-through that you need in your battle against the Dark Lord."

The elder cleric turns and exits, looking weary and, suddenly, years older.

Ferrak and Hobbes--thanks to the sharp nose of Darkfang--go straight back to the import-export shop that is the cover business for the security forces of Marcus. The female gnome that had originally accompanied the cleric to his first meeting with the Hamleteers is in charge of the establishment, which is bustling with about a dozen workers scurrying about. She takes Hobbes, Ferrak and Darkfang into a little room in the back--apparently her office.

"I am Mekkina Sprocket," she introduces herself to the only intelligent being she can perceive, as Ferrak and Darkfang look like dogs, "I am...officially the owner of the establishment here."

Darkfang lets Ferrak know that the scent of Marcus leads to this building--but it suddenly disappears, just like the scents of those the Hamleteers had battled in the Scar.

"Marcus left--deliberately." she says in a flat voice. "I know that all the evidence that was gathered by three different sources added up to the fact that agents of the corrupted Council Members were going to try to assassinate him, so he's gone away to be safe. Meanwhile, I'm trying to deal with that weasel Balentyne's tax collectors!" Mekkina snorts her derision.

"I don't doubt that a majority of the funds he's collecting in order to 'raise an army' will end up in his own pocket!" she says. "I don't think there's anything you can do to find him at the moment--you'd best rejoin your friends and try to work on finding something in answer to Valdor's message."

Meanwhile, Morphia and all those with her find texts that alliterate Alemi, Gargul, Caeroldra and Domi were mortals who'd won their status as deities "through monumental deeds of bravery and sacrifice."

In the midst of the feverish research, another of the temple clerics returns to the library and gives Morphia a set of scrolls and some tomes.

"Here are the restored writings that had been tampered with," says the priest, "I think you'll find them interesting." At this point Hobbes and Ferrak (and Darkfang!) return to the fold.

Studying these texts, the explanation of the Skeleton Archway becomes a bit different:

Wullanok Irontemper was a hard-drinking, hard-working smith who was the winner of the Clan Irontemper Battle of the Belch for sixty-six years running. He did, indeed, used to be a mercenary, and had visited Koshe-Marr on the final mission he hired himself out for. Whatever happened to him there is a mystery, but he claimed that visions of the future had been shown to him, and that he HAD to build a gateway that would allow a group of adventurers to "twice-travel" the device. These adventurers were to do this in the future "in the face of blasphemy."

After completing the gate, Wullanok claimed that only a champion could activate the gate.

"A champion?" Morphia echoes, seeing that there is no more information to be read. "A champion what??? Fighter? Blacksmith? Drinker..?"

Supply a guess to the riddle...and make an Intelligence check to see if the answer suddenly comes upon your character.

Renik  d20+2=13
Wednesday April 24th, 2002 8:08:47 AM

"We're on the right track!" grins the rogue, warming to Morphia again as the intense memory of the Gods slowly fades. "In the Face of Blasphemy! That's too close to be a coincidence! So, we twice travel, eh? We've been through once, albeit to the wrong destination, so it looks like we're fated to go through a second time."

"But only a Champion can activate the gate? Your point is well taken, Morphia; what sort of Champion?" Renik scratches the stubble at his chin and thinks hard.

"Um, this Battle of the Belch, is there any more on that in the books? Could that have been the Champion status he meant? A champion burper? Who here is any good at really loud belching? Perhaps that is the correct aural key that activates the gateway to Koshe-Marr?"

Renik ponders on this and other possible solutions (Int 13).

(OOC: What are the belching rules in 3E? Fort roll vs preset DC perhaps? :-)

Wednesday April 24th, 2002 6:29:57 PM

"Well let's get going then. We need to shop. Stuff like holy water, and other anti evil and undead stuff. Potions galore."

Bill Troublefinder  d20+4=20
Wednesday April 24th, 2002 8:47:20 PM

"Jonno Virdune, you do not have to wait for years. I forgive you now, if there be any need for forgiveness. It is The Jericko himself who bids you keep this matter hid, and your concern for our welfare, and the welfare of the Wold that motivates you. If we take it up with anyone, it should be with the Creator himself, should any dare, not with you, Gargul's servant. Go in peace, good priest. Yes, we will work with Morphia."

After the high priest leaves, and the new materials arrive, Bill mulls over the 'twice travel' reference. "I wonder whether that simply means that it is a two-way gate. A two-way gate, that is, specifically for a group that enters it. I don't know that it means there is a limit of two times that one might use it, although that is a possible interpretation, as well."

"Well, a champion may be a warrior, a fighter," says Bill. "It may refer to a strong advocate or defender of some person or cause. One who does battle for another's rights or honor might be called such. Or, as Renik suggests, the first place winner of a competition - or even just a person who shows marked superiority at some skill or predilection. Like, 'Merik Andovin is a champion mischief maker!' He put some frog eggs in my pocket once." Bill concentrates a little harder, to see if he can discern just what Wullanok Irontemper might have had in mind. [Intelligent check DC 20.]

"Say, is the Battle of the Belch still held among the dwarfs these days? Who might know?" he asks. "If we could bring the current champion here, maybe... I wonder if Herald is around. You know, he's the bard who was working for Sturdavent, and brought us in those carriages from Windhorn Hamlet to Plateau City. He seemed to know lots of stuff about all kinds of things."

Draax  d20+1=20
Wednesday April 24th, 2002 11:10:10 PM

Draax is a little surprised about the news concerning Marcus, but takes it in stride. He digests the riddle to opening the gate, but could only guess at an answer (DC 20). The more he listens to Renik the more he begins to agree with his comrade guess to the answer. "You may be correct Renik, we know it has to do with a type of sound and all the clues seems to lead to your deduction. Now the only thing we need to prove your theory right is a champion Burper."

Ferrak  d20+1=10
Wednesday April 24th, 2002 11:17:30 PM

Ferrak accepts Hobbes' offer of a ride so that Darkfang will be unburdened in he search for Marcus. He is surprised and very pleased with how well Hobbes' steed adapts to the presents of wolves. After arriving at their destination and finding Marcus gone, the feral gnome is disappointed, but very proud of his wolf brother for leading them as far as they could go.

He lets Hobbes or Arien tell the others about Marcus' disappearance because he changes back into his wolf form before rejoining the group.

As the mystery unfolds the druid realizes that if Renik is correct (DC 10), he has a spell that can create the sound of a champion burper. His only unspoken question is what does a champion burper sound like?

Feng  d20=4
Wednesday April 24th, 2002 11:18:47 PM

"The nature of the word is deceiving. Each person has their own definition of what a champion really is. Personally I strive to be a champion of the people and the gods. Helping those who can't help themselves and honoring the gods that gave me my gifts. Did the builder leave any writings? Maybe his descendents would have something."

Arien  d20+4=20
Wednesday April 24th, 2002 11:53:07 PM

"Hmm, a champion burper indeed. Well does anyone belch particularly well or know someone who does?" Arien ponders over the riddle for a bit longer before fielding another guess.

The Voices of Gods [CDM Jerry] 
Thursday April 25th, 2002 12:08:07 AM

Throughout The Wold, voices are heard. The Voices of Gods.

"So mother, you have truly fallen and become that which your former priests spoke against for so long: A slave to Passion!"

"No daughter, I have evolved. I have found the truth. Love hurts. Passion brings joy. I am now dedicated to forcing the Races of The Wold to realize this truth. Only the truth will let the races evolve. Only the truth will bring balance to The Wold. Today I am here to teach you this truth. You have always been my favorite daughter. You always went with your passions and used your god given abilities to force those who loved deeply to see the joy that only passion can bring.

"Now however, daughter, you have regressed and embraced the pain of deep love. You have failed. Your teachings of deep love must and will end. I have brought a strong handsome god with me. Ga'al, meet Flower, my daughter. Is she not beautiful?"

"Yes. Very."

"I have not failed. I have seen the truth. Passion brought me nothing but pain and deep love has saved me. I have learned the love of family, friends, and even learned to love you, whom I once despised. Most of all, I have learned to love the people of The Wold, from whom I once took so much."

"Flower you have learned nothing. I will teach you to evolve. You will learn passion...with Ga'al."

"Caeroldra, you are so misled. I am truly sad. I will have nothing to do with a Cult God. I leave you. However, the next time we meet, even though I love you deeply, we meet as enemies. Goodbye mother....for all time"

"Fine. Die in ignorance."




"I AM ALEMI! Carol, what have you done?"

"You do not control me any longer, Alemi!"

"I never controlled you. I simply loved you. Now it is my duty to judge you. I find you guilty of murder. The sentence is Oblivion!"


::The sky turns pink and then red as the Goddess of Love and the Goddess of Passion are slain.::

"Ga'al. Look upon me and recognize me.


"For crimes against the Noble Races, I hereby judge the self-named Cult Gods GUILTY and declare HOLY WAR upon them!

"Now go, Ga'al and speak my words to your cowardly brethren. The next time we meet IT WILL BE WAR!!

"May The Wold mourn the passing of the GODDESS OF LOVE.

"I go to mourn the passing of an old friend."

::...And it begins to rain.::

- - - - - - - - - -

[Clerics of Caeroldra or Flower need to make a Will save DC 14 plus your Cleric Class Level. If you succeed, you are still beset with feelings of obsessive love or the urge to give in to your desires, but are able to control them to an extent. If you fail, your DM will tell you the results and the options available to you.]

[All non-Clerics must make a Will save DC 12 plus half your Character Levels. If you succeed, you are still beset with feelings of obsessive love or the urge to give in to your desires, but are able to control them to an extent. If you fail, your DM will tell you the results and the options available to you.]

Bill Troublefinder  d20+12=21
Thursday April 25th, 2002 2:18:52 AM

[Will save DC 21, beats DC 16.]

Hobbes  d20+2=8
Thursday April 25th, 2002 4:48:46 AM

[Donna, still waiting on the Knowledge Undead check of 20 from last post]

Hobbes keeps his horse under control with pats and whispers on the way to and from the import shop to keep him from being frightened from teh wolf on its back.

"Bradbury is used to such creatures of the Wold," answers Hobbes, "At one time I was in charge of tending to the beasts in and around the monastery. Many a time I'd have to bring a sheep or a dog or some other animal back on Bradbury's back. It wasn't easy training him."

He pats the horse again and holds up some feed for the horse to munch. "It takes a lot of stern discipline and of course rewards."

As Ferrak and Hobbes return to the archive room to meet the others, voices echo through his head once again. Hobbes recoils before opening the door and backs himself up to the wall, waiting to see what NEW faith-shattering news he will receive. And indeed heavy news it is.

He scowls deep toward the wolf Ferrak, although not intentionally at him, turning over an object in his hand. "Alemi," he growls quietly, "Are you still the enemy? Or is that another lie that will be revealed to me..."

He turns the object over again staring at it, now revealing it to be his holy symbol, the eye, now off its chain. He peers at it, then over to the wolf, Ferrak, observing the big brown eyes staring back at him. "The gods indeed do play us for fools, my friend," he says, "You may be wiser staying in that form."

He turns and walks back down the hall, "Tell Rond what we've found. I am in need of some deep meditation. I will be ready when you need me. For now...I need to be alone."

And with that he walks up the stairs to where he might pray to Gargul...and see if anyone is still listening to his prayers and doubts.

[Intelligence check 8 on Champions]

William the Psicrystal 
Thursday April 25th, 2002 5:59:26 AM

"Did someone say Champion?" pipes up a tiny voice from within Bill's waistcoat. "Well you need look no further! The Stalwart and Mighty Bill Troublefinder is a true Champion! A righter of wrongs! A doer of deeds! A mighty force for good in a Wold of decadence and decay! Here is your Champion!"

Renik  d20+1=16
Thursday April 25th, 2002 6:10:06 AM

Renik feels weak as the words of the Gods emblazon themselves across his mind. First the vision of the Gods as Mortals, and now this! He physically flinches as he feels the Gods themselves die! He cannot bear this! A war amongst the Gods? What hope can then remain for mere mortals?

As the words fade, Renik grips the table to support himself, head bowed, face ashen.

When he raises it again there is a terrible, dark lust in his eyes as his gaze falls upon Morphia. His lips begin to curl into a cruel sneer as he grabs her hair, trembling with barely-suppressed passion.

It is only by the most desperate effort of will that he is able to tame the raging passions that threaten to overwhelm him (DC 15, Will save 16; phew! Lucky Morphia! Not to mention lucky Renik!) This is not him! These dark longings, this burning desire to possess her, to force her to submit to his will; what is wrong with him?

He releases his grip on the acolyte, backing away, his hands raised as if protecting himself. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..." he mumbles, cold sweat trickling down his spine, before he turns and collapses in a chair, his head in his hands. He is so consumed with confusion and self-loathing that he cannot bring himself to meet the eye of any of his companions, and particularly not Morphia.

Rond  d20=7 d20+1=6
Thursday April 25th, 2002 6:51:31 AM

failed DC check for Intelligence and Will. (sigh ;) )

K'isst  d20=5
Thursday April 25th, 2002 3:19:56 PM

K'isst listens to the deicide and her eyes glass over. Suddenly her face turns beet red and she begins to giggle. She spots Bill. Her face turns red.

She then spots Hobbes. She licks her lips and begins moving toward him.

"Hobbes? Come here Hobbes. I won't hurt ya! Here Hobbes... you cute thing you!"

Arien  d20+6=26
Thursday April 25th, 2002 5:53:19 PM

Arien grimaces as again his will is assaulted by a divine source. However by running through mental exercises that he learned when he started studying magic he manages to keep his mind his own, if only barely. He continues to run his mind through the tiring exercises again and again until he finds himself once more in full control, or too tired to do anything.

Ferrak (Stan)  d20+5=24
Thursday April 25th, 2002 9:48:57 PM

Ferrak absorbs the new information about the god's quarrels with each other. At the death of the two goddesses he feels a pressure begins to build in his system. The druid's automatic reflexes takes over and he begins to attune himself with nature fighting off the unnatural feelings (Will save DC 24). He wonders if the goddess of nature is caught up in this squabble for he could not imagine going through life without feeling her presence within him.

Feng  d20+6=16
Thursday April 25th, 2002 10:05:59 PM

Feng feels weak and drops to a knee. Looking down two more stars on his breastplate have gone out. He wonders when all of this is over with, will there be any stars left. [will save 16 vs DC 15]

Draax  d20+2=21
Thursday April 25th, 2002 10:42:06 PM

Listening to the goddesses argue, Draax wonders why the gods continue to bring us mortals into their private affairs. At the lost of the goddess Flower, Draax feels the same feeling as when Domi lost his life. As if some part of him was yanked out. The death of Caeroldra so soon after Flower's demise leaves an empty feeling deep inside him. Strong emotions begin to cloud the fighter's judgment, bringing him unwanted thoughts and desires. Placing his hand on the one thing that he does believe in, Draax takes out his sword and begins to breathe deeply while mentally taking himself through different routines until the feelings subside enough for him to control them (Will save DC 21).

Recalling the vision of the gods' creation, a puzzled look appears on Draax's face. "Hey, wasn't Caeroldra supposed to have been one of the good guys?"

Bill Troublefinder 
Thursday April 25th, 2002 11:39:33 PM

As little William pipes up, Bill smiles at his little gemstone. If any look at him following the psicrystal's telepathic recommendation, he just shrugs his shoulders with a 'what can I do?' expression. Yet he feels comfort, and a measure of courage as the little guy speaks. That encouragement is tempered by a humility that William has not yet fully grasped. To William alone, he communicates mentally, 'Thanks for your confidence, William. But we'll still need to ken old Wullanok's meaning.'

Bill, on noting obliquely K'isst's glance his direction, tries to appear even smaller than usual. He ... just doesn't want to have to deal with that sort of attention. He forces himself not to change his breathing as her attention focuses in on Hobbes. Maybe her attentions will draw off some of Hobbes' angst.

He absorbs the latest heavenly revelation, recalling how close to a similar interaction that Caeroldra, Flower, and Alemi had earlier - albeit with Marteaus' direct involvement. And he wonders when he might find just the right hobbit girl to be his ... stop it, Bill, just stop right now.

"Draax, yes she was. But don't you recall the insanities her clerics went through over the past few months? And her choice to align with Marteaus, against Alemi? What we saw moments ago happened eons ago. Let that serve as a warning to each of us: To serve the good or the bad is a choice we make throughout our lives. The good can be corrupted. The evil can repent. Let us do what we can to lead those who might change their ways for the better to do so, and stand as obstacles in the way of those who would continue in or move toward evil."

"Renik - why don't you join Hobbes in the chapel for a few minutes?" he suggests to his friend.

Bill takes a sideways look at the acolyte, to gauge what her response to Renik's moment of passion may be. Quietly, he asks, "Is there a good section of the library to look in for the information we seek, good Morphia?"

Friday April 26th, 2002 12:30:36 AM

Hobbes stops at the base of the stair as he hears his name. He grimaces and turns slowly back to see the archive door open and a very aroused K'isst approaching him through the doorway.

He stiffens and is taken aback. It has been quite a long time since a woman has approached him in such a way. Even then it wasn't by one so... strong and yet so feminine. It definitely catches him off his guard.

"M-m-m-madam. Th-this is most unbecoming!" he warns frozen in place as she keeps advancing. "I took my vows for life, madam. My life is sworn to the service of--" He looks down instinctively to his chest and finds that his holy symbol is missing. "W-well, it WAS there. Gargul is my master whom I serve to my death and as such I cannot indulge in the... in the..."

He swallows hard and then turns and hastens up the stairs. "You can find me in the chapel," he calls back. "I must pray."

Hobbes scurries away to prayer suddenly finding a renewed faith from the rather unlikely source of K'isst, yet it somehow brought him closer to his main purpose and reminded him of who he is. Once in the chapel he takes the time to make a deep, solemn prayer of thanks to Gargul for his guidance and prays for forgiveness for his recent lack of faith. Until someone comes to fetch him, this is where Hobbes remains.

You Win Medals For This..? (DM Donna) 
Friday April 26th, 2002 8:55:55 AM

K'isst and Rond find themselves overwhelmed by the divine overload of love.

Meanwhile, Morphia--after a few words about Renik's suggestion--nods slowly.

"A champion belch! Now that makes sense as to the type of sonic key a dwarf like Irontemper would use in his gate!" she says approvingly. "As far as I know, the way a belch is judged is by its length and volume. You'd have to have somebody stand next to the gate and belch as long and loud in one attempt as possible." The ebon-robed priestess eyes the different writings.

"However...I don't think that Irontemper's gate may necessarily lead to Koshe-Marr, though--THAT was part of the misinformation I'd been tricked with earlier." The young woman bites her lip. "However, I'm equally sure that this particular dwarf meant for you and your group to use the gate again. Since it's his personal gate to...wherever...belching at the other gate should activate it, too."

Friday April 26th, 2002 2:40:28 PM

K'isst's face turns beet red all the way to her ears when Hobbes turns her down to pray. She is totally overcome with an unrepenting lust.

Spinning on Bill and the others she screams, her voice echoing through the temple of the dead:

"Is every male in The Wold gonna run from the Princess of the Trogolodytes! I think not! The next male to refuse me will feel my trident in his gut!"

She looks from face to face.

"You!" She points at Ferrak. "Come kiss me now! NOW! And it had better be a good one!"

Friday April 26th, 2002 4:18:32 PM

Still guilt-ridden at the dark passions that threatebed to overwhelm him, Renik turns away from his companions, and stares at his clenched fists.

However Morphia's words, and the lack of recrimination in her voice, may him look up once more, gratitude in his eyes.

"Uh, Ferrak said he could cast a spell to make the noise. If there's anything left of him when K'isst is done with him, that is." A hint of a smile tugs at the corners of his mouth. He decides that this is probably not the best time to remind the fiery warrior that not so many weeks ago it was K'isst spurning Renik's amorous advances.

"Otherwise I say we all get some rest, prepare ourselves with spells and anything we need from the Catacombs, and then visit that gate first thing in the morning. What do you folks think? I'm sure some of us could use a bed for the night." He smiles sidelong at Ferrak, and winks, his normal good spirits slowly returning.

Friday April 26th, 2002 6:05:14 PM

Arien looks sidelong at Ferrak, who is in his wolf form, then back at K'isst. With a barely held back chuckle he turns away from the developing scene. To distract himself he digs a shiny bauble out of his pack and Kiki as well and rolls the toy about for her.

Saturday April 27th, 2002 5:21:29 PM

Standing up tall at K'isst's words, Rond moves towards Ferrak. Coming to Ferrak's aid, Rond steps in between K'isst and Ferrak. "My princess. I cannot ask others of our group to submit to your affection in your time of need. Let me be the humble recipient of your affections." Rond then proceeds to do his best to intercept K'isst on her way to Ferrak. (Think of the usual slow motion romantic scenes as lovers move to embrace each other). ;)

Sunday April 28th, 2002 12:11:03 AM

Feng is appalled by what he's seeing. Gods are dying and some people don't seem to care. Being a half-orc, he knows better than most how hard it is to find companionship. Still there is a time and a place for everything. With some anger and annoyance in his voice, Feng says, "Excuse me please! This is neither the time nor the place for such things. Two more gods just died and the Wold itself is falling down around us. If you need to give in to your hormones at least be kind enough to go elsewhere so the rest of us can work."

Bill Troublefinder 
Sunday April 28th, 2002 2:56:30 AM

Bill, too, is impressed with Morphia's discretion and grace.

He reaches up to put his hand on Feng's elbow. "It's the death of the gods of love and passion that are causing this, Feng," he says unobtrusively. "Not excusing, mind you, just mentioning it. Still, I think you're probably right." He hope that Feng doesn't get too irritated at him for butting in.

"Ferrak, Darkfang," he says in the lupine tongue, "let's go give our notice to Chenna." He then repeats that in the common tongue, so that it's no secret to the rest of his friends what he said. "She's gotta be wondering where we all have gotten to. I'll offer up our apologies, and see if we can collect our pay from the last three months, but I'm not promising anything. I like her, and hate to dump on her like this. But with Marteaus' armies attacking... Anyone else wanna go with us? It'll probably take an hour, hour and a half. Oh, I've gotta drop one thing off with somebody, too."

He jots something down in one of his journals, and something else on a separate parchment. "Man, I might be gone longer than an hour and a half. Draax, you wanna come, too? Arien? Or stay here and research? Or scribe some spells into your book? Renik - that question you asked about Damocles and Qancis becoming undead. That they somehow, in the scheme of things, were supposed to go on that path. We may want to explore that, and what it means for us.

"Morphia - I know that your order battles, and rightly so, against the undead. With Marteaus turning everything topsy-turvy, I am wondering if the undead, whom he believes he controls, can somehow be made to work against him - somehow to be instrumental in working his doom. Any insight you and your sisters and brothers can provide would be welcome. Does your order possess anything that provides a defense, a protection against the negative plane? Don't mind me ... sometimes my thoughts tend to gallop - rein any in that you can't run with, but if anything I say makes sense - then urge it on.

"Where ever that gate leads - to think that a powerful eructation would be the key! - as Renik suggests, let's be armed and ready in the morning. Unless ...." He does not finish that thought.

If Rond and K'isst manage to calm themselves before he leaves, he offers to include them in his plans, or not, as they will.

Bill swings by the chapel, asks forebearance for interrupting the cleric at his prayers, and briefly tells Hobbes what he's up to, offering him the opportunity to accompany, or remain, as he chooses. "I'd almost prefer you say some prayers for all of us, even me, and see what more you can find out here, but it's up to you, Hobbes, sir." He leaves with Hobbes his share of the treasure from the encounter at the Scar. He also hands him a small sack, with four items inside, and a note about suggested tactical uses for the bag and its contents (thunderstone, flask of acid, flask of alchemical fire, and tanglefoot bag). "Please convey the money and these items to Jonno Virdune, along with my gratitude for the help he and his people gave me."

1. Avoid tax collectors.

2. Avoid conscription.

3. See Chenna at the Beer & Bath, as Lake. Beg her leave to leave her service "for the time being," and humbly request the past three months' pay, "Or just two months, ma'am, since our leavin' is all of a sudden like. You've been real good, real fair to us, Miss Chenna, and it's a pleasure to serve you and your customers. Maybe, down the road, we can help you out again. It's just, right now, what with all that's goin' on - well, the dogs and me [and any others who come along] just gotta go help out, defendin', and such."

4. a. As Bill, he goes alone (or with Darkfang, if Ferrak agrees) to see Shianna, the little elf girl that Domi saved, and through whom he sent out healing to the Wold, and her father and mother, Lieutenant Frellin and Kianimar. He speaks to them in elvish. "Shianna - I have to go away for a little while. I brought you a present, though. Do you know what Ents are? Some people call them Tree Herders. They are big tree people, with branches, and leaves, and all. But they can walk. They defend the forests." He pulls out of his pants pocket a little figurine*, about six inches tall, of an ent. "This is for you, sweetie. Once a day, it will dance a little dance for you." He whispers a short phrase in her ear, then suggests, "Say it to the Ent, Shianna, and see what he does." If she follows his suggestion, the Ent will spend a minute or so in a mock combat, appearing to attack and defend against some unseen opponent.
4. b. As the girl busies herself with this new toy, he asks Frellin how go the preparations for war, and how he fares, and Kianimar how she fares, as well. "If there is ever anything I can do to help you or yours, please let me know.
4. c. As he leaves their home, he departs with the words, "May the Bright Man protect and bless you all."

5. Swing by the Black Genie Center to pick up his work, and briefly to meet with Dorne Abulek, Chairman of the Department of Psychic Research, to see if he might provide any insights, as well as to take his leave for the moment.

6. Regroup with any of his friends that want to stop by the Catacombs to pick up any items, as K'isst suggested before being overcome with passion.

7. Stop by home, and learn the name of the lady gnome to whom he already has introduced himself, drop off some things, pick up others, and catch up on any news there.

8. Avoid conscription.

9. Avoid tax collectors.

10. Back to the temple, to see what is learned.

11. Mourn the deaths of Flower and Caeroldra.

* [Ent figurine obtained a few weeks back by Bill in the RWI.]

Sunday April 28th, 2002 3:34:57 PM

Darkfang stops chewing on his bone, sniffs the air, and looks in K'isst's direction noticing her advancement towards Ferrak. The wolf is amused by his brother's dilemma. "Woof, woof, woof, {Brother, the large biped female is in heat and she has chosen you as her mate. Do our pack proud and I will howl your praises to our brothers and sisters when we return home}." The wolf goes back to chewing on his bone; anyone looking closely at the wolf would probably think that the wolf was snickering.

Ferrak (Stan) 
Sunday April 28th, 2002 3:47:01 PM

Ferrak looks up at K'isst's advances and begins to back away with his tail between his legs, letting a small whine escape from his lips. He looks left and then right for some help or someplace to hide. He looks to his brother, "Woof, woof {Yeah, very funny, she know not what she does and in her state and with her strength, she could break me in half.}"

The disguised gnome gives Rond a thankful bark for his assistance. He quickly jumps at Bill's suggestion to give Chenna their notices he has no wish to watch the mating ritual of K'isst and Rond. He snaps at Darkfang playfully, "Woof, {You were going to let her devour me wasn't you? Hey, don,t laugh at me.}" He snickers as he leaves imagining the image of him and K'isst while he was still in wolf form.

While traveling he barks at Bill, "What does a champion belch sound like or where can I go to hear one?"

Sunday April 28th, 2002 4:35:48 PM

When K'isst makes her man hunting declaration, Draax quickly buries his head into a book pretending that he is unaware of anything going on except his research. He lifts his head and sighs in relief when her attention focuses on Ferrak. He notices Rond with the same look in his eyes as K'isst and wonders if the are going to take time to go get a room.

He nods his head in agreement with Renik and leaves with Bill to tell Chenna of his decision to take a temporary leave of absence. After leaving Chenna's he goes and checks on his horse before heading home to rest.

Bill tries to answer Ferrak's question 
Sunday April 28th, 2002 4:47:44 PM

"Well, hmmm..." Bill temporizes as he thinks about Ferrak's qustion. "Maybe if all of us try to belch together, maybe a couple at a time, with others joining in, like a chorus - that might qualify as a champion belch. Should we try that when we all get back together?"

He welcomes Draax's company, and chats with him on the way.

Romantic Interlude (DM Donna)  d20=17 d20=8 d20=4 d20=17
Monday April 29th, 2002 7:11:13 AM

Morphia--who was about to answer Bill--suddenly realizes that two of the group haven't been able to shake off the divine influence of love run amok. Her pale face is suddenly infused with brilliant scarlet as she recognizes that Rond and K'isst are in the grip of something much larger than themselves.

"Ah...umm...over here!" the young priestess of Gargul mumbles, nudging the would-be lovers into the privacy of a study cubicle just off the main library hall and hastily drawing the curtain. Then Morphia moves quickly away from that area, addressing the rest of the party.

"They should get over it soon," she tells the Hamleteers, "At least neither of them were clerics of the goddesses--I had to help some of the unfortunate followers of Domi right after that deity was killed..." Here the slender young woman shudders. "...I would not wish such a mental state on my worst enemy." Shaking herself visibly, Morphia returns to the original subject inquired about by Bill:

"That's an interesting hypothesis, sir...unfortunately, I don't know enough about it to either confirm or disprove it. I'm going to have to keep researching. And--other than protective spells--I don't know of anything that will shield one from the effects of the negative plane...but that can also be researched. I had never heard of gateways to other places before poor Mr. Coggins died, either." Morphia pauses to consider for a moment. "Also--in my humble opinion--a champion belch is a long, loud release of digestive gas...I should think that if you drank the right beverage and stood at the archway when you belched, the magic would be activated--providing the belch is sustained long enough. Now...I'd better get cracking on those additional matters..." Morphia starts to walk back to the library stacks, but halts and changes direction in order to avoid nearing Rond and K'isst's cubicle.

Bill avoids running into any of the officials from the government that are gathering up money or troops for battle. Chenna--though sorry to see the various Hamleteers go--is as generous in parting as she'd been in hiring. The three months of pay are paid out, and the portly businesswoman tells her former employee that if any of the party wish to ever be rehired at the Beer & Bath, she'd be happy to do so.

Visiting Shianna reveals a somber development: Frellin has already been claimed by the conscription to be one of the officers in the army that is being sent to help Floating City. Kianimar fears for him, but Shianna doesn't seem to be worried. In fact, the little elf girl is very excited to see Bill and thoroughly delighted with the animated Ent. As she watches the figurine go through its mock-battle, she turns large eyes to the halfling--eyes that are suddenly silver.

"Just like at the house--" Shianna says in a voice that makes Bill's body hairs bristle, "--the house the Dark Man wants to go to." The little girl looks back at the Ent, giggling. Her eyes return to their normal color.

(Shianna won't know anything about what she just said in her eerie voice. It's a mystery to Kianimar, too.)

At the Black Genie Center, Bill is able to complete the construction of his Crystal Mask and has the item when he leaves there.

The lady gnome is in charge of The Motley Lot. Her name is Mekkina Sprocket, and she tells Bill the same thing she's told Feng. She also lets Bill know that the Hamleteers may be called upon to donate money so that the cover business will remain open.

"The best thing in our favor so far is that this business only just opened up, so the tax collectors know that there isn't much for them to collect," she tells the halfling, "However, since our 'friend' the Baron is in charge of gathering up the funds, you can be sure that they'll want to wring out every copper they can. We have another three days before getting the final tally from them, though."

Bill and company successfully avoid the wandering draft gangs and the tax collectors on the way back to the Black Temple. When he arrives, it is to find that Morphia is still in the middle of research (no progress yet).

Rond and K'isst can roll another Will save versus DC12 to see if either of them snap out of the effects of the emotion overload.

K'isst  d20=17
Monday April 29th, 2002 11:18:51 AM

K'isst (makes her save) turns even redder and looking at him in a disgusted fashion says,

"How revolting....I think."

She pretends to be interested in everthing that is being said, but is rather trying to overcome her embarrassing behavior. She clams up talking to no one.

Tuesday April 30th, 2002 12:58:31 AM

"Should we rrrest before we try this gate?" asks the gnome as he stifles a yawn.

Bill Troublefinder  d20+13=31 d20+13=33 d20+22=26 d20+22=38
Tuesday April 30th, 2002 1:19:56 AM

In the stacks
"Oh, you don't have to call me 'sir.' 'Bill' will do. Oh, okay," he tells Morphia. "By the way, how did Mr. Coggins die?" he inquires, then hastens to add, "If you don't mind too much my asking."

Beer & Bath
Lake thanks Chenna profusely, and tells her he will check in on her in a while, or as he is able. Since she was paying the group an average of 950 to 1,000 gp per month before, Bill checks to see how much the pay has been for the past three months, writing down the amount received (Twenty eight hundred? Three thou?) and hides the paper in one pocket, splitting the amounts carried three ways - with Ferrak, Draax, and himself.

With the Elves
Bill expresses a combination of concern for Frellin as well as confidence in his capabilities. "The kingdom needs good officers," he continues in elvish, "especially as the Dark Lord's armies approach." Telepathically, he communicates to her, 'May Baron Balentyne not subvert the army to the Dark Lord's purposes. I pray you not tell him the source, but warn him Balentyne is allied with Marteaus.'

As Shianna's eyes go silver, Bill activates his own psionic/arcane detection, to see if he can discern the source or style of momentary -- is 'possession' the right word? -- that has come over her. After a few moments, he makes psicraft checks to discern [DC 31 and 33], if he might, what discipline(s) or branch(es) of magic may be involved in this manifestation. His own eyes turn silver as he does this. He wonders whether the girl may have latent powers, psionic or divine? Anything is possible with this bright young elf, touched of Domi.

On his way to the Black Genie Center for Research, Bill, while working to avoid attracting undue attention by any of Balentyne's military or revenue agents, meditates on what was spoken by the lips of Shianna. What was it about the house the Dark Man (obviously Marteaus) intends to go to that was similar to a toy Ent fighting a mock battle? Is it a place of puppets? Of games? Of creatures locked in some obscure, futile set of activities? Or something he is missing entirely?

Black Genie Center
Bill is very happy about his completion of the crystal mask of knowledge. He talks to William about it, and lets the psicrystal take a look at it. He doesn't know that a psicrystal can really 'wear' a mask, but he invites William to 'look' through it, and see if he can figure out whether it makes any difference, to him. 'William, this mask can never replace you. I don't want you feeling jealous of it. It is merely a tool. You are more than that. You are part of me. You never answered me after Dorne Abulek told me you felt jealous, so I don't know if that was true, or, as I mentioned before, just a test. I might use this mask sometimes, or let some of my friends use it, too. And you can feel free to talk to me about it when you want - as long as there isn't some immediate crisis at hand, like I'm in combat or something, or am ... well, now would be a good time, I suppose.'

Back at the ranch
Bill is happy to learn Mekkina's name, and thanks her for - well, for everything she's doing. "I'll let my friends know, and we'll get some funds to you. How well acquainted are you, Mekkina, with bookkeeping?"

The Catacombs & The Adventurer's Repose
He stops in at the Catacombs, and sees Renik there. He stops in at the Adventurer's Repose for a nice meal, and some good halfling chatter.

Research some more, with snacks
After a bit, he returns to Gargul's temple.

"Hello, Morphia. Brought you a Bread Surprise from the Adventurer's Repose. See, there's bread on the outside." He holds a spherical loaf, with just a little flat part on the bottom, perhaps seven inches in diameter. "What's inside? You have to eat it to find out. Sometimes there's a thick meat stew, or a sweet pudding or berry filling, or a hard boiled egg, or a big puff of whipped cream, or ... well, the proof is in the eating! My aunt Polinta was famous for her Bread Surprises - it's a halfling favorite!" Bill pulls out of his pockets enough Bread Surprises for each of his friends, and for the high priest, besides a few left over, and a good stout bone for Darkfang. "Sorry, Ferrak, got you a Bread Surprise instead of a bone," he says with a Lake-like crooked smile.

After everyone has a chance to take a break following the halfling snack (tell us what you find inside yours!), Bill asks how goes the research. He tells his friends about the new crystal mask of knowledge. "It helps you understand things arcane, or psionic, better." (+5 on related knowledge checks.)

"Morphia, where do you keep your books and scrolls on the Teucri?" If she knows and tells him, Bill focuses his attention in that direction. He wears the mask, just to see if it helps. (Knowledge psionic/arcane +22: DC 26) "I can't tell if it's helping or not," he comments after a few minutes. He tries it again as he moves on to the next work (DC 38). "Oh, this is better."

Bill reports quietly to each member of the party who worked at the B&B how much Chenna paid - he will wait until Morphia needs to take a break, or something. He trusts her, but feels that their connections to the B&B do not need to be shared with those not tied directly to the party. "We also need to come up with some funds for the new business."

"Yep, Ferrak, we rest before we try the gate. Anyone come up with a good way to burp well?" he asks.

Tuesday April 30th, 2002 3:56:38 AM

Hobbes bows his head slightly to Bill and receives the items although he does not speak, but returns to his prayerful vigil, indicating that he is not going to follow Bill out of the shop.

Soon after Bill departs, he solemnly approaches the alter and lights an incense candle. He then looks up to the heavens and intones some sacred words and brings forth a pouch filled with coins, the same pouch given him by Renik as his share of the Scar treasure. He places the pouch on the altar and lights another candle which sweetly burns, filling the chapel with flavor. He mysteriously waves it to one side and then the other and then holds it over the pouch, now reciting his offering as but a whisper as he channels positive energy down upon the tithe.

Finally he genuflects and replaces the candle in its holder having faith that Gargul will receive his offering. He returns to his place and gathers up the items and money Bill gave him so that they are secure and continues his vigil until fetched by his comrades. Throughout the chapel a low continuous hum is heard.

Renik  d20+4=16 d20+4=20
Tuesday April 30th, 2002 5:37:18 AM

The rogue slips out under cover of darkness, swathed in his grey cloak. He changes into his Gullion disguise, and visits Chenna at the Beer and Bath to collect his backpay. He explains that he is very sorry, but he is going to be unavailable for work for a few days. 'Urgent family business'. But once that is taken care of, might it be possible to return to her employ on a part-time basis?

Then he removes his disguise, and slipping through the silent streets like a shadow he visits the Red Wyrm Inn.

A short time later he returns to the temple, and shows a small keg to the assembled group.

"I've just bought this over in the Red Wyrm Inn. I asked for the bubbliest, most belch-inducing concoction they had, and this is it. Balto's Bubbly Ale. If this doesn't produce some heroic belches, nothing will."

He offers to assist Morphia with any other research she needs before bed (Gather Info/ Search 16/ 20)

Then he settles down for a good night's rest before the next day's mission.

William the Psicrystal 
Tuesday April 30th, 2002 5:40:00 AM

William eyes (inasmuch as a featureless crystal can eye something) Bill's mask with a definite air of suspicion. "What does it do?" he asks, clearly a little put out that Bill would even consider needing anything else in his battle against evil, other than his trusty sidekick.

Rond  d20+4=24
Tuesday April 30th, 2002 5:40:28 AM

Face going crimson, Rond quickly backs away from K'isst. "I apologize for my lack of civility." Waiting to see if K'isst has anythin more to say, Rond slinks back to be with the party.

When Bill reminds Rond about needing funds Rond whispers out of Morphia's range, " Don't forget that we have a paltry account set up at the Temple of Karinthis that could be converted to a business account I suppose"

Preparations (DM Donna) 
Tuesday April 30th, 2002 6:47:05 AM

Morphia tells Bill that Mr. Coggins--who was on the wrong side of 90 years old--died of a heart attack.

Chenna pays out 2800gp to Lake on behalf of the Hamleteers-incognito. When Gullion inquires about working part-time, Chenna readily accepts the offer.

Bill quite easily detects that Shianna is psionic, and that--when her powers fully develop--she will be a Seer.

Mekkina is extremely good with organization and keeping track of numbers, so accounting would fall into that category. She thanks Bill for the compliment he pays her and urges him to do the best that he can in following the directives of Valdor, since she (along with the now-absent Marcus) believes that the Gold Dragons are correct.

Back at the Temple, Morphia shows Bill the section that deals with the Teucri--it is quite small.

"We were expecting a shipment of texts about that very subject from a private library that had been located in the area of the Windhorn Hamlet," she tells Bill, "But the invasion of Marteus' army has doubtless resulted in its destruction...or, at the very least, a delay that will last until the Dark Lord's forces are dealt with."

The few writings about the Teucri reveal that they were anticipating the day that dragons would converge and how it would be the end of The Wold. No mention at all of Marteus, though.

Even with everyone helping, the additional research takes all night and into the morning. The party is invited to rest using the dorms for the clerics to sleep when they need to. By the time the next bit of information is finally revealed, it is breakfast time.

"The only other thing I could find..." Morphia says as she joins the party to break her fast, "...is that Irontemper's archway is supposed to lead you to where you need to go--whether or not you believe your destination is supposed to be elsewhere." She eyes the runny eggs she happened to have on her plate. "Hmmm...I think you spoiled me with your Bread Surprise, Mr. Bill. I liked the spicy meat filling I had in the one you gave me yesterday."

Morphia thinks that Renik's keg of Bubbly Ale will probably be just the thing to produce at least one champion burp amongst the party.

Tuesday April 30th, 2002 10:46:23 AM

K'isst smiles her bright cheery smile at Rond and says, "Don't worry Rond. It was cute. I'm sorry too."

She then turns to Bill and then to the group.

"Friends, Bill looks a bit tired. We've let him get into the habit of doing everything that we are not doing our fair share of the detail work. He just completed about a dozen actions on our behalf. On the other hand, Bill didn't ask us. He's just doing it. So we must ask and participate and Bill must ask before doing. We don't want to turn into..."

K'isst smiles mischievously.

..."Bill and the Troublefinder's helpers"

She smiles again and then forces a straight face.

"So what needs to be done? I'm willing and able."

She puffs out her chest.

Renik  d20+8=21
Tuesday April 30th, 2002 12:13:09 PM

Though all in favour of preparation, Renik has had enough of research. He awakes the next morning raring to go.

Once he's wolfed down his breakfast he grins at the others and says "Right! I vote we head over to the gate at once at burp at it right now! I have my keg! I'm assuming we all have bought supplies of items that may come in handy. So there is nothing more to keep us, is there?"

He wraps himself in his cloak and looks to Rond to okay immediate departure.

(OOC: If we do head to the Gate this post, and a Fort (?) roll is required for belching...)

Renik slugs back a goodly mouthful of Balto's Bubbly Ale, and feels the belch a-brewing down in his guts. He rides it, building it up and up, until with a mighty "uuuUUUUUURRRRPPPP!!!" he releases a truly revolting (but very loud) burp (Fort roll 21, +2 circumstance mod for ale? Perhaps total of 23).

Tuesday April 30th, 2002 4:28:28 PM

Ferrak, exhausted by the emotional stress of seeing Darkfang nearly slain, sleeps like the dead. He stays close to his brother till morning comes.

Rested, Ferrak looks like he was more than just born 'ready', he was conceived 'ready'.

"Hey, I can make magic belches if we need." as he prepares his weapon and shield.

Tuesday April 30th, 2002 8:26:31 PM

Draax awakens ready to go, he rechecks his weapons and supplies for the journey to wherever they are going. He gets a bite to eat before heading to the butcher's shop with the others.

Tuesday April 30th, 2002 11:43:33 PM

Feeling slightly better about his unexpected display of emotion. Rond continues to help out where he can for research. Finally. Sometime in the early morning someone says "bed", and Rond follows orders and heads to bed.

The next morning Rond joins those people he can find and eats his breakfast. When the conversation turns towards their newly needed skill Rond comment, "I don't think there's any reason why we cannot co-ordinate a combined belch with every one helping the best that they could."

If it is determined that it is time to go to the gate. Rond will promote taking a long 10 count and having everyone do thier rendition of "burp it up" after counting backwards 10 to 1.

Wednesday May 1st, 2002 12:33:54 AM

The last 24 hours have been the hardest 24 hours in his life. Learning the true nature of the gods is hard enough, but two more gods have died as well. Feng's strength and beliefs lie in the heavens. It's a miracle that he's still sane. He tries to help with the research, but other things weigh heavily on his mind. None of his new friends were evil, that he was sure. However the task at hand is something no mortal should have to face. How would they react when things get bad? Would they turn to the other side or hold true to the path? Feng didn't know. He hoped they were all strong enough. One thing was sure. Feng would do whatever it took to save the gods. Even if that meant standing before Marteaus himself.

Feng was quiet as he picked through his breakfast. Hopefully somebody would activate the gate before it was his turn. Loud public belches was one of the last things he wanted to do. If he had to, Feng could name off a dozen orcs that could belch loud enough to make the ground shake. Growing up he remembers many orcs practicing constantly. Pulling out a small steel mirror, Feng makes sure his gotee is presentable and his teeth are brushed. Grabbing a rag Feng wipes off a smudge on his breastplate. When he's sure everything is fine, Feng puts on a small dab of cologne. "Let me get my horse and I'll be ready to go."

Bill Troublefinder  d20+12=19
Wednesday May 1st, 2002 3:10:41 AM

Bill takes the time to explain the purpose and use of the mask to William (which explanation we will skip the details of), regardless how petulant the psicrystal may seem. He also spends some time telling tales of halfling-style heroism, with a few gnomish stories thrown in for good measure. This is all telepathic conversation...

To Morphia, he says, "Hmmm. I wonder if the Sons of Dread picked up any writings on the Teucri. I know they were poking around a lot back when we dealt with Mengor's tomb." Then at breakfast, "Oh, yes, the spicy meat is a good one. I got a baked potato with good seasoning in mine."

"K'isst, excuse me. May I pee now?" Bill impishly asks the half elf. Then, more seriously, he adds, "I DID talk to you about some of the stuff before I did it, even invited folks along - and was certainly open to someone makin' other suggestions. But I'm not just gonna stand around when there are hours in the day to use wisely. I wouldn't mind at all others of you goin' about doin' stuff either. All right, now may I pee? Or would you prefer to do that for me?" The halfling ducks and tumbles in a 'chase me - you can't catch me!' move.

The evening before the visit to the gate - which he is eager to attend to, he reminds his friends, "Long ago we agreed to take care of party needs out of some of the proceeds of what we earned from the B&B. Mekkina says she needs some starter funds - some for the business, and some to stave off the revenue enhancement corps. May I suggest we take 1,000 gold from what Chenna paid us, for the new business, and split the remainder - 1,800 - nine ways? I know that Hobbes and Feng weren't working at the B&B with the rest of us - but their help is welcome and timely. That would be 200 gold each. Sound fair? Mekkina - would that be enough for your purposes? Let's settle that - then in the morning see who can contrive the ripest belch!"

Bill empties some things from the bag in his backpack, and rearranges a bit. As he does so, he asks Feng about his breastplate. "I noticed the stars," he comments.

He jots a few more notes in his book before falling asleep. In the morning at breakfast, he tells Draax, "There's a little girl I'd like you to see when we get back - whenever that is. I should o' brought you to meet her yesterday. She had a strange comment." And he tells Draax of his visit with Shianna and Kianimar.

As they approach the gate, he has his rope ready at his hip, and wonders if they will end up in fog again. He drinks down some ale - not a lot - but something to give a little assist. 'Isn't this exciting, William? We don't even know where we're going!' He activates his psionic/arcane detection, then works on going with Rond's count, coming in just a little late, with a respectable belch, though not championship caliber. His cousin Borbo was always a better burper.

William the Psicrystal 
Wednesday May 1st, 2002 4:53:13 AM

"Not true, Mighty Bill!" chirps the crystal happily. "We know exactly where we are going; into the Heart of Darkness! Into the very depths of stygian evil!" William seems inordinately pleased at this. " We go to find our loathsome enemies, and smite them! Smite them but good! Onwards, Heroic Bill! Onwards to righteous smiting!"

William clearly seems to concur with the exciting part.

Wednesday May 1st, 2002 5:12:38 AM

The night bells soon ring throughout the dark, cold halls of the Black Cathedral. Their somber tune is followed by the resonant gong at the head of the main temple signifying night's beginning.

Hobbes bows his head a final time and stands stretching a bit before collecting the items Bill had left him before. He cocks his brow at a new sack with a note tacked to it. Tentatively he takes it, reading "A further share of the party's earnings from our previous job in thanks for your help."

He stares at the bag, very touched by the gesture. Then places it, too, on the altar. Gesturing over the bag he whispers a soft final prayer to Gargul, "Look after them. Keep them safe."

He then retires for the night to the room prepared for him. His prayers from the night before now giving him a new complement of spells.

Wednesday May 1st, 2002 11:06:57 AM

"Bill! Wait! ...wait....

"Now you can go. hehe."

"I've said this once already, and got no reaction. We need to stock up on some basic potions and stuff before going. Perhaps we should use the rest of the cash to get a wand of Cure Light Wounds or something to keep us alive.

And some Holy Water and other things like invisibility, levitation, gaseous form, etc. would give us options when we face the big baddies to come. We need to go as prepared as we can.

I'm starting a pool of money and suggest we throw in the rest of the treasure money as well to get some of these items and then pass out the items evenly. If we can get a pool of money together, I'll go get it. I've got 2500 in Karinthis which I can get some of, say 800gp. I'll throw that in.

Perhaps we could get enough together for a scroll of Raise Dead, just in case.

Arien  d20+4=23
Wednesday May 1st, 2002 11:16:29 AM

"That sounds like the best way to handle the money to me Bill. They may not have been working there but they did help us out quite a bit during the ambush back there." Before the party sets out Arien double checks his equipment and flips through his spellbook to see if he needs to memorize any particular spell.

As the group approaches the gate he thinks to himself. "We're going to look like idiots and drunks if this doesn't work..." When everyone begins to drink the ale to prepare for the burp-a-thon Arien pauses a moment before drinking as a thought goes through his head. (Voluntary Int check: 23) The burps were caused by the gas in the bubbly ale escaping thier bellies thus simple air would likely work the same, and at the same time the air wouldn't get him drunk. So taking a sip of the ale to wet his throat he swallows enough air to feel the belch coming on and does his best to activate the gate.

Wednesday May 1st, 2002 12:14:26 PM

Feng runs his hand across the symbol. "I found it in an old temple in the Contested Kingdoms. The vortex represents the wold itself. Each of the stars represents a deity. When a deity dies the star fades. The same thing happens with the matching amulet. The fact that three stars have faded causes me much distress."

A-Burping We Will Go (DM Donna) 
Wednesday May 1st, 2002 12:52:32 PM

Mekkina cannot provide a precise figure that the Hamleteers may have to help raise until the tax collectors confirm their revaluation of The Motley Lot. The Hamleteers still have two days of game time for that.

After breakfast, the party makes its way out to the butcher shop with the skeleton archway. The large iron portal still looks old and a bit time-worn.

Those who wish to attempt to produce a championship belch must step up to the gateway and roll a d100. You can add your Fortitude save bonus (if any) to the result. Needless to say, the higher the number, the longer and louder your character is presumed to have sustained his or her burp. Drinking Balto's Bubbling Ale before belching allows a +20 to the roll result. Good luck!

Feng  d100+30=129
Wednesday May 1st, 2002 2:59:01 PM

Wanting to get this overwith, Feng grudgingly admits to himself that he has the best chance of activating the gate. Feng takes a long gulp of Balto's Bubbling Ale. Holding in the gas, Feng releases a burp that would make his father proud.

Wednesday May 1st, 2002 9:00:24 PM

Draax listens to Bill talk about the little girl, the half-elf remembers the girl, but did not remember anything special about her. He agrees to go with Bill and see her when/if they return.

Draax gets ready to give belching a try, but just before he takes a drink of Ale he is caught off guard by Feng's loud burp. Taking his hands away from his eyes he looks up at the half-orc. "Impressive." He turns to look at the gate to see if anything happens.

Ferrak 'the effervescent'  d20+27=47
Wednesday May 1st, 2002 11:33:13 PM


Bill Troublefinder  d100+30=102
Thursday May 2nd, 2002 3:08:47 AM

Bill reminds Draax that Shianna is the little girl that Domi saved as she fell, and held as he was dying, through whom his healing power went out to the Wold - and whom the Windhorn Hamleteers rescued from her father's spell-compelled attempt to offer her in sacrifice to Marteaus.

[Sorry for this OOC - but it appears our current posting is rather scattered over a late afternoon, on into the next morning. Might we be able to accomplish K'isst's suggested shopping at the Catacombs, in theory, prior to the passing through the gateway? If so:]

Bill gives K'isst and the party a quick inventory of some of the alchemical-type items he carries, and wands. If someone wants a few of his items, just ask, he tells them. "Though I do want to keep some of them, for bombs and such."

Acid: 5 flasks
Alchemist's Fire: 5 flasks
Flashpellets: 6
Holy Water: 18 flasks
Tanglefoot bags: 10
Thunderstones: 2
Wand of Cure Light Wounds: 2 charges left
(Bill gave Ferrak one that has, far as I can figure now, about 46 charges left. Bill has told everyone the command word for his.)
Wand of Levitation: 14 charges left

"I was able to go invisible, or make others invisible, even, until that spectre grabbed me and rayed me. Might take a while before I can do that again," he reports. "'Old Borbo had a ring of invisibility, but that sahuagin at the 'trial' before the Council had it 'round his neck." He then looks down and blushes. After a moment he looks up and says, "Sorry, we're supposed to talk about what we have, not what we're missing. Oh, except you probably should know I can't do the cone of sound anymore, or body adjustment for healing. I don't have anything like gaseous form, I think. More holy water probably wouldn't hurt. It's like, 25 or 30 gold per flask. Maybe we could buy some from Gargul's temple here, before we go, if they go in for holy water, that is. Could use more acid, thunderstones, that type of thing. Another wand of cure light wounds might help - they charged 940 gp last time I got one."

Bill sums up: "Let's get twelve more flasks of holy water (~300gp), three more thunderstones (90), a couple of scrolls of invisibility (300), five more flasks of acid (125), and ten scrolls of cure light wounds (250), and ten potions of cure light wounds (~600). Hey, maybe just get another wand of cure light, instead - just a bit more than the scrolls and potions. So subtract 850, and add 940. That'd come to about 1,755. I forget how much potions of gaseous form are, but add in some more for them. Maybe get a couple of those, too. Sorry, but this time around, I'll put in 150 of the 200 of my share - like I said, I've already spent quite a bit. If you all figure we can get back here in time before the tax agents come, maybe we can use the thousand we were setting aside for Mekkina, or maybe 500, just to be on the safe side. If we do it that way, that's 650 plus K'isst's 800, for 1,450. Who'll make up the rest?"

When time comes to go to the gate, Bill asks first that Hobbes and Feng lead the party in a prayer, or say a blessing, or the like. Then, he joins forces with Renik, Ferrak and Feng - taking only a small belt, to prime the pump as it were, from the little cask Renik picked up at the Red Wyrm Inn. He activates detect psionics/arcana, then, though not as robust as Feng's sterling performance, he does generate a respectable burp (102) - reciting the beginning of a poem he learned years ago as he belches.

Thursday May 2nd, 2002 3:48:09 AM

Hobbes spends a good hour in the morning in prayer, not wearing his armor though, but his rich black and silver priestly vestments. He then leads all present in a prayer service and mass. Afterwards he goes to Father Verdune in his chambers and delivers to him Bill's items.

"These have been given to you in exchange for all you've done for us. Get some good out of them, the money as well. We thank you Father for your blessings and assistance," says Hobbes presenting the sack of items and gold to Father Verdune.

"Father, I must confess I become more worried each day. Worried for... for Gargul, as it were. Do you think that... the same fate could befall him? It would be a monstrous calamity, but with the gods in the war they are..." he stands up, "Is there a way we can HELP him? Help our master Gargul in possibly his greatest time of need?"

Hobbes receives any further instructions Jonno has for him, then begins the long process of putting on his armor and cloak. He also drops by the stable to visit his horse and leaves last minute instructions to the stable master on its diet and habits, before taking it for a quick morning ride.

After all business is performed, Hobbes walks with the rest of the group to the butcher shop and watches in disgust as his comrades overindulge in alcohol to perform this immoral burping of theirs.

Renik, immorally burping  d100+27=103
Thursday May 2nd, 2002 4:41:15 AM

As Bill discusses supplies Renik scratches his chin. "Well, I'm loath to part with any cash at the moment; I've been desperately saving to buy myself a new set of gloves for ages, and though it's been slow progress I'm almost there. But you're right, we do need to stock up. Could I put in 100 GP? Personaly I would like
1 Acid
1 Alchemist Fire
1 Flash pellet
2 Holy Water
1 Thunderstone
From the final stash, but I'll understand if my limited contribution to campaign funds restricts me a little on what I can take.

Renik grins at the look of stuffy disapproval on Hobbes' face, and chugging a goodly slurp of ale lets rip with a melodious belch of his own. Though it cannot hope to rival the sheer power and timbre of the half-orc's magnificent effort, it is not without its own subtleties.

"Aah!" smiles the rogue, nudging Hobbes. "Better out than in, eh?"

And the Winnah Is... (DM Donna) 
Thursday May 2nd, 2002 9:11:44 AM

Clearly Feng's belch is the longest and loudest--and, perhaps, somewhere in The Wold is an Orc Chieftain who would be smirking like a toothy dungeonmaster if only he'd been witness to it--but just about all of the burps rendered in the presence of the gateway can be correctly classified as "championship calibre."

For a moment, it seems that the burping only added to the gas in the immediate area, but then the ancient wrought iron begins to glow a dull red. The color--almost unnoticeable at first--appears to pulse within the metal, getting more intense with each "beat." Just as the gateway appears a deep scarlet, the area within the arch shimmers with a sheet of rainbow energy, the light shifting from red to yellow to blue and back.

The gateway now appears to be active.

Thursday May 2nd, 2002 9:40:44 AM

"Quick, we don't know how long we have. But if anyone is up to going invisible and stepping in ahead of us for just a sec. We'll come in right behind you."

Don't forget some of the equip we should still have. Dust of disappearance, slippers of spider climb.. and some others that slip my mind for right now.

Thursday May 2nd, 2002 9:55:30 AM

"I can throw in 400. That should be enough to cover the rest of the expenses." Feng divides 400 gold pieces into a smaller pouch and tosses it to Bill.

When the door opens, Feng is strangely happy. Wherever they were going was where they needed to be. The gods were in trouble and didn't seem able to help themselves. Feng grabbed the reins of his horse and walked through when it was his turn.

OOC: Feng's horse is all black and named Degg. It is a massive horse standing 17 hands tall (5'6" at the shoulders).

Thursday May 2nd, 2002 11:09:36 AM

K'isst gets a puzzled look on her face and talks aloud, perhaps to herself.

"Let's see here. I suggest to the whole group that we do some preparations before leaving etc. No one responds or even notices that I've said something... until Bill notices. Then others notice. No one reacts until Bill does. I pointed this kind of thing out a short time ago and Bill is the only one who answers. No one else. It's like an unending game of Bill says instead of Simon says. Yet it's not Bill's fault. Everyone else pretty much, by their inaction, forces him into the position. Hmm..."

Bill Troublefinder 
Thursday May 2nd, 2002 11:35:49 AM

Bill gives to Renik each of the items he has requested (one each of acid, alchemist's fire, flash pellet, and thunderstone, as well as 2 flasks of holy water. He also gives one holy water to each person who wants one out of his supply. Am assuming each receives one, unless a refusal is posted.)

Hearing K'isst's rumblings, Bill says, "Hey, guys, K'isst is feeling like nobody's paying attention to her. So, pay attention to the lady! When K'isst speaks, I'm gonna listen. And if anyone wants to do something, instead of me doin' it - hey, that's great."

At the gateway, Bill pulls a few items to the top of his bag of holding in his knapsack, so as to make them easy to reach. When Rond gives the order, Bill activates elf sight (detect psionics/arcana already active), and steps through the gateway. Upon arrival at the other side, he activates know location, so that he might know where they are now, and then, perhaps, know direction (to discern which way is north).

Renik  d20+24=38 d20+14=33 d20+8=25 d20+7=13
Thursday May 2nd, 2002 12:05:59 PM

"Aye aye cap'n!" salutes Renik with false bravado, and glugs back a potion of invisibility. As he fades from view he says, "If I'm not back in 30 seconds, come in after me. Please!"

As he he heads for the gateway he spots K'isst, looking a little grumpy. "Farewell, sweet K'isst!" he whispers as he passes by her ear, and gooses her moments before heading through the gate. His cloak is wrapped around him (Hide 38), his rapier drawn as slips through, as quietly as he can (Move Silent 33).

Once through he gets a good look around him (Spot 25) and listens for any possible danger (Listen 13) before attempting to head back through to his companions to report what he has seen.

Thursday May 2nd, 2002 11:28:26 PM

Draax readies his sword and shield and steps through the gate when it is his turn.

Thursday May 2nd, 2002 11:33:41 PM

Answering K'isst comments, " To me, it seems there's always someone that's eager to get into the fray. So I've been more reacting than doing, though I seem to have the dubious distinction of being leader. But I may have to save that story for another time, because if Renik isn't through just about....." Rond pauses," now. We need to follow up and see what's going on."

As Rond times his little speech with following Renik 30 seconds later, he'll then urge the rest of the group through when the time limit is up.

Friday May 3rd, 2002 12:31:55 AM

"Well here goes nothing," Arien mutters just before going through the portal again. He had his dagger drawn but hidden in the folds of his cloak, ready to give someone the old cloak and dagger routine should it be needed.

Friday May 3rd, 2002 3:53:12 AM

Hobbes coughs at the strong and up-close whiff of Renik's beer breath burped past his face.
"Out than in? Sir Renik, if you plea--now..." he looks around to all the belching comrades, "I think we've all had quite enough drink as Feng's great orcish diaphragm has activated the door. See?" he points, "See how it shines so. Now please put the drink away. We must be of our best minds to combat our foe and prevent any other celestial catastrophes."

He now turns his attention to K'isst and more quietly says, "And as for your observation, I do see Master Troublefinder doing a lot of being the scenes legwork for the group for I believe his passionate heart leads him to. I myself am in new ground in this secret business we are in. I believe that it is probably in his blood, however. He has a knack, a gift and more important the knowledge of things that some of us do not know. And as he cares very much for us all, that which I plainly see, he wishes to boost our success by utilizing every resource he knows. I find nothing wrong with that, especially if such knowledge escapes the rest of these fellows," he says eyeing the rest of the crew.

"Now," he says going up to Renik and tapping the mug in Renik's hand, "Scout well for us Sir Renik as is your favor and put this trinket away please. We have serious work to do."

Hobbes remains silent and concentrated, and looks down at his holy symbol, the gleaming silver Eye on his chest, the silver chain having been mended magically the night before. Patiently he waits as Renik goes through the portal. Looking around at the troupe and then down at his Eye.

"Gargul be with us. And we with you." And he follows Arien through the door.

William the Psicrystal 
Friday May 3rd, 2002 4:56:41 AM

"Onward- to victory!" peeps the crystal in Bill's pocket, bouncing about with excitement.

Friday May 3rd, 2002 9:54:15 AM

Privately growling at Hobbes for his "self doubts" she makes a mental note to herself.

::I hereby appoint myself group taskmaster to get each person in this group to be active and equal. If we are to survive the adventures ahead, we must all be striving to be as capable as possible in and out of combat...with an emphasis on out.::

Friday May 3rd, 2002 11:20:06 PM

Stunned and realing from his own burp attempts, the feral gnome gags. The bubbly fluid leaves a strange after taste in his mouth that Ferrak doesn't enjoy.

Sneezy barks shake his small frame as the feral gnome tries to recover his senses.

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