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Plateau City - Gods Versus Gods..?

There Are 5 Million Stories in The City (DM Donna) 
Monday January 7th, 2002 6:37:54 AM

The Hamleteers have been busy establishing a permanent base for themselves--it seems that Marcus was finally able acquire the properties that the group was investigating, but any improvements (especially "secret passages") have to be paid for by the party itself. The aide has been able to maintain his autonomy from the out-of-favor Sturtavent, but the Council is keeping a very sharp eye on finances.

It's been six months since the historic demise of Domi. Clerics of the god of war and courage have been offered berths in the temples of Alemi, The One... and (surprisingly!) Pantheon. Many have taken up these offers. Many others have simply switched their focus of worship to all the gods of the Wold, rather than just one. Almost all who had suffered from Domi's death have been cured of their insanity, though rumors fly of the odd priest here or there who has yet to return to reason.

Rumors about Floating City's dissatisfaction with Plateau City are the tip of everyone's tongue these days, too--will the Big Float take the plunge... the political plunge... and declare itself independent from Plateau City? Debating this issue is the latest trend for the patrons of the Beer & Bath, and today is no exception as the pro's and con's of this event are bandied back and forth this morning.

"They're going to split off, I tell ya!" one burly dwarf insists, pounding a fist on a table. The halfling with him shakes his shaggy head with equal emphasis.

"No, no--they'd be fools to do so!" he counters. The dwarf opens his mouth to argue, but is interrupted by the arrival of a young half-elf... who looks flushed and out-of-breath with excitement.

"Hey--HEY!" he shouts, getting everyone's attention. "Guess who's back in town? It's A'tath!" There is a ripple of vocal reactions throughout the bath house, ranging from surprise to epithets. (OOC: anyone making an Intelligence check versus DC 9 will recall that A'tath was the "prophet" whose dire predictions about King Claudia's children ultimately led to their--and Claudia's--demise.)

"He's in front of the Grub and Chub--you know...the fountain near there..?" the lad continues. "He's saying that dragons are trying to take over the City!"

There is an immediate stampede for the door--and the B&B is suddenly even emptier than it had been when Domi died.

Chenna doesn't look any too pleased.

"Sheesh! Just when business was almost back to normal..!" she grouses. "I've a mind to strangle that A'tath for emptying out my place with his stupid prophecies and such..!"

Anyone wishing to follow the crowd over to the Grub and Chub can do so, since there are practically no customers left now.

Renik/ Gullion  d20+4=24 d20+2=17 d20+4=21 d20+4=24 d20+4=12 d20+4=20 d20+7=21 d20+2=4
Monday January 7th, 2002 7:20:14 AM

Renik too joins in the cleaning work at the Wizard's Nest, employing his Wand of Cleaning to assist him. With the words "Asp'nf'l Avshg'r!" dirt begins to vanish from floor, walls and windows. After an hour the place is looking pretty clean. He then sorts through the assorted junk (Search 21, 24 (nat 20), 12, 20) for any valuables before discarding it.

Once the rooms are cleared he examines the place for structural integrity (Spot 21), and tries to determine whether the services of a structural engineer are required (Int 4).

Then, the hard work done, it's back to the B&B as Gullion, gathering information and gossip about Wold events whilst pouring baths for the punters.

Gullion listens carefully to all the rumours freely available in the B&B, attempting to sort the truth from the fabrications and root out any particularly important scraps of info from his regular sources (Gather Info 24, nat 20).

When the news about A'tath breaks, Gullion is swift to move outside with the crowd, hoping that the others follow suit. "Hey, I remember hearin' about that guy, isn't he the fella what caused all that wossname with King Claudia a while back? They say he's trouble!" He yells amidst the hubbub, loud enough so that his companions can hear him (Int 17).

He allows himself to be swept along with the crowd until they reach the source of the disturbance, where he tries to get as near to the front of the crowd as possible, in order to hear what is going on.

(OOC: Sorry the die rolls are not in the order of the post, I added the first bit last, if that makes any sense)

Steps/Draax  d20=3
Monday January 7th, 2002 3:18:01 PM

Steps helps with the manual labor as much as he can, removing dirt or/and carrying equipment and materials.

Steps listens to the daily chats/rumors that are heard about the B&B. As the shouting young half-elf's words causes everyone to leave, Steps sympathizes with Chenna at the loss of potential income. Curious about all the fuss because he has no clue who A'tath is (DC3), Steps gets Chenna's permission before following the crowd to go see and hear A'tath.

Woofer (a.k.a Ferrak) 
Monday January 7th, 2002 6:28:26 PM

"Woof!" barks the feral gnome in disguise.
Bill understands him as saying,
(Yes, let's follow the crowd and see what the heck is going on.)

"Woof, woof?"
(Say Bill, how do you like my new alias?)

Bill Troublefinder  d20+4=11
Monday January 7th, 2002 10:36:15 PM

"Let's not invite this guy -- A'tath,
To spread his bile at the Beer & Bath," quips Lake.

"Chenna - since everyone pretty much is gone - mind if we go check things out? By the way, Sominay the bookseller is asleep in the big hot tub. It's okay, though, he has the floaters under his arms and neck, so he won't drown. But maybe check on him - he's supposed to get ready to go in half an hour. He'd rather read about whatever happens later, anyhow. He doesn't trust anything until it's written down."

Assuming she grants leave, Lake joins his friends in joining the crowd, grabbing his knapsack on the way out.

"Ruff ruff, grrr - yip! woof woof?" Bill answers Ferrak. "Great new thing to call you, friend! Darkfang coming?"

[OOC: Ferrak - what's a 'saproling'? Did you mean 'sapling'?]

Arien  d20+4=22
Tuesday January 8th, 2002 12:04:07 AM

Arien mostly helps out with the mess in the former wizard's building, keeping an eye out for anything magical.

Before heading out with the others to see this prophet, Arien double checks his equipment, figuring if anything was going to happen, at least he would be ready for it.

Hear Ye, Hear Ye..! (DM Donna) 
Tuesday January 8th, 2002 6:50:19 AM

Chenna--thoroughly disgusted with not only the fact that A'tath has returned to Plateau City, but has also emptied out her lovely establishment, readily gives the Hamleteers permission to go.

"...and don't forget to come back here and let me know what poison that crazy coot is spreadin' now..!" she calls after the party as they leave for the fountain near the Grub and Chub.

When the party reaches the area just outside the supply shop, they can see that there is a rather considerable crowd gathering there, with people from all walks of life in the group: shopkeepers, homemakers, adventurers, and even children from all over the City. (OOC: roll a Spot check versus DC12 to notice that amongst the crowd are a couple of off-duty City Guards, mage, and several clerics of various denominations: Teresalia, Alemi, Caeroldra and Pantheon. Anyone rolling 16 or more additionally will notice that there are three clerics of the Hands of Love and two of the Servants of Passion.)

A'tath--a tall and slender man, with a golden skin tone that seems to almost glimmer in the sunshine, like an angel--stands on the ledge surrounding a public fountain in front of the Grub and Chub. He could be described as elf-like except for the strange angular slant to all his features and his strange pupils, which seem to be slightly squished in from the sides. He wears a light scale armor that is golden in appearance and a large sword in its sheathe on his back. You can hear him spouting his diatribe against how dragons are trying to take over Plateau City, and that they've infiltrated the nobility--naming Lady Larchmont and Baron Graberlatty. The crowd reacts with murmurs of shock and surprise.

"The Guildmaster of the Thieves' Guild is also a dragon!" announces the unpopular prophet. The babbling of the crowd grows more intense.

"We have the patriarchs of the gods to keep the City safe from any dragon incursion..!" a person responds in the crowd, most of whom nod and agree hastily.

"Do you not realize the depth of this deception, citizens..?" shouts A'tath. "Why, even the temple of the just Alemi has been infiltrated--the matriarch Oratai, herself, is a dragon..!" The crowd is aghast at THIS news.

"Surely the government would keep the people safe, yes?" cries one of the off-duty City Guards.

"No," responds A'tath, "for none other than the Lord High Mayor Sturtavent himself is a dragon!" Hysteria is running high in the ever-increasing crowd, and the off-duty City Guards find themselves having to calm several individuals. One of them departs, while the other then shouts a question to the charismatic orator at the fountain:

"And just how can you be so sure that these people you accuse ARE dragons? Or that they mean to take over Plateau City..?"

"The sword I bear is a powerful weapon, friend," A'tath announces, "An instrument of law and truth--I know when dragons are among us...and I know that all dragons have the same agenda--an agenda that Parnoth the Green has forced upon the helpless folk of the Emerald Kingdom! Save your city from this dire fate, citizens--demand that one and all undergo the scrutiny of my enchanted sword! Why, if none of the named have anything to hide, then they should submit to the test willingly..!"

The people in the crowd get very noisy as they all begin to argue amongst themselves, debating whether or not to believe A'tath's words. (OOC: roll a second Spot check versus DC15 to notice that there are now about half a dozen human clerics of Caeroldra in the crowd, reacting with shock and horror to the notion that dragons are trying to enslave the city through deceit and stealth...and glaring with open animosity at the pair of Servants of Passion clerics.)

Gullion/ Renik  d20+7=16 d20+7=11 d20+2=10
Tuesday January 8th, 2002 7:42:13 AM

As the curious-looking harbinger of doom inexorably turns the crowd into a mob, Renik, disguised as the weasly Gullion, checks out the crowd and is surprised to notice no shortage of interesting folk (Spot 16, 11). He doesn't like the way this is going; it seems they have a witch hunt on their hands, and incredibly it is targeted at the very highest people in the city. Is this some sort of elaborate coup d'etat? Is this 'man' telling the truth? And if he is, could he be right in wanting to expose dragons in their midst? (Int 10 for any info on Dragons and whether hidden ones in positions of power would neccessarily pose a threat).

His natural reaction is to distrust this man, who seems so willing to turn the city upside down, preferring mob rule to due process of law. The Lord High Mayor Sturtavent has always seemed a fair, if distant boss. And at the end of the day, loyalty counts in his book.

Surreptitiously his hand finds the hilt of his blade, ready for trouble, looking to the other Hamleteers to see how they are reacting.

Roger/Rond  d20+2=21 d20+2=7
Tuesday January 8th, 2002 10:28:55 AM

As Roger enters the scene, he notes the presence of various support staff for the local government.

Hearing the words of the 'prophet', Roger asks, "And what of yourself? How does anyone confirm what only YOUR sword tells you?" Putting some sarcasm in his voice, "My sword could be telling me that the sky is about to fall?"

Lake / Bill Troublefinder  d20+3=22 d20+3=21
Tuesday January 8th, 2002 11:51:57 AM

Bill tucks his ring of protection into a pouch around his neck, and replaces it with his ring of blinking. Once he arrives at the gathering, Bill in the guise of Lake does notice the mix of the crowd (Spot 22, 21). But he in particular notes the physical features of A'tath. His eyes, his angular features. Performing some quick genetic calculations, he wonders. Feline? Some strange breed of elf? With those eyes - another creature of the night? That skin...

As the crowd discusses matters and queries A'tath, the halfling asks permission to climb on to Rond's shoulders, or Arien's, so that he might better see and be seen. Then he calls out. "You, sir, have such an interest in dragons. I've seen a number myself, over in Dragon Bay. Tell us, if you would, your ancestry, sir, and how that might bear on your lifequest. Who was your father, and who your mother? And what race? Not meaning any offense, sir."

If that elicits no response, Lake calls out, "Truth seers - watch him as he answers this. Are you part dragon?"

Step/Draax  d20+3=22 d20+3=18
Tuesday January 8th, 2002 1:48:26 PM

As he enters the area around the supply shop, Steps notices the variety of onlookers gathered around the speaker. He feels a little relieved to see the off-duty guards among the crowd.

Listening to A'tath's speech, Steps says in a low voice, but loud enough for anyone in his immediate area to hear. "Oh no, not another one, somebody is always coming around to lead the people against the so called evil government. I am sure that the leaders will all just jump at the chance to have someone strike them with a magical sword. Give me a break!"

Hearing Roger's shout, Steps moves in that direction to hear any response directed at Roger and to be near as support if needed.

Steps also does not like the way the clerics of Caeroldra are glaring at the pair of Servants of Passion clerics. "This does not look good."

Arien  d20+6=26 d20+6=25
Tuesday January 8th, 2002 3:27:08 PM

Arien's keen eyes pick out the various personages that have gathered to listen to the 'prophet' with ease. As the crowd falls further under the spell of the odd A'tath Arien shakes his head and mutters to himself how a person may be smart but people together are stupid. When Bill asks for a boost Arien crouches so that the halfling can climb on and then, bracing Bill's legs with his hands, Arien stands up again, allowing Bill the opportunity to confront A'tath.

Woofer/Ferrak  d20+2=13 d20+2=22
Tuesday January 8th, 2002 5:18:18 PM

"Woof." (Come Darkfang, let us be closer to our pack-mates.)

As Ferrak and Darkfang move closer to Rond and Draax's side the wolf brothers smell around.

"Woof. Woof." (Try to get a scent from the golden man Darkfang. It looks like things are heading for trouble.) While Ferrak, despite his vantage point, notices the key players in the crowd.

"Woof, woof, woof!" just barking really.

Dragon Debates (DM Donna) 
Wednesday January 9th, 2002 7:46:29 AM

A'tath draws himself up to his fullest height, looking dignified.

"I am A'tath," the tall man says gravely, "I am the unfortunate result of the unholy union of human and gold dragon. I should not be--and yet I am. My purpose in the Wold is to safeguard humans and humanoids from the defiling of their races and civilizations by the Dragon races. Gladly would I go to my death...if you could guarantee that, in doing so, all other Dragons that exist in the Wold will be destroyed, too."

"All right, now." interrupts an authoritative voice. Everyone in the crowd turns to see that there are a good dozen or so City Guards making their way through the crowd. The commander of the group is speaking (primarily to A'tath.)

"All right, now..." he repeats in a loud and emphatic voice, "...I just know that you have a permit for this public meeting, right, A'tath..?" The tall orator shakes his head.

"I was on my way to the Council Chambers when I...was moved to speak." A'tath admits.

"Then you'd best be on your way." the commander of the guards tells him. "You can apply for a permit to conduct a public forum there. Meanwhile--" here the man turns and addresses the crowd in a loud, no-arguing-allowed voice: "--you all go back to your business...NOW! Nothing to see here...move along now! Nice and orderly...thank you and have a nice day!"

The City Guards make sure that the crowd disperses quickly and quietly. The last ones to leave are the Hands of Love clerics, who are still talking amongst themselves as they go.

Later that evening, A'tath and his diatribe about the Dragon Conspiracy is the subject of debate amongst the Beer & Bath customers, most of whom were present at the prophet's speech in front of the Grub and Chub. Chenna's view on the matter is that you have to show her there's a Dragon before she'd actually believe that there was one there--and even so, there are a lot of people that she knows that are worse than any danged drake could possibly be!

The patrons of the B&B argue the issue--and, as the drinks flow more heavily, so does the arguing grow more heated...to the point where one group of idiots are ready to beat the tar out of another bunch of morons because of their opposing viewpoints!

Suddenly, an elven cleric of Caeroldra--one of the Servants of Passion sect--stands up and advises the "debaters" to "redirect" their passion...instead of arguing, how about just finding someone else and, um, "indulging themselves"..? The debaters are suddenly in the mood for indulging rather than arguing, and the elf smiles and leaves.

Wednesday January 9th, 2002 9:27:26 AM

Happy that the gathering did not turn to violence, Steps returns to the B&B with the others and gives Chenna a brief account of the event. "The guy seem a little crazy to me, but the city guards seemed to know him and he seemed to respect their authority. I never knew that dragons and humanoids could mate, I cannot image what he must have when through as a child."

Although he is in his human disguise, Draax reflects on his own childhood of growing up as a half-elf. Draax was never accepted by the elves because of his human side and although the humans never fully accepted him, they did not reject him either. He feels a little sympathy for A'tath, thinking about how the overly proud race of dragons would treat a half-breed and he can see why the half-dragon would favor his human side.

As the crowd of the B&B begins to get hostile, Steps gets ready to start breaking up fights and tossing customers out. He nods his head in thanks to the cleric of Caeroldra for defusing the situation.

Gullion/ Renik  d20+9=20
Wednesday January 9th, 2002 9:53:52 AM

The stooped, greasy-haired bath pourer Gullion is uncharacteristly quiet for the next few hours, pondering the ramifications of A'tath's arrival. He listens to the arguments raging about him, takes everything in, and considers in silence.

Eventually he reaches a conclusion. As far as he's concerned, whether the gigantic warrior's words are true or not, nothing can justify racial genocide. Dragons (he guesses) are just like normal folk; you get good ones, you get bad ones, and a whole bunch in between. A'tath, he decides, is plainly mad, a dangerous fanatic who has the unfortunate ability to stir cities into a frenzy. Whichever way you slice it, this Halfdragon is the enemy.

He looks up from his private musings to see that the arguments that have been raging on for some time seem to have ceased and instead the protagonists are... what ARE they doing?! "Hey, you there, this is a public bath! You want to do that you can pay for a private booth like everybody else!" he yells, hurling a sponge at the head of a nearby patron who seems to be enjoying the company of a nearby stranger rather more than is commonly considered polite (Sponge hits AC 20).

Yeesh! This city! If they aren't trying to kill each other they're trying to do exactly the opposite!

Although Renik would never admit it to his comrades, he is rather sorry he is currently dressed as a filthy, stooped worm of a fellow with bad breath. Without a disguise a fellow might have a lot of fun around here... the atmosphere in the Beer and Bath seems to have turned distinctly steamy...

Wednesday January 9th, 2002 5:24:29 PM

"I know let's kill all the bears, or the lions, or I know let's kill all of the wolves. They won't bother our chickens any more."

Ferrak stews in his mind.

'Good for nothing bi-peds always wanting to upset the balance in one way or another.'

"Woof!" (How about we just kill everything.)

Lake / Bill Troublefinder 
Thursday January 10th, 2002 12:05:22 AM

Lake tells his friends he is going to tail A'tath to the Council building, and see if anything comes up there. "I'll wait outside, and let you know if anything comes up soon."

Thursday January 10th, 2002 1:20:16 AM

Roger returns to the B&B and relates any additional details.

As the debaters argue the merits of killing dragons, Roger pipes in, "Everything in nature has a purpose, and a place. If you are to remove dragonkind from Nature, something else would only move to take over their place. At least with dragons, we can talk with them."

Bill Troublefinder 
Thursday January 10th, 2002 2:19:54 AM

[OOC: I am not sure whether the events going on right now in Game 1 are later the same day that we spoke with A'tath, or the following morning. Can someone clarify that? If Game 1 is later the same day, then Bill would have information on the outcome of A'tath's attempt to kill Sturdavent and Orotai. If the following morning, he would not. In any case we don't yet know the results of the Storm Dragons' intervention on behalf of the High Lord Mayor and the matriarchal Patriarch of Alemi - dragons both.

The rest of my post assumes that the events unfolding in Game 1 happen the morning after 'this evening' at the B&B.]

Bill reports in that A'tath visited the Council, and there is some talk about a showdown in the Council, and a trial? No trial? Power plays? In any event, the folks on the street are abuzz. "Somebody said that the Overlord of the Floating City sent A'tath here to destroy the good leadership of the city, so that he can take over. I am not saying that, it's just one of the rumors out there right now." Lake, in his role as a B&B employee, acts as diplomatically as he can, providing information, but trying not to become a magnet for animosity.

Bill talks to Rond in private. "Don't identify yourself, and disguise your voice, but see if you can raise Marcus on the communication ring, there. Don't say Marcus' name, but just ask if there are any instructions for 'the Arena group.' If A'tath tries to get his way, we've gotta see what we can do to get in his way - unless Marcus has some other plan for us. And if you don't recognize the voice on the other end as Marcus, then just put the ring away and stop talking."

Bill ponders what they might do. What actions will he and his friends take should someone learn, or guess, they are working undercover for Marcus? Where does Marcus stand in his relationship with the Council?

NOT approving of some of the Caeroldran indulgences going on here (he was raised in a fairly conservative hobbit community, after all), Bill subtly works on interrupting what he deems improper pairing or orgiastic behavior. He locates several buckets of cold water... "Oops! Sorry 'bout that, Mr. Bolger. Hi, miss - have you met Mr. Bolger's wife before? She is lovely, and very strong. Here's a fresh towel - I see that one slipped. How's the missus? And your three lovely children?"

Business as UNusual (DM Donna)  d20=20
Thursday January 10th, 2002 6:30:52 AM

Chenna grimaces at the information about A'tath's conduct.

"None too surprising, seeing as how that creep threatened to start a Wold-wide war the last time he was in town." the owner of the Beer & Bath says with a sigh and a shake of her head.

Bill's tailing of A'tath is interrupted by a well-meaning but firm City Guard who sent the halfling back to the establishment that he knew Lake worked at. However, the rumors about the confrontation between A'tath and the newly-minted Storm Dragons readily abound already.

(OOC: I'm not 100% sure of the exact timing of the events between Game 1--the Storm Dragons game--and Game 2--this game--but I do know that A'tath was speaking here first before going on to the Council hall.)

The elven cleric of Caeroldra may have used "divine inspiration" in "persuading" the arguing patrons to express their passions in a different way. Even as Bill--disguised as Lake the attendant, of course!--does his best to distract the amorous customers from changing the B&B's venue, a hand taps him on the shoulder and he turns around to face a familiar-looking elven female who has just stepped out of one of the changing rooms.

"The house drink." says K'isst as she shrugs out of her robe, hands it to Lake and steps into the public pool. (OOC: I'll leave it to K'isst's player to describe how the half-trog lady looks these days. 8D)

Everyone in the group notices that the departure of the lone SoP cleric is immediately followed by the exit of two Hands of Love clerics--and that neither of the humans looked any too thrilled with the SoP's behavior.

"Roger!" Chenna calls sharply, approaching with a very nice purple cloak in one hand. "Go after that elf priestess--she left her cloak behind...take somebody with you if you feel the need." She hands the garment over to the incognito spy and goes back to her office.

Thursday January 10th, 2002 8:51:22 AM

Steps smiles at Lake's attempts at preventing people from getting together. The smile is quickly wiped from his face as he spots a woman that resembles K'isst move need the disguised halfling. Thinking that he must be mistaken, Steps' attention is pulled to Chenna as she ask Roger to return the cloak to the priestess. After during a quick mental inventory of his weapons, Steps volunteers to accompany Roger. "Hey Roger, I will go with you if you do not mind."

Thursday January 10th, 2002 5:02:02 PM

"I'll go to if Chenna doesn't mind, this behavior is just really unsuitable." Arien draws his rapier about two inches from its scabbard and lets it slide slowly back in. Satisfied that if the need arises he can quickly draw his weapon he then nods to Roger and Steps that he is ready to go.

Thursday January 10th, 2002 6:32:25 PM

The feral gnome follows his friends out into the street. Keeping an eye out for trouble, Ferrak still disguised as a dog hopes that he would come as quite a surprise for any would be assailants.

"Woof." (Darkfang you stay and watch the B&B.)

"Woof, woof, woof." (It's starting to smell funny in there.)

Roger/Rond  d20=16
Thursday January 10th, 2002 11:28:11 PM

Roger nods to everyone's comments. When asked to return the robe to the priestess, Roger grabs the two volunteers, and heads out. "help me spot her real quick. (spot 16)."

As the three people try to catch up to the priestess, Rond will use the coin. "What's the word from on high?"

Lake serving K'isst  d20+11=15
Friday January 11th, 2002 3:00:20 AM

'Lake' nearly chokes when he sees K'isst standing before him. He recognizes her scent, her - well, he recognizes her. He wants to shout out her name, but he's not Bill right now, he's Lake. Of course he takes the robe, and also forces himself not to stare at his friend, googly-eyed. He turns, coughs, and, altering his voice a bit more than he usually does in disguise, says, "Thenk you. I'll hev the drenk for you. Soon. The drenk." He hangs up her robe, using the little stool he keeps by the hooks, to reach it. He then goes and asks for the best ale the house has to offer. "I'll pay for it," he tells whoever is keeping bar tonight. Then he takes it to her, and hands it to her with Lake's customary crooked grin. "Hope you enjooy it," he says. [Note: misspelling deliberate - 'oo' as in 'gooey'.]

Gullion  d20+7=27
Friday January 11th, 2002 8:03:47 AM

Renik recognizes K'isst from a brief meeting in the Red Wyrm Inn. He had been about to make a play for the exotic looking woman when all hell had broken loose. He starts towards her, a smile flicking across his lips, before he stops himself. "Get a hold of yourself, man!" he thinks to himself. "Think how you look!"

Renik has a point. As Gullion K'isst is not likely to recognize him, and is even less likely to want to spend any time in his rather unwholesome company.

Renik shakes his head and gets back to his work, keeping an eye on the new arrival. The heady atmosphere in this place must be getting to him!

He notices that Bill, disguised as Lake, seems extremely agitated at the new arrival (Spot 27: nat 20!). What is going on there? Does he know her too? He keeps a subtle eye on the pair of them.

Friday January 11th, 2002 9:47:27 AM

K'isst walks into the pool calm, but still with that presence about her that lets others know they might just die if they approached her. She makes her way down toward the deeper end of the pool near the waterfall. She lets her head go below the water. Still under...still under...still under...still under....still

DM Donna 
Saturday January 12th, 2002 8:59:42 AM

Lake and Guillion notice that K'isst isn't coming up for air.

Roger--with Woofer, Steps and Tam in tow--takes the purple cloak and goes after the cleric. They go only three doors up the street when they see that the priestess has stopped already--but not because she's remembered about her cloak...

...she is surrounded by five men--one of whom is a Hands of Love cleric.

"--not only a strumpet, but a dragon, to boot!" snarls the HoL man. "I'll prove it--see..?" The cleric holds up his holy symbol, which then glows with a red light. Two of the others grab the priestess.

"I'm every bit as much a dragon as YOU are, you sour old stick-in-the-mud!" snaps the elven woman. "You're using a cheap orison to get these addlepates to listen to you! UNHAND ME!!!" She struggles against the men holding her as the cleric and the other two men draw weapons...

Saturday January 12th, 2002 8:02:50 PM

Ok, now that's weird... how long is she planning to stay under there? Renik guesses that either she's a water breather (well, she looks kind of different) or she's using magic to grab herself some private time. He's not surprised; he is aware that his was not the only head turned in her direction. No doubt she gets a lot of attention.

He wonders idly how the others are getting on, as he continues to pour perfumed hot water into his client's bath.

Lake (Bill) 
Sunday January 13th, 2002 3:32:03 AM

Lake lowers a rope with a loop on the end to dangle just before K'isst. He keeps a loop held loosely in one hand, so that if she grabs it quickly, he won't be pulled in, but keeps hold of the rope farther back with the other hand, so the whole rope won't be lost in the water, and he can help pull her out if she needs it. "Hey, lady, are you okay in there?" he calls out. "You might wanna breathe!"

Sunday January 13th, 2002 12:31:33 PM

About 3 minutes later, she emerges walking out of the shallow end, looking for her drink. She takes a deep breath. Not seeing her drink, she walks, probably to the stares of most of those about, robeless to her dressing chamber. Her skin is slightly red from the heat of the pool.

::she sighs as she closes the dressing room door::

Lake / Bill Troublefinder  d20+9=19
Sunday January 13th, 2002 6:46:51 PM

Hmmm. K'isst ignored the rope dangling inches before her eyes underwater. But she looks alive - there's a hand moving a little to keep her position in the water. Okay - oh, she's getting out! Bill, disguised, as usual, as Lake, runs over to where she set the drink he gave her before she entered the water, picks it up and hands it to her as she goes toward the dressing room. "Here, you haven't tried your ale yet, um. Here."

If she does not take the offered ale, Lake sets it down. In any event, this halfling with a crooked smile then runs over, steps up the stool, takes down her robe and ... now that she has stepped into her dressing room, tosses the robe so that it hangs half in and half out the top of the door (AC 19 - no problem).

Then he runs up to his room, quickly sheds his guise, shoving 'Lake's' clothes under the bed, puts on a second ring, opens the window, closes it behind him, runs down the roof, and feather falls to the alley below, moves quickly toward the front door, then casually walks in the front door (or as casually as one is able to with elevated breathing), walks down to the pool area where K'isst is, and waits for her to emerge. He takes deep breaths, trying to slow the beating of his heart to an acceptable rate. As she emerges from her dressing room, Bill, as himself, says, "Well, it's been an awfully long time, K'isst!"

Sunday January 13th, 2002 8:26:32 PM

Steps watches and listens to the show with the others, this thing about all these disguised dragons living among them is started to get to him. He whispers to the others, "I wonder how many dragons are in this place." Seeing that the situation is starting to get out of hands, Steps decide to take a chance. Not wanting to take on a dragon, Steps hopes that the group would rather not do anything in public.

Moving a little closer to the group, Steps calls out. "EXCUSE ME priestess, I am sorry to bother you, but Ms Chenna wanted us to bring you your cloak and to tell you that you forget to take the food that you ordered from her." Looking at the men as if he saw them for the first time he says, "Oh, I am sorry, I did not mean to interrupt you and your friends. I would wait, but Ms Chenna seems to think that it is important that you come back with us and take your order now. If your friends will wait for just a few minutes, you can come right back. Again, I am so sorry to interrupt you, but I am only the hired help." Steps talks as if he cannot see the drawn weapon, but mentally he makes sure that he is aware of how the men with the weapons are responding to his sudden appearance.

Monday January 14th, 2002 4:01:05 AM

Not wanting to stop the flow of Steps impromptu speech, Roger steps up to the priestess with her robe. Quickly wrapping the robe around her (causing the robe to flare), Roger will gently try to guide her back to the B&B. If she doesn't follow his lead, he'll take one step back from her, as if expecting her to follow him.

Combatus Interruptus (DM Donna) 
Monday January 14th, 2002 5:59:16 AM

Once Steps makes his presence known, the four commoners visibly pause in their advances. Roger comes forward with the cloak--causing the two who'd grabbed the elf to let her go--and the quartet with the HoL cleric immediately fall back. The HoL holyman scowls; he has neither fallen back, nor has he attacked.

"You would protect this...this harlot from the might of Caeroldra's love?" he demands of Steps and Roger. "She has twisted the tenets of our goddess and must be shown what true love is! Go now and leave this pointy-eared streetwalker to the mercies of the Hands of Love!"

However, the elf cleric is following Roger & Steps' lead, and the four commoners with the HoL cleric don't look as willing to start a fight now...

Gullion/ Renik  d20+23=32 d20+23=33
Monday January 14th, 2002 6:52:32 AM

Renik notices Lake has gone... She's all alone!

He continues to idly pour heated water into the bath, not paying attention to what he is doing, and wondering how long until the end of his shift. He hopes she doesn't leave before he clocks off... but that isn't for hours yet...

The grin of a true rascal flashes across his face as he comes to a decision. Faint heart never won fair lady! And he's fed up with all this work work work! Checking to see he is unobserved he sinks into the shadows, raising the hood of his elven cloak. At once the hunched Gullion fades from view (Hide 32). Moving carefully he slips through the staffers doorway, and makes for the staff lockers where his gear is stashed as swiftly as possible. Once there he removes his disguise, examines himself carefully in the mirror ("Looking good, Renik, looking good!") then climbs straight out of the window and Spider Climbs down the wall.

Moments later he is striding into the Beer and Bath as Renik, making straight for the object of his attentions. Hold on, she's talking to someone, who could... Bill?!? What's HE doing here!? How did he get changed and in here so fast? And he's chatting away to the woman as if he knows her! Curses! Foiled again!

Renik raises his hood once more and sinks again into the shadows (Hide 33), scowling furiously. Well this puts a crimp in his plans! Now what?

Monday January 14th, 2002 11:36:15 AM

K'isst stepping out of the dressing room and once more clothed, bumps right into Bill.

::Why him?!! Why now?!! NOooooo!:: She thinks.

K'isst's face turns beet red immediately. She opens her mouth to say something, but all of a sudden she realizes she can't....won't....can't.

She bolts for the door running!

Her mind churs at incredible speed:

::Gotta get away! Can't face this! Can't! Won't Can't!::

::Oh Holy Donyra! Forgot to pay. I gotta go back? Oh Gods! I can't! Must.::

She turns and resolutely walks back in refusing to look at anyone. She lays a few coins down at the bar and turns to go. She sees him. Tears come unbidden down her face.

She runs to him and engulfs him in a huge bear hug!

::Bill!!!!:: ..She thinks.

She smiles a fantastic smile. Then she realizes she's still hugging him. She lets him go and spins around away from him.

::Stupid!!! Stupid!!!::

Her mouth opens involuntarily.

She speaks. Still facing away. Barely audible.


Renik (Hiding in the shadows) 
Monday January 14th, 2002 11:49:41 AM

Wow! That Bill sure has a way with the ladies! Renik is suddenly rather glad he arrived second. He continues to observe from his concealed vantage point, intrigued.

Monday January 14th, 2002 2:54:26 PM

Steps waits for Rogers and the priestess to walk pass him towards the B&B before he begins to walk backwards in that direction, keeping the cleric and his men in sight.

To the HoL cleric, Steps says, "Oh, so this was not a gathering of friends. I beg your pardon if we interfered with whatever you were planning to do. I am sure that your grievances can wait until the priestess is not longer a customer of the B&B. I do not take sides and want nothing to do with your argument, but I am paid to protect all B&B customers, even from their selves. If our retrieving the priestess has inconvenienced you, I am sure that Ms Chenna would supply a free meals and drink for each of you. I will pay for it myself if she does not agree. Any of you can come see me the next time you are in the B&B and I will see that you are compensated. Good night to you sir."

Steps takes notice of where Woofer and Tam positioned themselves as he continues to walk slowing backwards keeping himself in the direct line-of-fire between the two clerics until Roger has the priestess to the B&B and inside the doors

Monday January 14th, 2002 7:33:36 PM

The feral gnome keeps a sharp eye on the clerics. Taking the rear guard as Steps and Tam lead the priestess away. Ferrak doesn't lat them out of his sight for a second.

"Woof!" he says, forcibly chastising the men in his native wolven tongue.

And another thing, "Woof, woof, woof!"

So there.

Arien/Tamosvar  d20+10=23 d20+12=27
Monday January 14th, 2002 10:33:34 PM

Provided that the cleric has his lackeys don't start a fight Arien walks aways back with his companions and their escort. Then when out of sight of the HoL and the other 4 he motions that he will be back later and scampers up a nearby building and slowly makes his way back to where the HoL was where he procedes to spy on the cleric and his followers. He will follow them until they enter a building, should they split up he will follow the cleric and try to find out just what is going on with the Hands of Love. (Hide: 23; Move Silently: 27)

Bill Troublefinder  d20+3=4
Tuesday January 15th, 2002 1:50:39 AM

As K'isst runs for the door, he looks at her. "K'isst! Don't go!" then follows down the hall, sees her go by the bar and out the front door. As he navigates his way past a patron, he manages to trip and land sprawling on the floor. [And I was going to have him do something dashing!] Frustrated, he stands and brushes himself off. About to renew his pursuit of her - he sees her walking stiffly back in, plunking coins on the bar. Oh! she's crying. No, don't cr-- ::Oof!:: "K'isst!" A wash of emotions cross his face as she embraces him, then turns away. "Hi. Hi K'isst. Oh. Oh, I missed you. We missed you." He steps up to turn her around. "Oh, K'isst. Wh-when did you get here? Where are you staying? Oh, it's my turn now." And he jumps up to give her a hug. As he gives her neck a squeeze, in broken troglodyte, he says, "Donyra you blessing," then finally drops to the ground, and looks up at her, smiling, his eyes dancing.

"So, you wanna see some of our friends? Or should we take a booth so we can talk some first? Or go for a walk?" He is so happy to see his friend. And he's not unaware of ripples of complexity in their friendship.

Together Again (DM Donna)  d20+7=23 d8=7 d20+6=8 d8=3 d20=19 d20=18 d20=10 d20=8 d20=4 d20=6
Tuesday January 15th, 2002 6:36:40 AM

The half-trog's hasty exit/return/attempted-second-exit results in K'isst and Bill ending up right by the streetside entrance to the Beer & Bath, with Gullion within eavesdropping distance. As the halfling attempts to draw his former acquaintance into a conversation, the door is pushed open by the elven cleric, who is being accompanied by the rest of the Hamleteers...

...or, at least, the female Servant of Passion tries to open the door--a sudden Sound Burst spell cast by the Hands of Love cleric (centered on the elf) makes her pause in her attempted escape.

(OOC: I rolled a Will save of 29 for the SoP elf, but you all have to make a Will save versus DC15 or be Stunned for one round. Everyone suffers the 7hp sonic damage regardless.)

The Hamleteers on the outside of the B&B recall that the HoL cleric is disgusted with his four cronies; he had snarled "Elf-lovers!!!" at them and then cast the spell before anyone could react, really.

Now the SoP cleric whirls in place, calling the HoL priest a "loveless agnostic!!!" before casting the very same spell at him and his group--unfortunately, however, those of the party outside the door must roll another Will save versus DC15 to avoid being Stunned by the spell...and they all suffer another 3hp of sonic damage, too!

The HoL cleric and two of his cronies have been Stunned and cannot act for the next round. The two unStunned humans angrily attack Woofer and Steps, but both of them easily miss.

Renik  d20+1=2
Tuesday January 15th, 2002 7:20:13 AM

Renik is momentarily deafened by the blast, and shakes his head groggily. What in the Wold was that?

Bill Troublefinder  d20+10=23 d20+10=25
Tuesday January 15th, 2002 12:26:17 PM

BOOM! Bill avoids the secondary effects of the blast (Will save 23). "Just a minute," he tells K'isst, his voice sounding to himself quieter than usual. He issues the command word to his ring of blinking. He steps out the door, and quickly off to the left, looking around to see what is going on.

[While his ring of blinking is activated, attacks against Bill, whether magical or physical, have a 50% of not affecting him, as he is half the time in the material, and half the time in the ethereal.

Kisst  d20+2=6 d20+2=20
Tuesday January 15th, 2002 7:37:13 PM

K'isst is knocked back against the side of the building as she is stunned by the blast.

Her mind is a blur as she reels from this physical blow as well as the emotional ones of the past minute.

Steps/Draax  d20+2=16 d20+2=5
Tuesday January 15th, 2002 11:26:39 PM

Steps watches the HoL cleric begin to cast the spell and braces himself for whatever spell is coming their way. He is a little shaken, but fights off the effects of the spell (16). However, he is caught unaware of the priestess returning spell and is stunned (5) before he has a chance to react.

Arien  d20+3=14
Wednesday January 16th, 2002 3:50:32 AM

Not expecting the HoL to actually attack Arien is caught off guard by the magical assualt and thrown up against the building where he tries to shake the stars from his vision.

"Bursting" At The Seams! (DM Donna)  d20+6=10 d20=6 d20=16 d20=17 d20=19 d8=4
Wednesday January 16th, 2002 6:11:06 AM

"I'll teach YOU to reject the true way of Caeroldra, you prude..!" hisses the SoP cleric to the Stunned HoL holyman. She casts once more, and another Sound Burst booms to life, centered on the male cleric and his toughs.

(OOC: all party members located outside the B&B [everyone but Renik & K'isst now] must roll Will saves vs. DC15 again or be Stunned this round, too; the damage from the Sound Burst this time is 4hp.)

Once again, the HoL cleric suffers the Stunning effects of the spell, but only one of his gang members is similarly effected. The other three aren't Stunned, but they fall to the ground in various states of physical damage--moaning, groaning and bleeding from the ears and nose.

Renik  d20+8=26 3d6(6+4+4)+3=17
Wednesday January 16th, 2002 7:11:25 AM

Recovering his senses Renik darts for the door, pulling his sap from his belt. What in the name of Mittiri's Holy Pigtails is going on out there?

Sizing the situation up quickly he spots the Hands of Love cleric looking momentarily stunned, and seizes his opportunity.

Racing up to the groggy priest he takes advantage of his stunned state and slugs him as hard as he is able (17HP of subdual damage), hoping this sneak attack will drop the priest, or at least rock him back on his heels. "Enough with those accursed sound blasts!" he yells at both priests, weaving in readiness for a retaliation, "you're giving me a headache!"

(Dodge set to the cleric, AC 20)

K'isst  d20=8
Wednesday January 16th, 2002 11:41:02 AM

Seeing that this rogue has moved to intercept the HoL cleric, K'isst growls a savage sound and runs to the SoP cleric.

She "Readies" an attack to disrupt the next spell should it occur. (Donna I'm at work and don't have a copy of K'isst here yet. So add my plusses in if her readied attack goes off. The roll is an "8".)

She does not speak to the SoP, but holds her trident at the ready position in front of her and growls for her to stop.

Bill Troublefinder  d20+10=19 d20+5=20 d100=45 d20+14=21
Wednesday January 16th, 2002 12:18:58 PM

[Will save made: 19, not stunned.]
Bill sprints forward and tosses a battle net on one of the downed clerics of the so-called Hands of Love [AC 22 (+2 due to ring of blinking) ranged touch attack, cleric gets no dex bonus to AC due to Bill's blinking. Rolled over 20 on d100, necessary to confirm Bill's attack succeeded relative to material plane.]

"Let's settle down, folks. Time to move along. Don't need anybody hurt, right?" he says as he jumps (21) over the group, landing on the other side, and turning to face their backs, his figure meanwhile appearing, disappearing, appearing.

Steps  d20+2=8
Wednesday January 16th, 2002 4:46:23 PM

As Steps' head clears from the priestess' first spell, he starts to wonder just who side she is on. He is able to function just long enough to hear as the priestess finishes the last symbol of her next spell. "NOT AGGGNN!" Steps takes one step forward before he is stunned again (8).

Ferrak/Woofer  d20+5=6 d20+5=23 d20+5=11 d8+3=5 d8+3=8 d4=3 d4=1
Wednesday January 16th, 2002 10:27:07 PM

Woofer spends the first few rounds of combat stunned.
When the dust clears he heals any of the group that are in need.
(5, 8, and 4 good berries.)

(OOC Going into the hospital today. Sorry Donna & Co. Be back ASAP. Thanks again Stan.

Arien  d20+3=13
Wednesday January 16th, 2002 11:09:03 PM

Just as he was getting his wits about him another boom erupts with a roar that leaves him once again dazed.

Roger/Rond  d20=20 d20=11
Thursday January 17th, 2002 4:41:43 AM

ooc: short on time, no access to char sheet. sorry. check will save?

If Roger is not affected by the 2nd sonic boom, he will work on shuffling the priestess into the B&B, in order to try to finish the affair.

Stunning Plot Twist! (DM Donna)  d20+6=21 d20=14 d20=4 d20=18 d20=4 d20=14 d8=2 d20=20
Thursday January 17th, 2002 6:46:42 AM

Gullion(Renik) comes streaking out of the B&B and pops the HoL cleric a good one, causing the man to stumble. However, instead of knocking the priest for another loop, the blow clears his head, and the HoL cleric begins to cast once more.

The elven SoP cleric is also preparing to cast again, but she is wise enough to at least pause in the face of K'isst's menacingly-wielded trident. Bill's quick thinking (and very good aim!) result in the HoL cleric becoming entangled in the battle net thrown by the halfling.

Steps, Woofer, Tam and Rond are Stunned and cannot act at this moment, and all of the human cohorts that were with the HoL cleric don't look too healthy, courtesy of all these Sound Burst spells being recklessly tossed around by the two clerics.

It appears that this conflict is over--but the priestess' beautiful elven face becomes exceedingly ugly with a hate-filled grimace.

"Rot in all nine of the Hells, you puritanical nitwit!!!" she screeches in a voice now as ugly as her face, and lets loose with her prepared Sound Burst once more, in spite of the fact that K'isst is able to jab her viciously with that trident of hers.

(OOC: This time the additional damage is only 2hp, but the Will save still has to be 15 or better for everybody out here in front of the B&B.)

It appears that love of retribution is more powerful than common sense...and that such foolishness isn't confined to just the Servant of Passion, for the unStunned Hands of Love cleric struggles to try to cast his own spell yet again...in spite of the fact that his buddies could use some healing.

Everyone in the party must make a Spot check versus DC18 to notice that a tall, cloaked figure is rapidly moving up the street from the direction of the Grub & Chub towards this street brawl.

Renik (23 HP)  d20+1=21 d20+8=10 d20+8=20 d6+3=5 2d6(2+4)=6 d20+7=11
Thursday January 17th, 2002 7:44:47 AM

"Ow!" cries Renik, as yet another Sound Burst rattles his brains. "I thought I told you lunatics to stop doing that!" The blast fails to slow him down however (Will 21), and spotting the HoL cleric attempting another spell Renik takes an opportunistic swing at him (Attack of Opportunity for spell casting). Unfortunately the blow is rushed and clumsy, (hits AC10), but he follows up with a second blow that connects (standard attack hits AC20 for 5 HP subdual damage, or 11HP if Renik is still entitled to a sneak attack).

He continues to weave and bob around the cleric, (Dodge set to HoL Cleric, AC 20), and yells "Now will you kindly stop fighting?!"

In the heat of the battle he fails to notice the approaching figure.

Bill Troublefinder  d100=66 d20+10=20 d20+3=20 d20+7=25 3d4(2+2+2)=6 d100=39
Thursday January 17th, 2002 12:18:08 PM

[d100 for ethereal(1-50)/material(51-100) check: 66=material at time of sound blast. Will save DC 20 vs sound blast. Spot check DC 20 - Bill notes the approaching stranger.]

Fed up with the rival cults of Caeroldra, Bill positions himself so as to capture in the area of effect as many of the Hands of Love as he is able, without getting any of his friends. [DM Donna, since we don't have a map, and you know Bill is no dummy, I'll let you determine how many of the HoL opponents he will affect. He specifically wants to make sure he gets the male cleric who is preparing to cast, and as many of the rest of them as he can.]

The air ripples with the force of the psion's mental attack [mind blast], which blasts the minds of all creatures in a 60-foot cone. Any who fail a Will save of DC 25 are stunned for six rounds.

[Defenders within the area make a Will save. Psionic creatures are allowed to raise a psionic defense mode, which modifies the defender's Will save DC. Those who fail their saving throw take 1d4 points of temporary Charisma damage. A nonpsionic creature's buffer is less helpful against mind blast than other psionic attack modes. The Will save DC increases by +4 (note, I included this number in the roll, assuming the HoL are nonpsionic), and on a failed saving throw, a nonpsionic creature is stunned for 3d4 rounds (rather than 1d4).]

Taking a five foot move away from the HoL pack, Bill turns toward the tall, cloaked figure. "Who are you?" He is ready to jump whichever way looks appropriate if it looks like the person is menacing.

[Oh, one last check to make sure Bill was material at time of mind blast. For wearer of ring of blinking, 20% chance he is in ethereal plane at time of attack. Rolled 39, so he is material at that moment.]

K'isst  d20=18 d20+14=25 d8+9=16 d20+9=29 d20+9=25 d8+9=16 d8+9=10 d20+5=16
Thursday January 17th, 2002 4:32:01 PM

K'isst now very angry makes her save (d20=18) and moves to attack without mercy.

She strikes once with forward thrusting of the trident her grip solid and sure (d20+14=25) hitting AC25. If the strike is true, she does (d8+9=16) 16hpd.

She strikes again with her second attack. She makes a critical threat rolling a 20 (d20+9=29). Her threat is true and she does a critical hit doing (8+9=16 and d8+9=10) for a total of 26hpd with the second attack.

She thought she saw something approaching (Spot check of d20+5=16). If so, she'll pivot to keep the person in her sight without leaving the side of her foe.

Ferrak/Woofer  d20+5=20 d20+2=21
Thursday January 17th, 2002 11:07:21 PM

Woofer shakes off the effects of the spell and bares his teeth at the HoL priest and then turns his head to scowl at the priestess.

Noticing K'isst for the first time he gives a small scowl until he catches Bill's scent emanating from the woman. He begins to wag his tail as the smell identified her as Bill's mate. "Woof, Woof, Woof, (Welcome mate of pack brother Bill.)

He barks and show his teeth as the priestess casts another spell. He gets ready to cast a spell of his own when his nose catches the scent of a new arrival. Turning toward the tall, cloaked figure, Woofer gets down in a position as if he is ready to leap, saving his spell for the newcomer if needed.

Steps/Draax  d20+3=13
Thursday January 17th, 2002 11:17:08 PM

Steps is very frustrated, coming out of the daze he takes another step toward the HoL priest. He thinks to himself, 'I am going to personally rip the throat out of the next person that casts a spell on me.' He is given just enough time to finish the thought before he is stunned again. "Uuuggg"

The Bitter End (DM Donna) 
Friday January 18th, 2002 7:42:28 AM

Gullion/Renik smacks the HoL cleric again soundly (11hp subdual), but amazingly the single-minded priest is STILL standing! He seems to have the constitution of a horse!

Bill bobs and weaves a bit, trying to get a clear shot at the HoL cleric, but there's no conceivable way that the halfling can do that because Gullion is right there beside the man. To Mind Blast one is to damage the other, period! The doughty psion continues to look for an opening, though...

Meanwhile, Woofer barks and growls as K'isst--understandably angered by the elven cleric's foolish persistance for revenge--attacks the Servant of Passion...with a passion. The female fighter's blows wreak devastating damage--a whopping 42hp!--and yet the cleric still stands, snarling at her HoL nemesis...and BOTH clerics prepare to cast again!

Everyone else outside the B&B is stunned--in fact, the human cohorts that had been the cronies of the Hands of Love cleric were now all on the ground, having borne the brunt of several area Sound Burst spells.

Bill notices the cloaked figure rushing towards the battle, but before the fiesty hobbit can do more than ask "Who are you?"--

--the newcomer unsheathes a HUGE sword from a scabbard on his back and swoops down upon the HoL cleric.

"Conspirator!!!" the man roars angrily--and all of the Hamleteers are stunned (figuratively) to recognize the voice and visage of A'tath. "Though Sturtavent and Oratai live to plot another day--you two foul creatures will not see another sunrise!!!" A mighty swing of the blade lops the head from the shoulders of the Hands of Love priest before the cleric can even turn around. A blink of the eyes later and the head of the elven holywoman rolls to a stop beside it.

"Let this be my proof and vindication--" A'tath intones to those assembled, "--behold the bodies of these two fake clerics of Caeroldra...and know how near you all came to your doom at their claws..!" The tall warrior points down at the two corpses...which shimmer and grow and morph into inhuman remains.

"Sisters whip me!" chokes out one of the humans who'd been with the Hands of Love cleric, whose corpse has turned into that of a young black dragon. "I...I never knew! He was a dragon all along!" One of the others gives a kind of scream and points a shaky finger amidst the Hamleteers.

"By the Abyss--SHE was one of 'em, too!" the man gasps. The party looks to see not the body of a decapitated elf, but the headless corpse of a young brass dragon. "A'tath IS right--they're ALL OVER the city..!!!"

"Thank you for sa--" a third human begins to express his gratitude to the crusading prophet--but A'tath is gone, leaving behind the irrefutable proof that dragons are amongst the populace...and they could be anywhere...

Friday January 18th, 2002 10:15:50 AM

K'isst unconsciously drops her trident to the ground where it makes a very loud clanging sound. Then, with her mouth opened in a huge "O" shape, she falls back herself upon her backside, staring in terror at what she just fought.

She is stunned much worse than the spell or from seeing Bill.

She mouths the word: ::Dragons::

Bill Troublefinder  d20+7=21 3d4(1+4+4)=9 d20+18=37 d8+1=7 d8+1=8 d8+1=8 d8+1=7 d8+1=7 d8+1=9 d8+1=8 d8+1=6 d8+1=4
Friday January 18th, 2002 5:00:30 PM

[Note: Ignore first two rolls of 21 and 9 - cancelled actions they represented after discussion with Donna. Third roll - Autohypnosis, DC 37, for Bill to memorize faces of four bigots. I mean, HoL groupies.]

Hmmm. Bill was wondering if A'tath was the one coming. He does leap out of the way, giving a wide berth to one with such a weapon and determination.

What? Sturtavent got away? And Oratai, too? He likes what she tried to do last year to help Sunblaze. The little fellow now wishes he had been more persistent in following this A'tath fellow. Bother that guard. He wonders what might have happened, and resolves to ask around.

Ack! Ooo. Bill had hoped for a more peaceful resolution to matters. But with A'tath running off, the hobbit cancels his blinking. As the men who came with the Hands of Love cleric are making their observations, he himself is astonished to find that the two clerics were polymorphed dragons.

He takes care not to use the name of any of his friends while the apparent lay members of the HoL are around. "Dragons or humans or elves or whatnot, these so-called followers of Caeroldra sure are not representing the goddess I grew up hearing about."

Bill suggests to his friends that someone check to see if any items that were on the dragons remain for the gathering.


To the four men who accompanied the HoL cleric, Bill says, "I see you're not feeling too well. Nor are the rest of the people here. I can heal you up a bit, if you'd like. While I'm doing so, why don't you tell me your stories? Why are you hanging with the Hands of Love? It seems lately that the so-called followers of Caeroldra have been acting in manners contrary to what I was taught concerning the goddess as I was growing up. You - if you're with them - you are now a house divided against itself - and you will not stand. Now, I really don't know if Caeroldra herself is directing this internecine feud, or if you folks are just making it up as you go along. And here BOTH groups are being led by dragons. I don't really know what to make of that." He shakes his head.

Bill notes the bleeding from the ears of one of the HoL. If they allow him, with his wand of cure light wounds hidden under his forearm and under his palm, he says, "Let me heal that for you, if I can." He speaks a number of words in several languages, and mixed in among them is the command word for the wand of cure light wounds, followed by a little more gibberish. The first man is cured of 7 hp damage. He does likewise for the remaining two - 8 hit points each.

He asks for the name of the HoL leader - who was a black dragon. And of the SoP elf - who was a brass dragon.

"If Caeroldra's teachings are the same as when I was a child, then, especially in light of recent events, I'd invite you to return to the early teachings of your church. If her teachings have changed, and you are faithfully representing them - then something evil has happened, and - maybe you'll hate me for saying this, even though you call yourselves 'Love' - maybe you should look for a better faith. Because for the past six or eight months, neither the Hands of Violence nor the Servants of Promiscuity have shown me anything resembling true, solid, old-fashioned love." He holds up his hand to forestall the protests at his 'Hands of Violence' quip.

"My papa and mama taught me that love is patient, and it's kind. If you love someone you don't get all arrogant and rude. You don't brag around and get all boastful. You don't get wrongly jealous and suspicious. You love someone - you don't insist on your own way all the time. Forget about being irritable or resentful. You don't get happy when bad things, evil things go on - but you celebrate when things are right. You can put up with an awful lot for the sake of love. You trust, you hope, you keep on goin', no matter what gets in your way. Love doesn't quit, and it never ends.

"Now I agree with you that the Servants of Passion are outta line. I believe in marriage, too, and not in wild random rutting. But you're outta line, too, in your own way. Think about it. Don't just take every line your leaders feed you. Look where that just about got you tonight!"

He waits to hear any response they may have. Once they're done, he suggests they go their way.

Bill takes a few rounds to use his mainly concealed wand (speaking the words quietly) for K'isst (7), Renik (7), Roger (Rond) (9), Steps (Draax) (8), Arien (6), and Wolfer (Ferrak) (4) (Sorry, Ferrak - I guess the wand's running out of steam). [If there happen to be any others in the area similarly harmed by the sonic blasts, Bill will do likewise for them - you can do the 1d8+1 rolls, Donna.]

[Should a constable show up in the midst of this, Bill will explain briefly what happened, and invite him (or her) to remain and help oversee the situation. "The dragons started it, we tried to stop it, they kept it going, and A'tath stopped it."]

Bill smiles at his friends. "Always wanted to preach a sermon to that bunch." He rubs his hands together, then slows the rubbing as he looks at the hulking corpses. He thinks back momentarily to the day of the Renewal of the Sentinal back in Windhorn Hamlet, but then shakes his head to focus on the present.

"So, what should we do with the dragons?" he asks his friends. He once again shakes his head. "A'tath. Half dragon, killing his kin."

Once the situation is resolved, Bill speaks privately to Roger/Rond, and asks if he can relay the message to Chenna that 'Lake' needed to take care of something. Rond notes blood in one of Bill's ears.

He briefly introduces K'isst to Renik, and about the rest of the people he says, "I guess these folks all work here at the Inn. Thanks for your help," he says to them, not knowing what eyes and ears might be observing the proceedings. To K'isst, finally, he says, "So, how about that walk? We've got some things to catch up on, don'tcha think? Or do you want to go inside for a bit?"

He knows that, based on the actions of the B&B workers, that K'isst might put two and two together, and figure out that there is more than a casual relationship between him and them, but if she starts asking about that, he tells her he'd be happy to explain it all, "in a safer place."

Saturday January 19th, 2002 10:23:45 AM

Seeing A'tath arrive so suddenly and decisively, Renik is buffeted by waves of conflicting emotion. His first reaction is fury that this bigotted butcher has cut down yet more dragons in pursuit of his twisted quest. His second is astonishment as he suddenly registers that these Clerics were in fact Dragons. And finally he experienced gut wrenching terror as he realises he has spent the last couple of minutes beating a Dragon over the head with a sap!

By the time he regains sufficient control over his slack jaw to give A'tath a piece of his mind (probably as foolish a thing to do as bashing a Dragon on the head with a cosh) the half Dragon is long gone.

Half in a daze he moves as Bill indicates, then helps tie up the prone Hands of Love flunkies. He is lost in thought throughout Bill's stirring speech, responding almost mechanicaly to the halfling's requests.

When introduced to K'isst he manages to say "Yes, we met once before I believe, over in the Red Wyrm Inn", but all his thoughts of romancing are long since gone. At the earliest opportunity Renik slips off into the shadows, and makes his way alone back to the Beer and Bath. Once there he creeps back up the outside wall, and changes back into his guise as Gullion, hoping that Chenna will not have noticed his absence.

Epilogue (DM Donna) 
Sunday January 20th, 2002 7:29:10 AM

Although it is late in the evening, a crowd begins to gather at the battle site; people are pushing and shoving to gawk at the dragon corpses. The talk amongst them compares this event to what happened earlier in the day with the Lord High Mayor and the Matriarch of Alemi. The gossip flies and the paranoia about dragons trying to take over Plateau City kicks up a notch.

A pair of City Guards come along to disperse the crowd and question the appearance of the dragon bodies. The humans who'd been with the Hands of Love cleric babble a confession of sorts: they'd been drinking heavily and the HoL cleric had convinced them that they, as true humans and the rightful citizens of the City, should seek out an elf and teach him or her just who was the superior lifeform. They had NO idea whatsoever that the HoL cleric was a morphed Dragon at all.

The Guards arrange for the removal of the huge corpses, leaving the cleanup of the blood and other dragon fluids to the Beer & Bath employees.

Even as the crowd reluctantly disperses, a young bard, wearing the badge of an official town crier, halts by the gathering with some late-breaking news: it seems that Marteaus has offered Alemi a truce between the Wold gods and the Cult gods--and Alemi has accepted. More news forthcoming when it happens..!

Woofer/Ferrak (Stan) 
Sunday January 20th, 2002 1:31:38 PM

As A'tath gets closer, Woofer recognizes his scent just as A'tath pulls his sword, "Woof, (A'tath)." He barks a warning although if anyone hears him Bill would be the only one having a chance of understanding. He watches with the others as the heads are removed from the disguised dragons.

Woofer sniffs around the bodies of the dead dragons, doing a very good imitation of a guard dog. Growling at the corpses and then jumping away as if he expected to bodies to move.

After everything has settled down he will go about healing the group members as needed (giving 5 and 8 hps back to two of the members and giving one good berry each to the others. Rolled by Shawn on 16 Jan). Woofer heals and passes good berries under the guise of sniffing the palms of the group and barking a greeting.

Sunday January 20th, 2002 1:38:34 PM

When he is able to move, Steps takes a half step toward the remaining priest with his sword drawn halfway out of the sheath. He stops himself from doing something that may make him feel good at the moment, but he might regret later.

He turns his attention to the dead dragons. Having heard the conversation with the two clerics early, he is not surprised by their true appearance, but is surprised by the types of dragons. Still giving the other clerics a look that could kill, he begins to unceremoniously removing anything of interest from the bodies of the dragons daring the clerics to do something about it. The last thing he does is to remove from the bronze dragon the cloak that got them into the fray. He has any items collected removed and played in the back of the B&B before the guards arrive.

After the guards removes the bodies, Steps walks into the B&B and returns with a large buckle filled with soap and water. Still trying to contain his anger, he begins scrubbing the blood away. Since he cannot take his frustration out on the clerics, he is going to scrub the bloodstained ground like it was never scrubbed before.

Bill Troublefinder 
Sunday January 20th, 2002 6:41:39 PM

Bill asks Rond if he will contact Marcus, and set up a time -- right away, if possible -- for K'isst to meet Marcus.

Bill checks with the other party members (outside of K'isst's hearing), and if they offer no objections, he invites K'isst to visit the place they bought. If she is interested in staying, he'll make sure she has a room of her own. He takes it kind of easy, lets her know in general terms some of the things they've been up to during the time since leaving Windhorn Hamlet, but at the same time, until they have Marcus' blessing, does not reveal the connections to the underground activity. Though Bill did not take an oath, he still said he would not reveal the nature of the group if at all possible, and he wants to keep that affirmation, but as soon as possible, bring K'isst in fully to the party and the nature of their work.

Regarding the last conversation he and K'isst had in Windhorn Hamlet, Bill will tread around this one lightly, and not push K'isst on it. He also tries to find out how things have been going for her. And he asks her, if she is willing, to start teaching him the Troglodyte language (spent a skill point on it).

Sunday January 20th, 2002 10:52:34 PM

After thanking Bill and Ferrak both for the healing Arien wanders back into the B&B lost in his thoughts. Later when the group is gathered as usuall about the fire he voices his thoughts. "We need to find and talk to A'tath, we need to see what he knows about these dragons. If he knows why they are here or if he is simply pulled along in a bloodlust by his sword. Also this truce between Alemi and Marteaus and the Cult Gods worries me. I doubt that Marteaus has any plans to actually keep the truce."

Monday January 21st, 2002 5:46:52 AM

"Aye," mutters Renik at Arien's words. "A Truce between Alemi and the Dark Lord? It sits ill with me." He stares into the flames, brooding at the dark times they live in, and the challenges yet to come.

After a time he seems to snap out of his reverie. He turns to Rond and says, "My friend, am I right in thinking that on occasion in training you practice a two handed combat technique? A dagger or similar weapon in your off hand? If it is not too much trouble I'd be keen to join you when next you train, I have been thinking for some time of using a second blade as a defensive or disarming weapon, but it is hard to practice alone, and I admit what little work I have done has been clumsy and amateurish at best. Would you be willing to help teach me?"

Playing Hide 'n' Seek

Wold-Shaking News..! (DM Donna) 
Monday January 21st, 2002 7:59:51 AM

It's been at least two days since the double dragon death incident in front of the Beer & Bath. The town criers of Plateau City have been shouting until they're hoarse--the latest news of the Wold:

1) Sturtavent & Oratai have been unmasked as a Gold and Silver Dragon! Rumors abound about Dragons being sighted converging on the Emerald Kingdom.
2) The Meeting of the Gods has taken place--and it looks as though the issues between the Wold gods and the Cult gods have NOT been settled.
3) Upheaval in the Temples of Caeroldra and The One--when Alemi and Marteaus met in truce, the Goddess of Love publicly switched her allegiance from the Wold gods to the Cult gods! Marteaus looked ready to kill Alemi, but the timely intervention of The One prevented the death of the God of Justice. The One switched her support to the side of the Wold gods--and Alemi has declared her to be the new Goddess of Love!
4) Plateau City oracles and seers claim that the End of the Wold draws nigh.


The Hamleteers have all that news to digest...as well as some interesting discoveries to make about the ex-Wizard's Lair:

One of the two basement rooms is a nice Arcane research area--several arcane scrolls have been found amongst the reference tomes, and have been Identified by the party spellcasters: Summon Monster 1, Tenser's Floating Disk, Summon Monster 2, and Summon Monster 3.

In addition to this, there is an antique "portable scroll-writing desk" that anyone with the Appraise skill check of 10 or more can tell is worth at least 500gp! The "portability" of this item is dubious, though, as it weighs 25 pounds and is rather bulky for an adventurer trying to wear his or her needs in a backpack. It's obviously meant for a well-funded wizard who travels about in a caravan with servants to carry the thing for him.

Marcus--via the party's magic coin--promises to come visit as soon as he can.

Ferrak  d20+4=23 d20+5=14 d20+4=15 d20+5=6
Tuesday January 22nd, 2002 2:23:59 AM

Taking some time to work on his gardening skills, Ferrak puts a couple of good nights of work into his pet project at the new Hamleteer homesteads. Not able to contribute much to the monetary end of things he is determined to make up for it by making the places 'naturally' beautiful.

Using his knowledge of plants and growing things, he designs a different garden for each place both distinctly different.

Ferrak is very pleased with his first design. (Knowledge Nature-23)
He decides to begin work on it at the sight of the former Wizard's abode. The first night's activity yields adequate results, but he is sure that there is a long way to go. Pulling weeds and chopping up leaves and grass for mulch, while clearing out the area of cluttering useless object is about all that he achieves. (Wilderness Lore-14)

The industrious Druid/Warrior isn't quite as pleased with the what he is planning at the other place, and after a few hours of work discards the whole plan as not good enough and goes to bed just about as the sun is coming up. (Kn Na-15 Wild Lore-6)

Luckily for Ferrak, a sleeping dog isn't too out of character for his daytime disguise.

Roger/ Rond 
Tuesday January 22nd, 2002 2:44:12 AM

Roger is unsure what to think as he considers the events of the last few minutes. Having never encountered dragons before, he can only guess what this means within the confines of the city. Considering everything that the group has been doing these last few months, it seems that there is no end to the amount of new things that the group will be introduced to. Roger begins to wonder if he'll ever know enough about the world, in which he doesn't have to wonder about what's going on.

As Bill asks for Roger to report into Chenna bout Lake, Roger understands, and passes the info accordingly. When Roger gets the information that Marcus will be by, he awaits his visit anxiously, to learn word of the kingdom.

Marcus Makes an Appearance (DM Donna) 
Tuesday January 22nd, 2002 6:28:20 AM

Marcus visits the Hamleteers at one of their new digs and cuts right to the chase by first interviewing K'isst with hard and fast questions about her loyalty to upholding the stability and security of Plateau City. After he is satisfied with her responses--and convinced that she is a willing undercover operative like the rest of the party--he gives the half-trog a Hat of Disguise and her undercover identity: Saphron. He suggests that Chenna--owner of the Beer & Bath--would doubtless appreciate the addition of another bouncer to her ranks of employees... especially in view of the dead dragons event that happened the other night.

The spymaster then addresses all the Hamleteers: Sturtavent is deposed as the Mayor and has wisely withdrawn from the city for the moment--at least until cooler heads prevail. Marcus, himself, has apparently passed whatever criterion that the Council put forth, because they have now doubled the funding to his particular "department" and have demanded that he secure the city... against Dragon Infiltration, of all things. The security chief has come for an update on what the Hamleteers have been doing, and is here to listen to their version of what happened the other night.

After receiving the Hamleteers' report, Marcus also has the lowdown on what actually transpired during the Truce Talks between Alemi and Marteaus: apparently, Caeroldra turned traitor and had set up Alemi to be killed by the Dark Lord and herself--but The One showed up and prevented that. The true identity of The One turns out to be Flower the exotic dancer--a child of Caeroldra. Now she is the new Wold Goddess of Love, having proven her loyalty to the gods of the Wold and her worthiness to be an active deity.

"Such politicking amongst the gods themselves does not bode well for the Wold, my friends," Marcus says with a thoughtful frown, "However, our particular focus must remain on the safety of Plateau City itself. While I am not convinced that the entire dragon race is out to enslave the humans and humanoids of the Wold, I do NOT like the idea of anyone evil attempting to overthrow the government by duplicity, either. Sturtavent, for all that he kept his dragon identity a secret, never did ANYthing contrary to the effecient, safe, prosperous and secure administration of the City. I'm sure that Marteaus is behind generating the paranoia that is gripping not only the Council, but most of the City as well."

Tuesday January 22nd, 2002 6:46:01 AM

Renik nods, glad that their boss thinks as they do on this matter. He had felt a sudden lurch of fear when he heard that Marcus' political masters wanted the city secured against Dragon infiltration... it sounded as if they were being employed by the enemy, now that Sturtavent had been removed. However it seems their spymaster has his own agenda.

He grins at K'isst as she is formally introduced to the team, bows low and smiles what he hopes is a winning smile. "A pleasure to have you with us, my lady. I look forward to working with you." Is there a hint of lascivious mischief dancing behind his eyes? No, surely not...

He turns back to Marcus, and questions the spymaster further. "Do you have any specific tasks that currently need our attention? Or do you just want us to keep our ear to the ground for evidence of the Dark Lord's minions trying to stir up trouble? Oh, one other thing" and here he smiles innocently, though this time his eyes definitely betray a cheeky glint, "you mention your budget has doubled. Does that mean you are doubling our funds? As you are aware, the more we can invest in magic items and bribes, the more effective we will be in the service of the city."

Tuesday January 22nd, 2002 4:00:03 PM

With the arrival of Marcus, Roger is glad to see that there is some sense to this chaos that is going on around the town.

Rond drops his disguise in happiness, when Marcus approves K'isst for inclusion in the group. Glad to see someone from the past Rond murmurs, "I hope things are well at the home front. Though I am saddened for what these past couple of days events could mean for you and your people. I hope they are safe."

Rond also takes this time to remind people that the group has some items that could be sold, if necessary, in order to help fund the current operations. Smiling at Renik's comments about funds Rond continues on in the same vein, "I do have an account with the temple of Karthis, should that help with moving funds around in anyway. I'm unsure what you have to deal with at this moment, so I don't know if that can be of benefit to you, or to us, the Hamleteers, at this point."

ooc: I might not have been paying attention over the last couple of weeks. I'm not sure how much Marcus has been told about the properties we've picked up. If we intended to keep them secret from Marcus, then the below does not happen.

[Marcus actually helped the party in acquiring the buildings. Yes, he knows. -Kim]

While the spymaster is here, Rond poses another question to the group, and for Marcus' input. "Since the current climate questionable at best. With the locations we have, would it be wise to set up some kind of establishment that would benefit the area, where the exchange of notes would not be obtrusive. I'm not sure if we couldn't offer some kind of low grade magic shop. Or some other kind of shop, in which you could contact us as a merchant. Or one of your other contacts could do business with us, so as to make things look normal."

Bill T (Kim's back) 
Tuesday January 22nd, 2002 7:23:43 PM

[I'll post soon, after I've had a chance to catch up, so, Jerry, you don't need to do so for Bill. Thanks!]

Tuesday January 22nd, 2002 9:45:25 PM

Listening as Marcus describes the bickering and politicking of the gods, Draax's awe and opinion of the gods drops tremendously. He thinks to himself, 'Their desires, aspirations, and greed are no different from that of any mortal of the wold. The only difference between us and them is the power that they command.' Coming to this conclusion, Draax realizes that another childhood belief has just flown out the window. He briefly reflects on the way he saw the wold when he first started adventuring and the way he sees the wold now. He cracks a small smile as he thinks about how innocent and narrow-minded he was in his early beliefs. He is not sure if he is happier now that he knows the truth or if he would have been happier remaining ignorant.

He turns his attention back to Marcus as Renik ask about the raising of their allowance. "Speaking of more money, I have never heard of a dragon that did not have a hoard. Two dragons were just slain, do we have any idea about where they kept the hoard? If we do have an idea, the hoard of one dragon could finance this operation for at least a year. Imagine if we could get our hands on both."

He waits to hear what Marcus has to say about Renik's and his comments.

Wednesday January 23rd, 2002 5:05:21 AM

Glad to have the collar off during the daylight hours, Ferrak has trouble paying attention to Marcus.

He intends well, but a daydreamer at heart the machinations of gods and men concern Ferrak very little. Applying the simple politics of nature, eat or be eaten, usually gets him through. Thinking of the former, Ferrak's stomach grumbles audibly.

Looking up with innocent attentiveness, the feral gnome finally snaps out of his reverie when K'isst is introduced.

"Nice to grreet you," Ferrak says smiling. "I was a doggy before, I am, and will be a wolf now, & then." Confusing his tongue, the feral gnome stops, & starts again.

"Ferrak..." he says simply then gives a "Woof!" to punctuate it.

Q & A (DM Donna) 
Wednesday January 23rd, 2002 6:55:17 AM

The Plateau City Security Chief ponders the questions put before him by the Hamleteers.

"Hmmm... a cover shop... that would be interesting..." Marcus nods slowly, "...I'll see what I can do--let me know which building you'd prefer the shop to be located within, and I'll see what can be arranged." He nods once more, obviously thinking of certain people and/or circumstances that may benefit both the Hamleteers and his overall operative network at the same time. Then the man fixes an eye on Draax.

"Ah, yes--those dragons in disguise..." he acknowledges, "...apparently both of them were young dragons--not much treasure to speak of, because both of them chose to morph into humanoids and dedicate themselves to the goddess of love. Apparently they converted from their original alignments or some such--though the more paranoid of their fellow clerics seem to insist that the two of them were probably attempting to take over their respective cults for themselves. However, the more observant (and less hysterical) of their colleagues say that each of them appeared to simply immerse themselves in the dogma of the temple--most likely they simply preferred to dedicate their existences to how they each believed the goddess of love wished." Marcus grimaces.

"Ironic how one of them actually brainwashed himself to the point of supporting human 'purity', eh?" The spymaster snorts. "Anyway, all treasure either of them had was willed to the temple--no way for us to route it to you. And, as practicing clerics, neither of them had the time or opportunity to maintain the traditional dragon treasure trove."

Then Marcus has the following instructions for the Hamleteers: do NOT let the fear of a "Dragon Conspiracy" rip apart the lawfulness of the citizens of Plateau City. A'tath--in his chosen way to "expose" Sturtavent and Oratai--did more harm than good (since paranoia has clouded peoples' memories that Metallic Dragons are good-aligned, and that both Sturtavent and Oratai are responsible for a LOT of good works for the City), and the incident outside the B&B didn't help things any.

Marcus also tells the Hamleteers that there's a certain noble of the city--one Baron Balentyne--who is spending a LOT of money (and time) with the clerics of the Dark Lord. Balentyne has been maneuvering for quite some time to try to replace one of the Council Members, and Marcus suspects that the Baron is trying to strike a deal with the Temple of Marteaus. The Hamleteers are considered to be "on stand-by status" in case he needs them to more closely investigate the Baron.

Renik  d20+4=22
Wednesday January 23rd, 2002 8:27:21 AM

"Balentyne, you say?" Renik suppresses an expression, it's hard to tell if it's a grimace or a smirk. Perhaps both?

"I've... come across the fellow. Nasty piece of work, from what I could tell. Of course, he hasn't come across me... A source of mine indicated to me a while back that he has strong financial links with those lackeys of the Dark Lord. It'd be a pleasure to be the fly in his ointment again..." He looks like perhaps he's said a bit too much, and rapidly changes tack.

"So, about those extra funds you mentioned, Marcus..."

Once their mentor has gone he sets about getting in touch with his contacts, in particular the delectable Lady Florra, letting it be known that any additional information of interest about the Baron and his activities will be gratefuly received (Gather Info 22). No harm in being a little pro-active, Renik thinks to himself.

Wednesday January 23rd, 2002 9:32:21 AM

When Marcus finishes his summary of the dead dragons' financial status, Draax smiles as he says, "Oh well, wishful thinking on my part. I had already guessed the part about them being young dragons, those two did not come close to the size of the big black we saw in Windhorn Hamlet when we were trying to recover the Sentinel Head."

Draax ponders what Marcus has told them about uneasiness of the city's citizens due to the disguised dragons and about this Balentyne guy, whose association with the Dark Lord's clerics could possibly pose new threat to city.

Since they are in standby mode, Draax figures that he can think about the city's problems while he does a little more exploring of their new place. He hopes that searching an ex-wizard's home will not get him blown to pieces.

Wednesday January 23rd, 2002 4:46:29 PM

Arien stays silent for most of the meeting, digesting the news and offers a greeting to the returning K'isst. However for most of the meeting Arien seems mostly lost in his own thoughts, except when the mention of money is made he certainly pays attention. Afterwards he joins Draax in searching the former wizard's home, determined to find that lab.

Bill Troublefinder 
Wednesday January 23rd, 2002 6:53:31 PM

"Maybe the dragon cleric simply wanted to throw suspicion off of himself by casting it on another." Bill changes his facial expression, and says in a rather dull voice, "'A dragon? Him? No way - he wants racial purity!'" He drops the dull voice, and adds, "Do you suppose?" he asks Marcus.

As the discuss continues, he suggests, "Maybe, if we find out somebody is a dragon, and we're convinced they're not evil or somethin', we can help them get out of the city."

Bill gets to thinking. "Say, I wonder if we could tunnel over by the river - it's just across the street - and make a little escape chamber, so someone could be smuggled under the house, to the river, and take a boat down the river, then over the falls - but we've gotta figure out how to keep 'em from dying from the fall. It's an awful long ways down. 'Course, if it's a dragon, they can maybe change to their dragon form just as they go over the falls, and fly away!"

Bill listens to Marcus and Renik concerning Balentyne. Later, when he has a chance to talk to Renik alone, he asks him to fill him in a little bit more on what he knows of the Baron.
Bill helps look for the wizard's lab. (BTW, what was the name of the now-deceased wizard?) He uses clairvoyance to look behind walls and under floors, even up in ceiling, for likely places for hidden rooms or chambers.

Ferrak calling Pavlov, come in Pavlov. 
Thursday January 24th, 2002 12:49:51 AM

A nice big juicy bone floats in a bubble above Ferrak`s head.

The famished feral gnome has started to salivate noticeably, and the sounds that his stomach is making, are starting to make the table vibrate.


Everywhere a Dragon, Dragon..! (DM Donna)  d20+4=16
Thursday January 24th, 2002 7:22:44 AM

Marcus thinks over Bill's query about the HoL dragon's true motivation.

"We can't rule that out..." the aide admits, "...because he's dead now and can't confirm whether he was simply caught up in the Hands of Love doctrine or just trying to 'cover his tail,' as it were. Either way, it's no longer a concern to us, mostly because--since the meeting of the Gods--Caeroldra's sect is experiencing in-fighting as well as struggles with the followers of The One, who is the new Goddess of Love. We just have to make sure that the more foolish amongst the sects don't make the streets into their own personal combat arenas!" Marcus snorts, then rises to his feet.

"I have to go." he says. "I think I can dig up some more funds for your group--at least to set up a cover business... maybe even to construct that escape tunnel, too. I'll be in touch with you about it as soon as I know. Take care." With this, the spymaster takes his leave.

The next time the party goes to work at the Beer & Bath, speculations amongst the clientele about how A'tath may have been TOO right about a Dragon Conspiracy abound...

"You never can tell when one of them suckers is around--the danged things can change shape!" a man on his third stout ale within the space of a half-hour says with a belch.

"Two o' the disguised beasties were killed by the prophet right outside th' door!" points out a florid woman, waving one hand towards the entrance to the B&B for emphasis.

"They can be anywhere!" "Hells, they can be anyone!" "They're tryin' to take over, just like A'tath warned!!!" "Naw, not anyone--no race in its right mind would wanna claim 'Stinkfoot Sam' as a member..."

This last comment is actually a friendly jab at one of the regulars of the B&B, but the rest of the crowd's debate continues to take a more paranoid turn, until a single, compelling voice cuts across the conversation:

"Frrrrriends! You need not fear dragons amongst you!" says a portly human man, dressed in the sensible clothes of a professional traveler. "All you need to ward off the unwanted presence of a drake is the miracle herb called dragonbane!" The man produces a large rectangular case with a handle, which he opens upon a table and from which he produces a bunch of slender, leafy sprigs of green tied together with a piece of ribbon.

"With Marven's Miraculous Dragonbane, you, too, can be safeguarded from the evil intentions of those of the wyrm persuasion! Guaranteed to prevent the evil eye of dragonkind from falling upon you and yours--and all for the low, low price of only 5 silver pieces per bundle!"

(OOC: All PC's get to make a Wilderness Lore check versus DC11 to instantly tell that this salesman is holding up a bunch of common ivy tied up with a bow. Anyone failing the check must make a Sense Motive check versus DC11 to realize that the salesman is nothing but a sleazy hustler. Anyone failing THAT check must make a Willpower save versus the con man's Diplomacy roll of 16, or be convinced by his rhetoric that buying the "dragonbane" at a mere 5sp is not only a bargain, but also a neccessity!)

"Come, come, friends--" the hustler exhorts the captivated crowd, "--is five measly silvers too much to insure your safety from the sly mechanations of dastardly dragons..?"

The man is practically crushed by the sudden surge of people wanting to buy his "dragonbane."

"Thank you--thank you--thank YOU!" the salesman says as he rakes in the money. Then he taps the shoulder of one particularly silent half-elf sitting next to him. "What about you, sir? Don't you wish to protect yourself against the hidden menace that is... ah... menacing Plateau City?"

"No--now leave me alone!" snaps the patron. "You're waving around a bunch of ivy, and I don't want to waste my money on your scam." Some of the customers glare suspiciously at their newly-acquired "protection" and then at the peddlar, who looks nervous--but then a sly smile crosses his face.

"Oh, ho--what have we here?" the huckster asks loudly. "What do YOU have against an honest seller of dragonbane... unless YOU happen to be--a dragon in disguise!!!" As the rotund man practically screams this last part, he suddenly shoves a bunch of the "dragonbane" into the half-elf's face, who jumps up out of his chair at the unexpectedness of the motion and sneezes.

"Look at that!" "He's a dragon!" "No, he CAN'T be..!" "Why'd he jump back? He's a dragon!" "Get the dragon!" "Teach 'em they can't take over OUR city!!!"

There is DEFINITELY a fight brewing here!

Gullion (Renik)  d20+1=11
Thursday January 24th, 2002 8:25:30 AM

Disguised as Gullion, Renik peers at the sprig the salesman is holding. Dragonsbane? He's never heard of a plant called Dragonsbane before... His eyes narrow, as he realises the little man holds nothing more than common ivy. A charlatan!

He turns back to his work, reflecting that it is not his problem if fools wish to be parted from their money. It doesn't occur to him that if his father had not spent years inculcating him with woodland lore, perhaps he too would be amongst those now clammering for a sprig of this 'miracle herb'.

However he looks up once more as things take a turn for the worse. The crowd look ugly, and that poor guy is going to be on the recieving end if someone doesn't act fast...

He moves swiftly towards the crowd and pipes up;

"Excuse me ladies an' gents, I believe I can help here. I 'ave some experience in these matters, bein' of a wossname, botanical pursuasion, like. Now first off, what you 'ave 'ere" (pointing at at the outstretched sprig) is Hedera Helix, also known as Common Ivy, a plant well known for its emetic an' laxative properties, though not particularly famed fer its Dragon detecting powers, on account of its not 'avin' any. Does make folk sneeze, though, if you stuff it in their face."

"Now secondarily, what you 'ave 'ere" (and he now points at the half elf) "is yer basic elf of the 'alf yuman variety, currently knocked out of 'is chair on account of 'avin' a fistful of weeds shoved in 'is face. 'Ow can I tell 'e's not a Dragon I hear you ask? Well that'd be on account of 'im not burnin' the building down ta the ground an' rippin' all yer damn silly 'eads off wiv ruddy great big claws. Coz that's what 'appens when you shove a load of ivy in a real Dragon's face."

"Now tertiarily, so ta speak, this 'ere" (and now he gesticulates at the salesman) "This 'ere is what is known in the trade as wossname, Con Man, Flim Flam Artist, Scam Merchant, Spiv, Blarney Weaver, Charletan, Mountebank, Twister, Crook, Trickster, low down no good dirty rotten Scoundrel! And 'ow can I tell that, I 'ear you cry! Well, that'd be on account of 'im gettin' each o' you muttonheads ta part wiv 5 silver pieces for a weed you could pick by the side of any country lane fer nuffin! Not that you'd want to, cuz it's ruddy useless! (though I do hear it's quite good fer corns an' warts)"

He moves to the half elf, and under the guise of ensuring he is OK, attempts to shield him from the crowd.

"One last thing, folks; this 'ere is Chenna's place, an' she don't take kindly ta troublemakers. You want ta get rowdy, you can take it outside. In 'ere we 'ave Beer, and we 'ave Baths. Remember that."

Lake (Bill Troublefinder)  d20+3=10 d20+3=21
Thursday January 24th, 2002 1:12:52 PM

As Lake glances at one of the sprigs purchased by a patron, he thinks it looks vaguely familiar - but isn't 100% sure (Wilderness Lore DC 10 - missed by 1). However, the salesman's patter and approach he has seen and heard before (Sense motive DC 21). Mildly amusing, were it not likely to further the hysteria gripping the city. But he buys a sprig, just to have one, and so he can have his garrulous friend, the herbalist from the Druids Quarter, give final verification to Gullion's evaluation - or the huckster's representations.

Lake jumps up on a table. "I have a book on herbs by one of the druids of our fair city. You all settle down here, and I'll look it up, and we'll see what it is, for sure. It has drawings of each plant. But, based on what good Gullion here says, we've been snookered by the 'dragonsbane' salesman, here. Unless you have corns." He turns to the salesman, but speaking loudly enough for all to hear. "I daresay you would be willing to refund five silver pieces to anyone returning the ivy you are selling." And back to the crowd, he suggests, "Just line up along the bar, ladies and gents - Jasper," he says to one of the B&B regulars, "You're at the head of the line. All right, line up behind Jasper if you want a refund!" He nods to Rond, and says, "Roger, you want to make sure this upstanding salesman gentleman - Marven, is it? - does not leave until any requested refunds are issued?"

K'isst  d20+7=22 d20=13
Thursday January 24th, 2002 8:20:42 PM

Unconsciously smiling at Renik, K'isst ducks down behind the bar and puts on her Hat of Disguise.

A few seconds later, a figure emerges from around the corner (Bluff skill roll of 22 for the misdirection) -- a very tall barbarian woman. She makes her Wilderness Lore check (d20=13).

She forcefully grabs at the chubby man by the scruff of his tunic. "Chubby man must go!" She attempts to carry him outside and tries to literally bounce him on his backside.

She then grins broadly looking at each member of the party and says: "I am Tssiki! I will be your new bouncer, Yes?" She licks her dry tongue after saying so many words and finds that it seems easier to speak while wearing the disguise.

She lets loose with a great smile which on this new form comes off as slightly menacing rather than beaming with charisma. She doesn't notice.

Steps (Draax)  d20=14
Thursday January 24th, 2002 10:40:08 PM

Steps watches the salesman sell his fake dragonbane (check 14) to the B&B customers. He gives a small smile as the man collected the money from his victims. He decides to not interfere as long as the man does not cause any trouble inside the establishment. Steps thinks that knowing the little weasel's secret may be a good blackmailing tool if needed in the future.

As the half-elf is accused of being a dragon, Steps reaches behind the bar and retrieves a large club. He lets Gullion and Lake handle the situation while he intercepts any patrons trying to get to the half-elf, saying to anyone he encounters, "There is no fighting in the B&B, take your arguments outside and away from here." Anyone not taking the hint will have to go through Steps to get to the half-elf and Steps will use the club trying to subdue unless swords are drawn.

He smiles at Tssiki as she attempts to escort the scoundrel to the door. "Well met, my name is Steps and I am also a bouncer of B&B."

Arien/Tamosvar  d20-1=13
Friday January 25th, 2002 1:44:30 AM

Despite having no real knowledge of plants Arien is an elf and easily recognizes the plant to be mere ivy. As the mood in the place starts to turn ugly Arien reaches underneath the bar and grabs the sap he keeps there. Arien watches as the new bouncer literally tosses out the hustler and tries to distract the crowd by announcing that the next round of drinks in on the house in celebration of the new goddess of love. Once the people start coming for the drinks he overtly motions to the half-elf to get into the kitchen and out of sight of the rest of the people.

Roger/Rond  d20+2=21 d20+2=13
Friday January 25th, 2002 4:58:20 AM

With Marcus: "Maybe this shop could be something that fits well with the current climate. Something that is against Dragons, or supports the current council, somehow. Then in secret, we could be working to get any known dragons out. Or be some kind of communications forum to help you with them, or something."

In the B&B: Watching the events unfold, Roger knows that the herb is not dragonsbane (WL=21). Watching his comrades taking care of the action, Roger continues to take care of customers as best he can. With the obvious ruckus going on, Roger keeps his eyes peeled for any larcenous behavior, or any odd fellows. (spot=13)

Ferrak  d20+5=22
Friday January 25th, 2002 5:15:13 AM

Interrupted on his way to the kitchen Ferrak notices the scam artist and his scam in action.

"Woof," he says in agreement with Renik's assessment of the plant in question. "Woof, woof, woof," as he goes into even greater detail about the various properties of Ivy-cum-snake oil. Bill being the only one able to understand the wild Druid, gets a little more information than he probably wanted.

Seeing that the situation is turning ugly, the feral gnome moves to protect the half-elf from any further harm.

Pausing for just a moment in the crush of feet, to pick a scrap of meat off of the floor, the feral gnome barks loudly and moves in front of any who try to approach the poor man.

(I wonder where Darkfang is?) Ferrak thinks to himself as he swallows the nice bit of beef.

Dragonflight* (DM Donna)  *apologies to Anne McCaffrey, because the "flight" really has NOTHING to do with dragons! ;D
d20=6 d20=6 d20=17
Friday January 25th, 2002 6:43:13 AM

The crowd inside the Beer & Bath gets more and more riled as first Gullion and then Lake try to talk common sense to them--finally it takes the forceful actions of the suddenly-there barbarian woman called Tssiki to sharply bring home the point that they've all been suckered by a rip-off artist... but not before Tssiki has literally ejected the "dragonbane salesman" out the door!

"Hey! I want my money back!" "Me, too!" "After that man!" "Get off my foot!" "What happened to my meat..?" "Follow me, I'm going after my money!"

Almost one-third of the existing crowd stampedes out the door, hot on the heels of the evicted huckster. Most of the other customers turn back to their beers and/or their baths, a goodly number of them snickering about their gullible fellows.

"My thanks, friends," the half-elf says quietly to Gullion and Lake, but includes Tssiki and Steps in his gratitude, "I am D'Nar Rozen, and if there is anything I can possibly do for you in the future, I will."

D'Nar favors his human heritage more than his elven; he's about five-foot-nine and his ears only just barely have a point to them. His rust-colored hair is clipped mostly short with a great shock of longer hair at the very top of his head (OOC: if you've ever seen a picture of Lyle Lovett, you'll know what I mean. [Go to http://www.mcarecords.com/artistMain.asp?artistid=46 if you wish to see Lyle Lovett's picture -Kim] ) His gray eyes, however, are quite elven in their almond shape and fathomless depths. D'Nar appears dressed in forest colors (shades of brown, green and gray) and has a simple long sword in a sheath on his left hip.

"I've been hearing about a so-called 'dragon conspiracy' since I entered the City this morning," D'Nar adds, "But I didn't realize that people were starting to get that paranoid about it."

Woofer finds that Darkfang has also snagged himself a piece of meat and is snacking on it under one of the tables.

It's too bad these bipeds don't have better noses... the disguised wolf tells his big brother, ... even a cub could have scented that green stuff as ivy and not dragonbane...

Chenna welcomes Tssiki to her roll of employees. "I can definitely use a bouncer with a head on her shoulders!" the owner of the B&B says warmly.

Tssiki (K'isst)  d20+5=16 d20+5=23
Friday January 25th, 2002 11:03:25 AM

Tssiki rolls her eyes at the panicking crowd clamoring for their money back. "No problem folks. I'll get your money for ya."

She lifts the guy awkwardly (Strength check of 16) and begins to shake him until the money comes out of his pores (Strength check of 23). Money goes scattering everywhere!

Tssiki smiles the smile of a job well done.

Ferrak a.k.a. "Woofer the wonder dog" 
Saturday January 26th, 2002 12:03:04 AM

When D'Nar thanks the others, Woofer lets out a yelp. "Woof!" (I was there to help too!)

"Woof, woof." (Stupid biped doesn't even know I'm talking to him.)

Circling the half-elf's chair a few times the feral gnome sits down near the man's feet to try and get his attention. Lifting his paw up for a handshake Ferrak whines expectantly.

"Aaarraarruff," while looking up with cute puppy dog/gnomish eyes. (Hey Darkfang, I don't think he's gonna finish that steak he's got on his plate. I bet I can get it for us.)

Saturday January 26th, 2002 1:48:54 AM

With the crowd dispersed and things returning to normal Arien returns the sap to the shelf below the counter and goes back to serving drinks. "What'll ya have neighbor?" He asks D'Nar.

Saturday January 26th, 2002 5:23:50 AM

"Always willin' to help a fella in need" grins Gullion, bowing. "Though I'll be sure an' take you up on yer fine offer if anything comes ta mind!" He slaps D'Nar on the back and heads back to his duties; 'Wrinkles' Von Egmond's bath is getting lukewarm, and that will never do.

Steps (Draax) 
Sunday January 27th, 2002 5:56:36 PM

Seeing that there will not be a fight in the B&B, Steps returns the club to its place behind the bar. He nods to D'Nar, acknowledging the half-elf's words of thanks. He goes back to his duties, but stifles a laughs as he watches the disguised ferrak go through his antics with their new friend.

Lake (Bill Troublefinder)  d20+18=33
Sunday January 27th, 2002 10:46:19 PM

"D'nar Rozen? Pleased to meet cha. Just call me Lake. Betcha you're a ranger, or somethin' like that, right?" he asks. As he speaks with him, he takes the opportunity to memorize his features (Autohypnosis 33). He turns to Arien and says, "Here, Tamosvar, I got this one for Mr. Rozen. Just put it on my account, and I'll settle up after my shift." Then returning his attention to the half elf, he explains, "Ya might notice we like ta confuse troublemakers with a combination of subtlety and direct action. The best o' both wolds! You spend much time in town here, sir? Quite interestin' happenin's lately, quite fascinatin'."

Later that night, he sketches in his journal the face of D'nar Rozen, and of Marven, the purveyor of the 'Miraculous Dragonbane,' along with a few notes on the evening's highlights.

In the private script he has worked out for his journal, Bill spends some time talking about K'isst, and his mixed feelings about her return. He is on the one hand overjoyed to have her back. But he also wonders if the unpredictable elfin troglodyte might, oh, just do something ... unpredictable? He loves her as a friend - oh, that sounds so trite. And she is, factually, very beautiful. And he certainly trusts her in a fight - she has uncanny good tactical sense, and a great sense of honor. But he goes on to talk in the journal about how he has dreamed of one day finding another halfling. Oh, she doesn't have to be from Windhorn Hamlet, to be sure. Bill thinks back to that beautiful adventurer he saw once or twice at the Red Wyrm Inn. Dahlia? He quickly kills that notion, since he hardly knows her, and why would she be interested in him, anyhow? But he does think about the fun times he had growing up, with his brothers and sisters and cousins and friends and aunts and uncles and granpop and granmom, and working with his papa, and doing the chores his mama assigned him. Then sneaking out with some of his friends to go blackberry picking, or chasing the chickens, or climbing the trees, and diving into the Boys' Pond. And he thinks to himself that he would like children of his own. To have a wife he could love, and cherish, and argue with, and surprise sometimes with flowers or such. Kiss and make up, like his papa was so good at doing with his mama, who would grouse sometimes about this or that, but who quickly forgave him. And how she wouldn't let any of her children say ANYTHING against their papa, even if she'd just muttered somethin' like it. Say something to papa about the chores mama gave you, and you'll wish for a WEEK that you'd just kept your trap shut!

After indulging in that line of thought for a bit, he turns to his other journal, where he works on developing charts and notes, looking for patterns in events - political, social, theological, cultural. Where are things headed here? Sturdavent and Oratai almost killed by - and A'tath killed two dragons right in front of him! 'Who are you?' indeed! What about the Council? Bill notes he needs to quiz Renik more about what he knows about Balentyne. He muses on Domi's death. He jots a side note to pick up another hand puppet for Shianna, daughter of Frellin and Kianimar. After that, he reflects on the latest news: Caeroldra's treachery in turning to - ugh! Marteaus, and - who is this Flower, now The One? Glad someone stuck up for Alemi. That gets him thinking about Damocles, and his and Marcus' wife's sacrifice of themselves to try to destroy the little soul sucking scroll-making artifact the Sons of Dread used. He makes a note to make some inquiries into the final disposition of the Soul Forge that he and his friends ostensibly destroyed after Marteaus used it to defeat Domi.

Yawn... Bill stretches sleepily, and prays for insight to help the people of the Wold, and his friends, and.... His last thoughts as he drifts off into slumber are, 'Who is the best one to pray to these days?'

Monday January 28th, 2002 5:44:29 AM

When questioned by Bill, Renik acts slightly cagey, but eventually answers the halfling's question. "Balentyne? Well a while back, maybe a month or so, I was looking for a way to make some quick coin, and a contact of mine brought to my attention the activities of this Baron Balentyne. Seems he'd got into bed with our old pals the SoB's, sorry, SoD's, and was not short of a Gold piece or two. Seemed perfect; two birds with one stone. "

"Anyhow, I staked out his home for several days, got to know the layout and defences, then climbed up his wall, into his bedroom window, and helped myself to the contents of his night safe. It's just a shame I didn't know Marcus was interested in him, or I'd have looked more closely into his business affairs while I was there."

"Now I was pretty careful, and I'm sure no-one spotted me. So like I say, I know him, he doesn't know me. But I'm sure he'd like to!"

Getting to Know You (DM Donna) 
Monday January 28th, 2002 6:12:45 AM

D'Nar looks quite intently at Woofer--so intently that Ferrak gets the most uncomfortable feeling that maybe the half-elf knows about the disguise...but then D'Nar shakes the paw offered and then takes his plate with the half-eaten steak on it and places it on the floor by the dog.

"A reward, then, for your part in my...rescue." D'Nar says with a smile, then turns his attention to Tamosvar. "I just finished the dinner, thank you, so I'd like to go on to having that bath...and then maybe a beer. But all in good time." Now the half-elf's gray regard focuses on Lake and his question.

"Why, yes, I am a ranger, now that you mention it--fresh from escorting a caravan from the Emerald Kingdom to Plateau City." he says. "I'm told we may not be continuing on to the Big Float--not right away, anyhow--since Floating City is declaring its independence from your metropolis here..."

The half-elf's words cause a buzz of fresh discussion amongst the patrons of the place. The rumors had been flying about how the government leaders of the Big Float had been growing increasingly unhappy since Domi's death (some say since BEFORE that), but for a caravan to pause in its profitable journey in such a way seems to confirm that the rumors are true.

"I'm ready for that bath now." D'Nar says, standing up. "Nothing fancy, but I've the coin to spring for a private tub."

Steps (Draax) 
Monday January 28th, 2002 11:11:56 PM

Steps half listens to D'Nar as he goes about his duties in the B&B. He notices how the customers begins to discuss this new information. He thinks to himself, "With everything going on, now we have something else to worry about." He continues to go about keeping the peace in the B&B, knowing that sooner or lately this new business will somehow affect the group.

Lake (Bill Troublefinder) 
Monday January 28th, 2002 11:26:40 PM

Bill takes in D'Nar's words, filing them under 'Changing Political Winds.'

Lake then says, "Very well. Let me take you to one of our best private baths, then, Mr. Ranger Rozen. Free upgrade, know what I mean?" He provides the extra plush bathrobe, large towel, and small towel for the ranger. As he draws the bath, he remarks, "I've never been to the Emerald Kingdom. What's it like there, if you don't mind me askin'? All I know is there's a Parnoth fella, a kinda tough green, who lords it over. 'Course, I'll leave you be if you don't want to talk about things." Lake takes the opportunity to show D'Nar about the bath. "Now, this little wheel here turns on fast little streams of water that'll kinda soften up your muscles. Turn it all the way this direction, and it's real fast, or turn it down, or off, the other way. You can move the nozzles under the water - they're just a little tucked in to the side - and change the direction pretty well with your fingers. Some folks like to get them all pointed, say, to the right, and it's like you're in a whirlpool! Oh - soap's over in that bowl embedded in the wall there. Stick the pink one in, splash around a bit, and you'll get bubbles! Er, not that you'd want that, sir. Long handled brush right next to it, good for the back, y'know. Then this other wheel here will raise the temperature of the jets, or make it cooler. If you want to pretend you're in the rain, just pull this wall lever. The farther down, the faster the water comes from the ceiling. To the left, it's cold, and to the right, it's hot. Wiggle it to whatever feels comfortable." Lake waits to see if D'nar has anything to say about the Emerald Kingdom, or wishes to request any other items. "Oh, anythin' you'd like washed while you're enjoyin' the bath? I mean, clothes, or what not?"

In his earlier (later?) conversation with Renik about Ballantyne, he listens carefully. "First of all, you can count on my discretion. And second, congratulations, buddy. A blow, even oblique, against the Sons of Dread, is well struck in my view. Look, Renik, I think you're a bit better than me in some aspects of sneakin' about, but if you ever want to include me in one of your capers--well, I might not turn you down."

Tuesday January 29th, 2002 4:13:20 AM

Frozen by D'Nar's intent gaze the feral gnome swallows slowly.

A Ranger.

Not wanting to move lest he reveal more of his true form, Ferrak is relieved when the half-elf passes him the juicy steak.

"Woof!" Ferrak exclaims in thanks as he wolfs down half of the meat. Leaving the rest for Darkfang the wild druid warrior goes to sit at the door to watch the interesting people as they pass by.

Renik/ Gullion 
Tuesday January 29th, 2002 5:10:37 AM

Gullion watches as Bill leads the ranger off for a bath, and grins to himself. The half elf is certainly likely to be in for some conversation!

Later, discussing matters extracurricular, Renik nods at Bill's words, clearly weighing up the possibilities. "Well, I have always worked alone in the past, only myself to worry about so to speak. And of course, it's only a one way split! Having said that, it may be advantageous to work together. That Blink ring of yours in particular could prove useful, and allow us to target more valuable hordes. We must discuss this further. Do you have any contacts or sources that might assist us in finding suitable targets to strike?"

(OOC: Kim, perhaps it would be best to continue this by email or AIM?)

Singin' in the Rain (DM Donna)  d20+2=21
Tuesday January 29th, 2002 5:57:04 AM

D'Nar is escorted to his private bath.

"Oh--you've laundering service, too?" he asks Lake, pleasantly surprised. "Then, yes, please have my trail garb laundered for me! I don't mind smelling...ahhh...natural while out on the trail or in the forest, but in the City I'd rather not be so--ummm...natural." The half-elf strips down and gets into the tub.

"Parnoth the Green has been flexing his muscle of late," D'Nar goes on distastefully, "I was there while he was enacting his edict about the legal enslavement of elves within the boundaries of Emerald City. Many of the greedier merchants took FULL advantage of that, I can tell you...and even those who were not full-blooded elves had to wear badges." The ranger grimaces distastefully. "I'm glad that my particular caravan left Emerald City only one day after the proclamation was made--I don't think I could have stood that for too long."

As Lake gathers the laundry from D'Nar, the half-elf hops into the tub and immediately pulls the lever for a rainshower cleansing. He even begins to sing while scrubbing himself! (OOC: Performance check of 21--not bad for a non-bard! ;D)

The customers in the public room are all a-buzz with the latest tidbits about Caeroldra's betrayal and the fact that The One is now the official goddess of love. Some of them are even telling tales about how a nearby chaplet dedicated to Caeroldra was stormed by a group of The One's clerics, and the followers of the lustful betrayer were cast from the place!

Tuesday January 29th, 2002 11:16:53 AM

Bah, thinks Renik, politics; nothing quite like it for turning ordinarily sensible people into a crowd of headless chickens.

Wrinkles, wrapped in a large towel, heads off for a massage, while Gullion drains his bath and readies it for the next customer.

Later that evening after work Renik heads off alone into the dark city streets. He is attempting to follow Ferrak and Darkfangs's trail from the night before. That business of the bunch of ivy had set off a train of thought in Renik's mind that had led, after stopoffs in melancholia and nostalgia, to a determination to rediscover the skills his father had tried to teach him years earlier. He has let important lessons go unheeded for too long now, and it is time he put that right.

The attempt is not a great success. He loses the trail almost at once, and spends most of the evening accidentally tracking stray dogs and on one occasion (until he puts a foot wrong) a horse. He returns home humbled, but not dispirited. He will continue to work at his tracking and woodland lore, he will study some of those books that Bill has been amassing, and buy more if he cannot find the ones he needs. He will quiz Rond and Ferrak on issues of plant and animal lore, and ask his assistance in relearning the art of tracking. He will, he swears to himself, regain the knowledge his father was trying to impart before his untimely death.

Tuesday January 29th, 2002 10:53:09 PM

Steps moves about the B&B, listening to the customers and making sure that they are aware of him being close at hand.

After he is sure that no immediate trouble is going to start, he decides to give the disguised K'isst a brief summary of her bouncer duties. He speaks in a normal voice, but just loud enough for some of the customers to hear. "Bouncing at the B&B is very simple. If someone starts trouble you ask them to stop. If they do not stop, you ask them to leave. If they do not leave, you throw them out. If they pull a weapon or threaten you, you subdue them or kill them and then throw them out." He laughs, "See like I said, very simple."

Lake (Bill) 
Tuesday January 29th, 2002 11:01:08 PM

"Enslaving elves?" Lake shudders. "That is so evil!" He asks D'nar if he'd like an update on the political goings-on here in Plateau City. If so, Lake tells him, "Okay, but first I'll get our folks started on scrubbing your clothes," and does report back later to bring D'nar up to speed -- careful to share only general knowledge, and not compromising aspects of what he is aware of through the party's relationship with Marcus. If not, Lake will let the man enjoy his bath alone. Just before leaving, he shows him the string he can pull to ring for assistance. After stepping out the door, he pokes his head back in. "And if'n you'd be likin' a place to stay for the night, I think we've still got a room left." Then he's on his way -- trying not to breathe too deeply as he carries the load of ripe clothes. 'Yep, a ranger,' he thinks to himself.

After dropping off the clothes with the night-time laundry crew, Lake finds Chenna. "Ma'am, I was just thinkin' about somethin'. Now, normally I don't really like to turn any customers away - I know you don't, neither. But, do you suppose we ought to let the priests of Caeroldra know that they can go elsewhere with their business? Fer as I can tell, they're just mainly trouble. Just a thought, Ma'am, up to you. Or at least let 'em know that if they cause any problems or try to ply their wares, if'n you ken my drift, they'll be booted right quick."

With Renik, Bill lets him know that he has not really been focusing on trying to find potential targets worthy of theft or sabotage, but he is willing to start keeping his eyes and ears open. He tells Renik of his ability to use clairaudience and clairvoyance, as well as flying. "I just figured out how to do that! Using the wand of levitation kinda got me started thinking about it, and using a potion of flying, too. If I were wanting to steal books, I know lots of places, however, I don't want to take anything from good folk. If someone is doing bad things, though, I think it's a good idea to make it harder for them to go on doing bad stuff."

Wednesday January 30th, 2002 5:46:05 AM

Watching the world go past the front doors, Ferrak lets his mind drift along with the ebb and flow of the crowd bustling past. Warm in the light of the setting sun, Ferrak drifts in and out of sleep.

Tired from his nocturnal activities, the feral gnome is still putting time in on the gardens that he has planned for the Hamlateers new places. (OOC Wait a second. Have we purchased these things yet in game time?)

When able, Ferrak answers all of Reniks questions. Speeking to the rogue of the ways of mother nature, makes Ferrak more than a little homsick for the great out doors.

A Day in the Life (DM Donna) 
Wednesday January 30th, 2002 7:31:03 AM

Darkfang quite happily shares the steak with his big brother, belching with satisfaction and scratching idly as he casts his eyes around the B&B.

Things seem calmer now, the wolf notes, I still think it was silly for these bipeds to not know ivy when they see it, though... With this, the canine flops onto his side to relax a bit.

D'Nar--after his bath and changing back into his now-fresh clothing--easily keeps up his conversation with Bill, shaking his head at the development of deific matters.

"Yes...I recall seeing that one of Caeroldra's shrines was now being tended by clerics of The One...they told me that there is to be a festival tomorrow in celebration of The One's recognition by Alemi. The One's followers will hold parties and gatherings all over the City--they have promised that the food and drink will be tasty and plentiful."

Chenna frowns thoughtfully at Lake's suggestion.

"I...will make sure that whomever's bouncin' for me knows to keep their peepers peeled for Caeroldra's lot," she finally concedes, "I don't need any of them costin' me more money. However, I don't turn away possible customers unless I know they're trouble. The factions of Caeroldra are a pain in the bee-hind, but they're usually okay as long as it's either one or the other an' not both."

Wednesday January 30th, 2002 9:51:28 AM

Now fully aware of Bill's unique skills, Renik keeps an eye out for his regular contacts. To Bill he says; "Clairvoyance? That could prove really handy! And I agree 100%: only rob from those that need robbing from; I never target the innocent. The way I see it, if we're robbing from the followers of Marteaus and his cronies, we weaken them and strengthen ourselves. I'll keep my ear to the ground and if anything comes up it would be my pleasure to have you along on a 'caper'!"

Wednesday January 30th, 2002 10:29:19 AM

Roger continues to help out with the ordering of the drinks, and the serving of the customers. For those that pay attention, Roger appears to be slightly distracted. He's doing his job, and doing it fine. But it seems his mind is elsewhere.

He contemplates what has happened over the last couple of days. He wonders what will happen to the Hamleteers, or at least what is left of them. He was happy to see K'isst return to the group. But the rumors suggest that there might still be something going on with her thoughts. When night comes, Roger decides he needs some quiet time to focus his thoughts. When he gets his chance, he excuses himself from the group and enters the city as Rond, in order to do some contemplation in the druids quarter.

Wednesday January 30th, 2002 10:28:15 PM

After finishing his shift behind the bar Arien heads to the former wizard's place and spends the rest of his waking hours searching for the former residents' laboratory. As he searches he puzzles over the more recent happenings since A'tath arrived in the city. "For what purpose do the dragons infiltrate the city?" Arien asks himself, certain that A'tath's truth is not the whole truth.

Wednesday January 30th, 2002 10:36:13 PM

At the end of his shift Draax joins Arien in searching their new place.

Lake / Bill 
Thursday January 31st, 2002 1:56:29 AM

"Hmmm - you plan on goin' to the festivities, yourself, Mr. Rozen? 'Course, I gotta be back to work in the late afternoon, but I might check how things go, myself. Don't know that I'll be samplin' their foods, though. With so many gods goin' up and down, it's hard to know whom to trust. It'd be mighty hard to resist, though, if they were offerin' a tasty pie. Mebbe I'll ask about her teachin's, first. You don't need a guide or nothin', do you, Mr. Rozen?" Then he switches to elvish. "Perhaps you can help me with my vocabulary in elvish," then back to Common, he adds, "Though I hope that's not too, uh, forward of me, sir."

Lake nods at Chenna's response, and continues his duties.

Before the evening's work is over, Lake approaches Rond. "Eh, Roger, you're lookin' kinda thoughtful. If you decide you wanna talk about whatever, jus' let me know."

He is pleased that Renik is open to seeing about working a job together. [OOC: Are you sure, Carl, you'll be able to endure his stream of words about 32 aspects of things to think about in preparing for such a task? - Kim :-) ]

As stated previously, Bill lends his ability to clairvoy to assist his friends' search for hidden or secret spots in the wizard's place.

He tells K'isst and his other friends about The One's festivities planned for the morrow, and asks if they want to check out how things go.

Ferrak/Woofer  d20+4=6 d20+5=14
Thursday January 31st, 2002 4:39:47 AM

(Bipeds will be bipeds, eh Darkfang.)

Ferrak takes it easy till the sun goes down.

After all of the patrons have left, Ferrak grabs himself a bite to eat and then heads off to work.

Still unable to come up with a good idea for the second garden. Ferrak puts in a passable night's work at the wizard's old place and goes to sleep well before morning.

Ferrak quickly puts on his dog collar if he notices anyone approaching. If Draax or Arien show up while he is toiling away the feral gnome proudly shows them what he is doing.

Right now it doesn't look like much after only two nights of work it resembles little more than piles of dirt and holes in the ground. Nevertheless Ferrak is proud to show it off.

All Over But the Shoutin' (DM Donna) 
Thursday January 31st, 2002 7:52:50 AM

"I would glad to help you with your elven--which is actually almost better than mine!" D'Nar tells Lake with a humorous wink, speaking in the tongue. The pair spend whatever time the B&B attendant has shooting the breeze about timely events in the City.

D'Nar hadn't planned on going to the festival, but it didn't sound like a bad idea to him.

Tssiki divides her time between scowling at possible troublemakers and conversing with Chenna about stuff--though it's obvious that Chenna is doing 99% of the talking.

Nothing else of note happens while the Hamleteers are working.

Back at the ex-Wizard's Lair (OOC: I'm still working on giving him a name and some background), the careful searches conducted by the party on the second room in the basement yield fantastic results:

Apparently the room opposite the wizard's library was a Laboratory of some kind--with many potion bottles and flasks and various ingredients to make the potions. From the various "recipe books" and notes left there, however, there are none inside the room that were completed potions. (Darn!)


Renik's skills at Searching turn up a secret door that leads to a hidden storage space under the stairs. Inside the space is a crate that has seven vessels in it: four ceramic bottles that are inscribed with the Draconic language (labeling their contents as "Light Curative Potion"), one thick glass bottle with more Draconic writing on it ("Moderate Curative Potion"), another ceramic bottle labeled "Endurance Enhancer" in Common...and a metal flask with "Weapons ONLY" stamped in the metal itself (in Common again.)

(OOC: let me know who ends up with what--and any experimentation you feel like doing on the bottles...heh, heh, heh.)

The day of the proposed festival to celebrate the "promotion" of The One to full goddesshood dawns clear and warm. Criers criss-cross the city announcing the public party, and it's apparent that a lot of people are planning to go to the various sites to participate.

Anyone going to the festivities finds that there are many good-looking clerics of the new goddess of love who are out & about, mingling with the masses and making everyone they come into contact with feel loved and appreciated. They are serving all manner of food--from appetizers to fingerfoods to little green candies--to everybody in the area. Children are watching puppet shows and there are wandering performers entertaining the crowds, too.

Thursday January 31st, 2002 2:32:31 PM

While at the former wizard's residence Draax lets Ferrak show him the garden. The half-elf congratulates the gnome on a job well done. No being a gardener himself, Draax can appreciate the beauty of the place, but has no idea about the work involved in making it look that way.

He debates with himself about what disguise he should wear to the festivities, but then decides to forget the disguises and go as himself. He lets his attention roam to the various entertainments, but draws it back to the female clerics of the goddess of love on numerous occasions.

Draax keeps his guard up, but is determined to have a good time. He will go out of his way to avoid any contact with the clerics and guards from any of the evil temples unless necessary.

Thursday January 31st, 2002 5:36:38 PM

Smelling the food and fun of the festivities Ferrak, after waking up at mid day, decides to go and see what's going on.

Not wearing his collar the feral gnome is also determined to have a good time.

Thursday January 31st, 2002 11:55:25 PM

Before heading out to enjoy the festival Arien takes all the items that were found in the wizard's residence, including the scrolls with the more recent discoveries and locks them up somewhere safe so that they can be distributed about the party at a later time. That done he heads outside and pauses a moment to enjoy the weather. Closing his eyes he basks his face in the sun and wonders silently if this weather is a portent of better times to come or the calm before the storm.

Lake (Bill)  d20+17=32 d20+5=21
Friday February 1st, 2002 3:17:51 AM

Bill uses his various skills in evaluating the goodies found in the brick building. Bill has just been learning Draconic, so should be able to make out the wording on the labels. (Knowledge: Arcana - 32; Alchemy: 21 - and go ahead, Donna, and make additional rolls as you wish for Bill here.)

He checks out Ferrak's garden, and praises what he finds praisworthy. He shows him the manuscript on herbology that he is getting ready for publication.

Lake makes arrangements to meet with D'nar Rozen about mid-morning, to check out The One festival scene (and lets all his friends in the party know - any are welcome to come along, whether in disguise or not). He looks among the clerics, to see if he recognizes any of them as former clerics of Domi or of Caeroldra.

Jolly Holiday (DM Donna) 
Friday February 1st, 2002 7:56:29 AM

OOC: The potions, in game terms, are Cure Light Wounds, Cure Moderate Wounds, and an Endurance Potion. The metal flask contains one application of a magical oil that will add the property of being Keen to ONE weapon. (The weapon can already be magic, but it cannot already be Keen.) Email me with what the group decides to do with the potions.

The celebration of the promotion of The One to goddesshood is a lively affair, and the food, candy and wine flows freely--as well as the good feelings. The VERY good feelings. The very good... very friendly feelings. Hmmm... those female clerics sure ARE friendly, aren't they..?

If Lake asks, many of the clerics at the party readily admit that they used to be clerics of Caeroldra--some of them for the Hands of Love, some were Servants of Passion, but most were clerics who had not been drawn to either of the extreme cults of the former goddess of love.

Comparing notes on the day after the festival, the Hamleteers come to find out that anybody eating the green candies that the clerics were passing out would usually be overcome by feelings of... um... extreme friendliness... and would seek out others who felt the same way. (D'Nar was one such person--he and a female cleric disappeared for hours on end.) Many of the local couples--whether they were married, affianced, or merely just boyfriend & girlfriend--feel that the festival helped to reinforce their devotion to each other and are generally supportive of The One being the new goddess of love for the Wold.

The town crier for the area makes a stop at the Beer & Bath with the following announcements for the public:

1) The top story today: Marteaus and Caeroldra are now officially a "deific couple!" Their union supposedly took place during the city-wide celebration held by followers of The One, which is the official excuse given by the temples of both the Dark Lord and Caeroldra as to why clerics from neither deity were in evidence during the festival. (Yeah... right!)

2) Floating City is openly calling for all citizens of the areas surrounding the Plateaus to join with it in their declaration of independence, so that they may band together and become part of "the Floating Kingdom".

3) A'tath is actively recruiting people to join his cause and become part of a fighting force that will actively hunt and destroy dragons. He claims to have hundreds of volunteers already.

4) Yesterday's festival for The One resulted in 157 marriage ceremonies, 576 official engagements and reportedly thousands of "unofficial liaisons" amongst the citizens of Plateau City. The general populace seems to love the new goddess of love--especially her little green candies!

5. The Gold Dragons, those renegades from the Dragon Consortium, have now officially been excommunicated from the Consortium and are the subject of a massive manhunt. The City Council has officially issued a reward of 200,000 gold pieces for the capture of any Gold Dragon or Gold Dragon companion--dead or alive!

Friday February 1st, 2002 10:06:48 AM

During the ceremony Renik accepts one of the green candies almost at once, and vanishes into the crowd. He is not seen until the following morning, when he returns looking rather dishevelled, but very happy. "The One is my kind of Goddess! What a party!" he grins, before falling into bed.

(OOC: Sorry for missing yesterday's post Donna, I had a party of my own to attend. our office leaving do. My wife will be pleased to learn that no green candies were in evidence!}

Lake / Bill T 
Saturday February 2nd, 2002 4:43:34 PM

Bill lets his friends know what his alchemical evaluations (and reading of Draconic) yields regarding the identity and use of the potions. He suggests that someone else take the curative potions. He does not want, but like to know who decides to take, respectively, the potion of endurance and the oil of keenness.

Bill begins asking around to find out where he might find a good source of crystals. His advancement in the area of psionic & arcane knowledge have piqued his interest in the use of crystals. He lets his many bookseller friends and acquaintances know that he has an interest in learning more about crystals, as well as their sources. Are there areas on the plateaus where crystals are found, or can be mined?

He does ask questions of some of the clerics as to their religious provenance. Also, he takes samples of the various foods that are given, pretends to eat them, but stores samples of the food and candy for later analysis with his alchemical gear.

"Eh, Renik, just hope you don't get some sort of disease, friend," Bill counsels his tousled companion.

Regarding the unholy union of Marteaus and Caeroldra, Bill snorts.

Regarding the Floating City machinations, Bill asks Rond if he might contact Marcus to see if more details are known, and whether the party might be called upon to do anything in this regard.

Bill issues snort #2 in response to A'tath's anti-dragon troops.

The halfling's emotions are mixed concerning The One's influence. So much fornication! At least some chose marriage. He wonders about the children that will be born from the wild rutting, and how many will have both parents to raise them, and how much of Flower's influence will encourage wanton lust, much like Caeroldra's Servants of Passion. He decides he does not like The One. He prefers Caeroldra the way he learned about her when he was young. Of course, now he prefers her not at all.

The halfling is quickly losing respect for the 'gods' the more he learns about them. He certainly acknowledges their power, their capabilities. But where is wisdom? Where is justice? Alemi has certainly shown himself to be less than all powerful, the way that Marteaus sets himself up against him. Bill really liked Domi, but look how unwise he was. Allowed himself to get faked out by Marteaus. Courage is good, but -- why would a good god ever give power over to someone who has already shown himself to be evil? How is that fair?

Where is a god that is just, and all wise, and all powerful, and good, and who knows all, and sees all, and who shows mercy to the repentant, and kindness to the downtrodden, and who can save the perishing, and punish evildoers, and ... aw, where is there any god like that? Are the gods all just people who got insanely powerful over time? So who made them? Maybe it's their fault the Wold is as messed up as it is.

The Gold Dragons - dead or alive?

Bill downs one stiff drink at home. He is sorely tempted to keep going - to drown the unhappy thoughts that begin to crowd his mind. He talks with his friends about his thoughts, though, refusing to fuse his brain cells with too much alcohol. He is not happy at the various pieces of news, nor at this thoughts theological. What good is it trying to be a hero? The normally cheerful, optimistic fellow almost seems morose, depressed. Bill goes to bed, and suffers through a restless night. His sheet and blankets end up on the floor, his pillow, too, and the halfling eventually awakens, a crick in his neck, and the sweat cold on his skin. He stumbles off to get himself clean.

Bill Troublefinder 
Monday February 4th, 2002 2:26:45 AM

An additional note: If there are things missing from or damaged in the laboratory, Bill will ask the spellcasters in the group if they want to chip in to bring it up to snuff. If so, great. If not, he'll cover the costs. [In Tome and Blood it lists the costs of a laboratory as 500 gp. I'm assuming that we won't have to pay this full amount, with what the wizard left behind. A research library is listed at 10,000 gp, but a lesser amount is being discussed for 1st-3rd level research, as well as for 4th-6th level research, with a greater amount for 7th-9th level research.]

One more thought occurs to Bill in the days following the festival of The One. 'Hmmm - there is Miss Rhona Biddlebarrow of the Black Genie Center...' He recalls how gregarious and resourceful she is. A very nice smile, too.

Conspiracy Theory

Marcus Comes Calling (DM Donna) 
Monday February 4th, 2002 6:43:33 AM

A fortnight or so goes by after the infamous Love In of The One. Bill is quite interested to find out--through rumors and then confirmation by various contacts--that the green candies handed out by The One's followers during the festival had two mild magic effects: the first to draw together people who were like-minded or of compatible personality, the second was to temporarily render whomever consumed the candy sterile. The magic effects of the candy wore off after 24 hours, whether or not it was consumed.

The ex-Wizard's Lair has finally been completely searched and straightened out. The basement level of the place has a decent research library (good for arcane research of spells up to fourth level) on one side and a permanent alchemical laboratory on the other (good for the creation of arcane-type magic potions--if your party ever gets a PC who can brew divine magic potions, you'll need to get some more equipment and the specific ingredients for those potions.)

Ferrak is pleased to see the beginnings of various plants peeping up from the ground in the places where he worked. Darkfang is constantly offering to "water" them for his big brother. ;)

One morning the Hamleteers find that Marcus is calling on them again.

"I'm in the midst of requisitioning some personnel and funds to help create that cover business for you." he tells the party. "My department is getting a LOT of cooperation these days--the paranoia of the Council is such that they are looking for citizens who may be in league with Floating City. The Big Float's breakaway does NOT sit well with the majority of the Council." Marcus huffs before continuing:

"That being said, I have an assignment for you. There's a noble of the city that has come under suspicion--the Baron Balentyne. He's a human who's had his eye on getting a seat on the Council for the last...oh, I'd say at least two years, perhaps as long as four. He spreads his money and charm around, but the rest of the Council was just too popular to be defeated in election.

"Anyway, my preliminary investigation shows that Balentyne had been dealing with the Sons of Dread before--and now he's meeting with clerics from the temple of Marteaus. This wouldn't be that big a deal since one of the Council members openly dresses as a follower of the Dark Lord... but the good Baron's meetings have always taken place at night--and the Council member didn't know about them until he read my monthly security report." The spymaster pauses, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

"Not knowing about what was happening between the temple he's affiliated with and somebody else ALWAYS disturbs a politician, and so we come to your assignment..." Marcus says, "...you are to make a secret visit to Balentyne's residence in the Wealthy District--he lives at the end of Jewel's End--and see if you can't find out what the Baron is up to. Hard evidence is best, but eyewitness testimony is acceptable." The chief of Plateau City security stands up.

"As usual, you're supposed to avoid getting caught--I can help out in certain situations, but if you are caught by Balentyne's own forces, I doubt that the Baron is the type to report you to the City Guard--he has the personnel AND the personality to just imprison you under his house and torture whatever information you may have out of you... for fun." Marcus puts his cloak back on his shoulders. "Get whatever information you can as soon as you can, though you have until the end of the week--and remember that secrecy must be maintained! Good luck!"

Marcus pauses long enough for a last minute question, but must be off, so you will have one shot at any "fishin' for info" you may want to do with him.

Monday February 4th, 2002 8:02:52 AM

Draax listens as Marcus instructs them on their new assignment. "My only questions are, what do we know about this Balentyne's security system? Does he have bodyguards, seen and/or unseen, wizards and/or clerics? And if we are put in a no win situation, can we kill him?"

Monday February 4th, 2002 11:50:18 AM

Eyes big, K'isst absorbs all this information carefully. She lets the others ask the questions.

"Go as me?"

She smiles suddenly.

"Or me?"

Monday February 4th, 2002 6:04:47 PM

Renik stays quiet until Marcus leaves, then he shares everything he gleaned from his stakeout of the Baron's home with his companions. Patrols, traps, how he broke in last time, the works.

"Of course since my little visit, he may well have upped security. It wouldn't hurt to spend a couple of nights just observing the place again, to see if anything's changed."

K'isst # 2 ?shawn? 
Monday February 4th, 2002 6:46:47 PM

"Not all of us are as stealthy as you certainly must be, sneaky Zeke." says the beautiful warrior woman as she shifts in her armor. The noise that she makes as her powerfully muscled body flexes, makes her point clearly.

"Will it be possible for all of us to gain entrance, or is that even necessary?" she asks with a wink.

[Jerry: Yep I have K'isst now Shawn. Thanks.]

Monday February 4th, 2002 6:48:49 PM

Taking notice of the point K'isst is illustrating with body language, Ferrak responds instinctively.

"Woof, WOOF!"

Bill Troublefinder 
Monday February 4th, 2002 8:06:28 PM

While Marcus is there, Bill asks, "Do you have a drawing of his place? And what Draax asked - except, I don't want to assassinate anybody," Bill says.

Monday February 4th, 2002 10:15:40 PM

"Yeah a map of the place would be most useful. The best thing to do would to find the shortest distance to both his study and his personal room. Then the more stealthy of our group go in while the rest wait outside as backup. He's likely to keep any evidence of his dealings with Marteaus in a secret safe that would most likely be in one of the two places I mentioned."

Tuesday February 5th, 2002 5:46:23 AM

Listening to Marcus, Rond sighs to himself. So much for straightforward type stuff. Considering his options for a few moments, Rond asks "For those that took it, the oath would keep the secrets, right? Can you tell us more about the council make up right now? Are there any communication rings that we can use for just our group?"

ooc: Bill had asked to get information about The Float. Rond will ask the question now, unless it was more appropriate that it be asked via the ring.

Making Plans 
Tuesday February 5th, 2002 6:53:55 AM

(OOC: Insofar as the characters are aware, Floating City has broken away and declared itself independent of Plateau City, ostensibly because they don't quite agree with PC's handling of A'tath & the PC City Council's paranoia about dragons... however, Marcus can and would add that it's more about how the Big Float's government is HIGHLY suspicious about how the City Council's majority is now in the sway of the newly-resurrected Cult Gods. How the resulting power struggle between the two city-states will ultimately turn out is anyone's guess.)

"All I can tell you is that Balentyne is a noble of this City," Marcus says before he leaves, "He has had at least two bodyguards and doubtless has several guarding his residence--a few night's worth of surveillance on your part should clear up most of the details on how many personnel he has and where they are stationed... that's the main reason why I said that I'd like the information as soon as possible, but that you lot have a week or so to gather the evidence--so you'd have the time to reconnoiter the property. Here's a map of the quarter he lives in--his house is colored green on the map..." The spymaster hands you a piece of vellum and then puts on a hat, suddenly looking about thirty years older.

"Oh--and, no--unless you have irrefutable evidence that Balentyne himself is a direct threat to the City, you do not have permission to do anything drastic. Your mission is try to get evidence for the City Council only." Marcus goes to the door and then stops, winking. "However--the same protection does not extend to those with whom he may be in league... just use your heads about it."

Then the "old man" leaves the building. The Hamleteers are now free to plan how they will conduct their surveillance over the time allotted to them.

(OOC: Two things: first, Marcus's time limit of "one week" doesn't necessarily mean you only have one week in real time--it means you have until the end of the current Scene to try to achieve your objective.

Second, the map that Marcus gives the party is posted at DM Donna's Map Site: http://hometown.aol.com/donnlap/myhomepage/index.html)

Tuesday February 5th, 2002 8:36:40 AM

Renik grins at K'isst. "I agree, some are better suited to this than others. I would recommend no more than two or three, though if you folk wish it I will do it alone. If others come they must be the stealthiest, because the last thing we want to do is alert them to the fact that someone is taking an interest in them. I will go, and use the same tactics I did last time I checked the place out. Spend a night outside watching guard patterns and the like. Last time I got a great vantage point up a tree opposite the grounds. Then the following night I sneaked into the grounds for a closer look. Only after careful examination did I hit the place a couple of nights later.

Anyone who wishes to join me is welcome, but if stealth is not your thing we might consider some invisibility or silence magics. And for the reconnoitering work, I find the fewer the better. Much easier for one person to keep a low profile than a crowd."

Tuesday February 5th, 2002 10:19:49 AM

Draax almost laughs at Ferrak's remarks to K'isst. He does not understand the dog language, but some things are all translated to the same meaning.

Listening to Marcus' last statements, Draax nods his head to signify that he understands. He smiles when Bill states his opinion about assassinating anyone. "Hopefully it will not come to killing everyone (pause) yet. I just wanted to know if the spymaster needed this guy alive or not."

Nodding in agreement with Renik's statements Draax says, "I agree that those of you trained in the ways of stealth should do most of the recon, but I hate just sitting around on my hands. I think I will see if Chenna can get some B&B discount coupons or special notifications for the nobles of the city. Her portable bubble tub and catering services should make the proposal seem legitimate. Myself and anyone else who wants to can deliver them to the nobles of the city including Balentyne. Hopefully this will give us a little daytime recon of his place close up or at least give us a reason for standing out in front of his place."

He waits to hear what the others have to say.

Tuesday February 5th, 2002 8:35:30 PM

"I'm pretty sure I can go anywhere you can Renik. So I would say you, me and perhaps Ferrak and his brother there. They could act as lookouts, not many people pay attention to a pair of...dogs laying around at night."

Bill Troublefinder 
Wednesday February 6th, 2002 2:17:29 AM

"Thank you for the map, sir. We will do our best."

After Marcus leaves, he looks at Renik. "You sneaked?" Bill begins stomping around the room, slapping his feet down heavily. At the same time, he places his left hand under his shirt, and beneath his armpit. He moves his right hand up and down, producing a rude noise from under his shirt. "HEY, RENIK, I CAN BE STEALTHY, TOO!" He bounces up onto the back of a couch, bumps his buns against the wall, and lands on the floor with as much of a *thunk* as he can produce.

Then he sits down on said couch, and more seriously answers Draax. "What you propose, Andraaxius, I toyed with, too. My only concern - and it's a great idea, mind you - is this. What if later Balentyne or one of his people put two and two together, and figure that someone from the Bed and Bath were involved in a ruse to spy upon them? Any suggestions to lessen the likelihood of that?" He punctuates his question with another arm fart.

As they discuss their plans, Bill T says, "Ronderiadshal - you asked about those who took oaths. You know, I didn't take the oath, because my father taught me not to take oaths. But I will do all I can to keep things secret, just like Marcus charged us to do. So far as I know, I haven't blabbed anything I wasn't supposed to. At least about what we've been doing for him and the city."

"Arien Slowblade - I might be able to get a preliminary map just by, well, just by taking a couple of dogs for a walk by his house! If I concentrate real hard, I can look into other places, without being right there. It's called clairvoyance. And I can listen in to places I'm not - that's clairaudience. But I can only do it for a while each day. Maybe for an hour and a half at most - but that long gives me a big headache. But six, seven minutes at a time, that's not too tough for me."

[If possible, Donna, you can take what Renik already knows, and add in some of Bill's mentioned remote reconnaisance, and let us know what we find for starters - then have us work as a group to make practical what we learn.]

Want this?
"Say, Ferrak, I have here a ring of protection, +1," Bill tells his friend. "Is that something you'd be interested in? Or would you like me to go over some things we could trade in for it at the Catacombs? If we just sell it, it's worth about 2,000 gp, but they'll only give us a thousand, maybe eleven hundred, for it. If we trade it for other magic stuff, though, we can get pretty close to its full value - maybe 1,800 gp worth of other stuff. That'd buy some nice potions, or scrolls - like, you could buy some Bull's Strength scrolls for about 150 each. Or maybe a low-level wand, or two, or a cloak of resistance and bracers of armor, or a quiver of Ehlonna, or a brooch of shielding to protect you against magic missiles. A pearl of power, or goggles of minute seeing, or well - there's lots of fun things they have. Even a bag of tricks! I've been learning lots about magic stuff lately. Anyway, this ring is yours, whether you want to keep it, or trade it in, or sell it, or whatever." Bill holds the ring in the palm of his right hand, and offers it to Ferrak, his left hand supporting the gesture.

He communicates with all his companions, "I'm going to the Catacombs. Anything you want me to pick up for you? Not for free, of course, but I'd be happy to grab something if you don't have time. Oh! I do have this voucher, for any first level spell, arcane or divine, at the Catacombs. Except not the identify scroll. Nearly anything else. Any of you spell casters want me to pick up a new spell, or just a useful one on a scroll?"

Clubhouse business
"Hey, friends - what if we use the clubhouse as the site of a business for our other cover? We live in the middle place, and we keep the wizard's building for research. Boy, it'd be great to get one of the hot tubs for our quarters. Are we going to get all confused, living three different lives at the same time? Speaking of that - say, K'isst, can you do a third version of you?"

Wednesday February 6th, 2002 5:17:14 AM

"Sounds good to me fellas. If the rest of us clod hoppers were to be waiting round the corner though, as a back up like, we might just save your sneaky skins." K'isst says as she cracks her knuckles to punctuate.

[Jerry: I will post for K'isst from now on. Thanks.]

Wednesday February 6th, 2002 5:33:33 AM

"Thanks to you, my frriend." Ferrak says in all seriousness, accepting the ring offered by Bill.
"This ggift honors me."

Looking to the others Ferrak says.
"Darkfangg and I, will help as we can."

Wednesday February 6th, 2002 5:47:44 AM

Rond listens to everything that is being said around the table. "Bill n Renik, I like your ideas. Here's what I'm thinking. Let's have Bill, Ferrak, and Darkfang go and investigate from outside. The rest of us will have come into viewing are outside the residence, just in case anything should happen. Ferrak. If there's anything that you and Darkfang can do to alter your appearance, just slightly, then do it. I don't want anyone to realize later, that you might have been standing outside. Then sometime later, like an hour or two, whatever's appropriate. I want Bill, Arien and I to enter the residence and check things out. I think the 3 of us can probably do a good job in there. We also might consider borrowing either K'isst's or Draax's Hat of Disguise. We can also throw in three slippers of spider climbing. (ooc Don't forget about our other gear. I'm not at home, and do not have the list with me just now.) With two hats, and Bill's abilities in disguise, we should be able to come up with something new. Whoever we borrow the hat from. I imagine Bill should be able to do some kind of disguise job, should you wish to have it done. Once again, everyone else would be hanging around outside, just in case. Might be boring, but you could also watch the outside, in order to see what routines you could see.

"Does anyone know of any way that the three of us could communicate with the outside crew, should something come up?"

Plots & Plans (DM Donna) 
Wednesday February 6th, 2002 6:49:43 AM

As the discussion about how to and who will recon the Baron's residence is bandied about, Darkfang speaks to Ferrak:

This pack is wise in observing the prey before going hunting, big brother, he says, scratching idly at an itch behind one ear, what was the alpha saying about us, though..? When Ferrak explains the concept of changing their appearances again, Darkfang's ears perk up.

Another clever tactic! These dullnosed bipeds depend entirely too much on their eyes, so that idea should work well, big brother! You know...there's a dog I keep seeing in the neighborhood...he looks like this...

Suddenly the scratching wolf shifts from wild lupine to rangy, almost comical Great Dane.

Will this do, big brother? asks the "new" Darkfang.

Wednesday February 6th, 2002 9:39:47 PM

Draax listens to all the comments and plans. He replies to Bill's comments about his suggestion.

"Although I do not see anyway that they could prove the B&B's involvement, any good investigator would suspect the B&B and I keep forgetting that we cannot bring the B&B into our other world. Thanks for reminding me."

He listens to Rond's plan, but could not offer any suggestions about the communications problem.

Bill Troublefinder  d2=1 d6=5 d2=2
Thursday February 7th, 2002 1:37:18 AM

"I am honored that you accept it, my friend," Bill replies, 100% serious, to Ferrak.

"Sounds okay, Rond. But, what is Renik supposed to do? I mean, he's already been there before, and everything."

Regarding means of communication, Bill shrugs his shoulders. "I can send a little message to someone inside their head, but they've gotta be within about fifty, fifty-five feet of me. And it's just one-way talking. Or, I could wave my arms around. How about a set of signals? If I scratch my head, that means, 'Hmmm, I wonder what I should do next?' If I draw a weapon, that means, 'Whoa - I'd better prepare to defend myself!' If I start running away real fast, that means, 'Uh-oh, trouble - let's scram!' Can you guys think of any other signals we can set up in advance?"

Watching Darkfang transform himself into a huge leggy beast, Bill laughs, then says, "Arf arf! Rrrruf ruff! G-rrruf. Yip yip yip! Woof." 'If my littlest brother saw you like that, he'd pee his pants and run away, Darkfang!'

As the discussion continues, Bill gets excited, then interrupts. "Oh! Oh! What kind of symbols is Marteaus using these days? I know he co-opted one of Gargul's symbols, and changed it a bit. If we're trying to find some evidence of the would-be Council member's ties with Marteus, let's make sure we all know what kinds of things to be looking for. Who can tell us all?"

"Hey, who can cast invisibility, or has potions or rings or wands or dust or whatever that'll do it for us?"

Bill also takes the time to teach everyone the command words for his wand of cure light wounds (41 charges left, cures 1d8+1, reroll 1's) and his wand of levitation (16 charges). He also explains how the green gem on his forehead (he doesn't wear it as Lake) helps his concentration (+10 to skill check), and explains the function of the ring of blinking, as well as telling his friends the command word to start it and stop it. He shows how he can use it to walk through a wall - but in doing so he takes 5 hp damage. "Ouch!" he says, rubbing his back. "Well, that happens sometimes, because you can't predict exactly when you're gonna pass all the way through a wall. The blinks are kinda random. Let me try it again." This time, he blinks, passing through a wall with no deleterious effects. He offers to let his friends try it, if they want to.

As well, he shows the team what's in the various pouches and bags he carries. From his bag of holding he extracts several items.

In Potion Bag #1 (hold up to 15 potion bottles):
1: Potion of Cure Serious Wounds (won in Loot 'n Booty, 11-19-01)
1: Potion of Ventriloquism
1: Potion of Water Breathing
3: Cure Light Wounds potions (1d8, reroll 1's)
1: Neutralize Poison potion
1: Vial with water from Seeing Pond in Druids' Grove
3: vials of Antitoxin
1: flask of Acid
1: flask of Holy Water
1: Potion of Intelligence (300gp) [DMG, p. 191]
1: Potion of Bull's Strength (300gp) [DMG, p. 191]

In Potion Bag #2:
1: Neutralize Poison potion
5: vials with colored water - one each yellow; red; green; blue; brown
2: vials with bacon grease
1: vial with cayenne pepper
1: vial with cinnamon powder
1: flask of Acid
2: flasks of Alchemist's Fire
2: flasks of Holy Water

In Potion Bag #3:
1: Potion of Flying (750gp) [DMG, p. 191]
1: Potion of Cure Serious Wounds
1: Potions of Protection from Elements (fire) (750gp) [DMG, p. 191]
4: Antitoxin vials

In 10 slot scroll bag #1 (bags are waterproof):
4: Cure Light Wounds scrolls

In 10 slot scroll bag #2:
2: Cure Light Wounds scrolls
1: Swarm Summoning scroll

"Now, most of this stuff I've bought, or won. A few things, like the Swarm Summoning scroll that Damocles left us, are party treasure that I'm carrying. If I have something you want to borrow or keep, just tell me. About a couple things I might say 'no' - but most things'd be just fine if someone else needs it. Also, if something happens to me, or if you just remember I've got a thing that'd be handy for you at some time - well, now you know what to ask for, eh?"

He pulls out a few more bags, each one a different color. "All right, this dark blue bag has, lessee," and he opens it, and looks up. "Okay there's only one antitoxin vial here (+5 alchemical bonus on Fortitude saves vs. poison for 1 hour). "Got more in that potion bag (#3)."

He also lists:
4 Acid; 4 Alchemist's Fire; 4 Holy Water; 7 Smokesticks; 28 Sunrods; 5 Thunderstones; 1 Tanglefoot bag ("Gotta pick up more of those"); 50 Tindertwigs; a Healer's Kit; a Magnifying Lens.

"Well, I got more, too, but I don't wanna bore you all to death. I'm sure you don't want to have an inventory of my pots and pans. But, there's a little friend I'd like to introduce you to." Bill reaches into his pants pocket, and pulls out a blue gem. "This here's what's called a psicrystal. Now, I don't quite know how to explain this, but he's quite a brave fellow, and he gives me advice, sometimes. Well, a while ago he surprised me by talking."

The halfling looks around. "Now, don't go asking yourselves if the hobbit's crazy. You already know the answer to that question," he says with a wink and a smile. He sets the gem down on a table, and talks to it. "Here're my friends. You already know them, somewhat. So, you want to introduce yourself?"

William's unveiling 
Thursday February 7th, 2002 2:15:32 AM

The gem sits there for a moment. Then, in a small, but clear voice, you hear, "William, I am called, for William is my name." You then realize that the sound of the voice is not passing through your ears, but rather seems to be entering your mind directly. In addition, the voice is reminiscent of Bill's own voice - as though passing through a filter? "An honor is it indeed to adventure in your august company. For I know you to be brave and worthy companions of the heroic Bill Troublefinder of Windhorn Hamlet. May each of you continue to show yourselves worthy of the name 'Adventurer!'" At this point, spidery legs--which look as if they are made of a viscous substance--extend from the bottom of the blue gem. It rises from the table, jumps to the floor, and proceeds to climb the drapes, walk across the ceiling, down the opposite wall, then climbs the leg of the table, and resumes the place where Bill first laid it. "At your service!" The gem, as it were, takes a bow.

Bill Troublefinder 
Thursday February 7th, 2002 2:17:08 AM

Bill blushes at the psicrystal's description of him. "Don't lay it on too thick, there, William." He obviously is embarrassed.

Thursday February 7th, 2002 3:58:01 AM

Regarding the plan, Renik nods and rubs his chin as Rond lays out the details. "Sounds like a good set up, but I'd make a couple of points. First, I strongly reccomend that before all this goes down we spend a full day in exterior reconnaisance. I am happy to spend the night up that tree again, hidden in my cloak. I would prefer two or three, but if time is of the essence, perhaps that is not possible. It should make the actual incursion that much safer, particularly if Bill could join me and get a mental map of the building, and perhaps eavesdrop on the guards and even the Baron. We never know what we might learn.

Also, I'd like to be with the group that enters the building, though I'll bow to your judgement on that Rond. I've been there before, and that could be a valuable advantage. But I agree, Rond, we should try to keep that party small in number."

Renik can scarce believe Bill's inventory. "Great Gods, you're a walking treasure trove, Mr T! It's a good thing you're on our side!"

When he sees the gem he scratches the stubble on his chin. "Does this gem, um I'm sorry, I mean 'William', function at long range? And with your own mental abilities, like a familiar would? Your skills of clairvoyance and clairaudience would be mighty useful to the interior group, but if you could send William in your place that would help enormously. Then you could in two places at once! Is that possible?"

Thursday February 7th, 2002 5:16:10 AM

Surprised at his foster brother's ability to change the illusion of the collar, Ferrak oggles Darkfang for a moment.

"Yes brother, um...nevermind." Scratching his mangy head, the feral gnome is still a bit stunned. Then, when Bill starts pulling all that stuff out of nowhere Ferrak bites his finger to make sure he isn't dreaming.

The smell of ?Bacon Grease? amongst all of the other alien smells sends Ferrak's olfactory system into overload and the wild wolf boy is reeling.

The last straw comes when William makes his introduction.

Ferrak goes to sit in the dog house for a while.


Recon 1 (DM Donna)  d100=62
Thursday February 7th, 2002 7:13:18 AM

Don't you recall, big brother? Darkfang reminds Ferrak after indulging in some canine laughter over Bill's remark, The man with the collars said we may look like ANY of our kind--as long as the size difference is not to great. You can look like a different one, too.

The psicrystal's response to Bill's admonition is a VERY brief appearance of a very tiny tongue accompanied by the sound of a raspberry.

If nobody objects to Renik's offer to put Balentyne's residence under a night's surveillance, then this is what the rogue observes (go to DM Donna's Web Map Page, http://hometown.aol.com/donnlap/myhomepage/index.html to see the map Renik sketched out and shows to the party as he reveals those details that he's been able to see):

Renik shows the others the diagram of the house from the outside. There are a total of ten guards outside the house at night--seven of them stationed at the doors (drawn as little white squares on the map) and a trio of guards that walk the perimeter of the grounds. It usually takes the patrolling guards about six minutes to make it once around the estate.

The thinner lines delineated with slashes are the locations of windows on the ground floor.

The Baron's house has two stories, but only the central-most part of the house--the northern and southern parts of the house are single-story "wings". On the second story there are two large balconies--each one is located directly over a set of double doors (meaning there's front, easternmost balcony and a back, western balcony.) Renik figures that the balconies lead to private areas of the house, since there are NO guards on the balconies.

There are no trees up close to the house.

Renik is reasonably sure that nobody observed him casing the property.

Thursday February 7th, 2002 10:40:34 AM

K'isst looks strangely at Bill, as if to ask him silently where and more importantly how he obtained all this stuff.

Then she steps forward and takes 1 bull strength potion and 1 cure serious wounds. She pauses for his approval.

When "william" comes out, her hair stands on end and her trident comes into the ready position. She growls just for a moment and then withdraws from the group a bit looking withdrawn.

Bill Troublefinder  d20+3=13
Thursday February 7th, 2002 12:12:18 PM

Bill is happy to give K'isst what she requests, and adds a potion of cure light wounds (1d8+1), and, if she would like, a vial of antitoxin, a flask of acid, a flask of alchemist's fire, a vial of holy water, a sunrod, and a thunderstone. He explains what each one is, and how it works. [See PH pp. 113-114.]

In answer to her unspoken question (sense motive 13), Bill asks, "You want to know where I got this stuff? Okay." He pulls the bag of holding out of his knapsack. "This was from the treasure that Atomos gave us. It's a bag that holds A LOT more than it looks like it should. And it's how I can carry so much stuff, not being very big and all. The gem of concentration, and this crystal ring," he points out on his finger, without further identifying it, "and, um, 'William', I made them myself. The wands I bought at the Catacombs - although the levitation one had already been half used up. Most of the scrolls, potions, and the type of extra stuff here," and he points to the additional items he offered K'isst, "I bought at the same place. Y'see, K'isst, when we got to Plateau City, after ridin' in these fancy carriages, we met the High Lord Mayor, and went before the Council. Well, they ended up giving us 10,000 gp each. I don't know what all my friends did with their money, but I spent a good chunk of it getting things I thought would be useful to help my friends, and to do the work that Marcus gave us to do. Oh, and there was an ioun stone from Atomos' gifts that helped heal you up, but kinda slow, but faster than you otherwise would. Well, I really liked it, but I traded it in, and got this here blink ring, and some more potions - like that there bull strength one you've got now - and also to help pay for the buildings we own now. Or mostly own, 'cause this one we're still making monthly payments on - the clubhouse and wizard's place are paid for. The ring I gave to Ferrak we got - I can't remember if that was from Atomos' stuff, or if we got it from one of the Sons of Dread." He scratches his head, trying to recall. "Oh, well, anyway, is that what you wanted to know? Ask me anything you want, K'isst."

By the balconies?
The halfling lets his friends know that he has finally figured out how to fly. "I mention that because the balconies might be a good way in. With this wand of levitation, I can make it so you can float up and down. Now, if you have levitation going, and you get a running start, then, as you float up in the air, you'll keep moving the same direction horizontally as you were going before you left the ground. So, you figure it out right, and you can take a few quick steps toward where you want to head, then just float up, and float down to the spot you want to land. A good wind can blow you off course, though.

Detecting things
"Now, one more thing is, if I'm concentratin', I can tell where there's magical and psychic stuff - auras, and maybe magic traps, and items. I've tried it out - I can see even through a few feet of dirt, but metal, if it's an inch thick or more, that seems to block it. Stone - maybe through ten, eleven inches, but not more'n a foot thick. One thing is, though, when I'm doing that, there's this sort of quiet, low-pitched hum you can hear. I'll show ya." Bill's eyes blink once, and in the instant they open, a rainbow wash of light flashes from them, and they glow like points of silver fire. Bill looks at his friends. The sound he described is evident, and just at the edge of perception, although its source is not discernible. After a few moments, he smiles. "Well, I'm not the only one here with magic items. Nice boots, K'isst." He ceases concentration, and his eyes return to normal. "I haven't figured out how to get rid of that hum, yet."

Show and Tell
Finally, Bill concludes. "All this I'm showing you, I hope you'll keep to yourselves. But I was thinkin' that the more we know of each other, and what we can do, the more we can work as a team. I wouldn't tell my own mother some of the things I've told you. It'd scare her to death. But, even though we've been together for some time now, I sometimes feel like I don't know what all you're capable of."

Walking the Dogs
If Ferrak and Darkfang are ready, Bill will 'walk the dogs', and use clairvoyance to work on mapping the interior of the Baron's abode. Once he has done initial light clairvoyance on the building from the street, he can go somewhere else, away from the Baron's residence, and pick up the clairvoyance (and switch to clairaudience, if he sees someone talking) from afar.

William Tells 
Thursday February 7th, 2002 2:11:56 PM

The psicrystal answers Renik's question himself, so that all can 'hear,' mentally. "I can speak with Bill across the city. But for you to hear, I have to be within 40 paces. He cannot yet see what I can see, nor hear what I can hear, but I can describe things to him, so that he then might perform valiant deeds, informed by wisdom."

Some of you may realize that 'paces' are relative to Bill's stride - about a foot and a half. So 40 paces translates to 60 feet.

Thursday February 7th, 2002 3:19:47 PM

(ooc I think I had meant to put Bill, instead of Arien. But I wanted to acknowledge that Arien could be useful to such an endevor. Then I didn't proof read! Sae la vie! (sp?) ;) c'est la vie- Francophone Carl)

Responding to Renik's comments, "You are right. I think I had a slip of the tongue when I first proposed that. I think it should be Bill, Renik and I that go in. I can give immediate muscle support, should something go awry. Though I am a bit light of foot, also."

Rond smiles as Bill starts bringing his equipment out.

(ooc Last night didn't go as planned. Fell asleep. Most inopportune. No time tonight either. But I believe we still have applications of dust of disappearance.).

When Bill brings out William, Rond comments, "Bill, you seem to be a man of many things. Amongst other things, a man with many small packages. I think I may learn to fear a man with many small packages." At the end of that, Rond smiles at Bill.

After William's little spiel, Rond comments, "William, can you utilize Bill's talents, if you are with someone else? I'd really like to have Bill along for some of his talents. But if you can talk with him across the city. I'm think of having you come Renik, myself, or Arien, and keep Bill outside. Where we might be able to have Bill bring in re-enforcements, or to create a distraction." Looking at Bill, "Like throwing a block of cheese, or something."


Pulling K'isst aside," You seem different... somehow. Is there something I can help with?"

Thursday February 7th, 2002 3:27:25 PM

Having broken into the building once before, Renik indicates those interior rooms he came across before.

"Um, thanks William. Yes, wise valiant deeds. Hmm. Where was I? Ah yes, Bill, you're right, the balconies are the key. Rond, I'll be glad to join you inside. Of course, after all this preparation I'm bound to trip over the hall carpet and fall down the stairs."

He goes on to describe how he got in last time (they may well have increased security on that route, if they found how I broke in), and whether the guard routine was the same (Donna? Could you fill in this info please? Thanks!)

Thursday February 7th, 2002 4:05:39 PM

"Hey you're the boss Rond, whomever you choose is fine by me. However it would do well to remember that these are sensitive documents or what not that we are after and as such are likely to be under lock and key. So you might want someone along who can bypass those little annoyances as I doubt that carrying out a safe or lugging out a desk is really an option."

Arien paces a bit back and forth before stopping and facing the group again.

"Since we seem to be in a mood for revelations I suppose I have one to make as well." Arien's eyes go distant for a moment as he communicates with something and then he turns to Bill. "You may want to put William there in a safe, or at least out of reach place."

No sooner were the words out of his mouth than the reason for them appeared. A small brown blur streaks into the room and up onto the table where it reveals itself to be a young, very excited ferret. "This my friends is Kiki, she and I met during my last trip to the Black Genie Center, and as you might imagine she is my familiar. I advise you to all keep your packs securely shut as she is extremely curious and loves to get into everything." As Arien speaks Kiki is bouncing about the table and chittering exictedly at all the new things, she is particularly interested in anything shiny and shows that by trying to scamper off with it.

Bill Troublefinder 
Thursday February 7th, 2002 10:57:02 PM

"I should get more cheese?" Bill asks Rond.

"Arien has a point. Now, I can unlock some things, but I can't disarm traps or such. He can do both. Right?"

Bill quickly rescues William from the table. He brings the psicrystal to sit upon his shoulder. Only then does he say, "Hi Kiki! Oooo - I like ferrets! Ch-cht e-e-e chk!" he says to her. "That means, 'want a snack?'" Bill explains. As a precaution, he places his hand over William should Kiki hop in his direction. With his other hand he rummages around in his bag of holding until he finds the cheese, and breaks off a little piece. He looks up at Arien. "Is it okay to give her a little piece?" he asks. If so, he holds the cheese on his flattened palm, his fingers taut, so that the ferret does not bite his hand or fingers, but the cheese only - he hopes. If Arien does not give the okay, then Bill hands the little bit of cheese over to Arien. "Ferrets love exploring tight little places."

"I wonder if Baron Balentyne has any connection to the Floating City?" Bill wonders as he enjoys Kiki's antics. "Isn't that one thing the Council is worried about?"

[BTW, no, Bill can't use William as a channel of his powers at a distance. Somewhere down the road, maybe. The psicrystal can see and hear, and can communicate empathically, telepathically, and verbally with Bill up to one mile away. But 'William' does not transfer the sights and sounds of his environment as might a microphone and camera.

BTW #2 - Carl - LOL re: Renik's reaction to William. Made me chuckle for a couple minutes!]

The Plot Thickens (DM Donna) 
Friday February 8th, 2002 7:10:48 AM

Renik thinks hard about the last time he broke into Balentyne's and compares it to this time around. It seems to the rogue that the noble only had four guards stationed outside the building before, and only one patrolling the perimeter--this time around Balentyne's literally doubled the guards on duty.

Sketching out a map from memory (OOC: the web map page has been updated to include this latest drawing), Renik tells the others about how he broke into the upper floor of the noble's residence: he snuck onto the grounds and scaled the side of the building using the Slippers of Spider Climbing. Entering the front balcony, the rogue found himself in a sumptuously-appointed upstairs parlor, beyond which was a corridor that led to a set of spiral stairs that led down to the ground floor. The stairway area had four hallways radiating from it--the one Renik traversed and three others. Renik chose to continue straight through to the back of the manse, reasoning that the master bedroom was likely to be the one with access to the other balcony.

Renik was correct--the large comfortable and very rich room was the master bedroom (complete with a hand-carved marble fireplace in one corner.) The items that he burgled from Balentyne all came from here--stashed conveniently in a large rolltop desk that had a laughable lock on it.

Darkfang sits straight up at the appearance of the little weasel, watching with interest as the sleek creature is surprised by the fact that the shiny William avoids her initial attempts at acquiring the psicrystal. There follows a rather comical game of tag as the weasel tries several times more to snatch the glowing gem, but William is just quick enough to stay barely out of the familiar's reach. Finally the game ends when William--just as Kiki is snatching at him once more--hops up on the weasel's nose, causing the animal to rear up, startled and cross-eyed. William blows an ectoplasmic raspberry, and then leaps from the surprised little mammal back onto Bill, scurrying onto the halfling's shoulder.

Kiki's paws scratch at her nose and the familiar whisks herself off to the shoulder of her own master, chittering her objections to not only having failed to acquire the glittery William, but having to suffer the indignity of the mobile psicrystal mock her so.

Bill's attempts at mapping the interior of the house are not successful, as the halfing doesn't have personal knowledge of the exact layout--not yet, anyway. (OOC: sorry, but secondhand info from somebody trying to remember details from what had originally been a minor break-in months ago just doesn't qualify for the prerequisite for clairvoyance.) [Donna, please recall that I wrote that Bill WENT TO the residence to look at the exterior himself, walking the dogs (or at least one dog) as a cover. So your comment about 'secondhand info' should not apply. See my email. -Thx, Kim]

(OOC: Feel free to use the weekend to firm up who, exactly, will be trying to break in, and who, exactly, will be on the outside as back up. I'll need the definitive assignment of party members before I post on Monday.)

Friday February 8th, 2002 9:00:50 AM

Readying himself for the assault, Renik brainstorms some ideas.

"OK, so we need to get past the guard, up onto the balcony, and into the building. Each member of the break-in party will need to be able to scale the wall. Do you all still have slippers of spider climbing or flight abilities? If not Bill's levitation wand will come in handy.

"Also, with so many guards around a diversion might be a good idea. Perhaps we could we get Ferrak and Darkfang to start up a furious barking to the far side of the house. Hopefully the guards will investigate, finding only a dog fight, and that will increase our window of opportunity with regard to the three patrolling guards."

"Of course, if the exterior guard is beefed up there may well be additional security inside. More guards, or traps, perhaps magical alarms. It would be wise to have some incapacitating magics (Sleep, or some form of charm or hypnosis) that will create a minimum of noise. Also do we have any way of detecting magic as we go?"

"Arien, if you are highly skilled at locks and trap detection you will be a vital asset to the break in party."

(OOC: Perhaps it would be useful to see who has what relevant skills in order to decide who goes in and who acts as backup. Renik has Spider Climb, Move Silent 13, open lock 8, Search 4, Hide 23, Spot 7, Disable Device 4. AC 19 (plus dodge), 33 HP, +10 att bonus.)

"Also, what is the role of the backup party? How do we alert them if we get into trouble, and what exactly will they do if we do successfully warn them? Bear in mind that in capers such as this, it is usually far harder to get out than to get in. Perhaps we may need the guard distracted a second time on the way out, or engaged so that those within may escape if we are detected. Of course, let us hope it doesn't come to that."

Friday February 8th, 2002 10:05:54 AM

K'isst smiles at Rond. Then she kisses him quickly on the cheek. "Time."

She quickly pockets the items Bill offers turning to listen to each person as they offer their part of the plan.

She turns back to Rond who she heard is the leader of the group with such situations. "Now decision."

Friday February 8th, 2002 10:15:27 PM

'Yes brother, I did forget. Also I have noticed that you are growing. Mother will be glad that you didn't remain the runt of the family.' Ferrak smiles at his brother.

The others also notice that Darkfang changing into the great big dog isn't difficult for Ferrak's foster brother. He seems to be filling out a bit. Not as lanky a wolf as before. Must be all the extra scraps at the B&B.

Ferrak looks ready, and addresses the others. "For this hunt, changed my nature ggifts."

(spells 1st lvl= Obscuring Mist, Entangle, and only one Cure Light Wounds. 2nd lvl= Barkskin, & Summon Nature's Ally II.)

"I can call other dogs to play with us. My friends, we will cause a, 'rukkus'," as Ferrak tries out a new word.

"Bill, my shield is ggood for quiet hunting." the feral gnome offers up his Darkwood shield. "Wood you like to use it?" he says tapping the 'earthy' smelling shield, aware of the pun, he gives a wink.

"I can also make someone's skin harder than this shield," he says looking at the others. (30 minutes) Arien-Renik-Rond or me for that matter?
(AC 18 HP 58 Ferrak has slippers of spidery climbing.)

Sunday February 10th, 2002 9:25:30 AM

"Thanks for offer Ferrak but I also have some protective spells so perhaps one of the others. As for traps detecting and the like I don't claim to be extremely skilled at it but I have yet to find one I couldn't disarm, the same goes for locks and opening them as well for that matter."

(OOC: Here is some of the relevant info for Arien. Cloak of the Arachnid, allows spider climbing; Spot:6, Search:12, Open Lock:10, Move Silently: 12, Hide:10, Disable Device:10. Oh and how do you do the italics in the post? Is it just like regular html with the brackets and whatnot?)

Sunday February 10th, 2002 8:26:47 PM

Draax listens to all the preparation for the mission to enter Balentyne's residence. He sits along the wall waiting as a plan is formulated. While listening he remembers the sneak and hide potions that he has. "Hey since I never had to use these potions, maybe you should take the potions inside with you just in case you need them."

(OOC: Relevant info for Draax: AC 21, Extra Healing Potions, Healing Potion, Potion of water breathing (2), Potion of Bull strength, Potion Of Hide, Potion of Sneaking, Hat of disguise, Slippers of Spider Climbing.)

Bill Troublefinder 
Sunday February 10th, 2002 8:42:17 PM

Bill laughs at Ferrak's pun. "Thanks, friend, but I would not be very good at bearing such a circle of wood."

He lets his friends know about a few other items. "I picked up three scrolls of invisibility at the Catacombs. Who can read them? Also a flashpellet - throw it on something hard and it makes a real bright light, and those who see it, well, it makes it harder for them to see for a little while. Also bought glowpowder; healing salve - it's a kinda stinky green ointment, but helps with wounds (1d8); phantom ink (visible by firelight); phantom ink (visible by magic light); a couple of scentbreaker bags (they make it hard for people, or animals, to follow a scent - just in case, as Darkfang pointed out, there is someone there who uses his nose); suregrip - makes it easy to hold onto things. Got a couple more tanglefoot bags.

"And, after months of research, I finally got these cool pants from the Black Genie Center! They're called pants o' plenty, and these two side pockets can hold LOTS o' stuff! Like, maybe twenty pounds, each. If you ever try to put something in, and feel some resistance, though, stop trying to shove it in, otherwise the pocket might get wrecked, and you'll lose a bunch o' what's inside. That's the pocket's way of telling you, 'I'm all full now.'

"Rond, I'd be happy to come inside, or happy to create distractions outside. You just let me know, and I'll do what I can where you assign me. One thing that might be helpful inside, is, one of the skills I learned allows me to pretty perfectly memorize things I can see. 'Cause we're supposed to be gathering evidence, right? So, are we goin' tomorrow? Morning, noon, night?"

Monday February 11th, 2002 1:29:09 AM

"Well... I'm thinking that the first time in, we should confirm the interior of the place, and make sure there aren't any new traps since the last time someone broke in." Rond looks askance at Renik. "We don't know what we're looking for, so we're probably going to need two nights, if we really want to be conservative.

"With everyone's input, I've thought some more on what I think we should do. I think it should be Renik, Arien, William and I to go into the residence. That's if William will allow himself to accompany one of us. This will then give the inside group the ability to talk with the outside group. It is sort of limiting, but I think it is better than nothing.

I'd like to go in under invisibility if we can. But I don't know if we have enough time to buy some more for the 2nd nights forays, if we have the funds.

If I recall, we should have the following gear spread out amongst the group:

5 Slippers of spider climb
Cloak of Elvenkind
Dust of illusion (start with 8 applications)
2 scrolls of dispel magic
2 scrolls of silence
scroll of summon swarm.

Please let me know if I don't remember things right.

I'm thinking that if we needed a quick escape, that we could run to the windows, and Bill could zap us with the levitate wand, if it was needed. Also, if we get either Hats of Disguise on everyone, or Bill to do make up work. We should all be disguised when we go inside the building.

( html codes belong inside "[]" brackets. You can read up on it where the rules are posted, that same section. )

Bill Troublefinder  d20+2=22 d20+2=16 d20+2=8 d20+17=27
Monday February 11th, 2002 2:41:51 AM

"Well, Rond, maybe one of the spell casters in the group can transcribe one of these invisibility scrolls into their spellbook, and memorize it," Bill suggests. "And what if some alarm is tripped, and we only get the one time?"

"Hey - I want you to know - I don't want anything bad to happen to William." The halfling, you can tell, speaks in earnest. "I can't replace him, and it would hurt me very badly if he were lost. So, take him, but be careful. William - if things get bad, try to hide, and I'll try to come in and rescue you." Bill spends some time with his psicrystal, telling him what a daring escapade this is, and asking him to describe to him what is going on and what he sees as well as possible, once inside. "And don't talk to anyone outside of our group, William."

Bill helps Rond with his disguise (22 - nat 20), and Renik with his (16 - decent), but really does a bad job of helping Arien (8). "Oops. You'd better start over." [If you want to do the disguises yourselves, but just with Bill assisting, roll yourselves, and add a +2 assist from Bill.)

Meanwhile, Bill carefully plans out what he wants to have in his pants pockets, and in his knapsack. He prepares a few aerial scatter-bombs as he has used before, with 3-5 items in each of several sacks.

Oh - Bill disguises himself as a gnome (but not Greener - he instead will be wearing very dark blue clothing) (disguise 27).

Bill is willing to cast levitate on one or more of the inside team members just before getting to the Baron's residence. He also, before handing psicrystal William over to Rond, takes advantage of the five power points stored in the psicrystal in order to activate the fly power upon himself. He suggests that he himself take the river approach, flying low along the banks (or so his head is just above wall level?), and ready to come up from behind if necessary - as well as to raise a ruckus back there, if the team needs to escape from the front.

Before The Caper (DM Donna) 
Monday February 11th, 2002 6:12:07 AM

(OOC: I'll be posting again later today with the results of your intended infiltration, but I'm using THIS post to nail down exactly WHO is going in and WHAT/HOW they'll be doing that.)

1. Rond, Arien and Renik will be going into the house, with William the psicrystal going along with them to use as a communication link between the interior party and the back-up party outside. (William is more than willing to go on this "foray of courageous adventure!")

2. How does the interior party plan to get into the house? Which floor & what location will be the point of entry? What items/spells will be used (and by whom) to aid them in their entry?

3. Exactly where will the back-up party be waiting for the interior party?

Like I said, I'll be posting later today, after all of the above questions are all answered.

Rond and group directions 
Monday February 11th, 2002 8:38:04 AM

"Unless someone disagrees, this is what I'm thinking now," Rond begins. "Let's do this all in one fell swoop.

"Interior will go in with invisibility, and levitate. Renik should lead the way with Arien following, and I'm bringing up the rear. Unless others have a better plan. I suggest that once we get inside the residence, we stay within physical touch of each other (saying that we'll have our hands on the shoulders of the person in front of us, or some such. I don't have any ideas of how to keep track of each other, other than that). My job is to watch for physical attacks. While Renik and Arien are checking for traps and such. William should stay perched on someone's shoulder, in order to stay invisible, if possible. I don't know if he sheds light or not.

"Renik seems to be the expert. ;) So he can figure out how to get into the house. We will be wearing slippers of spider climbing (Renik, Rond) or the robe of Arachnid (Arien).

"I'll let Bill, or someone else outside, decide what's going on there. Though I imagine they should take the scroll of summon swarm (19th lvl caster) with them."

Monday February 11th, 2002 11:09:38 AM

Renik gives some ideas about how best to get to the building and inside.

The intruders, Renik suggests, should spider climb over the wall, remain still until the roaming guards pass, then spider climb up the south eastern most corner of the building (Bottom right on the first diagram), then spider climb onto the balcony, moving as silently as possible the whole way and checking for traps. He also suggests that, despite the invisibility, it cannot hurt to hide as they make their way in. On the off chance that someone can see through their magic, they will still have to spot them lurking in the shadows.

If it looks as if they are at risk of being discovered, or anything goes wrong, whoever carries William will signal to him (by tapping him?) to contact Bill and call for Ferrak's doggie diversion. Lots of noisy barking to distract the guards. No sense in using unless it is not needed...

If the party really get into trouble, then they will ask William to signal an evac. Basically "Come in and get us out!" This will of course be a very last resort.

Once on the balcony Arien and Renik will move to the window, check it for traps, then attempt to silently force entry. From then on in, Renik will be a silent scout, checking for traps, hiding and being quiet as he can as the three of them hunt for information.

Monday February 11th, 2002 1:05:03 PM

K'isst moves a couple of buildings down from the current location (Where are we?) and sits in a doorway pulling her hood over her head.

She thinks, ::When friends divide, friends die.::

She mutters, "Hate wait."

Where we are: 
Monday February 11th, 2002 1:27:00 PM

[Jerry: Go to DM Donna's Web Map Page, http://hometown.aol.com/donnlap/myhomepage/index.html to see the map Renik sketched out for the party. (Her page also shows, Jerry, where the three buildings are that the party has purchased in the Rogue Quarter). The location of the house in the Wealthy Quarter is the last one in the lower left-hand corner next to the river at the intersection of Mission Road and Jewel's End, with walls surrounding the manor. For escape on foot, there are two passages along Jewel's End into the Noble Quarter, one quite close to Balentyne's place, as well as the broader bridge near the start of Parade Road which leads after a stretch into the Merchant's Quarter. The map of the Wealthy Quarter is at http://www.woldiangames.com/maps/yrth/peninsula/newelenna/plateaucity/wealthy_quarter.htm - and the link to the general Plateau City map is at http://www.woldiangames.com/maps/yrth/peninsula/newelenna/plateaucity/main_plateau_city_map.htm -Kim]

Bill Troublefinder  d20+16=22 d20+16=35 d20+16=25 d20+16=23 d20+16=31 d20+16=36 d20+16=34 d20+16=23 d20+16=29 d20+16=30
Monday February 11th, 2002 2:24:29 PM

"Hey, I'm NOT going to try to levitate invisible people!" declares Bill, "So let me cast this on you guys before we get to the manor. Look, Rond - you used that potion of flying before, when we rescued Shianna, so I know you know how to fly. Now I can touch you, and then you'll be able to fly for a little more than an hour (70 minutes, move 90, or up to 180 when descending). Renik and Arien will be able to levitate. That way, if you need to escape by air, they can hold on to you, and you can haul them through the air. Also, if you are levitating or flying, you're not as likely to cause floorboards to squeak. Here, let me tie a couple of coils of rope to you, with a loop in the end, so they have something to hang on to without having to hug you."

Bill (take 10 on use rope: dc 22 on first coil, dc 35 on second coil, place just behind left hip and right hip, respectively, when uncoiled, length of 12.5 feet each, knotted each three feet) fashions, if Rond and the others agree, the silk towing ropes. He also fashions one each for Renik (dc 25) and Arien (dc 23), at the back or front of their belts, as each prefers, taking his time to make sure he does it right. He offers levitation (it lasts 30 minutes) to Draax, K'isst, Ferrak and Darkfang as well, should they desire it, and the ropes, should they ask. (If you ask, consider it done - use rope rolls of 31, 36, 34, 23.) And he places a similar coil on his own waist, as well (dc 29).

"Okay, for those who are levitating, remember that if you are standing on something, and push off so you have some forward momentum, then until you land, you will tend to keep that same momentum. K'isst, with those boots of yours, you should be able to push off with pretty good speed. I like to use mine to get a good springy start when I levitate. Oh, you can move up or down as much as 20 feet each six seconds."

Suggestion: How about if Darkfang and Ferrak are in the front of the manor, and Bill, Draax, K'isst are in the back, just peeking over the wall? Come to think of it, Bill will tie a second loop of rope behind him, too (dc 30). That way, the 'dogs' can raise a ruckus in front, and the rest of the team can deal with things in the back. I can think of a variety of other tactics, as well, but time presses. The entangle spell Ferrak has memorized can help immobilize a bunch of guards, should they congregate in the front to deal with a disturbance, and if it looks as if things are going awry.

I think that it will be best if the inside team can get in and out undetected, and the rest of us don't have to 'raise a ruckus.' Fingers crossed.

"Oh, I have the summon swarm scroll, but don't think I have a ghost's chance of getting it to work right," the hobbit tells Rond.

Monday February 11th, 2002 6:38:01 PM

"Sounds like a good plan, may the silver moon shine luck and not light on it." Ferrak who looks like a german sheperd now sits with Darkfang and explains their part of what is to come.

"We get the fun part, eh brother? Let's hope though that they don't need us."

Monday February 11th, 2002 9:40:06 PM

Draax declines Bill's offer to levitate him, "No thanks Bill I feel better with my feet on the ground."

He checks his gear to ensure that he has everything that he thinks he will need. One thing does come to his mind that he needs to ask the group because he cannot remember if it was mentioned or not.

"Before we go I have one question, it may have already been covered, but I might not have been listening. Are we going to wait until Balentyne is out of his residence or does it not matter?"

Draax is ready to go no matter what the answer.

Bill T. to Draax 
Tuesday February 12th, 2002 1:40:39 AM

"Well, okay, Draax - but what if the rest of us escape over the river? I can't carry you, nor can Rond, if you're not light of feet. And you can keep those feet on the ground as much as you want. It just gives you an option not to, if need be." But Bill honors Draax's request.

[OOC: What's the weather like? Is a moon out? Clouds? Rain? etc. Are we going a couple hours before dawn, or late in the evening, or what?]

Breaking & Entering (DM Donna)  d20=8 d20=2 d20=13 d20=10 d20=13
Tuesday February 12th, 2002 7:33:37 AM

Night falls and the Hamleteers break into two groups--the invisible trio infiltrating the house, and the others who are waiting outside the low stone wall that surrounds the estate near the roadway that leads northwards. (OOC: check out DM Donna's Web Map page to see what I mean.) The back-up group can see the front balcony from where they are.

The interior group sneaks over to the front of the house and carefully, quickly and efficiently gets up to the balcony--one of the guards directly below the balcony thinks he hears something, but his buddies convince him that he's just jittery because the Baron's guests are still here, and the man relaxes.

Renik, Arien and Rond (accompanied by William) go inside. The back-up party peek over the stone wall in time to see the balcony doors open and close. William lets Bill know that the interior party is now inside and they are--so far--undetected.

INTERIOR: Bill uses his psychic farsight to follow along with the party as they enter the upstairs drawing room--which is mercifully empty--and creep carefully down the hallway. William comments to Bill (via their telepathic link) that this party is acting less than heroic in HIS opinion... why not just march down to the bedroom and demand the evidence from the Baron?

Just outside the master bedroom door, however, Renik pauses and Rond knows why: they've both heard voices on the other side of the door. Renik whispers this to William (the psicrystal is on the rogue's shoulder) and places one ear to the wooden door, listening hard to the voices as they speak.

Voice 1 sounds imperious and commanding.
Voice 2 sounds ingratiating and greedy.
Both voices are male.

The dialogue:

Voice 1: ...are being recruited from all over the City--the fools are willingly coming forward for food, shelter, and gold...they suspect nothing practically to the point when they are brought before the altar.

Voice 2 (whiny): But only those who are truly dedicated to the Dark Lord's cause will receive otherworldly reward, yes..? Everyone else will be used and discarded!

Voice 1: You will be rewarded as you deserve, my dear Baron--just keep using your men to sweep the City for more sacrifices.

Voice 2 (obviously the Baron): I'm sure that I've confused Sturtavent's lapdog with my sudden concern for the poor and homeless, but he is only a fool who thinks only of the City--while my vision has expanded to the entire Wold!

There is laughter that can be correctly categorized as Evil that sounds from within.

Voice 1: Such a small mind in comparison to the glory of Marteaus. Ah, well--no matter. He has his uses, and will be discarded when he is useful no more.

Balentyne: I can't wait for THAT day! Self-righteous commoner... I heard that his wife ran off with some cleric of Alemi.

Voice 1: It's... getting late, and I have sacrifices that I must attend. Come, Amelie, we must go back to the temple. It's been a pleasure, my lord.

Balentyne: It has been MY pleasure, Prelate Marshall!

Footsteps approach the door... all three interior party members must make a Reflex save versus DC10 in order to move away from the door quickly and quietly so that they aren't accidently tripped over by the people exiting the master bedroom.

Meanwhile, Outside the House (DM Donna)  d20=7 d20=6 d20=20
Tuesday February 12th, 2002 7:51:11 AM

Bill is using his Clairvoyance to follow the interior party's progress...just as he "sees" that the party has paused (OOC: he can't see the party, per se--they're invisible--but he can tell from William's communication with him that they've stopped outside the master bedroom door), William lets the halfling know that the party is eavesdropping on a conversation on the other side of the door. It appears to be a VERY incriminating conversation...

The DM has rolled a Listen check for the back-up group--it is 7 versus a DC15.

The DM has rolled a Hide check for the back-up group--it is 6.

The DM has rolled a Spot check of 20 for the two patrolling guards, who seem to suddenly appear out of nowhere, peering over the low stone wall the three people and two "dogs" are huddled next to, and demand to know what the hell YOU all are doing trespassing on the private property of his most noble Baron Balentyne???

Renik  d20+8=27
Tuesday February 12th, 2002 11:09:44 AM

Renik takes a single silent step backwards so that his back is pressed against the far wall, well out of the way of the exiting conspirators. Human sacrifice eh? Typical of these loathsome swine. His hand drops unconsciously to the pommel of his dagger. For a fleeting instant he considers how fortunate it is that neither of his companions can see the expression on his face at this moment.

But he must remain calm. Now is not the time for confrontation. Remember what Marcus told them! If they can get out again without being detected, or better yet pick up some tangible proof of wrongdoing, and then get out without any sign they were ever there, so much the better. He hopes everything is going as well for the backup party.

Bill Troublefinder, as a gnome  d20+7=25 3d4(3+2+4)=9
Tuesday February 12th, 2002 12:07:16 PM

Bill, disguised as a gnome, just sees Balentyne and Marshall as the door opens, when the guards interrupt where they sit. He turns his glance towards the two guards. His eyes shine silver. He brings his head up to the level of the inquisitors, and answers their question with a headache. The air in front of the 'gnome' ripples out in a 60 foot cone as his focused brain issues a Mind blast, DC 25. If a Will save fails, the recipients will be stunned for 9 rounds. Anybody beyond the two guards in the 5'x60'x60 cone will also need to make the same save.

[OOC: Guys inside - keep in mind that Renik & Arien can levitate, and Rond can fly. Folks outside - K'isst also can levitate, and Bill can fly. -Kim]

[CDM Jerry: Please do not post OOC comments during a battle situation. ::thwapping Kim on the head::]

[Kim answers: ::Thwapping Jerry back, gently :: I see no good or reasonable reason not to remind the possibly inattentive of pertinent information, battle or not. What I wrote was a clear fact. Some peoples' posts led me to believe it possible they had forgotten this was a fait accompli. Of this, I do not repent.]

Arien  d20+10=28 d20+12=30
Tuesday February 12th, 2002 2:47:48 PM

Arien slips away from the door as silently as a ghost and keeps an eye on the Baron's guests, trying to memorize their faces so that he could recognize them again if he saw them out on the street. As he watches them his mind is working furiously over the conversation and he comes to the conclusion that the man they had been discussing was in fact Marcus. Arien's eyes narrow and he slowly strokes the hilt of his dagger as he wonders what would happen if Prelate woke up one day with a bad case of death.

(The second role is a voluntary move silently.)

Tuesday February 12th, 2002 5:51:26 PM

(OOC Darkfang and I are on the other side of the building I thought. We were gonna cause the diversion away from the others. Is that right?) [Kim adds - yeah - I thought some of us would be on the river side, and the dogs on the street side.]

Ferrak acts like a dog in an ally picking through trash and sniffing wherever his nose takes him.

Tuesday February 12th, 2002 10:11:36 PM

Surprised by the appearance of the guards, Draax's weapon hand automatically goes to his longsword. As he is about to say something, Bill hits the guards with his mind blast. Draax continues the motion of drawing his sword, but waits to see the result of Bill's action on the guards.

Bill T - contingent note 
Wednesday February 13th, 2002 1:18:39 AM

"Can you pull them over the wall?" Bill quietly asks K'isst and Draax and Ferrak. "And knock 'em on the head to make sure they stay out?" As usual, in a combat situation, he does not use the names of his friends.

[OOC: This, of course, if they are 'out' - that is, stunned. If not, since Draax offered no contingent action, would he have a chance to try knocking one up side the head with the flat of his blade? Or K'isst?]

If the two proximate guards are handled, Bill takes a moment to communicate telepathically with his psicrystal. "A true hero knows when to be discreet, for greater good can come by waiting for the best moment for action. We have quieted two guards out here."

Inside (DM Donna)  d20+6=24 d20=14 d20=11 d20+4=7
Wednesday February 13th, 2002 6:15:06 AM

(OOC: since he didn't post, I rolled the Reflex save for Rond.)

Rond hastily moves away from the door, able to quickly and quietly withdraw as it opens and three people emerge from the room:

A portly human male with thinning black hair dressed in very fine clothing and good quality jewelry (Renik recognizes him as the Baron); a tall, thin human dressed in black robes and bearing the unholy symbol of Marteaus; and a stocky dwarven female in black armor painted with the unholy symbol of Marteaus.

As the trio passes the invisible infiltrators and descend the spiral staircase, there are two things that the party notices:

The female has a nasty-looking double-headed dwarven axe (it resembles an orc double axe only it is obviously sized for a dwarf) in a holder on her back...and the Baron has obligingly left the door to the master bedroom open.

None of the departing people seem to have heard anything unusual.

Outside (DM Donna)  d20=20 d20=11 d20+5=7
Wednesday February 13th, 2002 6:58:10 AM

(OOC: you're right--I forgot that you had the "dogs" located in the front, with the people in the back; however, the only way to reach the back is to traverse the grounds. I'll grant that Bill, K'isst and Draax are on the southern side of the property, since they can see the entry point that the interior party used from there. I've adjusted the diagram on DM Donna's Web Map Site {http://hometown.aol.com/donnlap/myhomepage/index.html} accordingly. I don't recall anyone saying that anyone else was going to penetrate the estate grounds, however, besides those going into the house.)

Bill's Mind Blast stuns one of the guards--but not the other, who shouts a warning as he stabs at the gnome with the strange eyes. (OOC: hits AC7--which means he missed Bill completely.) The party hears answering shouts the sound of clamoring coming from the house.

Darkfang--sniffing around as the Great Dane dog--suddenly snaps to attention and growls to Ferrak:

Big Brother--I hear that the pack to the south has been discovered! What shall we do?

Ferrak  d3=2 d20+6=16
Wednesday February 13th, 2002 8:34:37 AM

To answer his foster brother, the feral gnome starts a mystical druidic chant. Pulling some loam and mistletoe from his beltpouch Ferrak calls for help from mother nature.

Hearing his call, two dogs appear sitting next to Darkfang, heads cocked and quizical expression on each of their faces.

With the spell finished Ferrak jumps the closest one and starts making noise, barking and growling but not actually hurting the animal. Ferrak tries to convey to the dogs that he & Darkfang want to play rough, and aren't real threats. (Animal Empathy=16)


(Come on brother, let's rumble!)

Rond  d20+9=27
Wednesday February 13th, 2002 8:57:49 AM

(ooc. Sorry about missing post).

Having navigated out of the way of the swinging door, Rond waits for the evil trio to make their way out of hearing distance. Once gone, Rond will wait to give the other two a chance to get through the door. Then he'll move into the bedroom, and take a position of watching for the Baron to return. (MS 27)

Rond thinks on what he has just seen. Prelate Marshall, a dwarf named Amelie and the Baron. Sounds as if the Baron has someone's interest. Too bad they're all fools for trusting in Marteaus.

Renik  d20+4=18 d20+13=32
Wednesday February 13th, 2002 10:48:56 AM

Renik slips into the baron's room and looks hastily ouround. Time is of the essence! He hunts for any incriminating documents, moving as quietly as possible, whilst keeping an eye out for traps (Search 18, Move silent 32).

Bill Troublefinder  d20+6=24
Wednesday February 13th, 2002 12:33:17 PM

Oh bother! He had hoped that things would remain quiet for a while. Bill tosses his net over the attacking guard (ranged touch attack AC 16, armor not included in guard's AC -note I had written this post before, and system froze as I attempted to save it, with an original roll of d20+6=16, so ignore 24 above), then ascends into the air, at first at a 45 degree angle up and back, then shifting to a 45 degree angle parallel to the wall, and toward the river (attaining a height of 45 feet). Bill activates his ring of blinking then. He refocuses his attention to the interior where the three, er, four, conduct their investigation. The guards below likely notice a flying gnome with two bright eyes, which commence to blink off and on, as the halfling's body alternates between the material and ethereal worlds. "How're things, William?" [Note - he's not trespassing on the Baron's property. He's trespassing on his neighbor's property, or airspace, at the boundary of the Noble Quarter.]

Arien  d20+12=22 d20+12=26 d20+12=27
Wednesday February 13th, 2002 12:53:23 PM

Arien moves as quietly as possible into the master bedroom, and after a quick glance around, starts examining any desks or cabinets around the room, taking extra care to look for any secret compartments or traps.

(First roll is move silently, and I rolled two separate search rolls, one for any secret compartments and the second one for traps.)

K'isst  d20+14=27 d20+9=17 d8+5=7 d8+5=6
Wednesday February 13th, 2002 7:43:36 PM

K'isst pivots and looks to see if Bill's net does the trick for the 2nd guy. Either way she attacks for subdual damage hitting AC 27 and AC 17 respectively for 7 and 6 hpd respectively. (-4 to dmg. when subduing p.134 PHB figured in.)

If the final guard is in the net, she with her 5' step, will move on top of the net to add her weight to the net's.

Draax  d20+12=21 d20+7=24 d8+7=15 d8+7=11
Wednesday February 13th, 2002 10:50:21 PM

Draax joins K'isst in trying to subdue the non-stunned guard, attacking with the flat side of his blade. (hitting AC21 and AC24 for 15 and 11 dmg)

Happy Balentyne's Day - Inside (DM Donna)  d20+8=15 d20+2=19
Thursday February 14th, 2002 6:15:10 AM

The richly-appointed room is quickly and thoroughly searched by the three invisible Hamleteers.

Renik, once again, finds the writing desk locked up, and, once again, manages to pick the lock (OOC: rolled the just-barely-makes-it Open Lock check of 15). Inside the locked drawer is a large, flat case that contains a really nice-looking ruby necklace--obviously meant to adorn the neck of a lady.

The papers on the desk appear to be the usual correspondence between a noble and those who manage his properties, but something about one of the pages catches Renik's eye (OOC: rolled an Intelligence check of 19), so he takes that particular letter.

Rond and Arien also poke through the room--and Arien yelps in surprise when it turns out that there's a secret compartment in the upper stones of the fireplace. Renik is surprised, too--his previous foray into this room hadn't revealed THAT little twist.

Inside the cubbyhole is a sheaf of papers that that the Hamleteers really don't have the time to completely peruse, but they all seem to be reports/updates on certain locations all around Plateau City... much like the letter that caught Renik's eye.

William lets Bill know that the interior trio are efficiently searching the room, and have found papers that may prove Baron Balentyne's perfidy.

Happy Balentyne's Day - Outside (DM Donna)  d20=8
Thursday February 14th, 2002 6:26:45 AM

All right, cousin, let's make this look good! barks Darkfang at the other new arrival, and the two canines begin a realistic mock-fight, complete with growling, keening and horrible-sounding "attacks" on each other.

The guard that Bill didn't stun is now tangled up in the net that's been tossed onto him--his buddy is standing there, stunned by the Mind Blast unleashed by the halfling. There are another four people rushing from the direction of the house towards the furiously-swearing, entangled mercenary--

--before anyone can calculate the time that it would take the four guards to reach the back-up group's location, the loud sound of a dogfight suddenly erupts from the direction of the main gate. Two of the approaching guards peel off to see what's up there, while the other two--who were coming from around the back of the house--continue to run towards the cursing guard as he fruitlessly attempts to untangle himself from the net.

It will take at least two rounds for the guards approaching Bill, K'isst and Draax to reach them; the guards who are heading for the dogfight will reach that site in one round.

K'isst  d20+5=24 d20+18=33 d20+13=15 d8+5=10 d8+5=6
Thursday February 14th, 2002 10:14:57 AM

K'isst, spotting the incoming two guards, says, "Two incoming. We're spotted." She looks for a place to hide or run with the two soldiers that they have under control. She doesn't spot anything. [Nothing near according to map.]

"No escape."

She strikes for subdual at the netted soldier (+4 for netted, -4 dmg for subdual). She hits AC 33 and 15 for 10 and 6 points of dmg.

After her attack she turns to take the brunt of the two guards now approaching.

Thursday February 14th, 2002 12:17:44 PM

Renik pockets the necklace and the papers, then moves to the doorway to keep a look out while the others finish searching the room. Once they are done he whispers to William "We are ready to leave. Are the backup party ready to create a diversion if needs be?"

Bill Troublefinder  d20=13 d20=3 d20=8 d20=18 d100=46
Thursday February 14th, 2002 12:52:05 PM

As he surveys the scene, inside and out, Bill is pleased that his friends seem to have found some evidence. "Six of seven guards accounted for outside," he lets William know. "Suggest you leave with what you have. Fly out the back or north side. Two guards occupied in front with dogs, four on south with rest of us. Remember tow ropes on Rond. Pass it on, good William."

As he communicates this, the halfling has been flying horizontally toward an intercept point with the oncoming guards, and dropping to an altitude of 25 feet, as from his right pants pocket Bill extracts a 'bombadier bag', which he upends, shaking loose the contents as close to the onrushing guards as he can. Out drop a flashpellet (AC 13) (Reflex save vs DC 15 if within 10' radius, or be dazzled for one minute (10 rounds), with a -1 on attack rolls); a thin bladder of two quarts of water (AC 3) which bursts on impact; a thunderstone (AC 8) (those within a 10' radius make a Fortitude save or be deafened, with -4 initiative, and 20% chance to miscast and lose any spells - not that guards will be spellcasters); and a tanglefoot bag (AC 18, ranged touch, armor does not count for AC). If the gooey bag manages to get one of the two approaching guards, he will suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls and a -4 penalty to effective Dexterity. He must make a Reflex save (DC 15) or be glued to the ground, unable to move. Even with a successful save, he can only move at half speed. [Rolled d100 - needed to roll over 20 in order for Bill's bombing run to have occurred in the material plane, rather than ethereal. Got a 46, so material it is.] In gnomish, Bill says, "Enjoy the party favors."

Ferrak (Round two of Summon Nature's Ally) 
Thursday February 14th, 2002 5:47:14 PM

Taking a moment from the ruckus, Ferrak casts another spell in preparation. His hands still moist from the last incantation, the feral gnome pulls out a piece of bark from an old oak tree. Gnawing on the wood the wild warrior gnome begins to glow ever so slightly. The glowing fades as his skin hardens. (New AC 21/23 with shield for 30 minutes)

"Come and get it," he whispers under his breath.

Thursday February 14th, 2002 8:49:47 PM

Folding the papers that he found Arien stuffs them in a belt pouch and returns to the door. Once he gets a chance he whispers to the other two. "We should just grab onto those loops around Rond and fly back to the hideout. Have William tell Bill where we're going and to meet us there."

Thursday February 14th, 2002 11:08:57 PM

Hearing K'isst's warning Draax looks up to see the oncoming guards. He thinks to himself, 'I guess it is time to leave.' As Draax takes a step backward he notices K'isst taking a step forward. The half-elf smiles as he moves up along side her giving them both enough room to use their weapons.

Using his hat of disguise, he shifts his appearance to look like an old man in pieced together armor. Keeping his shield raised the disguised fighter points his sword toward the ground leaning a little forward as if the sword feels heavy in his hand. In a low voice he say, "I guess the fun is not over yet."

Thursday February 14th, 2002 11:58:42 PM

Finishing his search, Rond prepares to fly the others out. "Restore" he quickly whispers.

Fight and Flight (DM Donna)  d20=10 d20=1 d20=6 d20=9 d20=5 d20=5 d20=10 d20=3 d20=9 d20=12
Friday February 15th, 2002 7:28:21 AM

Bill's patented bag wreaks havoc with the incoming reinforcements: one of them is deafened by the thunderstone, and--while instinctively clutching his head after the explosion--he runs right into the first reinforcement, who was quite effectively entangled by the tanglefoot bag.

Both guards fall flat on the faces as a result--the gooeyness of the tanglefoot solution additionally mucking with the second man, too.

The guards that are at the low wall are still entangled in the battle net and stunned by the Mind Blast. Now that the closest reinforcements are also effectively stopped, it is relatively easy for K'isst and Draax to run away by following the waterway northeast (hint, hint!)

The guards running up to the dogfight see that--well, that it's just a stupid dogfight.

"G'wan, ya mangy mutts!" one of the guards growls as both of them swipe half-heartedly at the animals, but the swords don't even come close (both rolled to hit AC5.)

Exiting the front of the house are the Prelate and Amelie the dwarf, escorted to the door by the Baron, who starts yelling at the two guards who are trying to scare off the fighting dogs.

The cleric and the dwarf look amused, but hastily exit out of the area, following Jewel's End as they go.

None of the remaining guards has an inkling of the invisible interior party's exit from the rear of the house. (OOC: I'm assuming that the interior party follows the advice that William hastily passed on to them from Bill.)

Renik  d20+13=26 d20+23=25 d20+7=20 d20+3=5
Friday February 15th, 2002 8:50:48 AM

Renik takes in the scene as he heads out the back of the house and makes for the safety of the wall. Looks like sufficient confusion has been sown!

He spider climbs back over the wall, then once his two companions have joined him he whispers to William a message to pass on to Bill; "Okay, interior party out and safe, mission accomplished and heading for home. See you there, folks!"

Maintaining the invisibility Renik quietly heads back (Move silent 26, Hide 25) keeping an eye out for anyone who might somehow be following (Spot 20), and only once safely back does he get the papers and necklace out and examine them carefully (Int 5. Oops! Does anyone have Appraise for the necklace?)

Friday February 15th, 2002 9:27:40 AM

Draax watches the charging guards fall flat on their faces. He sighs, shrugs his shoulders, and puts away his sword. "Oh well, another good fighting opportunity wasted." He turn to K'isst, "I guess now would be a good time to leave. I feel a power urge to run away by following the waterway." He begins to sprint in the northeast direction along the waterway.

William the psicrystal 
Friday February 15th, 2002 11:22:18 AM

The psicrystal passed along Bill's message to Renik, Rond and Arien. "So, will Renik and Arien take the ropes that the foresightful Bill prepared for you, to bravely fly through the sky, risking your very necks in such a bold maneuver?" William also asks Rond, "What did you mean when you said, 'Restore'?"

He enjoys the flight.

Friday February 15th, 2002 11:31:20 AM

"Ah, no William" replies Renik to the crystal's question, thinking fast. "I shall not be flying, despite the wise and clever advance planning of the great and resouceful Bill Troublefinder. Instead I shall be bravely climbing down the sheer walls of the building, then risking life and limb in a hair-raising trek across enemy territory before climbing once more (with nary a thought for personal safety) over the exterior wall. That done, I shall return to our domicile, breast swollen in pride at a job well done, and an enemy seriously thwarted by the matchless brilliance of our noble band of fearless adventurers. That's not to say the rope wasn't a good idea. I take nothing away from the rope. Yay rope!"

Renik, were he visible at this point, would be looking a tad uncomfortable.

Bill Troublefinder  d20+6=20 d20+18=32
Friday February 15th, 2002 11:37:52 AM

The halfling changes course, and swoops down by K'isst. "They are out, time to go home, Ferrak," he sends as a telepathic missive to the gnome. He ends the blinking as he drops a rope. "Take the end, if you want a ride," he whispers to K'isst. If she takes it, he tows her, flying toward, then along the river, until he finds a suitable place to come to a landing to return home by foot. If she declines, he does the same, but keeps his eyes (now non-shining, as he drops the far seeing power) out for his visible companions, wanting to ensure that all make it safely away.

Also, as it is still fresh in their minds, Bill asks William to have his friends repeat to him exactly what they heard - word for word if possible - as they eavesdropped at the door. With hindsight, he wishes he had switched to clairaudience, but the guards happened to interrupt at that moment. If William was able to himself hear the words of the men and dwarf woman, then Bill will get the psicrystal's report directly.

----- Back at the Ranch -----
Bill pulls out a fine magnifying lens, and examines the ruby necklace which Renik liberated [Appraise DC 20].

He says, "Rruff, woof woof, grrruff!" ('Well done, Ferrak, Darkfang.') And to Andraaxius and K'isst, "Good follow through, friends."

"So, exactly what did you find?" Bill asks of the interior team. "And exactly what did you hear them say? Try to mimic how they sounded, if you can." He writes down carefully what each reports, and, using autohypnosis (DC 32) memorizes what he hears them say.

He asks if he can take a look at the documents discovered. He takes out fresh parchment, and carefully copies each one, the copies of which he places in a scroll case, and hides in a safe place, along with a copy of a report of what his friends overheard.

"Rond," he suggests, "since, based on what you say, Marcus may be at risk, don't you suppose we should let him know immediately what we have learned?"

William to Renik 
Friday February 15th, 2002 12:03:58 PM

"Ah, such a worthy companion you are. I shall deem you 'Renik the Bold'!" the psicrystal answers the nimble adventurer.

[OOC: LOL at your post, Carl!]

Friday February 15th, 2002 12:11:51 PM

Forgettting about the psi crystal, Rond nearly jumps out of his shell when William speaks to him. Thinking to the psi crystal. "I was merely trying to remind Renik and Arien to restore the hide away places back to their original locked or secured position. I wanted as much time as we could get, before someone knew we were there."

Friday February 15th, 2002 2:44:23 PM

Once the invisibility wears off Arien leans back in a chair and reads through to papers he found in the fireplace. He lets Renik and Rond recount the conversation while he is reading. Once done he'll pass the papers to Bill and generalize what he found there to the rest of the group.

Friday February 15th, 2002 3:47:32 PM

K'isst looks at Draax' retreating figure confused. "Power urge to run?" She looks at Draax, looks at her foe in the net and shrugs.

Then Bill offers the ride. "Ride a rope?" Trusting him, she grabs the rope.

She is jerked into the air.

::Oh Donnyra::
::Oh Donnyra::
::Oh Donnyra::
::Oh Donnyra::

...Somewhere over town there is a blood curdling scream...

William again asks Rond the same question. 
Friday February 15th, 2002 6:01:03 PM

William again asks Rond as they fly away, "What did you mean when you said, 'Restore', Ronderiadshal?"

As they fly along, presumably towing Arien, Rond and Arien hear him say, "You two are brave to fly like this. But Renik explained his way of escape. Oh! What risks he takes! This is an excellent group of adventurers. Most excellent, says William!" Yes, he refers to himself in the third person.

[OOC: Unless Rond can communicate telepathically somehow, he will have to speak aloud for William to understand him. The telepathy from the psicrystal to others, except for Bill, is one-way only. I assume that after the psicrystal repeats the question, Rond will realize this. Bill had mentioned it earlier.]

Saturday February 16th, 2002 12:11:50 AM

The pack of dogs scatter when threatened by the big scary man. Two of them run away so fast that they seem to disappear into the night. Actually disappearing from this plane of existence, Ferrak barks a good-bye to them.

"I think I would have beat mine in a few more seconds. It looked like you were struggling there with yours though brother."

On the way home, Ferrak contimplates working on his garden project tonight. Scratching absently at his bark hard skin, the feral gnome is thinking about the termites that have infested his tool shed. On second thought, maybe tomorrow night would be better after all.

Saturday February 16th, 2002 2:39:31 PM

"I was merely trying to remind Renik and Arien to restore the hide away places back to their original locked or secured position. I wanted as much time as we could get, before someone knew we were there."

William the psicrystal now understands 
Sunday February 17th, 2002 3:36:44 PM

"I see now. What a lot of work for one word!" the psicrystal communicates to Rond on hearing this explanation. "I must learn this way, too." The notion of concision in speech is apparently new to William.

Aftermath (DM Donna)  d20=10 d20=1 d20=6
Monday February 18th, 2002 6:36:54 AM

I think I could have been a wolf accompanying a circus, big brother, if my performance was so good as to make YOU think that I was on the verge of losing... retorts Darkfang as the disguised duo race back to the headquarters of the Hamleteers.

None of the possible patrols that may have encountered any of the Hamleteers fleeing the Baron's estate run into any of the party--although there were a pair of tipsy nobles who swear they saw a screaming elven witch flying through the night sky. Both of the nobles are now members of Aledrinker's Anonymous.

Bill's examination of the necklace turns up that it is but a well-made paste imitation of ruby set in a brass-plated chain. Inside the box the necklace was in is a note:

My darling: you are as precious to me as the jewel within--same time & place next week!

With love from your Studmuffin

The necklace might fetch a gold piece or two if you tried selling it to a knowledgeable merchant (the appraise DC on it is 15.)

The papers that were taken are written in Common; they seem to pertain to how many supplies are needed to provide food and blankets to certain locations around the seedier quarters of Plateau City...ostensibly to feed and shelter the homeless and destitute.

Anyone perusing the papers for whatever may have snagged Renik's suspicions must make an Intelligence check versus DC18 to tumble to the fact that, although the reports speak of increasing numbers of people taking advantage of the free food and shelter, the amount of supplies needed does NOT significantly increase (and the sequence of the papers start at about two months before the death of Domi.)

Renik  d20+3=11
Monday February 18th, 2002 8:15:10 AM

Renik examines the papers, but can't quite put his finger on what it is that rings alarm bells with him.

"Well, it's not as damning as I'd hoped, but something's not quite right here, I'm sure of it. We do have locations listed here, perhaps our next move should be to pose as down-and-outs, and try to infiltrate one or more of these places. See if it's perhaps a cover for some shadier activity? From what Balentyne was saying to his paymaster, I can't see him being the charitable type. Perhaps some tangible proof from one of these flophouses (or whatever), combined with this proof of Balentyne's involvement, will be sufficient to fully incriminate him."

He eyes the necklace carefully. "Paste, you say? I hate him more than ever!"

Arien  d20+4=20
Monday February 18th, 2002 1:31:27 PM

"Maybe not Renik, but here's something odd. These papers show that Balentyne has been providing food and shelter the homeless for about two months now and that more and more people are coming there for help. Yet despite this increase in numbers there is no real increase in the amount of food sent or needed. So unless people are either eating a lot less or walking away from free help something is going on. Also remember the conversation we heard within Balentyne's? That priest of Marteaus was saying something about fools coming from all over the city for food, shelter and gold, and how they suspected nothing before being brought before the altar. Then he told the Baron to keep sweeping the city for more sacrifices."

Arien pauses a moment and continues in a subdued voice, "It sounds like to me that Balentyne and the temple of Marteaus are taking advantage of the homeless, converting those that they can and sacrificing those that won't convert. I say we have enough evidence here to satisfy Marcus, let's contact him and see what he wants us to do from here." As he speaks anger floods his voice and the next words come out as more of a growl than anything else, "And I hope it involves doing something permanent to Balentyne."

Bill Troublefinder - Report to Marcus 
Monday February 18th, 2002 7:52:42 PM

Bill's report to Marcus. He writes with invisible ink, the message discernible only when exposed to heat (as from the flame of a nearby candle). On the document in normal ink, he writes a shopping list of common foods, a few of them scratched out. At the bottom of the list it reads, "Don't forget the candle." The invisible message is woven between the visible writing.


After some planning, we visited the Baron's estate. Some entered. The rest remained outside. Overheard was the following conversation between the Prelate Marshall and Baron Balentyne:

Prelate Marshall: ...are being recruited from all over the City--the fools are willingly coming forward for food, shelter, and gold. They suspect nothing practically to the point when they are brought before the altar.

Baron Balentyne: But only those who are truly dedicated to the Dark Lord's cause will receive otherworldly reward, yes? Everyone else will be used and discarded!

Prelate Marshall: You will be rewarded as you deserve, my dear Baron--just keep using your men to sweep the City for more sacrifices.

Balentyne: I'm sure that I've confused Sturtavent's lapdog with my sudden concern for the poor and homeless, but he is only a fool who thinks only of the City--while my vision has expanded to the entire Wold!

Evil laughter ensues.

Prelate Marshall: Such a small mind in comparison to the glory of Marteaus. Ah, well--no matter. He has his uses, and will be discarded when he is useful no more.

Balentyne: I can't wait for THAT day! Self-righteous commoner... I heard that his wife ran off with some cleric of Alemi.

Prelate Marshall: It's... getting late, and I have sacrifices that I must attend. Come, Amelie, we must go back to the temple. It's been a pleasure, my lord.

Balentyne: It has been MY pleasure, Prelate Marshall!

[Bill includes here pen-and-ink sketches of the Baron, the Prelate, and the dwarf Amelie - in her black armor bearing the symbol of Marteaus, and her double-bladed axe - across the page as he saw them, although the word 'Cabbage' partially obscures Balentyne's face.]

My interpretation: The followers of Marteaus offer food, money and shelter to the poor, some of whom they then offer in sacrifice upon the altars dedicated to the Dark Lord. The men style you, Marcus, as 'Sturtavent's lapdog,' and put a slanderous bent to the sacrificial delivery by Qancis and Damocles of the Sons of Dread's cursed scroll maker back to its source for destruction. I wonder how they became aware of their joint destiny, however. They look upon you, sir, forgive me, as a tool to use, then discard.

My suggestion: We investigate, amass evidence, then reveal to the city at large the foul things that Marteaus' people are doing - and the roles of Baron Balentyne and others in the deception and murders of the downtrodden.

I dare say that, should we play our cards right, the Baron will
indeed be rewarded as he deserves.

And please, burn this grocery list after reading, lest the food spoil. We await your guidance.


Bill reads the unsigned letter to his friends as he writes it (the letters remaining visible for about a minute after the ink touches the paper, then fading away), and asks how it sounds to them.

Monday February 18th, 2002 8:42:47 PM

Listening to the others report, Rond responds, "I wonder if you might ask him whether using this kind of communications is good, or whether we should use the coin and report that way."

Monday February 18th, 2002 9:56:38 PM

Draax listens to everyone's opinions and suggestions. He feels the same as Renik, that infiltration into one or more these places is a good idea. Marcus has always wanted proof and he believes that the spymaster will want to know exactly what they are doing with these recruits. Draax keeps his thoughts to himself and waits with the others for Marcus to let them know what the next step will be.

Bill Troublefinder answers Rond 
Monday February 18th, 2002 11:57:22 PM

"Oh, I thought we'd give it to him directly," Bill tells Rond when the group's leader expresses reservations about putting things in writing. "I just wanted to try the invisible ink I bought. You can ask him through the coin if he wants to see it. Also, infiltration sounds like one good way to approach things. We could also mingle among the poor folks, and ask if anyone has come up missing, lately. What do you think, K'isst?"

WH Phone Home..? (DM Donna) 
Tuesday February 19th, 2002 6:41:43 AM

While the party comes to the conclusion that Balentyne is definitely trying to pull something in conjunction with the temple of Marteaus, they still have to decide how to let Marcus know about it.

Darkfang, meanwhile, lets his big brother know that the druid's attempts to bring green spots to the inner City seem to actually be doing well.

Tuesday February 19th, 2002 10:22:44 AM

Checking to make sure they are ready to report, Rond uses the coin and states, "Mission accomplished. Report available in writing. Need delivery instructions."

Tuesday February 19th, 2002 3:38:01 PM

Looking very white from the flight, K'isst says: "Can pose as homeless."

"See if they pick me?"

She frowns. "Hate Marteaus. He...." Anger clouds her visage as she refuses to speak further.

Prash  d20+8=28
Tuesday February 19th, 2002 5:58:06 PM

A smell wafts through the room, that unmistakeable blend of stale booze and chronic BO. Sitting hunched in the corner is a bearded, scarred and filthy dropout. By his shabby storm cloak you guess him to be an old sailor, down on his luck, reduced to drunken begging. He clutches a bottle tightly in his left fist, and seems to be sleeping it off until;


the raggedy man erupts, waving his arms and rolling his bloodshot eyes wildly before subsiding into a stinky heap again.

The waistrel looks up with a grin and Renik says (for it is he), "Yup, I can do drop out! Meet my friend Prash, I've been saving him for a rainy day (Disguise 28, nat 20!). Remarkable what you can do with these disguise kits! Just a sprinkle of flour and mud for the cloak, soap for the eyes, the right fragrance, and suitable, easily applied makeup... Any suggestions for something to keep in my bottle? Alchemist's Fire, perhaps? I've heard that's what your discerning drunk is drinking down at the quayside these days."

Bill Troublefinder 
Tuesday February 19th, 2002 9:22:54 PM

The halfling shakes his head as K'isst speaks. "They might, K'isst, they might."

"We hate him, too. You were brave that day, and brilliant to have us rest in the rubble of the Temple of Wardd."


Bill laughs at Renik's latest disguise, holding his nose with thumb and forefinger.


After thinking things over a bit more, Bill writes up a report entitled, "Common herbs found growing in the cracks of Plateau City streets." He asks Ferrak for input. The hobbit thinks having a red herring to be an important part of spycraft, and imagines himself saying, 'Here is the report, sir, but for the life of me, I don't know what anybody would want with such drivel.'

Tuesday February 19th, 2002 10:12:21 PM

Draax nods his head in agreement with K'isst's words. "I feel the same way about the dark one."

He laughs openly at Renik's new disguise. Clapping his hands Draax says, "Bravo, Bravo, great disguise Renik or should I say Prash. Now please could you go stand down wind and someone please open a window." Draax continues to laugh letting Renik know that he was only joking, but he does move a couple of feet away from his comrade.

Roger Willco! (DM Donna) 
Wednesday February 20th, 2002 6:06:12 AM

The voice over the magic coin responds: "A courier will come and get it within the hour. They'll have proper ID on them."

And, true to the pronouncement, there's a knock on the door less than an hour later. Standing on the doorstep is human female who is dressed like one of the official town criers.

"I've been retained as a courier," she says simply. "You have something for me..?"

Ferrak (Sorry, late with my phone bill. Sick or not sick they want their money.  d20+5=15
Wednesday February 20th, 2002 6:39:41 AM

Making a list for Bill of the many herbs that he has noticed in this city, Ferrak hopes that a list scrawled in Druidic is o.k.

{Yes Darkfang, I will bring the mother closer to us, if we must stay so far away from her.}

Wednesday February 20th, 2002 10:11:24 AM

Renik goes for a very long wash, then returns and suggests that before they attempt an infiltration at one of the listed sites, perhaps a day and night of exterior surveillance would be a good idea. Perhaps it would give them some idea of what they were getting into. Perhaps they could do it in shifts. Certainly Ferrak, disguised as a dog, would be able to carry out the surveillance without arousing suspicion.

Wednesday February 20th, 2002 12:51:19 PM

K'isst turns to Renik. "Smells better now."

Then she wrinkles up her eyes and covers them. "But face still ugly!"

::she grins a broad infectious smile at him a few seconds later::

Bill Troublefinder  d20+18=37
Wednesday February 20th, 2002 3:13:00 PM

"Oh, yes, just a moment. You have your identification?" Bill takes a look at the document, should she produce it. [Autohypnosis to memorize document, DC 37.] He places a blank parchment around the outside of the other two documents - the sidewalk herbs report, and the grocery list. He folds them a few times, wraps string around them, and seals the documents with wax. "Thank you, <insert name here>!" he says to her. (Bill uses whatever name was listed on the document.) After she leaves, he suggests that Renik and Arien follow her at a distance. He himself settles down to follow the lady with far sight (clairvoyance). He wants to know where she goes with the letter.

Wednesday February 20th, 2002 6:51:18 PM

Rond is expecting a ring, or some other form of ID that is appropriate for Marcus. Since all others have had similar ID.

Wednesday February 20th, 2002 10:10:31 PM

Draax keeps an eye on the courier and a throwing dagger in his hand until she shows the recognizable ID.

Thursday February 21st, 2002 1:22:33 AM

Not going to the extreme of showing steel Arien does keep a keen eye on the courier.

Renik  d20+23=42
Thursday February 21st, 2002 6:12:00 AM

Renik grins at K'isst's comments, and offers an elaborate bow.

"Sweet lady, compared to your beauty we are all but lumpen misshapen trolls. I can only thank Mittiri that I, rude and simple as I am, have been given the opportunity to gaze upon your divine countenance."

His eyes twinkle with a not altogether innocent expression.

He nods at Bill's suggestion (assuming the contact provides suitable ID), and tails the woman back to her base of operations, keeping well out of sight (Hide 42!)

Hey--That Ain't No Lady..! (DM Donna)  d20+5=25
Thursday February 21st, 2002 6:29:46 AM

The town crier produces a signet ring that has Marcus's crest on it. Even as Bill hands her the "grocery list", however, Darkfang jumps to his feet and leaps at the "woman"--knocking her Hat of Disguise off as the wolf slobbers an enthusiastic greeting all over the face of--


"All right, already..!" the spymaster laughs, tussling with the wolf for a moment before pushing Darkfang away and picking up his hat. "Let me inside, then--you've blown my cover VERY effectively, thank you!" As he enters, however, it is very evident that he isn't in the least angry... rather, he seems pleased that Darkfang penetrated the disguise.

"You are all cautious and alert--" Marcus points out, "--which is very good. I came to get your report for myself to confirm the suspicions about Balentyne... and to ask you..."

Now the Plateau City Chief of Security looks a bit embarrassed.

"To ask you... if you've had any... strange dreams lately..?"

(OOC: everyone roll a d20. People who get the right number on the die will get an email from me because Marcus's unusual question will spark a memory in you.)

Ferrak (Can you botch a dream?)  d20=1
Thursday February 21st, 2002 7:04:33 AM

Ferrak nods at Renik's suggestions, willing to help in any way he can.

When Darkfang uncovers Marcus masquerading as a woman, Ferrak is surprised that his brother was able to sniff him out through the perfume.

{Renik's BO was more pleasant to my nose, what do you say brother does Marcus have good smells?}

Renik  d20=19
Thursday February 21st, 2002 9:31:15 AM

"Dreams? Other than those graced by the presence of the beauteous Lady K'isst, I assume." He winks at K'isst, and continues, rubbing the back of his neck "Let me think..."

Draax  d20=4
Thursday February 21st, 2002 9:31:57 AM

When the disguised Marcus produces the signet ring Draax relaxes his guard and puts away his dagger. He is caught off guard when Darkfang unmasks Marcus' disguise. He noticed that Marcus used the same method of disguise as Draax likes to employ. Draax never realized his smell could blow his cover. He recalls their first meeting with Farrek and the gnome's reference to the coin that Marcus gave him had Marcus' scent on it. He starts to wonder if he could find anything mundane or magical that could hide his scent when Marcus's question brings him back to the moment. "Dream?"

K'isst  d20+11=21
Thursday February 21st, 2002 12:27:40 PM

K'isst throws a pillow at Renik (d20+11=21) smacking him hard in the head.

Thin ignoring him as all beautiful women do, she turns to face Marcus. Gulping, she stands up unconsciously as if she might be in trouble, and assumes the position of Trog women about to be yelled at.

Bill Troublefinder  d20=7
Thursday February 21st, 2002 12:48:56 PM

Remembering his first introduction to Darkfang, Bill is pleased to see Marcus win a similar reception. "He likes you, too, sir!" the little fellow remarks.

"Well, I had a dream where there were three pies before me on the table. A blueberry, a shepherd's pie, and a mixed berry. Well, I picked up a spoon, and..." then, noticing Marcus' face, he trails off. "Well, I guess it wasn't really a strange dream, at that. Let me think."

Rond  d20=19
Thursday February 21st, 2002 4:42:59 PM

As Rond watches the proceedings with the scout, he contemplates where and what the group will do next. As he sees Darkfang move towards the courier, the hackles on the back of his neck start to rise. Thinking that the group could be in trouble, Rond prepares for action. When the hat tumbles off of Marcus's head he relaxes, then moves to aid in closing the door behind the spymaster.

As the spymaster asks his question, Rond ponders the last couple nights of sleeping....

Arien  d20=15
Thursday February 21st, 2002 11:44:00 PM

"Hmm I can't recall for the moment any dreams out of the ordinary, but perhaps if I think a moment I will recall. But let me ask you something first, do you mean dreams or nightmares?"

Bill Troublefinder 
Monday February 25th, 2002 1:19:58 PM

As Bill waits to hear of any unusual dreams from his friends, he hands Marcus a candle and a tindertwig. "The grocery list is more interesting if you hold this a little ways underneath as you read," he tells the spymaster. "Don't worry about the crabgrass report."

Monday February 25th, 2002 2:44:19 PM

K'isst with nothing to do for the moment begins doing some furious pushups over near the corner.

Tirelessly she continues.

Monday February 25th, 2002 10:08:16 PM

Not recalling any dreams, Draax waits to see if any of the others recall their dreams.

OOC: Thanks Shawn

Tuesday February 26th, 2002 7:34:59 AM

Renik peers out of the window. Hmm, that's odd, he thinks; tumbleweed blowing down the street in the desolate wind...

Tuesday February 26th, 2002 8:26:18 AM

"There's one for yourr list Bill."

Tuesday February 26th, 2002 8:32:47 AM

Draax does his darndest to keep up with K'isst's impressive push up display.

three hundred ninety-five
three hundred ninety-six
three hundred ninety-seven
three hundred ninety-eight
three hundred ninety-nine

Tuesday February 26th, 2002 9:36:32 AM

Arien's eyes go distant and he begins to speak, at first slowly as he remembers the dream and then with more confidence as he recalls it. "Ah yes, indeed I did have an odd dream. I am in a cold, dark place. A place of pure evil. Yet within that cold, evil place there is a spark of warmth and I head for it. When I reach the place of warmth, I find to my surprise none other than Damocles, and he looks horrible. He calls to me, telling me that he has but this one chance to reach me. He tells me that the scroll machine that we stole from the Sons of Dread can be used to unmake what it has made, to take back that which is the basis for the Dark Lord's power. He tells me that we must come and find him as he and Qancis are powerless there in that realm of evil. That to stop Marteaus from winning we must find the portal and come and get the machine. Then he begins to into the darkness and calls out one last time to come and get the machine or, as he puts it, as sure as bones break Marteaus will prevail."

Arien looks to Marcus and asks, "Is that perhaps the kind of dream you were talking about? Perhaps you had a similar sending from your wife?"

Tuesday February 26th, 2002 11:15:08 AM

Renik looks at Arien with some discomfort. "Oh, do I not like the sound of this... If I'm reading you right Marcus you think this dream is a message? That we have to go into this realm of unspeakable evil to bring back that damned soul sucking printing press?"

He looks distinctly non-plussed, but then continues, "Well, I guess we have no choice, particularly if Damocles and your wife can be brought back too. Looks like the good Baron's nefarious activities will have to wait, unless you have another team you can put on it Marcus. I guess that only leaves one question. How do we find this portal?"

GateQuest: Dream a Little Dream

Marcus (DM Donna) 
Tuesday February 26th, 2002 12:07:27 PM

After Arien gets finished speaking, the spymaster's face looks quite grim.

"I had the same dream," he says simply. "And I don't think it's a coincidence." Renik speaks his mind as Marcus pulls out his coin of communication and speaks into it, bidding somebody to bring the cleric.

"Never underestimate the power of dreams," Marcus says with a bit of a grimace, "But it would be just as wise to not put TOO much stock in them, either. I'm having a... fellow dreamer being brought to you. He will introduce himself when he gets here, but suffice it to say that his dream... isn't quite the same. He'll be joining with you in your research to find out which of the two different dreams is true." There is a knock... but it isn't exactly at the door. Marcus snaps his fingers.

"That reminds me... I've gotten together the personnel and... props for your cover business. You will all be running an import/export shop," he tells you. "It will take a week to get all the 'stock' in place, so you'll be able to give Chenna your notices... although it would probably be best if not all of you left her employ--you never know where your best bits of information can be found."

Renik (Spot the subtle reference) 
Tuesday February 26th, 2002 1:14:13 PM

Renik looks around, looking for the source of the knock.

At Marcus' words Renik grins. "Sounds like fun. How does 'Universal Exports' sound as a company name? Suitably vague, and it seems to fit, somehow... This may call for a new disguise."

He loses himself in contemplation of yet another flamboyant alter ego.

Tuesday February 26th, 2002 6:45:21 PM

"Long have I waited for a chance to save our old friend Damocles. The sacrifice that he and Qancis made was too grave, much too grave."

Lost in thought the big half-elf takes stock of his equipment and decides his sword could use some attention. Taking out a worn and well used whetstone the veteran warrior begins to work on the edge of his blade. Obviously thinking of Damocles his eyes have an edge that needs no sharpening.

Tuesday February 26th, 2002 6:48:03 PM

"A strrange dream, yes," says the feral gnome, his manner grave. "Dreaming of the machine is not a good omen."

"Grrr," he grumbles for no particular reason.

The Dreamer 
Tuesday February 26th, 2002 7:08:05 PM

Without warning, the door opens quickly and a small figure crosses the floor. She is stout, wears a dark blue cloak and has long red hair all done up in a bun. Her features are obviously gnomish, although she looks quite exhausted. The muffled knocking is now joined by the sounds of a whinnying horse. The gnome waddles across the floor and, seeing Marcus, approaches him. She nods her head and whispers something unintelligible. Rubbing her tired eyes, she looks about the room smiling, then frowns and sighs impatiently.

Bill Troublefinder 
Tuesday February 26th, 2002 11:59:54 PM

Bill listens to Arien's dream. "Wait - what did Damocles do into the darkness? Call? Recede? I missed what you said he did there, Arien. Well, never mind that, I suppose. At least he's alive -- they're alive! I mean. Well, we've gotta figure out ... Marcus, do you know anybody who knows much about portals, gateways, that sort of thing?"

As did Renik, Bill also looked around for the source of the knocking. He stifles a laugh at Renik's suggestion of a name, juxtaposed with the dream Arien reported, then feels embarrassed that he found humor in the whole export and univer... he shakes himself to return his attention to what the others are saying.

That there was an entrance through the door was not entirely unheralded, albeit with a sound from somewhere else. He marks in his mind the location of the knocking sound, and compares that to the location of the sound of the whinnying horse.

But he must not forget hospitality. "Welcome to our dwelling," Bill says to the new guest in gnomish. Then, in common, asks, "Would you like some tea or hot chocolate? Perhaps some cakes, some cheese? Oh, and you, as well, sir?" he inquires of Marcus. If either answers in the affirmative, Bill scoots to the kitchen to put a kettle of water on to boil, and scurries back in quickly so as not to miss too much.

Hospitality? Sweet! (DM Donna) 
Wednesday February 27th, 2002 6:24:39 AM

The female gnome smiles tiredly at Bill.

"Tea, please," she replies.

"Where's Hobbes?" Marcus asks rather impatiently.

"He has to tie off his horse, sir," the female gnome tells the chief of Plateau City security. "He'll be here in just a moment." The "knocking"--now that the door to the house had been opened and then closed--is not occurring on the door to this house, but rather on the house next door... in fact, it isn't knocking--it's hammering, as though somebody were pounding nails into wood.

"The tentative name of the establishment is 'The Motley Lot'," Marcus addresses Renik, "But if you come up with something you'd prefer, we can easily repaint the sign." Then he looks at Bill. "Nothing for me, thanks."

Wednesday February 27th, 2002 6:40:45 AM

"A pleasure to meet you dear lady, it is not often that we have such beautiful guests. Please, take a seat," smarms Renik, bowing and smiling.

"Um, this Hobbes, he doesn't normally tether his horse by nailing it to doors, does he?"

(OOC: Universal Exports was the name of the cover company that James Bond worked for whilst carrying out his secret missions. When asked what the company did he would always reply "Oh, Imports, Exports...". Seemed appropriate in the circumstances!

Wednesday February 27th, 2002 8:06:03 AM

Taking the time to be polite, Draax puts his blade down for a moment to say hello.

"You are a dreamer," the half-elf states. "What does that mean, have you had the same dream as Arien?"

Wednesday February 27th, 2002 8:11:32 AM

The feral gnome does not function well around other members of his true race. It is an obvious reminder that he is not really a wolf. This and the fact that the gnomish woman reminds him of his late mother sends the feral gnome off running. Unaware of what is going on around him, Ferrak can see only his mother's face as she hid him in the dark hole where the wolves later found him.

She gave her life for him. It's just too much.

Wednesday February 27th, 2002 1:36:07 PM

The door creaks open slowly. "Damocles is dead," utters a voice from the doorway. Outside the final pounding from next door accompanied by the subdued neighing and hoof-shuffles of a startled horse can be heard a bit louder now. The source of the voice is a tall, rather fetching-looking man suited entirely in black plate mail armor. From his neck hangs a small silver circlet, in the form of what appears to be an eye gazing out. The breeze from outside tosses a jet black cloak with fantastic silver lining about him.

He slowly steps into the room letting the wind blow the door shut and walks toward Marcus, a very large scythe in his right hand which he uses like a staff as he walks. The blade is quite long, although the length of it has been clamped and covered protectively so it is not exposed.

With a solemn look upon his face he steps up to Marcus and bows his head. "My apologies for my tardiness, sir. We arrived as quickly as we could. My gratitude to your worthy assistant for bringing me."

The man reaches into a pouch and pulls out a silver coin. His eyes look about the room briefly then spy who he is looking for. He walks over to the gnome, bends down, places the coin in her hand and gently closes it. He then straightens up and turns back to Marcus.

With a grave look upon his face he says, "I now realize why I was called here."

Wednesday February 27th, 2002 6:30:37 PM

K'isst totally absorbed in her pushups, realizes slowly that something has changed. She stops, sweating slightly and stands one hand on her trident.

Realizing some of what was said earlier she moves over by Arien and whispers, "New location? Why? What's wrong with this one?"

Thursday February 28th, 2002 12:23:46 AM

"Ah yes, Bill, I stumbled on my tongue for that part, hope that doesn't happen much more as that could be a problem with spell casting. As for what he did into the darkness, you've pretty much guessed it, except it was more of a fading than a receding."

Arien's eyes are drawn to the eye hanging about the man's neck and then to his dress in whole. "Even those who follow the Lord of the Underworld should know that dead does not mean gone, especially those who follow him should know that it is quite the opposite. Just because the pleasures of the flesh no longer belong to Damocles does not mean he is not out there, still fighting against Marteaus." Arien lets his breath out slowly and then begins to speak again, "But forgive me stranger, you didn't say that he was gone, merely dead. Perhaps I reacted too harshly, let me formally introduce myself."

Arien draws his own black cloak with its silver threadwork that formed into a web about him and bows to Hobbes. "I am known as Arien Silverbow, I am a practioner of the wizardly arts and a procurer of treasure."

Then whispering to K'isst, "I'm not exactly sure what you mean but we are moving our business front to here for simplicity sake. We might also going to Ravenloft to retrieve a certain machine that when used will allow us to reap vengeance on the Dark Lord." Arien was also there when they brought back the water ring of ascension and the memories of how the ring had came to be in Marteaus' grasp had burned themselves into his mind. "Indeed K'isst we will bring him down, vengeance for you who suffered at his hands and for all those who suffered more recently, and most of all, for Domi."

Bill Troublefinder 
Thursday February 28th, 2002 1:55:26 AM

The halfling was in the adjacent kitchen when the tall man entered. Tapping his foot, waiting for the water to boil, he idly wonders if there isn't some way to speed things up in the heating process. At the sound of the door shutting, he sticks his head into the room. "Hobbes, I presume? Marcus, aren't some introductions in order? Who died? I was in the kitchen, and couldn't quite hear." He is not quite sure whether he ought to offer his name, but trusts Marcus to offer a nudge of guidance on this. "Tea's almost ready." He brings out a plate of seed cakes and biscuits, and bowls of jam, raspberry and blackberry.

[OOC: As an aside, Bill would have repowered his psicrystal, 'William', upon returning to home base in the evening, replacing the five power points spent.]

Thursday February 28th, 2002 2:37:43 AM

Allowing the others of the team to make and take greetings for the group. Rond follows the information as it's passed about in the room. When Hobbes addresses Marcus, Rond waits to hear if Hobbes has more on the subject of Damocles. Realizing that there's information about Damocles and Marcus's wife, Rond watches Marcus, to see his reaction.

[ooc Hobbes is not a striped tiger, is he. ;) Where's Calvin, his human sidekick? ;) ]

Marcus Explains It All (DM Donna)  (...well...MOST of it, anyway...)
Thursday February 28th, 2002 6:59:30 AM

Marcus looks around at the party members, his eyebrows coming together as he thinks hard before speaking.

"The cover business will be run by others whom I employ," the spymaster says positively, "You'll be listed as employees of the establishment next door, but this will free you up to concentrate on your research to find this gateway that may exist." Marcus nods gravely in the direction of Hobbes.

"This cleric of Gargul has had a dream that is at once just like the ones both Arien and myself have had--yet it is also quite different," he tells the party. "I will let Hobbes himself explain what his dream was." Marcus once more inclines his head towards the newcomer, inviting the priest to speak.

Renik  d20+2=15
Thursday February 28th, 2002 11:36:50 AM

Damocles dead? That is bitter news. But as Arien says, for those with the means, death is rarely final. If they can find his body...

But first things first. They still must find the portal. How can they do that? If such a thing exists perhaps there is mention of it in some history of the city? Perhaps libraries hold the answer. Or perhaps they can try to find out if anyone else has visited this 'Ravenloft', and how they got there. Don't they say the Gold Dragons have visited other worlds? Perhaps Ravenloft is among them. Except that the Gold Dragons have vanished and been declared outlaws. Hmmm. Who else might have that sort of knowledge? The Sages Guild? Another Dragon group? (Rolled 15 for untrained Knowledge check). Well, perhaps some of his sources over at the Beer and Bath can point him in the right direction.

Lost in thought the lean rogue awaits Hobbes' continued explanation.

Thursday February 28th, 2002 4:38:16 PM

Hearing the Arien's tale Rond's jaw drops as he realizes that Damocles may still be alive. When everyone last saw Damocles, it was with the understanding that his mission was suicide. Just the slight hint that he may still live and be rescuable, gives Rond a new found hope. One that he hadn't known he needed.

Thursday February 28th, 2002 5:39:33 PM

Returning to the edge of his sword, Draax continues to work on it with renewed vigor. Not saying anything but listening intently to what the newcomer has to say. Draax soon has his sword gleeming with a deadly sharpness but somehow it doesn't satisfy the big warrior.

Taking out the other various weapons of his trade, it is apparent that Draax is determined to be ready for the coming adventure and the chance to save his friend.

Thursday February 28th, 2002 5:44:54 PM

Hobbes bows his head slightly to Marcus. "I must begin by saying this... dream I had... may or may not tell of things to come or things that have come," begins Hobbes in a low tone, "and this Damocles, as your commander here calls him--I fear for his soul--for what I saw of him is very grave indeed. I know not what your dreams told of his fate."

Hobbes leans his scythe against a wall very gently, removes a gauntlet from his right hand, and turns to Arien. "And you are correct, sir," he continues, "death is not a finality, but merely a doorway into a soul's next realm of life. But in this case..."

Hobbes steps over to the mage and looks him in the eye. "Your friend has been stolen from his destined realm by an evil force, I fear."

Hobbes removes his other gauntlet and sets them both down on a table. He turns slowly, trying to recall the details in his mind, "There was a woman... elvish nature... with a --with a man, a cleric of Alemi, that which your master here calls Damocles. Around them... and beside them, all about them was darkness, a distinctly evil place... and a device. Yes a very unusual mechanical looking device they were after. This machine... they began casting spells at it and..." Hobbes squints to recall more and seems to be drawn back to the place in his telling, "It shrieked... and fell to pieces. Then, the noise seemed to attract two horrible figures, dark creatures of nightmares and evil that immediately fell upon them. Their wings and claws and horrid teeth mauled and rended the pair until it was over. They fell dead as victims of their unfortunate quest as their final chapters were written. But as sure as the final period was written the two were stolen from their resting place and began to rise. Their eyes opened and they stood, the blood still flowing from their open wounds, shock and surprise on their faces!"

Hobbes opens his eyes slowly, panting slightly, then turns back to Arien. "This is what I saw... and your poor friends seem... to be now merely toys for some dark force which has claimed them. I weep for their souls... and this dream has plagued me since it occurred, but only now do I have a clearer grasp at its meaning." He looks thoughtfully at the mage and then at Marcus, "And as my calling has brought me here, so will I fulfil it to the best of my ability to assist you in helping your friends be laid to their rest and rid of the evil which has performed this abomination."

Thursday February 28th, 2002 5:47:17 PM

In a dark corner somewhere, the feral gnome hides his head from the world for a while. Flashes of his earliest memories on the earth keep coming to him. The unpleasant images of his mother's death. As the tears streak down his face, Ferrak longs for the oblivion of sleep.

A deep mournful howling can be heard somewhere in the city.

Thursday February 28th, 2002 10:50:58 PM

"Still despite what you say I believe there might be at least some hope in the matter, if not to retrieve the machine and bring the Dark Lord down then to rescue the souls of Damocles and Qancis, there is no more worthy a cause than to save friends from the clutches of evil and I say that we find a way to Ravenloft and do just that. Whether the machine can be salvaged or not we can see there and if it can than we shall bring it back and see what we can do from there."

Friday March 1st, 2002 2:56:02 AM

"We have had several run ins with Marteaus. None of them have meant well for the world. Having a two fold chance at both saving friends and poking at Marteaus, are worth the effort in my head. Though I'd let others comment at this point."

ooc Kim, Character sheet is on the way

Got it - thanks! -Kim

Bill Troublefinder 
Friday March 1st, 2002 5:04:14 AM

"Tea's ready!" Bill announces, and pours cups for whoever wants it - but first for the gnome. Since Marcus hasn't gotten around to introducing anybody, but didn't seem to object to Arien's self introduction, the hobbit figures it's about time he made himself a bit more sociable. "By the way, my friends call me Bill," he tells the tired gnome. "If you don't mind me asking - oh, here is the sugar bowl, and a spoon, and some cream, and some jam, if you like that in your tea. Some people do, you know. My aunt used to ask for six spoonfuls of sugar. 'But don't stir it - I don't like it too sweet,' she'd say, like a little joke. Anyway, with all your dreaming, does that make you pretty tired?" he asks her. "Did you have the same sort o' dream as Arien and Master Marcus and, uh, this gentleman, Mr. Hobbes, here? But here, drink some tea, take your time."

Bill goes to the corner where his pack lies and pulls out his writing kit and journal. He thumbs through the pages, then opens up to some sketches. "These here are drawings of the scroll printer we got from the Sons of Dread. The first one is a perspective drawing, then flat on from the side, and the top, and the back, and the front. The other side's the same, except for this handle - I just sketched where it was different." He turns the page. "Ran outta room - this page shows it from the bottom. So, if it's broken, we know what it's supposed to look like in working order. The machine was sentient, too, and Damocles told us it had an evil presence. At least, I think he said something like that. Or was it Qansis?"

A moment later, he asks, "Where'd that Ferrak get off to? Darkfang, Gruff ruff, woof woof, ruff!" ('Go look for Ferrak, bring him back - tell him we need him with us!') To Draax, Bill says, "I worry about him sometimes. Ferrak, I mean."

After everyone is served tea, Bill pours himself a cup, and stirs in some honey, which he had forgotten to bring out earlier. As he stirs the cup, he ruminates and listens to his friends and their guests. Then he says, "All right - we have this business that Master Marcus asked us to look into. I think that deserves some attention. Then there's Damocles' appeal - and the rescue of the souls of him and of," and his voice drops, and he quietly adds, "of Qansis." He sighs, takes a deep breath, which he holds for a moment, then goes on. "And the recovery of the scroll maker. Doing the latter means we need to find a portal somewhere. Yes, Renik, the Gold Dragons have been there before - we already know that. They may know of a portal or two. I'm wondering if a portable hole might not be useful to help carry the scroll maker. It's pretty big. Anybody have one of those?

"Say, Mr. Hobbes, from what you said - it sounds like something or other turned our ... friends." He stops, breathes in and out through his nose, his lips pursed. "They were turned into undead. Undead of some sort. What a horrible thing!" The halfling shudders. "Marteaus here, Marteaus there -- we need someone who knows more about all this religious stuff, and ascension, and usurpation, and the, excuse me, sometimes idiotic games of the gods. Games which make for far too much suffering for poor souls here." He looks up to Hobbes. "What does Gargul say of all this?"

Friday March 1st, 2002 5:34:10 AM

Renik sips his tea and smiles as Bill slips into overdrive. Indeed it does sound as if their ill-fated companions have joined the dread ranks of the undead, a fate Renik would not wish on anyone.

"I assume we're all agreed, we need to rescue them if we can, and give them the release of oblivion if rescue proves impossible. Hobbes, you say you saw the machine destroyed by their magics. Unless our foes have rebuilt the device, we will need to collect all the parts and reassemble it. Bill, your diagrams may come in very handy indeed. As for a portable hole, it sounds like a good idea, but aren't they awfully expensive? Could we shrink the thing small enough to fit into one of your special pockets?"

"And the question still remains, how do we find this portal? Marcus, do you have any ideas, or should we get out and start doing some digging ourselves?"

Bill Troublefinder 
Friday March 1st, 2002 6:22:11 AM

"Into one of my pockets?" Bill replies to Renik's suggestion. "Oh, no, indeed, no. At least, I don't think so. Could we? Or maybe into a really big bag of holding. Reminds me, I want to buy another tarp or two."

[OOC: Am subtracting 10 gp for two large tarps from CS. Don't want to role play buying two canvas tarps, if that's okay.]

Friday March 1st, 2002 11:15:16 AM

K'isst shudders as this talk continues and the horrible memories of their first encounter invade her mind. Her death. The pain! The laughter as The Wold faded from her view and her breathing ceased.

She screams! "Damocles!!!" She runs to Bill. She grabs him up by the collar, not noticing that she is pulling him up off of the floor when she does so. "Must go!!!" Tears flow unbidden from her face.

She realizes that she has put on quite a scene--the exact kind of scene her dad had her whipped for when she was younger.

She places Bill back on the ground, straightens his clothes and goes over to sit by herself, shivering.

Saturday March 2nd, 2002 6:50:51 PM

Hobbes slowly looks down at the somewhat ruffled halfling in front of him. "What does Gargul have to say? Why any Eye will tell you, such an act is most blasphemous."

He bends down and sets a hand on either shoulder of Bill. "When we drink of the sweet still water of death, it melts through us as the warm sun melts away the clouds in the sky. But to create this...this unlife is to create violent waves in the still pool. A drink which is most acidic."

Hobbes gazes at the halfling and down to his notepad. "But as for this machine, I know not what to make of it. I have never spied such a thing, nor know what it does." He says stroking his chin, "There's something about it though...and of my dream which should spark something else in my mind...." He shakes his head, "but I cannot for the life of me think what it is."

He turns to the woman K'isst, now noticing her tears. He smiles solemnly, "And fear not woman. By the scythe of great Gargul I will see to it that Damocles and Qansis are returned to death's gentle embrace." He looks at her from head to toe noticing her attire and rough demeanor, an odd sight indeed for his eyes, then readdresses Bill, "But this machine... I'm assuming it be evil in nature otherwise your good friends would not seek to destroy it. And indeed if they have rightly done so, why would you wish to repair such a thing?"

Bill Troublefinder  d20+18=24
Saturday March 2nd, 2002 10:17:56 PM

"Whoa!" Bill exclaims as K'isst lifts him off the ground. He sees, however, how upset she is, so just kind of hangs there in mid-air, waiting to see what she's going to do. Very quietly he asks, "Must go where? To rescue Damocles?" He sincerely hopes she is not about to run off as Ferrak did a few minutes back. He blushes as she straightens out his clothes. She's just too beautiful!

When, not a moment later, the cleric of Gargul rests his hands on Bill's shoulders, the halfling suddenly feels even more uncomfortable. "Sweet still water of death..." he echoes in a quavery voice. "... acidic. Um hmm."

When Hobbes asks why they might wish to repair the machine, Bill answers, a little less rattled now that he's not in such close proximity, "Well, you heard what Arien said -- oh, but you got here after he told us of his dream. In his dream, Damocles told him, right, Arien? that," and Bill quotes verbatim Arien's words, "'the scroll machine that we stole from the Sons of Dread can be used to unmake what it has made, to take back that which is the basis for the Dark Lord's power. He tells me that we must come and find him as he and Qancis are powerless there in that realm of evil. That to stop Marteaus from winning we must find the portal and come and get the machine. Then he begins to,' uh, oh yeah, fade 'into the darkness and calls out one last time to come and get the machine or, as he puts it, as sure as bones break Marteaus will prevail.' That's what he told us about his dream. So, the dream Damocles told us that the machine can unmake what it made - but I'm just thinking that if it's going to unmake what it made, it'd better be in working order."

Then, looking out the window, the hobbit muses, "Maybe some good clerics can help us remake it, so that it's imbued with goodness, rather than evil." As an afterthought, he says to Hobbes, "Oh, yes, it was evil. Definitely evil."

Lastly, he turns to Marcus. "Sir, were you going to let this lovely lady," and he nods to the gnome with red hair, "tell us her dream? She looks like she could use some sleep."

Saturday March 2nd, 2002 10:51:18 PM

"The machine made scrolls that affected people's minds," Rond tells Hobbes. "It killed people who were strapped down on it, and got power to make the evil scrolls that way."

Marcus Musing (DM Donna) 
Sunday March 3rd, 2002 5:17:35 PM

Darkfang goes to find his grieving brother and nuzzles him gently, sensing that Ferrak is recalling what was.

This kind of sadness you show makes me glad that I don't have the burden of yesterday to weigh my mind down, big brother. says the wolf with the directness of his kind. I was sent to fetch you, but if you wish to mourn, then I will howl with you and mourn, too...

Meanwhile, Marcus is thinking (to judge from his furrowed brow)...and he finally says out loud:

"I'm fairly sure that one or the other of these dreams is a message," the spymaster says firmly, "But as to which one is the truth...I can't be sure. If Hobbes here dreamed a misleading message, then we'd have to ask why him? He didn't know either Damocles or Qancis, so that would seem to indicate that his is the one with the truth in it. However, both Arien and myself had the same dream--if our dream was the truthful one, then we're being helped by those dear to us...can we afford to ignore their counsel?" Marcus rubs his chin.

"You all have acquired that building that has a very good basic research library in it--my suggestion is start there. Any clues that you may glean from the reference books that the old wizard possessed can be followed up at the research facilities at the Black Genie Center*."

Marcus stands up, placing his hat upon his head and looking like a less-than-successful street vendor. The gnome who guided Hobbes to the house also seems to look different--like a raggedy street urchin who'd be in the company of a less-than-successful street vendor.

"One thing seems to be sure, though--we need to find that gate and see for ourselves which one is right."

With this, Marcus and his female operative go to take their leave.

* Everyone in the party must make an Intelligence check versus DC15 to see if their research turns up any clues. The party won't have to actually GO to the BGC board for a second check roll--but you must post your PC going there to use the facilities if you want to roll for that check a second time. The BGC roll will add +4 to the second check (versus the same DC15), but cost each PC attempting it an additional 10gp for the assistance of an archive aide from the BGC.

Renik  d20+2=5 d20+4=16
Monday March 4th, 2002 5:02:00 AM

"The wizard's library? That's worth a try. As to which dream is true, well I guess we have no way of finding out until we get... there. So best not worry about it." The unbidden thought of this Ravenloft place sends an uncharacteristic shudder down the lithe spy's spine, which he does his best to disguise.

Sadly Renik's examination of the wizard's books proves entirely fruitless. "A recipe for glazed bat? How to prepare chocolate coated ants brains? The ingredients for Humble Pie? What is this?" He examines the cover of the book he has chosen, which reads "Adventures in Moderne Magikal Cookinge", and would seem to be at least 200 years old. He tosses it on the discard pile, finally losing patience.

"This is pointless! These books are all rubbish! "A History of Basket Weaving in the Century of the Fruitfly"? "Decorative Barkskin for Beginners"? "Scrying; a Voyeurs Guide"? This isn't a library, it's a junkshop!"

Nonplussed he gathers up his things, changes into his Gullion guise, and heads off to report for work over at the Beer and bath. Once there he tries to use his contacts to find out anything he can about portals to other worlds, or to determine who might know about such things (Gather Info 16).

Draax  d20+1=7
Monday March 4th, 2002 5:43:38 AM

"Even the slightest chance that Damocles is alive is enough for me," Draax says with finality, ready to start down the path to finding out what really has happened to his former comrade in arms.

Not above looking through a few books, Draax does his best to help find any clue leading to gates to other worlds. Unfortunately he has very little luck in his studies.

Upset with his failure, the big half-elf slams quite a few doors on his way out of the Wizard's house.

Ferrak  d20+1=7 d20+5=22
Monday March 4th, 2002 6:46:32 AM

Darkfang finds Ferrak hiding from cruel memories, sleeping a troubled sleep in an alley, the feral gnome dreams.

The screams of villagers fill his ears, as the smoke of fire burns his nose and throat. He can hear the pounding of his mother's heart as she races into the cover of the forest. Thump... thump... thump.

There is a scream... he's drowning in the red wetness of his mother's blood... shadows follow them as he screams... falling... swallowed by the blackness his mother's hand is the last thing he sees before all is dark.

A star appears in what is now the night sky. Others follow as darkness tries to consume him. Forming in the shape of a ferocious wolf the stars come together in a snarling lupine constellation of fury. Ripping at the darkness, rending it like inky black fabric, the light and darkness are spread out into night sky. Looking up, Ferrak sees his mother's face in a moon so full it rivals the sun. Morphing strangely the face slowly changes into that of a wolf. His mother, 'the mother', grows bigger in his mind's eye as he reaches up to touch her face.

Waking up with a start it takes a moment for Ferrak to realize that it's Darkfang in front of him. Bursting into tears, the small boy inside 'the feral gnome' embraces his adopted wolf brother as he sobs uncontrollably.

When he finally calms down he responds to Darkfang. "Thank you brother, but I should not mourn for her, she is all around me. It's just that sometimes it is hard to see her here in this place," he explains as he kicks at the alley garbage he had been lying in. "Let's go."

Ferrak, having as much luck as Draax with the research, decides to go do some more work on his garden. Inspired by his ordeal, Ferrak does a grand job. (Wild Lore=22)

Monday March 4th, 2002 1:07:07 PM

K'isst, unable to write, takes a different tack. She heads to the Red Wyrm Inn looking for mage types, and experienced looking adventurers to talk to. Her style is not that subtle. She simply walks up to such people and stubbornly says, "I must go to the Vague lands. A place of evil and horror. How do I get there?" [I'll let you make the rolls since it is probably not an intelligence roll for my methods.]

Bill Troublefinder  d20+4=15 d20+8=25
Monday March 4th, 2002 1:43:32 PM

Before Marcus and the mystery gnome depart, Bill says to the spymaster, "Let us know what you'd like us to do regarding the grocery list. I had thought you might have looked it over before leaving."

'Do you plan to keep your name a secret, then?' he asks the gnome/now street urchin before she gets out the door via a telepathic message. 'I'm Bill, and you now know my friends' names.'

Bill, along with his friends, spends some time looking through some of the materials the wizard left behind. "Renik - it's not all rubbish. And there may be something useful in the book on scrying, there - despite the apparent concupiscence of the author, judging by its title. Hmm - this one is interesting, in a weird sort of way. 'Voyages in Chaos' by Relf the Sorcerer." Bill spends some time exploring that and a few other tomes. He follows up with a visit to the Black Genie Center, which appears to pay off even better. [Int check at Wizard's house DC 15; at BGC DC 25 -- subtracted 10 gp from CS.]

Hobbes  d20+5=19 d20+4=16
Monday March 4th, 2002 3:36:51 PM

Hobbes cocks a dark eyebrow toward Renik. "Not worry about it? It could very well be the key to who is behind this and what they have planned. Indeed Master Marcus' insights are ones that have crossed my mind as well."

Hobbes inclines a finger into the air, "One moment good sir Marcus. Could you answer one question for me? Just how is it that you knew I had this dream. I see no affiliation with Gargul on your person and he is usually very choosy about whom he reveals himself."

He ponders his original statement some more, "As more whether one is truthful, let us consider each possibility in turn. If the dreams of Marcus and Arien spoke of truth and mine was false, then the machine is still intact, the status of your friends is completely questionable and the reason I was given this vision is either coincidence or folly. On the other hand, if my vision is truthful then your friends have already been lost to themselves and the machine is still in evil's hands but inoperable." He looks down at the silver eye on his chest and gently takes it in his hand.

"And the visions seen by you two sirs," he indicates, "were possibly concocted by that evil which has taken your friends as a ruse to ensnare the rest of you and it was by Gargul's wisdom that I received the truth. This choice seems to follow logic's course more clearly."

"Still," he considers as he retrieves his gauntlets from their resting place and begins to put them on, "Damocles' cry for help is a call I cannot turn from. If any truth be in the two other dreams, it might be that he did indeed have but one chance to say something before his soul was swallowed by whatever monster lies in that Raven realm of which you speak. I must meditate on the matter."

After the meeting Hobbes retrieves directions from the others of this Wizard's library but does not follow. Instead he finds a shrine that which will put him most in tune with his deity. He kneels down and prays for guidance and thanks the great watcher for this opportunity to serve the land in his name. He questions his god for guidance to finding a gateway to this land and searches his memory regarding types of undead with powers similar to those he saw in his dream and indeed that can create undead like that. (Knowledge undead roll 19) Also he considers which evil gods might be sponsoring such an atrosity and finally regarding evil sentient machines like the one these folk spoke of. (Knowledge religion 16)

Arien  d20+4=24
Monday March 4th, 2002 8:34:41 PM

Being a mage himself Arien had made it his business to familiarize himself with the previous resident's library. This knowledge comes in handy as he quickly searches through any relevant books, leaving the more mundane (or not) tomes for Renik to browse.

Bill Troublefinder  d20+5=8 d20+5=22
Tuesday March 5th, 2002 2:47:31 AM

[Additional rolls for knowledge, religion - 8; and knowledge, the planes - 22.]

Pieces to the Puzzle (DM Donna)  d20+7=27
Tuesday March 5th, 2002 6:44:29 AM

Marcus pauses, then nods dismissively to the unnamed female gnome, who exits the building--though not without winking at Bill and imparting to the halfling that formal introductions will be made later, when the cover business has been established.

"I knew about your dream, Hobbes," the chief of Plateau City security tells the cleric, "Because you told your fellows at the monastery about it, and your superiors immediately relayed it to my network. I recognized its relation to my own dream and knew that I had to bring you into this group of my operatives because of it." The man produces yet another Hat of Disguise and gives it to Hobbes.

"As you are dedicated to Gargul," Marcus says firmly, "You are now affiliated with me. I have been in touch with your superiors from the temple of Gargul, and they agreed that your services and loyalty are mine from now on. Do your best to find the truth that I don't doubt Gargul wishes us to know." (OOC: Hobbes would obviously wish to confirm that he is now "officially" in Marcus's employ, and checking in with the staff of the monastery and/or his masters at the temple of Gargul WILL confirm this: the priests all agree that Hobbes must now ally with and help Marcus and the Hamleteers, for helping them will advance Gargul's cause.)

Various clues crop up during the efforts to find out more about the Archway Gate that Damocles alluded to in the dreams:

Renik (in his Gullion identity) happens to overhear a tipsy cleric of Wardd mention something about some stupid butcher in the Nightmare District of the City who keeps hounding him about "exorcising" his shop... it seems that some of his customers keep claiming to get "the creepy-crawlies" when entering the place. This information was the usual drivel that Gullion hears when on duty--but there's something about the way the "creepy-crawlies" are described--as well as the fact that the entrance to the butcher's shop is a realistic-looking "skeleton gate"--that catches Renik's attention.

K'isst--utilizing her unique brand of Intimidation (OOC: VERY effectively, too... I rolled a natural 20 for the half-trog!)--manages to gather even MORE information from the various sages she encounters: the Gateway Arches used to be commonplace, but practically all of the knowledge about them was lost over the last millenium. Any Gateway could lead to any other Gateway as long as the person possessed the proper key to a location--and the "keys" were usually based on unusual sonic energy. Anything from a particular sound effect to a special phrase to the singing of a specific song could trigger an Archway's magic. All such Archways radiate an aura that is distinctive even under a basic Detect Magic spell.

Bill manages to find a clue in the book by Relf--a reference to a metalworker who had reportedly been to 'Koshe-Marr' and back during his days as a mercenary. This scrap of info sends the psychic halfling off to the Black Genie Center, where one of the archive aides--after hours of plowing through tomes so old that they are just about falling apart with their age--helps Bill to uncover the journals of the dwarf Wulannok.

Wulannok, influenced by the Plane of Dread, was convinced that he had to have access to that place, and thus constructed an Archway (which he convinced a mage friend of his to enchant so that it was keyed to Koshe-Marr), that he may be able to come and go from there as he pleased. Forged by his own hand from iron, Wulannok placed the Archway within the bowels of his underground home. He called it "the Bower of Bones."

Gullion (Renik)  d20+4=17 d20+4=8 d20+4=12 d20+4=21
Tuesday March 5th, 2002 7:58:49 AM

Still in his Gullion disguise, Renik reports back to the group, and lets them know his findings. Could it be that the bone entrance to the butcher's is the gateway they seek?

Hearing what both K'isst and Bill have turned up he ponders "Hmm, well it should be easy enough to tell if the bone gate is one of these portals. Anyone with 'Detect Magic' care to accompany me for a little visit?

Hearing about Wulannok's iron gate gives him pause; this can't be the same gate he has discovered, surely. They need to find where this metalworking dwarf lived. "Perhaps tax records? Is there any sort of Plateau City census we could examine? Or would the Metalworkers' Guild have information about him? Or if he was famous, perhaps a history of significant metalworkers may hold the answer." Gullion follows up whichever leads seem promising, trying to find out more about where the dwarf once lived (Bluff 17 to get at government records, Gather Info 8 once there, Gather Info 12 Metalworkers' Guild, Gather Info 21 book research).

"Of course," frets the resourceful rogue, once his enquiries are complete, "by the sound of things just finding the gateway won't be enough. We will need to find the correct sonic 'key' also. What's the betting it's the sound of two human thigh bones being knocked together?" From his wry grin it seems Renik is only half joking.

K'isst  d2=2
Tuesday March 5th, 2002 2:44:39 PM

"Let's go." K'isst walks to the door and opens it. "Men first."

She leers at them grinning.

Bill Troublefinder 
Tuesday March 5th, 2002 4:12:07 PM

"Yeah, I can detect magic, and stuff," Bill answers Renik. "Say, do we go in disguise, or as ourselves?" he asks before departing. Whichever is decided, he obliges. At K'isst's instruction, Bill waits for the men to go first. "Let's see, that would be Rond and Renik. Okay, K'isst, who's next? Gnomes, or elves, or half elves, or hobbits, or wolves, or troglodytes?" He smiles at her, and jumps through the door, hoping to avoid a swat on the rump.

On the way to the place Renik told them about, Bill talks to Rond. "If there's any chance we are going to have to go to where our friends are, do you think we should see about getting some sort of protections from undead, and evil, and draining, and such? I still don't see us as a group doing a great job of coordinating things. Any ideas?"

Once they get to the butcher's shop, Bill uses detect psionics (/magic) on the bone 'gate'. He spends several rounds looking it over. (Information accumulates from round to round.)

Rond (Kim)  d20+1=3 d20+1=5
Tuesday March 5th, 2002 4:32:26 PM

Rond, after some desultory glances through a book or two, decided that was not how he wanted to spend his time. Instead, he chose to go for a walk and see what is happening around the town. The walk was interesting, but he didn't pick up any outstanding information about the topic at hand.

So, he returned to the house, and learned what others picked up. A suitable time having passed, allowing Marcus opportunity to read the message behind Bill's 'grocery list,' Rond communicates with Marcus via the coin, asking whether he wants the party to take any action regarding that information, or just to focus pursuit on the latest topic. "Unless I hear otherwise, we shall look into the distant matter," he tells Marcus.

Smiling at K'isst, Rond says, "Ladies should go first, but if you insist," and steps out the doorway. "Lead on, Renik."

Tuesday March 5th, 2002 9:43:00 PM

Draax listens to everyone and starts heading towards the door at K'isst's suggestion to leave. Using the hat of disguise Draax changes his appearance to that of a human male and smiles at K'isst as he exits.

Wednesday March 6th, 2002 12:24:08 AM

Frustrated with his lack of success with the library Arien grabs a book at random and sprawls out on a chair while the others are out and about garnering information. Holding the book in one hand he bounces a shiny bauble connected to string from the other to keep Kiki entertained. Later when Renik asks about detecting magic he shuts the book and places it on the nearest stand. "Well I suppose that would be my field of expertise eh?"

With a snap of his wrist he catches the bauble and slips it into a pocket while motioning for Kiki to get in another. Once the party arrives at the destination he casts the relatively easy spell for detecting the presence of magic and starts to examine the outside of the building, namely the skeleton gate. Should nothing prove magical there he attempts to penetrate the building with the spell, hoping that the walls aren't too thick to block it.

Bill Troublefinder 
Wednesday March 6th, 2002 1:36:59 AM

Also on the way to the butcher's shop, Bill asks Arien, "Say, how many 2nd level spells do you have in your book these days? If you'd like, I can pick up maybe two or three more for you to transcribe. Any druthers?"

Wednesday March 6th, 2002 4:24:41 AM

Hobbes listens intently to Marcus' words and upon the end kneels before his new master, scythe in hand and intones, "Look upon the Eye before you, your servant. The Eye which will give you sight and provide council whene'er it is needed. The allegiance I swear today binds me to you and each one who I shall ride with this day." He looks up into Marcus actual eyes, a morbid fascination about him. "This I promise unto death."

He stands very bluntly yet carefully lest his scythe prove too efficient in its task, "And now master, please forgive my ignorance but I need to be informed of the operation within and without these four walls," he begins a bit less grandiose, "And this... hat. I am unfamiliar with its use although I sense its power radiating. Am I to cover my true form?"

After the final decree from Marcus, his new master, is given, Hobbes departs the shop and rides like the wind to the temple of Gargul, a new fire burning within him. How could this be a coincidence? His life's work being pulled straight to his destination... no... it is Him. A gift from Gargul himself. There is no other explanation. IT must culminate to this. The patriarch must remain dead. That much is certain. As Hobbes arrives at the city and the grim dark fire within burning, even now Hobbes seems more frightened of his course and slowly leads his horse through the gate.

"Stay," he commands, rubbing the beasts' nuzzle and a forlorn stare.

The high priests he meets there are quite succinct about his task. That he must follow this Marcus as leader and master, "for it has been Gargul's decision to send you on this your chosen path", that much they tell him.

"But to what end?" inquires the young priest, "Surely the significance of the patriarch has not escaped your notice! I know this. This is some revelation, that which I was most unprepared for... yet what I should hope for... a chance to further the great Gargul's name, his direct spirit into one act... an act which he has yet to reveal to me. I ask, dear brothers, nay, PRAY for your guidance."

Hobbes listens as the elders give Hobbes his final advice on the manner, advice which Hobbes takes to the bone before taking his leave of them. On the road back to the meeting place of the house of wizardly books, Hobbes scribes a note on a scroll, that which reads "Until death... Hobbes" a favorite "farewell" saying of his to the monastery elder where he spent so many spiritually nourishing years under the old monk's watchful tutelage. He finds a courier in town and drops him a silver to ride to his old monastery with the message, before finally meeting the others at their final destination of the butcher shop, a stone look upon his face. And there he senses something now brewing which he sternly gazes into the room and utters some strange phrases which crept into his head long ago. It has begun.

Ferrak  d2+50=52
Wednesday March 6th, 2002 5:22:31 AM

"Mmmm... Skeleton ggates, Bowergs of Bones. Sounds ggood," the pavlovian gnome says with a bit of drool sliding down the side of his mouth.

Ferrak`s previous mood all but forgotten as his stomach starts to take control, the feral gnome turns to his brother. 'They said we are going to a place where they cut meat, and that the gate is made of bones!!!'

These words out of his mouth, Ferrak makes a dash for the door, determined to be one of the first to reach this fantastic paradise on earth. His collar on, the german shepard is a blur of motion.


A Visit to the Butcher Shop (DM Donna) 
Wednesday March 6th, 2002 7:00:06 AM

Hobbes gets his confirmation (and a crash-course in the art of living a double life) and settles into his new role as "clerk by day, spy by night." (OOC: expect an email from me about that, Matt.)

Sharing the information gathered does seem to conclude that seeing the butcher shop couldn't hurt, and thus the party is off to the Nightmare Quarter to go pay a visit to "Chuck's Choice Cuts"...

Wednesday March 6th, 2002 8:04:17 AM

Racing to the gate when he finally sees where the place is located, Ferrak has visions of ham bones dancing in his head.

Assuming Darkfang is with him he barks. {Can you smell it yet brother, my nose isn't as keen as yours.}

Hustling up to the gate he smells it to get an impression of it. If it isn't obviously pulsating with evil power he might even gnaw on it a little bit.

If the gate doesn't seem at all appetizing then the feral gnome heads for the butcher shop with a nose for MEAT.

Wednesday March 6th, 2002 12:17:50 PM

K'isst steps through first, her trident on her back.

She turns red from the attention.

Bill Troublefinder 
Wednesday March 6th, 2002 11:22:10 PM

Since his friends are in disguise, in an alley along the way he ducked in, changed himself to look like a rather scrawny specimen of a dwarf, continued to the other side of the alley, then rejoined his friends a few blocks later.

The diminutive nomad looks up at the bone arch. [Detect psionics / magic.]

Thursday March 7th, 2002 12:15:04 AM

Disguised as a human, Draax walks to the shop with the others. He lets his mind wonder about the weapons he will need for the their trip and hopes that he will have enough time to get the needed equipment before they depart.

[So, go to the Catacombs, Draax. Soon! I'll wait on you there. - Kim]

Thursday March 7th, 2002 4:38:09 AM

Hobbes dismounts his horse as he arrives at the meeting place of the Butcher's Shop. But something is odd. There is a strange vibe in the air and strange people about. Hobbes is surprised by the unfamiliar faces of the dwarf and other human.

He approaches Draax and Bill, "Forgive me sirs. I was looking for some associates of mine. Have you seen them?"

He keeps his hand on his scythe.

Gullion (Renik) 
Thursday March 7th, 2002 6:07:29 AM

The disguised Renik approaches the butcher's shop, peers through the window, and surreptitiously studies the doorway, waiting for his companions to study the thing for any magical properties.

He whispers to Rond and anyone else in earshot, "Hey, if this thing does prove magical perhaps we could offer our services as freelance exorcists? The butcher was complaining about creepy crawlies, perhaps we can use that. That would give us the butcher's lowdown on the problems he's been having, and he might let us stay overnight to study the thing for any signs of activity? Just give me the nod if you want me to try and blag it."

Roger / Rond (Kim) 
Thursday March 7th, 2002 10:41:53 AM

"Hmmm," Roger initially responds to Renik's suggestion. "Let's say 'investigators' who will see what we can do to resolve the mystery. I don't want us guaranteeing we can 'exorcise' something, Gullion."

Thursday March 7th, 2002 10:47:17 AM

::waits stamping her feet for the others to enter the location::

Borgo the Dwarf (Bill T) 
Thursday March 7th, 2002 10:50:19 AM

"I am Borgo, son of Thimli," the scrawny 'dwarf' says to the cleric of Gargul. Mentally, Hobbes receives a message. 'It's me, Bill, Hobbes, and Draax, in disguise.' Then, again speaking aloud, 'Borgo' tells him, "Ah, but I see that thou art a follower after the Lord of the Dead. Mayhaps thou wouldst be of a willing heart to assist us in our current endeavor. It seemeth there is a 'haunting,' according to the shopkeeper. We look unto this archway to divine what clues we may."

:: waits stamping his feet to find out what the detection power is revealing before entering the archway ::

Renik (Some useful info!) 
Thursday March 7th, 2002 11:18:47 AM

"Guys! Sorry, what with all the planning and all it clear slipped my mind but... I learned some useful stuff researching that metalworking dwarf.

"Apparently Wulannok Irontemper (according to old Metalworker Guild records) used to have a very popular blacksmith shop located in the Trade District... but he died two hundred years ago and his estate was sold off by his surviving clan members. But listen to this: Wulannok's shop had an arched entrance he forged himself from high-grade iron and fashioned to resemble bones--"orc bones" according to the late smith himself. His artsy gate was also sold off for a decent amount of gold. Of course there was no record of who bought the gate in the Metalworker Guild archives. But who wants to bet a certain well heeled butcher wasn't the ultimate recipient of that gateway?"

Thursday March 7th, 2002 1:41:35 PM

Hobbes lowers himself a little and peers closely into the dwarf's eye.

"Marvelous," he whispers then looks down at the hat tied to his belt.

He then straightens up, "Aye, sir. I was called in because of people complaining about various disturbances within this shop here and asked to determine the nature of them."

He stands back and gets a good look at the house structure as a whole, noting anything odd, then takes a few steps toward the gate and lifts his silver eye slowly to his forehead, his eyes closed tightly.

"Keeper of the underworld," Hobbes intones, "Reveal to me the spirits from beyond the grave who have lost their way. Give me the sight to find these troubled souls!" (Casting Detect Undead)

Detecting in Broad Daylight (DM Donna)  d20=14 d20=17 d20=3
Friday March 8th, 2002 6:55:06 AM

(OOC: still having trouble with getting that web page updated with a map; suffice it to say, though, that Chuck's Choice Cuts is a decently-sized butcher shop located on Nightmare Road in the Nightmare District of Plateau City. On The City map of this area, it would be the larger square property just north of the big, L-shaped building towards the bottom of the map--it is also east of the roughly-pentagon-shaped property located on Nightmare Road, too. The Archway in question faces Nightmare Road from the center of the shop's west-facing wall.)

None of the local traffic seems to pay the group any mind as they scurry about on their own business.

Bill's ability to sense magic (as well as psychic energies) comes in quite handy as he eyes the rust-covered, wrought-iron arch forged of large bones that wind upwards, framing the stout, rectangular wooden doorway into Chuck's Choice Cuts. The metalwork glows with an arcane aura of dull scarlet hue.

Hobbes casts his own spell, but nothing undead is indicated in the immediate area.

And The Wold continues to turn...

Friday March 8th, 2002 7:25:11 AM

Torn between his stomach and his duties, Ferrak runs from the alley to the gate and back again a few times before he decides upon a course of action.

Running up to to the disguised Bill, he barks, "Woof?!?" 'Can I eat it?!?' After thinking for a moment, he adds, "Woof, woof... woof?" {If not, should I check the garbage for um... clues?'

His tongue is nearly dragging on the floor at the sights and smells this place is providing.

Friday March 8th, 2002 10:41:55 AM

K'isst tries to enter through the gate to the store on the inside.

"Want meat."

She slaps some silver into her hand and offers it.

Borgo the Dwarf (Bill T) 
Saturday March 9th, 2002 12:00:03 AM

Indicating the archway, the scrawny dwarf tells Hobbes, "Yes, in my very bones I sense the arcane emanating from these bones. Dull scarlet aura, I aver."

Looking at the shepherd dog, the dwarf growls, "Woofy, gnaw not these bones. Thou wilt find those inside have more palatable marrow." Borgo steps through the archway, into the butcher shop.

Hobbes (Detect Undead)  d20+4=8 d20+5=16 d20+4=22
Saturday March 9th, 2002 2:16:03 AM

Hobbes' concentration is broken by the barking and scampering of the large dog in front of him. He lowers his Eye symbol, satisfied that nothing unnatural is about. He cocks an eye to Dorgo, "Pardon me, is this your dog? I'm not sure this is an appropriate place for him."

He steps toward the gate, but keeps an eye on the dog for both curiosity and safety's sake.

Reaching the gate, he leans closer to look at the bones to determine their type. (Heal Check DC 8) He also looks closely for any particular runes or writing (Spot Check DC 16)and rolls over and over in his mind, thinking which god might be connected with such a creation. (Knowledge Religion Check DC 22).

Gullion (Renik)  d20+2=18
Saturday March 9th, 2002 3:09:30 AM

"My good sir! 'Tis your lucky day an' no mistakin'!" Beams Gullion, striding over to the butcher and shaking him warmly by the hand.

"It has come to our attention (don't ask me how, thass one of them wossnames, professional secrets, like) that you an yer shop here 'ave been experiencin' what one might call 'Difficulties of a Spooky Nature'. Rest easy! Panic no longer! All is well!" He leans in close and continues conspiratorialy, peering around to ensure no-one is listening in on their conversation.

"Me an' my companions 'ere, we're what you might call Investigators into the Unexplained. We tackle the jobs no-one else dare touch. You got ghouls in yer attic? Mysterious night-chills? Creepy crawlies invadin' yer place o' work? We're the ones ta call. Now, I know whut yer thinkin', a service like that, carried out by highly qualified wossnames, professionals, "pheweee!" Thass gonna cost me plenty!

Well thass where yer wrong, fella! First off, we offer a no-fix, no charge policy. Not one copper bit!

An when we do fix the problem (an' believe me, sir, we will) our charges are based purely on the ability of the client ta pay. A government job, we might charge a bucket full o' gold. Fer a wee shop like yer own (an don' get me wrong sir, 'tis a wonnerful shop an' all) well, we couldn't charge more'n 50 gold, all in. Well now sir, does that sound fair ta you?"

Renik grins, places his hands on his hips, and prepares to haggle.

(OOC: Bluff check 18, 20 if you allow a +2 Perform synergy bonus).

Dorgo, son of Thimli (aka Bill T) 
Saturday March 9th, 2002 7:59:00 PM

Dorgo squints up at the cleric. "Woofy is a fine dog," he answers in a gravelly voice. "He rarely biteth anyone. Heel, Woofy, Heel!"

''Woofy' is one of us, Hobbes - a gnome in disguise,' Bill tells the man telepathically.

To Ferrak, he sends a missive, 'Friend, pretend to be obedient dog. I apologize in advance.'

On entering the shop, he sees K'isst holding her hand out, and observes the latter portion of Gullion's masterful negotiation. He sets a suitably dwarfish scowl upon his face, pointing with great authority to Woofy, and telling him, "Sit, or thou gettest no meat, ya beast!" He turns his attention to whatever is on display.

Roger (Rond) (Kim) 
Saturday March 9th, 2002 8:10:42 PM

Roger, leading from behind today, sighs, holds out a hand indicating that Hobbes and Draax should go first, then enters the shop after them.

Sunday March 10th, 2002 11:32:11 PM

Draax, disguised as a human enters the shop and tries to look serious as Gullion talks to the store owner. He looks around the shop as he waits to see if the butcher buys Gullion's cover story.

Arien  d20+6=24
Monday March 11th, 2002 12:27:59 AM

Arien also examines the bone and metal creation. He searches primarily for runes or some other type or writing. (Spot Check DC 24) Should he find some and should they prove to be unreadable he will cast Read Magic in an attempt to decipher them. If even that proves futile he'll hold a piece of paper over the area where the writing is and run a piece of charcoal back and forth over it to capture the runes on the paper.

Hobbes (Detect Undead) 
Monday March 11th, 2002 2:23:15 AM

Hobbes looks back from the dwarf to the dog and sighs, wishing he had a list of all the field operatives that may me out there disguised as old women, trash cans, or peddlars. He turns his attention back to his investigation of the bone gateway, completely oblivious to Rond standing behind him.

Monday March 11th, 2002 6:20:39 AM

Relieved that someone is finally communicating to him in a way that he can relate to, the wolfish warrior sits quietly beside the disguised hafling, tail wagging.

We Interrupt This Daytrip for a Trip of Another Kind... (DM Donna)  d20-2=12 d20+2=22
Monday March 11th, 2002 6:50:24 AM

Suddenly--the Hamleteers seem to find their minds gripped with an echoey voice...one that sounds familiar--the kind of voice one might hear in a dream:

"He who has ears, let him hear the words of Valdor, formerly known as the Dragonslayer, now known as the Dragonstone.

"My brothers and sisters of the Wold, it has been given to me to contact all of you, and I have thought long and hard before sending you all this message. My companions, the Gold Dragons of Plateau City, and I have witnessed a great many things recently that led us to send this message. These words I speak, I speak with knowledge and understanding. I am sure that you all have seen and heard many unbelievable things over the last few weeks and months. I know of no other way to say this, so listen carefully. My known and unknown friends, war is coming! A terrible war against the most powerful of opponents. The one known as Marteaus gathers his armies now and is preparing to strike at all of our lands and homes. No where on this Wold is safe or beyond his reach. There is no hole deep enough nor a cave dark enough to hide from him. He has assembled an army of hideous creatures to attempt to wipe us all out at once. It is time to fight. We must fight for our lives, our families, our lands and our Gods. This evil will not go away if we turn a blind eye to it. We have witnessed the horrible things Marteaus has done and the abominations he creates. He must be stopped and his army must be destroyed. We will be outnumbered and many will lose their lives in the coming war. But if we do not start now and fight, we will all die, and everything we know will be ground under his heel into dust. So it is time to stand for what we know is right and good, and strike. We must strike at his temples and Caeroldra's and Ga'al's as well, since they are the ones behind all of this. Whether you use stealth or strength of arm, these temples must be destroyed. Do not fear angering a god, as they have begun something they should not have. When the war starts, each of you will have to kill at least 50 of the evil army to have a chance. For myself, well, I've been around a bit longer than most, so I'll aim for 100. Each of you must look to strengthen the defenses in your own town and country. You must have your people ready to fight to the death, if necessary. We must strike the temples now! If we can scatter their followers or at least disorganize them, it will delay their plans and make them alter their plan of action against us. I am no assassin, but I am charged with bringing together an army to defeat what I have seen. Do not be afraid, for we have 15 ancient dragons on our side and all of the Dragon groups of good as well. We must find alliances with all who would protect against the evil Marteaus has brought upon us. Seek the Dwarves, the elves, the halflings, the minotaurs and liontaurs. We must have an army to fight back and you are all the best in the land. We are the only hope in this dark time, but as long as one single candle is lit, the darkness will flee from it. When we face the Dark Lord, I will ask him how he thought he could possibly win with orcs and goblins fighting his battles for him. Stand up now for all of the Wold, for the love of our fellow good beings and all that is right and just. There will be great rewards for all who fight and survive this war! I will know of your deeds and will honor you in front of all who live. Some of you may earn the title of Dragon, others may earn valuable weapons and armor, but all will earn honor. When the time comes we must gather for the final battle, so be prepared. We know not when nor where, but be ready. We will win this fight, by all the good Gods, I know we will. I am Valdor the Dragonstone, and I will not accept any other end. Stand tall and proud and fight to win. It begins..."

Valdor's last words are barely a whisper, but all can feel his anger, but with no hate. And his pride is evident, but not necessarily in himself as much as with everyone he's relaying the message to. His words ring complete truth to any who can feel such things, and there was no hesitancy at all. It is spoken with complete authority, but also as a plea. Again you hear his last words, "It begins...."

Bones Be Me Business (DM Donna)  d20-2=12 d20+2=22
Monday March 11th, 2002 7:23:03 AM

As suddenly as the dream-voice invades the minds of the Hamleteers...it's gone, leaving behind only the conviction that what you heard was, indeed, real--and it underscores the imperative of this particular mission.

Anybody taking a closer look at the archway framing the entrance into the butcher shop can see that the archway is a bit rusty, but it is most excellently crafted of iron that looks to be very old but of top quality. The "bones" that make up the archway are anatomically correct in their details--of proper proportion and shape. The overall archway is a grisly but realistically-recreated arch of humanoid bones.

Arien finds no runes or writing on the archway itself.

Inside the shop, the smell of freshly-butchered meat overwhelms those who enter, but the scent is such that--while intense--is not tainted with the foulness of decay or disease. This is a clean butcher shop for all that it is located in the Nightmare Quarter.

Behind the counter of the shop are two people...one is male, the other female. The male--who was in the middle of slicing apart some lamb chops when the party first entered--is tall and quite solidly built--his sandy hair is thinning on top and his ears appear to be oddly-shaped for a true human. (OOC: Spot check versus DC10 to realize he's got some Orc blood in him.) The woman is a few inches shorter than the man, has salt-and-pepper hair and is obviously human in descent.

Gullion's schpiel catches the man's attention for a moment, but the woman speaks up hastily:

"Oh, now, Sam--don't believe a word this man says...he's up to something, I can tell!" The man frowns, but then K'isst's show of currency causes him to gesture to the potential customer.

"Customer, Alliss!" he points out. The woman frowns, obviously not trusting Gullion at all...but goes over to K'isst and asks what kind of meat the other female would like to purchase?

"I be Sam Chuck," the butcher turns back to Gullion and crosses his arms over his barrel chest--the cleaver he'd been creating the lamb chops with still in his right hand, "Meat 'n' bones be me business--but business be bad lately, an' it's a-cause o' some ghosties, I just know it! If'n you be who you say, then show me proof." He falls silent and eyes the disguised Renik, the cleaver in his hand dulled somewhat by the blood still streaking it, obviously waiting for Renik to show that he's for real.

Gullion (Renik)  d20+2=21 d20+4=22
Monday March 11th, 2002 10:39:56 AM

Inwardly cursing his luck that the fellow's sharp witted wife has seen through his ruse, Renik attempts to rescue the situation as K'isst distracts the woman.

"Proof? Why, you are faced with livin' proof afore yer very eyes, fellah!" Grins Gullion, outwardly showing no sign of consternation at the wife's words.

"Assembled 'ere are some of the sharpest, keenest minds in investigatory wossnames yer ever likely to encounter" he gesticulates impressively at the assembled group, then continues "Trained in the arts of detection an' defense against the dark arts, like. Now a group like ours, Mister Chuck, ain't the sort of organisation ta go carryin' cards an' suchlike. The only real proof we can offer ye is results, an' like I said before, if we don't get none, we don't charge."

"Now ye say business is bad of late on account o' some ghosties. Why don't ye tell old Gullion all about it, an' we'll see what we can do for ye eh? Now I know I may 'ave given the wife a wee shock" (he nudges Sam Chuck, winking) "whut with all that talk o' ghouls an' the like. But ye'd be amazed at some o' the things we've come across. Hauntings, possessions, ancient curses, all sorts. An' sometimes what looks like a bona fidey case o' wossname, unholy manifestation o' ancient evil, well, it just turns out ta be a bunch o' kiddies 'avin' a lark."

Gullion looks the butcher up and down (Spot 22) and continues "But I can tell by lookin' atcha that you ain't the sort ta get easily spooked. 'Ard as nails, I betcha. Don't take no guff no-how, am I right? So let the wife do 'er frettin' (after all, thass what they're for eh? Eh?)" (more nudging and winking) "an let's you an me see if we can get ta the bottom of this wee mystery o' yours." (Bluff 21)

Draax  d20+3=21
Monday March 11th, 2002 7:16:35 PM

Draax stands perfectly still for a second as he digests Valdor's message and its meaning. After the voice leaves, Draax unconsciously stands a little straighter and puffs out his chest. He feels pride as he recalls Valdor marking him as one of the best in the land. "Wow," Draax says out loud and then coughs to cover his outburst.

Bringing his thoughts back to what's happening in the butcher shop, Draax listens to the disguised Renik haggling with the owner. Looking a little closer at the owner he can see that the man has some orc blood in his system. He remembers Valdor's words about the dark one recuiting orcs and wonders if just a coincidence or if it really means anything.

Realizing that he would only get in the way if he tried to help convince the butcher, Draax goes over to the owner's wife and orders some meat when K'isst is finished with her order. "Can I get two legs of lamb wrapped separately, please?" He smiles as he thinks about Darkfang demolishing one of the choice cuts.

Hobbes (Detect Undead)  d20+8=27
Tuesday March 12th, 2002 12:31:08 AM

As Hobbes stoops over examining the doorway, he begins to hear words echo in his head, noble words from a great and powerful warrior off in the distance. He shakes his head for a moment and places his hand to his temple to ward off any spirits, then relaxes and looks gravely toward Arien and Rond, looking to see if they show signs of hearing the voice too.

As the voice continues, he solemnly drops what he is doing, clutches his holy symbol with both hands over his heart, closes his eyes tightly, and prays to Gargul, thanking him for the obvious sign he has given to him and takes in every word this Valdor the Dragonstone utters. As the last words echo in his head, he bows his head solemnly then strides forward through the door. Not a moment goes by, however, when the final words are uttered again, "It begins..." and, standing just inside the doorway of the shop, Hobbes bows his head again in deep respect, his dark cape and armor covering the lightness of the day outside.

He then opens his eyes and eyes those present and taking a deep breath announces, "I do sense a presence here... a manifestation. Something not right." He steps up behind Guillion. "Good, I see my associate has been briefing you. I am most relieved you and your lady have not been harmed," says Hobbes in a very serious tone, "It makes the exorcism that much more difficult when the owners of the haunted places are turned into spirits as well."
(Intimidation roll 27)

(OOC: Still waiting on the results of a Knowledge Religion check on the door (rolled a 22))

Dorgo, son of Thimli (aka Bill T)  d20+18=22
Tuesday March 12th, 2002 2:55:30 AM

Bill memorizes the message send by Valdor [Autohypnosis, 22].

Then, commanding Woofy, "Stay!" He harrumphs as he takes a step forward. "We did deal with ghosts in Gladiator Park, sir. I have faced a vampire, and she did flee. He talketh much, but thou canst believe nine tenths of what he claimeth," says Dorgo, nodding toward Gullion. "We shall take this task, if thou wilt agree.

"If we can not succeed, then am I not Dorgo Thunderlegs!" he boasts, hands on hips for a moment.

Then, turning, he says, "Someone buy some meat for our mutt," he says. "Outside shall I be." He says to Roger/Rond, "Come. Important thought."

Should Roger come out of the store with him, Bill quickly summarizes the message he heard from Valdor, but stops his summary if Roger indicates he heard it, as well. "Look thou, Master M may have heard as well. Ask him if this changes our plans. Ask now, if thou canst."

Tuesday March 12th, 2002 6:18:01 AM

Momentarily stunned by the dream in his head Ferrak tries to digest all that the human says in his mind.

When the feral gnome sees & smells all of the meat through the open door, the fleas on his back suffer through quite an earthquake as he forces himself not to move.

A large glob of saliva is collecting in his mouth.

Sam's Story (DM Donna)  d20-2=1
Tuesday March 12th, 2002 6:50:44 AM

(OOC: sorry, Hobbes--I didn't notice that you'd done such a check on the Archway...but, no, the configuration of the door seems to hold no particular Religious connotations to cleric of Gargul's memory.)

Since K'isst is obviously still thinking about the meat that she'd like to get, Alliss immediately switches her attention over to Draax, ripping off a piece of butcher's paper and plucking up two rather nice legs of lamb and displaying them on the countertop for the man's approval before wrapping them up.

"If you'd like these, sir," Alliss says politely, "They are 2 silver a pound, but we serve only the choicest cuts here, as our sign decrees." The weight of the pieces comes to a little over ten pounds total, so the purchase for the lamb will cost Draax 20 silver pieces.

Sam, meanwhile, rubs his chin and works his expressive eyebrows, his brain laboring to sense Gullion's motive...and the butcher nods, obviously deciding to give the fast-talking "ghost-buster" a shot.

"Aye, well--since you're offering for free unless there are results..." Sam says, "...I guess it won't hurt to give ya a try." The butcher suddenly slams his cleaver into a nearby block, the sharp utensil jiggling ever so slightly with the aftershock of being abruptly sunk into the rock maple.

"Me troubles started a month ago," Sam tells Gullion, "Some ragamuffin beggar came to th'door and--dissatisfied with the scraps Alliss give 'im--starts ranting about how them metal bones outside me door be cursed, an' how they'll bring naught but fear an' madness to any who pass through 'em to get here. I run 'im off...but ever since then, me customers complain of getting chills an' willies...and, just last week, poor old Coggins come in for his weekly ox-tails and kidneys...when he suddenly throws a fit, falls to th' floor, a-foamin' at th' mouth he was! Poor old blighter--he be deader 'n' a doornail afore Alliss could open the door to run for the bone-priests 'round the corner..!"

(OOC: everyone listening to Sam's story can make either an Intelligence check or a Knowledge, Religion check [whichever is the greater bonus for you] versus DC15. Those who make it figure out that Sam is referring to the clerics of Gargul whose temple is down the street and around the corner from the shop.)

"Me business since then has been down to nuthin'." the butcher concludes.

K'isst  d20+3=14
Tuesday March 12th, 2002 1:45:12 PM

Hearing Sam's comment that business has been off, she concludes her perusal of the meats through the glass and says to the woman, "Nice meat. Give me 10 pounds." She points to the most expensive meat in the place.

To emphasize her finances, she adds a sack of gold to the counter. She smiles at the woman in a friendly manner, one of her engaging smiles. (charisma check of 14.)

Tuesday March 12th, 2002 3:46:59 PM

Following Thorgo outside, Roger listens in to his message. As he gets started on the details Roger holds out his hand, " I have received the same message. I will check and see whether anything has changed. Keep an eye out while I check."

Assuming things are in check, Rond then uses the coin to check in with Marcus, "Have received silent message within the moment. What if any thoughts come from command?"

Tuesday March 12th, 2002 6:40:29 PM

Drip...drip...drip as Ferrak's wolfy spittle makes a small pool outside where he is sitting.

A slight whimpering can be heard as the fleas continue to hold on for their lives.

Thorgo, son of Dimli (Thwap! It's Dorgo, son of Thimli!) (aka Bill T) 
Tuesday March 12th, 2002 9:09:35 PM

Dorgo keeps an eye out. The underweight dwarf looks at passersby with dark suspicion, crossing his arms and tapping one foot. He looks this way, then that way. This way and that. Have you ever seen a Dorgo, a Dorgo, a Dorgo; have you ever seen a Dorgo, look this way and that? Look this way and that way? Look this way and that way? Have you ever seen a Dorgo, look this way and that?

Draax  d20+1=4
Tuesday March 12th, 2002 11:20:35 PM

Draax pays the woman the 20 silver that she charged for the meat. "Thanks, the meat looks great." He waits for the woman to wrap the meat before going outside the store. Draax smiles to himself, knowing that K'isst just made the shopkeeper's day with her display of wealth.

Not knowing how the woman would react to him giving the meat to a dog. Draax waits until he and Woofy are out of the woman's sight before giving the disguised gnome one of the legs. He almost gives the gnome one of his packages still wrapped before he remembers that Ferrak in his dog disguise is not supposed to be able to use his hands to unwrap the meat. He stops himself and unwraps the meat before giving a leg to Woofy. "Here ya go boy, enjoy. This other one is for your brother when we get back to our home."

He checks the other wrapped leg to ensure that it is wrapped tightly before putting it in his backpack.

Hobbes (Detect Undead)  d20+4=24
Wednesday March 13th, 2002 3:19:55 AM

Hobbes' eyebrows raise at the fat man's words. "Why didn't you say you took him to Gargul's great house?! Who did you speak to there, woman, answer! What had the Eyes to say of this?"

(Still using previously rolled Intimidation roll of 27. The 24 was my knowledge:religion check)

(OOC: Btw, it was Borgo in your original post, Bill. I accidentally mistook it for Dorgo and you kept that ever since. :) hehe )

Sam & Alliss Inside the Shop (DM Donna) 
Wednesday March 13th, 2002 7:05:21 AM

Alliss gasps in surprise--the wild-looking female certainly does not look the type to be able to appreciate--much less afford--Chuck's Choice Cuts most expensive meat.

"Ten pounds of dracon will cost you 200 gold total, ma'am..!" Alliss tells K'isst in an awed voice. "It's just about all the dracon we have in stock, too--but...are you SURE you want to buy it..?" The butcher's wife eyes the sack of gold, nodding slightly as she judges that, yes, K'isst can afford the meat if she still wishes to obtain it.

Meanwhile, Sam details that the man who died had been a regular customer, but the word about how the man had simply dropped dead spread like wildfire and--since the incident--the shop had seen only a handful of people come in.

"You all be the most people in here since then." Sam says with a thoughtful scowl. "The priest that come--she were called Morphia--prayed for the blighter an' had 'im took to the temple. He be buried just the other day."

"Sir..." Alliss adds, "...Morphia DID say that--should any of her brothers or sisters of The Eye inquire, you could see her at the temple."

Rond, The Name-Changin' Dwarf & Woofer Outside the Shop (DM Donna) 
Wednesday March 13th, 2002 7:34:53 AM

Marcus assures the leader of the party that "the grocery list" has been read and is now in the middle of being resolved. Then he goes on in a voice that causes those listening to feel a frisson of foreboding:

"I've gotten reports that there have been thousands of orcs and orcish-like dragon...things massing around Bone Tower and being corralled into two huge armies. In fact, the eastern army has hit the towns around the plateaus with the forces splitting about Madvow...one group sweeping clockwise and one counter-clockwise around the plateau. My couriers have confirmed that they have quite easily wiped out all the towns located in that area. Edenmoor, Madvow, Dourscale..." Marcus's voice is stone, yet there is something to the tone of it that sends a precognitive chill down the spines of Rond and Bill. After the foreboding pause, the Chief of Security continues roughly:

"...even Windhorn Hamlet. It--it isn't officially confirmed, but...I'm pretty sure that, if the Hamlet isn't destroyed by now, then it will be by sunset." The unspoken apology in the spymaster's voice makes his words gruff. "The invaders are heading down the eastern coast. The other half of the army is reported as plowing through Idol City, Vandiset, Gorpherand, Xardmouth South Harbor, and Red Colt. It looks as though this part of the Dark Lord's army plans to march on Promorey, and probably recombine with the first half. The Promorey defensive forces there, however, will collapse the lift on the invaders before allowing it any more ground. Already, however, there are refugees fleeing before the hoardes of the Dark Lord. I don't doubt that it will be a matter of days before all lifts and roads are collapsed in an effort to halt their advance--New Elenna will thus be isolated and no one will be able to travel up and down off of the 1st plateau to the ground level without teleport or some such device." A raspy sound that reminds you too much of Marcus's nearly-insane bark of laughter at the time that Domi was murdered sounds over the Coin of Communication.

"I daresay that Marteaeus's intentions will definitely be clear to one and all now...not that there is anything much we will be able to do about it." Marcus says wryly, then his voice switches to steely determination:

"Find out if that gate is real--and get your hands on that machine! It may be the only way to save the groceries...ALL of the groceries, if you catch my drift!"

Wednesday March 13th, 2002 10:18:27 AM

Making a "pretend" shocked expression for a minute, she quickly smiles afterward at the lady. "Wow! Don't want to take all. Others will want. I'll take half." She counts out 100gp.

K'isst thinks to herself: "Something odd is going on here. I'm feeling chipper and even thinking in old... very strange." She shivers and looks around at her new friends.

Suddenly something occurs to her. She addresses the lady again.

"Say, shall we women try to solve customer problem? Everyone gets a chill when they pass by the gate, right? We must use that to our advantage. Go hire a young mage to..."

::Gods above I'm verbose today. What the Holy Donyra is going on with me?::

"...come by daily and cast freshen on your meat. Then set up a small stone oven outside and let everyone smell how great the meat tastes and give samples to the children.

"Then get the kids to spread the word about how fresh the meat is here... magically fresh even. You can even add a rumor that if you don't get too close to the gate, the chill will ease tired muscles. Put up a fence around the gate to keep people from being too close and see if it works. What do you think?"

She frowns for a second wondering at herself. Gods this is strange! What is happening to me? She quickly runs outside to Bill and says, "B-bbill! I-I'm talking. I just talked a lot! Gods, I'm doing it again!" A look of fear crosses over her face as she looks at him for help.

Gullion (Renik) (Kim) 
Wednesday March 13th, 2002 9:10:33 PM

Gullion claps his hands together. "See there, mate, things is lookin' up fer ye already, 'n not five minutes gone by! And the lady cust'mer even has some, wossname, plans fer augmentin' the cust'mer base. Jus' think on it! Usin' sweet children. Pure genius. That's wot it is, nuffin' more'n pure genius, wot I say. Sweet meats fer the sweet tots, 'n their dear mamas 'n papas. We'll get right on it, then, right on it, Sam, yessir." Gullion, about to go out the shop, turns and adds, "As I said, sir, today is yer lucky day!"

As he steps out on the street, he asks, "Now, me friends, wot have we learned here so far to help out, that is, help out the gentleman and his good lady wif their cust'mer problems, and the like?"

Borgo Dorgo, son of Thimli, also known as Bill 
Wednesday March 13th, 2002 9:26:40 PM

Borgo answers K'isst on Bill's behalf, "Um, yes, the name is Borgo. Dorgo. Borgo Dorgo, son of Thimli," he says in a gravelly voice. He thinks to himself, I've gotta get my disguises down better!

Telepathically, he talks to K'isst, 'Don't worry, K'isst. You're just getting back to your old self. It's good to hear you talk again!' She should recognize Bill's 'mental' voice in her head. [OOC: Technically, two uses of the message power, over a 12-second timeframe.]

He would like to spend more time trying to calm K'isst down, but Marcus' urgent message spurs him on. "We must break through the arch. We need the proper sound, or sounds." Borgo Dorgo, hands on hands on hips, with a wide stance, whistles the start of an old tune his great aunt used to sing about the haunting of the barrows, just to see if the arch responds to that. If there is no response, he will start making different sounds - bird songs, dogs barking, rhythmic clapping, etc. He even pulls out of his backpack the silver bell he fished off of the decorated tree at the Red Wyrm Inn, and gives that a good ring.

Wednesday March 13th, 2002 11:41:44 PM

After delivering the meat to Woofy, Draax goes back into the store and talks to the owner.

"Excuse me sir, I have a question about poor old Coggins. At the time he starting going into his fit, do you remember hearing any sounds, like music, singing, bells, whistling, humming, any sound at all? Ya see, one of our first steps in our investigation is to find out if anything usually was happening at the start of your troubles. Please take your time and try to remember any sounds that you heard at that time."

Draax waits to see if the owner remembers anything before asking the wife the same question.

Hobbes (Detect Undead) 
Thursday March 14th, 2002 2:16:17 AM

Hobbes' grey horse perks up attentively at the sound of the silver bell. Obediently he whinneys and trots over to Borgo Dorgo and bobs his head up and down while pursing his lips. The animal turns his eye to look at Dorgo and waits expectantly.

Hobbes, still inside the butchery, nods to the butcher's wife, Alliss, "You have done well, woman. Remain here and be watchful. We will speak with the Eye Morphia."

Hobbes turns abruptly and walks out of the shop and quickly addresses those assembled outside, "We must ride to meet Morphia at the Temple of Gar--" He trails off as he sees his horse attending the dwarf.

Borgo Dorgo (Bill)  d20+18=25
Thursday March 14th, 2002 4:53:04 AM

With the arrival of the horse, Borgo reaches into his backpack, and in a short time has a bag full of sugar. He opens the top, grabs a handful, then holds it flat on his hand, white grains of crystal falling between his fingers. He knows you have to be careful so horses don't bite one's fingers when offering food. Then, as Hobbes comes out the shop, he asks, "Might I give him - her?" and he double checks "- him a little sugar? He liketh the silver bell I now rang," Bill asks and explains in his gruff dwarf voice. "No apples have I today."

Then suddenly it hits him. Windhorn Hamlet hit, or soon overrun. His family. His friends. His home. Bill forces himself not to react. He reserves a portion of his thoughts to deal with this. Can they somehow get there in time to save at least some? Will getting the scroll maker be their best hope of salvation?

[On the mundane side of things, if there's enough time, Borgo would like to order about ten pounds of jerked beef before the party departs...]

Details, Details (DM Donna) 
Thursday March 14th, 2002 6:28:02 AM

Alliss--having packed up the thinly-sliced dracon into a neat package, then slips the meat into a large envelope-like packet and presses it closed.

"Whenever we sell dracon," she explains to K'isst as she takes the gold and hands the half-elf lass the meat, "We place it in a specially-enchanted packet--it will preserve the meat inside it until you open the package, then the magic is spent. Once you break that seal, you must either find another means of keeping the meat preserved... you know, use more magic or keep it in a larder... or you must use the meat. In the case of putting it in a larder, then you have two weeks to use the food. If you don't have ANY type of cold storage, dracon will last but six or maybe seven days at this time of the year."

None of the sounds that Bill (disguised as the dwarf) tries out seems to activate the magic of the Archway.

After thinking about it for a moment or two, neither Alliss nor Sam recall there being any strange or unusual noises during the traumatic time that poor Mr. Coggins died.

Hobbe's horse is most definitely eager to eat the sugar... he's stamping a hoof rather impatiently. The shop sells premium beef jerky for 1 sp per pound.

(OOC: Anyone buying meat from the Chucks must remember to subtract the proper amount of coinage from their character sheets.)

Woofer/Ferrak (Sorry busy beaver time for Shawn) 
Thursday March 14th, 2002 9:50:20 AM

"WOOF!!!" easy to translate as the feral gnome tears into the meat offered by his friend.


Thursday March 14th, 2002 1:16:09 PM

K'isst spins toward Bill, and her face grows more intensely worried than before.


She sits on her rump hard on the cobblestones.

"Oh Holy Donyra!"

Thursday March 14th, 2002 7:39:43 PM

Arien, leaning against the building, watches as Borgo tries to activate the archway. Leaning there he ponders about the message and the likely fall of Windhorn. He had only stayed a short while there. But he had helped save the town and who knows how much else when he accompanied the Hamleteers to retrieve the Sentinel Head from the grasp of the Sahuagin. He would morn the villagers and see that the fallen were revenged but he would not let that stand in the way of his goal.

Casting those thoughts from his mind, Arien pushes off the wall and walks over to stand beside Borgo. "Perhaps its not a sound that one must make to activate the archway but a sound that it instead generates when one knows what to do." As he says this Arien draws his belt knife and uses the hilt to firmly but not hard to strike the archway to see if the metal would ring.

Thursday March 14th, 2002 11:45:15 PM

Draax thanks the couple for trying to remember any unusual sounds. "Oh well, thanks for trying, if any thing comes to you can tell us when we return."

Draax leaves the store again and sees the stricken looks on everyone face. Receiving the news about Windhorn, Draax stares for a second and then throws up his hands, "I don?t believe this. After all that we have been through and to lose the hamlet anyway. This is just so unfair." Getting a hold of himself, Draax slowly looks around to see if anyone noticed his outburst. He realizes that stopping Marteaeus is the only help he can give to his home. If not to save them maybe he can revenge their deaths. He paces back and forth for a few seconds, "As Hobbes said, maybe some of us should go and visit this Morphia and see what we can find out." He waits to see who is coming to the temple with him and who will remain at the gate. Anyone looking a Draax can see that the often patient warrior is very fidgety.

Thursday March 14th, 2002 11:45:24 PM

Sighing at the news about the Hamlett, Roger ponders what next to do. Rond decides to look around, and listen, to see if there are any noises that might be produced in the street, by accident.

"Borgo, do you have any ideas of what sound or sounds might be appealing or easily rememberable by a dwarf? Maybe belching?"

Roger smiles slightly Borgo as he delivers his last comment.

Hobbes (Detect Undead) 
Friday March 15th, 2002 5:41:03 AM

"No time for frivolity," commands Hobbes striding forward to his horse, "We have much more pressing matters to attend. He pulls slightly on the reins, gives him a pat on the cheek, and then mounts. "When we return, Bradbury, you may have one cube, but for now we must make haste to the Temple of Gargul."

The horse continues to exhibit a little resistance. "As no formal introduction has been made," says Hobbes adjusting himself in the saddle, "This is my horse, Bradbury, and he has been a devoted steed for a long time." Hobbes looks down to the dwarf. "And you are most astute, Borgo, Bradbury was well trained to come at the sound of a small bell. Remember that well and he may do so for you in a time of need. But for now, please put away that sugar if you would. We need not the distraction it brings."

Clip-clopping to Draax next, "And you are well-visioned, Sir Draax. If you would like to climb onto Bradbury's back, we shall ride quickly there to discover what Morphia will tell us while the rest work on the sounds of the gate."

Morphia Already (DM Donna) 
Friday March 15th, 2002 6:24:55 AM

"No need to trouble yourself, my brother," a sombre voice says from nearby, "I am here to answer your questions." The Hamleteers look to see a petite, pale-skinned human female dressed in somber black clothing. Her hair is twisted up into a strange style that appears rather spikey--draped with a black gossamer veil, she is reminiscent of bride...only she's dressed in black. That, and she wears a matte-silver holy symbol identical to Hobbes' own. (OOC: if you've ever seen Wynona Ryder as Lydia the goth teen in the movie "Beetlejuice", you'll have a good idea what this newcomer looks like.)

(Oh, and Hobbes--make an Intelligence check versus DC10 to remember seeing Morphia at the local temple of Gargul before. If you make the check, Hobbes recalls that even the other clerics of Gargul seem to avoid young Morphia.)

"I...felt that you'd be needing my help." the female says to you all. "I am Morphia, devoted of Gargul. I see that you're here about this rather curious Archway." Her dark eyes travel the bony arc and then return to look over the various party members. "I was called here in an effort to ascertain the destiny of a man called Coggins a few days ago--and the curious magic of this gate compelled me to research its origins. I can share my discoveries with you, if you wish..?"

(OOC: make Sense Motive checks versus DC15. Anyone making the roll can tell that Morphia is here to help you.)

Friday March 15th, 2002 1:42:23 PM

"This army is dead meat!" K'isst rises, drawing her trident as if she'd attack the army from on top of the 3rd plateau. "I'll kill every one of you!" she yells at the north horizon.

"I'll... haha... muhahahaaaa... killll... hahaaaaa... sigh. Naahahaaah!"

::sobbing:: ::nashing of teeth:: :;renting of clothes(which reveals a bit more than it should)::

She turns her head.

"We can't help. ::sob:: How do you guys just throw it out and accept it all that fast?

"Seems wrong somehow."

Friday March 15th, 2002 8:09:40 PM

His stomach full, Ferrak can still feel a hunger, only this one stems from somewhere deep in his spirit. In tune with mother nature, the feral gnome can tell that the balance of the Wold is tipping more and more towards evil, and destruction.

When the time is right, Ferrak will do his best to help set that balance right.

Perceiving K'isst's distress, Ferrak goes over to offer the simple support of a trusty dog.

Borgo the Dwarf (Bill T)  d20+3=16
Saturday March 16th, 2002 1:58:27 AM

[OOC: Sorry, folks, for not posting yesterday. Was tied up most of the day, got home, totally worn out. Did get to the Wold site, but both times I went to post here, was interrupted. Planned to take a little nap, wake up and post - instead my nap lasted until this morning. Otherwise, Bradbury would have gotten Bill's sugar!]

"Yes, that would please us greatly, Morphia," he says in his kind of rumbly voice, wiping the sugar from his hands and replacing the bag in his backpack. "Thou mayest call me Borgo. Be there a safe, private place we might talk for a spell? We truly appreciate thine offer of assistance. Oh, and pardon ye me," he says to all in general, "for a moment."

'Borgo' gets down on one knee, his head looking straight to the ground. He covers his eyes with his hand. Bill activates his power of far sight. He looks to his home, where dwell his father - Tason, mother - Kirsa, of the Pastna family, his four sisters (Sirka, Laila, Jenna and Skirra) and two brothers (Tamos and Rombi), to see if they are well, and glances inside the house, and in the area around, to see if all are nearby, and safe, or otherwise. He looks to the temple of Wardd, where the Mendicant, Hiram Veril, serves - and where, he hopes, he still wears his bright red and yellow clothes. He checks out Ruthat's shop, where he and some of his friends obtained their first magical weapons, then Ogre Grog's Inn, and Merik's home, and the Pastna family - his cousin Borbo's place, and finally the mayor's manor in Windhorn Hamlet. Next he looks within Plateau City itself, to the Black Genie Center, and specifically into Professor Dorne Abulek's office. If he finds the professor, he will center his point of view so it is a short distance from the professor's face, where he will move it so as to catch his attention. Though the psychic eye is invisible, he hopes Prof. Abulek will somehow observe that he is under observation, and perhaps seek out a mental link.

There is a low, diffuse sound in the area around Borgo - it may even be difficult to tell that it is centered on him, although his friends will recognize it as something they hear when Bill manifests some of his mental powers.

Seeing what he sees, Borgo stands up, shaking. "Bofko - Alko - Misfera - dead." His pupils now appear as glowing silver points. "There may still be time - some are alive in Windhorn. Fires. Orcs. Catapults. Ravagers. What are - dragon halfbreeds? With orcs? Battering rams. No! Don't run that way! Fires. Fires and chaos. Chaos and fires." Tears begin to well in his eyes. "If we can get some help, we may have a way to rescue some of our family and friends. We don't have much time, though." Morphia may note that though Borgo's voice is still somewhat gravelly, his more archaic style of speech has changed to contemporary. He is distracted from fully embracing this new personna by the gravity of the situation.

Hobbes  d20+1=2
Saturday March 16th, 2002 4:46:51 AM

As Hobbes turns his horse, it lifts up its front in surprise and neighs loudly, seeing the black-veiled priestess.

"Easy, boy! Fear not the Sister of the Eye," he whispers patting the horse to calm it. He peers down at her and the symbol which she bears and feels comforted. The symbol, the eye, staring out at him, ever-watchful, ever-knowing, ever comforting in his vigilance is Gargul.

"Forgive the discord in which you find us," says Hobbes as he glances down at K'isst and Borgo, "For those I travel with grip not well with Gargul's law. But our path does has indeed lead us here and next to the temple of Gargul near...but then again you know that don't you. You've just come from there as the good woman inside indicated. I was unaware that there were sisters there." Hobbes adds once again demonstrating his ignorance as well as his former reclusion.

"What we need to know is the state and nature of the curse bestowed on Coggins. Are you aware of the beggar which 'started' this curse?" he continues from atop Bradbury, "It is of utmost importance we learn of this gate's nature and usage so we may make use of it. What know you fellow Eye?"

Sunday March 17th, 2002 6:28:56 PM

Draax thanks Hobbes for the offer of the ride and is about to accept Hobbes' hand to get on his mount when he hears the priestess Morphia's voice. Turning quickly, Draax puts his hand on his sword as he regards the priestess. He looks to the others for their reaction and relaxes a little when Hobbes begins to address the woman.

Looking over at K'isst, Draax can appreciate her pain and her feeling of helplessness because he feels the same way. To her question he has no answer, the only thing that lets him deal with the pain is the thought of revenge and he would rather keep those thoughts to himself.

Roger  d20+3=15
Monday March 18th, 2002 2:12:44 AM

Roger turns his head to look at the newcomer. Sensing that she's really here to help. Roger flashes a smile and says, "Welcome. We could use whatever information you have found so far about this thing." Indicating the arch.

Morphia's Information (DM Donna)  d20+3=23
Monday March 18th, 2002 6:28:34 AM

The dark eyes of the human woman slide over each member of the party, resting briefly on Borgo (Bill). The compassion in her expression and her voice are almost startling, given the public's perception of the Woldian God of Death.

"My condolences, sir," she says. "Between the scrying sessions and the town criers, all news of the outlying lands has been terrible--I am here to help you all keep the allies of Marteaus from flooding the Halls of Judgment with people who weren't meant to populate it yet." The pale woman pauses for a moment, gathering her thoughts, then addresses the party again--though Morphia obviously directs most of her conversation towards Hobbes.

"I've spent most of my time since Mr. Coggins' demise researching the history of this arched gate." Morphia tells you, gesturing to the metal structure. "The Chucks say that Hamilton Chuck--a great-great-great... um... an ancestor--bought the gate from Clan Irontemper about two hundred years ago and had it installed at this location. Further research shows that the maker of the gate was an ex-mercenary--Wullanok Irontemper--who developed some unusual obsessions after one particular phase of his career. He visited the fabled lands of Koshe-Marr, it seems, and became convinced that he had to make sure he could return if needed. His key to activating the gate--according to the texts at the temple--was supposed to be his favorite sound." Morphia looks a bit uncomfortable.

"Just today I was studying some of the archival tomes sent over from the Earthsons' Heritage League," the cleric continues. "And--while most dwarves appreciate the sound of a hammer on an anvil or the approval of a good stout ale after chugging a tankard... it seems that, after returning from Koshe-Marr, Wullanok's favorite sound was... the sound of bones breaking."

If anything, Morphia's face turns even paler as she makes this admission.

Monday March 18th, 2002 7:42:41 AM

"Woof." Ferrak barks at the disguised halfling. 'There was a good bone in the meat that Draax gave me.'

"Woof, woof." 'It's over there, I was going to bury it later.

Gullion (Renik) (Carl again)  d20+3=9
Monday March 18th, 2002 8:41:23 AM

OOC: Thanks Kim! PC woes are hopefully over!

Gullion grins. His earlier joke about beating two thighbones together was not so wide of the mark!

He looks about for any suitable bones and picking one up approaches the gate. He wrestles vainly with the bone, but has little luck trying to snap it. (Str check 9). Slightly shamefaced he offers it to the rest of the group, muttering, "It's a bit slippy, hard to get a good grip on. Anyone else fancy a try?"

Monday March 18th, 2002 10:40:03 PM

Draax listens to the priestess' tale about the gate and is very surprised when she reveals the sound that she suspect will activate the gate. He watches Gullion attempt to break the bone.

Just as Draax gets ready to give breaking the bone a try, he stops as he thinks of something. Turning to Morphia, he asks her a question. "Before I attempt to break a bone and hopefully create the desired sound, do you have any idea what the effect will be? I mean will it activate a gate that we can step through or will we be pulled into the gate? Does this gate work both ways? I really do not want something jumping out at us. I know it a long shot, but I was wondering if you learned anything during your research."

Draax looks to the priestess not really expecting her to know the answer to his questions, but he would feel foolish if he did not ask. He waits to see if she has a answer before giving the bone a try, but he will not stop any one else from trying before she answers.

Tuesday March 19th, 2002 12:56:47 AM

K'isst forces her wracking sobs to stop and straightens her clothing realizing suddenly that it doesn't help with the clothes she's wearing.

She rises and red eyed approaches the others. She absently pets Ferrak without knowing she's doing it.

Tuesday March 19th, 2002 1:07:42 AM

Hobbes nods to the priestess, then pauses to watch Guillion tinker with the bones. Petting the steed to stifle a neigh, he dismounts again, leaving the horse behind and approaching Morphia.

"Your knowledge comes at an opportunte time, sister. But did you find one other thing about the gate? Did you find out where it leads... and in turn... how to get back through?"

He glances sideways towards Draax, "And the swordsman speaks well with his inquiries. How will it work?"

Distracted for a second, he glances down at Woofer and forgets what else he was going to say, shaking his head, slightly amused at the "dog".

Borgo the Dwarf (Bill Troublefinder the halfling)  d20+24=39 d20+18=32
Tuesday March 19th, 2002 2:03:51 AM

After communicating what he saw in Windhorn, Borgo, listening to those around him, takes clairvoyant glances into a few of the places along the road the group took some time ago to travel from the hamlet up to Plateau City. He tries to get a quick view of the progress of Marteaus' armies. Have they scaled the high walls from the first to the second plateau, or the second to third? Do any oppose them? (Concentration check 39 - to keep watching with far seeing, yet keep listening with his ears. Autohypnosis 32 to memorize Morphia's report.)

Drying his tears - Bill telleth himself that he cannot yield to the emotions he wanteth now to express, but prayeth there will be a time for that, as well. One little corner of his active mind chuckles that his grammar doth revert to older patterns. Maintaining his raspy voice, the 'dwarf' asks, "All good questions. If thy research be full, Priestess Morphia, then my question for my comrades is this: Are we ready to travel this gate? Is there aught to bring with us before we begin? Many more things we might do, but this is my thought. Time is of the essence. Let us pray that Gargul's intent to slacken the flood of unscheduled guests at his door be forwarded by our actions today. May Alemi and those on his side go with us, and may the children of Domi carry forth his courage. Was something left at home? Shall we take one hour at the Catacombs? Hobbes, Morphia, we await your further counsel. Roger, we await your command in this matter. I shall run on errand, or I shall enter, at your will. Borgo standeth ready. Who shall crush the bones? Now, or when?"

Tuesday March 19th, 2002 6:03:19 AM

Roger considers the information that Morphia provides. "I think we don't have much time to consider our actions. There will be plenty of bone crushing going on sooner than we think. As a thought for the town, it would be nice to know if there were any odd disappearances. But for now let us talk a little more about this gate, if there is much more to learn."

Roger listens to what Borgo has to say about Windhorn Hamlet. "We have been forwarned that this was probably going to happen." Looking at K'isst. "We'll have to tell you more of what we've done to get where we are. I know I am more hardened towards what is happening than I ever anticipated."

Gate Details (DM Donna)  d20+2=15
Tuesday March 19th, 2002 8:21:01 AM

(OOC for Borgo: while it makes sense that Bill would want to see the troop progress himself, we need to concentrate on the task for the party. Just let's say--it's all bad news that threatens to get worse.)

"The passages concerning this gateway seemed to refer to two separate gates--one here in The Wold, and the other in Koshe-Marr--that are connected to each other...thus they are activated by the same sound." Morphia pauses, once more searching her recall. "Supposedly once you, uh--" The female gulps, shooting a glance at the bone the party has available to break before going on: "--make the right sound, the gate glows and fills with light...step into the light and you're instantaneously stepping out from the other gate. Once a person goes through, though, he or she can't come BACK through unless the key sound is made at the other gate location." Once more the cleric of Gargul utilizes her memory of her research to try to clarify things for the party.

"Everything I've uncovered has indicated that there is but one sound for this pair of gates...but I don't know enough about Koshe-Marr to tell you much besides the fact that it is impossible to use any kind of divination to tell good from evil there. Apparently, the Powers That Be mean for those in Koshe-Marr to be ultimately responsible for all their actions, be they good or evil."

Renik  d20+3=5
Tuesday March 19th, 2002 1:20:01 PM

"Can't get back without breaking some bones, eh?" Renik grins, and there is a faintly disturbing glint in his eye. "Well, I'm sure that we can manage that, be they ours or theirs! So, does anyone need to pick up any supplies, or are we ready to go now?"

If the party show willing to leave at once Renik struggles again with the bone that nobody took from him, but fares no better than last time (Str 5). "Grrrr! Will someone please smash this blasted bone!" he growls, waving it at his companions, feeling rather foolish.

Tuesday March 19th, 2002 2:14:02 PM

"I'm thinking that we should double check with our Master strategist, and see if he can set up a time table to activate the gate, if it works. Then we know that at certain times the gate will be open. He can then stand by with a contingent of men, maybe, in order to push anything else back."

Tuesday March 19th, 2002 5:16:59 PM

Draax listens to everyone but especially to the priestess. Her answers to their questions were mush more than he expected. "I agree with Biillorgo" Draax pauses for a moment hoping that no one caught his slip. "I could use a few more supplies, but I was thinking non-magical items like, stakes, silver, mirrors, and holy water. I also think that we should bring our own supply of bones to avoid any delay in returning."

Looking over towards Roger, Draax says,
"Since we are going to talk to our advisor and get a few things my only question is do we test the gate now or just take it on faith that it will work? And if we do test it, how are we going to test it? Do we just activate it to make sure it works or do we send someone through and have them come right back? Which is a risk if something is guarding the other side, but I will volunteer to go through if we want to test it." He looks over to Roger for his decision.

Arien  d20+1=19
Tuesday March 19th, 2002 10:56:05 PM

Taking the offered bone from Renik, Arien gives snapping the bone a try. Should his efforts succede he says to Renik, "A smaller amount of strength applied to the right area will often work better than just raw force alone."

On the other hand should he also fail he'll toss the bone back to Renik and with a shrug say, "Well I tried, maybe the sound of a wolf's jaws crunching the bone would work? Either that or we need a smaller bone."

Ferrak/Woofy the 'wonder' dog  d100=55
Wednesday March 20th, 2002 3:16:56 AM

Perceiving that he has somehow raised the spirits of a goth-priest of Gargul, Ferrak is pleased. He can't however fathom why Hobbes is shaking his head, and looking at him in such a strange way, especially when the present situation is such a grave one.

Seeing that K'isst, though obviously not a 100%, is feeling a little better, Ferrak sincerely hopes that he has cheered her up a bit as well.

Now satisfied that the emotional balance of the group is stabalizing, the feral gnome moves up to the gate to see if he can't help these awkward bi-peds open a gate.

Aware that he may be compromising his cover, but sure that Renik or Bill will back him up with fast talk, Ferrak calls upon the magic inherent in his gnomish nature.

The illusionary image of the german shepard that is Ferrak, sits on it's haunches as the dog's paws start to move in odd ways. Strange and eldritch words come from it's mouth, as Woofer's face scrunches up in very un-doglike concentration.

The disturbing sound of about four human beings being crushed by something very large eminates from just in front of the gate, a grim cacophony of breaking bones to be sure.
(Arcane Failure-55 for a Ghost sound.)

After the noise dies down, Ferrak barks out a
{See if that opens it.}

Wednesday March 20th, 2002 3:49:37 AM

Hobbes look from the docile Woofer back to Morphia, a smug and very satisfied look upon his face. "You have served us well. We only hope we can perform as much in return. Please if you would..."

Hobbes turns and steps up to his horse again. He fiddles inside the dull grey saddle bags and pulls out several items and transfers them to his backpack. The items include several small bags and vials and a waterskin. Finally he closes the bag and latches it shut once again and firmly grasps his scythe from its holder and removes the clamps from its blade and places them in the saddlebag too.

A look of determination on his face, he leads Bradbury back toward Morphia, around him plans and failed bone attempts are made. All the while, Hobbes continues speaking to Morphia, "Please accept my horse into the temple and care for him. He would not fare well where we are going. Inside the bag is a small bell to which will answer as well as my vestments. If I should perish, I wish to be sent to Gargul wearing them." With a grim stare he hands the reins to Morphia under the almost alien-sounding chants from the dog near him.

"Upon my return I would like to retrieve Bradbury as I need him, but first..." he turns and quickly strides toward the butcher shop, "I should get some bones from the butcher for our return."

And as Ferrak's spell goes off, Hobbes crosses the threshhold of the gate.

Wednesday March 20th, 2002 6:57:04 AM

A howling can be heard coming from Ferrak as he calls for his foster brother.

Glittergate (DM Donna) 
Wednesday March 20th, 2002 7:33:03 AM

Morphia's eyes widen at the suggestion of "testing" the gate by having only one person go through.

"I would NOT recommend that, friend," she says emphatically, "If only because there is a very high likelihood of this gate actually leading into Koshe-Marr...and the shadowlands are NO place for a solitary stranger!" Darkfang (who is still gnawing on one end of the bone given to him earlier) speaks to Ferrak and Bill:

I still have MY bone here, big brother--we could use the magic and still be able to return... Darkfang notes, adding: ...WITH the bone, of course--the marrow is the bestest part, you know!

"Making sure that you have the right equipment for a possible trip to Koshe-Marr is only prudent." Morphia continues as she accepts responsibility for Hobbes' horse. "I'll keep your beast safe, my brother, but--"

Almost simultaneously, Arien's correctly-applied strength and Ferrak's spell both result in the sound of bones breaking. For a moment, it seems the entire Wold holds its breath.

Then, faintly at first, but with growing intensity as the moments pass, the interior of the metallic archway begins to sparkle with flashes of green-white light. By the time Hobbes steps through the archway, the space within the arc looks like a shimmering curtain of glitter.

Ferrak's call to his brother results in the faithful Darkfang--bone clamped firmly in his jaws--springing to the disguised gnome's side.

"Hurry! Don't let my brother face Koshe-Marr ALONE!" urges Morphia of the rest of the party.

Gullion (Renik)  d20+23=35 d20+7=25 d20+7=9
Wednesday March 20th, 2002 9:40:16 AM

"Well, goodbye cruel Wold, and hello crueller one!" grins the hunched deadbeat Gullion queasily, desperately trying to inject some levity in an attempt hide the knot of fear growing in his gut. Koshe-Marr! THE Koshe-Marr! he thinks to himself. Are they MAD?!?

He draws his rapier from beneath his robe, pulls his hood up about his ears, and steps through the shimmering gateway. As soon as he is through he attempts to slip out of sight,(Hide 35) and check the area out for possible threats (Spot 25, Listen 9).

If things are calm and he has time he will then remove his Gullion disguise.

Wednesday March 20th, 2002 12:23:39 PM

Draax smiles as he watches Hobbes and Renik jump through the gate. He thinks to himself, 'I guess the supplies I have now will have to do.' He readies his sword and shield while he turns his head and looks at the others, "Are the rest of you guys coming?" Without waiting for an answer Draax steps through the gate.

Borgo the Dwarf (Bill Troublefinder the halfling) 
Wednesday March 20th, 2002 4:51:37 PM

"Roger - let M know what's happening before thou steppest through the dread gateway," the dwarf growls.

Then he signals to Morphia to lean over so he can whisper something to her. When (and if) she does so, he requests, "Have thy sisters and brothers pray on our behalf, good Morphia, that we may succeed, that more in the Wold may not have their appointed hours rescheduled." Then the dwarf gives her a kiss on the cheek. Who knows, perhaps she smells the gum arabic which holds the false beard to his chin.

"For Plateau City, and the righteous gods, and the Wold!" he says, then follows the half-elf, Draax, through the glittering gate. He feels a foreboding.

Wednesday March 20th, 2002 7:26:13 PM

Having a quick crisis of faith, Roger briefly considers whether Wardd should be his god. Or whether Wardd has something against him. He shakes his head and remembers a former bard. Roger almost steps through, when Borgo reminds him of something he should do. Briefly he announces over the coin, "Have found a way into Dream Land. Morphia, one of Gargul's, knows details. Someone slipped in by accident, following now. Probably small escort should be sent, to ensure no one comes from other side. Not sure how we'll return."

Thursday March 21st, 2002 1:23:41 AM

"Well I had hoped to better prepared for this but it looks like we don't have a choice now." Arien approaches the portal, when right in front of it he pauses for a moment, turns and gives a quick salute to Morphia and any watching the proceedings and then steps through the portal.

Hobbes  d20+6=18 d20+5=16
Thursday March 21st, 2002 2:01:12 AM

The images of Sam and Alliss fade from Hobbes view as he steps through the door. The light came suddenly and sharply, causing Hobbes to squint his eyes.

"Butcher, give me---", Hobbes begins and promptly stops as he realizes...he isn't in Plateau City anymore. Immediately he grabs his holy symbol and holds it before him, stepping forward to observe his surroundings, his heart racing at the land he sees. His concentration tuned now to the task in front of him, he does not see Renik coming through.

(Listen Check 18, Spot Check 16)

Thursday March 21st, 2002 5:50:59 AM

Pausing only to pick up the left over bone bits Arien used to open the gate, the feral gnome leaps onto his brother's shoulders with a yell.

Those watching hopefully presume that the demon dogs are a part of the exorcism in progress, for soon they are one fluid motion shooting for the gate.

As they near the entrance Ferrak is surprised to find himself worrying about the seedlings he has recently planted. Marveling at the things that pop into his head in times of uncertainty and danger, the fertile gnome can only hope that it rains enough while he is gone.

Borgo (Bill) 
Thursday March 21st, 2002 11:41:40 PM

Bill wonders in passing whether they will be stepping through the portal into a butcher shop in Koshe-Marr.

OOC: The DM wonders, too, because EVERYONE is not THROUGH the portal yet--notably Rond/Roger, who only posted that he was notifying Marcus via the magic coin (good move, by the way!) There is a certain half elf-half troglodyte whose whereabouts are still unknown. Until her player posts, I'll be waiting...

Friday March 22nd, 2002 8:11:25 AM

(ooc Yack. Sorry about confusion. :) )

Pausing just long enough to give someone an opportunity to say 'ok'. Rond follows the others through the portal.

Friday March 22nd, 2002 12:39:25 PM

K'isst growls at the receding figure of Hobbes for his rash action as her attention is brought forcefully to the present.

Hesitating, she looks around her wondering whether she'll ever see this place again and runs through trident drawn for battle!

William the psicrystal (Kim) 
Sunday March 24th, 2002 7:10:33 PM

"Ah, we have yet another chance to show our bravery, and to do heroic deeds!" the psicrystal encourages Bill, his anticipatory pleasure palpable to the halfling.

"I Get the Feeling We Aren't in Kansas Anymore..." (DM Donna) 
Monday March 25th, 2002 6:45:54 AM

Fog--as impenetrable as stone yet ephemeral to the instinctively-outstretched hand--completely engulfs everyone. The unseen ground beneath your feet is rough and a bit uneven, but solid enough. The scent in the air reminds you of moist...rot, as though you were in the midst of a mist-bound graveyard. The fog muffles your voices as you speak to each other as well as the fainter sounds that may or may not indicate a settlement of some type in the vicinity.

But how close? And how large? And in which precise direction? These things that the damnable miasma swirling malevolently around you cloak are not immediately discernable. You will have to take a chance on the unknown.

You will have to move into the fog...

Everyone must roll a d20.

Borgo the dwarf (Bill the halfling) & William the psicrystal  d20=16 d20+5=20
Monday March 25th, 2002 12:57:30 PM

[Requested roll: 16] Finding himself in the thick fog, smelling what he smells, and hearing what he hears (listen 20), Bill exercises his abilities to know direction (know which way is north) and know location (have a general idea where one is), and makes some assumptions. He communicates with his psicrystal, asking it to pass on some of his thoughts telepathically to his friends, as well as to the cleric who just joined the group, Hobbes.

Bill's fellow adventurers hear William say, in their minds, in a voice similar to Bill's, but with overtones of intrepid determination, 'We stand now in a moldering graveyard. Not far yonder lies a village.' If Bill, via the use of his powers, knows additional details of their locale, William now passes those on to the party, as well. 'Let us go forth unto the village, and learn better our whereabouts. Be ready to defend, if necessary, but give not offense unnecessarily.'

Bill then draws upon the power stored within the psicrystal, so that he might fly (5 power points). He extracts a length of rope, letting out about 20 feet to drag on the ground below him, the tactile feedback ensuring he does not rise too high as he flies in the fog. If he feels the rope swing freely, he lowers himself a bit until he feels it touching the ground again. His direction of movement is toward the sounds of the nearby habitation. Due to the psionic manifestation, Borgo's eyes burn like points of silver fire.

Hobbes  d20=2
Monday March 25th, 2002 1:09:19 PM

Hobbes stands alert, ears and eyes keen on his surroundings. The fog swirls about his face, making it hard to see very far. Keeping ever watchful of whatever might be lurking just beyond his vision, he quickly unhooks his backpack and retrieves his EverBurning Torch.

Reslinging his backpack and holding aloft the flame, he strides forward grimly. All his reflection, all his prayers, all those lonely tireless nights within the monastery walls have led him to this point. A tiding of thanks be to Gargul for delivering his servant to this wretched place.

(D20 roll of 2. Renik, can you pick me up after I fall?)

Renik  d20=11 d20+7=20
Monday March 25th, 2002 2:19:38 PM

(Hopefully) Seeing the torch burning in the fog (Spot 20: Good enough?) the rogue calls (as loud as he dares in this Gods-forsaken place) to his companions as he unfurls a length of rope from his pack. "Friends, approach the flame. In this fog we will fast become separated. Take hold of this length of rope, so that we can be sure not to lose anyone. At the first sign of trouble, just tug."

K'isst  d20=17
Monday March 25th, 2002 2:50:44 PM

K'isst takes the end of the rope putting herself at the back of the group.

"Everyone whisper their name to be sure we're all here."


Ferrak  d100=66 d20=10 d20+4=24 d20=19
Monday March 25th, 2002 6:44:31 PM

First things first, Ferrak removes the collar from his neck, then does the same for his wolf brother Darkfang. 'That feels good eh, brother?'

Confident that Darkfang can find the others through sense of smell, the feral gnome examines his surroundings, making sure that there is no danger. (Spot and Listen 10 & 24)

When they find the others Ferrak barks a hello so that they know who is there.

Once again calling upon his gnomish powers, Ferrak calls up four points of light to better illuminate the group for the others.
(Dancing lights, L/Armor Spell failure o.k.)
(19 on d20)

Draax  d20=13 d20+3=9 d20+3=21
Monday March 25th, 2002 6:59:41 PM

[Requested roll: 13] Upon entering the others side of the portal, Draax immediately takes a step to his right and gets in a crouching position with his shield held high and his sword pointed toward the ground in a relaxed, but ready position. He takes a moment to steady himself and try to shake off this creepy feeling that seems to have inhabited his mind. At first Draax think the feeling might be related to fear, but then he reminds himself of who he is and dismissed the thought. Believing that the feeling is just an effect of traveling through the gateway; the half-elven fighter concentrates on his surroundings thinking that the feeling will eventually pass. He smirk as he thinks, 'Me afraid? How ridiculous.'

Draax stands perfectly still in the fog as he listens (listen 9) for the other members of his group and almost jumps out of his skin when William communications with him mentally. Listening to Renik's suggestion Draax finds he way to the rope (spot 21). Following K'isst's example, he says his name in a low voice. "Draax."

Rond  d20=9
Monday March 25th, 2002 8:23:44 PM

Removing his hat of disguise from his head. Rond thinks about the pickle the group could be in at this time. Trying to adjust to his surroundings, Rond feels kind of creeped out. (once again) (asked for roll 9).

Hearing William, Rond whispers, 'agreed' then hearing Renik, 'Rond'.

"Renik and Bill take lead. Hobbes your with me. Ferrak and Darkfang with Arien, K'isst and Draax last. Bill, lead the way, and do any talking on first contact."

Arien  d20=14
Monday March 25th, 2002 9:42:00 PM

[Requested Roll = 14]

As the group sets off Arien sheaths his rapier but keeps his hand on the hilt. A kernel of fear assaults from within while the aura of the land assaults him from without. "Can you feel it Ferrak?" he asks his companion. "Can you feel the land, it is corrupted, tainted, almost evil in and of itself. I would despair to live in this hellish place, if indeed such an existence could be called living. I'm sure something lurks in this mist, something whose malevolence is masked from us by the land about. Something altogether unfriendly, and I fear it is watching us." With a quick motion Arien wipes a dampness from his face, though if it was sweat or the mist he had no way of telling.

Borgo (Bill)  d20+3=6
Monday March 25th, 2002 10:01:46 PM

From about fifteen feet up in the air, a faux-growly voice says, "Borgo." Bill also activates elf sight, in order to help his eyes to penetrate the fog (out to twenty feet). He tries to locate his rope somewhere in the vicinity over the voices below... [Spot 6 - unless improved by his elf sight, the everburning torch, and Ferrak's four dancing lights]

Hobbes  d20+6=14 d20+5=21
Tuesday March 26th, 2002 3:55:00 AM

Through the fog ahead of most of the group, seemingly emitted from the muffled torchlight, comes a low gutteral word.


...followed by slow concentrated footsteps of Hobbes making his way closer to the group, always checking all around him.

(Listen Check 14, Spot Check 21)

"But, Dorothy--The Farmhouse is Right Over There!" (DM Donna)  d20+5=18
Tuesday March 26th, 2002 9:04:11 AM

(DM OOC: go to http://hometown.aol.com/donnlap/myhomepage/index.html to see a diagram of where everyone in the party is in relation to each other.)

Bill hovers in place, thinking to himself that something wasn't quite right here...but what..?

Hobbes, Renik, Draax, Rond and Arien are all spooked BIG time--and not being able to see more than five feet in front of you does not help any! (Draax is sure that something is moving in the fog just beyond his ability to see clearly!)

K'isst and Ferrak growl to themselves simultaneously--both of them had been expecting something really creepy...and, while annoyingly obscuring, this fog isn't really all they'd heard it to be.

Big brother, I thought we were traveling outworld? whines Darkfang. We're still in The City...

The sound of dozens of tiny bells suddenly jangles in the heads of everyone surrounding the floating Bill Troublefinder--and the halfling suddenly realizes three things:

1. North is to his left--he is facing east. (OOC: that would be the top edge of the diagram on the web page; the entire party is actually facing east, or the right edge of the map.)
2. The party is NOT in Koshe-Marr--they are still within Plateau City! (In fact, the party has relocated to an area only a few hundred yards west of the butcher shop--in the middle of the area dubbed "The Scar".)
3. There are people whispering both north AND south of the party's present position. Bill must make a Spellcraft/Psicraft check versus DC18 to identify the casting of both arcane and divine spells--with the party as the obvious target of the spellcasting! If he makes the check by more than 5, he'll have time to shout a brief warning of sorts before the combat post that follows.

Ambush Round 1 (DM Donna)  d8=6 d8=2 d4+1=3 d4+1=2 6d6(6+1+2+3+1+1)=14
Tuesday March 26th, 2002 11:57:09 AM

Suddenly the fog-bound Hamleteers find themselves in the midst of all kinds of magical mayhem:

Two Sound Burst spells go off in the middle of the group; everyone suffers 8hp damage AND must make two separate Willpower saves versus DC16 and DC15 or be stunned for one round.

Two Magic Missiles slam into Bill for 5hp damage; Bill must make a Concentration check versus DC13 in order to use any powers (assuming he isn't stunned by the Sound Bursts, that is.)

A Fireball explodes in the middle of the party--make a Reflex save versus DC15. Making the save means you suffer 7hp of fire damage; failing means you suffer 14hp of damage.

Borgo (Bill) Up in the Air in Plateau City! (post before incoming treats)  d20+16=36
Tuesday March 26th, 2002 12:55:24 PM

Immediately before the ambush
Bill certainly is able to recognize that spells are being cast (nat 20, psi-/spellcraft DC 36). As he flies northward and upward, he channels his message through William to his companions. "Spellcasters ambushing us, left & right. We're in Plateau City, the Scar!"

DM Donna's Map Site: http://hometown.aol.com/donnlap/myhomepage/index.html

Hobbes (22 hp damage)  d20+8=15 d20+8=20 d20+3=12
Tuesday March 26th, 2002 1:33:46 PM

As Hobbes steps back to the party, he freezes. Something is not right. He whirls around to the east and peers into the cloud. He now sticks the everburning torch into his belt and grips his scythe with both hands.

"Something here," he mutters, "something in the fog... beware!"

Suddenly behind him the first of the soundbursts goes off and temporarily deafens him in one ear. He staggers slightly from the shock of this. (First roll failed by one :(, second one made by 5)

He stands up straight again, trying to recover his hearing, when a fireball blasts its way through the party. Not being of sound mind at present to react, he takes the full force of it. (Roll also failed)

It blasts him, causing him to stagger back to the east about 5 feet. He looks around, disconcerted and blinking for someone to hit.

Borgo (Bill) (Elf sight, Fly) (12 or 20 hp damage sustained)  d20+12=32 d20+12=28 d20+24=31 d20+8=26 d20+5=16 5d4(3+4+4+2+1)=14 d4+1=3
Tuesday March 26th, 2002 1:37:24 PM

In the midst of the ambush
[Since Sound Burst has a 10' radius, and was likely centered somewhere at the level of the folks on the ground, isn't is possible that Bill is outside the area of effect? How about this: If Bill saves by more than 5, he's outside the area? It's your call. Drumroll, please. First Willpower save: DC 32! Second save: DC 28. So, let me know if Bill takes the damage. Magic Missile Concentration check: DC 31. Fireball Reflex save: DC 26. I won't attempt the same appeal for fireball, since it has a 20' radius. Thanks, Donna -Kim]

As he flies over the group to the north (left on the map), buffeted by the forces of Marteaus - for he is certain they are their present opponents - Bill maintains his concentration, and offers a cone of sound in reply, doing 14 points of sonic damage (7 if Reflex save vs DC 16 made) to all in the area of effect (though it is a 60' cone at maximum range, Bill rises only to an altitude of 45', thus the area of effect is 45' in diameter at ground level. He aims it to avoid K'isst and the rest of his friends, instead catching as many of the bad guys as possible.

Momentarily grasping the hilt of his sword, he says quietly, "See me three!" Three images of Borgo appear in the air above those below (mirror image from sword).

[OOC: Is Bill out of the fog?]

DM OOC: Bill was, indeed, caught in the spells thrown, but his saves make it so that he suffers only 20hp damage and is not stunned. However, having started out the round flatfooted, he can fly over to the group north of the party and attack them, but NOT activate his Mirror Image yet. That will have to wait until Round 2.

Renik (8 HP damage)  d20+1=3 d20+1=15 d20+8=21 d20+1=18 d20+7=16 d20+8=19 d6+5=7 2d6(5+6)=11
Tuesday March 26th, 2002 4:03:09 PM

Renik is buffeted by the sonic blasts, but through a supreme effort of will manages to clear his head (Failed the first save, rerolled using 1 Hero Point to succeed with an 18).

It is fortunate that he does. The telltale sizzling of an incoming fireball alerts him of the impending inferno. With a leap of such speed it beggars belief, the rogue hurls himself out of the path of the blast, rolling up tight and flipping back to his feet, sword in hand. Though his clothing steams, he has avoided any damage from the fiery blast (Reflex 21, Evasion for no damage).

Renik peers for any sign of his opponents (Spot 16), hoping that the blast of the fireball has blown the fog away sufficiently to discern their foe. If he spots one he will race towards him and attack with his rapier (Hits AC 19 using Expertise for 7HP, 18HP if the attack can be classed a Sneak Attack).

His current AC is 21 (+2 Expertise), 22 to the victim of his attack (Dodge).

Draax (8hp damage)  d20+2=4 d20+2=19 d20+9=28
Tuesday March 26th, 2002 5:40:20 PM

Sure that he can discern something moving just beyond his vision, Draax is about to warn his comrades when Bill's warning is delivered by William. Not sure where the attack will come from, Draax dives to his right and starts to perform a roll as the attacks hits. He lays on his back dumbfounded without being able to complete his roll and unable to move. (DC 4 & 19). He felt some heat as he initiated his roll, but with the protection of his cloak (+4 to fire damage, no damage if saved) he comes out of the fire without any burns(saved: DC 28).

Draax lays on the ground stunned as he slowly regains his senses.

Ferrak (15 points and stunned 1 round)  d20+6=12 d20+6=9 d20+6=21 d20+10=28
Tuesday March 26th, 2002 8:44:51 PM

Ferrak's keen gnomish ears strain to pick up any sounds of trouble around them. Listening intently he is sure that something is not quite right.

Then agony and pain shoot through his senses as the sound bursts explode around him. Reeling from the pain, and yet somehow able to stay on the back of his brother, Ferrak's mind swims.

Staying low on the back of his brother, the feral gnome is able to avoid some of the fire damage, but is still singed. The smell of burnt hair and flesh fills his nostrils, as the ringing in his ears makes recovering his senses a struggle.

Grunk (Feng- Bull Strength, Cat's Grace)  d20+12=30 d20+7=26 d20+7=24 d8+8=11 d6=2 d8+8=11 d6=3 d8+8=13 d6=4
Tuesday March 26th, 2002 9:38:36 PM

[OOC: Hello All. I've been following the game for a couple of weeks now. Some of you may be worried that Feng is a half orc. Don't worry I won't cause any problems.]

Feng watches the initial assault in stunned silence. He's not one to give into his anger, but enough is enough. Just tolerating these evil people has pushed the young half-orc to his limits. Feng is surprised that he's lasted this long. Pulling back his tattered hood, Feng unstraps his Orc-Double Ax. He looks at the half-orc next to him with his bulbous eye. Slowly a large twisted toothy smile forms. "Grunk... get... busy." Then in a voice that's clear, composed, and intelligent he simply says, "Righteousness." His Ax bursts into flame. Something that it's never done before. Feng slashes upward at the half-orc with the close end, steps and spins the ax slashing two more times with the other end.

OOC:Making three attacks using two-weapon fighting and ambidexterity. The first d8 is the normal dmg, the following d6 is the fire dmg.
First attack roll: hit AC 30 for 13 dmg
Second Attack roll: hit AC 26 for 14 dmg
Third Attack roll: hit AC 24 for 17 dmg

Wednesday March 27th, 2002 12:53:38 AM

Dazed, the feral gnome realizes that distracted by the ambush, he didn't respond to Arien speeking to him. Barely able to think straight in the chaos, Ferrak for some reason thinks that it is important to reply now.

Unfortunately his mouth doesn't work right and all that comes out is an... "Oof."

Arien (8 hp damage)  d20+3=20 d20+3=20 d20+10=28 d20+6=17 d20+10=25
Wednesday March 27th, 2002 3:30:25 AM

Gritting his teeth against the pain the dual sonic attacks Arien throws himself back into a roll to distance himself from the blast of fire. Rolling over onto his belly Arien props himself just barely off the ground and searches for the enemy spellcasters. He allows his cloak to settle over his form as he remains motionless, hoping its black and silver would blend in with the natural darkness and mist.

(Will saves of 20 and 20, reflex save of 28, with evasion no damage taken from the fireball. Spot check of 17 and hide check of 25)

K'isst (15 hp damage)  d20+2=8 d20+2=11 d20+6=19
Wednesday March 27th, 2002 11:05:09 AM

K'isst instinctively ducks as the attacks roll over her. Her mind goes blank as she is stunned once and then again! (rolls of 8 and 11) Somehow she is able to partially ignore the fireball saving with a 19 and taking only 7hpd.

Ambush Round 2 (DM Donna)  d20+13=21 d8=4 2d4(3+1)+2=6 d20+15=33 d20+10=13 d12+11=13 2d6(4+1)=5
Wednesday March 27th, 2002 12:49:45 PM

Bill suffers 20hp damage because the spellcasters made sure that he was included in the spells thrown at the fog-bound party.

Darkfang is now at 0hp and unconscious.

Rond didn't post, so the DM rolled for him--he made all his saves and so suffers only 15hp damage and is not stunned.

Anyone failing one or even both Stun saves was unable to act for Round One of the Ambush.

Now comes Round 2--please visit http://hometown.aol.com/donnlap/myhomepage/index.html to see a diagram of how things look when the bad guys get finished with their half of the round.


Bill's Cone of Sound affects all the ambushers within the blue curved line on the diagram--opponent S looks to be hurt the worst. Opponent K sprints forward, lifting a wickedly sharp longsword and targeting the stunned K'isst, but not quite reaching her in time to strike her for this round. (The same holds true for bad guy V, who approaches Rond quickly but cautiously, yet still has another five feet to go before coming within melee range of the warrior.)

C2 casts again, with Bill quite pointedly the target of this casting--it's another Sound Burst and it causes both 4hp damage and another Willpower save versus DC15 or Bill will be stunned for Round 2.

Bad guy S tosses a golden sphere so that it lands and explodes in another fireball, affecting Hobbes, Draax, Arien, Rond and K'isst, who must all make Reflex saves versus DC16. Failing means you suffer 11hp damage; making the saves halves that to 6hp fire damage.

Renik finds himself toe-to-toe with a dwarven warrior in chainmail (F2), a large (for a dwarf) shield (with the bloody eye symbol of Martaeus on it) and a BIG dwarven war-axe. The dwarf whispers something that Renik might catch if he understands the Dwarven language and makes a Listen check versus DC15... then he swings that painful-looking axe at Renik, which whistles as it misses the human rogue by a hair!

Rond finds himself buffeted by C1's Sound Burst spell, suffering 4hp damage and having to save versus DC16 or be stunned for Round 2.

Bill is targeted by W, who is pointing a wand up at the halfling and launches two more Magic Missiles at the psionic hero, causing Bill another 6hp damage.

Darkfang loses another hit point; he is now at -1hp and still out cold.

Oddly enough, the F1 half-orc caused his very exotic weapon to flame up and struck out with it--not at any of the Hamleteers (who aren't in his range, anyhow), but at the B half-orc, who loses 26hp to the attack and whacks back at F1 for a total of 18hp damage.

As a rather surreal counterpoint to the battle at hand, anyone making a Listen check versus DC15 can hear town criers in the streets beyond The Scar, announcing the dire fates of the cities of Lankhmar and Ailthmar--apparently there are naught but extensive ruins and rubble marking where those cities used to be on the face of The Wold...

Borgo (Bill) (Elf sight, Fly, Mirror Image=3 illusionary Borgos, and one real Borgo) (30 hp damage sustained)  d20+12=17 d20+5=13 5d4(4+3+2+3+4)=16 d4+1=3 d20+5=6
Wednesday March 27th, 2002 1:52:28 PM

[Willpower save vs sound burst DC 17, succeeds, not stunned.]

Bill, as Borgo, whispers, and the power of his psyche amplifies that whisper into another cone of sound, catching S, C2 & V in the area of effect. Damage 16, Reflex save vs. DC 13 for half damage.

Momentarily grasping the hilt of his sword, he says quietly, "See me three." Three images of Borgo appear in the air adjacent to the real(?) Borgo (mirror image from sword).

With all the noise of the bursts and cones of sound, Bill doesn't hear a thing about the flying cities [listen DC 6].

[OOC: The round and oval shapes on the map - are those trees, or rocks, or what?

What kind of building is in the upper right corner of the map - if it is a building - and how tall?

Is it safe to assume the rectangle that W, the dark robed male elf, and C1, the clerically-robed female human stand behind is a wall of sorts, or a hedge? Is that the gateway out of which our party members stepped? -Kim of many questions :-) ]

DM OOC: in my last official post, C2 was casting at Bill, and it was C1 who made sure that Rond was hurt by her own Sound Burst, so Rond still has to roll versus DC16 or be stunned (and still suffers 4hp from that spell, too.)

The gray shapes are pieces of rubble that provide half-cover to the bad guys from the good guys on the ground--Bill has an obvious advantage flying around up there in the sky, though, so their coverage by the various architectural elements littering the area do not afford the bad guys the same protection from the halfling.

Wednesday March 27th, 2002 2:12:07 PM

[OOC: I am confused. Is the fog gone? If not how much can we see?]

DM OOC: sorry--my original post was lost. In it, I confirmed that the Fireball burned off the fog that had surrounded the Hamleteers. (Fireballs tend to do that to small areas of fog, and you guys aren't in Koshe-Marr...Bill's shouted that you're all in the area known as The Scar within Plateau City limits. Oh, and there is NO evidence of any type of gateway in the area at all.)

Renik  d20+2=11 d20+6=17 d6+5=10 2d6(4+6)=10 d20+7=19
Wednesday March 27th, 2002 5:02:52 PM

Not understanding a word of Dwarven, Renik merely replies with a rogueish grin "Yeah? Well same to you, pond scum! Your Dark Lord can kiss my pimply tush!"

And so saying he feints to the left, ducks back to the right and thrusts smartly at the Dwarven warrior, attempting to catch him off-balance.

(Feint is Bluff check of 11 (see PHB pg 64): Dwarf needs to make a Sense Motive check DC 11 or lose his Dex bonus to AC. Renik hits AC 17 for 10 HP, or 20 HP (Sneak Attack) if the feint succeeds. Renik's AC is 24 to the Dwarf (4 points of Expertise + Dodge), 23 to other attacks (cannot be caught Flat Footed: Uncanny Dodge)

At the periphery of his hearing he hears someone yelling about the entire city of Lankhmar vanishing. He dismisses the idea at once. Ridiculous! Whoever heard of such a thing? He brushes the minor distraction aside, and focuses once more on his opponent.

(OOC: BTW, Donna, did I hit the Dwarf last round?)

Ferrak  d8+3=9 d8+1=2 d8+1=9
Wednesday March 27th, 2002 7:45:43 PM

"DARKFANG!!!" screams Ferrak when shaking off the effects of the sound burst, he finally realizes that his brother is down. Not wasting any time, the feral gnome drops his shield next to the badly burned Darkfang. Reaching into a belt pouch for some mistletoe, a distant look crosses his face as he spits in his hands and starts chanting ancient words of power.

The healing power of nature soon cools the hot blistering skin, as Darkfang struggles back to conciousness. (CLW=9 Darkfang has 8 hp)

Reaching into his bag the feral gnome pulls out a bottle and pours its contents into his upturned shield. "Drink brother, drink," he says, anguish and worry apparent in his face. If Darkfang is able to drink from the shield it heals him even more. (Potion of CLW=9 I used a Hero point to re-roll. Darkfang then has 17 hp.)

[OOC: If you roll a 1 on cure light wounds, you can automatically reroll, without having to spend a hero point, until you get something higher than a 1. -Kim]

Arien  3d6(6+2+6)=14 d20+13=29
Wednesday March 27th, 2002 7:52:34 PM

Arien looks about quickly before deciding to give Renik a bit of help. Extending one fist towards the dwarf, Arien utters the command word and watches as his ring springs into action. The ring glows for a moment before an barely visible shape of a ram's head springs from the ring and streaks at the hapless dwarf. The force inflicts 14 points of damage.

(The attack works as a Bull rush with the Ram's opposing strength check at 29 [Rolled a 16 with following bonuses; +4 for large; +7 for 25 strength; and +2 for 3 charges expended]. The dwarf must beat that or be pushed back 5 feet plus one foot for each point he failed by. The movement caused by this does provoke an attack of opportunity.)

Wednesday March 27th, 2002 9:54:52 PM

Able to move again, Draax gets to his feet in time to see another fireball headed in his direction. Using the magic of his cloak, Draax sends the fireball back upon the caster. Again the magic of his cloak saves the half-elven warrior from receiving any fire damage.

Draax smiles as he sees the caster's spell backfire on him and his friend. He sprints towards S, hoping to get close enough to finish the caster off before they recover from the reflected fireball.

Grunk (Feng- Bull Strength, Cat's Grace)  d20+15=34 d8+14=22 d6=6 d20+7=15 d20+7=15
Wednesday March 27th, 2002 11:17:48 PM

Feng slowly circled his opponent. He was like every other orc he'd ever seen. That doesn't mean he's a wimp. Orcs are very single-minded, but most of the time that's a very effective strategy.

"The gods will not stand for this!" Feng's Double Ax starts glowing in a white light. He spins the blade striking high on the chest. With a quick pivot Feng steps back and spins the ax and comes in with two more quick slashes that fall short.

(OOC: Smite Evil with the first attack. I'm sure his other two missed. Feng hit ac 34 for 28 total dmg.)

Rond  d20=10 d20=6 d20+4=16 d20+10=16 d20+5=16
Thursday March 28th, 2002 2:35:14 AM

(ack. Caught with no access to character sheet. Also trying to use a new browser and OS set up. Had rolled a 17 for attack with 2d6=for 12 points damage. If you're not interested in what I 'had', just roll anew for me.)

Rond quickly takes a look about as he moves to his new postion and engages K by coming shoulder to shoulder with K'isst. (rolls unmodified 17 for 12 points damage, if allowed)

As he moves over to K'isst, "Arien, Renik, keep an eye out on Ferrak. Hobbes, stay central, and help where you can." Taking the brunt of the damage from the fireball (unmodified 10 for reflex, don't think I have +6), Rond is damaged further by 11 points.

The only thing that Rond can hear at this point, is the din of battle.

DM OOC: I rolled for Rond's resistance to the outcome of C1's Sound Burst attack--Rond suffers 4hp from the female cleric's spell but isn't stunned by it this time around, either. Rond's Reflex save bonus IS +6, however, and so he only suffers 6hp damage from the other Fireball--total amount of damage on Rond for this round is 10hp.

Additional DM OOC: looking at Rond's CS, I see several interesting things--first off, Rond is high enough to have two attacks per round. Secondly, a natural 17 on his roll entitles the leader of the Hamleteers to see if it's a Critical Hit. So I'll roll...

...no critical on that first blow--K has AC20. Second blow misses, too.

Hobbes (14 damage total 22 + 11 - 19)  d20+3=6 3d8(7+3+3)+6=19 d20+6=23
Thursday March 28th, 2002 3:31:09 AM

Hobbes bends forward, his hand shielding his eyes and coughing through the sulfur smell that remains. Through the fog he hears the sounds of fighting and explosions and, gritting his teeth, walks forward.

A slight tick is heard in the air. A moment of time of sudden stillness through the clangs... as if a space in time were hollowed out with silence. Then a huge explosion erupts in the area once again. The armor around Hobbes shudders and compresses, squeezing him as the fire burns his eyebrows and exposed hair.
(Failed save. Wow. Even online my dice rolls suck)

Hobbes, angered by his weakness against his enemy shouts in defiance as his staggers forward about 15-20 feet (to the middle of the group.) Feeling the pressure of his wounds from inside, he fumbles for his eye.

His eyes close and a gutteral tone builds within him and finally escapes his lips.

"Trck'se marm gak m'rndo!"

(Cure Serious Wounds on himself converted from Magic Vestment)

Not far away he can make out the wounded visages of Farrak and Darkfang. Squinting through the carnage, he frowns as a distant herald, like a scratchily spinning record, recites a surreal tale which parallels Hobbes' current fate.

Renik (AoO?)  d20+10=12 d6+5=11
Thursday March 28th, 2002 3:31:49 AM

If Renik is entitled to an Attack of Opportunity as a result of Arien's Ring of the Ram attack he probably misses, hitting AC 12 for 11 HP. Bother.

Ambush Round 3 (DM Donna)  d20+7=19 d20+4=7 d20+4=13 d20+2=14 d20+5=14 d100=17 d10+9=19 d20+3=21 d20+7=26 d20+4=17 d20+4=17 d20+2=9 4d6(4+6+3+6)=19 d20+4=19 d20+6=13 d20+3=20 d6+1=5 d20+6=8 d20+15=29 d8+9=15 d20+10=29 d8+9=16 2d4(2+4)+2=8
Thursday March 28th, 2002 8:05:15 AM

Bill notes that the L-shaped corner of what's left of a building is about 15 feet at it's tallest, and about 6 feet at its shortest. Then he lets loose with another Cone of Sound, which V definitely avoids, tucking and tumbling so that he comes up right behind Hobbes as the cleric is busy Curing his own wounds.

However, between the Cone and the reflected Fireball, opponent S falls to the ground, at the very least unconscious, if not dead. However, the bad news about that is that the golden sphere in the spellcaster's hand also hits the ground and explodes for 19hp damage--catching S, C2 and the approaching Draax in its fiery presence. The evil cleric makes his Reflex save versus DC16 so that he only suffers 10hp damage, though. (As will Draax have to.) The unexpectedness of this turn of events, however, rattles the unholy spellcaster so that--whatever his next spell may have been--he can't concentrate on casting it.

Meanwhile, Renik sees that Arien's well-placed use of his magic ring causes his dwarven foe (whose armor definitely has been most effective against all of the rogue's attacks so far) to be smacked backwards a full TWENTY feet--and be slammed into a solid stone column (just off the map on the web site) with a sickening crunch. The earthkin slides down the stone and falls forward, onto his face.

Darkfang drinks up the potion, thanking his big brother profusely for the assist--and then launches himself with a bloodcurdling growl at V, who was preparing to backstab Hobbes with his tarnished short sword! (Darkfang hits AC20, doing 5hp damage.) V is now trying (in vain) to shake the wolf off his sword arm!

"Damned furball--you made me MISS!!!" screams the purple-faced assassin as Darkfang continues to growl and snarl and hang on to the evil man's arm.

Rond's blow definitely distracts K from striking at K'isst, instead directing his melee attempts at the human. K proves to be VERY effective as a fighter--striking Rond twice (AC29 both times for a total of 31hp damage!) for a horrendous amount of damage. Worse still, Rond feels funny... (Make a Fort save versus DC15, Rond--failure means you've contracted the disease "Mummy Rot.")

W and C1 exchange glances and begin their actions feverishly. Both look up at Bill--W pointing his wand at the halfling and firing off two more Magic Missiles at him for 8hp damage. The female cleric's spell is one that Bill will have to work to recognize...

(OOC: Spellcraft check VS DC17 to be able to tell she's summoning something Undead...)

The dwarf fighter stirs and starts to get to his feet.

Oh, and (practically unnoticed) the battle between the two half-orcs is suddenly, brutally resolved...in F1's favor. B falls over with horrible gashes and wide-open, dead eyes to the sky.

It's the Hamleteers' turn. Visit DM Donna's Map Site: http://hometown.aol.com/donnlap/myhomepage/index.html to see what the battlefield looks like now.

K'isst  d20+6=19 d20+14=22 d8+9=14
Thursday March 28th, 2002 10:09:04 AM

[Fireball save of 19 from last round.]

Coming out of her stunned state, K'isst shakes her head vigorously to clear it. Seeing that Rond has engaged the warrior, she makes a beeline for W1 who is attacking Bill.

She attacks, swinging her trident, hitting AC22 [d20+14=22] for [d8+9=14] 14 points of damage, stabbing him in the stomach.

She roars her fury and then smiles at the wizard in a totally friendly way to unnerve him.

Rond  d20+9=26 d20+10=28 d20=4 d20+5=10 2d6(4+4)+3=11
Thursday March 28th, 2002 10:13:13 AM

Staggering somewhat from the onslaught of the overall damage. Rond shivers as he overcomes the slicing of the sword. (fort=26). Wanting to get this over, Rond does his best to return the favor. (AC 28, no crit, AC 10, 11 points dam)

Arien  3d6(6+6+5)=17 d20+13=27
Thursday March 28th, 2002 1:02:00 PM

Seeing the beating Rond is taking Arien turns his attention to that area of the battlefield. He points his ring at K and unleashes the power of his ring again. The ghostly ram's head streaks across the battlefield, slamming into the fighter for 17 points of damage. (Opposed Strength check for the Bull Rush = 27)

Draax  d20+2=18 d20+12=16 d20+6=20 d8+7=15 d8+7=15
Thursday March 28th, 2002 1:11:00 PM

Seeing S goto the ground, Draax changes direction and goes for C2. The quick change in direction saved (saved 18, 10dmg) the half-elf from receiving the full blast from the golden sphere. Taking his frustration out on the cleric, Draax attacks C2 with his longsword. (hitting AC 16 for 15dmg & AC 20 for 15dmg)

Borgo (Bill) (Elf sight, Fly, Mirror Image=3 illusionary Borgos, and one real Borgo, Blinking) (30, 33, 35, or 38 hp damage sustained)  d20+16=25 d20+5=15 5d20(3+1+15+14+18)=51 5d4(2+4+3+4+3)=16 d20+24=40
Thursday March 28th, 2002 1:21:37 PM

[OOC: See private post for explanation of confusion on hit points taken. d20+24=40, voluntary Concentration check, DC 40.]

(Psi-/Spellcraft roll [d20+16=25], DC 25.) Bill notes the undead summoning, and perceives that as his greatest present threat. Flying slightly downward towards the elf wizard and woman cleric, he angles yet another cone of sound, with a rainbow wash of color emanating from his eyes as the power explodes, so as to catch the wizard and cleric within the area of effect, but trying to avoid, barely, Renik & K'isst. His two opponents take [(2+4+3+4+3)=16] 16 hp damage, or 8 hp if they succeed at a Reflex save [d20+5=15] DC 15. [Ignore 5d20 roll - was supposed to be 5d4.] He hopes he can disrupt the wicked cleric's summoning.

Bill activates his ring of blinking, and himself and his images begin popping in and out of view.

Borgo/Bill's movement ended above the elf W, his feet about 15 feet off the ground, with two to four 'Borgos' visible. "Hobbes!"

Hobbes (14 damage)  d20+4=22
Thursday March 28th, 2002 1:56:59 PM

Hobbes wheels around at the sound of the commotion behind him. Seeing the gleaming sword in V's hand which would have undoubtedly been aimed at him, he pauses for a second to look thankfully to the attacking Darkfang. "No doubt an animal blessed with the watchfulness of Gargul," he thinks to himself.

Something makes him turn his head. A mumbling... an intonation, one that fills Hobbes with a rageful purpose. Clutching his eye and holding it strongly before him, he runs 20 feet towards the sound of C1's spell. If V wants an AoO, let him.

"By Gargul's holy name you dare blaspheme the Wold with your atrocities!," he bellows, "I, Hobbes of the Eye, forbid it!"

"Vo'up Rep!"

(Silence cast in the air right beside C1. In between C1 and W. No save as it's not on them. Radius is 15 feet. As summoning spells are one full round to cast, I assume it is now disrupted without the continuing use of his verbal component unless he has silent spell feat.)

Ferrak  d20+14=18 d8+5=7 d20+10=24
Thursday March 28th, 2002 9:28:43 PM

For now, leaving his shield where it lies, the feral gnome hefts up his vicious spear. Slowly at first, Ferrak advances on the battle between Darkfang and the purple faced assassin.

"Furball...?" he mumbles under clenched teeth gathering speed.

Singed and still smoking, the wild gnome's blackened visage is a terrible thing to behold. His burnt hair twisted madly about a face on fire with a silent, smoldering rage, Ferrak charges. Legs pumping hard as he clashes into the assassin, the feral gnome jabs fiercely with his spear. (+10+2flank+2charge=7dmg)

Assuming that he at least makes contact with the man's armor, Ferrak tries to use his spear as a sort of pole-vaulting pivot. In effect using the momentum of his charge to rebound off of the man, onto the back of his valiant brother Darkfang. (Ride check=24 Is this possible?)

Feng (Bull Strength, Cat's Grace, 18hp dmg)  d20+14=32 d8+8=12 d6=6
Thursday March 28th, 2002 10:03:54 PM

Feng looks back and forth between the spellcasters behind the wall and Kalabak. He was about to run toward the wizard but thankfully somebody engaged him. Kalabak deserves his full attention. Gripping his ax tightly, Feng shouts "Kalabak!" With anger in his eyes, Feng moves over to Kalabak and flanks the dark warrior. Spinning the ax over his head Feng brings and end down hard, leaving a trail of fire as the ax strikes at Kalabak's ribs. [d20+14=32 to hit, d8+8=12+(d6=6)for 18 points of dmg]

Renik (by Kim)  d20+6=17
Friday March 29th, 2002 2:23:00 AM

Renik takes his folded net, steps five feet ahead and to his left, so he is about eight feet from the woman cleric, and tosses the barbed webbing over her head (ranged touch attack, she gets no armor or shield bonuses, AC 17), hoping to ensnare her. He notes just how quiet it's gotten in this area. He glances over at the dwarf who just slammed against the wall, hoping he remains still.

Ambush Round 4 (DM Donna)  d20+11=17 d20+3=21 d8+6=13 d20+6=26 d20+11=26 d20+4=24 d20+5=6 d20+5=22 d20+13=29 d20+8=18 d10+7=11 d10+7=9
Friday March 29th, 2002 8:16:33 AM

K'isst's attack upon W causes the elf to lose his grip on the wand, which goes clattering to the ground. Gravely wounded, W grits his teeth and slaps K'isst in the face (hits AC21), but lets his hand linger... delivering 13hp of electricity damage with his Shocking Grasp spell.

Arien's ring hurts K--who, incredibly, is not knocked back by the force--as well as Rond's determined attack, too... but it is the blow from F1 upon the man that finishes the blackguard off. Still, the defiant evil fighter manages to spit in F1's direction even as the light of life fades from his eyes.

"The Dark Lord eats traitors for breakfassssst..." Kalabak hisses his last words.

Only one of Draax's blows manages to land on the cleric he faces, but it definitely does damage, for the half-elf stops and stands stock-still. His eyes narrow in concentration and his lips twist into a mocking smile... and Draax hears the telltale sound of rattling and the scattering of stones. The Hamleteer suddenly realizes that no less than twelve skeletons have popped up out of the rough, broken terrain--one of them actually having used to be opponent S!

Bill's attack hurts the female cleric and fells the wizard... but some kind of sixth sense--the rising of the hairs of the back of his neck--makes the halfling turn around in time to feel the deathly-cold grip of an ethereal vision of horror on his very throat! And, yes, this thing has Bill in a very solid grip, too, as the halfling feels his very lifeforce drain away! (OOC: you've lost one level. Strength check versus DC19 or this undead, ethereal being will retain its grip and drain another level next round.)

Hobbes casts his Silence spell, but C2's face is a study in triumph because she knows her spell was successful... and now the cleric of Gargul suddenly finds the dwarf fighter in his face--and with a Dwarven War Axe, yet! Hobbes gets hit for 11hp damage, but this doesn't stop the prickly chill that shudders across his very soul as the priest of the Woldian God of Death senses the appearance of the dozen undead behind him.

Ferrak's attack on the sneaky assassin does no damage--the wily evil one is too limber, it seems. However, even as the determined feral druid remounts his energetic brother, the human they are attacking fumbles for the buckle of his belt... and suddenly disappears!

I... I cannot track him, big brother! yelps Darkfang, confused. His scent... his self... is completely gone from here!

Renik's net falls wide of the female cleric he targeted even as her expression mocks him.

This ends the bad guys' half of round 4...check out DM Donna's Map Site: http://hometown.aol.com/donnlap/myhomepage/index.html to see what's left on the battlefield. (My apologies--the map will show "V" as still being right by Ferrak & Darkfang, but the assassin has, in truth, teleported away from the battle.)

Feng (Bull Strength, Cat's Grace, 18hp dmg)  d20+3=17 2d6(6+1)+7=14
Friday March 29th, 2002 9:37:40 AM

Feng gives a slight smile and nod to Rond. "Excuse me. I have something to take care of." Feng hustles past Rond getting closer to the skeletons. Pulling a Medallion out from under his breastplate (swirling Vortex with stars in it), Feng draws upon positive energy and atempts to turn the undead away. He glances up at the horror and hopes it leaves too. [turning check d20+3=17 (affects up to 6 HD creatures), d6(6)+d6(1)+7=14 total HD turned]

Renik  d20+10=14
Friday March 29th, 2002 11:46:23 AM

(OOC: Many thanks for posting for Renik, Kim. Yesterday was absolutely frantic! Apologies all.)

Renik dives into combat with the heavily armoured dwarf, stabbing ineffectually as he does so (Hit AC 14: Grrr). With deft spin he continues his move, adopting a flanking position behind the hairy fellow (Spring Attack, no AoO). From his new vantage point he spies the army of skeletons gathering around Draax, and prays he and Hobbes can nail this dwarven follower of the Dark Lord fast. This scrap is getting dangerous!

K'isst  d20+14=26 d8+9=15 d20+9=29 d20+9=24 d8+9=13 d8+9=13
Friday March 29th, 2002 12:54:23 PM

K'isst lets loose on C1 trying to finish her off.

She swings her trident once hitting AC26 for 15 points of damage.

She swings again! She hits 29 with a Critical hit! (29 is a natural 20 with 24 also hitting confirming the crit.) She yells her triumph as the trident is yanked out of the opponent the strike doing 26 (13+13) points of damage!


Borgo (Bill) (Elf sight, Fly, Mirror Image=1 or 2 or 3(?) illusionary Borgos, and one real Borgo, blinking) (15, 18, 20, or 23 hp damage sustained; one negative level)  d20+2=20 d20+23=33 2d8(3+7)+5=15
Friday March 29th, 2002 1:10:12 PM

[Spending two hero points on Strength escape roll: 20. Terror can do that for ya!]

Bill's blood chills as the cold fingers close about his neck. Calling upon reserves from his hatred of the undead, he wrenches free of the tightening grasp, feeling a weird combination of ennervation and sapping. Borgo, and his multiple, dancing images, fly away full speed, backward and upward at a 30 degree angle, his magical sword before each image, fully defending with the weapon in his right hand against any further attempts of the abomination to grasp him. With his left, he pulls forth a potion of cure moderate wounds, removes the stopper with his teeth, and downs the contents. (Concentration: DC 33. Cure moderate wounds: 15 hp)

Draax  d20+12=24 d20+6=18 d8+7=11 d8+7=13
Friday March 29th, 2002 3:47:29 PM

Hearing, feeling, and smelling the arrival of the skeletons, Draax glances right, left, and then back at the cleric. Figuring that he is in a hopeless situation, the warrior is resigned to his fate. He smiles as he looks into the cleric's eyes. "You could have saved us both a lot of pain and suffering if you would have just surrendered. But nooo, you had to bring your family into to this - and by the way, your mother looks lovely. Oh well, seeya in hell."

Believing that he sounds braver than he feels, Draax raises his shield high hoping to catch a few of the many blows that he is sure going to be raining down on him at any moment. He cuts into the cleric with his longsword (AC24 for 11 dmg, AC 18 for 13 dmg) trying to back his words with action and end the evil half-elf's life.

Ferrak  d20+14=23 d8+5=7 d8+5=8
Friday March 29th, 2002 10:00:24 PM

Ferrak's snarls of anger and rage soon turn to that of confusion and surprise as the evil man winks out of sight. Disappointed, the feral gnome mutters, "Coward," under his breath, then freezes as the icy chill of unnatural life sends a shiver down his spine.

The hair on the back of his neck rising, Ferrak takes a moment to survey the battlefield. Seeing the travesty of evil un-life that surrounds them, the feral gnome makes his move.

Urging Darkfang to speed, Ferrak's face a mask of determination, the wolf brothers head straight for Renik, Hobbes, and the Dwarf attacking them. Charging up, opposite of Renik, the feral gnome readies his spear for impact. (+10+2+2 Dbl damage Spirited Charge=15)

Crashing heavily into the armored dwarf, Ferrak pulls up in front of him, trying to shield Hobbes from any further attack.

"For the pack!" he yells at the newcomer, turning to wink at him in wild eyed encouragement.

Arien  2d6(4+6)=10 d20+12=26
Saturday March 30th, 2002 12:49:28 AM

Once again Arien unleashes the energy of his ring upon the evil dwarf. However he does not let loose with the full power of the ring since he might need it later on as well. The ghostly ram's head slams into the dwarf for 10 (4+6) points of damage. (Opposed str check: 26)

Hobbes  d20+4=18 2d6(2+6)+11=19
Monday April 1st, 2002 4:06:48 AM

Hobbes finishes his spell and then winces as he looks down at the gash formed by the dwarf's axe. Biting through the sting, he glares down at the wild-eyed dwarf before catching sight of his new comrade Bill in undeath's grip. Abandoning all notions that there is any danger before him, he turns, holding aloft his holy symbol of Gargul.

His ears clatter with the echoes of impact of the magic ring upon the wild-eyed dwarf as he steps forward toward the apparition which is now floating up into the air, giving the dwarf a clear shot at his backside even as the thundering ram of Darkfang barrels into him.

"You cannot remain here," wards Hobbes holding his silvered eye higher toward the dark hovering form, "This place is forbidden to you! I cast you back into the abyss from which you came. By all that's holy of the great power of the true keeper of the afterlife, you are banished! Gargul commands it!" He plants himself firmly in a spot directly under it.

"You...Are...Banished!", he bellows as he channels forth the radiating blue power forth from his holy symbol. The glimmering sphere shoots out from the eye in Hobbes' hand and radiates outward up through the undead creature and simmers out five feet past it. Hobbes proudly gazes up, almost tearful that Gargul has chosen him to give such a burst of extra divine power.

(OOC: Turn Check 18, Most Powerful Undead Level banished: 9th. Turning Damage: 19. In both cases, my level is considered one greater when turning as the special divine power of a cleric of Gargul dictates if anyone was wondering)

Rond  d20+10=21 d6+3=6 d6=2 d20+5=10 2d6(1+1)+3=5
Monday April 1st, 2002 4:17:31 AM

Watching stunned as the blackguard falls to the ground, Rond wonders whether he could have really taken on this fellow without the help he received. Speaking of help, what's this fellow with the axe going to do?

"Thanks for the aid. I have seen this happen before and understand if you're wishing to switch sides. We'll talk more later on this."

Surveying the scene quickly, Rond shudders when he sees how many skeletons are on the field. Not wanting a member of the team to drop Rond announce, "Draax, help is on the way." Charging, or moving as best he can. Rond attempts to take out skeleton #7, in order to cover Draax's back.

1st attack
AC 21 for 8 points of dam (supposed to be 2d6+3, but forgot 2 in roller)

2nd attack
AC 10 for 5 points, if connected

Ambush Round 5 (DM Donna)  d20+5=10 d20+5=19 d20=17 d20=16 d20=8 d20=14 d20=18 d20=9 d20=4 d20=18 d20=18 d20=7 d20=15 d20=17 d20=2 d20=6
Monday April 1st, 2002 10:08:11 AM

The half-orc who assisted Rond leaps forward and presents what looks like a holy symbol towards the cadre of bony undead, commanding them to disperse. Surprisingly, several of the skeletons disintegrate into dust (skels 8 to 12)! This is a surprise to both the Hamleteers, because the half-orc is affecting the undead like a cleric or paladin... and to the half-orc, too, because he thought for sure that he'd be affecting more of the skeletons than he is.

Renik, Ferrak (with Darkfang) and Arien concentrate their efforts on the dwarven warrior who'd attacked Hobbes. The evil dwarf suffers a lot of damage, but it is the attack from the ring that has the most telling effect: F2 is knocked back and out of sight over some rubble.

K'isst's attention turns to the female cleric that summoned the apparition that now stalks Bill in the air. Her vicious attack skewers the haughty priestess, leaving behind a lifeless corpse with a knowing smirk on her lips... and all of this soundless, thanks to Hobbes' earlier Silence spell.

Bill backs off and quaffs his potion as Hobbes attempts to banish the horrible abomination that siphoned off some of the halfling's energy, but the cleric of Gargul's effort--while clearly debilitating to the evil creature--forces the thing to fly straight for Bill once more, matching the metamind in direction and altitude. However, the spectral fingers that greedily reach for Bill fall short of their intended goal!

Draax's bravado succeeds in felling the cleric who summoned all the skeletons... and his shield manages to fend off the scrabbling claws of the skeletons that flail at him (skeletons 2 through 5). Skeleton #1 tries to hit the half-orc responsible for destroying the other skeletons, but misses as well.

Skeletons 6 & 7 strike out at Rond. Neither of them connect, and skeleton #7 looks like it's being held together by wishful thinking.

The only things left in the immediate area that are putting up a fight are the skeletons that Draax, Rond and the half-orc are fighting, and that flying undead ghostie-thing that is 45 feet up in the air with four Bills... though the flying horror keeps targeting the same Bill repeatedly with terrifying accuracy.

Those who have Spellcraft can make a check versus DC15 to figure out that there's a Desecrate spell that's interfering with divine attempts to turn the undead here (except for F1... who already knows that.)

Visit DM Donna's Map Site: http://hometown.aol.com/donnlap/myhomepage/index.html to see how the battlefield looks now. (OOC: I accidentally forgot to color C1--the evil female cleric--gray... she is out cold at the very least!)

Feng (Bull Strength, Cat's Grace, 18 hp dmg)  d20+3=23 2d6(2+2)+7=11
Monday April 1st, 2002 10:45:28 AM

Feng ignores the skeleton in front of him. He needs to concentrate on the task at hand. There isn't time to bless the area, even if somebody could. "The land is desecrated." He shouts to all. Feng closes his eyes and says quietly, "Gods of the wold hear my cry. Your loyal servant needs thy aid. Please lend your strength so I can destroy the servants of Marteaus." Feng's holy symbol glows brightly, bathling the skeletons in light.
[turn check= 23, max hd affected is 8, 11 dice of turning dmg]

Borgo (Bill) (Elf sight, Fly, Mirror Image=3 illusionary Borgos, and one real Borgo) (23 hp damage sustained; one negative level) (AC vs. Spectre: 28 (note: bracers, ioun stone, dex, size, intertial armor, dodge bonus all apply vs. incorporeal))  d20+15=20 d20+5=7
Monday April 1st, 2002 11:12:13 AM

Bill is able to discern that this graveyard is desecrated [Spellcraft DC 18 (should have rolled d20+13, not +15)].

Bill drops his blinking, so as to be able to move faster (move 60 when blinking, 90 when normal). He continues flying backwards, staying 45 feet in the air, but travels in a broad circle [so that he doesn't go off the edge of Donna's map :-) ], ending the round (he moves 90) about 20 feet east of F2's position, and maybe 15 feet to the south and 5 feet west of Renik's - and still in motion. As he moves backwards, he extracts from his pocket a vial of holy water, and tries to splash that on the pursuing spectre. However, as he fights defensively (-4 on attacks, +2 dodge bonus to AC), the liquid goes well off course (AC 7 - and I don't know if 'splash damage' of 1 hp would apply in this situation). He hopes, now that he is moving faster, to distance himself from the reaching grasp of the vile undead. Also, based on his knowledge of Plateau City, he calculates the distance to the nearest temple of Alemi from the Scar. Getting the spectre away from the desecrated ground may be his best bet - especially if he can get to consecrated ground... But let's see what his friends might do.

Renik  d20+13=17 d20+23=32
Monday April 1st, 2002 2:25:51 PM

Renik glances up and sees that Bill is still battling furiously. If only he had some way to help...

Cursing himself for not being better prepared Renik elects instead to move off after the dwarf, staying quiet and low. He raises the hood of his cloak of elvenkind, and sneaks towards the pile of rubble where the dwarf fell, rapier at the ready (Move Silent 17, Hide 32).

He only hopes his companions can fare better against the unliving horror than he.

K'isst  d20+14=17 d20+9=27 d8+9=10 d8+9=13
Monday April 1st, 2002 4:43:03 PM

K'isst waves at Bill to come to her and widens her stance to receive the vile thing... K'isst style!

In the meantime she also motions to Rond and holds up a potion marked CLW in case he wants it.

Draax  d20+12=23 d20+6=16 d8+7=11 d8+7=8
Monday April 1st, 2002 5:52:44 PM

Draax smiles as he sees the life in the cleric's eyes fade. Feeling the rain of blows upon his shield, the half-elf is surprised that he was not hit. Hearing Rond's promise of assistant Draax begins to feel a little more confident about his chance for survival. The fighter turns to skelly #5 formerly known as S and attacks the unnatural creature with his longsword (AC 23 for 11dgm, AC 16 for 8dmg). Too late the warrior remembers his father's lessons about fighting skeletons with a slashing weapon.

Hobbes (25 damage taken)  d20+9=29 2d4(1+2)+3=6
Monday April 1st, 2002 6:07:28 PM

Hobbes, seething with rage, lowers his holy symbol.

"Bab'on Gog!" he shouts like a madman and immediately rises from the ground [Fly]. Like an arrow he shoots towards the spectre, scythe in a wind-up. He catches up to the flowing monster and rams it cleanly with his Scythe +1. [Partial Charge Movement (Less than 90 feet), Natural 20, No Crit, Effective AC 17]

The scythe cuts through the apparition, wounding it slightly. [6 points of damage]

Arien  d4+1=4 d4+1=3
Monday April 1st, 2002 6:42:30 PM

Arien also joins in the battle with the undead creature chasing Bill, he quickly sends up two Magic Missiles after the beast which hit for 7 (4+3) points of damage.

Rond  d20+10=11
Tuesday April 2nd, 2002 3:46:20 AM

Rond engages skeleton 7 in order to help his friend Draax. Being engaged with the skeleton, Rond doesn't notice K'isst and her offering. Doing his best to skewer the skeleton, Rond slips on some of the carnage that surrounds him and drops his sword.

Ferrak  d20+6=23 d20+10=16 d8=5 d20+10=18 d20+4=12 d6+1=4
Tuesday April 2nd, 2002 6:18:25 AM

{Help Draax brother.} yells Ferrak as he jumps off of his brothers back.

Getting a running start, the feral gnome get's ready to throw his spear. Fighting with the will of the thing, Ferrak is able to use it the way he wishes. (Will Check 23 to use sentient spear.)

(Attack 16 dmg = 5+5=10 probably a miss though.)

Ferrak runs after his spear to cast it again.

(If Darkfang is able to attack now against a skeleton Attack 12=4 dmg.)

Ambush Round 6  d20=6 d20=5 d20=9 d20=14 d3-1=2 d20+5=15 d100=57 d100=87
Tuesday April 2nd, 2002 7:51:43 AM

The half-orc's action causes skeletons 1 through 4 to crumble to dust. Draax's attacks on the-skeleton-formerly-known-as-"S" (#5) manage to be more than the bony undead can take, and it falls to pieces. Rond's sword is hastily retrieved, and Darkfang charges at the skeletons closest to the leader of the Hamleteers. #7 misses Rond, but one of #6's bony fists strikes the wolf for 2hp damage.

Once again Bill Troublefinder retreats from his implaccable foe...and once again the relentless undead thing will not be denied, snatching hungrily at the vital, wily halfling (and missing!) However, Arien's attack does damage, causing the thing to howl in agony. Hobbes' blow swishes through the ethereal wraithform of the creature, not appearing to do any damage. Ferrak's spear--not even coming close to his intended target--clatters to the ground about 25 feet away.

Renik starts in the direction the dwarf fighter sailed off towards, but after clearing the obstruction of a five-or-six-foot-tall pile of rubble, the rogue is astonished to see that the dwarf is NOWHERE in sight!

K'isst silently tries to get Bill's attention.

At this point, only skeletons 6 & 7 remain on the ground--the undead S is doggedly orienting on Bill with far too much accuracy to be natural (if you can call anything the living dead can do natural, that is). The dwarf has disappeared from the battlefield completely.

Renik: Bossy Time 
Tuesday April 2nd, 2002 8:31:06 AM

Cursing, Renik races back to where Bill is being attacked. To his companions he yells "The dwarf has vanished! Have a care, he has probably fled, but he may be invisible!"

Turning his attention back to the fight he calls out "Bill's in trouble up there! Does anyone have any Holy Water? That might help!" Clerics! Concentrate on that creature, the skeletons are just a nuisance compared to that thing!

"Bill! Bill! Head down here! My rapier is a magical weapon, it may prove equal to this monstrosity!" he yells, brandishing his +2 rapier. He wishes he was as confident of that as he sounds.

Borgo (Bill) (Elf sight, Fly, Mirror Image=3 illusionary Borgos, and one real Borgo) (23 hp damage sustained; one negative level) (AC vs. Spectre: 28 (note: bracers, ioun stone, dex, size, intertial armor, dodge bonus all apply vs. incorporeal))  d20+5=16 2d4(2+2)=4 d100=82
Tuesday April 2nd, 2002 12:23:01 PM

When Hobbes joins him in the air, the halfling is grateful, as well as for the other support his comrades give. Bill, hearing Renik's voice from the ground, glances over his shoulder, and swoops downward, landing on the ground about five feet west of where the cleric (C1) lies. Should the spectre follow, it will likely be near to K'isst and Renik. If it has not broken off pursuit, then as he lands, he splashes the spectre with holy water (AC 16, for 4 hp damage, or 1 hp splash damage if not a direct hit, roll to see if water has a chance of touching at all (usually 1-50 miss, 51-100 hit), with an 82), still fighting defensively, trying to dodge those relentless fingers.

In the back of his mind, he wishes that people stopped calling him 'Bill.' He's in disguise, after all! On the other hand, there IS a lot of stress...

Hobbes (25 damage taken)  d20+7=11 d20+6=25 6d8(1+1+7+5+6+3)=23
Tuesday April 2nd, 2002 1:11:44 PM

"I am NOT through with you!" commands Hobbes to the spectre as it flies away from him. He takes his attack of opportunity on it and misses. [Roll of 11]

He glances at the halfling that is desperately trying to avoid it and growls, "You leave him ALONE!"

He immediately points his scythe in the direction of the vial creature and his hands begin to tremble. The vibrations become intense and his whole body seems to shake with a vast power as his mind utters a repeated prayer to Gargul and then bellows the command words, "Fu'muun...VORATIS!"

Immediately a surge of light bursts forth from Hobbes' hands into his scythe and out the top of it. The blinding light streaks across the air with firey intensity and cuts into the dark being.

[Searing Light. Ranged Touch Attack hits AC25. 6d8 against Undead hurt by sunlight. 23 Damage.

Tuesday April 2nd, 2002 2:07:08 PM

Rond quickly scans the area and decides that it is time to get in touch with their employer.

Using the coin:
(ooc does he speak aloud, or just think?)

"We did not teleport to Koshe-Mar. We actually teleported to some sort of ambush in The Scar. Currently have some kind of undead creature as the only thing sticking around and being troublesome. Any help would be appreciated if available."

Should there be any inquiries to their position Rond will relay what he knows of the area.

From the ground Rond tries to keep an eye on things going on at ground level. He'll do his best to keep Borgo in his sight, but he's more worried about the ground, where he can help out.

Draax  d20+12=23 d20+6=18 d8+7=14 d8+7=8
Tuesday April 2nd, 2002 2:12:34 PM

As he finishes off the creature formerly known as S, Draax turns to confront the other skeletons that had him surrounded and a big grin appears on his face as he finds only dust. As he surveys the area he hears a slight cry from Darkfang as the skeleton hit the wolf. Moving in that direction the half-elf confronts skelly #6, attacking it with his longsword (AC23 for 14, AC18 for 8).

Tuesday April 2nd, 2002 4:24:29 PM

K'isst waits for the undead thing to close so that she can wallop it.

Feng (Bull Strength, Cat's Grace, 18hp dmg) 
Tuesday April 2nd, 2002 4:51:41 PM

Seeing how the situation is under control, Feng stands back and watches. He seriously doubts he could turn the creature even if the land wasn't desecrated.

Arien  d20+6=25 2d4(4+1)=5
Tuesday April 2nd, 2002 5:42:41 PM

Seeing his spell effect the undead creature Arien sends yet another spell after it. He fires of an Acid Arrow hitting ac 25 (19+6, ranged touch attack) for 5 damage. (4+1)

Ferrak (-15hps) Darkfang (at 15 hps) 
Tuesday April 2nd, 2002 8:05:53 PM

Seeing that Hobbes' scythe had no effect, Ferrak ponders for a moment what to do, sure that his spear is at least as effective as a scythe.

Worried for Darkfang, but seeing that Draax and his brother are together, Ferrak moves to where K'isst and Renik are waiting to attack the ghostly spectre.

Picking some dirt up from the ground the feral gnome begins a chant as he rubs his hands together vigorously. At the climax of his chant he extends his right hand and flame shoots forth from it. There burning brightly, aggravating his recent blistered burns, is a flaming blade of magical fire.


Ambush Round 7 (DM Donna)  d20+10=15 d20+5=25 d6+1=6
Wednesday April 3rd, 2002 7:34:21 AM

Renik's shouts coax all four of "Borgo" to land on the ground in the very middle of the area of Silence. The shrieking wraith-like creature heads straight for Bill, claws extended, its eyes suddenly glowing a malevolent red. Even as it tries to grasp at Bill (again with eerily unerring accuracy) spells from both Hobbes and Arien hit it, causing it to miss. Its howl of agony is unheard, though, as it, too, is now within the area of Silence. However, the creature is definitely now within range of everyone who is next to that part of the battlefield.

Meanwhile, Draax's attacks shatter skeleton #6. Darkfang's jaws latch onto the forearm of skeleton #7 and the wolf shakes the damaged undead to pieces.

The only opponent left is the ethereal undead--but, suddenly, the spectre seems to swell in size, becoming comparable to a hill giant in stature--and speaking in a voice that sounds all too familiar:

I have more gods to slay, or I'd stay and play with you all...however, I leave you with a reward for your cleverness, lowly one..! The red glow of the giant spectre's eyes intensifies and strikes Bill (yes, the real Bill!)

Bill must make a Fortitude Save versus DC30 or lose another level.

Laughing maniacally, the super-spectre fades away.

K'isst  d20+14=25 d8+9=13
Wednesday April 3rd, 2002 10:01:03 AM

K'isst, roaring with anger and the frustration of standing there waiting for 2 rounds for a chance to strike at this thing that then runs from her, strikes at the retreating figure, hoping that she gets an attack of Opportunity as it disappears.

She strikes with her +2 Trident rolling a 25 for 13 hit points damage.

Wednesday April 3rd, 2002 10:37:37 AM

Feng stares wide eyed as the spectre grows and strikes Bill before leaving. Was that really Marteaus? If it was, Feng's in a whole lot of trouble. Slipping the hat from his head, Feng's true appearance is finally shown. He is a half orc, but nothing like he appeared to be. He's bald with a gotee thats trimmed and neatly braided. His teeth are as white as white can be. The cloak is new and his armor polished. The flames on his ax die away before the ax is strapped to his back once again. With his cover blown, Feng smiles and reaches into his pack. Pulling out a vial he dabs a small amount of it's contents on his neck. When the wind blows it would be clear that it was a nice and subtle cologne. Nothing too strong. Looking at the people before him Feng says, "It looks like I have some explaining to do. I am a Paladin in service to the gods of the Wold. Before I continue, is everybody all right? I can still heal for the day. If anybody got infected during the fight please let me know. I'll take care of that too. Anyway I work for a man that I would like to remain nameless due to our location. He sent me in to spy on Marteaus' operation. Specifically he was afraid that you would be assassinated. Unfortunately I didn't have time to warn anybody. The best I could do was blow my cover and pray that nobody died. I have something that will prove my story." Feng fumbles around a bit before pulling a ring out of a pouch. "Please take a look. It should validate my story." The ring is a signant ring with Marcus' symbol on it.

Rond  d20+6=23
Wednesday April 3rd, 2002 11:53:08 AM

Taking time to clean off his sword. Rond listens to the newcomer's story, and then looks at the all too familiar ring of Marcus. Rond wonders how many of those rings he has. "Before we stop, let's make double sure the area is clear." Once the party has had a chance to check things out and make sure the scene is clear. Rond begins to tape himself has you see two nasty gashes in him (heal check 26). "Let's see who is the worse for wear. We may still have time before we go to accomplish our mission."

Borgo (Bill) (Elf sight, Fly, Mirror Image=3 illusionary Borgos, and one real Borgo) (23 hp damage sustained; two negative levels (AC vs. Spectre: 28 (note: bracers, ioun stone, dex, size, intertial armor, dodge bonus all apply vs. incorporeal))  d20+10=24 d20+3=16
Wednesday April 3rd, 2002 3:14:16 PM

[OOC: My computer died this morning, and I'm at the library, and I don't recall Bill's Fortitude save adds - but think it is around +10. Adjust accordingly, Donna, not that it makes a difference in this case. Thanks.]

Bill feels the red ray strike him, and feels a measure of his vitality being sapped away {Fortitude save 24). The eight shoulders of Borgo the dwarf slump, and he sits upon the ground.

Shaking his head, he looks around. He sees the wand of magic missiles used by the wizard against him earlier (spot 16), and picks it up. "Anybody want this?"

Renik  d20+4=24
Wednesday April 3rd, 2002 3:48:03 PM

"Great Gods! Was that really Marteaus? He was fighting us? I'd feel honoured if I didn't feel so sickened. And, now I come to think of it, terrified." splutters Renik.

When Feng speaks he walks over to him and extends his hand. "A pleasure to meet you, sir. The name's Renik Dacour, though I go by others. Your assistance was much appreciated." He points out his companions, naming them, as they go about the task of securing the area.

He heads off to search the corpses of their fallen foes for coin, magic items and incriminating documents (Search 24, Nat 20!), all the while pondering aloud "So how in Mittiri's name did we end up back in Plateau City? How far were we teleported? What about the door to Koshe-Marr? Why didn't it work? Did it ever? And if it did, who stopped it working? Hmm, I suppose that would have to be our friend the dark Lord. But why? And why fight us? What did he have to gain? And, now that all's said and done, how are we going to find the real path to Koshe-Marr, to the Printing Engine, and our potentially undead friends?"

It occurs to him, as he rummages through the pockets of the dead and chatters away, that he may have been spending a little too much time with Bill of late.

Borgo (Bill) (Elf sight, Fly, Mirror Image=3 illusionary Borgos, and one real Borgo) (17 hp damage sustained; two negative levels)  d8+1=6 d20+12=30
Wednesday April 3rd, 2002 4:28:29 PM

[OOC #2: Library PC gave me two minute warning before I was done posting.]

Borgo's eyes are bloodshot as he sits on the ground, and his breathing labored as he works to catch his breath. The 'dwarf' looks up as Feng introduces himself. "Welcome, big friend," he says to him, and, though he is sincere, there is little inflection in his voice. "For now, call me Borgo," he says flatly.

Borgo tells his friends as he continues to sit, "We are in Plateau City, in the Scar, part of Nightmare Quarter - a few hundred yards west of the archway we entered. This is not Koshe-Marr. This area - the Scar - is cursed with a weighty curse." His shoulders shake as he laughs mirthlessly for a moment. "Cursed..." he says, more to himself than to anyone in particular.

[Note: See map at http://www.woldiangames.com/maps/yrth/peninsula/newelenna/plateaucity/main_plateau_city_map.htm - then click on 'Nightmare Quarter' (the lower right section of Plateau City). The Scar (#24) is the hatched area bounded by Ripper's Lane, Nightmare Road, Orc's End, and near the Black Cathedral - Gargul's Temple]

He hands a wand of cure light wounds to Ferrak. "This hath fifty charges of cure light wounds. Thou dost use it like this," he tells his gnomish friend. He uses the command phrase, and heals 6 hp damage (d8+1=6) on himself. "Go ahead and use it on who needeth it."

At Renik's question, Bill/Borgo answers, "Whether that were the Dark Lord himself, or he merely possessed the spectre at the end, I do not know. Friends, he sucked something from me. I am drained. I feel a need for succor."

Still in his sitting position, Borgo rises into the air, and goes around to look at the structure from which they emerged. He invokes the power to detect psionics/magic, and looks at it for a few rounds, seeing whether he detects any auras matching those of the bone gate by the butcher's, then scouring the premises after Renik's searching, to see if any other magic items may have been overlooked.

"We should leave here, soon, I think. Good leader, before we try to go where we intended, might we spend a brief time trying to recover?" he asks Rond.

[Spellcraft DC 30, to recall what may counter the negative energy attacks he just suffered.] Of Hobbes and Feng, he asks, "Is there a cleric who might cast greater restoration that ye know of? If not, might we not see if a scroll may be obtained?"

Hobbes (25 damage taken, Fly)  d20+5=15 2d8(8+8)+6=22
Wednesday April 3rd, 2002 7:54:08 PM

Hobbes recovers from the recoil of the searing light and darkly grins that he has brought damage on his enemy. He immediately charges forward, flying down in another charge, but stops as before him, the gray being now grows. Very unusual for an undead of this sort. None of Hobbes' previous encounters with beasts of the like ever amounted to THIS, he is sure of it. [Knowledge Undead Roll 15]

He listens to the massive figure thoughtfully, not quite knowing what to make of it, until he utters the words "Kill other gods". The blasphemer is here. He who would defame the name of Gargul with his twisted evil ways.

Hobbes' eyes widen as he swings, but too late as the poor halfling is targetted with the crimsons rays of death from the figure. The scythe connects with nothing... just a faint smoky wind left in front of him, letting Hobbes see the hapless halfling sitting on the ground, debilitated by that vile thing.

Hobbes immediately flies down to Bill's side.

"Easy. You have been struck by a great blow, sir. Here, let me touch your brow," Hobbes says as he lays a gauntletted hand upon the small forehead of Bill. He drops his scythe upon the ground and murmurs, "Trck'se marm gak zortan," letting the warm glow of a healing spell rush into Bill's body. [Cure Moderate Wounds for 22 hp]

"There. That should heal the outer damage, but there still lies the taint from within, that which I can only but cast spells to aid your strength against. That we will do in due time, but now I must get you back to the Black Cathedral for that... and other reasons..." he says as Renik lists his questions. Hobbes stands and turns to him and without batting an eye, says, "Because the door was fixed to bring us here. We are in the Scar. It's still there, but perhaps taken or covered. It was obviously rigged to send us here. Maybe. Obviously one of the people who knows we were going. That's a good guess. To stop us from achieving our goal. Because he fears we may be on the right track to destroy his plans. Same reason, and we ask questions... lots and lots of questions."

He sighs loudly, a surprisingly troubled look on his face despite his cool, together oration, "And the first question is what has she done with my horse..."

Ferrak -15hps Darkfang at full hps.  d8+1=6 d8+1=7
Wednesday April 3rd, 2002 10:11:09 PM

Exhausted, Ferrak heaves a sigh of relief when it's all over. With a thwip, the flaming blade disappears from his hand. Retrieving his shield and spear, Ferrak goes over to see if the disguised Bill is all right.

Surprised, when the formidible halfing offers up the wand to him, Ferrak can't help but be impressed by Bill's indomitable spirit, valiant courage, and his simple generous good will.

Sensing that the balance of his aura is more than just a little bit off center, Ferrak is concerned for Bill. Aware however, that his healing magic would be of no help to his friend, Ferrak accepts the wand humbly, after using it on Bill again, the feral gnome does what he can for the others. (+6 more points for Bill.)

Touching Darkfang with the wand, Ferrak is so glad to see his brother alive a tear wells up in his eye. (Darkfang is now at 22hps, his max 15+7)

(Could everyone post the damage that they've taken again, so that the healers can heal?)

Turning to the newcomers, Ferrak says simply, "The pack grows stronggerrr, welcome."

Draax  d20+1=17
Wednesday April 3rd, 2002 10:32:07 PM

After destroying skelly #6, Draax smiles while watching Darkfang rip #7 apart. The smile is quickly wiped from his face as he observes the spectre's transformation. He gets butterflies in his stomach from hearing Marteaus' voice and cringes as the eye beam strikes Bill. After the creature leaves, Draax wonders what's Marteaus' beef with Bill and what did he mean by the words 'reward for your cleverness, lowly one.' Draax dismisses the words as more of the darklord's showing off.

He looks skeptically at Feng, not sure exactly who he is or where he came from. As he hears the half-orc speak, Draax remembers the voice that called for the destruction of the skeletons and relaxes a little. He feels a little more relaxed as the hat of disguise is removed and the majority of his doubts vanishes at the presentation of the ring.

While listening to everyone talk, Draax helps Renik with the search of the bodies and the collection of anything that could be a clue or valuable (search 17).

Renik (8 HP Damage from 32) 
Thursday April 4th, 2002 7:08:52 AM

Renik gingerly prods at his sore, slightly bleeding ears.

Aftermath (DM Donna) 
Thursday April 4th, 2002 8:14:11 AM

Rond now has the time to ponder why there was no response on his coin the last time he used it. K'isst gets the grim satisfaction of having landed a last blow before the spectre had faded away.

Bill isn't feeling at all well--his suggestion about seeking higher-level cleric help is a very logical one.

Feng's introduction and the procurement of the telltale signet ring confirm that the half-orc is, indeed, one of the good guys.

Ferrak's use of the healing magic gets applied to Darkfang and Renik's bleeding ears.

And the search of the immediate area turns up several interesting things:

On the body of the blackguard (Feng identifies him as "Kalabak"), there is a letter with the seal of the temple of the Dark Lord. The letter is a commission by Prelate Marshall for Kalabak and any mercenaries he employs to "use whatever methods necessary to lure the enemies of the Dark Lord to their doom." The letter promises a great deal of gold when the mission is accomplished.

The items recovered from the six bodies that are left behind: three suits of plate mail (human-sized), two maces, a longsword, 2 small metal shields, a greataxe, six daggers, a pearl, a ring and that wand that Bill found.

Renik's sharp eyes find a single, gold metallic sphere (the size of a large marble) over by where the opponent formerly known as "S" blew himself up with his own Fireball.

Renik (2 HP damage)  d20+2=10
Thursday April 4th, 2002 8:47:55 AM

Thanking Ferrak Renik studies their haul.

"Hmm, I'm sure Marcus will be interested in this letter!"

"Well, at least we should be able to make some coin from this lot. Can someone check to see if any of this stuff is magical, and what it does?"

Once they have an idea of what they have Renik continues; "Anyone want to help me cart the stuff we don't need over to the Catacombs?"

He thinks on a couple of moments and then says "HEY! We can disguise ourselves, right? The Prelate won't know who the mercenaries are; why doesn't one of us play the part of Kalabak, and the rest of us the Mercs? Of course that blasted dwarf did escape, so it might be risky... but if he was a mercenary he might not know the Prelate? If we pulled it off we could infiltrate the enemy organisation, and make plenty of gold into the bargain! Oh, wait, didn't another one escape before the dwarf? Hmm, maybe it is too risky."

He examines the gold sphere carefully (Appraise 10) but can't tell precisely what it is or how it works. "Anyone know what these little things do?"

Borgo (Bill) 
Thursday April 4th, 2002 11:01:45 AM

"I thank you all, for your valiant effort, and resourceful thinking. And for helping each other - and me - under dire straits," Borgo tells his friends.

"I think that gold sphere releases a fireball when thrown, Renik," Bill answers. "At least, that's what the other ones seemed to do."

"Arien - there's something I was meaning to give you. Here," he says, handing him a scroll organizer. Inside are five arcane scrolls: Bull's strength, cat's grace, protection from arrows, resist elements, and rope trick.

He communicates telepathically with William, asking him to suggest the following telepathically with the others, so that any unseen listening ears will not hear. 'Let us go, as Hobbes suggested, first to the Black Cathedral - it's just a couple hundred yards away - then perhaps to the Catacombs. Any word from Marcus?'

Thursday April 4th, 2002 11:32:23 AM

"Thank you Bill, this will come in most handy. Renik, I hate to tell you this but the Dwarf wasn't the only one to escape, one of the ambushers disappeared completely from the field, likely some kind of teleport spell. Anyway from the tone of that letter and considering the dreams I suspect it went something like this. We were sent those dreams to lure us to an ambush, now Hobbes was likely sent a dream by Gargul, who likely has a healthy interest in seeing Marteaus fall, to warn us that the dream was false. So it seems likely to me that there is no way for us to drain his power that way. I would like to say that good always wins because evil is stupid but Marteaus was a step ahead of us here, I say we hurt him, anyway we can. Anyway let me see what I can find out about this little collection we have here."

Arien walks over to the pile of loot and casts Detect Magic. He studies the pile a bit to make sure he catches even the smallest aura.

William the Psi Gem 
Thursday April 4th, 2002 11:35:42 AM

"As you wish it, mighty Bill!" salutes (inasmuch as a gem can salute) William. Telepathically he communicates with the party; "Noble heroes! Companions of the Great and Powerful Bill Troublefinder! Hear His decree!" And he recounts Bill's message.

Thursday April 4th, 2002 12:17:32 PM

Impersonating them is too risky. These guys are smart. The cleric responsible for this ambush designed one hell of a trap. "It's a testament to all of you that everybody survived. I wasn't discovered because who looks at a half orc that can't get his own name right half the time." Feng stops and thinks for a moment. "Unless I was discovered and everything that happened here was a distraction for something else. I think we need to collect what's going and get to a temple. Perhaps we can trade this gear for that greater restoration spell that Bill needs."

Thursday April 4th, 2002 12:31:42 PM

"Do not dismiss Renik's idea so quickly. If we could pull it off, we could attack from the inside and shut down this temple.

"However, I have a question. Was the whole thing with the machine and our friends still being alive with the machine true, or part of the setup? If it is true, then we need to find them and do that first.

"Also, that was not Marteaus. You all saw him in the Arena. No way we could even scratch a God. Powerful? Yes, but he was not a god.

"I could use some healing, I am moderately wounded. It can wait if necessary.

"Bill, I will go with you to a temple to see if they can help ya."

Ferrak  d8+1=6 d8+1=6 d20+7=27
Thursday April 4th, 2002 9:40:51 PM

"My brrother had a taste of one of them. His scent should be clearrr. If he comes close, we will know it."

Taking his bloodied spear over to Darkfang the feral gnome says, growling in Lupine, 'This is the Dwarf's blood. He may still be alive brother, so mark him for the hunt.'

Studying the pack for wounds (Heal+7=27), Ferrak sees that it is the newest members, most in need of healing magic. Going up to the priest, and the paladin, Ferrak touches them both with the wand. (+6 Each)

Pointing to their remaining wounds, Ferrak says, "Lick them, and keep them clean."

Darkfang  d20+4=19
Thursday April 4th, 2002 11:06:55 PM

Darkfang wags his tail as Ferrak administers the healing. "Woof, woof." 'Feel better big brother.' The wolf goes over to the remains of skeleton #7 and with his hind legs shoves dirt onto the bones. Coming back over to his brother the wolf barks, 'Bone man taste bad, no meat on the bones, don't want to eat.' Darkfang stretches and then shakes his fur before looking over at his brother again.

Darkfang takes in the scent from the spear and begins to sniff around the area trying to locate the scent (tracking 19).

Thursday April 4th, 2002 11:23:56 PM

Draax looks at Renik with the gold sphere. "Please do not drop that, the last one almost blew me apart."

Draax follows Darkfang with his eyes wondering if the dog could track someone invisible by their smell.

To the rest of the group he says, "I agree with, uh Feng is it? Just call me Draax. Like I was saying I don't think the impersonation scheme will work as long as the two that got away is out there. And if Marteaus did somehow take control of that creature, he will be preparing for us or at least have those fools that follow him waiting for us. And like Hobbes said, I do not think that we are finished with the gate yet. We should report this incident to our sponsor and see what he has to say on the subject. Also, his connections may be able to help Bill regain what he has lost or at least guide us to someone who can if the temple cannot."

Draax stops talking for a second and then says, "Do any of you think that someone could eavesdrop on the conversations over the coins? It would explain how they knew we were coming. The dark one is suppose to have the power of a god."

Rond (56 points down) 
Thursday April 4th, 2002 11:57:32 PM

Not wanting to think at all about what happened. Rond comments, "Our employer has been unresponsive to this point. I wonder if we're being blocked somehow.

"I agree that Renik's plan has some merit to it. But for now I say we go to the Black Cathedral and make sure everyone is up to snuff. Then we can try to figure out which of the dreams is real, and what that really means. Then if it looks like we might want to execute Renik's plan, then we'll do it."

Friday April 5th, 2002 12:14:17 AM

Feng walks over to Rond and lays his hands on him. [+18hp from Lay on Hands]

Hobbes (Fly, 25 hp damage taken)  2d8(5+8)+6=19 d20+6=9
Friday April 5th, 2002 4:27:05 AM

Hobbes is very quiet now, his face morose, as he looks around at the group. He immediately flies over to Rond and lays a hand on his brow, clutching his silver eye and utters, "Trck'se marm gak zortan" and nods to his new leader. [Cure Moderate Wounds 19 hp]

He then quietly looks around the area where the blasphemers originated looking for tracks to determine a point of origin. [Track Feat Wilderness Lore Check 9]

Not finding anything useful in this combat-ridden area, he flies high up into the air about 100 feet and looks around for the Temple of Gargul.

"The Cathedral should be right over these houses," he thinks, trying to push other unpleasant thoughts out of his head, "One would have thought we would have already seen its dark bell tower looming over us."

Hobbes  d20+5=21
Friday April 5th, 2002 4:31:32 AM

[Spot check to see the temple (and anything else of interested) -- 21]

The Cavalry Arrives...a little late (DM Donna) 
Friday April 5th, 2002 7:40:32 AM

The voice the super-spectre spoke with was recognizable as sounding identical to the one Marteus spoke with in the Golden Arena, when he killed Domi. However, in the same vein, while the voice sounded the same, there was some indefinable spiritual quality lacking in it that makes everyone fairly sure that the super-spectre was NOT the evil god... only an intimidating stand-in, if you would.

More and more clues pile up in favor of the fact that the dreams that Arien and Marcus had were blatant falsehoods--bait to lure the Hamleteers to their doom. (Something else to "thank" the Dark Lord's followers for the next time the party gets a chance!)

Arien's Detect Magic spell causes the following items in the pile of stuff to glow: one of the maces, the longsword, the greataxe, the pearl, the ring, the wand--and the golden metallic sphere that Renik is eyeing with great interest.

Hobbe's rise above the rest of the party affords him a bird's eye view of something not usually seen in the streets of the Nightmare Quarter of Plateau City: a couple dozen brothers and sister of the Eye quickly hustling towards the party's location within the Scar--being led by Morphia, who is riding Hobbes's horse!

"Brother, brother, we are here!" Morphia calls as she gallops up to the site of former battle and stops, looking around. "Brother Hobbes?" The young priestess slumps slightly in disappointment. "We're... too late..?"

Friday April 5th, 2002 11:14:36 AM

Eying the mound of magical loot with some satisfaction Renik says, "Hmm, seems we have quite a haul. We should get this stuff analysed, see what we can use, then sell the rest.

"Now, if Darkfang has the scent of this escaped dwarf, would it not be useful for him to track him back to his lair with Ferrak in tow in his canine disguise? No-one is going to worry about a couple of hounds, and we may locate a useful source of information in the process. Just a thought."

Borgo the dwarf (Bill the halfling) 
Friday April 5th, 2002 11:22:42 AM

"Welcome, Morphia, and company," Borgo says as they ride up. He points up in the sky toward brother Hobbes.

"He is not lost. And not too late are ye. Rather, just in time to help us take away the corpses of these wretched minions of the so-called Dark Lord from this desecrated place." As he speaks, his voice has little inflection, and little energy, which was not the case when Morphia first met the group only a few minutes ago near the butcher's shop. "I would that they be rendered so as to make it ... difficult to be material for the undead. As thou didst divine, good Morphia, a trap was laid. Bless the righteous gods, we were equal to their foul challenge - though I am now, perhaps, less equal than before. How camest thou to know where we were?"

K'isst  d20+8=20
Friday April 5th, 2002 12:49:16 PM

K'isst begins looking for wood with which to burn the bodies of the slain. She begins to looks a bit frustrated as she always does when people sit and talk instead of acting.

Impulsive to the end, she says, "I'll burn. Need wood." (20 on search check for wood.)

Friday April 5th, 2002 9:09:56 PM

Twitching her nose, Kiki slinks up to the golden globe. {Pretty, pretty, pretty.} Pawing it she looks around to make sure no one else is after it.

Ferrak (Sorry Todd, that was some damage, and Carl, Kiki must be climbing on Renik.) 
Friday April 5th, 2002 9:23:48 PM

Nodding towards Renik, Ferrak pulls out his hated collar. With a sigh, he slips it on, and then puts the other one on Darkfang, trying to shield the change somewhere behind Draax so that the priests don't take too much notice. Ferrak says to the savvy rogue, "If he left this place through magic, Darkfang will not be able to follow. But he won't be able to ambush us again."

Sitting with his brother licking his wounds, Ferrak waits for the others to decide what to do.

Friday April 5th, 2002 11:08:14 PM

As help arrived, Feng stood back in silence. He didn't know how he fit into things anymore. His cover was blown. What would Marcus want him to do now? Feng's thoughts drifted to Degg. A mighty warhorse and his one true friend. Maybe now he won't have to hide.

Hobbes (Fly, 25 hp damage taken) 
Saturday April 6th, 2002 5:06:40 PM

The sight of many black-robed men and women bustling through the streets of the Scar catches Hobbes' eye. "Are those priests?" he thinks frantically, "Yes! they are! And that looks like..." Without finishing the thought he streaks down out of the sky as Morphia looks around for him.

He lands next to Bradbury, his horse, so filled with relief to know that he had been mistaken; his horse had not indeed fallen in with the wrong crowd. He pats the beast on the side. "You've missed all the fun, old boy," he says, "We could have used you here." He strokes the muzzle of Bradbury, all the while making note of what Morphia and the priests are doing.

"Strange that we keep meeting like this, Morphia," Hobbes says still keeping his eyes on his horse, "Two times we seek your temple and two times you arrive before we even start off. Odd that, wouldn't you say?"

He glances over to Rond trying to give him a quick, "I'm not so sure about this" look.

Sunday April 7th, 2002 7:47:20 AM

While the spell was still in effect Arien separates the magical from the mundane. He distracts Kiki from the sphere with a copper coin that he skips on his knuckles, causing it to reflect the light. With his other hand he snakes away the sphere and hands it to whoever is closest. That done he shows the rest of the pile to the group and says, "Well friends this, and that golden sphere there, all register as magical. Sadly that's about as much as I can tell you. My studies didn't include the spell for identifying magical items. So I suggest someone makes a trip to get these identified. I'm guessing that the Catacombs would be the best place as we could also sell the rest of this stuff at the same time. Then after we find out what we have here we all meet up at the hideout and divvy it up, then we try to figure out what to do next."

Sunday April 7th, 2002 5:34:37 PM

Draax looks up at the arrival of the priestess and wonders to himself about the timing of her arrival. It could be a coincidence, but there have not been many coincidences since their first meeting with the darklord.

Noticing Ferrak's and Darkfang's transformations, Draax positions himself to cover them from the eyes of the new arrivals.

Agreeing with Arien's suggestion, Draax helps pack up the items to make it easier for Renik to transport. Looking over at Feng the half-elf wonders what the paladin is going to do now. There is more than enough room at their residence, but noticing the size of the half-orc he wonders if there is enough food.

Morphia Tells All (DM Donna) 
Monday April 8th, 2002 6:44:47 AM

Darkfang--after carefully sniffing about--lets Ferrak know that the dwarf must have used magic to escape, because his scent (like that of the foul assassin) simply disappears from the area instead of trailing off in any particular direction.

Kiki almost succeeds in wresting the gold sparkly from Renik, but Arien's clever distraction rescues the sphere from becoming the ferret's latest acquisition, and Renik gets the metallic ball back. Bringing the captured items to the Catacombs sounds like a very logical option.

K'isst quickly finds and gathers plenty of wood. Since there is now a surplus of clerics to aid her, soon there is a prodigious amount piled together, and the impromptu funeral pyre is quickly underway.

"My brother," Morphia turns to Hobbes, "I'm glad to see that you and your comrades haven't been dispatched to the Hall of Judgement before your time..." She glances Borgo's way before continuing: "...I was struck by an urge to join the lot of you right after the last of your number stepped through the gateway...so I rushed into the butcher shop, got some bones and broke one--but the gate didn't activate. That's when I knew that...somehow...I had been tricked--and that I was responsible for tricking all of you into some kind of trap. I hastened to the temple, where I confessed all to the senior cleric on duty..."

"That would be me." a somber, middle-aged man greets the Hamleteers. "I am Jonno Virdune. Morphia told me what happened and I bid her to gather together those of our brethren you see here, while I cast a divination spell to locate where Brother Hobbes was now located. Once we realized that your group was still within Plateau City, we all came here as quickly as possible to help you...but it seems that you had your situation well in hand."

"I should have realized that the passage about the smith's favorite sound was false--" Morphia says bitterly, "--I thought something was odd about it! I nearly got you all killed." It's obvious that the young female feels very guilty about this.

Casanova Renik  d20+2=21
Monday April 8th, 2002 7:41:58 AM

"Fear not, sweet Moria," smiles the charming rogue (Seduction (Bluff) check of 21). "You were not to know, as we were not. And nobody was killed (apart from these Marteaus-worshipping scum) so there is nothing for you to worry about. All we need do is cure our wounded, restore Bill to his prior vigour (and here I am sure your temple may be of some assistance, seeing as it is in a way partly responsible, and shares with us our aims in this good fight), and identify this booty, and we will be no worse off than when we started. Indeed, far better off, for we have been afforded the opportunity to meet, and for that I feel singularly blessed."

He takes her hand, offers a polite bow, and brushes her fingers with his lips, his eyes never breaking contact with hers. The old shmooze merchant is at it again.

Rond (19 points down) 
Monday April 8th, 2002 9:15:06 AM

With merriment in his eyes for what Renik has attempted, Rond also addresses Morphia, "Do not fear for your mistake." As Rond shows more compassion and understanding, and loses the merriment in his eyes he continues to talk Morphia. "Most of us here have made relatively grave mistakes before. We've survived them as we have this latest one. Now you must learn how to grow from this. You did good with your research and at least gave us a direction to go. We know that Marteaus considers us some kind of threat to him, because he set this trap up. Now we must use our time to find out why we are considered so dangerous. So you have a new knowledge, and possibly a new task." Rond looks to the senior cleric with a question on his face. "Because there must be something that we can do, which will thwart or turn Marteaus' plans. As our good man here pointed out." acknowledging Renik, "We must now regroup and assess what our next move is. Let us hope that Marteaus' pack is licking its wounds more than we are."

William the Psicrystal 
Monday April 8th, 2002 9:55:42 AM

"Mighty Bill," urges the tiny crystal in words only the halfling can hear, "tell me the bleatings of your erstwhile worthy companions will not sway you now? What need have the like of we for healing and resting and similar timid pastimes? Are these the requisites of heroes? Of such valiant warriors as we? I say thee nay! nay! Thrice nay!

Come, Wondrous Bill, let us strike now, while the iron is hot, let us brave the enemy's lair and slay him where he stands! Heed not the words of these milksops, with their talk of feather beds and soothing hands and financial renumeration! A pox on their base and craven desires! We do not need them, Prodigious Bill! We shall triumph together, if these popinjays have not the stomach for the fight! Onwards Great Bill, to Victory!"

The little gem is so excited he begins to bounce up and down in Bill's waistcoat pocket, causing the halfling to look as if something is trying to burst out of his chest.

Feng (12 hp dmg) 
Monday April 8th, 2002 11:54:58 AM

Feng slowly walks around to the side of the priests. The timing of their arrival makes him wonder. "Excuse me. Perhaps you know of a priest that can help Bill. He suffered the grievous touch of the undead, twice. Returning his strength should be a top priority."

Borgo/Bill (no one believes he is a dwarf, I guess) 
Monday April 8th, 2002 12:48:32 PM

Borgo nods in acknowledgement of Morphia's allusion to what he whispered to her before entering the gate. He holds no ill-will toward her whatsoever, believing fully what she tells the party. He concurs with Rond's words to Morphia.

"Jonno Virdune, well met, and thy brethren. Thou mayest call me Borgo - or Bill, since my friends cannot seem to make up their minds how they will refer to me," he says with the hint of a twinkle in his now bloodshot eyes.

He looks at the ground as Renik and Feng speak up on his behalf, grateful for their words of support, yet somewhat embarrassed nonetheless.

As William urges him to action, Bill responds thus: "William, nothing would please me more. Would that I had the power to do exactly as you say." Bill extracts his psicrystal from his waistcoat, and holds him in the palm of his hand for a few moment. "But a warrior armed with bravura, and no knowledge, dies quickly, and fails to harm the enemy. Friend, the spectre has robbed me of stamina," Bill communicates telepathically with his psicrystal. "He has robbed me of powers. No longer can I detect psionics and magic. No longer use the power of my mind to heal the wounds I receive. No longer disappear from the sight of others for tactical surprise. No longer can I fly. No longer can I attack numbers of our enemies with a cone of sound. And you, good William, will not be able to communicate with others, to relay our thoughts and plans.

"Friend, a wise hero cannot simply run into the enemy's lair, screaming and waving his sword. First, he must find out where the enemy's lair is. And he must know whether the sword is the most effective weapon against that enemy.

"Finding out what the magic items are will help us strike harder against our enemies. Seeing if the effects of the spectre's hand can be reversed will make both you and me more powerful. I am not seeking a holiday, brave William. I am seeking renewed power so as better to thwart the nefarious plans of the enemy, the followers of Marteaus, and even the Dark Lord himself. You see, a hero fights with his sword, and his wits, and with what resources he can garner. It is, to my mind, a hero's job to prepare intelligently for a confrontation, so that he is armed with more than bravery, essential though that is, for the encounter. You want us to win, do you not, my stalwart friend? You know I will not shirk to fight. We have just won a great battle, thanks in part to your help. Let us rejoice in our victory, and prepare for the next."

Monday April 8th, 2002 1:16:42 PM

"So does that gateway normally go to another location, or was that it?" K'isst asks. "Do our two friends who took the machine to be destroyed, still live or were we lied to? We must know this and know whether this whole thing was a sidetrack or a dead end.

"I think it was a sidetrack. If they wanted to kill us, they'd have tried harder. This seemed more of a 'feel them out' and 'distract' kind of thing.

"What say you Rond? Morphia? Others?" she prompts.

Hobbes (25 damage taken, Fly) 
Monday April 8th, 2002 3:58:31 PM

Hobbes stares into his horse's eyes almost as if he were apologizing to it telepathically. Then he heavily sighs, not from grief, but nearly from exhaustion as the depth of his wounds is indeed taking their toll.

He turns to the elder gentleman and kneels before him. "All are safe, master," he speaks bowing his head, "We thank you for your assistance and guidance. But our quest evades us. While I knew the dream of my companions was false, I cannot abandon the notion that the evils within that land done to those that were in my dream... must be stopped and their souls freed from the torture of Marteus. We must get the gate to work properly!"

Hobbes looks up at the elder gentleman observing the folded wrinkles on his forehead and stern brow, "But first, sir, I would deem it a great request if you were to take the taint from my companion, the good dwarf here. An evil force has indeed sucked some of his life away, and in exchange for healing him of this malady I would gladly donate all of my share of anything we should find on our quest as payment."

Hobbes listens to the advice and response then given by Jonno and then straightens up, then wonders aloud, "So how does the gate work, then? We know that it does indeed do SOMETHING since there were people who crossed it that have received curses or have died. Unless these too were plants of Marteus. But in that case, Morphia," he says as he gives a sidelong glance to her, "if she were of any skill, should have known they were ruses."

Monday April 8th, 2002 6:13:29 PM

Unable to locate the scent of the dwarf, the disguised Darkfang walks over to the new-comings and if allowed he will begins to sniff each one taking in their scents. After familiarizing himself with Morphia's crew, Darkfang will move over to Draax, sit next to him and place his head under the half-elf's hand. "Woof' {scratch please}" After his itch is satisfied Darkfang returns to his brother's side.

Draax (18 dmg taken) 
Monday April 8th, 2002 6:21:30 PM

As Renik begins to sweet talks the priestess, Draax rolls his eyes and turns his head away to hide his smile. Looking around at his friends he see that most are still hurt. He turns to Morphia, "Like my comrades said, you are not to blame, we knew the risks and jumped through the gate willingly and although I would not state it as a victory," he says looking at Bill, "we did survive. It was a hard fight and some of us are still a little hurt. Could you and your friends lend us some healing?"

Draax looks over at K'isst and thinks that he would hate to experience what she would consider trying harder to kill them. "I agree K'isst, there has to be more to the gate than bringing us here."

To Feng he says, "Feng did they give you any hint as to how they knew we would appear in this spot and at the time that we did?"

Feeling something furry on his hand, Draax looks down to see Darkfang looking up at him expectedly. Not knowing what is expected of him Draax begins to rub the wolf's head and then realizes that he guessed right as Darkfang moves his head to ensure the half-elf gets the right spots.

Tuesday April 9th, 2002 2:26:39 AM

Except for a slight ringing in his ears and a headache, both of which were acquired from the sonic attacks at the beginning of the fight, Arien had managed to stay pretty much out of the way. Just the way he liked it. After tucking Kiki away in his pack he turns to the conversation and interjects, "I'm sure that all the tales and explanations will be forth coming but might I suggest that we do this somewhere else? We have wounds in need of healing, vitality in need of restoration, loot to be identified and distibuted. Then there is the fact that this is tainted ground, not exactly a good place to talk about everything in the first place. I say we take care ourselves and then discuss all this."

Ferrak (15 dmg taken)  d20+50=67
Tuesday April 9th, 2002 6:29:43 AM

Ferrak chews on the broken bone, glad to have the snack now that they won't be needing it to get back.

"Woof." he says as he scratches a flea.

{We should go back and get more bones, eh brother.}

The flea jumps off of Ferrak and hops over to Darkfang. Leaping viciously at the wolf it attempts to feed. (Attack +50 = 67 for 0.01 dmg)

Tuesday April 9th, 2002 6:31:57 AM

Despite squeeking a minor protest at being put into the pocket again, Kiki soon settles down for a nap.

Walk This Way (DM Donna)  d20+3=15
Tuesday April 9th, 2002 6:45:02 AM

Jonno Virdune nods in Draax's direction.

"You have the way of it, sir," the cleric says firmly, "Come to the Black Temple, we will heal those who need healing and restore those who need restoration...and endeavor to answer the questions asked here."

Morphia--her cheeks pink at the attention Renik has so gallantly paid her--opts to walk to the temple, relinquishing Hobbes's horse to him.

Once the party is at the Black Temple, they are brought to the office of Virdune, where those who are still injured find themselves on the receiving end of various Cure spells until they are completely healed. Then the extraneous clerics hustle Bill/Borgo away to cast their restorative magicks on him.

Virdune looks over the records and tomes that Morphia got her information from, a scowl darkening his face.

"It's not Morphia's fault that she was misinformed." he tells the party. "She has been assigned here for only four months. The head archivist of the temple had been so for almost thirteen years, but left our fold at the time of Domi's death. He had chosen the faith of the Dark Lord over that of Gargul. I can see that these records have been tampered with, and I do not doubt that he did so before leaving the premises."

"But--but that's tatamount to...heresy!" Morphia gasps, her pale face even more ashen.

"Yes, child, and that's why we here at the Black Temple do NOT worship Marteaus," Virdune replies, "For the Dark Lord would corrupt even historical records to further his purpose. I think, however, that the information of how to truly operate that gate is within the vaults, still--once I realized that the head archivist was one of the Bloody Eye, I had him escorted off the property. I doubt he had time to destroy any records...only to hide them away."

"I'm going to go over all the writings in the archives!" Morphia declares, leaping to her feet. "I'm going to find the real records!" The acolyte practically runs out of the room, having to swing wide to avoid the return of two of her fellow clerics and Borgo/Bill. The clerics whisper to Virdune, who looks VERY disturbed and glances over at Bill, then dismisses the pair of younger priests.

"Sir...you have apparently invoked the displeasure of the Dark Lord himself," Virdune tells the disguised halfling, "For your current state has resisted restoration by our highest-ranking cleric currently on the grounds. We have been able to restore to you only some of what that abomination at the ruins drained from you. Those assistants have just informed me that the divinations cast show that only time and further experience will now restore what that horrible creature took from you. I...am sorry, truly sorry...but there is nothing more the Temple can do for you."

A knock sounds on the door and another female cleric comes hurrying in, handing Virdune several sheets of paper. The older cleric reads them quickly, his displeased scowl sinking deeper into his features. He picks up a nearby quill, scribbles a few notes and/or signs a paper or two and then hands the papers back to the young woman, who hurries away with the barest of acknowledging nods to the rest of the people in the room.

"The Temple is being inundated with refugees from the latest incursions of the Dark Lord upon our neighboring countryside," Virdune announces as he gets to his feet, "So if there are any more questions you have of me, personally, ask them now, before I join my brethren in caring for the injured."

Tuesday April 9th, 2002 10:50:31 AM

At K'isst's words Renik thinks deeply. "Aye, it is certainly possible... but for what purpose?" He is soon far too preoccupied flirting with Morphia en route to the Temple to give it much more mind.

When the young priestess of Gargul goes to carry out her research Renik watches Morphia go with a smile and a wave, then pays attention to Virdune. When the Priest explains that Bill has been permanently drained by the Dark Lord Renik places one hand on the halfling/ dwarf's shoulder in sympathy. "My friend, we will avenge this wrong, and many others the Dark Lord has perpetrated. Now more than ever we must find the way to Koshe-Marr, and follow the true dream that Brother Hobbes experienced."

He turns to the party leader and whispers "Did you have any success in contacting, um, our benefactor? It is most disturbing that our means of communication was blocked earlier... is it still so? If it is perhaps our first priority should be to determine that no harm has befallen our mentor."

He suddenly has a thought. "K'isst, you thought perhaps the attack was a diversion; could it be the true blow was struck elsewhere? That whilst we, the body, were distracted the 'head' was being attacked?"

Tuesday April 9th, 2002 11:40:40 AM

"Hmm...perhaps our friends were about to fail or succeed in their venture with the machine and our arrival at that time would have blown things," K'isst muses. "If so, we must try to find them quickly.

"I can't read, but those who can might do some research on gates and what opens them and what subverts their true destinations. If that gate goes elsewhere, we need to get to elsewhere and fast. For the forces of Marteaus didn't want us there. That reason alone is enough to want to be there and soon."

Bill Troublefinder  d20+18=36 d20+18=28
Tuesday April 9th, 2002 12:39:51 PM

Once in the temple, and before the clerics begin any of their work, Bill removes his disguise, and reveals himself as himself, the halfling. "Sorry, good folk. My disguise was not intended to deceive you, but rather to throw off our opponents." He laughs mirthlessly. "Not that it had that effect at all." Then, perking up a bit, he tells them, "I am Bill, Bill Troublefinder, at your service."

As they work on overcoming the work of the spectre, he submits himself willingly to their ministrations, but observes closely all that they do and say [Autohypnosis 36]. He gets the names of as many of the priests and priestesses as he can, and learns their faces [Autohypnosis 28].

As he reads the puzzlement and concern on the faces of the priests, he asks if there is anything he can do to help. Of course, what could he do?

He takes the words of Virdune gravely. "Yes. I perceived that the second attack was of a different sort - it had a different feeling - than when the, the thing first grasped my throat."

He offers them all his heartfelt gratitude at what they were able to accomplish. "What would be an appropriate offering for your help?" he quietly asks Virdune. He asks the group of them, "Are you aware of anything that can serve as a defense against the sort of attack that I suffered?"

His ears perk up at the mention of the temple's keeping of historical records. "I know that we do not have the leisure for reading at this time, but, should the opportunity present itself - I love to learn about history." He pauses, then adds, gravely, "It looks like we are in the middle of more history in the making. I pray that we - all the forces arrayed against Marteaus - survive to write that history."

Tuesday April 9th, 2002 4:48:06 PM

Feng is at ease within the temple. He serves all gods, Gargul included. "The man who employed the Sons of Dread was Prelate Marshall. I don't know if the ambush was geared toward you specifically. They were there to ambush anybody who responded to a magically telegraphed dream message. Kalabak and the others were very concerned with one individual. A Halfling, gnome, or dwarf that could stomp the ground and knock people over. I was never privy to the why's of the ambush."

Bill Troublefinder 
Tuesday April 9th, 2002 8:47:00 PM

Bill laughs at Feng's revelation. "Okay, next time I'll have to try a different disguise. I am that halfling, gnome or dwarf. Feng, I am glad you joined us in the battle. Since our mutual friend asked for your help on our behalf - I hope you'll consider working with us on a longer term basis." He turns his head and asks, "Think I could do a convincing ogre, Arien?"

Tuesday April 9th, 2002 9:52:06 PM

Darkfang mouths drools as his brother mentions getting more bones. "Woof {Yes we should get more bones}" The wolf says as he eyes the bone that Ferrak is chewing.

Tuesday April 9th, 2002 9:59:49 PM

Draax thanks the priests and priestesses for their healing and then listens to Virdune describe how the bad guys duped them. As both Virdune and Feng state the darklord's hatred for Bill, Draax remembers Marteaus' last words to Bill about his reward for his cleverness before shooting the eye beams at the halfling. He wonders whether he should be envious of Bill or feel sympathy for him. Draax is very curious about what the halfling did to get under the imitation god's skin, but not knowing how much the priest actually knows about their situation, he decides to wait until they are in their own home before asking.

Draax nods a thanks to Feng for his explanation.

Tuesday April 9th, 2002 10:22:45 PM

Ferrak, passing one half of the broken bone to Darkfang, says drooling. 'Maybe, the next gate will open with the sound of eating a rabbit.'

Then, receiving the healing of the temple outside with the horses, Ferrak says to Darkfang, 'Let's sit outside and watch for hunters on our path. Keep your nose to the wind, brother.'

Tuesday April 9th, 2002 10:48:46 PM

"I think you're a bit too smart Bill." Arien responds, "Could you stomp around and shout 'BILL GO SMASH' and keep a straight face? I know I couldn't if you did. You could try Kobold if you can stomach looking like them. I've read that they can use sorcery and most people that don't practice the craft likely wouldn't be able to tell the difference between Psionics and Sorcery. Then again they did seem to be looking specifically for you so I think you might as well just go as yourself. Since whatever Marteaus sends after us will likely be able to tell exactly what and who you are I don't think the disguise would really help."

Wednesday April 10th, 2002 2:19:22 AM

Hobbes eyes Morphia as she dismounts and possessively grasps the reins of Bradbury's bridle and walks his horse slowly back to the temple. During the walk, his eyes drift from one comrade to another, which causes his head to raise ever so slightly each time as he realizes the quality of the company he has joined.

He quietly takes in the questions asked by them to the elder cleric and inwardly is relieved when at last he is healed by his fellow eyes and as well that his horse is now once again in the safe care of the cleric stables, a task for which he makes sure that the stablemaster on duty is legitimate.

The information passes freely as the company continues asking things of Jonna, but now Hobbes is more reflective and listening more. He raises an eyebrow indignantly as Renik continues to flirt with the priest and stands to say something but with all of the information flowing he is unable to get a word in. He is even more flustered when Morphia suddenly bursts out of the room speaking of finding the real sources of information. He looks around confused, then sharply back to Jonna after the door closes again.

"Sir!" he implores, "I didn't want to say anything earlier but I have reason to doubt the legitimacy of that acolyte. Twice now she has come upon us with information before we needed it and it was indeed her information that led us through. If what you say is true that the evil followers of Marteaus planted false information, it stands to reason that they would also plant a plausible source to deliver said information!"

"That girl!" he says pointing fiercely at the door, "has only been here four months. Do you have proof that her whereabouts before entering your service are good?"

He paces briskly back to the door. "I suspect more foul work. I could be wrong, but I have a bad feeling. She means to destroy the real information quickly and she knows where it is. I am going to follow her. I beg of you to dispatch a trusted guard to attend her and ensure she will not do what I suspect. I am going to follow as well. Please tell me where the vaults are."

Hobbes waits to receive the directions and then turns to the rest and says, "If any of you wish to join me please do, if you do not leave word with Jonno where you went and I will catch up. I must be sure of this before continuing."

With that, he pulls open the door and chases after Morphia.

Wednesday April 10th, 2002 7:33:49 AM

As all gather back at the temple, Rond is relieved to see the party being treated so well. Once inside the temple he passes on, "We may need to send someone to talk to our employer. Our usual line of communication appears to be not working. So I am unsure as to how much he really knows."

Rond places his hand on Bill's shoulder when he gets a chance, when he hears of the wounds that Bill has taken.

Questions Answered (DM Donna) 
Wednesday April 10th, 2002 7:52:10 AM

Rond, distressingly enough, cannot get ANY answer on his magic coin, for all that it seems to be in working order.

Renik and K'isst's exchange cause Virdune to tug thoughtfully at his beard.

"Hmmm...you two could be correct--such diversionary tactics are well within the purview of those who serve the Bloody Eye." he admits, then nods when Feng's words seem to confirm the theory. "Misdirection through emotional appeal--you'd do well to check up on whomever...or whatever...you are referring." Bill's query returns the scowl to Virdune's face.

"Ahhh...the obvious answer would be: do NOT tick off a god." the cleric says in a show of irony. "However, it would be far better for you--and The Wold itself--if nobody had to ever contend with the Dark Lord at all..." Deep thinking furrows the brow of the patriarch as something apparently occurs to him. In fact, Jonno's reverie is so deep, that he misses Hobbes's demand and the younger cleric's hasty exit to try to discern Morphia's true motives for himself. Startled, Virdune urges the party to follow Hobbes.

"Go after him--find Morphia." he says. "When you find her--tell her that I said that your party is ready for the Journey to The Beginning. Now, go!"

Virdune practically pushes just about everyone out of the room. Darkfang can easily lead the party to wherever it is that Morphia and Hobbes have gone.

Wednesday April 10th, 2002 9:26:12 AM

"So, can we contact Marcus now or not?" asks the rogue as they are jostled along the corridor in pursuit of Hobbes and Morphia.

Wednesday April 10th, 2002 12:26:21 PM

Whispering, "Bill we should make a donation for the healing you're receiving. I could use some healing whenever our good cleric can get around to it and can afford to use the spells. No hurry."

Frustrated that no one is taking her worries seriously, she decided, in her usual fashion to do something about it.

"I'll be back."

She literally runs to the Royal Library. "I need to hire someone that can read and find stuff."

Wednesday April 10th, 2002 7:12:10 PM

Rond moves forward in order to join up with Morphia. He's intrigued by the lastest comment. Journey to the Beginning. Answering Renik as best he can, "We need to go see Oratai as soon as we get a chance. Things have been silent from there."

Darkfang  d20+4=21
Wednesday April 10th, 2002 10:15:05 PM

Darkfang takes the offered bone from his brother and begins to chew it happily. "Woof, Woof {hmm good. Rabbit will be good; we should hunt down a few rabbits and make good kills. Biped's world is making you soft and I was always a better hunter than you.}" The wolf smiles at his brother which looks exactly the same as if he scowled.

When asked to track Morphia, Darkfang looks for somewhere to place his bone and then decides to take it with him. The disguised wolf uses his nose to locate the priestess (Tracking 21).

Wednesday April 10th, 2002 10:19:19 PM

Jumping from Arien's pocket then hustling out the door Kiki pipes at Ferrak and Darkfang.

Then hustling back as fast as she can, she jumps back onto Arien, then scrambles back into her pouch.

Bill Troublefinder 
Wednesday April 10th, 2002 10:34:57 PM

At the time Renik, and later Rond, expressed their concern and care for him, he thanked them, simply and sincerely. "Just think - I get to learn a bunch of stuff all over again. It's gotta be easier the second time." At Draax's curious stare, he just shrugged his shoulders, lifting his eyebrows in a 'darned if I know' expression.

He laughs at Arien's first comments, and appears to consider his suggestion regarding kobolds. "Hmmm - haven't learned kobold yet," he muses. And nods regarding the possible futility of further disguises.

At first part of Virdune's answer to his question, the halfling exhibits a wry smile. About to agree with the cleric, his reply is precluded by what Hobbes has to say.

As Hobbes heads out, Bill sends him a telepathic missive. 'Though deceived, I still doubt Morphia a willful deceiver, Hobbes.'

"I know, K'isst," Bill says quietly. "I asked them about what would be appropriate to offer, but they didn't say anything," he tells her, knowing he should offer something. "What do you mean you're not healed? I watched 'em cure you up when we first got here. Did it for everybody, just before they whisked me away. You look perfectly fine to me. Is it something we can't see?" Then he looks really worried. "Y-y-you didn't run into any undead, or anything, did y- I mean, did the same thing happen to you that happened to me, but you just never told anyone yet? Hey - where're ya goin', K'isst?" he asks as she moves to exit from the temple. "We're suppose to go see Morphia down here in the temple library!" If she does not heed him, he shrugs, and figures she will, as she told them, be back.

He too, ponders the meaning of the 'journey to the beginning.' Which beginning? What kind of journey?

Ferrak  d20+2=15 d20+4=10
Wednesday April 10th, 2002 10:37:18 PM

Sitting with his brother outside, Ferrak's day dream of hunting rabbits, is rudely interuppted by Kiki's squeeking.

"Is that a rabbit, brother???" with a dangerous gleam in his eye.

Dissapointed when he realizes it is a part of Arien's family, Ferrak follows Darkfang and Kiki, as they enter the building.

Seeing that Bill looks like Bill, Ferrak takes his, and his brother's collar off again.

Jumping on to Darkfang's back as he is busy tracking the priest, Ferrak keeps an eye, and an ear out for any signs of trouble. (Spot-15, Listen-10)

Wednesday April 10th, 2002 10:43:10 PM

Draax listens to everyone's speeches and suggestions. He gets up from his seat to follow Hobbes as suggested by Virdune. He stops for a second when the priest asks them to deliver the coded message.

As he follows Darkfang to Hobbes and the priestess, Draax wonders what new direction he and his friends are being guided in without their knowledge.

Wednesday April 10th, 2002 11:20:34 PM

Feng watches K'isst run out. He feels he should do the same. Whatever the journey to the beginning is, he needs Degg. He's already spent too much time away. "Rond, Borgo, everybody I shall return shortly. I would like to join your quest to bring down the dark lord. However I require my steed. He will be a great asset. I will return shortly." Feng runs out of the temple. As he crosses the threshold, Feng suddenly appears to be a thinner human male wearing a headband in peasant's clothes.

OOC: Feng will return as soon as he gets his mount. Notably faster on the return trip.

Hobbes  d20+6=16 d20+4=21
Thursday April 11th, 2002 1:19:30 AM

Hobbes dashes through the halls, knowing that he is slowed by his cumbersome attire. He shakes his head at his doubts about the girl and hopes that he is mistaken as Bill's words echo that sentiment in his head.

"I must pursue that as a side interest," he thinks, "Just how does that remarkable halfling accomplish this mind communication? Bill, can you hear my thoughts?"

He heads toward the temple library but asks passing clerics in the hall along the way where the temple archives/vaults are to make sure he is headed the right way. He also asks if the girl Morphia headed that way. He makes a mental note as to whether many of them do not know who the young cleric is and describes her briefly if need be. If for some reason, the girl did not go to the archives, Hobbes pursues her wherever that may be. Speed is the main concern.

[Track Check 16, Gather Information Check 21]

We're Following the Leader, the Leader, the Leader...(DM Donna) 
Thursday April 11th, 2002 6:28:46 AM

K'isst goes to the Royal Library, only to find it closed. A scrubwoman attending to the building points to the sign that K'isst cannot read, then amends her mistaken assumption by telling the half-elf that the personnel at the Library were pressed into emergency service in order to aid the local temples with the influx of refugees from the advance of Marteaus's invasion forces.

Feng returns to a safe house location that Marcus had given him, where he is further directed to the location of an import/export shop being run by a female gnome that he remembers as being an assistant to Marcus.

She introduces herself as Mekkina Sprocket and procures Feng's horse for him. The mount is safe and sound. However, she has new orders and information for the paladin, too:

1. Feng is to join up with the Hamleteers for the time being.

2. Plateau City has announced it is raising an army to send to the aid of Floating City (in spite of the Big Float's paranoid treatment of the fair Plateau City!) To this end, Baron Balentyne has been appointed as the Council's Official In Charge of Collecting Taxes...and--wouldn't you know--there is now a Militia Establishment Tax that all adult citizens of Plateau City are required to pay.

3. The urgent message from Valdor to all the heroes and adventurers of The Wold must take precedence--the Hamleteers should focus on trying to follow those instructions while Mekkina does her best to handle the tax collectors that are now combing the City for the taxes to finance the militia being raised to help Floating City.

Meanwhile, back at the Black Temple: Hobbes hurries along the corridors of the temple, easily recognizing that, yes, Morphia IS going to the archives. He finds her there just as she is pulling out a heavy, brass-bound tome from a shelf. Before he has time to say anything, however, Morphia speaks to him first.

"If you're here to help, I think you can try to search through the Cataclysm Collection over there..." she says, nodding in the direction of a rack that holds dozens--perhaps hundreds!--of scrolls and scroll tubes, "...however, if you can read Elven, maybe you could focus on thumbing through the Sylvan Tomes two racks over--"

At this point, the rest of the party arrives (with the exception of K'isst and Feng), and Morphia clearly looks confused.

"Are you all here to help me research..?" she asks, giving Ferrak and Darkfang a disbelieving look.

Renik (oh, not again)  d20+4=6
Thursday April 11th, 2002 7:13:16 AM

"Well, if help is needed, dear lady, I would be honoured to assist." Following her suggestions he pulls dusty tomes from shelves and leafs through them, searching for anything pertinent. However the lascivious rogue cannot prevent his wandering eyes from finding their way back, repeatedly, to Morphia, and consequently he is of little help in finding anything useful (Gather Info 6). Even in the face of dire emergency, it seems, Renik has a hard time controlling his amorous impulses.

Thursday April 11th, 2002 1:02:33 PM

K'isst returns frustrated.

Ferrak  d20+1=4
Thursday April 11th, 2002 8:01:23 PM

Ferrak tries to be helpful. Mainly by carrying books and holding things for Bill. But he is little help, despite being smarter than the average wolf.

(Attempt to use cooperation rules to give Bill a +2 on his check. =4 {needed a 10})

Thursday April 11th, 2002 9:35:00 PM

Darkfang notices the look that the priestess gives him and his brother. He puts the bone down and barks at Farrek. "Woof, {She acts like she has never seen a bone before. You tell her to get her own, she cannot have mine.}" The wolf picks up his bone, moves away from the priestess, lays down and resumes chewing on his bone. He looks up a few time to ensure himself that she is not trying to get near his bone.

Thursday April 11th, 2002 9:49:29 PM

Draax moves near the priestess, he hesitates for a second and then begins to talks. "Before I help with the research...uh..Virdune told us to tell you that we are ready for the Journey to The Beginning, whatever that means." The warrior waits, hoping the priestess will clarify the meaning of statement.

Thursday April 11th, 2002 10:58:23 PM

Feng returns to the temple as fast as he can without drawing attention. He enters the temple and notices the others have moved on. He searches the temple hoping to find somebody.

Friday April 12th, 2002 4:10:35 AM

Hobbes enter the library briskly and looks around for the young cleric. He finds her with a large tome and is about to object her actions, but is quieted by her recommendation. He wrinkles his face at the request and looks over to the racks of books and scrolls, but then recovers and peers back as her as she does, indeed, start searching through the tome.

He silently moves over to the rack keeping an eye on her. Soon the others start piling into the room and he lets the tumult of the entire group spilling in take over the situation and continues to watch her. When he is convinced that there are enough people to guard any questionable actions, he slips out of the room and seeks another cleric of the temple to determine if there is anyone on staff that can cast Know Alignment, Zone of Truth, and especially Detect Lie. If he does he lets them know that he might need to use their abilities briefly in a little while within the temple.
He then slips back to the archives area.

Arien  d20+6=16
Friday April 12th, 2002 7:22:19 AM

Arien decides that the best thing that he could do for the moment is to help Morphia looking through the library. Taking the shelves that the cleric had indicated to be in Slyvan, Arien browses through them looking for a book that might hold the key to this riddle. (Spot Check: 16)

Friday April 12th, 2002 10:28:22 AM

Rond moves with the others to where Morphia is. When she asks about helping Rond re-iterates what the group was told about the Journey. After hearing the story, Rond comments that he has some other things to check in on before he can help out with the research.

Bill Troublefinder  d20+18=30 d20+18=31 d20+18=29 d20+18=24 d20+18=37 d20+18=22 d20+18=31 d20+18=30 d20+18=19 d20+18=23 d20+18=19
Friday April 12th, 2002 10:48:47 AM

Hobbes does not get any response from the halfling when he mentally attempts to asks if Bill can hear his thoughts.

Glad that Draax and Rond carried the message from Virdune to Morphia, he asks, "Yes, I was wondering what 'journey to the beginning' means. Which beginning? What kind of journey?" As he waits for her response, he looks at the Sylvan Tomes, first looking through the volumes to discover whether they contain indices or tables of contents. If so, he will use said tools to help narrow his search. If not, he begins quickly to skim through the volumes, beginning with the first. He does take the time to memorize the first page of the first volume [Autohypnosis 30], then additional passages as may seem pertinent. [Ten more Autohypnosis checks, of 31, 29, 24, 37, 22, 31, 30, 19, 23 & 19.] As his head fills with information, he finds it more difficult to concentrate on memorization after a while.

William the PsiCrystal 
Friday April 12th, 2002 11:01:08 AM

The Hamleteers all suddenly hear a tiny voice, sounding not entirely dissimilar to a miniature Bill, ringing inside their heads. "Hello, testing, testing, one two, one two..."

Inside Bill's waistcoat pocket his crystal dances a little jig. "Magnificent Bill, I am restored! Once again I can communicate your commands and missives to your followers! Once more your loyal underlings will be able to hear your every whim and instruction! Rejoice, Mighty Bill! Rejoice, loyal underlings! We are restored to our former glory! Let Evil tremble wherever it lurks!"

Bill Troublefinder 
Friday April 12th, 2002 11:23:15 AM

"Oh, William, I'm glad you can speak again!" Bill says out loud to his psicrystal, which he extracts from his waistcoat. "That is great! Let's clear up one thing, though - none of my friends here are 'underlings,' although you are right, we share a strong loyalty to one another. They are comrades in arms, jointly dedicated to our nation, and in the service of good, and against the rising tide of evil. Each is uniquely gifted and talented - able to do things I cannot. You see, William, in the life of an adventurer, the wise hero lets not pride take over, nor blind him. Humility is an heroic virtue - but I'll bet you knew that."

He introduces the newcomer, Feng, and Morphia, to his psicrystal. "This is William - he is a psicrystal, and helps me, and all of us, a lot! William, meet Feng - a skillful fighter, a holy warrior. And this is sister Morphia, who is working to help us plan our next foray in the ongoing struggle."

And telepathically, he adds, 'I am so glad you can speak with our friends again, William.' He gives him the mental equivalent of a comradely punch in the shoulder.

Friday April 12th, 2002 3:21:53 PM

K'isst spins angrily towards William. "I am not anyone's underling!"

Then a strange look comes over her face. She falls to her knees in supplication and bows over and over.

"All Hail Bill the Mighty!"

Her face 'looks' totally serious.

William the Psicrystal 
Saturday April 13th, 2002 7:15:02 AM

"Not underlings? The Great and Powerful Bill Troublefinder is an equal to these adventurers? Then, Great Bill, I am thrice blessed! To be part of such august company! To share in the adventures of what must surely be the adventuring band of the age! Cower, Evil! Slink back under your pitiful rock and beg forgiveness, for Champions of Justice are coming for you!"

William seems to have missed the bit about humility. Listening to K'isst's worshipful proclamations, William nudges Bill and asks "But are you sure they are not underlings? That one seems to be suitably reverential of your unmatched Valour and Power. It is just that such a mighty Hero as yourself be afforded such worship, is it not?"

Bill Troublefinder 
Saturday April 13th, 2002 1:41:05 PM

"All hail," Bill says, falling the short distance to his knees, "K'isst the intrepid, the daring, the impetuous!" His little arms outstretched toward her, he suggests, "Now, stand up, K'isst, and let's stop this nonsense." Rising from his knees, he holds out his hand for her (knowing he risks her tossing him over her shoulder or something).

The hobbit says to William, "Look, pomposity is NOT heroic. It is vainglorious, self-seeking, and rude. Now, William, you may not realize this, but you have been rude to my friends. They are friends, not servants. Or, if anything, we are servants of each other. We help each other out, and support one another. Each is my superior in some way." As Bill attempts to teach William in the library stacks, he enumerates some of the strengths of his friends.

"Ferrak - he is a fury in battle with his pack-mate Darkfang, and knows the ways of nature far better than I.

"Draax - he is most astute, and when he speaks, offers insight to be followed. And have you seen his skill with the longsword? I cannot touch his weapons skill, my many-faceted psicrystal.

"Renik - Resourceful, and cunning, his tongue sharper than a sword, or softer than butter, as the situation demands. His foresight helped ensure success in our recent visit to the manor.

"Tall Rond - Our leader, who wisely seeks the counsel of his companions, then decisively leads us to victory, again and again.

"Arien - Skilled in stealth and the ways of magic, he too, like you, William, is multifaceted. He has grown in stature in many ways since first we met.

"K'isst - A blending of the fierceness of the troglodytes and the beauty and many ways of the elves, her trident has felled many a foe. She is not an opponent that our enemies care to meet in battle, and she is my friend.

"Now Hobbes just joined us - but you've seen his skill against the undead, and the keenness of his mind, and how bravely he turns his back to one foe in order to help his companions in need. A cleric of Gargul, to whom all must go, when their time comes.

"And Feng, a paladin, whose unexpected help spared us more injury today. A paladin, William - repository of righteousness and courage. Talk about a hero - one of his ilk is the stuff of which heroes are made."

Bill looks at the gem in his hand. "Look around at them - heroes all. If you would honor me, William, then never disparage my friends. You are right - they all are heroic. And I again thank you, good fellow, for encouraging me, and granting me fortitude."

Saturday April 13th, 2002 3:01:57 PM

Feng sits down on an empty stool and lets out a great sigh. This is the first time he can relax since he went undercover. He watches the conversation Bill is having with William with amusement. "While I was out I learned that an army is being raised for Floating City. Tax collectors are out in the streets looking to raise funds for the army. While I don't mind contributing to the cause, I'm afraid they will want more than I can spare. I doubt they realize what we are trying to do."

William the Psicrystal 
Saturday April 13th, 2002 5:54:38 PM

"oh." says William very quietly, and quite astonishingly there is finally humility in his voice. "oh."

The crystal, though lapsed into silence still manages to convey an aura of intense shamefacedness.

Sunday April 14th, 2002 10:00:17 PM

Rond snorts as Bill talks about him. Though he does smile at his friend, as he describes the various aspects of the group.

CDM Jerry 
Monday April 15th, 2002 2:39:07 PM

Todd, I need to activate the Asst. DM for this game for about a week while DM Donna gets her computer fixed etc.

I'll send you all the material I have tonight.

Let me know by email or phone if you cannot take the DMing chores for a week.

Bill Troublefinder  d20+18=34 d20+18=31 d20+18=31 d20+18=34 d20+18=22 d20+18=20 d20+18=23 d20+18=31 d20+18=37 d20+18=36
Monday April 15th, 2002 8:42:42 PM

Bill places William back into his waistcoat, giving him a little pat.

The halfling resumes his perusal of the stacks. He puts to memory more interesting sections of the Sylvan Tomes. [Autohypnosis 34, 31, 31, 34, 22, 20, 23, 31, 37, 36.]

Tuesday April 16th, 2002 12:53:20 AM

Relighting candles and picking up parchments that fall on the floor, Ferrak tries to stay out of the way mostly.

"Hunt well pack-mates," he says encouraging his friends on their current task.

Tuesday April 16th, 2002 4:47:42 AM

Renik continues to gaze at Morphia, lost in happy contemplation.

Tuesday April 16th, 2002 1:27:25 PM

While looking for spellcasting Clerics, Hobbes goes out for a sandwich and a Mr. Pibb.

Adm Todd 
Wednesday April 17th, 2002 1:25:53 AM

Okay. The update has arrived. Tues are busy days for me. I'll get something posted by weds even.

Bill Troublefinder 
Wednesday April 17th, 2002 3:03:45 PM

As he continues reading through the Sylvan Tomes, Bill mentions to Rond, "So, no word from Mr. M, eh? I hope he is all right. I wonder if he has any means of preventing scrying on himself. I'd like to work on that, when I have time."

Wednesday April 17th, 2002 4:03:57 PM

K'isst looks around the huge temple marvelling at this and then that. She hopes she doesn't end up somewhere she shouldn't.

In The Beginning...

Journey to The Beginning (DM Donna) 
Friday April 19th, 2002 8:58:39 AM

All of the Hamleteers are present in the main Archive Room when Morphia reacts to being informed of Jonno Virdune's cryptic reference to a "journey to The Beginning."

"Father Virdune said that? You're sure?" the pale young cleric asks, then puts away what she was looking through when the party confirms Jonno's exact words. "Follow me, then..."

The ebon-garbed priestess leads the group through the large room and down a hall...then down some stairs and through some gloomy basement rooms. She stops in front of a stone door that appears to have only a reverse-relief of the symbol of Gargul on it--there is no handle or doorknob to be seen. Morphia takes her holy symbol and presses it into the concave carving. When she removes it, the door slides up with a rumble.

"Inside this room is an ancient magic scroll." she tells you simply. "Go into the room and you will start your...journey to The Beginning." The party enters the room, but Morphia remains outside...and the door slides down with a thud of finality.

The party is in a room that is a windowless cube fifteen feet on all sides. In the very center of the room floats a scroll. As soon as the door closes, darkness descends on the room--but it is immediately dispelled by the sudden glowing of the roll of parchment. Once everyone's attention is centered on the scroll, it unfurls with a snap and a deep voice redolent with timeless wisdom booms out:

"Behold...The Beginning..!"

There is a blinding flash of light from the scroll...

...and, suddenly, you stand in the middle of a town. It's a town, and not a city, but it's a large town, and you love it because it's home. Because you love it so, you gladly serve as a captain of the town patrol. You're just SO glad that you have several of your lifelong buddies who are also members of the patrol, too, because lately there's been an escalation of crime and just plain bad things happening in the area that don't quite sit well with you.

There's something wrong with The Wold lately, and you just can't put your finger on it--but you just KNOW that it's true.

Suddenly you are grappled from behind by a pair of arms that are the strongest you've ever been pinioned by--and your laughter joins the boisterous mirth of the best friend who is squeezing you to death in his patented unbreakable hold.

"Alemi! You're gonna get your butt kicked if you just stand around in the middle of the road with your head in the clouds!" says the grappler as he releases you. You laugh and turn to face a muscular human male, one with the look of a champion wrestler about him.

"Not with YOU watching my back, Domi!" you say the warmth of your voice reflecting the deep friendship you have with your fellow Patrol member and friend.

"Pondering the mysteries of the gods, weren't ya?" Domi replies, grimacing. "Between you and Rollie, you'd think that the sky was falling or something!"

"Caeroldra's scrying has given us many clues--" you defend your other friend, but Domi waves the protest away.

"Don't get prickly! I'm with ya, you know that--it's just that I don't hold well with second-guessing the gods." Domi looks around. "Speak of the devil--here's Rollie now."

You whirl and see a human woman dressed in the modest robes of an apprentice wizard hurrying across the town square towards you. She is Caeroldra, your other best friend in the entire Wold, and she looks very, very worried.

"Alemi! My latest visions confirm that the gods just aren't doing their job." she says to you, anxiety furrowing her brow. "There have been rifts manifesting all over The Wold--three of them in our own area!--with all manner of alien beings coming through and setting up shop! All these incursions are upsetting the delicate balance of power...and touching off many, many acts of evil, both small and large."

"My latest consultation at the temple wasn't very encouraging, Caeroldra." you reply. "The priests there didn't even want to do more than accept the tithe, first of all--then the one cleric who DID cast a divination was awfully blase about it...he said the usual stuff about how The Wold is just the way the gods want it and that I'm going to go on a journey. Then he yawned and wandered off."

"This isn't good at all, Alemi." the wizard says fretfully. "If the balance isn't restored to The Wold soon, then everything will just wreck itself! I doubt that any of the Noble Races will survive."

"But if the temple priests won't listen, who will?" demands Domi.

"Well...we could seek out the dragon conclave..." suggests Caeroldra, but the wrestler scoffs.

"Not THAT old hoot? It's an old wives' tale!"

"We don't know that for sure!" the female argues hotly. "Why, dragons are far older than even elves, and--"

"And we're going to go see them." you say firmly, the surprise on Caeroldra's and Domi's faces surpassed only by your own. "We don't have much of a choice--Rollie's spells keep confirming that The Wold is getting worse...and I, for one, trust in her judgement."

"Well...okay, then--let's go!" Domi says, shrugging and then setting off with enthusiasm. You and Caeroldra go with him, wondering if there IS, in truth, any way to avoid the doom that seems to be looming on The Wold's very horizon...

...to be continued...

The Beginning, Part 2 (DM Donna) 
Friday April 19th, 2002 9:52:42 AM

The three of you make an eventful journey across the landscape of The Wold, facing (and defeating--sometimes VERY narrowly!) all manner of creatures from other planes and even some native to The Wold who--in thrall to the gods--seek to stop you from reaching the Dragon Conclave.

You try to talk to the priests of the gods--your party even manages to get to see the very deities themselves!--but neither the gods nor their servants think that there is any credence to Caeroldra's theory about the balance of The Wold and it needs to be restored. The gods merely dismiss you and your group back to The Wold.

You determine to continue with your original intent--to make it to the age-old site where the dragons of The Wold are supposed to hold meetings. There you speak urgently with a beautiful elven woman who calls herself Maab. You make your case about the balance of The Wold being in peril and--to your surprise--she nods.

"You're the first person to believe us instead of dismissing our story out-of-hand," you say.

"Many of those you speak to don't believe you because you are very young." Maab says, smiling empathetically. "I know that feeling, for I am the youngest one to ever become a member of the Conclave, and many of the others often dismiss my ideas, too."

"Member of the Conclave..?" Caeroldra echoes, her eyes widening. "Then... then that means that you're..?" Even as the wizard speaks, the "elf" metamorphosizes into her true form: that of a very young Fey Dragon.

"I am Maab, recently ascended to the throne of the Valley of the Fey," the colossal drake confirms, "And I will help you present your findings to the Conclave."

The humans and the dragon face all the other dragons of The Wold and explain how the true state of things are. Many of the older dragons are skeptical at first, but they at least listen to the whole story... and eventually confirm for themselves that you and your friends are correct.

"It is clear that those who were to be the Guardians of The Wold are not doing their job," Maab says. "We must inform the Creator of these developments and allow him the opportunity to correct these mistakes."

The dragons all agree to put you and your friends in direct communication with a being that, they say, is ultimately responsible for The Wold's creation. A being they refer to as "the Jericko."

Time passes... for some odd reason, you can't recall exactly what happened--only that you are successful in alerting the Jericko to the imbalance of The Wold, and that the Jericko was very, very angry because he had been told by the gods of The Wold that everything was just fine when it really was not.

You know that the Jericko has determined that the gods are no longer worthy of being Guardians of The Wold... and that he has asked you to stand up and defend The Wold by being willing to take on the gods themselves.

You do not hesitate. The fate of The Wold is at stake--what is your life... even the lives of your friends... compared to that?

There is a fight--a battle huge and terrible--with you and your handful of allies fighting the very gods face-to-face. The carnage is horrific... the damage to the physical landscape deep and permanent...

...yet, incredibly--you prevail!

"The Jericko..." pants Caeroldra as you all stand over the last of the ex-gods, "...he must have done something... to boost us, our effectiveness... somehow..."

The Wold needs us more than the Jericko... insisted the dying deity. ...he isn't here... he can't know The Wold the way... we do... The Wold NEEDS us... it needs... ussssssss...

"Too bad you didn't live up to the responsibility," says Domi scathingly. You look sharply at your friend.

"But he's right, Domi," you say, once more surprising yourself with the truth of your words. "The Wold does need gods...the Jericho can't be here... he can't see to the day-to-day needs of The Wold all the time... but there MUST be Guardians who do that, or The Wold is doomed."

"We've just managed to kill off all the old Guardians, Alemi," Gargul says, "Whom do you suggest to replace them?"

"Anybody who will remember that they ARE the Guardians of The Wold first!" you reply firmly. "Anybody who will have the honor, the courage... the love required to maintain the balance of The Wold."

"That would be you all, then," a voice says.

Suddenly, you are Alemi, the god of wisdom and justice. Domi is the god of courage and battle. Caeroldra is the goddess of love. Gargul is the god of death.

The Jericko tells you to protect The Wold and to maintain the balance and that you will have the power to do this. It is a power that will be used at your discretion, so act wisely, and delegate authority where you will.

And, from that day on, you do.

The Beginning, Part 3 (DM Donna) 
Friday April 19th, 2002 10:04:34 AM

Suddenly the Hamleteers are all just standing around inside the windowless room. The scroll still floats in the very middle of the room, glowing softly. It is now rolled back up again.

You just lived through what Alemi lived through countless eons ago--thanks to whatever magic the scroll embodied, you now know what only a handful of people in The Wold are truly cognizant of:

...a mere mortal CAN kill a god.

Alemi's humble beginnings prove this. Now it is a question of finding the means. You know that, while Arien's dream was deceptive...Hobbes' dream was not. There exists...somewhere, somehow...the means to defeat the deity that would unbalance The Wold and destroy it.

The party just needs to utilize ALL its resources to find the answers.

Renik  d20+4=6 d20+4=24 d20+4=10
Friday April 19th, 2002 11:53:49 AM

"Did... did everyone else just see that? Feel that? Is it possible?" Renik is dumbfounded by the events and revelations of the past few moments.

"Now more than ever we must find a way to Koshe Marr. If I understand the vision correctly this is proof that a humble mortal, any one of us even, could slay the Cult Gods if only we had recourse to sufficient power! And the only source of power I know of in that kind of league is the engine that Marteaus used to slay Domi! He sucked life force from them to destroy a God."

"Now if we could find that dark engine, and somehow turn its power against the oncoming armies of the Dark Lord, perhaps we could amass power in the same way that he did! I know it's evil, but if we are using it to destroy both Marteaus and his forces, I say let's do it anyway! Better that than the fate Marteaus has in store for us!"

He subsides for a moment, thinking, then continues "We must find a way to Koshe Marr, and quickly. I will go and attempt to assist Morphia with her researches in that area." (And this time you believe him; his lascivious intent from earlier is entirely gone.)

"I believe that gate could still hold the answer. Perhaps we simply used the wrong sonic key? Or perhaps the servants of Marteaus somehow corrupted the portal. Is there any way our magically adept characters could attempt to dispel any recent magics on the gate?"

"Failing that we need an alternate route. Any suggestions?"

When Renik goes to help Morphia with research, he is at least concentrating on the task at hand rather more than he did before. (Gather Info 6, 24, 10)

Friday April 19th, 2002 9:42:56 PM

OOC: Not feeling well, will post tomarrow

Saturday April 20th, 2002 1:20:43 AM

Speachless, the feral gnome sits with Darkfang and contemplates what he has just witnessed.

"We could trry the bone gate aggain." shrugging his shoulders, Ferrak just isn`t sure what to make of it all.

Saturday April 20th, 2002 2:44:19 AM

Once again seeing events that leave him speechless, Rond takes a few moments to compose himself after everything is said and done.

Hearing Renik's comments Rond chimes in, "I think we also need to get word to this dragonstone person about this. I'm thinking that those that fight Marteaus need to know that he can be defeated."

Bill Troublefinder 
Sunday April 21st, 2002 2:13:32 AM

From Library to Scroll
Bill mentally maps the route from the library, looking around, and using elf-sight the better to discern his surroundings as they pass through the darkened pathways.

He observes Morphia's manner of opening the door, and takes in the image of the retreating indentation as the stone rises into the ceiling, then looks closely at her holy symbol.

At her command to enter the room, the halfling does so with his friends. He extracts his psicrystal from his waistcoat, so that he can have a look around, too, holding William in the palm of his hand. He glances quickly at the scroll, possessing the prominent place it does in the room, then up at the ceiling. As the stone door slams shut, he looks back at it, and the area around the door, but then the scroll commands his attention...

The Scroll tells its story
He jumps when the arms wrap around him. He finally then begins to understand the nature of the story and its telling, and relaxes - somewhat - just to focus on the taking in of all he sees and hears. He thinks to himself that this 'beginning' is not the earliest of beginnings - but perhaps truly does relate the beginning of an important era, or age, of the Wold. He enjoys looking at the slightly younger face of Domi. Bill's eyes narrow at the mention of Caeroldra, then his countenance softens as he feels the regard Alemi had for her - and he recalls that, until recent months, he himself held her in high regard, and even prayed to her from time to time.

He takes in the details of the journey, marking the opponent creatures, and the different combat and tactics used by the three in overcoming what the gods threw against them. Oh, and to see the gods themselves! Bill continues to absorb all he can, now seeing these ancient gods. Is that Raven? Then Maab - he has heard mention of her by some of the Gold Dragons, but knows he is rather short of details about her.

Oh! To learn of the Jericko! So, he is the Creator? But, how can the Creator make mistakes? Should he not be without limit, boundless - except as he may bind himself, for his own inscrutable purposes? Should he not know all, see all? How can someone with such vast power as that of creation, not be the repository and source of all wisdom? Of all knowledge? Something seems fishy to Bill about this. Is this Jericko the ultimate Creator, or some sort of subcreator? In any case, Creator though he may be, if what Maab and the dragons of the Conclave report concerning this being be true ... he is obviously one of vast power, who holds the gods of the Wold accountable in some respects, and has the power to raise up or cast down -- but either can not or, or maybe, chooses not to exercise his power on a continual basis. Perhaps he limits his power so that his creations can move and breathe and make decisions on their own. And choose paths that are good, or not good, as they will. To fight for the right, or corrupt to the wrong.

And what of the words of the dying deity? Which deity? Are, or were, his words true, somehow? Does the Wold not need the Jericko? But rather the ancient gods? Alemi's words answer that in part. The ancient can be replaced.

That is what Marteaus now plays at doing. But to replace the newer, both with newer still, and the regrown shadows of the old.

If the Jericko granted to the gods he and his friends grew up learning about, and in some cases worshipping, or serving -- if he granted them power to delegate authority, how might Alemi and -- and whoever of the gods still have not swung over to Marteaus and the reascending gods -- how might the party seek a measure of this delegation, this empowerment?

The ancient story told, the hamleteers discuss
Bill listens to Renik, and Ferrak, and Rond. "Valdor is the Dragonstone. I see him from time to time at the Catacombs, and the Red Wyrm Inn. Perhaps I could attempt to contact him there," he answers the party's leader.

"Recall, Renik, that we beat the Soul Sucker apart in the Golden Arena on that terrible night. Not that we had time to ensure its complete destruction - we were rather too busy rescuing folk, and fighting that raven godling - Dathil. The scroll maker was the smaller version of it."

Bill takes a close look at the floating scroll, walking around, looking at it from various angles. As he does so, he comments, "I'm all for going to Koshe-Marr. I wish we knew just how to go about turning the power of such an artifact as we seek to the good. I've heard too many stories about such things corrupting people." He looks around. "I know that the spellcasters in our group have used a fair bit of power today. I could go for some renovation, myself. What say we gather as much information and wisdom and direction and resources as we might today, then, should we in that time encounter the key to travel to the land of nightmares, head there tomorrow morning?"

His listens to his friends and ponders things. He asks, "I wonder what would happen if I touched the scroll? That was amazing! I felt for a while there that I was Alemi." Then he looks concerned. "I hope that's not sacriligious, or somethin'. I know I'm not Alemi. Don't want you guys to worry, or anything."

Sunday April 21st, 2002 3:32:08 PM

Draax stands in awe for about a minute digesting the vision that he just experienced. The gods were once mortal, which explains why the gods show the same petty emotions that inhabit mortals. If he interpreted the vision correctly, the group has already achieved the first step to Marteaus' downfall and that step is the willingness to fight against a god. Now they need to find someway to diminish his powers or augment their own.

He listens to everyone and nods in agreement with Bill about taking time to look for answers and rest.

Sunday April 21st, 2002 6:01:15 PM

Hobbes watches quietly as the movie is played before him, squinting as he sees these figures playing their roles. By movie's end his teeth are gritted and he is shaking. He shakes his head from right to left, then turns toward the exit, arms crossed. He lowers his head and remains that way for several minutes.

"Blasphemy," he growls, "This is all blasphemy! Such lies! Why do you show such lies?"

He sobs and reaches for the door. "Let me out of here. I cannot watch this."

He pulls open the door and stomps off down the hall stopping a little ways off to steady himself.

"Gargul, forgive them," he is heard shouting, his low voice echoing down the stone corridor. "They know not...-- Reveal the truth of yourself to me, your servant. Not this blasphemy!"

Hobbes trails off, sobbing, now on his knees.

Bill Troublefinder 
Monday April 22nd, 2002 3:05:33 AM

"Boy. Yeah. This could be tough for him to take," Bill comments quietly as Hobbes runs off (assuming he is able to open the door). Respecting the cleric's need to process this, he does not follow him for the moment.

One more thought does occur to him. "I was just thinkin'. The Sentinel - it's a large head set on a base which guards Windhorn Hamlet and all of New Elenna against incursions from the dragons of Dragon Bay," he explains for those not from his hometown. "Each year it is renewed, restored with power by a community ceremony. We pour our thoughts, and feelings, and loves, and hates, and yearnings, into the head. Empowered by the community, it returns power to the community. It can even heal, and bring people near death back to health! That sort o' seems similar to what the scroll maker and soul sucker do, but in a benign way."

Bill thinks for a moment longer. "The ancient Teucri made the Sentinel, and many such artifacts of old. Might the archives here hold any information concerning their craft?"

Monday April 22nd, 2002 10:57:32 AM

Feng is currently detached from anything that's going on. The young half-orc stood quietly in the corner pacing back and forth. Their latest revelation did not sit well with Feng. Was it blasphemy? He hadn't proceeded that far. Feng is given gifts by the gods for his service to them. The gods were ordinary men once upon a time. Does that mean the gods he serves are just men with power? Not omnipotent beings that he thought they were. Were the gods truly good beings? Feng didn't know what to think anymore. To Feng, there was only one thing that was clear. Feng was about to proceed on the same path as the gods did all those years ago.

Tuesday April 23rd, 2002 3:28:38 AM

Arien struggles with the vision shown and the secret origin of the current gods of the Wold. Although it did make some sense, after all everything has a beginning, as all things have an end. The scroll had shown how the courage and love of a few had saved the Wold and Arien believed that it was such qualities that would save the Wold again. Was the message a piece of blasphemy? No, how could it be? After all it was a message from Alemi, showing that even in dark times as long as one has the courage and loves the Wold enough that anything is possible, like destroying Marteaus.

Finished with his internal soliloquy Arien starts when Hobbes bursts out of the room. He considers his words a moment before saying them aloud. "We should separate into two groups. One would remain here to search here and the others should attempt to get ahold of our employer. His silence makes me nervous, I don't want to get stuck in a tight spot and find out that we are on our own."

Tuesday April 23rd, 2002 5:22:24 AM

Hobbes' magical scythe is released from its grasp and falls to the ground with a heavy *CLANG*. The noise meanders down the hall.

Footnotes (DM Donna) 
Tuesday April 23rd, 2002 7:27:06 AM

The door to the chamber slides open, and Jonno Virdune steps into the room, an anxious Morphia behind him.

"Brother Hobbes..?" the young lady asks anxiously, hurrying over to him and laying a concerned hand on one of his shoulders. She bites her lip and throws a worried glance back towards Virdune. "Whatever happened, Father Virdune, wasn't pleasant."

"This group of adventurers, Morphia," Jonno replies gravely, "Have been priviledged to learn the unvarnished truth...and oft-times the truth isn't pleasant. Leave us, child, and return to your research. It will ultimately help these heroes with their task." The pale girl in the dark robes hesitates, but goes as she is bid. Virdune waits until she is out of sight for a good, long moment before addressing the upset Hobbes:

"You are obviously upset, my son, and I can understand why...but believe me when I tell you that you have just been privvy to the truth of the origins of the current Gods of The Wold. They began as mere mortals, and--through many sacrifices and deeds on behalf of the rest of The Wold, they eventually attained their hard-won Immortal status. The old gods of The Wold...those whom the Dark Lord seeks to restore to power...became concerned with only themselves instead of doing their appointed task, which was to protect The Wold from outside influences and incursions. Thus did the Cult Gods of old forfeit their right to be worshipped as deities by the population of The Wold. With the dissipation of those rights, so came the dissolution of their power. That power went from the Cult Gods to those who had--by virtue of their unrelenting concern for the entire Wold--proven to be worthy of it...Alemi, Domi, Gargul and the friends who had quested with them to save our Wold." Virdune pauses to let this sink in.

"The mortal roots of the gods are not a secret, exactly--any person who studies religious texts and writings eventually discovers that Alemi and the current Gods of The Wold were once mortal. What is NOT known by the general public--and what MUST remain secret--is the fact that the Cult Gods of The Wold did NOT create our dimension, our place of existence. The Jericko did.

"The Jericko, you see, made The Wold and let it go from his direct supervision," Virdune explains, "All beings on The Wold have free will, and thus are allowed to choose their own way. Marteus, however, would force his will upon us all, with no regard for the consequences. He will do irreparable harm unless you can find--and exploit--any weakness or loophole to his ill-gotten power."

The temple cleric sighs heavily.

"To you all has fallen the burden of knowing this truth--but you may NOT speak of it to anyone else!" Jonno Virdune states this emphatically, gesturing with his holy symbol. You all feel the grip of a divine spell ensnare you. "Nobody in this room is to ever divulge the existence of the Jericko, nor to speak or even think of the Jericko unless they are only in the presence of other people who already know of the Jericko and his role in the creation of our Wold." The stern older human replaces his holy symbol as the injunction takes hold.

From now on, you cannot make any reference to the Jericko, nor to his role in how The Wold and its deities were created...the only exception to this rule is that you can speak of it to other people who already know about the Jericko.

"Now, with all the recent events, it's been nigh on impossible to have the proper prophets divine the dreams that have been presented for our clerics to investigate." Jonno Virdune changes the subject. "There has been enough of a lull for me to check in with all the clerics that had been assigned to the task, however, and I can finally let you know our discoveries:

"Arien was sent a false dream, though it had enough grains of truth in it so that it could motivate your party to walk into an ambush." the priest says. "Brother Hobbes, here, was honored with a more truthful version of what happened...but the interpretation of the dream escaped our diviners...until now.

"It seems that the people who willingly returned the machine to its place of origin did, indeed, destroy that infernal device...but were slain when they did so. However, it was neither the machine NOR the agents of the Dark Lord who made them become undead." Virdune frowns, stroking his beard. "Here is what all the diviners agree upon--even though it quite appears to the doctrine of Gargul to be heresy: the heroes in Hobbes' dream became undead because they were supposed to! Beyond this, however, there are diverse opinions...some of the interpreters say that you should journey to Koshe-Marr...others say that you should concentrate on turning blasphemy to your advantage." Here Jonno rolls his eyes.

"Don't ask me what that phrase means--dream interpretation is often VERY cryptic." he tells you. "Morphia will continue to comb through our archives. You may assist her if you wish...or not. The choice of what you all should do is completely up to you."

Renik  d20+4=23 d20+4=16 d20+4=14
Tuesday April 23rd, 2002 7:46:47 AM

All this talk of gods and the origins of the Wold is too much for Renik. He decides to concentrate on the portions of Jonno's speech that he can at least begin to understand.

"Turn blasphemy to our advantage?" He looks sidelong at Hobbes and ponders that some of them might find that easier than others. Assuming they find out what that means, of course!

Changing tack he quizzes Jonno further. "How could it be that Damocles and Qancis were supposed to become undead? That's insane! No-one is supposed to become undead, surely? That's the worse fate that could befall anyone! Reanimated as an unholy creature of darkness? That has to be the work of the Dark Lord, or one of his minions? Are we somehow supposed to turn that to our advantage? But how? Are they supposed to lead us somewhere? Are we supposed to kill them? Might they provide us with some clue?"

He turns to his companions and says "Well as I understand it Damocles and Qancis are in Koshe-Marr, undead or not. I say we find a way to reach them, and that way we can fulfill both interpretations; we can find our companions in the Dread Realms, and perhaps turn the blasphemy of what has happened to them to our advantage? And even if we fail, we owe it to Damocles to end his living death."

He waits to hear what his companions have to say, and if there are no contradictory orders he goes to assist Morphia in her research for ways to enter Koshe-Marr (Gather Info or Search 23, 16, 14).

Bill Troublefinder  d20+12=30 d20+13=24
Tuesday April 23rd, 2002 10:27:38 AM

[Will saving throw versus whatever spell it was that Jonna Virdune cast, DC 30.]

"I already have heard of the Jericko in the past, and have spoken of him with others - and had even heard he was the original creator. I have even sent a few prayers in this direction. Not a great deal is known of him, of course. I have often thought that it is truth that grants freedom. I see no advantage in hiding this truth from others - although I do recognize the importance of discretion, and that there are times to speak, and times to keep silent. With due respect, I ask this question: What is your justification for this instruction?" Bill will resist with all his might this magical coercion, for he values above most all else his free will. "You yourself just said, 'All beings on The Wold have free will, and thus are allowed to choose their own way.' And you would compromise our free will by attempting to force us via divine complusion, rather than persuasion or reason?" The halfling, though generally quite well-disposed toward this high priest, is rather puzzled and dismayed at what appears to him to be a measure of high-handedness, as he recalls his father's injunction to avoid the taking of oaths. [Spellcraft 24 to see if he discerns the spell Virdune cast.]

"My dismay is tempered with the understanding that what we have just witnessed could cause - well, our friend here, Hobbes - I see the shock this revelation caused him. Hobbes - this has the ring of truth. Nonetheless it's gotta be like a blow to your solar plexus. Um, your gut. So, your holiness, I will certainly exercise discretion regarding what we have just witnessed, but I cannot promise to be bound by your proscription. But I will hear your reasons, and perhaps be further persuaded. Oh, and, your worship, please do not think that my questions are born of rebellion. I would rather you think of them as a submission to truth."

The young adventurer has in the back of his mind further exploration of the purported benefits of becoming undead, and he thinks Renik's questions good, but this naked use of power in an attempt to overcome their free will is the point of his focus, until answered.

Tuesday April 23rd, 2002 8:44:41 PM

The magical compulsion combined with his inner turmoil almost pushed Feng over the edge. Looking down he sees his warhammer unhooked from his belt and in his hands. With shaking hands he reattatches his warhammer. His knees begin to buckle and Feng barely makes it to a chair. Feng finds it almost impossible to believe that the gods were mortal at one point. Yet he can't deny what he saw and felt. In an act of frustration, he slams his large fist down on the table causing the wood to groan. "I agree with my small friend. Though now that I've had a moment to think, I'm not that worried about it. We are onto something that could lead to the downfall of the cult gods. I serve all the gods of the Wold. Maybe they were mortal long ago, but that doesn't change anything now. This is a test of my faith, one I will not fail. I have no doubt that if they want me to speak of Jericko, your spell will not hold me back."

Feng takes a few deep breaths to calm himself. Standing up he begins to pace and scans the room, looking at everybody. "Koshe-Marr will require everybody to be ontop of their game. I will gladly go. We will also need Hobbes, if he can pull himself together." Feng walks down the hall after Hobbes. "Hobbes, pull yourself together. I understand what your going through. It doesn't matter if what we saw was true or not. That vision doesn't change anything. Gargul has been with you since the beginning and he will be with you now. You cannot go wrong if you keep to your faith." Feng picks up the scythe and holds it out for Hobbes. "We have to go to Koshe-Marr. Serving the Gods is not an easy thing. They are demanding but also rewarding. This is a test. Our actions here and now determine a lot. Stay strong."

Tuesday April 23rd, 2002 9:32:29 PM

Draax listens to Virdune and has no problem with keeping the secret. He does not think much of the gods, their creator, or their origin. To him it is just something that explains some of their inconsistencies. He does take offense to Virdune casting a spell on him without a warning or his permission, but keeps silent for the time being. He wonders if he would have viewed the vision if the priest had told them the consequences.

He decides to go and help Morphia with the research. As he leaves he says under his breath just loud enough to be heard by everyone. "It is funny how easily someone with power will force their will upon you without your consent."

Ferrak (Stan) 
Tuesday April 23rd, 2002 9:59:30 PM

Ferrak sits and watches everyone's reaction to what they witnessed and to the compulsion placed upon the group. He is not sure how he feels about any of it, but decides that he and Darkfang would be more useful helping to contact Marcus.

The feral gnome gets to his feet and says, "My brother and I will look for the one who gave us the coin. If he is not at the usual places Darkfang still has his scent." Ferrak and the wolf stops at the door and waits to see if anyone is coming with them.

Hobbes  d20+5=20
Wednesday April 24th, 2002 3:05:44 AM

Hobbes pants heavily continuing his downward gaze to the wall as the elder cleric steps up to him. These feelings of doubt, like a favorite china plate which has just been smashed to bits in front of him, fill his head. The near-woozy Hobbes lifts his head slowly and gazes up at the old man as if in a mist.

Hobbes seems drawn to Father Virdune's words and listens obediently to his elder. His lips stutter for sound, but are stayed mesmorized by the Father's charismatic oration. Hobbes is powerless against the geas that washes over him like a soft spring rain.

As the old man stops, Hobbes hears his breath again and becomes a little red in the face. He looks down, then uncomfortably over at the many feet about the room. A gaze at Bill, a startled stare at Feng as he blindly accepts his scythe back into his hand, and finally a gaze over to Ferrak. He quickly gets up, his left hand grasping his holy symbol so hard the chain which it hangs on breaks. Hobbes breathes heavily with a low stare back to Jonno...then turns and walks purposely out of the room.

"Come on, Ferrak," he utters, "Let's go. I have to get my horse first."

He clangs down the noisy corridor, not even waiting for the gnome before climbing back up to the main cathedral floor.

Hobbes fetches his horse and offers both Ferrak and Darkfang (and anyone else) a ride atop if they wish. On the quickly ridden trip to the import shop, he thinks of the unusual things just presented to him, trying to push out the more unpleasant realities. But his mind keeps coming back to the phrase, "...supposed to be undead..." He searches his mind for answers on what that could mean. [Knowledge Undead: 20]

Wednesday April 24th, 2002 6:29:02 AM

One thing that Arien most certainly does not like is having his will subverted. So without further word to Virdune, Arien leaves the room. Stopping outside to collect his thoughts and calm down he waits a moment before trusting himself to speak. "Ferrak I will accompany you to find Marcus, we should update him...on what we can, and see if he wants us to do anything specific."

Wednesday April 24th, 2002 6:55:49 AM

Still mulling over the significance of the scene that played out before him. Rond once again feels like a pawn that is being maneuvered by things he doesn't understand or see. As Hobbes and Ferrak depart Rond clears his throat to get their attention. "Hearing what the father he has said. I suspect we know where Marcus may be at this point. If he has had access to the same information that we have, I think he's probably gone to save Qancis, which is his wife. That would potentially explain why things have been dead."

Sighing, and looking at Father Virune, "I do not know much about the process of being undead. I wonder if they have any free will about what they're doing? Anyways. I think I agree that we should make the attempt to do something for them."

Land of Confusion (DM Donna) 
Wednesday April 24th, 2002 7:39:13 AM

Bill's knowledge of matters arcane stands him in good stead--the spell that Jonno Virdune cast upon everyone present is of divine origin, sent directly by Gargul himself.

There is no saving throw for the spell, as it is a very powerful injunction against the recollection of The Jericko and his connection to The Wold. Bill, however, can also tell that this spell is not cast to punish or restrain the Hamleteers, but, rather, to protect them from any fellow Woldians who may attempt to wrest this secret knowledge from them and attempt to use it to their advantage.

"It is all too often that I find that I must take actions that are, technically, anything BUT neutral," sighs Virdune, truly regretful for having cast his Injunction spell. "But there are unprecedented actions occurring in The Wold that are dangerously threatening its balance. I can only hope that, in time, you all will be able to understand why I did that... and perhaps even forgive me for doing so. Now, please help Morphia. She is very intelligent and I trust that her meticulous research will come up with a break-through that you need in your battle against the Dark Lord."

The elder cleric turns and exits, looking weary and, suddenly, years older.

Ferrak and Hobbes--thanks to the sharp nose of Darkfang--go straight back to the import-export shop that is the cover business for the security forces of Marcus. The female gnome that had originally accompanied the cleric to his first meeting with the Hamleteers is in charge of the establishment, which is bustling with about a dozen workers scurrying about. She takes Hobbes, Ferrak and Darkfang into a little room in the back--apparently her office.

"I am Mekkina Sprocket," she introduces herself to the only intelligent being she can perceive, as Ferrak and Darkfang look like dogs, "I am...officially the owner of the establishment here."

Darkfang lets Ferrak know that the scent of Marcus leads to this building--but it suddenly disappears, just like the scents of those the Hamleteers had battled in the Scar.

"Marcus left--deliberately." she says in a flat voice. "I know that all the evidence that was gathered by three different sources added up to the fact that agents of the corrupted Council Members were going to try to assassinate him, so he's gone away to be safe. Meanwhile, I'm trying to deal with that weasel Balentyne's tax collectors!" Mekkina snorts her derision.

"I don't doubt that a majority of the funds he's collecting in order to 'raise an army' will end up in his own pocket!" she says. "I don't think there's anything you can do to find him at the moment--you'd best rejoin your friends and try to work on finding something in answer to Valdor's message."

Meanwhile, Morphia and all those with her find texts that alliterate Alemi, Gargul, Caeroldra and Domi were mortals who'd won their status as deities "through monumental deeds of bravery and sacrifice."

In the midst of the feverish research, another of the temple clerics returns to the library and gives Morphia a set of scrolls and some tomes.

"Here are the restored writings that had been tampered with," says the priest, "I think you'll find them interesting." At this point Hobbes and Ferrak (and Darkfang!) return to the fold.

Studying these texts, the explanation of the Skeleton Archway becomes a bit different:

Wullanok Irontemper was a hard-drinking, hard-working smith who was the winner of the Clan Irontemper Battle of the Belch for sixty-six years running. He did, indeed, used to be a mercenary, and had visited Koshe-Marr on the final mission he hired himself out for. Whatever happened to him there is a mystery, but he claimed that visions of the future had been shown to him, and that he HAD to build a gateway that would allow a group of adventurers to "twice-travel" the device. These adventurers were to do this in the future "in the face of blasphemy."

After completing the gate, Wullanok claimed that only a champion could activate the gate.

"A champion?" Morphia echoes, seeing that there is no more information to be read. "A champion what??? Fighter? Blacksmith? Drinker..?"

Supply a guess to the riddle...and make an Intelligence check to see if the answer suddenly comes upon your character.

Renik  d20+2=13
Wednesday April 24th, 2002 8:08:47 AM

"We're on the right track!" grins the rogue, warming to Morphia again as the intense memory of the Gods slowly fades. "In the Face of Blasphemy! That's too close to be a coincidence! So, we twice travel, eh? We've been through once, albeit to the wrong destination, so it looks like we're fated to go through a second time."

"But only a Champion can activate the gate? Your point is well taken, Morphia; what sort of Champion?" Renik scratches the stubble at his chin and thinks hard.

"Um, this Battle of the Belch, is there any more on that in the books? Could that have been the Champion status he meant? A champion burper? Who here is any good at really loud belching? Perhaps that is the correct aural key that activates the gateway to Koshe-Marr?"

Renik ponders on this and other possible solutions (Int 13).

(OOC: What are the belching rules in 3E? Fort roll vs preset DC perhaps? :-)

Wednesday April 24th, 2002 6:29:57 PM

"Well let's get going then. We need to shop. Stuff like holy water, and other anti evil and undead stuff. Potions galore."

Bill Troublefinder  d20+4=20
Wednesday April 24th, 2002 8:47:20 PM

"Jonno Virdune, you do not have to wait for years. I forgive you now, if there be any need for forgiveness. It is The Jericko himself who bids you keep this matter hid, and your concern for our welfare, and the welfare of the Wold that motivates you. If we take it up with anyone, it should be with the Creator himself, should any dare, not with you, Gargul's servant. Go in peace, good priest. Yes, we will work with Morphia."

After the high priest leaves, and the new materials arrive, Bill mulls over the 'twice travel' reference. "I wonder whether that simply means that it is a two-way gate. A two-way gate, that is, specifically for a group that enters it. I don't know that it means there is a limit of two times that one might use it, although that is a possible interpretation, as well."

"Well, a champion may be a warrior, a fighter," says Bill. "It may refer to a strong advocate or defender of some person or cause. One who does battle for another's rights or honor might be called such. Or, as Renik suggests, the first place winner of a competition - or even just a person who shows marked superiority at some skill or predilection. Like, 'Merik Andovin is a champion mischief maker!' He put some frog eggs in my pocket once." Bill concentrates a little harder, to see if he can discern just what Wullanok Irontemper might have had in mind. [Intelligent check DC 20.]

"Say, is the Battle of the Belch still held among the dwarfs these days? Who might know?" he asks. "If we could bring the current champion here, maybe... I wonder if Herald is around. You know, he's the bard who was working for Sturdavent, and brought us in those carriages from Windhorn Hamlet to Plateau City. He seemed to know lots of stuff about all kinds of things."

Draax  d20+1=20
Wednesday April 24th, 2002 11:10:10 PM

Draax is a little surprised about the news concerning Marcus, but takes it in stride. He digests the riddle to opening the gate, but could only guess at an answer (DC 20). The more he listens to Renik the more he begins to agree with his comrade guess to the answer. "You may be correct Renik, we know it has to do with a type of sound and all the clues seems to lead to your deduction. Now the only thing we need to prove your theory right is a champion Burper."

Ferrak  d20+1=10
Wednesday April 24th, 2002 11:17:30 PM

Ferrak accepts Hobbes' offer of a ride so that Darkfang will be unburdened in he search for Marcus. He is surprised and very pleased with how well Hobbes' steed adapts to the presents of wolves. After arriving at their destination and finding Marcus gone, the feral gnome is disappointed, but very proud of his wolf brother for leading them as far as they could go.

He lets Hobbes or Arien tell the others about Marcus' disappearance because he changes back into his wolf form before rejoining the group.

As the mystery unfolds the druid realizes that if Renik is correct (DC 10), he has a spell that can create the sound of a champion burper. His only unspoken question is what does a champion burper sound like?

Feng  d20=4
Wednesday April 24th, 2002 11:18:47 PM

"The nature of the word is deceiving. Each person has their own definition of what a champion really is. Personally I strive to be a champion of the people and the gods. Helping those who can't help themselves and honoring the gods that gave me my gifts. Did the builder leave any writings? Maybe his descendents would have something."

Arien  d20+4=20
Wednesday April 24th, 2002 11:53:07 PM

"Hmm, a champion burper indeed. Well does anyone belch particularly well or know someone who does?" Arien ponders over the riddle for a bit longer before fielding another guess.

The Voices of Gods [CDM Jerry] 
Thursday April 25th, 2002 12:08:07 AM

Throughout The Wold, voices are heard. The Voices of Gods.

"So mother, you have truly fallen and become that which your former priests spoke against for so long: A slave to Passion!"

"No daughter, I have evolved. I have found the truth. Love hurts. Passion brings joy. I am now dedicated to forcing the Races of The Wold to realize this truth. Only the truth will let the races evolve. Only the truth will bring balance to The Wold. Today I am here to teach you this truth. You have always been my favorite daughter. You always went with your passions and used your god given abilities to force those who loved deeply to see the joy that only passion can bring.

"Now however, daughter, you have regressed and embraced the pain of deep love. You have failed. Your teachings of deep love must and will end. I have brought a strong handsome god with me. Ga'al, meet Flower, my daughter. Is she not beautiful?"

"Yes. Very."

"I have not failed. I have seen the truth. Passion brought me nothing but pain and deep love has saved me. I have learned the love of family, friends, and even learned to love you, whom I once despised. Most of all, I have learned to love the people of The Wold, from whom I once took so much."

"Flower you have learned nothing. I will teach you to evolve. You will learn passion...with Ga'al."

"Caeroldra, you are so misled. I am truly sad. I will have nothing to do with a Cult God. I leave you. However, the next time we meet, even though I love you deeply, we meet as enemies. Goodbye mother....for all time"

"Fine. Die in ignorance."




"I AM ALEMI! Carol, what have you done?"

"You do not control me any longer, Alemi!"

"I never controlled you. I simply loved you. Now it is my duty to judge you. I find you guilty of murder. The sentence is Oblivion!"


::The sky turns pink and then red as the Goddess of Love and the Goddess of Passion are slain.::

"Ga'al. Look upon me and recognize me.


"For crimes against the Noble Races, I hereby judge the self-named Cult Gods GUILTY and declare HOLY WAR upon them!

"Now go, Ga'al and speak my words to your cowardly brethren. The next time we meet IT WILL BE WAR!!

"May The Wold mourn the passing of the GODDESS OF LOVE.

"I go to mourn the passing of an old friend."

::...And it begins to rain.::

- - - - - - - - - -

[Clerics of Caeroldra or Flower need to make a Will save DC 14 plus your Cleric Class Level. If you succeed, you are still beset with feelings of obsessive love or the urge to give in to your desires, but are able to control them to an extent. If you fail, your DM will tell you the results and the options available to you.]

[All non-Clerics must make a Will save DC 12 plus half your Character Levels. If you succeed, you are still beset with feelings of obsessive love or the urge to give in to your desires, but are able to control them to an extent. If you fail, your DM will tell you the results and the options available to you.]

Bill Troublefinder  d20+12=21
Thursday April 25th, 2002 2:18:52 AM

[Will save DC 21, beats DC 16.]

Hobbes  d20+2=8
Thursday April 25th, 2002 4:48:46 AM

[Donna, still waiting on the Knowledge Undead check of 20 from last post]

Hobbes keeps his horse under control with pats and whispers on the way to and from the import shop to keep him from being frightened from teh wolf on its back.

"Bradbury is used to such creatures of the Wold," answers Hobbes, "At one time I was in charge of tending to the beasts in and around the monastery. Many a time I'd have to bring a sheep or a dog or some other animal back on Bradbury's back. It wasn't easy training him."

He pats the horse again and holds up some feed for the horse to munch. "It takes a lot of stern discipline and of course rewards."

As Ferrak and Hobbes return to the archive room to meet the others, voices echo through his head once again. Hobbes recoils before opening the door and backs himself up to the wall, waiting to see what NEW faith-shattering news he will receive. And indeed heavy news it is.

He scowls deep toward the wolf Ferrak, although not intentionally at him, turning over an object in his hand. "Alemi," he growls quietly, "Are you still the enemy? Or is that another lie that will be revealed to me..."

He turns the object over again staring at it, now revealing it to be his holy symbol, the eye, now off its chain. He peers at it, then over to the wolf, Ferrak, observing the big brown eyes staring back at him. "The gods indeed do play us for fools, my friend," he says, "You may be wiser staying in that form."

He turns and walks back down the hall, "Tell Rond what we've found. I am in need of some deep meditation. I will be ready when you need me. For now...I need to be alone."

And with that he walks up the stairs to where he might pray to Gargul...and see if anyone is still listening to his prayers and doubts.

[Intelligence check 8 on Champions]

William the Psicrystal 
Thursday April 25th, 2002 5:59:26 AM

"Did someone say Champion?" pipes up a tiny voice from within Bill's waistcoat. "Well you need look no further! The Stalwart and Mighty Bill Troublefinder is a true Champion! A righter of wrongs! A doer of deeds! A mighty force for good in a Wold of decadence and decay! Here is your Champion!"

Renik  d20+1=16
Thursday April 25th, 2002 6:10:06 AM

Renik feels weak as the words of the Gods emblazon themselves across his mind. First the vision of the Gods as Mortals, and now this! He physically flinches as he feels the Gods themselves die! He cannot bear this! A war amongst the Gods? What hope can then remain for mere mortals?

As the words fade, Renik grips the table to support himself, head bowed, face ashen.

When he raises it again there is a terrible, dark lust in his eyes as his gaze falls upon Morphia. His lips begin to curl into a cruel sneer as he grabs her hair, trembling with barely-suppressed passion.

It is only by the most desperate effort of will that he is able to tame the raging passions that threaten to overwhelm him (DC 15, Will save 16; phew! Lucky Morphia! Not to mention lucky Renik!) This is not him! These dark longings, this burning desire to possess her, to force her to submit to his will; what is wrong with him?

He releases his grip on the acolyte, backing away, his hands raised as if protecting himself. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..." he mumbles, cold sweat trickling down his spine, before he turns and collapses in a chair, his head in his hands. He is so consumed with confusion and self-loathing that he cannot bring himself to meet the eye of any of his companions, and particularly not Morphia.

Rond  d20=7 d20+1=6
Thursday April 25th, 2002 6:51:31 AM

failed DC check for Intelligence and Will. (sigh ;) )

K'isst  d20=5
Thursday April 25th, 2002 3:19:56 PM

K'isst listens to the deicide and her eyes glass over. Suddenly her face turns beet red and she begins to giggle. She spots Bill. Her face turns red.

She then spots Hobbes. She licks her lips and begins moving toward him.

"Hobbes? Come here Hobbes. I won't hurt ya! Here Hobbes... you cute thing you!"

Arien  d20+6=26
Thursday April 25th, 2002 5:53:19 PM

Arien grimaces as again his will is assaulted by a divine source. However by running through mental exercises that he learned when he started studying magic he manages to keep his mind his own, if only barely. He continues to run his mind through the tiring exercises again and again until he finds himself once more in full control, or too tired to do anything.

Ferrak (Stan)  d20+5=24
Thursday April 25th, 2002 9:48:57 PM

Ferrak absorbs the new information about the god's quarrels with each other. At the death of the two goddesses he feels a pressure begins to build in his system. The druid's automatic reflexes takes over and he begins to attune himself with nature fighting off the unnatural feelings (Will save DC 24). He wonders if the goddess of nature is caught up in this squabble for he could not imagine going through life without feeling her presence within him.

Feng  d20+6=16
Thursday April 25th, 2002 10:05:59 PM

Feng feels weak and drops to a knee. Looking down two more stars on his breastplate have gone out. He wonders when all of this is over with, will there be any stars left. [will save 16 vs DC 15]

Draax  d20+2=21
Thursday April 25th, 2002 10:42:06 PM

Listening to the goddesses argue, Draax wonders why the gods continue to bring us mortals into their private affairs. At the lost of the goddess Flower, Draax feels the same feeling as when Domi lost his life. As if some part of him was yanked out. The death of Caeroldra so soon after Flower's demise leaves an empty feeling deep inside him. Strong emotions begin to cloud the fighter's judgment, bringing him unwanted thoughts and desires. Placing his hand on the one thing that he does believe in, Draax takes out his sword and begins to breathe deeply while mentally taking himself through different routines until the feelings subside enough for him to control them (Will save DC 21).

Recalling the vision of the gods' creation, a puzzled look appears on Draax's face. "Hey, wasn't Caeroldra supposed to have been one of the good guys?"

Bill Troublefinder 
Thursday April 25th, 2002 11:39:33 PM

As little William pipes up, Bill smiles at his little gemstone. If any look at him following the psicrystal's telepathic recommendation, he just shrugs his shoulders with a 'what can I do?' expression. Yet he feels comfort, and a measure of courage as the little guy speaks. That encouragement is tempered by a humility that William has not yet fully grasped. To William alone, he communicates mentally, 'Thanks for your confidence, William. But we'll still need to ken old Wullanok's meaning.'

Bill, on noting obliquely K'isst's glance his direction, tries to appear even smaller than usual. He ... just doesn't want to have to deal with that sort of attention. He forces himself not to change his breathing as her attention focuses in on Hobbes. Maybe her attentions will draw off some of Hobbes' angst.

He absorbs the latest heavenly revelation, recalling how close to a similar interaction that Caeroldra, Flower, and Alemi had earlier - albeit with Marteaus' direct involvement. And he wonders when he might find just the right hobbit girl to be his ... stop it, Bill, just stop right now.

"Draax, yes she was. But don't you recall the insanities her clerics went through over the past few months? And her choice to align with Marteaus, against Alemi? What we saw moments ago happened eons ago. Let that serve as a warning to each of us: To serve the good or the bad is a choice we make throughout our lives. The good can be corrupted. The evil can repent. Let us do what we can to lead those who might change their ways for the better to do so, and stand as obstacles in the way of those who would continue in or move toward evil."

"Renik - why don't you join Hobbes in the chapel for a few minutes?" he suggests to his friend.

Bill takes a sideways look at the acolyte, to gauge what her response to Renik's moment of passion may be. Quietly, he asks, "Is there a good section of the library to look in for the information we seek, good Morphia?"

Friday April 26th, 2002 12:30:36 AM

Hobbes stops at the base of the stair as he hears his name. He grimaces and turns slowly back to see the archive door open and a very aroused K'isst approaching him through the doorway.

He stiffens and is taken aback. It has been quite a long time since a woman has approached him in such a way. Even then it wasn't by one so... strong and yet so feminine. It definitely catches him off his guard.

"M-m-m-madam. Th-this is most unbecoming!" he warns frozen in place as she keeps advancing. "I took my vows for life, madam. My life is sworn to the service of--" He looks down instinctively to his chest and finds that his holy symbol is missing. "W-well, it WAS there. Gargul is my master whom I serve to my death and as such I cannot indulge in the... in the..."

He swallows hard and then turns and hastens up the stairs. "You can find me in the chapel," he calls back. "I must pray."

Hobbes scurries away to prayer suddenly finding a renewed faith from the rather unlikely source of K'isst, yet it somehow brought him closer to his main purpose and reminded him of who he is. Once in the chapel he takes the time to make a deep, solemn prayer of thanks to Gargul for his guidance and prays for forgiveness for his recent lack of faith. Until someone comes to fetch him, this is where Hobbes remains.

You Win Medals For This..? (DM Donna) 
Friday April 26th, 2002 8:55:55 AM

K'isst and Rond find themselves overwhelmed by the divine overload of love.

Meanwhile, Morphia--after a few words about Renik's suggestion--nods slowly.

"A champion belch! Now that makes sense as to the type of sonic key a dwarf like Irontemper would use in his gate!" she says approvingly. "As far as I know, the way a belch is judged is by its length and volume. You'd have to have somebody stand next to the gate and belch as long and loud in one attempt as possible." The ebon-robed priestess eyes the different writings.

"However...I don't think that Irontemper's gate may necessarily lead to Koshe-Marr, though--THAT was part of the misinformation I'd been tricked with earlier." The young woman bites her lip. "However, I'm equally sure that this particular dwarf meant for you and your group to use the gate again. Since it's his personal gate to...wherever...belching at the other gate should activate it, too."

Friday April 26th, 2002 2:40:28 PM

K'isst's face turns beet red all the way to her ears when Hobbes turns her down to pray. She is totally overcome with an unrepenting lust.

Spinning on Bill and the others she screams, her voice echoing through the temple of the dead:

"Is every male in The Wold gonna run from the Princess of the Trogolodytes! I think not! The next male to refuse me will feel my trident in his gut!"

She looks from face to face.

"You!" She points at Ferrak. "Come kiss me now! NOW! And it had better be a good one!"

Friday April 26th, 2002 4:18:32 PM

Still guilt-ridden at the dark passions that threatebed to overwhelm him, Renik turns away from his companions, and stares at his clenched fists.

However Morphia's words, and the lack of recrimination in her voice, may him look up once more, gratitude in his eyes.

"Uh, Ferrak said he could cast a spell to make the noise. If there's anything left of him when K'isst is done with him, that is." A hint of a smile tugs at the corners of his mouth. He decides that this is probably not the best time to remind the fiery warrior that not so many weeks ago it was K'isst spurning Renik's amorous advances.

"Otherwise I say we all get some rest, prepare ourselves with spells and anything we need from the Catacombs, and then visit that gate first thing in the morning. What do you folks think? I'm sure some of us could use a bed for the night." He smiles sidelong at Ferrak, and winks, his normal good spirits slowly returning.

Friday April 26th, 2002 6:05:14 PM

Arien looks sidelong at Ferrak, who is in his wolf form, then back at K'isst. With a barely held back chuckle he turns away from the developing scene. To distract himself he digs a shiny bauble out of his pack and Kiki as well and rolls the toy about for her.

Saturday April 27th, 2002 5:21:29 PM

Standing up tall at K'isst's words, Rond moves towards Ferrak. Coming to Ferrak's aid, Rond steps in between K'isst and Ferrak. "My princess. I cannot ask others of our group to submit to your affection in your time of need. Let me be the humble recipient of your affections." Rond then proceeds to do his best to intercept K'isst on her way to Ferrak. (Think of the usual slow motion romantic scenes as lovers move to embrace each other). ;)

Sunday April 28th, 2002 12:11:03 AM

Feng is appalled by what he's seeing. Gods are dying and some people don't seem to care. Being a half-orc, he knows better than most how hard it is to find companionship. Still there is a time and a place for everything. With some anger and annoyance in his voice, Feng says, "Excuse me please! This is neither the time nor the place for such things. Two more gods just died and the Wold itself is falling down around us. If you need to give in to your hormones at least be kind enough to go elsewhere so the rest of us can work."

Bill Troublefinder 
Sunday April 28th, 2002 2:56:30 AM

Bill, too, is impressed with Morphia's discretion and grace.

He reaches up to put his hand on Feng's elbow. "It's the death of the gods of love and passion that are causing this, Feng," he says unobtrusively. "Not excusing, mind you, just mentioning it. Still, I think you're probably right." He hope that Feng doesn't get too irritated at him for butting in.

"Ferrak, Darkfang," he says in the lupine tongue, "let's go give our notice to Chenna." He then repeats that in the common tongue, so that it's no secret to the rest of his friends what he said. "She's gotta be wondering where we all have gotten to. I'll offer up our apologies, and see if we can collect our pay from the last three months, but I'm not promising anything. I like her, and hate to dump on her like this. But with Marteaus' armies attacking... Anyone else wanna go with us? It'll probably take an hour, hour and a half. Oh, I've gotta drop one thing off with somebody, too."

He jots something down in one of his journals, and something else on a separate parchment. "Man, I might be gone longer than an hour and a half. Draax, you wanna come, too? Arien? Or stay here and research? Or scribe some spells into your book? Renik - that question you asked about Damocles and Qancis becoming undead. That they somehow, in the scheme of things, were supposed to go on that path. We may want to explore that, and what it means for us.

"Morphia - I know that your order battles, and rightly so, against the undead. With Marteaus turning everything topsy-turvy, I am wondering if the undead, whom he believes he controls, can somehow be made to work against him - somehow to be instrumental in working his doom. Any insight you and your sisters and brothers can provide would be welcome. Does your order possess anything that provides a defense, a protection against the negative plane? Don't mind me ... sometimes my thoughts tend to gallop - rein any in that you can't run with, but if anything I say makes sense - then urge it on.

"Where ever that gate leads - to think that a powerful eructation would be the key! - as Renik suggests, let's be armed and ready in the morning. Unless ...." He does not finish that thought.

If Rond and K'isst manage to calm themselves before he leaves, he offers to include them in his plans, or not, as they will.

Bill swings by the chapel, asks forebearance for interrupting the cleric at his prayers, and briefly tells Hobbes what he's up to, offering him the opportunity to accompany, or remain, as he chooses. "I'd almost prefer you say some prayers for all of us, even me, and see what more you can find out here, but it's up to you, Hobbes, sir." He leaves with Hobbes his share of the treasure from the encounter at the Scar. He also hands him a small sack, with four items inside, and a note about suggested tactical uses for the bag and its contents (thunderstone, flask of acid, flask of alchemical fire, and tanglefoot bag). "Please convey the money and these items to Jonno Virdune, along with my gratitude for the help he and his people gave me."

1. Avoid tax collectors.

2. Avoid conscription.

3. See Chenna at the Beer & Bath, as Lake. Beg her leave to leave her service "for the time being," and humbly request the past three months' pay, "Or just two months, ma'am, since our leavin' is all of a sudden like. You've been real good, real fair to us, Miss Chenna, and it's a pleasure to serve you and your customers. Maybe, down the road, we can help you out again. It's just, right now, what with all that's goin' on - well, the dogs and me [and any others who come along] just gotta go help out, defendin', and such."

4. a. As Bill, he goes alone (or with Darkfang, if Ferrak agrees) to see Shianna, the little elf girl that Domi saved, and through whom he sent out healing to the Wold, and her father and mother, Lieutenant Frellin and Kianimar. He speaks to them in elvish. "Shianna - I have to go away for a little while. I brought you a present, though. Do you know what Ents are? Some people call them Tree Herders. They are big tree people, with branches, and leaves, and all. But they can walk. They defend the forests." He pulls out of his pants pocket a little figurine*, about six inches tall, of an ent. "This is for you, sweetie. Once a day, it will dance a little dance for you." He whispers a short phrase in her ear, then suggests, "Say it to the Ent, Shianna, and see what he does." If she follows his suggestion, the Ent will spend a minute or so in a mock combat, appearing to attack and defend against some unseen opponent.
4. b. As the girl busies herself with this new toy, he asks Frellin how go the preparations for war, and how he fares, and Kianimar how she fares, as well. "If there is ever anything I can do to help you or yours, please let me know.
4. c. As he leaves their home, he departs with the words, "May the Bright Man protect and bless you all."

5. Swing by the Black Genie Center to pick up his work, and briefly to meet with Dorne Abulek, Chairman of the Department of Psychic Research, to see if he might provide any insights, as well as to take his leave for the moment.

6. Regroup with any of his friends that want to stop by the Catacombs to pick up any items, as K'isst suggested before being overcome with passion.

7. Stop by home, and learn the name of the lady gnome to whom he already has introduced himself, drop off some things, pick up others, and catch up on any news there.

8. Avoid conscription.

9. Avoid tax collectors.

10. Back to the temple, to see what is learned.

11. Mourn the deaths of Flower and Caeroldra.

* [Ent figurine obtained a few weeks back by Bill in the RWI.]

Sunday April 28th, 2002 3:34:57 PM

Darkfang stops chewing on his bone, sniffs the air, and looks in K'isst's direction noticing her advancement towards Ferrak. The wolf is amused by his brother's dilemma. "Woof, woof, woof, {Brother, the large biped female is in heat and she has chosen you as her mate. Do our pack proud and I will howl your praises to our brothers and sisters when we return home}." The wolf goes back to chewing on his bone; anyone looking closely at the wolf would probably think that the wolf was snickering.

Ferrak (Stan) 
Sunday April 28th, 2002 3:47:01 PM

Ferrak looks up at K'isst's advances and begins to back away with his tail between his legs, letting a small whine escape from his lips. He looks left and then right for some help or someplace to hide. He looks to his brother, "Woof, woof {Yeah, very funny, she know not what she does and in her state and with her strength, she could break me in half.}"

The disguised gnome gives Rond a thankful bark for his assistance. He quickly jumps at Bill's suggestion to give Chenna their notices he has no wish to watch the mating ritual of K'isst and Rond. He snaps at Darkfang playfully, "Woof, {You were going to let her devour me wasn't you? Hey, don,t laugh at me.}" He snickers as he leaves imagining the image of him and K'isst while he was still in wolf form.

While traveling he barks at Bill, "What does a champion belch sound like or where can I go to hear one?"

Sunday April 28th, 2002 4:35:48 PM

When K'isst makes her man hunting declaration, Draax quickly buries his head into a book pretending that he is unaware of anything going on except his research. He lifts his head and sighs in relief when her attention focuses on Ferrak. He notices Rond with the same look in his eyes as K'isst and wonders if the are going to take time to go get a room.

He nods his head in agreement with Renik and leaves with Bill to tell Chenna of his decision to take a temporary leave of absence. After leaving Chenna's he goes and checks on his horse before heading home to rest.

Bill tries to answer Ferrak's question 
Sunday April 28th, 2002 4:47:44 PM

"Well, hmmm..." Bill temporizes as he thinks about Ferrak's qustion. "Maybe if all of us try to belch together, maybe a couple at a time, with others joining in, like a chorus - that might qualify as a champion belch. Should we try that when we all get back together?"

He welcomes Draax's company, and chats with him on the way.

Romantic Interlude (DM Donna)  d20=17 d20=8 d20=4 d20=17
Monday April 29th, 2002 7:11:13 AM

Morphia--who was about to answer Bill--suddenly realizes that two of the group haven't been able to shake off the divine influence of love run amok. Her pale face is suddenly infused with brilliant scarlet as she recognizes that Rond and K'isst are in the grip of something much larger than themselves.

"Ah...umm...over here!" the young priestess of Gargul mumbles, nudging the would-be lovers into the privacy of a study cubicle just off the main library hall and hastily drawing the curtain. Then Morphia moves quickly away from that area, addressing the rest of the party.

"They should get over it soon," she tells the Hamleteers, "At least neither of them were clerics of the goddesses--I had to help some of the unfortunate followers of Domi right after that deity was killed..." Here the slender young woman shudders. "...I would not wish such a mental state on my worst enemy." Shaking herself visibly, Morphia returns to the original subject inquired about by Bill:

"That's an interesting hypothesis, sir...unfortunately, I don't know enough about it to either confirm or disprove it. I'm going to have to keep researching. And--other than protective spells--I don't know of anything that will shield one from the effects of the negative plane...but that can also be researched. I had never heard of gateways to other places before poor Mr. Coggins died, either." Morphia pauses to consider for a moment. "Also--in my humble opinion--a champion belch is a long, loud release of digestive gas...I should think that if you drank the right beverage and stood at the archway when you belched, the magic would be activated--providing the belch is sustained long enough. Now...I'd better get cracking on those additional matters..." Morphia starts to walk back to the library stacks, but halts and changes direction in order to avoid nearing Rond and K'isst's cubicle.

Bill avoids running into any of the officials from the government that are gathering up money or troops for battle. Chenna--though sorry to see the various Hamleteers go--is as generous in parting as she'd been in hiring. The three months of pay are paid out, and the portly businesswoman tells her former employee that if any of the party wish to ever be rehired at the Beer & Bath, she'd be happy to do so.

Visiting Shianna reveals a somber development: Frellin has already been claimed by the conscription to be one of the officers in the army that is being sent to help Floating City. Kianimar fears for him, but Shianna doesn't seem to be worried. In fact, the little elf girl is very excited to see Bill and thoroughly delighted with the animated Ent. As she watches the figurine go through its mock-battle, she turns large eyes to the halfling--eyes that are suddenly silver.

"Just like at the house--" Shianna says in a voice that makes Bill's body hairs bristle, "--the house the Dark Man wants to go to." The little girl looks back at the Ent, giggling. Her eyes return to their normal color.

(Shianna won't know anything about what she just said in her eerie voice. It's a mystery to Kianimar, too.)

At the Black Genie Center, Bill is able to complete the construction of his Crystal Mask and has the item when he leaves there.

The lady gnome is in charge of The Motley Lot. Her name is Mekkina Sprocket, and she tells Bill the same thing she's told Feng. She also lets Bill know that the Hamleteers may be called upon to donate money so that the cover business will remain open.

"The best thing in our favor so far is that this business only just opened up, so the tax collectors know that there isn't much for them to collect," she tells the halfling, "However, since our 'friend' the Baron is in charge of gathering up the funds, you can be sure that they'll want to wring out every copper they can. We have another three days before getting the final tally from them, though."

Bill and company successfully avoid the wandering draft gangs and the tax collectors on the way back to the Black Temple. When he arrives, it is to find that Morphia is still in the middle of research (no progress yet).

Rond and K'isst can roll another Will save versus DC12 to see if either of them snap out of the effects of the emotion overload.

K'isst  d20=17
Monday April 29th, 2002 11:18:51 AM

K'isst (makes her save) turns even redder and looking at him in a disgusted fashion says,

"How revolting....I think."

She pretends to be interested in everthing that is being said, but is rather trying to overcome her embarrassing behavior. She clams up talking to no one.

Tuesday April 30th, 2002 12:58:31 AM

"Should we rrrest before we try this gate?" asks the gnome as he stifles a yawn.

Bill Troublefinder  d20+13=31 d20+13=33 d20+22=26 d20+22=38
Tuesday April 30th, 2002 1:19:56 AM

In the stacks
"Oh, you don't have to call me 'sir.' 'Bill' will do. Oh, okay," he tells Morphia. "By the way, how did Mr. Coggins die?" he inquires, then hastens to add, "If you don't mind too much my asking."

Beer & Bath
Lake thanks Chenna profusely, and tells her he will check in on her in a while, or as he is able. Since she was paying the group an average of 950 to 1,000 gp per month before, Bill checks to see how much the pay has been for the past three months, writing down the amount received (Twenty eight hundred? Three thou?) and hides the paper in one pocket, splitting the amounts carried three ways - with Ferrak, Draax, and himself.

With the Elves
Bill expresses a combination of concern for Frellin as well as confidence in his capabilities. "The kingdom needs good officers," he continues in elvish, "especially as the Dark Lord's armies approach." Telepathically, he communicates to her, 'May Baron Balentyne not subvert the army to the Dark Lord's purposes. I pray you not tell him the source, but warn him Balentyne is allied with Marteaus.'

As Shianna's eyes go silver, Bill activates his own psionic/arcane detection, to see if he can discern the source or style of momentary -- is 'possession' the right word? -- that has come over her. After a few moments, he makes psicraft checks to discern [DC 31 and 33], if he might, what discipline(s) or branch(es) of magic may be involved in this manifestation. His own eyes turn silver as he does this. He wonders whether the girl may have latent powers, psionic or divine? Anything is possible with this bright young elf, touched of Domi.

On his way to the Black Genie Center for Research, Bill, while working to avoid attracting undue attention by any of Balentyne's military or revenue agents, meditates on what was spoken by the lips of Shianna. What was it about the house the Dark Man (obviously Marteaus) intends to go to that was similar to a toy Ent fighting a mock battle? Is it a place of puppets? Of games? Of creatures locked in some obscure, futile set of activities? Or something he is missing entirely?

Black Genie Center
Bill is very happy about his completion of the crystal mask of knowledge. He talks to William about it, and lets the psicrystal take a look at it. He doesn't know that a psicrystal can really 'wear' a mask, but he invites William to 'look' through it, and see if he can figure out whether it makes any difference, to him. 'William, this mask can never replace you. I don't want you feeling jealous of it. It is merely a tool. You are more than that. You are part of me. You never answered me after Dorne Abulek told me you felt jealous, so I don't know if that was true, or, as I mentioned before, just a test. I might use this mask sometimes, or let some of my friends use it, too. And you can feel free to talk to me about it when you want - as long as there isn't some immediate crisis at hand, like I'm in combat or something, or am ... well, now would be a good time, I suppose.'

Back at the ranch
Bill is happy to learn Mekkina's name, and thanks her for - well, for everything she's doing. "I'll let my friends know, and we'll get some funds to you. How well acquainted are you, Mekkina, with bookkeeping?"

The Catacombs & The Adventurer's Repose
He stops in at the Catacombs, and sees Renik there. He stops in at the Adventurer's Repose for a nice meal, and some good halfling chatter.

Research some more, with snacks
After a bit, he returns to Gargul's temple.

"Hello, Morphia. Brought you a Bread Surprise from the Adventurer's Repose. See, there's bread on the outside." He holds a spherical loaf, with just a little flat part on the bottom, perhaps seven inches in diameter. "What's inside? You have to eat it to find out. Sometimes there's a thick meat stew, or a sweet pudding or berry filling, or a hard boiled egg, or a big puff of whipped cream, or ... well, the proof is in the eating! My aunt Polinta was famous for her Bread Surprises - it's a halfling favorite!" Bill pulls out of his pockets enough Bread Surprises for each of his friends, and for the high priest, besides a few left over, and a good stout bone for Darkfang. "Sorry, Ferrak, got you a Bread Surprise instead of a bone," he says with a Lake-like crooked smile.

After everyone has a chance to take a break following the halfling snack (tell us what you find inside yours!), Bill asks how goes the research. He tells his friends about the new crystal mask of knowledge. "It helps you understand things arcane, or psionic, better." (+5 on related knowledge checks.)

"Morphia, where do you keep your books and scrolls on the Teucri?" If she knows and tells him, Bill focuses his attention in that direction. He wears the mask, just to see if it helps. (Knowledge psionic/arcane +22: DC 26) "I can't tell if it's helping or not," he comments after a few minutes. He tries it again as he moves on to the next work (DC 38). "Oh, this is better."

Bill reports quietly to each member of the party who worked at the B&B how much Chenna paid - he will wait until Morphia needs to take a break, or something. He trusts her, but feels that their connections to the B&B do not need to be shared with those not tied directly to the party. "We also need to come up with some funds for the new business."

"Yep, Ferrak, we rest before we try the gate. Anyone come up with a good way to burp well?" he asks.

Tuesday April 30th, 2002 3:56:38 AM

Hobbes bows his head slightly to Bill and receives the items although he does not speak, but returns to his prayerful vigil, indicating that he is not going to follow Bill out of the shop.

Soon after Bill departs, he solemnly approaches the alter and lights an incense candle. He then looks up to the heavens and intones some sacred words and brings forth a pouch filled with coins, the same pouch given him by Renik as his share of the Scar treasure. He places the pouch on the altar and lights another candle which sweetly burns, filling the chapel with flavor. He mysteriously waves it to one side and then the other and then holds it over the pouch, now reciting his offering as but a whisper as he channels positive energy down upon the tithe.

Finally he genuflects and replaces the candle in its holder having faith that Gargul will receive his offering. He returns to his place and gathers up the items and money Bill gave him so that they are secure and continues his vigil until fetched by his comrades. Throughout the chapel a low continuous hum is heard.

Renik  d20+4=16 d20+4=20
Tuesday April 30th, 2002 5:37:18 AM

The rogue slips out under cover of darkness, swathed in his grey cloak. He changes into his Gullion disguise, and visits Chenna at the Beer and Bath to collect his backpay. He explains that he is very sorry, but he is going to be unavailable for work for a few days. 'Urgent family business'. But once that is taken care of, might it be possible to return to her employ on a part-time basis?

Then he removes his disguise, and slipping through the silent streets like a shadow he visits the Red Wyrm Inn.

A short time later he returns to the temple, and shows a small keg to the assembled group.

"I've just bought this over in the Red Wyrm Inn. I asked for the bubbliest, most belch-inducing concoction they had, and this is it. Balto's Bubbly Ale. If this doesn't produce some heroic belches, nothing will."

He offers to assist Morphia with any other research she needs before bed (Gather Info/ Search 16/ 20)

Then he settles down for a good night's rest before the next day's mission.

William the Psicrystal 
Tuesday April 30th, 2002 5:40:00 AM

William eyes (inasmuch as a featureless crystal can eye something) Bill's mask with a definite air of suspicion. "What does it do?" he asks, clearly a little put out that Bill would even consider needing anything else in his battle against evil, other than his trusty sidekick.

Rond  d20+4=24
Tuesday April 30th, 2002 5:40:28 AM

Face going crimson, Rond quickly backs away from K'isst. "I apologize for my lack of civility." Waiting to see if K'isst has anythin more to say, Rond slinks back to be with the party.

When Bill reminds Rond about needing funds Rond whispers out of Morphia's range, " Don't forget that we have a paltry account set up at the Temple of Karinthis that could be converted to a business account I suppose"

Preparations (DM Donna) 
Tuesday April 30th, 2002 6:47:05 AM

Morphia tells Bill that Mr. Coggins--who was on the wrong side of 90 years old--died of a heart attack.

Chenna pays out 2800gp to Lake on behalf of the Hamleteers-incognito. When Gullion inquires about working part-time, Chenna readily accepts the offer.

Bill quite easily detects that Shianna is psionic, and that--when her powers fully develop--she will be a Seer.

Mekkina is extremely good with organization and keeping track of numbers, so accounting would fall into that category. She thanks Bill for the compliment he pays her and urges him to do the best that he can in following the directives of Valdor, since she (along with the now-absent Marcus) believes that the Gold Dragons are correct.

Back at the Temple, Morphia shows Bill the section that deals with the Teucri--it is quite small.

"We were expecting a shipment of texts about that very subject from a private library that had been located in the area of the Windhorn Hamlet," she tells Bill, "But the invasion of Marteus' army has doubtless resulted in its destruction...or, at the very least, a delay that will last until the Dark Lord's forces are dealt with."

The few writings about the Teucri reveal that they were anticipating the day that dragons would converge and how it would be the end of The Wold. No mention at all of Marteus, though.

Even with everyone helping, the additional research takes all night and into the morning. The party is invited to rest using the dorms for the clerics to sleep when they need to. By the time the next bit of information is finally revealed, it is breakfast time.

"The only other thing I could find..." Morphia says as she joins the party to break her fast, "...is that Irontemper's archway is supposed to lead you to where you need to go--whether or not you believe your destination is supposed to be elsewhere." She eyes the runny eggs she happened to have on her plate. "Hmmm...I think you spoiled me with your Bread Surprise, Mr. Bill. I liked the spicy meat filling I had in the one you gave me yesterday."

Morphia thinks that Renik's keg of Bubbly Ale will probably be just the thing to produce at least one champion burp amongst the party.

Tuesday April 30th, 2002 10:46:23 AM

K'isst smiles her bright cheery smile at Rond and says, "Don't worry Rond. It was cute. I'm sorry too."

She then turns to Bill and then to the group.

"Friends, Bill looks a bit tired. We've let him get into the habit of doing everything that we are not doing our fair share of the detail work. He just completed about a dozen actions on our behalf. On the other hand, Bill didn't ask us. He's just doing it. So we must ask and participate and Bill must ask before doing. We don't want to turn into..."

K'isst smiles mischievously.

..."Bill and the Troublefinder's helpers"

She smiles again and then forces a straight face.

"So what needs to be done? I'm willing and able."

She puffs out her chest.

Renik  d20+8=21
Tuesday April 30th, 2002 12:13:09 PM

Though all in favour of preparation, Renik has had enough of research. He awakes the next morning raring to go.

Once he's wolfed down his breakfast he grins at the others and says "Right! I vote we head over to the gate at once at burp at it right now! I have my keg! I'm assuming we all have bought supplies of items that may come in handy. So there is nothing more to keep us, is there?"

He wraps himself in his cloak and looks to Rond to okay immediate departure.

(OOC: If we do head to the Gate this post, and a Fort (?) roll is required for belching...)

Renik slugs back a goodly mouthful of Balto's Bubbly Ale, and feels the belch a-brewing down in his guts. He rides it, building it up and up, until with a mighty "uuuUUUUUURRRRPPPP!!!" he releases a truly revolting (but very loud) burp (Fort roll 21, +2 circumstance mod for ale? Perhaps total of 23).

Tuesday April 30th, 2002 4:28:28 PM

Ferrak, exhausted by the emotional stress of seeing Darkfang nearly slain, sleeps like the dead. He stays close to his brother till morning comes.

Rested, Ferrak looks like he was more than just born 'ready', he was conceived 'ready'.

"Hey, I can make magic belches if we need." as he prepares his weapon and shield.

Tuesday April 30th, 2002 8:26:31 PM

Draax awakens ready to go, he rechecks his weapons and supplies for the journey to wherever they are going. He gets a bite to eat before heading to the butcher's shop with the others.

Tuesday April 30th, 2002 11:43:33 PM

Feeling slightly better about his unexpected display of emotion. Rond continues to help out where he can for research. Finally. Sometime in the early morning someone says "bed", and Rond follows orders and heads to bed.

The next morning Rond joins those people he can find and eats his breakfast. When the conversation turns towards their newly needed skill Rond comment, "I don't think there's any reason why we cannot co-ordinate a combined belch with every one helping the best that they could."

If it is determined that it is time to go to the gate. Rond will promote taking a long 10 count and having everyone do thier rendition of "burp it up" after counting backwards 10 to 1.

Wednesday May 1st, 2002 12:33:54 AM

The last 24 hours have been the hardest 24 hours in his life. Learning the true nature of the gods is hard enough, but two more gods have died as well. Feng's strength and beliefs lie in the heavens. It's a miracle that he's still sane. He tries to help with the research, but other things weigh heavily on his mind. None of his new friends were evil, that he was sure. However the task at hand is something no mortal should have to face. How would they react when things get bad? Would they turn to the other side or hold true to the path? Feng didn't know. He hoped they were all strong enough. One thing was sure. Feng would do whatever it took to save the gods. Even if that meant standing before Marteaus himself.

Feng was quiet as he picked through his breakfast. Hopefully somebody would activate the gate before it was his turn. Loud public belches was one of the last things he wanted to do. If he had to, Feng could name off a dozen orcs that could belch loud enough to make the ground shake. Growing up he remembers many orcs practicing constantly. Pulling out a small steel mirror, Feng makes sure his gotee is presentable and his teeth are brushed. Grabbing a rag Feng wipes off a smudge on his breastplate. When he's sure everything is fine, Feng puts on a small dab of cologne. "Let me get my horse and I'll be ready to go."

Bill Troublefinder  d20+12=19
Wednesday May 1st, 2002 3:10:41 AM

Bill takes the time to explain the purpose and use of the mask to William (which explanation we will skip the details of), regardless how petulant the psicrystal may seem. He also spends some time telling tales of halfling-style heroism, with a few gnomish stories thrown in for good measure. This is all telepathic conversation...

To Morphia, he says, "Hmmm. I wonder if the Sons of Dread picked up any writings on the Teucri. I know they were poking around a lot back when we dealt with Mengor's tomb." Then at breakfast, "Oh, yes, the spicy meat is a good one. I got a baked potato with good seasoning in mine."

"K'isst, excuse me. May I pee now?" Bill impishly asks the half elf. Then, more seriously, he adds, "I DID talk to you about some of the stuff before I did it, even invited folks along - and was certainly open to someone makin' other suggestions. But I'm not just gonna stand around when there are hours in the day to use wisely. I wouldn't mind at all others of you goin' about doin' stuff either. All right, now may I pee? Or would you prefer to do that for me?" The halfling ducks and tumbles in a 'chase me - you can't catch me!' move.

The evening before the visit to the gate - which he is eager to attend to, he reminds his friends, "Long ago we agreed to take care of party needs out of some of the proceeds of what we earned from the B&B. Mekkina says she needs some starter funds - some for the business, and some to stave off the revenue enhancement corps. May I suggest we take 1,000 gold from what Chenna paid us, for the new business, and split the remainder - 1,800 - nine ways? I know that Hobbes and Feng weren't working at the B&B with the rest of us - but their help is welcome and timely. That would be 200 gold each. Sound fair? Mekkina - would that be enough for your purposes? Let's settle that - then in the morning see who can contrive the ripest belch!"

Bill empties some things from the bag in his backpack, and rearranges a bit. As he does so, he asks Feng about his breastplate. "I noticed the stars," he comments.

He jots a few more notes in his book before falling asleep. In the morning at breakfast, he tells Draax, "There's a little girl I'd like you to see when we get back - whenever that is. I should o' brought you to meet her yesterday. She had a strange comment." And he tells Draax of his visit with Shianna and Kianimar.

As they approach the gate, he has his rope ready at his hip, and wonders if they will end up in fog again. He drinks down some ale - not a lot - but something to give a little assist. 'Isn't this exciting, William? We don't even know where we're going!' He activates his psionic/arcane detection, then works on going with Rond's count, coming in just a little late, with a respectable belch, though not championship caliber. His cousin Borbo was always a better burper.

William the Psicrystal 
Wednesday May 1st, 2002 4:53:13 AM

"Not true, Mighty Bill!" chirps the crystal happily. "We know exactly where we are going; into the Heart of Darkness! Into the very depths of stygian evil!" William seems inordinately pleased at this. " We go to find our loathsome enemies, and smite them! Smite them but good! Onwards, Heroic Bill! Onwards to righteous smiting!"

William clearly seems to concur with the exciting part.

Wednesday May 1st, 2002 5:12:38 AM

The night bells soon ring throughout the dark, cold halls of the Black Cathedral. Their somber tune is followed by the resonant gong at the head of the main temple signifying night's beginning.

Hobbes bows his head a final time and stands stretching a bit before collecting the items Bill had left him before. He cocks his brow at a new sack with a note tacked to it. Tentatively he takes it, reading "A further share of the party's earnings from our previous job in thanks for your help."

He stares at the bag, very touched by the gesture. Then places it, too, on the altar. Gesturing over the bag he whispers a soft final prayer to Gargul, "Look after them. Keep them safe."

He then retires for the night to the room prepared for him. His prayers from the night before now giving him a new complement of spells.

Wednesday May 1st, 2002 11:06:57 AM

"Bill! Wait! ...wait....

"Now you can go. hehe."

"I've said this once already, and got no reaction. We need to stock up on some basic potions and stuff before going. Perhaps we should use the rest of the cash to get a wand of Cure Light Wounds or something to keep us alive.

And some Holy Water and other things like invisibility, levitation, gaseous form, etc. would give us options when we face the big baddies to come. We need to go as prepared as we can.

I'm starting a pool of money and suggest we throw in the rest of the treasure money as well to get some of these items and then pass out the items evenly. If we can get a pool of money together, I'll go get it. I've got 2500 in Karinthis which I can get some of, say 800gp. I'll throw that in.

Perhaps we could get enough together for a scroll of Raise Dead, just in case.

Arien  d20+4=23
Wednesday May 1st, 2002 11:16:29 AM

"That sounds like the best way to handle the money to me Bill. They may not have been working there but they did help us out quite a bit during the ambush back there." Before the party sets out Arien double checks his equipment and flips through his spellbook to see if he needs to memorize any particular spell.

As the group approaches the gate he thinks to himself. "We're going to look like idiots and drunks if this doesn't work..." When everyone begins to drink the ale to prepare for the burp-a-thon Arien pauses a moment before drinking as a thought goes through his head. (Voluntary Int check: 23) The burps were caused by the gas in the bubbly ale escaping thier bellies thus simple air would likely work the same, and at the same time the air wouldn't get him drunk. So taking a sip of the ale to wet his throat he swallows enough air to feel the belch coming on and does his best to activate the gate.

Wednesday May 1st, 2002 12:14:26 PM

Feng runs his hand across the symbol. "I found it in an old temple in the Contested Kingdoms. The vortex represents the wold itself. Each of the stars represents a deity. When a deity dies the star fades. The same thing happens with the matching amulet. The fact that three stars have faded causes me much distress."

A-Burping We Will Go (DM Donna) 
Wednesday May 1st, 2002 12:52:32 PM

Mekkina cannot provide a precise figure that the Hamleteers may have to help raise until the tax collectors confirm their revaluation of The Motley Lot. The Hamleteers still have two days of game time for that.

After breakfast, the party makes its way out to the butcher shop with the skeleton archway. The large iron portal still looks old and a bit time-worn.

Those who wish to attempt to produce a championship belch must step up to the gateway and roll a d100. You can add your Fortitude save bonus (if any) to the result. Needless to say, the higher the number, the longer and louder your character is presumed to have sustained his or her burp. Drinking Balto's Bubbling Ale before belching allows a +20 to the roll result. Good luck!

Feng  d100+30=129
Wednesday May 1st, 2002 2:59:01 PM

Wanting to get this overwith, Feng grudgingly admits to himself that he has the best chance of activating the gate. Feng takes a long gulp of Balto's Bubbling Ale. Holding in the gas, Feng releases a burp that would make his father proud.

Wednesday May 1st, 2002 9:00:24 PM

Draax listens to Bill talk about the little girl, the half-elf remembers the girl, but did not remember anything special about her. He agrees to go with Bill and see her when/if they return.

Draax gets ready to give belching a try, but just before he takes a drink of Ale he is caught off guard by Feng's loud burp. Taking his hands away from his eyes he looks up at the half-orc. "Impressive." He turns to look at the gate to see if anything happens.

Ferrak 'the effervescent'  d20+27=47
Wednesday May 1st, 2002 11:33:13 PM


Bill Troublefinder  d100+30=102
Thursday May 2nd, 2002 3:08:47 AM

Bill reminds Draax that Shianna is the little girl that Domi saved as she fell, and held as he was dying, through whom his healing power went out to the Wold - and whom the Windhorn Hamleteers rescued from her father's spell-compelled attempt to offer her in sacrifice to Marteaus.

[Sorry for this OOC - but it appears our current posting is rather scattered over a late afternoon, on into the next morning. Might we be able to accomplish K'isst's suggested shopping at the Catacombs, in theory, prior to the passing through the gateway? If so:]

Bill gives K'isst and the party a quick inventory of some of the alchemical-type items he carries, and wands. If someone wants a few of his items, just ask, he tells them. "Though I do want to keep some of them, for bombs and such."

Acid: 5 flasks
Alchemist's Fire: 5 flasks
Flashpellets: 6
Holy Water: 18 flasks
Tanglefoot bags: 10
Thunderstones: 2
Wand of Cure Light Wounds: 2 charges left
(Bill gave Ferrak one that has, far as I can figure now, about 46 charges left. Bill has told everyone the command word for his.)
Wand of Levitation: 14 charges left

"I was able to go invisible, or make others invisible, even, until that spectre grabbed me and rayed me. Might take a while before I can do that again," he reports. "'Old Borbo had a ring of invisibility, but that sahuagin at the 'trial' before the Council had it 'round his neck." He then looks down and blushes. After a moment he looks up and says, "Sorry, we're supposed to talk about what we have, not what we're missing. Oh, except you probably should know I can't do the cone of sound anymore, or body adjustment for healing. I don't have anything like gaseous form, I think. More holy water probably wouldn't hurt. It's like, 25 or 30 gold per flask. Maybe we could buy some from Gargul's temple here, before we go, if they go in for holy water, that is. Could use more acid, thunderstones, that type of thing. Another wand of cure light wounds might help - they charged 940 gp last time I got one."

Bill sums up: "Let's get twelve more flasks of holy water (~300gp), three more thunderstones (90), a couple of scrolls of invisibility (300), five more flasks of acid (125), and ten scrolls of cure light wounds (250), and ten potions of cure light wounds (~600). Hey, maybe just get another wand of cure light, instead - just a bit more than the scrolls and potions. So subtract 850, and add 940. That'd come to about 1,755. I forget how much potions of gaseous form are, but add in some more for them. Maybe get a couple of those, too. Sorry, but this time around, I'll put in 150 of the 200 of my share - like I said, I've already spent quite a bit. If you all figure we can get back here in time before the tax agents come, maybe we can use the thousand we were setting aside for Mekkina, or maybe 500, just to be on the safe side. If we do it that way, that's 650 plus K'isst's 800, for 1,450. Who'll make up the rest?"

When time comes to go to the gate, Bill asks first that Hobbes and Feng lead the party in a prayer, or say a blessing, or the like. Then, he joins forces with Renik, Ferrak and Feng - taking only a small belt, to prime the pump as it were, from the little cask Renik picked up at the Red Wyrm Inn. He activates detect psionics/arcana, then, though not as robust as Feng's sterling performance, he does generate a respectable burp (102) - reciting the beginning of a poem he learned years ago as he belches.

Thursday May 2nd, 2002 3:48:09 AM

Hobbes spends a good hour in the morning in prayer, not wearing his armor though, but his rich black and silver priestly vestments. He then leads all present in a prayer service and mass. Afterwards he goes to Father Verdune in his chambers and delivers to him Bill's items.

"These have been given to you in exchange for all you've done for us. Get some good out of them, the money as well. We thank you Father for your blessings and assistance," says Hobbes presenting the sack of items and gold to Father Verdune.

"Father, I must confess I become more worried each day. Worried for... for Gargul, as it were. Do you think that... the same fate could befall him? It would be a monstrous calamity, but with the gods in the war they are..." he stands up, "Is there a way we can HELP him? Help our master Gargul in possibly his greatest time of need?"

Hobbes receives any further instructions Jonno has for him, then begins the long process of putting on his armor and cloak. He also drops by the stable to visit his horse and leaves last minute instructions to the stable master on its diet and habits, before taking it for a quick morning ride.

After all business is performed, Hobbes walks with the rest of the group to the butcher shop and watches in disgust as his comrades overindulge in alcohol to perform this immoral burping of theirs.

Renik, immorally burping  d100+27=103
Thursday May 2nd, 2002 4:41:15 AM

As Bill discusses supplies Renik scratches his chin. "Well, I'm loath to part with any cash at the moment; I've been desperately saving to buy myself a new set of gloves for ages, and though it's been slow progress I'm almost there. But you're right, we do need to stock up. Could I put in 100 GP? Personaly I would like
1 Acid
1 Alchemist Fire
1 Flash pellet
2 Holy Water
1 Thunderstone
From the final stash, but I'll understand if my limited contribution to campaign funds restricts me a little on what I can take.

Renik grins at the look of stuffy disapproval on Hobbes' face, and chugging a goodly slurp of ale lets rip with a melodious belch of his own. Though it cannot hope to rival the sheer power and timbre of the half-orc's magnificent effort, it is not without its own subtleties.

"Aah!" smiles the rogue, nudging Hobbes. "Better out than in, eh?"

And the Winnah Is... (DM Donna) 
Thursday May 2nd, 2002 9:11:44 AM

Clearly Feng's belch is the longest and loudest--and, perhaps, somewhere in The Wold is an Orc Chieftain who would be smirking like a toothy dungeonmaster if only he'd been witness to it--but just about all of the burps rendered in the presence of the gateway can be correctly classified as "championship calibre."

For a moment, it seems that the burping only added to the gas in the immediate area, but then the ancient wrought iron begins to glow a dull red. The color--almost unnoticeable at first--appears to pulse within the metal, getting more intense with each "beat." Just as the gateway appears a deep scarlet, the area within the arch shimmers with a sheet of rainbow energy, the light shifting from red to yellow to blue and back.

The gateway now appears to be active.

Thursday May 2nd, 2002 9:40:44 AM

"Quick, we don't know how long we have. But if anyone is up to going invisible and stepping in ahead of us for just a sec. We'll come in right behind you."

Don't forget some of the equip we should still have. Dust of disappearance, slippers of spider climb.. and some others that slip my mind for right now.

Thursday May 2nd, 2002 9:55:30 AM

"I can throw in 400. That should be enough to cover the rest of the expenses." Feng divides 400 gold pieces into a smaller pouch and tosses it to Bill.

When the door opens, Feng is strangely happy. Wherever they were going was where they needed to be. The gods were in trouble and didn't seem able to help themselves. Feng grabbed the reins of his horse and walked through when it was his turn.

OOC: Feng's horse is all black and named Degg. It is a massive horse standing 17 hands tall (5'6" at the shoulders).

Thursday May 2nd, 2002 11:09:36 AM

K'isst gets a puzzled look on her face and talks aloud, perhaps to herself.

"Let's see here. I suggest to the whole group that we do some preparations before leaving etc. No one responds or even notices that I've said something... until Bill notices. Then others notice. No one reacts until Bill does. I pointed this kind of thing out a short time ago and Bill is the only one who answers. No one else. It's like an unending game of Bill says instead of Simon says. Yet it's not Bill's fault. Everyone else pretty much, by their inaction, forces him into the position. Hmm..."

Bill Troublefinder 
Thursday May 2nd, 2002 11:35:49 AM

Bill gives to Renik each of the items he has requested (one each of acid, alchemist's fire, flash pellet, and thunderstone, as well as 2 flasks of holy water. He also gives one holy water to each person who wants one out of his supply. Am assuming each receives one, unless a refusal is posted.)

Hearing K'isst's rumblings, Bill says, "Hey, guys, K'isst is feeling like nobody's paying attention to her. So, pay attention to the lady! When K'isst speaks, I'm gonna listen. And if anyone wants to do something, instead of me doin' it - hey, that's great."

At the gateway, Bill pulls a few items to the top of his bag of holding in his knapsack, so as to make them easy to reach. When Rond gives the order, Bill activates elf sight (detect psionics/arcana already active), and steps through the gateway. Upon arrival at the other side, he activates know location, so that he might know where they are now, and then, perhaps, know direction (to discern which way is north).

Renik  d20+24=38 d20+14=33 d20+8=25 d20+7=13
Thursday May 2nd, 2002 12:05:59 PM

"Aye aye cap'n!" salutes Renik with false bravado, and glugs back a potion of invisibility. As he fades from view he says, "If I'm not back in 30 seconds, come in after me. Please!"

As he he heads for the gateway he spots K'isst, looking a little grumpy. "Farewell, sweet K'isst!" he whispers as he passes by her ear, and gooses her moments before heading through the gate. His cloak is wrapped around him (Hide 38), his rapier drawn as slips through, as quietly as he can (Move Silent 33).

Once through he gets a good look around him (Spot 25) and listens for any possible danger (Listen 13) before attempting to head back through to his companions to report what he has seen.

Thursday May 2nd, 2002 11:28:26 PM

Draax readies his sword and shield and steps through the gate when it is his turn.

Thursday May 2nd, 2002 11:33:41 PM

Answering K'isst comments, " To me, it seems there's always someone that's eager to get into the fray. So I've been more reacting than doing, though I seem to have the dubious distinction of being leader. But I may have to save that story for another time, because if Renik isn't through just about....." Rond pauses," now. We need to follow up and see what's going on."

As Rond times his little speech with following Renik 30 seconds later, he'll then urge the rest of the group through when the time limit is up.

Friday May 3rd, 2002 12:31:55 AM

"Well here goes nothing," Arien mutters just before going through the portal again. He had his dagger drawn but hidden in the folds of his cloak, ready to give someone the old cloak and dagger routine should it be needed.

Friday May 3rd, 2002 3:53:12 AM

Hobbes coughs at the strong and up-close whiff of Renik's beer breath burped past his face.
"Out than in? Sir Renik, if you plea--now..." he looks around to all the belching comrades, "I think we've all had quite enough drink as Feng's great orcish diaphragm has activated the door. See?" he points, "See how it shines so. Now please put the drink away. We must be of our best minds to combat our foe and prevent any other celestial catastrophes."

He now turns his attention to K'isst and more quietly says, "And as for your observation, I do see Master Troublefinder doing a lot of being the scenes legwork for the group for I believe his passionate heart leads him to. I myself am in new ground in this secret business we are in. I believe that it is probably in his blood, however. He has a knack, a gift and more important the knowledge of things that some of us do not know. And as he cares very much for us all, that which I plainly see, he wishes to boost our success by utilizing every resource he knows. I find nothing wrong with that, especially if such knowledge escapes the rest of these fellows," he says eyeing the rest of the crew.

"Now," he says going up to Renik and tapping the mug in Renik's hand, "Scout well for us Sir Renik as is your favor and put this trinket away please. We have serious work to do."

Hobbes remains silent and concentrated, and looks down at his holy symbol, the gleaming silver Eye on his chest, the silver chain having been mended magically the night before. Patiently he waits as Renik goes through the portal. Looking around at the troupe and then down at his Eye.

"Gargul be with us. And we with you." And he follows Arien through the door.

William the Psicrystal 
Friday May 3rd, 2002 4:56:41 AM

"Onward- to victory!" peeps the crystal in Bill's pocket, bouncing about with excitement.

Friday May 3rd, 2002 9:54:15 AM

Privately growling at Hobbes for his "self doubts" she makes a mental note to herself.

::I hereby appoint myself group taskmaster to get each person in this group to be active and equal. If we are to survive the adventures ahead, we must all be striving to be as capable as possible in and out of combat...with an emphasis on out.::

Friday May 3rd, 2002 11:20:06 PM

Stunned and realing from his own burp attempts, the feral gnome gags. The bubbly fluid leaves a strange after taste in his mouth that Ferrak doesn't enjoy.

Sneezy barks shake his small frame as the feral gnome tries to recover his senses.

Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall

You Sure This Thing Is Working..? (DM Donna) 
Monday May 6th, 2002 6:30:52 AM

Stepping through the rainbow-colored energy results in some disorientation. (Make a Fortitude save versus DC10 or suffer from dizziness for this post.) As soon as the last party member steps through, the energy disperses.

Those with clear heads notice right away that the group has stepped into a long hallway (about 12 feet wide, 20 feet high and 60 feet long from end to end)--and that the walls, ceiling and floor are constructed of stonelike, black material. The hallway is lit up so that you can see it and yourselves--but (rather spookily) nobody can see where this light comes from.

There appear to be no visible doors in the hallway--not even at the site through which you know you all entered this place.

However, the light reveals one other feature on one of the sixty-foot-long walls: its surface is entirely covered--from floor to ceiling--with one huge mirror.

Those who are not dizzy can make a Spot check versus DC15 to notice that your reflections in the mirror don't always follow the exact movements of the party members reflected in it.

Renik (Invisible)  d20+7=23 d20+5=22 d20+8=18
Monday May 6th, 2002 7:14:23 AM

Renik suffers no ill-effects as he steps through the gateway and into the hall (Fort 23). He peers about, looking for an obvious route out, and finding none of those, he hunts for secret doors and exits (Search 22). These examinations bring him to the mirror, which he examines closely for traps or secret buttons.

As he studies the mirror he notices something strange. Though he is invisible and therefore creates no reflection, there is something not quite right about the reflections cast by his companions (Spot 18).

"Hey! Did you see that!" calls Renik as one of his companions scratches their nose. "Your reflection scratched his ear instead! What's going on here?"

Though they cannot see him his companions hear the smooth "schling!" as he draws his shortword with his left hand, and (assuming no traps were detected) prods gently at the mirror surface with it. In his right hand he keeps his rapier ready, prepared for any sudden attack.

Rond  d20=12 d20=7
Monday May 6th, 2002 11:05:43 AM

Rond steps through and quickly acclimizes himself to the surrounding. Quickly looking around Rond looks at the images reflected back in the mirror.

Hearing Renik's voice Rond comments, "You've seen nothing else?"

Feng  d20+10=23 d20+10=13 d20+1=4
Monday May 6th, 2002 11:22:37 AM

Feng steps through the portal, unaffected by the dizziness. He rubs his horse's neck and makes sure he's okay [fort save 23 & 13]. Caught up in the walls and the lack of exits, Feng doesn't notice the strange reflection until Renik brings it up. Looking at his own reflection, Feng wonders what the mirror really does.

Bill Troublefinder (detect psionics/magic)  d20+10=21 d20+3=19
Monday May 6th, 2002 12:09:36 PM

Managing to avoid too much disorientation, Bill looks around at the environs, and activates the know location power. ['You generally know where you are. This power is useful to characters who frequently travel via teleportation, gates, or via other places of existence. The power reveals general information about the character's location.'] He next determines which way is north (via know direction).

Noting the less-than-perfect reflections before them, Bill pulls out of his left pants pocket a steel mirror. He holds it up, looking through his hand-held mirror back toward the large mirror, to see what he might discern. He also, through his hand-held mirror, looks at ceiling, floor, and walls.

As he does so, if the information seems germane, he lets his friends know where they are, as revealed to him by his mental disciplines.

A thought occurs to him. He steps forward to his own image, and reaches out as though to shake hands - although, mirror images being what they are, it will likely appear his opposite's left hand is reaching out to shake his own right. He pays close attention, and sends out a missive to the image, to see if there is another being there, or just a slightly off image, with no discernable mental capacity. *'Hey, there, how are tricks?'* he asks the Bill-image.

Ferrak  d20+11=20
Monday May 6th, 2002 3:43:21 PM

Not dizzy from the effects of the gate, Ferrak remains alert for trouble.

Absentmindedly scratching Darkfang behind the ears the feral gnome barks.
"{Keep your nose to the wind brother, there might soon be trouble ahead.}"

Draax  d20+7=8
Monday May 6th, 2002 9:28:06 PM

Draax comes through the gate and almost falls down as his head begins to spin. He takes a moment to steady himself, wondering if this teleporting thing will ever get any easier.

Darkfang  d20+5=21 d20+4=21
Monday May 6th, 2002 9:43:17 PM

Darkfang follows his brother through the gate and stand ready and alert when he arrives on the other side. Noticing his reflection in the mirror the wolf quickly jumps back and shows his teeth as he growls at his image. He relaxes a little when he feels his brother's fingers behind his ear, but keeps his eyes on his reflection. "Woof, {Yes Brother, I am ready}."

K'isst (by JERRY!)  d20=14
Tuesday May 7th, 2002 2:55:07 AM

K'isst steps through. She immediately begins moving down the hallway a serious look on her face.

Inside however, she is a bit queasy though. This place is strange.

Arien (by Kim)  d20=6 d20=18
Tuesday May 7th, 2002 3:00:01 AM

Arien lands, feeling he is on the verge of queasiness. He forces himself not to give in to the feeling, and finds himself settling down. He himself notices his image in the mirror. Say - his image moved to change his stance just a moment after Arien himself did.

Hobbes  d20+9=20 d20+5=18 d20+6=22 d20+7=15 2d4(1+3)+3=7
Tuesday May 7th, 2002 3:42:01 AM

Hobbes looks closely at the marvelous black stonework and takes out his continual light torch. The flame flickers and dances about the sheen walls and produces a strange effect at the mirror up ahead.

He looks around and gets a good sense of the location of his comrades as well as anything else that may be in the area. [Spot 18, Listen 22] With a grimace at the strangely perfect black walls he walks forward with the group, tucking his torch into his belt. The effect casts shadows of the group forward in strange ways and presents Hobbes as an even more menacing, and somewhat evil-looking, figure as it shining up to his face from below.

The party slowly examines the mirror and Hobbes stares back at the figures menacingly, adjusting his grip on his scythe to scratch his nose due as a strand of thread from his cloth headgear tickles his nose. He catches himself as at first he thinks Renik is staring at him through the mirror to accuse him of--perish the thought--picking his nose, but then realizes Renik is pointing in the opposite direction as his reflection. Confused, he looks back at himself. The Continual flame torch is resting as if in a holster on his side instead of in front. What IS going on here????

As Bill steps forward, even his feet do not match in their creep up to the mirror. Hobbes step up behind Bill, his scythe at the ready in case this strange occurrence produces unwanted guests.

[Readied action...if anything jumps out of the mirror to attack Bill/or if it attacks Bill through the mirror, I swing at it. If that happens I hit AC 15 for 7 Damage.]

Is This Thing On..? (DM Donna) 
Tuesday May 7th, 2002 7:08:59 AM

Renik's voiced observation causes everyone to peer into the mirror with curiosity...and caution.

Rond's reflection scowls thoughtfully back at him. Feng's image stands patting the reflection of his steed.

Bill--oddly enough--can only tell that the mirrored wall is "north"...his psychic knack for knowing where he is seems to not be working all that well...or, if it is working, it's telling him that he's in a passage--a rite of passage. Bill's reflection grins back at him and doesn't respond to the missive...yet, as with the halfling's Know Location ability, something about this scene is just not normal.

Ferrak literally feels the hackles of Darkfang rise and the gnome's wolf companion begins to growl at the other wolf in the mirror.

K'isst, Arien and Hobbes all peer closely at the mirror, noticing that Renik's observation is correct...their respective images do not move exactly as they do.

Draax--in his dizziness--stumbles and throws a hand out to steady himself...a hand that slaps up against the mirror.

"C'mon, in, people...the water's just FINE!" Draax's reflection intones in a sepulchral voice. Echoing laughter fills the hallway--and, suddenly, Renik finds that he is all alone in the doorless passage...

...everyone else is gone--and the mirrored wall has turned as black and opaque as the wall opposite it!

Each of the other Hamleteers find themselves alone in the hallway--or, at least, that's how they perceive themselves to be. Rond thinks he is alone in the hall with his reflection--now a fully fleshed out copy of the leader of the party--facing him; Bill believes he is alone in the hall with a duplicate Bill; Ferrak and Darkfang appear to be all by themselves in the hallway with their dopplegangers; etc.

Each Hamleteer (except Renik) now faces a copy of themselves (and any sidekicks they may personally have). This is now some sort of mystical one-on-one contest, because each duplicate has his or her weapon of choice in hand...and they definitely look like they intend to use it--on the original Hamleteer!

It's the party's initiative now.

Renik (Invisible)  d20+5=17 d20+7=24 d20+2=8
Tuesday May 7th, 2002 12:40:26 PM

"OK, this is not good!" mutters the Rogue to himself as he taps frantically at the now-dark wall, trying to locate any sign of obvious trickery (Search 17). He checks to see what the wall is made of, that moments ago seemed to be a mirror.

"Halloo!" he calls, as loud as he is able. "Can anyone hear me?" He then listens closely for any reply or other sound (Listen 24).

Then it occurs to him that he was the only one who cast no reflection in the curious mirror. Perhaps that allowed others to pass into it somehow? Or be trapped by it? But then why did they all just vanish? Why did the mirror turn black? The thinks furiously, trying to work out what to do next (Int 8).

Feng  d20+11=14 d20+11=29 d20+11=25 d8+6=11 d6=1 d8+6=9 d6=2
Tuesday May 7th, 2002 1:42:28 PM

"Righteousness." Feng's double axe burst into flame. He stepped forward spinning his axe in his hands. Whatever his double is, it cannot be good. Feng brings his axe across in a chest high slash, back across, and a spinning uppercut with the other end. [missed ac 14, hit ac 29,25 for 12 dmg and 11 dmg]

Tuesday May 7th, 2002 4:29:48 PM

K'isst moves down the hallway, impatient with looking at mirrors.

"Taking point. Moving on."

Arien  d20+6=22 d4+3=6
Tuesday May 7th, 2002 6:16:28 PM

Never one to back down from a challenge, even if it was from a copy of himself Arien lunges at his double and strikes at it with his dagger. (Hit AC 22 for 6 damage.)

Bill Troublefinder  d20+6=22
Tuesday May 7th, 2002 7:04:28 PM

Bill, seeing his opposite now menacing him, decides that being overly nice may not be appropriate. So he pulls from his pants (free action) a battlenet, and tosses it over his counterpart's head (ranged touch attack, AC 22 - if counterpart has identical equipment & protection to Bill, then AC vs. ranged touch is 16), and pulls out something from the other pocket. "Sorry about that, whoever you are, but I'm not the one who started aiming darts. Who are you?"

Tuesday May 7th, 2002 10:09:12 PM

Draax smiles at his duplicate, readies his sword and shield, and performs a salute with his sword to his opponent. "I have no idea who you are, but I must admit that you are a good looking guy, but taking on my appearance is not going to fool me." Draax stands ready to try and 'Dodge' his opponent's attack (+1 to AC). Still smiling Draax uses his hat of disguise to change his appearance to his alter ego Steps. "See, changing ones appearance is not that hard."

Darkfang  d20+5=12 d20+3=9
Tuesday May 7th, 2002 11:27:22 PM

Darkfang shows his teeth to the other wolf. He sniffs the air trying to discern the others' scents (DC 12 for scent check). The wolf steps in front of his brother as he faces off with the intruder. Darkfang jumps forward and tries to take a bite out of the other wolf. (missed AC 9)

Wednesday May 8th, 2002 1:52:49 AM

Looking at his reflection Rond thinks, 'Is that really how I look to the others?' Keeping his guard up Rond calls out, " Is this really necessary? Why does every situation seem to always end in violence?"

Wanting to test and see if he really is alone Rond also calls out, "Does anyone else hear the sound of my voice?"

Wednesday May 8th, 2002 5:41:43 AM

Hobbes, ready for this occurence keeps his scythe ready, but does not attack. Instead he backs toward the way the party was going, keeping his weapon in front of him, and goes on full defense.

"Renik? Is that you? This place wishes to confuse us with visions that are not real. Arien? Ferrak? Bill? Whoever you are I will not harm you...and I THINK you will not harm me," he says in a soothing yet commanding voice and continues backing up down the hall thirty feet.

[Hobbes has moved 30 feet further down the hall and is on total defense. His AC is now 23 as he has picked his reflection to dodge against.]

Hobbes (Part 2)  d20+8=15
Wednesday May 8th, 2002 5:44:58 AM

Hobbes looks at his reflection and around it, knowing it shouldn't be there and tries to resist what his eyes are trying to make him see.

[Attempting to disbelieve as an illusion (p. 158 PHB) Made Will save DC 15.]

Wednesday May 8th, 2002 9:50:33 AM

K'isst hears the silence behind her and turns to find everyone gone. Her trident comes to a ready position and she shouts, "Where is everyone!!!"

Her voice comes back to her in an echo.

::where is everyone...

Suppressing a shiver, she turns to her image which seems to be threatening her.

"Ok, if you're the cause of this, make your move."

She moves her trident to a defensive stance.

Ferrak  d20+10=17
Thursday May 9th, 2002 1:17:34 AM

Pulling a stone out of his pocket, Ferrak throws it at the glass of the mirror.

{Will this pool of reflection ripple? Or will it be wrecked?}

Combat Round 1 (DM Donna)  d20+11=27 d20+6=13 d20+6=15 d8+6=12 d6=4 d20+14=33 d20+9=18 d8+9=10 d20+7=14 d20+10=16 d20=1 d20+3=17 d6+1=5 d20+8=19
Thursday May 9th, 2002 9:12:35 AM

Renik's watching, listening and thinking yields no clue as to what may have happened to the others. He's still alone in the black hall, and the mirrored wall is still dark.

Feng attacks his double, doing damage. The other half-orc bares his teeth and attacks with his own flaming weapon, only one of the three attempted blows actually connecting with the true paladin (for a total of 16hp damage.)

K'isst's doppleganger closes with the succinct half-elf and jabs at her with a trident identical to K'isst's own--landing one blow for 10hp damage.

Arien's clone hisses as Arien strikes true, and snarls when his attempt to do likewise with his own rapier barely misses the dexterous high elf.

As Bill tosses off his battlenet, he suddenly recalls that--since it IS an exotic weapon that he is NOT familiar with--throwing such an unusual item at...well, at himself isn't the best idea...and Bill's duplicate easily avoids the barbed net. The pseudo-halfling counters by tossing a familiar-looking pouch at Bill--but the pouch containing the tanglefoot bag, the alchemist's fire and the acid arcs too high and wide, and splatters its contents in one corner of the hallway.

"Why, Bill--don't you know yourself..?" asks his mirror-image in a slightly mocking tone. "And I beg to differ--you DID start this...merely by stepping into the passage..."

Draax and his twin dance around each other, each seeking to size the other up for an opening.

"Come on, come on..." mutters the other fighter, "How are you to be judged worthy if you don't even take a chance..?"

Rond calls out to his suddenly-missing comrades, but the only answer to his shout comes from the duplicate in his hallway:

"Of course it's necessary! You are to be judged--and only the worthy are allowed true passage. You will rejoin your party...but only those who are worthy of continuing."

"Unwilling to believe, eh, brother..?" OtherHobbes asks the original cleric, clearly baiting. "You doubted Morphia...now do you doubt your own self? Face me, then--prove yourself worthy! You no longer have your friends to fight for you. If you are a true servant to the Eye, prove it!"

Ferrak tests the wall that no longer appears to be mirrored, but the stone merely bounces off the wall. Darkfang lunges at the copywolf, his jaws missing--and finds himself chomped upon by the pseudo-Darkfang for 5hp damage. The two canines immediately engage in the distinctive dogfighting that rules wolf behavior. OtherFerrak strikes at Ferrak with a sickle that is identical to Ferrak's own--and barely misses.

Party initiative again.

Renik (Invisible)  d20+2=18 d20+5=25
Thursday May 9th, 2002 11:52:50 AM

"Alone in a dark hall, with no exits, and no sign of my companions. Hmmm."

The rogue desperately tries to think of something he can do to improve his situation (int 18), but things seem pretty grim. Surely there must be some sort of secret exit from this place? He searches carefully for secret doors, or for some evidence of a magical trigger of some description (Search 25!).

Arien  d20+7=27 d20+7=19 d6+1=5 d6=5
Thursday May 9th, 2002 11:55:57 AM

Arien dodges to the side when his double attacks him and ripostes savagely with his own rapier scoring a nasty hit on the double. (Crit hit damage 10 (5+5))

William the Psicrystal 
Thursday May 9th, 2002 12:00:52 PM

"Great Gargul's Goatee!" peeps the crystal. "The one foe who could hope to trouble the Mighty Bill Troublefinder... Himself! Worry not, mighty Bill, I shall summon your follow- uh, your compatriots to your side!"

And with that the psicrystal attempts to send out a telepathic message to the other Hamleteers. "Come with a swiftness! Heroic Bill fights the ultimate opponent! Who can hear my words, and answer my call?"

Draax  d20+12=32 d20+12=19 d20+7=19 d8+7=11
Thursday May 9th, 2002 4:24:12 PM

Draax continues to smile at his opponent. "So impatient, you just might really be me." The half-elf racks his brain trying to analyze his own attack and defense patterns. He pictures himself as he perform his initial attack and is surprise to find that he always begins every sword fight with the same more. Thinking that if his opponent is really a copy of himself, the duplicate may be aware of Draax's fighting style and might be waiting for it.

"I really would hate to damage such a good lucking guy, but I can see that you are determined to test my blade. Oh well, lets have at it." Draax begins to perform his normal over head chop, but pulls up short when he see his opponent begins to raise his shield. Instead of following though with his initial attack, Draax redirects his sword to come at his reflection from the side and is rewarded when he feels the sword connect (hit AC32, natural 20, no crit, 11 dmg). The fighter's celebration is short lived as he feels his return swing rebound off his opponent's shield (missed AC19).

"Nice recovery, I thought I had you there for a second. If seem that this is going to be tougher that I though." Not happy with how quickly his opponent recovered from his deception, the half-elf still smiles at his reflection as the battle-lust begins to push its way to the head of his emotions.

Darkfang  d20+3=19 d6+1=7
Thursday May 9th, 2002 4:40:14 PM

Darkfang yeps as his double takes a bite out of him. Catching the other wolf before it can pull its head back Darkfang returns the favor and takes a bite of his own (AC19, 7 dgm).

Thursday May 9th, 2002 5:57:38 PM

Hobbes frowns at the sophomoric attempt to goad him.

"If thou art truly me, then you would know that to attack someone without just cause is NOT the way of the Eye," Hobbes says smugly.

He lays his scythe against the wall beside him and raises his hands, still on full defense, "Truly to be led by the precepts of Gargul you would know when someone's time is up and when it is not. You, good sir Hobbes, if you are indeed me, you would bear arms against me."

He grins dryly, "And if you are not me and truly wish to test the mettle of an Eye of Gargul, then I would be honored to be the one to show you his ways, only if you appear to me in your true form."

Hobbes stands weaponless and firm, looking back down the hall at his opponent and thinks to himself that this is most likely the strangest site he has ever beheld.

[AC 23 still]

Ferrak  d20+10=18
Friday May 10th, 2002 12:08:28 AM

Ferrak tries to slice into his mirror image but fails to connect. Shaking his head in disbelief the feral gnome snarls as gets ready for his twins counter attack.

Friday May 10th, 2002 12:16:59 AM

Not wanting to be one to start the fray, Rond continues to circle and stay defensive, while he awaits the other Rond to do something. Thinking furiously around what the other Rond said Rond asks, "Are we to know how we are being judged? Is it combat that we are supposed to engage in or do we get to choose how we are judged? Who are the judges? Are they our peers, and how do we know they are our peers?

Marteaus runs amok in the Wold causing evil all around the Wold. Why don't you judge him! "

Bill Troublefinder  d20+10=30
Friday May 10th, 2002 2:13:03 AM

Seeing his spittin' image NOT caught in the net, Bill now tosses that which he extracted from his pocket last round, a tanglefoot bag. His aim is absolutely dead on (nat 20, AC 30, only need AC 16 ranged touch), and now the image wears a sticky substance, which fouls his legs, perhaps his upper limbs, and helps the net stick even tighter to the duplicate halfling. [the tanglefoot goo adds in -2 on attack, -4 on Dex, need Reflex save vs DC 15 or be glued to the floor, unable to move. If that save is made, movement is half.]

"To overcome oneself is no easy matter," he comments. He extracts something from his pocket. Though appreciating William's intercession, Bill figures this is his fight to win, or lose. Or both.

Feng (16 hp dmg)  d20+11=19 d20+6=25 d20+6=24 d8+6=9 d6=5 d8+6=7 d6=5 d8+6=13 d6=3
Friday May 10th, 2002 3:07:25 AM

Feng steps back and gazes at himself. Surely such a basic attack wouldn't take him down, so why did he expect it to work on a copy? Narrowing his gaze, Feng refocused on the task at hand. Spinning his axe idely in his hand, Feng says, "What are you and what have you done with my friends?" Feng doesn't give his duplicate time to answer right away. He brings his spinning axe around in a vicious assault. [hit ac 19 for 14 dmg, ac 25 for 12 dmg, and ac 24 for 16 dmg]

Combat Round 2 (DM Donna)  d20+3=23 d8+5=11 d20+6=26 d20+12=21 d8+7=11 d20+4=18 d20+10=26 d6+4=6 d6=4 d20+4=20 d6+1=5 d20+10=13 d20+5=15 d6=1 d20+11=29 2d4(3+1)=4 d20+14=31 d20+9=23 d8+9=11 d8+9=15 d20+14=15 d20+9=24 d8+9=14
Friday May 10th, 2002 8:10:39 AM

Explanation from Round 1: Bill's eyes go wide as he spots why FauxBill is not trapped by the battlenet--FauxBill's Ring of Blinking is activated!

Round 2:

Renik searches the entire length of the hall--there is NO way out, it seems! He finds no doors, either secret or hidden by illusion. But that makes no sense to his logic...until the rogue recalls that, while it looked like the alien black substance that makes up the other walls, the ceiling and the floor, the original mirrored wall still feels like a smooth glass surface. This, coupled with the fact that the only difference between him and the others had been that he had cast no reflection, leads Renik to wonder what would happen if he suddenly became visible..?

"You'll have to do better than THAT!" Arien's foe tells him, producing a familiar-looking potion bottle and drinking from it. Before the elf's eyes, the doppleganger's wounds heal up quite a bit. (OOC: cured of 11hp damage.) While OtherArien is doing this, however, Arien suddenly feels the sharp bite of Kiki clamping visciously into his left hand! (OOC: does 1hp damage and Arien now has a duplicate familiar attached to his hand--impossible to cast any spells that require gestures while OtherKiki is attached.)

Draax strikes at his double, and his double hits back with an identical sword (doing 11hp damage)...and saying in a mocking voice: "Look over there!" Draax must make a Willpower save versus DC15 or be Dazed for the next round.

Hobbes continues to be on the defensive, and his questions of his clone seem to annoy OtherHobbes.

"I am your only way of completing passage, Hobbes," the other cleric says impatiently, "You must either go through or be judged unworthy." With this, Hobbes2 aims a hand at Hobbes1 and fires off a bolt of Searing Light--which misses the defensive priest.

FauxFerrak swings his sickle again--and slices into Ferrak's flesh (OOC: does 6hp damage and 4hp frost damage)! Darkfang's duplicate bites the original for another 5hp damage.

"Fool! You ARE being 'tried by your peers'--I am you, and so cannot be anything BUT qualified for your rite of passage! Now--prove your worthiness..!" So saying, the fake Rond lashes out at Rond with two whistling swipes of his greatsword, both attempts falling short of the mark.

Bill finds that FauxBill is still Blinking as the tanglefoot bag sails through the temporarily-ethereal halfling. (OOC: roll a d6 to see if the bag busts open otherwise; odd result means the bag remains intact and can be retrieved later.)

"You ought to know yourself better by now, Bill Troublefinder..!" mocks FauxBill, his eyes suddenly turning silver as he manifests a sudden psionic attack! (OOC: Spellcraft/Psicraft check vs DC15 to recognize an incoming Psychic Crush...but whether or not Bill recognizes the attack, he's caught flat-footed for this round; Bill must make a Willpower save vs DC29 or suffer a temporary loss of 4 Wisdom points.)

Meanwhile, William can't find any other mind to contact besides Bill's own.

Feng's blows stagger his mirror image...but OtherFeng steps back and places his hand to his chest. (OOC: Spellcraft check versus DC15 to tell that OtherFeng is healing himself via the Laying On Hands ability that all paladins have.)

K'isst--not appreciating being jabbed at by her fake self--counter-attacks with her own trident, hitting the false troglodyte female twice (OOC: for 26hp damage!) The double hits back only once (doing 14hp damage.)

It's the party's initiative again.

Arien  3d6(2+6+6)=14 d20+12=25
Friday May 10th, 2002 8:39:15 AM

"Then I shall!" Arien snarls back at his duplicate and proceeds blast the copy with a fully powered discharge of his ring. The ghostly Ram's head blasts into the other Arien and flings him back like a rag doll. (Damage: 14(2+6+6) Opposed Strength check for the Bull Rush effect: 25)

Feng (16hp down) 
Friday May 10th, 2002 11:48:20 AM

Feng takes a defensive stance and looks upon his counterpart with curiosity. "You can heal with but a touch. Why are you attacking me?"

OOC: Feng is fighting defensively this round.

Renik  2d6(2+3)=5
Friday May 10th, 2002 6:59:10 PM

Well, I've tried everything else, Renik reasons, and with that, ready for anything he fades back into view, his weapons ready in an attacking posture.

Saturday May 11th, 2002 12:59:29 AM

"Then if you are me, then is there any doubt to my worth?! If you doubt my worth, then you are not me, for I am sure of my worth, and that I make a difference."

Rond is highly skeptical of the thoughts and actions of this duplicate of himself and continues to only defend himself. "If you are me, then why do you fight when there is no need to fight? For if you insist to fight, then you cannot be me. Because it is the simpler things in life I enjoy. Not the taking of life, or to be in conflict with others around me."

Kiss't (Matt)  d20+14=18 d8+9=12 d20+9=10
Sunday May 12th, 2002 3:32:55 AM

Kiss't looks down at her leg and sees the small spurt of blood. She grits her teeth and grunts back at the double, then raises her trident over her and brings it down hard on her foe's head. [First attack DC 18, 12 damage] She then swivels it back around and jabs it in the side but really misses wildly. [Natural 1]

Immediately reflecting on her failed attack she shouts angrily at the duplicate long and loud.

Hobbes  d20+7=18 2d4(1+1)+3=5
Sunday May 12th, 2002 3:47:12 AM

"Tsk...tsk...tsk..." thinks Hobbes. "Such brashness. Such arrogance. Obviously time to teach this thing a lesson. It cannot be him, nor anything even closely related to him. Yet it's time for it to end its presence here."

Hobbes bows his head slightly to his worthier-than-thou adversary and returns his scythe to his grasp. He then growls like a madman performing a partial charge at the impatient unclergyman. [Hit AC 18, 5 Damage]

Draax (11 dmg)  d20+2=19 d20+12=32 d20+12=32 d20+7=22 d8+7=9 d8+7=13 d8+7=13
Sunday May 12th, 2002 6:30:43 PM

Expecting his double to use the power of the sword, it still takes an effort to shake off the affects (will check 19). Draax laughs at his opponent, "I figured you would try that, but it still almost got me. I always wondered what happens to someone when the magic is unleashed."

The half-elf thinks that if he can anticipate his opponent's moves then he opponent can do the same to him. So the question is, how to out think himself? He smiles when the obvious answer comes to him, just do anything that you would normally not do.

Draax charges with his normal low feint, hesitates for a split second and continues on with the thrust (natural 20 crit, 22 dmg). The fighter smiles at the looks of surprise on his opponent's faces as his double anticipated a move that never came. Taking advantage of his reflection being caught off balance the half-elf scores another hit with his return swing (hit AC 22, 13 dmg) (35 total dmg).

Keeping with his cheerful mood Draax pulls his sword out of his opponent and stands ready. "You know, I did not realize how much I actually look like my father. Of course I do not remember him having such a painful look on his face as you do."

Draax waves his sword in a fashion to his opponent as if to say 'come and get it'.

Bill Troublefinder  d20+13=19 d20+12=32 d100=5 d100=1 d100=8 d100=20 d100=98 d20+12=29 d20+12=18 d20+12=23 d20+12=27 d20+12=21 d4+2=5 d4+2=6 d4+2=5
Monday May 13th, 2002 12:22:15 AM

Bill recognizes the incoming psychic crush, [psicraft 19] and resists the attacking energy of his identical rival [Will save 32].

Prepared to raise a psionic defense should another attack come, Bill pulls from his left pants pocket one of his darts of the hornet, and throws it at his personal challenger. [Rolling d100, 1-50: Material; 51-100: Ethereal] Four of the five darts (5, 1, 8, 20) which emanate from the one he threw manage to find the blinking hobbit on the material plane, and of them, the first (AC 29), third (23) and fourth (27) penetrate his defenses, doing 5+6+5=16 hp damage. The last dart does not find the duplicate halfling on the material plane, so heads for the one who hurled it - missing the real Bill by a mere whisker (21)! Bill activates his own ring of blinking (if he can).

Ferrak  d20+10=22 d6+4=8 d6=1
Monday May 13th, 2002 2:20:35 AM

Ferrak attacks the false Darkfang hoping to aid his brother before it is too late.
(Att 22 dmg = 9)

His weapon glowing blue with magic, as 'the ice sickle' does its frosty damage.

Darkfang  d20+4=13
Monday May 13th, 2002 8:05:01 AM

Darkfang tries to get another bite on his opponent, but just falls short of connecting.

Combat Round 3 (DM Donna)  d20+1=17 3d8(6+4+4)=14 d20+11=13 d20+8=14 d20+11=25 d20+8=25 d20+8=27 d8+6=9 d8+6=7 d8+6=12 d20+10=26 d20+5=25 2d6(4+1)+3=8 2d6(6+3)+3=12 d20+14=22 d20+9=17 d8+9=12 d20+7=20 d4+1=2 d4=4 d20+12=32 d20+12=21 d8+7=10 d8+7=14 d8+7=15 d6=6 d20+10=23 d20+12=22 d20+12=23 d20+12=29 d20+12=22 d20+12=25 d4+2=5 d4+2=3 d4+2=5 d4+2=4 d4+2=6 d20+10=15 d20+4=8
Tuesday May 14th, 2002 7:35:16 AM

Arien's doppleganger is slammed back against the eastern wall of the hallway with a bone-crunching thud, and slides down to the foot of the wall like a limp sack of flour. Arien2 gives the original a slight smile... of approval?

"You are worthy," states the vanquished foe--and the hallway suddenly shatters like a broken mirror, leaving Arien standing in the middle of the hallway (again???) The elf turns around in place, noticing that the mirrored wall opposite him is now frosted in appearance, while the rest of the mirrored wall appears black.

Just then, Renik reappears from his invisibility. Before the rogue can do more than open his mouth to greet Arien, however, the mirrored wall where Renik stands suddenly becomes silvered again--and Renik's reflection beckons. Renik disappears from Arien's view while the briefly-brightened mirror darkens to black once more.

Renik finds himself alone in the mirrorless hall--alone with his duplicate, who immediately lunges at the rogue with his rapier, but OtherRenik's two jabs don't come close.

"You are being tested, paladin," the copy of Feng answers him readily, "The test is neither good nor evil--it simply is. You cannot avoid it... and you cannot exit until either your worthiness or unworthiness is proven through combat." So saying, the OtherFeng whirls his own flaming Orc Axe to devastating effect, striking Feng three times (for a total of 28hp damage.)

Rond's double is telling the leader of the Hamleteers pretty much the same thing: the Hamleteers must each prove themselves worthy through combat... once that is done, the worthy ones can continue forward--those who lose go back. Rond2 strikes out twice, scoring each time. (OOC: 20hp damage.)

K'isst2 attacks K'isst with savage thrusts of her barbed trident, hitting the half-trog once (12hp damage.)

OtherHobbes grimaces as the cleric of Gargul finally puts up a fight, countering Hobbes' swipe with one of his own. (OOC: hits AC20 for 5hp damage)

Duplicate Draax uses the unusual tactics of Draax to his advantage, sliding to one side and then (literally) whirling back into melee range, his blade biting deep into the original fighter. (OOC: 39hp damage total!)

FauxBill finally appears to be affected by the wily halfling psychic's tactics as the darts hit home. Staggered, the duplicate tosses his own dart at Bill, which (likewise) splits into 5 missiles--all of which hit Bill with painful accuracy! (OOC: 23hp damage total.)

Ferrak's double, concentrating on hitting at the gnome, misses when Ferrak shifts his attention from the FauxFerrak to the Dopple-Darkfang. The fake wolf continues his dogfight with Darkfang, snapping and biting at the real canine, but failing to connect.

Ferrak  d20+10=30 d6+4=5 d6=6 d20+10=19 d6+4=7
Tuesday May 14th, 2002 1:39:46 PM

Afraid for his foster brother, and aware that together they are stronger, Ferrak once again swings at the fake Darkfang.

Fueled by rage, the feral gnome slices wickedly into the double, ice crackling off of the enchanted weapon.

(Att 30 dmg5+6frost, Critical hits on a 19 for 7 more for a total of 18 points of damage.)

Renik  d20+7=18 d20+4=7 d20+5=11
Tuesday May 14th, 2002 4:30:42 PM

Though he is astounded at the sudden appearance and then disappearance of Arien, and then the totally unprovoked attack from someone who looks the spitting image of himself, Renik's combat skills kick in at once.

Weaving and ducking he whips in three rapid attacks, but clearly his opponent matches his skills as well as his appearance. All three miss by some considerable margin. Obviously the thought of killing himself has shaken him more than he realised. He grits his teeth and pushes such thoughts from his mind; this is a fight to be won, and won by him. This him!

He circles his double, weapons at the ready, and smiles;

"Though it pains me to have to slay such a devilishly handsome adversary, there is only room for one Renik D'Acour in the Wold!"

OOC: AC vs Renik2 is 22: 19 (no buckler) +1 (dodge) +2 (Expertise)

Draax (50 dmg)  d20+12=23 d20+7=16 d8+7=12
Tuesday May 14th, 2002 6:20:42 PM

Draax coughs up blood as he barely remains standing from his opponent's last attacks. Cringing from the pain, but still displaying a look of joy as he tries to stay conscious. He wipes the blood from his lips as he smiles and laughs in-between the coughs. "Hey, no fair, that's exactly what I would have done. Oh well, it has been fun, but I am about done and do not see myself lasting much longer, one way or another it ends now."

Too hurt and exhausted to think of any clever maneuvers, Draax just swings at his double with all the strength he has left and fight his way through his double's guard (hit AC 23, 12 dmg).

Darkfang  d20+4=18
Tuesday May 14th, 2002 6:50:31 PM

Taking a clue from his brother Darkfangs turns to the FauxFerrak, but just comes up short on his bite.

Feng (45 down)  d20+11=17 d20+6=18 d20+6=16
Tuesday May 14th, 2002 10:44:19 PM

(OCC: that taught me to fight defensively) Pain filled every fiber of his being. Whiping the blood from his mouth on his sleeve, the rest in his gotee, Feng vowed that he wouldn't go down without a fight. Gripping his axe tightly, Feng attacked with all he had. It wasn't enough. The pain robbed much of the strength he had left. Feng falls to a knee and drops his axe onto the ground before him. "I will not fight any longer. Combat only proves who can kill better. Despite what you say only evil values death. My faith is strong and I do not fear death."

OOC: considering how the dice hate me today, I thought Feng would go out with some dignity. It appears that he will be one of the shortest characters I've ever had. The scary part is that I've had ones that were shorter.

Rond  d20+10=23 2d6(1+5)+3=9 2d6(2+4)+3=9
Wednesday May 15th, 2002 12:09:38 AM

Realizing that the double in front of him is not a real double of himself, Rond focuses on the events at hand. Getting down to business and refusing to let his double get the better of him Rond slices his sword through his double and quickly turns the slice around and cuts his double a 2nd time for 18 points of damage. (used a total of two hero points.)

K'isst (Matt) (26 Damage)  d20+14=34 d20+14=28 d20+9=12 d8+9=14 d8+9=11
Wednesday May 15th, 2002 2:42:19 AM

K'isst dodges aside a thrust and slams herself back into the wall behind her, just as the trident crashes into it. She shouts and ducks at another thrust but is poked in the ribs by the wicked K'isst.

She grasps her side and leaps overtop of the evil twin and lands behind giving her a quick double jab in her backside. The first connects solidly, pinning the foul thing up against the wall and pulls it out, blood gushing from the wound. She stabs again with a shriek and swings wide.

She stares at the duplicate as an lion stares at its prey before pouncing. She watches its moves, ready for more.

[Critical Hit (34, then 28, with 14+11=25 hp damage) and a miss (12)]

Hobbes (5 Damage taken)  d20+7=21 2d4(3+4)+3=10
Wednesday May 15th, 2002 2:55:56 AM

Hobbes takes a slight slice on his right shoulder but tis but a scratch! He grasps the nooks of his scythe, cradling it firmly in his hands, then swings it through, golf-style cutting across his twin's front for 10 damage.

"It seems that do remember this teaching in my master's classroom," quotes Hobbes. "Never let your anger get the better of you."

Bill Troublefinder (blinking, 12 damage)  d100=26 d20+4=24 d4=2 d8+5=6 d8+5=12
Wednesday May 15th, 2002 3:53:31 AM

Taking damage from three of the five darts (12 hp damage) (I think - can you verify?), blinking Bill switches tactics. At a moment when he and his rival are on the same plane (26 on d100), he sends an ego whip against him (Will save vs DC 24 + whatever psionic defense adjustment Faux Bill may raise, or DC 32 if he uses no defense), causing a temporary loss of two points of dexterity. He prepares to gulp down a potion of healing (1d8+5, reroll nat 1, heals up 12 hp damage) extracted from his right pocket. If psychically counter-attacked, Bill will raise a defense.

Arien  d20+10=30
Wednesday May 15th, 2002 1:03:23 PM

Arien stands there a moment staring at the mirror, trying to figure out what to do now. He had escaped almost unscathed and was now wondering if there was anyway to help his friends. He examines the mirror closely, trying to figure out if there was a way to bring back his friends. (Knowledge:Arcana roll: 30)

Feng (45 down)-hero point reroll  d20+11=20 d8+6=12 d6=6
Wednesday May 15th, 2002 6:21:05 PM

OCC: I was reminded that I have a hero point to spend. I doubt that one hit will change things but who knows. The hero point was used to reroll his first attack. [hit ac 20 for 18 dmg]

Combat Round 4 (DM Donna)  d20+10=20 d6+4=9 d6=3 d20+11=14 d20+8=13 d20+10=29 d20+5=6 d20+10=11 2d6(2+4)+3=9 2d6(6+2)+3=11 d20+14=26 d20+9=13 d8+9=16 d10=8 d20+8=25 d6=5 d20+3=22 d4=1 d20+13=14 d20+8=18 d20+7=17
Thursday May 16th, 2002 7:45:07 AM

Ferrak's well-aimed blow causes the fake wolf to yelp and appear to shatter into pieces, much like a broken mirror. Darkfang's bite misses FauxFerrak, who slices at the snapping beastie with his sickle, hitting Darkfang for a total of 12 more hit points damage.

Renik2 shakes his head at the original.

"You'd think I'd have better aim!" he admonishes the rogue, counterattacking and frowning because his own fencing isn't effective, either.

OtherDraax lifts his blade to administer a coup-de-grace on his severely-wounded opponent, but Draax's short-and-sweet sword blow stops the double cold.

"You...you ARE worthy..!" Draax2 says, then he and the hallway shatter like a broken window--and Draax suddenly appears in the hallway occupied by Arien.

Arien's inspection of the darkened mirror wall is interrupted by the sudden materialization of Draax nearby. The elf notices that the mirror section opposite Draax is now frosted, just like the section when Arien defeated his own double. With his command of arcane knowledge, Arien comes to the conclusion that each of the Hamleteers have been whisked off to face their own copies inside the mirror. As soon as the original defeats their double, they reappear in the original hallway. It must be some kind of test...

Rond's foe grimaces, bringing his own greatsword up and around and striking Rond with two quick but effective blows for a total of 20hp damage.

K'isst2 continues to jab at the real half-elf, one of the blows landing for 16hp damage.

Bill eyes his clone, having taken 23hp damage from the darts last round, and launches a calculated Ego Whip against FauxBill.

Hastily selecting Thought Shield with which to defend himself, the doppleganger just barely manages to avoid losing his dexterity to the mental attack. FauxBill is physical when he elects to use Stomp against Bill in order to knock the halfling over. (Reflex save versus DC22 or be knocked prone while suffering 1hp subdual damage.)

FauxFeng reels from the true paladin's rallying attack, which causes the clone's own blows to miss.

Hobbes2 attacks Hobbes, the scythe blade whistling harmlessly past the cleric.

Rond  d20+10=28 d20+10=11 d20+5=16 2d6(2+3)+3=8 2d6(2+5)+3=10
Thursday May 16th, 2002 10:12:05 AM

In what looks like a matter of who can take the more damage Rond grimaces as the fakeRond connects with his hits. Rond shifts a little in order to compensate for his injuries. As he finishes his tiny movement, he launches into two more quick hits for 18 points of damage. (no critical)

Draax  3d8(7+4+5)+1=17
Thursday May 16th, 2002 12:26:27 PM

Draax sighs in relief as his image shatters and he appears in the hallway with Arien, He leans against the wall and slowly slides to the floor. Reaching into his backpack he pulls a potion of cure serious wounds and empties the content down his throat (healed 17). As a little of his strength returns he slowly gets back to his feet. He looks over at Arien and gives him a weak smile. "Do you have any idea what is going on around here?"

Feng (45 down)  d20+11=24 d20+6=19 d20+6=20 d8+6=9 d6=5 d8+6=13 d6=4 d8+6=11 d6=2
Thursday May 16th, 2002 2:12:41 PM

Feng grips his flaming axe and rises to his feet. The gods saw fit to give him one last chance. He wasn't about to waste it. Gritting his teeth, Feng blocks out all the pain and attack his dupe, letting out a mighty roar. The axe spins like a flaming whirlwind cutting into the faux feng. [hit ac 24 for 14 dmg, ac 19 for 17 dmg, and ac 20 for 13]

Darkfang (22 dmg) 
Thursday May 16th, 2002 2:30:03 PM

Darkfang jumps back as he see the sickle coming his way, but could not get out of the way fast enough. The wolf yeps as he take the hit and stands by his brother displaying his teeth defiantly at FauxFerrak. The wolf gives out a loud bark before falling to the floor unconscious. "Woof, {Brother}."

Darkfang's body lays at his brother's feet, but his chest can be seen moving up and down as if he was taking a nap.

Ferrak  d20+3=6 d8+3=10
Thursday May 16th, 2002 3:06:39 PM


Taking the chance, Ferrak calls upon the powers of mother Nature to heal his fallen brother.
(CLW + 10hp) Sorry I rolled d20 first

When his brother struggles to his feat the feral gnome jumps onto his back and urges him back away into the hallway.

Getting ready to charge, Ferrak lets out a piercing howl.

Renik  d20+9=21 d20+6=17 d6+5=9
Thursday May 16th, 2002 5:18:38 PM

"Pah! Hopeless!" scoffs the rogue as his double's blows fly wide. "Call yourself Renik D'Acour? You're not fit to shine my shoes with laughable swordsmanship like that!"

And to emphasise the point he counters with a couple of swift rapier thrusts, using his buckler to fend off ripostes. (Hit AC 21 for 9 HP if it connects).

(OOC: AC next round 23 (Expertise (2), Buckler (1) Dodge (1) Armour & Dex (19)

Thursday May 16th, 2002 7:23:22 PM

"Well Draax as near as I can tell when the mirror was touched it took us all inside of it for a sort of trial by combat. I battled my reflection and suspect that you did as well. Which means our companions are battling themselves as we speak. I managed to defeat my reflection quickly and thus I escaped any serious harm. I see though that you were hurt rather badly and I worry that some might not be faring as well. I thought for a moment to shatter the mirror but I doubt that an object this magical could be broken by anything I can manage. Not to mention that there is good chance of our friends not coming back so I guess the best we can do is to sit here and wait for them." Sparing a quick glance at the mirror Arien crouches beside Draax, "You need some more healing? I'm no cleric but I do have some potions if you need them."

K'isst (Matt) (42 Damage)  d20+14=18 d20+7=21 d8+9=14 d8+9=14
Friday May 17th, 2002 1:36:27 AM

Frothing with rage, blood oozing from the punctures in her arm, stomach, and legs, K'isst roars raising her trident above her head and brings it down with full force on the twin's skull, then again at its chest. She lets out a warcry and is somewhat indistinguishable from her elven heritage.

[Hit AC 18 and 21, for 14 and 14 damage, 28 total.]

Bill Troublefinder (blinking, hp -23, -1 subdual, +12, net down 12)  d100=25 d20+8=21 d20+8=21
Friday May 17th, 2002 3:06:52 AM

Bill falls down (Reflex save DC 21, one short), and laughs. "Good, good. I've always been the one to do that to others." He manages to hold on to the potion of healing (voluntary reflex save 21, to make sure the vial is not broken or spilled). He now drinks it (using roll from prior post - cures 12 hp damage), and enjoys the healing effect, and rises to his feet.

Hobbes (Down 5)  d20+7=21 2d4(4+1)+3=8
Friday May 17th, 2002 5:56:42 AM

Hobbes thinks very seriously about his next move. He had never actually realized how brooding and dark he looks staring at people in combat. It does give him a shudder... but he can't give in to his fears. With Gargul behind him he will prevail... and thus he swats his scythe sideways across his opposite's arm and left side. [Hit AC 21, 8 Damage]

Combat Round 5 (DM Donna)  d20+10=29 d20+5=21 2d6(6+1)+3=10 2d6(6+2)+3=11 d20+10=22 d6+4=6 d6=1 d20+11=29 d20+8=25 d6+5=7 d6+5=6 d20+14=21 d20+9=18 d8+9=11 d8+9=10 d20+7=25 2d4(4+1)+1=6 d20+3=5 2d4(4+1)=5
Monday May 20th, 2002 6:32:18 AM

Rond2's great sword strikes the real ranger twice, leaving 21hp damage in its wake.

Feng--after a sudden swell of spirit--resists the urge to simply give up and strikes back at his double, the flaming orc axe making horrible wounds in the other half-orc. Strangely enough, this only causes FauxFeng to smile and bow his head.

"You are worthy!" the magical opponent admits. All around Feng appears to shatter into pieces (which disappear), and the paladin is suddenly standing in the same hallway--only Arien is a few feet away, attending a bloody Draax. The mirror opposite Feng is no longer dark, but frosted in appearance.

FauxFerrak's Ice Sickle slashes out at the mounted druid/warrior, doing a total of 7hp damage.

Renik2's rapier finds its mark twice; Renik suffers a total of 13hp damage.

K'isst's doppleganger ululates shrilly as she puts all her weight behind the two blows that connect with the original half-elf. K'isst is impaled for another 21hp damage.

The Fake Hobbes slashes back at the real priest of Gargul, scoring a hit and inflicting 6hp damage this round.

Bill gets to his feet just as FauxBill's eyes turn silver once more...and the wily halfling feels the onset of another Psychic Crush. (OOC: Willpower DC5 or suffer the loss of 5 Wisdom points.)

Rond (down 61) AC 18 now  d20+6=21 d20+1=17 d6+3=5 d6=5 2d6(6+2)+3=11
Monday May 20th, 2002 8:56:23 AM

Rond hesitates for just a second after being hit in the latest round. He's never been this hurt before in any action that he's seen. His mortality comes to the forefront of his thinking as he goes into defensive mode (-4 attack +2 dodge bonus).

He's worried for his friends and their mission. Some of us have come very far, only to be defeated by themselves?! Picking up his courage and shoving it way down deep. Rond picks himself up and moves in for two more heavy attacks (21 points damage). Starting up a running dialog in his head Rond starts chanting to himself, 'I will not fall, I will not fall ......'

Feng (24 down) 
Monday May 20th, 2002 12:07:36 PM

Feng drops his axe and falls to his knees. An unbelievable amount of pain coursed through his body. Placing his hands on his chest, Feng healed what he could. "That was the most insane thing I have ever been through."

Bill Troublefinder  d20+12=32 d100=7 d20+5=23 d4=4
Monday May 20th, 2002 12:35:07 PM

[Wow!] It takes little effort for Bill to shrug off the psychic crush, and he counters with a tit-for-tat stomp, the rainbow flash and rapid boom join with the shaking floor, causing 4 hp of subdual damage to his worthy opponent and knocking him to the ground should he fail a Reflex save vs. DC 23 (and d100=7 means they are on the same plane at the moment of attack). Bill moves right next to him, his short sword in hand, and at FauxBill's throat. "Give up yet, Mr. Troublefound?" he asks with a grin, as the identical halflings blink quickly between the material and ethereal planes.

Draax (33 down) 
Monday May 20th, 2002 2:17:52 PM

Draax nods his head at Arien's explanation. "Your explanation explains a lot. Actually, I thought I was a goner, but I just barely beat the other me. I hope the others are not having as hard of a time as I encountered. The last thing my double said to me is 'you are worthy.' Worthy for what is my next question, but I guess we will have to wait for that answer. Thanks for the offer of healing; if you can spare one or two potions I would appreciate it a lot."

Draax looks over at the appearance of Feng and turns back to Arien. "Maybe you should see to him first and the others may need healing, also, when they finally beat their opponents."

Monday May 20th, 2002 2:23:40 PM

Darkfang rises as he receives his brother's healing and gets ready to charge as farrek gets on his back. "Woof, woof, woof, {I am ready when you are, we will teach this false one why the pack fights better together.}"

Ferrak (17 pts taken)  d20+13=27 d6+4=6 d6=1 d6+4=7
Monday May 20th, 2002 3:10:09 PM

{Yes, brother. YES!} As the two become one, a blur of energy in motion. The feral gnome manuevers to a position where he is able to charge, then with a bark the wolf brothers are a spear in flight.

Keeping his shield high, and the sliver of his blade low, the feral pair crash into the false Ferrak. (27 spirited charge dmg = 14 pts)

Crashing to a halt, Ferrak snarls as his quarter moon blade cuts into his copy.

{Trip him brother. For the pack!}

Renik (Down 13 HP)  d20+9=26 d20+6=16 d20+7=20 d6+5=11
Monday May 20th, 2002 5:25:52 PM

Renik answers like with like, powering a furious blow at his opponent (AC 26 for 11HP), and following up with to less accurate blows.

"That's better!" he grins, as the two rogues circle one another, weapons flashing.

Hobbes  d20+7=15
Tuesday May 21st, 2002 5:01:00 AM

Hobbes gets cut in the shin, a particularly nasty swipe as the other's blade works its way neatly under one of the mail's plates, much like a papercut underneath a fingernail.

Hobbes bites his tongue and lets out a gasp swinging with half force and clanging off the dark Hobbes' own suit of armor doing nothing.

K'isst (Matt) (73 Down) 
Tuesday May 21st, 2002 5:21:25 AM

The eyes of K'isst go wide with disbelief. She recalls the accuracy at which her blows were aimed just as they were many years ago when instructed by her tribemasters and here today, the force and damage done would have killed one and a half K'issts. But something has gone wrong... and now K'isst stares down at the image of her trident, but not hers. It vibrates with a tenseness in her bloody enemy's hands. She takes hold of the wood handle lightly, grasping it in disbelief, blood running out of her mouth, the tri-pronged tip completely running through her abdomen and into the wall behind her. She begins to feel faint, a clang of her own weapon slipping to the ground is heard as she stares back at the evil force in front of her and thinks not of rage and killing, but of her home, her friends... and then... all is silent.

[K'isst did 91 points of damage during this combat which would have killed a normal K'isst, but as it seemingly did not. K'isst has now taken 73 points of damage which more than takes her down.]

Combat Round 6 (DM Donna)  d20+10=19 d20+5=16 2d6(3+6)+3=12 d20+8=19 d20+10=13 d20+11=29 d20+8=28 d6+5=9 d6+5=11 d20+7=14
Tuesday May 21st, 2002 6:35:47 AM

Arien, Draax and Feng find themselves suddenly joined in the hallway by an unconscious and heavily bleeding K'isst, who happens to hear her own voice--albeit from K'isst2's mouth--say approvingly: "You are worthy!" before the darkness claims her. The mirror opposite of where she materializes lightens up, but is also frosty in appearance.

Rond2's greatsword strikes at the real ranger twice, but only one blow lands, inflicting 12hp damage.

Bill's Stomp effectively knocks FauxBill to the ground! However, Bill notices something strange and tries to puzzle out its meaning... (make a Psicraft/Spellcraft check versus DC15 to finally figure out that Bill & his copy are now completely in synch with their blinking, thus they are now always affecting each other with their attacks.) OtherBill scrambles to his feet--obviously nowhere near as gracefully as the real Bill would have.

Ferrak and Darkfang's concerted effort on the fake druid/warrior causes the FauxFerrak to miss his next blow.

Renik's doppelganger finds a chink in the dexterous rogue's defenses and manages to score twice with his own rapier, inflicting a total of 20 more hit points of damage.

"The truth hurts even more than mere physical blows, brother," the fake Hobbes tells the real cleric, "I can tell that you still don't want to face the truth--you might as well give up! You have poor judgment--you couldn't even admit that you misjudged Morphia!--and even poorer combat skills! How can you possibly hope to help The Wold in its gravest hour of need..?" Hobbes2 tries to underscore his point by slicing at Hobbes again, but the clone's taunt about poor combat skills applies to his own efforts this time around, as he misses Hobbes by a mile.

Bill Troublefinder (Synchronized blinking, down 12 hp)  d20+13=24 d20+7=8
Tuesday May 21st, 2002 1:09:49 PM

The real halfling is able to discern that he and his duplicate are synchronized in their blinking (psi-/spellcraft 24). Somehow, this makes sense to him. With his sword he attempts to strike at his unsurrendered handsome adversary for subdual damage - but misses totally (nat 1).

Hobbes (11 Damage taken)  d20+7=20 2d4(1+3)+3=7
Tuesday May 21st, 2002 1:19:43 PM

Hobbes takes a deep breath and refocuses his efforts, ignoring the other's attempts to distract him and diminish his spirits. He reconnects to his inner focus and studies for an opening, then strikes downward to the Faux' Hobbes shoulder, striking cleanly for 7 damage.
(Total damage done: 30)

Ferrak (-17)  d20+11=26 d6+4=9 d6=6
Tuesday May 21st, 2002 3:05:42 PM

Hearing the blood pounding in his head, the feral gnome strikes out again savagely.
(Attk 26~dmg=15)

The quarter-moon blade of his sickle, eclipsing with magical energies, as it sinks into the druid's double.

Renik (Down 33 HP)  d20+11=21 d20+9=26 d6+5=9 d6+5=11
Tuesday May 21st, 2002 4:06:01 PM

"That... hurt!" grimaces Renik, as blood trickles down his face and arm. He lashes back with his own rapier, mimicking his doppelganger almost exactly (20 HP!) with the placing of his blows. "Hope that does too, my fine friend!" he grins, though his bravado ill-conceals the pain he is suffering.

He raises his buckler, and prepares for his double's next onslaught with gritted teeth. (AC 21)

Feng (24 down)  d20+5=21
Tuesday May 21st, 2002 5:49:27 PM

Seeing K'isst bleeding, possibly to death, Feng rushes over to her unconcious body. He digs through his pack and pulls out a wooden box. Opening up he starts digging through the various herbs and bandages [healer's kit]. "Hang on pretty lady. Don't you dare leave us." Feng sprinkles the various herbs into her wounds to help stop the bleeding before bandaging her wounds. "Just hold on, you'll be all right." [healing check 21, using the healer's kit gives a +2 bonus for a total of 23]

Darkfang  d20+4=22 d20+1=10 d6+1=5
Tuesday May 21st, 2002 11:02:24 PM

While in close combat Darkfang takes a bite out of the FauxFerrak (hit AC 24, 5 dmg). As he locked on to a leg the wolf takes his brother's advice and attempts to trip their opponent (str check 10).

Draax (33 down) 
Tuesday May 21st, 2002 11:15:41 PM

Seeing the condition that K'isst appeared in Draax changes his mind on who needs the healing potion more. Looking at Arien, "Actually I think K'isst needs them more than the rest of us. I hope this does not become a pattern, with everyone showing up a little worst than the next."

Draax nods his head in appreciation to Feng for his quick thinking in saving K'isst's life.

Rond (73 points down)  d20+6=20 2d6(2+5)+3=10
Wednesday May 22nd, 2002 12:16:22 AM

Feeling the sudden grip of death coming over his heart, Rond takes one final swipe at Rond2. Leaving his sword embedded in his double (10 points damage), Rond falls to the floor unconscious.

Arien  d8+1=9 d8+1=9
Wednesday May 22nd, 2002 12:32:43 PM

Arien digs a potion of Cure Light Wounds out of his pack and, popping the seal with a thumb, pours it down the unconcious K'isst's throat. Arien waits a moment, studying the effect of the potion on his fallen comrade and then pours another down her throat.

(18 total hp returned.)

K'isst (Matt) (Down 55)  d20+7=24 d20+3=11 d20+11=25 d20+7=9 d8+7=15
Wednesday May 22nd, 2002 6:35:10 PM

Kiss't bolts upright suddenly grabbing at both Arien and Feng, her eyes lit wild with fire. She successfully grabs Arien by the throat with her right hand but misses wildly at Feng. She grits her teeth with rage as she sits up, blood running off her nose and mouth and squeezes her grip.

Her facial features intensify, then soften as she comes into focus. Her grip immediately loosens. She looks around bewildered and woozy.

"Arien?" she asks, "Feng? What the--" She stops as she realizes what she has done then pulls Arien roughly to her and hugs him, "Forgive me, Arien."

She pulls away then looks back at Feng and then over at Draax. "Where?--" she says troubledly, "Are we the only ones left? Where are Bill and Renik?!?"

She looks back at the mirror that is only partially frosted and grits her teeth with anger. She staggers forward shouting in anger and grabs her normal trident from her back. She immediately begins pounding on the glass as hard as she can.

"Let them out! Let... them... OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUT!"

[Hit AC 26, 15 damage to the mirror with nonmagic weapon]

Feng (24 down)  d20+5=19
Wednesday May 22nd, 2002 9:39:13 PM

Feng quickly grabs the end of the trident and holds it with his impressive strength [str check 19]. "M'Lady please stop. It appears that they will appear again after their battle is over. Win or lose. If you manage to damage or break the mirror they may never get out. Please sit down and rest. Too much exertion will cause your bandages to fail. Please calm down for your own good." Feng tries to gently escort K'isst away from the mirror.

K'isst (Matt)  d20+5=9
Wednesday May 22nd, 2002 11:17:15 PM

In K'isst's weakened state, she is easily overpowered by Feng, only having got off the one blow on the mirror. She stands unable to move the trident from the half-orc's grasp and looks back at him intensely. With a deep pant she lets go of the trident and succumbs to gravity as the loss of blood hits her like a ton of bricks. She quickly meets the floor once again and stares back at the mirror.

Combat Round 7 (DM Donna)  d20+7=23 d6+2=3 d20+7=18 d20+7=10 d20+10=27 d2=2 d6+4=5 d6=2 d20+11=19 d20+8=25 d6+5=6
Thursday May 23rd, 2002 6:19:34 AM

FauxBill laughs mockingly at the original halfling, a familiar short sword appearing in his hand.

"What a loser!" OtherBill says. "Why don't you just give up? You are less than effective. You can't help yourself, much less The Wold." To underscore his pronouncement, the doppelganger stabs at Bill, inflicting 3hp damage.

Hobbes manages to duck another heavy swing of the scythe by his own clone.

FauxFerrak manages to keep his feet in spite of the injuries done to him by the mounted druid and his wolf companion. His counterattack is directed at Darkfang, slicing at the wolf for a total of 7hp damage.

Renik's double--looking much the worse for wear as the battle continues--flicks out with his rapier once, twice...only one of the blows landing for 6hp damage.

Rond loses consciousness, bleeding profusely. As the hallway and Rond2 appear to shatter around him, he can hear "himself" say: "You are worthy!"

K'isst's attack on the mirror doesn't have any effect on it, but suddenly Rond appears on the floor a few feet away. The mirror opposite the leader of the Hamleteers is now frosted. Rond himself is covered head-to-toe with horrible wounds and blood--and he doesn't appear to be breathing.

(OOC: Rond is now in the hallway with K'isst, Feng, Draax, and Arien. Bill, Hobbes, Renik, Ferrak and Darkfang are still missing from the group.)

Arien  d8+1=7 d8+1=8
Thursday May 23rd, 2002 12:08:35 PM

"Quick with the healing kit over here Feng!" Arien shouts as he scrambles over to Rond's still form. He puts his ears against Rond's chest listening for a heart beat. If he hears one Arien pulls out his remaining two potions and quickly pours them down Rond's throat.

(15hp healed total)

Ferrak  d20+10=18 d20+11=18 d20+11=18
Thursday May 23rd, 2002 1:18:37 PM

Watching as his mirror image tries to slice into his brother, Ferrak attempts to guide Darkfang out of harm's way. (Ride check=18)

Communicating on a subconcious level, the feral pair resemble the two headed hounds of legend as Ferrak lashes out again at his doppleganger.

(Att+11=18) I used a hero point but I seem to need that 18 for some reason.)

Bill Troublefinder (Blinking, down 15 hp)  d20+10=16
Thursday May 23rd, 2002 3:08:37 PM

Bill, unimpressed with his twin's evaluation, lets him know that he's still ready to tangle. And does so, stepping back 5 feet (allowing an AoO from FauxBill), and hitting him with a tanglefoot bag. (Ranged touch attack, 16 hits vs. Bill's RTT AC. See PH, page 114, for details of effects.) "Your counsel and perspective lack merit, fella."

OOC Comment from Matt 
Thursday May 23rd, 2002 3:51:15 PM

[Taking a 5 foot step does not allow an AoO].

Renik (Down 39 HP)  d20+9=14 d20+7=21 d20+9=24 d6+5=10 d6+1=7
Thursday May 23rd, 2002 5:28:01 PM

Desperate to take his double down Renik goes for a last ditch, all-out attack. He knows that should the attack fail, it may very well mean his life, for he is nearly out on his feet. The only consolation is that his counterpart looks in just as bad shape.

His desperation seems to guide his blades; though his first rapier strike is too slow, his shortsword stab and follow up with his rapier are far more accurate (AC 21 for 10 HP with his rapier, AC 24 for 7 HP with shortsword).

Renik prays that his blows are enough to finish his opponent, and attempts tom dodge any incoming strikes (AC 20 including Dodge).

Darkfang  d20+4=16
Thursday May 23rd, 2002 10:34:39 PM

Darkfang tries to take another nip out of their opponent, but as falls short as his brother tries to steer him out of harms way.

Draax (33 down) 
Thursday May 23rd, 2002 10:44:00 PM

Seeing that Arien and Feng has Rond and K'isst under control, Draax sighs and looks to the remaining mirrors waiting for the others to arrive. He looks back at Rond and hopes that no one comes through the mirror that cannot be help.

Rond (down 62) 
Friday May 24th, 2002 3:36:46 AM

As Arien feeds Rond 2 potions you can see some of the deeper wounds healing and that his breathing eases a little bit.

Rond is in the woods around where the monks had trained him. There is no one there and yet Rond feels at peace with the area. He wanders around the little glade and touches various parts of the beauty of growing things. Something changes, and now he can hear something calling to him. He's torn in two because he'd love to stay in the glade. Pausing for an extra second, Rond smells a flower before turning to the calling.

Hobbes (Down 11)  d20+6=15 6d6(5+5+3+5+2+6)=26
Friday May 24th, 2002 4:07:04 AM

"You know," he begins as he ducks under the widely-swung scythe, "You are correct, sir. I do have poor combat skills."

He then straightens up and keeps his scythe in front of him. "But you are wrong. I know the truth and I know myself. Why else would I simply engage you in combat as it is my best chance of avoiding serious harm. And as for Morphia...she is a naive child whose actions are suspicious. Whether good or bad one must always question people's motives or else they will end up dead."

Hobbes folds his hands together and and brings from within him power, power from his grand deity, from Gargul himself.

"And I'm afraid," Hobbes says darkly, "you have made this fatal error. May Gargul deliver you. Goodbye."

Hobbes makes a quick lunge forward, not with his scythe, but with his hand, fingers extended and touches the evil manifestation of himself directly in the forehead. The power from within him channels to Hobbes' heart where it rests but an instant before shooting out through his fingertips into his enemy. The power is like a force of raw death that jolts his opponent for several seconds. When all has ended, Hobbes removes his hand from his foe and shakes his head.

"Such a pity."

[Melee touch attack hit AC 15, Domain Granted Power: Death touch (Death Domain, PHB p.163), No Save, The power is "On a successful melee touch attack, Roll 1d6 per level and score over the opponent's current hit points and opponent dies." Rolled 26. He has 19 hp left. He is allowed an attack of opportunity before dying tho.]

K'isst (Matt) (Down 46)  d8+1=9
Friday May 24th, 2002 4:20:58 AM

K'isst continues to stare back at the mirror, almost a gorilla-like glare upon her face. The agony of her wounds hits her again and she grimaces at the large hole in her chest. She reaches for her blood-soaked pack and opens the latch with some difficulty. After fumbling around, her hand emerges with a vial of red liquid. She bites the stopper off the top and spits it across the floor, gulping the cool medicinal-tasting syrum.

Finishing she hurls the empty vial at the smoky section of the mirror where it crashes into several pieces. Her gaze meets that of Draax, who is quietly accessing the situation and showing concern for everyone. She crumples her brow momentarily, then digs into her pack again.

"Draax," she utters, "Take!"

She then slides another vial of red liquid across to him. "Drink!"

Feng (24 down)  d20+7=23
Friday May 24th, 2002 11:52:53 AM

(OCC sorry about that)

Seeing another bloodied compatriat, Feng grabs his kit and rushes over to Rond. He hopes that he no longer needs the kit today. Once again Feng breaks out the herbs and bandages. He begins the process of treating Rond's many wounds. [healing check 23]

Combat Round 8  d20+11=14 d20=1 d20=8 d20=2 d20+7=10
Tuesday May 28th, 2002 7:53:30 AM

FauxFerrak's arm raises and lowers again, missing the wolf-riding druid/warrior by a country mile.

OtherBill is unable to avoid the entangling properties of the tanglefoot bag and looses a string of very colorful language since he'd intended to slash at the real Bill with his shortsword and clearly has fouled the attack.

Renik2--just as he pivots and steps closer for a coup de grace--finds that he's miscalculated his spin and stepped right into the expertly-wielded rapier of the original Renik. Smiling with some blood on his lips, the clone bows a bit stiffly, announcing:

"You are worthy..!"

The foe and hallway shatter into bits, and Renik finds himself still standing in the hall--only that most of the other Hamleteers are there, too. The mirror opposite the rogue is now frosted...but there are still three areas of the mirror still darkly opaque.

The appearance of Hobbes (and the sudden frosting of his area of the mirrored wall) forestalls any comments by anyone for a moment. The last thing that the cleric of Gargul remembers is using his Death Touch on the copy of himself. Hobbes2 stiffened, then cocked an eyebrow at the true priest.

"I am you, Hobbes, and believe me when I tell you that the pity lies in the fact that you were mistaken and have yet to admit to your lapse of judgement." Hobbes2 told the original. "Your inability to confess your shortcomings notwithstanding, however--you ARE worthy of continuing on. Good luck." Then Hobbes' surroundings had appeared to shatter...and now he was standing in the hallway with the rest of the party.

The rest of the party save Bill and Ferrak (and Darkfang), that is...

Renik (Down 15 HP)  3d8(3+8+8)+5=24
Tuesday May 28th, 2002 3:22:42 PM

Renik drops to one knee, panting for breath. As his lifeblood drips to the floor he thanks sweet Mittiri's twelve tiny toes that his last attack proved sufficient.

He reaches for a potion from his belt and swiftly gulps down the contents (CSW: 24HP).

Looking instantly better as the magical cure takes hold he stands and greets his companions warmyly.

"K'isst! Rond! Are we all here? Who's still missing? Did you all fight duplicates of yourselves also?" Renik is very glad indeed to be reunited with the party, but is concerned for the missing members of the team.

Draax (25 down)  d8+1=8
Tuesday May 28th, 2002 5:15:20 PM

Draax takes the vial of red liquid from K'isst and drinks it (heal 8 hps). He smiles at K'isst, "Thanks, I appreciate it."

He turns his attention to newcomers as they appear in the hallway. "Welcome Hobbes and Renik, I am glad you guys made it. We are still waiting for Bill, Ferrak, and Ferrak's wolf companion. So far a few of us have been hurt pretty bad, but no one has died from this ordeal yet. Hopefully our luck will hold out."

Darkfang  d20+4=14
Tuesday May 28th, 2002 7:09:51 PM

Darkfang tries to catch the FauxFerrak's leg during the false one's attack, but again the wolf bite comes up short.

Feng (24 down) 
Tuesday May 28th, 2002 11:39:49 PM

With Rond patched up, Feng waits for the next bloody and near corpse to arrive.

Rond (down 62) 
Wednesday May 29th, 2002 2:23:27 AM

After traveling down a tunnel for what seems a long time, Rond finally wakes up in the corridor. For a brief second, he doesn't realize where or what has happened. Then pain floods his consciousness as all his wounds demand attention. Groaning heavily, Rond looks over himself to see that his wounds are not currently bleeding. Hearing Draax's report as he finishes assessing himself, Rond wonders how the missing party members are faring. Working his way up to his elbows Rond looks around to assess how the others fared. (Evidently better off than himself. Few are as beat up as he is.)

Bill Troublefinder (Blinkin' like mad, down 15 hp)  d20+7=26 d20+7=23 d6+2=8 d6+2=7
Wednesday May 29th, 2002 2:26:51 AM

Bill steps forward five feet to engage his stuck foe. "Tsk, tsk, such vulgarities flowing from so well-formed a mouth. Does a spring of pure water issue also bitter water?" His favorite sword slashes diagonally, catching the opposing halfling imitator at the front of the right shoulder, slicing thence downward and to his left for 15 hp of damage (Threat roll at AC 26, critical at AC 23 (fauxBill currently at ~AC 18), doing d6+2=8 plus d6+2=7 for 15 hp total).

Hobbes (Down 11)  d20+5=16 2d8(3+3)+6=12
Wednesday May 29th, 2002 4:17:55 AM

Hobbes materializes, visibly annoyed.

"Of all the arrogant stupidity!" he blasts at the mirror and slams down his scythe onto the ground. (Away from anyone of course)

He turns and looks at his fellow party members, still reeling from the third helping of illogic that was just handed to him.

"If that evil creature wasn't dead already, it'd die in ten seconds in the real world!" he thinks to himself.

He then returns to the reality of the situation... of his fallen comrades lying in the hallway bleeding and his features soften a bit. He quickly spots the worst casualty at the moment: Rond.

He approaches him quickly and takes off his backpack and places it under Rond's head and begins applying makeshift bandages to Rond.

"Lie back, Rond. Your wounds are quite deep. Save your strength," says the cleric trying to recline the warrior. He starts closely examining the cuts, gashes and lacerations and judges that they indeed are quite deep. [Heal Check 16] He applies pressure and ties off certain places. With a quick glance back to the others he notices a certain trend.

"You warriors indeed got the worst of this fight. I indeed would hate to face any ONE of you in battle," Hobbes says applying a dressing to a large leg wound.

He then turns his attention to the large gash in his side and frowns. Placing a now bloodied hand upon it he makes circular gestures and barely touching it utters, "Trck'se marm gak zortan." The deep wound seals itself slowly until it is healed. The armor unfortunately is still damaged. He looks down satisfied but weary as he knows he's got a lot of work ahead of him.

[Cure Moderate Wounds 12 HP]

Hobbes (Reroll - Hero Point)  2d8(7+6)+6=19
Wednesday May 29th, 2002 4:39:43 AM

[using a Hero Point to Reroll that Cure Moderate Wounds roll which gives Rond 19 HP back instead of 12]

K'isst (Matt) (Down 42)  d8+1=4
Wednesday May 29th, 2002 4:48:38 AM

K'isst nods her head to Draax, a frenzied smile on her face, then turns as the images of Renik and Hobbes appear.

"Good," she simply says and lightly slaps Renik on the arm, "You two came out well."

She dips into her pack again and pulls out another potion, rips off the top, and downs this one quickly, then sends it crashing into the wall like the last one.

"When Ferrak and Bill come back what next?"

DM Donna 
Wednesday May 29th, 2002 12:20:44 PM

(waiting for Ferrak's post.)

Ferrak  d20+11=18
Wednesday May 29th, 2002 3:26:20 PM

(Another 18!?!)

Snarling, Ferrak continues his assault. Despite the ferocity of his blows, the feral gnome can't seem to find an opening.


Wednesday May 29th, 2002 11:46:44 PM

"There's nothing to do now but to wait for Bill and Ferrak I suppose. I found myself easy to defeat." Arien pauses for a moment and smiles wryly, "I'm not sure whether that means I'm easy to beat up or good at doing the beating."

The Mirror Crack'd (DM Donna) 
Thursday May 30th, 2002 6:52:01 AM

In spite of the fact that it appears to both Ferrak and Bill (within their respective battles) that they are closer to defeat and/or death than they'd ever been before, both the gnome and the halfling continue to fight their clones.

Both original Hamleteers see their copies smile rather strangely, then both doppelgangers bow their heads.

"You are worthy!" is the last thing either Bill or Ferrak hear their other selves say before the hallways they are battling in shatter apart... and everyone is suddenly occupying the same hall--only the entire surface of the mirror on the north wall is completely frosted.

"Well met, adventurers!" booms a loud voice in rich, rounded tones. Once more the hallway shatters around you--only this time the party finds itself in the middle of a huge cavern.

The cavern is easily at least 300 feet in circumference. It has a relatively flat, sandy floor with groups of stalagmites here and there, while the walls literally sparkle with a combination of phosphorous lichens and half-buried crystals that reflect the light. The eerie illumination is actually very adequate and rather beautiful.

Approximately thirty feet in front of you is a very curious sight: another large, floating scroll (like the one in the Black Temple)--and, sitting next to it in a comfy-looking chair sized to his particular girth, is a dwarf.

Everyone in the party must roll a Historical Knowledge check versus DC15 (or simply an Intelligence check) in order to realize that this son of earth is dressed in clothing that was all the rage about three hundred years ago.

The ruddy-faced dwarf shifts in his chair, puffs heavily from his cigar and raises a large metallic tankard to you.

"Well done, too!" he speaks in the voice that you'd heard earlier. "Only twice b'fore has anyone come through the Hall of Trial... and then, they was corpses I had to hove off that-a-ways..!" The dwarf uses his cigar to indicate a grouping of large stalagmites off to your left. You don't need to roll any kind of Spot check to see that there are some unmoving arms, legs and other assorted body parts that can be seen between the rocky outcroppings.

"Now, could you all be so kind as to tell me what the date is?" the dwarf continues, puffing on his cigar again. "The year, most especially..?"

Automatically responding to his query, the dwarf harrumphs and nods.

"Ahhhh--that cinches it, then--you be th' lot I been waitin' on." he tells you. "Irontemper is my name, and I'm here to make sure that you do three things. First is t'prove you're worthy to view this Scroll of Divine History... which is what you just done by kickin' your own arses back in th' Hall." Irontemper laughs, takes another drag off the cigar and then blows several rings as he eyes your bedraggled party.

"Damn near blew it, though, din'tcha? Helluva battle, though! Loved every minute of it!" the dwarf grins. "But, now that you've proven that you're th' bunch that'll stick to their cannons when the manure hits the fanning plumes, guess you're all set to view the Scroll, then, eh..?" Irontemper utters a grunt that sounds almost like laughter, but the sound causes the large scroll to unfurl and the Hamleteers once more find themselves in the unenviable boots of...

In The Beginning (Again) (DM Donna) 
Thursday May 30th, 2002 7:38:30 AM


You turn and face the somber countenance of your friend and comrade-in-arms, Gargul. The stoic fighter nods to you.

"Alemi, the troops are all converted. There is only we two have not made the transformation." Gargul produces two potion bottles. "I have the elixir here. All that remains..."

"...is for us to die." you say evenly. "How strange, isn't it? That, in order for The Wold to live, we must first die."

"And then undie." Gargul holds up one of the bottles, eyeing it dubiously. "But we both heard the Jericho's instructions quite clearly. Our only hope to defeat the rogue deities is battle them at Oshire House, smack in the middle of the lands of the dead--"

"--and no mortal being can enter the lands of the dead." you finish the sentence, then draw out your own dagger. "I'll go first, my friend." The blade in your trembling grip is lethal, and knowing that you have to use it in a wholly unnatural way makes you hesitate for a fraction of a second--but The Wold needs for you to take this step, and it is for love of The Wold that you plunge the weapon deep into your heart.

And you die.

And you live...sort of.

"Well, the potion works...again." Gargul says as he helps you to get up off the ground where your corpse fell. You look down and see the gaping wound where your dagger had sunk into your heart, stopping its vital beating almost immediately.

"I'm still wounded..?"

"Well, you still look wounded." Gargul says with a grimace. "You aren't alive, so the wound didn't heal, really, when the potion reanimated you...you just reinhabited the body again." The warrior frowns a bit. "You'll never know just how much this disturbs me."

"I...can guess." you tell your friend. "And...you don't have to do this, Gar...Domi and Carol and the others should be enough to--"

"Don't even think I'll let the lot of you face impossible odds without me!" Gargul chides. "We started this together--we'll end this together..." The serious man takes his own dagger and kills himself with it as you have just done. It's all you can do to not reach out and stay his hand--but the Jericho told the both of you that there was no other way.

You wonder why you are so oddly detached, however, as Gargul's body thuds lifelessly to the ground. It's almost comical, the way his eyes stare, unblinking, into the bright sky above...yet neither do you feel like laughing, either. It's as though either laughing or crying is just too much of an effort for you.

You bend over and retrieve the bottle of elixir, uncorking it and pouring the contents into the half-open mouth of one of your best friends in The Wold. For a moment, nothing happens.

Oh, no--could you have waited too long? Did the Jericho supply you with a bum bottle of elixir? Perhaps Gargul's moral aversion to tampering with the natural process of death was stronger than the magic that was supposed to reanimate his body..???

"I must remember..." Gargul says, sitting up and looking at you, "...if I ever want to be sure of killing someone in battle quickly and with as little pain as possible to use such a blow against them." He holds out a hand for you to help him to his feet. "As long as they are humanoid, that is."

"Well...we're undead now, my friend." you say factually. Gargul looks at his own unhealed wound, then nods in agreement.

"We certainly are, Alemi."

"Let's go defeat the gods who betrayed The Wold, then." you order. Gargul does something that you've seen him do only on very rare occasions: he grins.

The two of you join Domi, Caeroldra and the others who have volunteered in this impossible mission to bring to justice the rogue deities of The Wold. In spite of the staggering numbers of warriors, spellcasters and even monster races...in spite of all of you being undead...it's a battle that, by all rights, you feel should be futile--it should be impossible to win.

Yet, after Caeroldra activates the gateway to the lands of the dead, the battle is engaged. The Cult Gods utilize abilities and powers that defy comprehension, cutting down entire divisions of seasoned Elven and Dwarven troops in the blink of an eye...

...and those self-same casualties only rise up again and charge back into the fray.

The Cult Gods are alarmed and horrified--spell after spell they use against the upstart ex-worshippers from The Wold, and yet the terrible magicks do little more than briefly slow them up. The peoples of The Wold--thanks to their determination and the Jericho's help--wage a winning war against the deities that abandoned their duty to The Wold.

You and your friends triumph, and you know that The Wold will never be the same.

Back in The Cave (DM Donna) 
Thursday May 30th, 2002 7:46:58 AM

"So...that's the whole of the tale, then." Wulannok Irontemper says, brandishing his cigar and nodding at the large floating scroll as it rolls back up again. "Interesting. Never knew Alemi kicked Cult God butt by becoming undead. Hmmph." He puffs on the cigar, then looks at the party.

"Any questions..?"

Thursday May 30th, 2002 2:23:10 PM

Ferrak takes a final swipe at his clone, even though it has already disappeared. "Run, rabbit run," he growls out in wolven.

When the dwarf shows up, Ferrak has no knowledge of fashion, so doesn't notice anything unusual.

Watching as the history of the world once again unfolds before him, Ferrak is respectfully quiet.

Thursday May 30th, 2002 2:56:41 PM

Yet again Feng is shocked by the history of the wold. He tries to think of other alternatives, but can't. He looks over at the dwarf. "Just one, where do we find the elixirs?"

Renik  d20+2=7
Thursday May 30th, 2002 5:49:44 PM

As the magic of the scroll fades Renik looks at IronTemper with awe. Though he does not recognize the ancient fashions he wears, the question about the date and familiar name are sufficient.

"You are IronTemper the Gatemaker? But surely you should be long dead? How is it that you have come to hold this secret knowledge of the Gods? What is told in this scroll defies belief, and yet I believe it..."

He gazes round at his companions, too flabberghasted to think coherently. Feng's question brings him back to reality.

"Aye, how can we too join the ranks of the unliving? For if I understand these visions correctly, we too must die if we are to fight the Dark Lord. Are we agreed?" He looks to the Hamleteers for confirmation.

Draax  d20+1=8
Thursday May 30th, 2002 10:30:50 PM

Draax smiles as Bill, Ferrak and Darkfang appear alive in the hall with the others. He is a little surprised when Irontemper reveals his identity, but with everything else going on he is willing to believe him.

As he watches more of the gods' story, Draax gets the feeling that he knows what the moral of the story is. He gets a nauseating feeling in his stomach as Feng and Renik confirm his thoughts.

He thinks to himself, 'After making us fight ourselves, although I did kind of liked that, now he wants us to kill ourselves. This is just too much.' Draax tries to keep his feeling from showing on his face, but it is easy to see that he is not happy.

Thursday May 30th, 2002 10:44:03 PM

Darkfang gets ready to attack the FauxFerrak again when the fight is stopped. He wags his tail when they appear in the hall and he recognizes the other members of the group. He takes a sit by his brother and observes what's happening.

Bill Troublefinder (down 15 hp)  d20+5=17 d20+18=26 d20+18=36 d20+18=20 d20+18=34
Friday May 31st, 2002 3:57:42 AM

With the issuance of praise from his double, and the reemergence into the mirrored hall among his friends, Bill initially remains on guard, for a moment wondering whether the bloodied yet familiar forms are indeed his friends, or false copies of the same.

The voice of welcome gives him no leave to ponder that point overmuch as he looks about the cavern. Noting the stalagmites, he looks upwards as well to see if stalactites are attached to the roof of the cavern. If so, he shall take care not to walk under any, if they can be avoided. The sparkly walls are pretty, but the scroll and dwarf before the party rivets his attention.

The halfling notes the dwarf's apparel, and recalls seeing some vaguely similar clothing from a page in one finely illustrated book from his uncle's broad library (Knowledge: History, DC 17). About to interrupt Irontemper with more than one question, he defers at the telling of the scroll. (Autohypnosis, twice, for the memorization of what he sees and hears, DC 26 & 36.) He absorbs the story, watching for details and nuance of expression, voice, taking in all he can in the gestalt of the scroll's immersive retelling.

He closes his eyes briefly at the end, taking the time to integrate this new revelation into what else was learned in the bowels of the temple of Gargul. Part of him listens to his friends as they make their queries and observations.

"Renik, dwarfs live longer than men, or halflings, usually. Well met, Irontemper. No bones about it," he says, "I like your sonic keys. I'm Bill. Would love to talk with you about gateways, and teleportation, and such. Nice tobacco, there. Reminds me of something my great uncle on my mother's father's side smoked. Yes, I have a question. Once they turned undead, and did their deeds, then how'd they get back to, uh, normal? Frankly, I've never had a hankering to become undead. If it'll save the Wold, though, or have a chance to, then, I suppose I'm willing. Just want to go in with eyes wide open, if we can, that is." Bill walks about some as he talks, wishing he was not wearing boots so he could bury his toes in the sand. His boots, though handy, have taken away one accustomed point of contact with his environment.

He takes in Irontemper's features and costume, planning later to add him to his journal. (Autohypnosis 20. Hmmm - missed some details. Try again. Autohypnosis 34.)

Rond (down 43) 
Friday May 31st, 2002 4:48:09 AM

Seeing everyone returned to the party relatively safe, Rond breathes a sigh of relief. Just as the dwarf begins his introductions and the 'other side' of the story is told, Rond works his way to standing. Standing in awe as yet another part of the puzzle slowly comes together, Rond listens intently as the story is told. Not exactly sure what it means, Rond decides to chew on the specifics of the story later. As he listens to the other memebers of the party ask their questions, Renik's question prompts Rond to answer. "I'm not so sure we're the ones that are going to do this deed. But I'm sure this 'DragonStone' person that has talked to us might be able to judge better about that." As Rond finishes his comment, he looks to Irontemper to see what he has to say on the subject.

Back to the Future (DM Donna) 
Friday May 31st, 2002 7:11:02 AM

The dark-haired dwarf shrugs at Feng's questions.

"I don't do magic," he tells the half-orc, "However, if you go back to Plateau City you oughtta be able to find some stupid wizard who c'n whip up such a potion...an' let me tell ya, I do NOT envy you having to go through that." Wulannok puffs contemplatively on his cigar as Renik asks his own questions, grinning when the rogue gets done.

"Well, sonny, now that ya've asked," he says breezily, "I can tell ya this: from MY point of view, it's about three hunnerd years ago in The Wold--you guys are from the future. See, I went adventurin' in this place called Koshe-Marr, an' while I was there, I got my keister cursed by this wrinkled old hag. She hexed me so that I had to come back to Plateau City, go read a magic scroll in the secret archive room o' the Black Temple, make me an archway gate, get some spelltosser to enchant the damned thing accordin' to a tome she give me, an' then I had to travel through the gateway m'self.

"When I did that, *I* ended up here in this cave. Homey, but a little lonely. From MY point o' view, I been here almost a year. The cave takes care o' my needs--food, water, rest--and I couldn't get out until I made sure three things happened: first, that anyone traveling the gate had to prove themselves worthy. Y'all did that when you refused to give up like your dopplers in that magic Hall of Trial tried to persuade you all to do.

"Second, I had to make sure that you worthies saw the contents of this here scroll." Wulannok gestures to the now-furled floating scroll. "The last thing I'm supposed to do is answer any questions you guys have that I have any answers to. When you guys go, I can leave, too--supposed to get me back to my own time an' place. I sure hope it does." Bill's comments and questions cause the dwarf to scratch his long, full beard.

"Well, thank ya, fleetfeet," Wulannok acknowledges, "But I only forged the danged thing--it was a high-muckety magickan who did the enchantin' on it...and even then, I suspect that it weren't HIS magic, but the magic of that old crone's book that done the trick. However, I DID pick the key for the gate...heh heh heh...always loved them belchin' champeenchips..." Irontemper chuckles to himself, aglow with reminscence. Then he directs himself to the rest of Bill's inquiry.

"Ah, now, fellas, I don' know nuthin' 'bout livin' after dyin'...you should probably poke around in liberries an' such--ask one of them necro-manders as can make the potion in first place. Plateau City should still have the facillies...fakkaties...er, um...the places where you can look that stuff up. Maybe get some stupid diviner to toss some entrails or somethin'..."

Friday May 31st, 2002 12:17:39 PM


Hobbes (Down 11) 
Friday May 31st, 2002 2:57:43 PM

Hobbes is dumbfound as the dwarf appears and plays let another mysterious scroll for them to watch. This time however, he is more stoic in his reaction, watching thoughtfully, even awefully, at the actions which transpire. He is seeing his deity, his god, the whole meaning of his life playing before him.

Forgetting he was even treating Rond in the first place, he turns to the vision, kneeling, his hands clasped together, his silver eye held tightly between his fingers.

"Oh...my..." he whispers faintly taking in this...seemingly controversial event in history. "He killed himself to free the Wold."

He remains silent when the film stops and looks thoughtfully down at his holy symbol for several seconds as the others react.

"Damocles," he says quietly, "That is what my dream meant. Domcles and Marcus' good wife weren't turned into undead...they animated themselves in order to defeat Marteus.
So there may indeed be hope for your friends after all. Although this revelation distorts from the traditional view of Gargul's teachings. To come back from death is to avoid Gargul's calling. Gargul places you in the realm you are destined...but if you remain here magically after death...that's what Gargul fights against...such blasphemies. Hobbes stands and begins pacing back and forth, a frown upon his face. HOwever, doing so in his name would be considered to be following what Gargul has set AS your destined path and thus you are an instrument of his hands...and thus when your task is complete, Gargul will reward your sacrifice with the destiny chosen for you."

He folds his hands and ponders, wondering what indeed the high clerics would say, even DO, with this knowledge. Perhaps this is something best left unheard.

[Rond, I healed you 19 hp last time. DOn't forget to mark it down.]

Friday May 31st, 2002 3:00:33 PM

K'isst rushes forward to Bill and Ferrak and lays a hand on each of their shoulders.

"You two! Take too long, you did. Worry us!" she says gruffly, "Very glad you're back with us."

She scowls distrustfully at the dwarf that materializes and speaks.

"If killing self works, you try it first." she says to dwarf, "Then we will see."

Feng (24 down) 
Friday May 31st, 2002 3:27:56 PM

Feng isn't sure what to do. He's not slow like most of his brethren, but he's no genius either. "I do not wish such a fate, but if that's what the gods decree, then so be it. However something just occurred to me. I'm not sure if it will work, but somebody else with a better grasp of magic could confirm that. We saw the gods drink the magical potions. Would there be a way to reactivate the old magic? Marteaus killed Domi. What if we could jumpstart Domi with the magic from the potion he once took? Death is death regardless of how you died. I'm sure that we could find some powerful wizard who will donate his services to help save the world."

Friday May 31st, 2002 6:44:40 PM

Thinking hard the rogue looks up at IronTemper, then says "You say we can get some sort of potion that will allow us to reanimate as thinking undead. I'll confess I've never heard of such a thing, but if you say it is possible I won't doubt you. Though I suspect such magics will be fearfully expensive."

Unconciously the rogue's hand covers his money pouch.

"But I have one question for you sir, which I suspect only you can answer. Assuming we can find the means, we are to become undead. On that I think we are agreed.

But there is more to it than that, if the scroll is to be believed. To fight the Dark Lord we will have to travel to the Land of the Dead, as the Gods did before us. My question is simply this; how?

Where is the land of the dead, and how might one travel there, even if they are undead? Do you, who seems so versed in the magics of mystic portals, have the power to transport us there? Or do you know of a way in which we might achieve this goal?"

Friday May 31st, 2002 10:07:16 PM

"Well I can't say I'm thrilled about having to kill myself in order to fight Marteaus but well he has to be stopped and I suppose what can be done to stop him must be done." The elf dry washes his hands with a faint grimace as he considers becoming undead.

Sunday June 2nd, 2002 5:51:52 PM

Not very happy with the idea of killing himself, Draax is relieved to know that they will have to do some research first. Draax waits for everyone to finish asking their questions and then he turns to the dwark. "OK, how do we get back?"

Answering Questions (Still) (DM Donna) 
Monday June 3rd, 2002 7:25:23 AM

As the questions fly fast and furious, Wulannok seems rather laid back as he smokes his stogie in a contemplative manner.

"I'll say it again," he addresses himself to Feng's queries first, "I think you're gonna have to track down some wizard who specializes in making zombies an' such if you think you have to go that route. HE will be able to answer the how's an' why's about doing that, I would think." The dwarf nods in Renik's direction.

"Yours is the question that needs answerin' the most urgent, boy," Irontemper says, "On account that it's all TOO easy to kill yerself, an' even to get that self up 'n' about again...but then gettin' that self to where you can face off with Mr. Wannabe-Deity..." Here Wulannok shakes his head and shrugs. "...I ain't got the foggiest. I said it afore, an' I'll tell ya again: I only forged the gateway, I had nothin' to do with making it magic except to give it the key to get here...an' to get back to Plateau City." The blacksmith lances K'isst with a hard look.

"An' don't be goin' on THAT way, missy..!" he tells her stiffly. "After all, killin' yerself ain't my idea--it's what YOU all be assumin' after watchin' the scroll..!" Wulannok flicks off the ash at the end of his cigar before finally answering Draax.

"Ya wanna go back to your time an' place in old Plateau City..? You just give another champeenchip belch, boy--the gate'll reactivate one more time, then. Step through it an' you're back in the city." The dwarf waves the hand with the smoking cigar in it towards one side of the cave, where you all finally notice a large arched gateway constructed of black metal forged to resemble an arch of orc bones.

Rond (down 43) (62-19 =43 I did subtract already H. :) ) 
Monday June 3rd, 2002 7:57:59 AM

After hearing Irontemper remind the group that what they have is just information, it doesn't have to be them. Rond speaks up, "I agree. I think this is information that this Dragonstone person probably needs. If he then decides that it is to be us that does the deed, then so be it. But I'm thinking that he may have resources that we do not."

Monday June 3rd, 2002 9:50:55 AM

Draax eyes follow the dwarf's gesture towards the now visible gate. He nods his head in agreement with Rond's assessment. "You might be right Rond, the task of fighting the gods in the lands of the dead may fall to others." The queasy feeling in his stomach lets Draax know that he does not actually believe he last statement.

"I also hope that Hobbes' interpretation of his dream about Damocles is correct. It will make me feel a little better.

OK, so are we ready to get back to our time?"

GOD WAR! [CDM Jerry] 
Monday June 3rd, 2002 10:39:48 AM

A distant rumble is heard, causing many to look in that direction to see if a storm is building. In the distance, a darkness seems to be creeping eastward. A few minutes later, huge clouds are building and soon cover the western sky, moving east. A devil of a storm is brewing, and people scramble through the streets to reach the safety of shelter before it begins.

The storm is filled with magic as the clouds, seemingly alive, build faster than any natural storm. Soon it fills the sky, looking below for victims to pound with hail and strike with...


Suddenly, lightning strikes! Then again! Forking into thousands of bolts, the ground is assaulted. The smell of ozone is in the air. Shortly after comes the thunder! Deafeningly loud, it causes those yet outdoors to hold their ears in pain.

Then, beginning with the places where the lightning had struck, the ground begins to crack and open.

Distantly you hear a dark deep voice. The voice of a god.


Godly war has begun. The Cult Gods have assaulted the Godlands.

The ground begins to shake and the volcanoes of the Scab rejoice in the conflict, belching fire and smoke that can be seen for hundreds of miles. Even the monstrous Shadow Mountain blows its top in tribute to the battle's ferocity. This explosion is heard and seen throughout the peninsula and as far west as Wemic Isle.

Ferrak  d8+3=9
Monday June 3rd, 2002 12:42:37 PM

Worried that some new threat will soon manifest, Ferrak examines the wounds that his brother received during there combat with themselves.
Chanting in the ancient tongue of the Druids, Ferrak tries to heal Darkfang to the best of his ability.
+9 HP
"The balance!?!" mumbles the feral gnome as the wold shudders through yet more turmoil.

Monday June 3rd, 2002 6:14:20 PM

"Do we have to go back to our time? Could we go into the past instead? Perhaps he can stops this war before it ever starts."

Monday June 3rd, 2002 6:43:51 PM

Renik pulls out his bubbly ale, ready should the party choose to reactivate the gate. If this dwarf cannot help them reach the Dark Lord in the Lands of the Dead, they have some serious thinking to do...

"Valdor? Yes, good idea, he may well be able to help, and he will certainly want to hear what we have discovered.

Did anyone else hear the sound of distant thunder?"

Bill Troublefinder (down by 12 hp) 
Monday June 3rd, 2002 8:29:10 PM

Bill can't resist the sand, and takes off his boots as Wulannok Irontemper and his friends talk things over. He stows them in his backpack (in the bag). He continues to listen, but just enjoys feeling the sand run through his toes. "Mind if I take a closer look at that scroll there, Wulannok Irontemper?" he asks as he heads over to do so. Unless the dwarf tells him not to touch it, he looks at it carefully, and uses his psychical magic detection on it, checking out its aura, walking around it, then, ever so lightly, reaching out to touch it with his fingertip, then gently prying it open. If at any point in this experiment something happens that would serve as a clear sign that he should back off, he will choose discretion.

[How much of Jerry's post are our characters aware of? I'll post Bill's reaction, but am not sure, based upon our current location, how much of it we'd really even know about.]

Assuming he survives that experience, Bill notes the rumbling of the ground, and double checks to make sure that there are no stalactites above him that might threaten to dislodge.

"Whoa. Something big's happening. Mr. Irontemper, since our research revealed that never has there been a dwarf to have won the annual contest more than you, once everyone's satisfied, would you do us the honor of making the, uh, special sound for opening the gate? And, before we go, we'd be appreciative of any more advice you might have."

"Oh, and Ferrak, could I borrow your wand of cure light wounds for a few minutes before we go? That might help everyone get up to snuff, as it were. Kinda ragged, some of us are. Say, I'm wonderin', if some of us do end up as undead, would we want a wand of cause light wounds or somethin' similar?"

Tuesday June 4th, 2002 1:09:07 AM

"Well the last time we came up against Marteaus we didn't fare so well and somehow I doubt being a walking corpse will change that all that much. So perhaps this Valdor will indeed know what to do with this. I suggest we get back to our own place soon, I suspect that events are hurtling ever faster to some great confrontation that may spell the end of the Wold, or a fate as close to it that it would make no difference to us."

Hobbes (Down 11)  d20+8=22
Tuesday June 4th, 2002 4:44:24 AM

As the party is in a cave probably in another dimension, Hobbes probably does not hear nor see any of the cataclysmic events going on with the gods...and is probably better off not knowing at this point in time.

He advances and stays K'isst's hand. "Please. Sir, glad we are that you'll be freed from this curse. You have held up better than most would in this tomb, however I would guard against treating death with such folly," Hobbes says grimacing deeply into the dwarf's eyes, "For you never know when your time is next."

"Now," he says standing and wrinkling his nose, "What we need to determine is the source of this undead transferrence. I can impart what I know from my studies years ago." ...and Hobbes does so explaining all he knows on the subject. [Second good knowledge undead check. The first one was a 25 way back when and now I roll a 22.]

"Now, Good Sir Feng, if you would be so kind as to...impart some of your breakfast odor upon us through that disgusting sound from what you call your daiaphragm we'd be most appreciative to leave this place. Don't worry, Bill. The Clerics at the Black Cathedral will have healing readily available to us."

He shakes his head, "It is what we have ready for them which I fear the most."

Tuesday June 4th, 2002 4:49:41 AM

K'isst looks back at the dwarf and grumbles, "My friends almost die and you think that's funny? You lucky they are here..."

She goes back to the wall and sits down taking inventory of her weapons and putting them back in their holders. She opens her waterskin and takes a deep swig with an accompanying whispers "Ahhhh", sighs heavily and asks, "Anyone got something a bit stronger?"

The Way of The Wold (DM Donna) 
Tuesday June 4th, 2002 6:28:43 AM

OOC: everyone in the cave will have done their comments and/or reactions to Wulannok's previous replies; THEN--suddenly--as Bill tests the scroll and pokes at it, the giant parchment flies open to its fullest size, and everyone can see and hear what is happening in The Wold as CDM Jerry's post indicates. You all see the event as it effects Plateau City. However, once the scene is played out, the scroll slams itself shut again--almost as though it was aware of the horrible news it was showing and no longer could bear to reveal it.

"GREAT ROLLING ROCKS!!!" bellows the shocked guardian of the scroll, spitting out his cigar as this newest development unfolds (literally!) before his eyes. "That looks gods-awful! I hope I'm not the one returning to that..!" Belatedly, Wulannok casts a sheepish, apologetic look over at the party.

"Ooops...sorry. Didn't mean to sound like I hoped YOU all were goin' back to that chaos." he says sincerely. "Once this gateway is activated, each of us goes to where we need to go--and, from what that wizzy-feller told me when he used that Encantatome book to magic up the archway, that don't necessarily mean that everyone here will always end up in the very same place."

Bill's senses tell him that the scroll is ancient magic of a very powerful sort.

Hobbes sifts through his knowledge about undead, coming up with the basics of his years of study: there are two basic types of undead: animated and autonomous.

Animated undead are much akin to puppets--they have no mind or will of their own (which is the reason why mind-influencing spells and psychic powers don't work on them.) Their state of mindlessness also prevents them from being able to cast spells. Zombies and skeletons are animated undead.

Autonomous undead are those whom still possess at least a fragment of their formerly-living personality. Ghasts, ghouls, spirits, mummies, liches, and vampires are amongst this type. Autonomous undead are further divided into two types: willing and unwilling. Almost all autonomous undead were initially created against their personal will, and are unwilling undead. (The sole exception to this are liches. Every known lich ever encountered has always chosen to become a lich in an effort to avoid the end of their mortality.) Unfortunately, the longer an initially unwilling undead stays in their unnatural state, the more likely they are to become seduced by their undying state of being and turn into a willing undead creature.

It is a moral trap that anyone contemplating becoming undead by choice must weigh heavily before making that decision--especially since there is no easy way to reverse the process.

Ferrak  d8+1=8 d8+1=6 d8+1=7 d8+1=7 d8+1=7 d8+1=5 d8+3=10
Tuesday June 4th, 2002 12:01:33 PM

"In case there are others hunting us, maybe it would be gggood to lick some of our wounds now." Ferrak offers to the black armored priest of Gargul.

Using the wand twice on Rond, & K'isst to try and relieve what must be painful wounds, the feral gnome also uses it once on Draax and Feng, hoping to keep the pack's main fighting force up and running.
(Rond+14, K'isst+14, Draax+7, and Feng+5.)

Noticing the state of his foster brother Darkfang, Ferrak once again calls upon the forces of nature to heal his brother's hurts.
(Darkfang+10. That plus the healing before should bring him up to max HP-22.)

Tuesday June 4th, 2002 1:37:34 PM

Hobbes sighs at all of the impatient wasteful healing going on around and paces, his hand behind his back, then starts into his professorly oration about the nature of undead.
His tone is very tutorial, listing every detail and undead creature he knows to the rest of the group.

"And in conclusion..." he says raising a finger in the air, "we find that the most important thing to note is that we find the total truth of the complicated layered matter is...you CAN, however slim the chance may be, return from an undead state to a normal human state."

He pauses and then turns from looking smug to somewhat bewildered, "but just how that is performed, I have no idea."

Tuesday June 4th, 2002 2:14:29 PM

"Very well. We have at least part of the solution then. I say we return to Plateau City, let Valdor know of our findings, see if we can find a way to reach our destination, and then use Hobbes' knowledge or that of his temple to transorm us."

He supresses an involuntary shudder, and holds out the bubbly ale.

"If Holy War has broken out amongst the Gods, our time is short, and Valdor must be informed at once. Who's up for some belching?"

The First To Go [CDM Jerry] 
Tuesday June 4th, 2002 3:18:58 PM

Moments later, The sky lets loose with hail and rain. The Gods are at war and the whole Wold is feeling the repercussions thereof.

Those in cities notice explosions. One temple after after another implodes, signifying the death of a god.

The first to go is Teresalia, Goddess of Poetry and Song, followed closely by Mittiri, Goddess of Nature.

Then Raven, one of the Cult Gods, meets his ultimate doom.

Then the earth writhes again with a huge aftershock and the ground buckles. Portions of the land rise and fall as Ga'al is slain along with Pantheon.

Feng (24 down) 
Tuesday June 4th, 2002 3:46:51 PM

As the battle rages, Feng goes a bit pale and drops to his knees. He hoped that this battle would never come. He can almost feel the battle within himself. As the three gods die, Feng winces three times, and three more stars fade on his breastplate.

Tuesday June 4th, 2002 4:48:05 PM

"No! Not Blessed Mittiri!" gasps Renik, suddenly weak-kneed. "What is happening? How can this be? Can no-one stop this madness?"

Even the fall of the Dark Gods Raven and Ga'al cannot bring him solace. Mittiri, the Laughter in the Woods, is gone for all eternity! The deity his father worshipped every day of his life, the deity Renik too would have worshipped had his father not been so unjustly cut down...

Renik is profoundly shaken as his old demons are compounded by the new horrors of mass Deicide.

K'isst  d100=75
Tuesday June 4th, 2002 9:04:06 PM

K'isst leaps forward as Renik uncorks the flask and grabs it from his hand (nearly taking his hand off).

"Give me that! Thanks Renik!" she says gulping the strong bubbly ale down her gullet.

She sighs contented. "I needed that."

She then hiccups once and burps loudly. [75 rolled]

"Excuse me," she says gruffly.

Tuesday June 4th, 2002 10:34:10 PM

Darkfang wags his tail happily as he receives the healing.

Tuesday June 4th, 2002 10:42:50 PM

Draax absorbs the scenes that play before his eyes. The horror of what he witnessed strengthened his resolve. He thanks Ferrak for the healing and waits for the gate to open before jumping through.

Bill Troublefinder (down by 12 hp) 
Wednesday June 5th, 2002 3:34:26 AM

"I wrote a poem for Teresalia, once," Bill says somewhat vacantly. "And we fought Raven. He poofed out after a while." He sighs. "Mittiri."

He sits in the sand, scooping it up in his hands, and watching the grains flow between his fingers spread easily. He repeats the process a few times. Then, again sighing, pulls his boots from out the bag in this backpack, dusts off his feet, making sure to get rid of the sand particles between his toes, and brushing the hair on top his feet. Once his boots are on, he approaches the dwarf. "Wulannok Irontemper, are you sure you won't do us the honor of repeating your championship performance? Feng, here, has a prodigious belch. In my mind I wonder just how yours would compare."

Whether the dwarf, the half-elf/trog, the half-orc, or Renik or some other open the gateway, prior to departure, Bill offers to shake the hand of their host. "May the balance of your life be noteworthy, where ever, or when ever, you go. Thank you for your help."

And Bill joins his friends as they exuent the cavern. He knows they leave treasures behind.

Terrible Tableaus (DM Donna) 
Wednesday June 5th, 2002 6:54:41 AM

Ferrak must make a Willpower save versus DC23 or suddenly begin foaming at the mouth and howling in grief over the death of the goddess of nature. Making the save means that Ferrak is still very upset, distressed and depressed over the death, but at least he can function. Everyone else must make a Willpower save versus DC20 or be seized by deep depression over these latest developements.

The scroll snaps open with the newest events, again revealing the effect that the Godswar has on Plateau City. This time the giant screen-like parchment remains unfurled, though...perhaps an ominous omen of yet more developments to come..?

Renik  d20+1=7
Wednesday June 5th, 2002 3:33:30 PM

Renik cannot help himself. Great tears roll dowwn his cheeks as he stares vacantly ahead. He barely notices as K'isst takes the ale. Indeed, he seems to notice nothing, and has to be led if the others decide to leave. The death of his Blessed Mittiri has hit him hard.

"sweet Mittiri, sweet Laughter in the Woods, gone... gone... gone... "

Arien  d20+4=24
Wednesday June 5th, 2002 5:53:58 PM

While saddened by the death of the gods Arien refuses to succumb to the despair that clawed at him. The death of Domi had shaken the little faith he had had in the gods and the knowledge that they had once been mortal had killed it entirely. Arien now trusts but two things, himself and his friends. While the gods died and beliefs were shattered one thing had remained constant in his life, this small band of friends. However he was not blind and could see the effects the deaths of the gods had on his friends. "Come," he said in effort to shake the depression. "The gods rock the Wold with their war but lets us, mere mortals, stand tall and rock the heavens!"

Feng (24 down)  d20+6=22
Wednesday June 5th, 2002 6:01:25 PM

Feng falls backwards and sits on the ground. He knows that he will survive, but what will he be without gods? It's almost too much to bear. All the tragedy with little hope of victory.

Draax  d20+2=12
Thursday June 6th, 2002 12:40:36 AM

A great sadness comes over Draax as he thinks about what the wold will become without the gods. He sits on the ground trying to shake off the helpless feeling that is in his heart.

Bill Troublefinder  d20+12=24
Thursday June 6th, 2002 1:48:50 AM

He sees they are not leaving immediately. His thoughts are on the falling gods. [Will save 24]. Ga'al. Didn't Jus have some sort of idol to that Aisildurian god at one time? Didn't want to give it up, either. Bill walks over to look closely at the walls, the crystalline surface reflecting light, and the soft glow of the strange plants, there. He breaks off some of the crystals for later examination.

He holds out his psicrystal, so that William might 'see' their surroundings.

He remembers Renik's tale of his family's fate. He hopes that some day Renik will be able to walk in the faith his father possessed.

The gods are dying. Long live the gods. Shall they next hear of Alemi? or Marteaus? "Alemi, busy that you are, I pray to you now. May you have victory over Marteaus. May he be struck down, and, if he rebound, then to a lesser place that what he seeks.

"Watch over us. We are not great, not excelling in power. But we offer ourselves up to do as you did those years past. Grant us strength, grant us purpose, grant us resolve, grant us wisdom. And Alemi, and Gargul, grant us access to the knowledge we shall need to cross over, then, whatever terrible purpose fulfilled that awaits us, the understanding and means to cross back again."

Hobbes  d20+8=22
Thursday June 6th, 2002 3:21:58 AM

Hobbes is silent now in bitter reflection. He never realized when his monastery superiors sent him out to follow his destiny that his destiny might involve fighting for, even fighting to SAVE his god. He bends down and picks up his scythe and walks stonchly toward the gate and waits for its reopening. He purposely avoids making eyecontact with anyone and once at the door, does not move.

Gargul, we are coming...

K'isst  d20+2=8 d100=74
Thursday June 6th, 2002 3:26:11 AM

This time K'isst is surprised by the snap of the scroll again. She stares blankly at the screen, then looks around confused at the others.

"Nature?" she bellows "HOw can nature be dead?"

She rushes forward and stares month agape as Renik's tears flow.

"No Renik! STop! STOP that! It's not true! Nature's not dead!"

She turns to Bill quickly and shakes his shoulder, "Bill, tell them! it's not true! Change it! Change it, Bill! Change it back!"

She lets out another burp in spite of herself.

Rond (down 29)  d20+4=10
Thursday June 6th, 2002 8:16:03 AM

Saddened beyond belief.... It is too much for Rond, the struggling they have done these last few days... and now to lose Mittiri. Rond sits down and cries for the passing of the gods. (failed will power save)

Is This The End? [CDM Jerry] 
Thursday June 6th, 2002 12:08:45 PM

Quicker than most can discern, emotions wash over the Noble Races as god after god dies in holy battle!

Then it stops. Is this the end? Are there still Gods to protect the Wold? Has Marteaus defeated the Gods of Wold?

No, there is hope! Three temples remain.

Alemi. Marteaus. Gargul.

The aftershocks begin to subside, leaving behind groaning sound as if the Wold were trying to pull itself apart.

Ferrak  d20+7=21
Thursday June 6th, 2002 1:05:02 PM

With a herculian effort, Ferrak tries to hold back the beast within. Dropping his weapon and shield, his face turns red and the blood vessals is his neck bulge impossibly as the strain of loss becomes to much for him.

He snaps.
as he turns on everyone around him.

Barking, yelling, and screaming gutteral snarls at everyone and everything in the room, Ferrak begins to try and claw the armor off of his back.

Bill Troublefinder 
Friday June 7th, 2002 2:14:29 AM

As K'isst beseeches him, Bill answers, "I aim to do exactly that, K'isst. Change it back. With you. All of us.

"Listen friends. Do not give up hope. You know that death is not always final. That must be the case, as well, for the gods. We have been provided with important information. We must let the Dragonstone know this. And I believe that we ourselves, perhaps with others, will undergo the transformation that Alemi, and Gargul, Domi, Caeroldra, and a whole army experienced in ages long past. Did you hear what the scroll told us? A whole ARMY was made into undead - in order to defeat the gods themselves," and he adds via his psicrystal, William, telepathically, to all except the dwarf, "the gods whom the Jericho declared irresponsible."

"Well, since we now know that it was the Jericho who made that possible at that time, that same Jericho is making possible once more a shaking of the pantheon. By that, I mean not the one called 'Pantheon,' but rather the whole cast of the heavens. Marteaus is seeking the position of primacy. We, though small we are, though few we are, have been provided some keys. There may be many things to unlock by many people - but we must not fail to use the keys the scrolls have provided.

"Not all the gods were always gods. Alemi, Domi, Caeroldra, Gargul - they once were men and women, such as we. Then they were exalted to godhood. That is one key."

"To fight against them who are in the land of the dead, we must become undead, as did our forefathers, our gods. They cannot then kill us - as we already will be dead - of a sorts. That is another key."

Bill continues, speaking in his own voice again, rather than through William.

"If it took an army for them - then we must help to raise an army. The Dragonstone already works on this. Let us contact him, and tell him this.

"I have a general dislike of secrecy. But now is a time when it is essential. We cannot share the keys until first we tell the Dragonstone."

Bill turns to the party's dwarven host. "You have seen what we have seen. Unless the Dragonstone himself give you leave, before Alemi I charge you, Wulannok Irontemper, not to reveal what you have here seen, until the fall of Marteaus. If you go against this charge, then may your right arm wither, and your bowels grow weak, and your breath be a foul stench, and your beard be plucked and never grow back in full, and your name be remembered with derision. But if you keep this charge, then may your beard remain full, and arms and legs and neck grow even greater in might, and the health of your belly allow sickness never to touch you. May your brow be touched by wisdom and knowledge. May your descendents be blessed, and your name be remembered with fondness for generations to come."

Facing again his friends, Bill says, "Our souls are downcast, from what we have learned. But let us hope again - we shall again see things made right in the heavens. Why? Because we shall join together with Alemi. We shall join together with Gargul. We shall join together with the Dragonstone, and his army. We shall die, and fight, and live again, that the Wold may pass from death unto life!"

That...That's CRAZY Talk..! (DM Donna) 
Friday June 7th, 2002 6:44:07 AM

After the latest revelation of the scroll, the scroll shudders violently, then slams shut once more. There is something about the way it closes--as though this were the final straw for the device. It still continues to float, however.

"Here, now, fella..!" Wulannok is obviously rather disturbed by poor Ferrak's response to this latest development of the Godswar--he jumps up from his comfy chair, reaches behind it and pulls out a large bucket of water, which the dwarf throws upon the berserk druid/warrior.

Immediately Ferrak is shocked to his senses. His anger, depression and overwhelming sense of personal loss are still there, but at least the feral gnome knows he can handle them at the moment.

"That's better, boy!" he says sternly, putting down the bucket. "It's a shock an' a blow, but you can't afford t'fall to pieces. The Wold needs ya now." Wulannok looks around at each of the Hamleteers.

"We need to go back to where we belong--to where we are needed." he says firmly. "I've done my duty, an' now you all need to go do yours..." Once more, the dwarf reaches behind his comfy chair. This time, however, he retrieves a large metal tankard full of what looks to be ale. Wulannok drinks from the vessel--completely emptying it.

"None o' you need t'worry 'bout whether I'll flap my lips about what's happened here, fleetfeet," the blacksmith tells Bill, "I was told that part of the magic on me was that I'd completely forget what I've seen and done here after I leave this here cave. After I go, the gateway will take you where you need to go."

Wulannok turns to where the arch is and lets out a belch that is loud and long--so loud and long, in fact, that the rather disgusting sound causes the cavern to reverberate a bit. The black metal of the gate begins to pulse and glow, and the interior of the arc radiates a curtain of rainbow-colored energy.

"There! I've activated the gate again for us." Wulannok says. "Good luck to you, adventurers!" With this, the dwarf steps up to the gate and passes through the shimmering arcane energy, which remains in effect even though he's gone.

Now there is only the party...and the lingering smell of ale and cigar smoke.

Rond (down 29) 
Friday June 7th, 2002 11:55:12 AM

Coming out of his sadness thanks the horrendous belch of the dwarf. Rond comes back to his senses, as best that they be. Remembering what the party has asked him to do. Rond stands up and announces, "For now it looks like we can only really motivate ourselves. So we must look to ourselves and those with the Dragonstone to act accordingly for the betterment of the Wold. The scroll has shown us that mere mortals can make a difference. I imagine the battle that Alemi and his friends went into couldn't have been any less grim than the prospects that we face. And yet.... mortals made the difference all around, if the scroll is to be believed. We must return quickly, and get this news to the Dragonstone."

Looking at all those people that are shaken Rond comments, "I understand your concern for your individual beliefs. But I feel we are even now called to some kind of higher calling. Something that unites all us kind hearted people into one. Something that must rise above our sadness, and help to protect the Wold. From the scroll, we know that the Wold survived. We must make it so that the Wold can survive again."

"Bill... Help Ferrak get through the gate. Everyone we need to go." Rond starts to try to usher people through the gate. Keeping a watchful eye out for those that might not be in the present. Rond tries to scoop up anyone that is straggling.

Friday June 7th, 2002 2:34:47 PM

Hobbes ignores the commotion around him and waits for a loud belch in front of the gate. When the dwarf finally does so, he wrinkles his nose slightly in disgust.

As the gate begins to shimmer, he impatiently steps through, even before the dwarf does, oblivious to anything except that he must help Gargul as soon as can be. It may already be too late.

Friday June 7th, 2002 2:36:37 PM

Renik allows himself to be led through the gate, but he is not really all there. He is lost in sorrow, beyond consolation, for now at least.

Saturday June 8th, 2002 1:50:53 AM

As he steps through the portal Arien wonders to himself what being undead will feel like.

Sunday June 9th, 2002 11:29:57 AM

With his head down and a look of sadness still on his face, Draax steps through the gate.

Sunday June 9th, 2002 11:32:08 AM

Darkfang stays next to Ferrak allowing his brother to get on his back before they enter the gate.

Sunday June 9th, 2002 11:56:50 AM

Shaking the water off of his body vigorously, the feral gnome grimly picks up his weapon and shield. A wild look in his eyes reflects the turmoil still twisting his soul inside.

In a dangerous silence the wolf warrior follows the others through the gate.

Sunday June 9th, 2002 1:36:02 PM

With a scowl back at the dwarf and ale in hand K'isst charges toward the gate.

She pauses once looking back to Bill and Feng, "Don't you two hang around in here. Let's get going!"

She looks around again with a shudder.

"I hate this place," she thinks.

Bill Troublefinder 
Monday June 10th, 2002 12:00:18 AM

"Oh, okay," he says as the dwarf explains his upcoming memory loss. His magic detection still operating, Bill takes a look around the cavern, attempting to see if any further magic lies about. He appreciates the mastery of Wolonnok's eructation as he conducts his survey. "Okay, Rond - just one moment..." He uses his boots to help him complete his survey of the cavern area, and picks up a stub of one of the dwarf's cigars. If he detected magic anywhere, and there is something easy to pick up, he may do so* (depending upon what radiates magic - but he will leave the scroll). Then, on his way. He sees that Ferrak has gone on ahead, and hears K'isst's words. "All right, Feng, it's time." He steps through the gateway, and back to ... where ever.

* [Let me know what he may see, and I'll let you know whether he attempts to take it in Bill's next post.]

Monday June 10th, 2002 2:36:34 AM

K'isst watches as Bill goes through and smiles, then looks back at Feng and Rond and gives them a stiff nod of her head.

She then turns back around, runs quite swiftly and jumps straight through the portal.

One Less Hero (DM Donna) 
Monday June 10th, 2002 6:43:34 AM

Bill can see that the comfy chair Wulannok was parked in was magic, as well as the floating scroll and the gateway. Nothing else catches his eye.

The members of the party go through the gate...and find themselves outside the familiar location of Chuck's Choice Cuts, that butcher shop around the corner from the Black Temple. There's a depressing feeling that hits everyone almost like a physical blow--wherever that magic scroll had been located, it's obvious that the very location had cushioned the Hamleteers from feeling the deaths of the gods as intensely as they may otherwise have.

The city looks like it's just about been able to withstand a major earthquake...which it did, actually. Almost every building in the area has suffered damage--most of it cosmetic, with cracks in the walls and/or statuary with broken pieces and the like. Most of the citizens are walking about in a state of shock or denial. Some just sit and stare or mumble to themselves.

Suddenly, hurrying up the street towards you is the familiar dark-garbed form of young Morphia. She seems relieved when she spots you.

"By the grace of Gargul, you live!" Morphia says emphatically. "Plateau City--why, even the entire Wold, I daresay--has just barely survived this latest go-round of the Godswar...I've been sent to see if this gateway still stands. I'm very glad to see that you're all okay..." Her dark eyes look from face to face, then her own pale complexion turns even more pale and whatever smile she may have harbored quickly disappears.

"Wait a minute--where is the one you call K'isst..?" Morphia asks, her eyes going wide. The rest of you look around...

...K'isst is gone.

Monday June 10th, 2002 12:43:44 PM

Still stunned by the death of Nature, Ferrak looks at Morphia with empty eyes.

When it dons on Ferrak that one of the pack is missing, the feral gnome groans and leans heavily upon his brother. His head down, Ferrak draws a breath from somewhere deep inside himself. Gritting his teeth he tries to prepare himself for the difficulties yet to come.

For the good of the pack, Mother Nature, and the Wold itself, Ferrak attempts to overcome his sense of loss and decides to fight on.

Monday June 10th, 2002 5:39:54 PM

It didn't seem possible, but the loss Renik feels hits home with still further force as the party rematerialise in the Plateau City Butchers' shop.

"Nooooooooo!!!" he shrieks, drawing his blades and swinging wildly about him. A perfectly innocent shoulder of lamb is reduced to cutlets in a matter of moments.

His limited energy spent he slumps to his knees, tears rolling down his cheeks. "It's all over! The Gods are dying! Mittiri is dead! What can we paltry mortals achieve, if even the spirit of Nature herself is lost?"

Renik has completely lost his normaly cool exterior, and weeps openly, unable to seize control of himself.

Bill Troublefinder 
Monday June 10th, 2002 8:47:44 PM

Bill chooses to leave behind the comfy chair. A little bulky for one of his stature to carry - and besides, he decides a case for taking that or the scroll a mite tough to make.

As he sees the raw emotions of his friends, the halfling realizes just how hard this is hitting them. He himself has been half expecting more deicide to occur, and though sorrowful indeed at those who are lost, is glad that the tally stands no worse than that two of the greatest gods, and the good - though it was not too long in the past that he would not have thought of Gargul as such - remain against the new, and the evil, upstart.

After Renik's rage is supplanted by despair, Bill gets down on one knee before his kneeling friend, and places a hand on his shoulder, just to offer him some small comfort in silence.

But Morphia's mention of K'isst's absence hits him like a blow to the kidney. "Nooooo!" himself he keens, though, unlike Renik, for the loss, not of a god, but of his friend, the fierce one. Or, was she merely diverted?

He recalls Wolonnok's words that the gateway would "take you where you need to go." He ponders this even as tears course down his cheeks. He stands, and turns.

"Friends - perhaps K'i... our companion was needed elsewhere. Did not the dwarf say that we would be taken where we need to go? Do not give up hope for her. Nor ought we give up hope for the gods. Though his breastplate," and he indicates Feng with a nod of his head, "lose its constellations, there is hope. There MUST be hope. And I refuse to bow to the Dark Lord, who would extinguish all lights in his craving for power." Looking at Renik, then Ferrak, he goes on. "Mittiri may be dead, but the Lord of the dead yet goes on, and has the power to revoke death. The Lord of truth as well yet lives. As do we, and many others, including the Dragonstone.

"Almost a year ago, after Domi was defeated, a little girl, an elf, told me that the 'Bright Man' would come back. That is her name for Domi - the Bright Man. I trust her faith more than any despair."

He looks around, and tells Morphia, "We have work to do, but already I have said too much in the streets. Take us to a safe place." He turns and looks at Hobbes. "Despite your reservations, she is worthy of trust."

Monday June 10th, 2002 10:30:25 PM

Draax steps through the gate hoping that the vision was only a vision and not reality. He looks around at the devastation and gives another sigh. A little smile comes to his face as Morphia hails the group, at least they are back in their own time. A curse can be heard coming from his lips as he learns of K'isst's disappearance. Draax looks around to make sure that K'isst is really not in the area before he follows Morphia to whenever she takes them.

Tuesday June 11th, 2002 4:34:24 AM

Feng looks around Plateau city. The buildings were cracked and broken. Death had it's cold bony fingers wrapped around the city and was squeezing. Plateau City was once bustling and full of life. Now Feng stood in a post apocalyptic warzone. It was hard to keep hope alive.

OCC: sorry about the lack of posting but I just switched to night shift. I'm still trying to get used to things.

Meanwhile, Back At The Ranch... (DM Donna) 
Tuesday June 11th, 2002 7:03:33 AM

Morphia is very sympathetic to Renik after his outburst, too.

"Your friend here is right--" she tells not just the rogue but all of you, "--the streets of Plateau City are no longer safe for any who show or even voice opposition to Marteaus...let's get back to the temple."

As the young acolyte of Gargul ushers you along towards the skull-shaped building, the changed demeanor of the people in the street strikes everyone: everyone looks shell-shocked, walking about with a sort of self-involved glaze over their eyes. Where once there may have been the odd group of loiterers talking together on a corner or perhaps as they shared some food or drink, nobody seems to be doing that. In fact, if you didn't know any better, you could swear that there's an undercurrent of...fear.

"You've been gone for about three days." Morphia tells you after you all return to the archive area that is her special forte. "In that time, this God War has claimed all the deities except Gargul, Alemi and Marteaus. The City Council has adopted all manner of edicts that do everything short of legally declaring Plateau City to be dedicated to the 'glorious might of the Dark Lord'..!" The young woman's voice turns scornful and she practically spits this part out. "It seems that the Council members want to hedge their bets by appearing to remain neutral...at least on paper. Meanwhile, any of the populace who don't comply with tithing to Marteaus or even voice a dissenting opinion of the Dark Lord are immediately arrested. There's a standing reward--completely UNofficial, of course!--of 100 gold pieces for any information on anyone engaged in 'seditious activity'...another euphimism for anyone doing or saying anything that opposes the Dark Lord's will." Morphia laughs bitterly, a strange and sad sound to come from a young female cleric. "There have been MANY rewards paid out these last three days."

Tuesday June 11th, 2002 12:25:01 PM

Hobbes says nothing as they come back. He suspected the truth of what the scroll foretold, but the reality is far more devastating than even he realizes.

He immediately begins walking toward the temple and as they continue is remains silent.

Tuesday June 11th, 2002 1:31:48 PM

Draax digests what Morphia tells them about all that transpired while they were away. "Three gods left or should I say two gods and a want-to-be. But the want-to-be may be stronger than the true gods."

Draax stands up straighter and looks a lot more like his old self with some of the confident look reappearing on his face.
"Well, if I had any misgivings about fighting in the lands of the dead they are all gone now. Whatever the consequences I cannot see myself living in this wold as it is now or how I am afraid it may become. It would be nice if we were able to contact Marcus, he would probably be able to guide us to the things we need to have a chance. Anyone has any idea how we can contact the Dragonstone?"

Tuesday June 11th, 2002 3:31:46 PM

Rond thinks upon the things that Morphia tells the group. "There will be plenty for us to discuss. But from what you have told us already, we should probably wait until such a time that we can talk in confidence."

Not knowing whether it would do any good or not, Rond says a prayer of luck for the Dwarf and for K'isst who have returned to different fates than the party itself.

The fear in the streets sets Rond's nerves on edge, while he waits to see if anything comes after the group.

He comments further, "We should probably set ourselves up to be always on the ball. Since we were ambushed for trying to get where we went in the first place I wouldn't be surprised by anything else that comes our way, now that we're back here. Stay sharp people."

Tuesday June 11th, 2002 5:35:34 PM

Renik makes the trip to the temple in a near-total daze, but once back at the archive area and fortified by hot honey and lemon with just a dash of Rutgash Gutsmelter's Finest Sipping Whisky, he starts to regain his composure.

He listens to what Morphia and his companions have to say, then speaks up.

"Morphia, we learned during the time that we were away that there is only one way for us to fight against the darkness that spreads over the Wold like a shroud. This will sound awful, perhaps even blasphemous to a cleric of Gargul such as yourself, but these are desperate times, and desperate times call for desperate measures. Brother Hobbes has heard this, and knows it to be true. We all do.

We have learned that the only way to combat this evil is to travel to the Lands of the Dead, and there do battle with the Dark Lord and his minions. But to travel to the Lands of the Dead in such a form that allows us to do effective battle... we must become undead, for only the dead may walk there, and only the undead may do so in material form.

Now we must first learn how to achieve this task in such a manner as to remain in possession of our right minds. We have learned that magics exist that allow this sort transformation. I believe we were told it had something to do with the "voluntary undead", magics similar to those which aid in the creation of such foul abominations as liches and vampires.

And secondly we must somehow reach the Lands of the Dead, there to do battle, perhaps for the final time.

If ever we have needed your assistance it is now. Can you put aside your revulsion for the unholy act of which I speak? Do you have any knowledge that might assist us in this critical task? Might somewhere amongst this ancient archive exist forbidden knowledge of the necromantic arts? And can you provide us with any clues as to how we might reach the distant shores of the DeadLands? Though it may mean our eternal damnation we cannot falter. We must face this terrible challenge, if we are to have a hope of succesfully battling the Dark One's evil. Can you help us?"

Renik's plea is heartfelt, sincere, and tinged with desperation.

Bill Troublefinder 
Tuesday June 11th, 2002 7:43:22 PM

Bill listens to Renik, then turns to Morphia. "Yeah, what he said. Meanwhile, I'll volunteer to get word to the Dragonstone. Anybody else wanna come with?"

Wednesday June 12th, 2002 3:03:29 AM

Hobbes travels silently, letting Renik's words echo in his mind, he is startled by the reality of the situation. As Renik rambles, "We have learned that the only way to combat this evil is to travel to the Lands of the Dead...", Hobbes spins around from his directed March toward the pair of them and shouts, "Renik! No!!!!!". He pauses to assure he has indeed stopped talking. He then speaks in a softer more direct tone, "The information we have learned is privy to Father Virdune and he alone. If he so chooses, then you will be informed." He looks around at the silence he has caused then down at his feet then adds, "...Morphia. It is not a wish that we keep things from you, but it is related to other information that Father Jonno has kept from you and all acolytes. One must heed the wisdom of the Eye." He looks back at her and then Renik, giving him a glare, "Please, no more talk of this until we are within closed doors."

Wednesday June 12th, 2002 3:31:39 AM

Feng continues to stare at the city. His gaze washes across buildings and people alike. Things were bad before, but they were much better than this. "Let us find someplace private to talk. There is much to do and little time to do it in. If Marteaus destroyed so many gods, then he must have some type of power source giving him his strength. Somehow we must be victorious."

Secrets Revealed (DM Donna)  d100=10
Wednesday June 12th, 2002 6:23:13 AM

Morphia, too, holds up her hand as Renik begins to speak of the information gathered from the viewing of the second scroll.

"I will take you all to Father Virdune," she says, "Because Brother Hobbes is right--I am but an acolyte, and have not yet earned the right to learn the information you have to offer. Follow me." The black-robed priestess hastily leads the group from the library to the part of the temple that houses the residential quarters. She stops at a particular door and knocks upon it.

"Father Virdune..?" Morphia calls through the closed door. "Father Virdune--that party of heroes has returned to us, just as you said."

"Enter!" orders the voice of Jonno Virdune. Morphia opens the door and ushers you all inside a roughly 15-foot-square room. The temple patriarch is sitting at a writing desk in one corner. "Thank you, Morphia, you may return to your research." The acolyte nods, bowing, and leaves the chamber, closing the door behind her.

"Please, sit...tell me what has occurred." the human man gestures to the collection of seating surfaces that his sitting room happens to have. After hearing the pertinent details from you--and confirming that you have been informed of the current state of Plateau City's politics--the middle-aged man sighs in contemplation.

"The diviners have advised that you all go back to your previous place of employment." Virdune tells you. "I have NO idea what it means, exactly...only that the means by which you which to contact Dragonstone may be found there...and that only you lot will be able to see it for its true purpose." The patriarch rubs his face tiredly, looking as though he's aged ten years since you last saw him.

"Finding a means to render you undead...that will be the easy part. Finding you a way to go to the lands of the dead--now THAT will be a great deal harder." Jonno muses. "For now, however, you MUST get your information to the Gold Dragons by the means that the diviners say you will discover."

Wednesday June 12th, 2002 2:12:39 PM

Hobbes raises an immediate eyebrow and stands mouth agape for several seconds. "For-forgive my impertinence, master, but you hardly seem shocked by this revelation. Gargul himself killed himself to save the Wold. 'Becoming Undead,' something heretofore blasphemy and an evil which Gargul's principles have fought against -- now becomes a necessary element in the safety of the Wold." Hobbes frowns, "It troubles me... and what troubles me more is that now we must do it again... to save Gargul and thus the Wold once again." Hobbes shakes his head. "It is ironic that killing oneself and coming back is the easy part."

Hobbes looks around at the battered group again and remembers something, "We also need two things. Firstly we need some immediate healing from the onduty priests as the battles we've been through to get this information were quite fierce. Secondly one of our company... the tall woman known as K'isst did not return. We'd like the diviners to detect where she went. To know that she is safe... and perhaps it would provide us with yet another piece of this puzzle."

Hobbes sits in one of the small chairs, a little exhausted, "As for previous place of employment, mine was technically at the monastery." He shakes his head, "and Feng's was in the Scar undercover. I'm guessing that is referring to the rest of the group and their employment with... erm... what was it again?" he asks the rest.

"In any case, Father, before we leave I would like to assist the scribes of the temple in scribing another scroll with the new revelations of Gargul we received if I may." he pauses looking up inquisitively, "that is if you were of the mind that this information SHOULD be passed to our higher ranks?"

Wednesday June 12th, 2002 3:37:25 PM

Somewhat abashed at his near-breach of protocol, Renik remains silent. It is is true, he should have saved his request for Father Virdune. But, well, Morphia is so much prettier than stuffy old Father Virdune!

Honestly, the rules and regulations they have in these Houses of the Holy, it's a wonder they havn't had to write out a report of their adventures in triplicate for submission to the Clerical Clerks, Renik tells himself. Where's the freedom, the spontaneity?

He suddenly feels a burning desire to be highly inappropriate with that lowly accolyte Morphia. Now is not the time, he admonishes himself, but the self restraint involved does little to improve his sulky mood.

Feeling a little mutinous, Renik scowls half-heartedly at Hobbes' back, and picks at his fingernails with his silver dagger.

Though he does not realise it, Renik has successfully forced himself to push traumatic recent events to the back of his mind, replacing them as usual with his trademarked combination of flippancy, self-righteousness and just a hint of lust.

Wednesday June 12th, 2002 6:52:06 PM

Feng wondered what work his new companions previously did. It wasn't really important and could wait until later. "I'm sure there was somebody that knew how to get to the land of the dead. With the war going on, would they still be alive? We need to think of a plan just in case we can't get to the land of the dead. I'm hoping things will work out but lately stuff hasn't gone our way."

Draax (18 down) 
Wednesday June 12th, 2002 7:04:05 PM

Draax listens as the others ask Father Virdune questions. At Hobbes' remark about healing, Draax looks around at the other members of the group and then take an assessment of himself. With everything going on he almost forgot about how hurt they were.

"Getting everyone healed up would be nice before we leave. The B&B is another previous place of employment for some of us if it still stands, but like Hobbes, I am also guessing that the place we should go is our current establishment. Hopefully it survived the destruction"

Bill Troublefinder 
Thursday June 13th, 2002 12:21:14 AM

"Well, we'll be happy to get our info over to the Gold Dragons," the halfling tells the high priest. "Why do we need diviners to figure out how to get in touch with them, though? We can just pop over to a place I know they hang out. But, if they say there's some other way than what I was thinking, then we can do that, I suppose."

Speaking to his comrades, he says, "And hey, guys, I think he, or the diviners, that is, must mean the B&B - 'cause our so-called present place of employment is hardly set up yet, remember? -- So that's definitely not our 'previous' place of employment."

Bill thinks for a moment. "We couldn't get some snacks or somethin', could we? Three days, huh? Didn't seem so long. Time gets weird, sometimes. I could use a bath." Then he giggles. "Hey - kill three birds with one stone. The B&B has snacks, baths, and diviners' secrets!"

Thursday June 13th, 2002 1:22:25 AM

"Yes three birds with one stone," Arien agrees with Bill, breaking his long silence. The godswar had left him thinking about the current state of affairs. Arien wondered to himself if the Wold wouldn't be better if there were no gods, demi-gods or anything of thier ilk. "Well let us be going. Time is like money, the less you have the quicker it goes. If everything is even half as bad as whats been said I doubt we have much time left at all."

Thursday June 13th, 2002 1:39:46 AM

"We probably should check into both unless that good Father can point us to anything further. Our acquisition would maybe point us to the whereabouts of our real employer.

I would also remind you Hobbes that you were actually turned over to our employ, until such time as this dilemma is resolved, I believe.

If everything of the scroll is to be believed it is the ease in which is this is accomplished, which is the reason why this secret has been protected for so long. Obviously the two remaining 'gods' are aware of this, but the other one is not. We need to get this information to the right people, without blowing the lid on the information."

Snacks, Baths & Secrets, Anyone..? (DM Donna) 
Thursday June 13th, 2002 6:51:55 AM

After Hobbes speaks up, the older cleric is silent for a moment, then he says in a measured tone:

"I did not become a patriarch of the All-Seeing Eye without the acquisition of wisdom and knowledge that not everyone else in The Wold knows, Brother Hobbes." he reminds the junior priest. "I am not shocked because--if one pauses to consider the entire sequence of that second scroll, as well as the basic doctrine of the temple of Gargul--it was quite clear that, even as a mortal, our patron deity did NOT like the idea of robbing the dead of their right to eternal rest. Plus, did I not relay to you the message that the diviners had revealed earlier--the one that we thought rather cryptic at the time: 'you have to turn blasphemy to your advantage'..? Using undead forces against Marteaus in the lands of the dead appears to be what that message was referring to." Virdune draws in a heavy breath and expels it forcefully.

"Admittedly, it is not an idea I am at ease with, but these are desperate times, and--as such--call for desperate measures." he continues. "That having been said, however, I must concede that you all do need healing, and will receive such before you exit the temple. I will also set the matter of your missing colleague before our diviners and see what they come up with." The patriarch tugs subconsciously on his beard as he mulls other comments and questions over.

"Halfling, the diviners merely point the way to revelation, they do not presume to force you act on their advice." he tells Bill. "They've discussed the portents they've received, however, and all agree that they seem to urge this group to investigate that place...the Beer & Bath, was it..? Well, the signs point to an overwhelming need for you all to go there and seek out something that you need to have. The details are murky, but such is the way of the diviner. I also know that the proprietess of that place--according to the grapevine--is being closely scrutinized because she has not given over her tithings to Marteaus with any good grace. When you go there, do be careful, as there may be unwanted eyes watching you." Jonno gets to his feet, herding the Hamleteers to the door of the sitting room.

"Go now--time is of the essence!" he urges, then stops to direct one last reply to Hobbes: "By the way, since that second scroll was obviously one that refers to the Jericho and to such fantastic truths as it revealed to you, I do believe that attempts to copy it will not be successful. None of us may communicate anything about the Jericho unless all present already know about the Jericho...and that injunction extends to the written or even magically-recorded word."

Before the party leaves, everyone still needing healing may be attended to by the other priests of the Black Temple for a donation of a mere 10gp each.

Ferrak (Sorry, Summer School got me-Shawn) 
Thursday June 13th, 2002 10:14:44 AM

Still suffering from the knowledge of the state of Nature and the Wold, Ferrak remains quiet and detached from the others.

Taking some comfort from the presence of his brother Darkfang, the feral gnome suddenly finds himself thinking of his garden.

Looking around, Ferrak sees the desolation and destruction of the city. Shaking his head, the Druid/warrior assumes the worst. There will be no sanctuary with Nature's death.
(How can Nature be dead?) he keeps thinking to himself.
Teeth clenched in a haggard snarl, Ferrak morbidly looks forward to the chance at following his 'Mother' into the lands of death.

Thursday June 13th, 2002 2:56:04 PM

Renik recieves his healing with gratitude (he grudgingly admits to himself that the Temples do have uses after all), and then as his companions recieve their own healing he says

"I'll be back shortly. I must make a swift visit to the Catacombs before we go on."

He races out into the dark and unwelcoming city, his cloak wrapped closely around him as he keeps to the shadows.

Not long after he returns. His Slippers of Spider Climbing are gone, as is his trusty rapier and his black studded leather armour. Instead he now wears a matching set of twin shortswords in fine black leather scabbards. And although he at first appears unarmoured, a closer look reveals that he wears a fine shirt of mithril chain beneath his black overshirt. Upon his finger he now wears a ring, which he informs anyone who asks is a ring of protection.

"Right! My preparations are made. Unless there are any other matters to attend to I say we make all haste to the Beer and Bath."

Thursday June 13th, 2002 6:53:52 PM

Feng donates 10gp to the clerics. He likes the idea of undead armies less than the priest. Becoming an undead, or even working with them, goes against everything he stands for. But if he takes part in the conflict, he would be a normal half-orc. The abilities bestowed by the gods would surely be taken. Though if that meant saving the wold, it was a sacrifice worth making. Troubled he finds the others. "Can we depart now? There is much to contemplate."

Thursday June 13th, 2002 7:02:30 PM

Draax gladly gives over the 10gp and thanks the clerics for the healing. "Hmm, the B&B it is then. I should learn to stick with my first hunch. I am ready when the rest of you are." The half-elf takes on the disguise of the human youth Steps before leaving the temple.

Bill Troublefinder  d20+17=18 d20+17=36
Thursday June 13th, 2002 11:51:39 PM

"Thank you, Patriarch Virdune."

Bill happily pays 10 gp to the kind priests.

"Great idea, Draax! Disguises, everyone." Bill becomes Lake [DC 18]. He looks himself over in a mirror, and starts over with his disguise, doing a much better job the second time around [DC 36]. Now his friend note he walks with a pronounced limp, and, when not helping others, curls up his left hand. He'll assist any of his friends who so desire help with their disguises (add +2 to your Disguise skill check). When all are ready, he joins them heading out, threading through the streets of the city, alert to tax collectors and press gangs - seeking to avoid such. If it looks as though they are being followed, the halfling will work on losing them.

Friday June 14th, 2002 4:48:20 AM

Hobbes bows his head to the venerable priest as he leaves. The group disperses somewhat to their tasks before heading to the B&B and Hobbes takes advantage of the moment to retire to the main chapel once again. He prays for all the good people of the Wold, for the lives lost to this tragedy, for the gods which have lost their noble lives in this catastrophe, for thanks that he and his friends are alive and called to duty, and finally for Gargul himself.

"Oh great master," he intones, "I give Thee my strength and my soul for your use. I give myself entirely to thee to preserve your life, my Lord. Do with me as you will."

He kneels solemnly and puts thrity gold pieces on the altar. He then pauses for one final prayer, "For our companion K'isst, keep her safe and protected and may our paths cross again in this life or the next."

Hobbes then heads hastily to the scribe's area, bowing to the headmaster on duty and taking a place in one of the closed room with just a writing desk with parchment, ink, and quill kept alight by a candle. He sits and breathes a sigh, then writes, "For the eyes of Patriarch Father Jonno Virdune of the Eye from Brother of the Eye Hobbes...On Killing a Deity to Become One" He then tells the story of how Gargul and Alemi concocted their plan to cross over into the land of the dead, concentrating more on Gargul of course. He finishes it fairly quickly and signs it, then rolls it up and seals it with wax, writing on the outside For the eyes of Father Virdune and ties it in ribbon.

"There," he thinks, "That should preserve the spells logic."

He then takes the scroll to the temple vault, informing the keeper to place it in a specific vault with only rights given to himself and Father Virdune to access it and witnesses its placement.

With that particular bit of history preservation safely taken care of, he takes out the strange hat from his backpack and thinks a bit, scrunching his mouth. He then takes hold of his scythe and nods his head assuredly and at once he is an old man, a beggar-looking fellow with threadbare drooping robes and a simple cloth cap that hangs over his ears...and his scythe is a tall wooden staff that acts as a walking stick. He then shuffles his way out of the temple and toward the B&B awaiting his comrades there in the guise of begging for food.

Squeaky Clean Fun (DM Donna) 
Friday June 14th, 2002 6:33:53 AM

Traveling through the streets of the city, the Hamleteers can actually feel the difference in the atmosphere of the urban setting. Eyes--seen and unseen--clap almost tangibly upon the group, making everyone in it keenly aware of the fact that they're supposed to be in disguise...and should anyone even suspect that they are in disguise, they are likely to immediately report the party for the sizeable reward that is being offered for anyone engaged in seditious activity. This dire knowledge makes the normally short-and-sweet trip to the familiar Beer & Bath quite nerve-wracking.

However, the party DOES manage to reach the place without incident. They find that the homey and festive mood that used to prevail is greatly reduced, though it is volumes more friendly than the streets outside. There is a burly human man tending bar that none of you have seen before.

Before you have the chance to do anything other than approach the bar, a rotund customer--dripping wet and in one of the provided bathrobes--bursts from the doorway leading to the private baths, looking rather angry.

"Look, Mac," the drippy man demands, shaking a fist, "I paid extra for the perfumed soap, lotion and smoothing stone...and the dangblasted pumice doesn't work!"

"We just got a dozen of them smoothers from a traveling saleslady," Mac the bartender says, frowning as the customer puts forth his hand and opens it to show the substandard product, "It oughtta work just fine!"

"Well, it doesn't!" the patron pouts petulantly.

"Just toss it, then," Mac says, snapping his fingers to summon one of the bath attendants, "I'll have someone get you a fresh stone." The attendant hurries over with a palm-sized, porous-looking ovoid rock that is an ashy white color. The door to the B&B opens again.

"Hold the door--I'm launching this dud..!" yells the customer with the non-working smoothing stone. As the portly man winds up to make his pitch, however, everyone notices that the "stone" he's planning to throw away is actually a perfectly round globe that sofly glows with a magic aura.

Everyone roll a Reflex save--highest result over DC15 catches the missile before it's out the door.

Arien  d20+10=30
Friday June 14th, 2002 9:40:37 AM

Even before the stone leaves the customer's hand Arien is moving. He steps to the side and sends his hand darting out at the stone, attempting to catch it.

Renik  d20+9=27
Friday June 14th, 2002 5:18:10 PM

Renik too follows the trajectory of the stone closely, but cannot match Arien's lightning speed. He pulls up, deeply impressed at his companion's lightning reflexes.

Lake (Bill Troublefinder)  d20+8=21
Saturday June 15th, 2002 12:54:14 AM

Bill's reflexes are good enough [Reflex save DC 21] for him to note that Arien's got it, and not to get in his way.

'Hey, little globe - don't worry, you're not unwanted,' he tells the sphere with a telepathic missive. He really doesn't know whether the thing has a mind to contact, but those diviners seemed awfully insistent that whatever it is we're supposed to find was essential. Thus, he ventures.

Feng  d20+8=21
Saturday June 15th, 2002 4:25:35 AM

Feng looks around the B&B. It seems that his disguise of a slightly shorter human male with a pot belly worked just fine. His hat of duisguise has saved his life many times and will many more. Feng sees the man and the globe, but several others are already ontop of the situation. It seems that half-orcs are not swift people. Reacting, Feng reaches for his warhammer. [reflex save 21]

Saturday June 15th, 2002 2:15:53 PM

The feral gnome sits in a dark corner with Darkfang, with his collar on he looks like a big German Shepard.

Lifting his head up off of his paws Ferrak snorts, then puts his head back down.

Saturday June 15th, 2002 2:25:27 PM

After Arien deftly nabs the bauble from the air, a streak of fur coils around his arm.

Kiki's little paws claw at the pretty bauble.

{Let me play!}

Draax  d20+5=20
Sunday June 16th, 2002 6:18:55 PM

Draax puts his hand up ready to catch the stone and then smiles as he watches Arien move with lightning speed to intercept the object. He lets his eyes roam around the B&B noticing the changes to the place since he was last there.

Sunday June 16th, 2002 6:24:18 PM

Upon entering the B&B Darkfang almost starts acting like the B&B's guard dog again out of habit. He goes around the bar sniffing most of the customers before settling in the corner with his brother.

Sunday June 16th, 2002 11:42:32 PM

As Hobbes approaches the doorway, he perfects his act: A swaggered limp, leaning heavily on his staff, a tangled mess of beard hanging down, even somewhat of a crackly voice.

As he reaches for the knob of the Beer and Bath, he is so startled by its sudden opening and vision of a spherical object hurtling toward him that he topples over backward.

"Don't kill me," he says shaking and huddled under his 'robes'. "I am in need of some food, please, kind sir."

Dead On Your Feet

Just Push "Play" (DM Donna) 
Monday June 17th, 2002 6:27:01 AM

Arien's hand flashes out and the "smoothing stone" smacks right into the middle of his palm, which stings slightly at the impact. The customer who threw it grumbles something about how SOME people just can't stand to see ANYthing thrown out, but he simply goes back to where his bath is waiting for him.

The bartender offers the disguised Hobbes the "Pauper's Special"--a cup of broth and a hunk of bread for a single copper piece. He does this with great reluctance.

Even as Hobbes opens his mouth to respond to the offer, a soundless voice suddenly echoes within his head:

Heroes...take this Orb out the back door of this establishment. The permanent placement of this Orb must take place before you can use it for its pre-destined purpose.

A quick glance at the faces of the others confirms that the entire party just heard this message in their minds. Hastily (but as casually as possible) you all comply with the item's directions.

Once outside the back door, the Orb directs you to replace the wooden globe that tops the newel post of the back steps to the Beer & Bath with it. Feeling the compulsion to follow the directions, the magical globe is affixed to the banister, where it momentarily transmorgrifies into a battered wooden top to the post...then it shines softly with its true magical energy.

This orb is to remain in this spot for the purposes of worthy individuals--such as yourself--to use as a method of contacting the Wold's current Dragon Consortium. the globe tells you all. Only those who are deserving of the chance and have genuine need to communicate with the Consortium will be able to recognize this device for its true purpose...all others will merely see an old wooden top to an old wooden banister.

Now, heroes of The Wold, speak to this Orb and know that the Dragon Consortium will hear your words...

Monday June 17th, 2002 12:06:47 PM

Morbidly, Ferrak wonders when it will be time for them to die.

Monday June 17th, 2002 5:24:57 PM

The rogue tries to gather his thoughts, wondering how best to explain the astonishing series of revalations they have so recently experienced.

Monday June 17th, 2002 8:50:43 PM

"Thank you," calls Hobbes back inside as he comes through the back door onto the terrace, "I would very much like to enjoy this in the sunlight. You are most kind."

Hobbes smiles and shuts the door behind him. Turning around this it can be seen that this ragged old man is now carrying a small wooden cup and a hunk of hard bread. His smile immediately turns into to a stern concentrated gaze as he dumps out the broth onto the ground and lets the bread drop as well. He looks around at the rest of the group assembled, most of whose disguises he has seen before, then steps up to the assumed pole.

He peers curiously at it, then at the others.
See clears his throat and begins, still using a crackly old type of voice, "Would those that fly with dragons hear the words of but a humble servant? News we have of a solution to your problem."

Roger (Rond) 
Tuesday June 18th, 2002 4:13:48 AM

"These are trying times right now, and though your words are very complimentary how are we to know that we are putting our trust in the right agencies?"

Tuesday June 18th, 2002 5:42:35 AM

While gathering his thoughts Draax waits for the confirmation that Rond asked for.

Lake (Bill Troublefinder) 
Tuesday June 18th, 2002 3:47:30 PM

Bill (as Lake) looks around the area of the outside back door to the Beer and Bath. He wants to ensure as much as possible that there are no eavesdropping eyes or ears to hear what they are about to say.

Once satisfied that the area is clear, the halfling steps up to the orb at the top of the post. "Hello, Consortium? This here is - well, we have some information for you. First: Alemi, Domi, Caeroldra, Gargul..." His voice trails off.

He turns to his friends. "This just doesn't seem as secure as it should be. What if someone is scrying to this place?" He turns to the orb. "Okay, orb, you say you're here for us to communicate with the ones you mentioned. But why from this spot? How can we be sure it's safe? And that someone won't overhear who should not? Don't mean to be difficult, but don't mean to be too easy, either. Do you allow for two-way communication?"

Tuesday June 18th, 2002 4:07:11 PM

Hobbes bends down to "Lake" from across the orb and says softly, "which is why I speak in riddle and secret, young man. FOr I am HOBBled..." He winks to Bill, then looks around the area not trusting that they are truly alone.

Is This Thing On..? (DM Donna) 
Tuesday June 18th, 2002 5:24:27 PM

Fear not, heroes, the soundless voice of the Orb assures you all, Any communication you utter through me is completely secure--anyone attempting to eavesdrop will either hear drunken gibberish on your part, or nothing in reply. You, on the other hand, will be able to have a two-way conversation with the Dragon Consortium, now headed by the human you call Valdor Dragonstone.

Now, please...use me for the purpose for which I was intended: speak fully of any information that the Dragon Consortium may need in your mutual effort to save The Wold..!

Tuesday June 18th, 2002 6:24:56 PM

Feng takes a few steps forward. "With great effort we have learned how the cult gods were defeated the first time. An army was created and turned undead. No matter how hard the cult gods tried, the soldiers kept getting up."

Wednesday June 19th, 2002 3:16:51 AM

Arien pauses a moment before adding to what Feng has already said, "Yes the gods themselves were once mortals, they fought against the cult gods and were victorious only because they made themselves into undead. Now we who fight for peace must do the same and become undead ourselves if there is to be hope of defeating Marteaus."

Lake (Bill Troublefinder) tells the story of the scrolls  d20+18=38 d20+18=32 d20+18=33 d20+18=32
Wednesday June 19th, 2002 4:32:31 AM

Reassured by what the orb has to say, Lake begins. "Well, we have seen two scrolls which contain segments of the ascent of Alemi, Domi, Caeroldra, and Gargul. They did not used to be gods. They battled against the old gods - and they sought wisdom from the Dragon Consortium. And they became undead in their strategy to defeat the old gods.

"There is one of whom you likely know. If not, then I'm sure my speech concerning him will be garbled. If so, then here is some corroborating information.

"I shall relate what the scrolls told us. While watching them, it was as though we ourselves were drawn directly into the story, the telling. It was as though we were seeing things directly from Alemi's eyes, and hearing with his ears.

[Four autohypnosis rolls, DC 38, 32, 33, 32, to accurately recall the messages from the scrolls.]

"In the first one - called 'The Beginning' - Alemi stood in the middle of a town. Alemi loved it because it was home, and there he gladly served as a captain in the town patrol. Several of his friends, as well, were members of the patrol. There had been a recent escalation of crime. He sensed that something was wrong - and not just locally, but in the Wold as a whole. He simply was unable to put his finger on it.

Domi came up behind him, giving him a bear hug. Both Alemi and Domi laughed together as friends. 'Alemi! You're gonna get your butt kicked if you just stand around in the middle of the road with your head in the clouds!' said the grappler as he released him. The muscular man, the champion wrestler, stood before him.

'Not with YOU watching my back, Domi!' he said, the warmth of his voice reflecting the deep friendship he had with his fellow Patrol member and friend.

'Pondering the mysteries of the gods, weren't ya?' Domi replied, grimacing. 'Between you and Rollie, you'd think that the sky was falling or something!'

'Caeroldra's scrying has given us many clues--' Alemi defended his other friend, but Domi waved the protest away.

'Don't get prickly! I'm with ya, you know that--it's just that I don't hold well with second-guessing the gods.' Domi looked around. 'Speak of the devil--here's Rollie now.'

Whirling around, Alemi saw a human woman, dressed in the modest robes of an apprentice wizard, hurrying across the town square towards him. She was Caeroldra, his other best friend in the entire Wold, and she looked very, very worried.

'Alemi! My latest visions confirm that the gods just aren't doing their job,' she said to him, anxiety furrowing her brow. 'There have been rifts manifesting all over The Wold--three of them in our own area!--with all manner of alien beings coming through and setting up shop! All these incursions are upsetting the delicate balance of power... and touching off many, many acts of evil, both small and large.'

'My latest consultation at the temple wasn't very encouraging, Caeroldra,' Alemi replied. 'The priests there didn't even want to do more than accept the tithe, first of all--then the one cleric who DID cast a divination was awfully blase about it. He said the usual stuff about how The Wold is just the way the gods want it and that I'm going to go on a journey. Then he yawned and wandered off.'

'This isn't good at all, Alemi,' the wizard said fretfully. 'If the balance isn't restored to The Wold soon, then everything will just wreck itself! I doubt that any of the Noble Races will survive.'

'But if the temple priests won't listen, who will?' demanded Domi.

'Well... we could seek out the dragon conclave,' Caeroldra suggested, but the wrestler scoffed.

'Not THAT old hoot? It's an old wives' tale!'

'We don't know that for sure!' the female argued hotly. 'Why, dragons are far older than even elves, and--'

'And we're going to go see them,' Alemi said firmly, the surprise on Caeroldra's and Domi's faces surpassed only by his own. 'We don't have much of a choice--Rollie's spells keep confirming that The Wold is getting worse... and I, for one, trust in her judgment.'

'Well, okay, then--let's go!' Domi said, shrugging and then setting off with enthusiasm. Alemi and Caeroldra went with him, wondering if there WERE, in truth, any way to avoid the doom that seemed to be looming on The Wold's very horizon.

The three of them made an eventful journey across the landscape of The Wold, facing (and defeating--sometimes VERY narrowly!) all manner of creatures from other planes and even some native to The Wold who--in thrall to the gods--sought to stop them from reaching the Dragon Conclave.

They tried to talk to the priests of the gods--their party even managed to get to see the very deities themselves!--but neither the gods nor their servants thought that there was any credence to Caeroldra's theory about the balance of The Wold and its need to be restored. The gods merely dismissed Alemi and his group back to The Wold.

He determined to continue with his original intent--to make it to the age-old site where the dragons of The Wold are supposed to hold meetings. There he spoke urgently with a beautiful elven woman who called herself Maab. He made his case about the balance of The Wold being in peril and--to his surprise--she nodded.

'You're the first person to believe us instead of dismissing our story out-of-hand,' said Alemi.

'Many of those you speak to don't believe you because you are very young,' Maab said, smiling empathetically. 'I know that feeling, for I am the youngest one to ever become a member of the Conclave, and many of the others often dismiss my ideas, too.'

'Member of the Conclave?" Caeroldra echoed, her eyes widening. "Then... then that means that you're..?" Even as the wizard spoke, the 'elf' metamorphed into her true form: that of a very young Fey Dragon.

'I am Maab, recently ascended to the throne of the Valley of the Fey,' the colossal drake confirmed, 'And I will help you present your findings to the Conclave.'

The humans and the dragon faced all the other dragons of The Wold and explained the true state of things. Many of the older dragons were skeptical at first, but they at least listen to the whole story... and eventually confirmed for themselves that Alemi and his friends were correct.

'It is clear that those who were to be the Guardians of The Wold are not doing their job,' Maab said. "We must inform the Creator of these developments and allow him the opportunity to correct these mistakes.'

The dragons all agreed to put Alemi and his friends in direct communication with a being that, they said, is ultimately responsible for The Wold's creation. A being they referred to as 'the Jericho.'

Time passed. For some odd reason, Alemi could not recall exactly what happened--only that he was successful in alerting the Jericho to the imbalance of The Wold, and that the Jericho was very, very angry because he had been told by the gods of The Wold that everything was just fine when it really was not.

Alemi knew that the Jericho had determined that the gods were no longer worthy of being Guardians of The Wold... and that he asked Alemi to stand up and defend The Wold by being willing to take on the gods themselves.

Alemi did not hesitate. The fate of The Wold was at stake: What was his life... even the lives of his friends... compared to that?

There was a fight--a battle huge and terrible--with him and his handful of allies fighting the very gods face-to-face. The carnage was horrific... the damage to the physical landscape deep and permanent.

...yet, incredibly--he prevailed!

'The Jericho,' panted Caeroldra as they all stood over the last of the ex-gods, 'he must have done something... to boost us, our effectiveness... somehow...'

The Wold needs us more than the Jericho... insisted the dying deity. ...he isn't here... he can't know The Wold the way... we do... The Wold NEEDS us... it needs... ussssssss...

'Too bad you didn't live up to the responsibility,' said Domi scathingly. Alemi looked sharply at his friend.

'But he's right, Domi,' Alemi said, once more surprising himself with the truth of his words. 'The Wold does need gods. The Jericho can't be here. He can't see to the day-to-day needs of The Wold all the time. But there MUST be Guardians who do that, or The Wold is doomed.'

'We've just managed to kill off all the old Guardians, Alemi,' Gargul said, "Whom do you suggest to replace them?'

'Anybody who will remember that they ARE the Guardians of The Wold first!' he replied firmly. 'Anybody who will have the honor, the courage... the love required to maintain the balance of The Wold.'

'That would be you all, then,' a voice said.

Suddenly, he was Alemi, the god of wisdom and justice. Domi became the god of courage and battle. Caeroldra the goddess of love. Gargul the god of death.

The Jericho told them to protect The Wold and to maintain the balance and that they will have the power to do this. It is a power that was to be used at Alemi's discretion, so he was told to act wisely, and delegate authority where he chose.

And, from that day on, he did so."

Lake hoists up his trousers, and takes a wineskin out of his pocket, and takes a drink of whatever is in there. "All right. That was the first scroll. The second one went like this:


He turned and faced the somber countenance of his friend and comrade-in-arms, Gargul. The stoic fighter nodded to him.

'Alemi, the troops are all converted. Only we two have not made the transformation.' Gargul produced two potion bottles. 'I have the elixir here. All that remains...'

'...is for us to die,' Alemi said evenly. 'How strange, isn't it? That, in order for The Wold to live, we must first die.'

'And then undie.' Gargul held up one of the bottles, eyeing it dubiously. 'But we both heard the Jericho's instructions quite clearly. Our only hope to defeat the rogue deities is battle them at Oshire House, smack in the middle of the lands of the dead--'

'--and no mortal being can enter the lands of the dead.' Alemi finished the sentence, then drew out his own dagger. 'I'll go first, my friend.' The blade in his trembling grip was lethal, and knowing that he would have to use it in a wholly unnatural way made him hesitate for a fraction of a second--but The Wold needed for him to take this step, and it was for love of The Wold that he plunged the weapon deep into his own heart.

And he died.

And he lived...sort of.

'Well, the potion works...again,' Gargul said as he helped Alemi to get up off the ground where his corpse fell. He looked down and saw the gaping wound where his dagger had sunk into his heart, stopping its vital beating almost immediately.

'I'm still wounded..?'

'Well, you still look wounded.' Gargul said with a grimace. 'You aren't alive, so the wound didn't heal, really, when the potion reanimated you... you just reinhabited the body again.' The warrior frowned a bit. 'You'll never know just how much this disturbs me.'

'I... can guess,' he told his friend. "And... you don't have to do this, Gar... Domi and Carol and the others should be enough to--"

'Don't even think I'll let the lot of you face impossible odds without me!' Gargul chided. 'We started this together--we'll end this together..." The serious man took his own dagger and killed himself with it as Alemi had just done. It was all he could do to not reach out and stay his hand--but the Jericho told the both of them that there was no other way.

He wondered why he was so oddly detached, however, as Gargul's body thudded lifelessly to the ground. It was almost comical, the way his eyes stared, unblinking, into the bright sky above... yet neither did he feel like laughing, either. It was as though either laughing or crying were just too much of an effort for him.

He bent over and retrieved the bottle of elixir, uncorking it and pouring the contents into the half-open mouth of one of his best friends in The Wold. For a moment, nothing happened.

Oh, no--could he have waited too long? Did the Jericho supply him with a bum bottle of elixir? Perhaps Gargul's moral aversion to tampering with the natural process of death was stronger than the magic that was supposed to reanimate his body???

'I must remember...' Gargul said, sitting up and looking at Alemi, '...if I ever want to be sure of killing someone in battle quickly and with as little pain as possible to use such a blow against them.' He held out a hand for Alemi to help him to his feet. 'As long as they are humanoid, that is.'

'Well... we're undead now, my friend.' Alemi said factually. Gargul looked at his own unhealed wound, then nodded in agreement.

'We certainly are, Alemi.'

'Let's go defeat the gods who betrayed The Wold, then,' he ordered. Gargul did something that he'd seen him do only on very rare occasions: he grinned.

The two of them joined Domi, Caeroldra and the others who had volunteered in this impossible mission to bring to justice the rogue deities of The Wold. In spite of the staggering numbers of warriors, spellcasters and even monster races... in spite of all of the companions being undead... it was a battle that, by all rights, Alemi felt should be futile--it should be impossible to win.

Yet, after Caeroldra activated the gateway to the lands of the dead, the battle was engaged. The Cult Gods utilized abilities and powers that defied comprehension, cutting down entire divisions of seasoned Elven and Dwarven troops in the blink of an eye...

...and those self-same casualties only rose up again and charged back into the fray.

The Cult Gods were alarmed and horrified--spell after spell they used against the upstart ex-worshippers from The Wold, and yet the terrible magicks did little more than briefly slow them up. The peoples of The Wold--thanks to their determination and the Jericho's help--waged a winning war against the deities that abandoned their duty to The Wold.

Alemi and his friends triumphed, and he knew that The Wold would never be the same."

Lake concludes, "Okay, those are the scroll stories."

Wednesday June 19th, 2002 4:40:49 AM

As the cat is now out of the bag, Hobbes continues the oration, "This is Hobbes, Eye of Gargul speaking. What my companions have uttered is the truth, that which we have discovered from two sacred scrolls shown to us in this world and another. The procedure of which they speak was discovered by Alemi and Gargul when they were in their mortal forms. It involved concocting and imbibing a potion which after they killed themselves, would raise them again into a state of unlife. In this state they could make their play against their foe in victory. The next step of course is actually getting to the place where Marteus is, once undead."

He pauses and takes a deep breath, "This dreadful step comes as a shock to us all, but it is a step that we who are thus called the "Hamleteers" are ready to perform, just as the great gods before us."

Wednesday June 19th, 2002 12:30:22 PM

Not having anything to add to what his comrades are saying, the feral gnome tries to find hope in his surroundings.
Keeping an eye on the spider's web, the ant's hill, watching the little islands of nature around him, Ferrak looks to the creatures of the wold for guidance.

Wednesday June 19th, 2002 1:15:35 PM

Expecting that Bill/Lake was the recorder of all things, Roger is not surprised when Bill/Lake is able to recall most of what the group has discovered. If the orb should ask any questions, Roger/Rond will do his best to back up the information that Bill presented.

Wednesday June 19th, 2002 3:56:34 PM

As Bill recounts the events that have recently befallen the group, Renik breathes a sigh of relief. It is fortunate that Bill has such an uncanny knack for recollection. In light of the sheer speed and intensity of recent events, his own thoughts had started to become jumbled.

"Well done Bill!" he grins, nudging the halfling.

William the Psicrystal 
Wednesday June 19th, 2002 4:05:14 PM

"But of course it was well done!" cries William in the minds of the Hamleteers. "Is he not the Great and Wise and Powerful Bill Troublefinder, scourge of the seditious? Bane of the baleful? Foe of the frightful? Does his razor-sharp mind not see all before it, and once seen , does it not recall all that previously transpired? Is his not amongst the finest minds of his generation?"

The crystal seems rready to carry on at some length, but suddenly stops, perhaps as the result of some secret psychic nudge.

"Ahem. At least, that's my opinion." he concludes, rather lamely.

Wednesday June 19th, 2002 9:15:00 PM

Draax lets the events replay in his mind as he listens to Bill's recount.

There's a Kind of Hush All Over The Wold Tonight (DM Donna) 
Thursday June 20th, 2002 6:15:54 AM

The Gold Dragons have received your message, heroes...now we all wait to hear their response to it. the Orb lets the Hamleteers know. Hopefully, it will not be long in coming...

Friday June 21st, 2002 4:09:09 PM

"Aye, hopefully..."

Bill Troublefinder 
Saturday June 22nd, 2002 1:41:57 AM

"Oh, thanks, Renik," he answers his friend.

Lake's ears turn red at his psicrystal's words of praise. Over the top. But 'bane of the baleful' - yeah, he'd like to be that. Some words to strive for, even if not yet fulfilled. Hmmm, some might think him and his friends seditious... 'Thanks for your kind and, uh, exuberant thoughts, William,' he mentally communicates. 'This is kind of exciting, talking to the Dragon Consortium, eh? Wonder what they'll tell us? Yeah, we'll battle against the seditious, for sure. Against those who go against the lawful authority - and surely those who battle against Alemi fall into that category.'

Despite the somewhat indiscrete nature of - shoot, the downright embarrassing nature of William's cheerleading, he feels a warm affection for this little sliver of crystal, and is bucked up by his words of encouragement. He hopes he does not allow such unbridled praise to lead him to hubris ... and is pleased at William's closing comment - little bits of humility may help temper the little fella.

'William, you are terrific! Remember to recognize the greatness of our companions, brave friend. Wait until you see what the Dragon class adventurers do in the upcoming conflict!'

He smiles up at Hobbes. Then he starts to giggle, in the crooked-mouthed Lake fashion, as what the usually serious priest said to him sinks in. What talented friends he has.

As they wait for the orb to carry some sort of response, Lake/Bill takes a few steps toward Ferrak. "All will be well, pack mate. After a time, all will be well. But first, more struggle. You gonna make it? I betcha you will. 'Cause we're in it together."

Saturday June 22nd, 2002 11:56:32 AM

"Yes... the pack is togggether. There is hope," says the grateful gnome as that feral gleem flickers in his eyes.

Finally, An Answer! (DM Donna) 
Tuesday June 25th, 2002 7:00:02 AM

Nerves stretch to the breaking point (almost) as the Hamleteers begin to wonder if this whole thing is just another tactic of the Dark Lord's in order to waste their time and energy on a fool's errand..?


" My friends, you have done an outstanding job!" replies a familiar voice from within the Orb--it is that of Valdor, and everyone in the party recognizes it from the dream/vision you all shared of the famous adventurer when he issued his Wold-wide call to arms. "I am sure that the information you have provided us came at a price, and I hope no lives were lost getting it. You have indeed given us a hope that we needed, difficult as it might be. I know Lady Maab and will consult with her. It has also been confirmed by another group that you are quite correct that becoming undead is a way to defeat a God. Keep your information secret and tell no one else of your findings! The battle will be joined very soon I fear, so be prepared to meet us and any others who will join us for that battle. I will contact you again when I have more findings. Please continue your work and see about finding the elixir that was spoken of. We may have some of the ingredients, but see what you can find. Keep Bill out of trouble."

The Orb falls silent.

Tuesday June 25th, 2002 11:31:03 AM

Draax listen to the voice emanating from the orb. "OK, finding more of the ingredients may be possible, but I do not think that any of us will ever be smart enough or powerful enough to keep Bill out of trouble. The task he ask of us is just too far beyond our means." Draax tries to keep a serious expression on his face.

Tuesday June 25th, 2002 12:04:08 PM

The feral gnome can't help but grin despite the seriousness of the moment.
"Yes Drraax, easierrr it would be to catch the moon."

Tuesday June 25th, 2002 4:18:49 PM

"Trying to keep Bill out of trouble would be like a broken pencil. Pointless." Smiles the rogue. "So I guess we can concentrate all our energies on tracking down this elixir. Now our Holy friend back at the temple said that finding a means to make us undead would be the easy part, that the hard part would be getting to the lands of the dead. To me that suggests that he may know of a means. Now that we have contacted Valdor, should we not return to the Temple, and enquire more closely how we might be... transformed?"

Roger (Rond) 
Tuesday June 25th, 2002 7:42:45 PM

"Though I agree with you about finding out what is known at the temple. We've been up for a long time. I think we should all go and get refreshed and continue in the morning."

Wednesday June 26th, 2002 2:14:22 AM

Hobbes turns blankly to Roger and blinks, "Sleep?"

He thinks a moment and strokes his beard, "How does one sleep when the gods are dying. Who watches over those who no longer have a patron?" he whispers to himself. This troubles him and he meanders over to the tossed away bread and picks it up. "Gargul and Alemi now have a whole Wold to look after." he syas picking through the crumbs. He rips off a piece of bread and tosses it to Darkfang.

"Say there, sir...," he says to Roger thinking of something, "Why don't we go inform that nice Mr. Marcus. Maybe he knows something."

He trails off smiling in a funny old-cronish sort of way, but behind the mask there are certainly no smile. He goes to the door and opens it, then turns, "You may call me...Ivan."
He turns back and walks through the door into the shop beyond.

"Thank you for your bread kind sir. I fell asleep out there in the sun eating it. A thousand thanks to you..." he is heard trailing off...then another door opens and closes as "Ivan" leaves the Beer and Bath.

Wednesday June 26th, 2002 6:36:34 AM

Feng looks at the deactivated orb and doesn't know what to do. The secret has been laid before them, but did he truly want to know? People would have to willingly embrace the abomination that is unlife. Could he do that? Feng didn't know. Part of him knows that it's necessary. The other part keeps reminding him that becoming undead would be throwing all of his beliefs away. In a calm but somewhat somber voice he asks, "Where can I rest for the night?"

Fresh Start (DM Donna)  d20=3
Wednesday June 26th, 2002 6:48:48 AM

The Hamleteers set off to their quarters with a renewed sense of purpose--how assuring it is know that, yes, indeed, their efforts ARE on the correct track and that they have to press on with what they have deduced so far in the way of what kind of investigating they still need to do! Even though the general atmosphere in the streets of Plateau City is rather paranoic and depressing, at least the Hamleteers know that there's light at the end of this proverbial tunnel.

Dinner, sleep, breakfast--all these occur and more besides. The books that are easily accessed in the basement library are consulted, as well spells reviewed and/or replaced and powers recovered, etc. The party starts out completely renewed and refreshed. Hooray!

Alas, however, no new clues are unearthed from within the tomes at hand (OOC: a group Research check is only 3 versus DC15.) However, there is the point that Morphia and the other clerics at the Black Temple are readily available as a source of additional Research. All that remains is for the party to decide how they will travel--in or out of their aliases.

Lake/Bill Troublefinder 
Wednesday June 26th, 2002 10:10:43 AM

Lake/Bill laughs at Valdor's counsel and his friends' wry comments. He tells Feng, "You're with us, now. Let's every split up, make our ways back to our place. Feng, you come with me."

[will post more later - gotta run]

Renik  d20+8=27 d20+25=33 d20+15=20 d20+7=14
Wednesday June 26th, 2002 4:29:43 PM

The rogue can scarce believe the difference a rest and wash makes. He feels renewed, ready for anything, filled with a strange "I've got nothing to lose!" kind of power. So the Gods are dying? So their enemy is an immortal who has cut a swathe through the very Gods themselves? Hah! He has reckoned without the resources and cunning of the Hamleteers!

He grins to himself as he shaves in front of the mirror, thinking that little William is beginning to rub off on him.

Once ready he decides against travelling in his Beera nd Bath disguise. Instead he dons a short false beard, ties his hair back, alters his gait and wraps himself deep within his dark, voluminous hooded cloak (Disguise 27) before making the dangerous journey to the temple alone. He uses all his skills to avoid being seen or heard, as he creeps through the city (Hide 33, Move Silent 20, Listen 14).

Wednesday June 26th, 2002 10:17:57 PM

The feral gnome spends as nuch time as possible tending to the plants in his garden. The destruction of the city and the neglect that they have received recently demands attention. Working with the earth helps to bring Ferrak some peace.

Wednesday June 26th, 2002 11:16:23 PM

Draax uses the hat of disguise to change his appearance to a bearded human as he makes his way back to their home.

Thursday June 27th, 2002 4:30:39 AM

Breaking trance a bit late Arien is still and about before most of the city has awoken. Keeping silent he breaks his fast with some water and fruit before returning to his room. Once there he removes all the items from his pack and belt pouches one by one and arrays them on the bed before him. He methodically checks and reties each pouch of spell components and replaces them in his belt. He repeats the ceremony with the rest of his gear before re-sealing his pack. Satisfied that he is as ready as he can be for what may be a long time without a chance to have a rest like this he shoulders his pack and in the same motion picks up Kiki and desposits her in a large and empty belt pouch where she could travel in relative saftey. Then, after writing a brief note to the others explaining where he has gone, he heads out the Black Temple to see what can be discovered about becoming undead.

Thursday June 27th, 2002 10:33:57 AM

Feng puts on his magical hat once again. His disguise has to be good. When they get into a fight he needs to use his axe. A human weilding an orcish weapon isn't very common. Then again there aren't very many half orcs that weild his chosen weapon either. Feng's features became less human and more orcish. He shrank and thinned. His skin darkened and became coated with dirt. His armor lost it's symbol and became worn. He looks at Bill, "Will this do?"

Thursday June 27th, 2002 11:25:25 AM

Having spent some time recovering sleep and nourishment Rond makes his round of their 'house' in the morning.

Rond decides to call a meeting of the group, to try and decide what their next step is.

Lake/Bill Troublefinder  d20+17=35
Thursday June 27th, 2002 3:45:31 PM

"Oo - yeah, that'll work," Lake answers Feng.

For researching 'stuff', Bill relies upon his spell-/psicraft skill to see what that might gain him (DC 31: should have rolled d20+13, not 17).

When Rond calls the meeting, Bill attends.

Hobbes  d20+4=17
Thursday June 27th, 2002 4:16:27 PM

After leaving the Beer and Bath, Ivan meanders his way through the streets, keeping as low-profile as he can and heads for the Import shop.

Upon entering, he nods his head to the gnomish woman.

"Good afternoon, miss. I was wondering if the proprietor of this establishment is in? I was given a copper to tell him of his goods in the faraway land of Koshemar. Is he within?"

He waits for the answer and accompanies the gnome back to the private room to discuss matters. He tells her only the things she needs to know such as that they've spoken to the stone and are headed to assist, but nothing of the details of the scrolls they've found. He tells a little more to Marcus should he be there, but waits for any instructions she might have. He also asks of any strong-skilled herbalists or potion makers in town.
If the gnome doesn't know, he seeks another source. (Rolled 17 on a Gather Information Check)

He then meanders through the streets again, getting a bit tired now but presses on to any location he hears about that's good with potions.

Bill T tries to unmask solution  d20+22=38 d20+22=38 d20+22=32 d20+22=42
Friday June 28th, 2002 3:37:25 AM

Bill spends more time researching, this time donning his crystal mask of knowledge: arcana & psionics, pondering the undead riddle, and asking the clerics of Gargul about the undead, and looking through their library and scrolls if they all it, and making discrete inquiries about town (looking for books, tomes, scrolls in some of the book & scroll shops he frequents). He does not wear the mask in public, but when out of the view of the public. [DC 38, 38, 32, 42]

Potion Puzzle (DM Donna)  d100=93
Friday June 28th, 2002 6:32:32 AM

When the disguised Hamleteers hit the street, they narrowly avoid a Plateau City pressgang culling the neighborhood for recruits to help defend the City.

Hobbes checks in with Mechina, who duly notes what he has to report. However, on the matter of potionmakers...

"That really depends on what kind of potions you need, dear," she tells the disguised cleric. "Herbalists are overcharging for their wares these days like you wouldn't believe! Curatives and other divine potions are only available from the Black Temple, Alemi's places of worship, and the odd magic shop like the Catacombs...I doubt you'd go to the temple of Marteaus to get cure potions, because you literally have to sell him your soul for 'em." The gnome assistant spymaster tugs at a lock of her hair as she carefully considers.

"Just about all the private wizards who brewed for profit have left the City--by the Abyss, I have reports that a majority of them have even vacated this very plane in order to escape the fallout from this blasted godswar!"

At the Black Temple, the Patriarch immediately refers those Hamleteers who have come in search of answers to Morphia. The party joins her in the archives area--and she looks even more pale than you remember, obviously having spent all this time doing research until she's dropped from exhaustion.

"The good Father tells me you seek information..?" Morphia asks you, looking from one face to another in anticipation of your questions.

Sunday June 30th, 2002 5:20:29 AM

Renik is about to explain all to the palid Morphia when he recalls that he is not supposed to. Unsure of how best to proceed with Church protocol and all, he takes a seat, winks cheekily at her, and sets to sharpening his swords with a whetstone.

Sunday June 30th, 2002 1:50:10 PM

Draax looks at Morphia and tries to put his words in order. "We need to do some research on ingredients associated with potions that are related to the dead and the undead. Do you have any ideas or do you know of any places that might contain such knowledge. I would think that this type of research would be more in the line of a necromancer, but I have no knowledge of anyone that practices in that field of research."

Sunday June 30th, 2002 6:33:18 PM

Finding no one else in the building other than Bill, Rond changes his mind. Talking with Bill, "Do you think you'd have time to check out the Catacombs and see if we can get the potion, or first potion from there, somehow. I think I want to standby here and wait for people to come back and report on what they've found. Let me know where you go if you leave, so I can send word, or what time you'll be back."

Monday July 1st, 2002 1:34:11 AM

Hobbes stands, "Then that's what I need! Give me a list of those potion masters and necromancers, especially those that dabble with death, life, and unlife who have left the city and when and how they did. And give me another list of those few which HAVE stayed behind and work in secret. And any that live outside the city or in other realms too. This is of vital importance and directly relates to our mission."

If more research is needed by the gnome to get these lists, Hobbes will check back later when she is finished. In the meantime he checks out the Temple of Alemi for such an occurrence as well as the Catacombs, then returning to the import shop to hear what the gnome has discovered.

[Kim will be posting for me starting Monday]

Bill Troublefinder, as himself, then as Greener  d20+18=33
Monday July 1st, 2002 1:44:09 AM

At the homestead
"Hey, Mechina!" he greets the talented spymistress. "Marteus' thugs - or anybody's thugs, for that matter - try to shake you down? I sure hope we have a chance to get to know each other better pretty soon."

Meeting with Rond
"Well, sure, Rond, I could do that," Bill answers the group's leader. "But how about this idea? If we want to become undead, why don't we just go to Gladiator Park after dark? We already know that is haunted by ghosts and ghouls and other undead, who come out once the sun sets. You know, by the Golden Arena? I'm really not very interested in becoming undead, ya know, but, if that's the only way to take care of the Wold's nemesis, then, shoot, how much more research do we need to do? Since I've been attacked by one, I rather fancy going the ghast route - although vampire would be interesting, too. I met some over at the Red Wyrm Inn a little while back. Don't know if I mentioned that to you, before, Rond."

Fixing a quick snack as he talks, he gets to another point. "I figure, if this plan works, then maybe Alemi himself can take care of reversing the, uh, undeadness." He takes a few bites of his bread, cheese, sliced tomato, spicey sausage and olive oil sandwich. Chewing on the left side of his mouth, out of the right side come the somewhat muffled words, "I'd love it if he could fix that drain the ghast did on me, while he's at it. So, you want me to go now?" He takes another bite. "Tell you what, I'll swing by the Black Temple, then pop in to the Catacombs." He takes two more fair bites to finish off the tidbit, then says, "Zee-ya La'er, Rhong." He wipes the crumbs off his face, takes the underground way out of their place, and comes up a few buildings away, now disguised as Greener the gnome. [Disguise DC 33.]

Greener - no, Bill - with Morphia et al
Greener changes back into Bill once at the Black Temple. "Okay, sister Morphia. Is it all right to call you sister, Morphia? Well, whether it's a potion, or something else, you have any ideas on how to become undead. Although, usually, I think only a dummy would want that for himself. Any books, like, 'Undead for Dummies'?" He stifles a giggle, then really stifles it when he sees her own very weary, almost ghastly face. "Um, sorry, there." He rubs his eyes. "Really sorry, Morphia. Not mad, are you?"

Different Women...Same Answers (DM Donna) 
Monday July 1st, 2002 6:27:18 AM

Mechina frowns as the pertinent details are told to her.

"You're going to have a nigh-impossible time trying to find anyone skilled in the necromantic arts still in the City," she tells Hobbes and Bill, "About 99.9% of 'em were Sons of Dread--and they practically all died when poor old Domi got murdered, remember..?" The gnome female twists a lock of hair around one finger while chewing on her lip thoughtfully. "At this point in time, I'd advise going to the Black Temple...being a church dedicated to Gargul, they've made it their business to keep track of any magic or spellcasters that disturb the rest of the dead." Mechina assures Bill that--while the Motley Lot shop had to fork over a bit of gold in "taxes", they are currently up-to-date with City levies and should no longer face that problem...until the next time the Council decideds to levy more taxes, that is.

Once all the Hamleteers are at the Black Temple, Morphia responds to the issues at hand:

"Yes, you may call me 'Sister Morphia,' my friends," she answers, "I've been told by the Patriarch of the temple to inform you of all my research has uncovered so far, so here it is:

"First... there was a woman going around town attempting to--as she put it--'raise an army of undead for the sole god of The Wold.' She is currently in a special room that we use for those whom suffer... mental deficiencies. She calls herself Mistress Maldreen and claims to be a cleric for Marteaus, but nobody from that temple claims her to be their own... and our own tests on her show that she is not a priestess, but a sorceress. She appears to be... quite insane.

"Second: you remember that gateway you entered? The one we all thought would lead to Koshe-Marr? After getting ahold of uncorrupted records and cross-referencing all the clues Wullanok Irontemper told to you, I've deduced that... you have only truly traveled through the archway but once. When you entered it the first time--you know, when you got teleported to the ruins a few blocks away..?--well, THAT time didn't count, since you didn't use the true key to unlock the real powers of the gate. You were fooled into using the trigger for an ordinary teleport spell... which means that--the next time you use the REAL key for that gateway, it will be the second time you use it... AND it will take you to where you are needed." Morphia looks around at all of you with dark, grave eyes.

"Third...that Mistress Maldreen is wearing gloves that radiate a peculiar brand of magic. We think that these gloves may help you in your quest--but they won't come off and she claims that she won't release them to anybody else except those who have the courage to face her master, Marteaus," the young priestess says. "While she didn't describe you or mention you by name, I have the feeling that she meant you all."

Monday July 1st, 2002 12:06:03 PM

"This woman might be insane and be of no true help. However we must meet with her even if there is the slightest chance that she is telling the truth. Becoming undead is the last thing I want to do, but if that's required to save the Wold then I don't see what choice I have. It's hard to even think about but everything we find keeps directing us back there." Feng paces a little bit, his brow tense with thought and contemplation.

Monday July 1st, 2002 5:46:10 PM

"Maldreen, eh? A dour and forbidding name indeed, sweet Morphia. Feng is correct; if there is any chance that this lunatic may be of help to us we must seize it. Particularly as we now would seem to have the path to the Dread Realms within our grasp. Dear lady, I only wish there were some way I could express my gratitude at all the mafgnificent research you have performed on our behalf...

"But perhaps later. For now, onwards, to Mistress Maldreen!"

Monday July 1st, 2002 11:07:30 PM

Draax agrees with the others, "Her association to Marteaus does not make me feel good, but I am willing to talk to anyone if it will give us a lead."

Bill Troublefinder 
Tuesday July 2nd, 2002 1:14:04 AM

"Well, we've faced Marteaus at least twice, now, if it's a question as to whether we've the courage to do so," says Bill. "Let's go meet Maldreen. I've always thought how interesting it is that those of good will have a real chance to shine when faced with evil. It's like, by contrast, the light is brighter, and the dark is -- darker!"

Bill then suggests. "Hey, just before we all go to see about this big change -- how about if we have a good lunch at the Adventurers Repose? It's run by halflings, you know. Just one good meal, before joining the dreary undead?" If his friends are amenable to his proposal, he asks Morphia, "Could you arrange a meeting with her - Maaldreen, that is, at 4:00 pm?" He then leads the way, disguised (as Lake, for now) and meanders as usual so as to avoid encounters with taxmen and recruiters.

If they go to the Adventurers Repose, 'Lake' will pick up enough 'Bread Surprises' to share with Morphia and Maldreen, some of the other Gargulian clerics, plus a few extras.

Hobbes (Kim for Matt) 
Tuesday July 2nd, 2002 1:34:43 AM

The Eye of Gargul, Hobbes, is vexed at first at Mechina's report. How are they going to carry out Valdor's request?

As Morphia discusses the 'true' key to the gateway, he finds himself thinking that crunching bones would be a far better trigger than a grotesque belch. Ah, well.

"I am not sure we ought to indulge in a frivolous meal, when the fate of the Wold is at hand," Hobbes says at Bill's suggestion. But then again, that bread surprise the halfling brought a week or two back was quite good. "But, if the rest of you want to do this, I suppose I will go along."

The Last Meal  d100=8
Tuesday July 2nd, 2002 6:11:33 AM

"From the ramblings she has uttered," Morphia tells you, "I am sure that Mistress Maldreen's assertions are based on the truth...albeit it's the twisted truth of a madwoman. I'll make sure that you may see her when you return to the temple."

The Hamleteers go out to eat at the Adventurer's Repose, but--only a few blocks north of the Black Temple--have the bad luck to run into a group of people wearing the militia insignia of Plateau City. The barrel-chested half-orc in charge holds up a hand.

"Halt in the name of the Council!" he bellows. "I am Kragor, commander of this recruitment detail. I demand that you either show me official absolution documents or consider yourselves officially drafted into the service of Plateau City defense..!" As he speaks, his colleagues fan out to surround you...

Lake (Bill) 
Tuesday July 2nd, 2002 11:25:52 AM

"Idiot. We're already working in defense of Plateau City," answers Lake. "We're on our way to have our last meal before we die in defense of this place. Now, with due respect, please getcher butts outta our way, Commander Kragor."

A pulse of rainbow light flashes from Lake's eyes. [Fly activated - but his feet are still on the ground at the moment.]

The Solution [CDM Jerry] 
Tuesday July 2nd, 2002 12:01:21 PM

Your minds cloud for a second and then clear a someone tries to communicate with you. In a moment, the message comes.

"He who has heart to fight against the evil that threatens, must hear my words. I am Valdor, the Dragonstone. Leader of the Dragon Consortium and the Gold Dragons. Friend to any who oppose the Usurper and brother to any who have taken up this fight.

Not so long ago, I told you all it had begun...and so it did. Many have found ways to triumph against the armies threatening and many have died trying. These days and weeks have been hard and has seen many good people slain for no reason but a lust for power.

My friends, it is time for us to strike back! Not at the armies, or Marteaus's clerics now, but at the very God himself. As most of you know by now, a God can be defeated and even killed by mortals. There is no easy way, but it can be done.

The Usurper has taken the fight to our God's lands and only in the Lands of the Dead, can a God be defeated by a mortal. The Dragon Consortium has concluded, with the evidence produced from many of you hearing my words, that there is only one way to enter the lands of the dead. This is by becoming that which we have all fought against or heard many horror stories about. We must become undead creatures if we wish to enter and fight the slug Marteaus.

There are two ways known at this time to accomplish this. The first is by eating a souleater. It is a slug rare and hard to find. We have arranged for it to be available at The Catacombs and therefore at all businesses in their network. Simply go to the nearest magic or general store and check if they have a Catacombs connection. [In gameplay we go to the Catacombs Board after entering a store in character.] There ask for the Dragon Consortium Discount when buying anything else. Do this while in a private shopping room to avoid being overheard. Eat what you buy. It is very painful. Be prepared.

The other method of becoming undead is to enter the lands that Marteaus has created called Koshe-Marr. Once there, you must enter through a gate and come back out. It is a new gate and part machine. That's all we know of it's description. Going through the gate will turn you undead. Return through the gate and escape Koshe-Marr.

Only by becoming undead can you enter the Lands of the Dead and retain your ability to strive and quest.

The next step is to enter the lands of the Dead. We know of only one means to do this at this point in time. Seek out a place called the Parting Tree in the northern part of the Badlands. It is South of Culverwood on the main Trade Route heading west from Edenmoor. It should be just a day or so west of Edenmoor and before you get to the Emerald Kingdom. In ten days hence, any who would dare to make a difference must come there to an Inn called the Hidden Viper. From there we will journey a short distance to the Gate through which we will enter the lands of the dead and take out this would be God who has caused us such grief.

It will soon be over and there will be many in need of help. We are all brothers and sisters who take up this fight and must support one another no matter the outcome. If you cannot do this vile thing, I surely understand and ask you to help the others we leave behind. I take no one who isn't sure of themself in this action. Bring your hearts and your courage. Be strong for the end is near. Have Courage!"

His voice slowly disappears on the wind and as you think it's gone you hear once more, but very faintly, " Have courage..."

Tuesday July 2nd, 2002 4:22:17 PM


Tuesday July 2nd, 2002 5:28:23 PM

Renik is about to mouth some witty comeback to Kragor when his mind is filled with revelatory information. Consequently he is unable to muster much more than a glazed stare and slack-jawed "Huh?"

Tuesday July 2nd, 2002 5:46:54 PM

Feng eyed the men surrounding him. Subtly he loosens the strap securing his axe. The answer they have been seeking has been laid before them. He didn't have time to deal with clueless locals. They wouldn't understand that Feng was acting in their best interests. Now he understood why the others insisted they traveled in disguise. He was lucky that his horse, Degg, wasn't here. Degg was one of a kind and could be traced back to Feng regardless of what he looked like. He grabs his double axe and slowly pulls it off his back. "Kragor please, I implore you to let us pass. Just this once, let us continue on our way."

Tuesday July 2nd, 2002 10:27:33 PM

Draax is not sure what he would have done before he heard the voice in his head. After hearing what the voice had to say Draax knows that the group does not have the time to peacefully convince the recruiter that they cannot go with him. A sly smiles comes to Draax's face as he mentally picks out the one that he will attack when the fight starts.

Wednesday July 3rd, 2002 7:43:24 AM

With Valdor's words Rond realizes that it will take everyone that is willing, to defeat Marteaus with this undead information.

Not knowing what to do at the moment, Rond waits to see how Lake's words take hold.

Wednesday July 3rd, 2002 12:26:58 PM

As Lake responds to Kragor, Arien idly loosens his dagger in its sheath. If this were to devolve into battle Kragor would be the one to face the lightning bolt that the dagger could hurl.

Bill Troublefinder  d20+23=35 d20+17=36
Wednesday July 3rd, 2002 9:46:57 PM

With Valdor's words, Bill works on keeping a dual focus on the present situation (Concentration: DC 35) at the same time he commits to memory the Dragonstone's words (Autohypnosis: DC 36).

Deus Ex Machina...Kinda (DM Donna) 
Friday July 5th, 2002 6:25:32 AM

The dream-like announcement effects all the Hamleteers at the same time. The pressgang appears to be uneffected--but, actually, upon looking at them more closely, the party sees that the Hamleteers have recovered from the mental missive...while the pressgang seems to be unresponsive now. They look dazed and unreactive. Sensing an opportunity to take their leave, the Hamleteers hastily do so, and find that the draft detail doesn't so much as stir when they go.

At the Adventurer's Repose, the meal has a somber tone--apparently this last message from the Dragonstone has communicated itself to only a select few...most likely only heroic types like the Hamleteers...and the rest of The Wold is still wondering how they will function with only three gods to worship. Anyone making a Listen check versus DC10 notices that a majority of the conversation going on around them acknowledges Marteaus as a god, rather than a pretender.

All that remains now is for the Hamleteers to finish up their meal and go back to the Black Temple to see the mad Mistress Maldreen.

Bill Troublefinder 
Friday July 5th, 2002 10:46:24 PM

Bill, as Lake, enjoys the meal and atmosphere of the Adventurers' Repose. He thinks a bit of his own family and the community he left almost a year ago. He proposes a quiet toast with his good comrades to "making things right for the Wold." He thanks his halfling friends at the inn, and makes sure to bring lots of extra Bread Surprises back with him.

Just before leaving the Adventurers Repose, Bill scribbles out a few notes. One he wraps in a bit of cloth, which he surreptitiously stuffs into the core of one of the bread surprises. He wraps that together with two more of the stuffed bread loaves into a bundle. He gives this to Morphia when the party is at the Black Temple. He whispers instructions for her to get it to the home of Frellin, Kianimar, and their daughter Shianna. "Tell them each loaf contains a surprise - and one of them two surprises. Thank you, Morphia."

Saturday July 6th, 2002 5:01:17 AM

"I'll drink to that, my friend" says Renik grimly, raising his glass at Bill's toast. "Let's make things right."

He eats in near silence, lost in thought. Could this be his final meal? He looks around at his companions, brave warriors all, and his heart fills with pride. Fate smiled upon him the day he joined the Hamleteers. No more stalwart companions could he ask for.

And so, fed and prepared, he makes his way back with the others to the Temple, ready to confront a madwoman who might very well hold the fate of the Wold in her hands.

Saturday July 6th, 2002 9:48:25 PM

Purposely ignoring what is happening outside of the Hamleteers' table Arien focuses solely on his meal. Putting the task ahead he thinks of the good days of when they first arrived in Plateau City and how long ago that seemed, even to an elf. Arien idly wonders, as he finishes his meal, if anyone will ever again have such days again.

Sunday July 7th, 2002 8:55:23 AM

Feng only picks at his meal. Thoughts of what looms ahead fill his mind and chase away any hunger he would have. One way or another his world was ending. "Please, can we go and get this over with? Letting it linger does me no amount of good."

Sunday July 7th, 2002 11:53:23 AM

Draax savors each bite of his meal, not really looking forward to seeking help from a worshiper of Marteaus, crazy or not. Draax raises his cup at Bill's toast, wishing that the words come true. He sighs as Feng's words reminds him that they might as will get on with the inevitable. He finishes his meal and stands up letting the others know that he is ready. "I agree, let's go get this over with."

Keeping Crazy Company (DM Donna) 
Monday July 8th, 2002 7:30:16 AM

After what may well be their last meal, the Hamleteers dodge the pressgangs and make it back to the Black Temple unmolested. There, Morphia ushers the group to a section of the temple that Hobbes recognizes as the hospital area. It's easy enough for everyone else to recognize that's it's the hospital area, too, as it is full to overflowing with sick and wounded refugees from the surrounding countryside. She accepts the bread surprises from Lake/Bill and promises by the Eye to see that the elf family gets them within the hour.

The groans of pain and sobs of both the bereaved and the relieved assail everyone's ears, and it is clear to see that Morphia--a mere acolyte--is hardpressed to retain her professional detachment. However, the young priestess manages to retain a game face (albeit one that is several shades paler than normal) and guide the party through the wards to a more secluded, secure spot: a hallway with several doors, next to one of which stands the dignified form of Jonno Virdune. The patriarch dismisses Morphia before speaking.

"Inside this room is a poor woman whom we have discovered has been rendered insane by the very item that you need to...transform you into the state in which you much be to continue The Wold's struggle to survive." Father Virdune says gravely. "My suggestion for your course of action is this: tell her that you wish to serve her master as undead. She is still clever, though, so she may demand some kind of proof of your 'loyalty' to the Dark Lord. Use your head...and--whatever you do--do NOT be tempted to use the item she has yourselves, else you, too, shall be driven mad. Good luck!"

With this, the Patriarch utters some arcane spell and opens the door, beckoning you all into the room and closing the door firmly behind you when you are all inside.

You enter a fifteen-foot-square room that has walls that are battened with thick, mattress-like material. Huddled in a corner, rocking and muttering to herself, is a blonde human woman. Suddenly she turns her head and you all see overbright emerald green eyes regard you.

"You come to serve the Master, yes?" she asks you in a sweet voice. "You come to glory in the infernal divinity that is Marteaus--the joyous despair that he sows upon The Wold? Yes, yes--I can see that you have." She stands up almost proudly in her corner, tossing her head and smiling in a crafty, cunning manner.

"But you must prove yourselves to Mistress Maldreen first, yes you must!" she says with a giggle that sends chills down your spine. "Prove to Mistress Maldreen that you aren't afraid to sacrifice your very lives for our maleficent Dark Lord..." Her eyes--lit with the fires of madness--rove over all of you, stopping at Feng. "...give me your warhammer, that I may kill you all. Only then will you rise again in the service of Marteaus. Only then will you know the..." Here the madwoman coyly rubs her hands together--hands that in worn and raggedy gloves of what looks to be like horrible, warty old leather or hide. "...sweetness of Mistress Maldreen's caress..!"

Her insane laughter surrounds you as you all wait for Feng to choose: trust her (or, rather, Father Virdune's injunction to do as she says)...or not? Give her the warhammer and let her kill you as a prelude to (hopefully) saving The Wold--or refuse, because she just simply may be a homicidal maniac?

It's all up to Feng now...

(OOC: I'll post again as soon as Feng acts one way or another.)

Hobbes (Matt) 
Monday July 8th, 2002 10:40:00 AM

"Forgive my impertinence, but your instruction conflicts with that which we've received from a slightly higher source, Master Virdune," says Hobbes to the old patriarch, "The Dragonstone himself told us to the two ways he knows to...er...execute...this. While perhaps these might not be the only ways, I believe they are the preferred methods we are to use. I dislike the idea of trusting this quest and the life of my god to a mad woman. I would return to Koshe-Marr and face the gate in my dream"

At this he strokes his chin a bit and purses his lips. They seem a bit dry now, although it is understandable seeing as how he spent the duration of the last meal sitting in the corner in meditation, taking no food or drink.

"However," continues Hobbes, "I accept the idea that she may have more to tell us and will listen, but returning to KosheMarr or imbibing the souleater insect are my chosen ways of following Gargul. I will not do so another."

He enters the room with the rest of the group in disguise as the old man, Ivan. He peers at the sad decrepit woman and after her spouting turns a firm gaze at Feng and shakes his head.
"I do not like this," he whispers, "Let us leave to the other place."

Monday July 8th, 2002 12:07:12 PM

"This also smells wrong to me Feng. Beware," says the feral gnome as he fingers the ice sickle.

Monday July 8th, 2002 4:02:19 PM

Feng looks at the mad woman. Attempting to talk or reason wouldn't do any good. This was either a yes or no decision. Faith, this was a test of faith. The divine plan that the gods had for everyone. Feng was chosen by the gods to walk the righteous path. He would have to trust the remaining gods as well. Time was running out and they had no options left. Feng removes the warhammer from his belt and gives it to the woman.

Monday July 8th, 2002 4:42:42 PM

Worried for the safety of his pack-mate the feral gnome calls upon the forces of nature.
A minor orison of Guidance is his in case he needs it. (+1 on save, skill check, or to hit I belive it's the players choice)

Renik  d20+7=21
Monday July 8th, 2002 4:50:56 PM

Before entering Maldreen's cell, Renik slips on a pair of darkened, oval-lensed glasses, which almost entirely obscure his eyes from view. Coupled with his long dark cloak, black shirt, troos and boots, he cuts a somewhat sinister figure. Then, with a deep breath, he steps inside with the others.

He listens to the woman's rant with a cruel half smile on his lips, but as the half orc paladin hands over his weapon to the crazed woman, Renik closes his eyes behind his glasses. They have no choice, he knows, Feng has done the only thing he could, but what a choice! Ah well, it can't hurt to egg the pudding a little further...

"Dear Mistress! Honour us with that sweet, fetid touch of Death! Lay us low that we may serve our Dark Master, he who shall rule hereafter! Let us fall that we may rise again, perfect in His Eyes, minions of his Dark Desires! Bless us with your Unholy Touch, transform us into his living weapons! Death to the Gods of the Wold! Hail to the Dark Lord! Hail to his Chosen Servant! Hail Marteaus!"

Renik bursts into wild, evil laughter, that sounds chillingly believable, even to those who know him well (Bluff 21).


Lake / Bill Troublefinder 
Monday July 8th, 2002 6:13:01 PM

Lake says, "Hello, Mistress Maldreen." He stands with his hands held behind him, feet spread shoulder width, just looking up at the mad woman, wondering what is was that lead her to the choices she made in her life.

Bang, Bang, Maldreen's (Silver?) Hammer Came Down Upon Their Heads... (DM Donna)  d20+3=11
Monday July 8th, 2002 6:20:05 PM

Maldreen's insane eyes glitter with purpose as she takes the warhammer from the half-orc paladin. She caresses the weapon and spares the very charming Renik a warm smile.

"But of course, my loves--but of COURSE!" Upon uttering that last "course", the woman swiftly lifts and brings down the hammer upon Lake/Bill's head, and the halfling goes down without so much as a sigh. With a speed that belies her madness, the blonde woman applies the hammer to the back of each Hamleteer in turn.

Each of you feel a fleeting moment of excruciating pain...then darkness engulfs you.

Are you dead?

It's dark. There's nothing to see...nothing to hear...

...no...wait...there IS something to hear...

"Rise...rise, o instruments of our beloved Dark Lord..." Mistress Maldreen croons in a singsong voice, "...your call to arms has come, my lovelies...rise and serve the magnificent evil that is...Marteaus...!"

You rise, opening your eyes. You feel...nothing. No extreme discomfort...no hunger...no familiar rise and fall of your chest...no blood coursing through your veins...

...nothing but the compulsion to do the impassioned bidding of--

--Valdor Dragonstone.

You all have to get to the Gateway Arch...you all have to meet the others who will be convening in that area called the Tree of Parting.

The door to the padded room flies open.

"This way out, then!" Father Virdune announces to you. "This way out to do your bidding, heroes!" He beckons to the party to exit, standing aside as the undead Hamleteers file out of the room.

"Wait...wait--aren't you going to bemoan the wondrous depravity of our Master..?" Mistress Maldreen demands, obviously not expecting this particular kind of behavior.

"Sing your own praises, Maldreen," Jonno growls, closing the door after the last of the party files out and locking it, "You have just helped to be the instrument of Marteaus' undoing! Thank you SO much!"

There is a scream from within the room--Maldreen sounds very, very angry. You can't but help to wonder what in The Wold she is getting so worked up over..?

Tuesday July 9th, 2002 4:53:04 PM

As the party leaves Maldreen's cell Arien reaches up and pulls the hood of his cloak down over his face. As he reaches up the sleave on his shirt falls back a bit and Arien sees that his already pale skin is now nearly translucent. The blue of once vital veins stands out starckly against the pale flesh. His once sparkling emerald eyes are now flat and dull; his once golden mane is now pale and hings lifelessly about his shoulders. Somewhere deep inside Arien is disturbed about these changes but shrugs it off, after all what did it matter? Turning only his head he regards Virdune and asks him softly, "Is there anything else you wish to discuss or shall we depart for the Gateway Arch now?"

Tuesday July 9th, 2002 5:43:05 PM

Renik swims wearily back to reality but finds the Wold a subtly changed place. Everything seems flatter, greyer, drained of vitality and importance.

He gazes dispassionately at the manic Maldreen, rises to his feet and leaves her cell without another word. He looks at his hands, senses that the blood within his veins is coagulating, the last vestiges of life are draining from him.

He realises that the growing palor of his skin, the death of both himself and his companions should fill him with an overwhelming horror, but all he feels is mild curiosity at the physical process. Turning his hand over to examine his magicaly preserved necrotic flesh he simply murmers;


Tuesday July 9th, 2002 9:11:50 PM

Draax wonders if he did the right thing and realizes that he really does not care. He knows that having the opportunity to cause Marteaus pain should make him happy, but all he feels is the need to fight the forces of the evil god.

He searches inside himself for the emotions that made him who and what he is and finds a void instead. As Father Virdune escorts him out of Maldreen's room Draax looks around at the other undead members of the group. A small crooked smile comes to his face as he realizes the one emotion that he still has is the camaraderie he shares with his teammates.

Wednesday July 10th, 2002 12:13:43 AM

Feng looks at his hands and the rest of his body. With horror he realizes that being undead doesn't upset him as much as it should. Sure part of him wants to end his cursed excistance, but it's a small part. Still the pale skin and apparent lack of breath is unsettling. Feng puts on his magical hat and quickly appears to be his old living self. It's not real, but it helps Feng deny what he's become.

Lake / Bill. Okay, Bill the zombie.  d20+18=36
Wednesday July 10th, 2002 2:38:13 AM

Now sporting a concave spot toward the back of his head with the whorl of his hair in the center, the halfling pats down his hat of disguise. "Yes, ma'am. He is depraved. We will serve him. We will serve him up to judgment. Gargul pity your soul," he says with rather a flat affect. He nods to Jonno Virdune.

To his companions, he says, "We already know the way. Feng, in your current condition, how is your ability to eructate? To belch, that is? I suggest --" and he then looks around with care at his companions. "I suggest we apply some makeup," he says, taking out a case from his backpack. He opens it, and a lighted mirror is seen. He selects some jars, begins to help his friends put off some of the visible evidence of their new condition. "Your complexion is shot, Ferrak. Your rosy cheeks now look like the sides of a paper wasps' nest."

Taking a quick break from helping his companions look less zombie-like, he removes his hat and his Lake disguise, and becomes Bill the zombie. He, too, works on his complexion, and adds a wig, to cover over the dent in his skull. He takes off the wig, stuffs a sock in the dent, then replaces the wig. [Disguise, DC 36.]

Then he resumes his assistance. Once all look more presentable, he suggests, "Now, to the bone archway. I trust, Father Virdune, your prayers to Gargul on our behalf and that of the Wold might accompany us. We know we but walk in a path which he has walked before. Farewell."

To William, Bill says, 'I feel different, William. I am repugnant to myself -- yet, in a way, it does not seem to matter to me. I hope we still are friends. I need you, you know.'

Get Thee Hence (DM Donna) 
Wednesday July 10th, 2002 11:40:52 AM

"My advice right now..." Father Virdune says to you as he ushers you to the nearest temple exit, "Is to get yourselves over to that Arch, activate it, and step through to where you are needed with all due haste. May the Eye keep you in its sight at all times!"

By some miracle, Feng--for all that he is undead now--finds that he does, indeed, have the stamina to let loose yet another Champion-quality belch, and, thus, activates the gate. You all step through...and find yourselves at the Hidden Viper Inn. There are a group of people there who have that...miasma of death about them. Bill recognizes one of the baggy-skinned bunch as Valdor, leader of the Gold Dragons.

OOC: any purchases your characters made in the Catacombs before the shop was closed are now available for use to your character...provided that you email me your updated CS before tonight's deadline! (HINT, HINT!)

From this point on, you will be using the Catacombs board to post about your character's gathering with the other heroes of The Wold. This is it, people--the start of the Endgame. No more posting on THIS board until that mighty battle is resolved, for good or ill.

Good luck, heroes! 8)

Ferrak (Good luck guys.) 
Wednesday July 10th, 2002 12:01:05 PM

"Thanksss Bill."

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