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Plateau City - Gods Versus Gods..?

There Are 5 Million Stories in The City (DM Donna) 
Monday January 7th, 2002 6:37:54 AM

The Hamleteers have been busy establishing a permanent base for themselves--it seems that Marcus was finally able acquire the properties that the group was investigating, but any improvements (especially "secret passages") have to be paid for by the party itself. The aide has been able to maintain his autonomy from the out-of-favor Sturtavent, but the Council is keeping a very sharp eye on finances.

It's been six months since the historic demise of Domi. Clerics of the god of war and courage have been offered berths in the temples of Alemi, The One... and (surprisingly!) Pantheon. Many have taken up these offers. Many others have simply switched their focus of worship to all the gods of the Wold, rather than just one. Almost all who had suffered from Domi's death have been cured of their insanity, though rumors fly of the odd priest here or there who has yet to return to reason.

Rumors about Floating City's dissatisfaction with Plateau City are the tip of everyone's tongue these days, too--will the Big Float take the plunge... the political plunge... and declare itself independent from Plateau City? Debating this issue is the latest trend for the patrons of the Beer & Bath, and today is no exception as the pro's and con's of this event are bandied back and forth this morning.

"They're going to split off, I tell ya!" one burly dwarf insists, pounding a fist on a table. The halfling with him shakes his shaggy head with equal emphasis.

"No, no--they'd be fools to do so!" he counters. The dwarf opens his mouth to argue, but is interrupted by the arrival of a young half-elf... who looks flushed and out-of-breath with excitement.

"Hey--HEY!" he shouts, getting everyone's attention. "Guess who's back in town? It's A'tath!" There is a ripple of vocal reactions throughout the bath house, ranging from surprise to epithets. (OOC: anyone making an Intelligence check versus DC 9 will recall that A'tath was the "prophet" whose dire predictions about King Claudia's children ultimately led to their--and Claudia's--demise.)

"He's in front of the Grub and Chub--you know...the fountain near there..?" the lad continues. "He's saying that dragons are trying to take over the City!"

There is an immediate stampede for the door--and the B&B is suddenly even emptier than it had been when Domi died.

Chenna doesn't look any too pleased.

"Sheesh! Just when business was almost back to normal..!" she grouses. "I've a mind to strangle that A'tath for emptying out my place with his stupid prophecies and such..!"

Anyone wishing to follow the crowd over to the Grub and Chub can do so, since there are practically no customers left now.

Renik/ Gullion  d20+4=24 d20+2=17 d20+4=21 d20+4=24 d20+4=12 d20+4=20 d20+7=21 d20+2=4
Monday January 7th, 2002 7:20:14 AM

Renik too joins in the cleaning work at the Wizard's Nest, employing his Wand of Cleaning to assist him. With the words "Asp'nf'l Avshg'r!" dirt begins to vanish from floor, walls and windows. After an hour the place is looking pretty clean. He then sorts through the assorted junk (Search 21, 24 (nat 20), 12, 20) for any valuables before discarding it.

Once the rooms are cleared he examines the place for structural integrity (Spot 21), and tries to determine whether the services of a structural engineer are required (Int 4).

Then, the hard work done, it's back to the B&B as Gullion, gathering information and gossip about Wold events whilst pouring baths for the punters.

Gullion listens carefully to all the rumours freely available in the B&B, attempting to sort the truth from the fabrications and root out any particularly important scraps of info from his regular sources (Gather Info 24, nat 20).

When the news about A'tath breaks, Gullion is swift to move outside with the crowd, hoping that the others follow suit. "Hey, I remember hearin' about that guy, isn't he the fella what caused all that wossname with King Claudia a while back? They say he's trouble!" He yells amidst the hubbub, loud enough so that his companions can hear him (Int 17).

He allows himself to be swept along with the crowd until they reach the source of the disturbance, where he tries to get as near to the front of the crowd as possible, in order to hear what is going on.

(OOC: Sorry the die rolls are not in the order of the post, I added the first bit last, if that makes any sense)

Steps/Draax  d20=3
Monday January 7th, 2002 3:18:01 PM

Steps helps with the manual labor as much as he can, removing dirt or/and carrying equipment and materials.

Steps listens to the daily chats/rumors that are heard about the B&B. As the shouting young half-elf's words causes everyone to leave, Steps sympathizes with Chenna at the loss of potential income. Curious about all the fuss because he has no clue who A'tath is (DC3), Steps gets Chenna's permission before following the crowd to go see and hear A'tath.

Woofer (a.k.a Ferrak) 
Monday January 7th, 2002 6:28:26 PM

"Woof!" barks the feral gnome in disguise.
Bill understands him as saying,
(Yes, let's follow the crowd and see what the heck is going on.)

"Woof, woof?"
(Say Bill, how do you like my new alias?)

Bill Troublefinder  d20+4=11
Monday January 7th, 2002 10:36:15 PM

"Let's not invite this guy -- A'tath,
To spread his bile at the Beer & Bath," quips Lake.

"Chenna - since everyone pretty much is gone - mind if we go check things out? By the way, Sominay the bookseller is asleep in the big hot tub. It's okay, though, he has the floaters under his arms and neck, so he won't drown. But maybe check on him - he's supposed to get ready to go in half an hour. He'd rather read about whatever happens later, anyhow. He doesn't trust anything until it's written down."

Assuming she grants leave, Lake joins his friends in joining the crowd, grabbing his knapsack on the way out.

"Ruff ruff, grrr - yip! woof woof?" Bill answers Ferrak. "Great new thing to call you, friend! Darkfang coming?"

[OOC: Ferrak - what's a 'saproling'? Did you mean 'sapling'?]

Arien  d20+4=22
Tuesday January 8th, 2002 12:04:07 AM

Arien mostly helps out with the mess in the former wizard's building, keeping an eye out for anything magical.

Before heading out with the others to see this prophet, Arien double checks his equipment, figuring if anything was going to happen, at least he would be ready for it.

Hear Ye, Hear Ye..! (DM Donna) 
Tuesday January 8th, 2002 6:50:19 AM

Chenna--thoroughly disgusted with not only the fact that A'tath has returned to Plateau City, but has also emptied out her lovely establishment, readily gives the Hamleteers permission to go.

"...and don't forget to come back here and let me know what poison that crazy coot is spreadin' now..!" she calls after the party as they leave for the fountain near the Grub and Chub.

When the party reaches the area just outside the supply shop, they can see that there is a rather considerable crowd gathering there, with people from all walks of life in the group: shopkeepers, homemakers, adventurers, and even children from all over the City. (OOC: roll a Spot check versus DC12 to notice that amongst the crowd are a couple of off-duty City Guards, mage, and several clerics of various denominations: Teresalia, Alemi, Caeroldra and Pantheon. Anyone rolling 16 or more additionally will notice that there are three clerics of the Hands of Love and two of the Servants of Passion.)

A'tath--a tall and slender man, with a golden skin tone that seems to almost glimmer in the sunshine, like an angel--stands on the ledge surrounding a public fountain in front of the Grub and Chub. He could be described as elf-like except for the strange angular slant to all his features and his strange pupils, which seem to be slightly squished in from the sides. He wears a light scale armor that is golden in appearance and a large sword in its sheathe on his back. You can hear him spouting his diatribe against how dragons are trying to take over Plateau City, and that they've infiltrated the nobility--naming Lady Larchmont and Baron Graberlatty. The crowd reacts with murmurs of shock and surprise.

"The Guildmaster of the Thieves' Guild is also a dragon!" announces the unpopular prophet. The babbling of the crowd grows more intense.

"We have the patriarchs of the gods to keep the City safe from any dragon incursion..!" a person responds in the crowd, most of whom nod and agree hastily.

"Do you not realize the depth of this deception, citizens..?" shouts A'tath. "Why, even the temple of the just Alemi has been infiltrated--the matriarch Oratai, herself, is a dragon..!" The crowd is aghast at THIS news.

"Surely the government would keep the people safe, yes?" cries one of the off-duty City Guards.

"No," responds A'tath, "for none other than the Lord High Mayor Sturtavent himself is a dragon!" Hysteria is running high in the ever-increasing crowd, and the off-duty City Guards find themselves having to calm several individuals. One of them departs, while the other then shouts a question to the charismatic orator at the fountain:

"And just how can you be so sure that these people you accuse ARE dragons? Or that they mean to take over Plateau City..?"

"The sword I bear is a powerful weapon, friend," A'tath announces, "An instrument of law and truth--I know when dragons are among us...and I know that all dragons have the same agenda--an agenda that Parnoth the Green has forced upon the helpless folk of the Emerald Kingdom! Save your city from this dire fate, citizens--demand that one and all undergo the scrutiny of my enchanted sword! Why, if none of the named have anything to hide, then they should submit to the test willingly..!"

The people in the crowd get very noisy as they all begin to argue amongst themselves, debating whether or not to believe A'tath's words. (OOC: roll a second Spot check versus DC15 to notice that there are now about half a dozen human clerics of Caeroldra in the crowd, reacting with shock and horror to the notion that dragons are trying to enslave the city through deceit and stealth...and glaring with open animosity at the pair of Servants of Passion clerics.)

Gullion/ Renik  d20+7=16 d20+7=11 d20+2=10
Tuesday January 8th, 2002 7:42:13 AM

As the curious-looking harbinger of doom inexorably turns the crowd into a mob, Renik, disguised as the weasly Gullion, checks out the crowd and is surprised to notice no shortage of interesting folk (Spot 16, 11). He doesn't like the way this is going; it seems they have a witch hunt on their hands, and incredibly it is targeted at the very highest people in the city. Is this some sort of elaborate coup d'etat? Is this 'man' telling the truth? And if he is, could he be right in wanting to expose dragons in their midst? (Int 10 for any info on Dragons and whether hidden ones in positions of power would neccessarily pose a threat).

His natural reaction is to distrust this man, who seems so willing to turn the city upside down, preferring mob rule to due process of law. The Lord High Mayor Sturtavent has always seemed a fair, if distant boss. And at the end of the day, loyalty counts in his book.

Surreptitiously his hand finds the hilt of his blade, ready for trouble, looking to the other Hamleteers to see how they are reacting.

Roger/Rond  d20+2=21 d20+2=7
Tuesday January 8th, 2002 10:28:55 AM

As Roger enters the scene, he notes the presence of various support staff for the local government.

Hearing the words of the 'prophet', Roger asks, "And what of yourself? How does anyone confirm what only YOUR sword tells you?" Putting some sarcasm in his voice, "My sword could be telling me that the sky is about to fall?"

Lake / Bill Troublefinder  d20+3=22 d20+3=21
Tuesday January 8th, 2002 11:51:57 AM

Bill tucks his ring of protection into a pouch around his neck, and replaces it with his ring of blinking. Once he arrives at the gathering, Bill in the guise of Lake does notice the mix of the crowd (Spot 22, 21). But he in particular notes the physical features of A'tath. His eyes, his angular features. Performing some quick genetic calculations, he wonders. Feline? Some strange breed of elf? With those eyes - another creature of the night? That skin...

As the crowd discusses matters and queries A'tath, the halfling asks permission to climb on to Rond's shoulders, or Arien's, so that he might better see and be seen. Then he calls out. "You, sir, have such an interest in dragons. I've seen a number myself, over in Dragon Bay. Tell us, if you would, your ancestry, sir, and how that might bear on your lifequest. Who was your father, and who your mother? And what race? Not meaning any offense, sir."

If that elicits no response, Lake calls out, "Truth seers - watch him as he answers this. Are you part dragon?"

Step/Draax  d20+3=22 d20+3=18
Tuesday January 8th, 2002 1:48:26 PM

As he enters the area around the supply shop, Steps notices the variety of onlookers gathered around the speaker. He feels a little relieved to see the off-duty guards among the crowd.

Listening to A'tath's speech, Steps says in a low voice, but loud enough for anyone in his immediate area to hear. "Oh no, not another one, somebody is always coming around to lead the people against the so called evil government. I am sure that the leaders will all just jump at the chance to have someone strike them with a magical sword. Give me a break!"

Hearing Roger's shout, Steps moves in that direction to hear any response directed at Roger and to be near as support if needed.

Steps also does not like the way the clerics of Caeroldra are glaring at the pair of Servants of Passion clerics. "This does not look good."

Arien  d20+6=26 d20+6=25
Tuesday January 8th, 2002 3:27:08 PM

Arien's keen eyes pick out the various personages that have gathered to listen to the 'prophet' with ease. As the crowd falls further under the spell of the odd A'tath Arien shakes his head and mutters to himself how a person may be smart but people together are stupid. When Bill asks for a boost Arien crouches so that the halfling can climb on and then, bracing Bill's legs with his hands, Arien stands up again, allowing Bill the opportunity to confront A'tath.

Woofer/Ferrak  d20+2=13 d20+2=22
Tuesday January 8th, 2002 5:18:18 PM

"Woof." (Come Darkfang, let us be closer to our pack-mates.)

As Ferrak and Darkfang move closer to Rond and Draax's side the wolf brothers smell around.

"Woof. Woof." (Try to get a scent from the golden man Darkfang. It looks like things are heading for trouble.) While Ferrak, despite his vantage point, notices the key players in the crowd.

"Woof, woof, woof!" just barking really.

Dragon Debates (DM Donna) 
Wednesday January 9th, 2002 7:46:29 AM

A'tath draws himself up to his fullest height, looking dignified.

"I am A'tath," the tall man says gravely, "I am the unfortunate result of the unholy union of human and gold dragon. I should not be--and yet I am. My purpose in the Wold is to safeguard humans and humanoids from the defiling of their races and civilizations by the Dragon races. Gladly would I go to my death...if you could guarantee that, in doing so, all other Dragons that exist in the Wold will be destroyed, too."

"All right, now." interrupts an authoritative voice. Everyone in the crowd turns to see that there are a good dozen or so City Guards making their way through the crowd. The commander of the group is speaking (primarily to A'tath.)

"All right, now..." he repeats in a loud and emphatic voice, "...I just know that you have a permit for this public meeting, right, A'tath..?" The tall orator shakes his head.

"I was on my way to the Council Chambers when I...was moved to speak." A'tath admits.

"Then you'd best be on your way." the commander of the guards tells him. "You can apply for a permit to conduct a public forum there. Meanwhile--" here the man turns and addresses the crowd in a loud, no-arguing-allowed voice: "--you all go back to your business...NOW! Nothing to see here...move along now! Nice and orderly...thank you and have a nice day!"

The City Guards make sure that the crowd disperses quickly and quietly. The last ones to leave are the Hands of Love clerics, who are still talking amongst themselves as they go.

Later that evening, A'tath and his diatribe about the Dragon Conspiracy is the subject of debate amongst the Beer & Bath customers, most of whom were present at the prophet's speech in front of the Grub and Chub. Chenna's view on the matter is that you have to show her there's a Dragon before she'd actually believe that there was one there--and even so, there are a lot of people that she knows that are worse than any danged drake could possibly be!

The patrons of the B&B argue the issue--and, as the drinks flow more heavily, so does the arguing grow more heated...to the point where one group of idiots are ready to beat the tar out of another bunch of morons because of their opposing viewpoints!

Suddenly, an elven cleric of Caeroldra--one of the Servants of Passion sect--stands up and advises the "debaters" to "redirect" their passion...instead of arguing, how about just finding someone else and, um, "indulging themselves"..? The debaters are suddenly in the mood for indulging rather than arguing, and the elf smiles and leaves.

Wednesday January 9th, 2002 9:27:26 AM

Happy that the gathering did not turn to violence, Steps returns to the B&B with the others and gives Chenna a brief account of the event. "The guy seem a little crazy to me, but the city guards seemed to know him and he seemed to respect their authority. I never knew that dragons and humanoids could mate, I cannot image what he must have when through as a child."

Although he is in his human disguise, Draax reflects on his own childhood of growing up as a half-elf. Draax was never accepted by the elves because of his human side and although the humans never fully accepted him, they did not reject him either. He feels a little sympathy for A'tath, thinking about how the overly proud race of dragons would treat a half-breed and he can see why the half-dragon would favor his human side.

As the crowd of the B&B begins to get hostile, Steps gets ready to start breaking up fights and tossing customers out. He nods his head in thanks to the cleric of Caeroldra for defusing the situation.

Gullion/ Renik  d20+9=20
Wednesday January 9th, 2002 9:53:52 AM

The stooped, greasy-haired bath pourer Gullion is uncharacteristly quiet for the next few hours, pondering the ramifications of A'tath's arrival. He listens to the arguments raging about him, takes everything in, and considers in silence.

Eventually he reaches a conclusion. As far as he's concerned, whether the gigantic warrior's words are true or not, nothing can justify racial genocide. Dragons (he guesses) are just like normal folk; you get good ones, you get bad ones, and a whole bunch in between. A'tath, he decides, is plainly mad, a dangerous fanatic who has the unfortunate ability to stir cities into a frenzy. Whichever way you slice it, this Halfdragon is the enemy.

He looks up from his private musings to see that the arguments that have been raging on for some time seem to have ceased and instead the protagonists are... what ARE they doing?! "Hey, you there, this is a public bath! You want to do that you can pay for a private booth like everybody else!" he yells, hurling a sponge at the head of a nearby patron who seems to be enjoying the company of a nearby stranger rather more than is commonly considered polite (Sponge hits AC 20).

Yeesh! This city! If they aren't trying to kill each other they're trying to do exactly the opposite!

Although Renik would never admit it to his comrades, he is rather sorry he is currently dressed as a filthy, stooped worm of a fellow with bad breath. Without a disguise a fellow might have a lot of fun around here... the atmosphere in the Beer and Bath seems to have turned distinctly steamy...

Wednesday January 9th, 2002 5:24:29 PM

"I know let's kill all the bears, or the lions, or I know let's kill all of the wolves. They won't bother our chickens any more."

Ferrak stews in his mind.

'Good for nothing bi-peds always wanting to upset the balance in one way or another.'

"Woof!" (How about we just kill everything.)

Lake / Bill Troublefinder 
Thursday January 10th, 2002 12:05:22 AM

Lake tells his friends he is going to tail A'tath to the Council building, and see if anything comes up there. "I'll wait outside, and let you know if anything comes up soon."

Thursday January 10th, 2002 1:20:16 AM

Roger returns to the B&B and relates any additional details.

As the debaters argue the merits of killing dragons, Roger pipes in, "Everything in nature has a purpose, and a place. If you are to remove dragonkind from Nature, something else would only move to take over their place. At least with dragons, we can talk with them."

Bill Troublefinder 
Thursday January 10th, 2002 2:19:54 AM

[OOC: I am not sure whether the events going on right now in Game 1 are later the same day that we spoke with A'tath, or the following morning. Can someone clarify that? If Game 1 is later the same day, then Bill would have information on the outcome of A'tath's attempt to kill Sturdavent and Orotai. If the following morning, he would not. In any case we don't yet know the results of the Storm Dragons' intervention on behalf of the High Lord Mayor and the matriarchal Patriarch of Alemi - dragons both.

The rest of my post assumes that the events unfolding in Game 1 happen the morning after 'this evening' at the B&B.]

Bill reports in that A'tath visited the Council, and there is some talk about a showdown in the Council, and a trial? No trial? Power plays? In any event, the folks on the street are abuzz. "Somebody said that the Overlord of the Floating City sent A'tath here to destroy the good leadership of the city, so that he can take over. I am not saying that, it's just one of the rumors out there right now." Lake, in his role as a B&B employee, acts as diplomatically as he can, providing information, but trying not to become a magnet for animosity.

Bill talks to Rond in private. "Don't identify yourself, and disguise your voice, but see if you can raise Marcus on the communication ring, there. Don't say Marcus' name, but just ask if there are any instructions for 'the Arena group.' If A'tath tries to get his way, we've gotta see what we can do to get in his way - unless Marcus has some other plan for us. And if you don't recognize the voice on the other end as Marcus, then just put the ring away and stop talking."

Bill ponders what they might do. What actions will he and his friends take should someone learn, or guess, they are working undercover for Marcus? Where does Marcus stand in his relationship with the Council?

NOT approving of some of the Caeroldran indulgences going on here (he was raised in a fairly conservative hobbit community, after all), Bill subtly works on interrupting what he deems improper pairing or orgiastic behavior. He locates several buckets of cold water... "Oops! Sorry 'bout that, Mr. Bolger. Hi, miss - have you met Mr. Bolger's wife before? She is lovely, and very strong. Here's a fresh towel - I see that one slipped. How's the missus? And your three lovely children?"

Business as UNusual (DM Donna)  d20=20
Thursday January 10th, 2002 6:30:52 AM

Chenna grimaces at the information about A'tath's conduct.

"None too surprising, seeing as how that creep threatened to start a Wold-wide war the last time he was in town." the owner of the Beer & Bath says with a sigh and a shake of her head.

Bill's tailing of A'tath is interrupted by a well-meaning but firm City Guard who sent the halfling back to the establishment that he knew Lake worked at. However, the rumors about the confrontation between A'tath and the newly-minted Storm Dragons readily abound already.

(OOC: I'm not 100% sure of the exact timing of the events between Game 1--the Storm Dragons game--and Game 2--this game--but I do know that A'tath was speaking here first before going on to the Council hall.)

The elven cleric of Caeroldra may have used "divine inspiration" in "persuading" the arguing patrons to express their passions in a different way. Even as Bill--disguised as Lake the attendant, of course!--does his best to distract the amorous customers from changing the B&B's venue, a hand taps him on the shoulder and he turns around to face a familiar-looking elven female who has just stepped out of one of the changing rooms.

"The house drink." says K'isst as she shrugs out of her robe, hands it to Lake and steps into the public pool. (OOC: I'll leave it to K'isst's player to describe how the half-trog lady looks these days. 8D)

Everyone in the group notices that the departure of the lone SoP cleric is immediately followed by the exit of two Hands of Love clerics--and that neither of the humans looked any too thrilled with the SoP's behavior.

"Roger!" Chenna calls sharply, approaching with a very nice purple cloak in one hand. "Go after that elf priestess--she left her cloak behind...take somebody with you if you feel the need." She hands the garment over to the incognito spy and goes back to her office.

Thursday January 10th, 2002 8:51:22 AM

Steps smiles at Lake's attempts at preventing people from getting together. The smile is quickly wiped from his face as he spots a woman that resembles K'isst move need the disguised halfling. Thinking that he must be mistaken, Steps' attention is pulled to Chenna as she ask Roger to return the cloak to the priestess. After during a quick mental inventory of his weapons, Steps volunteers to accompany Roger. "Hey Roger, I will go with you if you do not mind."

Thursday January 10th, 2002 5:02:02 PM

"I'll go to if Chenna doesn't mind, this behavior is just really unsuitable." Arien draws his rapier about two inches from its scabbard and lets it slide slowly back in. Satisfied that if the need arises he can quickly draw his weapon he then nods to Roger and Steps that he is ready to go.

Thursday January 10th, 2002 6:32:25 PM

The feral gnome follows his friends out into the street. Keeping an eye out for trouble, Ferrak still disguised as a dog hopes that he would come as quite a surprise for any would be assailants.

"Woof." (Darkfang you stay and watch the B&B.)

"Woof, woof, woof." (It's starting to smell funny in there.)

Roger/Rond  d20=16
Thursday January 10th, 2002 11:28:11 PM

Roger nods to everyone's comments. When asked to return the robe to the priestess, Roger grabs the two volunteers, and heads out. "help me spot her real quick. (spot 16)."

As the three people try to catch up to the priestess, Rond will use the coin. "What's the word from on high?"

Lake serving K'isst  d20+11=15
Friday January 11th, 2002 3:00:20 AM

'Lake' nearly chokes when he sees K'isst standing before him. He recognizes her scent, her - well, he recognizes her. He wants to shout out her name, but he's not Bill right now, he's Lake. Of course he takes the robe, and also forces himself not to stare at his friend, googly-eyed. He turns, coughs, and, altering his voice a bit more than he usually does in disguise, says, "Thenk you. I'll hev the drenk for you. Soon. The drenk." He hangs up her robe, using the little stool he keeps by the hooks, to reach it. He then goes and asks for the best ale the house has to offer. "I'll pay for it," he tells whoever is keeping bar tonight. Then he takes it to her, and hands it to her with Lake's customary crooked grin. "Hope you enjooy it," he says. [Note: misspelling deliberate - 'oo' as in 'gooey'.]

Gullion  d20+7=27
Friday January 11th, 2002 8:03:47 AM

Renik recognizes K'isst from a brief meeting in the Red Wyrm Inn. He had been about to make a play for the exotic looking woman when all hell had broken loose. He starts towards her, a smile flicking across his lips, before he stops himself. "Get a hold of yourself, man!" he thinks to himself. "Think how you look!"

Renik has a point. As Gullion K'isst is not likely to recognize him, and is even less likely to want to spend any time in his rather unwholesome company.

Renik shakes his head and gets back to his work, keeping an eye on the new arrival. The heady atmosphere in this place must be getting to him!

He notices that Bill, disguised as Lake, seems extremely agitated at the new arrival (Spot 27: nat 20!). What is going on there? Does he know her too? He keeps a subtle eye on the pair of them.

Friday January 11th, 2002 9:47:27 AM

K'isst walks into the pool calm, but still with that presence about her that lets others know they might just die if they approached her. She makes her way down toward the deeper end of the pool near the waterfall. She lets her head go below the water. Still under...still under...still under...still under....still

DM Donna 
Saturday January 12th, 2002 8:59:42 AM

Lake and Guillion notice that K'isst isn't coming up for air.

Roger--with Woofer, Steps and Tam in tow--takes the purple cloak and goes after the cleric. They go only three doors up the street when they see that the priestess has stopped already--but not because she's remembered about her cloak...

...she is surrounded by five men--one of whom is a Hands of Love cleric.

"--not only a strumpet, but a dragon, to boot!" snarls the HoL man. "I'll prove it--see..?" The cleric holds up his holy symbol, which then glows with a red light. Two of the others grab the priestess.

"I'm every bit as much a dragon as YOU are, you sour old stick-in-the-mud!" snaps the elven woman. "You're using a cheap orison to get these addlepates to listen to you! UNHAND ME!!!" She struggles against the men holding her as the cleric and the other two men draw weapons...

Saturday January 12th, 2002 8:02:50 PM

Ok, now that's weird... how long is she planning to stay under there? Renik guesses that either she's a water breather (well, she looks kind of different) or she's using magic to grab herself some private time. He's not surprised; he is aware that his was not the only head turned in her direction. No doubt she gets a lot of attention.

He wonders idly how the others are getting on, as he continues to pour perfumed hot water into his client's bath.

Lake (Bill) 
Sunday January 13th, 2002 3:32:03 AM

Lake lowers a rope with a loop on the end to dangle just before K'isst. He keeps a loop held loosely in one hand, so that if she grabs it quickly, he won't be pulled in, but keeps hold of the rope farther back with the other hand, so the whole rope won't be lost in the water, and he can help pull her out if she needs it. "Hey, lady, are you okay in there?" he calls out. "You might wanna breathe!"

Sunday January 13th, 2002 12:31:33 PM

About 3 minutes later, she emerges walking out of the shallow end, looking for her drink. She takes a deep breath. Not seeing her drink, she walks, probably to the stares of most of those about, robeless to her dressing chamber. Her skin is slightly red from the heat of the pool.

::she sighs as she closes the dressing room door::

Lake / Bill Troublefinder  d20+9=19
Sunday January 13th, 2002 6:46:51 PM

Hmmm. K'isst ignored the rope dangling inches before her eyes underwater. But she looks alive - there's a hand moving a little to keep her position in the water. Okay - oh, she's getting out! Bill, disguised, as usual, as Lake, runs over to where she set the drink he gave her before she entered the water, picks it up and hands it to her as she goes toward the dressing room. "Here, you haven't tried your ale yet, um. Here."

If she does not take the offered ale, Lake sets it down. In any event, this halfling with a crooked smile then runs over, steps up the stool, takes down her robe and ... now that she has stepped into her dressing room, tosses the robe so that it hangs half in and half out the top of the door (AC 19 - no problem).

Then he runs up to his room, quickly sheds his guise, shoving 'Lake's' clothes under the bed, puts on a second ring, opens the window, closes it behind him, runs down the roof, and feather falls to the alley below, moves quickly toward the front door, then casually walks in the front door (or as casually as one is able to with elevated breathing), walks down to the pool area where K'isst is, and waits for her to emerge. He takes deep breaths, trying to slow the beating of his heart to an acceptable rate. As she emerges from her dressing room, Bill, as himself, says, "Well, it's been an awfully long time, K'isst!"

Sunday January 13th, 2002 8:26:32 PM

Steps watches and listens to the show with the others, this thing about all these disguised dragons living among them is started to get to him. He whispers to the others, "I wonder how many dragons are in this place." Seeing that the situation is starting to get out of hands, Steps decide to take a chance. Not wanting to take on a dragon, Steps hopes that the group would rather not do anything in public.

Moving a little closer to the group, Steps calls out. "EXCUSE ME priestess, I am sorry to bother you, but Ms Chenna wanted us to bring you your cloak and to tell you that you forget to take the food that you ordered from her." Looking at the men as if he saw them for the first time he says, "Oh, I am sorry, I did not mean to interrupt you and your friends. I would wait, but Ms Chenna seems to think that it is important that you come back with us and take your order now. If your friends will wait for just a few minutes, you can come right back. Again, I am so sorry to interrupt you, but I am only the hired help." Steps talks as if he cannot see the drawn weapon, but mentally he makes sure that he is aware of how the men with the weapons are responding to his sudden appearance.

Monday January 14th, 2002 4:01:05 AM

Not wanting to stop the flow of Steps impromptu speech, Roger steps up to the priestess with her robe. Quickly wrapping the robe around her (causing the robe to flare), Roger will gently try to guide her back to the B&B. If she doesn't follow his lead, he'll take one step back from her, as if expecting her to follow him.

Combatus Interruptus (DM Donna) 
Monday January 14th, 2002 5:59:16 AM

Once Steps makes his presence known, the four commoners visibly pause in their advances. Roger comes forward with the cloak--causing the two who'd grabbed the elf to let her go--and the quartet with the HoL cleric immediately fall back. The HoL holyman scowls; he has neither fallen back, nor has he attacked.

"You would protect this...this harlot from the might of Caeroldra's love?" he demands of Steps and Roger. "She has twisted the tenets of our goddess and must be shown what true love is! Go now and leave this pointy-eared streetwalker to the mercies of the Hands of Love!"

However, the elf cleric is following Roger & Steps' lead, and the four commoners with the HoL cleric don't look as willing to start a fight now...

Gullion/ Renik  d20+23=32 d20+23=33
Monday January 14th, 2002 6:52:32 AM

Renik notices Lake has gone... She's all alone!

He continues to idly pour heated water into the bath, not paying attention to what he is doing, and wondering how long until the end of his shift. He hopes she doesn't leave before he clocks off... but that isn't for hours yet...

The grin of a true rascal flashes across his face as he comes to a decision. Faint heart never won fair lady! And he's fed up with all this work work work! Checking to see he is unobserved he sinks into the shadows, raising the hood of his elven cloak. At once the hunched Gullion fades from view (Hide 32). Moving carefully he slips through the staffers doorway, and makes for the staff lockers where his gear is stashed as swiftly as possible. Once there he removes his disguise, examines himself carefully in the mirror ("Looking good, Renik, looking good!") then climbs straight out of the window and Spider Climbs down the wall.

Moments later he is striding into the Beer and Bath as Renik, making straight for the object of his attentions. Hold on, she's talking to someone, who could... Bill?!? What's HE doing here!? How did he get changed and in here so fast? And he's chatting away to the woman as if he knows her! Curses! Foiled again!

Renik raises his hood once more and sinks again into the shadows (Hide 33), scowling furiously. Well this puts a crimp in his plans! Now what?

Monday January 14th, 2002 11:36:15 AM

K'isst stepping out of the dressing room and once more clothed, bumps right into Bill.

::Why him?!! Why now?!! NOooooo!:: She thinks.

K'isst's face turns beet red immediately. She opens her mouth to say something, but all of a sudden she realizes she can't....won't....can't.

She bolts for the door running!

Her mind churs at incredible speed:

::Gotta get away! Can't face this! Can't! Won't Can't!::

::Oh Holy Donyra! Forgot to pay. I gotta go back? Oh Gods! I can't! Must.::

She turns and resolutely walks back in refusing to look at anyone. She lays a few coins down at the bar and turns to go. She sees him. Tears come unbidden down her face.

She runs to him and engulfs him in a huge bear hug!

::Bill!!!!:: ..She thinks.

She smiles a fantastic smile. Then she realizes she's still hugging him. She lets him go and spins around away from him.

::Stupid!!! Stupid!!!::

Her mouth opens involuntarily.

She speaks. Still facing away. Barely audible.


Renik (Hiding in the shadows) 
Monday January 14th, 2002 11:49:41 AM

Wow! That Bill sure has a way with the ladies! Renik is suddenly rather glad he arrived second. He continues to observe from his concealed vantage point, intrigued.

Monday January 14th, 2002 2:54:26 PM

Steps waits for Rogers and the priestess to walk pass him towards the B&B before he begins to walk backwards in that direction, keeping the cleric and his men in sight.

To the HoL cleric, Steps says, "Oh, so this was not a gathering of friends. I beg your pardon if we interfered with whatever you were planning to do. I am sure that your grievances can wait until the priestess is not longer a customer of the B&B. I do not take sides and want nothing to do with your argument, but I am paid to protect all B&B customers, even from their selves. If our retrieving the priestess has inconvenienced you, I am sure that Ms Chenna would supply a free meals and drink for each of you. I will pay for it myself if she does not agree. Any of you can come see me the next time you are in the B&B and I will see that you are compensated. Good night to you sir."

Steps takes notice of where Woofer and Tam positioned themselves as he continues to walk slowing backwards keeping himself in the direct line-of-fire between the two clerics until Roger has the priestess to the B&B and inside the doors

Monday January 14th, 2002 7:33:36 PM

The feral gnome keeps a sharp eye on the clerics. Taking the rear guard as Steps and Tam lead the priestess away. Ferrak doesn't lat them out of his sight for a second.

"Woof!" he says, forcibly chastising the men in his native wolven tongue.

And another thing, "Woof, woof, woof!"

So there.

Arien/Tamosvar  d20+10=23 d20+12=27
Monday January 14th, 2002 10:33:34 PM

Provided that the cleric has his lackeys don't start a fight Arien walks aways back with his companions and their escort. Then when out of sight of the HoL and the other 4 he motions that he will be back later and scampers up a nearby building and slowly makes his way back to where the HoL was where he procedes to spy on the cleric and his followers. He will follow them until they enter a building, should they split up he will follow the cleric and try to find out just what is going on with the Hands of Love. (Hide: 23; Move Silently: 27)

Bill Troublefinder  d20+3=4
Tuesday January 15th, 2002 1:50:39 AM

As K'isst runs for the door, he looks at her. "K'isst! Don't go!" then follows down the hall, sees her go by the bar and out the front door. As he navigates his way past a patron, he manages to trip and land sprawling on the floor. [And I was going to have him do something dashing!] Frustrated, he stands and brushes himself off. About to renew his pursuit of her - he sees her walking stiffly back in, plunking coins on the bar. Oh! she's crying. No, don't cr-- ::Oof!:: "K'isst!" A wash of emotions cross his face as she embraces him, then turns away. "Hi. Hi K'isst. Oh. Oh, I missed you. We missed you." He steps up to turn her around. "Oh, K'isst. Wh-when did you get here? Where are you staying? Oh, it's my turn now." And he jumps up to give her a hug. As he gives her neck a squeeze, in broken troglodyte, he says, "Donyra you blessing," then finally drops to the ground, and looks up at her, smiling, his eyes dancing.

"So, you wanna see some of our friends? Or should we take a booth so we can talk some first? Or go for a walk?" He is so happy to see his friend. And he's not unaware of ripples of complexity in their friendship.

Together Again (DM Donna)  d20+7=23 d8=7 d20+6=8 d8=3 d20=19 d20=18 d20=10 d20=8 d20=4 d20=6
Tuesday January 15th, 2002 6:36:40 AM

The half-trog's hasty exit/return/attempted-second-exit results in K'isst and Bill ending up right by the streetside entrance to the Beer & Bath, with Gullion within eavesdropping distance. As the halfling attempts to draw his former acquaintance into a conversation, the door is pushed open by the elven cleric, who is being accompanied by the rest of the Hamleteers...

...or, at least, the female Servant of Passion tries to open the door--a sudden Sound Burst spell cast by the Hands of Love cleric (centered on the elf) makes her pause in her attempted escape.

(OOC: I rolled a Will save of 29 for the SoP elf, but you all have to make a Will save versus DC15 or be Stunned for one round. Everyone suffers the 7hp sonic damage regardless.)

The Hamleteers on the outside of the B&B recall that the HoL cleric is disgusted with his four cronies; he had snarled "Elf-lovers!!!" at them and then cast the spell before anyone could react, really.

Now the SoP cleric whirls in place, calling the HoL priest a "loveless agnostic!!!" before casting the very same spell at him and his group--unfortunately, however, those of the party outside the door must roll another Will save versus DC15 to avoid being Stunned by the spell...and they all suffer another 3hp of sonic damage, too!

The HoL cleric and two of his cronies have been Stunned and cannot act for the next round. The two unStunned humans angrily attack Woofer and Steps, but both of them easily miss.

Renik  d20+1=2
Tuesday January 15th, 2002 7:20:13 AM

Renik is momentarily deafened by the blast, and shakes his head groggily. What in the Wold was that?

Bill Troublefinder  d20+10=23 d20+10=25
Tuesday January 15th, 2002 12:26:17 PM

BOOM! Bill avoids the secondary effects of the blast (Will save 23). "Just a minute," he tells K'isst, his voice sounding to himself quieter than usual. He issues the command word to his ring of blinking. He steps out the door, and quickly off to the left, looking around to see what is going on.

[While his ring of blinking is activated, attacks against Bill, whether magical or physical, have a 50% of not affecting him, as he is half the time in the material, and half the time in the ethereal.

Kisst  d20+2=6 d20+2=20
Tuesday January 15th, 2002 7:37:13 PM

K'isst is knocked back against the side of the building as she is stunned by the blast.

Her mind is a blur as she reels from this physical blow as well as the emotional ones of the past minute.

Steps/Draax  d20+2=16 d20+2=5
Tuesday January 15th, 2002 11:26:39 PM

Steps watches the HoL cleric begin to cast the spell and braces himself for whatever spell is coming their way. He is a little shaken, but fights off the effects of the spell (16). However, he is caught unaware of the priestess returning spell and is stunned (5) before he has a chance to react.

Arien  d20+3=14
Wednesday January 16th, 2002 3:50:32 AM

Not expecting the HoL to actually attack Arien is caught off guard by the magical assualt and thrown up against the building where he tries to shake the stars from his vision.

"Bursting" At The Seams! (DM Donna)  d20+6=10 d20=6 d20=16 d20=17 d20=19 d8=4
Wednesday January 16th, 2002 6:11:06 AM

"I'll teach YOU to reject the true way of Caeroldra, you prude..!" hisses the SoP cleric to the Stunned HoL holyman. She casts once more, and another Sound Burst booms to life, centered on the male cleric and his toughs.

(OOC: all party members located outside the B&B [everyone but Renik & K'isst now] must roll Will saves vs. DC15 again or be Stunned this round, too; the damage from the Sound Burst this time is 4hp.)

Once again, the HoL cleric suffers the Stunning effects of the spell, but only one of his gang members is similarly effected. The other three aren't Stunned, but they fall to the ground in various states of physical damage--moaning, groaning and bleeding from the ears and nose.

Renik  d20+8=26 3d6(6+4+4)+3=17
Wednesday January 16th, 2002 7:11:25 AM

Recovering his senses Renik darts for the door, pulling his sap from his belt. What in the name of Mittiri's Holy Pigtails is going on out there?

Sizing the situation up quickly he spots the Hands of Love cleric looking momentarily stunned, and seizes his opportunity.

Racing up to the groggy priest he takes advantage of his stunned state and slugs him as hard as he is able (17HP of subdual damage), hoping this sneak attack will drop the priest, or at least rock him back on his heels. "Enough with those accursed sound blasts!" he yells at both priests, weaving in readiness for a retaliation, "you're giving me a headache!"

(Dodge set to the cleric, AC 20)

K'isst  d20=8
Wednesday January 16th, 2002 11:41:02 AM

Seeing that this rogue has moved to intercept the HoL cleric, K'isst growls a savage sound and runs to the SoP cleric.

She "Readies" an attack to disrupt the next spell should it occur. (Donna I'm at work and don't have a copy of K'isst here yet. So add my plusses in if her readied attack goes off. The roll is an "8".)

She does not speak to the SoP, but holds her trident at the ready position in front of her and growls for her to stop.

Bill Troublefinder  d20+10=19 d20+5=20 d100=45 d20+14=21
Wednesday January 16th, 2002 12:18:58 PM

[Will save made: 19, not stunned.]
Bill sprints forward and tosses a battle net on one of the downed clerics of the so-called Hands of Love [AC 22 (+2 due to ring of blinking) ranged touch attack, cleric gets no dex bonus to AC due to Bill's blinking. Rolled over 20 on d100, necessary to confirm Bill's attack succeeded relative to material plane.]

"Let's settle down, folks. Time to move along. Don't need anybody hurt, right?" he says as he jumps (21) over the group, landing on the other side, and turning to face their backs, his figure meanwhile appearing, disappearing, appearing.

Steps  d20+2=8
Wednesday January 16th, 2002 4:46:23 PM

As Steps' head clears from the priestess' first spell, he starts to wonder just who side she is on. He is able to function just long enough to hear as the priestess finishes the last symbol of her next spell. "NOT AGGGNN!" Steps takes one step forward before he is stunned again (8).

Ferrak/Woofer  d20+5=6 d20+5=23 d20+5=11 d8+3=5 d8+3=8 d4=3 d4=1
Wednesday January 16th, 2002 10:27:07 PM

Woofer spends the first few rounds of combat stunned.
When the dust clears he heals any of the group that are in need.
(5, 8, and 4 good berries.)

(OOC Going into the hospital today. Sorry Donna & Co. Be back ASAP. Thanks again Stan.

Arien  d20+3=13
Wednesday January 16th, 2002 11:09:03 PM

Just as he was getting his wits about him another boom erupts with a roar that leaves him once again dazed.

Roger/Rond  d20=20 d20=11
Thursday January 17th, 2002 4:41:43 AM

ooc: short on time, no access to char sheet. sorry. check will save?

If Roger is not affected by the 2nd sonic boom, he will work on shuffling the priestess into the B&B, in order to try to finish the affair.

Stunning Plot Twist! (DM Donna)  d20+6=21 d20=14 d20=4 d20=18 d20=4 d20=14 d8=2 d20=20
Thursday January 17th, 2002 6:46:42 AM

Gullion(Renik) comes streaking out of the B&B and pops the HoL cleric a good one, causing the man to stumble. However, instead of knocking the priest for another loop, the blow clears his head, and the HoL cleric begins to cast once more.

The elven SoP cleric is also preparing to cast again, but she is wise enough to at least pause in the face of K'isst's menacingly-wielded trident. Bill's quick thinking (and very good aim!) result in the HoL cleric becoming entangled in the battle net thrown by the halfling.

Steps, Woofer, Tam and Rond are Stunned and cannot act at this moment, and all of the human cohorts that were with the HoL cleric don't look too healthy, courtesy of all these Sound Burst spells being recklessly tossed around by the two clerics.

It appears that this conflict is over--but the priestess' beautiful elven face becomes exceedingly ugly with a hate-filled grimace.

"Rot in all nine of the Hells, you puritanical nitwit!!!" she screeches in a voice now as ugly as her face, and lets loose with her prepared Sound Burst once more, in spite of the fact that K'isst is able to jab her viciously with that trident of hers.

(OOC: This time the additional damage is only 2hp, but the Will save still has to be 15 or better for everybody out here in front of the B&B.)

It appears that love of retribution is more powerful than common sense...and that such foolishness isn't confined to just the Servant of Passion, for the unStunned Hands of Love cleric struggles to try to cast his own spell yet again...in spite of the fact that his buddies could use some healing.

Everyone in the party must make a Spot check versus DC18 to notice that a tall, cloaked figure is rapidly moving up the street from the direction of the Grub & Chub towards this street brawl.

Renik (23 HP)  d20+1=21 d20+8=10 d20+8=20 d6+3=5 2d6(2+4)=6 d20+7=11
Thursday January 17th, 2002 7:44:47 AM

"Ow!" cries Renik, as yet another Sound Burst rattles his brains. "I thought I told you lunatics to stop doing that!" The blast fails to slow him down however (Will 21), and spotting the HoL cleric attempting another spell Renik takes an opportunistic swing at him (Attack of Opportunity for spell casting). Unfortunately the blow is rushed and clumsy, (hits AC10), but he follows up with a second blow that connects (standard attack hits AC20 for 5 HP subdual damage, or 11HP if Renik is still entitled to a sneak attack).

He continues to weave and bob around the cleric, (Dodge set to HoL Cleric, AC 20), and yells "Now will you kindly stop fighting?!"

In the heat of the battle he fails to notice the approaching figure.

Bill Troublefinder  d100=66 d20+10=20 d20+3=20 d20+7=25 3d4(2+2+2)=6 d100=39
Thursday January 17th, 2002 12:18:08 PM

[d100 for ethereal(1-50)/material(51-100) check: 66=material at time of sound blast. Will save DC 20 vs sound blast. Spot check DC 20 - Bill notes the approaching stranger.]

Fed up with the rival cults of Caeroldra, Bill positions himself so as to capture in the area of effect as many of the Hands of Love as he is able, without getting any of his friends. [DM Donna, since we don't have a map, and you know Bill is no dummy, I'll let you determine how many of the HoL opponents he will affect. He specifically wants to make sure he gets the male cleric who is preparing to cast, and as many of the rest of them as he can.]

The air ripples with the force of the psion's mental attack [mind blast], which blasts the minds of all creatures in a 60-foot cone. Any who fail a Will save of DC 25 are stunned for six rounds.

[Defenders within the area make a Will save. Psionic creatures are allowed to raise a psionic defense mode, which modifies the defender's Will save DC. Those who fail their saving throw take 1d4 points of temporary Charisma damage. A nonpsionic creature's buffer is less helpful against mind blast than other psionic attack modes. The Will save DC increases by +4 (note, I included this number in the roll, assuming the HoL are nonpsionic), and on a failed saving throw, a nonpsionic creature is stunned for 3d4 rounds (rather than 1d4).]

Taking a five foot move away from the HoL pack, Bill turns toward the tall, cloaked figure. "Who are you?" He is ready to jump whichever way looks appropriate if it looks like the person is menacing.

[Oh, one last check to make sure Bill was material at time of mind blast. For wearer of ring of blinking, 20% chance he is in ethereal plane at time of attack. Rolled 39, so he is material at that moment.]

K'isst  d20=18 d20+14=25 d8+9=16 d20+9=29 d20+9=25 d8+9=16 d8+9=10 d20+5=16
Thursday January 17th, 2002 4:32:01 PM

K'isst now very angry makes her save (d20=18) and moves to attack without mercy.

She strikes once with forward thrusting of the trident her grip solid and sure (d20+14=25) hitting AC25. If the strike is true, she does (d8+9=16) 16hpd.

She strikes again with her second attack. She makes a critical threat rolling a 20 (d20+9=29). Her threat is true and she does a critical hit doing (8+9=16 and d8+9=10) for a total of 26hpd with the second attack.

She thought she saw something approaching (Spot check of d20+5=16). If so, she'll pivot to keep the person in her sight without leaving the side of her foe.

Ferrak/Woofer  d20+5=20 d20+2=21
Thursday January 17th, 2002 11:07:21 PM

Woofer shakes off the effects of the spell and bares his teeth at the HoL priest and then turns his head to scowl at the priestess.

Noticing K'isst for the first time he gives a small scowl until he catches Bill's scent emanating from the woman. He begins to wag his tail as the smell identified her as Bill's mate. "Woof, Woof, Woof, (Welcome mate of pack brother Bill.)

He barks and show his teeth as the priestess casts another spell. He gets ready to cast a spell of his own when his nose catches the scent of a new arrival. Turning toward the tall, cloaked figure, Woofer gets down in a position as if he is ready to leap, saving his spell for the newcomer if needed.

Steps/Draax  d20+3=13
Thursday January 17th, 2002 11:17:08 PM

Steps is very frustrated, coming out of the daze he takes another step toward the HoL priest. He thinks to himself, 'I am going to personally rip the throat out of the next person that casts a spell on me.' He is given just enough time to finish the thought before he is stunned again. "Uuuggg"

The Bitter End (DM Donna) 
Friday January 18th, 2002 7:42:28 AM

Gullion/Renik smacks the HoL cleric again soundly (11hp subdual), but amazingly the single-minded priest is STILL standing! He seems to have the constitution of a horse!

Bill bobs and weaves a bit, trying to get a clear shot at the HoL cleric, but there's no conceivable way that the halfling can do that because Gullion is right there beside the man. To Mind Blast one is to damage the other, period! The doughty psion continues to look for an opening, though...

Meanwhile, Woofer barks and growls as K'isst--understandably angered by the elven cleric's foolish persistance for revenge--attacks the Servant of Passion...with a passion. The female fighter's blows wreak devastating damage--a whopping 42hp!--and yet the cleric still stands, snarling at her HoL nemesis...and BOTH clerics prepare to cast again!

Everyone else outside the B&B is stunned--in fact, the human cohorts that had been the cronies of the Hands of Love cleric were now all on the ground, having borne the brunt of several area Sound Burst spells.

Bill notices the cloaked figure rushing towards the battle, but before the fiesty hobbit can do more than ask "Who are you?"--

--the newcomer unsheathes a HUGE sword from a scabbard on his back and swoops down upon the HoL cleric.

"Conspirator!!!" the man roars angrily--and all of the Hamleteers are stunned (figuratively) to recognize the voice and visage of A'tath. "Though Sturtavent and Oratai live to plot another day--you two foul creatures will not see another sunrise!!!" A mighty swing of the blade lops the head from the shoulders of the Hands of Love priest before the cleric can even turn around. A blink of the eyes later and the head of the elven holywoman rolls to a stop beside it.

"Let this be my proof and vindication--" A'tath intones to those assembled, "--behold the bodies of these two fake clerics of Caeroldra...and know how near you all came to your doom at their claws..!" The tall warrior points down at the two corpses...which shimmer and grow and morph into inhuman remains.

"Sisters whip me!" chokes out one of the humans who'd been with the Hands of Love cleric, whose corpse has turned into that of a young black dragon. "I...I never knew! He was a dragon all along!" One of the others gives a kind of scream and points a shaky finger amidst the Hamleteers.

"By the Abyss--SHE was one of 'em, too!" the man gasps. The party looks to see not the body of a decapitated elf, but the headless corpse of a young brass dragon. "A'tath IS right--they're ALL OVER the city..!!!"

"Thank you for sa--" a third human begins to express his gratitude to the crusading prophet--but A'tath is gone, leaving behind the irrefutable proof that dragons are amongst the populace...and they could be anywhere...

Friday January 18th, 2002 10:15:50 AM

K'isst unconsciously drops her trident to the ground where it makes a very loud clanging sound. Then, with her mouth opened in a huge "O" shape, she falls back herself upon her backside, staring in terror at what she just fought.

She is stunned much worse than the spell or from seeing Bill.

She mouths the word: ::Dragons::

Bill Troublefinder  d20+7=21 3d4(1+4+4)=9 d20+18=37 d8+1=7 d8+1=8 d8+1=8 d8+1=7 d8+1=7 d8+1=9 d8+1=8 d8+1=6 d8+1=4
Friday January 18th, 2002 5:00:30 PM

[Note: Ignore first two rolls of 21 and 9 - cancelled actions they represented after discussion with Donna. Third roll - Autohypnosis, DC 37, for Bill to memorize faces of four bigots. I mean, HoL groupies.]

Hmmm. Bill was wondering if A'tath was the one coming. He does leap out of the way, giving a wide berth to one with such a weapon and determination.

What? Sturtavent got away? And Oratai, too? He likes what she tried to do last year to help Sunblaze. The little fellow now wishes he had been more persistent in following this A'tath fellow. Bother that guard. He wonders what might have happened, and resolves to ask around.

Ack! Ooo. Bill had hoped for a more peaceful resolution to matters. But with A'tath running off, the hobbit cancels his blinking. As the men who came with the Hands of Love cleric are making their observations, he himself is astonished to find that the two clerics were polymorphed dragons.

He takes care not to use the name of any of his friends while the apparent lay members of the HoL are around. "Dragons or humans or elves or whatnot, these so-called followers of Caeroldra sure are not representing the goddess I grew up hearing about."

Bill suggests to his friends that someone check to see if any items that were on the dragons remain for the gathering.


To the four men who accompanied the HoL cleric, Bill says, "I see you're not feeling too well. Nor are the rest of the people here. I can heal you up a bit, if you'd like. While I'm doing so, why don't you tell me your stories? Why are you hanging with the Hands of Love? It seems lately that the so-called followers of Caeroldra have been acting in manners contrary to what I was taught concerning the goddess as I was growing up. You - if you're with them - you are now a house divided against itself - and you will not stand. Now, I really don't know if Caeroldra herself is directing this internecine feud, or if you folks are just making it up as you go along. And here BOTH groups are being led by dragons. I don't really know what to make of that." He shakes his head.

Bill notes the bleeding from the ears of one of the HoL. If they allow him, with his wand of cure light wounds hidden under his forearm and under his palm, he says, "Let me heal that for you, if I can." He speaks a number of words in several languages, and mixed in among them is the command word for the wand of cure light wounds, followed by a little more gibberish. The first man is cured of 7 hp damage. He does likewise for the remaining two - 8 hit points each.

He asks for the name of the HoL leader - who was a black dragon. And of the SoP elf - who was a brass dragon.

"If Caeroldra's teachings are the same as when I was a child, then, especially in light of recent events, I'd invite you to return to the early teachings of your church. If her teachings have changed, and you are faithfully representing them - then something evil has happened, and - maybe you'll hate me for saying this, even though you call yourselves 'Love' - maybe you should look for a better faith. Because for the past six or eight months, neither the Hands of Violence nor the Servants of Promiscuity have shown me anything resembling true, solid, old-fashioned love." He holds up his hand to forestall the protests at his 'Hands of Violence' quip.

"My papa and mama taught me that love is patient, and it's kind. If you love someone you don't get all arrogant and rude. You don't brag around and get all boastful. You don't get wrongly jealous and suspicious. You love someone - you don't insist on your own way all the time. Forget about being irritable or resentful. You don't get happy when bad things, evil things go on - but you celebrate when things are right. You can put up with an awful lot for the sake of love. You trust, you hope, you keep on goin', no matter what gets in your way. Love doesn't quit, and it never ends.

"Now I agree with you that the Servants of Passion are outta line. I believe in marriage, too, and not in wild random rutting. But you're outta line, too, in your own way. Think about it. Don't just take every line your leaders feed you. Look where that just about got you tonight!"

He waits to hear any response they may have. Once they're done, he suggests they go their way.

Bill takes a few rounds to use his mainly concealed wand (speaking the words quietly) for K'isst (7), Renik (7), Roger (Rond) (9), Steps (Draax) (8), Arien (6), and Wolfer (Ferrak) (4) (Sorry, Ferrak - I guess the wand's running out of steam). [If there happen to be any others in the area similarly harmed by the sonic blasts, Bill will do likewise for them - you can do the 1d8+1 rolls, Donna.]

[Should a constable show up in the midst of this, Bill will explain briefly what happened, and invite him (or her) to remain and help oversee the situation. "The dragons started it, we tried to stop it, they kept it going, and A'tath stopped it."]

Bill smiles at his friends. "Always wanted to preach a sermon to that bunch." He rubs his hands together, then slows the rubbing as he looks at the hulking corpses. He thinks back momentarily to the day of the Renewal of the Sentinal back in Windhorn Hamlet, but then shakes his head to focus on the present.

"So, what should we do with the dragons?" he asks his friends. He once again shakes his head. "A'tath. Half dragon, killing his kin."

Once the situation is resolved, Bill speaks privately to Roger/Rond, and asks if he can relay the message to Chenna that 'Lake' needed to take care of something. Rond notes blood in one of Bill's ears.

He briefly introduces K'isst to Renik, and about the rest of the people he says, "I guess these folks all work here at the Inn. Thanks for your help," he says to them, not knowing what eyes and ears might be observing the proceedings. To K'isst, finally, he says, "So, how about that walk? We've got some things to catch up on, don'tcha think? Or do you want to go inside for a bit?"

He knows that, based on the actions of the B&B workers, that K'isst might put two and two together, and figure out that there is more than a casual relationship between him and them, but if she starts asking about that, he tells her he'd be happy to explain it all, "in a safer place."

Saturday January 19th, 2002 10:23:45 AM

Seeing A'tath arrive so suddenly and decisively, Renik is buffeted by waves of conflicting emotion. His first reaction is fury that this bigotted butcher has cut down yet more dragons in pursuit of his twisted quest. His second is astonishment as he suddenly registers that these Clerics were in fact Dragons. And finally he experienced gut wrenching terror as he realises he has spent the last couple of minutes beating a Dragon over the head with a sap!

By the time he regains sufficient control over his slack jaw to give A'tath a piece of his mind (probably as foolish a thing to do as bashing a Dragon on the head with a cosh) the half Dragon is long gone.

Half in a daze he moves as Bill indicates, then helps tie up the prone Hands of Love flunkies. He is lost in thought throughout Bill's stirring speech, responding almost mechanicaly to the halfling's requests.

When introduced to K'isst he manages to say "Yes, we met once before I believe, over in the Red Wyrm Inn", but all his thoughts of romancing are long since gone. At the earliest opportunity Renik slips off into the shadows, and makes his way alone back to the Beer and Bath. Once there he creeps back up the outside wall, and changes back into his guise as Gullion, hoping that Chenna will not have noticed his absence.

Epilogue (DM Donna) 
Sunday January 20th, 2002 7:29:10 AM

Although it is late in the evening, a crowd begins to gather at the battle site; people are pushing and shoving to gawk at the dragon corpses. The talk amongst them compares this event to what happened earlier in the day with the Lord High Mayor and the Matriarch of Alemi. The gossip flies and the paranoia about dragons trying to take over Plateau City kicks up a notch.

A pair of City Guards come along to disperse the crowd and question the appearance of the dragon bodies. The humans who'd been with the Hands of Love cleric babble a confession of sorts: they'd been drinking heavily and the HoL cleric had convinced them that they, as true humans and the rightful citizens of the City, should seek out an elf and teach him or her just who was the superior lifeform. They had NO idea whatsoever that the HoL cleric was a morphed Dragon at all.

The Guards arrange for the removal of the huge corpses, leaving the cleanup of the blood and other dragon fluids to the Beer & Bath employees.

Even as the crowd reluctantly disperses, a young bard, wearing the badge of an official town crier, halts by the gathering with some late-breaking news: it seems that Marteaus has offered Alemi a truce between the Wold gods and the Cult gods--and Alemi has accepted. More news forthcoming when it happens..!

Woofer/Ferrak (Stan) 
Sunday January 20th, 2002 1:31:38 PM

As A'tath gets closer, Woofer recognizes his scent just as A'tath pulls his sword, "Woof, (A'tath)." He barks a warning although if anyone hears him Bill would be the only one having a chance of understanding. He watches with the others as the heads are removed from the disguised dragons.

Woofer sniffs around the bodies of the dead dragons, doing a very good imitation of a guard dog. Growling at the corpses and then jumping away as if he expected to bodies to move.

After everything has settled down he will go about healing the group members as needed (giving 5 and 8 hps back to two of the members and giving one good berry each to the others. Rolled by Shawn on 16 Jan). Woofer heals and passes good berries under the guise of sniffing the palms of the group and barking a greeting.

Sunday January 20th, 2002 1:38:34 PM

When he is able to move, Steps takes a half step toward the remaining priest with his sword drawn halfway out of the sheath. He stops himself from doing something that may make him feel good at the moment, but he might regret later.

He turns his attention to the dead dragons. Having heard the conversation with the two clerics early, he is not surprised by their true appearance, but is surprised by the types of dragons. Still giving the other clerics a look that could kill, he begins to unceremoniously removing anything of interest from the bodies of the dragons daring the clerics to do something about it. The last thing he does is to remove from the bronze dragon the cloak that got them into the fray. He has any items collected removed and played in the back of the B&B before the guards arrive.

After the guards removes the bodies, Steps walks into the B&B and returns with a large buckle filled with soap and water. Still trying to contain his anger, he begins scrubbing the blood away. Since he cannot take his frustration out on the clerics, he is going to scrub the bloodstained ground like it was never scrubbed before.

Bill Troublefinder 
Sunday January 20th, 2002 6:41:39 PM

Bill asks Rond if he will contact Marcus, and set up a time -- right away, if possible -- for K'isst to meet Marcus.

Bill checks with the other party members (outside of K'isst's hearing), and if they offer no objections, he invites K'isst to visit the place they bought. If she is interested in staying, he'll make sure she has a room of her own. He takes it kind of easy, lets her know in general terms some of the things they've been up to during the time since leaving Windhorn Hamlet, but at the same time, until they have Marcus' blessing, does not reveal the connections to the underground activity. Though Bill did not take an oath, he still said he would not reveal the nature of the group if at all possible, and he wants to keep that affirmation, but as soon as possible, bring K'isst in fully to the party and the nature of their work.

Regarding the last conversation he and K'isst had in Windhorn Hamlet, Bill will tread around this one lightly, and not push K'isst on it. He also tries to find out how things have been going for her. And he asks her, if she is willing, to start teaching him the Troglodyte language (spent a skill point on it).

Sunday January 20th, 2002 10:52:34 PM

After thanking Bill and Ferrak both for the healing Arien wanders back into the B&B lost in his thoughts. Later when the group is gathered as usuall about the fire he voices his thoughts. "We need to find and talk to A'tath, we need to see what he knows about these dragons. If he knows why they are here or if he is simply pulled along in a bloodlust by his sword. Also this truce between Alemi and Marteaus and the Cult Gods worries me. I doubt that Marteaus has any plans to actually keep the truce."

Monday January 21st, 2002 5:46:52 AM

"Aye," mutters Renik at Arien's words. "A Truce between Alemi and the Dark Lord? It sits ill with me." He stares into the flames, brooding at the dark times they live in, and the challenges yet to come.

After a time he seems to snap out of his reverie. He turns to Rond and says, "My friend, am I right in thinking that on occasion in training you practice a two handed combat technique? A dagger or similar weapon in your off hand? If it is not too much trouble I'd be keen to join you when next you train, I have been thinking for some time of using a second blade as a defensive or disarming weapon, but it is hard to practice alone, and I admit what little work I have done has been clumsy and amateurish at best. Would you be willing to help teach me?"

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