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Settling In

Chenna (DM Kim) 
Monday December 17th, 2001 2:51:53 PM

Chenna, looking at first a little tired in the early hours of the morning, thanks her faithful employees for a job well done, and perks up as the stories are told. "It sounds as though you have gone above and beyond the call of duty. I am proud of you."

Concerning Steps' question of pay, Chenna asks for time to go over the books. "I will bring you current in two days, if that will work for you."

She also says that, as Borisun paid very well for the foods and services rendered, "May Wardd continue to give him such luck!" she will provide food to be taken to the ghosts in the park, in order to keep the apparent bargain made with the spooks. "But I want you all out of there BEFORE sunset. I'll just chalk this up to the cost of doing business."

Marcus can be reached via the coin given to Rond, aka Roger. He lets the party know that he is willing to meet with them, but is tied up for a few days, and requests patience. He says, "The situation is complex, and flowing."

Monday December 17th, 2001 7:03:39 PM

Seeing that the ruckus was being made by big bipeds with over-sized mammary glands, Ferrak soon looses interest in the struggle.

He soon finds that the food left over for him is much more satisfying. There is always such a waste at parties. When he is sure that people aren't looking he takes scraps of meat and other good food and stuffs them in his backpack and belt pouches.

When it's time to go home Ferrak is ecstatic. What bi-peds consider fun is far from entertaining to his wolven tastes. Ferrak literally flies through the park on the way home. Running back and forth, and back and forth to hurry up any of the stragglers, until somebody says it's ok for him to run on ahead.

When they finally get home. Ferrak spends all of his time with his brother. Not caring about any other thing in the Wold while they are together, having fun.

Aside to Players in Game 2 -DM Kim 
Monday December 17th, 2001 8:01:10 PM

Seems the next three weeks Real Time (up until Jan 7) will be covering five to six months Game Time. So, feel free, in your upcoming posts, to let me know what kinds of things you're up for doing.

Second, I'm wondering if we might be able to schedule an online gaming session - something to run our characters through one Friday night or Saturday, on line in a chat mode, or, better yet, using a good gaming client. I'm running the flag up the mast here to see who'll signal back. For me, it would need to be after Christmas sometime.

Third - Get your character over to Game 2 - Storm Dragons - if you want to give him a chance to compete among the best in the Wold. The Storm Dragons are hosting a competition - in three categories: melee, magic, and ranged weapons. Bill is entering all three - he figures he'll lose at least two of them, and has a distant shot at one, but just wants to test his mettle, and get to know who else is out there. Arien, Draax, Ferrak, Renik, Rond - what do you say? Get your entries in right away, as the Melee competition begins tomorrow. Don't worry, your character can still be here, doing Game 2 stuff - we'll figure the Storm Dragons' competition is sandwiched in somewhere early in those six months.

Renik Dacour, International Man of Mystery 
Tuesday December 18th, 2001 5:01:19 AM

Over the course of the next few months Renik seems to grow slowly distant from the party. Though he continues to act the goat when dressed as Gullion, it seems as though he is becoming increasingly withdrawn and serious when he removes his disguise. Consequently the difference between the two personae seems doubly marked. He seems extremely focused, perhaps even haunted, but is not forthcoming when questioned over his taciturn behaviour. He is seen some nights, sitting on the roof of the Beer and Bath, cross legged and straight-backed, reciting some whispered mantra that none can comprehend.

The mystery is compounded further by Renik spending a great deal of his free time away from the Beer and Bath, although he refuses to divulge where it is that he goes to. Indeed, if any think to follow him they swiftly discover that he is a difficult man to tail; with his elven cloak and natural talent at concealment he is practically impossible to see, let alone follow.

His withdrawal does not entirely remove him from the group, however. He is still willing to assist his comrades in any task they feel is necessary, over the course of the coming months.

Bill Troublefinder aka Lake aka Greener 
Tuesday December 18th, 2001 6:58:52 PM

Lake will be hunting for real estate. A place where the party can buy a dwelling, or build one.

He wants something with a couple of above-ground entrances, and at least one link to the complex of underground tunnels which riddle Plateau City. He asks his friends about pooling their funds to buy a such a place. He uses his limited knowledge of architecture and engineering to help determine how solid, how safe, how defensible such a dwelling might be, or might be made.

Bill, during time away from the B&B, spends time with his fellow Hamleteers. He recounts stories from his youth and early adventures, and seeks to learn more about his friends' backgrounds, as well. If Renik is not forthcoming when others are around, Bill seeks to spend some time with him alone. He wants to get to know him better, too, and find out where he came from.

He also looks to find someone who can tutor him in the Troglodyte language. He does some checking to see if there are any in Plateau City who speak the dialect of K'isst's tribe - the elvish / trog blend.

He frequents the bookstores, looks for good deals, interesting topics, rare finds. He builds up a network of contacts among booksellers. He also sees about obtaining collections of works from some of the families who lost members during the days of darkness following Domi's death, knowing that some who died no longer use them, and those left behind, or their heirs, may need money more than books and scrolls.

Once a week Bill visits the young elf whom Domi held. Talking to her mother and father one day, he mentions, "She is convinced she will again see the Bright Man. Now, I was there, as you," and he nods to ... [more] ...

Tuesday December 18th, 2001 11:50:58 PM

Draax will use some of his off time to familiarize himself with his light war horse and practice mounted combat techniques.

Draax will also use various disguises to keep an eye on a few of the evil temples that has popped up in the city. If he spots any Son-of-Dreads and have an opportunity to get off a shot without being seen; he will shoot an arrow from his bow at long range and then disappear not waiting to see if the arrow hit or not. He will also use his disguises and a small amount of his funds to pay different groups of street thugs to harass the temples, never talking to the same group twice or hitting the same temple twice in the same week. Draax will try to cause the temples as much discomfort as possible without taking any serious risks.

(OOC: I am gamed for the online gaming session, but my schedule changes constantly and I will not know if I will be available until the week of the event(s).)

Chenna tallies the funds - DM Kim 
Wednesday December 19th, 2001 12:02:27 AM

Two days after Borisun's party, Chenna says she has caught up in the accounting, including regular pay, some overtime, and tips, less expenses, for the past few months. The total for the group comes to 2,100 gp.

[I've subtracted off the pay for Sunblaze already, figuring that would go directly to her; and figured also that the party, though paid differing amounts, might just split evenly the funds. Split six ways, it comes to 350 gp each. The party can discuss how they wish to divide it. Each month will bring in from 700 to 1200 gp, so let's just say 960 a month during the course of the next six months, or 160 per character, at present.]

Wednesday December 19th, 2001 3:19:19 AM

Arien's first order of business is to acquire what most mages have, a familiar. Other than that he can be found helping Bill with the Library and looking for a place. Other than that he can be found working or keeping his sword and magic skills from getting rusty. On the matter of a building or land Arien puts forth that they should consider leasing a warehouse on the docks and converting the interior for their needs.

(For the familiar we can do that by email if you like or you can just surprise me, I don't really care what it is... as long as it's not a Toad.)

Vacationing DM Donna: Those PCs wishing to get themselves a familiar that they didn't start out in the Wold with must roleplay the acquisition of such an animal at the Black Genie board.

Wednesday December 19th, 2001 6:36:36 AM

Despite Bill's interest, Renik fails to open up. It seems that he wants to talk of what is effecting him, to share something, but for some reason cannot bring himself to do it.

Instead, when the mood takes him, and he is able to shake off his introversion, he tells Bill tales of his past over crackling flames and mulled wine. Tales of his father, the forest warden Gradik, of the great bear Ul Ru Khier, and of the unusual circumstances of his birth.

(OOC: Story will follow as a seperate post)

"I like the docks idea, my friend." Renik comments at Arien's suggestion. How about Riverside Road, in the Rogue quarter? There's an old warehouse there that I believe has been disused for some time. Perhaps we could try to locate the owner, or failing that simply move in.

"It's on the waterfront, near to two bridges, and not a long walk from the Beer and Bath. It might serve a a suitable headquarters. If you like I could visit the site, determine its suitability. See if it can be easily defended against attack and so forth.

"One other consideration; I will need to check if there is a rear exit and a cellar. And if so whether or not it might be possible to tunnel a short distance from the cellar, in order to create a secret entrance or escape route out into the alleyways behind the building."

Assuming the others are happy with the location, he will set off to reconoitre the premises, and to attempt to track down the owner to determine the asking price.

(OOC: The building I am looking at is directly below the first "R" of Riverside Road, in the Rogue Quarter.)

Vacationing DM Donna: there is a group email forthcoming about this.

Renik's fireside tale (Part 1) 
Wednesday December 19th, 2001 6:59:55 AM

"You want to know of me, Bill Troublefinder, about my life? Very well, I shall tell you a tale, but to understand me, you must understand the tale of the bear. Your drink is charged? Good, well let me think, how best to tell it?"


"The great brown bear, known as Ul Ru Khier (Death Claw) by his dwarven masters, had in his day been the most feared of all the Ursine Outriders. Reared and trained to carry Dwarven raiders into combat, clad in gleaming plates of spiked armour, Ul Ru had been a truly awesome opponent, treated with respect by his masters and deference by the other bears in his unit.

"Many had been the foes who had fallen to his terrible claws, or been crushed between his awesome jaws. Legendary was his strength and ferocity in battle.

"But as he grew older, the great bear grew dissatisfied with this life of servitude. Though his dwarven captors respected him, it was a respect born of fear, not love. And in time his simple thoughts turned bitter and vengeful towards them. The Black Dwarves had enslaved him, tortured him in the name of training, forced him to fight in battles that were not his own. Finally they took his chosen mate from him, and he could bear his servitude no longer. In a night of savagery and bloodshed he broke free, killing many of his erstwhile masters before leaving the dwarven caverns forever.

"For many months he traveled, forever pursued or attacked by creatures intent upon his destruction. Until at last, exhausted, half mad with rage, bitterness and isolation, he came upon a quiet area of woodland that he might call home. And yet before him, clutching an axe, stood a human, one more enemy to strike down in his unending search for peace.

"That human was my father, Gradik Dacour. He had been warden of the Tenslade Forest since his eighteenth year, as had his father before him, and his father before him. So it had been for generations; the Dacours acting as forest wardens for the Baron of Dunskeep, in return for freedom of the forest and a place in the Baron's council of advisors.

"When he was thirty five years of age, and three years married, he left his infant son Tarl and my mother, then great with child, in order to perform his daily patrol. And on that day he came across the wild and wounded bear in the forest. The great beast reared to its hind legs, and would have killed him with a single sweep of his mighty paw, had it not been for my father's utter fearlessness and compassion. Standing there, face to face, he and the bear stared at one another for over an hour, neither moving. And something passed between them, an understanding and a bond that neither had ever experienced before. Gradik could not know that at that moment, far away in their forest cabin, my mother passed away giving birth to me.

"From that day forth the bear, who Gradik named Elyuson (Heart of the Forest, in the language of the Dryads) became Gradik's constant companion. He became peaceful, placid and content, and so things passed for almost fifteen years until both the bear's shaggy coat and my father's bristling beard were touched with grey . In time the legend grew up amongst the villagers and farmers of the Barony of Dunskeep that Gradik's wife, somehow seeing that her husband was about to be killed, gave up her own life in order to spare his, her spirit mingling with that of the bear. It was for this reason (so they claimed) that the two became lifelong companions. Consequently the great bear was treated with an even greater reverence than would be normally afforded to one such as he.

"My brother Tarl and myself grew up to be strong and healthy, and in time it fell to Gradik to choose which of us would become warden in his place. Normally the decision would have been simple, the responsibility would be passed to the eldest son. But Gradik faced a dilemma. My elder brother, Tarl, though stronger and faster than me, had grown knotted and twisted like the vine. There was a darkness and anger in him that forever precluded the forming of the forest bond. Though it flew in the face of tradition, Gradik was forced to select me, his younger son to succeed him."

"But it is late, and I have bored you long enough. To bed, good Bill, and should you wish to hear more of my tale on the morrow, you have but to ask. Good night, my friend."

Bill Troublefinder 
Thursday December 20th, 2001 4:58:33 PM

Bill thanks Renik for the story. He buys Renik's drink and meal the next night so he can hear more.

"Okay, so your father, and grandfather, and great grandfather, and so forth, had been wardens of Tenslade Forest. Then you were appointed as the next warden by your father, skipping ahead of your brother. Well, what did Tarl think about this? Did he just acquiesce, or did you run into troubles? I've been thinking about that all day while toting things for Chenna." He takes a bite of pie, makes a small noise of appreciation, then adds, "Obviously, with you here in Plateau City, it doesn't look like you're warding the forest at the moment. So, what happened next? Hey - there's a bear over in - no, two bears - over in the Druids Quarter. Remind me, I gotta take Ferrak and Darkfang over there. Some of the druids are pretty nice. There's one guy who'll talk to you about herbs until you want to stuff his ears with a tossed salad, though.

"Oh, anyhow, tell me more, Renik."

Renik's fireside tale Part 2 
Saturday December 22nd, 2001 7:52:10 AM

My, Bill, but you're a curious one. Well, I shall continue, and the answers to your questions will become apparent.

Now I told you that my brother, Tarl Dacour, had become a sour child, resentful of my father, his life and myself. Perhaps in some way he blamed me for the loss of our mother, perhaps it was simply his nature to hate. But my selection over him by our father proved to be the final straw. Though we knew it not, his heart turned irredeemably black, and he plotted terrible revenge against his family.

His opportunity was not long in coming. The elderly Baron of Dunskeep had been ill for some time, and now, with his death, his son took control. The old Baron had been widely known for his compassion and generosity, and although there were some reservations about his son, they were over his excessively retiring, bookish nature. None could have foreseen the change that was about to take place.

Within days of gaining power the new Baron gave an indication of events to come. Taxes were suddenly raised, the militia expanded, and a new hard line adopted toward debt defaulters and petty criminals. The retiring son was proving to have teeth. The changes continued over the coming months, and before long the villagers grew to dread the name of the Baron. His rule was brutal and tyrannical.

This suited Tarl perfectly. He grew close to the new Baron, offering council that met with the approval of his despotic master. It was not long before he was firmly installed as the baron's right hand man. He collected the taxes, commanded the militia, and poured further poison into the already poisonous mind of his master.

There came a time when the Baron decided that my father, the Warden Gradik would have to be removed. He was proving too vocal a proponent of the villagers' rights, and stood in the way of the Baron's plans for the leveling of the forest to provide wood for barracks and land for his growing army to train. The problem was twofold. Firstly the great bear Elyson. Whilst Gradik was under his protection, none dared assault the Warden. And secondly his standing amongst the villagers. It was now that Tarl's true capacity for evil became apparent.

He informed the Baron that, unbeknownst to any save we Dacours, the great bear had an uncontrollable fear of fire, and that with this information he had hatched a foolproof plan to destroy his own father.

First livestock was found slaughtered, huge claw marks in their sides. And though careful examination of the corpses might have revealed throats carefully slit, few questioned the Baron when he announced a wild bear was
loose in the woods.

Next my father was called to the Baron, ostensibly to discuss tracking the marauding bear. Of course Gradik knew that no such bear existed; there had been no evidence of such a creature. Though he suspected the Baron was laying some form of a trap, he was unable to determine its nature, and was forced to play along with whatever game that he was playing.

In his absence a team of Tarl's most bloodthirsty and cruel soldiers surrounded the forest cabin where Elyuson kept guard. Using long, flaming poles, they were able to drive the terrified beast into a deep pit on the outskirts of the village. Then, circling the pit the soldiers drew their bows and fired arrow after arrow into he who had once been the greatest of his kind. Elyson died, alone, trapped and betrayed, and it was not a death becoming to so great a warrior as he.

Ah, but I miss him, Bill. A true friend, a primal spirit. His murder was a terrible, evil act. It saddens me deeply to think of it. I think perhaps that we should continue another night. It grieves me horribly to speak of such evil, and yet before my tale is done I will have told of more, and worse. Goodnight, my friend, sleep well.

Saturday December 22nd, 2001 8:00:04 AM

"Well, you've had all the details on those properties in the Rogue Quarter (OOC See Donna's email). What do you folk think? And how much can we gather between us? I myself can probably scrape together 400 GP." Renik looks to his companions, and awaits their response.

Sunday December 23rd, 2001 8:53:49 PM

"Well we still need to get a hold of our employer to discuss the matter of pay so perhaps we should do that first and see what we can afford after that. Of course if we do purchase one of those it will cost a bit of money to remodel it to our liking as well. This will likely be expensive, but, seeing as what we've done for him in the past he's most likely to be generous with the funds, at least he better be."

Marcus - DM Kim 
Monday December 24th, 2001 11:31:05 AM

Marcus meets with the Hamleteers late one morning. He spends a little time explaining aspects of the political situation, with the Council of Lords firmly in power, and High Lord Mayor Sturdavent not officially dethroned, but definitely at a disadvantage at the moment.

"My access to funds has been curtailed. However, I have managed to dig up something in the way of compensation, and to handle your expenses." He gives them a rusty little strongbox, takes a key and opens it up. It has gems and a few coins, with a total value, he tells you, of 3,000 gp. You notice that there is dirt clinging in places to the sides of the box.

He asks how things are going with the group.

"Ah, there is something you need to know regarding Sunblaze. She asked me to send you her goodbyes. It perhaps would not be prudent to go into detail, but it was felt her skills would better be applied elsewhere. She is no longer in Plateau City, but asked me to assure you she is doing fine."

He also discusses the rising influence of the new cults on the populace, and the Council. He recommends that members of the group do what they can to gather information on the cults. Disguises could be handy in the course of doing so.

"The Council, to the best of my knowledge, is not aware of your existence as a group working on behalf of the city. It would be best to keep things that way. There is only one member of the Council whom I unconditionally trust, but she is one against many."

Bill Troublefinder 
Monday December 24th, 2001 6:03:13 PM

"The Lady Shanleigh?" Bill asks Marcus. "Is she the one you can trust? What about Lord Valino and the elf, Lord Leunenon? You don't think you can trust them?"
When the group is alone, Bill points out that one of his ioun stones causes regeneration. "I know a ring of regeneration goes for about 90,000 gp. This ioun stone heals [and, placing it in game terms here - 1 hit point every twenty minutes, or 3 per hour]. Even if you get a leg or somethin' chopped off, as long as you were wearing the ring when it happened, it'll grow back over a few hours. I think the Catacombs might charge 30 to 45 thousand for one like this, but wouldn't pay as much. I'd be willing to trade it in for gold, though, and we could pay for the places with that."

He looks around at his friends and asks, "Well, what do you think? Should I sell it?"
Bill offers to take Ferrak and Darkfang to visit the Druid Quarter - and anybody else who wants to come along is welcome, too.
The halfling looks for books on history (local, regional, national, Wold-wide); astronomy / astrology; engineering; carpentry; psionics (skills, feats, items, theory & practice); religion (especially whatever he can find dealing with the cult gods, and the other gods of the Wold); the planes (especially Ravenloft, about which he wants to learn more, following their encounters with the evil devices from that plane); and whatever other topics of interest he may find; and he polls his companions to see if they desire books or scrolls dealing with specific topics.

Wednesday December 26th, 2001 5:45:35 AM

"Friend Bill, that is a powerful magical item you are proposing to sell. Can you really afford to part with it? Can we not gather the funds between us instead? It seems a little unfair to have you finance everything... Still, if you are truly willing to part with it, and if we cannot raise sufficient funds amongst ourselves, then perhaps that is the best course."

Renik listens with interest to Bill's questions regarding the Council. It always pays, he has often found, to keep abreast of political developments.

Renik's fireside tale Part 3 
Wednesday December 26th, 2001 5:47:49 AM

Renik continues his story that night.

"So, when last we spoke I told you of how the great bear Elyson had been cruelly murdered by my brother. But that was to be only the beginning of his foul plot.

Tarl then instructed his soldiers to drag the bear's corpse into town, claiming it had attacked the goat left as bait, and fallen into the pit. Here was the marauding bear that had terrorized the villagers and taken the farmers' animals from them. Tarl, however, did not accompany them.

At the moment the great bear died my father must have known with terrible certainty his old friend was gone. He ran from the keep, praying that he might be mistaken, but in the main village square he saw his fallen comrade, surrounded by laughing soldiers, boasting to the villagers. With a terrible roar of loss and fury he drew his axe and charged at the soldiers, and before they knew what was happening one lay dead and another gazed in dumbstruck horror at the spurting stump of a severed arm.

But even his great fury was insufficient to overcome all the soldiers. He was swiftly overpowered, beaten until he could not stand, and dragged before the Baron.

The Baron ruled that for harbouring a murderous animal, and for murdering one militiaman in cold blood, and grievously wounding another, Gradik had to be punished. He turned to the villagers and called out "How shall he be punished? Shall he be executed, in accordance with our laws, or shall he be set free to bring more death-dealing beasts of the forest to our fair village?"

And the mob, many of whom had known my father for decades, who had been helped or cared for or supported by the Dacour family over some matter or another, called back as one "Execute him! Execute him!" And so it passed that my father, Forest Warden Gradik Dacour, with the popular support of the villagers and farmers, was beheaded before the Keep gates, as Tarl looked on, smiling in triumph.

I... I am sorry, my friend. I must stop for now. This is too painful... Tomorrow night I shall continue, and speak of my own part in these tragic events. But for now, goodnight...

Bill Troublefinder 
Thursday December 27th, 2001 8:45:15 PM

Bill, whose eyes had grown very misty on the previous night, having heard of the killing of the bear, breaks down and weeps when he hears what befell Renik's father. He has trouble sleeping that night, as mental images of the story pass through his dreams.

Friday December 28th, 2001 2:33:37 AM

Enjoying Renik's story and the company of the others, Ferrak is nevertheless uncomfortable within the city limits. And while spending the day with Bill at the park was indeed fun for the feral gnome, it left him wanting more.

So that night almost without thinking, Ferrak found himself astride his brother as they raced off into the night. An alley cat crossing the road nearly loses a life or two as the wolf brothers blur past it.

(Minutes Later)
Loping through the tall trees, freedom incarnate, the brothers are one. Silent, as they run through the snow filled night, an owl screaches somewhere in the distance.
As the brothers break into a clearing the waxing moon shines a grinning face at them.
Calling to their ancestors the brothers tear into the night with reckless abandon, savoring each silver sweet breath, as they race the wind.

Bill Troublefinder - Free enterprise zone 
Friday December 28th, 2001 6:34:18 PM

Bill hires a reasonably competent editor at 30 gp per month to work with the garrulous druid who specializes in the flora of the Wold - the herbologist who nearly talked Farlonger's ears off some months ago. He asks the editor to begin work on a series of publications, based upon the collected knowledge of the druid. [OOC: I'm trying to find the druid's name - thought it was in the archives, but apparently it was only recorded in emails from a while back ... through which I will wade as I have time.] Bill gets biweekly reports on the progress, and inspects the work as it stands every two to four weeks. He also donates some funds out of each month's pay from Chenna to the druids. He also looks into funding a poor but talented artist at 20 gp per month to provide illustrations - approved by the druid - to accompany the text. And he spends some time thinking about how to publish the work in quantities. Wood blocks press? He contacts some gnomes, with a copy of his sketch of the scroll copier they lifted from the pyramid, to see if one of them might come up with some gizmos that would aid in the mass production of the printed page - without the taint of evil possessed by the machine used by the Sons of Dread.

Prior to the hirings and consultations, he writes up some agreements to be signed by those with whom he talks that, in exchange for his funding of their efforts, that he will have ownership of the works ... without going into all the legalese in this post, he is looking for some sort of copyright / patent protection. He thinks there are some great ideas that can benefit many.

Bill Troublefinder - Real Estate 
Saturday December 29th, 2001 12:38:26 AM

Bill agrees with Renik. "Look, Marcus gave us 3,000. That'll take care of the brick wizard's place. And I'll pay for the former clubhouse, at 6,500 gp. If the rest of you can swing the rest of the funds, we can get the third place, with a kitchen, even, for 6,000. Sound good to you?"

Saturday December 29th, 2001 8:35:15 AM

"Works for me Bill, if you're happy to part with so much cash. So, here's my 400 towards the third place; what can you fellows contribute?"

Renik is looking slightly guilty as he says this, and it doesn't take long to work out why. Later that day he can be seen, repeatedly drawing back the string on a magnificent new bow. It looks like it must have cost him a pretty penny.

Renik's fireside tale part 4 
Saturday December 29th, 2001 8:39:31 AM

That evening, once again, Renik resumes his tale, noticing that it is no longer only Bill who is listening. He offers any who care to listen a glass of warming mulled wine, and continues.

"So, we come to my own part in this sorry tale.

I returned to the village that same afternoon, having found no sign of my father or Elyson at the woodland cabin. The sight that greeted me as I approached the keep near drove me mad. There, alongside the decapitated heads of executed criminals, were the heads of my father and Elyson the great brown bear, mounted on iron spikes over the keep gates. I might have lost everything then, had I not seen a group of evilly grinning militiamen approaching. To their amusement I fled, first collecting what few family heirlooms I had from home. Then I vanished into the forest, and nothing was heard of me for many weeks.

Tarl and the Baron thought their victory complete. Dunskeep had lost her only defenders, and what's more it had been accomplished with the complicity of the local populous. Their power was now unchallenged, save by a grief-stricken boy probably dead in the forest. The Baron ordered the woodland area nearest town felled, and the area beyond that cleared by fire. Work began building a standing army, barracks and training grounds.

But my time in the forest had not been spent wallowing in grief, or struggling to survive. It had been spent in communion with the forest spirits, plotting dark revenge against those who would defile the forest and murder her human protector.

At first it was wagons leaving town that were raided, but soon even the soldiers feared to travel the woodland roads. Attacks were swift and deadly, and the occasional terrified survivor told of an invisible foe, a figure appearing from thin air and dealing death like some terrible avenging angel. As the attacks increased in intensity over the ensuing months Dunskeep became virtually isolated from the surrounding countryside of Crescent Valley, and The Baron grew angry and fearful as the villagers seized on the mysterious vigilante as a hero come to deliver them from tyranny. They named him variously the Shadow in the Forest, the Shade, and Renik the Green, depending on whether they believed the attacker to be the Spirit of the Forest itself, the vengeful ghost of Gradik, or myself, somehow grown powerful beyond imagining.

The Baron commanded Tarl to lead his army into the forest, and not to return without the head of the outlaw. The army entered the forest the next morning, one hundred men led by Tarl and his six lieutenants. Fourteen hours later seven men, Tarl amongst them, stumbled out of the forest, half mad and quaking with terror.

Tarl was at once summoned before the Baron. He tried to explain how the woods themselves had closed around his men, how his army had become hopelessly lost and fragmented. How for hours and hours all they could do was fight their way through undergrowth that seemed to fight back like a live thing, waiting for the next distant scream as another man died. How finally, reduced to just his lieutenants, he had seen a tree come alive before him, and had been given this message to take back to his master; 'The Wood is awoken. It ends tonight.'

"But it grows late once more, and I have talked long enough. Let us continue this tomorrow night, if you are willing. Good night, my friend."

Saturday December 29th, 2001 5:00:05 PM

"Ah the call to adventure burns brightly within me this night my friends." Arien says one night when the group is gathered. "I feel the need to do something, I miss the thrill of discovery, yes even the fear one feels during an adventure. Of course it was not always so. When you and I first met Bill I was indolent, lazy, and even greedy. I first felt the call after the incident with the Sentinel Head. Perhaps it was its call in my mind as I lay there against the wall. My spirit hung there between this world and the next and the Sentinel Head brought me back. But I stray, I merely wished to make some small talk about the relative calm period we are in." Arien swirls his cup of wine a bit and takes a sip. He then takes a seat and sits looking into the fire and the past for the rest of the evening.

Sunday December 30th, 2001 12:30:49 PM

Late at night, a farmer plodding along the road in his horse and cart, pauses to light up his pipe. Looking up at the full moon, he fails to notice the blur of darkness that passes close past him. His old roan Midge nickers nervously as she shies away.

"Steady..." he soothes, as he pulls on the smooth wooden pipe.

Meanwhile Ferrak, now miles away, grins a feral grin as the wolf brothers continue to run wild through the night.

Renik's fireside tale part 5 
Monday December 31st, 2001 7:18:10 AM

Renik settles down once more to continue his story.

"So, Tarl had met the Heart of the Forest, and brought back its dread message to his black-hearted master; "It ends tonight".

The Baron had screamed with rage, and hurled his wine goblet away, hitting a guard in the face and soaking two retainers. And at that moment of confusion, melting from the shadows behind the Baron's chair, I appeared. Pausing long enough to whisper, "For my father, murderer," I plunged my blade in deep under the ribs and up into the Baron's heart.

And yet, astonishingly, the Baron did not die. Though gravely wounded he somehow stood, and turned to glare at me with uncontrollable hatred. His features shimmered and blurred, and suddenly I was staring into my father's eyes! "You would not kill your own father, would you, son?" said Gradik Dacour. I fell back horrified. I was too stunned to notice my 'father' slip a long silver dagger from his sleeve (I carry that dagger to this day), and things would have gone ill for me had my brother Tarl not acted in that moment. Seeing our father returned from the dead Tarl screamed in terror, and drawing his sword he plunged it deep into our father's skull.

And as we two brothers gazed down upon our father's body, a change came over it. The skin turned white and translucent, laced with a network of blue veins. The eyes grew larger, the nose and mouth smaller, until the creature lying between them bore little if any resemblance to a human.

"Doppelganger!" Hissed Tarl, and we both understood at once the mysterious change that had come over the son when his father the Baron had died. No doubt the son had died at about the same time. We stared at one another over the loathsome corpse. All in the room were frozen with horror.

Tarl acted first. Seeing his master gone and horribly discredited, certain that without his army and the authority of the Baron behind him he would be arrested and executed, he fled, taking his six loyal lieutenants with him. As he left he swore horrible vengeance on Dunskeep and me in particular. I have not seen him since. I often wonder if he survived the events that were to follow on that fateful night...

But once again I have talked too long. Let us conclude this tale tomorrow night. Good night!

Bill Troublefinder  d20+5=19 d20+5=15 d20+5=18
Monday December 31st, 2001 11:36:51 PM

Since no one has said no to his suggestion to use the funds Marcus provided for one of the real estate deals...

During the day, Bill counters the wizard's nephews' request for 3,000 gp with 2,400. "There's just so much trash to pick up, and it's gonna take a lot of work." He'll bas his response on theirs. He may appear to stand fast at first, but is willing to go to 2,600 or 2,800. If they really push beyond that, he says, "If you clean it up entirely, then I might be willing to go for your full asking price." [Diplomacy 19.] But, in truth, he's hoping they don't clean it up, because he thinks that maybe, just maybe, there's something worthwhile yet to be found beneath the rubbish. Okay, 2,900 (or even 3,000), and they provide a cart for hauling away the stuff that Bill and friends clean up.

Assuming the deal goes through...
Responding to Arien's stated wish for adventure, Bill says, "I'll show you adventure tomorrow. You'll be up to your knees in it. Up to your elbows! Meet me early, at 8:00 o'clock, and be prepared for some dirty work. Dirty, but necessary. And you think Marcus is bad. Ha!"

He also speaks with the owners of the other two buildings. It'd be nice to have Renik or any of his other friends with him. Well, maybe Ferak would not be the best resource during negotiations. (No offense, Ferak :-) ). He asks about the neighbors, and tries to find out who is where in the nearby buildings. He will probe to see how much wiggle room there is for negotiating the prices. (Diplomacy check for negotiations on 6,000 house 15, on 6,500 former club house 18). If they'll budge on the price, that's great. If not, he may see if they'll cover a few light improvements to sweeten the deal. He also does some checking with local authorities to make sure that the people who represent they can sell the places indeed possess the deed (or its Plateau City equivalent).


Listening to Renik's ongoing saga, Bill gets a look of horror in his eyes as he hears of the transformation of the Baron. Then he gets confused towards the end. "Wait - you mean Tarl was replaced too, by a doppleganger? Or you mean he died figuratively, in a way? I don't understand that last part."

Tuesday January 1st, 2002 7:06:04 AM

"Well I'm not sure that that's the same type of adventure I was talking about it but well it's something different so I'll meet you, 8:00 clock sharp."

Real Estate Deals - DM Kim 
Tuesday January 1st, 2002 11:44:42 AM

The nephews will only go down to 2,950 gp for the brick building, but they do provide several dozen oversized bags and a handcart to help haul away the debris. They want the handcart back within a week, though. They also stipulate, "If you find a necklace with a ruby gem, that was our uncle's, and we want it back." If the party finds it, they offer a 150 gp reward. "Maybe it's not there, though."

The owners of the clubhouse are firm at 6,500, but they do offer to provide paint and brushes for the interior. "Could use a little touch up."

The owners of the third building are willing, after discussions, to lower the price to 5,600 gp. They will not offer to do anything extra to fix up the place. "It's good enough, we think."

Documentation for the transactions is in order. A government clerk is available to ratify the sales, with a 15 gp fee per transaction. "In whose name will the property reside?"

Will the Hamleteers be buying the place with the kitchen, in addition to the clubhouse and wizard's place?

Renik (Karnak)  d20+2=9 d20+8=21
Wednesday January 2nd, 2002 4:48:30 AM

Renik joins Bill on his real estate trip, in yet another disguise. This time he looks like a middle aged merchant of moderate means (Disguise 21). He allows his 'partner' Bill to do all the talking, simply keeping an eye on the proceedings. From time to time he will interject with comments about neighbours, local crime rates, and so forth (sense motive 9).

Regarding the location with the kitchens, Renik's offer of 400 GP towards the purchase stands, if any other Hamleteers are willing to put money forward.

Renik's fireside tale part 6 
Wednesday January 2nd, 2002 4:57:15 AM

Renik continues his tale the following night, attempting to clarify the issue of his brother for Bill. "No, my brother discovered he had been working for a Doppelganger, who had taken the place of the son of the old Baron. No doubt the creature had caused the death of the old man also. I assume my brother escaped that night, but I cannot be sure, as the conclusion of my tale will make plain.

"So, with the Baron unmasked and dead, my brother fled, I walked stunned from the great dining room and into the cool night air. By the time I reached the Village Square a great crowd had gathered the story of the night's events having spread like wildfire. There was celebration and joy in the air. There were calls from the crowd for me to lead them, others to become Warden in my father's place. With a brusque gesture I silenced them, and spoke these words.

"'Men and women of Dunskeep. The tyrant is dead, and you are free. But do not rejoice too soon.

"'You had it in your power to free my father when the Baron unjustly accused him. By your word he died. Perhaps I should tell you a little of this man you condemned to death so readily.

"'Gradik Dacour, like his father and grandfather, was the Warden of Tenslade Forest. Do you know what that meant? Did you never ask yourselves why a Warden was required?

"'When Dunskeep was founded, many generations ago, it was at the edge of Culverwood, the area of land we call today Tenslade. A great woodsman, Elyan Dacour, approached the Lords of the Forest, and requested permission to build a settlement there. That permission was granted, on the condition that from that time forth a representative of the villagers would maintain peace in the forest, allowing no harm to come to her. And so it was that the Dacours, for generation after generation, preserved this peace, and the forest slept.

"'By your action, by the Baron's foolish attack on the woodland, that peace is now at an end. Dunskeep has declared war on the Forest.' I pointed behind the crowd, up the hill towards the treeline. The villagers stared, first in disbelief, then in horror. The trees were closer, and growing closer still. I continued, 'And now the Forest is fighting back.'

"The first seeds of panic grew amongst the villagers, and they begged me to save them, to turn the trees back. But all I could do was shake my head and say;

"'Even if I were so inclined, I could not. My father died before he passed custodianship to me. Though the Forest will tolerate me, it will not accept my commands. I cannot help you.' I looked up, and the villagers did likewise; the entire village of Dunskeep was surrounded on all sides by dense, dark forest, and it was pressing in fast. And I told them, with heavy heart, 'No-one can help you now.'

"Dunskeep disappeared from any map of the Wold that night. There was only one path through the Trees, and only I was able to walk that path. Those few inhabitants of Dunskeep that did survive emerged from the forest many weeks later, terrified and starving, some with their eyes poked out, others shredded by thorns, near all driven mad by the experience. The trees took Dunskeep apart, stone by stone, until all evidence of the human invasion was gone. And when all was peaceful, the trees slept once more.

"Well. My tale is done. Of course I have had many adventures since, and my life has been shaped by all manner of curious encounters and desperate battles. I became first a scout, then a spy, first in the employ of private individuals, then the Church. But if you would know me, Bill Troublefinder, you need look no further than those events that first set me on my winding path."

Bill Troublefinder 
Thursday January 3rd, 2002 2:29:21 AM

"Well," he says to Renik, "it looks like no one else wants, or is able, to advance more funds towards real estate. But I think having two places'll be just fine. Why don't you keep the 400 gp to help us build a kitchen? 'Course, you're free to withdraw it, or use it for whatever you want. Just an idea, there."

When the whole party is present (likely just after a shift at the B&B), Bill makes sure everyone knows of the two newly acquired properties. "I'm thinkin' we should clear out the brick place first, then paint the former clubhouse next. What do you all think about using the brick place for research. Maybe have an alchemical mixing place, and some goodies for you spell casters - maybe a little scriptorium - Arien, you know how to make scrolls, right? You spending any time on that lately?

"Then, the other place we fix up to live in, and entertain. I'd like to have a room in the basement, if that's okay with all of you. Maybe dig out a bit extra for a little root cellar. Make it more homey." He gets a faraway look in his eyes, and starts rocking back and forth in his seat. A moment or two later he asks, "Who wants to help with making a kitchen? And we'll want to choose a good spot for our library."


"Renik - just swallowed up by the forest? What a gloomy doom." He sits quiet for a while. It's times like these that he almost thinks about taking up smoking a pipe again. It's been quite a while.

"Was that magical - that Dunskeep disappeared from all the maps? Or is that just a figure of speech, there, Renik? I mean, it'd be amazing if trees could not only swallow up a whole town, but also figured some way of erasing a little spot of ink from scrolls and maps all over the Wold. Wouldn' it?" He sits thinking a little more.

"Hey, how did you manage to do so much against those folks? Your father musta taught you some fearsome tactics. Say - I was just thinkin' the other day. Y'know, I used to be able to move through the shadows. Just kinda become a shadow myself. Back just when I met K'isst - oh - you don't know her, do you? She's the most beautiful, powerful lady elfy troglodyte you've ever seen. Anyway, back by Windhorn Hamlet, the Sons of Dread were messin' with some dark magic - necromancy. Well, I was able to just become a part of the shadows, and sneak right by a whole room of Dread thugs who were hidin' and waitin' for us. But I got on one side of 'em, while the rest of my friends came up the other side. When some of the thugs tried runnin' away to warn the mages, I was there, and 'tween me and my friends, we stopped 'em all. Then went to where the mages were, in Donyra's old temple. A fish helped save us. Rainbow trout. Ask Rond or Sedar - oh, Sedar's off doin' somethin' still for Marcus, I think. I hope. Haven't seen him in a while. Arien'd know, too." He scratches his head.

"'Bout movin' through the shadows though, and some other stuff, not so long ago, all these things I used to know how to do, suddenly, I forgot a lot of 'em. It's like I sorta know, but just lost some important ingredient. But now, there's other things I've picked up. One day, I'm hopin' to remember the old stuff better."

Bill gets permission to use the B&B kitchen, and he bakes up pies. Two each of blueberry, mincemeat, shepherd's, apple crumble, strawberry and cream, and peach cobbler. He gives one on each kind to Chenna to sell to her guests. The other five he takes for his friends. "This is in honor of Renik's story. Not that it has anything to do, really, with the story. But just 'cause he told it, and I liked it. So, here, Renik, eat up, and we'll help you. Here, Darkfang, bet you like the shepherd's pie." Then he translates the last sentence into the lupine tongue, and gives the wolf half of the shepard's pie. "Ferak, try some mincemeat. Arien, Rond, Renki - I mean, Renik - take as much as you want!" Bill chooses a piece of blueberry, and one of peach cobbler.

Thursday January 3rd, 2002 4:32:40 AM

Renik smiles at the halfling's habitual barrage of questions, and fields them as well as he is able.

"Just a figure of speech, my friend, nothing quite so arcane as Wold-wide map adjustment! And as for my success against the soldiers, well much of it was nothing to do with me. The trees themselves, along with invisible or shadowy woodland creatures carried out many of the attacks. Certes, my father taught me many ways of the wood, and the forest dwellers more, but my part in the events was not so mystical as perhaps it seemed."

"Although... what you say about the shadows, the way you were able to actually become as one with them... Well I always thought that to be a figure of speech, and yet lately I am not so sure..."

Renik seems on the verge of saying more, of sharing a confidence, but then seems to stop himself, changing the subject. "Well, it is time I was about my nightly training, Bill. Thanks for listening, it feels good to get that off my chest. See you in the morning!"

In the morning Renik tucks into the pie gratefully, and assures Bill that his 400 GP are available for whatever repairs and decorations the team decide. "Though I still like the idea of a tunnel between the two locations," he muses.

Thursday January 3rd, 2002 2:32:14 PM

While working out his light war horse, Draax takes the horse through the various commands, comes, stop, stay, guard, attack, and go home. The 'go home' command cost Draax a long walk first time he used it. He takes his horse on long rides and will often let the horse run until it tires itself out. Most of his riding is done in the park during the day, so he often takes a large amount of food with him and at the end of the workout he leaves the food as an offering to the ghosts.

Practicing mounted combat, Draax uses some of the new evil temples for target practice. Riding by at full speed, Draax (in one of his various disguises) practices shooting his bow from horseback by putting arrows in the structure of one of the temples. He thought about shooting at some of the evil worshipers, but he remembered that Marcus likes to place spies in with the enemy and did not want to mistakenly hit an ally.

Listening to the preparation for purchasing of the buildings, Draax offers what he can spare out of his funds. "Sorry, my funds are low and I can only contribute 600 to the cause."

The disguised warrior spends a small portion of his day watching the various evil temples grow in wealth. He thinks that a good raid on one of these temples would take care of a lot of their money problems and cause some discomfort to the enemy, if only he had some skill at thievery.

Friday January 4th, 2002 10:18:21 PM

"Well yes I can make scrolls but obviously only from spells that I have access to, which are limited really at the moment. That would be something I would be interested in getting, a wider selection of spells. Of course I cannot cast, nor scribe spells from the schools of Divination, Enchantment or Necromancy."

Bill Troublefinder 
Saturday January 5th, 2002 11:16:14 AM

"Well, Arien, if you want a wider selection of spells, then go to the Catacombs and buy some," Bill says. "It's like 25 gp for first level scrolls, 150 for second level, 350 for third level spells, I think. If you need some money, let me know. Here's 500 gp for starters. Go there today, take a number, and someone should help you soon."

DM Kim  d20+5=21 d20+5=16 d20+5=14 d20+5=23 d20+5=25 d20+5=25 d20+5=20
Saturday January 5th, 2002 9:31:51 PM

OK, let's figure the places were purchased about two months from the time of the hot tub party.

Allowing a week or so for the cleaning out of the rubbish from the mage's place, and another week or two for painting the clubhouse, the dwellings are basically ready for moving in.

Via some investigation, it is learned that existing underground passageways go quite near to the brick building - just the next building away from the river. From the clubhouse, one must go across the courtyard before arriving at an underground connection. Of course, with enough time, effort, engineering, bracing, a more or less direct route between the buildings could be dug. [An earth elemental might speed things up. ;-) Watch out that the structural integrity of intervening edifices are not compromised by the digging...

Essential kitchen gear - New: a stove, oven, plumbing, and starter utensils can be had starting at 400 gp, with decided increases in quality at double the price and above. However, a higher quality stove and oven are found, albeit used, which bring the costs to 550, including the move and installation.

Ferak, Bill & Darkfang prove to be pretty good diggers, and a tunnel between the two dwellings is finally completed, in a manner of speaking, just a few days before the end of five months. 'In a manner of speaking,' because, although the diminuitive gnome and halfling can pass more of less upright through the whole passageway, those of greater stature must stoop severely much of the way. Those over ~5'8" will have to crawl in spots. The diggers do excavate a few wider areas, with enough room for Rond to stand almost straight in the exact center of two of them, and a few more places to pass here and there. More time and work will be needed to clear out a broader passageway. A separate tunnel is made from the brick building to barely short of the existing nearby tunnel complex. Bill's knowledge of architecture and engineering are sufficient to leave a thin crust of earth to separate the new from the existing tunnel. A few rounds of digging would be sufficient to effect a passable opening - large enough for the larger party members.

Vacationing DM Donna 
Sunday January 6th, 2002 7:41:21 AM

This is an entirely OOC post, whose subject is about the real estate dealings that I started you all on but then lost track of over the holidays as I forgot to keep an eye on this board while I was gone. (Sorry about that.)

DM Kim--while doing a FANTASTIC job in my absence--didn't have ALL the facts, and so I am modifying the real estate negotiations by letting you all know these rather relevant facts:

1. The properties are being sold through the same real estate representative--once you let him know you were interested in all three, he immediately began to move heaven & earth to try to get the prices down to something you could afford, because he wants his commission something awful.

2. The ex-clubhouse can be bought for a deposit of 1000gp now and 200gp per month for the next 30 months.

3. The vacant family residence has been haggled down to 5000gp.

4. The wizard's nephews--once mention of having to clean up the old place was made--immediately dropped their price to 1500gp. You get the feeling that they do NOT want to have to go into the building ever again.

5. The wizard's place is filled top-to-bottom with knick-knacks and...well, junk...so much so that accurately judging the structural integrity of the entire building is extremely difficult to do with 100% accuracy before cleaning it out.

Sunday January 6th, 2002 6:47:25 PM

Refreshed from his explorations of the great outdoors, Ferrak helps with the real estate acquisitions as much as possible. Using the always handy prestidigitation spell to help clean up. Create Water and Summon Nature's ally also come in very handy at times.

Getting help from burrowing animals whilst digging the tunnels, makes it possible for Ferrak to take a rest now and again when the others aren't watching.

Ferrak also starts to work on his gardening skills. A natural green thumb, he starts a few saprolings, and puts plenty of bushes in the yards, where possible. Doing most of his work at night he tries to get as much wild vegetation going as he can.

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