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DM(James M) - Map - Streets of EvenOak 
Tuesday September 7th, 2021 8:52:00 AM

All of their precautions were for naught since in under an hour they started seeing the outlying houses around the village. These were simple affairs with medium size livestock in pens or chickens walking about making noises when the Warden's got too close. They saw a hand at a window pulling back a curtain, or a man working in his barn, no one seemed overly worried about the strangers walking into the community.

You arrive in a moderately sized town with buildings lining the streets. It seemed that EvenOak was relatively wealthy as evidenced by the fine stonework of the buildings and stone paved streets. Along each street you could see people sitting on benches spaced about fifty feet apart with others walked happily down them as they discussed their day. At the opposite end of the town you could see the half completed spire of a temple as it was being constructed. Masonry work carts lined up along the street in front it with workers stationed about crafting decorative lintels or bas-reliefs. The closest of the buildings appeared to be a public house with a sign hanging from it depicting a golden flagon. You see a man in official looking clothing start to walk over to you.

Perception DC 15 Highlight to display spoiler: {You see pairs of people in white garb walking down the street. They appear to be clerics.}

KS: Religion DC 15 Highlight to display spoiler: {You see clerics of an unknown sect walking along the street in pairs}
Perception DC 20 Highlight to display spoiler: {The man looks smarmy, or at least untrustworthy. He might be a salesman.}

DM James: Everyone please make your leveling plans and have them submitted by the end of the week. Once you settle in here the catacombs will be available as well.

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:17 (T:13, FF:13), CMD:29, ST:(F12/R12/W23 + RNL), HP:96/96, Wildshape(XVII):7, L. Lord:15, S. Burst:14  d20+36=44 ;
Tuesday September 7th, 2021 9:12:14 AM

'Osul moves to overwatch, above the canopy. He weaves side-to-side as he moves forward, keeping tabs on the wardens while looking out for things of interest above and below the tree-tops.
Speed: 120' (240' double move, dumping plenty in manoeuvres)
Perception: d20+36=44

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:17 (T:13, FF:13), CMD:29, ST:(F12/R12/W23 + RNL), HP:96/96, Wildshape(XVII):7, L. Lord:15, S. Burst:14  d20+36=39 ; d20+3=12 ; d20+36=55 ; d20+17=29 ;
Tuesday September 7th, 2021 9:28:28 AM

'Osul resumes human form as other faces grow common.
Perception: d20+36=39, Knowledge(Religion): d20+3=12, Perception: d20+36=55, Sense Motive: d20+17=29
'Osul nods in the direction of the clerics, and smiles as the man approaches.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Phantom Steed (Extended)  d20=3 ; d20+29=31 ;
Tuesday September 7th, 2021 7:31:57 PM

Moridark smiles broadly, comfortable in his own skin, as he flies inches off the groun on his phantom steed. The mage sees the clerics of an unknown faith walking around, and mentally notes any symbols, and colors that stand out.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 112/112 CMD 24 Character Sheet  d20+7=23 ; d20+18=20 ; d20+7=11 ;
Tuesday September 7th, 2021 8:05:20 PM

DM - Currently 59,000 xp short of leveling.

Perception 23
Knowledge Religion 20
Perception 11

"Town looks busy and not too worried about anything. Not sure what to make of that." Armand notices the strangely robed clerics. "I don't like this. Those guys aren't from any worship I recognize. Are we sure we're back in the Wold and not some parallel dimension? Or are we in the Wold but in the wrong time again."

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 32 , HP 139/139 
Tuesday September 7th, 2021 8:35:18 PM

Perception starts at +21, so auto make those.

Elyngael blatantly points to the strangely dressed clerics. "What the heck are they?" Then she see's the man walking toward them and takes a step back so that he will encounter anyone else but her first. "Look out, it's either the local politician or a salesperson coming."

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 107/107, CMD 25

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 35, HP (145/145)  d20+12=27 ; d20+10=18 ; d20+12=19 ; d20+14=17 ;
Tuesday September 7th, 2021 9:20:15 PM

Perception 27
Kn Religion 18
Perception 19

Trellus shakes his head, also unable to identify the cleric's sect.
Some of his new comrades seem unsure about the town.

With a wink at Elyngael, he murmurs, "this is where confusing others with your speech comes in handy. It gives you time to see the pattern."

Trellus steps forward to greet the oncoming official with a broad grin.
"Many shadows! I am Trellus of Rattledam. My pack and I are at last thread, and looking for an inn. Are you the local weaver?"
[Diplomacy 17]

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,   d20+13=20 ; d20=9 ; d20+13=27 ;
Tuesday September 7th, 2021 10:09:39 PM

Working the other side of the off road while they approach, Neshi is happy they had an easy path.

Once in town Neshi moves closer to the others.

"So who are these guys in the white robes? They don't seem very practical for cleanliness."

Then noticing the guy coming toward them he quietly comments. "Ooh look a snake oil salesman. I don't think I would trust him as far as I could throw a dragon.

(OOC: I will do my best at getting the leveling done. I wont have much time until the weekend.)

DM(James M) - Map - Duel!  d20+10=25 ;
Wednesday September 8th, 2021 8:56:36 AM

DM James: Do your best to get your revised sheets in. I think Jerry enlisted some help for me in approving the sheets. As for the experience amount, consider it story experience for completing the last module.

Moridark's steed drew a few looks from the townspeople, but they didn't seem overly concerned with him. As for the clerics Armand and Elyn point out the angelic figure each wears around their neck on a silver chain. Their cassocks also weren't completely white as it seemed the trim was made of silk or some other smooth near white material with a pattern worked into it.

Perception DC 15Highlight to display spoiler: {The figurines remind you of the clockwork angels you encountered on the bridge.}

Perception DC 30 Highlight to display spoiler: {The pattern in the trim looks like overlapping feathers.}

When Trellus stepped forward to address the man, he turned to look at the man as if for the first time. "Greetings citizen." the man responded as he attempted to move through the group as if headed to the other side of the street. He waved at someone behind the Wardens and smiled as he squeezed through the small crowd and despite her attempts to avoid him he bumped into Elyn.

“Why you pointy eared clumsy trollop! You have wrinkled my clothes and I shall have satisfaction.” He pulled out a pair of gloves and smacked her lightly on the face with them. “A duel it shall be then.” he exclaimed as he stepped back and drew his daggers. “To first Blood! Enguard!”

KS: local DC 15 Highlight to display spoiler: { In areas near the Creusa sea dueling laws are rather lax and they can be quite legal and often times used as an excuse to kill someone that's unpopular or to simply get rid them. Interfering or cheating was heavily frowned upon and could lead one into more trouble than the fight itself. Most duels weren't to the death unless their were special circumstances or an accident.Rules of the duel. }

Sense Motive DC 25 Highlight to display spoiler: {He totally knew you were there and aimed at Elyn on purpose so as to challenge her.}

Although the man's outburst might have astonished the Warden's, the people on the street including the clerics simply stopped to watch. A few men next to the pub exchanged glances and made bets as money quickly changed hands before the duel was too far gone.

DM James: First Blood: Fight to zero HP. Once at 0 first blood has been drawn. Damage is considered non lethal.

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:17 (T:13, FF:13), CMD:29, ST:(F12/R12/W23 + RNL), HP:96/96, Wildshape(XVII):7, L. Lord:15, S. Burst:14  d20=11 ; d20+36=49 ; d20+17=34 ;
Wednesday September 8th, 2021 10:04:28 AM

{Perception: d20+36=47, Perception: d20+36=49, Sense Motive: d20+17=34}

'Osul makes a familiar *tick, tick, tick, sproing* noise.

If he did this deliberately then... do we ask his name, if only avoid having to point and say "him" when we are explaining his novel attempt at suicide.

"A challenge has been issued!". 'Osul turns to Elygael, bows sufficiently and asks, "Do you accept, and what do you declare is the weapon of the duel, as is your right?"

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 112/112 CMD 24 Character Sheet  d20+7=20 ; d20+7=20 ; d20+9=20 ; d20+21=30 ;
Wednesday September 8th, 2021 5:14:26 PM

DM, uh also short a considerable amount of wealth by level. When did the last module end? We have not been back to the Tree in over a year real time.

Perception 1: 20
Perception 2: 20
Knowledge Local: 20
Sense Motive: 30

Armand shakes his head and explains to everyone "In areas near the Creusa sea dueling laws are rather lax and they can be quite legal and often times used as an excuse to kill someone that's unpopular or to simply get rid them. Interfering or cheating was heavily frowned upon and could lead one into more trouble than the fight itself. Most duels weren't to the death unless their were special circumstances or an accident.Rules of the duel."

Armand turns to the man. "You sir, varlet, you jostled me in your blatant attempt to duel the lone female of our group. Likely because you felt that she would be the easiest to fall prey to your paltry attempts at dueling prowess. As it is unlikely you will survive the encounter, to where shall we deposit your body for recovery?" Armand purposefully phrases things to be insulting to this man and does so loudly.

He then turns to where the betting is going on. "You there. What are the odds of yon bumpkin loosing? I have a heavy purse. And to make sure he's unlikely to try to cheat, I shall henceforth cast Detect Magic." Then Armand casts Detect magic.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 32 , HP 139/139 
Wednesday September 8th, 2021 5:28:52 PM

Elyngael is startled by this human's act. "Who are you? YOU don't know me so you have no justification to call me names." She turns her back on him to speak to 'Osul. "I have no reason to fight him, but if I were so inclined it would have to be bow and arrow."

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 107/107, CMD 25
Brawn will softly growl and bare his teeth at the man.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Phantom Steed (Extended)  d20=14 ; d20+9=29 ;
Wednesday September 8th, 2021 8:06:31 PM

Other than noticing the man Moridark is oblivious to him, until he slaps Elyngael. Moridark, frowns, and dismounts quickly, walking over towards Armand, "You are quite right concerning the rather lax laws concerning dueling in this particular part of the Wold. I haven't traveled here so I only know through my studies. However, I didn't realize craven men, would push their way past other just to slap a woman inthe face to challenge them. However, this oaf has not heard of the Lady Elyngael, Mistress of the Wood, and companion of Brawn, King of the Wolves. Surely if he had he would have chosen better, and selected a less dangerous opponent, perhaps a lich, or even a dragon. Alas, it is not so, and now we shall have to ask you my good priest, to officiate yet another funeral for an idiot who let his alligator mouth overload his hummingbird backside. Unless..." The half orc looks over his shoulder and pointedly looks at the idiot with dagger, "This miscreant, this thuggish man wishes to withdraw his challenge, and limp away with his body intact, and only his pride wounded. If not, we will throw his body on my steed, and parade him though town, as a warning to those who would dare to challenge the Lady Elyngael!"

Moridark looks down, and shakes his head softly.

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 35, HP (145/145)  d20+12=24 ; d20+12=14 ;
Wednesday September 8th, 2021 8:21:45 PM

Perception 24
Sense Motive 14

Trellus takes note of the cleric's symbol, and nods as Osul makes the clocking noise.

He's a bit disappointed that his greeting elicited no other reaction from the fellow, but the various exchanges afterwards garner a chuckle.

The man tilts his head a bit, and waits for the poor soul's response to everyone.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Wednesday September 8th, 2021 8:34:21 PM

Neshi looks at the man and merely shakes his head. Walking over to the people placing wagers, the Liontaur speaks.

"So, Bow and arrows at 100 yards. I will wager 1000 gold pieces on the young lady."

"And if the so named buffon," indicating the challenger, wishes to withdraw his challenge and appologize to the lady I will happily stand in her place."

DM(James M) - Map - Duel! 
Thursday September 9th, 2021 8:45:27 AM

Osul made some noises, then as the man issued his challenge tried to take over as mediator.

Armand explained the laws here and then proceeded to try to antagonize Elyn's challenger.

Elyngael protested the name calling and asked the man who he was even as she told Osul her preference would be bows.

Moridark also tried to insult the challenger and warned him of the mistake in challenging the lady.

Trellus noted his surroundings and looked disappointed the man didn't respond to his cryptic words.

Neshi moved over to the wagerers and started to negotiate with them.

Owen moved off to the side with his hand at his chin as he looked into the sky.

The foppish looking man just smiled at Osul's attempts to take over the duel as Elyn's second. "Does she accept, or is she a coward?" the man asked. "No matter, while she struggles to make up her mind I shall enlighten you as to my identity. I am Frampton the nimble, hero and liberator of all that is valued in the world. I prevailed against the giant flying sharks of demon's point, vanquished the witch of the red mountain, and personally defeated the dread admiral Nomits upon the Creusa sea...in personal combat upon his very own vessel."

To Moridark the man Frampton turned. "The duel is not with her pup," he said as he looked at the growling beast. " she has been called out so I can have satisfaction. If she is honorable and without cowardice she will accept, but if you wish to continue to malign my impeccable reputation I shall deal with you next and see if indeed your sword arm is as strong as your breath."

Frampton's gaze passed quickly across Trellus and did not linger. Perhaps the man's silvery armor and Frampton's lack thereof had something to do with that.

"You sir." Frampton said as he pointed a dagger at Armand. "are next and your false bravado doth give you away as I shall show all the yellow color of your back."

Neshi announced it would be bows at 100 yards and Frampton responded. "A coward's weapon, but it is acceptable. Johnny boy!" Frampton called out. "Fetch me my bow! You realize of course that dueling with a bow...is to the death?" he finished as he raised his little finger to the corner of his mouth to emphasize the last word.

A moment later a large man with a bow and quiver ran out of the nearby pub and delivered the items to Frampton.

"The rules. One shot at 100 yards, with succeeding shots 10 paces closer on either side. The last one standing is the victor unless you decide to yield of course." Frampton said.

DM: 300', then 50' closer each succeeding shot, so 300', 250', 200', etc. First three shots are at -2 to hit due to range. No dodging, so the shots will be at FF AC's.

Armand (Detect Magic)- Highlight to display spoiler: {Frampton lights up like a christmas tree, as does Elyngael. His chain shirt, both daggers, his composite longbow, belt, boots, cloak, and some kind of cosmetic upon his face. He also seems to have just ingested a potion."}

DM James: The last module officially ended with the return to the Harvester camp, but the circumstances of the transport to the Sargrass prevented a return to the Tree. This module is an attempt to get you within teleporting distance to the tree, which you are. Owen will likely be returning to the Tree as soon as he witnesses the duel.

Neshi - Highlight to display spoiler: {The men seem intimidated by the large sum of the wager, but after some negotiation among them produce the gold in a manner of speaking. Rings, gems, an earring, and some assorted coins get thrown into a hat.They end up matching Neshi's wager. All of them against him. They seem confident of Frampton's abilities.}

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 112/112 CMD 24 Character Sheet 
Thursday September 9th, 2021 6:11:58 PM

Armand eyes the little man. "Be aware as a cleric of Gargul, if we duel I will use spells against you as that is part in parcel with how clerics fight. As to name calling, well certainly, You went out of your way to antagonize our companion. You have blantently prepared for it by ingesting potions and applying magic to your face and other body parts. As to your claims of importance. You should then know who we are. You have challenged Elyngael Noldoryn of the Wardens of the Tree of partying, Savior of the Wold from the Red Death, Witness to the re-emergence and birth of the god Sar, Returner of the Sargrass to the Wold, Destroyer of Otakay the Awakened, Killer of the Red Dragon Temorianalis, in her lair, Friend of Eberyon, Savior of the Harvesters of the Sargrass, Victorious against Vurm the multicolored dragon...." He pauses for dramatic effect.

Then he looks around. "I guess none of you poor villagers have enough money left to cover another bet, I understand it is the way of things, the man keeps you down with taxes and fines and you must still have enough to feed yourself and your family."

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 35, HP (145/145) 
Thursday September 9th, 2021 6:28:12 PM

Having seen Elyngael in action, Trellus concurs with the rest of the team that this could be over rather quickly.

The treadle is pompous enough, no doubt.

He waits to see what happens next.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 32 , HP 139/139 
Thursday September 9th, 2021 8:43:20 PM

Elyngael rolls her eyes. "FINE. But let's keep it to your so called first blood, no need for Armand to have to waste healing spells. I have arrows I can remove the point from. However, I disagree with your only one arrow at a time crap. If we're going to duel, then its to each person's best to attempt, if you can only fire one arrow at time then too bad for you." She marks off 100 yards. She then prepares 5 arrows and places them so they can be easily fired. "This is enough for my first attack."

Need to know if he's human, that's a favored enemy.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Thursday September 9th, 2021 10:13:08 PM

Neshi agrees to the bet and matches their sum.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Thursday September 9th, 2021 11:19:36 PM

Moridark smiles at the man, "If there is anything left of you I accept you challenge. I carry no weapons, but those in head."

DM(James M) - Map - Duel! 
Friday September 10th, 2021 9:34:34 AM

Armand reminded Frampton of his role in life as a priest.

Trellus waited.

Elyngael tried to change the terms of the duel.

Neshi finalized his bet.

Moridark assured the man that he was ready for any duel presented to him.

Owen observed


Frampton listened to Eylngael and replied. "The terms of the duel are set by me after you select your weapon. If you don't abide by them then you will be labeled a coward and someone without honor." he said as he paused to get her final response on the subject. He leaned lazily upon his bow and waited.

The crowd around them had thickened as well and Elyn's words had caused quite a stir as the locals started talking and whispering among themselves. Those closest to the wardens could be overheard making comments.

"She's scared."
"A coward for sure. Cannot her one shot be as good as any others?"
"If she can shoot that many at a time, the duel will certainly not be fair."
"That one on the floating horse looks like a wizzer. Frampton'll prolly set the terms of that one against him too."
"Frampton hasn't lost yet. He's brave for letting it go to the death. That elf is blood thirsty."
"They all seem blood thirsty. She bumped him and now she's wanting to kill him? Poor Frampton, I must go to him after and see that he is ok."
"Hey, what about this bet if she doesn't abide by the terms?"
"She forfeits and we get the money. Come on baby, you don't need this, walk away." he chuckled a bit.
"I think you're about to lose." One said to Neshi.
"That lion man isn't going to be happy when he loses. Be ready to run."
"I heard of the Wardens. Supposed to be right honorable. Maybe they are imposters."
"I love Frampton. He's so brave."
"He's an idiot if those are indeed the Wardens."

The comments continued and the general impression in the crowd was favorable to Frampton in spite of his boorishness.

KS: Local DC 15 Highlight to display spoiler: {What he's saying is true. If Elyngael refuses the terms the Warden's will likely see posters go up all over town declaring Elyn's cowardice and dishonor. It'll impact any interaction she or her companions may have with the locals. If she accepts and prevails it would be a boon for all of them.}

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Sunday September 12th, 2021 11:16:06 AM

Neshi looks at the ones making a comment.. and then replies to several.

"In the time that most people can shoot one arrow, she can release five accurately. How is that cowardly? I mean he singled out the smallest and only female in our group to challenge. To me that sounds extremely cowardly."

" Not fair, you say? Your man is the one that brought the challenge. It is not her fault that he is an idiot?

"If you are so sure I'm going to lose, would you care to double the bet???"

"And You my friend are correct. Frampton is an idiot, because we are the "Wardens of the Tree."

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 35, HP (145/145)  d20+14=33 ;
Sunday September 12th, 2021 3:30:28 PM

Trellus strolls over to the reasonable looking section of the gathering crowd.

"Many shadows," he greets one in the front.
"I'm really new to this part of the Wold, and really need someone to help me understand this whole duel pick. Your Frampton there bumped into Elyn, and now we're going to watch them shoot each other? Isn't that a bit severe? How about 'oh, I'm sorry I bumped you', and moving on?"

The man is sincere in his comments.
[Diplomacy 33]

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 32 , HP 139/139 
Sunday September 12th, 2021 5:39:44 PM

Elyngeal turns to her friends. "You know this is not why I joined with you. This is a pointless fight for no purpose. I'll see you sometime else perhaps." She then mounts Brawn and rides away.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Sunday September 12th, 2021 6:09:24 PM

Leveling up completed
short 62,500gp to make minimum WBL for this level

Armand nods, saddened at Elyngael's departure. He mumbles to himself. "Indeed, 'he squeezed through the small crowd and despite her attempts to avoid him he bumped into Elyn(gael)'". He turns to the group. "She's not wrong. We have no business here. The Tree is our concern and why we came together." He waits.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Sunday September 12th, 2021 7:17:41 PM

Moridark startles at Elyngael abrubtly riding away. The mage mounts his steed, and flies upward to keep an eye on her, and to create some distance from the crowd. Moridark ponders all that has happened recently, and wonders what may happen next.

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:17 (T:13, FF:13), CMD:29, ST:(F12/R12/W23 + RNL), HP:96/96, Wildshape(XVII):7, L. Lord:15, S. Burst:14 
Monday September 13th, 2021 4:43:15 AM

"We came here to deliver a warning, but based on your display of hospitality, we are taking our leave. Good luck, you'll need it!"

'Osul takes the form of the huge air elemental and moves up and along, collecting any interested wardens on the way.

DM(James M) - Map - Duel! 
Monday September 13th, 2021 9:39:33 AM

Neshi spoke with those around him.

Armand agreed with Elyngaels reason for departing.

Trellus moved over to the ones he felt were being most reasonable.

Elyngael rode off on Brawn.

Moridark flew upward on his phantom steed and kept an eye on Elyngael.

Owen observed, but made no move to leave.

Osul moved to leave as well.

"Frampton isn't an idiot. He's the best. Last week he saved me from bandits trying to take the gold shipment headed south. Still lost the shipment but I'm breathing and above ground."

"Fair? She shoots 5 and he only shoots 1? I'm not seeing your logic lion man."

There were more people in the street than before and an older man overheard the attempt to raise the bet. This man was dressed well and comported himself with confidence.

"What's the bet stand at?" he asked.

"Thousand." said one of the common folk.

"10,000 then? he asked Neshi. As a bet between you and I?"
To Neshi's comment about Frampton being an idiot the man that made the original statement merely nodded. "Even if she does enter the duel fairly she will win. Everyone where I'm from knows of her."

Trellus asks about the duel and gets an answer.

"Well, some feller makes the challenge. Normally they's jest go at each other with swords. Most times one quits after he gets scratched or somethin'. They shake hands and honor is satisfied. Frampton here likes to challenge newcomers, get a feel for 'em. This 'un, yer friend. She picked a deadly weapon. Really put ole Frampton in a pickle, so he said one arrow each time. I reckon it's so one person don't end up ded on the first round a shots. Giv' 'em a chance to yield. This is the first one in a while ter be to the deth and if ole Ryder gets wind o' it though the whole thing might get called off."

"You see that one. He turned into whispy air."
"Hey, where's she goin'? I wanted to see me a duel. I got money on this and I bet on her."
"See his horse flies. I knew he was a wizzer."
"What warning do you think he was talking about?"
"Somebody should get Ryder. I don't think he'd want people dyin'. He might talk her into ascending. "
"Squirrel says he thinks Scarlet will ascend soon."
"Yeah, I don't believe that rot."
"Where do they go then, and why's that angel take 'em away?"
"You ain't seen no angel."
"Looked like one ter me."
"Hey, you think these wardens came to find out about the shipments to the Tree?"
"Meebee. Merchants like their money. They'd a sent 'em here for sure."

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Monday September 13th, 2021 5:54:40 PM

Armand walks over to one of the clerics. "Just an FYI for you. When visitors come to town they are probably not going to know any of the customs. Maybe a better welcome wagon than yon bodkin. Oh and I cleared all the undead and haunts from those castle ruins nearby."

He then turns to some of the villagers. "I don't see how the edge of a sword is any less deadly than the point of an arrow in a duel. You people really need to think about these things." He turns his back on the lot of them.

Those Wardens that are still near by. "I don't think anything that happens in this town concerns us. I say we just keep moving on and head to the Tree. 'Osul lead the way to the Tree."

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Monday September 13th, 2021 7:49:08 PM

Moridark brriefly contemplates an act of retribution on the town, but thoughts of his fathers disappointed face quickly pushes it away. The mage follows 'Osul contemplating on thoughts of recent events.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Monday September 13th, 2021 8:09:44 PM

Neshi shakes his head and drops a bag filled with a thousand gold on the ground.

"You know what?, None of this is worth our time. Keep the money and figure out a way that doesn't alienate every potential trader or person who comes to your village. Ely is correct this is ridiculous and there is no honor in any of this."

That said he quickly (70 foot normal move) jogs to catch up with Brawn and Ely.

"Ely, My apologies for my part in promoting the bets in such a foolish endeavor. Truly I only meant to support you in what I felt was unjustly done with the challenge."

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 32 , HP 139/139 
Monday September 13th, 2021 10:08:16 PM

"Hello Neshi." Elyngeal holds out her hand in greeting. "I'm glad somebody else feels as I do about the challenge. You're welcome to travel with me, I just have one request. I prefer to be called Elyngael please."

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 35, HP (145/145) 
Tuesday September 14th, 2021 7:43:50 AM

Trellus can understand why the Wardens have their threads twisted.
He momentarily considers leaving with them.
But some of the comments he's heard perk his interest.

The man stays with the crowd, trying to learn more.

"Can you tell me more of this angel and what you mean by ascending?
And what has happened to the shipments?"

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:17 (T:13, FF:13), CMD:29, ST:(F12/R12/W23 + RNL), HP:96/96, Wildshape(XVII):7, L. Lord:15, S. Burst:14 
Tuesday September 14th, 2021 8:19:31 AM

"It has been a long enough day, Armand, Moridark. We should regroup and recoup at good distance from here. Tomorrow I can hopefully drop us in the arboretum, or worst case the boundary of the The Wood for a pleasant stroll to The Tree."

Only once everyone is moving does he take the opportunity to apologise to Elyngael.

That will mean going back for Trellus. (Return to one of the farms on the outskirts in human form, but not as himself (A Thousand Faces), looks for a farmer happy to be paid in silver for spare set of clothes, change clothes and down the track his face again, heading into town.

DM(James M) - Map - Duel!  d20+6=23 ;
Tuesday September 14th, 2021 9:16:44 AM

Armand approached one of the clerics and spoke to her.

Moridark followed Osul.

Neshi dropped his bet upon the ground and ran after Elyngael.

Elyngael corrected Neshi about the use of her name.

Trellus interest is peaked and he asked a few questions.

Owen entered the nearby tavern.

Osul floated above the crowded street and off after those that left the town.

Clouds floated by and the sun barely peeked through them as the wind rustled the trees. Weather was coming. The farmers and animals seemed to feel it too as they were preparing for what might be coming in the next day or two.

In town where Trellus and Armand stayed for the moment the street was starting to clear. Armand spoke to one of the clerics about welcome wagons.

"You were expecting a parade and cheering people to welcome you?" replied the cleric.Most of these people have no idea who you are or that you'd be so thin skinned. Here on the edge of civilization life tends to be hard and people get entertainment where they can find it. If it's a warm welcome you are seeking perhaps someplace where people are paid to be friendly?" The cleric then turned away and headed south.

Sense Motive DC 23 Highlight to display spoiler: {This cleric appears to be hiding something. You aren't certain if the brush off wasn't just an act meant to get rid of you.}

Trellus walked up to a local and asked his questions.

Diplomacy DC 15 -  On Ascension Highlight to display spoiler: {Ascending...yes we've been blessed as the center of worship for the White Goddess. She's chosen the people here and those that serve her well ascend into heaven to sit at her side. May you be one with the Hold."}

"Shipments? Aye, ole Sevin's gold shipments to the south aren't making it very far. bandits in the woods. Fortunately for us the temple employs enough of us to keep the town going. We melt it down as much as we can, but south they can clean it up and mint coin. We haven't see a shipment back this way in over a year, gold or silver. When we heard that the Warden's of the tree were here some of us assumed that Jack Winter had sent ye to check on his goods. Did 'e?"

"Hey, why are they all leaving?"
"I don't know, Frampton scared 'em off?"
"Cowards then?"
"Well, back to work."
"Hey, here comes Ryder. Let's be someplace else ok?"
"That lion man dropped his gold. Looks like George and his buddies won that bet. Let's get 'em to buy us a pint."
"Bet they'll have another drinking contest."
"Ha! Last one I lost three days!"
"Cleric said they wanted a parade to welcome them into town."
"A parade? They that important?"
"Who cares. Looks like they are leaving."
"Frampton looks pleased with himself."
"No doubt. If they found out what he was really doing..."
"I've said too much. I've some place to be that's not here."
"Wait up!"

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+21=41 ;
Tuesday September 14th, 2021 5:26:03 PM

Sense Motive 41 (d20+21)

Armand arches an eyebrow at the cleric and says in a voice loud enough for the villagers to hear. "I pity you that neither your parents nor your diety taught you the difference between being friendly and being a bully." He then turns on his heel and walks away to join Neshi and Elyngeal.

"Hello, friends." He greets Neshi and Elyngeal. "Much as a hot meal and soft bed sound enticing I doubt we'll find either here. Have you sorted the way back to the Tree?"

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 35, HP (145/145)  d20+14=29 ; d20+10=14 ;
Tuesday September 14th, 2021 6:51:55 PM

Diplomacy 29

Trellus thanks the fellow, then trots to catch up with Armand.

"You ever heard of a White Goddess?" he asks, trying to recall anything in his own readings. "That dude back there said they're the center of worship for the White Goddess. Says she's chosen the people of this village, and those that serve her well ascend into heaven to sit at her side."

[Know Religion check 14 on White Goddess]

"Something's seriously warped in this town."

Nevertheless, Trellus keeps moving to catch up with the Wardens.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Tuesday September 14th, 2021 7:46:16 PM

Moridark continues flying above watching Elyngael until Neshi catches up, and they both stop to shake hands. Moridark descends slowly not wishing to alarm the two until his steed touches the ground. "I am sorry if I offended you Elyngael. It was not my intent. I thought the man would back down, and now I see I may have painted you into a corner. Iam sorry, I truly am." Moridark bows his head in respect for his companion and stretches his hand out to her.

When 'Osul asks about travel arrangments the mage stops, "I have but one teleport memorized for today, but I can take the time tomorrow morning to memorize five if you wish. That should get us where ever we need. I would recommend we travel as far as possible tonight, use the tree, and set out in the morning."

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 32 , HP 139/139  d20+10=30 ;
Tuesday September 14th, 2021 10:08:59 PM

"There was no offense on your part Moridark." She nods to Trellus. "Yeah that whole place was just wrong." Knowledge Geography d20+10=30. "I think the Tree of Parting should be that direction. We can at least get a bit of a march on before we need to set up camp." She points the way to the Tree of Parting.

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