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DM(James M) - Map - Streets of EvenOak 
Tuesday September 7th, 2021 8:52:00 AM

All of their precautions were for naught since in under an hour they started seeing the outlying houses around the village. These were simple affairs with medium size livestock in pens or chickens walking about making noises when the Warden's got too close. They saw a hand at a window pulling back a curtain, or a man working in his barn, no one seemed overly worried about the strangers walking into the community.

You arrive in a moderately sized town with buildings lining the streets. It seemed that EvenOak was relatively wealthy as evidenced by the fine stonework of the buildings and stone paved streets. Along each street you could see people sitting on benches spaced about fifty feet apart with others walked happily down them as they discussed their day. At the opposite end of the town you could see the half completed spire of a temple as it was being constructed. Masonry work carts lined up along the street in front it with workers stationed about crafting decorative lintels or bas-reliefs. The closest of the buildings appeared to be a public house with a sign hanging from it depicting a golden flagon. You see a man in official looking clothing start to walk over to you.

Perception DC 15 Highlight to display spoiler: {You see pairs of people in white garb walking down the street. They appear to be clerics.}

KS: Religion DC 15 Highlight to display spoiler: {You see clerics of an unknown sect walking along the street in pairs}
Perception DC 20 Highlight to display spoiler: {The man looks smarmy, or at least untrustworthy. He might be a salesman.}

DM James: Everyone please make your leveling plans and have them submitted by the end of the week. Once you settle in here the catacombs will be available as well.

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:17 (T:13, FF:13), CMD:29, ST:(F12/R12/W23 + RNL), HP:96/96, Wildshape(XVII):7, L. Lord:15, S. Burst:14  d20+36=44 ;
Tuesday September 7th, 2021 9:12:14 AM

'Osul moves to overwatch, above the canopy. He weaves side-to-side as he moves forward, keeping tabs on the wardens while looking out for things of interest above and below the tree-tops.
Speed: 120' (240' double move, dumping plenty in manoeuvres)
Perception: d20+36=44

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:17 (T:13, FF:13), CMD:29, ST:(F12/R12/W23 + RNL), HP:96/96, Wildshape(XVII):7, L. Lord:15, S. Burst:14  d20+36=39 ; d20+3=12 ; d20+36=55 ; d20+17=29 ;
Tuesday September 7th, 2021 9:28:28 AM

'Osul resumes human form as other faces grow common.
Perception: d20+36=39, Knowledge(Religion): d20+3=12, Perception: d20+36=55, Sense Motive: d20+17=29
'Osul nods in the direction of the clerics, and smiles as the man approaches.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Phantom Steed (Extended)  d20=3 ; d20+29=31 ;
Tuesday September 7th, 2021 7:31:57 PM

Moridark smiles broadly, comfortable in his own skin, as he flies inches off the groun on his phantom steed. The mage sees the clerics of an unknown faith walking around, and mentally notes any symbols, and colors that stand out.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 112/112 CMD 24 Character Sheet  d20+7=23 ; d20+18=20 ; d20+7=11 ;
Tuesday September 7th, 2021 8:05:20 PM

DM - Currently 59,000 xp short of leveling.

Perception 23
Knowledge Religion 20
Perception 11

"Town looks busy and not too worried about anything. Not sure what to make of that." Armand notices the strangely robed clerics. "I don't like this. Those guys aren't from any worship I recognize. Are we sure we're back in the Wold and not some parallel dimension? Or are we in the Wold but in the wrong time again."

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 32 , HP 139/139 
Tuesday September 7th, 2021 8:35:18 PM

Perception starts at +21, so auto make those.

Elyngael blatantly points to the strangely dressed clerics. "What the heck are they?" Then she see's the man walking toward them and takes a step back so that he will encounter anyone else but her first. "Look out, it's either the local politician or a salesperson coming."

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 107/107, CMD 25

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 35, HP (145/145)  d20+12=27 ; d20+10=18 ; d20+12=19 ; d20+14=17 ;
Tuesday September 7th, 2021 9:20:15 PM

Perception 27
Kn Religion 18
Perception 19

Trellus shakes his head, also unable to identify the cleric's sect.
Some of his new comrades seem unsure about the town.

With a wink at Elyngael, he murmurs, "this is where confusing others with your speech comes in handy. It gives you time to see the pattern."

Trellus steps forward to greet the oncoming official with a broad grin.
"Many shadows! I am Trellus of Rattledam. My pack and I are at last thread, and looking for an inn. Are you the local weaver?"
[Diplomacy 17]

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,   d20+13=20 ; d20=9 ; d20+13=27 ;
Tuesday September 7th, 2021 10:09:39 PM

Working the other side of the off road while they approach, Neshi is happy they had an easy path.

Once in town Neshi moves closer to the others.

"So who are these guys in the white robes? They don't seem very practical for cleanliness."

Then noticing the guy coming toward them he quietly comments. "Ooh look a snake oil salesman. I don't think I would trust him as far as I could throw a dragon.

(OOC: I will do my best at getting the leveling done. I wont have much time until the weekend.)

DM(James M) - Map - Duel!  d20+10=25 ;
Wednesday September 8th, 2021 8:56:36 AM

DM James: Do your best to get your revised sheets in. I think Jerry enlisted some help for me in approving the sheets. As for the experience amount, consider it story experience for completing the last module.

Moridark's steed drew a few looks from the townspeople, but they didn't seem overly concerned with him. As for the clerics Armand and Elyn point out the angelic figure each wears around their neck on a silver chain. Their cassocks also weren't completely white as it seemed the trim was made of silk or some other smooth near white material with a pattern worked into it.

Perception DC 15Highlight to display spoiler: {The figurines remind you of the clockwork angels you encountered on the bridge.}

Perception DC 30 Highlight to display spoiler: {The pattern in the trim looks like overlapping feathers.}

When Trellus stepped forward to address the man, he turned to look at the man as if for the first time. "Greetings citizen." the man responded as he attempted to move through the group as if headed to the other side of the street. He waved at someone behind the Wardens and smiled as he squeezed through the small crowd and despite her attempts to avoid him he bumped into Elyn.

“Why you pointy eared clumsy trollop! You have wrinkled my clothes and I shall have satisfaction.” He pulled out a pair of gloves and smacked her lightly on the face with them. “A duel it shall be then.” he exclaimed as he stepped back and drew his daggers. “To first Blood! Enguard!”

KS: local DC 15 Highlight to display spoiler: { In areas near the Creusa sea dueling laws are rather lax and they can be quite legal and often times used as an excuse to kill someone that's unpopular or to simply get rid them. Interfering or cheating was heavily frowned upon and could lead one into more trouble than the fight itself. Most duels weren't to the death unless their were special circumstances or an accident.Rules of the duel. }

Sense Motive DC 25 Highlight to display spoiler: {He totally knew you were there and aimed at Elyn on purpose so as to challenge her.}

Although the man's outburst might have astonished the Warden's, the people on the street including the clerics simply stopped to watch. A few men next to the pub exchanged glances and made bets as money quickly changed hands before the duel was too far gone.

DM James: First Blood: Fight to zero HP. Once at 0 first blood has been drawn. Damage is considered non lethal.

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:17 (T:13, FF:13), CMD:29, ST:(F12/R12/W23 + RNL), HP:96/96, Wildshape(XVII):7, L. Lord:15, S. Burst:14  d20=11 ; d20+36=49 ; d20+17=34 ;
Wednesday September 8th, 2021 10:04:28 AM

{Perception: d20+36=47, Perception: d20+36=49, Sense Motive: d20+17=34}

'Osul makes a familiar *tick, tick, tick, sproing* noise.

If he did this deliberately then... do we ask his name, if only avoid having to point and say "him" when we are explaining his novel attempt at suicide.

"A challenge has been issued!". 'Osul turns to Elygael, bows sufficiently and asks, "Do you accept, and what do you declare is the weapon of the duel, as is your right?"

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 112/112 CMD 24 Character Sheet  d20+7=20 ; d20+7=20 ; d20+9=20 ; d20+21=30 ;
Wednesday September 8th, 2021 5:14:26 PM

DM, uh also short a considerable amount of wealth by level. When did the last module end? We have not been back to the Tree in over a year real time.

Perception 1: 20
Perception 2: 20
Knowledge Local: 20
Sense Motive: 30

Armand shakes his head and explains to everyone "In areas near the Creusa sea dueling laws are rather lax and they can be quite legal and often times used as an excuse to kill someone that's unpopular or to simply get rid them. Interfering or cheating was heavily frowned upon and could lead one into more trouble than the fight itself. Most duels weren't to the death unless their were special circumstances or an accident.Rules of the duel."

Armand turns to the man. "You sir, varlet, you jostled me in your blatant attempt to duel the lone female of our group. Likely because you felt that she would be the easiest to fall prey to your paltry attempts at dueling prowess. As it is unlikely you will survive the encounter, to where shall we deposit your body for recovery?" Armand purposefully phrases things to be insulting to this man and does so loudly.

He then turns to where the betting is going on. "You there. What are the odds of yon bumpkin loosing? I have a heavy purse. And to make sure he's unlikely to try to cheat, I shall henceforth cast Detect Magic." Then Armand casts Detect magic.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 32 , HP 139/139 
Wednesday September 8th, 2021 5:28:52 PM

Elyngael is startled by this human's act. "Who are you? YOU don't know me so you have no justification to call me names." She turns her back on him to speak to 'Osul. "I have no reason to fight him, but if I were so inclined it would have to be bow and arrow."

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 107/107, CMD 25
Brawn will softly growl and bare his teeth at the man.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Phantom Steed (Extended)  d20=14 ; d20+9=29 ;
Wednesday September 8th, 2021 8:06:31 PM

Other than noticing the man Moridark is oblivious to him, until he slaps Elyngael. Moridark, frowns, and dismounts quickly, walking over towards Armand, "You are quite right concerning the rather lax laws concerning dueling in this particular part of the Wold. I haven't traveled here so I only know through my studies. However, I didn't realize craven men, would push their way past other just to slap a woman inthe face to challenge them. However, this oaf has not heard of the Lady Elyngael, Mistress of the Wood, and companion of Brawn, King of the Wolves. Surely if he had he would have chosen better, and selected a less dangerous opponent, perhaps a lich, or even a dragon. Alas, it is not so, and now we shall have to ask you my good priest, to officiate yet another funeral for an idiot who let his alligator mouth overload his hummingbird backside. Unless..." The half orc looks over his shoulder and pointedly looks at the idiot with dagger, "This miscreant, this thuggish man wishes to withdraw his challenge, and limp away with his body intact, and only his pride wounded. If not, we will throw his body on my steed, and parade him though town, as a warning to those who would dare to challenge the Lady Elyngael!"

Moridark looks down, and shakes his head softly.

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 35, HP (145/145)  d20+12=24 ; d20+12=14 ;
Wednesday September 8th, 2021 8:21:45 PM

Perception 24
Sense Motive 14

Trellus takes note of the cleric's symbol, and nods as Osul makes the clocking noise.

He's a bit disappointed that his greeting elicited no other reaction from the fellow, but the various exchanges afterwards garner a chuckle.

The man tilts his head a bit, and waits for the poor soul's response to everyone.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Wednesday September 8th, 2021 8:34:21 PM

Neshi looks at the man and merely shakes his head. Walking over to the people placing wagers, the Liontaur speaks.

"So, Bow and arrows at 100 yards. I will wager 1000 gold pieces on the young lady."

"And if the so named buffon," indicating the challenger, wishes to withdraw his challenge and appologize to the lady I will happily stand in her place."

DM(James M) - Map - Duel! 
Thursday September 9th, 2021 8:45:27 AM

Osul made some noises, then as the man issued his challenge tried to take over as mediator.

Armand explained the laws here and then proceeded to try to antagonize Elyn's challenger.

Elyngael protested the name calling and asked the man who he was even as she told Osul her preference would be bows.

Moridark also tried to insult the challenger and warned him of the mistake in challenging the lady.

Trellus noted his surroundings and looked disappointed the man didn't respond to his cryptic words.

Neshi moved over to the wagerers and started to negotiate with them.

Owen moved off to the side with his hand at his chin as he looked into the sky.

The foppish looking man just smiled at Osul's attempts to take over the duel as Elyn's second. "Does she accept, or is she a coward?" the man asked. "No matter, while she struggles to make up her mind I shall enlighten you as to my identity. I am Frampton the nimble, hero and liberator of all that is valued in the world. I prevailed against the giant flying sharks of demon's point, vanquished the witch of the red mountain, and personally defeated the dread admiral Nomits upon the Creusa sea...in personal combat upon his very own vessel."

To Moridark the man Frampton turned. "The duel is not with her pup," he said as he looked at the growling beast. " she has been called out so I can have satisfaction. If she is honorable and without cowardice she will accept, but if you wish to continue to malign my impeccable reputation I shall deal with you next and see if indeed your sword arm is as strong as your breath."

Frampton's gaze passed quickly across Trellus and did not linger. Perhaps the man's silvery armor and Frampton's lack thereof had something to do with that.

"You sir." Frampton said as he pointed a dagger at Armand. "are next and your false bravado doth give you away as I shall show all the yellow color of your back."

Neshi announced it would be bows at 100 yards and Frampton responded. "A coward's weapon, but it is acceptable. Johnny boy!" Frampton called out. "Fetch me my bow! You realize of course that dueling with a bow...is to the death?" he finished as he raised his little finger to the corner of his mouth to emphasize the last word.

A moment later a large man with a bow and quiver ran out of the nearby pub and delivered the items to Frampton.

"The rules. One shot at 100 yards, with succeeding shots 10 paces closer on either side. The last one standing is the victor unless you decide to yield of course." Frampton said.

DM: 300', then 50' closer each succeeding shot, so 300', 250', 200', etc. First three shots are at -2 to hit due to range. No dodging, so the shots will be at FF AC's.

Armand (Detect Magic)- Highlight to display spoiler: {Frampton lights up like a christmas tree, as does Elyngael. His chain shirt, both daggers, his composite longbow, belt, boots, cloak, and some kind of cosmetic upon his face. He also seems to have just ingested a potion."}

DM James: The last module officially ended with the return to the Harvester camp, but the circumstances of the transport to the Sargrass prevented a return to the Tree. This module is an attempt to get you within teleporting distance to the tree, which you are. Owen will likely be returning to the Tree as soon as he witnesses the duel.

Neshi - Highlight to display spoiler: {The men seem intimidated by the large sum of the wager, but after some negotiation among them produce the gold in a manner of speaking. Rings, gems, an earring, and some assorted coins get thrown into a hat.They end up matching Neshi's wager. All of them against him. They seem confident of Frampton's abilities.}

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 112/112 CMD 24 Character Sheet 
Thursday September 9th, 2021 6:11:58 PM

Armand eyes the little man. "Be aware as a cleric of Gargul, if we duel I will use spells against you as that is part in parcel with how clerics fight. As to name calling, well certainly, You went out of your way to antagonize our companion. You have blantently prepared for it by ingesting potions and applying magic to your face and other body parts. As to your claims of importance. You should then know who we are. You have challenged Elyngael Noldoryn of the Wardens of the Tree of partying, Savior of the Wold from the Red Death, Witness to the re-emergence and birth of the god Sar, Returner of the Sargrass to the Wold, Destroyer of Otakay the Awakened, Killer of the Red Dragon Temorianalis, in her lair, Friend of Eberyon, Savior of the Harvesters of the Sargrass, Victorious against Vurm the multicolored dragon...." He pauses for dramatic effect.

Then he looks around. "I guess none of you poor villagers have enough money left to cover another bet, I understand it is the way of things, the man keeps you down with taxes and fines and you must still have enough to feed yourself and your family."

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 35, HP (145/145) 
Thursday September 9th, 2021 6:28:12 PM

Having seen Elyngael in action, Trellus concurs with the rest of the team that this could be over rather quickly.

The treadle is pompous enough, no doubt.

He waits to see what happens next.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 32 , HP 139/139 
Thursday September 9th, 2021 8:43:20 PM

Elyngael rolls her eyes. "FINE. But let's keep it to your so called first blood, no need for Armand to have to waste healing spells. I have arrows I can remove the point from. However, I disagree with your only one arrow at a time crap. If we're going to duel, then its to each person's best to attempt, if you can only fire one arrow at time then too bad for you." She marks off 100 yards. She then prepares 5 arrows and places them so they can be easily fired. "This is enough for my first attack."

Need to know if he's human, that's a favored enemy.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Thursday September 9th, 2021 10:13:08 PM

Neshi agrees to the bet and matches their sum.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Thursday September 9th, 2021 11:19:36 PM

Moridark smiles at the man, "If there is anything left of you I accept you challenge. I carry no weapons, but those in head."

DM(James M) - Map - Duel! 
Friday September 10th, 2021 9:34:34 AM

Armand reminded Frampton of his role in life as a priest.

Trellus waited.

Elyngael tried to change the terms of the duel.

Neshi finalized his bet.

Moridark assured the man that he was ready for any duel presented to him.

Owen observed


Frampton listened to Eylngael and replied. "The terms of the duel are set by me after you select your weapon. If you don't abide by them then you will be labeled a coward and someone without honor." he said as he paused to get her final response on the subject. He leaned lazily upon his bow and waited.

The crowd around them had thickened as well and Elyn's words had caused quite a stir as the locals started talking and whispering among themselves. Those closest to the wardens could be overheard making comments.

"She's scared."
"A coward for sure. Cannot her one shot be as good as any others?"
"If she can shoot that many at a time, the duel will certainly not be fair."
"That one on the floating horse looks like a wizzer. Frampton'll prolly set the terms of that one against him too."
"Frampton hasn't lost yet. He's brave for letting it go to the death. That elf is blood thirsty."
"They all seem blood thirsty. She bumped him and now she's wanting to kill him? Poor Frampton, I must go to him after and see that he is ok."
"Hey, what about this bet if she doesn't abide by the terms?"
"She forfeits and we get the money. Come on baby, you don't need this, walk away." he chuckled a bit.
"I think you're about to lose." One said to Neshi.
"That lion man isn't going to be happy when he loses. Be ready to run."
"I heard of the Wardens. Supposed to be right honorable. Maybe they are imposters."
"I love Frampton. He's so brave."
"He's an idiot if those are indeed the Wardens."

The comments continued and the general impression in the crowd was favorable to Frampton in spite of his boorishness.

KS: Local DC 15 Highlight to display spoiler: {What he's saying is true. If Elyngael refuses the terms the Warden's will likely see posters go up all over town declaring Elyn's cowardice and dishonor. It'll impact any interaction she or her companions may have with the locals. If she accepts and prevails it would be a boon for all of them.}

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Sunday September 12th, 2021 11:16:06 AM

Neshi looks at the ones making a comment.. and then replies to several.

"In the time that most people can shoot one arrow, she can release five accurately. How is that cowardly? I mean he singled out the smallest and only female in our group to challenge. To me that sounds extremely cowardly."

" Not fair, you say? Your man is the one that brought the challenge. It is not her fault that he is an idiot?

"If you are so sure I'm going to lose, would you care to double the bet???"

"And You my friend are correct. Frampton is an idiot, because we are the "Wardens of the Tree."

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 35, HP (145/145)  d20+14=33 ;
Sunday September 12th, 2021 3:30:28 PM

Trellus strolls over to the reasonable looking section of the gathering crowd.

"Many shadows," he greets one in the front.
"I'm really new to this part of the Wold, and really need someone to help me understand this whole duel pick. Your Frampton there bumped into Elyn, and now we're going to watch them shoot each other? Isn't that a bit severe? How about 'oh, I'm sorry I bumped you', and moving on?"

The man is sincere in his comments.
[Diplomacy 33]

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 32 , HP 139/139 
Sunday September 12th, 2021 5:39:44 PM

Elyngeal turns to her friends. "You know this is not why I joined with you. This is a pointless fight for no purpose. I'll see you sometime else perhaps." She then mounts Brawn and rides away.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Sunday September 12th, 2021 6:09:24 PM

Leveling up completed
short 62,500gp to make minimum WBL for this level

Armand nods, saddened at Elyngael's departure. He mumbles to himself. "Indeed, 'he squeezed through the small crowd and despite her attempts to avoid him he bumped into Elyn(gael)'". He turns to the group. "She's not wrong. We have no business here. The Tree is our concern and why we came together." He waits.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Sunday September 12th, 2021 7:17:41 PM

Moridark startles at Elyngael abrubtly riding away. The mage mounts his steed, and flies upward to keep an eye on her, and to create some distance from the crowd. Moridark ponders all that has happened recently, and wonders what may happen next.

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:17 (T:13, FF:13), CMD:29, ST:(F12/R12/W23 + RNL), HP:96/96, Wildshape(XVII):7, L. Lord:15, S. Burst:14 
Monday September 13th, 2021 4:43:15 AM

"We came here to deliver a warning, but based on your display of hospitality, we are taking our leave. Good luck, you'll need it!"

'Osul takes the form of the huge air elemental and moves up and along, collecting any interested wardens on the way.

DM(James M) - Map - Duel! 
Monday September 13th, 2021 9:39:33 AM

Neshi spoke with those around him.

Armand agreed with Elyngaels reason for departing.

Trellus moved over to the ones he felt were being most reasonable.

Elyngael rode off on Brawn.

Moridark flew upward on his phantom steed and kept an eye on Elyngael.

Owen observed, but made no move to leave.

Osul moved to leave as well.

"Frampton isn't an idiot. He's the best. Last week he saved me from bandits trying to take the gold shipment headed south. Still lost the shipment but I'm breathing and above ground."

"Fair? She shoots 5 and he only shoots 1? I'm not seeing your logic lion man."

There were more people in the street than before and an older man overheard the attempt to raise the bet. This man was dressed well and comported himself with confidence.

"What's the bet stand at?" he asked.

"Thousand." said one of the common folk.

"10,000 then? he asked Neshi. As a bet between you and I?"
To Neshi's comment about Frampton being an idiot the man that made the original statement merely nodded. "Even if she does enter the duel fairly she will win. Everyone where I'm from knows of her."

Trellus asks about the duel and gets an answer.

"Well, some feller makes the challenge. Normally they's jest go at each other with swords. Most times one quits after he gets scratched or somethin'. They shake hands and honor is satisfied. Frampton here likes to challenge newcomers, get a feel for 'em. This 'un, yer friend. She picked a deadly weapon. Really put ole Frampton in a pickle, so he said one arrow each time. I reckon it's so one person don't end up ded on the first round a shots. Giv' 'em a chance to yield. This is the first one in a while ter be to the deth and if ole Ryder gets wind o' it though the whole thing might get called off."

"You see that one. He turned into whispy air."
"Hey, where's she goin'? I wanted to see me a duel. I got money on this and I bet on her."
"See his horse flies. I knew he was a wizzer."
"What warning do you think he was talking about?"
"Somebody should get Ryder. I don't think he'd want people dyin'. He might talk her into ascending. "
"Squirrel says he thinks Scarlet will ascend soon."
"Yeah, I don't believe that rot."
"Where do they go then, and why's that angel take 'em away?"
"You ain't seen no angel."
"Looked like one ter me."
"Hey, you think these wardens came to find out about the shipments to the Tree?"
"Meebee. Merchants like their money. They'd a sent 'em here for sure."

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Monday September 13th, 2021 5:54:40 PM

Armand walks over to one of the clerics. "Just an FYI for you. When visitors come to town they are probably not going to know any of the customs. Maybe a better welcome wagon than yon bodkin. Oh and I cleared all the undead and haunts from those castle ruins nearby."

He then turns to some of the villagers. "I don't see how the edge of a sword is any less deadly than the point of an arrow in a duel. You people really need to think about these things." He turns his back on the lot of them.

Those Wardens that are still near by. "I don't think anything that happens in this town concerns us. I say we just keep moving on and head to the Tree. 'Osul lead the way to the Tree."

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Monday September 13th, 2021 7:49:08 PM

Moridark brriefly contemplates an act of retribution on the town, but thoughts of his fathers disappointed face quickly pushes it away. The mage follows 'Osul contemplating on thoughts of recent events.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Monday September 13th, 2021 8:09:44 PM

Neshi shakes his head and drops a bag filled with a thousand gold on the ground.

"You know what?, None of this is worth our time. Keep the money and figure out a way that doesn't alienate every potential trader or person who comes to your village. Ely is correct this is ridiculous and there is no honor in any of this."

That said he quickly (70 foot normal move) jogs to catch up with Brawn and Ely.

"Ely, My apologies for my part in promoting the bets in such a foolish endeavor. Truly I only meant to support you in what I felt was unjustly done with the challenge."

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 32 , HP 139/139 
Monday September 13th, 2021 10:08:16 PM

"Hello Neshi." Elyngeal holds out her hand in greeting. "I'm glad somebody else feels as I do about the challenge. You're welcome to travel with me, I just have one request. I prefer to be called Elyngael please."

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 35, HP (145/145) 
Tuesday September 14th, 2021 7:43:50 AM

Trellus can understand why the Wardens have their threads twisted.
He momentarily considers leaving with them.
But some of the comments he's heard perk his interest.

The man stays with the crowd, trying to learn more.

"Can you tell me more of this angel and what you mean by ascending?
And what has happened to the shipments?"

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:17 (T:13, FF:13), CMD:29, ST:(F12/R12/W23 + RNL), HP:96/96, Wildshape(XVII):7, L. Lord:15, S. Burst:14 
Tuesday September 14th, 2021 8:19:31 AM

"It has been a long enough day, Armand, Moridark. We should regroup and recoup at good distance from here. Tomorrow I can hopefully drop us in the arboretum, or worst case the boundary of the The Wood for a pleasant stroll to The Tree."

Only once everyone is moving does he take the opportunity to apologise to Elyngael.

That will mean going back for Trellus. (Return to one of the farms on the outskirts in human form, but not as himself (A Thousand Faces), looks for a farmer happy to be paid in silver for spare set of clothes, change clothes and down the track his face again, heading into town.

DM(James M) - Map - Duel!  d20+6=23 ;
Tuesday September 14th, 2021 9:16:44 AM

Armand approached one of the clerics and spoke to her.

Moridark followed Osul.

Neshi dropped his bet upon the ground and ran after Elyngael.

Elyngael corrected Neshi about the use of her name.

Trellus interest is peaked and he asked a few questions.

Owen entered the nearby tavern.

Osul floated above the crowded street and off after those that left the town.

Clouds floated by and the sun barely peeked through them as the wind rustled the trees. Weather was coming. The farmers and animals seemed to feel it too as they were preparing for what might be coming in the next day or two.

In town where Trellus and Armand stayed for the moment the street was starting to clear. Armand spoke to one of the clerics about welcome wagons.

"You were expecting a parade and cheering people to welcome you?" replied the cleric.Most of these people have no idea who you are or that you'd be so thin skinned. Here on the edge of civilization life tends to be hard and people get entertainment where they can find it. If it's a warm welcome you are seeking perhaps someplace where people are paid to be friendly?" The cleric then turned away and headed south.

Sense Motive DC 23 Highlight to display spoiler: {This cleric appears to be hiding something. You aren't certain if the brush off wasn't just an act meant to get rid of you.}

Trellus walked up to a local and asked his questions.

Diplomacy DC 15 -  On Ascension Highlight to display spoiler: {Ascending...yes we've been blessed as the center of worship for the White Goddess. She's chosen the people here and those that serve her well ascend into heaven to sit at her side. May you be one with the Hold."}

"Shipments? Aye, ole Sevin's gold shipments to the south aren't making it very far. bandits in the woods. Fortunately for us the temple employs enough of us to keep the town going. We melt it down as much as we can, but south they can clean it up and mint coin. We haven't see a shipment back this way in over a year, gold or silver. When we heard that the Warden's of the tree were here some of us assumed that Jack Winter had sent ye to check on his goods. Did 'e?"

"Hey, why are they all leaving?"
"I don't know, Frampton scared 'em off?"
"Cowards then?"
"Well, back to work."
"Hey, here comes Ryder. Let's be someplace else ok?"
"That lion man dropped his gold. Looks like George and his buddies won that bet. Let's get 'em to buy us a pint."
"Bet they'll have another drinking contest."
"Ha! Last one I lost three days!"
"Cleric said they wanted a parade to welcome them into town."
"A parade? They that important?"
"Who cares. Looks like they are leaving."
"Frampton looks pleased with himself."
"No doubt. If they found out what he was really doing..."
"I've said too much. I've some place to be that's not here."
"Wait up!"

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+21=41 ;
Tuesday September 14th, 2021 5:26:03 PM

Sense Motive 41 (d20+21)

Armand arches an eyebrow at the cleric and says in a voice loud enough for the villagers to hear. "I pity you that neither your parents nor your diety taught you the difference between being friendly and being a bully." He then turns on his heel and walks away to join Neshi and Elyngeal.

"Hello, friends." He greets Neshi and Elyngeal. "Much as a hot meal and soft bed sound enticing I doubt we'll find either here. Have you sorted the way back to the Tree?"

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 35, HP (145/145)  d20+14=29 ; d20+10=14 ;
Tuesday September 14th, 2021 6:51:55 PM

Diplomacy 29

Trellus thanks the fellow, then trots to catch up with Armand.

"You ever heard of a White Goddess?" he asks, trying to recall anything in his own readings. "That dude back there said they're the center of worship for the White Goddess. Says she's chosen the people of this village, and those that serve her well ascend into heaven to sit at her side."

[Know Religion check 14 on White Goddess]

"Something's seriously warped in this town."

Nevertheless, Trellus keeps moving to catch up with the Wardens.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Tuesday September 14th, 2021 7:46:16 PM

Moridark continues flying above watching Elyngael until Neshi catches up, and they both stop to shake hands. Moridark descends slowly not wishing to alarm the two until his steed touches the ground. "I am sorry if I offended you Elyngael. It was not my intent. I thought the man would back down, and now I see I may have painted you into a corner. Iam sorry, I truly am." Moridark bows his head in respect for his companion and stretches his hand out to her.

When 'Osul asks about travel arrangments the mage stops, "I have but one teleport memorized for today, but I can take the time tomorrow morning to memorize five if you wish. That should get us where ever we need. I would recommend we travel as far as possible tonight, use the tree, and set out in the morning."

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 32 , HP 139/139  d20+10=30 ;
Tuesday September 14th, 2021 10:08:59 PM

"There was no offense on your part Moridark." She nods to Trellus. "Yeah that whole place was just wrong." Knowledge Geography d20+10=30. "I think the Tree of Parting should be that direction. We can at least get a bit of a march on before we need to set up camp." She points the way to the Tree of Parting.


DM(James M) - Map - Tree's 
Wednesday September 15th, 2021 8:58:25 AM

With EvenOak behind them the Warden's set out for the Tree of Parting. As they travel it becomes apparent that all the small game in the area is gone with the exception of a few migratory birds flying over from the west.

Just after sunset the rain starts...it's a soaking, relentless rain, that doesn't let up all night. By morning the rain is just as strong as it had been the night before, except it's now windy. Trees lashed about in the wind and the distant sounds of branches cracking echo through the forest. Finding a dry spot is hard and even then the rain is only diffused by the canopy of leaves overhead which converts the pounding rain into a fine drenching mist that turned the ground into a private muddy hell.

Osul Highlight to display spoiler: {You've lost your connection to the wood. Where you could feel the loam beneath your feet as the roots of the trees stretched out into it, now you only feel the ground at your feet. Above the wind and rain hammer at you as any other person. You no longer feel the deeper connection to the air above and it's a struggle to maintain any form other than the one he was born with. }

Armand Highlight to display spoiler: {As you look into the surrounding woods towards the tree of parting a shadow passes across the land as if a giant shadowy hand had swept across the sky.}

After a short while of study Moridark is ready with his spells that will transport the Warden's back to the tree.

Trellus - Highlight to display spoiler: {He's never heard of the White Goddess.}

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Wednesday September 15th, 2021 5:15:54 PM

Neshi's ear perk up when teleports are mentioned.

I always have those available so with Moridark's and mine we can get right back if that is what we want to do.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+20=31 ; d20+29=37 ;
Wednesday September 15th, 2021 5:44:48 PM

If we don't immediately teleport, then I can activate the seed glove and we have shelter.

"Trellus, there was definitely something up with those clerics. They didn't want us there and were happy to see us go. I've don't believe I've ever heard of this White Goddess they speak of."

Knowledge Religion 31 (d20+20)
Knowledge Plains 37 (d20+29) clues about a reference to White Goddess.

When they arrive back at the Tree he looks back toward the forest. "Hmm, evil portents, looks like a shadow of some kind is trying to cover the forest. I don't think we'll be able to stay long at the Tree, but long enough to catch up with the people we were meant to protect and maybe do some restocking. Seems like we never get a chance to rest. At least we'll be going back in perhaps more secretly this time instead of walking into an ambush."

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 35, HP (145/145) 
Wednesday September 15th, 2021 7:00:23 PM

Trellus nods at Armand, and settles in for the night.

Then, the rain comes. And keeps coming.
The man is noticeably agitated as the rain continues unabated. Unable to sleep, he continuously checks the rain, the mud puddles, and peers intently into the darkness. His hand hovers above his sword, nearly of its own will.

Come morning, its still raining, and the fellow is nearly white.
"Does it do this often?" he asks, visibly using his considerable willpower in an effort to remain calm.

Teleportation to the Tree would be eagerly welcomed.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Wednesday September 15th, 2021 7:46:55 PM

Moridark sleeps well and memorizes his spells. The mage coordinates with Neshi to get all of the group back to the tree.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 32 , HP 139/139 
Wednesday September 15th, 2021 8:19:14 PM

Elyngeal is pleased to return. She explains to the new members, "We'll need to check in and see if there's been any trouble locally or along the trade routes. It's our main duty to see to the protection of the citizens of the Tree."

DM(James M) - Map - The Return  d10=6 ; d100=32 ;
Thursday September 16th, 2021 9:02:20 AM

They organized themselves in the puddles of the forest beneath the canopy so as to keep as dry as possible. A minute or two later and all that remained of them was indentations where their feet had been that were slowly filling with rain water.

The Warden’s had traveled across the Wold and finally returned home. The teleport hadn't been as accurate as they'd have liked it, but it was close enough. They could see the Tree but a short distance away. It also happened that it was raining here as well and had been for a short while. You could see streams of water as it was directed through the leaves of the great tree into the three reservoirs underneath it.

Osul - Highlight to display spoiler: {You seem to have recovered whatever it was making your abilities less effective while in the wood.}

They walked through the outlying areas and windows are thrown open, children rush out into the road to hug them as they pass, and the farmers wave from their fields. As they get closer and enter Groundtown and the buildings start to rise up alongside the road people are gathered about to throw flowers onto the road in front of them. Community leaders place food in their hands or Laurel leafs upon their heads to celebrate their victory.

They pass the small lake that is mostly just run off from the rain as well as the creek that runs from the "Cistern" where most of the magically manipulated leaves of the tree direct water, from that it flows into the "Pond", or Pond Lake as the locals of Groundtown call it. Higher up in the tree they see the structures they know well on the two levels above them.

Here on the ground the people are mostly friendly and the industry geared towards endeavors that used fire or housed people when room wasn't available above. They know that not everyone in Groundtown is welcome above. Some for infractions against the tree, thievery, just a general distain for the inhabitants above. Mostly the values instilled by the Tree's founders were still in place in Groundtown, but it appeared as if a commercial element had been introduced to the community since they left.

Drinks are pressed into their hands and once they arrive at the tree proper guides appear to prepare them for a ceremony. As they are guided onto a lift to take them up into the lower level of the tree itself they can see that Owen is already here as he waves from a branch higher up. He managed to beat you here.

As you are slowly pulled into the tree by the lift you reflect upon what you have seen. You noticed that in spite of the general air of excitement about the return of the wardens, the people here look tired and worn down. Clothing is torn and mended with tears in the patches. The children look hungry and the air of prosperity that once was about the place is gone. There is more of a desperate feel to the Tree inhabitants. It appears as if the Tree has suffered in the Warden’s absence.

It took another hour to reach the Tree Top Inn as they navigated the steps that were carefully laid against the boughs and trunk of the tree. No nails or other fasteners were used as the caretakers here had encouraged the bark of the tree to form around the steps to hold them in place. Ropes strung from iron rods set in each step kept it's travelers safe from falls. Elsewhere branches supported wooden walkways that sloped gently upwards or platforms that supported buildings or residences.

The journey ended at the Tree Top Inn where each was greeted and asked to tell their tales, after properly resting of course.

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 35, HP (145/145) 
Thursday September 16th, 2021 6:52:52 PM

Trellus tries to take in everything.

"Truly the night soil," he breathes, clearly impressed.

The man keeps to the back, allowing those who've lived here to bask in their welcome home.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Thursday September 16th, 2021 7:48:49 PM

Moridark shakes many hands, and smiles broadly. The mage introduces himself over and over again as it is his first visit to the tree, although he has passed near several times. Moridarkdoes not boast, nor brag about the last few days, and instead waits on one of the established members to tell teh story.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Friday September 17th, 2021 8:18:37 AM

Armand greets the people and introduces Trellus and Moridark as new people that have joined the Wardens. He explains of the departure of Atlas and Vamir. He looks around, it appears the Tree has done quite a bit of growing while they were gone.

At the Triple T, Armand will explain what has happened to the group, the journey to Eberyon and the safe planting of the Tree's seed. Of their being whisked to the Sargrass again, but somehow a slightly different Sargrass than before. Their journey into strange realms. He apologizes for being gone so long and asks for news of the Tree.

Sub post for OSUL ----------Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Friday September 17th, 2021 8:21:28 AM

Osul relaxes as he feels his connection to the wood return, though as he looks around he is shocked at the changes around the tree and wonder just how long they might have been away.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Friday September 17th, 2021 8:23:42 AM

Neshi relaxes as he recognizes the environs of the tree, though he is a bit disturbed by the apparent shift of landing zone. as the people greet them a smile fills his face, but in the background a question about what is wrong keeps pushing forward...

Sub DM Post - Friday - ----------Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Friday September 17th, 2021 8:26:53 AM

The Warden’s have travelled across the Wold and finally returned home. They see the Tree, but a short distance away but as they walk through the outlying areas windows are thrown open, children rush out into the street to hug them as they pass, and the farmers wave from their fields. As they get closer and the buildings start to rise up alongside the road people are gathered about and throw flowers onto the road in front of them. Community leaders place food in their hands or Laurel leaves upon their heads to celebrate their victory. Drinks are pressed into their hands and once they arrive at the tree proper guides appear to prepare them for a ceremony.

You can see that Owen is already here as he waves from a nearby table. He managed to beat you here.

One thing you notice is that in spite of the general air of excitement about the return of the wardens, the people here look tired and worn down. Clothing is torn and mended with tears in the patches. The children look hungry and the air of prosperity that once was about the place is gone. There is more of a desperate feel to the Tree inhabitants. It appears as if the Tree has suffered in the Warden’s absence.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Friday September 17th, 2021 1:28:40 PM

hmm, I thought this was already stated in the Thursday post and we ended up in the tripe T. So i'm just going to repost.

Armand greets the people and introduces Trellus and Moridark as new people that have joined the Wardens. He explains of the departure of Atlas and Vamir. He looks around, it appears the Tree has done quite a bit of growing while they were gone.

At the Triple T, Armand will explain what has happened to the group, the journey to Eberyon and the safe planting of the Tree's seed. Of their being whisked to the Sargrass again, but somehow a slightly different Sargrass than before. Their journey into strange realms. He apologizes for being gone so long and asks for news of the Tree.

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14  d20+50=54 ;
Sunday September 19th, 2021 10:07:19 AM

'Osul nods in agreement with Trellus, and simply says, "Every time."

He also sets about getting his bearings, taking on the tradition "returning home" form of the russet hawk and taking to the sky around The Tree - raising the spirits. He takes an opportunity mid-flight to reconfirrm the forecast here and what he can see of it back in Evenoak. {Survival: 54} before rejoining the Wardens in human form.

Outlying areas has his interest. There wasn't much of anything down there of a permanent nature last time he checked - not counting the arboretum.

The something akin to guilt (or prehaps a slightly more distant relation) regarding the warning for Evenoak gnaws at him, and he expects an interesting meditation in the morning. After the initial reporting is over in the Triple-T, he does ask after expected gold shipments.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 32 , HP 139/139 
Sunday September 19th, 2021 12:07:45 PM

Elyngael will wander the perimeter of the Tree to make sure there's nothing unusual going on. She joins the company in the Triple T but really has nothing further to add to the report.

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 107/107, CMD 25

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Sunday September 19th, 2021 8:17:35 PM

Moridark follows the others, adding information when needed. The mage takes mental notes on the various folks who the wardens report to but other than that speaks little. The mage will take the time to wander around and get teh feel of the tree, and the business therein.

DM(James M) - Map - Tree of Parting  d100=5 ; d100=14 ; d100=67 ; d100=78 ; d100=37 ;
Monday September 20th, 2021 1:45:12 PM

DM: Apparently we got a duplicate post. Sorry for the confusion.

Osul Highlight to display spoiler: {7 Day forecast... Rain for the next two and a half days, though the steady rain falling now will eventually lighten to a gentle drizzle. Then it's 4 more days of partly cloudy skies before another two days of moderate rain. His connection is too distant to get any weather readings from EvenOak.}

Osul took a spin around the tree and saw indeed that quite a few buildings had been erected around the tree as well as fencing to contain livestock. It appeared as if a few blacksmith shops, stables, and pastures had been built since their last visit.

At the meeting Osul discovers that gold is flowing from the merchants traveling through. At first the influx of coin was welcome, but shortly after none of the locals wanted to take the "old coin". Apparently the new coin was more valuable though it was minted in the same size and denomination. Naturally the Tree's residents were no longer able to afford as many goods coming in from elsewhere and the generosity of those passing through became less pronounced as well. The tree and its people were struggling. That was however a local problem and no one expected that the Warden's would be able to fix the economy so the subject was dropped as the celebration of the Warden's return was planned.

Elyngael wandered about the tree along the many fence lines and saw that the inn and stables in "Ground Town" were quite prosperous in their dealings with the travelling merchants. She also noticed a few unsavory characters but they made no moves to do anything wrong while in her eyesight. She discovered that horse thievery had increased in recent months which was the reason for the fences and stables. There was also a blacksmith or two that tried to burn down the tree, accidentally of course, but their business ended up down here as a result.

In the boughs all was almost exactly as it had been before. With the sole exception that the treasuries of the businesses here were being slowly drained due to the rising cost of goods entering the region. Though faces were happy, the strain of the economic hardship was evident upon them.

Meanwhile the Warden's were left to their own devices to enjoy their time here.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Monday September 20th, 2021 6:39:08 PM

Armand turns to 'Osul. "Indeed I was just thinking about The Tree's son and his warning that other's would be wanting his power to create those vortices. I guess his plan of hiding in the Culverwood has not gone so well."

Armand checks in with James, their servant and caretaker of the headquarters while they are gone. [b]"James we are back at last, can you give some information on how the Tree is doing?"

He turns to the group once they have returned to their headquarters. "It appears the Tree has done of lot of growing up while we were gone. I wonder how much time difference has elapsed? I've heard tales that time in Eberyon's domain may flow differently than that of the Wold."

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 33, HP (156/156)  d20+15=26 ; d20+13=28 ; d20+13=17 ;
Monday September 20th, 2021 6:58:53 PM

Presented with a completely unknown town, Trellus takes every opportunity to explore. Once he figures out where the Wardens have their HQ, he starts making ever expanding walks through the boughs, and on the ground.

He happily chats up the locals, taking care to keep his lingo mostly understandable, but throwing in an occasional 'Many Shadows' to spice things up.

As he wanders, he tries to get a lay of the land.

[Diplomacy 26
Perception 28
Sense Motive 17]

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Monday September 20th, 2021 7:32:14 PM

Moridark enjoys meeting the various people working, and living in and around the tree. The mage takes the time to soak in as much knowledge as he can, and when he see's a little downtime heads for the library.

Sub DM Post - Friday - ----------Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Monday September 20th, 2021 8:02:30 PM

Neshi wanders a bit and shows Moridark and Trellus around as needed, and even checks in on the new sage guild branch and library, to see how things are going. and then heads off to the catacombs to sell a bunch of stuff for the group..

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Monday September 20th, 2021 9:45:33 PM

I think my character is all leveled up now. Other than having money to meet minimum wealth by level.

Elyngael will tell the group what she discovered in her walk around the Tree concerning Ground Town and it's rather seedier looking inhabitants. She also mentions that horse thieves seem to have become a local problem. She wonders why Miles has let things get a bit out of hand, he was usually pretty good with handling the Tree's defenses. Maybe sheriffing is different different than defending it from raiders. Still...

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Tuesday September 21st, 2021 8:18:38 AM

"I don't understand the echo-gnomics — maybe someone can catch me up. Maybe it is more pervasive than just shiny new metal? It bears investigating."
"We should certainly find and talk to Longbranch if that is possible."
"Horse thieves. Yes."
"I'd be keen to see to some mending and repairing once we have settled in again."

I'm still not clear how long we've been away, but it shouldn't be too difficult to come up with a reasonable estimate from The Tree, from the trees in the arboretum, seeing a few of the adults and children. In a less public venue he will open a discussion about the trade situation (after class).

DM(James M) - Map - Tree of Parting  d100=44 ; d100=2 ; d100=43 ; d100=88 ; d100=27 ; d100=99 ; d100=74 ; d100=57 ; d100=22 ; d100=58 ; d100=77 ; d100=83 ; d100=42 ; d100=53 ;
Tuesday September 21st, 2021 8:43:59 AM

After catching up on the news the Warden's find out they've been gone for just over a year. Most everything has been normal since they were gone. Times are tough, but it's nothing the Tree hasn't weathered in times past. Bandits and raiders have never been a problem, but thievery here and there seems to have increased.

They've started restricting who can and cannot visit the tree and that has had a small effect on the ground population and a result of the buildings scattered about in the tree's shadow. Most think the stables and pastures under the tree are a positive move and due to the caravans coming through a quite brisk trade in horses has helped to bolster the local economy. They are getting more trade than ever before and it's all rainbows and unicorns, but costs of goods has increased. The local leaders are certain that it'll pass and all will return to normal soon.

A couple of weeks passed and it was as they said. It was mostly quiet here except for the occasional pickpocket or urchins running wild and getting into mischief. None of this activity happens around any of the wardens. As far as they can see everyone here are model citizens and respond politely when addressed by any of them.

Perception DC 15 Highlight to display spoiler: {On more than one occasion you notice those addressed by a warden will flinch at some point in the conversation as if they are expecting something bad to happen. This is especially so around Elyngael.}

Word from those loyal comes to the warden's that stories of their exploits around the Wold are being told in Groundtown by travelers. These mostly tell about a group of people with short tempers and immense power. These stories relate some of the dealings in the Sargrass as well as in EvenOak, what's left of it after a terrible storm. Word is that the Warden's knew about the storm, but refused to warn the locals due to some disagreement with a vagabond.

The weather at the Tree has mostly been mild with the occasional rain. Nothing out of the ordinary, but when it rains here it's typically an all day or night thing with the appropriate amount of noise one would expect as the drops of rain hit the millions of leaves in the tree. Last though the skies have been clear.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Tuesday September 21st, 2021 6:03:17 PM

(ooc money shouldn't be an issue after selling. Neshi is in there now.)

Neshi spends some time alone in the woods and 4-6 hours a day in his fast forge doing some crafting.

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 33, HP (156/156)  d20+13=16 ; d20+15=18 ; d20+13=32 ; d20+10=25 ;
Tuesday September 21st, 2021 6:36:05 PM

Perception 16.

Trellus has only accompanied the Wardens for the last few days, but the public's perception stings, and he does what he can to change opinions.

The blond man combines exploring with good deeds, asking questions, supplying answers, offering a helping hand with any physical labor, and using his healing skills to assist with breaks, cuts, and scrapes.

[Diplomacy 18 for keeping it light
Strength Check 25 for helping pick up heavy stuff
Heal 32 on providing first aid.]

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Phantom Steed (Extended)  d20=20 ;
Tuesday September 21st, 2021 7:31:31 PM

Moridark assists where he can, using his summoning ability to bring forth creatures to help with the more physical tasks. When he hears, and sees the flinching towards the group in particular Elyngael the mage finds it difficult to hold his tongue but does so out of respect. When told of the lies of the previous town Moridark does his best to correct them with the truth.

OOC: My character sheet is correct, and Iwill pop into the catacombs as soon as Ican.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+20=30 ;
Tuesday September 21st, 2021 8:22:48 PM

Armand will go over to the cemetery and perform various rites of remembrance. He will see to the upkeep of the various stones and markers for the place as well. As a year has passed since the Wardens were at the Tree he will again cast Hallow in the center of the cemetery, renewing the Bless spell that was tied to it the first time it was cast.

He will then visit the Sages Guild branch set up at the Tree I've been looking but I can't find the names of the people running it. I know we had it set up in one of the in-between times of modules. He will make sure everything is going well with the guild.

Otherwise Armand will keep a low profile and politely point out all the good things the Wardens have done that are known and also point out that people should not necessarily listen to gossip and rumors: setting up trade relations with surface Drow of house Dul'g, participating in finding a cure to the Red Weeds that threatened the entire Wold, destroying the awakened apes that attacked the Tree, destroying the undead circus horde that attacked the tree, aiding the mining village located in the Red Hill and then donating money to get it back on its feet and similar truths.
Diplomacy 30

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+22=29 ; d20+21=34 ; d20+25=31 ;
Tuesday September 21st, 2021 8:44:08 PM

Elyngael and Brawn will do as they always do a the Tree and patrol the area around the tree. About 1-2 hours out and a wandering circle around the tree. She's not one for talking that much to others and has always let others in the party do the talking. Perhaps the instances of horse theft will start to go down. Perception d20+22=29, Stealth d20+21=34, Survival d20+25=31

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Tuesday September 21st, 2021 9:16:41 PM

Just to be clear. Elyngael is NOT going bandit hunting. She is just visibly keeping an eye on things. She only intends to use stealth if she runs across any suspicious signs of horses not going where they should. And then she just wants to see where. She will report any findings to Miles Raynor as he is the head of security and thus the legal law here.

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Wednesday September 22nd, 2021 6:48:00 AM

'Osul still doesn't understand why even the simplest things cost so much more, and shares this with the other wardens over breakfast.

He takes the time to wander the arboretum, taking the time to cast Commune with Nature and Plant Growth.

At lunch he asks the other wardens what the people need at a reasonable price.

With some free time in the afternoon, he sets about walking (in a non-descript guise) through the various stores and stalls (up and down) getting an idea of what goes for how much.

Over dinner he discusses the germ of an idea. Going to Plateau City, The WLA, and seeing how much different the prices are between here and there.

'Osul evetually gets the sleep of a hedgehog.

DM(James M) - Map - Tree of Parting 
Wednesday September 22nd, 2021 8:27:07 AM

As each of the Wardens go about their business another two weeks passes and the stories seem to be getting worse. It becomes apparent that there is a person or persons generating these tales. False or not the stories of the Warden's are believable enough that people stop approaching them and when they do interpose themselves in local affairs the deference is real. "Yes of course, whatever you say. Certainly." It's becoming rapidly clear that these stories are instilling fear of the wardens in all but their closest associates.

Meanwhile that uncertainty seems to have cut off any communication about the outside world to the Wardens as two more months pass. No one seems interested in bringing them their problems....the adventures have dried up.

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 33, HP (156/156)  d100=89 ;
Wednesday September 22nd, 2021 6:56:22 PM

Trellus continues his wanderings, but finds the increasing fear of the locals unsettling.

The man turns to Domi, casing a Divination spell and asking "How do the Wardens counter these lies being told?"
However, the spell fails (89 vs DC 83), putting the warrior in an even more dejected mood.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Wednesday September 22nd, 2021 7:39:46 PM

In the beginning Moridark does not seem to notice the changing attitude towards the Wardens as he is too busy chasing down leads of his father's murderer. However, even the bookish mage can't help but notice the change eventually. Moridark begins spending less time with books, and more among the folk of the tree to attempt to combat the negative vibes.

DM(James M) - Map - Tree of Parting 
Thursday September 23rd, 2021 8:22:58 AM

The third month after the warden's return a priestess shows up and she's handing out gold to those unfortunate ones caught in the trade troubles. Unfortunately she doesn't stay around very long and when people start talking it appears as if she's gone. Those people she helped talk about the generosity of the White Goddess. One person even produces a fairly large chest with gold coin, they've been tasked with exchanging the gold coin for old coin and a line has formed at the base of the tree.

So far it's been peaceful....

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14  d20+18=24 ;
Thursday September 23rd, 2021 11:47:38 AM

Days have passed since 'Osul had his day trip the WLA in Plateau City. He trained, and paid his dues, before his comparison shopping and returning home.

After a few more days at The Tree (pitching in), 'Osul is no closer to understanding the polite standoffishness. {Sense Motive: 24}. Maybe the residents have no need for him/them - they have had plenty of time to adjust to their not being around. He brings it up that evening.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Thursday September 23rd, 2021 5:24:03 PM

Still waiting for Kent to report back with money from selling off stuff in the Catacombs so that I can send Armand to the Catacombs to purchase items and be fully upgraded to level 16

Armand considers the situation. The people certainly have proven resistant to attempts to reason with them. They have not been so sheep minded in the past. He will cast Detect Magic and wander about the town. When the man with the chest comes wanting to exchange gold coin he will also take a gander into the chest.

When he learns who's providing the new coin he talks to the other wardens. "It appears the clerics of the so called White Goddess could be behind things. I could prepare and cast a Commune spell to speak to Gargul. If any of you wish to submit a yes no question I can have it readied."

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 33, HP (156/156) 
Thursday September 23rd, 2021 6:47:25 PM

Trellus thinks on Armand's request.
"I was thinking of doing the same thing with Domi," he replies. "Just couldn't think of where to start."

The blond man rubs the back of his neck as he considers.

"How about is this White Goddess a mortal, or a god, or an outsider, or undead?
And then, is she around here? This tree, this region, this country, that kind of thing.
If we get some kind of lead, we can try a Divination spell as well."

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Thursday September 23rd, 2021 8:12:23 PM

Elyngael is not sure what she can add to the plan. The cleric, or clerics, with their gold got in and out of the Tree without her catching a trail. But the Tree is large and they could easily have come in at some other point than where she was patrolling. She and Brawn avoid the townspeople as much as possible to avoid causing any problems.

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Thursday September 23rd, 2021 8:36:03 PM

Moridark continues studying, and helping where he can. The mage keeps an easygoing smile on his face, and tries to not ruffle any feathers.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Thursday September 23rd, 2021 10:25:10 PM

(ooc: I am still waiting for someone to help me in the catacombs.. I am about to break out an old catacombs character of mine and serve myself, so-to-speak.)

Neshi is puzzled by all the bad mouthing the Wardens are getting and speaks his piece about it.

"No doubt this is coming from those imbeciles that challenged Elyngael."

"Who is this White Goddess that has suddenly showed up?"

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14  d20+4=8 ;
Saturday September 25th, 2021 2:52:42 AM

'Osul considers the "White Goddess" in a religious context and draws a blank.

"Is that dragonhide still about?, he asks James in a quieter moment in the offices/home.

The ebb and flow of the power of The Wood is a concern - disconcerting. He took the response of The Wood to his first return as a reaction to him as a body, rather than being a part of it. Turned out the reaction was to the blight spread from the house that crazy built - where the alchemical equipment came from. The response of The Wood to the empty castle after Otaktay fled(?) was exactly what he had hoped, though he was unsure if this was copacetic, synchronicity, coincidence or what. Now... ?

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Saturday September 25th, 2021 6:52:00 PM

I'd think that the Commune spell might have to be over a couple of posts, I wouldn't want to post all the questions on the first post, because the answers may lead to other directions/options. We'll just need to be sure to read the other's questions before posting our question.

DM(James M) - Map - Tree of Parting 
Monday September 27th, 2021 8:36:26 AM

While the Warden's considered their options to pursue the White Goddess they continued about their daily duties. Elyngael in her patrols hadn't realized before how many people pass through each day. The location was considered to be a safe "watering hole" on the way into and out of the Emerald Kingdom and the caravan's had hundreds of people in them performing one task or another.

So, coming or going it was hard to monitor every person arriving or departing. All she could do was look for those that looked suspicious and she saw none.

Diplomacy DC 25 Highlight to display spoiler: {You question some of the caravans leaving and discover that indeed a white clad woman was seen walking to the tree along with them, but wasn't part of their company. They also remember seeing a camp of armed men to the north that they thought might be bandits, but didn't make any threatening moves so it was assumed that the force belonged to a nobleman in the area. No one spoke to them so confirmation wasn't made.}

Diplomacy DC 30 Highlight to display spoiler: {A tour about the tree and you get a description of a man, tall, in his early 40's, with white hair. Someone remembers his name is Levin and they think they recall him with a chest of the sort the man had who was giving out gold. No one has seen him leave the Tree area, but no one saw him arrive either. }

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Monday September 27th, 2021 5:18:49 PM

DM, did you miss that Armand was wandering around town with Detect magic on, and specifically looking to see if these new gold coins were in some way magiked.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+20=37 ;
Monday September 27th, 2021 6:37:38 PM

Diplomacy 37 (d20+20)

Armand reveals what he has learned so far "Apparently a white clad woman was seen walking to the tree along with a caravan, but wasn't part of their company. They also remember seeing a camp of armed men to the north that they thought might be bandits, but didn't make any threatening moves so it was assumed that the force belonged to a nobleman in the area. No one spoke to them so confirmation wasn't made. Here's a description of a man, tall, in his early 40's, with white hair. Someone remembers his name is Levin and they think they recall him with a chest of the sort the man had who was giving out gold. No one has seen him leave the Tree area, but no one saw him arrive either."

Armand will then cast Commune and ask his first batch of questions:
1 Is the entity known as the White Goddess a true Woldian Goddess?
2 Are the followers of the White Goddess still operating in Evenoak?

Commune spell 2 of 16 questions.

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 33, HP (156/156)  d20+15=18 ;
Monday September 27th, 2021 6:42:48 PM

[Diplomacy 18]

Having done his best to help Armand form his questions, and not having much luck interacting with the local citizenry, Trellus changes tactics.

The fellow heads for the Treetop Tavern, has some drinks, and introduces himself to whomever he can find, and buys several rounds.

He makes this a regular habit, not asking questions, just being friendly.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Monday September 27th, 2021 7:36:53 PM

Elyngael changes tactics. She leaves Brawn at the headquarters and wanders around town again. She will make her way to the horse corrals and there cast Speak with Animal. She will then talk to the horses when no one is around to listen in and ask them about how their owners have been behaving lately, if they have sensed any evil lately (I'm assuming how horses will get spooked by various things), and the like. She will also inquire if any of them have changed owners suddenly (like they were stolen and resold).

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Monday September 27th, 2021 9:19:16 PM

Neshi spends a lot of time working in his magic forge. But when he comes out he joins Trellus at the treetop, just watching from a dark corner and nursing several drinks.

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Tuesday September 28th, 2021 7:36:18 AM

'Osul is clearly barking up the wrong tree when is comes to the dragonhide, the comparison shopping, etc.
He joins in the communing questions, having listened carefully to Armand's report. He works on the answers and responses with the team, before taking some time to fly up and visit Wizbang.

DM(James M) - Map - Tree of Parting 
Tuesday September 28th, 2021 8:55:59 AM

Armand continued his patrols about Ground Town and in the tree but other than a occasional magic weapon or ring he found nothing or anyone that looked suspicious. The gold seemed to be real, but a close examination of it revealed it to be counterfeit, but no one cared as it had twice the gold content of the standard coin.

Talk about town..
"Those Warden's have changed"
"Yeah, five arrows v. one in a duel doesn't seem fair. Are these Warden's ours? Have they been possessed?"
"May you be one with the Hold"
"Goddess be with you."
"And with you as well."
"The Hold welcomes you."
"Blessed is the Hold"

People are starting to wear the symbol of the White Goddess as well. Some you know to be locals have even started wearing the white garb of the Goddesses church.

He also heard of people talking about the Warden's in a most unflattering manner with information about their time in the Sargrass that would be unlikely without the use of powerful divination magic. The tales were accurate, but one sided, and didn't put the Warden's in a favorable light. This Levin seemed to be quite convincing as well and impossible to find. On several occasions Armand arrived just as the man had left and nothing Armand did revealed the man's presence. It was as if the man simply vanished without a trace, not even residual magic could be detected.

Trellus activities seemed to be working. As he engaged the locals and spread tales of his own experience with the Wardens it seemed to turn the opinion they had about the Warden's recent behavior. Still however the fact that Trellus himself had only recently met them blunted his attempt somewhat. Overall his tactic was working.

Elyngael Highlight to display spoiler: {had a chat at the corrals and none seemed discontented with their riders or teamsters, but quite a few had recently had quite the scare from something. When pressed they explained it was a frightening white winged creature that appeared momentarily to them as it flew by overhead. It could have been a bird, those things are scary.}

Armand decided to cast his commune spell...
Is the entity known as the White Goddess a true Woldian Goddess?
She is worshipped
Are the followers of the White Goddess still operating in Evenoak?

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 33, HP (156/156) 
Tuesday September 28th, 2021 5:08:03 PM

Trellus can tell his being out there is slow going, but productive.

He continues his visits to the Treetop Tavern, and expands to any healer stations he can find, lending a hand where he can.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Tuesday September 28th, 2021 5:39:18 PM

at some point Armand jaunts to catacombs for something

Armand will continue with questions
3) Is the entity known as the White Goddess a threat to The Tree of Parting's citizens?
4) Is the entity known as the White Goddess a threat to the deities of the Wold?
5) What is the 'Hold' the people of the Tree of Parting speak about?
6) Is the entity known as the white Goddess mortal?
7) Is the base of operations for the entity known as the White Goddess located near Evenoak?

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Tuesday September 28th, 2021 7:42:05 PM

Elyngael tells the party that there may be white birds conveying people in and out of the Tree and that's why they can't get a line on them coming or going. The other possibility is that they are transforming themselves into a bird. Maybe that's how this Levin character is moving around.

Still short 6.750 gp for minimum wealth by level for level 16

Elyngeal will go to the catacombs and cast another speak with animals. This time she will work on speaking to the local dog population. She will ask the dogs if they have smelled any strange humanoids in the area, if they have chased any white birds or squirrels. If they have seen another animal change into a humanoid or a humanoid change into another animal.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Tuesday September 28th, 2021 8:43:53 PM

Moridark well knows the feeling of not being wanted, however, he is not cofortable with others being treated in this manner. As a result, the tmage is frequently at the base of the tree, summoning various non planar beings and asking them about the White Goddess.

1) Is she good or evil?
2) Is she part of the Woldian Gods, and if so how?
3) Where is she from? (Any specific realm, or plan)
4) Where are her followers from?
5) Are they good or evil?
6) Any questions the group might want answers to

OOC: I am home with COVID for the second time in less than 12 months. Please excuse my late posts

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,   d20+14=20 ; d20+14=21 ;
Tuesday September 28th, 2021 10:23:26 PM

Neshi finally finishes up in his forge and he seems happy with the results, though nothing apparently seems to have changed about his equipment.

He continues his evenings in the tavern watching what there is to watch and listening to what there is to hear.

Perception 20 & 21

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Wednesday September 29th, 2021 5:19:18 AM

'Osul continues to wait-out the tarsier.

DM(James M) - Map - Tree of Parting 
Wednesday September 29th, 2021 9:20:34 AM

Armands Questions continue
Is the entity known as the White Goddess a threat to The Tree of Parting's citizens?
Is the entity known as the White Goddess a threat to the deities of the Wold?
What is the 'Hold' the people of the Tree of Parting speak about?
No answer, you get the impression the question exceeds the bounds of the spell.
Is the entity known as the white Goddess mortal?
Is the base of operations for the entity known as the White Goddess located near Evenoak?

Moridarks Questions
DM James: Not certain where these are coming from. I'll assume you summon a creature and ask it.
Diplomacy DC 30 - Highlight to display spoiler: {
Is she good or evil?
Most of the summoned ones don't know of any one that is referred to as the White Goddess. One of them thinks they heard something centuries ago about such a being, but it was only a rumor at the time.
Is she part of the Woldian Gods, and if so how?
None know if she is a god, but most suspect that she might be a power though they haven't heard of her.
Where is she from? (Any specific realm, or plane)
Attempts by the summoned ones to divine the location of the Goddess come up empty. None know of her home plane or realm.
Where are her followers from?
Most seem to be from the northern Culverwood and they are spreading. Some are located at the Tree now.
Are they good or evil?
It's unclear, but most seem to be good. Her clergy is shrouded in mystery however.

It appears as if Wizbang is traveling and he's not around. You find a small token in his home. It's an angel with outspread wings.

Elyngael and the dogs Highlight to display spoiler: {Like with the horses, Elyngael questions the dogs. Most are just happy to see her and once they know she can understand them they start asking for things, food, cookies, toys, play. After a bit she calms them and is able to get some information.
"Those horses are stupid, just yesterday I walked in front of one and it ran away scared."
"A bird flying in their face would certainly scare them."
The dogs don't remember any white birds, except for that few the magician had with him a few days ago. They flew from his hat.
There have been strange smelling people about. One smelled of fish, the dogs hated it so they stayed away from him. Fish....ugh.
A similar query to the cats and she got a vague description of the Levin guy Armand found out about. The cats claim he flew away in a flash of blinding light that scared them. They did notice white wings before he vanished in the sky.

Neshi Highlight to display spoiler: {There is talk about building a temple to the White Goddess on the hill overlooking the tree a mile to the north. Someone has already secured the land and people are showing up to dig the foundation.A call has gone out for masons and quarried stone has been ordered from the south. }

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 33, HP (156/156)  d20+13=15 ;
Wednesday September 29th, 2021 5:29:29 PM

Trellus keeps working the "I'm a nice guy" route, while simultaneously keeping his eye open for white birds.
[Perception 15]

He also makes a side trip to the Catacombs.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Wednesday September 29th, 2021 5:41:33 PM

Armand is a bit rocked by what he has learned so far. He will impart it to the Wardens nearby as he continues his questions.

8) Should the Wardens look into the actions of the clerics of the White Goddess?
9) Should the Wardens begin their investigation of the actions of the entity known as the White Goddess at Evenoak?
10) Are those that pose as clerics of the entity known as the White Goddess from this plane of existence?
11) Is the actions of the Dragon Vurm tied into the actions of the entity known as the White Goddess?
12) Did the entity known as the White Goddess restore the Dragon Vurm's health and intelligence after his first encounter with us, the Wardens of the Tree of parting?

Four more questions, anyone have any thoughts on something to ask?

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Wednesday September 29th, 2021 8:05:26 PM

Elyngael reports that the dogs have smelt a lot of strange odors of late. They especially don't like the people that smelled of fish, so they might be from somewhere near the sea. Also the cats claim to have seen Levin disappear in a blinding flash of light but that he had wings as well.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Phantom Steed (Extended)  d20=19 ;
Wednesday September 29th, 2021 8:29:43 PM

Moridark is summoning the varioous creatures he is capable of summoning. Moridark attempts to be diplomatic with the creatures but is not successful.

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14  d20+38=53 ; d20+50=55 ;
Thursday September 30th, 2021 6:41:53 AM

'Osul carefully returns from the home of the diminuitive tarsier, high in The Tree-tops. After some debate, he does bring the token with him, and he offers that for investigation.

He shakes his head in response to Armand. "After these, hopefully."

He takes a later afternoon hour in the less-recogniseable wedge-tailed eagle form (the russet hawk being a much more common form for him here), and scours the surrounding land and sky. {Perception: 53, Survival: 55}

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Thursday September 30th, 2021 6:46:47 AM

The next time he sees his companions, Neshi passes on what little information he has found out, and lets them know that there is talk about building a temple to the White Goddess on the hill overlooking the tree a mile to the north. And that someone has already secured the land and people are showing up to dig the foundation. Also apparently, a call has gone out for masons and quarried stone has been ordered from the south.

DM(James M) - Map - Tree of Parting 
Thursday September 30th, 2021 8:45:59 AM

Trellus spent another week being generally friendly and had a large amount of success in the tree. Down below in Ground Town not so much. It was becoming common knowledge that the Warden's were bad tempered and subject to flying off the handle when things didn't go their way. It was especially so with Elyngael and it got to the point where no one would speak to her or just turn and walk away when they saw her coming.

Armand had continued his communing what he learned was still forthcoming from him. (DM James: Nothing time sensitive here, so no worries.)

Should the Wardens look into the actions of the clerics of the White Goddess?
Should the Wardens begin their investigation of the actions of the entity known as the White Goddess at Evenoak?
Are those that pose as clerics of the entity known as the White Goddess from this plane of existence?
Is the actions of the Dragon Vurm tied into the actions of the entity known as the White Goddess?
Did the entity known as the White Goddess restore the Dragon Vurm's health and intelligence after his first encounter with us, the Wardens of the Tree of parting?

Osul flies around the region for that week and does spot an encampment a day and a half north of tree. When he investigates he discovers quite a few unsavory characters but they aren't doing anything wrong, don't possess anything stolen, and aren't threatening anyone except by their presence near the road.

Using his various forms Osul is able to infiltrate the camp and learn that they do indeed have a connection to Frampton and have been tasked with handing out the new gold, but it's all gone. A few of the leaders have talked about taking the gold they exchanged and heading south with it. The idea doesn't go over well and they mention an unnamed someone Frampton is dealing with would surely hunt them down and kill them all. Osul gets the impression that Frampton, or his followers think so, is afraid of that individual.

After some heavy investigation you do find out the following: The White Goddess is a newly discovered Immortal Power and nothing much is known about her. Her portfolio seems to focus on prosperity and health. Armands answers to his communing seem to dispute this information.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Thursday September 30th, 2021 5:45:39 PM

Armand "hmm, ah, hmm." Scratches head and asks the last of his questions, pondering what the Wardens next step should be. He's not sure they have any legal ground to confront anyone as there does not appear to be anything illegal done.

13 Are those professing to be clerics of the White Goddess doing anything that would be interpreted as illegal around the area of the Tree of Parting?
14 Should the Wardens go to Dragon's Bay to investigate the clerics of the White Goddess?
15 Should the Wardens go into the Culverwood to investigate the clerics of the White Goddess?
16 Should the Wardens go into the Scab to investigate the clerics of the White Goddess?

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Thursday September 30th, 2021 8:52:09 PM

Moridark continues studying pouring over the library, and summoning creatures to see if they can assist in furthuring the information that has been gleaned from various sources

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Thursday September 30th, 2021 9:00:17 PM

Elyngael returns to the group. "Well I for one am at a loss at how to proceed. Are we sure this is the Tree of Parting that we left so long ago? I mean none of our old contacts seem to even be around to speak to even when we go looking for them, like Laughingwater - Male Human, runs the Free Trade Post. Here, traders and travelers alike make arrangements to store their wagons, livestock, and other traveling supplies in the tree for the night. He also is the one to see to set up a shop within the tree. Liliput Muffinbubble - Female Halfling, Caretaker of The Leafy Chapel, a shrine to Alemi as well as a memorial to Ilyndrethyl and Deeproot. Miles Raynor Male Human, Head of Security - He and his assistant, coordinate all defense efforts for the Tree. Miles was a career officer with the Emerald Armed Forces. He explains the behavior expected of all guests of the inn, much to the consternation of Ciyradyl, who thinks it harms her hospitality. He also runs regular drills for all able-bodied residents of the Tree as everyone, “And I mean everyone,” will help defend the tree if attacked. Ciyradyl Ilyndrathyl - Female Elf, Runs Treetop Tavern. Calm, pleasant and warm personality. She is highly organized and proper in her treatment of others Hiflanyl Ilyndrathyl - Male Elf, Runs the warehouse and stables - He also runs the “lifts” to raise up the trade wagons into the tree and is the lead repairman for anything that needs fixed. He is a virtuoso at repairing anything. Hiflanyl has designed a stairway that circles the trunk of the tree, which can be lifted and compacted when the denizens of Izen or the Red Hills come calling. He also has several lifts that can lift anything from a pile of crates, to livestock, to an entire wagon up into the safety of the tree for the evening[/i] and James our butler/steward of our headquarters. And Armand checked to see if people were enchanted as they were acting so weird and there's no magic involved."

all of this information can be found on the tree parting wiki page thing. Also I think it need's to be updated because Atlas, Owen, and Vamir are still listed as players. And Trellus and Moridark are not listed.

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Friday October 1st, 2021 7:08:05 AM

'Osul nods in agreement with Elyngael. "Add Wizbang to that list. His home is still there. Well, someone's tiny home is far up The Tree."

He then provides every last detail he can recall seeing, hearing, etc. around the camp to the north.

"I was so convinced this was my Culverwood... and then it wasn't, and then it was... weird."

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Friday October 1st, 2021 9:48:45 PM

(I am working on the update and will get to it as soon as I can. I am a bit swamped at the moment, but I will get to it.)

Neshi is as perplexed as his comrades are at how much the tree has changed in such a relative short time. He isn't quite sure of what to make of it and searches out Folbre to see if he can shed any light on it....

DM Steven - This IS your beloved Culverwood and your beloved Tree! 
Monday October 4th, 2021 5:47:22 PM

OoC - Hello friends. As of today DM RobC and myself have been granted the honor to run the Tree of Parting game. I would like to start with a small post to alter a few things that have not been well addressed in the last couple of days. You have given your DM's a bit of a scare when you decided to jump away from the actual module! So it has taken some winging to try and get hold of it again :-) So please accept a few small yet important changes to the last posts made on the board.

Armand goes over his questions once again and then asks the last ones :

1. Is the entity known as the White Goddess a true Woldian Goddess? : No but She is worshiped
2. Are the followers of the White Goddess still operating in Evenoak? Yes
3. Is the entity known as the White Goddess a threat to The Tree of Parting's citizens? Yes
4. Is the entity known as the White Goddess a threat to the deities of the Wold? NO
5. What is the 'Hold' the people of the Tree of Parting speak about? No answer, you get the impression the question exceeds the bounds of the spell.
6. Is the entity known as the white Goddess mortal? YES
7. Is the base of operations for the entity known as the White Goddess located near Evenoak? No
8. Should the Wardens look into the actions of the clerics of the White Goddess? Yes
9. Should the Wardens begin their investigation of the actions of the entity known as the White Goddess at Evenoak? Uncertain
10. Are those that pose as clerics of the entity known as the White Goddess from this plane of existence? Yes
11. Is the actions of the Dragon Vurm tied into the actions of the entity known as the White Goddess? Uncertain
12. Did the entity known as the White Goddess restore the Dragon Vurm's health and intelligence after his first encounter with us, the Wardens of the Tree of parting?Yes

13 Are those professing to be clerics of the White Goddess doing anything that would be interpreted as illegal around the area of the Tree of Parting? No
14 Should the Wardens go to Dragon's Bay to investigate the clerics of the White Goddess? Uncertain
15 Should the Wardens go into the Culverwood to investigate the clerics of the White Goddess? Uncertain
16 Should the Wardens go into the Scab to investigate the clerics of the White Goddess? Uncertain

OoC - please note that questions 1, 4 and 6 have been altered.

Elyngael and 'Osul try to touch base again with the people they have known about a year ago. Wizbang is not home apparently but most of the others are... this IS your beloved Culverwood and your beloved Tree. You've been gone a year so yes things have changed... but some things wont...

OoC - So please by all means if you would like to go find some of the NPC's your characters know, do so. Perhaps it will help understanding what's going on around Tree lately...

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Monday October 4th, 2021 7:41:50 PM

Armand taps his chin. He then imparts all that he learned from his spell to the other Wardens. "I'm still at a loss as how to proceed. There's been nothing illegal done at the Tree, if we try to step in and stop this gold conversion or the clerics then our reputation is going to take another hit. We may best be served returning to that bizzar place Even Oak."

"I think I'll consult again with the new branch of the Sage's Guild that opened here shortly before we had to depart the last time." Armand will go to the Sages Guild. could not find this anywhere on our Tree wiki so I emailed Jeremey C. to find out about it. "Fleceil Waterslipper, a half-elf, she’s one of the Chamber Specialists, Lew Fernleaf, a halfling, He's also a Chamber Specialist, and Grenad Blueshrub, a gnome, he's the third Chamber Specialist, and also the Sage in Charge. Both Fleceil and Lew are apprentice Sages, while Grenad is an adjunct."

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Monday October 4th, 2021 7:55:36 PM

Elyngael listens to Armand's summary on the questions. "I'm not sure either, but if we go back to Evenoak I'm going to use my new ring to avoid anyone trying to duel me again. I guess I'll try to find Miles Raynor again and see what he has to say about the increase crime and these 'new' gold coins everyone wants."

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Monday October 4th, 2021 9:20:28 PM

Moridark continues researching the events in question, and spends a bit of time attempting to find the man from his past. "I will go with you. I haven't much going on until I get a hit on the man who killed my father. Although, Ireally do not want to go back to that village. I think I will just fly above y'all and try and stay out of the way. I do not want to be challenged to a duel."

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Tuesday October 5th, 2021 9:33:37 AM

'Osul nods. "Thought of it: a threat to any Immortal Powers of The Wold?"

"I'll call in on Liliput at the chapel - check they haven't branched out into white goddess paraphenalia and see what changes have happened at a people level while we've been gone. I think she will have as good a handle on attitudes and hardships as anyone. Happy to have company. Meet back up for lunch?"

'Osul maintains an observant, attentive demeanour.

DM Steven - This IS your beloved Culverwood and your beloved Tree! 
Tuesday October 5th, 2021 7:32:42 PM

Armand taps his chin as he goes over all the answers that he has been given and imparts all that he learned with the other Wardens. It looks as if nothing illegal is being done at the Tree and so the Cleric of Gargul is at loss as to how to proceed from here onward. Trying to stop this gold conversion or getting tangled up with this clerics may just cause more harm to their reputation... he even wonders if going back to Evenoak would be the best course of action...

But before considering that the group splits up. Armand wants to pay a visit to the Sage's Guild. Elyngael wants to see Miles Raynor and 'Osul hopes Liliput can shed some light on all this...

It takes Armand nearly a hour before he is back at the cold, stone building that harbours this branch of the Sage's Guild. Red wooden walls and floors, everburning torches in sconces, soft music being played somewhere inside, and, for some reason, the smell of cinnamon is in the air. As soon as he goes in he is greeted by Master Yenfire Dewshining. "Good to see you... " Yen gestures to some chairs to sit down, "Tell me Sir Armand... how are you... I hear soo many things."

Elyngael is able to trace Miles Raynor on ground level. He's training new recruits.... When he sees the Warden Ranger he dismisses the recruits so he and Elyngael can talk quietly. "Get your backside out here and don't embarrass me... " he shouts after the recruits. [b]"Let's talk Lady Elyngael... you've been gone over a year... is anything they say about you true... ?!

'Osul hopes the Tree healer Liliput Muffinbubble will have some advice on how to deal with all this. As soon as you come into view you see Liliput berating what appears to be one of those white clerics…
As ’Osu comes closer she eyeballs the Druid and smiles : ”Good to see you’re back…come in

Not able to do much – or at least so he thinks – Mordark flies overhead patrolling the area.

Yurr’Neshi : ??
Trellus : ??

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 33, HP (156/156)  d20+15=26 ;
Tuesday October 5th, 2021 8:32:26 PM

Trellus seems to have made progress ingratiating himself into the regulars at the Treetop Tavern, and he decides maybe its time to move on to trying to get some information.

He brings up the clerics of the White Goddess, and tries to work any resulting conversations toward where the Goddess came from, and/or where she might be found.

[Diplomacy 26]

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+20=35 ;
Tuesday October 5th, 2021 9:01:07 PM

Armand greets the sages, "We've been tangled up in jumping from one dimensional plane to another. Helping Eberyon, defeating another dragon, facing down a very nasty demon, waves of golems..." He shakes his head, "We've been gone far longer than any of us wished. Along the way we had some of our members get sidetracked with other goals and picked up a few new people. I'm not sure what you've heard. From what I can tell there's been rumors about us that traveled faster than our teleportation spell. We had a bit of a difficult run-in with a.....person, in Evenoak that tried to force a duel with Elyngeal that she did not want to participate in for she felt it a pointless affair. You know Elyngael, weapons are only used to kill not play poke, and the sword is certainly not her best weapon. Not knowing what this ....fellow was about, she offered to use a bow, which got blown completely out of proportion. The people there were.... less than savory and these white robed clerics a bit stand offish, not wanting to actually have to kill anyone Elyngael opted to walk away and we followed for we felt our first duty after being gone so long was to attend to the Tree of Parting and it's citizens."

Diplomacy 35 (d20+2)

"We returned here to find so much different it's been like a completely different place, and time again seems to be passing un-normally fast. What has been happening here?"

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Tuesday October 5th, 2021 9:46:14 PM

Elyngael speaks to Miles. "Well I'm not sure what 'they' have been saying. We've been gone to Eberyon's realm to help him with some trouble. Then when we tried to come back we got shunted into another strange place, someplace in the Sargrass, but not the Sargrass we'd been to before. We had to help some villagers there from a dragon that kept summoning things to try and destroy the village. We took care of the dragon and then we tried to return home again and got spun into this weird portal plane where time didn't seem to work right, and then we were on another plane where undead spirits seemed to be trapped. Not exactly sure what happened with all that it's very confusing. Then we finally got out of there and returned to this plane, somewhere in the Culverwood. I fought off a band of bandits while the others sent some giant demon packing. We headed to the nearest settlement to get our bearings and try to find the way here and some guy waded through everyone else in the party and tried to challenge me to a duel. HE was not clear on the rules of this duel and I did not feel like drawing weapons just to play fight. So I countered with using the bow, assuming he drop out or maybe offer an archery contest. Well the whole thing just blew up out of proportion. I decided I didn't want any of it, because a weapon is not something to play fight with. So we all left that place and managed to get our bearings to return to the Tree as it's always been our duty to protect those of the Tree and promote trade to help it flourish." She pauses, "I think that's the most I've spoken in a long time. We get here and we find things are way different from when we left. You've got problems with horse thieves, there seems to be a weird obsession with these new gold coins, and the white clerics we saw in the town where the dueler was are all over the place. I've been able to discover that this guy named Levin may be tied up in the coin exchange and may be able to do some shape shifting as well. I'm not sure about what you've heard, but you know us, we may have been gone for a year, but we helped save the Tree from the undead circus, the attack from the awakened apes, the whole red weed thing that threatened the entire Wold. What rumors would you believe over our own past deeds?"

Elyngael doesn't have any sort of diplomacy or persuade to roll, and she's not going to intimidate him no rolls or anything to aid.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Wednesday October 6th, 2021 6:49:09 AM

As others head out to check with their people, Neshi heads over to the nearest branch of the WLA to check in and see what information they might have about this White Lady and her peeps.

Questions to be asked"

Do they know of this White lady and where she is from?
When did she come to Power / Be?
Is there any major area in which she is most popular?
Is there any clear agenda associated with the group?
Do they know of this Levin and where he is from?

Also if needed, while he is there he tries to clear up any misunderstandings or conceptions there might be about theie group over this whole duel mishap.

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Wednesday October 6th, 2021 7:01:37 AM

'Osul is already smiling and once they are inside asks, "Was that real, or are some children trialing costumes for festives, Liliput?"

He needs to understand what has happened here in the last year or so, but is happy to let the conversation meander if Liliput is not pressed for time. But based on what he has already seen he expects there will be little time for such.

OOC: ...or was that "berating" as in trying to get them to follow orders. Hopefully he heard.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Wednesday October 6th, 2021 7:23:10 PM

Moridark continues his research, and his patrols. The mage doesn't know many people in the area, and it is his way of giving back.

DM Steven - This IS your beloved Culverwood and your beloved Tree! 
Wednesday October 6th, 2021 8:05:23 PM

Trellus’s efforts to fit in at the Tree Tops Inn are beginning to pay off when locals start talking to him. ”So you’re new with the Wardens hey… how did you fall that low?” someone asks
”Why’ya sayin that man!”, someone else adds, ”The Wardens have done so much good for the Tree. “
”Yeah but look what’s left of ‘m!” the first one chimes in again. ”Just saying… be careful when hanging out with them. Words says they’re cowards and obsessively violent.
Those speaking positively of the Wardens have their saying also. Soon both camps are fighting each other in some hot headed bar brawl which Trellus watches with amazement.

Armand has a meeting at the Sage’s Guild. He speaks of what the Wardens have encountered the past year and tries to explain what happened in Evenoak.
”The Tree did not change Armand… the people that live in did. As did you and the Wardens. It’s obvious you have grown strong while you were away and we can only imagine what having such power does to a man. Do you think you handle the power well? Do the Wardens handle the power well? ” There’s a bit of a pause for Armand to think the questions through.
”Those White Clerics need to be dealt with. As does that White Goddess.

At the Leafy Chapel ‘Osul is invited in by Liliput. She moves her hand across her chest in some sort of protective ritual. ‘Osul feels welcome here… a sensation he didn’t feel much since he and the Wardens came back.
”No ‘Osul that weren’t children… if only they had been… every day those Clerics in white show up and try to butter me up and slander the Wardens… they’re not welcome here. Not now. Not ever.
Yes a lot has changed since you were last here”
Liliput continues as she invites ‘Osul to sit on the cushions on the floor. There’s tea and biscuits.
”But from what I’ve heard you Wardens are no longer the same you were when we last spoke… where’s Owen? And Atlas? … oh well… the wheel just keeps on spinning.”. Liliput takes a sip from her tea and stares into her cup, she looks sad. ”Things have become difficult. I don’t know when it started exactly but several months ago these new coins showed up. Suddenly merchants from other places only accepted these new coins or double the amount of our normal coins… then out own shops too wanted this new currency… go visit the Three Tops Inn! Make sure to have some new coins or ale’s going to be expensive.

Ellyngael confronts Miles Raynor. He’s checking the stables. Ellyngael also explains where they have been the past year and what exactly happened at Evenoak. Miles stays relatively neutral to all she says. Then he adds : ”I don’t believe a word of what’s being said!... no I mean I don’t believe a word of what is being trashed around about the Wardens and you in particular. I’ve known you and the Wardens long enough to know what is true and what are lies. “

While the others question the townsfolk Yurr’Neshi hopes to find answers in the WLA
Do they know of this White lady and where she is from? No
When did she come to Power / Be? The WLA does not consider her to be a Power
Is there any major area in which she is most popular? It seems it is mainly a problem for the Culverwood. Here in Tree and Evenoak the white cult seems to have the most influence.
Is there any clear agenda associated with the group? No idea
Do they know of this Levin and where he is from? No

Moridark is a bit left out at the moment. If only he could track someone…

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Wednesday October 6th, 2021 9:08:27 PM

Armand contemplates. "Not sure what you mean by being powerful. I would not say we are powerful. If we were we wouldn't have a care about anything. There's been plenty of times I've felt powerless and unable to figure out what to do or how to do it, still do in fact. I admit I'm in a far different place than when I was a lad working at trash collecting with my dad in the Emerald Kingdom. But in my mind being powerful is someone like Gargul, or Eberyon. And we just aren't in that category."

He offers, "I think this White Goddess and her clerics may pose a serious threat. However, from what I've been able to observe, they haven't done anything illegal. We can't just go thumping them because we have a feeling and we don't like them. So unless the council of the Tree asks us to specifically do something I feel our hands are tied."

He goes over to one of the tables. "Now perhaps you can help me in finding out some information on this White Goddess." Armand is a 16th level sage, intend to use "Research. With one day of research, a sage can answer one DC 30 Knowledge Check using a Branch Library (see below). A sage can only research one question per day."

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Wednesday October 6th, 2021 9:34:49 PM

Elyngael is relieved to hear Miles' words, so at least one person in the Tree still believes in them. "How do the white robed clerics get past your security to be passing out all those coins and all the other things they do? Have you had any threats or warnings from the White Goddess about demands or such?"

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Thursday October 7th, 2021 7:04:06 AM

Neshi a bit perplexed at the lack of information available from the WLA, he wonders perhaps if it is a very localized and targeted attempt at taking over the areas surrounding the tree and the tree itself. On his way back he stops by tree's sapling they planted to check on it and to do a bit of communing with nature.

While in solitude with the Sapling, Neshi can't but wonder what Ebyron thinks about these white clerics and this "white Lady" and wishes he could manage to chat with him, but knows that Ebyron does thing in his own way and in his own time.

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Thursday October 7th, 2021 8:10:24 AM

"I still sometimes catch myself wondering where Mack is. Most of them actually, at some time over the years."
At some point in the conversation he looks to/for/at the painting they collected on the way back from the Red Hills and asks, "Has The Tree woken any while we were away?". He looks to Liliput, and states in muted frustration, "I need an awakening...". He looks at the painting again, and gets the germ of an idea.
"What do you need, for the people and yourself? I plan to come back, and it shouldn't be anything like a year." After an answer, he excuses himself and meets up with the available wardens.

Back with the party in the relative privacy of their offices, 'Osul listens, then catches them up on his meeting and conversation with Liliput, reminds them of the layout of the camp.

"I feel like a constitutional through The Wood in search of the Moot clearing that Deeproot left to come here. Any takers?"

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 33, HP (156/156) 
Thursday October 7th, 2021 3:11:01 PM

Trellus watches as his question results in a bar brawl with some bemusement.
"Twisted," he remarks to himself.

When things die down, he checks on the various combatants, throwing cure spells if needed to fix serious injuries. This he does for the brawlers on either side.

While he does so, he will point out that being both cowardly AND excessively violent is nearly impossible, and he's seen nothing from the Wardens to warrant either label.

"And really, where is the Word coming from? Voices in the dark making accusations,while the Wardens are standing right there in the open doing what they can to help folks."

All in all, it seems time for another round on the Trellus. So, he does.

DM Steven - "Twisted" 
Thursday October 7th, 2021 7:01:52 PM

The counsel at the Sage's Guild nods in agreement to Armand's answers on how he and the Wardens have control over their strength and weaknesses. They also seem to agree on his assessment of the so called White Goddess and her Clerics. "We have not been able to catch them in any illegal acts... they seem to have persuaded merchants and people of Tree and beyond to crave this new currency. But we do fear they must be stopped... people are trading in their gold for these new coins and while they claim to be worth double we see no value what makes them worth double... What then if all normal gold has been exchanged for these new coins?!? Will the Wold outside the Culverwood accept these new coins to be worth double the normal value of Gold then?! We are worried Sir... yet we are equally clueless on how to proceed for now."

A sense of relief comes over Elyngael as it seems Miles Raynor believes in her and the Wardens. She questions Miles on the coming and going of the white clerics...
"So far they have not done anything illegal!" Miles says somewhat frustrated "People are trading in their gold for these new coins but strictly speaking they have done nothing wrong... We see gold transport leave but never return... Tree is bleeding dry and I don't know how to end this madness... "

Perplexed by the lack of information Yurr'Neshi plans on communing with nature but he knows Ebyron will only do things in his own way and in his own time.

In the Leafy Chapel 'Osul stares at the painting depicting Deeproots departure from the Moot that was given to the Wardens by Peevish the Leprechaun. Gazing at the painting he aks Liliput if anything has stirred during their absense...
"sigh... " Liliput starts as she as well stares into the painting "If only... if only dear 'Osul... there are times I fear that this is all but a fable but then I quickly regain faith. If nothing has stirred so far than there has been no reason for it yet.

What the people need?"
, she replies as 'Osul questions Liliput on what she or the people of Tree might need, "We need to uncover what is behind these White Clerics to make sure we stop this gold drainage of Tree... and the surrounding towns"

Liliput smiles when 'Osul excuses himself to meet with his friends. He returns to the Warden's villa.

Trellus wasn't expecting this barbrawl as the outcome of his questions. Twisted he remarks to himself. Apart from a black eye, some torn clothes and a split lip nothing too serious results from the brawl. Both supporters as opponents don't believe their eyes when Trellus begins healing both sides.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Thursday October 7th, 2021 7:53:14 PM

Moridark hits himself on the head, and shakes his head. The mage goes to find the Wardens, "I am a dunce, I have been so intent on looking in books for answers that Iforgot I an cast locate creature, and attempt to find this White Goddess. I can cast the spell up to six times a day. I think it may be worth a shot to point us in the right direction. The distance is only 1,040 feet around me but I can cast it, and move. It would last about 2.5 hours at a time. On my steed that would be quite a bit of distance."

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Thursday October 7th, 2021 8:26:01 PM

Armand says to the sages, "Well I'm sorry that the branch library has led us nowhere concerning the White Goddess. DO you have one of their gold coins?" Armand wants to see what is imprinted on the coin. Maybe get an idea of how well it was coined. Then he takes out a gold coin and bites down hard on it. He spends some studying the coin and his teeth impressions. Then he hands the coins to the head sage. "Next time one of those gold exchanges comes along make sure to exchange this coin. I've got a good image in my head of it and if our researches can't find it then maybe I can track the coin once it is exchanged."

He returns to the Head Quarters and listens to 'Osul and Moridark.Then he slaps his head. "Warden's I'm an idiot. I think I've had an epiphany. These clerics are exchanging two gold coins for one of theirs. In essence they are doubling their money every time. So where are they taking these coins? And if you recall that glowy green thing that imprisoned the demon at the portal gateway was made by dragon magic. And we overheard that there was a gold mine around Evenoak that was having production trouble. So what do we know that hordes gold and has powerful magic? I put it to you, the White Goddess is actually a Dragon. It makes sense she healed Vurm and where would a dragon go for healing, but another dragon, perhaps even his mother. We know he was a cross breed. So if mom is a "White" dragon then it stands to reason she is also this White Goddess."

He turns to Moridark, "When I was scrying Vurm if you recall whatever healed him was able to block all my scrying. So I'm not sure you're spell will do much good in finding her."

"Wardens, I propose we return to the vicinity of Evenoak and do some sleuthing."

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Thursday October 7th, 2021 10:05:51 PM

Elyngael agrees with Armand. "I think Armand is on to something it may be another dragon. We need to get a map and make sure Evenoak is on it, so we can see how far away it is. I'm not sure if we should travel there the long way or use teleport. If we at least head north to the Culverwood we'd run into those ruffians 'Osul found earlier. Maybe they will initiate something."

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Thursday October 7th, 2021 11:30:18 PM

Neshi comes back to the tree as the other wardens arrive and is struck by all the activity and sudden abundance of ideas.

I agree the scry may not work, however, if she believes herself to be safe, she might slip up.

I am up for getting to the bottom of this nonsense. I have been antsy for some time now. I think my brain might be stagnating,

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 33, HP (156/156)  d100=69 ;
Friday October 8th, 2021 2:54:56 PM

Trellus returns from his fruitless trip to find the others may have found the prime thread.
"Shady!" he exclaims excitedly.

The man thinks about it for a few moments.
"The White Goddess' base of operations is not located near Evenoak," he recalls. "Armand's Commune revealed that."

"Hmmm, I wonder what would happen if I just asked?"

The next day, Trellus prepares a Divination spell, and does just that.
"Where can we find the entity known as the White Goddess?"
[Success roll 69 - success]

DM Steven - "One and One is Three... 
Friday October 8th, 2021 8:03:49 PM

Moridark hits himself on the head realising he might have a way to locate this creature named the White Goddess... he hurries back to the Tree to find his fellow Wardens.

Armand is dissapointed his search of the branch library did not help to learn more about the White Goddess. He asks for one of the coins which they happily share. After having memorized some detailes about the coins so he can later identify the coines he returns to the Head Quarters of the Wardens and begins connecting the dots... Armand is on to something as he realizes they are basically doubling their gold with every exchange... Next he concludes the White Goddess is actually a White Dragon!?!
Ultimately after having explained his reasoning he suggests to return to Evenoak

"I think Armand is on to something... it may be another dragon., Elyngael concludes.

Yurr'Neshi is struck with all the activity and sudden abundance of ideas.

Trellus also leans towards a dragon but wonders then where she operates from if not Everoak. He'll be able to use a Divination spell to pinpoint hte White Goddess.
The next morning Trellus gives it a go...

"Where can we find the entity known as the White Goddess?" : Somewhere in the mountains in the Northern Scab, north of the Dragon Coast

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Sunday October 10th, 2021 4:51:38 PM

Armand will inform the Tree leaders that the Wardens intend to head out and try to find this mysterious White Goddess. He shakes his head regretting that he did not think ahead of time to get some feather tokens so they could keep in contact. However he promises that every three days they will try to scry the tree to see what's going on. If they are needed back he suggests, having James write a message on the table of the meeting room in their headquarters.

He then speaks to James (the Wardens butler/steward) and gives him 10,000 gp to make sure he stays fed and such while they are gone again.

To the Wardens "I say we start to head out normally, and go north toward the Culverwood, then if those unsavory gents along the way make any sort of move we see what's what."

If there are no other preparations to be made I guess we set off.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Sunday October 10th, 2021 4:52:53 PM

Elyngael shrugs. "I can't think of anything else to do." She makes ready to head out.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Sunday October 10th, 2021 8:00:49 PM

Moridark shrugs at Armand, "Ok fair enough. You guys have a lot more experience using magic in real setting versus the academy. I will follow your lead. I will be ready in the morning to go where ever you decide is best."

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Monday October 11th, 2021 7:24:46 AM

'Osul agrees. He is pretty much ready to go, but has no problem leaving after mediations at dawn. In The Tree or in The Wood - either location is equally preferable.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Monday October 11th, 2021 5:37:45 PM

Neshi thinks about what new preparations he can come up with for their next jaunt.

DM Steven - Adventurers never fear another quest 
Monday October 11th, 2021 6:04:10 PM

It looks like a plan slowly takes form. Armand informs the Tree leaders that the Wardens intend to head out to find this mysterious White Goddess. He'll make sure to keep them and James posted on their doings.

As Armand explains the journey to the Northern of the Scab, Elyngael is quick to accept the new quest. Moridark to accepts without hesitation. So do 'Osul and Yurr'Neshi and I'm sure Trellus will be in on this excursion also.

All agree to unravel the mystery of the White Goddess, to put an end to this money drainage of the Tree of Parting and the neighboring towns. All agree... but first the Wardens intend to have a good night rest in their villa.

The Wardens will leave at first light of dawn. Please remember your DM's how you travel. On foot? Riding? Flying? Any idea on what route you intend to take?

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Monday October 11th, 2021 6:27:30 PM

OOC, DM's mostly we walk, we tried mounts once but we kept getting whisked away to other locations and the mounts never came with us. Elyngael has her wolf, that she sometimes rides, I believe Moridark has some sort of phantom steed, 'Osul usually takes the shape of something flying.

Armand proposes that we walk north and walk across the shady people's path where they can plainly see us just to see what kind of reaction that provokes. Once we get into the tree line of the Culver wood maybe the magic teleports can teleport us to just outside the village of Evenoak. (I'm assuming that's along Dragon Bay somewhere, and from there we can walk towards where we think the White Goddess is.)

DM's as a reminder if it was not clear, Armand marked a non white goddess gold piece to be exchanged with her, intends to periodically cast discern location and locate object to try and get a bearing, I know the locate object spell is limited to 1040 feet right now, but it's the best plan I got.

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 33, HP (156/156) 
Monday October 11th, 2021 6:53:00 PM

"Uh, I don't remember any mountains around Evenoak. Where are these Scab Mountains, anyway?" Trellus asks.

Upon finding out the Scab Mountains are way, way over eastward, the man wonders if maybe a couple Wind Walk spells would make more sense.

"We can walk out to wherever you want, but since we don't know exactly where we're weaving, Wind Walk will allow more moving around than teleporting all over the place," he notes.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Monday October 11th, 2021 7:48:19 PM

Moridark takes the time to look at a few maps, and scribe some notes before heading to bed. The mage plans to cast locate creature in the morning, and focus on the white goddess as they travel.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Monday October 11th, 2021 7:54:27 PM

Elyngeal will look for maps that can be purchased of the proposed area's and also see about buying a spyglass.

She normally doesn't ride Brawn though there is a saddle he wears most of the time. She has Brawn usually stay around the others as a another form of protection for them and she will be 40-50 feet ahead scouting.

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Tuesday October 12th, 2021 5:54:59 PM

'Osul offers to learn Wind Walk. He takes a look at the maps. He lets Liliput know they are off to put an end to it.

"At some point we need to consider how we are bringing back indesputable proof."

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Tuesday October 12th, 2021 9:14:10 PM

Neshi looks around at the others. Windwalk is probably the safest and fastest route, unless we know where we are going and I have been there before or seen it ... then teleporting is a viable option.

DM RobC - "Where are these Scab Mountains, anyway?" 
Tuesday October 12th, 2021 10:33:37 PM

The party discuss various plans for reaching the northern parts of the Scab. Options include travelling across the land a little first, teleporting and the use of Wind Walks.

Knowl History or Arcana DC20: Highlight to display spoiler: {Teleportation to, from or within the Scab has always been a bit risky. The results are somewhat unpredictable and have seen unsuspecting travellers sent wildly off-course and even to other dimensions! Unless you are willing to take the gamble, a Wind Walk spell would likely be the safer option.}

Knowl Religion DC20: Highlight to display spoiler: {There is a blessing spoken by the dwarves before travelling in the Scab. "OH SACRED ONE, I HONOR YOU. BESTOW A BLESSING UPON ME FOR I AM FILLED WITH RESPECT". This plea is made to the immortal power Fhorge. He is worshipped, loved, and feared by all inhabitants of The Scab. It's not uncommon for offerings of respect to be left at different sites across the land that might be considered sacred}

Elyngael has no problems purchasing a spyglass.

Maps of the Scab are a little harder to come by. Travel there was completely forbidden not too long ago and the mapmakers still have some catching up to do. Elyngael and Moridark manage to find a high level map, though the finer details are missing.

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14  d20+15=27 ; d20+4=23 ;
Wednesday October 13th, 2021 6:46:46 AM

{Knowledge(Arcana):27, Knowledge(Religion):23}

'Osul shares what he recalls. {Please read the spoilers above}

With maps consulted and preparations made, offerings organised(?) and route decided upon, he gets six of them Windwalking, and headed east of nor'eastish.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,   d20+12=30 ;
Wednesday October 13th, 2021 4:29:58 PM

When he wakes Neshi, recalls information he had heard about the scab and teleporting, and then shakes his head as he makes his final preparations and then joins the others for their jaunt to the scab. When he gets down there he hears Osul sharing the information and just nods along .

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Wednesday October 13th, 2021 5:15:17 PM

(ooc: Just realized I hadn't takien a training V feat from the WLA. Should I become the one of the fastest Woldians by taking "RUN" 350/round or should I take "Diehard". I decide not to burden our DMs with taking leadership and having a 17th level cohort and 165 followers join us.....)

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Wednesday October 13th, 2021 5:45:31 PM

Armand will use one of his spell slots for a Windwalk spell. "Well I will cover one of the windwalk spells. I still say lets start out heading north by normal travel just to let everyone at the Tree know we are leaving. And then maybe teleport to the edge of where we teleported from Evenoak last time. We can spy around a bit and I think there's a gold mine supposed to be in that area, and you know how these white goddess clerics love the gold. If nothing comes of it we can then head to the Scab. Though without some leads, it's a big area, and I doubt there's any road signs saying White Goddess This way."

Upon hearing 'Osul's summary he nods. "Thank you for the information on that. We should be careful when dealing with powers."

PS DM's we have been to the Scab before. We had to help a surface Drow with some house politics. She then had her house become a trading partner with the Tree. It was never specified where in the Scab her enclave was located though. Volume 8, Along Came a Spider

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 33, HP (156/156) 
Wednesday October 13th, 2021 6:13:09 PM

Trellus still isn't quite sure where they are going.
But, they are going, and so he goes too.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Wednesday October 13th, 2021 6:53:56 PM

Elyngael agrees best to get on road and do something rather than sit around and be belittled. "I think with this spyglass we can be more discreet. Didn't some of those villagers at Evenoak say something about a Rider having more information?"

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

DM Steven - Windwalk it is then 
Wednesday October 13th, 2021 7:17:00 PM

The Wardens slowy come to a consensus. They will travel North using some windwalk spells and trying to pinpoint this so called Dragon as they go. You're best estimate thanks to Trellus's Divination is that they need to travel somewhere North of Dragon Bay.

'Osul shares some insights on the Scab and how to survive them. Yurr'Neshi prepares as good as possible.
Armand also prepares and makes sure to inform the Council and a few others of the Wardens new quest.
Trellus feels unsecure of their heading but none the less he goes along.

Then Elyngael tries to remember if someone in the village of Evenoak said something about a Rider having more information?!

Hmmm... an inspiring thought... worth the detour?!?

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended)  d20+32=40 ; d20+32=49 ;
Wednesday October 13th, 2021 7:53:47 PM

Moridark nods in agreement with 'Osul. The mage takes the time to memorize his spells, and casts an extended mage armor. The mage takes a few minutes, and reviews the maps they found. "Well i guess I am as ready as I can be. I know you said scrying did not work before but Ihave memorized locate creature twice just in case." The mage tucks Kradirom in his cloak in preparation for departure.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Thursday October 14th, 2021 5:19:13 PM

Armand nods to everyone, "Okay let's get going. I'd like to casually walk by those guys that you reported north of the Tree near the caravan trail, that appeared to be up to no good. Just to see what they do when we walk by and then continue into the Culverwood."

If everyone is ready Armand is ready to go.

DM Steven - Windwalk it is then 
Thursday October 14th, 2021 6:13:40 PM

insufficient posts - no DM post tonight

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 33, HP (156/156) 
Thursday October 14th, 2021 6:56:27 PM

Trellus reports he's ready to go, and gets in step with Armand.

"What kind of offerings do you think this Fhorge fellow finds shady?" he asks the group.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) 
Thursday October 14th, 2021 7:28:53 PM

Moridarknods at Armand's suggestion, and places his rod of silent in his hand just in case.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Thursday October 14th, 2021 7:53:01 PM

Elyngael is ready to go as well.

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Thursday October 14th, 2021 8:33:00 PM

Neshi moves out with the others.

You know, I wonder if it would help I could teleport us to Windhorne Hamlet whish is on Dragon bay. Though probably a bit south of where we need to go. But perhaps we could gather some additional information there.

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Friday October 15th, 2021 8:02:57 AM

"Once we are in The Wood and beyond sight, Windhorn Hamlet sounds like a good waypoint."

DM Steven - On the road again... 
Monday October 18th, 2021 3:03:18 AM

Each of the Wardens prepares for the journey north. The Scab are a dangerous place and not knowing where exactly you have to find this White Goddess makes it even more dangerous.

Moridark studies some maps and prepares spells that will help him located creatures.

Armand is eager to go and thinks it might be interesting to wal by those guys that were reported earlier North of the Tree near the caravan trail. You also remember this so called Levin that you never actually saw... if he even exists...

Ready to go, Trellys gets in step with Armand. So is Elyngael.
Moridark nods at Armand's suggestion to go check out these sightings...

Yunn'Neshi thinks of something else! Rather than travelling through the Scab, why not teleport to Windhorne Hamlet. That means you'll be still travelling North but it will enable you to stay on the outskirts of the Scab. 'Osul likes this idea! Once in the wood and beyond sight Windhorn Hamlet sounds like a good waypoint.

And so a new journey begins... the Wardens walk North following the caravan trail.

If you have specific marching order feel free to let us know.
Perception and survival checks please

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14  d20+50=64 ; d20+38=56 ; d20+48=55 ;
Monday October 18th, 2021 7:29:49 AM

As is traditional, before setting off 'Osul (at least internally) forecasts the weather, noting that he will likely need to do so again in Windhorne Hamlet. {Survival: 64}

Irregularly, 'Osul walks in his human form - unless it becomes clear that he is slowing the party down.
{Perception: 56, Survival: 55}
He chats until they are a mile or so out from the camp.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+8=27 ;
Monday October 18th, 2021 5:29:34 PM

Perception 27 (d20+8)

Armand is glad to be on the road again. "Don't forget we can do some windwalking as well. I have one spell of that memorized. That could help when we want to do some scoping out of the land." He tries to keep his eyes open but figures Elyngael is usually on point so he lags to the rear and keeps an eye for anything following or taking an unusual interest in their passing.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+24=31 ; d20+29=39 ; d20+4=17 ; d20+4=6 ;
Monday October 18th, 2021 6:14:05 PM

Elyngael will take point and be about 20 feet in front of the group. She will have Brawn stay toward the back.
Elyngael Perception d20+24=31, Survival d20+29=39
Brawn Perception d20+4=17 (scent), Survival d20+4=6

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 33, HP (156/156)  d20+13=29 ; d20+16=24 ;
Monday October 18th, 2021 6:56:13 PM

Perception: 29
Survival: 24

Trellus walks in step with Armand. The cleric is a kindred spirit, and so the man sticks close.
He is full of questions - what are the names of the trees, does it rain often, and again, what offerings would make sense once they got to the Scab.

"Oh, I can weave the Wind Walk spell. Just not today. Once we get where we going, I can help with that."

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) 
Monday October 18th, 2021 7:23:14 PM

Moridark falls instep behind Armand, and Trellus. The mage is not for one and lifts his eyes toward the sky as though he were looking for his usual steed. The mage looks around but doesn't spot much.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,   d20+16=26 ; d20+16=19 ; d20+16=36 ;
Monday October 18th, 2021 8:51:16 PM

Neshi, in the middle of the pack so he can easily aid either end, walks off to the left side and keeps an eye open for anything out of the ordinary.

Perception rolls: 26, 19, 36

DM Steven - Muddy tracks... 
Tuesday October 19th, 2021 3:09:32 AM

The Wardens leave Tree. The weather is overcast - chances are it will bring some rain later today.
As you leave town you notice some watching you, a kid running by waving at you, a cat on a hunt for it must have spotted a mouse... business as usual.

Elyngael takes point. She keeps Brawn toward the back close to Armand. The Cleric reminds his friends of the Wind Walk spells he has prepared but for now he just tags along. Trellus has found a like minded person in Armand. For sure a Cleric of Domi and a Cleric of Gargul have much to talk about. Both will be able to use the Wind Walks when needed. From Tree you follow the caravan trail. Moridark closes the ranks but doesn't notice much.

Yurr´Neshi takes a tactical position towards the group and keeps an eye out for trouble.

´Osul is the first to notice quite fresh tracks of a cart that is being pulled. That's not very odd is it?! ... But after showing his findings to Elyngael, they decide it's the depth of the wheel tracks that is remarkable... as if this cart has been overloaded. There are some donkey hooves in front of the cart. 'Osul's eyes are so keen he even notices boot tracks. People have been helping to push the cart and occasionally their boots slipped.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+21=26 ;
Tuesday October 19th, 2021 5:27:49 PM

Armand will continue his conversation with Trellus, trying to catch him up on things in the Wold that may have happened while he was stuck in that limbo plane.
Knowledge History 26 (d20+21)

"That's interesting. Anyone have an opinion on the cart? I'd say for now that it may not concern us. Wouldn't want to be accused of robbery. Ha, remember that time Atlas accosted the fur trader on the caravan trail." he sighs thinking how much the party has changed since then.

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Tuesday October 19th, 2021 6:23:08 PM

"Yes Armand." he replies with a grin.

"Robbery, no. However, if they were hampered and delayed in their travels..."

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+29=39 ; d20+24=38 ;
Tuesday October 19th, 2021 6:27:40 PM

Is the cart going to the Tree or away from the Tree? What type of terrain are we in, does it allow opportunity for someone/thing to jump us from the side (tall grass, copse of trees, etc)?
Elyngael will examine the tracks closely. How long ago were the tracks made? Survival d20+29=39 She checks to see if Brawn can get a scent or not. Is this a 4 wheel cart or 2 wheel cart? What are the odds of a broken axle from being overloaded? She stays alert Perception d20+24=38

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 33, HP (156/156) 
Tuesday October 19th, 2021 6:35:37 PM

"You don't think it might be one of those gold laden carts we've been trying to locate?" Trellus offers.

He awaits the results of the various trackers in their tracking.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended)  d20+10=29 ;
Tuesday October 19th, 2021 7:47:55 PM

Moridark stays quiet as the others discuss the tracks. The mage stands still as he tries not to mess up the tracks. Moridark tires to take note of the depth of the tracks, average out the weight of a cart, and does some quick math (Int 29) to figure out how many pounds the cart is and the distance it might travel with donkeys.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Tuesday October 19th, 2021 8:45:56 PM

You know Trellus that was my first thought as well. an overladen heavy cart that needs to be pushed while being pulled by one or more donkeys..

DM Steven - Muddy tracks... 
Wednesday October 20th, 2021 7:31:01 AM

The tracks found get the Wardens talking among each other. Armand isn't too interested in them and does not want to get tangled up in something they have no business with... 'Osul agrees but wonders if perhaps these people would need some help?

Elyngael studies the tracks a bit closer. They are moving away from Tree and seem to continue on this Caravan trail for now it seems. The tracks are actually quite fresh... perhaps only a few hours but from the boot marks Elyngael gets the impression they are trying to make haste? The tracks are very easy to follow actually for the trail is quite muddy. The Weather is overcast and it must have rained during the previous night - there's more rain in those clouds.
It must be a two wheel transport but not knowing the exact cart it's difficult to estimate the odds of a broken axle. Even without Brawns nose it's easy to follow the tracks.

Trellus wonders if this could be one of the gold laden carts they've heard about before... which was the exact thought that Neshi had... a cart is usually pulled by 2 medium creatures. Here it seem to be 2 donkeys and it's even pushed by some more people. A cart normally holds 300lbs what is no problem to be pulled by a donkey... so could it be this wagon has been overloaded double or more? Hard to say. Moridark does not want to mes with the tracks so instead he tries to figure out how man,y pounds the cart holds and what distance they could travel with it... Now 300lbs would be roughly 6000 Gold... which isn't all that much for experienced adventurers such as yourself... maybe the cart is being tripple loaded even? Could it hold almost up to 20K so that it created these tracks? They can't go for miles like this!!

But like Armand said right when he saw the tracks... what does it concern the Wardens?

Survival 15 : Highlight to display spoiler: {In about a mile or so the tracks suddenly leave the main caravan trail and enter the forest.}
Survival 25 : Highlight to display spoiler: {The track you are following is not the only one leaving the caravan trail here. Some came from the opposite direction from where the Wardens come (the direction of Evenoak probably?)}
Survival 35 : Highlight to display spoiler: {A close look at the tracks, donkey marks and boot prints, reveals that there are carts coming and going from this area in the wood leaving back to where they probably came from... but these 'return' marks are a lot harder to spot simply because it seems the carts where a lot lighter when they left... }

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Wednesday October 20th, 2021 5:21:04 PM

"Hmm. Well if it is a gold laden cart, we'd still have to be extra careful. Wouldn't want those...." he's at a loss for the right word to describe those 'people', "...people to go spreading more rumors about us being highway men and such. However, as 'Osul pointed out, maybe then need a hand moving whatever it is they are moving. So I guess let's follow, maybe at a bit of jog, in order to catch up?"

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14  d20+39=44 ; d20+48=65 ; d20+7=27 ;
Wednesday October 20th, 2021 6:22:21 PM

Over the mile or so, 'Osul tries focussing on quantifying and uniquely identifying the boot and other prints in the mud - building up a story.

"That wasn't quite what I meant, but if they are loading up some other form of transportation..."
He looks around in earnest for signs of the new full vehicle, or other indications. {Toros Taur's Try, Perception: 44, Survival (Tracking): 65, Spellcraft: 27}

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 33, HP (156/156)  d20+16=22 ; d20+13=29 ;
Wednesday October 20th, 2021 6:45:40 PM

Survival: 22

"Well, if they are treadles, we're gonna catch up to them on this road," Trellus remarks.

But, in about a mile or so, he points to the road.
"They turned off here and went into the woods."

The cleric scans the woodline from the road, and waits for those more skilled to take a closer look, or decide to press on.
Either way, he's good.

[Perception looking at the woods: 29]

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) 
Wednesday October 20th, 2021 7:20:08 PM

Moridark looks around, "If we are not going to teleport I will be summoning my phantom steed. I am not built for walking." As the others begin walking Moridark takes the time to cast an extended phantom steed, and flies just above the others.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+29=47 ;
Wednesday October 20th, 2021 8:07:24 PM

Survival d20+29=47 Elyngael pauses and looks around a bit at the ground.
"They went off the trail here and entered the forest." forest as in the Culverwood? "Looks like another group coming toward the tree on this caravan route left the trail here as well and went into the woods. Actually looks like a lot of coming and going at this point, both with heavy carts and light carts. Might be some sort of way point or exchange point in the woods. Certainly doesn't seem normal. I say we check it out."

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Wednesday October 20th, 2021 8:21:43 PM

Neshi, listens and watches.

So, is there a way we can do this without being seen. or shall we just walk in and say hi, we saw your tracks and was curious about who was out her and what they are doing?

DM Steven - Muddy tracks... 
Thursday October 21st, 2021 5:06:05 AM

The tracks prove to be interesting enough for the Wardens to investigate some more. Rain has started to come down... you find your gear getting all wet quick... basically you'll all feel chilly and wet in no time with this somber weather.

Armand however is worried... already the Wardens seem to be given some bad publicity. You don't want this to escalate even further! But maybe 'Osul has a point in trying to catch up with whoever these people are. What if they need a hand?! It's not quite what 'Osul had in mind but close enough. 'Osul examines the tracks as they follow them. The Druid notices two different boot tracks... one on either side of the cart. Two sets of donkey hooves. He notices another pair of boots... a bit more left of the cart. These tracks show no signs that someone is trying to push a heavy cart... this one is simply walking along. Now a keen eye does notice these boot tracks show evidence of this person being rather overweight or carrying a heavy load...

Trellus is in for the chase. As soon as the tracks go into the forest (no specific forest... just trees, some bushes... nothing peculiar) he's eager to press on and catch up with the cart. Before leaving the caravan trail Elyngael does point out the other tracks she could identify.... there seem to be a lot of carts that come and go from this place... The ranger agrees with Trellus and readies to follow the tracks as they enter the forest. It seems there has been so much traffic that even the worst trackers in the Wold would not have a problem following tracks. Undergrowth has been pushed aside, small tree trunks cut down to free the path...

Only Yurr-Neshi considers a more stealthy chase... Moridark doens't like walking so he summons his phantom steed and flies just above the others.

Once you leave the caravan trail the tree canopy protects you somewhat from the rain. In a different setting rain falling on a tree canopy can be quite relaxing but here and now it's either a nuisance or an advantage... depending on how you intend to follow the transport.

(please everyone give me the following rolls so I can incorporate them in the story telling next round :
Stealth / perception / survival / other rolls you think might be helpful.

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14  d20+3=16 ; d20+48=49 ; d20+39=57 ; d20+7=24 ; d20+32=43 ;
Thursday October 21st, 2021 7:57:56 AM

OOC: I'm making skill check that we are a suffucent distance from both The Wood and

{Stealth: 16, Survival: 49, Pereception: 57, Spellcraft: 24}

'Osul nods in agreement with Elyngael.

He shares the tales of the bootprints and hoofprints.Is there any indication that either of the donkeys are injured? (Hoof, sole, frog, gate) {Heal: 43}

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+2=18 ; d20+6=8 ; d20+8=15 ; d20+10=28 ;
Thursday October 21st, 2021 6:24:43 PM

Armand nods at everything said. "Well I don't think I'm exactly going to be stealthy. So I'm willing to be blatantly obvious and draw attention allowing you more stealthy folk to get in quiet like."

Armand will whistle a tune while while he follows the path of the cart. He casts Detect Magic as he follows the rather obvious cart path.

Perform 18 (d20+2 = whistling a tune)
Survival 8 (d20+6 = to follow the path of the cart)
Perception 15 (d20+8 = keeping a watchful eye)
Spellcraft 28 (d20+10 = identifying any aura's from detect magic)

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 33, HP (156/156)  d20+13=15 ; d20+16=31 ;
Thursday October 21st, 2021 6:52:41 PM

"We're whistling now? Shady."

Trellus can't whistle, so he just sticks with Armand and tries to keep an eye on things.

Hopefully the sneaky dudes of the group will be able to take advantage.

[Perception 15, Survival 31]

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+25=36 ; d20+29=35 ; d20+24=34 ; d20+14=15 ;
Thursday October 21st, 2021 7:44:43 PM

Elyngael says "Brawn isn't much for stealth, so I'll have him stay with you two." She gives her commands to Brawn.

Elyngael will range off to the right and 60 foot forward of them. Woodland Stride: can move through natural undergrowth at normal speed, Swift Tracker - move at normal speed to and track no penalty, Camouflage: hide in favored terrain even when no concealment.
(Favored Terrain Forest +4 added in): Stealth d20+25=36 , Survival d20+29=35, Perception d20+24=34, knowledge Geography d20+14=15

Not calculated in but just in case, Favored enemy (human) +6 : bluff, knowledge, perception, sense motive, survival checks, attack and damage.

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended)  d20=17 ;
Thursday October 21st, 2021 7:51:36 PM

Seeing that Armand is not attempting to conceal his presence from anyone in the area Moridark doesn't either. the mage follows above Armand and Trellus as he keeps an eye from above (Perception DC 17)

DM Steven - "We're whistling now? Shady."  d20+27=41 ; d20+13=14 ;
Friday October 22nd, 2021 8:51:06 AM

'Osul agrees with Elyngael to go follow the tracks to see what they are all about. He adds his findings of the bootprints and hoofprints. There's no indication that any donkey is injured though - guessing from the weight they pull you do imagine they must be quite exhausted though.

Armand doesn't really care about stealth... why would you when you're carrying a glaive and a mitral breastplate. Instead he decides to whistle a tune... whistling in the rain... luckily he's not singing...

Trellus is quite surprised by this approach... he sticks with Armand and tries keeping an eye on things.
Well if the ones on the ground don't care about stealth why should Moridark?! He sits on his phantom steed and keeps an eye from above.

Now Elyngael is a different matter. She's in her favored terrain! She can walk these woods stealthy and quickly. So she moves about 60ft ahead of the noisy ones. Moridark too hovers over the main group so Elyngael can do some scouting carefully.

Elyngael quietly moves ahead of the group... the other ones are only 60ft behind them... she can almost hear them breath... rain continues to fall and rattle on the canopy above (unfavourable condition DC+2 ).

Elyngael Highlight to display spoiler: {After following the trail for about 500ft you hear something and it's not coming from behind you.

DC to hear 10 +2 condition +1/10ft vs Elyngael 34 means you can hear something about 220 ft in front of you. The trees are blocking your view to see what is actually there. You can hear people talking to each other, dragging stuff, scowling (to the animals most likely), ...

Armand whistling DC10 , +2 condition +1/10ft vs Counter perception check 41 means who ever is listening can detect the main group from 290ft out. You are is 220ft from them +60ft is 280ft...
While whoever is out there can't hear you, they do hear the rest of the Wardens approaching...

You hear someone with a deep impact making voice saying: "Someone's out there... on guard... "

You can hear another voice saying : "You sure? I don't hear anything... ". . Somehow this voice sounds familiar. You can't place it... but for some reason you don't put on a happy face hearing that voice...

"... you question me?! ..." says the first voice again. Now that voice sends shivers down your spine...

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,   d4=1 ; d20+2=10 ; d20+2=4 ; d20+2=20 ; d20+16=22 ; d20+16=24 ;
Friday October 22nd, 2021 4:28:05 PM

Neshi knowing that he moves faster than the rest of his friends (base speed 70) when left to their own motion keeps of to the left side of the group and moves into the woods. He is pretty sure that stealth and survival skills are out of the question (DC10/5) He uses his knowledge of nature and his perception (DC28/22) to try and make up for it and scouts to the left flank.

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Sunday October 24th, 2021 4:11:37 PM

'Osul moves 20' right and continues parallel, unhampered by the undergrowth and continues looking for signs.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+25=26 ; d20+29=48 ; d20+24=30 ;
Sunday October 24th, 2021 4:35:03 PM

Elyngael continues to move carefully forward, but now goes a little further to the right. She wishes there was some way to alert the others. They really need to work out a set of signals. She activates her ring of invisibility.

Not sure if you needed new rolls.
Woodland Stride: can move through natural undergrowth at normal speed, Swift Tracker - move at normal speed to and track no penalty, Camouflage: hide in favored terrain even when no concealment.

(Favored Terrain Forest +4 added in): Stealth d20+25=26 , Survival d20+29=48, Perception d20+24=30.

Not calculated in but just in case, Favored enemy (human) +6 : bluff, knowledge, perception, sense motive, survival checks, attack and damage.

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Sunday October 24th, 2021 4:38:45 PM

Armand's pucker is getting dry. He decides to stop whistling. He continues walking with detect magic going. "These guys don't appear to be too careful. Perhaps that means they are mere hapless cartiers." He winks to Trellus.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+8=14 ; d20+10=20 ;
Sunday October 24th, 2021 4:40:11 PM

Forgot my Perception 14 (d20+8 = keeping a watchful eye)
Spellcraft 20 (d20+10 = identifying any aura's from detect magic)

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 33, HP (156/156)  d20+13=22 ;
Sunday October 24th, 2021 7:25:31 PM

Trellus chuckles weakly at Armand's joke.

"Or they're just wondering what the three piggies are doing in the middle of the road in the rain," he answers.

"I don't believe I've ever been bait before. Can't say I like it."

[Perception 22]

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) 
Sunday October 24th, 2021 8:19:07 PM

Moridark continues flying over the group as the progresses forward. The mage controls his steed with his knees as he draws his rod of quicken.

DM RobC - "I don't believe I've ever been bait before. Can't say I like it."  d20+27=28 ; d20+20=24 ; d20+20=21 ; d20+19=35 ; d20+19=38 ; d20+21=26 ; d20+21=25 ;
Monday October 25th, 2021 3:14:24 AM

Armand and Trellus keep following on the path, making no attempt to disguise or hide themselves. Hopefully they will prove enough of a distraction - or 'bait' as Trellus says - and help the others maintain their stealth against whatever has them jumpy.

Moridark flies above pair. From his elevated position he doesn't see anything out of the ordinary yet, but he draws a quicken rod in anticipation of trouble.

Osul heads to the right to continue along in the undergrowth. Neshi takes the left.

Elyngael goes invisible. She edges closer to where she heard the noise, moving around to the right as she goes to change up her position. Based on where she last heard the voices she figures she's about 180ft away from them. She can't hear any voices now though. It's gone quiet. All she can hear is the sound of the rain falling around her.

Elyngael is about 60ft ahead of the party.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Monday October 25th, 2021 6:16:37 PM

Armand turns to Trellus. "Bait? Well I guess we are. But only if whatever is in front of us is up to no good. We can't be totally paranoid can we? Or should we? I mean this is certainly off the beaten path. The likely hood of this being an innocent fork in the road is pretty small. Tell you what, if you have obscuring mist ready I have silence ready." Armand will continue to walk forward.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+25=35 ; d20+29=46 ; d20+24=29 ;
Monday October 25th, 2021 6:18:47 PM

Elyngael will continue forward still invisible.

Woodland Stride: can move through natural undergrowth at normal speed, Swift Tracker - move at normal speed to and track no penalty, Camouflage: hide in favored terrain even when no concealment.

(Favored Terrain Forest +4 added in): Stealth d20+25=35 , Survival d20+29=46, Perception d20+24=29.

Not calculated in but just in case, Favored enemy (human) +6 : bluff, knowledge, perception, sense motive, survival checks, attack and damage.

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 33, HP (156/156) 
Monday October 25th, 2021 7:41:45 PM

Trellus shakes his head.
"Domi and I had a very long talk there in the void," he responds matter-of-factly.
"We decided my service would continue with the sword, and I've prepared mostly buffs, with some attacking spells woven in."

He grins.

"But, be assured I'll do something to attract attention."

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) 
Monday October 25th, 2021 7:47:28 PM

Moridark looks down at Armand and Trellus, "I have an obscuring mist available. I will cast it on your command. On us? or them?" The mage continues to ride forward his eyes darting around looking for trouble.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,   d20+16=30 ; d20+2=19 ; d20+2=10 ;
Monday October 25th, 2021 8:45:30 PM

quickly casting invisibility upon himself, Neshi moves up and right another 45 feet angling to flank anything that might be ahead. (Perception DC 30), (Stealth DC 19)

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14  d20+39=44 ;
Tuesday October 26th, 2021 3:02:26 AM

'Osul tries to follow (with his eyes only) invisible Neshi as he moves. {Perception: 44}

He also continues mooving up on the right, and gives serious consideration to his shape as he goes.

DM RobC - "We can't be totally paranoid can we? Or should we?"  d20+20=29 ; d20+20=30 ; d20+27=31 ; d20+21=37 ; d20+21=37 ; d20+19=35 ; d20+19=28 ;
Tuesday October 26th, 2021 3:29:38 AM

Armand and Moridark talk spells and tactics, with Trellus quite happy to let his sword do the talking.

Speaking in a strong voice Neshi casts an invisibility spell on himself and disappears from sight.

The main group is Armand and Trellus side-by-side with Brawn, Moridark flying above, Neshi taking the left flank and Osul taking the right. Elyngael is somewhere up ahead. By Osul's reckoning she's 60ft ahead of you. Noone else can see her though. The ranger is far too stealthy.

You don't see or hear anything out of the ordinary. Just an uneventful walk in the rain.

Elyngael ... Highlight to display spoiler: {

Elyngael keeps quietly moving forward. She can hear a voice from up ahead though can't understand what is being said.

After that... silence.

The ranger keeps moving forward until she can get a view of the trail ahead. Stopped in the middle of the path she can see five men (four humans and a dwarf) around a horse led cart. They are currently crouched low and looking down the trail towards where the party will be approaching. One has a bow drawn, another has a crossbow loaded and aimed, but the other three are unarmed. One of the unarmed men is quite tall and has white hair - vaguely matching the description of that 'Levin' man. He is focused in Elyngael's direction but the others have their attention on the direction of the rest of the party.

Elyngael now realizes why one of the voices sounded familiar. She can see now that the man with the bow drawn is Frampton.

This group are approx 100ft ahead of Elyngael and around 160ft ahead of the rest of the party. You're nicely concealed at the moment, but based on their speed you suspect the party will shortly be coming into view on the trail.

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 33, HP (156/156) 
Tuesday October 26th, 2021 6:13:06 PM

Trellus keeps walking along, looking up occasionally.

"I don't think I'll ever get over the idea of falling water," he confides.
"Does it rain a lot here?"

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+25=30 ; d20+29=36 ; d20+24=40 ;
Tuesday October 26th, 2021 7:52:15 PM

Elyngael doesn't like what she sees. She will stealth back to the party and warn them quietly, "Hey guys, there's a bunch up ahead, that sot Frampton that tried to duel me is readying an arrow, and there's another with a crossbow. There's 3 others not armed, not sure if they are casters or bystanders. But one of them matches the Levin the guy passing gold out at the Tree. And that Levin guy seemed to be looking right at me while I'm invisible. They are a bit over 100 feet away."

Woodland Stride: can move through natural undergrowth at normal speed, Swift Tracker - move at normal speed to and track no penalty, Camouflage: hide in favored terrain even when no concealment.
(Favored Terrain Forest +4 added in): Stealth d20+25=30 , Survival d20+29=36, Perception d20+24=40.

Not calculated in but just in case, Favored enemy (human) +6 : bluff, knowledge, perception, sense motive, survival checks, attack and damage.

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Tuesday October 26th, 2021 7:57:05 PM

Armand tries to hide his surprise at Elyngael's voice coming from the shrubbery. "Well that's interesting." He makes sure his metamagic rod of quicken is still tucked in his belt. Then he casts Bless. "Better safe than sorry. Should we see what they are about?"

Bless +1 to hit, and +1 vs fear. 16 minutes.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) 
Tuesday October 26th, 2021 8:09:24 PM

Moridark nods after hearing Elyngael's voice from below. "Well I guess we should see if they need any help. Sounds like the poor folks are a bit nervous being out here in the woods." The mage rotates the rods he is carrying and prepares to move forward with the group.

DM RobC - "Well that's interesting"  d20+20=27 ; d20+20=34 ; d20+27=38 ;
Wednesday October 27th, 2021 3:22:25 AM

Elyngael backs away from the men on the road and stealthily makes her way back to the group to report back on her findings.

Armand and Moridark prepare to move out, with Armand casting a spell in anticipation of trouble.

The rest watch on with interest.

What to do now?

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Wednesday October 27th, 2021 4:25:53 AM

OOC: I didn't see a response to the Question asked in Elyngael's post on the 20th. Please confirm if we are again insides the borders of The Culverwood -- the Immortal Power that is the wellspring of 'Osul's gifts.

He speaks quietly in Sphinx, "I think I need to see this from a different perspective. A part of me wants to set the donkeys loose, and then sink the cart where it stands."

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Wednesday October 27th, 2021 6:17:30 PM

I'm assuming we're not in rounds, because I just took 4
Quietly Armand says "Okay, flankers out, let's try not to make a central target." Armand then casts Shield of Faith on himself.

He then activates Divine Presence (8th) 30ft aura grants allies Sanctuary spell DC = 10 + 1/2 level(8) + wisdom mod(6) so total Will DC 24 to attack us and then Touch of Glory (6/d) grant touched creature cleric level bonus on charisma based skill check on himself as he moves forward "Hello, we're here to help. Are you lost or injured? Do you need a hot meal?"

Bless +1 to hit, +1 vs fear (all)
Shield of Faith (+4 to AC)

Trellus - MikeK - (SR25, AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, HP (156/156) 
Wednesday October 27th, 2021 6:39:26 PM

Trellus also casts Shield of Faith, followed by Spell Resistance.

He moves forward with Armand, while ranging a bit to the left so that there's 10' space between the two.


In Effect
Shield of Faith - 13 minutes. +4 Deflection bonus to AC.
Spell Resistance - 13 minutes. SR 25

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) 
Wednesday October 27th, 2021 7:40:22 PM

Moridak nudges his mount forward and flies about 20 feet apove Armand and Trellus creating a bit of a triangle. The mage keeps a smile on his face but is prepared for battle.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+25=38 ; d20+24=37 ;
Wednesday October 27th, 2021 8:03:51 PM

Elyngael moves stealthily 40 feet off to the side.

Woodland Stride: can move through natural undergrowth at normal speed, Swift Tracker - move at normal speed to and track no penalty, Camouflage: hide in favored terrain even when no concealment.
(Favored Terrain Forest +4 added in): Stealth d20+25=38 , Perception d20+24=37.

Not calculated in but just in case, Favored enemy (human) +6 : bluff, knowledge, perception, sense motive, survival checks, attack and damage.

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,   d20+3=11 ; d20+3=22 ; d20+16=24 ;
Wednesday October 27th, 2021 8:42:17 PM

Out wide and in front of the others Neshi is still moving forward trying to find the people/cart they are tracing and trying to flank them and not be heard while he is invisible.

Survival DC 11
Stealth DC 22
Perception DC 24

DM RobC - "Well that's interesting"  d20+16=26 ; d20+16=32 ; d20+20=27 ; d20+20=35 ; d20+27=42 ; d20+14=19 ; d20+14=23 ; d20+13=28 ; d20+13=24 ; d20+19=22 ; d20+19=35 ; d20+14=18 ; d20+9=26 ; d20+19=22 ; d20+19=36 ; d20+14=33 ; d20+9=13 ; d8+10=18 ; d8+10=14 ; d8+10=17 ; d8+10=11 ; d8+10=11 ;
Thursday October 28th, 2021 1:58:43 AM

Armand and Trellus take some time to cast a few spells in anticipation of a fight. Hopefully your potential opponents aren't doing the same!

Neshi, Osul and Elyngael take the flanks. Osul knows that they are certainly within the borders of the Culverwood, but far from the 'deep' Culverwood where things get dangerous and chaotic.

The group moves forward.

Armand calls out a greeting but only gets as fast as "Hel.."

The man with the white hair loudly calls out. "ATTACKERS!" he moves to sit atop the cart, facing the direction of the party. He is unarmed and makes no attempt to cast a spell of any kind. For now he simply sits there and waits to see what will happen. "And watch out for the invisible ones. There's one over there" he points in Neshi's direction "And there" he points in Elyngael's direction.

The two archers that had been hiding in the bushes stand and open fire at the visible opponents.

Archer 6 fires a volley of arrows at Armand. The Sanctuary spell doesn't appear to have had any effect on him. Only one manages to pierce through the Shield of Faith (Hit AC35. Armand takes 18pts damage!)

The other archer is also able to ignore the effect of the Sanctuary spell. Archer 7 fires a volley of five arrows at Moridark. He gets hit by several of them. (Hit AC22 (Manyshot), 36, and AC33. Moridark takes 14 + 17 + 11+ 11pts damage!)

Elyngael Highlight to display spoiler: {...
Elyngael can't see the three unarmed men, but she does spot Frampton sneaking through the bushes (R22 on the map). His bow is still drawn as he crouches and quietly moves. He seems unaware of Elyngael's exact position, but the white-haired guy said she was around here somewhere.

Map: Link to Map
Notes: The bushes are considered difficult terrain

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14  d20+39=54 ; d20+19=25 ; 6d6=21 ; 13d6=38 ;
Thursday October 28th, 2021 8:43:46 AM

Well, if he's just going to sit and watch...
Elyngael said "a bit over 100 feet away" and hopefully he heard the whitehaired man's shout, if not his clambering up the cart. {Perception: 54}.
'Osul (on the understanding that they've attacked us and the gloves are off) casts Sunburst {SR: 25, Reflex Save vs 32 to halve the 21 damage and not be permanently blinded. Undead (just in case) take the 21 and another 38 for 59 damage, if they aren't outright destroyed with a susceptibility to light}
He finally decides that what he really wants to be is a bat, and takes a 5' flit to a bush.

OOC: We had rain falling through the canopy of trees (and rain), so how tall are the bushes?

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 99/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet  15d6=58 ;
Thursday October 28th, 2021 2:27:43 PM

"Ouch. Well I guess that settles that." Armand grabs the metamagic quicken rod in the belt. He doesn't like the self confidence that the cart rider is showing. He casts Silence on the cart, thus no save or magic resistance applies. Then he casts Flame Strike on number 6 because he seems to have quite the wad of arrows.
Flame Strike reflex 21 for 1/2 damage. Damage 58 (15d6)

In effect
Bless +1 to hit, +1 vs fear (all)
Shield of Faith (+4 to AC)
Silence on the Cart

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+21=34 ; d8+12=18 ; d6=6 ; 2d6=9 ; d8+12=18 ; d6=6 ; 2d6=7 ; d20+21=33 ; d8+12=15 ; d6=5 ; 2d6=8 ; d20+16=20 ; d8+12=19 ; d6=1 ; 2d6=11 ; d20+11=13 ; d20+3=6 ;
Thursday October 28th, 2021 4:32:05 PM

Elyngael see's the archers and shoots at #7. Not sure what they are, favored enemy human is going to add +6 to attack and damage, favored enemy evil outsider is +4 not including in rolls using Rapid Shot, Improved Precise Shot (no cover), Many Shot, Deadly Aim (-3 to hit, +6 damage).

First shot d20+21=34, first arrow damage 1d8+12=18, electrical d6=6, if evil (holy) 2d6=9, second arrow damage 1d8+12=18, electrical d6=6, if evil (holy) 2d6=7
Second shot d20+21=33, damage 1d8+12=15, electrical d6=5, ifevil (holy) 2d6=8
Third shot d20+16=21, damage 1d8+12=19, electrical d6=1, if evil (holy) 2d6=11
Forth shot d20+11=13 (I'm going to assume if they are human if the +6 is not going to hit )
Fifth shot d20+3=6

Dang it forgot the +1 for bless.

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Brawn is still guarding his area.

Trellus - MikeK - (SR25, AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, HP (188/156) 
Thursday October 28th, 2021 7:34:32 PM

"Light," Trellus sighs.

He casts a spell, doubling his size.
And then strides forward while pulling out a very big sword.

"You still have time to quit and not die," he points out to the attackers.

Cast Righteous Might.
Move forward 30'

In Effect
Shield of Faith - 13 minutes. +4 Deflection bonus to AC.
Spell Resistance - 13 minutes. SR 25
Righteous Might - Rd 1 of 13. Large. +4 size bonus STR and CON. -2 Dex. +2 Nat armor. DR 5/evil. -1 AC due to size, +1 atk due to size.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended)  d20+20=21 ; d20+21=38 ; d6+4=9 ;
Thursday October 28th, 2021 7:52:48 PM

Moridark shakes his head, and places his rod of silene away. [/b]"Gods! That hurts!"[/b] The mage nudges his horse upwards (Ride DC 21) and draws a scroll of black tentacles from his haversack. The mage casts the tentacles on the cart attacking the man on the cart and attempting to grapple him, AC 38 9 damage.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,   15d6=53 ; 15d6=39 ;
Thursday October 28th, 2021 8:19:08 PM

Neshi moving as he speaks. " Well we never attacked you, so calling us attackers is a bit premature. However, NOW we will be defenders of your attack, and I feel No compunction to hold anything back.

Casts Cone of cold - Should catch 2,6 & 7 in it. Reflex DC 25, Damage 53 points 26 if save

AND then follows it up with a quickened Prismatic spray which should also catch 2, 6, & 7.
Reflex DC 27.

Eight multicolored rays of light flash out from Neshi's hand. Each ray is a different color and has a different power and purpose. Each creature in a 60-foot cone must make a Dexterity saving throw. For each target, roll a d8 to determine which color ray affects it.

1. Red. The target takes 10d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
2. Orange. The target takes 10d6 acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
3. Yellow. The target takes 10d6 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
4. Green. The target takes 10d6 poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
5. Blue. The target takes 10d6 cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
6. Indigo. On a failed save, the target is restrained. It must then make a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns. If it successfully saves three times, the spell ends. If it fails its save three times, it permanently turns to stone and is subjected to the petrified condition. The successes and failures don’t need to be consecutive; keep track of both until the target collects three of a kind.
7. Violet. On a failed save, the target is blinded. It must then make a Wisdom saving throw at the start of your next turn. A successful save ends the blindness. If it fails that save, the creature is transported to another plane of existence of the GM’s choosing and is no longer blinded. (Typically, a creature that is on a plane that isn’t its home plane is banished home, while other creatures are usually cast into the Astral or Ethereal planes.)
8. Special. The target is struck by two rays. Roll twice more, rerolling any 8.

DM RobC - "I feel No compunction to hold anything back."  d20+13=14 ; d20+13=17 ; d20+13=33 ; d20+12=24 ; d20+13=30 ; d20+13=15 ; d8=6 ; d20+12=29 ; d20+13=32 ; d20+13=15 ; d8=7 ; d20+18=30 ; d20+13=18 ; d100=13 ; d20+20=33 ; d20+14=15 ; d20+22=26 ; d20+22=33 ; d20+17=32 ; d20+12=28 ;
Friday October 29th, 2021 2:48:54 AM

Osul decides he isn't going to mess around. He casts a very powerful Sunburst spell and covers a ridiculous area with it. He hears screams coming from the bushes and realizes that those that were hiding in them were unlucky enough to be within range.

Armand is wary of the guy in the cart. Who turns up to a fight unarmed and doesn't attack? That's suspicious. He casts a silence spell on the cart and then follows up with a Flame Strike on one of the archers giving him a good frying.

Elyngael decides to put one of the archers out of his misery. It takes all three shots but she puts him down.

Trellus steps up and gives his attackers a chance to surrender.

Neshi doesn't. He casts a Cone of Cold and follows up with a Prismatic spray. The archer dodges all of the Cone of Cold but gets hit bit a Violet ray which has no effect on the already blinded guy.

Moridark casts a spectral hand spell to cover the area around the cart in the hope of trapping the mysterious white-haired guy.

White haired guy - the unarmed one who made no action to attack or harm the party - has now been attacked by a Silence Spell, Sunburst, Cone of Cold, Black Tentacles, and Prismatic Spray. Despite all of this he hasn't been hurt at all! The Sunburst had no effect on him, he dodged some of the cone of cold but what hit him didn't do anything, he was hit by the indigo prismatic ray but it had no effect, and he was able to walk out of the area of the black tentacles!

White-hair calmly walks off the cart and outside the radius of the Silence and Tentacles spells. Once outside the area he turns to look back at the party and dusts off his hands. His eyes change to glowing bright white with narrow, black oval shaped irises. "Good thing I wasn't a random innocent person. I'm sure your gods would have been truly pleased at the 'attack the unarmed man' bit!" he scoffs. His voice is loud, deep and reverberates more than a human's voice should. "No matter. This has been quite illuminating. Do with these ones as you wish." he says with a dismissive gesture towards the other attackers. "We will wait for you... Wardens"

Ok, maybe attacking him was a good idea.

White-haired guy casts a spell and promptly disappears from view.
Spellcraft DC20: Highlight to display spoiler: {Teleport}

The remaining enemy act...

Frampton has been blinded but based on sound he still has a good idea where Elyngael is standing. He fires two arrows in her direction. One isn't even close and the other flies harmlessly over Elyngael's shoulder.

Crossbow guy casts a spell and then holds it as he moves through the bushes to one of the unarmed guys. Once there he releases the spell.
Spellcraft DC21: Highlight to display spoiler: {Heal}

The unarmed guy who had been hiding on the south side 'blips' across the area to appear behind Neshi!
Spellcraft DC21: Highlight to display spoiler: {You didn't see him cast a spell however the effect looks very much like a Dimension Door spell}

The unarmed guy on the north pushes through the undergrowth to get adjacent to Neshi. He attacks and trips the taur (CMB: 33. Neshi is tripped/prone!). He tries to drop a knee in but misses.

The area around Neshi is very quiet. It is apparent that both unarmed men have silence spells centered on them.

The lone ranger (hehe) may be blind but he's not going to let something like that stop him. He unloads a collection of arrows towards where he believes Trellus to be. Three arrows miss Trellus by a long way. The fourth one harmlessly deflects off his armor, leaving the tiniest of scratches on the surface of the metal. Nothing a good buff and polish won't fix.

A great round for our heroes!

Map: Link to Map
Notes: The bushes are considered difficult terrain. They are between knee and waist level. Hadn't considered how high the treetop canopy is so happy to go with whatever fits in your plans.

#1: Frampton: 21dmg (Blind). AC15 now.
#4: Silence spell.
#5: Silence spell.
#6: 79dmg (Blind). AC21 now.

#2: White-haired guy. Teleported away.
#7: Dead (and Blind)

(Bat Familar) Diminuitive Beast-'Osul (Graham) AC:21 (T:20, FF:17), CMD:27, ST:(F14/R13/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:14, S. Burst:14  d20+7=20 ; d20+7=10 ; d20+7=16 ; d20+19=24 ; d20+19=24 ; 3d10=15 ; 3d10=20 ; d20+39=42 ;
Friday October 29th, 2021 9:16:02 AM

{Spellcraft: 20!, 10, 16}

Teleport - sure.

'Osul hopes the white-haired being paid these people well, and let them know in advance that he had no interest in looking after them in return.

He calls lightning bolts (Lightning Lord) down on the silence twins (4 & 5) {SR: 24 & 24, damage 15 & 20, Reflex save vs 27 for half damage}, before keeping a a close eye on Frampton. {Perception: 42}

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,   15d6=39 ; 15d6=41 ; 15d6=49 ; d20+17=27 ;
Friday October 29th, 2021 11:15:50 AM

(OOC: No Attacks of opportunity???)

Neshi decides to release an Elemental Blast (spell like ability**) Casting Defensively DC 27, Concentration check 27 and just manages to pull it off, engulfing his opponents and the surrounding 20' radius area in flames. Being a quadruped, Neshi then springs up and forward 5 feet to M/N 11.

Damage 39 points Reflex save DC 26 for 20 points. (will there be a save as they believe they have silenced the sorcerer?)

**A spell-like ability has no verbal, somatic, or material component, nor does it require a focus or have an XP cost. The user activates it mentally.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 99/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+10=15 ; 10d6=37 ;
Friday October 29th, 2021 3:24:59 PM

Spellcraft 15 (d20+10)

"Let's try and take some alive. I don't have Speak with Dead granted me today and I really want some questions answered." Armand walks forward 30 feet and casts Destruction on number 5.

Destruction: target takes 160 points damage or Fortitude save 23 and he takes 37 damage (10d6).

Trellus - MikeK - (SR25, AC38 T20 F32, CMD 39, HP (188/156) 
Saturday October 30th, 2021 11:38:04 AM

"That guy might be your best pick," Trellus answers Armand, while pointing the tip of his sword at #6.

"Hey blind guy on the road. Drop that bow and you might survive this," he calls.

Meanwhile, the large sized human makes for Frampton.
He tromps into the brush, holding his shield up defensively.

Fighting Defensively for +2 dodge to AC.
Move 60' toward Frampton (I updated on map)

In Effect
Shield of Faith - 13 minutes. +4 Deflection bonus to AC.
Spell Resistance - 13 minutes. SR 25
Righteous Might - Rd 2 of 13. Large. +4 size bonus STR and CON. -2 Dex. +2 Nat armor. DR 5/evil. -1 AC due to size, +1 atk due to size.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended)  d20+29=36 ; d20+29=31 ; d20+29=47 ;
Sunday October 31st, 2021 7:34:38 PM

Moridark makes all 3 three spell craft checks (36, 31, 47) as he surveys the battlefield. Hearing Armand call out the mage casts web centered on Frampton. The mage swiftly twists one of the pearls on his wrist (Peal of Power 2nd Level), and casts a quickened web on #3. DC 22 Refelx to not be grappled. "Armand, I have webbed a few in place Ihope for your questions!"

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+27=37 ;
Sunday October 31st, 2021 9:19:57 PM

Elyngael will draw her sun blade as she closes up on Favored Terrain Forest, Woodland Stride Frampton and then do a disarm on his bow.
CMB d20+27=37
+6 for favored enemy and +1 for bless I added to my CMB, if it doesn't apply you'll have to -7 from the roll..

She then calls to Brawn to help.

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

DM RobC - "Hey blind guy on the road"  d20+11=26 ; d20+11=24 ; d20+11=22 ; d20+11=14 ; d20+10=15 ; d20+12=20 ; d20+5=23 ; d20+10=26 ; d20+19=38 ; d20+15=29 ; d20+15=20 ; d20+15=25 ; d20+10=14 ; d20+10=14 ; d20+5=24 ; 2d6+3=7 ; 7d6=20 ;
Monday November 1st, 2021 1:12:33 AM

Osul calls down some lightning on the two men flanking Neshi. They didn't even see it coming and take the full brunt of the bolts.

To add to it, Neshi then sets fire to the surrounding area, burning the two even more! (Highlight to display spoiler: {Correct. Neshi should have been able to make an AoO last round. The opponent was going to use acrobatics to avoid it but I forgot to roll/explain it. To keep things fair, neither of these two will get an AoO on Neshi for standing up. Also, can you link your sheet in your header please?})

Then to finish things off, Armand absolutely destroys one of them.

Trellus gives the blind archer a chance to surrender. Now, the archer can't see what has been happening, but in the past few seconds he has heard "*bzzzt* 'Arragh!' *bzzzt* *whoosh* 'It burns, it burns!' *sizzle* 'Urrgh!'". That's enough for him to drop his bow and raise his hands in the air.

Moridark casts some web spells to tangle up Frampton and the caster. He makes sure to position the one on Frampton so that he doesn't catch the rest of the party in the webs. Frampton gets well and truly stuck, but the caster is unaffected.

Elyngael has no problems stepping up to Frampton and relieving him of his bow.

The unarmed guy next to Neshi sweeps the legs and drops Neshi prone once more. There is a flurry of kicks and punches but only one lands (CMB: 38. Neshi is prone and has -4AC! Hit AC29. Neshi takes 7pts damage)

The caster to the north rips a bead from his necklace and throws it towards Armand. It doesn't make it all the way, but makes it far enough to still catch him in the blast. (Armand, Brawn, and Trellus to make a ref save vs DC14. Fail=20pts fire damage. Pass=10pts fire damage).

Frampton isn't going down without a fight. Though blind, he still manages to twist free of the web and steps aside. "Hardly a fair fight" he grumbles as he draws a dagger.

Map: Link to Map
Notes: The bushes are considered difficult terrain. They are between knee and waist level. Hadn't considered how high the treetop canopy is so happy to go with whatever fits in your plans.

#1: Frampton: 21dmg (Blind). AC15 now.
#4: 54dmg. Silence spell.

#2: White-haired guy. Teleported away.
#5: Destroyed
#6: Surrendered. 79dmg (Blind).
#7: Dead (and Blind)

[link]https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZjMHUslZAE1Dmu5emM-L_lpE3hoebSQ-YRTVApOsJDc/edit ] (Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,   d20+11=21 ; d20+6=10 ; d4+3=4 ; d6=6 ; d6=2 ; d20+7=14 ;
Monday November 1st, 2021 4:15:27 PM

(OOC: He is talented sweeping four Taurine legs)

As his opponent comes in to trip Neshi, he lashes out with his two fore paws (AOO) AC 21 & 10 and if he connects with the first his opponent takes 4 points of claw damage, 6 points of fire damage and 2 points of frost damage.

Using his legs and his acrobatic knowledge, Neshi springs upward into a ten foot acrobatic long jump (dc 10 +2 partial obstructed terrain total DC12 and lands, ready to attack his foe with a web spell hoping to immobilize him and place a barrier between them.. Reflex DC 20 to avoid.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 89/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+10=29 ; 15d6=58 ;
Monday November 1st, 2021 6:09:13 PM

Reflex save 29 (d20+10)

Armand is mildly singed. He looks to the spellcaster to the north. "You really want to do keep this up?" He draws down a Flame Strike on the caster.
Flame Strike, Reflex sv 21, for 1/2 damage damage is 58 (15d6)

In effect
Bless +1 to hit, +1 vs fear (all)
Shield of Faith (+4 to AC) (self)
Silence on the Cart

Trellus - MikeK - (SR25, AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, HP (188/156)  d20+27=30 ; 2d8+13=22 ; 2d8=11 ; d20+14=27
Monday November 1st, 2021 6:19:32 PM

Ref: 27.
DR 5.
Also, Trellus has Spell Resistance 25. If caster overcame it, Trellus will lose 5 hp.

"You're still fighting?" Trellus marvels at Frampton.
"Truly twisted."

The man tromps in behind Elyngael, and reaches over her to skewer the man.

Move to behind Elyngael
Swift action to activate domain's weapon master, taking Vital Strike feat.

Vital Strike attack on Frampton
hits ac 30 for 33 hp damage.

In Effect
Shield of Faith - 13 minutes. +4 Deflection bonus to AC.
Spell Resistance - 13 minutes. SR 25
Righteous Might - Rd 2 of 13. Large. +4 size bonus STR and CON. -2 Dex. +2 Nat armor. DR 5/evil. -1 AC due to size, +1 atk due to size.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+27=47 ; d20+14=32 ;
Monday November 1st, 2021 8:10:26 PM

Elyngael says "Gee overwhelmed by unfamiliar actions, now you know how it feels. And combat for one's life is not a fair game." She disarms Frampton again. CMB d20+27=47

Brawn's Reflex save d20+14=32, evasion, no damage.

"Brawn fetch that spellcaster." Brawn will move through the brush toward the mage.

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) 
Monday November 1st, 2021 8:59:16 PM

Moridark is definitely impressed at the spellcaster ability to dhrug off all of his spells thus far. The mage flies towards teh spellcaster to keep him in sight as he begins casting Summon Monster V..

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 89/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+18=37 ;
Monday November 1st, 2021 10:10:48 PM

Spell resistance check on the firestorm. 37 (d20+18)

posting for Osul  d20+19=37 ; 3d10=18 ;
Monday November 1st, 2021 10:14:44 PM

(Bat Familar) Diminuitive Beast-'Osul (Graham) AC:21 (T:20, FF:17), CMD:27, ST:(F14/R13/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:14, S. Burst:14
Teleport - sure.

'Osul brings down another lightning bolt on the bandit that tripped Neshi.

He calls lightning bolts (Lightning Lord) down (4 ) {SR: 37, damage 18, Reflex save vs 27 for half damage}

DM RobC - "Gee overwhelmed by unfamiliar actions"  d20+15=27 ; d20+5=8 ; d20+11=19 ; d20+20=29 ; d100=45 ; d20+19=35 ; d20+15=30 ; d20+15=16 ; d20+15=31 ; d20+10=24 ; d20+10=23 ; d20+5=23 ; 2d6+3=10 ; 11d6=42 ;
Tuesday November 2nd, 2021 1:08:12 AM

Neshi tries to do a few things but finds himself still in trouble. He gets to his feet narrowly avoiding a kick as he does so. He tries to jump his way out of trouble but is only able to get 5ft away from his assailant and still within the radius of the Silence spell. Highlight to display spoiler: {Uh... a few things. There's no AoO from the trip attempt as the enemy has Improved Trip. It's a Move action to stand up, so you can't stand up (Move action) and jump (Move action) and cast (Standard action) in the same round. Also, the Acrobatics Jump DC is doubled if you don't have 10ft run-up, which would make it DC24. With 20ft silence, even if Neshi had been successful on the acrobatics check, being 10ft away he couldn't have cast a spell with a verbal component. Neshi keeps the spell slot.}

The caster to the north takes a hit from Armand's Flame Strike spell, but you notice he avoids a little of it.

Trellus can smell some of his hair burning but it doesn't stop him from stabbing Frampton. Highlight to display spoiler: {From what I read Spell Resistance doesn't apply vs the Necklace. Also, DR only applies against weapon attacks so I think Trellus takes 10pts}

Elyngael disarms Frampton once more, feeling no pity for the rogue. Brawn is sent to take care of the caster.

Moridark guides his mount northwards as he starts casting a summoning spell. The way the fight is going it might be over before he finishes his spell!

Osul calls down some more lightning on the bandit attacking Neshi.

Frampton draws another dagger and stabs at where he thinks Elyngael is. It's a decent attempt but he fails to find her and stabs harmlessly in the air.

The bandit attacking Neshi takes a step towards him keeps up the now familiar routine by tripping the sorceror and then flurrying a number of attacks. Only 1 lands. (CMB: 35. Neshi is prone and has -4AC! Hit AC31. Neshi takes 10pts damage)

The archer keeps his hands raised and drops to his knees. He will play no further part in the combat and hopes to receive mercy from the imminent victors.

The caster has no intention of surrendering like that coward of an archer. He calls down a Flame Strike on Moridark to try and interupt his spell. (Flame Strike. Moridark takes 21pts Fire damage + 21pts damage. Ref Save vs DC22 to halve. Moridark to make a concentration check of 15+Damage or lose his spell. Phantom Steed takes 42pts damage... I think)

Map: Link to Map
Notes: The bushes are considered difficult terrain. They are between knee and waist level. Hadn't considered how high the treetop canopy is so happy to go with whatever fits in your plans.

#1: Frampton: 54dmg (Blind). AC15 now.
#3: 48dmg
#4: 72dmg. Silence spell.

#2: White-haired guy. Teleported away.
#5: Destroyed
#6: Surrendered. 79dmg (Blind).
#7: Dead (and Blind)

Trellus - MikeK - (SR25, AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, HP (178/156)  d20+23=31 ; 2d8+21=25 ; d20+18=29 ; 2d8+21=23 ; d20+13=20 ; 2d8+21=34 ;
Tuesday November 2nd, 2021 8:07:02 AM

Trellus can only shake his head at Frampton's insistence on fighting.

But, that doesn't stop him from finishing off the man.

He swings with heavy blows.

Swift action (2/13) to activate domain's weapon master, taking Power Attack feat.
Full attack, Power attack on Frampton
atk 1 hits ac 31 for 25 hp damage
atk 2 hits ac 29 for 23 hp damage
atk 3 hits ac 20 for 34 hp damage
Total Damage = 82 hp

In Effect
Shield of Faith - 13 minutes. +4 Deflection bonus to AC.
Spell Resistance - 13 minutes. SR 25
Righteous Might - Rd 4 of 13. Large. +4 size bonus STR and CON. -2 Dex. +2 Nat armor. DR 5/evil. -1 AC due to size, +1 atk due to size.

[link]https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZjMHUslZAE1Dmu5emM-L_lpE3hoebSQ-YRTVApOsJDc/edit [/link ] (Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,   d6+8=12 ; d6+8=14 ; d20+11=16 ; d20+11=19 ; d20+11=18 ;
Tuesday November 2nd, 2021 6:10:08 PM

Getting a bit frustrated at this pesky fly, Neshi, mot bothering to get up, once again activates one of his spell like abilities. Elemental Ray ** sending a fiery ray at his opponent.ranged touch Ac 16 for 12 points of damage. (I don't know what is going on with my computer. I click the roller once and I am getting multiple rolls every time)

**A spell-like ability has no verbal, somatic, or material component, nor does it require a focus or have an XP cost. The user activates it mentally.

(Bat Familar) Diminuitive Beast-'Osul (Graham) AC:21 (T:20, FF:17), CMD:27, ST:(F14/R13/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14  d20+19=23 ; 3d10=20 ; d10+39=42 ; d20+39=49 ;
Tuesday November 2nd, 2021 6:15:28 PM

'Osul calls another lightning bolt (Lightning Lord) down on the remaining silence twin (4) {SR: 23, damage 20, Reflex save vs 27 for half damage}, and continues to keep a close eye on Frampton. {Perception: 49}

{3rd roll made in error, should have been d20}

[link href] 'https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZjMHUslZAE1Dmu5emM-L_lpE3hoebSQ-YRTVApOsJDc/edit] Yurr'Neshi [/link ] (Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 95/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Tuesday November 2nd, 2021 6:16:52 PM

trying to fix header

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 95/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Tuesday November 2nd, 2021 6:20:49 PM

trying again


Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 95/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Tuesday November 2nd, 2021 6:21:33 PM

ok I think I give up

Robert says, I fixed it. Hopefully it stays there the next time you post. You had extra spaces and some extra brackets.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+27=46 ; d20+16=19 ; 2d6+7=16 ; d6=4 ; d6=2 ;
Tuesday November 2nd, 2021 7:41:09 PM

Elyngael laughs at Frampton and disarms him again. CMB d20+27=46. "Really. Know your limits. Surrender."

Brawn moves in and attacks #3 (reach). To bite d20+16=19, if hits damage is 2d6+7=16, fire d6=4, cold d6=2

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 89/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+13=20 ; 5d8=23 ; d20+13=25 ; 5d8=26 ;
Tuesday November 2nd, 2021 8:01:27 PM

I missed something, where, or who is the guy with the crossbow that healed someone? Wasn't he a dwarf? Is that #6?

Armand considers some options, that spellcaster is proving to be vexing, and poor Neshi seems to be getting knocked around. Still touching his metamagic wand he cast Searing Light first at the spellcaster,
Range touch 20 (d20+13) damage 23
and then at the presumed monk attacking Neshi.
Range touch 25 (d20+13) damage 26

Oh wait does +1 from bless count? if so then +1 to to both rolls.

In Effect
Bless +1 to hit, +1 vs fear (all)
Shield of Faith (+4 to AC) (self)
Silence on the Cart

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 60/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended)  d20+15=22 ; d20+26=28 ;
Tuesday November 2nd, 2021 9:14:23 PM

Moridark yells in pain as the spell strikes him, and although hemanages to avoid half of the damage (Refelx 22) the spell still causes him to loose his spell. The phantom steed manages to stick around but appears a bit more insubstantial. Moridark casts fly on himself as a precaution.

DM RobC - "Really. Know your limits." 
Wednesday November 3rd, 2021 2:44:13 AM

Neshi's elemental ray misses it's mark, though it makes little difference as Osul brings a lightning bolt down and zaps the poor attacker to death.

Frampton is no match for the blows of Trellus and falls dead at Elyngael's feet. She has no trouble kicking the dagger from his lifeless hand. She notes he still has another two daggers sheathed, so the whole stab-and-disarm gig could have kept up a couple more rounds.

Brawn gets close enough to the caster to reach out and bite, but he isn't able to pierce the caster's armor. (Brawn to make a DC22 combat maneuver check or Escape Artist check or become grappled in the web)

With the monk dead Armand fires both rays at the enemy caster and fries him to a crisp.

Moridark takes a little damage but shrugs off half of it. (Highlight to display spoiler: {How many HP does the steed have? It took 42pts I thought})

All of the enemy are defeated - either dead, escaped, or surrendered.

Trellus - MikeK - (SR25, AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, HP (178/156) 
Wednesday November 3rd, 2021 2:06:02 PM

"Huh," Trellus grunts, surprised Frampton is down.

He reaches down, throws the man's body over one shoulder, carries him back to the cart, and drops him upon it.

Then, he steps over to the archer.

"Congratulations," he tells the man, while searching for more weapons. "You're going to live."
"And as long as we're being friendly, what can you tell me about who the guy who told you all to attack us is, what he wants, and what you're all doing here."

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 89/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Wednesday November 3rd, 2021 5:44:10 PM

Armand shakes his head sadly at all the carnage. Gargul's tasks are never finished, perhaps though it was these peoples time.

Armand casts Discern Lies and goes over to the archer. "I'm afraid I can't heal your blindness right away. But should you prove truly repentant then I will heal you. Now please, answer my friend and tell us what is going on."

Armand waves Neshi over to healed.

(Bat Familar) Diminuitive Beast-'Osul (Graham) AC:21 (T:20, FF:17), CMD:27, ST:(F14/R13/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14  d20+39=42 ; d20+21=22 ; d20+39=53 ;
Wednesday November 3rd, 2021 6:19:33 PM

'Osul flits to a near-by bush to observe the questioning {Perception: 42, Sense Motive: 22}.
He also keeps an eye and echo out for interlopers (invisible or otherwise) {Perception: 53}.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+16=36 ; d20+24=41 ; d20+24=37 ;
Wednesday November 3rd, 2021 8:22:07 PM

Brawn uses CMB d20+16=36. Brawn picks up the dead caster and fetches him back to the cart.

Elyngael picks up Frampton's knives and checks to see if they were poisoned. Perception d20+24=41. She will then go over to the cart and examine it to see what's in it, besides Frampton. Perception d20+24=37

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 60/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) 
Wednesday November 3rd, 2021 8:47:24 PM

OOC: Sorry I misread the hitpoint section as 7 +1 per lever not 7 and +1 per level. My mistake I am sorry.

Moridark lands or hits depending on the kindness of the GM. Whichever you choose Moridark limps over to Armand, "If you are passing out a bit of healing I could use quite a bit. I didn't expect to be quite so large a target."

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,   d8+5=12 ; d8+5=10 ; d8+5=7 ; d20+16=22 ;
Wednesday November 3rd, 2021 9:23:47 PM

Neshi stands up with a growl. That was not at all fun. He waves off Armand's healing. I'll take care of this over the next few minutes. Neshi activates his Brahma's tattoo three times over the next few moment and is soon back to full health.

While Armand and Trellus are questioning the captive, Neshi takes a gander at what is left of their opponents doing a search of each. Perception DC 22

DM RobC - "Congratulations. You're going to live." 
Thursday November 4th, 2021 3:34:57 AM

Moridark lands gracefully and rejoins the group (Highlight to display spoiler: {All good. Just making sure we're on the same page for any future encounters})

Osul keeps an eye out for any other folks about but doesn't see or hear any in the immediate area. The rain is starting to ease up a little though.

Trellus pats down the archer and finds a couple of kukris stuffed into his belt. He relives the ranger of them and then begins the interrogation under Armand's watchful eye.

The archer remains in a kneeling position with his hands above his head. His head is dropped low and the perceptive of you notice his hands are trembling. "I.. I don't know. I've never seen him before. I.. I was just hired by that guy Frampton to escort this shipment is all." Armand doesn't detect any deception in the mans words, and anyone else watching believes the same.

Elyngael checks over Frampton's gear but doesn't detect anything poisonous. She makes her way over to the cart to examine it. It's a standard cart being pulled by a chestnut colored light pony. In the back there are at least a dozen hessian sacks piled up. Elyngael opens up one and can see it is filled to the top with gold coins! There must be thousands of them. Moridark is quite good at appraising the value of items. Based on the size of the bags he estimates there to be around 15,000 gold coins here (totalling around 300lbs).

Neshi isn't too happy about how the fight went, but the party were never in doubt of being the victors. He goes corpse to corpse to gather their gear.

OOC: At this level it's safe to assume you can ID everything, so.....

01,350 ... 1 x +1 Breastplate
02,310 ... 2 x +1 Buckler (@1155gp each)
03,750 ... 3 x +1 Chain Shirt (@1250gp each)
04,604 ... 2 x +1 Dagger (@2302gp each)
36,640 ... 2 x +1 Frost Keen Rapier (@18320gp each)
01,170 ... 1 x +1 Heavy Steel Shield
09,232 ... 4 x +1 Kukris (@2308gp each)
08,600 ... 1 x +2 Composite Longbow (+2 Str)
08,350 ... 2 x +2 Studded Leather (@4175gp each)
00,002 ... 20 Crossbow Bolts
00,008 ... 40 Shuriken
00,010 ... 100 Arrows
08,000 ... 2 x Amulet Of Mighty Fists +1 (@4000gp each)
06,000 ... 3 x Amulet Of Natural Armor +1 (@2000gp each)
16,000 ... 4 x Belt Of Giant Strength +2 (@4000gp each)
12,000 ... 3 x Belt Of Incredible Dexterity +2 (@4000gp each)
02,500 ... 1 x Boots Of Elvenkind
11,000 ... 2 x Boots Of Striding And Springing (@5500gp each)
08,000 ... 2 x Bracers Of Armor +2 (@4000gp each)
07,000 ... 7 x Cloak Of Resistance +1 (@1000gp each)
07,200 ... 1 x Cloak Of The Manta Ray
00,004 ... 2 x Daggers (@2gp each)
12,000 ... 3 x Headband Of Inspired Wisdom +2 (@4000gp each)
00,100 ... 1 x Magnifying Glass
01,200 ... 2 x Masterwork Composite Longbow (+2 Str) (@600gp each)
01,600 ... 2 x Masterwork Composite Longbow (+4 Str) (@800gp each)
00,312 ... 1 x Masterwork Heavy Mace
00,335 ... 1 x Masterwork Light Crossbow
00,600 ... 2 x Masterwork Quarterstaff (@300gp each)
00,100 ... 1 x Masterwork Thieves’ Tools
00,301 ... 1 x Masterwork Whip
04,350 ... 1 x Necklace Of Fireballs (Type III)
00,100 ... 2 x Potion Of Cure Light Wounds (@50gp each)
00,300 ... 1 x Potion Of Delay Poison
00,150 ... 3 x Potion Of Disguise Self (@50gp each)
00,600 ... 2 x Potion Of Mirror Image (@300gp each)
00,300 ... 1 x Potion Of Spider Climb
03,000 ... 4 x Potions Of Cure Serious Wounds (@750gp each)
12,000 ... 6 x Ring Of Protection +1 (@2000gp each)
00,002 ... 2 x Sap (@1gp each)
00,025 ... 1 x Silver Unholy Symbol
00,080 ... 4 x Smokesticks (@20gp each)
01,000 ... 1 x Spyglass
00,200 ... 4 x Tanglefoot Bags (@50gp each)
00,060 ... 2 x Thieves’ Tools (@30gp each)
00,105 ... 1 x Wand Of Shield Of Faith (7 Charges)

Trellus - MikeK - (SR25, AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, HP (178/156) 
Thursday November 4th, 2021 2:15:14 PM

"Light," Trellus grunts with annoyance at the man's answer. "Guess I shouldn't have hit Frampton so hard. Ah well, the grass grows where it wills."

Pointing to the prisoner, he asks Armand, "Does that wear off, or are we waiting till morning to cure it?"

"And what about this stuff?" he asks, sweeping his arms to indicate the wagon and sundry equipment.
"Some of this equipment looks handy, but do we take the gold back to the Tree?"

(Bat Familar) Diminuitive Beast-'Osul (Graham) AC:21 (T:20, FF:17), CMD:27, ST:(F14/R13/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14  d20+19=25 ; d20+17=31 ;
Thursday November 4th, 2021 6:17:33 PM

'Osul reverts to human form, shifts to donkey form and goes with a mouthful of food (grass, etc.) to give to the other donkey. They get to communicate, 'Osul casts Charm Animal {SR:25, Will vs 25} and follows up with Wild Empathy {Cha vs 31}. He asks how the donkey is, if there was another donkey pulling the cart as well (DM notes 21 Oct), and if the cart feels any lighter to pull (and how much so). He is honestly concerned for the welfare of both donkeys, particularly if one has been taken away to carry specific items onwards. I'm already assuming that the donkey made its save versus the Sunburst, based on its actions during and after the combat.
In amongst the interaction, he also takes the time to confirm if this is something else in changed shape.

He returns to the hoard counters reverts to human form and lets everyone know the results, and if they have a second donkey to pursue.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet  d6=3 ; d6=1 ; d6=5 ; d6=3 ; d6=3 ; d6=6 ; d6=3 ; d6=1 ; d6=6 ; d6=2 ;
Thursday November 4th, 2021 7:57:42 PM

Armand dismisses the silence spell on the cart. He asks the bowman. "Where did he hire you? What was the destination of this shipment?"

He also channels to heal everyone, (25 points healed, 8d6) Who still needs healing?

He turns to Trellus, "Do you mean the blindness? I'm not sure I didn't cast that spell so I don't know the particulars. I'm sure if this guy, say What's your name prisoner? wants to follow a path of repentance I will try to cure his vision, but it would have to wait until tomorrow."

To the Wardens he says. "Well I can get Speak with Dead tomorrow and we can ask Frampton some questions. Do we want to bury the rest of the dead and camp here?"

In Effect
Bless +1 to hit, +1 vs fear (all)
Shield of Faith (+4 to AC) (self)
Discern Lies

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Thursday November 4th, 2021 8:02:55 PM

Elyngael details the loot she has discovered. Are the gold coins one normal "old" coins from the people of the Tree or are they the "new" gold coins that being brought in to force the exchange?

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 85/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) 
Thursday November 4th, 2021 8:43:22 PM

"Armand thank you. That helps quite a bit but I am still quite injured. About twice again I think." Moridark looks over the coin, and items and shakes his head. "All of this was worth their lives as they tried to take ours? For what? We didn't hide we were coming. We tried to speak with them. We intended no harm. What are they hiding? Doing? If it wasn't suspect before it is now." The mage looks over the items after Trellus mentions it might come in handy, "That necklace, and a few of the potions might be helpful for me but the rest not so much."

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Thursday November 4th, 2021 10:03:16 PM

Neshi joins Elyngael in letting everyone know what they recovered (everything is already on the TOP party treasure page) and ponders the results of what just went down.

DM Steven - "Do we want to bury the rest of the dead and camp here?" 
Sunday November 7th, 2021 12:28:53 PM

(apologies for not posting last Friday as I was supposed to)

Trellus grunts with annoyance at the archer's answer and is frustrated he hit Frampton so hard. Armand joins Trellus and dismisses the Silence spell as he continues to question the archer.

"My name is Derlin... I live in Edenmoor with my wife Camelia and our twin sons... in fact most of us come...", he stops a moment and looks around at the carnage around him, "... came... from towns in New Elenna. Sir Frampton hired us to set up a trade route between the Evenoak, Tree and New Elenna. It felt like a genuine business... but we never got to bring transports in New Elenna... every time we were lead here in the forest. We only got a few donkeys and 2 wheel carts. We don't know why they were taking all this gold here... we had to leave it here and then return with the empty carts. When we got back with a new load the previous gold was gone... When we asked Sir Frampton about it he got nervous and threatened us saying the White Goddess would turn us into ice statues... Maybe the one with the white hair took it? " The man speaks truth. He also seems to be quite tired an famished.

Osul' feels for the donkeys. It's obvious they have been treated poorly. But he finds only one?! This one is still tied to the cart... eyes wild in fear... fuming... trying to pull the reigns to escape but to no avail. Where did they other one go?? He sees one of the reigns snapped... the poor animal ran into the forest in panic. If Osul' wants he can quickly find the second animal. From the marks on their neck it's obvious they have been pulling loads that were far to heavy for them. He also notices how they have been beaten numerous times to make haste. The young druid calms both animals with soothing words.

Elyngael and Yurr'Neshi rummage through the spoils and detail what they have found. That's perhaps too much to drag along - provided you're interested in pursuing 'white hair'... Moridark heals up and checks the loot. Shaking his head he contemplates why this battle even had to take place... they were not out for a fight! This could have ended differently... if it wasn't suspect before... it is now.

Armand suggests he can speak with the dead tomorrow so they can ask Frampton what this is all about...
"Do we want to bury the rest of the dead and camp here?"

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 85/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) 
Sunday November 7th, 2021 9:11:43 PM

"Thank you Armand." Moridark ponders what Derlin told them. As Armand continues the questioning Moridark takes notes.

(Bat Familar) Diminuitive Beast-'Osul (Graham) AC:21 (T:20, FF:17), CMD:27, ST:(F14/R13/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14  d20+28=35 ; d20+28=31 ;
Monday November 8th, 2021 7:24:38 AM

'Osul takes the time to bring in the second donkey. Before that he asks his friend the donkey if he would know if the donkey is his friend? He sees to their wounds, assessing their injuries before washing and binding their wounds . {Healing(Treat Deadly Wounds, First Aid Kit (2 uses each, +4 required but not added to the results): 35 and 31 respectively, healing 1HP/Level (or 1HP/HD I guess) for DC 15 and add 13 for DC 20}. He keeps an eye on them both for the hour, and tries to observe if they heal the expected 15HP or if one or both are moderate to higher level druids, others in donkey form. : )

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet  d6=6 ; d6=1 ; d6=3 ; d6=2 ; d6=5 ; d6=6 ; d6=6 ; d6=5 ; d6=6 ; d20+20=40 ;
Monday November 8th, 2021 6:04:49 PM

Armand does some more healing, including the donkeys and the archer in it.
Channel 39 hit points healed (8d6) Armand offers the ranger some iron rations.

Armand then goes to each of the dead, except Frampton and begins the rights of passage. He takes out s shovel and looks around for a bit. Finally he settles on a spot and begins digging. He talks as he digs he talks, "I've got 3 pair of manacles if you think we should put one on the Derlin...and maybe Frampton, I don't want him to get up and walk away before we get a chance to question him and that's something devious that white hair may try." He continues to dig. "Anyone know where New Elenna is? Derlin, I'm not sure what Frampton was up to but setting up a legitimate trade route with the Tree of Parting was not it. He and his 'boss' have been doing some weird racket with exchanging gold pieces at profit to them. I'm sorry you're friends were too...well that they wouldn't surrender when repeated called upon to do so." He continues to dig, "I think we should take those potions, the disguise ones could be useful."

To DM, I noticed a silver unholy symbol in the loot, any chance to identify that with a knowledge Religion? 40 (d20+20)

Trellus - MikeK - (SR25, AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, HP (178/156) 
Monday November 8th, 2021 8:09:09 PM

Trellus breaks out his own shovel, and steps in to help out Armand.

"Derlin's fine," he answers. "I say the man can leave or stay as he sees fit. If you're planning on Speak with Dead in the morning, let's wrap Frampton up and keep an eye on him. But, my bet is White Hair paid him to not ask questions."

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+14=21 ; d20+14=33 ;
Monday November 8th, 2021 8:51:12 PM

Knowledge Geography d20+14=21 to try and figure out where all the places names are.
Elyngael will direct Brawn to help dig. Then she will cast speak with animals and talk to the donkeys. Handle Animal d20+14=33. "What has you so frightened? Do you know the route these men take? Can you take us there?"

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Monday November 8th, 2021 9:21:42 PM

Neshi looks over at the pile of stuff.

We could load a bunch of this into our bag and I could teleport it back to the tree if you think that we need to not just leave it here. It might take me a couple of trips but.....

DM Steven - "Do we want to bury the rest of the dead and camp here?" 
Tuesday November 9th, 2021 9:24:06 AM

(Tuesday post)

Neshi looks over at the pile of stuff and suggests teleporting it back to the Tree.

Moridark, Armand and Trellus are occupied with Derlin and the ones that have fallen in battle. Armand first makes sure everyone, including the animals are back to full health. Derlin casts a thankful smile at Armand.
Then he starts digging graves for the deceased. Meanwhile he talks to his fellow Wardens. Trellus sees no reason to use manacles on Derlin. but he agrees to wrap Frampton up. Neither he nor Armand wants to see Frampton getting back on his feet... Armand then addresses Derlin. Genuinely thankful of being healed and spared Derlin offers to help digging the graves for the other men. As he does he answers.

"New Elenna is East of the Culverwood. It's the Kingdom of the Plateaus. The highest plateaus are for the rich and snobbish. You must have heard from Plateau City have you not? I live below the plateaus in a town called Edenmoor ... in fact all of us here came from below. Elyngael nods at Derlin's description of New Elenna. Maybe this description of the higher plateaus is a bit biased since Derlin seems to come from below. Most of the towns on the frontier's edge are ... well peculiar. Windhorn Hamlet that you all know is the most Northern town of New Elenna.

"Frampton there... we think he came from one of the higher plateaus... we don't know. He hired us to work for him for his trade route. You are probably right that what he did here wasn't very legit. I assure you Sir we... I didn't know anything oft this gold exchanging. We had to bring loads of Gold here and it was gone the next time we were here. Please Sir let me go home... or if you plan on punishing me as well please let me get these few gold coins to my wife... " Armand notices Derlin is holding a few of these new gold coins - it's questionable that these gold coins will be of any additional value... IF they are accepted...

'Osul and Elyngael take care of the donkeys. 'Osul can confirm they are just donkeys... no druids or other shape shifted beings. Elyngael casts speak to animals and asks them why they are so frightened and if they know the route these men took. Other than braying Elyngael learns the two animals were scared of these 'traders' but even more of you and the sizzling spells you cast earlier... the Ranger also understands these Donkeys never went any further. Once their heavy loads were here, they returned with an empty cart. Both donkeys preferred the return trips obviously... But none of the animals know where the gold went after it was brought here...

Perhaps Frampton will be able to tell more in the morning when Armand has the spells prepared.
Provided Frampton doesn't turn in some undead creature when full moon sits on the horizon...

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Tuesday November 9th, 2021 5:57:16 PM

OOC DM, I asked a bit ago on if the coins in the cart are 'standard' coins or the 'new' special coins they have been forcing everyone to trade for.

Armand says to Derlin "Excuse me a minute sir, I would like to talk privately with my friends." He sort of circles everyone in. "Okay, here's some thoughts. Most of this masterwork stuff isn't of use to us. I'm fine with giving it to Derlin and have him either take it back home and sell it, or take it to the Tree and sell it. I guess it will depend on him what sort of market his home town has for that stuff. I'm fine with him keeping his payment."

Armand will then finish the rites with the dead and then finish the burial.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 85/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) 
Tuesday November 9th, 2021 8:09:56 PM

Moridak assists Armand with the graves. "I have no issue giving him the masterwork items as his part 9f the payment. However, we do need to figure out our next step."

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Tuesday November 9th, 2021 8:15:09 PM

Elyngael agrees with giving the stuff to Derlin. For now she and Brawn will keep an eye for things and put the manacles on Frampton's arms and legs.

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Tuesday November 9th, 2021 9:26:57 PM

That works for me. We will likely need to leave him the cart and donkeys as well, so he can carry it all. (list to follow. He is going to pretty well of from this :>)). Do you want me to take the rest of the stuff back to the tree?

20 Crossbow Bolts 2
40 Shuriken 8
100 Arrows 10
2 Daggers 4
2 Masterwork Composite Longbow (+2 Str) 1,200
2 Masterwork Composite Longbow (+4 Str) 1,600
1 Masterwork Composite Longbow (+4 Str) 312
1 Masterwork Light Crossbow 335
2 Masterwork Quarterstaff 600
1 Masterwork Thieves’ Tools 100
1 Masterwork Whip 301
2 Sap 2
4 Smokesticks 80
4 Tanglefoot Bags 200
2 Thieves’ Tools 60

Trellus - MikeK - (SR25, AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, HP (178/156) 
Tuesday November 9th, 2021 9:44:27 PM

Trellus nods.
"Shady to me," he answers, apparently in agreement.

"Gonna have to wait till morning and question Frampton," he answers Moridark.
"If he comes up threadless, we go back to Plan A, and weave toward Dragon Coast."

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14 
Wednesday November 10th, 2021 3:47:19 AM

'Osul reverts and agrees, except he expresses a concern about being exactly here - where white-haired guy departed.

DM Steven - "Do we want to bury the rest of the dead and camp here?" 
Wednesday November 10th, 2021 5:33:11 AM

The coins in the carts are indeed standard gold coins used al over the Wold. The Gold Derlin has in his hands are these "new coins" which supposedly are worth double but in fact weigh just as much as a standard coin.

Having gained sufficient info from Derlon, Armand has a private talk with his friends. Derlin is visibly worried to death now... he's just been digging some graves and now the Wardens seem to decide over his fate...

Perhaps as it is to be expected from the Wardens they all agree to let Derlin go. But on top of that he will be given a cart, 2 donkeys and load of expensive weaponry. Just realize that Derlin comes from Below the plateaus... the poorer and more peculiar regions of New Elenna. The loot you are giving him is probably larger and more valuable than anything he as ever had. Yurr'Neshi is right to say Derlin will be going well when he leaves. Let's just hope he'll trade in the weaponry for something more constructive.

Moridark is eager to figure out the next steps but Trellus reminds him that they need to wait till morning to question Frampton. 'Osul is ok with that but he just doens't like to stay right here... where white-hair teleported from . If he can teleport out... he might as well teleport back in. But he did say he... no they... would be waiting for you right?

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Wednesday November 10th, 2021 6:22:35 PM

"Well Derlin we're not one to hold grudges, usually. So tell you what. We're going to allow you to take the cart and donkeys, and all this miscellaneous gear home with you. That is if you think you can find a market for it there, or you can go to Tree and sell it there, though I'm not sure how well you will do there right now. There's a bit of trouble at the Tree which is why we're doing some investigation. You can stay with us overnight and set of in the morning or you can go now. I think we're going to move off a ways and continue our journey before setting up camp." Armand looks to the others. "Neshi maybe hold off on teleporting until after we set up camp so you can jump there and back. Though I'd recommend dropping the stuff with James so he can oversee it."

OOC DM - how much time left in the day? If at least 2 hours I say we move off and then set up camp with the tree house

Trellus - MikeK - (SR25, AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, HP (178/156) 
Wednesday November 10th, 2021 7:36:16 PM

Trellus nods along at moving off a bit, just in case White Hair decides to come back unexpectedly.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 85/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) 
Wednesday November 10th, 2021 8:32:41 PM

Moridark finishes his notes and looks over the pile of items for Derlin. The mage settles in only casting his mansion if Armand does not use the tree house.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Wednesday November 10th, 2021 8:52:36 PM

Elyngael agrees and will scout a trail out of their present position.

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14 
Thursday November 11th, 2021 6:09:04 AM

'Osul offers to accompany Elyngael for the scouting. He puts his mind to the environs - low bushes - wind swept? The tree house might stick out nearby.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Thursday November 11th, 2021 8:13:06 AM

Neshi agrees to delay the teleporting of the remaining stuff back to their abode at the tree until they are finished with their walk for the day and have set up camp.

Once camp is set in the tree fort, Neshi makes one last comment before heading out.

"So, is there anything here that any of you want or need to keep with us before it pop it back to the tree?"

Neshi pops the spyglass into his pack and then looks at the "silver unholy symbol."

"Umm can we consecrate this or turn it into silver slag. I'm not sure I want this with us or at the tree as it is."

Neshi gives everyone a chance to look over the remaining things to see if anyone wants any of it then pops back to their abode in the tree.

(OOC, Speak now, or it is at the tree.)

DM Steven - Time to move on...  
Thursday November 11th, 2021 9:37:44 AM

Derlin's eyes grow wide as Armand tells him about the Wardens' plans with him. This was not what he had dreamed of. He looks at the sky and says : "Well Sir with your approval I would prefer spending the night in your company but if at all possible I'd rather not stay here... If we could follow the caravan trail back home for a few hours before dusk I'd feel a lot safer than here. Besides I don't want to be on the road alone for too long with this treasure... I'd welcome you to my humble home if you visit Edenmoor. It's not much but it's home... and when Camelia bakes cookies the whole house smells wonderful of cinnamon, ginger and chocolate. But I guess you lords have more urgent business to attend to."

'back home' for Derlin means taking the road towards New Elenna - it's also the road you might take if you want to go by Windhorn Hamlet. You'd come to a crossing. Taking left will lead you to Windhorn Hamlet. Right will lead to Edenmoor. Making the detour to Derlin's home will cost you two days supplementary - that is without any magic tricks of course.

The Wardens make a fine team. No one wants to stay here in the event that white hair returns. They all agree to leave this place and walk the rest of the day before making camp. Does that mean you will take Frampton's body with you? Elyngael and 'Osul will scout ahead.

Neshi takes care of the spoils. If no one speaks up, she'll get everything back to their Tree mansion.

(ooc - The silver unholy symbol... nothing special noted about it... just something the slain cleric was carrying)

Trellus - MikeK - (SR25, AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, HP (178/156) 
Thursday November 11th, 2021 7:05:28 PM

Trellus slings Frampton's wrapped body into the cart for the several hours long trip away from the ambush.

"If no one minds," he asks the group. "I could use one of those Headbands of Wisdom, and a potion of Mirror Image."

The man hasn't had homemade cookies in an awfully long time, and sends Armand a questioning look.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Thursday November 11th, 2021 8:08:56 PM

OOC DM yes we are taking Frampton with us

Armand looks at Trellus and shrugs. "Let's set up camp near the crossroads. Maybe Frampton's spirit can give us some direction tomorrow." He walks a bit off the side and then will pop up the tree-house.

"What can you tell us about your home Drelin? What is your chief crop...or whatever it is your village produces?"

Armand will take first rest and then can be up the rest of the night because of his ring of sustenance. He will try to be restful while wakeful though.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Thursday November 11th, 2021 8:10:43 PM

Since the cart is still going to be overloaded for the donkey's to pull Elyngael will rig some rope from the cart, past where the donkeys pull to tie onto Brawn's saddle and he will help with pulling the wagon (he has a strength of 26).

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

DM Steven - To cookie or not to cookie...  
Friday November 12th, 2021 6:52:02 AM

The Wardens are ready to move on. There's still a few hours before dusk so let's get going. Derlin is happy to hear he won't be riding the cart solo.

( DM OoC : I apologize, I made a mistake on my geography. In fact Edenmoor in right on the trail towards New Elenna and if you want to take the caravan route towards Windhorn Hamlet you'll be passing through Edenmoor... so visiting Edenmoor means no delay at all IF you want to go to Windhorn Hamlet... If you want to go North of Dragon bay through the Scab you'll come to a crossing... North through the scab, East to Edenmoor and then Windhorn Hamlet - the White Queen is said to live somewhere North of Dragon Bay. )

The remaining treasure is taken care of, Frampton wrapped body is also loaded onto the cart. The dead have been buried.

Elyngael had Brawn help the Donkeys to pull the cart. At first the towing animals are quite afraid of the large Wolf but the Ranger's soothing words help a lot. The pace is slow until you're out of the forest again and back on the road. Then you head East on the road. The Wardens... a cart pulled by 2 donkeys and a wolf... Derlin... a load of weapons and a dead body on the cart... They make a nice group.
Elyngael and 'Osul keep an eye out for trouble.

It rains for about another hour. It's still overcast and it feels like there's more rain to come but at least for now it's not coming down on you anymore. The animals are soaking wet. So is Brawn. Derlin's not really dressed for hiking in the rain so he's visibly shaking from being cold and wet.

As you walk Derlin talks about Edenmoor. It's a hustling and bustling town surrounded by a 20" high stone and earth reinforced wall. A second wall, 15' high and 10' thick, surrounds the original Fort Edenmoor now anchoring the north end. Edenmoor, for its size, is crowded. The last true staging area for goods headed west toward the Emerald Kingdom. Most roads still packed earth, houses are of timber. Livestock is the number one inhabitant of Edenmoor, outnumbering people by over 20 to one.

Over time the Wardens' have had people leave and join. 'Osul though, the eldest Warden member, remembers hearing about Edenmoor... in fact Edenmoor was where some of the very first Wardens were ever recruited... Atlas, Mack and some of the other initial Wardens were enlisted by the Mailed Fist back in Edenmoor. 'Osul joined the Wardens only a bit later when he was passing through Tree already. Back then they often were considering a trip back to Edenmoor but it was never actually on their agenda. The Wardens found their home in Tree and never went back.

Other than the cookies Derlin's wife Camelia might bake, you have no immediate business in Edenmoor... but of course if you want to visit the birth place of the Wardens you can go down a trip memory lane at Edenmoor's premier Tavern, The Baying Hound. Chances are however not many will remember any of the Wardens for back then, the Wardens were still rookie adventurers and none of you have ever been there before.
But Derlin does assure you the cookies are mouthwatering and you have to pass Edenmoor anyhow if you take the route towards Windhorn Hamlet and then North crossing the Dragon Bay.

When Dusk settles in you've come to the crossing. North through the Scabs. East to Edenmoor.
Time to rest?

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Sunday November 14th, 2021 3:40:26 PM

Neshi makes his trips back to the tree and stores the treasure with James with instructions to just store it all in one of the workrooms and then returns to the rest of the Wardens. Once the Wardens leave in the morning Neshi takes his place on the left side of the group making sure to keep them in view but stays off the road and moves through the woods.

Trellus - MikeK - (SR25, AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, HP (178/156) 
Sunday November 14th, 2021 4:22:45 PM

When Trellus notices Derlin shivering, he says, "Let me help you with that," and casts Endure Elements on the poor fellow.
"There. Still wet, but at least you won't get hypothermia or anything."

The Wardens arrive at the crossroads.
"Seems like a good spot to weave that house and get some sleep," he suggests.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended), Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Sunday November 14th, 2021 8:02:14 PM

OOC: I apologize for not posting on Friday. Iwas out of town for training and cell service was spotty at best.

Moridark sleeps, takes his watch and spends the remainder of the night studying his spell book. The mage prepares in his customary way, casting an extended mage armor, and phantom steed. "Icare not which direction we take. Just point the way." The mage takes his customary place above the party, and keeps an eye out for danger.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Sunday November 14th, 2021 8:14:33 PM

Armand raises the tree house and invites Derlin in. Unfortunately I don't think there's an easy way to get the donkeys in. "We'll be warm enough with a roof over our heads, a sound bunk, and being about 20 feet off the ground." After that he'll break out some rations and mutter "May have to pray for create food and water tomorrow, though hero's feast will get us through the day."

Armand will sleep and in the morning pray for his spells again. Assuming nothing untoward happens in the night...

"Okay, everyone one we're only going to get one shot at this. He may be able to resist answering if his will is strong enough. But I'll get 8 questions. I play to ask 1, Where is the White Goddess, 2, Who do you report to. 3, What's the deal with the gold coins. At least to start. Is there anything you want to include?"

Armand will cast Speak with Dead on Frampton. Will save 19 to refuse to answer.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Sunday November 14th, 2021 8:28:52 PM

Elyngael will make sure the donkeys are hobbled and under the protective canopy of Armand's magical tree. Brawn will stay down there to watch over them. When on watch she will sit in a branch about 10 feet off the ground. "Ask him why he tried to pick a fight with me back in that village."

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

DM Steven - The questioning of Frampton  d20+4=15 ;
Monday November 15th, 2021 5:59:45 AM

Neshi take care of the treasure and rejoins the group heading East. He takes position on the left side of the group, moving through the woods as usual. Moridark rides his phantom steed above the party.

The kindness of the Wardens is commendable. Derlin smiles when Trellus' magic protects him from the cold.
"I... euhm... well I haven't apologized yet for the fight earlier... seems I was on the wrong team then... sorry." he adds.

The trip so far has been fairly uneventful... even boring so to speak. Near the crossing Armand makes a seed appear in his glove. He looks for a spot wide enough for the seed to sprout and 10 minutes later a nice tree stands complete with a cosy treehouse, a ladder to climb to it and several hammocks in the tree.
Derlin has been gazing the spectacle with his mouth wide open... he has never before seen anything like this!

The Donkeys won't make it into the Treehouse so Elyngael decides Brawn will stay on the ground to so he can keep an eye out for trouble during the night. The Wolf first casts a puppy face at Elyngael for he would have loved a cozy warm blanket for the night and then a 'shame on you' face as he sees Elyngael climb to the Treehouse.

Once everyone is up in the tree the lights go out pretty quickly. It's been one hectic day. Night passes quietly. It's stated to rain again during the night generating a soothing sound of gentle rain tapping on the roof of the Treehouse.

When morning comes the Wardens' routines kick right back in. Spells are being prepped for the day, you have breakfast and then Armand informs the others it's time to start questioning Frampton with a Speak with Dead spell. (Dead Frampton will save 15 vs 19)

The spell has given the semblance of life back to Frampton so Armand begins questioning him... it's a macabre sight. Cold and pale Frampton shows no sign of life. His lips dry and crackled and his tongue hanging between his teeth... yet he answers with brief and cryptic sentences

1. Where is the White Goddess : Mountheain North of Dragon Bay... Mountain... Dragon Bay... North... Lair...

2. Who do you report to : Levin... coward... no... no coward...

3. What's the deal with the gold coins : swindle... smelt coin to new coin... new coin double value... swindle... no more value... con... White Goddess smelt one coin... give one 'double' value... stupid town... swindle con... gullible people... White Goddess keep 50% of gold... craves gold... hoards gold...

Elyngael suggests Armand also asks why Frampton tried to pick a fight with her earlier...
Armand has 5 more questions to come.

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14 
Monday November 15th, 2021 5:14:37 PM

Did we miss Derlin getting his sight back? If it hasn't happened, 'Osul takes care of this otherwise permanent blindness with a Heal.

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14 
Monday November 15th, 2021 5:16:22 PM

OOC: I posted yesterday about casting Control Weather to belatedly remove the rain, but keep the overcast sky, but that seems to have not appeared.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Monday November 15th, 2021 6:11:00 PM

Armand makes motions with his hands to the others indicating the need for more questions to pose to Frampton. He continues his interrogation. "Why did you try to pick a fight with one of us back in that village?" I can't remember the name of that village but I'm sure Armand would. "What sort of creature/being is Levin? What sort of creature/being is the White Goddess?"

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended), Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Monday November 15th, 2021 7:42:31 PM

Moridark takes his notebook and quill and begins to take notes. Writing in his flowing script it is evident the mage has practiced for hours. "Perhaps, and clues as to a more exact location of the lair of the goddess, and any defenses therein?"

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Monday November 15th, 2021 8:00:37 PM

Elyngael calls Brawn a big baby. But she brushes his coat and tells him he's a good boy. While she wants to listen to what Frampton has to say she also keeps an eye out to make sure no one is trying to sneak up on them.

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Monday November 15th, 2021 9:14:33 PM

Neshi watches and listens as Armand questions the once alive Frampton.

Armand why not ask him why the campaign to smear our reputations??

Trellus - MikeK - (SR25, AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, HP (178/156) 
Tuesday November 16th, 2021 7:50:49 AM

"Might want to ask who White Hair is, and how he fits in with the White Goddess," Trellus offers.

DM Steven - He dragon... she dragon...  
Tuesday November 16th, 2021 8:36:43 AM

(@ Graham : sorry I seem to have missed the Control Weather spell. But just in case, it only has a 2 mile radius that you can control. I always find it difficult to get an idea of distances on the Woldian maps but I'm assuming the trip from the woods towards the crossing is more than just 2 miles so I'd rule you'e be out of the area to control the weather anyhow.)

Not sure when the Wardens took care of in but Derlin's fully recovered.
Elyngael would love to hear what Frampton has to say but she feels responsible for keeping an eye out for trouble. Neshi, Trellus, 'Osul and Moridark listen to what Frampton has to say. Armand continues the questioning. He has 5 more questions to ask...

4. Why did you try to pick a fight with one of us back in that village? : Wardens be trouble... turn people against Wardens... look for unfair fight... bring sour reputation to wardens.

5. What sort of creature/being is Levin? : Levin... he white hair... he Dragon...

6. What sort of creature/being is the White Goddess? : She Dragon...

Two questions remaining. Moridark and Neshi have given some other possible questions. Trellus' question who White Hair is has been answered as well. Levin happens to have white hair... But perhaps Armand wants to asks something else based on these new findings?

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14  4d12=19 ;
Tuesday November 16th, 2021 5:18:08 PM

"Remember when it used to just be one dragon?", 'Osul comments.

OOC: DM Steven. The post did not appear, so you weren't to know.
1) The radius of the spell is 2 miles, unless you are a druid in which case it is 3 miles.
2) The duration of the spell is 4d12 hours, unless you are a druid in which case it is double that result.
3) The spell is centred on 'Osul. "Everywhere you go, you always take the weather with you."
Duration: 2 x 4d12 = 2 x 19 = 38 hours

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Tuesday November 16th, 2021 5:18:16 PM

Armand nods to himself and continues with the questioning. 7"What sort of dwelling does the white goddess inhabit?" 8"What sort of defenses does the white goddess have."

When he gets his last questions answers he prays over Frampton's body. Then he see's to burying it. After that's done he casts Hero's Feast. "Come Derlin join us in our repast." To the rest of the Wardens, "Well seems we have some answers. I wonder if the white goddess is a white dragon and Levin is another color. Could explain Vurm the multi-colored's heritage."

Trellus - MikeK - (SR25, AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, HP (178/156) 
Tuesday November 16th, 2021 6:30:18 PM

Trellus listens half heartedly to the answers to the last two questions.

Over the Hero's Feast, he wonders aloud.
"We're about to take on TWO dragons?"

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Tuesday November 16th, 2021 8:10:24 PM

Elengael shrugs. "Atlas would have liked to been in on this. I think it would be best if somehow we could take the dragons one at a time. Anyone have secret dragon slaying spells or weapons?" She and Brawn will eat their fill.

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Tuesday November 16th, 2021 8:20:53 PM

Neshi thinks for a moment after Elygael asks her question, and agrees with the sentiment that Atlas would have enjoyed this.

"Well we could probably make it to the catacombs when we get to windhorn hamlet and see what we could get with some of the gold we just picked up??? And Vrurm wasn't killed so I suppose we could be talking three dragons..."

He trails off

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended), Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Tuesday November 16th, 2021 8:24:17 PM

Moridark's eyes widen significantly at the idea of one dragon let alone two. The mage lets out a bit of a gasp before regaining his composure. "If we are talking dragons we are going to need some resist spells for sure!"

DM Steven - Remember when it used to just be one dragon? 
Wednesday November 17th, 2021 5:31:14 AM

( OOC: Graham. Thanks for explaining. You are of course correct on the area of effect and the duration for druids. I won't debate on it now but I am not sure the ruling is correct that you can take the weather with you... The spell is cast centered on you, not ON you. There are certain spells like Daylight, Darkness, that are cast on an object. If the object moves, so does the area of effect of the spell. Zone of Silence is cast in a 5ft radius centered on you and the spell description specifically states that the effect is centered on you and will move with you. The Control Wind, Control Weather spells are centered on you and have an effect on a radius around you but I'm not agreeing that it moves with you... something we might take to the rule board if ever there's a need for it :-) )

The answers that have been given by Frampton's remains startle most of the Wardens... the idea of not facing one but two dragons even for the Wardens sounds perplexing.

"Remember when it used to just be one dragon?", 'Osul comments...
"We're about to take on TWO dragons?", Trellus wonders aloud...
"Anyone have secret dragon slaying spells or weapons?", Elyngael asks...
"I suppose we could be talking three dragons..." Yurr'Neshi adds
"If we are talking dragons we are going to need some resist spells for sure!", Moridark says once he has regained his composure...

Armand nods to himself and continues with the questioning of Frampton.

7. "What sort of dwelling does the white goddess inhabit?" : snowy mountain... abandoned gold mine...

[b]8. "What sort of defenses does the white goddess have?" : only seen outside... empty 5 mile around mountain... cold... "

And then it's over an out for Frampton... Armand sees to his burial and then casts Hero's Feast. He invites Derlin to join the Wardens. There are some answers... there are still questions remaining... one things for sure... there's more than just one dragon.

Enjoy the Hero's Feast...
***evil grin***
... and then decide how to proceed from the crossing...

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14  d8+8=10 ;
Wednesday November 17th, 2021 5:19:32 PM

'Osul partakes of the feast, with thanks, and joins in the conversation.
He has no Dragon slaying weapons, and hopes some of his spells wil be useful.
Picking up some spell components sounds like a good idea.

Heroes' Feast: Every creature partaking of the feast is cured of all sickness and nausea, receives the benefits of both neutralize poison and remove disease, and gains 1d8 temporary hit points + 1 point per two caster levels (maximum +10) {d8+8=10} after imbibing the nectar-like beverage that is part of the feast. The ambrosial food grants each creature that partakes a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and Will saves and a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against poison and fear effects for 12 hours.

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 37, HP (156/156) 
Wednesday November 17th, 2021 5:26:14 PM

Trellus looks at Neshi incredulously, and just shakes his head.
"Light," he whispers.

Regaining some of his composure, the man muses on the problem.
"Well, all signs point to cold based attacks. Cold resistance and spell resistance, and just plain damage resistance, as well as a lot of healing, should be in the pattern.

The Catacombs has Greater Slaying Arrows, but I suspect these dragons have the fortitude necessary to overcome them.

I once defeated a djinn using Greater Command spell, followed by Harm. But again, the spells are resistible and high willpower renders them useless."

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+14=32 ;
Wednesday November 17th, 2021 7:43:41 PM

"Sounds like we'd better be prepped with buff spells. I guess we see Derlin home and then head from there?" She tries to think what she knows about the geography of the area. Knowledge Geography d20+14=32

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+21=30 ;
Wednesday November 17th, 2021 7:52:53 PM

"Bright light Trellus." Armand comments and then continues, "We can't assume they are both dragons of the same color. And we can assume they have some high magic resistance from the way Levin just ignored the spells we cast on the cart." He turns to Derlin. "Elyngael is right, I guess we'll see you home, just in case Levin or other of his cronies is around. Then I guess we'll need to do some wind walking to get up north, it's going to be a long journey."

Armand tries to think of what he's heard about that region. Knowledge History 30 (d20+21)

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended), Phantom Steed (Extended)  d20+32=38 ; d20+16=33 ; d20+16=31 ;
Wednesday November 17th, 2021 8:39:59 PM

Moridark shakes his head as he mentally goes through his spell book. The mage absent mindedly chews on his lower lips as he ponders what he knows about dragons, and the area in which they are headed.

Knowledge Arcana: 38
Knowledge History: 33
Knowledge Local: 31

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Wednesday November 17th, 2021 9:01:59 PM

Neshi shakes his head at the thought of multiple dragons. Let alone facing them on their own territory.

Is there any way to lure them away from their home territory so to speak? Or I wonder if there is anything in those old dragon towers that used to keep the dragons out that might be helpful....

DM Steven - Remember when it used to just be one dragon? 
Thursday November 18th, 2021 10:26:17 AM

As soon as reality kicks in the Wardens begin making plans. Dragon slaying equipment, protective gear and such comes to mind. 'Osul considers some spell components. Cold resistance and spell resistance is Trellus' choice and well... a lot of healing... but apart considering high magic resistance, assuming both dragons are of the same color is not what Armand would do.
Moridark goes through his spell book pondering what he knows about Dragons. A White Dragon would be vulnerable to fire and it does make sense that Frampton said it was a cold snowy mountain...
Neshi is concerned facing multiple dragons on their own terrain and wonders if it would be possible to lure them away... or would there be anything left in those old dragon towers?!?

In any case it seems the Wardens are genuinely concerned about the imminent dragon dance...

But first things first. Armand and Elyngael suggest accompanying Derlin home first... perhaps enjoy some of his wife's cookies and see if they can get some dragon gear...
So the small convoy of Wardens, carts, Derlin... a few donkeys, a wolf and a phantom steed sets course to Edenmoor.

Half way to Edenmoor Moridark, who probably rides his steed above the group, notices a convoy approaching from the direction of Edenmoor... It's quickly confirmed by Elyngael and 'Osul...
Looks like a larger wagon, several towing animals, a few horsemen and a couple of people on foot.

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 37, HP (156/156) 
Thursday November 18th, 2021 6:26:02 PM

Trellus walks briskly down the road, his mind on dragons.

His new packmates alert to the oncoming convoy.
Trellus mentally shrugs, and keeps walking.
He's not any better sneaking now than he was yesterday, so he'll again capture their attention.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended), Phantom Steed (Extended)  d20=8 ;
Thursday November 18th, 2021 7:53:41 PM

Moridark drops down, and notifies the group of the incoming convoy. The mage attempts to see if there are any particular symbols, colors, or flags identifying the group (Spot 8)

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Thursday November 18th, 2021 9:06:39 PM

Neshi ponders possible strategies as they make their way along.

What about some greater dragon slaying arrows or dragon bane weapons....

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Thursday November 18th, 2021 9:54:12 PM

Amand turns to Derlin. "The way things have been going for us, perhaps you'd best lag behind. I wouldn't want you to get hurt."

To the rest of the wardens he says, "Now let's not have a repeat of what happened oh so long ago when Atlas accosted the fur trapper that happened to be coming from the Culverwood. This could just be an innocent trade caravan. After all we are on a caravan trail."

Armand will go up front and try to be charmingly innocent.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+21=25 ; d20+24=40 ;
Thursday November 18th, 2021 9:59:13 PM

Elyngael tells Brawn to stay to the rear and guard Derlin. She will then stealth off to the side of Armand and find a place to hide within 30-50 feet of Armand. She will scan the approaching group with her spyglass first. When they get closer she will put the spyglass away and have her bow in her hand, but no arrows notched. Stealth d20+21=25, Perception d20+24=40.

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Friday November 19th, 2021 7:01:17 PM

Staying off the trail and in the woods to the left of the group Neshi settles and waits.

DM Steven - On route to Edenmoor 
Sunday November 21st, 2021 5:54:30 AM

As the group notices the convoy approaching from the opposite direction everyone is on guard. Yet no one wants to pick a fight simply out of pure misunderstanding of ones reason for being on the road.

Trellus will never be the stealthy one so why start now? Perhaps even better not to try and hide in order not to provoke that other convoy. Moridark hopes to see if there are any flags or symbols that could help identifying the convoy but from this distance he sees nothing of any importance. At first Neshi was caught in thoughts but then she settles in the woods left of the group waiting. Elyngael tells Brawn to stay to the rear and guard Derlin. Next she stealths of to the side of Armand spying on the approaching group.

Hoping to avoid what happened not long ago with Atlas and the fur trapper, Armand goes up front and tries to be charmingly innocent....

Elyngael only : Highlight to display spoiler: {The convoy that approaches has also spotted you. You see one of the riders making a sign that sends of two men carrying light weapons on foot into the woods... one left... one right... two riders stay near the back of the wagon and they have bows in hand... she notices neither have drawn an arrow. Two men on foot stay close to the front of the wagon. Both carry short spears and a shield - they look like militia men. The rider that has been giving signs gets ahead of the group. Perhaps they have noticed Armand stepping up to the front of the group also... Elyngael lost sight of the ones in the forest though... }

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+36=45 ;
Sunday November 21st, 2021 12:47:54 PM

Armand steps forward and activates Touch of Glory on himself (level bonus to charisma roll). Diplomacy 45 (d20+26). "Hello there! We're on our way to Edenmoor. Can you tell us how the roads look that a way?"

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 37, HP (156/156) 
Sunday November 21st, 2021 2:41:37 PM

"Shady," Trellus quietly compliments Armand.

The man stays a step behind the cleric, looking as non-threatening as plate armor and a bastard sword will allow.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+21=28 ; d20+24=44 ;
Sunday November 21st, 2021 3:02:20 PM

OOC-DM, spotted me or spotted the party? Also are we in the forest or skirting it on a caravan trail? Because Elyngael has Camouflage: hide in favored terrain (forest, mountain, underground and various bonuses to sneak and perception), even when no concealment. Also - Armand, aren't we under hero's feast right now?

Elyngael notes the men going out in the flanks. She remains still and tries to spot the one on her side of the trail. Stealth d20+21=28 (+4 for forest). Perception d20+24=44 (+6 vs humans, +4 evil outsiders, +2 magical beasts, +4 constructs).

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

DM Steven : The group coming from the opposite direction noticed your convoy. Not you.

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14 
Sunday November 21st, 2021 5:19:00 PM

'Osul smiles and remains observant.
Perception: d20+39
Heroes' Feast

Load State Error loading XML document (error, undefined) - reloaded without change - cannot make rolls

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Sunday November 21st, 2021 8:01:10 PM

Just on the off chance of necessity, Neshi whispers a spell and vanishes from sight.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended), Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Sunday November 21st, 2021 8:09:48 PM

Moridark flies above Derlin, and waits to see what happens.

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14  d20+39=40 ;
Monday November 22nd, 2021 6:15:16 AM

{Perception: 40 - It is working again!}

DM Steven - On route to Edenmoor  d20+12=26 ;
Monday November 22nd, 2021 6:45:56 AM

The Wardens are cautious in their approach of the other convoy. So apparently are they... yet no one seeks to provoke one another... has the Wold turned to vicious that one needs to be cautious when on a trade mission?

Trellus, looking completely non-threatening in is plate armor with bastard sword watches as Armand moves ahead of the group.
Elyngael sneaks through the trees... while the scouts from the other convoy are doing a fine job, little escapes the ranger's keen eyes 'n ears. She sees the scout hiding behind a few trees trying to see your friends. This scout doesn't know by far that you spotted him. However, Elyngael sees no immediate evidence of hostility.
'Osul smiles are remains observant. Neshi's whispers a spell and vanishes from sight... at that moment Elyngael notices the scout she's observing is startled... worried? Instinctively this man draws his short sword.
Moridark rides his phantom steed above Derlin and waits to see what happens.

Armand steps forward and addresses the rider that comes to meet him.
The rider, clad in padded armor has a long sword sheathed on his belt. He raises his hand hailing Armand.

"Greetings Sir... my name is Averitt of the Dawn. We are escorting this merchant on his trade expedition West towards Aisildur. Can we cross each other peacefully? "

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Monday November 22nd, 2021 5:54:20 PM

"Greetings again to you Averitt, I am Armand. Some of my friends here are a little nervous. We've had a run in with some of those people calling themselves the clerics or chosen or whatever, of the White Goddess. As I said before we're on our way to Edenmoor." He makes a show of looking behind Averitt at the oncoming caravan. "I think it would be easier for us to stand aside. Can't say as I'm familiar with Aisildur." He motions for everyone to get off the trail and make way for the others. He helps Derlin with the cart.

On going
Hero's Feast: (d8+8 temp hitpoints), +1 attack, +1 all will saves, +4 vs poison

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+21=35 ; d20+24=41 ;
Monday November 22nd, 2021 7:48:22 PM

Elyngael remains motionless. She keeps her senses alert for anything else but does not intend to move anymore unless combat is started. Stealth d20+21=35 (+4 for forest). Perception d20+24=41 (+6 vs humans, +4 evil outsiders, +2 magical beasts, +4 constructs).

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended), Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Monday November 22nd, 2021 7:59:12 PM

Moridark flies down and lands beside Armand, softly shooing his phantom steed into the woods so as not to spook the animals.

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14  d20+39=40 ; d20+21=27 ;
Tuesday November 23rd, 2021 5:28:48 AM

'Osul looks to whom/where the gesture accompanying Averitt's "escorting this merchant" leads.
{Perception: 40 (that's twice), Sense Motive: 27}

He starts looking for the best place to move the donkeys and cart.

DM Steven - On route to Edenmoor 
Tuesday November 23rd, 2021 5:45:27 AM

Averitt makes a slight bow with his head as he returns the greetings.
"Well met Sir. It is said the road to Aisildur is long and dangerous which is why we are escorting it to its destination. Crossing the Elennian Peninsula from East to West. We come from Plateau City so our route will pass through the Culverwood and then we stay South of the Shadow Mountain and south towards Aisildur. I'm sorry to say Sir but I've never heard of this White Goddess...

Allow me to call back my scouts so we don't get all jumpy by accident... "

Averitt snaps his fingers. Elyngael sees the scout she's been eyeballing sheath his weapon and move away... seconds later the two scouts step from the treeline. Everyone seems to relax a bit.

"I suppose you also have scouts on us also?"

As Armand offers safe passage and has his friends more the cart a little, Averitt smiles thankfully and snaps his fingers again. A young fellow jumps of the wagon and brings something that he hands to Averitt

"Excellent. Thank you Sir. We shall be on our way then. Please accept this silk scarf as a token of friendship."

Averitt waves his hands and the convoy and immediately they begin moving forward again. They don't move fast but they have a steady pace to it and after several minutes they will be out of sight.
As they pass by you, you can take a look at the wagon and it's protectors. Seems Averitt an his men are fairly young and un-experienced... The wagon is filled with silk robes, rugs, soft luxurious pillows and more stuff like that... it all looks pretty posh... Oh well there must be a market for it. 'Osul gets a good look at the merchant... he radiates wealth... overweight, pale, perfumed, rings on every finger... oh well... they are not of your concern.

The road ahead is free now for you to continue your journey...

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 37, HP (156/156) 
Tuesday November 23rd, 2021 11:14:18 AM

Trellus observes the caravan roll by.

"A lot of money, a lot of bravado, not much experience," he asides to Armand.
"Good way to get your threads cut."

However, they can't go saving everybody, and the man silently implores Domi to look over the caravan.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended), Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Tuesday November 23rd, 2021 6:38:44 PM

Moridark waits for the caravan to pass and calls his phantom steed to him. The mage takes back to the sky and follows the party down the road.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Tuesday November 23rd, 2021 8:51:10 PM

Elyngael follows their scout back to the trail. She smiles and waves at everyone.

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Tuesday November 23rd, 2021 8:57:44 PM

"Well Averitt, beware anyone trying to convince you to trade 2 of your gold coins for one of theirs. That seems to be a part of the swindle by these White Goddess followers. Thank you for your gift." Once they are past he nods to the others. "Do they appear young to you? I suppose we were all that young and naive at one point. Perhaps they shall get seasoned on the trail Trellus."

He gets the cart back on the trail and they continue their eastward journey.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Tuesday November 23rd, 2021 10:16:41 PM

Neshi stays invisible and moves on with his friends after the travelers pass.

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14 
Wednesday November 24th, 2021 5:08:36 AM

"How long are we going to remain outside the Wold?", he asks.

DM Steven - On route to Edenmoor 
Wednesday November 24th, 2021 5:13:16 AM

It is with mixed feelings that you observe the convoy as it continues its mission West. A bit young, naive with a lot of bravado but without much experience... Armand realizes you were once just like that...

Without further debate the group sets course to Edenmoor.
You arrive early afternoon of the next day. Derlin is happy to take you to his home. It's a small house but it's nice and cosy. It's obvious his wife Camelia likes the place to be clean so she frowns a bit when she sees your dirty boots. Derlin's twin sons come rushing towards him... he runs his hands through their hair and lifts one after the other.

"Come... come in please... " Derlin says and he welcomes you to his home.

Now's a good moment to plan your trip North to find the White Goddess.
From Edenmoor you can follow the road to Windhorn Hamlet. Find a way to cross the Dragon Bay or follow it along. (ooc - depending how you plan to move North we may fast forward a little bit)

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 37, HP (156/156) 
Wednesday November 24th, 2021 11:09:48 AM

Trellus nods pleasantly to Derlin's wife, and does his best to clean off his boots before moving further into the house.

He grins at the twins, thankful their father was bright enough to throw down his bow.

Once his comrades find a place to converse, he offers what he recalls of earlier plans.

"The idea was to teleport to Windhorn Hamlet, then Wind Walk from there, yes?
Though looking for this particular mountain might take awhile."

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Wednesday November 24th, 2021 6:13:03 PM

"Uh, Derlin, do you have a place to put the cart...and the donkeys?" He knocks the dirt from his boots and enters. "Good day miss. We're just passing through. Don't mean to be a bother. Can you tell us if there's an inn here-abouts?"

He nods to Trellus. "I believe that was the plan. We may have to do some scouting around and talking to the natives when we get closer. Maybe look for cart loads of gold heading somewhere specific. I believe the dra...." He doesn't want to upset the missus. "...our target is supposed to be near an old abandoned gold mine?"

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended), Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Wednesday November 24th, 2021 7:45:21 PM

Moridark casts prestidigittion and cleans everyones boots, and knocks the dust from the road from thier clothes. The mage smiles at and talks with everyone.

OOC: Iwas in a pretty good car wreck today. Please excuse the short posts for a bit while I recuperate.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+14=18 ;
Wednesday November 24th, 2021 9:40:52 PM

Elyngael will see to parking the cart and unhooking the donkeys. Then she will use Brawn's brush to brush out the donkeys coats. Handle Animal d20+14=18. When the donkeys are taken care of she will see to finding them some hay or a field where they can graze. She will set Brawn to watch over them and keep them from wandering away or from getting preyed upon.

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14 
Thursday November 25th, 2021 5:59:08 AM

'Osul offers thanks and is glad Derlin is home with his family again.

DM Steven - On route to Edenmoor 
Thursday November 25th, 2021 9:00:01 AM

Trellus is cautious not to get mud all over the place but Moridark immediately casts prestidigitation on all... Camelia smiles at Moridark and when everyone is seated it seems his slice of cake is just a bit larger than that of the others and there's an extra pinch of honey in his mead.

Derlin nods when asked if he has a space for the cart and donkeys.
"Yes sir I can manage... I will keep the donkeys. They can help in the field and live a long and happy live."

Camelia is a bit startled when Armand addresses her directly. You did notice that when you arrived at Derlin's home he and his wife hugged warmly. Derlin spoke a few words to his wife and she was visibly shaken by what she heard. She probably got a very bried report of what has happened to Derlin... now being addressed by one of the Wardens is quite something for her...
" The Baying Hound is the Edenmoor's premier Tavern... they serve almost everything there is... "

Elyngael remains outside and takes care of the donkeys and Brawn.

Osul' and Moridark are both happy to be here and having seen Derlin and his kids both are pleased the way the forest scrapper turned out.

During Tea time Trellus and Armand discuss how to proceed and how to find that old gold mine. Both notice how Camelia pulls Derlin aside and whispers something in his ear.

"Sorry to interrupt you sirs but Camelia recalls how her grandfather used to tell tales of the vast mines North of Dragon Bay... "

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Thursday November 25th, 2021 9:15:20 AM

Neshi not one that really cares for unknown cities and lots of people, trails along behind the others once they make the town. As they enter the home the very large lion taur tries to find some space where he won’t knock things over.

“Yes, I have been to windhorne so I can easily teleport us there. Afterward…?

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Thursday November 25th, 2021 9:16:31 AM

Neshi then continues to listen and perks up as Derlin speaks of what his wife just whispered in his ear.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Thursday November 25th, 2021 9:41:17 AM

Neshi then continues to listen and perks up as Derlin speaks of what his wife just whispered in his ear.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended), Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Thursday November 25th, 2021 7:24:59 PM

Moridark listens to the conversation, and when Derlin mentions the mines the mage pulls out his journal and writes down the stories told.

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 37, HP (156/156)  d20+15=23 ;
Thursday November 25th, 2021 9:55:59 PM

"Truly?" Trellus responds with great interest.

"We'd love to hear a tale or two, especially any regarding where these mines might be found, and creatures encountered there."

[Diplomacy 23]

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14 
Friday November 26th, 2021 4:46:46 AM

'Osul is also interested in the tales, but also asks if her grandfather had any maps or other items from or describing the mines or mountains.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Friday November 26th, 2021 8:01:56 AM

Armand leans forward. "Please tell us more. We'd be willing to pay for information."

DM Steven - The Old Gold Mine 
Friday November 26th, 2021 3:57:47 PM

The information that Camelia has apparently heard of some vast mines North of Dragon Bay immediately gets everyone's attention. Neshi perks up... Moridark pulls out his journal... "Truly?!", Trellus responds with great interest. Tales are interesting... maps even more 'Osul thinks and asks if Camelia's grandfather by any chance has any maps or other items describing the mines.

"Please tell us more. We'd be willing to pay for information." Armand says.

So the group sits down in the small living area. (Neshi is probably a bit cramped against the wall)
Camelia and Derlin take out some more mead and cake and sit down with you. There aren't enough chairs to sit on so some will be seated on the thin carpet instead.

"Granddad used to tell us bedtime stories of how he and his friends, when they were younger, traveled North to go gold digging in the abandoned gold mines. They would take a boat to cross the bay... to the most Northern point and then a day on foot before they got to the mines. Perhaps those old mines will still be on some maps... maybe in Windhorn Hamlet as Granddad told us that's where the gold arrived when the mine was still running. But when my granddad went there the mine was long closed already. There was no more gold to be found but they hoped to some day hit a forgotten Gold vein or so... they never found anything. But he spoke of the mines in such awe... how grand the mines were... how there was an inner chamber that was so vast it would probably fit Edenmoor... I didn't quite believe that though" Camelia adds quickly before she went on, "... where ice water melted from the roof and came down like a waterfall... sunlight came peaking through cracks in the chamber ceiling and created rainbows in the mist... The mines he said were in a mountain range a day walking from the Dragon Bay most Northern shore. Back then the trail was still there for him and his friends to follow but I'd doubt that trail will still be there.

Derlin sits quietly next to his wife as she speaks. Their twin sons fell a sleep on their mother's lap as she was telling the story.

"Why would you want to go there? Do you think that's where they took the gold we had to haul? But why there? Why would anyone want to take all that gold there? " Derlin asks in return.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+17=19 ;
Sunday November 28th, 2021 9:03:08 AM

Armand scratches his chin and realizes he hasn't shaved in a while. "Well this is interesting." He turns to the others. "Does anyone know how close Evenoak is to Windhorn?" He turns back to Camelia. "Well we suspect that there's at least 2 dragons now in that area and they are somehow using enchanted gold or just enchantment of some kind to trade 1 gold piece for 2 gold pieces. So they are obviously building a horde of gold, but instead of just swooping in and stealing it, they are having to work to build it up."

Armand pauses to consider, why do dragons horde gold, is it for biological purposes or psychological? Knowledge Arcane 19 (d20+17)

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Sunday November 28th, 2021 6:06:13 PM

(OOC: where / what is Evenoak?)

Neshi listens in to the story and nods but remains silent for the most part. "I don't know Evenoak but we are about 125 miles southwest of Windhorne currently.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+14=21 ;
Sunday November 28th, 2021 6:57:19 PM

Evenoak is where Frampton tried to do that duel with Elyngael.

Elyngeal slips into the room. After listening to the tale she tries to put things on a map. Knowledge Geography d20+14=21.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended), Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Sunday November 28th, 2021 8:07:10 PM

Moridark feverishily writes down every word in his flowing script. The mage wracks his brain trying to remember the maps his teachers used to periodically pull out when discussing far away places.

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14  d20+15=24 ;
Monday November 29th, 2021 8:25:22 AM

The phrase ...horde of gold... wanders though 'Osul's mind looking for a place to land.
{Knowledge(Arcana): 24}

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 37, HP (156/156) 
Monday November 29th, 2021 2:29:48 PM

Trellus nods encouragingly throughout the tale.

He cringes slightly when Armand mentions dragons to Camelia and Derlin. He was planning to leave that part out. But, it will be interested to see how they react.

DM Steven - Well this is interesting 
Monday November 29th, 2021 3:38:31 PM

(Apologies for the delay... this promises to be one hell of a crazy week at work... )

(OOC Not sure why Armand asks how close Evenoak is to Windhorn? Currently you are visiting Edenmoor. I could be I have mixed up things myself though... too many locations as I can also see from your posts and how you try to visualize where every location is :-)
But I just noticed this module is still named Evenoak :-D )

"Well this is interesting." Armand says as he listens to Camelia's stories. He turns back to tell Derlin and Camelia that you suspect there's a least 2 dragons in that area... Trellus cringes slightly when Armand mentions dragons but he's curious to see how Camelia and Derlin will react...

Camelia gasps and grabs Derlin by the arm... Derlin remains calm but you can see a hint of fear in his eyes... "You have angered them!! They are going to come here to destroy us... " Derlin says with despair in his words. Neither Derlin nor his wife even heard the rest Armand was saying about the gold exchange.

Neshi quietly listened and so does Elyngael - who sneaked in during Camelia's story. Probably she was lured in with the baked sweets. Moridark writes down every word in his flowing script.

Derlin and Camelia are scared now... not sure if they still like your company... what if your presence here will bring the dragons down on Edenmoor?!?

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+20=30 ;
Monday November 29th, 2021 5:17:41 PM

Armand realizes his faux pas. "Well there's nothing to be really worried about. I mean it's not the first time we faced down a dragon. I thought you realized that you were working for a dragon, Derlin. You were there when we questioned Frampton." Diplomacy 30 (d20+20) to sooth the way.

"Perhaps we should do windwalk and head on from here?" Armand asks the group. "I have one ready so I can take part of us."

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended), Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Monday November 29th, 2021 7:46:59 PM

Moridark finishes his writing and tucks his notbook away. "I am ready when you are Armand. Just a quick question though...Do we need to purchase anything before we continue on our journey?"

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Monday November 29th, 2021 7:54:40 PM

This is about the only map I could find and it's the southern shore of Dragon Bay.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Monday November 29th, 2021 7:56:41 PM

Elyngael knows there's not much she can do to placate the hosts. She shrugs her shoulders and steps back outside.

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Monday November 29th, 2021 8:20:34 PM

Neshi digs through his things and pulls a bit more of a generic map out and shares it. This map has a basic outlay of the Bay and the part of the scab. Perhaps the general area could be pointed out.


'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14 
Tuesday November 30th, 2021 5:25:38 AM

"No, I expect they are only interested in us, and they will be awaiting our arrival. We shall be away. Watch for our return, and thank you kindly for your grandfather's tale."

DM Steven - North it is?  
Tuesday November 30th, 2021 1:32:06 PM

(OOC - based on Robert's post from Nov 16th I was assuming Derlin didn't join you during the questioning. When he gets his last questions answers he prays over Frampton's body. Then he see's to burying it. After that's done he casts Hero's Feast. "Come Derlin join us in our repast." )

Armand sooths the way. 'Osul calms Derlin and his wife saying it's probably you the dragons will be after... or rather it will be you they are waiting for... Next Armand suggests to windwalk North.
Moridark finishes his wriing, tucks his notebook away and seems ready and eager to go. Some supplies perhaps?
Elyngael figures she can't do much to placate the hosts so instead she steps outside and prepares.

Ok so... North it is?
Based on both maps you have, where do you want to go and what route would you take?


Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Tuesday November 30th, 2021 5:05:47 PM

Neshi looks at the others. Ok so we go. I can get us to winhorne hamlett via teleport and then I say we wind walk from there or fly...

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended), Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Tuesday November 30th, 2021 7:59:28 PM

Moridark pours over the maps trying to memorize as many distinct spots as he can. "Thank you both for your hospitality, and your stories. May you both be blessed." Moridark turns to the others, "If there is nothing needed for supplies the quicker we move, the sooner this gets done."

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Tuesday November 30th, 2021 8:20:57 PM

Elyngael surveys outside, trying to figure out what Derlin's career was, farmer, herder, rancher, etc.

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Tuesday November 30th, 2021 8:29:01 PM

Armand nods. "Well technically the whole north end of the bay is along the shore of the Scab. Derlin I thank you and Camelia for your hospitality. Good luck trading that gear." He glances at the rest of the party in a come hither look as he exits the building.

"Okay Neshi if you can get us all to Windhorn I think that would be the best place to start and maybe do a little more discrete asking around. I hope Camelia didn't mean the ancient Mines of Durendal located in the Scab somewhere."

by the way found this windhorn

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 37, HP (156/156) 
Tuesday November 30th, 2021 8:35:59 PM

Trellus nods.

"Agreed. We teleport to Windhorn Hamlet, and take a least a day there, so as to prep our spells.
Have we anything to sell at the Catacombs while we're there?"

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14 
Wednesday December 1st, 2021 6:44:28 AM

'Osul agrees, steps outside and readied to be teleported.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Wednesday December 1st, 2021 11:54:24 AM

ok then. I will need to take two trips to get us all there, so Elyngael, Brawn, and Armand will go first and then I will come back for Trellus, Osul and Moridark. sound good?

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Wednesday December 1st, 2021 12:18:42 PM

picturing the campgrounds behind the festival grounds and speaks his spell.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Wednesday December 1st, 2021 12:18:42 PM

picturing the campgrounds behind the festival grounds and speaks his spell.

DM Steven - Windhorn Hamlet.  
Wednesday December 1st, 2021 5:33:59 PM

One by one the Wardens prepare for the quest North. Neshi offers to teleport everyone to Windhorn and from there windwalk sounds like an option. Moridark studies the maps. Outside Elyngael is curious to know what Derlin's career was... was? is! in fact Derlin is also herding cattle. Lifestock is the most common good here in Edenmoor. He was probably lured by some quick money... well you know the outcome of that so let's assume he'll get back to his old career albeit with some nice financial support thanks to you lot...

Armand wonders if Camelia was referring to the infamous mines of Durendalll Legend has that this mine is filled with mithril and silver but it is also sais that this mine brought the original downfall of the Dwarves living in the Scab in the 2nd age... nah... Armand realizes it's more likely these mines must be somewhere on the Dragon Coast. Apparently Camelia's grandfather said it was about a day on foot from the shoreline.

Trellus and 'Osul are also fine being teleported to Windhorn Hamlet.

So be it... you say your goodbye to Derlin, Camelia and their twin sons. You're certain he will come around nicely now. A few minutes later you are all near Windhorn Hamlet. Any specific location you jump to? Plans?

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+7=18 ;
Wednesday December 1st, 2021 5:51:14 PM

I believe Neshi was going to take us to the camp-grounds.
What time of day is it? I know we were still on the march when we got to Derlin's home.

Armand looks around and tries to get a sense of things. Perception 18 (d20+7)

To the party he quietly says"I think we should get the lay of the land here and see if they know of any local gold mines, where some adventurers', as in us, may have heard of lost treasure. Let's keep dragons out of all talk, and just try to work the lost treasure angle in an old gold mine."

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 37, HP (156/156) 
Wednesday December 1st, 2021 7:50:37 PM

Trellus nods at Armand's plan.

Hitting town, the man makes for the local WLA chapterhouse, and asks about information or maps on a gold mine located about where Camelia indicated.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Wednesday December 1st, 2021 8:59:58 PM

Elyngael will check the campgrounds and see if there's any caravans in town, due or in town, or just left town.

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended), Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Wednesday December 1st, 2021 10:44:09 PM

Moridark takes the time to memorize the outside of the door to Derlin's home just in case an emergency teleport is necessary. Moridark nods when it is his time to teleport and smiles at his companions

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14  d20+32=46 ;
Thursday December 2nd, 2021 5:21:36 PM

In a similar fashion to Moridark, 'Osul notes the trees at both ends of the trip - looking for some commonality.
{Knowledge(Nature): 46}

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Thursday December 2nd, 2021 5:22:08 PM

Armand continues to examine his surroundings.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Thursday December 2nd, 2021 7:27:40 PM

Neshi takes the first group and teleports them to the campground. waits for them to be settled and then heads back to pick up the last group. once there he gathers the rest and pops back to the campground. Once back with everyone Neshi looks around. So if we just cut through the festival grounds and cross the path we should be right there at Grogs tavern and just down the way a bit will be the Belt and Belch. I prefer Grogs as it is a bit more sttled and Grog spent a lot of time at the "Tree" many years ago.

DM Steven - Windhorn Hamlet.  
Friday December 3rd, 2021 1:12:09 PM

(OoC1 : going nuts this week... )
(OoC2 : I can't seem to find any evidence that the Wardens have visited Windhorn Hamlet before? Yurr'Neshi seems to have a connection with Windhorn Hamlet? Not a big deal but just trying to figure out exactly what you know and don't know about this place...)

You arrive late in the afternoon near the Campgrounds in Windhorn Hamlet. Armand wants to check in with some adventurers to see if any know something about the old gold mine to the North. He does suggest leaving the dragons out of the conversations...

Trellus agrees and goes to check in with the WLA chapterhouse.

Elyngael searches the camp grounds. As usual there are several wandering caravans that are passing through.

Armand, 'Osul and Moridark join Yurr'Neshi. The Liontaur cuts through the festival grounds and enter the town through the south entrance. The first tavern on the road is Grog’s Happy Half-Ogre Tavern and Inn.

(OoC - ok help me out here folks... I just can't find anything in the Tree of Parting history on Grog... all info by mail is much appreciated)

Your current locations :
- Armand : Grog’s
- 'Osul : Grog’s
- Yurr'Neshi : Grog’s
- Moridark : Grog’s
- Elyngael : Camp grounds
- Trellus : WLA house (any history on where that is located?)

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Friday December 3rd, 2021 3:38:59 PM

(OOC 2: Neshis spent time travelling around and through the red hills using Trader's corner as a base of operations. He went where-ever the need was to put down "Bully types".)

(OOC Grog: the information on Grog is minimal and his time at the tree is only mentioned. << Grog (an Ogre), now advanced of age, sits in a large sized corner booth of the tavern. There is furniture sized for all. The Inn is like an oversized farmhouse complete with a barn for a stable. The tavern is run by Valma, Grog’s half-ogre granddaughter. Her human husband Cerdic the Tall, runs the Inn. It is as popular and forward thinking as ever. Grog, having spent some time at the Tree of Parting, follows their tradition of letting customers pay what they think something is worth.>>)

A couple of the group head off on their own while the majority join Neshi on his way to Grog's.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Friday December 3rd, 2021 5:43:40 PM

OOC - No Armand wants to pretend that the Wardens are adventurers out to find hidden treasure at the old gold mine.

Are we using this map?

I think this is from a game previous to the Tree being started. From what I've been able to gleam it was where the adventurers that became the Emerald Dragons started from, so that's how old it may be.

Armand takes a look around and goes to the barkeep/front desk. "Excuse me. My friends and I have traveled far and only just arrived. Would there be some rooms available? And perhaps a good beer?

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Friday December 3rd, 2021 6:33:43 PM

Elyngael will check to see if her parents caravan is among the ones currently in town.

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 37, HP (156/156) 
Friday December 3rd, 2021 7:27:57 PM

Trellus has never been to Windhorn Hamlet.

He assumes there's a WLA Chapterhouse around here somewhere, and sets about asking directions.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended), Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Friday December 3rd, 2021 10:23:49 PM

Moridark keeps an eye out as the group heads to the tavern just in case there is a familiar, unfriendly face in the crowd.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Saturday December 4th, 2021 8:52:35 AM

(OOC: That map is actually an original of Jerry's that existed prior to being online. There are four more inset detail maps that have much more information in them. I will try and scan in at some point.)
(OOC2: There is also a lot more information about Grog's history with the town.)

DM RobC - "And perhaps a good beer?" 
Saturday December 4th, 2021 7:10:04 PM

Most of the party make their way over to Grog's. Armand - polite as always - approaches the bar and asks the bartender about rooms and ale.

The half-ogre woman smiles warmly. "Why, only the best ale this side of Bonetown. How many, hun?". She grabs a mug and moves over to a nearby keg as she awaits his answer. "As for the room, sure, we got plenty available. How many rooms you need?".

Moridark keeps his eyes open for trouble. He doesn't spot anyone familiar to him at all. There are only a handful of patrons in the tavern right now. All eyes turned to the party as you entered and you notice a few start to whisper to each other. In the corner sits a lone elderly ogre in a large corner booth watching the party closely.

Trellus is pretty new in town and asks for directions to a WLA office. Fortunately the WLA has chapterhouses in most cities. "Just head east from here. About five or six buildings along the way. If you reach the Hearthfire Inn you've gone too far"

Meanwhile, Elyngael goes to check in on the caravan. She asks about but is unable to find her parents here. No doubt they've found somewhere else to trade today.

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14  d20+39=48 ; d20+21=36 ;
Saturday December 4th, 2021 11:30:02 PM

'Osul takes in the atmosphere, smiling as the eyes turn their direction, and tries to pick up what he can in the whispers and murmurs.{Perception: 48, Sense Motive: 36}

He raises a finger in response to the question of ale, and drops it again once acknowledged.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended), Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Sunday December 5th, 2021 9:12:44 PM

Moridark smiles at the bartender, "Wine please, something a lite sweet perhaps." The mage places coin on the counter to pay for drinks for the party and waits on Armand to decide on rooms.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+20=35 ;
Sunday December 5th, 2021 10:22:39 PM

Armand responds, "Drinks or rooms? I guess both. Let's see there's 6 of us and one pet...errr perhaps guardian would be better. Well it's a big wolf. No bigger than our friendly liontaur though. Hmm, Will that be a problem? Do you have largish rooms on the ground floor? And oh I guess a round of beer for the house." He nods toward the other few patrons. [b]"Our journey has been pretty trying and we're going to need a place to rest a bit before we move on."[b]

Diplomacy 35 (d20+20)

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Sunday December 5th, 2021 10:25:32 PM

Disappointed Elyngeal follows after the others and enters the inn with Brawn following right behind her. "Brawn isn't allowed to drink beer. Do you have some creamy milk? Could I have some herbal tea?"

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 37, HP (156/156) 
Monday December 6th, 2021 11:39:50 AM

Trellus thanks the stranger for the directions, and makes his way to the WLA Chapterhouse.

"Good day," he greets whoever he finds.
After showing his badge, he gets to the point.
"I was hoping to do some research in the gold mines north of Dragon Bay. Have you got anything on them?"

DM Steven - @ Grog's 
Monday December 6th, 2021 6:42:05 PM

'Osul quietly takes in the atmosphere. When asked for ale he raises a finger. He casually tries to hear whipsers and murmurs.

" ... who are they... "
"... they're fr'm East..."
"... that's a WLA Hero's badge that one is wearing! ... "
( ... oh hi George..."

A young fellow enters Grog's and goes to sit with his friends. 'Osul notices the young lad sports a WLA Adventurer badge...
"... say... Georgie... look at them... you know them? ..."
The young lad stares at 'Osul and almost spills his ale...
"... stop fooling around you idiots... ", George says. ".. that's one of the famous Tree of Parting hero's. I heard rumours they were visiting Windhorn but... whow... they are hero's indeed... "

Moridark asks for Wine and something sweet...

The bartender goes around back and comes back a few seconds later with a plate of sweet fried onion rings that go well with the deep red wine he decants for Moridark. Only a few seconds after Moridark, Elyngael asks for creamy milk or herbal tea... the bartender looks at Elyngael and smirks : "creamy milk and herbal tea... lassy this is a bar not a beauty salon. I can get you some mead if that would be ok for you. "

Armand arranges some rooms and plenty to eat and drink. A round for everyone is of course something that draws a lot of attention. The whole bar holds eyes on you.

Trellus wanders through Windhorn Hamlet on his own. With the directions given to him he quikcly finds the WLA chapterhouse. There's no one to tak to though... but Trellus can hear sound of combat training through the open doors at the back of the room.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended), Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Monday December 6th, 2021 6:51:23 PM

Moridark takes the wine and onion rings and drops another silver in the bartender's hand. "Thank you!" The mage pops one of the onion rings and a smile creases the half-orc's as he half chews, and half sucks in cool air as they are piping hot. Moridark offers his friends some as Armand deals with rooms for them all.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Monday December 6th, 2021 7:54:20 PM

Neshi Joins Armand in getting a table and some wine, his WLA badge also in plain view on his robes.

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14 
Tuesday December 7th, 2021 6:01:04 AM

'Osul smiles."No standing on ceremony here, George, unless you're here on League business?"
Assuming he is not, 'Osul bids him take a seat and join them - paying forward the generosity shown to them by other, more experienced Leaguers in the past.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Tuesday December 7th, 2021 11:05:51 AM

Elyngael frowns. "I was referring to the milk for Brawn here." She thumbs back to her large sized wolf. "I guess if you have no tea I'll take an ale."

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 37, HP (156/156) 
Tuesday December 7th, 2021 11:28:58 AM

Trellus heads through the open door in back and follows the sounds of combat training until he finds a place with people.

The man quietly observes, and waits to be noticed.

No need to interrupt.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Tuesday December 7th, 2021 11:42:36 AM

Armand raises his beer in salute to the crowd. "Hello there. We're not familiar with the area and could use some help in the way of information. We've been retained to find a family heirloom. Now where we've been given some instructions as to where it was hidden, we were not given specifics. All we know is that it's in an old abandoned gold mine. Would any of you know of any such in the area?"

DM Steven - @ Grog's 
Tuesday December 7th, 2021 7:14:43 PM

Moridark takes the wine and onion rings and goes to sit with his friends. At the moment he's experiencing the hot taste of them Valma, Grog's half-Ogre granddaughter comes out of the kitchen. She's the one running the tavern. The elderly Ogre in the large corner booth has a hard time concealing his smile...

Neshi also joins Moridark showing his WLA badge in plain sight.
George, the young WLA adventurer has already spilled half his ale so more WLA hotshots arriving in the tavern will probably be too much for the young lad.
'Osul smiles and reassured George. 'Osul remembers when they were all 'George', they were also kindly supported by any older and more experienced WLA members they encountered. So he gladly offers George a seat and a drink. It will be interesting to see how he copes with Valma's sweet 'n spicy onion rings.

Elyngael frowns... "I was referring to the milk for Brawn here." she thumbs back to Brawn...
"I know dear I know... " the bartender says smiling, "I was just kidding... not many come here asking for milk. Come... here's a nice big bowl of milk and some ale then for you. Now we don't get to see such magnificent animal here every day... I would have giving him a reindeer size bone or so... wasn't expecting milk... "

Once everyone is settled in the bar, Armand salutes the crowd. He comes up with a story of a family heirloom and asks about an old abandoned gold mine... No one speaks up...

Then from the corner booth a slow baritone voice does answer...
"There ain no mines here lad... back in the days humans ventured North cross the Dragon's bay hunting for gold... family heirloom huh... "

Back at the WLA chapter house Trellus heads through the open door in the back and follows the sound of combat training. The open door leads to a spacious courtyard training ground. 8 young adventurers with shiny new WLA badges are attending a training course given by a nimble female human. She's apparently a WLA Officer. Wielding twin daggers she spins around the youngsters teaching them how to defend against them. She notices her pupils are staring at the door so she stops her training.
Somewhat annoyed she looks at Trellus... but then a split second later her eyes widen.

"Sir I apologize... I had not seen nor heard you. Please welcome. How may I be of service."

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Tuesday December 7th, 2021 8:32:48 PM

Armand looks startled. "You mean we're not at the north end of Dragon Bay?" He turns so only the party members can see him and winks while saying. "I thought you said this was the north end?" He hopes someone from the party will contradict him and continue the ruse that Armand is setting up.

Armand turns back to the voice from the booth. "Admittedly I'm not the navigator of our party. I can barely tell north from south on a map. Could you elaborate good sir? You seem to have more information than we do. Or at least I do."

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14 
Wednesday December 8th, 2021 7:24:46 AM

"North end?"

'Osul returns to talking WLA shop with George and any other people who are interested, refocussing the conversation on what they want to be/do/achieve from time to time, as required.

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 37, HP (156/156)  d20+15=31 ;
Wednesday December 8th, 2021 2:20:22 PM

Trellus nods his head in greeting.

"Many shadows. And no need to apologize. I can see you're busy. I came to see if you had records or information on the gold mines north of the bay. But, it can wait until your session is over."

[Diplomacy 31]

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Wednesday December 8th, 2021 5:16:39 PM

"Thank you. I'm sure Brawn would like a bone as well." Elyngael looks at Armand, "No I thought this was going to be our jumping off point. The north end of the bay is basically in the Scab and we have to cross through that. Though knowing more about where the old abandoned gold mine is would help."

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended), Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Wednesday December 8th, 2021 7:53:28 PM

Moridark smiles as george barrels into the tavern. The tall mage deftly raises his wine, and onion rings out of the way so as not to make a mess, and makes amental note to check out the WLA again. Knowing his countenance disuades many, the half-orc takes a position at a nearby table, and records the conversation in his notebook.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Wednesday December 8th, 2021 9:06:42 PM

Neshi looks at Armand. North, South whatever, I said I could get us here and that it was near one end of Dragon Bay.

DM Steven - @ Grog's and the WLA Chapterhouse 
Thursday December 9th, 2021 8:30:32 AM

Armand seems to want to play the wise guy as he looks startled for not being at the north end of Dragon Bay... he turns to the one in the booth in the corner and asks for some more clarifications on the whereabouts of these so called mines. 'Osul plays along and then turns to George and his mates.

With 'Osul and Moridark at his table, George of course is proud that these famous Wardens are willing to talk to and share a drink with him. The young lad of course hopes to become equally famous some day. He seems to dwell a lot on the Southern Continent which seems to have caught his interest. The vast unknown on that continent is of course very attractive to young adventurers thinking their rise in fame will be measured by their bravery. 'Osul and Moridark do have some questions on how George will do in the wild... especially having seen his face turn red after casually snacking on some of the sweet 'n spicy onion rings....

Happy the milk issue has been resolved, Elyngael looks at Armand... she's not playing along like 'Osul did plainly stating they agreed this was going to be their jumping point. North end is across the bay of course... it would be good just to know where the mines are...
Neshi doesn't really care which way is North and which is South... the mines should be near one end of Dragon Bay.

In the corner booth the figure sits up straight allowing the candle light to reflect on his face. A large Ogre head stares at Armand...

"So lad... you want me to believe you are the famous Tree Wardens yet you don't know you're not on the North end of Dragon's Bay?! I see your friend the Wolf lady knows better... and she's not taking me for a fool either... " he pauses for a few seconds and then slowly adds : "You seek the old mines... why..."

In the WLA Chapterhouse Trellus asks for information on the gold mines North of the Bay.
"... line up 2 by 2..." the trainer says, "... combat training one on one. Keep it civilized... Rorena... no one gets hurt... understood?!... "

Then, two lovely green eyes stare at Trellus. She blinks a few times staring at his clean-shaven, squarish face and very dark blue eyes... There's a giggle from two young woman that have lined up for the training. The trainer casts a stern face at them and then again turns to Trellus...

"This way Sir. Let's see... I'm sure we have some old maps around here with the mines on. By the way I'm Jinn... " Trellus follows Jinn back inside the chapter house as she leads you to the library. She starts opening several drawers that seem to hold a lot of maps of the Wold.

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 37, HP (156/156) 
Thursday December 9th, 2021 3:05:08 PM

Trellus nods at the line of trainees, and follows Jinn out.

"Many Shadows, Jinn", he responds pleasantly. "I'm Trellus. I'm definitely not 'Sir'."
"My friends and I are particularly interested in a mine a day's walk north of the northernmost point on the Bay. Anything you have about that area would be truly shady."

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Thursday December 9th, 2021 6:04:13 PM

Armand walks over, "Indeed, we are trying to be a little more circumspect after our last inquiry about information. Good information is hard to come by and there's those that do now wish us to find our way." Armand talks quieter. "As to why, well there's things astir that should not be stirring and trouble has ways to spread it's reach."

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended), Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Thursday December 9th, 2021 7:54:19 PM

Moridark eats and takes notes.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Thursday December 9th, 2021 10:00:27 PM

Not sure what to expect Elyngael keeps an eye on everyone. She will sit in a corner with Brawn.

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14 
Friday December 10th, 2021 6:49:53 AM

'Osul remains in conversation - no less aware of the other conversations, people moving or not, and the like.

He knows who he is. Right now, he is a Hero of the WLA, speaking with and listening to Champions and maybe Officers of the same. Proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is 'Osul, Warden of The Tree of Parting and Druid of the Culverwood can wait.

DM Steven - @ Grog's and the WLA Chapterhouse 
Friday December 10th, 2021 9:45:04 AM

Trellus responds pleasantly to Jinn and tells her he's specifically interested in a mine a day's walk from the North of the northernmost point on the bay...

"Well that's information we can work with Si... Trellus... let's see... a day's walk... that would be what?... 16 to 24 miles perhaps? " Jinn grabs a map of that shows the Northern edge of the Bay and she starts measuring. Clearly she loves doing this research... "Now then... look... here...", she draws a circle with her finger on the map, "See this mountain range? That's about a day from the shoreline and I bet if we were to check some other records of explorations of that area that we might find some info on the mine you seek... or... if I may say so... if it were me, I would start to search for your mine in that area...
Why you want to go there?! There are no active mines anymore in that area?! You don't look like a gold digger either... "
, she adds with a blush on her cheeks.

Armand walks over to Ogre in the corner booth and explains why he was cautious in sharing information.
The Ogre responds : "I get it lad... I get it... sit... Valma! Get me some mead and don't let them eat all my spicy onion rings. Bring me some as well...". Easy guess, Armand is talking to Grog... owner of the place and his granddaughter Valma actively runs the place.

Then Grog continues: "There used to be many up North... Here in Windhorn there's always been gold t from the North passing through to the Plateau. Now lad... I'll ask you again... you seek the old mines... why? "

Moridark, Yurr'Neshi and Elyngael keep an eye on everyone. They have snacks, drinks, notes to make and Brawn to pet.'Osul too follows the conversation and tries to keep track of all else that goes around in the pub.

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 37, HP (156/156) 
Saturday December 11th, 2021 5:17:59 PM

"Shady!" Trellus exclaims, as Jinn shows him the location of the mountain range.

"We're chasing some bad people," he explains to her. "And we think that's where they are going. You've been a big help. I owe you one."

The warrior takes his leave, and goes to find his comrades.

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14 
Sunday December 12th, 2021 5:11:31 PM

'Osul continues to speak and listen with George, and any others joining in.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended), Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Sunday December 12th, 2021 8:02:02 PM

Moridark continues listening, taking notes, and eating the onion rings. The mage writes quickly, as he knows the stories, signs, and descriptions will change as people are want to embellish.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Sunday December 12th, 2021 8:12:42 PM

Neshi watches as Armand gets up and approaches Grog, ready in case there are ay issues.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Sunday December 12th, 2021 8:14:43 PM

Armand takes a seat with Grog. "Let me ask you this. Have you had any .... visitors, claiming to be from 'The White Goddess' wanting to exchange their new gold coins for your current gold coins? Of course they are making the exchange at 1 of their coins for 2 of yours."

Armand makes a show then of sipping at his drink.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Sunday December 12th, 2021 8:19:50 PM

Elyngael says, "What sort of meals do you have available here? Something more substantial than onion rings."

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

DM Steven - "We're chasing some bad people," 
Monday December 13th, 2021 8:52:09 AM

With the information Jinn has shown, Trellus now has a good idea of where the Wardens could find the mine where the White Goddess is hiding. He thanks Jinn and rushes back to his friends.
"Looking forward to meeting you again Sir... Trellus... " Jinn says; Trellus happens to notice she seems sad he's already leaving...

'Osul, Moridark and Yurr'Neshi are mingling with the young adventurers and are keeping an eye on the chat between Armand and Grog. Elyngael would like to have some decent mean rather than a snack.
Valma smiles at Elyngael and says : "Of course! My Cedric makes a killer stew with lots of mushrooms and some bread of the side... or he can throw a rib-eye on the fire..." Valma refers to her human husband Cedric the Tall.

[Grog looks at Armand as he's asking about visitors leaming to be from the "White Goddess".
In his baritpne voice Grog replies : "Doesn't ring a bell lad and that exchange just doesn't sound very... euhm... you know... but for the last time... you seek the old mines... why? "

Sense Motive 20 Highlight to display spoiler: { Grog's getting quite annoyed that Armand does not want to answer to his questions... annoyed yet also intrigued as to why Armand makes such a big deal of this...}

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended), Phantom Steed (Extended)  d20=18 ;
Monday December 13th, 2021 7:58:08 PM

Moridark doesn't notice anything amiss with Grog, and continues writing down notes and trying to have a good time while working. At the mention of a steak the mage's stomach makes an audible growl, "A steak you say? That sounds amazing! Can you have one cooked medium rare for me with some more of these onion rings?!?!" Moridark smiles and reaches for his coin purse.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+24=39 ;
Monday December 13th, 2021 7:58:30 PM

Elyngael tries to listen in to what Armand is saying. Perception d20+24=39 She nods and makes a motion to bring the stew and bread.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Monday December 13th, 2021 8:03:31 PM

Hmm a steak you say? I would love a really big one, just passed though the fire a few times. And i agree these onion rings are wonderful.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+21=24 ;
Monday December 13th, 2021 8:03:49 PM

Sense Motive 24 (d20+21)

Armand sighs. "Okay, it's just that we've been accidentally having some misfortune whenever too much gets said. In any case it appears at least two dragons have set up shop in the mines. One is posing as the White Goddess and hijacking gold shipments as well as somehow having her minions exchange her gold coins for two of any other gold coin. We're pretty sure she may have some larger designs on controlling larger portions of the Wold as well. The other is a male that appears to be in charge of some of the gold exchange drain."

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14 
Tuesday December 14th, 2021 7:14:51 AM

'Osul requests stew, and contiunes the conversation.

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 37, HP (156/156) 
Tuesday December 14th, 2021 10:41:16 AM

Trellus makes his way to the tavern, while thinking of another excuse he could use to revisit the WLA chapter house.

At the tavern, he greets his comrades, and tries to get a sense of what is happening there.

DM Steven - "Stew or Rib-eye lad... ?!" 
Tuesday December 14th, 2021 11:25:06 AM

(waited a bit for the last posts)

The steak and stew seem to appeal to quite a few Wardens! Valma smiles and yells to the back to Cedric to start preparing your meals. She immediately brings out more ale, mead and wine for whoever wants. It's always good to have a merry bunch present. Valma is very much aware that a famous crowd attracts more people... so soon the inn will be all the merrier!

Trellus arrives and finds the inn bustling with people. As he enters Valma greets him and stops him... "Stew or Rib-eye kid... ?!"

Grog sits up straight. Seems 2 dragons caught his attention.
"Now THAT's something to talk about lad! Oh no worries we'll hush this down... 2 dragons!? I mean... 2?!!! Even 1 is a rare sight but... 2! So you lads... " he checks on Elyngael, "and the lovely lass with her pet think you're up f'r that?! I don't know the deal with the gold but ... 2 dragons... that's far more interesting lad! Never mind the gold... tell me more about them dragons! Ooh you think they're in some old gold mine up North... " Seems Grog could do with some excitement around here...

"Valma! More ale, mead and wine! We're throwing a party for our guests tonight!", Grog bellows.

(ooc - folks we're getting close to the yuletide slowdown so I suggest we have the party stay here in the pub for the rest of this week? Is that ok for you? Or do you prefer to start your journey North earlier? )

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Tuesday December 14th, 2021 6:35:33 PM

Pup's find by me.

Armand will tell Grog about their encounter with Vurm the many colored dragon, and his healing and subsequent second defeat. The Wardens scrying ability indicates that Vurm was healed (mentally and physically) by this white goddess. That the party thinks the white goddes is in fact a white dragon and that the male helping her is possible a red dragon and their offspring was Vurm the multicolored.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Tuesday December 14th, 2021 7:24:47 PM

Pub's fine

Seeing that Armand seems to have gotten their host intrigued enough to throw them a party, Neshi wanders over to Join Armand and Grog.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended), Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Tuesday December 14th, 2021 7:46:41 PM

Pub is fine

Moridark puts away his journal it is getting a bit packed for writing and decides to join the party. The mage talks with everyone, doing his best to speak to them in their native tongues as Armand relates the Warden's past adventures.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Tuesday December 14th, 2021 8:25:27 PM

Elyngael sighs. Another party. She shrugs. "Maybe Brawn wants some rib-eye when you bring me that mushroom stew."

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 37, HP (156/156) 
Wednesday December 15th, 2021 9:17:51 AM

Trellus blinks at Velma's greeting.
"Uh, stew, I guess," he replies, his mind still trying to catch up with whatever is happening here.

The man slowly figures out Armand has pretty much laid out the entire pattern to the tavern keeper, and there's about to be a party.

When in Hook City... Trellus decides, and joins the party.

DM Steven - "Uh, stew, I guess" 
Wednesday December 15th, 2021 11:23:31 AM

Now that Grog seems to be overthrilled on Armand's story this last one tells the innkeeper more about their encounter with Vurm, his healing and subsequent second defeat. Armand also tells the party thinks Vurm's actually the offspring of this White Goddess and the male dragon helping her.

Neshi sees that Armand has gotten Grog intrigued so he wanders over them to join Grog and Armand.

"Come lad come... clear some space... we don't get to see many liontaurs around here... you've got something of a mountain lion in you sir... truly impressive if I may say so... some sit have a drink and you two tell me more dragon stories.", Grog add cheerfully.

Moridark figures they've got most of info already so he puts away his journal and starts to mingle with the rest... one of George's friends looks up at the half-orc... "Sir Strongwind... is it true you ride a phantom steed? What's it like? Can I see it? "

Elyngael sighs... she does not seem to be in on yet another party? (@ Lynnette I'm not sure if that's an in game or ooc comment... if it's an ooc unhappy feeling please send me an email)
She shrugs and asks some rib-eye for Brawn and stew for herself.

Trellus is a bit baffeled when he enters "Grog's" and without knowing what he's in for he goes for the stew. He quickly figures out Armand's laying the entire pattern to Grog and this last one is is about to throw a party.

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14 
Wednesday December 15th, 2021 4:16:20 PM

Count me inn

The conversations continue.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Wednesday December 15th, 2021 5:42:14 PM

Armand continues. "Well our first encounter with a dragon was with a red dragon that had some half/dragon things as minions. But since we were pretty sure what we were up against we handled it fairly quickly. Of course our party was pretty different back then. People seem to come and go. Adventuring isn't for everyone I guess."

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended), Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Wednesday December 15th, 2021 7:59:28 PM

Pub is fine

Moridark puts away his journal it is getting a bit packed for writing and decides to join the party. The mage talks with everyone, doing his best to speak to them in their native tongues as Armand relates the Warden's past adventures.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended), Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Wednesday December 15th, 2021 8:02:58 PM

Moridark smiles, "I am no sir, just a mage names Moridark, and a little weasel named Kardirom. He is up here." Moridark fishes out his companion and sets him on his shoulder. It is true that Iride a phantom steed though, if it is ok with these folks I can take you outside, and show you him.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Wednesday December 15th, 2021 8:08:57 PM

No Elyngael is very much the introvert, and maybe a touch anti-social her number one favorite enemy is humans. So I'm just role playing her dislike of large crowds.

Elyngael stays quietly in her corner petting Brawn and waiting for the mushroom stew.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Thursday December 16th, 2021 3:09:03 PM

Neshi joins the table and adds in where he can about the fights with the dragons and what they surmise about the upcoming foes they are soon to perhaps face.

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14 
Thursday December 16th, 2021 5:09:51 PM

As it looks like most talk has turned to dragons, 'Osul joins in - between spoons of stew. (nice)

DM Steven - "Uh, stew, I guess" 
Thursday December 16th, 2021 5:10:06 PM

After a short while Valma and Cedric come out of the kitchen. For Elyngael and Trellus they bring a rich stew with lots of mushrooms and dark bread on the side. Turns out it's pork cheeks stew with deep brown sauce based on triple brown ale, sweetened just a bit with some extra sugar. The meat is so tender if just melts in your mouth. The break is perfect to dip it in the sauce.

For the others there's a wooden plank with a fire roasted rib-eye seasoned with thyme, rosemary and black pepper. With it a spicy sauce some potatoes that have also been roasted over the fireplace with olive oil and garlic.

The young-lings are very happy to follow Moridark outside to see his phantom steed and of course Kradirom does attract a lot of attention to.

While being a bit on her own Elyngael is served her stew in the corner of the tavern where she pets Brawn. As Brown sees the steaks coming from the kitchen he runs his tongue over his maw while drool drips on the floor... of course the meat does smell delicious. Valma steps up to Elyngael with Brawn's steak in her hand "I left the spicy sauce for your wolf dear... animals don't respond well to the spicy sauce... he'll have gas all night and well... guess you don't want that."

Neshi and Armand continue talking to Grog. While they talk their dinner is also brought to them.
Grog too asked for the stew. He dives right in and soaks the bread in sauce... his lips glistening from the sauce that runs down his chin.

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 37, HP (156/156) 
Thursday December 16th, 2021 7:04:14 PM

Trellus dives into the stew.

"This is the night soil," he declares appreciatively. "I haven't had decent mushrooms in ages."

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended), Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Thursday December 16th, 2021 8:53:13 PM

Moridark happily shows off his familiar and the phantom steed offering rides to the children although he does stay within 2 feet of the ground

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Thursday December 16th, 2021 10:11:25 PM

Elyngael will eat her stew.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Thursday December 16th, 2021 10:13:50 PM

Armand enjoys the steak and potato. "You seem knowledgeable. Have you ever encountered a dragon before?" He asks Grog.

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14 
Friday December 17th, 2021 6:00:15 PM

"I'm open to suggestions, fully aware that no plan survives contact with the enemy."

"Put another way, in theory and in practice are the same in theory, but different in practice."

DM Steven - PARTY!! 
Sunday December 19th, 2021 6:18:39 AM

Trellus and Elyngael savor the stew. The succulent tender pork cheeks just melt in your mouth... it very generous in calories but hey... you adventurers don't get to dive in so often now do you... and you'll probably work it off once you're heading North to finding a couple of dragons...

Moridark happily shows off his familiar and phantom steed. Several of the young adventurers are thrilled to ride along and even though they're just a few feet of the ground already the excitement is overwhelming. Looks like they have found a role model even!

Armand and 'Osul share dinner with Grog. The Ogre well... is not highly trained in eating etiquette... bread crumbs, drips of sauce are all over the place and when a mouthful of pork cheeks falls on his fat belly he grins... "oops... ..."

As he is asked about having met dragons before he shakes his head. With his mouth full he replies: "No lad.. I can't say I have but stories about dragons told by your kind are exciting to listen to... but it's not that I have heard about some perfect strategy for dealing with dragons either. But now that I think of it... not ever have I encountered a group of adventurers that went heads up with TWO dragons... at least I haven't met any that actually survived that so I don't know how many have TRIED that before... but in any case... you Wardens seem the right kind for the job. "

Then he bellows load for all to hear.
"Tonight we party!! It's that time of year!! "

(DM OoC : folks we have entered the yuletide slowdown. Feel free to post. I will also post now and then and respond to any of your posts diring the next 2 weeks.

When we re-start the game at full speed I suggest you will be having breakfast after a good night sleep and you will be all prepped and ready to start your quest North. Any shopping in the CC you can do while we're back in the game however BEFORE any actual encounters...

I'm wishing you and your families warm and pleasant holidays and a successful and healthy 2022. )

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Sunday December 19th, 2021 5:17:40 PM

Armand watches with amusement concealed.

DM Steven - it's a new day it's a new dawn 
Monday January 3rd, 2022 6:00:35 AM

It's hard to say exactly when the party ended... people from all over Windhorn joined and soon the party was not only inside. Drinks, great food and fireworks. When and how you walked or crawled to your beds is unknown to the Wold and best it stays like that.

When you wake up the next day the smell of strong coffee runs through the inn. The place's a mess... there are even some that never actually made it home and just fell a sleep at their table. Grog though is already wide awake and he's started to get everyone out. When he sees you he smiles.

"AHHH well then... that was what I call a party right! There's breakfast if you can hold it down..."

One by one you emerge from your rooms and regroup at the breakfast table.

Now... how much do you recall of the business at hand?!? Any plans yet?
Let's get back in the saddle friends!

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Monday January 3rd, 2022 3:41:36 PM

Neshi, not one to over imbibe alcoholic beverages found himself rested and ready to go though still wishing they had a bit more access to dragon damaging weapons. He heads down for breakfast and sees Grog already at work. Seeing none of his other compatriots in the dining room, he helps grog clear off one of the largest tables in preparation of the group sitting down and breaking fast.

" Breakfast would be most satisfactory Grog."

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Monday January 3rd, 2022 7:39:49 PM

Armand drank only a little and tried to go to bed early. Fortunately he had a silence spell ready to cast on himself to help get to sleep.

Coming down the stairs he greets the others. "Hello Grog. Breakfast will be fine. I'm not sure when exactly we will be departing as we may take a bit in planning."

To the party, "I believe the plan was for myself and another to cast wind walk and then we scoot up the coast looking for this old mine. Was anyone successful in finding maps?"

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Monday January 3rd, 2022 7:45:06 PM

Elyngael and Brawn return from camping outside. "One thing, if we find this gold mine I think we should land a bit away from it and allow some scouting. For that matter, maybe we should scout any settlements between here and the mine. Maybe we can find old white hair dude away from his mate and then not have to face two dragons at the same time but take them one at a time."

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 37, HP (156/156) 
Monday January 3rd, 2022 7:55:39 PM

Trellus hasn't been to a good party in a very long time, and as a result, he fully partakes in the food and drink.
A lot of drink.

Around mid-day, the bleary eyed man stumbles his way into the main room and limply waves a hand in Grog's direction, apparently a request for food.
"And coffee," he adds, blinking at the light.

Eventually, Trellus makes out Armand's question, and he brightens.
"Yes, I found some maps at the Woldian League chapterhouse."

He goes on to describe the location of the mountain Jinn thought most likely.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended), Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Monday January 3rd, 2022 8:03:15 PM

Moridark bounds down the stairs, a smile across his face. "I didn't find any maps, but after the rest I got last night Ifeel like a million gold pieces!' Moridark did not over endulge last night on drink, although the mage was a glutton for the food. "I agree, slowly moving our wy towards teh mine seems the most prudent thing to do."

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14 
Tuesday January 4th, 2022 3:29:11 AM

'Osul will have been up before dawn for meditations, before taking a stroll around the town, and assessing the weather ahead.

He makes a point of finding the Catacombs, the WLA, and any other points of interest, taking time to enjoy what passes for the morning hustle and bustle before following the aroma of coffee back to lodgings. .

DM Steven - we've got a heading...  
Tuesday January 4th, 2022 8:55:03 AM

Before dawn 'Osul already mediated and went out for a stroll around the still sleepy town. The weather is calm and the sky fairly open with a few clouds slowly passing by... it seems unlikely that there will be rain today.

Armand and Yurr'Neshi are the first to join Grog downstairs. He appreciates the help Neshi hands. Both are keen on breakfast and wait for the others to join them. Elyngael and Brawn didn't spend the night in the Inn. Instead they chose for camping in the open air.

With a smile across his face, Moridark joins the others. He clearly feels alive after last nights party. What we cannot however say of Trellus... he fully took part in the food and drinks... a lot of drinks... it takes a while and a lot of coffee before Armand's questions about maps or information on the search for the mine sinks in... once it does Trellus gladly shares what Jinn told him.

Jinn has shown Trellus a map of the Northern edge of the Dragon Bay and started measuring the distance one can walk in a day. She pinpointed a certain mountain range at roughly a day from the shoreline... Sounds like the best spot for starting a search...

So it looks like Trellus has a heading - surprising he still remembers after last night ...

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+10=13 ; d20+21=24 ;
Tuesday January 4th, 2022 5:17:32 PM

OOC - DM: The mine is a day's walk from the northern shore, but how far are we from that destination? It was my impression that we're somewhere on the western shore of the bay.

Armand studies the maps, Knowledge Geography 13 (d20+10). He scratches his head and points along the map, "Aren't we somewhere over here on the western edge of the bay? That mountain would be in the Scab right? What's our distance from here to there? Should we be wind walking? And wasn't there something about saying or doing some sort of ritual when entering the Scab or is that just folklore?"
Knowledge History 24 (d20+21)

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 37, HP (156/156) 
Tuesday January 4th, 2022 5:35:32 PM

Trellus helpfully points out the location he found.
"I've got a good idea where we're weaving," he points out. "I can cast Wind Walk, and take four others, so between Armand and me, we're shady."

"Tomorrow morning, we get up, cast the spells, head for the mountain, hold up short of it for any long term buffing, and then head in close."

He looks around.
"Anything else?"

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended), Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Tuesday January 4th, 2022 7:34:46 PM

Moridark listens to the plans, "sounds good to me. Another nights rest probably won't hurt. If we are planning on using the treehouse then I won't bother to memorize my mansion, and leave that spot available for something a bit more useful."

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Tuesday January 4th, 2022 8:55:35 PM

"Do we know if there are any settlements between here and the old mine? It might be useful to get some more information." Elyngael puts in her two coppers.

DM Steven - we've got a heading...  
Wednesday January 5th, 2022 8:45:59 AM

Armand studies the map Trellus brought. Together they draw a dotted line visualizing their heading.
(OOC I'll be sending you a map of the Elennian Penisula and where imho the different locations are)
There will be various way one can get there... you can take a boat the cross the bay towards its most northern point and then walk further following the heading Jinn gave. Or you can walk along the the bay skirting the Scab. Or you can use some magic of course to speed up things and avoid other encounters along the way...

Trellus agrees with Armand for windwalking North. Perhaps wait a day to better prepare?
Moridark too seems to be in favor of waiting another day.
Elyngael would like to know if there are any settlements still between Windhorn Hamlet and the old mine... looking at the map it seems there are none... at least none that have been charted.

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14 
Wednesday January 5th, 2022 5:08:37 PM

'Osul agrees, and between meetings sets about gathering spell components.

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 37, HP (156/156) 
Wednesday January 5th, 2022 5:42:15 PM

Since he's got the remainder of the day, Trellus makes a quick dash to the Catacombs.

In the morning, he'll pray for a new set of spells, and he's ready to go.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Wednesday January 5th, 2022 6:08:56 PM

"Well I guess we'll be staying another day Grog. But please no parties this time." Armand retires to his room.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Wednesday January 5th, 2022 7:38:31 PM

Neshi listens and thinks a moment.

"Hey Armand, do You want I should go back to the tree grab a bit of that gold and we could go to the catacombs and pick up a few things?

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Wednesday January 5th, 2022 8:00:11 PM

Elyngael shrugs. "I've heard of arrows of slaying, but I'm not sure they would do much good against older dragons as they can probably resist the magic. I'm not sure there's anything specific that is going to help." (It's a DC 20 fortitude save so they are likely to be above just 'adult' so they will probably have a 75% or better chance to overcome that.)

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended), Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Wednesday January 5th, 2022 8:52:09 PM

"While weapons, and the like may not be worth the cost what about scrools or resist energy, restoration, or cures?' the mage asks. After the conversation Moridark will turn in and get a good nights rest.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Thursday January 6th, 2022 7:40:23 AM

Neshi waits for final decision and then teleports to the tree to get the cash, goes shopping at the catacombs and returns.

DM Steven - we've got a heading...  
Thursday January 6th, 2022 11:35:44 AM

The team gathers around the table once again and work on a strategy to overcome the dragon danger.
Various weapons, buffs, cures, and other things go through their wishing list.

'Osul makes sure he has the required materials for his spells. Trellus makes a quick dash to the Catacombs. Armand had no problem for spending another night at Grogs but just no party please... Grog raises an eyebrow and adds smiling : "I didn't see either one of you complain last night though... especially your cleric over there", he points at Trellus, "... just a few more drinks and he would have needed a hand to crawl up to his room... "
Neshi offers to jump back to the Tree to collect some extra gold if needed for doing some shopping.
Elyngael and Moridark discuss magic aid for slaying dragons more easily... if ever that becomes easy of course.

Your call lads 'n lasses... gear up and let me know when you're ready to leaving and of course how and where you will go - preferably also along which route...

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 37, HP (156/156) 
Thursday January 6th, 2022 6:13:28 PM

The next morning, and after a good night's alcohol-free sleep, Trellus memorizes his spells.

When the group pulls out maps, the man traces a straight line from Windhorn Hamlet, across Dragon Bay, to the mountain.
"I take a group, and Armand takes a group, and we just Wind Walk straight across?"

[ie - following the dotted line on DMs email]

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Thursday January 6th, 2022 7:46:09 PM

Elyngael shakes her head. "Let's stay along the coast. I'd hate for anything to happen that would force us to land over water, like bad weather, evil magic that drops the spell, and what not."

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Thursday January 6th, 2022 7:55:12 PM

"I think Elyngael has the right of it. A straight route might be quicker but not necessarily safer. I have no problem with it taking us two days to get there if need be. Our largest problem is trying to figure out what exactly to expect. We are pretty sure there's two dragons, one white, but what is the other, buffs against one are unlikely to work on the other. And really I wish we could think of a way to trick one out so that they are not together when we have to face them. Heck if we find the mountain we can just start going along and sealing up all the entrances we find."

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended), Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Thursday January 6th, 2022 8:03:03 PM

"I agree fighting one dragon at a time is risky, but two..." the mage's voice trails off a bit. Moridark goes through his spellbook absentmindedly has he makes mental notes as to what spells would be best to have memorized. "Iguess trvel spells for day one and two, then combat after that."

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14 
Friday January 7th, 2022 5:17:28 AM

"I'm looking forward to seeing how I'm going to be helpful."
Lunch, dinner, sleep, meditation...

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Friday January 7th, 2022 7:59:11 AM

Not having relly gotten an answer, Neshi Pops back to the tree for some cash and heads to the catacombs.

DM Steven - we've got a heading...  
Friday January 7th, 2022 10:00:14 AM

The wardens continue their preparations.

Trellus suggests taking the shortest and quickest route North but Elyngael quickly veto’s this idea... crossing open waters not knowing what might happen just sounds like a bad idea. The ranger rathers keeps her feet dry... skirting the scab following the beaches of the Dragon feels a lot safer.
Armand agrees with Elyngael’s plan.

What troubles the Wardens most is the prospect of having to fight 2 dragons... Moridark feels fighting one at the time is dangerous... 2 at once sounds ludicrous. Armand suggest sealing the entrance to the mine... perhaps not the coolest ’Wardenlike’ solution but the people in this lifetime might sleep a little better... but... someday ... even years from now... they will find a way out.. they will be furious... stronger... more hateful... will there still be Bards the singing songs of the Wardens who chose a quick way out... the way out that killed so mane years later...

’Osul prepares travelling spells for today and then combat spells tomorrow.
Neshi makes sure you have enough coin to spend in the CC.

The day passes by... constantly new strategies pop up in your minds.
Night falls bringing an uneasy sleep.

Unless you want to do someting the day and night pass uneventful. In that case Grog hass prepared a healthy breakfast. Hopefully not your last.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Sunday January 9th, 2022 6:49:54 PM

Armand says to everyone. "Okay let's get some rest and head out int he morning. I take it we're planning on skirting the coast. 'Osul and all of us caster's, I figure we need to consider what spells don't invoke spell resistance or concentrate on summoning spells, because it gives another target other than us, and spells to aid Trellus and Elyngael. Also keep in mind that it seems likely that this white goddess dragon may have some mooks around to wear us down before we get there. Her so called clerics seemed a touch odd and there's probably some around her."

Armand will have his wind walk ready in the morning.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Sunday January 9th, 2022 7:11:21 PM

"Let's all try to stay together this time. We don't have the best luck when we try to split off to cover more ground. Neshi maybe get some potions, enlarge person?, enlarge animal, protection potions?"

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended), Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Sunday January 9th, 2022 7:15:22 PM

Moridark takes the time to memorize the appropriate spells for travel, and eats a large breakfast. After patting his scroll case, and spellbook the mage waits until the others are ready.

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 37, HP (156/156) 
Sunday January 9th, 2022 7:21:30 PM

Trellus concedes the wisdom of skirting the shoreline rather the moving straight across the bay.

In the morning, he memorizes his own Wind Walk, unsure if Armand can take everyone.

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14 
Monday January 10th, 2022 5:18:24 AM

"Let's do this.", he says with a grin.

DM Steven - Time to go... 
Monday January 10th, 2022 9:00:15 AM

The Wardens enjoy a short break and prepare as best as they can for their upcoming confrontation with the White Goddess and whatever other beings she has surrounded her with. Armand is almost certain those white clerics will probably be there as well. He also advises his fellow spellcasters to prepare spells that don't invoke spell resistance or perhaps concentrate on summoning spells... if there are indeed two dragons there might be need for some cannon fodder as well...

Elyngael urges the group to stick together this time... the group is strong together and splitting the group has never been successful...

Moridark prepares the approproate spells and when ready he waits for the others to give the sign.

Everyone seems to accept the route skirting the shoreline of the Dragon Bay.

The next morning Trellus makes sure he has a Wind Walk spell prepared and is ready to leave Windhorn Hamlet.

Grog and Velda accompany you to the town's gates.
"Ya take good care of y'rselves. You don't mess with Dragons... they're old and wise you know... and they sting... "

Lead the way friends... set your heading, altitude if you want to fly and makes sure to check your surroundings...

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+7=22 ;
Monday January 10th, 2022 5:33:49 PM

flight path
Okay I've made us a flight plan.

Armand will get up early and pray for his spells. "Thank you Grog. Well normally I'd agree with you that dragons should be avoided. I'm well and good with that when they also avoid us. Unfortunately these dragons are not avoiding humanity and are trying to set themselves up as want to be gods. The true gods aren't going to take kindly to the notion of any powerful creature thinking they can attract followers and call themselves a god. So I guess it's up to us to do something about it."

Armand will cast Wind Walk (1 hour/level - I assume we're only going to do a standard 8-9 hour travel though). Up to 5 medium sized creatures... 10 feet / round with perfect maneuverability, or up to 600 feet / round (60mph) with poor maneuverability. (I'm thinking that 'up to' means we can make it variable. Looking at page 172 we could easily do the 40 feet 1 day walk of 32 miles and still leave us plenty of ability to do spots and such.)

Perception 22 (d20+7)

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 37, HP (156/156)  d20+14=21 ; d20+17=18 ;
Monday January 10th, 2022 7:15:16 PM

I'm still not sure if Armand can take everyone

Trellus counts heads to see if Armand can take everyone with his spell.
If not, the blond man casts his own Wind Walk for whoever remains.

With that, he takes off after Armand, keeping close.

[Perception 21
Survival 18]

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+24=32 ; d20+29=45 ; d20+14=25 ;
Monday January 10th, 2022 8:43:23 PM

I don't think he can, Brawn and Neshi count as two medium sized. We've had to use two wind walk spells before.

Elyngael will take to the wind but stay with the others. She will be on the lookout for all sorts of things, including best place to camp, movement on the ground, signs of old campfires, settlements, wrecked ships on the shoreline, etc. She will also try to keep track of where the party is on the map. Perception d20+24=32, Survival d20+29=45, Knowledge geography d20+14=25.

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14  d20+46=55 ; d20+39=40 ; d20+21=34 ; d20+15=26 ;
Tuesday January 11th, 2022 7:25:17 AM

Two additional spells to reduce them both, or one additional Wind Walk.

'Osul gets swept up in one spell or the other. The speed is great, but the maneuverability...

Survival(Weather Forecast): 55, Perception: 40, Sense Motive: 34, Fly: 26

DM Steven - We're flying high...  
Tuesday January 11th, 2022 11:35:16 AM

The Wardens one way or another will manage to get everyone airborne and start flying North following the flight plan Armand has drawn. I actually think along this flightpath when you're on the most Western edges of the Dragon Bay that you might see Angels Spring in the distance (that's the largest town in the Crescent Valley)

We're fast forwarding this section folks for we haven't planned anything devious on your way North.
Let's say you can work your way already up to the "most Northern point" of the Dragon's Bay and you're making a new landing as dusk is setting in. From here it's about a day on foot north if Jinn's directions are correct. Flying might take you there quicker of course.

So there you are... on the beaches of Dragon's Bay... about a day walking from the old gold mine where it is said the White Goddess has her lair. Please let me know how you want to proceed from here.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Tuesday January 11th, 2022 3:59:23 PM

Having returned from his jaunt to the tree and the catacombs, Neshi moves along with the others waiting until he lands to hand a few things out.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Tuesday January 11th, 2022 4:11:12 PM

Once landed and back on the ground at Dragons bay, Neshi walks over to Elyngael and Trellus and hand them something wrapped in cloth.

Elyngael /Trellus Highlight to display spoiler: { Neshi has handed you each two greater slaying Dragon Bane arrows.}

He then wanders over to Osul and hands him a small package as well. "This might keep one of them occupied or at least distracted for a moment or two. "

Osul Highlight to display spoiler: { Scroll of Creeping Doom}

He hands another package to Moridark. Highlight to display spoiler: {Dominate MonsterScroll}

And another to Armand Highlight to display spoiler: {Energy Drain Scroll}

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14 
Tuesday January 11th, 2022 4:28:46 PM

[b]"Thank you 'Neshi. I had dropped that in favour of more fire. I was beggining to second guess that choice."[b]

'Osul checks again for opposing scouts.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Tuesday January 11th, 2022 5:14:10 PM

Armand nods to Neshi. "This is good. Thank you." He turns to the others. "I'm for windwalking to the mountain. It will give us more time to move around it looking for entrances. I don't really like the idea of getting to the mountain at dusk. Dragons are notorious for having good vision. Anyone have any thoughts on tactics?"

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 37, HP (156/156) 
Tuesday January 11th, 2022 5:31:26 PM

Trellus nods at Neshi when she hands him the arrows.
"Shady! Many shadows Neshi!"

Turning his attention to the task at hand, he answers Armand.
"Well, its already dusk, so my vote is stay the night in that house you dudes have, then Wind Walk over in the morning, and work around the mountain from a distance to see if we can find some ways in.
Maybe we can divine some entrances or something before we go?"

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Tuesday January 11th, 2022 8:09:37 PM

"Thank you Neshi." When she gets the arrows. "Trellus I seem to recall that the last few times we've tried scrying it's been for naught because they seem to be shielded somehow. Also they like to use teleportation and flight so it's unlikely I'll find any trail to follow. I do have a spyglass that will allow us to survey from a distance."

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended), Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Tuesday January 11th, 2022 8:41:47 PM

Moridark smiles at Neshi, "Thank you! I hope it comes in handy! Also, I have a few scrolls of my own: Greater Dispel Magic, Telekensis, Haste, Slow, Sleet Storm, Web, Glitterdust, and Magic Circle versus well everthing." The mage chuckles at his own joke. "I also have two wands, one of resist energy, and one of Protection from well everthing." The mage turns serious for a moment, "I am a summoner by trade, and I will do my best to section off parts of the battle field as best I can. I typically will try to throw a few spells to enhance us first, and then ast summon spells from above. I am a bit soft." The mage takes a deep breath, "Starting tomorrow most of my spells will be those that allow me to be most effective in combat. Ihope we all sleep well because Ithink after tonight there will not be much of that for any of us."

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14 
Wednesday January 12th, 2022 5:04:58 PM

"Actually, I'm not sure I've ever used a scroll before - not the sort of thing you find growing wild. I didn't see my first wand until I arrived at The Tree."
"I'll be battleground control and summoning. They may have minions."

DM Steven - a quite night on the beach...  
Wednesday January 12th, 2022 5:38:21 PM

(sorry - a bit late on the daily post)

When sun sets you landed near the shore on the most Norther point of Dragon's Bay. It's a calm night and you enjoy the sun setting on the bay... it's the kind of sunsets songs are made for... if only there was a bard. He would catch the moment for all eternity.

Neshi returned with a lot of goodies he hands out to his friends.
Things that will help you all in your dance with the dragons.

Next plan seems to involve a sleepover on the beach in your treehouse and then windwalkig North to find the infamous Old Mine... ideally you'll get there by noon the next day giving you some time to check out the mountain from a distance...

Sounds like a solid plan...
All yours... let me know when and how you proceed.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Wednesday January 12th, 2022 8:04:59 PM

Armand will cast Heroe's Feast in the morning. "Eat up everyone." He will then cast Wind walk when we are ready to travel.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+24=37 ; d20+29=46 ;
Wednesday January 12th, 2022 8:08:44 PM

In the morning Elyngael will check along the shore line. Since this old mine used to be accessed by other people maybe there's some sort of trail leading to it. Then she will eat the feast with the others.
Perception d20+24=37, Survival d20+29=46.

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended), Phantom Steed (Extended) 
Wednesday January 12th, 2022 9:50:00 PM

Moridark sleeps well and wakes early. The mage 5akes the time to look over his spells before deciding what he should memorize. Once that is done the mage Pat's his wands, rods, and Scrolls making sure they are easily accessible and goes downstairs to prepare for the day.

DM Steven - a quite night on the beach...  
Thursday January 13th, 2022 10:40:13 AM

(feel free to add a double post and I'll write it in - I've been a little sketchy on my posting schedule)

The night passes quietly also commonly known as the calm before the storm...
When morning comes Armand conjures a Hero's Feast so everyone can eat his full. Before diving into breakfast Elyngael and Brawn scan the treeline to see if they can find any old tracks. It's been years since there was no more mining activity so most likely any tracks that would lead to and from the Bay would be overgrown already. But still, the ranger has a keen eye... there are no more tracks to be found on the beach but she can clearly see where there once was an easily accessible track leading into the forest. It's indeed overgrown but an experience ranger such as Elyngael should be able to follow the trail...

Moridark enjoys breakfast and arranges his gear so that everything is easily accessible.

When everyone is ready, Armand will again cast windwalk to get everyone up North. Not sure if Elyngael will be able to follow the tracks when airborne though. But still she knows what to look for so who knows...

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 37, HP (156/156) 
Thursday January 13th, 2022 2:10:04 PM

Trellus gets up the next morning, prays for his spells, and then casts his standard extended Magic Vestment on his armor and shield.
While he's at it, he'll cast Endure Elements as well.

Then, like Armand, he casts a Wind Walk, and takes whomever he needs to after Armand.

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14 
Thursday January 13th, 2022 5:11:54 PM

'Osul Feasts after meditations. It is good sharing breakfast and he preps to fly.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Thursday January 13th, 2022 8:00:57 PM

Neshi eats his fill of the heroes feast and the gets down to business.
“So, how are we going to make sure we are as buffed as we can be before we engage our foes. “

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Thursday January 13th, 2022 8:32:44 PM

Elyngael points out the old trail she found. "However, I don't think it would be wise to try and go through the forest and follow it. Let's fly. When we get to near the mountain I'll take out the spyglass and scan the sides. Maybe we scan, south side, west side, north side, and east side?"

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Thursday January 13th, 2022 8:47:39 PM

"Okay I think we're set to go. Remember we can shift back and forth from the wind walk form for 15 hours."

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) 
Thursday January 13th, 2022 10:42:49 PM

Moridark casts his extended mage armor, and looks at Elyngael, "That sounds like a great idea. The more information we have the better."

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Friday January 14th, 2022 7:27:06 AM

Neshi eats his fill of the heroes feast and the gets down to business.
“So, how are we going to make sure we are as buffed as we can be before we engage our foes. “

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14 
Saturday January 15th, 2022 3:48:48 AM

He nods in agreement with Elyngael, but isn't sure how to answer 'Neshi.

DM Steven - Snowy Peaks ahead...  
Saturday January 15th, 2022 12:32:10 PM

The feast is server and everyone prepares for the trip further North. The sky is clear... the temperature is chilly. Your Weather Druid knows the more North you will go the colder it will get.

Spells are prepared, some cast already but Neshi wonders how they will get buffed just in time to face the dragons.

Elyngael suggest fly near the mountains and then use a spyglass to scan the sides. 'Know thy enemy' has most certainly been key in several previous fights. But does any of the previous battles compare to this one?!?

Elyngael's ranger eyes spot the old trail going North but rather than trying to follow the path she's also in favour of windwalking North. Eventually they might find the trail again...

And so we go North... you leave the Dragon Bay beaches and set to the sky. No need to fly too high. Occasionally Elyngael, who knows where the trail started, is able to see traces of it through the tree canopy.

A few hours pass and you're making good progress. The weather is nice. Cold but nice. Ideal weather to go Dragon hunting. You'll spot them from far away... euhm... oh think they might spot you?!?

In the distance you can see the mountain range looming. Whisks of clouds are concealing the peaks of the mountains now and then. There's clearly snow on those peaks.
From your elevated position you get the impression the forest suddenly stops at least a few miles from the mountain... You're nearing the edge of the forest and this... clearing?...

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor 
Sunday January 16th, 2022 1:42:42 PM

Neshi too cast his mage armor and ponders how to get stoneskins on people who want need them in time for them to matter

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Sunday January 16th, 2022 5:35:43 PM

DM, windwalk makes us a cloud-like vapor, we appear misty and translucent and are 80% likely to be mistaken for clouds, fogs, vapor, etc. Also windwalk lasts 15 hours, it takes us 5 rounds to shift back and forth from one state to another.

Armand signals the others and heads downward intending to land in the forest near the clearing and become solid again.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+24=25 ; d20+29=35 ;
Sunday January 16th, 2022 5:38:03 PM

Elyngael see's Armand going down and follows him. She scans the clearing, just because it seems odd.
Perception d20+24=25, Survival d20+29=35.

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) 
Sunday January 16th, 2022 10:18:31 PM

Moridark listens to the conversation, [/b]"Ihave wands and scrolls I can use. The protection, and resistance wands don't last as long but they are much better than nothing. Ialso will memorize a few, and a migci circlr or two. I will be summoning beasts to help us as well. I can also cast telepathic bond on us if necessary."[/b]

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14  d20+38=42 ;
Monday January 17th, 2022 12:58:31 AM

'Osul attempts to wildshape his base form from human to air elemental, thinking that something that looks cloudlike will look more cloudlike within the WInd Walk.

He remains above tree height, drifting as a cloud and seeing what can be seen.
{ Perception: 42 }

DM RobC - "I can also cast telepathic bond on us if necessary." 
Monday January 17th, 2022 4:40:37 AM

Armand gives the signal for all to descend and assemble by the edge of the clearing. The group gracefully land while Osul remains above the tree height to keep watch.

Ahead stands the mountain, circled by miles of charred trees and rocks. There is no sign of any life (natural or otherwise) between you and the mountain.

From his elevated position Osul catches a glimpse of something white about 200ft away from the party and hiding in the trees. Just the briefest of movement. White dragon perhaps? Now paying attention he can see a half-orc crouched down low and grasping a double axe. He looks to you and then to the party. It's quite clear he has seen you all. The flash of 'white' looks to be from some sort of weird albino dinosaur - a bit like a raptor - that is crouched beside him. The rest of the party though are unaware of their presence.

OOC: Please welcome Jeremy to the game!

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14 
Monday January 17th, 2022 6:49:33 AM

'Osul starts transitioning out of Wind Walk, and on gaining his bearing performs his left loop, right loop figure eight and continues on the bearing at the slower speed - and tries to keep an eye on them both, and anything approaching.

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 37, HP (156/156) 
Monday January 17th, 2022 9:52:34 AM

Trellus touches down behind Armand and looks about while transitioning back to solid form.

It's still too early to add more protective spells, and they are still too far from the mountain to make out entrances.

"Do we try wind walking around it and looking for ways in, or just use Elyngael's trail and take the front door?" he asks.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) Cotton 
Monday January 17th, 2022 11:57:35 AM

Grindar, a very heavily muscles half-orc, spies the wind walkers, and at first glance thinks them to be low level clouds. Upon further inspection, he realizes that they are people utilizing a wind walk spell, and it is clear, to the ranger, that at least one of the shapes notices him and Cotton, as it seems to be making it's way towards him. He prepares himself for a confrontation, fearing it may be more of the dragon's followers, but he has heard rumors that an adventuring group may be in the area, seeking the same quarry as himself.

(OOC... Since I know that most of you have been to the Sargrass Plains, you would recognize the white creature as a rapke, but where rapke's are usually green, this one has white scales, and pink eyes, obviously an albino.
Some of you may recognize Grindar, from the Giggling Ghost. Not this past year, but last year, he was at the Giggling Ghost, for the holiday party.)

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor 
Monday January 17th, 2022 5:17:44 PM

Neshi notices Osul's change of Direction. Hey Osul, everything ok?

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) 
Monday January 17th, 2022 8:46:17 PM

Moridark sees Osul, and just after the white rapke, Well that is not good. Moridark thinks to himself, as he looks for the best place to land and prepare for combat. The mage mentally goes through his list of spells as he circles closer to the ground, beginning the transition back to his normal form.

DM RobC - "Hey Osul, everything ok?" 
Tuesday January 18th, 2022 2:12:05 AM

Osul has spotted something though the rest of the party have no idea yet. Even Moridark is unable to see the well concealed - and very stealthy - half-orc. There are some calls to Osul but as yet they are unanswered.

Trellus is focused on the task at hand. How are they actually going to get in the mountain. Surely there's an entrance. It would have to be a big one too if a dragon uses it.

Grindar holds his position for now. He knows there's an adventuring group around and suspects this is them. Well, the Tree Wardens are a pretty famous bunch and Grindar can recognise them on sight. Yep. It's them. Stroke of luck to have them here.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) Cotton 
Tuesday January 18th, 2022 3:18:56 AM

Upon realizing who the wind walkers are, Grindar steps from his hiding place, and says, "It's OK Cotton, their friends." Grindar makes no gesture, or speaks any words, but waits for the Tree Wardens to address him.

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14  d20+32=50 ; d20+39=57 ; d20+46=66 ;
Tuesday January 18th, 2022 5:25:10 AM

{Knowledge(Nature): 50
'Osul knows they are still a good way from the lands of the dinosaurs, and he is familiar with them.
"Someone with a friend that is out of time, or maybe just out of place. We out-number them, and I didn't sense anything else around. Follow or stick with me a couple of hundred feet and you'll see them soon enough."
He continues moving forward and looking for something he may have missed the first time.
{Perception: 57, Survival: 66}

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 37, HP (156/156) 
Tuesday January 18th, 2022 12:00:17 PM

Trellus follows Osul's voice.

At the sight of the rapke, the man has his sword nearly free of his sheath before his brain kicks in and he holds fast.

"Uh, dudes? Did they domesticate rapke in this new Sargrass?" he inquires softly.

To the ranger, he nods, without removing his eyes from Cotton.
"Many Shadows. We're the Tree Wardens. You're a long way from, well, anywhere."

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) Cotton 
Tuesday January 18th, 2022 4:16:41 PM

Grindar says with obvious disdain in his voice, "Cotton is no dog, she is not a domesticated lap creature. She is my friend, and I her's. Our friendship is built on trust, and love."

With the venom gone frome his voice Grindar says, "Forgive me, for my tone of voice, and for not introducing myself. My name is Grindar, son of Grindor and this is my dear friend Cotton the albino rapke. Many shadows to you as well, There is much shade in meeting one who also has sojourned in the Plains, and I'm exactly where I should be, since I'm seeking to end the tyranny of the "White Goddess". I've heard of you Wardens of the Tree, but I have no time for pleasantries, I have a job to do. With that, Grindar turns as if he is about to leave.

Grindar is rather abrupt and matter -of-fact in his speech, and he gives no explanation as to why he was angered by the thought of Cotton been domesticated.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) 
Tuesday January 18th, 2022 7:41:52 PM

OOC: Sorry I thought we all saw Grindar. I apologize.

Moridark continues winding his way down looking for a place to set down. When he finally does the mage finishes taking his normal form. As Grindor finishes speaking and turns to go Moridark speaks up, "I am Moridark, and while you look as though you can handle yourself these lands are dangerous. Break bread with us, andtake a moment to relax without having to look over your shoulder." Moridark extends his hand.

DM RobC - "Break bread with us" 
Wednesday January 19th, 2022 2:42:44 AM

Grindar and Cotton stand from their stealthy position to reveal their presence to the Tree Wardens. It feels safe to do so around the legendary (yes, legendary) heroes.

Trellus is startled by the appearance of a rapke and instincts kick in. The cleric has his hands on a sword and is ready to strike before he realises Cotton isn't a threat.

The move is obviously noticed by Grindar who reacts gruffly at best.

To ease some of the tension Moridark extends an offer to sit and relax a moment with the party. It's a kind gesture.

Osul doesn't see anyone else nearby. The party, Grindar and Cotton are all alone.

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14 
Wednesday January 19th, 2022 3:08:43 AM

"'Osul, yes, Warden of The Tree of Parting, Druid of The Culverwood. Well met, Grindar."

"Anyone with a friend in one like this is welcome."
It may not be immediately apparent if this last statement is directed to Grindar about Cotton, or vice versa, or both. In any case, 'Osul waits for Cotton to choose to approach, or not.

"Anyone seeking the end (in one form or another) of the beast known amongst their minions, worshippers and befuddled or engreeded as the White Goddess, has met in us like-minded."

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) Cotton 
Wednesday January 19th, 2022 10:24:31 AM

Grindar turns to leave disregarding the invitations of Moridark and Osul, but Cotton refuses to leave with him. in fact she walks over to Osul and licks the druids face. Grindar laughs, a deep full bodied laugh, than says, "I always trust Cotton's judgement. Animals have a sort of sixth sense, and can tell if someone is bad or not. If she has chosen to sojourn with you Wardens of the Tree, than I will as well, especially since we are after the same quarry. As I said My name is Grindar, son of Grindor, and I am a ranger, and this is Cyrchwr Mawr, which in the Orc tongue means giant slayer (Actually it's Welsh for giant slayer) She was my fathers ax, and has served me well" Grindar shows his Orc Double ax to the Wardens as he talks about Cyrchwr Mawr.

"Again many shadows to you all, your invitation to break bread has much shade, and I will gladly except, and if you have a mug handy you are welcome to a pint of this." As he says this bit, he reaches into his handy haversack and pulls out a small keg marked Brock's Best Beer.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor 
Wednesday January 19th, 2022 10:34:19 AM

The over seven foot tall and 10 foot long Liiontaur steps up slowly, always aware of how one predator might view another, and greets the newcomers.

Well met Frrriends Grrrringdarrr and Cotton. I am Yurr'Neshi Reshka. Most just call me Neshi. I am an elemental sorrrrcerrrerrr.

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 37, HP (156/156) 
Wednesday January 19th, 2022 3:32:02 PM

Trellus regards Cotton for a few more moments, and then gives a resigned sigh.

"Your pardon Grindar. Its just I was killed by a rapke once, and my other memories of them all involve a lot of running and blood. So, I'm a bit warped about them."

The man puts a hand to his chest, and gives a slight nod.
"I am Trellus of Rattledam. Once a priest, but now I'm weaving a new pattern."
He indicates the bastard sword at on his back.

"You say we are after the same quarry? Have you news of these dragons?"

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) 
Wednesday January 19th, 2022 8:09:05 PM

Moridark smiles as the orc turns back towards the group after Cotton refuses to leave. "How does one travel from the Grass Plains to these mountains? It seems a good story in itself."

DM RobC - "Its just I was killed by a rapke once" 
Thursday January 20th, 2022 1:42:17 AM

Introductions are made all round.

Armand and Elyngael watch on but stay silent. The rest of the party are covering the important topics.

Trellus reveals an uncomfortable story from his past: he was once killed by a rapke. That certainly explains his initial distrust of Cotton. Will this rapke also have a taste for Trellus?

Cotton has decided that Osul is a friend and introduces herself by licking the druid's face. Neshi is a little wary and moves very cautiously near Cotton.

Moridark is sure there must be a good tale as to how someone from the Sargrass could end up here. Grindar pulls out a small barrel of Brock's Best Beer - said to be the best beer served in the Wold! Surely the adventurers aren't going to face the dragons while intoxicated, however a mug or two for courage would no doubt be ok.

After a brief discussion it is discovered that all here have the same quarry: the White Goddess.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) Cotton 
Thursday January 20th, 2022 5:01:52 AM

"I'm sorry or your previous run in with a rapke, I assure you, as long as you aren't my enemy, friend Trellus, you have nothing to fear from Cotton. And yes I have heard about that white hand of a dragon, I heard she was causing suffering, and so I set out to hunt her down.I have been looking for a way to approach her cave which I discovered is on the north side of the mountain, about 5 miles from here, without being spotted. I have no means of invisibility, but I am skilled in the art of stealth, so I have been searching for a route that may offer some cover, but this barren wasteland is making that difficult.

To answer your question Moridark, I spent the first 5 of more years,as an adventurer, in the Sargrass Plains working with a group of adventures, than my good friend Succotash Slenderstick, a powerful travel cleric, arrived and took me back to the northern continent to travel with a crew that calls the Culverwood home. For the last several years however, I have been wandering the northern continent looking for good deeds to do, and evil to vanquish, which has lead me to seek the demise of the White Goddess."

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 37, HP (156/156) 
Thursday January 20th, 2022 5:10:48 PM

Trellus looks around at the rest of the group.

"Cave on the North Side, then. The Wind Walk is already cast, I don't think I can add Grindar and Cotton now. Which means all of us going that way is ripped. Anyone wanna try scouting this side?"

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor 
Thursday January 20th, 2022 7:27:42 PM

Neshi listens and ponders a bit.

Five miles from here, perhaps we don't need the wind walk at this moment from this point. perhaps we take it on foot from ere with a bit of aerial recon?

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) 
Thursday January 20th, 2022 7:42:52 PM

Moridark nods his head as Grindar finishes his tale, "Nothing better than good friends, and family. Although they can be in short supply from time to time." The mage looks towards the north, "Staying together seems to be a better idea than splitting, and with another combatant to help even the odds against the posibility of two dragons perhaps we should go afoot."

DM RobC - "Nothing better than good friends, and family" 
Friday January 21st, 2022 2:22:50 AM

Grindar relays some of his history to the party, and tells of his time in the Sargrass and Culverwood. You get the impression there is far more to his tales and he's just being brief right now. Perhaps another time over a few ales in a tavern you'll learn a little more. Hey, remember that time Grindar made friends with a white dragon? Good times.

His scouting has given the rest of the party some good information though. Sounds like there's a way into the mountain not too far from here. Getting to it might be a matter of discussion though. Walk? Wind walk? Something else?

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Friday January 21st, 2022 12:20:32 PM

Armand rouses himself. He feels as if he'd been hit by a mountain and somehow survived the avalanche that wipe out the village. "Excuse me Grinder, I've been feeling a bit off. I understand you're a ranger? Does your skill lie more with melee or archery? I have an idea. We can't include you in our windwalk spell, but we can resume the shape and just move along the ground. We would appear as a mist. If we work to keep around you perhaps it could also provide you cover, or perhaps t'were better for you to stay amidst us. If 'Osul could whip up a gentle breeze from the northern tree line to that cave mouth we would seem a more natural occurrence."

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) Cotton 
Friday January 21st, 2022 12:38:34 PM

"Good cleric, as you can see by Cyrchwr Mawr, I specialize in melee" He says this while brandishing his orc double ax. "I have been trying to find a way to travel to the cave entrance, that would establish me with some cover to hide behind behind, so I can use my skills at stealth to approach unnoticed, but it appears the dragons have killed anything resembling vegetation in a 5 mile strip from here to their cave. Your idea has merit, and hiding in "fog" is a great way to use stealth. Maybe your Osul could actually create some fog? or someone could create an illusion of fog to make the ruse complete."

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 37, HP (156/156) 
Saturday January 22nd, 2022 9:46:32 AM

Trellus grins.

"Sounds shady," he replies to Armand's idea. "Let's weave it."

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) 
Sunday January 23rd, 2022 9:37:53 PM

The Mage listens to the conversation and nods his head an agreement at the fog idea

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor 
Sunday January 23rd, 2022 10:52:14 PM

Neshi listens to the plans, I am afraid I don't have anything to help with hiding us, although I could cast invisibility on anyone who would like it, but it will only last for 16 minutes or so.

DM RobC - "Let's weave it" 
Monday January 24th, 2022 2:16:50 AM

The party try and work out a way that they can all make it safely across the wasteland. The consensus looks to be something to do with the wind walk, perhaps creating some sort of mist to cover Grindar. Neshi does have the ability to make him invisible however it would only last for around 16 minutes - not nearly long enough for Grindar to cover 5 miles.

There is no immediate rush to decide. The party see no sign of any life nearby - hostile or otherwise.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) 
Monday January 24th, 2022 7:20:09 AM

Moridark nods his head at the idea of a fog guiding them into the cave entrance. The mage shakes his head at the suggestion of actual fog. ” I don’t have anything like that memorized. I would guess “walking” in may be the best idea.”

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) Cotton 
Monday January 24th, 2022 11:43:44 AM

"Whenever you wish to proceed, I will do my best to blend into your mists, and see what is to be seen. I would prefer to face the dragons inside their cave if possible, as I have no means of flight, and I'm far better with Cyrchwr Mawr, than I am with my javelins. Besides, I only have two of them, so I am limited in what I can do with them anyway."

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) 
Monday January 24th, 2022 7:21:04 PM

"My friend worry not about flight. If we need to take to the skies, Iwill be glad to make sure you are able to do so." Moridark looks around at his friends, "do we proceed now, or wait until dawn?"

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 37, HP (156/156) 
Monday January 24th, 2022 7:40:34 PM

"I'm for leaving now," Trellus replies.

If all agree, he reforms into a mist cloud, and very slowly wind walks ahead.

DM RobC - "I would guess “walking” in may be the best idea"  d12=11 ;
Tuesday January 25th, 2022 2:09:59 AM

The party resume their foggy shapes and surround Grindar in the hope of providing the half-orc a modicum of concealment.

It's an unusual approach. A gasesous fog of about 20ft in diameter creeping from the treeline and into the open wasteland would stand out as unusual to even the most casual of observers. If it helps though, the party are travelling with the wind at their backs. It would look even more suspicious if the fog was travelling against the wind.

The translucent figures of the party are enough to conceal Grindar and Cotton but it works both ways. Grindar and Cotton are also unable to see where they are going and must trust the party - people they met just minutes earlier - to safely guide them.

How will the party be positioning themselves during the trek? How fast will Grindar be travelling?

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14 
Tuesday January 25th, 2022 5:22:28 AM

With the wind already from the south, 'Osul summons a steadily building fog bank off the bay for cover. Control Weather

He then plays catch up.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) Cotton 
Tuesday January 25th, 2022 12:07:29 PM

Grindar remembers his dear friend Succotash Slenderstick telling him about the time the Tree Wardens spent the night in Humble's Ford and received the Humble's Swords hospitality. He trusts Succotash with his life, and if he is willing to vouch for the Tree Wardens, that's good enough for him.

As the Wardens encircle him, and Osul's fog rolls in, Grindar climbs on Cotton, and casts longstrider on her, allowing them to travel at 60 ft per round.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Tuesday January 25th, 2022 5:22:53 PM

"I'm afraid invisibility is pointless against a dragon they all have true sight." Armand will resume wind walk shape and try to stay behind and to the left of Grinder.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+28=42 ; d20+33=37 ; d20+25=40 ;
Tuesday January 25th, 2022 5:28:35 PM

Favored Terrain Mountains +4
Elyngael will take point in her wind walk shape. She'll have Brawn nearby. She will do scouting. Perception d20+28=42. Survival D20+33=37 Can she Stealth while in Wind Walk? Stealth d20+25=40

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended)  d20=16 ;
Tuesday January 25th, 2022 7:30:32 PM

Moridark flotas to the right of Grindar, and maintains the same pace as the others. The mage does his best to keep an eye out for danger. (Perception 16)

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 37, HP (156/156)  d20+14=28 ;
Tuesday January 25th, 2022 8:28:13 PM

Trellus steps up about 10' in front of Grindar and Moridark.

He keeps his eyes open for incoming dragons.
[Perception 28]

DM RobC - "I would guess “walking” in may be the best idea" 
Wednesday January 26th, 2022 6:28:00 AM

Osul takes some time to change the weather and bring in some fog. It takes 10mins to cast the spell and another 10mins for the fog to form. He then swiftly catches up with the party.

Elyngael takes point, which is to say she is floating just ahead of Grindar. The group aren't able to spread out very much and need to stay closely grouped in order to fully surround Grindar. Flying ahead of the group means a small piece of fog separated and ahead of the rest.

Armand brings up a very good point: dragons typically have excellent senses and have ways to detect invisible creatures. Of course, all dragons in the Wold are special and unique. There's no telling what these can do however it's a pretty safe assumption they would have those sort of abilities.

The party edge ahead with no sign of trouble. If you've been detected you wouldn't know it. You pass a number of dead trees and scorched rocks and earth. There is very little in the way of cover but in your gaseous forms it makes no difference.

You're nearing the 2 mile mark and the edge of the fog created by Osul.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35/18/32 CMD 26 122/122 HP Cotton AC 31/13/28 CMD 33 119/119 HP 
Wednesday January 26th, 2022 10:59:21 AM

Grindar is relieved to see Osul's fog. With the real fog, this ruse is far more realistic, and less likely to be seen for what it is. He feels bad that he is slowing down the Wardens, as they could have been to the cave and back by now, in their gaseous forms, but he is thankful for the company, as well as the assistance dealing with the dragons. In truth he wasn't sure he would be able to handle the scaly fiends, by himself, and that duty was sending him to Gargul's chambers. With the help of the Tree Wardens, his odds are a lot better. He casts Greater Magic Fang on Cotton.

Active Spells:

Greater Magic Fang

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+28=31 ; d20+33=36 ; d20+14=28 ;
Wednesday January 26th, 2022 5:06:13 PM

Favored Terrain Mountains +4
Elyngael will slow to the speed of the wind blowing toward the mountain. She will follow the terrain in her wind walk shape, as best as fog would normally progress. She'll have Brawn nearby. Perception d20+28=31. Survival D20+33=36. Knowledge Geography d20+14=28.

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+17=35 ;
Wednesday January 26th, 2022 5:36:44 PM

Armand will continue in his place behind Cotton. He inspects the damage to the ground and wonders. The damage looks like something more done by fire than ice. Knowledge Arcane 35 (d20+17) trying to determine exactly what caused this destruction.

Spells up
Wind Walk
Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hitpoints, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended)  d20+32=39 ; d20+32=35 ; d20+29=44 ;
Wednesday January 26th, 2022 7:38:31 PM

Moridark does his best to keep the slow pace of the others, knowing it is their best attempt at getting to the cave opening. The mage looks at the scorched area around him and attempts to discern what may have caused the damage. (Arcana: 39, Nature: 35, Spellcraft: 44)

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 37, HP (156/156) 
Wednesday January 26th, 2022 8:20:26 PM

Trellus works to keep just a little in front of everyone but Elyngael, while not stretching it out.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor 
Wednesday January 26th, 2022 9:26:43 PM

Neshi keeps looking nervously through the mist and fog as if just waiting for the other shoe to drop , so-to-speak and worries about his being able to buff himself and his friends in a timely manner.

DM RobC - "I would guess “walking” in may be the best idea"  d100=52 ; d100=5 ; d100=28 ; d100=47 ; d100=82 ; d100=74 ; d100=45 ;
Thursday January 27th, 2022 1:47:35 AM

Elyngael stays at the front and is alert for any signs of danger. She can't see anything ominous - no dark shapes in the sky or movement on the mountain ahead. It is so quiet and still you could be forgiven for thinking there was noone else in the Wold right now.

Armand and Moridark are a little curious about the damage done to the ground and nearby surrounds. Armand's knowledge of all things arcane gives him a huge list of things that could cause this sort of destruction, but it's not enough to single anything out. Moridark however has knowledge of the natural world and is able to make some observations. The trees withered and died but show no signs of scorch marks. It could be that they lacked water or minerals, but the damage here seems deliberate. He suspects they may have been frozen and died (sounds like the sort of thing a traditional white dragon could do) or that they may have been subjected to an effect that sapped the nutrients from them (mass blight or dehydration?). The rocks show signs of scorch marks. That seems pretty conclusive as being caused by fire.

Grindar keeps pace with the party. Honestly, he's not going slow at all. It's just the party in their windy forms are a quite fast. It feels like there's going to be a fight soon so the half-orc casts a buff on Cotton to give her a little more bite.

Neshi is a little nervous. It will take a good 30 seconds for the party to shift out of their cloudy, gaseous forms. During that time Grindar and Cotton may have to fend for themselves. They look pretty tough, but could they go toe-to-toe with a dragon by themselves?

The party have made it two miles undetected but are now on the edge of the fog created by Osul with at least 3 miles yet to go. Do you proceed ahead without your concealment? Do you take a different approach? It's a decision the party need to make.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35/18/32 CMD 26 122/122 HP Cotton AC 31/13/28 CMD 33 119/119 HP 
Thursday January 27th, 2022 12:06:20 PM

"We've reached the edge of our fog cover, how should we proceed friends? We still have about 3 miles to travel. We have been able to weave through this shady fog, but what now? Do we make a break for it? If we do I suggest we run as though we are whitehands running from labor! Or I guess I should say that I run like a whitehand fleeing labor, as you have that shady wind walk spell active. I estimate that it will take me a little over 13 min on Cotton's back, if moving at double time."

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14  d20+39=50 ; 4d12=31 ;
Thursday January 27th, 2022 4:50:28 PM

'Osul continues along, occasionally drifting up to the top of the fog for a clearer view, then returning to provide quiet reports.
Active Spells
Control Weather (Centred at the bay, A druid casting this spell doubles the duration and affects a circle with a 3-mile radius. Duration: 2x4d12=62 hours)
Toros Taur's Try (Minotaur)

Wind Walk, Heroes Feast

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Thursday January 27th, 2022 5:18:16 PM

Armand solidifies. "I've been thinking. I think we should just proceed in normal form. These dragons said they would be expecting us, and it's not like any of us have any anti-scrying spells and what not. Grinder I think that none of us can keep up with you at top speed and I don't think we really want to run flat out and then be out of breath at the mouth to the cave. I don't have true sight available today otherwise I'd say have one of you ranger scout types have that cast on them to help with any illusions and what not. But anyway that's my thoughts. Oh, and I think we should just go in a ragged line, no bunching, not straight lines between too many people."

Spells up
Wind Walk
Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hitpoints, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Thursday January 27th, 2022 6:22:04 PM

Elyngael becomes normal and has Brawn follow suit. "That sort of makes sense Armand. At least this way we can be ready for something." She mounts Brawn and has her bow ready at hand.

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 37, HP (156/156) 
Thursday January 27th, 2022 7:56:07 PM

Trellus also shifts back to regular form.

The man is grinning at Grindar.
"Dude, I have so missed hearing that language."

To the task at hand, Trellus will continue on, staying near the front.
Three miles is still some ways, and so he holds his buffing spells.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) 
Thursday January 27th, 2022 8:04:14 PM

Moridark takes the time to return to his normal form. The mage looks around and relays the information he gleaned from the damage to the area to the party. The mage takes a moment and casts overland flight on himself, and draws his wand of extend. "Grindar, how do you feel about being larger when in combat?'

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35/18/32 CMD 26 122/122 HP Cotton AC 31/13/28 CMD 33 119/119 HP 
Thursday January 27th, 2022 9:26:12 PM

Grindar answers Moridark's question by saying, with a huge smile on his face, [b]"I think that may be the first time a mage has asked me that question. In combat, anything that helps my ax bite deeper is a good thing, however, outside of combat, I find it interferes with my ability to remain undetected.

DM RobC - "At least this way we can be ready for something"  d100=80 ; d100=66 ; d100=18 ; d100=71 ; d100=44 ; d100=87 ; d100=95 ;
Friday January 28th, 2022 2:08:23 AM

Osul's fog does indeed extend out to 3 miles, however the problem still exists: how will the party make the remaining 2 miles of the trek? The party have crossed more than half the distance though.

The group gather on the edge of the mist in their solid forms to discuss the plan. It is unanimously agreed to walk the remainder of the way on foot.

Armand suggests the group go in a jagged formation. No straight lines that could leave the party open to a strafing attack.

Moridark and Grindar discuss tactics. Grindar larger? That's a big yes. Like Trellus, they hold off on the buff spells for the moment.

Elyngael rides Brawn. Grindar is on Cotton. Moridark is flying and your DM assumes Osul will be taking on the form of an Air Elemental to do the same. Armand, Neshi and Trellus will presumably be hoofing it.

The party make a break for it and hustle out of the fog. You're careful not to stand too close to one another yet no so far apart that you could be easily picked off. The party can only move as fast as it's slowest member which means it will take 20mins at a hustle to cover the remaining 2 miles.

The trip feels longer than 20 minutes though. You're constantly on edge, alert for any sign of trouble and watchful for a dragon to swoop out of the sky. Ahead you can see the cave that Grindar mentioned and you head straight toward it. Despite the tension you all make it safely across the wasteland without incident. Either nothing saw you or if it did, it hasn't made itself known.

Standing before the entrance to the cave you can now see the finer details. It's roughly some 30ft wide and just as high. The sides of the cave are rough, unworked and unsupported. These walls weren't mined or cut with any tools. Similarly, the ceiling of the cave lacks any support. It's a rough, unworked surface and Osul notices that all the stalactites have snapped off, leaving the ceiling an almost level height. The floor of the cave is littered with rocks and broken, splintered support beams.

Osul notices that the broken beams have only fallen in the middle 20ft of the cave. Armand has an impressive knowledge of engineering things and knows quite well that you don't just add supports to the middle section of a tunnel - you add support across the whole width of it when you're excavating. That's just how you do it!

Between them, Osul, Armand and Moridark piece some things together. It's likely that this was once a tunnel that had been mined 20ft wide and high. Something has widened the tunnel though and likely through brute force. Whatever it was has ploughed through the area, smashing through the rocks, support beams and any stalactites along the way and has made this passage wider. Those of you with knowledge of the arcane have never heard of a dragon doing such a thing. Dragons in the Wold are unique though, so you never know.

Everyone gets a hero point for making it across the wasteland without incident

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14  d20+15=34 ; d20+39=48 ; d20+46=59 ;
Friday January 28th, 2022 3:21:52 AM

"Nice! The work of a Purple worm, possibly?" {Knowledge(Arcana):34, Perception:48, Survival: 59}

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor 
Friday January 28th, 2022 9:42:17 AM

(OOC: I do not know what is going on but I make a post every evening and about every other one never shows up on the board. very frustrating)

OK all, who would like to have a stone skin spell placed on them? Anyone for a mage armor? resistance?

Neshi will start out casting a stone skin on himself.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 26 122/122 HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 33 119/119 HP 
Friday January 28th, 2022 10:09:06 AM

When Neshi offers Stone Skin, he raises his hand and says, "A little extra protection would be shady, for Cotton and myself, if you don't mind, friend Neshi!" He than casts Bark Skin on himself and on Cotton, followed by Resist Energy: Cold.

Active Spells:
Resist Energy: cold
Bark Skin

Greater Magic Fang
Resist Enrergy: cold
Bark Skin

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 37, HP (156/156)  d20+14=21 ;
Friday January 28th, 2022 5:44:40 PM

"Quite shady," Trellus echoes Grindar, also volunteering for the Stoneskin spell.

He too casts Resist Energy:Cold on himself.

"No shade, but I suspect whatever it or they are is big and nasty," he replies to 'Osul.

The man assumes someone else will take point, and once that person moves, he'll move in after, watching the walls for stuff to jump out.
[Perception 21]

In Effect
Endure Elements
Magic Vestment (armor)
Magic Vestment (shield)
Stoneskin: ?? minutes. 150/150
Resist Energy (cold): 130 minutes

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 26 122/122 HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 33 119/119 HP 
Friday January 28th, 2022 7:44:05 PM

Grindar looks to Elyngael and says, "In my adventurers, I've grown accustomed to taking point. As a fellow ranger, I assume you have as well. What say you to sharing the role? I won't lie, a second set of eyes would be quite shady.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Sunday January 30th, 2022 11:48:11 AM

"Actually since I favor the bow, I will allow you to take point but I will be close behind."

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14  d20+39=56 ;
Sunday January 30th, 2022 4:47:05 PM

"Mage Armor and Resistance would be greatly appreciated, 'Neshi. Do you mean a Resistance more effective than the Orison? If not I also have that to share."

'Osul casts some spells and remains on overwatch, skimming the ceiling. {Perception: 56}

As soon as he becomes aware of a threat he casts Mass Cat's Grace and Mass Bear's Endurance.

Darkvision 60', Fly 120' (Perfect), DR 5/-, Whirlwind, and Immune to Bleed, Critical Hits, and Sneak Attacks

Active Spells
Control Weather (Centred at the bay, A druid casting this spell doubles the duration and affects a circle with a 3-mile radius. Duration: 2x4d12=62 hours) (2 miles outside the cave)
Toros Taur's Try (Minotaur)
Endure Elements
Resist Energy (Cold)
Protection from Energy (Cold)

Cast by others
Wind Walk, Heroes Feast, Resistance, Mage Armor

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Sunday January 30th, 2022 7:47:00 PM

Moridark takes a moment to cast a few spells on himself as well. Moridark looks at the others and whispers, "Iam going to cast a telepathic bond between all but 1 of us. I am sorry I cannot get us all. Does anyone want to be excluded? If not Trellus, it will be you since you can fight, and heal yourself."

Active Spells:
Mage Armor (Extended)
Resist Energy Cold (160 Minutes)
Magic Circle Vs Evil (50 Minutes) Centered on Moridark

Telepathic Bond (160 Minutes)

DM RobC - "No shade, but I suspect whatever it or they are is big and nasty"  d10=10 ; d10=4 ; d10=9 ; d10=10 ; d10=9 ; 2d6=4 ; 2d6=6 ; 2d6=5 ;
Monday January 31st, 2022 2:13:12 AM

The party are anticipating a fight soon. Very soon. They start casting all manner of buffs to be ready for it. If anyone had a Detect Magic spell cast they'd be blinded by the sheer volume of spells that are in effect right now. Neshi offers some Stoneskin spells - an expensive spell to cast but if you have the diamond dust then a very worthwhile one.

Osul and Trellus are the ones concerned about the tunnel and whatever made it this size. A purple worm could do this, that's for sure. There's no way of definitively telling if it was one though. Osul plans to cast a couple of spells once he becomes aware of a threat. That's open for interpretation so will be left in his hands as to when/if he casts them.

A brief discussion is had on how to proceed.

It's agreed that Grindar will take point with Cotton by his side. A few feet behind them comes Elyngael, Brawn, and Trellus. The rest of the party shuffle in.

With just about every buff cast the party are able to proceed down the passage. The tunnel is obviously very dark which means unless there's a source of light that some of you will have trouble seeing. It's a gamble though. Creating some light might make it easier for the party to be spotted from a distance. Then again, if you don't have a source of light how will you see?

You can't see anything in particular ahead of you but can hear a low, rumbling noise. The noise grows louder and you realise it's the entire tunnel trembling. Those of you on the ground struggle to maintain your balance. Rocks and dirt fall from the ceiling and land around you. Brawn and Neshi find themselves standing in the wrong spots at the wrong time as some of the larger rocks fall. (Brawn takes 4pts damage from falling rocks. Ref Save vs DC15 for half. Neshi takes 6pts + 5pts damage from falling rocks. Ref Save vs DC15 for each for half)

It only last a few unnerving moments but it subsides and eventually passes.

Marching order:
Grindar ... Cotton
Elyngael ... Brawn ... Trellus
Armand ... Osul
Moridark ... Neshi

All walking? Any flying? Any wildshapes?

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:135/135, Wildshape(XVIII):8, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Monday January 31st, 2022 6:47:23 AM

Yes, fine, casting now. : )

'Osul volunteers to stay out of the Telepathic Bond.
Darkvision 60', Fly 120' (Perfect), DR 5/-, Whirlwind, and Immune to Bleed, Critical Hits, and Sneak Attacks

Active Spells
Control Weather (Centred at the bay, A druid casting this spell doubles the duration and affects a circle with a 3-mile radius. Duration: 2x4d12=62 hours) (2 miles outside the cave)
Toros Taur's Try (Minotaur)
Endure Elements
Resist Energy (Cold)
Protection from Energy (Cold)
Bear's Endurance (Mass)
Bull's Strength
Cat's Grace (Mass)

Cast by others
Wind Walk, Heroes Feast, Resistance, Mage Armor

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 26 122/122 HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 33 119/119 HP  d20+20=28 ; d20+31=40 ;
Monday January 31st, 2022 10:49:26 AM

After a nod of understanding to Elyngael, Grindar orders Cotton to defend the more squishy party members, than takes point.

He takes to the shadows and moves far enough ahead of the group to remain undetected, but close enough for them to come to his aid if/when things get sketchy.

Perception 32
Stealth 44
(Forgot to add his Favored Terrains bonus)

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 37, HP (156/156) 
Monday January 31st, 2022 5:43:27 PM

Trellus doesn't go too far before it becomes obvious he needs to see.
The man pulls out his holy symbol, a small silver hammer, which has a continual light cast upon it.

Holding it high, he proceeds forward with Elyngael.

And then the tunnel nearly collapses.
Its all the blond man can do to keep his feet.

Light. Is this a volcano? he asks via the telepathic bond.

With another look around, he continues after Grindar.


In Effect
Endure Elements
Magic Vestment (armor)
Magic Vestment (shield)
Stoneskin: ?? minutes. 150/150
Resist Energy (cold): 130 minutes
Telepathic Bond

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 33(26n)T:15, FF:29(22n), CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+14=20 ; d20+26=39 ; d20+22=31 ;
Monday January 31st, 2022 5:49:18 PM

Elyngael has googles of night. Elyngael has favored terrain underground for +2
Brawn Reflex d20+14=20 he has evasion, does that mean no damage?

Elyngael will cast Darkvision on Brawn as well as several other spells. When the rocks come down she will direct Brawn to the left side of the tunnel. Perception d20+26=39 She will move about 10 feet ahead of Brawn, Stealth d20+22=31

Brawns Stats
AC 37(30n)/16/35(28n) hp 117/117, CMD 26

Barkskin-Brawn and Elyngael
Resist Energy (cold)-Brawn and Elyngeal

Cat's Grace Mass +4dex
Bears Endurance Mass +4con

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Monday January 31st, 2022 6:00:19 PM

Armand does some casting. He then air walks up toward the ceiling (5 foot from the ceiling) and will proceed forward, though towards the back of the group.

Using the Telepathic Bond "I don't think it's a volcano. Most likely something is coming. I'd assume a door guardian probably. It's unlikely the dragons would come out and play."

Spells up
Wind Walk
Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hitpoints, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.
Air Walk - Armand
Protection from Energy (cold) - Armand
Protection from Energy (fire) - Armand
Light - Armand's Glaive
Shield of Faith - one to Trellus and one to Brawn (+4AC)

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight  d20=16 ;
Monday January 31st, 2022 7:26:33 PM

Moridarkflies above the party and across from Armand. The mage lets out a sigh of relief when he see the falling rocks do little damage. "Are you ok?" the mage asks through the bond. Moridark has no issues seeing in the dark but is keeps as good a watch as possible (Perception 16)

Active Spells:
Mage Armor (Extended)
Overland Flight
Resist Energy Cold (160 Minutes)
Magic Circle Vs Evil (50 Minutes) Centered on Moridark
Cat's Grace Mass +4dex
Bears Endurance Mass +4con

Telepathic Bond (160 Minutes)

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 128/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast,  d20+21=29 ; d20+21=41 ; d8+8=12 ;
Monday January 31st, 2022 7:33:07 PM

Neshi uses the last of his diamond dust for the stone skin spells on Grindar, cotton and Trellus and then also casts Mage armor and resistance on Osul. He also accepts the spells cast from others as well.

The quadruped is unable to dodge the falling rocks completely with a lack of room to maneuver but still manages to avoid most of it and his stone skin spell takes care of the rest."Well I don't know what that was , but it didn't sound terribly welcoming." As he moves back into position, he again begins casting and in a few moments the group is joined by an elder air elemental.

Spell slots remaining:[u]
0 - 8/9
1 - 6/8
2 - 7/7
3 - 7/7
4 - 3/7
5 - 7/7
6 - 7/7
7 - 5/6
8- 4/4

[u]Spells in use

Cat's Grace: Mass +4dex
Bears Endurance: Mass +4con
Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hit points, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects
stone skin: 160 minutes; DR 10 adamantine; 144/150
telepathic bond: 160 mins

Elder air elemental:

AC 28, touch 20, flat-footed 16 (+11 Dex, +1 dodge, +8 natural, –2 size)
Hp 152 (16d10+64)
Fort +14, Ref +21, Will +7
Defensive Abilities air mastery; DR 10/—; Immune elemental traits
Speed fly 100 ft. (perfect)
Melee 2 slams +25 (2d8+9)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks whirlwind (DC 27)

DM RobC - "Well I don't know what that was, but it didn't sound terribly welcoming." - Link to Map  d10=10 ; d10=9 ; d10=3 ; d10=8 ; d10=3 ; d10=9 ; 10d6=40 ; 4d6=14 ; d4=3 ; d8=7 ; d8=4 ; d8=8 ; d8=1 ; 2d6=7 ; 2d6=2 ; 2d6=11 ; 2d6=9 ; d6=5 ; 2d6=10 ; 2d6=11 ;
Tuesday February 1st, 2022 1:44:43 AM

More spells get cast. Boy, you gotta hope this is the right mountain!

Osul decides that now is probably a good time to cast some spells and does so.

Neshi gets a good couple of bumps from the rocks, but nothing that will cause him too much pain (Highlight to display spoiler: {Stoneskin only protects against weapon damage})

Brawn has great reflexes but still takes a small graze (Highlight to display spoiler: {Evasion only protects against attacks}). Elyngael casts some more spells on her companion to help protect him.

Moridark is quite relieved the rocks did so little damage. Had the whole ceiling collapsed it would have been much, much worse.

Grindar takes point and sends Cotton to the rear to look after the "squishy" members of the party.

Trellus wonders if this could be a volcano. It's something the DM wishes he'd thought of, but alas, based on the types of rock and tolerable temperature it's likely to be a normal mountain. Armand concurs with that assessment. Not a volcano. He doubts that the dragons would come so easily to face the party and suspects the tremors to be something else.

The mountain shakes again. This time the tremors are more violent and it's hard to stay on your feet. Some of the larger rocks fall from the ceiling. Most land harmlessly around you, but with all the debris it's inevitable that you were struck by a few.
Moridark takes 3pts damage. Ref Save vs DC15 for half
Cotton takes 2pts damage. Ref Save vs DC15 for half
Cotton takes 11pts damage. Ref Save vs DC15 for half
Air Elemental takes 9pts damage. Ref Save vs DC15 for half

Those on the ground can feel the vibrations intensifying.

That is all the warning the party have as a colossal creature bursts up through the cave floor ahead of Grindar. It has rocky, armored plates covering its body and several sharp looking spikes jutting out from the top of its head. Rocks are crushed beneath its heavy feet, and you can already see that its claws sliced easily through the solid, stony ground. They would have no trouble doing the same to weapons or armor (or flesh).

It inhales deeply and then bellows a mighty roar in challenge to the party, sending spittle flying over Grindar. The noise is louder than any you have heard from a creature. The shockwave slams into each of you and the sound causes hearing damage to those closest to it. Casting Telepathic Bond was a fortunate move by Mordiark!

Everyone except for Neshi, Cotton and the Air Elemental to make a Fort Save vs DC30.
Pass: 30pts damage + Deafened for 10rnds
Fail: 60pts damage + Deafened for 21rnds + Stunned for 1 round

The sound is so intense that it shakes more rocks from the ceiling.
Osul takes 5pts damage. Ref Save vs DC15 for half
Armand takes 5pts damage. Ref Save vs DC15 for half
Grindar takes 11pts damage. Ref Save vs DC15 for half

Map: Link to Map

If casting spells please roll for Spell Resistance. If you are deafened and cast a spell with a verbal component please also roll a d100. On a 1-20 the spell fails.

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:117/135, Wildshape(XVIII):8, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14  d20+15=29 ; d20+16=36 ; d20+15=30 ; d20+9=19 ;
Tuesday February 1st, 2022 6:02:42 AM

...there's something you don't see every day...
{Ref Save: 29 vs 15, and DR 5/-... but I missed Fort Save: 36}
...what are you?...
{Knowledge(Arcana): 30}

If he comes up with anything he shares it - probably shouting. Actually, probably planar.
{Knowledge(The Planes): 19}
Darkvision 60', Fly 120' (Perfect), DR 5/-, Whirlwind, and Immune to Bleed, Critical Hits, and Sneak Attacks
Deafened (10 rounds)

Active Spells
Control Weather (Centred at the bay, A druid casting this spell doubles the duration and affects a circle with a 3-mile radius. Duration: 2x4d12=62 hours) (2 miles outside the cave)
Toros Taur's Try (Minotaur)
Endure Elements
Resist Energy (Cold)
Protection from Energy (Cold)
Bear's Endurance (Mass)
Bull's Strength
Cat's Grace (Mass)

Cast by others
Wind Walk, Heroes Feast, Resistance, Mage Armor

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 26 56/122 HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 33 112/119 HP  d20+15=24 ; d20+15=24 ; d20+13=15 ; d20+23=26 ; 2d6+19=29 ; d6=5 ; d6=2 ;
Tuesday February 1st, 2022 1:46:21 PM

Reflex saves
Grindar 24 pass for half
Cotton 24 pas for half
Fort save
Grindar 15 fail stunned for 1 round and deaf for 21/21 rounds

As the creature lets out it's roar, Grindar is overcome by the noise dropping Cyrchwr Mawr in the process. He realize he has been deafened and prays to Pantheon that it isn't permanent.

Seeing Grindar drop his ax, Cotton charges forward and attempt to bite the big ugly, Hitting AC 26 for 29 bite damage plus 5 flame and 2 shock damage. (If the Creature is a giant, Cotton gets a +2, if it a plant, dragon, or undead, she gets a +4 due to Favored Enemy bonuses.)

Active Spells:
Resist Energy: cold
Bark Skin
Stoneskin 150/150

Greater Magic Fang
Resist Energy: cold
Bark Skin
Stoneskin 150/150

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 41, HP (126/156)  d20+19=26 ; d100=67 ; d100=8 ;
Tuesday February 1st, 2022 3:45:28 PM

[Fort Save 26, using hero point to add 4 post roll for 30. Save]

Trellus grits his teeth against the blast.
Head ringing, he manages to cast a quickened Shield of Faith, adding to his defenses.

He then tests his luck with a buffing spell (Divine Favor),but fumbles the incantation.

Disgusted by the loss, he draws his sword while moving to get a straight run at the thing.

Cast quickened spell.
Attempt cast Divine Favor
Move to L6, drawing weapon.

In Effect
Deafened rd 1 of 10
Shield of Faith - 13 minutes
Endure Elements
Magic Vestment (armor)
Magic Vestment (shield)
Stoneskin: ?? minutes. 150/150
Resist Energy (cold): 130 minutes
Telepathic Bond

Armand (Robert D)AC 27(25norm) /touch 11/flat 26(24norm) HP 116/149(117/117n) CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+26=42 ; d20+12=32 ; d100=67 ; d20+18=37 ; d20+29=42 ;
Tuesday February 1st, 2022 6:16:07 PM

"What the Frell is that." Armand thinks before being hit by the sonic blast.
Fortitude Save (spending a hero point before hand for +8) 42 (d20+26)
Reflex save 32 (d20+12)

Armand casts Silence on the monster. (d100=67). Spell resistance 37 (d20+18) Monster Will sv 17
Armand tries to think what this creature could be Knowledge Planes 42 (d20+29)

Spells up
Wind Walk
Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hitpoints, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.
Air Walk - Armand
Protection from Energy (cold) - Armand
Protection from Energy (fire) - Armand
Light - Armand's Glaive
Shield of Faith - one to Trellus and one to Brawn (+4AC)
Mass Bears Endurance (+4 con etc.)
Mass Cats Grace (+2AC)

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 33(26n)T:15, FF:29(22n), CMD 34 , HP 149/179(147/147n)  d20+13=29 ; d20+23=37 ; d20+26=28 ; d8+6=12 ; d6=2 ; 2d6=8 ;
Tuesday February 1st, 2022 6:31:09 PM

Brawn fortitude save d20+13=29
Elyngael fortitude save, she will also spend a hero point before the roll d20+23=37
Not sure which of her favored enemies may come into play here, evil outsider is +4, magical beast is +2, constructs is +4

Elyngael will shoot at the beast, Point Blank Shot +1, PinPoint Targeting (hits it's touch AC). She will swiftly remove 1 admantine arrow and fire at the creature.
To hit d20+26=28. (+2 shocking, holy not figured in tohit, longbow) damage d8+6=12, shock d6=2, holy2d6=8

Brawns Stats - Stunned
AC 41(30n)/16/39(28n) hp 64/139(117/117n), CMD 26

Barkskin-Brawn and Elyngael
Resist Energy (cold)-Brawn and Elyngeal

Cat's Grace Mass +4dex
Bears Endurance Mass +4con
Shield of Faith from Armand on Brawn

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 122/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast,  d20+25=29 ; d20+25=36 ; d20+25=29 ; d20+25=37 ; 2d8+9=24 ; 2d8+9=20 ; 2d8+9=18 ; 2d8+9=18 ; d20+12=32 ; d20+10=14 ; d20+17=21 ; d20+17=26 ; 15d6=60 ; d20+18=38 ;
Tuesday February 1st, 2022 7:23:41 PM

Neshi sends the elder elemental into the fray and the elemental performs a flyby attack hitting AC 29, 36, 29 and 37 with slams for 24, 20, 18 & 18 points damage.

Neshi then takes a moment to try and figure out what the thing might be Know Arcana DC 32 (natural 20), Know Nature Dc 14, & know Planes DC 26.

Moments later, as the elemental passes by the beast, Neshi drops a flame strike on the beast. 60 points damage, Reflex DC 24 for 45 points; Spell resistance 38 (natural 20)

Spell slots remaining:[u]
0 - 8/9
1 - 6/8
2 - 7/7
3 - 6/7
4 - 3/7
5 - 7/7
6 - 7/7
7 - 5/6
8- 4/4

[u]Spells in use
Cat's Grace: Mass +4dex
Bears Endurance: Mass +4con
Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hit points, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects
stone skin: 160 minutes; DR 10 adamantine; 144/150
telepathic bond: 160 mins

Elder air elemental:

AC 28, touch 20, flat-footed 16 (+11 Dex, +1 dodge, +8 natural, –2 size)
Hp 152 (16d10+64)
Fort +14, Ref +21, Will +7
Defensive Abilities air mastery; DR 10/—; Immune elemental traits
Speed fly 100 ft. (perfect)
Melee 2 slams +25 (2d8+9)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks whirlwind (DC 27)

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 72/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight  d20+16=29 ; d20+14=15 ;
Tuesday February 1st, 2022 8:28:39 PM

Moridark manages to avoid most of the falling rocks (Reflex DC29). However the mage's eyes glaze over as the creature roars (Fortitude 15).
Stunned:1 round
Deafened: 21/21 rounds

Active Spells:
Mage Armor (Extended)
Overland Flight
Resist Energy Cold (160 Minutes)
Magic Circle Vs Evil (50 Minutes) Centered on Moridark
Cat's Grace Mass +4dex
Bears Endurance Mass +4con

Telepathic Bond (160 Minutes)

DM RobC - "...there's something you don't see every day..." - Link to Map  d20+33=49 ; 4d6+16=32 ; d20+12=31 ; d20+12=27 ; d20+49=63 ; d20+49=53 ; d20+49=56 ; d20+49=62 ; d20+49=51 ; d20+49=63 ; d20+49=54 ; d20+49=66 ; d20+49=54 ; d20+49=51 ; 2d8+24=33 ;
Wednesday February 2nd, 2022 1:35:40 AM

The party aren't exactly sure what this creature is but share their observations with each other via the telepathic link. They've never heard or read of such a thing! Based on what they can tell, it's some sort of magical beast. If it was able to burrow through solid rock it likely has an earth subtype, and that also means it has ways to detect the party without seeing them. Its claws easily carved through stone so you can deduce they cut as though they're adamantine - which means the Stoneskin spell won't protect against them and they could sunder most items too. It looks very well armored which might make it tough to hit, but you also know that big things - and this is very big - are usually very vulnerable to touch attacks. It's breathing a little heavier after that roar so it fortunately might take a few moments for it to be able to do it again (if at all). Noone can see how anything this monstrous could possibly have any weaknesses.

Grindar stands in awe of the monster and drops his beloved axe to the ground. The world has gone silent and he really hopes it is only temporary. Fortunately the party has a very skilled cleric, so even if it were there is someone around who could treat it.

Cotton springs into action, hurtling through the tunnel to get close to the monster. It's larger than she is and has a greater reach. It extends it's neck and chomps down on her as she approaches (AoO hit AC49. Cotton takes 32pts damage!). Cotton is unable to land her attack which gives an indication on how hard it will be to hit.
(Highlight to display spoiler: {Not sure if Cotton has a way to negate this: "If any line from your starting space to the ending space passes through a square that blocks movement ... or contains a creature (even an ally), you can't charge."})

Trellus barely manages to keep his wits about him and opts to cast more defensive spells. He's able to get one off, but the ringing in his ears distracts him from completing the second.

Armand does not want to go through that again. He casts a Silence spell directly at the monster but it doesn't have the desired effect (Will Save pass). He's quite sure he bypassed it's spell resistance though.

Brawn is stunned by the sonic assault but Elyngael isn't. Her bow is still held firmly in her hand and she lets loose two arrows. They are far from the archer's best though and *plink* harmlessly off it's thick, rocky hide.

Neshi commands his elemental to perform a fly-by. It's unable to fly past the monster blocking the tunnel, but it gets close enough to swat at it with a single attack. (Highlight to display spoiler: {Flyby only allows a single attack})

Neshi calls down a Flame Strike on it. He gets through the spell resistance but part of the strike is avoided by the monster (Ref Save pass). You watch as the flames do nothing against the creatures skin. The remainder of the damage hurts it though, and you see pale green blood ooze from the wound.

Moridark is stunned that such a creature makes a noise like that. It's going to take him a moment to process things.

The monster gives a guttural growl and paws at the ground. It lowers its head and then barrels through the tunnel. It tosses it's head side to side as it goes and ploughs through everything in its path. (Everyone takes 33pts damage!). The beast skids to a halt and turns back to face the party. As it does you can see some of its wounds quickly heal over.

Link to Map

Big Ugly (magical beast, earth)
- AC35 SR29
- 2pts dmg (Regen 20)
- Attacks treated as adamantine, 20ft reach, Burrow speed, Roar (sonic attack), Immune: Fire, Weaknesses: None

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:117/135, Wildshape(XVIII):8, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14  d20+13=27 ; d20+21=39 ;
Wednesday February 2nd, 2022 7:08:21 AM

Quickly striking most good and fair options off his list, 'Osul jumps straight to the potentially poor choices. The outsider/earth part of it is likely going to walk/slam/claw straight through an Antilife shell, so that doesn't happen. There a slim chance it could have animal-like intelligence...

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul watches the beast from altitude (not that this means much here), and attempts Wild Empathy with it. {Wild Empathy: 27 - having already factored in the -4 for Magical Creature} It could have seriously maimed or killed some of us with its claws by now. Maybe that isn't its goal. {Sense Motive: 39} Maybe it thinks this is playing.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 26 23/122 HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 33 79/119 HP 
Wednesday February 2nd, 2022 12:10:43 PM

Grindar, still deafened, and in a lot of pain, snaps out of his daze, and picks up Cyrchwr Mawr. He than moves 30 ft towards the beast. Cotton also follows Highlight to display spoiler: { I didn't realize you can't charge through an allies square. with that in mind, cotton would have only moved 60 ft, which wouldn't have triggered the AoO}

Active Spells:
Resist Energy: cold
Bark Skin
Stoneskin 150/150

Greater Magic Fang
Resist Energy: cold
Bark Skin
Stoneskin 150/150

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 41, HP (113/156)  6d6=20 ;
Wednesday February 2nd, 2022 4:42:58 PM

OOC - The trample attack is treated as adamantine?

Trellus feels himself run over, and turns to face this creature again, at a loss on how to kill it.

Grasping his holy symbol, and sends out a wave of positive energy.

Everyone but Neshi is healed for 20 hp

Figuring its coming back, he moves back with Grindar to get a better shot when it turns.

Channel Energy
Move to M5.

In Effect
Deafened rd 2 of 10
Shield of Faith - 13 minutes
Endure Elements
Magic Vestment (armor)
Magic Vestment (shield)
Stoneskin: ?? minutes. 150/150
Resist Energy (cold): 130 minutes
Telepathic Bond

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 33(26n)T:15, FF:29(22n), CMD 34 , HP 136/179(147/147n)  d20+28=44 ; d8+8=11 ; d6=6 ; 2d6=4 ; d8+8=14 ; d6=4 ; 2d6=8 ; d20+23=38 ; d8+8=14 ; d6=1 ; 2d6=10 ; d20+18=23 ; d20+10=15 ;
Wednesday February 2nd, 2022 5:50:13 PM

OOC, Elyngael only fired 1 arrow not 2. She was using the Pinpoint targeting Feat, standard action, single ranged attack, no armor or shield bonus on 1 attack

Brawn is blooded and barely hanging on, Elyngael waves him toward the rear and he retreats.Thanks for the healing Trellus. she thinks

Since her special attack did not work Elyngael decides to just unload on the beast, (magical beast +2), Improved Precise Shot, Many Shot. Elyngael will still use admantine arrows.
First Shot (2arrows)To hit d20+28=44. (+2 shocking, holy not figured in tohit, longbow) first arrow damage d8+8=11, shock d6=6, holy2d6=4, second arrow damage d8+8=14, shock d6=4, holy2d6=8
Second Shot to hit d20+23=38, damage d8+8=14, shock d6=1, holy2d6=10
Third Shot d20+18=23 miss
Forth Shot d20+10=15 miss

Brawns Stats -
AC 41(30n)/16/39(28n) hp 51/139(117/117n), CMD 26

Barkskin-Brawn and Elyngael
Resist Energy (cold)-Brawn and Elyngeal

Cat's Grace Mass +4dex
Bears Endurance Mass +4con
Shield of Faith from Armand on Brawn

Armand (Robert D)AC 27(25norm) /touch 11/flat 26(24norm) HP 103/149(117/117n) CMD 25 Character Sheet  d100=58 ; d20+18=19 ; d100=88 ; d20+18=34 ; d20+13=14 ;
Wednesday February 2nd, 2022 6:02:05 PM

OOC Armand is airwalking and is 25 feet in the air, measured from his head to the ground

"Anyone have a Grease spell" Armand thinks to everyone

Armand is not sure if this thing is evil or not. It certainly seems so they way it's attacking them. So he calls down a Holy Smite on it. d100=58. Spell Resistance 19 fail.

Armand is dismayed that his spell failed on the creature. He uses metamagic quicken wand, and casts Searing Light. d100=88, Spell Resistance 34. To hit Touch AC, 14. (Technically a 1 so I guess I miss.) Armand is appalled that he missed so huge a target.

Spells up
Wind Walk
Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hitpoints, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.
Air Walk - Armand
Protection from Energy (cold) - Armand
Protection from Energy (fire) - Armand
Light - Armand's Glaive
Shield of Faith - one to Trellus and one to Brawn (+4AC)
Mass Bears Endurance (+4 con etc.)
Mass Cats Grace (+2AC)

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 49/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Wednesday February 2nd, 2022 8:38:25 PM

In his stunned state the mage takes the brunt of the beasts attack. Moridark is banged, and bloodied.

Deafened: 21/21 rounds

Active Spells:
Mage Armor (Extended)
Overland Flight
Resist Energy Cold (160 Minutes)
Magic Circle Vs Evil (50 Minutes) Centered on Moridark
Cat's Grace Mass +4dex
Bears Endurance Mass +4con

Telepathic Bond (160 Minutes)

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(35)25 / T(28)20 / F(24)20; HP: 130/157: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast,  d20+19=29 ; 32d6=98 ; d20+19=32 ; 15d6=48 ; d20+25=29 ; d20+25=26 ;
Wednesday February 2nd, 2022 8:40:13 PM

DM clarify pleaseHighlight to display spoiler: {Flyby Attack (Monster)

This creature can make an attack before and after it moves while flying.
Prerequisite: Fly speed.
Benefit: When flying, the creature can take a move action and another standard action at any point during the move. The creature cannot take a second move action during a round when it makes a flyby attack.

Banged up a little by the partial trample, Neshi casts and a sickly green ray leaves his hand and strikes the beast. Disintegrate: SR 29, 98 points damage; Fort DC 26, for 30 points. He then quickly follows it up with a quickened [/b]Cone of cold: SR 32, 48 points Reflex DC 25 for 24 points[/b]

The elder elemental come charging back into the fray slamming into the beast but misses with both slams.

Spell slots remaining:[u]
0 - 8/9
1 - 6/8
2 - 7/7
3 - 6/7
4 - 3/7
5 - 7/7
6 - 7/7
7 - 5/6
8- 4/4

[u]Spells in use
Cat's Grace: Mass +4dex
Bears Endurance: Mass +4con
Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hit points, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects
stone skin: 160 minutes; DR 10 adamantine; 144/150
telepathic bond: 160 mins

Elder air elemental:

AC 28, touch 20, flat-footed 16 (+11 Dex, +1 dodge, +8 natural, –2 size)
Hp 152 (16d10+64)
Fort +14, Ref +21, Will +7
Defensive Abilities air mastery; DR 10/—; Immune elemental traits
Speed fly 100 ft. (perfect)
Melee 2 slams +25 (2d8+9)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks whirlwind (DC 27)

DM RobC - "Anyone have a Grease spell?" - Link to Map  d20+22=40 ; d20+12=19 ; d20+33=44 ; 4d6+16=29 ; d20+28=32 ; d20+20=36 ; d20+33=42 ; d20+33=45 ; d20+28=45 ; 4d6+16=28 ; 4d6+16=34 ; 2d8+8=18 ;
Thursday February 3rd, 2022 1:36:39 AM

Fearing this monster may be too powerful, Osul tries a little diplomacy but he sees no discernable change in the creature. It's either too smart or it's going to take a little more time for his attempt to be successful. Time the party probably can't afford.

Grindar picks up his axe and advances a little. He's prepared now for the monster to charge again.

Trellus releases enough healing to hit almost all of the group. He also expects the monster to charge again and edges towards Grindar.

Elyngael has a second look and notices that her first arrow did in fact strike it's target (my bad). The damage is not what she hoped, but she did indeed hurt it. She launches five more arrows at the beast. Three strike. The arrows aren't biting deep and the holy damage is ineffectual. The shock damage is working completely fine though!

Armand looks about for someone with a grease spell. He tries a couple of his own but things just don't go his way. His Holy Smite fails to affect the creature and his Searing Light spell misses its mark. This is not turning out to be a good day. Perhaps Wardd will make it up to him when they fight the dragon?

Moridark is banged up and bruised. He isn't quite sure what to do right now.

Neshi is a little beat up but it doesn't stop him from casting some spells. The creature has a long reach and swipes at the sorceror as he begins casting. (AoO hits AC44. Neshi takes 29pts damage! Neshi to make a concentration check vs DC45 or lose the disintegrate spell). The Cone of Cold goes off without a hitch and causes some real damage to the beast (Ref Save failed)

The Elemental flies back into the action and tries to slam the monster but misses on its attack.

The monster acts...

It lashes out at the pesky Air Elemental. The attack didn't look that significant, but the elemental completely blips away! (Dispel check: 36)

The remaining attacks are levelled at Neshi and Osul. (Hit AC42, 45. Neshi takes 28pts + 34pts damage! Hit AC45. Osul takes 18pts damage!)

Some of the frosty wounds heal over. It growls again at the party. It's a little louder and almost as if it's slowly getting it's voice back

Link to Map

Big Ugly (magical beast, earth, non-evil)
- AC35 TouchAC0 SR29 DR15/-
- 43pts dmg (Regen 20)
- Attacks treated as adamantine, 20ft reach, Burrow speed, Roar (sonic attack), Immune: Fire, Weaknesses: None

Armand (Robert D)AC 27(25norm) /touch 11/flat 26(24norm) HP 139/149(117/117n) CMD 25 Character Sheet  d6=4 ; d6=5 ; d6=1 ; d6=5 ; d6=6 ; d6=5 ; d6=6 ; d6=3 ; d6=2 ;
Thursday February 3rd, 2022 10:58:32 AM

Armand drops 5 feet and channels to heal. I think everyone except the monster and Brawn are in range.
Healing 36 to everyone (8d6)

"Looks like Lighting definitely hurts it. I wonder what can stop it's regeneration?" Armand thinks to the group.

Armand again uses his metamagic rod of quicken and lays his last silence spell directly in front of the monster. DM - I want the back edge a few feet from it's mouth but so that the bubble then goes forward the 20 feet toward us, so the center would be around the crosshair of v/w 5/6 and 15 feet off the ground. Spell Resistance and Save should not come into play as I'm casting on the area and not the monster. I made a yellow circle for it.

"People, I'm putting a Silence spell up. It looks like he might be getting ready to sonic again. If he charges instead move to the otherside of the silence bouble to avoid another sonic burst." Armand thinks to the group.

Spells up
Wind Walk
Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hitpoints, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.
Air Walk - Armand
Protection from Energy (cold) - Armand
Protection from Energy (fire) - Armand
Light - Armand's Glaive
Shield of Faith - one to Trellus and one to Brawn (+4AC)
Mass Bears Endurance (+4 con etc.)
Mass Cats Grace (+2AC)
stationary Silence centered at v/w 5/6 and 15 feet high.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 26 79/122 HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 33 119/119 HP  d20+19=29 ;
Thursday February 3rd, 2022 12:29:18 PM

Grindar moves forward a little bit, and hurls one of his javelins at the beast, but of course the thing glances harmlessly off the beast's armor. The ranger grumbles under his breath chiding himself for not purchasing the javelins of lightning like he considered doing. He orders Cotton to stay, as he fears that the beast may roar again, and he is hoping that Armand's zone of silence will protect them.

Active Spells:
Grindar (deafened)
Resist Energy: cold
Bark Skin
Stoneskin 150/150

Greater Magic Fang
Resist Energy: cold
Bark Skin
Stoneskin 150/150

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 33(26n)T:15, FF:29(22n), CMD 34 , HP 172/179(147/147n)  d20+27=35 ; d8+14=22 ; d6=1 ; d8+14=22 ; d6=3 ; d20+22=23 ; d20+17=36 ; d20+17=21 ; d8+14=22 ; d6=5 ; d20+9=19 ; d20+27=39 ; d8+14=18 ; d6=3 ; d8+14=22 ; d6=4 ;
Thursday February 3rd, 2022 2:03:24 PM

I've been forgetting my +2 to attack from having mass Cat's Grace.

Since her special attack did not work Elyngael decides to just unload on the beast, (magical beast +2), Improved Precise Shot, Many Shot, going to add Deadly aim, -3 to hit but +6 damage. Elyngael will still use admantine arrows.
First Shot (2arrows)To hit d20+27=35. (+2 shocking, longbow) first arrow damage d8+14=22, shock d6=1, second arrow damage d8+14=22, shock d6=3.
Second Shot to hit d20+22=23, miss.
Third Shot d20+17=36 CRIT (improved crit longbow), d20+17=21 not confirmed. Damage d8+14=22, shock d6=5
Forth Shot d20+9=19 miss

Elygael grits her teeth and calls upon her inner strength (spending a hero point for another shot) to rapidly draw two more arrows and shoot again.
Hero shot d20+27=39 first arrow damage d8+14=18, shock d6=3, second arrow damage d8+14=22, shock d6=4.
Did I add that right 122 points damage

Brawns Stats -
AC 41(30n)/16/39(28n) hp 51/139(117/117n), CMD 26

Barkskin-Brawn and Elyngael
Resist Energy (cold)-Brawn and Elyngeal

Cat's Grace Mass +4dex
Bears Endurance Mass +4con
Shield of Faith from Armand on Brawn

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 33(26n)T:15, FF:29(22n), CMD 34 , HP 172/179(147/147n) 
Thursday February 3rd, 2022 2:06:32 PM

oh wait does the adamantine not get through its DR? If not I'll switch to normal arrows.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(35)25 / T(28)20 / F(24)20; HP: 52/157: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast,  d20+32=44 ; d20+32=48 ; d8+6=13 ;
Thursday February 3rd, 2022 3:12:23 PM

Concentration DC 44 (Spending a hero point to reroll) DC 48.

Neshi gets hit by the beast but with some herculean effort manages to keep his concentration on his spell and the disintegrate goes off and connects with the beast, and then gets hit twice more (OOC God I hope that disintegrate does its job). Neshi managing to keep himself upright makes a full retreat option and makes his way to the back of the group.

[i] "Ok all I am out of this for a bit, unless I can get some healing. I will see what I can do from back here unless he comes barreling though again."[i] as he begins to slow down from his retreat he activates his Brahama's tattoo regaining 13 hps.

Spell slots remaining:

0 - 8/9
1 - 6/8
2 - 7/7
3 - 6/7
4 - 3/7
5 - 7/7
6 - 7/7
7 - 5/6
8- 4/4

Spells in use

Cat's Grace: Mass +4dex
Bears Endurance: Mass +4con
Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hit points, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects
stone skin: 160 minutes; DR 10 adamantine; 144/150
telepathic bond: 160 mins

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:122/135, Wildshape(XVIII):8, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14  d20+32=45 ; d100=50 ; d20+16=24 ;
Thursday February 3rd, 2022 3:44:46 PM

{Heal (Indicative assessment): 45}

'Osul takes a step back from the earth crab, and casts Lightning Lord at it. {50% :) , Cast Defensively: d20+33 vs 23 :) , SR:24 :( }

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 41, HP (149/156)  d100=1 ;
Thursday February 3rd, 2022 5:24:19 PM

Trellus physically feels better after Armand's channelling, but still can't anything.

'None of us can hear, what good is its yell?' he notes.

Not having many options, the man tries a spell.
But, again, he flubs the incantation.

Failed attempt to cast Searing Light.

In Effect
Deafened rd 3 of 10
Shield of Faith - 13 minutes
Endure Elements
Magic Vestment (armor)
Magic Vestment (shield)
Stoneskin: ?? minutes. 150/150
Resist Energy (cold): 130 minutes
Telepathic Bond

Armand (Robert D)AC 27(25norm) /touch 11/flat 26(24norm) HP 139/149(117/117n) CMD 25 Character Sheet  d100=50 ;
Thursday February 3rd, 2022 8:01:50 PM

i forgot to roll my d100 to see if silence worked. 50 it did.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 85/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight  d100=24 ; d20+20=24 ; d20+14=30 ;
Thursday February 3rd, 2022 9:50:25 PM

Moridark shakes his head trying to clear the cobwebs, and backs up to L7. The mage looks around and points his finger at the beast (24 to cast while deaf. SR24 Fort DC: 26 to save) and a thin green ray speeds out to strike the monster (Ranged Touch 30)

DM RobC - "Looks like Lightning definitely hurts it." - Link to Map  d20+22=37 ; d12=4 ; d20+33=35 ; d20+33=35 ; d20+28=40 ; d20+28=42 ; 4d6+16=24 ; 4d6+16=28 ; 2d8+8=18 ; 2d8+8=19 ; d20+50=56 ; d20+20=25 ;
Friday February 4th, 2022 3:16:26 AM

Armand heals the party a little more and then tries a different approach with a Silence spell by dropping it at the monsters feet. He warns the others to run to the other side of the spell if the beast charges across the tunnel. The Silence spell has a radius of 20ft (not 10ft) so the spell becomes wide enough to completely block the 30ft wide tunnel from any noise the monster makes on the other side.

Grindar gets closer and hurls a javelin at the creature but it's defelcts off its hide.

Elyngael continues firing regular arrows at the creature (knowing the adamantine ones aren't making a difference). Most creatures would drop from such an assault, but not this one. It's damage reduction protects it from a lot of the damage. She digs deep to fire some extra arrows at it

Neshi's disintegrate ray strikes the beast but it shrugs off most of the damage. Moridark tries the same but gets the same result. (Fort Saves both pass)

Osul knows that electricity damages it so tries to zap it with a little Lightning Lord but is unable to get through the creatures significant spell resistance. He can tell the creature is wounded but it still looks like it's going to put up a fight.

Trellus searing light spell fizzles and he wonders why they need to worry about the roar if they're already deaf. Unfortunately - much like objects - being deaf doesn't protect a person from sonic attacks. Armand's Silence spell on the other hand most certainly does.

The monster acts...

It looks like it has opened it's mouth to growl, but instead it takes a step forward to chomp into Osul! (Hit AC35,35,40,42. Osul takes 24 + 28 + 18 + 19 pts damage - not adjusted for DR. Dispel check: 25=Fail!).

Link to Map

Big Ugly (magical beast, earth, non-evil)
- AC35 TouchAC0 SR29 DR15/-
- 119pts dmg (Regen 20)
- Attacks treated as adamantine, 20ft reach, Burrow speed, Roar (sonic attack), Immune: Fire, Weaknesses: None

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(35)25 / T(28)20 / F(24)20; HP: 52/157: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast,  d20+20=30 ; d20+12=32 ; d20+12=14 ; 15d6=60 ; 15d6=60 ; d4=3 ;
Friday February 4th, 2022 5:03:42 PM

Neshi feeling a bit better after Armand's boost and his tattoo, fires off another spell and a blue-white ray of ice and frost streaks out and slams into the beast.

Polar Ray, SR 30, No save, Touch AC 32 (natural 20) crit confirmation?? touch AC 14, for 60 points cold damage and a loss of three points Dexterity. Possible additional crit. damage?? 60 points .

Spell slots remaining:

0 - 8/9
1 - 6/8
2 - 7/7
3 - 6/7
4 - 3/7
5 - 6/7
6 - 6/7
7 - 5/6
8- 3/4

Spells in use

Cat's Grace: Mass +4dex
Bears Endurance: Mass +4con
Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hit points, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects
stone skin: 160 minutes; DR 10 adamantine; 144/150
telepathic bond: 160 mins

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:53/135, Wildshape(XVIII):8, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14  d100=58 ;
Saturday February 5th, 2022 5:17:58 AM

Surely Yurneshi's attack is enough - he hopes, but he cannot be the punching bag if he doesn't repack the stuffing.
Heal: 58%, HP:135/135, no longer Deafened

Darkvision 60', Fly 120' (Perfect), DR 5/-, Whirlwind, and Immune to Bleed, Critical Hits, and Sneak Attacks

Active Spells
Control Weather (Centred at the bay, A druid casting this spell doubles the duration and affects a circle with a 3-mile radius. Duration: 2x4d12=62 hours) (2 miles outside the cave)
Toros Taur's Try (Minotaur)
Endure Elements
Resist Energy (Cold)
Protection from Energy (Cold)
Bear's Endurance (Mass)
Bull's Strength
Cat's Grace (Mass)

Cast by others
Wind Walk, Heroes Feast, Resistance, Mage Armor

Armand (Robert D)AC 27(25norm) /touch 11/flat 26(24norm) HP 139/149(117/117n) CMD 25 Character Sheet  d100=31 ; d20+18=22 ;
Saturday February 5th, 2022 9:36:14 AM

"We may need to rest up if we manage to defeat that thing." Armand thinks out loud. He weighs the options of healing or casting a spell. It seems those in immediate danger are far enough back to be out of range of healing and hopefully another attack from the beast. Armand opts to cast.

Deaf check 31.
Armand casts Spiritual Weapon. SR 22 :( The spiritual weapon appears but when it attacks it pops out of existence.

Armand grits his teeth in frustration.

Spells up
Wind Walk
Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hitpoints, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.
Air Walk - Armand
Protection from Energy (cold) - Armand
Protection from Energy (fire) - Armand
Light - Armand's Glaive
Shield of Faith - one to Trellus and one to Brawn (+4AC)
Mass Bears Endurance (+4 con etc.)
Mass Cats Grace (+2AC)
stationary Silence centered at v/w 5/6 and 15 feet high.

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 41, HP (149/156) 
Saturday February 5th, 2022 2:20:37 PM

Trellus is done trying spells.

He activates his flying boots and ascends 10' in the air, in order to get a straight line shot at this thrice sunbaked monster.

Activate flying boots, and fly up 10'.

In Effect
Deafened rd 3 of 10
Shield of Faith - 13 minutes
Endure Elements
Magic Vestment (armor)
Magic Vestment (shield)
Stoneskin: ?? minutes. 150/150
Resist Energy (cold): 130 minutes
Telepathic Bond

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 33(26n)T:15, FF:29(22n), CMD 34 , HP 172/179(147/147n)  d20+27=41 ; d8+14=17 ; d6=5 ; d8+14=22 ; d6=5 ; d20+22=42 ; d20+22=41 ; d20+22=27 ; 2d8+28=34 ; d6=6 ; d20+17=31 ; d20+9=27 ;
Saturday February 5th, 2022 3:24:19 PM

All Elyngael can do is keep shooting arrow. (Magical beast +2), Improved Precise Shot, Many Shot, going to add Deadly aim, -3 to hit but +6 damage. Elyngael will still use normal arrows.

First Shot (2arrows)To hit d20+27=41. (+2 shocking, longbow) first arrow damage d8+14 (-15DR)=2, shock d6=5, second arrow damage d8+14 (-15DR)=7, shock d6=5.
Second Shot to hit d20+22=42, Crit (confirmed on another 41, ignore the third 27 I hit space bar and it rolled again) Damage 2d8+28 (-15DR)=19, shock d6=6
Third Shot d20+17=31 miss
Forth Shot d20+9=27 miss

Brawns Stats -
AC 41(30n)/16/39(28n) hp 51/139(117/117n), CMD 26

Barkskin-Brawn and Elyngael
Resist Energy (cold)-Brawn and Elyngeal

Cat's Grace Mass +4dex
Bears Endurance Mass +4con
Shield of Faith from Armand on Brawn

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 85/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight  5d6=18 ; d100=17 ;
Sunday February 6th, 2022 7:46:31 PM

Moridark shkes his head as the disentegrate does minimal damage (18). The mage becomes angry at the pain felt by his friends, but manages to take a deep breath and center himself. The mage attempts to cast magic missle but his deafened condition causes the spell to fizzle.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 26 79/122 HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 33 119/119 HP  d20+29=31 ; d20+23=43 ; d20+23=30 ; 2d6+19=24 ; d6=6 ; d6=1 ;
Monday February 7th, 2022 12:16:03 AM

Grindar singles to Cotton to move forward and attack. The albino rapke steps up to the beast and sinks her teeth in the tough hide (rolled a nat 20, but failed to confirm) inflicting 24 bite damage, plus 6 shock and 1 flame.

Grindar than follows his friend into battle, and attempts a vicious over-head chop, (Two handed attack with vital strike) but in his enthusiasm, he swings wild, and misses his mark.

Active Spells:
Grindar (deafened)
Resist Energy: cold
Bark Skin
Stoneskin 150/150

Greater Magic Fang
Resist Energy: cold
Bark Skin
Stoneskin 150/150

Favored Enemies:
Giants +2
Plants +4
Dragons +4
Undead +4

Favored Terrain:
Plains +2
Forests +4
Underground +4

DM RobC - "We may need to rest up if we manage to defeat that thing" - Link to Map  d20+33=36 ; 4d6+16=30 ; d20+33=53 ; d20+33=35 ; d20+33=41 ; d20+28=44 ; d20+28=29 ; d20+20=30 ; d3=3 ; d20+50=58 ; 4d6+16=26 ; 4d6+16=32 ; 2d8+8=15 ;
Monday February 7th, 2022 2:25:00 AM

Neshi casts a superbly aimed polar ray at the beast! It strikes and does a significant amount of damage, though it still appears as nimble as ever.

Elyngael keeps on firing! Like Neshi, she discovers that the creature isn't immune to critical damage which is good. Every point helps!

Osul opts to go defensive and treats some of the wounds he has endured.

Moridark's Magic Missile spell fails to go off and he laments that his disintegrate spell didn't have as much power as everyone was expecting.

Armand tries a spiritual weapon spell but it pops out of existence just as quickly as it arrived. He suggests the party might need to rest after this fight. Hopefully there aren't any dragons nearby who have heard this battle.

Trellus decides on a different approach this time. He ascends to get a clear shot at the monstrosity. What does he have planned?

Grindar sends Cotton into the mix. The rapke takes a solid blow as she approaches (AoO Hits AC36. Cotton takes 30pts damage). Cotton responds in kind though and tears away chunks of rocky hide. The sickly green blood runs from the wound and coats Cotton's mouth. Grindar follows his companion in but is distracted and flubs his attack.

The party have just done a heap damage. Surely another round like that and this battle will be over!

The monster acts...

It licks its lips and looks directly at Grindar. With great speed it snaps forward and grasps the half-orc firmly in its jaws, squeezing down on him tightly. (Hit AC53. Crit not confirmed on AC35. Grindar takes 26pts damage. Dispel check: 30. Grindar's Stoneskin is dispelled. CMB61. Grindar is grappled!). With it's remaining attacks it lashes out at Cotton. (Hit AC41, 44. Miss AC29. Cotton takes 32pts + 15pts damage!)

With Grindar stuck in its jaws, the creature is now preoccupied and an easier target! Will the party make the most of it? What is Trellus up to?

Link to Map

Big Ugly (magical beast, earth, non-evil)
- AC35 TouchAC0 SR29 DR15/- CMD57 (Grappled! -4Dex=AC33 and TouchAC -2!)
- 266pts dmg (Regen 20)
- Attacks treated as adamantine, 20ft reach, Burrow speed, Roar (sonic attack), Immune: Fire & Ability Damage, Weaknesses: None

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 26 53/122 HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 33 42/119 HP  d20+25=34 ; d20+23=24 ; d20+18=37 ; 2d6+19=21 ; d6=3 ; d6=6 ;
Monday February 7th, 2022 11:01:01 AM

Grindar struggles to break free of the beast, but the creature is to powerful for him to do so. Meanwhile Cotton completely misses her first bite attempt, but chops down with her second (Rolled 37) she causes 21 damage, plus 3 shock and 6 flame.

Active Spells:
Grindar (deafened)
Resist Energy: cold
Bark Skin

Greater Magic Fang
Resist Energy: cold
Bark Skin
Stoneskin 150/150

Favored Enemies:
Giants +2
Plants +4
Dragons +4
Undead +4

Favored Terrain:
Plains +2
Forests +4
Underground +4

Armand (Robert D)AC 27(25norm) /touch 11/flat 26(24norm) HP 149/149(117/117n) CMD 25 Character Sheet  d6=4 ; d6=4 ; d6=5 ; d6=6 ; d6=3 ; d6=1 ; d6=6 ; d6=1 ; d6=1 ; d6=1 ; d6=2 ; d6=3 ;
Monday February 7th, 2022 4:25:10 PM

Armand clicks his heals in the air activating his boots a speed for one round. Then he races forward a bit and down to 15 feet high, so that he is at the edge of the silence spell but in range for healing. Then he channels to heal everyone, excluding the big bad monster.

Channel heal #2, 33 hit points to everyone except Neshi, Brawn and Elyngael (and the big bad monster).

Spells up
Wind Walk
Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hitpoints, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.
Air Walk - Armand
Protection from Energy (cold) - Armand
Protection from Energy (fire) - Armand
Light - Armand's Glaive
Shield of Faith - one to Trellus and one to Brawn (+4AC)
Mass Bears Endurance (+4 con etc.)
Mass Cats Grace (+2AC)
stationary Silence centered at v/w 5/6 and 15 feet high.

OOC - What round are we in I haven't been keeping track of my deafness.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 33(26n)T:15, FF:29(22n), CMD 34 , HP 172/179(147/147n)  d20+27=32 ; d20+22=41 ; d20+22=38 ; 2d8+28=39 ; d6=3 ; d20+17=24 ; d20+9=15 ; d20+27=32 ;
Monday February 7th, 2022 4:35:15 PM

Another round another round of arrows. Elyngael tries to make the most of the creatures exposed neck as it tries to swallow Grinder. (Magical beast +2), Improved Precise Shot, Many Shot, Deadly aim, -3 to hit but +6 damage. Elyngael will still use normal arrows.

First Shot (2arrows)To hit d20+27=32. miss
Second Shot to hit d20+22=41, (Crit Improved crit longbow, confirmed on another 38) Damage 2d8+28 (-15DR)=24, shock d6=3
Third Shot d20+17=24 miss
Forth Shot d20+9=15 miss

Elyngael will spend another hero point for an extra shot again since her first shot failed to connect.
Hero Shot (2arrows)To hit d20+27=32. miss

Brawns Stats -
AC 41(30n)/16/39(28n) hp 51/139(117/117n), CMD 26

Barkskin-Brawn and Elyngael
Resist Energy (cold)-Brawn and Elyngeal

Cat's Grace Mass +4dex
Bears Endurance Mass +4con
Shield of Faith from Armand on Brawn

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 33(26n)T:15, FF:29(22n), CMD 34 , HP 172/179(147/147n) 
Monday February 7th, 2022 4:38:38 PM

I had to use Robert's computer to post and forgot to change the login. He said he could fix the header for me.

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:53/135, Wildshape(XVIII):8, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14  d20+16=24 ;
Monday February 7th, 2022 5:15:32 PM

'Osul casts Lightning Lord at it. [i]{Cast Defensively: d20+33 vs 23 :) , SR:24 :( again }

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 85/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight  d100=52 ; 5d4+5=23 ;
Monday February 7th, 2022 7:50:05 PM

Moridark twists his pearlof power (1st) and manages to cast magic missle at the monster for 23 damage.

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 41, HP (156/156)  d20+24=37 ; d10=10 ; 2d10+11=20 ;
Monday February 7th, 2022 7:50:16 PM

Whispering a prayer to Domi, Trellus flies in, and attacks.

Swift action to activate domain Weapon Master, taking Vital Strike feat.
Fly to W7
Attack w/ ghost touch bastard sword hits AC 37 for 20 hp damage.

In Effect
Deafened rd 3 of 10
Shield of Faith - 13 minutes
Endure Elements
Magic Vestment (armor)
Magic Vestment (shield)
Stoneskin: ?? minutes. 150/150
Resist Energy (cold): 130 minutes
Telepathic Bond

DM RobC - "Whispering a prayer to Domi, Trellus flies in" - Link to Map  d20+33=41 ; d20+33=44 ; d20+28=37 ; d20+28=33 ; d20+20=32 ; 4d6+16=28 ; 4d6+16=28 ; 2d8+8=14 ; d20+50=52 ; d8=6 ;
Tuesday February 8th, 2022 1:36:48 AM

Grindar can't break free, but that's ok. His struggling makes it easier for Cotton to land a good 'chomp'.

Elyngael also takes advantage of a clearer shot to fire a direct hit with one arrow. The others fail to cause any damage.

Armand can see some of the party are still in a bad way. He zooms in closer and channels some healing energy while being careful not to heal the monster. His hearing is marginally better and should be back to normal in less than a minute (5rnds have passed)

Osul tries to lightning lord the monster again but just can't get past the spell resistance.

Moridark is finally able to get a magic missile away. It cuts through the stony hide without a problem.

With the monster grappling Grindar it's unable to attack, so Trellus takes the opportunity to get in close and strike

The monster acts...

It's jaws open wide and it drops Grindar to the ground. It has three meals lined up right in front of it and makes the most of it. (HitAC41. Grindar takes 28pts damage! Hit AC44. Trellus takes 28pts damage! Hit AC37. Miss AC33. Cotton takes 14pts damage! CMB55. Trellus is grappled! Dispel check: 32. Trellus's Resist Energy spell is dispelled!)

The creatures wounds are healing but certainly not at a rate that will keep it alive much longer.

Link to Map

Big Ugly (magical beast, earth, non-evil)
- AC35 TouchAC0 SR29 DR15/- CMD57 (Grappled! -4Dex=AC33 and TouchAC -2!)
- 310pts dmg (Regen 20)
- Attacks treated as adamantine, 20ft reach, Burrow speed, Roar (sonic attack), Immune: Fire & Ability Damage, Weaknesses: None

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(35)25 / T(28)20 / F(24)20; HP: 52/157: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast,  d20+20=29 ; d20+20=25 ; 10d6=22 ; 10d6=29 ; 10d6=40 ;
Tuesday February 8th, 2022 7:11:28 AM

(OOC: Once again my post goes somewhere else.)

Moving a bit forward to more easily target the beast, Neshi let's fly with another spell. lightening bolt, SR 29, reflex DC 23 for 1/2 damage, 22 points damage, 11 with save

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 26 58/122 HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 33 61/119 HP  d20+27=45 ; d20+22=30 ; d20+17=23 ; d20+12=21 ; d6+14=20 ; d6=3 ; d6=1 ; d6=1 ; d20+23=28 ; d20+18=25 ;
Tuesday February 8th, 2022 12:08:40 PM

(OOC... Just in case anyone was wondering how to pronounce his name, It's pronounced Grin-dar, (rhymes with far) and his father's name is pronounced Grin-Door.)

With the beast dropping him, Grindar takes full advantage of his position, and goes full round action. Due to the creatures high DR, he opts to attack using his ax two handed. he considers using power attack, but due to the high AC of the creature, he decides against it.

1st attack hit AC 45 for 20 damage plus 3 fire and 2 holy
2nd attack misses
3rd attack misses
4th attack misses

Cotton attacks again, but misses with both bite attempts

Active Spells:
Grindar (deafened)
Resist Energy: cold
Bark Skin

Greater Magic Fang
Resist Energy: cold
Bark Skin
Stoneskin 150/150

Favored Enemies:
Giants +2
Plants +4
Dragons +4
Undead +4

Favored Terrain:
Plains +2
Forests +4
Underground +4

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:53/135, Wildshape(XVIII):8, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14  d20+16=26 ;
Tuesday February 8th, 2022 4:18:36 PM

'Osul casts Lightning Lord at it. {Cast Defensively: d20+33 vs 23 :) , SR:26 :( maybe in a few more rounds}

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 33(26n)T:15, FF:29(22n), CMD 34 , HP 172/179(147/147n)  d20+27=47 ; d20+27=46 ; 2d8+28=31 ; d6=4 ; 2d8+28=34 ; d6=2 ; d20+22=25 ; d20+17=36 ; d8+14=17 ; d6=1 ; d20+9=22 ; d20+17=33 ;
Tuesday February 8th, 2022 5:27:58 PM

Elyngael continues to launch arrows as the creature: (Magical beast +2), Improved Precise Shot, Many Shot, Deadly aim, -3 to hit but +6 damage. Elyngael will still use normal arrows.

First Shot (2arrows)To hit d20+27=47 (potential crit, confirms on 46). First arrow, Damage 2d8+28 (-15DR)=16, shock d6=4 Second arrow, Damage 2d8+28 (-15DR)=19, shock d6=2
Second Shot to hit d20+22=25 miss
Third Shot d20+17=36 Damage 1d8+14 (-15 DR)=2, shock d6=1 (oh wait potential crit because of improved crit, nope 33, doesn't confirm).
Forth Shot d20+9=22 miss

Brawns Stats -
AC 41(30n)/16/39(28n) hp 51/139(117/117n), CMD 26

Barkskin-Brawn and Elyngael
Resist Energy (cold)-Brawn and Elyngeal

Cat's Grace Mass +4dex
Bears Endurance Mass +4con
Shield of Faith from Armand on Brawn

Armand (Robert D)AC 27(25norm) /touch 11/flat 26(24norm) HP 149/149(117/117n) CMD 25 Character Sheet  d6=5 ; d6=6 ; d6=3 ; d6=4 ; d6=3 ; d6=5 ; d6=1 ; d6=5 ; d6=3 ;
Tuesday February 8th, 2022 6:16:49 PM

Armand debates attacking but doesn't want to waste any spells on this abomination and certainly doesn't feel his meager martial skills will be of much use. So he again channels, healing those he can, and excluding the monster.

Channel healing (everyone except Brawn, Elyngael, and Neshi), 34 hit points healed.

Spells up
Wind Walk
Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hitpoints, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.
Air Walk - Armand
Protection from Energy (cold) - Armand
Protection from Energy (fire) - Armand
Light - Armand's Glaive
Shield of Faith - one to Trellus and one to Brawn (+4AC)
Mass Bears Endurance (+4 con etc.)
Mass Cats Grace (+2AC)
stationary Silence centered at v/w 5/6 and 15 feet high.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 119/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight  d100=71 ; 5d4+5=16 ;
Tuesday February 8th, 2022 7:12:57 PM

Moridark breathes a sigh of relief with the healing and casts another magic missle at the beast hitting it for 16 damage.

Trellus - MikeK - (AC34 T16 F30, CMD 39, HP (156/156)  d20+22=34 ; d10+11=15 ; d20+17=37 ; d20+17=28 ; d20+12=13 ; d10+11=18 ;
Tuesday February 8th, 2022 8:07:39 PM

"Light!" Trellus calls out in surprise. That wasn't supposed to happen.
Armand's healing cures the wounds, but the man doesn't like to think about what will happen next.

The warrior strikes repeatedly at the monster with his sword.

Full attack on monster (-2 atk)
Atk 1 hits ac34 for 15 hp
Atk 2 hits ac37 (no crit) for 18 hp
Atk 3 misses (nat 1)

In Effect
Deafened rd 4 of 10
Shield of Faith - 13 minutes
Endure Elements
Magic Vestment (armor)
Magic Vestment (shield)
Stoneskin: ?? minutes. 150/150
Telepathic Bond

DM RobC - "Light!" 
Wednesday February 9th, 2022 12:54:00 AM

It takes the combined efforts of the party to finally put the beast down. A combination of magic, arrows and blades. Trellus slips from the creatures mouth, covered in the same spittle that landed over Grindar. Nothing a good bath (and laundry) won't fix though.

The party are pretty banged up but everyone is still alive. Cotton still has the creatures blood dripping from her teeth.

Now that the creature is dead Moridark is able to safely approach it and get a better view. He determines that it was some sort of Behemoth, but not one that even he's heard of before. That the party were able to defeat it at all is a huge achievement.

Even though it's down and not moving, it's body is already starting to heal. Osul isn't sure what will stop the regeneration completely, but he has a lot of knowledge about anatomy and healing. He can tell that it's regenerating at a slower rate now that it's 'dead', but it's still regenerating. If Moridark is correct in his assessment that this is a behemoth (and he's almost always correct), there isn't a way to suppress it. Between the two of them the best guess is that the monster will be up again in a few hours.

*** Everyone receives 110,000 XP for a battle well fought! This should get you all at 1,000,000 XP ***

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(35)25 / T(28)20 / F(24)20; HP: 139/157: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast,  d20+20=25 ;
Wednesday February 9th, 2022 8:30:41 AM

Not liking the fact that it is still regenerating even after dead, Neshi comments and questions.

"Hmm, so we are likely to see this thing again on the way out????"

"I know we don't have a lot of time but would cutting its head off or burning to absolute cinders, stop the regeneration?"

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 26 58/122 HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 33 61/119 HP 
Wednesday February 9th, 2022 1:27:11 PM

Grindar looks at the behemoth and says, "This situation has no shade. I wonder if destruction would work on this thing.

Active Spells:
Grindar (deafened)
Resist Energy: cold
Bark Skin

Greater Magic Fang
Resist Energy: cold
Bark Skin
Stoneskin 150/150

Favored Enemies:
Giants +2
Plants +4
Dragons +4
Undead +4

Favored Terrain:
Plains +2
Forests +4
Underground +4

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:135/135, Wildshape(XVIII):8, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Wednesday February 9th, 2022 4:16:08 PM

"Potentially both, but maybe neither. We have a few hours to get this done before this is an problem again. We should aim for two hours if we can."

"Of course, different creatures react differently to defeat."

Armand (Robert D)AC 27(25norm) /touch 11/flat 26(24norm) HP 149/149(117/117n) CMD 25 Character Sheet  d6=6 ; d6=4 ; d6=2 ; d6=3 ; d6=4 ; d6=5 ; d6=1 ; d6=3 ; d6=6 ;
Wednesday February 9th, 2022 5:23:03 PM

Armand looks around. "I have a destruction, but I'd rather save it for the dragons right now. It's likely this thing was placed here as a door guard, maybe mentally controlled. So it's likely the dragons know we're here. We might as well just keep going and get it over with."

Armand see's the Grinder and others are still injured. So he will channel heal for the 4th time.
Healing 33 to everyone....except the monster still.
I hope everyone has been healing with each channel I've been doing.

Spells up
Wind Walk
Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hitpoints, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.
Air Walk - Armand
Protection from Energy (cold) - Armand
Protection from Energy (fire) - Armand
Light - Armand's Glaive
Shield of Faith - one to Trellus and one to Brawn (+4AC)
Mass Bears Endurance (+4 con etc.)
Mass Cats Grace (+2AC)
stationary Silence centered at v/w 5/6 and 15 feet high.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 33(26n)T:15, FF:29(22n), CMD 34 , HP 173/179(147/147n) 
Wednesday February 9th, 2022 5:34:10 PM

Elyngael is happy that Brawn is finally getting some healing, but he's still not fully healthy. "I don't understand why that thing would still regenerate after it's dead. Seems to go against the laws of nature and magic." She shrugs.

Brawns Stats -
AC 41(30n)/16/39(28n) hp 84/139(117/117n), CMD 26

Barkskin-Brawn and Elyngael
Resist Energy (cold)-Brawn and Elyngeal

Cat's Grace Mass +4dex
Bears Endurance Mass +4con
Shield of Faith from Armand on Brawn

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 41, HP (156/156) 
Wednesday February 9th, 2022 5:43:35 PM

Trellus slips from the creature's mouth, and shakes the excess goo off of himself irratably.

The man nods in agreement with Armand.
"Less than two hours would be shady."

He has another Resist Energy spell on his list, and casts it.

In Effect
Shield of Faith - 13 minutes
Resist Energy - cold
Endure Elements
Magic Vestment (armor)
Magic Vestment (shield)
Stoneskin: ?? minutes. 150/150
Telepathic Bond

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 119/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Wednesday February 9th, 2022 9:06:11 PM

Moridark sighs in relief as the beast falls. The mage nods at Armand's suggestion, and waits to proceed.

DM RobC - "Potentially both, but maybe neither" 
Thursday February 10th, 2022 2:08:57 AM

The party stand around their kill and discuss and whether there might be a way to stop it from regenerating. Burning it, destruction spell, severing it's head. Lot's of suggestions.

Elyngael doesn't understand why it doesn't just stay dead. Unfortunately creatures like this cannot die as long as their regeneration is still functioning. Unless there's a way to permanently stop the regeneration it will just keep getting back up.

The party do have the luxury of a couple of hours to work it out. For now, spells are recast and healing provided to the injured.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 26 91/122 HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 33 94/119 HP 
Thursday February 10th, 2022 1:03:35 PM

"There seems to be nothing for it, we have to leave this shadeless beast behind, and hope it doesn't prove us a bunch of whitehands. Shall he move forward, or does someone have another idea?" I must say this is one shady pack, I'm glad I stumbled upon you.

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:135/135, Wildshape(XVIII):8, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Thursday February 10th, 2022 4:16:19 PM

"I'm liking forward, if everyone is ready.", says 'Osul.

Armand (Robert D)AC 27(25norm) /touch 11/flat 26(24norm) HP 149/149(117/117n) CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+17=31 ; d20+10=11 ;
Thursday February 10th, 2022 5:42:43 PM

Armand casts Detect Magic and gives the beast the one over, trying to determine if its regeneration and magic resistance is natural or empowered somehow.
Knowledge Arcane 31 (d20+17)
Spellcraft 11 (d20+10)

OOC DM, what routes are there? Just the tunnel forward, or when the behemoth came up from underground did that create a new tunnel?

"Is everyone good to go healing wise? I don't want to run out completely as more healing may be needed in the coming battle. But yes, let's get going while the getting is good, or at least not impossible. I'll take the high road again. I recommend not bunching up. You know how dragons want to breath on things."

Armand will wait to see if anyone is desperate for more healing and then air walk back up to 25 feet high.

Spells up
Wind Walk
Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hitpoints, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.
Air Walk - Armand
Protection from Energy (cold) - Armand
Protection from Energy (fire) - Armand
Light - Armand's Glaive
Shield of Faith - one to Trellus and one to Brawn (+4AC)
Mass Bears Endurance (+4 con etc.)
Mass Cats Grace (+2AC)

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 33(26n)T:15, FF:29(22n), CMD 34 , HP 173/179(147/147n)  d8+8=14 ;
Thursday February 10th, 2022 6:19:44 PM

Elyngael says "Well I understand wanting to save on the healing but Brawn is still pretty injured. Is there anyone else that can help?"

Brawns Stats -
AC 41(30n)/16/39(28n) hp 98/139(117/117n), CMD 26

Barkskin-Brawn and Elyngael
Resist Energy (cold)-Brawn and Elyngeal

Cat's Grace Mass +4dex
Bears Endurance Mass +4con
Shield of Faith from Armand on Brawn
Heroe's feast ---- Ow wait there should be some bonus hp from that, calculating for Brawn since he's still injured and assuming those hp should have been used first.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(35)25 / T(28)20 / F(24)20; HP: 157/157: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast, 
Thursday February 10th, 2022 7:15:58 PM

Taking his place near the middle rear of the group and staying to the left. Neshi contemplates what's to come and begins thinking about what he might be able to bring to a fight against two dragons....

"I think we are going to need more help than just us when we face these dragons. Thoughts??"

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 41, HP (156/156)  d8=6 ; d8=4 ; d8=8 ; d8=8 ; d8=5 ; d8=2 ; d8=7 ; d8=3 ; d8=7 ; d8=3 ; d8=3 ; d8=8 ;
Thursday February 10th, 2022 7:16:16 PM

"I've got her," Trellus answers Elyngael.
"I've been carrying this wand around so long, I nearly forgot I had it."

The man pulls a wand and taps Brawn.
Cast Cure Serious Wounds on Brawn for 23 hp healed

Then Grindar - healed for 20 hp.
Then, very carefully, Cotton - healed for 23 hp.

And then, Moridark - healed for 19 hp.

"Anyone else?"

Once everyone moves out, he falls in behind the scouts again.

In Effect
Shield of Faith - 13 minutes
Resist Energy - cold
Endure Elements
Magic Vestment (armor)
Magic Vestment (shield)
Stoneskin: ?? minutes. 150/150
Telepathic Bond

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Thursday February 10th, 2022 8:30:14 PM

Moridark looks over, "I agree Iwill stay about 30 feet back from the last of the party, and fly towards the top of the tunnel. I don't need to be close to the front anyway.'

DM RobC - "You know how dragons want to breathe on things"  d20+33=41 ; d20+33=47 ;
Friday February 11th, 2022 2:12:12 AM

Armand determines that both the creatures regeneration and resistances are natural.

The creature burrowed up through the floor. The ground is uneven and doesn't allow for another passage. The only option is forward.

Trellus brings out the heal stick and treats almost all (all?) wounds. If the party are going to face some dragons then they're going to need to be at full strength. Neshi is a little worried though... will the party be any match for TWO dragons?

Moridark stays waaaay in the back.

The tunnel is cold and dark and the party are very on edge. They need to get the job done quick - before that creature heals itself.

As they lead the party forward both Grindar and Elyngael think they hear noises ahead, but it's probably just their imaginations. The slightest sound, a water drop or trinket that rattles echoes through the vast underground structure.

So same marching order as last time?

Grindar ... Cotton
Elyngael ... Brawn ... Trellus
Armand ... Osul

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:135/135, Wildshape(XVIII):8, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14  d20+39=42 ;
Friday February 11th, 2022 7:09:00 AM

'Osul also takes to the air, opening a good gap for Trellus by Armand, and starts opening his senses to the underground from his new vantage point. {Perception: 42}

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 41, HP (156/156) 
Friday February 11th, 2022 7:40:03 PM

Trellus stays on the ground, moving forward to keep within contact of Grindar.

In Effect
Shield of Faith - 13 minutes
Resist Energy - cold
Endure Elements
Magic Vestment (armor)
Magic Vestment (shield)
Stoneskin: ?? minutes. 150/150
Telepathic Bond

Armand (Robert D)AC 27(25norm) /touch 11/flat 26(24norm) HP 149/149(117/117n) CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Saturday February 12th, 2022 5:28:36 PM

Armand will be airwalking 25 feet up and about 5 feet from the left hand wall.

Spells up
Wind Walk
Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hitpoints, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.
Air Walk - Armand
Protection from Energy (cold) - Armand
Protection from Energy (fire) - Armand
Light - Armand's Glaive
Shield of Faith - one to Trellus and one to Brawn (+4AC)
Mass Bears Endurance (+4 con etc.)
Mass Cats Grace (+2AC)

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 33(26n)T:15, FF:29(22n), CMD 34 , HP 173/179(147/147n)  d20+26=30 ; d20+31=33 ; d20+23=36 ;
Saturday February 12th, 2022 6:20:30 PM

Elyngael will send Brawn to guard the rear, so he'll probably be below and to the side of Moridark. Elyngael will allow Grinder to take lead again, she will be about 5 feet behind him but over to the edge of the left side wall. She will be on the alert. (Goggles of night)
Favored Terrain Underground +2 (figured in) Perception d20+26=30. Survival to spot any tracks d20+31=33. Stealth d20+23=36

Brawns Stats -
AC 41(30n)/16/39(28n) hp 139/139(117/117n), CMD 26

Barkskin-Brawn and Elyngael
Resist Energy (cold)-Brawn and Elyngeal

Cat's Grace Mass +4dex
Bears Endurance Mass +4con
Shield of Faith from Armand on Brawn
Heroe's feast

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(35)25 / T(28)20 / F(24)20; HP: 157/157: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast, 
Sunday February 13th, 2022 9:44:27 AM

Well alrighty then I guess we head on in and beard the dragon's den as they say......

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Sunday February 13th, 2022 8:06:13 PM

Moridark looks towards the heavens for guidance, and follows the others. The mage draws his rod of quicken in preparation. Moridark makes sure he keeps an eye on the rear.

DM RobC - "Well alrighty then" 
Monday February 14th, 2022 1:28:55 AM

The party trudge onwards. It's subtle but it soon becomes clear the tunnel is leading you downwards, deeper under the mountain. Without being able to see outside it's difficult to determine exactly how deep you are.

You're in battle formation and waiting for a dragon (or worse!) to make an appearance. For the time being though there are no signs of movement. There aren't any tremors either which is probably also a good thing.

Grindar and Elyngael see it first and the rest of the party soon after. There's a crossroad ahead.

The passage to the left smells foul. Terrible! You aren't sure of the source - you can't see anything in particular - but the smell. Ugh! With their heightened sense of smell, Cotton and Brawn are not going to enjoy heading that way.

From the passage on the right you can hear the faint sound of running water, like that of a stream. It's a faint 'tinkling' sound and not that of a wild river. The sound echoes off the rocky walls.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 26 111/122 HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 33 117/119 HP  d20+24=44 ;
Monday February 14th, 2022 1:30:47 AM

Grindar hears the noise, and singles for the others to stop. He than strains his ears to try to make out what he is hearing, (Perception 44)

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 26 111/122 HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 33 117/119 HP 
Monday February 14th, 2022 1:35:52 AM

"Which way do you think?" Grindar asks. He than adds "And does anyone have any idea what could be causing that stench?"

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 41, HP (156/156) 
Monday February 14th, 2022 2:51:18 PM

"Latrine?" Trellus guesses. "Dragons gotta poop, right?"

The blond fellow indicates he'd prefer to go right.

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:135/135, Wildshape(XVIII):8, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Monday February 14th, 2022 5:03:57 PM

"If we go left, who knows how long we are going to reek of it?! We should check right, watching our backs. Is that a grotto?"


Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:135/135, Wildshape(XVIII):8, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14  d20+39=54 ;
Monday February 14th, 2022 5:04:51 PM

{Perception: 54}

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 33(26n)T:15, FF:29(22n), CMD 34 , HP 173/179(147/147n)  d20+11=14 ; d20+26=40 ; d20+23=28 ;
Monday February 14th, 2022 5:17:37 PM

Knowledge Dungeoneering d20+11=14
Elyngael considers if what Trellus says is true and the left hand tunnel leads to some sort of latrine. "I guess right does make more sense." She will again take up formation and head that way. Perception d20+26=40, Stealth d20+23=28.

Brawns Stats -
AC 41(30n)/16/39(28n) hp 139/139(117/117n), CMD 26

Barkskin-Brawn and Elyngael
Resist Energy (cold)-Brawn and Elyngeal

Cat's Grace Mass +4dex
Bears Endurance Mass +4con
Shield of Faith from Armand on Brawn
Heroe's feast

Armand (Robert D)AC 27(25norm) /touch 11/flat 26(24norm) HP 149/149(117/117n) CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+17=29 ;
Monday February 14th, 2022 5:51:01 PM

"Hmm, what do we know about the preferred habitats of dragons?" Knowledge Arcane 29 (d20+17).

Spells up
Wind Walk
Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hitpoints, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.
Air Walk - Armand
Protection from Energy (cold) - Armand
Protection from Energy (fire) - Armand
Light - Armand's Glaive
Shield of Faith - one to Trellus and one to Brawn (+4AC)
Mass Bears Endurance (+4 con etc.)
Mass Cats Grace (+2AC)

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(35)25 / T(28)20 / F(24)20; HP: 157/157: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast, 
Monday February 14th, 2022 7:13:40 PM

Sane ones or insane ones Armand?

My best guess in charnel pit or manure pile to the left but with crazed/insane dragons who knows. I say we try the right.

If they head down the right path, Neshi will wait until they are all past him and then he will cast two web spells across the opening to the left passage, and then catch up to his regular place in order (base speed is 70)

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight  d20+32=35 ; d20+32=48 ; d20+32=50 ;
Monday February 14th, 2022 8:12:14 PM

Moridark wrinkles his nose, and ties a bit of cloth over his nose, and mouth hoping the worst of the smell will be blocked. Moridark hampers a guess at the cause of the tinkling sound, and the smell. (Dungeonering 35, Arcana 48, Nature 50)

Armand (Robert D)AC 27(25norm) /touch 11/flat 26(24norm) HP 149/149(117/117n) CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Tuesday February 15th, 2022 5:34:59 PM

hmm, Armand has a necklace of adaptation, I wonder if he even notices the smell?

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(35)25 / T(28)20 / F(24)20; HP: 157/157: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast, 
Tuesday February 15th, 2022 7:30:56 PM

Neshi follows along readying some ideas in his head about things he might try when faced with the dragons.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Tuesday February 15th, 2022 7:59:03 PM

Moridark continues down the tunnel. The mage does his best to keep an eye out for danger.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 26 111/122 HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 33 117/119 HP  d20+24=32 ;
Tuesday February 15th, 2022 9:07:58 PM

Perception 32

Since the concensus seems to be the right corridor, Grindar leads the way down the right corridor.

DM RobC - "Hmm, what do we know about the preferred habitats of dragons?" 
Wednesday February 16th, 2022 1:17:51 AM

The consensus is that the left trail leads to a latrine of sorts. Definitely not the sort of place you are keen to check out right now. The right passage sounds (and smells) the better idea.

With no sense of the outside it's hard to tell exactly how long you follow the passage. Time feels like it goes by differently underground and you feel like you may have walked for an hour. The faint sound of running water is always ahead of you but never seen.

You can see light ahead though and the tunnel widens into a vast domed, hall. The noise has grown loud now and you can see where it comes from. From high up this hall water gently falls through a wide hole in the roof and into a large pool below. A magnificent sight. Sunlight reflects through the roof and through the water and forms a rainbow down here in the mines. Cool damp air filled with oxygen fills your lungs. This place is so beautiful one would forget why you are here.

Tucked deep into the shadows and away from the light are carcasses of what you would assume were dragon meals. The left over remains of cows, horses, and other large beasts. Insects now crawl over the mangled skeletons, devouring what little meat is left.

Beyond the waterfall though you can see a more palatable sight. A dragon hoard. Gold and silver objects sparkle in the light.

There's no dragon here though.

The cavern is 150ft across at its widest point and easily that high at its peak.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 26 111/122 HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 33 117/119 HP  d20+24=41 ;
Wednesday February 16th, 2022 12:53:24 PM

"An unprotected dragon's hoard? I don't feel shady about this situation, does anyone have a true seeing spell, because something doesn't seem right here." (Perception 41)

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:135/135, Wildshape(XVIII):8, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14  d20+39=49 ;
Wednesday February 16th, 2022 4:04:53 PM

"We could simply acknowledge that this vista is not what we are here for and move on. This is a crossroads - we can continue forwards." {Perception: 49}

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 33, HP (156/156)  d20+14=34 ;
Wednesday February 16th, 2022 5:23:56 PM

"I've got True Seeing," Trellus answers quietly.
"And since it took so long to weave here, the good pick would be make sure its clear before turning around."

Trellus casts the spell, and carefully scans the cavern.

[Perception 34]


In Effect
Resist Energy - cold 70/130 minutes?
Endure Elements
Magic Vestment (armor)
Magic Vestment (shield)
Stoneskin: ?? minutes. 150/150
Telepathic Bond ?? minutes
True Seeing 13/13 minutes

Armand (Robert D)AC 27(25norm) /touch 11/flat 26(24norm) HP 149/149(117/117n) CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Wednesday February 16th, 2022 5:37:27 PM

Armand was just about to speak but Trellus beat him to the punch. "Okay I have True Seeing as well, but as Trellus has cast it already I'll hold it for when his runs out." Armand will airwalk above the top of the cave mouth (assuming the cave mouth is still only 30 feet high, he doesn't want to leave his back exposed).

Spells up
Wind Walk
Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hitpoints, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.
Air Walk - Armand
Protection from Energy (cold) - Armand
Protection from Energy (fire) - Armand
Light - Armand's Glaive
Shield of Faith - one to Trellus and one to Brawn (+4AC)
Mass Bears Endurance (+4 con etc.)
Mass Cats Grace (+2AC)

Armand (Robert D)AC 27(25norm) /touch 11/flat 26(24norm) HP 149/149(117/117n) CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Wednesday February 16th, 2022 5:38:05 PM

OOC DM - since many of our spells were cast at the last combat, which ones are still going to be up? i.e. how long has it actually been, some spells or minutes, some are hours.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 33(26n)T:15, FF:29(22n), CMD 34 , HP 173/179(147/147n)  d20+26=45 ; d20+23=31 ;
Wednesday February 16th, 2022 6:12:28 PM

OOC - how much of the pool takes up the floor area? Is there a way to walk around the pool
Elyngael doesn't like this. "Can dragon's hold their breath...or are they somewhat aquatic? Maybe it's under the pool." She will move to the side of the cave wall so that the tunnel is no longer behind her. Perception d20+26=45, Stealth d20+23=31.

Brawn will turn the other way so he is looking back down the tunnel.

Brawns Stats -
AC 41(30n)/16/39(28n) hp 139/139(117/117n), CMD 26

Barkskin-Brawn and Elyngael
Resist Energy (cold)-Brawn and Elyngeal

Cat's Grace Mass +4dex
Bears Endurance Mass +4con
Shield of Faith from Armand on Brawn
Heroe's feast

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Wednesday February 16th, 2022 8:25:48 PM

Moridark's eyes widen at the sight of the hoard, but he knows there are more important reasons to be here. The mage makes sure to stay back 30 feet from teh party and waits for the next move

DM RobC - "An unprotected dragon's hoard?" - Map  d20+15=26 ; d20+11=13 ; d20+11=20 ;
Thursday February 17th, 2022 2:45:42 AM

Armand isn't sure exactly on the time but gauges the walk was close to an hour. Any short term spells have expired but it's reasonable to say that he recast any of his choosing on seeing this cavern. He airwalks just above the lip of the tunnel to get a better view inside.

Trellus casts a True Seeing spell and scans the cavern. He doesn't see anything out of the ordinary, but his vision doesn't quite make it all the way to the other side of the cavern nor to the ceiling.

Grindar doesn't feel good about this at all. An unprotected dragon hoard? Something's not right.

Osul is ready to move on. Their bounty isn't here.

Elyngael wonders if dragons can hold their breath or can be aquatic. There is enough knowledge in the group to confirm that yes - dragons can hold their breath for quite some time. In fact, white dragons are particularly good swimmers too. She moves away from the group and starts making her way along the wall. Brawn covers the rear of the group.

Moridark hangs back. He surmises that it's probably safer behind the party right now.

Water continues to fall into the pool. Elyngael can't see the bottom of it from where she stands, but she's quite sure it isn't just a couple of feet deep. The carcasses piled on the eastern wall are in various stages of decay. Some of the bones look dry and old, though some still have hunks of flesh that are covered in crawling and flying insects. It's clear to most of you that the blood pooling underneath some of these bodies is still wet. These are recent kills.

Link to Map

Please position yourselves on the map. If you want to remain in the tunnel you can leave yourself at the bottom.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(35)25 / T(28)20 / F(24)20; HP: 157/157: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast, 
Thursday February 17th, 2022 6:34:42 AM

Neshi looks around, I would say the more spread out the better for less targeting issues but then we have healing issues. Thoughts??

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 26 111/122 HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 33 117/119 HP 
Thursday February 17th, 2022 10:48:37 AM

Grindar nods his agreement with Neshi and says, "The fewer grouped targets we can offer the better, but that does offer some challenges for our healers. I guess there just isn't any good alternative." Grindar than steps into the opening with Cotton by his side.

Armand (Robert D)AC 27(25norm) /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117n CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Thursday February 17th, 2022 5:16:06 PM

OOC - Where's the carcasses on the map? Just curious in case something is hiding underneath

Armand will airwalk but drop to 20 foot high and move to the left. He will then cast Magic Circle against Evil on himself.

Spells up
Wind Walk
Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hitpoints, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.
Air Walk - (10min/level, still 100 min left) Armand
Protection from Energy (cold) (10min/level, still 100 min left) - Armand
Protection from Energy (fire) (10min/level, still 100 min left)- Armand
Magic Circle Against Evil (160 min) - Armand: +2 AC, +2 vs spells cast by evil, protection from summoned creatures, protection from possession.
Light - Armand's Glaive

Spells expired
Shield of Faith - Brawn
Mass Bears Endurance (+4 con etc.)
Mass Cats Grace (+2AC)

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:135/135, Wildshape(XVIII):8, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Thursday February 17th, 2022 5:23:28 PM

'Osul starts summoning a greater Water Elemental, close to the pool

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26nT:15, FF:22n, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+26=42 ;
Thursday February 17th, 2022 6:31:34 PM

Elyngael moves a little more along the wall and calls Brawn up to just at the cave mouth. She keeps watch on the water and the pile of gold to make sure it doesn't start moving. She whispers "We're going to be all spread out when the casters need to start casting some buff spells."
Perception d20+26=42

Brawns Stats -
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Darkvision (hours)-Brawn
Barkskin (10min/level)-Brawn and Elyngael
Resist Energy (cold) (10min/level)-Brawn and Elyngeal

Heroe's feast

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 33, HP (156/156) 
Thursday February 17th, 2022 7:41:31 PM

Trellus swallows involuntarily. Nothing leaves that much gold just lying around.

Elyngael's comments about holding its breath prompts him to move toward the pool.
The man creeps forward, head swiveling about as he tries to scan everything.

Move forward (placed on map)

In Effect
Resist Energy - cold 70/130 minutes?
Endure Elements
Magic Vestment (armor)
Magic Vestment (shield)
Stoneskin: ?? minutes. 150/150
Telepathic Bond ?? minutes
True Seeing 13/13 minutes

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Thursday February 17th, 2022 10:23:33 PM

Moridark flies up near the oprning into the cavern flying at roof level.

DM RobC - "I guess there just isn't any good alternative" - Map  d20+15=29 ; d20+11=12 ; d20+11=16 ;
Friday February 18th, 2022 1:43:44 AM

The group are conflicted. Sticking close together means being a bigger target. That lesson was lesson from the last fight! Spreading out could mean some distance between the casters and fighters. It might be tricky to find a middle ground.

Neshi is in favor of spreading out and it seems the rest of the group agree with that approach.

Elyngael keeps her attention split between the pool of water and the pile of gold. She's ready for something to spring out but right now isn't sure from where. She only speaks in whispers and keeps her back to the wall so she can keep her eyes on both.

Grindar and Cotton keep advancing, albeit slowly. They're a bit beefier than the rest of the party, and if there's an ambush they can take more of a beating than the rest. Of course they're also both strong enough to crack a dragon skull in half, so they have that going for them too.

Armand pays attention to the carcasses and notes they are in three distinct piles: two smaller and one larger. If there's a dragon hiding in the piles it would have to be quite small. A young adult or perhaps an adult at very most. He casts a protection spell that also benefits those close to him.

Trellus decides to be the brave one and edges ever so cautiously towards the pool. The falling water is slowly churning and disturbing the surface. Despite the light pouring in from above he can't see anything in the dark pool.

Osul decides that a water elemental is called for. No point putting the party in danger. He starts summoning the extraplanar aid.

Moridark hangs back with Osul and Brawn. As soon as he has a target it's on.

Link to Map
- Added the carcasses to the map

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(35)25 / T(28)20 / F(24)20; HP: 157/157: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast, 
Friday February 18th, 2022 7:55:01 AM

Seeing that Osul is beginning a conjuring, Neshi nods and begins conjuring a greater air elemental of his own, to help counter any flying the dragons might do.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 26 111/122 HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 33 117/119 HP  d20+24=27 ;
Friday February 18th, 2022 12:00:29 PM

Grindar holds his position, as his new friends conjure some reinforcements, and continues to look around. (Perception 27)

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 33, HP (156/156) 
Saturday February 19th, 2022 9:32:45 AM

Trellus notes Osul and Neshi conjuring, and nods.

He waits, a defensive spell on his lips.

Ready Action - If anything pops out in his line of vision (pool and gold), cast Shield of Faith (+4 AC)

In Effect
Resist Energy - cold 70/130 minutes?
Endure Elements
Magic Vestment (armor)
Magic Vestment (shield)
Stoneskin: ?? minutes. 150/150
Telepathic Bond ?? minutes
True Seeing 13/13 minutes

Armand (Robert D)AC 25 /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117n CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Saturday February 19th, 2022 7:27:11 PM

"Trellus I take it you aren't seeing anything out of the ordinary with the true sight spell?" Armand quietly asks. Then he decides to cast Detect Magic on himself and have a look about the room.

Spells up
Wind Walk
Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hitpoints, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.
Air Walk - (10min/level, still 100 min left) Armand
Protection from Energy (cold) (10min/level, still 100 min left) - Armand
Protection from Energy (fire) (10min/level, still 100 min left)- Armand
Magic Circle Against Evil (160 min) - Armand: +2 AC, +2 vs spells cast by evil, protection from summoned creatures, protection from possession.
Light - Armand's Glaive
Detect Magic

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:135/135, Wildshape(XVIII):8, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Sunday February 20th, 2022 4:22:12 PM

The greater Water Elemental appears, moves into it's preferred habitat, and has a look around.

'Osul looks up

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26nT:15, FF:22n, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+26=43 ; d20+23=32 ;
Sunday February 20th, 2022 4:29:40 PM

Elyngael is confused. She's not sure what to do. She settles in to watch and wait. Camouflage use the Stealth skill to hide in any of his favored terrains, even if the terrain doesn’t grant cover or concealment.
Perception d20+26=43 Stealth d20+23=32

Brawn crouches down, tense and wary.
Brawns Stats -
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Darkvision (hours)-Brawn
Barkskin (10min/level)-Brawn and Elyngael
Resist Energy (cold) (10min/level)-Brawn and Elyngeal

Heroe's feast

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Sunday February 20th, 2022 7:19:04 PM

Moridark patientsly waits. The mage is flying ear the roof, and is prepared to cast maze if there are two dragons.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(35)25 / T(28)20 / F(24)20; HP: 157/157: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast, 
Sunday February 20th, 2022 7:45:54 PM

Moments after Osul's elemental arrives so does Neshi's.

DM RobC - "Trellus I take it you aren't seeing anything out of the ordinary with the true sight spell?" - Map  d20+21=39 ; d20+21=40 ; d20+21=25 ; 2d6+9=14 ; 2d6+9=18 ; 5d6=19 ;
Monday February 21st, 2022 1:07:59 AM

Osul summons his Water Elementals next to the pool and bids them to enter it and have a look around. He doesn't know what they see and - with them being out of earshot - he's not able to communicate with them.

Grindar holds his ground. Something is going to attack soon. He can feel it.

Trellus waits to cast a defensive spell.

Armand casts a Detect Magic spell and looks around. There is a magical aura everywhere he looks. It will take some time to learn more.

Moridark also waits.

Inside the cavern Neshi begins casting a spell. The sound of the incantation bounces around the domed covern, echoing his words for all to hear and making the presence of the adventurers very clear. This is somewhat the opposite of the stealthy approach Elyngael had been taking.

From above the waterfall and out of sight the party hear parts of a conversation.

"Now mother?" The voice is deep-toned and the words clearly spoken. The response - though deep - is more feminine than the first. "It sounds like they have arrived. Fly, but don't play with your food". You hear it saying more, but you can't hear the details. It sounds like an incantation though. Moridark knows that it's not uncommon for powerful dragons to have the ability to cast spells.

The white dragons dive down through the hole in the ceiling. Two 'smaller' ones twisting and spiralling as they dive. A much larger one follows them and slows to a hover.

Trellus casts his spell as he sees them swoop in his direction. It offers him some protection but not enough. He takes a glancing blow from each dragon as they fly by in opposite directions. (Hit AC39. Hit AC40. Crit not confirmed on AC25. Trellus takes 14pts + 18pts damage not yet adjusted for Stoneskin)

The gargantuan dragon holds its position. "Drop your weapons. You have already lost".
Everyone make a Will Save vs DC26. Fail=shaken for 19rnds. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.

Link to Map

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:135/135, Wildshape(XVIII):8, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14  d20+25=41 ;
Monday February 21st, 2022 8:18:08 AM

{Will Save: 41}

'Osul casts Earthquake {SR:No, 8d6 damage (Reflex DC 16 for half), and pinned under the rubble (no save)}, looking to drop a third of the roof down on some dragons. Arc on the map.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 26 111/122 HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 33 117/119 HP  d20+18=30 ; d20+16=30 ;

Monday February 21st, 2022 12:07:17 PM

Grindar's save: 30
Cotton's save: 30

Grindar snarls at the dragon's and says, "What a bunch of cowards! Come within range of my ax, and than make your proclamations. You dragon's are all the same, always using your wings to to avoid having to face Cyrchwr Mawr!" As he says this, he is thinking, "Why didn't I purchase that set of winged boots I saw, last time I was at the Catacombs?"[/b]

Active Spells:
Resist Energy: cold
Bark Skin

Greater Magic Fang
Resist Energy: cold
Bark Skin
Stoneskin 150/150

Favored Enemies:
Giants +2
Plants +4
Dragons +4
Undead +4

Favored Terrain:
Plains +2
Forests +4
Underground +4

Armand (Robert D)AC 25 /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117n CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+22=32 ;
Monday February 21st, 2022 5:06:47 PM

Will save 32 (d20+22)

Armand casts Spell Resistance on himself.

Spells up
Wind Walk
Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hitpoints, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.
Air Walk - (10min/level, still 100 min left) Armand
Protection from Energy (cold) (10min/level, still 100 min left) - Armand
Protection from Energy (fire) (10min/level, still 100 min left)- Armand
Magic Circle Against Evil (160 min) - Armand: +2 AC, +2 vs spells cast by evil, protection from summoned creatures, protection from possession.
Light - Armand's Glaive
Detect Magic
Spell Resistance - Armand 28

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26nT:15, FF:22n, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+23=36 ; d20+10=23 ; d20+27=39 ;
Monday February 21st, 2022 6:00:25 PM

Elyngael will use a hero point for a +8 on her will save. Save d20+23=36
There's no way Brawn can make his save d20+10=23

Elyngeal whips out one of the greater slaying arrow of Dragon, that 'Osul gave her and takes 1 shot at the smaller dragon. Using Pinpoint targeting, (standard action, single ranged attack, no armor or shield bonus on 1 attack = in essence hitting it's touch AC).
TO hit d20+27=39 Fortitude Save 23 or death effect (not sure what that means, could not find it anywhere), if save take 100 points damage, (does the holy and lighting effect apply? 2d6 and 1d6?

I think Trellus also has 2 greater slaying dragon arrows. If he would not normally use them would he have passed him to me?

Brawn - shaken 1/19 rounds.
Brawn will hold his ground as long as the dragons stay in the air.
Brawns Stats -
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Darkvision (hours)-Brawn
Barkskin (10min/level)-Brawn and Elyngael
Resist Energy (cold) (10min/level)-Brawn and Elyngeal

Heroe's feast

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, SR 25, HP (157/156)  d20+25=39 ;
Monday February 21st, 2022 6:55:53 PM

Trellus is casting his shield spell before his mind registers there are three dragons.
"Light," he whispers as two swoop in.

The Stoneskin spell saves him from more of a bruising.
And his stubborness, plus a bunch of buffs, keeps him from soiling himself.
[Will 39 - save]

Nevertheless, its very difficult not to notice he's surrounded by dragons.

The man moves toward a wall, and reaching it, casts Spell Resistance.
Reaching into his reserves, he casts again to strengthen his attack. (Divine Power).

He plans to use the arrows next round.
Move 30'
Cast Spell Resistance
Use Hero Point for extra action to cast Divine Power

In Effect
Spell Resistance: SR25
Divine Power: rd1 of 13: +4 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, Strength checks, and Strength-based skill checks. +13 temp hp. Extra atk on full attack actions.
Shield of Faith: +4 AC
Resist Energy - cold 70/130 minutes?
Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hitpoints, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.
Endure Elements
Magic Vestment (armor)
Magic Vestment (shield)
Stoneskin: ?? minutes. 130/150
Telepathic Bond ?? minutes
True Seeing 13/13 minutes

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight  d20+28=45 ;
Monday February 21st, 2022 8:08:31 PM

Moridark shrugs off the effects of the dragon (Will DC45). The mage flies at a 45 degree anle to P22 where he casts maze on the gargantuan dragon. "If nothing else that will buy us a round to try an ddeal with the younger two' moridark thinks through the telepathic bond.

DM RobC - "What a bunch of cowards!" - Map  d20+19=37 ; d20+16=28 ; 8d6=23 ; d100=76 ; d20+21=32 ; 2d6+9=15 ; 24d4=56 ;
Tuesday February 22nd, 2022 2:12:54 AM

Osul decides now is a good time to bring the ceiling down. It's a great idea! (Osul gets a hero point for a smart play)

The larger dragon is hovering below the opening in the roof and has no rocks overhead. The smaller dragon is smashed by the falling rocks and is immediately pinned underneath the rubble. (Highlight to display spoiler: {FYI... "You must have a clear line of effect to the point of origin of any spell you cast" so can't center it within the walls. See my post on the Rules forum which would help you even more anyway})

Grindar calls out a challenge to the dragon and regrets not having some method to get up and into the fight. Someone else in the party might be able to help him with that, but for now he's grounded.

If these dragons can cast spells (and sounds like they can) then Armand wants some protection. He casts Spell Resistance on himself in preparation.

Elyngael draws one of her specially purchased slaying arrows. She lines up her shot and manages a direct hit. The dragon doesn't look like it was affected the way she had hoped. (Highlight to display spoiler: {FYI... "the arrow deals 100 points of damage if the saving throw is failed". If the saving throw is made then it does damage as a +1 arrow would + any bow bonuses. Roll damage and I'll add it})

2 dragons would have been bad enough, but 3? Trellus wants to make his attacks count so casts a spell to help.

Neshi is stunned and not sure what to do.

Moridark wants to get closer to the action to maze the gargantuan dragon. He flies dangerously close to the smaller one just to get within range. With a good line he casts the Maze spell and is no doubt surprised when nothing happens. The dragon is still here! Moridark realizes something bad. Something very, very bad. There is an antimagic field surrounding the dragon. If they're going to defeat it they're going to have to be clever about it.

One of the small dragons is buried underneath a pile of rock. You can't tell what it does, but it reappears in the northeast corner of the cavern. You recall these dragons like to teleport. It's likely they can only do so a certain number of times per day. If it's only once per day, well, this one won't be escaping again. It flies south and above Cotton and Neshi.

The other small dragon bites at Moridark as it flies past him (Hit AC32. Moridark takes 15pts damage!). "Mmm... Fresh meat!"

The larger dragon smirks at Grindar's taunt but says nothing. It flies southerly and then with a wingover above Trellus and Elyngael it turns and exhales it's breath weapon, covering the party in a frigid blast of wind. (Everyone - except Cotton & Trellus - takes 56pts cold damage. Ref Save vs DC30 for half.). It flies back to what it considers the relative safety beneath the hole in the ceiling.

Link to Map

A - Antimagic Field
Dmg: 0

S - AC24/Touch10
Dmg: 11+?

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 26 111/122 HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 33 117/119 HP  d20+15=26 ; d20+24=28 ; d6+14=19 ;
Tuesday February 22nd, 2022 10:16:08 AM

Grindar fails his reflex save, but with his improved evasion and resist energy, he takes no damage anyway.

Seeing that dragon L is within javelin range, Grindar moves closer and hurls a pointy stick of death, drawing it as he moves. His +1 javelin hits AC 28 for 19 damage. Cotton moves to stay close to her master.

As he is hurling his javelin, he uses the telepathic link and says, "Can anyone get me within ax range of these whitehands?" He also says in a voice dripping with sarcasm, "You'll have to do better than that if you you want to harm me your majesty."

Active Spells:
Resist Energy: cold
Bark Skin

Greater Magic Fang
Resist Energy: cold
Bark Skin
Stoneskin 150/150

Favored Enemies:
Giants +2
Plants +4
Dragons +4
Undead +4

Favored Terrain:
Plains +2
Forests +4
Underground +4

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:135/135, Wildshape(XVIII):8, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Tuesday February 22nd, 2022 5:21:27 PM

OOC: unable to post today - sub please

Armand (Robert D)AC 27(25n) /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117n CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+10=28 ;
Tuesday February 22nd, 2022 5:48:11 PM

Reflex save 28 (d20+10)
Armand tries to duck and just takes it. Fortunately his spell takes the damage. The dragon is too close for comfort. He replies mentally to Grinder "I can't get to you right now."

Armand enacts Divine Presence (8th) 30ft aura grants allies Sanctuary spell DC = 10 + 1/2 level(8) + wisdom mod(6): Will save 24 to attack Armand (I think the height and angle puts everyone else out of it). No spell resistance.

Armand will take a 5 foot step down.

Spells up
Wind Walk
Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hitpoints, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.
Air Walk - (10min/level, still 100 min left) Armand
Protection from Energy (cold) (10min/level, still 100 min left) - (56/120)Armand
Protection from Energy (fire) (10min/level, still 100 min left)- Armand
Magic Circle Against Evil (160 min) - Armand: +2 AC, +2 vs spells cast by evil, protection from summoned creatures, protection from possession.
Light - Armand's Glaive
Detect Magic
Spell Resistance - Armand 28

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26nT:15, FF:22n, CMD 34 , HP 121/147  d20+14=22 ; d20+16=17 ; d8+6=10 ; d6=6 ; 2d6=7 ; d20+27=42 ; d8+6=14 ; d6=4 ; 2d6=7 ;
Tuesday February 22nd, 2022 6:06:20 PM

Brawn Reflex Save d20+14=22
Elyngael Reflex save d20+16=17

Damage from last round's arrow: normal d8+6=10, electrical d6=6, holy 2d6=7 However, see below the descriptor clearly says 100 points damage if the save is made.

However the description of the arrow reads: "This +1 arrow is keyed to a particular type or subtype of creature. If it strikes such a creature, the target must succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude save or take 50 points of damage. Note that even creatures normally exempt from Fortitude saves (undead and constructs) are subject to this attack. When keyed to a living creature, this is a death effect (and thus death ward protects a target).A greater slaying arrow functions just like a normal slaying arrow, but the DC to avoid the death effect is 23 and the arrow deals 100 points of damage if the saving throw is failed.

Elyngael is glad that at least she had resist energy up. Elyngeal targets the large nearby dragon with her last greater slaying arrow of Dragon, that 'Osul gave her and takes 1 shot. Using Pinpoint targeting, (standard action, single ranged attack, no armor or shield bonus on 1 attack = in essence hitting it's touch AC).
TO hit d20+27=42 Fortitude Save 23 or death effect (not sure what that means, could not find it anywhere), if save take 100 points damage. See above. The way the slaying arrow reads in both the rule book and the SRD states the fortitude save is for the death effect. If the save is made the arrow then deal 50 or 100 points damage depending on if it is regular or greater.
Additional damage? normal d8+6=14, electrical d6=4, holy 2d6=7

Brawn - shaken 2/19 rounds.
Brawn will hold his ground as long as the dragons stay in the air.
Brawns Stats -
AC 30/16/28 hp 91/117, CMD 26

Darkvision (hours)-Brawn
Barkskin (10min/level)-Brawn and Elyngael
Resist Energy (cold-30) (10min/level)-Brawn and Elyngeal

Heroe's feast

DM RobC: Um... You might want to reread that... "deals 100 points of damage if the saving throw is failed."

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, SR 25, HP (157/156)  d20+25=40 ; d8+12=14 ; 2d6=9 ; d20+20=39 ; d8+12=19 ; 2d6=6 ; d20+15=18 ; d20+25=42 ; d8+12=13 ; 2d6=11 ;
Tuesday February 22nd, 2022 7:30:47 PM

With a quickly whispered prayer, Trellus is able to flip out his longbow in a flash.
The blond man sends four arrows hurtling at the nearest dragon, with his two best shots reserved for those special arrows.

Swift Action - Activate Weapon Master domain (1/12) to gain Quick Draw Feat.
Quick Draw Bow.
Full Attack using Dragon Bane Longbow on Dragon L
Atk 1 (Gtr Slaying Arrow) hits AC40 for 23 hp / Fort DC23 or 100 hp damage
Atk 2 hits AC39 for 25 hp
Atk 3 misses (ac18)
Extra Atk (Gtr Slaying Arrow) hits AC42 for 24 hp / Fort DC23 or 100 hp damage

In Effect
Spell Resistance: SR25
Divine Power: rd2 of 13: +4 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, Strength checks, and Strength-based skill checks. +13 temp hp. Extra atk on full attack actions.
Shield of Faith: +4 AC
Resist Energy - cold 70/130 minutes?
Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hitpoints, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.
Endure Elements
Magic Vestment (armor)
Magic Vestment (shield)
Stoneskin: ?? minutes. 130/150
Telepathic Bond ?? minutes
True Seeing 13/13 minutes

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26nT:15, FF:22n, CMD 34 , HP 121/147 
Tuesday February 22nd, 2022 7:45:07 PM

oops ok I don't know why I read it 3 times and misinterpreted it.

Lynnette subbing Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:135/135, Wildshape(XVIII):8, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14   d20+15=16 ;
Tuesday February 22nd, 2022 7:54:08 PM

reflex save d20+15=16 so he takes the full 56 damage unless he has some resistance or protection up I didn't see anything in the last few of his posts.

It says a huge air elemental has a fly speed of 100. So I'll have him drop down and zip between the two dragon children out of reach and cast air walk on Grinder.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 63/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight  d20+15=28 ;
Tuesday February 22nd, 2022 8:23:56 PM

Moridark whinces as both the smaller dragon bites him, and the larger hits him with his breath weapon. Moridark concentrates, and flies down to Trellus. The mage reaches out and casts fly on the cleric. "There is an antimagic field around the larger dragon. Idon't know if Ican dispel it but Iwill try that next!"

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(30)25 / T(24)20 / F(25)20; HP: 125/125: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast,  d20+22=41 ; d20+25=27 ; d20+25=39 ; 2d8+9=16 ; 2d8+9=17 ; d20+34=47 ; d8+11=16 ; d20=6 ; d20+19=36 ;
Tuesday February 22nd, 2022 8:28:53 PM

(OOC: $%#@!&!! once again my post has gone missing.)

Will save DC 41, reflex DC 36

Neshi shrugs off the fear DC42 effect ignores the cold damage DC 36 and instructs the elder air elemental to attack Dragon S and it connects twice AC 27 & 39 for 33 points damage

Neshi then casts a spell and huge fist appears and attacks dragon S as well. clenched fist: AC 47, Damage 16, Fort save DC 28 or be stunned 1 round.


Spell slots remaining:

0 - 8/9
1 - 6/8
2 - 7/7
3 - 6/7
4 - 3/7
5 - 6/7
6 - 6/7
7 - 5/6
8- 2/4

[u]Spells in use

Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hit points, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects
stone skin: 160 minutes; DR 10 adamantine; 144/150
telepathic bond: 160 mins
clenched hand 16 rounds

Elder air elemental:

AC 28, touch 20, flat-footed 16 (+11 Dex, +1 dodge, +8 natural, –2 size)
Hp 152 (16d10+64)
Fort +14, Ref +21, Will +7
Defensive Abilities air mastery; DR 10/—; Immune elemental traits
Speed fly 100 ft. (perfect)
Melee 2 slams +25 (2d8+9)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks whirlwind (DC 27)

DM RobC - "You'll have to do better than that if you you want to harm me your majesty." - Map  d20+19=26 ; d20+19=21 ; d20+19=39 ; d20+28=48 ; d20+28=42 ; 16d6+40=92 ; 4d6+19=29 ; d20+21=33 ; 2d6+9=17 ;
Wednesday February 23rd, 2022 2:47:22 AM

The party have a chance to regroup and focus their efforts.

Grindar hurls a javelin at the dragon within reach of him. It's a solid strike and hits the soft flesh under the dragon's wing. He calls out loud a taunt to the dragon while at the same time asking for someone in the party to help get him in the fight.

Right on time, Osul zig-zags through the crowd of enemies to get close enough to cast an airwalk spell on the half-orc

Moridark takes a similar approach and makes his way over to Trellus to gift him a Fly spell.

Armand doesn't want to make himself a target of these dragons so goes defensive with a sanctuary effect.

Neshi orders the air elemental to attack and then follows up with a clenched fist. The dragon takes the blows but still flies and isn't stunned.

Elyngael pulls out another slaying arrow. Her aim is just as precise as before but the dragon avoids the harmful part of it.

Trellus piles on and attacks the same dragon. His dragon bane arrow hits a soft spot and his subsequent shot finishes it off. The dragon makes a sickly gurgling noise and then crashes into the ground, sliding to a stop. He still has the other slaying arrow at his disposal.

The smell of fresh blood and meat drives the bugs into a frenzy. Several swarms break from the rotten remains and seek new meals - dead or alive.

"NOOOO!!!" The gargantuan dragon stretches it's wings and soars down to attack Trellus. "I WILL TEAR YOU APART!" The dragon draws so close that Trellus can feel his magic drain away in the anti-magic field. The dragon's response to the death of her son is vicious to say the least. (Flyby within 10ft of Trellus for the AM field to be in effect. Power Attack + Gtr Vital Strike. Hit AC48. Nat20. Crit confirmed on AC42. Trellus takes ... 121pts damage. No Stoneskin). It circles back to fly in the light of the waterfall - though not as high this time. "PRAY TO WHATEVER YOUR GOD AS YOU'LL SOON BE MEETING HIM!" The threat is delivered to all.

The other dragon is somewhat alarmed by what has just happened. It moves away from the elemental to get a better view of Neshi. (Hit AC33. Neshi takes 17pts damage!)

Link to Map

A - Antimagic Field
Dmg: 0

S - AC24/Touch10 - SR20
Dmg: 83

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 26 111/122 HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 33 117/119 HP  d20+24=32 ; d6+14=15 ; d6=2 ;
Wednesday February 23rd, 2022 9:35:31 AM

Grindar thanks Osul for the airwalk spell, and orders Cotton to retreat towards Brawn's location. With the fall of the one dragon, and the anti-magic shield in place around the momma, he moves towards the second smaller dragon. He can't quite get into ax range, so he stays just outside the dragon's reach, and hurls another javelin, using vital strike. The +1 pointy stick hits AC 32 for 17 damage. he is none to keen about the bug swarms, remembering a time, back on the Sargrass Plains, when he was almost killed by a swarm of bugs. He communicates via the mental link saying, "Pantheon's gavel! I hate swarms."

Active Spells:
Resist Energy: cold
Bark Skin

Greater Magic Fang
Resist Energy: cold
Bark Skin
Stoneskin 150/150

Favored Enemies:
Giants +2
Plants +4
Dragons +4
Undead +4

Favored Terrain:
Plains +2
Forests +4
Underground +4

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(30)25 / T(24)20 / F(25)20; HP: 108/125: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast,  d20+34=44 ; d8+11=19 ; d20+25=42 ; d20+25=30 ; 2d8+9=15 ; 2d8+9=22 ;
Wednesday February 23rd, 2022 4:11:01 PM

Neshi chuckles at the little drake, and then watches as the clenched fist hits it again [/b]AC 44 for 19 points[/b] and the elemental goes after it from above (35 ft.) connecting twice AC 42 & Ac 30 for 37 points.

Just as the elemental is coming in Neshi too sends forth a spell.

Baleful Polymorph (legless rat) Fort DC 24 Negates, if fail Will save DC 24 or it loses its extraordinary, supernatural, and spell-like abilities, loses its ability to cast spells (if it had the ability), and gains the alignment, special abilities, and Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores of its new form in place of its own.

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:135/135, Wildshape(XVIII):8, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Wednesday February 23rd, 2022 4:14:40 PM

OOC: Thank you for the sub Lynnette.

'Osul loops around (with 120' flying movement) under Trellus, where he Recalls and casts Heal (150 points)

Armand (Robert D)AC 27(25n) /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117n CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Wednesday February 23rd, 2022 5:23:12 PM

Armand moves over Elyngael and then down to 5 feet off the ground and then casts Shield of Faith on Elyngeal.

He mentally tells his companions, "That anti-magic field is going to make killing the dragon difficult."

Spells up
Wind Walk
Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hitpoints, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.
Air Walk - (10min/level, still 100 min left) Armand
Protection from Energy (cold) (10min/level, still 100 min left) - (56/120)Armand
Protection from Energy (fire) (10min/level, still 100 min left)- Armand
Magic Circle Against Evil (160 min) - Armand: +2 AC, +2 vs spells cast by evil, protection from summoned creatures, protection from possession.
Light - Armand's Glaive
Detect Magic
Spell Resistance - Armand 28
Shield of Faith +4 AC - Lynnette

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 30 (26n)T:15, FF:22n, CMD 34 , HP 121/147  d20+22=31 ; d8+3=9 ; d8+3=11 ; d20+18=33 ; d8+3=6 ; d20+13=29 ; d8+3=5 ; d20+8=18 ;
Wednesday February 23rd, 2022 6:16:31 PM

Elyngael orders Brawn back into the tunnel. She decides it's time to start trying to take down mother dragon. (recalculating arrow to hit and damage to remove all magic modifiers.) Masterwork Strength (+3) composite longbow. She declares Quarry on the mother dragon (+2 to hit, crits auto confirm), and is using Many Shot.
First Shot d20+22=31 (oh wait, master work is +1 to hit so 32) damage first arrow d8+3=9, second arrow d8+3=11
Second shot d20+18=33 damage d8+3=6
Third shot d20+13=29 ? damage d8+3=5
Forth shot d20+8=18 going to assume that misses.

Brawn - shaken 2/19 rounds.
Brawn retreats into the tunnel
Brawns Stats -
AC 30/16/28 hp 91/117, CMD 26

Darkvision (hours)-Brawn
Barkskin (10min/level)-Brawn and Elyngael
Resist Energy (cold-30) (10min/level)-Brawn and Elyngeal

Heroe's feast
Shield of Faith (+4AC figured in main ac)

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, SR 25, HP (156/156)  d20+28=34 ; d8+2=5 ; d20+23=36 ; d20+18=19 ; d20+28=33 ; d8+2=8 ; d8+2=6 ;
Wednesday February 23rd, 2022 6:45:43 PM

OOC - So, here's a question. If I'm outside the antimagic field and shoot a bow, shouldn't magic affecting my aim (ie atk bonuses) still be in effect? It's only when the arrow enters the field that its magic goes away, but that doesn't deflect the shot.

Trellus grins to see his target go down, only to lose it quickly when the mother swoops in.
Pain buffets the man, quickly replaced by the soothing healing of Osul's spell.
It's been an eventful few seconds.

Whispering a prayer to Domi for assistance with his aim, Trellus follows Neshi's lead, and fires away at the big one. He keeps the slaying arrow in his quiver.

Swift Action - Activate Weapon Master domain (2/12) to gain Weapon Focus (longbow) Feat.
Full Attack using Dragon Bane Longbow on Dragon A
Atk 1 hits AC 34 or 24 (w/out atk bonuses) for 5 hp
Atk 2 hits AC 36 (or 26) for 8 hp
Atk 3 misses (Nat 1)
Extra Atk hits AC 33 (or 23) for 6 hp

In Effect
Spell Resistance: SR25
Divine Power: rd3 of 13: +4 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, Strength checks, and Strength-based skill checks. Extra atk on full attack actions.
Shield of Faith: +4 AC
Resist Energy - cold 70/130 minutes?
Heroes Feast: +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.
Endure Elements
Magic Vestment (armor)
Magic Vestment (shield)
Stoneskin: ?? minutes. 130/150
Telepathic Bond ?? minutes
True Seeing 13/13 minutes

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 63/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight  d20+32=42 ;
Wednesday February 23rd, 2022 7:53:54 PM

Moridark mentally flips through old textbooks (Knowledge Arcana DC 42) and remembers Antimagic fields cannot be dispelled. The mage moves 30 feet from Trellus to create some space, and begins casting Summon Monster 7.

DM RobC - "Pantheon's gavel! I hate swarms" - Map  d20+21=22 ; d20+19=36 ; d20+28=40 ; 16d6+40=99 ;
Thursday February 24th, 2022 2:06:07 AM

Grindar has bad memories of swarms. He keeps his attention on the dragons though and hurls another javelin at it.

Neshi piles on - again - with more attacks against the same dragon and delivers a whole lot of damage to it. He tries to finish it off with a polymorph spell but it manages to withstand it.

Osul meanwhile swoops in to help Trellus and delivers some much needed healing. He's unable to loop back and cast at the same time so stays next to Trellus. (Highlight to display spoiler: {I think you need flyby attack to do a standard action in the middle of a flight. If Osul can I'll correct things}).

Armand goes to help Elyngael with a bit more defense. It may not make much difference against the antimagic field but it will help against everything else.

Elyngael and Trellus decide to focus on the big dragon. Collectively they fire a total of 9 arrows - which is pretty impressive. Their magic still works at range but the magic of their arrows fades as soon as it gets close to the dragon. None of the arrows manage to pierce the monsters thick hide.

Moridark remembers his training and recalls that antimagic fields can't be dispelled. Either the caster has to cancel it, or, you have to wait it out. He wants to move away from Trellus, but that summoning spell takes all of his concentration and time. (Highlight to display spoiler: {Full action to cast})

The younger dragon looks terrible. Bloodied and beaten, it's practically gone to meet it's maker. One good shot will likely finish it off. He isn't going to quit so goes in pursuit of Cotton and Brawn. As it swoops down it misses the rapke and snaps harmlessly at the air (Miss AC22. Nat1!)

Swarm 1 and Swarm 2 are making their way towards some food.

Swarm 3 surrounds Neshi and latches on to the taur. (Neshi takes 1pt Con Damage and must make a DC17 Fort save or be nauseated!)

The larger dragon has had enough playing around. It dives in to attack again but this time doesn't retreat! It lands on the ground and bites at Armand! (Power Attack + Gtr Vital Strike. Hit AC40. Armand takes 99pts damage. No Stoneskin). What's more, Osul, Trellus, Armand and Elyngael are all within 10ft of it. All magic on them stops working at this range - including flight, magical quivers and wildshape!

Link to Map

A - Antimagic Field - AC40/Touch5
Dmg: 0

S - AC24/Touch10 - SR20
Dmg: 156

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:135/135, Wildshape(XVIII):8, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14  d20+15=30 ; d20+21=30 ; d20+16=32 ; 16d6=46 ;
Thursday February 24th, 2022 9:08:02 AM

DM Rob: Highlight to display spoiler: {I meant that to mean 'Osul didn't move in a straight line to his destination. The plan was always to stop with Trellus for the Heal.
Also, I'm looking at the map, and I cannot see how 'Osul is within 10' of the dragon

He considers how long the Field might last {Knowledge(Arcana): 30}

"Run for the tunnels!", he calls in Sphinx.{Sense Motive: 30}

If everyone can get out, he looks to Recall Earthquake and drop the roof on the dragon (as it is now in a position to be struck), but if they cannot, he Fire Storms the bugs (excluding 'Neshi, but not his bugs) and all over the dragon because - well, sometime it has to wear off, right?! SR:Yes, 32, 16d6=46 fire damage, halved on a DC 20 Reflex Save, and 4d6 per round thereafter if not saved

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 26 111/122 HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 33 117/119 HP  d20+30=42 ; d8+9=12 ; d20+27=37 ; d20+22=35 ; 2d6+24=31 ; 2d6+24=27 ; d6=5 ; d6=5 ; d6=1 ; d6=2 ; d8=8 d8=1
Thursday February 24th, 2022 1:03:23 PM

Grindar's AC and CMD Adjusted for the anti-magic field
AC 20/13/17 CMD 23

Not understanding sphinx, and so not understanding Osul, Grindar declares momma dragon as his quarry, than, with a heroic effort, moves forward and attempt a two handed chop with his ax, and vital strike. He hits with a 42, and inflicts 26 damage. (Forgot to add quarry, and favored enemy to the damage roller.)

Meanwhile, Cotton attempts to make two bites on his dragon. She hits with ACs 37 and 35, for 31 damage plus 5 flame and 5 shock and 27 plus 1 flame and 2 shock.

Active Spells:
Resist Energy: cold
Bark Skin

Greater Magic Fang
Resist Energy: cold
Bark Skin
Stoneskin 150/150

Favored Enemies:
Giants +2
Plants +4
Dragons +4
Undead +4

Favored Terrain:
Plains +2
Forests +4
Underground +4

Armand (Robert D)AC 27(25n) /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 46/117n CMD 25 Character Sheet  d6=2 ; d6=2 ; d6=2 ; d6=6 ; d6=2 ; d6=4 ; d6=2 ; d6=6 ;
Thursday February 24th, 2022 4:59:45 PM

Well Armand is likely to die because he can't withdraw as the dragon is going to have a longer reach than the 'free' 5 foot line allows him.[i]

Armand see's his blood go spattering and wonders how he is still alive. "Fight well my friends. Fight well." Armand takes a 5 foot step up and channels to heal (it's a god granted power so I'm assuming it's not a spell and not subject to the antimagic field, also it doesn't provoke) and selective channels the dragon out of the healing. Everyone in 30 feet of Armand (except the dragon) gets a pathetic 28 points healing.

[i]Spells up
Wind Walk
Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hitpoints, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.
Air Walk - (10min/level, still 100 min left) Armand
Protection from Energy (cold) (10min/level, still 100 min left) - (56/120)Armand
Protection from Energy (fire) (10min/level, still 100 min left)- Armand
Magic Circle Against Evil (160 min) - Armand: +2 AC, +2 vs spells cast by evil, protection from summoned creatures, protection from possession.
Light - Armand's Glaive
Detect Magic
Spell Resistance - Armand 28
Shield of Faith +4 AC - Lynnette

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 30 (26n)T:15, FF:22n, CMD 34 , HP 121/147  d20+27=43 ; d8+4=6 ; d8+4=12 ; d20+23=39 ; d20+18=28 ; d20+10=23 ; d20+15=26 ; 2d6+7=12 ; d6=4 ;
Thursday February 24th, 2022 5:44:44 PM

This is not going well. Elyngael takes a 5 foot step back so she is out of the 10 foot radius of the antimagic area (so all her magic will at least count to hitting the dragon). Quarry on the mother dragon (+2 to hit, crits auto confirm), and is using Many Shot, Point Blank Shot +1 hit/damage
First Shot d20+27(dang missed +2)=43 damage first arrow d8+4=6, second arrow d8+4=12
Second shot d20+23=39 miss
Third shot d20+18=28 miss
Forth shot d20+10=23 miss.
DANG it I keep forgetting all the pluses, heroe's feast gives a +1. Would that allow second shot to hit mr DM?

Brawn - shaken 4/19 rounds.
Brawn has a readied action to bite the dragon the next time it tries to attack (5 foot reach).
To hit: d20+15=26 2d6+7=12, d6=4 fire
Brawns Stats -
AC 30/16/28 hp 91/117, CMD 26

Darkvision (hours)-Brawn
Barkskin (10min/level)-Brawn and Elyngael
Resist Energy (cold-30) (10min/level)-Brawn and Elyngeal

Heroe's feast
Shield of Faith (+4AC figured in main ac)

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, SR 25, HP (156/156)  d20+26=34 ; d20+13=18 ; d20+8=17 ;
Thursday February 24th, 2022 7:07:33 PM

The dragon lands nearly atop him.
"Light," Trellus whispers again.

With his magic gone, and no clear escape, the man has no good options.

Dropping his bow, he draws his sword, summons all his reserves, and plunks the blade futilely against the dragon's hide.

Drop bow, draw sword, full attack on Dragon.
Atk1 (using hero point pre-roll for another +8) - miss (ac34)
Atk 2 miss (ac18)
Atk 3 miss (ac17)

In Effect
Spell Resistance: SR25
Divine Power: rd4 of 13: +4 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, Strength checks, and Strength-based skill checks. Extra atk on full attack actions.
Shield of Faith: +4 AC
Resist Energy - cold 70/130 minutes?
Heroes Feast: +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.
Endure Elements
Magic Vestment (armor)
Magic Vestment (shield)
Stoneskin: ?? minutes. 130/150
Telepathic Bond ?? minutes
True Seeing 13/13 minutes

DM RobC - "Pantheon's gavel! I hate swarms" - Map 
Thursday February 24th, 2022 7:14:13 PM

Update: Osul is able to localise the earthquake directly over the dragon

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 63/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight  d20+20=32 ; 2d6+9=11 ; d20+20=22 ; 2d6+9=15 ; d20+19=39 ; d20+19=27 ; 2d8+9=12 ; 4d8+9=30 ;
Thursday February 24th, 2022 8:13:14 PM

Moridark finishes his spell and a Roc appears next to the young dragon. The Roc attacks with two claws (AC32 for 11 points, AC22 for 15 points) and then bites out with his beak (AC39, nat 20 AC 27 to confirm 30 points if crit, 12 if not).

Moridark then takes a deep breath and uses his dimensional steps to appear at Armands side (15 feet). The mage then gets a firm grip on Armand, and pulls backwards trying to clear the both of them from the field.


N Gargantuan animal
Init +6; Senses low-light vision; Perception +15


AC 22, touch 8, flat-footed 20 (+2 Dex, +14 natural, –4 size)
hp 152 (16d8+48)
Fort +13, Ref +14, Will +8


Speed 20 ft., fly 80 ft. (average)
Melee 2 talons +20 (2d6+9/19–20 plus grab), bite +19 (2d8+9)
Space 20 ft.; Reach 15 ft.


Str 32, Dex 15, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 11
Base Atk +12; CMB +25 (+29 grapple); CMD 37
Feats Flyby Attack, Improved Critical (talons), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Perception), Weapon Focus (talons)
Skills Fly +7, Perception +15

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(30)25 / T(24)20 / F(25)20; HP: 108/125: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast,  d20+17=35 ; d20+34=47 ; d8+11=16 ; d8+11=16 ; d20+25=28 ; d20+25=40 ; 2d8+9=24 ;
Thursday February 24th, 2022 9:28:11 PM

Fort save DC 35,

While not ignoring the swarm, Neshi avoids the nausea and directs the hand to again attack the small dragon AC 47 for 16 points damage

The elder elemental also continues his onslaught connecting once AC 40 for 24 points damage

Neshi takes a moment to cast a gust of wind spell at the swarms, hopefully blowing them in to the water. fort DC 20

DM RobC - "Fight well my friends. Fight well." - Map  2d6=5 ; 2d6=5 ; 2d6=4 ; d20+9=24 ; d20+9=21 ; d20+9=23 ;
Friday February 25th, 2022 2:44:25 AM

Grindar charges full-steam at the dragon. As he draws in the dragon grins and reaches out to devour him (AoO hits AC47. Crit Confirmed on AC38. Grindar takes 106pts damage!). Grindar does repay the favor though and slices a scale from the dragons neck.

Cotton readies to attack the smaller dragon is it swoops by him again. For now, it's too high and out of reach.

No matter though. Moridark's roc appears and promptly tears the wings of the smaller dragon. It falls in a bloody heap next to Brawn. Moridark dimensional steps over to Armand to try and pull him to safety.

Elyngael takes a step back and fires on the dragon. Three of her arrows manage to penetrate it's thick armor (OOC: Yep, please roll for the damage on the 3rd arrow). Brawn readies to take a bit out of the injured, smaller dragon.

Trellus isn't have a good day. He swaps his bow for a sword but just can't land a hit.

Neshi casts a Gust of Wind spell. It is strong enough to send all three swarms flying backwards 40 to 50ft. They fly across the top of the water but don't land in it. His air elemental has blipped from existence.

This is the end for Armand. He bids his friends farewell and tries to channel what energy he can, but it doesn't work. His supernatural abilities are no match against the antimagic field. He prepares for his appearance before Gargul.

Osul has other plans. He calls in Sphinx - for some reason - for everyone to run to the safety of the tunnels. As he goes he casts an Earthquake and shapes the spell directly on the ceiling above the dragon! It looks up and can do nothing as the rocks fall down on it, burying it under the rubble. (OOC: Please roll 8d6 damage).

Even though the dragon is buried and out of sight, you can still see the pile of rocks tremble and slightly move. The dragon is going to be free very soon.

Three more swarms emerge from the horse and cow carcasses.

Link to Map

A - Antimagic Field - AC40/Touch5
Dmg: 44

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:135/135, Wildshape(XVIII):8, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14  8d6=35 ;
Friday February 25th, 2022 7:05:01 AM

{Damage: 35}

"Get clear - help others get clear... I don't think I'm finished yet!"

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(30)25 / T(24)20 / F(25)20; HP: 108/125: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast, 
Friday February 25th, 2022 3:31:53 PM

Neshi waits until everyone is pulled out or moves out of the way and casts rock to mud on the rock covering the dragon and a quickened mud to rock, hoping to encase her in rock before whatever else it is that Osul has planned for her.

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:135/135, Wildshape(XVIII):8, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14  d20+16=28 ; 16d6=63 ;
Saturday February 26th, 2022 2:13:26 AM

'Osul Fire Storms the bugs (excluding 'Neshi, but not his bugs) and all over the carcasses
{SR:Yes, 28, 16d6=63 fire damage, halved on a DC 20 Reflex Save, and 4d6 per round thereafter if not saved.}

Darkvision 60', Fly 120' (Perfect), DR 5/-, Whirlwind, and Immune to Bleed, Critical Hits, and Sneak Attacks
Deafened (10 rounds)

Active Spells
Control Weather (Centred at the bay, A druid casting this spell doubles the duration and affects a circle with a 3-mile radius. Duration: 2x4d12=62 hours) (2 miles outside the cave)
Toros Taur's Try (Minotaur) - Orison on high rotation
Endure Elements
Resist Energy (Cold)
Protection from Energy (Cold)
Bear's Endurance (Mass)
Bull's Strength
Cat's Grace (Mass)

Cast by others
Wind Walk, Heroes Feast, Resistance, Mage Armor

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, SR 25, HP (156/156) 
Saturday February 26th, 2022 10:09:43 AM

Trellus takes advantage of the momentary lull to get some space.

Snatching up his bow, he steps away from the antimagic effect.
Once his fly spell works, the warrior gets airborne.

Pick up bow.
Move away from dragon.

In Effect
Spell Resistance: SR25
Divine Power: rd5 of 13: +4 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, Strength checks, and Strength-based skill checks. Extra atk on full attack actions.
Shield of Faith: +4 AC
Resist Energy - cold 70/130 minutes?
Heroes Feast: +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.
Endure Elements
Magic Vestment (armor)
Magic Vestment (shield)
Stoneskin: 130/150
Telepathic Bond
True Seeing 13/13 minutes

Armand (Robert D)AC 27(25n) /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 62/117n CMD 25 Character Sheet  d8=7 ; d8=5 ; d8=7 ; d8=1 ; d8=6 ;
Saturday February 26th, 2022 3:38:40 PM

Armand doesn't feel Gargul blessed energies and becomes frightfully worried. When the ceiling comes down he clicks his heals to activate his boots of speed and makes a hasty retreat. He then burns his dismissal spell to cast Cure Critical wounds on himself. (4d8+16, assuming the reroll 1's on channel applies to healing spells in general). 44 hp restored.

"I have an earthquake spell ready as well. I plan to drop to use it to bring more ceiling down on her as soon as she frees herself. And then back down the tunnel."

Spells up
Wind Walk
Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hitpoints, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.
Air Walk - (10min/level, still 100 min left) Armand
Protection from Energy (cold) (10min/level, still 100 min left) - (56/120)Armand
Protection from Energy (fire) (10min/level, still 100 min left)- Armand
Magic Circle Against Evil (160 min) - Armand: +2 AC, +2 vs spells cast by evil, protection from summoned creatures, protection from possession.
Light - Armand's Glaive
Detect Magic
Spell Resistance - Armand 28
Shield of Faith +4 AC - Elyngael

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 30 (26n)T:15, FF:22n, CMD 34 , HP 121/147  d8+4=12 ;
Saturday February 26th, 2022 6:06:42 PM

previous hit arrow damage d8+4=12

With no current target Elyngael retreats to the mouth of the tunnel. "Does anyone have simple oil? We could toss it on the rock slide and let is seep down and then ignite it."

Brawn - shaken 5/19 rounds.

Brawns Stats -
AC 30/16/28 hp 91/117, CMD 26

Darkvision (hours)-Brawn
Barkskin (10min/level)-Brawn and Elyngael
Resist Energy (cold-30) (10min/level)-Brawn and Elyngeal

Heroe's feast
Shield of Faith (+4AC figured in main ac)

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 63/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Sunday February 27th, 2022 6:04:07 PM

Moridark watches to make sure Armand is safe and then steps out of the antimagic field before flying to the tunnel.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 26 5/122 HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 33 117/119 HP 
Sunday February 27th, 2022 11:00:36 PM

At Grindar's command, Cotton follows Brawn out back into the tunnel. Severally wounded, he takes the opportunity to retreat himself, making a double move action.

DM RobC - "I don't think I'm finished yet!" - Map  d20+6=22 ; d20+6=19 ; d20+6=12 ; d20+6=20 ; d20+6=22 ; d20+6=25 ; d20+6=22 ; d20+6=23 ; d20+6=21 ; d20+6=13 ; d20+13=29 ;
Monday February 28th, 2022 1:57:16 AM

Moridark, Grindar, Cotton and Brawn all seek the safety of the tunnel.

Neshi tries to bury the dragon a little more by quickly changing the rock to mud and then back again. The rocks turn into a solid protective shell. The rocks nearest the dragon could well be unaffected due to the antimagic field however but there's no way to tell.

Armand prepares to cast another earthquake spell. You'd have to think that if it can get out of one it could get out of another. At this point though it is enough just to slow it down in between attacks. Will it fall for the trap again?

Elyngael is ready to try and pour some oil down the gaps, however Neshi has sealed the rocks tightly.

Trellus takes to the air again. It's nice to have a moments rest.

Osul decides to take care of the swarms. He fire storms all the ones he can see, and then casts it over the rotten cacasses too, stirring up the hornets nest so to speak. The bones crackle and the roasted flesh smells like a very bad barbeque. Two of the swarms go up in smoke and a high pitched whine suggests another has disintegrated. The rest though are kicked into action. They flee their nests and attack the party! (Swarms: Each full action to run up to 120ft. All except Osul take 1pt Con Damage)

You can hear a rumbling from underneath the rock pile. The dragon may be slowed down but it is far from stopped.

Link to Map

A - Antimagic Field - AC40/Touch5
Dmg: 44

S1: Dmg 46
S4: Dmg 46
S5: Dmg 46
S6: Dmg 46
S7: Dmg 46
S8: Dmg 46
S9: Dmg 46

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:135/135, Wildshape(XVIII):8, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14  d20+16=35 ; 16d6=60 ;
Monday February 28th, 2022 3:20:59 AM

'Osul apologises and a little sheepishly Fire Storms the bugs, excluding all else.
{SR:Yes, 35, 16d6=60 fire damage, halved on a DC 20 Reflex Save, and 4d6 per round thereafter if not saved. Sixteen 10' cubes}
"I hope that's them out of the way."

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(30)25 / T(24)20 / F(25)20; HP: 108/125: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast, 
Monday February 28th, 2022 12:09:38 PM

Neshi grouses about the swarm and directs the hand to protect him from the swarm.

He then casts a rock to mud on the ceiling above her Highness, the buried dragon, dropping a whole lot of new earth material 5 ft deep on top of what is there and then quickly solidifies it again placing another layer of rock on top of the dragon.

Spell slots remaining:

0 - 8/9
1 - 6/8
2 - 7/7
3 - 6/7
4 - 3/7
5 - 3/7
6 - 6/7
7 - 5/6
8- 2/4

[u]Spells in use

Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hit points, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects
stone skin: 160 minutes; DR 10 adamantine; 144/150
telepathic bond: 160 mins
clenched hand 16 rounds

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 26 -11/122 HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 33 117/119 HP  d20+19=25 ; d20+14=20 ; 2d6+18=23 ; 2d6+18=28 ; d6=4 ; d6=3 ; d6=3 ; d6=5 ;
Monday February 28th, 2022 1:10:01 PM

The con damage doesn't seem to have much effect on Cotton, (lowered her Con from 19 to 18, so no HP loss) However Grindar falls over dead, from the loss of HP due to his Con loss, and his already dangerously low HP. As he falls, he thinks to himself, "This is a good pack, I hope they survive."

Cotton instinctively snaps at the swarm attacking her. Hitting AC 29, causing 23 damage, plus 4 flame and 3 shock and AC 24 causing 28 damage plus 3 flame and 5 shock.(Forgot to add in +4 for greater magic fang to attack rolls)

Armand (Robert D)AC 27(25n) /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 46/101(62/117n) CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Monday February 28th, 2022 5:19:22 PM

Can the swarms fly as Armand was 15 feet up?
Armand feels a bit queasy with the swarm damage.

Armand see's Grinder go down and swiftly goes over and casts HEAL on him. 150 hp restored plus con damage, etc.

Spells up
Wind Walk
Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hitpoints, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.
Air Walk - (10min/level, still 100 min left) Armand
Protection from Energy (cold) (10min/level, still 100 min left) - (56/120)Armand
Protection from Energy (fire) (10min/level, still 100 min left)- Armand
Magic Circle Against Evil (160 min) - Armand: +2 AC, +2 vs spells cast by evil, protection from summoned creatures, protection from possession.
Light - Armand's Glaive
Detect Magic
Spell Resistance - Armand 28
Shield of Faith +4 AC - Elyngael

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 30 (26n)T:15, FF:22n, CMD 34 , HP 121/147  d20+26=33 ;
Monday February 28th, 2022 5:59:19 PM

Elyngeal doesn't feel much from the swarms attack, they are a nuisance. Brawn appears to be a little shaken by it. She has no spells that would help and no target with the dragon buried. But she keeps an eye on the stone mound to see if it starts cracking. Perception d20+26=33

Brawn - shaken 6/19 rounds.

Brawns Stats -
AC 30/16/28 hp 80/106(91/117), CMD 26

Darkvision (hours)-Brawn
Barkskin (10min/level)-Brawn and Elyngael
Resist Energy (cold-30) (10min/level)-Brawn and Elyngeal

Heroe's feast
Shield of Faith (+4AC figured in main ac)

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, SR 25, HP (140/140)  13d6=48 ;
Monday February 28th, 2022 7:03:10 PM

Trellus recoils at the swarm's attack.
He moves off and casts a spell, sending a column of fire into the bugs.

Move, and cast Flame Strike on Swarm 1 for 48 hp damage (Ref DC 21 halves)

In Effect
-1 Con
Spell Resistance: SR25
Divine Power: rd6 of 13: +4 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, Strength checks, and Strength-based skill checks. Extra atk on full attack actions.
Shield of Faith: +4 AC
Resist Energy - cold 70/130 minutes?
Heroes Feast: +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.
Endure Elements
Magic Vestment (armor)
Magic Vestment (shield)
Stoneskin: 130/150
Telepathic Bond
True Seeing 13/13 minutes

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 46/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Monday February 28th, 2022 7:46:43 PM

Moridark winces as the swarm hits him. Moridark takes to the air and flies past the swarm, and away from the dragon (R30). Moridark draws a potion to drink next turn.

DM RobC - "This is a good pack" - Map 
Tuesday March 1st, 2022 2:39:47 AM

Assuming everyone steps away from their swarms (which is a pretty safe bet) Osul cooks them up. None of them survive the fiery blast, and having turned the carcasses into charcoal it's a safe bet there aren't any more to worry about.

Elyngael and Brawn keep an eye on the stone mound and are alert for any cracks. There are some fractures starting to appear but not for long.

Neshi drops even more rock on top of the dragon and solidifies it, making a nice rock coccoon. Between the two earthquakes and Neshi melting the ceiling, there is now a much wider hole in the ceiling than there was originally.

Grindar survived being attacked by a behemoth and went toe-to-toe with a gargantuan white dragon. In the end it was the bite of some flying insects that brings the ranger down. (Highlight to display spoiler: {}Putting this out there: "A character can spend 2 hero points to cheat death. How this plays out is up to the GM, but generally the character is left alive, with negative hit points but stable."

With Grindar having already passed over, Armand knows that his heal spell will not do the trick. He needs a Breath of Life spell at this point.

Trellus saves his Flame Strike spell since Osul has already fried all of the bugs.

Mordiark is safe once more and draws a potion.

It's quiet once more in the cave. You know there's a dragon buried under all that rock but can't be sure how long it will stay that way.

Link to Map

A - Antimagic Field - AC40/Touch5
Dmg: 44

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 26 122/122 HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 33 117/119 HP 
Tuesday March 1st, 2022 2:58:28 AM

Grindar heroicly defies logic and somehow stays on his feet. (2 hero points to cheat death, and Orc Ferocity to remain conscious.) He feels Armand's heal spell flow over him, and watches his wounds close. "I thought I was done for, thanks friend!"

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:135/135, Wildshape(XVIII):8, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Tuesday March 1st, 2022 5:16:17 PM

"Excellent! Now, what do we do about that?" 'Osul asks.

Armand (Robert D)AC 27(25n) /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 46/101(62/117n) CMD 25 Character Sheet  d8=5 ; d8=6 ; d8=2 ; d8=2 ; d8=6 ; d8=7 ; d8=3 ; d8=2 ;
Tuesday March 1st, 2022 5:20:49 PM

retcon the casting of the heal?

Armand wonders out loud. "So is she trapped or dead? What are our options here? Eventually her antimagic field will do then she's likely to teleport. We need to get ready.

With everyone clustered he channels energy to heal again. 33 points to everyone.

Spells up
Wind Walk
Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hitpoints, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.
Air Walk - (10min/level, still 100 min left) Armand
Protection from Energy (cold) (10min/level, still 100 min left) - (56/120)Armand
Protection from Energy (fire) (10min/level, still 100 min left)- Armand
Magic Circle Against Evil (160 min) - Armand: +2 AC, +2 vs spells cast by evil, protection from summoned creatures, protection from possession.
Light - Armand's Glaive
Detect Magic
Spell Resistance - Armand 28
Shield of Faith +4 AC - Elyngael

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 30 (26n)T:15, FF:22n, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d8=5 ;
Tuesday March 1st, 2022 5:52:10 PM

"Thanks for the healing Armand. Should we spread out again?"

Brawns Stats -
AC 30/16/28 hp 106/106(91/117), CMD 26

Darkvision (hours)-Brawn
Barkskin (10min/level)-Brawn and Elyngael
Resist Energy (cold-30) (10min/level)-Brawn and Elyngeal

Heroe's feast
Shield of Faith (+4AC figured in main ac)

Sorry mouse is having scrolling issues and I was moving and clicking when it popped up to the roll bar and hit the roll button accidentally.

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, SR 25, HP (140/140) 
Tuesday March 1st, 2022 6:22:36 PM

Trellus takes advantage of the lull to fly over to the group.

"Never said this before, but maybe we should back out and wait. I can cast that antimagic spell, and it lasts over two hours for me. As long as she's got that pick, I can't touch her."

"We hang out in the mountain a few hours, and then come back.
She's twisted pretty tight about the little dragons, maybe she sticks around."

Double move. Fly.

In Effect
-1 Con
Spell Resistance: SR25
Divine Power: rd7 of 13: +4 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, Strength checks, and Strength-based skill checks. Extra atk on full attack actions.
Shield of Faith: +4 AC
Resist Energy - cold 70/130 minutes?
Heroes Feast: +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.
Endure Elements
Magic Vestment (armor)
Magic Vestment (shield)
Stoneskin: 130/150
Telepathic Bond
True Seeing 13/13 minute

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(30)25 / T(24)20 / F(25)20; HP: 109/125: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast, 
Tuesday March 1st, 2022 8:06:48 PM

with the loss of the second constitution point, Neshi feels a bit drained even after Armand's spell.

Right now I would say she is temporarily trapped, and likely about to teleport out here somewhere.

My quickend casting is now used up, I can still drop the roof on her. as long as everyone is clear.

I also have a number of heavy duty fire based spells and a couple of other goodies but only if the anti-magic field is gone. otherwise I could drop a couple of bags of alchemists fire on her.

Spells in use

Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hit points, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects
stone skin: 160 minutes; DR 10 adamantine; 144/150
telepathic bond: 160 mins
clenched hand - 11/16 rounds

0 - 8/9
1 - 6/8
2 - 7/7
3 - 6/7
4 - 3/7
5 - 3/7
6 - 5/7
7 - 4/6
8- 2/4

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 78/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight  d4=4 ; 3d8+5=16 ;
Tuesday March 1st, 2022 8:11:27 PM

Moridark flies back down for the healing, and then drinks a potion. The mage feels a bit better. "That shell will last for a considerable amount of time. Longer than the roc Isummoned. Ihave a few direct damage spells, haste, and slow, but there is no telling how long she is going to be under the shell's protection."

DM RobC - "Right now I would say she is temporarily trapped, and likely about to teleport out here somewhere" - Map  d100=52 ;
Wednesday March 2nd, 2022 2:18:22 AM

Grindar takes a huge inhale as the air returns to his lungs. Turns out that that particular swarm was so weakened by the earlier blast of fire that it lacked enough bite to bring the ranger down. That was lucky!

Armand's Heal spell goes off perfectly and then he channels a little more to heal the rest of the party.

Osul is quite pleased but... now what?

The rest of the party consider the dilemma: what to do about the dragon? In fact, is there anything TO do? She's either trapped, dead, or waiting for something.

Elyngael suggests spreading out again. Staying clumped together could be bad if the dragon escapes

Trellus considers pulling back and regrouping. Wait out the antimagic spell and avoid any other dangers that might be lurking down here.

Neshi has dropped most of the roof down on top of the pile and can do so again. This particular section of ceiling is now wide open but everywhere else in the room is fair game.

Moridark drinks a potion of some kind and like the rest of the group, wonders how long the dragon will stay under it.

Overhead and outside the dome you can hear the familiar voice of the dragon. She can't be seen so is obviously clear of the opening but you can certainly hear her. Evidently she hasn't stayed trapped for long. She's not taunting you or saying anything legible. The magic users know that she is obviously casting a spell of some kind.

Link to Map

A - Antimagic Field - AC40/Touch5
Dmg: 91 (updated to reflect earlier damage that I missed)

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 26 122/122 HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 33 117/119 HP  d20+23=31 ; d6+15=16 ;
Wednesday March 2nd, 2022 1:23:38 PM

"How is she casting a spell in an anti-magic shield, or has she dismissed the shield?", Grindar thinks to himself. He braces himself for whatever the flying ice beast may have to throw at the party, readying his last javelin, if she flies into range. He hits AC 33 (Forgot to add the +2 for quarry) for 16 damage

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(30)25 / T(24)20 / F(25)20; HP: 109/125: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast,  d20+18=28 ;
Wednesday March 2nd, 2022 2:10:16 PM

spell craft DC 28 to recognize the spell

Hearing the spell being cast, Neshi doesn't wait and moves toward the hole and casts a wall of ice to seal the newly created opening in the roof. 1000 square feet 16 inches thick, he is casting it so that it forms a lid to the roof hole.


Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(30)25 / T(24)20 / F(25)20; HP: 109/125: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast, 
Wednesday March 2nd, 2022 2:32:53 PM

(Sorry Hit button too soon.)

Ok all she is casting some sort of spell probably aiming it for the hole I would spread out a bit, but I hope that my newly sealed roof will help defray or deflect whatever she is casting.

Armand (Robert D)AC 27(25n) /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 46/101(62/117n) CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Wednesday March 2nd, 2022 5:16:43 PM

Armand says, "She's dismissed the field and is casting a spell. Get ready!!!" Armand casts True Seeing on himself.

Spells up
Wind Walk
Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hitpoints, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.
Air Walk - (10min/level, still 100 min left) Armand
Protection from Energy (cold) (10min/level, still 100 min left) - (56/120)Armand
Protection from Energy (fire) (10min/level, still 100 min left)- Armand
Magic Circle Against Evil (160 min) - Armand: +2 AC, +2 vs spells cast by evil, protection from summoned creatures, protection from possession.
Light - Armand's Glaive
Detect Magic
Spell Resistance - Armand 28
Shield of Faith +4 AC - Elyngael
True Seeing

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:135/135, Wildshape(XVIII):8, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Wednesday March 2nd, 2022 5:24:47 PM

'Osul lobs some gravel into the pool looking to attract the attention of the water elements

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 30 (26n)T:15, FF:22n, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Wednesday March 2nd, 2022 5:56:57 PM

Elyngael shoos Brawn further into the tunnel. Then she moves a bit to get a better angle to shoot arrows.

Brawns Stats -
AC 30/16/28 hp 106/106(91/117), CMD 26

Darkvision (hours)-Brawn
Barkskin (10min/level)-Brawn and Elyngael
Resist Energy (cold-30) (10min/level)-Brawn and Elyngeal

Heroe's feast
Shield of Faith (+4AC figured in main ac)

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 78/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight  d20+29=39 ;
Wednesday March 2nd, 2022 8:12:49 PM

Moridark listens to the spell, and does a spellcraft check (DC 39). The mage casts haste on teh party while they are all gathered, and then flys to the middle of the room, away from the dragon.

DM RobC - "Right now I would say she is temporarily trapped, and likely about to teleport out here somewhere" - Map  24d4=63 ;
Thursday March 3rd, 2022 1:52:52 AM

Grindar can't work out a dragon could has a spell in an antimagic field. Armand deduces that she dismissed it to teleport out of the stone shell. He cats a True Seeing spell.

Neshi and Moridark try to identify the spell as it's being cast, but not being able to see it leaves them unable to pin it down.

Moridark casts a haste spell that will no doubt benefit the fighters in the group.

Elyngael has Brawn scarper back to the safety of the tunnel. She though tries to get into a better position to fire on the dragon.

Osul tries to get the attention of his water elemental. The water falling into the pond already disrupts the surface, but the gravel falling on it's head alerts it that something is going on above it. It rises to the surface. (Now on the map)

Neshi casts a Wall of Ice spell to seal the chamber and keep the dragon out.

The White Goddess isn't slowed. She sails through the magical wall - the ice parting and then sealing behind her - and dives down. Neshi and Moridark determine that the spell being cast before was likely the dragon re-establishing it's antimagic field. It's a powerful spell and unlikely that she can do it again.

Grindar has a clear shot and throws his javelin at the dragon but it glances off her side.

"Peasants!" The dragon scowls and exhales a cone of snow and ice across the party (Everyone except for Cotton, Brawn and Moridark takes 63 cold damage. Ref Save vs DC30 for half.) "When I'm finished with you there will be nothing left to bury!".

Link to Map

A - Antimagic Field - AC40/Touch5
Dmg: 91

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 26 122/122 HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 33 117/119 HP  d20+15=18 ; d20+30=38 ;
Thursday March 3rd, 2022 12:45:18 PM

Grindar's AC and CMD Adjusted for the anti-magic field
AC 20/13/17 CMD 23

Even though he failed his save, due to his improved evasion, and resist energy spell, Grindar only takes 3 damage. In spit of that, he shivers a bit, as the cold blast hits him and his friends. He moves in for a better view, and readies an attack, if the dragon decides to swoop down on him, but it won't matter, as he will miss. He is getting really tired of this whole Ant-Magic Shield thing, and feels this has to be one of the most cowardly dragon's he's ever heard of. He responds to the peasant slight by shouting back, "Better a peasant than a false god! I'm surprised the real gods haven't smote you for daring to claim to be one of them. When this is over, I'm going to carve out your liver, as well as the livers off your dead children, and fry them up in some bacon grease. I think they may taste good with some steamed edamame. If they taste good, I will serve your livers at the local poor house"

Active Spells:
Resist Energy: cold
Bark Skin

Greater Magic Fang
Resist Energy: cold
Bark Skin
Stoneskin 150/150

Favored Enemies:
Giants +2
Plants +4
Dragons +4
Undead +4

Favored Terrain:
Plains +2
Forests +4
Underground +4

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:133/135, Wildshape(XVIII):8, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14  d20+15=35 ; d20+16=18 ;
Thursday March 3rd, 2022 5:32:19 PM

'Osul stands his air against the cold. Natural 20, and Protection from Energy - 2 pts

He tests the shield with a bolt from lightning lord: SR:18...

He relocates and the elemental approaches the dragon

Armand (Robert D)AC 27(25n) /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 46/101(62/117n) CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+11=14 ;
Thursday March 3rd, 2022 5:33:46 PM

DM question. If a spell creates a physical construct not supported by magic does anti-magic field apply? Or since it has a spell resistance does that make it able to be ignored? I know wall of iron and wall of stone create physical barriers.

Reflex save 14

Armad stands in shock at the dragon's reappearance and takes the full blast from the dragon. Fortunately his spell of protection takes it all. "Guys I got nothing that's going to work against her. I'm too weak physically to damage her in combat and none of my spells are going to be effective."

He casts Resist Energy (cold) on himself.

Spells up
Wind Walk
Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hitpoints, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.
Air Walk - (10min/level, still 100 min left) Armand
Protection from Energy (cold) (10min/level, still 100 min left) - (119/120)Armand
Protection from Energy (fire) (10min/level, still 100 min left)- Armand
Magic Circle Against Evil (160 min) - Armand: +2 AC, +2 vs spells cast by evil, protection from summoned creatures, protection from possession.
Light - Armand's Glaive
Detect Magic
Spell Resistance - Armand 28
Shield of Faith +4 AC - Elyngael
True Seeing
Haste +1 attack, +1 reflex save
Resist energy - self, cold 30

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 35 (26n)T:15, FF:22n, CMD 34 , HP 145/147  d20+17=36 ; d20+27=35 ; d8+4=12 ; d8+4=6 ; d20+27=37 ; d8+4=8 ; d8+10=15 ; d8+10=18 ;
Thursday March 3rd, 2022 6:24:42 PM

Reflex save d20+17=36 Evasion and Resist 2 pts damage

Elyngael dodges most of the dragons breath. She takes a 5 foot step to get a clear shot. Many shot (2 arrows), Haste +1, Quarry +2, Deadly Aim (current level -3 to hit, +6 damage), Hero's Feast +1, Pinpoint targeting, (standard action, single ranged attack, no armor or shield bonus on 1 attack). Elyngeal decides to forgo a flurry of arrows and go for the guaranteed hit.

Shot to hit d20+27=35 (to touch AC) Damage first arrow d8+4=12, second arrow d8+4=6. (oh wait forgot the +6 damage for deadly aim so first arrow did 18 and second did 12).

Haste shot to hit d20+27=37 (if pinpoints still applies then hit, otherwise miss) damage first arrow d8+10=15 and second arrow d8+10=18.

Brawns Stats -
AC 30/16/28 hp 106/106(91/117), CMD 26

Darkvision (hours)-Brawn
Barkskin (10min/level)-Brawn and Elyngael +5 aC
Resist Energy (cold-30) (10min/level)-Brawn and Elyngeal
Heroe's feast +1 to hit
Shield of Faith (+4AC figured in main ac)
Haste +1 to hit, +1 reflex.

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, SR 25, HP (137/140)  d20+15=32 ; d20+27=47 ; d20+31=38 ; d20+22=29 ; d20+17=22 ; d20+27=33 ; d8+2=7 ;
Thursday March 3rd, 2022 7:45:19 PM

The dragon comes back, with that thrice sunbaked antimagic pick again.
Trellus dodges most of the cold attack, and his Resist Energy covers the bulk of the remainder.

Figuring he's got a better chance with arrows, he glides right, and fires a volley.

Reflex Save 32.

5' "step", using domain power to take Wpn Focus (longbow), and full attack:

Atk 1. Nat 20 , no crit (37) for 7 hp damage
Atk 2 miss (ac 29)
Atk 3 miss (ac 22)
Haste atk miss (ac 33)

In Effect
-1 Con
Spell Resistance: SR25
Divine Power: rd9 of 13: +4 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, Strength checks, and Strength-based skill checks. Extra atk on full attack actions.
Shield of Faith: +4 AC
Resist Energy - 30 hp cold 70/130 minutes?
Heroes Feast: +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.
Endure Elements
Magic Vestment (armor)
Magic Vestment (shield)
Stoneskin: 130/150
Telepathic Bond
True Seeing 13/13 minute
Haste +1 attack, +1 reflex save

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(30)25 / T(24)20 / F(25)20; HP: 78/125: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast,  d20+21=24 ; d20+21=40 ; d20+21=32 ; d20+17=25 ; d20+14=34 ; d4=1 ; d6=1 ; 2d6=9 ;
Thursday March 3rd, 2022 8:13:56 PM

(OOC: the wall of ice is a physical barrier not a magical one, so I am not sure how antimagic would effect it, and as she was not physically next to one of the edge points she couldn't have used a reflex save to break the casting that way?)

Neshi momentarily stunned that the ice simply seemed to part in front of the beast, wasn't quite fast enough to avoid all the cold damage (evasion), and mutters a curse.

Reaching to his side he pulls out his Red dragon skin, dragon bane shocking sling, and from outside the anti-magic field send to bullets streaking toward the dragon. AC 25 (miss) , and [b] AC 34 (natural 20) 1 point damage, 1 point shock, 9 points bane [b]

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 56/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight  d20+23=31 ;
Thursday March 3rd, 2022 8:14:02 PM

Moridark manages to avoid most of the cold damage (Reflex DC 31 used 1 HP for +8) and his esist energy allows him to avoid a bit more (22 total damage). The mage uses his telepathic bond, [i]"I got nothing until the field goes down. Moridark casts magic circle vs evil on himself, and flies a bit deeper into the tunnel

DM RobC - The round where the DM googles 'edamame' - Map  d20+28=29 ;
Friday March 4th, 2022 1:47:09 AM

Osul tries his lightning lord abilitity once again but it fails to work. He's not having the best of luck with that today.

Armand and Moridark don't have any spells that can directly get through to affect the dragon. With all those summons spells though there has to be something that can aid in this battle.

Trellus and Neshi damage the dragon from range, but it's Elyngael who might be the deciding factor in this battle. Her arrows easily pierce the dragon's defenses. Whether she lives or dies could determine the outcome.

Grindar swaps verbal barbs with the dragon. "Aren't you dead yet? No matter. You soon will be".

The dragon is careful to stay out of areas where the roof could collapse and flies in to attack Grindar again. Luck is really going Grindar's way right now. He shifts to the right just as the dragon snaps where his head had been (Power Attack + Gtr Vital Strike. Hit AC29. Nat1!)

It's trying hard not to show it but the dragon is very clearly wounded and starting to struggle.

Link to Map

A - Antimagic Field - AC40/Touch5
Dmg: 162

Wall of Ice... Highlight to display spoiler: {Wall of Ice/Fire are evocation spells that have durations. They're magical and open to dispels/antimagic fields. Wall of Stone/Iron are conjuration(creation) spells and are instantaneous. They have created something that can't be dispelled. That's my take anyway. Happy if you want to take it to the rules forum}

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:133/135, Wildshape(XVIII):8, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Saturday March 5th, 2022 9:14:35 AM

The elemental approached the dragon. OOC: I suspect it is temporarily suppressed?

'Osul rises and moves a little towards the dragon. He tests his spellcasting capabilities by trying creating a 2 foot diameter sphere of water 15 to 20 feet above the dragon, and seeing what happens. Create Water(conjuration), 32 Gallons, No Save, No Resistance, Range: Close (65')

How far up is the iced-in cave ceiling?

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, SR 25, HP (137/140)  d20+28=48 ; d20+28=30 ; d20+23=39 ; d20+18=34 ; d20+28=40 ; d8+2=7 ; d8+2=10 ;
Saturday March 5th, 2022 1:10:33 PM

Trellus keeps firing.

5' "step", using domain power to take Wpn Focus (longbow), and full attack:
(atk bonuses: +1 MW wpn, +1 wpn focus, +4 bow, +4 luck(spell), +1 morale(spell), +1 haste(spell))

Atk 1. Nat 20 , no crit (34) for 7 hp damage
Atk 2 miss (ac 39)
Atk 3 miss (ac 34)
Haste atk hits ac40 if all atk bonuses apply for 10 hp

In Effect
-1 Con
Spell Resistance: SR25
Divine Power: rd10 of 13: +4 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, Strength checks, and Strength-based skill checks. Extra atk on full attack actions.
Shield of Faith: +4 AC
Resist Energy - 30 hp cold 70/130 minutes?
Heroes Feast: +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.
Endure Elements
Magic Vestment (armor)
Magic Vestment (shield)
Stoneskin: 130/150
Telepathic Bond
True Seeing 13/13 minute
Haste +1 attack, +1 reflex save

Armand (Robert D)AC 27(25n) /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 46/101(62/117n) CMD 25 Character Sheet  15d6=61 ;
Saturday March 5th, 2022 4:40:11 PM

Wall of Ice Highlight to display spoiler: {No I was just wondering. It makes sense also that both wall of fire and ice having spell resistance allowed.}

Armand considers. He can't directly affect the dragon, but maybe he can distract it. He cast's Flame Strike on the dragons gold, hoping to melt and fuse some of the precious gold coins she's been conning from everyone. 61 points damage, of which 30 is fire based damage. over a 10 foot radius in the center of the gold pile.

Spells up
Wind Walk
Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hitpoints, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.
Air Walk - (10min/level, still 100 min left) Armand
Protection from Energy (cold) (10min/level, still 100 min left) - (119/120)Armand
Protection from Energy (fire) (10min/level, still 100 min left)- Armand
Magic Circle Against Evil (160 min) - Armand: +2 AC, +2 vs spells cast by evil, protection from summoned creatures, protection from possession.
Light - Armand's Glaive
Detect Magic
Spell Resistance - Armand 28
Shield of Faith +4 AC - Elyngael
True Seeing
Haste +1 attack, +1 reflex save
Resist energy - self, cold 30

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 35 (26n)T:15, FF:22n, CMD 34 , HP 145/147  d20+27=46 ; 2d8+20=31 ; 2d8+20=31 ; d20+27=44 ; d8+10=11 ; d8+10=18 ;
Saturday March 5th, 2022 6:04:05 PM

Elyngael decides to keep doing what seems to be working. The question is how much damage can the beast take. Many shot (2 arrows), Haste +1, Quarry +2, Deadly Aim (current level -3 to hit, +6 damage), Hero's Feast +1, Pinpoint targeting, (standard action, single ranged attack, no armor or shield bonus on 1 attack). Also improved Crit Longbow.

Shot to hit d20+27=46 Crit. Auto confirms because of Quarry. (to touch AC) Damage first arrow 2d8+20=31, second arrow 2d8+20=31.

Haste shot to hit d20+27=44 (if pinpoints still applies then hit, otherwise miss) damage first arrow d8+10=11 and second arrow d8+10=18.

Brawns Stats -
AC 30/16/28 hp 106/106(91/117), CMD 26

Darkvision (hours)-Brawn
Barkskin (10min/level)-Brawn and Elyngael +5 aC
Resist Energy (cold-30) (10min/level)-Brawn and Elyngeal
Heroe's feast +1 to hit
Shield of Faith (+4AC figured in main ac)
Haste +1 to hit, +1 reflex.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(30)25 / T(24)20 / F(25)20; HP: 78/125: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast, 
Sunday March 6th, 2022 7:35:21 AM

Seeing that once again their best offense seems to be Elyngael, Neshi directs his grasping hand to defend her and block any attacks headed her way.

Neshi cast a quick protection from energy spell (ice/cold) upon himself.

Spell slots remaining:

0 - 8/9
1 - 6/8
2 - 7/7
3 - 5/7
4 - 3/7
5 - 3/7
6 - 6/7
7 - 5/6
8- 2/4

[u]Spells in use

Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hit points, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects
stone skin: 160 minutes; DR 10 adamantine; 144/150
telepathic bond: 160 mins
clenched hand: 10 rounds

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 56/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Sunday March 6th, 2022 9:11:25 PM

Moridark ponders for a minute, mentally going over his prepared spells, and scrolls. The mage shakes his head, casts telekinetic sphere , and scoops up as much of the dragon's hoard as he can up to 5,000 pounds.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 26 122/122 HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 33 117/119 HP  d20+28=32 ; d20+28=33 ; d20+23=41 ; d20+23=34 ; d20+23=40 ; d20+18=32 ; d20+18=38 ; d20+18=31 ; d20+13=27 ; d20+13=22 ; d8+12=18 ; d8+12=18 ; d10+9=19 ;
Monday March 7th, 2022 12:04:36 AM

Grindar's AC and CMD Adjusted for the anti-magic field
AC 20/13/17 CMD 23

Finally seeing his opportunity, Grindar takes a 5 ft step forward, and unleashes a full round attack on the dragon.

Primary hand:
1st) 32 miss
2nd) 41 hits for 18 damage
3rd) 32 miss
4th) 27 miss
Off hand:
1st) 33 miss
2nd) 34 miss
3rd nat 20 (didn't confirm) for 18 damage

Two weapon rend 19 damage

Active Spells:
Resist Energy: cold
Bark Skin

Greater Magic Fang
Resist Energy: cold
Bark Skin
Stoneskin 150/150

Favored Enemies:
Giants +2
Plants +4
Dragons +4
Undead +4

Favored Terrain:
Plains +2
Forests +4
Underground +4

DM RobC - "Moridark ponders for a minute" - Map  d20+28=40 ; 16d6+40=84 ; 2d6=4 ;
Monday March 7th, 2022 1:43:15 AM

Osul directs the water elemental to get closer to the dragon. As expected it winks out of existance temporarily. He then casts a Create Water spell directly over the dragon. It rains down on her as expected.

Trellus keeps firing and gets another two arrows to hit their target.

Armand goes for the gold. His flame strike melts a good portion of it and watches it flow onto the surrounding coins and treasure. The fire momentarily distracts the dragon but not enough to get her full attention. If the party fall she'll have plenty more to add to the collections. Moridark has other thoughts for it and starts scooping away at the mountain of gold. If the party need to haul butt then at least they won't be leaving empty handed.

Fearing the dragon might use it's breath weapon again, Neshi buffs himself up with another cold protection spell.

At last the dragon is within reach! Cyrchwr Mawr gets to taste dragon blood and it is sweet.

Elyngael gets three arrows away and all strike deep. Real deep. Highlight to display spoiler: {Manyshot is a full round action that doesn't work with Pinpoint Targeting (standard action) or with haste (standard action). I've counted this as Manshot for the first 2 with crits and then 1 extra for haste for 3 arrows in total}

The dragon roars in pain and glares at Elyngael. Eyes that are the color of alabaster fixate on her. "You!

Ignoring Grindar the dragon turns and flies towards Elyngael. (Provokes AoO from Gindar)

Trellus' Fly spell gives way as the dragon draws near and he falls to the ground (Trellus takes 4pts fall damage and is prone!. Looking up, Trellus is staring right at the underbelly of the dragon hovering only a few feeet above him.

Trellus isn't her target though. The dragon bites into Elyngael. Not as hard as it had the others in the party, but more than enough to pierce the ranger's armor. (Power Attack + Gtr Vital Strike. Hit AC40. Elyngael takes 84pts damage. No Stoneskin)

Link to Map

A - Antimagic Field - AC40/Touch5
Dmg: 288

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 26 122/122 HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 33 117/119 HP  d20+32=36 ; d20+34=39 ; d20+34=35 ; d20+23=33 ; 2d8+15=25 ;
Monday March 7th, 2022 12:28:22 PM

Grindar's AC and CMD Adjusted for the anti-magic field
AC 20/13/17 CMD 23

Seeing the dragon turn away from him, Grindar takes a mighty two-handed swing against her (AoO), but fails to sink his blade into her flesh. Cotton moves into action, and attempts to take a bit out of the dragon, but fails to connect. Grindar throws caution to the wind and charges the dragon, barely managing to sink Cyrchwr Mawr into her. (Forgot to add the +2 for flanking, which turns the 39 into a 41). With vital strike he inflicts 25 damage.

Active Spells:
Resist Energy: cold
Bark Skin

Greater Magic Fang
Resist Energy: cold
Bark Skin
Stoneskin 150/150

Favored Enemies:
Giants +2
Plants +4
Dragons +4
Undead +4

Favored Terrain:
Plains +2
Forests +4
Underground +4

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:133/135, Wildshape(XVIII):8, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14  8d6=36 ;
Monday March 7th, 2022 5:27:30 PM

"Get Trellus out of there!"
'Osul flies upward 120', Recalls Earthquake, and targets it over the dragon, or as much as he can without endangering those under and adjacent, maybe 50% coverage on his side?.
8d6 = 36 damage

The elemental returns/reforms.

Armand (Robert D)AC 27(25n) /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 76/101(62/117n) CMD 25 Character Sheet  d8=5 ; d8=2 ; d8=1 ; d8=3 ; d8=4 ;
Monday March 7th, 2022 5:27:35 PM

Mother of pearl, if Trellus wasn't under the dragon I'd use my earthquake spell to land on the dragon. He thinks. There's not a lot Armand can do at this point. He opts to burn dimensional anchor and cast cure critical wounds on himself (4d8+16) 30.

Spells up
Wind Walk
Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hitpoints, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.
Air Walk - (10min/level, still 100 min left) Armand
Protection from Energy (cold) (10min/level, still 100 min left) - (119/120)Armand
Protection from Energy (fire) (10min/level, still 100 min left)- Armand
Magic Circle Against Evil (160 min) - Armand: +2 AC, +2 vs spells cast by evil, protection from summoned creatures, protection from possession.
Light - Armand's Glaive
Detect Magic
Spell Resistance - Armand 28
Shield of Faith +4 AC - Elyngael
True Seeing
Haste +1 attack, +1 reflex save
Resist energy - self, cold 30

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 35 (26n)T:15, FF:22n, CMD 34 , HP 61/147  d20+27=40 ; d8+10=18 ; d20+27=44 ; d8+10=13 ;
Monday March 7th, 2022 6:14:19 PM

Elyngael takes a 5 foot step back knowing, that she is likely still in range of the dragon's reach. But no matter, she is more suited to attack with the bow than a sword. She shoots it (okay removing many shot) Haste +1, Quarry +2, Deadly Aim (current level -3 to hit, +6 damage), Hero's Feast +1, Pinpoint targeting, (standard action, single ranged attack, no armor or shield bonus on 1 attack). Also improved Crit Longbow.

Shot to hit d20+27=40 (to touch AC) Damage 1d8+10=18.

Haste shot to hit d20+27=44 (so if pinpoint is a standard action with the haste shot does it count here?) damage d8+10=13.

Brawns Stats -
AC 30/16/28 hp 106/106(91/117), CMD 26

Darkvision (hours)-Brawn
Barkskin (10min/level)-Brawn and Elyngael +5 aC
Resist Energy (cold-30) (10min/level)-Brawn and Elyngeal
Heroe's feast +1 to hit
Shield of Faith (+4AC figured in main ac)
Haste +1 to hit, +1 reflex.

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, SR 25, HP (137/140) 
Monday March 7th, 2022 6:21:23 PM

Trellus falls prone, only to have the dragon rush over him.
The warrior is looking up at dragon scales, while the sound of Osul casting rings in his ears.


The man crawls furiously toward the closest pair of feet, emerging next to Grindar.

Double move. Crawl 10'. Trellus is still prone.

In Effect
-1 Con
Spell Resistance: SR25
Divine Power: rd11 of 13: +4 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, Strength checks, and Strength-based skill checks. Extra atk on full attack actions.
Shield of Faith: +4 AC
Resist Energy - 30 hp cold 70/130 minutes?
Heroes Feast: +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.
Endure Elements
Magic Vestment (armor)
Magic Vestment (shield)
Stoneskin: 130/150
Telepathic Bond
True Seeing 13/13 minute
Haste +1 attack, +1 reflex save

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 56/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Monday March 7th, 2022 7:29:01 PM

Moridark scoops up the 5000 pounds of gold, and gems, and begins the process of moving it 30 feet in the air.

DM RobC - "Get Trellus out of there!" - Map  d20+28=39 ; 16d6+40=97 ; d20+15=18 ; d20+42=62 ;
Tuesday March 8th, 2022 1:51:39 AM

Grindar misses on his first attack but now things are getting serious. The party that he's only just met need his muscle, and he's not going to let them down. Grindar and Cotton charge in for a two pronged assault. As Cotton draws near the dragon lashes out at her! (AoO. Power Attack + Gtr Vital Strike. Hit AC39. Cotton takes 97pts damage. No Stoneskin). It may have distracted her, as Cotton can't get her teeth through the dragon's scales. Cyrchwr Mawr doesn't have that problem.

Elyngael backs up and plugs away with two more arrows.

There's not much Armand can do except patch up more of his wounds. Moridark scoops up 5000lbs of gold and carries it in the air.

Osul calls for Trellus to get outta there - a thought entirely shared by Trellus. The druid casts a small, targeted earthquake to hit the northern half of the dragon and away from those close on the southern end. He's careful not to bring the dragon crashing to the ground atop Trellus. The dragon gets hit by lots of rocks but doesn't get pinned. Trellus is sheltered from the rocks by the dragon and avoids getting squished by it too.

Finally Trellus starts crawling his way out from under the dragon.

The dragon grins a toothy, bloody grin. "Oh no you don't. You're my insurance policy". It drags Trellus back underneath it and holds a claw to his chest. "If I get buried, you get buried" (Start a grapple. Trellus can make an AoO. CMB: 62 (Nat20)! Trellus is grappled!). Trellus can see many open wounds on the dragon now. It's underbelly has been torn to shreds and crimson blood now coats most of the dragon's ivory scales.

"This is your last chance to surrender worms! Put your weapons down now or I'll squash him until his eyes pop from his head!" The dragon coughs blood over Trellus, coating him in the fluid and making him slick to the touch.

Link to Map

A - Antimagic Field - AC40/Touch5 - CMD51
Dmg: 362

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(30)25 / T(24)20 / F(25)20; HP: 78/125: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast,  d20+17=24 ; d20+13=15 ;
Tuesday March 8th, 2022 7:34:43 AM

Frustrated at not being able to effectively help his friends, Neshi once again lets fly with a couple of sling stones, but misses both times.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 26 122/122 HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 33 20/119 HP  d20+32=39 ; d20+32=43 ; d20+32=47 ; d20+27=33 ; d20+27=33 ; d20+22=41 ; d20+22=37 ; d20+17=26 ; d8+12=20 ; d8+12=14 ; d8+12=20 ; d10+9=14 ; d20+22=30 ; d20+22=38 ; d20+17=21 ;
Tuesday March 8th, 2022 11:10:31 AM

Grindar's AC and CMD Adjusted for the anti-magic field
AC 20/13/17 CMD 23

Grindar sees Trellus's plight, and realizes there is only one thing he can do to assist him, and so Cotton and Grindar both go into full round action mode. Cotton misses all her attacks, but Grindar manages to land 3 nice hits.

Main Hand:
Haste) 39 miss
1st) 43 hit for 20 damage
2nd) 33 miss
3rd) 41 hit for 14 damage
4th) 26 miss

Off Hand:
1st) 47 hit for 20 damage
2nd) 33 miss
3rd) 37 miss

Two Weapon rend: 14 damage

Active Spells:
Resist Energy: cold
Bark Skin

Greater Magic Fang
Resist Energy: cold
Bark Skin
Stoneskin 150/150

Favored Enemies:
Giants +2
Plants +4
Dragons +4
Undead +4

Favored Terrain:
Plains +2
Forests +4
Underground +4

DM RobC - "Get Trellus out of there!" - Map  4d6=18 ;
Tuesday March 8th, 2022 5:25:04 PM

Quick update: Grindar's attacks are enough to kill the dragon. It falls on Trellus, and despite weighing more than 20 tons, somehow only causes minor damage (18pts). Trellus is pinned underneath it

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 35 (26n)T:15, FF:22n, CMD 34 , HP 61/147  d20+28=36 ; d8+10=17 ; d20+28=39 ; d8+10=12 ;
Tuesday March 8th, 2022 5:26:32 PM

Elyngael takes another 5 foot step back. "Little healing please." She asks Armand. Then she shoots the dragon. Adding Point Blank Shot bonus, Haste +1, Quarry +2, Deadly Aim (current level -3 to hit, +6 damage), Hero's Feast +1, Pinpoint targeting, (standard action, single ranged attack, no armor or shield bonus on 1 attack). Also improved Crit Longbow.

Shot to hit d20+28=36 (to touch AC) Damage 1d8+10=17.

Haste shot to hit d20+28=39 (glad I'm only hitting touch, not many shots but pretty much guarenteed to hit as long as I don't roll a 1) damage d8+10=12.

Brawns Stats -
AC 30/16/28 hp 106/106(91/117), CMD 26

Darkvision (hours)-Brawn
Barkskin (10min/level)-Brawn and Elyngael +5 aC
Resist Energy (cold-30) (10min/level)-Brawn and Elyngeal
Heroe's feast +1 to hit
Shield of Faith (+4AC figured in main ac)
Haste +1 to hit, +1 reflex.

Armand (Robert D)AC 27(25n) /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 76/101(62/117n) CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Tuesday March 8th, 2022 6:10:21 PM

Suddenly seeing the dragon fall Armand says, "Why don't we wait a few minutes before handing out healing. We need to get Trellus out of there. If that anti-magic field weren't there we'd have a lot of options to do that. For now I'm afraid it's brute strength time....unless someone has other ideas?"

Armand goes forward and pulls out his adamantine hammer to try and knock some scales off. "Maybe we can cut a tunnel?"

Spells up
Wind Walk
Heroes Feast: 1d8+8 temp hitpoints, +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.
Air Walk - (10min/level, still 100 min left) Armand
Protection from Energy (cold) (10min/level, still 100 min left) - (119/120)Armand
Protection from Energy (fire) (10min/level, still 100 min left)- Armand
Magic Circle Against Evil (160 min) - Armand: +2 AC, +2 vs spells cast by evil, protection from summoned creatures, protection from possession.
Light - Armand's Glaive
Detect Magic
Spell Resistance - Armand 28
Shield of Faith +4 AC - Elyngael
True Seeing
Haste +1 attack, +1 reflex save
Resist energy - self, cold 30

DM RobC - "Get Trellus out of there!" - Map 
Tuesday March 8th, 2022 6:42:16 PM

2nd quick update: Now that the dragon has died the AM has gone

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 56/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Tuesday March 8th, 2022 8:20:43 PM

Moridark quits concentrating on the telekenitic orb, and flys down to trellus. The mage grabs a hold of Trellus, and dimensional steps 10 feet away from the dragon. [b["Thank the heavens! Glad to see that beast is dead!"[/b]

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, SR 25, HP (119/140)  d20+21=34 ;
Tuesday March 8th, 2022 9:05:39 PM

If Moridark is unable to get to Trellus....

Trellus is about make one last heroically futile swing, when the dragon collapses on top of him. He is fortunate to land in a shallow crack to avoid taking the full weight.

Calling on all his reserves, and Domi too, the man attempts to force a hand out from under its body.

Use Domain Power Might of the Gods to add another +6 enhancement to strength.
Use hero point pre roll for another +8.

Str Check 34 to wriggle out from underneath dragon.

In Effect
-1 Con
Spell Resistance: SR25
Divine Power: rd12 of 13: +4 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, Strength checks, and Strength-based skill checks. Extra atk on full attack actions.
Shield of Faith: +4 AC
Resist Energy - 30 hp cold 70/130 minutes?
Heroes Feast: +1 attack and will saves, +4 vs poison and fear effects.
Endure Elements
Magic Vestment (armor)
Magic Vestment (shield)
Stoneskin: 130/150
Telepathic Bond
True Seeing 13/13 minute
Haste +1 attack, +1 reflex save

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:133/135, Wildshape(XVIII):8, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Wednesday March 9th, 2022 1:59:40 AM

"Reverse Gravity anyone?", 'Osul asks

DM RobC - "Maybe we can cut a tunnel?" 
Wednesday March 9th, 2022 2:18:36 AM

Neshi misses with his sling, but Grindar delivers the killing blow. The dragon doesn't even have the strength to issue one last insult. It collapses in a heap atop Trellus. Moridark isn't able to reach the cleric who is stuck right under the middle of the dragon. Armand pulls out his hammer and knocks some scales off to try and cut a 'tunnel' through the dragon. That would be a story to tell some day! Osul considers the magical route of casting a reverse gravity spell.

Elyngael keeps her bow drawn in case the dragon makes any last moves, but it is well and truly dead.

Trellus kicks and struggles to reach freedom until he is finally squeezed out like the pattie from a badly held burger. (OOC: You can keep the hero point). Trellus is covered head-to-toe in dark, dragon blood with only his eyes clear of the stuff.

The battle is finally over. No doubt the toughest the Wardens have faced to date. There are piles of ash where there were onces swarms. Two large dragons have been killed and one absolutely gargantuan one. The pure white scales of the dragons have been scorched, punctured, sliced and torn.

Water gathers on the ice overhead. The surface of the pool of water in the room starts to still. There is a lot of rubble from the multiple earthquakes cast and you have to wonder on the integrity of the ceiling now.

Oh, and there's a big pile of gold and stuff.

*** Everyone receives 300,000xp. Level 17! ***

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(30)25 / T(24)20 / F(25)20; HP: 78/125: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast, 
Wednesday March 9th, 2022 7:00:18 AM

Neshi takes a moment to cast two clenched fist spells (strength 33) and directs them to push the dragon off of Trellus.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 26 122/122 HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 33 20/119 HP 
Wednesday March 9th, 2022 1:24:35 PM

Grindar is about to put his shoulder to the dragon, with the intent of helping free Trellus, but when Trellus wiggles himself free, he relaxes. He cleans the blood off Cyrchwr Mawr, and than walks over to check on Cotton. Seeing her wounded, Grindar asks, "Could someone cast some healing magic on Cotton? She seems a bit beat up." He than scratches the rapke behind the ears, and calls her a good girl, as he draws a dagger and slices off a large slab of dragon meat, and gives as a snack to Cotton.

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:133/135, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14  d20+9=21 ;
Wednesday March 9th, 2022 5:05:14 PM

'Osul lands, resumes human form, shift into huge earth elemental form and adds his own shoulder to the dragon shifting/lifting.{Str Check: 21 - Aid another}

Armand (Robert D)AC 27(25n) /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 101/101(62/117n) CMD 25 Character Sheet  d8=5 ; d8=7 ; d8=8 ; d8=6 ; d8=1 ; d8=8 ; d8=3 ; d8=5 ; d8=6 ;
Wednesday March 9th, 2022 5:21:48 PM

Armand burns his earthquake spell and casts Cure Critical Mass. Everyone heals, 42 hp (4d8+16). Then he burns Summon Monster VII to do it again. Everyone heal 38 more hp.

He looks around. "Guys let's not forget that indestructable behemeath we encountered at the cave mouth. I say we just mass collect the gold and such and then use the time remaining on Wind Walk to go up the hole in the ceiling and off the mountain."[b] He looks at Cotton and Grinder. [b]"Anyone have a fly or airwalk spell so Cotton and Grinder can also take the easy way out?"

He looks at the pile of gold. "I have a bag of holding, but I'm not sure we can take all that. Maybe we need to quickly sort through things?"

He casts Detect magic and looks over the hoard.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 35 (26n)T:15, FF:22n, CMD 34 , HP 61/147 
Wednesday March 9th, 2022 5:51:53 PM

Elyngael calls over Brawn. "Yes that thing at the front was pretty nasty and I don't think we can fight it again." She takes position to keep an eye out for vibrations.

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, SR 25, HP (119/140) 
Wednesday March 9th, 2022 8:38:23 PM

Trellus scrambles out from under the carcass.

Covered in black gore, he eyes Grindar reproachfully.
"Dude. You dropped a dragon on me."

He holds the stare as long as he can, before breaking into a grin, a chuckle, and then a belly laugh that quickly turns into coughing after he mistakenly inhales some of the goo.

Recovering himself, he answers Armand.
"No flying spells left, I'm afraid. I've got a Handy Haversack, so I can take a bunch of gold too."

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 123/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Wednesday March 9th, 2022 9:01:10 PM

Moridark lets out a visible sign as the healing washes over him. "Thank you Armand! The mage looks at his sphere, Iwas going to make it rain gold over the dragon if you hadn't killed it. To bad that sphere doesn't last an exteremly long time." Moridark casts detect magic with the others.

DM RobC - "Dude. You dropped a dragon on me." 
Thursday March 10th, 2022 1:44:20 AM

The party enjoy a little post combat euphoria. Trellus feels lucky to be alive and ribs Grindar about dropping a dragon on him. Cotton gets to feed on some fresh dragon meat while the party work out what to do.

Osul and Neshi go to help Trellus but find he has managed to crawl his own way out.

Armand and Elyngael are a little worried that the behemoth was right behind them and suggest a quick exit. The ranger takes a position by the mouth of the cave and stays alert for any tremors.

Moridark and Armand each cast a Detect Magic spell and look over the hoard. They detect magical auras all through the pile! This isn't just a pile of gold and silver. This is an actual dragon hoard.

Moridark is quite knowledgeable in the arcane and so he knows quite a bit about dragons and behemoths. To coexist in the same territory they likely had an understanding to stay clear of each other. If that's true, then it's unlikely the behemoth would come exploring here any time soon. He also recalls that the behemoth was regenerating at quite a slow rate so the party would have at least a few hours before it wakes, let alone travels this far - if were to even do so.

It looks like the party have time on their side.

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:133/135, Wildshape(XVIII):8, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Thursday March 10th, 2022 7:38:03 AM

"Did we miss a dragon? The man-thing from the caravan said something like "We will be waiting for you." I don't know that the was one of the youngsters..."
"Let it be said that the self-proclaimed goddess of Prosperity and Health put the prosperity and health of herself ahead of those who were her children, wards, or responsibilty, and then failed to protect either of them for herself."
"I think the rock-puppy is less of a concern than the lake accumulating above our heads. I can go and try to do something about that. I'm happy to help move what we can, but I thought we were taking clear evidence back with us that the source of the trouble is dead?"

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:133/135, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Thursday March 10th, 2022 7:50:12 AM

"... and I have an Air Walk ready when required.", he adds with a smile.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 26 122/122 HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 33 20/119 HP 
Thursday March 10th, 2022 1:52:18 PM

When Trellus emerges and makes his accusation, Grindar feels crest fallen, and is about to defend his honor, but when Trellus starts laughing, the ranger playfully punches Trellus in the shoulder, and says, "You whitehand, you had me going!" than he too starts laughing, and says, "I'm glad you're alive my friend, and that goes for the rest of this pack as well." After that, Grindar offers, "I too have a handy haversack, and as such can help carry some of the hoard away." As he says this, Grindar starts perusing the hoard to see what was obtained.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(30)25 / T(24)20 / F(25)20; HP: 78/125: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast, 
Thursday March 10th, 2022 3:30:03 PM

Umm Guys, Gals, I still have a couple of teleport spells that could get us home fairly quickly. And perhaps these grasping hands could carry a bit of the gold as well.

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:133/135, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14  d20+40=50 ;
Thursday March 10th, 2022 5:16:59 PM

"Thank you Neshi!"
'Osul reverts to human form and also begins filling two sacks and his handy haversack. He keeps an eye and ear open of trouble as he goes. {Perception: 50}

Armand (Robert D)AC 27(25n) /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 101/101(62/117n) CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Thursday March 10th, 2022 5:22:39 PM

"Looks like we have some time and a means of egress." Armand shakes his head, "Neshi I'm amazed at your versatility, and 'Osul you are a font of practical magic. Grinder and Trellus, without you two I think we'd be residing inside some dragon's belly." He grins and walks over to the treasure hoard. "Let's look through the hoard and determine what's what and what we can take." Armand goes over to the hoard with detect magic going. He will sort the magic stuff into a pile for now.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 35 (26n)T:15, FF:22n, CMD 34 , HP 61/147 
Thursday March 10th, 2022 5:57:59 PM

Elyngael looks around at the three different dragon bodies. She wants some souvenirs...maybe the teeth of the small dragon for a necklace. "Anyone want some dragon souvenirs? Armand I know the haft of your glaive is made from one of the long bones of the red dragon we defeated. Think there's enough here to make dragon hide armor? Anyone want some dragon hide armor, or a dragon scale shield?"

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, SR 25, HP (119/140) 
Thursday March 10th, 2022 7:29:34 PM

Trellus takes several moments to relax.
He passes on the offer of dragon hide armor or shields, and goes to help identify and scoop up items.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 123/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Thursday March 10th, 2022 8:44:42 PM

Moridark assists Armand in sorting, "What type of proof do we take? Is there yet another dragon we need to be onthe look out for?'

DM RobC - "Anyone want some dragon souvenirs?" 
Friday March 11th, 2022 12:17:15 AM

Osul isn't too concerned about the behemoth, but the water above worries him a little. Assuming he takes no action the wall of ice disappears after a short period of time and the water splashes down into the pool below. The small waterfall resumes pouring from the ceiling above. The sound is quite calming now that there isn't any sign of danger. He wonders whether the caravan guy was one of the younger dragons here. Quite possible.

Moridark is a little concerned now that there might be another dragon out there. What if it's worse than this one?!

Elyngael wants some dragon souvenirs and considers dragonhide armor. There's enough here to make three suits:
- One suit of masterwork studded leather, hide, scale or banded mail armor
- One suit of masterwork studded leather or hide armor
- One suit of masterwork studded leather or hide armor
In each case, enough hide is available to produce a small or large masterwork shield in addition to the armor.

Grindar, Osul, and Neshi start going through the loot and sort it into piles. Armand and Trellus work through identifying the magical items while Moridark appraises the non-magical items.

Even working together it takes close to 45mins to sort through the items in this fashion. The final list is impressive and Moridark values it all at just over 1 million gp...

Value ... Item
434 ... 43,400 copper pieces
5,109 ... 51,090 silver pieces
55,690 ... 55,690 gold pieces

Value ... Item
600 ... 12 x Jasper (50gp each)
600 ... 12 x Onyx (50gp each)
810 ... 18 x Moonstone (45gp each)
1,440 ... 32 x Bloodstone (45gp each)
1,440 ... 24 x Ivory (60gp each)
1,935 ... 43 x Quartz (45gp each)
2,520 ... 21 x Jade (120gp each)
2,640 ... 24 x Garnet (110gp each)
3,500 ... 35 x Amethyst (100gp each)
3,600 ... 30 x Coral (120gp each)
4,050 ... 9 x Topaz (450gp each)
5,300 ... 53 x Pearl (100gp each)
6,000 ... 15 x Sapphire (400gp each)
6,300 ... 42 x Ruby (150gp each)
7,700 ... 11 x Emerald (700gp each)
8,000 ... 8 x Diamond (1000gp each)
8,100 ... 18 x Opal (450gp each)

Value ... Item
25 ... Copper and glass decanter
50 ... Crystal egg with silver stand
60 ... Carved ivory scroll case
60 ... Decorated silver plate
75 ... 3 x Engraved gold scarab (25gp each)
75 ... Painted silk fan with electrum slats
80 ... Crystal skull
80 ... Silver flagon with religious markings
110 ... Decorated electrum plate
110 ... Gold statue of a dragon
120 ... Gold and silver hand mirror
300 ... 2 x Marble idol (150gp each)
400 ... Gold and ivory decanter
500 ... 2 x Gold chess set (250gp each)
600 ... Gold chalice with griffon carvings
600 ... 2 x Mithral scepter with gold inlay (300gp each)
750 ... 3 x Engraved platinum scarab (250gp each)
800 ... 4 x Platinum bowl with mithral engravings (200gp each)
800 ... Platinum censer with ornate markings
850 ... 2 x Gold decanter with grape vine patterns (425gp each)
900 ... Platinum mask
1,000 ... Gold and mithral chess set
1,000 ... 2 x Gold flute (500gp each)
1,200 ... Platinum scepter with gold inlay
4,500 ... Jeweled egg

Value ... Item
3,153 ... Caster's Shield
5,150 ... Elven Chain
9,159 ... +1 Animated Light Steel Shield
10,005 ... +3 Mithral Buckler
26,500 ... Mithral Full Plate of Speed

Value ... Item
5,002 ... +1 Adamantine Dagger
8,550 ... +2 Repeating Light Crossbow
18,301 ... +1 Returning, Seeking Javelin
18,308 ... +2 Merciful Flail
18,312 ... +1 Holy Heavy Mace
18,318 ... +1 Ghost Touch, Undead Bane Scythe
20,715 ... Flame tongue

Value ... Item
2,200 ... Ring of Feather falling
2,500 ... Ring of Sustenance
4,000 ... Ring of Counterspells
8,000 ... Ring of Mind shielding
8,000 ... Ring of Protection +2
8,500 ... Ring of Force shield
10,000 ... Ring of Swimming, improved
18,000 ... Ring of Protection +3
25,000 ... Ring of X-ray vision
40,000 ... Ring of Wizardry (II)

Wondrous Items
Value ... Item
6,000 ... Pipes of haunting
7,200 ... Cloak of the manta ray
7,250 ... Bottle of air
7,400 ... Periapt of health
7,500 ... Boots of levitation
8,100 ... Necklace of fireballs type VI
9,000 ... Necklace of adaptation
10,000 ... Bag of holding type IV
11,000 ... Phylactery of positive channeling
12,000 ... Boots of speed
12,000 ... Goggles of night
14,900 ... Belt of dwarvenkind
15,000 ... Periapt of wound closure
16,000 ... Amulet of mighty fists +2
16,000 ... Belt of physical perfection +2
16,000 ... Boots, winged
16,000 ... Headband of inspired wisdom +4
16,000 ... Headband of mental superiority +2
18,000 ... Amulet of natural armor +3
18,000 ... Ioun stone, iridescent spindle
20,000 ... 2 x Ioun stone, dark blue rhomboid
25,000 ... Bracers of armor +5
25,000 ... Pearl of power, 5th-level spell
27,500 ... Manual of quickness in action +1
27,500 ... Tome of understanding +1
30,000 ... Ioun stone, pale green prism
32,000 ... 2 x Belt of incredible dexterity +4
32,000 ... 2 x Cloak of resistance +4

Value ... Item
50 ... Potion of Reduce Person (Lvl1)
100 ... 4 x Oil of Arcane Mark (Lvl0)
300 ... Oil of Remove Paralysis (Lvl2)
300 ... Potion of Blur (Lvl2)
300 ... Potion of Eagle's Splendor (Lvl2)
300 ... Potion of Reduce Animal (Lvl2)
600 ... 2 x Potion of Bear's Endurance (Lvl2)
600 ... 2 x Potion of Owl's Wisdom (Lvl2)
750 ... Oil of Remove Curse (Lvl3)
750 ... Potion of Gaseous Form (Lvl3)
750 ... Potion of Protection from Energy (Electricity )(Lvl3)
750 ... Potion of Protection from Energy (Sonic )(Lvl3)
750 ... Potion of Remove Blindness/Deafness (Lvl3)
750 ... Potion of Remove Disease (Lvl3)
900 ... 3 x Potion of Barkskin (Lvl2)
900 ... 3 x Potion of Levitate (Lvl2)
1,500 ... 2 x Oil of Keen Edge (Lvl3)
1,500 ... 2 x Potion of Cure Serious Wounds (Lvl3)
1,500 ... 2 x Potion of Heroism (Lvl3)
1,500 ... 2 x Potion of Tongues (Lvl3)
1,800 ... 6 x Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (Lvl2)
3,000 ... 4 x Potion of Water Walk (Lvl3)

Value ... Item
750 ... Wand of Alarm(Wiz1)
750 ... Wand of Animate Rope(Wiz1)
750 ... Wand of Bless(Clr1)
750 ... Wand of Charm Animal(Dru1)
750 ... Wand of Endure Elements(Clr1)
4,500 ... Wand of Animal Messenger (Dru2)
4,500 ... Wand of Glitterdust (Wiz2)
4,500 ... Wand of Shatter (Wiz2)
4,500 ... Wand of Undetectable Alignment (Clr2)
11,250 ... Wand of Blindness/Deafness(Clr3)
11,250 ... Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds(Dru3)
11,250 ... Wand of Magic Circle against Evil(Clr3)
11,250 ... Wand of Summon Monster III(Clr3)
11,250 ... Wand of Tiny Hut(Wiz3)

Value ... Item
18,950 ... Staff of Fire

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(30)25 / T(24)20 / F(25)20; HP: 78/125: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast, 
Friday March 11th, 2022 11:38:57 AM

(OOC: Can sorcerers use a higher spell sot to cast a lower level spell?

DM RobC: Yup! "A spellcaster always has the option to fill a higher-level spell slot with a lower-level spell."

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 39 133/133HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 35 126/126 HP 
Saturday March 12th, 2022 7:55:26 AM

Grindar eyes the Boots of Speed and it is obvious to anyone looking at him that he desires them, but the Ranger can't seem to put his desires into words. The half-orc instead while kicking at an imaginary stone, says, in a rather uncharacteristic, uncertain voice, lacking all his normal confidence, "You guys aren't a bunch of whitehands, in fact I would call you pure moonshade. I kinda miss running with a pack, and of course you all can say no, and I would totally understand, but would you mind if Cotton and I joined your pack for a while. I know we only met a few hours ago, and maybe it's due to having someone else who speaks with the Sargrass dialect, but I feel a sort of kindred spirit here." Grindar continues to ramble on for a bit, and it is clear he is very uncomfortable in this situation, and hoping someone will cut him off. Anyone can plainly see that the half-orc isn't comfortable sharing his feelings, and would rather be facing an army of undead than simply asking to permanently join the Tree Wardens.

(OoC... Character sheets have been updated)

Armand (Robert D)AC 27(25n) /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 101/101(62/126n) CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Saturday March 12th, 2022 9:02:29 AM

(level up completed, need 103,000 gp to reach wealth by level).

Armand looks in amazement at all the loot. He responds to Grinder "Well Grinder old son, you and Trellus must share some common background because you talk about as funny as he does at times. I think you would make a fine addition to our little group." Then comments to Elyngael, "I think I would really like to have a shield made of that dragon's scales if you don't mind."

Armand then picks up the repeating crossbow, "This could prove useful. I felt very inadequate in this last combat. There may be some more items that would be useful, but I want to allow others to have a first choice as it were." He pauses, "I still feel a bit weak, but after a night's rest I should be able to heal that in myself and anyone else that was effected by the dragon's weakening effect."

He stares in marvel at the array of wealth. "I'm not sure we can use all this . . . stuff. I'm wondering, it's just a proposal, but if there's any left over wealth maybe we could return the gold potion of this dragon hoard, I would like to return it to some of those that have been conned out of their hard earned money. There's the people of the Tree of Parting of course, but there's also Evenoak which has suffered. Also they seem to have been under the sway of those 'clerics' of the white goddess. We might have to do some clean up back there."

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(30)25 / T(24)20 / F(25)20; HP: 78/125: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast, 
Saturday March 12th, 2022 9:23:11 AM

Neshi Looks around at the wealth and then his companions.

Grindar as far as I am concerned you are welcome to join us and we would be very lucky to have you with us.

Yeah Armand When you are rested enough I too could use a bit of work as I am not in the peak of health currently. I also agree that we could /should return as much of this as we can.

With a bit of judicious spell casting I can likely gat all of this and us teleported to the tree or Evenoak if we wish.

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, SR 25, HP (119/140) 
Saturday March 12th, 2022 1:04:11 PM

After the inventory is complete, Trellus can only breathe in wonder.
"There is a lot of very shady stuff here," he marvels.

Grindar makes his request.
Trellus grins and holds out a hand.
"Dude, weaving with you would be the night soil. Even with a rapke."

The man glances askance at Armand.
"Talk funny, indeed."

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:133/135, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Saturday March 12th, 2022 7:51:10 PM

"Grindar, in my opinion Cotton made that call for you already. If it wasn't clear, you are both welcome and have more than earned your place in my opinion."

"Yes, Elyngael, I think white is more my colour than red. That said, how are we getting the dragonskin home, and the skull?"

"Does anyone have a rod that will extend the duration of a spell?"

OOC: What time of day is it now?

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 35 (26n)T:15, FF:22n, CMD 35 , HP 141/154 
Sunday March 13th, 2022 12:33:21 PM

Elyngael and Brawn are leveled up - no WLA skill point added this level

"'Osul there's another bag of holding here. Neshi, I think we should choose a staging area. Maybe teleport to the spot down the mountain where we met Grinder. Then we can rest up and you guys can better prepare spells to haul the loot. I need some more healing and so does Brawn. I would really like to have that +3 Mithral Buckler. Maybe I'll get a chance to start using my sunblade more."

Brawns Stats : (-1 con loss)
AC 31/17/28 hp 118/118(118/130), CMD 27

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(30)25 / T(24)20 / F(25)20; HP: 78/125: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast, 
Sunday March 13th, 2022 3:04:46 PM

and when I say a couple of teleports, I can probably manage 10 but it will leave me without any major fire power.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 123/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Sunday March 13th, 2022 8:17:47 PM

OOC: Iwill update my sheet this week. It has been a grueling week of work.

Moridark absentmindedly pulls out his notebook and begins writing down items, amounts of coin, and various goods. The mage gasps as the final tally comes out. "I am new here too my friends. I am not sure who has a say, but I would definitely travel, and fight alongside each of you!" Moridark walks over and firmly shakes each of their hands.

The mage looks over at Neshi, "Ican help with teleports, and what not. Ijust need a nights rest to reallocate my spells for travel. Icould proably swing 12 teleports, and 5 greater. The question is do we rest here, or elsewhere?"

Moridark looks at the mounds of items, "I am sure Icould use several items in there but Iwill defer until others have made thier choices."

DM RobC - "Dude, weaving with you would be the night soil. Even with a rapke." 
Monday March 14th, 2022 1:40:53 AM

There are a few items that catch the eyes of our heroes. Everyone is being very polite about what they want to claim and making sure all get to pick over the winnings.

Grindar brings up a sensitive topic. It's been a while since he found a pack he wanted to travel with, and asking is something he isn't entirely comfortable with. The group though are welcoming of the half-orc and more than happy for him to travel with them.

Between you there are more than a few teleports and ways of getting out of here. Elyngael points out that there's a bag of holding mixed in with the loot. That will certainly help with transport.

It's currently early afternoon. In all the fighting and exploring the party have missed lunch.

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:133/135, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Monday March 14th, 2022 7:23:19 AM

'Osul agrees with Elyngael regarding the buckler, but he ... wait a minute!
"Treehouses, huts, castles and the like... okay, not the treehouse! Are things that are left in them once the spell expires still able to be accessed when they are cast again? We may well be able to get the sections of dragonskins packed, but I'm running out of ideas for getting the skull back..."

[b]"Moridark, Trellus, I know we've been a bit focussed ... obsessed (?) ... since we finally returned from the nether lands, but you are both welcome... and the invisible steed you rode in on!"
, he adds, looking at Mordark.

"And we still have about 2 days of fog out there to move through back to the bay or the meeting place (TM)"

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 39 133/133HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 35 126/126 HP 
Monday March 14th, 2022 12:47:17 PM

Grindar feels a warmth of emotions flow through him as he is welcomed into his new pack, and he has no words to describe his feelings. Truth be told, the half-orc, though confident in most all situations, never learned how to express the same confidence regarding his emotions. In fact the only time his emotions become obvious is when either the innocent are in danger or harmed, or someone he cares about is suffering or taken from him. So instead of some heart felt thank you, or speech on how he is willing to lay down his life for his pack, which is something he would gladly do, he simply grunts and says, "Unless someone else has claim on those Boots of Speed, I feel I may be able to make good use of them."

Armand (Robert D)AC 27(25n) /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 101/101(62/126n) CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+20=38 ;
Monday March 14th, 2022 5:21:18 PM

Armand waves off the boots. "Take them Grinder." He looks at everyone. "Elyngael has a point. We can either stay here and rest and recuperate, assuming the beheamoth will leave this area alone, or we can transport it to that spot we met Grinder. We have several hours of wind walk left and we can simply load the bags of holding and shoot back and forth several dozen times. We can also load Brawn with stuff, he's pretty strong for a wolf."

He picks up the art object "Silver flagon with religious markings" to try and identify the religious markings. Knowledge Religion 38 (d20+20)

OOC I'm not sure, did we keep the red dragon head and mount it in the HQ somewhere? I know we spent a day there scavenging the corpse for items that were added into 'color' for some of our gear.

The non-magical items are going to come to:
Value ... Item
434 ... 43,400 copper pieces
5,109 ... 51,090 silver pieces
55,690 ... 55,690 gold pieces

Value ... 60,935 gp

Value ... 14,925 gp

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 35 (26n)T:15, FF:22n, CMD 35 , HP 141/154 
Monday March 14th, 2022 5:48:41 PM

"Moridark, go ahead and put some claims in. I think everyone has stated one preferred item. Except for the weapons and armor, I think most of the magic stuff would fit in one bag of holding. Also, didn't someone say the beheamoth will leave this area alone? Will it leave this area alone long enough to let us rest?"

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 39 133/133HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 35 126/126 HP 
Monday March 14th, 2022 6:58:43 PM

OoC... if I remember correctly, while I was DMing, you guys did mount the red dragon head above the fire place in your HQ's dining hall.

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, SR 25, HP (119/140) 
Monday March 14th, 2022 6:58:49 PM

Trellus makes his claims. If no one objects, he has his eyes on:

Mithril Full Plate of Speed
Bottle of Air
Amulet of Natural Armor +3
Potion of Levitate
Potions of Bears Endurance
Potions of Heroism
Wand of Alarm

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 123/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Monday March 14th, 2022 8:38:32 PM

"Osul, Ihave a rod of extend with one charge left tooday if you need it. I was too busy counting in my head to properly answer, Iam sorry." Moridark hands over the rod if needed, then bows to Elyngael with a smile, "Thank you lady, The Wardens have been maligned as of late but each of you never cease to remind me of the goodness there is in the Wold.'

Moridark peers over the items:
Potion of Cure MOderate x2
Ring of Protection +2/+3 whichever
Bracers of Armor +5
Staff of Fire

OOC: I wish there were a way to make a caster "armor" out of dragonhide. Bracers perhaps?

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 39 133/133HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 35 126/126 HP 
Monday March 14th, 2022 9:10:58 PM

"Friend Armand, Cotton is also very strong, and can to work beside Brawn. I'll just explain to her what needs doing via a a speak with animals spell, and I'm sure she'll be happy to help."

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(30)25 / T(24)20 / F(25)20; HP: 78/125: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast, 
Monday March 14th, 2022 10:09:00 PM

Ok then, so instead of going straight back to the Tree, we are going to head to where we met Grindar?

(OOC: Will get sheet updated over the weekend. I am swamped currently)

DM RobC - "and the invisible steed you rode in on!" 
Tuesday March 15th, 2022 2:33:52 AM

Grindar, Trellus and Moridark put their hands up for a few items. Given how much sheer loot there is there's bound to be something for everyone.

Armand looks over the silver flagon. He recognizes the holy symbol for Flower on it. The flagon is non-magical but still a very nice piece.

Brawn and Cotton are dobbed in as potential pack animals.

Elyngael is still a little concerned about that behemoth. The party aren't exactly in fighting shape right now.

Osul wants the skill and there's still some thinking going on about how to get it.

The party are still discussing where to go once they leave here. Do they head back out into the fog? Windwalk somewhere? Try a teleport? Just plain ol' walk it? There are plenty of options to choose from and all have pros and cons.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 39 133/133HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 35 126/126 HP 
Tuesday March 15th, 2022 12:59:43 PM

Grindar removes his mundane boots, and puts on the boots of speed. He than starts filling his handy haversack with loot. when the haversack is full, he begins filling the bag of holding, found in the loot pile. When that is full, he slings the strap over his shoulder, and says, "There is a beginning, how shall we weave the rest of the extraction, and how shall we convert our four legged friends to pack animals?"

Armand (Robert D)AC 27(25n) /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 101/101(62/126n) CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Tuesday March 15th, 2022 5:36:11 PM

"Well Grinder, it someone can cast air walk on Cotton then load him up or ride him to that area we met you." Armand takes out his bag of holding and scoops it full of loot. He tosses the adamantine dagger to Elyngael. "If you would do the honors, of salvaging the hide that 'Osul wants, and the plates I need for a a shield, and I guess that dragon head, load it up on Brawn."

He turns to the others. "I think there's some more bags of holding? With the remaining time of Wind Walk which would last for at least 16 hours, and at the top 'walking' speed we can muster with that spell, I'd say we'd have no problem reposition the loot to the the spot where we met Grinder."

With that he will shift to wind walk form and zoom out the ceiling to the meeting place. and back, and forth, and back and forth, and back and forth....etc

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 35 (26n)T:15, FF:22n, CMD 35 , HP 141/154  d20+30=43 ;
Tuesday March 15th, 2022 6:04:12 PM

Elyngael takes the adamantine dagger and sets to work gathering dragon things. Survival d20+30=43.

"Maybe someone should stay in the clearing where we met Grinder and stand guard while the others make with the hauling. This will take me a bit. Now that's enough hide for one normal sized armor and one shield right?"

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:133/135, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Tuesday March 15th, 2022 6:14:58 PM

'Osul pitches in. A thought strikes him.

"How can we ensure some high powered cleric doesn't restore the dragon to life?"

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, SR 25, HP (119/140) 
Tuesday March 15th, 2022 7:27:57 PM

Trellus goes along with hauling to the spot where they met Grindar.

He commences with loading himself up, and wind walking to the place. Barring interruption, he repeats the process - a lot.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 123/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Tuesday March 15th, 2022 10:01:52 PM

Moridark volunteers to stay at the spot. He has most of his spells still available just in case.

DM RobC - "....and I guess that dragon head, load it up on Brawn." 
Wednesday March 16th, 2022 2:12:39 AM

Osul is a little worried about someone resurrecting the dragon. Presumably all dead things go to visit Gargul when they die. Would he allow an evil dragon to be raised from the dead? He did create all the evil dragons you know. It's a story line your DM wishes he'd thought of.

The party set to steadily relocating all the treasure from point A to point B. That is, moving it out of this room and back to the spot where they met Grindar.

Elyngael suggests someone stay with the loot, to which Moridark volunteers. It makes sense to have someone guard your hoard. The ranger starts expertly carving chunks of bloody dragon and scales. It's hard not to get it all over you.

Fill up the bags. Fly out of the room. Empty the bags. Fly back. Repeat. It's a long afternoon but sifting through hard earned gains isn't the worst way to spend your time.

OOC: Please see today's email for some news

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(30)25 / T(24)20 / F(25)20; HP: 78/125: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast, 
Wednesday March 16th, 2022 9:15:31 AM

ok all lets start moving things load yourself with what you can and then I will teleport us to our new camp.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 39 133/133HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 35 126/126 HP 
Wednesday March 16th, 2022 11:58:52 AM

Besides his handy haversack and the bag of holding found in the horde, Grindar uses whatever other container he can find to fill with loot, including his old mundane boots. He first loads up Cotton, and than himself. Once loaded, he stands by to be teleported by Neshi.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(30)25 / T(24)20 / F(25)20; HP: 78/125: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast, 
Wednesday March 16th, 2022 1:53:12 PM

Ok I can make 5 round trips and one last trip back to the campsite, Though god help us anything more than a couple of goblins attack us as far as I am concerned.

So I can take Cotton, Grindar, and Brawn loaded.

I will leave Grindar and Cotton there to start setting up camp and guard what we bring. I will bring Brawn back with me.

Then we start moving what we can until I have the one spell left and I will make one last trip with loaded people no animals Then we can decide what needs to be done if there is any thing left.

Thoughts, suggestions?

Armand (Robert D)AC 27(25n) /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 101/101(62/126n) CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Wednesday March 16th, 2022 5:39:44 PM

Once they get everything shifted, Armand will erect the Treehouse for those that need to rest.

okay looking over things and what's been claimed, not sure if anyone is keeping track...Grinder that returning seeking javelin is calling to you I think.

Value ... Item
434 ... 43,400 copper pieces
5,109 ... 51,090 silver pieces
55,690 ... 55,690 gold pieces
Value ... 60,935 gp
Value ... 14,925 gp
Value ... Item
3,153 ... Caster's Shield
5,150 ... Elven Chain
9,159 ... +1 Animated Light Steel Shield
10,005 ... +3 Mithral Buckler
26,500 ... Mithral Full Plate of Speed - Trellus

Value ... Item
5,002 ... +1 Adamantine Dagger - Elyngael
8,550 ... +2 Repeating Light Crossbow - Armand

18,301 ... +1 Returning, Seeking Javelin
18,308 ... +2 Merciful Flail
18,312 ... +1 Holy Heavy Mace
18,318 ... +1 Ghost Touch, Undead Bane Scythe
20,715 ... Flame tongue

Value ... Item
2,200 ... Ring of Feather falling
2,500 ... Ring of Sustenance
4,000 ... Ring of Counterspells
8,000 ... Ring of Mind shielding
8,000 ... Ring of Protection +2
8,500 ... Ring of Force shield
10,000 ... Ring of Swimming, improved
18,000 ... Ring of Protection +3 - Moridark
25,000 ... Ring of X-ray vision
40,000 ... Ring of Wizardry (II)

Wondrous Items
Value ... Item
6,000 ... Pipes of haunting
7,200 ... Cloak of the manta ray
7,250 ... Bottle of air - Trellus
7,400 ... Periapt of health
7,500 ... Boots of levitation
8,100 ... Necklace of fireballs type VI
9,000 ... Necklace of adaptation
10,000 ... Bag of holding type IV
11,000 ... Phylactery of positive channeling
12,000 ... Boots of speed - Grinder
12,000 ... Goggles of night - Armand

14,900 ... Belt of dwarvenkind
15,000 ... Periapt of wound closure
16,000 ... Amulet of mighty fists +2
16,000 ... Belt of physical perfection +2 - Maybe Armand
16,000 ... Boots, winged
16,000 ... Headband of inspired wisdom +4 - Armand for his +2 version but willing to forgo if someone else needs it more.
16,000 ... Headband of mental superiority +2
18,000 ... Amulet of natural armor +3 - Trellus
18,000 ... Ioun stone, iridescent spindle
20,000 ... 2 x Ioun stone, dark blue rhomboid
25,000 ... Bracers of armor +5 - Moridark
25,000 ... Pearl of power, 5th-level spell
27,500 ... Manual of quickness in action +1
27,500 ... Tome of understanding +1
30,000 ... Ioun stone, pale green prism
32,000 ... 2 x Belt of incredible dexterity +4
32,000 ... 2 x Cloak of resistance +4

Value ... Item
50 ... Potion of Reduce Person (Lvl1)
100 ... 4 x Oil of Arcane Mark (Lvl0)
300 ... Oil of Remove Paralysis (Lvl2)
300 ... Potion of Blur (Lvl2)
300 ... Potion of Eagle's Splendor (Lvl2)
300 ... Potion of Reduce Animal (Lvl2)
600 ... 2 x Potion of Bear's Endurance (Lvl2) Trellus (1?)
600 ... 2 x Potion of Owl's Wisdom (Lvl2)
750 ... Oil of Remove Curse (Lvl3)
750 ... Potion of Gaseous Form (Lvl3)
750 ... Potion of Protection from Energy (Electricity )(Lvl3)
750 ... Potion of Protection from Energy (Sonic )(Lvl3)
750 ... Potion of Remove Blindness/Deafness (Lvl3)
750 ... Potion of Remove Disease (Lvl3)
900 ... 3 x Potion of Barkskin (Lvl2)
900 ... 3 x Potion of Levitate (Lvl2) - Trellus (1?)
1,500 ... 2 x Oil of Keen Edge (Lvl3)
1,500 ... 2 x Potion of Cure Serious Wounds (Lvl3)
1,500 ... 2 x Potion of Heroism (Lvl3) - Trellus (1?)
1,500 ... 2 x Potion of Tongues (Lvl3)
1,800 ... 6 x Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (Lvl2) - Moridark 2
3,000 ... 4 x Potion of Water Walk (Lvl3)

Value ... Item
750 ... Wand of Alarm(Wiz1) - Trellus
750 ... Wand of Animate Rope(Wiz1)
750 ... Wand of Bless(Clr1)
750 ... Wand of Charm Animal(Dru1)
750 ... Wand of Endure Elements(Clr1)
4,500 ... Wand of Animal Messenger (Dru2)
4,500 ... Wand of Glitterdust (Wiz2)
4,500 ... Wand of Shatter (Wiz2)
4,500 ... Wand of Undetectable Alignment (Clr2)
11,250 ... Wand of Blindness/Deafness(Clr3)
11,250 ... Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds(Dru3)
11,250 ... Wand of Magic Circle against Evil(Clr3)
11,250 ... Wand of Summon Monster III(Clr3)
11,250 ... Wand of Tiny Hut(Wiz3)

Value ... Item
18,950 ... Staff of Fire - moridark

dragonhide armor. There's enough here to make three suits:
- One suit of masterwork studded leather, hide, scale or banded mail armor
- One suit of masterwork studded leather or hide armor
- One suit of masterwork studded leather or hide armor
In each case, enough hide is available to produce a small or large masterwork shield in addition to the armor.
Large Shield for Armand

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 35 (26n)T:15, FF:22n, CMD 35 , HP 141/154 
Wednesday March 16th, 2022 6:16:45 PM

Elyngael is exhausted once she's done her skinning and beheading...all three heads. "'Osul I don't think anything is going to be resurrected without it's head. It's going to take some time to cure the hides, and I'm not master craftsperson, so 'Osul you're going to have to specify what you want when we get someplace to have it made up. Don't you cleric types have some spells to preserve things? Seems like Armand did something like that before."

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 35 (26n)T:15, FF:22n, CMD 35 , HP 141/154 
Wednesday March 16th, 2022 6:18:12 PM

Oh, Armand forgot to put me down for the +3 Mithrial buckler.

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:133/135, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Wednesday March 16th, 2022 6:51:35 PM

'Osul tries wrapping his head around the list. Magical items are not his strong point.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 123/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Wednesday March 16th, 2022 9:42:07 PM

Moridark volunteers to stay at the spot. He has most of his spells still available just in case.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 123/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Wednesday March 16th, 2022 10:35:12 PM

Moridark takes his task seriously flying above the hoard and keeping a watchful eye. The mage is meticulous if nothing else double checking the list, and coin as it is gathered.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 39 133/133HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 35 126/126 HP 
Wednesday March 16th, 2022 11:05:12 PM

"I think you're right Armand, I'll put that Javelin in my Javelin quiver, next to my other ones."

DM RobC - "Though god help us anything more than a couple of goblins attack us as far as I am concerned." 
Thursday March 17th, 2022 2:32:22 AM

Elyngael finishes carving up the dragons. She's confident that beheading them is a pretty permanent way for them to stay dead. Like Trellus, she's drenched in dragon blood. Is there a bath in the treehouse?

Some of the group windwalk, and Neshi helps the rest with teleportation (Highlight to display spoiler: {I've been sending to an @frontier email address. Is that the right one?})

Finally the party have the last copper piece packed away.

Armand takes inventory and makes note of who would like what. Moridark then meticulously double checks all the figures. They each confirm everything is accounted for and adds up. Osul is still gobsmacked at the sheer volume of loot.

The treehouse is erected and everyone invited inside to rest up.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 123/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Thursday March 17th, 2022 7:56:33 AM

Moridark takes his task seriously flying above the hoard and keeping a watchful eye. The mage is meticulous if nothing else double checking the list, and coin as it is gathered.

Armand (Robert D)AC 27(25n) /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 101/101(62/126n) CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Thursday March 17th, 2022 6:11:51 PM

"Well everyone I think we've earned a rest. We'll need to decide where to go next. Back home, or to Evenoak. I'd prefer to face down our embarrassment at Evenoak, and remove those false clerics, but I bow to the will of the party."

I assume watches will be normal.

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, SR 25, HP (119/140) 
Thursday March 17th, 2022 6:30:12 PM

"Why not home first, spread some of this wealth, and then to Evenoak?" Trellus offers

Trellus wants one potion of Levitate. He'll take both of the Heroism and Bears Endurance ones if no one else wants them.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 123/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Thursday March 17th, 2022 8:00:47 PM

Moridark takes his task seriously flying above the hoard and keeping a watchful eye. The mage is meticulous if nothing else double checking the list, and coin as it is gathered.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 35 (26n)T:15, FF:22n, CMD 35 , HP 141/154 
Thursday March 17th, 2022 8:04:59 PM

Elyngael takes some time to clean her self up with some snow. "I agree with Trellus, we hit home first. That way we can sell off any of the magic we don't use and have an easier time with portability if we then go to Evenoak. A lot of these items don't seem to be of interest to everyone so we can use the money to get what we specifically want and the rest we can dole out to the worthy. You know if no one wants the boots of flying I think I'll take those."

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(30)25 / T(24)20 / F(25)20; HP: 78/125: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast, 
Thursday March 17th, 2022 8:28:40 PM

I think I am interested in trading in my cloak of resistance for one of these as it is a bit more potent +4 VS +3 And I am interested in the pale green ioun stone. Also if no one is interested in them I might be interested in one or both of the tomes to read......

I agree that I would like to return to Evenoak, but The tree needs us first.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 39 133/133HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 35 126/126 HP 
Thursday March 17th, 2022 8:31:56 PM

"I have no preference as to where we weave first, lead the way my friends."

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 123/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Thursday March 17th, 2022 9:38:49 PM

Moridark agrees with heading to the tree first, and Evenoak after.

DM RobC - "I have no preference as to where we weave first, lead the way my friends." 
Friday March 18th, 2022 2:43:29 AM

The party relax in the safety of the Treehouse. It's the first time Grindar has seen it though I'm sure anywhere to rest in good company is fine by him.

The inevitable question is: where to next? There are only two options that are considered: Evenoak and back to the Tree - and both sound tempting.

It's been a while since the party have been home and so it's practically unanimous that it's where you should return. You can enjoy some rest with their friends and family, sell off anything here that won't be of use, and reward yourselves with ale in the Treetop tavern while tell of your recent adventures. There's probably even time to visit the WLA for those so inclined.

Watches are set for the night though it is uneventful. In the morning you feel refreshed and ready to travel again.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 123/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Friday March 18th, 2022 8:48:41 PM

Moridark agrees with heading to the tree first, and Evenoak after.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25n /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 126/126n CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+15=30 ; d6=6 ; d6=4 ; d6=6 ; d6=5 ; d6=6 ; d6=6 ; d6=5 ; d6=5 ; d6=6 ;
Saturday March 19th, 2022 12:37:22 PM

OOC really?there's not a mass lesser restoration spell?

Armand wakes early and does his prayers. As the party members wake he casts lesser restoration on each including Cotton and Brawn. (out of second level spells and a few third level as well).

"Does anyone need the more mundane type of healing? Is everyone healed up? He looks everyone over. Heal check 30. He does a Channel energy because not everyone's sheet shows fully healed, could be the con loss. 43 hp (wow someone should take a picture of that roll).

Armand (Robert D)AC 25n /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 126/126n CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Saturday March 19th, 2022 12:47:36 PM

Kent you got this?
Anyone else want stuff?

Value ... Item
434 ... 43,400 copper pieces
5,109 ... 51,090 silver pieces
55,690 ... 55,690 gold pieces

Value ... 60,935 gp

Value ... 14,925 gp
Value ... Item
3,153 ... Caster's Shield
5,150 ... Elven Chain
9,159 ... +1 Animated Light Steel Shield
10,005 ... +3 Mithral Buckler - Elyngael
26,500 ... Mithral Full Plate of Speed - Trellus

Value ... Item
5,002 ... +1 Adamantine Dagger - Elyngael
8,550 ... +2 Repeating Light Crossbow - Armand
18,301 ... +1 Returning, Seeking Javelin
18,308 ... +2 Merciful Flail
18,312 ... +1 Holy Heavy Mace
18,318 ... +1 Ghost Touch, Undead Bane Scythe
20,715 ... Flame tongue

Value ... Item
2,200 ... Ring of Feather falling
2,500 ... Ring of Sustenance
4,000 ... Ring of Counterspells
8,000 ... Ring of Mind shielding
8,000 ... Ring of Protection +2
8,500 ... Ring of Force shield
10,000 ... Ring of Swimming, improved
18,000 ... Ring of Protection +3
25,000 ... Ring of X-ray vision
40,000 ... Ring of Wizardry (II)

Wondrous Items
Value ... Item
6,000 ... Pipes of haunting
7,200 ... Cloak of the manta ray
7,250 ... Bottle of air - Trellus
7,400 ... Periapt of health - Moridark
7,500 ... Boots of levitation
8,100 ... Necklace of fireballs type VI
9,000 ... Necklace of adaptation
10,000 ... Bag of holding type IV
11,000 ... Phylactery of positive channeling
12,000 ... Boots of speed - Grinder
12,000 ... Goggles of night - Armand
14,900 ... Belt of dwarvenkind
15,000 ... Periapt of wound closure
16,000 ... Amulet of mighty fists +2
16,000 ... Belt of physical perfection +2 - Maybe Armand
16,000 ... Boots, winged
16,000 ... Headband of inspired wisdom +4 - Armand exchange for his +2 version (4000gp)
16,000 ... Headband of mental superiority +2
18,000 ... Amulet of natural armor +3 - Trellus
18,000 ... Ioun stone, iridescent spindle
20,000 ... 2 x Ioun stone, dark blue rhomboid
25,000 ... Bracers of armor +5
25,000 ... Pearl of power, 5th-level spell
27,500 ... Manual of quickness in action +1
27,500 ... Tome of understanding +1
30,000 ... Ioun stone, pale green prism (REALLY, ESEENTIALLY A +1 on all D20 rolls)
32,000 ... 2 x Belt of incredible dexterity +4
32,000 ... 2 x Cloak of resistance +4

Value ... Item
50 ... Potion of Reduce Person (Lvl1)
100 ... 4 x Oil of Arcane Mark (Lvl0)
300 ... Oil of Remove Paralysis (Lvl2)
300 ... Potion of Blur (Lvl2)
300 ... Potion of Eagle's Splendor (Lvl2)
300 ... Potion of Reduce Animal (Lvl2)
600 ... 2 x Potion of Bear's Endurance (Lvl2) Trellus (1?)
600 ... 2 x Potion of Owl's Wisdom (Lvl2)
750 ... Oil of Remove Curse (Lvl3)
750 ... Potion of Gaseous Form (Lvl3)
750 ... Potion of Protection from Energy (Electricity )(Lvl3)
750 ... Potion of Protection from Energy (Sonic )(Lvl3)
750 ... Potion of Remove Blindness/Deafness (Lvl3)
750 ... Potion of Remove Disease (Lvl3)
900 ... 3 x Potion of Barkskin (Lvl2)
900 ... 3 x Potion of Levitate (Lvl2) - Trellus (1?)
1,500 ... 2 x Oil of Keen Edge (Lvl3)
1,500 ... 2 x Potion of Cure Serious Wounds (Lvl3)
1,500 ... 2 x Potion of Heroism (Lvl3) - Trellus (1?)
1,500 ... 2 x Potion of Tongues (Lvl3)
1,800 ... 6 x Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (Lvl2) - Moridark 2
3,000 ... 4 x Potion of Water Walk (Lvl3)

Value ... Item
750 ... Wand of Alarm(Wiz1) - Trellus
750 ... Wand of Animate Rope(Wiz1)
750 ... Wand of Bless(Clr1)
750 ... Wand of Charm Animal(Dru1)
750 ... Wand of Endure Elements(Clr1)
4,500 ... Wand of Animal Messenger (Dru2)
4,500 ... Wand of Glitterdust (Wiz2)
4,500 ... Wand of Shatter (Wiz2)
4,500 ... Wand of Undetectable Alignment (Clr2)
11,250 ... Wand of Blindness/Deafness(Clr3)
11,250 ... Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds(Dru3)
11,250 ... Wand of Magic Circle against Evil(Clr3)
11,250 ... Wand of Summon Monster III(Clr3)
11,250 ... Wand of Tiny Hut(Wiz3)

Value ... Item
18,950 ... Staff of Fire - moridark

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26n (30 w/buckler)T:15, FF:22n, CMD 35, HP 154/154 
Saturday March 19th, 2022 5:03:11 PM

Elyngael might take some of the potions if no one is going to. Can a ranger use druid wands? Maybe a necklace, are all the fireballs on that necklace?

Elyngael didn't have con damage so save that spell slot.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(30)25 / T(24)20 / F(25)20; HP: 78/125: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast, 
Sunday March 20th, 2022 11:12:33 AM

Ok all so far this is what I have listed as having been selected.

10,005 ... +3 Mithral Buckler – Elyngael
5,002 ... +1 Adamantine Dagger – Elyngael
16,000 ... Boots, winged - Elyngael

26,500 ... Mithral Full Plate of Speed – Trellus
7,250 ... Bottle of air – Trellus
18,000 ... Amulet of natural armor +3 – Trellus
600 ... 2x Potion of Bear's Endurance (Lvl2) Trellus
900 ... Potion of Levitate (Lvl2) - Trellus
1500 ... 2 x Potion of Heroism (Lvl3) – Trellus
750 ... Wand of Alarm (Wiz1) – Trellus

8,550 ... +2 Repeating Light Crossbow – Armand
16,000 ... Headband of inspired Wis. +4 - Armand
16,000 ... Belt of phys. perfection +2 – Armand (?)
12,000 ... Goggles of night – Armand

18,301 ... +1 Returning, Seeking Javelin – Grindar
12,000 ... Boots of speed – Grinder

7,400 ... Periapt of health – Moridark
900… 2x Potion of Cure Mod. Wnd. (Lvl2) - Moridark
18,950 ... Staff of Fire - Moridark
18,000 ... Ring of Protection +3 - Moridark
25,000 ... Bracers of armor +5 – Moridark

30,000 ... Ioun stone, pale green prism - Neshi
16,000… Cloak of resistance +4 – Neshi
10,000 ... Bag of holding type IV -Neshi

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(30)25 / T(24)20 / F(25)20; HP: 78/125: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast, 
Sunday March 20th, 2022 11:41:49 AM

The following list is the combined list of what we have that is still available:

Claim what you need/want and I will sell the rest.

76,233 … gold pieces

60,935 gp

14,925 gp

Value … Item
1000 … Spyglass

Value ... Item
3,153 ... Caster's Shield
5,150 ... Elven Chain
9,159 ... +1 Animated Light Steel Shield
1,350… +1 Breastplate
2,310… 2x +1 Buckler
3,740… 3x +1 Chain Shirt
1,170… +1 Heavy Steel Shield
8,350… 2x +2 Studded Leather

Value ... Item
4,604… 2x +1 Dagger
36,640… 2x +1 Frost Keen Rapier
9,232… 4x +1 Kukris
8,600… +2 Composite Longbow (+2 Str)
18,308 ... +2 Merciful Flail
18,312 ... +1 Holy Heavy Mace
18,318 ... +1 Ghost Touch, Undead Bane Scythe
20,715 ... Flame tongue

Value ... Item
2,200 ... Ring of Feather falling
2,500 ... Ring of Sustenance
8,000 ... Ring of Mind shielding
12,000 … 6x Ring of Protection +1
8,000 ... Ring of Protection +2
8,500 ... Ring of Force shield
10,000 ... Ring of Swimming, improved
25,000 ... Ring of X-ray vision
40,000 ... Ring of Wizardry (II)

Wondrous Items
Value ... Item
4,350 … Necklace of Fireballs (Type III)
12,000 … 3x Headband of Inspired Wisdom +2
8,000 … 2x Amulet of Mighty Fists +1
6,000 … 3x Amulet of Natural Armor +1
16,000 … 4x Belt of Giant Strength +2
12,000 … 3x Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2
2,500 … Boots of Elvenkind
11,000 … 2x Boots of Striding and Springing
8,000 … 2x Bracers of Armor +2 8,000
7.000 … 7x Cloak of Resistance +1
7,200 … Cloak of The Manta Ray
6,000 ... Pipes of haunting
7,200 ... Cloak of the manta ray
7,500 ... Boots of levitation
8,100 ... Necklace of fireballs type VI
9,000 ... Necklace of adaptation
11,000 ... Phylactery of positive channeling
14,900 ... Belt of dwarvenkind
15,000 ... Periapt of wound closure
16,000 ... Amulet of mighty fists +2
4,000 ... Headband of inspired wisdom +2
16,000 ... Headband of mental superiority +2
18,000 ... Ioun stone, iridescent spindle
20,000 ... 2 x Ioun stone, dark blue rhomboid
25,000 ... Pearl of power, 5th-level spell
27,500 ... Manual of quickness in action +1
27,500 ... Tome of understanding +1
32,000 ... 2 x Belt of incredible dexterity +4
16,000 ... Cloak of resistance +4
9,000 … Cloak of resistance +3

Value ... Item
50 ... Potion of Reduce Person (Lvl1)
100 ... 4 x Oil of Arcane Mark (Lvl0)
300 ... Oil of Remove Paralysis (Lvl2)
300 ... Potion of Blur (Lvl2)
300 … 1x Potion of Delay Poison
150 … 3x Potion of Disguise Self
600… 2x Potion of Mirror Image
300… 1x Potion of Spider Climb
100… 2x Potion of Cure Light Wounds
3,000… 4x potions of Cure Serious Wounds
300 ... Potion of Eagle's Splendor (Lvl2)
300 ... Potion of Reduce Animal (Lvl2)
600 ... 2 x Potion of Owl's Wisdom (Lvl2)
300 ... Potion of Bear's Endurance (Lvl2)
600 ... 2 x Potion of Levitate (Lvl2)
750 ... Potion of Heroism (Lvl3)
750 ... Oil of Remove Curse (Lvl3)
750 ... Potion of Gaseous Form (Lvl3)
750 ... Potion of Protection from Energy (Electricity)(Lvl3)
750 ... Potion of Protection from Energy (Sonic)(Lvl3)
750 ... Potion of Remove Blindness/Deafness (Lvl3)
750 ... Potion of Remove Disease (Lvl3)
900 ... 3 x Potion of Bark skin (Lvl2)
1,500 ... 2 x Oil of Keen Edge (Lvl3)
1,500 ... 2 x Potion of Cure Serious Wounds (Lvl3)
1,500 ... 2 x Potion of Tongues (Lvl3)
900 ... 2 x Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (Lvl2)
3,000 ... 4 x Potion of Water Walk (Lvl3)

Value ... Item
150 … Wand of Shield Of Faith (7 Charges)
750 ... Wand of Animate Rope (Wiz1)
750 ... Wand of Bless (Clr1)
750 ... Wand of Charm Animal (Dru1)
750 ... Wand of Endure Elements (Clr1)
4,500 ... Wand of Animal Messenger (Dru2)
4,500 ... Wand of Glitterdust (Wiz2)
4,500 ... Wand of Shatter (Wiz2)
4,500 ... Wand of Undetectable Alignment (Clr2)
11,250 ... Wand of Blindness/Deafness (Clr3)
11,250 ... Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds (Dru3)
11,250 ... Wand of Magic Circle against Evil (Clr3)
11,250 ... Wand of Summon Monster III (Clr3)
11,250 ... Wand of Tiny Hut (Wiz3)

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(30)25 / T(24)20 / F(25)20; HP: 78/125: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast, 
Sunday March 20th, 2022 12:02:40 PM

At this moment, post item selection, the remaining values of magic, cash, and art is...

754,509 … Magic Subtotal
152,093 … Cash, Gems & Art Subtotal
906,602 … Grand Total

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:135/135, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Sunday March 20th, 2022 6:39:03 PM

'Osul scrabbles through the items, selecting the following:
8,000 ... Ring of Protection +2
8,500 ... Ring of Force shield
16,000 ... Cloak of resistance +4
5,500 … Boots of Striding and Springing
9,000 ... Necklace of adaptation

'Osul isn't concerned about the order of travel, and goes with the decision of the group.

...and everyone heals up some with a good night's rest

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Sunday March 20th, 2022 9:29:12 PM

"Armand, thank you for the healing, and the restoration. I am much better thank you. Neshi, I can help with teleports, and if necessary Greater Teleports. You do not have to do all of the heavy lifting. I think between the 2 of us we can go anywhere in the wold!"

OOC: Moridark does not need the ring or the bracers. He will take the Periapt, 2 potions, and staff. He is looking at making a sizeable purchase in the Catacombs when he gets the chance, and it will negate those items. Thank you.

DM RobC - "I think between the 2 of us we can go anywhere in the wold!" 
Monday March 21st, 2022 2:00:30 AM

The party add loot from previous encounters into the pile. There's more wealth here than you'd find in some of the bigger towns in the Wold! Should make your next trip to the Catacombs a fun one :)

Armand gifts the party with some more healing and finds he has no way to cure a lot of ability damage, short of a mass heal spell.

Elyngael wonders about using wands. Provided the spell is one that she knows then she'd have no trouble using the wand - druid or otherwise.

Moridark offers to share the teleport load with Neshi, if that is how the party plan to travel.

There is general agreement to head back to the Tree once final preparations are made for the journey.

OOC: Just sent you a message Kent

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:135/135, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Monday March 21st, 2022 8:15:58 AM

'Osul smiles, "and eight Heals in the morning if we aren't disturbed"

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 39 133/133HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 35 126/126 HP 
Monday March 21st, 2022 12:10:32 PM

Grindar has never been to the Tree of Parting, but like most people of the Wold, he has heard a great many things about it. He looks forward to seeing it with his own eyes, though he keeps his thoughts to himself, and his face doesn't reveal any emotion.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(30)25 / T(24)20 / F(25)20; HP: 78/125: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast, 
Monday March 21st, 2022 2:44:08 PM

(OCC: Osul and Moridark, I will make adjustments to the list accordingly. anyone else want anything please let me know.)

Neshi wakes up and with along with Armand's spells feels fit as a fiddle once again.

"Thank you once again for you spell craft my friend, it is most appreciated."

Yes Moridark I believe that we could indeed travel the Wold this way between the two of us. If we can divvy up the teleporting a bit I think it will leave us all in a bit better defensive shape so to speak.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25n /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 126/126n CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Monday March 21st, 2022 5:08:33 PM

"Alright then lets pack as much of this stuff in bags and such as we can. Say you ranger types, can you make some sort of bag or basket or something from the tree's and bushes around here? Maybe some sort of weaved together basket?"

Armand gives a nod to Grinder, "You'll enjoy the Tree....then again coming from the Sargrass you may be put off by a tree the size of the Tree."

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26n (30 w/buckler)T:15, FF:22n, CMD 35, HP 154/154  d20+30=31 ;
Monday March 21st, 2022 5:36:52 PM

Elyngael contemplates weaving some baskets with pine tree branches. Survival d20+30=31

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Monday March 21st, 2022 7:19:16 PM

Moridark reads over his spellbook, and while the others began their final preparations. The mage takes the time to cast his extended mage armor, and takes the time to carefully study the area so he can return easily. When it is time to go he is prepared to teleport back and forth 8 times (6 regular teleports, and 2 greater teleports.

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, SR 25, HP (119/140) 
Monday March 21st, 2022 7:45:20 PM

"It's not the trees that bothers me," Trellus tells Armand.
"It's all the standing water. I still can't get used to it."

The man is ready to go in the morning, and teleports on his turn.

DM RobC - "You'll enjoy the Tree" 
Tuesday March 22nd, 2022 4:39:16 AM

The party rest up and in the morning are fully healed and ready to go.

You have to make several trips back and forth to transport all of your new loot. Even with lots stashed away in bags of holding and such, the only room in the house big enough to store it all is the training room. The coins pile up to just beneath the window sills, and items are lined up against the walls or stacked precariously in woven baskets.

This is the Grindar's first visit to the Tree. You can't take in it's full splendor from inside the house but looking out the window you can see it reaches higher than any castle spire you have ever seen. Its great canopy stretches out and seems to help support the sky itself. In the upper branches you can see lights, torches, magic or lanterns - it's hard to tell, but they shine above you.

It's been a long time since the party have been home. Teleporting right into the house has hidden your return from the other residents of the Tree, so you have the place to yourselves for the moment.

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:135/135, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Tuesday March 22nd, 2022 10:56:57 AM

"I'll hold off my regular flight around/approaching The Tree on our return and help get things sorted - like accomodations. I am happy to take on smaller quarters if it can directly or indirectly provide a room suitable for Grindar and Cotton. Realistically, I can rest in a bread box."

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 39 133/133HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 35 126/126 HP 
Tuesday March 22nd, 2022 12:57:45 PM

"Friend Armand, trees are nothing new to me. While I traveled in the Sargrass Plains, my pack and I befriended a conclave of druids, tasked with defending a druid's grove. Those trees were called ents, and they could move about freely. In fact, a mighty ent sacrificed himself to defeat an enemy that would have crushed the whole grove along with all the druids, and my pack as well."

While sharing this memory, a tear forms in Grindar's left eye. Not one who is comfortable showing emotion, Grindar quickly brushes away the tear, and than adds. "Besides my sojourn in the Sargrass Plains, I spent much time in the Culverwood, helping establish Freedom's Landing, however, it is said that the Tree of Parting is truly unique in it's grandeur, and I do look forward to exploring it. I even heard that the Tree was once an ent like the ones I met in the Sargrass. I must confess that this is of great interest to me, especially as a warrior of nature."

Once at the Tree, Grindar looks up and sees the lights. He marvel's at them for a bit, until Osul starts talking about accommodations for Cotton and himself. "Friend Osul, I have no desire to put you out of your chamber, Cotton and I are as happy sleeping outdoors as we are in a feather bed. If the only room available large enough to accommodate Cotton is your, than we would be happy to sleep in the courtyard, or simply get a room at the famous Tree Top Tavern."

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(30)25 / T(24)20 / F(25)20; HP: 78/125: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast, 
Tuesday March 22nd, 2022 1:37:33 PM

Grindar The room next to mine is plenty large enough and not in use (#9 on the first floor) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fkvnHbhBFhDoLIJiShcUF3fzyyiZ5NgrQy7TbNcFmxo/edit#gid=0

Armand (Robert D)AC 25n /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 126/126n CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Tuesday March 22nd, 2022 6:04:54 PM

We can also get rid of the alchemy on the second floor if you want to room up there. That was set aside for a character that is no longer with us. Room 9 is a large room, empty on the ground floor. I guess Moridark can take Vamir's old room. 12 is empty. and Owen's Suite on the second floor will have to be retooled since he and his family are gone.

exterior view

"I wonder where James is?Anyway let me point out a few or our rooms. There's a large room in the back next to Neshi's room that might do for you and Grinder. And here's the dining room, kitchen, there's a library on the second floor that we keep trying to find books for....". Armand will show the newcomers the house.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26n (30 w/buckler)T:15, FF:22n, CMD 35, HP 154/154 
Tuesday March 22nd, 2022 8:03:58 PM

When Elyngael finishes putting things up she asks, "How do we want to do this? Do we just walk out from here or do we teleport off a ways and then walk in? We need to get the dragon heads to a taxidermist and the skins/scales to the tanner/armorer."

OOC, is the red dragon head just the skull or did we get it preserved and stuffed?

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Tuesday March 22nd, 2022 8:23:27 PM

Moridark lays his things in his room. "Thank you. A libray you say? Well that is just, well amazing. There are not enough libraries, nor books in the wold!' Moridark shrugs at Elyngael on both accounts, "Ihave no idea on either point.'

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, SR 25, HP (119/140) 
Tuesday March 22nd, 2022 8:32:57 PM

"Just walk out from here," Trellus opines. "Always shady to keep an aura of mystery going."

The warrior takes an interest in empty room #12, if available.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 39 133/133HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 35 126/126 HP 
Wednesday March 23rd, 2022 1:11:33 AM

OoC... I believe the head was taxidermied.

DM RobC - "Well that is just, well amazing" 
Wednesday March 23rd, 2022 3:08:07 AM

The party pile the last of the loot in the training room and have to really force the door to get it closed.

As good hosts, the Wardens give the newcomers a tour of the house and point out the rooms that are currently available for them to call their own. This DM isn't entirely sure who is new to the Tree, but it sounds like this is the first time for Grindar and Moridark at least. The house has all the facilities: bathing room, library, alchemy room, and so on. Even a billiard room!

The group are receiving a tour of the kitchen when it happens... *crash!* You turn around to see James - the house steward - looking rather surprised. By his feet are the shattered remains of a moderately expensive ceramic vase. His gaze shifts between Cotton and the rest of the group. "I.. uh.. I didn't hear you come in." He doesn't look too sure whether he should move or stand his ground. Can a rapke see something standing perfectly still? James isn't entirely sure but that's the approach he's taking.

The pantry looks a little on the lean side. There's enough for a few basic meals, but nothing too fancy. Obviously James wasn't expecting you or it would certainly have been well stocked with fresh items. Everything else though is spotlessly clean. Say what you will, but James is one of the best.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 39 133/133HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 35 126/126 HP 
Wednesday March 23rd, 2022 5:57:07 AM

"the room next to yours will do just fine friend Neshi, thank you."

When Grindar sees James's reaction to seeing Cotton for the first time, the ranger quickly introduces himself saying, "Fear not friend, my name is Grindar, son of Grindor, and this is my trusted friend Cotton. Cotton is a friendly rapke, unless someone means her or me harm. She is also house broken, so you won't have to worry about stepping in a steaming land mine."

Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:29 (T:20, FF:23), CMD:35, ST:(F16/R15/W25 + RNL), HP:135/135, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Wednesday March 23rd, 2022 9:45:54 AM

'Osul starts gathering the pieces and casts and recasts the Orizon Mending until the vase is restored.
"Waste not, want not."

OOC [CDM Jerry] 
Wednesday March 23rd, 2022 1:34:02 PM

Cayzle joins Rob today and they are now your Partner DMs. [See email.]

Armand (Robert D)AC 25n /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 126/126n CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Wednesday March 23rd, 2022 5:19:19 PM

"Oh James, sorry about that. But we had a rather larger amount of 'reclaimed' goods than we could conceivable carry all the way back to the Tree. So we've been teleporting back and forth to keep it all gathered in one place until we can properly dispose of it. Let me introduce you to some people, well let me first state that Atlas, Varmir, and Owen and family have left. They're not dead, it's just that they were called away to a higher duty. Heck Atlas is serving one of those Greater Powers. And we picked up some new comers, let me introduce you to Trellus and Moridark. Grinder and Cotten have already introduced themselves."

He continues, [b]"Don't worry about not being prepared, I'm sure you'll supersede our expectations in all things. Though it's been a while since we've had proper bathing and some honest cooking. But that can wait. Tell us how fares things at the Tree? The last time we were here things were not too rosy with those white goddess clerics and the exchange of her 'new' gold coins for every 2 of regular gold coins."[b]

'Osul (Graham) AC:26 (T:21, FF:25), CMD:28, ST:(F17/R13/W28 + RNL), HP:107/107, Wildshape(XIX):8, L. Lord:17, S. Burst:14 
Wednesday March 23rd, 2022 5:40:02 PM

OOC: ...not wild shaped anymore

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26n (30 w/buckler)T:15, FF:22n, CMD 35, HP 154/154  d20+25=43 ;
Wednesday March 23rd, 2022 6:10:12 PM

Elyngael looks out one of the windows of the HQ. Perception d20+25=43

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, SR 25, HP (119/140) 
Wednesday March 23rd, 2022 6:59:52 PM

Trellus' ears perk up at Armand's introduction to James.

"Oooo, proper bathing.. Yes, please."

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Wednesday March 23rd, 2022 7:56:57 PM

Moridark extends his hand when he is introduced, and gives a toothy smile, it is not pretty.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(30)25 / T(24)20 / F(25)20; HP: 78/125: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30, mage armor, stone skin, heroes feast, 
Wednesday March 23rd, 2022 8:01:22 PM

Neshi grins at Trellus, Yeah, I imagine we are all a bit over ripe so-to-speak. My next bit of business, before I go out and announce that we are back, will definitely be a bath.

After that I will take a trip to the catacombs and see all this stuff and return with bags of gold and gems that can be distributed as necessary. So if there is anything that anyone still desires please get it before I go.

DM RobC - "Oooo, proper bathing.. Yes, please." 
Thursday March 24th, 2022 3:03:15 AM

Osul collects the remains of the vase and magically puts it back together. No harm, no foul.

Armand introduces James to everyone and explains the departure of the others. He's still a little unsure of Cotton, though tentatively reaches out to give her a small tap on the head as one would when meeting a pup. "Good, er, rapke?".

The thing that catches the attention of most is the bath. Most of the party have found themselves covered in the blood or bile of one creature or another these past days, and a prestidigitation spell only goes so far. There's only one bathing room though. Will you be taking turns or will this turn into a communal bonding experience?

The vacant rooms are spotlessly clean and have the basics you'd expect. Plenty of room for customization though. With all the trade that passes through the Tree you're sure you could find whatever you need to make a room your own.

Armand then asks of the white goddess clerics. James tries hard to hide a smile but can't help it. "Oh. Them. I don't think you'll be seeing them around here any time soon. They were saying some unkind things about you in the tavern and Ciyradyl overheard them and reprimanded them". Those of you that have been here a while know Ciyradyl is one of the nicest people one could ever meet, so it would take something to really push her buttons. "They didn't take that too kindly and I believe one may have said something that offended her. Unfortunately for them, Miles and Hiflanyl were in the tavern at the time. That's when the fight started."

James then remembers the pantry. "Would you prefer I head out and procure some food or will you be heading to the tavern later? I'll stock up regardless. I think Laughingwater said there were some nice boars about. Were there any other preferences?"

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(30)25 / T(24)20 / F(25)20; HP: 133/133: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30 
Thursday March 24th, 2022 12:21:20 PM

"James, that boar sounds absolutely wonderful." Neshi tosses over his shoulder as he makes his way to the bathing area....

Once done with his bathing, Neshi gets ready and heads to the catacombs. (last call anyone!!!!)

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 39 133/133HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 35 126/126 HP 
Thursday March 24th, 2022 1:26:29 PM

"Roast pig sounds shady, though it's no substitute for prairie pig roasted over an open fire. They say prairie pig tastes like pork, but to my mind, pork tastes like prairie pig"

Grindar waits his turn for the bath, and than when he emerges, minus what seemed to be a life time of grime, he emerges a rather handsome half-orc. It is clear he inherited the comeliness of his human half. Is there some place I can have my traveling clothes laundered, they are as ripe as I was, and I believe they could walk themselves to the laundry." He takes the time to clean his mithral breastplate, and polish the precious metal, as well as oiling the leather straps and giving the piece of armor a complete inspection. He also cleans and polishes Cyrchwr Mawr, and stows everything, in his new room, before rejoining his new pack.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25n /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 126/126n CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Thursday March 24th, 2022 5:20:54 PM

Armand tells James, "The pig is fine, but I think we'll probably have an our dinner up at the Triple T. I wouldn't say no to snacking items though as it may be quite the wait for the bath. Here's some money to see to stocking up and what not." He hands James 1000gp. "And I think the laundry service at the Tree is going to be taxed for a bit." He laughs.

While he waits for his turn at the bath he will see to the cleaning of his armor and weapons. His traveling clothes and boots he will leave to be cleaned. He dons a simple robe while he waits his turn for the bath.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26n (30 w/buckler)T:15, FF:22n, CMD 35, HP 154/154 
Thursday March 24th, 2022 6:21:54 PM

Elyngael says,"James please send for the taxidermists that did the red dragon head. We have three more to add to the collection." She will take her turn with Brawn in the bathroom. He's a bit on the very dirty side even for a wolf.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26n (30 w/buckler)T:15, FF:22n, CMD 35, HP 154/154 
Thursday March 24th, 2022 6:31:53 PM

OOC I forgot, I assume the hide/scales for the armor and shields will have to to go the catacombs for making into armor since the dragon hide is precious. It's probably best that the individual person getting than done take it to the catacombs?

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 39 133/133HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 35 126/126 HP 
Thursday March 24th, 2022 6:56:27 PM

OoC... The Catacombs can enchant dragon armor, but can't buy, or sell it. Also, they can't craft anything out of it. That has to be done in game.

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, SR 25, HP (119/140) 
Thursday March 24th, 2022 7:15:29 PM

Trellus also waits his turn before enjoying a good cleansing.

Anticipating a longish evening at what Armand dubbed the Triple T, he also grabs a quick nap.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Thursday March 24th, 2022 7:27:58 PM

Moridark waits his turn for the bath, and lays across his bed. The mage will also don a simple robe, with hood for the evening as his travel worn clothing is laundered.

'Osul (Cayzle subbing for Graham) 
Thursday March 24th, 2022 11:05:12 PM

"Well, my most excellent friends, it is clear to me beyond all doubt that a bath would be most refreshing. Still, I suspect that my need is much less than that of all of you, seeing as I spent most of our adventure in the most noble form of an air elemental, on which no dirt can rest. Thus, let me go last in the bathing order, as seems meet to me, for as they say, the least shall go first, and the greatest shall be last."

'Osul smiles and bows as he condescends to be the last one in the bathing room. But he does cast several purification spells before he tends to his own toilette.

[OOC: Not really knowing how to play 'Osul at all, I figure the air elementalist is likely a blowhard.]

[Get it? Blow hard? Blowhard?]

[Now you have an inlking of the nightnare that is your future playing experience under my DMship! Sorry Graham!]

[ALSO: Hi everybody! Very happy to be joining the game.]

DM RobC - "I think the laundry service at the Tree is going to be taxed for a bit." 
Friday March 25th, 2022 1:31:48 AM

It's the little things that matter. Despite all the riches, the only thing the party want now they're home it's to take a bath. Each person waits patiently for their turn to relax in the warm water of the tub. Cotton and Brawn also receive a little attention.

Grindar gives his adventuring gear a good going over. Weapon cleaned and polished? Check. Breastplate buffed? Check. Straps oiled? Check. Soon his equipment is as clean as he is.

Others though opt to take advantage of the local facilities - specifically the launderer. Armand gives James some gold to cover the costs and you can only hope it's enough. It's unlikely the staff here have tried to scrub dragon blood out of a tunic before. James provides a large sack for you to place all the soiled garments.

Some other tasks are also set for James. Elyngael asks him to send or the taxidermists. There are three more dragon heads to add to the collection. Then there's the matter of restocking the pantry. Fresh boar will certainly make for a good meal but the party are keen to get out and see the people of the Tree. It's been far too long since you've been able to relax in the Triple T with friends.

Neshi has plans to take all the loot to the catacombs but it will take him several trips to move it all! There's no rush of course.

Now all clean and looking pretty good, you depart from the Treehouse and leave James to all those chores.

The residents of the Tree never saw you return, so you do see a few surprised faces. Their expressions turn to grins and smiles to see you once again. Miles is the first familiar face you see.

"Friends!" He calls and raises his hand in greeting as he approaches "I didn't get word you'd returned." He goes to shake hands with each of you. To those he hasn't met before he introduces himself. "Miles Raynor. Head of security around here. Well, when the Wardens aren't around anyway!". He looks about "Where are the rest?" The party don't look upset by anything, so he probably assumes the former members of the party are about somewhere.

His attention turns to Cotton. "A rapke? Huh, haven't seen one of those around here before. Trained? She looks well treated." Unlike most people, Miles doesn't look alarmed at all to see Cotton and if anything looks really interested. He holds out the back of his hand for her to sniff but otherwise makes no attempt to touch her.

You're all perceptive enough to notice the bruises on Miles' knuckles.

OOC [CDM Jerry] 
Friday March 25th, 2022 11:44:45 AM

Wade, give me a call. One of our old local D&D mates had a heart attack last night. If you need my number email me or look on the bottom of the address list. I don't know if I'm at liberty yet to say who in this age of privacy. Just talked to his wife. Looks like he'll be ok.

'Osul (Cayzle subbing for Graham)  d20+6=20 ;
Friday March 25th, 2022 9:45:58 PM

'Osul shakes Miles's hand. "Name's 'Osul. Glad to meet ya! Hey, you look familiar."

The whether druid ponders for a moment. "I can't decide whether or not we have met before. We have, haven't we! I declare, some days the wind just blows all the flotsam and jetsam right out of my head!"

"I see you have some bruised knuckles there. What's the story with those, my friend?"

Diplomacy check to get him to open up: 20

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, SR 25, HP (119/140) 
Saturday March 26th, 2022 9:02:33 AM

Trellus gives Miles an incredulous look.
"Dude, you truly just offered your hand to a rapke? Have you any idea how many teeth he's got in there?"

The former Rattledamian is not completely comfortable around Grindar's companion.

Armand (Robert D)AC 26n /touch 12/flat 24norm HP 143/143n CMD 27 Character Sheet 
Saturday March 26th, 2022 6:19:41 PM

"Hi Miles. We just got back. Did some teleporting into the HQ because we had so much stuff. Say, 'Osul is going to need some work done. We've got some white dragon hide with scales he wants turned into some masterwork armor. Do you think Dungarth is up to it?" Armand pauses and scratches his head. "I'm not really sure but is there an armorer at the Tree? I've also got some dragon scales that I'd really like turned into a shield."

OOC updating header for increase from the belt of physical perfection

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 39 133/133HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 35 126/126 HP 
Sunday March 27th, 2022 1:57:36 PM

As Miles offer Cotton his hand, the rapke sniffs the hand a few times and than gives it a link. "You must smell shady to her friend Miles, I think she likes you."

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26n (30 w/buckler)T:15, FF:22n, CMD 35, HP 154/154 
Sunday March 27th, 2022 3:21:45 PM

OOC - will have to get some more gear once all the loot is sold in the catacombs and shares divided out.

Elyngael enjoys walking on the huge tree limbs and the smell of the breeze passing through the leaves. "Hello Miles. How's everything going? It the Tree Top Tavern serving anything extraordinary today?"

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Sunday March 27th, 2022 8:25:39 PM

Moridark gives a toothy smile to Miles, and introduces himself. The mage notices the knuckles, but waits to say anything since osul broached the subject.

DM RobC - "It the Tree Top Tavern serving anything extraordinary today?" 
Monday March 28th, 2022 3:45:47 AM

Miles nods and shakes hands as the introductions are made. He's quite a strong man and you can feel it in his grip. He keeps his hand still for Cotton to lick. "I figure if she's walking around with you unleashed then she's either trained or controlled by you somehow." he looks to Trellus "I trust you."

He raises an eyebrow as his old friend Osul speaks. "Took one too many blows to the head I see?" He chuckles. "Been there myself a few times"

Osul - like everyone else - notices Miles knuckles and asks about them. Miles rubs his right hand over the knuckles of his left and grins. "Ah. These are nothing. There was a disturbance in the Triple T that needed resolving. Nothing you need to worry about"

You recall James mentioned something about a fight with the clerics of the white goddess.

Armand asks about the local leathersmith. "Last I heard Dungarth had an order of saddles that he was working through. I'm sure he wouldn't.. wait... did you say dragon hide?". Dungarth is pretty good with hides and is probably the right guy for the job. He's no armorer though so shields might be a little tricky for him. That might require venturing to a city at some point when you have a little down-time.

Elyngael is happy to be back home in the Tree. She has dinner on her mind and asks about the menu. "Nothing extraordinary, but good as always. Ciyradyl has tried a new recipe with baked pheasant and leeks which has been pretty popular though. You heading there now? Sounds like there might be some stories to tell. First pint's on me?"

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 39 133/133HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 35 126/126 HP 
Monday March 28th, 2022 11:36:40 AM

Grindar's stomach growls, as he realizes he is long overdue for a meal. "I've heard of this Tree Top Tavern, is is famous for it's shady fare, and hospitality. I would like to see if the stories I've heard are true!"

Armand (Robert D)AC 26n /touch 12/flat 24norm HP 143/143n CMD 27 Character Sheet 
Monday March 28th, 2022 5:03:53 PM

"Well come on let's get up there. Don't worry about buying the first round Miles. We are a bit flush right now with coin and things." Armand leads everyone up the scenic route to the Tree Top Tavern.

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, SR 25, HP (119/140) 
Monday March 28th, 2022 5:37:45 PM

Trellus grins and heads up with the rest.

"Not sure about stories," he replies to Miles with feigned nonchalance. "The only tales we've got to weave are limited to gargantuan cave behemoths, dragons, and mountains of gold."

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26n (30 w/buckler)T:15, FF:22n, CMD 35, HP 154/154 
Monday March 28th, 2022 6:03:45 PM

"I don't know Trellus. I think the regenerating magic proof behemoth would be a tall tale if I hadn't been there to experience it."

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(30)25 / T(24)20 / F(25)20; HP: 133/133: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30 
Monday March 28th, 2022 8:24:28 PM

Neshi listens and then joins his friend on the way up the tree.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(30)25 / T(24)20 / F(25)20; HP: 133/133: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30 
Monday March 28th, 2022 8:24:34 PM

Neshi listens and then joins his friend on the way up the tree.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Monday March 28th, 2022 8:52:00 PM

Moridark follows the other to the inn. The mage smilling at Trellus, and relaxing for the first time in awhile.

DM RobC - "The only tales we've got to weave are limited to gargantuan cave behemoths, dragons, and mountains of gold." 
Tuesday March 29th, 2022 3:59:39 AM

The group are more than happy to join Miles at the tavern, though Armand assures him that the party can more than cover any drink charges.

The Treetop Tavern (or the 'TripleT' / 'TTT' as known to the locals) is one of the best places in the area for food, drink and company. That it's literally on the Tree and so close to home is a bonus. It's roughly 500ft up from the ground, so you can tell the visitors from the locals based on whether they hold the handrails or not. Apart from the tavern itself the TripleT also has rooms for guests. The rooms are spread around the tree a bit on this level rather than adjoining so a little different to what you'd find in other towns.

Ciyradyl Ilyndrathyl is the proprietor and one of the loveliest young ladies you could hope to meet. The elven woman moves with a fluid grace and despite her lithe figure she has no trouble carrying the large plates of food that the tavern is known for.

"Well look who it is. My favorite customers!" Ciyradyl chuckles and glides over to see the party. "Come now. Have a seat. Don't just stand there in my doorway". The elven woman escorts you to the round table in the middle of the tavern. Other patrons in the tavern stop to watch. You can overhear some whispers as you move towards the table. "It's them!", "They're back!", "Who's that they're with?", "Think it'd be rude to ask for Elyngael to sign my quiver?" are just a few. All are smiling though. The Tree Wardens are heroes round these parts after all.

Miles waits to see where everyone sits before taking whichever spot is left.

"Now then. What can I get you?"

'Osul (Graham) AC:26 (T:21, FF:25), CMD:28, ST:(F17/R13/W28 + RNL), HP:107/107, Wildshape(XIX):8, L. Lord:17, S. Burst:14 
Tuesday March 29th, 2022 6:50:12 AM

'Osul smiles at Ciyradyl and says, "A plain explanation of the coinage you accept and the comparative rates, thank you!"

'Osul looks at Miles, and says "It feels like that some times, Miles Raynor. Shortly after I arrived at the Tree, Zee went looking for a guide for our journey into the Red Hills. She was a fan of yours, Ciyradyl. Zee advised us all that she had been unsuccessful, but the first time ever I heard you name was Zee saying that you had some experience in the lands to the south of The Tree. I thought the Head of Security would have other calls on his time, but I appreciated the honest answer. It comes and it goes."

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 39 133/133HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 35 126/126 HP 
Tuesday March 29th, 2022 12:23:45 PM

Grindar walks up to the counter and extends his hand for a hand shake saying, "Grindar, Son of Grindor at your service. Your Tree Wardens helped me, or me them, depending on how you look at it, dispatch the evil "White Goddess", who was not but a white hand of a dragon. Afterwards, they extended an invitation to join their ranks, which was a very shady invitation indeed. I've heard you are moonshade in the kitchen and I would love to dine on whatever you deem worthy. Oh, and a pint of your finest would also be greatly appreciated. "

Armand (Robert D)AC 26n /touch 12/flat 24norm HP 143/143n CMD 27 Character Sheet 
Tuesday March 29th, 2022 5:47:54 PM

Armand will wave to and acknowledge the other residents of the Tree in the Inn.

"Agreed a pint of beer to whet the whistle as it were. There's no bard among us and as you know Owen and Atlas have left for other duties. Trellus I believe was with us on our last return and Grinder is the newest to join us. But first how goes the Tree? Last we left things were a might out of kilter. Then I guess we can do some 'splaining about where we've been and what we did. But we may want some more people here to hear it, like Laughingwater and Folbre, and maybe one of the sages from the Sages Guild. I wouldn't want to have to keep telling it over and over, it's not like I'm a bard." Armand speaks loudly enough for anyone to easily hear him.

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, SR 25, HP (119/140) 
Tuesday March 29th, 2022 6:40:59 PM

Trellus frequented the Tavern a lot during the recent "troubles", and often bought a round or two for the house to generate good will.

Sliding in next to Grindar, he grins at Ciyradyl.
"He said he's happy to be with us, heard you are a fantastic cook, and would like some beer," he translates.

"And I would also like a beer, or two."

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26n (30 w/buckler)T:15, FF:22n, CMD 35, HP 154/154 
Tuesday March 29th, 2022 8:03:07 PM

Elyngael looks around. She's always found children under the age of 12 to be like puppies. She pats Brawn on the head. "Brawn would like anything you have. He's gotten used to eating at the table with all the times Armand casts heroes feast."

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Tuesday March 29th, 2022 8:03:36 PM

Moridark listens to teh conversation, and orders red wine when it is time to do so.

DM RobC - "He said he's happy to be with us, heard you are a fantastic cook, and would like some beer" 
Wednesday March 30th, 2022 3:59:18 AM

"Plain gold will be fine here" Ciyradyl chuckles to Osul. The question is no doubt to do with the semi-recent involvement of the followers of the white goddess. Armand phrases it well when he describes it as "out of kilter". Ciyradyl smiles and is polite in her response "Let's just say things are back to normal and you won't be seeing any of 'those kind' back here any time soon." Miles rubs his knuckles again.

Grindar then gives her some story with plenty of Sargrassian words and phrases thrown in. She looks a little confused but Trellus quickly translates. "Oh! One of the southern land folks. I've got some meerkat I wasn't sure what to do with. How's meerkat dumplings sound?"

The specials on the menu today are the roast pheasant with leek, and Smoked salmon with wild berries. Other (less special) traditional fare is available of course, such as beef stew, chicken, and such.

Drink orders are placed. "Beer all around then! And a wine, of course". Ciyradyl heads off to the bar to arrange the drinks while you make yourselves comfortable and decide on dinner.

Miles scoots his chair closer to the table. "I don't know about you, but I have to see if this pheasant is as good as they say"

Elyngael spots a young girl who has turned backwards on her seat to get a good look at the ranger. You'd put her at around 8 years old, and the shape of her ears suggest she's at least partly elven. "Lyari!" the undoubtedly elven woman seated to her left hushes "It's rude to stare. Now, eat your sprouts". She gives a polite smile to Elyngael and blushes a little. The girl's gaze barely shifts from Elyngael though. "But mama, it's them!". "Listen to your mother, Lyari" The man eating his meal pauses "If you eat all your sprouts AND if they're not busy, maybe you can go say hello after". He gives a smile and friendly wink in your direction.

Brawn is quite well known at the Tree and the residents are quite calm to see him. You even catch one man giving a nod of acknowledgement to the wolf. Cotton though is still somewhat of an unknown. She's with the party - who are heroes and have saved the Tree many, many times - but she's a rapke and looks kind of like a white pony/raptor hybrid.

Armand suggests perhaps getting a few more people into the tavern. If he's going to tell a tale, he only wants to do it once. He's sure it won't take long. News of your return will quickly travel throughout the Tree. Ciyradyl is probably going to be very busy very soon.

'Osul (Graham) AC:26 (T:21, FF:25), CMD:28, ST:(F17/R13/W28 + RNL), HP:107/107, Wildshape(XIX):8, L. Lord:17, S. Burst:14 
Wednesday March 30th, 2022 7:57:58 AM

"Thank you Ciyradyl. I certainly hope that is the case, and I for one would like to hear more about how they left, but all too soon we are going to root out their nests - so to speak.", he adds in quieter, almost hushed tones.

The farm boy will quite happily have some beef stew and a cob of bread with a fresh pat of butter. And drinks.

He looks around for a familiar face, and if he doesn't see them, he makes a point of calling at the chapel before the evening is gone.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 39 133/133HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 35 126/126 HP 
Wednesday March 30th, 2022 12:19:14 PM

Grindar smiles and answers Ciyradyl, "Whatever you make, I'm sure will be sha..., I mean great, though if you need a use for the meat, I'm not one to turn down such an offer."

Seeing everyone seemingly unsure as to how to take Cotton, Grindar addresses the crowd. "Cotton was only a pup, and left for dead by her kind, when I found her. You can still see the scar on her throat, from where her fellow rapkes tried to end her. You see rapke are pack animals, much like wolves, and as you know, a pack is only as strong as it's weakest link. Well, here we have one born an albino, and to a breed of pack animals that relies heavily on their natural camouflage, that is a liability, and so they tried to cull her. I got there just in time, and was able to save her life. sadly the damage to her throat destroyed her ability to use the sonic attack, that all rapkes normal can use, but she has been a worthy companion, and a faithful friend, and I can say with certainty, that the only ones who have reason to fear her, are those who wish to do harm to her, me, or those we care about."

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(30)25 / T(24)20 / F(25)20; HP: 133/133: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30 
Wednesday March 30th, 2022 2:01:45 PM

While the others are bathing and getting situated, Neshi decides it would be a good time to head to the catacombs to sell their horde. Making a couple of trips using the 2 bags of holding, Neshi gets it all there and waits his turn.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(30)25 / T(24)20 / F(25)20; HP: 133/133: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30 
Wednesday March 30th, 2022 2:09:25 PM

Having returned from the catacombs, Neshi joins the group at the TTT and is pleased by the apparent return of normalcy to the general populace. He too orders the pheasant and some Tauran wine. and sits back and observes the room.

(OOC: I will get the total amount soon, but can we assume there is enough to get us to the appropriate WBL amount, Just keep a total of how much you are spending so I can subtract it and know how much we have that we can spread around.)

Armand (Robert D)AC 26n /touch 12/flat 24norm HP 143/143n CMD 27 Character Sheet 
Wednesday March 30th, 2022 5:21:48 PM

When Armand hears about Cotton's misfortune he offers, "I did not realize poor Cotten was damaged that way. I can cast Heal upon her. It should do to restore her sonic attack."

"I think I would like both the beef and the chicken please. I'm feeling a bit famished." He takes out his sage's journal. "This should help in keeping track of the what and when of our latest excursion. How far back should we go in this retelling?"

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26n (30 w/buckler)T:15, FF:22n, CMD 35, HP 154/154 
Wednesday March 30th, 2022 6:31:16 PM

Elyngael smiles at the girl but otherwise remains quite to let the other tell of what happened.

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, SR 25, HP (119/140) 
Wednesday March 30th, 2022 7:22:58 PM

"I'll take meerkat dumplings," Trellus offers.

At Armand's suggestion, the man looks skeptical.
"Worth the pick, but she matured without it. The necessary muscles may never have grown."

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 39 133/133HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 35 126/126 HP 
Wednesday March 30th, 2022 9:17:04 PM

"Trellus is right, Armand even if you were able to fix the destroyed organ, Cotton wouldn't know what to do with it."

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Wednesday March 30th, 2022 10:32:42 PM

Moridark orders the pheasant and wine. The mage listens to the conversation but is quiet.

Co-DM Cayzle 
Thursday March 31st, 2022 12:32:32 AM

'Osul enjoys the simpler fare and looks for someone he might expect. Indeed, more and more people are entering the establishment, as word of your arrival spreads, and it would not be surprising to see just about any Tree denizen arrive.

Grindar is humble and willing to eat just about anything, but those dumplings do sound tasty.

Trellus is not hesitant to request the treat. Soon both of the Southerners are digging in to a dish that reminds them of days long gone by.

After the first serving, Grindar comes up for air and tells the story of his faithful friend, Cotton. Armand suggests that the disability can he healed, but Trellus and Grindar agree that it would likely not work. A bird with wings clipped from birth might have the damage regenerated with sufficient magic, but that would not let the poor bird fly.

Yurr'Neshi returns from the Catacombs and tells the group, privately despite the common setting, about the most recent loot disposition. The liontaur is happy to see that the place is returning to normal, and as a member of the race known as the most handsome in the Wold, he is the center of attention despite his quiet affect.

Elyngael is friendly but quiet. Moridark also keeps his own counsel. But both enjoy the delicious spread, the excellent drink, and the friendly atmosphere.

Their dinner concluded, Lyari, her mom, and her dad approach. The parents shoo the girl up, and she approaches, looking at you ... and suddenly tongue-tied. How do you react to this young one?

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 39 133/133HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 35 126/126 HP 
Thursday March 31st, 2022 1:03:45 AM

"It appears we have a future hero of the Wold here friends, careful, or she may claim your spot in the Tree Wardens. "

Armand (Robert D)AC 26n /touch 12/flat 24norm HP 143/143n CMD 27 Character Sheet 
Thursday March 31st, 2022 6:04:36 PM

"Well where to begin?" He looks up a bit startled. "Hello there. Are you wanting a front seat for a scary story? Well it's not that scary." He winks at the little girl. "The heroes survive in the end."

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, SR 25, HP (119/140) 
Thursday March 31st, 2022 6:58:52 PM

Trellus notes the girl, and slides out of his chair. Dropping down to a knee, he bends down further to meet her at her eye level.

"Many shadows," he greets her softly. "I'm Trellus of Rattledam. What's your name?"

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26n (30 w/buckler)T:15, FF:22n, CMD 35, HP 154/154 
Thursday March 31st, 2022 7:51:56 PM

Elyngael says, "Hello. Would you like to pet Brawn?"

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Thursday March 31st, 2022 11:14:56 PM

Moridark orders the pheasant and wine. The mage listens to the conversation but is quiet.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Thursday March 31st, 2022 11:16:13 PM

Moridark savors his meal slowly. The mage let’s those best suited to tell their story talk as the mage listens.

'Osul (Graham) AC:26 (T:21, FF:25), CMD:28, ST:(F17/R13/W28 + RNL), HP:107/107, Wildshape(XIX):8, L. Lord:17, S. Burst:14 
Friday April 1st, 2022 6:44:58 AM

'Osul simply smiles and says, "Hello!" to Lyari, and nods to her and her parents.

Co-DM Cayzle 
Friday April 1st, 2022 8:58:08 AM

The Wardens make Lyari welcome, each in their own way.

The little girl shyly pets Brawn and offers her name to Trellus.

"Wow!" she says, at a loss for words.

Her mom takes a step closer. "Thank you, good heroes! I read her your book every night. We never believed any of those bad things people were saying, either!"

If anyone asks her about what book, you discover that someone has created a picture book about you all, and it is circulating among the wealthier households that have kids.

Miles takes a look around at all the people who have entered the place, some trying to be casual, some openly curious, even admiring. He whispers to you, "You know, this is a pretty friendly crowd. Maybe a little speechifying would help nail down some of those good feelings -- and even spread them around. Just a suggestion."

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Friday April 1st, 2022 12:14:13 PM

Moridark savors his meal slowly. The mage let’s those best suited to tell their story talk as the mage listens.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(30)25 / T(24)20 / F(25)20; HP: 133/133: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30 
Friday April 1st, 2022 4:41:45 PM

Neshi listens with half an ear as he enjoys his meal.

(OOC: The grand total of cash that can be disbursed in whatever means needed is 548,648.5 gps. )

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, SR 25, HP (119/140) 
Saturday April 2nd, 2022 3:51:12 PM

"Ah, speechifying.....


take it away, Armand."

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(30)25 / T(24)20 / F(25)20; HP: 133/133: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30 
Saturday April 2nd, 2022 4:17:48 PM

Neshi digs in to the promised pheasant, looking around at his friends and wondering how he got so lucky as to fall in with such a wonderfully eclectic group of individuals.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26n (30 w/buckler)T:15, FF:22n, CMD 35, HP 154/154 
Saturday April 2nd, 2022 5:02:57 PM

Elyngael is content to sit and listen.

OOC, Elyngael is short 72,695 for minimum wealth by level. Not going to take any gold until we see where everyone is.

Armand (Robert D)AC 26n /touch 12/flat 24norm HP 143/143n CMD 27 Character Sheet  d20+21=35 ;
Saturday April 2nd, 2022 5:47:52 PM

OOC, Armand is down 85,465 WBL. Agree with Lynnette to wait and see where everyone else is. Didn't we have loot from Vurm the multicolored dragon? Or did that get cashed out already when we were last at the Tree?

Armand is rather stunned that there's a book circulating about them. He's not sure how to process that. Armand pauses to think. speechifying... what a strange word and somehow easily understood.

Diplomacy 35 (d20+21).

Armand stands to address the crowd. "Well good people as you know the last time we were in town there was some troubles with...money changers. The cult of the White Goddess had made some inroads here and was somehow convincing a good many of you to trade 2 of your good gold coins for one of theirs. Along with some rather skewed implications about us Wardens..

Be that as it may, We knew something was amiss as our town was not the only one where we'd encounter these disciples of the white goddess. So we did some reconnoitering to find out it was likely the white goddess was holed up in the mountains north of Dragon Bay. It was a fair bit of traveling to get there. Well to make long story short, we were pretty sure the white goddess was a dragon, in fact we were absolutely sure there were two of them in on this scheme to build their gold horde. We sussed out the mountain and found Grinder and Cotton on a similar path. We joined forces to enter the old mines of the mountain and in fact found that the white goddess was in fact at least a gargantuan sized white dragon, and she had two of her children to back her up. The youngest we took care of pretty quickly as we decided to concentrate on one at time rather than all three at once. The older dragon was large and took a bit longer to end. But the ancient mother dragon, well, she had us on the ropes with her tactics. But we managed to prevail. There were a few other dangers in the mines, but that's makes this a longer tale. After we did some healing up we teleported back to HQ to get properly cleaned up and well here we are."

He looks around. "If you want the full story I have my notes..."

'Osul (Graham) AC:26 (T:21, FF:25), CMD:28, ST:(F17/R13/W28 + RNL), HP:107/107, Wildshape(XIX):8, L. Lord:17, S. Burst:14 
Sunday April 3rd, 2022 7:46:32 PM

'Osul slips into the crowd and listens. He also gauges the general level of interest in hearing the full story.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Sunday April 3rd, 2022 8:26:32 PM

Moridark slides his now empty plate to the side, pours a fresh glass of wine, and pulls his journal out. The mage compares his notes with Armands, and adds armands to his.

OOC: If I go to the Catacombs, and buy the 3 scrolls,and one item Ihave my eye on I will be about 35,000 short of WBL.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 39 133/133HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 35 126/126 HP 
Sunday April 3rd, 2022 10:32:09 PM

Grindar just smiles as Armand relates the story of how he met the Wardens, He has nothing to say, so he just scratches Cotton behind the ears and listens.

'Osul (Graham) AC:26 (T:21, FF:25), CMD:28, ST:(F17/R13/W28 + RNL), HP:107/107, Wildshape(XIX):8, L. Lord:17, S. Burst:14 
Monday April 4th, 2022 9:21:22 AM

OOC: 'Osul originally took a Necklace of Adaption, which on reflection should not benefit him at all. Selling that will still leave him 9000gp and change short of getting the upgrade he is already in The Catacombs with. If he can sell another 18000gp plus to make up the difference then he will be a little over 57000gp short of WBL.

Co-DM Cayzle 
Monday April 4th, 2022 5:06:16 PM

The party is content to let the silver-tonged Armand tell the tale of the party's latest adventure. ANd they are wise to do so, because Armand's recital is amazing and thrilling.

'Osul pays attention to the audience and finds everybody spellbound. There are gasps at the scary parts and ooo's at the exciting bits.

Neshi and Moridark sontinue their feasting as Armand speaks. Elyngael, Grindar, and Trellus pay attention to the story.

As Armand wraps up, the meal draws to a close. A few people approach for autographs. Others just want to say how glad they are that the Wardens are on the job.

Soon it is time to go, and the party faces a period of rest and relaxation. [OOC: Please wrap up the loot dispersal and make sure your PC sheets are up to date ... I am looking forward to reading them. Now is the time to do your training, craft your items, visit your favorite NPCs, and give the new DM a chance to settle in. Let's please wrap up the R&R in two days, if possible.]

Armand (Robert D)AC 26n /touch 12/flat 24norm HP 143/143n CMD 27 Character Sheet 
Monday April 4th, 2022 6:07:09 PM

Thankful that the trial of meeting everyone and doing some explaining has been accomplished Armand takes a breather. "Anyone teleporting to Plateau City or some place large? They are not going to be able to craft my dragon scale shield here. Maybe not 'Osul's armor either. Not sure about that though."

loot 548,648.5
Elyngael 72,695
Armand 85,465
Moridark 35,000
Osul 57,000
At this point there is 298,488.5 remaining loot
Grinder ?
Trellus ?

Trellus - MikeK - (AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, SR 25, HP (119/140) 
Monday April 4th, 2022 6:47:35 PM

"I'm just going to hang out here," Trellus replies.

The man spends his time wandering around, both within and below the Tree.
Where he finds people who could use a bit of muscle (lifting, pushing, carrying, etc) he offers to lend a hand.

OOC - PC Sheet ready

Trellus took 37,004 gp to get to max

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 39 133/133HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 35 126/126 HP 
Monday April 4th, 2022 6:58:44 PM

Grindar hangs around with his fellow Sargrassian, pitching in where Trellus does, and does his best to get to know his new home. He is more than a bit overwhelmed at the granduar of the Tree, convinced that the stories of the thing don't do it justice.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26n (30 w/buckler)T:15, FF:22n, CMD 35, HP 154/154 
Monday April 4th, 2022 7:27:56 PM

Elyngael takes some money and heads to the catacombs.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 134/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) Overland Flight 
Monday April 4th, 2022 8:55:13 PM

Moridark ducks out after the story ends and heads to the catacombs.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(30)25 / T(24)20 / F(25)20; HP: 133/133: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30 
Monday April 4th, 2022 9:24:51 PM

Neshi, spends the next bit of time in his little pocket realm doing a bit of crafting and upgrading a couple of things.

(Neshi is 23,000 gps short and currently the both BOHs (Type I and Type IV are included in his total)

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(30)25 / T(24)20 / F(25)20; HP: 133/133: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30 
Tuesday April 5th, 2022 2:37:03 PM

Over the next bit of time Neshi spends as much time as possible working in his small extradimensional workshop upgrading his belt of physical might.

(OOC: Sheet should be done. Of curse this is coming from an old 1st editioner, so....)

'Osul (Graham) AC:26 (T:21, FF:25), CMD:28, ST:(F17/R13/W28 + RNL), HP:107/107, Wildshape(XIX):8, L. Lord:17, S. Burst:14 
Tuesday April 5th, 2022 7:27:50 PM

"Armand, agreed, and lets bring the red dragon hide with us too. Did anyone else want part of this?"

OOC: pending Catacombs and answers to questions there.

Armand (Robert D)AC 26n /touch 12/flat 24norm HP 143/143n CMD 27 Character Sheet 
Tuesday April 5th, 2022 7:39:31 PM

Armand takes some money and heads to the catacombs.

It looks like there's enough money for everyone to hit WBL and any left over can be donated to the Tree.

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