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Refining Fire
A Blow to the Heart

Acquisition (ADM Nellie) 
Friday June 29th, 2007 11:43:46 PM

With a helpful tip from Appolo, Rigging heads down to the local pub and meets up with the Fargunian Captain. Once questioned about the sale of his vessel, Captain Trask is more than willing to dispatch of his possession. "Ye can have er. I'll even give ye a discount. I tell ye I'm lucky enough to have escaped in one piece with that there black ship sinking vessels right and left. I've got no desires to visit Davey Jone's locker. No thank ye...I'll take my gold and head back home a happy man." After a pathetic amount of haggling, Rigging acquires the small sailing ship for 9,000 gold.

The Utter Silence, though small compaired to the Sword is sea worthy and looks to be well maintained. It does, however, need a new crew, as the previous one seems to have abandoned ship as soon as port was reached.

Sunday July 1st, 2007 1:41:37 AM

After purchasing the ship, Rigging with Tomas in tow will head back to where everyone is staying. After getting everyone together, he starts handing out the magic he purchased for the group.

He hands the clerical scrolls to Nezamil.
4 scrolls of restoration 3200gp
4 scrolls of heal 6600gp
4 scrolls of cure serious mass 1500gp

He makes sure that Cosmo has the wand of monster summoning 4 that they found at the temple and hands him some scrolls as well

1 teleport
1 passwall
1 prying eyes
1 break enchantment
1 wall of stone

He also hands him the braclet of friends. "You will have to attune it to the members who can't teleport. I figure Ashira, Appolo, Val and Bart

To Ari

5 disguise spells
2 knocks
1 tensers floating disk

and the wand of greater invisiblity 7th level

To Mykael he hands one of the necklaces of fireballs type 7 and the wand of dispel magic 10th level.

He hands the other necklace to Appolo (necklace of fireballs type 7

I have also bought a ship to get us there. I figure it can get us there with a crew from the Sword and then get out of the area, rejoining up with the Sword for mutual protection. Either they can both come back here or go on a supply run. Will take 10 weeks round trip but we need to get the supplies there.

Between the teleport spells I have bought, can memorize and Cosmo can memorize plus the braclet of friends, I think we can escape the city without the boats aid.

Along the way, I have purchased some scrying scrolls and we have the Wayfinder to help scout the tempe and the city's defenses. We go in, strike hard and loot the temple, killing everything in sight including that damn tree and then get out of town via magic.

We still have 15,000 gps left from the 100,000 gps given us for group purchases. I thought about getting some arrows of slaying or barrels of acid which I can shrink down. Any suggestions?

Sunday July 1st, 2007 7:41:24 PM

Appolo is still at catacombs and will have some more suggestions.But we should really have some long range Teleport spells Mass teleport.

Sunday July 1st, 2007 8:43:33 PM

Mykael is still in the catacombs, but when he returns he accepts the items from Rigging. "The should work well."

Sunday July 1st, 2007 9:15:06 PM

Rigging listens to Appolo and says, "There isn't any teleport mass that I know of. I have heard of teleport circle but can't cast it personally, the spell being beyond my skills. I could get a scroll but it still takes 10 minutes to cast. Doubt we will have that kind of time.

Not a bad idea in whole and that is why I did buy teleport scrolls (2 of them) and the braclet of friens which is sort of like teleports.

Sunday July 1st, 2007 11:26:14 PM

Ashira smiles as she sees Rigging's new purchase, but can't help a small pout. "You go shopping and nothing for me???" Making her way to the docks, she examines Rigging's new purchase thoroughly. Then she checks through her own Catacombs purchase and adds a few items to her list.

Monday July 2nd, 2007 1:57:39 AM

Just save the 10k maybe we can use it to bribe some people getting info about the temple complex. Maybe get some fire breath potions

Monday July 2nd, 2007 8:01:17 AM

"I think another elemental gem or two could be quite useful in the raid. Either to take attention from us or to help destroy the place."

Monday July 2nd, 2007 1:07:21 PM

Rigging hears Val's suggestion and says, "Your right. They could be very useful but we do already have a wand of monster summoning 4 which could be used to summon elementals. The good thing about the gems is non spellusers can summon elementals with them.

If you think our fighters need them or would be more effective with them, then I say go for it. I was thinking we might be better off with some arrows of slaying greater. Nasty item. Sort of like a bane item but when hit the person hit just dies. They are around 4000 each but good for fighters. (OOC They get a fort check of 23. Not real easy but good way to take out midlevel priests and guards. Most likely won't work on higher level npcs)

Monday July 2nd, 2007 1:09:54 PM

Ari accepts his items and continues to mull over what he should do for his catacombs purchase.

"What can we fall back upon if all magic fails, or what plans should we make if we lose all magic?"

Monday July 2nd, 2007 9:01:03 PM

"These will come in real handy.....good thinking Captain " as Nezamil accepts the scrolls

Stashing the scrolls with his others.

" now i'm just waiting to add some armor and few trinkets from the catacombs"

Moving right along...---ADM Nellie 
Tuesday July 3rd, 2007 12:04:04 AM

Equipment is purchased, both vessels are outfitted and the voyage is uneventful, though tense. Several times you swear as though you spot a ship blacker than night on the horizon, though it's hard to tell whether it's imagination run afoul.

After several days, the western coast line of Aisildur is spotted. Staying well out of visual range, the first mate asks Rigging whether they should make landfall by night or day.

OOC: I'm sorry I wasn't able to get this rolling last week, but I'd like to get us up and running this week.

Tuesday July 3rd, 2007 8:50:43 AM

"Captain were being followed. We've been at sea far too long to know that things like this are always real. Could be pirates looking to take advantage of a smaller vessel. Something tells me that were going to deal with whatever that is before its all said and done."

Wednesday July 4th, 2007 1:07:06 AM

Bart takes a look with the wayfinder at the other ship maybe he can see something
I can use the wayfinder to look at the temple as well after we finish bussines with the other ship

Wednesday July 4th, 2007 1:26:39 AM

Alarmed by the potential of the black ship, Ashira awaits the results of Bart's investigation. "As long as we're free to choose, I think I'd rather make it into port at night Captain." she comments as she nervously scans the horizon.

DM Kent 
Wednesday July 4th, 2007 7:14:51 PM

The use of the Wayfinder does nothing to illuminate the issue of the black ship. In fact as Bart uses it, the strangest thing occurs. At first it seems to be working correctly as he sights on the ship, and things seem to be rushing in quickly to bring everything quickly into a close up and personal view, but at the very last moment every thing scrambles up and suddenly Bart finds himself no longer able to even see the ship through the artifact at all. Lowering it momentarily to see if the ship was still there he can see it with his naked eye but when he brings the Wayfinder back up the same scrambled process occurs again.

Checking to make sure the Wayfinder is not broken, bart turns and focuses on the shore of Ailsidur and quickly he finds himself spying on a lonely shore fisherman.

The night is spent quietly in a small little cove and morning brings yet another glorious morning. Tensions are a bit high as each sword begins to think about what the day might bring knowing that by early evening they would be sailing into the Harbor at Emperor City, ready to begin the task set before them by the consortium.

Wednesday July 4th, 2007 9:47:47 PM

Val watched the sunrise, a rag moving up and down her bow. The wood sparkled in the light as it always did when it was freshly polished. She geared up as best she could. Trying to anticipate a complex enemy was a hard thing. Getting to the temple would be hard enough. Maybe such a thing is unthinkable in the eyes of their enemies. Soon they would find out.

"We should get started. Trying to get into the city during the early morning would be wise. Moreso than waiting til later in the day and everybody is fully awake."

Thursday July 5th, 2007 12:49:03 AM

OOC: Rigging in the community cash, did you include the 10,000gp that I requested for the cost of making community potions? Just making sure.

IC: Mykael spends the first half an hour walking around to the different swords and passing out potions.

Nezamil - Potion of Protection from Arrows (7th lvl)

Bart or Val(one of you asked for these) - 2 Bulls Strength Potions (7th lvl)

Cosmo, Ari, Rigging, Mykael - one Potion of Displacement and one potion of Stoneskin each (all 7th lvl)

Val, Bart, Appolo, Nezamil, Ashira - 2 Potions of Displacement and 2 Potions of Stoneskin each (all 7th lvl)

Val, Bart, Appolo, Ari - one Oil of Keen each (all 7th lvl)

Ashira - receives 2 Oil of Keen (7th lvl)(one for each blade)

"That is what I was able to get made for everyone. Lets hope they last."

Thursday July 5th, 2007 5:24:47 AM

"I would think we have to determine if the black ship is related to our task or not. Can we afford the time to slow down on our task. Should we let others take care of the black ship knowing that we have another task before us at this point."

Thursday July 5th, 2007 2:34:52 PM

Appolo accepts his gifts and thank both Rigging and Mykeal."I told you we needed the sword.My bet is that that ship is going let us go and go after the sword.Now if we were aboard the Sword we turn make sword work of that floating dung oile and then resume out mission.Now the Sword and it's crew will probably have to fight it with out us."

Appolo OOC 
Thursday July 5th, 2007 2:35:51 PM

Appolo is still in the Catacombs.

DM kent 
Thursday July 5th, 2007 6:17:35 PM

No sign is seen of the black ship the next day and the sail into the Emperor City Harbor is smooth and easy. In fact the wind was such that the trip was shorter than expected and it is only late afternoon and not evening when you arrive.

Things get a bit more interesting as they enter the mouth of the harbor themselves and are greeted by the sight of a very congested channel.

It seems that every ship entering the harbor is being boarded and at least questioned, with the exception of the galleys, both small and large which bear Ga'al's holy symbol on them.

Further on in the harbor it is very obvious that the "recruitment" of new heartseed recipients has been very good as there are at least twelve galleys already tied up at the docks and at least 6 others heading through the channels to the large Ga'alian church's docks.

The other docks are fairly busy as well with the local fishermen alread setting up their evening stalls along the pier and hanging out their wares for sale.

The merchant dock, while less busy have obviously been fairly well used during the day as groups of dock workers seem to be either finishing unloading several ships or are moving unloded crates and such into nearby warehouses.

The final two docks, used primarily for visitors, are less busy and currently only have two fairly small ships tied up.

Thursday July 5th, 2007 8:29:12 PM

Cosmo is still in the catacombs deciding on what to buy. In the meantime he looks over the items that members of the group have been giving to him.

To Mykael:

"Thank you for the Displacement and Stoneskin potions. They will come in handy on this trip."

To Rigging:

"I will use the items you gave to me to help the party on this next adventure. Unfortunately, I cannot use the Break Enchantment scroll. It is forbidden to me."

Cosmo hands back to Rigging the one scroll and packs away the following:

Wand of Monster Summoning IV
Scrolls - Teleport, Passwall, Prying Eyes & Wall of Stone
Bracelet of Friends (attuned to Ashira, Appolo, Val & Bart)

Thursday July 5th, 2007 8:53:29 PM

Rigging winces as he sees the ships being boarded. "OK we are traders trying to offload our cargo. Have supplies on board for the colony which can pass as trade goods or we can use some of the gems we have got left over as trade items too.

We also need to change some of our looks. Ashira, Val, myself, Ari and Appolo might be to well known for this mission. I think Cosmo should play the part of a merchant trying to sell his gems in the city. We four need to get invisible or hidden or disguised somehow. Then we head over to the merchant docks.

OOC to Mykael, No I didn't figure it in but yes we have enough funds to cover it.

Friday July 6th, 2007 6:11:34 AM

"We do have the disguise spells that we could use. (ooc what level cast? 10 mins per level). It would last (ooc see previous) minutes. So I don't know if we want to use it now or afterwards."

Friday July 6th, 2007 12:26:17 PM

The ranger sighs as the inspections begin. "If they're smart, they'll check for magic...let's pray they're not. I really don't want to fight my way into the harbor. Bart, why don't you use Wayfinder and see what kind of inspection they're performing. That way we'll have a better idea of what's in front of us. If they are looking for magic, then I've got an idea or two of how to get in."

Friday July 6th, 2007 9:43:27 PM

"Captain they have no idea who I am. This body was a gift from the mother of elves. Besides if they check half as well as they should they will identify us. Unless they could be too overwhelmed with work. By the way somebody can have the oil of keen. My weapon is blunt and not affected by the magic. But thanks for the other two potions."

Rigging "illegal post" 
Friday July 6th, 2007 9:56:46 PM

That is a good idea Bart. Just use Wayfinder to leave look. Don't go etheral.

Val, yes I know you have a new body, but it still stands out. You don't see that many drow featured elves and I am sure they are gonna take a hard look at you.

I look different to. My face is the same but my equipment is totally different. No sword and dagger anymore. Still better safe than sorry.

DM Kent 
Friday July 6th, 2007 10:32:20 PM

Bart takes a look at the different boats that seem to be the ones checking the incoming ships and what he sees both shocks and surprises him and yet nothing seems to be out of the ordinary at least at first glance.

Each ship seems to have a five persons aboard in addition to a small crew. One seems to be a scribe type and is writing things down as each ship checks in. The other four are obviously a quad. Bart spot DC 19. If pass then highlight spoiler. Highlight to display spoiler: { each member of each quad seems to have a red scarf somewhere on their person though they are not openly obvious}.

There are two other small merchant type boats ahead of you in the particular channel that you are heading down before you are to be inspected.

Saturday July 7th, 2007 1:44:44 AM

OOC: What is the minimum crew required for the ship we are on?

IC: "Cosmo and I are unknown to them. If they are paying attention to what is on the ship and not looking hard at the outside, then everyone just slide into the water and hide by the rudder. Those that need air to breathe, should still find enough space to hide there and breathe. Most likely they wont look there, and if you are worried, you can always drop under for a few moments holding your breathe."

"Once in the dock, you can either sneak aboard or ashore."

Bart  d20+4=23
Saturday July 7th, 2007 7:43:15 AM

Bart Notices the squad and the red scarfs. Well they have a warm welcome for us i see squadmembers with red scarfs. I think it is not a good isear to enter the harbor, we sail away and beach the boat nearby.

Saturday July 7th, 2007 10:56:08 AM

Appolo looks at the scene"You can bet they're looking for us.I think we should just turn around and head down the coast alittle wait for night."

Saturday July 7th, 2007 9:43:15 PM

"The gates are probably not much different. Maybe we should try to sneak into the city after dark."

Sunday July 8th, 2007 5:09:58 AM

"Can you get a look at the city gates to see how things are done there. Whether we might be able to goto land outside of the city and come in?"

Sunday July 8th, 2007 10:53:35 AM

"I doubt they are looking for us in particular. I am assuming this is just a normal security precaution for them. If we turn away now, I would expect to be chased. It might look more suspicous if the boat turns away after taking a look at the procedures. No, I think we need to try and bluff our way in.

Still I think it would be wiser to get some of the more notorious Wildcards off the boat. Ashira is at home in the water, and I can polymorph into a dolphin and help tow people.

I think we need to get Val, Ari and Appolo off as well. They are the more recognizable or more exotic looking members. Bart, you can disguise yourself to look like a sailor or maybe Cosmo's bodyguard and stay quiet and in the back. Nezamil, you might want to don the same role and hide your holy symbol. Doubt that will go over big here. Mykael, you can either be a gem merchant or a sailor. I don't like breaking up the group but this seems to make the most sense to sneak in.

(ooc picked who I did for these reasons. Appolo is a sicko and most likely has a reputation amongst the Ga'alians. Ari is are oldest member who has a better chance of having wanted posters up, me because I am the captain and leader and might be recognized, Ashira because she was once a quad member and being a sea elf, is exotic, and finally Val though in a new body, that new body will arouse curiosity.)

spell list:
0 level: mending, message, prestidigitation, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 comprehend languages, mage armor, magic missile x 2, tensor's floating disk, shield
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3, see invisible, prot from arrows, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly, blink, fireball, lightning bolt
4th level: 4+1 polymorph, empowered fireball, dimension door x 2 Evards Black tentacles
5th level: 3+1 Cone of Cold, teleport, passwall, overland flight
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate, true seeing

Sunday July 8th, 2007 2:38:08 PM

Sounds good to me rigging

Sunday July 8th, 2007 8:02:51 PM

"Ok Rigging I will act as a merchant trying to sell gems and other items. Do you want me to appear as myself or do you want me to use the Hat of Disguise to alter my appearance?"

Cosmo gets ready for the officials to board the ship.

OOC - updated character sheet on its way.

Rigging illegal post 
Sunday July 8th, 2007 11:11:11 PM

"Up to you I guess. I think the less magic we use, the less suspious they will be but they might like dealing with a human more. It was only recently that they would even heartseed anything else.

I will try and tow Val and Ari to the docks. Ashria you help Appolo. Gather your things but leave the armor for now. Don't want to push you along the bottom. Slows things down."

When everyone is ready, Rigging will tell Swirl to head out to sea. An air elemental is to much of a give away. He can sneak in tonight and join them.

Monday July 9th, 2007 2:42:51 AM

Bart still wears his chain his weapon isnt vissible. Keep an eye on us if we have trouble please help us

DM Kent 
Monday July 9th, 2007 9:14:55 AM

Preparations are made and several of the Swords head overboard while the others sail on toward the meeting with the inspectors.

As you pull in behind the boat currently being inspected things get tense for a moment as one of the people on the ship obviously didn't like what was going on and drew a long bladed knife and lunged toward one of the quad members.

In a blink the quad member was no longer there and reappeared about 5 feet away with his red scarf in his hand. Casually throwing the scarf toward the knife wielder the scarf darted forward and totally wrapped around the target's face, who immediately began screaming and fell to the deck writhing in pain. In mere moments it is over and the scarf flew back to the priest who rewrapped it around his neck.

No one else onboard even seems to have noticed what was going on, as noone moved or even glanced to see what was happening. The captain of the ship gave a little shrugg and handed over a small sack and then the quad and the other priest stepped back on to their boat to await the arrival of the Sword.

As the Sword's ship moves forward, it is suddenly no longer in the control of the person steering and comes to a sudden stop alongside the Quad's boat, who moments later appear on board along with the priest scribe. Standing near the rail they seem to be awaiting whoever is in charge.

attendence report 
Monday July 9th, 2007 3:27:12 PM

ok everyone Dm kent is back !!! time for posting to get back on track !!!

5 posts per week everyone !!!!!

welcome back Kent !! ;-) did you bring us back any souvenirs???

posted by adm chris

(Of course I brought souveniers. I brought every one honest to goodness Cuban cigars, but they confiscated them at customs)

Monday July 9th, 2007 9:44:03 PM

Rigging polymorphed as a dolphin will allow Val and Appolo to grab on to his fin and then start swimming strongly towards the shore. He will submerge to keep out of sight, coming up every 20 seconds or so for a breath and to let his passengers breath as well.

He will bring them under the dock under the water and then morph into an elf. Treading water he will slip off his invisiblity ring and hand it to Val. (Not sure who has them right now but I know Appolo and Ashira has one. Use the rings to climb up and find a place to hide. Keep a watch for me. I am going to go back and check on the ship."

Rigging will then shift back to dolpin form and speed out towards the ship as fast as he can swim (Base speed 80). Going by Ashira and Ari and making sure they are ok.

Val (invisible) 
Monday July 9th, 2007 10:18:10 PM

Val takes off her partner ring and slips on the normal one. She activates the ring turning herself invisible. Val sticks to the side of a ship that has already passed inspection. She doesn't move in case her motion disturbed the flow of the water making her presence obvious. SHe didn't dare climb out of the water. Just in case they had magics to see her even invisible.

Monday July 9th, 2007 10:41:55 PM

Cosmo watches the activity of the other ship and the apparent death of one of the people on the vessel. He notes the effect of the scarf and wonders what kind of magic it is. He also notices short teleportation magic that the quad member displayed when attacked.

Cosmo moves over to the railing of the boat where the 5 people are waiting. He notes their race, gender and any items of interest that they are carrying. If one of them has the appearance of being the leader, Cosmo will address him or her.

"Greetings. I assume you are from this city's port authority and are here to collect a docking fee. This is our first trip to your fair city so I am unaware of the amount needed to be able to dock this ship. If you would be so kind as to tell me the amount, I will gladly pay the fee so you may continue on with your work. Perhaps you could also suggest a fine eating establishment that is nearby as we have been traveling for quite some time and would like to get a bite to eat."

Cosmo acts like he has done this a million times before. He smiles and waits patiently for an answer.

Ashira (Speak with Animals, Summon Nature's Ally II)  d3=1
Monday July 9th, 2007 11:20:47 PM

Ashira nods and accepting Rigging's orders slips under the waters. Once there, she casts Speak with Animals and then Summon Nature's Ally II, all the while speaking in Aquan underwater (Kent, just let me know if this is stretching it too far). She sighs as only one dolphin answers her call. Speaking very politely, she asks the creature to ferry her and Ari across to the docks following a very similar pattern to the dolphin in front of them (Rigging). Finally, grabbing ahold of the dolphin, she activates her Partnered ring of Invisibility just in case.

Tuesday July 10th, 2007 12:24:34 AM

The dwarf unobtrusively tucks his holy symbol under his armor and clothing.

Nezamil leans againist the ships railing and looks about as if sight seeing.

Tuesday July 10th, 2007 8:01:19 AM

Bart waits for the reactions of the gaalian priest and quad, ready to react if neccesary

Appolo  d20+8=24
Tuesday July 10th, 2007 11:26:23 AM

Appolo strips down and stores his gear ina locked then pouts the locker in the ships bilges Stuffing in he close the door and th activates his ring of invisibility and hits the water swimming strongly to shore.

Swim check 24

DM Kent 
Tuesday July 10th, 2007 5:17:52 PM

The five staep forward almost in unison as Bart says his piece. The priest/scribe steps one step futher forward.

Your name?
Ship's owner?
Where are you coming from?
What is your purpose here?
What cargo do you cary?
How many crew are on board?
How long do you intend on staying?

Tuesday July 10th, 2007 9:50:08 PM

Cosmo answers the questions to the best of his ability.

Your name? "My name is Cosmo."

Ship's owner? "I am the owner of this ship."

Where are you coming from? "We are coming from the port city of insert last port we were in here."

What is your purpose here? "I am here to check out the possibilities of adding this port to my trade route."

What cargo do you cary? "Not a lot at this time. Just some raw materials and gems."

How many crew are on board? "Not sure of the exact head count, but not more than twenty. If need be I can ask the man who runs the ships' crew for an exact head count."

How long do you intend on staying? Not that long. Maybe 2-3 weeks.

Wednesday July 11th, 2007 12:55:59 AM

Mykael stands slightly behind and to the side of Cosmo, it could be perceived as a body guard position or an advisory one. He remains calm and at ease, as he observes the verbal exchanges.

Ashira (Speak with Animals, Summon Nature's Ally II) 
Wednesday July 11th, 2007 10:33:00 AM

Continues happily swimming with her new dolphin friend, oblivious to the potentially tense exchange going on up above her.

DM Kent 
Wednesday July 11th, 2007 6:51:58 PM

The scribe looks up as Cosmo starts answering questions and waits until he is finished and then looks around the deck.

Is Cosmo your given name or you paternal sir name?

Docking fee of 5 gold plus 1 silver per person/being on board.

He finishes filling out a piece of paper and hands it to Cosmo nearly dropping it on the floor.

This is a 1 week trade/dock permit.

You may extend it one week at a time at the trade office near the main dock at that time. If you do not renew by week's end and you are still docked you will forfiet your ship and all aboard it.

If this occurs you may of course appeal at the next days grievance call in front of the main temple.

Now pull starboard follow the channel and dock at the last pier on end.

(OOC: still missing PC sheets from the three A's. Please send them soon or the upcoming combat could be devestating for someone. My emails are lemberno@nc.rr.com or strunklew@nc.rr.com)

Val (Invisible) 
Wednesday July 11th, 2007 8:01:29 PM

Val waits in her hiding place listening for the sounds of battle since she can't see Cosmo and the others.

Wednesday July 11th, 2007 9:56:43 PM

"Cosmo is my first name."

"Ok hold on I will get an exact head count."

Cosmo steps back and quietley confers with Mykael. He makes it look like he is asking him the ship's headcount. Cosmo then reaches into his pocket and gets some loose coin and hands some of it to the clerk.

"Here you go. Five gold and eighteen silver. Thank you. If we stay longer I will make sure to get another permit."

CDM Jerry 
Thursday July 12th, 2007 10:00:32 AM

I need the posting report please. Post it here for last week and send me a copy via email please. ;)


Appolo  d20+8=25 d20+8=13 d20+8=27
Thursday July 12th, 2007 11:31:57 AM

Appolo continues to swim.

Swim checks 25 14 27

Ashira (Speak with Animals, Summon Nature's Ally II) 
Thursday July 12th, 2007 12:07:13 PM

Ashira continues on her ride with the dolphin, but is getting nervous. What if Cosmo and the others are being attacked up there?? Still she is disciplined enough to stick with the plan and not surface to check on the others.

OOC: Wrapping up the Catacombs as quickly as I can.

Thursday July 12th, 2007 2:50:44 PM

The tension flows away, well that has gone good. Ihope our attack on the temple goes the same way

Thursday July 12th, 2007 3:35:55 PM

The amored dwarf rests againist the ships railing .....caually listening to the conversation and smiling slightly at the lack of respect from the Ga'alians

attendence report 
Thursday July 12th, 2007 3:44:49 PM

Well the attendence has been off due to Dm Kent on vacation and the lack of a ready module for the swords quest for Dragon status.

My understanding is that Dm Kent had a module that was ready but that Jerry instead wanted the Swords for a Dragon status quest.

So while posting both Emerald Dragon boards and our own Swords of Rredemption board... posting was discombobulated and unco=ordinated...so i'm giving the group a perfect score the week and starting fresh with this week.

Dm Kent xxxxx
Ashira xxxxx
Appolo xxxxx
Rigging xxxxx
Val xxxxx
Bart xxxxx
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael xxxxx
Cosmo xxxxx
Aari xxxxx

also those who haven't sent updated character sheets to Dm Kent please do it !!!!!!!!!!!!

Rigging polymorphed into a dolphin 
Thursday July 12th, 2007 7:44:54 PM

Rigging will move himself towards the ship. (Not quite sure where I am in the timeline)and follow it back to the docks if he can. Otherwise if the other boat has left, he will transform back into himself, activate his invisiblity ring and climb up the side of the boat using his slippers of spiderclimb. He will sneak below deck and then come up when the timing is right.

DM kent 
Thursday July 12th, 2007 10:40:38 PM

Fees paid and directions noted, the ship and crew move down the channel to the appointed dock. By the time the ship is docked and settled in the sun is just about to go down. Decisions need to be made but then only half the groups is there. Where will the group stay for the night? The ship, or will they try and find an inn, where they might also get some needed info? It is these questions that Cosmo is pondering as the ship is tied up.

Val (Invisible) 
Thursday July 12th, 2007 11:01:48 PM

Val remains where she is because the quad is still in the area.

ooc: sorry for the short post but I have no idea if I will get home from work tomorrow in time to beat the friday post.

Mykael  d20+3=21
Friday July 13th, 2007 3:34:09 AM

After the ship is docked. Mykael bends down and speaks quietly to Cosmo, "I will return shortly. I am going to see what basic information I can find out. I will be within sight on the docks."

Walking fluidly down the gang-plank onto the dock, Mykael strolls down the docks portraying the visiting merchant. He stops and speaks with some sailors, dock workers, guards, and just anyone about that might have the time and patience to speak with him.

He inquires about inns, pubs, markets, and places of interest that a vistor may like to see. He also asks for a layout of the city, so he can get his bearings and has less chance of getting lost. He may even try to get a map.

Once he has made a round of the dock area, he will meet the others back on board the ship.

Diplomacy: 21

OOC: Mykael doesnt have Gather Information skill, so if diplomacy doesnt work. Roll something for me please.

Friday July 13th, 2007 4:15:50 AM

Cosmo do you want to go in the city as well? I will escort you as guard keeping up our role.

But i prefer to wait for the others, see what they are up to.

Friday July 13th, 2007 9:23:11 PM

"Well once we confer with the Captain i think we should try and find a suitable inn and taveren to stay at......should be easier to gather infomation then staying aboard the ship.....might not be as safe but i think worth the effort"

"what say you Cosmo?"

Saturday July 14th, 2007 12:25:13 AM

"You're right Bart. We should stay here until the group returns. Let's keep an eye and ear out for them."

DM Kent  d20=20
Saturday July 14th, 2007 7:04:26 AM

The rest of the swords eventually make their way to the ship and dock while Mykael goes wandering for information.

Most of the sailors give him the names of some seedy inns near the docks as places to stay, and respond with a wary strange look when asked about a map. One goes so far as to incredulously ask.

"Why in the Wold would you want a map of this God forsaken town? You take your life in your own hands when you venture too far from the harbor."

While wandering about he does spot a couple of people of interest that appear to be listening in to his questioning and show some interest in you. The two in question are in fairly nice armor and well armed and both have a the symbol of a flame on their shields and their tabbards.

As Mykael's latest iformation source walks off shaking his head the two mailed gentlemen look around and make their way over to you.

"Newly arrived, are you? We couldn't help but over hear you as we were trying to listen in."

(The man has a broad smile on his face.)

"If I were you and interseted in getting "information" about this city and needed a place to stay I believe I would try the Jack's Booty, across the square from Heartseed Catherdral. Have a nice day.!

And just like that they were losing themselves in the light crowd.

Sunday July 15th, 2007 9:37:11 PM

Making his way back to the ship, he confers what he has heard.

"I believe that two just tried to set me up for a heartseed," He jokes about the last encounter.

Monday July 16th, 2007 11:14:33 AM

Appolo pulls himself abord heads downstairs and dries himself off.He then gets some shut eye.He will sleep until awakened.

Monday July 16th, 2007 2:07:08 PM

We have to be carefull if we gather information, to many ears and eyes here. Appollo do you thibk there is a thieves guild around here? Maybe the know some underground passages to the temple

Monday July 16th, 2007 5:58:13 PM

"Yeah dem Ga'alians are a trcky lot for sure Mykael" grins Nezamil

"Well Captain i think it's very important that we all stick together....no wandering solo missions"

"Make sure guards are posted day and night"

Monday July 16th, 2007 9:26:08 PM

Rigging will say to Cosmo, "Well your officially the leader so it makes sense for you to do some of the things you said you were going to do. I am sure we are being watched and it would be good for you to move around the city with some of your body guards to do some business.

Might give us a chance to scout out the temple, figure escape routes and such. We also need to send out the ship when we are getting ready for the assault. Want to give them a head start from any pursuit. So we need to find a place where we can hole up for a day or two. "

Monday July 16th, 2007 9:51:16 PM

Val pulled the hood of her cloak up to hide her midnight black face. Her long red gold hair spilled out near her neck. Hopefully her hair color will dissuade people from the fact she looked like a drow. She haded rigging back his ring and watched people nervously.

"We need to get off the street."

Cosmo  d20+7=15 d20+8=23 d20+7=17
Monday July 16th, 2007 10:17:41 PM

OOC- What time of day is it?

Cosmo listens to Mykael's info gathering. He is concerned about the 2 soldiers that approached Mykael. He contemplates the Flame symbol on their shields and tabbards.

Knowledge Religion 15
Knowledge Nobility/Royalty 23
Knowledge Local 17

"Does anyone recognize the Flame Symbol?"

"Perhaps we should take a walk to this inn the Jack's Booty. Does anyone else think that the Jack's Booty might be a spy location for the Jack? Maybe these guys recognized us and are trying to point us to "friendly" location."

"Who wants to go check it out with me?"

DM Kent 
Monday July 16th, 2007 10:19:54 PM

Mykael is fairly sure that the two adventurer types were being very straight forward with him. In fact now that he thnks about it the did not speak with a local accent. In fact it was more of Faragunian accent.

So decisions need to be made and Rigging and the others seem to be looking foe Cosmo to make them.

Tuesday July 17th, 2007 3:06:00 AM

The JAcks Booty that's too obvious. But it can be a start to gather some info.

Tuesday July 17th, 2007 11:19:49 AM

Making sure that the Quad is no place to be found, Ashira once more activates her invisibility ring and slinks back to the ship. Once there she listens in. "Well, Fargunians are mostly the independent type, so I say we check out the Jack's Booty. Worth a try and we're going to have to find a place to hole up."

OOC: Sorry about the missed posts...recovering from Girl Scout trip this weekend. ;)

Tuesday July 17th, 2007 12:52:12 PM

Appolo wakes up jions the others and quietly listens"I say we go to this place scout the area then hit the temples and burn it down."

Tuesday July 17th, 2007 3:35:19 PM

Working his way back to the ship Ari joins the others in conspiring to get further into the continent.

"It has been awhile since we've been in the heart of things, so maybe a little caution would help out."

ooc sorry for missed posts. lemberno@aol.com?

(No lemberno@nc.rr.com)

Tuesday July 17th, 2007 5:02:16 PM

" A walk in this city should be intresting .....but i think it's a good idea so we can at least get an idea of what is really happening beneath the surface of the Ga'alian society"

" I'd like to learn more about those two Mykael chatted with.....if it's like he said they were pretty open about talking with him they could be allies or of course a trap by Ga'al's minions"

Tuesday July 17th, 2007 9:35:55 PM

"We can't take too long. The more questions that we ask the more interested people will be in us."

Tuesday July 17th, 2007 10:12:22 PM

Rigging will look at Cosmo and say, "Well why don't you take a scouting party out and take a look around. We need to get the lay of the land, maybe get rooms. We can check out the place those two Mykael suggested. If we don't like the look of it, we can always move on."

Tuesday July 17th, 2007 10:55:51 PM

"Scouting party sounds like a plan. I dont like splitting the group, however, walking the city with you well known and noticable folks, seems to make it a necessity. Captain Cosmo, his advisor, and his brute?," Mykael smirks at the reference to Bart, trying to keep the tension from getting too high.

"Of course, walking around with a dragon on my shoulder will catch some eyes also. But thats half the fun!"

Tuesday July 17th, 2007 11:48:11 PM

"Sounds like a good plan. Mykael, Bart and I will scout out this inn. We shouldn't be that long."

OOC - Anything on the Flame symbol from my Knowledge checks?

Tuesday July 17th, 2007 11:48:44 PM

Pulling two small hats from her pack, Ashira places one on her head and then hands the other to Val. Whispering a word, Ashira's appearance changes entirely...and suddenly a very plain clothed, very plain looking human woman stands next to Rigging. The woman smiles shyly at Val. "Figured you might want one too, so I picked you up one. Might help us enjoy our time around town a little better." she chuckles through crooked teeth.

OOC: Hat of Disguise, just like Cosmo has.

Mykael - extra post 
Wednesday July 18th, 2007 12:05:15 AM

"Cosmo? you bringing your two wives with us?" Mykael jests while pointing behind him at the new form of Ashira and soon to change Val.

Wednesday July 18th, 2007 2:48:55 AM

Appolo any news about a thieves guild in this city?

Wednesday July 18th, 2007 8:15:52 AM

(Sorry all, I hadno power from about 3 pm until this morning due to storms)

----- other business-----

The time at this moment is dusk, probably about 1 full hour of light remaining.

There is not thieves guild as heart seeding removes that need and slags can't really function that well in any sort of organized fashion. There are probably individual or smal groups of thieves operating in the city, most of them are foreigners. There is most likely a small smugglers band operating that is loosely affiliated with the Jacks.

Cosmo seems to vaguely recall hearing something about a relatively new, but up-and-coming group of adventurers called the Keepers of the Flame, but doesn't really know any info about them.


A possible scouting trip is discussed and the desire for not splitting the party is weighed as well, particularly with the daylight running out. Over toward the center of the city a tall bell tower can be seen poking up over the other buildings and trees.

Nearby there are one or two very run down looking inns, a large number of warehouses and about 75 temporary or semi temporary merchant stalls in various stages of closing down for the day.

There are quite a few people on the streets still, some obviously on their way home with dinner that they just purchased. Others, dockworkers by the looks of it are finishing up loading warehouses, unloading ships, or heading off to the local inn.

There is some not very good music coming out and clashing from several of the inns and as inn doors are open you hear a smattering of arguements, singing, and the occasional fight.

Wednesday July 18th, 2007 1:57:32 PM

"Maybe we can speak to some of the sea animals to see what has been going on in the bay, while we wait for the scouting party?"

(ooc I sent an email to that address several weeks ago and got no response. I'll send another one out in a moment.)

Wednesday July 18th, 2007 9:56:27 PM

Val takes the hat and nods her thanks. She slips it on her head and takes the appearance of an old human female in ragged clothing, clearly a beggar.

"I can't think of anything that blends in more."

Ashira the very plain woman 
Thursday July 19th, 2007 1:00:09 AM

"Oi...I was thinkin I should probly get us some veggies so I can cook for the good 'ol captain...maybe hit some of the shops in the monin. Whatcha think?" Ashira tries out her new accent, hoping it's not too over the top. "But for tonight, I was thinkn we should find a place to rest...unless yer wantin to sleep on the ship Cap'n." Ashira looks over at Cosmo and winks.

Thursday July 19th, 2007 1:54:23 AM

I wont mind to sleep in the ship, i want see and investigate that bar the mentioned "the Jack's" Mykale , Cosmo do you come with me?

Thursday July 19th, 2007 6:33:20 PM

" So i'm hoping we all keep together.....i don't like the idea of seperating here "

The 5'ft tall dwarf eyeballs Cosmo " guess i'll have to act as yourbody or something akin to that " growls Nnezamil

Thursday July 19th, 2007 6:38:58 PM

Rigging will also dress down like a normal sailor and be prepared to head off the ship. "I think we need to find some information and check out the temple. We will need to watch and see if we are being followed and observed.

Appolo I want you to trail us in the shadows and when possilbe invisibly to see if we have a tail. We then go check out this bar mentioned and see if we can pick up any information.

Cosmo, you need to go and make an appearance of the merchants to look for markets. We can pick up whatever information we can that way and then head to the bar. Bart and Mykael can be your body guards, I will be a servant carrying goods along with Val. Ashira and Ari can be going on a supply run to the market but will stay close and in sight.

Appolo will trail. Sound good? Lets go."

Thursday July 19th, 2007 11:08:31 PM

Appolo listens carefully to everyone"Well boss I can garauntee that we havea tail.So we'll have to shake it when we make our move on the temple.I'll do as you say.They peobaly already have this place we're going staked out as well."

DM kent 
Thursday July 19th, 2007 11:52:48 PM

Plans are made and the group sets off, apparently to try and find a market for whatever goods they have and some needed supplies, as well as any info they might be looking for. Apollo stays in the shadows and trails behind the group watching for anyone who might be showing undue interest in the group. He sees nothing out of the ordinary and finds that most of the people merchant and shoppers alike seem to be pretty much ignoring the newcomers, as they close up shop or head home with their purchases.

(if you are going to do anything specific in the way of info gathering, etc please list it out and how you are trying to accomplish your tasks along with any appropriate skill check rolls.}

Friday July 20th, 2007 12:49:31 AM

Cosmo doesn't ahve any skill in information gathering. But he can play the part of the merchant surveying the town.

"Ok let's go and check this place out."

With that Cosmo heads towards the inn with the Wildcards that are coming with him.

Friday July 20th, 2007 2:04:42 PM

Bart dresse normal as he always does, he is wearing his chain, a dagger and shield is visible but his sword is not. Bart keeps an watchfull eye, trying to his best as a guard

Ari  d20+4=10 d20+7=23 d20+7=19 d20=8 d20+3=4
Friday July 20th, 2007 2:31:56 PM

Ari will accompany Ashira into the market or wherever she decides to go.

"I was thinking just to try to make myself look more as a deck hand than anything else. I would either leave my weapons here, or put everything away, including my bracers. Just so that I look more the part. They've never seen this ship here before so we could gawk at things as if we're new to the port. I was also planning on just evaluating what was going on at the dock."

Should Ashira have any other ideas, Ari will listen to what she has to say.

(skill checks should we move along. Profession Merchant (10), to see what kind of valuable trade goods are on the dock, or to locate them. Listening (23) as we move about in the market for any information that could be useful. Profession Sailor (19) and Disguise (8) to walk around as a deck hand on a supply run. General Spot (4)(not! ;) ) check in case anything comes to light.)

Ashira the very plain woman  d20+4=24 d20+8=26 d20+3=7 d20+12=29 d20+12=25
Friday July 20th, 2007 8:00:37 PM

Ashira nods at Rigging's directions and starts wandering with Ari toward the closing shops. As she wanders, she keeps an eye out for a shop keep that looks to have had a bad day of sales...preferably a non-Aisildurian (Search=nat. 20). Approaching the vender, she smiles shyly, looking at the plentiful amount of produce left after the day. "Ahhh...it looks like you haven't had a very good day, eh? Well, I might be able to help with dat. See me mates and I, we just got in...orrible luck dat. And see, most of the other folk just want to get home." The plain woman sighs. "But see, I've gotta get supplies for de night or the Cap'n'll have my hide. Don't suppose you could help a gal out??" (Diplomacy=26) As she examines the wares, she makes small talk, asking about any recent juicy gossip going on around town, the best inns to stay in, and more importantly...who's who around town and if there's anyone they should make a point to avoid. (Gather Information=7...bleh)

And finally, just in case they're needed...Spot=29, Listen=25

Val, the old human woman  d20+6=16
Saturday July 21st, 2007 8:31:02 AM

As Val walks behind Ashira, Val keeps an eye open. Little children looking to pick their pockets, or older people trying to follow them around without being seen.

ooc: spot check 16

Sunday July 22nd, 2007 10:21:21 PM

Rigging will trail along, watching the people closing up shop and inquire to Comso, "Sir could we go into a restaurant to get some food. We have been at sea long enough that a good piece of beef would be appreciated.

We might be able to find out some markets for our goods too. Hang on a minute."

Rigging dashes to a booth and will inquire to its owner, "Excuse me sir, but could you please tell me where the merchants like to take an after work drink around here?" Rigging will flash a few silver pieces to the owner and continue, "Perhaps you can join us in a drink yourself?"

DM kent  d20+15=35
Monday July 23rd, 2007 11:35:45 AM

Ashira can certainly find a merchant that is delaying closing hoping to make some sort of sale to make the day at least palatable.

It would seem from the loks of things that this particular merchant has not had much custom at all for some reason as much of his produce is near the end of their "use by dates," and at least three or four days old.

The merchant is more than willing to sell you his entire stock for a more than reasonable price but there is fr more produce and grain than you could carry with you or eat before much of it spoils.

Aye lass, business hasn't been too good for me these last few days. It seems I may have pissed off a few of the wrong people. I will sell you my entire stock and the stall itself for 3 gold pieces.

At Rigging's questioning, the other merchant looks the group over assessing what they are wearing as well as their bearing and voices, as only an experienced merchant can and then nods.

"Well I think that if you want the typeof meal you're used to then yo need to go a bit more into the city maybe even to the central square. THe Silver Kingfisher and the Jack's Booty are the places I would try.

If you aren't picky The Kraken's Hole ain't too bad. As fer the drink I would love to but my wife'll skin me a live if I am any later than I am. Talk abiut a kraken. Ah well."

Val spots no one of interest following them for any particular reason. Nor does she spot any children out at all.

Ari moving alog with but behind Ashira gets a fairly good idea of the types of goods sold in this area, and it seems that it is mostly foodstuffs; fresh and cooked, with a few second hand clothing shops, a tinker, one metal smith/jeweler. The general feeling is that this area caters to a slightly less affluent clientel.

He hears very little in the way of conversation and gets a overwhelming snse of nervousness, bordering on fear from most of the people in the area.

Appolo  d20+12=26 d20+16=35 d20+17=35 d20+10=23 d20+11=17
Monday July 23rd, 2007 1:24:18 PM

Appolo goes invisble before getting off the ship,then heads for the shadows.Once hidden from view he goes visible and move slowly along behind the group watching and listening for trouble or anyone who might be following or watching them.

He will enter the Jack an Booty well after the others and head for the bar.Omce there he will start up a friendly conversation about life in general and slowly work the conversation around to anything of interest about the G'aalian's.

Movesilent 35 Hide in shadows 35 Spot 26,Listen 17 Gather information 23

Monday July 23rd, 2007 8:14:29 PM

Once the group has moved away from the merchant he says, "I guess the Jack's Booty is our destination. Let's head over there and get a bite to eat and see if we can get some info on the town."

Ashira the very plain woman  d20+3=11
Tuesday July 24th, 2007 1:34:10 AM

Ashira buys a little of the stock from the merchant (at a very generous 1 gp) as she continues to chat with him. "Ahhh...made de wrong people angry did ye? Mind tell'n me who they might be? Don't wanna find meself on the wrong side of both me Cap'n and the folks here in town!" She chuckles as she tries to get more information out of the vendor (Gather Info.=11). If she finds it a futile task, Ashira gathers her small amount of acquired produce and heads off to the Jack's Booty with the others.

Tuesday July 24th, 2007 2:16:44 AM

Mykael will let Bart take the lead and will walk behind Cosmo. He watches room tops, dark places, anywhere someone may be hiding, along with checking out all the folks he sees.

Besides keeping alert as normal, he remains quiet, and acts the part of a semi-skilled guard. He trys to play down his experience to a degree, no point in showing anyone that he is truly dangerous.

Val, old human woman 
Tuesday July 24th, 2007 6:46:20 AM

Val follows Ashira, struggling to keep up with the younger woman's fast pace. She doesn't like this stalling. Val wants to head to the church and start kicking some teeth in.

Val, old human woman 
Tuesday July 24th, 2007 6:47:10 AM

Val follows Ashira, struggling to keep up with the younger woman's fast pace. She doesn't like this stalling. Val wants to head to the church and start kicking some teeth in.

Tuesday July 24th, 2007 10:06:07 AM

(OOc. I'm having problems with my browser, will post as soon as I can. (I can't read about 1/2 the stuff posted))

Tuesday July 24th, 2007 11:34:24 AM

As they make their way to the Inn, Rigging will note the direction they are going, note other buildings residential and business and keep a look out for guard activity.

If they pass the temple which is their target, Rigging will look at it closely looking for entrances, guards and other details which could be helpful in planning their assault.

He will communicate with Swirl who is high above the city in the clouds staying out of trouble and sight. "I am sorry my friend, but I don't know of to many mages who are blessed with a familiar like you. Some might have you smaller cousins but very very few your size and stature. If you were with me, it would be a dead give away."

Once Rigging gets into the Inn, he will look around at the other customers trying to determine if they are locals, merchants or visitors like themselves. Rigging will find a seat with the back to the wall and order a nice meal but only sip his drink.

Tuesday July 24th, 2007 12:41:54 PM

Trying to help in the role that Ashira is playing Ari lays a hand on her arm and say, "Careful Maam, he may not be able to name what the problem is."

Ari tries to give Ashira a warning glance without making the merchant nevrvous.

Ari thinks ...

I wonder if the church has been clamping down somehow and that's what has everyone nervous

Tuesday July 24th, 2007 2:06:43 PM

The dwarf will fall into step in the back of the group covering their back.

during the walk to the Inn Nezamil will keep an eye on people's reactions to their group.

DM Kent 
Tuesday July 24th, 2007 8:48:45 PM

The swords make their way along the dockside and around to the main thoroughfare and head toward the center of the town and toward their chosen destination of the Jack's Booty. When they arrive in front of the place they turn around and see that facing it on the other side of the square is Heartseed Cathedral. (I will send a basic city map when I get back in town. It is not currenty important.)

The inn looks fairly large from the outside and looks to have been around for quite a while, all that is but the sign. Its paint is fresh and clean unlike the rest of the signs on the square.

As the group enters they are indeed faced with a large interior room with a boat shaped bar running along the back wall. There are a number of long trestle tables and about 6 smaller round tables scattered through the room. Along the right wall are several humanoid shaped and sized dagger targets and several dart lanes. Along the left wall is a stairwell that apparently lead to the sleeping quarters upstairs.

Behind the bar three human males are pouring ale and other drinks and around 8 barmaids are delivering and taking orders from the partons.

The patrons of the inn are quite interestingly a mix of seafarers, pirates and other scoundrels with what appears to be a merchant or two thrown in for good measure.

Two or three groups and individuals capture your attention as you peer around the inn's interior.

At a corner round table of four sits a single man, who seems quite lost in his drink. He is wearing stained and tattered ga'alian priest's robes and spot DC 20Highlight to display spoiler: {there appears to be a tattoo on his shoulder, though all you can see of it is what appear to be three dagger tips.}

Seated at half of one of the long trestle tables is a group of six indiviuals, all of whom have the symbol of a burning flame somewhere on their gear or clothing and are heavily armed.

At another table a group of 8 armed individuals all whom have some sort of acidic green/yellow worked into their attire.

As you peruse the room an individual enters behind you and kind of pushes through you all. As he passes Rigging he speaks in a slightly sing song manner.

"Secretive enter, Bloody cut, Sharp slash, Quick depart."

The individual then moves up to the Bar where you hear him say. "Cold swallow." to the bartender who pours him a small ale as the man sets down a couple of coins on the bar top.

Over on the dagger and dart lanes another group of people, extremely neatly dressed and armed are throwing darts and daggers while they drink and talk.

Wednesday July 25th, 2007 2:47:33 AM

Looks good to me.

"He mate do you allways push yourself through people one day you get hurt when you meet the wrong people."

Bartender give me a few pints for me and my friends.

Rigging  d20+7=8 d20+7=17
Wednesday July 25th, 2007 8:57:30 AM

Rigging distracted by the sing song message doesn't notice the tattoo (rolled natural 1).

After ordering his meal, he will turn away from prying eyes, cast his message spell and whisper to the group, "We might have an ally or someone who is trying to get us to betray ourselves. he said to me.

"Secretive enter, Bloody cut, Sharp slash, Quick depart."

Mean anything to anyone? Sounds like he is encouraging us on our mission but wonder if he can offer any aid?"

While waiting for his food, Rigging will wander up to the bar close to the gentlemen and gesture to the barkeep for a refill. He will look at the man during this distraction and give him the once over (spot 17). "Nice weather we are having. We are new in the city. Would you recommend the rooms here?"

0 level: mending, message, prestidigitation, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 comprehend languages, mage armor, magic missile x 2, tensor's floating disk, shield
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3, see invisible, prot from arrows, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly, blink, fireball, lightning bolt
4th level: 4+1 polymorph, empowered fireball, dimension door x 2 Evards Black tentacles
5th level: 3+1 Cone of Cold, teleport, passwall, overland flight
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate, true seeing

CDM Jerry 
Wednesday July 25th, 2007 2:08:11 PM

Hey friends. I need the report for last week posted. Email it to me too please so I can cross it off my list. ;)

Val, old human woman  d20+6=25
Wednesday July 25th, 2007 3:07:22 PM

Appearing as something that nobody takes seriously is a new experience for Val. Nobody is even looking at her as an old human woman. As her normal self everybody believed she was a dark elf. Which was true, to an extent. As she scanned the room her eyes caught sight of the fallen priests tattoo.

"M'lady the man in the corner sitting alone has a tattoo that has three dagger tips. Or so it appears from this distance." She says quietly into Ashira's ear.

Wednesday July 25th, 2007 4:50:13 PM

Lagging behind the others slightly the armored dwarf surveys the room .....looking for signs of other races hoping he doesn't stick out to much.

Deciding to copy the lone Ga'alian priest....Nezamil grabs a chair at a nearby small table .......flagging down a barmaid " pitcher of ale " growls the dwarf

putting his back to the wall so he can have a full view of the bar and waits to see if any cohorts join him

attendence report 
Wednesday July 25th, 2007 4:59:07 PM

Dm Kent xxxxo
Ashira oxxxo
Appolo xxxoo
Rigging xxxxo
Val xxxxo
Bart xxxoo
Nezamil xxxoo
Mykael xxooo
Cosmo oxxxo

Ok people we need to get back on track with posting!! we all can do better ;-)

any issues please lets us know !!

Cosmo  d20+6=11
Wednesday July 25th, 2007 7:54:39 PM

Cosmo takes a seat with his comrades. He looks around, but doesn't see anything interesting (spot 11).

He waits for his drinks and contemplates their next move.

Ashira the very plain woman 
Wednesday July 25th, 2007 9:14:09 PM

Her arms trembling ever so slightly at Val's comment, Ashira works very hard at controlling her emotions. Her fists clinch as the almost unbearable urge to cut down the priest creeps toward Ashira's soul. Her breathing becomes ragged and she turns away. Composing herself, she watches Nezamil approach him. Perhaps it's better that way. Ashira watches the exchange as she tries to decide whether she can join in or not.

DM Kent 
Wednesday July 25th, 2007 9:30:32 PM

Val notices the priest's tats and is pretty sure they are Jacktoos, and tells Ashira about them.

Cosmo and Nez Join rigging at a large round table (seats 6) and have a seat. Almost immediately a barmaid comes over and gets Nez's order. She looks questioninly at Cosmo.

After having ordered a meal, Rigging makes his way to the bar and buys the strange man a second drink. The man seems to have a slightly glazed look in his eyes and his face is very slack looking. There is a bit of drool coming from the corner of his mouth and he is dressed in what appear to be mismatched rags of clothes. As the bartender lays down his second drink he looks over at Rigging and speaks.

"Very thank."

At Rigging's question, he simlpy replies.

"Soft sleep."

The three larger groups all seem to be glancing over at the Swords and then whispering amongst themselves. The two men that chatted with you earlier at the docks nod a greeting and the go back to talking.

The Priest sits quietly occasionally picking up his flagon but suprisingly never drinking.

Appolo  d20+12=25 d20+10=21 d20+10=29
Wednesday July 25th, 2007 9:41:11 PM

After entering the Jack's Booty by himself a few minutes behind the others Appolo bellies up to the bar and orders a drink .After few minutes he starts a conversation about general topics working his way around to the city and the G'aalians.Appolo is trying gather imformation or the city guard and the Temple across the street,without being so obvious.He deliberately aviods the others in his group.
Spot 25 Listen 21 Gather Imformation 29

Thursday July 26th, 2007 1:24:25 AM

Mykael takes a small table away from everyone else. He orders a drink and tells the waitress he will pay for the a drink for each of the two men he spoke with on the docks.

He awaits to see if or how they react. When they look his way, he deftly looks at the empty seats around his table, meaning for them to join him.

Thursday July 26th, 2007 2:27:21 AM

Bart sits down near mykael drinking his ale, gathering information is not his best point but he keeps an eye open on the door and he peers now and then through the window

Thursday July 26th, 2007 4:59:31 AM

Whispering back to Rigging Ari responds while wiping his nose on his sleeve, "Sounds like it's someone who is a Jack. I had wanted to ask about them and see if they could scout or help us in. I'd say friend."

Ari then takes a look around to concentrate on who might be watching the group.

Thursday July 26th, 2007 4:59:56 AM

ooc I was forgotten on the report! Not sure what to say about that! ;)

Thursday July 26th, 2007 9:05:43 AM

Rigging recognizes the heartseed gone badly patron and after a few polite moments, will head back to his seat pondering what the "Jack" said. He knows they are often allies hidden in their deformed bodies but not sure if he was just rambling on trying to pass on information.

When his meal arrives he will fall to it with a gusto enjoying the red meat. He will still keep an eye out for any trouble or possible information.

He will send out a message to Appolo, "Check out the temple's more obvious guards please? Roving patrols and stationary. Oh and don't get caught."

Thursday July 26th, 2007 5:21:22 PM

The armored dwarf sips his ale quietly......just eyeing his fellow patrons in return ......gauging their intrest in them

Thursday July 26th, 2007 9:34:12 PM

Cosmo puts his drink order in with the bar maid. He continues to look around for any one or thing of interest.

He keeps up the appearance of someone out having fun for the evening.

Val, old human woman 
Thursday July 26th, 2007 10:10:53 PM

Val stays behind Ashira keeping up with her role as an elderly servant.

DM Kent 
Thursday July 26th, 2007 10:41:41 PM

Apollo works his way ovr to the group by the dagger lanes and starts up a conversation with a couple of the watchers and begins his search for information. The group seems to be fairly forth coming. Apollo finds out that they are the adventuring group called Acid and are actually from Ailsidur themselves. While talking he finds out an intrestion tidbit of knowledge. It seems thay are waiting on some fairly high level adventuring group that, rumor has it, is supposed to be going to be taking out the Cathedral and so they are here to help with some of the aftermath clean up and other things. He also learns that this inn actually is owned by the Pirates of Jack. The ranger apolo is talking with says that there seems to be at least two separate gates and inner and outer one that have to be breached and are gurded, in order to even get into the sanctuary. The man also has heard a couple of rumors that he passes on. First he has heard that there is a new quad being trained that can enlarge themselves to an incredible size. And that apparetly Ga'al's real heart in hidden somewhere inside Heartseed Cathedral.

Over at the bar, the bartender makes an offhand comment to Rigging that that apparently he has been hanging out around Heartseed cathedral alot lately. He shrugs and maves back to the table to eat where he sends a message to Apollo across the room.

Mykael sends the drinks over to his two acquaintences and they grin back at him and motion to him that they are with a group but that he would be welcome to join them, and they both motion to him to come over and join them at their large table.

Ashira grimaces at the "priest" until Val mentions the tattoos and then gets a bit intrigued.

Cosmo, Ari, Nez and Bart eat and drink and watch the patrons catching a number of different patrons occasionally looking over at the new comers.

Val stays with Ashira also intrigued by the "preist."

Ashira the very plain woman 
Thursday July 26th, 2007 10:57:35 PM

Getting a grip on herself, reason starts to filter through. True, she herself had once worn Ga'al's symbol and the swords of the Pirates...but then again, she had proudly displayed her affiliation with Ga'al. Which is not exactly like this fellow. What self respecting priest would allow his robes to look like that?! Perhaps things were much different than she first assumed. She walks slowly toward the priest and takes up a non-obtrusive position beside him. "Oi, s'cuse me sir, but do ye mind if I take a seat?" Assuming she is offered a seat, the woman kicks off her dirty shoes and tenderly rubs her toes. "I hope ye don't mind me asking, sir, but I'm new to town... Ain't ye one of the priests that's in charge 'round here?"

Friday July 27th, 2007 7:00:10 PM

The armored dwarf sips his ale .....keeping an eye on Ashira out of the corner of his eye without looking over.

Making small talk with his fellow Wildcards Nezamil just try's an acts casual

Appolo  d20+12=16 d20+10=19 d20+10=21
Friday July 27th, 2007 8:33:20 PM

Appolo gets the message from Rigging,witha slight grimace,but basicly ignores it and the other wildcards/He continues his conversation with the people around the dart boards.He's not happy about the message."Well I'm just asimple sailor moving from port to port.Not much interested in G'aal's catherdral,but thanks for the info."He sticks around drinks alittle bit throws a few darts,then goes to see about getting a room,After saying goodnight and good luck to the poeple st the dgger lanes..

Spot 16 Listen 19 Gahter imformation 21

Val, old human woman 
Friday July 27th, 2007 10:21:15 PM

Val moves behind Ashira and pulls out a chair for her just in case she wished to sit.

DM Kent 
Saturday July 28th, 2007 1:01:10 PM

Ashira approaches the old priest and invites herself to have a seat and then asks her question.

His response is immediate and unexpected.

"If'n I was, don' yu think I'd ha' me some bett'r clothes?"

He then lays his his hands flat on the table to Ashira's dismay, and shows that he has not one complete finger on either hand.

"I ain nuthin at all now. Ain't a priest, ain't a Jack. Ain't nuthin but worthles. Now go 'way an leave me to my drink."

Apollo cuts short his time at the dart lanes though while there he hears speculation on who might be coming to take down the cathedral. Various folk have different ideas, but the majority think it will be one of the two current dragon groups as they have helped out in Ailsidur before. There are a few that even mention the Wildcards, but those folk are hushed down with talk that the Wildcards seem to have left the mainland for their own purposes and not returned. Some even seem to think that they have disbanded or been killed off.

Saturday July 28th, 2007 2:01:58 PM

I wonder if we get more info in this inn, maybe if we sta overnight Bart whispers to Cosmo

Saturday July 28th, 2007 11:52:43 PM

Standing up and deliberately walking over and taking an extra seat at the table his two acquaintences and thier group.

"Evening fellas, thanks for the invite. This is a good place."

He orders a full round for the table, and makes small talk with a few questions tossed in.

"Whats with the name or the inn? And what do your emblems mean?"

Ari  d20+7=19
Monday July 30th, 2007 12:55:12 PM

With his meal done, Ari pushes back his plate and begins to enjoy his wine. He quickly goes through the first couple of rounds. As he continues to order his speech does become distinctly slurred. During all of this he keeps listening in to the sounds of the bar area and keeping an ear out for any tidbit of information (listen=19)

Monday July 30th, 2007 1:23:55 PM

The armored dwarf relaxes slightly.......taking a few more sips of his ale he chats quietly with those at his table......but keeps a wandering eye on Ashira and the Cleric

Monday July 30th, 2007 7:57:59 PM

After saying good night and paying for his drinks Appolo goes and gets aroom for the night."Wondering by Ashira"Hey pretty lady.If you want to have good time to night try room number 10."He the stumble his way upstairs takes a right down the hall to room 10.

Monday July 30th, 2007 8:15:50 PM

Rigging hears the rumors but finds it very strange that these people would so openly be in defiance of Ga'al several hundred yards away from the main temple in the capital city.

Still rumors are out flying and if these people heard them, who else has?

Rigging finishes his dinner and also gets a room for the night. Still before he goes up, he will buy another pitcher and amble over to the cleric's table and sit down the back of the chair in front of him. "Sir, I am not from around here and wonder if you could answer a couple of questions for me?" He holds up the pitcher eyebrows arched asking if he wants a refill. If he agrees, he will top him off.

"You said you were a priest? How does one stop being a priest? I must admit that the outside world has many questions about your religion. You have been locked behind walls for so long. I would be glad to buy you a meal and pay some coins for some new clothes for some conversation."

Ashira the very plain woman  d20+8=24
Monday July 30th, 2007 8:34:25 PM

The woman stares briefly at the digitless hands and then looks away. "Oh...hey I'm sorry dere sir....didn mean no offense. I can see yous been through alot. Here, let me buy you a drink." Ashira orders the "priest" a pitcher of whatever he prefers and gives it several more minutes before continuing (Diplomacy=24). "Beggin your pardon sir, but I'm new to these regions..." Ashira lowers her voice, apparently not wanting to be overheard. "But I thought the Jacks and the priests were enemies...how'd you come to belong to both?"

Ashira chuckles at Appolo's advance. "Eh...he must be pretty drunk, that one!"

News of the Emperor

DM Kent 
Monday July 30th, 2007 10:39:10 PM

Mykael joins his new friends at their table and after ordering a round of drinks, sets forth his questions.

Well, now that first uestion is a doosey now isn't it. You see ever since the royal family was freed from their heart seeds and the church's control, there is quite a bit more tollerance of the Jack's, so long as the line is not over stepped. This place is owned by a former Jack Captain and as long as things are kept relatively quiet here they are left alone. The church sends a quad through periodically just to make sure that there is nothing rebellious in nature going on and there is always someone watching but, when isn't life a bit dangerous?

As for our symbols, We are the Keepers of the Flame, out of Fargunia.

Drinking and listening Ari hears an interesting tidbit from a table next to him.

"You know I heard from my brother that his sister's son that helps clean the santuary told her that the head priest hasn't been himself recently. That he has been seen talking to himself as he wanders through the market."

Apollo acquires a room and heads upstairs passing by Ashira and making his proposition.

Rigging gets up from his table and makes his way over to the table that Ashira and the priest are sitting at.

The man seems overwhelmed by all the sudden attention and the amount of drink and food being thrown at him and starts nervously looking around the room as if looking for somewhere to escape to. The abrupt and pointed questions about the priesthood and his apparent loss/lack of faith have the poor man nearly white with fright. He quickly empties out his tankard and starts to push back from the table.

"Leave me 'lone. Don' wan' no comp'ny. Ain' got noth'n t'say."

Mykael  d20+3=18
Tuesday July 31st, 2007 1:23:15 AM

Mykael arches an eyebrow to the answers of the questions. More come forth.

"A good merchant and traveler learns of the places he goes to before hand. I have done some reading of this country and its religion."

"The Jack are the enemy of Ga'al, why would they allow a known place of the enemy in the city, let alone, so close to a temple? And why didnt you tell me of this? You may have risked my life recommending that I come here."

"I dont need any problems with Ga'al, I am here for trade."

"And just who ARE the Keepers of the Flame? I am well traveled and some what of a scholar. No offense intended, but I have never heard of you. And what are you doing here?"

"And even if the emperor has been freed from his seed. I thought the church held the power. What could the emperor really do?"

I dont like the looks of this, it appears to be a sort of spy ring. This is too good be to true. Still, I will probe further, to try and find some more answers. But, I must becareful.

(Diplomacy = 18)

Ari  d20+7=13
Tuesday July 31st, 2007 2:42:21 AM

Keeping the pretense up that he's deep into his spirits, Ari keeps on drinking. Letting himself get a somewhat tipsy allows everything to stay on the up and up for at least some people. He continues to listen to the different conversations going on around him. (Listen=13).

attendence report 
Tuesday July 31st, 2007 2:56:27 PM

Dm Kent xxxxx
Ashira xxoxx
Appolo xooox
Rigging xxxox
Val xxxxo
Bart oxxox
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael xoxoo
Cosmo xxooo
Ari xoxox

Not very good at all people !! only one !!! person posted 5 times !!!!

thats only %65 for the group !!!

if this doesn't improve Jerry will be notified !!!

Val, old human woman 
Tuesday July 31st, 2007 3:41:58 PM

Standing there in the inn Val grows very bored. The inn is full of people down on their luck. People that maybe they could have helped under different circumstances. She wished they would finish whatever they thought they were doing so the mission could actually begin.

Tuesday July 31st, 2007 5:04:08 PM

The armored dwarf remains calm as the unkempt cleric pushes his chair back.....keeping him insight from the corner of his eye .

Pouring those at his table another ale from his pitcher.....Nezamil continues to monitor the conversation in the room .

Flagging down another barmaid " we could use a refill sweetheart " remarks Nezamil in a friendly voice

Tuesday July 31st, 2007 5:49:48 PM

Keeping in his role as a merchant from their ship Cosmo orders up meals for the group and splashes some coin on the table for the tab and tip.

"keep our glasses full " smiles Cosmo to the barmaid

The halfling toys with his food and drink as he listedns to the ongoings in the taveren

(posted by adm-Chris as Matt is on vacation in Vermont)

Tuesday July 31st, 2007 6:24:56 PM

Appolo enters his room and settles down to wait and see if Ashira takes his hint and shows up.

Ashira the very plain woman 
Tuesday July 31st, 2007 6:53:05 PM

Once they're spooked, it's better to let them run for a while... The plain woman looks surprised at the priest's reaction and remains seated. She offers up a "Sorry, sir" before he leaves and then heads back to Cosmo's table.

Tuesday July 31st, 2007 7:55:16 PM

Rigging sighs and holds up his hands palms outward in a soothing gesture. "I am sorry my friend. I didn't mean to frighten you. I have to admit that I am very curious on the whole religion and was wondering if I should convert to it. Sounds sort of peaceful is all, and I have been told that you can get many benefits from joining. Still if you don't want to talk about it, I can understand."

Rigging just watches the ex priests reactions without getting up yet.

DM Kent 
Tuesday July 31st, 2007 10:16:43 PM

The fighter looks a bit surprised at Mykael's reaction but then shrugs as he answers.

Well as to who the Keepers of the Flame are. We are simply an adventuring group that looks to help those who need helping. Of course should we find a little something along the way that helps also. We are mostly known in Fargunia and somewhat in Osto as the Saints over there could probably tell you.

And you are right of course about the emperor, but then he has friends in very high places. And rumor has it that one of them owns a dragon's of this establishment. Apparently it is a "Platinum" share to boot.

Ari, Val, Nez and Cosmo continue to drink as Apollo waits in the room.

Over at the priest's table, Riggin is apologetic and puts his soothing voice to work and the priest settles a bit but waits to see what Ashira is going to do before sitting down again.

turning to stare intently into Riggin's face the priest begins to speak.

"You know not what you ask. Yes it is peaceful if everything goes all right with the process and if you think giving up your personal freedom is worth it. I was a heartseeding priest for nearly 10 years and finally I couldn't do it any longer. I couldn't cut open and seed any more innocent children. So I had that horrid thing removed from my chest with a wish spell. That was when I joined the Jacks....

He sits hard onto his chair grabs The drink that Ashira bought him and downs it with one gulp.

Bart  d20+14=32
Wednesday August 1st, 2007 1:02:45 PM

Bart walks to the darts lane, anyone intere4sted in a game?

Wednesday August 1st, 2007 1:48:10 PM

Ari continue's to keep his nose in his drink.

It doesn't seem as if these people in here are on as much edge as the rest of the town. I wonder if the edginess is because of the rumor of someone like us coming to town, or whether it's just the emporer's town?

Wednesday August 1st, 2007 6:07:49 PM

Mykael rubs his head. Answers, some direct, some not so. Can they really be this open, and yet they still could be hiding something.

"So, how has the recent events affected trade? Is it safe in the city?"

"And do you mind if I ask who you are helping here?"

Wednesday August 1st, 2007 7:36:00 PM

The halfling watches Mykael interact with the group known as "keepers of the flame" and decides to try and earn some good will.

Flagging down a barmaid he orders a round of drinks for them and quickly pays the barmaid for the drinks .

Once the drinks arrive he will raise his own in toast to them .

(posted by chris as Matt is on vacation bottling maple syrup for everyone in vermont )

Wednesday August 1st, 2007 7:39:29 PM

Nezamil overhears the Ga'alian Cleric mention how he became unheartseeded .....somehow the shocked dwarf remains calm as he digests that bit of news

[i]" and they let him live?.....things have certainly changed here " whispers Nezamil to those at the table

Wednesday August 1st, 2007 9:09:47 PM

Appolo contunes to wait to see if Ashira or anyone else shows up at his room.

Wednesday August 1st, 2007 10:25:22 PM

Val leaves Ashira's side and head's up to the room Appolo mention. She slips inside and closes the door behind her. Val removes the hat, taking on her normal appearence.

"It's strange. I finally get to change my form, at least in appearence, to something other than this black skinned body that was given to me, and it feels uncomfortable to be anything else. The mother put a lesson in this body she gave me. Yet I am unclear as to what it actually is. "

Val looks her body over and smiles. "Least I'm sexy."

Ashira the very plain woman 
Wednesday August 1st, 2007 10:32:49 PM

Feeling for her part that things are getting nowhere fast, Ashira looks over at Cosmo. "Sorry, Cap'n, but it's getting late. You mind if I get me a room here or are we going back to the ship?"

DM kent 
Wednesday August 1st, 2007 10:39:24 PM

Bart heads over to the dart lanes and asks the green marked fellows there if there is any interest in a game. One of them a halfling looks over. "sure I'll toss a few with you. Name's Jordy Stone Thistle.

Val heads up stair to join Apollo while Ari continues to wtch and Cosmo sends a round of drinks over to the group where Mykael is seated. As the drinks arrive he is invited over to join them.

Nez is surprised by what he overhears from the priest.

Mykael asks a few more questions and isn't sure what to think of the answers.

Well, I guess that would depend on what you mean by recent events. The Quads, Scarves and collectors have been a lot busier than they have in the last several months and it seems like a lot more children are being seeded. possibly as many ay 30 a night. So is the city safe? again that depends on what you mean by safe. As to who we are helping now. Well that to is kind of up in the air. There are several adventuring groups met in town currently for one reason or another. We are hear because supposedly a high level group is on its way here to ummm, well just do and we are here to aid them if they need it.

Thursday August 2nd, 2007 12:03:26 AM

Mykael lets his face drop at the merchant information, but his eyes perk up with curiosity at the mention of the Keepers waiting for someone.

"Who are you waiting for, perhaps I have heard of them and I can finally return the favor, by lending you some knowledge."

Thursday August 2nd, 2007 8:30:53 AM

Rigging listens to the conversations around him digesting the clerics rant. He is having trouble believing that a priest of Ga'al could just wish his heartseed away and still stay in the city.

He looks over to the hard drinking priest and says, "If you have joined the pirates, they would have marked you. Let me see your mark. I tire of the games old man and I need proof." Rigging lowers his voice into a deadly menace, his eyes turn to stone and he says, "If you can show me the mark, you might just live the rest of the night."

Rigging readies a scorching ray spell. If the cleric attacks, he will cast it.

level: mending, message, prestidigitation, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 comprehend languages, mage armor, magic missile x 2, tensor's floating disk, shield
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3, see invisible, prot from arrows, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly, blink, fireball, lightning bolt
4th level: 4+1 polymorph, empowered fireball, dimension door x 2 Evards Black tentacles
5th level: 3+1 Cone of Cold, teleport, passwall, overland flight
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate, true seeing

DM kent (interim post) 
Thursday August 2nd, 2007 11:16:36 AM

The priest roles up his left sleave to display two rows of three green dagger tattoos placed point to point. As he is rolling up his sleave he chants softly.

"Jack for freedom
Jill for truth
Stand we all
Opposed to Ga'al
Bring our people
Back to light
Holy Lem will their priests vex
And for liberty we fight"

As Rigging checks out the daggers and sees that they are in truth real, the priest makes yet another comment.

"Ye see I knew ye weren't no merchants. You all move all wrong."

Thursday August 2nd, 2007 7:08:42 PM

Rigging leans forward and says, "Please join me in my rooms. I know you feel comfortable here but this is just to open for my habits."

Rigging will say via message, "Ashira, Cosmo, Nezamil, please join me in our rooms. I want the rest of you to keep watch. We might be among friends but we can't let our guard down here"

Rigging will get up and lead the priest away. When the others have joined him, he will bow and say, "My name is Arrack Von Palin, Captain to the Sword of Redemption and leader of the Wildcards. We were recently in the pirates but are now working outside their control but along the same path as they are.

We have been given a mission to assault the temple and bring it to the ground if possible. Destroy the heartseed tree, kill the priests and generally make life miserable for the Ga'alians. If you have truly repented and left Ga'al's services than you can be of great help to us. We need a layout of the temple, where the tree is, where the priests stay, any traps, passwords, and guard strengths and patrol paths. Do you have this information?"

Rigging will pull out some parchment and ink and prepare to make notes and maps to plan with.

level: mending, message, prestidigitation, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 comprehend languages, mage armor, magic missile x 2, tensor's floating disk, shield
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3, see invisible, prot from arrows, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly, blink, fireball, lightning bolt
4th level: 4+1 polymorph, empowered fireball, dimension door x 2 Evards Black tentacles
5th level: 3+1 Cone of Cold, teleport, passwall, overland flight
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate, true seeing

Thursday August 2nd, 2007 9:09:53 PM

When Valanthe enters the room she finds it dark except for two candle by the bed.Froma dorner to the right Appolo steps forward"yes are sexy.I'm glad you came.My sunshine.Now how about the two of us slip out that window and do alittle recon on the Carthedral?"

Thursday August 2nd, 2007 9:17:51 PM

Watching the interaction between the ex-Ga'alian Cleric and Captain Rigging closely...Nnezamil will unobtrusively follow after Rigging upin hearing the magical message

Once in the room the dwarf will stand by the door and display his Anvil holy symbol of Domi

" if you speak the truth abaout the unseeding then it is a good day for many " remarks Nezamil

Thursday August 2nd, 2007 9:22:14 PM

Cosmo joins Mykael and the keepers of the flame .......joining in the conversation a little but he listens more...letting Mykael stear the discussion.

Hearing the message spell from Rigging and wait an appropiate time and then excuse himself from his new friends ....."i'll be back shortly " he says quietly to mykael " keep making friends " smiles the halfling

(posted by Chris as matt is on vacation in Vermont)

Ashira the very plain woman 
Thursday August 2nd, 2007 10:31:38 PM

Ashira looks at Cosmo. "I'll just be gettin me a room then." With a casual air, she walks upstairs and joins Rigging. When the formalities are dropped, Ashira drops her disguise as well...seeing how Rigging has just let this guy in on their whole entire mission. She watches the priest carefully and listens to what he might have to say.

Thursday August 2nd, 2007 10:43:53 PM

Ari notes the action of Rigging's conversation and briefly looks his way when he sends out the message to let him know that he got the note. As the party passes Ari continues to take light swigs on his drink and mubles 'yarsh it's all goo....'.

I hope things go well with Rigging and that we have no trouble here. Rigging is right though, it sort of feels too convienient. I promise to keep my eyes and ears open.

Thursday August 2nd, 2007 10:53:50 PM

"I am no longer sunshine. I haven't been for a long time. We are going to stay right here. This is way too important to go off against orders. We could blow the entire mission. No we best join the others." Val replies. She put on the had and takes the guise of the old human woman she was a few moments ago. Val steps out of the room and heads to join the others.

Appolo Ac33 Hp 80  d20+10=25 d20+9=22 d20+15=19
Friday August 3rd, 2007 12:12:21 AM

When Valanthe leaves Appolo just shrugs his shoulders puts out the candles.Silently opens the window drops a rope and slides down to the ground.He then goes invisible after taking alook around.Moving silently and quickly he makes his way to the Cathedral.To see what he can see.

Spot 25 Listen 22 Move Silent 19

Bart  d20+15=28
Friday August 3rd, 2007 1:39:33 AM

Hi Jordy how are you doing my name is Al. Looser pays for a drink?
Bart throws a dart (ac 28), are you from this town or from somewhere else, it is the first time i visit this town, i was wondering what the places to be are. This inn is one i like but there must be some others too

DM kent  d20+11=31 d100=26
Friday August 3rd, 2007 9:14:47 AM

Apollo takes off to do a bit of scouting as requested by Rigging, while others make their ways upstairs. Arie Mykael and Bart stay in the common room drinking chatting and dart throwing.

A bit unsure of what is going on The old priest balks a moment, but then moves upstairs with Rigging. As they enter the room and sit Rigging just flat out tells the old man what they are here to do and the priests mouth drops to his chest.

"Ye're what? Ar' ye daft? 'ave ye any idea t'what ye're doin?

After his initial outburst he goes quiet a moment as if thinking.

Beginning to chuckle a bit he looks around at the five in the room.

"I'm a hoping ye 'ave the rest of the Pirates of Jack stationed 'round the city somewher's, for ye 're goin t' need 'em.

Now as to yer question, I can answer some of yer questions tha's fer sure an I c'n prolly draw ye up a map of the sanct'ry and the rooms on the main floor, but while I know of those below I ain' nev'r been there while I was a preist.


Apollo heads out into the night and heads across the square toward the Cathedral to scout things out a bit.

While definitely not a pretty building, at least from the outside, the cathedral is built more like a fortress, with what looks like an exterior wall surrounding the inner fortress. Above the front gate and iset in front of the wall, there is a very tall bell tower and after several minutes of watching it, Apollo is rewarded with the sight of a bit of movement, revealing that the tower is manned. Walking up to the tower and wall he reaches out to feel the surface and is surprised to find that it is not only absolutely smooth, but it feels almost greasy though nothing rubs off on his hands. As he walks past the gate he spots several guards in the entry way.

Well hello.... Al. Nice throw! as he watches Al's dart settle within inches of the center.

As he walks up to the trowing line he responda to Barts question.

"Oh my friends and I are from around here in Ailsidur, if not necessasrily from the capital itself."

He settles himself a moment and then almost casually tosses his dart which streaks toward the target and strikes dead center. He genuinely looks a bit shocked and pleased.

"Well you must be my lucky charm Al, I haven't thrown a first round dart like that ever. So What brings you the center of the evil empire?"

Mykael's question and answer session isn't going quite as well as the only answer to his question is a shrug and a not so helpful answer.

"Well now that is a bit odd and I suppose that you'll be thinking us more than a bit daft, but we don't know who's coming that we are to offer our help to. We just received a brief note saying that if we wanted to help free Ailsidur we should go to the Jack's Booty in Emperor City and wait for those that come. It was sealed with a green dragon with the Letters ED in the center."

Darain - OOC 
Friday August 3rd, 2007 8:14:20 PM

OOC: no reply to Mykael's questions?

Appolo Invisible Hasted Ac 34 Hp 80  d20+12=25 d20+10=14 d20+15=27
Friday August 3rd, 2007 10:02:58 PM

Appolo clicks on his Boots of speed and continues his slint recon of the Cathedral.He makes his way all the way around it taking note of the guards fortifcations and anything else of interest.

Spot 25 Listen 14 Move slint 27

Saturday August 4th, 2007 10:48:20 AM

Rigging chuckles ruefully at the old priest's comments. No I am afraid we are all we have, so some serious scouting, planning and a lightning attack are going to be needed. This isn't a Pirate sanctioned mission, though I doubt they would mind but one given to us by all of the dragon groups.

Obviously any information on standard defensive tactics the churches use would be helpful. Any information on guard formations, standard weapons and armor would be useful. Of course any information or rumors on extra special guards or guardians like quads, special guard animals, curses, symbol spells etc would be vital for our success. Finally any information on the leaders of the church, the priests themselves would be invaluable for our planning."

Rigging looks a little sheepish with the next comments, "You realize of course, since I have been so for coming with our mission, I am going to have to insist you remain our guest for the next few days. I am a trusting soul but you can never be to careful."

Val, old human woman 
Saturday August 4th, 2007 10:28:20 PM

Unsure of what room the others went into Val returns to the common room. She takes a seat and just watched the room for suspicious activity.

Sunday August 5th, 2007 1:45:01 PM

Nice throw Jordy, how is life in this country and city i heard there are less hartseedings now

Sunday August 5th, 2007 11:02:49 PM

Cosmo listens to Rigging and the old Priest. If this guy can give the Wildcards a layout of the building that will certainly help there attack.

He keeps silent waiting for more instruction from Rigging.

Ari  d20+7=10
Monday August 6th, 2007 3:58:40 AM

Ari is not paying strong attention to the active conversations that the remaining swords are having. His attention is whether there are any nefarious type individuals who are paying too much attention to the things related to the swords. (listen = 10)

I hope there's no need for real roughness with the priest. It seems the swords are still a very zealous group. <sigh> I wonder if they'll ever be able to relax, or have a place where they can get out of this cycle of violence that they have.

Ari wistfully daydreams about being out in the forests and being able to interact with nature.

DM Kent  d20+11=25
Monday August 6th, 2007 8:42:38 AM

Jordy throws a second dart which isn't even close to the last two and then turns and looks at Bart shaking his head, though whether at his throw or Bart's comment is not readily known.

"Less heartseeding? The Cullings are coming around once a month now as opposed to once a year now. You really can't believe that there are that many mortally sick, injured or old people in the city do you? The Veiled Quads are openly patrolling again and they are seeding at least 20 thriteen year olds nightly. And the Fear sticks and stones have been brought back into use after nearly being unused in 15 years.

The old priest looks at Rigging again. You ain't been listening very well. Other than giving you a basic layout of the upper sanctuary and rooms I don't know how much use I am going to be to you. I hain't been in that building for nigh on 10 years now and I have no desire to do so now.

Apollo makes it around the building and noted two smaller but well guarded doors in the rear of the building, probably the priest and Quads private entrances. Apollo gets back to the front of the Cathedral and is just about ready to head back and make his report when a small stone hits him on the shoulder from behind. Turning he sees a shadowy figure that seesm to be staring right at him and beckoning him to follow.

Monday August 6th, 2007 3:05:09 PM

Quite different then i heard i thought it was once a year, is nothing done about it?

Valanthe, old human woman 
Monday August 6th, 2007 10:37:36 PM

Val is growing impatient as more time seems to be waisted. Eventually, hopefully soon, they will actually get down to business.

Monday August 6th, 2007 10:43:42 PM

Rigging smiles at the priest and hands him a parchment and ink. "Start sketching. A basic layout is better than no layout. Being there 10 years ago is better than anything I can say."

Rigging messages his friends and says, "Everyone join us in our rooms. We need to do some planning."

Once they are all together, Rigging will say, "OK we need to put a time table together. I must admit that I am surprised we are finding so much opposition to Ga'al in his own capital city. Not complaining but it is unexpected. First, we need to gather some information. Obviously this is going to be dangerous and we need to be careful. Cosmo can you cast a prying eyes? Maybe we can find a discrete window or arrow slit to send it through.

Appolo, what has your recon of the area told you? (Don't know the details of the rock thrower yet so just playing like it hasn't happened yet)

Mykael, what do you think about going in during the day and taking a look around. It will be dangerous but you could pose as a possible convert. We need some inside information. We need to find a less obtrusive way in than the front doors. Any sewers? Can we get in fron the roof? We needs answers people."

Monday August 6th, 2007 10:45:59 PM

Cosmo remains in the background observing the priest and Rigging as they talk. He watches as the cleric sketches out the layout of the temple. He thinks about possible creatures to summon and magical defenses they might encounter.

Appolo Haste+4 Invisible Ac 31 Hp 80  d20+12=24 d20+10=25 d20+17=29
Monday August 6th, 2007 10:59:19 PM

Appolo turns and looks at the figure.Thinking well this is interesting,he decides to quietly follow the figure.Keeping his eyes and ears open ready for anything.

Spot 24 Listen 25 Move silent 34

Monday August 6th, 2007 11:01:07 PM

Mykael takes note that all of his new friends have drank themselves past the ability to speak.

When he receives the message from Rigging, he merely stands a leaves the table, saying nothing.

In the meeting.

"I believe that by coming here, we have already marked ourselves as 'Ones to be watched'. Therefore, any of us going into the temple will be in even more danger and under more scrutiny. Also, even if one is to be believed as a wanted convert. Who saves the Ga'alians would allow a change of heart, once inside? I believe that guise to gain access is a bad one."

"How many spells or abilities do the rangers and cleric have over animals? Why not sends some harmless birds to perch up high. Use the ones that already do. Rats, mice, and maybe insects for inside? Can you see through thier eyes? Or make sense of how they explain what they see or have seen? Use what the priests and soldiers will not suspect. Normal animal life and vermin of the temple itself and her sewers."

Tuesday August 7th, 2007 12:15:01 AM

The ranger looks over at Mykael and shrugs. "I can certainly call an animal to help us...I can even speak to it, but I can't see through its eyes."

Ari  d20+7=20 d20+3=9
Tuesday August 7th, 2007 2:10:16 AM

Trying to keep a mindful eye on what's going on, Ari stops himself from jumping when Rigging passes the word to gather upstairs. When he sees the others disappear upstairs he decides to linger longer to see whether there are any others that might have put 2+2 together about who is doing what with whom. (listen 20, spot 9).

When Ari feels 'safe' enough to move, he'll stumble out of the common area and head upstairs. He'll continue to keep an eye out as he stumbles into Rigging's quarters. If he should feel anything amiss he'll report it as he enters the quarters.

As Ari gets caught up on what's going on he'll add, "Maybe the Emperor has had more of a hand in what's going on than anyone might know. We know the priesthood is moving a lot on its own at this point. We have been generally out of touch for some time, maybe."

Responding to other comments "I would have to change my spells in order to have any animals availabe, assuming there are any around the temple to be had."

When given a time to ponder his own question Ari states," The last question of course is how quickly we should rush into this. We've been able to get by in the past with that kind of philosophy, but can we do it now?"

DM Kent 
Tuesday August 7th, 2007 9:04:20 AM

Apollo begins to follow the shadowy figure and gets just around the corner out of sight of the Cathedral when he nearly runs into the figure as she steps back out of the shadow. The girl is dressed in loose fitting greyish clothes and looks to be about 10 years old.

"My Mistress sent me to meet you, Orphan Apollo. She had forseen this meeting before I was born. She told me to tell you these three things."

"First she says that, Wynd is still watching. Second, That you will eventually get back that which you lost and held so dear.
And finally, that she would like to meet you and your group tomorrow at the winemellon tent called "Drake's Melons" tomorrow morning at dawn. She has some knowledge that you might find of help."

Rigging gathers all to the room and discusses the need for further info and starts the good father on sketching duty. he also offers up some thoughts on entry.

Mykael's abrupt departure raises a few eyebrows at his table but nothing is said as he leaves. Once he has heard what Rigging has to say he has some thoughts, concerns and ideas of his own.

Ari watches as the others head upstairs and keeps an eye out in the inn. He notes that members of all four of the groups take note of the Swords' departures but nothing is said or even apparently talked about. And once they are all gone it seems almost like they were never there as conversations, games and drinking goes on as before uninterupted. Finally he too makes his way upstairs and joins the others.
Once there he asks a few questions of his own and listens to the thoughts of the others.

Several others chime in about spells and such.

Towards the end of the conversation and just about the time the priest finishes his sketch Apollo arrives back at the inn and makes his way to the room.

The priest appologetically tells you that he was never able to go out of the areas he has mapped, but he knows there are at least two other levels below the sanctuary. One of which has the actual gardens and the bottom where the Heart of Ga'al is located

(Map coming via email)

Tuesday August 7th, 2007 7:38:04 PM

Appolo returns to the iNN and makes a full report. to evetone.Telling them about everything he saw and heard on his patrol.

Tuesday August 7th, 2007 9:20:01 PM

As Apollo makes his report, Ari's breath catches for a second when Wynd's name is mentioned.

I haven't thought of that name for some time now. I wish we might be able to talk with her, just for comfort's sake. I hope our deeds are looked well upon by Wynd.

"Many of us departed suddenly below and it created a bit of stir, but it seems as if they've all moved on in their discussions and I don't see any that had a lingering interest in us."

Having made his report he'll also chime in, "I for one am interested in this dawn meeting."

Tuesday August 7th, 2007 10:01:29 PM

Rigging listens to the reports and says, "Well yet another group seems to know we are here. I am gonna give that Gunther fellow a tongue lashing when I see him next. Someone has a big mouth!"

Rigging looks at the old priest and asks, "Good sir, what is your name? He then goes on and says, "I know you haven't been in the temple in over 10 years but being a priest you surely have some information that can help us. Do they have a mass in the mornings? They seem to be heartseeding the children at night. Would this be a good time to attack or are their guards up then. If you were planning an assualt, when would you strike knowing their normal daily rituals. Do you understand what I am looking for. Not specific knowledge but facts that you have that could be useful in catching them off guard."

Rigging looks at the Wildcards and says, "I want guards on duty tonight. We will get a good night sleep and then go see this mistress who wants to give us some information."

Rigging will Val down to get some food and drinks to bring up to the room for the priest. He isn't going anywhere tonight.

Tuesday August 7th, 2007 11:06:42 PM

The ranger arches an eyebrow at the mention of Wynd. Wynd....Rigging's old...hmmmm...he doesn't seem to be responding to that bit of information...interesting. Ashira volunteers to take a double shift and then sets about watching over the "priest" as she combs the map for details. It was a start. Not much of one perhaps...but a start.

Tuesday August 7th, 2007 11:15:40 PM

Cosmo studies the map the the priest has drawn.

"Well it looks like once we are the only way out will be by fighting back to the front door or by using magic. Hopefully we do not run into any areas where magic is limited."

Wednesday August 8th, 2007 12:45:53 AM

After giving his report.Which includes the two guarded back door,numbers of Preists,troops and poeple moving in and out of the Temple as well the surrounding area,Appolo looks aeouns and says I think we should meet with this person the little girl mentioned.She was only a bout 10 but could see me and hit me witha small rock even though I was several yards away invisible and hasted.So if this is a trap it doesn't really matter becuase they already know we're and can apparently take us out at thier liezure.Also the rumors on the street is that the G'aalians a re preparing for heavy duty visitors.They have trained a specialized quad that can double in size and strength as well as anything else that hey can think of.I say we get bacl on our ship in the morning and run.I mean if we have any sense that is what we'll do.The enemy is ready and waiting."

Wednesday August 8th, 2007 7:03:13 AM

"Well I guess I'll be the one to say it. Captain you have to plan in contingency that everything we have been told is to mislead us. Too many people know why we are here. Any surprise we had is lost because somebody couldn't keep their mouth shut. Right now it appears that everybody hastes the church, and they have reason, but we cannot for a second believe the clergy are fools. Everybody down in that common room could be genuine. They could also be plants by the clergy."

Wednesday August 8th, 2007 1:18:14 PM

The dwarf listens quietly as infomation is gathered and reported.

"well seems many know we are coming here....seems certain that the Ga'alian brotherhood knows the same ......we need to be extra careful......and not to mention work as a team......working solo is just to dangerous"

"we ain't running anyway just yet Appolo......we have busuness to attend to first.....we've come too far to not try this "

attendence report 
Wednesday August 8th, 2007 1:23:54 PM

Dm Kent xxxxx
Ashira xxooo
Appolo xxoxx
Rigging xoxxx
Val xxoxx
Bart oxoxx
Nezamil xxoxo
Mykael xxxoo
Cosmo xxoxx
Ari xxoxx

Ook people we've all gotten the e-mail from Kent and Jerry about posting !!! combat is coming soon !!!! lets post and stay alive !!!! ;-)

Wednesday August 8th, 2007 2:10:30 PM

Bart throws another dart and ask about life in the city. Is nothing done about the priests I thought they only did hartseading with youngsters of 13.

DM Kent 
Wednesday August 8th, 2007 5:33:33 PM

Apollo make his report and states that the think about making the meeting with the girl's mistress.

Ari and the others add their thoughts as well as their misgivings and ready themselves for what they hope is not one great big trap.

The priest looks up at Rigging's questions and comments.

"Well now, my name be, or at least that which I go by now, is Nubs Alingie.

Well if you don't want current specifics then that do be true. I do know somewhat of their daily order of things and such.

They have two daily services one bout 2 hours after sunup and one bout two hour afor sundown. Prolly bout 4000 folks in there bout them times. Heartseeding goes on nightly, usually starting bout midnight or there abouts. There be two rooms for that one fer the boys and one fer the girls, pointing to the two rooms on the map he just drew.

There are only two ways into the cathedral. the front gate or the priest entrances in the rear. (Again showing you on the map. Now used to be they had a quad watching the front gate, the inner gate and the rear doors. and ususally they had one in the bell tower as well, though that jobs usually given to those on punishment for som'at.

I don't really know which way would be best but I certainly wouldn't want to go in during the main service times. In any case, if'n you go in the front way, yer somehow's gonna have to stop the bell tower guards from sounding the alarm when you attack.

If you go in the back way you will liekly run in to a whole lot of priests and such as that is where their quarters are. An' there be's an alarm pull in their quarters as well.

The Quads and Priests are human so they do have to sleep and such, but the place is or was very well guarded at all times, what with the Dragon Cult, The Emperor and the Jacks all working against the priesthood. There are or were also some pull chords near the entrances to the heartseeding rooms that will set off an alarm as well, so you may need to try and do something about them.

Wednesday August 8th, 2007 10:02:30 PM

Rigging listens again to the priest and nods when he hears his name and smiles, "Nice to meet you. Wish it could be under better circumstances."

He looks to the other Wildcards and says, "We will rest tonight and wake up and meet this stranger who can pick out Appolo when he is sneaking around. Possibly an ally. Maybe a way to get in.

So far I think we should tackle the priests home first. We are charged to killing as many of them as possible and catching them in bed, out of armor and unprepared seems like a good time. They also can't reinforce the quads and heal them up.

Anyway to bed. We have an early day tomorrow. Usual guard shifts and we are all sharing one room."

Wednesday August 8th, 2007 11:31:43 PM

"As for the tower bells. Could we enchant an arrow or something small and tie it to an arrow. we shoot high digging the arrow into the stone and includes the bell in a zone of silence. That way when they ring the bell nothing happens. It won't last forever but it will buy some extra time."

Thursday August 9th, 2007 12:12:35 AM

Ari takes a closer look at the priest since he's in their quarters now. He hadn't spent too much time looking while they were in the common area for fear of giving away too much interest in the local area. (ooc if there's nothing new that's fine).

Not sure if things should be said in front of the priest, Ari decides to wait until the priest is out of ear shot, or unless some other indication is given that it is okay to talk in front of him.

"Do we have the ability to cast mis-direction and non-detection? That might help us either once we get started or even now."

"If we don't find any children tomorrow, we might want to try looking around for some."

Looking at Apollo Ari states, "Remember what it was like for us, running around and knowing the short cuts and the in and outs of the town. We might be able to find those that could show us some unseen in ands outs of the temple and the town. Or whether we should keep contacting the Jacks and Jills as a last resort if we have no other way out."

Thursday August 9th, 2007 1:22:17 AM

Apperently Bart doesnt get any more info from Jordy. See you around Jordy, next time we play a longer match if u like.
Bart goes to the backroom and joins his friends who are all studying the map of the temple. Hmmm why cant we go in by daytime, hide somewhere, and during the night we go to the lower levels using the secret door

Thursday August 9th, 2007 2:20:43 AM

Mykael finds a nice spot and goes to sleep for the night.

He stands his watch and studies his spells.

Thursday August 9th, 2007 11:46:32 AM

Appolo looks at Rigging and the others"Ok sounds fine with me,Now I'm going to go get a few hours sleep in the room I purchased.I'm not worried about them.If they want to hit us they will,so I'm going get some rest.I suggest everyone else do the same.Don't worry about setting up a watch.We only havea few hours before sunrise anyways andI suggest we move out before it comes up and have the meet well scouted before hand."

Thursday August 9th, 2007 2:39:13 PM

Cosmo takes first watch so he can get a good nights sleep.

If all goes quitely then he finds a spot to sellp and in the morning studies for his spells.

Thursday August 9th, 2007 4:28:03 PM

The Cleric of Domi smiles as Rigging decides to attack the Priests quarters 1st " hit en hard and fast ....i like that "

"Any suggestions on spell use we can coordinate for the attack ??" asks Nezamil

"lets make sure we watch each others backs.....this is gonna be very dangerous "

Thursday August 9th, 2007 9:36:21 PM

"The idea about finding the street urchins. Thats a good idea. They see things nobody does. Know things that people think they don't. We could learn a lot from them. I think they will be receptive to our cause. How many of their friends get taken away only to return different?"

DM kent 
Thursday August 9th, 2007 10:45:11 PM

Short post - family emergency_

Rigging and the Swords come up with a basic plan and decide to try and get a good night's rest. Watches are set, the priest finds a corner and sleep is found to some degree for everyone.

The final watch decides that it is just about time for everyone to get up so they can meet the mystery melon woman.

Friday August 10th, 2007 11:25:30 AM

(ooc I hope things go as well as they can for your emergency Kent. Your post can be interpreted two different ways. Should we post our overnight routines, or should we expect a 2nd more lengthy post from you once the emergency is taken care of? (figured I'd ask :) ))

Friday August 10th, 2007 4:46:59 PM

The dwarf stirs as he is awakened by the last watch......taking some time to mediate to Domi the priest seats himself out of the way in a corner to pray.

Afterwards Nezamil will follow Ccaptain Riggings plan.

(spell list to follow )
(hope everything is well with you and you family kent)

Friday August 10th, 2007 7:08:08 PM

Appolo sleeps well and awakes about an hour before dawn.Once awake he gets cleaned up and suited up.Once ready he jions the others and heads for the meeting nice and quiet like.

Friday August 10th, 2007 7:36:29 PM

Cosmo finsihes studying for his spells and joins the rest of the Wildcards for breakfast.

Spell list coming!

Friday August 10th, 2007 8:40:46 PM

Rigging wakes up, tweaks his spells and gets ready for the meeting with Appolo's mysterious lady.

level: message x2, prestidigitation, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 comprehend languages, mage armor, magic missile x 2, tensor's floating disk, shield
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3, see invisible, prot from arrows, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly, blink, fireball, lightning bolt
4th level: 4+1 polymorph, empowered fireball, dimension door x 2 Evards Black tentacles
5th level: 3+1 Cone of Cold, teleport, passwall, Break enchantment
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate, true seeing

Friday August 10th, 2007 10:19:01 PM

Val enjoys a lengthy reverie, awakening well rested. "So what do we do today?"

Friday August 10th, 2007 11:34:15 PM

Mykael sits in the corner drumming out a beat on Nezamil's helm, while he waits for the group to move out.

DM Kent  d100=7
Saturday August 11th, 2007 2:30:54 PM

(thanks for the well wishers etc. My dad is doing better had a major scare. Not quite out of the woods yet but looking better.)

Up early, the party makes ther way downstairs and out the front door.

Apollo remembers having seen the Melon Wine shop on their way in town, though it was further back toward the docks. Having told Rigging this, the group begins the moderate trek to their destination.

Street cleaners and gleaners are to be seen doing their things and a number of merchants and stall owners are moving about beginging to set up for they day.

The journey takes all of about 20 minutes and the Winemelon tent is seen just ahead and to the right.

Outside of the tent opening you see a small figure sitting crosslegged as if waiting. The inside of the tent behind her is totally dark as far as you can tell.

Sunday August 12th, 2007 3:47:25 AM

Bart stays in the back of the group, ready to react if necessary.

Hmm we allways could start a fire and burn the place down

Monday August 13th, 2007 8:13:42 AM

While the party moves to their meeting, Ari does his best to keep his eyes out for the various street Urchins for future contact, if they're not involved in this upcoming meeting.

As usual Ari feels apprehensive about this meeting that could either help the group, or could be a trap.

ooc my main house breaker has gone down and I'm currently trying to have the maintenance person get it fixed. posting is problematic at best! :( :)

Will drop a note when I'm in the clear.

Appolo  d20+12=27 d20+10=11
Monday August 13th, 2007 1:24:23 PM

Once they reach the tent and see the girl outside the tent Appolo stops the group"Ok folks this is it.I'm going forward first if I think everything is ok I'll wave the rest of forward if not I'll bolt and everyone else run.back to the ship.Keep your eyes and ears open."Appolo then moves quickly toward the tent and the figure on the ground watching and listening for anything suspicious.

Once he reaches the figure Appolo says "Hello good morning."With smile.

Monday August 13th, 2007 5:14:41 PM

the armored dwarf peers at the tent......using his dwarven vision to see deeper into the tent.

"is this the place? "mutters Nezamil "

Keeping to his position in the center of th group the dwarf will quietly shift from foot to foot......slightly anxious of waiting in the open

Monday August 13th, 2007 5:20:28 PM

"Rigging am I taking the lead here as the merchant or are you going to speak?"

Cosmo waits to see how Rigging wants him to act.

OOC - Spell list and active effects coming!

Ashira the very plain woman 
Monday August 13th, 2007 9:45:34 PM

The plain woman walks slowly toward the Melon Wine shop with the others. She carefully examines all of the wares along the way, as if carefully considering a future purchase. Upon arrival at the shop, Ashira adopts a very bored manner as if she is simply waiting for the more important members of her party to finish up their business.

DM Kent 
Monday August 13th, 2007 10:22:45 PM

Ari keeps a lookout for street urchins and really ees very little as it is still about 5:00 in the morning, but he does recall seeing very few children and none over the age of 11 since they arrived.

Ashira keeps an eye out on the shops they are apssing and those beginning to set up shop trying to see what it is that they might be selling.

Nez peer into the darkness of the tent and is happy to note that it is normal darkness and from the distance he s away he can see what looks to be several tables and chairs inside but little else.

Cosmo waits for Rigging to find out who and how this is going down when Appolo says his piece and heads to the door.

As he approaches the figure on the ground, Apollo realises it is the same little girl and she looks up when he addresses her.

"Good morning. My mistress awaits inside and to the right. Please make your way inside. All of you please. My mistrees told me to tell you that you should hurry inside as a Culling crew is going to be coming around the corner within seconds."

Monday August 13th, 2007 10:31:06 PM

(ooc sorry for the missed post.)

Rigging darts into the tent wondering if he is jumping into a trap. He has a scorching ray spell ready in case of trouble.

Monday August 13th, 2007 11:32:57 PM

Val stands in the back watching silently.

ooc: apologies for the missed post and the short one here. Some RL stuff is making things difficult.

Tuesday August 14th, 2007 1:15:09 AM

Mykael quickly makes his way into the tent and moves to the left. Surveying then entire enclosure, he quickly finds a darker spot to observe and listen from.

Tuesday August 14th, 2007 9:37:23 AM

Having heard about the Culling crews, Ari quickly moves inside with the one bit of information that might actually make him jump to get inside.

Detect Magic
Detect Poison
Read Magic

comprehend Languages
Feather Fall
Spider Climb

1-level Ranger


alter Self
Resist Energy
flaming sphere,
cats grace


Dispel Magic
Lightening Bolt

Tuesday August 14th, 2007 3:02:17 PM

Nezamil quickly follows the others into the tent.......following Mykael's example but goes to the rightside......so as not to all walk into the same trap incase there is one.

Tuesday August 14th, 2007 3:53:20 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours

Cosmo follows the group inside the tent. He remains alert for a trap.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3

Appolo  d20+12=18 d20+10=23
Tuesday August 14th, 2007 7:50:10 PM

Appolo isn't worried about the culling patrol and let's all the others enter first as he isa bit miffed that they ignored his advice and didn't wait for his signal,Appolo enters last keeping his eyes and ears open.

Spot 18 Listen 23

DM Kent 
Tuesday August 14th, 2007 10:40:49 PM

The inside of the tent is unlit but with the gray of dawn you can make out the tables and chairs etc. Those with dark vision see a nicely laid out drinking establishment and just to the left of the entryway an old lady sits at a table. She doesn't appear to look up or even move as you all enter.

"Good morning Wildcards, please come in and have a seat. Let me sense your presences. If you need a light you may make one, it will not bother old Lunetta. My eyes are all past seeing anyway.

attendence report 
Wednesday August 15th, 2007 10:39:35 AM

Dm Kent xxxxx
Ashira xxoox
Appolo xxxxx
Rigging xxxxo
Val xxxxo
Bart xxxox
Nezamil oxxxx
Mykael xoxxo
Cosmo xxxxx
Ari xxxxx

a good week of posting everyone !! keep it up !! ;-)

Wednesday August 15th, 2007 11:44:01 AM

Bart is a bit surprised the old lady knows the name of their group.
Hello madam my name is Albarth Bart for short, nice to meet u

Wednesday August 15th, 2007 1:53:21 PM

The dwarf measures up the old lady.....and decides to comply " greetings Lunetta.......i'm called Nezamil ......a member of Domi's brotherhood" adds the dwarf respectfully

Taking a seat......Nezamil waits for the meeting to start

Cosmo  d20+5=16
Wednesday August 15th, 2007 1:56:14 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours

Cosmo moves to one of the offered seats and sits down. He looks around the sent as his eyes get used to the darkness.

Spot 16

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3

Wednesday August 15th, 2007 5:20:14 PM

"I am Ari."

Ari feels comforted for some reason, when the groups name is mentioned. Curious that she seems to know a fair amount about our group. It will be interesting to see how this fares and what we shall learn

0-level - Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Read Magic, Resistance

1-level - comprehend Languages, Feather Fall, Grease, Shield, Spider Climb

1-level Ranger - Entangle, Jump

2-level - alter Self, Resist Energy, flaming sphere, cats grace

3-level - Dispel Magic, Lightening Bolt, Slow

Apppolo  d20+12=30 d20+10=30
Wednesday August 15th, 2007 7:39:08 PM

Appolo moves slightly to the right of the door but remains in the shadows standing quietly,he watches and listens.Om the alert for trouble.He thinks to himself.Great seems everyone know aho we are and what we're going to do.

DM Kent 
Wednesday August 15th, 2007 11:03:35 PM

Spot DC 14 to see:Highlight to display spoiler: { You notice that Lunetta is missing both of her thumbs}

Yes, Apollo many know who you are, including old Lunetta, but in truth they know not that you are who you are, or when you are coming, let alone what you truly might do.

The streams of possibilities that I see are endless, though some are stronger and less maleable than others. And several are streams of darkness. All have the possibility of being though only one will end true. Many of the streams will split or end depending on your decisions and what you do or don't do. Death is seen and overcome. Life is allowed to keep living. Darkness brings its own light and depths of despair. Swords will break and be reforged.

I foresaw this meeting four years ago while I was a "Guest" at the cathedral. By Lemtrovex's mercy I escaped, but I have been awaiting your arrival for nearly four years.

But my story is not completely what you are here for. Though I can tell you about the garden level and heart sanctum. I am allowed to answer one question about the possible futures I see, but I can not tell you what the futures hold. Think discuss and then ask your one question and then I will tell you what I know of the cathedral.

Thursday August 16th, 2007 12:05:54 AM

Mykael confers with the group about the question they should ask.

"I think we should ask... that out of all of the possible futures, what was the most consistant or biggest mistake we made or surprise that we didnt plan for."

"Or perhaps, out of all the possibilities, if there is one that shows us destroying the heartseed tree permanently, how did we do it?"

"Those two are the best I can think of right off hand like this."

Thursday August 16th, 2007 6:46:26 AM

"I don't think we should ask anything. Knowing the future may change what we do. Trying for one specific future may do more harm than good."

Thursday August 16th, 2007 2:58:50 PM

Normally i wwould agree with you Val, but knowing how to kill the hartseed tree is a big plus.

Thursday August 16th, 2007 3:06:26 PM

Appolo steps forward"Ok folks we don't need to know the future.We're not meant to.All we need to know is what she knows about the cathedral and how to kill the tree and if it's in there G'aal's heart.That's it.Let's keep it simple and let the chips fall were they may.Certian questions are best left asked let alone answered."

Rigging  d20+7=21
Thursday August 16th, 2007 3:12:22 PM

Spot roll 21 for thumbs

Rigging ponders what the old seer says as he glances at her hands and notices her missing thumbs. He looks to the others and says, "Maybe we should ask about our planned entrance and exit plans and see if they are the proper way to go.

Things are going to get to fuzzy while in the church."

Rigging frowns and looks at the old woman and asks, "How is it everyone knows we are coming? We only got this mission a short time ago."

Thursday August 16th, 2007 4:22:26 PM

The Cleric of Domi winces slightly as the old women highlights the word "guest" and shakes his head sadly

" that was indeed fortunate that you were able to escape .......the terrible things that happened to you and others you witnessed" adds Nezamil quietly

Nodding as the other Wildcards discuss the question to be asked

Thursday August 16th, 2007 6:23:10 PM

He turns to the others in the group and says, "Should we ask specific question about the which future we want to bring about, or do we want to ask a broader question that will give us the ability to better evaluate what we're going to do. A broader question I could think of would be how many futures are there where we destroy the seed and escape the city?!

I don't think knowing the future changes much. Since we are all individuals we each have a decision in this future. Since each future is a series of decisions, I don't see how we necessariy can get to the future that she might point us to"

Thursday August 16th, 2007 7:31:30 PM

"I think asking how to kill the tree is the best question."

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3

for Nellie by Ken 
Thursday August 16th, 2007 10:52:18 PM

Benjamin Scott Knotts
born August 15 @ 2:31 pm
baby did very well, slid thru the canal like a water slide. Janell had a bleeding problem and had a tough recovery. Both are doing well now and looking forward to comming home. Benjamin has pointed out his displeasure by some of his captors, i mean nurses. This morning he gave such a show during a diaper change as to cause one nurse to have to shower and change clothes.

Dad, however, is more than able to sooth his cries (i've done it several times). And tonight's diaper change there was an attempted fountain spray that was quickly shut down with no damage.

DM Kent 
Thursday August 16th, 2007 11:41:29 PM

As Rigging notices the seer's lack of thumbs, he remembers that the leader of the Dragon Cult is usually thumbless.

I will assume that the question about how people know you are here is not really the "question" you want to ask.

But as I mentioned I have known a group of adventurers was coming for this purpose four years ago and others have seen this stream of possiblity as well and the rumor of it has been leaked and spread around for some time as a measure of hope. Very few people know that it pertains to the group sometimes known as the Wildcards and those that do do not likely know who you are or what you look like. I would suppose that any knew and unusual group that arrives in the city at this time is going to attract some extra attention.

While se is talking to you she is continuing to sketch out her diagram though she has yet to look down at her paper once.

Friday August 17th, 2007 11:44:53 AM

Listening to what has been said, Ari ponders more on the question that the group gets to ask. Speaking more to Rigging than anyone else Ari states, "We could ask for who is our biggest ally that will help us directly with the destruction of the heart. Or words to that effect."

0-level - Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Read Magic, Resistance
1-level - comprehend Languages, Feather Fall, Grease, Shield, Spider Climb
1-level Ranger - Entangle, Jump
2-level - alter Self, Resist Energy, flaming sphere, cats grace
3-level - Dispel Magic, Lightening Bolt, Slow

Friday August 17th, 2007 3:48:40 PM

Val watches the woman and starts to wonder. If she found this woman during a time of peace instead of war. There are so many questions she has about her own life. Is any of her family still alive? Why did fate put her in this elven body that makes her look like a golden haired drow? She was more beautiful so Val didn't mind that much. Was her chosen path the right one? Was she right into her new devotion?

Friday August 17th, 2007 6:20:43 PM

Appolo just has a seat and relaxes.He waits patiently for someone else to ask the question.

Friday August 17th, 2007 6:25:38 PM

Glancing over at what Lunetta is drawing,Nezamil study's it,

As a follower of Domi.....Ga'als enemy......Nezamil surveys his surroundings .....and what has brought him to this very point......." this is a very important moment in Woldian history......we can help change Ga'als influence in thsi area and Wold wide ......so please lets make this one question count"

The Cleric of Domi offers a pray to Domi to help grant them courage in the upcoming saga.

Friday August 17th, 2007 10:58:08 PM

"Captain, we are good with tactics, thus we have to trust our skills for entry, and it wont matter who our allies are, since they will be our allies."

"If we cant figure out how to destroy the tree, or we have to take precious time to experiment on what works, then we could be in trouble. Likewise, finding out a dangerous surprise would be, before hand, will help us emensely. We should focus on what would help us the most."

"The future is ever changing, and has many forks depending on our choices. There is nothing wrong with taking a look, however, one does need to be careful. Asking one question about something that we do not know, but is in most or all forks will yield us the best chance for good information and the least chance of problems."

Ashira (sub-George) 
Friday August 17th, 2007 11:41:55 PM

Ashira standing quietly behind is itching for some action. Standing around posing possible questions for future events seems crazy to her. She is ready to go and carve up some priests and kill the heartseed tree.

Friday August 17th, 2007 11:44:22 PM

Rigging looks down at the woman who can multi-task so well. He looks at her and says, "I must agree with Mykael. We have all faced priests, quads and minions before but we have never taken on one of the heartseed trees. Is the tree capable of self defense....no wait! What is the best way to destroy Ga'al's heartseed tree?"

Saturday August 18th, 2007 3:45:42 AM

Bart waits to hear the answer of the old woman

DM Kent 
Saturday August 18th, 2007 3:56:01 PM

(OOC: I will assume you mean how do you destroy the Heart of Ga'al, as there is no such thing as a heart seed tree. Heartseeds are actually immature plants that grow on mature heartseed plants, You have been told there are two nurseries/gardens below the top level and then the Heart of Ga'al (the mother of all heart seed plants below that).

The seer pushes the map she sketched back over to you and then begins a little story.

"The map I have drawn you is what I remember from when I was kept as a guest of the cathedral in the heart sanctum. The heart sanctum (or Chamber of Hearts) is the room that is adjacent to the two nursery/gardens. It is where the actual hearts and heartseeds of ALL the former Ga'alian head priests for the last 400 years are kept. Each one is situated upon a stone bier that contains the body of the Priest. These heart/heartseedc are still alive and contain all of the collected knowledge and wisdom of all the previous high priests. They are arranged along the spiral staircase that descends to the room where the Heart of Ga'al resides. While there I was locked in this chamber and actually communed with one of the heartminds, a certain Ainemmos, who was head priest 360 years ago. The heart minds and the heart of Ga'al are very strong with mind control abilities."

"While connected with him I was able to learn that the gardens are tended by two powerful undead and their pets. I know little about them other than to say that one of them is a treant."

After having passed over the map and told her story, she then turs to Rigging as he asks his question.

"Ahhh, you choose the least visible of all the streams and those which are less fixed in time and place, due to the number of posible variables. But let's see what I can discover along these three particular streams."

Her white eyes roll up under her lids and after a few moments she starts speaking in a hoarse whisper.

* "Daylight, Blood sprays, thousands of people, pain, laughter, death, loss of love, strength of arms fails, torrents of blood washes away the healing water. A deck of cards cut in twain, pieces on the floor, No one left to aid the fallen."

She shudders a moment and then again begis to speak this time in a very shrill child like voice.

* "Calm, quiet darkness, children crying, run run, helping hands, fires smothered, a sharp sythe, strength of will, pain, burning, the coolness of water, A damaged incomplete deck of cards sits on the table, Allies left behind help those in need."

This time she slumps forward in her chair and then after a few moments sits back up ramrod straight and begins chanting in a male priest-like voice.

* "Silent Darkness, Moonlight, Blood Pain, comforting ice, Fog Burn soothing water, Sticky Acid helpful water, Arid wind cooling water, Ware the flowers, Make like a desert, strength of will prevails, let the water flow, Friends help where they may, a deck of cards is laying on a table."

With the last word her head falls to the table. The little girl quickly moves forward and raising her face slaps the old woman across the face twice and then lifts a glass of some sort of liquid to her lips.

The old lady sputters a bit and then starts to swallow the liquid though she does spill some of the thick golden liquid down her cheeks. A fe more sips and then sh looks up at you.

"Well, I am fairly sure that wasn't exactly what you came for, but there are always bits and pieces of things to be taken from what is seen. Remember that none of this is firmly written, but merely streams of possibility."

(ooc: Map coming in email.)

Sunday August 19th, 2007 5:24:27 AM

Listening to the seer, Ari's mouth falls further open with each pronouncement. When the seers head falls to the table, so does Ari's jaw.

I knew we were going to get a cryptic reading, but this seems almost off the cryptic scale

After his thought is done Ari will close his mouth and try to look around and see how the others fared with this pronouncement.

Ari decides to ponder what was said as he waits to see how the seers words affect the others in the party.

Sunday August 19th, 2007 6:12:25 PM

"I give them credit. They really have one hell of a set up going. Even when their best priests die what they have learned still lives on. No wonder its been so hard to get rid of them."

Sunday August 19th, 2007 10:47:27 PM

Cosmo listens to the womans prophecies. Most of it doesn't make any sense. Only one thing is mentioned in all 3.

"So what do you make of the deck of cards thing in all 3 prophecies."

Monday August 20th, 2007 12:14:39 PM

Appolo just smiles and luaghs when the old woman tells here prohecies"Ok thanks for the map and the info,but outside of the map and the undead.You really didn't tell us anything we didn't already knowOdds are agianst and theres a good chance we will fail and get wiped out,there's also a good chance we won't.Well folks Unless she ahs anything specific she wants to add,we best get going.Nice to meet you two,but we places to go and people to kill."he says the stands shaking his head and laughing as prepares to head out with merriment in his eyes.A deadly gleam as well.

Monday August 20th, 2007 2:09:49 PM

Another Riddle it must be something like this kill the tree by moonlight in the middle of the night using a burning acid cloud that moves around with a control wind spell or something like that, what do yopu think Nez you know the most about divine spells

Monday August 20th, 2007 3:49:12 PM

Nodding at the olf lady " Thank you for your help" adds Nezamil sincerely

Loooking at Bart " hmm let me think about that .....see what Domi can grant me " smiles the dwarf

Turning to Captain Rigging " so whats the first thing we do ?" as Nezamil ponders the Seer's words

With a look of distaste at Appolo the dwarf just shakes his head " very sad.....very sad " murmers Nezamil

Spell list
Zero-Creare water x2,Light x2,Read magic,Mending
1st-Detect undead,Divine favor,Hide from undead,Protection f-evil x2,Shield of faith x2(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2,Resist energy,Darkness,Silence(Bull str)
3rd-Searing light x2,Magic circle,Blindness,Protection from energy(Magic vestments)
4th-Airwalk,Dismissal,Freedom of movement x2(Spell Immunity)
5th-True seeing,Rightous might,Flame strike(Spell Resistance)
6th-Blade barrier (Aanti-magic shield field)

Don't forget, Nezamil passed out 3 potions of Resist energy to Val,Bart,ashira)(1 each)

The html close command should come after the /. Corrected posting. Todd

Monday August 20th, 2007 7:14:01 PM

Rigging ponders the words and says, "It almost seems that we aren't to go in alone. Our allies are mentioned and if I would have to guess, they will help others escape. Maybe the children being held for heartseeding. I don't understand this card thing unless it is referring to the pirates and the different suits.

Still the knowledge of the undead is helpful. Nezamil prepare yourself for them.

Lady, I thank you for your sight. Is their any other help you can offer? I believe you are associated with the dragon cult." Rigging points at her hands. "So you should have some expertise in this. Where would you send forces to attack the temple? Not asking for your sight, only your wisdom."

Tuesday August 21st, 2007 12:09:42 AM

Mykael ponders on the information and then smiles at the lack of understanding of the group.

"Three different branches of the future. The first informs us that if we attack during the day, there will be quick reinforcements and we will be all cut down."

He stops with the discription and explains, "The cards refers to us, you know, cards is short for Wildcards."

Mykael continues, "The second illustrates that a night attack is best, however, if we use fire then there will be many heading in to save it and they will succeed. And I believe many will be injured from the fire. And we will lose a few of us."

"The final one appears to be the best course to follow, if I understand it right. Attack at night under a moon, use acid. Not sure about the blood, ice, or fog parts. The arid wind, flowers, and desert reference the dieing of the plants and seed, I think. Our strength of will prevails... dont know about the water part. Allies help and we all end up drinking around a tavern table exhausted."

"Perhaps its that simple or maybe its a little more involved to kill the seeds and plants. Maybe freeze them, then fiery fog... shocks the system and lowers thier defenses so the acid can do its work. Hmmm...."

Mykael turns to the seer, "Madam, can you offer up any insight to what you saw?"

DM kent 
Tuesday August 21st, 2007 5:53:15 AM

The lady listens as several of the Wildcards voice their disappointment at the cryptic seeing and then Mykael speaks his piece and she perks up listening to what he is saying.

"That is well read Mykael, not perfect perhaps but very well done. (300 experience points Mykael)

There are a few things that you might look at more closely though. There seems to be a theme even in the first negative reading, having to do with water and even perhaps your strength of will.

I also believe you are right on about the cards representing yourselves, a night attack and the part about allies helping out, though it sounds more support and relief as opposed to direct help."

Turning to Rigging she continues.

"As to advice about where to attack. Well, if I were planning this forray, I would probably go in the front door if I could insure the silence of the Bell Tower and its Guards, as at night the Priests quarters will be full with priests and quads and guarded as well.

If I were doing in during the day I would probably go for the back door as there are less likely to be fully occupied during business hours, though you run the risk of anywhere from 100 - 4000 worshippers to deal with depending on the time of day."

Tuesday August 21st, 2007 11:31:35 AM

Rigging digests the seer's advice and then turns to the others, "That decides it. We will attack tonight. I don't want to deal with hundreds or thousands of worshippers. So we need a plan to take out the guards in the bell tower. Appolo, how many did you see up there during your scouting mission last night? Makes sense to use the wand to cast invisibility on maybe Bart, Ashira and Val and have them take them out covered in invisibilty and silence spells. Nezamil can get them up their with his airwalk spell.

When they are done, we go through the front gate and try to get to the heartseed plants as fast as possible. Cosmo, it will be yours and my job to kill the plants. Do you have any ideas on that score? Maybe a fire elemenal?. Or just plain fireballs. Wall of fire? Have to be careful, I am sure they will have some protections. Maybe some way to uproot them from below."

Rigging will look at the others and ask, "What exactly was our mission. I think the heartseeds are at the core of it but we were supposed to kill priests and what else? I am leery of depending on magic to much. I am sure the temple has many wards."

attendence report 
Tuesday August 21st, 2007 3:35:55 PM

Dm Kent xxxxx
Ashira *leave of absence for baby duty ;-)
Appolo xxxxx
Rigging xoxxx
Val xooxx
Bart oxxxx
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael xoxxx
Cosmo xxxox
Ari xxxxx

another good week people !! remember combat coming !! be ready and post to keep us all alive !!!!

* permission granted by Benjamin Scott Knotts

Tuesday August 21st, 2007 3:53:15 PM

Listening to Captain Riggings plans the dwarf adds " Captain .....the airwalk spell is only for one person.....but i can cast the spell of silence on a pebble.....should get about a 20'ft radius on whoever carry's it.......the guards in the bell tower should be their strongest.....so maybe Appolo can take him out him self before joining us again.......would be a good oppurtunity to have him sneak up on anyone sneaking up on us "

"Also since Llunetta mentioned undead in there i could also protect us with a spell that helps hide us from the undead......it's not a perfect spell but could give us a nice edge ....at least in the beginiing ....before we spot the walking dead"

" I was also wondering about that new quad they have organized.......they say it is specialized in enlarging themselves.......i wonder about the size of the rooms in the temple......if they can all really fight effectivly in confined spaces.......might be helpful if we could confine them in some many......anybody have any ideas on that ??"

With a look at Mykael " you have a web spell handy ??......i have prayed for a couple of free moevement spells.....might be a good combination "

Tuesday August 21st, 2007 8:05:11 PM

Appolo just watches and listens"Well I can take out the guards in the bell tower at least keep it quiet.I also have some things to help me climb.So going over the wall won't be too difficult."

Tuesday August 21st, 2007 8:35:19 PM

Hmmm, alot to think about.

"I don't know Rigging. It sounds like fire may not be the answer. They may have the whole area protected against fire."

"Let me think about it a little bit."

Tuesday August 21st, 2007 10:41:38 PM

"I still think that acid is the way to go. And I dont think the area is protected against fire. I believe that fire will draw attention faster, and many will move in to save the plants, both succeeding in saving them and also injuring many in a fire that gets out of hand. I think that is what the message was saying."

Wednesday August 22nd, 2007 12:19:56 AM

"OK Acid it is. Where do we get acid? Figure you will need quite a bit...Maybe a barrel. How do we get it?"

Wednesday August 22nd, 2007 7:15:14 AM

"There was also a mention of being like the desert, along with the acid. Do you think that might mean some kind of dry wind, or maybe some kind of erosion or something? What comes to mind when you think of desert?"

Wednesday August 22nd, 2007 7:15:18 AM

"I still think we should put the silence on an arrow and stick it in the stone outside of the tower where it still covers the bell. The guards inside would never see it and if they do figure it out have no way to remove the arrow since they cannot reach it."

DM Kent 
Wednesday August 22nd, 2007 7:33:14 AM

The Wildcards begin making plans almost immediately and the little girl begins to help the seer to her feet.

"Good luck Wildcards, I certainly hope that you are successful, though it will put a lot of my people out of work so to speak. The staff and owner of this establishment will likely be arriving momentarily. They might find it a bit odd finding you here so early. As you look after the two departing women, you realize that it is later than you realized as there is now definite predawn light beginging to brighten the outdoors.

What will our heroes do?

(OOC: you were charged with destroying the Santuary (including alter and any statues of Ga'al) and affiliated heartseeding rooms, the heart Sanctum, the greenhouses and the Heart of Ga'al)

Wednesday August 22nd, 2007 3:26:25 PM

"Lets get moving back to the inn. That group I was chatting with said they were sent to help. They know more than they should. And they supposedly received a letter that sounded like it was from our benefactors. Although, they could still be a quad in disquise hoping to catch us, after so much information was leaked."

"As for the acid, we are merchants. Lets wait for the shops to open, and then we can see if we can aquire any."

Wednesday August 22nd, 2007 6:11:13 PM

"Thank you for all your help " remarks Nezamil to the seer and little girl

"Yeah Mykael we should seek out an alchemist shop during the course of the day.......then as Captain Rigging has said we can then rest up a little before we do what we must do at night "

The dwarf will head back to the taveren with the others to finish planning their attack

Spell list
Zero-Creare water x2,Light x2,Read magic,Mending
1st-Detect undead,Divine favor,Hide from undead,Protection f-evil x2,Shield of faith x2(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2,Resist energy,Darkness,Silence(Bull str)
3rd-Searing light x2,Magic circle,Blindness,Protection from energy(Magic vestments)
4th-Airwalk,Dismissal,Freedom of movement x2(Spell Immunity)
5th-True seeing,Rightous might,Flame strike(Spell Resistance)
6th-Blade barrier (Aanti-magic shield field)

Don't forget, Nezamil passed out 3 potions of Resist energy to Val,Bart,Ashira)(1 each)

Wednesday August 22nd, 2007 7:35:54 PM

Rigging will also say his thanks and make his way back to the inn. He will gather everyone in the rooms and say, "OK we attack tonight. We need to take out the tower guards and go in through the front doors. We can try and go through the walls if you think that is best, I do have a passwall.

We need ways to take down the entire church or at least do real damage to it. If we can hit support columns, we might be able to bring the whole thing down. I am going to go take a look durning services today and see if I can put my engineering talents to use.

We will need to coordinate our movements quickly and precisely, Each of use should have certain missions once we are inside the church. I and Cosmo can attack the church itself. Cosmo can summon monsters to take supports and I can cast spells to help as well.

The fighters can initially take down the guards and protect the others backs. Nezamil, Ari and Mykael will be in charge of taking down the heartseeds.

Appolo will be our backstabbing rover. Invisible with backstab should be very effective.

What does everyone think? We need to find some acid but I wonder if we can buy enough without rousing suspicions. Spellusers will have to switch their spells to accomidate the plan. We go to sleep this afternoon, wake up, make our changes and then attack around 2 am. Any questions.?

Rigging will take a real good look at the room they are staying in for his teleport spell.

Rigging will wait for any comments and then try and head over to the church for mass and check things out. Rigging will go into the church with the hat of disguise on as a normal looking citizen. He will sit in the back and listen to the sermon and check things out. He will cast detect magic, true seeing and arcane eye while in the church.

If he is at all accosted, when entering, he will just turn around and leave. If it happens in the church during services, he will try and teleport away. If that fails, he will kiss his butt goodbye. He will have message spell on to tell the group what is happening.

level: message x2, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 comprehend languages, mage armor, magic missile x 2, tensor's floating disk, shield
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3, see invisible, prot from arrows, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly, blink, fireball, lightning bolt
4th level: 4+1 polymorph, arcane eye, dimension door x 2 Evards Black tentacles
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport, passwall, Break enchantment
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate, true seeing

had to change spells since I did empowered fireball in the wrong slot

Wednesday August 22nd, 2007 9:07:13 PM

Appolo slide out ahead of the others and heads back to the Inn.

Thursday August 23rd, 2007 2:31:24 AM

I can use my ring of levitation to get in the bell tower, and acid is there not an acid spell acid arrows fog cloud or something like that. Or maybe we can buy some small amounts or nick it from somewhere

Thursday August 23rd, 2007 6:04:43 AM

"If there's something we need, or feel we need, let's see if we can locate it. I can probably help to get it if needed as I have some funds that can be used for this."

Looking askance at Appolo, or the lack there of, and people wonder why I get a little upset about the how relatively violent this group is

Thursday August 23rd, 2007 8:34:33 AM

"Captain I purchased two gems of earth elemental summoning just for the destruction of the church. If anything can reduce the entire place to rubble its a couple of elementals."

Dm Kent 
Thursday August 23rd, 2007 8:09:38 PM

Plans are beginning to be firmed up as the group makes their way back to the Jack's Booty and as they get back the sun is now cresting the horizon and the dawn is definitely breaking.

Rigging suggests that he scout things out by going to the morning service while the others do some quick shopping and then all get some more sleep so as to be prepared for the oncoming night.

No patrons are yet in the main room as you re-enter the inn, but you can hear sounds coming from the kitchens as the staff gets ready for the morning meal. Taking a few seats at one of the long tables you prepare to break your fast and soon one of the tavern girls sticks her head out and sees you.

"Oy, Yer an early lot now aren't ye. Morning meal will be ready in about ten minutes, I'll have a couple of pitchers of Kava and Chai over to you in less than a wink."

Just about the time she shows up with the morning beerages there are sounds of quite a few feet coming down the stairs to the main room, for breakfat.

The first two groups down are the ones caling themselves the Keepers of the Flame, and the second group down are the green clad ones that were throwing darts the previous night.

Seceral minutes later the Osto Saints make their presence known in the room and not moments later the group of orcs make their way down as well.

Thursday August 23rd, 2007 11:35:05 PM

The dwarf smiles as the barmaid cheerily annouces when breakfast is coming .

" she's a cheery one in the morning "

When the barmaid serves them beverages Nezamil quickly serves himself a large mug of chai

As all the other groups make their way down for breakfast the armored dwarf adds " hmm four groups now.......they're all expecting something to happen and certainly don't want to miss out on all the fun "

Whispering to Rigging " i wonder which will help and which we have to be careful with ......but i wouldn't turn down the help.....this is gonna get nasty fast "

Spell list
Zero-Creare water x2,Light x2,Read magic,Mending
1st-Detect undead,Divine favor,Hide from undead,Protection f-evil x2,Shield of faith x2(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2,Resist energy,Darkness,Silence(Bull str)
3rd-Searing light x2,Magic circle,Blindness,Protection from energy(Magic vestments)
4th-Airwalk,Dismissal,Freedom of movement x2(Spell Immunity)
5th-True seeing,Rightous might,Flame strike(Spell Resistance)
6th-Blade barrier (Aanti-magic shield field)

Don't forget, Nezamil passed out 3 potions of Resist energy to Val,Bart,Ashira)(1 each)

Friday August 24th, 2007 6:58:04 AM

Once more in the guise of the old human woman, Val sat quietly. She was mentally preparing herself for the upcoming and what could be her final battle.

Friday August 24th, 2007 9:27:26 AM

Rigging will sip his morning beverages and then order a hearty breakfast. He looks over at the others coming down the stairs and wonders who they can trust if any of them.

He decides to let them start the conversations or others in the Wildcards and sits back and just listens for a few minutes.

He then contact Swirl who is playing in the clouds well above the city and out of sight. "Are you enjoying your free time my friend? See anything interesting up there? "

Friday August 24th, 2007 4:01:16 PM

Bart is going for breakfast too. He tries to listen to the conversations around him especially from the orcs. After Breakfast he goes outside for a strawl near the temple. He also goes to the market see if he can buy any acid

Friday August 24th, 2007 10:21:32 PM

Mykael smiles at the Keepers. He enjoys some breakfast and small talk. One comment is important to note.

"If the Keepers dont have any plans on this day, I would be interested in speaking to you about a job."

"You have been here longer than I, and know your way around. Plus there is safety in numbers. But we will discuss further in private after breakfast, assuming you are interested."

Friday August 24th, 2007 11:05:55 PM

Appolo sits down and eats.He watches and listens to those around him.He doesn't like all this talk about the other groups and can't believe it when Mykeal approaches the keepers.He thinks to himself man why don't we just tell everyone who we are and what we're going to do.Speaking quietly to Rigging"Our operational security is blown too many people around are expecting something.I don't think it is a good Idea for us to do this now.We should do one more scouting trip on the temple,then leave and come back ina month or so and hit it then."

Sunday August 26th, 2007 11:50:52 AM

Cosmo joins the rest of the group for breakfast. He pretty much keeps quiet, listening and watching the groups that are in the inn.

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility. See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3

Bart Aka William OOC 
Sunday August 26th, 2007 12:34:19 PM

This is my last post for my vacation. Have a good time fighting Gaal. I did sent u all Bart's char sheet.

Monday August 27th, 2007 6:04:32 PM

With how early he got up Ari is starving by the time breakfast is served. Ari works with the staff to conjure up some grub and does his best to listen in on any conversations that might catch his interest.

Once breakfast is done Ari plans his time appropriately for sleeping and spending some time to see if he needs to study some new spells for their hastily set plan.

(ooc I got caught with being a bit busy at the start of the week).

DM Kent 
Monday August 27th, 2007 7:11:02 PM

(OOC: Do I / We have a volunteer to run bart for the next two weeks?)

All the various patrons of the inn eventually make it down to breakfast and are eating. They are all fairly subdued but occasional coments can be heard of varius parts of conversations.

**** (Osto Saints' table)"I am certainly getting tired of sitting around the is Ga'al infested town waiting for some we don't even know to show up, sounds to me like we were set up for some reason."

**** (Orc group) "I wonder if the Emeralds are just trying to establish their power base to see how far they can go with sending us hither and thither. The Golds and Plats never had us waiting this long."

**** (Keepers of the Flame)"I just wish we knew who to look for, as far as we know it could be one of these other groups that have been here and we are all spinning our wheels."

**** Green clad group) "All I can say is that I am glad this building is secure from scrying."

**** (Ost Saints)"Yeah, well I wish I new what this is all about, I hate walking into something without a plan and without having some expectations"

**** (Orc Group) "I say we give it 1 more day and we leave. here is no telling what is going on in Izen riht now."

**** (Green clad group) "I say if someone doesn't show up soon we start waylaying culling crews in the early mornings. They took my neighbor's grandfather the other week.

Rigging contacts Swirl and gets a heady response in return. "The coastal winds here are wonderful."I am having so much fun. Do you need me now?"

Mykael approaches the Flames and makes his job offer and gets a raised eyebrow in return. His "friend" looks around at his fellows and then back at Mykael.

"Well Merchant Mykael as I mentioned we are waiting for someone, so I can't guarantee that we can assist you. However we will gladly hear your proposition and if we can't aid you we might be able to point you to someone who can."

It is about this time that the Bells for morning service begin to ring, reminding Rigging that he was going to need to hurry if he was indeed going to attend as planned.

Monday August 27th, 2007 10:30:54 PM

Rigging tells Ashira and Nezamil to start feeling out these different groups and see if they are trustworthy. If they aren't then ignore them, if they are, then see if they can help. How to figure this out? No my problem. That is the good thing about being Captain, delegation.

Rigging rises to go on his scouting missing and whispers, "If I don't come back in a couple of hours, I am dead. I don't expect a rescue attempt but I do expect to be avenged. Find that acid, find out about these others and get ready for battle tonight."

Rigging will say this out of the hearing of the other groups hopefully.

Rigging will follow his above stated plan and try to get out as quickly as possible. He will assure Swirl that he is OK but Swirl can sense that his master is a bit tense.

Spells cast
arcane eye 12 minutes
true seeing 12 minutes
mage armor 12 hours
comprehend languages 120 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours

level: message x2, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 comprehend languages*, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, tensor's floating disk, shield
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly, blink, fireball, lightning bolt
4th level: 4+1 polymorph, arcane eye*, dimension door x 2 Evards Black tentacles
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport, passwall, Break enchantment
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate, true seeing*

Ashira the very plain woman 
Tuesday August 28th, 2007 1:04:20 AM

The woman frowns at Rigging's orders, but she can't blow her cover right now...such as it is. Still, she grabs the wizard's arm before he leaves and speaks in very low tones. "If you don't return, you know what I'll do...I won't let what happened to me happen to you! If it comes to it, I'll make sure that both of us stand before Gargul together...rather than kneeling before that abomination." Ashira shudders at the thought of going before Gargul once more. The half-elf looks down at the floor as she lets go of Rigging's arm, trying to recompose herself. Though the adrenaline was beginning to pump, so too was a gut wrenching fear beginning to ball up in the pit of her stomach. Fear of losing her friends and family...fear of being captured again.

Shaking her head slightly, she moves over toward the orc group, figuring them to be one of the less outright devious groups. Evil...usually....but generally too stupid to be devious. She decides to work the dumb out of towner routine, figuring it perhaps the easiest rouse to maintain. As she heads toward their table, the plain woman gawks at the orcs. "Blimey! Orcs!! Never thought I'd see orcs in Aisildur. You boys aren't from here...even **I** know that much about this place! What in the Wold brings such (cough) exotic folk as yourselves to such a place as this??" Ashira continues to stare at the figures as if she has never seen a living orc in all of her life.

Tuesday August 28th, 2007 2:09:46 AM

As he finishes his breakfast, Mykael sends a message to Ghem via his link, "Ghem please tell Nez, Val, and Appolo to follow me and these guys up to the room a few minute or two after we head up. They can watch my back. I will take them to our room. And dont let anyone notice you telling them. And make sure you let each of them know that you told the other two.

(GHEM): While chewing on some sausage and looking around the room. Ghem uses his telepath to pass on Mykael's message to Nezamil, Appolo, and Val.

Mykael sets down his mug and looks at his empty plate. Looking up at his 'friend' in the Keepers, "Shall we go? We can head up to my room for some privacy."

Tuesday August 28th, 2007 11:27:22 AM

Appolo quietly eats listens and watches.When Rigging leaves Appolo nwaits a few seconds then rises and follows him out,as passes by Ahira he whispers don't worry I'll look after him."
He recieves Mykeals's message as he heads for the door.Appolo stops and looks at MYkeal,shaking his head no and pointing toward the door.He then disappears out the door,

Appolo follows behind Rigging staying close but not to close keeping an eye out for trouble.

Tuesday August 28th, 2007 2:09:06 PM

Val gets the message and heads up to the room. She's eerily calm this morning despite the task looming ahead of them. She's tired of the disguise, the hiding. It's time they kick down the door and let the streets run red with blood.

Tuesday August 28th, 2007 6:07:12 PM

As Bart enjoys a hot cup of kava he spots the friendly dart thrower Jordy.

raising his cup as if to say hello he lets them settle in first.

Taking Captain Riggings advice he waits a few minutes and walks over to the Green groups table " Good morning .....hope you slept well.....could be a busy day " smiles Bart to Jordy " Mind if i join you ??" asks the warrior as he takes a seat by the dart thrower ;-)

"So i couldn't help but over hear you say they took your grandfather in the cullings "(i know he said neighbor's grandfather but trying to get them to talk )" when i lived here as a youngster they took my family members too......so very wrong" as Bart shakes his head wistfully

Leaning in towards Jordy " so you guys are here to help someone ??......not sure who that is but.....maybe we can start some trouble together before they arrive " remarks Bart quietly " could be dangerous but you guys look like you can handle yourselves " nods bart respectfully

"I'll talk to my guys and see what trouble we can cook up " grins Bart widely " you intrested ??"

Bart will stay at the Greens table during breakfast and discuss possiblitys

(posted by adm -Chris )

Tuesday August 28th, 2007 6:25:59 PM

Nodding at Mykael as he cocks his head at Val " she can handle them ....becareful " mouths Nezamil to Mykael

Following Riggings orders he waits a few mins as Bart and Ashira aquaint themselves with their respective groups ...then heads over to another table (Ost saints) "well good morning ....your late sleepers " chuckles the dwarf playfully

"perchance we could talk ?" asks the dwarf "i think we're in similar circumstances's....we're all waiting for something big to happen " as he seats himself at the Saints table " "Ii;m Nezamil " as he absently toys with his anvil holy symbol hanging from his neck.....letting it be seen for the 1st time .

Sipping his hot cup of chai he eyeballs each in the group (how many in the group ?)" you guys wanna sit waiting or do you wanna do something?.....personally i hate waiting around...just boring...i mean what are we awaiting for anyway?? "

" Well we all know something gonna happen.....i think its best if we could plan (taking advantage of their use of the word )together on something......i mean afterall we're gonna be out numbered in the heart of Asildur anyway....might do our best to even the odds a little " inquires Nezamil " i can talk to my friends and see what we can come up with.....see who has what talents and put them to good use "

"after all we might as well have some fun while we're here " grins the dwarf wickedly ;-)

Sipping his hot cup of chai he he listens to their reply and discussion if any

Spell list
Zero-Creare water x2,Light x2,Read magic,Mending
1st-Detect undead,Divine favor,Hide from undead,Protection f-evil x2,Shield of faith x2(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2,Resist energy,Darkness,Silence(Bull str)
3rd-Searing light x2,Magic circle,Blindness,Protection from energy(Magic vestments)
4th-Airwalk,Dismissal,Freedom of movement x2(Spell Immunity)
5th-True seeing,Rightous might,Flame strike(Spell Resistance)
6th-Blade barrier (Aanti-magic shield field)

Don't forget, Nezamil passed out 3 potions of Resist energy to Val,Bart,Ashira)(1 each)

Tuesday August 28th, 2007 9:17:00 PM

Cosmo continues to keep quiet, listening and watching the groups that are in the inn along with the Wildcards that are working the room. He pulls out a spell book and pretends to be reading it to keep people from approaching him.

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility. See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3

Tuesday August 28th, 2007 10:28:22 PM

Sitting up when Ari hears the comment free from scrying Ari thinks, Free from scrying, that would explain why these groups have been so open about their help here. I wonder if there's something else we don't know, because why wouldn't the priests have someone posted in here that would be listening?

Having received no instructions otherwise, Ari continues to chew on his food and think about what he might do for the afternoon and such. He tries to figure out what might be a successful tactic for himself with this upcoming battle. His choices are buff type spells for himself, or maybe some offensive spells that he could, especially since he picked up quite a few new ones. (ooc I'm posting this while I'm working taxi and don't have the books with me. I haven't had time to look at the books and spells with having only 7 hours sleep since Sat night/Sunday morning. I should get a chance this weekend to look.)

DM Kent 
Tuesday August 28th, 2007 10:38:24 PM

Rigging sends out his message as he sets out on his task. As he makes his way across the square he watches as literally thousands of people start moving toward the Cathedral and begin the proscess of entering the sanctuary to find their seat for the service. spot DC 18 to see Highlight to display spoiler: {As he gets closer to the front of the line and near the entrance Riggin sees the people start opening thir shirts near the top as if to show the priests their chests for some reason.}

Apollo slips out behind him in the shadows of the dawn Spot DC 18 to view. (see spoiler above)

Ashira begins her act and the orcs seem a bit amused by her antics.
" Well little lady why don't you sit down here beside me and I might think about telling you what's what."

Mykael sends his message through Ghem who delivers it as Mykael invites the Flames up to the room.

"Well, All right, but I think I will leave someone down here just in case who are looking for shows up while we are with you."

Val actually slips back upstairs to the room before Mykael and his friends and is waitng for them as they enter.

Bart goes over to Jordy and asks to join them and as he looks around he sees, in the morning light, that the entire green group is quite young perhaps in their late teens.

"Actually Bart it was my neighbor's grandfather, but I agree it is wrong. Jordy seems a bit confused as Bart continues about stirring up trouble and then just asks. "But didn't you say you were merchants? What kind of trouble do you think you can stir up?"

Nez makes his way over to the Saints' table and sets himself down among the 6 well dressed older men, letting his holy symbol show to those at the table.

Seing the holy symbol their cleric who is wearing the Symbol of Waard openly, raises an eyebrow. "And who are you, that we should trust you?" You are not evil, but ..." he lets his thought trail off.

Cosmo takes out his spell book and starts perusing it.

Wednesday August 29th, 2007 2:51:57 AM

Mykael leads the Keepers up to the room. He waits for them to enter while standing by the door outside the room with the wall in between him and the room so he cant be seen. He quickly casts Detect Magic, under his breath then walks into the room.

He quickly explains Val's presence, "One can never be too careful, and she can scream really loud."

Mykael concentrates on the assembled group looking them all up and down carefully. He is looking for number of magic items and thier auras along with any whole person auras that might suggest illusions or altered forms. The amount of magic and kinds can suggest what kind of people you are looking at and thier possible power.

As he is looking them over he speaks slowly and carefully to make sure he gets his points across.

"There is a war going on between the forces of Ga'al and his enemies. You openly claim to be the latter, as well as the others that are down stairs. However, it is highly likely that at least one of the four groups here are a quad in disguise waiting for this other group you are claiming is coming."

"I am going to affiliate myself with you no matter which you are. Wars are beneficial to a merchant for both coin and political capital as long as the group you supported wins. Wars are won by the merchants, since both sides are dedicated. It's the merchant who provides the needed supplies, equipment, arms, and information that makes the difference. I am a normal merchant, I am indifferent to which cause I support, just as long as it yields power and wealth. But you have been helpful to me and you have shown me this opportunity, therefore, I will side with you. I just need to know for sure which side that is, so I can figure out how best to help and whom. And I want proof."

"If you are who you say you are, then present this letter for my inspection, bare all your chests to show no signs of heartseeding, offer a prayer to a god other than Ga'al, and/or please offer any other proof you have."

"If you are Ga'alians, then prove it, and tell me how I can help."

"You may not agree with my idiollogy, however, it would appear that the war is resting on top of a fence, ready to fall one way or the other. My contacts and trade routes can be the force that swings it full in your favor. Its your choice. I am loyal to the side choose, since the other side will consider me an enemy, you can count on it."

attendence report 
Wednesday August 29th, 2007 1:32:11 PM

Dm Kent oxxxo
Ashira *excused for baby duty ;-)
Appolo oxxxo
Rigging oxxxo
Val oxxxo
Bart ooxxo
Nezamil oxxxo
Mykael oxxxo
Cosmo oxoxo
Ari oxxxo

Kent we need 5 Dm posts per week !!

* Absence note recieved and signed by " Benjamin Scott Knotts"

Wednesday August 29th, 2007 4:27:33 PM

Thanks for the report. Guys, understand that this is probably Kent's first week back at school. I know it's my first week. :)

You know how consistent he is. He'll get it in next week.

Wednesday August 29th, 2007 4:51:19 PM

Bart smiles at Jordy "well.....we are merchants....we deal in many things ......some of it requires action "

"Your group seems capable " as Bart looks at each member of the greens "weakening the Priesthood of Ga'al is good for business for all merchants .......opening up the markets to more people and products from neighboring territory's is sound business "

"How would like to help free the markets up to all business?" adds Bart in a serious tone "break the grip of tyranny by the Priesthood "

(posted by adm -chris)

Wednesday August 29th, 2007 4:59:01 PM

" but ??......i think we're all on the same side here .....all of us sitting here in the Jack's taveren .......it's like a sanctuary againist the Priesthood of Ga'al "

"Trust you say ......well guess we can try and build trust ......how would you propose that ? " inquires the dwarf

"Afterall what are you sitting here waiting for ??......what sign are you looking for??" smiles Nezamil

"By Waard this could be your lucky day " grins the Cleric of Domi

Spell list
Zero-Creare water x2,Light x2,Read magic,Mending
1st-Detect undead,Divine favor,Hide from undead,Protection f-evil x2,Shield of faith x2(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2,Resist energy,Darkness,Silence(Bull str)
3rd-Searing light x2,Magic circle,Blindness,Protection from energy(Magic vestments)
4th-Airwalk,Dismissal,Freedom of movement x2(Spell Immunity)
5th-True seeing,Rightous might,Flame strike(Spell Resistance)
6th-Blade barrier (Anti-magic shield field)

Don't forget, Nezamil passed out 3 potions of Resist energy to Val,Bart,Ashira)(1 each)

Wednesday August 29th, 2007 10:20:40 PM

Rigging will stay in the line and work his way forward. He will study the guards with his improved sight to see if he can see anything magical or hidden about them. He will then search the area for spells that might reveal him if he uses magic to hide and work his way in. (true seeing and arcane sight)

Rigging is looking for invisible creatures and guardians but also spells that might inhibit his ablity to teleport away if if needed. He will stay in line and when he gets to the front, he will say, "I am a visitor to this city and have heard many good things about the worship of Ga'al. Am I permitted to attend the services or are only members of the church allowed?"

Spells cast
arcane eye 12 minutes
true seeing 12 minutes
mage armor 12 hours
comprehend languages 120 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours

level: message x2, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 comprehend languages*, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, tensor's floating disk, shield
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly, blink, fireball, lightning bolt
4th level: 4+1 polymorph, arcane eye*, dimension door x 2 Evards Black tentacles
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport, passwall, Break enchantment
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate, true seeing*

Wednesday August 29th, 2007 10:29:49 PM

Val stands there in the guise of the old human woman. She actually hopes this group of men give her a reason to drop the disguise. Val's actually missing the looks of fear she normally gets. Which isn't necessarily a good thing.

DM Kent  d20+13=21
Wednesday August 29th, 2007 10:45:52 PM

Rigging makes it to the front of the line at the gate below the bell tower and sees a park like area on the otherside of the wall and a path that leas to steps that go up to the cathedral itself. As he stops at the guard he asks his question and is rewarded with a nod and a request that all weapons be left outside in the check area before the entry to the sanctuary itself. At this point Rigging spots nothing invisible or any likely impediments to his teleporting, but the quad at the gate and the quat at the sanctuary door both light up like christmas, with auras from threee of four different schools of magic.

Mykael casts his spell and checks his uests and apparently all the combat types have fairly strong arms and armor, though not as powerful as theirs. The others in the group also show various auras around their persons, several rings and wands, some bracers a pair of boots and a staff.

As he says his piece The leader of the group looks at him for a moment, and then speaks.

"We have no need to prove ourselves to you. You said you had a proposition for us, though if you are willing to deal with the Ga'alians, then we want nothing to do with you. So if you do not mind, we will depart and go wait for those whom we wait for."

Jordy looks at Bart and thenshakes his head.

"We six, known as Acid, are all for breaking the Tyranny of the Ga'alians but we care not for this freeing of markets for business. We are fighting for our people's true freedom, not market freedom."

Nez asks his next question and actually gets a straight answer.

To begin To trust you must needs be straight forward. And that is a two way street.

"I am Barak and we are the Osto Saints. We are here because a seer said we should be. We were told to wait for the People of the Sword, whatever that means."

"Who are you and your people and what do you seek?"

The Lead orc leans over and into Ashira and reaching over grabs hold of her arm and pulls hr into his lap. opposed grapple check AC 21

Thursday August 30th, 2007 12:51:46 AM

Frustration takes hold, he thinks of his sword as he moves to block the door with his body.

"Hold on just one minute. You have a need to prove yourselves. You openly spout off at the mouth against Ga'al and that a group is supposedly showing up. If I was in this group, I would be upset beyond belief at your openness and disdain for whatever they wish to accomplish. You take chances of jeopardizing thier plans by your actions."

"And you say you want to help them."

"You sound like a trap waiting to spring, or at least careless fools that think they are safe from prying ears."

"The Ga'alians may be weakening, however, they are still smart and are feeling the pressure. That makes them more dangerous and paranoid. Thus, they have more eyes and ears out everywhere."

"Do you actually think anyone, let alone this group would waltz in here and take you at your word in Ga'al's seat of power? Or tell you who they are?"

"No, you must prove who you are or who you aren't. You dont even know who you wait for."

"Interesting that you are so open with your words, but unwilling to prove them."

"I am sorry, that you would throw away any opportunity of help offered."

Appolo  d20+12=26 d20+10=26
Thursday August 30th, 2007 3:41:35 AM

Appolo stands in line several people behind Rigging.He watches waits and listens to everything going on around him especially the exchange between Rigging and the guards.Appolo is ready to apring into action the minute trouble rears it's beautiful head.

Ashira the very plain woman 
Thursday August 30th, 2007 1:33:10 PM

The woman stiffens as the orc grabs hold and yanks her to his lap. For a millisecond, the ranger is tempted to draw her sword and leave the creature with one less appendage. But reason catches her in time...after all, this is a good sign...they are indeed as stupid and crass as she first figured.

Adopting an awed look, the woman goes limp, allowing the orc to do what he wills...for now. "I's never new that orcs were so strong...no wonder there are so many half-orc in the Wold!" Gently pulling one of her arms free, she strokes the creatures arm (though every inch of her skin crawls). She lowers her voice to a pathetic attempt at a sultry whisper. "But surely such strong warriors such as yerselves didn't come all the way up here just to find a date?" She makes a mental note to quadruple Rigging's aerobic workout schedule the next time he orders her to gather information from strangers.

Thursday August 30th, 2007 5:46:04 PM

The 5' ft dwarf eyes Barak.......soaking in his words.......nodding slightly as he gathers his thoughts for a reply.

"Osto.......thats up by Fargunia ......an intresting place......never been there myself "as he buys time

Pausing for moment the Cleric of Domi decides to take a chance with this group

"Well Barak , it's good to meet you and your fellow Saints of Osto......i'm Nezamil of the brotherhood of Domi "sweeping his eyes from saint to saint as he speaks " and you have found who you've been waiting for .......we are the Swords of Redemption "

Letting those words sink in for a moment " what we seek is two things........first we've already found.......that is across the street......the Temple of Ga'al shall burn and it's priesthood dealt a Terrible blow hopefully they cannot recover from "

Eyes sweeping back and forth to each member of the Osto Saints catching their reaction to his words " second is help to deliever that blow "

"Are you such help as that seer spoke of ??" finishes Nezamil as his eyes lock with Barak's" i'll pray to Waard for good luck while i await you reply " grins Nezamil

Waiting for their reply... Nezamil tenses ....readying himself to defend himself and attack the Osto Saints if his trust is misplaced.....hoping for the best but readying for the worst.

Spell list
Zero-Creare water x2,Light x2,Read magic,Mending
1st-Detect undead,Divine favor,Hide from undead,Protection f-evil x2,Shield of faith x2(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2,Resist energy,Darkness,Silence(Bull str)
3rd-Searing light x2,Magic circle,Blindness,Protection from energy(Magic vestments)
4th-Airwalk,Dismissal,Freedom of movement x2(Spell Immunity)
5th-True seeing,Rightous might,Flame strike(Spell Resistance)
6th-Blade barrier (Anti-magic shield field)

Don't forget, Nezamil passed out 3 potions of Resist energy to Val,Bart,Ashira)(1 each)

Rigging  d20+13=30 d20+13=22
Thursday August 30th, 2007 5:51:35 PM

Rigging makes mental notes of the kind of magic the quads have on. (Spellcheck 30)but passes by the table since he doens't carry any noticable weapons.

When he gets into the cathedral, he will study the architecture to look for weakness (engineering roll of 22) will find a seat and study the area and the crowd

Thursday August 30th, 2007 6:05:55 PM

Listening to Jordy as he speaks the warrior mulls his reply as he sips his hot cup of kava .

Measuring the young group as he eyes them he remembers not that many years ago he was in a similar position at a tender age of 13 [i] " i cannot be that much older then them (barts late teens/early 20's)

"Albarth Miller is my name ......i left here not so many years ago to seek the same thing you are.......to find a way to free our people of the yoke of Ga'al !!" growls Bart as he spits out Ga'als name " now i'm back " as he lets that remark hover in the air

The well armed and armored warrior shifts in his seat.....hearing the clink of chain armor and steel as he moves

" maybe you've heard of me ?" questions Bart with a hard stare at Jordy " as he awaits the reply

(posted by adm Chris)

Cosmo  d20+5=25
Thursday August 30th, 2007 8:14:34 PM

Things are getting very busy in the inn. Cosmo notices the orc grab Ashira and Mykael block the doorway to keep the one group from leaving. He contemplates casting a spell, but holds off as no spells have been cast or weapons drawn.

Spot 25

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility. See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3

DM Kent 
Friday August 31st, 2007 12:17:19 AM

Mykael moves to the door to cut the others off from leaving and for a moment things get tense and there are several minds turning to wonder if blood is about to be spilled, When the leader stops and looks at Mykael.

"If you were a member of the group we were waiting for I would hope that you would not even jest about aiding the Ga'alians. Yes we talk openly within the inn about our dsipleasure with the Ga'alinas and the group that we have no knowledge about that were were sent to aid, precisely because we have no idea who they are, and for the fact that the inn is spelled against evil and scrying.

And if you believe the ga'alians weakening then you are again mislead. They have become more active and vocal in the last several moons than they have been since the Emperor's freedom.

As for your offer of aid, you have made a vague promise of some sort of proposition and no specifics. Who we are is not at question here. I am Baron Jeremy de Quelt. We are the Keepers of the Flame. We are from Fargunia, and we are here."

Taking in the what is going on around him Apollo sees that heart seeds are being checked and those without are being told to head to the left side of the santuary, supposedly for their safety.

The Orc leader strokes ashira's arm and shoulder in return and looks at her a moment. and then in an obvious attempt to impress her announces. "We are the Defilers of Evil and I am their leader Brekmi Nek. We are here to aid the hearoes who oppose The Blood Plant's God."

Barak Watches Nez as he speaks and a light begins to shine as he reveals who he is.
"We are indeed that help you speak of. We are here to do what we can to rid the Wold of the Ga'alian plague."

Rigging sees that the Quad them selves at the exteriaor gate radiate transmutation magic, and the interior gate quad radiates Divination.

Once in the door he moves to the left as instructed and takes in the view of the cathedral's interior.

The santuary is absolutely gorgeous. Obsidian black stone with gold, silver and mithril trim. There are red scarf like banners periodically placed to add a splash of color. The pews are of a black wood with dark red soft leather pews with Gold fringe and trim. There is a large black stone alter at the front of the sanctuary that has a huge statue of Ga'al looking down upon it. Already there seems to be upwards of 2000 worshippers seated in pews awaiting the start of the service. There are colored whisps of insence smoke curling all through the sanctuary and there is a soft baroque like music emmanating from somewhere. And there appear to be long sinewy tendrils reaching out from the walls and alter brushing each of the worshippers. Rigging and Apollo if you enter, please make a Will save DC 20 and a second will save DC 22.

Jordy listens to Bart's little speech and then raises an eyebrow. I once heard of an Analek Miller from not too far from here, maybe three days ride. It was said he had a son that joined the Pirates of Jack. It was also said that he was a friend of my big sister who died in the temple of their home town on a raid. Are you that Miller and if so what was my sister's name? Int roll DC 12Highlight to display spoiler: { Bart ould remember that Wynd was the one who died in the raid, and that she had a baby brother at the time.}

Cosmo watches the goings on nerves almost getting the best of him, but no steel has be drawn yet and so he holds his hand.

Friday August 31st, 2007 3:48:33 AM

Mykael's tension remains as thoughts race through his head. Finally, he speaks slowly, his eyes dart from one keeper to another and to thier hands.

"I am a member of the group you are waiting for. You know your information, and all my probing seems to point that you are sincerely who you say you are."

"One must be ever vigilant, if we are to defeat Ga'al and protect the innocent. Paranoia can take hold, especially behind enemy lines. However, if kept in check, it can save your life."

"We didnt have time to check the protections on this place or its staff. Nor do we know any of you. Therefore, I felt the need to make every attempt to be as sure as possible before telling you."

"Do you know if the staff can be trusted, for sure? And what of the other groups down stairs? Have you checked them out?"

Rigging  d20+11=21 d20+11=31 d20+23=25 d20+23=29 d20+23=35 d20+23=37 d20+13=24
Friday August 31st, 2007 8:40:43 AM

Rigging smiles to himself as his mind is attacked by something and he is able to rebuff it. (Did I get any feeling from it? Feel weaker? Something invading my mind?) He keeps scanning the area looking for magic spells. He will move down the aisle before taking a seat to scan more of the room as possible and then work his way back towards the back.

Rigging is also studying the architecture looking for weekspots (knowledge engineering 24, second roll. You didn't mention anything when I did it last.)

spellcraft rolls if needed: 25, 29, 35, 37

Spells cast
arcane eye 12 minutes
true seeing 12 minutes
mage armor 12 hours
comprehend languages 120 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours

level: message x2, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 comprehend languages*, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, tensor's floating disk, shield
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly, blink, fireball, lightning bolt
4th level: 4+1 polymorph, arcane eye*, dimension door x 2 Evards Black tentacles
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport, passwall, Break enchantment
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate, true seeing*

Appolo  d20+6=25 d20+6=25 d20+12=15 d20+10=29
Friday August 31st, 2007 11:54:06 AM

Appolo explains that he is not heartseeded and is looking to check things out.He walks to the table leaves his weapons all save for one dagger under his left wrist.He then moves silently to left falling behind Rigging ever on the alert for trouble.He smells the incence and feels something pull at his mind,but resists the effects.He sits down in the pew behind Rigging and to his left.

OOC:Will saves 25 and 25 Spot 15 Listen 29
Made will saves already becuase Rigging had to.So figured I would need them as well.

Friday August 31st, 2007 12:25:38 PM

"Baron Jeremy of the Keepers of the Flame. You speak proudly of who you are and yet you protest at even the smallest request to prove that your word is good. It does not take but a moment to show that you are not heartseeded and worthy of trust. But trust is a two way street."

The illusion of the old woman drops revealing an armored buxom dark elf with long red gold hair.

"Now I'm just here for muscle. So we can all take a breath and talk or we can stain these floorboards red with blood. I'm guessing that talking would make everybody's day a bit better." She says and moves her hand close to the grip of the warhammer thats strapped to her belt.

Ashira the very plain woman 
Saturday September 1st, 2007 12:39:45 AM

The ranger suddenly regrets the eggs she had for breakfast...her stomach lurching at the creatures touch. Still, she does her best to keep the rouse up. She giggles and then her face hardens as she apparently tries to concentrate. "Ain't never heard of no Defilers of Evil...matter of fact...no offense..." the plain woman playfully runs her fingers up and down the orc's chest. "I ain't never heard of no good orcs before...but you don't seem all that bad. If you don't mind me ask'n...how did ya hear about them there hero folk that's supposed to be in town...I mean...there's a lotta folk in this here room that could be considered heroes...at least that's how I see it."

Ooooh yeah...Rigging owes me big time for this one!!

DM Kent 
Saturday September 1st, 2007 11:02:25 AM

As Rigging takes a look at the architecture and construction of the cathedral, he is impressed with how well it is is made. There are areas that may be supported by a couple of collumns here and there but nothing that would cause catastophic damage were they removed. He also sees some very large and thick beams running along the cieling but they are each somewhere around 20 inches square and are supported by stone. All in all the building is impressive and in all likelihood built through a combination of dwarven skill and magic.

As Rigging and Apollo finds their seats they realize that, as they inhale the incensed air, that it is starting to effect their minds as they feel themselves becoming more and more relaxed and looking forward to hearing about the word of Ga'al. With some effort they clear their minds but relise that if they stay for long they may eventually succumb to the incense's effects.

Baron Jeremy looks at Mykael and Val for a moment and then breaks into a smile. Well met then. I was hesitant to show myself before you for the same reasons as yours, but also because I alone of my group was heartseeded at one time. I had it killed and it is still in me and spelled to look like it is still alive. I tell you this so that when I bear my chest you will know the movement for the illusion it is and see that I am telling you the truth.

As he finishes his speech, he begins to bear his chest an the other four members of his group do the same. As he reported, he does indeed have a heartseed, and a Will DC 10 indeed allows you to see that through the illusion of life like look and movement, the heartseed is indeed very dead.

Ashira continues her game and asks her question and does indeed get an answer of sorts.

"We didn't hear, Our King, soon to be the King of Izen and all orcs, had a vision. He told us to come. So we are here.

Bart ponders Jordy's question for a moment thinking back over the groups history.

Rigging  d100=45
Saturday September 1st, 2007 11:39:55 AM

Rigging sighes as he sees the usefulness of this scouting trip. He isn't surprised to find that Ga'al has to drug his worshippers into coming. Stuff is probably addictive. He looking around at the temple, also brings to conclusion that bringing down this monstrosity is going to be beyond what they can do in a single visit and they are only going to get a single visit to try.

Rigging glances around preparing for his next experiment when he spots Appolo. He sighes even deeper this time. "Why can't anyone ever follow orders?" he asks himself. He signals to Appolo to follow him and moves off to a secluded spot, behind a pillar or an alcove. He will then try to teleport back to the inn's main room bringing Appolo along for the ride.

If they get there (rolled 45 for on target roll) Rigging will see Ashira on the half-orc's lap being fondled. This doesn't improve his mood at all. He will walk over, and stand in front of the offending half orc and sternly say,
My name is Arrack Von Palin. I am the Captain of the Sword of Redemption, and leader of its Wildcards. I have been sent here by the dragon consortium to destroy as much the temple of Ga'al, kill its priests and destroy the Heart of Ga'al and its heartseeding bush, tree or plant. Right now I am going to need as much help as I can get but if you don't stop fondling my wife. I AM GOING TO GET WARMED UP ON YOU!

Rigging will look around at the rest of the group members and say, "You have been waiting for us. If you want to help, here is your chance. Just tell me what you can do and I am sure we can find a way to work you into our plans."

If Rigging can't teleport for some reason, he will caste haste on both of them, activate his invisibility ring and head out the front door. If he escapes without trouble, he will head back to the Inn and do the scene described above.

Saturday September 1st, 2007 1:46:35 PM

Appolo ignores Rigging,just shake his head no and silently watches the proceedings.Once Rigging is out of sight,he waitsa few minutes and then head quickly and silently back the way he came.He heads for the table making his Appologies,gethers his weapons and gear then leaves.He does not head straight back to the jack n Booty Inn.
Appolo instead meanders around going around a corner he activates his ring of invisibility and heads back to the Inn.Using his boots of speed.Appolo enters through the rear of the builfing and heads to the main room

Appolo sees Rigging standing next to table full of orc and Ashira sitting in an orcs lap.He appears next to Rigging laughing."You did tell her togather imformation.Well I think she's doinga wonderful job.Ok time fora meeting."

Sunday September 2nd, 2007 6:17:17 PM

Ari's eyebrows shoot up a little bit as he listens to the different discussions going on around him. Realizing that everything seems to be coming to head, Ari wonders what will come next.

(if rigging makes it to the inn) With silent fanfare Riggings shows up delivers his speech. Ari watches to see how the Orc will react. Hoping it's not in a negative way, Ari stand ready to support Rigging and the rest of the crew.

hmm. I haven't been that helpful with finding out much information. I'm going to have to see if there's much I can find that might help us with the Temple then.

Val  d20+9=28
Monday September 3rd, 2007 9:54:45 AM

"Nice trick." She says as she looks at the illusionary heartseed.

"My name is Val and I am part of the Wildcards. I just heard the captain loose it downstairs so I'm guessing things are going to get interesting. Look the bottom line is this city is going to spill into Chaos real soon. Its going to be dangerous but your going to have an opportunity to strike at ga'al and earn yourself some coin too. I'm sure these ga'alian soldiers and pirests carry some valuable stuff."

Bart  d20=16
Monday September 3rd, 2007 7:28:33 PM

Upon hearing about Jordy's loss of his sister.....the warrior reflects on past events....piecing together the bits and pieces of his memories......it dawns on Bart who Jordy is(d20=16 int ch) ...." yes i remember her name (as Bart puases a moment".....your sisters name is Wynd " as the wattiors eyes moisten slightly at her name " she died in that raid on the temple......i'm sorry for your loss " adds bart with sincerity " i still think about her at times " as the warriors eyes have a faraway look as his mind wanders back in time

Focusing back on Jordy " yes ...i am that Miller." as his eyes harden " i've come back to get justice for Wynd " as his voice rings with steel

(posted by adm -Chris)

Monday September 3rd, 2007 7:39:57 PM

Nodding atBarak " well when everyone gets back i'll hafta introduce you to my friends the Wildcards " grins the dwarf " maybe then we can share some more infomation

" Gonna be intresting to see what we can all do togther ......teamwork and timing will be vital.....considering what we have in mind " adds the Cleric of Domi

Spell list
Zero-Creare water x2,Light x2,Read magic,Mending
1st-Detect undead,Divine favor,Hide from undead,Protection f-evil x2,Shield of faith x2(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2,Resist energy,Darkness,Silence(Bull str)
3rd-Searing light x2,Magic circle,Blindness,Protection from energy(Magic vestments)
4th-Airwalk,Dismissal,Freedom of movement x2(Spell Immunity)
5th-True seeing,Rightous might,Flame strike(Spell Resistance)
6th-Blade barrier (Anti-magic shield field)

Don't forget, Nezamil passed out 3 potions of Resist energy to Val,Bart,Ashira)(1 each)

Mykael  d20+9=12 d20+12=13 d20+10=13
Monday September 3rd, 2007 9:58:55 PM

Mykael smiles slightly, then takes a long look at the heartseed.

(Will = 12)
(Spellcraft = 13 (nat 1))
(Knowledge Arcana = 13)

"Very interesting.... " Val's comment brings him around.

"We better head downstairs and see what it up. But quickly before we go, have you checked into the other groups to know if the are as legit as they claim?"

After getting his answer, Mykael leads the group back down the stairs, assured that Val will watch his back.

Monday September 3rd, 2007 11:33:14 PM

The ranger sighs at Rigging's little tirade and slides off the orc's lap. "Subtle...very subtle husband." She gives the orc a sly look as she drops her hat of disguise, adopting her extrordinary "normal" looks. "Sorry big guy...my hubby here asked me to check into your story. Normally wouldn't be so sly, but around these parts, it's hard to tell friend from foe sometimes."

Frustrated at Rigging's lack of tact, she gives the wizard a steely look. "Soooo...I suppose the fact that you are being so forth right with our identities here means that you gathered a good deal of valuable information about the temple while you were out?!"

DM Kent 
Tuesday September 4th, 2007 12:05:32 AM

Rigging pops back safely enough and approaches the orc that his wife is fondling.

Surprisingly the Orc doesn't look to worried about Rigging's tirade and looks first at Ashira and then at Rigging.

"There wasn't no one holding her on my lap." You have problem it be with her not me.

Rigging continues his piece as Ashira pops off the orc's lap and officially announces their presence as the ones they are waiting for.

There is a moment of silence and then the three leaders of the downstairs groups, Acid, The Saints and the Defilers move toward or stand up to introduce themselves. The Orc having been the closest Introduces himself first.

"Me called Brekmi Nek. Am leader of the Defilers of Evil. These four are my companions. We all Fighters."

The next to stand forth is the leader of the Osto Saints.

"My name is Barak and these five fine men are my comrades in arms The Osto Saints. We are an assorted lot of men of the cloth."

The young dark haired youth that Bart has been chatting up is next. There is a fire and a sadness in his eyes. We five are known as Acid. I am Jeremy, brother of Aelwyndas, otherwise known to you as Wynd. We bring a mixed bag of talents with us.

Mykael asks his question as they head downstairs and gets a simple yes they seem to be as his reply. When they get downstairs they find the area around Rigging and Ashira a bit crowded.

Tuesday September 4th, 2007 2:05:39 AM

Scanning the room from the vantage point afforded by descending the stairs, Mykael realizes that all appears to be in the open.

He pushes his way through the group, leading the Keepers and Val.

Stopping before Rigging and Ashira, he steps to the side.

"I present Baron Jeremy de Quelt of Fargunia, and the 'Keepers of the Flame."

Turning to Jeremy and the Keepers, "I present, Arrack Von Palin, Captain of the 'Sword of Redemption' and leader of the Wildcards."

Its been a while since Mykael was in a formal situation, however, he tries to add some fan-fare in the introductions of the nobles.

'Perhaps this will provide some ammusement for 'us' no-bodies.' Mykael thinks to himself.

Mykael slips back into the crowd and into a chair by the front door. His sword slides out of its sheath and sits leaning on his thigh for quick access for any that feels the need to suddenly exit the inn to give warning to thier enemies. He monitors the crowd intently and stops anyone that tries to leave or enter.

Anyone wanting to enter, he merely states, in a drunken tone, "Wha da you want?" In a necessarily loud tone to warn the groups, all while sizing the individual(s) up.

Tuesday September 4th, 2007 4:58:57 PM

Rigging looks at his wife and suddenly he looks about 10 years younger. "Yeah I figured out a lot." Rigging looks down at the ground and digs his toe into the floor.

He looks back at her with a grin, "I found out some useful tactical information but taking this beast down is gonna take more than we can throw at it in a short time. I suppose if we took out some supports with well placed rock to muds and had Nezamil cast a few earthquakes we might have a shot but otherwise...

Obviously I did learn some good tactical information but not as much as I was hoping. Still we can talk about that later. Lets deal with this situation first shall we?"

Rigging will turn to the orcs first and ask, "I don't have time for niceties. I want to know what your committment to us is? Seems like all of your were waiting for us to show up? Are your ready to storm the gates of hell with us or do you plan to cover our retreat?"

Rigging turns to the cleric group and says, "Barak, you claim to be priests? Which Gods do you follow and how can you help us?"

Rigging eyes soften when his gaze falls upon Jeremy and he grabs onto the man's shoulders and stares into his eyes, "Yes I do see some of your sister in you. She was a wonderful friend who gave her life to save her comrades. Their isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of her fondly. I think I know your motivations in being here but what can you add to the cause?

Rigging will look at all of the assembled groups and say, "This is most likely the toughest nut I have had to crack and I have seen some hairy adventures. The church is guarded by skilled quads who are reinforced with strong magic items. The church itself has spells cast upon it which can attack your mind. Drugs waft through the air which deaden your resolve. I haven't even thought about the priests and the magics they can bring. So I ask you again, what are your intentions? Do you wish to support us or fight at our sides?"

Tuesday September 4th, 2007 7:16:14 PM

Appolo silently drifts back to a table as the 4 other groups are introduced.As ussual he is ignored.He sits down and has something to drink.he smiles with merriment almost luaghing out loud when Rigging goes into his rant.

Tuesday September 4th, 2007 8:53:22 PM

Cosmo sits back and relaxes as the tensions eases in the inn. He listens to Rigging and to the other groups as they state their strengths.

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility. See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3

DM kent 
Tuesday September 4th, 2007 10:24:05 PM

Barak looks at Rigging with some surprise.

"I never said we were clerics good sir merely that we were all men of the cloth. In actuality only two of us are clerics. Myself and three others, indicating three of his companions, are paladins."

Barak looks around at the other group leaders and then at the group members themselves.

"While I am not exactly sure what your plans are I might suggest that Acid, at least, are used as support troops to aid any innocents that need it and the such. As they are locals they will more likely be looked upon with favor by the residents of this city. As for the rest ourselves included, I would say that we have the most experience but are a bit older, while the Saints are moderately strongr as a group than the orcs. I do not know how effective most of would be against the quads in direct confrontations, but we could surely help with the priests."

Tuesday September 4th, 2007 11:16:17 PM

The ranger smiles as strategy is batted around...and she adds her own 2 coppers. "Well, I am assuming the drugs in the air come from the incense, we used to use that stuff a lot when I was in the Qu..." Ashira's eyes flit to the ground for a couple of seconds before she pushes away the old demons. "Anyway, I would think that would be fairly easy to thrwart, depending on what defensive spells they have in place. If we could get a couple of air elementals in there, we could clean that stuff out in no time. I'd bet some well placed fireballs could take out the beams and your strategy would take down the columns...but we're getting ahead of ourselves. First we need to get in there and start cleaning house..that's where we need to start planning.

Wednesday September 5th, 2007 2:00:05 AM

He sits quietly running words over and over in his mind as he watches the crowd and the door.

The thoughts stop for a minunte as he remembers a couple of things.

'Ghem, tell Rigging this for me please. Ask the groups if there are any that are good with interpretting premonitions. And tell him that Baron Jeremy has a dead seed in his chest. I wonder how he did that, especially against Ga'al's will.'

The little dragon swoops over Riggings head and soars up to a perch on a rafter. He turns his head down and looks at the Captain.

Telepathy to Rigging: 'Mykael says ask if there is any one that... can in - ter - pret... pre - mo - ni - tions... sorry, new words, had to ask again. He also says that Baron Jeremy has a dead seed in his chest. Whats that mean? I better ask him.

Ghem glides over and lands on the table by Mykael. Even though the dragon is looking at him intently, Mykael's gaze constantly surveys the room.

OOC: Darain 
Wednesday September 5th, 2007 2:19:20 AM

OOC: George, just want to clerify, Jordy is the boy, Jeremy is the Baron. Dont need the Bossman getting confused.

Wednesday September 5th, 2007 7:49:29 AM

Adding to the comments of the others, "not one of us that was there that fateful day every forget Wynd."

Ari lets Rigging take the lead and listens to the various things the groups add. I wonder if Acid had anything to do with the group .

(ooc heads up that I will be in Peru from Oct 2 to Oct 12th and right now I'm highly doubting I'll have access to the internet)

Wednesday September 5th, 2007 9:36:23 AM

Wearing another's skin for a while can bring some perspective. As a human nobody looked at her twice. She could have made herself a beautiful human woman but her test wasn't for lust. Men were dogs and that didn't change what species you appeared to be. Val, back in her voluptuous dark elven form, leaned back in a chair. Her feet crossed at the ankle resting on the table.

Wednesday September 5th, 2007 11:55:19 AM

Appolo moves over next to Valanthe"You know.If we do this right and succeed,this whole city going go nuts.it'll be wide open for some sneeaky pirate typs to rob looy and pillage."He says witha grin.

Appolo OOC 
Wednesday September 5th, 2007 11:56:55 AM

Have to take my computer ibto the shop today.Won't have access for the next couple of days.

My appologies.

attendence report 
Wednesday September 5th, 2007 1:21:55 PM

Dm Kent xxxoxx
Ashira xoxoxx
Appolo xoxoxx
Rigging xxxoxx
Val xxooxx
Bart xxxoox
Nezamil xxxoox
Mykael xxxoxx
Cosmo xoxooo
Ari xoooox

we had a weekend post by Dm Kent thats why i added another day

Cosmo and Ari each missed 4!!! posts we need to do better then that !!!

Adm Chris is posting for Bart !!while he is on vacation

Wednesday September 5th, 2007 1:34:14 PM

The dwarf watches as the 3 leaders of the various groups approach Captain Rigging......taking the time while everyone is focused on the leaders the Cleric of Ddomi takes the measure of the others in the group....particularly the Cleris of Waard and the Paladins......eyeing the four holy warriors Nezamil looks for signs/symbols of which god they are Paladins of .

Nezamil starts to make the rounds of the various groups introducing himself to each member " I'm Nezamil of Domi's brotherhood....and of course the Swords of Redemption......i'm glad you have come here to help....we could use good people as yourselves....this next few days can bring big changes to Asildur and it's surrounding area's "

(besides the Orc group Defilers of Evil , are all the members human ??? men ??)

Wednesday September 5th, 2007 1:38:06 PM

As Jordy goes and greets Rigging.....the warrior will order a round of drinks for the young lads of Acid " I'm Bart.....so good to see others like yourselves stand up for our people.....hopefully in the next few days we can actually strike a blow for our peoples freedom "

"how did you come to be called Acid ??" inquires Bart " an intresting name for sure "

(posted by adm -Chris)

Wednesday September 5th, 2007 6:34:43 PM

Rigging listens to the advice while his mind whirls with thoughts and plans. "We don't know of your skills or your abilities and doubt we will have time to coordinate a plan where we can work together. I think we would be better served in using all your groups as a distraction. Have you attack at various different points at the temple to tie up quads, priests and temple guards.

While you are doing this, we can enter the church proper and take out the heartseed plants and any guardians we see there. "

He stops and then recites from memory the seer final verse.

* "Silent Darkness, Moonlight, Blood Pain, comforting ice, Fog Burn soothing water, Sticky Acid helpful water, Arid wind cooling water, Ware the flowers, Make like a desert, strength of will prevails, let the water flow, Friends help where they may, a deck of cards is laying on a table."

The friends helping where they may, sounds like your groups playing a role but letting us take on the brunt of the attack. Appolo, where do you think our friends should attack and cause a diversion?"

Rigging will look back the allies and ask, "Do any of you use mage magic?"

Wednesday September 5th, 2007 9:57:39 PM

"Appolo It's Val now. I haven't been Valanthe for a long time. Once this is over and if we make it out alive go have your fun. I have found a different path in our adventures. Another purpose to fulfill. My place is with the wildcards but I must always follow my purpose when possible."

Wednesday September 5th, 2007 10:07:44 PM

"We can use all the help we can get I think."

"This is going to be a big undertaking. We will need to move quickly or word will get out that we are going to storm the temple."

DM kent 
Wednesday September 5th, 2007 10:15:15 PM

The groups listen and watch, trying to judge the wildcards as the wildcards are trying to judge them. Val garners quite a few long hard looks, but then again so does Ashira for somereason.

Jordy responds to the question about their name. We call oursleves Acid for everything we do burns Ga'al and his priests and eats away at their power base.

One young man from Jordy's Acid group, steps forward at the question about mage magic and speaks, I am a mage of the 6th point, so I have some magic though probably nothing to compare to what your mages can do.

Nez does realize that other than the Orcs the other groups are all made up of Humans.

It is now all of about 8:00 in the morning.

(OOC Guys as I am leaving town on Friday morning and may or may not have internet access until I get back, Thursday night's postmay be the last for the week. If I do not go ahead and post and decide what/how you are going to do things and we will start this combat thing on Monday)

Thursday September 6th, 2007 10:39:54 AM

Mykael speaks up after Rigging resights the passage, "I have been thinking about that alot. Water sounds like a very prevelent savoir in the passage. Perhaps there is a way to temporarily flood some or all of the place. Or perhaps we should be sure to bring a healthy supply along with have spells for it available."

"I believe there is more to learn from the passage, we should study it for more insight. Also, if we do decide to use acid on the seeds, we still need to try and aquire it. Although, I am not completely certain my first interpretation of the passage, means for us to use it. One thing is for sure from the others, the use of fire is bad. It will draw too much attention, too fast."

Thursday September 6th, 2007 4:51:25 PM

As Rigging decides what to do the dwarf adds " Barak has a good point......somebody should be held in reserve in case something unexpected arises......which i'm sure it will "

The Ga'alians are protecting their powerbase.....home turf so to speak......so i think its best we co-ordinate our plans and also have an exit strategy.....a meeting point afterwards......not to mention how to help support the locals groups like Acid in the aftermath !!"

Pointing to Barak and his friends " the Paladin's and us Cleric's can cast magic circle spells to help keep everyone's mind clear ....won't cover everyone but could be a nice overlapping tactic if we're all together"

Surveying all the groups " I see that we have a nice group of warriors ....the Defilers of Evil , Osto Saints and keepers of the Flame seem well versed in swords.....what about ranged weapons ?? do we have bowman ?? good way to keep the enemy pinned down "

"As the young man has siad he has mage ability which will be very helpful.....what about others ??"

Spell list
Zero-Creare water x2,Light x2,Read magic,Mending
1st-Detect undead,Divine favor,Hide from undead,Protection f-evil x2,Shield of faith x2(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2,Resist energy,Darkness,Silence(Bull str)
3rd-Searing light x2,Magic circle,Blindness,Protection from energy(Magic vestments)
4th-Airwalk,Dismissal,Freedom of movement x2(Spell Immunity)
5th-True seeing,Rightous might,Flame strike(Spell Resistance)
6th-Blade barrier (Anti-magic shield field)

Don't forget, Nezamil passed out 3 potions of Resist energy to Val,Bart,Ashira)(1 each)

Thursday September 6th, 2007 4:57:48 PM

The warrior stands quietly as he listens to the ongoing discussion amonst all the groups .

"Barak has an intresting point.....with Jordy and his friends known locally that could help us ......especially among the local population .....if we attack at night most would be asleep but i have no doubt that we will create a loud disturbance " grins Bart "and wake some people "

"also so Jordy's group Acid knows the local streets better then any of us ......they could help in planning escape and evasion routes " adds Bart to the discussion

(posted by adm-Chris)

Thursday September 6th, 2007 8:09:45 PM

"We might also want to add a flood of rumors for the day. Rumors that could distract and aid with what we are doing. Maybe something that gets everyone inside and hiding but not necessarily because of us attacking or anything. I'm not talking plague like stuff, but maybe something that is like that."

Thursday September 6th, 2007 9:23:09 PM

"Perhaps we could use the rumors to mislead the temple's guards and soldiers. Rumors to get them to send people, even if it were just a few, to search for something that isn't there." Val shifts slightly in her seat. Changing her posture so those giving her long looks had a little reason to keep looking.

Thursday September 6th, 2007 10:07:05 PM

Cosmo listens as the groups strategize on attacking the temple. He goes over his current spells to see if any of them are worth changing.

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility. See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3

DM Kent 
Thursday September 6th, 2007 10:37:19 PM

Discussions are begun and yet nothing is decided upon as yet. Baron Jeremy steps forward and asks a simple yet important question.

So when are you planning this assault?

Friday September 7th, 2007 12:18:54 AM

Ashira ignores the hard looks...she's used to being stared at. She chimes in with her own input. "I'd like to keep the civilian losses to a minimum...so in my mind that means a night attack. But I think Val has a good idea. What would be really nice is if we could conjure up some illusions of ourselves somewhere in the city...bet that would attract some attention!" Ashira looks over at Rigging and Cosmo. "Any way to pull that off?"

Friday September 7th, 2007 12:48:06 AM

"An interesting idea. We have the local group Acid, that knows the streets well. We have two Hats of Disguise."

"Simple illusions would work for the moment, however, as they are found out, it would put the entire city on alert and re-inforcements may be sent to the Temple."

"Now if we had some intelligent individuals that know the side streets, alleys, sewers, and hiding holes, running around making appearances and yet they can take on thier normal forms to help hide. Wow, that could cause an up roar."

"But once again, that would put the entire city on alert, thus more chance of our attack being noticed, even if its just by a normal citizen."

"It has good merits, but it could have a downside also."

Friday September 7th, 2007 8:23:42 AM

Rigging listens to the discussion and interjects, "Our escape plan and prior planning didn't take into account having local allies on the scene. I have no intention of staying in the city after our raid. In the past when we attacked a temple of Ga'al, the entire town was taken over and sent against us."

Rigging will look to Jeremy and continue, "That is how we lost your sister. She sacrificed herself so we could live. I have no intention of going through that again. After our attack, we are leaving via our teleport spells and devices.

If we have to, we can come back again when things have cooled down but I planned for and expected a one time raid.

Now having your groups here is a plus but we won't be able to protect you. You need to decide how much involvement you want to take. We can get you into the temple but I am not sure we can get you out and back to safety. This is why I was thinking of a diversion for your group. It might make some sense that you make a raid of your own on the front door to coincide with us sneaking through another entrance. Your raid can be quick and hard. I will loan you one of my fireball wands so you can toss around some quick damage, maybe start some fires and kill some lower tiered guards. You might even activate some static defenses to get them out of our way, but then you must flee. We can choice a safe house if you have one and try to meet you there, but I emphasize the word "Try".

The plan was to attack tonight. I want spelluser to get some sleep and adjust their spell lists for the attack. We just need to figure out our final plan."

Rigging turns away but quickly turns back, "Oh I am sorry but I must insist that we all stay here for the day. While I am a trusting soul and I am sure you have the best intentions but operational security demands that we all keep an eye on each other."

Saturday September 8th, 2007 12:50:38 PM

"Do you think there might be any way start a riot that could pull guards or personell away from the temple?"

DM Kent 
Saturday September 8th, 2007 3:49:51 PM

Discussion continues with some thoughts to different strategies and the announcement of the raid going on tonight, brings smiles to the faces of the other groups' members.

Jordy smiles at Rigging's rememberances of his sister and the options laid forth.
We will do what we can to aid you and we do have a few contacts in the city that could cause other distractions, but they would necessitate me leaving the building.::shrugs:: So I will leave that to you to decide. With your wand and the magics we have available we should be able to cause quite a diversion. But whatever the case you will need to silence that bell somehow or you could have all the working quads and cullers charging back to the defense of the Cathedral.

Jeremy nods as Jordy says his piece. If I were to use us all to our best abilities, I mingt take two groups inward to help with any innocents inside and perhaps two outside for diversion and additional aid with innocents or otherwise.

Sunday September 9th, 2007 10:17:47 PM

"I am not sure that diversions are a good idea. The more action that happens outside the temple, the more people that will be up and paying attention."

"I believe the quieter we are the better. I dont want help from the outside coming to hurt us. And remember, one of the premonitions said fire would draw attention and bring help. So can action outside."

"I think one group should come inside with us to help with any innocents inside and keep the upper level secure, after we take it."

"The other three groups should stay outside, one at each entrance/exit, to help the innocents out, and to stop any fleeing Ga'alian's that try and leave the temple to get help."

Mykael (extra post) 
Sunday September 9th, 2007 10:20:47 PM

"We still need to get acid to kill the seeds. Does anyone in 'Acid' have contacts in town that could get us some or all that we need, without risking suspicion?"

"If we cant get what we need to destroy them, then perhaps we can get enough bags to take the seeds and plants with us for later destruction."

"Or maybe we will have to use a combination of the two, depending on how much is there."

Rigging (a discussion on tactics) 
Monday September 10th, 2007 9:40:16 AM

Rigging will look at each of the groups and asks bluntly, "Are your individual sqads or groups capable of taking out a quad or would they over match you? I am sorry to be blunt but I don't have time to test your skills. If we need to, I will group 2 of your groups together and make them a fighting team."

Rigging looks at the Wildcards and the others and says, "This battle is going to have to be run in stages. The first stage is taking out the obvious guards. The bell tower and any roving guards will have to go first. I want a fighting team of Ashira, Bart, and Appolo to take out the Bell tower. The will go with improved invisibility, and fly spells to get them there. Nezamil will enchant a rock to with silence to keep them quiet."

The second fighting team will be Val, Ari, Mykael and Nezamil. Your jobs will be to get into the front door and eliminate any guards in the area. Again I want silence spells for the intial attack which will limit Nez as a spell user to begin with. Then I want us to regroup outside and send our allies in to cause havoc and as much destruction as possible. I will arm them with one of my fireball wands to give them some teeth. Their attack will be quick and brutal and then they will scatter and leave the area as fast as possible. If we are lucky they can draw off some of the defenders with them.

I want Cosmo, and myself invisible and in support roles to begin with. Cosmo can do his summoning and I will keep buffing you and using my dispel magic wand to try and take down existing spells. Because of this, lets be frugal in our buff spells. I might have to dispel magic you if you are caught in something and would hate to have to bring down your spells too.

We will have to deal with those mind influencing spells that I had to deal with before. Not sure who they will affect our less seasoned friends. Does anyone have any ideas on how to deal with them?

The first goal is the heartseed plants. I think that is our most important objective. Instead of fighing our way through, I think we should use magic to get through the wall from the outside to the parent green house.

We will send our allies into the main chapel to act as a diversion after we help eliminate the guards and then attack the plant that is enslaving our people. I can't see beyond this. Of course we want to free the innocents and bring down as many temple priests and guards as possible but I have a feeling we won't be able to stay beyond a few minutes.

What do you think? Rigging is including his new allies in to give ideas.

Monday September 10th, 2007 1:52:29 PM

" sounds like a plan......i like the idea of the groups working togther"

" So Captain when will we start the attack ??"

Spell list
Zero-Creare water x2,Light x2,Read magic,Mending
1st-Detect undead,Divine favor,Hide from undead,Protection f-evil x2,Shield of faith x2(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2,Resist energy,Darkness,Silence(Bull str)
3rd-Searing light x2,Magic circle,Blindness,Protection from energy(Magic vestments)
4th-Airwalk,Dismissal,Freedom of movement x2(Spell Immunity)
5th-True seeing,Rightous might,Flame strike(Spell Resistance)
6th-Blade barrier (Anti-magic field)

Don't forget, Nezamil passed out 3 potions of Resist energy to Val,Bart,Ashira)(1 each)

Monday September 10th, 2007 1:55:10 PM

Bart Nods his head at the tactics " i'm looking forward getting this started "

With a glance over at Jordy and his fellow Acid's " time to strike a blow againist Ga'al's tyranny" smiles the warrior .

(posted by adm -Chris)

Monday September 10th, 2007 4:31:02 PM

"I want to go tonight. I know this inn is shielded but they Ga'alians are still gonna have human intelligence resources and you have to figure we are going to be watched.

I want spellusers to get some sleep and prep their spells for tonight and attack around 2 am. I am hoping most of the rituals will be over by then and we will only find enemies in the temple."

Monday September 10th, 2007 6:37:02 PM

Appolo sat quietly watched and listened.He didn't have anything to add so remained wuiet.
When Rigging is done hes tands"Ok folks everything sound good to me.Numder one thing to remember is once we start this there's no going back.Also there are no innocents friendlies in that temple.We kill everything women children dogs cats.What ever we come across we kil destroy anf burn.No holds barred.Show no mercy becuase you will recieve none.Also once we start bell tower or no bell tower it won't be long before the rest of the heaertseed figure out some thing is wrong.So when we succed and leave we mostlikely will have to fight our way out ofa confused choatic and rioting city. Agian don't play nice and show mercy.Mercy compassion and such will only get you and yours killed."

DM Kent 
Monday September 10th, 2007 8:30:27 PM

The four group leaders turn to their compatriots for a moment and a brief discussion is held about their strengths. The concensus is that the Saints and the Defilers could probably deal with the majority of the middle and lower level quads, while Acid and the Flames could probably handle the lower tier quads.

Jordy speaks up, if by mind influencing you mean the inscenses. They are only lit in the sanctuary during the services or special rites.

As Apollo speaks his piece Jordy whirls on him.

"What do you mean no innocents in the temple. Every night for the last month they have been heartseeding children. As they probably will be tonite? How are those children not innocents? If you are planning to kill them then we will sit in this Inn until you are done and will not lift a finger to help you."

There are more than one lifted eyebrow at Apollo's comments and Jordy's outburst and almost as one the groups turn to Rigging to see what he has to say on the matter.

Tuesday September 11th, 2007 4:50:57 AM

Standing up quickly and looking at Appollo Ari bursts out, "I will never agree to actions as such as you describe! No situation is ever 100% as described.

I have never condoned those types of actions for our group and I will continue to raise objections every blessed time you try to change the intent of what we're doing. You choose to be no better than those that we fight against and that just burns me up!

I really don't see our benefactor and Wynd and all those that have come since we left the place supporting your ideas, either."

Just what needs to be said in front of these people. I see that nothing has changed in the time I've been gone.

Tuesday September 11th, 2007 11:13:24 AM

Rigging stands and puts up his hands in a peaceful gesture. He starts to talk and stops, gathering his thoughts. Finally he looks up with a haunted look in his eyes, "Appolo is in a certain sense right. Every heartseeded person in that temple is our enemy. They are slave to Ga'al and could attack us. I am hoping by my timing of the attack to avoid these issues but realize we are trying to defeat a greater evil here.

Should we forgo the mission to save the children who are being heartseeded tonight. We might save them but it doesn't save the ones who will be enslaved tomorrow or the day after. We are looking at the big picture here and though it sounds harsh, it is necessary."

Rigging moves over to stand in front of Appolo, "I understand your pain because I share it as do the rest of the Wildcards. We have been fighting this injustice for years with little headway to show for it. Still we have to hold ourselves to a higher standard. If their are innocents in there, we first accomplish our mission and kill the heartseeds themselves but we do not willing put those innocents in danger. We don't fling spells that could catch them too, we don't knowingly put them in danger. We can't or we become like Ga'al ourselves and then we are truly lost."

Rigging looks intently at his new allies, and then says, "You two claim to be able to handle a mid to lower level quad. I want your two groups to work together to defeat a quad if it shows up quickly. I want Acid and Flame to cover the retreat and keep off any patrols that might show up on the outside. They can also provide spells and arrow to the fight on the inside. Remember that you are a diverson. You make the noise and attack the structure while we bring down the plants.

Now we need to get some more supplies for this. Do you have any contacts for acid or anything else that will chew threw stone?"

Tuesday September 11th, 2007 2:00:17 PM

"The truth is until we get inside and actually see the situation we have no idea what we will do. We can't plan for a lot of what we are going to run into. They designed that place to prevent what we are about to do. This is our only chance at this. If we mess this up then everything will just get worse."

Tuesday September 11th, 2007 3:36:48 PM

Having witnessed Appolo's tirades about death before the Cleric of Domi just shakes his head sadly .

Stepping up next to Ari and rests his hand on his shoulder ""I'm in agreement with you.....no need to hurt those that we don't hafta "

Looking over at the four gathered groups " please don't judge us all my Appolo's words " he's just an angry young man......who has trouble dealing with his demons...a slave to his anger.....hopefully his anger doesn't consume him"

"It takes more courage to let go of your anger then it is to hold onto it......something our angry young friend has yet to learn ......hopefully one day he will find that truth and the maturity that goes with it"

Spell list
Zero-Creare water x2,Light x2,Read magic,Mending
1st-Detect undead,Divine favor,Hide from undead,Protection f-evil x2,Shield of faith x2(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2,Resist energy,Darkness,Silence(Bull str)
3rd-Searing light x2,Magic circle,Blindness,Protection from energy(Magic vestments)
4th-Airwalk,Dismissal,Freedom of movement x2(Spell Immunity)
5th-True seeing,Rightous might,Flame strike(Spell Resistance)
6th-Blade barrier (Anti-magic field)

Don't forget, Nezamil passed out 3 potions of Resist energy to Val,Bart,Ashira)(1 each)

Tuesday September 11th, 2007 3:41:52 PM

The Swordsman stands up at Appolo's outburst and walks over to the Acid's " I for one will not harm the innocents .....those children our my people too ......we will save as many as we can "

"And with your help we can save even more ......this is a chance to strike a powerful blow againist the Priests of Ga'al.....we won't get many chances like the one we have now ........please help us " adds Bart sincerly

(posted by adm Chris)

attendence report 
Tuesday September 11th, 2007 4:08:17 PM

Dm Kent o2xxx
Ashira oxoxo
Appolo o2oxx
Rigging o2oo2
Val oxxoo
Bart oxxox
Nezamil oxxox
Mykael oxxxx
Cosmo o2xoo
Ari oxxxo

o = no post
x = posted
2 = double post

just a reminder folks , battle is at our doorstep !!! lets be on top of posting!!! keep us all alive!! , Dm Kent has already told us this won't be an easy battle !! so please keep tabs on your posts and your fellow gamers !! we need to work together !!

Tuesday September 11th, 2007 8:06:33 PM

Appolo smiles"Just saying this is going to get real nasty.Is all.Oh I'm not angry.Either.I'm just going to do what I think needs to be done."He says it with smile as sits down and relaxes.

Tuesday September 11th, 2007 8:16:21 PM

"I will follow your plan, however, I still dont think noisy diversions outside and excessive use of fire are good ideas. They increase the chance of alerting the entire city."

"I think there is one other issue we may need to cover or clerify. The Wildcards had figured we would fight our way in and use magic to leave. Now that we have more helping, is that still our strategy? And what escape plans will our allies use? "

"Finally, I dont pretend to know exactly why, but the words of the seer said water would help us alot. I suggest everyone fill your skins, and we should bring a few buckets or barrels full, also."

DM kent 
Tuesday September 11th, 2007 10:20:54 PM

Plans are laid. Tmpers are frayed. And fears are belayed.

Riggin sets forth the duties for his allies and they nod at his requests.

Jeremy looks around one last time and asks a final question.

"So I guess the last thing we need to know is when do we meet you all back down here as it seems we are going to try and get a good days rest?"

Getting his answer he and the other groups head back upstairs to their respective rooms.

When the Wildcard head bck to theirs they find Nubs Alingie leaning back in the chair they left him in. He is lightly snoring.

The late morning and afternoon goes quickly and the evening seems to rush towards night as each ndividual makes his final preparations for the night's endevours and or gets sleep.

Sooner than perhaps they thought the time planned for arrives and it is about 1 1/2 hours before the assigned meeting time.

Wednesday September 12th, 2007 4:29:14 PM

The 5'ft dwarf follows his fellow wildcards upstairs and finds a corner spot......unrolling a couple blankets Nezamil lays down and falls asleep quickly.

As night falls the Cleric wakes and meditates quietly in his corner.

If and when they head out after Captain Riggings plan of action is laid out , the dwarf prepres himself and takes up his role in the operation.

(detailed spell will follow shortly)

Wednesday September 12th, 2007 4:31:49 PM

The armored warrior bids the Acids a good night and finds a place to sleep in the wildcards room.

Grabbing a spot by the wall behind the door he rests up for the nights activity.

Once awake Bart quickly and effiecently cleans and oils his weapons for the coming battle

(posted by adm Chris)

Wednesday September 12th, 2007 5:02:29 PM

Rigging wakes up and hits the spell books, studying for the necessary spells for the raid tonight. He is worried about his allies wondering if they are loyal and if they are, up to the challenge of tonight.

Rigging will head downstairs and if the other groups are there ask, "What are your retreat plans? We won't be able to help you in this regard. You will have to retreat before the raid is over once they discover we are in the temple. I don't want you to be overly brave and find yourselves standing before Gargul for the decision. Much rather have you live to oppose Ga'al for another day."

Rigging will hand his wand of fireballs over to the spellcaster who said he could use it. He will tell him its activation but warn him it only has 9 charges left. No need to be conservative with it, I don't expect it back."

He will also tell the new allies, "If you see a large air elemental flying around, don't attack it. It is my familiar Swirl and he might come to your aid if you need it. He might even bring you a note so don't attack him."

Rigging will let the groups get together and say, "OK lets move out and get ready to take out that bell tower and other roaming guards."

level: message x2, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor, magic missile x 2, shield
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3, see invisible, prot from arrows, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly, blink, fireball, lightning bolt
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

Wednesday September 12th, 2007 7:30:01 PM

Appolo comes downstairs silently.He is relaxed and ready to go."Rigging we'll need those invisibility spells and such.Nez can you put theat slince spell on a rock or something I can carry.Need to keep thing quiet in that tower."Looking around at the others"We got everything we're going to need.Everyone ready.?"

Wednesday September 12th, 2007 8:22:20 PM

"Your choice of meanings can make or break relations and continues to make problems for us."

Deciding on his spells and what he needs, Ari prepares for the evening in his room. As he gets ready to leave the room he recites a small prayer asking for protection and guidance for what the group is about to do.

(ooc will post my spell list with next post. I have things selected, ran out of time before I could post.)

DM kent 
Wednesday September 12th, 2007 10:29:13 PM

Approaching midnight the groups all meet back in the common room where Rigging hands over his fireball wand and asks about retreat plans, He is assured that should they be needed that they are in place for each group.

The groups head out of the inn, all 33 and into the deserted and dark market square and look across at the Cathedral looming above the town some 200 yards (600 feet) away. The outline of the bell tower can be distinguished and from your previous recon, you know there is a quad stationed up there, as well as one outside the gates at the Tower's base and one at the inside gates at the top of the stairs that lead to the sanctuary's main door. Also if everything is as normal then there is a quad stationed at the rear entrances as well.

Both moons have risen and are full and there are no clouds of note to be seen. There is no other discernable movement noted by any of the party's mebers.

Ashira the very plain woman (Barkskin +2) 
Wednesday September 12th, 2007 11:47:47 PM

Donning her costume one final time, Ashira heads out into the streets. The tower...that's her job...not a problem. Her hands clench in anticipation of the impending battle. As she waits for the buffing spells to begin, Ashira casts a couple of spells of her own. The ranger reaches out and taps Bart lightly on the shoulder, watching as his skin begins to harden (Barkskin +2, 60min.). Then she touches herself, repeating the spell.

Thursday September 13th, 2007 1:20:18 AM

(OOC: sorry I didnt get the post off before hand.)

IC: Before Mykael sleeps for the day, he casts a 'Vampiric Regeneration' spell into his magic sword. He then sleeps, when he awakes he studies his spells and meets the groups.

Before they leave the inn, Mykael sits down with Ghem and goes over a few things.

'Ghem, I dont want you to enter with me. This will be extremely dangerous. I want you to find a nice high perch outside where you can watch what is happening outside. Make sure you hide well.'

Mykael takes the time to carefully explain the the four different groups and how to tell who is each, and what the groups names are. This way Ghem can give good intel on what is happening outside.

He then looks over the all five groups and asks, "Who uses ranged weapons above all else?"

To the one or few that answers Mykael passes out small poison sacks to coat thier missiles with. (Poison info 4 small sacks, 2 doses per sack, Fort save DC 16 or 1d6 damage)(please note who accepts)

Just before they head into combat, Mykael casts Heroism and Stoneskin on himself.

Active Spells:
Heroism (70/70 mins)
Stoneskin (70/70 mins)

(OOC: Dont forget the potions, Mykael handed out)


Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Nezamil  d8+10=14
Thursday September 13th, 2007 6:09:47 PM

Nezamil steps next to the Saints of Osto before they head into the market square " may Domi grant us all courage and Waard good luck " prays the dwarf quickly

As people head out the door Nezamil starts to infuse his fellow wildcards with magical spells....finishing with himself.....only stopping to tap Jordy and Jeremy once (hide from undead)"this will help shield you from any of the undead."

"Ashira i can enlarge you once we're inside if you like ...just let me know ...ok "

"Val and Bart don't forget about the potions i gave you earlier "(Resist energy 30 pts per attack)

Handing Appolo a stoppered vial " the silence spell is on a small pebble inside this vial....either break it or pop the cork to use"

"Captain here are two more vials with silince cast on pebbles inside them ......hand them out to whoever you thinks best"

Ashira-Resist energy (fire) 30 pts per, 110 mins,Protection from evil (+2 ac ,+2 saves) 11 mins,Airwalk 110 mins
Appolo -silence (on small stone) 11 mins,Airwalk 110 mins
Val - Protection from evil (+2 ac,+2 saves) 11 mins,Protection from energy(fire) 110 mins(120 hit pts of damage)
Mykael - Aid (1d8+10=14 hit pts) 11 mins
Nezamil -Sr 23,Spell Immunity (1.Flame strike,2.Dispel magic),Magic vestments (on shield),Sof,Magic circle vs evil,Stonekin(potion from Mykael),True seeing,Hide from undead,Detect undead,Owls wisdom

Everyone gets - Hide from undead 11 mins

Important!!! read the above for what spells you received

Zero-Create water x2,light x2 ,Read magic,Mending
1st -detect undead*,Divine favor,Pro-from-evil x2**,Hide from undead*,Shield of faith x2*(enlarge))
2nd -Aid* ,Resist energy* ,Owl's wisdom*,Silence x3***
(Bull str)
3rd - Searing light x2,Magic circle* ,Blindness,Protection from energy*(Magic vestment*)
4th - Airwalk x2** Divine power,deathward(Spell imunnity*)
5th - True seeing*,Rightous might,Wall of stone(Spell resistance*)
6th - Blade barrier (anti magic field)

Thursday September 13th, 2007 6:13:46 PM

(ooc this does not constitute a post. Just for your information, I will post pertinent actions of NPCs on the board, but I will probably make all NPC related combat rolls off computer in order to slim down the dice field and to limit the amount of clutter in the daily posts. All PC combat posts will be rolled on this board as per previous combats.)

Bart - Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism 
Thursday September 13th, 2007 6:19:32 PM

The agile warrior slaps Jordy and his fellow Acids on the backs as they head out the door "For Alsidur's freedom "

Double checking his equipment Bart accepts Ashira's help " thanks.....Time to send a message " as he draws his sword

Fishing a couple potions out of his belt pouch he quickly sips them down as he walks out int o the marketplace

"Full moon.....not good for us.....gives them good visibility .......but no turning back now " as he stops next Ashira and Appolo for their bell tower foray "going to need something to get up there "

"I can levitate with my ring and hold on to you Ashira as you walk up there ......so i can keep fresh and alert " grins the agile warrior to his longtime friend

(posted by adm Chris)

Thursday September 13th, 2007 6:29:34 PM

Rigging calls a halt to the group and whispers, "OK, We need to take 3 groups out almost simultaneously. The tower group will be attacked by Appolo, Ashria, Val, and Ari. They will need fly spells or air walking or something. They will need to be invisible. We can use two of the rings and spells after that. Cosmo, can you cast invisiblity? I can cast it from my wand but it doesn't last as long being the greater kind. This group should also have a silence spell

The group by the gate will be attacked by Saints and the Defilers. They will have a silence spell and I can use the wand on some of them to make them invisible. Those few can engage first and the others can rush in.

I will dimension door close to the group by the door. Bart, Mykael, Nezamil and Cosmo will be in this group. Bart will carry the silence rock and close with Nezamil and Mykeal. We wizards will stay out of the silence and attack with spells.

The timing of this will be hard but we can manage it. The quads frequently share life and spells. Find the weak link and hit that person hard and keep hitting them. Gang up if you can.

I won't dimentsion door until I see the tower group and the front group attack.

Our other two allied groups are reserve, but after we engage, they should move forward in support of the Saints and The Defilers.

Rigging will have Swirl move down to 200' above Rigging but he is staying in the dark.

OOC Can we get a map? I think I have a good feel for where the quads are but would like to see it on a map.

level: message x2, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor, magic missile x 2, shield
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3, see invisible, prot from arrows, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly, blink, fireball, lightning bolt
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

Rod of Quicken lesser 0/3
Rod of Extend lesser 1/3
Rod of Silent lesser 0/3

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63) 
Thursday September 13th, 2007 9:23:49 PM

Cosmo prepares his spells. He quickly casts Mage Armor and takes his place in the middle of the group.

"Yes Rigging I studied for an Invisibility spell."

OOC - will cast it on whomever Rigging wants me to.

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3

Appolo Ac 30 Hp86 Invisible 
Thursday September 13th, 2007 9:51:17 PM

Appolo goes invisible and heads for the wall.

DM Kent 
Thursday September 13th, 2007 10:21:05 PM

As the Wildcards cast spells and prepare, the other groups prepare as well with a number of scrolls being read and potions being drunk as they make their way toward the cathedral.

Knowing that the tower is 160 ft tall and will take a little time for the assault group to make it to the top, Rigging and the others delay their short term spells a bit and wait for the tower team to get in to position before stepping up to their positions.

Acid and the Flames start making their way around the sides of the Cathedral and The Saints and defilers move a bit toward the front gates to prepare for their part of the onslaught.

Fially the Tower crew states they are ready, final spells are cast and Rigging gives the signal.

(ooc Maps are sent. Ignore the first set as I forgot a few things on them.)

Val (AC 28, HP 136/ 136, Protection from Evil, Protection from Energy- Fire) 
Friday September 14th, 2007 9:34:54 AM

Val looked up at the tower. She could probably get a shot at one of them with her bow but not all. They would have to go up there and deal with the guards up close and personal. Her body tingled with anticipation of battle.

"Let's get this started. If I dine with Gargul tonight then I do not want to be late."

Protection from Evil- 11 min
Protection from Energy-Fire- 120 min/ 120 pts

Troglodyte Ari AC 23 HP 80 (Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (70 points), some kind of invisibiilty (proposed), Silence (proposed) 
Friday September 14th, 2007 5:48:50 PM

Taking out the potion that was given to him earlier, Ari will gulp down the stoneskin potion. Taking out the oil of keen Ari applies it to the his flaming sword and then to the sword of Alemi if there's enough oil.

Ari then casts Alter self and comprehend languages on himself.

Ari is excited about the prospect of removing the temple of Gaal from it's permanent place of influence. At the same time he's nervous about the intentions and what they may bring from others in the group.

(holding Protection from Evil and Shield in reserve for last minute cast before combat.

Detect Magic
Detect Poison
Read Magic

1-level wiz
comprehend Languages - used
Protection from Evil
Spider Climb (spell mastery)
True Strike

1-level Ranger


2-level wiz

Alter Self - used
Resist Energy
Locate Object

3-level (3)

Dispel Magic
Suggestion X 2

Rigging hps 80/80 ac 24 with haste, mage armor and sheild 
Friday September 14th, 2007 7:22:05 PM

"Cosmo, cast it on whatever one of the tower team need it. I already did Ashira and they should have two rings between them to share."

Rigging looks at his allies and says, "Change of plan, Wait until the tower attacks and then swarm them under together. Their are to many guards to keep this a surpise. We need to move fast."

As the others start to move forward, Rigging pulls out his wand of greater invisibilty and taps himself, Cosmo, Nezamil, Mykael and Bart will get them in that order. "Gang up on the 2 quad members to the right. Nezamil, Bart and Mykeal in the front with Cosmo and Me in the back." He will then cast haste on his group and then dimension door them all to the J15 (Dm please space us where it makes sense)

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor, magic missile x 2, shield
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly, blink, fireball, lightning bolt
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Rigging greater invisibliity 7/7
Cosmo greater invisibility 6/7
Nezamil greater invisibility 5/7
Mykael greater invisiblity 4/7
Bart greater inivisiblity 3/7

All have haste 2/12

Please remember that my group gets +1 to hit, +1 to ac +1 on reflex saves due to haste

Rod of Quicken lesser 0/3
Rod of Extend lesser 1/3
Rod of Silent lesser 0/3

Bart Ac 30 Hp 95 -Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism ,Greater inviso,Haste 
Friday September 14th, 2007 7:38:19 PM

Sword ready the agile warrior concentrates on his target.....waiting for Rigging's magic to dimension door them to the Quads spot for the start of the attack

Spells on Bart
Greater invisibilty

To Dm Kent
can Bart attack after DDto spot ?? i know caster cannot take another action but what about his companions?? if he can i will post Bart's attack later tonight

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 92 
Friday September 14th, 2007 8:41:43 PM

The 5'ft dwarf appears calm on the surface but his blood is racing at the coming battle in the Temple of Ga'al.....Domi's most reviled enemy.

Waiting as Captain Rigging finalizes some final details of his attack plan.....Nezamil's eyes sweep the market place on the temple's entrance for signs of movement.

A grim smile appears on his face as the moent has come "May Domo grant us all courage......watch over my friends " prays The Cleric of Domi as suddenly they are transported to the main entrance of the Temple of Ga'al.

Ashira-Resist energy (fire) 30 pts per, 110 mins,Protection from evil (+2 ac ,+2 saves) 11 mins,Airwalk 110 mins
Appolo -silence (on small stone) 11 mins,Airwalk 110 mins
Val - Protection from evil (+2 ac,+2 saves) 11 mins,Protection from energy(fire) 110 mins(120 hit pts of damage)
Mykael - Aid (1d8+10=14 hit pts) 11 mins
Nezamil -Sr 23,Spell Immunity (1.Flame strike,2.Dispel magic),Magic vestments (on shield),Sof,Magic circle vs evil,Stonekin(potion from Mykael),True seeing,Hide from undead,Detect undead,Owls wisdom

Everyone gets - Hide from undead 11 mins

Important!!! read the above for what spells you received

Sspell list
Zero-Create water x2,light x2 ,Read magic,Mending
1st -detect undead*,Divine favor,Pro-from-evil x2**,Hide from undead*,Shield of faith x2*(enlarge))
2nd -Aid* ,Resist energy* ,Owl's wisdom*,Silence x3***
(Bull str)
3rd - Searing light x2,Magic circle* ,Blindness,Protection from energy*(Magic vestment*)
4th - Airwalk x2** Divine power,deathward(Spell imunnity*)
5th - True seeing*,Rightous might,Wall of stone(Spell resistance*)
6th - Blade barrier (anti magic field)

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Greater inviso 5/7 (from Riggings wand)
Haste (from Rigging)

kent can Nezamil attack after the Dimension door ?? i know spell caster cannot but what about his companions??
(if yes then i will post attacks for both Nezamil and Bart later tonight)

DM Kent 
Friday September 14th, 2007 10:36:40 PM

(OOC Dimension door passengers are allowed a single attack just as if they had move a full move)

The Assault Begins

Appolo Ac30 Hp88 Airwalk Greater Invisibility Silenc Botts of Speed +4 Gloves of Dexierity+ 2  d20+18=27 d20+18=28 d20+18=31 d20+18=21 d20+18=24 d20+18=29 d10+6=13 d10+6=9 d10+6=11 d8+6=8 d8+6=14 d8+6=14 36d4(4+2+2+4+1+2+1+1+4+4+3+3+3+3+3+3+2+2+3+4+4+4+2+1+3+2+3+1+1+2+4+2+1+3+1+1)=89
Friday September 14th, 2007 11:09:57 PM

Appolo aproaches the tower rises and disappears inside takes position,then waits for AShira adn bart to arrive.Once the begin thier attack Appolo backstabs Ashira's target 6 times. Fighting in complete silence.

Attack 27 28 31 21 24 29

Damage 13 9 11 8 14 14=69 Backstab 89
Crippling strike 1 point of Strenght for every successful backstab.

(Chris, I am not seeing where you are getting 6 attacks from, at least not with the PC sheet I have for Apollo. Even with two weapon fighting long sword primary and short sword secondary with hast I only can get you to 4 and then you need to look at the attack bonuses as your short sword has to be you secondary weapon if you are fighting with two blades. The sheet I have for you has atta bonuses of +11/+6. So as it should be according to your sheet, would be

Longsword +11/+6/+11(hasted attack)
Short sword +13

If this is not an updated sheet, I need your new ASAP. The one I have dated 7/07 is level 12)

Bart and Nezamil attacks  d20+21=34 d10+11=15 d20+13=29 d8+4=5
Friday September 14th, 2007 11:36:24 PM

Not wanting to give away the groups position and surprise the agile warrior disdains his shield and strikes with his bastard sword with two hands for a more powerful blow at one of the quad members on the right side as instructed bt Rigging

Barts attack d20+21=34 dam 1d10+11=15
Melee +16/+11/+6 base +12/+7/+2 strenght +4 (+2 gr weapon focus bsword)(+1 haste,+2 herosim)

note Barts Ac w/o shield is Ac 29 w/shield is Ac 32

Waiting for the right moment the dwarf watches as sparks and blood splatter marking Barts strike......keying in on that Nezamil launches his own attack againist the same Quad member hoping to beat him down quickly.....his mace finding it's mark as it crucnhes it the Quad member "Grr not as much cruch as when i was bigger " growls Nezamil to himself as he muses how to remedy that

Nezamil's attack d20+13=29 damage 1d8+4=5

Each had single attack !! I believe we were waiting to the bell tower attack then quickly engage these Quad's

I expect William(Bart) back on Monday to take over his own character again

Sunday September 16th, 2007 10:53:28 PM

Hey guys. We are in combat now for dragon status where things are supposed to be tougher. We can't miss anyone's posts. Whats going on here?

Mykael HP: 91/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Gr Invis, Haste)  d20+16=35 d20+16=24 2d10(10+5)+4=19 3d6(4+3+5)=12
Monday September 17th, 2007 12:44:03 AM

Mykael steps though the 'Dimension Door' and moves with Appolo and Nezamil to the first target. He moves to Nezamil's left side and takes a large swing, he connects for a vicious blow and lets loose his stored spell, (Vampiric Touch).

Hit, AC: 35 (crit), crit roll, AC: 24
Weapon Damage, with crit: 19
Vampiric Touch damage: 12 (hps gained to Mykael)

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 11/11 mins
Heroism: 70/70 mins
Stoneskin: 70/70 min, 70/70 dam left
Greater Invisibility (from Rigging): 4/7 rnds
Haste (from Rigging): 2/12 rnds

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Monday September 17th, 2007 12:51:52 AM

Ari also has invisibility wand that can be used if the others in the group need it.

Who still needs to post?

Monday September 17th, 2007 7:02:42 AM

I see the assault begins separating the posts but am I supposed to assume we get the drop on those in the bell tower? I was waiting for something to tell me we successfully got up the tower and what we saw. Some people rolled attacks and I have no idea why.

Monday September 17th, 2007 11:39:02 AM

Which was why I was asking who we were waiting for because I saw that Rigging opened up the dimension door and I did not know that was coming when I posted before him.

Now if Kent's comment is considered a DM post, then that might change things somewhat.

Monday September 17th, 2007 4:57:31 PM

Hey Guys, While making my post friday night Lightening hit a transformer and box outside my house and left me with a few electrical issues over the weekend. I have power again and am basically up an running. I am currently downloading my back up hard drive to get my files etc. (just backed them up on Thursday after a 4 month lay off - so that's lucky.) Anyway I will be posting this evening as soon as I can and with luck there should not be any other delays for this module.)

Ashira (AC31 (33vs. Evil), 120/120HP) Protection from Fire, Barkskin +2, Haste, Invisibility, Protection from Evil, Airwalk, Fly  d20+16=25 d20+18=23 d8+11=13 d20+13=27 d8+11=15 d20+8=13 d20+18=19 d20+9=29 d20+9=14 d20-1=5 d6+8=12
Monday September 17th, 2007 5:42:11 PM

The invisible ranger moves stealthly toward the Quad group at the bell tower. There is the fainest clinking from her armor as she travels (Move Silent=25) but hopefully not enough to give her away. Ashira waits until her fighting buddies are gathered (namely Bart) and then works in coordination with Appolo, striking from a flanking position if possible.

Full Attack??? (Flanking not calculated in)
AC23 for 13
AC27 for 15
AC19 (nat.1)
AC29/14 for 12

OOC: A little confused about the timing of the attack...Bart was supposed to come with us, but I see that Rigging's now DDing him in. I appologize in advance if this post makes little sense...not getting much sleep now-a-days.

DM Kent (Rd 1)  d20+15=29 d20+11=31 d20+11=29 d20+7=23 d20+15=34 d20+15=28 d20+10=19 d20+10=28 d10+8=17 3d4(2+2+1)+3=8 3d4(1+1+3)+3=8 3d4(2+3+2)+3=10 3d4(1+3+4)+3=11
Monday September 17th, 2007 6:32:17 PM

Apollo, Ashira, Val and Ari make their way to the tower top and step on to the tower in between the two Ballista. Ashira and Apollo break right and Val and Ari break left. Apollo moves to the rear and lays into his opponent as Ashira steps to the front.

Ashira attacks with her normal flashiness and connects twice once critically.

Apollo attacks his opponent flashing visible at each strike and feels his blade connect three times and everyone hears the sound of metal striking metal. And as he steps back the Quad member he and Ashira were attacking falls to the ground.

Ari and Val move to attack their opponent as well.

Waiting for the signal, the Saints and Defilers move forward to attack the quad at the outer door. Rigging realizes that there is no way that15 people are going to effectively be able to fight in the area infront of the gat and goes back to his original plane to drop the rest of the Wildcards at the base of the inner steps. (if you want to bring a few of the NPC groups with you let me know in your next post)

Outside the main gates the saints and Defilers attack en masse and the sounds of fighting and several screams are heard. The Defilers seem to be in a full battle rage and without any apparent worry toward defense charge in weapons flying, while the Saint seem to be much more methodical and move in with what appears to be a calm purpose. As soon as they attack though each of the outer Quad mambers suddenly enlagers to over twelve feet tall and begin to retalliate.

Stepping out of the dimension door Nez and Bart move to the right and attack the quad member there while Mykael and Cosmo move to the right and toward the one there. All three connect though Nez's attack seems to just graze his opponent and Mykael can tell his attack wasn't quite as damaging as it could have been.

Tower combat --

On the tower's roof top there is a moment where shock is evident on the faces of the quad members and their priest handler as the attack happens an one of their member falls to the ground a bloody mess. The other quad members and the priest charge forward and get halfway there when the priest stops and yells. "SOUND THE ALARM BELL!" The one quad member stops in his tracks and charges back toward the rope pulley. The other oves forward but sees nothing to attack. the other quad near to the ballista also looks down at his fallen comrade and begins to turn and run for the bell pull as well.

Garden Combat --

At the bottom of the steps the attacked quad members move into action swinging at where the attacks seem to be coming from Bart is hit once AC 30(-4 invisible) damage 17 points

The attacks aimed at Mykael miss if just barely. The two guard at the top of the stairs draw their weapons and head down to the fray and as they come four sets of magic missiles streak from each quad member's hand striking at Mykael for 16 points and Riggin for 21 points

(Please make sure to list magics cast on you in posting field. and durations at the bottom of your posts. Spell casters once you have posted your spell lists you need not keep posting them each post keep track of what you have used on hard copy. this will keep the posts a bit shorter.)

-- Maps in route --

Val (AC 28, HP 136/ 136, Protection from Evil, Protection from Energy- Fire)  d20+18=31 d20+13=25 d20+8=26 d8+6=7 d8+6=13 d8+6=7
Monday September 17th, 2007 9:46:26 PM

Positioning herself for the best tactical advantage (E12) Val let's loose with her warhammer, hoping to bash the priest to the point where he can't speak. She would like to be back firing off arrows but this was a close quarters situation.

"Dagger through the rope. No pulley no bell."

OOC: 1st attack ac 31 for 7, 2nd attack ac 25 for 13, 3rd attack ac 26 for 7

Protection from Evil- 11 min
Protection from Energy-Fire- 120 min/ 120 pts

Rigging ac 24 hps 80/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, haste, message x2  d20+10=24 d20+10=25 d20+10=17 d20+10=25 d20+10=18 d20+10=27 4d6(6+5+4+3)=18 4d6(1+5+4+1)=11 4d6(4+2+4+5)=15 4d6(6+3+5+3)=17 4d6(4+6+3+5)=18 4d6(6+5+6+1)=18
Monday September 17th, 2007 10:12:40 PM

Rigging smiles as the magic missiles hit his shield spell and fizzle. He wonders how they could target him in the first place while he is invisible. Still he doesn't like being targeted so he fires back with two spells, one quickened from his rod.

6 scorching ray beams lance out and strike the Quad member at I4. If the first spell kills him, I will shift fire to H4. Hit touch ac24,25,17,25,18,27 First ray does 18, second does 11 and third does 15 (total 44 with no save) The second spell does
17, 17, and 18. (total 53 with no save) Both combined assuming all hit does 97)

"Gang up and bring them down quickly! We need to get inside"

Rigging checks in with his wife via message spell, "Everything going ok honey?"

Swirl drops another 100' and watches Rigging's wife to make sure she is doing ok

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

Cosmo greater invisibility 7/7
Nezamil greater invisibility 6/7
Mykael greater invisiblity 5/7
Bart greater inivisiblity 4/7

All have haste 3/12

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63)  d20+10=13 d20+10=30 d20+10=26 d20+10=25 4d6(3+2+3+4)=12 4d6(6+4+2+2)=14 4d6(3+5+6+3)=17 4d6(6+2+4+5)=17
Monday September 17th, 2007 10:20:39 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
Greater Invisibility: 7/7 rounds (from Rigging)

Cosmo doesn't like how close he is to the front lines. He knows he will not be of any help if he starts to take damage. He takes a 5' step back to stand next to Rigging. As Cosmo tries to decide what to do, he sees Rigging Scorching Ray one of the quad members. That is quite a nice spell and he thinks he will cast one himself. If the quad member(s) Rigging hit is still alive then Cosmo will attack him (I4 or H4). Otherwise he will attack the quad member in G5.

From this safer position he casts Scorching Ray, targeting a live quad member in this order: I4, H4 or G5.

Ray #1 - TAC 13; damage 12
Ray #2 - TAC 30(26); damage 14+17 = 31
Ray #3 - TAC 25; damage 17

Location: H7

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3

Mykael HP: 75/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Gr Invis, Haste)  d20+16=19 d20+11=15 d20+16=35 d20+16=26 d10=3 d10=7 d10=5 d10=4
Tuesday September 18th, 2007 1:57:13 AM

Mykael takes a 5ft step to the left, so he isnt in the same spot as before for defensive purposes and to hopefully gain a flank attack. He takes a full attack on the quad memeber he previously wounded in G5.

(1st atk, AC: 19 dam = 3+4 = 7)
(2nd atk, AC: 15 dam = 7+4 = 11)
(3rd atk, AC: 35 crit, crit AC: 26 dam = 5+4 = 9, crit dam = 4)

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 0/11 mins
Heroism: 0/70 mins
Stoneskin: 0/70 min,0/70 dam left
Greater Invisibility (from Rigging): 5/7 rnds
Haste (from Rigging): 3/12 rnds

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Bart Ac 30 Hp 78/95 Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism ,Greater inviso,Haste  d20+21=31 d20+15=33 d20+11=20 d20+21=33 d20+15=18 d10+11=21 d10+11=21 d10+11=17
Tuesday September 18th, 2007 4:31:49 PM

A savage grin on his face as the agile warrior launchs his full fury at the Quad member (j5) in front of him ...swinging his bastard sword with both hands.

1st swing d20+21=31 hit!! damage d10+11=21
2nd swing d20+15=33 crit hit!! d20+15=18 miss damage d10+11=21
3rd swing d20+11=20 miss
4th swing d20+21=33 hit (hasted)d10+11=17
total damage 21+21+17=59!!!!

(posted by adm-Chris)(Bart is supposed to be back but i haven't hard anything yet from him)(if he posts he can delete this post)

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undeead,Detect undead,Greater inviso,Haste  d20+15=24 d20+10=11 d20+15=23
Tuesday September 18th, 2007 4:44:03 PM

Watching as the Quad member in front of him take a beating.....Nezamil piles on to his fellow wildcards assault.....flanking (+2 to hit)the poor Ga'alian.

The dwarfs mace weaves it's deadly dance but fails to find its mark.

1st swing d20+15=24 miss
2nd swing d20+10=11 miss
3rd swing d20+15=23 miss (hasted)

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Greater inviso 5/7 (from Riggings wand)
Haste (from Rigging)

Troglodyte Ari AC 29/27 (if not evil) HP 80 (Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (70 points), Shield ( 5 min),protection from evil (5 min), some kind of invisibiilty (who cast and for how long?), Silenc  d20+9=28 d20+4=12 d20+10=17 d20+9=10 d6+3=9 2d6(4+4)=8 d6+3=9 2d6(4+6)=10 d6+3=4 d6=4
Tuesday September 18th, 2007 5:13:46 PM

Seeing the priest take a bashing and is the closest target, Ari moves up to help out. Ari feels his blood start to sing as he lets his frustration with the priesthood gather in his blows.

(Attacks added if they are available. Sword of Alemi Pri attack)

AC 28 (no crit AC 10), 9+8(evil)=17
AC 12 9+10(evil)=19
AC 17 4+4 (fire)=8

(ooc I didn't see the post from Cosmo about invisibility. Just need info on the spell if Cosmo did cast it otherwise I'll use wand. Also need info for the silence that was supposed to be cast. If I missed any of this than I apologize.

Ashira (AC31 (33vs. Evil), 120/120HP) Protection from Fire, Barkskin +2, Haste, Protection from Evil, Airwalk, Fly  d20+18=29 d8+11=14
Tuesday September 18th, 2007 6:42:10 PM

Val's got the priest and Ari's helping out...that just leaves the wanna be bell ringers. We'll just see about that.

The now visible (I think I was using the ring and not a spell...correct me if I'm wrong!) ranger flies over to one of the nearest Quad members and hacks into him (Q4). "Appolo, take out the other one going for the bell." she whispers over the Message spell.

Her longsword sings through the air as she looks for the telltale signs of weakness in her heartseeded opponent. She smiles as she spears the side of the heartseed (AC29 for 14). She whispers back a return Message to her husband. "Oh, just peachy...but they're trying to get to the bell. Hopefully we can shut them down or things are going to get a whole lot busier!"

Appolo Ac 30 hp 88Hasted Airwalk Invisible Silence  d20+11=29 d20+6=10 d20+11=30
Tuesday September 18th, 2007 8:08:36 PM

Appolo moving complete silence follows Ashira and backstabs her opponent twice.The whole tower is quiet as Appolo drops the stone silenty in the coner.

Appolo Ooc Damage  d10+6=16 d10+6=13 d6=6 d6=2 d6=2 d6=6 d6=2 d6=3 d6=5 d6=6 d6=2 d6=5 d6=2 d6=1
Tuesday September 18th, 2007 8:12:39 PM

Sorry forgot Attack 29 10 30
Damage 16 13=29 Backstab=40

DM Kent (Rd 2)  d20+15=21 d20+15=31 d20+15=34 d20+10=16 d20+10=23 d20+10=15 3d4(3+3+4)+3=13 d10+8=15 3d4(1+2+1)+3=7 3d4(1+4+2)+3=10 d10+8=18 d100=28
Tuesday September 18th, 2007 10:02:21 PM

Tower -

Apollo and Ashira again team up effectively and drop another quad member, and Ari and Val try to do the same to the priest and are met with varying degrees of success, but the priest remains standing and holds tightly to his holy symbol. Not having a corner to drop the stone into as he was moving into the center of the tower and knowing that the spell would only cover a certain area Apollo drops he silenced stone just before he makes his attacks, putting a 20 ft radius area into silence, hoping that it will encompass the bell as well.

Garden -

Rigging's scorching rays strike out at his first target and after they clear he sees that his opponent is still standing tall and sends a second round lancing into him as well. As the second barrage clears Riggin is stunned to see him still standing, but then in almost slow motion the Quad member falls to his knees and then slumps to the ground, though a shallow breath still seems to being drawn.

Cosmo likes what he sees of Rigging's spell and emulates it attacking H4 and watches as two of his rays strike the Quad member but he remains standing.

Mykael attacks his opponent and connects once with a serious shot but it almost seems to not seem to faze him much.

Bart goes postal on his opponent and does some serious damage but finds thathis opponent has the temerity to grin at him. Thouhg Bart is unsure whether he is actually being seen or not.

Nez tries to aid Bart in his attacks but somehow seems to have lost his normal touch with his weapon.

Gate -

The enlarged Quad outside seem to stymy the two groups facing them for a moment and things look like it is going to go bad for them when Jeremy gets in a solid shot hamstringng one of the Quad and brings him to the ground where the others jump in and quickly dispatch him. This does however free his partner to freely attack and soon one of the Saints is a bloody pile and another is sorely injured. The orcs had put a seriious hurting on the two before they enlarged and their raging intensity doesn't seem to have let up any though their don't seem to be quite as effective currently and soon one of the orcs is lying motionless on the street.

Garden -

Bart once again finds himself the target of sword strikes as he is struck by mor magic missiles.
AC 21 miss
AC 16 miss
magic missiles 13 points

Mykael also finds himself trying to dodge both sword and magic missiles.

AC 31 hit 15 points
AC 23 miss
Magic missiles 7 points

Nez also finds himself dodging sword and magic.
AC 34 Hit damage 18
Ac 16 miss
Magic missiles 10 points

Rigging, Bart and Mykael make spot rolls DC 19 Highlight to display spoiler: { out of the corner of you eye you see four blurry figures heading your way from the right garden area.}

Tower -

Suddenly Ari, Apollo, and Ashira find themselves in an area of silence due to Apollo's stone drop.

Q1 and Q2 make it to the rope and pulley system and start pulling on the rope and seem to be quite surprised when the bell does not ring (25% chance spell area didn't reach high enough - 28 LUCKY)

The Priest, seeing what is coming and knowing he won't live much longer calls down the power of his God upon himself and those around him. Flame strike (maximized)- 60 points damage reflex DC 25 for 45 points

Rigging ac 24 hps 80/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, haste, message x2  d20+7=17 12d6(2+6+6+4+6+6+5+3+3+3+2+4)=50 d20+11=19 d20+11=27 d20+11=17 4d6(5+3+6+5)=19 4d6(5+5+6+2)=18
Tuesday September 18th, 2007 10:32:51 PM

Rigging spots the new group coming towards them and shouts a warning. "Incoming to the right. Here comes another quad!"

Rigging steps behind Nezamil casts a cone of cold trying to get O8, O6, and O5. He does 50 points of damage unless the make a reflex save dc 23 for half damage.

He then turns and points his fingers at H4 shooting 3 more scorching rays at the quad member. (used rod of Quicken) trying to take down opponents fast before reinforcements show.
Hit touch ac 19 for 19 points of damage, touch ac 27 for 17 points of damage and touch ac 17 for 18 points of damage (total of 54 points of damage)

On message to all "Come on! Finish these guys off. Reinforcements are coming fast!"

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3**, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

Nezamil greater invisibility 7/7
Mykael greater invisiblity 6/7
Bart greater inivisiblity 5/7

All have haste 3/12

Please remember that my group gets +1 to hit, +1 to ac +1 on reflex saves due to haste

Rod of Quicken lesser 2/3
Rod of Extend lesser 1/3
Rod of Silent lesser 0/3


Kent - BTW not that it matters, but you do not have invisibility listed as an active spell on Rigging.

Val (AC 28, HP 136/ 136, Protection from Evil, Protection from Energy- Fire)  d20+10=12 d20+18=37 d20+13=27 d20+8=16 d8+6=7 d8+6=8 d8+6=13
Tuesday September 18th, 2007 10:38:26 PM

The flamestrike catches her completely by surprise (Reflex save 12). Thankfully the magic Nez cast upon her protected her from the burn. She lashes out with her warhammer once more.

OOC: I'm not 100% sure but I'm guessing protection from energy- fire works against flamestrike.

1st attack- hit ac 37 for 7
2nd attack- hit ac 27 for 8
3rd attack hit ac 16 for 13

Protection from Evil- 11 min
Protection from Energy-Fire- 120 min/ 60 pts


Kent - actually only 30 points of the damage is fire damage the other 30 is holy damage so the resistance will only help with 30 points.

Wednesday September 19th, 2007 3:36:56 AM

My books aren't handy but from what you posted you said Val and I are in the silenced area. Wouldn't that mean the priest falls in it too?

Kent - No, Ari is right on the edge of the silenced area. Priest and Val are outside of it. Check the map red circle is silent zone.

Wednesday September 19th, 2007 9:55:49 AM

I got two temple maps, no tower maps. Did I miss something? (which might be why I don't see the silence circle) :)

I didn't get a copy of the tower map either.---Nellie

Appolo Ac 30 HP 88 Airwalk Invisible Hasted  d20+15=26 d20+14=25 d20+10=19 d20+14=28 d10+6=16 d10+6=7 d6=6 d6=4 d6=3 d6=5 d6=2 d6=4 d6=5 d6=3 d6=2 d6=2 d6=6 d6=1
Wednesday September 19th, 2007 10:46:16 AM

Appolo dances through the flame strike unfazed.He moves quickly to flank the last Quad member backstabbing it tthree time hitting twice with his longsword.

Reflex 26 Attack 25 19 28 Damage 16 7
Backstab Damage 44 Opponent loses 1 point of strength per succesfull backstab.

Ashira (AC31 (33vs. Evil), 90/120HP) Protection from Fire, Barkskin +2, Haste, Invisibility, Protection from Evil, Airwalk, Fly  d20+13=21 d20+18=29 d8+11=16
Wednesday September 19th, 2007 2:17:39 PM

Noticing the wall of flames too late, Ashira grunts as the flames lick her body. Thank goodness for Nezamil's spell!

Moving out of the errie silenced area, the ranger makes for the priest. Flying quickly and efficiently, she is determined to cut the abomination down quickly (AC29 for 16).

OOC: Ref. =21. Evasion takes off 1/4 of damage, Prot. from Evil takes care of the other 1/4 fire damage. 30 pts. divine damage taken.

Bart Ac 30 Hp 78/95 Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism ,Greater inviso,Haste  d20+21=41 d20+21=33 d20+16=35 d20+16=18 d20+11=20 d20+21=30 d10+11=19 d10+11=14 d10+11=19 d10+11=16
Wednesday September 19th, 2007 2:24:58 PM

Feeling emboldened by his succesful attack the agile warrior again concentrates his full attention on the grinning quad member " i'll wipe that smile off your face " barks Bart

With anger boiling in his veins Barts bastard sword slices and slashes at the grinning quad member with deadly efficiency

1st swing d20+21=41 crit hit !! d20+21-33 made it!!damage d10+11=19,d10+11=14 total=33
2nd swing d20+16=35 crit hit!!d20+16=18 no crit hit damage d10+11=19
3rd swing d20+11=20 missed
4th swing hasted d20+21=30 damage d10+11=16
Total damage 68!!

(posted by adm-Chris)

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 64/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead,Greater inviso,Haste  d20+15=24 d20+10=11 d20+15=27 d8+4=9 d8+4=10 d20+4=19 d20+6=17
Wednesday September 19th, 2007 2:38:24 PM

Growling in frustration at his earlier misses the dwarf again joins(flanking +2) Bart in attacking the same quad member ......his mace tracing arcs thru the air searching for its target

1st swing d20+15=24 if hit 1d8+4=9 damage
2nd swing d20+10=11 missed
3rd swing d20+15=27 if hit 1d8+4=10 damage

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Greater inviso 3/7 (from Riggings wand)
Haste (from Rigging)

d20+4=19 Barts spot check,d20+6=17 Nezamils spot check )

attendence report 
Wednesday September 19th, 2007 2:52:21 PM

Dm Kent xxxxo
Rigging xxxxo
Ashira ooxxo
Appolo xxxxo
Val xooxo
Bart xxxxo
Nezamil xxxxo
Mykael xoxxo
Cosmo ooxoo
Ari xxoxo

We're in combat folks lets make the extra effort to post !!! Cosmo only one post all week !!!??? lets do better

Troglodyte Ari AC 29/27 (if not evil) HP 80 (Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (10 of 70 points), Shield ( 5 min),protection from evil (5 min), some kind of invisibiilty (?), Silence (?), fly(?)  d20+8=24 d20+9=15 d20+4=24 d20+4=21 d20+10=13 d6+3=4 2d6(2+3)=5 d6+3=4 d6+3=6 2d6(3+4)=7 2d6(6+2)=8 d6+3=6 2d6(1+2)=3
Wednesday September 19th, 2007 5:33:37 PM

(ooc still need the stats for invisibility, silence and I think Ari was to have Fly also)

Ari winces in anticipation of the pain as he feels himself engulfed by the flames of the spell. Ari continues his attack on the priest (if he is still there, otherwise he'll begin movement to the next quad member and attack).

AC 15 4+5(evil) = 9 points
AC 24 (crit, with crit success) 4+7(evil)+6+8(evil) =25 points
AC 13 (used Alemi damage by mistake) 6+1(fire)=7 points.

Ari is slightly surprised when he finds that his skin has not been charred. Stoneskin, good stuff

Kent - Bad news, Stoneskin only functions against physical cuts, slashes etc from weapons. It has no effect on magical damage.

darain - ooc 
Wednesday September 19th, 2007 8:08:42 PM

cant make rolls with pda. software isnt fully compatible. still at work. wont be home for about another 3 hours. if wont work with you, kent, then please make mykaels attacks.

please delete

Mykael HP: 63/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Gr Invis, Haste)  d20+12=29 d20+10=18 d20+16=23 d20+11=31 d20+11=29 d20+16=28 d10=1 d10=1 d10=8 d10=5
Wednesday September 19th, 2007 10:42:28 PM

While in the swing of combat, Mykael tries to discern where the magic missiles are coming from as well as how.

(Spellcraft: 29)
(Knowledge Arcana: 18)

(1st att: AC 23, dam 1+4 = 5)
(2nd att: AC 31 crit, confirm AC 29, 1+4=5, +8 if crit)
(Haste att: AC 28, dam 5+4 = 9)

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 0/11 mins
Heroism: 0/70 mins
Stoneskin: 0/70 min,0/70 dam left
Greater Invisibility (from Rigging): 5/7 rnds
Haste (from Rigging): 3/12 rnds

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

DM Kent (Rd 3)  d20+11=22 d20+11=20 d20+11=17 d20+11=14 d20+11=30 d20+4=15 d20+15=35 d20+15=17 d20+15=30 d20+10=19 d20+10=27 d10+8=18 d10+8=11 d20+9=16 d20+9=23 d20+9=19 d20+9=22 8d6(2+6+5+5+3+6+3+6)=36 8d6(6+1+2+6+3+5+3+5)=31 8d6(4+4+5+2+1+6+3+6)=31 8d6(4+3+3+2+1+5+1+6)=25
Wednesday September 19th, 2007 10:48:26 PM

Tower -

Smoking a bit from the flame strike (only 30 points is fire damage and can be reduced by resitance or reflex save) Val lashes out at the priest who having not made his save collapses as her blades cut into him.

Apollo charges toward the last two quad members and reaches Q2 and makes his one attack (took full move to reach him and haste only works with a full attack option) and flashes visible as he swings and misses with his strike.

Ashira rushes to attack the priest and finds him lying in a charred puddle at Val and Ari's feet.

Ari begins to give thanks for the stone sjkin spell and then realizes that he is feeling more than a bit scorched (stone skin is only good against physical weapon damage). Seeing that the priest is dealt with, Ari takes a run at Q1 and makes his attack missing with his one swing.

Garden -

Rigging sends his 2 spells on his way and he notices that the cone of cold seems to have a better than normal effect for some reason. He follows that with more scorching rays which drop another quad member in his tracks. His third ray he switches target and hits the Quad meber facing Mykael.

Bart and Nez once again team up and thankfully Bart is extremely effective this round as Nez seesm to have lost his touch and yet another quad member hits the dirt.

Mykael attcks his opponent and connects one time on his opponent, and though he still stands he is looking a bit wobbly Rigging's last scorching ray finishes him off as well. He is pretty sure that the missles were coming from the fighters hands, and he is just as sure that there were no spells being cast.

Gate -

The battle at the gate continues going fiercly and true to their word the Saints and Defilers seem to be hoding their own and perhaps even winning a bit as another enlarged quad member goes down. Though not without casualties of their own as yet another Saint bites the dust.

Tower -

Up on the tower things get a bit tense for Aria nd Apollo as they realize they are both facing off with a Quad member momentarily on their own.

Ari's opponent takes a swing at him immediately after his attack and hits with a serious, but not critical, strike in the ranger's side. AC 35 Damage 18 points The quads return strike though misses as the wily ranger steps out of the way.

Appolo also feels the cut of a blade as it catches him just as he returns to being invisible AC 30 damage 11 points and the return cut actually shaves a few hairs off the top of his head as he ducks down.

Garden -

The four blurred figures move in but stop at a distance of ten feet from the wildcards and fiery bolts spray out from each one.
Scorching rays -
TAC 16 Mykael damage 36 No save SR20,
TAC 23 Nez damage 31 No save SR 18,
TAC 19 Bart damage 31 No save SR 18,
TAC 22 Rigging damage 25 No save SR 20

Mykael HP: 63/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Gr Invis, Haste)  d20+9=22 d20+16=33 d20+16=20 d10=4 d10=7
Thursday September 20th, 2007 12:59:12 AM

OOC: Mykael took no damage from Schorhing Rays, TAC: 17. (TAC: 10 + 4(dex) + 3 (ring))

IC: Turning on the new quad, Mykael charges Q8 and attempts an overrun (cant avoid, improved overrun), and moves to L3.

Overrun Str Check: 22

(Since charge is a full attack, does Mykael get his Haste attack? rolled just in case)

Whirling on his downed opponent, Mykael makes a quick attack.

(if I win, he is prone. Can I get a Coup de Gra? if not regular attack, if I get one at all with haste.)

att: AC 33, crit roll: AC 20
dam: 4+4 = 8, if crit +7

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 0/11 mins
Heroism: 0/70 mins
Stoneskin: 0/70 min,10/70 dam left
Greater Invisibility (from Rigging): 7/7 rnds
Haste (from Rigging): 5/12 rnds

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Val (AC 28, HP 106/ 136, Protection from Evil, Protection from Energy- Fire)  d20+10=27 d8+14=22
Thursday September 20th, 2007 9:39:09 AM

Val doesn't stop to smell the roses after the priest drops. She moves over to one of the standing tower guards (moved to c9 to attack Q2). She raises her warhammer bringing it down hard.

ooc: power attack -8/ +8 dmg. Hit ac 27 for 22

Protection from Evil- 11 min
Protection from Energy-Fire- 120 min/ 90 pts

Ashira (AC31 (33vs. Evil), 90/120HP) Protection from Fire, Barkskin +2, Haste, Invisibility, Protection from Evil, Airwalk, Fly  d20+18=35 d20+18=29 2d8(8+3)+22=33 2d8(7+7)+3=17
Thursday September 20th, 2007 10:21:12 AM

Frustrated that her target was dropped before she could even attack, Ashira watches the combat with the last remaining Quad member carefully. If it looks like Ari, Appolo and Val need help taking him down, she will join in the fray (AC35/29 for 33).

Otherwise she flys out a little way to check on the other groups. Seeing the Saints and Defilers in need of assistance, she calls out over the Message spell to Apollo. "The enlarged Quad is outside the tower, I'm going to help." Flying rapidly down to ground level, Ashira engages any enlarged member that looks like it might be a spellcaster (AC35/29 for 33).

OOC: Sorry, making a lot of assumptions here. I assume that Ashira can make it to one of the enlarged Quad members without making a double move. If not and her attack is not needed, she will pull out her wand and heal herself.

Kent >> No way can you make it to one of the enlarged Quad as you are more than 160 feet up. Also there are still two quad members on the roof Ari is facing one and apollo is facing the other. As you are currently not in any major danger of dying and you were going to attack one of the enlarged quads I will move you in suport of Ari and let you attack go toward that Quad member.

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 64/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead,Greater inviso,Haste  4d8(4+8+3+6)+11=32
Thursday September 20th, 2007 7:18:49 PM

Feeling frustrated at his inability to strike the Quad's with his mace the Cleric of Domi changes tactics and reaches out to Bart .....tapping him on his shoulder " May Domi grant you health and courage" prays Nezamil as he infuses the agile warrior with Domi's divine power .

(spontanously casting cure critical wounds on Bart in place of 4th level spell deathward)(4d8(4+8+3+6)+11=32 Hp pts)

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Greater inviso 2/7 (from Riggings wand)
Haste (from Rigging)

Bart Ac 30 Hp 79/95 Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism ,Greater inviso,Haste  d20+21=27 d20+16=34 d20+16=26 d20+11=26 d20+21=29 d10+11=16 d10+11=21 d10+11=14
Thursday September 20th, 2007 7:36:47 PM

Grunting in pain as the scorching rays burn the agile warrior eyes the new Quad " your going to pay for that " barks Bart

Suddenly feeling the cool infusions of Domi's healing touch Bart Launches(spring attack feat) himself at the nearest Ga'alian Quad member (Q5)......his sword held in both hands as he springs forward the Bart swings his weapon....slashing his foes .

1st swing d20+21=27 hit or miss?? damage if needed 1d10+11=16
2nd swing d20+16=34 crit hit!! d20+16=26 miss most likely damage 1d10+11=21 !!!
3rd swing d20+11=26 missed most likely
4th swing hasted d20+21=29 hit or miss ?? damage if needed 1d10=11=14

Continuing his spring attack Bart leaps by the Quad to (L4) hoping to out flank them for his next attack

(posted by adm Chris)

Troglodyte Ari AC 29/27 (if not evil) HP 20/80 (Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (52 of 70 points), Shield ( 5 min),protection from evil (5 min), some kind of invisibiilty (?), Silence (?), fly(?)  d20+9=24 d20+4=12 d20+10=12 d6+3=8 12d6(4+5+4+6+2+4+5+2+1+1+4+4)=42
Thursday September 20th, 2007 8:53:20 PM

Feeling a little woozy at the blood loss (ooc and reality shift. ;)) Ari prays fervently that he can either take this quad member down, or hold long enough until the others free up.

AC 24 for 8 + 9(evil) = 17 damage (other 6's were acident.
AC 12
AC 12

Appolo Ac 30 Hp 77/88 Hasted Invisible Airwalk 
Thursday September 20th, 2007 9:08:35 PM

After taking a hit Appolo goes invisible and retreats silently moving to his rightas he backs up.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63) 
Thursday September 20th, 2007 9:11:29 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
Greater Invisibility: 6/7 rounds (from Rigging)
SM IV: starts next round

The area around Cosmo starts to be cleared of the enemy. He decides to summon some of his friends to help in the battle. This will provide more bodies for the Ga'alians to attack and hopefully relieve some of his comrades from being attacked. Cosmo casts Summon Monster IV.

Location: H6

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3

Rigging ac 24 hps 56/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, haste, message x2  10d6(2+4+2+3+6+5+2+5+6+5)=40 d20+8=19 2d6(5+2)=7
Thursday September 20th, 2007 9:27:48 PM

Rigging will move to I9 and turn and cast a lightning bolt catching O7 and 06 in its path. He does 40 points of damage to them unless they make a reflex save dc 20 or take half.

Swirl darts down towards his master and does a flyby attack on O1, hitting ac 19 (with flanking). If he does damage he will do 7 points. He will keep going heading down to check on Rigging's wounds

Swirl: Large sized air elemental familiar hit points 53, Initiative +11, speed 100 fly (perfect)
Armor class 26, slam +6/+12, damage slam 2d6, full attack is 2 slams special attacks air mastery, and whirlwind Str. 14, Dex, 25, Con 16, Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 11 Saves +5 fort, +13 reflex, +5 will Spell resistance of 17Skills listen +7, spot +7 Feats: flyby attack, improved initiative, weapon finesse (slam) Alertness, improved evasion, share spells, empathic link, deliver touch spells, speak with master.

Rigging will message, "Ashira, haven't you killed your quad yet? You must be slipping. We are already on our second one down here."

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3**, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

Mykael greater invisiblity 7/7
Bart greater inivisiblity 6/7

All have haste 4/12

Please remember that my group gets +1 to hit, +1 to ac +1 on reflex saves due to haste

Rod of Quicken lesser 2/3
Rod of Extend lesser 1/3
Rod of Silent lesser 0/3

DM Kent (Round 4)  d20+15=28 d10+8=10 d20+15=23 d20+10=30 d20+10=23 d10+8=11 d20+15=32 d10+8=14 d20+15=34 d20+15=16 d10+8=17 d20+9=29 d20+13=32 d20+13=30 d20+15=33 d20+15=29 2d10(9+5)+16=30 d20+10=17 d20+15=34 d20+15=18 d20+10=27 d20+10=21 d20+15=16 d10+8=12 d20+9=19 d20+9=25 d20+10=23 d20+10=22 8d6(3+6+1+2+5+6+3+2)=28 8d6(1+2+1+4+5+1+4+1)=19 d20+15=35 d20+15=26 d10+8=10 d20+10=23 d20+9=23 d20+10=19 8d6(6+2+1+4+3+6+4+5)=31
Thursday September 20th, 2007 10:25:43 PM

Tower -

Apollo, Val and Ashira all seemingly cross paths though none of them see apollo and only his nimbleness keeps him from being run into.

Ari attacks Q1 and soundly whiffs three times and then is showered in blood as Ashira cleaves into him from the side as she opened herself up to an attack of opportunity AC 32 for14 points.

Val steps forward to attack Q2 and opens herself up to an attack of opportunity AC 28 for 10 points and then she too joins Ari in the whiff parade.

Garden -

Mykael aatempts to overrun his opponent opening himself toan attack of opportunity AC 34/16 for 17 points and then feels like he ran into a stone wall as he hits the quad member and is shunted off to the side, opposed roll DC29. His quick follow up attack however does connect solidly and staggering him badly.

Nez quickly reaches out and does some healing of Bart 32 points returned.

Bart feeling the extra energy from Domi springs forward and takes a fullattack on Q5, trimming some hairs from the man's beard with his firat attack connecting solidly with his second missing with his third and just catching him with his final strike as he leaps past him as he drops to the ground.

Cosmo feeling a bit safer, at least for the time being begins casting his summoning spell.

Rigging steps back a few and lines up two of the quad for a lightening strike and sends it streaking at them, but the bolts seem to skitter past and around them doing no damage made save 32 &30 and evasion

Swirl heads down with his fly by but doesn't eve come close to connecting with anything.

Gate -

Outside the gate the Saints put forth a massive concentrated and well timed attack and their opponent hits the ground leaving only one Quad member remaining who seems to be moving very quickly and manages to catch a charging orc on his bastard sword and nearly cuts him in half, though the other orcs get some pretty good licks in as well.

Tower -

After the attack of opportunity on Val, the quad member Q2 attacks in earnest connecting a second time AC 30/23 nearly critically for 11 more points

Q1 while aware of Ashira's presence concentrates on the opponent right in front of him and attacks in earnest. AC 33/29 critically for 30 points and then follows up with a miss.

Garden -

Q6 & 7 move in on Nez (provoking attacks of opportunity) and begins major assault upon the weapon mage. beginning with a strike with a bastard sword AC 34/18 for 12 points and following it up with a barrage of scorching rays. TAC 19 & 25, SR 23 & 22 for 28 points and 19 points

Q8 now at the side of Bart launches his attack and connects AC35/26 for 10 points and misses with his second attack. He too sends a barrage of scorching rays at Bart TAC 23 SR 19 for 31 points

All three of these quad members seem to be moving with great agility and are blurred.

OOC: Darain 
Friday September 21st, 2007 12:04:55 AM

OOC: Kent, think you got a couple of things messed up, between looking at what you posted and the map you sent.

Since Mykael didnt get his Overrun, he should be in J4 or J5 and prone. This also means he didnt get his attack on Q8.

****Quad member did not try and knock Mykael down just blocked his overrun attempt therefore Mykael never went pron, unless you want him to be.

According to the map, Q6 & Q7 converged on Nezamil and not Mykael for all thier attacks.

**Yes should be Nezamil

Also, just want to be clear, they have a +9 to dex or str for an opposed overrun attempt? Didnt really matter in this case, with a nat 20 and they win anyways. I know you said they are moving fast, but wow! Or... oh hell!

***Yes this particular quad is blessed with and abundance of speed bonuses. so they aer indeed +9 dex.

Val (AC 28, HP 87/ 136, Protection from Evil, Protection from Energy- Fire)  d20+18=37 d20+13=30 d20+8=25 d8+6=10 d8+6=7
Friday September 21st, 2007 6:39:56 AM

Val takes the stinging hits and the blood is already starting to run beneath her armor. She lashes out with her warhammer.

ooc: sorry post is so short. Only have a couple minutes before work to get the post out. Will not get home from work before rnd 5 is posted.

1st attack ac 37 for 10
2nd attack ac 30 for 7
3rd attack ac 25 miss

Troglodyte Ari AC 29/27 (if not evil) HP 20/80 (Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (22 of 70 points), Shield ( 5 min),protection from evil (5 min), some kind of invisibiilty (?), Silence (?), fly(?)  d20+9=12 d20+4=12 d20+10=28 d20+10=30 d6+3=4 d6+3=9 d6=2 d6=1 d10=5
Friday September 21st, 2007 10:21:55 AM

Ari continues to chop away at his opponent. Ari gains some confidence as he feels more than sees others joining him on his opponent. With a solid hit with his fire sword, Ari is surprised a bit when the extra burst goes off from the sword (ooc first crit with this weapon).

AC 12
AC 12
AC 28 crit attack (AC 30) 4+2(fire)+9+1(fire)+5(burst) =21 points of damage (8 of which is fire damage).

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 83/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead,Greater inviso,Haste 
Friday September 21st, 2007 4:00:22 PM

Nodding to himself "yup gotta keep us fresh to deal with all these Ga'alian Quads " as Nezamil spats out the last tow words with disgust

Quickly fetching a scroll the Dwarven Cleric of Domi snaps it open and quickly intones the words of power written "Domi grants us health and courage " prays Nezamil as the power from the scroll is released (scroll of cure mass light)(d8+11=19 cured)

(targets are Nezamil,Bart,Rigging,Mykael and the 3 remaining Defilers and 3 Saints of Ost)

Glaring at the two Quad members near him (Q6,Q7) "Domi will see that you fail your vile master" growls the dwarf

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Greater inviso 4/7 (from Riggings wand)
Haste 1/7 (from Rigging)

Spell list
Zero-Create water x2,light x2 ,Read magic,Mending
1st -detect undead*,Divine favor,Pro-from-evil x2**,Hide from undead*,Shield of faith x2*(enlarge))
2nd -Aid* ,Resist energy* ,Owl's wisdom*,Silence x3***
(Bull str)
3rd - Searing light x2,Magic circle* ,Blindness,Protection from energy*(Magic vestment*)
4th - Airwalk x2** Divine power,deathward(Spell imunnity*)
5th - True seeing*,Rightous might,Wall of stone(Spell resistance*)
6th - Blade barrier (anti magic field)

[b]everyone in the group has "hide from undead cast upon them from earlier, i noticed only a few have it posted in the header

Appolo ac 30 Hp77/88 Invisible haste Airwalk  d20+14=31 d20+10=22 d20+14=33 d20+10=17 d20+14=24 d20+10=12
Friday September 21st, 2007 5:06:21 PM

Appolo steps forward ,flanks Q2 and unleashesa full attack.Hitting solidly twice aw he attempt to backstab his opponent 6 times.

Appolo OOC  d10+6=13 d10+6=9 d6=3 d6=2
Friday September 21st, 2007 5:10:05 PM

Attack 31 33 Damage 13 9 Backstab 3 2 Total 26
Opponent looses 2 point of strenght due to feat.I think I only hit twice.

Mykael HP: 36/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead, Haste)  d20+16=35 d20+16=23 d10=8 d10=4 d20+16=21 d10=8 d10=5 d20+16=35 d20+16=36 d10=6 d10=8 d20+11=29 d20+11=17 d10=7 d20+16=27 d10=10
Friday September 21st, 2007 9:11:52 PM

OOC: Dont want to miss a post, and still no comments on my previous ooc statements and questions. Thus I will post with things as is.

Dont know where he is, but since they could attack him, Mykael can strike back.

IC: Mykael takes his punishment with gritted teeth and grins with the healing flow of Domi's power provided thru Nezamil.

AoO on Q6: AC 35, crit: AC 23
Dam: 8+4 = 12, +4 if crit

AoO on Q7: AC 21
Dam: 8+4 = 12

(ignore d10 roll of a 5, click once too many)

Full round of attacks on Q6, then to Q7 if Q6 falls.

1st: AC 35, crit AC 36
Dam: 6+4 = 10, crit dam = 8, total = 18

2nd: AC 29, crit AC 17
Dam: 7+4 = 11

Haste: AC 27
Dam: 10+4 = 14

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 0/11 mins
Heroism: 0/70 mins
Stoneskin: 0/70 min,30/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 0/11 mins
Haste (from Rigging): 5/12 rnds

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rigging ac 24 hps 75/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, haste, message x2  d20+12=22 d20+12=17 d20+12=32 d20+12=31 d100=95 d100=80 d100=41 4d6(6+3+4+6)=19 4d6(1+6+3+6)=16 4d6(3+6+6+6)=21 4d6(2+6+5+4)=17
Friday September 21st, 2007 9:22:12 PM

Rigging slides 5' to the right and casts his last scorching ray hitting O7 with 3 rays.

(ooc hit touch ac 22,17, and 32 which was a natural 20, rolled critical hit and hit ac 31 so third ray is critical. I believe you mentioned they are blurred so rolled chance to miss and didn't get a 20% or below. 95%, 80% and 41%

ray one hits tac 22 for 19 points of damage
ray two hits tac 17 for 16 points of damage
ray three hits ac 32 (confirmed critical hits tac 31 for 39 points of damage)

Rigging will have Swirl do a quick fly by around the temple to see if he can see any reinforcements coming.

Rigging takes a moment to glance around and sees the mounting pile of bodies among their allies and winces. He knew they weren't going to be able to handle this and shouldn't have come along but at least they tied up one of the quads. He hopes their honor is satisfied and they get out of the church area now.

He calls out on the message, "Tower group check in. How goes it up there. Our allies need some help but we are totally engaged. Can you help them?"
total damage to O7 is 73

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

Bart greater inivisiblity 7/7

All have haste 5/12

Please remember that my group gets +1 to hit, +1 to ac +1 on reflex saves due to haste

Rod of Quicken lesser 2/3
Rod of Extend lesser 1/3
Rod of Silent lesser 0/3

Bart Ac 30 Hp 57/95 Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism ,Greater inviso,Haste  d20+21=35 d20+16=34 d20+16=25 d20+11=19 d20+21=38 d20+21=24 d10+11=20 d10+11=17 d10+11=12 d10+11=15 d10+11=17 d10=9 d10=7
Friday September 21st, 2007 9:23:07 PM

The sting of burning rays and slashing still pains the agile warrior but it only steels his resolve as he eyeballs his next target (Q8)

"Die Ga'alian scum......you have walked this land to long " as Bart weilds his sword in both hands

1st swing d20+21=35 hit damage d10+11=20
2nd swing d20+16=34 crit hit !! d20+16=25 hit?? damage d10+11=17 crit damage if needed d10+1=12
3rd swing d20+11=19 missed
4th swing hasted d20+21=38 crit hit! d20+21=24 hit?? damage d10+11=15 crit damage if needed d10+11=17
(d10=9 damage and d10=7 damage is shocking burst damge from bart's magical bastard sword)(i just peeked at Bart's character sheet and saw that, guess the Quad's got lucky that last couple rds )(maybe Ga'als hand in that ;-)]

"For Asilidur's freedom " Barks Bart as his blade slices the Quad which brings a grin to his face.

(posted by adm Chris)

DM Kent (round 5)  d20+15=27 d20+15=32 d20+15=28 d20+10=29 d20+10=26 d20+10=16 d10+8=17 d10+8=17
Friday September 21st, 2007 10:36:34 PM

Tower -

Val attacks along with Apollo and togehter they put a hurting on Q2 but he is still standing though a bit wobbly.

Ari too goes on the offensive and connects solidly and is momentariyl surprised by the fire that erupts from his sword. He does notice however that the fire does not seem to have any effect upon his opponent.

Garden -

Nez reads his scroll leaving himself open for attacks of opportunity. but his healing magic flows out and renews his allies.

Bart makes his attacks connecting twice nearly critically but even with that damage Q8 falls to the ground. As he falls the last two Quad members lose their blurred look and now just seem to be moving really fast.

Rigging's well used scorching rays make quick work of Q7 and he drops to the ground a smoking cinder.

Mykael managing not to hae been knocked over takes his attack of opportunity and connects solidly and drops the last quad member in the garden.

Gate -
Feeling the healing energy flow through them the Saints and the Defilers somehow manage to coordinate their attck and the laslt enlarged Quad goes down.

Tower -

Q2 lashes out with his sword and catches Val with his return stroke after having just missed with his first AC 29/26 for 17 points

Q1 also manages to connect with Ari and nearly critically AC 32/28 for 17 points but misses with his second swing.

Garden -

The last of the two garden quads lies quiescent and spattered with blood and the Wildcards begin to look around for any new opponents. They do see that the fighting at the Gate has ended and the six remaining adventurers are drinking a few potions and seem to be talking strategically together.

Rigging ac 24 hps 75/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, haste, message x2 
Sunday September 23rd, 2007 7:47:42 PM

Rigging will activate one of his pearls of power getting a scorching ray back.
As he does this he will scan the area for more enemies and wave to the allies to form up.

Via message he will say, "What is our status? Ashira, is everything OK up there?

Cosmo, can you detect magic to see if we have anything useful lying at our feet? (Not sure if you ever summoned a monster but you might want to rethink what your summoning since we will have a couple of rounds.)

Rigging will check in on Swirl who was doing a fly around to see if he could spot enemy reinforcements (two rounds ago)

Rigging will move to N5.

Message to everyone, "Lets form up and down here and get ready to enter the temple."

Rigging is worried about the lack of news from topside.

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3**, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2*,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

All have haste 6/12

Please remember that my group gets +1 to hit, +1 to ac +1 on reflex saves due to haste

Rod of Quicken lesser 2/3
Rod of Extend lesser 1/3
Rod of Silent lesser 0/3

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63)  d3=3
Sunday September 23rd, 2007 9:15:01 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
Greater Invisibility: 4/7 rounds (from Rigging)
SM IV: 11/11

Cosmo finishes his Summon Monster IV spell. He summons his favorite creature, the Fiendish Ape. His spell is able to summon 3 of the creatures. He has them appear down the pathway a bit (in row 1)

Cosmo retrieves his Maximize Rod and the SM IV Wand from his haversack.

Location: H6

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3

Fiendish Apes
Size: Large (tall)
Space/Reach: 10'/10'
AC 14
HP's 37/37, 37/37 & 37/37
Full attack: 2 claws +9 & 1 bite +4
Damage claws: 1d6+7
Damage bite: 1d6+3

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 83/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead,Greater inviso,Haste  2d8(1+2)+5=8
Sunday September 23rd, 2007 11:59:39 PM

Holding his position (J5) as Captain Rigging moves past him " Captain where to next ?/....do we break thru the inner gate ??" as he points towards the gate

"what about our friends ?? at the front gate??" adds Nezamil " they did quite well....we could use their help "

"Barak !!" shouts the dwarf as he waves those at the front gate towards them

Seeing Mykael wincing in pain the Cleric of Domi fishes out a wand and taps him on the shoulder (Mykael is cured 2d8(1+2)+5=8!!)

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Greater inviso 4/7 (from Riggings wand)
Haste 1/7 (from Rigging)

everyone in the group has "hide from undead cast upon them from earlier, i noticed only a few have it posted in the header

Mykael HP: 44/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead, Haste) 
Monday September 24th, 2007 12:51:10 AM

Mykael stands near the temple doors surveying the goings on. Keeping watch for trouble. While doing so, he uses his rod and casts a maximized 'Shocking Grasp' into his sword.

"We should have one or both of the lesser groups collect our dead and take them to the safety of the inn. Also, they should hide the enemy dead, to keep suspicion from arising too much. Perhaps they should even put on the armor and stand guard to keep up a ruse."

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 0/11 mins
Heroism: 0/70 mins
Stoneskin: 0/70 min,30/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 0/11 mins
Haste (from Rigging): 6/12 rnds

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

Bart Ac 30 Hp 57/95 Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism ,Greater inviso,Haste  d20+21=38 d20+21=26 d10+11=16 d10+11=16 d6=3 d20+16=32 d10+11=21 d20+11=23 d10+11=17 d6=4 d6=1 d20+21=25 d10+11=14 d6=6
Monday September 24th, 2007 2:27:49 AM

Bart turn to the nearest opponent and attacks his first attack is well placed (threat crit ac 26, for 16+16+3 shock), his second attack hits as well (ac 32 for 21+4) his third attack is well placed as well but if it hits? (ac 23 for 17+1). His hasted attack is not as good as it can be (ac 25 for (14+6)

ooc good to be back William

Troglodyte Ari AC 29/27 (if not evil) HP 20/80 (Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (5 of 70 points), Shield ( 5 min),protection from evil (5 min), some kind of invisibiilty (?), Silence (?), fly(?)  d20+9=24 d20+4=21 d20+4=19 d20+10=18 d6+3=9 2d6(4+5)=9
Monday September 24th, 2007 3:30:30 AM

Doing his best to hold on, Ari continues to try to do some damage. Ari begins to grit his teeth as he prepares to take some damage on top of the burn damage from the flamestrike.

AC 24
AC 21 Crit hit no crit damage 9+9(evil)= 18
AC 18

Val (AC 28, HP 70/ 136, Protection from Evil, Protection from Energy- Fire)  d20+18=34 d20+13=28 d20+8=10 d8+6=13 d8+6=7
Monday September 24th, 2007 8:05:24 AM

Val grits her teeth as the quads blade slices into her skin once more. A fresh wound and fresh blood flowing under her armor. She raises her warhammer bringing it down upon the wobbly man.

ooc: 1st attack ac 34 for 13, 2nd attack ac 28 for 7, 3rd attack miss ac 10

Protection from Evil- 11 min
Protection from Energy-Fire- 120 min/ 90 pts

Appolo Ac30 Hp77/88 Hasted Invisible  d20+14=34 d20+14=30 d20+14=30 d20+14=19 d20+14=24 d20+14=18 d8=1 d8+6=14 d10+6=15 18d6(6+5+3+6+6+3+3+2+2+1+4+3+4+3+2+4+6+1)=64
Monday September 24th, 2007 4:44:17 PM

Appolo agian repositons himself and luanches full attack on his oppponent backstabbing him 6 times as he flanks him.He does this right after Valanthe attacks.Appolo connects solidly 3 times.

Attack 34 Critical 30 30 Damage 10x2 =20 14 15
Backstab 64 Opponent looses the more points of strength due to feat Total=49+64=113

DM kent (Round 6) 
Monday September 24th, 2007 10:18:01 PM

Tower -

Val and Apollo shred their last opponent into little pieces and Ari's final strike is just enough and he watches his opponent slip to his knees and fall over.

Garden -

In the garden Cosmos's three apes appear and move where directed.

Bart for some mysterious reason continues to slice into the dead quads lying around.

Rigging worries about those above as his wife has not answered him recently.

Nez moves forward does a bit of healing on Mykael and asks his boss what they should do next.

Mykael casts a spell into his sword and adds to Nez's query thinking also that their allies should come inside.

Gate -

Out side the gate some sort of concensus has been reached between the remaining members of the two groups and suddenly the gate has been opened and they are strolling in. Swords are put at the ready as the Apes are viewed.

In the Air -

Swirl cycles back over and passes a couple of quick messages to Rigging. "They seem ok upstairs all bad guys are dead, but they are some hurt too. And Boss, you aren't gonna like this, but the other two groups are battling it out with the Quads at the back doors."

Current Combat is ended.

Val (AC 28, HP 70/ 136, Protection from Evil, Protection from Energy- Fire) 
Monday September 24th, 2007 10:37:57 PM

"Normally I say lets loot these bodies for anything of real value but we need to move. Is there any word from the others?"

Protection from Evil- 11 min
Protection from Energy-Fire- 120 min/ 90 pts

Mykael HP: 44/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead, Haste) 
Monday September 24th, 2007 11:17:17 PM

Knowing the amount of magic that Rigging had tossed around in thier encounters, Mykael fishes out some scrolls and hands them over to the Captain.

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

"If you dont use all of these, I would like them back please." Is all that Mykael says as he hands over a nice stack of prepared magic.

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 1/11 mins
Heroism: 1/70 mins
Stoneskin: 1/70 min,30/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 1/11 mins
Haste (from Rigging): 7/12 rnds

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

Ashira (AC31 (33vs. Evil), 60/120HP) Protection from Fire, Barkskin +2, Haste, Invisibility, Protection from Evil, Airwalk, Fly  2d8(6+4)+3=13
Tuesday September 25th, 2007 7:57:57 AM

Frozen in helpless contemplatation, Ashira watches in shame as her brothers and sister struggle and then cut down the last of the Quad. Hmmmph...some hero! Can't even muster up the energy to take down the lackies...how are you going to fare when things really get going?!

Finally rousing herself, Ashira moves over toward Ari and taps him with her wand (13 hp to Ari). She looks over at Val. "Rigging says they're done with their Quad. We should link back up with them." Pointing her finger in Rigging's general direction, she whispers back to him. "We're finished up here too. Must be the gout in my shoulder...had to fight with one hand behind my back." Ashira's tone is as jovial as she can muster. She heard the worry in Rigging's voice and she really doesn't want to distract him by sharing her own personal doubts and fears.

Troglodyte Ari AC 29/27 (if not evil) HP 33/80 (Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (5 of 70 points), Shield ( 5 min),protection from evil (5 min), some kind of invisibiilty (?), Silence (?), fly(?) 
Tuesday September 25th, 2007 3:07:56 PM

Ari breathes a sigh of relief as the battle ends and stretches a little bit as he feels the burn and their effect recede a little bit.

Feeling the healing energies come into his body, Ari looks over at Ashira and smiles his thanks for the helping hand.

Responding to Val "I think we'd not want anything random to be left behind that might come to haunt us later. I've at least got detect magic so we can make a quick snatch on most things. We'll have to hope that nothing is too hidden."

Casting Detect Magic Ari will point out anything that is magical on the dead bodies and currently in the room. Then he'll move with the rest of the group to join up with Rigging.

I imagine we still have a lot of work to do in order to get to the heart seeds

(ooc Monday night will be my last post before leaving for Peru for 10 days. My internet access will probably be very limited (not in the home I'm staying at) so I'd appreciate any help in posting. Let me know if I should send Ari's character sheet out to the group, or just an individual. Thanks)

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 83/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead,Greater inviso,Haste  2d8(8+2)+5=15
Tuesday September 25th, 2007 4:17:09 PM

Seeing as things are quirt for the moment the Cleric of Domi again taps Mykael with the wand of curing (2d8(8+2)+5=15 cured).

"This should help ya get back up to fighting speed " grins Nezamil

"Captain we hafta get thru to the inner grounds of the temple.....how do you wanna go about that ?"

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Greater inviso 4/7 (from Riggings wand)
Haste 0/7 (from Rigging)

(glad to have you back William .....almost sent Bart on a suicide mission ;-)hehe )

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63) 
Tuesday September 25th, 2007 6:52:53 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
Greater Invisibility: 3/7 rounds (from Rigging)
SM IV: 10/11

Cosmo looks towards Rigging for direction.

"These apes will only be around for a short amount of time. Where do you want me to send them?".

Location: H6

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3

Val (AC 28, HP 70/ 136, Protection from Evil, Protection from Energy- Fire) 
Tuesday September 25th, 2007 8:58:25 PM

"Alright let's move it then. We have to keep moving. It's only a matter of time before they notice something is wrong. Like a shift change in the tower." Val says and starts heading back down.

Protection from Evil- 11 min
Protection from Energy-Fire- 120 min/ 90 pts

ooc: this has to be my Tuesday post. Under the weather, going to be early and working a lot tomorrow.

Rigging ac 24 hps 75/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, haste, message x2 
Tuesday September 25th, 2007 9:01:28 PM

Rigging tries to contact the people whom he cast the message spell on in the other 2 groups, trying to get an update.

He will look at the 6 remaining warriors from the gate battle and say, "Your comrades are in battle with quads in the back. I am going to send you to their aid. We will move on into the temple where things are going to even get more dangereous. Collect your friends and get back to the Inn or any safe house you have set up. You have conducted yourselves with honor and I am honored to join in battle with you, but we need to go on quickly before any more reinforcements arrive. May Alemi and Domi protect you, now hurry!"

Rigging will take the scrolls from Mykael with a nod of thanks and stow them away. Once, the others join us, I want to cast a passwall through the wall to the boy's dormitory and heartseed room. Hopefully we will avoid some of the more obvious traps that way."

Rigging will point and start moving to that wall. I will open the passage and then we can send the apes through first. We need to get to the alter area and move down the secret doors that priest told me about to the lower levels. I bet that is where the plants are kept."

Rigging will pull out a passwall scroll and prepare its casting.

"Ashira, hurry up and get down here!"

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3**, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2*,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

All have haste 6/12

Please remember that my group gets +1 to hit, +1 to ac +1 on reflex saves due to haste

Rod of Quicken lesser 2/3
Rod of Extend lesser 1/3
Rod of Silent lesser 0/3

Tuesday September 25th, 2007 9:05:32 PM

Appolo looks around"yep better get downstairs."Appolo heads downstairs and appeats next to Rigging."OkLet's get the bodies outside inside and close those gates.Then head into the tample itself.That's when the party will really start.That's whne the real fun begins."

DM Kent (round 7 &8) 
Tuesday September 25th, 2007 10:50:38 PM

round 7
Some healing is done, the tower crew quickly makes there way down to join the others, and the other adventurers hear their orders and begin to head back through the gate.

Round 8

After the others join the group Riggin casts his passwall spell into the boys heartseeding room. As the final part of wall dissapates and the opening into the room is complete, the air is uddenly no longer quiet as the screams of multiple children split the night. Calls and pleas for mommy and daddy are heard as well as deep throated sobs and wails, intersperesed with what can only be the sound of bones being broken. The air is heavy with blood as the group enters and sees a sight possibly more gruesome than they have ever seen.

Lying on the floor are fourteen young boys in the beginning stages of being heart seeded. Their chest cavities have been cut open and the the immature heartseed plant is laying on top of their bellies and moving toward the bloody openings, small tendrils waving in the air. In one or two cases the heartseed has reacched the opening and its roots are digging into the chest and you can see the heart which is being pulled forward as the roots join with it. As the heart seed begins its entry into the body you can actually see the childrens' wounds begin to heal and regenerate as the blood flows freely and runs into runnels cut in the floor, where it drains somewhere.

Beside each child is a priest chanting and casting spells.

Right in front of the newly made tunnel is an alter/work area with a desk and chair.

Ashira (AC31 (33vs. Evil), 60/120HP) Protection from Fire, Barkskin +2, Haste, Invisibility, Protection from Evil, Airwalk, Fly  d20+20=22 d8+11=12
Wednesday September 26th, 2007 12:03:06 AM

Oh by the gods... Ashira's stomach churns as she watches the heartseeding, threatening at any moment to empty its contents. She hears her own screams over the ones of the children...screams of pain.

We can end this anytime you want...
Just say the word and the pain will stop and Ga'al will bless your wounds...
Why do you struggle so? Do you really think your friends will come for you?! You are dead to them. Only Ga'al loves you, why do you spurn him so?

Pain racks her body, it's hard even to breath. For the briefest of seconds, the stalwart ranger is glued to the floor, paralyzed by her memories...

But then comes the rage. Ashira's face contorts into a mask of rage and vehemence that is horrible to look upon. Without thought, she flies directly toward the nearest priest. "No!! No-one will bow knee to your b****d of a god!! Not this day or any other!"

So consumed by her anger, Ashira's initial attack is poorly aimed and less effective than she would like. (AC22 for 12)

Bart Ac 30 Hp 68/95 Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism ,Greater inviso,Haste  d20+16=28 d8=8 d10+21=26 d6=5
Wednesday September 26th, 2007 6:40:51 AM

Bart rushes forward as well, aiming at a priest (spring attack, power attack+5), ac 28 for (26+5 shock)

attensence report 
Wednesday September 26th, 2007 5:02:47 PM

Dm Kent xxxxx
Rigging xxxxx
Ashira xxxoo
Appolo xxxxx
Val xxxxx
Bart xxxxx
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael xxxxx
Cosmo xoxox
Ari xxxxx

good week of posting people !!!!! lets keep this up as we are still in combat!!!!

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 83/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead,Greater inviso,Haste 
Wednesday September 26th, 2007 7:02:20 PM

Eyes going wide in Horror "By Domi......." stammers the dwarf

Frozen for just a moment Nezamil springs into action and steps towards the nearest boys and attempts to knock the heartseeds off their chests then stomp on the writhing seeds.

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Greater inviso1/7 (from Riggings wand)
Haste 0/7 (from Rigging)

( not sure what i need to knock the heartseeds away, let me know and i'll roll whatever is needed _)

>>>> Let's go with base attack + dex bonus for your unarmed attempts at knocking off the heartseeds. Now if you are using a weapon.... you may need to roll to see if you hit the child or not. (oooo this could get ugly)

Rigging ac 24 hps 75/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, haste, message x2  5d4(4+4+4+2+2)+5=21
Wednesday September 26th, 2007 8:47:06 PM

Rigging orders, "Take out the priests first! Then we save the children!" Rigging raises a hand and shoots a magic missile at the farthest priest away. 5 missiles strike into him doing 21 points of damage to him/her.

Rigging will take his movement to pull out a wand of dispel magic

Rigging will message the other allies to find out how they are doing in their battle and tell them to come here after they finish off the quads. They will need to get the kids out.

ooc Kent, can we please get a map. 14 priests!! Yikes.

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3**, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2*,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

All have haste 8/12

Please remember that my group gets +1 to hit, +1 to ac +1 on reflex saves due to haste

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Val (AC 28, HP 70/ 136, Protection from Evil, Protection from Energy- Fire)  d20+10=27 d8+14=19
Wednesday September 26th, 2007 10:08:03 PM

Val moves forward after Ashira, striking without hesitation. Surely this was the purest of evil. Inflicting their religion upon children. Val snarls as she brings her warhammer down hard.

ooc: power attack -8/ +8. hit ac 27 for 19

Protection from Evil- 11 min
Protection from Fire- 90pts/ 120 min

Appolo Ac 30 HP 77/88 Haste Invsible  d20+14=26 d20+14=18 d20+14=30 d10+6=11 d10+6=12 d8=4 d8=5 d8=7 d8=1 d8=2 d8=5 d8=3 d8=2 d8=5 d8=4 d8=6 d8=4
Wednesday September 26th, 2007 10:21:02 PM

Appolo follows Ahira and vlanks her opponent backstabbing it 3 times.Hopefully hitting twice.

Attack 26 30 Damage 12 11 Backstab 48

Mykael HP: 59/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead, Haste) 
Wednesday September 26th, 2007 10:34:57 PM

Having only heard stories of Ga'alian rituals before, his first witnessing of such an event, triggered a steel resolve within his soul.

Using the full ability of the haste, Mykael takes a blurring full run past all the priests, boys, and Wildcards. He takes a route that will ensure he ends where he wants on this round, however, he tries to avoid entering any combat.

Stopping finally at the other end of the room, he takes a stance to block the exit.

'No adult gets away from here.' His form is perfect, eyes of steel resolve, shield and sword up and ready. He will die, before he allows a priest to escape.

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 1/11 mins
Heroism: 1/70 mins
Stoneskin: 1/70 min,30/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 1/11 mins
Haste (from Rigging): 7/12 rnds

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

DM Kent (round 9) 
Thursday September 27th, 2007 6:23:38 AM

Ashira flies into a rage as she sees and hears what is happening. In her haste she misses with her attack. Attacking #1

Appolo follows his standard op and comes in behind in support of Ashira also connecting only once with his attack. Attacking #1

Rigging whips off a quick magic missile aiming for the furthest away priest which is closest to the exit door The missiles strike in their effective way staggering the priest badly. Hit # 10

Val begins to growl and snarl as she weighs into the room and before she knows it she is across the room and battering on a new foe. #3

Bart too flies into the room a look of disgust on his face and finds himself standing over a child the suddenly screms "Help me papa!" Nearly causng him to miss the doughty fighter connects with his attack. Attacking #14.

Mykael truly horrified at the scene around him gets a steely resolve that decides that not one priest is going to escape this room and he charges all the way to the door Full run 100 ft, and plants himself there breathing hard and drawing his blade.

Nez moves quickly into the room horrified at the sight of the heartseed plants crawling towards the gaping chest wounds and decides to try and do something about it. In his haste he nearly forgets about the priest standing there which causes his fist to travel a bit higher than planned. it still connects and with a little resistance and an additional scream from the child the heartseed is knocked to the ground. You are near #2

Ari and Cosmo seems almost overwhelmed by the sight before them and thoughts race through their minds about friends they one had as children and family members that had to go through this and stand frozen where they are.

The priests do not retaliate and have barely registered your presence until the blood starts flowing, due to the suprise of actually being attacked during a ceremony and without warning.

The childrens calls for help truly begin to echo through the room now as they realize that someone other than the priests are in the room with them.

(That was your surprise round)

Priests 1&9 AC 31
Priests 2,3,4,5,14 are AC 26
Priests 6,7,8,10,11,12,13 Are AC 23

Bart Ac 30 Hp 68/95 Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism ,Greater inviso,Haste  d20+21=36 d20+16=34 d20+16=35 d20+11=17 d20+21=32 d20+11=18 d10+11=18 d10+11=17 d10+11=12 d6=4 d6=5 d10+11=21 d6=1 d20+21=27 d10+11=16 d6=6
Thursday September 27th, 2007 12:23:52 PM

The priest are tougher then it seems, Bart launche a series of blows against the priest in front of him trying protect the boy (ac 36 for 18+4, threat crit ac 35 for 17+12+5, miss, haste attack ac 32 for 21+1= tot dam 79) (including last round 101 dammage, i presume #14e is dead, cleave attack on 13 ac 27 for 16+6)

Mykael  d20+16=19 d20+11=18 d20+16=27 d10=6
Thursday September 27th, 2007 6:38:09 PM

(OOC: Not at home, cant cut and paste or access map using a public terminal.)

IC: Mykael makes sure to keep an eye on the exit, both for people entering and those trying to exit.

He does start eliminating priests starting with those closest to the exit, always keeping himself between them and the exit.

He attacks #10
1 hit
AC: 27, 6+4 = 10 dam

Fiendish Apes - 3 total  d20+9=18 d20+9=18 d20+9=24 d6+7=11
Thursday September 27th, 2007 8:00:26 PM

Size: Large (tall)
Space/Reach: 10'/10'
AC 14
HP's 37/37, 37/37 & 37/37
Full attack: 2 claws +9 & 1 bite +4
Damage claws: 1d6+7
Damage bite: 1d6+3

Cosmo comes out of the shock at what he is seeing. He quickly orders the apes to attack. The apes quickly move forward and attack clerics 4, 5 & 6.

Ape 1 claw attack #4:
Hit AC's 18
Damage 0

Ape 2 claw attack #5:
Hit AC's 18
Damage 0

Ape 3 claw attack #6:
Hit AC's 24
Damage 11

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63)  d20+13=23 11d6(4+6+6+1+3+2+4+6+5+6+3)=46
Thursday September 27th, 2007 8:22:40 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
Greater Invisibility: 2/7 rounds (from Rigging)
SM IV: 9/11

Cosmo watches as his apes move out and attack the vile clerics. There are a lot of Clerics in this room. If they get organized they may cause some problems for the Wildcards. Cosmo decides to try out one of his new spells that is specifically designed for situations like this. Cosmo casts the spell Chain Lightning.

Spell: Chain Lightning
Primary target: 6
Secondary targets: 5, 7, 4, 8, 3, 9, 13, 14, 1 & 12
Spell resistance check: 23
Reflex DC: 22 (10 + 6 + 6)
Damage primary target: 46/23
Damage secondary targets: 23/11

Location: P2

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 83/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead,Haste  d20+15=34 d20+10=17 d20+15=25
Thursday September 27th, 2007 9:37:43 PM

As emotions about the horror wash across his face.....Nezamil eyes settle on the priest (#2) next to the boy...... "Your gonna die for this you vile ..........."activating his magical boots...... the dwarf doesn't even finish his sentence as his mace smashes into the ga'alian priest......landing a heavy blow but he fails to finish off the evil priest.

The 5'ft dwarf moves to step between the boy and priest as he attacks the Ga'alian priest

1st swing d20+15=34 hit
2nd swing d20+10=17 missed
3rd swing d20+15= 25 (darn it missed by 1 )

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Haste 1/10 (1 rd used)(boots of speed)

Spell list
Zero-Create water x2,light x2 ,Read magic,Mending
1st -detect undead*,Divine favor,Pro-from-evil x2**,Hide from undead*,Shield of faith x2*(enlarge))
2nd -Aid* ,Resist energy* ,Owl's wisdom*,Silence x3***
(Bull str)
3rd - Searing light x2,Magic circle* ,Blindness,Protection from energy*(Magic vestment*)
4th - Airwalk x2** Divine power,deathward*(Spell imunnity*)
5th - True seeing*,Rightous might,Wall of stone(Spell resistance*)
6th - Blade barrier (anti magic field)

[b]everyone in the group has "hide from undead cast upon them from earlier, i noticed only a few have it posted in the header

Val (AC 28, HP 70/ 136, Protection from Evil, Protection from Energy- Fire)  d20+18=26 d20+13=28 d20+8=25 d8+6=13 d8+6=14
Thursday September 27th, 2007 9:55:42 PM

Seeing the priest temporarily stunned by her viscious hammer blow, Val brings her hammer back up and down hard again. Her strikes are savage and brutal hoping to hurt the priest before sending him before Gargul.

ooc: 1st attack hit ac 26 for 13, 2nd attack hit ac 28 for 14, 3rd attack miss ac 25

Protection from Evil- 11 min
Protection from Fire- 90 pts/ 120 min

Ashira (AC31 (33vs. Evil), 60/120HP) Protection from Fire, Barkskin +2, Haste, Invisibility, Protection from Evil, Airwalk, Fly  d20+17=34 d20+17=36 d20+17=18 d20+12=32 d20+12=30 d20+7=23 d20+17=20 d20+8=16 d20+2=6 d8+7=10 d8+7=14 d6+4=9
Thursday September 27th, 2007 10:49:30 PM

Ashira launches into a full attack against cleric 1.

Ashiria hits ac 34 (possible critical hit, then hits ac 36 confirming it for 28 points of damage

She then hits ac 32 (missed critical roll for another 9 points of damage) The rest of her hits fall short but does a total of 37 to cleric 1.

She mutters savagedly, "You will pay for your evil ways you son of a goat!"

(posted by George)

Rigging ac 24 hps 75/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, haste, message x2 
Thursday September 27th, 2007 10:52:39 PM

Rigging is at a loss of what to do, so he uses his next pearl to retrieve another scorching ray spell. He is getting ready to burn down the lead cleric as soon as he can identify him.

He contacts Swirl and says, "Keep an eye out on our friends. When they are done with combat, find a way to get them here if you have to carry one of them."

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3**, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2*,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

All have haste 9/12

Please remember that my group gets +1 to hit, +1 to ac +1 on reflex saves due to haste

Appolo Ac 30 Hp77/88 Haste invisible  d20+14=34 d20+14=22 d20+14=21 d20+14=19 d20+14=30 d10+6=14 d10+6=7 d6=6 d6=3 d6=2 d6=5 d6=4 d6=6 d6=3 d6=4 d6=4 d6=1 d6=3 d6=4
Thursday September 27th, 2007 11:43:07 PM

Appolo sideteps slightly then luanchesa full attack of his own on priest one backstabbing it and hitting twice.

Attack 34 30 Damage 14 7 Backstab 45 points Total 66

DM Kent  d8+4=9 d20+10=30 d20+10=22 d20+8=18 4d8(7+4+8+5)=24 d20+8=24 d20+8=19 d20+8=25
Friday September 28th, 2007 6:53:36 AM

Bart cuts poor cleric 14 to ribbons showering the young boy with more blood and body parts. The heartseed now bathing in blood actualy seems to grow several inches in a quick spurt and dives into the chest cavity eliciting a scream from the boy unlike any previously heard. Bart then turns his attention to #13 leaving him wobbly.

Mykael moves slightly to attack #10 and cuts him down easily.

Following Cosmo's directions the Apes close with their targets and are prtty much ineffective scoring only one hit between them.

Cosmo sends off a a bolt of lightening that seems to split apart and go every which way connecting with priest after priest and causing everyone in the room some trepidation when the light show ends several more priests are down and several are not looking to well. Unfortunately as well several of the boys got caught in the blasts as they were being touched by attacked priests.

Nez goes on the offensive against #2 and connects with one strike, and the heart seed begins moving along the floor back toward his intended host.

Val quickly attacks again and this time connects twice causing her opponent to scream in pain.

Apollo and Ashira finish up work on #1 after he was also glancingly hit by the lightening bolt that weaved between the two Wildcards.

Rigging prepares another spell retrieved from his pearl and looks around for might be the lead cleric in the group.


Mykael, having isolated himself finds himself nearly surrounded and is attacked by all four of his new attackers while another seems to have moved farther out of harms way.

AC 22 for a miss
AC 25 for a miss
AC 22 for a miss
AC27 (nat 20) for 9 points

Then from out of seemingly nowhere Mykael feels his sight going dim. Blindness Fort save DC 20, SR 30 or go blind.

Val's opponent takes a five foot step back into the corner and sends a ray of light straight at her. Searing Light - No save SR 18 - for 24 points

#4 & 5 facing the apes also take five foot steps backwards placing their backs against the wall and cast dispel magic spells targetting the apes facing them.

#4 Ape dispel check 24 (cosmo make a dispel check DC 11 + caster level)
#5 Ape dispel check 19 (cosmo make a dispel check DC 11 + caster level)

Nex's opponent also steps backwards and casts a spell and Nez feels his vision begin to fade as well. Blindness - Fort save 18, SR 25

Friday September 28th, 2007 12:30:52 PM

Sorry for my missed post. Weds I had a computer job go longer than anticipated and then worked taxi on both sides of that. So that I was up for about 55 hours before I got some sleep last night.

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 33/80 (Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (5 of 70 points), Shield ( 5 min),protection from evil (5 min), invisibiilty (?), Silence (?), fly(?), displacement 
Friday September 28th, 2007 12:34:10 PM

Coming out of the shock of being in the presence of heart seeding and the memory it triggered of his own similar heart seeding, Ari comes out of his trance and takes a look around. With all the priests around Ari decides it's time to add something else to his arsenal. Taking out a potion Ari quaffs his potion of displacement.

If there is time he'll tap himself with invisibility.

(OOC) Todd, I will allow Ari to use his last round to drink his potion and this round to make himself invisible.

Appolo Ac 30 Hp77/88 Haste Invisible  d20+14=26 d10=4 d6=4 d6=2 d6=6 d6=1 d6=5 d6=3
Friday September 28th, 2007 7:21:06 PM

Appolo moves silently and quickly to Mykaels aid.He backstabs priest#7 once.

Attack 26 Damage 4+6=10 Backstab 21 Total31

Rigging ac 24 hps 75/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, haste, message x2 
Friday September 28th, 2007 8:30:57 PM

Rigging says, "Take down the clerics and Cosmo and I will start saving the children. We have to move fast!

Appolo, you team with Val! Bart and Ashira help out Mykael! The fool has gotten himself surrounded!

Ari help Nezamil! Gang up and bring them down fast!

Cosmo, get your apes to tie up the rest. Keep them from casting spells! Have them grapple.

Rigging will move towards the child near the dead C1, grab the heartseed and fling it to the floor.

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3*, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2*,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

All have haste 10/12

Mykael HP: 59/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead, Haste)  d20+8=13 d20+8=15 d20+8=26 d20+16=27 d20+16=17 d20+11=20 d20+16=31 d10=3 d10=5
Friday September 28th, 2007 10:27:08 PM

Mykael staves off the blindness, (Fort save = 26, burnt two Hero Points).

Mykael tears into #8, then he takes a 5ft step back to block the door.

(ignore the 17... clicked button twice)

1st att: AC 27, Dam 3+4 = 7
2nd att: AC 20, miss
Haste att: AC 31, Dam 5+4 = 9

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 1/11 mins
Heroism: 1/70 mins
Stoneskin: 1/70 min,30/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 1/11 mins
Haste (from Rigging): 10/12 rnds

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

Val (AC 28, HP 46/ 136, Protection from Evil, Protection from Energy- Fire)  d20+18=27 d20+13=19 d20+8=27 d8+6=14 d8+6=14
Friday September 28th, 2007 11:42:56 PM

Val growls as the pain wracks her body. She takes a step forward, further cornering the cleric. She smashes him with her hammer yet again.

ooc: hit ac 27 for 14, miss ac 19, hit ac 27 for 14

protection from evil- 11 min
protection from fire- 90pts, 120 min

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 83/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead,Haste  d20+14=33 d20+15=21 d20+10=30 d20+10=21 d20+15=26 d8+4=11 d8+4=7
Saturday September 29th, 2007 9:32:00 PM

Blinking away the Ga'alian Cleric's spell (d20+14=33 fort save) "heh by Domi ya gonna hafta do better then that " growls Nezamil as he moves to attack.

"We'll see who can see after this " grunts Nezamil as he swings his mace in sweeping arcs.

1st swing d20+15=21 missed
2nd swing d20+10=30 crit hit!! d20+10=21 missed crit hit damage d8+4=11
3rd swing d20+15=26 hit damage d8+4=7 (hasted attack)
total damage =18

"Grrrrr"" this was easier when i was taller " growls Nezamil as the Cleric of Ga'al still stands

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Haste 10/12 (from Rigging)

Bart Ac 30 Hp 68/95 Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism ,Greater inviso,Haste  d20+21=40 d20+21=30 d10+11=15 d10+11=16 d6=5 d20+16=20 d20+11=16 d20+21=25 d10+11=18 d6=2
Sunday September 30th, 2007 11:05:35 AM

Bart attacks the prioest in front of him (crit ac 30 for 15+16+5) his second and third attack are miss hi last and final attck hits the priest once more ac 25 for 18+2

Fiendish Apes - 2 total  d20+9=11 d20+9=16 d20+4=8 d20+9=26 d20+9=21 d20+4=22 d6+7=10
Sunday September 30th, 2007 9:13:39 PM

Size: Large (tall)
Space/Reach: 10'/10'
AC 14
HP's 37/37, 37/37 & 37/37
Full attack: 2 claws +9 & 1 bite +4
Damage claws: 1d6+7
Damage bite: 1d6+3

The 2 remaining apes attack again. Ape #3 joins Ape #2 and attacks Cleric #5.

Ape 1 - dispelled

Ape 2 attacks #5:
Hit AC's 11, 16 & 8
Damage 0

Ape 3 attacks #5:
Hit AC's 26, 21 & 22
Damage 10

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63)  d4+1=3 d4+1=2 d4+1=5 d4+1=5 d4+1=3
Sunday September 30th, 2007 9:25:08 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
Greater Invisibility: 1/7 rounds (from Rigging)
SM IV: 8/11

Cosmo wonders if magic missile might help kill these heartseeds off. Doesn't hurt to try. Cosmo casts the spell hitting the heartseeds of 6, 5, 7, 4 & 8.

Damage 3, 2, 5, 5 & 3

Location: P2 with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3

Ashira (AC31 (33vs. Evil), 60/120HP) Protection from Fire, Barkskin +2, Haste, Invisibility, Protection from Evil, Airwalk, Fly  d20+14=26 d8+7=12
Monday October 1st, 2007 12:59:57 AM

Ashira hears her husband's instructions and nods at Mykeal's brave but dangerous situation and moves forward to attack as well. She charges to cleric 12 and hacks into him hitting ac 26 for 12 points of damage. She enjoys watching Ga'alian priest blood flow.

Posted by George

DM Kent  d100=8 d8+10=15 d20+10=27 d20+10=23 4d8(4+7+5+8)+7=31 d20+7=24 d20+7=25 3d8(4+4+3)+5=16 d20+5=19 10d6(6+1+6+5+4+1+4+1+1+6)=36 d20+10=27 4d8(6+5+6+1)+7=25 d20+7=19
Monday October 1st, 2007 7:27:54 PM

Having drunk his potion Ari takes out his wand and gives himself a charge becoming a displaced invisible troglodyte.

Apollo moves and backstabs #7 dropping the cleric to the floor.

Thinking about what might be going on with swirl, Rigging moves forward to remove a heartseed from a child's chest and grabs hold and gives it a tug. The child screams and the heartseed seems to be somehow attached to the child. It is about that time that he hears a close response from Swirl. Boss they're still fighting at the back door facing two quads and four priests. It was looking kind of bad for our guys and then the reinforcments you sent from the front arrived. There are several down from each group and it looks like we have the upper hand, but they may be tied up a while.

Mykael drops #8 and steps back toward the door.

Val steps forward and drops her foe with two well placed shots.

Nez begins mace lessons with unwilling pupil and causes a bit of damage, but his opponent yet stands firmly infront of him.

Bart quickly drops his opponent and begins looking around for his next victim.

The two remaining apes join forces against #5 and combine for a total of one hit.

Cosmo decides to try something a little out of the box and sends a barrage of magic missiles streaking across the room targeting several of the small heartseed plants. What he sees is somewat promising and a touch horrifying as well. With heartseeds 6,5 & 7 the missiles go streaking connect with their target and are destroyed. However with 4 & 8 the missiles connect and the children scream in anguish as the heartseed is destroyed and they begin to bleed out faster than before.

Ashir also rushes to Mykael's aid and smashes into #12 nearly cutting him in half with her stroke.


Seeing that he is currently left without an opponent after his ape was dispelled,#4 begins casting a spell. Inflict light wounds mass - Both Apes, Val, Rigging, Bart, Nez, and Ari take 15 points damage, Will save DC 22 for 8 points, SR 27 negates

Once again Nez's opponent casts a spell, reaching out and touching the dwarf. Touch attack AC 23 - inflict critical wounds - 31 points, will save DC 20 for 16 points, SR 24 negates the cleric then takes a five foot step backwards.

Momentarily witout an opponent, but seeing the writing on the wall cleric 11 too casts a spell and steps forward and touches Ashira. Touch attack AC 25 - Inflict serious wounds - 16 points Will DC 17 for 8 points SR 19 negates

Watching things from the corner Cleric 1 again cast a spell and this time a column of fire engulfs the northern end of the room catching Mykael, Apollo and Ashira in it. Flame strike - 18 points fire damage - Reflex DC 22 for 9 points + 18 points unholy damage. SR 27 negates

Now faced with a couple of apes #5 reaches out and touches Ape 3 with a spell. Inflict critical wounds 25 points, Will save DC 18 for half, SR 19 negates.

Val (AC 28, HP 38/ 136, Protection from Evil, Protection from Energy- Fire)  d20+9=28
Monday October 1st, 2007 10:10:47 PM

Val grits her teeth as the wave of pain washes unexpectedly through her body. She was trying to restrain herself because of the children but with priests throwing down holy fire they were the biggest threat. Val hooks her warhammer on her belt and draws her bow.

ooc: protection from evil 11 min, protection from fire 90pts/ 120 min

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 18/80 (Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (5 of 70 points), Shield ( 5 min),protection from evil (5 min), invisibiilty (?), Silence (?), fly(?), displacement  d20+8=12 d20+9=26 d20+9=14 d20+4=7 d20+10=17 2d6(5+3)=8 d6+3=8 d6+3=4 d6=1
Monday October 1st, 2007 11:37:22 PM

gritting his teeth in pain, Ari moves over to help Nez.

AC 26 (non crit with AC 14) 8+8(evil)=16 pts
AC 7
AC 17 4+1(fire)=5

(sorry for quick post. Last post before heading to Peru. Back on the 13th. No volunteers that I saw).

Rigging ac 24 hps 67/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, haste, message x2  d20+11=29 d20+10=17 d20+10=15 d20+10=16 4d6(3+4+6+4)=17 4d6(1+6+5+4)=16 4d6(1+4+3+5)=13
Monday October 1st, 2007 11:49:28 PM

Rigging grunts in pain as he sees wounds open up on his body. He looks sadly down at the boy who the heartseed has taken hold of. "I am sorry my lad. I am sorry we were to late for you."

Rigging will move to G11 and cast a scorching ray at cleric 9 hitting touch acs 17,15,16
first ray does 17 points, second does 16 and third does 13 for a total of 46 points of damage. No save

"Hurry up, we need to finish them off before we see more reinforcements. You can bet the girls are going through the same thing on the other side."

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3*, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2*,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

All have haste 11/12

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 75/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead,Haste  d20+11=23 d20+17=36 d20+11=24 d20+17=21 d20+15=22 d20+10=30 d20+10=13 d20+15=35 d20+15=33 d8+4=7 d8+4=11 d8+4=8
Tuesday October 2nd, 2007 12:41:19 AM

Grimacing as the inflicted pain overcomes his magical resitance (SR-27=d20+11=23 fail)the dwarf grits his teeth and shakes off part of the pain (will save d20+17=36 made !!)

"Some powerful magic here " growls Nezamil

Feeling another wave of pain crash againist him .....but feels his magical resistance hold (SR-20=d20+11=24 made !!!)(will save d20+7=21 made)

"Where do ya think your trotting off to " barks Nezamil at the Ga'alian cleric stepping away

Stepping towards the Cleric of Ga'al to close for another attack

The dwarfs heavy mace misses wide at 1st but he quickly corrects and lands two smashing blows on the Cleric of Ga'al

1st swing d20+15=22 missed
2nd swing d20+10=30 crit hit!! d20+10=13 missed crit damage 1d8+4=7
3rd swing hasted d20+15=35 crit hit !! d20+15=33 crit made !! damage d8+4=11 damage d8+4=8 total 19
total damge = 26

"Don't count ya heartseeds just yet " growls Nezamil

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Haste 9/12 (from Rigging)

Bart Ac 30 Hp 68/95 Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism ,Greater inviso,Haste  d20+16=28 d10+21=25 d6=2
Tuesday October 2nd, 2007 3:05:01 AM

Bart makes a spring attack towards priest #4 (power attak+5) (ac 28 for 25+2)

Fiendish Apes - 2 total  d20+2=20 d20+2=14 d20+2=17 d20+9=26 d20+9=14 d20+4=20 d6+7=12
Tuesday October 2nd, 2007 7:26:29 PM

Size: Large (tall)
Space/Reach: 10'/10'
AC 14
HP's -/37, 22/37 & -/37
Full attack: 2 claws +9 & 1 bite +4
Damage claws: 1d6+7
Damage bite: 1d6+3

Will save Ape #2 - 20
Will save Ape #3 - 14 & 17

The last ape attacks cleric #5

Ape 1 - dispelled

Ape 2 attacks #5:
Hit AC's 26, 14 & 20
Damage 12

Ape 3 - dead

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63) 
Tuesday October 2nd, 2007 7:42:38 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
SM IV: 7/11

Hmm Cosmo thinks as he sees the magic missiles have their desired effect and a side effect he does not like. He uses the Wand of SM IV this round summoning a Lantern Archon.

Location: P2 with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 1)

Appolo Ac 30 Hp 77/88 Haste Invisible  d20+18=27 d20+14=22 d10+6=7 d6=1 d6=2 d6=5 d6=5 d6=4 d6=5
Tuesday October 2nd, 2007 7:52:38 PM

Appolo dances through the vlames unscathed and makes a beeline for Priest one.Going invisible and running silent he sidesteps flanks and backstabs Priest one

Attack 22 Damage 7 Backstab 22 Total 29

Ashira (AC31 (33vs. Evil), 52/120HP) Protection from Fire, Barkskin +2, Haste, Invisibility, Protection from Evil, Airwalk, Fly  d20+9=24 d20+17=24 d20+17=24 d20+12=32 d20+12=14 d20+7=22 d20+17=37 d20+17=30 d20+8=22 d20-2=3 d8+7=12 d8+7=15 d8+7=9 d6+4=9 d6+4=9
Tuesday October 2nd, 2007 7:53:01 PM

Ashira winces in pain but is able to shake off some of the damage from the cleric 11's evil spell. save 24

Ashira says to Appolo, "Go take out that priest! I will finish playing with these scum.

She attacks C12 first while he is in front of her. If C12 falls, then she shifts to C7. If C7 falls, then she shifts to C11

AC 24 hit 12 points of damage
AC 24 hit 15 points of damage
AC 32 hit missed critical 9 points of damage
AC 14 miss
AC 22 miss
AC 37 hit made critical with ac 30 18 points of damage
AC 22 miss
AC 3 miss

posted by George

Mykael HP: 23/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead, Haste)  d20+13=15 d20+16=20 d20+11=13 d20+16=29 d10=7
Tuesday October 2nd, 2007 8:39:53 PM

Refusing to move from protecting the exit, Mykael takes the full brunt of the priests dastardly spell. (Reflex save = 15)

Mykael assualts priest #11.

(dice roller sucks)

Att 1 & 2 miss

Haste Att: AC 29, for 7+4 = 11 dam

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 2/11 mins
Heroism: 2/70 mins
Stoneskin: 2/70 min,30/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 2/11 mins
Haste (from Rigging): 11/12 rnds

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

DM Kent (round 12)  d20+10=24 d20+13=30 3d6(1+6+2)+13=22 4d8(8+4+6+4)+7=29 d8+10=18
Tuesday October 2nd, 2007 10:45:20 PM

Val puts her hammer away and draws her bow looking forward to placing a few well aimed arrows in some Ga'alian Priest.

Ari moves up in support of Nez and conects once momentarily flashing into a blurred version of himself.

Rigging moves forward and targeting what he believes is the head cleric in the room sends three rays of scorching fire at him. but when the smoke clears he is still standing as he cant beat Riggin's Spell resistace (please roll spell resistance rolls in future. I rolled for you this time, darn it SR 30.)

Nez steps forward and drops his and Ari's opponent.

Bart springs forward with a mighty strike and connects solidly with his blow.

The final ape continues his assault and does a bit more damage to his foe.

Cosmo begins casting with his wands and waits for the arrival of his next creature.

Mykael and Ashira finish the job on the remaining priests in their area. While Apollo goes dancing around after his newest foe connecting once.


A cold chilling voice comes from priest 9 as Apollo strikes him. "I see you little thief and so now you must die! As he finishes speaking he points his finger at Apollo and Apollo feels like a cold hand is reaching into his chest and grabbing hold of his heart. Finger of Death - Fortiude DC 22 or die, save for 22 points damage,

#5 reaches forward and touches the ape again Inflict critical wounds 29 points, Will save DC 18 for half, SR 19 negates

#4 again casts and black negative energy begins spreading out from him engulfing Rigging, Ari, Val, Nez, Bart and the Ape. Inflict light wounds mass - 18 points damage, Will save DC 22 for 9 points, SR 25 negates

George  d20+14=32
Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 8:42:02 AM

Kent, Not sure you rolled Rigging spell resistance right. D20 +12 (level) +2 for spell penetration. I didn't realize we needed to roll it. Do you want us to always roll for spell resistance as a standard course?

I rolled a 32 if you want to use it. By the way, that is a crazy spell resistance to have to beat! Almost need natural 20's!

Why do we have Ari's character sheet attached to the map? Do you need someone to play him?

>>>>>I actually had only given d20 +13 but as I rolled a 30 for him vs my 25 there is no issue. But yes it would be best to start rolling SR as a normal thing at this level.

Val (AC 28, HP 29/ 136, Protection from Evil, Protection from Energy- Fire)  d20+9=25 d20+19=33 d20+14=30 d20+9=24 d8+5=10 d6=1 d8+5=11 d6=5 d8+5=9 d6=5
Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 10:34:50 AM

Val grimmaces as the wave of pain washes over her once more. Val draws her arrows and send the flaming death right at that evil cleric (#4)

ooc: will save 25. 1st attack ac 33 for 10 normal and 1 fire. 2nd attack ac 30 for 11 normal and 5 fire, 3rd attack ac 24 for 9 normal and 5 fire.

arrows used: 3
protection from evil- 11 min
protection from fire- 120 min- 90 points.

CDM Jerry 
Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 11:04:23 AM

Please submit the posting report for last week and email me a copy please. Ceil says 3 weeks in a row now we've forgotten. Not sure about that. Please email me Kent if you think we have a problem with the reports. ;)

No worries. Hope you're having fun sacking the temple!

Bart Ac 30 Hp 59/95 Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism ,Greater inviso,Haste  d20+9=24 d20+21=32 d20+16=31 d20+11=30 d20+21=41 d20+21=36 d20+21=29 d10+11=13 d6=3 d10+11=21 d6=2 d10+11=14 d6=6 d10+11=17 d10+11=17 d6=2 d10+11=14 d6=4
Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 12:39:50 PM

luckily bart prevents most of the dammage from the spel. Bart attacks the priest in fornt of him and is ready to make a cleave attack (at#5) if the priest he is fighting against is dead and another one is nearby, (ac 32 for 13+3, ac 31 for 21+2, crit ac 31 for 14+17+6 haste ac 36 for 17+2 (total 95 dam) cleave ac 29 for 14+4)

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 66/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead,Haste  d20+17=23 d20+11=12
Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 7:24:08 PM

As the priest falls in front of of Nezamil quickly turns and surveys and assess his fellow wildcards.

Feeling his body wracked by pain Nezamil barely shakes off some of the magical pain (will save d20+17=23 phew!! )(d20+11=12 SR)

"1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8.....good everyone is still standing " mutters the dwarf

His head swinging back and forth between Val and Ari " hmm... Ari follow me " growls the dwarf as he heads toward Val pulling out a scroll as he goes .....stepping Next(Move to O-15) to the Elven warrior Nezamil quickly intones Domi's words " heal this warrior of courage " prays the Cleric of Domi (scroll of Heal)as the Divine power leaves the scrool and infuses Val

Cured Val 110 pts !!!)

"that should make ya feel better " growls Nezamil to Val

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Haste 8/12 (from Rigging)

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 9/80 (Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (5 of 70 points), Shield ( 5 min),protection from evil (5 min), invisibiilty (?), Silence (?), fly(?), displacement  d20+10=30
Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 7:38:20 PM

Continuing to Grimace as waves of magical pain crash over him.....Ari fights off this lastest attack (Will save d20+10=30 !!made it)with Nezamil's Aura of Domi (magic circle gets +2 to saves vs evil)(Ari gets +8 himself and Nez's help gets +2 more )

Following the dwarfs advice the multi talented Wildcard moves(Moves to n-14) after Nezamil "Right behind you" as he watches the dwarven Ccleric heal Val "Hope i'm next " whispers Ari to himself with envy

(Posted by adm Chris)(George i needed Ari's sheet to play him )

Appolo Ac 30 Hp55' /88 Haste  d20+8=27 d20+14=30 d20+14=24 d20+14=22 d20+14=33 d10+6=15 d8+6=13 d10+6=16 d8+6=8 d6=6
Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 8:23:03 PM

Appolo shakes fights of the speel and unleashes afull attack on Priest 9.Appolo does so with outa word fighting in almost total silence.A reuely emotionly shark like look in his a eyeas he slice into 9.

Attack 30 24 22 33 Critical hit Damage 15, 13x2=26, 16,6 Shock Damage 6 Total 71

Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 8:54:48 PM

attendence report

Dm Kent xxxxx
Rigging xxxxx
Ashira xxxxx
Appolo xxxxx
Val xxxxx
Bart xxxxx
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael xxxxx
Cosmo xoxxx
Ari xxxox

great week of posting people !!!!! lets keep this up as we are still in combat!!!!

Fiendish Apes - 0 left 
Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 10:01:23 PM

Ape 1 - dispelled

Ape 2 - dead

Ape 3 - dead

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63)  d8+3=7
Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 10:09:25 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
SM IV: 6/11
SM IV: 7/7 (from wand)

Cosmo directs the Lantern Archon, "Go start casting aid spell on them."

The Lantern Archon moves to the nearest child and casts Aid spell for 7.

Cosmo uses the wand again to summon another Lantern Archon.

Location: P2 with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 2)

Mykael HP: 23/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead, Haste) 
Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 10:15:35 PM

Seeing that the other priests seem to be getting taken care of, Mykael finally turns his attention to the boys.

He looks for any heartseeds that havent taken root yet and for any boys still alive that dont have a heartseed attached to them.

He will try and prevent any heartseeds from gaining a hold, if they dont already. And he will use healing skill to help boys that havent been heartseeded.

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 2/11 mins
Heroism: 2/70 mins
Stoneskin: 2/70 min,30/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 2/11 mins
Haste (from Rigging): 12/12 rnds

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

Ashira (AC31 (33vs. Evil), 43/120HP) Protection from Fire, Barkskin +2, Haste, Invisibility, Protection from Evil, Airwalk, Fly  d20+9=23 d20+19=32 d8+7=10
Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 11:35:40 PM

Ashira again shakes off the spell ignoring the minor pain that it still causes. (will save 23) Ashira moves to B17 either by flying or the haste spell and slashes Cleric 9 who is causing so much pain.

She hits ac 32 for 10 points of damage anticipating the storm of blows coming next round

Rigging ac 24 hps 49/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, haste, message x2  d20+11=16 d20+10=22 d20+10=16 d20+10=28 d20+14=25 4d6(1+6+2+5)=14 4d6(6+4+1+3)=14 4d6(5+4+6+1)=16
Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 11:46:23 PM

Rigging is wracked in pain failing his saving throw and watching wounds open up all along his body. Will save 16

He has had enough of this pesky cleric and raises his arm again summoning his scorching ray spell. He then holds his attack as he sees Bart slice and dice him and switches targets to cleric 4. spell resistance 25

first ray hits tac 22, second tac 16 and 3rd hits tac 28 doing a total of 44 points of damage.

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2*,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

All have haste 12/12

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

DM Kent (round 13) 
Thursday October 4th, 2007 7:15:59 AM

Val's well timed and placed arrows drops # 4 a spell already on his lips which will never now come into being.

Bart is just ready to put a hurting on #4 when he suddenly becomes a pincushion with Val's arrows. A bit awkwardly he shifts focus to #5 and connects several times there dropping him in his tracks.

Nez pushes past the wracking pain to overcoe it and takes a look around at his fellow Cards,noting with relief that at least presently all were still standing. Seeing Val struggle to pull her bowstring back he sends healing her way, and suddenly her arrows fly straight and true imbedding themselves in her target.

Ari unseen and dislocated, limps over nearer to Nez and whispers that he was close.

(Chris, Wasn't Ari's sheet attached to the last map I sent?)

Apollo manages to hold off the cold hand wrapped around his heart and without saying a word methodically chops into #9, who with a very shocked look on his face slides to the floor dead.

Rigging tired of watching his friends being hurt focuses in on #4, but watches Val's arrows drop him, shifting focus again to #5, he watches as Bart who had been about to attack #4, shift gears and drop #5 in his tracks, smiling to himself, if just a little bit for a moment, Rigging once again shifts foocus and gets ready to target #9 when he sees Apollo flash in to being and do his thing and #9 slides to the ground. Seeing that his spell is not needed he holds it for later and gets down to the business of getting some people healed.

Ashira also sees that this battle is currently over and relaxes for just a moment and then she starts hurting for real as the adrenaline starts leaving.

Mykael hurriedly begins going after heartseeds and finds that most of the remaining children can be saved.

combat currently over
Cosmo instructs his new friend to start aiding the children and it does so quickly and effectively.

Thursday October 4th, 2007 3:32:28 PM

Hmm could use soem healing now, but see what i can do for those boys first. If there are any hartseeds bart slices them in two with his sword.

Thursday October 4th, 2007 4:04:12 PM

Haste spell officially over! Whoever had it from Rigging it is done now.

Rigging will say, "Quickly help the boys who can be saved. Rigging will rush up to a child with a heartseed on his chest and try to take it off him without causing to much damage.

Nezamil, Do you have a cure light wand? Maybe you can give each boy a hit when we pull them off. Any we can't get the heartseeds off, need to be restrained since they are Ga'al's creatures now."

Rigging will reach out to Swirl and tell him, "We are through the first group of clerics. So far so good. How are our friends making out? Will they be able to get here soon?"

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 84/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead  d8+11=18
Thursday October 4th, 2007 8:21:38 PM

Nodding as the Ga'alian Clerics fall to their attacks the dwarf withdraws another scroll.

"I don't have light cure but one that is slightly stronger "responds Nezamil " i cando some minor cures also.....but let me just do some healing for all us Wildcards " as he waves the scroll at Rigging

"Domi heal these brave souls " prays Nezamil as he releases the pent up magic on the scroll

d8+11=18 cured to everyone in the group

The 5'ft dwarf will do his best to make sure none of the children's haertseeds take root...squashing the heartseeds whenever possible "vile things" grimaces the Cleric of Domi "also touching any child with a minor cure (1 pt) who needs it

"How much time to we have Captain ???.....they undoubtedly will send reinforcements "

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl

Spell list
Zero-Create water x2,light x2 ,Read magic,Mending
1st -detect undead*,Divine favor,Pro-from-evil x2**,Hide from undead*,Shield of faith x2*(enlarge))
2nd -Aid* ,Resist energy* ,Owl's wisdom,Silence x3***
(Bull str)
3rd - Searing light x2,Magic circle* ,Blindness,Protection from energy*(Magic vestment*)
4th - Airwalk x2** Divine power,deathward*(Spell imunnity*)
5th - True seeing*,Rightous might,Wall of stone(Spell resistance*)
6th - Blade barrier (anti magic field)

( Kent - yup i got Ari's character sheet ....thanks )

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 27/80 (Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (5 of 70 points), Shield ( 5 min),protection from evil (5 min), invisibiilty (?), Silence (?), fly(?), displacement 
Thursday October 4th, 2007 8:45:41 PM

Acting quickly as he feels the healing magic soak his body....Ari will move to help the children......dispatching the heartseeds with zeal.

Anger in his voice " this could of been us a few years ago " remarks Ari " hopefully this is the beginning of the end for this forced practice "

"Rigging i have an idea that might help confuse them in our next attack......i have a disguise spell and both Val and Ashira have disguise ability from their hats ......perhaps we could impersonate Cclerics of Ga'al in the intial attack next time just to buy us a moment....what do you think ???.....the magic is easily dismissable so we won't couse friendly fire damage "

Detect Magic
Detect Poison
Read Magic
1-level wiz
comprehend Languages - used
Protection from Evil
Spider Climb (spell mastery)
True Strike
1-level Ranger
2-level wiz
Alter Self - used
Resist Energy
Locate Object
3-level (3)
Dispel Magic
Suggestion X 2

(posted by adm Chris)

Val (AC 26, HP 136/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire) 
Thursday October 4th, 2007 8:50:02 PM

"Thanks Nez. I was getting a bit light headed from the blood loss. Is there anything that can be done for these kids?"

ooc: protection from fore 90pts/ 120 min
Arrows Used: 3

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63)  d8+3=6 d8+3=7
Thursday October 4th, 2007 9:17:31 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
SM IV: 5/11
SM IV: 6/7 (from wand)

Cosmo directs the new Lantern Archon to cast Aid spell like his brethren, "Go start casting aid spell on them."

The 2 Lantern Archons cast Aid spell for 6 and 7.

Cosmo holds his ground. Waiting for instruction or for more enemies.

Location: P2 with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 2)

Ashira (sub George) 61/120 
Thursday October 4th, 2007 10:47:07 PM

Ashira also feels better with the healing but is definitely still battered looking. She also scrambles to pull off the heartseeds of the children left in the room.

DM Kent (rd 14) 
Thursday October 4th, 2007 11:28:46 PM

The party goes to town getting rid of the last heart seeds and are successful with the exception of two boys, whose heart seeds had made their way to the chest cavity and latched on to the heart. With the Lantern's aid spells and Nez's use of the scroll which takes His meaning literally and actually heals a couple of the boys as well as the group.

There are 9 boys total 2 with heartseeds whose wounds actually are nearly healed already due to the heart seeds efficacy. So currently there are 3 boys who could use some permanent healing but are currently stable with temporary hit points from the Lanterns.

About this time Rigging hears from Swirl again and the contact is much closer than he expected. "Hey Boss, The boys won and are on their way. They should be with you in a few moments.

Bart Ac 30 Hp 77/95 
Friday October 5th, 2007 1:13:51 PM

Is there anything else we can do here or dow go to the nest room? I can use a bit more healing

Friday October 5th, 2007 6:44:56 PM

Rigging is sad that they lost a few children but this city is filled with heartseeded people and a few more wouldn't sway the balance.

"Our allies are coming according to Swirl. I want them to take all the children out of here. We then need to come to what we want to do next. I have a feeling that the main temple is going to be well guarded. If we attack there next, I doubt any of the girls will be savable from the heartseeds. So here our our options...1 we can go out into the main temple and fight, losing the girls but killing off more priests and hopefully bring the temple down. Or our second choice is to cast another passwall through the outside wall and redo this battle. It might take to many resourse for us to then succeed against the bigwigs. What are your thoughts. I do have a prying eyes spell on a scroll I can cast to check out what we would be facing but it could summon the bad guys as well. I have to admit I am surprised we aren't be attacked already. Must be thick sound proof walls. I guess that makes sense with all the screaming."

Mykael HP: 23/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead) 
Friday October 5th, 2007 6:48:05 PM

"Stabalize the boys, and move in and down. I know the girls are in the same situation as these boys were, but we dont know if we have the time and strength to try and save them and still handle our number one objective. As much as it pains me to think it, but I dont think we have the power to do both. We have already depleted many spells and healing."

Mykael begins searching and collecting loot from the fallen priests and the room as quickly as he can, while the group desides on a course of action.

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 2/11 mins
Heroism: 2/70 mins
Stoneskin: 2/70 min,30/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 2/11 mins

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

Appolo Hp75/88 
Friday October 5th, 2007 7:43:51 PM

Appolo steps forth"Yes we need to move on to our main objective.Our new allies can get the boys out of here and come back for the girls if they wish.If our imformation is correct.Once we succeed,heartseeds will be useless anyways and thr priests will loose thier contact with G'aal and there for temporily loose any magic or power that they derive from him.So let's move on to a our main objective we can mop up later."

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 84/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead  d8+11=19
Friday October 5th, 2007 8:53:28 PM

"Captain i think we should move quickly.... let's not let up on our attack.... i'd rather attack then defend a position"

"As for healing we can take a moment to cure us up......i have a wand of cure that someone can activate while i cast spells.....this way we can heal up faster......Ashira can activate the wand but can anyone else......Ari ??" questions Nezamil

Sizing up the wounded the dwarven Cleric withdraws yet another scroll "this should bring everyone close to peel health "

Waiting till their new friends join them Nezamil will release the scrolls healing magic "Domi heal all of these people of courage" prays Nezamil(scroll of cure light mass)(1d8+11=19 pts)

(cured 19 pts to Bart Ari Appolo Rigging Mykael Ashira and 5 of our friends the arrive )

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 46/80  2d8(2+1)+5=8 2d8(8+5)+5=18
Friday October 5th, 2007 8:59:48 PM

"yeah i can activate the wand .....let me see it " responds the multi talented human

After recieving the CMW wand from Nezamil Ari will tap himself first then walk over to Ashira and quickly tap her on her arm

Feeling slightly better Ari looks to the new arrivals to see if he can heal them also

Ari - 2d8(2+1)+5=8
Ashira - 2d8(8+5)+5=18 !!

"Maybe we should have them help us in this attack ?? " inquires Ari "we can overwhelm them "

(posted by adm Chris)

Hit point totals 
Friday October 5th, 2007 9:04:20 PM

Rigging 80/80
Ashira 120/100
Mykael 65/60
Cosmo 63/63
Appolo 88/88
Ari 80/56
Bart 95/95
Val 136/136
Nezamil 92/84

Kent this is the count i have of eberyone's Hit pts after the last 2 rds of cures , if you have any questions let me know

(adm Chris)

everyone peek above to see current health info.....very important

DM Kent (rounds 15 & 16) 
Friday October 5th, 2007 10:23:35 PM

Opinons are said, options are weighed, plans and decisions are yet to be made. Some healing is done and as Nez casts his spell the remainer of the four assistance groups come pouring through the passwall tunnel. Poison seems to have lost a member but their leader and the others have smiles on their faces even with their numerous injuries. The Flames seems to have perhaps had the worst luck of the groups as only their leader and one other member seems to still be with the group. Of the Defilers and the Saints they appear to have joined forces and created quite a fomidable group and seem to have take the leadership of the rag tag squadron.

There is the tunnel you made to get in that would lead you to the front door, and there is the door that Mykael was trying so hard to not let anyone to escape through.

Mykael finds that the priests' swords all look pretty nice and apparently they each had three potions on them, but other than that there does not seem to be a whole lot of stuff aon them, but they arepriests and perhaps they took vows of poverty.

Mykael HP: 60/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead) 
Friday October 5th, 2007 11:49:18 PM

"While we pause for a minute, I suggest that someone run out and loot the quads we killed, perhaps more than one to make it fast."

"Rigging, I still think we should have some of our help dress up like quads and take the posts of the guards. This could keep our actions hidden longer. Once there is clearly going to be trouble they will be able to alert us through your spell and retreat into the safety of the night. While they are posing, they can disable that alarm bell for good, by taking the clacker out under the safety of the silence spell."

Mykael will take a quick look at all the potions, using the combined skill of his alchemy and brewing potions. He figures that each priest has the same group of potions, but does some checking to be sure, along with trying to discern what the potions may be.

OOC: 12 priests total? so 12 swords and 36 potions?

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 2/11 mins
Heroism: 2/70 mins
Stoneskin: 2/70 min,30/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 2/11 mins

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

Val (AC 26, HP 136/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire) 
Saturday October 6th, 2007 10:08:10 PM

"Not a bad idea. They can pose as a quad or two and the others can remain hidden for when they are discovered. Soon our actions will be discovered. It is inevitable."

ooc: protection from fore 90pts/ 120 min
Arrows Used: 3

Bart Ac 30 Hp 95/95 
Sunday October 7th, 2007 4:16:13 AM

Maybe our allys can go to the girls room if we go into the main hall. The allys can also loot the squads lets push forward

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63) 
Sunday October 7th, 2007 10:59:15 PM

"We need to free the girls. We can't leave them to these evil clerics. Maybe a couple of us can go to that side as the rest push forward."

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 84/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead  2d8(6+2)+5=13
Monday October 8th, 2007 7:19:10 PM

Seeing most of the group is feeling healthy again the dwarf steps over to Ashira and fishes out a wand .....quickly tapping the sea elf with it she feels more of Ddomi's healing touch

(2d8(6+2)+5=13 cured to Ashira 113/120

Turning to the newly arrived friends " can i assit any of you in healing ?" asks the Cleric of Domi

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 54/80 Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (5 of 70 points), Shield ( 5 min),protection from evil (5 min), invisibiilty (?), Silence (?), fly(?), displacement  2d8(1+2)+5=8
Monday October 8th, 2007 7:25:00 PM

Copying Nezamil Ari uses his wand to tap himself (2d8(1+2)+5=8 cured) and feels slightly better.

"Nez must have a better touch with this thing" wonders Ari to himself

Ari joins in with Nezamil to assit any of the four friendly groups in healing with the wand

(posted by adm Chris)

attendence report 
Monday October 8th, 2007 7:38:22 PM

Dm Kent xxoxxso
Rigging xoxxx
Ashira oxxxo
Appolo oxxox
Val xoxxxs
Bart oxoxxos
Nezamil xoxxxs
Mykael oxxo2s
Cosmo oxxxoos
Ari 2oxxx

posting on Monday hoping to avoid Ceil's wrath ;-)

(AtABoy - I Like you now. Adm Ceil

Rigging ac 24 hps 80/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, haste, message x2 
Monday October 8th, 2007 8:38:50 PM

Rigging says to the allies, "We need you to lead these children to safety. Can one or two of you do this? We could still use your help but the next part of the attack is going to get even more dangerous and I can't ask you to keep with us. You have done more than your share already and you have my graditude. If you decide to go, could you quickly drag the bodies of the quads we killed into this room? I can do a quick detect magic spell and maybe we can find something useful."

Rigging will then say, "I agree, we must have the strength to destroy the leaders of the temple and kill the heartseed plant. If we save a few tonight, but fail, we are dooming countless more in the future.

I like the idea of getting the fighters close using the robes of the priests and spells but the drawback is we won't be able to hit them with mass spells and not get them too."

Rigging stops for a second and then says, "Maybe we can weaken them further. Ashria with your hat, you can take the form of one of the priests and try and summon more of the guards to this room. We can lay an ambush and try to overwhelm a few while they get organized. We can make some quick barriers to slow them down and put Appolo in position to hit some of those vital points he is so good at. Then we can make a quick dash into the main room and get into the real battle. At least we can fight some of them on our terms first. What do you think?

Rigging will also take the time to use his third level pearl of power to get his haste spell back.

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3**, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2*,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

DM Kent 
Monday October 8th, 2007 9:27:00 PM

Jordy looks around at the remainder of his group Acid, and the others that have joined in the fight and nods at Rigging's request.

"I will send Joel and Julie back out with the boys and they will then make sure they get to their homes or somewhere safe. After that they may return if they wish to. I myself do not plan on leaving this temple again, until it is falling or burning to the ground though. I would like to resuce the girls, if for no other reason than that Wynd would want me to, though if you decide to do otherwise we can try to do that while you take care of the rest."

Darain - OOC 
Tuesday October 9th, 2007 2:10:01 AM

Did Mykael learn anything about the potions?

OOPs sorry > Each Priest had a bright bllue potion, a pale green potion and an angry looking red and black mixed potion. He is fairly confident that the blue potion is of a healing variety.

Val (AC 26, HP 136/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire) 
Tuesday October 9th, 2007 12:58:29 PM

"We have to save the girls too. We don't have time to wait. Surely the are being seeded at this very moment. We need to move now."

ooc: protection from energy- fire- 90 pts/ 120 min

arrows used: 3

Tuesday October 9th, 2007 4:44:29 PM

Appolo just shrugs"Whatever we do.It has to be done now,just remember we don't have enough strength to fight to many major battles like the one's we just fought.I vot we head downs tairs straight to our targets destroy the hearseed plant and the heartseeds and hopefully cut G'aal's heart out."

DM Kent (Round 18) 
Tuesday October 9th, 2007 10:17:32 PM

The two chosen by Jordy begin herding the boys out the tunnel while the rest turn to Rigging and other Wildcards looking for their marching orders. There seems to be some debate on their next move and the choices seem to be, save the girls, hit the santuary/temple/alter/main room or head directly below and go ofter the heartseed plants and the heart of Ga'al.

Wednesday October 10th, 2007 1:14:39 AM

Let us see if we can lure some of them in here

Mykael HP: 60/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead) 
Wednesday October 10th, 2007 2:32:36 AM

Mykael hands out one blue potion to everyone in the party and takes one for himself. He then gives the extra 3 blue potions to Nezamil.

"I am pretty certain these are healing, however, until we test one, we wont know for sure or how strong they are."

Mykael puts the other 24 potions in his pack and bundles up the swords for easy carrying.

If Rigging does cast a 'Detect Magic' spell, to look at the loot from the fallen quads, then Mykael will show him the swords also for inspection.

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 2/11 mins
Heroism: 2/70 mins
Stoneskin: 2/70 min,30/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 2/11 mins

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

12 pretty nice swords
12 pale green potions
12 angry looking red and black mixed potions

Val (AC 26, HP 136/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire) 
Wednesday October 10th, 2007 6:55:20 AM

Val starts to pace quietly as her patience is reaching its limit. They had to move and move now. If it wasn't feasible to save the girls now they still needed to do something.

ooc: protection from energy- fire- 90pts/ 120 min

arrows used: 3

Rigging ac 24 hps 80/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, message x2 
Wednesday October 10th, 2007 2:34:55 PM

Rigging nods at Val's impatience and says, "Your right, time to move forward. Let's see if we can lure a quad in. Val, Bart and Appolo, I want you by the door. Ashira, change into one of the priests, and try to get some visitors for us. We take them out quickly and then start are main attack on the alter room."

Rigging will wait a few moments and then motion Ashira to go forward.

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3**, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2*,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Ashira 120/120 Posted by Sub George  2d8(5+5)+3=13 d20+12=27
Wednesday October 10th, 2007 2:40:55 PM

Ashira gratefully accepts Nezamil's healing and then gets herself totally heathly by sucking down a potion of moderate healing.

She takes a good look at one of the underpriests memorizing his features, robes and then using the hat of disguise, changes her appearance to his. She does a quick glance around to make sure everyone is ready and then moves over to the door, opens it and steps out with a frantic look on her face.

Looking around to take in the scene, (spot check 27) she looks at someone and beckons for them to hurry. In a deep male voice, she says, "Hurry, we need some help in here!" and then darts back into the room leaving the door slightly open.

Appolo Ac 30 Hp88 Invisible Haste 
Wednesday October 10th, 2007 6:35:13 PM

Appolo nods and goes invisible.He takes up position near the near and will backstab the last quad meber to enter the room.

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 65/80 Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (5 of 70 points), Shield ( 5 min),protection from evil (5 min), fly(?), displacement  2d8(1+5)+5=11
Wednesday October 10th, 2007 8:20:12 PM

While waiting for their next move Ari taps himself with the wand again (2d8(1+5)+5=11 cured)and watches as it's glow fades and knows its magic is gone .

Dropping it to the ground he moves forward drawing his short sword as he goes and stands by a fallen priest of Ga'al .....quickly withdrawing a potion out of his pouch and holding it in his left hand.

Readying himself to wave his weapon and draw attention to himself when the Ga'alians storm into the room so his fellow Wildcards by the door can hopefully surprise the enemy.

Sword in his right vial in his left "ok...ok...plan is once they enter i wave and get myself noticed......then once they see me i'll drink my potion of displacement" mutters Ari to himself as he sets about his first moves of the coming fight

(posted by adm Chris)

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 84/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Prayer 
Wednesday October 10th, 2007 8:40:41 PM

The dwarf moves towards the door on the right side but not all the way to it.

"we'll hit dem from all sides " whispers Nezamil to Ari as he passes him " may Domi grant you courage " nodding at the humans selfless and brave move to put himself in danger to help their attack

Drawing forth a scroll Nezamil starts to intones it's magic but holds it for the first sigh of the Ga'alian's falling for their ruse readied action-scroll of Prayer

Waving the Saints and Defilers over to him " form a fighting wall here with me .... we'll crush them between us and our friends awaiting to ambush the Ga'alians whispers Nezamil

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Prayer 11/11 1rd/per lvl 3rd lvl

(Prayer gives +1 on attack, damage, skill, saves to everyone ...important to read this ... it's a readied action so any attacks you can add this immediately !!)

DM Kent  d20+9=11 d20+6=10 d20+6=9 d20+6=8 d20+6=9
Wednesday October 10th, 2007 9:42:52 PM

Assuming her new form, Ashira frantically opens the door and calls out to the quad and priest that are patiently standing guard.

"Hurry, we need some help in here!"

and she then turns quickly darting back inside as if to defend herself or some such.

Without even thinking about why the inside priests didn't use the alarm bellpull by the door or anything else DC 11, DC 10,9,8,9 they pull their weapons and rush in to the room a good 10-15 feet before they stop and look around finally noticing the dead priests and children lying around.

***Surprise round***

Val (AC 26, HP 136/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire)  d20+14=28 d20+14=33 d20+9=27 d20+4=13 d8+5=12 d6=3 d8+5=11 d6=2 d8+5=6 d6=6
Wednesday October 10th, 2007 10:00:39 PM

Val had taken a spot in front of the door where she could fire away with her bow. With the close quarters all they could do is move right toward the others. She takes aim on the first through the door, bowstring thrumming away.

ooc: using rapid shot. first attack hit ac 28 for 12 normal and 3 fire. second attack hit ac 33 for 11 normal and 2 fire. third attack hit ac 27 for 6 normal and 6 fire. fourth attack misses ac 13

arrows used: 7
Missed Shots: 1

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63)  d20+2=13 d20+2=15 d6=5 d6=5
Wednesday October 10th, 2007 10:00:49 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
SM IV: 3/7 (from wand)
SM IV: 4/7 (from wand)

"Attack them," Lang says to the lantern Archons as the guards enter the room. The two lantern Archons move into position, about 25' away from the enemy, up in the air and start blasting away with their light rays.

Hit TAC 13 & 15; damage 5 & 5.

Cosmo watches the battle to see if his comrades have trouble with these new opponents..

Location: Behind group with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 2)

Mykael HP: 60/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead)  d20+16=21 d20+11=14 d10=7
Wednesday October 10th, 2007 11:34:43 PM

Mykael surveys the group as they run in. Robes catch his eye, 'This priest will meet his god shortly.'

Mykael steps forward and unloads a full attack on the unsuspecting priest.

1st- AC: 21, dam = 7+5 = 13
2nd- AC: 14, miss

Upon scoring a strike, Mykael unleashes his stored spell in his sword.

Shocking Grasp, maximized, - 30 dam

(not sure if first attack hit, but since surprised he loses dex bonus, thus, I think its a hit)

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 2/11 mins
Heroism: 2/70 mins
Stoneskin: 2/70 min,30/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 2/11 mins

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

12 pretty nice swords
12 pale green potions
12 angry looking red and black mixed potions

Rigging ac 24 hps 80/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, haste, message x2 
Thursday October 11th, 2007 7:39:18 AM

Rigging will cast his haste on the group and as many of the allies as he can get, starting with the obvious fighters. (Get 12 targets)

everyone gets +1 to hit, +1 on AC, +1 on reflex saves, an extra 30' of movement, and 1 extra attack with their primary weapon at full bonuses to hit.

haste 1/12

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3**, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2*,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Appolo Ac 30 Hp88 Haste Invisible  d20+15=32 d20+15=28 d20+15=26 d20+15=31 d20+15=28 d20+15=29 d10+6=11 d8+6=13 d10+6=14 d8+6=9 d10+6=14 d8+6=11 36d6(2+3+1+3+3+2+5+3+1+5+2+1+4+3+2+6+4+2+2+2+5+5+6+3+5+1+1+3+1+6+3+4+6+3+3+2)=113
Thursday October 11th, 2007 3:32:10 PM

Appolo waits calmly for the laste enemy to enter the room the shuts the door and launches afull attack on the last enemy in line.Backstabbing it 6 times.If his opponent goes down while his swing he will step foward to the next closest and deliver his blows to that opponent.

Attack 32 28 26 31 28 29
Damage 11 13 14 9 14 11=72 Backstab113

Ashira 120/120 ac 25 haste (sub George)  d20+18=38 d20+18=19 d20+18=37 d20+18=27 d20+13=32 d20+13=30 d20+8=9 d20+18=35 d20+18=31 d20+9=29 d20+9=23 d20-2=9 d8+7=12 d8+7=8 d8+7=9 d8+7=12 d8+7=14 d6+4=9 d6+4=6 d6+4=7 d6+4=8
Thursday October 11th, 2007 6:42:18 PM

Ashira, also wades into the group chopping away with her blades with a song in her heart. Nothing makes her happier than chopping up Quads of Ga'al and priests of Ga'al. She is pleased that her rused worked and they can weaken the defenses even more before they enter the main alter room.

Longsword hit ac 38 critical hit, 19 miss critical Damage doing 12 points of damage

Longsword haste attack, hits ac 37, critical follow up roll hits ac 27 total damage is 8 or 17 if it is a critical hit.

Longsword hit ac 32 possible critical hit, follow up strike hits ac 30 doing 12 and 14 points of damage for a total of 26

Final longsword hit misses natural 1

Short sword ac 38 natural 20 and follow up critical hits ac 35 for 9&6 points of damage total of 15

Shortsword swing hits ac 29 natural 20 and follow up strike hits ac 23 damage is 7 or 15 if critical hit.

Final shortsword swing misses.

I didn't take any other modifiers like flanking, or prayer into account. Nezamil had it as a ready action last round so should have gone off first. Total damage is 85 points if all criticals count.

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 84/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Prayer  d20+6=8
Thursday October 11th, 2007 8:05:04 PM

As the Priest and Quad burst thru the door the Cleric of Domi's Prayer spell is triggered.

Watching as his fellow Wildcards attack with a vengence on the surprised group ... the dwarf smiles " to arms brothers " encourages Nezamil to the remaining Saints, Defilers and fellow allies as he rally's those nearby to work as a team " keep together brothers ... hold the line .... crush them with steel "

Knowing he can afford to Nezamil looks past the charging Quad into the next room to see what else is there (spot ch 20+6=8 )

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Prayer 10/11 1rd/per lvl 3rd lvl

(Prayer gives +1 on attack, damage, skill, saves to everyone ...important to read this )

Spell list
Zero-Create water x2,light x2 ,Read magic,Mending
1st -detect undead*,Divine favor,Pro-from-evil x2**,Hide from undead*,Shield of faith x2*(enlarge))
2nd -Aid* ,Resist energy* ,Owl's wisdom,Silence x3***
(Bull str)
3rd - Searing light x2,Magic circle* ,Blindness,Protection from energy*(Magic vestment*)
4th - Airwalk x2** Divine power,deathward*(Spell imunnity*)
5th - True seeing*,Rightous might,Wall of stone(Spell resistance*)
6th - Blade barrier (anti magic field)

* cast spell

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 65/80 Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (5 of 70 points), Shield ( 5 min),protection from evil (5 min), displacement 4/5,haste  d20+13=29 d20+8=10 d20+13=32 d20+13=20 d6+3=7 2d6(6+5)=11 d6+3=9 2d6(2+3)=5
Thursday October 11th, 2007 8:19:03 PM

Stepping foward Ari engages one of the quad members ... his short sword flashing in the torch light ... the holy weapon finds its mark twice on the evil warrior of Ga'al .

1st swing d20+13=29 hit!! damage d6+3=7 , holy damage 2d6(6+5)=11 total=18
2nd swing d20+8=10 missed
3rd swing hasted d20+13=32 crit hit!! d20+13=20 crit missed i think ,damage d6+3=9 holy damage 2d6(2+3)=5 total =14
total damage =32 !!

"For a free Asildur " rages Ari

(posted by adm Chris)

DM Kent (round 18)  d20+12=21 d20+12=30 d20+12=22 d20+12=24 d20+12=26 d20+12=21 d20+12=24 d20+12=14 d20+12=15 d20+12=30 d20+12=28 d20+12=21 d20+12=23
Thursday October 11th, 2007 11:50:54 PM

As they are caught by surprise and flat footed, three of four of Val's arrows find their mark in #1.

Cosmo sends his Lanterns in to fight for him and both connect on their surprised foe #1

Mykael leaps into the fray buat misses with both attack and holds his spell for another try.

Riggin casts his spell and suddenly everyone seems to be moving a bit faster.

Appolo drops number four and gets one shot in on #3

Ashira lays into #2 and slice him to small pieces.

Nez sees what might be a large bunk room beyond the door.

Ari flies in the attack adding to #1s woes and drops him to the floor.

The Flames, Acid Saints and Defilers leap to the attack as well dividing up on the defenders and add to the general mayhem and connect several times on the remaining quad member and the priest but both are still standing.

Quad member AC now normal AC 32
Priest AC 30

Wild card innitiative.

Val (AC 27, HP 136/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire), Haste  d20+17=31 d20+17=37 d20+17=30 d20+12=15 d20+7=10 d8+5=8 d6=5 3d8(5+1+4)+15=25 d6=3 2d10(7+2)=9
Friday October 12th, 2007 4:22:46 PM

Aided by the infusion of magic, Val's arm is nearly a blur as she pulls arrows from her quiver and fires them off. With two down Val has turned her attention to the priest.

OOC: attacing the priest. 1st attack hits ac 31 for 8 normal and 5 fire. 2nd attack is a crit, ac 30 to confirm for 25 normal and 12 fire. Attacks 3 and 4 miss.

Protection from energy- fire- 90 points/ 120 min

arrows used: 11
missed shots: 3

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 65/80 Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (5 of 70 points), Shield ( 5 min),protection from evil (5 min), displacement 3/5,haste  d20+13=17 d20+8=14 d20+13=15
Friday October 12th, 2007 8:02:25 PM

Ducking slightly as Val's arrows whistle by into the priest of Ga'al .... Ari charges the same target but his short sword fails to find its mark.

1st swing d20+13=17 missed
2nd swing d20+8=14 missed
3rd swing hasted d20+13=15 missed

Cursing his bad fortune "Asildur shall be free of Ga'als grip" shouts Ari at his foe ...... Ari moves closer to the door (moved to D14)

(posted by adm Chris)

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 84/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Prayer ,haste  d20+11=23 d20+6=11 d20+11=19
Friday October 12th, 2007 8:13:37 PM

Grinning as Val's arrows strike the Priest the dwarf decides to add his own to the target and quickly unslings his heavy repeating crossbow and lines up the priest in his sights "stay still .... hold ... still " whispers Nezamil to himself as he fires the bolts

"By Domi " growls Nezamil in frustration as the bolts whiz thru the doorway

Realizing his skills don't match the elvish warriors "maybe i'll get closer ... that should help " grunts Nezamil as he moves(to G14) forward for a closer shot.

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Prayer 9/11 1rd/per lvl 3rd lvl
Haste (from Rigging)

Appolo Ac 30 Hp88 Haste Invisible  d20+15=35 d20+15=24 d20+15=34 d10+6=11 d10+6=8 12d6(4+6+1+4+5+2+5+3+6+6+3+2)=47
Friday October 12th, 2007 8:18:17 PM

Appolo moves quickly forward ignoring the Priest and engaing the Quad member fighter bacstabing him 3 time connecting twice.

Attack 35 nataral 30 Dritical 34 also Critical
Damage 11x2=22 8x2=16 Backstab 47 Total 85
Oppoment also looses 2points of strenght

Ashira 120/120 ac 25 haste, prayer (sub George)  d20+19=31 d20+19=29 d20+14=17 d20+9=25 d20+19=32 d20+10=14 d20=18 d8+7=10 d6+4=7 d8+7=9
Saturday October 13th, 2007 12:11:15 AM

Ashira moves in on the other quad member and starts hacking away. Her surprise round worked much better as she only hits twice this round with no critical checks. Ashira does 10 and 7 for a total of 17.

Not sure if Ashira gets flanking. If she does then she hits one more time for antother 9 points of damage.

Rigging ac 24 hps 80/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, haste, message x2 prayer  d20+12=22 d20+12=32 d20+12=13 d20+12=26 4d6(3+4+3+3)=13 4d6(3+4+4+2)=13 4d6(3+1+6+4)=14 d20+14=24
Saturday October 13th, 2007 12:19:11 AM

Rigging sees Ashira engage and decides to help out his wife since Appolo seems to have his opponent in hand or should I say in back.

Rigging casts a scorching ray at Ashira's target. Rigging hits touch ac of 22, 32 (possible critical but rolled natural 1 so it isn't) and 26. If all three hit then I do 40 points of damage to the quad member. (spell resistance of 24 if necessary.

"Gang up and take them down fast Wildcards! We need to keep moving!"

haste 2/12

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2*,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

DM kent  d20+12=28
Saturday October 13th, 2007 7:33:44 AM

The final Quad members go down and the priest is wobbling fairly badly, but manages to wobble backwards 5 feet and then casts a spell, catching Mykael, Asira, Nez, Rigging, Ari and several of their allies in a towering column of fire.

Maximized flame strike - 72 points damage, Reflex save DC 22 for 54 points. Save + evasion for 36 points. SR 28 negates.

George frustrated!!! 
Saturday October 13th, 2007 8:58:46 AM

Guys! We are in combat! Way to many missed posts. 5 of us just took 72 points of damage that we didn't have to take. We missed 3 character's posts in this last set. Unacceptable especially during combat. If you need someone to sub for you speak up!

Bart Ac 30 Hp 95 -Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism  d20+21=26 d20+16=19 d20+11=27 d10+11=13 d10+11=14 d6=3 d6=1
Sunday October 14th, 2007 2:33:27 PM

Bart rushes fiorward and attacks (ac 26 for 13+3 miss (aq 19) ac 27 for 14+1

Sunday October 14th, 2007 4:45:16 PM

Rigging hasted Bart so he should get another attack at full pluses.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63)  d20+2=12 d20+2=20 d20+2=9 d20+2=17 d6=1 d6=4 d6=4 d6=6
Sunday October 14th, 2007 9:57:20 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
SM IV: 1/7 (from wand)
SM IV: 2/7 (from wand)

The lantern Archons attack the evil cleric, blasting away with their light rays from the aerial position.

Hit TAC's 12 & 20; damage 1 & 4.
Hit TAC's 9 & 17; damage 4 & 6.

OOC - not sure of their TAC so I rolled damage as if they all hit.

Cosmo watches the passwall opening and generally keeping alert for new enemies.

Location: P2 with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 2)

Val (AC 27, HP 136/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire), Haste 
Sunday October 14th, 2007 10:46:28 PM

Val draws an arrow but doesn't fire. The cleric is hurt badly and several people are moving closer. So she waits and looks for any unexpected trouble.

ooc: saving her attacks in case the priest doesn't go down or any unexpected danger pops up.

arrows used: 11
missed shots: 3

Mykael HP: 6/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead, Haste)  d20+13=25 d20+17=36 d20+17=18 d20+12=17 d20+17=35 d20+17=28 d10+5=15 d10+5=6
Sunday October 14th, 2007 10:57:16 PM

Mykael ducks back in time, but still gets torched to well done, just not burnt. (save = 25)

He hits the priest again.

1st - AC: 36, crit failed; Dam = 15
2nd - miss
Haste - AC: 35, crit failed; Dam = 6

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 2/11 mins
Heroism: 2/70 mins
Stoneskin: 2/70 min,30/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 2/11 mins
Haste (from Rigging): 3/12

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

12 pretty nice swords
12 pale green potions
12 angry looking red and black mixed potions
1 bright blue potion

Ashira hps 84/120 haste prayer (sub George)  d20+15=27 d20+18=35 d20+18=23 d8+7=14 2d8(8+8)+3=19
Sunday October 14th, 2007 11:22:39 PM

Ashira feels the unholy fire coming down and dives away from some of it only taking a partial hit. (rolled 27 for save and has evasion.

If the cleric is still alive, she will close and add her sword to his demise, if he has already fallen, she will pull out her wand of curing and move over to Rigging and give him a tap

Sword attack hits ac 35 for 14 point of damage or she cures Rigging for 19 points of damage.

OOC Kent not sure what spells she currently has memorized. Do you know?

Nellie if you want to post, please feel free to delete this and post your own if you can do it before Kent. I just know that I have to work late tomorrow and won't be able to post then. George

Rigging ac 24 hps 43/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, haste, message x2 prayer  d20+13=25 2d8(6+8)+3=17
Sunday October 14th, 2007 11:27:55 PM

Rigging sees the flame strike and tries to dive away but still feels horrible pain sear his body. (made save but still took 54 points of damage)

Rigging in pain pulls out and sucks down a potion of healing getting 17 hps back.

haste 3/12

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2*,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP -7/80 Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (5 of 70 points), Shield ( 5 min),protection from evil (5 min), displacement 3/5,haste  d20+11=20
Monday October 15th, 2007 12:39:53 AM

The tower of flame pours down on Ari ... he cries out in agony as it burns him (reflex save d20+11=20 failed takes 72 pts)

"ARRRGG IT BURNS " as the human slumps to the floor

(posted by adm Chris)

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 84/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Prayer ,haste 
Monday October 15th, 2007 12:57:10 AM

The flaming tower washes over the Cleric of Domi but it's affects are harmless to the dwarf (spell immunity 1.flame strike.2.dispel magic)(posted in active magic list)

A look of horror crosses the dwarfs face as he watches Ari fall to the floor from the tower of flame " By Domi Noooooo!! shouts Nezamil

Rushing over to the fallen Wildcard he kneels next to and looks into his eyes looking for signs of life " Ari .... Ari ... can you hear me ??"

Seeing some life in his eyes .... Nezamil quickly fishes out a scroll ..... wasting no time he intones the magic woords to release its sealed power (scroll of Heal )"Domi heal this man of courage " prays Nezamil (cures 87 pts,he's back to full Hp's)

Smiling as his fellow Wildcards eyes open the dwarf quickly growls "Back on your feet .... your needed " as the Cleric of Domi raises from his knees to seeing the ravages of the Cleric of Ga'als flame strike .

Spotting several others badly hurt by the spell "i'll be right over " barks Nezamil to the others

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Prayer 9/11 1rd/per lvl 3rd lvl
Haste (from Rigging)

(pay attention to spells cast upon you and group spells )
(+1 haste to reflex,+1 prayer to reflex,+2 protection from evil to reflex)

Bart Ac 30 Hp 95 -Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism hasted attack  d20+21=33 d10+11=19 d6=6
Monday October 15th, 2007 2:05:14 AM

Bart feels he has more speed then usually he knows the feeling tho and makes an extra attack (ac 33 for 25)

DM Kent (round 20) 
Monday October 15th, 2007 7:10:24 PM

The priest falls to the ground lifeless and in pieces and there is a metalic clink almost occuring at the same time as something dropped from his grasp.

Ari also fallen Loses the spells he had cast on himself, but gets immediate aid from Nez and almost immediately Ari is back on his feet again, a bit of a confused look on his face as his mind remembers the feel of the searing heat, that suddenly is no longer there.

Ashira uses her wand on Rigging - 19 points
(I will check and see which spells she currently had)

Rigging drinks his potion.

As the smoke clears and the adrenaline rush drops for a moment, you realize that two more of your allies have fallen and are beyond normal aid.

With the departure of the two members of Acid with the boys, there are now two members of Acid, 3 saints, 2 flames and 2 defilers currently with you. None are uninjured.

One of the saints steps forward. I have only one of these spells left but if all who are injured can move closer together I will cast a healing spell or some power on us all. As he speaks he also pulls a rod out from under his robe.

Cure Serious wounds (maximized from rod)- All healed 35 points

And suddenly once again there is quiet.

Appolo Ac 30 Hp88  d20+15=35 d20+15=22 d20+15=24 d10+6=14 6d6(5+2+6+1+5+3)=22
Monday October 15th, 2007 7:11:33 PM

Appolo steps forward and backstabs the Priest 3 times hitting once.He is pissed that the Priest was allowed to get that last spell off.
He says nothing though as he sheaths his swords and waits for more orders.

Attack 35 22 24 Damage 28 22=50

Val (AC 27, HP 136/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire), Haste 
Monday October 15th, 2007 9:53:41 PM

That was quite a shock. These priests were strong here. It was their temple so it made sense. But the power they were calling down was more than she expected. She knew it would only get worse the deeper they got.

"We need to be much more careful."

arrows used: 11
missed shots 3

attendence post 
Tuesday October 16th, 2007 12:16:50 AM

Dm Kent xxxxoxx
Rigging xoxxxxx
Ashira ooxxxxx
Appolo oxxxxoo
Val ox2oxox
Bart ooxooox
Nezamil xoxxxox
Mykael oo2ooox
Cosmo ooxooox
Ari xoxxxox

ok guys we can do better then this Bart,Cosmo,mykael only 2 posts all week and we are in combat !!!! lets hope that isn't the reason some of us die !!!!

Posting is by the day now !! post on monday is recorded as mon. etc

I used to post it from Dm post to Dm post but i have recently become aware that is not the right way

Leaves Ceil a cookie and glass of milk next to the attendence report ;-0

Secret Spy - Munch AND Drinks Milk "Munch! Munch! GLub Glub! - "Ahhh! That's good" See you next week!<):-)

Rigging ac 24 hps 78/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, haste, message x2 prayer 
Tuesday October 16th, 2007 10:04:46 AM

Rigging is thankful for the healing and nods his thanks in the direciton of his ally who cast the spell.

Rigging pulls out his own wand and detects magic looking for the clinking sound he heard from the priest but also looking for magic that might help them in their battle.

"We need to keep moving to use the haste spell as it is my last one."

Rigging will quickly call out the loose magic that he sees instructing the allies to pick them up and then say, "Ashira, we need to check out the next room. My quick glance tells me that it was a barracks but be a dear and check it out."

haste 4/12

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2*,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Ashira hps 119/120 haste prayer (sub George) 
Tuesday October 16th, 2007 10:09:59 AM

Ashira also enjoys the healing and says, "Ah that feels good. Thank you my good friend."

After listening to Rigging, she moves towards the door and changes her shape to the priest that fell last in the room. (hat of disguise)
She cracks the door open and does a quick look to see what the rooms layout is. If the room is empty, whe will hurry over to then next door. If the room has people has people in it, she will shut the door gently again

Tuesday October 16th, 2007 12:55:38 PM

Cosmo summoned creatures wink out and go back to their plane of existence. Cosmo moves closer to the group, but cannot help with the healing process.

He waits for the next round of orders.

Ari (waiting on rule call) 
Tuesday October 16th, 2007 3:37:31 PM

"Should we continue with our invisibility?" As Ari holds up a wand.

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 92/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Prayer ,haste 
Tuesday October 16th, 2007 3:59:15 PM

The dwarf moves towards the door but stops as Rigging activates his wand " what do you see just point it out "

Quickly picking up loose items that Captain Rigging points to as magic "got em "

Reaching the door Nezamil peeks out into the next room after Ashira to make sure she's ok

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Prayer 9/11 1rd/per lvl 3rd lvl
Haste (from Rigging)

(pay attention to spells cast upon you and group spells )
(+1 haste to reflex,+1 prayer to reflex,+2 protection from evil to reflex)

(Ari is back he should be posting for himself now)(glad to have you back Todd )

Rigging illegal post 
Tuesday October 16th, 2007 4:08:17 PM

"Ari, don't bother. They seem to be able to see us when we are invisible. Don't know if they are sharing spells or part of the fixed defenses. If you want cast it on yourself, or some of our allies, but I don't think it is going to be effective."

Tuesday October 16th, 2007 6:47:07 PM

Appolo walks over to Ari"I dould use some invisbility.It has warked fine for me so far."

DM Kent (round 21) 
Tuesday October 16th, 2007 7:28:12 PM

Without even using his wand, Rigging sees what looks to be a rod of some sort sticking out from the dead priests sleeve. Using the wand he quickly locates several potions (10) and four swords, as well as two rings, that all radiate some sort of magic.

Ashira opens the door and looking out nearly looses what little breakfast she might have had left in her stomach as she realizes what might have once passed for a barracks type room, has been turned into a grotesque labratory.

Along side the door atre two "beds" for lack of a better word that contain what were obvously very recently young boys that had been seeded with three heartseeds. The results were devestating, at least to the boys.

Straight across the room are three open chamber like rooms with a couple of beds in each, though the rooms themselves are so dark that really nothing can be seen inside.

To the far right is what appears to be a solid wall and from what you know of the layout of the cathedral is the outside wall.

To the right is a closed door that if you recall the map you looked at are actually the guard quarters which have a door to the santuary and to the back, priest's, entrance/exit.

Cosmo follows along and waits for what he knows is to come.

Ari asks if anyone would like invisibility and Apollo responds positively.

Val has a vague sense of dread as she waits to move deeper into the den of evil.

Nez picks up those things that Rigging points out, and then peers out after Ashira, also nearly losing the contents of his stomach at the sight that greets his eyes as he tries to find Ashira.

Rigging ac 24 hps 78/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, haste, message x2 prayer 
Tuesday October 16th, 2007 10:59:43 PM

Rigging will pull out his wand of light and activate it into the darker chambers to make sure that they aren't about to be surprised by anything.

He too is disgusted with what he sees. Why whould they try three heartseeds on one boy? Still his job as leader is to rally his troops and not let them get distracted.

"Appolo check out that door. Peek but don't reveal our positions." To everyone "We have a choice to make. We can continue on into the main temple or I can use my last passwall scroll to try and get through the floor to the rooms below. What do you think?"

haste 4/12

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2*,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Mykael HP: 41/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead, Haste) 
Wednesday October 17th, 2007 12:49:00 AM

Mykael sees the potions gathered up by Nez, "Hey, let me take a look at those, perhaps I can figure them out."

Looking over the 10 potions, Mykael uses his alchemy and brewing potions knowledge to attempt to discern what they may do.

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 2/11 mins
Heroism: 2/70 mins
Stoneskin: 2/70 min,30/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 2/11 mins
Haste (from Rigging): 4/12

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

12 pretty nice swords
12 pale green potions
12 angry looking red and black mixed potions
1 bright blue potion

Wednesday October 17th, 2007 2:28:19 AM

Lets proceed to the main temple and go below, we have to do a task we care later about the magic stuff

Val (AC 27, HP 136/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire), Haste 
Wednesday October 17th, 2007 11:16:02 AM

"Throw them in a bag or leave em here. We need to get moving. We should rescue the girls as well before more of them get seeded." Val says as she goes to see if any of her arrows are retrievable.

arrows used: 11
missed shots: 3

ooc: don't missed shots have a 50% chance for recovery?

Appolo Invisible 
Wednesday October 17th, 2007 11:56:34 AM

A invisibleAppolo says"We need to head downstairs and kill the heartseeds and the Heartseed tree along with the undead priests and creatures guard them.We do that and we can free a whole nation.Not just save few girls."He then heads for the door and quietly opens taking a look to see what's out there..

Ari Invisible and waitingon rule interpretation 
Wednesday October 17th, 2007 1:06:02 PM

Todd, I posted my response right under your original question, however I will repost it here as well.

Ari's spells
Monday October 15th, 2007 11:59:49 PM
Kent - why are Ari's spells that he cast upon himself gone ??

i thought they were able to be kept as long as he didn't fall below -10 and be beyond healing

**OOPs sorry, I left out a couple of important words in my post. It should have read:

Ari also fallen, loses the spells needing concentration, that he had cast on himself.

As he lost conciousness, he automatically loses concentration.

Tapping Apollo with invisibility, Ari does the same for himself.

"We were tasked to destroy the temple. The temple is the bigger thing to worry about. If you want to save the children, then divide our forces. Let the other groups take care of the children, unless the vision we were given suggests something else. Wasn't there something that the Acid or Acids' were supposed to do?"

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 92/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Prayer ,haste 
Wednesday October 17th, 2007 7:49:53 PM

Nezamil shares the potions with Mykael so he can figure them out .

"Captain i say we go to the main temple .... with a look at the vile experiments on the young children "this must be stopped ... this madness must be exposed so the people of Asildur can see the truth of Ga'als priesthood" growls the Cleric of Domi

"perhaps our friends can storm the girls room ?...while we tale to the lower temple levels ?" asks Nezamil

"but we must move quickly"

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Prayer 9/11 1rd/per lvl 3rd lvl
Haste (from Rigging)

(pay attention to spells cast upon you and group spells )
(+1 haste to reflex,+1 prayer to reflex,+2 protection from evil to reflex)

Ashira hps 119/120 haste prayer (sub George) 
Wednesday October 17th, 2007 8:45:04 PM

Ashira growls, "The priests are responsible for this horror and must be killed. It was part of our assignmennt also. Kill the priests, kill the heartseed and bring down the temple. My vote is to kill the priests."

Rigging "Illegal post" 
Wednesday October 17th, 2007 8:54:40 PM

"OK on to the main temple. Cosmo, summon some allies now. This your time to carry the battle. I want you to gather your friends but make sure they spread out so a single dispel won't take out several of them. It is up to you to win this battle so we all have the strength to keep the fight up.

Bart if we can determine the magic of the potions and find they are healing, then it will help extend our stay in battle and we can do more damage. That is the only reason we are delaying at all. Use the enemies weapons against them.

When we move into them temple, I will use my cone of cold on the largest group I can see. I want Bart, Val and Appolo to identify the high priest and get to him and cut him down. Work as a team.

The rest of you, use teamwork to take down single opponents fast. Gang up on them. We need to move quickly."

Finally Rigging turns to the allies and says, "You have fought well and bravely. Things are going to even get more hairy but you can see our cause is just. (Rigging points to the bodies of the dead children). The girls are going through the same horror in the room next to the alter but I think you can expect the same kind of resistance. We have seen over 13 priests and another quad. If you think you can handle them, you have my blessing but you are also welcome at our side."

Rigging turns to Appolo and says, "What do you see?"

DM Kent (round 22)  d100=71 d100=42 d100=100
Wednesday October 17th, 2007 9:49:16 PM

Mykael notices that the potions are the same kind as were recovered before.

Val looks around and is able to recover one of her missed arrows the other two hit the wall and were destroyed.

Questions are asked about their allies who look like they want to aid the girls if possible but are unsure of how they might get to the girls quickly to ensure a fair chance to save them anbd whether or not they could handle the amount of resistance that Rigging is suggesting they may face. Finally Jordy steps forward.

"We will come with you into the temple and if we prevail in there and you head downstairs, we will then try to free the girls."

The rest of the Wildcards are chomping at the bit to kill priests and free Ailsidur from Ga'al.

Apollo takes a peek through the door and sees that the priest's quarters really is currently empty and the doors to the outside and to the sanctuary are closed.

Moving forward and opening the door to look into the sanctuary, the rogue sees that the sanctuary is basically dark, lit only by about 12 thick and tall yellow candles spread evenly throughout the temple.

The santuary is absolutely gorgeous. Obsidian black stone with gold, silver and mithril trim. There are red scarf like banners periodically placed to add a splash of color.

The pews are of a black wood with dark red soft leather pews with Gold fringe and trim. There is a large black stone alter at the front of the sanctuary that has a huge statue of Ga'al looking down upon it.

There is the faint smell of dissipated insence permeating the sanctuary and there is a soft baroque like music emmanating from somewhere. Around the temple and particulary around the alter there are long sinewy tendrils hanging down slightly swaying to the music.

Moving around the sanctuary are two older robed men, stopping occasionally to tend to the tentacles and refill inscence sconces in prepration for the morning service.

Apollo quietly closes the door and heads back to report to Rigging and the others.

Thursday October 18th, 2007 2:22:13 AM

Bart wait for Apollo's report. It looks quit was it the same way when u entered Ashira?

Lets go in anyway

Val (AC 27, HP 136/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire), Haste 
Thursday October 18th, 2007 8:53:17 AM

"The high priest then all priests." Val says coldly as she takes her good arrow out of the wall.

"Send em all to Gargul."

arrows used: 10

ooc: how long does haste last? Will it be gone by the next battle?

Thursday October 18th, 2007 3:34:52 PM

Ari waits for Apollo to get back and report.

Rigging ac 23 hps 78/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, haste, message x2 prayer 
Thursday October 18th, 2007 7:28:02 PM

Rigging after hearing Appolo's report moves forward to the door and says, "OK Cosmo, time to do your stuff. Summon some monsters to attack those two priests and we will see what they draw out."

haste 6/12

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2*,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Ashira hps 119/120 haste prayer (sub George) 
Thursday October 18th, 2007 7:34:27 PM

Ashira moves up with her weapons ready to spring into action. She only is waiting for the orders to rush forth and kill more priests and servants of Ga'al.

Thursday October 18th, 2007 7:42:24 PM

OOC Guys I am getting extremely frustrated with the lack of posting during a combat situation. One sentence posting isn't much better. This is supposed to be a dragon level test for all of us. I need ideas, opinions, tactics from all of you.

As leader of the group and Captain of the ship, if this keeps up, I am only gonna give your characters half shares come treasure splitting time unless things get better. I think during the rest of this module at least 4 posts a week, preferrably 5 is necessary. If you can't do it, get a sub. I know I sound like a dictator here but I am that frustrated.

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 92/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Prayer ,haste 
Thursday October 18th, 2007 8:04:56 PM

Nezamil nods in agreement with Captain Riggings plan of sending in summoned creatues first to trip any traps .

Whispering " lets work together ... teamwork is vital now ... lets gang up on something to take it down quickly .... no solo heros "

" Ashira i'll wait to see what the dimensions of the lower levels are before i cast enlarge on you ..... don't want to restrict you too much " whispers the dwarf to the sea elf

Quickly running his repertoire of remaining spells in his head Nezamil ready's himself for the next phase of the battle "i'm ready Captain "

Turning to their friends " you have all done great ..... glad your with us ...you have all shown great courage .... Domi bless you all "encourages the Cleric of Domi

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Prayer 9/11 1rd/per lvl 3rd lvl
Haste (from Rigging)

Spell list
Zero-Create water x2,light x2 ,Read magic,Mending
1st -detect undead*,Divine favor,Pro-from-evil x2**,Hide from undead*,Shield of faith x2*(enlarge))
2nd -Aid* ,Resist energy* ,Owl's wisdom,Silence x3***
(Bull str)
3rd - Searing light x2,Magic circle* ,Blindness,Protection from energy*(Magic vestment*)
4th - Airwalk x2** Divine power,deathward*(Spell imunnity*)
5th - True seeing*,Rightous might,Wall of stone(Spell resistance*)
6th - Blade barrier (anti magic field)

* cast spell

Thursday October 18th, 2007 9:16:01 PM

Appolo gets back and makes his report.He then prepares for battle."Oh and by the way I think it's High Priestess not High Priest."He says with an invisible smile.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63)  d3=2
Thursday October 18th, 2007 9:23:48 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
SM IV: 7/7 (from wand)

"Will do captain. I'll summon some apes (2) to attack them."

Cosmo uses the Wand of SM IV again to summon some fiendish apes. They will arrive the next round and then start attacking the priests.

Location: ? with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 3)

Thursday October 18th, 2007 10:03:31 PM

George you need to chill. When I give suggestions and they are ignored what am I supposed to do? I mentioned saving the girls more than once and what are we doing? Standing around and twiddling our thumbs. I'd be more than happy to move on alone if it wasn't going to get me killed. Also yeah this is important. It is a big module. But it is still just D&D. People can't find a sub when they unexpectedly have to stay late at work. Maybe they have to pick their kids up or something goes wrong while making dinner. Life doesn't plan around the wold.

Now I can say it again, let's go save the girls. Or I can just go on my own. If there aren't any priests there then we can get more innocents out before we try to destroy the place. You know except for your spell list you posted a one sentence post as well.

Kent (Rd 23) 
Friday October 19th, 2007 12:11:36 AM

The Wildcards and their allies move through the laboratory and into the empty barracks and toward the door to the sanctuary, where Cosmo begins to cast and the other prepare for their entry into the temple area.

Friday October 19th, 2007 2:45:16 AM

Can someone cast invis on me so i can kill thos priest by surprise? Lets go Appollo maybe we can even make it to the girls dorm if there only these 2

Val (AC 27, HP 136/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire), Haste 
Friday October 19th, 2007 6:38:27 AM

"Is there a way to put silence on one of my arrows? If the arrow is stuck in his chest its going to eliminate any spells he can cast and be hard to remove? If I pop into the room and start firing arrows they are going to immediately start casting spells. Appolo, Bart if one of you could slash the alarm cord when entering the room right away that would be great. We got lucky in the last room that nobody pulled it."

Friday October 19th, 2007 9:27:29 AM

Unfortunately George is headed in the right direction. Having played on a Dragon level board, I feel that the posting in general is not up to par. Part of the problem (IMHO) is what Walter brings up too. Much of the time no one is either reading each other's posts, or they don't feel like they need to respond to them, or they forget about the previous postings when they go to post the next time. At the beginning of the first combat I was looking for some clarification on some spells. No one responded and luckily I think Kent let it slide. I'm not saying I'm perfect because I've put in some one sentence posts myself. Most of the time it's because I cannot think of anything on my own to really say, sometimes it's because of lack of time, much of the time there's not much in anyone's posts for me to respond to, or to give me an idea of where to go.

Rigging ac 23 hps 78/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, haste, message x2 prayer 
Friday October 19th, 2007 9:31:23 AM

Rigging shrugs and pulls out his greater invisiblilty wand and taps Appolo with it. "This won't last very long (7 rounds) but you will stay invisible. Be careful though. The invisiblity spell didn't seem to work last time at least against the quads. Not sure if the priests have the same advantages."

Rigging turns to Val, "I think we used most of them up during our intial assault againts the bell tower." He turns to Nezamil and the allies, "Can any of you cast silence? If so, please cast it on Val's arrow.

Cosmo, Please keep summoning monsters for now. Hopefully yours spring a trap or two, but two apes might not be enough. Have one appear by the tentacles if you can. Curious to see if they are hostile. Better an ape than us.

haste 7/12

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2*,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Appolo Ac 30 Hp 88 Haste Greater Invisibility  d20+18=30 d20+16=23 d20+10=21 d20+8=16
Friday October 19th, 2007 12:39:26 PM

Appolo nods to Rigging and moves quickly and silently into the main sancutary.Moving silently and sticking to the shadows he stalks his prey.

Move Silent 30 Hide 23 Spot 21 Listen 16

Ari (invisible (wand 7th level), resist energy (fire)) 
Friday October 19th, 2007 3:31:43 PM

Still hoping that the element of surprise might be on their side, Ari moves with the rest of the swords into the new section of the temple.

Ari casts Resist energy (fire) on himself. See if they can get me with this cast.

(ooc didn't get a chance to double check my old spell list to see if anything survived unconsciousness)

*** No prob if you get the chance do it over the weekend and edit your post accordingly. KL

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 92/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Prayer ,haste 
Friday October 19th, 2007 8:06:25 PM

"Sorry Val i cast all my spells of silence when we started ... but was a good idea " replys the dwarf " cutting the alarm is is a nice idea too .... i think thats possible if one of us heads straight for it and try's to do exactly that ..... at worst .... we can block the priests from ringing it by cutting them off from it "

"No time to waste ... i say lets move and quickly " adds Nezamil

"just remember the warning about the two undead beings in the heartseed garden below .... i remember the treant is one but don't remember the second one ..... i have cast spells to hide from the undead on all of us "

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Prayer 9/11 1rd/per lvl 3rd lvl
Haste (from Rigging)

Ashira hps 119/120 haste prayer (sub George)  d20+4=5
Friday October 19th, 2007 9:32:19 PM

ooc Kent, what do you want me to do with her spells. Doesn't look like Nellie will be back quickly so I need to know. Do you just want me to pick some?

***George go ahead and pick spells as I can't seem to find what she normally would choose. She has her available spells on her sheet and she gets 2 1st and 2 2nd level spells. We are also only going to sub for her for 1 more week. If she is not back by next Friday she will haveto go inactive.


Ashira decides to try and back up Appolo. She activates her invisiblity ring and heads into the room trying to keep to the shadows incase the priests can see invisible. She does a bad job of it rolling a natural 1.

DM Kent 
Friday October 19th, 2007 10:56:01 PM

Sorry guys,

I will have to post in the morning, I am sicker than a dog. Had to run the the basin twice since posting a response to George's Ashira question.

Mykael HP: 41/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead, Haste) 
Saturday October 20th, 2007 1:23:09 AM

OOC: Kent you posted the 10 potions were like the previous ones. Can you be more clear? How many of each different kind?

IC: Mykael takes position behind the warriors and prepares to follow them in when the group charges.

"Bart, any loot we dont get now, we dont get period. We are leaving by different means. I dont think we will be heading back this way."

"The bigger picture is the basement, not the girls, as much as it pains me to say."

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 2/11 mins
Heroism: 2/70 mins
Stoneskin: 2/70 min,30/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 2/11 mins
Haste (from Rigging): 7/12

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

12 pretty nice swords
12 pale green potions
12 angry looking red and black mixed potions
1 bright blue potion

Saturday October 20th, 2007 8:28:02 AM

Rigging quick cast invis on me to i will help Apollo after i cut the alarm cord

DM Kent  d20+20=24 d20+20=26 d20+20=32 d20+20=38 d20+20=25 d20+20=25 d8+4=8 d8+4=10 d8+4=12 d8+4=7 d8+4=5 d8+4=9 d2=1 d2=1 d2=1 d2=1 d2=1 d2=1
Saturday October 20th, 2007 8:28:44 AM

Cosmo continues casting his summoning spell and for some reason it seems to be a much harder casting than ever before, almost as if something is resisting it. Finally the apes pop into existance near the alter and almost immediately a number of tentcles lash out and start pummeling and trying to grab hold of the beasts. Each beast is struck by three thorny tentacles.
ACs 24, 26, 32, 38, 25, 25; Ape 1, 30 points damage + 3 fort saves DC 27 or lose 3 points of contsitution. Ape 2, 21 points damage + 3 fort saves DC 27 or lose 3 points constitution.

Several invisibility spells are asked for and provided, silensed arrows are asked for but there don't seem to be any left. and the crew watches and readies themselves to pour through the double doors.


The priests, alerted to the apes by the disturbance abruptly turn and look to see what is going on. Seeing the apes engaged with the tentacles, they begin to carefully look around the room as if searching for something. Apparently not finding anythin out of the usual, they seem to go back to what they were doing before, although it appears that they might be more on guard than they were. Listen DC 17 Highlight to display spoiler: { if you made your hearing check, you hear the soft tinkling of what is likely a small hand held bell, being rung every few seconds by one of the priests, and you are pretty darn sure that it wasn't beeing rung before.}

(OOC - potions four pale blue three of each of the other two)

Val (AC 27, HP 136/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire), Haste  d20+9=16
Saturday October 20th, 2007 10:36:23 PM

"I knew I should have picked up some silence enchanted arrows in the catacombs. It would be tough to cast spells when the silenced item is in their chest. Don't worry Nez. I'm looking forward to the undead. I'm prepared for that." Val says and pats the warhammer at her hip. It's transparent, almost ghostly. Like it should fall from its hook with a single step.

Val peeks at the apes. "Okay something is seriously wrong. Two apes run into their temple and they don't even blink. This is definitely a trap. We need to change things up a little. We have no silence and they are likely waiting for us. I have two tokens that will instantly grow some good size trees. Could we possibly use them to punch through the ceiling and get to the second floor? Find an entrance they don't expect us to use. A second idea. Can we make a few illusionary us' and send them in first? If its more than those two priests we'll know from back here. We can hit the ambushers with spells and arrows from this doorway. When things get hot we can fall back to the narrower dormitory where numbers don't mean so much."

ooc: listen check 16
arrows used: 10
Protection from energy-fire- 90 pts
haste 8/12

Bart invissible  d20+17=26 d10+21=29 d6=1
Sunday October 21st, 2007 11:27:07 AM

Bart sneaks in (only if invis is casted on him) trying to get near a priest and attack him power attack +5 (ac 26 for 29+1 shock)

Sunday October 21st, 2007 12:12:25 PM

Kent need a couple more details about the tentacles. How are they arranged? Are they hanging from the ceiling? Are they part of a larger plant? Do they come up from the ground? Thinking about tactics which migh make this important. Also not quite sure where they are in the room. Don't see them on the map. Can you give a location?

There are a total of 18; eight coming out of various points in the alter/statue, and 10 from the walls 5 on each side evenly spaced along each. You remember seing them during the service and they were reaching across the room from both sides and the ones from temple can reach 40 feet into the sanctuary.

Fiendish Apes - 2 total  d20+8=10 d20+8=21 d20+8=12 d20+8=14 d20+8=20 d20+8=24
Sunday October 21st, 2007 10:22:38 PM

Fort saves ape 1 - 10, 21 & 12
Fort saves ape 2 - 14, 20 & 24

The apes are thrashed by the tentacles. Poison? courses through their bodies weakening them to the point that they pop out of our plane back to their own.

OOC - reduction in Con lowers their HP's to below the damage so they die.

Mykael HP: 41/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead, Haste) 
Sunday October 21st, 2007 11:50:45 PM

Watching the goings on, Mykael notes that none of the invisible Wildcards were caught by the tenticles. Thus he knows, that none are close to the altar.

Deciding to be pro-active, Mykael pulls out the Wand of Dispel Magic (10th lvl), that Rigging made and gave to him.

He uses the wand from his position through the slightly open doorway.

Using the 20ft radius burst, area feature of the spell, Mykael centers it on the alter.

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 2/11 mins
Heroism: 2/70 mins
Stoneskin: 2/70 min,30/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 2/11 mins
Haste (from Rigging): 8/12

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

12 pretty nice swords
15 pale green potions
15 angry looking red and black mixed potions
5 bright blue potion

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 92/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Prayer ,haste  d20+7=23
Monday October 22nd, 2007 12:19:09 AM

Nodding at Val's words " Yeah certainly feels like a trap ... can ya hear dem bells ringing ?? "(d20+7=23 listen ch)

Continuing to whisper " they know were here and that the temple been attacked and act like nothing has happened .... a trap for sure ...
but do we have another choice besides springing it ??"

Turning to the four combined groups survivors " its a trap ... just follow our lead " whispers the dwarf

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Prayer 7/11 1rd/per lvl 3rd lvl
Haste (from Rigging)

Appolo Ac 30 Hp 88 Greater Invisibility Haste  d20+8=26 d20+18=27 d20+16=24 d20+14=20 d20+14=32 d8+6=7 d10+6=14 6d6(2+6+1+4+1+4)=18 6d6(1+1+5+6+1+1)=15
Monday October 22nd, 2007 2:20:47 PM

Appolo moves silintly and quickly.He hearsa rining that wasn't there.He is pissed that no one has hit the priests.So he does.He comes up behind them and backstabs them both once.

Listen 26 Move Slintly 27 Hide 24

Shortsword 20 Longsword 32 Damage Shortsword7 Longsword 14 Backstab Shorsword 18 Backstab Longsword 15 First Priest Total 25 Second Priest Total 29

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 80/80 Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (5 of 70 points), Shield ( 5 min),protection from evil (5 min), invisibiilty , Silence (?) , displacement , resist energy (fire) 
Monday October 22nd, 2007 4:48:33 PM

(ooc not sure what to look for as far as concentration on the spells listed. I would appreciate any help as I ran out of time to do some further reading on this.

Also I need total elapsed time from first casting, assuming that Ari keeps some of the listed spells (resist energy and invisibility are the only recent castings))

(I think Rigging cast invisibility on Bart, but if not Ari will tap him with the wand.)

Hearing the gasp/gurgle of one of the priests being attacked, Ari moves to join in on the attack.

Must be Apollo. No time to tell if we were ready for this attack. I hope his impatience doesn't backfire on us.

(ooc not sure of spacing, if I can attack with swords please add attacks.)

Monday October 22nd, 2007 6:59:16 PM

Cosmo nods his head when the group starts talking about this being a trap.

"Does look awful suspicious. What should we try next?"

Rigging ac 23 hps 78/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, haste, message x2 prayer 
Monday October 22nd, 2007 8:59:26 PM

Rigging growls at Cosmo, "I told you to keep summoning your creatures. I want the extra muscle! Now get busy!

Rigging pulls out one of the scrolls Mykael gave him and reads off a wall of fire spell. He tries to put the ring around the alter with the flames heat burning in towards the tentacles.

"OK kill the priests now before their friends show up."

haste 8/12

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2*,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2 used one
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

DM Kent (Rd. 25)  d20+20=34 d20+20=32 d20+20=26 d20+20=30 d20+20=40 d20+20=24 d20+20=24 d8+4=7 d8+4=12 d2=1 d2=2 d8+4=7 d8+4=6 d2=1 d2=1 d20+20=34 d20+20=36 d8+4=8 d8+4=11 d2=2 d2=2 d2=1 2d6(5+3)+13=21
Monday October 22nd, 2007 9:23:04 PM

The Apes take a beating and vanish back to whence they came

Some of the Wildcards move into the room,(the invisible Bart, Apollo, and Ari) to try and attack the priests and trying to avoid the now wildly thrashing tendrils.

Bart and Apollo both get struck by two tendrils each and manage to each doge a third. 34, 32, 26 & Ac 30, 40(24), 24. Bart takes 19 points damage + 2 fort saves DC 24 or take 3 points of con damage. Apollo takes 13 points damage + 2 fort saves DC 24 or 2 points con damage.

Ari manages to just get into the room next just past Mykael and gets struck by 2 flailing tentacles [b]AC 34, AC 36. Ari takes 19 points + 2 fort saves DC 24 or lose 4 points con.

Bart and Apollo manage to get the jump on their priests even though they are aware of something's presence. Bart's attack connects due to flanking and surprise, and Apollo attacks as well but as he is only near one priest he focusses all his attacks there, but connects only once with his longsword and short sword.

Mykael pulls a wand and manages to keep hold of it while being wailed upon and sends a charge directly at the alter. There is a momentary flash and the tentacles coming out of it seemd to be moving quite a bit slower, but other than that not much else seems to have changed.

Rigging pulls out a scroll and after scrutinizing the room from where he is he casts a ring of fire around the alter. Nearly singing Ari, Apollo and Bart as well, as Riggin has no idea of where they are in the room. Tentacles 1-11 all take 21 points damage, though some of the damage seem to disappear almost immediately.

The other Wildcards wait within with the others.

Priests AC 31
Tentacles AC 27

Val (AC 27, HP 136/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire), Haste  d20+16=34 d20+16=33 d20+11=14 d20+6=16 d8+5=12 d6=1 d8+5=9 d6=3
Monday October 22nd, 2007 11:28:50 PM

Val moved into the doorway but she didn't enter the room. She didn't have to. Unfortunately all the priests and quad members were very well protected which was something she wasn't used to dealing with. Still feeling the effects of the magic, Val's bowstring hummed like a one note harp as she fired off several arrows at the stand alone priest (p1)

ooc: haste 9/12, protection from energy fire- 90 pts, 120 min.

arrows used: 14
missed shots: 2

1st attack hit ac 34 for 12 normal and 1 fire. 2nd attack hit ac 33 for 9 normal and 3 fire. last two attacks missed.

attendence report 
Tuesday October 23rd, 2007 12:20:05 AM

Dm Kent xxxxxxo
Rigging o2xxxoo
Ashira oxxxxoo
Appolo xxxxxoo
Val xoxxxxo
Bart xoxxx2o
Nezamil xxxxxox
Mykael ooxooxx
Cosmo oxoxooo
Ari xxxxxoo

overall good posting!!!

Mykael and Cosmo !! thats two poor weeks in a row!! we're in combat please try and do better !!
Leaves a glass of milk with a chocolate chip brownie for Ceil ;-)

"Hmmmmmm! Chocolats any time! "Mmmmmmmm" Ceil

Mykael HP: 41/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead, Haste)  d20+16=20 d20+11=17 d20+16=22 d10+4=13 d10+4=13 d10+4=9
Tuesday October 23rd, 2007 1:19:22 AM

Since the dispel didnt work, Mykael decides to opt for more mundane ways to handle the tenticles.

He moves only close enough to be able to attack one as it thrashes about.

1st: AC 20, 13 dam
2nd: AC 17, 13 dam
haste: AC 22, 9 dam

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 2/11 mins
Heroism: 2/70 mins
Stoneskin: 2/70 min,30/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 2/11 mins
Haste (from Rigging): 9/12

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

12 pretty nice swords
15 pale green potions
15 angry looking red and black mixed potions
5 bright blue potion

Bart Ac 30 Hp 76/95 Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism ,inviso,Haste  d20+15=31 d20+15=29 d20+21=34 d20+16=22 d20+11=20 d20+21=22 d10+11=14 d6=2
Tuesday October 23rd, 2007 1:46:49 AM

The priest are hard to fight! Bart manages only to hit him once (ac 34 for 14+2)

Tuesday October 23rd, 2007 1:00:11 PM

"Rigging, I didn't want to waste charges on something the summoned creatures may not be able to defeat. I will summon a Lantern Archon. I can send him forward and do some scouting."

Cosmo uses the wand of SM IV and summons a Lantern Archon.

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 92/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Prayer ,haste  d20+6=22
Tuesday October 23rd, 2007 5:00:36 PM

Nezamil moves tpwards the doorway stopping next to Val .

"Anybody see a stairwell or doorway ?? ... we gotta find a way down " as the dwarf surveys the inside of the temple (d20+6=22 spot ch)(plus Nezamil has true seeing spell)

" we can't waste our time fightimg these tentacles"

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Prayer 7/11 1rd/per lvl 3rd lvl
Haste (from Rigging)

roglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 50/69(80) Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (5 of 70 points), Shield ( 5 min),protection from evil (5 min), invisibiilty , Silence (?) , displacement , resist energy (fire)  d20+9=29 d20+9=19 d20+11=19 d20+6=21
Tuesday October 23rd, 2007 5:13:53 PM

Moving to where he can be of best use, Ari tries to add to the attacks (I temporarily cannot see the map you sent. If Ari cannot aid with the priest he will back up or get out of the way and retrieve his bow)

Taking an extra effort to try to hit the priest by concentrating on only one sword, Ari hits AC 19 and 21 (missing).

Appolo Ac 30 Hp 75/88 Greater invisibility Haste 
Tuesday October 23rd, 2007 5:47:10 PM

Appolo takes the hits and retreats back out of the room moving with all speed.He does this after finding himself ineffective.He'l wait.

Rigging ac 23 hps 78/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, haste, message x2 prayer 
Tuesday October 23rd, 2007 7:33:10 PM

Rigging is dismayed at the impass and how ineffectual his wall of fire seems to be. He tries to deal with the tentacles in another fashion summoning his magic once again.

Rigging casts an Evard's tentacles on the alter area trying to give the tentacles a piece of their own pain.

haste 8/12

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles*, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2*,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2 used one
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Ashira hps 119/120 haste prayer (sub George)  d20+19=33 d20+19=32 d20+14=17 d20+9=25 d20+19=38 d20+19=32 d20+10=12 d20=9 d8+7=11 d8+7=10 d6+4=5 d6+4=7
Tuesday October 23rd, 2007 7:45:00 PM

OOC (Kent, I forgot to post for Ashira last round but the round before I said she was following Appolo. She wasn't attacked by tentacles but I am assuming she is by the priest that Appolo attacked last round)

Ashira grins in delight as one of the hated priests of Ga'al is in her sword range. Ashira's arms move in a blur with her enhanced speed and two weapon fighting style.

Long sword hits ac 33 for 11 points of damge
Long sword hits ac 32 for 10 points of damage
Shortsword hits ac 39 (critical hit chance, crit check hits ac 21 Critical hit!)12 points of damage. Cleric takes total of 33 points.

(ooc Kent Nellie emailed me today and said she is coming back tomorrow, so I will let her pick her spells.)

DM Kent (Rd 26)  2d6(6+3)+12=21 d3=1 d3=2 d20+16=32 d20+16=27 d6+4=7 d2=2 d3=3 d20+15=19 d20+10=17
Tuesday October 23rd, 2007 10:28:50 PM

Bart watches as several of the priest's previous wounds begin to heal themselves and then he again connects with his blade.

Cosmo begins summoning a Lantern.

Val sends some arrows flashing toward and into the other priest across the room.

Mykael begins to think about his dispel a bit and realizes that it did work in a sense, just not how he expected it to, and he isn't exactly sure what happened with it.

Rigging changes course and casts his own tentacle spell and soon the eight alter tentacles are mixing it up with the Evard's tentacles.

Apollo retreats and Ari misses.

Ashira makes up for that miss by slicing into the priest and dropping him to the floor.

Moving in a bit closer he tries to attack a flailing tentacle and manages to hit air three times.

Nez looks around the place looking for the entry down and recalls from the map they have of the place that the way down was marked as a secret door set into the alter itself which is now surrounded by fire and covered with all kinds of tentacles.


Those in the room and in the doorway see that a quad and their handler have entered the sanctuary from the other side directly opposite you.

The three tentacles still protruding through the fiery wall take some more damage but still flail around Ashira is hit once AC 32 for 7 points + 1 fort save DC 24 or lose 2 points of con. Ari just manages to duck the tentacle that comes slamming towards him.

Ashira also manages to attract the attention of the priest she just hit as he swing his mace at her, missing twice.

Priest 1 looks across and sees his brother being attacked and casts a spell. Ari, Ashira, Mykael and Bart feels something enter their minds and try to take control of them. They each begin to feel the urge to flee the Cathedral. Greater command - Will save DC 20 or flee the Cathedral out the nearest exit.

Val (AC 27, HP 136/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire), Haste  d20+16=28 d20+16=24 d20+11=28 d20+6=8
Wednesday October 24th, 2007 6:37:12 AM

Val continues to fire off arrows at the priest across the room. However the presence of another quad distracts her and her shots miss their mark.

haste 9/12, protection from energy fire- 90 pts, 120 min.

arrows used: 14
missed shots: 6

ooc: heading to work. only time for brief post.

Bart Ac 30 Hp 76/95 Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism ,inviso,Haste  d20+11=26 d20+21=39 d20+21=33 d20+16=30 d20+11=15 d20+21=28 d10+11=16 d10+11=21 d6=4
Wednesday October 24th, 2007 11:54:59 AM

Bart resist the urge to flee , and attacks the priest in front (crit ac 33 for 37+4)

roglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 50/69(80) Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (5 of 70 points), Shield ( 5 min),protection from evil (5 min), invisibiilty , Silence (?) , displacement , resist energy (fire) (has  d20+8=27
Wednesday October 24th, 2007 6:01:06 PM

Shaking off the effects of the latest spell attempt Ari thinks, I was just thinking about something similar.

Thinking of the spell he had in mind, Ari moves towards P1 (if he needs to for range) and intones "That spell didn't work very well and it seems that your breath stinks. Could you please gargle here in front of us until I tell you otherwise!" (Suggestion, DC 17)

Ashira hps 112/120 haste prayer (sub George)  d20+15=34 d20+10=20 d20+18=31 d20+18=36 d20+18=32 d20+13=28 d20+3=14 d20+18=25 d20+9=13 d20-1=6 d8+7=9 d8+7=10 d8+7=10 d8+7=10
Wednesday October 24th, 2007 6:40:16 PM

OOC Nellie, If you come on to post today, please feel free to delete my post and do your own. I wouldn't be able to post later and didn't want you to miss.

Ashira feels the pain from the tentacle but is able to ignore the poison with a fort save of 34.

She then feels her mind invaded and almost starts to run from the room but halts herself with a massive effort. (Will save 20. Thanks prayer spell)

She blurs into action chopping into the tentacle to her south. If she finishes the one and can move to the other, she will do so with her later hits.

Hit ac 32 Damage 9
Hit ac 38 possible critical hit ac 32 critical hit damge 20 if they can be hit with critical, otherwise 10
Hit ac 28 damage 10
Miss ac 14
Miss ac 25
Miss ac 13
Miss ac 6

Thanks George, I like your numbers...I mean post. **wink**---Nellie

Rigging ac 23 hps 78/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, haste, message x2 prayer  12d6(4+1+6+3+4+5+3+2+1+5+4+4)=42 d20+17=28 d20+17=25 d20+14=33 d20+14=30 d20+14=15 d20+14=19 d20+14=33
Wednesday October 24th, 2007 6:50:26 PM

Rigging will move into the room to the best location to cast his cone of cold while getting as many quad members and priests as possible.

He will raise his hands and intone a spell sending a cone of cold towards his enemies hoping to strike them down fast as possible.
42 points of damage or 21 with reflex save of 21. Made two concentration checks of 28 and 25 if needed.

spell resistance rolls of 33. 30. 15 (natural 1), 19 and 33

"Hurry up and kill these vermin so we can finish this!"

haste 9/12

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles*, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2**,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2 used one
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63) 
Wednesday October 24th, 2007 7:49:15 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
SM IV (Lantern Archon): 7/7 (from wand)
SM IV (Fiendish Apes): -/7 (from wand)

Cosmo gives the Lantern Archon some directions.

"Scout out that room over there and report back. Do not be gone more than half a minute."

Cosmo uses the Wand of SM IV to summon some fiendish apes that will arrive the next round.

Location: ? with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 5)

Appolo Ac30 Hp75/88 Greater Invisibility Haste-2 Con 
Wednesday October 24th, 2007 7:58:38 PM

Appolo sits tight and waits he's not going in there with those tentacles.He watches as the quad approaches.

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 92/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Prayer ,haste  d20+11=16 5d8(7+3+3+2+2)=17
Wednesday October 24th, 2007 8:59:22 PM

Looking about the battle Nezamil remembers the hidden door by the alter " Captain if i'm right there is an entrance to the lower part of the temple by the alter .... but guess we hafta get by the tentacles first "

Spotting the Quad on the other side the Cleric of Domi points his hand in the priests(#3) direction "feel Domi's power " prays Nezamil as a ray of light (casting searing light) blasts the priest (5d8(7+3+3+2+2)=17 damage)

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Prayer 6/11 1rd/per lvl 3rd lvl
Haste (from Rigging)

(anyone within 10ft radius of Nezamil gets protection from evil as he has circle of protection cast upon himself)(Nezamil is standing by the doorway)

Spell list
Zero-Create water x2,light x2 ,Read magic,Mending
1st -detect undead*,Divine favor,Pro-from-evil x2**,Hide from undead*,Shield of faith x2*(enlarge))
2nd -Aid* ,Resist energy* ,Owl's wisdom,Silence x3***
(Bull str)
3rd - Searing light x2*,Magic circle* ,Blindness,Protection from energy*(Magic vestment*)
4th - Airwalk x2** Divine power,deathward*(Spell imunnity*)
5th - True seeing*,Rightous might,Wall of stone(Spell resistance*)
6th - Blade barrier (anti magic field)

* cast spell

Mykael HP: 41/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead, Haste) 
Wednesday October 24th, 2007 9:38:06 PM

With the Wall of Fire, and the new Tentacles forming... Mykael backs away, he notes the new quad.

Pulling out the Wand of Dispel again, Mykael aims a 20ft radius burst centered on the quad and thier handler.

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 2/11 mins
Heroism: 2/70 mins
Stoneskin: 2/70 min,30/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 2/11 mins
Haste (from Rigging): 9/12

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

12 pretty nice swords
15 pale green potions
15 angry looking red and black mixed potions
5 bright blue potion

DM kent (rd 27)  d20+13=17 d20+5=20 d20+4=18 d20+11=26 d20+11=15 d20+11=18 d20+11=26
Wednesday October 24th, 2007 11:24:58 PM

Val misses with her arrows.

Bart stabs the dead priest.

Ari casts his spell and the priest starts to make strange sounds with his throat and then forces himself to stop. (Save DC17) He then gets a very angry look on his face.

With the new fire damage, even with the healing that is going on Ashira severs and ends the movement of the tentacle she attacks.

The other tentacles take additional new fire dmage some of which heals almost immediately.

Both sets of tentacles inside the ring of fire take dmage as well.

Rigging moves to an area that best suits his purposes, knowing as he does that he is likely to put out his wall of fire.

It does indeed put out the fire but it also seesm t have done in all of the tentacles on the alter. The cone also catches both priests and all 4 quad members in its path dropping P1 and obvious doing some serious damage to P3 and two quad members. His cone of cold also seems to have ended the activity of one of the tentacles on the other side of the room as well.

Cosmo sends his lanter on his fishing expedition and begins casting anew.

Nez quickly ends the life of P3 with his spell.

Mykael casts a dispel on the quad, but is unsure of what effect it may have had.


Judging the spellcaster to be the greastet threat, the four quad members chagre across the room and cut Riggin off from the others.

Mykael HP: 41/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead, Haste)  d20+6=15 d20+6=12
Thursday October 25th, 2007 12:56:44 AM

Seeing Riggings situation, Mykael attempts something a little drastic to try and delay the quad until more help arrives.

Mykael leads with his shield and charges #3, using Improved Bull Rush, he tries to push him into #2. IF he succeeds and beats #3's roll by 5, then he tries to push him further into #1.

(OOC: The rules are not clear about pushing someone into another. Just trying to mess them up and/or knock them down to either screw up thier attacks or not allow them ones, even at the detriment to Mykael.)

(used last hero point for 2nd try, wasnt worth the attempt)

Bull Rush: 12

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 2/11 mins
Heroism: 2/70 mins
Stoneskin: 2/70 min,30/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 2/11 mins
Haste (from Rigging): 9/12

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

12 pretty nice swords
15 pale green potions
15 angry looking red and black mixed potions
5 bright blue potion

Darain - OOC 
Thursday October 25th, 2007 12:58:36 AM

(dang. Forgot to add in str on Bull Rush. Mykael gets a +1, not that it probably matters.)

Val (AC 27, HP 136/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire), Haste  d20+17=35 d20+17=33 d20+12=15 d20+7=19 d8+6=14 d6=1 d8+6=9 d6=4
Thursday October 25th, 2007 7:01:49 AM

Val takes a 5ft step into the doorway and turns toward the quad. Val aims for #4 shooting him in the back.

ooc: 1st attack ac 35 for 14 and 1 fire. 2nd attack hit ac 33 for 9 and 4 fire.

haste 10/12, protection from energy fire- 90 pts, 120 min.

arrows used: 16
missed shots: 8

ooc: heading to work. only time for brief post.

roglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 50/69(80) Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (5 of 70 points), Shield ( 5 min),protection from evil (5 min), invisibiilty , Silence (?) , displacement , resist energy (fire) (has  d20+12=30 d20+12=32 d6+3=4 d6+3=4 2d6(1+6)=7 2d6(6+4)=10
Thursday October 25th, 2007 5:43:23 PM

Ari sees Rigging in trouble and begins to move in his direction and gives one attack. (crit attack with crit hit for 4+4+7+10=25 points.

(ooc I forgot about haste.)

Thursday October 25th, 2007 7:12:11 PM

Todd, you need to move about 30' to your north to get to the quad. Since you have haste, you should have no problems getting there but you will only get one attack. Hope this helps

Rigging ac 23 hps 78/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, haste, message x2 prayer  d4=3
Thursday October 25th, 2007 7:22:39 PM

Rigging gulps as he sees his foes moving in to cut him off. "Guess I pissed them off or something. Rigging is relieved to see his friends coming to his aid but still decides some defensive action is required.

Rigging casts a mirror image on himself summoning 7 images for his foes to strike out plus himself.

(ooc Kent it looks like they are over 5' away on the map. If this is incorrect, Rigging will just withdraw back to the room with his friends)

haste 10/12

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles*, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2**,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2 used one
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Ashira hps 112/120 haste prayer (sub George)  d20+18=29 d8+7=10
Thursday October 25th, 2007 7:28:03 PM

OOC Nellie, If you come on to post today, please feel free to delete my post and do your own. I was afraid you were gonna miss and Rigging needs all the help he can get!

Ashira, sees her husband in dire straight being cut off by the quad and decides to give him a hand.

Ashira rushes over and engages a foe who looks to be wounded trying to bring down an enemy before they can hack into her husband.

hit ac 29 (not sure if she gets flanking but didn't give her the plus) and does 10 points of damage.

Fiendish Apes - 1 total  d3=1 d20+9=12 d20+9=25 d20+4=24 d20+4=24 d6+7=12 2d6(4+3)+6=13
Thursday October 25th, 2007 8:22:33 PM

Cosmo finishes summoning the Fiendish Ape. The ape appears 10 feet behind Quad member #4. The large ape uses his reach to attack the evil doer.

Ape 1 attacks:
Hit AC's 12, 25, & 24(24)
Damage 12 & 13

Fiendish Apes:
Size: Large (tall)
Space/Reach: 10'/10'
AC 14
HP's 37/37
Full attack: 2 claws +9 & 1 bite +4
Damage claws: 1d6+7
Damage bite: 1d6+3

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63) 
Thursday October 25th, 2007 8:26:34 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
SM IV (1 Lantern Archon): 6/7 (from wand)
SM IV (1 Fiendish Ape): 7/7 (from wand)
SM IV(): -/7 (from wand)

Cosmo watches as the Lantern Archon moves off into the other room and as the ape attacks one of the Wildcards enemies."

Well the boss wanted summoned creatures, so he's going to get summoned creatures. Cosmo burns another charge off the Wand of SM IV.

Location: ? with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 6)

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 92/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Prayer ,haste  d20+16=25 d8+6=9
Thursday October 25th, 2007 8:44:37 PM

Having made it to the doorway to cast his spell at the priest (#3) across the temple room the dwarf turns his attention to Rigging who's cornered .

"Domi be proud of him " growls the dwarf as he watches Mykael charge the Quad " right behind ya " as Nezamil charges after Mykael

Drawing his mace and shield as he charges he follows Mykaels tactics and lashes out with his mace at the Quad member (#3)

1st swing d20+16=25 damage d8=6=9!

(pg 154 phb charge +2 attack,-2 Ac )(Nezamil's AC is 32 this attack)

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Prayer 6/11 1rd/per lvl 3rd lvl
Haste (from Rigging)

(anyone within 10'ft radius of Nezamil gets protection from evil bonus ... remember to read what spells have been placed on you and what spells effect others also)

DM Kent (Rd 28)  d20+14=17 d20+15=31 d20+10=26 d8+10=16 d20+15=22 d20+10=24 d20+15=32 d20+15=16 d20+10=24 d20+10=18 d8=7 d8=8 d8=6 d8=3
Thursday October 25th, 2007 10:54:54 PM

Seeing their leader in somewhat dire straits, Mykael and Ari charge into the rescue while even after moving a bit Val doesn't have an unobstructed view of any of her opponents. Even so both of her arrows find their target, if just barely..

Riggin seeing that the quad stopped five feet away for some reason, casts a spell upon himself and suddenly the corner of the sanctuary gets very crowded looking.

Ashsira goes charging in to aid her hubby.

And cosmo's apes apear behind the quad as well and attack.

moments later the Lantern returns and reports that there is what apears to be guard quarters and a disgusting laboratory over there and a large locked wooden door, but there were no enemy that to be seen in the two rooms he was in.

Cosmo takes the report and begins casting yet again.

Nez follows the others and charges in to the fray.


Mykael is unable to bull rush his opponent and ends up bouncing back a bit. And then winces as he gets struck by well handled flail AC 31 for 16 points

Ari's opponet wields his flail with less acumen and misses with both strikes.

# 1 & 2 lash out with their flails at the multiple Riggings and connect with four that quickly disapear.

Bart Ac 30 Hp 76/95 Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism ,inviso,Haste  d20+21=37 d20+21=28 d10+11=12 d10+11=19 d6=4
Friday October 26th, 2007 1:14:08 AM

Bart rusehes over to Rigging trying to spring attack one of the quadmembers (threat ac 37 crit? ac 28 for 12 (+19 if crit)+ 4 shock

Apollo ac 30 Hp75/88 Greater Invisibility Haste -2 Con  d20+15=27 d20+15=33 d20+15=19 d10+6=9 d8+6=14 d6=3 12d6(4+1+1+4+1+5+3+5+5+2+6+4)=41
Friday October 26th, 2007 1:31:23 AM

Appolo follows the others quickly.Moving silently and invisibily,he backstabs 3 thre times.He is hoping to end this quickly so the can move on as he doesn't feel very well and isa little winded.

Attack 27 35 Critical hit 19 Damage 9 14x2=28 Shock damage 3=31+9=40 Backstab Damage 41

OOC Sorry about missing post had avery good friend die last night been busy all day.Forgot Agian my appologies.

Ashira hps 112/120 haste prayer  d20+19=35 d8+12=18 d20+14=19 d20+9=29 d20+9=19 d8+12=16 d20+19=33 d8+9=12 d20+10=19 d20=10
Friday October 26th, 2007 11:11:23 AM

Ashira nods her thanks as Bart joins the fray against the Quad threatening Rigging. That ought to even things up quite a bit! She continues to harry the opponent in front of her (#2), hoping to give Rigging the breathing room he needs to get out of this mess. She snarls at the Quad members in front of her, hoping to agitate them. "Hmmmph...going after the weakest link, huh? Back when I was in a Quad we always focused on the most important targets first. Guess they just don't make Quads like they used to."

**Note** I did not include the +2 flanking to any of these attacks if that matters.

AC 35 for 18
AC 19
AC 29/19 for 16
AC 33 for 12
AC 19
AC 10
Total Damage: 46

Val (AC 27, HP 136/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire), Haste  d20+17=32 d20+17=37 d20+17=35 d8+6=11 d6=4 3d8(2+1+2)+18=23 d6=2 2d10(7+4)=11
Friday October 26th, 2007 4:39:55 PM

With as heavily armored as these men were Val chose to pick her shots instead of wasting precious ammunition. She fires off two more shots at the same target #4 hoping not to hit any of the others. She grin when her first shot appeared to hit squared and felt a bit of pride when her second flaming arrow exploded with a burst of fire upon impact.

ooc: two shots. 1st attack hit ac 32 for 11 and 4 fire. 2nd shot crit, ac 35 to confirm for 23 and 13 fire

haste 11/12, protection from energy fire- 90 pts, 120 min.

arrows used: 18
missed shots: 8

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 92/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Prayer ,haste  d20+14=28 d20+9=26 d20+14=27 d8+5=13 d8+5=11 d8+5=6
Friday October 26th, 2007 9:03:41 PM

Lining up the Quad member (#3)for an attack the dwarf unleashes a torrent of blows on the Ga'alian warrior .

1st swing d20+14=28 damage d8+5=13
2nd swing d20+9=26 damage d8+5=11
3rd swing d20+14=27 (hasted)damage d8+5=6
total damage = 30

Nezamil grins as his mace smashes the warrior "Feel Domi's wrath " growls the dwarf

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Prayer 5/11 1rd/per lvl 3rd lvl
Haste (from Rigging)

(anyone within 10'ft radius of Nezamil gets protection from evil bonus ... remember to read what spells have been placed on you and what spells effect others also)

Fiendish Apes - 1 total  d20+9=24 d20+9=17 d20+4=7 d6+7=8
Friday October 26th, 2007 10:08:52 PM

The Fiendish Ape keeps attacking the Quad member using his reach.

Ape 1 attacks:
Hit AC's 24, 17 & 7
Damage 8

Fiendish Apes:
Size: Large (tall)
Space/Reach: 10'/10'
AC 14
HP's 37/37
Full attack: 2 claws +9 & 1 bite +4
Damage claws: 1d6+7
Damage bite: 1d6+3

Rigging ac 23 hps 78/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, haste, message x2 prayer mirror image 
Friday October 26th, 2007 10:57:14 PM

Rigging decides to save an offensive spell but defensively casts a detect magic. "Lets finish these up quickly. We need to keep moving."

He will look for useful magic on the quad and priests but also at the alter as well.

haste 11/12

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image*
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles*, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2**,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2 used one
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Mykael HP: 35/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead, Haste)  d20+16=19 d20+11=12 d20+16=33 d20+16=30 d10+4=13 d10=7
Saturday October 27th, 2007 1:57:32 AM

Mykael cuts into #3.

1st - AC: 19
2nd - AC: 12 (nat 1)
Haste - AC: 33 (crit), AC: 30 confirm?
Dam - 13, +7 if crit

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 3/11 mins
Heroism: 3/70 mins
Stoneskin: 3/70 min,40/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 3/11 mins
Haste (from Rigging): 10/12

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

12 pretty nice swords
15 pale green potions
15 angry looking red and black mixed potions
5 bright blue potion

DM (Round 29) 
Saturday October 27th, 2007 9:38:39 AM

With the influx of the rest of the wildcards the quad is quickly overwhwelmed.

Rigging's spell lights up several items on the dead quad and the three priests; the flails, three rings, a pendant, two daggers, one of the priest's pouches and two bloddy robes. A quick search reveals three vials of liquids on each quad member but they don't appear to be magical. To Nez's eye they appear to be the same colors as the others that have been found.

Slowly now that the neryt is clear the nine others come into the sanctuary.

Rigging ac 23 hps 78/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, haste, message x2 prayer mirror image 
Saturday October 27th, 2007 2:20:03 PM

(ooc Kent, does Rigging notie the tentacles to be magic? or do they seem to be some living thing?)

*****Tentacles seem to be both magical and living. Perhaps a magical animal?

Rigging points out the different magic items to the others and makes sure they are collected. He keeps scanning the room with his magically enhanced eyes looking for any other magic.

"OK it is time to try and save the girls. Cosmo, I want to send your summoned creatures in ahead to try and kill the priests. I don't think I will be very effective here since most of my spells left are either meant for taking down the heartseed bush or the church itself. I want to stay and try and find that secret door and send some prying eyes down to see what they can discover.

Hopefully we can take the priests down quickly and move to the lower levels. I expect we can as with our allies help. Wildcards concentrate on the high priests. Don't them get off mass spells.

Rigging will hand a knock scroll to both Cosmo and Mykeal (one each) "These should unlock the door for you." Rigging then pulls out a third scroll and casts knock on the alter area, looking for a secret door that was reported to them.

haste 12/12

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image*
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles*, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2**,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2 used one
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Ashira hps 112/120 haste prayer 
Sunday October 28th, 2007 12:01:00 PM

Ashira looks over at Rigging as she wipes the Quad's blood from her face. "Let me get this straight...you want us to go on while you check out this trapdoor alone?!" The ranger looks angry and worried. "No way." she states simply. "We're all sticking together."

DM kent (Converstional post) 
Sunday October 28th, 2007 12:07:32 PM

The members of the other groups step forward as Rigging talks about the saving girls.

"Let us take care of possibly saving the girls, I think that you might have some bigger things to take care below. I think there are enough of us so we should be able to do the job, and if not well, then perhap you will avenge us all by completint your chore."

Val (AC 26, HP 136/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire) 
Sunday October 28th, 2007 8:52:30 PM

"Splitting up is a terrible idea. They were waiting for us in here. The element of surprise is gone. We have to assume every room is trapped in some way."

arrows used: 18
missed shots: 8

ooc: how many of her 8 arrows can she recover?

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 92/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Prayer ,haste 
Monday October 29th, 2007 12:14:09 AM

Quickly searching the bodies Nezamil stuffs the items he can into his haversack .

As the talk banters about "I agree with Val splitting up isn't the best idea " as the dwarf sides with the elf ;-)

"I'm ready ... its now or never to save the girls " growls Nezamil

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Prayer 5/11 1rd/per lvl 3rd lvl
Haste (from Rigging)

(anyone within 10'ft radius of Nezamil gets protection from evil bonus ... remember to read what spells have been placed on you and what spells effect others also)

Mykael HP: 35/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead, Haste) 
Monday October 29th, 2007 1:19:21 AM

Mykael decides to put his skill to the test. He looks at Nezamil and shrugs. He drinks down one of the captured bright blue potions.

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 3/11 mins
Heroism: 3/70 mins
Stoneskin: 3/70 min,40/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 3/11 mins
Haste (from Rigging): 12/12

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

12 pretty nice swords
15 pale green potions
15 angry looking red and black mixed potions
4 bright blue potion

Bart Ac 30 Hp 76/95 Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism ,inviso,Haste 
Monday October 29th, 2007 3:08:25 AM

Let us go below and our allies will save the girls

Ashira hps 112/120 haste prayer  3d8(6+8+8)+3=25
Monday October 29th, 2007 12:33:56 PM

Ashira nods her head in agreement with Bart. "I hate to say it, but I think we need to leave the girls to our allies. They know we're here. Every second counts now. If they can't handle it, they can call and we'll bail them out." As Ashira readies herself for the future combat she moves over and taps Mykael with her healing wand. "Better to be prepared." she murmers as it's healing power flows into his body. 25 pts. to Mykael.

Appolo Ac20 HP 75/88 Haste 
Monday October 29th, 2007 2:22:37 PM

Appolo reappears and clearly hurt and fatigued"I think we should all head downstairs.All od us together.If we succeedThe new heartseeds in those girls won't matter.If we dicide our force and fail then saving those girls won't matter either,becuase the heartseeding will continue and the girls and boys we just saved will be rounded up and don't forget the Jack n Booty across the street.How long do you think it will be before they move on it if we fail."

roglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 50/69(80) Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (5 of 70 points), Shield ( 5 min),protection from evil (5 min), invisibiilty , Silence (?) , displacement , resist energy (fire) (has 
Monday October 29th, 2007 3:47:03 PM

"Our main goal is the temple itself. With that in mind I say we stay together and not worry about the girls until we're on the way out. I don't like leaving them behind, but they would be casualties because of Ga'al and his minions, not because we couldn't get to them. We have to be as strong as possible as we continue on. If you must save the girls, then use our volunteers and we'll continue on to our objective. We should push on and worry about what we came here to do."

Bart Ac 30 Hp 90/95 Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism ,inviso,Haste  d8=7
Monday October 29th, 2007 4:11:45 PM

Bart takes a potion of cure ight wounds and takes it in. Does anyone has another potion of cure light wounds?

Rigging (illegal post) 
Monday October 29th, 2007 6:08:10 PM

Rigging will listen to his friends and say, "OK we head downstairs." He will turn to his new allies and say, "I can't make up my mind on the best course of action for you. I think you would be hardpressed to handle the clerics in the girls dorm if they are in the same numbers as the boys. Still it is your choice and I will respect it. We are going below. If you choose to come with us, fine but if you take on the priests, then get out afterwards. I am going to try and take this place down."

Rigging will move forward with his plan and cast knock looking for the secret door.

Cosmo  d3=2
Monday October 29th, 2007 7:13:46 PM

Cosmo finishes using the wand, summoning 2 more fiendish apes.

"Go with these men and help them defeat our enemies," says Cosmo to the apes.

Cosmo accepts the knock scroll from Rigging.

DM Kent (round 30)  2d8(8+7)+10=25
Monday October 29th, 2007 8:54:15 PM

Options are weighed and decisions are made. The Wildcards move toward thealter where the secret door is supposed to be, while the others after a quick discussion move toward the entry to the Girls heartseeding room accompanied by a couple of apes.

Mykael tries a blue vial, I will assume form one of the earlier ones you found, and is rewarded with a feeling a wellness as it sweeps through his body (cure moderate 25 points)

After clearing away a bunch of crispy and frozen tentacles of different types the trap door leading downward is easliy located. The knock spell is used and the door pops open spewing forth a thick cloud of red smoke, Rigging remembers smelling something similar when he was in the cathedral for the service. All - make will save DC 21 - fight or flight response; 1 flight, and flee the premises, 2 fight, attack the nearest living being to you.

Rigging ac 23 hps 78/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, , message x2 prayer mirror image  d20+11=21
Monday October 29th, 2007 10:53:40 PM

Rigging breaths in the noxious gas and kicks himself for not thinking of a trap. Still a trap that could get all of them, not an easy thing.

Rigging makes his save but glances around to makes sure that all of his friends are ok.

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image*
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles*, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2**,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2 used one
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Ashira hps 112/120 haste prayer  d20+9=27
Monday October 29th, 2007 11:29:46 PM

Jerking her head back away from the red smoke, the ranger breathes in as little of it as possible. She easily shrugs off the magic trying to invade her mind (Will=27) and, like her husband, anxiously watches the others to see what effect the gas might have on them.

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 92/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Prayer ,haste  d20+18=36
Monday October 29th, 2007 11:56:22 PM

easily shaking off the effects of the incense (20+18=36 will save)

Nezamil peers thru the doorway (dwarven vision and true seeing) then steps towards the entrance but not entering it just yet as he awaits the others reactions to the incense

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Prayer 5/11 1rd/per lvl 3rd lvl
Haste (from Rigging)

(anyone within 10'ft radius of Nezamil gets protection from evil bonus ... remember to read what spells have been placed on you and what spells effect others also)

(also prayer spell - read above spells for helpful hints)

attendence report 
Tuesday October 30th, 2007 12:06:27 AM

Dm Kent xxxxoxx
Rigging xxxxxxo
Ashira oxxxxox
Appolo xxxoxoo
Val xoxxxox
Bart oxxoxoo
Nezamil xxxxxox
Mykael oxxxoxo
Cosmo xxxxooo
Ari xxxxooo

Nice work people !! lots better !!

Mykael HP: 65/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead)  d20+12=31
Tuesday October 30th, 2007 1:58:23 AM

Mykael lets everyone know that the bright blue potions are cure moderate wounds.

The fumes fill the room, Mykael coughs some, but a quick move with his cloak saves him from serious problems. (Will save = 31)

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 3/11 mins
Heroism: 3/70 mins
Stoneskin: 3/70 min,40/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 3/11 mins

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

12 pretty nice swords
15 pale green potions
15 angry looking red and black mixed potions
4 bright blue potion

Val (AC 26, HP 136/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire)  d20+7=22
Tuesday October 30th, 2007 6:50:18 AM

Val coughs hard and takes a few steps back out of the cloud. She coughs a few more times before the feeling passes. "That was a bit unexpected. Let's hope that when we kill the heartseed tree all the heartseeds in people will die."

ooc: will save 22. out of the 8 arrows missed how many can Val reuse?

arrows used: 18
missed shots: 8

roglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 50/69(80) Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (5 of 70 points), Shield ( 5 min),protection from evil (5 min), invisibiilty , Silence (?) , displacement , resist energy (fire) (has  d20+8=26
Tuesday October 30th, 2007 10:48:58 AM

Not wanting to breath in the noxious fumes, Ari still feels the gas go into his lunges. Looking anxiously at the others Ari sighs in relief when he doesn't find himself succumbing to something that wasn't beneficial to him.

"I imagine I should get one of those potions. Though after the tentacle hit me I felt a little differntly."

Bart Ac 30 Hp 76/95 Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism ,inviso,Haste  d20+11=21
Tuesday October 30th, 2007 3:04:34 PM

Bart is surprised by the gas he didint expect it although he must knows better. Luckily he has no vissible effect from it.

We need a something to clear the air. I hope the dont know we are comming now.

darain - ooc 
Tuesday October 30th, 2007 6:29:13 PM

Mykael handed out a bright blue potion to everyone earlier. Nez and Mykael have the extras.

Appolo Ac 30 Hp 75/88 Haste Invisible -2 Con  d20+8=24
Tuesday October 30th, 2007 6:34:22 PM

Appolo stands back and to the left of the door as Rigging opens it.When the incense is released he aviods it's effects snd gord invisibleOnce everything appears to be ok and he sees nothing else coming up from the stairs Appolo reappears."Boss,you want me to go down first and chack things out?"

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63)  d20+10=18 d20+10=26
Tuesday October 30th, 2007 9:59:06 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours

Cosmo breathes in the red smoke. His head starts to get all fuzzy and his thinking gets all jumbled. He struggles against the magic and after awhile his head clears (will save 18; hero point roll 26).

"That was too close. Let's try to be a little more careful as we go along. Can anyone detect for traps either by magic methods or mundane methods? Rigging, I could summon some creatures to open doors and stuff for us to try and spring traps while we are at a safe distance."

Location: ? with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 7)

Rigging (illegal post)  d4+5=7
Wednesday October 31st, 2007 8:43:27 AM

Rigging pulls out a scroll and reads the words off of it casting a prying eyes. 7 "eyes" appear and Rigging orders. "Go to the lower level and spread out. Report back singlely when you find living or undead threats to us."

Wednesday October 31st, 2007 1:25:08 PM

Good thinking Rigging i hope they can give some intel

Appolo Ac 30 Hp75/88-2con Haste Invisible 
Wednesday October 31st, 2007 8:02:16 PM

Appolo calmly waits for orders to move forward.

Kent (Round 31-42)  d2=2 d2=1 d2=2 d2=1 d2=1 d2=1 d2=1 d2=1 d20+10=20 d20+10=26 d20+10=18 d20+10=13 d20+10=14 d20+10=16 d20+10=26 d20+14=19 d20+14=18 d20+14=25 d20+14=17 d20+14=18 d20+14=32 d20+14=28
Thursday November 1st, 2007 6:01:28 PM

(OOC sorry all, I have had no internet at the house for the past two days and work has now blocked all sights deling with the word game)

Val is able to locate and save 6 of her misses and quickly checks them over to see that they are all right.

The Wildcards manage to avoid any lasting effects from the inscense and the fumes and cloud quickly dissapate leaving the trap door open with a clear view of steps 10 feet wide descending approximately 40 below ground level.

Some potions are drunk, and others are handed out.

Everyone waits tensely, for a minute, as Rigging casts his prying eyes spell and watches as they descend into the lower level and spread out 4 to the right and 3 to the left.

Another minute passes and 3 of Rigging's return to report. As they finish replaying what they saw for him the each blink out of existence.

(Map on way)

Val (AC 26, HP 136/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire) 
Thursday November 1st, 2007 8:49:05 PM

"This has been too easy. Something is wrong. They have to have their bulk forces waiting in secret. So lets head down there and draw them out."

arrows used: 12
missed shots: 0

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 92/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Prayer ,haste 
Thursday November 1st, 2007 11:01:36 PM

"Yeah i know Val .... just remember what they said about the undead protectors below the temple in the seed room .... i think one of them is a treant .... don't remember the other " growls Nezamil as he waits for their next move

"This waiting is wearing my patience .... lets get moving i feel like i'm being watched " as the dwarf shivers

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Prayer 5/11 1rd/per lvl 3rd lvl
Haste (from Rigging)

( we waited a full min ??)

(anyone within 10'ft radius of Nezamil gets protection from evil bonus ... remember to read what spells have been placed on you and what spells effect others also)

(also prayer spell - read above spells for helpful hints)

(i've been sitting in front of my comp for 2 days waiting ... i'm starving !!! order us pizza and i'll survive ;-))

Thursday November 1st, 2007 11:19:15 PM

OOC Kent, was hoping for some more detail on what Rigging saw. Tough to make a battle plan on what I have seen so far. I am assuming that the Q's are individual quad members? Or are they individual quads? What is the big squiggly thing in the center of the room? Please give some more detail so we can make plans. Thanks

Friday November 2nd, 2007 5:01:56 PM

the qs are indivdual quad members. The large area in the middle is a room that is closed and the eyes could not get into. From your discussion with the seer, you are fairly sure that it is the heart sanctum where allthe previous high priest's heartseed are in residence, lying on cairns that are alongside a railless spiral staircase that leads down to the heart of ga'al's chamber. the doores into both gardens are also sealed and the eyes could not penetrate them and when they approached the quad members many were seen and destroyed. these rooms are basically solid stone walls floors and roofs.

Appolo Ac30 Hp]75/88-2 Con Invisible Haste  d20+15=18 d20+14=28 d20+10=23 d20+8=10
Friday November 2nd, 2007 8:31:54 PM

Appolo speaks up an invisible voice intones"Ok I'm ready let's go.I'll fo first and chack things out."Appolo then head silently and swiftly down the staircase.Keeping his eyes and ears open.

Move Silent 28 Hide in Shadows 18 Spot 23 Listen 10

Ashira hps 112/120 haste prayer 
Friday November 2nd, 2007 9:35:03 PM

After receiving the information about the location of the Quads Ashira readies herself for the next battle. "Alright folks, they know we're coming. Let's buff up and get down there. If anybody's got any invisibilty spells or potions now would be the time. Otherwise I suggest Appolo and I head out first."

Friday November 2nd, 2007 10:28:37 PM

OOC Haste is gone!!

Rigging will pull out his wand of greater invisibility and tap Appolo and Ashira with it. "Remeber this only lasts for about a minute so you will have to move fast. Don't count on it though since the other quads were able to see through it."

Rigging calls after Appolo, "Beware of traps!"

Rigging will look at the others, "I also have a wand of enlarge if anyone wants to get bigger?"

Rigging will follow down the stairs after the leaders.

Rigging says to Swirl, "Please go check in on our allies to see if they are doing alright freeing the girls. Don't enter the combat if their is one. Just check in."

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image*
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles*, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2**,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2 used one
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Sunday November 4th, 2007 4:15:15 AM

Bart goes down following the others, bart takes a potion of bullstrebgth and drinks it

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63) 
Sunday November 4th, 2007 9:38:08 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours

Cosmo moves along with the group as it heads downstairs. He gets ready to summon creatures to help in the upcoming battle.

Location: ? with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 7)

Mykael HP: 65/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead) 
Sunday November 4th, 2007 10:01:35 PM

Mykael waits for the group to head down, He takes his spot in line and follows.

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 3/11 mins
Heroism: 3/70 mins
Stoneskin: 3/70 min,40/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 3/11 mins

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

12 pretty nice swords
15 pale green potions
15 angry looking red and black mixed potions
4 bright blue potion (cure mod wounds)

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 92/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead 
Sunday November 4th, 2007 10:42:44 PM

A savage grin shows on the Cleric of Domi's face " time to put an end to this madness of Ga'al " growls the dwarf

As the others make their way down Nezamil prays "Domi grant thy servant a boon "(casting Divine favor)

Taking his place right infront of Mykael he hands him a vial " keep this for a key moment ...it's a potion of displacement ... might save a few hits to the noggin " chuckles Nezamil " but it won't last long so timing is key "(last 5 rds)

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Divine favor 1 min (10 rds)1st lvl

Spell list
Zero-Create water x2,light x2 ,Read magic,Mending
1st -detect undead*,Divine favor*,Pro-from-evil x2**,Hide from undead*,Shield of faith x2*(enlarge))
2nd -Aid* ,Resist energy* ,Owl's wisdom,Silence x3***
(Bull str)
3rd - Searing light x2*,Magic circle* ,Blindness,Protection from energy*(Magic vestment*)
4th - Airwalk x2** Divine power,deathward*(Spell imunnity*)
5th - True seeing*,Rightous might,Wall of stone(Spell resistance*)
6th - Blade barrier (anti magic field)

* cast spell

(anyone within 10'ft radius of Nezamil gets protection from evil bonus ... remember to read what spells have been placed on you and what spells effect others also)

Mykael (extra post) 
Monday November 5th, 2007 4:01:09 AM

Mykael looks at the dwarf, "Thanks, but I already have one. If you dont want to use it, give it to someone else. However, since you are our biggest source of healing, I suggest you keep the potion for yourself."

Monday November 5th, 2007 2:10:55 PM

Never tried one nez so if u can spare it...

DM Kent (round 43) 
Monday November 5th, 2007 8:10:22 PM

The group heads down the stairs and begins to spread out a bit as they reach the bottom. Spells wands and potions are shared as well as friendly advice and some ideas for the upcoming combat.

Swirl heads up to check on the girls room.

*** Please make sure to mention where you want to end up once you reach bottom, anywhere within 15 feet of the center of the bottom of the stairs.

*** also please mention inyour post when you attack which enemy you are attacking and what space you move to.

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 92/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Divine favor,Divine power 
Monday November 5th, 2007 11:23:04 PM

With a wink at Bart " sure try it i got more " as Nezamil hands the vial to Bart "tastes like strawberry's " teases the dwarf

Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs "the heartseed chamber should be nearby .... that should be our priorty " ... whispers Nezamil to Rigging as he moves to his right (S4 location)

Waving the others forward towards his side of the stairs

Quickly the Cleric of Domi casts yet another spell upon himself "Grant thy servant holy power " prays Nezamil (casting Divine power)

The dwarven cleric focus's his concentration and sends out his senses for the touch of the undead (detect evil)

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Divine favor 1 min (10 rds)1st lvl 9/10
Divine Power 1 min lvl (11 rds) 11/11

anyone within 10'ft radius of Nezamil gets protection from evil bonus ... remember to read what spells have been placed on you and what spells effect others also

Rigging ac 23 hps 78/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, , message x2 prayer mirror image 
Tuesday November 6th, 2007 10:06:19 AM

Rigging listens to Nezamil but shakes his head. "Yes it is the reason for being here but I also want to get out of here alive. There are 8 quad members that we could be leaving at our back if we move forward. We kill them off first and then move forward. We will start to the right.

Cosmo summon your monsters now and have them appear in the room to the right. {Rigging points} We will hopefully spring some traps with them and then quickly dispatch the quad. Remember to gang up on them and take them down fast.

I want the creatures first, followed by Val, Bart and Ashira. Nezamil will then back them up. Appolo station yourself by the left door and be ready to sneak attack any reinforcments. Cosmo, summon another group of monsters to back Appolo up. Mykael and Ari will then engage any survivors and I will use my spells if needed. Any questions?"

Rigging reaches out with his mind, "Swirl how are our friends doing." (ooc Swirl moves at a base speed of 100 so he should be there by now.)

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image*
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles*, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2**,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2 used one
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Bart Ac 30 Hp 95/95 Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism 
Tuesday November 6th, 2007 12:06:28 PM

Just before bart enters the room behind the apes he drinks the potion that Nez did give him. He is ready to kill some quad memebers

Val (AC 26, HP 136/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire) 
Tuesday November 6th, 2007 12:06:29 PM

"Remember to keep an eye out for the undead. Give a shout my way if you see them. Also I'm wondering if they are expecting us why are they spread out so much? Its a tactical mistake. There has to be at least traps along the way. Using themselves as bait to get us to walk into them."

arrows used:12

Appolo Ac 30 Hp75/88 -2 con Haste Invisible 
Tuesday November 6th, 2007 12:19:16 PM

Appolo follows Riggings ins tructions and goes left.H e waits patiently for the attack to begin.

roglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 50/69(80) Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (5 of 70 points), Shield ( 5 min),protection from evil (5 min), invisibiilty , Silence (?) , displacement , resist energy (fire) (has 
Tuesday November 6th, 2007 2:08:53 PM

Ari will pull out his bow in order to give what support he can. Should the fight come to him he'll switch back to his swords.

(OOC I'm back in the saddle. I have another relationship that seems to be ending and I was taking care of that. Sorry to have been gone. This was a quick post to get back. If I've missed anything just let me know.)

attendence report 
Tuesday November 6th, 2007 3:23:02 PM

Dm Kent xxxxoxx
Rigging 2xxxxxo
Ashira 2xxxxox
Appolo xxxoxoo
Val xoxxxox
Bart 2xxoxoo
Nezamil 2xxxxoo
Mykael xxxxoxo
Cosmo xxxxooo
Ari xxxxooo

Good work everyone !!!!

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63) 
Tuesday November 6th, 2007 6:51:57 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
SM V: 11/11 rounds

Cosmo stays in his position on the stairs and begins to cast a summon spell. He picks SM V to cast this time.

Location: ? with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2 *, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 7)

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 92/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Divine favor,Divine power 
Tuesday November 6th, 2007 11:09:36 PM

Nezamil frowns for a moment " sure thing ... your right we can't have the Quads trap us in here so taking them out first is best im suppose "

With a grin replacing the frown " so lets get to it " as he taps Bart enthusiastically on the back " yeah free Aslidur from Ga'als grip " encourages Nezamil

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Divine favor 1 min (10 rds)1st lvl 9/10
Divine Power 1 min lvl (11 rds) 11/11

(anyone within 10'ft radius of Nezamil gets protection from evil bonus ... remember to read what spells have been placed on you and what spells effect others also)

DM Kent  8d6(5+4+2+6+5+2+6+3)=33 d20+10=28 8d6(1+2+5+1+6+1+3+1)=20 d20+12=24 8d6(3+4+6+3+2+6+5+3)=32 d20+10=26
Wednesday November 7th, 2007 12:22:56 AM

Further plans are made as the swords move down and into the room and Rigging gives instructions of aout who is going where and doing what.

Cosmo casts his spell and awaits his new arrival(s)


As the group moves into position a bright flash of light occurs as 2 lightening bolts streak out, the first catching Val, Ashira and Nez in its path. lightening bolt 33 points damage reflex DC 19 for 16 points SR 28 negates

and the second bolt catches Bart full on. 32 points reflex Dc 19 for 16 points SR26 negates

Almost simultaneously from the other side a ball of fire comes roaring into existance catching Nez, Rigging, Cosmo, Mykael and Ari in its blast. fireball, 20 points damage, reflex DC 19 for 10 points, SR 24 negates

Mykael HP: 55/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead)  d20+13=29 d20+5=25
Wednesday November 7th, 2007 1:38:39 AM

Mykael moves down the stairs and sidesteps to a position near the wall. The spells flash around and he rolls away from the strength of the fireball. (reflex save = 29)

He looks around for the source of the spells and for any enemies.

(Spot = 25, nat 20)

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 3/11 mins
Heroism: 3/70 mins
Stoneskin: 3/70 min,40/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 3/11 mins

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

12 pretty nice swords
15 pale green potions
15 angry looking red and black mixed potions
4 bright blue potion (cure mod wounds)

Val (AC 26, HP 120/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire)  d20+10=27
Wednesday November 7th, 2007 6:54:03 AM

Val turns aside but can't escape the bolt. She cringes as her muscles tense uncontrollably for a moment. "I hate lightning bolts." Val mutters through shaking teeth once the muscle spasms stop.

"Did anybody see who cast that or did we hit a magical trap?"

ooc: arrows used 12

Bart Ac 30 Hp 79/95 Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism, Displacement  d20+14=30 d20+20=30 d10+11=18 d6=6
Wednesday November 7th, 2007 1:27:41 PM

Luckily Bart avoids most of the dammage. Bart rushes in and spring attacks Q1 (ac 30 for 24)

Appolo AC 30 Hp 75/88 -2 Con Haste Invsible  d20+15=27 d20+14=29
Wednesday November 7th, 2007 4:03:04 PM

Appolo hears and feels the magical explosions go off but never moves or makes a sound.He stands silently in his position waiting for the enemy first person to come through the door is going tp get Appolo's full attention.

Hide in shadows 27 Move Silently 29

roglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 40/69(80) Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (5 of 70 points), Shield ( 5 min),protection from evil (5 min), invisibiilty , Silence (?) , displacement , resist energy (fire)  d20+8=11
Wednesday November 7th, 2007 7:23:19 PM

Taking the explosion in stride, Ari says his thanks for the resist energy spell that helps to take some of the damage.

"I think that was a spell caster who is aware of us. Let's move to where we can see him."

Ari tries to move the rear guard up to where they might see the spell caster. Ari has dispel magic ready in order to try to counter another spell if he can see what's going on.

(ooc if Ari cannot make the above statement, please correct it)

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 66/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Divine favor,Divine power  d20+8=19 d20+8=22
Wednesday November 7th, 2007 9:35:58 PM

As the bolt of lightning and fireball explode around him the dwarf somehow avoids the worst of them (d20+8=19 reflex save vs lightning bolt !! phew!!)(d20+8=22 reflex save vs fireball )

" Sneaky vipers " growls Nezamil

Looking at where the lightning bolt came from the dwarven cleric returns the magical favor "Domi blind you " prays Nezamil as he releases divine energy towards (Q2)(casting blindness 3rd lvl spell)

Nezamil then moves next to the wall (R4) to get out of line of sight of the lightning caster

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Divine favor 1 min (10 rds)1st lvl 9/10
Divine Power 1 min lvl (11 rds) 11/11

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/63)  d20+11=23 d4+1=4
Wednesday November 7th, 2007 10:00:11 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
SM V: 11/11 rounds

The fireball envelopes Cosmo, but he is able to dodge most of the damage (Reflex 23). He finishes his summoning spell and 4 Fiendish Apes appear. Cosmo positions 2 at both doorways. They immediately move and begin attacking.

Cosmo remains on the stairs and begins to cast another summon monster V spell.

Location: stairs with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 7)

Fiendish Apes - 4 total  d20+9=27 d20+9=12 d20+4=19 d6+7=11 d20+9=15 d20+9=10 d20+4=12 d20+9=12 d20+9=12 d20+4=12 d20+9=12 d20+9=25 d20+4=15 d6+7=9
Wednesday November 7th, 2007 10:06:36 PM

Fiendish Apes:
Size: Large (tall)
Space/Reach: 10'/10'
AC 14
HP's 37/37, 37/37, 37/37 & 37/37
Full attack: 2 claws +9 & 1 bite +4
Damage claws: 1d6+7
Damage bite: 1d6+3

Apes 1 & 2 move towards Q2 and attack. Apes 3 & 4 move towards Q5 and attack. The Apes use their reach to attack the Quad members:

Ape 1 attacks
Hit AC's 27, 12 & 19
Damage 11

Ape 2 attacks
Hit AC's 15, 10 & 12
Damage 0

Ape 3 attacks
Hit AC's 12, 12 & 12
Damage 0

Ape 4 attacks
Hit AC's 12, 25 & 15
Damage 9

Ape 1: cells MN8
Ape 2: cells NO9
Ape 3: cells FF7
Ape 4: cells FF6

Rigging ac 23 hps 68/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, , message x2 prayer mirror image arcane eye  d20+11=28
Wednesday November 7th, 2007 11:12:12 PM

OOC Kent, Rigging has inquried several times about Swirl and the allies without a response. Is he sensing nothing from Swirl or are you just missing it?

Rigging winces in pain as the fireball explodes around him but he isn't impressed with the power. He yells, "Get to the spell users fast so we can take them out!" reflex save of 28 for half damage

Rigging will move to R3 and cast arcane eye. He will then send eye around the corner to see what they are now facing.

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image*
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles*, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2**,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
arcane eye 12 minutes

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2 used one
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

DM Kent (Rd 43)  d20+9=27 d20+15=20 d20+15=27 d20+15=22 d20+10=14 d20+15=34 d20+15=26 d10+8=9 d20+17=25 d20+17=37 d20+12=18 d10+10=15 d10+10=20 d10+10=14 d10+10=13 d20+17=33 d20+17=32 d20+17=25 d20+17=19 d10+10=14 d10+10=17 d10+10=11 d20+15=22 d20+10=23 d20+15=19 d10+8=13 d10+8=9 d10+8=14 8d6(6+2+4+3+1+3+1+6)=26 d20+10=15
Thursday November 8th, 2007 7:18:14 PM

As Rigging moves and settles in for his long spell casting of an arcane eye (10 minute casting time) There is a faint, just bare whisper from his elemental, as if something is interfering with the communication. ....holding the... some in... barely hear.... wha... you... do?

Bart springs in to his attack and notices that his sword just barely connects with his opponent, but does not seem to do any actual damage, though there is a slight shimer that moves along the length of the Quad 1s body.

Right after that it seems as if his opponent seems to start moving faster and to have more agility.

Val can see that the lightening bolt that struck her came from Quad 2 who it appears is also carrying a bastard sword.

Mykael moves out of the fire and against a back wall. He can clearly see Quad 5 and makes the correct assumption that the fireball came from him, though he to is carrying a bastard sword.

Apollo saw quad 5 release the fireball with no more than a pointing of the finger and then waits for someone to come out.

Ari moves up and can see both Quad 5 and Quad 7 and readies himself for something.

Nez casts his spell then moves to the side to get out of the way.

Cosmo sends his apes into action to become a nuisance to the quad members as they all miss their intended targets, and begins casting again.


Ari and Apollo are waiting for something to happen and it does, as the quads as well as the two apes, in their view vanish before their very eyes.

They then feel a bit of air movement as something rushes by them.

Having sprung into action and made his attack, Bart realises that none of his cmpatriots came it with him and he suddenly finds himself facing three opponents as #4 charges to the attack but misses AC 20, and #3 attacks as well and misses AC27. His chosen opponent also attacks taking his full completment of attacks, connecting nearly critically on his final swing AC34/26 for 9 points. Bart gets an attack of opportunity on Quad 3

Ape A4 gets an attack of opportunity on Q7 & Q8

Q5 flashes into visibility for a moment as he lays into Ape 3 connecting three times Ac25, Ac18 & AC 37/33 once critically for 62 points.

Q6 and 7 attack Ape 4 once each becoming visible for that moment, connecting once criticaly and another time as well Ac 32/25 & Ac 19 for a total of 42 points.

Q2 attacks the apes as well ACs 22, 23, 19 connecting all three times on Ape 2 for 36 points

Watching from the wall Mykael sees a quad member flash into visibility 10 ft in front of him moments before another fireball goes off engulfing Rigging, Ashira, Nez and Val. 26 points - Reflex save DC 19 for 13 SR15 negates

Qs 1-4 normal AC 30
Qs 5-8 normal AC 33

Ashira hps 69 or 82/120 (Fly, Greater Invisibility)  d20+20=37 d20+20=26 d8+12=17
Thursday November 8th, 2007 9:58:29 PM

Grunting in pain, the ranger flies forward to help out Bart. Bringing her sword down in a dangerous arc, she slices into Q3. (AC37/26 Crit? for 17 if no crit).

OOC: I don't have my sheet...could you please roll the reflex for me? She has evasion, so posted provisional HP above. Also, been out of the fight too long...is Prot. from Fire still in place?

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 66/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Divine favor,Divine power  2d8(1+8)+5=14
Thursday November 8th, 2007 11:41:00 PM

Nezamil feels the fireball burst around but feels Domi's magic (SR-23) keep the flames from burning him.

Seeing Bart taking the brunt of the quads assault he helps (casting enlarge on Bart if he accepts it)

(Bart-read enlarge for bonus info -- 10'ft reach is great help in battle!!)

If Bart doesn't accept it the dwarf will activate a wand of healing on himself (2d8(1+8)+5=14)(will add to next post if needed )

Either way after his action Nezamil will move forward towards Bart to help engage

"Grrrrr vile mages " growls Nezamil as he activly looks for the quad members and shouts locations and movement of said enemy " to youre right Bart another on the left "

(Nezamil has true seeing spell on !! which stipulates he can see invisible beings !!pg 296 phb)

Continuing to supply his fellow Wildcards with the movement and location of the Ga'alian quads and looks to see if his blindness spell has been effective.

"Bart's in trouble Ashira ....quick help him " directs the Cleric of Domi

(yes Ashira still has pro-f-fire on , just reread your past posts to figure out how much was burned off)

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Divine favor 1 min (10 rds)1st lvl 9/10
Divine Power 1 min lvl (11 rds) 11/11

Spell list
Zero-Create water x2,light x2 ,Read magic,Mending
1st -detect undead*,Divine favor*,Pro-from-evil x2**,Hide from undead*,Shield of faith x2*(enlarge))
2nd -Aid* ,Resist energy* ,Owl's wisdom,Silence x3***
(Bull str)
3rd - Searing light x2*,Magic circle* ,Blindness*,Protection from energy*(Magic vestment*)
4th - Airwalk x2** Divine power,deathward*(Spell imunnity*)
5th - True seeing*,Rightous might,Wall of stone(Spell resistance*)
6th - Blade barrier (anti magic field)

* cast spell

(anyone within 10'ft radius of Nezamil gets protection from evil bonus ... remember to read what spells have been placed on you and what spells effect others also)

Mykael HP: 55/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead)  d100=75 d20+12=16
Friday November 9th, 2007 1:33:34 AM

Mykael webs the doorway from FF-6 to EE-7, making sure not to catch Ari or Appolo.

"Behind you guys, take him down. I will hold the others in there. We need to handle what we have. Take down this one then help the others. I will hold the back."

(spell failure = 75%, success)

He also takes a good look at the quads, he attempt to discern the magic being used, especially the speed, disappearing, and invisibility.

(spellcraft = 16)

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 3/11 mins
Heroism: 3/70 mins
Stoneskin: 3/70 min,40/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 3/11 mins

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2*
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

12 pretty nice swords
15 pale green potions
15 angry looking red and black mixed potions
4 bright blue potion (cure mod wounds)

Appolo ac 30 Hp75/88-2 com Haste Invisible  d20+16=32 d20+16=28 d20+16=34 d20+16=22 d10+6=12 d10+6=11 d6=2 d6=5 d6=5 d6=2 d6=3 d6=4 d6=6 d6=4 d6=5 d6=6 d6=3 d6=2
Friday November 9th, 2007 10:29:17 AM

Appolo moves quickly forward and backstabs Q6 4 times.Hopefully hitting twice.

Attack 32 28 34 22 Damage 12 11=23 Backstab Damage 47 Total 69 -2 to strength

Val (AC 26, HP 120/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire)  d20+10=25 d20+16=27 d20+11=26 d20+6=8 d8+5=9 d6=5 d8+5=9 d6=4
Friday November 9th, 2007 7:11:01 PM

Val raises her bow and fires off three quick arrows at Q2. He's the only one she can see so he's the target.

hit ac 26 for 9 normal and 5 fire. hit ac 27 for 9 normal and 4 fire.

ooc: protection from energy fire- 77points
arrows used: 12
missed shots: 1

Ape #4 AoO  d20+9=19
Friday November 9th, 2007 8:07:17 PM

AoO - 19 miss

Fiendish Apes - 2 total  d20+9=26 d20+9=29 d20+9=26 d20+4=13 d6+7=13 d20+9=24 d20+9=14 d20+4=8
Friday November 9th, 2007 8:12:02 PM

Fiendish Apes:
Size: Large (tall)
Space/Reach: 10'/10'
AC 14
HP's 37/37, 1/37, 0/37 & 0/37
Full attack: 2 claws +9 & 1 bite +4
Damage claws: 1d6+7
Damage bite: 1d6+3

Apes 1 & 2 attack Q2 with ape #1 hitting once.

Ape 1 attacks
Hit AC's 26, 29(26) & 13
Damage 13

Ape 2 attacks
Hit AC's 24, 14 & 8
Damage 0

Ape 3 Dead
Ape 4 Dead

Ape 1: cells MN8
Ape 2: cells NO9

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/63)  d20+4=22 d20+18=36 d20+18=20 d8+10=15
Friday November 9th, 2007 8:34:04 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
SM V: 10/11 rounds
SM V: 11/11 rounds

Cosmo finishes his summoning spell and a Celestial Brown Bear appears next to Q6 (AA4). It immediately attacks Q6, attempting to grapple the evil being.

Bear TAC to start grapple: 22
Bear Grapple attempt: 36
Bear Damage Opponent thru Grapple check: 20
Damage: 15 (if successful)

OOC -- bear's opposed grapple check is 28 (10, +4 BAB, size +4 & Str +10).

Cosmo remains on the stairs and begins to cast another summon monster spell. This time with the wand.

Location: stairs with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 7)

Rigging ac 23 hps 55/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, , message x2 prayer mirror image see invisible  d20+11=21
Friday November 9th, 2007 10:43:04 PM

Rigging winces as the fireball explodes around him and says, "Would someone do something about that!" save 21

He hears Swirls faint message and sends back, "Get down here now! I can't hear you!"

Rigging then releases his spell casting of the arcane eye (duh) and casts see invisible. He then pulls out "wall of stone"

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image*
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles*, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2**,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
arcane eye 12 minutes

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2 used one
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Bart Ac 30 Hp 79/95 Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism, Displacement, Bull strength  d20+21=25 d20+23=33 d20+18=38 d20+18=25 d20+13=17 d10+13=18 d10+13=14 d6=3 d6=4 d100=37
Saturday November 10th, 2007 9:26:25 AM

(kent did you count the displacement factor 50% miss change? my roll 37/100)

Bart doesnt accept the enlarge (it gives a +2 to strenght (+1 to attacks) a -2 size to dex, a-1 to ac and a -1 to attacks)

Bart finds himself surounded by quadmembers luckily his stoneskin helps prevent the dammage, but it looks like his opponent is using the same he swings at the bypassing Q3 (ac27, miss).

He puts his full attention to Q4 placing all of his attacks against him (ac 33 for 18+3, threat ac 38 for 14+4, miss)

William  d100=48
Monday November 12th, 2007 12:57:40 PM


DM Kent  d20+13=17 d20+3=11 d20+3=6 d20+4=8 d100=42 d100=86 d100=68 d100=23 d100=99 d100=61 d100=88 d20+15=31 d20+15=23 d10+8=18 d20+15=34 d20+15=33 d20+15=25 d20+10=24 2d10(5+10)+16=31 d10+8=15 d10+8=17 d20+15=22 d20+10=26 d20+15=23 d20+17=23 d20+12=23 d20+17=23 d20+15=35 d20+15=30 d20+10=13 d20+15=21 d100=92 d100=32 d100=87 d100=89 d100=96 d100=16 2d10(4+4)+16=24
Monday November 12th, 2007 5:13:21 PM

Avoiding damage from the fireball Reflex 17 Ashira whispers a quick prayer of thanks for the fire protection and moves into the room and takes a cut at Q3 connecting once or so she thought, only to see the tell tale shimmer of Stoneskins being shed.

Nez's focus is momentarily split as he sees the insiible Quad moving out from where Ari and Apollo are and calls out a quick warning and then moves into the room to aid Bart where he sees that the Quad in here are not invisible at all, just displaced and moving very quickly. From what he can see his previous target is having no problems dispatching Apes.

Mykael temporarily separates the enemy by webbing off the opening and then peers at the where one quad member in front of him had been. He can easliy tell that the one in front of him has haste, stoneskin some sort of energy resistance and invisibilty sphere active at this moment. By deductive reasoning he figures, the three members on the otherside of the web are probably similarly spelled.

Appolo moves forward to try and backstab his invisible opponent (50% miss chance) Starting to get frustrated Apollo finally manages to connect once with his third strike, but sees no blood stain on his sword.

Val too gets frustrated as her arrows don't find their mark.

The two remaining Apes attack again and one seems to find purchase for its claws, but again that tell tale shimmer is seen and no blood is drawn.

Cosmo sends a new friend into the fray and it seems momentarily confused at the command to attack something that it can't see and then using its amazing sense of smell lunges forward, and grabs hold of something, As both the quad member and Apollo are invisible in that area there is a shot that the bear grabs Apollo unknowingly. (75% Quad member 25% Apollo) 99% darn :>)

Rigging decides that now is not the best time for casting the arcane eye and instead casts see invisible. Looking around he watches as the Celestial bear makes a grab for the cleric with Apollo right there and then relaxes as he sees the bear has the quad and not his friend. He then pulls out a scroll.

Rigging thinks he hears a reply from Swirl but isn't sure.

Bart misses his shot at Q3 as he slides in and out but manages to connect with Q4 though that telltale shimmer again is apparent and no blood is on his blade.


Q3 lashes out once each as Ashira and Nez come to Bart's aid and connects once with Ashira AC 31 for 18 points but mises his AoO on Nez.

Q2 again lashes out at the Apes connecting once critically AC 34/33 with Ape 1 for 31 points, a second time AC 24 for 15 more and then lashes out at Ape 2 connecting with AC 25 for 17 points.

Q3 decides that Ashira is the biggest threat and goes full out on his attack (Nez has Flanking position) but misses with all three attacks.

Q1(92,32,87) attacks Bart full out from his flanking position and misses with all three attacks.

Q4 (89,96,16) also attacks Bart as the fighter has chosen to face him and connects with his first attack critically Ac35/30 for 24 points.

From the otherside of the web Mykael hears a voice issue an order. "Go get some oil quickly."

Qs 1-4 normal AC 30
Qs 5-8 normal AC 33

attendence report 
Monday November 12th, 2007 7:09:44 PM

Dm Kent xoxxooo
Rigging oxxoxoo
Ashira oooxooo
Appolo oxxoxoo
Val oxxoxoo
Bart xxxooxo
Nezamil xxxxooo
Mykael xoxoxoo
Cosmo oxxoxoo
Ari oxxoooo

Ashira and Ari !! we're in combat please make more of an effort to post please !!!

Leaves a cup of hot chocolate for Ceil!! something to help keep you warm in this cold weather ;-)

{MMMMMM Slurp Good! Thank you!! MMMMMMM!}

Monday November 12th, 2007 9:10:07 PM

Mykael knows the bear was sent to attack Q6. Since, he hasnt heard Appolo complain yet, he assumes the bears senses are correct. Pulling out the Wand of Dispel Magic(10th lvl), Mykael aims at the immobile Q6 in the bears grasp and lets loose with a targeted Dispel on the individual.

"Ari get out of there, I have a plan. Lets hope it works. Cosmo dont send anymore creatures into that doorway until they break the web. Help the others, help the bear, or just hold them for now. Ari come over here with me."

Mykael pulls out a Necklace of Fireballs with his free hand. Standing there holding the necklace in one hand and the wand in the other he waits for Ari to get clear.

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 80/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Divine favor,Divine power  d20+20=37 d20+15=18 d8+11=13
Monday November 12th, 2007 11:52:08 PM

Flanking Quad member #3 alongside Ashira Nezamil attacks with gusto " Ya vile desecration .... time to feel Domi's power "

The dwarfs mace finds it's mark with his 1st blow .... pounding the Quad warrior but his follow is off the mark.

1st swing d20+20=37 damage 1d8+11=13
2nd swing d20+15=18

"Come on Ashira cut dis vile sould down " growls Nezamil

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Divine favor 1 min (10 rds)1st lvl 9/10
Divine Power 1 min lvl (11 rds) 11/11

Celestial Brown Bear (AC 15; HP 63/63)  d20+14=27 d20+14=34 d20+14=28 d8+10=14 d8+10=12 2d6(6+5)+5=16
Tuesday November 13th, 2007 12:16:52 AM

OOC - Not exactly sure how grapple works with a creature that gets claw, claw and bite, but the rules state that a grappling creature can make an opposed grapple check at -4 to do real damage for his attacks.

The Bear continues his grapple assault on Q6. He uses his size and strength to shred his victim.

Bear Claw Grapple check: 27
Damage: 14 (if successful)

Bear Claw Grapple check: 34
Damage: 12 (if successful)

Bear Bite Grapple check: 28
Damage: 16 (if successful)

OOC -- bear's opposed grapple check is 28 (10, +4 BAB, size +4 & Str +10).

Fiendish Apes - 0 left 
Tuesday November 13th, 2007 12:17:49 AM

All dead and sent back to the fiendish plane.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/63) 
Tuesday November 13th, 2007 12:21:33 AM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
SM V (bear): 10/11 rounds
SM IV (lantern archon): 7/7 rounds

Cosmo summons a Lantern Archon with the wand. He summons it above the bear and Q6. It waits to see how the bear does before attacking. Cosmo also hold off from casting to see how the bear's fight goes.

Location: stairs with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 7)

Val (AC 26, HP 120/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire)  d20+16=30 d20+11=17 d20+6=13 d8+5=9 d6=3
Tuesday November 13th, 2007 6:55:20 AM

Val keeps drawing arrows firing them as quickly as she could. Eventually she'll just get lucky and stick a few in the Quad member.

OOC: 1 attack hit Q2. AC 30 for 9 normal and 3 fire

ooc: protection from energy fire- 77points
arrows used: 11
missed shots: 5

Bart Ac 30 Hp 65/95 Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism, Displacement, Bull strength  d20+23=31 d20+18=33 d20+13=17 d10+13=18 d10+13=18 d6=2 d6=6
Tuesday November 13th, 2007 6:56:55 AM

Bart stoneskin helps to avoid part of the dammage (stoneskin -19) He attacksq4 in frot of him and he keeps his eyes on him readu to react his counter attack (dodge giving =1 ac to him). Bart attacks q4 (ac31 for 18+2,ac 33 for 18+6, miss)
OOc bart has displacement so 50% hitchance and stoneskin only absorbs first 10 pts of dammage so the wuad must be hurt as well)

Appolo Ac 30 Hp 75/88 -2 Con Haste Invisible  d20+15=26 d20+15=33 d20+15=34 d20+15=18 d10+6=9 d8+6=8 d10+6=15 18d6(4+4+4+6+4+3+4+3+2+4+2+1+2+4+5+1+3+2)=58
Tuesday November 13th, 2007 10:31:33 AM

Appolo seeing the bear hold his opponanent launchesa full attack against him.Swing his swords four times at his opponent back.Hopefully connecting 3 times.

Attack 26 33 34 18 Damage 9 8 15=32 Backstab Damage=58 Total 90 -3 points strength due to feat

Rigging ac 23 hps 55/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, , message x2 prayer mirror image see invisible  d20+10=25 d6+5=10 d20+14=33
Tuesday November 13th, 2007 11:54:55 AM

Rigging will move to the doorway and see that his wife is being assualted, raise his hands and launch a green ray of enfeeblement at Q3 sucking away 10 points of strength from the quad member

Hit touch armor class of 25 with a spell resistance check of 33

Rigging yells to Mykael, "Mykael, use the wand to bring down the quads defenses! Those stoneskins are gonna kill us!"

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2*, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image*
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles*, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2**,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2 used one
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Tuesday November 13th, 2007 8:57:36 PM

Ari moves over to join with Mykael.

DM Kent  d100=51 d100=55 d100=67 d100=53 d20+15=32 d20+10=16 d20+15=30 d100=62 d100=75 d100=98 d10+8=12 d10+8=18 d100=30 d100=34 d100=97 d20+15=31 d10+8=10 d20+15=18
Tuesday November 13th, 2007 11:33:04 PM

Don't forget to roll your 50% miss if you are attacking Qs 1-4.

Nez 51 - hit
Val 55 - hit
Rigging 67 - hit
Bart 53 - hit

Between the assault from the bear and Apollo's attack and Mykael's dispel Q6 bleeds and moves no more.

Nez connects solidly but still sees little blood coming from his opponent.

Val sends another arrow into B2 and sees him wince the littlest bit.

Rigging casts his spell and you can almost see Q3 get less imposing.

Cosmo casts and brings another Lantern into being.

Ari moves up next to Mykael.


Flames suddenly begin burning up the webs and soon you wil have more opponents to deal with.

Q3 retreats backward.

Q4 (62,75,98) attacks Bart full out and connects twice AC 32, Ac 30 for 12 and 18 points

Q1 (30,34,97) tries to attack Bart three times, but only manages to locate him once AC 31 for 10 points

Q2 charges Ashira and misses badly.

Qs 1-4 normal AC 30
Qs 5-8 normal AC 33

Mykael HP: 55/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead)  d100=73
Wednesday November 14th, 2007 1:38:11 AM

"We have our own issues to deal with Rigging, will be there as soon as I can." Mykael hollers. "Apollo, come over here please."

Mykael hands the Necklace of Fireballs to Ari, and casts Web again, this time across the hall from DD-6 to EE-6. He makes sure that the new web isnt close enough to the old web to catch fire from it.

(Spell Failure = 73%, success)

Mykael waits for Apollo to let him know he is close, then he whispers his plan to Ari and Apollo, so the Quads cant hear.

"They make there way through the first web, and have to stop to deal with the 2nd one. I use the wand to do an area Dispel, getting rid of thier buffs, including energy protection. Then you each toss one of those 2nd to biggest balls(9D6) from the necklace at the same time and we fry the bastards. Ready?"

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 3/11 mins
Heroism: 3/70 mins
Stoneskin: 3/70 min,40/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 3/11 mins

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2**
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

12 pretty nice swords
15 pale green potions
15 angry looking red and black mixed potions
4 bright blue potion (cure mod wounds)

Wednesday November 14th, 2007 11:45:55 AM

Ummmm...I tried to put in an extra post there for the day I knew I'd miss, but I guess Kent missed it.

NO, I got it and registered it on my hardcopy, but forgot to add it to my post. Will recify that later.

Bart Ac 30 (ac 31 against q4) Hp 63/95 Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism, Displacement, Bull strength  d20+23=34 d20+18=30 d20+13=19 d10+13=23 d10+13=16 d6=5 d6=4 d100=51
Wednesday November 14th, 2007 3:18:30 PM

Again Bart takes some dammage but prevents a part of it (stoneskin -39). Once more he attacks (ac 34 for 19+5 ac 30 for 16+4) (d100=51)

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 40/69(80) Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (5 of 70 points), resist energy (fire) 
Wednesday November 14th, 2007 4:38:50 PM

Hearing Mykael's whispered message, Ari nods his head in agreement. He then gets ready to grab the appropriate bead for when Mykael casts the dispel, and puts away his own wand, for now.

Val (AC 26, HP 120/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire) 
Wednesday November 14th, 2007 6:43:30 PM

This quad members resiliency was annoying. Val puts her bow away and takes her translucent warhammer from her hip. It was time to get up close and personal.

ooc: protection from energy fire- 77points
arrows used: 11
missed shots: 5

Appolo nAc 30 Hp 75/88 -2 Con Haste Invisible  d20+18=38
Wednesday November 14th, 2007 7:14:53 PM

Once his opponent falls Appolo moves over next to Mykeal and follows his instructions.He waits for the apporiate moment to through his bead.Once the Quad is engaged with seconds web and Myckeal has used his wand he will toss his bead at them aiming for dead center.
Bead throw 38

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 80/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Divine favor,Divine power 
Wednesday November 14th, 2007 7:42:01 PM

"Gotta do something about their magical defenses " grumbles Nezamil

Quickly changing tactics the dwarf fishes out a wand and points it swiftly atQuad member #4
..... activating its power " Dispel thy magic" (activating wand of dispel magic 12th level)(targeted dispel)

"dat oughta even out the odds more " grins Nezamil

Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Divine favor 1 min (10 rds)1st lvl 9/10
Divine Power 1 min lvl (11 rds) 11/11

yone within 10'ft radius of Nezamil gets protection from evil bonus ... remember to read what spells have been placed on you and what spells effect others also)[/u]

[b]- Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement has no affect for him ;)

Ashira AC30 hps 64/120 (Fly, Greater Invisibility, Prot. from Fire, Prot. from Evil)  d20+17=34 d20+17=23 d8+11=12 d100=29 d20+12=24 d20+7=18 d20+17=28 d20+8=15 d20-2=15
Wednesday November 14th, 2007 7:58:16 PM

Blood trickles from the wound in her side, but Ashira just laughs. "Is that the best you have?" she taunts as yet another combatant charges in after her. Her sword lashes out but the Quad's magical protection is too much. Each attack misses its mark, wiping the smile off the ranger's face.

AC34/12 (Disp=29, failure)

Celestial Brown Bear (AC 15; HP 63/63)  d20+13=22
Wednesday November 14th, 2007 9:47:56 PM

The Celestial Brown Bear drops the dead quad memebr onto the ground. He moves towards Q5 and swipes at the quad member.

Bear Claw attack: 22
Damage: 0

Lantern Archon (AC 15; HP 4)  d20+2=5 d20+2=22 d20+2=11 d6=6
Wednesday November 14th, 2007 9:50:23 PM

The Lantern Archon follows the Celestial Brown Bear. He hovers above and slightly behind the bear and blasts Q5 with his light rays.

Hit TAC's 5 & 22(11)
Damage 6

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/63) 
Wednesday November 14th, 2007 9:51:50 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
SM V (bear): 9/11 rounds
SM IV (lantern archon): 6/7 rounds
SM IV (lantern archon): 7/7 rounds

Cosmo summons another Lantern Archon with the wand. He summons next to the other Lantern Archon.

Location: stairs with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 8)

Rigging ac 23 hps 55/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, , message x2 prayer mirror image see invisible  d100=67 d20+12=30 d20+12=27 d20+12=15 d20+12=30 d20+12=28
Wednesday November 14th, 2007 10:45:49 PM

OCC Asked about Swirl several rounds ago. Any news?

Rigging sees that the other side is still tied up in webs so he keeps on trying to slow dow this side. Watching Nezamil's move, he grins and says, Do it this way!" He casts a greater dispel magic targeted on Q2 (miss chance 67) and hopefully sheds him of some of his magic.

made 5 dispel rolls to take down spells (rolled 30, 27, 15, 30, 28)

"Come on Ashira, take him down now!"

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2*, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image*
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles*, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2**,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic*, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2 used one
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

DM Kent  d20+10=16 d20+10=18 d20+10=22 d20+10=28 d20+10=20 d20+15=30 d20+10=13 d100=32 d100=8 d20+15=23 d20+10=17 8d6(3+3+3+3+3+5+4+6)=30 d20+10=28
Wednesday November 14th, 2007 11:42:17 PM

(OOC - Dispel checks are D20 + caster leverl or 10 max)

Mykael casts another web and prepares for what he hopes will be a successful plan when they get through.

Apollo and Ari prepare for their onslaught.

Bart finally does some serious hurting to Q4 and drops him in his tracks.

Val decides to put away her bow for the moment and draws her hammer.

Nez seeing Q4 go down points his wand at Q1 and releases a charge. Dispell checks - 16,18,22,28,20

Ashira has some difficulty hitting her opponent.

Cosmo orders the Bear and the first Archon Lantern forward but then realizes that Mykael has blocked the way with his web spell. And then he brings another lantern into play.

Rigging sees the difficulty that Ashira is in and tries a dispel on Q2.

After having gotten a garbled message from Swirl and trying to order him to come back, Rigging has not had a response from his familiar, but has had a general sense of unease. Moments later Swirl come swirling down the stairs nearly frantic Calling out to Rigging asking him if he is all right.

Nez is rewarded with seeing Q1 slow down and become easily seen, other than that he is not sure what else might have been effected. This however doesn't appear to keep him from attacking Bart but each time he swings he seems to not quite find Bart's exact place.

Q2 also sems to be moving a lot slower and can now be easily seen, but continues his attacks on Ashira, but seems to have caught the same malady that is affecting Ashira nad misses with both swings.

Q3 having backed off from Ashira's previous onslaught reaches forward with his sword arm and a streak of lightening comes bolting out catching Ashira and Rigging in its path. 30 points, reflex DC 19 for 15 points SR 28 negates

Once again fire begins licking at the webs quickly catching them on fire and clearing the way once more.

Ashira AC30 hps 49/120 (Fly, Greater Invisibility, Prot. from Fire, Prot. from Evil)  d20+13=15 d20+17=29 d8+11=17 d20+12=18 d20+7=18 d20+17=32 d6+8=10 d20+8=19 d20-2=9
Thursday November 15th, 2007 12:04:33 AM

Static builds in the air, and Ashira pulls out of the way of some of the bolt, but still gets a good zap (Ref.=17, Evasion for 1/2).

Now looking much worse for the wear Ashira presses the attack again, knowing that she needs to finish up this guy so she can help out with that stupid spell casting guy. Thrusting forcefully, she's able to get a couple of good slices in with her long and shortswords, but she is still unhappy with her performance.

AC29 for 17
AC32 for 10

Mykael HP: 55/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead)  d20+10=20 d20+10=26 d20+10=26 d20+10=16 d20+10=19
Thursday November 15th, 2007 2:17:24 AM

Mykael smiles and activates the Wand of Dispel Magic. He aims for a 20 ft radius burst at the wall right behind Q-8. Thus it affects all three and the web, but hopefully doesn't affect Cosmo's friends.

(Dispels for the wand = 20, 26, 26, 16, 19)

"Ok guys now! Throw them between them at the base of the wall behind them."

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 3/11 mins
Heroism: 3/70 mins
Stoneskin: 3/70 min,40/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 3/11 mins

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2**
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

12 pretty nice swords
15 pale green potions
15 angry looking red and black mixed potions
4 bright blue potion (cure mod wounds)

Appolo Ac 30 Hp 75/88-con Haste invisible 
Thursday November 15th, 2007 10:27:38 AM

Appolo follows Mykeals instruction and throws his bead as instructed.

Bead toss 38

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 40/69(80) Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (5 of 70 points), resist energy (fire)  d20+1=10
Thursday November 15th, 2007 2:49:49 PM

Ari grabs the indicated stoneon the necklace and gives it a toss. "I hope this works"

(ooc assuming no fumble, didn't know if I could take a 20. :))

Bart Ac 32 (ac 31 against q1) Hp 63/95 Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism, Displacement, Bull strength  d20+23=40 d20+23=34 d10+13=15 d10+13=22 d6=1 d20+18=27 d20+13=26 d10+13=19 d10+13=16 d6=5 d6=4
Thursday November 15th, 2007 3:31:41 PM

Bart pays attention to q1 hitting him hard (threat crit ac 34 for 15+22+1, ac 27 for 19+5 ac 26 for 16+4

Rigging ac 23 hps 38/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, , message x2 prayer mirror image see invisible  d20+12=17 2d8(4+6)+3=13
Thursday November 15th, 2007 5:18:54 PM

OOC Kent, Rigging still had a mirror image up with 3 images. Did the lightning bolt hit one of them? Also I did a greater dispel magic so the +12 was correct.

If the bolt hits him, Rigging winces in pain since he didn't see the bolt coming and takes the full brunt of its effects.

Rigging pulls out a potion and sucks it down giving himself 13 hps back.

"Swirl, What happened up there? Why couldn't I hear you? Our our friends alright?"

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2*, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image*
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles*, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2**,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic*, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2 used one
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Val (AC 26, HP 120/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire)  d20+18=20
Thursday November 15th, 2007 5:24:45 PM

Val runs toward Q2 swinging her warhammer hard.....and missing badly. "Dang it all. How many of these guys are left?"

ooc: protection from energy fire- 77points
arrows used: 11
missed shots: 5

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 80/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Divine favor,Divine power  d20+23=43 d20+23=31 d8+10=11 d8+10=18
Thursday November 15th, 2007 8:49:45 PM

Nodding with satisfaction as he see's the effects of his dispel attempt " thats better "

Seeing Bart has his opponnet well in hand same for Ashira ... especially with Val ganging up on Q2 ....." your all mine " growls Nezamil as he charges the farthest Quad (Q3) member ... making straight for him the dwarf launches a fierce overhead swing at his target and feels Domi's power behind his swing as it cruches into his target

1st swing d20+23=43 crit hit!!! crit swing d20+23=31 hit ?? damage d8+10=11 crit damage d8+10=18 (if needed)

Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Divine favor 1 min (10 rds)1st lvl 5/10
Divine Power 1 min lvl (11 rds) 6/11

(Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

DM Kent  d8=6 d8=7 d8=3 d20+15=24 d20+10=21 d20+15=28 d20+10=24 d20+15=29 d20+10=12 d20+10=22 d20+10=28 d20+17=31 d20+17=34 d20+17=36 d100=4 d100=59 d10+10=11 d10+10=15
Thursday November 15th, 2007 11:16:57 PM

shira connects twice with her foe and is rewarded with a spray of red.

The remainder of the web is burnt through and Mykael and crew do their things. First thing noticed is that the three quad members become visible. Other than that it is hard to tell if anything else happened, though they do still seem to be moving fairly quickly.

Then the two Beads of force? fireballs? are tossed into the fray by Apollo and Ari. (damage? DC?)

Rigging winces from the bolt and at the loss of two of his images and quaffs a potion. Theone majorly positive thing is that swirl is back and all right.

You're alive,You're alive,You're alive,You're alive.Ithoughtyouweregone.

They are doing surprisingly well. They are taking some damage and have lost a few, but there were less girls and thus less priests in the room, and the their two friends that left came back and Oh you're alive!!!

(Rigging randomly placed the images based on d8 rolls) so the lightening bolt hits one of them you and a second one of them)

Nez charges into the fray going for the one who sent the lightening bolt and hits him hard and Nez hears bones break.


Q3 responds to Nez's attack, but misses with both swings as his arn just doesn't want to work correctly.

Q1 attacks Bart again and also misses with both attacks.

Q2 now faced with two opponents cntinues his attacks on Ashira, and just barely misses with his firt strike. His second strike goes astray as he worries about what Val is up to.

Both the Bear and the Archon lantern move forward to attack and are caught inthe dispell and vanish 21 , 21 vs DC 22 & DC 28.

The three quad members, having seen Apollo and Ari flash into visibility for a second on either side of Mykael move forward and each take a swing. Q5 swings a vicious shot at Apollo, and trims a few hairs and a few years off of the rogues head, but causes no other damage. Q8 lashes out and cuts into Mykael AC 34 for 11 points. And Q7 connects solidly with Ari once as well AC 34 for 15.

Ashira AC30 hps 49/120 (Fly, Greater Invisibility, Prot. from Fire, Prot. from Evil)  d20+17=31 d8+11=19 d20+12=22 d20+7=9 d20+17=18 d20+8=17 d20-2=14
Thursday November 15th, 2007 11:48:36 PM

Ashira grins as Val siddles up beside her. "Hey Val, let's show this pathetic sucker some POJ hospitality, eh?" Her swords twirling, the ranger strikes out again and manages to draw a little more blood.

AC31 for 19

Darain - OOC  9d6(2+3+1+4+4+5+2+4+3)=28 9d6(6+3+5+5+2+2+2+4+5)=34
Friday November 16th, 2007 3:35:05 AM

They are 9D6 fireballs each from a Necklace of Fireballs

1st one = 28 dam
2nd one = 34 dam

Reflex for half, I am sure. Necklace is a Type 7. Not sure what DC is.

Bart Ac 32 (ac 33 against q1) Hp 63/95 Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism, Displacement, Bull strength  d20+23=31 d20+18=25 d20+13=21 d10+13=14 d6=6
Friday November 16th, 2007 2:26:50 PM

Bart is still fighting q1 hitting him once (ac 31 for 20)

Appolo Ac 30 Hp75/88 Haste Invisible  d20+14=29 d20+14=34 d20+14=16 d20+14=23 d10+6=14 d6=5 d6=4 d6=1 d6=4 d6=4 d6=5
Friday November 16th, 2007 4:23:24 PM

Appolo smiles at hisopponent then goes invsible again and sidesteps moving silently toward Mykeal he backstabs Mykeals opponent 3 times Connecting once.Then goes invisible agian and moves toward Ari's opponent silently closing.

Move Silent 29 Attack 34 16 23 Damage 14,Backstab Damage 23 Opponent loses one point Strenght due to Feat. Total damge 37

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 80/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Divine favor,Divine power  d20+23=43 d20+23=37 d20+18=26 d20+13=17 d8+10=15 d8+10=17 d8+10=17
Friday November 16th, 2007 5:46:33 PM

With a savage grin .... Nezamil continues his assault on the warrior of Ga'al (Q3) his mace weaving deadly patterns in the air as it again finds its mark on the Ga'alian

1st swing d20+23=43 crit hit!! crit swing d20+23=37 hit!! damage d8+10=15 crit damage d8+10=17 total damage 32 !!
2nd swing d20+18=26 hit ?? damage d8+10=17 (if needed)
3rd swing d20+13=17 missed
(Nezamil gets 3rd swing because of increased BaB for Divine power spell)

"Feel Domi's wrath .... Ga'al can't help ya now " growls Nezamil

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Divine favor 1 min (10 rds)1st lvl 4/10
Divine Power 1 min lvl (11 rds) 5/11

(Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/63)  d20+2=21 d20+2=20 d100=52 d100=42 d6=5
Friday November 16th, 2007 10:41:54 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
SM IV (lantern archon): 7/7 rounds
See Invisibility: 110/110 minutes

Cosmo moves down the steps to the bottom of the stairs. His last remaining summoned creature hovers above his head (Lantern Archon). They both look towards the 3 Wildcards that appear to be fighting invisible opponents. Cosmo casts See Invisibility spell, while the Archon tries to hit the invisible opponents.

Archon attacking Q5:
Hit TAC 21; miss chance 1-50% (52); damage 5
Hit TAC 20; miss chance 1-50% (42); damage 0

Location: bottom of stairs with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility * & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 8)

Rigging ac 23 hps 38/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, , message x2 prayer mirror image see invisible  5d4(2+3+4+3+2)+5=19 5d4(4+2+2+2+3)+5=18 d100=76 d100=66 d20+14=32 d20+14=21
Saturday November 17th, 2007 1:37:54 AM

Rigging moves to R5 and sees the other quad in front of his friends attacking. He raises his hands and sends forth magic missies into Q8 doing 19 points of damage. He then uses his last quicken rod for the day and casts a second spell doing another 18 points of damage to Q8

rolled 75 and 66 miss chance and spell resistance of 32 and 21.

"Swirl I am glad to see you to my friend. Stay clear of danger and we can talk in a minute."

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2*, mage armor*, magic missile x 2**, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible*, prot from arrows*, mirror image*
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles*, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2**,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic*, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2 used one
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Mykael HP: 54/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead)  d20+15=20 d20+11=29
Saturday November 17th, 2007 4:19:36 AM

Mykael readys himself for melee combat and takes a swing at Q-8.

(AC 20, miss)(ignore 2nd attack, shouldnt have rolled it, didnt have weapon readied)

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 3/11 mins
Heroism: 3/70 mins
Stoneskin: 3/70 min,50/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 3/11 mins

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2**
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

12 pretty nice swords
15 pale green potions
15 angry looking red and black mixed potions
4 bright blue potion (cure mod wounds)

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 30/69(80) Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), resist energy (fire)  d20+10=22 d20+9=26 d20+4=6 d20+9=28 d6+3=4 d6+3=6 2d6(6+5)=11 2d6(3+2)=5
Saturday November 17th, 2007 9:32:21 PM

Muttering under his breath, "Finally something I try to sink my teeth into." The sword of Alemi digs into the quad member doing 26 points of damage. (ooc with oil of keen, crit hit)

Monday November 19th, 2007 2:15:45 PM


Dm Kent  d20+12=24 d20+12=22 d20+12=28 d20+12=30 d20+12=21 d20+12=18 d20+17=24 d20+12=27 d20+17=32 d20+17=32 d20+12=24 d20+17=21 d10+10=13 d20+17=27 d20+12=15 d20+17=27 d20+17=21 d20+12=15 d20+12=21 3d6(5+1+6)=12 d20+10=24
Monday November 19th, 2007 8:55:50 PM

The fireballs definitely caused some damage to the rushing Quad members, but they don't seem to have taken the full force of them 1/2 damage total 31 each.

Ashira reaches out ang clobbers Q2 and actually sees him wobble. He looks bad.

Bart connects with Q1 solidly and it is beginning to look like a group of weebles in the room.

Apollo does his thing and connects with his target who lloks highly upset and curse loudly about it as a bloody gash joins the burns on his body.

Nez goes weeble bashing and his connects with a mighty blow that actually makes his weeble fall down and stop moving.

Cosmo begins to cast his spell and realizes that the quad members seem to have lost their invisibility and rethinks his casting as he directs the Lantern into the fray which lashes out with its ray attack and eliciting a little yelp.

Ari lashes out and connects solidly but no blood seems to have been shed though there is a tell tale shimmer that runs the length of his foes body.

Rigging sends out his barrage of magic missiles and Q8 begins to wobble a bit himself.


Thinking that there is an invisible foe in front of him Q5 flies to the attack and gets really frustrated by the fact that while his attacks covered every space where Apollo should have been he connects with nothing. Ac24,27,32

Q8 very unhapy about being stabbed from out of nowhere and relieved that Mykael missed him tries his hand at attacking the weapon mage, but connects only once AC 32 for 13 points.

Q7 reaches out to touch Ari with his sword, but finds that he just can't quite connect Ac 27, 15, 27

Q2 seems to be barely managing to hold his sword and his attempts to use it bear out that fact as he makes too pathetic attemps to hit Ashira. Ac 21 15

Q1 also in dire straits barely seems to beable to hold his sword upright when he falls forward and touches Bart TAC 21, Vampiric touch - No save 12 points damage SR 24 negates who feels a wave of weakness course though him as negative energy is sent through his body. As Bart gets a little weaker, the quad member and his partner seem to stand a little stronger.

Ashira AC30 hps 49/120 (Fly, Greater Invisibility, Prot. from Fire, Prot. from Evil)  d20+17=28 d8+11=19 d20+12=27 d8+11=19 d20+7=8 d20+17=22 d20+8=11 d20-2=8
Monday November 19th, 2007 9:25:32 PM

The ranger grins as the Quad member shows its weakness. Her sword lashes out time and time again, but with much better success this time around. "Not so tough without a little buffing, are ya?" Ashira smiles as her sword draws yet more blood. It was only a matter of time now...

AC28 for 19
AC27 for 19

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 80/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Divine favor,Divine power  2d8(3+6)+10=19
Monday November 19th, 2007 11:51:33 PM

Smiling as his target falls the dwarf spins around to help his cohorts " lotta blood on the floor " growls Nezamil

Acting quickly he moves towards the agile warrior to his left and touches Bart on the shoulder "Heal this couragous warrior " prays Nezamil (casting CMW's spontanously in place of owl's wisdom )(2d8+10=19 cured to Bart)

"lets finish this and form up on Captain Rigging " growls Nezamil

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Divine favor 1 min (10 rds)1st lvl 4/10
Divine Power 1 min lvl (11 rds) 5/11

(Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Spell list
Zero-Create water x2,light x2 ,Read magic,Mending
1st -detect undead*,Divine favor*,Pro-from-evil x2**,Hide from undead*,Shield of faith x2*(enlarge))
2nd -Aid* ,Resist energy* ,Owl's wisdom* ,Silence x3***
(Bull str)
3rd - Searing light x2*,Magic circle* ,Blindness*,Protection from energy*(Magic vestment*)
4th - Airwalk x2** Divine power*,deathward*(Spell imunnity*)
5th - True seeing*,Rightous might,Wall of stone(Spell resistance*)
6th - Blade barrier (anti magic field)

* cast spell

attendence post 
Tuesday November 20th, 2007 12:03:54 AM

Dm Kent xxxxooo
Rigging oxxxoxo
Ashira oox2ooo
Appolo oxxxooo
Val oxxxooo
Bart oxxxxoo
Nezamil xoxxxoo
Mykael xoxxoxo
Cosmo oxxoxoo
Ari oxxooxo

Everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving !!!

Mykael HP: 51/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead)  d20+15=17 d20+11=26
Tuesday November 20th, 2007 12:39:48 AM

Mykael squares off against Q-8, and commits to a full attack.

AC: 17 and 26, miss & miss.

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 3/11 mins
Heroism: 3/70 mins
Stoneskin: 3/70 min,60/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 3/11 mins

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2**
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

12 pretty nice swords
15 pale green potions
15 angry looking red and black mixed potions
4 bright blue potion (cure mod wounds)

Appolo Ac 30 Hp 75/88 Haste Invisible -2 Con  d20+15=24 d20+15=35 d20+15=34 d20+15=31 d10+6=7 d8+6=10 d10+6=15 18d6(2+1+2+4+4+2+2+5+1+5+2+1+4+2+5+1+6+5)=54
Tuesday November 20th, 2007 10:28:27 AM

Appolo unloads a full attack on Q7 backstabbing him 4 time connecting or three of the strike.

Attack 35 Critical hit Attack 34 attack 31
Damage 7x2 =14 10 15 =29 Backstab Damage 54
Total 83
Opponent looses 3 points of strength.

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 30/69(80) Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), resist energy (fire)  d20+10=20 d20+9=12 d20+4=24 d20+4=14 d6+3=4 2d6(5+1)=6
Tuesday November 20th, 2007 2:33:55 PM

Listening to the sounds of battle and determined to get through this, Ari continues to try his best to chop through his opponent. As his swords continue their deadly dance Ari does 10 more points of damage. (AC 20, 12, 24 (crit pos))

Val (AC 26, HP 120/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire)  d20+18=23 d20+13=19 d20+8=12
Tuesday November 20th, 2007 3:16:16 PM

Making sure that Q2 will be down Val swings her warhammer at him. He looks bad but one can never be too careful with these guys.

ooc: 3 attacks, whiff, whiff, whiff

Rigging ac 23 hps 38/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, , message x2 prayer mirror image see invisible  d20+10=23 d20+10=29 d20+10=20 d20+10=17 d100=85
Tuesday November 20th, 2007 9:22:44 PM

Rigging is at a loss on what to do next. His spells are almost exhausted and his friends are battling for their lives. He pulls out a scroll and casts a dispel magic on O5 hoping to bring down some of his defenses and make it easier for Appolo and the others to kill him.

chance to miss 85
rolled 4 spell disruptions of 23, 29, 20, 17

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2*, mage armor*, magic missile x 2**, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible*, prot from arrows*, mirror image*
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles*, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2**,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic*, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic used
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2 used one
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/63)  d20+2=21 d20+2=20 d6=6 d6=3 d20+10=21 d20+10=26 d20+10=19
Tuesday November 20th, 2007 10:17:30 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
SM IV (lantern archon): 5/7 rounds
See Invisibility: 109+/110 minutes

OOC -- Kent I will keep the See Invisibility as being cast.

Cosmo goes through his spell list, but there isn't much he can do without affecting his comrades. He moves down off the stairs and onto the floor. He casts a Scorching Ray spell, using his Maximize rod. He targets Q5, Q8 and Q7 with 1 ray each (if any are dead he will double up on one of the others).

Q5 Hit TAC 21; damage 24
Q8 Hit TAC 26; damage 24
Q7 Hit TAC 19; damage 24

The Archon continues to attack.

Archon attacking Q5:
Hit TAC 21; damage 6
Hit TAC 20; damage 3

Location: bottom of stairs with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 **, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility * & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 8)

Tuesday November 20th, 2007 11:29:57 PM

The dwarf eyeballs the rest of the wildcards to check on their health status.

Wednesday November 21st, 2007 12:41:39 AM

The ranger dodges and weaves with her opponent, trying not to leave herself open to attack.

DM Kent (Round 50)  d20+18=35 d20+15=30
Wednesday November 21st, 2007 9:17:44 AM

Ashira drops her and Val's opponent getting her not so strong attacks through the quad members almost non existant defense, as Val slashes the air above the fallen body.

Nez does some immediate mid combat healing on Bart who suddenly feels better.

Mykael faces off against his Quad opponent and whiffs only to see his foe fall to the ground as one of Cosmo's rays catches him full on. Appolo's effective sneak attacks combine to drop Q7 where he stood.

Rigging casts his spell and there is a bit less shimmer about the body of Q5.

Cosmo's send his other two rays streaking into Q5 and a surprised look come across his the Quad member's face as he crumbles to the ground.

Feeling the healing energy course through his body, Cosmo gives a little battle cry and furiously attacks the remaining Quad member connecting with two swings and drops his opponent to the floor.

****Current phase of combat is over.****

1 hero point and 200 exps to Mykael for his web/dispell magic/fireball idea.

Wednesday November 21st, 2007 6:46:10 PM

Once he sees their opponents are down Appolo become visible again.He looks around at his group"Ok let's go jion up with the others."He heads over to Rigging."Well boss what's next.How much do we have left.I say we head down below start the fire there then as we retreat burn out the rooms with the heart seeds that way we don't trap ourselves."

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 80/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Divine favor,Divine power  2d8(6+2)+11=19
Wednesday November 21st, 2007 11:36:59 PM

" We should regroup so can heal us up as best i can before they attack again " adds Nezamil

The 5'ft dwarf fishes out a scroll " this will help us all " as he moves towards Captain Riggings position

Looking about he waits till everyone is within range and reads the magical scroll releaseing irs energy "Domi heal these couragous warriors of evil " prays Nezamil (2d8(6+2)+11=19 cured to everyone !!!)

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Divine favor 1 min (10 rds)1st lvl 2/10
Divine Power 1 min lvl (11 rds) 3/11

(Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Rigging ac 23 hps 68/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, , message x2 prayer mirror image see invisible  2d8(3+5)+3=11
Wednesday November 21st, 2007 11:49:55 PM

Rigging feels Nezamil cure wash over him and breaths a sigh of relief, but feel a catch of pain still so quickly sucks down a potion. (cure moderate from own stash. Get 11 back)

He looks at his family and notices that Ashira still looks the most beat up. "Nezamil, give Ashira a cure.

Appolo check out the door but wait for Mykael to cast a dispel magic on it from the wand. Might was well try and disrupt any traps. Look to see if I can get some prying eyes in anywhere.

Cosmo, what do you have left to boost us up. Do you have a haste spell. Think it is time to use it.

Val and Bart, check the dead for useful items. Ari help them. Take my wand of detect magic and see what you can see.

Remember their was some kind of undead down here. Are we still invisible to them? Hopefully this is the final push. Lets finish this job."

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2*, mage armor*, magic missile x 2**, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible*, prot from arrows*, mirror image*
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles*, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2**,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic*, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 1 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic used
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2 used one
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Ashira AC30 hps 76/120 (Fly, Greater Invisibility, Prot. from Fire, Prot. from Evil)  2d8(3+2)+3=8
Thursday November 22nd, 2007 12:40:33 AM

Grinning as the healing washes over her battered body, Ashira fishes out her own healing wand and taps herself with it. Then she looks over at Rigging. "Time is not on our side. Let's get a few healings and buffs in and then lets get rolling. Don't want them even more prepared for us."

Val (AC 26, HP 136/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire)  d2=1 d2=2 d2=2 d2=1 d2=1
Thursday November 22nd, 2007 1:09:23 PM

Val begins unceremoniously stripping the bodies of anything that could be magical and putting them in a pile for later detection.

"Captain I don't think were going to be able to take everything."

Arrows used: 11
missed shots: 5

ooc: how many of val's 5 misses can she recover?

Kent - 3 recovered

Mykael HP: 65/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead) 
Thursday November 22nd, 2007 3:01:21 PM

Mykael helps Val with the loot, and packs away any that no one else chooses to help carry.

He then follows Apollo and uses an area burst Dispel from the wand on the door that Rigging indicates.

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 8/11 mins
Heroism: 8/70 mins
Stoneskin: 8/70 min,60/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 8/11 mins

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2**
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

12 pretty nice swords
15 pale green potions
15 angry looking red and black mixed potions
4 bright blue potion (cure mod wounds)

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 49/69(80) Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), resist energy (fire), detect magic? 
Thursday November 22nd, 2007 8:56:18 PM

(ooc I had cast detect magic earlier, though I don't have books with me sitting here in a taxi)

"Thank you for the help Nez!"

Hearing Rigging and his orders, Ari quickly looks about on the dead for the obvious magic or good quality items.

Thursday November 22nd, 2007 8:57:42 PM

Although I'm always thankful for everyone and everything! :) On this day I give thanks that Kent decides to add this game to his daily struggles of things to do! Thanks Kent for everything that you do.

and thanks for the rest of you who struggle like me to get to the site and post and participate with this game. Happy Thanksgiving.

Friday November 23rd, 2007 10:11:44 AM

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving with your families.

Before I post I need to know which door it is you are working on. There are three. One leads to the heart sanctum and below to the Heart of Ga'al and the other two lead to one or the other of the garden rooms.

Friday November 23rd, 2007 10:44:46 AM

Kent, I meant the doors to the heart sanctum.

DM Kent 
Friday November 23rd, 2007 2:17:59 PM

Some healing is done, though several members look like they could use a bit more as the group moves on to other things.

Once again the swords and gear of the defeated Quads is gathered up though it is getting a bit difficult to carry around the 30 plus bastard swords already collected. All the swords radiate magic as do three rings and six vials of blue liquid.

Val, Bart, and Ari start doing a cursury inspection of the area they are in and the detect magic lights up several of the trunks located in the sleeping quarters they were fighting in.

Mykael and Apollo approach the door to the Heart Sanctum. Upon it is written in High Woldian. If you can read High Woldian you may

Highlight to display spoiler: { Only those seeking the benefits of Ga'al's infinite wisdom and blessings may pass these doors without harm. All others pass at their own risk.}

Mykael then casts an area dispel burst from the wand centered on the door. Almost immediately upon the discharging of the wand everyone feels something pushing at their mind. Everyone make a will save DC 20

Appolo  d20+8=26
Friday November 23rd, 2007 8:37:09 PM

Appolo feels a strnge sensation wash over him after Mykeal uses his wand and looks around."Ok everyone alrigh.That was weird."He asks.
Will save 26

Mykael HP: 65/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead)  d20+12=32
Friday November 23rd, 2007 10:49:34 PM

Mykael's mind pushes away the sensation, "Looks like we have the right place."

"Use the Dispel wands on the trunks then Apollo can check them out for mundane traps and see what is in them."

Mykael moves over and uses a targeted Dispel from the wand on one of the 3 trunks.

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 8/11 mins
Heroism: 8/70 mins
Stoneskin: 8/70 min,60/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 8/11 mins

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2**
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

30+ bastard swords
3 rings
15 pale green potions
15 angry looking red and black mixed potions
4 bright blue potion (cure mod wounds)
6 vials of blue liquid


OOC: Do the 6 vials of blue liquid seem the same as the bright blue (cure moderate wounds). Or do they appear different? If they are Mykael uses his alchemy and brew potion skills to attempt to discern what they may be.

Rigging ac 23 hps 80/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, , message x2 prayer mirror image see invisible  d20+12=28 2d8(5+4)+3=12
Friday November 23rd, 2007 10:53:36 PM

Rigging feels the strange feeling wash over him and is able to shake off any ill effects from it. (will save 28) He glances at his companions to see if they are ok before pulling out another potion and sucking it down. (cure moderate for 12) Rigging feels back in fighting form.

Rigging will ask Mykael, "Would you rather keep the wand of dispel magic I made or give it back to me? I am starting to run out of spells and my hand to hand fighting abilities are lacking. I could try to bring down defenses with it while you use your fighter skills."

Rigging says to everyone, "I think we have breeched the outer defenses but I expect beyond this door is going to be our biggest challenge. You have to figure they will keep their strongest guardians with the Heartseed tree. We need to work together and bring down individual threats quickly?

I want Val, Ashira and Bart to make a fighting team and try to tackle the biggest threat you see together. Cosmo, use your wand and the rest of your summoning spells to try and keep busy any spellusers and smaller opponents. I have a couple of fireballs left which I will use on mass groups.

Nez, I know you want to get into the fight but realize your our best source of healing and the fighters might need it. Now give Ashira another cure before we head in, she is looking a little battered. Also remember that healing spells are bad for undead.

Appolo after you check the door, I want you to work with Ari, and Mykael to take on spellusers. Lets get close fast so they don't keep hitting us with mass spells."

Rigging looks at his friends and family proudly. "I hope this is the final push. Lets finish this business and go get some ale."

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2*, mage armor*, magic missile x 2**, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible*, prot from arrows*, mirror image*
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles*, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2**,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic*, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic used
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2 used one
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 92/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Divine favor,Divine power  d20+17=27 2d8(3+7)+5=15 2d8(1+5)+5=11
Friday November 23rd, 2007 11:31:19 PM

Shaking off the sudden push into his mind " hmm didn't like that " grumbles Nezamil (d20+17=27 will save , made !!)

Stepping up next to Ashira the dwarf taps her twice on her shoulder with a wand (2d8(3+7)+5=15 , 2d8(1+5)+5=11 , total cured to Ashira =26 pts)

"Drink one of da potions " adds Nezamil

"also i can make ya stronger or bigger take you pick " grins Nezamil to the sea elf

Nodding at Captain Riggings advice " wise words ... lets finish this " growls Nezamil

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Divine favor 1 min (10 rds)1st lvl 1/10
Divine Power 1 min lvl (11 rds) 2/11

(Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63)  d20+10=15
Saturday November 24th, 2007 10:58:49 AM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
SM IV (lantern archon): 4/7 rounds (from wand)
See Invisibility: 109+/110 minutes
Haste: 11/11 rounds
SM IV (): /7 rounds (from wand)

Cosmo tries to resist the magic from entering his mind, but is unsuccessful (will save 15).

OOC: If Cosmo can keep acting on his own he will do this.

Per Riggings's orders, Cosmo casts Haste spell. He then starts to summon a creature using the Wand of SM IV.

OOC: Everyone is hasted for 11 Rounds

Location: with group with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 **, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility * & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste *
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 9)

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 49/69(80) Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), resist energy (fire), detect magic?  d20+8=21
Saturday November 24th, 2007 1:57:33 PM

Ari feels the tentacles of something pushing at his consciousness. Shaking his head Ari glances around to the rest of the group to see if anyone else might have succumbed.

Ari then hears Rigging's instructions and nods his head in acknowledgment.

Mykael - extra post 
Saturday November 24th, 2007 2:02:27 PM

Mykael walks over and hands Rigging the Wand of Dispel.

"No problem, nice to have it, but I prefer to cut thier ears off personally. Ari has the Necklace of Fireballs, you could get that back from him, also."

Ashira AC30 hps 120/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge)  d20+9=23 2d8(2+5)+3=10 2d8(2+6)+3=11
Saturday November 24th, 2007 10:02:47 PM

Feeling the magic trying to invade her body, Ashira manages to shrug it off. She smiles as Nezamil taps her with the wand and then sucks down two potions, fully restoring her health. She looks around and makes sure everyone is fully healed. Seeing that Nezamil has taken care of everyone, she spreads her own buff spells around. She casts Barkskin on Val and Bart. Then she fishes out a Fly potion as she glances over at Nezamil. "Ok big guy, I'm ready for a growth spurt." Ashira waits for Nezamil to Enlarge her. She keeps the potion handy in case her own Fly wears off. Otherwise she hands it to Val.

Liking the results she had last time she used the trick, Ashira once more dons the appearance of one of the dead priests, ready to "call for help" should she encounter anyone once they are through the doorway.

Spells cast
Barkskin on Val and Bart--- (+3 to natural armor, lasts 60 min.)

Sunday November 25th, 2007 6:56:16 PM

"Everyone, I have a Haste spell left. Been saving it for when we really need it. This probably is the time. But I want to wait until we are for sure going into a tough battle. Mine dont last near as long as Rigging's or Cosmo's. I want to try and maximize what we can get from it."

"If we get into a battle, dont one person charge off too far. We need the fighters in somewhat close so I can effect you all."

"Anyone have a see invisibility spell? That way Apollo doesnt have to choose between staying invisible or getting in on the Haste?"

Appolo  d20+10=28 d20+10=15 d20+12=28
Monday November 26th, 2007 12:08:00 AM

Appolo looks at around and once the all clear is given moves toward the door to check the lock and look for more traps.He replies to Mykeal"Don't waorry about me I'll be ok.Appolo checks for traps and attemps to disable them if succesfull he will check the lock and using his thieves tools pick if necessary.

Search 28 disable device 15 picklock 28

Val (AC 29, HP 136/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin, Haste) 
Monday November 26th, 2007 6:47:52 AM

Val decides to go melee and has her bow tucked in her quiver's magical pouch. She holds her warhammer in hand, almost jittery with nervous anticipation.

Arrows used: 8
Haste 1/11
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

DM Kent  d20+10=22 d20+10=18 d20+10=18
Monday November 26th, 2007 6:13:25 PM

Bart - Will roll DC 18
Val - Will roll DC 18

Mykael is pretty sure that the potions are of the cure moderate type like the others and then dispels any magic on the outside of the chests and one of the chests seems to shimmer a moment and then bursts apart as more clothes that you can even imaging being held by it pours out of the now overstressed chest. amongst the clothes are two rolled up pieces of parchment that radiate magic.

In the other three chests, once opened, are found an additional 6 pieces of parchment, two pieces of jewelry and a book all radiating magic.

Most of the group manages to push the insinuating presence from their mind with a bit of effort.

Rigging issues oders and ideas spring up from several others most of the orders are carried out immediately, though Cosmo, Bart, and Val seem to think about them for a moment.

Apollo checks out the chests and the door finding no traps on any of them and no locks for that matter.

Bart, Val and Cosmo - Highlight to display spoiler: { Very clearly a soft sinuous and even pleasant voice begins speaking to you in your minds.I wonder how long you will persist in this struggle, before you beg me to take your life? Will it be before or after you lead your friends to their deaths? Think of all of those you have sent to their deaths already. You need only send your last few friends and family to me now. This is after all your destiny, and your doom. Have you ever noticed how your leader is always the last one to join in a combat and is always behind you? Already they worry about your loyalty. They know already that you are mine. Even your friends and familty can see that. }

Upon closer examination the pieces of jewelry are a heavy chain with a platinum medalion hanging on it and a silver chain with a bright blue saphire hanging on it.

The book is quite thick and has writing on it but the writing seems to be shifting around and hard to read.

Two of the rings recovere seem to be identical even to the point of when they are placed side by side seem to have been cut from the same piece of metal. The third ring has a feather pattern all the way around the outside of the ring.

Scrolls found Highlight to display spoiler: { Cleric - Repel Wood, Summon Nature's Ally V, Command Greater, Bannishment
Mage - Sleet Storm, Teleport, Dispel Magic Greater, Chain Lightening

Ashira AC30 hps 120/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge) 
Monday November 26th, 2007 10:14:20 PM

The ranger looks at the loot with extreme skepticism. Could be good...could be bad. "As much as I'd like a little help right now, I don't think we should use these until we're sure they're not cursed." she murmurs at Rigging as she readies herself to head further into enemy territory.

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 92/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Divine favor,Divine power,Haste 
Monday November 26th, 2007 11:19:32 PM

"just pile the stuff up in the middle of the room ... we'll scoop it up on da way out " growls Nezamil

Nodding to Ashira " ok time for you to grow up little girl " chuckles the dwarf as he touches her shoulder "Domi ... raise this soul to new heights " prays Nezamil (casting Enlarge on Ashira)(lasts 11 mins)(dismissable)

"Lets bash em " growls Nezamil " ready when you are Captain"

"Bart .... Val here's another potion of displacement " as he hands the agile warrior and elven barbarian the vials (lsts 5 rds , wait till needed )

Fishing out a scroll the Cleric of Domi quickly releases its magic (scroll of magic weapon)by tapping his heavy repeating crossbow infusing the magic

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Divine favor 1 min (10 rds)1st lvl 1/10
Divine Power 1 min lvl (11 rds) 2/11
Haste ?/?

(Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Spell list
Zero-Create water x2,light x2 ,Read magic,Mending
1st -detect undead*,Divine favor*,Pro-from-evil x2**,Hide from undead*,Shield of faith x2*(enlarge))
2nd -Aid* ,Resist energy* ,Owl's wisdom* ,Silence x3***
(Bull str)
3rd - Searing light x2*,Magic circle* ,Blindness*,Protection from energy*(Magic vestment*)
4th - Airwalk x2** Divine power*,deathward*(Spell imunnity*)
5th - True seeing*,Rightous might,Wall of stone(Spell resistance*)
6th - Blade barrier (anti magic field)

* cast spell

Tuesday November 27th, 2007 1:38:21 AM

Mykael moves the burst chest out to the pile also. He knows that if it was indeed a magic item, then the Dispel from the wand only suppressed its magic for a short period of time. He wants to remember which chest to check, when they return for the loot they are unable to carry.

Mykael will pocket the jewelry, and book into his pack, if no one else grabs the easy carry stuff. Just in case we dont have a chance to come back for it.

He looks at the group and then Rigging, waiting for the signal.

Val (AC 29, HP 136/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin, Haste) 
Tuesday November 27th, 2007 6:38:27 AM

Val shakes her head from side to side. What the hell was that, she wonders silently.

"Come on let's quit waisting time. We have enough to do right now without standing here."

Arrows used: 8
Haste 2/11
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min
Potion of Displacement (0/5) -not used yet

Tuesday November 27th, 2007 9:14:05 AM

Rigging agrees with Val, "We can loot later if we are alive. Let's finish this. Appolo is the door safe to open? Remember the plan. Fighters take out the biggest opponent first. Spell users and others tie up the counter parts.

Appolo get that door open.

attendence report 
Tuesday November 27th, 2007 1:36:18 PM

Dm Kent xoxoxoo
Rigging oxxoxoo
Ashira xoxxoxo
Appolo oxxoxoo
Val oxoxooo
Bart ooooooo
Nezamil xxxoxoo
Mykael oxoxxxx
Cosmo oxoooxo
Ari oxoxoxo

o = no post
x = posted !!

Bart no posts all week ??? you ok ???

Tuesday November 27th, 2007 1:54:30 PM

Cosmo stands quietly listening and watching the group with a thoughtful look on his face.

He waits to hear the next orders from Rigging.

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 49/69(80) Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), resist energy (fire), detect magic? 
Tuesday November 27th, 2007 4:14:22 PM

Waiting for the word to go, Ari helps out with making the piles of treasure. "I hope they're still being distracted by the remaining people in the other groups.

Appolo Invisible Haste  d20+15=17 d20+15=16
Tuesday November 27th, 2007 7:05:18 PM

Appolo looks over at Rigging al"Ok Boss all clear.Going in." Appolo goes invisible the quietly opens the door and slips inside quickly.

Move silently 17 hide in shadows 15

Into the Heart of the Temple

DM Kent 
Wednesday November 28th, 2007 6:59:34 AM

Apollo opens the door and immediately, you all feel and hear what sounds like the unison beating of a number of hearts, thumpthump, thumpthump, thumpthump.

As you each step through the door you get a better look a what is inside.

The room is more of a mausoleum with tiered rows of stone biers running along the side walls of a spiral walkway that leads downward and has no railing leaving spaces between the biers that could alllow a fall 3-40 feet below.

On each beir is what appears to be a stone effigy with what looks like a live and beating heart/heartseed, lying in a hollow on the chest of each body. There is a small plaque attached to the edge of each bier that is enscribed with the name and dates of sevrvice for each Ga'alian high priest that has ever served in the post.

Bart, Val, CosmoHighlight to display spoiler: { Again that voice speaks to you in your head. If you continue upon this path you will bring death and destruction to all that you hold dear and love. You bring death to all those around you or close to you.. But that is your gift, for you are my creature. I could end your life in a heart beat, but why should I when you are so entertaining? Your friends already begin to wonder about you. You can no longer trust them.}

Rigging ac 23 hps 80/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, , message x2 prayer mirror image see invisible haste  d20+10=25 d20+10=21 d20+10=24 d20+10=30
Wednesday November 28th, 2007 9:50:03 AM

Rigging holds up his hand to slow down the group for a second and fires of his wand of dispel magic hoping to disable any spell traps ahead.

Area dispel magic: made 4 rolls just in case. 25,21,24,30

"Appolo, head to the right. That is where I dispelled. You are leading the way and then Val, Bart and Ashira. I will follow next, then Ari, Nezamil Cosmo and finally Mykael will bring up our rear.

Swirl will fly top cover for us." Not sure how high the room is but Swirl will head to the ceiling above Rigging.

"I wonder if this is some sort of group mind for the heartseeds. Someone try and pry a seed off the chest and see what happens?"

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2*, mage armor*, magic missile x 2**, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible*, prot from arrows*, mirror image*
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles*, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2**,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic*, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic used
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2 used one
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Val (AC 29, HP 136/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin, Haste) 
Wednesday November 28th, 2007 5:58:53 PM

Val grips her warhammer tighter. Her eyes dart to the front and back. Her breathing is quicker and sweat begins to form on her brow. Her left hand reached up an grasped the holy symbol which hung under her chain shirt. Her thumb ran across the symbol of gargul, the god of death.

"Gargul give me the strength and peace of mind to do what needs to be done." She prays quietly.

Arrows used: 8
Haste 3/11
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min
Potion of Displacement (0/5) -not used yet

Wednesday November 28th, 2007 7:09:07 PM

Appolo comes back and reports what's in the next room."We need oil wood anything flamable.That place is fulll of living dead high prieats We can burn them out. I didn't see anyone or thing else in there."

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 92/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Divine favor,Divine power,Haste 
Wednesday November 28th, 2007 7:50:41 PM

Standing off to the side to let the 1st wave of wildcards thru the Cleric of Domi concentrates on detecting the undead they were warned about "Domi show some light on the walking dead " prays Nezamil as he lets his senses search out the targets

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Divine favor 1 min (10 rds)1st lvl 1/10
Divine Power 1 min lvl (11 rds) 2/11
Haste ?/?

(Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Ashira AC30 hps 120/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge)  d20+19=36 d20+19=22 d8+11=17 2d8(6+4)+22=32
Wednesday November 28th, 2007 11:22:20 PM

Ashira looks at the heartseed display with disgust. Hearing Rigging's order her face spreads in a unpleasant looking smile. "Oh, I think I can do better than pry one out..." Performing a quick search, Ashira locates the name of the high priest that heartseeded her. Sword raised high, Ashira plunges it into the heartseed, knowing full well exactly where to cut to do the most damage.

AC 36/22 crit? 17 or 32 dam.

OOC: Didn't up the stats due to the Enlarge yet, so there would probably be more damage. Need to work those numbers out for tomorrow.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63) 
Thursday November 29th, 2007 1:56:11 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
See Invisibility: 109+/110 minutes
Haste: 10/11 rounds
Pearl of Power 2nd level: used

OOC: Everyone is hasted for 10 more rounds!

Cosmo takes a moment to activate his Pearl of Power 2nd level to recall a Scorching Ray spell.

"If need be I can use my Pearl of Power 3rd level to recall the Haste spell I just cast."

"We should hurry as the Haste spell will only last another minute."

"Rigging I can summon Fire Elemental's to do some burning."

Cosmo is very jittery and keeps looking around expecting the worst.

Location: with group with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility * & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste *
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 9)

DM Kent  5d6(4+3+6+4+5)=22 5d6(5+5+2+3+3)=18
Thursday November 29th, 2007 5:55:56 PM

(Hey has anyone heard from William (Bart). He hasn't posted in over a week.)

Swirl heads up to the center of the cieling which is about 30 feet above the top of the stair where you are and about 80 ft from the very dark bottom. "Hey boss, there is movement on the stairs about 20 feet below you."

Rigging casts his spell and nothing seems to have happened, and then makes his suggestion about poking and prying at the heart/heartseeds.

Val seems to be a bit more stressed than usual and is seen holding on to her holy symbol and talking to herself. Highlight to display spoiler: {Foolish one don't waste your time with him or staying with these ignorant fools. They can no longer help you. Only I can help you now. You see how they send you to the front so they can be behind you. They don't trust you and you can no longer trust them. they will try and kill you as your back is turned. already they whisper between themslves behind your back.}

Apollo comes back and reports what he sees at best guess he figures there are atl least 50 beirs in all if they are spaced evenly as the stairs spiral down.

Nez casts and starts looking for any undead that might be about and nothing registers at all, infact the heart/heartseeds seem to actually be still alive somehow. Nez does however feel very uncomfortable in this area as the nearly overwhelming aura of evil weighs heavily on him.

Ashira hears her husband's request and smiles happy to do this duty and plunges her sword into the heart/heatseed in a way to do the most damage. She nearly pulverizes the thing and then is engulfed by an explosion of rock and gore as the bier, and effigy explodes sending rock shards and unholy energy radiating outward for 30 feet catching Apollo, Rigging, Nez, Cosmo, Bart and Val in the explosion as well.

Ashira, Bart, Val, Rigging, and Apollo - 22 points rock shard damage, Relex DC 25 for half damage + 18 points of unholy damage.* (* not reducable)

Cosmo and Nez - 11 points shard damage, Relex DC 25 for half damage + 18 points of unholy damage.* (* not reducable)

Val reflex save DC 16 or be blow off the edge of the stairs

Cosmo feels very anxious and is showing signs that not all is right but he still seems to be functioning. Highlight to display spoiler: {Foolish one don't waste your time with staying with these ignorant fools. They can no longer help you. Only I can help you now. You see how they keep you to the rear so they can leave you behind. They don't trust you and you can no longer trust them. They will try and kill you when your back is turned. Already they whisper between themslves where you can not hear them.}

Bart moves forward with Val as requested by Rigging though he too is looking and acting a bit more nervy than usual. Highlight to display spoiler: {Foolish one don't waste your time staying with these ignorant fools. They can no longer help you. Only I can help you now. You see how they send you to the front so they can be behind you. They don't trust you and you can no longer trust them. they will try and kill you as your back is turned. already they whisper between themslves behind your back.}

Immediately upon the conclusion of the expolsion Val, Cosmo, and BartHighlight to display spoiler: { "See what did I tell you. Already it starts. They are laying traps for you. They will betray you. You will only be safe with me. You must flee them."}

Ashira AC30 hps 91/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge)  d20+13=15
Friday November 30th, 2007 12:40:53 AM

The ranger ducks out of the way of the largest slivers of rock, but still ends up looking remarkably like a pincushion in her torso (Refl.=15, Evasion for 1/2). Skewered and fried, Ashira mutters a half hearted "Whoops". Noting Val's situation, Ashira flys over to where she is hoping that she can lend her a stabilizing hand, or even catch her should she begin to fall. "You ok?" she asks anxiously.

Mykael HP: 65/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead) 
Friday November 30th, 2007 12:59:06 AM

"I dont think we need to worry about these right now. I believe these are just here for the living to consult with. I am sure there is much more immediate problems here to deal with. We need to move on."

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 8/11 mins
Heroism: 8/70 mins
Stoneskin: 8/70 min,60/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 8/11 mins

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2**
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

30+ bastard swords
3 rings
15 pale green potions
15 angry looking red and black mixed potions
4 bright blue potion (cure mod wounds)
6 vials of blue liquid
Jewlery & Book

Val (AC 29, HP 96/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin, Haste)  d20+10=19 d20+10=23
Friday November 30th, 2007 6:49:56 AM

Just shut up! I am not listening to you. I've gone through this once already and bear the marks upon my neck to prove it. I welcome death over the safety you offer.

Val doesn't seem to notice that rock shards pepper her body. Luckily she manages to keep her footing an doesn't tumble down the stairs. Val holds her ghostly warhammer tightly. She turns and charges recklessly down the stairs.

Arrows used: 8
Haste 4/11
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min
Potion of Displacement (0/5) -not used yet

Rigging 51/80  d20+10=27
Friday November 30th, 2007 4:51:25 PM

Rigging makes his save but still feels the brunt of the blow and says, "Ah dearest, could you please refrain from doing that again? I don't think that was a good idea! Are these relevant to our mission? Is this like a common brain for the heartseed plant. Does it store the memory of all its high priests here? We should destroy it if we can but not that way!"

Sorry quick post from work

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 63/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Divine power,Haste  d20+9=21
Friday November 30th, 2007 5:20:50 PM

Throwing up his left arm as a shield from the blast of the effigy but to no avail as shards damage the dwarf (d20+9=21 failed reflex save takes 11)(+18 unholy)

"By Domi " growls Nezamil " doon't try that again .... unless we can do them all at one ...
that would bring da walls down on this place "

Smiling as he spots Val charge the stairs " go get em girl .... thats the spirit " growls Nezamil "Domi bless her "

"Lets get moving !!! no time to waste !!" barks out the dwarf

Continuing his concentration of sensing the undead Nezamil focus's his attention inside the room (2nd rd of concentrating) as he moves into the room (moves to T8)

Nezamil grimaces as he feels some of his magic dissapate

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Divine Power 1 min lvl (11 rds) 1/11
Haste ?/?

(Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

(will stoneskin absorb shard damage ?? book says only weapon damage ??)

KENT -- I would say that in this case the physical damage due to the rocks could be absorbed becasue the rocks are not magical in and of themselves and stone skin protects from slashes, cuts and stabs.

Appolo ac 30 HP 70/88 Haste  d20+15=31
Friday November 30th, 2007 7:51:50 PM

Appolo easily dodges the shards and watches as Val charges off."Wal get back here.I got a plan.""Ashirs leave those things alone.Like I said we should burn them down.We need oil wood anything flamable.We pou the oils all over the bodies and burn them along with the Tree,Undead and plants don't do well with fire."

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 34/63)  d20+12=15
Saturday December 1st, 2007 12:11:22 AM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
See Invisibility: 109+/110 minutes
Haste: 9/11 rounds
Pearl of Power 2nd level: used

OOC: Everyone is hasted for 9 more rounds!

Cosmo takes the shard blast full in the face. Or at least that is how it feels after he cannot dodge the blast (reflex save 15).

"Rigging I could summon some creatures to try and destroy these hearts while we move on. Perhaps a few Lantern Archons using there rays from a distance can get the job done."

Location: with group with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility * & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste *
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 9)

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 49/69(80) Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), resist energy (fire), detect magic? 
Saturday December 1st, 2007 8:15:53 AM

"We might be able to use the fire from the necklace that you gave my Mykael"

Ari looks around and feels a small shiver in his back as he remembers the days of his heart seeding.

DM Kent (Round 55) 
Saturday December 1st, 2007 9:35:49 AM

(OOC I have sent an email to William and have gotten no response as yet)

Ashira dodges the barrage of flying rock shards and moves forward to lend Val a hand if needed and sees that Val doesn't even really see her.

Mykael urges that the group keep on and move forward.

Rigging asks that his wife not do that to the hearts again and then remembers that it was kind of his idea in the first place.

Nez moves a bit further in and still registers nothing of any undead.

Val doesn't seems to be physically aware of the damage she took or that Ashira came to help her but simply grips her hammer even harder so that her knuckles are actually turning white.

Val hears Nez cheer her on and tell her to go ahead and rush forward and those sentiments seem to be echoed by Mykael as well, but they don't seem to be coming with her yet in fact they seem to be stopping and discussing something leaving her alone.......... She waits for the voice to say something and realizes that the voice doesn't need to as she is already thinking it.

Apollo tries to call Val back and puts forth his idea.

Ari looks around and sees that Bart seems to just be standing there doing nothing but looking at each of you very suspiciously.

Cosmo fights off his inner demon for a moment at least and puts forth a plan of his own.

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste 
Saturday December 1st, 2007 11:04:06 PM

"We can't let her go by herself ??!!!" growls Nezamil as he watches Val charge down the stairs alone " right behind ya Val " as Nezamil charges after Val

Nezamil follows in Val's foot steps taking the steps two at a time trying to keep up with the fleet footed elven warrior

"Domi be proud of her " smiles the dwarf

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

(adjusted Hp's by +10 to reflect the stoneskin absorbing most of the shard damage)

Mykael HP: 65/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead, Haste) 
Monday December 3rd, 2007 12:54:20 AM

Mykael waits for the rest of the group to get moving, he is the back guard and cant move yet.

"Dont let them run off on thier own, come on people lets finish this."

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 8/11 mins
Heroism: 8/70 mins
Stoneskin: 8/70 min,60/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 8/11 mins
Haste (from Cosmo): 2/11 mins

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2**
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

30+ bastard swords
3 rings
15 pale green potions
15 angry looking red and black mixed potions
4 bright blue potion (cure mod wounds)
6 vials of blue liquid
Jewlery & Book

Ashira AC30 hps 102/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge)  2d8(1+7)+3=11
Monday December 3rd, 2007 7:29:48 AM

Grinning, Ashira flys down with Val. "No way I'm letting you have all the fun!" As she flys along she taps herself with her healing wand, knowing that she'll need all the strength she can get for the upcoming battle.

Val (AC 29, HP 96/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin, Haste)  d20+20=39 d20+20=33 d8+6=13 2d6(2+4)=6 d8+6=13 2d6(1+5)=6
Monday December 3rd, 2007 11:02:29 AM

I'm in this alone. They can stand an discuss things all they want. Gargul tonight I dine with you.

Val rushes the first undead smashing it as hard as she can with her ghostly warhammer. Due to the magic infused within her body Val brings the warhammer back down upon the blasphemous undead.

ooc: 1st attack ac 39 for 13 normal and 6 bane. 2nd attack ac 33 for 13 normal and 6 bane. Weapon is +4 vs undead and ghost touched.

Arrows used: 8
Haste 5/11
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min
Potion of Displacement (0/5) -not used yet

Appolo Ac 30 HP 70/88 Hastte 
Monday December 3rd, 2007 1:02:49 PM

Appolo looks around"Mykeal Aris find as much flamable matiereal as you can,especially iols and flamable liguids.The rest of us will go support Val.We can't destroy these things one by one we need turn this place intoa funeral pier and burn them all along with the heartseed tree.Hopefully the resulting explosions will cave in this whole place."He then turns and sprints down stare activating his spider climb ttatto."Nal we're coming or at least I am."He yells after her while cursing her impatience.

attendence report 
Monday December 3rd, 2007 2:19:32 PM

Dm Kent xoxxoxo
Rigging oxxoxoo
Ashira xoxoxoo
Appolo xxxoxoo
Val oxxoxoo
Bart ooooooo
Nezamil xoxoxxo
Mykael oxooxoo
Cosmo oxoxoxo
Ari oxoooxo

Tis the season to go shopping but we're in middle of combat !! please lets try and survive ;-)

Bart another week of non posting!!!!

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 49/69(80) Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), resist energy (fire), detect magic? 
Monday December 3rd, 2007 2:39:12 PM

Looking at Bart Ari asks, "Bart are you okay?"

Hearing Appolo Ari comments, "If we find any material I can set it ablaze" Ari then proceeds to find any burnable material (or glance around at least) while he waits for a response from Bart.

If it comes to being left behind, Ari will follow up with the others that are following Val.

Cosmo  d20+3=16
Monday December 3rd, 2007 5:56:46 PM

Cosmo waits for the group to start moving and takes his place in the middle.

He keeps alert for any dangers.

Spot 16

DM kent  d20+10=11
Monday December 3rd, 2007 11:22:31 PM

Bart looks distrudtingly at Ari, even draws his sword and starts backing away from the others and back toward the stairs going back up.

"Stay away from me. I can no longer trust you and so I am leaving you to your doom."

Nez, Apollo, Mykael, Cosmo, and Ashira start down after Val although she is moving relatively quickly and swinging her hammer at things none of the rest of you see.

Ari looks around for flammable material and finds there are lots of clothes linens and bedding, but little of anything else that is flammable. He is alos a bit unclear about what it is exactly he is supposed to burn.

Rigging  d20+10=24 d20+10=23 d20+10=12 d20+10=20
Tuesday December 4th, 2007 1:59:24 PM

Rigging sees that something is wrong with Bart and remembers the mind assualt when they first opened the door. Worried that Bart is acting strangely, Rigging tries to discretely hit him with a dispel magic hoping to break any hold on the fighter.

dc rolls against spells 24, 23, 12, 20

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste 
Tuesday December 4th, 2007 3:38:12 PM

The Cleric of Domi continues his pursuit of Val as he chases after her " thata girl take the fight to them "

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 49/69(80) Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), resist energy (fire), detect magic?  d20=12
Tuesday December 4th, 2007 4:52:29 PM

Ari pitches his voice loud enough so that the others in the group can hear what's going on.

"after years of friendship Bart, what have we done to deserve that makes us so distrustful?"

Ari is trying his best to keep Bart in the area without spooking him. Ari tries to wrack his brains for a way out of the current situation. (general skill check roll 12)

Appolo Ac 30 Hp70/88 Haste 
Tuesday December 4th, 2007 7:22:03 PM

Appolo moves quickly to catch up to Valanthe"Wait.Charging off by yourself isn't going to help."He thinks to himself great Valanthe goes nuts and Bart goes AWOL.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 34/63)  d20+25=38
Tuesday December 4th, 2007 8:56:38 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
See Invisibility: 109+/110 minutes
Haste: 7/11 rounds
Pearl of Power 2nd level: used

OOC: Everyone is hasted for 7 more rounds!

Cosmo catches Rigging casting a Dispel magic on Bart (Spellcraft 38). He thinks about saying something, but the strange voice and its message comes back to him and he remains silent.

Location: with group with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility * & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste *
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 9)

Ashira AC30 hps 91/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge) 
Tuesday December 4th, 2007 9:41:09 PM

The ranger watches as the group slowly begins to unravel. Val's bolting downstairs and Bart's headed the other way. Not good...really, REALLY not good! She looks over at Nezamil and Appolo who have given chase. "Guys, we need to stick together. Something's wrong with Bart, see if you can get Val to get back here with us before we head down. Not knowing exactly what might be the best thing to do, Ashira gives chase to Bart, hoping to at least slow him down.

Mykael HP: 65/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead, Haste) 
Tuesday December 4th, 2007 11:35:10 PM

With a need for mobility, since the group is splitting, Mykael downs a Fly potion and takes off after the dwarf.

'Need to watch over the healer, he may have alot of work to do. And his valor sometimes overrides his common sense.'

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 8/11 mins
Heroism: 8/70 mins
Stoneskin: 8/70 min,60/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 8/11 mins
Haste (from Cosmo): 2/11 mins

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2**
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

30+ bastard swords
3 rings
15 pale green potions
15 angry looking red and black mixed potions
4 bright blue potion (cure mod wounds)
6 vials of blue liquid
Jewlery & Book

DM Kent (round 57)  d20+15=25 d20+15=30 d20+15=32 d20+15=25
Tuesday December 4th, 2007 11:58:28 PM

Rigging casts his spell and nothing apparent seems to happen.

Nez and Apollo rush down to try and catch up to Val.

Ari tries to talk to Bart to find out what's wrong.

Cosmo seesm to be having a battle himself and watches with some suspision as Rigging casts the spell at Bart.

Ashira reverses her direction deciding to try and catch up to Bart and stop him.

Mykael quaffs a potion and begins to fly.

Bart looks at Ari and for a moment it looks like something like clarity reaches through and then it shuts off completely as he turns and screams at Rigging.

"Don't think I don't feel what you just tried to do. You just cast a spell on me trying to make my magic no longer function. He is right, I can no longer trust any of you. You are trying to kill us. With a final glare at Rigging and Ari, Bart bolts for the stairs.

(OOC: I still have not heard from William after several emails, so I am currently exiting Bart from the game, until such a time as he is able to come back)

Rigging 67/80  2d8(5+8)+3=16
Wednesday December 5th, 2007 5:48:27 PM

Rigging watches Bart leave in dismay as one of their best fighters deserts them. His spell obviously did no good but at least the fighter was leaving and getting out of harms way.

(ooc normally wouldn't allow Bart to go running off alone under the influence of a spell but since the DM wants it this way...so be it)

Rigging turns his attention to the room and calls to the others, "Does anyone see any kind of plant? This seems to be a place where they bury the dead and if we have time, we should deal with it but lets move on to the other rooms for now. Seems like the quads were defending the side rooms. Let's check them out first and then deal with this."

Rigging will take the opportunity to suck down a potion of moderate healing.

When the group forms on him, he will point to the left hand side of the map and say, "Lets go that way first."

Appolo Haste Spider climb Ac 23 Hp 70/88  d20+10=20
Wednesday December 5th, 2007 7:04:23 PM

Appolo continues to pursue Valanthe down to the bottom of the stairs.He doesn't even hear Rigging or know that Bart has run off."Vlanthe come back."He says as watches for anything dangerous.

Spot 20
OOC Appolo should be able to cath up to her by now.

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 49/69(80) Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), resist energy (fire), detect magic? 
Wednesday December 5th, 2007 7:16:12 PM

Torn between the two choices of following after Val or chasing Bart, Ari turns to Rigging, "We're going to have to figure out what's going on or who's effected and how can we tell?"

Ari's mind races with all the implications as he waits for Rigging to answer.

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste 
Wednesday December 5th, 2007 7:37:53 PM

Val!!! slow down !! wait for for us !!' yells the dwarf

Nezamil continues to try and keep pace with the fleetfooted elven warrior.

"This ain't da brightest thing i've done " worries the Ccleric of Domi

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Val (AC 29, HP 96/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin, Haste) 
Wednesday December 5th, 2007 9:53:41 PM

Val keeps running all out swinging her warhammer at foes that aren't there. Try as they might Val keeps pulling farther ahead.

ooc: val has a higher base movement and is hasted. Not sure if haste helps any. Sorry about a short post but there has been a death in the family and things have been a bit crazy.

Arrows used: 8
Haste 6/11
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min
Potion of Displacement (0/5) -not used yet

Ashira AC30 hps 100/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge)  2d8(1+5)+3=9
Wednesday December 5th, 2007 11:34:58 PM

The ranger takes a deep breath. Bart was beyond their reach, but maybe they can still help Val. She flies as quickly as possible toward Val and Nezamil. As she does she taps herself with her healing wand, not knowing what they might be up against when they head further into the temple.

DM Kent 
Thursday December 6th, 2007 5:05:15 PM

Rigging reluctantly watches Bart depart and then tries gathering his troos together to try one of the side doors, when he realizes that only cosmo and Ari are any where near him and Cosmo is strangely quiet and looking at you all like you are crazed.

Ashira and Mykael decide that by flying the can cut Val off and suddenyl up ahead Val sees the two of them drop to the stairs in front of her cutting her off. Behind her she hears two more sets of runniing footsteps coming up on her as Apollo and Nez try catching up to her. Val realizes that she is about to be surrounded on a railess staircase with a drop of about 25 feet to her left.

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste 
Thursday December 6th, 2007 10:35:01 PM

The dwarf keeps chugging along after the fleetfooted Elven warrior .... hearing footsteps behind he peeks over his shoulder and spots Appolo gaining on him

"Whats gotten into her ??? .... i think she might be enspelled .... i wonder what she is trying to draw us too?"

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Rigging 80/80  2d8(3+7)+3=13
Thursday December 6th, 2007 10:49:37 PM

Rigging is pissed! Bart runs off! Val runs off! Cosmo is looking squirrely and everyone is running around accomplishing nothing. "Everyone reqroup on me now!"

Rigging pulls out another cure moderate potion and sucks it down.

Ashira AC30 hps 100/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge)  2d8(6+5)+3=14 d20+8=13
Thursday December 6th, 2007 11:40:23 PM

The ranger puts her hands up. "Val, it's me. I only want to help. Here..." she reaches out carefully with the wand and touches the dark elven warrior (14 hp if Val lets her). "Come back with us Val. It's too dangerous to go in there alone. Let's go back to Rigging and regroup...then we can take down the rest of those scum suckers!" (Diplomacy=13) Ashira watches anxiously to see how Val will react.

Mykael HP: 65/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead, Haste, Fly) 
Thursday December 6th, 2007 11:52:32 PM

Unsure if whether the Elven Barbarian will stop, Mykael puts his shield at the ready and stands with his back to the wall. He listens as Ashira speaks her peace, then adds his two cents.

"We fight as a team, remember? Alone you are exposed with no one looking out for you. Calm down and dont get too reckless. We are in the enemy's base, they are strongest here in both mind and body. We have to stay together to watch out for each other."

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 8/11 mins
Heroism: 8/70 mins
Stoneskin: 8/70 min,60/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 8/11 mins
Haste (from Cosmo): 2/11 mins
Fly: 1/7 mins

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2**
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

30+ bastard swords
3 rings
15 pale green potions
15 angry looking red and black mixed potions
4 bright blue potion (cure mod wounds)
6 vials of blue liquid
Jewlery & Book

Val (AC 29, HP 96/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin, Haste) 
Friday December 7th, 2007 10:07:05 PM

it's happening just like he said. they turned on me. they are coming for me. i can't let that happen.

With her free hand, the one that has her buckler strapped to her arm, Val pulls a feather token from her belt pouch. She turns and jumps off the side, activating the tree token beneath her.

ooc: Val's trying to soften the fall by using the feather token- tree to grow a tree under her as she falls so she lands upon that instead of the ground.

Arrows used: 8
Haste 6/11
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min
Potion of Displacement (0/5) -not used yet

Ashira AC30 hps 100/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge)  d20+5=22
Saturday December 8th, 2007 12:44:56 AM


Ashira watches Val take the plunge with dread in her heart. Knowing what she has to do, Ashira begins to rapidly fly down after the falling barbarian (accelerated flying) and attempts to catch her before she falls. (Grapple=22, included +4 bonus due to the Enlarge)

OOC: Since Ashira didn't get to heal Val, I'm assuming that I can change my action for the round.

Appolo Ac 30 Hp 70/88 Haste Invisible Spider Climb  d20+10=11
Sunday December 9th, 2007 7:18:26 PM

Appolo goes invisble and then over the side of the using his spider climb to move quickly down the wall to the bottomThinking he'll have to complete this mission himself.The group has lost all sense of cohesion.He keep as sharp eye out for trouble.
Spot 11

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 49/69(80) Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), resist energy (fire), detect magic? 
Sunday December 9th, 2007 9:26:40 PM

Looking at Rigging Ari comments, "obviously something is wrong. Do you have any ideas as to what is going on?"

Looking away from Rigging and towards where Bart went, Ari wonders what is happening and what will happen next.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 34/63) 
Sunday December 9th, 2007 9:59:49 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
See Invisibility: 109+/110 minutes
Haste: 6/11 rounds
Pearl of Power 2nd level: used

OOC: Everyone is hasted for 6 more rounds!

Cosmo remains near Rigging as he calls everyone to him. He remains quiet as he watches the leader of the wildcards.

Location: with group with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility * & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste *
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 9)

DM Kent (round 59)  d100=73 d100=1 d100=7
Monday December 10th, 2007 5:15:57 PM

Many things happen as things seem to go from bad to worse.

Val jumps over the edge tossing out her feather token as she does so and suddenly there is a tree spinging up from the floor below all the way to the roof where Rigging and Ari are situated. Branches fill and cross much of the stair causing the walkway to become very treacherous and hard to maneuver through and along. While not trapped as such Mykael and Nez find the going now slow and prickly.

Having jumped and then set her feather go Val finds herself being lofted back to the upper levels as she gets caught in the instantly expanding branches. Re-orienting herself she finds that she can easily climb in the branches and starts descending again a fair rate.

Ashira dives down to catch Val and also gets caught up in the branches and finds herself nearly pinned to the top of the cieling by the multitude of sprouting branches. with a moment or two work she begins to free herself but the flying part is very difficult.

Apollo begins to climb down the walls and biers as the tree explodes upward and outward and nearly gets scraped off the wall. He soon finds that climbing down the tree will be easier than using the wall now.

Rigging losing his temper issues a regrouping order and is suddenly met with tree branches poking out at him as the large oak tree fills the area.

Cosmo watches hearing the tumult being caused by Ashira and the voice in his head chuckles Highlight to display spoiler: { see what is happening to her, your friends caused this they will be after you next you know. You see it's true. See how the one is already screaming at you?}

attendence post 
Monday December 10th, 2007 10:05:02 PM

Dm Kent xxoxooo
Rigging oxxxooo
Ashira xxxxoxo
Appolo xxxooox
Val xoxoxoo
Nezamil oxxxooo
Mykael xxoxooo
Cosmo xxoooox
Ari xxxooox

Bart is on walkabout !!! Dm Kent has removed him from the game (3 weeks of missed posts )

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste 
Monday December 10th, 2007 10:23:03 PM

"By Domi !!" growls Nezamil " whats's gotten into that girl "

" Val whats gotten into you ??" barks the dwarf

"Everyone stop chase her .... let the spell run it's course we need to destroy the seeds and the tree of Ga'al" shouts Nezamil

Quickly fishing a wand out of a pouch he aims it at the tree and activates its power (wand of dispel magic 12 th lvl)

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Spell list
Zero-Create water x2,light x2 ,Read magic,Mending
1st -detect undead*,Divine favor*,Pro-from-evil x2**,Hide from undead*,Shield of faith x2*(enlarge))
2nd -Aid* ,Resist energy* ,Owl's wisdom* ,Silence x3***
(Bull str)
3rd - Searing light x2*,Magic circle* ,Blindness*,Protection from energy*(Magic vestment*)
4th - Airwalk x2** Divine power*,deathward*(Spell imunnity*)
5th - True seeing*,Rightous might,Wall of stone(Spell resistance*)
6th - Blade barrier (anti magic field)

* cast spell

Val (AC 29, HP 96/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin, Haste) 
Monday December 10th, 2007 10:39:49 PM

Once Val gets down to the bottom she starts running down the first hallway she sees. Val glances back and pulls a gem from her pouch.

Gargul grant me your blessing. Protect me as I do your work.

Arrows used: 8
Haste 7/11
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min
Potion of Displacement (0/5) -not used ye

Ashira AC30 hps 100/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge, Woodland Stride??) 
Monday December 10th, 2007 11:35:43 PM

Sighing, Ashira moves easily through the entangling branches (Woodland Stride) and back over to Rigging.

Not again. I won't fight her again. She calls out to Val. "Val, something's wrong...for Jack's sake let us help you. Quit fighting us."

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 49/69(80) Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), resist energy (fire), detect magic? 
Tuesday December 11th, 2007 4:30:18 PM

Worry start to set in as Ari takes inventory of the remaining members.

Staring at Cosmo, Ari takes in his concerned look and wonders aloud, "What is the problem Cosmo, how can we help?"

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 34/63) 
Tuesday December 11th, 2007 9:12:17 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
See Invisibility: 109+/110 minutes
Haste: 5/11 rounds
Pearl of Power 2nd level: used

OOC: Everyone is hasted for 5 more rounds!

Cosmo steps back away from the growing tree so it does not entangle or harm him. He listens and watches as some of the Wildcards go chasing off after Val. Cosmo hears Ari ask him a question.

"Nothings wrong. This um tree growing startled me," Cosmo says with both confusion and distrust on his face.

Location: with group with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility * & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste *
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 9)

Appolo Ac 30 Hp 70/88 Haste Spider Climb 
Tuesday December 11th, 2007 10:39:54 PM

Appoloheads back to Rigging"Ok boss we can set that tree on fire using some oil and magic.We should also burn all the bodies interned here,This place will make a great fire pit.So what do you say."

Mykael HP: 65/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead, Haste, Fly) 
Tuesday December 11th, 2007 10:46:02 PM

Mykael turns to the dwarf. "Back to the boss."

He escorts Nez to Rigging's side. "We cant go chasing after her, it will only lead us into bad circumstances. It hurts, I know, but we must think of the greater good of the mission. You all know that better than I. With luck she and Bart will be ok, we finish what we started and we all meet up in the end."

"Lets do this, carefully. Also, remember what the seer informed us, especially you, Apollo. Fire is bad, it will alert the town and they will save the tree. Acid or other means, that are not so easily spotted are the key."

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 8/11 mins
Heroism: 8/70 mins
Stoneskin: 8/70 min,60/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 8/11 mins
Haste (from Cosmo): 6/11 rds
Fly: 1/7 mins

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2**
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

30+ bastard swords
3 rings
15 pale green potions
15 angry looking red and black mixed potions
4 bright blue potion (cure mod wounds)
6 vials of blue liquid
Jewlery & Book

Wednesday December 12th, 2007 12:26:28 AM

Rigging looks on in dismay at the state of the group. "I know you don't want to here this but I think we have to consider retreat. We have just lost 2 of our best fighters, who we can't afford to lose right now. We are down on resources and spells. I think we need to retreat and rethink. We have hurt them badly and they won't be able to restock on those trained quads and priest that easily. If we come back in half a day, we can finish this mission much easier. I think this is the best course but want to hear what you think."

DM kent 
Wednesday December 12th, 2007 10:33:47 PM

Val continues downward and make the floor of a very darkened room 20x20 that has a tree now growing out of the center of it there is a body of what could be a priest under part of the trees new root system and there is what appears to be a very thick double stone door straight ahead. Something has her cry out to Gargul as she reaches the bottom. Val make will save DC 19

The rest of the Swords regroup back top around Rigging and he asks if they want to continue on in their current condition and down at least one fighter possibly two or regroup and retry the next day.

Cosmo backs warily from the tree and then keeps a bit of didstance between himself and the othher Wildcards.

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste 
Wednesday December 12th, 2007 11:15:43 PM

Making his way back to the Captain ..." we need to keep moving ... don't want to be ambushed while we wait "

"Somethings gotten into that girl " growls Nezamil " she is certainly enspelled by something"

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Val (AC 29, HP 96/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin, Haste)  d20+9=22
Thursday December 13th, 2007 5:11:45 PM

Val stops short of entering the room. Whatever was inside wasn't good. Probably a few priests or one really powerful one. Something she had to be very careful about before doing anything. Did she summon an elemental now and send him in first? Or just barrel in and bust as many heads as possible.

ooc: will save 22

Thursday December 13th, 2007 9:26:02 PM

"Val come back! We are going to leave! Don't listen to the voice in your head. We know you and love you. We have to make sure Bart is OK. Remember Bart? He is your friend."

Rigging looks to the others and says, "Without Bart and Val, we don't stand a chance. We need to leave and rethink this. Nobody ever said it had to be one massive attack. I doubt they will be able to replace everything we killed so quickly. Prepare to move out."

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste 
Thursday December 13th, 2007 11:23:12 PM

"Move out ? ... we're so close to finishing this off " replys Nezamil

"We cannot leave Val !! " growls the dwarf " i'm not leaving without her !! "

DM Kent 
Thursday December 13th, 2007 11:31:30 PM

Discusion continues above while below Val gets a solid moment of clarity as Gargul sends her some needed support. Looking around her she finds herself alone and in an unfamiliar area with a palpable feeling of evil pushing in on her.

Ashira AC30 hps 100/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge, Woodland Stride??) 
Friday December 14th, 2007 12:51:08 AM

Ashira nods at Nezamil. She turns to her husband. "I'm sorry dear, but I won't leave her behind. Fall back if you need to, but I'm staying."

Friday December 14th, 2007 1:47:52 AM

"Captain, either we are worthy of being called Dragons or we are not. Here.. Now... is when and where we find out. If we leave, the whole city will be alerted of what has happened and we will have them all to deal with. We still have surprise on our side in that respect. More quads and priests can be called and teleported in. The plants could be moved. Now is our best chance, probably our only chance."

"With all do respect, Rigging, your thinking is faulty. We must continue for the good of all. We chose this quest, we cant back out because the going is tough, or because our strength is waining. Now is when you find out if you truly have what it takes to be a hero."

"I am staying."

Mykael looks each individual in the group in the eyes, so they may know the truth of his words and the conviction in his heart.

Friday December 14th, 2007 1:35:08 PM

Rigging smiles at the loyalty and determination of his friends. "OK if that is the decision, I will stand with you, but before we do anything, we have to find out what is wrong with Val and see if we can fix it. I do have a break enchantment scroll but it takes a full minute to cast so you will need to find a way to immobilize her for that time."

Rigging then sighs to himself, "Well they will probably sing songs about the fall of the Wildcards in taverns for years to come."

CDM Jerry 
Friday December 14th, 2007 3:54:27 PM

Greetings Woldians!

I am excited to tell you that BIG, even HUGE changes are coming for The Wold. The Wold is evolving and everyone one of you will be affected. But I'm not going to tell you about it here. I'm just going to whet your appetite:

--A new type of game
--Major changes to the website
--Greater choice for both DMs and players!

I will begin introducing the new material in the LnB sometime between now and Monday. You will need to start watching that board daily to understand what is going to be happening. This process will be ongoing for a bit, so you really do need to view the Loot 'n Booty board daily starting now.

I'm mass emailing this and also posting it on every game board so everyone sees it.

Enjoy your weekend!


Appolo Boots of Speed, Haste,Invisible  d20+18=38
Friday December 14th, 2007 5:53:19 PM

Appolo looks at Rigging abit angry at the suggestion that they leave Val here."we're not leaving.Until we're down."he says ina cold menacing way and then heads back down,turning invisible as he does so.Once at the bottom he heads for Val moving silently and swiftly.

Move Silent 38

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 34/63) 
Friday December 14th, 2007 7:55:32 PM

"I vote we stay too."

"Let's finish what we started."

Friday December 14th, 2007 11:27:07 PM

Surveying his fellow Wildcards the dwarf nods as they concur about not leaving Val behind.

"Domi bless you all "

Val (AC 29, HP 96/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin, Haste) 
Friday December 14th, 2007 11:27:27 PM

Val takes the gem in her off hand and squeezes it tightly. She felt the presence of her god. A feeling she hadn't felt since the father. But this was different. It took away her fear and left her with this utter calmness. Val threw the gem to the ground shattering it and summoning the elemental in the process.

"Destroy this temple. Reduce it to rubble." Val said without hesitation. She was alone in the battle against evil but that was alright. Death was but another step in the journey. Val takes her holy symbol from around her neck and wraps it around the shaft of her warhammer.

ooc: Val uses one of her two elemental summoning gems.

Arrows used: 8
Haste 9/11
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min
Potion of Displacement (0/5) -not used ye

Saturday December 15th, 2007 1:49:24 AM

"I agree with the others in that we probably won't get another clear chance at this. We've always been known as a threat and if we leave now they'll never take their eyes off of us.

We also have to make sure that they don't end up with control of any of us, otherwise they could use one of our group against us. They could use their magics to have any one of us say that we are traitors, or whatever or however they want to paint things. So we've got to bring the temple down in order to make sure that one of your numbers has not been left behind under their control."

DM Kent 
Saturday December 15th, 2007 11:53:04 AM

The final decision is made by the team and they turn as one and "hastily" begin making their way down to the bottom searching for Val.

Cosmo feels apprehensive about the final decision as the voice has been telling him he shold leave and not trust his companions, but somehow finds the conviction to continue on. Highlight to display spoiler: { That's right come to me, bring them to me. And we will all feast on their traitorous blood. Come join your friend who is already here.}

Val removes her holy symbol wrapping it around her weapon and smashes her elemental gem to the ground, beginning the summoning process. (What kind of elemental?) From above she hears the sounds of people calling her name and they seem to be coming slightly closer.

Sunday December 16th, 2007 8:26:05 PM

Mykael stays one step behind the dwarven cleric, watching over Nez, as the group continues toward fate.

Mentally sending a message to Rigging through his spell. 'Rigging, I have kept watch on Val. Her mind is conflicted and lost. She may be more easily swayed or subject to mental spells than the rest of us. She had issues with the Farie King before, and her relationship with Apollo, seems to be at an end.'

'This isnt the place or the time to try and work any or all of that out. We dont have the time or the safety. All that we can do, for the good of the mission, is to watch over her the best we can. Try to guide and use her confusion to our advantage and thus hers. In truth a Barbarian rage may be what is needed to help focus her toward our enemies and help clear her head.'

'Afterwards, we can take a break and do our best to help her through her issues. Apollo will not listen to me, perhaps not even you. His devotion to her is admirable. However, given thier relationship past or present, his actions may push her, further compounding her internal conflict. I suggest trying to keep him away from her. If she saw him as her rock to help her, then she would have already gone to him.'

Mykael shakes his head in sadness for Val, wishing he had the answers she and Apollo both needed.

Monday December 17th, 2007 2:55:08 PM

"OK we are staying, we need to work together. Everyone try and stick behind Val and protect her but we need to get moving fast! Same plan as before and obviously since we have lost Bart and Val, we need to be smart and work together.

(OOC Kent little confused on what is where and where everyone is. Where is the tree? Is it sticking up throught he ceiling? Please advise)

Val (AC 29, HP 96/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin, Haste, Displacement)  d20+18=33 d20+18=32 d8+6=8 d8+6=9
Monday December 17th, 2007 3:07:43 PM

Val doesn't take a deep breath. Doesn't wipe the sweat from her brow. For she isn't nervous or frightened. She's filled with an eerie sense of calm. She moved into the room bringing her warhammer down upon the priest.

ooc: its an earth elemental. forgot to mention that. Val's attacking the priest. 1st attack ac 33 for 8 and 2nd attack ac 32 for 9.

Arrows used: 8
Haste 10/11
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min
Potion of Displacement (1/5)

Appolo Ac30 Hp 88 Hasted Boots of Speed Invisible  d20+18=35 d20+18=23 d20+15=28 d20+15=33 d10+6=15 d8+6=12 12d6(4+2+6+2+4+3+2+3+2+4+1+4)=37
Monday December 17th, 2007 4:47:22 PM

Moving silently and quickly forward Appolo follows Valanthe into the room.When Valanthe attacks thr priest.Appolo flanks it and backstabs it twice then gsteps back goes invisible again.

Mave Silent 35 Hide 23

Attack 28 33 Damage 15 12 Backstab damage 37 Total 64

Monday December 17th, 2007 9:45:18 PM

The party is currently split.

Apollo and Val are at the bottom of the spiral staircase, while the rest of you are at the top of it. The tree actually runs from the cieling above you down to the floor where they are. The branches are sticking out all along the way making the staircase more than a little bit more treacherous.

attendence report 
Monday December 17th, 2007 10:28:52 PM

Dm kent xoxxoxo
Rigging ooxoxoo
Ashira xooxooo
Appolo oxooxoo
Val xooxooo
Nezamil xoxxxoo
Mykael oxooxox
Cosmo oxooxoo
Ari oxoooxo

Hmm not good , hopefully everyone is out christmas shopping ;-)

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste 
Monday December 17th, 2007 11:33:15 PM

" LETS GO HELP VAL "growls Nezamil

The dwarf starts towards the tree " i think climbing down da tree is easier then the pathway with all da branches in da way "

Aapproaching the tree Nezamil starts to climb down towards the elven warrior .

"We're coming to help ya Val " shouts the dwarf

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Spell list
Zero-Create water x2,light x2 ,Read magic,Mending
1st -detect undead*,Divine favor*,Pro-from-evil x2**,Hide from undead*,Shield of faith x2*(enlarge))
2nd -Aid* ,Resist energy* ,Owl's wisdom* ,Silence x3***
(Bull str)
3rd - Searing light x2*,Magic circle* ,Blindness*,Protection from energy*(Magic vestment*)
4th - Airwalk x2** Divine power*,deathward*(Spell imunnity*)
5th - True seeing*,Rightous might,Wall of stone(Spell resistance*)
6th - Blade barrier (anti magic field)

* cast spell

Mykael HP: 65/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead, Haste, Fly) 
Tuesday December 18th, 2007 12:38:21 AM

Mykael moves down through the tree, half flying and half climbing. He moves ahead of the group to play point and be ready to assist anyone that may slip.

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 8/11 mins
Heroism: 8/70 mins
Stoneskin: 8/70 min,60/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 8/11 mins
Haste (from Cosmo): 10/11 rds
Fly: 1/7 mins

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2**
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

30+ bastard swords
3 rings
15 pale green potions
15 angry looking red and black mixed potions
4 bright blue potion (cure mod wounds)
6 vials of blue liquid
Jewlery & Book

Ashira AC30 hps 100/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge, Woodland Stride??) 
Tuesday December 18th, 2007 1:57:33 AM

The ranger slides easily in and among the branches, working her way down toward where Val disappeared (Woodland Stride).

Tuesday December 18th, 2007 11:06:45 AM

"right, work together" Ari starts working his way down the tree. "Can anyone maybe carry me, if it helps us get to the bottom faster?"

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 34/63) 
Tuesday December 18th, 2007 9:55:21 PM

Cosmo waits until everyone starts towards Val. He moves into last in line and makes his way through the tree branches. In one of those rare instances his small size helps him negotiate the branches.

A look of confusion is still on Cosmo's face.

DM Kent 
Tuesday December 18th, 2007 10:32:09 PM

As Cosmo steps in at theend of the group and starts down the tree, he isn't quite sure if he hears something from behind him or not, but he certainly hears his friend again.Highlight to display spoiler: { Ahhhh, good idea to let them go first, it is less likely they will stab you from behind. Or was it your idea? Perhaps they are trying to leave you behind because they do not trust you...}

Val and Apollo put the already injured and partially pinned priest out of his misery and Val is pretty sure she could not have made all the wounds that showed up on the body by herself. Above she hears the others making their way down the tree and they should be with her in a few more moments (next round they arrive). There is stil the heavy stone double door in front of you.

Wednesday December 19th, 2007 12:44:37 AM

OOC sorry for the missed post. I could swear I did it. Getting senile in my old age.)

Rigging hurries after the others trying to keep the group together before they stumble into the trap.

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste 
Wednesday December 19th, 2007 2:16:23 PM

The dwarf continues in his decent in the tree to the bottom to help Val " hurry guys " growls Nezamil

"Carry you ?? ... i'll throw ya down to the bottom " growls Nezamil sarcasticaly

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Val (AC 29, HP 96/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin, Haste, Displacement) 
Wednesday December 19th, 2007 9:14:16 PM

Val moves over to the door and tries to open it. Whatever was behind there would be deadly and terribly evil. At least she guessed it would be.

Arrows used: 8
Haste 11/11
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min
Potion of Displacement (2/5)

Appolo Ac 30 HP88 Haste Boots of Speed 
Thursday December 20th, 2007 10:23:17 AM

Appolo appears behind Valanthe"I woulddn't do that if I were you.Why don't you stand back and let me check it for traps and locks."He says calmly and loud enough to be heard.

Thursday December 20th, 2007 4:05:00 PM

Seeing no offer to speed his descent, Ari works his way down the tree.

Ari stops for a moment when he hears Nez's comments and understands his sarcasm as quickly as he is surprised by it.

"If I was a cat, maybe that would be the way to go"

Thursday December 20th, 2007 8:00:42 PM

The dwarf continues to make hi way down the tree towards the bottom

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 34/63) 
Thursday December 20th, 2007 8:39:54 PM

Cosmo follows along at the rear of the group as they make there way down the stairs.

Ashira AC30 hps 100/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge) 
Friday December 21st, 2007 1:15:55 AM

Slipping and sliding...dodging and weaving. Making her way toward her wayward friend, and hoping she's not in big trouble yet.

DM kent 
Friday December 21st, 2007 8:15:03 AM

The others make the bottom just as Val reaches the door and ponders how to open it, and Apollo suggests that he be allowed to do that job and moves forward.

There is an overwhelming evil feel down here that is amking everyone's skin crawl and there seems to be a wary presence watching from somewhere or so it feels.

The double door is very very very very large, being nearly 8 feet wide for each door and 12 feet tall. The dwarf whistles when he sees it as he recognizes the dwarven work and that the two doors seem to have been cut from the same single piece of granite. There are old Woldian runes all around the edges and four large runes, two on each door, about shoulder height. There appears to be no handle or lock visible and those who can see invisible things Highlight to display spoiler: {see none either}. Those who can see magical aurasHighlight to display spoiler: { find that the all the runes on the door emanate magic.}

The earth elemental that was conjured by Val's gem begins to follow her orders to destroy the temple and starts ripping into the wall opposite the door, though it doesn't seem to be have quite the effect that you might think it would. In fact the wall almost seems to be repairing itself about half as fast as the elemental is destroying it.

Friday December 21st, 2007 12:15:50 PM

Bart finds himself on the middle of the street his sword is in his hands, he feels very strange in his head. He remember he was in a temple fighting... wait where are my companions... oh no are they dead? I must go back.. The priest must have cast an spell on me i would never leave my friends. Bart looks around and orientates himself he rushes back to the temple. The sameway as the did get in. Trying to be back as soon as possible

(sorry about missed post, all is well)

Val (AC 29, HP 96/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin, Haste, Displacement) 
Friday December 21st, 2007 10:13:21 PM

"Well lets get these doors open. Destiny can't be kept waiting."

ooc: what of the earth elemental Val told to destroy the temple? Don't want to waste a gem.

**** OOPs forgot about him, will go back and edit my post to reflect his work - KL

Arrows used: 8
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min
Potion of Displacement (3/5)

Riggging 80/80 hps  d100=75
Friday December 21st, 2007 10:43:30 PM

Rigging catches up with the others and says, "What! We need to prepare before blundering in. Obviously their is some kind of bad magic going on. Those doors have runes all over them. Lets slow down and use our heads.

I am going to cast another passwall by the door to see if we can avoid some obvious traps. Cosmo, can you summon some creatures to lead our way? They might as well spring the trap. Make sure that they are good so those traps affecting good will go off.

Does anyone else have any ideas? Cast whatever protections you have left. This is gonna be the final push and I suspect the hardest part of the battle.

Rigging will first cast Blink and then passwall from a scroll. (just in case I need it, 75% for the blink)

OOC, Kent I know these are wierd circumstances but does the magic circle agains evil help with the mind affecting spells? It acts as a protection from evil and that spell normally helps"

**** OOC - Yes that spell would indeed help against mind affecting spells - KL

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2*, mage armor*, magic missile x 2**, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible*, prot from arrows*, mirror image*
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles*, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2**,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic*, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic used
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2 used one
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Wednesday December 26th, 2007 11:06:01 PM

Is anyone gonna post?

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste  d20+3=11
Wednesday December 26th, 2007 11:10:13 PM

Getting to the bottom the dwarf steps away from the tree to give others space to reach the floor unhindered .

Ttaking a peek at Val to see her reaction as they all join her " i hope she ain't gonna run away again " hopes Nezamil

As the elemental attacks the door Nezamil gasps "By Domi .... it heals itself "

"Can anyone read dem symbols ?" as the Cleric of Domi attempts to decipher them (d20+3=11 knowledge religion check)

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Spell list
Zero-Create water x2,light x2 ,Read magic,Mending
1st -detect undead*,Divine favor*,Pro-from-evil x2**,Hide from undead*,Shield of faith x2*(enlarge))
2nd -Aid* ,Resist energy* ,Owl's wisdom* ,Silence x3***
(Bull str)
3rd - Searing light x2*,Magic circle* ,Blindness*,Protection from energy*(Magic vestment*)
4th - Airwalk x2** Divine power*,deathward*(Spell imunnity*)
5th - True seeing*,Rightous might,Wall of stone(Spell resistance*)
6th - Blade barrier (anti magic field)

* cast spell

OOC: Ok folks lets try and start posting again and get this game moving forwrd !!!

Val (AC 29, HP 96/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin, Displacement) 
Thursday December 27th, 2007 9:27:38 AM

"Destroying the temple may be harder than we thought. If magic infuses the entire place we will have to cut the magic off at the source. I have another earth gem to use but I think I should save it. Hopefully the elemental will be drawing power away from this room. Maybe the magic used against us won't be as strong."

Arrows used: 8
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min
Potion of Displacement (4/5)

ooc: I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one insanely busy this last week.

DM kent 
Thursday December 27th, 2007 2:21:37 PM

The elemental continues working on the wall opposite of the door ans works more furiously as it doesn't seem to be getting anywhere fast. Rigging thinks about where to place his passwall and whether to use it in light of the most recent discovery.

Hurrying back into the temple, Bart qickly makes his way through the dead bodies in the dormatory and then into the sanctuary. Surprisingly enough, he has run across no one still living though he does here what might be sounds of combat coming from where the girl's dormatory is supposed to be. just behind the alter and statue of Ga'al the door to below is still open wide and Bart feels a bit of trepidation as he passes through it and makes his way down the stairs. At the bottom he finds himself where he last remembered being and fighting but now there seems to be a tree growing through the middle of the spiraling staircase. he gets the sense that his friends are below.

Nez takes a look at the glyphs on the door and recognizes the symbols around the perimeter of the door as dire warnings and curses dedicating and desecrating the space beyond to evil

Appolo Ac 30 Hp 88 Haste 
Thursday December 27th, 2007 6:32:13 PM

Appolo look around"Ok why don't we use Cosmos's pets' to trigger those markings.While we gi back up those stairs and waita few minutes before coming back down.Or we can use the passwall but I'm fairly sure that whole wall might just be enchanted and protected in some way.Oh I don't think we have to worry about anyone arriving soon.If there were more of them I think they would be here by now."

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste d 
Thursday December 27th, 2007 11:10:08 PM

"Captain those symbols and glyphs upon the doors warn of curses an evil beyond the door "

"I hate to admit it but Appolo has the right idea ... sending in Cosmo's conjured friends will help trigger any traps and show us what to avoid " growls the dwarf

"Ready when you are Captain " as Nezamil ready's to enter the room of evil

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

ooc: map ??

Kent -- Ummm posting from the road and no access to my files, I will send a map as soon as possible although I thought I send one along with the last emails i sent with map attachemtns.

Friday December 28th, 2007 3:39:12 AM

ooc Is the tree blocking Bart's way?

it is certainly impeding the safe use of the stairs though not stopping it. Depending on how dexterous Bart is the 40 foot climb down through the tree itself would be quicker.

Ashira AC30 hps 111/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge)  2d8(2+6)+3=11 2d8(6+1)+3=10
Friday December 28th, 2007 10:51:16 PM

The ranger watches as Rigging summons a new hole in the wall. As she waits for Cosmo to summon something to set off traps she taps herself lightly with her wand and then taps Val if she will let her (or Nezamil if she doesn't). 10 hp returned.

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste d 
Friday December 28th, 2007 11:48:28 PM

The Cleric of Domi glances around at the others
as they ready themselves for the next step

Spotting Ashira tapping herself with the wand the dwarf smiles and nods towards Val (will accept if Val doesn't, but 1st choice is for Val to get the cure)

ooc: hopefully the rest of the people start posting again soon

Friday December 28th, 2007 11:51:06 PM

Rigging looks at Cosmo and says, "Use the wand to summon some help. Make sure that they are good. Everyone else back off a little so we aren't caught in any blasts or spells. Cosmo, only send them in one at a time."

Bart  d20+13=33
Saturday December 29th, 2007 8:44:28 AM

Bart sees the climbing down the tree is much quicker he takes his change and goes down. (dex 16 climb check =33 natural 20!)

Saturday December 29th, 2007 11:57:34 AM

Greetings Woldians,

I hope you've been keeping up with the changes we've been discussing on the LnB. If not, you have a novel to read amongst all the posts.

Basically, we're doing the following things:

--purging all 2nd characters from everyone except DMs...that's their reward for being a DM.
--We're adding a new type game: Challenge Games. It is a 2 year campaign game. We're calling our normal games Career Games.

Anyway, because of the Challenge Games, which will begin ASAP for their first 2 year run, as well as the pruning of the 2nd characters, we'll be holding a vote starting


...and ENDING on


We'll be voting on one thing only:

Do you want to play in a Challenge Game or a Career Game?

If you choose Career Game, I"ll want a second piece of information. I will need to know if you want to remain in your current game or move to another.

That's it.

Voting is NOT accepted until January 2nd and all votes will be emailed to me here at gericko@gmail.com. I will not accept votes that are made on the LnB, though you may post your vote there if you want.

If you don't vote, then the ACDMs and I will be PLACING you into a Challenge game by default as that is the "new thing" and we're kinda pushing it as a new option.

Let me repeat that and reword it:

If you don't vote you lose your right to choose your game and WILL be placed. Yeah I know that is hard, but we're moving forward and don't want to have votes trickling in weeks later.

This email is just to get your attention in case you haven't been following the information overload on the LnB.

If you have a question about all this or are now totally confused, reply to me only or post on the LnB where you'll get 100s of people telling you what is going on. :)

Or you can IM me on AIM. My handle is Gericko.

Enjoy your day and don't freak out!

CDM Jerry

Val (AC 29, HP 106/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin, Displacement) 
Saturday December 29th, 2007 9:52:16 PM

Val accepts the cure. "Maybe this door only opens for one of the faith. Maybe we need to cut off the dead priests hands and use them to open the door. There has to be a way to open it."

Arrows used: 8
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min
Potion of Displacement (5/5)

Ashira AC30 hps 111/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge) 
Sunday December 30th, 2007 12:06:39 AM

The ranger grins as she hears Val's comment. "Now that's more like the Val I know! Still, why go through the door when we can go around it?" Ashira winks hoping that whatever was messing with Val has finally left her friend alone.

DM Kent 
Sunday December 30th, 2007 4:46:05 PM

Apollo suggests that cosmo bring in some extra friends to help with the door and Nez seems to agree.

Ashira watches the Wall in hopes of something happening and then disappointed taps Val with a wand healing some 10 points of damage.

Val looks at the priest and wonders if perhaps they could use its hand for entry through the doors.

From above everyone hears a bit of rustling from the tree, though there is no wind.


Bart starts down the tree and seems to be making fairly good time, but is making a bit of a ruckuss doing so.

Ashira AC30 hps 111/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge) 
Monday December 31st, 2007 1:06:48 AM

The ranger waits for the animals to be summoned, picking nervously at her nails.

OOC: Could have sworn I saw something about a Passwall spell in one of Rigging's posts. Shrug.

--You did it was discussed but never cast. Kl

Cosmo  d3=2
Monday December 31st, 2007 11:50:08 AM

Cosmo summons some apes from the SM IV wand and directs them to activate the glyphs.

He stands back not wanting to get caught in any blast.

Monday December 31st, 2007 11:56:53 AM

Rigging will cast his passwall from his scroll as Cosmo summons his monsters. "Have them go through the passwall Cosmo and we can all follow."

Val (AC 29, HP 106/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin) 
Monday December 31st, 2007 2:30:28 PM

"I'm not sure a passwall will work. Look at what the elemental is doing. Earth elementals are great and destroying stone structures and the wall is rebuilding. With a passwall we might get stuck in transit or the spell might not even work. I think we have to find the right way in or we don't get in at all."

Arrows used: 8
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste d 
Monday December 31st, 2007 5:35:17 PM

The dwarf eyes Val " That is an intresting idea but maybe they have a key or symbol that helps them open the door ?" adds Nezamil

"Anybody grab anything off any of the quads or priests ?? " as Nezamil scans about for any Ga'alian bodies

If Rigging's passwall spell works Nezamil will follow behind Ashira

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 49/69(80) Alter self (50 min), comprehend languages (50 min) 
Monday December 31st, 2007 6:09:37 PM

(ooc sorry guys. Girlfriend emergency, had to concentrate on writing a personal statement for her before a deadline came due. But I have also seen where posting sporatic at best during this time, so I wasnt' sure whether things would get too far)(not sure if I'm on the posting report chart)

"I'm afraid that I'm not much help here, I don't know that I have too many ideas here. Do you think a dispel would work at all?"

Monday December 31st, 2007 6:17:02 PM

Appolo replies'Well let's see what happens to Cosmo's creatures and the passwall first.We could alsways have Val's earth elemental use the tree asa battering ram and smash through the door."He then looks up as he hears some thing the tree"Oh someone or some thing is in the tree coming down toward us I believe,"

DM kent 
Tuesday January 1st, 2008 6:22:07 PM

(OOC I need to know where you are placing the passwall spell, as it can possibly make a whole lot of difference. Use the coordinates I gave on the map I sent. I will post as soon as I have this. Thanks)

Val (AC 29, HP 106/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin) 
Tuesday January 1st, 2008 9:36:37 PM

"I hope this spell works. I'd hate to get all the way here and not be able to finish the job because we didn't get a banish evil scroll to unlock the door. Or whatver is needed to get through this thing."

Arrows used: 8
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

ooc: not able to wait for the DM post. have to work early and wanted to get my post in for the day.

Tuesday January 1st, 2008 10:58:46 PM

Put the passwall at B8

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste d 
Tuesday January 1st, 2008 11:13:04 PM

"Don't worry Val ... we'll finish the job ... by Domi we'll finish this " growls Nezamil

Peeking up at the tree at Appolo's warning the dwarf steps to the side waiting for whatever it is to appear " we'll crunch it it's ga'alian "

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Wednesday January 2nd, 2008 2:16:04 AM

Batr is still climbing down he tries to hear any sound of battle or other sounds that could come from his friends

CDM Jerry Voting Begins Now!! 
Wednesday January 2nd, 2008 3:42:58 AM


Here is the ballot: Please complete, copy, and post your vote in Lynn's Café Message Board on the site.

Please avoid any "additions" to the vote if possible. Yes, we know you're an individual.

You need to vote by Monday January 7th or you may be assigned to a game.

I'll post my vote after this one as an example.

If you have a question about voting, not a comment or discussion, post your question.

Take all comments and discussion about the votes to the Loot 'N Booty board please.




Character Name(s):

Current Character Game(s):


Place an X BEFORE your single choice of vote:

--I wish to play in a Challenge Game.

--I wish to play in a Career Game.


If you voted for a Career Game, please place an X BEFORE your single choice of vote:

--I wish to continue playing in my CURRENT game.

--I wish to play in a brand new Career game.

--I wish to play in a different Career game. (I want to join __________. Fill in the name of the game you wish to join.)


If you voted for a Challenge Game, please place an X BEFORE your single choice of vote.

--I wish to play in The Great Dwarven Adamantite Rush Challenge Game. [DM to be decided. May be Jerry(me)]

--I wish to play in The Uncharted Lands Challenge Game to be DMed by Bob and Carla.
--I wish to play in the HELL ON WOLD (Earth)!!!! Challenge Game to be DMed by Jim Frick.
(note that there may be other Challenge Games offered, but as these were the first to have an approved advertisement, I'm offering these to be filled first.)

DM kent 
Wednesday January 2nd, 2008 8:31:01 AM

Bart hears only the sounds of something apparently groumbling and tearing something up, (earth elelmental) and some much fainter undistinguishable sounds.

Rigging sets the place for his passwall spell and casts it and it appears to work perfectly as it extends 15 feet into and through the wall. Peering into the opening Rigging can see nothing but bed rock and dirt straight ahead of him and to the right and what appears to be more of the same wall they just ate through to the left. The wall on the left does appear to have included at least partially in the spell so it is hard to say how thick it is at this point.

Cosmo's conjured friends appear and wait for their instructions.

Apollo and Nez peer upward and await whatever is making its way down the tree.

Moments later they are rewarded for their efforts as they see a humanoid figure making its way downard through the braches. Bart, Apollo, Nezspot checks to recognize each other. DC 12

Wednesday January 2nd, 2008 3:38:25 PM

Rigging curses as his spell only tunnels into the earth. "The room is smaller than this one and my spell is wasted. Cosmo, have your friends open the door."

Bart  d20=18
Wednesday January 2nd, 2008 5:26:38 PM

Bart recognizes Appola and Nez hey guys its me, donno what happend to me

Appolo  d20+10=18 d20+12=22
Wednesday January 2nd, 2008 6:22:25 PM

Appolo looks up sees and hears bart"hey guys Bart's back."Replying to Bart"Hey buddy stay up there for a minute.Don't come down just yet.Trying to open some enchanted doors."When Appolo hears Rigging order Cosmo's pets to open the door Appolo goes up the tree."Any protection spells you guys got now would bea good time to cast them."He says as he climbs the tree.

Cpot 18 Climb 22

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste d  d20+6=19
Wednesday January 2nd, 2008 10:16:09 PM

Looking up at the movement in the tree the dwarf tenses for the worst but breaks into a smile as Bart appears

"Good to see ya back ... just in time to " growls Nezamil
as he turns back towards the rsults of Riggings spell

"Thats not a good sign " as he shakes his head

"Heya Ashira why don't ya try and knock your way thru the wall where Rigging cast his spell .... might be thin enough along that wall ... might as well try when ya super sized and strong as a dwarf " smirks Nezamil

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Val (AC 29, HP 106/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin) 
Wednesday January 2nd, 2008 10:19:56 PM

"What if the door leads to a pocket dimension? Or is a portal itself to someplace else. Someplace within the domain of ga'al? I'm not sure getting this door open is that simple. I think we need to find a live priest and question him. Can anybody speak with the dead? We could ask this guy right here." She says and kicks the dead priests body.

Arrows used: 8
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Ashira AC30 hps 111/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge) 
Thursday January 3rd, 2008 12:40:50 AM

"Yeah and have the rest of the wall fall in on me...hmmmm...don't think so." the ranger playfully scowls at Nezamil.

Ashira waits to see what happens to Cosmo's creatures, but is willing to try her hand at battering down the wall if needs be.

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 49/69(80) Alter self (50 min), comprehend languages (50 min) 
Thursday January 3rd, 2008 6:55:26 PM

Glad to see Bart back, Ari acknowleges his arrival with the nod of his head.

"what about if we can get a creature with ghost like abilities that might be able to pass through the wall and tell us about either what's on the other side, or where we need to focus our efforts?"

DM kent  d6=3 d100=96
Thursday January 3rd, 2008 9:31:42 PM

I have no idea what creatures Cosmo has summoned, but I will go with his norm apes 1-3. or lantern 4-6.

Cosmo's three apes move forward toward the door and begin beating it as hard as they can. Nothing immediately happens and then one of then strikes the symbol in the center of the door. Without a sound the door opens by sliding up into the cieling revealing a lightly glowing hallway.

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste d 
Thursday January 3rd, 2008 11:39:01 PM

Nodding as the door slides open " well you better lead the way Ashira ... cuz as you can see you can be replaced " laughs Nezamil at Ashira good naturedly

"Don't worry i'll be right behind ya " as he steps forward towards the door

"Not sure how long it will stay open so we better hurry " growls the dwarf

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Val (AC 29, HP 106/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin) 
Friday January 4th, 2008 12:07:40 AM

"Alright people let's be on guard. We still haven't seen those undead. I'll go first just in case they are up ahead. If not at least I should shield the healers." Val says as she moves forward.

Arrows used: 8
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Ashira AC30 hps 111/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge)  d20+12=14
Friday January 4th, 2008 12:09:20 AM

"Haha...funny Nezamil." the ranger quips with no humor. "Stupid monkeys!" she murmurs as she looks to Rigging to give her the go ahead. Barring any reservation he might have she heads into the tunnel (Spot=lousy 14).

Friday January 4th, 2008 7:50:52 AM

Well Apollo i guess it is save to come down now, lets see what we can do in there

Friday January 4th, 2008 10:55:26 AM

Rigging will look down the corridor with his see invisible and then say, "Cosmo, send your apes on ahead. We can follow behind them and see if they spring any traps."

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 49/69(80) Alter self (50 min), comprehend languages (50 min) 
Friday January 4th, 2008 2:41:13 PM

Watching the apes beat on the door, Ari eyes light up in surprise when the door opens. "It seems we are too intelligent for the, 'just open the door' trap.' Shaking his head in wonder, Ari keeps his senses focused, even though he's wondering how they'll get past the next set of obstacles.

Friday January 4th, 2008 5:18:17 PM

Appolo comes down from the tree"Yes send the Apes forward and let's wait to see what happens,Remember there isan evil intellegence at work here.I thinkwe should find away to jam that door and keep it open."

DM kent 
Friday January 4th, 2008 10:20:23 PM

The apes are sent on into the rooms and each takes a straight path from where they enter the door and each meeta a different fate where they end up located on the map.

The first ape makes it 15 feet and then becomes a stone statue. The second ape makes it 30 feet and is incinerated on the spot. The third ape makes it 45 feet and simply vanishes from sight.

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste d 
Friday January 4th, 2008 11:08:39 PM

As Nezamil moves forward he suddendly stops in his tracks as the apes meet their fate "Stop!! shouts the dwarf

"By Domi what happened to them ?? ... i don't like this "

"Can anyone send more apes thru to see if it is continuous ?? ... or hopefully that the trap has been sprung on the apes ?"

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Val (AC 29, HP 106/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin) 
Sunday January 6th, 2008 8:55:26 PM

"I think there is a path down the corridoor. Like three steps forward, one step to the left, ect."

Val pulls out a copper coin and throws it down the hallway.

Arrows used: 8
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Ashira AC30 hps 111/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge) 
Sunday January 6th, 2008 9:27:25 PM

The ranger lets out a low whistle as the apes meet their respective demises. She slowly backs away from the door and waits to see if Cosmo has any more pals to send in as she taps her chin thoughtfully. "Well, it could be traps based on alignment...or it could be some kind of path like Val mentioned...or hopefully it's just some plan 'ol regular traps and we can rush through..." Ashira stares absently at the charred corpse of one ape, never letting her eyes off the thing she calls out "Hey Rigging, you got any more of those floating eyeball thingies?"

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 49/69(80) Alter self (50 min), comprehend languages (50 min) 
Sunday January 6th, 2008 10:20:53 PM

"Well lets not make the trap so complex that we outthink ourselves and make us paralyzed with what to do. We don't have much time and we've got to try to move forward as best we can."

Monday January 7th, 2008 12:27:29 PM

Rigging eyes also widened at the impressive display of firepower. He pulls out a wand and activates detect magic looking for any spells that might still be active.

"No Ashira, I don't have any more prying eyes, but maybe I can try and use the dispel magic wand to eliminate any more nasty traps...if I can see them. Everyone hold for a minute and let me see what I see."

Monday January 7th, 2008 1:09:03 PM

Can anyone cast something that can fly or do u think it doesnt matter if you fly or walk?

Must we go this way or is there another, there must be a way to avoid these traps what if we carry a hartseeded priest?

Monday January 7th, 2008 1:54:02 PM

Appolo looks around"Well we could throw that fool over there in there and see what happens."He points to the dead priest.

attendence report 
Monday January 7th, 2008 2:34:30 PM

Dm Kent oxxxxoo
Rigging xxxoxoo
Ashira xooxxox
Appolo xoxoxoo
Val xxxoxox
bart ooxoxoo
Nezamil xxxxxoo
Mykael ooooooo
Cosmo xoooooo
Ari xooxxox

Mykael hasn't posted in several weeks !!

Holidays are over !!! lets get back to posting on a regular basis again !!!

continued poor posting results will be sent to jerry for action !!!

DM kent 
Monday January 7th, 2008 9:31:50 PM

The group eyes the corridor and Val believes she can perhaps make out a pattern in the way the traps went off. (50 exps) INT Roll DC15 to figure it out(I also meant to give you an experience award of 300 for the good role play with the brain invasion)

Rigging pulls out his wand and looses acharge to try and pinpoint what magic might be found in the there and the brightness nearly blinds him as apparently the self repairing walls are most definitely emminating magic as is the cieling and much of the floor, at least as far as can be seen.

Apollo suggests heaving the dead priest into the corridor somewhere.

Mykale and Cosmo seem to be just standing there with there jaws open and nearly dragging the floor.

Up around the corner you hear something that might be a door opening or perhaps closing.

Val (AC 29, HP 106/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin)  d20=15
Monday January 7th, 2008 10:03:34 PM

Val pulls out another copper and tosses it down a different path. "I think I'm onto something."

ooc: no idea what int is but I know its not -1. got a 15 on a d20 roll.

Arrows used: 8
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste d  d20+1=21
Monday January 7th, 2008 10:39:08 PM

"Good thinking Val " the dwarf peers into the room trying to discern the path (d20+1=21 int ch nat 20!!!)

" we can toss the coins on the path so we know where to walk safely " adds Nezamil

Joining Val in her efforts of tossing coins into the room to discern the path the dwarf fishes out several coins and toss them in concert with Val trying to use the coins as breadcrumbs for a path

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Ashira AC30 hps 111/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge) 
Tuesday January 8th, 2008 12:03:35 AM

Her eyebrows arching as she watches Val and Nezamil, the ranger ponders over what must be traps ahead. "Hey Appolo...think maybe those are traps that you can disarm?"

Tuesday January 8th, 2008 2:30:50 PM

Appolo watches the coin tossing with interest and replies to Ashira"No I don't think so.They appear to be magical in nature."He looks up down the hall toward the corner"I think I heard something up ahead around that corner we could have visitors momentarily."

Tuesday January 8th, 2008 4:12:05 PM

I hope we can find the right path this way, i dont want to try to fly over it

Tuesday January 8th, 2008 10:23:11 PM

Rigging winces as the blinding light flashes into his eyes. He looks down at his wand and grimaces and says, "This place is filled with very strong magic. I think it renews. Val if you think you know the pattern, then lets test it with some summoned creatures."

DM Kent 
Tuesday January 8th, 2008 10:25:49 PM

With a bit of thought and some well placed coins Nez and Valdiscover more traps and there certainly seems to be a pattern to them. Val is sure she can get to the ned of the hallway or at least to where the turn is without mishap, but is not quite sure what lies around the bend so to speak.

Map is sent. yellow spots are the coin tripped traps which seem to be tripped each time they are hit. The blue dots are Vals projected traps based on the pattern she dicerned.

Val (AC 29, HP 106/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin) 
Tuesday January 8th, 2008 10:53:12 PM

It's her plan so Val goes first. She keeps tossing copper pieces on the tiles before her making her way down the hallway.

"Just step where the copper piece sits. If I toss one before each step we should make it through unharmed."

Val showed no hesitation, no fear. When you do not fear death it holds no power over you.

Arrows used: 8
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste d 
Tuesday January 8th, 2008 11:16:32 PM

Shaking his head at Appolo's lack of courage
" you like to let others do the work way too much " growls Nezamil at the rogue

Turning back as Val as she starts forward down the path of coins " i'm right behind ya " as the dwarf steps in the elven warriors footsteps

"Now theres courage " nods the Cleric of Domi approvingly " i've got more coins if ya need them " adds Nezamil

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 49/69(80) Alter self (50 min), comprehend languages (50 min) 
Wednesday January 9th, 2008 2:36:11 PM

"Good job Val" Following behind the others, Ari keeps his attention on the rest of the room in case there are other things going on.

(ooc no map since 1/5)

Appolo  d20+10=30
Wednesday January 9th, 2008 8:25:02 PM

Appolo moes forward to the edge of the entrance drawing his bow he watches as Valanthe advances.When Nexamil makes his comment Appolo juast smiles and nods.

Spot 30

Rigging  d20+10=20
Wednesday January 9th, 2008 11:00:25 PM

Rigging does a dispel magic from his wand on some of the magic he sees trying to see if it has any effects. (dc check 20) He will then follow along wand ready to dispel any magic that comes their way.

DM kent 
Wednesday January 9th, 2008 11:25:38 PM

Rigging tries his wand and see that it has no apparent effect on ay of the magic in the hallway.

Vall carefully leads the others without mishap down to the turn where they see in front of them about another 30 feet of wide corridor and another set of large double doors.

Nez's hair are just about sticking up on end right about now and it is taking everything he has to continue moving forward. It is ammost like some force is trying to keep him away.

OK Everyone I know things are a bit out of sorts right now with everything Woldian, but nothing is going to change until this module at least is complete. And I will tell you right now if you don't have your full complement of PCs when you enter these doors, you will die. Everyone needs to try and contact the other players and get them back posting I have sent several emailsout but have gotten no responses as yet.

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste d 
Wednesday January 9th, 2008 11:44:23 PM

"By Domi i feel something .... not sure what it is but it certainly don't want me to keep going forward " growls the Cleric of Domi

Looking as Val easily moves forward " gotta have something to do with Ga'al ... dat for sure ... i bet it's Ga'al's hatred of Domi ... mortal enemy's "

"Dat ain't gonna stop me ... no way ... by Domi we'll show him what courage is all about "

Nezamil touches his anvil holy symbol " Protect us and grants us strength and courage to destroy this evil " prays the dwarf as he continues to follow the elven warrior

The rest of you coming ?"

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Thursday January 10th, 2008 1:06:32 AM

I see it Nez something is happening to you hair it looks funny I guess we are comming closer to the source of evil.
Val go further, lead us to victory!

Val (AC 29, HP 106/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin) 
Thursday January 10th, 2008 8:39:53 AM

Val keeps tossing copper pieces and avoiding the trapped squares. She keeps heading toward the doors at the end of the hallway.

Arrows used: 8
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

ooc: here is the one problem I have. We clearly lost one player since they have't posted in at least two weeks. What you are saying is that those of us that are posting have zero chance of survival due to circumstances that we have no control over. Any one of us here could decide they don't want to do this anymore and drop off without notice and there isn't anything anybody can do about it. Mykael hasn't posted in who knows how long and Cosmo almost as much. I guess we should just quit now then.

Walter OOC 
Thursday January 10th, 2008 11:44:48 AM

Well one option we have is to go through the doors and we all die. Solves a lot of problems and would be a fitting end to the game.

Cosmo (sub George) 
Thursday January 10th, 2008 3:19:49 PM

ooc Some confusion on who was posting for Cosmo. He did ask for a sub and we fell down on the job. He will be back next week

Cosmo keeps his wand of animal summoning handy as he follows along behind the others. He is nervous that Rigging's wand seems to be totally ineffective on dimming the windows.

Thursday January 10th, 2008 3:31:26 PM

Rigging wonders if they are heading into more than they can handle. The magic seems overwhelming, the foes numerous, and the traps ingenious. They are low on spells but morale is high. He is impressed with Val's working out the trap and thinks supporting her is worth the risk. Still he keeps his teleport spell ready for a quick departure.

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 49/69(80) Alter self (50 min), comprehend languages (50 min) 
Thursday January 10th, 2008 5:25:59 PM

Ari moves forward with the rest and continues to try to come up with other ideas about what is going on.

"I plan on going along, though I've not felt this unsure before. But this is a major effort against Ga'al and I'm tried of sitting in the shadows as his influence continues to grow."

Thursday January 10th, 2008 5:28:24 PM

Is there any way to note in the posting report who is what, or who are the regular players? I see a robertsc and Walter don't have their email addresses in the profile, evidently. It seems you should be able to email everyone from posting report.

Appolo  d20+10=13 d20+10=15
Thursday January 10th, 2008 6:41:53 PM

Appolo follows along quietly.Watching and waiting for something to happen.

SPot 15 Listen 13

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste d 
Thursday January 10th, 2008 11:46:28 PM

The dwarf keeps moving along after Val .... slowly .... step .... by ... step .... keeping his eyes on the coins on the floor.

"Glad your tired of sitting in da shadows " growls Nezamil " now is da time for action .... to help your homeland "

ooc: try and post every day even if your waiting on a post , get your daily post in as you can tell by the posting report at the bottom !!.... attendence is important !! even when you move onto other games !!! show your comminment to the wold by posting regularly !!!

Ashira AC30 hps 111/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge) 
Friday January 11th, 2008 12:09:26 AM

Ashira notices Nezamil's reaction and grins. It's out there...the big, bad something...and I'm going to chop it up into itty bitty little pieces. Ohhhh, yes I am!!

Friday January 11th, 2008 1:36:24 PM

I would note that I've been yelled at a couple of times for lack of posting, and yet I posted no less than what the DM posted.

Has there been a rule change that says you should be posting everyday regardless of whether the DM posts? (you were supposed to only have one post between DM posts when I started)

DM kent  d100=01
Friday January 11th, 2008 5:36:08 PM

(ooc: sorry about no post last night. My father was admitted to the hospital last night and had surgery this morning. He is in recovery as of 4 PM.)

The final thirty feet to the door are the hardest thing most of you have done as the nearly papable feel of evil beats against as you move forward. Val actually finds that there either no traps in this last thrity feet or she luckily picked out a path without hitting a single one. She did test all of the sections infront of the door and found them all to be apparently free of traps. There seems to be an odor in the air that is both metalic and sweet at the same time and the temperature has increased significantly as you turned toward the final door.

The doors themselves are plain granite and seem to have a reddish brown tint to them. They are unadorned with the exception of Ga'al's holy symbol which is carved into each one at about where you would normally expect a door handle.

Appolo  d20+10=15 d20+10=24
Friday January 11th, 2008 8:22:53 PM

Appolo stops and looks over the doors"Ok.Who wants to be first?"He says witha smile."I mean this should be fun."

Listen 15 Spot 24

Val (AC 29, HP 106/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin) 
Friday January 11th, 2008 8:39:17 PM

Val reaches out to touch one of the holy symbols but stops her hand short. "Everybody ready? We should assume the strongest defenses are behind this door."

Arrows used: 8
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste d 
Friday January 11th, 2008 10:07:06 PM

Stopping right behind Val " right behind ya ...
"Something evil no doubt lurks behind this door ... brace yourselves "

The Cleric of Domi touches his holy symbol and then kisses it " Domi grant us all courage and strength " prays Nezamil

"Remember teamwork is important " growls the dwarf as he eyes Appolo

Facing forward Nezamil ready's for their assault "Domi's courage will prevail "

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Ashira AC30 hps 111/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge) 
Friday January 11th, 2008 11:17:56 PM

The ranger eyes the symbol on the door nervously. "Ahhh...crap...Appolo, I think we might need those priest's hands after all."

She turns to her husband. "What do you think the odds are that those runes have a boatload of magic associated with them??"

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 49/69(80) Alter self (50 min), comprehend languages (50 min) 
Sunday January 13th, 2008 11:15:21 AM

Feeling the jangling of his nerves as the evil 'presence' pushes against him, Ari notes the others that might be struggling and the amount of brow sweat everyone has going on.

"Before we do anything should we maybe make a circle around Nez? Or can we get some more stuff against evil up?"

Monday January 14th, 2008 6:58:55 AM

I have the feeling we open the door to hell it self, the smell of blood the high temperature
Let's do it

Rigging ac 22 hps 80/80 
Monday January 14th, 2008 8:33:26 AM

Rigging holds up his hands to slow down the others, "OK this is hopefully the final push. Is everyone cured up? Does anyone have any last minute spells they want to cast. I can enlarge anyone who wants it with my wand? I can also cast a couple of improved invisibilities from my wand but they don't last long.

Nez, what protection spells do you have left? I can feel the evil. Can you do anything about it? Appolo, check out the doors for traps. I am sure their are some magical ones on it but look for glyphs ect that maybe I can surpress."

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2*, mage armor*, magic missile x 2**, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible*, prot from arrows*, mirror image*
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles*, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2**,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic*, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic used
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2 used one
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

DM Kent 
Monday January 14th, 2008 10:30:54 AM

Plans are made and questions are asked as the Wildcards stand in front of the door to the Heart of Ga'al.

Further inspection of the door reveals no other writings or glyphs on it other than the two holy symbols of Ga'al.

Apollo is sure that there are no mechanical traps on the door and is fairly sure that if there are any magical traps, that they are likely associated with the holy symbols.

Monday January 14th, 2008 4:41:22 PM

Appolo looks the door over"Boss no traps I can deal with,pretty sure about the magical though.Now if you want we could go back and get that dead priest or chop down thw tree and use it asa battering ram.You could also cast Dispell magic at the door.Remember that whole room isa trap for non believers and enemies.G'aal himself might be inside waiting for us.""

attendence report 
Monday January 14th, 2008 5:42:46 PM

Dm Kent xxxoxoo
Rigging xxxxooo
Ashira oxooxoo
Appolo xxxxxoo
bart xxoxooo
Val xxoxxoo
Nezamil xxxxxoo
Cosmo oooxooo
Ari ooxxoxo

lets try harder people , we had 4 people with less then 3 posts !! not good !!!

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste d 
Monday January 14th, 2008 7:23:34 PM

"hmmm Captain i'm already encircled with protection againsit evil .... stay close by " grins Nezamil

The Cleric of Domi surveys the doors (true seeing spell active)

"do we have time to go back and geta ga'alian body ?? .... we might hafta try and just yabk da doors open " growls the dwarf

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Spell list
Zero-Create water x2,light x2 ,Read magic,Mending
1st -detect undead*,Divine favor*,Pro-from-evil x2**,Hide from undead*,Shield of faith x2*(enlarge))
2nd -Aid* ,Resist energy* ,Owl's wisdom* ,Silence x3***
(Bull str)
3rd - Searing light x2*,Magic circle* ,Blindness*,Protection from energy*(Magic vestment*)
4th - Airwalk x2** Divine power*,deathward*(Spell imunnity*)
5th - True seeing*,Rightous might,Wall of stone(Spell resistance*)
6th - Blade barrier (anti magic field)

* cast spell

Val (AC 29, HP 106/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin) 
Monday January 14th, 2008 9:22:23 PM

"Let's get this over with." Val says and grabs the holy smbol. She uses at its apparently intended and tries to open the door.

Arrows used: 8
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Ashira AC30 hps 111/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge) 
Monday January 14th, 2008 10:44:57 PM

The huge ranger grins. "Yeah, let's break down this puppy!" She watches as Val works at the doors, ready to use her fists if needs be.

Bart ac 29 hp 95/95 
Tuesday January 15th, 2008 1:03:20 AM

Bart drinks his last potion of heroism, he makes sure he is nearn nezamil

Rigging ac 22 hps 80/80 
Tuesday January 15th, 2008 9:46:23 AM

Rigging taps himself with the greater invisibilty wand as he watches Val wrestle with the door. He hopes the fighters are prepared to deal with things as his spells are basically gone.

He looks closely at the doors waiting for the explosion.

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2*, mage armor*, magic missile x 2**, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible*, prot from arrows*, mirror image*
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles*, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2**,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic*, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic used
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2 used one
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Cosmo (sub george) 
Tuesday January 15th, 2008 9:47:03 AM

Cosmo uses his wand to summon more apes for next round

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 49/69(80) Alter self (50 min), comprehend languages (50 min) 
Tuesday January 15th, 2008 4:17:42 PM

Tapping himself with the wand of invisibility, Ari readies himself for the next round. He includes a prayer to Alemi to help and guide the group through this next hurdle.

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste d 
Tuesday January 15th, 2008 4:58:31 PM

Grinning at the girls enthusiam " thats the spirit ... Domi will be proud of both of ya "

once Val opens the door Nezamil will pour thru the door after the enthusiastic girls " lets end Ga'als reign of terror " growls the dwarf

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

DM kent  5d8(7+6+7+8+5)=33 d4=4
Tuesday January 15th, 2008 6:35:22 PM

Val steps forward and pounds her hand onto one of the symbols and is rewarded by first feeling it begin to move and then a black negaitive wave of force hits her and emanates outward hitting everyone else as well.

Unholy Blight - 33 points damaged and physically ill for 4 rounds, will save DC26 for 16 points and 2 round of sickness.

Val (AC 29, HP 90/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin)  d20+9=29
Tuesday January 15th, 2008 8:49:14 PM

Val was prepared for the unholy energy. It was expected. Maybe that was why she was able to resist or perhaps her god was with her. (will save nat 20 for a 29) Even as the sickness fills her body she tries to open the door. Or maybe the others will pull her while she held the symbol.

Appolo Ac 30 Hp70/88 Sick for 2 rounds  d20+8=28
Wednesday January 16th, 2008 11:01:33 AM

Appolo is about say something when Val touches the door as thw ave of blight hits him he staggers bit and curses,but shruggs off the worse of it."Val haven't you learned not to touch anything around here yet.Be patient."He is pale and obviously not feeling to good."Let's back offa bit and let Cosmos pets push the door all the way open."
Will save Natural 20 =28

Bart Ac 29 79/95  d20+11=30
Wednesday January 16th, 2008 1:22:17 PM

Suddenly Bart feels sick, he wants to throw up but keeps his breakfast in
Yeah Val let Cosmos apes try the trick

Ashira AC30 hps 95/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge, Sick for 2 rounds)  d20+11=26 d20+4=10
Wednesday January 16th, 2008 4:51:04 PM

Feeling the negative energy rush over her, Ashira is able to shrug off most of the worst of it (Will=26 thanks to Nez's Prot. from Evil :) Seeing the doors move slightly, Ashira decides to finish the job and bull rushes the doors (AC=10).

DM Kent  d4=2
Wednesday January 16th, 2008 9:45:38 PM

As the door opens a bit and then Ashira hits it with her bull rush the groups is hit with an almost overwhelming odor of death and blood and there seems to be a reddish mist hanging in the air of the room and Nez can tell there is an unholy aura about the room. The room is dimly lit and you can see a huge sized heartseed in the middle of the room, surrounded by what appears to be some kind of grass though something seems a bit odd about it. Ashira Highlight to display spoiler: { Ashira, standing on the grass realizes that the grass is more of a marsh grass and it is very wet under her boots and yet it is kind of slimy at the same time.}

The Heart of Ga'al is horrific to look upon and yet it is hard not to look at. As the door fully opens and you spy it you all feel a sense of fear pour over you. Unlike the smaller heartseeds you are familiar with this plant has 10 flowers of different colors and 2 white flowers poking out of it. There are also six long and tough looking, thorn covered tentacles surrounding the large blood red heart center of the plant. It is so large that it would be impossible to imagin any animal or monster large enough to implant it in.

Will save Dc 20 or stand quaking in fear for 2 rounds.

Val (AC 29, HP 90/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin)  d20+9=25
Wednesday January 16th, 2008 10:44:21 PM

Val takes a step toward the giant heart unafraid. She believes Gargul is with her and thats all that matters. His presence broke her from Ga'al's influence. He will see her through this or call her down to serve at his side.

"Do not fear death and this heart will have no power of you. Death is not an end but part of the cycle."

Val hooks her ghost touched warhammer on her belt and draws her bow.

"If anybody has any oil splash it on the heart. My arrows will burn and ignite the oil."

ooc: will save 25.

Arrows used: 8
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 57/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste d  d20+17=37 d20+17=19
Wednesday January 16th, 2008 11:35:03 PM

Gritting his teeth as the wave of unholy power washes over him the cleric of Domi weathers it (d20+17=37 nat 20!!)(Domi must be watching over him )

Nezamil takes a few steps after Val but the sight he see's stops him in his tracks

"By Domi the Evilness of this place " cries out the dwarf as his voice cracks with fear (d20+17=19 failed)

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

ooc: Nellie i'm glad you read the spells bonus's ;-) save the dwarf save the wold ;-)

Bart Ac 29 79/95  d20+11=16
Thursday January 17th, 2008 1:48:57 AM

missed save
Ohh now look at this thing its huge ...

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 33/69(80) Alter self (50 min), comprehend languages (50 min)  d20+9=29 d20+9=11
Thursday January 17th, 2008 4:33:25 AM

Wincing from the unholy blight, Ari is stunned with fear as he looks upon the unholy plant, animal, or whatever it is.

(ooc my character sheet wasn't available when I posted this)

Appolo Ac 30 Hp70/88-2 sick for 2 rounds  d20+8=21
Thursday January 17th, 2008 9:55:00 AM

Appolo takes in the scene"Ok folks Ashira Val back up alittle lets go get some wood and iol then come back and light this thing up,I think we should makea giant stake out of that tree back there and drive it through that thing then light it on fire and watch those tentacles."

Rigging hps 80/80 ac 22  d20+11=14 d20+11=20
Thursday January 17th, 2008 1:58:59 PM

Rigging feels the fear start to take him but with a great effort of will, shuts it aside and concentrates on the task at hand. (missed original roll but rerolled with a hero point)

Rigging then pulls out a scroll saying to his companions, "Let me see if I can clear the way a little"

Rigging casts a wall of fire straight down the room putting the Ga'als major heart right in its path (if you figure the line dividing the blocks E and F on the map as the wall of fire, then you have it) The heat side will be to the left trying to protect Ashira.

"Lets see if this churns up anything!"

DM Kent  d20+9=11 d20+11=21
Thursday January 17th, 2008 10:01:59 PM

Rigging's wall of fire does something a bit odd and starts out moving from the edge of the room toward the heart seed but then completely stops once it is within 7 feet of it and then seven feet past the heart seed it flares up again and continues to the wall.

With the addition of the light from the fire, those that look more closely at the grass realize that it and you are standing in several inches of what appears to be blood.

Bart and Ari stand in fear as they look upon the mother of all heartseeds.

Mykael ses the heartseed and freezes in fear.

Apollo suggests that the group retreat and find some wood.

Val moves up along side of Ashira on the other side of the fire wall and draws her hammer.

Nez tries to follow Val but then gets a good look at the evil in front of him and finds he can no longer face his fear.


The heartseeds tentacles and flower stems all begin moving and thrashing though it doesnt appear to be doing anything as yet.

Val, Nez and Ashira all notice that they are now covered by a thin layer of what apears to be blood from the heavy mist that fills the room.

Val, Ashira, Cosmo, and Rigging catch a bit of movement from the corner of their eyes and see what appears to be a very fancy priest type step out from behind the heartseed. roll reflex save DC 20 to avoid eye contact with priest. If fail must make fort svae DC 19 or turn to stone.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 18/63)  d20+10=28 d20+10=16 d20+11=14 d20+11=23
Thursday January 17th, 2008 10:49:48 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
See Invisibility: 107+/110 minutes
Pearl of Power 2nd level: used

OOC: Sorry for the missed post, but between vacation and the Wold changes it has caused me some confusion.

Catch-up saves:
Unholy Blight will save 28; damage 16 and sick for 2 rounds (0 rounds left)
Fear will save 16; fear for 2 rounds (1 round left)
Eye contact reflex save 14 (hero point for 23);

Cosmo stands in the back of the group unable to move from the horror in front of him. He does catch notice of the cleric type moving towards them, but does not get a good look at him.

Location: with group with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility * & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste *
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 11)

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead .-quacking in fear for 2 rds(1/2)  2d8(3+1)+5=9
Thursday January 17th, 2008 11:08:35 PM

The Cleric of Domi stands staring at the quivering horrow in front of him .... his legs twitch in fear as he tries to comprehend this madness .

Reaching for his anvil holy symbol the dwarf prays " Domi protect us all .... grants us all strength "

OOC:not sure of the effects of fear ?

Nezamil will reach into his haversack and withdraw a wand and taps himself lightly (cmw's 2d8(3+1)+5=9 cured )(did not add this to Hp's yet as i'm not sure if he is able too will in fear)

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Ashira AC30 hps 95/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge)  d20+11=28 d20+15=24
Friday January 18th, 2008 12:07:56 AM

The ranger gazes at the thing not in fear, but disgust and anger (Will=28). Then the little lackey of a priest appears. Her heart racing, Ashira easily avoids his gaze (Refl.=24).

"Nobody look at the priest!" she growls as she pulls back behind the door. Reaching into her bag, she begins rummaging around for her mirror.

Bart Ac 29 79/95 
Friday January 18th, 2008 1:35:45 AM

Bart is stil gazing in fear

Val (AC 29, HP 90/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin)  d20+10=23 d20+16=22 d20+11=21 d20+6=20
Friday January 18th, 2008 6:03:21 AM

Val turns her eyes from the priests head and looks at his feet. Bow in hand she fires off three quick flaming arrows at the priest.

ooc: ac 22, 21, 20. three misses I'm sure.

Arrows used: 11
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 33/69(80) Alter self (50 min), comprehend languages (50 min) 
Friday January 18th, 2008 9:30:48 AM

"What Priest! All I see is the huge heartseed and I know it will devour me where I stand!"

Ari continues to quiver in fear.

Appolo Ac 30 Hp70/88 Haste  d20+13=27 d20+13=32 d20+13=18 d20+13=33 d8=5 d8=4 d8=1 d8=1
Friday January 18th, 2008 7:49:05 PM

Appolo sctivate his Boots of Speed and fires off four arrows at the Priest without looking at his face only looking at the priests chest.

Attack 27 32 18 33 Damage 5 4 1 1

Rigging ac 22 hps 80/80  d20+10=20 3d6(5+5+2)=12 2d6(6+1)=7
Friday January 18th, 2008 11:36:11 PM

Rigging is disappointed in his wall of fire spell. He wonders if any magic will effect the creature.

He then sees the priest and shudders as his evil magic runs through him. Rigging feels his joints stiffening but is able to hold off the effects.

Rigging pulls out another spell bring down an ice storm on both the priest and the heart hoping this magic works. He does 12 points blugeoning and 7 points of cold damage (no save) to both.

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2*, mage armor*, magic missile x 2**, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible*, prot from arrows*, mirror image*
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles*, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2**,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic*, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic used
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2 used two
Ice Storm used
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Monday January 21st, 2008 11:46:44 AM

Bart doesnt know what to do run away or stay and fight. He fears the tree inside he treis to fight his fear but at the moment his muscles dont want to do what a part of his mind sees as his duty, fight annd protect his friends.

"Domi please help me, help me to fight my fear, help me to fight our enemy

DM Kent 
Monday January 21st, 2008 5:03:18 PM

(OOC fear effect - is standing helplessly unable to do anything but shake in fear.)

Ashira begins rummaging through her back pack looking for something while Val lifts her bow and fires off three quick arrows with her bow and misses three times while Apollo joins her aattcak with some arrows of his own and watches as his second ant last arrows find their mark.

Rigging casts another spell and this one is more effective and watches with satisfaction as ice pelts both his intended targets.

The others fight their fear and pray to various gods and suddenly are able to start moving again.


As Rigging's spell goes off the entire group hears a soft voice inside their head. You get the sense it comes from the plant, NOT the priest.

"Why are you here to disturb me? I have done nothing to any of you and yet you attack me. And you consider yourselves either lawful or good. If you turn back now and return above, all will be forgiven you and you will be allowed to live. However if you persist in your violence and attacks of us, you will be destroyed utterly and forever."

The priest mace in hand begins slowly moving forward, obviously not in a terrible hurry, as if he is waiting for something to happen.

Appolo Ac 30 HP70/88 Haste 
Monday January 21st, 2008 8:26:16 PM

Appolo looks at the heart"Is that so/Are you not the heart of G'aal.The Mother of the Heartseed which enslves men sllows G'aal's Tyrrany to continue.If so then we are sworn enemies and I shall destroy you and rip G'aal's heart out!"He says quite loudly to the great heart in the center of the room,Then to his companions"Hold your fire"Let it reply."Then back to the heart"Besides if all you can theaten us with is death and utter destruction then you got nothing to be feared anyways.Hell every since I can remember people have been threatening me with that amongst other things.so I long ago lost my fear of that."The heart can easily tell Appolo is not afraid or even truly angry or disturbed.Appolo is judt doing ehat comes naturally killing his enemies.

Val (AC 29, HP 90/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin)  d20+16=33 d20+11=23 d20+6=26 d20+6=21 d8+5=6 d6=3 d8+5=11 d6=3
Monday January 21st, 2008 10:05:57 PM

Val turns and takes aim at the giant plant. She fires off three arrows which burst into flame in mid flight.

"Maybe this will give you an idea of our intentions."

ooc: hit ac 33 for 5 and 3 fire, miss ac 23, nat 20 on third arrow for 11 and 3 fire. I figure ac 21 does not confirm crit.

Arrows used: 11
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 57/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste d ,Spw  d20+12=21
Monday January 21st, 2008 10:58:06 PM

The cleric of Domi shakes off the fear he has felt the last few moments (2 rds) and rummages for a scroll in his haversack .... quickly opening the scroll he reads it releasing its magic (spiritual weapon) and sends it after the high Priest "Domi smite your foe down " growls Nezamil in prayer

Spw attack d20+12=21 (well if Val missed w/21 thne this must of missed too)

Moving a few steps to the side (5'ft move)(to D7) to allow his fellow wildcards into the room without hinderence

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?
Spirirual weapon (11/11)rds

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Spell list
Zero-Create water x2,light x2 ,Read magic,Mending
1st -detect undead*,Divine favor*,Pro-from-evil x2**,Hide from undead*,Shield of faith x2*(enlarge))
2nd -Aid* ,Resist energy* ,Owl's wisdom* ,Silence x3***
(Bull str)
3rd - Searing light x2*,Magic circle* ,Blindness*,Protection from energy*(Magic vestment*)
4th - Airwalk x2** Divine power*,deathward*(Spell imunnity*)
5th - True seeing*,Rightous might,Wall of stone(Spell resistance*)
6th - Blade barrier (anti magic field)

* cast spell

attendence report 
Monday January 21st, 2008 11:02:31 PM

Dm Kent xxxxooo
Rigging xxoxxoo
Ashira xoxoxoo
Appolo xoxxxoo
Val xxxoxoo
Bart xxxxxoo
Nezamil xxxxooo
Cosmo xooxooo
Ari oxoxxoo

We're in combat folks !!! lets post every day to stay alive !! team work !!

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 29/63) 
Monday January 21st, 2008 11:40:28 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
See Invisibility: 107+/110 minutes
Polymorph: 11/11 minutes
Pearl of Power 2nd level: used

The fear dissipates from Cosmo and he is able to move again. He moves off to the side, getting out of sight of the Cleric and the horror in front of him. Quickly he casts Polymorph spell, healing himself in the process.

Location: with group with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility * & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste *
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph *
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 11)

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 33/69(80) Alter self (50 min), comprehend languages (50 min)  d20=1 d20=15 d20=16 d20=15 d8=3 d8=3 d8=7
Tuesday January 22nd, 2008 2:24:37 AM

(ooc sorry about that on the fear, didn't know about the no talking action too)

Feeling the knocking of knees lessening, Ari responds to the comments in his head I do not want my countryman to be enslaved any longer. I see no good from what your progeny do to them.

Meanwhile he pulls his bow and uses his silver tipped arrows. (ooc sheet now with me, I believe most of his shots are +7, but will leave unmodified)

Ari's first shot is ineffective as his nerves settle down and he concentrates on the task at hand. His next couple of shots feel better placed (AC 15, 16, 15 unmodified) (d8s are 3 3 and 7 if any hits, if there is anything to add I'd appreciate your help)

Bart  d20+18=23 d4+4=8
Tuesday January 22nd, 2008 6:45:11 AM

Bart pulls out a dagger and throws it at the tree (ac23 for 8), he doesnt want to come near it for now he
doesnt want to be in the path of a fireball.But he is ready to spring attack it next round

Fireball it if you can!!

Rigging ac 22 80/80  18d6(2+4+4+2+5+3+3+3+2+5+6+6+1+6+1+3+5+2)=63 d20+12=32
Tuesday January 22nd, 2008 2:31:43 PM

Rigging hears Bart's call and though fire spells haven't worked very well in the past, decided to take him up on it and launches a empowered fireball centered on the priest that he can see, but getting the heart of Ga'al in as well. (dc reflex roll of 21 for 63 points of damage or 31 if save, spell resistance check is 32, natural 20)

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2*, mage armor*, magic missile x 2**, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible*, prot from arrows*, mirror image*
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles*, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2**,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic*, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic used
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2 used two
Ice Storm used
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Going to Vegas with the wife next week and won't be able to post for Rigging's final week of Sword of Redemption fame. Can someone take over for me?

DM Kent  d20+5=22 d20+9=29 d10=10 d10=9 d10=2 3d6(2+6+5)+13=26 d20+19=37 d8+6=9 2d6(2+3)=5
Tuesday January 22nd, 2008 6:18:15 PM

Val's arrows burst into flame for about 2 seconds before being extinguished. However she does watch her first and last arrows strike the plant. (33 and nat 20)

Nez casts his spiritual weapon and watches with disgust as it misses.

Apollo trys discussion and is rewarded with several of his compatriots attacking the plant.

Cosmo moves to the side of the door and wall and uses a wand on himself.

Ari sends off a barrage of arrows right at the heart of Gaal but watches as they all miss.

Bart throws a dagger which also misses.

Rigging casts his fireball and for a moment it doesnt seem like anything is going to happen and then the fireball envelops the priest and then spreads out in a very strange pattern.

The fireball does however catch Nez in it as well as the HoG and the Priest.

Nez make your saves as posted above in Rigging's post.

The three apes sit there at the door waiting for some direction.


The fireball goes off and while the targets, both intended and unintended were eveloped in fire, it is clear that the priest and the HoG did not take full damage.

Almost as if waiting for an attack to happen or someone to move Nez is suddenly the target of the HoG's flower stalks as three different colored rays strik him. Nez feels a whole lot of things happening to his body at the same time

Will save DC 18 or be teleported into the long hallway (random position).
Fort save DC 18 or die save for 26 points.
Will save DC 18 or fall asleep

The priest charges forward mace pulled back for a massive shot to the large fighter in front of him and connects with Ashira solidly AC 37 for 9 points + 5 point of negative enrgy strikes her as well.

Ashira Fort dc 19 to avoid being petrified.

Heart of Ga'al AC 33
Priest Ac 30

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 33/69(80) Alter self (50 min), comprehend languages (50 min) 
Tuesday January 22nd, 2008 7:39:30 PM

Making a quick prayer to Alemi, Ari changes tactics and quickly casts a spell. Looking for a possible distraction Ari tosses a suggestion at the priest, "The Swords have infected the heart, and it must be destroyed"

(Spell Suggestion DC 17)(the suggestion is to attack the heart)

Val (AC 29, HP 90/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin)  d20+16=34 d8+5=13
Tuesday January 22nd, 2008 9:35:22 PM

Val pulls out another arrow. Instead of firing as quickly as she can, the elven archer takes careful aim. She holds her breath for the instant before she lets it fly.

ooc: one arrow, hit ac 34 for 13 normal.

Arrows used: 15
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Bart Ac 29 79/95  d20+20=27 d20+20=34 d10+11=19 d6=6
Wednesday January 23rd, 2008 1:31:45 AM

Bart jumps (spring attack) forward and attacks the priest he is unlucky he misses he thinks but somehow with Domi's help he hits the priest (reroll) (ac 34 for 19+6 shock)

Appolo ac 30 Hp:70/88 Haste  d20+14=30
Wednesday January 23rd, 2008 10:11:01 AM

Appolo drops his bow and draws his swords stepping forward and flanks and backstabs the priest 4 times.Moving in complete silence as he does so.

Appolo ac 30 Hp:70/88 Haste  d20+14=30 d20+14=24 d20+14=33 d20+14=24 d10+6=15 d8+6=8 d6=3 d6=5 d6=5 d6=1 d6=2 d6=1 d6=6 d6=4 d6=5 d6=5 d6=1 d6=5
Wednesday January 23rd, 2008 10:16:18 AM

Appolo drops his bow and draws his swords stepping forward and flanks and backstabs the priest 4 times.Moving in complete silence as he does so.Only two of his attacks seem to connect.

Attack 30 Attack 33 Critical hit
Damage 15+8x2=31 Shacking burst 6=37
Backstab Damage 43 Total= 80

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 45/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste d ,Spw  d20+17=33 d20+14=30 d20+17=24 2d8(6+3)+5=14 d20+12=27 d20+7=21 d8+3=4
Wednesday January 23rd, 2008 3:54:12 PM

"Arggg .... Domi's might shall withstand you " "growls Nezamil as the stalks strike him

The Cleric of Domi fights off the effects of the trio of stalks

will save vs teleport d20+17=33 succeded
fort save vs death d20+14=30 succeded take 26
will save vs sleep d20+17=24 succeded

" beware of the stalks .... slice off the stalks " shouts Nezamil

Feeling battered and wounded the dwarf taps himself with a wand (2d6(6+3)=5=14 cmw's)

Hp's 57-26+14=45

The spiritual mace keeps attacking the High Priest of Ga'al

1st swing d20+12=27 hit ?? damage 1d8+3=4 !
2nd swing d20+7=21 missed

Fiendish Apes - 3 total  d20+9=28 d20+9=18 d20+9=18
Wednesday January 23rd, 2008 7:49:00 PM

Fiendish Apes
Size: Large (tall)
Space/Reach: 10'/10'
AC 14
HP's 37/37, 37/37 & 37/37
Full attack: 2 claws +9 & 1 bite +4
Damage claws: 1d6+7
Damage bite: 1d6+3

"Attack! Attack!," Cosmo yells to the apes.

The 3 Apes move forward and spread out to attack the giant horror in the room.

Ape 1 attacks from D4
Hit AC's 28
Damage 0

Ape 2 attacks G4
Hit AC's 18
Damage 0

Ape 3 attacks D5
Hit AC's 18
Damage 0

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 29/63) 
Wednesday January 23rd, 2008 8:01:10 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
See Invisibility: 107+/110 minutes
Polymorph: 10+/11 minutes
Pearl of Power 2nd level: used
SM IV (from wand): /7

Cosmo casts SM IV from the wand of SM IV.

Location: with group with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility * & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste *
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph *
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 12)

Rigging  d20+10=27 5d6(2+1+1+1+5)=10 24d6(1+6+6+6+6+2+1+6+4+4+2+3+2+3+3+1+6+2+2+2+4+1+3+4)=80
Wednesday January 23rd, 2008 8:48:24 PM

Rigging summons his magic again pointing a finger at the heart of Ga'al and shooting a ray of disinegrate at the monster who is attacking his friends (fort save dc 23)

00C He touch ac of 27 Either do 10 points of damage to it or 80. I can always hope!

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2*, mage armor*, magic missile x 2**, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible*, prot from arrows*, mirror image*
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles*, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball*, teleport,Cone of cold x 2**,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic*, distergrate x2*

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes
improved invisiblity 2/7

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic used
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2 used two
Ice Storm used
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Going to Vegas with the wife next week and won't be able to post for Rigging's final week of Sword of Redemption fame. Can someone take over for me?

Ashira AC30 hps 81/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge)  d20+14=21 d20+17=30 2d6(4+6)+12=22 d20+12=24 d20+7=17 d20+17=34 d20+17=37 2d8(3+2)+16=21 d20+8=15 d20-2=18 d20+17=20 2d8(6+8)+16=30 d20+17=37 d20+17=34 4d6(5+6+5+3)+24=43
Wednesday January 23rd, 2008 10:41:26 PM

Her mirror now in place on her floating shield, Ashira laughs as the priest charges her (Fort.=21). "Gee thanks...saves me the time of marching across the room to kill you!!" With savage strength born of years of hatred she lashes out viciously with her long and shortsword, cutting and slicing at the priest's heartseed. (AC30 for 22, AC34/37 for 30, hero pt. to increase damage)

OOC: Are we still under Haste? Also, shouldn't Ashira have gotten an AoO for the priest charging into her space last round? If so she hits AC37/34 for 43.

DM Kent  d20+18=25 d20+15=20 d20+15=31 d20+10=13 d8+6=10 d20+18=37 d20+18=22 d20+18=35 d20+18=23 d20+18=20 d20+18=38 d10=8 d10=6 d10=2 2d8(6+3)+10=20
Thursday January 24th, 2008 6:56:29 AM

Ashira lays into the priest connecting twice and easing some of the tension that has been building upo inside of her. (ooc, A charge does not provoke an attack of opportunity)

The three apes are ordered past and barrel past Val and Ashira only as they do the vanish out of sight and Cosmo can tell they are no longer in existance.

Rigging watches as his thin green ray moves toward the beast and then vanishes without ever touching the HoG. Knowledge arcana roll DC 18 and then Highlight to display spoiler: { After sering the wall of fire , Vals arrows, the strange reaction of the fireball, the disappearance of the apes and his ray, Rigging is pretty confident that there is an area of anti magic in operation covering some area in front of him.}

Out in the hall Cosmo begins casting again.

Nez, feeling a bit battered takes a moment to do a bit of healing and frowns as his SW mises yet again.

Appolo moves into flanking position and as he does so he suddenly feels like he weighs and extra 50 pounds or so and is clearly shocked when his strikes end up not connecting at all.

Bart springs forward to attack the priest but misses.

Ari casts suggestion at the priest the priest takes a second to smile at him from the distance and shake his head.

Val sends another arow streaking toward th e plant and connects.


Th priest sees Apollo coming and takes an attack of opportunity to slap at him with his mace but misses as he was smiling at Ari.

His focus back on Val he renews his attack with great zeal connecting once more for 10 points of damage.

The flowers finding no other target to attack once again focus on Nez as three more ras arc aout and connect with him.

Nez feels a shock of negative energy and recognizes the wound causing spell. 20 points, Will DC18 for 10. The second raysends waves of fear crashing into him and he feels like he must escape from the room. Will Dc 18 or flee in fear. The third flower seems to be sending reassuring energy at him and seems to want to make Nez his friend. Will DC 18 or become charmed. The other two stems' rays miss.

Heart of Ga'al AC 33, flower stems AC 35
Priest Ac 30

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 33/69(80) Alter self (50 min), comprehend languages (50 min) 
Thursday January 24th, 2008 7:59:27 AM

Oh well, you never know when the simple stuff can trip someone up Trying another idea Ari casts entangle and attempts to use the plant matter from the Heart against the priest, attempting to tie up the Heart so it has no attack and of course seeing if they pieces parts can do anything to hold up or trip up the priest.

Appolo Ac 30 hp 70/88 Haste 
Thursday January 24th, 2008 10:24:18 AM

Seeing that his attacks have no effect Appolo leaves the area quickly as possible and heads back down the hall."i'll be back need to go get something."He says as he walk away back the way he came.

Ashira AC30 hps 81/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge)  d20+17=32 2d6(1+6)+12=19 d20+12=22 d20+7=27 d20+17=37 d20+17=37 2d8(3+4)+16=23 d20+8=13 d20-2=8 d20+17=23
Thursday January 24th, 2008 10:27:13 AM

The rangers smile curls into an evil mask. "How sad...how truly sad. You know Ga'al is disappointed with you." Sneaking past his guard, Ashira's longsword rips into his chest and then she follows up with a horrible thrust to the heartseed (AC32 for 19, then AC37/37 for 23). The hunter of Ga'al spits in the high priest's face. "Let's see if you're precious little Ga'al can save you now!"

She shouts to the others over her shoulder. "Leave this fool to me! Obliterate the Heartseed!"

OOC: Still need to know if Haste is active. 94 damage done thus far by Ashira (grin).

Val (AC 29, HP 90/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin)  d20+16=36 d20+16=34 3d8(3+6+7)+15=31
Thursday January 24th, 2008 11:30:08 AM

Val feels her armor hold under the impact. She holds her breath for a moment and doesn't feel the blood running down her side. Oh she would feel it later. Maybe some bruised ribs but for now the adrenaline kept her focused. She pulled out another arrow and took careful aim. Her lungs burned for air but she still did not breathe. Val adjusted her aim slightly and released the arrow.

ooc: one attack against the body. crit- ac 34 confirm for 31

Arrows used: 16
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Bart Ac 29 79/95  d20+20=35 d20+15=35 d20+15=29 d20+10=20 d20+10=17 d10+11=13 d10+11=15 d6=6 d6=5
Thursday January 24th, 2008 1:20:29 PM

Bart attacks the priest and hits him (ac 35 for 13+6 shock, threat no crit ac 35 for 15+5 shock, miss

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 35/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste d ,Spw ,Righteous might  d20+17=23 d20+17=24 d20+17=29 d20+12=32 d20+12=22 d20+7=13 d8+3=9
Thursday January 24th, 2008 3:28:47 PM

Waethering the assault of the stalks the dwarf fights off their affects " Grrrrrr "

"Pesky stalks .... gotta do something about dem " growls Nezamil

will save vs wounding d20+17=23 made takes 10
will save vs fear d20+17=24 made
will save vs charm d20+17=29 made

" it's like fighting a damned beholder " grumbles the dwarf

Ggetting angry as the stalks pester him he continues to let his spiritual mace assault the High Priest and asmile appears to crease the dwarfs face as the mace of force finds its mark

1st swing (d20+12=32 nat 20!! crit swing d20+12=22 missed damage 1d8+3=9
2nd swing d20+7=13 missed

Looking about the room Nezamil tries to understand the structure .... looking for structual points " HEY CAPTAIN CAN WE BRING DOWN THE ROOF ON THIS VILE THING " shouts the dwarf " bring da house down like a mountion of stone "

Feeling battered the Cleric of Domi prays to release Domi's divine might " Domi grant your humble servant rightious strength " (casting righteous might)

AS the Dwarf rises to new heights and strength he readies himself defensivly with his best shielding techniques ( combat expertise +5 to Ac )knowing the stalks will continues their relentless attacks

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?
Spirirual weapon (9/11)rds
Righteous might (11/11) rds

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 29/63) 
Thursday January 24th, 2008 9:39:17 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
See Invisibility: 107+/110 minutes
Polymorph: 10+/11 minutes
Pearl of Power 2nd level: used
SM IV (from wand): 7/7
SM IV (from wand): /7

Cosmo finishes casting his SM IV spell. He summons a Lantern Archon and has it appear in the doorway. The creature immediately begins to attack.

Once again, Cosmo casts SM IV from the wand of SM IV.

Location: with group with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility * & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste *
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph *
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 13)

Lantern Archon - 1  d20+2=22 d20+2=6 d20+2=19 d6=5 d6=6 d6=3
Thursday January 24th, 2008 9:44:05 PM

OOC - What is the big things TAC?

LA #1
Hit AC's: 22(6) & 19
Damage: 5 + 6 = 11 (add 3 if the TAC is 6 or less)

Hit Dice: 1d8 (4 hp)
Speed: Fly 60 ft. (perfect) (12 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (+1 size, +4 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15
Full Attack: 2 light rays +2 ranged touch (1d6)

Light Ray (Ex)
A lantern archon's light rays have a range of 30 feet. This attack overcomes damage reduction of any type.

Rigging  d20+13=18 d20+6=26 d20+13=22 d20+10=11 d20+10=30 d20+10=30 24d6(1+4+6+4+4+6+4+5+6+5+5+1+3+2+6+4+2+4+3+1+5+5+4+2)=92 24d6(3+2+5+3+5+2+5+2+6+6+5+6+1+2+2+4+2+1+3+2+3+1+3+1)=75 d20+14=25 5d6(1+1+4+4+3)=13 5d6(4+6+6+5+3)=24
Friday January 25th, 2008 8:38:24 AM

Rigging growls in frustration as he sees one of his most powerful spells wasted. His intelligent mind goes to work and he realizes that the creature is protected by some kind of anti-magic area. (dc check 18 on the nose)

He will calculate where his fireball went off and where his ice storm seemed to affect and try and figure out if the flower tentacles are in the anti-magic radius. He doubts it since they seem to be doing magic themselves.

He then hears Nezamil's call for the roof and quickly studies the roof to see if a disinegrate spell could bring down the roof. (engineering check 22) If it is possible, he will attack the roof, otherwise he will attack on of the flowers.

Explanation of rolls:
Rolled 18 to see if I could figure out anti-magic
Rolled 26 natural 20 for an intelligence check to see if the flower tentacles are in the anti-magic
Rolled 22 engineering check to check the ceiling
Rolled 11 to hit my target (natural 1)
Rolled again using a hero point hitting a natural 20
Rolled critical hit and rolled another natural 20 to make critical hit
Rolled a 25 to get past spell resistance)

Rigging does 167 points of damage to the tentacle if it fails fort save or 37 points of damage if it makes it.

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2*, mage armor*, magic missile x 2**, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible*, prot from arrows*, mirror image*
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles*, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball*, teleport,Cone of cold x 2**,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic*, distergrate x2**

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes
improved invisiblity 3/7

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic used
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2 used two
Ice Storm used
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Going to Vegas with the wife next week and won't be able to post for Rigging's final week of Sword of Redemption fame. Can someone take over for me? Still looking for volunteers

Friday January 25th, 2008 10:51:59 AM

Ack. I let time catch up on me. I'm leaving for India on Sunday and I need someone to play Ari too. I'll be gone until Feb 8th.

DM Kent  d3=2 d10=5 d20+18=22 d20+15=26 d20+10=23
Friday January 25th, 2008 6:28:20 PM

Rigging is pretty sure that the white flower at the front of the plant is what is causing the anti magic zone and thorough some quick considering knows that anything he casts at the HoG this moment, unless he moves, is going to have to enter that field of anti magic. Rigging is also pretty sure that if he used it against the cieling that while some damage might be done, it wouldn't be enough to collapse it. Feeling something has to be done Rigging moves over toward the area behind Nez is in and casts again. He is rewarded by another shrill shreik but the HoG is still there though it seesm to be smouldering a bit where three of the side flowers once were.

Ari casts his spell and while there seems to be no effect from the HoG the bloody gras around the feet of the Priest begins writhing and twisting around him, causing the priest to swear and start muttering to himself.

Ashira connects again and definitle does some damage, but her sword has a wierd feel to it every time she steps forward to strike the priest, sort of like it isn't quite as effective.(Yes, Haste is gone)

Val sends another arrow streaking in and strikes solidly.

Bart too feels that his sword isn't as effective and in fact he feels like everything he owns is quite a bit heavier, but does manage to strike the priest, though he notices that no electricity emmantes from his sword strike.

Nez mutters about the HoG and its flower attacks and goes to attack with the SW again and sends it in to where the priest is now and as he does watches as it vanishes and is no longer there. He then casts his spell and gets ready for the plant's next assault.

Cosmo casts again after sending his Lantern Archon to attack which sends its ray streaking toward the plant, where it connects solidly and a shrill screech emminates from the plant.

(TAC 23)


The shrieking Hog starts writing and its flowers, the ones remaining, begin waving violently and a thin greenins ray, that looked very similar to Rigging's comes shooting out at Nez, but just misses and a section of the floor beside him dissipates into dust.

The Priest swings wildly this time and misses twice. there is a fatalistic look in his eyes.

Appolo Ac 30 Hp 70/88 Haste 
Friday January 25th, 2008 6:47:26 PM

Using his boots of speed Appolo searches Mykeals stuff and finds to 5 gallon barrels of acid.He hefts the barrels up on his shoulders and quickly as possible carries them back to the battle.Once he arrives"Got some acid here let's dump this stuff on that thing and see what happens."

Nezamil Ac 34(39 w/CE) Hp 92/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead Righteous might 
Friday January 25th, 2008 11:45:15 PM

Quickly fishing out a scroll from his haversack the Cleric of Domi reads it .... realeasing its' energy (Heal )

Feeling his health return to top form Nezamil hears the light footed Appolo idea " good .... i'll distract the stalks as best i can " growls the dwarf as he moves closer to the Heart of Ga'al (moves to D6) hoping his moven again attracts the remaining stalks and the Heart of Ga'als attention

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Righteous might (10/11) rds

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

(George i'll run Rigging for you , send me his sheet)

Ashira AC30 hps 81/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Enlarge)  d20+17=22 d20+12=28 d20+7=24 d20+16=28 d20+8=15 d20-2=11
Friday January 25th, 2008 11:56:32 PM

Years of pent up anger and murderous rage spew from the ranger as she whips her blades around in a vicious, but ultimately futile effort to down the high priest. She looks over at Bart, barely able to keep the lust for the kill under control. "Finish him Bart! Let's send this heart seeding son of Ga'al to the Realms of Shadow!"

Bart Ac 29 79/95  d20+20=39 d20+20=21 d20+15=34 d20+15=16 d20+10=27 d10+11=21 d10+11=13 d6=3 d6=6
Saturday January 26th, 2008 11:50:56 AM

Bart attacks the priest again, he HAS SOME ANTIMAGIC SHALL AROUND HIM MY SWORD DOESNT WORK AS WELL AS IT NORMALLY DOES Bart growls, He manages to hit the priest with 2 of his 3 blows (ac 39 threat no crit for 21+3, ac 34 threat no crit for 13+6, miss)

attendence report 
Monday January 28th, 2008 1:26:16 PM

Dm Kent xxoxxoo
Rigging oxxoxoo
Ashira ooxxxoo
Appolo xoxxxoo
Val xxoxoxx
Bart xxxxoxo
Nezamil xoxxxoo
Cosmo xoxxooo
Ari oxoxooo

Remember we are in combat so please make sure you post !!!

Nice work Bart !! 5 posts !!!

Val (AC 29, HP 90/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin)  d20+16=23
Monday January 28th, 2008 4:31:00 PM

Val draws another arrow, sending it streaking toward the HoG but misses badly.

"This is going to take forever. Lucking I have a couple hundred arrows. The thing may be immune to magic but what about as simple as oil and a lit torch?"

Arrows used: 17
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Rigging ac 22 80/80 
Monday January 28th, 2008 4:31:53 PM

Rigging knowing his magic is mostly expended smiles as Appolo comes up with an idea " well it won't hurt to try that .... and besides i'm not that effective againist that anti-magic shield it has up "

Moving swiftly Rigging goes to aid Appolo with his acid bomb .... fetching his holy dagger he will help pop the cork and assist Appolo in throwing the casks on the Heart of Ga'al

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes
improved invisiblity 2/7

(posted by adm chris)

Appolo Ac 30 hp 70/88 Haste 
Monday January 28th, 2008 7:04:28 PM

Appolo smiles as Rigging comes over to help"Boss do you know were the source of the anti=magic shield is,We could tsrget it.Taking that out would make things easier."He continues to prepare the acis to be thrown.

DM kent  d20+15=32 d20+15=30 d20+15=33 d10=7 d10=5 d10=4 d10=10 d10=8 d8+10=15 d20+18=34 d20+18=35 d20+18=32 d10=6 4d8(6+6+1+4)+12=30
Monday January 28th, 2008 9:31:50 PM

(OOC - note that Mykael's sheet has 4 pint flasks of acid on it just for the record.)

Apollo goes and rifle's through Mykael's stuff and retrieves some acid he remembers being there, and gets ready to distribute it somewhere.

Nez heals himself with a quick scroll and moves forward a few feet.

Ashira lets her rage get in her way and misses her attacks on the priest.

Bart however manages to connect again solidly and rocks the priest.

Val keeps up the arial assault but once againmisses.

Rigging comes to Apollo's aid in readying the acid.


As Nez moves closer the once quiescent tendrils come active and lash out at the cleric all just missing. He also attracts the attention of two of that side's flowers. he feels negative energy once again flow into him, Cause moderate wounds 15 points Will Dc 19 for 8 points, and feels himself begin to fell disassociated with the area, teleport will Dc 19 or be randomly dropped somewhere.

The third remaining flower targets Apollo as he moves in with the Acid to where Riggin was. Apollo begins to feel fear take hold of him fear will dc 19 or flee for two rounds.

The priest obviously in a bad way steps backwards 5 feet and casts a spell on himself. Some of his wounds disappear.

HoG AC 33(TAC 23)
Priest AC 30

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 29/63) 
Monday January 28th, 2008 9:54:25 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
See Invisibility: 107+/110 minutes
Polymorph: 10+/11 minutes
Pearl of Power 2nd level: used
SM IV (from wand): 6/7
SM IV (from wand): 7/7
SM IV (from wand): /7

Cosmo finishes casting his second SM IV spell. He summons another Lantern Archon and has it appear next to the first one. It attacks.

Cosmo moves into the doorway opening. He is not sure what to do as magic does not appear to be working very well in the room. He decides that he will keep any other creatures from entering the area and let his comrades deal with the heart in the room. He casts SM IV from the wand again.

Location: with group with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility * & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste *
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph *
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 14)

Lantern Archon - 2  d20+2=9 d20+2=12 d20+2=12 d20+2=12
Monday January 28th, 2008 9:56:03 PM

LA #1
Hit AC's: 9 & 12
Damage: 0

LA #2
Hit AC's: 12 & 12
Damage: 0

Hit Dice: 1d8 (4 hp)
Speed: Fly 60 ft. (perfect) (12 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (+1 size, +4 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15
Full Attack: 2 light rays +2 ranged touch (1d6)

Light Ray (Ex)
A lantern archon's light rays have a range of 30 feet. This attack overcomes damage reduction of any type.

Nezamil Ac 39 Hp 84/92 (106/114Rm) SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead Righteous might  d20+15=20 d20+15=33 d20+15=21 d20+10=14 d20+15=26 2d6(3+2)+8=13 2d6(1+6)+8=15
Monday January 28th, 2008 10:37:51 PM

Nezamil shakes off the flowers attacks only taking slight damage .

(d20+15=20 will save , made!! only takes 8!)
(d20+15=33 will save , made ! stays put :-)

Feeling Domi's righteous might flow thru him Nezamil steps forward to attack the flowers(moves to D5) to help clear a path for Appolo's and Captain Riggings acid bomb attack.

Activating his magical boots(boots of speed +1 ac)

"Feel Domi's wrath and power " bellows the Cleric of Domi as his mace lashes out to bash the flowers

1st swing d20+15=21 , damage if hit 2d6(3+2)+8=13
2nd swing d20+10=14 missed (i'm pretty sure about that)
3rd swing d20+15=26 , damage if hit 2d6(1+6)+8=15

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Righteous might (9/11) rds
Haste (10/10) boots of speed

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Rigging ac 22 80/80 
Monday January 28th, 2008 10:45:19 PM

Smiling at Appolo " The white follow is our target !! "

Taking a couple of the acid flasks from Appolo .... Rigging pops the stoppers on them .

" don't throw them lets just step next to it and pour it so we don't miss "

With that said Rigging moves forward to the white flower and pours the scid bombs on the pretty white flower ..... hoping the acid will also flow over the Heart of Ga'al too.

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes
improved invisiblity 1/7

(posted by adm chris)

Ashira AC30 hps 81/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Enlarge)  d20+17=24 d20+17=19 d20+12=20 d20+7=23 d20+17=18 d20+8=12 d20-2=3
Tuesday January 29th, 2008 12:17:19 AM

Shaking her head in distaste as the priest falls back, Ashira takes a swing due to her enlarged reach, but can't manage to disrupt the priest's spell (AC24). The ranger flies 5 feet forward to cut off further retreat and presses her attack, but once more her blind rage renders her attacks useless. Her smile unpleasant to look at, she encourages Bart to press the attack. "C'mon Bart, you've almost got him. Look, the coward's trying to back out of the fight!"

Appolo Ac 30 Hp70/88 Haste  d20+8=19
Tuesday January 29th, 2008 10:01:35 AM

Appolo shakes off the fear and looks up with acid flasks ready.Appolo smiles wickedly waitsa few second then sprints forward after Rigging.When reaches the Heart of G'aal he pours his acid all over it while being carefull not to get any of it on himself.He pours as close to the top as possible hoping the acid will eat straight throught the monsterous creature.

Bart Ac 29 79/95  d20+20=39 d20+20=21 d20+15=24 d20+10=20 d10+11=17 d6=1
Tuesday January 29th, 2008 12:11:43 PM

Bart follows the priest and attacks him once more he hits him only once (ac 39 for 17+1)

Val (AC 29, HP 90/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin)  d20+16=34 d8+5=10
Tuesday January 29th, 2008 1:30:05 PM

Val pulls another arrow from her quiver and launches it firmly into the HoG.

"This thing doesn't even bleed. I think I'm just annoying it."

ooc: hit ac 34 for 10

Arrows used: 18
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Wednesday January 30th, 2008 12:38:07 PM

come on guys the final days of the swords have begun lets make it some nice ones

Wednesday January 30th, 2008 4:28:11 PM

Trying to Bart...just need a DM post to work with. I hear Kent has some RL stuff going on.

DM Kent  4d6(4+6+3+5)=18 d20+20=31 d6+4=6 d20+20=31 d6+4=10 d20+20=36 d6+4=9 d6=2 d6=4 d6=6 d20+20=40 d20+20=24 d6+4=10 d20+18=33 d10=3 d20+20=26 d20+20=35 d20+18=34 d20+18=31 d6+4=9 d10=7 2d8(1+8)+10=19 d6+4=6 d10=1 d20+15=34 d8+6=8 2d6(4+6)=10 d20+18=38 d20+18=19 d20+18=24 d10=3 d10=5 d10=1 5d6(2+2+6+2+5)=17 d20+20=30 d20+20=31 d20+20=25 2d6(6+1)+8=15
Wednesday January 30th, 2008 6:09:59 PM

Cosmo brings a second anter into being and it joins its fellow near the forefront and they attack the HoG though they do both miss with their attack. And Cosmo beigns casting yet again.

Nez speeds things up a bit and moves in closer and attempts to wail upon the flower but misses all three times.

Rigging and Apollo move forward so as to pour or throw the acid on the white flower, putting themselves in the path of the thorny tentacles. The acid is poured and splashed with some success as their is an additional shriek from the plant and the white flower begins to shrivel.

Ashira again finds that she is her own worst enemy as her rage interfears with her attacks.

Bart comes in swinging again and manages to connect once but in doing so his movement takes him forward and he actually feels his magic return to his sword and armor.

Val senda another arrow streaking into the HoG.

As Rigging goes forward to pour acid he gets smacked by one of the tentacles (AoO). He feels the thorns rip into his flesh as he fights his way through. AC 31, for 6 points.

Apollo too finds himself whacked solidly by a tentacle and feels the thorns sink into his flesh. (AoO)AC31,10 points

As Bart move forward to attck the priest, he too attracts the attaentin of the HoG's tentacles. (AoO) AC 36, 9 points

Nez finds himself attacked by a tentacle AC 40 crit threat, damage 10 and another flower sends a ray streaking at him TAC 33 and he feels his body begin to stiffen. Fort save DC 19 or turn to stone.

Apollo and Rigging each find themselves the target of tentacle and a flower as well.

Rigging gets torn again by a tentacle AC 26 for 9 points and feels negative energy pour into him TAC 34, Cause moderate, 19 points, will DC 19 for 9 points.

Apollo too gets slapped around by a tentacle. AC 35, 6 points and feels a presence in his mind commanding him to attack Rigging with his sword. [b] Command, Will DC 19 or attack Rigging.

The priest swings his mace and looks Bart right in the eyes as he does so. Fort save DC 19 or be turned to stone. Bart then feels the mace crash solidly into his side and feels negative energy course through his body. [b]AC 34, 8 physical damage and 10 negative energy damage Bart also attracts the attention of 3 of the HoG's flowers. As the first ray hits him he begins to feel quite sleepy. TAC 38, Will Dc 19 or fall asleep. The second ray begins to make his feel really badly as if he just wants to fall apart. Disintegrate - TAC 19 - 82 points damage, Will DC 19 for 17 points. As the third ray strikes him he feels a presence in his mind that commands him to turn ans attack Ashira. Command TAC 24, Will Dc 19.

Several tentacles lash out at Ashira trying to catch hold of her and two manage to snag her AC 30, 31 for 15 points. Alarmingly the two tentacles that snagged her seem to be trying to pull her into the HoG itself. Grapple 34 Base att + Gargantuan + strength.

HoG AC 33,(TAC 23)
Priest AC 30

Rigging Ac 22 Hp 56/80  d20+13=20
Wednesday January 30th, 2008 9:51:59 PM

Rigging grimaces as the tentacles tear his skin(d20+13=20 made !! phew glad Nezamil has magic circle vs evil up)
feeling blood run down his body Rigging uncorks another bottle of acid and again pours it over the Heart of Ga'al and it's flowers "Burn .... burn.... burn " yells the bloodied mage

(there was 4 flasks of acid , i figured we could only our one per round with 2 each held by Rigging and Appolo), i of course could be wrong)

Rigging then steps back away (5'ft move)from the Heart of Ga'al " Appolo stab it .... use you blades !!!"

"Ari stop standing still !! attack the evil heart .... now !!! "

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes
improved invisiblity 1/7

(posted by adm chris)

Nezamil Ac 39 Hp 74/92 (96/114Rm) SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead Righteous might  d20+14=19 d20+17=35 d20+12=13 d20+17=36 d20+17=21 2d6(2+2)+8=12 2d6(5+1)+8=14
Wednesday January 30th, 2008 10:12:07 PM

As the tentacles pierce his body the dwarf growls "Grrrrr"

AS the flowers ray strikes Nezamil he feels his body start to harden to stone " Domi save me " cries out the Priest of Domi ..... and the feeling of being turned to stone fades (d20+14=20 made it !! phew !! )

With renewed faith Nezamil weaves his giant mace in deadly swwps as he smahes at the Heart of Ga'al

1st swing d20+17=35 damage 2d6(2+2)+8=12
2nd swing d20+12=13 missed
3rd swing d20+17=36 damage 2d6(5+1)+8=14(hasted swing)
Total damage 26!

"Domi power shall slay you !! " shouts Nezamil

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Righteous might (9/11) rds
Haste (10/10) boots of speed

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Appolo Ac 30 Hp55/88 Haste  d20+8=28 d20+14=24 d20+14=34 d20+14=24 d20+14=33 d10+6=12 d10+6=13
Thursday January 31st, 2008 12:12:40 AM

Appolo takes the hits with a grimace and spins into action with his blades easily resisting the command.
Slicing into the beast twice as he connects solidly.

Attack 34 35 Damage 12 13

Bart Ac 31 44/95 Ac 32 to priest  d20+15=34 d20+13=28 d20+13=20 d20+13=21 d20+20=31 d20+15=31 d20+10=11 d10+11=16 d10+11=17
Thursday January 31st, 2008 2:56:55 PM

Bart feels the magic return to him.

can someone destroy his magic protections!!

The return blows from the priest hurts him (fort save 34, will save 28, will save 20, will save 21

Bart returns the blows to the priest ac31 for 16 ac31 for 17, miss he the steps away a bit giving him a greater distance to the HOg

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 29/63) 
Thursday January 31st, 2008 9:43:10 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
See Invisibility: 107+/110 minutes
Polymorph: 10+/11 minutes
Pearl of Power 2nd level: used
SM IV (from wand): 5/7
SM IV (from wand): 6/7
SM IV (from wand): 7/7

Cosmo finishes casting the third SM IV spell. He summons another Lantern Archon and has it appear next to the other two and it attacks with them. Cosmo eyeballs the wand, expecting smoke to be coming out of it after all the use it has gotten.

Cosmo remains in the doorway. He burns another charge off the SM IV wand.

Location: with group with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility * & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste *
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph *
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 15)

Lantern Archon - 3  d20+2=6 d20+2=15 d20+2=7 d20+2=21 d20+2=18 d20+2=4
Thursday January 31st, 2008 9:44:44 PM

LA #1
Hit AC's: 6 & 15
Damage: 0

LA #2
Hit AC's: 7 & 21
Damage: 0

LA #3
Hit AC's: 18 & 4
Damage: 0

Hit Dice: 1d8 (4 hp)
Speed: Fly 60 ft. (perfect) (12 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (+1 size, +4 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15
Full Attack: 2 light rays +2 ranged touch (1d6)

Light Ray (Ex)
A lantern archon's light rays have a range of 30 feet. This attack overcomes damage reduction of any type.

DM Kent  d20+20=39 d20+20=39 d20+20=25 d20+20=36 2d6(4+1)+8=13 d6=4 d6=4 d6=6 d20+18=27 d20+18=21 d10=3 d10=1 d6+4=5 2d6(6+4)+8=18 d20+18=33 d20+18=37 d10=9 d10=3 3d6(2+1+1)+13=17 d6=4 d6=3 d6=1 d6=6 d20+18=18 d20+18=21 d10=2 d10=6 d20+18=38 d10=4 d6+4=9 d20+4=10 d20+18=25 d10=4 5d6(6+6+3+3+1)=19
Thursday January 31st, 2008 11:37:41 PM

Rigging pours his second vial of acid on the HoG eliciting another piercing shriek from the plant.

Nez fights off being stoned and makes his attacks tearing a few chunks off of the gargantuan plant.

Apollo lashes out with his sword and connects with the HoG as well.

Bart takes some damage and then dishes some out to the priest dropping him to the floor.

Cosmo summons another lanterns which joins the others and then charges up his wand yet again.


The HoG starts lashing out with all its tendrils and its remaining flowers.

Nez gets struck and grabbed by two tentacles Ac 39 & 39 for 13 points and feels himself being dragged toward the plant grapple DC34.

Rigging has two flower rays streak toward him TAC 27 7 TAC 21 and feels a presence in his mind commanding him to attack Apollo. Command Will DC 19 or attack apollo[b] The second ray makes him feel really sleepy. [b]Sleep Will save DC 19 or fall asleep. He also feels the tell tale smack and tear of the tentacles as he is struck by another AC 25 for 5 points

Apollo is targeted by two more flower rays as well TAC 33 & 37. He too feels quite sleepy suddenly and needs to make a will save DC19 or fall asleep. The second ray is a black one and he feels a massive jolt of negative energy strikes him. ger of death -Fort Dc 19 or be slain save for 17 points

Ashira feels the thorns dig deeper into her as she is dragged into the main plant.18 points Ashira also finds two rays coming her way TAC 18 & 21. the first ray goes harmlessly by, the second strikes her and she feels everything begin to slow down. Slow - Will DC 19 or be slowed.

With the anti magic field apparently no longer operational, Val finds herself the target of a flower ray herself and finds her self feeling a bit stiff. TAC 38 - Flesh to stone- Fort DC 19 or be turned to stone.

Bart finds himself the attention of a tentacle again Ac 36 for 9 points. He also finds that a ray streaks out from one of the flowers at him, TAC 25 making him feel tingly all over. Disintegrate - Fort DC 19 - 50 points damage or svae for 19

Nezamil Ac 39 Hp 61/92 (83/114Rm) SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead Righteous might  d20+20=33 d20+17=21 d20+12=32 d20+17=25
Thursday January 31st, 2008 11:58:10 PM

The large sized dwarf holds his ground from being pulled towards the Heart of Ga'al

d20+20=33 (+2 more from magic circle of protection from evil =35 !!)

(d20+ 8 base,+4 str , +4 str RM , +4 size bonus = total +20)

" Feel Domi's wrath .... Domi shall send ya to da shadows " shouts Nezamil

Hi large mace keeps swing at the Heart of Ga'al but his zeal throws off his aim slightly with one near miss

"It's senses it's end ... now everyone attack the Hheart of Ga'al ... send it to the shadowland "

1st swing d20+17= 21 missed
2nd swing d20+12= 32 near miss
3rd swing d20+17=25 missed hasted swing

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Righteous might (9/11) rds
Haste (10/10) boots of speed

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

(Kent did you account for the 5/evil in damage reduction againist the mighty dwarf )

Rigging Ac 22 Hp 51/80  d20+13=17 d20+13=26
Friday February 1st, 2008 12:06:03 AM

The Captain of the swords fights off the magical attacks of the tentacles (d20+13 = 17 will save , d20+13=26 will save , made both !!)

But the a tentacles slashes the mage again making more blood run down his body .

"Nezamil is right !! everyone gand up on the Heart !! lets finish it !!! end it's vile life " shouts Rigging

"Freedom for Ga'al ..... Freedom for Ga'al !! " chants the native of Ga'al as he tries to rally the swords to finish

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes
improved invisiblity 1/7

(posted by adm chris)

Val (AC 29, HP 90/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin)  d20+15=25 d20+16=19
Friday February 1st, 2008 9:24:49 AM

Val takes a step back as the ray washes over her body but doesn't feel anything further. She draws another arrow and takes aim. Val smiles as the arrow bursts into flame during flight but the shot sails high.

ooc: for save 25. missed attack

Arrows used: 19
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Appolo Ac30 HP 53/88 Haste  d20+8=24 d20+9=20 d20+18=36 d20+18=26 d20+18=36 d20+18=20 d20+18=22 d20+18=23 d10+6=13 d10+6=15
Friday February 1st, 2008 10:41:30 AM

Appolo shake of most the effects of the dark magic and strikes back spitting blood covered in blood seet and grimes heaad to toe as he swings at the creature."A boss that Freedom from G'aal not for G'aal.Oh Nez buddy you got any healing magic left.If I reemeber correctly I could be wrong but ifa goos alinged cleric casts a hwaling spell on a evil creature doesn't that actually damage the creature not heal it."

He then yells for Ari"Ari go find some oil lantern oil.I'm going to chop this thing up then havea barbeque."
Appolo swings 6 times at the vile creature. Connecting with it twice.He watches as he cuts in to it and the acis continues to eat away at the creature causing more damsge.

Attack 36 36 Damage 13 15=28

Bart Ac 32 16/95 +21  d20+17=37 2d8(7+4)+10=21
Saturday February 2nd, 2008 8:06:19 AM

Bart feels one of the flowers but luckily not all of his magic affects him. The heavily wounded fighter retreats a bit keeping distance to te plant he pulls out a potion of cure moderate and drinks it (heal 21)

DM Kent  d4=3 d20=17 2d6(5+2)=7 d20+20=23 d20+20=25 d20+20=25 d20+20=34 d6+9=10 d6+9=15 d20+18=18 d20+18=36 d20+18=29 d20+18=19 d20+18=24 d20+18=26 d6=3 3d6(2+6+3)+13=24 d6=5 d6=5 d6=2 2d8(4+7)+13=24 d6+9=12
Saturday February 2nd, 2008 8:52:42 AM

The acid keeps doing its work and another flower falls, leaving only 6 apprently functioning in addition to the white one at the rear.

Ashira gets pulled into the center of the Hog and feels the thorns sink ever deeper into her. She can actually feel the blood being siphoned out of her. 3 points constitution loss

Nez fights through the HoG's grapple attempt but does'nt mangae to connect with his own attack.

Val avoids being stoned and takes another shot with her bow but the arrow flies wide.

Rigging shakes off the magical attacks of the HoG and tries to rally the troops to finish the HoG off.

Apollo also avoids the HoG's magical assault and at Rigging's urging continues his slicing and dicing.

Bart manages to make his save and doesn't fall to pieces but he isn't feeling too well and drinks a potion.

Cosmos fourth lantern arrives and takes up position.


As the fight coninues there is a slidind / grating sound heard from above. It isn't really loud enough to warrant any major attetion but suddenly the entire room is being soaked, by what appears to thick rusty smelling rain. It wouldn't seem that being covered in blood would be that much of a problem but the Wildcards feel each drop as a burn eating into them like acid 7 points damage to all. The HoG stills for a moment as if relishing the downpour and soaking it in and then actively begins attacking again.

Rigging is struck by one tentacle AC 23 for 10 points as is Nez Ac 34 also for 10

Two other tentacles miss Nez and Apollo, but the lone unoccupied tentacle on the otherside connects solidly with Bart AC 34 for 12 points

The flowers send out their magical beams and two just miss Bart. The remaining four each targets one of the other Cards.

Nez is struck by a ray and begins to feel chilled all over. Tac 36 - Finger of Death Fort save Dc19 or die save for 19 points.

Rigging feels a presence begin to enter his brain. Tac 24 - Charm- Will DC 19 or attack Apollo.

Apollo starts to feel a bit sluggish Slow -Tac 29, Will Dc 19 or be slowed to 1/2 speed.

Val feels negative energy begin to flow through her. Inflict moderate wounds - Tac 26, 24 points, Will Dc 19 for 12[/b]

Matt C. - OOC 
Saturday February 2nd, 2008 9:52:38 AM

Does the blood rain affect Cosmo since he is not in the room? If it does affect him, can he see how far back from the room where it is not "raining"?

*** No it doesn't effect Cosmo as he isn't in the room. As far as he can see the "rain" is falling through out the entire room.

Val (AC 29, HP 66/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin)  d20+9=10 d20+16=36 d20+16=36 3d8(7+5+7)+15=34 d6=6 2d10(9+10)=19
Sunday February 3rd, 2008 10:52:33 PM

Val doubles over as the negative energy leeches the life force from her. Her lungs labor to draw breath, vision blurry for a moment. She staggers but does not fall. Val draws an arrow firing with instinct and reflex. Her arrow ignites in flight and much to her delight, explodes upon impact.

ooc: failed will save. attack is a crit, ac 36 to confirm for 34 normal and 25 fire.

Arrows used: 20
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Nezamil Ac 39 Hp 35/92 (57/114Rm) SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead Righteous might  d20+14=24 d20+17=27 d20+12=25 d20+17=31 2d6(4+2)+8=14
Sunday February 3rd, 2008 11:28:39 PM

The dwarf tries to avoid the ray from the heart of Ga'al but no avail .... but Nezamil fights off (d20+14=24 fort save made!!)

Not so lucky with the rain of blood as it burns him ..... " we have to end this " cries Nezamil

Continuing to assault the heart with his large mace .... weaving deadly arcs .... finally landing a blow

1st swing d20+17=27 missed
2nd swing d20+12=25 missed
3rd swing d20+17=31 hit!! damage 2d6(4+2)+8=14 (hasted)

"Domi shall see you smashed to pulp" yells the dwarf

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Righteous might (9/11) rds
Haste (10/10) boots of speed

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

(Kent did you account for the 5/evil in damage reduction againist the mighty dwarf )

Bart Ac 32 18/95 +19  d20+20=30 2d8(4+5)+10=19
Monday February 4th, 2008 10:54:46 AM

once again bart retreats knowing he cant do a lot in this weaken state he makes sure he is out of the room as he drinks another potion

Appolo Ac 30 Ho 47/88 Haste  d20+8=20 d20+14=16 d20+14=20 d20+14=34 d20+14=15 d20+14=22 d20+14=20 d10+6=7
Monday February 4th, 2008 12:10:07 PM

Appolo sees Ashira get pulled into the foul creature shakes off the lates attack and lays into the creature qitha full attack.He connects only once.

Attack 34 Damage 7

Ari Posted By Chris R 
Monday February 4th, 2008 12:13:48 PM

Aris follows Appolos advice and quickly heads back down the hall to to the stairs.He looks around for iol and torches lanterns as well.He heads upstairs to continue the search for lantern oil or larnterns.

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 29/63) 
Monday February 4th, 2008 9:23:30 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
See Invisibility: 107+/110 minutes
Polymorph: 10+/11 minutes
Pearl of Power 2nd level: used
Pearl of Power 4th level: used

Cosmo is not happy when the blood rain comes and sends al the lantern Archons back to there plane of existence. He remains alert an activates his Pearl of Power 4th level to get his Polymorph spell back.

Location: with group with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility * & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste *
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 14)

DM Kent  2d6(1+3)=4 d20+20=28 d20+20=35 d20+20=30 d2=2 d6+9=11 d20+18=32 d20+18=32 d20+18=23 d20+18=31 d3=2 d3=1 d3=3 d3=1 2d8(4+7)+12=23 20d6(5+6+2+2+4+3+3+5+3+2+2+1+2+1+2+3+2+6+5+3)=63 5d6(2+5+6+4+5)=22 3d6(6+3+6)+12=27 d4=4
Monday February 4th, 2008 10:10:25 PM

All but Cosmo and Ari take an additional
4 points of acid damage, but the bloody acid ceases falling for now.

Bart makes a hasty retreat and joins Cosmo outside of the room and drinks a potion.

Cosmo uses his pearl and retrieves a spell.

Ari searches the lower level and while there is some wood available the only likely source of oil is above in the barracks typs rooms.

Val fires off her arrow and is rewarded with the satisafaction that its magic worked as it hit the HoG.

Nez finally connects with the Hog and does some damage.

Apollo also connects once and finally the Hog looks a bit worse for wear.

With the additional damage inflicted another two flower stem seem to no longer be able to function leaving only four blloms plus the white one at the rear.


Nez is missed by the two tentacles that try to capture him, However Apollo is struck by one AC 30 for 11 points

The four blooms attack once again sending rays streaking at Rigging, Apollo, Val and Nez.

Rigging - TAC32 - flesh to stone Fort Dc 19 or be turned to stone.

Apollo - TAC23 - Inflict moderate wounds - 23 points - Will Dc 19 for 12 points

Val TAC 31- Disintegrate - Fort save DC19 63 points - Fort save Dc 19 for 22 points.

Nez TAC32 - Finger of death - Fort DC 19 or die. Save for 27 points.

Ashira fels weaker and weaker as more blood is drained from her 4 points con loss.

Nezamil Ac 39 Hp 8/92 (30/114Rm) SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead Righteous might  d20+14=15 d20+14=30 d20+17=33 d20+12=23 d20+17=31 2d6(1+4)+8=13 2d6(2+4)+8=14
Monday February 4th, 2008 11:22:38 PM

The ray washes over the mighty dwarf and he feels it's grip of death "Domi save me " as Nezamil knees start to buckle under the death ray's magic ..... but the Cleric of Domi struggles to keep his balance and somehow he does

d20+14=15 failed !!! used hero pt to reroll d20+14=30 !!! woohoo Domi is watching !!

His spirits rising as he feels Domi's divine grace Nezamil continues his assault on the Heart of Ga'al

Feeling renewed with energy the dwarfs mace bashes and smashes it's target

1st swing d20+17=33 hit ! damage 2d6(1+4)+8=13
2nd swing d20+12=23 missed
3rd swing d20+17= 31 hit (hasted) 2d6(2+4)+8=14 !!
total damage 27!!

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Righteous might (9/11) rds
Haste (10/10) boots of speed

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

(Kent have you taken in Nezamil's spell resistance ??)

Appolo Ac 30 Hp 28/88 Haste =12  d20+8=24 3d8(1+3+3)+5=12 d20+14=24 d20+14=15
Tuesday February 5th, 2008 2:29:03 AM

Appolo shakes off the worst effects of the attack.Sheathes his hortsword and pulls out bottle drinking it down.{Cure moderate wounds}With his longsword he slices into the follow Heart of g'aal twice.Missing twice.

Ari Posted By Chris R.  d20+8=23 d20+8=19
Tuesday February 5th, 2008 2:31:58 AM

Ari heads upstairs and searches the area as thoroughly and as quickly as he can.Looking for flamable liquid especially oil.

Search 23 Spot 19

Rigging  d20+10=28 2d8(8+5)+3=16
Tuesday February 5th, 2008 8:25:50 PM

Rigging winces in pain as the vaious assualts hit him both in mind, body and maybe even soul. He feels the ray hit him and his body starting to get stiff but is able to shake it off. (fort save 28)

Rigging is at a loss on what to do, he spells are gone, and even if he had them, the anti magic shell is protecting the Heart of Ga'al.

All Rigging can think to do is to shout encouragement. "Hack the thing down. For the glory of Alemi and Domi! Hack it apart!"

(OOC not sure of my current status on hps, spells still standing ect.)

Rigging will make sure he is out of the anti magic area and suck down a potion of cure moderate healing getting 16 hps back.

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes
improved invisiblity 5/7

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2*, mage armor*, magic missile x 2**, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible*, prot from arrows*, mirror image*
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles*, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball*, teleport,Cone of cold x 2**,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic*, distergrate x2**

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic used
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2 used two
Ice Storm used
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 29/63) 
Tuesday February 5th, 2008 9:12:16 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
See Invisibility: 107+/110 minutes
Polymorph: 10+/11 minutes
Pearl of Power 2nd level: used
Pearl of Power 3rd level: used
Pearl of Power 4th level: used

Cosmo stays in the doorway looking at his comrades fight the heart and protecting their backs. He remains alert an activates his Pearl of Power 3rd level to get his Haste spell back.

Location: with group with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility * & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 14)

DM Kent  d20+18=19 d20+18=36 d20+18=19 d20+20=26 d20+20=22 d20+20=38 d20+20=21 d20+20=28 d20+20=34 d6+4=7
Tuesday February 5th, 2008 10:31:19 PM

Everyone takes another 4 points damage due to acid.

Weak as she is Ashira manages somehow to break free from the grapple. she is weak and a bit disoriented and slowed to half speed but alive.

(ooc I have Ashira at 64 hit points before deductions for 5 points of con loss, and she is slowed.)

Nez feels himself failing and somehow manages to resist falling to pieces and continues to battle the HoG causing significant damage to it and cutting another flower stem clean off.

Bart too manages to connect again and adds to the now very serious looking wounds that the plant is showing.

Cosmo recovers yet another spell while Rigging wonders what he should do next. Befuddles perhaps by the destruction happening around him to his friends he realises that where the area where there once was no magic, magic seems to be working again. (see post of over a week ago)

Apollo chugs a potion and feels a bit of vitality return, as does Rigging.

Ari makes it upstairs and makes his way to the barraks area where he is able to procure 8 flasks of oil.


It is obvious that the HoG is not doing to well as of its three remaining rays only one seems to strike its target Val TAC 36 will dc 19 or be slowed to 1/2 speed.

In addition only one tentacle manages to reach out and touch someone and she was kind of hard to miss standing in the middle of the plant. Ashira AC 38 for 7 points

Ashira AC30 hps ??/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge)  d20+21=29 d20+21=38
Tuesday February 5th, 2008 11:21:06 PM

Weak for the heavy damage from the heart and grappled, the ranger does her best to break free of the vine that holds her fast. Grapple=29 (last hero pt. makes it a 38)

OOC: I'm sorry, we had some house, computer and RL issues. I'm not really sure what HP Ashira's at...I know she's gotten hit with a couple of Con drains.

Bart Ac 32 18/95 +19  d20+20=39 d20+20=34 d10+11=13 d10+11=12 d6=5 d6=1
Wednesday February 6th, 2008 1:00:26 AM

Bart is rushing back inside making a spring attack to the hart ac 39 (threat crit for 13+5 and 12+1 shock) Domi help us

Appolo Ac 30 Hp40/88 Haste  d20+14=31 d20+14=28 d20+14=18 d20+14=23 d20+14=31 d10+6=14 d10+6=16
Wednesday February 6th, 2008 7:10:44 PM

Appolo continues his assualt.Swings four times.
Connecting twice. He watches as the acid continues eat away at the creature."Come on people.Let's finish this thing.Rigging usea dagger or some thing Val come fire that bow.Cosmo we need some of those apes something with teath and claws.Or just some basic offensive magic."

Attack 31 31 Damage 14 16=28

Wednesday February 6th, 2008 7:12:39 PM

Ari returns with flasks of oil and some torches.Ok got some iol and some toechesBe up there ina second."

Nezamil Ac 39 Hp 8/92 (30/114Rm) SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead Righteous might  d20+17=23 d20+12=30 d20+17=34 2d6(2+4)+8=14 2d6(3+1)+8=12
Wednesday February 6th, 2008 8:42:22 PM

Smiling as he se's the Heart of Ga'al faltering
"Aslidur will be free of your domination " growls Nezamil as he tries to finish off the vile thing .... Domi's mace of rightous power swings again and again .

1st swing d20+17=23 missed
2nd swing d20+12=30 hit!! damage 2d6(2+4)+8=14
3rd swing d20+17=34 hit!! damage 2d6(3+1)+8=12 (hasted)
total damage = 26!!

"Freedom for Asildur " cheers the dwarf

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Righteous might (9/11) rds
Haste (10/10) boots of speed

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Rigging  10d6(5+3+2+6+4+2+2+6+6+6)=42
Wednesday February 6th, 2008 10:00:14 PM

Rigging decides to use one of his last offensive spells and hits the heart of Ga'al with a fireball doing 42 points of damage. He will be sure to try and keep his friends out of the area of effect.

OOC I am not sure what my hitpoint total is right now. Can you update me?

(currently Rigging is at 26 hps)

Ashira AC30 hps-3/60 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge, Slow) 
Thursday February 7th, 2008 12:03:11 AM

Drained and bleeding massively, the ranger is hit hard by the tentacle attack. Her arms grow heavy and she finally falls unconcious, unable to continue the fight. Her floating dying body begins to slowly fall toward the heart of Ga'al.

Bart Ac 32 30/95  d20+20=28 d20+15=32 d20+10=25 d20+20=30
Thursday February 7th, 2008 3:14:19 AM

Once again Bart attacks he misses with all of his attacks (ac28, ac 32 (near miss), ac 25) frustrated bart steps away a bit so his friends have more space to attack hopefully they have more luck

The Heart of Ga'al falls and Ga'al speaks in anger

DM Kent 
Thursday February 7th, 2008 6:49:27 AM

All take 4 points blood acid damage. This will continue until it is washed or wiped off.

A helpless feeling washes through the Wildcards as the had just seen Ashira fight her way back to her feet and then to just fall unmoving onto the Heart of Ga'al. Nez and Apollo both connect solidly with the Massive plant heart and the last of the flowers fall and amazingly the tentacles cease their flailing.

Rigging overcome by seeing the fall of Ashira and the quiesence of the Heart of Ga'al just manages to not send off his fireball hoping against hope that there is some life still left in his wife.

Ari makes it back into the room to find the fight apparently over and most of his friends in extremely bad shape.


Suddenly from out of nowhere a reddish black glow begins to fill the air above the Heart of Ga'al's remains and a form kind of seems to begin to take shape within the glow. There is a sense of great great great power. The only other times you have felt anything like this was when you were in the presence of one of the gods. It seesm Ga'al himself has decided to pay a visit. His voice booms through the room shaking it to its foundations.


As the echoes of his voice and curse die out, you realize that the shaking is still continuing and it was just his voice. chunks of the ceiling begin falling down on you and you hear loud cracking noises coming from the walls.

Val (AC 29, HP 40/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin)  d20+15=34
Thursday February 7th, 2008 9:09:30 AM

Val lowers her bow and mentaly braces herself for the presence of a god. Despite her hatred of ga'al he is still a god and has all the power of one. Val is worried about being cursed by a god. Such things could be very real. But she has Gargul's symbol around her neck and the mark of the father of elves upon her flesh. Whats one more god staking a claim to her mortal form.

Val pulls out a waterskin and pours it upon the acid to hopefully remove it before it does too much dmg.

ooc disintegrate save 34

Arrows used: 20
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Appolo ac 30 Hp36/88 Haste 
Thursday February 7th, 2008 12:44:33 PM

Appolo just laughs at G'aal aluaghter of merriment and glee"Who am I.I'm Appolo.Your son.You punk.Curse us what else is new.So now your telling me you and your's are going to come after us.Tell me some thing I don't know.Why don't you take your curse and shove it where the sun do'nt shine.We maybe eventually seperated by time and distance but we will still a family.This is my familyThis is what we have.Which is everything.What do you have fear hatred mistrust.You have nothing."

Appolo then looks around smiling broadly"Well we finally got his attention I think.Rigging Nez get Ashira.Val lead the way out and take anything that might be of value.We are pirates after all."He says as groans loudly spitting blood witha happy grin on his face.He takes the oils from Ari and pour two bottle on what's left of th heats of G'aal.Then waits for the others to leave.He then walks to the edge of the room lights a torch and tosses on the heart of g'aal's remains. He use his haste and heads for the stiars a few minutes after the others as the place begins shake and crumble.As he heads up the stairs he uses what's left of the oil and pours it on the bodies of the high priests.Once at the top of the stairs he light another torch and tosses it on the oils lighting the entire terrace on fire as sprints away.

Thursday February 7th, 2008 1:03:10 PM

Things are starting to get pretty hectic in here. Why would the god destroy his own temple? Have to think on that some more.

"Rigging how do you want to get out of here?"

Nezamil Ac 39 Hp 4/92 (26/114Rm) SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead Righteous might 
Thursday February 7th, 2008 2:47:32 PM

Watching almost with disbelief as the Heart of Ga'al stops moving "By Domi it's done "

Spottong Ashira's still form nezamil quickly fishes out a scroll .... stepping over to the couragous ranger he quickly reads the the scroll and releases it's magic "Domi heal this humble soul ... onewho has dealt your enemy Ga'al a mighty blow " prays the dwarf (heal spell , 110 pts cured to Ashira)

As Ga'als voice booms in the room Nezamil holds up his anvil holy symbol towards the God "we og courage shall never fear you .... Asildur is free of your grip of evil " growls Nezamil

As the room shakes Nezamil picks up Ashira (he is large sized, righteous might) and plants her on her feet " lets go " as he makes his way out of the room ..... stopping only to grab the high priest of ga'al and sling him over his shoilder like a rag doll " let the people see the high priest has fallen ... i'll throw him out in the street for all to see "

"Ari the temple is most likely held to together not only with stone and masonary but magic ... with the Hearts demise some of that magic will not retain it's hold on the structure "

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Righteous might 6/11) rds
Haste (8/10) boots of speed

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Thursday February 7th, 2008 7:59:51 PM

Rigging says to Cosmo, "I have a teleport scroll you can use and between us we should be able to get almost everyone out of here. (Rigging can bring himself plus 4 others) Can you use the spell? If so, lets get back to the ship and out of this cursed city!"

To the others, "Quickly loot this place before the roof comes down! Nezamil, shrink back down so we can more easily teleport you. Lets move people, I don't want to die now!"

Ashira AC30 hps 60/60 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge, Slow) 
Thursday February 7th, 2008 10:28:31 PM

Pale but mobile, the ranger gratefully accepts Nezamil's help to rise to her feet. Grabbing up her sword once more, she leans on her husband as her arms shake. "C'mon let's get out of here." She smiles as Nezamil takes the priest with him. "If we can only teleport 5 then we better get moving. This place isn't going to last long."

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 29/63) - 2nd post  d100=36
Thursday February 7th, 2008 10:57:45 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
See Invisibility: 107+/110 minutes
Polymorph: 10+/11 minutes
Pearl of Power 2nd level: used
Pearl of Power 3rd level: used
Pearl of Power 4th level: used

"Rigging, I have the Bracelet of Friends that is attuned to Ashira, Appolo, Val & Bart. I can cast Teleport spell to take Nez, Ari, you and me out of here and then activate the bracelet."

"Are we leaving the other groups that are upstairs on their own?"

"Nezamil I'll need you back to normal size."

If Rigging agrees to the plan then Cosmo will cast Teleport, teleporting them back to the ship (36%). He then activates the Bracelet.

Location: with group with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility * & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 14)

DM kent 
Thursday February 7th, 2008 11:15:17 PM

Those who haven't wiped or washed off the blood acid take an additional 4 points of damage.

Chunks of the cieling start coming down as Apolo and Ari splash oil on the HoG and light it.

Discussions about teleporting are had as the group moves back into the hall way where they find traps being set off right and left filling the passage with fire and bolts and blades and other nasty things.

Bart Ac 32 22/95  d20+20=31 d10+11=12
Friday February 8th, 2008 1:29:58 AM

Bart makes a n final attack to the heart making sure its dead (ac 31 for12) he jumps away from it out of the room (spring attack)
lets going teleport us out of here cosmo

(just to late to made the post)

Val (AC 29, HP 40/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin) 
Friday February 8th, 2008 6:37:09 AM

"Let's just get out of here. I have no desire to finish off any left over priests or soldiers. It's been a long day." She said with a sigh.

Arrows used: 20
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Rigging  d100=55
Friday February 8th, 2008 6:29:49 PM

Rigging will try and reach out with his message spell to any of the survivors, "We are victorious! The heartseed is dead! Fall back! The temple is collapsing!"

Rigging then nods at Cosmo and says, "Save the braclet! I have the spell memorized! Head back to the ship." Rigging will hand Cosmo his scroll if he needs it, otherwise just start his own casting

Rigging will then call out to Ashira, Swirl, Nezamil, Bart, and Val having them join hands. He will teleport back to the ship. (occ assuming I get Swirl as a freebie since he is my familiar, but if not, then he will book out on his own flying at full speed. base 100)

Rolled 55 so assuming I made it.

Nezamil Ac 39 Hp 15 26/114Rm) SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead  2d8(2+2)+11=15
Friday February 8th, 2008 11:18:34 PM

Feeling the burn from the acidic blood from the HOG Nezamil knows he has to act quickly ... "Domi heal us all " prays the dwarf (casting cure mod wounds mass (2d8(2+2)+11=15 cured to all}

feeling slightly stronger from the cure Nezamil
Quickly dismisses Domi's Righteous might the dwarf regains his normal form .... taking a monet as the others gather together to for the teleport spell he rifles thru the High Priests gear and stuffs what he finds into his haversack
Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste (8/10) boots of speed

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Saturday February 9th, 2008 8:03:19 AM

Bart grabs hands with rigging and the wounded fighter hopes they will all teleport back to the ship

Appolo Hp 55/88 
Saturday February 9th, 2008 9:09:30 AM

Appolo recieves some healing from Nezamil"Thanks my friend."He then proceed upstairs come on people Let's not leave just yet.This city going to be in kaos.Let's do some pillaging.Any ways don't worry about me."He then heads swiftly upstairs pouring oil on the bodies of the high priests,using his spider climb ttatto once at the top,he tosses a torch on them as the building rumbles grumbles and continues to collapse.Once the bodies of the high priests are on fire move quickly as possible back all the upstairs and inot the main room.He'll head outside as quickly as possible using his ring of invisibility to stay unseen.He wants to watch as the catherdral collapses.

DM kent 
Saturday February 9th, 2008 9:34:04 AM

Apparently several of the group want to hang around and watch what happens as others want to depart immediately.

The feelings of the day are mixed as they definitely struck a serious blow to Ga'al and his minions, but realized that they did nit totally accomplish the goals that they set out to do. The alter and stautue still stands, and there are at least two gardens of heartseeds still in existance, at least for now, hopefully the fire and collapse of the cathedral will take care of them, but who knows. The feeling is that you have done what you could do, but there is a feeling of was it enough, that niggles at your heart and mind.

Those tha teleport directly to your most recently purchased ship in the harbor, pop aboard and start looking around and waiting for the others to show when you realize there is an awful lot of chaos at the docks.

Looking around you see thoudandss of people just lying motionless in the streets. You realize after a moment that these are all everyday Ailsiduians as the foreigners seems to be the ones running around scared. Around a few of the motionless bodies you see children, all under the age of 12, crying and clinging to their fallen parent.

Back at the catherdral things get interesting for those trying to escape the normal way, as the way is treacherous with falling rock, furniture and fires springing up. Interestingly enough though there seem to be no quads, guards, priests around, until you get to the sanctuary. There Apollo and whomever is with him find the pews filled with the midday whorshipers, all of them collapsed across each other in the pews and over the floor. Here you do find a few pirests etc but they too are sprawled on the floor. Making your way out of the building, you open the exterior doors and see what must be thousands of commoners, shop keepers, militia, teenagers all lying on the ground where they fell. Ocasionally you hear and see a small child wandering around crying or huddled next to a still figure on the ground weeping. Other than a few foriengers there seems to be noone alive except for those under twelve.

Appolo  d20+10=12
Saturday February 9th, 2008 4:27:34 PM

Appolo continues to loot and rob what he can of the dead,He is after alla thief,He is enjoying himself emensely.He will head over to the Jack an Gooty across the street,Order a pint and watch the Cathederal and the general caos witha broad smile on his face,Patrons will notice that despite usinga rain barrel to wash most of the grime off him self he is stil covered with bllod guts dirt and sweat.He also looks for any survivors of the other groups or any other pirates of Jack that might be around.

Spot 12

Sunday February 10th, 2008 9:20:07 AM

(ooc sorry for the sudden disappearance, I didn't plan that well. I'm back from India, though I'm not sure how Ari is leaving.)

If Ari is coming back by foot then he says, "we must see who we can help in the temple, or see if we can get any outside help" and Ari will check a body to see if it's dead or unconscious.

If Ari is teleported he'll look around the docks with the rest of the cards.

Sunday February 10th, 2008 12:31:07 PM

Not quite sure that anyone is coming by foot. Both Cosmo and Rigging each had teleport spells which should have easily gotten everyone back.

Sunday February 10th, 2008 10:22:03 PM

Still depending to a large degree on Rigging to help her support her weight, Ashira waits expectantly at the docks, eager to spot the return of those who went on foot. As she surveys the damage, Ashira shakes her head sadly. She had been in such a rush to charge in and kill priests... All this destruction and loss...this is my fault. She looks over at the weeping children, wondering whether their parents are merely fainted or truly dead. There is true sorrow in her eyes as she looks up at Rigging. "The children" she croaks. "What will happen to all the children?"

Monday February 11th, 2008 12:13:40 AM

Batis shocked from what he is seeing, my what have we done Freed from Ga'al but for what prize. Are they dead or unconsious?

Monday February 11th, 2008 12:14:55 AM

Come let us have a look and see if we can do anything for them

Val (AC 29, HP 55/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin) 
Monday February 11th, 2008 8:27:04 AM

"This has never been done before. Nobody could have known what would happen. Let's not forget while we fight the good fight this is a war. People will adapt and survive. I wasn't much older when I was orphaned alone in the wild."

Arrows used: 20
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Nezamil Ac 39 Hp 15 26/114Rm) SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead 
Monday February 11th, 2008 4:37:27 PM

Being teleported back to the ship Nezamil smiles as he knows Ga'al's domination of Asildur has been given a devastating blow .

Standing aboard the ship he again snatches a scroll from his haversack and quickly reads it and releases its magical powers (Casting Restoration on Ashira)

His smile fades as he see's the level of the fallen Asildurian citizens {b]"By Domi ........."[/b] as the Cleric of Domi stops in mid sentence

Taking in the toll of the scene in front of him on the docks "Captain we cannot leave the children like this ..... at least i'm not leaving .... i will stay and help rebuild Asildur ..... this is where i will call home from now on " adds the dwarf with determination in his voice

"I cannot walk away from this " as tears run down his face

"Captain we should start to set up a relief center here on the docks this way we can direct all the ships that come in and how they can help"

"we cannot let Asildur get looted .... we must call on others to help "

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste (8/10) boots of speed

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

DM Kent 
Monday February 11th, 2008 9:42:16 PM

Apollo heads over to the Jack's Booty, passing by quite a number of fallen Ailsidurians and even finds a couple of the inn's patrons laid out on the floor as well. The mood is silent indise for some reason and there is an awful lot of blood around the entry way and trailing into the back rooms.

Getting his ale Apollo heads back toward the door so as to watch what's ging on at the Cathedral.


Back at the docks, there is general consternation as the Wildcards watch the unexpected results of their concluded business. Bart, Ashira, and Nezamil seem horrified at the fact that they may have just orphaned tens of thousands of children under the age of 12 and killed everyone elso over the age of 12, while Val seems to take a more mercenary viewpoint.

Bart and Ari move back on to the docks themselves and make their way toward the nearest bodies to take a look.

Val (AC 29, HP 55/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin) 
Tuesday February 12th, 2008 12:01:30 AM

"I imagine that those under the influence of a heartseed lives through torment each day. Not able to express their free will. While appearing tragic this is also merciful."

Arrows used: 20
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Appolo Ac 30 Hp45/88 Haste Invisible  d20+10=28 d20+8=20 d20+8=23 d20+18=31
Tuesday February 12th, 2008 12:56:05 AM

Appolo notices the blood on the floor,draws his swords while keeping his eyes and ears open for trouble.He follows the blood trail.He thinks this interesting.He moves silently while he does activating his ring of inviisbility.
Spot 28 search 20 Listen 23 Move Silent 33

Tuesday February 12th, 2008 7:40:37 AM

Ari checks out one of the fallen bodies with Bart. "I wonder how the Jacks came out of all this. "

Ari offers up a prayer to Alemi for guidance. All these bodies, I hope what we've done is right. I hope this finishes everything too!

Tuesday February 12th, 2008 1:48:33 PM

Rigging will check several of the fallen bodies to find out if they are truly dead, unconcious or some other.

OOC Kent if you can let me know the condition, then I will post again Rigging's portion of the plans.

Rigging 2nd post 
Tuesday February 12th, 2008 8:10:33 PM

If the population is still alive but only unconcious, Rigging will pull everyone back to the ship and say, "We have a couple of choices to make. We need to decide if we want to cut and run right now or stage another raid while the population, priests, and soldiers are down. The morals are a little murky since we would be killing people unable to fight back but we could take out every priest in the city.

I can't make this decision, but I will stand with the majority vote. Right now we haven't accomplished our mission that the Dragon Consortium put in front of us. The temple is still standing and we saw the gardens of the heartseeds which we left behind. Do we want to finish it? Or have you had enough blood?"

If the population is dead, Rigging will say, "I think we need to stay and try and help the children. We should send the ship to the nearest non Aisidlarian port and have them bring back help. We can try to salvage what we can here."

Nezamil Ac 39 Hp 15 26/114Rm) SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead 
Tuesday February 12th, 2008 8:32:05 PM

Listening to Captain Rigging the Cleric of Domi chimes in " well i up for finishing it .... just give me a few minutes and i'll burn thru my healing wands to bring everyone back to health "

"Of course we won't have many of Domi's spells left to use but ... muscle power will hafta do " grins the dwarf as he shakes a fist playfully

Looking about at all the fallen citizens " we must finish this ... this is just too much to take if we don't ...... " trails off Nezamil

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste (8/10) boots of speed

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 29/63) 
Tuesday February 12th, 2008 10:14:11 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
See Invisibility: 107+/110 minutes
Polymorph: 10+/11 minutes
Pearl of Power 2nd level: used
Pearl of Power 3rd level: used
Pearl of Power 4th level: used

"Rigging, I am up for going back in. We need to make sure we have finished everything we were supposed to do. Now would be a good time while the city is in chaos. I do have some party scrolls that may help us. They are Party Scrolls - Teleport, Passwall, Prying Eyes & Wall of Stone. I also have the Wand that can summon Lantern Archons to search out the temple as they are very fast and very mobile even if they are only around a short period of time.."

"I am getting a little short on studied spells though."

Location: with group with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility * & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport *
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 14)

Tuesday February 12th, 2008 10:14:38 PM

The color returning to her cheeks after Nezamil's Restoration and healing, Ashira listens to her husband. "I'm all up for destroying the temple and any remaining heartseeds...but I won't attack a defenseless enemy. If they are alive they may be free of Ga'al's influence."

Val (AC 29, HP 55/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin) 
Tuesday February 12th, 2008 10:36:16 PM

"I would like to finish the task at hand. Destroy the temple and everything in it. Realisticly we have done all we can. Were hurt, tired, and lucky to be alive. Magical strength is all but gone. The smart move would be to get out of here before reinforcements arrive. No doubt ga'al has his followers traveling magically to our location. I would be suprised if we had more than a couple hours."

Arrows used: 20
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

DM Kent 
Tuesday February 12th, 2008 11:09:01 PM

As you first inspect the prone population you find that there are no heart beats or any breaths being taken. This is true for each of the persons clsely surrounding those you first look at. Then almost as if on cue, there is the sound of an inhaled gasp and then those on the ground seem to be breathing once again. During your inspection you found what appeared to be a shiveled heartseed and a bit of bllod on the chest or abdomen of each peron.

Apollo follows his blood trail to the back room where he finds 5 members of the teams that went in with them originally. They are in pretty bad shape but they will at least live and heal.

Outside and from the docks a dark column of smoke can be seen as the fire begins to spread inside the cathedral hopefully completing much of the job that was left undone as you left.

Tuesday February 12th, 2008 11:21:34 PM

Rigging smiles when he hears the population start breathing again. "Nezamil, Try your wand out on one of them. Lets see if they can be cured."

Rigging looks up at the Cathedral's fire and smoke and grins. That decides it for me. We are getting out of here. Get aboard the ship. Where is Appolo?"

Rigging reaches out with his message spell to see if he can find him. "Appolo, get back to the ship now! We are getting out of here."

Rigging looks at Cosmo and says, "If Appolo doesn't show up in the next 15 minutes, use the braclet to get him here."

Wednesday February 13th, 2008 1:01:51 PM

Bart is glad their raid on the temple didnt turned out as the jhazzard it seems to be

Wednesday February 13th, 2008 6:03:00 PM

Ari sighs in relief as the collective takes their first breath of freedom. "I'm glad they all chose to live, assuming that ga'al wanted to take them away"

Moving back towards the ship Ari says to Rigging, "they'll be wondering what happened. Do you think some kind of message should be left? Anonymous of course"

Wednesday February 13th, 2008 6:58:48 PM

Appolo looks becomes visible snd shesthes his sword"Hello my friends.Great job.You guys did well.You look alittle beat.I think it's best we get you out of here.Let's head for the docks,unless you guys have your own exit strategy.The Cathedral is burning and the heart of g'aal is dead.So we better move quick before the enemy regroups."He says to them.They can see he is still injured and bloody.Appolo will then head out the back and make his way to the ship.Hopefully the injured heros will follow him.

Nezamil  2d8(2+7)+5=14
Wednesday February 13th, 2008 8:18:01 PM

Daring to hope that all the citizens are still alive the Cleric of Domi quickly taps the nearest one with a wand of cure(2d8(2+7)+5=14 cured)

"I hope this is true " hopes the dwarf

Hearing Captain Rigging mesage Appolo " Captain aren't the other leaders hooked up with your message spell ?? .... hopefully some of their leaders survived .... ask how they are and if we can help "

"Get Swirl to do a fly by of the temple and gives us a report " adds Nezamil

" hold on Rigging lets take some time to see how the people react to their freedom from Ga'al .... it could be a big shock to them ... we don't want the whole city panicing and falling into chaos now do we "

Wednesday February 13th, 2008 10:40:43 PM

"See they are all freed of the heartseed. Perhaps it was luck, fate, or the hand of an unseen force. Regardless the rebellion just got a lot stronger."

Wednesday February 13th, 2008 11:49:41 PM

Ashira breathes a sigh of relief as the commoners show signs of life. She smiles and nods at Nezamil and Val. "Rigging, Nezamil is right. Someone needs to stay and make sure that things don't descend into chaos. It might as well be us."

DM Kent 
Thursday February 14th, 2008 8:50:17 AM

Appolo is met by the wounded heroes and when he suggests that they come with him to the docks to depart they each shake their heads. "No, we are needed here. Someone will need to stay and help our people transition into the future whatever that looks like.

Nez looks to use some healing on one of the survivors and does but sees no real change in his patient as there are no apparent physical wounds. There does appear though to be a decided lack of awareness at the moment, which hopefully will wear off as Nez doesn't think and entire country of imbeciles would make for a positive place to live.

Discussions are made about whether they should leave or stay or perhaps they should split for a while and do both. Appolo is looked for and not located around the docks, but then he can take care of himself. Rigging suggests that Cosmo use the bracelett to bring him back.

All around the area most of the people are getting back on their feet though their appears to be a major lack of emotion from any but the children, and not much direction of drive to do much of anything.

There are a few that do not reawaken, so to speak, and when checked are found to be truly dead. those waking and not are from all walks of life and ages and it appears to be absolutely random. Here and there priests wake and then down the way several do not. There doesn't seem to be any reason for who returns to conciousness, though it appears that about 85% are doing so.

Thursday February 14th, 2008 5:01:04 PM

We need to dig graces for thes people and hold a funeral for them Nez can u say some words?

Thursday February 14th, 2008 6:11:48 PM

The ranger looks over at her husband. "It's up to you, but I would think that right now we should focus our energies on helping to restructure the country, rather than resuming our attack on the temple." Ashira looks out on the populace and begins to ponder how long it will take to teach an entire nation how to think for themselves again.

Appolo HP 45/88 Haste Invisible 
Thursday February 14th, 2008 7:33:32 PM

Appolo smiles at them"Well suit yourselves and good luck.Remember when they get organized the first place they are going to look is here.So I suggest you find some were else to rest and heal."He then heads out the back boots of speed ring of invisibility.Appolo heads back to the docks.He finds the ship and reappears next to Rigging and Ashira"I'm sorry but we need to go back to the cathedral and finish this.Make sure those heartseed rooms are destroyed.I says we head out to sea find aplace to rest and come back at night or go back right now.I also found some of our friends from the attack.They are resting and healing.Only five left of the groups that helped us."Appolo is stil injured and spits a little blood on the ground."We need to press the attack while they are still disorganized and confused."

Thursday February 14th, 2008 9:28:58 PM

"There were five survivors ?? .... are they in good shape ?" asks Nezamil " back at the Inn?"

" I would like to help them .... i think i'm gonna stay .... there is much work to be done to rebuild peoples faith here ... give them choices other then Ga'al ..... not sure how open they would be about gods anyway ... but hafta start somewhere " as the dwarf keeps talking he becomes more resolute in staying and helping

" Captain it doesn't seem like there is any threat anymore ... i mean after all the link between the heartseeds and Ga'al has been broken .... people will be able to make their own choices .... at worst they wil have to make their own choices without Ga'al's influence "

"By Domi i'm gonna stay " growls the Cleric of Domi

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 29/63) 
Thursday February 14th, 2008 9:31:49 PM

"Hey Nezamil I could use a cure. I have a few more wounds than I would like."

Cosmo is glad when Apollo shows up so he does not have to use the magic bracelet.

Cosmo waits for Rigging to make his final decision on what to do.

Thursday February 14th, 2008 11:24:17 PM

Rigging nods at all the advice coming his way and says, "I think we have accomplished our goals here but I also think we have a responsibility to these newly freed peoples."

Rigging looks at his friends who have become his family and says, "I think it is time us to seperated. I have lost my ambition to be a dragon and I think this my place for now. Ashira and Nezamil feel the same way so I think we need to stay, work with the underground and try to help the people from within.

I very much doubt that Ga'al is going to let this happen this easily. Who knows if the seeds will grow back, if there is another heartseed queen plant waiting to take over, but if these people are free, then we need to assist people like the Empereor and my father in leading them to a better life.

Still we need to hedge our bets and develop our town, and have some of us become Dragons. We can then call on the Dragon Consortium to aid us if Ga'al gets nasty." Rigging walks over to Val and says, "I am making you temporary Captain of the Sword. I am resigning. You are in charge until you can have an election to confirm you as leader. I am sure you will do a great job. You have grown to be an incredible leader and a wise fighter who I trust to keep my crew and people alive.

After we do some work here, I am hoping to return to our new colony and do some good works there. It is time for me to build instead of tear things down. I hope you understand."

Rigging leans in and kissing Val on the cheek. "Be wise and kind in your leadership. Now get out of here. I will be in touch occassionally. Listen to the winds or pay attention to your dreams."

Rigging collects his things and says, "Use my portion of the treasure to help build the colony. Buy ships! We need more ships!"

Rigging holds out his hands to Ashira and says, "Coming dear?'

OOC Guys this seems like a logical part to leave the group. I hate going but I can only play in one game. Good luck and know I will be keeping tabs on this game!

Friday February 15th, 2008 11:12:08 AM

"I too wish to stay and help out and maybe help to establish a stronger merchant base or help the jacks, or something to give people a place to fall back to should things go awry for some reason. I also need a release from all this blood and gore. Maybe I'll go out into the forest for awhile and see what kind of shape things are out there. I don't know."

Looking at his friends Ari offers hugs to those that might take them.

(ooc I'm taking George's cue for Ari too. If this is not a place to do so, just let me know)

Friday February 15th, 2008 11:51:21 AM

I feel that i have reponsibilty to these people, they need help and it is good to know that they are in good hands Rigging, but i think my sword can be used better in other places, there are other people who needs help. The help here i can give isn't much, i am no nobleman like u im only an orphant who has lost his real family. I understand u want to stay here, but i feel my path goes another way. I will allways remember u all and i think if Domi grants us that we will see each other in the future

Friday February 15th, 2008 12:45:16 PM

She knew this day would come. Although it was sooner than she expected. At some point all humans she meets will choose to settle down and take things easier. Such is the way of the shorter lived races.

"This is the logical decision. I am no nursemaid nor do I have the desire to stay. Trying to fight thegood fight when the desire no longer burns is all but a deathwish. Our paths may cross again though the wold is a big place. I shall make it a point to keep an eye on your children and grandchildren in the decades to come."

DM Kent 
Friday February 15th, 2008 8:14:54 PM

The Wildcards make their plans, some to saty and some to go, but in either case communication will be had between the groups whenever possible. After all there was a black ghost ship still to chase down, a colony to get up and running, and now a country to help rebuild itself. Needless to say there is work enough for all, but at least one of the major stumbling blocks was considerably lessened if not eliminated.

The party members say their farewells and soon the ones staying behind watch their friends sail off into the sea.

(OOC: Ladies and Gentlemen, It has been my great fortune and honor to have been your DM. Good gaming in whichever game you remian.)

Saturday February 16th, 2008 12:02:59 AM

As always Kent, thank you for DM'ing and taking up the mantle. Hopefully my posting schedule and other things didn't make you fudge things too badly and I hope you were able to enjoy yourself during this last module before the changeover.

William aka Bart 
Saturday February 16th, 2008 5:04:41 AM

Thanks all it was fun all these years pitty this game is ended but new paths lie in front of us
have fun!

Rigging "Final post" 
Saturday February 16th, 2008 9:06:12 AM

Before the groups can seperate, Rigging's will board his little ship and say goodbye to his crew. He will then pull Val aside and give her Wayfinder, the magical artifact telescope, which is so much of an advantage at sea.

"I charge you with finding its brother. That black ship is probably going through some rough times right about now! Good time to track her done, kill the swine and take what is yours back! Some how I doubt that crew is suddenly going to see the light and come to Domi!"

Rigging will also give whatever treasure he was holding in his bag of holding from the last adventure to the new Captain of the Sword of Redemption.. "Remember to buy at least one ship with some of this! The colony is going to need ships! I am sure our paths will cross again."

Rigging pulls Val into a hug and whispers, "Remember to uphold my habit of making long speeches. The crew loved em!"

Rigging makes his way from the ship his eyes strangly watering.

George  d4=4
Saturday February 16th, 2008 1:24:54 PM

Rolling hps for who knows...maybe someday

Matt C. /Cosmo 
Saturday February 16th, 2008 10:29:02 PM

OOC - Thanks for Dm'ing Kent.

OOC - "Wildcards" it has bee a fun time gaming with you.

Cosmo gets sad as the group he only just recently joined starts to disband. It seems so final.

"Rigging I will stay here and help out as best I can. You need my magic to keep out of trouble."

Cosmo says goodby to all the members that leave on the ship.

Sunday February 17th, 2008 12:23:05 PM

Rigging i had the wayfinder in possesion but i have no problem to hand it over to Val

Monday February 18th, 2008 10:54:42 AM

Looking downcast, the ranger takes her place by her husband. Never did she dream that she would put her sword aside and take up a more domestic role. As a matter of fact, there was a time that she would have killed herself rather than let that happen. But somehow she knows that this is the right path for her and her husband. Aisildur needed a strong set of hands to help shape its new future and who better than those that had fought so hard for this day.

Trying to keep a smile on her face, the ranger hugs those who have chosen to continue on. "Be brave and look after each other. I hope there is a time that our paths will cross again. But until then, we will be depending on you to keep us out of trouble." Grinning, the ranger pulls Val and Appolo in for another hug. "And you two...you watch each other's backs. You won't have your big sister to look after you anymore, so I expect you two to behave!" With one last lingering glance toward the vessel that had been her home for so long, Ashira links hands with Rigging and makes her way into town.

OOC: It has been an honor and a priviledge to game with you guys! Keep up the good fight!

Monday February 18th, 2008 6:02:21 PM

When Rigging announces and the others announce there intention to leave,Appolo looks absolutely shocked.He is angry a,look of betrayal crosses his face."So you're all going to leave.We're on verge of total victory andgeatness.You going to quite."Hr jus turns anmd walks away muttering dome very profane curese in three languages all of them running together.The still injured Appolo is enraged.{No one ever cast healing on him.Hes tomps his way on to the ship.

OOC What is going to happen to the Ship and the colony.Also there should be WOLDWIDE effects of what we have done.

Tuesday February 19th, 2008 2:27:30 PM

loose ends:
what about our dragon status?
black ship?

Tuesday February 19th, 2008 3:46:19 PM

I'm guessing the black ship will go unresolved. As for Dragon Status, that was a multiple quest thing. As for what next, I have no idea.

William aka Bart 
Thursday February 21st, 2008 2:02:29 AM

Thats what i said an ending this game doesnt deserve

Friday February 22nd, 2008 8:16:53 PM


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