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The Island Beyond the Fort - Day One

Mitch - The Twins HP: 106/106AC 29/15/27 
Thursday June 1st, 2023 8:20:21 AM

For fully investigating the island and finding all but one clue everyone gain 1 level and 1 hero point (in addition to the one you get for leveling)

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 8 (7'4" or 10'5" as needed) (Kim) AC 20 Touch 14 FF18 HP 80/80 
Thursday June 1st, 2023 8:53:32 AM

[Map link is broken]

Mundhildur takes a look at the island map. She thinks over possibilities as to who might have orchestrated the whole large-scale kidnapping.

"Some rival house behind this?" She asks aloud.

Cyrion the Black HP 77/77 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20 
Thursday June 1st, 2023 1:45:25 PM

Cyrion thinks for a moment,"Maybe we should check out those two mines. If the issues about missing miners were there, then there could be more clues to be found"

Asimov (18/13/16; 72 HP; CMD 20) and Irony (25/13/22; 40/40 HP; CMD 20; Hardness 4) -- Hugh 
Thursday June 1st, 2023 9:48:32 PM

Asimov wants to investigate the map, but it doesn't seem to be working as expected. (OOC: will level this weekend hopefully)

Elron -- SteveM 
Friday June 2nd, 2023 12:03:43 AM

Elron agrees with Cyrion. By well-established precedent of laziness, they should investigate the nearest one first.

Zeoll (AC22, HP81) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP58) | Cayzle  d8=5 ;
Friday June 2nd, 2023 12:55:48 AM

Rolling a hit die ... 5.

Zeoll checks out the tools area and sees if there is a heavy pick or a scythe he can take.

He also searches for berries that he can cast Goodberry on.

He writes 2 copies of his report and sends it back to the ship and to the mainland via Bill.

[OOC; Sheet updated! New spells: Spike Stones, Hold Monster, Bull's Strength]

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 8 (7'4" or 10'5" as needed) (Kim) AC 20 Touch 14 FF18 HP 80/80  d8=7 ;
Friday June 2nd, 2023 3:41:31 AM

[Rolling a hit die: 7 - yay! Thanks, Mitch, for level, hero points award, and for DMing. Likely will not have CS ready until next week some time - quite busy at the moment.]

Mundhildur begins voicing some of her thoughts on the matter aloud. "So, short tunnels. Short people dug them. I know of some underground creatures. But not all. Dwarfs. Gnomes. There are some dark gnomes. And lots of other strange, some foul, twisted creatures. Yet, good tunnel engineers. Whoever did this though has a measure of smartness, and is cunning, clever. Maybe evil?

"The white-furred six-limbed ape had eyes that glowed blue. It seemed strange, right? Not just the limbs and eyes. You all saw it more than I did.

"Delbina, no offense, but your memory seems - like parts have been cut off. So I wonder if you and the others here were affected by some enchantment, or poison, or illness that caused or causes, holes in what you can recall. Can you tell us anything more about what happened here? Do you have any memory of being in a tunnel? Or other memories of things over the past couple of weeks, months?" She looks at the cook, hoping her questions are not stirring up too much anxiety, yet also needing better understanding of what happened.

"If it was poison," Mundhi says, looking around the area, "I wonder if we are exposed to it right now?"

Shrugging her large shoulders, the Jotun says, "Say, Delbina, how about you and I go make a nice meal together for the rest of the group? We can tell each other stories about ourselves, our lives, or whatever while we work. I have some funny stories from my uncle and aunt."

Mitch - The Twins HP: 106/106AC 29/15/27 
Friday June 2nd, 2023 6:50:06 AM

Mundhildur looks at the island map.
Cyrion thinks about it and suggests they check two of the mines.
Asimov reflects the map is not working.
Elron says start with the nearest.
Zeoll looks for a heavy pick or scythe. There are dozens of picks so he can pick whatever pick he wants to pick. He writes up a report.
Mundhildur reflects out loud then makes a meal with Delbina.

A lot of the food has spoiled in the month no one’s been around to maintain things but between what’s left and what the party can get from the ship and their own supplies Delbina and Mundhildur are able to whip up a nice meal for the entire group. (link should be fixed, it added another “ for some reason).

Island Map

Cyrion the Black HP 77/77 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20 
Friday June 2nd, 2023 7:55:56 AM

OOC - where are we rolling our Hit Points?

Mitch - The Twins HP: 106/106AC 29/15/27 
Friday June 2nd, 2023 11:12:27 AM


Elron -- SteveM  d8=6 ;
Friday June 2nd, 2023 2:13:35 PM

OOC: HP for monk = 6

"Stygia, that's a funny name. But these're all funny names," Elron observes as they study the map and talk about where to go.

"Miss Delbina, you sure are a fine cook," he adds as they eat.

Cyrion the Black HP 77/77 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20  HP Roll: d8+2=9 ;
Friday June 2nd, 2023 10:07:57 PM

Although he doesn't need to eat, Cyrion will try some of Delbina's cooking

At some point he'll look around at his friends, "If things get bad and I yell 'SCATTER', please try to get at least forty feet away from me ... I have discovered a new attack form and I don't want any of y'all to be caught in it's blast."

Zeoll (AC22, HP81) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP58) | Cayzle 
Saturday June 3rd, 2023 8:56:30 AM

Zeoll picks up an oversized heavy pick, the kind a minotaur would use. It takes the old taur two hands to handle, and he stows it away. [OOC: Oversized weapons do damage as one size larger, but suffer a penalty on attack rolls, if an attack roll is needed.]

The pick is heavy, so Zeoll sets down two of the four spears he carries around to compensate.

He wonders what strange attack his new friend has, and asks for details.

"We should stay herre in the rrelatively securre compound overrnight, then strrike out in the morrning." The liontaur wants time to have Bill fly back and also get some sleep. "I'll take firrst watch."

"We did well, today, my frriends."

Cyrion the Black HP 77/77 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20 
Saturday June 3rd, 2023 8:39:08 PM

Cyrion hears Zeoll's question and thinks for a moment. "I was created to use mind powers or psionics to augment my combat prowess. Initially, this helped against arcane casters as they couldn't dispel my powers. Over time, it's almost natural to call on them when I enter combat. For some time now, I've been thinking about a way to affect multiple targets should I be surrounded. When I think about it, I can create a burst of crystalline shards that emanate from me, and damage everything, including my friends, within a forty-foot area around myself. Thus, should I call out for you all to scatter, it is to keep myself from damaging you with my attack."

Zeoll (AC22, HP81) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP58) | Cayzle 
Sunday June 4th, 2023 1:03:37 PM

"An excellent powerr, Cyrrion," says Zeoll. "But to clarrify, 40 feet rradius orr diameterr?"

Asimov (18/13/16; 72 HP; CMD 20) and Irony (25/13/22; 40/40 HP; CMD 20; Hardness 4) -- Hugh 
Sunday June 4th, 2023 8:40:55 PM

Asimov says, "I agree we can camp here tonight."

(OOC: Forgot to level up, will hopefully do so tomorrow)

Cyrion the Black HP 77/77 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20 
Monday June 5th, 2023 2:13:57 AM

Cyrion closes his eyes for a moment, "I see the shards bursting out from around me to a distance of 40', so assuming diameter ... still, i would urge you all to move away quickly if possible ... it will take some strength from me to use it, but I will recover quickly."

Mitch - The Twins HP: 106/106AC 29/15/27 
Monday June 5th, 2023 7:54:07 AM

Elron reflects on the names being funny and compliments the chef.
Cryion tells the group about his new ability.
Zeoll changes up his packing and asks about details on Cyrion’s ability. He suggests they camp and head out in the morning.
Asimov agrees to camp here.

The party has a pleasant night in the colony. They even have plenty of bedding options to choose from. In the morning Delbina heads to the ship to stay until the party is done. Where do they head first?

Island Map

Asimov (18/13/16; 72 HP; CMD 20) and Irony (25/13/22; 40/40 HP; CMD 20; Hardness 4) -- Hugh 
Monday June 5th, 2023 11:08:32 PM

(OOC: I fell asleep and forgot to level and don't have time now, so hopefully I'll do it tomorrow)

Asimov says, "I think we should either head to the Northern Woods or Fruit Forests. Apparently per the notes we found there are some speculations that the fruit forest could have been planted for cultivation by another civilization. If we think something came from below and took everyone then maybe that other civilization does exist and it went underground and the fruit forest will have clues. Either that or the Northern Woods is rumored to contain fae and or demons perhaps the assailants originated from there and decided to tunnel here. Abduction could be a fae plot."

Zeoll (AC22, HP81) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP58) | Cayzle  d20+13=32 ;
Monday June 5th, 2023 11:19:32 PM

In the morning, Zeoll examines the area outside the camp to look for the signs that a large group of people have passed there.

Survival (with Guidance) 32 PLUS scent.

He will lead his friends on what he deems is the most likely route.

Elron -- SteveM  d20+9=12 ;
Monday June 5th, 2023 11:29:37 PM

If they're not going to simply check the closest place first, Elron decides Zeoll's approach might make sense. If it's a very large group. He offers to help.

(Survival = 12 to aid another)

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 8 (7'4" or 10'5" as needed) (Kim) AC 20 Touch 14 FF18 HP 80/80 
Tuesday June 6th, 2023 4:07:48 AM

Mundhi thanks Delbina for the help she was able to provide.

She follows Zeoll's lead for now. She ponders what they have gathered, and tries to make some sense of it all.

Mitch - The Twins HP: 106/106AC 29/15/27 
Tuesday June 6th, 2023 6:00:39 AM

Asimov suggests the forests. Fruit forest and northern woods being of particular interest to him.
Zeoll searches the areas for clues.
Elron thinks Zeoll’s approach might make sense.
Mundhildur thanks Delbina for her assistance and waits to see what Zeoll turns up.

Zeoll’s search, while a solid idea, is far, far too late to turn up anything. It’s been a month since whatever occurred here happened and it’s certainly rained many times through that month. Any trail that existed is long gone, even if the entire population of the place got up and left together.

There is a dirt road that leads through the island. Made from the daily journeys to the mining sites by the many wagons and feet of guards and prisoners it splits off to the east and west and offers an easy trail to most of the places the party is heading. The west trail in particular heads to the fruit forest, most of the mines including the most recent, and the northern woods.

Island Map

Zeoll (AC22, HP81) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP58) | Cayzle 
Tuesday June 6th, 2023 2:25:17 PM

Zeoll relates his failure and is happy to go in whatever direction people pick.

Elron -- SteveM 
Tuesday June 6th, 2023 7:02:19 PM

When the northern woods and fruit forest that Asimov wanted to check are in the same direction as the nearest currently active mine, Elron decides, "We should take th' west trail." To convince the others he makes good decisions, Elron tells then a story from before he'd met them. . .

I went t' th' store an' bought a bottle o' rum. As I was about t' leave I thought for a moment. The trail's a bit rocky. If I fall, the bottle might break. T' avoid that, I drank all of th' rum before I left th' store. It turned out t' be a very good decision, 'cause I fell seven times on my way home.

Zeoll (AC22, HP81) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP58) | Cayzle 
Tuesday June 6th, 2023 9:24:46 PM

Zeoll agrees with Elron.

Asimov (18/13/16; 72 HP; CMD 20) and Irony (25/13/22; 40/40 HP; CMD 20; Hardness 4) -- Hugh  d6=1 ; d6=5 ; d10=7 ;
Tuesday June 6th, 2023 10:28:19 PM

(OOC: Asimov - hp roll 1, reroll: 5)
(OOC: Irony hp roll - 7)

Asimov invented some new devices overnight. He also upgraded Irony by enchanting Irony's Gearworks so they count as magic and aligned for overcoming DR. He is fine taking the Western trail.

(OOC: Leveled)

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 8 (7'4" or 10'5" as needed) (Kim) AC 20 Touch 14 FF18 HP 80/80 
Wednesday June 7th, 2023 4:12:25 AM

"Elron, you are simply silly at times," comments Mundhildur. "And that is part of your charm."


Mitch - The Twins HP: 106/106AC 29/15/27 
Wednesday June 7th, 2023 8:08:01 AM

Zeoll is happy to go wherever the others want to.
Elron votes west and tells a story.
Asimov gets some new toys.
Mundhildur comments on Elron’s silliness.

All in agreement the party heads westward. The trail, though made of dirt, is well worn and easy to travel. Only a few weeds have started to take root on it in the month that has passed. Though the party has been warned of dangerous native wildlife they encounter none on this first leg of their journey, instead having a pleasant morning of easy walking on a sunny day.

About midday, just when the party is thinking about stopping for lunch, the party finds a disturbing scene. A horrible stench fills the air, wafting from the remains of a herd of indigenous animals. More distressing than the horrible odor of death and decay is the condition of the animal carcasses. All of them are so mutilated as to seem far beyond natural predation.

Island Map

Cyrion the Black HP 77/77 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20 
Wednesday June 7th, 2023 12:37:55 PM

Cyrion draws Cutter and just rests it on his shoulder, in anticipation of trouble as they head towards the Fruit Trees. "If this grove was planted by another race, it will be interesting to see what it looks like, and what fruit it offers."

Zeoll (AC22, HP81) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP58) | Cayzle  d20+16=35 ; d20+13=21 ; d20+13=20 ;
Wednesday June 7th, 2023 6:19:12 PM

Zeoll growls in anger. "This is not hunting forr food! This looks morre like killing forr sporrt."

The carcasses look fresher than a month? Zeoll prays for guidance and investigates. How long ago did this happen? What kind of monster did this? With natural weapons or manufactured weapons? Is there a trail to find where the killers went?

Perception 35
Survival (to track) 21 (with scent)
Knowledge Nature 20

Elron -- SteveM  d20+19=34 ;
Wednesday June 7th, 2023 8:20:43 PM

As Zeoll investigates the herd, Elron does too -- although he's interested in making sure there are no people among them. (Perception = 34)

Asimov (18/13/16; 72 HP; CMD 20) and Irony (25/13/22; 40/40 HP; CMD 20; Hardness 4) -- Hugh  d20+14=22 ;
Wednesday June 7th, 2023 11:07:22 PM

Asimov takes a look around.

(Perception: 22)

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 8 (7'4" or 10'5" as needed) (Kim) AC 20 Touch 14 FF18 HP 80/80  d20+12=22 ;
Thursday June 8th, 2023 7:49:53 AM

Mundhildur climbs a tree to get a wider view of the area, and looks around. Any signs of other activity outside of the slaughter of the herd? What sort of creatures were killed?

Perception: 22

Mitch - The Twins HP: 106/106AC 29/15/27 
Thursday June 8th, 2023 8:18:53 AM

Cyrion is curious what a grove planted by another race might be like.
Zeoll checks the corpses.
Elron looks for any dead humanoids.
Asimov keeps an eye of the general area.
Mundhildur finds a good vantage point.

The corpses are antelope like creatures, with long necks and horns. It looks like they were killed by bladed weapons, so not predation, and they are swarming with maggots of enormous size. Getting close might provoke them and cause a fight, but you can’t get a more detailed idea of what happened here without it. Zeoll is able to find a trail of bootprints that lead off towards the Twitchwood.

Zeoll (AC22, HP81) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP58) | Cayzle 
Thursday June 8th, 2023 12:08:12 PM

Fearful that the giant maggots will seek living flesh, Zeoll steps away and dismisses thoughts of the giant flies they will grow into. The liontaur wrinkes his nose and points out the trail.

"Let's go that way! Follow me!"

Cyrion the Black HP 77/77 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20 
Thursday June 8th, 2023 2:25:47 PM

Cyrion sees the giant maggots and stops, "Guys, since when did maggots get that big ... not that I want to tangle with them, just wondering if there is something weird going on here that we aren't catching ore no one knew about in the beginning." Cyrion is good with moving on

Asimov (18/13/16; 72 HP; CMD 20) and Irony (25/13/22; 40/40 HP; CMD 20; Hardness 4) -- Hugh 
Thursday June 8th, 2023 9:22:10 PM

Asimov says, "Mayhaps we stumbled onto some sort of isle of Giants. We should keep an eye out for how big other things are and if they are abnormal be wary."

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 8 (7'4" or 10'5" as needed) (Kim) AC 20 Touch 14 FF18 HP 80/80 
Friday June 9th, 2023 5:15:25 AM

"Do we want to fight big maggots, or wait until they are big flies?" asks Mundhildur. She is fine with fighting them - likely with lots of fire. She is fine as well with giving them a wide berth and continuing on the way.

Mitch - The Twins HP: 106/106AC 29/15/27 
Friday June 9th, 2023 7:26:14 AM

Zeoll finds tracks and tells the party to follow him.
Cyrion wonders why the maggots are so large.
Asimov wonders if it’s an island of giants. The dead herbivores look normal sized.
Mundhildur wonders if they’ll turn into giant flies they’ll have to fight later.

Zeoll’s able to make out some detail once away from the chaos of the slaughtered animals. These are medium sized humanoids wearing tough boots. The kind you’d wear if for combat or long wilderness treks. There’s 3 probably 3 of them, and they seem worried about being followed - efforts were made to hide the trail even though they could not know anyone would happen on their trail. It’s been several hours since they were here.

The trail leads right up into the Twitchwood. According to the notes they found the place is known for holding a large number of murderous plants - assassin vines, hangman trees, and worse. Whoever this was must be confident of their skills and the party will have to keep a sharp eye out to not fall prey to the dangerous plants.

Zeoll, please make a new survival check to track as the trail is more difficult in the woods. Everyone else should make perception checks to watch for danger while Zeoll is distracted tracking the humanoids. Aid another can be used, but you can only focus on one check or the other, no rolling both to track and watch the trees for murderous intent.

Mitch - The Twins HP: 106/106AC 29/15/27  d20=12 ;
Friday June 9th, 2023 7:26:37 AM

The twins do their best to keep their eyes out (perception 12)

Elron -- SteveM  d20+19=30 ;
Friday June 9th, 2023 8:49:28 AM

"Big maggots is prob'ly tasty. . ." Elron notes. But if he's ready to take on a meal's worth, he is not ready to take on several times that. He follows the others to the Twitchwood and proceeds to watch the forest. (Perception = 30)

Zeoll (AC22, HP81) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP58) | Cayzle  d20+9=29 ; d20+13=22 ;
Friday June 9th, 2023 9:22:12 AM

Before proceeding, Zeoll casts Detect Magic to see if there are any lingering auras.
Spellcraft with Guidance 29!

And Message to make sure everybody can whisper to each other very quietly.

Zeoll mentions to his friends that when it seems they are just a minute or two out, he'll cast invisibility on everybody, including Irony but not Bill, who will stay back until called.

Zeoll prays for Guidance and sniffs out the tracks.

Survival 22 to track.

As we sense that an approach is imminent, when the team gets near, but still out of hearing range, Zeoll casts invisibility on (in order) himself, Elron, Mundhi, Cyrion, Asimov, and then Irony.

Cyrion the Black HP 77/77 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20  Perception: d20+12=28 ; Survival: d20+11=26 ;
Saturday June 10th, 2023 9:00:32 PM

Cyrion will rub a crystal he has hanging on a leather necklace, then helps to keep an eye out while Zeoll follows the trail

[Dorje Crystal - He gains low-light vision, +2 bonus on Perception checks, and notice secret doors - lasts 1 hour]

Asimov (18/13/16; 72 HP; CMD 20) and Irony (25/13/22; 40/40 HP; CMD 20; Hardness 4) -- Hugh  d20+14=23 ; d20+6=26 ;
Sunday June 11th, 2023 7:43:55 PM

(Perception: 23)

Asimov keeps his eyes open as he enters the woods. Irony flies overhead also on lookout though not as skilled (Perception: 26) but perhaps more alert.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 8 (7'4" or 10'5" as needed) (Kim) AC 20 Touch 14 FF18 HP 80/80  d20+9=23 ;
Sunday June 11th, 2023 7:49:48 PM

The tall woman grows taller, now over 10'. She uses her added height to see over what others might see. Mundhildur has a rock in one hand, her +1 longspear in another. If some sort of viney thing tries to take hold of her, she wants to be able to slice it. The rock? To smash from a distance.
Perception: 23

Mitch - The Twins HP: 106/106AC 29/15/27 
Monday June 12th, 2023 9:04:14 AM

The Twins exist long enough to help a little.
Elron thinks the maggots might be tasty but leaves with the rest.
Zeoll casts detect magic, invisibility, and message as the party heads out.
Cyrion also helps keep an eye out using magic to enhance his senses.
Asimov and Irony keep watch together, one on the ground one in the air.
Mundhildur grows big and gets armed.

The party ventures into the forest. Quickly it grows dark beneath the boughs, the thick canopy blocking sunlight from above and preventing any aerial scouting Irony might want to do. It’s full of old growth trees, but they almost seem to shuffle and whisper to each other as the party passes. Fortunately the keen eyes of the party spot out danger before it finds them - several times they recognize a tangle of assassin vines or a grove of handyman trees before the party wanders into them.

It takes about an hour before things go wrong. Zeoll suddenly finds he can’t find the trail anymore. One moment it’s there, clear as day to his keen eyes, the next he’s facing a giant oak with some signs the target was here, but no indication of them going around or up the tree or anything. Worse, the party notes that the trees and landscape seem to have shifted behind them, confusing their route back out of this place. The fact that the party didn’t have a chance to stop for lunch as planned probably won’t improve anyone’s mood either.

Asimov (18/13/16; 81 HP; CMD 20) and Irony (27/13/24; 48/48 HP; CMD 20; Hardness 5) -- Hugh  d20+14=25 ; d20+6=13 ;
Monday June 12th, 2023 8:52:04 PM

Asimov and Irony inspect the tree looking for anything out of the ordinary.

Asimov: Perception 25
Irony: Perception: 13

Zeoll (AC22, HP81) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP58) | Cayzle  d20+13=16 ;
Monday June 12th, 2023 9:33:14 PM

Zeoll is confused and tries to sniff out what is happening.

Survival 13.

Elron -- SteveM  d20+9=24 ;
Monday June 12th, 2023 10:21:05 PM

Elron isn't sure what the others are worried about. But maybe he can help Zeoll find the tracks again. (Survival = 24)

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 9 (7'4" or 10'5" as needed) (Kim) AC 20 Touch 14 FF18 HP 91/91  d20+10=22 ;
Tuesday June 13th, 2023 6:04:32 AM

With Zeoll and Elron working on finding the tracks, Mundhildur concentrates on the shuffling vegetation. "They have a druid with them?" she asks aloud, thinking about the composition of the group they have been trying to follow.

She looks about the area, trying to ascertain whether some critter or plant is about to attack - and being ready to oppose or discourage with rocks or with whatever may be necessary.

Perception: 22

Cyrion the Black HP 77/77 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20  Survival check: d20+10=20 ;
Tuesday June 13th, 2023 12:02:16 PM

Cyrion finds this lack of prints both interesting and disturbing, as well as the trees moving around him. He'll join in on trying to find the tracks again, and if it brings him close to the giant oak, then he'll poke it with his finger to make sure its solid

Mitch - The Twins HP: 106/106AC 29/15/27 
Tuesday June 13th, 2023 7:34:39 PM

Asimov inspect the tree closely.
Zeoll relies on his nose
Elron isn’t sure what the others are worried about but helps with the tracking.
Mundhildur wonders about the shuffling vegetation.
Cyrion pokes the tree to see if it’s real.

Whomever you are following they have been working hard to conceal the trail. It didn’t work until now as the occasional sign was still around. Inspection of the area shows signs of something large moving through the area - a lot of disturbed earth, especially around the tree roots. Inspection of the tree shows that it is a real, normal tree as far as the party can tell.

However the search involves a lot of poking, prodding, and otherwise bothering the tree. It seems that the tree gets sick of this nonsense for suddenly a great groan deafens the party and the earth begins to shudder. Its roots begin to writhe and squirm like enormous tentacles and the entire thing sort of raises itself out of the earth. With the air of an elder annoyed by the impermanence of youth it trundles off on its roots, lesser trees literally bending over as it passes to let it through.

Into the sudden silence that follows as the oak wanders off another, much smaller tree suddenly uproots itself, with much less groaning and noise, and slides over on its weirdly tentacle-like roots to the now empty space of rich earth and open canopy. After a polite wait for the party to get out of the way it settles down digging its roots back deep into the earth. The other trees nearby make rustling noises, as if in consternation that none of them moved to take the good spot before the younger, smaller tree did.

Well then. The information you found at the colony did mention “sentient” plant life. While it focused on the dangerous varieties it seems even the more placid plants are surprisingly smarter and more ambulatory then the party possibly expected. It explains the disappearing trail. The earth was freshly disturbed, so that oak must have come by and sat on the trail you were following. With the moving foliage it will be harder to track and find your way through the place but in theory you can just head in the direction the trail was going and pick it up again (no need to reroll, you just made the DC 25 check with aid another)

Cyrion the Black HP 77/77 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20 
Tuesday June 13th, 2023 7:48:12 PM

Cyrion watches all this with his mouth open, then closes it, "That's going to be a great story to tell in a bar, might even earn us some free drinks."

Asimov (18/13/16; 81 HP; CMD 20) and Irony (27/13/24; 48/48 HP; CMD 20; Hardness 5) -- Hugh  d20+14=20 ; d20+6=23 ;
Tuesday June 13th, 2023 8:49:37 PM

Asimov says, "So the entire forest can just move? That is rather inconvenient."

He and Irony keep their eyes peeled for other surprises.

Perception: 20 - Asimov
Perception: 23 - Irony

Zeoll (AC22, HP81) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP58) | Cayzle 
Tuesday June 13th, 2023 8:56:34 PM

Zeoll wishes he could talk with these trees, now that he sees what is going on. He thinks maybe he should try his greensinger ability ...

Fascinate, Suggestion, and Soothing Performance only work with fey, magical beasts, plant creatures, vermin, and animals.

Zeoll tries to fascinate three trees, including with the biggest one and the nimble one. The will save DC is 19. If that works Zeoll will try a suggestion to have the trees show us the way the ones we are tracking went. The suggestion will DC is the same 19.

Elron -- SteveM 
Tuesday June 13th, 2023 10:23:26 PM

Elron can't figure out what Zeoll is doing, and heads over to where he thinks the trail would have been if the tree happened to come along later. He does, however, mentally file away Cyrion's suggestion that this story might be worth a free drink someday.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 9 (7'4" or 10'5" as needed) (Kim) AC 20 Touch 14 FF18 HP 91/91 
Wednesday June 14th, 2023 7:03:24 AM

"We had a few dwarfs visit us one time, and talked about their concerns about dancing trees. My father thought they had enjoyed too much ale," relates Mundhildur.

Mitch - The Twins HP: 106/106AC 29/15/27 
Wednesday June 14th, 2023 8:42:08 AM

Cyrion watches in shock then says it’ll make a good story.
Asimov comments a moving forest makes things inconvenient.
Zeoll wishes he could talk with trees. He tries to uses his other powers to maybe communicate with them.
Elron isn’t sure what Zeoll is doing and moves towards where he thinks he can pick up the trail.
Mundhildur comments some dwarfs told her family about dancing trees once but her father was sure they were lying.

It is impossible to tell if any of Zeoll’s magic has any effect. Unless specifically doing something the trees don’t really seem to move much more than regular trees, so you can’t tell if they stop to stare at the fascination (or if they can even see), he can’t communicate with the trees to give them orders through suggestion, and the performance does cause the trees to quiet down their rustling, but it’s unclear if they are magically soothed or if they’d respond that way to any music, magical or not.

Fortunately Elron is able to get them back on track. Past the small clearing caused by the oak walking off he’s able to pick up the trail again as it heads onward. They lost a bit of time picking up the trail again but they are closing in on the group of antelope murderers.

Cyrion the Black HP 77/77 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20  Survival check: d20+10=28 ;
Wednesday June 14th, 2023 11:45:14 AM

Cyrion will also help try to keep us on track

Elron -- SteveM  d20+19=23 ;
Wednesday June 14th, 2023 7:41:44 PM

Once they've found the trail again, Elron turns his attention back to looking for danger. (Perception = 23)

And perhaps to figuring out the wording of the drink-worthy story.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 9 (7'4" or 10'5" as needed) (Kim) AC 20 Touch 14 FF18 HP 91/91  d20+10=22 ;
Wednesday June 14th, 2023 10:06:39 PM

Mundhildur joins Elron in keeping an eye out. "You sweep right and central, I'll sweep left, upwards, and central, with an occasional glance backwards."

Zeoll (AC22, HP81) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP58) | Cayzle  d20+13=22 ;
Wednesday June 14th, 2023 11:16:05 PM

"Good job, Elrron!" says Zeoll. The liontaur assists with the tracking, and tries to gauge the approach. The lipontaur has not given up on the idea of an invisible approach.

Survival 22

Asimov (18/13/16; 81 HP; CMD 20) and Irony (27/13/24; 48/48 HP; CMD 20; Hardness 5) -- Hugh  d20+14=30 ; d20+6=8 ;
Wednesday June 14th, 2023 11:35:57 PM

Asimov and Irony remain in their relative positions with Technomancer on the ground and Mechanical Minion in the air, both keep an eye out.

Perception: 30 - Asimov
Perception: 8 - Irony

Mitch - The Twins HP: 106/106AC 29/15/27 
Thursday June 15th, 2023 7:29:24 AM

Cyrion and Zeoll help with tracking
Elron, Asimov and Mundhildur keep an eye out.

The tracks are very fresh now. They could run across the target any minute. That leaves the question open of approach - do they send someone ahead to scout? Sneak towards them? Or brazenly approach?

Cyrion the Black HP 77/77 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20 
Thursday June 15th, 2023 9:25:24 AM

Cyrion looks around, "I can try to sneak up and see what's ahead, but maybe there is someone more sneakier than I ?"

Zeoll (AC22, HP81) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP58) | Cayzle  d20+24=32 ; d20+15=22 ;
Thursday June 15th, 2023 11:41:10 AM

Zeoll casts Message so we can all whisper to each other.

Zeoll then casts Invisibility. On EVERYBODY! Except Bill the Eagle. Duration is 7 minutes.

That's seven spells, for Cyrion, Zeoll, Elron, Asimov, Mundhildur, and the Twins. And Irony. That uses all six 2nd level slots and a third. Invisibility gives you a +20 on stealth checks while moving, +40 if you stand still.

"Please trry to be sneaky as you apprroach," says Zeoll. He also reminds his friends: Don't attack charmed or confused or calmed creatures. The liontaur also takes out the huge two-handed pick he got from the equipment storage.

Stealth 32
Perception 22

Elron -- SteveM  d20+12=25 ;
Thursday June 15th, 2023 7:45:18 PM

Elron tries to sneak as they move, whappin' stick in hand, unless it makes him fall behind. (Stealth = 45, should have added another 20 for the invisibility) He remembers not to hum as they walk.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 9 (7'4" or 10'5" as needed) (Kim) AC 20 Touch 14 FF18 HP 91/91  d20+25=27 ; d20+10=11 ;
Thursday June 15th, 2023 8:53:30 PM

"I'm less sneaky when I'm larger, so I'll return to my tiny size." Mundhildur shrinks from 10'5" to a diminutive 7'4".

"Ach. Little bugs on my legs." She is distracted as she lifts her dress to brush some sort of tiny critters that mistook her for a tree to climb.

Right. Stealth: 27 (rolled a 2).
Perception: 11 (nat 1)

Asimov (18/13/16; 81 HP; CMD 20) and Irony (27/13/24; 48/48 HP; CMD 20; Hardness 5) -- Hugh  d20+26=46 ; d20+22=23 ; d20+14=16 ; d20+6=7 ;
Thursday June 15th, 2023 11:52:47 PM

Asimov - Stealth - 46
Irony - Stealth - 23
Asimov - Perception 16
Irony - Perception - 7

Asimov and Irony are too distracted by being invisible to really notice anything. Irony is a flying mechanical construct and invisibility only does so much.

Cyrion the Black HP 77/77 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20  Stealth: d20+10=19 ; Perception: d20+10=18 ;
Friday June 16th, 2023 1:23:13 AM

Marvelling at the fact that he is now invisible, Cyrion joins his friends in sneaking down the path

Mitch - The Twins HP: 106/106AC 29/15/27  d20=19 ; d20=3 ; d20=7 ; d20=19 ;
Friday June 16th, 2023 8:03:15 AM

The Twins are surprisingly stealthy despite their armor (38 stealth)

Mitch - The Twins HP: 106/106AC 29/15/27  d20=16 ; d20=5 ; d20=16 ;
Friday June 16th, 2023 8:09:22 AM

Cyrion offers to sneak ahead.
Zeoll casts invisibility on everyone.
Elron has to remind himself not to hum while being sneaky
Mundhildur shrinks down to try to be more sneaky.
Cyrion marvels at being invisible.
The Twins are surprisingly stealthy.

The party creeps up to the enemy’s camp. They find a group of three humanoids crowded around a tiny fire, more burning coals then a true campfire, just hot enough to warm the food they are stirring the the ashes and perfect for stealth. The creatures have athletic builds, white hair, and strange blue skin. Their eyes are pure white and bulging and they mutter to each other in some language you don’t understand (at least I don’t think anyone speaks Aklo let me know if I'm wrong).

Though the language is foreign, the tone is unmistakable. Two of the group are complaining to a third, who responds in an authoritative growl. Some noise causes the apparent leader to cock his head and look around suspiciously before a barked order causes all three to move into the shadows of the trees and vanish, hidden from sight.

Zeoll (AC22, HP81) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP58) | Cayzle 
Friday June 16th, 2023 10:17:46 AM

Zeoll casts confusion to avoid friends as best he can and to get the area in which he last saw the humanoids.

Confusion affects a 15-ft.-radius burst. The save DC is DC22 Will Save.

Cyrion the Black HP 77/77 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20 
Saturday June 17th, 2023 9:50:51 PM

Cyrion, since he's invisible, and this isn't an attack, will pull a couple of gold pieces out of his pouch and throw them near the cookfire ... trying to get the figures to come back out of hiding ..... money talks you know

Elron -- SteveM  d20+19=34 ; d20+32=46 ;
Sunday June 18th, 2023 7:04:08 PM

Whichever way these things went, Elron figures he has a decent chance of sneaking up on them if he's slow and patient. He's also got to be alert enough not to pass them if they're hiding. So although his base speed is 50, he only heads after them at 20' a round.

Perception = 34
Stealth = 46 (including the invisibility)

Asimov (18/13/16; 81 HP; CMD 20) and Irony (27/13/24; 48/48 HP; CMD 20; Hardness 5) -- Hugh  d20+14=23 ; d20+6=24 ; d20+46=61 ; d20+42=53 ;
Sunday June 18th, 2023 11:08:00 PM

(OOC: Asimov speaks Aklo)

Perception: 23 - Asimov
Perception: 24 - Irony
Stealth: 61 - Asimov
Stealth 53 - Irony

Asimov and Irony stop and try to get a better idea of what is going on with these blue creatures.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 9 (7'4" or 10'5" as needed) (Kim) AC 20 Touch 14 FF18 HP 91/91  d20+10=22 ; d20+45=57 ;
Monday June 19th, 2023 2:42:51 AM

[Thought I had posted Saturday...]

Mundhi uses a nearby tree to provide partial concealment, and she listens and looks around.

She is ready to hurl the stone in her hand if she perceives a glimpse of the brutal animal slayers. Unless someone wants to talk with them first.

Perception: 22
Stealth: 57

Mitch - The Twins HP: 106/106AC 29/15/27  d20+12=15 ; d4=2 ; d100=12 ; d100=50 ; d100=100 ; d20+11=20 ; d20+11=21 ; d20=1 ; d20=5 ; d20+21=35 ; d20+21=37 ; d20+21=26 ; d20=20 ; d20=15 ;
Monday June 19th, 2023 7:10:33 AM

Zeoll tries to cast confusion to hit the enemy.
Cyrion tries throwing money into the area.
Elron tries to spot and sneak up on the enemy.
Asimov speaks the enemy's language and tries to get a read on what they were talking about.
Mundhildur stays hidden and is ready to throw a rock.

Since Asimov does speak the language he is able to get an idea what the creatures were complaining about. The two were complaining to their leader about having to travel through the forest and he was berating them for killing more than they needed and leaving a sign of their presence. ”We have to report back that a ship came, your stupidity might alert the surface dwellers to our existence.”

Zeoll’s spell causes no reaction, though it’s hard to say if they made the save or he just missed. Since Zeoll and Cyrion took actions that might reveal their location they need to make new stealth checks. (each round if you take any standard or full round action please make a new stealth check - if you simply stay still and make checks or only move you can keep a previous roll. If you don’t move you get +40 until you break invisibility)

The enemy may not be able to see Mundhildur, but they heard her last round and she hasn’t moved. Darts flash past her - Two hits, dealing 2 damage and she must make 2 DC 18 saves vs poison. On a failure Highlight to display spoiler: {You forget everything that has happened in the past hour - so since you found the dead animals.}

Of the party only Elron is able to spot the enemy this round. A tiny motion draws his attention to one of them crouching in the shadow of a tree about 20 feet from the campfire, blowgun raised to his lips. He realizes the dart flashing past him towards Mundhildur is what drew his attention so they are definitely hostile.

Mitch - The Twins HP: 106/106AC 29/15/27 
Monday June 19th, 2023 7:12:19 AM

The Twins, totally unable to find the enemy, stay still and stay silent.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 9 (7'4" or 10'5" as needed) (Kim) AC 20 Touch 14 FF18 HP 89/91  d20+13=17 ; d20+13=21 ; d20+10=18 ; d20+15=20 ; d20+15=22 ; d20+15=25 ; 2d6+5=9 ; 2d6+5=14 ; 2d6+5=14 ;
Monday June 19th, 2023 1:00:09 PM

"Ow!" calls out Mundhildur - not at the strike of the first dart, which barely managed to overcome her resistance to the toxin, and at which point she forgot what has just happened recently. No, it was the second poke that got to her. Able to judge with reasonable accuracy the directionality of the second dart, she looks to see who might have sent it her way. Not able to see who it was, the Jotun giant takes a direct approach and charges straight ahead toward where she figures the dart was launched. If something comes within bashing distance, she does her thing. "No one pokes me and gets away with it!" she sings.

If she gets close enough to anyone to better discern them, the following slams occur:
1. AC20 for 9 hp
2. AC 22 for 14 hp
3. AC 25 for 14 hp
Edited to fix hit points in header

Zeoll (AC22, HP81) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP58) | Cayzle  d20+4=6 ; d20+15=28 ; d20+10=22 ;
Monday June 19th, 2023 7:27:05 PM

[OOC: Usually casting Confusion would break invisibility and Stealth. Breaks invisibility because it is an attack, and breaks stealth because of the sound of casting. But if somehow Zeoll is srill able to remain hidden, his stealth check is 6, or 26 if invisible, or 46 if invisible and still.]

Zeoll tries to sense the presence of the enemy. He is using scent.

Perception 28.

If Zeoll perceives a foe as a free action, he casts Hold Monster on it. That's a DC22 Will save. If the spell works, Zeoll moves up to 40 ft to stand right next to it. He calls to his friends to tell them what he has found.

If he perceives using scent as a move action to tell the direction of the enemy, then he casts another Confusion in the direction he sniffs. That's a DC21 Will save for any in the area. [OOC: Last round I made a mistake and said that Confusion is DC22. It is not. It is DC21. Sorry for the confusion. I was confused.]

If a spell penetration check is needed, then Zeoll beats SR22.

Cyrion the Black HP 77/77 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20  Stealth: d20+10=28 ;
Monday June 19th, 2023 9:28:41 PM

Cyrion stands still as a tree, hoping his coin idea didn't bring undue attention to himself

Elron -- SteveM  d20+14=31 ; d4=2 ; d6=1 ;
Monday June 19th, 2023 9:35:31 PM

Elron moves towards the creature he can see, still taking time to move carefully. If Mundhildur's charge has taken her closer to the creature than Elron is, at least he won't be in her path. Meanwhile, he tries to see what it is.

If Elron is not within 50' of the creature, he continues to sneak up this round.

If Elron is within 50' of the creature, he moves up and attacks. Hits AC 31 for 2 (weapon) +1 (electrical) +1 (weapon bonus) = 4 damage.

Asimov (18/13/16; 81 HP; CMD 20) and Irony (27/13/24; 48/48 HP; CMD 20; Hardness 5) -- Hugh  d20+14=32 ; d20+6=16 ; d20+26=28 ; d20+22=33 ;
Monday June 19th, 2023 10:06:07 PM

Asimov dons his jetpack and takes to the sky while maintaining his invisibility.

He and Irony try to keep up with the blue creatures.

Perception 32 - Asimov
Perception 16 - Irony
Stealth 28 - Asimov
Stealth 33 - Irony

Mitch - The Twins HP: 106/106AC 29/15/27  d4=2 ; d4=4 ; d20+21=38 ; d20+7=16 ; d20+11=28 ; d20+11=22 ;
Monday June 19th, 2023 10:49:42 PM

The Twins stay hidden.
Mundhildur rushes forward and starts crushing bushes trying to find who poked her. That bush is well and truly crushed… wait why was she doing that again?
Zeoll tries to sniff out the enemy.
Cyrion stays very still.
Elron rushes the enemy he found!
Asimov tries to find the enemy.

The enemy was only about 20 or 30 feet away from Elron so he’s able to rush up and engage them, preventing them from slinking off and hiding again and landing his attack. Zeoll is able to sniff out a 2nd and casts his spell on him. The creature seizes up, held in place.

Mundhildur finds Highlight to display spoiler: {that not only has she forgotten recent events, but she cannot form new memories. This might lead to extreme confusion as she forgets what she’s doing as soon as a distraction happens but the sounds of combat are obvious and likely produce automatic reactions.}

The one Elron is fighting quickly raises his blowgun, accepting an attack of opportunity to try to poison his enemy but he misses.

The third, the leader, remains unaccounted for - no one has been able to spot him yet, though a sharp prick from behind Zeoll might give him a hint of where he is. 1 damage and a DC 18 fortitude save. On a fail Highlight to display spoiler: {you cannot remember anything from the last hour and cannot form new memories.}

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 9 (7'4" or 10'5" as needed) (Kim) AC 20 Touch 14 FF18 HP 89/91 
Tuesday June 20th, 2023 6:50:47 AM

I do not know whether Mundhildur is still invisible after having slammed bushes, but let me know.

"What am I doing in these woods?"

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 9 (7'4" or 10'5" as needed) (Kim) AC 20 Touch 14 FF18 HP 89/91  d20+10=23 ;
Tuesday June 20th, 2023 6:52:49 AM

I forgot to roll perception (23), as the Jotun singer looks around and listens trying to get her bearings.

Mitch - The Twins HP: 106/106AC 29/15/27 
Tuesday June 20th, 2023 7:30:30 AM

No she is not. Even if it hit nothing she took hostile action, and in this case it hit and murdered a poor innocent bush.

Cyrion the Black HP 77/77 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20  Ranged Touch Attack: d20+10=16 ; If hits damage is: 5d6=12 Force damage
Tuesday June 20th, 2023 11:51:33 AM

Seeing Elron's enemy try to attack him, Cyrion will step out from behind his tree, touch the "eye" embedded in his forehead and fire a beam of energy at the creature

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 9 (7'4" or 10'5" as needed) (Kim) AC 20 Touch 14 FF18 HP 89/91  d20+13=23 ; d20+13=25 ; 2d6+5=12 ; 2d6+5=12 ;
Tuesday June 20th, 2023 9:26:11 PM

One more thing, if she sees one or more of her friends, she asks, "What are we doing here?"

If she sees one of the critters the group has been following, she asks, "Who are you!?" Seeing how weird they look, she may take offensive action if it looks like they are likely to do likewise. Short-term memory loss or not, she has a strong sense of self-preservation.

I'm only going to roll twice, though, as it may be that part-way through her attacks, she may be confused again.

AC 23, 12 damage
AC 25, 12 damage

Zeoll (AC22, HP80 of 81) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP58) | Cayzle  d20+15=30 ; 4d8(7+2+3+3)=15
Tuesday June 20th, 2023 9:46:30 PM

Poison save using a hero point before the roll for a +8. A 30! Saves. More coming.

Zeoll is definitely visible now! The liontaur shrugs off the blowdart and its poison. Standing next to the enemy he held last round, Zeoll hoists his oversized pick in both hands and plants it firmly in the enemy's skull!

Now, Zeoll is not proficient, and an oversized weapon imposes other penalties, but thank the gods, a coup de gras attempt on a held foe requires no attack roll. It automatically succeeds, and criticals. And of course, the pick has a x4 multiplier.

Coup de Grace: As a full-round action, you can use a melee weapon to deliver a coup de grace (pronounced “coo day grahs”) to a helpless opponent. You can also use a bow or crossbow, provided you are adjacent to the target. You automatically hit and score a critical hit. If the defender survives the damage, he must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + damage dealt) or die. A rogue also gets her extra sneak attack damage against a helpless opponent when delivering a coup de grace. Delivering a coup de grace provokes attacks of opportunity from threatening opponents.

Zeolls damage is 4d8, for 15 damage. The death Fort save is a 25.

Elron -- SteveM  d20+12=30 ; d20+12=29 ; d4=4 ; d6=3 ; d4=2 ; d6=5 ;
Tuesday June 20th, 2023 10:41:00 PM

"Mundhildur, these creatures attacked us and they use some sort of poison dart!" Elron calls out.

Meanwhile, he continues attacking the one in front of him, making a flurry of blows.
Hits AC 30 for 4+3+1 = 8 damage
Hits AC 29 for 2+5+1 = 8 damage

Asimov (18/13/16; 81 HP; CMD 20) and Irony (27/13/24; 48/48 HP; CMD 20; Hardness 5) -- Hugh  d20+9=14 ;
Tuesday June 20th, 2023 11:36:38 PM

Asimov takes out his magic detector and starts flying a search pattern with the 60 foot cone hoping to get a ping from the missing leader.

Irony decides to drop hiding and attack the one Elron is fighting only to miss (14 vs AC)

Mitch - The Twins HP: 106/106AC 29/15/27  d20=14 ; d20+21=22 ;
Wednesday June 21st, 2023 6:58:25 AM

Mundhildur is confused but manages to attack.
Cyrion shoots an eye beam.
Zeoll kills the helpless one.
Elron attacks the one attacking him.
Asimov tries to find the last one.

The combined assault of the party kills the one Elron is fighting, and Zeoll’s pick deals with the other. Silence suddenly falls on the area, and no more darts fly. It seems the final enemy has decided discretion is the better part of valor and fled.

Zeoll (AC22, HP80 of 81) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP58) | Cayzle 
Wednesday June 21st, 2023 8:54:25 AM

"Whew! I'm glad that worrked," says Zeoll, as he wipes the brains off his pick.

He looks over the enemy, getting a good look really for the first time. What is it?

And he detects magic as well.

Cyrion the Black HP 77/77 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20 
Wednesday June 21st, 2023 2:02:50 PM

Cyrion will look on with concern as Mundhildur appears confused. "You are Mundhildur, a giantess who sings to her friends and protects them in times of need."

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 9 (7'4" or 10'5" as needed) (Kim) AC 20 Touch 14 FF18 HP 89/91 
Wednesday June 21st, 2023 4:23:06 PM

Mundhi looks at the mechanical man. "Yes, I am, thank you. And you are Cyrion. I just can't figure out how we got here. My mind is missing... something?"

Asimov (18/13/16; 81 HP; CMD 20) and Irony (27/13/24; 48/48 HP; CMD 20; Hardness 5) -- Hugh 
Wednesday June 21st, 2023 11:37:20 PM

Asimov calls out to Mundhi, "We walked here. We set out from the village that was missing most of the people all the way to here, through the forest that could move."

Mitch - The Twins HP: 106/106AC 29/15/27 
Thursday June 22nd, 2023 7:39:35 AM

Zeoll is glad his plan worked. He examines the corpses.
Cyrion is concerned and tells Mundhildur who she is.
Mundhildur knows who she is but remains confused.
Asimov explains how the party got to where they are.

The enemy is examined. They are small, like halflings, but blue skinned with bulging eyes and completely hairless. You have idea what species they are or anything about them. Their armor and a light crossbow they carry has faint enchantments on it.

It takes a while but the party is able to establish that Mundhildur can’t seem to remember recent events nor things that have just happened. Her memories seem fine for things older than about an hour.

Zeoll (AC22, HP80 of 81) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP58) | Cayzle  d20+9=19 ; d20+9=26 ; d20+9=16 ; d20+9=22 ;
Thursday June 22nd, 2023 3:27:55 PM

Zeoll casts Detect Magic and tries to Identify the armor and crossbows. Here are some rolls, boosted with Guidance.

Spellcraft 19, 26, 16, 22.

He turns his attention to poor Mundhi. Does she have any wounds, maybe small dart or bolt holes? That is, is this a poison or a magical effect that has afflicted her?

The Calm Emotions spell removes the confused condition, so he'll try that.

If not, he muses, it may take neutralize poison or remove curse or break enchantment or dispel magic to set her to rights.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 9 (7'4" or 10'5" as needed) (Kim) AC 20 Touch 14 FF18 HP 89/91 
Thursday June 22nd, 2023 6:46:16 PM

Mundhildur looks around, and sees the bodies on the ground. "Hey, what happened here? Where are we? What are those things?"

Asimov (18/13/16; 81 HP; CMD 20) and Irony (27/13/24; 48/48 HP; CMD 20; Hardness 5) -- Hugh 
Thursday June 22nd, 2023 9:47:36 PM

Asimov asks, "I wonder what kind of blue halfling-like creatures speak Aklo? I mean does anyone know or can cast a spell that would let us speak with the dead? Maybe we could figure out more about them?"

Elron -- SteveM 
Thursday June 22nd, 2023 11:31:24 PM

"What is Aklo?" Elron asks. He does at least guess it's some language, but has no idea where people would speak it.

Mitch - The Twins HP: 106/106AC 29/15/27 
Friday June 23rd, 2023 7:41:31 AM

Zeoll investigates further.
Mundhildur asks about the corpses.
Asimov asks about speaking with the dead.
Elron asks what Akklo is.

Zeoll is able to find a lot of information. The only magical things are the weapon and armor mentioned, both basic +1 variants. The blowpipe they were carrying comes with an assortment of darts and something he suspects is poison. Mundhildur has a tiny injury in one hand that could come from a dart, and he finds a dart still sticking to her neck. Calm emotions does nothing, but all the signs point to it being some kind of poison. He’ll have to beat the DC 18 caster level check to neutralize it with neutralize poison.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 9 (7'4" or 10'5" as needed) (Kim) AC 20 Touch 14 FF18 HP 89/91 
Saturday June 24th, 2023 1:28:21 AM


Cyrion the Black HP 77/77 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20  Perception: d20+10=19 ; Survival: d20+11=17 ; Heal: d20+13=31 ;
Saturday June 24th, 2023 2:01:20 PM

Cyrion wants to examine these poisoned darts and see if he can figure out a way to counteract them using non-magical means (Heal skill)

Mitch - The Twins HP: 106/106AC 29/15/27 
Saturday June 24th, 2023 2:24:22 PM

You can use the heal skill to assist in the save. A new save occurs every hour.

Asimov (18/13/16; 81 HP; CMD 20) and Irony (27/13/24; 48/48 HP; CMD 20; Hardness 5) -- Hugh 
Sunday June 25th, 2023 9:12:39 PM

Asimov takes a capsule from his utility belt and gives it to Mundhi. "Take one of these and call me in the morning. It is a detoxify capsule and it neutralizes poison."

Asimov says, "Aklo is one of the languages I speak."

Asimov (18/13/16; 81 HP; CMD 20) and Irony (27/13/24; 48/48 HP; CMD 20; Hardness 5) -- Hugh  d20+10=26 ;
Sunday June 25th, 2023 9:13:50 PM

(OOC: forgot to roll the caster level check; 26 vs DC 18 = success)

Elron -- SteveM  d20+9=21 ;
Sunday June 25th, 2023 10:09:35 PM

Elron asks Asimov, "So you're sayin' these things may come from th' same place you do?" This is a bit disappointing, as Elron has never been sure where Asimov comes from. "Well, th' longer we wait to follow their leader, the more likely he is t' reach a safe place. But I don't think we should go until Mundhildur is feelin' okay."

While he's still thinking about it, Elron tries to find the trail of the third creature so that Zeoll can follow it once he's tended Mundhildur. (Survival = 21)

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 9 (7'4" or 10'5" as needed) (Kim) AC 20 Touch 14 FF18 HP 89/91  d20+16=32 ; d20+7=11 ;
Sunday June 25th, 2023 11:28:32 PM

With Asimov's capsule, Mundhildur manages to come out of the short-term memory loss... though I assume she still has a memory hole of an hour and several minutes. She asks party members to help her fill in the gaps by explaining what has happened since they found the slaughtered Cervidae.

She is getting better but is still a little shaky, and cannot add a great deal to the tracking efforts.

Fortitude save for coming out of the memory hole: 32
Survival for tracking: 11

Mitch - The Twins HP: 106/106AC 29/15/27 
Monday June 26th, 2023 12:49:15 AM

Mundhildur asks about Aklo
Cyrion wants to use his healing skill to help vs the poison.
Asimov gives Mundhildur some anti-venom.
Elron is disappointed that the enemy is from the same place as Asimov as they have no idea where that is. He tries to track the enemy.

Mundhildur finds her mind clearing. She is able to form new memories again, reducing confusion, and she regains the memories of the last hour the poison made elusive, but memories that failed to be made since she was poisoned do not return.

Elron searches for the trail, but the enemy captain seems more competent than his subordinates and he cannot find it. You’ve learned a little about the enemy, what they look like and some of their methods, so the trip was not wasted at least.

Zeoll (AC22, HP80 of 81) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP58) | Cayzle 
Monday June 26th, 2023 5:29:13 AM

"We have learrned a bit herre, about ourr enemy. Let us continue on and see what we can see, perr ourr orriginal plan."

Zeoll looks around at his friends. The old taur hopes that someone will refresh his memory about what the original plan actually was, so that he does not have to admit that, for the moment, it has somewhat slipped his mind.

Cyrion the Black HP 77/77 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20 
Monday June 26th, 2023 4:15:07 PM

Cyrion looks at Zeoll, "We're following the tracks we picked up, and I think checking out this side of this island for any clues as to where everyone went."

Zeoll (AC22, HP80 of 81) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP58) | Cayzle  d20+13=29 ;
Monday June 26th, 2023 6:47:15 PM

"Surre, I rrememberr. I can help with trracks, of courrse!"

Survival with Guidance 29

Asimov (18/13/16; 81 HP; CMD 20) and Irony (27/13/24; 48/48 HP; CMD 20; Hardness 5) -- Hugh  d20+14=21 ; d20+6=21 ;
Monday June 26th, 2023 8:39:49 PM

Perception: 21 - Asimov
Perception: 21 - Irony

Asimov and Irony keep an eye out for any sign of the missing assailant

Elron -- SteveM  d20+19=24 ;
Monday June 26th, 2023 10:13:06 PM

Elron returns to looking for suspicious plants. Or hairless, blue halflings.

(Perception = 24)

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 9 (7'4" or 10'5" as needed) (Kim) AC 20 Touch 14 FF18 HP 89/91  d20+10=23 ; d20+7=10 ;
Tuesday June 27th, 2023 6:48:05 AM

"Thank you, Asimov, and my friends. Yes, Asimov, you are my friend too."

She aims to help along the way. Mainly, she focuses on anything that might be a threat or perhaps something of interest.

Perception: 23
Survival: 10

Mitch - The Twins HP: 106/106AC 29/15/27  d20+23=38 ;
Tuesday June 27th, 2023 7:29:31 AM

"Yes, but before we found the tracks we were going to search the most recent mining areas." "and have lunch." "We are very hungry." The Twins remind the group.

Mitch - The Twins HP: 106/106AC 29/15/27 
Tuesday June 27th, 2023 7:29:42 AM

Zeoll has forgotten what the plan was before they found the signs of the enemy.
Cyrion says they were following the enemy tracks.
Asimov keep their eyes peeled.
Elron does as well.
Mundhildur aims to help.
The Twins have good memory.

Zeoll is able to find the trail again, but it is moving quickly. Now that the enemy knows he is being tracked he isn’t slowing down to hide his trail, since that didn’t work before, and it is unlikely you can catch him. He also might lead you into dangerous areas to try to get the party killed while chasing him. The Twins are also right in that the party had planned to stop for lunch and never did. Does the party pursue, or go back to their original plan?

Cyrion the Black HP 77/77 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20 
Tuesday June 27th, 2023 3:41:38 PM

Cyrion looks at the tracks of the fleeing 'Aklo', and then in the direction of the mines. "There's a good chance we'll run into him again, and that if we follow him, we'll wander into an ambush or trap. Let's go check out the mines, and get you all some lunch."

Zeoll (AC22, HP80 of 81) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP58) | Cayzle 
Tuesday June 27th, 2023 4:53:48 PM

"Come, what sons! The games a-paw!"

Zeoll is all for continuing the chase. Granted, he has no more second-level slots, but that's ok. If the party decides to press on, the liontaur calls for a Fey Friend to help with the chase.

Bard Performance 2/13 rounds
6/6 second level slots (invisibility spells)
2/4 third level slots (confusion, calm emotions)
1/2 fourth level slots (hold monster)

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 9 (7'4" or 10'5" as needed) (Kim) AC 20 Touch 14 FF18 HP 89/91 
Tuesday June 27th, 2023 5:53:16 PM

"If we do not pursue, he gets away and forewarns those we are coming against," says Mundhildur. "We let him go, we lose an edge. My legs are longer than his. He tried to steal my memories, to lose some of my mind. I am with Zeoll. Let us pursue." She gets some apples out of her bag, and some dried meat to share with all. "If you are hungry, let us eat on the run. If he can set a trap as he tries to escape us, then he must be very, very efficient."

Elron -- SteveM 
Tuesday June 27th, 2023 8:07:01 PM

"I agree, now's our best time to catch the creature. 'less'n he set a trap in advance, we got nothin' t' fear." Elron is perhaps a bit anxious that they could go faster, "Or perhaps Bill could spot 'im from th' sky?"

Asimov (18/13/16; 81 HP; CMD 20) and Irony (27/13/24; 48/48 HP; CMD 20; Hardness 5) -- Hugh 
Wednesday June 28th, 2023 12:03:02 AM

Asimov says, "I agree, let's get this guy while we have a chance. If we can capture him before he gets wherever he's going we can get information out of him."

Mitch - The Twins HP: 106/106AC 29/15/27 
Wednesday June 28th, 2023 8:21:26 AM

Cyrion thinks they should go back to the original plan.
Zeoll is all ready to chase the enemy.
Mundhildur agrees, pointing out possible downsides to not chasing him.
Elron and Asimov are also all for the chase.

And so the party sets out. Quickly it’s clear he’s no longer bothering to hide his trail, focusing instead on speed. The party will have to match or move faster than him to catch him, which makes tracking far more difficult, especially in these woods (-5 for normal speed, -20 for double normal. Per long distance travel rules if you hustle (move twice your speed for an hour) you take 1 nonlethal damage, doubling every hour you move))

The dangers of the forest also risk slowing down the party. Sharp eyes will be needed to keep them out of trouble. (perception checks please)

Cyrion the Black HP 77/77 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20 
Wednesday June 28th, 2023 1:24:20 PM

Cyrion will give in to reason, "One moment my friends." Cyrion closes his eyes and then ... His skin and equipment take on the color and texture of nearby objects

OOC: Spent a power point to use his Chameleon power - lasts 90 minutes, grants a +10 to Stealth checks

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 9 (7'4" or 10'5" as needed) (Kim) AC 20 Touch 14 FF18 HP 89/91  d20+10=17 ;
Wednesday June 28th, 2023 5:36:50 PM

Mundhildur's normal movement is 40. She can carry someone if needed. She is willing to hustle.

Perception: 17

Asimov (18/13/16; 81 HP; CMD 20) and Irony (27/13/24; 48/48 HP; CMD 20; Hardness 5) -- Hugh  d20+14=23 ; d20+6=19 ;
Wednesday June 28th, 2023 8:33:22 PM

Asimov and Irony continue to keep their eyes peeled.

Perception: 23 - Asimov
Perception: 19 - Irony

Elron -- SteveM  d20+9=20 ;
Wednesday June 28th, 2023 9:47:55 PM

Elron is able to keep up with Zeoll, whatever pace Zeoll sets. He tries to help Zeoll out. (Survival = 20 to aid Zeoll)

Zeoll (AC22, HP80 of 81) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP58) | Cayzle  d20+15=34 ; d20+2=14 ;
Wednesday June 28th, 2023 10:18:15 PM

Zeoll sends Bill aloft. With eagle eyes and a fly speed of 80, he's the one to find our prey.

Zeoll perception 34 (36 with aid)
Bill perception 14

Zeoll leads the party as fast as possible.

Mitch - The Twins HP: 106/106AC 29/15/27  d20=13 ; d20+7=26 ; d20+13=33 ; d8=6 ;
Thursday June 29th, 2023 7:52:29 AM

Cyrion activates his Chameleon power.
Mundhildur is faster then the average and offers to carry someone to catch the enemy.
Asimov is good at keeping an eye out.
Elron is able to help with the tracking.
Zeoll sends bill on ahead.

Bill has to stay under the thick canopy to see anything but the eagle is able to make plenty of progress flitting through the trees. With Zeoll knowing the right general direction to send the bird Bill finds his prey soon enough. The strange creature is moving quickly through the woods looking nervously as he does so. He suddenly diverts, changing direction. Bill has just about enough time to wonder why before the vines and plants around him begin to writhe and grab at him.

As the vines writhe and move Bill must make a DC 13 reflex save or be entangled. One lashes out at the eagle, inflicting 13 damage and wrapping around the bird in a stranglehold (33 to grapple, success).

Asimov (18/13/16; 81 HP; CMD 20) and Irony (27/13/24; 48/48 HP; CMD 20; Hardness 5) -- Hugh  d20+4=18 ;
Thursday June 29th, 2023 11:14:06 PM

Asimov says, "Irony, help Bill escape the vines."

Irony flies to where Bill is entangled and tries to help the bird free itself. (Strength Check: 18)

Zeoll (AC22, HP80 of 81) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP58) | Cayzle  d20+10=25 ; d20+10=27 ; d4=2 ; d20+10=30 ; d20+10=23 ; d4=4 ; d4=4 ; d20+10=11 ; d20+15=20 ;
Thursday June 29th, 2023 11:31:13 PM

Bill's save vs entangle ... a 25, so not entangled.

The eagle has a CMD of only 18 and loses 13 of his 58 hp, bringing him down to 45.

Bill lashes out and attacks.

If he can make only one attack, it hits AC27 for 3 damage.

If he gets a full attack, he also hits AC30, a crit threat that confirms vs AC23 for 5 or 10 damage if confirmed. Third attack is a nat 1.

Zeoll races forward, hoping to come to Bill's aid, but also looking for the villain.

Run with Woodland Stride gets Zeoll up to 160 ft closer. How far away is Bill? Zeoll also keeps a sharp eye out ... Perception 20

Cyrion the Black HP 77/77 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20 
Thursday June 29th, 2023 11:35:49 PM

Cyrion notices that Bill seems to be in trouble ... then sees Zeoll move forwards. Cyrion will follow his friend looking for a target

Mitch - The Twins HP: 106/106AC 29/15/27  d20+13=20 ; d20+13=31 ; d8=2 ; d20+7=22 ; d20+7=17 ; d20+7=11 ; d20+7=13 ;
Friday June 30th, 2023 7:13:27 AM

Asimov tells Irony to help and the horse tries to pull vines off the bird.
Zeoll rushes forward to help his companion. Said companion attacks the enemy.
Cyrion rushes forward.

The vine tightens around Bill, crushing him slowly. He remains grappled.

Irony is not able to free Bill, though the horse is able to keep itself free from the entangling vines. Several lash out at the horse but cannot find a good purchase on its metal hide.

The rest of the party closes in on the scene and are now close enough to act.

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