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DM Post (SteveM) -- 11/18 (ish) -- My lumbago does not thank me forr the dance 
Saturday November 19th, 2022 8:47:28 AM

The group members await Master Lockridge's convenience, each in their own way.

After a time Gideon returns and retrieves a clear crystal cube from the desk drawers. It is about six inches square. Gideon pushes various areas of the cube and sets it on the desk, whereupon it becomes a solid gray. Gideon steps back and stands at attention. "Master Lockridge, your guests are ready." he says.

A voice from the cube responds, "Thank you, Gideon. And good afternoon, adventurers. I trust your latest venture had some degree of success?" It is a warm, male voice, lough enough to be heard throughout the room. The cube pulses a dim light, synchronized with the voice. "You were able to find Tarla and solve the mystery of the kilings at Castle Surrender?"

Master Lockridge listens to the details that the group gives him about their adventure with the harpies, or even about events since then that he would have been unaware of. After discussing the last adventure, he continues to today's business.

"As you are no doubt aware, this region suffered an earthquake during your absence. Word has reached me only this morning that the town of Comberton in the Shelldare Mountains suffered more extensively during the earthquake. Roads and trails in the area were damaged enough that it took their messenger much longer to reach me than it normally would. He reports that a large fissure has opened in the ground there. Strange noises are coming from the fissure and townsfolk are scared. They worry there might be a threat to the town there, and have begged for someone to come explore it. I'm afraid that even if you were to leave now, by the time you get there they will have been living with it for a week."

Hugh Asimov (18/13/16; 66 HP; CMD 20) and Irony (25/13/22; 40/40 HP; CMD 20; Hardness 4) (  d20+13=18 ; d20+13=17 ;
Sunday November 20th, 2022 9:25:14 PM

Asimov thinks what he may know about Cumberton and the geography

He asks the Marquis, "Do you know if a mineral survey was ever done in the Cumberton area and might you have a reference to it in that library of yours?"

(know: history 18)
(know: geography 17)

Elron -- SteveM 
Monday November 21st, 2022 5:09:48 PM

Elron answers, "Well, o'course we'll go look in th' hole," although he suspects his thinky friends will have questions and planning they want to do first.

Zeoll (AC21, HP64) | Bill the Camel (AC21, HP48) | Cayzle 
Monday November 21st, 2022 10:19:44 PM

Zeoll is happy to consult on this problem. "We'll check it out, Masterr Lockrridge," the wemic declares. "We are a less able grroup since ourr paladin was called away, but we shall endeavorr to deliverr ourr best."

"Yes, we werre glad to be of use in solving the murrderr and rresolving the harrpy prroblem. We strrive to make ourr serrvice a valuable tool in yourr good worrks."

"By the way, an adventurrerr does incurr certain expenses in the courrse of doing these kinds of good worrks."


OOC: Zeoll is at 26.4 K gp. WBL for 8th is 33K. I'm hinting at some reward cash to bring us to WBL for the level. Or did I miss a loot drop somewhere?

DM Post (SteveM) -- 11/21 -- Do you know if a mineral survey was ever done? 
Monday November 21st, 2022 11:45:32 PM

OOC, the group paid taxes at Castle Surrender to keep them at WBL. The total for the fairy adventure was: (1x) +2 full plate, (1x) +1 flaming greatsword, amulet of natural armor +2, (3x) cloaks of resistance +1, (1x) headband of inspired wisdom +2, (1x) potion of cure light wounds and 44,200 gp worth of coins and gems. Elron claimed the headband. The total was expected to provide WBL for 6. Is this in Zeoll's totals?

"I am afraid I do not have any mineral surveys of the mountains. I might have histories and geneologies of the noble races in the area. Perhaps they would contain details of trade goods," Master Lockridge answers Asimov.

To Zeoll, he says, "I believe I did promise some remuneration. Very well. Provide Gideon a list of your expenses for the job -- meals, lodging, spell components -- and I'll gladly reimburse you. As for a wage, I understood that Chancellor of the Exchequer, Lord Malinton 'saw to an equitable exchange' for the services. But if I am misinformed, we can discuss wages."

Hugh Asimov (18/13/16; 66 HP; CMD 20) and Irony (25/13/22; 40/40 HP; CMD 20; Hardness 4) ( 
Tuesday November 22nd, 2022 12:18:40 AM

(OOC1: yes the treasure from the last adventure was meant to keep everyone at the appropriate WBL including Kathy)

Asimov says, "It might be worth looking into." and proceeds to head to the library to look into these books the Marquis thinks they might have.

(OOC2: it is assumed we can convert our loot from our last adventure into magical items we actually want yes, if so in my next post I will do that)

(OOC3: My knowledge history bonus is +13, what kind of additional bonus does the library provide?)

Mitch - The Twins HP: 84/84 AC 29/15/27 
Tuesday November 22nd, 2022 6:06:07 AM

The Twins are happy to volunteer to go explore the strange crack in the ground. In fact they have done such a thing before, in a far away land outside a town called Tristram. It turned into quite the adventure involving cursed magic gems and jewelry which they managed to destroy.

Elron -- SteveM 
Tuesday November 22nd, 2022 12:51:08 PM

"Curse? D'you think we're gonna run into another curse?" Elron's not fond of curses.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 8 (7'4" or 10'5" as needed) (Kim) AC 20 Touch 14 FF18 HP 80/80 
Tuesday November 22nd, 2022 8:28:07 PM

When it came time for Danielle to leave, Mundhi blew her a kiss. "I'll bring you a pretty rock from our next expedition," she tells her.

She listens to the explanation and request. "Of course, we will be happy to go and see what we can do."

Zeoll (AC21, HP64) | Bill the Camel (AC21, HP48) | Cayzle 
Tuesday November 22nd, 2022 9:24:51 PM

OOC: Sorry, no time for making spreadsheets, Dr. Jones. Ima just add items to my sheet to bring my total wealth to 33K. I'll figure it RP-wise like this ...

"Ah, Masterr Lockrridge, do not misunderrstand. All I meant was that yourr perrmission would suffice to let us trrade and buy locally forr what we need, and that will solve all my concerrns. And help the local economy."

DM Post (SteveM) -- 11/22  
Tuesday November 22nd, 2022 10:39:51 PM

OOC: No issue with folks bringing their wealth up to 33,000 GP equivalent. Only items that could be obtained from the Catacombs, please, for magic.

"Gideon will show you to the library then. When do you think you will be ready to leave? I am sure the messenger from Comberton will be willing to lead you back, but at the moment he needs his rest."

Asimov can attempt to learn about Comberton in the library (with a +2 bonus, +4 for history) but will need to pick no more than 1d4+1 specific questions to research.

Hugh Asimov (18/13/16; 66 HP; CMD 20) and Irony (25/13/22; 40/40 HP; CMD 20; Hardness 4) (  d4+1=3 ; d20+17=19 ; d20+17=21 ; d20+17=28 ;
Wednesday November 23rd, 2022 12:38:42 AM

(OOC: 1d4+1 = 3 questions)

Asimov goes to the library and researches the following:

Question the first: What types of volatile trade goods might the mountains around Cumberton ever been known to have been the source of dating from as far back as the Marquis's libary allows to as close to current as the Marquis's libary allows??

Question the second: What types of magical trade goods might the mountains around Cumberton ever been known to have been the source the source of dating from as far back as the Marquis's libary allows to as close to current as the Marquis's libary allows??

Question the third: What races, noble or ignoble, have been known to make their home in the vicinity of the Cumberton mountain dating from as far back as the Marquis's libary allows to as close to current as the Marquis's libary allows?

His knowledge history roll for each question are as follows: 19, 21 and 28

After probably hours spent in research in the library the technomancer goes to the catacombs entrance and purchases the following: 1 x bottle of air, 6 additional CLW potions, 1 potion of Lesser Restoration (Cleric, level 2 potion at CL 3)

Mitch - The Twins HP: 84/84 AC 29/15/27 
Wednesday November 23rd, 2022 7:47:10 AM

The Twins gather everything needed for another trip - tent, bedrolls, food, etc.

Elron -- SteveM 
Wednesday November 23rd, 2022 1:08:27 PM

Elron isn't interested in spending the afternoon in a library. He takes the opportunity to talk to Gideon.

"I figured th' library would be th' tallest part o' th' house. It has so many stories."

"Do we have reservations? I'd hate t' get there an' find it's overbooked."

"I'm worried there might be ghosts in th' library. They go through books very quickly."

"Why did th' elephant use her trunk as a bookmark? So that she nose where she stopped readin'."

"What did th' inquisitor say when a book fell on th' the librarian and killed her? She only 'ad her shelf t' blame."

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 8 (7'4" or 10'5" as needed) (Kim) AC 20 Touch 14 FF18 HP 80/80 
Wednesday November 23rd, 2022 7:18:31 PM

Mundhildur does some regrouping on her possessions, dropping a few things, and picking up others in preparation for this new journey.

[Will see about updating her character sheet updated, with gear taken, in particular, in the next couple of days.]

Zeoll (AC21, HP64) | Bill the Camel (AC21, HP48) | Cayzle 
Wednesday November 23rd, 2022 10:03:19 PM

"We'rre rready to go rright away, sirr."


Zeoll laughs at his friend's jokes.

"I may be the barrd, but you, frriend Elrron, arre my masterr in Perrforrm (Comedy)."

DM Post (SteveM) -- 11/23  
Wednesday November 23rd, 2022 11:29:52 PM

While Asimov researches, Gideon offers to show Elron or any of Master Lockridge's guests out if they find the research tedious.

Asimov learns that the only trade goods that seem to be associated with Comberton are metals mined there. These are at times forged into magical items -- primarily weapons. The area has been inhabited by dwarves and humans. The dwarves have become less prominent over time, and trade has generally decreased over the same time.

Once Asimov is done with his research, he and anyone else remaining is also shown out. Gideon informs this group that their guide to Comberton will be available in the morning.

Mitch - The Twins HP: 84/84 AC 29/15/27 
Thursday November 24th, 2022 12:48:16 PM

The Twins finish their preparations and rest for the upcoming journey.

Zeoll (AC21, HP64) | Bill the Camel (AC21, HP48) | Cayzle 
Thursday November 24th, 2022 9:12:41 PM

Zeoll goes shopping and finds a choice piece of gear -- a spider cloak!

"I think that it might come in handy, climbing down into an abyss!"

Elron -- SteveM 
Thursday November 24th, 2022 9:49:19 PM

Elron also does some shopping.

DM Post (SteveM) -- 11/24 
Thursday November 24th, 2022 11:07:22 PM

Nothing happens to delay the group from returning to the manor in the morning. Gideon is prepared for their arrival and introduces a human named Mayang who will lead the group to Comberton. After a last chance to ask questions, the group starts on a strenuous but not eventful trek.

Travel is mostly not too bad. The trail is windy and full of switchbacks. Only once the first day, but several times the second, points are reached where rocks have fallen across the path and the going becomes difficult. That afternoon the party reaches a point where a number of fallen trees rest on boulders -- huge boulders -- on the mountainside just below them. "We'll wait here until morning light," Mayang says. Across a canyon on the opposite mountain, an immense and barren slope may be seen. No trees, brush, or even grass is there. "Things get tricky here." As the group looks, it dawns on them that a slab of that mountain detached from the slope they are looking at, slid down into the valley, and was moving fast enough to rise well up the slope they are now on, snapping trees and tossing these boulders in a fierce disarray.

The group decides to move back up-slope to find a more level spot to camp.

Hugh Asimov (18/13/16; 66 HP; CMD 20) and Irony (25/13/22; 40/40 HP; CMD 20; Hardness 4) ( 
Friday November 25th, 2022 12:02:02 AM

Asimov has Irony do it's flying thing since flying is kind of Irony's thing now as they progress towards their destination.

Mitch - The Twins HP: 84/84 AC 29/15/27 
Friday November 25th, 2022 12:57:59 PM

The Twins hope they won't have another rockslide like the last time they tried to cross mountains.

Elron -- SteveM 
Friday November 25th, 2022 7:16:53 PM

Elron takes in the scene, and decides "things get tricky" is an understatement.

Zeoll (AC21, HP64) | Bill the Camel (AC21, HP48) | Cayzle  d20+11=15 ;
Saturday November 26th, 2022 7:48:15 AM

Zeoll takes a watch (with Bill) and also tries to predict the weather. A prayer for guidance and a sniff of the atmosphere ... exactly hits the DC15 needed to peek up to 24 hours into the future.

DM Post (SteveM) -- 11/25 (ish)  d100=12 ;
Saturday November 26th, 2022 10:20:18 AM

The next morning before they start out, Zeoll says the day will be clear.

It is indeed slow going through the area of the huge landslide, but nothing that a prepared and careful team can't handle. Certainly not as difficult as climbing a tree to a harpy lair. But still slow and careful. Mayang leads the group to a point at the top of the slide's far side, taking most of the day to get there. From there the trail is a narrow path with the mountain on one side and a cliff dropping off on the other. They arrive in town the next morning after another winding path.

Aside from its remoteness, Comberton is a pretty typical mountain town. It is obvious they were much harder hit by the earthquake. Some buildings are heavily damaged, and a couple have collapsed altogether. Repairs and rebuilding are moving forward. All of the town guard are stationed at the west edge of town, facing the fissure, in case anything comes out of it to attack. The fissure is about a half mile from town.

Mayang guides the group to the local inn, the Eagle’s Nest. There is a general store where they can buy provisions and climbing equipment if they didn’t bring enough with them.

Mitch - The Twins HP: 84/84 AC 29/15/27  d20=6 ;
Saturday November 26th, 2022 2:10:47 PM

The Twins do their best to learn more about the situation. Beyond the strange voices have there been any problems or strange happenings since the crack opened, etc. They aren't particularly skilled at gathering information though (7 diplomacy to gather information if needed)

Hugh Asimov (18/13/16; 66 HP; CMD 20) and Irony (25/13/22; 40/40 HP; CMD 20; Hardness 4) ( 
Sunday November 27th, 2022 8:59:02 PM

Asimov asks after the local Dwarf population to find out if they favored living above ground or below ground

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 8 (7'4" or 10'5" as needed) (Kim) AC 20 Touch 14 FF18 HP 80/80 
Monday November 28th, 2022 5:32:25 AM

"What sort of noises have you been hearing from the fissure?" Mundhildur asks some of those who are guarding. "What do you make of them? Also - anything other than odd noises? People? Critters? Substances?"

Elron -- SteveM 
Monday November 28th, 2022 8:42:02 PM

Elron likes the name of the inn. The Eagle's Nest. Sounds poetic. He hopes they have proper roosts, and not just mattresses.

Zeoll (AC21, HP64) | Bill the Camel (AC21, HP48) | Cayzle  d20+17=34 ;
Monday November 28th, 2022 8:57:55 PM

Zeoll follows the Twins example, but brings a bard's natural charisma to the job.

Gather Info / Diplomacy 34

DM Post -- 11/18 -- What sort of noises have you been hearing from the fissure? 
Monday November 28th, 2022 11:16:18 PM

The group is approached by one of the guards, who seems to be in command of the men at the west end of town. "I hope you're the folks come to explore that crevice," he says by way of introduction, then continues, "My name's Berad. I'm sure you'll have questions first." In response to the questions asked, he fills in a few things.

The noises have been going on since the fissure opened. They were loud enough at first to be heard clearly throughout the town. They've quieted down in the days since, but haven't stopped nor really slowed -- awful groans and inhuman shrieks among them. The guard mostly won't even get to the edge of the opening, although a foray was made that far in the hours after the earthquake. Just enough to see that there wasn't a clear threat to the town visible from the opening. But since the noise continues, some threat remains.

The local dwarves live in houses they've carved out of the mountainside, but it's no fancy underground city like you hear about in stories. Still, they survived better than the buildings did.

No one's seen anything for sure, but the opening showed a dull red light the first evening and it sounded like something big was stomping around down there. With the road taken out by the landslide, no new people have shown up, either.

Berad will try to answer other questions, or find the right person to answer them, if you have them.

Hugh Asimov (18/13/16; 66 HP; CMD 20) and Irony (25/13/22; 40/40 HP; CMD 20; Hardness 4) ( 
Tuesday November 29th, 2022 12:10:38 AM

Asimov asks, "Do the local dwarves have any potential myths or legends that might apply to what is going on seeing as they are a people that like to delve under the earth?"

Mitch - The Twins HP: 84/84 AC 29/15/27 
Tuesday November 29th, 2022 8:17:36 AM

"Yes." "We came to deal with the crevice." The Twins look at each other after being told the details. "Is there any particular reason..." "...we don't just drop rocks in the hole?" "It'd crush whatever's making the noise." "and eventually seal it up again."

Elron -- SteveM 
Tuesday November 29th, 2022 10:04:18 PM

Elron listens to the questions the others are asking, and to the answers.

Zeoll (AC21, HP64) | Bill the Camel (AC21, HP48) | Cayzle 
Tuesday November 29th, 2022 11:34:19 PM

Zeoll thinks that the group is going to have to go down there and check it out, eventually. In the meantime, he chuckles at the idea of filling it up with rocks.

"Has anything orr anyone come out of that ditch yet? Has anyone gone down therre?"

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 8 (7'4" or 10'5" as needed) (Kim) AC 20 Touch 14 FF18 HP 80/80 
Wednesday November 30th, 2022 7:34:27 PM

Mundhi, figuring the locals might have some good ideas and recommendations, ask what climbing / mining / spelunking gear they would recommend for delving.

DM Post -- 11/30 
Wednesday November 30th, 2022 10:39:44 PM

Asimov asks about the local dwarves, and what stories they have of the area.
The Twins confirm that the party is here to deal with the crevice. They ask about dropping rocks in.
Elron listens.
Zeoll thinks they will eventually go explore, but first asks if anything has come out.
Mundhildur asks what the locals recommend for equipment.

Berad replies that he does not know the legends of the dwarves, but sends for one the party can ask. He seems a bit taken aback by the Twins' suggestion. "Nothing has attacked us yet. Why would we want to risk provoking anything so haphazardly?" He also tells Zeoll that they have seen nothing come out. As he mentioned earlier, some of the guards went and peered in, although they did not get all the way to the edge -- they stayed three or five feet back from it. None of them have approached it recently. Mundhildur receives assurances that the town can provide climbing gear and sunsticks if they are needed. Mining tools, too, if the party wants them.

Hugh Asimov (18/13/16; 66 HP; CMD 20) and Irony (25/13/22; 40/40 HP; CMD 20; Hardness 4) ( 
Wednesday November 30th, 2022 11:07:40 PM

Asimov says, "Good news everyone, if we have to go spelunking I bought a bottle of air in case we encounter pockets of bad air or a cave in or something and if worse came to worse we could pass it between ourselves while we held our breath so I thought ahead based on the description of the problem."

He then waits for the Dwarf to show up so he can ask the Dwarf if it's people have any myths, legends, or histories related to what everyone is experiencing now

Mitch - The Twins HP: 84/84 AC 29/15/27 
Thursday December 1st, 2022 7:15:53 AM

The Twins don't really see the man's point. "You are miners yes?" "So you already dig in the area." "And presumably you would know what sort of things live underground around here." "But this hole is strange and unlike things you know." "So if we go down there we'll probably find some weird magic monster." "Or portal to hell." "Or long buried troll." "Something that will try to kill us, then use our method of going down there to escape." "Sealing the hold seems the obvious, safest thing to do." "If what's down there could tunnel through the rock" "Or otherwise escape the crevasse" then it'd already be up here" "Not trapped down there until the quake opened the crevasse." "Going down to investigate just means" "If we fail" "we let whatever it is out."

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 8 (7'4" or 10'5" as needed) (Kim) AC 20 Touch 14 FF18 HP 80/80 
Thursday December 1st, 2022 7:50:33 PM

Mundhi looks at the twins. And at Berad. And back at the Twins. "We did not grow up in the same place. I can tell, somehow. I'm going down there. If I learn that throwing rocks is a good approach, well, I can do that, then. But maybe dumping rocks before we know what is there may not represent the peak of wisdom. Let's find out, first."

As she very much enjoys climbing, rigging, roping, and such, Mundhildur takes delight in looking over what sorts of things they have available here locally. Maybe picking up some masterwork picks, supplementing her small collection of spikes. She asks if they have some small, strong metal rings that can be helpful in using ropes for ascending and descending. She asks if they might recommend specific tools to help. Would they have anything resembling a jack?

Elron -- SteveM 
Thursday December 1st, 2022 10:34:19 PM

Elron points out, "Hey, we already found a long-buried troll underground. Best I can remember, droppin' rocks on it would'a only given it a way to climb out of its hole. I mean, how much does it care if it gets smashed by 'em first if it's gonna grow back? Prob'ly just make it mad."

Zeoll (AC21, HP64) | Bill the Camel (AC21, HP48) | Cayzle 
Thursday December 1st, 2022 11:32:02 PM

Zeoll is happy to descend and explore with his pals.

"Come on," the liontaur says. "Let's head on is and see what we see."

With his new spider cloak, Zeoll is confident he can climb down with ease. And he has a feather fall spell ready.

DM Post -- 12/01 -- I thought ahead based on the description of the problem. 
Thursday December 1st, 2022 11:40:31 PM

Asimov mentions that be brought a bottle of air. He figures out what he wants to ask the dwarves.
The Twins argue that dropping rocks in the hole is a perfectly good way to deal with the unknown. At least it wouldn't leave behind a rope or ladder that something could use to escape.
Mundhildur thinks exploring is the right approach to try. She enjoys talking about the climbing and caving gear.
Elron talks about trolls and how they might use rocks.
Zeoll is ready to climb down now.

The dwarves have legends of the Lord of the Mountains, the Artisan in his forge, the three kingdoms (the mountains, the secret kingdom, and the belly of the earth), and the fireborn. If the crevice leads to the belly of the earth, that would be a bad thing -- it is a kingdom that hates the sunlit world. The Lord and the Artisan are good and wise. The secret kingdom is too distant to be involved. And the fireborn are like the dwarves, but weaker.

The local workers argue a bit about the best gear to use for climbing. The argument seems to center mainly on whether materials should be lowered to build frames for descending further and whether the group should be outfitted for climbing back up a way they do not first go down. However, everyone agrees that the party will need helmets and sunsticks. As it turns out, sunsticks are smaller sunrods that fit inside bracket attached to a polished mirror on the front of the helmet. Also, the climbing devices provide more friction and a slower descent than the climbing gear Mundhildur may be more familiar with -- racks, not so much rings. "You rappel more carefully when you can't see where you're going."

There are jacks among the mining tools that are available, but no one there considers them to be climbing tools.

After talk of trolls and creatures escaping the deeps, folks avoid talking to the Twins or Elron.

Hugh Asimov (18/13/16; 66 HP; CMD 20) and Irony (25/13/22; 40/40 HP; CMD 20; Hardness 4) ( 
Friday December 2nd, 2022 3:45:39 AM

Asimov follows up with the Dwarves, "What do this Artisan, Lord of Mountain and Belly of the Earth look like? Like would we know which one was which if we go down there and run into something? I mean I guess if it is a single person making all that racket then we know we found the Artisan or Lord but if it is a bunch of folks then we know it is the belly of the earth right? Is there any part in that legend that talks about the weaknesses of these Belly of the Earth folks in case it is them?"

After getting the answers to his questions he is as ready as he can be to descend. Irony will probably fly down the shaft but Asimov will have to climb

He says, "There are safety ropes we can strap to ourselves yes?"

Mitch - The Twins HP: 84/84 AC 29/15/27 
Friday December 2nd, 2022 8:16:12 AM

The Twins sigh and resolve to rub it in everyone's face later when this all goes horribly wrong. They are ok at climbing but will of course take all the gear assistance that's offered. (they have +9)

Elron -- SteveM 
Friday December 2nd, 2022 8:01:27 PM

Elron continues talking, either unaware or not caring that he's being avoided.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 8 (7'4" or 10'5" as needed) (Kim) AC 20 Touch 14 FF18 HP 80/80 
Saturday December 3rd, 2022 6:21:14 AM

Mundhi willingly takes the advice given regarding climbing, careful rappelling, the mechanics of the rope/metal racks configuration and techniques. She likes the helmets with the bright little lights placed at the front.

"Might not jacks be useful if there is an imminent tunnel collapse? They can be used to keep in the immediate area from getting crushed, right? Or, under the right circumstances, help to open, or keep open, a bit of passageway. Or, prevent a door from opening."

She thanks those who gave information and instruction. She also ensures they have a good amount of rope, including some silk rope. She really enjoys climbing, and offers to help others get rigged up.

Zeoll (AC21, HP64) | Bill the Camel (AC21, HP48) | Cayzle 
Saturday December 3rd, 2022 9:55:33 AM

"Buck up, Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum," the liontaur laughs as he ribs the Twins. "Arre we not adventurrerrs, seeking out dangerrs so that innocent folk will sleep safe at home?"

Zeoll takes a sunrod-hat-thing and admires it. "Verry nice, and good even in anti-magic fields! Thank you!" He asks for at least two days worth of mini-sunrods. And he intends to also use his own dancing lights; you can send those on ahead.

But the liontaur does not need the climbing gear. "I have my claws and cloak, so I am fine!"

How big is this crevasse, anyway? Dozens of feet long? hundreds? miles? How wide?

DM Post -- 12/02ish -- Are we not adventurrers, seeking out dangers so that innocent folk will sleep safe at home? 
Saturday December 3rd, 2022 1:11:25 PM

Asimov asks for more details about the dwarven legends. He is then ready to go.
The Twins know that they're not being listened to, and may bring that up in the future.
Elron accepts or doesn't know that he's not being listened to.
Mundhildur listens to the climbing advice and accepts the gear that is offered, especially a good amount of rope. She asks about the usefulness of jacks.
Zeoll teases the Twins. He makes sure they have a days worth of light, in addition to planning on using his spells.

The dwarf explains to Asimov that the Lord of the Mountains offered to let the noble races to accept the mountains for their home, but not everyone accepted the gift. Those who did were strong peoples like the dwarves. Some of the others wanted to live here but were too weak, and live in the secret kingdom instead. But those who threw the offer in the Lord's face were sent to the belly of the earth, and have since developed a hatred of all who remained in sunlit lands. They were not necessarily weak people, but they were ungrateful and mean.

The town is willing to provide a jack if the party really wants to take one. It's just that they are heavy and a bit bulky. They are used in the mines a lot, but no one normally goes climbing with them.

Zeoll asks about the size of the crevice, and the party is taken to the edge of town where the guards are. From there, they can see a hole in the side of the mountain large enough to hold a house. It's a good half mile from the edge of town. As they approach the hole, however, they note that most of what they see is where rock has fallen from the side of the mountain, and it doesn't go very far back. There is also a crevasse in the ground there, though. It is up to ten feet wide and a good fifty or more feet long, and goes down into darkness. Even with the afternoon sun shining down into the crevasse, there is no seeing the bottom.

Mitch - The Twins HP: 84/84 AC 29/15/27 
Sunday December 4th, 2022 3:04:22 PM

The Twins don't debate the topic any further. It sounds like there are plenty of options for helping with the climb so all that's left is to get started.

Hugh Asimov (18/13/16; 66 HP; CMD 20) and Irony (25/13/22; 40/40 HP; CMD 20; Hardness 4) ( 
Sunday December 4th, 2022 8:23:14 PM

Asimov says "Irony will fly down. As for me I guess I'll have to climb. I do not think it would be safe for me to attempt to ride Irony down the whole of mystery."

Zeoll (AC21, HP64) | Bill the Camel (AC21, HP48) | Cayzle  d20+7=12 ;
Monday December 5th, 2022 6:44:49 PM

Zeoll recounts what he knows about Drow, Illithids, and such creatures.

Know Dungeoneering 12

Which is not much!

But when it is time to start climbing, Zeoll knows his stuff! At least with his new cloak he does.

Alas, the same cannot be said of faithful Bill the Camel. "I should have traded him in for a bird or something," Zeoll thinks, but what he says is, "You stay herre, old frriend, and stand guarrd."

The liontaur casts Dancing Lights to guide the party, and then descends.

[Cloak of Arachnida - This black garment, embroidered with a web-like pattern in silk, gives the wearer the ability to climb as if a spider climb spell had been placed upon him.]

Elron -- SteveM 
Monday December 5th, 2022 7:47:27 PM

Elron wasn't particularly happy climbing the tree to the harpy lair, and finds this a little less quease-inducing. He only worries about falling as far as he can see. (So don't get those lights too far ahead, Zeoll.)

DM Post (SteveM) -- 12/6 -- All that's left is to get started 
Tuesday December 6th, 2022 8:33:22 AM

When they are ready, the PCs can climb down into the fissure. Slow and steady going keeps the climb quite safe. The fissure is a wide crack through solid rock, which after passing a number of fractured shelves and ledges seems to widen at the bottom. When the PCs reach the bottom, they see that the fissure leads to a cave system to the north. They explore a few smaller caves without finding anything of interest – or anything that might threaten the town. Then a tunnel opens up into a crystal cavern.

It is the largest cave they have been in yet, over 40 feet in diameter. The walls glint where the light touches embedded crystals, and there are crystal growths on the ground. The crystals are quartz – not especially valuable, but quite pretty.

Zeoll (AC21, HP64) | Bill the Camel (AC21, HP48) | Cayzle 
Tuesday December 6th, 2022 1:41:00 PM

Zeoll looks around. "These glitterring caves are wonderrful! I bet people would spend money to see them."

The liontaur sends dancing lights through the crystals, and also casts detect magic.

Hugh Asimov (18/13/16; 66 HP; CMD 20) and Irony (25/13/22; 40/40 HP; CMD 20; Hardness 4) ( 
Tuesday December 6th, 2022 10:46:05 PM

Asimov says, "I heard a story once about a cave like this in a land called Kentucky a long long time ago and far far away in the past from where I came from. This guy was trying to dig out a passageway to a chamber not unlike this one but his lantern broke and he kicked the wall causing a rock and other debris to fall trapping his leg. People came far and wide to see this cave but most ended up turning around when they got to this one narrow part where you had to slide on your belly before emerging into another chamber where you could descend feet first to get to where the guy was trapped. Only two people, the guy's brother and a bard of sorts who spread the news made it to where the guy was trapped. They brought him sustenance and attempted to dig him out but sadly all the people camping near the cave raised the temperature in the cave and caused a minor cave in, thus making it impossible to reach him. Eventually an army's engineering corps was sent to escavate the man but it was really slow going and by the time they reached him it was too late. The brother ended up funding an expedition to recover the remains and he was buried on the property, unfortunately the father ended up selling the property to an unscrupulous person who had a clause in the contract that stated he could dig up the brother and put him on display in the cave. The cave and the remains became a tourist attraction and someone even tried to steal the remains but their attempt was found out and a chase was given. The persons who stole the remains fled and threw or dropped the remains quite a ways. The remains were found sans a leg and returned to the cave where the coffin was then secured to prevent further robberies. Eventually the cave was bought by the government of this land. The cave was sealed off from the public though eventually the government saw fit to return the man's remains to his descendants and what was left was eventually reburied."

(OOC: this really happened see The Man In Cave youtube video

Zeoll (AC21, HP64) | Bill the Camel (AC21, HP48) | Cayzle 
Wednesday December 7th, 2022 12:19:50 AM

Zeoll makes a face. "Worrst storry everr!" the bard says. "People like a happy ending! That is just sad!"

But he is careful not to kick any of the crystal formations!

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 8 (7'4" or 10'5" as needed) (Kim) AC 20 Touch 14 FF18 HP 80/80  d20+9=18 ;
Wednesday December 7th, 2022 5:18:38 AM

Mundhi takes care to enhance the safe descent. She loves the crystal cave. She is saddened by Asimov's story.

She walks, gingerly, around the cave, looking for an opening to continue on.
Perception: 18

Mitch - The Twins HP: 84/84 AC 29/15/27 
Wednesday December 7th, 2022 8:50:48 AM

The Twins are focused on the cave and it's dangers rather then stories of other caves and their dangers. They will take the lead and cautiously advance.

Elron -- SteveM 
Wednesday December 7th, 2022 6:25:08 PM

The crystal cave is pretty, but Elron wouldn't climb that far just to see it again. He looks around to see what's interesting here.

"Asimov, I say, Asimov. . . I'm afraid I don't get th' joke. Could you 'xplain it to me?"

Zeoll (AC21, HP64) | Bill the Camel (AC21, HP48) | Cayzle  d20+10=20 ;
Wednesday December 7th, 2022 9:49:19 PM

After Zeoll detects for magic, he uses his scent and looks around for tracks or signs of habitation.

Survival 20

DM Post (SteveM) -- 12/7   d20+10=20 ; d20+18=36 ; d6=2 ;
Wednesday December 7th, 2022 11:01:32 PM

Zeoll sends his lights around and casts detect magic.
Asimov tells a story about a cave he heard of where a man had died, in which an unscrupulous man tried to profit off of the event.
Mundhildur walks around the cave, looking for an opening to continue on.
The Twins focus on this cave and it's dangers.
Elron asks Asimov to explain the joke.

As the group walks around, admiring the crystals and looking for openings, the crystalline "rock" beside front of Asimov heaves in a most un-rock-like fashion. It appears to be trying to reach Irony, which flies above. Echoes from the movement reverberate through the chasm and take on a screeching quality. Everyone needs to make a DC 22 fort save -- those who fail cannot act for a round.

Hugh Asimov (18/13/16; 66 HP; CMD 20) and Irony (25/13/22; 40/40 HP; CMD 20; Hardness 4) (  d20+8=22 ; 4d4+4=15 ;
Thursday December 8th, 2022 1:31:43 AM

(OOC: does the fort save also effect objects? If not Irony is immune to the effect requiring a Fort Save)

Fort: 22

Asimov just succeeds at resisting the effect.

He then prepares to fire off a wrist rocket at the first sign of attack from crystalline thing

(readied action: fire off wrist rocket for 15 force damage)

devices prepared
corrosive pistol (acid splash), freeze ray (ray of frost), magic detector(detect magic), walkie talkies(message), light emitter (light)
wrist rocket (magic missile) x 2, medihaler light (cure light wounds) x 2, fire handling gloves (produce flame), parachute (feather fall)
2nd 5 per day
medihaler medium (cure moderate wounds) x2, energy shield (resist energy), stamina capsule (bear's endurance), flame thrower (scorching ray)
3rd 3 per day
jetpack(fly), medihaler serious (cure serious wounds), electromatic charge emiter (lightning bolt)

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 8 (7'4" or 10'5" as needed) (Kim) AC 20 Touch 14 FF18 HP 80/80  d20+13=31 ; d20+9=15 ; 4d6+6=17 ;
Thursday December 8th, 2022 2:06:49 AM

Mundhildur starts at the sudden movement. She decides that she will play the rock vs crystal game. She hurls a stone at the moving sparkling wall, hitting AC 15 for 17 hp bludgeoning damage. She steps to the center of the room. "Mind the walls."
Fort save: 31

Mitch - The Twins HP: 84/84 AC 29/15/27  d20+9=18 ;
Thursday December 8th, 2022 7:57:02 AM

The Twins are unable to resist the effect (fort 18)

Zeoll (AC21, HP64) | Bill the Camel (AC21, HP48) | Cayzle  d20+10=25 ;
Thursday December 8th, 2022 2:23:01 PM

Zeoll rolls a 25 with his +4 vs sonic effects bonus.

The greensinger casts Sculpt Sound to make it so that the creature can only produce garbled whispers.

Will Save is DC19.

Elron -- SteveM  d20+22=25 ;
Thursday December 8th, 2022 8:33:52 PM

Elron (once the player realizes that should not be a 25) is discombobulated by the sonic attack.

DM Post (SteveM) -- 12/8  d20=7 ; d6=3 ; d20+18=37 ; 7d8+9=37 ;
Thursday December 8th, 2022 10:49:38 PM

Asimov resists the sound and prepares to fire a wrist rocket if the thing attacks. (Irony was unaffected by the sound.)
Mundhildur resists the sound and throws a rock at the crystal thing. She moves to the middle of the chamber.
The Twins are affected by the noise and unable to act this round.
Zeoll resists the sound and casts a spell that turns the creature's sounds into garbled whispers.
Elron is affected by the noise and unable to act this round.

Mundhildur's attack glances off of the creature. Asimov's attack in response to the creature moving damages it. The creature's noise transforms in response to Zeoll's spell, and has no further effect on anyone.

The crystal thing lashes out at Irony, hitting AC 37 for 37 points of damage and Irony must make a DC 22 fortitude save or be entrapped in a crust of hardening crystal.

As it moves, the group sees that this crystal creature is medium in size, but amorphous and able to change its shape.

Crystal thing -- AC: 17, damage: 15

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 8 (7'4" or 10'5" as needed) (Kim) AC 20 Touch 14 FF18 HP 80/80  d20+16=27 ; d20+16=19 ; d20+11=23 ; 2d6+5=12 ; 2d6+5=14 ; 2d6+5=13 ;
Friday December 9th, 2022 2:05:20 AM

Mundhildur takes a step and slams 3 times. AC 27 for 12; AC 19 for 14; AC 23 for 13 hp damage.

Mitch - The Twins HP: 84/84 AC 29/15/27  d20+11=13 ; d20+11=29 ; d20+5=25 ; d20+6=23 ;
Friday December 9th, 2022 7:46:42 AM

The Twins recover and draw their bow and attack, shooting three arrows in rapid succession. They hit AC 13, 29, and 25 (crit threat, 23 to confirm)

Zeoll (AC21, HP64) | Bill the Camel (AC21, HP48) | Cayzle 
Friday December 9th, 2022 4:55:09 PM

Zeoll leaps to the walls and then to the ceiling, hoping to get out of reach. He begins to Inspire Courage, giving everyone a +1 to attacks and damage.

Elron -- SteveM  d20+12=22 ; d4=1 ; d6=2 ;
Sunday December 11th, 2022 3:48:04 PM

Elron tells a tale while he whaps, since he can move this round. . . A bear walks into a bar and sits down. He orders a beer from the bartender and notices a horse at the end of the bar. "Hey", the bear says. "What's that horse doing in here?".

The bartender replies, "Well, you see, the horse comes in here every day and orders a margarita. It's become quite a regular thing."

The bear thinks for a minute, then says, "That's quite strange. How can a horse drink a margarita? He doesn't even have any hands!"

The bartender explains, "Oh, that's easy. He uses a straw!"

The bear starts laughing, then says, "Wait a minute, how does the horse pay for the drink?"

The bartender replies, "He pays... in hay!"

He hits AC 22 for 1+2+1 = 4 points damage. Elron lets out an expletive as the electrical portion of his damage does not seem to affect the creature.

Mitch - The Twins HP: 84/84 AC 29/15/27  d8=2 ; d8=2 ; d8=8 ; d8=5 ;
Sunday December 11th, 2022 6:43:30 PM

The Twins realize they forgot to roll damage so the one not wielding a weapon does so. The fist attack does 10 damage, the second 10 or 39 if the crit is confirmed.

Hugh Asimov (18/13/16; 66 HP; CMD 20) and Irony (25/13/22; 7/40 HP; CMD 20; Hardness 4) (  4d4+4=13 ; d20+8=10 ;
Sunday December 11th, 2022 8:33:01 PM

(OOC: does the creature's attack bypass hardness? assuming no)

Irony attempts to slam the creature while Asimov fires off another wrist rocket for 13 force damage

Irony misses (10 vs AC)

devices prepared
corrosive pistol (acid splash), freeze ray (ray of frost), magic detector(detect magic), walkie talkies(message), light emitter (light)
wrist rocket (magic missile) x 2 - cast, medihaler light (cure light wounds) x 2, fire handling gloves (produce flame), parachute (feather fall)
2nd 5 per day
medihaler medium (cure moderate wounds) x2, energy shield (resist energy), stamina capsule (bear's endurance), flame thrower (scorching ray)
3rd 3 per day
jetpack(fly), medihaler serious (cure serious wounds), electromatic charge emiter (lightning bolt)

DM Post (SteveM) -- 12/12  d20+18=35 ; 7d8+9=39 ;
Monday December 12th, 2022 9:08:05 PM

Mundhildur slams the creature.
The Twins shoot the creature.
Zeoll climbs out of reach, and inspires courage in the others.
Elron whaps the creature.
Asimov attacks with another wrist rocket, while Irony tries to slam the creature.

The creature's attack did not bypass Irony's hardness. (Irony still needs to make a DC 22 fortitude save or be entrapped in a crust of hardening crystal.) Likewise, the Twins did not score a crit with their arrow. Elron's electrical attack did not affect the creature, although the physical blow did.

The creature switches targets and attacks Mundhildur. It hits AC 35 for 39 points of damage, and Mundhi must make a DC 22 fortitude save or be entrapped in a crust of hardening crystal.

Crystal thing -- AC: 17, damage: (15)+12+14+13+10+10+2+13 = 89

Zeoll (AC21, HP64) | Bill the Camel (AC21, HP48) | Cayzle 
Monday December 12th, 2022 11:12:17 PM

OOC: Do not forget +1 to hit and damage from Inspire Courage!

Zeoll (AC21, HP64) | Bill the Camel (AC21, HP48) | Cayzle  d20+7=13 ; d6+5=8 ;
Monday December 12th, 2022 11:17:18 PM

Upside down, Zeoll casts Produce Flame and hurls a mini-fireball at the crystal monster. Maybe fire will hurt it? The liontaur hits touch AC14 for 9 fire damage, with the inspire courage bonus not reflected in the dice field.

Hugh Asimov (18/13/16; 66 HP; CMD 20) and Irony (25/13/22; 7/40 HP; CMD 20; Hardness 4) (  d20+1=12 ; d20+8=11 ; d20+8=17 ; 4d6=10 ; 4d6=14 ;
Monday December 12th, 2022 11:28:53 PM

(Fort : 12)

Irony is trapped in the crust hardening crystal

Asimov decides to switch from his wrist rockets to his flame thrower since he's out of ammo in his wrist rockets.

12 vs touch (OOC forgot the singing); 10 fire damage if that hits
18 vs touch (OOC forgot the singing); 14 fire damage if that hits

devices prepared
corrosive pistol (acid splash), freeze ray (ray of frost), magic detector(detect magic), walkie talkies(message), light emitter (light)
wrist rocket (magic missile) x 2 - cast, medihaler light (cure light wounds) x 2, fire handling gloves (produce flame), parachute (feather fall)
2nd 5 per day
medihaler medium (cure moderate wounds) x2, energy shield (resist energy), stamina capsule (bear's endurance), flame thrower (scorching ray) - cast
3rd 3 per day
jetpack(fly), medihaler serious (cure serious wounds), electromatic charge emiter (lightning bolt)

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 8 (7'4" or 10'5" as needed) (Kim) AC 20 Touch 14 FF18 HP 41/80  d20+13=21 ; d20+17=31 ; d20+17=34 ; d20+12=16 ; 2d6+7=18 ; 2d6+7=12 ;
Tuesday December 13th, 2022 12:50:12 AM

Mundhildur finds the crystal framework reaching out to engulf her limbs. Drawing from heroic reserves, she twists to break off from the encroaching beautiful stone (hero point to bring her to 25 save).

"None of that, Shiny!" she yells. She slams twice more successfully (AC 31 for 16 hp; AC 34 for 18 hp), but barely missed the third attack (AC 16). "You tore my dress!" she adds.

Mitch - The Twins HP: 84/84 AC 29/15/27  d20+11=18 ; d20+11=24 ; d20+6=18 ; d8=6 ; d8=1 ; d8=4 ;
Tuesday December 13th, 2022 7:28:09 AM

The Twins press the attack and remember to roll damage this time. 19, 25, and 19 to hit, 15, 10, and 12 for damage.

Hugh Asimov (18/13/16; 66 HP; CMD 20) and Irony (25/13/22; 7/40 HP; CMD 20; Hardness 4) ( 
Tuesday December 13th, 2022 8:56:14 PM

(OOC: checking in; not feelign well)

Elron -- SteveM  d20+18=20 ;
Tuesday December 13th, 2022 9:46:32 PM

Elron steps back from the combat, seeing how his last blow had essentially no effect, and looks around. Is it likely that more of these things are around? (perception = 20)

DM Post -- 12/13 
Tuesday December 13th, 2022 10:04:49 PM

Zeoll attacks with a ball of fire from produce flame, hitting.
Elron looks around.
Asimov attacks with a flame thrower. Irony is trapped in crystal.
Mundhildur slams the creature and berates it for damaging her dress.
The Twins shoot the creature again.

The crystal creature stops moving, and has in fact cracked open from the barrage of blows.

Elron points out a rather obvious opening in the cave wall, and also some metal nuggets spilling from the creature's largest wound.

Irony can escape the crystal encasing it with a DC 27 strength or escape artist check. Since the group is no longer in battle, Irony manages to free itself in time, perhaps with a little help.

Crystal thing -- AC: 17, damage: (89)+9+10+14+16+18+15+10+12 = 193 (dead)

Zeoll (AC21, HP64) | Bill the Camel (AC21, HP48) | Cayzle  d20+8=12 ;
Tuesday December 13th, 2022 11:52:10 PM

Zeoll says a prayer for Guidance and looks the monster over, analyzing it with his bardic lore.

Knowledge Dungeoneering 12

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 8 (7'4" or 10'5" as needed) (Kim) AC 20 Touch 14 FF18 HP 41/80 
Wednesday December 14th, 2022 3:21:41 AM

Mundhildur takes a sack from within her bag, and fills it as full as she can with the metal nuggets. If more nuggets remain, she ask if others might collect them. "Anyone know what kind of metal this is?" she asks. "That thing tore my dress!" she thinks to add.

DM Post -- 12/14 
Wednesday December 14th, 2022 8:27:13 PM

Zeoll tries to identify the creature.
Mundhildur gathers metal nuggets from the creature.

Zeoll does not recognize the creature, although he is able to identify it as something akin to oozes.

Mundhildur collects 500 gp worth of refined ores.

Looking around finds that aside from climbing back up, there is only one way out of the room. That leads into a long, narrow cave.

OOC: I assume we are not posting here during the Yuletide break. A new post will be up for people to respond to prior to January 5.

Zeoll (AC21, HP64) | Bill the Camel (AC21, HP48) | Cayzle 
Friday December 16th, 2022 9:08:19 AM

"Wowsy, as the cubbies say. I find that that fight took some out of me. Let's just sit herre and rrest a bit."

Zeoll knows a song for good cheer at the bottom of a chasm after fighting crystal monsters that bleed ore. He creates it with a Sculpt Sound spell applied to his own voice, to give him the sound of a pair of humans and many instruments performing it all at once.

Down in a hole there's a place
Where there's no one vacationing
There's just the sound of the call
Of the wild overcoming
The fear of the unknown

And I've got something
To help you understand
Something waiting there
Beneath the land
My metal detector
Is with me all of the time
I'm the inspector over the mine.

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