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Mirror room

DM Mitch 
Thursday September 9th, 2021 6:24:58 AM

The party moves to the next room. It is a fairly large one filled with dusty furniture. Old shelves with various knick knacks stand near small tables with a few chairs. Woven tapestries adorn the walls showing scenes of drow. One depicts them toiling beneath the earth, another kneeling before a matriarch of some kind, the third a scene of battle with dwarves.

An ornate mirror on the opposite wall draws the eye. Both because of it’s opulence, and because the motion of the party's reflection is the only motion in the room. No, wait, something doesn't look right right - your reflections seem to be waving at you.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21 (19 if raging), HP 49/49  d12=7 ; d20+14=27 ;
Thursday September 9th, 2021 7:13:22 AM

(perception = 27 (at new level))

Elron sees what he can see about the mirror. "I'm guessin' this room has cultural significance."

7 HP for Elron, +2 con
Updated character sheet. . .
The Saturday DM post said, "A new day of adventure, and aside from the smell of burnt troll and rotting heads, you are safe and sound and healed, spell slots renewed and ready to proceed." Did that mean fully healed?

Former DM Cayzle comments: FULLY = FULLY!

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 34hp | Cayzle  d20+7=9 ;
Thursday September 9th, 2021 8:39:04 AM

Zeoll looks closely at the tapestries and tries to decipher their historic meanings. He prays and concentrates.

Know History 9 ugh

He's distracted by the reflections, evidently.

Honor Bright (Kathy) 
Thursday September 9th, 2021 11:19:45 PM

"Does...does that mirror look strange to anybody else?" Honor asks.

[Character not leveled up yet. Hanging my head in shame.]

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 20/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 29/29 Hardness 2   d20+11=13 ; d20+9=16 ; d20+9=23 ; d20+8=11 ;
Friday September 10th, 2021 1:06:06 AM

(OOC: Got sidetracked by some things didn't have time to level; will have to do it on the weekend)

Asimov investigates the mirror.

Know[arcana]: 13
know[history]: 23
Perception: 11 or 13 against mechanical traps

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (large 10'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41   d20+7=8 ; d20+7=16 ;
Friday September 10th, 2021 5:54:53 AM

For whatever reason Mundhildur fails to notice the mirror interaction at first (perception 8) until Asimov and Honor attend to it. So she turns and looks directly at it. (perception 16) Hmmm. Looks like me. Did I just ... wink? she wonders.

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will  d20=19 ;
Friday September 10th, 2021 7:38:57 AM

The Twins note that everyone else is investigating the mirror. Deciding that with almost the entire party investigating it they can't do anything to help that they look around the rest of the room (perception 19)

DM Mitch 
Friday September 10th, 2021 8:05:58 AM

Elron guesses the room has cultural significance. He looks at the mirror
Zeoll looks at the tapestries to see if he recognizes the scenes.
Honor notes the oddity of the mirror.
Asimov goes to help with the mirror.
Munhildur stares at the mirror.
The Twins search the room.

As the party approaches the mirror and can more closely see their reflections they can see that their reflections are indeed waving at them. They smile and nod encouragingly and motion for the party to come even closer. Upon close inspection the group notes something odd about the glass (knowledge: Arcana or spellcraft 20 Highlight to display spoiler: {that is not glass, but a wall of force.}

The Twin’s don’t find anything in their search.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21 (19 if raging), HP 49/49 
Friday September 10th, 2021 1:51:19 PM

Elron doesn't know odd about the glass, but he does think the reflections are odd and possibly sinister. He does not get close enogh to the mirror for the creatures he sees in it to attack him without stepping all the way out of the mirror.

Since they're here, he looks to see if the mirror is depicted in the tapestries and if the tapestry scenes are the same in the mirror.

Honor Bright (Kathy)  d10+2=10 ;
Friday September 10th, 2021 2:18:43 PM

Intrigued, Honor steps closer to the mirror.

[Also rolled hit points.]

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 34hp | Cayzle  d20+6=19 ;
Saturday September 11th, 2021 3:37:57 PM

Know Arcana 19 alas.

Zeoll brings Bill the Camel into the room and looks to see if Bill's reflection acts independently.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (large 10'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41   d20+2=5 ; d20+3=19 ;
Monday September 13th, 2021 12:52:38 AM

"Not sure I trust that mirror," Mundhildur says as she tries to figure out if she knows anything about it (Knowledge, Arcana: 5 - nope). "Honor, can I recommend we keep our distance until we figure this out a little bit better? I've never seen my reflection wave to me if I were not also waving. Looks like me, isn't me. I'm going to join Zeoll and check out these tapestries." (Knowledge, History: 19) She decides as well to look at the backside of the tapestries, using the blunt end of her longspear to slide it in and pull the back around a bit to see what she can see there. Maybe she can hide behind a tapestry so she cannot see the mirrors. "Hey - now that I'm behind the tapestry - can anyone see my image in the mirror trying to wave?"

Another thought occurs. "Are the reflections mirror images - that is, our reverse? Or does it look like what you're holding in your right hand, they also are holding in your right hand? Know what I mean? Because if they decide to come through and do something like, oh, try to fight us, if you are right-handed, and they are left - that can help us to tell who is who, right? So we don't attack our actual friend, but our look-alike opponents? Or, say something you would know, but they might not, so we can tell who is friend and who is our look-alike foe. Maybe none of this will happen. My uncle Thorston tells me I have a vivid imagination."

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 28/45 | AC 18/11/17 HP 35/35 Hardness 2   d20+12=29 ; d20+12=20 ;
Monday September 13th, 2021 2:02:59 AM

Asimov says, "Hey guys Irony is upgraded a little. It definitely has thicker armor now."

He then continues to examine the mirror

(OOC: finished leveling except I forgot to pick a new language with my linguistic point; thoughts? What languages don't we have?)

Asimov continues to study the wall and his recent incites into the magic of this world catch up to him
Know[arcana]: 29

He says, "That's not a mirror its a wall of force. I wonder if our dobblegangers on the other side are some kind of murder doubles"

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will  d20=8 ;
Monday September 13th, 2021 6:28:56 AM

The Twins look for the exit. They check behind shelves and the tapestries but don't have much luck finding things. (perception 8, probably not enough to find any hidden passages)

DM Mitch 
Monday September 13th, 2021 6:39:13 AM

Elron doesn’t know what’s going on but doesn’t trust the mirror. He checks and the reflections of the tapestries and other details seem to match perfectly.
Honor gets closer.
Zeoll brings in a camel. It’s reflection acts like a reflection. The reflected camel does not wave at the party like the humanoids are.
Munhilder examines the tapestries and suggests they keep their distance from the mirror. The tapestries are very old. She’s pretty certain they depict historical scenes and are exactly the kind of thing the drow who hired the group are after. She plays with her reflection, which stops waving once both her hands are busy. Nothing seems off about the reflection, and once behind the tapestry she just ends up looking silly.
Asimov figures out the mirror is actually a wall of force.
The Twins look for possible exits and find none.

From the parties' experiments the reflections seem to act as reflections beyond the fact that, when the reflection isn’t doing anything else, they wave at the party. This includes properly mirroring things like you would see in a mirror, IE you lift your right the reflection lifts it’s left. The room in the reflection is identical in every way you can detect.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 34hp | Cayzle 
Monday September 13th, 2021 8:46:53 AM

"Well, maybe we should take these tapestrries and rreturn to the drrow. They'll be pleased to get them, and we'll have made a good starrt on ourr quest."

"Bill the Camel's strrong back gives us a good way to carrry these trreasures out."

"And since cleverr Asimov tells us that the mirrrorr is a wall of forrce, I doubt we have to worrry about anything escaping frrom it."

SteveM - Elron | AC 21 (19 if raging), HP 49/49 
Monday September 13th, 2021 8:52:19 PM

"Surely the drow will come check out the tapestries theirselves. That's an awful lot of carryin' you're talkin' about, Zeoll."

While Asimov says "wall of force," Elron hears "wall of magic" and doesn't trust it. Still, as long as his reflection waves at him he might as well wave back and see what it does after that.

Honor Bright (Kathy) 
Monday September 13th, 2021 9:24:21 PM

"We did say we'd bring things back out to them," Honor points out. "It's really not that far, despite the time we've needed to get to this point. It won't take us long at all, and I know the Dark Elves will be pleased."

But, since they are planning on turning the tapestries over to the Drow, Honor takes a moment to Detect Evil on the place.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 28/45 | AC 18/11/17 HP 35/35 Hardness 2  
Tuesday September 14th, 2021 12:32:26 AM

Asimov says, "If we take the tapestries back are we also going to stop and take that heavy magic item that makes water and gruel back that we decided not to take with us at the time of us finding it?"

(OOC: Anyone have any thoughts for what language Asimov should get?)

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 34hp | Cayzle 
Tuesday September 14th, 2021 12:49:00 AM

Zeoll suggests Sylvan. Or Tauric.

And he follows Honor's lead and detects magic over the room.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (large 10'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41  
Tuesday September 14th, 2021 3:42:10 AM

"Good idea. We can give them the first findings, they'll know we are still alive, and I'd suggest we clean up the remains of the poor ol' evil gruel-eating Trevor the troll, so it does not stay so stinky down there. We can turn his dust over to the drow. Maybe they can make weird potions from it."

How high is the ceiling? How are the tapestries hung? Possibly 10'5" Mundhildur is tall enough to carefully bring down the tapestries. "Who wants to help me roll them and fold them to lay them over Camel?" she asks. "Anyone object to me doing so?" If none object, she begins the process. First she looks over a tapestry, gets a good enough visual memory of it to be able to describe it and loosely sketch out an outline, then brings it down. She names the tapestries with what seems appropriate to describe each. How many are there?

"I could teach you the giant tongue, Asimov. Or Auran." Or, could have been teaching him along the way so that by now he has learned it. But she's fine with whatever language he wants to choose.

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Tuesday September 14th, 2021 6:47:01 AM

"Not that much carrying." "I'm sure we can manage it." The Twins comment.

DM Mitch 
Tuesday September 14th, 2021 6:58:32 AM

Zeoll suggests they take the tapestries back to the drow. He doesn’t think the mirror is a threat at the moment.
SteveM thinks that’s a lot of carrying to do. He waves back at his reflection
Honor points out they said they would bring things out and doesn’t think the distance is to far.
Asimov asks about the gruel fountain.
Mundhildur suggests they take care of the troll remains while they’re backtracking. She examines the tapestries.
The Twins think the carrying job won’t be that hard.

There are 3 tapestries. While large and bulky, they are certainly manageable by the giant and easy enough to load onto the camel, though how it’s going to get across the chasm (and how it crossed the first time) seems like a possible problem. The detect evil spell indicates evil in the area, and the detect magic indicates the wall of force, but also some other points in the room. It seems the party missed some things while searching the room and a more thorough search might be needed once they return.

Fortunately the dangers of the previous rooms seem to have been permanently neutralized. It isn’t too long before the party is back at the chasm and their makeshift bridge.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 34hp | Cayzle 
Tuesday September 14th, 2021 8:03:55 AM

Both Zeoll and Bill the Camel were lowered into the pit and then hauled up the other side with a nice harness. Same process coming back. Just takes time is all.

"I'm glad you arre so strrong, Miss Mundhi," the grey-mane liontaur says.

"Arre we brringing the food and waterr makerr? You could carrry it, Miss Mundhi! And we have prrecious little loot to show so farr otherrwise."

Honor Bright (Kathy) 
Tuesday September 14th, 2021 1:09:20 PM

Before removing the tapestries, Honor continues to concentrate on her Detect Evil ability to try to determine what exactly is evil in the room.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (large 10'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41  
Tuesday September 14th, 2021 5:21:14 PM

"How about we tell them about the fountain and gruel maker, good Zeoll," answers Mundhildur, "and ask them if they want us to leave it there or bring it to them? Maybe once we've explored deeper, someone can come in and carve out steps on both sides of the pit, or build a real bridge."

For when we lower and raise Camel, Mundhi takes off the tapestries, and lowers them separately, likewise raising them separately. Less weight for the ropes to handle, easier on the large animal.

"Hope it's easy enough to get Dorrvakt to open up the door for us. Or maybe there is a way of opening it without talking with him from this side," she speculates.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21 (19 if raging), HP 49/49  d20+14=25 ;
Tuesday September 14th, 2021 10:51:21 PM

Elron is for checking the room afain while the detect magic spells are going to help figure out what else to look for. He stays away from the mirror and areas Honor deems suspect for now.

Prception = 25

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 28/45 | AC 18/11/17 HP 35/35 Hardness 2   d20+9=26 ; d20+12=19 ; d20+12=17 ;
Wednesday September 15th, 2021 12:44:49 AM

Asimov also investigates the magic spots before they go.

Perception: 26
Spellcraft: 19
Know[Arcana]: 17

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Wednesday September 15th, 2021 7:00:59 AM

"It shouldn't be any harder to pull up then the camel." "Just tie a rope to it and pull." The Twins point out.

DM Mitch 
Wednesday September 15th, 2021 7:11:55 AM

Zeoll asks about the food and water maker.
Honor determines that the evil is coming from the other side of the forcewall
Mundhildur suggests they ask if it should be moved first. She hopes they can get the talking door open from this side.
Elron and Asimov double check the room and find some items.
The Twins think getting the fountain should be simple.

The party finds three items that radiate magic, a quiver, a strange hand, and a small pearl. Upon returning to the drow they seem very interested in the tapestries. They ask for a full report of what the party has seen so far A few seem eager to rush down the tunnels and investigate the room with the mirror more but they are convinced not to until the evil on the other side of the wall of force is taken care of and the dungeon officially declared safe.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 34hp | Cayzle  d20+6=22 ; d20+6=19 ; d20+6=26 ;
Wednesday September 15th, 2021 10:17:27 AM

Zeoll mentions that if they have any logs or construction materials, a bridge over that pit is definitely something to do sooner rather than later.

He identifies the magic quiver, hand, and pearl using detect magic, guidance. and his spellcraft skill: checks = 22, 19, 26.

Honor Bright (Kathy) 
Wednesday September 15th, 2021 2:27:25 PM

Honor mentions the food-and-drink machine, which should be safe to visit. She also mentions the need to clean up the stinky troll bits.

"It's unpleasant work, I know," she says. "But if you truly want to reclaim this area, cleaning crews are going to have to be part of it."

SteveM - Elron | AC 21 (19 if raging), HP 49/49 
Wednesday September 15th, 2021 8:57:39 PM

Elron gets into the storytelling, with a rolicking tale about the battle with the spiders and thorough mention of the troll and the hall of heads.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 34hp | Cayzle  d20+14=16 ;
Wednesday September 15th, 2021 9:42:01 PM

Zeoll says a prayer and composes a little song on the spot about the Hall of Heads. It's a little short on details, and inexplicably mentions a porch and a furnace, but, hey! Artistic license.

Perform Song: 16. Meh, not his best effort~ LOL!

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 28/45 | AC 18/11/17 HP 35/35 Hardness 2  
Wednesday September 15th, 2021 11:47:02 PM

Asimov says , "We just found a quiver, a small pearl and a strange hand that all radiate magic and we kind of didn't move a heavy contraption that produces gruel or water depending on how you use it."

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (large 10'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41  
Thursday September 16th, 2021 3:38:49 AM

"And a bridge needs to be built. Over the troll pit. I know, Zeoll already mentioned it," the jotunar says. "I'd like to know what the pearl is about. We do not get those in the mountains."

DM Mitch 
Thursday September 16th, 2021 8:45:39 AM

Zeoll suggests a bridge. He identifies the magic items.
Honor suggests they clean up the dead troll as well.
Elron and Zeoll tell the epic tale of the adventure so far.
Asimov tells them about the gruel contraption.
Munhilder also mentions a bridge.

The drow appreciate the story and the items and after some debate they decide they won’t enter the dungeon until the party has fully cleared it. The talking door seems to keep things inside, and their leader doesn’t want civilians in their if the party gets defeated by some sealed away monster that could find and murder them inside the dungeon.

The party possibly rests before heading back. Soon enough they’re back in the room with the mirror and the waving reflections.

Honor Bright (Kathy) 
Thursday September 16th, 2021 1:41:31 PM

"Whatever was on the other side of that mirror, or wall, or whatever it is--it's evil," Honor tells her companions. "We need to be careful when we go back there."

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (large 10'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41  
Thursday September 16th, 2021 5:33:03 PM

"I agree, Honor," replies Mundhildur. Along the way, where the rubble is, she picked up a fair number of rocks to hurl in future combats, or just for practice.

Before they get to the mirror/wall room, she says, "Let's think of a word each of us can say, in case our twins start attacking us, so that we know who is real and who is a fake. My word will be 'sprite.' What word do you want to use, Elron?"

SteveM - Elron | AC 21 (19 if raging), HP 49/49 
Thursday September 16th, 2021 8:34:44 PM

Elron ponders Mundhildur's question a moment. "I s'pose I'll use th' word sassafrass."

"Honor, is there some sort o' preparin' we should do if it's evil?"

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 34hp | Cayzle 
Thursday September 16th, 2021 10:46:55 PM

Zeoll tells his friends what the identified magic items do.

"These arre all verry useful, mickle powerrful, and quite valuable, I deem. Honestly, I can't quite believe how lucky we arre to have found them. We could sell just the least valuable and rretirre on the prroceeds forr many yearrs."

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 28/45 | AC 18/11/17 HP 35/35 Hardness 2   d20+9=15 ; d20+12=13 ; d20+12=24 ; d20+10=22 ;
Friday September 17th, 2021 1:20:21 AM

Asimov says "My password will be Swordfish"

OOC: How much HP do we get for resting?

He studies the mirror again

Perception: 15
Know[Arcana]: 13
Spellcraft: 24
Know[Dungeoneering]: 22

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (large 10'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41  
Friday September 17th, 2021 1:47:51 AM

"Good. So we have for Elron, sassafras
for Asimov, swordfish
for me, sprite
Zeoll, how about, mickle?
Honor, what secret word do you want to use?" Mundhildur asks.

OOC: Steve, we are all back up to full hit points according to DM Cayzle. So top off Asimov.
[To DM Mitch: How many times does the letter 'd' occur in MunDhildur? For bonus points, how many times does 'u' show up?] ;-)

The Twins 
Friday September 17th, 2021 7:57:08 AM

The Twins are briefly confused, but assuming someone clarifies the concept they say "Peace." "War, saying the words at the same moment with the same tone.

DM Mitch 
Friday September 17th, 2021 7:58:36 AM

Honor tells the others to be careful, it’s evil.
Mundhildur retrieves some rocks to throw and suggests passwords.
Elon picks Sassafrass
Zeoll tells the group what the items are.
Asimov picks swordfish
Mundhildur summarizes and pokes fun at the one time DM Mitch has a slight typo.
The Twins pick words that requires them to talk over themselves.

Code words set, the party returns to the room. It’s still the same with old shelves and the eye catching mirror. The reflections are still there, still waving but otherwise mimicking the party’s actions.

Honor Bright (Kathy) 
Friday September 17th, 2021 2:31:24 PM

"Umm....harbor, I guess," Honor says.

[OOC: We identified the magic items, but I'm not seeing a list. Where should I be looking?]

DM Mitch 
Friday September 17th, 2021 8:48:22 PM

(I think I forgot to put it in, here you go)

Hand of the Mage
Pearl of Power (1st level)
Efficient Quiver: This quiver has been made from the blackest of leather. On the underside it looks like someone has been keeping a tally of their kills by scratching into the leather. It currently adds up to 38.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (large 10'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41  
Saturday September 18th, 2021 7:05:02 AM

"If someone can use these things," the jotunar indicates the magic items, "then please take what you can use. I will stick with my longspears, and stones, for now.

"Ready to return to the mirror room? Be ready to fight." She goes the rest of the way to the mirror room, saying, 'journey' into the ear-shaped opening to cause the door to re-open.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 34hp | Cayzle 
Saturday September 18th, 2021 8:50:43 AM

Zeoll nods at the gift of his password from Mundhi. He ponders the magical loot.

"Ah, although the Pearrl of Powerr even has the worrd 'powerr' in its name, it is nearr useless to me, as I prreparre only a few spells daily, and those go oft unused. Let it go to a casterr who prreparres spells ... Asimov? Honorr?"

"I do not shoot missiles, so the quiverr is also a poorr choice forr me."

"Although some may blanch at the use of a mummified hand cut frrom a corrpse, perhaps from an innocent, I myself have no such qualms. Long long ago as it may have been, I came frrom a clannish people, who lived close to death, and trrophies of diverrs grruesome sorrts was unrremarrkable to young Zeoll. I will not hesitate to take this hand, and may it serrve me as well as it did its ownerr when it was alive."

"Orr rratherr, may it serrve Bill." The liontaur places the hand around the neck of his animal companion. "I deem he could use a hand even morre than I could, given his natural total of zerro." Zeoll begins to instruct and train his camel in the use of a magical appendage.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21 (19 if raging), HP 49/49 
Saturday September 18th, 2021 12:55:55 PM

Elron remembers being attacked by a creature that looked much like that mage-hand-thingy, and has no interest in it. He doesn't cast spells, so although the pearl of power has a catchy name, it's probably not for him. Upon learning that the quiver is like a bag of holding with limitations on the stuff he can put into it, he toys with the idea of being able to carry around lots of whappin' sticks and lots of whuppin' sticks. But the fact is, he pretty much only needs the one. And certainly only one at a time.

Before the party heads back into the mirror room, Elron changes (Ooc: hat of disguise). He appears to be a human girl, about six years old, dressed in simple but serviceable clothes and carrying no weapons or armor.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 28/45 | AC 18/11/17 HP 35/35 Hardness 2  
Sunday September 19th, 2021 11:22:45 PM

Asimov says, "I don't know if I qualify as a caster with what I do with my devices are not. I mean I tinker with things and then they do things."

(OOC: can I get a ruling on if a technomancer can use a pearl of power?)

Speaking of Which Asimov realizes he hasn't prepared his devices for the day so he does so. Taking extra time to prepare his first weird science creation

thingamabobs: corrosive pistol, freeze ray, magic detector, light emitter
weird science creation (2 0th level effects): corrosive pistol + freeze ray = range touch; 1d3 acid + 1d3 frost on succesful hit; 1 x use
1st level devices: wrist rockets (magic missile), fire-handling gloves (produce flame). medi-haler light (cure light wounds), 2 slots open; can be prepared later
2nd level devices: rapid repair nanobot capsule (make whole), rapid repair nanobot capsule (make whole), 1 slot open

The Twins 
Monday September 20th, 2021 7:32:55 AM

The Twins have no interest in any of the items.

DM Mitch 
Monday September 20th, 2021 7:33:08 AM

The party discusses loot.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 34hp | Cayzle 
Monday September 20th, 2021 6:59:14 PM

Bill the Camel does not seem to grasp the idea of how to work the Hand item.

"Maybe when you arre smarrterr, Bill," says Zeoll consolingly. "And can speak the command worrd."

The old liontaur tucks away the item for the moment.

"Well my frriends, an evil magic forrce-mirrrorr awaits us. Shall we get back to it?"

The middle-aged liontaur leads the way.

Honor Bright (Kathy) 
Monday September 20th, 2021 7:00:25 PM

"There's nothing there for me," Honor says of the loot. "I'm a poor archer at best, and while I use spells, I don't rely on them. Asimov is a logical choice for the pearl. So I think that means we're selling the quiver at the first opportunity?"

She glances around. "And if that's settled, we have a date with an evil mirror room.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21 (19 if raging), HP 49/49 
Monday September 20th, 2021 8:10:13 PM

"Does Asimov use spells? Well, I'll -- I say, I'll be hornswoggled." The little girl with the bass voice doesn't sound like a little girl, despite the way she gets almost emotional to be using the term "hornswoggled." "Guess he is a bit ov'a magical craftsman."

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (large 10'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41   d20+7=18 ;
Monday September 20th, 2021 11:29:01 PM

"Twins - one of you shoots arrows. Are you certain you would not benefit from the quiver?" Whatever answer they give, she follows Zeoll - except for opening the door. Mundhildur loves to open doors. She does so, steps through, moving forward far enough that she does not block the others, and looks about the room.

Perception: 18

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 28/45 | AC 18/11/17 HP 35/35 Hardness 2   d20+9=25 ;
Tuesday September 21st, 2021 2:02:28 AM

Asimov takes a look around after showing the team his latest contraption, "I call it the double barreled freeze ray acid pistol"

Perception: 25

Devices prepared:
thingamabobs: corrosive pistol, freeze ray, magic detector, light emitter
weird science creation (2 0th level effects): corrosive pistol + freeze ray = range touch; 1d3 acid + 1d3 frost on succesful hit; 1 x use
1st level devices: wrist rockets (magic missile), fire-handling gloves (produce flame). medi-haler light (cure light wounds), 2 slots open; can be prepared later
2nd level devices: rapid repair nanobot capsule (make whole), rapid repair nanobot capsule (make whole), 1 slot open

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Tuesday September 21st, 2021 6:43:31 AM

"We are good." "Between the two of us we carry plenty of arrows" (or maybe I'm just to lazy to track their arrow count so they never run out regardless :P)

DM Mitch 
Tuesday September 21st, 2021 6:58:08 AM

Zeoll laments the camel needs to be smarter and leads the way back.
Honor doesn’t want the magic items
Elron wonders if Asimov can use the pearl
Mundhildur asks if the Twins want the quiver
Asimove searches the room with the mirror
The Twins pass on the quiver.

Elron’s search doesn’t find any kind of clue about how to get past the mirror. The room just seems to be filled with dusty old objects and the giant mirror. On consideration everything is remarkably well preserved.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (large 10'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41  
Tuesday September 21st, 2021 7:37:56 AM

"Maybe the passage to the next room is through the mirror. Or wall of force, someone said? Probably will have to fight. Or have a dance contest," speculates Mundhildur.

Honor Bright (Kathy) 
Tuesday September 21st, 2021 2:28:29 PM

"I wonder if this is another password thing," Honor muses. She looks around. Now that the tapestries have been removed, is there any sign of a door or another way out? Or is it just the mirror thing?

SteveM - Elron | AC 21 (19 if raging), HP 49/49  d20+14=22 ;
Tuesday September 21st, 2021 10:12:44 PM

Elron is prepared for what has to be done. Now that the mirror thinks he's a harmless little girl, he walks up real close to it and looks. He's not quite ready yet to touch it, but figures that might be what has to happen.

(Perception = 22)

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 34hp | Cayzle  d20+10=19 ; d20+13=19 ;
Tuesday September 21st, 2021 11:31:48 PM

"That's cleverr Honorr," says Zeoll. "Let's look for a password clue." The liontaur says a prayer and looks around.

Perception 19.

He goes up to the mirror and inspects his reflection. He tries to suss out what is up with his maybe-evil twin.

Sense Motive 19

Then he follows Honor's lead and speaks a password to the reflection: "drrowssaP"

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 28/45 | AC 18/11/17 HP 35/35 Hardness 2  
Wednesday September 22nd, 2021 12:51:25 AM

Asimov says, "If all else fails couldn't we always start attacking the wall of force? Can't it be damaged if you hit it hard enough?"

DM Mitch 
Wednesday September 22nd, 2021 12:25:18 PM

Mundhildur suggests the way forward is through the mirror
Honor wonders if there’s a password
Elron looks at the mirror some more
Zeoll inspects the room and guesses a password
Asimov suggests destroying it.

The party has searched the room multiple times and examined the mirror as closely as possible. They find nothing they haven’t found before and the reflections keep just mimicking and waving.

Honor Bright (Kathy) 
Wednesday September 22nd, 2021 1:02:25 PM

Honor moves to stand directly in front of the wall/mirror. She reaches out with her right hand. Presumably, her double mirrors her. She continues reaching until her palm is pressed flat against the wall, presumably with her double's palm against the wall on the other side. She waits to see if anything happens.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 34hp | Cayzle 
Wednesday September 22nd, 2021 10:31:38 PM

Zeoll nods to Asimov, but admits he has no way to commit that scale of violence.

The liontaur watches Honor carefully to see what happens. He is ready to come to her aid, for example, to grab her if she seems about to be pulled in.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21 (19 if raging), HP 49/49 
Wednesday September 22nd, 2021 11:17:45 PM

Noticing the Honor has done what he was about to do, Elron watches. For the sake of the mirror, he twirls one of his pigtails.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 28/45 | AC 18/11/17 HP 35/35 Hardness 2  
Thursday September 23rd, 2021 2:14:34 AM

Asimov asks the Taur, "Does Acid eat through force? I mean I suppose I could just repetitively shoot it with my corrosive pistol for like hours because we don't have much else to do."

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (large 10'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41   d20+7=21 ;
Thursday September 23rd, 2021 5:19:14 AM

She observes what others are doing, and what effects if any they obtain. If nothing special occurs, she will begin to search the room for - oddities - other than their almost twins. Levers, buttons, slightly different coloration in the stones, a smooth shape where nearby is rough, or a rough shape where elsewhere is rough. How about the ceiling? Can she touch the ceiling standing at 10'4", and having another 5' reach?
Perception: 21

The Twins 
Thursday September 23rd, 2021 6:28:22 AM

The Twins draw their bow in case something goes horribly wrong.

DM Mitch 
Thursday September 23rd, 2021 6:40:21 AM

Honor touches the mirror
Zeoll watches carefully
Elron was going to do that too but instead he watches
Asimov wonders if acid will destroy the wall
Mundhildur also watches and if nothing happens searches the room.
The Twins draw a weapon just in case

When Honor touches the mirror there is a brilliant flash of light momentarily blinding everyone. The party hears a cry and as their vision returns they see Honor has been flung back 5 feet and is lying on the ground looking injured.

Honor only Highlight to display spoiler: { you have switched places with your reflection. You are actually on the other side of the wall of force with 8 doppelgangers who are now all viciously attacking you. One of the dopplegangers is with the rest of the party pretending to be injured to keep them from looking back at the mirror/wall of force.

Please make your post today private to DM’s and spoiler tagged - I imagine someone will look at the mirror this post, but let's keep the con going until they do. If you want you can make a regular post as the doppelganger and spoiler/e-mail Honor’s actual actions

Oh, and real you hit results - you are hit 4 times for 35 damage - ouch

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (large 10'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41  
Thursday September 23rd, 2021 11:57:21 AM

Mundhildur sees Honor lying on the ground she moves to stand next to her, glances at the mirror to see what her evil double is doing - also lying on the ground? She leans over and asks, quietly, "What is your word?"

She holds a rock in one hand, longspear in the other. She looks to see what injuries Honor has, but waits for the code word. If it is not given, she stands on Honor's sword, prepared to stomp on her if she seems other than the real Honor. If it is given, she helps her to her feet, longspear tucked under her arm.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 34hp | Cayzle  d20+9=26 ;
Thursday September 23rd, 2021 6:52:10 PM

Zeoll lets others tend the fallen Honor while he keeps a very close eye on the mirror. What does the reflection of Honor show? He is alert to danger.

Perception 26

SteveM - Elron | AC 21 (19 if raging), HP 49/49 
Thursday September 23rd, 2021 7:34:12 PM

Elron wants to help Honor -- and would if he had any skill at it. But he doesn't. Instead, he looks in the mirror to see if the other-Honor was similarly affected or if, perhaps, the other-Honor is about to come out now and attack them.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 28/45 | AC 18/11/17 HP 35/35 Hardness 2  
Friday September 24th, 2021 12:12:34 AM

Asimov says, "Maybe the mirror threw Honor because she is living. Irony I command you to touch the mirror. Let's see if it throws you like it threw Honor or if you being a construct are somewhat immune to whatever sorcery it has on it."

Irony touches the mirror

DM Mitch  d20+8=16 ; d20+8=14 ; d8=5 ; d20+8=21 ; d20+8=24 ; d8=2 ; d8=7 ; d20+8=20 ; d20+8=22 ; d20+8=21 ; d20+8=19 ; d20+8=16 ; d20+8=19 ; d20+8=18 ; d20+8=13 ; d8=5 ; d8=3 ; d8=1 ; d8=6 ; d8=7 ;
Friday September 24th, 2021 8:22:55 AM

Mundhildur runs over to Honor and asks for the password.
Zeoll focuses on the mirror/forcewall
Honor does something I’m not supposed to tell you guys :P
Elron also looks at the mirror
Asimov sends Irony to touch the mirror theorizing it’s a living vs construct problem.

Those looking at the mirror see the reflections are no longer mimicking the party. Rather, they are all assaulting the Honor on the other side of the wall with hands that have morphed and grown wicked claws.

As Munhildur leans in to query the injured Honor it too grows glaws and tries to rip out the giant woman’s throat. It fails but still scratches her face up (9 damage)

Irony touches the mirror, causing another flash and for the reflection and the horse to switch places. It’s pretty obvious this time, as reflection Irony was in the middle of attacking Honor and had shifted partway. With a snort the fake Irony charges Asimov and swipes at him for 17 damage.

Meanwhile Honor goes down to a flurry of blows (16 damage) before the rest of them turn on Irony and try to take down the horse (22 damage)

The Twins  d20+10=21 ; d6=6 ; d6=2 ;
Friday September 24th, 2021 8:25:55 AM

The Twins quickly switch to their greatsword and charge fake Irony slashing it for 14 damage (21 to hit) Grey-blue blood that decidedly does not belong to the steel horse construct splatters the ground.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21 (19 if raging), HP 49/49  d20+12=15 ; d20+6=8 ;
Friday September 24th, 2021 3:59:03 PM

Elron notes that his companions on this side are at an advantage, but those on the other side are at a disadvantage. Seeing the image of Irony attack as soon as it came across, Elron plans to do the same if he can. "I hopes you can get folks outta that mirror," Elron says to no one in particular.

He takes the mirror in mid-air, hoping to land on his feet (acrobatics = 15, including +2 racial bonus to jump).

If he is able to, he then attacks the nearest thing that was attacking Honor. (Hits AC 8 . . . oh, well).

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (large 10'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 32/41   d20+7=12 ; d20+7=11 ; d20+7=17 ; 2d6+4=7 ; 2d6+4=14 ; 2d6+4=10 ;
Friday September 24th, 2021 4:20:22 PM

Knowing the woman at her feet is a ruthless imposter, Mundhi is ruthless in return. As the (doppleganger?) at her feet lies prone, with a penalty of -4 on its AC, Mundhi hit normal AC 16, 15, and 21. Damage is 7, 14, and 10. If her 2nd (out of 3) slam attacks failed, then her false-shaped opponent took 7+10= 17 hp damage. If all three hit, then the total is 31 hp damage. Her last slam consisted of a knee to the chest, and her opponent has a good portion of the jotun's 1,026 pounds of weight resting on her solar plexus.

She spits in her false face, but keeps her neck and face out of reach of the beast.
Edit: Fix HP total in header -Kim

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP -5/35] (Kathy)  d20+2=9 ;
Friday September 24th, 2021 10:14:12 PM

Honor bleeds a little.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 34hp | Cayzle  d20+5=22 ; d4+9=10 ;
Sunday September 26th, 2021 3:48:08 PM

Zeoll quickly grasps what is going on and readies a spell to cast on Anti-Elron as soon as he pops into the room: Hideous Laughter.

Will Save DC vs humanoids and monsterous humanoids is 17.

Camel bites at fake Irony: AC22 (24 if flanking) for 10 damage.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 11/45 | AC 22/15/17 HP 22/35 Hardness 2  
Monday September 27th, 2021 12:46:48 AM

(OOC: Irony being a biped is not a mechanical horse but a mechanical man. Sort of; he's more like a walking scrap pile)

(OOC: Irony has Hardness 2/ Was that 1 attack for 22 damage or multiple attacks? If multiple attacks each single attack is reduced by 2 points of damage, so what is the new damage total on Irony? I'll update my header for the construct after knowing that; if the rolls are what I think they are it is only 13 damage)

Asimov takes 17 damage from the fake version of his construct before taking a full round withdrawl action to get 60 feet away from the fake construct.

Irony takes a total defense action.gaining a +4 dodge bonus

The Twins  d20+4=16 ; d20+4=15 ; d20+8=9 ; d20+8=11 ; d20+6=8 ; d20+8=12 ; d20+8=24 ; d20+8=25 ; d20+8=13 ; d20+8=21 ; d20+8=20 ; d20+8=16 ; d20+8=15 ; d20+8=16 ; d20+8=9 ;
Monday September 27th, 2021 8:12:55 AM

The Twins rush forward to hit the thing that isn't’ actually horse shaped (whoops)
Elron goes through the mirror to help the others
Mundhildur tears into the fake on the ground before her.
Honor bleeds some
Zeoll casts a spell as fake Elron goes through the mirror
Asimov runs away and Irony defends (It was 3 hits for 26 damage, I should have taken 6 off from hardness and only took 4)

The Fake Honor doesn’t try to get up, striking up at Mundhildur, but the giant is now on her guard and fends off the nearly dead creature easily. The Twins coordination and thick armor protect them equally as much while the last enemy on this side of the mirror fails its save and falls prone laughing an inhuman laugh.

On the far side of the mirror the numbers remain overwhelming but are at least more manageable. Irony’s defensive action proves effective, warding away the few blows powerful enough to penetrate it’s thick armor, and Elron proves annoyingly evasive to the foe as well.

Doppleganger 1 (Fake Honor): 31 damage
Doppleganger 2 (fake Irony): 14 damage
Doppleganger 3 (Fake Elron):
Doppleganger 4 (Fake Zeoll):
Doppleganger 5 (fake twin 1):
Doppleganger 6 (fake twin 2):
Doppleganger 7 (Fake Munhildur):
Doppleganger 8 (Fake Asimov):
Doppleganger 9 (Fake camel):

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP -6/35] (Kathy)  d20+2=5 ;
Monday September 27th, 2021 1:57:56 PM

Honor bleeds some more.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 34hp | Cayzle  d20+9=26 ; d4+9=13 ;
Monday September 27th, 2021 4:29:42 PM

Zeoll orders Bill the Camel to kill the laughing Elron.

He enters the mirror, bracing himself on four legs so he won't fall down, hopefully.

He grabs Honor and pulls her out of melee, hopefully.

And he gets out a potion of CMW.

Bill goes to town on the clucking chicken. It is prone so he gets a +4 to hit. The camel bites AC26 for 13 damage.

It gets a new Will save vs DC17. If it saves it can act normally, but is prone. If it fails, it laughs for the entire 5 round duration.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21 (19 if raging), HP 59/49  d20+5=17 ; d20+5=18 ; d4+2=3 ; d4+2=6 ;
Monday September 27th, 2021 7:56:03 PM

Elron is getting angry and doesn't know what to do but fight some more. His rage-enhanced flurry of blows does have that twenty-four-fighting-chickens look to it, even though he still appears to be a little girl.

He attacks the fake camel rather than one of his fake friends (or, for that matter, one of his real ones). And he notes that the doppelgangers are cheating -- the twin doppelgangers are not acting in unison. "And that's downright low-down."

First attack: AC 17 for 3 damage
Second attack: AC 18 for 6 damage

Rage 1/10

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (large 10'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 32/41   d20+11=20 ; d20+11=28 ; d20+11=18 ; 2d6+4=8 ; 2d6+4=11 ; 2d6+4=12 ;
Monday September 27th, 2021 11:02:16 PM

Mundhildur kills the doppleganger. (Hit AC 20, 28, 18, for 8 + 11 + 12 hp). If the first blow shuts it down, she uses her additional two attacks to go after one of the non-teamwork twins, hitting AC 24 and 14 for 11 and 12 hp damage.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 18/45 | AC 22/15/17 HP 15/35 Hardness 2   d8+5=7 ;
Monday September 27th, 2021 11:47:34 PM

Irony keeps taking a full defensive action.

Asimov takes a breathe from his medihaler light healing for 7 hp

The Twins  d20+6=16 ; d20+10=21 ; d6=5 ; d6=5 ; d20+5=23 ;
Tuesday September 28th, 2021 6:15:56 AM

The Twins strike at the fake Irony again, just barely not killing the thing.

DM Mitch  d20+8=11 ; d20+8=16 ; d20+8=25 ; d20+8=23 ; d8=4 ; d8=6 ; d20+8=9 ; d20+8=12 ; d20+8=13 ; d20+8=11 ; d20+8=9 ; d20+8=12 ; d20+8=11 ; d20+8=19 ; d20+8=20 ; d20+8=20 ; d20+8=23 ; d20+8=17 ; d8=7 ; d8=2 ; d8=5 ; d8=8 ;
Tuesday September 28th, 2021 6:24:05 AM

Honor is slowly bleeding out.
Zeoll tries to get her to safety. His camel tries to kill fake Elron.
Elron complains the fake Twins are cheating
Mundhildur finishes the prone enemy and wants to attack another but non of the rest are in melee with her, forcing her to move.
Asimov fights defensively (as does irony I assume)

Fake Honor is dead and Fake Elron fails his save so is trapped laughing. Fake Irony turns to the Twins and swipes at them as they seem the greater threat but again their armor protects them.

Zeoll is able to grab Honor. Unfortunately the enemy had the her and Elron pinned next to the mirror. Having switched place with one of them his only retreat option is back into the identical room which draws 2 attacks from the dopplegangers next to him (going back through the mirror would draw AoO from all 5). He’s hit both times and takes 18 damage.

Fake Zeoll charges Mundhildur but fails to penetrate the giant’s armor.

The enemy decides to ignore Zeoll and focus on the angry chicken barbarian. They hit 4 times for 36 damage

MIrror side A (the room you came in)
Doppleganger 1 (Fake Honor): Dead
Doppleganger 2 (fake Irony): 30 damage
Doppleganger 3 (Fake Elron): 13 damage (helplessly laughing)
Doppleganger 4 (Fake Zeoll):

Mirror side B (The reflection side)
Doppleganger 5 (fake twin 1):
Doppleganger 6 (fake twin 2):
Doppleganger 7 (Fake Munhildur):
Doppleganger 8 (Fake Asimov):
Doppleganger 9 (Fake camel):

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP -7/35] (Kathy)  d20+2=3 ;
Tuesday September 28th, 2021 2:00:08 PM

Honor bleeds some more.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21 (19 if raging), HP 27/49  d20+5=15 ; d20+5=13 ; d4+2=5 ; d4+2=4 ;
Tuesday September 28th, 2021 7:09:19 PM

"Zeoll, this is not going to end well. Miss Honor needs the potion in my pack, and I don't dare stop."

Elron attacks the fake camel again -- although it does not look as if his last attacks hit it.

First attack: AC 15 for 5 damage
Second attack: AC 13 for 4 damage

Rage 2/10

I assumed that Elron's damage reduction means he only took 32 HP damage.
10 of his hit points go away when he stops raging.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (large 10'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 32/41   d20+7=26 ; d20+7=19 ; d20+7=13 ; 2d6+4=7 ; 2d6+4=10 ; 2d6+4=11 ;
Tuesday September 28th, 2021 7:24:29 PM

Mundhi, since none were in striking range after finishing the doppleganger of Honor, would simply have lifted the body, and thrown it against the force wall as her move last round. (I had typed in that conditional action yesterday, but for some reason it did not stick.)

This round, the doppleganger body out of the way, attacks false Zeoll. Hits AC 26 for 7hp, AC 19 for 10 hp, AC 13 for 11hp.

[As we have no map, it is challenging to tell where people are. I like maps :-) ]

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 16 of 34hp | Cayzle  d8=3 ; d8=1 ; d8=4 ; d20+9=27 ; d4+9=10 ;
Tuesday September 28th, 2021 10:53:43 PM

Zeoll gasps twice as the evil impersonators strike hard. But he accepts the punishment in order to bring Honor to one side and to administer a Cure Moderate Wounds potion. [OOC: A full round action I think?]

Honor is cured 10 hp. (2d8+3, rerolled a 1)

Bill the Camel continues his meal of laughing doppelganger. The animal companion hits AC27 for 10 damage.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 18/45 | AC 22/15/17 HP 15/35 Hardness 2   d20+5=14 ; d3=3 ; d3=1 ;
Wednesday September 29th, 2021 12:43:09 AM

Irony continues to fight defensively.

Asimov uses his weird science creation against the nearest combatant (fake Irony I think)

14 vs ranged touch; 3 acid and 1 cold

thingamabobs: corrosive pistol, freeze ray, magic detector, light emitter
weird science creation (2 0th level effects): corrosive pistol + freeze ray = range touch; 1d3 acid + 1d3 frost on succesful hit; expended
1st level devices: wrist rockets (magic missile), fire-handling gloves (produce flame). medi-haler light (cure light wounds), 2 slots open; can be prepared later
2nd level devices: rapid repair nanobot capsule (make whole), rapid repair nanobot capsule (make whole), 1 slot open

The Twins  d20+10=20 ;
Wednesday September 29th, 2021 7:24:46 AM

The Twins try to finish off Fake Irony and land the hit.

DM Mitch  d20+8=27 ; d20+8=15 ; d8=3 ; d20=16 ; d20=13 ; d20=2 ; d20=9 ; d20=18 ; d20=20 ; d20=4 ; d20=14 ; d20=6 ; d20=14 ; d8=2 ;
Wednesday September 29th, 2021 8:07:41 AM

Honor does Honor things. Which for now is just bleeding.
Elron suggests a potion but can’t reach it (yes your DR applies, I just couldn’t find where it is, add to your header?)
Mundhildur runs up to Fake Zeoll and half kills him. It?
Zeoll heals Honor so she can do Honor things other then bleeding. She does it a bit more all over his clothing first though.
Asimov goes for the kill and ends up 1 point short
The Twins finish the job.

Fake Zeoll responds to Mundhildur’s attack with his own and hits her once for 7 damage.

The enemy continues to ignore Irony since they aren’t doing anything and pound on Elron. The chicken’s armor and skills serve him well though and he’s only hit once for 6 damage (5 after DR)

MIrror side A (the room you came in)
Doppleganger 1 (Fake Honor): Dead
Doppleganger 2 (fake Irony): Dead
Doppleganger 3 (Fake Elron): 23 damage (helplessly laughing)
Doppleganger 4 (Fake Zeoll): 17 damage

Mirror side B (The reflection side)
Doppleganger 5 (fake twin 1):
Doppleganger 6 (fake twin 2):
Doppleganger 7 (Fake Munhildur):
Doppleganger 8 (Fake Asimov):
Doppleganger 9 (Fake camel):

The Twins  d20+10=19 ; d6=1 ; d6=5 ;
Wednesday September 29th, 2021 8:09:45 AM

The Twins consider rushing through the mirror but hesitate as it would mean moving two enemies to this side. Instead they charge fake Zeoll and strike him for 11 damage. "Go." They tell Mundhuldir, "We have this." "The others need help through the mirror."

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (large 10'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 27/41   d20+7=21 ; d20+7=8 ; d20+7=16 ; 2d6+4=9 ; 2d6+4=8 ;
Wednesday September 29th, 2021 2:05:06 PM

Mundhi heeds the Twins' counsel. She says, "I'm going through. False Mundhi is on her way to our side," and steps through. She attacks thrice, against one of the twins, missing widely on her second slam attack, so does 9hp at the start followed by 8 hp at the end.

[Edit, laptop motherboard died, so on smartphone, and missed seeing Twins' post. Fixed.]

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 13/35] (Kathy)  d6=1 ; d6=5 ; d6=5 ;
Wednesday September 29th, 2021 3:35:57 PM

Honor blinks and tries to orient herself. Since some version of Zeoll is currently hovering over her with an empty potion bottle, she makes the assumption that he is the real one.

"Who's real here?" she gasps. She heals herself some more (Lay on Hands), then scrambles to her feet and retrieves Virtue.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21 (19 if raging), HP 21/49  d20+5=24 ; d20+5=13 ; d4+2=3 ; d4+2=6 ;
Wednesday September 29th, 2021 7:55:41 PM

Elron continues to attack the fake camel.

First attack: AC 24 for 3 damage
Second attack: AC 13 for 6 damage

Rage 3/10

10 of his hit points go away when he stops raging.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 16 of 34hp | Cayzle  d20+9=14 ; d4+9=11 ;
Wednesday September 29th, 2021 8:43:50 PM

Within the mirror, Zeoll backs up and targets Fake Mundhi for another Hideous Laughter, Will DC17.

Bill the Camel keeps on munching fake Elron. He hits AC14 for 11 damage.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 18/45 | AC 22/15/17 HP 15/35 Hardness 2  
Wednesday September 29th, 2021 10:39:25 PM

Asimov says, "I don't really think I could be much help over there. I guess we can leave Irony going on defense for now."

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 16 of 34hp | Cayzle 
Thursday September 30th, 2021 5:47:47 AM

Oh, Zeoll watches as his target — fake Mundhi — is replaced just before he casts! He instead targets fake twin ... 1? 2? One of them, anyway.

DM Mitch  d20+6=8 ; d20+8=13 ; d20+8=23 ; d20+8=14 ; d20+8=18 ; d8=5 ; d20+8=25 ; d3=1 ; d20+8=26 ; d20+8=9 ; d20+8=18 ; d20+8=22 ; d20+8=26 ; d8=3 ; d8=5 ; d8=6 ; d8=6 ; d8=5 ;
Thursday September 30th, 2021 8:39:34 AM

The Twins continue their attack and tell Mundhildur to go through the mirror.
Mundhildur agrees to the Twin’s advice and heads through, striking the false Twin.
Honor wakes up and asks some questions.
Elron hits the camel!
Zeoll tries to hit Fake Mundhildur but she just swapped places with real Mundildur! He catches himself just in time to swap targets. The camel continues to smack the fake version of his master.
Asimov decides him and Irony should stay defensive.

The Dopplegangers on side A decide the Twins are the biggest threat and all gang up on them. The Twins are a whirlwind of speed and catch all the blows but one and take 9 damage

Twin 1, Asimov, and Camel fakes switch targets to the giant who came through as the bigger threat (literally!). The tear into her 5 times doing 45 damage.

Enemy AC 17

Mirror side A (the room you came in)
Doppleganger 1 (Fake Honor): Dead
Doppleganger 2 (fake Irony): Dead
Doppleganger 3 (Fake Elron): 34 damage (helplessly laughing)
Doppleganger 4 (Fake Zeoll): 28 damage
Doppleganger 7 (Fake Munhildur):

Mirror side B (The reflection side)
Doppleganger 5 (fake twin 1): 9
Doppleganger 6 (fake twin 2): Helpless laughter
Doppleganger 8 (Fake Asimov):
Doppleganger 9 (Fake camel): 3

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 13/35] (Kathy)  d20+10=12 ;
Thursday September 30th, 2021 2:22:12 PM

Honor looks around, bewildered. Zeoll hadn't answered her question, and he's the only one she knows for sure is not a doppelganger.

Around her, Elron and the camel are fighting. Mundhildur and the twins are fighting. Zeoll isn't fighting anybody, and so far nobody has attacked Honor.

"Who's real?" she asks again.

Zeoll casts a spell, and one of the twins starts laughing and collapses helplessly to the floor. Honor tentatively decides that the twins are valid targets, and moves to slash at the remaining twin.

She really shouldn't have worried. She can't hit anything anyway.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (large 10'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP -18/41   d20+8=19 ;
Thursday September 30th, 2021 2:55:34 PM

The 10'4" tall Jotun woman falls to the ground under the combined assault of the three dopplegangers. Mundhildur the Tall is dead, is dead.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 16 of 34hp | Cayzle  d20+9=11 ;
Thursday September 30th, 2021 5:38:01 PM

"Mundhi!" cries Zeoll, and he targets the other twin with his spell. That one has to make a DC17 Will save.

[OOC: The one now laughing gets one last chance to resist with a DC17 Will Save. If it makes it, then it can act naturally, but will be prone.]

"Honor, fight the laughing twins!" [Note: You are at +4 with melee attacks against the prone laughers.]

Bill the Camel munches on laughing Evil Elron, hitting AC11, a miss even with the bonus vs prone.

[Note: Laughing Evil Elron missed his first save on Monday. The spell lasts 5 rounds, and will end Friday. I think Bill gets one last chance to munch tomorrow.]

SteveM - Elron | AC 21 (19 if raging), HP 21/49  d20+5=8 ; d20+5=24 ; d4+2=6 ;
Thursday September 30th, 2021 7:47:55 PM

OoC: 1. The fake camel should also have taken 9 damage from Elron on Monday...
2. Does Mundhildur have 2 hero points?

Attacking the prone doppelgangers might be the smart thing to do, but Elron's worked up about this camel -- so he keeps on attacking it. . .

First attack, AC 8, miss
Second attack, AC 24, 6 damage

Rage 4/10

10 of his hit points go away when he stops raging.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 18/45 | AC 22/15/17 HP 15/35 Hardness 2   d20+5=15 ; 3d3+3=10 ;
Thursday September 30th, 2021 11:34:48 PM

Irony decides to attack the camel and misses vs AC 15

Asimov fires off a wrist rockets at fake Elron 10 force damage
thingamabobs: corrosive pistol, freeze ray, magic detector, light emitter
weird science creation (2 0th level effects): corrosive pistol + freeze ray = range touch; 1d3 acid + 1d3 frost on succesful hit; expended
1st level devices: wrist rockets (magic missile), fire-handling gloves (produce flame). medi-haler light (cure light wounds), 2 slots open; can be prepared later
2nd level devices: rapid repair nanobot capsule (make whole), rapid repair nanobot capsule (make whole), 1 slot open

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (large 10'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP -18/41  
Friday October 1st, 2021 6:31:48 AM

SteveM - Mundhi has 4 hero points. I forgot I could use them in this situation. If two were used by her, she would have made her stabilization save. Let's let our DM decide on that. If he rules it works, she is definitely still down, but not double dead. Just mostly dead.

The Twins  d20+10=27 ; d6=2 ; d6=3 ;
Friday October 1st, 2021 7:59:09 AM

The Twins try to finish off another enemy in fake Zeoll (27 to hit, 10 damage)

DM Mitch  d20+6=24 ; d20+6=21 ; d20+8=24 ; d8=5 ; d20=2 ; d20+8=14 ; d20+8=28 ; d20+8=27 ; d20+8=27 ; d8=5 ; d8=1 ; d8=3 ; d20+10=21 ; d6=1 ; d6=2 ; d20+8=28 ; d20+8=18 ; d8=3 ;
Friday October 1st, 2021 8:07:10 AM

Honor is still confused but picks out a valid target. Doesn’t hit it though (all of the doppelgangers are attacking with morphed claws for hands so she can pick them out that way)
Mundhildur turns into a corpse.
Zeoll is upset at Mundhildur’s transformation and casts another spell
Elron strikes out (... I don’t know how I missed that damage, maybe I put it on the wrong char. Adding it)
Asimov finishes fake Elron and Irony misses an attack.
Mundhildur transforms from a corpse into an almost, but not quite, corpse.
The Twins cut fake Zeoll in half.

The fake Twins make their saves. Snarling, they go for the annoying caster, drawing an AoO from Elron and Honor. One can only stand and then move over there, but the other goes for his claw attack and lands a hit for 9 damage.

Fake Mundhildur decides she doesn’t like the 3 on 1 odds and touches the mirror to switch places with Mundhildur. This provokes an AoO from the Twins which they take full advantage of.

Fake Mundhildur goes for a hit on Honor and land it for 7 damage.

Enemy AC 17

Mirror side A (the room you came in)
Doppleganger 1 (Fake Honor): Dead
Doppleganger 2 (fake Irony): Dead
Doppleganger 3 (Fake Elron): Dead
Doppleganger 4 (Fake Zeoll): Dead
Doppleganger 5 (fake twin 1): 9
Doppleganger 6 (fake twin 2):

Mirror side B (The reflection side)
Doppleganger 7 (Fake Munhildur): 8
Doppleganger 8 (Fake Asimov):
Doppleganger 9 (Fake camel): 18

The Twins  d20+12=20 ; d6=3 ; d6=1 ;
Friday October 1st, 2021 8:09:11 AM

The Twins decide that the other team is in serious danger and go through the mirror despite the fact it will swap both enemies. This gets them off Zeoll at least, but puts Camel and Asimov at risk. At least those two aren't almost dead.

They run at fake Camel, flanking him and hitting for 10 damage.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21 (19 if raging), HP 21/49  d20+7=9 ; d20+5=20 ; d20+5=25 ; d20+5=16 ; d4+2=4 ; d4+2=5 ;
Friday October 1st, 2021 10:10:57 AM

Elron makes hir AoO on the nearest fake Twin... and misses (AC 9).

He continues to fight, but switches targets to fake Mundhi:

First attack, AC 20, 4 damage
Second attack, AC 25 (16 to confirm, no crit), 5 damage

Rage 5/10

10 of his hit points go away when he stops raging.

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 13/35] (Kathy)  d20+10=14 ;
Friday October 1st, 2021 1:30:49 PM

Since fake Mundhildur is attacking her, Honor attacks back, but she still hasn't shaken off her doldrums. She misses yet again.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 7 of 34hp | Cayzle  d8=1 ; d8=8 ; d8=4 ; d20+9=13 ;
Friday October 1st, 2021 5:51:32 PM

[Honor, I think you need to roll an AoO?]

An evil twin claws fiercely at Zeoll, reducing him to just 7 hp, but then both twins are popped away.

So Zeoll takes out a scroll, and reads CMW on Mundhi. She is cured 15.

Real Bill takes a bite at laughing Evil Elron, hitting AC13 another miss.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 7 of 34hp | Cayzle  d20+9=19 ; d4+9=10 ;
Friday October 1st, 2021 5:54:29 PM

OOH! If real Bill gets an AoO on laughing Evil Elron as it stands up, the attack hits AC19 for 10 damage.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 7 of 34hp | Cayzle 
Friday October 1st, 2021 5:56:09 PM

Oh wait! Evil Laughing Elron is dead!? That's not funny!

Well, consider Bill the Camel's attack to have missed against someone else too.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 21/16/15 HP 18/45 | AC 18/11/17 HP 15/35 Hardness 2   d20+5=6 ;
Sunday October 3rd, 2021 9:29:00 PM

Irony continues to attack the fake camel. (6 vs AC; miss)

Asimov decides to take a total defense action this time.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (large 10'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP -3/41  
Monday October 4th, 2021 12:55:19 AM

Mundhildur, slashed to shreds, for a moment all goes black. Then thoughts begin to pass through her mind.
"She broke both legs?" asked the very large dwarf lady. "You say, jumping off a huge boulder? Hope the breaks are clean," she comments. Mundhildur, seven years old, looks at the red-blonde braids of the dwarf woman who stands well over six feet tall. She had heard of her before. She practiced medicine, and served a god Mundhi did not know. Her eyes seemed kind, though.

"I will examine your legs, girl. You tell me what hurts, and what does not. Your mother tells me you are brave. Are you brave, girl?"

She gives an affirmative nod, but feels some apprehension.

"Good. Now when I do this..."

"Uhnnn..." she groans.

"And this?"

The girl grits her teeth, but says nothing. The dwarf takes the other leg, the right one, in her strong hands, presses a few spots, then pulls, and gives a slight twist.

"AAAAHHHIIIiiiiii!" the girl cries out, then takes several rapid breaths, and stills her voice. Shaky, she says. "Now that one does not hurt."

The healer gives her a clean white rag. "Put this between your teeth for a moment, girl." Young Mundhildur obeys.

The woman begins to say some words in another language, runs a finger lightly over her left shin. "Can you count with your fingers?" she asks the girl. Another affirmative nod. "Good. Count to five with your fingers, like this." She holds up a first, then lifts her own thumb, index finger, and down to the small finger. "Ready? Start." The girl has her thumb and index finger up, and as her middle finger is beginning to unfold, the healer squeezes the middle of her calf, angles the leg slightly inward, then pulls out a smidge, and lets the muscles pull the leg back.

Mundhildur's teeth manage to cut through some of the cloth, but aside from some subvocalizations, she does not cry out this time. The woman says a few more words - more like a chant. A wave of warmth covers both legs. The pain disappears. The girl takes the cloth out of her mouth, and she feels her body relaxing on the table. She breathes in and out half a dozen times.

"Kara, she is fine now," the dwarf healer says to Mundhildur's mother. "Girl. Mundhildur Karadottir. Do not jump off that rock again this year. Get some training in how to jump, and land, and fall. You will grow tall only if you survive."

Mother Kara says, "Bless you, Dovana. Here, take this for your medical supplies, and by way of thanks." The healer inclines her head and accepts the small pouch.
After Zeoll helps heal her, a small sigh escapes her lips, yet otherwise, she continues to lie still on the side of the mirror which the party originally was in..

DM Mitch  d20+8=9 ; d20+8=19 ; d20+8=22 ; d20+8=14 ; d6=2 ; d6=1 ; d20+8=27 ; d20+8=19 ; d20+8=20 ; d20+8=23 ; d20+8=10 ; d20+8=26 ; d6=5 ; d6=3 ; d8=7 ; d6=1 ; d6=6 ;
Monday October 4th, 2021 6:23:53 AM

The Twins swap sides and hit fake Camel for 10 damage.
Elron switches targets to fake Mundhildur and hits twice
Honor is still feeling out of sorts.
Zeoll is much confused, but eventually figures out what to do. He heads through the mirror and gets Mundhildur on her feet.
Asimov fights defensively and Irony misses an attack.
Mundhildur has very vivid dreams.

The fake Twins see that the annoying caster has come to the same side as them and that he is healing people. They target the healer first and hit him for 12 damage.

Fake Mundhildur rolls well and sends Honor back into the realm of unconsciousness (16 damage). Fake Asimov and Camel pin down the evasive chicken barbarian and bring him down as well (27 damage, with 1 DR it goes down to 24 still enough to bring you down)

Enemy AC 17

Mirror side A (the room you came in)
Doppleganger 1 (Fake Honor): Dead
Doppleganger 2 (fake Irony): Dead
Doppleganger 3 (Fake Elron): Dead
Doppleganger 5 (fake twin 1): 9
Doppleganger 6 (fake twin 2):

Mirror side B (The reflection side)
Doppleganger 4 (Fake Zeoll): Dead
Doppleganger 7 (Fake Munhildur): 17
Doppleganger 8 (Fake Asimov):
Doppleganger 9 (Fake camel): 28

The Twins  d20+10=30 ; d20+10=24 ; d6=6 ; d6=5 ; d6=4 ; d6=4 ;
Monday October 4th, 2021 6:38:05 AM

The Twins wipe out fake Mundhildur with a crit (30 to hit, 24 to confirm, 23 damage)

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, -5 of 34hp | Cayzle  d20+5=14 ; d20+1=8 ;
Monday October 4th, 2021 7:02:27 AM

Bill the Camel stands protectively over the body of his downed master and bites at a wounded evil twin. He hits AC14, a miss.

Zeoll tries hard to stop dying. He tries to make a DC10 Constitution check. Rolling at +1, he gets an 8, and continues to bleed out!

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP -3/35] (Kathy)  d20+2=15 ;
Monday October 4th, 2021 6:24:58 PM

Honor is unconscious, but stable.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21 (19 if raging), HP -13/49  d20=6 ;
Monday October 4th, 2021 8:01:51 PM

Elron collapses from his wounds.

(Hmm. . . d20 [= 6] + 2 - 13 isn't going to cut it. Even if I could find some way to roll before dropping out of rage it wouldn't work. He spends the 2 hero points.)

Rage 5/10

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (large 10'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP -3/41  
Monday October 4th, 2021 8:31:10 PM

[OOC: KATHY: Honor should have rolled an AoO against the fake Twins, as DM Mitch and Cayzle/Zeoll mentioned Friday. Perhaps you might retro roll that, if our DM allows it, and have a shot at cutting down hp on at least one of the four remaining fakes, even though Honor is down, now. Never let an AoO go unused! Might be the difference between the group's survival and a TPK -Kim]

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 21/16/15 HP 18/45 | AC 18/11/17 HP 15/35 Hardness 2   d20+5=7 ;
Monday October 4th, 2021 8:39:23 PM

Asimov continues trying the tactic that worked for Irony to hold his own on the opposite side of the mirror going full defense.

Meanwhile Irony tries to hit the camel again and misses (7 vs AC)

The Twins 
Monday October 4th, 2021 9:52:24 PM

(Yes roll the AoO please)

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (large 10'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP -3/41  
Tuesday October 5th, 2021 2:45:26 AM

The sleeping giant dreams, hearing sounds of battle, clawing, distress, Her mind populates with memory of when some ogres and orcs thought it would be a good idea to attack the Jotunar's mountain stronghold. She was about 12 years old then, and, though told to hide in a back room, she snuck out and saw her father hurl an ogre off the cliff. She knew the rocky landing was over 100 feet below. That ogre's not going to be climbing back up anytime soon. Her brother soon joined her side. "Wish we had some rocks on us," he commented to Mundhildur.

DM Mitch  d20+8=27 ; d20+8=25 ; d20+8=21 ; d20+8=17 ; d20+8=20 ; d20+8=23 ; d20+8=10 ; d20+8=19 ; d6=6 ; d6=2 ; d20+10=28 ; d20+10=22 ; d8=5 ; d6=6 ; d6=5 ; d6=1 ; d6=6 ; d6=1 ;
Tuesday October 5th, 2021 5:31:14 AM

The Twins cut fake Mundhildur in half.
Zeoll tries to not die and Camel tries to fight the twins.
Honor retroactively gets an AoO and kills fake Camel (I went ahead and rolled it for you)
Elron almost bleeds out.
Mundhildur dreams.
Asimov goes defensive and irony attacks.

Fake Asimov lands two hits on the Twins despite the armor (18 damage).

Bill the camel is hit thrice for 20 damage by the fake Twins.

Enemy AC 17

Mirror side A (the room you came in)
Doppleganger 1 (Fake Honor): Dead
Doppleganger 2 (fake Irony): Dead
Doppleganger 3 (Fake Elron): Dead
Doppleganger 5 (fake twin 1): 9
Doppleganger 6 (fake twin 2): 17

Mirror side B (The reflection side)
Doppleganger 4 (Fake Zeoll): Dead
Doppleganger 7 (Fake Munhildur): Dead
Doppleganger 8 (Fake Asimov):
Doppleganger 9 (Fake camel): Dead
Edit by Kim to correct header from The Twins to DM Mitch

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (large 10'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP -3/41  
Tuesday October 5th, 2021 4:17:36 PM

Mundhildur's looks for rocks with her brother. Why can they find no rocks in the house? She dreams on...

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP -3/35] (Kathy)  d20+10=13 ;
Tuesday October 5th, 2021 5:12:29 PM

[I love how everybody thinks the AoO will end any differently from every single other attack I've rolled during this combat. Oh, look. Missed again.]

Honor remains unconscious.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21 (19 if raging), HP -13/49 
Tuesday October 5th, 2021 7:41:49 PM

Elron dreams his dreams. And his his dreams, his doppelganger is an albino.

Yep, just a pale imitation of the real thing.

Or maybe that's the blood loss.

DM Mitch 
Tuesday October 5th, 2021 8:36:05 PM

(I rolled the AoO for you and you actually killed something retroactively last post)

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, -6 of 34hp | Cayzle  d20+1=9 d20+5=20 d4+9=13
Tuesday October 5th, 2021 11:58:08 PM

Zeoll drops another negative hit point with a roll of 9.

Bill the Camel, who only has AC13 and 24 hp, is down to 4! He bites furiously, hitting AC20 for 13 damage!

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 21/16/15 HP 18/45 | AC 18/11/17 HP 15/35 Hardness 2   d20+5=11 ;
Wednesday October 6th, 2021 12:28:36 AM

Irony attacks fake Asimov (11vs AC; miss)

Asimov continues to take a full defensive action not really being able to do anything against 2 doppleganger twins on his side of the mirror. He also doesn't have time to sit down and start preparing machines as he has open slots he can use to create medihalers but he'll have to wait on that.

thingamabobs: corrosive pistol, freeze ray, magic detector, light emitter
weird science creation (2 0th level effects): corrosive pistol + freeze ray = range touch; 1d3 acid + 1d3 frost on succesful hit; expended
1st level devices: wrist rockets (magic missile) - used, fire-handling gloves (produce flame). medi-haler light (cure light wounds)-used, 2 slots open; can be prepared later
2nd level devices: rapid repair nanobot capsule (make whole), rapid repair nanobot capsule (make whole), 1 slot open

DM Mitch/The Twins  d20+10=11 ; d20+10=13 ;
Wednesday October 6th, 2021 8:00:20 AM

The Twins finally miss an attack. Hero point to reroll and still a miss. (11 and 13)

DM Mitch/The Twins  d20=8 ; d20=11 ; d20=9 ; d20=15 ; d20=19 ; d20=3 ;
Wednesday October 6th, 2021 8:05:26 AM

Most of the party is down and dreaming.

The Twins Miss an attack.
Bill hits for a lot of damage
Irony misses, Asimov defends

Fake Asimov snarls and attacks but the Twins once again ward him off.

The fake Twins take down bill (unconscious, not dead) and turn their sights on Asimov.

Enemy AC 17

Mirror side A (the room you came in)
Doppleganger 1 (Fake Honor): Dead
Doppleganger 2 (fake Irony): Dead
Doppleganger 3 (Fake Elron): Dead
Doppleganger 5 (fake twin 1): 9
Doppleganger 6 (fake twin 2): 30

Mirror side B (The reflection side)
Doppleganger 4 (Fake Zeoll): Dead
Doppleganger 7 (Fake Munhildur): Dead
Doppleganger 8 (Fake Asimov):
Doppleganger 9 (Fake camel): Dead

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP -3/35] (Kathy) 
Wednesday October 6th, 2021 6:47:55 PM

Honor remains unconscious.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21 (19 if raging), HP -13/49 
Wednesday October 6th, 2021 7:41:59 PM

In his dreams, Elron tells the cute little bird he just met, "You look just like my girlfriend." When he does, she grows talons and slaps him. . . "You act just like her, too."

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (large 10'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP -3/41  
Wednesday October 6th, 2021 9:56:09 PM

Mundhildur and her brother found a barrel of turnips. They each gather up some, and go back to the balcony, looking for targets, in her dream.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, -6 of 34hp | Cayzle  d20+1=13 ; d20+2=6 ;
Wednesday October 6th, 2021 10:19:43 PM

Zeoll stabilizes.

Camel drops by 1. (to what?)

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 21/16/15 HP 18/45 | AC 18/11/17 HP 15/35 Hardness 2   d20+5=22 ; d8+4=8 ;
Wednesday October 6th, 2021 10:46:04 PM

Asimov touches the mirror and switches places with his snarling counterpart

As soon as he is on the side with his twins he says, "Don't attack, it is I the real Asimov"

Irony readies an action to attack the next hostile thing to come through the mirror 22 vs AC; 8 damage

DM Mitch/The Twins  d20=1 ; d20=6 ;
Thursday October 7th, 2021 1:18:38 AM

The Twins heroically miss again (posted this yesterday but it got eaten by internet dragon)

DM Mitch/The Twins  d20+8=9 ; d20+8=12 ; d20+8=18 ; d20+8=22 ;
Thursday October 7th, 2021 1:23:47 AM

Various people lay unconscious (bill is at -3)

The Twins miss
Asimov switches places with an enemy.

The fake Twins immediately move to switch places with their counterparts and chase Asimov. Twin 2 takes Irony’s fist to the face for that and goes down. Twin 1 attacks in response but fails.

Fake Asimov goes for the Twins once they are sent across but their armor again saves them.

Enemy AC 17

Mirror side A (the room you came in)
Doppleganger 1 (Fake Honor): Dead
Doppleganger 2 (fake Irony): Dead
Doppleganger 3 (Fake Elron): Dead
Doppleganger 8 (Fake Asimov):

Mirror side B (The reflection side)
Doppleganger 4 (Fake Zeoll): Dead
Doppleganger 7 (Fake Munhildur): Dead
Doppleganger 9 (Fake camel): Dead
Doppleganger 5 (fake twin 1): 9
Doppleganger 6 (fake twin 2): Dead

DM Mitch/The Twins  d20+10=13 ;
Thursday October 7th, 2021 1:24:45 AM

The Twins go for another hit but can't roll well anymore (13 to hit)

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (large 10'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP -3/41   d20+7=10 ; d20+7=26 ; d20+7=14 ; d20+7=18 ;
Thursday October 7th, 2021 5:09:22 AM

The only healing item, aside from her healer's kit, is a goodberry that Zeoll gave her a few days ago, in one of the pouches on Mundhildur's waist belt. Good for 1 hit point.

In her dream, the girl and her brother begin pegging a fleeing ogre with raw turnips. She throws down 4, and one gets it real good on the back of the neck. Another one gets it on the bottom, which is funnier from the Jotun children's perspective than anything else.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, -6 of 34hp | Cayzle  d20+2=5 ;
Thursday October 7th, 2021 11:59:16 AM

Camel drops to -4

Zeoll is stable.

Gots a couple Cure Mod Wounds scrolls ...

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP -3/35] (Kathy) 
Thursday October 7th, 2021 7:30:10 PM

Honor remains unconscious.

[Honor has a potion of CLW in her belt pouch. Maybe Fake Honor does, too, LOL.]

SteveM - Elron | AC 21 (19 if raging), HP -13/49 
Thursday October 7th, 2021 7:57:34 PM

Elron dreams that he's died and gone to his eternal reward. And in the Lands of Rest, he sees his doppelganger. Elron rushes to the Keeper of the Estate he's in, a celestial, and says, "I have a twin!" The archon takes a look and replies, "No, that is but Eitelkeit, a powerful azata who is favored by Alemi. Eitelkeit could be a god himself but for his vanity. No, he's not your twin -- he just thinks he's you, Elron!"

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 21/16/15 HP 18/45 | AC 18/11/17 HP 15/35 Hardness 2   d20+5=23 ; d8+4=10 ;
Friday October 8th, 2021 12:45:57 AM

Asimov goes through the mirror again

Irony readies an attack on the next hostile thing to come through the mirror again (23 vs AC; 10 slam damage)

DM Mitch/The Twins  d20+8=15 ; d20+8=21 ; d20+8=24 ; d20+8=19 ; d6=5 ; d6=3 ; d6=4 ;
Friday October 8th, 2021 6:28:57 AM

A bunch of unconscious people somehow manage to inform Asimov of the healing they have on them.

The Twins miss
Asimov goes through the mirror again to give Irony a chance to his his counterpart.

The Two dopplegangers turn to assault Irony as the only enemy on their side of the mirror. They hit thrice for 18 damage after hardness, taking the metal man down.

Enemy AC 17

Mirror side A (the room you came in)
Doppleganger 1 (Fake Honor): Dead
Doppleganger 2 (fake Irony): Dead
Doppleganger 3 (Fake Elron): Dead

Mirror side B (The reflection side)
Doppleganger 4 (Fake Zeoll): Dead
Doppleganger 7 (Fake Munhildur): Dead
Doppleganger 9 (Fake camel): Dead
Doppleganger 5 (fake twin 1): 9
Doppleganger 6 (fake twin 2): Dead
Doppleganger 8 (Fake Asimov): 10

DM Mitch/The Twins  d20+10=25 ; d6=1 ; d6=1 ;
Friday October 8th, 2021 6:30:15 AM

The Twins prepare an action to attack the enemy when then come back through and hopefully give Asimov a chance to find some healing for their companions (25 to hit, 7 damage)

SteveM - Elron | AC 21 (19 if raging), HP -13/49 
Friday October 8th, 2021 1:35:57 PM

Elron dreams:

Two roads diverged in a shadowed land,
And sorry he could not travel both
And be one traveler, Elron did stand. . .
At left stood a man with open hands
And a light brightened the undergrowth;

Downhill to the right, on a path as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because he hadn't the energy to spare;
Hovered one who turned 'way from the glare
As if from fog and gloom he came,

Both paths that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Both beckoned Elron go their away!
Too wounded he, to go left and play,
Yet from the right he would never come back.

He shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and he —
He stopped and napped beneath a tree.
And dreamed dreamy dreams of nonsense.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (large 10'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP -3/41  
Friday October 8th, 2021 6:24:26 PM

Suddenly in her dream, the face of the ogre changes into that of herself, and the former ogre rises up, and tries to slash her throat. Mundhildur leans back, narrowly avoiding the attack. Then her friends gather round, and some attack her, and some defend her. Anxiety rises. What is happening? She thinks to herself, "I must wake up. Wake up!" She struggles, but her limbs are heavy. She cannot open her eyes.

'Please, wake up,' she tells herself.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, -6 of 34hp | Cayzle  d20+2=20 ;
Friday October 8th, 2021 9:27:07 PM

Camel stabilizes!

Same as his master.

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP -3/35] (Kathy) 
Friday October 8th, 2021 11:16:37 PM

Honor does not dream, but she is breathing, so we'll call it good.

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