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The Troll and the Pit

(DM Cayzle) The Door Opens 
Monday July 5th, 2021 6:18:14 PM

The door opens on a natural cavern-like passageway. It varies in width from 5 ft wide to 30 ft wide. The ceiling is usually high, about 30 ft high, but sometimes lowers down to as low as 5 ft, and sometimes rises beyond your easy detection.

Obviously, some people have been through here, carving a more-or-less flat floor, or filling one in. They have widened some spots. cut away obstacles in others. Even so, you see some gorgeous stone formations as you step in.

The passage continues forward as far as you can see, that is, up past that curve 50 ft ahead.

"Good luck!" says the Door.

Marching order?

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (medium 7'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41   d20+6=17 ;
Monday July 5th, 2021 6:47:40 PM

Being first through the door, Mundhildur steps through, traveling 40' ahead, but waiting until all have entered before going farther than that. Quietly she asks, "I'll be happy to go first, but if someone feels it wiser another does, I'll listen."

She has been looking at walls, floor, ceiling as they walk through, and listening to hear the ambient sound.

Perception: 17

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 31/32] (Kathy) 
Monday July 5th, 2021 7:23:22 PM

"I think perhaps Elron first," Honor says. "He's good at noticing things, and--forgive me, Elron--we can easily see over him."

She turns. "Twins, are you still all right taking rear guard? Or would you like me to do it for a while?"

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 40/40  d20+12=16 ;
Monday July 5th, 2021 10:43:24 PM

Elron would be happy to lead the group for a while, and carrying the torch Mundhildur gave him.

(Perception = 16)

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 29/29 Hardness 2   d20+8=22 ;
Monday July 5th, 2021 11:22:06 PM

Asimov says, Elron you can go first, but how good are you at finding traps?

Regadless of where he goes in marching order he tries to keep an eye out to see if there might be anything of interest. (Perception: 22 or 24 vs Mechanical traps)

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (medium 7'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41  
Tuesday July 6th, 2021 3:20:11 AM

Mundhi is fine with about 3rd rank in marching order.

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Tuesday July 6th, 2021 8:05:51 AM

The Twins motion towards their sword and bow, indicating they are still probably the best rear guard pick with their ability to engage at all ranges.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 18/23hp | Cayzle 
Tuesday July 6th, 2021 8:22:31 AM

Zeoll is glad to be in the middle. He sends his lights ahead.

(DM Cayzle) HOY! 
Tuesday July 6th, 2021 8:47:08 AM

The party travels in order: Elron, Honor, Mundhi, Asimov, Zeoll, and the the Twins.

You advance through the twists and turns of the natural passageway. There are little holes or breakaway tunnels to one size or another, rat-size, maybe; certainly a liontaur could not fit. You round a bend and see up ahead, that the passage widens to about 25 ft wide.

A crack or chasm, 20 ft wide, makes it impossible for you to just walk forwards.

A voice calls out from the chasm, in accented common. "HOY! Who's up there, hey? Throw down a rope please! I've been stuck down here forever!"

Linguistics check DC15: Highlight to display spoiler: {Is that a ... giantish accent?}

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 31/32] (Kathy) 
Tuesday July 6th, 2021 1:53:12 PM

Honor peers cautiously over the edge. "Who are you?" she calls.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 40/40 
Tuesday July 6th, 2021 10:25:06 PM

"How long, I say, how long a forever? You ain't dead, is you?" Elron's not so dense as to expect an undead monster to admit it's an undead monster, so he's alert to the possibility that a negative answer is a positive confirmation.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 29/29 Hardness 2   d20+11=20 ;
Wednesday July 7th, 2021 12:20:26 AM

(Linguistics: 20 = pass)

Asimov says to Mundhi, "Hey it sounds like the person stuck down there has a giantish accent."

Asimov calls down, "Haloo down there. We weren't expectng to find anyone down here given how long these tunnels have been buried. I don't suppose you are a construct or an undead?"

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (medium 7'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41   d20+7=27 ;
Wednesday July 7th, 2021 12:20:30 AM

In the giant tongue, Mundhildur says [If you speak Giant Highlight to display spoiler: {"My name is Mundhildur Karadottir, I am of Clan Stormur og Sky og Vindur Morguns. My father is Guğmundur. We are Jotuns of the Storm Giants. Who are you? How did you end up in this crevice?"}

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will  d20=3 ;
Wednesday July 7th, 2021 7:57:25 AM

With everyone distracted by what's in the chasm it'd be the perfect time for an ambush from outside the chasm. The Twins let the others look down the hole and keep their eyes open for other dangers (perception 3)

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 18/23hp | Cayzle 
Wednesday July 7th, 2021 10:36:12 AM

Zeoll guides his dancing lights to better illuminate the pit.

"Be carreful, Miss Honorr," he calls softly.

(DM Cayzle) HOY! 
Wednesday July 7th, 2021 12:02:07 PM

Honor sees that the pit is about 25 ft deep. In Zeoll's dancing light, she sees that the sides are glassy and highly polished. At the bottom, she sees an 8-ft-tall fellow, with a rough hide, clawed hands, and tasks that give him his accent.

"Hey! Muh name's Trevor! Trevor the Troll! Please let me out!"

Trevor repeats that he is a troll to Asimov, not an undead. "Am not dead! Not yet!"

Mundhi asks a question, and Trevor explains in common that he fell in this pit, a really long time ago, and he would like to get out!

Elron calls down, "How long, I say, how long a forever? You ain't dead, is you?"

"Not dead! Troll!" says Trevor.

The Twins keep watch behind. Aside from the odd little creature skittering, like bugs or normal rats, there's nothing.

Honor, perception check DC18: Highlight to display spoiler: {Looks like he has a goiter! A big one!}

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 31/32] (Kathy)  d20+3=18 ; d20+8=24 ;
Wednesday July 7th, 2021 12:09:21 PM

"He has a...oh, what are they called?" Honor says. "A goiter! That's caused by poor nutrition, isn't it?" Honor tries to remember what she knows of goiters. [Heal 24]

However, Trolls are usually evil creatures, so she uses her ability to detect for evil.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 40/40 
Wednesday July 7th, 2021 11:03:45 PM

"How long have you been down there?" Elron has the rope he got from the drow, but waits for Miss Honor to say it's ok to use it.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 29/29 Hardness 2  
Wednesday July 7th, 2021 11:55:01 PM

Asimov says, "There's a troll in a hole named Trevor. Of course there is. What do trolls eat by the way?" he asks Zeoll as Zeoll is knowledgeable about things of nature.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (medium 7'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41  
Thursday July 8th, 2021 12:26:13 AM

Mundhi has silk ropes. She quietly tells Honor, "You give me the word, and I'll help pull Trevor out of the crevasse."

"If we pull you out, Trevor, will you help us for a while?"

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Thursday July 8th, 2021 8:58:37 AM

The Twins consider. "Will anything we're carrying hold a troll's weight?" "Silk rope would be best, perhaps wrapped around him to distribute his weight evenly and not snap it."

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 18/23hp | Cayzle 
Thursday July 8th, 2021 9:12:33 AM

Zeoll is happy to share his troll lore. "Trrolls arre known forr eating anything they can, and that includes people."

(DM Cayzle) HOY! 
Thursday July 8th, 2021 9:13:07 AM

Honor points out that the troll has a huge swelling in his neck, a goiter maybe? She explains that a goiter is usually a sign of a nutritional disease. This is a class II goiter: palpable and easily seen.

The paladin tries to sense for evil: Honor, Please Highlight to display spoiler: {Sure, Trevor is definitely evil.}

Elron asks how long he's been down there. Trevor says, "No days, no nights, who knows? Years!"

Asimov asks Zeoll what trolls eat, and the old bard says, basically, anything.

Mundhi is ready to pull Trevor out. The Twins suggest silk rope.

Mundhi asks if he will help the party. "Sure," Trevor calls up. "I'm your slave for ... a week! A month! if you let me out!"

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 31/32] (Kathy) 
Thursday July 8th, 2021 9:44:11 PM

Honor bites her lip. This creature is evil. But she cannot just walk away and leave it in a hole.

"We do not need a slave," she calls. "Just a moment."

Honor has 100 feet of silk rope, which she now pulls out of her pack. "Let's try to rig a harness," she tells her friends.

"Trevor?" she calls. "We're going to try to get you out. We may not be strong enough to lift you, but we're going to try."

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 40/40 
Thursday July 8th, 2021 9:59:06 PM

"Hey, Trevor, know any jokes?" Elron asks. He helps Honor and Mundhildur as best he can, or holds the torch so they can see what they're doing.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 29/29 Hardness 2   d20+2=15 ; d20+3=6 ;
Friday July 9th, 2021 12:26:44 AM

Asimov and Irony take their positions in the rope line.

Asimov : 15 Strength check
Irony: 6 Strength check

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will  d20+4=12 ;
Friday July 9th, 2021 8:35:36 AM

The Twins are able to help pull him up as well (12 str check)

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (medium 7'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41   d20+3=7 ;
Friday July 9th, 2021 9:24:46 AM

"Not our slave, but shall we say our helper for seven days? Give us a moment, we're fashioning a harness, then we will lift you up. In exchange for rescuing you from years of living in a pit, you will help us and do as we ask for a week, and harm none of us. Agreed?" Hearing the discussion about food, she adds, "I have a little food for you for breakfast."

She has two sets of blocks and tackle. She adds that into the mix, using the silk ropes. Her current assembly skills are not as keen as before when she used block and tackle (Survival: 7), so she'll let others do the assembly. She will help with the pulling up (strength 16, 1,026 pounds weight).

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 18/23hp | Cayzle 
Friday July 9th, 2021 2:14:06 PM

Zeoll lends his mass to the lifting project. "We'll have you out of therre in a jiffy, big guy," he calls down.

(DM Cayzle) HOY!   d6=6 ; d20+8=14 ; d20+8=28 ; d6+5=10 ; d6+5=8 ; d20+8=15 ;
Friday July 9th, 2021 2:27:48 PM

The party strains mightily, and with their combined effort, hauls the troll out of the 35 ft deep pit. On the way up, Elron asks Trevor if he knows any jokes.

You see that he is dressed in rags, and he does have a big swelling in his neck.

"JOKES?! Sure I know jokes."

"Knock Knock!"

[OOC: Your DM assumes that Elron or someone will play along.]

"Who's there?


"Eatin who?"

"Eatin YOU!"

With a hysterical laugh, the troll rakes out with is claws and bites. I'm assuming everybody is in melee range, since everybody was hauling. So for Asimov, Elron, Honor, Mundhi, Twins, and Zeoll, rolling a d6, Trevor focuses on ... 6! Zeoll!

The troll's claws hit the liontaur once, but it's a crit for double damage, inflicting 18 damage. That puts Zeoll at zero, and he is disabled. The bite hits AC15, a miss.

Honor Bright [AC 19 (22 against Trevor); HP 31/32] (Kathy)  d20+12=29 ; d8=1 ;
Friday July 9th, 2021 3:49:46 PM

Honor draws Virtue. "Trevor, I am very disappointed in you," she says. As a swift action, she makes Trevor her Smite Evil target. Then she attacks.

[Hit AC 29 for 8 damage. Smite overcomes DR, but of course DR isn't the problem with trolls.]

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 40/40  d20+4=20 ; d10=6 ; d20+4=14 ; d4+2=5 ; d4+2=4 ;
Friday July 9th, 2021 5:15:14 PM

Elron does not take kindly to the troll's unsurprising betrayal. He becomes enraged, and lashes out... "If'n you're gonna be that way, you might as well crawl back in your hole!"

Flurry of blows
* Hits AC 20 for 5 damage
* Hits AC 14 for 4 damage
Rage 1/8

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will  d20+8=27 ;
Friday July 9th, 2021 8:40:12 PM

The Twins roll their eyes, not really surprised, and shove the troll right back down the hole (bull rush 27 to shove him, shouldn't need more then 5 feet of push to drop him right back down).

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Friday July 9th, 2021 8:40:37 PM

(this does provoke an AoO from the troll)

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 18/23hp | Cayzle 
Saturday July 10th, 2021 8:23:48 AM

Zeoll uses the withdraw action to step back without provoking an AoO.


Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (medium 7'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41   d20+6=23 ;
Saturday July 10th, 2021 10:55:40 PM

Mundhildur was among those helping to pull him up, and there was a harness, right? Still holding on to the rope, she swings around to obtain the right angle, and uses the ropes to pull him back into the pit, trying to add to the impetus that the Twins provided with the bull rush. Pulling effort: 23, to drop him back into the crevasse.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 29/29 Hardness 2   2d4+2=8 ; d20+4=19 ; d8+4=10 ;
Sunday July 11th, 2021 10:36:45 PM

Asimov withdraws out of Trevors range.

"Irony attack Trevor." The technomancer commands.

Irony slam : 19 vs AC; 10 damage

0: nanobot repair capsule (mending),light emitter (light), corrosive pistol (acid splash), open slot (can take time to prepare something)
1st: fire-handling gloves (produce flame) - x used, wrist rockets (magic missile) , Flaming glove (burning hands)-x used, open slot (can take time to prepare something)
2nd: rapid repair nanobot capsule (make whole) , rapid repair nanobot capsule (make whole)

(DM Cayzle) HOY!   d20+8=21 ; d6=4 ; d6=4 ;
Tuesday July 13th, 2021 12:28:51 AM

Honor attacks Trevor for 8 damage. The troll looks confused at her words.

Furious, Elron hits for 5 damage.

"You not like jokes, chicken-man? Why you cross the road then? HA!"

The Twins push Trevor back into the pit. That provokes an AoO, and the troll uses it to snap his jaws. The troll hits AC21, a miss! The Twins push him down into the pit, and he takes 8 falling damage.

Zeoll and Asimov step back.

Irony's and Mundhi's attacks are moot.

Trevor says "OOF!" and then calls up, "Look, I'm sorry. Can we try again? We got off on the wrong foot."

You inflicted 21 damage on Trevor this round, and then he regenerates 5, so he is at 16 damage.

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Tuesday July 13th, 2021 7:01:28 AM

"Nope." the Twins say together, then they look for some way to secure their route over the chasm deeper in.

Honor Bright [AC 19 (22 against Trevor); HP 31/32] (Kathy) 
Tuesday July 13th, 2021 4:00:07 PM

"We got you out of the pit, and you tried to eat Zeoll," Honor says severely. "That wasn't nice."

She begins looking for a way across the chasm.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 14/23hp | Cayzle  d8=5 ; d8=1 ; d8=5 ;
Tuesday July 13th, 2021 8:03:26 PM

Zeoll cures himself: 14 hp, yay.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (medium 7'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41   d20+3=7 ;
Tuesday July 13th, 2021 10:37:46 PM

"Would multiple arrows, flames, and fire spells be appropriate based upon your wicked heart?" Mundhildur calls down. "I said I have food. But you lie to us, and try to eat us, you evil scoundrel. Stay there another hundred years... unless we decide to burn you out. Bad troll."

She has no heart of mercy toward him who attacked her friend Zeoll. She ensures she has the blocks and tackle, pulls up what rope she can for use elsewhere. If she needs to cut and abandon some of the rope, she will do so. She gathers what remains.

She works with her friends to see about getting around this crevasse.
Survival (for figuring out how to get around): 7

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 40/40  d20+12=29 ;
Tuesday July 13th, 2021 10:51:17 PM

"Just so's you know, your behavior was the pits."

Elron looks for a way across or around the pit. (Perception = 29)

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Tuesday July 13th, 2021 11:13:55 PM

The Twins get a good chuckle out of Elron's comment.

(DM Cayzle) HOY!  
Tuesday July 13th, 2021 11:55:59 PM

The Twins look for a way forward that bypasses Trevor's pit, but they see that the hole extends from wall to wall, with nary a ledge nor lip.

Honor notes that the pit is about 30 ft wide, and the sides are smooth and polished. The ceiling is about 15-20 ft up.

Zeoll is too busy curing himself to be concerned.

Putting away the roping, Mundhi threatens to burn the troll to death.

Elron recovers his sense of humor. Trevor laughs at the joke, and again asks to be set free. "I won't fight or bite, I promise."

The pit sits in your way, and your path lies forward.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 29/29 Hardness 2  
Wednesday July 14th, 2021 2:20:54 AM

Asimov tells Irony to stand down and says, "Did you ever the story fo the scorpion and the frog? The scorpion wanted to cross the river and the frog offered it a ride. As it was midway over the river the scropion stung the frog ensuring they'd both drown. The frog asked, "why'd you do that" and the scorpion replied, "it's in my nature." I think Trevor was just acting by his nature."

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 40/40 
Wednesday July 14th, 2021 3:44:17 PM

"If it's 'is nature, we ain't done nothin' to change that." Elron looks at the situation. "I might be able to jump that."

Honor Bright [AC 19 (22 against Trevor); HP 31/32] (Kathy) 
Wednesday July 14th, 2021 5:21:49 PM

"But we couldn't all jump it," Honor tells Elron. "I doubt I could make it, and Mundhildur would probably bang her head on the ceiling. We need a bridge of some kind."

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 14/23hp | Cayzle 
Wednesday July 14th, 2021 8:23:37 PM

"I don't think I could jump it," says Zeoll, eyeing the pit dubiously. "Maybe in my youth I could ..."

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 29/29 Hardness 2   d20+8=12 ;
Thursday July 15th, 2021 3:13:13 AM

Asimov says, "Irony could not jump that."

The technomancer looks around for another option.(Perception: 12)

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Thursday July 15th, 2021 7:23:21 AM

The Twins look to the other side to see if there's anything someone could secure a rope around. "If one of us is able to cross..." "...then we could throw ropes across and possibly make a crude bridge."

(DM Cayzle) HOY!  
Thursday July 15th, 2021 11:30:33 PM

The party thinks about jumping. That would be a DC30 acrobatics check.

As for a rope bridge or using ropes to cross, well, first you have to think of a way to anchor the rope over there, and second, maybe a Knowledge Engineering check would help.

Trevor calls up from the bottom of the pit, "Hoy! I know how to get you across! Haul me up and I'll help you. With no biting this time, I promise!"

Is anyone stepping within five feet of the pit mouth? Make sure you say so if you do!

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 29/29 Hardness 2  
Thursday July 15th, 2021 11:42:45 PM

Asimov calls down to Trevor, "How about you tell us your idea first and then we decide if that is worthy of bringing you back up again? Though if you are only acting in your nature then that would mean if we did bring you up again we'd probably be attacked again. It is really hard to trust you right now, you know that?"

Honor Bright [AC 19 (22 against Trevor); HP 31/32] (Kathy) 
Thursday July 15th, 2021 11:53:53 PM

"Perhaps the dark elves have a ladder or something we could use to traverse the chasm," Honor says. Under her breath she adds, "and maybe some alchemist's fire as well."

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 40/40 
Friday July 16th, 2021 7:50:54 AM

Elron takes a good look at the floor by the pit. Does it get slick or worn there?

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Friday July 16th, 2021 8:05:39 AM

The Twins shoved Trevor back in and hadn't backed up since so they're probably within 5 feet of the edge as they look over and try to see somethi8ng they can lasso a rope around. "A ladder should work, if it was long enough." one Twins agrees while the other keeps looking. (I thought it was 20 feet wide and 25 feet deep? Is the farther ledge higher up?)

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 14/23hp | Cayzle 
Friday July 16th, 2021 3:34:13 PM

Zeoll mentions that he can cast Guidance and Inspire Competence for someone just before they jump. [OOC: Net +3]

(DM Cayzle) HOY!   d3=3 ; d20+2=15 ; d20+10=25 ; d20+10=16 ;
Saturday July 17th, 2021 10:26:57 AM

[OOC: On one day I said the pit was 25 ft deep; another time I said it was 35 ft deep. Let's split the difference and settle on 30 ft deep. I've said the pit mouth is 20 ft wide and 30 ft wide. Again, average it to 25 ft. DC25 to jump.]

Honor considers going back for a ladder. She has some hostility, barely concealed, towards Trevor.

Elron takes a good look at the floor by the pit. Does it get slick or worn there?

The Twins look for a anchor on the other side.

Zeoll mentions that he can offer help to anyone trying almost anything.

Asimov challenges Trevor to reveal his way of getting across.

Elron does indeed notice that the edge of the pit is a little damp in places. And sticky.

The Twins see no anchor on the other side.

Trevor agrees to Asimov's challenge. "STAND BACK" Trevor shouts. The troll opens his mouth and whips out his tongue! His "goiter" deflates as the tongue goes out ... out ... out!

Asimov, Elron, and the Twins are on the edge. The tongue whips out at the Twins.

Twins, please make a Perception check vs DC11. If you make it, you saw the tongue coming and heard Trevor's warning and are able to step back.

If you fail the check, the tongue makes a combat maneuver check to grab you. Trevor rolls a CMB 25 to grab you, and succeeds vs the Twins' CMD21. Then, as a free action, Trevor pulls. That's another CMB check that fails. The Twins are not pulled into the pit, yet.

So either the Twins have stepped back, in which case the tongue sticks to the pit lip. Or the tongue hits the Twins, and is still stuck to him.

If the tongue is stuck to the Twins, they can pull free with a CMB or escape artists check vs CMD22.

"Argle barg gargle barg," says Trevor, not able to speak clearly with his tongue so engaged. He also manages a "HOY!"

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will  d20=8 ; d20+6=25 ; d20+6=20 ; d8=2 ; d8=1 ;
Saturday July 17th, 2021 1:20:59 PM

The twins fail to see tongue coming (perception 8). They wobble, catch their balance, then let out an exasperated sigh as the draw their smaller blade and hack at the tongue (25 to hit, 20 to crit confirm, 5 damage or 9 on crit)

Honor Bright [AC 19 (22 against Trevor); HP 31/32] (Kathy) 
Saturday July 17th, 2021 4:46:46 PM

Honor would like to help with the tongue-cutting project, but she is a ways back and if I'm understanding the layout, can't get close enough. So she stays where she is, and rummages through her pack, looking for some kind of fire. As a free action, she regrets buying tanglefoot bags rather than alchemist's fire.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 29/29 Hardness 2   d20+8=27 ; d20+2=5 ; d20+1=2 ;
Monday July 19th, 2021 12:15:56 AM

Perception: 27

Asimov says to the Twins, "He did call out a warning before he launched his tongue you know. Then again he might just be trying to eat us again."

Asimov and Irony try to help the twins get unstruck (Aid another on escape artist vs DC 10: Asimov - 5 = failure; Irony 2 = failure) but all they seem to do is get in the way.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (medium 7'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41   d20+5=19 ; d20+6=15 ;
Monday July 19th, 2021 2:10:03 AM

Rope in hand, Mundhi tosses a loop over the twins (19, ranged touch?). "I'll pull you back." She does so (15).

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 14/23hp | Cayzle 
Monday July 19th, 2021 3:51:31 PM

Zeoll casts Guidance on Mundhi in her effort to play tug of war with the Twins.

[OOC: Achievement unlocked! Got Kim to refer to his character as "Mundhi"! I wore you down at last, my friend!"] [edit: I see this is not the first time you did it, just the first time I noticed!]

(DM Cayzle) HOY!  d2=1
Monday July 19th, 2021 11:21:23 PM

The Twins are clobbered by the sticky tongue, and then they attempt to cut through it.

Mundhi lassos the pair, and Zeoll assists him magically. Asimov tries too.

Honor and Elron look on threateningly.

The Twins slice through the tongue, and then are yanked back from the brink.

Trevor calls up, as his tongue regenerates, "See? If I were up there, I could tongue across and you guys could use it like a bridge! See! I'm helpful! Pleeeeaaase!?"

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Tuesday July 20th, 2021 8:22:24 AM

If possible, I'd like the Twins to grab the tongue after cutting off the part grappling them, but that is very possibly to many actions.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 40/40 
Tuesday July 20th, 2021 8:44:05 AM

Elron clutches his torch. It won't do much damage, but maybe it will leave a lasting impression on this troll.

(DM Cayzle) HOY! extra 
Tuesday July 20th, 2021 8:58:45 AM

The bit of tongue has a (50-50)chance of pit or ground ... and falls to the ground. The Twins pick it up, but it is not regrowing a troll, sorry.

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Tuesday July 20th, 2021 9:24:55 AM

(I posted without refreshing first so didn't see your post. I was thinking about pulling the troll's whole tongue out to prevent it from repeating the grapple attempt - sure they regenerate, but a tongue that long will take a while!)

Honor Bright [AC 19 (22 against Trevor); HP 31/32] (Kathy) 
Tuesday July 20th, 2021 12:08:55 PM

"If he can do that with his tongue, then it isn't safe to cross the chasm," Honor points out. "He'd just grab somebody off whatever bridge we come up with."

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 40/40 
Tuesday July 20th, 2021 5:49:01 PM

Elron agrees with Honor, thinking he wouldn't want to jump across just to be plucked from the air by that troll. On the other hand, he has less trust for the creature now. "So how do we kill it so it can't grab us?"

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will  d20+6=21 ; d6=5 ; d8=6 ;
Tuesday July 20th, 2021 6:36:46 PM

The Twins look at each other, communicating silently. They motion to the others to quiet down, then approach the ledge again, the intentionally loud clanking of plate armor making it evident exactly where they stand. "Ok, Trever, what exactly do you propose?" one asks. The other raises their blade up, clearly ready to spear the tongue into the stone and trap it as soon as it reaches up here again (prepared action to stab the tongue, hopefully hard enough to pin it down. Hoping a regular attack will do, 21 to hit 8 damage if that matters)

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 14/23hp | Cayzle 
Tuesday July 20th, 2021 10:09:03 PM

Zeoll makes sure that the rope is still on the Twins if they are going over to the edge.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 29/29 Hardness 2  
Tuesday July 20th, 2021 11:42:15 PM

Asimov says, "Yes, let's hear the trolls suggestion and be prepared to clobber him if he attacks us again."

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (medium 7'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41  
Wednesday July 21st, 2021 12:03:32 AM

"Honor, I have 5 flasks of oil.* And a flask of acid," Mundhildur tells her. "My mule has more oil, but I'd have to go back for it." She gives her two flasks of oil, and another torch. "You want more?"

"Long Tongue, here's the deal. Your notion may work. Or not. How about I tie a rope to one of my less weighty friends. I hang on to one end of it, and let out some slack. You do your tongue thing to get that one across. But if you pull my friend down and try to eat him or her, why, I'll come down myself and cut you and burn you so that today is your last day alive. But you do what you say, and help 'em across, and then if that works, help another across, and we get a workable crossing going... well, maybe we'll have a deal.

"Meanwhile," she says, and pulls some food out of her bag. "I don't know if this is the sort of thing you like to eat. But here is a bit of grub." She sends down some bread, salted meat, and a few vegetables.

"This is either your last meal, Long Tongue, or the start of a time where you'll help us for the help we give you, then we send you down the tunnels after your service is done - and I say when it's done, or we kill you if you attack us. What do you think?"

She has one end of the rope around the Twins, as Zeoll handles the other. If Trevor agrees to her plan, she helps to set them up with a few loops to hang on to, and enough to cover the crossing then some.

"I've got a sledgehammer, a couple of picks, some crowbars, a score of spikes. Anyone want to make use of those for this project?"

*She actually has 6 flasks of oil with her. She understated slightly.

(DM Cayzle) HOY! extra  
Wednesday July 21st, 2021 6:58:12 AM

Honor points out that Trevor could whip his tongue at anyone who tries to jump or bridge across.

Talk turns to either killing or dealing with the troll.

Trevor says, "It won't work from down here! I have to be up there. Then I tongue across to the other side. Then you guys hand-over-hand to get over. Easy-Peasy!"

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Wednesday July 21st, 2021 7:14:39 AM

The Twins give Munhilder an incredulous look. They had no actual plans of working with the troll, it's proven itself untrustworthy twice over, They had just wanted to trick the stupid thing into attacking again and pin the tongue to render it a non-threat. They mime pulling the troll up, then run a finger across their throat, making clear their intention to kill the thing as soon as it's up without letting the troll overhear.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 40/40 
Wednesday July 21st, 2021 7:38:29 AM

"Feeding it first might help, but probably not. When it attacked, it went after our biggest party member, not just a light snack." Clearly, Elron thinks he would be the light snack. "But maybe it hasn't eaten for so long that this meal will make it sick an' it'll learn some manners."

Honor Bright [AC 19 (22 against Trevor); HP 31/32] (Kathy) 
Wednesday July 21st, 2021 12:24:03 PM

Honor hesitates. She is all for second chances. But, as the Twins had pointed out, Trevor had attacked them twice now, so this would be a third chance. How many chances should one creature get?

On the other hand, killing a trapped creature, even an evil one, felt a little too much like murder.

On the other other hand, even if Trevor helped them...what then? He would still be an evil creature, and he would be free to do whatever evil he wanted.

She nods agreement to the Twins' apparent plan.

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Wednesday July 21st, 2021 10:30:49 PM

If they were having an aloud conversation then the Twins would point out how if they pulled the troll up and let them go he'd just walk right into the drow and probably kill a bunch of them, or just be attacked out of hand by them. However they are being quiet, can't say this, and this post is really kind of cheating isn't it?

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 29/29 Hardness 2  
Thursday July 22nd, 2021 12:43:19 AM

Asimov says, "To be fair the second time it did call out look out below. I'm all for saying if someone shows you who they are believe them but can you really count the second time if it called out a warning before the tongue hit and we just didnt' hear it?"

(DM Cayzle) HOY! extra  
Thursday July 22nd, 2021 12:58:52 AM

The party debates what to do.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (medium 7'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41  
Thursday July 22nd, 2021 3:08:46 AM

The jotunnar lady takes two spikes, finds a solid spot in the wall towards the right, and uses the sledgehammer to drive each spike into the wall. She keeps in mind how far the troll's tongue reaches, and how tall people stand. She does not say so right now, but the plan in her mind is to tie rope along the wall, and let people use it to hold on to as they bypass the pit. She wants it to be high enough that the tongue of Trevor will not be able to reach up and grab onto someone's legs as they make their way across. She is not certain how well this might work for Irony.

She asks someone to guard her legs against tonguing, and pounds another spike into the wall.

Honor Bright [AC 19 (22 against Trevor); HP 31/32] (Kathy) 
Thursday July 22nd, 2021 2:47:15 PM

"I'm not sure this is going to work," Honor says, but she steps up to guard Mundhildur against tongue attacks.

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Thursday July 22nd, 2021 8:17:02 PM

The Twins do not comprehend the plan and watch closely to see if they can figure it out.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 29/29 Hardness 2   d20+8=27 ;
Thursday July 22nd, 2021 11:57:31 PM

Asimov and Irony wander over to near Munhildur and Asimov keeps an eye out to help the giantess.

(Perception: 27)

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 40/40  d20+12=27 ;
Friday July 23rd, 2021 8:01:59 AM

Elron watches Mundhildur work, figuring she knows what she's doing. Besides which, he's likely to be the first across, being the lightest, so he wants to be confident about it.

More, he keeps an eye on the troll. He keeps his whappin' stick ready in case Trevor gets up to more nonsense. (Perception = 27 to warn Munhildur of trollish deviltry)

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 14/23hp | Cayzle 
Friday July 23rd, 2021 11:41:35 AM

Zeoll looks up at the ceiling (15-20 ft high), urges Mundhi to go higher, and sings to give her a +2 bonus. And prays (Guidance) to give a +1.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (medium 7'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41  
Friday July 23rd, 2021 2:38:25 PM

Mundhi follows Zeoll's counsel.

Mundhildur's Spike & Rope Bridge Over Troll Pit

"It might be good for someone lighter than I to extend it past the first four spikes," she says. "We can rope you, so that if you slip, we'll get you back quickly."

(DM Cayzle) HOY! extra 
Monday July 26th, 2021 11:50:13 PM

Mundhi has a clever idea to use spikes and ropes to make a "bridge" on the wall above the reach of Trevor's tongue.

Honor guards Mundhi as she works.

The Twins inspects the process to understand it.

Asimov and Elron watch carefully, keeping guard.

Zeoll urges Mundhi on.

Mundhi, please roll a Knowledge Engineering check or just an Int check. You can add Zeoll's +3.

Subtract the result from 25. That's the Climb DC to safely cross your "bridge."

If you roll a 15, then the Climb DC is 10, for example.

When you (anybody) attempts to make the climb across, please gain a +4 bonus if you are small in size, and a -4 penalty if you are large.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 29/29 Hardness 2  
Tuesday July 27th, 2021 12:18:06 AM

Asimov asks, "Who is the lightest amongst us to help Mundhi extend the bridge?"

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Tuesday July 27th, 2021 7:52:10 AM

The Twins are probably not the answer since they are wearing heavy plate armor so they just take position to deal with Trevor when he inevitably attacks.

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Tuesday July 27th, 2021 7:52:10 AM

The Twins are probably not the answer since they are wearing heavy plate armor so they just take position to deal with Trevor when he inevitably attacks.

Honor Bright [AC 19 (22 against Trevor); HP 31/32] (Kathy) 
Tuesday July 27th, 2021 2:08:35 PM

"Elron, usually," Honor replies to Asimov's question. "Although, how heavy is Irony? Maybe he would be the best option."

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (medium 7'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41   d20+7=11 ;
Tuesday July 27th, 2021 3:46:32 PM

Mundhildur has the climb skill (which subsumes using the tools for climbing, such as spikes and ropes). So, if it's okay, I'll take the +4 from climb, and the +3 from Zeoll's boosts, and roll d20+7. The results are less than spectacular, anyways: 25-11=DC14. Which means several of us are likely to miss it. However, having a tethering rope for the first, and a pair of tethering ropes for the 2nd and following to cross it should mitigate and give some 'do-overs'. Especially if the tethering ropes are occasionally draped over the spikes so as to keep falls from having people go all the way to the bottom. How about if, by taking extra care and time, we 'take 10' on the roll? That would give 17. 25-17=DC8. Or, if you go with take 10 on Intelligence, that takes it a 14, or 25-14=DC11. Should Asimov, who has actual knowledge, engineering were to offer his counsel, perhaps even physical involvement, that could kick the DC down even more. Also, we could add a taut rope tied to the lower spikes, and that should help, too. Rope at top, rope at bottom. Multiple points of support. If one spike gives way, there is the helpful support of the adjoining spikes. An extra diagonal up-down zig-zag rope could further augment the safety, but we might be approaching a bit of over-engineering at that point, and we're adventurers, risk-takers, right?]

"Azimov, you are an engineer. Can you help me improve the design, and oversee the details? Is the rock in each spot secure enough? I've come up with the general design, but you be in charge of the rest of the implementation, all right? Tell us what to do, and how to do it.

"Who can handle a sledge hammer as you take advantage of the set spikes and rope to extend the wall bridge the full way? Honor, it seems to me you have the strength, and you weigh less than half what I do. Twins - one of you could do this, despite your armor - or maybe one in the lead, one to follow for support. You could remove your armor for the job if you dare. You are each very strong, and pretty nimble. Asimov - you could do it. I don't think Irony would be well suited.

"Zeoll - too big! Elron - perhaps a bit small for the task. My weight is also on the high side. I can help hold one of the ropes, and give guidance. Zeoll also would be a good anchor to one of the ropes.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 40/40 
Tuesday July 27th, 2021 10:30:11 PM

Elron is probably far the lightest, being small (although large for a small creature) and avian. He was not studied climbing, but promises to cling tenaciously if he's the one to cross.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 14/23hp | Cayzle 
Tuesday July 27th, 2021 11:08:36 PM

Zeoll eyes this construct of spikes and ropes, and ponders his own large size.

"I don't know, Mundhi ..."

The liontaur looks back at his faithful camel, lingering in the back far from the troll, and shakes his head.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 29/29 Hardness 2   d20+9=19 ;
Tuesday July 27th, 2021 11:59:46 PM

Knowledge: Engineering - 19

Asimov tries to bring his knowledge of engineering principals to reinforce the makeshift bridge they are constructing.

(DM Cayzle) HOY! 
Wednesday July 28th, 2021 8:50:49 AM

Asimov's expertise helps make Mundhi's makeshift "bridge" even safer, lowering the climb DC to 9. That's 13 for large folk and 5 for small.

You have a solution, of sorts. Anybody want to try the crossing?

Trevor calls up, "HOY! I don't think that will work. My tongue idea is much better!"

Honor Bright [AC 19 (22 against Trevor); HP 31/32] (Kathy) 
Wednesday July 28th, 2021 12:58:02 PM

"I'm not much of a climber," Honor says, "but I think I can make it across. Maybe I should go first? My weight will be a decent test, and if there's trouble on the other side I can defend myself until help arrives."

Honor doesn't insist on going first, but she does volunteer. Honor is -1 to Climb checks in her armor, so when her turn comes, she'll take 10 and get that 9 she needs.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (medium 7'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41  
Wednesday July 28th, 2021 3:19:59 PM

Mundhildur adds a spike on the floor, to be used to brace the person who holds the safety rope in case someone falls. She sends a couple of spikes for the first crosser to use, and the sledgehammer. "Put one of these in the floor about this far from the edge." 'This far' is about 10 feet - 5 feet farther than the troll's tongue currently reaches, but she does not give the distance out loud.

"Sure, Honor, that sounds good. You can then help spot from your side for the next person. Maybe then, each Twin, Zeoll, Elron, Irony, Asimov - or Asimov, Irony, then me. As you cross, I'll have one of the safety ropes - with a harness each can use. I'll be this size," Mundhildur says, growing to over ten feet tall, "until I cross. Then I'll go back to my starting size."

"Everyone take it slowly. Care is better than speed in this crossing. Twins - can you hold the safety rope on the far side once you get there? I've seen your strength. Maybe Zeoll can lend a hand as rope anchor when I come across."

For the safety rope, she recommends the crossers occasionally slip it up over the top spike, so that their fall will be quite short.

She gives alchemist's fire to Honor, also. "If longtongue acts up, you can send this his way." She gives Asimov a couple of flasks of oil to add to the conflagration should it be needed.

Should the others get safely across, Mundhi goes last. DC 9, take ten for 14 - success (barring outside interference).

Climb: take 10: 14

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 40/40 
Wednesday July 28th, 2021 9:49:26 PM

Elron thinks the troll will attempt to attack the climbers, and suggests someone be ready to shoot it if it does.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 29/29 Hardness 2   d20+9=10 ;
Thursday July 29th, 2021 1:18:22 AM

Asimov says, "You know I'm not much of a climber either, neither is Irony"

He says, "I don't suppose anyone has any extra rope? Maybe we could make a makeshift harness so that if anyone falls we can pull them back up?"

Assuming Asimov gets a rope he tries to finangle a rope harness (Know[engineering]: 10)

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will  d20+8=14 ; d8=8 ;
Thursday July 29th, 2021 7:22:31 AM

The Twins are actually pretty strong climbers (+4 even after armor check penalty!) and seem to have been volunteered to go second. They don't like splitting up, but with the amount of weight the ropes can hold being in question they don't have much choice. For now they just get out their bow and prepare an action to try to shoot troll's tongue when he inevitably tries to pull someone off the ropes. Maybe they'll get lucky and pin the thing to the wall (14 to hit, 8 damage)

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (medium 7'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41   d20+4=7 ; d20+4=22 ; d20+4=6 ; d20+4=6 ;
Friday July 30th, 2021 5:23:48 AM

To Form A Harness
"I've been making rope harnesses for a while, Asimov. Here, let me help adjust yours..." She tries to 'help' on that, but only succeeds in making it slightly worse than what he came up with. "Um, let's start over. Here's what I'm thinking."

She takes a 14-foot length of rope, wraps it around the center of her back, and makes a simple under/over-under/over tie in front. That leaves two equal-sized ends. She hikes up her dress and runs the lines between the legs. She squats down, pulls the two ends up behind her, until the lines run taut adjacent the top of each thigh. "Good to be snug. More challenging for men, but necessary."

The two ends she pulls up along the left and right side of the seat to run up under the back of the waist rope. She snugs those up. Then she wraps the ends under the waist rope twice on each side. Then she brings the ends forward, and, slightly to the left front side of her waist, loops ends under and over twice at the waist, and snugs up. The rest she loops around her waist belt. "If you have pocket on left side, just stuff it in there."

"Last part." She takes a 30-inch length of rope, loops it around the mid-waist and crotch-level ropes a few times until it forms a loop about six inches in circumference. "The guide ropes we run through this loop. Someone slips or falls, that catches them. As I said, as you cross, toss the guide rope up and over the top spikes as you traverse. Step, toss over next spike, adjust feet, step, toss over next spike, adjust feet, and so on."

"All right, I think I am biggest here. This will fit everyone - some looser, some tighter. If we were going long distance, would make separate one for each person. This is short distance. One for all. But I make special one for Zeoll."

"Uh, Azimov, maybe it should be your turn for good Zeoll. I make mistakes." Her two attempts are so bad it is obvious they will not really do the job for the liontaur.

Trying to help adjust Asimov's harness: Climb: 7
Starting over from scratch, using model she has used before: Climb: 22
For Zeoll: Two attempts, each at 6.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 40/40 
Friday July 30th, 2021 11:43:06 PM

Elron looks over the setup, and concludes his odds of climbing across now are better than his odds of running and jumping, despire having wings he could flap to gain a few feet on that attempt.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 29/29 Hardness 2   d20+9=26 ;
Sunday August 1st, 2021 10:53:14 PM

Asimov uses his knowledge of engineering to help adjust Zeoll's harness (Know[engineering]: 26)

(DM Cayzle) HOY! 
Monday August 2nd, 2021 11:56:55 PM

[OOC: Sorry for poor posting last week. Crazy busy with work! Here come five DM Posts on five days, no drama!]


Your evil DM reminds you of the rules for Taking 10: Taking 10: When your character is not in immediate danger or distracted, you may choose to take 10. ... Distractions or threats (such as combat) make it impossible for a character to take 10.

Almost all climbing checks are inherently distracting because of the threat that you will fail and fall. That's why the racial rules for creatures with a Climb speed mention that "A creature with a climb speed ... must make a Climb check to climb any wall or slope with a DC higher than 0, but it can always choose to take 10, even if rushed or threatened while climbing."

So no taking 10, sorry.

Silver lining ... in my Climb research, I just saw that the DC for what you guys are trying to do has actually been anticipated by the rules, and is supposed to be a 15. Since I am a kindly DM, I'll stick to my easier DC already set. See! I'm nice, too!

Other Climb Rules ... you travel at quarter speed per move action, so if you have move 30, you basically move seven ft per move action, so it takes you four move actions and four successful climb checks to cross the 25 ft wide pit.

If you move 40, then three move actions will suffice. If you move 20, then five move actions.

If you fail a check by 4 or less, you make no progress that time. If you fail by 5 or more, you fall. If you fall, there are rules for catching yourself while falling and catching another person next to you. Bottom line, it is hard to do, and let's hope you do not need those rules.


Honor considers climbing, but is she sure she wants to try, given the danger involved?

Mundhi hands out some liquid fire and tries to shepherd the heroes across the danger. She also tries to improvise harnesses and safety ropes. The kindly DM rules that if someone falls, these measures will give a +2 on efforts to catch yourself while falling or to catch another person next to you.

Elron ponders the odds of climbing vs jumping.

Asimov does his best to help Mundhi secure the other PCs.

The Twins think they will do okay climbing, and when they are not climbing, they have arrows trained on Trevor.

Zeoll just watches, quietly. He is clearly worried about his camel.

Is it time for Climb checks?

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (medium 7'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41   d20+4=24 ; d20+4=14 ; d20+4=6 ; d20+4=19 ; d20+4=13 ; d20+6=15 ; d3=3 ; d20+6=24 ; d20+6=9 ; d20+6=26 ; d20+6=12 ; d20+6=19 ; d20+6=13 ; d20+6=12 ;
Tuesday August 3rd, 2021 6:22:22 AM

Mundhildur serves as the holder of the anchor rope from the starting side. Honor, the first to go, will have the top rope (wrapped around each spike) to keep hold of with her hands, and the bottom rope (wrapped around each bottom spike) and spikes to stand upon during the crossing. Last to go, Mundhildur's crossing (at her medium size, therefore with DC9) is successful, though on the third leg she has to make some adjustments: Climb: 24; 14; 6; 19; 13

Since the Jotun drove a spike into the ground (slightly leaning away from the pit, perhaps 10 to 15 degrees from vertical), and Honor did likewise on the far side (presumably - Mundhi requested she do so, but no post for Honor yet confirms this - she will ask her to confirm it is soundly in place), that gives at least one safety rope holder on each side additional purchase should someone slip. As she instructed people to drape the safety rope above each of the upper spikes, it seems that, if someone falls, there will be a near-automatic catching of them. It's like two people already are (remotely, via the safety rope) 'holding' on to them. Mundhi braces her left foot against it, her right foot farther away from the pit, and her body leaning at about 45 degrees away. The safety rope she runs around her back, left gloved hand loosening and tightening the grip, and the right gloved hand closer to the end of the rope, it wrapped once around each forearm so as to cinch up and arrest as needed should someone slip badly.

Could someone slip down enough under the circumstances that Trevor can reach them with his tongue? Sure. But is anyone like to fall all the way down? Seems unlikely.

All that said, good DM Cayzle calls the shots on any interpretation. [And welcome back!]

Rolls to 'catch' each person, as needed (and I likely should have added +2 to these rolls due to harness/safety rope combo, but DM may do so if he deems it appropriate):
..Honor: 15
..Twin 1: 24
..Twin 2: 9
..Zeoll: 26 (nat 20)
..Elron: 12
..Irony: 19
..Azimov: 13
..Self: 12 (Bringing the starting side safety rope with her, she loops it up and over the spikes as she approaches them, one end tied to harness, the other looped into her belt with some slack to allow for movement. Thus it is always looped over one, then two, then one, then two spikes as she works her way across)

[Ignore the d3=3 - finger slip]

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Tuesday August 3rd, 2021 8:17:50 AM

The Twins wait their turn and watch for trouble.

Honor Bright [AC 19 (22 against Trevor); HP 31/32] (Kathy)  d20-1=10 ; d20-1=1 ;
Tuesday August 3rd, 2021 11:52:49 AM

Honor attempts the climb.

She starts out all right [10], then completely loses her grip and starts to fall [1].

I think maybe Mundhildur catches her?

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (medium 7'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41   d20+8=26 ; d20+8=14 ; d20+8=9 ;
Tuesday August 3rd, 2021 3:00:51 PM

Supplementary post to speed things along
Mundhildur's 15 is enough for a touch 'attack' - besides all the other precautions. Honor, pulled back up to where she can reach the ropes and spikes, should (presumably, up to DM Cayzle) be able to resume her journey.

Three extra rolls for catching Honor, if needed: 26, 14, 9 (don't fall more than twice more!)

Meanwhile, I had forgotten to update the image to match verbal descriptions of Mundhildur's Rope Bridge, Abridged.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 40/40 
Tuesday August 3rd, 2021 11:04:08 PM

Elron watches, still expecting trouble from the troll.

(OOC: Do these characters have hero points? I have not used any, but have also never recorded any on Elron.)

(DM Cayzle) HOY! 
Tuesday August 3rd, 2021 11:44:41 PM

Honor starts across, but falls during her first minute!

Large Mundhi reaches out to grab her, hits her touch AC (ignoring dex) with a 15, and beats the DC17 Climb check needed to haul her up with a 26. Whew!

[OOC: To save a falling person, you have to hit the touch AC and then make the Climb check at -10. Thus instead of a DC9, the DC was 19, but then reduced by 2 to 17.]

"OOH! Good job!" Trevor calls out. "But note that my tongue is sticky so you would not have any fear of falling!"

Anyone want to try next? Mundhi and anyone trying to catch others, please pre-roll your touch attacks and climb checks. Note that if you try to catch a faller and fail the Climb check by 5 or more, you fall too!

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 29/29 Hardness 2   d20+6=23 ; d20+4=13 ; d20+8=12 ;
Wednesday August 4th, 2021 3:29:51 AM

(OOC: Ignore those rolls as Honor is making the attempt)

Asimov keeps his eyes out for trouble.

(Perception: 12)

Honor Bright [AC 19 (22 against Trevor); HP 31/32] (Kathy)  d20-1=2 ; d20-1=9 ; d20-1=16 ; d20-1=13 ; d20-1=11 ;
Wednesday August 4th, 2021 2:24:17 PM

"Right," Honor says. "Thanks, Mundhildur. Let's try that again."

Honor again attempts the climb. After a false start [2], she successfully climbs across [9. 16, 13, 11].

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