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What's the Password?

DM Steve -- Does anyone know the Svirfneblin tongue?  d100=12 ; d100=87 ; d20+9=26 ; d20+9=13 ; d20+9=27 ; 2d6+6=13 ; 2d6+6=14 ; d4=4 ;
Thursday May 6th, 2021 11:29:41 PM

Mundhildur says spider in underwold. When the door does not open, she tries it in Common. (She can work through her other languages next round.)

Asimov watches to see whether Mundhildur's attempt works, then to see whether a spider appears. (He can try his languages next round.) He sends Irony to help Zeoll. Irony hits the spider.

The Twins shoot the spider with an arrow.

Honor swings at the spider, but misses.

Elron swings at the spider and hits.

Zeoll retreats. His camel spits on the spider, sickening it. The spider's poison leaves Zeoll feeling weak. (Zeoll loses 4 Strength and make another saving throw). Also, Zeoll did not move on the map. From the text, it seems as if he was leaving the chamber, so the DM moved him out.

New spiders appear. One appears in I-11 and one in D-4. They move to attack Mundhildur and Elron. The one already in combat turns its attention to Honor.

The door continues talking but is difficult to hear in the tumult.

Red Spider hits AC 24. Honor takes 11 damage (adjusted for sickened condition) and must make a DC 22 Fort save.
Green Spider (on Elron) hits AC 13 -- miss
Blue Spider hits AC 27. Mundhildur takes 14 damage and must make a DC 22 Fort save.

red Spider -- AC 17, 17 HP damage, sickened 1/3
green Spider -- uninjured
blue Spider -- uninjured

The map is here.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 29/29 Hardness 2   d20+8=19 ; d20+4=15 ; d4+1=4 ; d4+1=4 ;
Friday May 7th, 2021 1:09:50 AM

In the heat of all this spider summoning he wonders if "the password is spider" might be more metaphorical than literal. He sees that there are 5 lit sconces in the room he is in and he wonders if there might be 3 unlit sconces perhaps 1 at E3, 1 at K9 and 1 at E 12. If so that would mean 8 sconces in total, 1 for each leg of a spider.

(Perception: 19)

Irony continues to attack the red spider slamming into it - 15 vs AC; miss

Devices prepared
0: nanobot repair capsule (mending),light emitter (light), corrosive pistol (acid splash), open slot (can take time to prepare something)
1st: fire-handling gloves (produce flame), wrist rockets (magic missile) - used, Door detector (detect secret doors), open slot (can take time to prepare something)
2nd: rapid repair nanobot capsule (make whole), fire-eater capsule (fire breath - APG)

Asimov fires off 2 wrist rockets at the spider that is harrassing Munhildur.

4 force damage - missile 1
4 force damage - missile 2

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41   d20+8=24 ; d20+6=24 ; 2d6+3=12 ; d20+6=12 ; d20+6=15 ; 2d6+3=11 ; d20+6=26 ;
Friday May 7th, 2021 2:42:59 AM

Mundhildur makes the Fort save DC 24 (needed 22). Slams the attacking spider AC 24 for 12 hp damage, likely misses w/AC 12, may hit w/AC 15 for 11 hp damage.

She says in Auran, then in Giant 'The password is spider.' "How do you say 'spider' in deep gnome, or drow?!" she shouts out the question in the common tongue.

To hear/perceive what the wall is saying despite the ruckus - Perception 26 (nat 20).

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will  d20+7=13 ; d8=7 ;
Friday May 7th, 2021 8:11:27 AM

"Just kill them." one twin advises. "Yes, we can debate what the door is saying when we can actually hear it." the second adds as they loose another arrow (13 to hit, 8 damage)

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 40/40  d20+7=14 ; d20+7=24 ; d4+2=4 ;
Friday May 7th, 2021 11:59:49 AM

Elron is getting angrier. "They're prob'ly tasty, but a bit big for my likin'." He attacks his spider with a flurry of blows.

Rage 1/8 -- +2 to hit, damage; -2 AC
Hits AC 14 (miss) and 24 (hit) for 4 damage

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 21/32] (Kathy)  d20+9=25 ; d20+9=16 ; d8=4 ;
Friday May 7th, 2021 4:16:22 PM

Honor is unaffected by the spider's venom--this time. [Fort save 25]

She slashes again with Virtue. [Hit AC 16 for 8 damage]

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 10/23hp | Cayzle  d20+5=22 ;
Saturday May 8th, 2021 7:54:27 AM

[OOC: Thanks for moving Zeoll and Camel]

Zeoll new save: 22!

Zeoll starts singing to inspire his friends. +1 to attacks and damage!

-4 Str!

DM Steve -- Just kill them  d100=81 ; d100=53 ; d100=17 ; d20+9=16 ; d20+9=27 ; d20+9=18 ; d20+5=14 ; d20+5=21 ; d20+5=18 ; 2d6+6=17 ; 2d6+6=14 ;
Saturday May 8th, 2021 9:46:35 AM

Asimov investigates other meanings to the clue, while fighting the spider attacking Mundhildur. His missiles hit. He notices one of the sconces he's looking for (at E-3), but the portion of wall where he thinks another should be is severly damaged (at E-12) and webs are in the way at the third.

Mundhildur continues trying passwords to open the door while fighting the spider attacking her. She hits the spider once. She also hears that the door is talking in underwold, comparing this fight to that with the drow.

The Twins shoot at a spider, but miss.

Elron attacks and hits once.

Honor hits the sickened spider with her attack.

Zeoll starts singing to inspire his friends.

Three larger spiders appear this round (at C-11, E-8, and I-4). The spider that lands on Irony rolls off and attacks. The others attack Honor and Asimov from a distance.

Small Red Spider attacking Honor -- hits AC 14 -- miss
Small Green Spider attacking Elron -- hits AC 27 for 17 damage and DC 22 fort save
Small Blue Spider attacking Mundhildur -- hits AC 18 for 14 damage and DC 22 fort save
Medium Red Spider attacking Honor with a web -- hits (touch)AC 14 -- Honor is entangled
Medium Green Spider attacking Irony with a web -- hits (touch)AC 21 -- Irony is entangled
Medium Blue Spider attacking Asimov with a web -- hits (touch)AC 18 -- Asimov is entangled

An entangled creature takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls and a –4 penalty on Dexterity, can move at only half speed, and cannot charge or run. If the entangled creature attempts to cast a spell, it must make a concentration check with a DC of 15 + the spell's level or be unable to cast the spell.

Small Red Spider -- AC 17, 25 HP damage, sickened 2/3
Small Green Spider -- AC 17, 4 damage
Small Blue Spider -- AC 17, 15 damage
Medium Red Spider -- uninjured
Medium Green Spider -- uninjured
Medium Blue Spider -- uninjured

The map is here.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 23/40  d20+8=23 ; d20+7=12 ; d20+7=16 ; d4+3=7 ;
Sunday May 9th, 2021 11:47:03 AM

(Fort save = 23)

Still battling his spider, Elron takes a 5' step toward the entrance. "I think, I say, I think a tactical withdrawal may be in order if'n these things keep comin'."

Flurry of blows, "to hit" rolls adjusted after the fact to add Zeoll's inspiration bonus:
AC 13 -- miss
AC 17 -- 7 points damage

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will  d20+7=24 ; d6=3 ; d8=1 ;
Sunday May 9th, 2021 11:19:01 PM

The Twins fire another arrow and score a glancing hit (24 to hit, 2 damage). This doesn't look good, more are coming and getting bigger and they still haven't downed even one. One of them draws their broadsword (free action) to cover the rest if they retreat as Elron suggests.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 29/29 Hardness 2   d20+4=12 ;
Monday May 10th, 2021 12:02:34 AM

Asimov says to Munhildur, "Let's do as Elron says and fallback mayhap the spiders will dissipate eventually and if we come back I have an idea to try that might work."

He takes a double move action to H9 and says to Irony, "I think we need to fallback, cover the retreat."

Irony takes a 5 foot step and attacks the small green spider (12 vs AC; miss)

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41   d20+8=15 ; d20+6=21 ; d20+8=15 ; d20+8=20 ; d20+8=15 ; 2d6+3=12 ; 2d6+3=7 ; 2d6+3=9 ;
Monday May 10th, 2021 3:52:28 AM

Mundhi looks where she is, and sees perhaps 4 spiders who can attack her on the way out. She leaves, she dies. She stays, likely she dies.

Mundhildur asks the wall in underwold, "How is 'spider' the password? We've said it in several tongues. Do I just need to push on the door?" She asks this as she beats the spider next to her. One of her slams connects AC 20 for 12 hp damage (+1 to hit/+1 damage from Zeoll, -2 to hit/-2 damage from... wait, I don't know what a failed save does. If she does NOT have a -2 to hit from the failed save, then the spider is hit twice more, for... another 7+9=16 hp, or 28 total this round, plus the 15 it already has, for 43 hp total - and add 4 more in if there is not a -2 on damage)

If she still has it in her, she pushes on the door - will even use a hero point if required to do so (or not, if a 5' step into the door space will do).

"Sorry, Asimov!"

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 10/23hp | Cayzle  d20+10=20 ; d20+3=6 ; d20+3=13 ; d4=3 ;
Monday May 10th, 2021 10:01:22 AM

Zeoll tries to figure if these are vermin or magical beasts. Maybe he knows something about them ...

Know Nature 20. He wonders if he could cast a mind-affecting spell on them with a chance of success? Sleep? Calm Emo? Could he fascinate them (Greensinger bardic fascinate works on vermin and magical beasts. Can you fascinate in combat? Might have to retreat first.)

He can do that and maintain his song at the same time. Keep adding that +1 if you are fighting.

If that takes up his action this round, OK. If He has an action left, he casts a spell. Calm Emo if he thinks it might work, or else Produce Flame.

If Calm Emo, Will save DC is 18 and affects EVERYBODY. If it works, he calls to his friends to retreat.

If Produce Flame, Zeoll hurls fire at the closest a spider he can see using webbing. The liontaur hits Touch AC6, a miss. Actually, that's a 7 inspired, still a miss.

Camel readies a spit at any enemy that comes within 10 ft. If triggered, the spittle hits touch AC13 inc insp; the enemy is sickened for (1d4) 3 rounds, taking a -2 penalty on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 21/32] (Kathy)  d20+7=25 ; d8=5 ;
Monday May 10th, 2021 2:39:33 PM

Honor slashes again at her foe, then takes a step back (5-foot step). [Hit AC 25 for 9 damage, including the penalty for Entangled.]

"Mundhildur, can you withdraw?" Honor calls.

[OOC: The Withdrawal action doesn't provoke on your initial step.]

DM Steve -- We've said it in several tongues.  d100=35 ; d20+9=10 ; d20+2=21 ; d20+2=6 ; d20+2=22 ; d20+5=20 ; d6=5 ; d6=6 ;
Monday May 10th, 2021 9:35:04 PM

Elron suggests retreat, and hits one of the spiders.

The Twins shoot a spider, and prepare to cover others if they do retreat.

Asimov moves as far as he can. Irony misses a spider.

Mundhildur estimates her chances of leaving as about as bad as staying. She fights on, killing a small spider. Mundhildur was not entangled like some of the characters were. I don't think she had a penalty. Pushing into it with a 5' step does not budge the door.

Zeoll considers his options. Giant spiders are vermin, and probably not susceptible to calm emotions. He casts produce flame but misses the medium green spider. Fascinate does not work in combat. The camel readies an attack, but is well away from the fighting.

Honor kills a small spider.

Another spider appears this round (at G-6). The spiders that were killed disappear. Each of the spiders that had already been there advances and attacks. The new spider takes a 5' step and tries to web Mundhildur.

Small Green Spider (Elron) hits AC 10 -- miss
Medium Red Spider (Honor) hits AC 21 -- Honor takes 5 damage and must make a DC 14 fort save.
Medium Green Spider (Asimov) hits AC 6 -- miss
Medium Blue Spider (Mundhildur) hits AC 22 -- Mundhildur takes 6 damage and must make a DC 14 fort save.
Medium Black Spider (Munidhildur) hits AC(touch) 20 -- Mundhildur is entangled.

If you were previously entangled you remain entangled until you free yourself. An entangled creature takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls and a –4 penalty on Dexterity, can move at only half speed, and cannot charge or run.

Small Red Spider -- dead
Small Green Spider -- AC 17, 13 damage
Small Blue Spider -- dead
Medium Red Spider -- uninjured
Medium Green Spider -- uninjured
Medium Blue Spider -- uninjured
Medium Black Spider -- uninjured

The map is here.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 29/29 Hardness 2   d20+1=5 ; d20+4=22 ; d8+4=9 ;
Tuesday May 11th, 2021 12:30:58 AM

Asimov takes a 5 foot step to I10, Irony takes a 5 foot step to F9.

Asimov fires off a bolt from his repeating crossbow at the green small spider.

5 vs AC; miss

Irony slams into the same spider (22 vs AC: 9 damage)

Devices prepared
0: nanobot repair capsule (mending),light emitter (light), corrosive pistol (acid splash), open slot (can take time to prepare something)
1st: fire-handling gloves (produce flame), wrist rockets (magic missile) - used, Door detector (detect secret doors), open slot (can take time to prepare something)
2nd: rapid repair nanobot capsule (make whole), fire-eater capsule (fire breath - APG)

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 7/41   d20+8=15 ; d20+6=8 ;
Tuesday May 11th, 2021 1:11:44 AM

"When you first arrived, I did not attack, and recommended others not attack you spiders. But you kept on attacking us, and hurting us. Tell you what, I'm going to stop attacking you. Yes, go ahead and tie me up, spiders. How do we be your friends? You do not seem friendly to me." As she talks to them, she grows to her full size, and sits down against the door, her back to it.

She also says, in underwold, "Ate tusim, daravaze tom upara di avaza, tusim mere prasanam de utar ki um nahim dide? Asim ki galata kara rahe ham?"* ("And you, voice above the door, why do you not answer my questions? What are we doing wrong? How might we enter through the door?")

She is thinking that maybe, just maybe, the spiders themselves might help them get inside. Or not.

In the back of her mind, she somewhat agrees with Honor's counsel on retreating, but is beginning to feel without rational hope. So she shifts over to irrational hope.

*Had to forgo diacritical marks, as this site cannot seem to handle Unicode.
Fort Save 15 vs DC 14 - saved.
Perception: 8

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will  d20+7=26 ; d8=8 ;
Tuesday May 11th, 2021 8:07:20 AM

"Our friend is in trouble, kill it!" the sword twin says. The other twin fires their bow again (Free action to swap weapons, attack on the medium spider next to Munhildur. 26 to hit, 9 damage)

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 16/32] (Kathy)  d20+9=15 ; d20+7=26 ; d20+7=19 ; d8=7 ; d8=4 ;
Tuesday May 11th, 2021 11:24:37 AM

Honor remains unaffected by spider venom. [Fort save 15]

She slashes at her opponent, and takes another step toward the exit.

[Hit AC 26 (critical threat), confirmed to AC 19. Damage is 11, or 19 if it's a critical hit. Numbers include the penalty for Entangled.]

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 10/23hp | Cayzle  d20+4=20 ; d6=3 ; d20+2=21 ; d4=1 ;
Tuesday May 11th, 2021 2:53:27 PM

Zeoll keeps singing. Both he and Camel move.

The middle-aged Taur throws a flame (2nd of four) at Red Spider D11. That's a ranged touch attack hitting AC20 for 5 fire damage. (1d6+4 level +1 inspired)

Camel spits at Green Spider G10. -4 due to spitting into melee. He hits ranged touch AC21! The spider is sickened for (1d4) 1 round, taking a -2 penalty on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 23/40  d20+8=15 ; d20+8=18 ; d6+3=5 ;
Tuesday May 11th, 2021 6:23:03 PM

Elron makes another flurry of blows at the spider facing him.

Remembering the bonus Zeoll provides this time --
AC 15 misses, AC 18 hits for 5 damage
Rage 3/8 -- +2 to hit, damage; -2 AC

"Miss Mundhildur, do you want assistance?" Elron's not going to leave one of his friends behind.

DM Steve -- You do not seem friendly to me  d100=49 ; d100=20 ; d20+7=8 ; d20+2=14 ; d20+2=15 ; d20+2=10 ; d20+2=5 ; d20+9=14 ; d20+9=10 ; d6=5 ;
Tuesday May 11th, 2021 11:10:10 PM

Asimov shoots at a spider, but misses. Irony slams it.

Mundhildur enlarges, sits at the door, and talks to the spiders and the door. Mundhildur: Highlight to display spoiler: {The door responds in underwoldian, "Why would you say the password? But I'm glad you're here -- I was getting lonely. I think I have it this time. Is the password. . . blood? I bet it’s blood."}

The Twins shoot the spider by Mundhildur.

Honor takes out one of the medium spiders with a powerful blow.

Zeoll throws a ball of flame at the spider Honor hit. The camel spits on another.

Elron hits the spider next to him with one of his attacks.

Two more spiders -- small ones -- appear this round (at B-5 and K-7). The spider that was killed disappears. Each of the spiders that had already been there attacks, advancing if necessary to do so. The new spiders move to attack Mundhildur and Asimov.

Small Green Spider (Elron) hits AC 8 -- miss
Medium Green Spider (Irony) hits AC 14 for 5 points of damage
Medium Blue Spider (Mundhildur) hits AC 10 -- miss
Medium Black Spider (Munidhildur) hits AC 5 -- miss
Small Red Spider (Mundhildur) hits AC 14 -- miss
Small Blue Spider (Asimov) hits AC 10 -- miss

If you were previously entangled you remain entangled until you free yourself. An entangled creature takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls and a –4 penalty on Dexterity, can move at only half speed, and cannot charge or run.

Small Green Spider -- AC 17, 27 damage, sickened 1/1 (-2 penalty on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks)
Medium Red Spider -- dead
Medium Green Spider -- uninjured
Medium Blue Spider -- AC 14, 9 damage
Medium Black Spider -- uninjured
Small Red Spider -- uninjured
Small Blue Spider -- uninjured

The map is here.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 24/29 Hardness 2   d20+4=21 ; d8+4=6 ;
Tuesday May 11th, 2021 11:52:12 PM

Asimov yells back to Munhildur, "Retreat! There are too many of them. I have a plan when the spiders are gone!"

Asimov makes a full round withdrawl moving from his current position to I12 (10 feet), and I12 to G12 (20 feet).

He'd like to move farther but his allies are preventing him from getting further in the other room.

Meanwhile Irony takes a 5 foot step to F10 and continues to attack the small green spider
21 vs AC; 6 damage

Devices prepared
0: nanobot repair capsule (mending),light emitter (light), corrosive pistol (acid splash), open slot (can take time to prepare something)
1st: fire-handling gloves (produce flame), wrist rockets (magic missile) - used, Door detector (detect secret doors), open slot (can take time to prepare something)
2nd: rapid repair nanobot capsule (make whole), fire-eater capsule (fire breath - APG)

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 7/41   d20+3=15 ;
Wednesday May 12th, 2021 2:45:58 AM

"I may have the password now," Mundhi says in common. She thanks the door in underwold. "Everyone needs friends. I'll try to be back, if I don't die."

She tries to break free from the webbing. Strength check 15. If that is good enough, she is free of the webbing. "Spiders, I must go now." I don't know if she can stand up. If so, she does, and that leaves her no more movement. She makes no aggressive moves toward the spiders. That likely makes no difference to them. The jotun lass carries a fatalistic mood at the moment.

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Wednesday May 12th, 2021 7:16:26 AM

The Twins watch as Mundhilder sits and wastes all the lucky misses she's getting. "Maybe she doesn't understand?" "Addled by poison?" One Twin keeps firing. The other tries to call "run" to Mundhilder in various languages that they've run across in the past. Sadly the pair are terrible linguists, so the words are either so mangled or just the wrong word entirely so as to be impossible to tell what they're trying to say. (Did they just say Cheese in Auren?)

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 16/32] (Kathy) 
Wednesday May 12th, 2021 12:18:49 PM

Honor moves past the camel and the Twins, and begins cutting spider webs off herself. [OOC: is freeing yourself from the webs a standard or a full-round action? I couldn't find it in the PRD.]

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 10/23hp | Cayzle  d20+4=21 ; d6=4 ; d20+2=7 ;
Wednesday May 12th, 2021 5:59:44 PM

Zeoll again throws fire, this time at the spider in 9J. His flame hits AC 21 for 4+5 9 fire damage.

Camel spits again, at the spider in 10G, hitting touch AC7 a miss.

Zeoll is still singing.

SteveM -- Elron  d20+8=9 ; d20+8=24 ; d6+3=4 ;
Wednesday May 12th, 2021 7:25:23 PM

Elron continues to whap the spider in front of him.

Remembering the bonus Zeoll provides again --
AC 9 misses, AC 24 hits for 4 damage
Rage 4/8 -- +2 to hit, damage; -2 AC

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 7/41  
Wednesday May 12th, 2021 9:45:01 PM

Something in the Twins urgency gets through her lassitude. With a heroic effort she runs (or tries to run) out of the room. That presents the spiders with only 5 attacks of opportunity against her, or 4 if her move ends just inside the room. So, if her heroic move works, she has a high probability of biting the dust. If she does, her dying word will be... if she is dying Highlight to display spoiler: {"Blood."}

DM Steve -- There are too many of them  d100=19 ; d20+2=19 ; d3=3 ; d20+2=9 ; d20+2=12 ; d20+9=11 ; d20+9=13 ; d6=3 ;
Wednesday May 12th, 2021 10:40:36 PM

Asimov yells for Mundhildur to run, and retreats. Irony slams a spider, with deadly force.

Mundhildur announces that she has the password. She shrugs off the web entangling her and stands, but is unable to move further this round.

The Twins shoot at a spider and encourage Mundhildur to run. Which spider? What result?

Honor escapes from the room and tries to rid herself of webs. A DC 12 strength or escape artist check will work as a standard action per the Universal Monster Rules, or a full round cutting and scraping it off.

Zeoll throws a ball of flame at the spider that attacked Asimov last round, burning it. The camel spits and misses.

Elron hits the spider that Irony attacked, making sure it is dead.

One more spider appears this round (at K-4); it moves to G-10 but cannot attack. The spider that was killed disappears. The remaining spiders move and continue to attack.

Medium Green Spider (Elron) hits AC 19 for 3 points of damage, DC 14 Fort save required
Medium Blue Spider (Mundhildur) hits AC 9 -- miss
Medium Black Spider (Munidhildur) hits AC 12 -- miss
Small Red Spider (Mundhildur) hits AC 11 -- miss
Small Blue Spider (Elron) hits AC 13 -- miss
Small Black Spider (no attack)

If you were previously entangled you remain entangled until you free yourself. An entangled creature takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls and a –4 penalty on Dexterity, can move at only half speed, and cannot charge or run.

Small Green Spider -- dead
Medium Green Spider -- uninjured
Medium Blue Spider -- AC 14, 9 damage
Medium Black Spider -- AC 14, 9 damage
Small Red Spider -- uninjured
Small Blue Spider -- uninjured
Small Black Spider -- uninjured

The map is here.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 7/41  
Wednesday May 12th, 2021 11:38:54 PM

Something in the Twins' urgency gets through her lassitude. Mundhildur disengages, and heads toward the doorway. Should any spiders take her down before she gets out, her last word will be... if she goes down Highlight to display spoiler: {"Blood."}

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 24/29 Hardness 2   d20+3=18 ;
Thursday May 13th, 2021 1:31:37 AM

Irony takes a 5 foot step away from the spider and breaks the web entangling him (Strength 18)

Asimov completes his withdrawl into the previous room.

He says, "The password is spider, there are 5 of at least 7 sconces lit with an 8th sconce potentially hid in the webbing. One of the sconces is broken I think but I have make whole. A spider has 8 legs. What if to move into the next room we have to make sure all 8 sconces are lit?"

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will  d20+7=27 ; d20+7=18 ; d8=8 ; d8=8 ;
Thursday May 13th, 2021 7:50:32 AM

The Twins note something. "The number of spiders that appear seems to match the number of people in the room." "Everyone out, hopefully they'll vanish and we can send only 1 in." They remember to roll the dice this time and hit blue % spider for a possible crit (27, 18 to confirm, 9 or 18 damage)

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 16/32] (Kathy)  d20+3=5 ;
Thursday May 13th, 2021 12:50:24 PM

Honor isn't able to break out of the webs by force [Strength check 5], so she spends a round patiently removing one strand at a time.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 20/40  d20+8=23 ; d20+8=20 ; d4+3=4 ; d4+3=5 ;
Thursday May 13th, 2021 1:18:50 PM

If he stays and fights, Elron has a choice of three uninjured spiders to attack. If he withdraws, he will be leaving Munhildur open to their attacks, and she looks worse than he feels. Elron decides to attack the medium spider (it being the largest of the three).

AC 23 hits for 4 damage, AC 20 hits for 5 damage
Rage 5/8 -- +2 to hit, damage; -2 AC

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 20/40  d20+8=23 ;
Thursday May 13th, 2021 1:20:54 PM

Oops -- Fort Save: 23

DM Steve -- Everyone out, hopefully they'll vanish  d20+9=28 ; 2d6+6=9 ; d20+2=13 ; d20+9=12 ; d20+9=13 ; d20+9=17 ;
Thursday May 13th, 2021 11:25:52 PM

Mundhildur disengages and retreats, ready to share what she has learned. As she moves, the small spider next to her makes an attack of opportunity. The spider hits AC 28 for 9 points of damage. As she falls, Mundhildur shouts out, "Blood."

Asimov completes his withdrawal into the previous room and shares his conjecture with the others. Irony moves away from the spiders and breaks the web entangling him.

The Twins make an observation about the number of spiders. One shoots the blue medium spider, killing it.

Honor spends a round patiently removing the web entangling her.

Elron attacks a spider, hitting twice.

Zeoll is quiet.

No spiders appear this round. The medium black spider starts wrapping Mundhildur in webs, a task that will take some time. The small red spider moves to Irony. The remaining spiders move and continue to attack.

Medium Green Spider (Elron) hits AC 13 -- miss
Medium Black Spider -- N/A
Small Red Spider (Irony) hits AC 12 -- miss
Small Blue Spider (Elron) hits AC 13 -- miss
Small Black Spider (Elron) hits AC 17 -- miss
Medium Green Spider -- AC 14, 9 damage
Medium Blue Spider -- dead
Medium Black Spider -- AC 14, 9 damage
Small Red Spider -- uninjured
Small Blue Spider -- uninjured
Small Black Spider -- uninjured

The map is here.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 24/29 Hardness 2   d20+2=3 ; d20+4=20 ; d8+4=6 ;
Friday May 14th, 2021 1:29:30 AM

Asimov fails to break the webbing so he too spends a full round trying to disengage the webs he's been entangled in.

He calls back to Irony, "Fight back against the spider you are facing and then try to help Elron and Munhildur."

Irony slams into the small spider (20 vs AC; 6 damage)

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP -2/41  
Friday May 14th, 2021 3:23:10 AM

Mundhildur got out her message as her vision darkened. She feels her mother putting her into bed, the woolen blanket being tucked close beside her, to keep her warm. Cozy.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 10/23hp | Cayzle  d20=16 ; d6=5 ; d20+2=22 ; d4=3 ;
Friday May 14th, 2021 7:41:40 AM

"Ugh, what am I doing woolgathering, old taur?" Zeoll chides himself, though at least he has continued singing.

The old taur sees Mundhi fall and wonders how to get her out. She is as big as he is! Maybe Camel can help drag her out?

He takes throws his last flame at the green spider, at -4 into melee, hitting touch AC16 for 10 fire damage.

Camel spits at the blue spider nearby, hitting touch AC 22. The spider is sickened for (1d4) 3 rounds, taking a -2 penalty on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will  d20+7=17 ; d8=7 ;
Friday May 14th, 2021 8:03:27 AM

(Don't forget your rolls to stabilize, if you can do so then we can still retrieve you safely).

The twins look grim as they shoot at the medium black spider (17 to hit, 8 damage)

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 20/40 
Friday May 14th, 2021 12:28:20 PM

Seeing that he doesn't have the skills the help Mundhildur himself, Elron withdraws from combat and leaves the room. As his rage abates, he becomes tired.

"We have got to figure out a way to go help her."

Rage 5/8 used

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP -2/41   d20+2=21 ;
Friday May 14th, 2021 4:06:24 PM

Mundhildur stabilizes, as the little spider works valiantly to wrap her up nicely.

The rope around her leg remains there, tied to her ankle. Surely someone could pull on that. Less than 1,050 pounds to pull (including her gear).

I think she also brought a mule...

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 16/32] (Kathy) 
Friday May 14th, 2021 7:23:56 PM

Thus far, the spiders have shown no interest in coming into this room. Honor decides to trust that will continue. She grabs hold of the rope attached to Mundhildur, and begins pulling.

DM Steve -- Fight back against the spider  d20+9=18 ; 2d6+6=14 ;
Friday May 14th, 2021 7:52:31 PM

Asimov takes a round to free himself from the webs he's been entangled in. Irony slams a spider.

Mundhildur stabilizes.

Zeoll throws his last flame at a previously injured medium spider, killing it. The camel spits on another.

The Twins shoot at the spider binding Mundhildur, killing it.

Elron retreats.

Honor grabs the rope attached to Mundhildur and starts pulling.

Being careful and gentle, Honor is able to move Mundhildur up to the nearest spider, which shows no particular interest in her at the moment. It is obvious that Mundhildur is going to have to be squeezed through the jagged opening that's been made of this wall pretty soon -- pulling on a rope might not accomplish that.

No spiders appear this round. The small red spider attacks Irony. The other spiders move to and start climbing the near wall. Before the round is over they are up among the webs covering the ceiling of the room, where the party can no longer see them.

Small Red Spider (Irony) hits AC 18 for 14 damage
Small Blue Spider -- N/A
Small Black Spider -- N/A
Medium Green Spider -- dead
Medium Black Spider -- dead
Small Red Spider -- AC 17, 6 damage
Small Blue Spider -- uninjured, sickened 1/3
Small Black Spider -- uninjured

The map is here.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP -2/41  
Sunday May 16th, 2021 2:09:12 AM

Mundhildur is content to be pulled along. Her dress may become disarrayed.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 20/40  d20+12=19 ;
Sunday May 16th, 2021 3:32:19 PM

Seeing the camel was at the entry and not attacked, Elron moves carefully across the stony rubble to get a look in the room with Mundhildur and Irony. He pays particular attention to where the spiders might have gone. (Perception = 19)

Rage 5/8 used

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will  d20+7=22 ; d6=1 ; d8=1 ;
Sunday May 16th, 2021 8:52:54 PM

The Twins continue their spider shooting gallery, hitting the small red for 2 damage.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 15/29 Hardness 2   d4=3 ;
Monday May 17th, 2021 3:55:19 AM

(OOC: Irony has hardness 2; unless the spiders can bypass hardness Irony only takes 12 damage)

Asimov says to Irony, "Withdraw to me."

Irony withdraws to F17.

Asimov takes a small bottle containing a number of capsules off his belt and uses one on Irony.
Irony is repaired 3 points of damage from the nanobot repair capsule thingamabob

Devices prepared
0: nanobot repair capsule (mending),light emitter (light), corrosive pistol (acid splash), open slot (can take time to prepare something)
1st: fire-handling gloves (produce flame), wrist rockets (magic missile) - used, Door detector (detect secret doors), open slot (can take time to prepare something)
2nd: rapid repair nanobot capsule (make whole), fire-eater capsule (fire breath - APG)

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 16/32] (Kathy) 
Monday May 17th, 2021 1:45:06 PM

"Zeoll, could you move the camel out of the doorway?" Honor asks. She continues pulling the rope, getting Mundhildur as far as she can.

DM Steve -- Could you move the camel? 
Monday May 17th, 2021 11:06:55 PM

Mundhildur is content to be pulled along.

Elron looks out a gap in the wall trying to see the spiders. There is enough motion in the webs that he thinks they're moving around up there, but he can't make out where.

The Twins continue shooting the spider they can see.

Asimov tells Irony to withdraw. Irony exits the room. Asimov gets out some nanobots, but does not yet use them.

Honor asks Zeoll to move the camel. She pulls Mundhildur to the edge of the room.

Zeoll is quiet.

The remaining spider follows Mundhildur, and starts tugging her back. The spider is not able to move her, but adds enough resistance to be troublesome. Trying to squeeze Mundhildur through the 5' wide clear path in the rubble by pulling her on a rope is not likely to work, at least not without hurting her.

No spider attacks this round.
Small Red Spider -- AC 17, 8 damage
Small Blue Spider -- uninjured, sickened 2/3, hidden
Small Black Spider -- uninjured. hidden

The map is here.

Mending Irony: As far as the nanobots and Irony go, nanobots are equivalent to mending, the mending spell description says it does not work on constructs, Irony is a construct whose description says make whole or similar spells will restore it, and make whole is like mending but more powerful (being able to restore magic items). I think it's clear that Asimov has the skill to mend Irony, but let's wait until he has some down time to spend on it.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 10/23hp | Cayzle 
Monday May 17th, 2021 11:39:24 PM

Zeoll ends his song and calls Camel out of the way. He lends a hand pulling Mundhi out of danger.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 15/29 Hardness 2   d20+2=14 ; d20+3=10 ;
Tuesday May 18th, 2021 12:15:54 AM

Asimov says, "Right we will fix you later, let's play tug of war with Munhildur now." to Irony.

The two of them grip the rope and pull

Strength check Asimov: 14
Strength check Irony: 10

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP -2/41  
Tuesday May 18th, 2021 5:33:43 AM

The female Jotun's body gets inched along the floor, with a little tug of war. In the back of her consciousness is memory of a touch of silk.

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will  d20+7=12 ;
Tuesday May 18th, 2021 7:17:12 AM

The Twins keep up the assault but don't manage to penetrate the spider's chitin this round (12 to hit)

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 16/32] (Kathy)  d6=3 ; d6=1 ; d6=1 ; d6=3 ;
Tuesday May 18th, 2021 2:48:19 PM

[Okay, but neither Mundhildur nor the camel are moved on the map. Which means I can't move Honor on the map. But I'm going to try this anyway.]

Once they get Mundhildur to the doorway, Honor steps up and uses her Lay on Hands ability to restore 6 points to her. It also removes the sickened condition if she has it.

Once Mundhildur is conscious, Honor hopes she can get herself back through the doorway.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 20/40  d20+5=9 ; d20+5=21 ; d4-1=3 ; d4-1=2 ;
Tuesday May 18th, 2021 5:15:22 PM

When he sees Honor is going to heal Mundhildur, Elron moves out to attack the spider. He does not rage to do this, as all he wants is to be a momentary distraction.

Hits AC 9 for 3 damage and AC 21 for 2 damage
Rage 5/8 used

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 4/41  
Tuesday May 18th, 2021 8:22:20 PM

Mundhildur comes out of her unconscious state a little disoriented. "Not now. The satin..." She looks around. Aches and pains where spiders had bitten her came to her attention.

"Hello Honor. Zeoll." She nods to the Twins and Asimov, and does not see Elron at the moment. She sits up. "Did the door open?"

DM Steve -- Let's play tug of war with Munhildur now.  d20+9=13 ; d3=3 ; d20+9=19 ; 2d6+6=12 ;
Tuesday May 18th, 2021 10:56:44 PM

Zeoll, Asimov and Irony help pull Mundhildur.

The Twins keep attacking the spider, but don't hit.

Honor lays hands on Mundhildur, hoping Mundhildur can then get out of the room.

Elron attacks the spider to distract it, doing little damage.

Mundhildur comes to and asks if the door opened.

The camel is quiet.

The spider Elron attacked fights back, and is joined by one of the others.

Small Red Spider hits AC 13 (miss)
Small Blue Spider -- no attack
Small Black Spider hits AC 19 for 12 damage and a DC 22 fort save
Small Red Spider -- AC 17, 10 damage
Small Blue Spider -- uninjured, sickened 3/3, hidden
Small Black Spider -- uninjured

The map is here.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 15/29 Hardness 2  
Tuesday May 18th, 2021 11:38:56 PM

Asimov says to Munhildur, "Not yet, but if the password really is spider and 5 sconces are lit and there are at least 2 others with a third in cob webs we might be able to sort of form a spider by lighting all the sconces, at least that is my theory. Now get in here so we can discuss further."

If needed the technomancer and his mechanical minion keep trying to help Munhildur.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 10/23hp | Cayzle 
Tuesday May 18th, 2021 11:51:28 PM

Zeoll is glad to see Mundhi up and running. But why is there still fighting going on?

"Elrron! Twins! Back away! Rretrreat! Come overr herre!"

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Wednesday May 19th, 2021 6:38:34 AM

The Twins are already back 10 feet and not moving until the others get behind them. If they do then they will back up as requested. They don't have line of sight on the spiders right now anyway.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 4/41  
Wednesday May 19th, 2021 9:45:48 AM

"I asked the voice above the door, 'How might we enter through the door?' And the voice told me, in underwold, 'Why would you say the password? But I'm glad you're here -- I was getting lonely. I think I have it this time. Is the password. . . blood? I bet it’s blood.'"

Mundhildur makes an effort to rise to her feet. "So 'blood' may be the word, or one of the words, we need to say to persuade the door to open for us." She lifts her dress and daubs her upper calf, one of the places a spider bit her. "I don't know if I can really be a friend to spiders. They keep on biting me."

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 16/32] (Kathy) 
Wednesday May 19th, 2021 1:40:35 PM

"Let's all back away from the door," Honor says. Suiting actions to words, she moves to stand next to Asimov.

"I don't think the spiders will follow us in here, but I'd like to test that theory."

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 4/41  
Wednesday May 19th, 2021 6:43:02 PM

Hearing Honor's good suggestion, Mundhi turns and says, "Come, Elron," and wraps an arm around him, and pulls him out of the webby room, moving herself into the heavy rubble. "You're a good man, Elron," she tells him even though, technically, he's not a man.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 8/40  d20+8=18 ;
Wednesday May 19th, 2021 7:29:34 PM

Elron withdraws from combat and joins his friends, leaving the room to the spiders.

He's feeling a bit woozy from the spider bite, though. (Fort save = 18)

DM Steve -- I don't know if I can really be a friend to spiders.  d4=1 ;
Wednesday May 19th, 2021 11:24:58 PM

Asimov repeats his idea that eight sconces need to be lit to represent a spider.

Zeoll suggests Elron and the Twins stop fighting.

The Twins stay put, but don't attack the spiders.

Mundhildur relates what she heard while leaning against the door.

Honor asks everyone to back away from the door.

Elron withdraws but feels the effects of poison. Elron, lose 1 point of strength and make three more fort saves.

The spiders wander about a bit, but don't try to leave the room. If left alone, they climb up into the ceiling where the webs keep them from being seen.

Small Red Spider -- AC 17, 10 damage
Small Blue Spider -- uninjured, sickened 3/3, hidden
Small Black Spider -- uninjured

The map is here.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 15/29 Hardness 2  
Thursday May 20th, 2021 12:51:34 AM

Asimov says, "I guess we have a few issue. The first is one of the sconces was damaged and it takes a long time for my nano-bot repair capsules to take effect so it might take a while for me to repair the damaged sconce and I don't think the spiders will let us alone for 10 minutes. The second issues is how long do the spiders stay up in the webs or do they go up there and then eventually get dismissed."

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 10/23hp | Cayzle 
Thursday May 20th, 2021 6:36:44 AM

Zeoll thinks a rest would do us all good.

But Elron is poisoned! Is it life threatening? "Miss Honor, do you have the healing art to look at brave Elron's wound?"

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Thursday May 20th, 2021 6:58:38 AM

The Twins look at the webs. We thought the spiders magic, but maybe not. Should we burn the webs?" "That might kill them all"

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 4/41  
Thursday May 20th, 2021 1:12:46 PM

"Let us rest and heal," says Mundhildur, "then, sure, burn out and kill the spiders, let the smoke clear. Do the sconce thing. And see if blood will open the door. Whether the word 'blood' or a bit of blood placed on the door, I don't know."

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 8/40, STR @ -1  d20+8=21 ; d20+8=17 ; d20+8=16 ;
Thursday May 20th, 2021 2:54:46 PM

(Additional saves: 21, 17, 16)

"I could use some rest," Elron agrees. Responding to the Twins he adds, "O' course the spiders is magic -- they appear from nowhere and then disappear when you kill 'em."

Rage 5/8 used

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 16/32] (Kathy) 
Thursday May 20th, 2021 6:01:44 PM

"I'm not sure those are normal spiders," Honor says. "I'm not sure burning the webs would do anything."

"I don't have anything for poison," she adds, "although I can heal damage. How hurt is everybody?"

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 10/23hp | Cayzle 
Thursday May 20th, 2021 7:47:17 PM

"I'm fine, but I think that as a parrty maybe we should rrest and come back tomorrrow."

DM Steve -- I'm not sure those are normal spiders  d4=3 ; d4=2 ; d4=1 ;
Thursday May 20th, 2021 11:18:18 PM

Asimov discusses potential problems with getting the door to open.

Zeoll thinks a rest would do us all good. A long rest.

The Twins consider burning the webs.

Mundhildur agrees with resting and healing, and burning the webs, and trying the sconces.

Elron agree with resting. Elron loses another 6 Strength before the poison has run its course.

Honor offers to heal peoples' wounds.

The consensus seems to be that the group needs rest before tackling the door again. Does this mean travel back to the drow? Although Ecylndryl and Pellabrina are not waiting here, it has not been long yet and they would almost certainly hear if called. Elron and Zeoll have lost strength, which will take days to return without magic.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 15/29 Hardness 2  
Friday May 21st, 2021 1:12:30 AM

Asimov says, "I need to repair Irony. I didn't sustain any injury from our run ins with the spiders but Irony got a little banged up. I guess we can be thankful he is immune to a poison."

Asimov says, "Do you think our hosts would be angry if we rested a bit before trying again? That spider venom is pretty bad."

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 4/41  
Friday May 21st, 2021 2:34:41 AM

Hearing Asimov, watching Elron wilt, and noting Zeoll's wounds, and seeing that Honor also took damage, Mundhi looks for and calls out for the local drow. Despite her wounds, her contralto voice is trained for song, and she is able to project well. When they come, she tells them, "We have learned things. We must rest, repair and heal. We shall return when ready, with what we think is a way forward. Before we do return to our quarters, perhaps you can show us a little more of the local tunnel so we can be acquainted with it. Then Elron shall require more of the syrup for sustenance." She looks again at her party members. "The Twins are fine."

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Friday May 21st, 2021 6:24:32 AM

The Twins are indeed fine. "Perhaps next time we should be the ones to go in." "Yes, we have the best armor of the group."

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 10/23hp | Cayzle  d20+6=12 ; d20+6=18 ;
Friday May 21st, 2021 6:46:49 AM

Zeoll is not afraid of the truth. "Yes, let us rreturrn to the drrow and rrest a few days."

The old taur tries to recall any ancient lore that might shed light on this door, the sconces, and the riddle the present.

Know History: 12
Know Arcana: 18

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 8/40, STR @ -7 
Friday May 21st, 2021 10:34:44 AM

Elron would like to sleep. His meager gear is weighing him down much more than usual. In fact -- "Do you think this is a safe enough place? I'm gonna leave this rope here, we can get it when we come back." -- he leaves the rope that the drow loaned him at the edge of the spider room so he doesn't slow down.

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 27/32] (Kathy)  d6=6 ; d6=1 ; d6=2 ; d6=6 ; d6=4 ; d6=4 ; d6=5 ; d6=5 ; d6=6 ;
Friday May 21st, 2021 2:47:30 PM

Since they are resting, Honor begins healing her companions.

Zeoll heals 8.

Mundhildur heals 10.

Elron heals 9.

Then Honor heals herself for 11.

"After we rest," she says, "I can prepare and cast a spell to restore some of Elron's strength. But I can only do it once."

[OOC: Lesser Restoration is a 1st-level paladin spell, but Honor only gets one spell per day at her current level.]

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 14/41  
Friday May 21st, 2021 4:59:45 PM

"Silly, they gave you that rope to keep, Elron. I'll carry it for you. Here, let me take the rest of your things," Mundhildur clucks. "That eight-legger got you good."

"Honor, thank you kindly. Really needed that."

DM Steve -- We have learned things 
Friday May 21st, 2021 8:25:55 PM

Asimov needs to repair Irony, and wonders about resting.

Mundhildur calls for the drow and thanks Honor for the healing.

The Twins offer to go first next time.

Zeoll tries to recall anything that might help with this riddle. Zeoll, unfortunately, draws a blank.

Elron wants to rest.

Honor heals her companions as much as she can.

It takes few minutes for Ecylndryl to answer Mundhildur's call. She tells him the party has learned some things but needs to rest and heal back at their quarters before returning. Ecylndryl agrees to take everyone back to rest, and even tries to show the party around the local tunnel as requested. The tunnel is a lava tube, which means variations in size and the occassional offshoot -- although it has been worked enough that groups of drow can pass through it without slowing.

A short while after the party is back in their quarters, Zulok appears. "I had not expected to see you so soon. I take it that things did not go well. Please tell me what you found."

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 18/23hp | Cayzle  d20+12=32 ; d20+12=13 ;
Saturday May 22nd, 2021 10:45:58 AM

Zeoll bows and thanks Honor for her healing.

He tells the tale of the party's adventure, leaving out any hints we may have gleaned about how to pass the door. As a skilled skald, he makes the tale exciting, albeit brief, to help the drow understand that the party is doing a great job. Which we are!

Diplomacy 32

As he tells the tale, he carefully watches the drow to see how they take it.

Sense Motive 13

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 14/41   d20+2=17 ;
Sunday May 23rd, 2021 2:19:14 PM

"I am in conversation with a spirit about the door," Mundhildur follows Zeoll, "yet require more time to get fully to the answers we seek. First, though, must we deal with the spiders, for they have used powerful bites and their venom weakens some of us. Knowing of them, I believe, once we are healed and strengthened, we can bring the remaining spiders down before they can weaken us again. Then I will delve further into the wisdom of the spirit of the doorway."

She pauses, then adds, "I wonder why it is that no one mentioned to us the spiders who attacked the drow here earlier? The spirit of the door told me of it."

Diplomacy: 17 (add +2 to Zeoll's 32). Mundhi is not a skilled diplomat, but did not poorly.

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Sunday May 23rd, 2021 8:39:55 PM

The Twin's don't have anything to add, beyond deciding to mention later that they should just start burning webs they run across on principle in the future. If they'd done that as soon as they saw the room they could have maybe avoided some spider bites.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 17/40, STR @ -7 
Sunday May 23rd, 2021 9:48:30 PM

Elron tries to rest as best he can. If Zulok lets him sleep, he sleeps.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 28/29 Hardness 2   4d6=13 ;
Sunday May 23rd, 2021 9:54:04 PM

Asimov says, "Well we made it to the door and etched in Woldian below was "The password is Spider"

It wasn't long after that that we were beseiged by several types of medium and small poisonous spiders. Munhildur tried conversing with the wall and I took a look around and saw 5 sconces lit, 2 unlit with a potential 3rd in an area of heavy webbing if I have to guess. I think the password is spider means we have to light 8 sconces like the 8 legs of a spider but the problem is we get attacked by spiders when we stay too long in the room. I think one of the sconces might be damaged but I could repair it given enough time."

Asimov uses his rapid repair nano-bot capsule to repair some of the damage that Irony sustained. 13 hp repaired to the Mechanical Minion.

Devices prepared
0: nanobot repair capsule (mending),light emitter (light), corrosive pistol (acid splash), open slot (can take time to prepare something)
1st: fire-handling gloves (produce flame), wrist rockets (magic missile) - used, Door detector (detect secret doors), open slot (can take time to prepare something)
2nd: rapid repair nanobot capsule (make whole) - used, fire-eater capsule (fire breath - APG)

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 14/41  
Monday May 24th, 2021 12:24:14 AM

"And, does the 'password' Spider really manage to open the door, or just to conjure up a clutter of spiders?" asks Mundhildur as an afterthought.

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 27/32] (Kathy) 
Monday May 24th, 2021 9:43:35 PM

"I think it's likely the spiders are conjured," Honor says. "Or they appear in response to certain specific actions. I'm not sure it's possible to 'defeat all the spiders;' I think they might just keep coming."

Honor will rest with her companions, and after a rest, she can cast one Lesser Restoration.

DM Steve -- I think it's likely the spiders are conjured 
Monday May 24th, 2021 10:18:57 PM

Zeoll skillfully answers Zulok's question without revealing any speculations about how to get past the door. Zulok seems to accept that response.

Mundhildur claims to be consulting the spirits for an answer. She also wonders why spiders were not mentioned. Belatedly, she wonders if the "password" just conjures spiders.

The Twins favor burning the webs out.

Elron sleeps.

Asimov speculates about the sconces as he repairs Irony.

Honor agrees that the spiders must be conjured. After a rest, she can cast one Lesser Restoration.

After answering Zulok's questions and resting, the drow offer the party meals -- in their rooms if they want, or in a separate area. However, Nilyndryl will not be acting as hostess. Zulok or Ecylndryl will be made available if the party need anything until they are ready to try again.

The party may heal and prepare in whatever fashion they judge best. Their assigned hosts visit with morning and evening meals, and will come if requested at other times.

OOC: A full day of rest will restore 2 hp per level and 2 points of ability score loss -- by mid-morning the next day, the first day of rest has passed. Eight hours of complete rest will restore half that.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 25/40, STR @ -5 
Monday May 24th, 2021 10:25:58 PM

The next morning, Elron seems a bit less out of sorts, but is still just as ready to rest. "Although I'd be mighty grateful, Honor, if you could get some of my strength back."

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 18/23hp | Cayzle 
Monday May 24th, 2021 10:33:40 PM

"We need to rrest until all the poison has worrked its way out."

Zeoll thinks maybe we can use cleverness to get the job done. Send in summoned creatures, use invisible servants to light the sconces. Stuff like that, to the extent we can.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 14/41   d20+3=15 ;
Monday May 24th, 2021 11:42:55 PM

"I like the door spirit. I think he and I are getting on well." She made no claim about multiple spirits, and really does consider the door voice a spirit of sorts. She was not aiming to mislead in that regard.

Before he leaves, she repeats what she asked earlier, but Zulok did not respond to. "Why it is that no one mentioned to us the spiders who attacked the drow here earlier? The door spirit was comparing in detail our battle versus the spiders with a very similar earlier battle conducted by drow. Can someone go over that with us who was there? Or at least can we get a report on that exercise?"

She thinks back to what the door voice told her about the drow fight. [No details were written up, but it seemed she had been told some details, and it might be useful to learn a bit about that.]

Mundhildur applies her healing skills to the best of her abilities in caring for Elron. After 24 hours of rest under her care, Elron will have recovered 4 strength points.

She can care for up to six patients, so others can recover hit points at twice the normal speed if they receive her ministrations.

Heal skill: 15.
Long-Term Care: Providing long-term care means treating a wounded person for a day or more. If your Heal check is successful, the patient recovers hit points or ability score points lost to ability damage at twice the normal rate: 2 hit points per level for a full 8 hours of rest in a day, or 4 hit points per level for each full day of complete rest; 2 ability score points for a full 8 hours of rest in a day, or 4 ability score points for each full day of complete rest.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 28/29 Hardness 2  
Tuesday May 25th, 2021 12:00:58 AM

Asimov readies the same device loadout as yesterday save he swaps his firebreath for another rapid repair capsule seeing as Irony got banged up last time.

He says, "Weren't we going to burn down the webs? Maybe we do that then see where we are with the spiders. Can a summon repair the damage to the scone that broke?"

Devices prepared
0: nanobot repair capsule (mending),light emitter (light), corrosive pistol (acid splash), open slot (can take time to prepare something)
1st: fire-handling gloves (produce flame), wrist rockets (magic missile) - used, Door detector (detect secret doors), open slot (can take time to prepare something)
2nd: rapid repair nanobot capsule (make whole) , rapid repair nanobot capsule (make whole)

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Tuesday May 25th, 2021 7:25:03 AM

"We thought the spiders summoned, but the way they came down from the ceiling seems odd for that." "Yes, perhaps there is just a nest above, or the thing that summons them." "Either way burning it might let us eliminate the threat." To prepare, they get a strip of cloth and some lamp oil from the Drow. By wrapping an arrow in cloth soaked in oil they can ignite it and fire it up into the webs. Non-magical webbing is very flammable.

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 31/32] (Kathy)  d4=1 ;
Tuesday May 25th, 2021 3:55:38 PM

Honor casts Lesser Restoration on Elron, but only manages to restore one point of strength damage.

"Sorry," she says. "I'm still getting the hang of spellcasting."

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 18/23hp | Cayzle 
Tuesday May 25th, 2021 10:33:10 PM

"That's OK Honorr, you trried yourr best. Tomorrrow is anotherr day."

"My Prroduce Flame spell should do the trrick as farr as burrning webs (and spiderrs) goes."

DM Steve -- I like the door spirit. I think he and I are getting on well. 
Tuesday May 25th, 2021 11:20:08 PM

Mundhildur repeats her question for Zulok -- why did no one mention the spiders? Zulok replies that he does not personally know what happened, although he thought the signs of the battle were clear. That was why Pellebrina and Ecylndryl took them. Did they fail to answer any questions?

With Mundhildur's help, everyone recovers more quickly on the first day -- 16 hit points and 4 points of strength.

Elron rests some more.

Zeoll proposes to be clever about getting the door open.

Asimov prepares for the next foray, and talks about what the group might try.

The Twins debate whether the spiders were summoned, and discuss ways to burn the webs.

Honor casts Lesser Restoration on Elron.

Another day (with another successful DC 15 Heal check and laying on hands) or two will have the party at full strength. The Twins are able to obtain some lamp oil from the drow. Is there anything else the group needs?

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 29/29 Hardness 2  
Wednesday May 26th, 2021 1:57:44 AM

If the party is taking another day of rest the technomancer uses one of his rapid repair nanobot capusles for the day to get Irony back to full health.

He asks Munhildur, "What was that you said the door was saying about blood?"

Devices prepared
0: nanobot repair capsule (mending),light emitter (light), corrosive pistol (acid splash), open slot (can take time to prepare something)
1st: fire-handling gloves (produce flame), wrist rockets (magic missile) - used, Door detector (detect secret doors), open slot (can take time to prepare something)
2nd: rapid repair nanobot capsule (make whole) , rapid repair nanobot capsule (make whole)

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Wednesday May 26th, 2021 7:13:49 AM

For some reason the Twins expected the party to have magic for healing. They're used to resting to recover or paying a priest but one of the advantages of an adventuring group is an adventuring healer.

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 31/32] (Kathy)  d4=4 ;
Wednesday May 26th, 2021 12:09:27 PM

If another Lesser Restoration is needed on Day 2, Honor casts it for 4 points restored.

If not, she still prepares Lesser Restoration, since they are slated to go up against the spiders again.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 18/41   d20+3=22 ;
Wednesday May 26th, 2021 6:21:39 PM

"All right, thank you, then, Zulok," Mundhildur replies. "I just don't remember them or anyone telling us they had actually been attacked by spiders, or how bad they were. Yes, we saw the spider webs when we entered, but, well, often more information about relevant past events rather than less can be of benefit."

Mundhi does ask Honor after the first 24-hour stint if she might spare a few laying on of hands, since due to her own ministrations toward others, she herself is not gaining hp very quickly at all (only 4 hp/day). Also, if needed, she requests some of those healing things that Asimov has.

She answers Asimov:
"Oh, yes. I was talking back and forth with the spirit above the door. I asked him about 'spider' being the password. The door asked, 'Why would you say the password?' Which made me wonder whether using the 'spider' password was the wrong thing to do.

"Then above-the-door-gnome-spirit said, 'I'm glad you're here -- I was getting lonely.' And I felt sad for him, but glad we were getting to know each other a little.

The spirit then told me, 'I think I have it this time.' So I was hoping to hear his next words. Which were, 'Is the password ... blood? I bet it's blood.'

"Well, that got me thinking a few more things. If he is right, and 'blood' is needed to persuade the door to open, then is that what we need to say? Also, he questioned why we would even want to say the password? Is there something harmful, dangerous, perilous, beyond the door? Even evil?" She pauses. "Maybe the spirit may tell me if I ask what is beyond the doorway."
Mundhildur's healthcare abilities go high during the next day (Heal: 22), and after that day (if people want to take that long), everyone (except herself) will heal up 16 hp, and 4 ability points. Everyone, including Elron (except Mundhi, unless healing help comes from Honor and/or Asimov) should be full on.

"So here's the plan: Go back, clear webs, if need be kill spiders as efficiently as possible, fill empty sconces, see if either the word 'blood' or perhaps actual blood placed upon the door might cause it to open, chat with the spirit of the door some more and ask how he has been doing, and maybe see if he can offer more insight to help us out. If all of this fails, and spiders have not neutralized us, then go out into the tunnel, sit down, and cry."

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 40/40 
Wednesday May 26th, 2021 8:07:44 PM

After a second day of Mundhildur's care, Elron is feeling himself again. "One day on th' farm th' dog an' I got into an argument about a spider. Dog said it was poisonous, an' I said it wasn't. We never did agree on that, but a while later I saw th' dog pokin' at th' spider. When I asked what was goin' on, he tol' me th' pig said the spider wasn't poisonous. Pigs is smart, they know things like that so th' dog believed him. About then th' spider bit th' dog an' made him sick for days. Pig had a mean streak -- th' spider was venomous."

When Mundhildur comments on the drow, Elron adds, "I haven't noticed them bein' too forthcomin' with any information."

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 18/23hp | Cayzle 
Wednesday May 26th, 2021 10:18:28 PM

Zeoll nods at Elron's story and privately reflects that everybody is not a trained bard, so, you know.

The old liontaur does have some healing, and he also makes goodberries if he can find a source of berries.

Once everybody is healed up, Zeoll looks for some clarity.

"Mundhi, you seem to have an idea of how to open this doorr. Do we agrree that the best thing is to mend the sconces and light torrches? Can we do that by rrunning in and then out beforre the spiderrs appearr? What's ourr plan?"

DM Steve -- What's ourr plan? 
Thursday May 27th, 2021 12:14:11 AM

Asimov completes repairs on Irony.

The Twins are suprised that the party relies on natural healing.

Honor prepares for more encounters with spiders.

Mundhildur asks Honor and Asimov her help healing herself while she's taking care of others. She relates what was said when she was talking to the door, and proposes a plan for when they return to the door.

Elron feels better and tells a story.

Zeoll offers what healing he can, and asks questions about the plan.

When the party is rested and ready, Zulok and Ecylndryl will escort them back. Aside from some oil, no one has asked the drow for tools or equipment to help get past the door.

After escorting them back, Ecylndryl and Zulok stand at the entrance to the chamber but do not proceed inside. As before, Ecylndryl carries a sunrod that the party may keep. "Do you want us to stick around this time?" he asks.

The map is here.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 29/29 Hardness 2   d8+4=7 ; d8+4=10 ; d8+4=10 ; d8+4=11 ;
Thursday May 27th, 2021 1:03:09 AM

Assuming Asimov had time he would have prepared medihalers for Munhildur when hearing she needed healing and not having anything else to do.

(OOC: will Dm kindly let me retcon my downtime devices to be medihalers (cure light wounds for munhildur?; if so Mundi will have healed 38 from the medihalers on downtime day)

When Zeoll asks about the plan he says, "it will take me at least 10 minutes to fix the broken sconce. Probably better to do something about the spiders first."

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Thursday May 27th, 2021 7:13:43 AM

As discussed the Twins take the lead, not stepping into the room yet but moving to block the hallway. Someone suggested magic so the Twins wait for them to try to burn the webs rather then preparing an arrow.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 40/40 
Thursday May 27th, 2021 6:43:51 PM

Retcon actions: None, although out of deference to Zeoll he should think up a better story to tell.

When the group arrives at the spider room, Elron takes a place at the rubble-filled entrance. "I pretty much remember them ignoring us as soon as we stepped outta that room," he explains. Besides, he's short enough for everyone else to fire over his head.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 18/23hp | Cayzle 
Thursday May 27th, 2021 11:02:44 PM

Zeoll (and Camel) are ready to spit and throw flames!

DM Steve -- Probably better to do something about the spiders first. 
Thursday May 27th, 2021 11:40:23 PM

The party may retcon days if they want -- the drow do not press for a return to the temple door while anyone is still healing. Nor are they sparkling conversationalists whose company would make some delay worthwhile.

Please place yourselves on the map when you reach the room. The map is here.

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 31/32] (Kathy) 
Friday May 28th, 2021 12:51:18 AM

Honor also stops outside the room. She is not good with puzzles. Or knowledge. Or languages. She'll just wait here until there's something to whack with a sword.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 29/29 Hardness 2  
Friday May 28th, 2021 1:00:56 AM

On the downtime day Asimov did create 4 medihalers for Mundhi and used them on her to get her fully healed.

On the day they decide to try the temple entrance of doom again Asimov switches load out to the following:

He says "I have the ability to throw fire balls or a cone of flame. Tell me where best to position myself to do something about those cobwebs and where should I focus my fire?"

Devices prepared
0: nanobot repair capsule (mending),light emitter (light), corrosive pistol (acid splash), open slot (can take time to prepare something)
1st: fire-handling gloves (produce flame), wrist rockets (magic missile) , Flaming glove (burning hands), open slot (can take time to prepare something)
2nd: rapid repair nanobot capsule (make whole) , rapid repair nanobot capsule (make whole)

SteveM - Elron 
Friday May 28th, 2021 8:22:01 PM

Elron waits -- planning isn't his thing.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 18/23hp | Cayzle  d20+9=20 ;
Saturday May 29th, 2021 12:23:42 AM

On returning to the room, the big guys -- Zeoll and Camel -- hang out in the back so as to not be in the way.

Zeoll peers in from behind Elron. The keen-eyed and -nosed taur says a prayer and checks out the room.

Perception 20

He sends Dancing Lights into the room to illuminate everything.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 18/23hp | Cayzle  d20+9=20 ;
Saturday May 29th, 2021 12:23:42 AM

On returning to the room, the big guys -- Zeoll and Camel -- hang out in the back so as to not be in the way.

Zeoll peers in from behind Elron. The keen-eyed and -nosed taur says a prayer and checks out the room.

Perception 20

He sends Dancing Lights into the room to illuminate everything.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 18/41  
Saturday May 29th, 2021 1:21:53 AM

[If Honor could have laid hands at least a few times on Mundhildur, as she was expending her energies on healing the rest of the party, then perhaps Asimov would only have need of using a pair of 'medihalers' for the Jotun woman.]

"My recommendation? Clear the webs, first," says Mundhildur. "Clear any spiders, second. Once all are down, deal with the door. After the first two parts are handled, I can speak with the spirit. He speaks underwold, and I thank Zulok for teaching me most of what I know of that tongue so far."

"Oh, and no one say the word 'spider' in any language when we are inside the room. Though, I may have to violate my own rule when talking with the fellow above the doorway," she adds.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 18/41  
Saturday May 29th, 2021 1:21:53 AM

[If Honor could have laid hands at least a few times on Mundhildur, as she was expending her energies on healing the rest of the party, then perhaps Asimov would only have need of using a pair of 'medihalers' for the Jotun woman.]

"My recommendation? Clear the webs, first," says Mundhildur. "Clear any spiders, second. Once all are down, deal with the door. After the first two parts are handled, I can speak with the spirit. He speaks underwold, and I thank Zulok for teaching me most of what I know of that tongue so far."

"Oh, and no one say the word 'spider' in any language when we are inside the room. Though, I may have to violate my own rule when talking with the fellow above the doorway," she adds.

DM Steve -- What's ourr plan? 
Saturday May 29th, 2021 9:30:17 AM

Those peering inside the room note that, aside from the musty atmosphere, there is a definite “old” feel to this chamber. Hewn from rock, the floor is worked to resemble flagstones and the walls are intermittently decorated with mock brickwork. Arrows - some broken, some splintered - litter the cold floor. The twins arrows are mixed among what must be drow arrows.

Lit torches sit in sconces along the walls, casting flickers of light throughout the open chamber.

Thick spiderwebs cover the ceiling appearing like billowing clouds overhead. In the corners, they drape almost to the floor, but the center is cleared well above head height (for a drow).

On the other side of the room can be seen a massive stone door with a carving of a spider web covering the entire set of doors. In the centre of the spider web where the doors meet is a small carved stone face. Puffy cheeks and a bulbous nose, it looks almost gnomish.

Asimov and Mundhildur can point out unfamiliar writing above the door.

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 31/32] (Kathy) 
Saturday May 29th, 2021 4:07:21 PM

Honor continues to watch from the next room. Much as she would like to help, she simply has the wrong skill set.

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Saturday May 29th, 2021 10:15:38 PM

Since Zeoll is presumably using magic to start the fire the Twins wait for him to do so rather then firing an oil soaked arrow.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 18/23hp | Cayzle  d20+3=16 ; d20+3=4 ; d20+3=17 ; d20+3=20 ;
Sunday May 30th, 2021 9:35:27 AM

Zeoll casts a produce flame spell and tosses fire into the webs.

First two casts hit touch ACs 16 and 4. A hit and a miss with a nat 1. He tosses another two to end the spell: 17 and 20.

"Let's see what happens next!"

[OOC: Damage is 1d6+4 per flame]

SteveM - Elron | AC 21 (19 in rage), HP 40/40 
Sunday May 30th, 2021 1:31:53 PM

Elron watches while the others clear the webs. Feathers and fire don't mix, to his mind.

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Sunday May 30th, 2021 7:52:56 PM

The Twins have sword and shield out, ready to keep any spiders that come down boxed in the room.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 29/29 Hardness 2  
Sunday May 30th, 2021 10:06:54 PM

Asimov prepares to toss his own fire depending on what happens with Zeoll's but for now he watches what happens with the taur's

Devices prepared
0: nanobot repair capsule (mending),light emitter (light), corrosive pistol (acid splash), open slot (can take time to prepare something)
1st: fire-handling gloves (produce flame), wrist rockets (magic missile) , Flaming glove (burning hands), open slot (can take time to prepare something)
2nd: rapid repair nanobot capsule (make whole) , rapid repair nanobot capsule (make whole)

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41   d20+6=7 ;
Monday May 31st, 2021 2:13:28 AM

Mundhildur waits to see what comes of burning the webs. But she does not see it very well.
Perception: 7

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 31/32] (Kathy) 
Monday May 31st, 2021 2:23:00 PM

Honor draws Virtue and stands ready. She's still not sure this is a good idea, but she realizes she is out of her depth here.

DM Steve -- Let's see what happens next! 
Monday May 31st, 2021 11:15:38 PM

Honor continues to watch from the next room. She draws Virtue and stands ready.

The Twins wait for Zeoll to cast his spell to see what will happen. They are ready with sword and shield.

Zeoll casts produce flame and throws three flame balls into the webs successfully.

Elron watches.

Asimov prepares to toss his own fire after seeing what happens with Zeoll's.

Mundhildur waits.

Zeoll's balls of fire burn away at the webs where they strike, but do not light the webs on fire. There are a few sputters of activity around where the balls went, but those seem to dwell on items trapped in the webs and die out soon. Aside from the burning of webs, nothing happens in the room.

In the end, Zeoll has cleared three 5x5 squares of the webs that were in them. Zeoll may decide which ones they were. Asimov may retcon up to four rounds of his own fire if he wants to based on seeing the results of Zeoll's first attempt.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 29/29 Hardness 2   d20+5=11 ; d20+5=25 ; d20+5=18 ; d20+5=6 ; d20+5=21 ; d6+4=6 ; d6+4=10 ; d6+4=8 ; d6+4=6 ;
Tuesday June 1st, 2021 12:41:42 AM

After the first area hits and fails to catch on, Asimov wonders if focusing fire on a specific spot might do something different.

He follow's Zeoll's lead after the first targetting the same area Zeoll is going for:

11 vs touch; 25 vs touch; (critical threat if possible; 16 to confirm); 6 vs touch;(nat 1 miss); 21 vs touch

damage is:
6 fire damage

10 fire damage (+8 if critical)

6 fire damage

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41  
Tuesday June 1st, 2021 3:37:10 AM

The tall young woman waits to see what happens with Asimov's efforts, following Zeoll's.

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Tuesday June 1st, 2021 7:09:05 AM

The Twins wait patiently for all the webs to burn. After all it's working, even if it's taking longer then expected.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 40/40 
Tuesday June 1st, 2021 6:22:15 PM

Elron continues to wait. "I wonder, I say, wonder. . . Are we all pyromaniacs in this group?" he asks, as he watches the webs. "An' I'm thinkin'. . . we are, son."

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 31/32] (Kathy) 
Tuesday June 1st, 2021 11:00:02 PM

Honor frowns. "We're not all pyro-pyro--whatever that was. Fire is useful sometimes, that's all."

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 18/23hp | Cayzle  d20+3=16 ; d20+3=9 ; d20+3=5 ; d20+3=4 ;
Tuesday June 1st, 2021 11:29:46 PM

Well, nothing for it but to use another spell. Zeoll aims at another four new 5x5 areas ...

He hits touch ACs 16, 9, 5, and 4. What's the touch AC of stationary webs? If he misses, can he hit the next one over? Hmmm ...

DM Steve -- Fire is useful sometimes, that's all. 
Wednesday June 2nd, 2021 12:07:12 AM

Asimov wonders if focusing fire on a specific spot might do something different. Once the fuel in a given spot has burned off, additional fire in that spot would have nothing to burn.

Mundhildur waits to see what happens with Asimov's efforts.

The Twins wait patiently for all the webs to burn.

Elron continues to wait, and comments on the activity.

Honor frowns at Elron's comment.

Zeoll uses another spell.

Ecylndryl and Zulok watch, showing no sign of what they are thinking.

If Zeoll and Asimov want to designate which areas they are clearing with fire, those areas can be marked on the map. So far, that is a total of ten 5x5 squares. That is about one-tenth of the area of the room or one half of the area that had low-hanging webs, depending on how you want to look at it. Since targets have not been designated, there is no basis for determining where the misses would go. (And the touch AC of stationary webs is 5.)

The map is here.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 29/29 Hardness 2  
Wednesday June 2nd, 2021 12:16:43 AM

Asimov says, "If someone could cover me I have flame thrower gloves that will make a 15 foot cone of flames, I'm just nervous about the spiders."

(OOC: marked on map where Asimov targetted)

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41   d20+6=26 ; d20+6=20 ; 4d6+4=18 ; 4d6+4=19 ;
Wednesday June 2nd, 2021 4:33:57 AM

There is plenty of rubble lying around. Mundhildur picks up some of the broken stones at her feet. "I'll be ready to throw these if any of those leggy things show up, all right, Asimov?"

And she is ready to throw, indeed. Should a spider appear, she throws - nat 20 (26), confirmed at AC 20, for 18+19=37 hp. Holding that attack until needed. Her range increment is 40.

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Wednesday June 2nd, 2021 8:06:26 AM

One of the Twins gets bored and starts firing those prepared oil-soakd arrows. They start right in front of the door (targeting f3 with arrow wrapped in flaming oil-soaked cloth)

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 31/32] (Kathy) 
Wednesday June 2nd, 2021 2:13:49 PM

Honor glances around. "You have ranged cover," she tells Asimov. "Would you like someone to come in with you also?"

If Asimov wants it, Honor goes in with him.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 40/40  d20+12=21 ;
Wednesday June 2nd, 2021 7:42:54 PM

Elron watches real close as Zeoll uses his second spell, looking for any disturbance in the web in response to the fire. (Perception = 21)

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 18/23hp | Cayzle 
Wednesday June 2nd, 2021 10:17:13 PM

C4, J4, K4, and J11 all look like good targets to Zeoll.

(Does the map already account for the first three 5x5 squares Zeoll flamed?)

DM Steve -- ...if any of those leggy things show up... 
Wednesday June 2nd, 2021 11:02:52 PM

Asimov, nervous about spiders, uses his flame thrower gloves.

Mundhildur selects some nice throwing rocks from among the rubble.

The Twins shoot oil-soaked arrows.

Honor offers to go into the room with Asimov.

Elron looks for movement in the webs that might indicate spiders.

Zeoll picks his targets. The map does not reflect Zeoll's previous hits, nor Asimov's. In all, six more blue squares should be white. The remaining blue squares are now tattered, not dense.

With arrows and spells, the party burns away as much of the webs as they can with no spiders coming to attack. The flaming gloves (15' cone) are particularly effective. Based on his observations, Elron thinks there can't be anything hiding up in what remains. At least nothing as big as what the party fought before.

The map is here.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41  
Thursday June 3rd, 2021 12:48:02 AM

"All right, friends, we don't say the name of those critters while we are in the room. Make sense?" she asks her friends.

"I'll go in and talk with the door some more." She ties a rope to her ankle with a slip knot. "Just in case," she says, pointing to the rope.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 29/29 Hardness 2  
Thursday June 3rd, 2021 1:20:28 AM

Asimov says to Munhildur, "Sure we won't say that word. While you talk to the door, I'm going to look for those other sconces including the damaged one because I think the sconces are the key."

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will  d20=20 ;
Thursday June 3rd, 2021 7:59:53 AM

The Twins examine the roof for anything that looks like a mechanism or magic rune or whatever (perception 20). They lead the way cautiously into the room and stand guard while the others try to figure out the stupid door.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 18/23hp | Cayzle 
Thursday June 3rd, 2021 11:50:58 AM

Camel and Zeoll will hold the other end of Mundhi's rope, though he voices the idea that a smaller party member would be easier to drag out of there.

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 31/32] (Kathy) 
Thursday June 3rd, 2021 3:27:47 PM

Honor moves into the next room and stands where she can move to support any of her companions that might encounter trouble.

[OOC: which was hard to do because nobody is updating their position on the map. Just saying.]

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 18/23hp | Cayzle 
Thursday June 3rd, 2021 3:41:34 PM

[OOC: My map position is perfect! LOL!]

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41  
Thursday June 3rd, 2021 4:33:23 PM

Mundhildur shrinks down to medium size, losing about 650 pounds in the process to a mere 372. "All you had to do was ask," she says, smiling at Zeoll.

She crosses the room, and at the doorway, in underwold, she says, "Hello, spirit of the doorway. Say, do you have a name? I'm called Mundhildur."

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 40/40  d20+12=18 ;
Thursday June 3rd, 2021 6:25:29 PM

Elron hops down from the rubble and wanders into the room. About halfway seems best. Close enough to reach anyone in case there's trouble, and close enough to escape readily if there's too much trouble. He continues to look carefully for signs of life wherever he thinks something might hide. (Perception = 18)

DM Steve -- All you had to do was ask. 
Thursday June 3rd, 2021 11:22:28 PM

Mundhildur reminds everyone not to say a certain name in the room, and goes to talk to the door after some safety precautions (including a rope and becoming smaller).

Asimov investigates the sconces.

The Twins look for a mechanism, magic rune, or anything unusual.

Zeoll and the camel hold the other end of Mundhi's rope.

Honor moves to the center of the room, ready to help anyone.

Elron also moves close to the center of the room, and looks for whatever.

Please place yourselves on the map if you're entering the room.

Mundhildur talks to the door in underwold. The door replies in the same language. Underwold speakers -- Highlight to display spoiler: {"You're back. I'm so glad! People don't usually come back. You meet people who forget you. You forget people you meet. But sometimes you meet people you can’t forget. Those are your friends. We all lose friends.. we lose them in death, to distance, and over time. But even though they may be lost, hope is not. . . No, I've never needed a name."}

The wall at E-2 has a sconce that can be clearly seen now that the webs are gone. The wall at E-13 may have had a sconce at one time, but is damaged and does not have the remains of one now. The Twins also point out one each at A-5 and L-11.

The map is here.

Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 29/29 Hardness 2  
Friday June 4th, 2021 12:23:23 AM

Asimov tries to light the unlit sconces with his flint and steel.

Asimov says, "One of the sconces is gone and there are no remains. Do you think the drow might have a new sconce we could replace it with?"

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41  
Friday June 4th, 2021 1:27:35 AM

"I am glad to be back, too," the Jotun says sincerely. "I like talking with you. Say, you haven't needed a name so far, you say. But, may I lend you a name? I'm thinking, um, 'Dorrvakt'," suggests Mundhildur. "It means 'keeper of the door.' One who opens and closes. A way to the pathway. Dorrvakt. Would you like to try that out?" she asks.

"What lies beyond the door? Are there things good to see, to learn? Dangers? Rewards? Earlier you asked me, Dorrvakt (is it all right if I call you that?), you asked, 'Why would you say the password?' Is it dangerous to say it? I guess, part of the answer to your question, though, is this: Curiosity. We would like to see what is on the other side. That's how people are, I suppose. And you told me a word that you thought might help in opening the door, I think. How would I use that word? Or would I need to use what it represents?"

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 18/23hp | Cayzle 
Friday June 4th, 2021 5:47:46 AM

Zeoll is content to hold the rope securely and let others figure this one out. He Messages his friends and says, "You be careful, Asimov and Miss Honor!"

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Friday June 4th, 2021 7:45:48 AM

The twins keep a wary eye out for danger.

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 31/32] (Kathy) 
Friday June 4th, 2021 4:31:36 PM

Honor frowns up at where the sconce should be. "I suppose it depends in part on what the puzzle needs," she says slowly. "A specific sconce? Any sconce? Any flame, regardless of what's holding it? Any light source, flame or no? There are too many possibilities."

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 40/40 
Friday June 4th, 2021 9:48:45 PM

"What's that thing sayin'," Elron asks.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41  
Saturday June 5th, 2021 12:05:36 AM

Mundhildur interprets what the spirit of the door, what 'Dorrvakt', says to her, and, after she has said it, what she has said to ... Dorrvakt. Unless someone else would care to interpret. She does not say if the word to be interpreted is 'spider.'

For Elron's sake.

DM Steve -- I suppose it depends in part on what the puzzle needs 
Saturday June 5th, 2021 1:18:50 PM

Asimov tries to light the unlit sconces.

Mundhildur talks to the door.

Zeoll holds the rope securing Munchildur and says, "You be careful, Asimov and Miss Honor!"

The twins keep a wary eye out for danger.

Honor considers Asimov's questions about sconces.

Elron asks about the door.

Asimov says, "One of the sconces is gone and there are no remains. Do you think the drow might have a new sconce we could replace it with?"

Honor replies, "I suppose it depends in part on what the puzzle needs. A specific sconce? Any sconce? Any flame, regardless of what's holding it? Any light source, flame or no? There are too many possibilities."

The sconces that are lit include brackets attached to the walls with torches that appear to be permanently burning. The sconces that are not lit include the brackets, but no torches. The one that is missing does not even provide the bracket.

Mundhildur talks with the door, still in underwold but explaining what she says to her companions. "I am glad to be back, too," the Jotun says sincerely. "I like talking with you. Say, you haven't needed a name so far, you say. But, may I lend you a name? I'm thinking, um, 'Dorrvakt'," suggests Mundhildur. "It means 'keeper of the door.' One who opens and closes. A way to the pathway. Dorrvakt. Would you like to try that out?" she asks.

The door answers. . . "Well, I am not sure what I will do with a name, but I thank you for offering me one. Dorrvakt sounds wonderful. I would be happy to try it. So, how do I use a name anyway? Oh, my -- how do I use your name? You told it to me and I haven't said it. Is that rude? I hope not. In any case, keeper of the door is a good name for me, or perhaps it's a good title for me. I will use Dorrvakt."

"What lies beyond the door? Are there things good to see, to learn? Dangers? Rewards?"

The door answers. . . "What lies beyond the door? I have no idea. I can only see the room you are in, and not all of that. As you can appreciate, without the ability to move around the amount I can see is quite limited. So are there dangers there? I assume there are, since I have certainly seen dangers in the room here."

"Earlier you asked me, Dorrvakt (is it all right if I call you that?), you asked, 'Why would you say the password?' Is it dangerous to say it? I guess, part of the answer to your question, though, is this: Curiosity. We would like to see what is on the other side. That's how people are, I suppose."

The door answers. . . "I told you a word? Was it the right word? I don't think so. Do you use it, or what it represents? And as to why would you say the password -- well, why would you? If you say the password, it just summons monsters to fight you. If I say the password, I can open the door. Oh, but I don't know the password. And I can't remember telling it to you. So, if I told you the password, I should have opened. And if you tell me the password, you have to fight a monster. And I would like to see what is on the other side, too. This room is really quite -- well, limited. Finite. Bounded. Little, meager, sparse. . . eh, boring, really. But I am stuck with it. And lately, hardly anyone even comes here. So I would love to see what's on the other side. Maybe there are people. Nice people, like you. Not the rude people who have started coming."

"And you told me a word that you thought might help in opening the door, I think. How would I use that word? Or would I need to use what it represents?"

"No, I'm sure if I say the right word, the door opens. That's the way I was made. But I can't remember the word. That's also the way I was made. Why, really, if you think about it, I don't think the people who made me were all that nice. Oh, but I have you here now, and you seem very nice. I don't want you to fight a monster. I'm glad you're here. I haven't talked to anyone for so long now."

The map is here.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41  
Saturday June 5th, 2021 5:28:49 PM

"Yes, Dorrvakt, I also enjoy talking with you. How do we use names? Well, when I see you again, I can say, 'Hello Dorrvakt,' -- and you will know I am talking with you, greeting you. Then you might answer, 'Oh, hello Mundhildur. Good to see you again. What brings you here today?'"

Since there is only one other party member who understands directly what they are saying (she is interpreting, though), Mundhi says, "Also, I could say, for instance, to my friend, Asimov," and she turns toward the technical wizard on the team and says,

"Asimov, this is my new friend Dorrvakt. He watches over the doorway. And Dorrvakt, this is my friend of many weeks Asimov. He is very creative, and he made that man of iron over there. He is trying to fix some of the wall sconces for you. Say hello to each other."

She waits until the two exchange a greeting. Making friends can take several steps.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 18/23hp | Cayzle 
Saturday June 5th, 2021 10:43:45 PM

Zeoll remains back, wary. He is glad to hear his friends making progress. He Messages encouragement to those closer in.

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