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DM Kathy 
Monday January 11th, 2021 2:25:37 PM

Asimov examines the parchment and the bottle. You can tell right away that the parchment is written in Dwarven, and you remember that Honor reads and understands that language. The bottle is trickier. Any remaining liquid has long since dried up, and there isn't much residue left. It's logical to assume that it may have been some kind of poison, but you aren't sure.

Elron and Mundhildur, meanwhile, are looking around the room. You both notice that the dwarf has an unusual light hammer in his belt, with religious motifs carved on it. It doesn't seem to be a masterwork weapon, but the fancy carving may make it worth something.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 30/36 
Monday January 11th, 2021 9:31:14 PM

"Hey, are those symbols on th' hammer that same Domi fella ya said th'anvil in th'othah room was for?" Elron seems to recall odd depressions being on the anvil, but doesn't think a dwarf could have dented it with this hammer..

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC15, 16/16hp | Cayzle 
Monday January 11th, 2021 11:58:28 PM

"Well, mission aside, we should give this old fellow a decent burrial, rright? I used to honorr Domi. I bet I could manage a prrayerr orr two, if this old brrain of mine is up to the task."

"I met him, once, you know. Domi. Verry nice guy."

Zeoll is suggesting that they pause in exploring, carry the dead dwarf outside, and do right by him.

[OOC: Just slipped in before deadline, woot!]

Asimov | Hugh | AC 15/12/13 HP 29/29 
Tuesday January 12th, 2021 1:31:01 AM

Asimov takes the scroll to Honor and says, "Look more Dwarven writing. Can you tell me what it says? As for what was in the bottle well maybe it was a poison? I can't be sure though. I'd be okay giving this dwarf a proper burial"

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 16 Touch 12 FF14 HP 27/32 
Tuesday January 12th, 2021 6:09:57 AM

"You met Domi?!" asks Mundhildur. "How old are you, anyway, Zeoll?" she asks the liontaur. "Yes, certainly, let us bury this poor fellow."

She takes the blanket she had been planning to use against the spiders, and wraps the bones in it, tucking everything in. She tosses the bundle over her shoulder. "Let's go." She leads the way back outside, and looks for a suitable burial spot. "Where to, Zeoll?"

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 24/24] (Kathy) 
Tuesday January 12th, 2021 1:19:36 PM

Honor takes the parchment from Asimov and reads it. "Forgive me Domi, father of the forge, my toils shall never be enough." She looks up. "Oh, no. The poor man. Do you think he poisoned himself?"

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC15, 16/16hp | Cayzle  d20+11=12 ;
Tuesday January 12th, 2021 2:27:36 PM

"Surre, I've been arround the Wold a time orr two, good Mundhi!" says Zeoll.

Honor mentions suicide, and Zeoll shakes his head.

"Well, even if the fellow was sufferring and not in his rright mind, he still deserrves the rrespect of a decent burrial. Under the trees outside there will be nice. I'll trry to find a spot that will be easierr to dig without hurrting any nearrby rroots too much."

Know Nature (with Guidance) to find a good spot: 12. Oh well.

DM Kathy 
Tuesday January 12th, 2021 2:54:12 PM

Elron wonders about the symbols on the hammer, which do indeed prove to belong to Domi.

Zeoll after letting slip that he once met the god in question, suggests a proper burial. Munhdildur and Asimov agree.

Honor is able to translate the parchment, which strongly suggests the dwarf killed himself.

You decide to take the time to lay the dwarf to rest. You troop outside, but the packed earth of the courtyard seems like a poor choice for a final resting spot.

Beyond the courtyard, however, at the entrance to the keep, are those two statues. One of them is a crumbled ruin, but the other is a dwarf holding a hammer. Perhaps near there?

If not, the surrounding area is mostly grassland; it wouldn't be hard to dig a grave and perhaps mark it with a simple cairn.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 30/36 
Tuesday January 12th, 2021 11:42:55 PM

Now why would a dwarf kill hisself, Elron wonders. There has to be a story here.

As for burying the remains, Elron readily pitches in to help, but has no idea what sort of service would be appropriate.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC15, 16/16hp | Cayzle 
Wednesday January 13th, 2021 12:45:06 AM

Near the dwarf statue would be a good choice, Zeoll says. He lends his labor willingly.

After the dwarf is at rest, Zeoll offers a prayer:

Oh mighty Domi
Herre is yourr own dwarrf
Help him to Garrgul's rrest.

Later, Zeoll adds, "I met Lorrd Garrgul too. A couple times, to plead forr the life of a dead frriend."

Asimov | Hugh | AC 15/12/13 HP 29/29 
Wednesday January 13th, 2021 1:45:12 AM

Asimov says, "I wonder what this guy was trying to create in his forge that he felt he couldn't hack it? I mean he said forgive me Domi, father of my forge, my labors will never be enough. Do you think we might find a forge or some schematics as we explore?"

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 24/24] (Kathy) 
Wednesday January 13th, 2021 1:20:39 PM

Honor helps lay the dwarf to rest. She retrieves the book of hymns from her pack and sings one at the graveside.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 16 Touch 12 FF14 HP 27/32 
Wednesday January 13th, 2021 2:34:57 PM

Mundhildur helps dig the grave. "Good prayer, Zeoll." She harmonizes as Honor sings.

DM Kathy 
Wednesday January 13th, 2021 3:13:05 PM

You pause in your explorations long enough to bury the remains of the dwarf. You bury him near the dwarf statue, and lay his spirit to rest with a hymn and a prayer.

Once that task is done, you are ready to resume your explorations. You have only the northern part of the keep left to explore--and the tower full of spiders. Where would you like to go next?

The map, as a reminder.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 30/36 
Wednesday January 13th, 2021 6:12:42 PM

"I think, I say, I think we ought to explore th' north part o' th' keep before we go back into th' tower. Mostly so's if we find anything there that might help chase th' spiders out o' th' tower we can use it. Thar's two ways into th' keep -- I say we use the one we've already tried."

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 16 Touch 12 FF14 HP 27/32  d20+3=6 ;
Thursday January 14th, 2021 12:16:32 AM

"And what if we could get the bats to eat the spiders?" asks Mundhildur. "Sleep well, dwarf whose name we do not know. May Domi know your name."

She had used the blanket to convey the bones to the burial site, but had removed the bones from the blanket and laid the remains within the shallow grave. She folds up the blanket again, then joins her companions as they return to the building - this time to the door about in the middle of the hallway just south of the northernmost room. She looks to see if she can tell which way the door opens, then pushes if it opens away from her, or pulls if it opens toward her. She doesn't use her full strength, apparently. [strength check 6]

Of course, she does not try to open the door until most of the crew is nearby.

Asimov | Hugh | AC 15/12/13 HP 29/29 
Thursday January 14th, 2021 4:44:13 AM

Asimov says, "Mayhap we'll find the forge in the northern section? I'm really curious to learn what the Dwarf we found was working on."

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC15, 16/16hp | Cayzle 
Thursday January 14th, 2021 5:35:46 AM

"Norrtherrn section sounds like a plan."

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 24/24] (Kathy) 
Thursday January 14th, 2021 2:13:36 PM

"North it is." Honor moves to back up Mundhildur.

DM Kathy 
Thursday January 14th, 2021 3:24:17 PM

You decide to postpone a return to Spider Tower for now, in favor of exploring the parts of the keep you haven't seen yet. Mundhildur returns to the northern hallway and tries the door.

It opens easily enough. The small study on the other side of the door looks like it hasn’t been used in some time. An old stone desk sits in the center of the chamber, scratched and cracked in many places.

To the west is an open doorway. In the next room, you can see a weird, shifting blue light, but you can't see its source from here.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC15, 16/16hp | Cayzle 
Thursday January 14th, 2021 9:04:56 PM

Zeoll calls out, "Helloo! Who is therre?"

He starts singing a lovely melody, and readies a standard action to FASCINATE ... if a creature appears and it seems like the target might be a fey, magical beast, plant creature, vermin, or animal.

Asimov | Hugh | AC 15/12/13 HP 29/29  d20+7=25 ;
Thursday January 14th, 2021 11:49:31 PM

Asimov moves over to and checks the desk out for any compartments, or any other things of interest and to see if he can get a better glimpse at whatever is making the odd light in the other room from the vantage point of the desk.

(Perception; 25)

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 30/36  d20+12=20 ;
Friday January 15th, 2021 12:05:39 AM

Elron moves into the room off the hallway as well, seeing how someone might need to protect the boy while he's going through the desk. While he's in there, he keeps an eye peeled for anything interesting.

Perception = 20

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 24/24] (Kathy) 
Friday January 15th, 2021 1:22:51 PM

Honor slips into the study and draws Virtue.

DM Kathy 
Friday January 15th, 2021 3:31:36 PM

Seeing the strange light, Zeoll calls out and begins singing.

Asimov checks the desk, but finds nothing of interest.

Elron and Honor also move into the room, ready for action.

Mundhildur approaches the door to the next room. [There's not a post, but the character has been moved on the map, so I'm going to assume.]

Everyone except Honor can see into the next room. It is a ruin, with gaping holes in the roof. One of the stone columns that once supported the ceiling is toppled, its broken pieces littering the floor. Old wooden cupboards line the back wall.

Within the room is a--creature? trap? natural phenomenon? It seems like a ball--or perhaps a blob--of electricity. Except--it has a face? Kind of? Energy crackles around it. Mundhildur, Zeoll, and Honor find that their hair is standing on end, and occasional electrical sparks seem to dance over their bodies. So far, the--whatever it is--isn't doing anything except floating around the room and crackling.

Knowledge Planes DC 20 Highlight to display spoiler: { It looks like a Comozant Wyrd, but there’s something different about it.}

Updated map

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 30/36 
Friday January 15th, 2021 3:50:30 PM

"Oh, my. D'you, I say, d'you know what that is? It's a Krak'len. . . I hear they like to attack ships and set on the masts."

Elron's not sure what to do about this one. Were Krak'lens balls of electricity, or did they have eight arms? He isn't sure. He's at the back of the group, and probably the eggheads will try to talk to it. Elron gets ol' Betsy out and ready to whap it, just in case it doesn't like talk.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC15, 16/16hp | Cayzle  d20+2=5 ;
Sunday January 17th, 2021 12:43:46 AM

Knowledge Planes 5 nope!

On the off chance it will work, Zeoll uses his Fascinate. Will Save 15.

Zeoll's Fascinate only affects fey, magical beast, plant creature, vermin, or animal.

Asimov | Hugh | AC 15/12/13 HP 29/29  d20+10=24 ; d20+10=12 ;
Sunday January 17th, 2021 11:02:51 PM

Asimov looks at the weird electric face that Elron called a Krak'len. He uses his 0th level magic detecting thing-a-mabob to get an idea if whatever it is magical.

(Know[Arcana]: 24)
(Spellcraft: 12)

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 16 Touch 12 FF14 HP 27/32 
Monday January 18th, 2021 3:04:39 AM

[Thought I had posted - had written up a 3-paragraph post early Friday, but it looks like the post did not take somehow]

The Jotan says to the ball of light, "Hello there, beautiful. Who are you? I'm Mundhildur. Are you lost or something?"

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 24/24] (Kathy) 
Monday January 18th, 2021 1:49:08 PM

Honor peers through the doorway. She can't get a really good look at the thing, and anyway she doesn't know anything about other planes.

"Are you sure?" she asks Elron. "I thought Krak'len were sort of....squid-y." She stays on alert, watching to see what the thing might do.

DM Kathy  d20+7=15 ;
Monday January 18th, 2021 2:07:41 PM

Elron states confidently that the thing is called a Krak'len, and they attack ships. Honor isn't so sure.

Asimov detects for magic but finds none.

Mundhildur greets the thing, but it doesn't seem to respond.

Zeoll isn't sure what it is, but tries to Fascinate it anyway. And, whatever it is, it has a Will save because it successfully saved against the effect.

It continues to flit about in the next room.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 30/36 
Monday January 18th, 2021 7:34:54 PM

"Well," Elron tells Honor, "I thought so too -- but jes' listen." The thing, whatever it is, does seem to be crackling. "And how, I say, how can it not have seen us, us bein' in plain sight an' everythin'?" He figures if he can see it's face, it can see him.

"Tell you what -- I've been told feathers is insulation. Should I go in there and ask what it is?"

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC15, 16/16hp | Cayzle 
Monday January 18th, 2021 11:22:09 PM

"Well, it has not attacked us yet, so let's not fight it in case it is an innocent thing."

The old liontaur bows to honor Elron for his voluntering.

Asimov | Hugh | AC 15/12/13 HP 29/29 
Monday January 18th, 2021 11:46:37 PM

Asimov says, "Whatever it is, it sure as heck ain't magic. I can tell you that. Aside from that whatever it is is outside my range of expertise. If you wanna give it a shot, Elron, then I ain't gonna stop you"

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 16 Touch 12 FF14 HP 27/32  d20+5=23 ; d20+4=5 ; d20+4=6 ; d20+4=10 ; d20+4=12 ; d20+4=13 ; d20+4=18 ; d20+4=6 ;
Tuesday January 19th, 2021 1:22:05 AM

"Sounds good, Elron. I will come, too. I agree, Zeoll, we don't want to fight it, I think. Not magic? A thing of lightning, of air? My people are of air and storms. Maybe the blue glow and I can figure out how to talk. If it decides to zap me, I can leave the room. I'm going to look just a little more, first." She looks into the room, trying to see if there is anything unusual besides the floating energy. [Perception: 23]

She says, "Maybe it likes music." She begins to sing a song before entering - but her voice cracks terribly (Perform, singing: 5 (nat 1)). She stops, clears her throat and starts again. Still almost as bad (6). "Just a moment." Mundhildur takes out her waterskin, and gulps down a bit, gargles. She begins to hum. So, not as bad (10). Then she moves into a gentle, tonal vocalization (12). A slow run up a scale (13). Then a bit more full throated (18). Mundhi tries to match any tonalities coming from the crackling ball. She is just starting to get a feel for it, then her voice cracks again (6). "I'm sorry. Maybe if I could make good music today, our floating neighbor would like it."

"Let's go, Mister Feathers! Maybe you can sing out something."

She walks into the room, and goes to the right side, and leans against the wall. "We are here. Can we help you? We want to help a little girl. We need silverberries. Do you know about silverberries?"

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 24/24] (Kathy) 
Tuesday January 19th, 2021 3:44:34 PM

Honor steps up to support Mundhildur and Elron, but doesn't try to go into the room just yet.

DM Kathy  d20+15=28 ; d8=6 ; d8=1 ;
Tuesday January 19th, 2021 3:49:31 PM

Elron volunteers to step into the next room and check out the creature. Zeoll and Asimov agree with the plan.

Mundhildur does him one better. She steps into the room, intending to try to talk to the creature.

The minute she crosses the threshold, the creature attacks! A bolt of lighting streaks toward Mundhildur, striking her and doing 9 points of damage!

And the map.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 30/36  d20+6=9 ;
Tuesday January 19th, 2021 5:40:51 PM

Interrupted from the process of selecting what song he's going to sing, Elron is outraged by this unprovoked attack on Mundhi. Well, if the thing wants a whapping, it'll get a whapping.

Elron doesn't quite trip over his own feet as he enters the room, but the wild swing as he runs up only connects with AC 9.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 16 Touch 12 FF14 HP 27/32  d20+3=18 ; d20+5=17 ; d20+5=18 ; d8+3=5 ; d8+3=7 ;
Tuesday January 19th, 2021 7:13:02 PM

The d20+3=18 should add an extra +3=21 on the reflex save vs electricity. She has elemental immunity, in which the Jotun receives +1/level of resistance vs its energy type - in Mundhi's case, electrical. So perhaps the damage she takes is 4 or 5, rather than 9?

Well, had Elron not jumped forward, she may have chosen to respond otherwise, but as he is now in harm's way (and the electrical blob, from her perspective, 'started it'), she takes a 5-foot step forward and slams it twice. "You - be nice!" she roars.

She hits AC 17 and AC 18, for 5 and 7 hp respectively.

Asimov | Hugh | AC 15/12/13 HP 29/29  d20=7 ; d3=2 ;
Wednesday January 20th, 2021 12:30:58 AM

Asimov moves to the doorway and fires off a round from the corresive pistol at the electric thing.

(7 vs touch; 2 acid damage if that hits)

0th - corrosive pistol (acid splash); freeze ray (ray of frost); magic detector(detect magic); light emitter (light)
1st - Flaming glove (burning hands), Flaming glove (burning hands), Flaming glove (burning hands), Flaming glove (burning hands)

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 24/24] (Kathy)  d20+7=13 ; d8=3 ;
Wednesday January 20th, 2021 5:04:19 PM

Honor rushes into the room after Elron. She tries to hit the flying creature with Virtue. It doesn't go especially well. [Hit AC 13 for 6 damage.]

DM Kathy  d20+10=19 ; d8=3 ; d8=6 ;
Wednesday January 20th, 2021 5:46:21 PM

Elron swings wildly at the creature but does not connect. Honor likewise swings and misses.

From the doorway, Asimov tries a shot from the corrosive pistol, but it flies wide and splatters onto the wall, sizzling slightly.

Mundhildur has better luck than her companions, managing to hit the creature twice.

[OOC: there is no Reflex save against the creature's attack. It is a ranged attack; the creature has to roll to hit. Damage is 9, reduced by whatever resistance Mundhildur has.]

The creature flits up into the corner (5-foot step), then sends another bolt at Mundhildur. This one also hits, and does another 9 damage.

And the map.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 16 Touch 12 FF14 HP 15/32  d20+5=21 ; d20+5=11 ; d8+3=5 ;
Wednesday January 20th, 2021 7:29:56 PM

Mundhildur slams again (AC 21) for 5hp damage, then manages to slam the wall next to the blue glowy floating orb. "You started it, pipsqueak!" she says. "I'm a storm giant, y'know, of sorts. Why are we fighting, anyway? If you stop, so will I. You first."

WIth her 3 resistance to electrical, the first ranged touch attack did 6hp (9-3) versus her, and so did the second.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 30/36  d20+7=13 ; d20+7=18 ; d4+2=5 ; d4+2=5 ;
Wednesday January 20th, 2021 9:12:22 PM

Elron doesn't bother to tell the Krak'len it wouldn't like him when he's angry -- he just gets angry. He attacks with a flurry of blows, hitting AC 13 (damage not intentionally rolled) and 18 (for 5 damage, either way).

Rage 1/6

Asimov | Hugh | AC 15/12/13 HP 29/29  d20=18 ; d3=2 ; d20=17 ;
Thursday January 21st, 2021 1:11:40 AM

Asimov takes another shot (18 vs touch, 2 acid damage if that hits)

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC15, 16/16hp | Cayzle 
Thursday January 21st, 2021 7:02:23 AM

Zeoll sings an inspiring song, offering his friends +1 on attacks and damage.

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 24/24] (Kathy)  d20+8=25 ; d8=1 ;
Thursday January 21st, 2021 3:10:58 PM

Honor steps forward and tries again. She is more accurate this time, but doesn't get a lot of power behind it. [Hit AC 25 for 5 damage.]

DM Kathy  d20+10=16 ; d8=1 ; d8=5 ; d3=3 ; d20+10=25 ; d8=2 ; d8=1 ;
Thursday January 21st, 2021 3:44:46 PM

Mundhildur and Elron would like to attack the creature. They are currently too far away to make melee attacks. Would you like to choose different actions?

Asimov fires another blast from the corrosive pistol. Since his target is not currently in melee, he hits.

Zeoll begins inspiring his friends.

Honor steps up and attacks, hitting for 5 damage.

The creature flies to the opposite corner, provoking an attack of opportunity from Honor. This time, it fires its lightning at Asimov, hitting for 6 damage.

And now a second creature enters the fray! It flies in through the hole in the ceiling and shoots at Elron! The lightning hits, and Elron takes 3 damage.

And the map. Please remember to move your character on the map if your character moves.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 16 Touch 12 FF14 HP 15/32  d20+5=8 ; d20+5=15 ; d8+3=4 ; d20+5=14 ; d8+3=4 ;
Thursday January 21st, 2021 7:52:56 PM

Too far away? If that were the case last round, surely with her longspear she has reach - and the d20+5=21 for d8+3=5 damage should have applied. (with a 5' step from the critter, it was within her ability to reach, still).

And the AoO also should apply to Mundhildur, not just Honor, but she misses (AC 8). A new one, by the door? [We're going to need altitudes & ceiling height, DM Kathy, me thinketh!] If too high to slam, Mundhi hits AC 15 for 4hp damage. If at a height she could slam, we'll use the AC 15 and 4 hp for slam #1, and AC 14 for 4 hp for slam #2.

Asimov | Hugh | AC 15/12/13 HP 23/29  d20+5=23 ; d3+1=4 ;
Friday January 22nd, 2021 2:18:37 AM

Asimov says, "That hurt. Also I have no medihalers today because I thought it was going to be spider clearing day so we'll most likely need to take another rest after this."

He takes a five foot step backwards diagonally and fires another acid pistol round at the new threat.

(23 vs touch; 4 acid damage)

0th - corrosive pistol (acid splash); freeze ray (ray of frost); magic detector(detect magic); light emitter (light)
1st - Flaming glove (burning hands), Flaming glove (burning hands), Flaming glove (burning hands), Flaming glove (burning hands)

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC15, 16/16hp | Cayzle  d20+1=19 ; d20+1=15 ; d4=2 ; d4=1 ;
Friday January 22nd, 2021 7:23:45 AM

Look! An enemy has appeared right next to Zeoll! The taur instinctively rears up and swipes with two paws. Is he flanking it with Honor? Which square is she in?

He hits ACs 19 and 15 (21 and 17 if flanking) for 3 hp and 2 hp.

Still singing, Zeoll backs up five feet.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 27/36  d20=17 ; d20=14 ;
Friday January 22nd, 2021 10:32:21 AM

Hmm. . . Elron's not built for range. If he couldn't reach the thing, he would not have raged, though. He'd have looked around to get a better lay of the room -- how tall is it, where is the hole this new one came from, etc.

"Zeoll, you're a big guy. If'n ya get in here, I can attack 'em from your back!" Just for the fun of it, Elron pulls out and throws a shuriken. (Hits AC 17 for 1 point of damage; please ignore the accidental second roll)

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 24/24] (Kathy)  d20+8=13 ; d20+8=20 ; d8=1 ;
Friday January 22nd, 2021 3:12:44 PM

Honor's attack of opportunity is not great [hit AC 13], but she moves to keep after the creature, ignoring the new one for now.

For her regular attack, she hits AC 20 for 5 damage.

DM Kathy 
Friday January 22nd, 2021 3:49:03 PM


So, I keep screwing this up, so we're going to take a moment and reset.

First, I want to explain about positioning. If you are in melee, and your opponent takes a 5-foot step, then you are no longer in melee. You can hit your opponent if you have reach, but you are no longer considered to be in melee. To get back into melee--if, for example, you do not have reach--you need to take a 5-foot step to close the distance with your opponent. Then, if your opponent takes another 5-foot step to open up some distance, you have to take a 5-foot step to follow them. Rinse and repeat.

Your DM is not a mind reader. If your opponent moves away, and you do not move yourself on the map, and you do not indicate in your post that you moved, then your DM has to assume that you remained where you were. If you say "I attack my opponent" without also saying that you moved, then you put your DM in an impossible position.

It gets even more complicated if somebody is also making a ranged attack at that same opponent. Ranged attacks take a penalty when they are aimed at an opponent in melee. So, does your DM assume that the melee fighter meant to say they moved, but just forgot? And move them anyway? That puts the ranged fighter at a disadvantage. And who's to say the ranged fighter wouldn't have made a different choice if their opponent had been (visibly) in melee combat when they posted their action?

So, in the last round, the creature took a 5-foot step back. Both Elron and Mundhildur indicated that they made melee attacks without reach (flurry and slam respectively), which would not have been possible from their positions. Neither one said they moved, or moved themselves on the map. Asimov indicated that he used a ranged attack. So, do I just move Elron and Mundhildur closer, and screw up Asimov's shot? (It would not have hit with the penalty.) If I move Elron and Mundhildur closer, is it fair to assume that Asimov would have tried his shot at all? Maybe if he'd seen his opponent in melee, he would have decided to do something else instead.

I'm honestly not trying to be a hard-nose here. I'm trying to be fair to everybody, but it's hard to know what to do when somebody declares an action that isn't possible.

All of this is adding up to me asking, pleading, begging for everybody to please, please, PLEASE, move themselves on the map when their character moves. I don't think it's a big ask. DMing a combat means keeping track of lots of moving parts. It's even more complicated when you have a character acting in the combat and you're trying to segregate your DM knowledge from your player knowledge. Move your character. Please.

Second (yes, all those paragraphs were just one thing), these creatures were supposed to be incorporeal, and I completely dropped the ball on that. So by now, all characters have seen that regular attacks won't hurt them. I believe that Asimov's attacks count as magical for this purpose, or at least I will until somebody tells me differently. So the corrosive pistol is (so far) the only thing that did any damage at all to these things. Knowing that, your character may want to try a different approach. So I'm not going to have the creatures act this round, and everybody can restate their actions if they want.

Sorry for the confusion.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 16 Touch 12 FF14 HP 15/32 
Friday January 22nd, 2021 4:35:21 PM

When it finally sinks in to Mundhildur that her slams and stabs or slashes are not obtaining purchase at all on the glowy orbs, she says, "Hey, we really are not hurting these things at all. EVERYONE, OUT OF THE ROOM!" She follows her own counsel.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 27/36 
Sunday January 24th, 2021 1:35:07 PM

Elron follows Mundhildur out of the room. He has not come up with anything devastating to the Krak'len's ego to say as a parting shot, either. This is quite embarassing. Rubbing his backside, all he allows is, "That really Hertz."

Asimov | Hugh | AC 15/12/13 HP 23/29 
Sunday January 24th, 2021 10:31:04 PM

(OOC: yes for symplicity sake we said Technomancy functioned like magic; therefore corrosive pisol = acid splash)

Asimov says, "I was never in that room in the first place. I was firing through the doorway but something tells me if I'm going to be the only one doing any damage to these things that is a position that I do not want to be in. Shall we regroup again away from your Krak'len's Elron?"

He joins Mundi

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 24/24] (Kathy) 
Monday January 25th, 2021 2:13:42 PM

Honor turns. She doesn't like retreating, but she has to admit that the group needs a new strategy.

"Right behind you," she says, and follows Elron.

DM Kathy 
Monday January 25th, 2021 3:31:11 PM

Realizing that you're having a hard time with these things, you retreat to the next room. The creatures do not follow, but continue flying around the other room. It's difficult to tell, but they seem agitated.

Perception DC 12 Highlight to display spoiler: { Now that the sounds of battle have died down, you realize that you hear something banging. It's faint, and it sounds like it's coming from the east. And was that a voice crying out?}

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 16 Touch 12 FF14 HP 15/32  d20+5=22 ; d20+3=19 ;
Monday January 25th, 2021 4:03:18 PM

"Some clanging in that direction, and a voice calling out!" Mundhildur tells the others.

With a perception of 22, if she figures it's something on the other side of the door she is front of (L9 - i just added coordinate rows and columns), she sees if she can open that door. If a strength check is needed... she has a 19. If the door opens, she looks inside to see what is going on.

If it sounds further down the hall, rather than behind the L9 door, she heads east down the hallway to the right. She slows down to discern whether the noise comes from the right from the room they were in earlier (R10), or rather from the left (S9), near the bats' nest. If she can tell, she does the door check and opening at the appropriate spot.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 27/36  d20+12=22 ;
Monday January 25th, 2021 5:15:06 PM

(Perception = 22)

Elron hears the banging and the voice, and figures the noise of their recent battle alerted whoever or whatever to their presence. But with the state and age of this place -- and that the rest of the party's between him and it -- he's not sure he wants to know the state and age of what might be lurking behind the door.

The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 20/12/18 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Monday January 25th, 2021 7:23:11 PM

The pair hear the sounds of battle and debate. "Intruders? Rescuers?" one wonders. "Enemies of our enemies of least. Maybe not friends." The other replies. Deciding there's only one way to find out they commence the banging and the calling.

Asimov | Hugh | AC 15/12/13 HP 23/29  d20+7=8 ;
Monday January 25th, 2021 11:47:51 PM

(Perception: 8)

Asimov doesn't hear anything but when Elron and Munhildur start acting like they do he follows after them not wanting to be left behind

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC15, 16/16hp | Cayzle 
Monday January 25th, 2021 11:59:27 PM

Zeoll backs away from the incorporeal foes, hoping they will not follow. He follows Mundhi's direction and heads toward the sounds she has heard.

He continues to keep up his singing, but he adds some words to it:

Therre is a sound therre!
Someone needs help! Wherre?
Let us investigate!

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 24/24] (Kathy)  d20+3=10 ;
Tuesday January 26th, 2021 3:01:08 PM

Honor hears nothing [Perception 10], but if her friends are investigating something, she wants to come along. She steps out into the hallway, ready to follow.

DM Kathy 
Tuesday January 26th, 2021 4:39:28 PM

Mundhildur tries to determine where the sound is coming from. It is east of the door you're in front of, but you know that the other door leads toward the rubble where the bats are, so you start by opening this door.

Old cobweb-covered racks and armor stands dominate much of this small chamber. What must have once been a well-tended armory is now devoid of arms and armor.

The rest of the party follows Mundhildur.

Elsewhere, an adventurer--or possibly two adventurers--continue to bang and yell. It's not clear where they are, but one thing is certain.

The noise got a little louder when Mundhildur opened the door.

And the map. If your character wants to make Perception checks, it's going to be important where they're standing when they make them.

The Twins(Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 20/12/18 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Tuesday January 26th, 2021 7:13:07 PM

The Twins look about their prison. Is their gear in reach? Is there any way for them to free themselves they may have avoided doing while the enemy was alert? Are there guards?

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 27/36  d20+12=26 ;
Tuesday January 26th, 2021 7:37:07 PM

Elron moves into the newly opened room, but not far. Too much chance the noise is another body, and not the living kind. (Perception = 26)

Asimov | Hugh | AC 15/12/13 HP 23/29  d20+7=26 ;
Wednesday January 27th, 2021 12:59:20 AM

(Percpetion: 26)

Asimov follows Elron and steps into the entranceway of the new room, taking in his surroundings

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC15, 16/16hp | Cayzle  d20+6=14 ;
Wednesday January 27th, 2021 1:16:23 AM

"Ugh, this place is so tight," says Zeoll as he squeezes into the hallway between Honor and Mundhi. The old liontaur looks around.

Perception 14.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 16 Touch 12 FF14 HP 15/32  d20+5=25 ;
Wednesday January 27th, 2021 3:28:21 AM

Mundhi squeezes past Zeoll who just squeezed her way. Once inside, she looks and listens. Seems like we are a pretty perceptive group of adventurers at the moment.

Perception: 25 (nat 20)

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 24/24] (Kathy) 
Wednesday January 27th, 2021 5:48:25 PM

Honor stays in the hallway, not being terribly perceptive.

DM Kathy 
Wednesday January 27th, 2021 6:08:09 PM

The Twins take a look around. Your armor, weapons and packs have been removed. You can see them, down the hall from your cell, well out of reach but apparently intact. You have been left in your regular clothing and shoes. Which is kind of nice, because taking off a shoe and banging it on the bars of the cell makes a nice clanging noise.

Elron steps into the room and looks around. You see something gleaming, just poking out from behind one of the weapons racks. You investigate and discover a very nice-looking dagger.

Asimov follows Elron into the room. You also look around, and see something under one of the weapons racks. You investigate, and discover 10 very nice-looking crossbow bolts.

Zeoll has a hard time spotting anything, and Honor doesn't even try.

Mundhildur squeezes into the room and also looks around. Since she went further in, she's the one who discovers the secret door in the northeast corner!

And the map. The secret door is marked with a little blue circle, because I didn't even want to try to make the draw program give me a stylized S.

The Twins(Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 20/12/18 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Wednesday January 27th, 2021 10:04:39 PM

The Twins stop banging for a moment and listen, seeing if they can hear anything from whoever's out there.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 27/36 
Thursday January 28th, 2021 12:00:55 AM

Elron picks up the dagger, not taking his eyes off the corner of the room the banging was coming from.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC15, 16/16hp | Cayzle 
Thursday January 28th, 2021 12:25:44 AM

Zeoll ends his song, having used what? 5 rounds of Inspire and before that two of Fascinate. More or less.

He watches closely.

"Someone betterr open that secrret doorr," he calls into the room.

"Go ahead, good sisterr Mundhi!"

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 16 Touch 12 FF14 HP 15/32  d20+2=3 ;
Thursday January 28th, 2021 3:27:06 AM

Having found the secret door, perhaps the secret to opening it has also been discovered by her. If so, she simply opens it. If not, she tries to finesse it (dex check 3 - nat 1). If that's a failure, she asks for Asimov's assistance, "Or anyone else who cares to try."

If it opens, she steps through. "Who is hollering?"

Asimov | Hugh | AC 15/12/13 HP 23/29  d20+8=26 ;
Thursday January 28th, 2021 6:20:32 AM

(Perception: 25/26 vs mechanical)

Asimov checks the door for traps

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 24/24] (Kathy)  d20+3=19 ;
Thursday January 28th, 2021 2:26:09 PM

Honor remains in the hallway, looking and listening for trouble.

[Perception 19]

DM Kathy 
Thursday January 28th, 2021 4:10:20 PM

Elron grabs the dagger. Zeoll encourages Mundhildur to open the door, while Honor keeps watch in the hallway.

After Asimov reports there are no traps on the door, Mundhildur is able to get it open. You nearly trip over a pile of armor, weapons, and backpacks that has been left just inside the secret door. Beyond it are a series of cells. The one on the end seems to be occupied.

The Twins see the wall at the far end slide away to admit the tallest woman they have ever seen.

And the map. Mitch, if you have an icon that you would like to represent your Twins, please put it on the map. Otherwise I'll find something tomorrow.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC15, 16/16hp | Cayzle 
Thursday January 28th, 2021 11:08:12 PM

"Ho, the prrisonerrs!" calls out Zeoll, a middle-aged liontaur. "How came you to this confinement?"

He is wondering if these are miscreants or innocents imprisoned unjustly.

Asimov | Hugh | AC 15/12/13 HP 23/29 
Friday January 29th, 2021 12:57:32 AM

Asimov takes the 10 very nice crossbow bolts before following the others through the door. Asimov adds, "I don't suppose you guys know anything about the electric monsters a few doors down, whatever this dead dwarf we found was working on creating when he commited suicide because he ultimately felt he wasn't up to the task or most importantly of all, silver berries, or if there might be any in the vicinity?"

The Twins(Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 20/12/18 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Friday January 29th, 2021 8:00:11 AM

The prisoners are a pair of humans with light brown skin, heavily muscled and nearly identical. One is male and one is female and currently they're down to their underclothing as their armor and magical cloaks were stripped away.

The female one answers first. "We came to explore." she starts. The male, "Someone snuck up on us." "Knocked us out." "Very embarrassing. We didn't get to see much of the area." "Maybe it was the dwarf." "Or maybe more danger lurks here."

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 27/36 
Friday January 29th, 2021 11:27:25 AM

Let's be direct about this, Elron thinks. From the outside of the cells he shouts to the the prisoners, "Are you dead?"

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 16 Touch 12 FF14 HP 15/32 
Friday January 29th, 2021 1:57:21 PM

Mundhildur, after nearly tripping over the jumbled gear, uses her foot to shove things left and right to clear a pathway. "Who was hollering? You run out of voice?" The 7'4" tall woman with streaked and braided auburn hair makes her way through the room.

[Note: I wrote the above about 15 minutes after DM Kathy's post, but somehow failed to hit 'Submit'. What's below takes into account the posts that followed.]

Once she stands before their cell, she says, "Oh, hello," about the time they answer Zeoll's question, to which she listens. At Elron's shouted query, she calls back, "No, they're not dead. The dead rarely talk, right?"

She looks at them. "Are you twins? Or just brother and sister? I probably don't have to ask if you want out of here, right?"

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 24/24] (Kathy) 
Friday January 29th, 2021 3:47:57 PM

Given the new developments, Honor wants in the room now. She squeezes past Zeoll with a quick "excuse me."

Discretely, she uses her Detect Evil ability on the newcomers.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC15, 16/16hp | Cayzle 
Friday January 29th, 2021 8:24:09 PM

Zeoll whispers to Honor, "Easeplay ecjchay orrfay evilway!"

"Oh, neverr mind my dearr, if you alrready have."

DM Kathy 
Friday January 29th, 2021 10:45:42 PM

Zeoll calls out to the prisoners, asking how they came to be there.

The Twins, speaking in an odd sort of unison, explain that they were exploring when they were knocked out.

Elron wonders if they are dead, but Mundhildur doesn't think so.

Honor wonders if they are evil, but keeps the thought to herself. They do not detect as evil.

As she moves toward the Twins' cell, Mundhildur can see that perhaps Elron's question was more relevant than it seemed. The other cells contain skeletons--dwarven skeletons, from the look of them.

And the map.

The Twins(Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Saturday January 30th, 2021 5:24:10 AM

(When I leveled to 3 to match party forgot to buy items. Got a +1 full plate, updated header)

The Twins answer the question in a strangely formal way, like reciting a prayer or ritual practiced since youth. "We are light and dark." "Hot and cold." "Peace and war." "We are the Twins." The way they say the word 'twins' makes it clear it's a title, not just a statement of fact.

"We are on a journey to spread our faith." "Our culture." "and learn of others to bring home." "Will you free us, or leave us?"

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 16 Touch 12 FF14 HP 15/32 
Saturday January 30th, 2021 12:43:45 PM

"Tell you what. We are looking for silverberries to help heal a sick little girl. Sure, we'll free you. We don't want you to turn into bones too soon, like the poor dwarfs in these other cells.

"If you're not too busy after we get you out, might you be interested in helping us find those berries? They are supposed to be around here somewhere. Oh, my name is Mundhildur, by the way. Mundhildur Karadottir. You can tell us about your faith once we find the keys, or otherwise figure out how to open the cage."

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 27/36 
Saturday January 30th, 2021 5:34:40 PM

They must've been locked up here before we arrived, or we'd have noticed something, Elron thinks. "Bash it open," he suggests to Mundhildur -- by now she must realize that bashing is always the answer -- "An' give 'em some food. They must be starvin'. An' you know what seven days o' starvin' does -- it makes one weak."

Asimov | Hugh | AC 15/12/13 HP 23/29  d20+8=25 ;
Monday February 1st, 2021 12:20:02 AM

Asimov says, "Wait" to Munhidur and then tries to pick the lock on the door of the twins's cell. (25 / 26 if mechanical)

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 16 Touch 12 FF14 HP 15/32 
Monday February 1st, 2021 11:36:46 AM

The Jotun smiles at Elron. "Bashing is fine in its place and time, my fine feathered friend. If keys or Asimov's skillful picking don't work, then it's time for bashing - or a good crowbar."

She takes two apples out of her bag. "Munch on these while we work on that freedom thing for you," she tells the twins as she hands them through the bars. "You have names?" Mundhildur already gave them hers, and she figures the others can introduce themselves when they decide to.

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 24/24] (Kathy) 
Monday February 1st, 2021 1:18:00 PM

Honor decides the little jail is crowded enough without her shoving in. Now that she knows the Twins are not evil, she is content to wait.

But she never was any good at Pig High Woldian, so she can't tell Zeoll everything's fine. She hopes he can deduce it.

DM Kathy 
Monday February 1st, 2021 4:24:37 PM

The Twins introduce themselves simply as the Twins. Mundhildur asks whether they have names.

Elron advices bashing the cell door open, but Asimov believes he can finesse the lock. When you get to the cell door, you find that either bashing or finessing would have worked. The padlock on the door seems new, but the hasp--and indeed some of the bars--are very rusty and about to crumble away altogether. The Twins probably could have busted their way out eventually.

Asimov is able to pick the lock, and the Twins are free.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC15, 16/16hp | Cayzle 
Monday February 1st, 2021 10:30:22 PM

"Of courrse we'rre frreeing you! And welcome to the team," says Zeoll. "I am Zeoll, and this is Honorr, Asimov, Elrron, and Munhildurr."

The liontaur tries to help restore any gear that belongs to these two people.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 27/36 
Tuesday February 2nd, 2021 12:09:33 AM

"Pleased to meet ya. Say, you didn't happen to see no silver berries before you was clobbered, did ya? And sorry, Ah didn't happen to catch your names."

Asimov | Hugh | AC 15/12/13 HP 23/29 
Tuesday February 2nd, 2021 1:15:24 AM

Asimov says to the Twins, "Are you folks from around here or did you come from somewhere else like I did?"

The Twins(Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Tuesday February 2nd, 2021 6:12:29 AM

"We are the Twins." "Two bodies, one being." "One whole, two halves." "Each half no more named then you would name your arms or eyes."

The two go to put on their armor which hides what little physical variation there was between the two. One wears a deep blue cloak, the other a bright red. "We are from far, far away." "Many years have we traveled to come here." "We have not seen the object of your quest." "Or any other berries."

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 24/24] (Kathy) 
Tuesday February 2nd, 2021 1:57:50 PM

"Well, it's nice to meet you," Honor says. "As Mundhildur said, we're looking for berries from a silverberry vine, but so far we haven't found any berries. Or any vines for that matter. Would you care to help us?"

DM Kathy 
Tuesday February 2nd, 2021 4:22:09 PM

There are introductions all around. The Twins appear to have no name other than the Twins. The party's current quest is explained, and the Twins are freed from their cell and given back their gear.

In the other cells, the dwarven skeletons continue to lie quietly. You know that to the west is a room with two blobs of electrical energy flying about. To the east are ruins with bats. Somewhere to the south is a tower full of spiders.

What would you like to do next?

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 27/36  d20+12=19 ;
Tuesday February 2nd, 2021 6:01:50 PM

"Knew a man with a wooden leg named Jonesy." While they're in the jail, Elron figures he might as well look around as best he can. (Perception = 19) "Never did learn the name of his other leg." Of course, after the twins set him up like that, Elron's joke was as obvious as night is dark. He doesn't bother to tell them that's a joke and they should laugh.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 16 Touch 12 FF14 HP 15/32 
Tuesday February 2nd, 2021 11:46:09 PM

With the cloaks, Mundhi notes which twin went with which (male - blue or red? female - red or blue?).

"Let us free these poor dead dwarfs, and give their remains a decent burial. And check to see if anything left behind may be of use - though that is doubtful. Then - well, I am thinking there likely may be something either in the spider room, or the room with the glowy electrical balls. Maybe we'll find something among the bats in the next spot over, among the rubble they sleep in.

"You Twins want to know what we've found so far?"

If they say yes, then she takes a couple of minutes to give them a quick rundown on the rooms and what was found - and is happy to have any other members of the group add in details or their perspectives.

"Also, I got some hearty stings from those glowing orbs. Could stand some rest, healing." She looks moderately beat up (down slightly more than 1/2 her hit points).

Asimov | Hugh | AC 15/12/13 HP 23/29 
Wednesday February 3rd, 2021 2:30:39 AM

Asimov says, "Why not we gave one dead dwarf a decent burial. We might as well give them all a decent burial. The question is will we ever find the berries we are looking for and will the twins have better luck fighting those electrical creatures or am I going to have to figure out how to take them out with my devices and not die in the process?"

The Twins(Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Wednesday February 3rd, 2021 6:56:51 AM

"Oh we met him." His other leg was named Mary." "A very strange man." Is their response to Elrond.
It's hard to tell if they're not getting the joke or making one of their own.

Mundhildur gets the feeling the Twins are being deliberately obtuse. They can't really get privacy in the room to change, but still go out of their way to make it difficult to tell which changed into which set of armor and cloak. You're pretty sure the female has the red cloak.

The Twins are quite happy to help with the burials and do inquire about the dangers the party has seen, explaining they didn't get to see much of anything before being captured.

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 24/24] (Kathy) 
Wednesday February 3rd, 2021 1:56:30 PM

"Well, I'm all for a decent burial," Honor says. "Where should we start?"

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 16 Touch 12 FF14 HP 15/32 
Wednesday February 3rd, 2021 3:40:24 PM

"Where the other dwarf was buried, I should think," responds Mundhildur to Honor. She takes her versatile blanket, and begins to place each lost prisoner's bones within, wrapping one along the edge, blanket tucked over that, then the next one, and so on. How many total skeletons are there?

When ready, she heads with the others to the new cemetery.

DM Kathy 
Wednesday February 3rd, 2021 4:43:49 PM

Elron cracks a joke, which falls a little flat when the Twins answer. Did they get his joke? Or is it that he didn't get their joke?

Mundhildur suggests a rest, after burying the dead dwarves. Asimov seems to concur. Honor asks where to start.

Mundhildur grabs her trusty blanket, but then your DM has to hit pause to ask, no, really, where are you starting? As in which cell?

In the first cell is a single dwarf skeleton, chained to the wall. Its jaw appears to be broken. Did that happen before or after death?

In the second cell are two skeletons, also chained. One dwarf's spine appears to have been severed--or maybe the bones were just knocked about after death. It's hard to say. The other skeleton's arms and legs are at an odd angle.

In the third cell is one skeleton, not chained, lying peacefully on its cot.

The locks are rusty and in pretty bad shape, so opening the cells really shouldn't be an issue. So, which one do you open first?

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 16 Touch 12 FF14 HP 15/32  d20+5=6 ; d20+5=19 ; d20+5=18 ;
Wednesday February 3rd, 2021 5:11:27 PM

Mundhi decides to look at the broken jaw fellow in the first cell. She looks first up to the ceiling to see if anything may have fallen from there, then down at the floor to see if perhaps a fair-sized block of stone may have landed on his jaw. Then she tries to slam open the doorway. Whoa - bad footing the first time (nat 1). She brushes off her dress, lines up better, and the second attempt easily breaks open the door (I think - 19).

"Someone more nimble than I want to examine the fellow?" she asks, and stands aside to let who desires check out Broken Jaw more.

Then she'll go look over the 2nd one - or pair within. Perception 18.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC15, 16/16hp | Cayzle  d20+7=19 ; d20=4 ;
Wednesday February 3rd, 2021 11:24:56 PM

Zeoll is fearful that the bones may rise as undead, and he warns his friends just in case.

He watches for any indication that they are more than just dead bones. Maybe they have a smell of necromancy to them?

Perception 19.

Then he helps to open doors, though he is not strong as he was in his youth. Roll to aid another with Str checks: 4 ... not so much.

Asimov | Hugh | AC 15/12/13 HP 23/29  d20+7=16 ; d20+8=27 ;
Thursday February 4th, 2021 1:01:19 AM

(Perception: 16)
(Disable Device: 27 / 28 if mechanical)

Asimov moves to the cell with the bones of the dwarf by the broken jaw. He opens the door and searches the cell before attempting to help Mundhi with her blanket.

The Twins(Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Thursday February 4th, 2021 5:30:21 AM

The Twins see no reason to remove the skeletons one at a time and they force open the 3rd cell to retrieve that corpse.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 27/36 
Thursday February 4th, 2021 8:07:25 AM

Elron helps gather the bones, initially somewhat diffidently as he halfway thinks they may start to move, and placing each skeleton in its own pile on the blanket.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 16 Touch 12 FF14 HP 15/32  d20+5=24 ;
Thursday February 4th, 2021 11:23:49 AM

"Let's look over the cells to see if there are any little things that help us know what happened. Probably no berries here, but, well, look to see."

Perception 24 to examine the first room closely.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC15, 16/16hp | Cayzle  d20+7=26 ;
Thursday February 4th, 2021 4:38:12 PM

"Good idea, Mundhi," says Zeoll, helping to look around.

Perception 26!

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 24/24] (Kathy) 
Thursday February 4th, 2021 6:58:57 PM

Honor moves into the little prison to help.

DM Kathy  d20+3=14 ; d20+3=23 ; d20+3=14 ; d3=3 ; d3=2 ;
Thursday February 4th, 2021 7:22:58 PM

Mundhildur decides to begin with the broken-jawed dwarf. You don't see anything that would account for the broken jaw--unless, of course, his captors had tormented him before he died. She breaks open the door.

From the next room, Zeoll calls out to be careful, since the bones might come to life!

Meanwhile, the Twins open the third cell as Honor moves into the prison area.

Zeoll was only partially right. The bones stay where they are. It is the straw that jumps up to attack! From each cell, a strange-looking animated clump of straw rushes forward. One targets Mundhildur, but misses. The other targets Honor, and hits! Honor takes 2 points of non-lethal damage.

And the map. You are responsible for your character's positioning. If you state actions that are not possible where you are currently standing, they will be ignored.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 16 Touch 12 FF14 HP 15/32  d20+5=20 ; d20+5=23 ; d8+3=5 ; d8+3=10 ;
Thursday February 4th, 2021 7:49:26 PM

Auburn braids swing left as the Jotun slams once (AC 20 5hp dam) then right as she slams the straw person again (AC 23 10 hp dam). "It's a Strawman Attack!" she logically infers aloud.

Asimov | Hugh | AC 15/12/13 HP 23/29 
Friday February 5th, 2021 12:02:09 AM

Asimov moves up to the open door of the cell room and starts assembling chompy (takes a full round)

move action - move
standard action - start building chompy (will finish next round)

The Twins(Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will  d20+7=21 ; d6=6 ; d6=1 ;
Friday February 5th, 2021 7:20:30 AM

(I love the picture you got for me. Stick figures FTW!)

In an instant the blue cloaked twin has a greatsword out and swinging at the monster even as the red twin drops their bundle. (21 to hit, 12 damage)

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 27/36  d20+6=23 ; d4=4 ;
Friday February 5th, 2021 8:35:06 AM

Elron steps into the cell between those the creatures are in and whaps the one attacking Mundhildur.

Hits AC 23 for 4 damage

Once he has some idea how the bars affect his attacks, he will adjust tactics.

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 22/24] (Kathy)  d20+7=15 ; d8=7 ;
Friday February 5th, 2021 8:21:54 PM

Honor is startled, but not so startled she can't draw Virtue and take a slash at the straw creature.

[Hit AC 15 for 10 damage.]

DM Kathy  d20+3=5 ; d20+3=9 ; d20+3=17 ;
Friday February 5th, 2021 8:46:50 PM

Mundhildur slams her straw opponent. Her blows hit, but don't seem to do a lot of damage. In fact, the first blow does no damage at all; the springy straw bounces right back.

By contrast, the Twins' sword strike seems to do full damage, and splits the straw creature in two.

At the other end of the prison, Virtue is also effective, though the straw creature still clings to life.

Asimov begins assembling Chompy.

Elron opens the middle cell, intending to help Mundhildur. Instead, he awakens more straw-creatures! He whaps one of them, only to find that, like Mundhildur, he is unable to damage the creature.

Meanwhile, the two new creatures attack Elron, but miss. Honor's opponent attacks her, and also misses.

And the map.

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC15, 16/16hp | Cayzle 
Saturday February 6th, 2021 12:43:49 PM

Zeoll starts singing, offering his friends a +1 to attacks and damage.

The Twins(Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will 
Saturday February 6th, 2021 10:19:07 PM

”Blades work.” One twin says. ”Use this.” the other calls and throws the greatsword to Elron. The other twin draws a sword and shield they move to help.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 27/36  d20+5=12 ; d20+5=10 ; d4=3 ; d4=2 ;
Sunday February 7th, 2021 7:02:43 PM

As the Twins toss him a massive five-foot long sword that would a larger creature would require both hands to wield, Elron sets it aside. "If'n I need a blade, I'll use th' double chicken saber," he calls out. Meanwhile, since whappin' won't work on these things, he tries ripping and tearing with his bare hands. "Anybody got a torch?" he adds.

Flurry of blows:
Hits AC 12 for 3 damage
Hits AC 10 for 2 damage

Asimov | Hugh | AC 15/12/13 HP 23/29  d20+3=9 ; d3=1 ; d20+3=12 ; d3=3 ;
Sunday February 7th, 2021 11:48:55 PM

Asimov finishes Chompy and it takes a 5 foot step before attacking the straw creature attacking Honor.

9 vs AC (1 damage if that hits)
12 vs AC (3 damage if that hits)

AC 16 Touch 12 FF 15
HP 21
Speed 20 ft
Hardness 5
Immune: construct traits
Fort +0, Ref +1, Will -5
2 slams +3 (1d3)

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 16 Touch 12 FF14 HP 15/32  d20+5=9 ;
Monday February 8th, 2021 2:45:36 AM

Mundhildur switches to using her longspear against the mobile straw, but fails to connect well this time. (AC 9)

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 22/24] (Kathy)  d20+8=18 ; d8=5 ;
Monday February 8th, 2021 4:48:08 PM

If Chompy's attack hasn't done the trick, Honor slashes again at the straw monster.

[Hit AC 18 for 9 damage.]

DM Kathy  d20+3=10 ; d20+3=22 ; d3=3 ; d3=1 ;
Monday February 8th, 2021 5:17:06 PM

Zeoll provides his friends some moral support.

The Twins toss a greatsword to Elron, then get out their sword and shield and move to help.

Elron is an impressive size for a rooster, but he still clocks in at Small, so a Medium greatsword is too big for him. Instead, he tries a flurry of blows, but both miss.

Asimov deploys Chompy, but it also misses its target. [OOC: Does Chompy do slashing damage or piercing damage? Or something else?]

Mundhildur also misses her attack.

Honor does not miss, and slays her foe.

The two remaining straw creatures attack Elron. One hits, for 1 point of nonlethal damage.

And the map.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 16 Touch 12 FF14 HP 15/32  d20+5=6 ;
Monday February 8th, 2021 5:45:30 PM

So, is she getting so accustomed to slamming, that she no longer can effectively slash with her longspear? Apparently so this time - it may be the iron bars she is trying to attack through provide interference. (attack nat 1)

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 27/36  d20+4=22 ; d4+2=5 ; d6+2=6 ;
Monday February 8th, 2021 7:40:56 PM

Elron is getting upset by his inability to get a purchase on the things, and much as he hates to admit it, whappin' just isn't going to work here. . . He pulls out the double chicken saber and has at it.

Rage 1/6
Elron's AC is 19 while raging
Attack hits AC 22 for 5 damage -- assuming the saber is small, 6 damage if it is medium.
(The attack already includes non-proficiency)

The Twins(Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will  d20+6=26 ; d20+6=11 ; d8=7 ; d8=8 ;
Monday February 8th, 2021 8:32:49 PM

(Bah I specifically looked for who could use the sword with proficiency and somehow missed his size.)

The twins move into the cage next to the creatures and cleave deeply into one of them (26, crit, 11 to confirm, 10 damage, 21 if crit)

Asimov | Hugh | AC 15/12/13 HP 23/29  d20+3=11 ; d3=2 ; d20=11 ; d3+1=2 ;
Tuesday February 9th, 2021 12:24:17 AM

(OOC: Chompy does bludgeoning damage with his slams)

Chompy moves forward and attacks the straw creature attacking Elron (11 vs AC; 2 damage)

Asimov moves up and fires a round from his acid pistol at one of the straw creatures (12 vs touch AC; 2 acid damage) (OOC: forgot Zeoll's singing bonus)

Chompy stats:
AC 16 Touch 12 FF 15
HP 21
Speed 20 ft
Hardness 5
Immune: construct traits
Fort +0, Ref +1, Will -5
2 slams +3 (1d3)

Zeoll the Greensinger | AC15, 16/16hp | Cayzle 
Tuesday February 9th, 2021 8:17:43 AM

Zeoll continues singing, but he sees no way to get into the tightly spaced fight, so he just readies a paw swipe in the off chance that an enemy comes his way.

Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 22/24] (Kathy)  d20+8=28 ; d20+8=23 ; d8=6 ; d8=6 ;
Tuesday February 9th, 2021 2:11:43 PM

Honor moves into the cell so she can attack the straw monster in the cell next door.

[Hit AC 28, critical threat, confirmed to AC 23 for 10 damage or 20 damage if these things can be critted.]

DM Kathy 
Tuesday February 9th, 2021 3:57:10 PM

The battle continues. Mundhildur is having trouble bringing her spear to bear.

Elron switches to the double chicken saber, and this time when he hits the creature he does damage.

Asimov fires his pistol, but the straw monster is small and nimble, and the acid splashes harmlessly to the stones. Chompy is likewise unsuccessful.

The Twins hit one of the straw creatures and do damage, but these things appear immune to critical hits.

Honor hits her target--the same one Elron struck--and finishes it off.

Zeoll continues singing.

And the map.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant, large (Kim) AC 16 Touch 12 FF14 HP 15/32  d20+5=10 ;
Tuesday February 9th, 2021 5:04:49 PM

Mundhildur misses again.

SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 27/36  d20+5=20 ; d4+3=5 ; d6+3=5 ;
Tuesday February 9th, 2021 5:18:25 PM

Buoyed by his last success, Elron swings again.

Rage 2/6
Elron's AC is 19 while raging
Attack hits AC 20 for 5 damage -- whether the saber is small or medium, this time remembering Zeoll.
(The attack includes non-proficiency)

Asimov | Hugh | AC 15/12/13 HP 23/29  d20=17 ; d3+1=4 ; d20+3=17 ; d3=1 ;
Wednesday February 10th, 2021 1:23:09 AM

Chompy and Asimov move and attack, chompy with a slam and asimov with another round from his acid pistol thingamabob

Asimov (18 vs touch; 4 acid damage)
Chompy (17 vs AC; 1 bludgeoning if that hits)

Chompy stats:
AC 16 Touch 12 FF 15
HP 21
Speed 20 ft
Hardness 5
Immune: construct traits
Fort +0, Ref +1, Will -5
2 slams +3 (1d3)

The Twins(Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will  d20+6=16 ; d8=4 ;
Wednesday February 10th, 2021 9:27:35 AM

The Twins press the attack on the last enemy. (16 to hit 7 damage)

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