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Battle For Your Lives!

Matt C (DM) 
Monday October 20th, 2014 12:28:09 PM

The scared townsfolk mostly run for the temple, hoping for a few moments of safety before the end is upon them. A few of the more hearty folk lend a hand in dragging bundles of arrows, large rocks, any anything else that might be found to give the defenders a slight edge.

Outside, the hobgoblins are obviously aware that no tribute will be forthcoming, and their leaders start organizing the ranks into more or less acceptable lines, preparing for a charge. Hobgoblins with long, twisted bows stand at the rear, stringing their bows and stabbing some arrows out into the ground in front of them.

Soldiers fill out the walls as best they can, spreading thin to cover the most wall possible. Men ready their bows, and boys run back and forth along the rampart, dropping off arrows, delivering swords and axes and clubs.

Halvard stands on the rampart, just above the gate, yelling encouragement at his men and insults at the hobgoblins. Most of it is lost in the noise of screaming townsfolk and soldiers giving last minute orders, though you catch a few comments as to the quality of the hobgoblins parentage and the perils to befall their genitals.

In the midst of all of this, you see a white flag go up from the hobgoblin camp. Two enormous hobgoblins, and one small, frailer hobgoblin, saunter out into the field. The frail one wears deep red robes and a necklace of human bones. He is most likely the tribe's shaman. The other two are champions of some sort or other. You recognize the taller of the two by his headdress and his loud voice - this is the hobgoblin leader. The other, then, is likely some sort of lieutenant.

"Send out your leaders!" the warchief bellows. "We will talk before this day becomes even bloodier." They wait in the field, about 10 yards from the gate, the hobgoblin host still 50 or more yards away.

Gersemi of Clan Turen - AKA The Gnome Wizard - AC 14 HP 19 (James D) 
Monday October 20th, 2014 1:11:25 PM

ooc: Was Gersemi able to gather any oil / kerosene / alchemist's fire from the city that can be dumped or thrown from the walls onto the goblins?

Gersemi of Clan Turen - AKA The Gnome Wizard - AC 14 HP 19 (James D) 
Monday October 20th, 2014 1:23:21 PM

I grin slightly as I whisper to my new companions. I have never been in such a battle, but many a book have I read on the subject. We must be trixy, and that is my specialty. Just like the town hall meeting where I set the mayor's pants on fire and he was too distracted to control the meeting, the commander of the hobgoblins must be able to communicate with the army (possibly using message spells and similar magical forms of communication) in order to give orders or provide a bonus on the army's rolls.

They are well trained, and should wait for orders. If we take them out then we severely handicap them...same goes for our me, so don't go out there and let them catch you. Start by having our archers target the areas around the commanders. We (PCs) have the best aim. We should attack the leaders with arrows and spells as well. I will try to keep them from issuing commands via magic.

ooc: I recommend attacking now and forgoing negotiations. If they kill us we are severely handicapped and I do not think hobgoblins are honorable. Since they are bunched together it makes them prim for an attack.

Gersemi of Clan Turen - AKA The Gnome Wizard - AC 14 HP 19 (James D) 
Monday October 20th, 2014 1:48:53 PM

Also, since 1/4 of our force is clerics, can we instruct them all to cast summon creature this first round and then every round there after have 2/3 attack and 1/3 channel energy to heal us (or CLW if the enemy is too close)?
(I like eagles for the 2 talon attacks and bite. It makes a good full round attack)

If everyone agrees, I think it might be wise to have the lvl 5 cleric summon a lantern archon because of it aura:
Any hostile creature within a 20-foot radius of an archon must succeed on a Will save (DC 13) to resist its effects. The save DC is Charisma-based, and includes a +2 racial bonus. Those who fail take a --2 penalty on attacks, AC, and saves for 24 hours or until they successfully hit the archon that generated the aura. A creature that has resisted or broken the effect cannot be affected again by the same archon's aura for 24 hours.

Another option would be to cast silence on the Shaman.

Captain Talfryn (Earl) AC 20 (T 12 FF 18), CMD : 21;HP 53/53 Character Sheet 
Tuesday October 21st, 2014 12:26:05 AM

I stand by my right hand man, at the front on the wall. "We ready?Remember man this is for our lures and freedom." I yell out to all around me. To the wizard I turn and yell out "You take care of all the magic stuff for what think and need to do I leave ire in your hands. The shaman is all yours" Then says to Harvald and the archers "We will not talk. It is time to fight! Aim for there leaders we will take them out first. Ready, Aim Fire. and with that I take my aim and first at the leader calling out.

will be rolls in the morning when I get at work right now.

Captain Talfryn (Earl) AC 20 (T 12 FF 18), CMD : 21;HP 53/53 Character Sheet 
Tuesday October 21st, 2014 12:28:49 AM

James I am all new to this so any help will be great Luke rolls I need to do etc plus taking out the leaders might make then leave and run I hope with as few as costs as possible no?

Captain Talfryn (Earl) AC 20 (T 12 FF 18), CMD : 21;HP 53/53 Character Sheet  d20+7=21 ; d8=7 ;
Tuesday October 21st, 2014 5:55:19 AM

Attack roll 21
Damage 7

Gersemi of Clan Turen - AKA The Gnome Wizard - AC 14 HP 19 (James D)  5d6=18 ;
Tuesday October 21st, 2014 12:22:51 PM

I will do what I can to help. I have only used these rules once before, and we were fighting an army, not controlling one. However it looks like you rolled correctly to me.

If the DM is generous he will consider attacking like that being Dirty Fighters: Your army uses trickery and unfair tactics to gain an advantage at the start of a battle. For one Melee phase this battle, its OM increases by 6. (After that Melee phase, the opposing army knows to be ready for such tricks.)

I instruct the clerics to cast summon creature this first round. (If the goblins have to climb the wall I will position them to attack the climbers, otherwise they will be dispersed among our me).and then every round there after have 2/3 attack (follow Talfryn's instructions) and 1/3 channel energy to heal us or CLW if the enemy is too close. If they cannot cast without triggering an AoO or think it would result in their death they are to switch to fighting and follow Talfry's lead.

(I like eagles for the 2 talon attacks and bite. It makes a good full round attack)
(I know my instructions are complicated, but I am thinking you convert 2/3 to fighters after round 1 and the others will result in decreasing the HP we lose each round by a DM determined %. Similarly it might be easiest to reduce the enemy's defense slightly or increase the damge they take each round by a DM determined % to count for the archon).

Lantern Archon

I personally cast fireball centered on the 3 leaders for 18dmg, reflex 18 for 1/2 dmg.

Matt C (DM) 
Tuesday October 21st, 2014 4:34:52 PM

I'll wait for Talfryn before handling all of this, but just so I'm clear, Gersemi is throwing a fireball at the three leaders while they are waving a white flag? Not that I'm complaining or trying to persuade you, I just want to be clear on your actions.

Gersemi of Clan Turen - AKA The Gnome Wizard - AC 14 HP 19 (James D) 
Tuesday October 21st, 2014 5:50:01 PM

Yes. As a forced slave facing possible mass genocide I have little inclination to surrender to my oppressors, and have no reason to trust their white flag. As the army fires arrows, per Captain Talfryn's orders, and as the clerics begin summoning per my orders I will cast my fireball at my hobgoblin masters.

Lord Mederick - The Mayor - 13/39 
Tuesday October 21st, 2014 9:07:12 PM

The mayor, armless, take refuge in the church...
He begs the gods to spare his town...

Captain Talfryn (Earl) AC 20 (T 12 FF 18), CMD : 21;HP 53/53 Character Sheet 
Wednesday October 22nd, 2014 1:12:39 AM

Yes I took aim at the leader calling out and fired an arrow at him as I also had the other do on the wall focus our efforts on killing the leaders/campions first

Captain Talfryn (Earl) AC 20 (T 12 FF 18), CMD : 21;HP 53/53 Character Sheet 
Wednesday October 22nd, 2014 1:13:44 AM

OoC I roll above on my attack roll and damage for the first range attack while he was standing on the field calling out.

Matt C (DM)  5d10+15=47 ; 5d10+15=48 ; 5d4+15=29 ; d20+4=12 ; d20+4=20 ; d20+4=19 ; d20=16 ; d20+1=19 ;
Wednesday October 22nd, 2014 1:26:00 PM

Gersemi rallies the town's divine and magical resources, and the clerics begin their summonings. The walls are soon crowded with eagles, their talons snapping and ready for battle. I increased the defending arm's hp by 1 and acr went from 1/8 to 1/4 due to the additional summoned defending forces

Before the chieftain can even finish his words, an arrow flies from Talfryn's bow, followed closely by a blazing ball of fire from Gersemi's fingertips. The surprise barely registers on the hobgoblins' faces before their world explodes in a storm of fire and smoke,

Talfryn's arrow buries itself deeply into the chieftain's shoulder, though his cry of rage is unheard over the fireballs explosion. The shaman is caught in the middle of the blast, though the other two hobgoblins are able to turn their bodies and at least shield their faces slightly from the fires.

Once his robes stop smoking, the shaman smiles and points a finger at the gates. A fireball, much like Gersemi's, erupts from his outstretched hand and blasts the gate from mere yards away, shattering the wood into hundreds of tiny shards and splinters.

Meanwhile, a hail of arrows erupts from the battlements, dropping tens of hobgoblins in a bloody swatch of destruction. Eagles fly down and claw and bite the eyes of any fallen hobgoblins that try to move or crawl away.

A moment later, a volley flies forth from the hobgoblin lines. A few defenders are unlucky to be hit, and fall from the walls, but for the most part, the strong wooden walls block any of the arrows from causing much damage.

The hobgoblins charge, and hit the walls with a resounding thud, and begin scaling the walls to reach the defenders at the top.

At the same time, the three hobgoblins charge into the shattered gate, looking around for anyone or anything to ravage. Halvard stands ready to meet them, and though he stands alone, he doesn't waver. "Cap'n! Wee wizard! Come and help me put this rabble down!"

Shaman damage: 18
Chieftain damage: 16
Champion damage: 9

Hobgoblin army HP: 3/5
Defender army HP: 3/3

Defender's OM roll exceeded hobgoblins DV and reduced their HP. Hobgoblin's OM roll matched but did not exceed defender's DV, so no "real" damage done

Gersemi of Clan Turen - AKA The Gnome Wizard - AC 14 HP 19 (James D)  d4+1=3 ; d4+1=5 ; d4+1=4 ;
Wednesday October 22nd, 2014 9:31:55 PM

Hearing the captains call for aid I cast magic missile at the Shaman. The three balls of energy crash into him for 12 dmg.

The cleric's continue fighting and healing as directed (1/3 healing and 2/3 fighting under Talfryn's command). Despite their previous orders I yell for someone to cast Eagle's Splendor on Talfryn, to aid him in his commanding. (Not sure if I can get a cleric to do this or not, but I figured it was worth a try).

The priestess also hears his call and moves to help him, casting Magic Circle against evil on him. (+2 deflection bonus and save bonus to all within 10 feet of Halvard.

ooc : I am using my personal (Bosk in Hook City) lvl 5 spell list for the priestess. Spells left
Level 1: Divine Favor, Protection from Evil, Rose's Temperature Control, Sanctuary
Level 2: Silence, Summon Monster II, Owl's Wisdom
Level 3: Invisibility Purge

Captain Talfryn (Earl) AC 20 (T 12 FF 18), CMD : 21;HP 53/53 Character Sheet  d20+8=25 ; d8+3=11 ;
Thursday October 23rd, 2014 4:22:11 PM

With the attack under way I head down to be by Havard and ready for close combat all the time giving out the orders to other. "Man hold the wall as best you can continue to fight them off with what ever you can bows arrows just keep,them out as long as you can. Remember your training as it will save you I know you can all do it this if for your lives. Gersemi you continue to control the magic aspect please your know where and how they work. Just try to keep the walls as long as possible with aid the man there and TAKE DOWN THAT SHAMAN! Harvard you me will hold the gates and we will take that Chieftain first. Ready for this!!! I yell out to everyone. I stand ready to attack the Chieftain with my longsword as as he gets into range.

Move action to move down by Harvard with my long sword ready
Attack roll 25 on chieftain
Damage roll 11

Matt C (DM) 
Friday October 24th, 2014 8:17:42 AM

OOC: Hey mithral tappers. I need someone to play Halvard for this fight, so I offered it to David since the Mayor can't do much. I might be delayed in posting today so I can wait for his reply, but I'll be on the computer all day and will get a post in as soon as he answers me.

If he doesn't want to do it, either Earl or James will need to. I don't want to play the enemies AND one of the allied PCs against each other, I'd rather players direct all PC actions.

Lord Mederick - The Mayor - 13/39 
Friday October 24th, 2014 12:45:24 PM

I can play Halvard...

Gersemi of Clan Turen - AKA The Gnome Wizard - AC 14 HP 19 (James D) 
Friday October 24th, 2014 1:41:15 PM

I doff my hat to you good sir!

Captain Talfryn (Earl) AC 20 (T 12 FF 18), CMD : 21;HP 53/53 Character Sheet 
Sunday October 26th, 2014 3:42:52 PM

OoC thanks for taken control of him sorry about lashing at you I knew the merchant had my family and wanted you behind when I went after him but you were delaying my everyone else knew about the not but you and him that is why I show you want you behind me when I went after him, but you want to play hard :)

Aldo Withershott - The Merchant(Shawn R.) 
Monday October 27th, 2014 11:28:58 AM

Ooc: Period button broken?

Matt C (DM)  d20=11 ; d20+1=8 ; d20+12=18 ; d20+12=19 ;
Monday October 27th, 2014 6:32:51 PM

The hobgoblins begin scaling the walls, and the defenders switch to what little they have in the way of siege defense equipment - a few buckets of burning pitch, some large rocks, and other sharp things gathered from around town. While some throw anything they can find at the climbing hobgoblins, others draw swords and prepare for a melee on the wall. The eagles continue to harry the enemy at every turn.

Neither side of the battle succeeds in doing much harm to the other. The makeshift weaponry thrown at the hobgoblins mostly bounces off their armor, and the hobgoblins aren't able to do much in the way of attacking while climbing the walls.

Neither army's OM roll exceeded the opponent's Defense Value (DV), and no true damage dealt on either side.

Meanwhile, the developing battle between the hobgoblin leaders and the three champions of Nothbrook continues.

Gersemi hurls several glowing darts at the Shaman, each of which crashes into his chest, sending him reeling for a moment.

Talfryn sets his feet as the hobgoblin chieftain closes the distance, and throws his whole body into a massive swing. He takes the chieftain by surprise; clearly the enormous hobgoblin is not used to such aggressive, brave enemies. Talfryn's sword cuts through the hobgoblins armor and scores a deep gash in its chest.

Roaring a battle cry, the chieftain raises his own sword and brings it crashing down onto Talfryn, but the Captain is able to deflect it at the last second, and it bounces harmlessly off of his blade. Meanwhile, the other hobgoblin runs toward Talfryn, not caring a whit for his own safety, and takes a swing as well. The captain proves just how skilled he is, and narrowly avoids that blow as well.


Shaman damage: 30
Chieftain damage: 27
Champion damage: 9

Hobgoblin army HP: 3/5
Defender army HP: 3/3

Halvard, son of Garnhelm - The Dwarf Soldier - 52/52  d20+10=16 ; d10+8=10 ;
Monday October 27th, 2014 11:13:38 PM

Halvard let's a roar come from his chest. Is time to show this humans how you deal with Hobgoblin scum.
He charges against the Chieftain, trying to ease the pressure on his captain, with a mighty strike from his heavy flail..
Heavy Flail Charging Power Attack: 16
Damage: 10

Captain Talfryn (Earl) AC 20 (T 12 FF 18), CMD : 21;HP 53/53 Character Sheet  d20+7=25 ; d8+3=6 ;
Tuesday October 28th, 2014 7:17:46 AM

I take up my Longsword for another swing at the chieftain "We are done with you and your kind." . With that I swing again at him.

attack roll 25
Damage roll 6

Matt C (DM) 
Tuesday October 28th, 2014 5:10:44 PM

Just realized I forgot to have the shaman attack. Shame on me...

Gersemi of Clan Turen - AKA The Gnome Wizard - AC 14 HP 19 (James D)  d4+1=2 ; d4+1=4 ; d4+1=4 ; d3=2 ;
Tuesday October 28th, 2014 9:58:08 PM

I use my lvl 1 pearl of power and cast magic missile at the Shaman. The three balls of energy crash into him for 10 dmg.

The cleric's continue fighting and healing as directed (1/3 healing and 2/3 fighting under Talfryn's command).

The priestess tries once again to help Talfryn and summons two more Eagles above #1 and 2 on the map.

The Lantern Archon teleports several feet above Talfryn, its Aura of Menace (Su) effecting his attackers.

Any hostile creature within a 20-foot radius of an archon must succeed on a Will save (DC 13) to resist its effects. The save DC is Charisma-based, and includes a +2 racial bonus. Those who fail take a --2 penalty on attacks, AC, and saves for 24 hours or until they successfully hit the archon that generated the aura. A creature that has resisted or broken the effect cannot be affected again by the same archon's aura for 24 hours.

ooc : Priestess spells left
Level 1: Divine Favor, Protection from Evil, Rose's Temperature Control, Sanctuary
Level 2: Silence, Owl's Wisdom
Level 3: Invisibility Purge

Matt C (DM)  d20+1=5 ; d20=19 ; d20+12=29 ; d20+7=27 ; d8+6=8 ; d8+6=7 ; d8+6=10 ; d20+12=20 ; d20+7=9 ; d8+6=10 ;
Thursday October 30th, 2014 11:19:26 PM

The battle rages all around you as the hobgoblins gain the walls. Arrows continue to fly back and forth, while many defenders find themselves caught up in vicious hand-to-hand combat. The defenders no longer have the protection of the wooden walls, but ultimately, it proves unimportant. The town guard throw hobgoblins from the height of the wall, drop burning pitch and rocks onto their heads, and hack into them as they climb. The eagles soar through the air, ripping and clawing at the eyes of any hobgoblins they can reach.

The hobgoblin raiders look around and find themselves surrounded by their dead, while the humans on the walls continue to hack and slash away at the living. They don't seem to have any more will for this fight. Those few left standing on the walls jump off, and the tattered remnant of the horde runs for the woods, eagles harrying them from the rear.

Attackers' OM roll 5, no damage. Defenders' OM roll 19, exceeds DV by 6. Hobgoblin army HP reduced from 3 to 0, full rout

Three hobgoblins remain, either unfazed by their army's retreat, or uncaring in the face of death.

Seeing his guards win the day, Halvard is energized and roars a mighty battle cry as he charges the chieftain. His flail lays into the hobgoblins arm, crushing and rending the armor. The chieftain cries out in fear and rage, and before he has time to recover from the blow, Talfryn's longsword bites into his side, scoring another nasty gash.

Gersemi, meanwhile, hurls another set of glowing darts at the Shaman. One of the darts buries itself in the Shaman's eye, and he falls to the ground, silent and lifeless.

Enraged, the chieftain swings his sword at Talfryn, landing two solid blows on the captain. hits AC 29 and 27, second a crit. Damage total 25

The champion, taking his chief's lead, also leans in to attack the captain. One of his strikes lands, and the other goes wide. hits AC 20 and 9, one hit and one miss. Damage total 10


Chieftain damage: 43
Champion damage: 9

Hobgoblin army HP: 0/5
Defender army HP: 3/3

Matt C (DM)  d20+3=16 ; d20+3=9 ; d20+3=9 ; d20+3=22 ; d4+2=6 ; d4+2=5 ; d20+5=21 ; d20+5=14 ;
Thursday October 30th, 2014 11:25:04 PM

Rolanda, off to the side and safely out of range of the fight, summons two more eagles, which materialize and attack the two hobgoblins. Each of the eagles rakes a claw across each hobgoblin's face, spattering blood on the Captain.

one hit on each, damage 6 to Chieftain and 5 to Champion

The Lantern Archon hovers above the hobgoblins, though its menacing aura doesn't seem to phase the warriors. Saves 21 and 14

Chieftain damage: 49
Champion damage: 14

Halvard, son of Garnhelm - The Dwarf Soldier - 52/52  d20+8=9 ; d10+8=13 ;
Friday October 31st, 2014 12:14:52 AM

Halvard worries seeing the Captain taking so many hit.
"Pull back! We have won! Let us finish them up!"
He keeps attacking the Chieftain, while trying to shield the captain.
Heavy Fail Power Attack Roll: 9 (Natural 1)
Damage Roll: 13
He moves to E8

Gersemi of Clan Turen - AKA The Gnome Wizard - AC 14 HP 19 (James D)  3d8+5=18 ;
Friday October 31st, 2014 2:54:07 PM

Not having any spells left that will do much to protect the captain I quickly bark out order to the clerics. Any cleric that can reach Talfryn or Halvard get over there and heal them. Those of you not giving chase KILL those two goblins!!! and direct any eagles giving chase after them. I then cast Hidious Laughter on the Champion (Will save DC 17 or he can take no actions for 5 rounds) hoping it will give the Captain some much needed respite....
Where is that bloody mayor. After this they ought to put me in charge. I was the only one willing to investigate matters, understanding that stepping on a few toes and ruffling a few feathers could have prevented all this. If the new mayor I will put a price on the thieves heads so large they will find safety nowhere in the Wold!...Shame this was for real, the missing treasure could have been a might fine joke.

The priestess likewise hears his cries and casts CSW on Talfryn, healing him for 18 dmg.


Matt C (DM) 
Monday November 3rd, 2014 8:00:34 PM

just waiting for Talfryn's post, will check in again

Captain Talfryn (Earl) AC 20 (T 12 FF 18), CMD : 21;HP 53/53 Character Sheet 
Tuesday November 4th, 2014 12:54:17 AM

Sorry will post in morning when I get in from work Monday was a write off

Captain Talfryn (Earl) AC 20 (T 12 FF 18), CMD : 21;HP 36/53 Character Sheet  d20+7=27 ; d8+3=7 ; d8+3=11 ;
Tuesday November 4th, 2014 6:08:01 AM

Now in full fight mode and blinded with the heat of the battle going on I hear very little if anything at all. All I have on my mind is kill this evil that has cost me so much of late. With that I continue to attack the chieftain with my Longsword.

Attack roll 27 natural 20 a crit (not sure on how do to this new to it say crit is x2 so is it 2 rolls for x2 the damage roll?)

Damage - d8+3 = 7 second roll if needed = 11

Matt C (DM)  d20+3=8 ; d20+3=15 ; d20+3=10 ; d20+3=7 ; d20+5=11 ; d20+12=32 ; d20+7=20 ; d8+6=14 ; d8+6=8 ; d8+6=12 ;
Tuesday November 4th, 2014 1:22:46 PM

Rolanda is unable to get to Talfryn to heal him, but her eagles continue their attack on the hobgoblins. They rake their claws at the enemies' eyes, but fail to score a solid hit. attacks 8, 15, 10, 7

Halvard takes a swing with his flail, but the chieftain dances aside, and the blow does not land.

Gersemi, thinking quickly, casts a spell at the champion. The hobgoblin tries for a moment to resist, but finally breaks down into gales of laughter. His face, a mask of anger, doesn't match the sounds coming from his mouth, but nonetheless he can do nothing but giggle and laugh at the fight. will save 11

Talfryn, bloodlust evident in his eyes, takes a mightly swing at the chieftain, opening another wide gash in the hobgoblins stomach, nearly spilling his innards out.

The chieftain's face pales, and he begins to stagger, but he roars and swings his sword twice more at the captain. Both cause grave injuries to Talfryn, almost knocking the captain to the ground. attacks 32 (nat 20), 20. Damage total 34

Talfryn and the chieftain continue their dance, both bloodied beyond recognition, but neither letting themselves give in to the enemy.

Chieftain damage: 67
Champion damage: 14

Matt C (DM) 
Tuesday November 4th, 2014 1:23:52 PM


Halvard, son of Garnhelm - The Dwarf Soldier - 52/52  d20+8=20 ; d10+8=17 ;
Wednesday November 5th, 2014 1:38:07 PM

"For the Captain! For the Town!"
Halvard gets emboldened at the sight of the Captain fighting to dead, and screams to raise their troops morale.
He think better to drop the Chieftain first, so it keeps attacking it.
Heavy Fail Power Attack Roll: 20
Damage Roll: 17

Matt C (DM) 
Wednesday November 5th, 2014 3:55:06 PM

I am posting before Gersemi or Talfryn's battle actions because Halvard managed to mop things up all by himself, so no need for more attacks.

Before Gersemi or Talfryn can act further, Halvard gives a mighty bellow and swings his flail. He feels a satisfying crunch as the heavy metal club connects solidly with the chieftain's head, crushing it in on one side and sending the hobgoblin to the ground. He is dead before he lands.

Several soldiers rush in. Two grab Talfryn and drag him to Rolanda, who immediately sets about healing some of his more heinous wounds, while four more surround the hobgoblin champion. Spears are leveled at the hobgoblin's neck, and his hands and feet are bound behind him. Quick as a flash, by the time his spell-crafted laughing fit subsides, he finds himself trussed up and looking up at several angry, war-weary guards.

More guards run to the gates, and begin piling the broken pieces along with any other junk and detritus they can find, fashioning a make-shift barrier in case any of the enemy decides to return. Once the wall is more or less whole again (or, at least, providing a solid barrier against entry), the soldiers gather around, shaking hands, patting each other on the backs, and helping their wounded comrades get to the priests for healing.

Too many bodies lay inside and outside the wall, and the celebrations are more somber because of it.

Halvard, son of Garnhelm - The Dwarf Soldier - 52/52 
Wednesday November 5th, 2014 4:37:50 PM

"All hail Captain Talfryn! All hail Northbrook! We are victorious!"
Halvard smiles as he has never before. Victorious in a big battle, with him doing the killing blow, is the best day in his life.

Gersemi of Clan Turen - AKA The Gnome Wizard - AC 14 HP 19 (James D) 
Thursday November 6th, 2014 9:34:05 AM

The soldiers get all the credit, even though I took out the Shaman and disabled the Champion, but that is the life of sorcerer. I make my way around the wall, congratulating the brave citizens.

As I make my way to Halvard and Talfryn I give a mighty cheer. We did it! Now that was a show the people will be talking about till the end of days!!!...We still need to put a bounty out on the heads of those that betrayed us. I want to make sure they can never live in peace o enjoy their ill gotten goods. But tonight we celebrate. I am thinking plenty of wine and ale along side a goblin corpse bonfire.

Halvard, son of Garnhelm - The Dwarf Soldier - 52/52 
Thursday November 6th, 2014 9:51:28 AM

Hobgoblins... they are Hobgoblins...

Captain Talfryn (Earl) AC 20 (T 12 FF 18), CMD : 21;HP 36/53 Character Sheet 
Thursday November 6th, 2014 5:26:04 PM

Just before I lose conscience I think "I hope my family will survive this I did all I can!" Then all goes dark.

When I wake I hear the cheers all around me. We much have done it and I survived thanks the gods. I get up weakly and looks for them, my family, my life. After finding them all safe and lots of hugs and kisses I look for the true heroes, Gersemi and Halvard.

When I find Gersemi "Thanks so much my friend, this town owes you it life and do I. You are the true hero! I know I can never repaid you but if there is anything you need ever, I will do all I can for you. Thank you again and my family thanks you."

Then I go look for Halvard. After finding him celebrating with the others I talk to him. " First off job well done! Great victory for you and all. I now think you are ready and have proven yourself so much and so often CAPTAIN! Thats right YOU have earned it you are the new CAPTAIN of the guards as my last act before stepping down I appoint you the new Captain. And now as your first act I surrender to you. You can take me into custody. I will face the consequences of my actions over the last day now, my job is done. and with that I hold out my arms to him.

Halvard, son of Garnhelm - The Dwarf Soldier - 52/52 
Friday November 7th, 2014 11:13:09 AM

Halvard smiles.
"Yes, you should face the consequences, Mayor! All hail the new Mayor!"

Gersemi of Clan Turen - AKA The Gnome Wizard - AC 14 HP 19 (James D) 
Friday November 7th, 2014 2:09:33 PM

The new mayor...I wonder what size suit he wears...and should I put a shrinking spell or an enlarging spell on it... I shake my head. Everything will be small potatoes compared to this. Time for someone else to entertain this town... ... ... ... but they'll need a mentor!!!

I slap the new mayor and captain on their backs...err...thighs. Congratulations to a job well done. Just make sure you get that bounty out on those thieven turn cloaks and you will have my support. And I promise not to play any pranks during your meetings, just so long as they don't get too long winded.

Matt C (DM) 
Sunday November 9th, 2014 9:25:41 PM

Once the initial jubilation of victory passes, the guardsmen quickly turn to handling casualties. The dead are moves to one side, put into rows and covered with their cloaks, awaiting proper burial. The wounded are triaged and taken for care as best as can be provided.

Soon thereafter, Mederick arrives, fresh from the temple, and begins to congratelate the guards. Not surprisingly, he is coldly received, and most of the attention is heaped upon Talfryn, along with the other heroes of the battle.

Once the wounded are seen to, townspeople flock to the scene, bearing food and drink, and doing their utmost to ply the guardsmen and the heroes with food, drink and celebration.

Within days, the gate is repaired, and the townsfolk share a renewed sense of safety. One can only assume that without the prospect of sharing the town's wealth with a bloodthirsty horde of beasts, Northbrook can only prosper from here. Charges are never brought against Talfryn. While Mederick is very vocal in his complaints that the captain nearly killed him, he cannot produce a single guardsman to testify to the attack, and despite his very vocal outrage, the matter is largely ignored.

Soon enough, a town referendum is passed, and voters flock to the temple to cast their vote of no confidence in Mayor Mederick. Elections are held, and Talfryn and Gersemi both campaign for mayor. Gersemi, at first, wins by a landslide, though it is soon discovered that the majority of votes cast in her favor came from deceased citizens of Northbrook. Once the prank is uncovered, Gersemi removes herself from the race. Her consession speech is almost unintelligible, as it is filled with laughter and cackles of glee as she pokes fun at the gullible voters of Northbrook who might even have possibly supported her.

Talfryn assumes his new post as mayor of Northbrook, appointing Halvard as the new Captain of the Guard. He fires most of the mayoral staff (which was full of redundancy and nepotistic positions in any case).

Nothing is found of the thieves. Runners are sent to all of the villages and towns within reasonable distance of Northbrook, but no reliable leads are found, and it seems Aldo and his cohorts have escaped beyond the reach of the town's resources.

All in all, the townsfolk are satisfied. Yes, a disgusting, dirty thief escaped with a large amount of valuables, but at the same time, Northbrook is now free of the hobgoblins, and the tribute need never be paid again. The locals regard it as a victory, and another referendum is passed declaring a holiday on the anniversary of the hobgoblin defeat - "Mederick's Comeuppance," it is called.

Congratulations! EVERYONE is now awarded both seals previously mentioned. Please email seal descriptions to your DMs, and copy me on the emails. My email is mcarucci311@gmail.com. Don't use my old email (which might still be the one in the Wold email list), because I can't access it anymore.

Well played, everyone. This has been a very, very enjoyable experience for me, and I hope you all had a good time playing the module.

Tuesday November 11th, 2014 12:01:38 PM

Thanks for everything!

Gersemi of Clan Turen - AKA The Gnome Wizard - AC 14 HP 19 (James D) 
Tuesday November 11th, 2014 10:35:21 PM

Yes, thanks for an amazing game. It really kept me guessing.

Captain Talfryn (Earl) AC 20 (T 12 FF 18), CMD : 21;HP 36/53 Character Sheet 
Tuesday November 11th, 2014 11:48:57 PM

Thanks all in fact my wife like this one was fun she like the murder/steal mystery aspect of it I would keep her updated and we would talk alittle of who/what might happen next was fun.

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