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Scene 5: Gladys

Assistant DM Stephen  d100=84 ; d20+5=12 ; d8=7 ;
Thursday July 5th, 2012 10:15:52 PM

The two minotaurs look at each other with confusion. Vgodd asks, "Mindless? They not the sharpest horns in the herd, but I wouldn't say they mindless." He points to a wound on his arm. "If they be mindless, they not be able to dodge, trick and catch me off guard." Then Ibraham boasts, "Well, that bonehead paid for it! No way it's getting up from that beat down we gave him." Vgodd laughs ... "Yes, with might and main, you got lively wit that one, ha ha ha!"

When asked about what kind, the two look at each other again with the same confusion. Vgodd answers, "Uhhh, they are undead .. you know, not alive but walkin. They once be livin', but not anymore. What do you mean, 'what kind'?"

You all feel invigorated and ready to face the day and the big hunt ahead of you. You discuss privately amongst yourselves about what needs to be done.

Harden is ready for "The Mouse" and gives Vgodd a wink. Vgodd replies, "Sounds like a right good plan. Give us a lil time to clean up an eat, then we be ready. We'll meet ya at the gate."

Lori visits the smithy and she is able to find a number of darts. The smithy looks at your money with confusion at first. "Ohh, you wish to trade this gold for the darts? Hmmm, I guess that is possible. I have a friend who makes jewelry. He can make wonderful pieces from these, and I owe him a favor too. How about five of those round gold pieces for the darts?

The blacksmith listens to Lori's description of the chakram. She seems to have mixed feelings about the project. She explains that she is excited about trying to craft something new, but she isnt quite confident because having never made one. "What you explained is a weapon that must be light and perfectly balanced to work properly. Especially circular forms ... one flaw and you got a mess." The smithy considers it a little longer and then says, "Ok, I'm going to spend a little time practicing with a few ideas ... YOU could do something for me. I hear you be hunting that big mother rat. When out in the swamps and streams, keep your eyes open for a blue colored stone. When you hold it up to the sun, you will see little crystals clustered all through it. Collect those stones for me. Id be most appreciated." Judging by the fine quality of your new darts, you know this smithy knows what she is talking about.

You all finally make your way to the front gate. Any last things you wish to accomplish in town better be done now. You all know the direction to the deep swamp. People watch you when you leave. Most appear to wish you the best of luck, but you see many with less than confident expressions.

Harden AC 15/11/12 -- CMD 19 -- HP 34/37 (Zach R) 
Thursday July 5th, 2012 11:14:53 PM

Harden, chain in hand, stands by the gate, ready to set out.

Urist - AC 17, HP 25/25 - Spells - Carl 
Friday July 6th, 2012 3:30:17 PM

Urist is ready and eager to get underway. He'll strike up a conversation with Hazel and ask her to mark anything that seems interesting on her map.

"Friends, let me know if there's anything you want to add to our map here. Hazel can mark it for later."

Lori Rinduff AC 18 , HP 29/29 
Friday July 6th, 2012 4:20:56 PM

Lori, before she leaves the smithy, will show the blacksmith one of the Chakrams she is carrying, She won't leave it behind, because she knows she'll need it if she does.
She then meets the rest at the front gate.

AC 19, touch 11, MR 8, CMD 18 plus bonuses by situation, 37/37 hp Morgrym Gorechylde  d20+9=21 ;
Friday July 6th, 2012 4:25:51 PM

While Vgodd makes ready to go out with them Morgrym will help Gusli with how to make a Chakram. After speaking to her and Mithrelle for a good portion of the night last night about smithing techniques he knows she can grasp the concept, she just needs a nudge in the right direction. Being fairly sure what they want the stones for he asks if there are any other stones they might come across that would be of use to the 'Sisters'. ( OOC Stephen, you have all the things Jerry talked to me about from last night in that email he forwarded to you right?)
Morgrym is anxious to get out in the swamp where he can speak more frankly with his friends about what went on the night before. None of that is for saying in town.
Weaponsmithing 21 to teach the Chakram idea

Napalm AC 22/15/18 HP 24/24 (James D) 
Saturday July 7th, 2012 3:33:12 AM

Napalm purchases some paper and something to write with so that the group can work on drawing up a map for the PTB in their down time and hopefully get paid a little. As he approaches the gate he checks his pack and makes sure his flask is full before the group heads out. Never thought I would be excited about hunting down a rat, the folks back home will never appreciate this story.

Seredal Hosah (Josh) 
Monday July 9th, 2012 3:46:19 AM

"Don't worry, Napalm. By the time I'm done with the story, they'll be looking at you like you're the second coming of Domi." Seredal actually looks confident at that.... She looks down at the map materials in her hand, having sought more writing and drawing materials before leaving (Not sure of the price.)

Assistant DM Stephen 
Tuesday July 10th, 2012 12:30:56 AM

After all the additional instructions given by Morgrym and inspecting Lori's remaining chakram, the smithy has a greater grasp of the technique and what's required. She is most grateful for the information. Gusli is able to give Morgrym a very small sample of the kind of stone she was requiring. As you look at the shard, you think it that it's unusual enough to be easily distinguished from the other rocks. "I find them more often at or near the water's edge."

Napalm and Seredal are able to purchase two dozen sheets paper, some quills, a thin, wooden straight edge and a vial of ink. More than enough to fulfill their cartography needs.

The day is warm and pleasant enough as you all follow the well-traveled road back to the swamps. To same swamps where you all first arrived in this strange land. You all eventually arrive back at Hegga's home. The house is vacant, obviously. Hegga didn't leave with you at Hellmar's gate. The place would make an excellent base camp if you wished to make daytime excursions into the swamp. However, most creatures of the swamp become more active at night and it's easy to assume that Gladys would do the same. However, you realize that you may very well end up being the hunted. The choice is for you all to decide.

Urist - AC 17, HP 25/25 - Spells - Carl 
Tuesday July 10th, 2012 10:58:39 AM

"Well, what's say we take a rest here and go out huntin' tonight. There's enough daylight to get a good meal in us. Trudging through a disease infested swamp looking for a giant rat is bad enough with a hungry belly."

Urist can't cook, of course. He'll eat rations if no one else is able to as well.

"Vgodd, where do you recommend we start? You're the only one who's seen this baddie."

AC 19, touch 11, MR 8, CMD 18 plus bonuses by situation, 37/37 hp Morgrym Gorechylde 
Monday July 16th, 2012 6:13:58 PM

Morgrym agrees with Urist, hunting at night is likely the best way to encounter the rat. He will get some rest before sunset so he is ready. If there is any water nearby he will also look for Gusli's stones.

Seredal Hosah (Josh) 
Monday July 16th, 2012 11:01:46 PM

Seredal will sit at a table with a quill in her hand, before realizing she has no real idea of the distances and all. "If anyone wants to tell me what to write on the map, I'll at least make it look good..."

Assistant DM Stephen 
Monday July 16th, 2012 11:29:58 PM

(My apologies guys. After working all day, and an evening of doing a freelance job, AND not in the habit of posting for this game, I completely forgot I was supposed to make a DM post this evening. I will have something tomorrow. Im just too tired and Im off to bed. Thanks for your patience.)

Lori Rinduff AC 18 , HP 29/29 
Tuesday July 17th, 2012 12:41:30 AM

Lori will catch a quick nap, knowing that it was gonna be a long night, once she gets up, she will either climb a tree or onto the hut so she can keep a lookout, before they head off on the hunt.

Lori Rinduff AC 18 , HP 29/29 
Tuesday July 17th, 2012 12:07:19 PM

Starting tomorrow, Dave will be posting for me, I'll be talking to him about it, but he'll post. I'm not sure how long I'll be in Hospital so....

Napalm AC 22/15/18 HP 24/24 (James D) 
Tuesday July 17th, 2012 2:21:43 PM

Napalm double checks his equipment list and verifies his flask is full before the group heads out. Havnig kept his holy symbol out of sight while in town he begins to wonder if anyone would actually recognize Marteaus' Holy Symbol considering people rarely spoke the god's name out loud. Me makes a mental note to look into this. If you want, I can take the first watch for the mouse.

AC 19, touch 11, MR 8, CMD 18 plus bonuses by situation, 37/37 hp Morgrym Gorechylde 
Tuesday July 17th, 2012 4:48:23 PM

I was kinda short on time yesterday too Stephen, otherwise my post would have been bigger. But now I still have time....
Morgrym gathers his friends together and tells them what he learned while at the smithy last night." I learned many things about the sisters, as they are called, but the most intriguing is that Mithrelle wants to get Gusli a gift. Not just any gift but a gift that is most likely a family heirloom to the prominent smith. This gift is a book on smithing written by one of Gusli's ancestors, before things in the Wold went downhill. The book is in a library, in Thresh. Yeah the undead city. From what they said it isn't known if the undead there attack the living on sight or if they are willing to trade. Hopefully Vgodd can tell us more. She offered to make us either a socketed armor and a socketed weapon which are the high end smithing she knows how to make, or to make us some stones to put into socketed arms and armor. I think, with alot of work and practice I can make the socketed gear, so I would advise taking the stones. What do we think about trying to get this book? "
The dwarven warrior sits back to listen to what the others think of this mission.

Storm and Smell and Wetness [DM Jerry] 
Wednesday July 18th, 2012 2:34:55 AM

Vgodd shrugs. "Huntin' Gladys by night or day? Either works for me." He seems both nervous and excited. "She's tough guys. Real tough. You sure you wanna do this? I don't wanna her to kill the heroes that are supposed to save us.

I'm following you on this one. You guys decide upon the strategy. She's huge. All I remember is her size. And she...."

He seems about to add to that, but turns red and shuts up.

Soon after arrival, it begins to rain the warn soggy rain of the swamp. Hegga's door stands open, but do our heroes dare use that shelter from the storm?

Morgrym looks around for some stones, and soon is wondering how he's supposed to find stones in a swamp? He doesn't find any and gets soaked in the process.

Serendal fools around with the map and Vgodd helps her fill it in to show the borders of the Spirit Swamp.

Lori keeps a look out during the day for intruders to Hegga's Farm, but nothing moves during this downpour. Napalm offers to help keep watch.

Morgrym fills the party in on his evening spent with Mithrelle and Gusli the local blacksmiths. This undead city sounds too surreal to be a real thing. Undead and city don't belong next to each other in a sentence, that's for sure.

The day is long and dreary accented with the sounds of rats in cages. The sounds are eerie in the rain and seem to be a metaphor of the giant mother of all rats they are hunting. By nightfall, the rain is down to occasional thunder and a light rain. Anyone who remained outside is soaked and miserable. Those who went indoors have deadened senses due to all of Hegga's herbs and other medicinal smells being accentuated with the smell of wet swamp.

Ye gads! There must be no worse smell in the Wold than the stench of Spirit Swamp in the rain--at night. Your senses are dulled from hour after hour of being bombarded with storm and smell and wetness.


[I'll update your map tomorrow if I have the time Josh to show the swamp. Remind me if I forget.]

[Dave, if you'll put a note in the Post Name field each day saying you're subbing for John C., I'd appreciate it.]

[I'm not going to lead you guys. This is your hunt. :)]

Seredal Hosah (Josh) 
Wednesday July 18th, 2012 5:37:39 AM

Seredal turns from staring despondently at the sheets of rain, and her gaze settles on one of Hegga's fetishes. Looking around from oddity to oddity, she says, "There has to be something in this house that you all can use as bait...."

Urist - AC 17, HP 25/25 - Spells - Carl 
Wednesday July 18th, 2012 12:59:12 PM

"Hazel, this is Seredal. She's a friend," Urist says to no one in particular.

"Seredal, if you need something to map against, ask Hazel to come to you. She'll project the map you need & you can copy it to paper that way." Urist points to a ring on his finger to indicate who this 'Hazel' character is in case she needs it.

Urist does indeed spend the day inside Hegga's home. The witch seems far too practical to expect us to stand outside in the rain all day.

"We're at something of a disadvantage here. Seredal has a good idea, though. Vgodd, these rats didn't trap themselves. What does Hegga use as bait?"

AC 19, touch 11, MR 8, CMD 18 plus bonuses by situation, 37/37 hp Morgrym Gorechylde 
Wednesday July 18th, 2012 4:21:50 PM

" I think you are asking the right person Urist, but unless I miss my guess I can also guess what bait will work. Vgodd, you always go silent when you talk about Gladys. Her size, her ferocity, as if the townsfolk don't believe you and make fun of you because of what you have seen. Tell us what happened. Tell us how you encountered Gladys, how many times you have seen her and what if anything has happened betwen the two of you. I think she will come to you but you are afraid to say it to anyone. Tell us the story during this wet rainy day."
Morgrym is sure there is more to this than is being said ant that Vgodd will make the perfect bait. He also wants to be sure the dwarf won't be in danger if he IS the bait.

Lori heads inside as the rain starts, abandoning her watch. She naps until Vgodd starts his tale, then listens intently to see if she can glean anything from his descriptions.

Black Night [DM Jerry] 
Thursday July 19th, 2012 5:32:14 AM

Vgodd answers. I have no idea what Hegga used for bait if she used bait. She never lets anyone see her hunt. I think she uses magic on them. Strange witch stuff. But perhaps I'm just being wishful that she is as strange in her practices as my imagination thinks she is."

It is obvious that he is reticent to speak of his encounters with Gladys. "I...I.....She's not just a rat overgrown with a big belly. She smart. She....is smart as we are. You can literally feel the ground shake when she walks. No, I'm NOT making that up! But when you see her? Well you won't believe it. No rat should be that big. Dragons shouldn't be that big.

"As to what happened. Well that's personal. I don't really want to relive the worst night of my life. I will tell you this. She let me live. I should have died. I believe she somehow called out for me to be rescued. She wanted her legend to grow so folks would leave her alone. Its like she had feelings and could share them. I still have nightmares.

"She.....picked at me. Hegga had to regrow my right arm. She nibbled it right off while I screamed...."

Vgodd pulls a flask out of his pocket and takes a drink. He leaves the hut and walks out in the rain. He has obviously said all he's going to say. And to say what he did was.... embarrassing.

With the cloud cover, the night is truly black as midnight approaches. Even those with low-light vision sense the darkness of this night. With the softening of the rain, the sounds of the swamp emerge a bit. Owls hoot. The rats in their cages make nibbling sounds.

Will tonight be the hunt of all hunts? Or just a snipe hunt?


[Not much more i can do here folks. Again, the lead is here for you to take. I'm not leading you. :)]

Urist - AC 17, HP 25/25 - Spells - Carl 
Thursday July 19th, 2012 8:40:33 AM

"Now wait just a minute. No one said anything about this giant rat being intelligent," Urist exclaims, obviously unhappy with the development.

"I was under the impression we were going out to kill us an overgrown rat that was terrorizing the country side, not an intelligent and possibly psychic one who seems to want to be left alone.

"I'm no longer certain this is a good idea, and it surely would have been nice to know this before we spent a soggy day in the swamp..."

Urist rubs is face in the palm of both hands. "We could always hunt out it's lair and note it's location with the intent to avoid it. What do the rest of you think? Do we go forth and try to slaughter this thing regardless? That just doesn't sit well with me."

Seredal Hosah (Josh) 
Thursday July 19th, 2012 2:18:01 PM

"Yes, something that big that's intelligent could be a useful ally. You could give it Hellmar's trash or something." At this, Seredal shrugs innocently.

AC 19, touch 11, MR 8, CMD 18 plus bonuses by situation, 37/37 hp Morgrym Gorechylde 
Thursday July 19th, 2012 5:26:20 PM

" If it reasons then it can be dealt with. If it is that big, maybe it know what happened when the plague started. Something that big seems somehow, older, to me. I definitely think we should still go find it. Even if it is to just avoid it. If it is that smart it will likely move once we do find it."
"If it is that big and rats are more active in the dark then tonight is as good a night as any. If Vgodd will lead us to where he remembers seeing it we can start looking or feeling for it's movements there. Lets go."

Morgrym tests his blade to be sure it is ready to go and heads out after Vgodd.

Since Lori has no skill with any type of creature knowledge, she gains no useful bits of knowledge from Vgodd's tale, other than it is really big and likes Dwarf fingers, and hands, and arms. She definitely wants to go after it and checks her weapon load before heading out the door to follow Vgodd's lead to the old encounter site.

Napalm AC 22/15/18 HP 24/24 (James D) 
Thursday July 19th, 2012 5:31:04 PM

Can you tell us what led up to your arm being bitten off? If it was an unprovoked attack, then the thing needs to die before others fall victim to its wrath. I don't care if it is intelligent. Besides, if we turn back now our reputation will be ruined.

Pure and Simple [DM Jerry] 
Friday July 20th, 2012 7:25:28 AM

Vgodd laughs and actually rolls on the floor. "You guys scared of Gladys? She's EVIL! Pure and simple. She slaughtered poor Hezekiel on his first guard tour. Could have let him go! Didn't bother to eat him, just murdered him."

"Hey wait a minute!" He spins on Urist. "You're a priest! You can prove she's evil. Can't ya? I heard you types can."

"And ifn you guys are chicken, I'll go after her myself. I ain't waiting no longer. Ibraham isn't here to talk me down, either!"

"And I can tells ya what happened when the plague started! Marteaus got his revenge! Killed all the elves and humans and giants. People died horribly is what happened. And this giant varmit spreads it! Controls all the rats in the area!"

He spins then on Napalm. "How did I approach it? It approached me! I thought there was an earthquake. Knocked me off my feet! Hezekiel, bless his dead soul, went running. It chased and killed him. Then it came back for me. Chewed off my arm, then messed with my mind. I had to....::sob::....obey it! Hegga says it dominated me. It played with me and ripped my arm off with its pointed teeth! That woke me up. I ran and ran. It chased me. When I hit the road, I ran into undead headed for Hegga's place..I think. It attacked them and I got away."

Evidently, not wanting to kill Gladys has Vgodd's dander up. He's huffing and puffing.

"There, ya gots your story. Happy now?"

Urist - AC 17, HP 25/25 - Spells - Carl 
Friday July 20th, 2012 10:20:51 AM

"Aye, I sure can tell if it's evil or not. Don't go getting your panties in a bunch over this. I'm just as eager to put down a giant evil rat that's waylaying guards unprovoked as the last guy, but this is still information we should have been told BEFORE WE SET OUT TO DO THIS."

Urist, it seems, is still unhappy about the situation.

"I have no reason to doubt your story. We'll go on our hunt, but don't wait until we're engaged with her before you tell us she can breath fire or fly or whatever else she can do."

Urist prepares himself to traverse to swamp at night. He is no tracker, so he'll entrust the actual finding of Gladys to those who are.

Napalm AC 22/15/18 HP 24/24 (James D) 
Friday July 20th, 2012 3:19:07 PM

Napalm's eyes raise at the mention of his patron god. What do you mean Marteaus got his revenge? Do you know what he was getting revenge for or why he killed all the elves and humans and giant? Such information might be very helpful in curing the disease or stopping Glady. Napalm's curiosity gets the better of him. What lesson was Marteaus trying to teach the people? Did he mean for the people to overcome this disease, or was is deemed necessary to keep theweak and the lazy purged from the wold.

AC 19, touch 11, MR 8, CMD 18 plus bonuses by situation, 37/37 hp Morgrym Gorechylde  d20+10=21 ;
Friday July 20th, 2012 4:58:27 PM


Morgrym listens to the rest of Vgodd's tale and says " Are you ready to hunt the beast down or are we going to bicker all night that it is intelligent and should be saved. Giants were supposedly intelligent and it never caused me or my kin to spare any that attacked us. Give me a vector to head off in and we can hunt the beast down."

Lori waits to see the reaction of the rest of the group. Hunt it down or go back to bed seem to be the two things she is interested in doing. Arguing never solved anything that she knew of. She quietly blends into the shadows
Stealth 21

AC 19, touch 11, MR 8, CMD 18 plus bonuses by situation, 37/37 hp Morgrym Gorechylde 
Saturday July 21st, 2012 10:52:12 PM

posting test

Seredal Hosah (Josh) 
Sunday July 22nd, 2012 9:06:52 PM

Seredal is hoping the group will stay for the night, but she'll follow the adventurers regardless.

JonathanT, PC sheet for verification 
Sunday July 22nd, 2012 9:39:40 PM

OOC: After much fighting with Googledocs, here's my PC sheet.
Trollbane, Gnome Sorcerer (Earth Elemental Bloodline):

All I'm missing, I think, are purchase of Magic items.

Burned Swamp Water? [DM Jerry] 
Monday July 23rd, 2012 7:36:10 AM

The ring projects the map of the swamp upon the wall so that the group can make a decision of where to head.

"Clockwise around the swamp? Counter? Smack down the middle and call her name?"

He looks at Urist. "Perhaps we should look for burned swamp water?"

"To be honest, that beastie did something to me. My recollections are....muddy."

Vgodd, still hot, steps outside and lights a cigar.

After a bit, he turns to Morgrym. "Aye. I'm ready. Lead the way."

Trollbane AC 14/14/11; HP23/23; CMD 12 
Monday July 23rd, 2012 11:27:38 AM

Testing. PC sheet updated with magic items purchased.

AC 19, touch 11, MR 8, CMD 18 plus bonuses by situation, 37/37 hp Morgrym Gorechylde  d20+10=30 ;
Monday July 23rd, 2012 4:37:49 PM

Jonathan your sheet looks fine to me other than the cash issue being handled in email. 1 question, why do you not get the +1 hp for chosen class at 1st level? did you take the skill point instead?
Also, John left me a message that he was going home today. He should resume posting himself tomorrow.

Morgrym looks at the map, finds a path that looks more or less solid and heads out. If the critter is as big as they are saying, it shouldn't be hard to find, In fact, since it seems to hunt people, it may find them. Morgrym takes no care in being silent, hoping the Rat will hunt them and save them the trouble of looking too hard.
Lori follows Morgrym cringing every time his armor clanks or he splashes through a puddle or snaps a twig. She trails at least 30 feet behind him, quietly, in the shadows. Since dwarves only have 1 speed, and that is slow, she has no trouble remaining hidden and keeping up. she keeps a chakram ready because she has NO intention of closing with something as big as this rat is supposed to be.
Stealth 30 nat 20

Trollbane AC 14/14/11; HP23/23; CMD 12 
Monday July 23rd, 2012 6:59:01 PM

OOC: I took the +1 as a skill pt. at 1st level because I knew I'd get max hit points then. I took the +1 on Hit Points for the next two levels as I didn't know how poorly I'd roll. Turns out I did ok. :)

Napalm AC 22/15/18 HP 24/24 (James D) 
Monday July 23rd, 2012 6:59:56 PM

Napalm gets tired of the discussion, ready to fight something. Why don't we just go where Vgodd was attacked in the first place? It seems like as good a place as any to start, probably better than most. Where was it you were attacked exactly? If there are no objections Napalm will take the lead and go in the direction indicated.

Urist - AC 17, HP 25/25 - Spells - Carl 
Monday July 23rd, 2012 8:13:12 PM

"Because he doesn't remember where that was," Urist replies. "BUT, it seems we're following Morgrym. Sounds like a good a plan as any to me."

Urist heads out, glad to be doing something that doesn't involve subterfuge or intrigue; just he and a bunch of fellow time travellers going to kill a giant psychic rat.

Seredal Hosah (Josh) 
Monday July 23rd, 2012 10:09:26 PM

Seredal packs up and follows the others out, humming a bit to herself. She stops suddenly when she realizes its a dirge...

Burned Swamp Water? [DM Jerry] 
Tuesday July 24th, 2012 1:53:10 AM

15,000 miles away and 2000 years in the past, an infamous mage works in an inn called the Giggling Ghost to repair a damaged tapestry. As he works, two heroes arrive saying that they had received a vision in their dreams to come and enter the Mithril Tapestry. As they speak the words, to the mage's great surprise, the tapestry opens again creating a vortex sucking the two in.

Through space, time, and multiple futures, the two heroes fly seeing things that confuse, enlighten, and horrify. Spewing forth from a gateway, the two arrive in a swamp. They see two guard types, sliced and bitten to death by some large creature like say a dragon. A note on one of the guards, a minotaur, says to head to the Spirits' Shrine as it is due to activate with new visitors on the morrow and bring them to town as usual. The guards, obviously, failed in this task.

The two heroes seeing only trail through the swamp head east along it. Emerging from the swamp, they see a quaint house. Coming out of the house they see what could only be a band of adventurers putting on backpacks and heading in their direction!


OOC: There's your entrance Jonathan and Mark. Post away. Guys, vet their sheets. I think we'll handle the money issue in two ways. 1st, no magic for now. 2nd, I'll shower the entire group with either death or treasure soon! ;) Also, now I can reveal why I was delaying your departure a bit. I wanted to get in our new players before leaving. Onward!

(Mark) Chef Ironhand AC20/14/16-- CMD 20 -- HP 27/27 
Tuesday July 24th, 2012 2:58:12 AM

Disorientated by the unexpected transport, the chubby red headed dwarf recoils at the sight of the mauled guards, and turns a sickly shade of green. "Where are we? What happened here?" he mumbles to his unknown travelling partner. Not getting an immediate response he looks impatiently at group emerging from the house.

"Hello... Hello?" Calls chef as he shuffles towards the nearby adventures. "Excuse me? Can anyone please tell me what just happened?"[/b]

OOC: hi

Urist - AC 17, HP 25/25 - Spells - Carl 
Tuesday July 24th, 2012 7:59:30 AM

Urist looks around. "Nothing just happened. It's been a long, dull, boring day in a swamp that hopefully isn't going to a long, dull boring snipe hunt.

"Wait, did you two get here from the Giggling Ghost?"


OOC: You were summoned here by the FSM? That is awesome.

Trollbane AC 14/14/11; HP23/23; CMD 12 
Tuesday July 24th, 2012 10:40:06 AM

Introductions at the Giggling Ghost were put aside rather abrubtly by the sudden vortex that sucked him and the dwarf in. The votex itself left no desire for speach as Trollbane felt that if he opened his mouth, lunch would come out instead of words. He discovered that if he closed his eyes, the sickning feeling wasn't so bad. Of course, that meant he didn't see when he exited the vortex and couldn't catch himself from flopping into swampy muck.

By the time he had managed to wipe most the mud off himself with leaves and such, the red-headed dwarf was off down a path. Grunting in the discomfort of his traveling clothes with cakes of mud in areas he couldn't reach, Trollbane trotted after the dwarf.

The dwarf was moving very purposely down the path and is all he could do to keep up, much less get a conversation going. The dwarf finally stops as they emerge from the swamp trail into a small clearing with a house. Mingling about were several people looking like they were about to start out on a camping trip.

The red-headed dwarf calls out to them and Trollbane immediately take two steps away from him. You never know what to expect from strangers and it might not be a good idea to be associated with this red-head just yet.

When one of them responds and references the Giggling Ghost, Trollbane figures they can't be all that bad.
"Yup. Although I don't think we were expecting this. I just stopped by for a drink. I did not know I was going on a treasure hunt for my own drink."

Trollbane AC 14/14/11; HP23/23; CMD 12 
Tuesday July 24th, 2012 10:45:17 AM

Trollbane is a gnome, dressed in adventurer's clothes and loaded with backpack, several daggers about his belt and a gnome sized mace hanging from a short strap tethered to his belt. His coloration is rather 'earthy', his skin is brown and his hair is basaltic grey. A few warts here and there are rather colorful, though, as if gemstones were stuck to his skin.

Harden AC 15/11/12 -- CMD 19 -- HP 34/37 (Zach R) 
Tuesday July 24th, 2012 11:46:32 AM

Harden, spiked chain in hand nods to the newcomers but says nothing. He is a large half-orc wearing light armor and wielding a very nasty looking spiked chain. He looks to have quite the temper but says nothing.

OOC: Sorry about lack of posting. I sent an email detailing why.

AC 19, touch 11, MR 8, CMD 18 plus bonuses by situation, 37/37 hp Morgrym Gorechylde  d20+10=11 ;
Tuesday July 24th, 2012 4:54:45 PM

" This isn't no treasure hunt lad, this is serious business.There is a rat out there big as a house that has a taste for people. We aim that he doesn't get fed ever again. If you want to join the hunt the town is offering a reward. If not you might want to wait here and hope we win. The townsfolk don't like unescorted folks that haven't been 'cured' yet without at least 3 guards vouching for the cure. Oh, and the discourage cooperative effort of any kind. And the gnome they have is bossy and the Minotaur is aloof and the dwarf can see into your words. Your choice if you want to come with us. "
" My name's Morgrym, what do we call the two of you? "

The armored dwarf isn't exactly friendly, but he imparts a gruff version of everything he wished he had known before he got to town.
Lori continues to hide in the back. She tells herself it isn't hiding, it is avoiding becoming emotionally attached to new people that might soon be lunch for a giant rat. If spotted she is a Half elf dressed in muted colors. From her cloaked from hang all manner of thrown weapons, from Chakram to darts. One look in her eyes says she knows exactly how to use them too.
Stealth 11 she isn't as hidden as she thinks she is.

Seredal Hosah (Josh) 
Tuesday July 24th, 2012 10:17:25 PM

"Forget the public enforcement of the cure....we need to get them the cure itself! If only that witch hadn't left already..." Seredal looks back, then to Vgodd. "Maybe she still has some...? How long does the cure remain potent, do you know?"

Trollbane AC 14/14/11; HP23/23; CMD 12 
Tuesday July 24th, 2012 10:48:25 PM

Another sour dwarf.
Trollbane replies, "A good froth on the lips is serious business."
Trollbane adjusts his backpack and approaches the group so he doesn't have to shout across the way.
"My name is Trollbane. Well, that's the name they gave me after I melted some trolls. My long name isn't important. So what's the deal about this rat again? How big is it? Does it have sharp, pointy teeth? What's its favorite color?

Trollbane looks back down the path they just came along. "Y'know, there's two dead guard-looking things a ways back there. They look like they've been gnawed on. But that shouldn't be unusual for a swamp. Can anyone of you tell by the bite marks if it was this rat you are after?"

Trollbane AC 14/14/11; HP23/23; CMD 12 
Tuesday July 24th, 2012 10:50:41 PM

OOC: my magic items were two 1st level wands and a Cloak of Resistance +1. If I can keep the cloak (1000gp value) it sure would be nice. But I'll remove all of them if that's what's decided.

Urist - AC 17, HP 25/25 - Spells - Carl 
Tuesday July 24th, 2012 11:04:33 PM

"Call me Urist, strangers. Chosen of Domi...not that it means much in this place. I'd say a couple of gnawed on guards is absolutely worth checking out. How...fresh were they?"

He motions towards Morgrym. "He's right, by the way. Don't wander into that town without an escort or they'll just end up tossing your body on the pile."

(Mark) Chef Ironhand AC20/14/16-- CMD 20 -- HP 27/27 
Tuesday July 24th, 2012 11:06:25 PM

"My name is Chef Ironhand - Dwarven culinary master. I...I am unsure what I am doing here. I'm not an adventurer per say, but I am a skilled butcher" Chef explains holding up his axe.

"If the locals are wary of strangers I may accompany your hunt, friends. Where exactly is 'local' anyway? And should Mr Trollbane and I be concerned about this 'cure'?"

Gnawed on? [DM Jerry] 
Wednesday July 25th, 2012 3:51:20 AM

"Two dead guards? NO!!!! Vgodd begins "dwarf walking" past them down the trail towards the gateway.

"Gnawed on? Couldn't be that easy. No concentrate. Dead guards."

He breaks into a trot.

As he runs, he says, "Dunno how long her potions stay fresh. Can't cure them until they are sick anyway. Gotta let a rat bite them. I gots a big one that can do that....and it may be this way!

"Come on! If a dwarf beats you there, you guys suck Woldberries.

"Gladys, I'm coming for ya! Ya hear me?"


OOC: FSM? Don't get it.

(Mark) Chef Ironhand AC20/14/16-- CMD 20 -- HP 27/27 
Wednesday July 25th, 2012 5:45:01 AM

Ooc: FSM = Flying Spaghetti Monster

Napalm AC 22/15/18 HP 24/24 (James D) 
Wednesday July 25th, 2012 3:13:44 PM

Napalm introduces himself to the new adventurer's. I am Napalm, a warrior of some renown in land. I am a skilled healer and alchemist. It is thanks to some of my more flammable concoctions that I earned my name, having burned and melted more than a few who have gotten in my way.

When the group learns of the dead guards Napalm charges after the dwarf, drawing one of his special mutagenic potions as he runs.
(Held action to drink potion if combat begins.)

Seredal Hosah (Josh) 
Wednesday July 25th, 2012 3:18:43 PM

(holding an action means you're only moving 30 a round...)
Seredal did not trudge back into this swamp and two millenia into the future to let the story run away now. She starts running after Vgodd.

AC 19, touch 11, MR 8, CMD 18 plus bonuses by situation, 37/37 hp Morgrym Gorechylde 
Wednesday July 25th, 2012 3:58:26 PM

Morgrym catches up to Vgodd and draws his Falchion as he goes. " Would she taunt you like this if she knew you meant to hunt her? I know they were your friends but stay back from them. If they are as dead as the newcomers say then you can't help them. But if you disturb the place more than they did walking in we may lose any chance to track them"

Lori Rinduff AC 18 , HP 29/29 
Wednesday July 25th, 2012 4:15:20 PM

Lori drops her hood and puts her floppy hat on, it doesn't block her peripheral vision. When Vgold heads off towards the gate, She decides she'd better get there first.
"Don't disturb the area around the portal, I want to see if I can follow any trail that was left from the attack."

Harden AC 15/11/12 -- CMD 19 -- HP 34/37 (Zach R) 
Wednesday July 25th, 2012 5:41:31 PM

Harden follows Vgodd trying to find the Giant Rat as soon as possible.

(Mark) Chef Ironhand AC20/14/16-- CMD 20 -- HP 27/27 
Wednesday July 25th, 2012 8:59:50 PM

Heeding the warning from his new aquaintances (who seem to be friendly and have some knowledge of why he was summoned here), Chef trots after the group.

Wherever I am, I better stay close to these guys. A rat hunt doesn't sound too dangerous.

Trollbane AC 14/14/11; HP23/23; CMD 12 
Wednesday July 25th, 2012 10:40:20 PM

Trollbane has to catch himself from an expletive. "Whaa... we just came from that way! Jumping Jiminy Jinglebells!
Trollbane starts huffing and puffing it back the way they came.

Today Is the Day You Die! [DM Jerry] 
Thursday July 26th, 2012 7:37:14 AM

The group continues moving at a good clip back to the Spirits' Shrine, the gateway through which they arrived.

Vgodd exults, "This is awesome! I've dreamed of hunting down this beastie. "Gladys, I"m coming for ya. Today is the day you die! I swear it by my father! And his father! And all the ancestors before them!"

Then. With the party nearly to the Spirits' Shrine, the ground thumps. No scratch that, dear readers. The ground heaves. Nope, not exactly right.

Something hits the ground with such force that it causes all our PCs to be hurled three feet into the air throwing them in all kinds of directions!

[DC 20 to land on your feet. Miss it by more than 5 and you are stunned for a few seconds]

[Feel free to make any checks you wish afterwards.]


OOC: Please help me vet our two new player's character sheets. We need them approved before we hit combat....and I'm aching for some violence!

AC 19, touch 11, MR 8, CMD 18 plus bonuses by situation, 37/37 hp Morgrym Gorechylde  d20=5 ; d20+6=21 ;
Thursday July 26th, 2012 3:55:17 PM

I approved Trollbane a couple of days ago, and Chef's sheet looks fine to me. I particularly like the talking spaghetti and meatballs...8)

a DC20 check vs what stat Jerry? I assume dwarves get the bullrush type bonuses. Even so I didn't make it.

Morgrym does not land on his feet. In fact he lands pretty much flat on his back with a rather impressive imitation of a pantry full of pots and pans suddenly all falling to the ground. The first thing he thinks is " He had to be kidding, giants don't even shake the ground like that, even when they are royally pissed off." The next thought was " Holy mackerel, I am lying on the ground, a perfect place for a rat of any size to run up and try to gnaw MY arm off!!" With these thoughts tumbling around in his skull, along with what passed for his brain, Morgrym quickly rolled into a crouch from which he could stand up. This time he was more ready. He scanned the dark for the outline of the monstrous rat.
Perception 21 with darkvision
He will call out to the others if he spots anything

Lori Rinduff AC 18 , HP 29/29  d20=8 ; d20+10=19 ; d20+6=13 ;
Thursday July 26th, 2012 7:40:22 PM

ooc: I approve both characters.


Lori, having been knocked to the ground lays there a moment or three.(assume that the DC check was just straight D20? if Ref Save it was very much closer 18)
Getting her sense of balance back she does a tip-up and lands on her feet.
"Did something just jump, or was that something borrowing underneath us?"
She looks at the gate, grabs one of her whips out and flicks it to the top of the gate and will climb up on top.
"Jinx, cover!"
She shouts to her friend as she climbs.
She hopes that a vertical perspective will allow her to spot whatever it was that caused the heaval of the ground.

Save : 8 or 18 if reflex
Acrobatics 19 to stand up
Climb 13 + whip to climb to top of gate.

Urist - AC 17, HP 25/25 - Spells - Carl  d20+3=14 ;
Thursday July 26th, 2012 7:42:06 PM

OOC: I assumed it was a reflex save.

Urist is bent over the dead bodies, saying their last rites when the ground heaves. The usually pious dwarf cries out several choice expletives as he is throw feet over head. They stop when his head slams against the ground, causing him to see stars as he desperately tries to recover.

Trollbane AC 14/14/11; HP23/23; CMD 12  d20=8 ; d20+6=17 ; d20+3=19 ;
Thursday July 26th, 2012 9:04:31 PM

Save: d20 = 8: Ref = 14, Dex = 11

Struggling to keep up, Trollbane is caught off guard when the ground heaves. His landing was not particularly anything to brag about as his head knocks against a log alongside the path. A bit woozy, he sits up and rubs the newly formed knot on his noggin.

"Jumping Jimminy Rat Droppings!" he exclaims. Then quickly waves a hand over himself as he utters a few archane verses (Cast Mage Armor).
Concentration Check if necessary d20+6 = 17

He stands up and sniffs and squints into the foliage looking for the cause.
Perception +3 = 19

(Mark) Chef Ironhand AC20/14/16-- CMD 20 -- HP 27/27  d20=15 ; d20+1=5 ; d20+1=18 ;
Thursday July 26th, 2012 10:33:55 PM

As the ground heaves, Chef is thrown into the air and is unable to keep his balance, landing on all fours.(vs straight DC =15, vs reflex=19)

GET UP! his mind screams, however he is not the most nimble of creatures and struggles to heave himself upright (acrobatics=5).

Where did that come from? he exlaims scanning the surrounds for any clues (perception 18)

Seredal Hosah (Josh)  d20+9=24 ; d20+10=23 ;
Thursday July 26th, 2012 11:14:38 PM

Seredal lands neatly on her feet (reflex: 24) Having been thrown for a loop (literally), the bard does waht comes naturally - she tries to observe (perception=23). What the heck is going on?

Combat Begins [DM Jerry]  d20+4=22 ;
Friday July 27th, 2012 8:48:05 AM

Vgodd, stands and seems kinda pleased with himself. He instantly starts helping others up. "Never survived that on my feet before. Kinda cool. This means she's near. Like within a mile or so. Told ya she was..."

He sees the bodies. Rushing forward he yells into the darkness. "Gladys! You killed my comrades. Prepare to die!"

Morgrym instantly spots some very large rat prints heading south into the swamp. They disappear at the edge of the Shrine clearing.

Lori swings up on top of the Spirits' Shrine and surveys the area.

Urist shakes his head and the cobwebs slowly clear.

Trollbane buffs himself and looks out into the swamp. He sees the tracks when Morgrym points them out as does Ironhand. Hard to miss.

Serendal spots more. He sees one and then a second swarm of tiny rats swimming furiously towards the clearing coming from the south, the direction the tracks lead to. They seem headed towards the two bodies.


OOC: Yesterday's save was vs dex. It was not a bullrush, though I can see why you said so. It was an (Ex) ability.

BTW, I prefer the IC stuff first and then a short line and then the OOC stuff. The board should read IC so there is a story. ;)

Folks we're in combat. Emailing the map to you for Round 1 as soon as I get it done. I am placing you on the map. If you absolutely hate your location, well you can move--or email me.

Napalm AC 22/15/18 HP 24/24 (James D)  d20+3=14 ;
Friday July 27th, 2012 3:07:57 PM

Dex check = 14. Napalm's small form is seen flying through the air before he lands stunned on the ground.

Harden AC 15/11/12 -- CMD 19 -- HP 34/37 (Zach R)  d20+6=17 ; d20+7=20 ; d20+8=12 ;
Friday July 27th, 2012 4:10:06 PM

Harden bites the dirt but stands up quickly. He looks around gets a firm grip on his chain but the fall caught him very much off guard.

Reflex: 17 Fail
Acrobatics: 20
Perception: 8

Urist - AC 17, HP 25/25 - Spells - Carl  d20+4=12 ;
Friday July 27th, 2012 4:58:07 PM

Urist is vaguely aware of Vgodd screaming about killing Gladys, but that's hardly anything new.

"Well Urist, time to get up," he says to himself. No flashy acrobatics for him; he stands one leg at a time and looks around. He does ready his axe in case something needs killing.

He goes to join the rest of his friends, then notices Lori standing on the gate. "Wouldn't be right to leave her by herself now, would it?" Urist stands his ground...


I realized the other day how callous Urist must have come off. "Two dead guards? Excellent, we can use them for clues in our hunt for this giant rat."

Perception: 12

AC 19, touch 11, MR 8, CMD 18 plus bonuses by situation, 37/37 hp Morgrym Gorechylde  d20+6=11 ;
Friday July 27th, 2012 5:33:54 PM

Morgrym starts to follow the tracks. It doesn't look like anyone else is following him out there so he stops at the edge of the clearing, wondering why they all stayed there when there was a gargantuan rat needing killing." You guys coming? She isn't going to kill herself."
Perception 11

Napalm AC 22/15/18 HP 24/24 (James D) 
Friday July 27th, 2012 6:07:50 PM

Napalm rises steadily to his feet and draws his weapon. A mile or so away...? Napalm wonders how big the rat could be to cause the ground to shake that hard from a mile a way. His initial instinct is to kill the rats before heading off, but as the others seem to want to tackle Glady first he grudgingly follows the group and hoped the swimming rats do in fact head to feed on the dead guards. If there is a weapon or backpack on the fallen guards that he can easily grab as he runs to follow the group he will scoop it up on his way.

Lori Rinduff AC 18 , HP 29/29  d20+9=23 ; d20+6=18 ; d4+3=5 ;
Friday July 27th, 2012 6:10:18 PM

"Give me a couple minutes before heading off, either we'll follow the rat easily enough or she'll lose us. Waiting a bit won't matter, I wanna see what I can see from up here."
Quickly coiling the whip she stashes it and pulls a dagger, ready to throw if a target appears.

Perception 23
Attack 18 damage 5 (ranged attack /deadly aim, if a target appears)

Seredal Hosah (Josh) 
Friday July 27th, 2012 9:05:36 PM

Seredal points and then starts to back away from that direction."Maybe you all should deal with those two swarms of rats heading towards your friends' bodies first? Let their tails twitch no more!"

Seredal starts bardsong (+1 damage and attacks)
moves 20' away

Trollbane AC 18/15/11; HP23/23; CMD 12 
Friday July 27th, 2012 9:44:45 PM

Trollbane looks out across the swamp and spots the two rat swarms coming their way. "Feeding the young, eh?"

"Wait! Why go swiming after it? Kill these rats and don't you think the Big Mama rat won't come seeking revenge? I say wait here and see what happens. Then go sloshing in muck if nothing happens. Besides, if we can capture one of those rats I can get information from it that will prove far more valuable than being alligator bait."

OOC: Move 'T' up one square diagonal (under Ironhand), then left 7 squares.

OOC: I really thought Vgodd was going to say "My name is Vgodd, you killed my comrades. Prepare to Die!" Which would fit pretty well with this Rodent of Unusual Size. In a swamp (forgot it's name), nonetheless.

AC 19, touch 11, MR 8, CMD 18 plus bonuses by situation, 37/37 hp Morgrym Gorechylde 
Friday July 27th, 2012 10:48:22 PM

" What swarm....oh, those swarms." Morgrym backs away from then as far as he can, since he has no area attacks.

(Mark) Chef Ironhand AC20/14/16-- CMD 20 -- HP 27/27 
Saturday July 28th, 2012 6:29:51 AM

Chef sees the rats closing in from the water and heads out towards the shine wanting to keep his feet dry if possible, drawing his axe as he moves.

I've dealt with a few kitchen rats in my time. These should be the same.

Chef moves 20' west

Trollbane AC 18/15/11; HP23/23; CMD 12 
Saturday July 28th, 2012 11:12:05 PM

"I don't think these came from any kitchen, Mr. Chef." Trollbane responds as he surveys how best to hit them where it hurts.

Round 1 Player Results [DM Jerry] 
Monday July 30th, 2012 10:34:00 AM

Napalm and Harden work on standing again after being "thumped" to the ground. Amazing how hard the ground can be.

Urist stands his ground over the bodies, drawing his axe.

Morgrym moves forward towards the edge of the clearing the Shrine creates following Gladys' tracks.

Lori remains on top of the gate readying a dagger to throw.

Serendal points out the rat swarms and starts bardsong.

Trollbane moves towards the shrine with the idea of capturing a rat.

Chef joins Trollbane in moving west towards the shrine.


OOC: Do not post yet. I am working on Monster Initiative.

Round 1 Monster Initiative [DM Jerry]  d100=48 ; d100=66 ;
Monday July 30th, 2012 10:46:15 AM

Swarm #1 continues heading for the bodies where Urist stands stalwart.

Swarm #2 changes heading moving towards Morgrym. The gnashing of teeth grows in anticipation of a hunger soon sated!


You may now post. See the email for further instructions and the map update.

It is now Round 2 Player Initiative.

Trollbane AC 18/15/11; HP23/23; CMD 12 
Monday July 30th, 2012 2:48:21 PM

Question for DM: what's the dimensions of the swarms? 5'x5', 10'x10'? Need to know for spell purposes.

Also, looks like Swarm 2 was not moved on the map as it is still in last map's location. How far is it to Morgrym? Need to know for spell purposes.


Urist - AC 17, HP 25/25 - Spells - Carl 
Monday July 30th, 2012 3:49:48 PM

Urist looks at the incoming rat swarm and then at the cliff behind him. He decides he'd rather be somewhere else.

Still, he's reluctant to just leave Lori by her lonesome. He'll take a few steps to the east, keeping an eye on the vermin making it's way to them.


OOC: Are these rats the big ones that attacked us earlier, or just plain little ones? If it's a swarm of those big ones, Urist's cool demeanor is entirely unjustified.

AC 19, touch 11, MR 8, CMD 18 plus bonuses by situation, 37/37 hp Morgrym Gorechylde  d20+8=25 ; 2d4+10=17 ;
Monday July 30th, 2012 4:57:19 PM

Morgrym looks at the 10x10 pile of rats swarming at him and realizes that he probably can't kill them all before some of them bite him. He trusts in his armor to keep them out ( what a fool he is, typical dwarven overconfidence in their own creations ) He gets a running start and swings his blade in a wide arc as he reaches the rats. His blade sweeps through the swarm cleaving many of the filthy creatures into rat chow. He killed many of them as the blood on his blade attests, but probably not enough to discourage them from crawling all over him.

( move 20 feet towards them and swing, If I have overestimated their size I'll make it a charge and hope I can reach them before hitting the water which is difficult and stops my charge)
Attack hits AC 25(27 if charging) for 17 damage ( which should be halved to 8 for a swarm of tiny creatures)
AC is only 17 if I need to charge, which doesn't matter vs swarms anyway

Lori Rinduff AC 18 , HP 29/29  d20+6=8 ;
Monday July 30th, 2012 6:49:32 PM

"Urist, don't be stupid, I'm on top of the gate, they'll have to come up here to get me, go get with the others."
Lori then yells out, "In Jinx's pack, not the saddle bags, there's a couple flasks of oil, just avoid the flask of acid!"
Lori then weighs the dagger in her hand and knowing even if she missed, the dagger would still be just on the ground, decides to enter the fight. She first throws the one in her hand and then draws a dart for next round....

Attack 8

(Mark) Chef Ironhand AC20/14/16-- CMD 19 -- HP 27/27  d20-7=7 ;
Monday July 30th, 2012 9:34:05 PM

Chef continues running west and pulls up next to Urist as the rat swarm approaches.

ooc: Please ignore the roll I initially was going to do something that I don't think I could actually do after re-reading the rules, So I adjusted the action.

Harden AC 15/11/12 -- CMD 19 -- HP 34/37 (Zach R) 
Monday July 30th, 2012 10:17:22 PM

Harden attempts to regain his composure and stand up. He also tries to knock the cobwebs out as he is a bit dazed.

Trollbane AC 18/15/11; HP23/23; CMD 12  3d4=6 ;
Monday July 30th, 2012 10:26:52 PM

Trollbane observes that one of the swarms starts heading towards Morgrym, and as this rat swarm is the closest, Trollbane heads towards it. Morgrym, though, rushes forward to engage the rat swarm, so Trollbane hesitantly follows, the murky water a bit too close for comfort. He tries to find a way to spray the swarm with acid without hurting Morgrym but knows that may not be possible.

OOC: A) If Trollbane has to move more than 20' to get in spell range (15'), then just move him behind Morgrym, and that's all his move. B) If Trollbane can move 20' and still cast his spell to affect the swarm without affecting Morgrym, then place him at such place.
Case B):
Spell: Acidic Spray (same as Burning Hands but acid instead of fire)
Cone shape; 15' burst; damage: searing acid for 3d4 = 6 pts; Ref DC14 save for half.

Napalm AC 22/15/18 HP 24/24 (James D)  d20+5=21 ; d6+1=4 ;
Tuesday July 31st, 2012 12:46:46 AM

Napalm watches as the rats run in the opposite direction of him and curses as he chases after him. Moving 30 feet towards the bodies (West) he holds out his oil lamp and casts a spark cantrip to light it.

ooc: Ignore the rolls, I was going to throw a bomb, but am out of range.

Seredal Hosah (Josh)  d20+10=29 ;
Tuesday July 31st, 2012 1:06:44 AM

Seredal continues her oration, but in a slightly different vein. "Onward, brave champions. Put all thoughts of a rat that can knock you to the earth a mile away from your mind, and concentrate on these, its weaker cousins. There shall be no thought of retaliation this day!" Otherwise, she's fine where she is. There are enough warm bodies between her and the threat. She will take a look around and make sure they aren't being surrounded...

(OoC: Continue bardsong; active perception check for 29)

AC 19, touch 11, MR 8, CMD 18 plus bonuses by situation, 37/37 hp Morgrym Gorechylde 
Tuesday July 31st, 2012 5:15:48 PM

Please remember Morgrym has SR 8 if spells are cast on him. It is a weird number and odd to have at so low a level, that's why I mention it

Round 2 Player Results [DM Jerry] 
Wednesday August 1st, 2012 9:44:30 AM

Urist backs to the east from the incoming 10' swarm of hundreds of tiny rats.

Morgrym charges the rat swarm and slices the tiny creatures into even smaller pieces showering the area with blood and gore. #2 is dead.

Lori fires a dagger at #1 from her vantage point missing.

Chef moves next to Urist.

Harden regains his composure. He succeeds!

Trollbane moves to join Morgrym, holding an Acidic Burning Hands spell at the ready. He sees it unnecessary as #2 was decimated by the mighty Morgrym.

Napalm lights his oil lamp while moving west towards the bodies.

Serendal continues her Bardsong with a reminder to NOT think of rats that can knock you to the earth.

Vgodd rushes west taking a double move to stand over the bodies. He is relieved when the rats turn away from his fallen comrades


OOC: Swarm is 10 by 10. Have changed that by increasing the size of the number on the map. Sorry. That didn't occur to me. I was going to have #2 stay since I forgot to move it, but didn't want to ruin Morgrym's charge by doing that. So #2 moved forward last time so that it is there to be conveniently damaged by Morgrym's charge. ;)

[Do not post yet. I am working on Monster Initiative.

Round 2 Monster Initiative [DM Jerry]  d20+8=26 ;
Wednesday August 1st, 2012 9:48:58 AM

#1, perceives that there is more here than just a meal and in frustration at having its feeding intentions interrupted, moves towards Urist. It is disappointed, if a rat swarm can indeed be disappointed as it comes up 5' short of its new intended meal.

#2 has met its demise.


[You may now post. See the email for the map update.]

Napalm AC 22/15/18 HP 24/24 (James D)  d20+5=10 ; d6+1=6 ;
Wednesday August 1st, 2012 2:29:29 PM

As the rat swarm approaches Napalm forgets about the lamp he just lit and grabs a bomb from his belt and throws it in the center of the rat swarm and watches the vial erupt in flames. No matter how many times he hears hears the explosion and feels the sound waves reverberating off his chest it still brings a smile to his face as the heat washes over him.

Throw bomb and hit AC 10 at the center of Swarm #1 (need to hit 5+ range penalty) for 6 dmg

Lori Rinduff AC 18 , HP 29/29  d20+6=22 ; d4+3=6 ;
Wednesday August 1st, 2012 3:08:47 PM

With a Dart in her hand, Lori throws it at the swirling mass of rats, hoping to hit one of them. As soon as it leaves her hand, another is drawn from under her cloak.

Dart attack, 22, damage 6 (piercing)

Urist - AC 17, HP 25/25 - Spells - Carl  d20+4=16 ; d8+2=6 ;
Wednesday August 1st, 2012 5:18:33 PM

Urist stands his ground. If the rat swarm approaches, he'll start swingin'. He's not about to wade forward into it when his friends are throwing explosives at them.


Hit AC 16 for 6 damage.

Trollbane AC 18/15/11; HP23/23; CMD 12 
Wednesday August 1st, 2012 6:06:29 PM

Trollbane yells out, "Don't kill them all!" Hopping to catch one alive, he tries to pinpoint one rat from the swarm, one measly rat is all he needs, and darts his finger forward while uttering a short arcane phrase.

Cast Flare at a rat in Swarm #1, Close Burst, DC 13 Fort, Save negates, Fail rat is Dazzled for 1 minute.

Trollbane hopes one rat will be incapacitated enough to fall out of the Swarm Formation so it won't be splattered by the others and he can scoop it up into a small bag.

OOC: If one rat does get Dazzled, he moves in (15' Move, 2 diagonal squares and just to the right of Napalm) to scoop it up.

AC 19, touch 11, MR 8, CMD 18 plus bonuses by situation, 37/37 hp Morgrym Gorechylde  d20+8=20 ; 2d4+9=12 ;
Wednesday August 1st, 2012 6:07:45 PM

from where he stands Morgrym sees the swarm shift directions. With the rats in front of him dead, Morgrym does too. he moves to the new swarm, stepping around Napalm he swings, without charging this time.
Hit AC 20 damage 12 slashing (power attacking already added)

AC 19, touch 11, MR 8, CMD 18 plus bonuses by situation, 37/37 hp Morgrym Gorechylde 
Wednesday August 1st, 2012 6:09:26 PM

to be clear, Trollbane posted while I was posting too 8), I want to be on Napalm's left.

Harden AC 15/11/12 -- CMD 19 -- HP 34/37 (Zach R)  d20+10=13 ; 2d4+6=11 ;
Wednesday August 1st, 2012 9:11:23 PM

Harden charges at swarm #1 but can't get a solid swing.

Attack: 13
Damage: 11

Seredal Hosah (Josh) 
Wednesday August 1st, 2012 11:51:56 PM

Seredal continues backing away, and speaking. "Remember - This is our world! The rats only gained it when we abdicated it. And now we're TAKING IT BACK!"

(OoC: Back up 10 feet, continue bardsong)

(Mark) Chef Ironhand AC20/14/16-- CMD 19 -- HP 27/27  d20+9=10 ;
Thursday August 2nd, 2012 12:03:16 AM

Chef steps forward and swings at the bloodied swarm but misses completely.

Nat 1 on the attack roll

Round 3 Player Results [DM Jerry] 
Thursday August 2nd, 2012 11:30:42 AM

The rat swarm continues to move forward hungry and definitely angry.

Napalm throws a bomb at #1 and misses, the explosion echoing out into the swamp. Hopefully it doesn't draw too much attention.

Lori throws a dart which hits and a two tiny rats die as the dart tip goes completely through one and into another.. [perception 15 reveals that the swarm only took half of that]

Urist stands his ground, leery of Napalm's bombs.

Trollbane tries to cast a spell at a single target within the swarm and finds that they squirm around too fast to do so. [spell lost--perception of 15 to realize that a swarm cannot be hit with a single target spell]

Morgrym moves to the left of Napalm and attacks #1 doing damage [perception 15 reveals that it only took half of that]

Hardin charges due west and misses the constantly moving rats. One could grow to hate these nasty disease carrying things!

Serendal moves back 10' and keeps the Bardsong going. It is eerie, the gnashing of teeth set to music designed to inspiring courage.

Ironhand, his direct route to #1 blocked by Hardin, has to move to his south to get his attack in. Unfortunately, he missed as well.

It is obvious that the creatures are bloodied, but they are still alive, gnashing, and very angry!


[Lori, after combat, roll a d4. If you roll odd, the dart is still usable and you may retrieve it. If even, you will need to repair it if you want to be able to use it again.]

[Do not post yet. I am working on Monster Initiative.]

Round 3 Monster Initiative [DM Jerry]  d6+2=8 ; d6+2=3 ; d6+2=7 ;
Thursday August 2nd, 2012 11:49:10 AM

Swarm #1 fights with itself, undulating, as some rats want to gnaw on Hardin, while others want a bite out of the guy throwing bombs. Napalm wins their inner competition and the rats move towards Napalm encompassing Chef, Morgrym, and Napalm.

Chef feels rats crawling all over and through him. There are rats biting at places that should never be bit by a rat. He takes 8hpd.

Similarly Morgrym feels them swarm all over him, but the pain mostly comes from his face as they seem to like that particular portion of the dwarf. He takes 3hpd.

Finally, the main target of their anger, the guy making all the noise! They flow over Napalm nipping him iin the back of his legs, but mostly on the butt. Tender eating there? Napalm takes 7hpd.

Then each of our bitten party begins to feel hot and warm all over. All three bitten need to make a DC 13 Fort save vs. disease.

Then the swarm rages. Little dots of red appear in their eyes. The intensity of their chewing and the sounds of their anger ramp up to higher levels.


OOC: Chef, Morgrym, and Napalm all get AAO as the swarm moves over them.

Hardin also gets an AAO as the rats took more than a 5' step through his threatened squares.

[You may now post. See the email for the map update.]

Napalm AC 22/15/18 HP 24/24 (James D)  d20+5=19 ; d6=1 ; d20+6=11 ; d20+7=9 ;
Thursday August 2nd, 2012 2:36:25 PM

Napalm is genuinely surprised when his bomb fails to damage the swarm, but the resounding echo across the swamp is like music to his ears. When the swarm comes after him he swings at them with all his might, but the damage isn't as great as he hoped. As they continue to approach he waits to the last moment to enter into his Rage. The alchemist takes a shot of wiskey from his flask and swings out again at the swarm, but his second swing powered by rage finds nothing but air.

AoO Hit AC 20 for 5dmg
Enter Rage
Fort Save = 13
Hit AC 9 - miss
Move Action - drink from flask (drunken brute archetype, prevents expending a round of rage for the day)

AC 19, touch 11, MR 8, CMD 18 plus bonuses by situation, 37/37 hp Morgrym Gorechylde  d20+8=24 ; d4+9=11 ; d4=2 ; d20+8=27 ; d20+8=12 ; 2d4+3=11 ; d20+6=22 ;
Thursday August 2nd, 2012 4:05:13 PM

Napalm note what weapon you use, slashing and piercing do 1/2 damage.
Question, if the AoO's kill them do they get to bite us?
Morgrym watches as the swarm turns toward him. When they move every instinct in him forces his weapon to swing at them again.
AoO hits AC 24 for 13 damage ( halved to 6, swarm rules)( power attack still in effect)

The rats are not really able to bite him anywhere other than his face, and they strip away ribbons of flesh from his cheeks and brow. In pain Morgrym swings again. He hits hard, but is unable to cause a critical wound to the swarm because it shifts so much.
Hit AC 27, critical threat, fail to confirm on AC12 for 17 damage(halved to 8, swarm rules)( power attacking)
Fort save 22vs DC13

Napalm AC 22/15/18 HP 24/24 (James D) 
Thursday August 2nd, 2012 4:12:33 PM

Napalm looks at his morningstar, a good bludgeoning and peircing weapon, and wishes he had entered his rage prior to making his attack of opportunity. Perhaps if he had he would have been able to kill the swarm before they bit him. :)

(Mark) Chef Ironhand AC20/14/16-- CMD 19 -- HP 27/27  d20+8=9 ; d20+5=10 ;
Thursday August 2nd, 2012 5:21:23 PM

As the rats swarm over him and begin to Chew, a pained Chef seizes an opportunity an again attempts to cut them down with as much power as he can muster. The nibbles are too distracting however as his axe finds nothing but mud.

His wounds begin to burn as the rats lack of oral hygiene works it way into his bloodstream.

AOO: power attack; natural 1 again.
Fort save; 10, fails

Trollbane AC 18/15/11; HP23/23; CMD 12  d20+3=14 ; d20+3=4 ; 3d4=8 ;
Thursday August 2nd, 2012 7:45:59 PM

Perc+3 DC15= 14

Trollbane is very annoyed that he could not catch a rat amongts all those rats! "RATS!" he blurts, not meaning the animal rat, of course. "Holy Swarming Rodents of Unusual Beady Eyes, I've got to catch at least ONE!" he yells and looks around for a single possible survivor of the other swarm.

Perc +3 = 4, to find any possible single barely alive, not quite dead yet, rat from #2.

Trollbane is just too discombobulated to find a live rat amongst the gore of the decimated rat swarm. Wanting to help his new friends, he knows his acid would just melt them away, but that might also hurt his friends if he miscalculates his spell.

A quick mental calcuation and he quickly moves to right behind Morgrym, (a 10' move) and aims his acid at the swarm but to miss his friends.

Spell: Acidic Spray (same as Burning Hands but acid instead of fire) targeting square diagonal upper left; ie: first square immediatley to Morgrym's left. Right side cone border should be the three squares up the left side of Morgrym, Ironhand and Hardin. The spray will cover all but one small part of the '1' area and some to the left of it.

Cone shape; 15' burst; damage: searing acid for 3d4 = 8 pts; Ref DC14 save for half.

Note: if applicable, damage would be 12, as per area effect spell effects on swarms.

Lori Rinduff AC 18 , HP 29/29  d4=1 ; d20+9=11 ;
Thursday August 2nd, 2012 9:45:19 PM

Lori watches as the mass of rats moves and swarms around. She decides it would be a bad idea to to hurl another dart, due to the fact that her new friends are now buried with them.
She spots her dart, notices it looks good from where she is, and plans on picking it up in a minute or two.
She also takes the time to look out over the swamp, looking for the rest of the rats to be coming in.

dart roll a 1, it's fine
Perception roll 11 (like she can see anything right now....)

Harden AC 15/11/12 -- CMD 19 -- HP 34/37 (Zach R)  d20+8=25 ; 2d4+6=12 ;
Thursday August 2nd, 2012 9:53:21 PM

Harden steps up and attacks the mob of rats whipping his chain out wide.

Attack: 25
Damage: 12

Urist - AC 17, HP 25/25 - Spells - Carl  d20+4=5 ;
Thursday August 2nd, 2012 10:45:15 PM

Urist steps up to the edge of the hoard and does...something. He meant to attack the rats that hadn't crawled over his companions yet, but temporarily forgets which end of his axe goes into the enemy.


Natural 1 to hit...

Seredal Hosah (Josh)  d20+10=20 ;
Thursday August 2nd, 2012 11:37:22 PM

"And let...well...drat." Distracted by all the blood and by all the blood and anguish, Seredal's voice fails her, and she just hides behind the log.

(stealth check = 20)

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