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The Raven is defeated  d20+11=22 ;
Monday June 21st, 2010 3:49:38 PM

As the form continues to rise up, it is lashed by columns of fire, searing light and a flying form. The ravens squawk as they are literally incinerated by fire, light and a tumbling body...

The general manages to avoid some of the flame but still has parts of his body burned for 14 pts. The searing light however adds to his misery (27 more pts) for a total of 41...

(Will save - 22 vs. Fire (Made it) for 14 dmg)

At this, the general's luck finally runs out. The group hear a scream of pain, anguish and frustration as the undead creature is essentially dead again... Because it's a vampire, there's nothing more the group can do, unless they wish to purse it to it's coffin... Once there, they know it'll be helpless and easily destroyed... but they must first find the coffin and overcome the General's sizable defenses...

As they watch it float away, they hear a noise coming up the stairs. Sir John and Speck both see a beautiful woman, John's ward Marie, appear next to the local constable. She hugs John again and gives Speck a shy smile, blushing broadly at his spattered form. She doesn't have much on to help vs. the cold, though could Speck offer her something else to warm her up, maybe his cloak?

A few militia men follow behind, dragging a large bag of items with them. The constable and Marie explain that she had went to the militia headquarters and explained what had happened with the battle vs. the Raven. Though the militia was busy fighting fires throughout the city, he thought it was important to come see if this report was true. He points to the items and says, "I think this belonged to the Raven and we found it in an alcove near the main entrance. One of my men, klutzy as he is, knocked over a vase and discovered that it could be used to open this alcove. Since you've rid the city of the menace, by all rights these belong to you know.

(OOC - OK group, the bad guy is defeated and we're ready for Cayzle's module. In the future, you could seek the General again, or maybe he'll reappear, stronger and more prepared next time. For now though, he's going to lick his wounds and maybe plan something new and diabolical for you... Or, he may give up and seek easier prey... Who knows...

Everyone gets 2500 xp for beating the general, and 4000 more for finishing the adventure, as well as 1 hero point for each person.

If you'd like to nominate anyone for extra hero points, let me know.

I'm working on putting together the treasure list, and will post that soon... )

Sir John's level 
Monday June 21st, 2010 4:00:21 PM

Sir John gained a level (he's up to 9 now) and I'll post his hp roll on the LandB.

Also, he gets a new feat... Let's take improved critical... OK, to ensure that I know how this feat works, to get a critical normally, I need...

1. Roll a 20 on my to hit with axe.
2. Do a check, and then if I at least hit, it's a critical.

With this feat, ...
1. I roll a 19 or 20 to hit...
2. Do a check and if it hits, then it's a critical (just like before)....

Am I right?

Speck AC19/20 HP:21/21 
Monday June 21st, 2010 9:38:38 PM

Looks like you got it. Just remember each time you take the feat it applies to only one weapon. So if you choose the Axe as the weapon, the threat range is 19-20.

Really good for longswords, whith a new threat range of 17-20!

Rathan HP 37/57 
Monday June 21st, 2010 9:43:08 PM

Also really good for Scimitars and Rapiers.

18-20 become 16-20.

Rathan HP 37/57 
Monday June 21st, 2010 9:46:38 PM

I need a consensus question from the DM's here regarding my next level. I've done this before but it varies from DM to DM on their opinion.

Would you say a Druid with a couple levels of monk gains access to flurry of blows, stunning fist, wisdom to AC, evasion, and improved grapple while wild shaped?

Unarmed attacks with your fist are attacks with natural weapons, as I recall.

A bears bite or a tigers claw are natural weapons, all the same.

If a druid can power attack and cleave while wild shaped I dont see why he couldnt use those abilities as well.

I made a post about it on the LnB, but it wasnt as a serious questions really. I like the idea of the druid becoming more feral, focusing on his wildshaping abilities as a supplement to his combat instead of improved spellcasting.

Lucky Archie, Cousin of Jenesie AC34/36 HP17 of 38 
Tuesday June 22nd, 2010 1:09:34 AM

DM and OOC notes:

Would you say a Druid with a couple levels of monk gains access to wisdom to AC, evasion, and improved grapple while wild shaped? Yes, yes, yes.

How about flurry of blows and stunning fist?

Natural attacks are not the same as unarmed attacks. For one thing, no matter how high your BAB, and animal never gets multiple attacks at -5, -10, etc. Unarmed attacks do. That makes the whole flurry of blows thing problematic.

I think I would allow unarmed attacks (head butt, body slam, etc) OR natural attacks but not both in the same round. Stunning fist could be used with unarmed attacks but not natural attacks. If your natural attack is a slam, though, well, I dunno.

I have to level Lucky up. As soon as I can. I need to do some surgery ... Mounted Combat is a dumb feat for me, seeing as I have no mount.

Although it is my module, after some e-mail, Addison is going to run it. He is currently a DM with no game to run, while I am crazy busy, so there it goes. I'm sure he'll do a great job of it. I will role play ignorance of the module, of course.

In character: "Woo hoo!" Lucky cries. "We did it! Hooray!"

Rathan HP 37/57 
Tuesday June 22nd, 2010 1:37:04 AM

I know it doesnt make a lot of sense, but I just had a mental image of a Halfing riding on the back of a gorilla wielding a flameblade riding on the back of a rhinocerous.

Sir John's level 
Tuesday June 22nd, 2010 9:43:43 AM

I like that image.... Hmmm... That could make an interesting adventure...

In the bag the party finds....

1100 in gp
Potions of Blur, Magic Fang
Necklace of Fireballs, IV
Scroll of Vampiric Touch (caster level 5)
Staff of Fire
Bracers of Armor +4
+2 longsword
+3 shield

How do you all want to split it up? What we've usually done is see what it would be worth selling at the Catacombs and then split the money amongst the party. Of course if someone wants an item, they can save 10% from selling it, and take that out of their share. But I tried to take some of the 10% hit from the Cats into account when determining the treasure from the adventure, so don't worry...

Rathan HP 37/57 
Tuesday June 22nd, 2010 10:29:23 AM

I could use the potions. Other than that most of it won't have much affect on me in wild shape.

Marcas (SteveK) AC 19 HP 15 /84  d10=1 ; d10=9 ;
Tuesday June 22nd, 2010 11:07:53 AM

Never leveled Marcas when he went up to 9th in middle of adventure. Rolling hp, re-rolling the 1... sweet!

Used one Hero Point, gained one Hero Point; still at '2'.

Course, he's a 9th level character with 2 negative levels, but I bet that while he is gone he can get a cleric to Restore him... :-)

I gotta be gone from the Wold for July and August for a field exercise with the Army. Planning to be back and checking out how crazy busy I will be before committing to Marcas rejoining the Mithril Tap. It's lots of fun, but I take my committments seriously and don't like it when I can't post!

Have fun in Cayzle's module and Addison's DMing. Cayzle told me about it, and I remember it was the module of the first Tap Game I ever played in in the Wold. You guys are going to have fun!

Sir John's level 
Tuesday June 22nd, 2010 12:18:28 PM

Thanks for playing Steve and I hope your exercise goes well! See you when you get back...!

Remsus Kai HP 29/43 AC 23 (Shield, Mage Armor, Blur, spectral hand, see inv) 
Tuesday June 22nd, 2010 1:15:12 PM

Hey guys, this is Addison. I will be DMing Cayzle's module for the Mithril tap next.

So, first thing I need to know: Who will be playing in the module from here? You guys get first crack at it before I go to the Giggling Ghost and recruit.

Also, with the loot, Remsus would gladly accept the staff of fire or the Bracers of Armor +4... or both since he will be playing in the next game as well.

I guess we will be having a rotating DMing like last time? I will get it started and go for a month or so and then someone else will take over?

Sir John 
Tuesday June 22nd, 2010 1:54:35 PM

I'm in...

Rotating DM sounds good...

Sir John will just take money...

I'll have him take the loot to the Catacombs and get the value for selling. That way we can know what the breakdown of each person is...

Rathan HP 37/57 
Tuesday June 22nd, 2010 5:46:17 PM

Sounds good to me.

Marcas (SteveK) AC 19 HP 15 /84 
Tuesday June 22nd, 2010 6:04:02 PM

Marcas has to be out for the next module.

Lucky Archie, Cousin of Jenesie AC34/36 HP17 of 38 
Tuesday June 22nd, 2010 7:25:18 PM

Lucky is happy to pocket his share of the loot -- but a smaller share, please, seeing as he has already gotten some items. The stuff he has been using already on his luck quest ... +3 icy burst dagger; old wooden table leg, with ornate silver inlay; Setanos vestment of Jancassis, +1; lesser metamagic rod of extend; cont flame cast on a doorknob ... those things he gives away to good causes. Or to beggers on the street, whichever he meets first.

[Per Mendicant Rules, you can't keep the stuff you find and use on a luck quest.]

What the division of the loot will be, he has no idea.

Speck AC19/20 HP:21/21 
Tuesday June 22nd, 2010 11:01:32 PM

Speck could take the Necklace of Fireballs, or cash.

Rotating DMs worked well and I'm all for it.

Seems like the jist of wild shaping is to use that creature's natural attack. A tiger will not use flurry of blows, which is a blunt attack, he will use his Rake, which is a slashing attack. On the other hand, if you wildshape into a gorrilla, since it's natural attack is pummeling, a flurry of pummeling makes sense.

I had a bard that rode on the back of a flying harpy once. She wasn't very appreciative about it, specially since he had his arms around her and was holding her boobs to keep from falling off. (long story there)

Speck rejoices at the second defeat of the General and blushes mightily at Marie's advances. He'd offer his cloak to help keep her warm but a halfling's cloak would only cover her shoulders, but oh well, anything for another kiss. :)

Rathan HP 37/57 
Wednesday June 23rd, 2010 1:59:32 AM

I think, I would like to make a request.

This particular setting doesnt seem to have much outdoor focus, so my druid seems slightly out of place. I would like to ask permission to bring in another character for this tapestry. Since we change modules often here it seems, I would like very much to use this Tapestry to try the myriad of Woldian only options.

My witch is still by far my favorite woldian character ( Even though she's currently a bubbling corpse ) and that really inspired me to bring up the class in conversation. I think that if I took this tap to try making various other woldian options that I might be able to contribute some first hand knowledge on the black genie center to drive Cayzle and co. crazy.

Call me a playtester, heh.

Some options I've seen no play from include the Shifter, the Monsterologer, the Seer, the Lost Child of Mittri, etc etc. Some classes we know are strong, alluded to by their following.

(Spellweavers and Hands of Domi, specifically.)

This gives me a chance to try the things I'd like to try without having to play 10 years or 10,000 taps to do it. It would also give us a little more insight as to whether or not good rolls or bad rolls make a huge difference in a party ( based on the assumption I will roll good sets and bad sets. ) Since were all same lvl, except Dai who is lvl 10 through bonus xp or whatever, it's not like there's a pronounced level gap to consider anyways.

And hell, it's a tap. Not a career game. Where better to experiment in a setting with various dm styles and a fairly consistant party makeup.

So if the DM's here give me the go ahead, I'll post my Lost Child of Mittri here. If not, I'll just bump my druid a level. No biggie.

Lucky Archie, Cousin of Jenesie AC34/36 HP17 of 38 
Wednesday June 23rd, 2010 2:04:10 AM

I have no problem with changing PCs as often as desired. Well, no more often than once a module! I like the idea of your keeping the same name and personality! That would be funny! Maybe you are cursed!

Remsus Kai HP 29/43 AC 23 (Shield, Mage Armor, Blur, spectral hand, see inv) 
Wednesday June 23rd, 2010 3:34:50 AM

So, Lucky, Rathan (Or its equivilant), Speck, Sir John and Remsus will all be in the next module? SHould start on Monday at the latest.

I will make the post in the Giggling Ghost tomorrow for people to join you guys.

Rathan - really, whatever you chose is fine with me. I like the idea of playtesting whats in the woldopedia. Go with the lost child or the witch if Dr00d isn't working for ya. And Remsus is level 10, so it's cool if we start there since that is what the module calls for, what say you Cayzle? If we make the new module start at 10, we will be able to up the difficulty.

Party Makeup:
Sir John. level 9(maybe 10) Paladin
Speck: Rogue5/Bard3... or whatever you level up in
Lucky: A lucky guy with a cousin named Jenesie whom I don't know is a girl or a boy.
Rathan: witch or lost child
Remsus: a blind mystic theurge thats probably crazy

Good thing I cover two party roles huh? This is when a Mystic Theurge > pure Wizard (though level 5 wizzy spells would rock right about now.)

Lucky Archie, Cousin of Jenesie AC34/36 HP17 of 38 
Wednesday June 23rd, 2010 8:23:17 AM

Right now Lucky is a Ex-Monk 2 / Cleric 1 / Mendicant 6. We could make that Mendicant 7 for the Tap. I'm good either way.

Sir John 
Wednesday June 23rd, 2010 9:36:28 AM

Ken E - I'm OK with that and that's the best part of Taps, where you can try out different things and have fun while you're at it ;-) Sir John is still at level 9, though he's getting close to 10...

If you want, I'll bump him up to 10 if needed...

Marcas (SteveK) AC 19 HP 15 /84 
Wednesday June 23rd, 2010 10:06:28 AM

Marcas has his Tear of Ebyron: Shocking from earlier in this module, too. (that's 2,500gp worth)

He'd like to keep that and take it out of his share of loot.

Pleasant journey!

Remsus Kai HP 29/43 AC 23 (Shield, Mage Armor, Blur, spectral hand, see inv) 
Wednesday June 23rd, 2010 3:14:58 PM

Yeah, lets go ahead and make everyone Level 10 for this game. Can someone draw me up a loot table please?

Check the Giggling Ghost for an intro.

Sir John 
Wednesday June 23rd, 2010 5:20:30 PM

Here's an option to make things easier....

How about we go with each person getting 12K of gold for goodies, etc. since we're going to 10th level... We're in a tap (instead of career game) and have flexibility so we don't have to worry about splits, Catacombs, etc...

That way, I'll cancel the Catacombs transaction and just assume each person gets 12K...

Remsus Kai HP 29/43 AC 23 (Shield, Mage Armor, Blur, spectral hand, see inv) 
Wednesday June 23rd, 2010 6:35:13 PM

Good deal Sir John... but can I still have the staff of fire?? ;)

Lucky Archie, Cousin of Jenesie AC34/36 HP17 of 38 
Wednesday June 23rd, 2010 7:56:44 PM

Standard cash for a 10th level PC is 49000. Why don't we not worry about loot and just make sure we each have that much in gear?

Rathan HP 37/57 
Wednesday June 23rd, 2010 10:42:43 PM

I think Lucky's got my vote on that one.

Speck AC19/20 HP:29/29 
Wednesday June 23rd, 2010 11:35:05 PM

Speck just leveled and I'm going to bring him to Rogue 5/Bard 4 to get the 2nd level Bard spells. If we go up to lvl 10, I'll level Speck up another Rogue level.

Loot-wise, I'd say we take the difference of our current level and level 10. So for Speck that would be the gp equivalent of Level 10 PC - Level 8 PC, or 49K - 27K = 22k gp.

How does that sound?

Lucky Archie, Cousin of Jenesie AC34/36 HP17 of 38  d4+1=5 ;
Thursday June 24th, 2010 1:03:42 AM

Lucky's items and luck quest:

+6 wis amulet 36,000 - gimme

1) Gloves +1 dex - 2,000
2) Bracers +2 AC - 4,000
3) Cloak +2 saves - 4,000
4) Wand CLW - 750
5) Ring of Protection +1 - 2,000

Lucky gets to take ONE item of his choice and 2-5 others with him. He rolls a 5. He takes the above five items plus his Wis Amulet with him.

Marcas (SteveK) AC 19 HP 15 /84 
Thursday June 24th, 2010 10:22:12 AM

wow, I was talking about 9th level :-) 10 it is!

See you guys in about 2 months!


Marcas gives farewells fondly to each of his battle companions. Remsus and Rathan whom he doesn't know very well but has fought in battle he gives a warriors forearm clasp and (gentle) slap on the back. To Speck, and Sir John, and Lucky who he has lived with many a harrowing adventure, he is more intimate; providing a nose touch and breathing in the face of each hero.

"It is an honor travelling with you and learning from you", the large taur says in his quiet and gravelly voice. "I have learned that even the smallest can be brave and quick in battle (refering to Lucky), that there are other ways to defeat a foe than brute strength (referring to Speck), and that there is honor living within other races than the Minotaur (referring to Sir John). I will escort my dam back to the Tauric Isles and meet with the Body of Imod. If they feel there is more to learn from this association, I will return and seek you out."

Shouldering his pack with the white-haired kitten poking her head out, Marcas begins his long road home.

Lucky Archie, Cousin of Jenesie AC34/36 HP17 of 38 
Thursday June 24th, 2010 3:30:37 PM

How much starting gold? I thought it was 49,000. But in the GG it is 20?

Remsus Kai HP 29/43 AC 23 (Shield, Mage Armor, Blur, spectral hand, see inv) 
Thursday June 24th, 2010 3:47:20 PM

Yeah. we are starting at 49k. It says 20k in the module, but everyone already has loads of equipment that I WONT take away from you.

49k it is.

Sir John 
Thursday June 24th, 2010 4:44:02 PM

OK... So I need to count up Sir John's amount of goodies, bump them up to 49K worth, and then bump him to 10th level... Got it...

I don't see why Remsus couldn't have the staff of fire if he wants, but that's about 1/2 of your money... You're call ;-)

Speck AC19/20 HP:29/29 
Thursday June 24th, 2010 9:45:11 PM

Sounds good. I'll add up all Specks items and subtract that from 49K and go shopping with the remainder and bump Speck up to Rogue 6, Bard 4.

Rathan HP 37/57 
Friday June 25th, 2010 12:58:52 AM

Rathans done. I'll make his link to googledocs soon. Lost Children.. wow. That's a powerful class. Yes, you need to eat 2 relatively worthless feats.. but man..

I'll RP my class change when were ready to move along.

Lucky Archie, Cousin of Jenesie AC34/36 HP17 of 38 
Friday June 25th, 2010 7:09:38 AM

Hey Speck! Have you considered Shadowdancer? Might be an interesting option, and you already have two of the required 3 feats.

Sir John 
Friday June 25th, 2010 12:35:46 PM

OK... I'm always getting this messed up in my head...

If I want to make a +1 holy battle axe, my cost is...

1. +1 = 2K gp
2. add +2 (holy cost) = 8K gp
3. Added for battle axe = 310 gp

Total Cost to make this is 10,310 gp...

OR is it...
1. Since It'll be a +1 holy item, it'll have a total of +3 enhancement bonus, it'll be 18K (for +3) + 310 = 18310...

I think it's the latter (18310K), but wanted to double check.

Remsus Kai HP 29/43 AC 23 (Shield, Mage Armor, Blur, spectral hand, see inv) 
Friday June 25th, 2010 2:39:52 PM

You add up the enhancements to a total of +3 for a Holy Battleaxe +1. So 18k is the base price. Then you add the price for the masterwork axe.

Speck AC19/20 HP:29/29 
Sunday June 27th, 2010 2:51:21 PM

OOC: I'll look up shadowdancer

Speck AC19/20 HP:29/29 
Sunday June 27th, 2010 3:02:15 PM

OOC: I don't have the ranks in Hide or Move Silently yet for Shadowdancer, but I'll work my way that way.

Sunday June 27th, 2010 5:25:35 PM

Hey guys, looks like I'll be joining the game :)

Btw, I'm a rogue/shadowdancer if that makes a difference in your decision, Speck.

Kiri -- AC15 HP52/52 -- Familiar(Sniff - AC19 HP27/27), Mithral Tap 
Sunday June 27th, 2010 9:24:52 PM

[i] OOC: I'll be starting in the new Mithral campaign too.

>>> Sir John: 18310 is correct for a +1 Holy Battleaxe

Remsus Kai HP 29/43 AC 23 (Shield, Mage Armor, Blur, spectral hand, see inv) 
Sunday June 27th, 2010 10:47:10 PM

The first post should be in the afternoon tomorrow. Look in the Giggling Ghost for the introduction post.

Captain Lucky AC1d10+15 HP64 
Monday June 28th, 2010 7:37:55 AM

As always on a Luck Quest, a mendicant's spells are chosen randomly. Lucky's spell list for this coming adventure:

Level 0: Inflict MW, Virtue, Purify Food and Drink, Purify Food and Drink, Mending, Detect Poison
Level 1: CLW, Sanctuary, Endure Elements, Protection from Evil, Summon Monster I, Shield of Faith, Entropic Shield
Level 2: Gentle Repose, Find Traps, Bear's Endurance, Darkness, Cure Moderate Wounds, Shatter
Level 3: Meld into Stone, Inflict Serious Wounds, Magic Circle against Evil, Searing Light, Remove Curse, Pro Energy
Level 4: Sending, Air Walk, Dimensional Anchor, Chaos Hammer

And in related news, I believe that my PC sheet (and post header) is now up to date for level 10.

Remsus Kai HP 52/52 AC 15 (DM Addison) 
Monday June 28th, 2010 11:12:29 AM

You find yourselves in a bare room, 50 ft x 70 ft x 20 ft high. In the middle of the east wall is an archway, currently filled with a grey fog. You sense that the entire room is in motion, and that time is strange here.

The following information has been magically planted in your heads.

While Jangle is distracting his brother, Mangle, you heros will have a very narrow window in which to retrieve the artifact. Once the grey fog clears, you have only four minutes (40 posts) to regain the holy item. The item is a disk, about a foot in diameter. It has been divided into four pie-slice-shaped parts; each part is worn openly around the neck of a defender within the complex (the defenders are Goblins and Taurs). Your job is to gather the four pieces and touch them together within 4 minutes. If you do so, the power of the artifact will allow Jangle to materialize and claim the item. You know that the pieces look like jade, and they detect both as good and strong magic (abjuration). Until fully assembled, the pieces are inactive.

You know the floorplan of the entire complex (see map). Note that every square can be noted by letter and number combination, from A1 to Z35. Whenever you post your turn, be sure to post your intended final location - as well as intervening squares if you intend to move in a crooked path.

You know the names, locations, races, and classes of your fellow heros.

You know that your opponents' defenses include one arcane-locked door, two secret doors concealing a total of not more than 400 square feet, and up to four hidden traps. Hidden traps will have been created by your opponents.

You will have two rounds in which to act before the grey fog clears (Monday and Tuesday). Feel free to cast preparatory spells and post as often as you like in order to discuss strategy.

On Wednesday, the fog will clear and you can begin acting. Each day's post is one round of action. After 40 rounds, the module will end. Time is of the essence! Have fun!

(OOC: Cayzle, How can I put the map that you emailed me on here?)

Remsus's Spell List
Arcane (CL 7):
4 lvl 0: Detect Magic, Mage Hand,
6 Lvl 1: Shield,Mage Armor, Shocking Grasp,
5 Lvl 2:Blurr, Spectral Hand, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Invisibility,
4 Lvl 3: Fireballx2, Haste, Dispel Magic
2 Lvl 4: Charm Monster, Wall of Fire

Divine (CL 7)
6 lvl 0:
5 lvl 1: Bless, Prot from Evil, Shield of Faith, Command. Domain: Longstrider
4 lvl 2: Hold Person x2, Calm Emotions, Resist Energy. Domain: Locate Object
3 lvl 3: Bestow Curse, Blindness/Deafness, Dispel Magic. Domain: Fly
2 lvl 4: Restoration, Freedom of Movement. Domain: Dimension Door

(OOC: Guys, this is my first time starting a game like this and playing a toon at the same time. So, lets have fun and if mistakes are made, oh well)

Also, everyone please read http://www.woldiangames.com/Woldipedia/index.php/Combat_Rules#Special_Attacks in the woldopedia.

PLease note your defenses to special attacks are a bit different. You always take 10 on opposed rolls basically, giving you a Combat Maneuver Defense rating. Please note that on your header.

Remsus Kai HP 52/52 AC 15 (DM Addison) 
Monday June 28th, 2010 11:56:50 AM

Party Makeup so far:
1. Sir John. level 10 Paladin
2. Speck: Rogue5/Bard3... or whatever you level up in
3. Lucky: Ex-Monk 2 / Cleric 1 / Mendicant 7
4. Rathan: lost child (UPDATE YOUR SHEET)
5. Remsus: Wizard3/Cleric3/Mystic Theurge4
6. Spider: Rogue9/SHadowdancer1
7. Kiri: level 10 sorceress

Level 10 characters only. Starting GP is 49,000 ish. These parameters are flexible if your character is already used and around this level.

Sir John 
Monday June 28th, 2010 2:05:20 PM

I assume Sir John's first move will be to cast Protection from Evil upon himself as a preparatory action...

Also, is the room high enough for him to summon his steed Joshua, and ride upon him?

Finally, I still need to update Sir John's google doc file with his new items... Will try to get that done today but had a family emergency come up...

Rathan HP 161/161 - CMD 17 
Monday June 28th, 2010 6:16:46 PM

Rathan crouches in the fog, trying to get a bearing on his surroundings. He is aware of his allies in the room, and the presence of his enemies. He calmy scratches Orcus behind his large ears, bidding the Wild Sibling to remain calm.

He casts a number of spells on himself and Orcus. He casts Barkskin upon himself, sharing the spells with his feral brother. The large Wolverine rumbles a growl deep in his throat as he feels the magic spread over him.

Pulling a small wineskin from his bag, he bites the top off of the flask and holds it tight. He smells the Taurish wine and grins. Good stuff, that.

His voice rough and deep, Rathan speaks.

"Anyone have any ideas? Once we find one of the pieces, finding the others will become much more simple. I have four more philters of tauren wine I can share here. It casts a shield spell, so if you lack a shield, drinking of of these can help."

Spitting on the ground, Rathan continues.

"Jangle can only give us a limited amount of time, so methods of extra searching will be useful. Summoned monsters who can fly and report back the location of a found amulet will be of use here. I'll be of little use finding hidden doors unless there's a partiuclarly strong scent coming from behind one. Anyone else have anything? Augmented speed or haste would be a true boon here."

Having nothing else to add at the moment, Rathan looks down and adjusts his tears of ebryon. Black with white bits of shattered bone inside of them, one rested on a leather gauntlet on each hand. Mittri's boon had granted him claws jutted forth from his hands. These gifts would be put to use shortly.

[ Party Info ]

OOC: Since we know each others abilities in this scenario, here is my hat; tipped to my allies. Rathan is a Druid 5 / Lost Child 5. His magic is purely buff-like in nature, except for sleet storm, which has no DC. <low wis means bad dc's.>. He is a primary melee character with extremely high HP due to his Lost Child levels. After bears endurance and his wolverines rage, he will come close to 200 hp. A setback however, is he only has natural attacks.

In combat he uses two vicious tears, since he has the HP to spare. His animal companion uses two +d6 tears as well.

I've got scent, track and power attack of use here. Use me as a tank or scout, due to high track and move and hide bonuses. Rathan is a very good skirmisher, ambushing and holding ground till allies arrive. I only have 1 use of wildshape available per day.

( Heh. Rathans gone from a human druid to a half orc druid/lost child. Also, do we have time to cast as many of our buffs as we want, or do we only have two rounds to do so? DM: Also note that through unification ability Rathan has the Scent ability, and the track feat. Scent being the more important ability to make note of.)

Captain Lucky AC1d10+15 HP64  d20+15=32 ;
Monday June 28th, 2010 7:53:23 PM

OOC: Friends, this is a module I know well -- although our DM may change things up on me! -- and so I am glad that my class dictates my random spell choice. That said, I really want help from you all as to what I should do at any point in time -- I may often default to a buff or a cure, or to attack a clear enemy. For other actions, I will accept the advice of others ... including, this round, Rathan's suggestion of summoning a scout.

In character:

Lucky looks around. "Oh, a new crew, hey? Well, you wet-behind-the-ears types got to understand that *I* am the party leader, and what I say goes! So we'll take Ratty's excellent advice about scouts and haste. I got the scout. Anybody have a haste spell?"

OOC again: Technically, Lucky IS the party leader, but don't expect me to do more than regurgitate the group consensus and issue random orders. He is a mendicant/monk with cleric spells, and luck points to help in rolls. Important point: Any ally within 35 feet of Lucky gets a +1 luck bonus on all attacks, saves, and skill checks.

IC again: Lucky casts Summon Monster I to call a Celestial Monkey. He tells it in Celestial to go scout and report back before the spell ends.


AC for next time it is needed: 32.

Currently Active Spells: Summon Monster I (celest monkey) - 9 rounds.

Level 0: Inflict MW, Virtue, Purify Food and Drink, Purify Food and Drink, Mending, Detect Poison
Level 1: CLW, Sanctuary, Endure Elements, Protection from Evil, Summon Monster I, Shield of Faith, Entropic Shield
Level 2: Gentle Repose, Find Traps, Bear's Endurance, Darkness, Cure Moderate Wounds, Shatter
Level 3: Meld into Stone, Inflict Serious Wounds, Magic Circle against Evil, Searing Light, Remove Curse, Pro Energy
Level 4: Sending, Air Walk, Dimensional Anchor, Chaos Hammer

Luck points: 7

Kiri -- AC15 HP52/52 -- Familiar(Sniff - AC19 HP27/27), Mithral Tap 
Monday June 28th, 2010 11:05:50 PM

Kiri takes a moment to inspect each of her new colleagues, rolling her eyes as Captain Lucky declares himself the leader. She utters a few words to herself Cast Summon Monster I summoning a Celestial Owl.

Kiri asks the Owl if it would mind flying ahead to scout around and report back, but to avoid combat if possible.

Menawhile, a small rat - Sniff - pokes his head out of the top of one of the pockets in Kiri's shirt, to see what is going on.

Currently Active Spells: Summon Monster I (Celestial Owl) - 9 rounds.

Spells Available to Cast today:
Level 0 6
Level 1 6 (7-1:Summon Monster I)
Level 2 7
Level 3 7
Level 4 5
Level 5 3

Tuesday June 29th, 2010 2:22:15 AM

Looking about the area, Spider purposefully steps out of the shadows he was hiding in and introduces himself to the rest present, "Pleased to meet you all." On command as he raises his right fist, Spider begins to Blink and awaits the other's actions.

Sir John 
Tuesday June 29th, 2010 9:34:34 AM

(OOC = Character Sheet is updated...)

Remsus Kai HP 52/52 AC 15 (DM Addison) 
Tuesday June 29th, 2010 2:09:38 PM

(OOC: I am very new at making maps, so stick with me here. Once combat rounds start, I will post it.=)

You walk around the room that is filled with Grey Fog. You find an extremely large wooden door on the east side of the room. You are enclosed and this seems to be the only way out. The celestial monkey points at the door and gives a squeek. The owl hoots in anger that the door obstructs his path.

You all have one more turn to cast preparatory spells.

Rathan - Go ahead and roll a Survival check to see if you pick up any funky scents

Round: 0 of 40.

Spider  d20+19=37 ;
Tuesday June 29th, 2010 3:04:28 PM

"Everyone should search for a secret door, I'll check out the obvious door for traps and whatnot."

Spider moves forward to the door and carefully searches for traps (+15), disables any if he finds them (+15) then tries to unlock it if it's locked (Open Locks: 37).

Rathan HP 161/161 - CMD 17  d20+17=30 ; d20+17=27 ;
Tuesday June 29th, 2010 5:50:18 PM

Rathan carefully sniffs the air, as does Orcus. The two exchange a wordless glance.

[ Survival: DC30 - (Rathan) - Survival: DC 27 - (Orcus)]

(A Lost Child's Wild Sibling can use any skill the Child possesses, with either the Child or the Siblings skill rank bonus. )

Rathan then closes his eyes and chants, droning the magic words in the harsh druidic language. He casts Bears Endurance on himself, and by virtue upon Orcus.

[ Orcus and Rathans Constitution Modifiers each increase by +2. Since they share HP, Rathan/Orcus's adjusted HP is 201, as noted above. When Orcus enters Rage, which I'm sure he will, they recieve another +4 constitution as a morale bonus, which will stack with Enhancement from Bears Endurance. That's 240 HP between them. They lose 40 of that if they get more than 5 feet apart. ]

Captain Lucky AC1d10+15 HP64  d20+19=35 ;
Tuesday June 29th, 2010 8:15:13 PM

"Well, what happens next?" demands Cap'n Lucky. "Secret Doors? Excellent idea, my new eight-legged friend!"

Lucky searches for secret doors. Search 35.

Speck AC19/20 HP:29/29 
Tuesday June 29th, 2010 10:41:52 PM

ooc: still updatig cs sheet.

Q: we keep the items we already have then add the items purchased with the 49K, right? but what if i want to trade in somethig, do I use the 1/2 price standard of the PHB?

ic:Speck introduces himself to those he hasn't seen before. The hafling has a certain flair about himself that Lucky lacks. Years of working in a circus and learning the way of the carny has given him a Professional bearing and speech.

Speck AC19/20 HP:29/29 
Tuesday June 29th, 2010 10:46:14 PM

WIth a lilt to his voice, Speck announces, in grand fashion, much like a Circus Ring Master, the groups latest great adventure and defeat of the General.

OOC: Sorry, no time to put the words in poetry... :(

Use Inspire Comptence to bolster all skill checks by +2

Speck AC19/20 HP:41/41 
Tuesday June 29th, 2010 10:57:32 PM

OOC: just rolled new HPs in the L&B. AC will change as soon as I finish my shopping.

Kiri -- AC17+4 HP62/62 -- Familiar(Sniff - AC19+4 HP27/27), Mithral Tap 
Tuesday June 29th, 2010 11:32:43 PM

OOC: Character sheet updated.

While the others potter about searching for secret doors and traps, Kiri takes a moment to further prepare herself for the day's events. Cast Mage Armor on herself, extending to her familiar

Currently Active Spells: Summon Monster I (Celestial Owl) - 8 rounds, Mage Armor

Spells Available to Cast today:
Level 0 6
Level 1 5 (7-2:Summon Monster I, Mage Armor)
Level 2 7
Level 3 7
Level 4 5
Level 5 3

Remsus Kai HP 52/52 AC 15 (DM Addison) 
Wednesday June 30th, 2010 3:00:30 PM

Everyone take notice: You CANNOT take 20 or 10 on any rolls in this map, since everything is on a time limit.

Spider - Searches the obvious large wooden door for traps. He finds none. But there is a yellow sticky note that is stuck over the keyhole to the door. There are no gears, switches, hidden holes, or any other kind of mechanical traps visible around the note, but you will have to remove it in order to get to the keyhole. The doornob does not turn. The note has words written in an odd green ink. You can read them if you wish.

Rathan and Orcus - You both definitely smell something foul wafting from under the crack in the door. You don't know exactly how far away the smell is, but its at least 50feet from the door. Give me a knowledge Nature or Dungeoneering check to determine what the smell could be.

Captain Lucky - Searches for any hidden doors in the room. He finds none, but there is exactly one window that is barred with heavy black iron, kind of like a jail cell, at face-height on the wall. You look out the window and you see spirits floating around in a great abyss. You feel disturbed at the idea that this area may be floating in a different plane of existance. Knowledge The Planes to guess the effects of leaving the room.

Speck - Casts Inspire Competence, giving everyone a +2 to skill checks. (OOC: And you can sell items to the catacombs at 90%, just like normal. Make sure your loot adds up to 49k, and no more)

Kiri - Casts Mage armor on herself (I wont threaten your familiar unless he leaves your body for some reason, so dont sweat it)

Sir John - Casts Protection From evil on himself.

Remsus - Casts two spells in his waiting: mage Armor and see invisible. He floats around playing with the grey fog as it slowly lifts.

Round 0 of 40. (Next round will be round 1)

Remsus's Spell List
Arcane (CL 7):
4 lvl 0: Detect Magic, Mage Hand,
6 Lvl 1: Shield,Mage Armor, Shocking Grasp,
5 Lvl 2:Blurr, Spectral Hand, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Invisibility,
4 Lvl 3: Fireballx2, Haste, Dispel Magic
2 Lvl 4: Charm Monster, Wall of Fire

Divine (CL 7)
6 lvl 0:
5 lvl 1: Bless, Prot from Evil, Shield of Faith, Command. Domain: Longstrider
4 lvl 2: Hold Person x2, Calm Emotions, Resist Energy. Domain: Locate Object
3 lvl 3: Bestow Curse, Blindness/Deafness, Dispel Magic. Domain: Fly
2 lvl 4: Restoration, Freedom of Movement. Domain: Dimension Door

Wednesday June 30th, 2010 3:59:32 PM

Spider removes the notes and fully expects them to explode when he reads them.

Kiri -- AC17+6 HP62/62 -- Familiar(Sniff - AC19+6 HP27/27), Mithral Tap 
Wednesday June 30th, 2010 9:03:20 PM

There does not appear to be any way out of this room, with the exception of the door. Kiri stands back to let the other continue their investigations.

The young lady continues her preparation work Cast Protection from Evil - duration 100rnds

The celestial owl appears somewhat frustrated at being summoned here with nothing to do, but doesn't complain aloud.

Currently Active Spells: Summon Monster I (Celestial Owl) - 6 rounds, Mage Armor, Protection from Evil

Spells Available to Cast today:
Level 0 6
Level 1 4 (7-3:Summon Monster I, Mage Armor, Protection from Evil)
Level 2 7
Level 3 7
Level 4 5
Level 5 3

Speck AC19/20 HP:41/41 
Wednesday June 30th, 2010 11:09:11 PM

Speck stays back, away from the door, highly expecting the piece of paper to explode.

"Good way to open the door. Read the Explosive Runes and blast it open, he?"

OOC: having trouble finding time to update Speck's CS. Watched too much soccer this weekend.
Working on my shopping list.

Rathan HP 161/161 - CMD 17  d20+6=23 ;
Wednesday June 30th, 2010 11:53:13 PM

Rathan sniffs the air again and tries to think of any creatures occuring in the wilds with this same smell. < DC 25 met. Forgot Inspire Competence. >

Waiting for the doors to open, he casts a final preparatory spell upon himself, sharing it with Orcus.

[ Longstrider - +10 enhancement to movement. ]

Captain Lucky AC1d10+15 HP64  d20+6=18 ; d20+6=23 ; d20-4=-3 ; d8=1 ; d8=2 ;
Thursday July 1st, 2010 7:38:19 AM

Knowledge (The Planes): 18 (evidently rolled twice by accident, please ignore the 23).

Lucky communicates anything he might have figured out about the window.

At the door, he pauses to see what happens to Spider. Either way, he says, "Dude, what are you doing? That's what we got Celestial Monkeys for!"

"HEY!" says the monkey.

"Um, sorry. By the way," Lucky tells the monkey, "please open that door and go take a look. Come back before the spell expires.

Monkey Str check to open the door if it is not easily opened: He rolls a -3 and breaks an arm trying to pull the door open.

"Ugh! Never send a monkey to do a hero's work," says Lucky. He looks for the minotuaur. "Marks-On-Thighs! Open this door, if you please, you big lout!"

If Spider is injured, Lucky will cast a CLW, which he has prepped. Rerolling a 1 ... 7 hp healing.

If Spider is not injured, Lucky casts Shield of Faith on himself.

Sir John, AC 26, 76/76 hps, Prot from Evil, Bless Weapon 
Thursday July 1st, 2010 10:42:21 AM

For Sir John's 2nd preparatory round, he'll cast "Bless Weapon (Good)" on his axe to help vs. any evil creatures...

(OOC - I still need an answer on the height of this room and width of the doors, where I could summon my steed and ride him into battle...Or are the doors too small to fit through?)

He'll say to the others, "Let me know if I need to bash the door down... If we can't get it open otherwise, I'll knock it down..." ... If he needs to, he'll bash it down on the 1st round (only if the others can't get it open and give up trying...) (Strength is 22...)

(OOC - Will be out of town until next Monday, and am not sure I'll have Inet... I'll try to post if I can...)

Remsus Kai HP 52/52 AC 15 (DM Addison) 
Thursday July 1st, 2010 5:31:30 PM

Sir John - sorry. I must have missed that. The room you are currently in is certainly big enough for a large creature like a horse to fit. The doorway is also just barely big enough, being 10feet wide. This makes you assume that if there are any hallways beyond the door, it would also be 10feet long. This is an enclosed, indoor dungeonesque area. It is possible to ride your horse, but its a tight squeeze, your call. I can see the advantages of both.

Spider - When you remove the sticky note from the doorknob, nothing happens. You begin to read "Hello, and welcome to the Labyrinth designed by Mangle, an all-powerful diety that will smite anyone who nay-says him with his awesome powerfulness that you have yet to see and BOOM"

As you read, the green letters turn into a Snake and it lunges to bite you on your eye, Spider! Reflex DC 19 or bad stuff will happen

Rathan - You can tell a few scents from the past. You think one smells like some sort of bovine, and it makes you hungry for steak. But then you smell a kitty cat as well... like a puma or panther or something. How strange. The smells are quite a distance away though.

Kiri - casts another protective spell and chills out.

Speck - concentrates on the items he should have purchased already. (No worries, take your time mate)

Sir John - Casts some blessings for his weapon.

Remsus - casts Blur on himself.

Lucky - being as he is the "leader", his word is a bit final on this. The celestial monkey is ordered to open the door. It walks over rather reluctantly, and does so. The knob turns and the door opens, but as soon as it does, a horribly loud squeeling occurs, like an alarm or something.

Beyond the door you see a 10foot wide hallway of black stone. It goes about 60feet forward and then turns, you cannot see around the bend.

Round 1 of 40. (Next round will be round 2)

Remsus's Spell List
Arcane (CL 7):
4 lvl 0: Detect Magic, Mage Hand,
6 Lvl 1: Shield,Mage Armor, Shocking Grasp,
5 Lvl 2:Blurr, Spectral Hand, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Invisibility,
4 Lvl 3: Fireballx2, Haste, Dispel Magic
2 Lvl 4: Charm Monster, Wall of Fire

Divine (CL 7)
6 lvl 0:
5 lvl 1: Bless, Prot from Evil, Shield of Faith, Command. Domain: Longstrider
4 lvl 2: Hold Person x2, Calm Emotions, Resist Energy. Domain: Locate Object
3 lvl 3: Bestow Curse, Blindness/Deafness, Dispel Magic. Domain: Fly
2 lvl 4: Restoration, Freedom of Movement. Domain: Dimension Door

Kiri -- AC17+10 HP62/62 -- Familiar(Sniff - AC19+10 HP27/27), Mithral Tap  d20+17=37 ; d20+14=28 ; d20+6=15 ;
Thursday July 1st, 2010 11:13:42 PM

Kiri directs the owl to fly ahead down the hallway and scout ahead.
Celestial Owl: Move Silently: 37, Listen: 28, Spot 15, Low-light vision, Darkvision

"Lead the way, oh fearless leader" she states somewhat plainly, but clearly directed at Lucky. There is no way she will be the first one to venture down this hallway. Whilst waiting for the group to move - which she will then follow - she casts more defensive spells Cast Shield

Currently Active Spells: Summon Monster I (Celestial Owl) - 5 rounds, Mage Armor, Protection from Evil, Shield

Spells Available to Cast today:
Level 0 6
Level 1 3 (7-4:Summon Monster I, Mage Armor, Protection from Evil, Shield)
Level 2 7
Level 3 7
Level 4 5
Level 5 3

Speck AC19/20 HP:41/41 
Thursday July 1st, 2010 11:49:32 PM

Q: I'd like to upgrade my Short Sword +1 to a Short Sword +1 Bane.
Bane is a +1 Price adj. If buying it outright, that would be 8k base price. But I already have the +1 Magic enchantment, how does that affect the price?

Would it be 8K - 2K = 6K?

IC: Speck volunteers to outsing the alarm but no one can hear him over the alarm to say yay or nay.
"I'll follow the leader".

BTW, I've made Speck a Rogue 5/ Bard 5.
working on the finishing touches of my shopping list, just need opinion on Q: above.

DM Addison:Correct. When upgrading an item from one bonus to another, you only pay the difference. So a +1 SS -> +1 Bane (+2 price) is only 6k. And makesure you save your work on your Character sheet and publish it as a web page so we can see the changes; it still looks like your lvl 8 to me.

Rathan HP 161/161 - CMD 17 
Friday July 2nd, 2010 12:14:42 PM

Rathan frowns as the door squeals.

Stepping past lucky and the others he moves into the leading position and waits, watching the owl scout intently. He says to the others, under his breath.

"There's the scent of Taurs here. At least two of them. It's possible we arent far from the first couple of guardians."

He continues 40 feet down the hall. Are either of the previous scents coming from the walls themselves? Do they lead around the corner?

[Note: Unless otherwise stated, Rathan and Orcus maintain a 5 foot distance to keep their shared spells active. ]

Spider  d20+15=21 ;
Friday July 2nd, 2010 2:19:03 PM

"How annoying," Spider replies as the spell bursts forth and he dives aside. Once successfully dodging the thing, Spider goes to open the door.

Ref save 21

Speck AC19/20 HP:41/41 
Sunday July 4th, 2010 6:34:19 PM

OOC: done with my shopping, however I have some 3000gp left from previous loot. I'd like to use that up on this shopping trip so i'll be an extra item over my limit, but it's money already in the bank. (coins in the pocket make a lot of noise, ya know. :)

I'll be updated my CS tomorrow.

Sir John, AC 26, 76/76 hps, Prot from Evil, Bless Weapon 
Monday July 5th, 2010 2:46:03 PM

(Back from out of town and checking in...)

Sir John will call his faithful mount, Joshua, to him and immediately mount it. Then, he'll follow the rest of the group down the hall, weapons ready for whatever they might find...

As he goes by the spider thing that appeared, he'll smash it if needed...

Remsus Kai HP 52/52 AC 15 (DM Addison) 
Tuesday July 6th, 2010 1:23:27 AM

(OOC: You want to smash Spider? j/c, post will come tomorrow midday.)

(Sorry for the confusion... I meant snake that was trying to get spider... ;-) Ken M)

Remsus Kai HP 52/52 AC 15 (DM Addison) 
Tuesday July 6th, 2010 12:43:42 PM

Sir John - Summons his horse and follows behind

Spider - Dodges the snake and slaps it to the ground. The snake bursts into gray smoke and dissipates. You have the feeling this may be the first of a few traps.

Rathan - Stands in front and waits for the Owl's report.

Kiri - The owl gladly heads down the hallway 40feet and then takes a sharp right turn. It flies for a while until you can no longer hear it. Then the owl comes back and speaks in Celestial Highlight to display spoiler: { "No hostiles in sight. But the hallway curves a bit and leads to an extremely large square room with stone floors and walls, it must be at least 100feet wide and long. There is one exit from this room on the opposite side of it. Would you like me to continue scouting?" }

Speck - Shops a bit and waits

Remsus - Casts Fly on himself and he sits there hovering above your heads as he looks about with See Invisibility.

Lucky - Casts Shield of Faith on himself.

You can all see down the hallway. It is 10foot wide and at least 40feet long until it curves. And of course, you cannot see beyond the curve unless you have x-ray vision of some sort.

Round 2 of 40. (Next round will be round 3)

Remsus's Spell List
Arcane (CL 7):
4 lvl 0: Detect Magic, Mage Hand,
6 Lvl 1: Shield,Mage Armor, Shocking Grasp,
5 Lvl 2:Blurr, Spectral Hand, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Invisibility,
4 Lvl 3: Fireballx2, Haste, Dispel Magic
2 Lvl 4: Charm Monster, Wall of Fire

Divine (CL 7)
6 lvl 0:
5 lvl 1: Bless, Prot from Evil, Shield of Faith, Command. Domain: Longstrider
4 lvl 2: Hold Person x2, Calm Emotions, Resist Energy. Domain: Locate Object
3 lvl 3: Bestow Curse, Blindness/Deafness, Dispel Magic. Domain: Fly
2 lvl 4: Restoration, Freedom of Movement. Domain: Dimension Door

Captain Lucky AC1d10+15 HP64 
Tuesday July 6th, 2010 1:24:29 PM

What, what? Lucky either cast CLW or Shield of Faith! Right?

Sir John, AC 26, 76/76 hps, Prot from Evil, Bless Weapon 
Tuesday July 6th, 2010 2:18:37 PM

Sir John continues following along, waiting to hear what the owl has to say about their possible foe... He does add, "We're on a limited time here and I think we may need to get moving a bit faster... Taking excessive time for caution may not be wise..."

Rathan HP 161/161 - CMD 17 
Tuesday July 6th, 2010 6:25:30 PM

Rathan and Orcus continue down the hall, following the scent of the Taur guardians. He will follow the tunnel up to the entrance of the room, or until something bites his head off. Whichever comes first.

Captain Lucky AC1d20+17 HP64  d20+17=37 ;
Tuesday July 6th, 2010 7:03:07 PM

OOC Last Round: Lucky will have cast Shield of Faith on himself, per last post. Oh, I see the DM Post was amended! Thanks!

This round: He orders his monkey to advance down the corridor, and Lucky follows. "Like Sir John says, boys, let's get a move on!" That's 40 feet of movement for Captain Archie, a double move. He lets his monkey stay 10-20 feet ahead of him at all times.

OOC: In general, I agree about moving more swiftly. But in character, I can't take the lead. My job is to (1) agree with others and take advice, (2) heal others, (3) cast buffs, and (4) RP.

AC for next time it is needed: 37 woot!

Currently Active Spells (duration only noted for spells lasting less than 40 rounds):
- Summon Monster I (celest monkey) - 7 rounds left.
- Shield of Faith - raises AC by net +2 since it does not stack with his ring.

Level 0: Inflict MW, Virtue, Purify Food and Drink, Purify Food and Drink, Mending, Detect Poison
Level 1: CLW, Sanctuary, Endure Elements, Protection from Evil, Summon Monster I, Shield of Faith, Entropic Shield
Level 2: Gentle Repose, Find Traps, Bear's Endurance, Darkness, Cure Moderate Wounds, Shatter
Level 3: Meld into Stone, Inflict Serious Wounds, Magic Circle against Evil, Searing Light, Remove Curse, Pro Energy
Level 4: Sending, Air Walk, Dimensional Anchor, Chaos Hammer

Luck points: 7

Kiri -- AC17+10 HP62/62 -- Familiar(Sniff - AC19+10 HP27/27), Mithral Tap  d20+17=35 ; d20+14=24 ; d20+6=23 ;
Tuesday July 6th, 2010 9:19:35 PM

Kiri relays the owls report to the rest of the group, then requests that it continue scouting ahead.

Celestial Owl: Move Silently: 35, Listen: 24, Spot 23, Low-light vision, Darkvision

The young sorceress will walk with the group down the corridor, somewhat oblivious to her surroundings.
Currently Active Spells: Summon Monster I (Celestial Owl) - 4 rounds, Mage Armor, Protection from Evil, Shield

Spells Available to Cast today:
Level 0 6
Level 1 3 (7-4:Summon Monster I, Mage Armor, Protection from Evil, Shield)
Level 2 7
Level 3 7
Level 4 5
Level 5 3

Speck AC19/20 HP:41/41 
Tuesday July 6th, 2010 11:16:17 PM

Speck watches as the snake dissipates. "Hmmm.... gotta remember that trick," he mumbles.
Then he taps himself with a wand and says, "Doors and Floors, Walls and Halls, reveal your secrets to ME!"

Cast Detect Secret Doors from Wand (newly bought item), charge last 1 minute.
Speck follows along with Lucky, concentrating on the floors, walls, and ceiling, for hidden doors. He'll point one out if/when he sees one.

Speck AC21/22 HP:41/41 
Tuesday July 6th, 2010 11:17:45 PM

oops, forgot to update my new AC.
Now header and CS are updated.

Remsus Kai HP 52/52 AC 15 (Fly, See Inv, Blurr, Spectral Hand) (DM Addison)  d6=4 ; d6=3 ; d6=1 ; d6=6 ; d6=4 ; d6=2 ; d6=5 ; d6=1 ; d6=2 ; d6=1 ;
Wednesday July 7th, 2010 11:58:47 AM

And so the group walks down the hallway... monkey first. The group order is: Monkey and Owl side by side, Lucky and Speck sbs, Rathan and Orcus sbs, Spider and Kiri sbs, Remsus flying, Sir John on his horse in the back.

Everyone make Listen and spellcraft checks right now please.

Speck - has the awesome idea to cast Detect Secret Doors on himself. He does not see any doors within the hallway, but he does see several outlines of doors beyond his field of vision, like there are secret doors in a room adjacent to the hallway you are currently in.

The Owl flies forward and does not notice anything out of the ordinary until it exits the hallway again and reaches the big room. You hear the owl screech in Celestial Highlight to display spoiler: {, "Things are moving inside of barrels - ORLY!?"} Then you hear a sound like a bird hitting a windshield and an abrupt plop coming from the large stone walled room.

Then, after this happens, you hear a click and look down at the Celestial Monkey. The poor Monkey looks up at Lucky who summoned it and whispers in Celestial Highlight to display spoiler: {"I'm sorry."} and then he looks at his feet; it seems he stepped on a stone tile that was a trip for a trap mechanism.

Behind Sir John, since he is in the back, you hear a loud CRASH. It seems that the tunnel is caving in on you, starting from where you began. There is only one way to go it seems... straight to the next room. If you decide not to run, then you take 29 Bludgegon damage (Reflex DC 18 for half), and you are burried under rubble.... unless you have another solution, such as perhaps summoning a wall of stone to protect you, or stoneshape to modify the stone to not collapse... or any other creative thing you can think of.

Remsus flies with all his might out of the hallway and into the next room... so does the Celestial Monkey.

Round 3 of 40. (Next round will be round 4)

Remsus's Spell List
Arcane (CL 7):
4 lvl 0: Detect Magic, Mage Hand,
6 Lvl 1: Shield,Mage Armor, Shocking Grasp,
5 Lvl 2:Blurr, Spectral Hand, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Invisibility,
4 Lvl 3: Fireballx2, Haste, Dispel Magic
2 Lvl 4: Charm Monster, Wall of Fire

Divine (CL 7)
6 lvl 0:
5 lvl 1: Bless, Prot from Evil, Shield of Faith, Command. Domain: Longstrider
4 lvl 2: Hold Person x2, Calm Emotions, Resist Energy. Domain: Locate Object
3 lvl 3: Bestow Curse, Blindness/Deafness, Dispel Magic. Domain: Fly
2 lvl 4: Restoration, Freedom of Movement. Domain: Dimension Door

Wednesday July 7th, 2010 4:32:34 PM

Spider runs into the next room to avoid getting crushed, "This place is dangerous!"

DM Addison: Go ahead and give me a spot and listen check upon entering please. Also, if you have scent, survival. And maybe knowledge dungeoneering.

Captain Lucky AC1d20+17 HP64  d20+17=18 ;
Wednesday July 7th, 2010 9:33:07 PM

OOC: Hmmm ... the DM sets us a challenge ... unless you have another solution, such as perhaps summoning a wall of stone to protect you, or stoneshape to modify the stone to not collapse... or any other creative thing you can think of. And ha! Something new to me, as this is not in the module I wrote!

Captain Lucky looks at his monkey sadly and directs it, "Aid my friends in combat [OOC: Aid Another to hit]. Then he shouts, "FLY, YOU FOOLS!" He steps over to the nearest wall, casts Meld Into Stone, and steps in. He is gone.

AC for next time it is needed: 18 nat 1!

Currently Active Spells (duration only noted for spells lasting less than 40 rounds):
- Summon Monster I (celest monkey) - 6 rounds left.
- Shield of Faith - raises AC by net +2 since it does not stack with his ring.
- Meld into Stone.

Level 0: Inflict MW, Virtue, Purify Food and Drink, Purify Food and Drink, Mending, Detect Poison
Level 1: CLW, Sanctuary, Endure Elements, Protection from Evil, Summon Monster I, Shield of Faith, Entropic Shield
Level 2: Gentle Repose, Find Traps, Bear's Endurance, Darkness, Cure Moderate Wounds, Shatter
Level 3: Meld into Stone, Inflict Serious Wounds, Magic Circle against Evil, Searing Light, Remove Curse, Pro Energy
Level 4: Sending, Air Walk, Dimensional Anchor, Chaos Hammer

Luck points: 7

Speck AC21/22 HP:41/41 
Wednesday July 7th, 2010 10:49:46 PM

OOC: Oooooh I'm sooooo tempted to attempt the Ref save, 'cause if Speck makes it, he doesn't take any damage. Oooooh it's so tempting...

IC: Speck speed on into the large room, eyes wide, as the corridor collapses behind them.
He immediately points out the location of the secret doors to the others, then warns everyone of other possible traps.

"Y'know, the birdy went SPLAT!

OOC: ok, i chickened out, but in case i failed, even 1/2 damage could deprive me of needed hps for worse stuff later. :}

Kiri -- AC17+10 HP62/62 -- Familiar(Sniff - AC19+10 HP27/27), Mithral Tap  d20+2=6 ; d20+15=29 ;
Wednesday July 7th, 2010 11:02:28 PM

Listen: 6 + 2(from Specks Inspire Confidence), +1 (from Lucky) = 9
Spellcraft: 29 + 2 + 1 = 32

Kiri cringes at the sound, imagining the worst for the owl. But at the impending danger of the corridor collapsing, she legs it to the next room.

Question for DM: Would Kiri know if the Summon Monster I spell was still active? Not sure on this if the creature is dead...

Currently Active Spells: Summon Monster I (Celestial Owl) - 4 rounds, Mage Armor, Protection from Evil, Shield

Spells Available to Cast today:
Level 0 6
Level 1 3 (7-4:Summon Monster I, Mage Armor, Protection from Evil, Shield)
Level 2 7
Level 3 7
Level 4 5
Level 5 3

Rathan HP 161/161 - CMD 17  d20+17=35 ; d20+17=31 ;
Wednesday July 7th, 2010 11:21:06 PM

Rathan and Orcus burst into the room, their nostrils flaring wide with their labored breathing. Taking a moment to smell the air and scents around them.

(Survival 35 and 31, respectively.)

Sir John, AC 26, 76/76 hps, Prot from Evil, Bless Weapon  d20+4=17 ; d20+2=19 ;
Thursday July 8th, 2010 9:22:04 AM

As the world seems to collapse around him, Sir John kicks his spurs into Joshua to urge him to move quickly and they both charge into the room. As he enters, he moves to the side, axe ready for whatever might be waiting for them...

Spot = 17, Survival = 19

Remsus Kai HP 52/52 AC 15 (Fly, See Inv, Blurr, Spectral Hand) (DM Addison)  d20+19=20
Thursday July 8th, 2010 11:10:42 AM

(OOC: Ok guys. I am playing around with my new maptool. It may take me a little while to get things working right, but this is what I have drawn up so far. I will update this post a few times within the next few hours. And yeah Cayzle, that Dire Bat summon trap was a crummy idea imo, collapsing hallway much more to the point and allows for more creativity)

Character Tokens

Does the link work? The way I did it was I took a screenshot of my map and pasted it into paint. Then I saved the paint file on Google.docs and published as webpage.

Here is your map of where you are. Tell me if you want me to move your character elsewhere.


When you enter the room, Speck points out the secret doors (pink on the map).

Rathan immediately smells something foul and disgusting coming from the other side of the secret doors a well as on the other side of the room.

Lucky melds into the stone wall to find that there is only about 3feet of stone for him to maneuver through. He pokes his head out the other side of the wall to get a look at the outside and he immediately begins to suffocate as the air is sucked out of his lungs. It appears you are in a vaccuum! The other side of the wall he resides on is of course the collapsed hallway. But he seems safe and comfortable for the time being.

Kiri definitely feels the Summon Monster 1 spell twinge out of existence when the SPLAT is heard. It feels like being plucked on the forehead. Though you hear nothing.

Sir John gallops in on his horse and he is the last to exit the collapsing hallway.

Spider is there and waiting.

Roll any perception checks you want at this point. (Remsus rolled a Nat1 on his spot check. LOL)

Sir John, AC 26, 76/76 hps, Prot from Evil, Bless Weapon 
Thursday July 8th, 2010 2:00:45 PM

(SJ's was a 17.... Do I need to roll again?)

DM Addison: Nope. I saw it earlier but I didn't say anything b/c you failed the DC

Rathan HP 161/161 - CMD 17  d20+10=20 ; d20+10=26 ;
Thursday July 8th, 2010 6:14:58 PM

Rathan emits a low growl and the hairs on his arms stand up. He puts a hand on Orcus to stay his companion, the speaks to the others as he examines the room.

(Rathan spot = 20, Orcus Spot = 26)

"From behind this wall comes a foul stench. Something awaits us there. Be ready when the door is opened."

Captain Lucky AC1d20+17 HP64  d20+9=12 ;
Thursday July 8th, 2010 7:28:15 PM

Lucky tries to find a way out of the pile of rubble. Escape Artist 12 this round. What DC does the halfling need to crawl out?

DM Addison: Well, you casted meld into stone on yourself. The collapsed hallway is all stone, so you can pass through it like air for the duration of the spell. Actually, you can walk among the walls for a while now and try to see if there are any rooms adjacent to the one everyone is in.

Speck AC21/22 HP:41/41  d20+17=35 ;
Thursday July 8th, 2010 10:04:51 PM

OOC: Perception Checks? we gone to 4.0? Speck's mind reels as he is yanked from the 3.5 Universe to the 4.0. Ha! :)

IC: "Halt! Don't go any further into this room until we've cleared it of traps!" Speck blurst as he stops near the entrace, just enough into the room to let Sir John pass by.

Taking out his googles, he starts looking for traps in front of him and moving forward 5' at a time.

d20+17= 35! ohh that was soooo close...

DM Addison: I've never actually played 4ed. Perception is used on Star Wars Saga edition and Pathfinder, it encompasses Spot, Listen, and Search.

Kiri -- AC17+10 HP62/62 -- Familiar(Sniff - AC19+10 HP27/27), Mithral Tap 
Friday July 9th, 2010 5:10:43 AM

"I'd be wary of those barrels. The owl said there was something moving inside them before it.... you know.... left us" Kiri informs the group. She looks around the floor to see if there's any sign of the poor bird.

Realising that it left somewhat prematurely, Kiri takes another precaution and, waving her hands before her, disappears from sight Cast Invisibility

Currently Active Spells: Mage Armor, Protection from Evil, Shield, Invisibility

Spells Available to Cast today:
Level 0 6
Level 1 3 (7-4:Summon Monster I, Mage Armor, Protection from Evil, Shield)
Level 2 6 (7-1:Invisibility)
Level 3 7
Level 4 5
Level 5 3

Captain Lucky AC1d20+17 HP64  d20+13=21 ; d20+14=29 ; d20+19=21 ; d20+19=27 ;
Friday July 9th, 2010 7:20:55 AM


(1) Maps look real good. I can't download them at work (where I can only take seconds to check the Wold anyway), but at home ... very nice.

(2) Glad to see you changing up the module! Keeps me on my toes. Also nice.

(3) Lucky rolled an escape artist check ... but looking over the rules, they say you need a full minute (!) and a DC30 check(!!) to get through a tight space. If that's the case, Lucky cannot succeed even if he wanted to take 10 rounds, seeing as he would need a nat 21. Maybe the spaces are not so tight? Awaiting your ruling. Maybe I have sealed myself in! (LOL!)

(4) Rolling "perception" checks ... and since they rolled spot, search, and listen into "perception," I'll roll all three: Spot: 21, Listen: 29; Search: 21 (ignore double roll please).

DM Addison: Thanks. And when I say perception, go ahead and roll any knowledges that could apply or help out that you may have along with all the different 'hey, lookie here' skills. And when you have Meld into Stone active (10minutes per level), you can just walk through the wall at your base land speed and end up whereever you want. Just tell me what square you want to check out.

Sir John, AC 26, 76/76 hps, Prot from Evil, Bless Weapon 
Friday July 9th, 2010 10:19:51 AM

Sir John remains silent and wary as he lets the others search for traps. Joshua snorts uneasily as he somehow senses danger nearby too, though like his master, he's not sure where it lies...

Remsus Kai HP 52/52 AC 15 (Fly, See Inv, Blurr, Spectral Hand) (DM Addison)  d20+10=13 ; d20+16=33 ; d3+4=7 ; d20+8=25 ;
Friday July 9th, 2010 10:40:56 AM

Everyone please keep all the spells active on you, their effects, and the duration somewhere in your post or header.

Also, read this: http://www.woldiangames.com/Woldipedia/index.php/Combat_Rules#Special_Attacks
Please put your special attack defense rating on your header.

Rathan - you did not notice anything amiss with your spot check, but Orcus certainly did. The Badger immediately begins to growl and scratch at the floor and he points his nose in the direction of the tapestries on the wall to the southwest. If you can communicate with him, he says, Highlight to display spoiler: {"I saw one move! And it smells like goblin!"[/b]} As a result, neither you nor Orcus are surprised this round.

Lucky - finds that he can get to the room quite easily in one move action by walking through the wall, or he can travel around in the wall wherever he wants.

Kiri - goes invisible.

Speck - now something interesting happens. When Speck begins making his way about the room with some awesome searching ability, he notices something really really weird with the floor when he reaches H-14. Give me a Will save DC 18

Then, something terrible happens. You hear movement, and spells being cast very close to you. Spellcraft DC 17 Highlight to display spoiler: {: You hear Bull's Strength and Shillegah being cast}. You also hear several loud roars echo throughout the cavernous room

Remsus flies high to the top of the room and scans around with his see invisibility, he is the first to notice it.

A Goblin jumps from out behind the tapestry and slices the rope on the Ballista, firing the large bolt directly at Remsus! Hit AC 13, miss. Remsus dodges the bolt as it crashes into the wall, stuck inside.

At the same time, another Goblin jumps out of a barrel and throws a Bolo at Sir John; it soars across the room with an ominous hum, and it hits Touch AC 33. SIr John takes 7 Subdual damage and is now entangled in the Bolo. Give me a Ride check DC 18 or you are also tripped from your mount. (Just go with me on this one)

Remsus reacts by casting Blindness on the Bolo thrower, DC is 17, The Bolo thrower rolled a 25, success. He shrugs off the magic.

Round 6 o 40

Please tell me your actions

Remsus's Spell List
Arcane (CL 7):
4 lvl 0: Detect Magic, Mage Hand,
6 Lvl 1: Shield,Mage Armor, Shocking Grasp,
5 Lvl 2:Blurr, Spectral Hand, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Invisibility,
4 Lvl 3: Fireballx2, Haste, Dispel Magic
2 Lvl 4: Charm Monster, Wall of Fire

Dhttp://www.woldiangames.com/games/index.html?game=mithriltapivine (CL 7)
6 lvl 0:
5 lvl 1: Bless, Prot from Evil, Shield of Faith, Command. Domain: Longstrider
4 lvl 2: Hold Person x2, Calm Emotions, Resist Energy. Domain: Locate Object
3 lvl 3: Bestow Curse, Blindness/Deafness, Dispel Magic. Domain: Fly
2 lvl 4: Restoration, Freedom of Movement. Domain: Dimension Door

Map: Map

Sir John, AC 26, 69/76, hps, Prot from Evil, Bless Weapon  d20+10=14 ; d20+11=12 ;
Friday July 9th, 2010 11:31:47 AM

(OOC - Addison, not sure which special attack defense rating you want... There are several that we could use based on which attack...)

Sir John curses as the bolo wraps itself around him and he tries to remain mounted on Joshua while fighting the wire but his leg gets entangled and he falls from the horse and bruises his shoulder... (Ride = 14) (I assume I still have my move and standard actions, and all the bolo did was knock me off of Joshua?)

As a move action, he'll mount Joshua again and then throw a javelin at the bolo thrower...

Attack = Misses AC12... (Where are these horrible rolls coming from...?)

DM Notes
7 subdual dmg in round 6
Prot From Evil
Bless Weapon

Both spells will last 1 min/level and since his level is 10, they'll last 60 rounds, which will be longer than this module is designed to be...

DM Addison: yeah, your right, there are several different defenses. Guess we just have to calculate them when they come up.

Kiri -- AC17+10 HP62/62 -- Familiar(Sniff - AC19+10 HP27/27), Mithral Tap 
Friday July 9th, 2010 9:15:01 PM

"This explains the owl..." Kiri thinks to herself. She is out of range for the spell she wishes to cast, so elects to move forward into the fray to get a better line of sight Move to G7

Currently Active Spells: Mage Armor, Protection from Evil, Shield, Invisibility

Spells Available to Cast today:
Level 0 6
Level 1 3 (7-4:Summon Monster I, Mage Armor, Protection from Evil, Shield)
Level 2 6 (7-1:Invisibility)
Level 3 7
Level 4 5
Level 5 3

Speck AC21/22(Dodge) HP:41/41  d20+7=11 ; d20+3=13 ;
Friday July 9th, 2010 10:42:39 PM

OOC: Sir John, I presume you added the +1 for being near Lucky (he's in the room by now) and your saddle, if it is a military saddle, adds +2 to Ride checks to Stay in Saddle. I presume you know all this... :)

Oh, it would be a Will save!

OK, I don't know if this applies, but he has Trap Sense +1. If this isn't a Trap, then it doesn't apply.

Will Save DC18 d20 + 7 = 11 (+2 vs Fear = 13) fail
Spellcraft DC17 d20+3 = 13

Oh oh.

Captain Lucky AC1d20+17 HP64  d20+17=30 ;
Monday July 12th, 2010 7:55:40 AM

Lucky follows along behind. That's 20 feet of move to get him to 13C.

Once there, he casts Bear's Endurance on Sir John.



AC for next time it is needed: 30

Currently Active Spells (duration only noted for spells lasting less than 40 rounds):
- Summon Monster I (celest monkey) - 6 rounds left.
- Shield of Faith - raises AC by net +2 since it does not stack with his ring.
- Meld into Stone.

Level 0: Inflict MW, Virtue, Purify Food and Drink, Purify Food and Drink, Mending, Detect Poison
Level 1: CLW, Sanctuary, Endure Elements, Protection from Evil, Summon Monster I, Shield of Faith, Entropic Shield
Level 2: Gentle Repose, Find Traps, Bear's Endurance, Darkness, Cure Moderate Wounds, Shatter
Level 3: Meld into Stone, Inflict Serious Wounds, Magic Circle against Evil, Searing Light, Remove Curse, Pro Energy
Level 4: Sending, Air Walk, Dimensional Anchor, Chaos Hammer

Luck points: 7

Remsus Kai HP 52/52 AC 15 (Fly, See Inv, Blurr, Spectral Hand) (DM Addison) 
Monday July 12th, 2010 11:16:53 AM

Jim C? Kenny Eubanks? I want you guys to get an action in before the next round. It's going to be a tough one. ;)

Remsus's Spell List
Arcane (CL 7):
4 lvl 0: Detect Magic, Mage Hand,
6 Lvl 1: Shield,Mage Armor, Shocking Grasp,
5 Lvl 2:Blurr, Spectral Hand, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Invisibility,
4 Lvl 3: Fireballx2, Haste, Dispel Magic
2 Lvl 4: Charm Monster, Wall of Fire

Divine (CL 7)
6 lvl 0:
5 lvl 1: Bless, Prot from Evil, Shield of Faith, Command. Domain: Longstrider
4 lvl 2: Hold Person x2, Calm Emotions, Resist Energy. Domain: Locate Object
3 lvl 3: Bestow Curse, Blindness/Deafness, Dispel Magic. Domain: Fly
2 lvl 4: Restoration, Freedom of Movement. Domain: Dimension Door

Sir John, AC 26, 69/76, hps, Prot from Evil, Bless Weapon 
Monday July 12th, 2010 2:09:58 PM

(Checking in...)

Rathan HP 161/161 - CMD 17 
Monday July 12th, 2010 3:02:14 PM

Rathan and Orcus each move 65 feet south, putting them in range of the Bolo goblin next round.

DM Addison: give me a will save DC 18 quickly... or I can roll it for you, either way

Remsus Kai HP 43/52 AC 15 (Fly, See Inv, Blurr, Spectral Hand) (DM Addison)  d20+12=31 ; d20+21=37 ; d20+19=24 ; 6d6=23 ; d20+10=25 ; d100=88 ; 2d8=6 ; d8=3 ; d20+16=33 ; d3+4=5 ; d20+4=17 ;
Monday July 12th, 2010 4:23:57 PM

Well. I guess Spider just missed his turn.

Kiri moves to better position herself.

Lucky buffs up Sir John with some bear's endurance.

Sir John hops back on his horse and throws a Javalin... and misses

Speck - You don't notice anything out of the ordinary... and you don't feel any different. Did your DM just make you roll a will save to keep you on your toes? Naw, not really. But you can do actions during combat even though you have to roll saving throws. Go ahead and take another move action this turn since you missed it last turn.

Rathan and Orcus attempt to charge at the Bolo Thrower, but both Rathan's foot and Orcus's paw slips through the floor at I-16. (Will DC was 18, I rolled a 31 for ya. Congrats, you disbelieve the illusion). They step back quickly as they notice the FLOOR IS NOT REAL. After you disbelieve the illusion, you can see that beneath the invisible floor is a large fire pit!

The only way across is a creaky wooden bridge located at the center of the floor. DC 15 balance check per move action to cross it.

Then, the enemies move

First, you hear some arguing from behind the secret door on the west side.
If you understand Goblin Highlight to display spoiler: {"It's right beyond the door, I can see it with my spell!!!!"}
Then, if you understand Tauric, Highlight to display spoiler: {"I know, you stupid witch, I can smell it! Hit the lever"}

Then, the secret door North of Kiri opens up and a large Liontaur comes charging out of it staring straight at Kiri!!! It charges her and Bull Rushes her into the Fire pit!!!! Even though you are invisible, it still smelled you, and the goblin witch also has see invisibility on. Cayzle designed this part... =)

(Breakdown for bull rush by the beefy liontaur: +5str+2bull's str+2rage+2human favored enemy+4Imp bull rush feat+2charging +4 large size= + 21 total for bull rush attempt. Hit 37. Your Bull Rush defense is 10+Str+size+stability right? Either way, I'm sure that the 37 is enough to push you at least 10feet.) Kiri falls 15 feet into the pit and takes 23 fire damage. DC 15climb check to get out of the pit. If you simply climb (as opposed to flying out or melding into stone, or jumping, dimension door etc), you incur an AOO.

Then, the second Secret door opens up and ANOTHER Liontaur comes charging out, this time, at ORCUS, Bull Rush hits 24 (-2 b/c not human)! Orcus's defense is 10+7str+4large = 21. He gets pushed back 5feet into the pit down 15 feet and also takes 23 fire damage. DC 15 climb check to get out of pit. If you simply climb, you incur an AOO.

The Goblin Skirmisher reloads the Ballista and fires it again at Remsus hitting AC 25 and she makes the 20% miss chance for blurr, doing 9 damage to Remsus.

Then, the Goblin Bolo Thrower tosses another bolo at Lucky, Hitting AC 33, cleanly tripping him to his face and hitting him for 5 subdual damage.

Then, Goblin Witch 3 Casts Web on Sir John and his Horse Johnathan and Lucky. Reflex DC 15.

Spot DC 20 Highlight to display spoiler: {You notice that the Goblin Witch 3, and the Bolo Thrower both have a PIE SLICE necklace that you have been sent to steal}


Remsus - Takes out some Tiny Fruit Tarts and throws them at Goblin Bolo Thrower. Then he waves a feather in the air, he casts Tasha's Hideous Laughter on Bolo Thrower. DC is 20 (7int+2spell+1enchantment focus). The Bolo Thrower rolls a 17, fail. He erupts in crazy laughter!

Remsus's Spell List
Arcane (CL 7):
4 lvl 0: Detect Magic, Mage Hand,
6 Lvl 1: Shield,Mage Armor, Shocking Grasp,
5 Lvl 2:, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Invisibility,
4 Lvl 3: Fireballx2, Haste, Dispel Magic
2 Lvl 4: Charm Monster, Wall of Fire

Divine (CL 7)
6 lvl 0:
5 lvl 1: Bless, Prot from Evil, Shield of Faith, Command. Domain: Longstrider
4 lvl 2: Hold Person x2, Calm Emotions, Resist Energy. Domain: Locate Object
3 lvl 3: Bestow Curse, Blindness/Deafness, Dispel Magic. Domain: Fly
2 lvl 4: Restoration, Freedom of Movement. Domain: Dimension Door

GoblinBoloThrower: Laughing hysterically, cannot make any actions.
GoblinWitch1: See invisibility
GoblinWitch2: See invisibility
GoblinWitch3: See invisibility
Liontaur1: Rage, Bull's Str, Shiellegah
Liontaur2: Rage, Bull's Str, Shiellegah.

Map Map

Spider  d20+12=22 ; d8+3=11 ; 5d6=19 ; d20+23=40 ; d100=24
Monday July 12th, 2010 5:10:46 PM

Spider springs to the attack and stabs at the Liontaur2 with his bastard sword, all the while blinking, then springs away and hides in plain sight of a nearby shadow.

Attack vs Liontaur2: +10base, +2blinking; HIT AC 22 (Target gets no Dex bonus to AC because of Blinking)
30 damage (11base, +19 Sneak Attack due to Blinking)

Hide in Plain Sight: 40

Spring attack(no AoO) to F16 then spring to E17, hiding in Liontaur2's shadow.

Miss% = 24 Hit.

DM Addison: Aha, the olde blinking trick eh? nice. I like it, but don't forget to roll your 20% miss chance on all your attacks. Read that spell carefully. Also, could you be specific as to what squares your character moves into and out of so I can see how many attacks of opportunity you incured during your movement.

ETA Spider: Sorry was completely lost on the map and changed my attack to a more appropriate target--Liontaur2

Sir John, AC 26, 69/76, hps, Prot from Evil, Bless Weapon  d20+9=22 ; d20+19=24 ; 2d8+13=16 ; 2d8+9=12 ; d20+9=15 ; d6+5=6 ; d20+19=21 ; d8+6=9 ; d6=6 ; d6=3 ;
Monday July 12th, 2010 5:13:49 PM

Sir John tries to avoid the web cast around him (Reflex Save = +6 + 2 PfE + 1 Lucky = 22, Made it) and Joshua is able to nimbly avoid being snared...

Really angry now, he calls out a challenge to liontaur 2, and insults its taurhood, mother and anything else he can come up with. He draws his lance and charges it, moving to the SE since he has a direct line at it...

(OOC = Can still charge since I avoided the web? Not sure on this one... If not, I'll use my battle axe instead of lance...

1. Attack with lance, charging = (+16 +2 charge, +1 lucky) = Hit AC 24 for 16 pts (another bad roll... Yuck...)

Joshua also strikes at it with one of his hoofs = (+7 + 2 charge +1 lucky) = Miss AC 15??? Not sure what they're AC is... Dmg (if any) = 6 pts (yet another 1 on my roll...)

Stats if Charged =
AC 24 for Sir John and Joshua

If NOT charge due to web, simply move forward and attack liontaur 2...

2. Attack with Flaming, Shocking Battle Axe = Hit AC 21 for 9 dmg + 6 fire + 3 electrical = 18 total

Same result for Joshua's bite, except would miss AC 13...

Stats if not charged = AC 26 for SJ

DM Addison: Charging through a web on a horse eh? I don't think you can use the charge action over anything that would be considered "Difficult Terrain". Or if you could, then each square would take up double. But I guess your move is enough so that it doesn't matter. AND I like the cool feel of you charging through a webbing with a lance. Yeah, option 1. =) Maybe you should try letting JoshuaBULL RUSH the Lion into the fire next to Orcus? His Bull Rush defence is only 19 to him. Think Joshua can beat it? John can also forego his attack for an assist action to give Joshua a +2. You both get +2 for charging him as well.

Rathan HP 134/161 - CMD 17  d20+16=30 ; d6+7=11 ; 2d6=10 ; d6=1 ; d20+18=23 ; d8+11=17 ; d6=3 ; d20+18=35 ; d20+18=36 ; d20+13=14 ; d6+7=11 ; 2d6=10 ; d6=4 ; d6+7=8 ; 2d6=7 ; d6=3 ; d8+6=7 ;
Monday July 12th, 2010 8:41:53 PM

Rathan gasps as the Liontaur charges at his companion, then roars a challenge and swipes at the creature with one his his claws, it's Vicious enchantment tearing deep into the Liontaur with little backlash.

AoO. Improved BR only negates AoO's from the defender, in this case, Orcus.

Orcus Howls in anger and crawls out of the pit at G 18.

(Creatures who have a climb speed do not incur AoO's moving in such a way.)

Having been hurt badly, the creature flies into a rage and slashes at the liontaur with one of his claws while Rathan dedicates himself to offense, clawing and biting at the now flanked Liontaur.

(Wow, that's a lot of rolls per turn. My rolls go in this order..

1d6+7 (Natural Claw damage), + 2d6 (vicious enchant), +1d6(recoil from enchant.)

Orcus rolls 1d8+Str, +1d6 from his tears.

Here's the breakdown.)

[AoO hit AC 30 for 21 damage with 1 point of recoil from Vicious.]
[Orcus claw hit AC 23 for 20 damage.] (3 fire)
[Rathan Primary Natural Attack 1 hit AC 35 for 21 damage with 4 points of recoil from Vicious.]
[Rathan Primary Natural Attack 2 hit AC 36 for 15 damage with 3 points of recoil from Vicious.]
[Rathan Secondary Natural Attack (bite) hit AC14 for 7 points of Damage.]

Captain Lucky AC1d20+17 HP64  d20+15=18 ; d20+12=31 ; d20+17=30 ; d20+9=19
Monday July 12th, 2010 11:22:46 PM

Reflex Save to avoid the Web: Lucky's Reflex save is a +15, so he needs a nat 1 to fail. He rolls an 18, so no problem.

Not severely hindered by the Webs, Lucky stands up. He casts Sanctuary, putting four of his seven luck points into the save DC. Per the Mendicant Greater Luck ability. His save DC is 1d20+1+7+4 = 1d20+12. He rolls a 31 Will save DC on that Sanctuary. He gets back two of those Luck Points.

If he can make a five foot step with an escape artist check of 19, then he moves to 14D, if the kindly DM so allows (the question is whether you can make a five foot step through Webs if you made a save and a decent escape artist check). Otherwise he will stay put in 13C.


AC for next time it is needed: 30 again after making a DC31 Will save to attack Lucky.

Currently Active Spells (duration only noted for spells lasting less than 40 rounds):
- Shield of Faith - raises AC by net +2 since it does not stack with his ring.
- Sanctuary - Must make a DC31 Will Save to attack Lucky. Duration: 8 rounds.

Level 0: Inflict MW, Virtue, Purify Food and Drink, Purify Food and Drink, Mending, Detect Poison
Level 1: CLW, Sanctuary, Endure Elements, Protection from Evil, Summon Monster I, Shield of Faith, Entropic Shield
Level 2: Gentle Repose, Find Traps, Bear's Endurance, Darkness, Cure Moderate Wounds, Shatter
Level 3: Meld into Stone, Inflict Serious Wounds, Magic Circle against Evil, Searing Light, Remove Curse, Pro Energy
Level 4: Sending, Air Walk, Dimensional Anchor, Chaos Hammer

Luck points: 5

Monday July 12th, 2010 11:24:11 PM

DM, I updated my post cause I was totally lost on the map.

Speck AC21/22(Dodge) HP:41/41  d20+11=18 ; d4+1=5 ; 3d6=14 ;
Monday July 12th, 2010 11:37:31 PM

OOC: Speck was going to wait to see what happened on the fail before posting his action. So...

Action previous round:
Sensing something awry, Speck casts Eagle's Splendor on himself (dur 5 minutes)

Actions this round:
Battle erupts around the halfling and a friend gets pushed and vanishes into the floor, only to erupt out fo the floor a bit singed. Speck does not waste time pondering the weirdness, but attacks the liontaur.

Use Spring Attack to move to G15 flanking the liontaur, attack with Sneak Attack, then back to H14.

Speck draws his short sword and springs forward, swiping at the enemy, d20+11+2(flanked) = 20
if hit:
dmg 1d4+1 + 3d6 SnAt = 5+14=19

Kiri -- AC17+10 HP62/62 -- Familiar(Sniff - AC19+10 HP27/27), Mithral Tap 
Tuesday July 13th, 2010 1:10:15 AM

OOC: Just waiting for a response on the rules board before posting...

Kiri -- AC17+10 HP62/62 -- Familiar(Sniff - AC19+10 HP27/27), Mithral Tap 
Tuesday July 13th, 2010 1:46:57 AM

The sneak attack does as planned, and catches Kiri by surprise. The flames lap at her clothes, and she can feel her skin start to burn. Drawing on her arcane power, she casts another spell Cast Polymorph

Retaining her invisibility, her body starts to shift into that of a very young red dragon (10 hit dice, L size). She feels her wounds heal, scales begin to grow, and the raw power that such a beast possesses. Stretching her newly formed wings, she flies out of the pit and above the ballista.

Standard Action: Cast Polymorph,
Move Action: Fly up 60ft, 25ft south (60x2 + 25 = 145. Allowed 150ft. Perfect. Should put me 45ft above it)

Currently Active Spells: Mage Armor, Protection from Evil, Shield, Invisibility, Polymorph (Red Dragon)

Spells Available to Cast today:
Level 0 6
Level 1 3 (7-4:Summon Monster I, Mage Armor, Protection from Evil, Shield)
Level 2 6 (7-1:Invisibility)
Level 3 7
Level 4 4 (5-1:Polymorph)
Level 5 3

Rathan HP 134/161 - CMD 17 
Tuesday July 13th, 2010 2:58:54 AM

( Kiri, I dont know if the rule applies in tapestries, but according to Wold house rules, forms of dragons are prohibited. )

Kiri -- AC17+10 HP62/62 -- Familiar(Sniff - AC19+10 HP27/27), Mithral Tap 
Tuesday July 13th, 2010 3:12:54 AM

Thanks Rathan. I wasn't sure myself, but got the suggestion from the rules board - from Addison our DM :)

Kiri -- AC17+10 HP62/62 -- Familiar(Sniff - AC19+10 HP27/27), Mithral Tap 
Tuesday July 13th, 2010 3:12:55 AM

Thanks Rathan. I wasn't sure myself, but got the suggestion from the rules board - from Addison our DM :)

Captain Lucky AC1d20+17 HP64 
Tuesday July 13th, 2010 7:47:54 AM

OOC: Well, what the DM says, goes. Arguably, we are not in the Wold. Still, there's this:

Dragons are Special: Dragons were created by Gargul (chromatic dragons) and Alemi (metallic ones) in the first age of the Wold. No mortal may take the form of a dragon, not even the greatest shapeshifters. The Dragon Disciple prestige class is not allowed in the Wold.

Rules for Wildshaping and Polymorphing in the Wold: Note on Forms Known: A Shifter (or any other character, for that matter, from a mage casting Alter Self to a wildshaping druid) can only assume familiar forms. A form is familiar if the shifter has encountered a creature of that form, through combat, conversation lasting more than one minute, or physical inspection lasting at least a minute.

So your PC has to have met a very young red dragon. That's for you and your DM to work out.

Options to consider instead: 8-10 headed pyrohydra, An Assassin Vine has fire resistance 10.

Also, per the polymorph spell in the PHB, what makes you think you can gain fire resistance or immunity with the Polymorph spell? You gain extraordinary attacks, but not other extraordinary abilities like defenses, nor supernatural nor spell-like abilities. Sorry my friend. Maybe Addison will be very nice, but PHB Polymorph can't give you any immunity or resistance, even if you could be a dragon.

(Reposted on the Rules Board)

Remsus Kai HP 43/52 AC 15 (Fly, See Inv, Blurr, Spectral Hand) (DM Addison) 
Tuesday July 13th, 2010 9:14:49 AM

Ahh. I completely forgot about that rule in the Wold.

Tell ya what, I will let you turn into a Red Dragon if you wish, but only a Wyrmling, since the HD for Very Young starts at 11 and you only have 10levels of Sorc. How's that for a compromise?

But yeah, it seems that Cayzle is right and Polymorph doesn't grant resistances to elements huh? How strange, I thought it did as well. But if you read the spell carefully, nothing there for it... though you would gain a breath weapon and fly speed so at least you could get out of the pit. And you gain HP as if you rested for one night, so I don't think you should be at full HP.

Remsus Kai HP 14/52 AC 15 (Fly, See Inv, Blurr, Spectral Hand) (DM Addison)  d20+16=35 ; d100=84 ; d20+13=24 ; d20+13=20 ; d100=32 ; d100=59 ; 3d6+6=18 ; 3d6+3=11 ; d20+10=19 ; d20+10=12 ; 2d4+1=6 ; d20=20 ; d20+14=28 ;
Tuesday July 13th, 2010 12:43:50 PM

Spider - does an amazing maneuver, slashing and blinking to get inside the Liontaur's guard. Spider stabs the Liontaur 2 square in the stomach with his bastard sword and rips up, taking out a nice chunk of flesh and innards. The Liontaur2 howls in pain. 30 points of damage. But then Spider has a probem... Liontaur 2 dies after Rathan and Orcus's attacks and therefore has no shadow for Spider to hide in!

Sir John - charges out of the web like a bat out of hell and Lances Liontaur2 right in the chest, knocking the taur back several steps and clearly knocking the wind out of him. 16 more damage. The horse's hoof misses though.

Rathan and Orcus - Orcus crawls back up the side of the wall, singed and burned, but ready to fight. He and Rathan go into a frenzy, slashing the poor injured Laiontaur 2 to little bits. The guy doesn't stand a chance against the onslaught and perishes, the last thing he sees are lots and lots of claws flying at him. Spider now has no Liontaur 2 shadow to hide in.

Speck - Casts eagle's splendor on himself... and then his target is already dead. So go ahead and take two full actions this turn. You may need them.

Lucky - Takes a 5-foot hop to square 14D and casts Sanctuary on himself, not a single creature in the room can overcome a DC 31 will save except on a nat 20, so he is very very safe for now... except from splash damage or area attacks.

Kiri - Gets pushed into the pit of fire and gets burned pretty badly (please update your HP on your header, Casting polymorph should only heal you by your constitution modifier, not all 23 points of damage). Yet she still has the presence of mind to cast Polymorph on herself and fly out of the pit. She assumes the form of a Medium Sized (9HD) Red Dragon and flies above the Ballista and Goblin Skirmisher. Note that Kiri is still invisible as well! The Goblin Skirmisher definitely hears the flapping of wings, but does not see anything and is very confused.

Enemy's turn

The Goblin Bolo Thrower (who has a pie slice) is still Laughing maniacally. He can't help it. That is, until the GoblinWitch3 (who has a pie slice) takes a step over and slaps the Bolo Thrower upside the head extremely hard.

NOW, the Bolo Thrower is back in the right mind, he spins his weapon in the air and throws it at Remsus, hitting AC 35 and getting through his blurr, wrapping the flying Drow in the bolo and dropping him to the ground. (Kiri, your lucky your invisible b/c I would have this guy wrap your wings up if he could see you. =)

Then, Liontaur1, after seeing his friend get butchered by the heroes, sees an opportunity for revenge when he sees the Drow drop to the ground, wrapped in a Bolo. Liontaur 1 unleashes his full fury on the poor disabled Drow, hitting him twice with his Shillegah stick for 29 damage total! Remsus is bleeding profusely and struggles to move as he coughs up blood (only 14HP left)

Goblin Witch 2 Casts Web all over the group of heroes that ganged up on LionTaur2,
At the same time, the Goblin Skirmisher ties an Alchemist Fire to a bolt on the Ballista and shoots it directly at the webbing.... Only hit AC 12, so everyone dodges the ballista and the worst of the alchemist fire, but all the webbing catches on fire. Rathan, Orcus, Spider, Sir John, Joshua, and Luckyall take 6 damage from the burning webbing... that didn't work out as well as I had hoped. (I suppose since Rathan and Orcus have teh same hit points, you guys take 12)... No Reflex Save btw.

Finally, the last enemy goes, Goblin Witch 1 looks directly at Kiri and says in Goblin "I see you, you pink-skinned invisible whore!" and she casts Blindness on Kiri, Fort save DC 16 or go blind. When blinded, you can't target spells, but you can rely on other senses to do area spells... with a bit of randomness.

Your TUrn

Remsus doesn't quite know what do to, being wrapped up and beaten to a pulp, he casts Hold Person using Concentration to not provoke an AOO and taking extra concentration to cast it while entangled in the Bolo (Concentration =28). So get this guys, the Liontaur has a +0 will save and the DC is 16... he rolled a nat 20... The Liontaur is unnaffected by Remsus's Hold Person and lifts its club to beat the Drow into oblivion. "HELP" Remsus screams.

Remsus's Spell List
Arcane (CL 7):
4 lvl 0: Detect Magic, Mage Hand,
6 Lvl 1: Shield,Mage Armor, Shocking Grasp,
5 Lvl 2:, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Invisibility,
4 Lvl 3: Fireballx2, Haste, Dispel Magic
2 Lvl 4: Charm Monster, Wall of Fire

Divine (CL 7)
6 lvl 0:
5 lvl 1: Bless, Prot from Evil, Shield of Faith, Command. Domain: Longstrider
4 lvl 2: Hold Person x2, Calm Emotions, Resist Energy. Domain: Locate Object
3 lvl 3: Bestow Curse, Blindness/Deafness, Dispel Magic. Domain: Fly
2 lvl 4: Restoration, Freedom of Movement. Domain: Dimension Door

GoblinBoloThrower: Laughing hysterically, cannot make any actions.
GoblinWitch1: See invisibility
GoblinWitch2: See invisibility
GoblinWitch3: See invisibility
Liontaur1: Rage, Bull's Str, Shiellegah
Liontaur2: DEAD


Sir John, AC 26, 83/96, hps, Prot from Evil, Bless Weapon,  d20+18=30 ; d8+6=13 ; d6=3 ; d6=3 ; d20+7=8 ; d20+10=21 ; d20+10=28 ; d20+10=25 ;
Tuesday July 13th, 2010 2:10:59 PM

(Need to update Joshua and my hps since I failed to account for Bear's Endurance cast upon me earlier... So we get 20 hps added since Con is up... (Joshua benefits from share spells ability) New total is 89/96 for me, 72/72 for Joshua...)

Sir John grunts in anger as the fire affects Joshua and him... (6 pts...)

Looking at the tactical situation, he decides to move and attack Liontaur 1, hopefully finishing it off for good... (It looks like to move to G/H 9/10 would take appx 6 squares (30' )... Web takes double though and 3 of my squares are webbed, so it would take 45' rather than 30'... However, Joshua's base speed is 60', so this is easily done...)

He swings his axe with a curse and hits AC 30 for 13 + 3 fire + 3 shock = 19 pts...

Joshua tries to hit it with his hoof too, missing AC 8 though...

Yelling to his companions, he adds, "Somebody help Remsus and someone else needs to get those spellcasters off our tail!!! I'll take care of this beast and you all worry about the Goblin wizards!!!"

Joshua hps = 66/72, 26/26 AC
Ride Check to fight = +10 modifer vs. DC 10 = 21...
Ride Check to use both hands (1 shield, 1 axe) vs DC 5 = 28...
Ride Check for Joshua's AC... 25... 26 is normal so ignore...

Spider AC24/18T/24FF 63/69HP  d20+14=20 ; d100=75 ; d8+3=6 ; d6=4 ; d6=3 ; d6=4 ; d6=6 ; d6=3 ; d20+23=43 ;
Tuesday July 13th, 2010 5:48:43 PM

Spider turns, charges and springs to the attack on Goblin witch 2 (A18), his bastard sword leading the way to death, then just as quicky he steps away and hides in plain sight.

Attack vs GW2: +10base, +2blink, +2charge: Hit AC20 (no dex due to blinking)
Miss % 75 Hit
26 damage (6base, +20sneak)

Hides in Plain Sight: 43 (any shadow within 10')

-2AC for charging

Speck AC21/22(Dodge) HP:41/41 
Tuesday July 13th, 2010 8:36:22 PM

Quick Question: Wouldn't Kiri need to make a Concentration Check when casting the spell? He is in a pit of fire, and the round he casts the spell he'll take fire damage?

Rathan HP 134/161 - CMD 17 
Tuesday July 13th, 2010 9:17:14 PM

( Speck, I think the DM was being generous. )

DM Addison: Yes. I was being nice. But she made the concentration check anyways.

Kiri -- AC17+10 HP42/62 -- Familiar(Sniff - AC19+10 HP27/27), Mithral Tap  d20+16=19 ; d20+16=35 ; d20+14=21 ; d4+1=2 ;
Tuesday July 13th, 2010 9:21:24 PM

Concentration Check for the spell. DC = 10 + Half Damage (assuming it's considered continuous when you're in a fire pit). DC = 23. 19=Fail. Use Hero Point to reroll. 35=Success.

Also, since there's been quite a lot of discussion about dragons, I'll use a different form and go with Hippogriff. I've had a change of mind in terms of tactics, and really only need something that can fly and don't want to cause too much more trouble discussing dragons! :)

Fort Save vs Blindess = 21. Success

Does Goblin Witch 1 need to take a 5ft step to A7 in order to have line of sight at Kiri to cast that spell?

Kiri shrugs off the Witches attempt at blinding her, and decides to finally retaliate Cast Summon Monster V. Doh! Could have been 5 elementals, but only 2! Two small earth elementals start to appear At -A7 and B7

Rathan HP 122/161 - CMD 17  d20+11=27 ; d20+20=25 ; d8+9=15 ; d6=2 ;
Tuesday July 13th, 2010 9:40:02 PM

Hearing Sir Johns request, Rathan pulls his claws from the dead Liontaur backs up twenty feet. Communicating with Orcus, he touches his friends mind, but finds only primal urges to kill and claw.
The wolverine charge towards the remaining liontaur, leaping towards it and slashing madly with it's claws.

"Use your rage well, Orcus!", he shouts, as he rushes the fire pit and leads across.

( 25 foot gap long jump is DC 25. d20 + 7 STR, + 4 bonus for longstrider = 27. (Nat 16)

Landing heavily on the other side of the pit, Rathan snarls and slides to a stop, putting the large barrel between himself and the small sized bolo expert. (Partial cover at P 16? ^_^; )

[ Rathan: Double Move/Jump pit. ]
[ Orcus: Charge Liontaur. Hit AC 25 for 15 damage and (2) fire damage. [17 total]

Rathan HP 122/161 - CMD 17 
Tuesday July 13th, 2010 9:42:27 PM

( Poor Kiri! Does a hippogriff have either hands to manipulate components or the ability to cast a spell with a somatic component? )

Speck AC21/22(Dodge) HP:41/41  d20+12=26 ; d20+13=28 ; d4+1=3 ; 3d6=7 ; d20+11=29 ; d20+11=28 ; 2d4+2=5 ;
Tuesday July 13th, 2010 11:00:28 PM

OOC: Generous indeed! :)

Ok, Speck is a round behind, but anything he would normally choose to do could possibly affect what the enemy just did and things would get real complicated, so Speck will do something that won't affect this last round and then do something this round. Sigh... short people with short legs just can't keep up...

IC: Last round, since the Liontaur died before Speck moved:
Speck mumbles "Begone!" and taps himself with a wand and becomes invisible (Wand of Invisibility), then moves to E16

This Round:
Speck, moving silently and invisibly, moves to B18, right next to GoblinWitch2.
Move Silently d20+12= 26. Note: theres a lot of combat noise going on, yelling, cursing, and so forth too.

With nifty shortsword, he prepares to strike GoblinWitch2. Note: Readied Action: Speck plans to strike when GoblinWitch starts to cast a spell and cause an Unprepared Concentration check. If she does not cast a spell on her turn but does something else, he strikes before her action/move.

Q: would a spellcaster with the Combat Casting be able to use that bonus if attacked when casting a spell when not expecting to be attacked?

A) Would it be safe to say that IF the caster did NOT specify casting on the defensive even though not immediatly threatened, then the bonus for Combat Casting would not apply for the Concentration Check?

B) Would it be safe to say that IF the caster did NOT specify casting on the defensive, thinking himself safe from attack, would then incure an AOO by an invisible attacker adjacent to him?

If B) is the case, then Speck would get the AOO when/if GoblinWitch2 cast a spell on her turn, then an additional attack for his normal Readied Action, right?

If so, here's Speck's AOO attack:

d20+11+2= 28! vs Defender AC (no Dex bonus to AC due to Invisibility)
Dmg = 1d4+1 +3d6 = 3 + 7 = 10 Concentration Check DC20.

And here is Speck's Readied Action attack:
d20+11 = 29! Possible Crit. for Keen weapon, confirming d20+11 = 28! Crit confirmed!
Dmg = 2d4+2 = 5! whoopeeee! A 5 on critical dmg!

DM Addison: Invisibility again? Notice that all the witches have See Invisibility up.

Speck AC21/22(Dodge) HP:41/41 
Tuesday July 13th, 2010 11:03:35 PM

Addendum: if only one attack is deemed by the DM, then take the one with the most damage, the first one. :)

Kiri -- AC17+10 HP42/62 -- Familiar(Sniff - AC19+10 HP27/27), Mithral Tap 
Tuesday July 13th, 2010 11:55:28 PM

If not a hippogriff, then a harpy... as long as it's flying and can cast spells, I'll be happy :)

Rathan HP 122/161 - CMD 17 
Wednesday July 14th, 2010 1:51:56 AM

( Speck, Combat casting would go off regardless of the unexpected attack or not, because combat casting only happens when casting defensively.. and if you are casting defensively.. then your typically prepared for anything. It'd be the same if a fighter was walking down a hallway full defensive for no reason at all and got mobbed by a rogue. He'd still get the +4 defense, although he'd be flatfooted and lose dex and shield bonuses.)

Captain Lucky AC1d20+17 HP64  d20+13=28 ;
Wednesday July 14th, 2010 10:33:11 AM

Lucky moves 40 feet forward across the bridge with a double move. Balance with two luck points is a +13. No prob, and gets a luck point back. Still sanctuaried, of course.

Sir John, AC 26, 83/96, hps, Prot from Evil, Bless Weapon, 
Wednesday July 14th, 2010 2:21:16 PM

Checking in... OOC - I've got a big youth group event tonight so I may not be able to do Sir John's post 'till tomorrow AM if the DM's post is later tonight...

Remsus Kai HP 28/52 AC 15 (Fly, See Inv, Blurr, Spectral Hand) (DM Addison)  d20+11=16 ; d20+9=13 ; d20+9=16 ; d100=18 ; 5d6=16 ; d20+12=18 ; d20+10=26 ; 3d8=13 ; d6=2 ; d20+12=18 ; d20+8=25 ; 3d8+7=23 ; d20+14=28 ;
Wednesday July 14th, 2010 4:11:14 PM

Sir John - kicks Joshua up to speed and he charges Liontaur 1 and slashes it across the face with his crazy axe. His movement incurs an AOO (Liontaurs have 10foot reach here), But the Liontaur1's attack bounces off of Sir John's shield harmlessly. (Only hit AC 16). Also, if you don't post, then I will just have you attack the nearest mob so you don't lose a turn.

Spider runs up to Goblin Witch 2 and shanks her in the gut. She curses as her blood litters the floor at Spider's feet.

Kiri turns into a Harpy and flies above the Ballista, then she begins to summon 2 earth elementals. This is a full-round action and they will appear and attack next turn.

Rathan - Please be more specific as to where you send Orcus and what square you move to. Also pay attention to your allies' movements b/c Sir John already occupied the space next to Liontaur1. So I moved you guys around. Nonetheless, Orcus slices into Liontaur 1 and Rathan jumps clean across the fire pit and lands on the other side of the Barrel from the Goblin Bolo Thrower.

Speck - needs to read the conditions of the enemies better. The GoblinWitch 2 sees Speck coming from a mile away. Speck moves to B18 and readies an attack... that is never triggered.

Lucky - A move of 40feet puts you in the middle of the bridge. Luckily Sanctuary prevents anyone from targeting you.

Their Turn

Liontaur 1 - He is badly injured and outnumbered, but he sees that Remsus is very weak and can be easily taken out with one hit. So he swings his Staff twice, only one hits, but then the Liontaur realizes that he is only attacking a Blurr of the Drow Elf! (%miss was 18, huzzah). He stands there defiant against his foes, awaiting the bitter end that he sees coming.

GoblinWitch1 - she sees the elementals taking shape in front of her and fears the beating that will ensue. So she runs to Square B8 and fires of her last spell... a Lightning Bolt that hits Sir John, Joshua, Remsus, and Orcus for 16 poinsts of damage, Reflex DC 16 for half. Remsus makes his save and only takes 8 damage, leaving him VERY BADLY hurt.

GoblinWitch 2 - Badly hurt from Spider's bite and seeing Speck come at her, she is very afraid, so she takes a 5foot hop back out of range and casts Tasha's Hideous Laughter on Speck, Will DC 16 or fall prone and begin laughing, unable to act.

Goblin Skirmisher - Loads the Ballista with another large bolt with an Alchemist fire tied to it and fires it at Sir John. It connects, hitting him squarelly in his chestplate, the fire bursting all over. (Sir John takes 13 piercing and 2 fire damage, DC 15 reflex save or take 1d6 more damage next turn. Also, give me a DC 10+15damage=25 ride check or be knocked off of Joshua by the ballista bolt. I know its not exactly how it works, but I think begin hit by a huge flaming ballitsa bolt while on a horse warrants such a check)

Goblin Bolo Thrower - Is very surprised by Rathan's jumping over the pit to confront him. The Bolo thrower jumps on top of the chest and throws a Bolo at Rathan, hitting Touch AC 18, if it hits, then it trips Rathan off his feet, putting him prone. (I subtracted 4 from the Bolo thrower's attack for you having cover behind the barrel, note he is also on high ground). (Note this guys has a Pie slice)

Goblin Witch 3 - (also has a pie slice). Being the most powerful witch of the bunch, hops on a chest (giving her high ground) and uses one of her last spells, Ray of Exhaustion, shooting it at Rathan, hitting Touch AC 25. Fort Save DC is 17 or become Exhausted, if you make the DC you are only Fatigued. Please look up effects of such conditions.

Your Turn
(If Sir John doesn't post, I will have him just get back on his horse and attack Liontaur 1)

Remsus - is near death, so he casts Cure Serious Wounds on himself by loosing a 3rd level cleric spell for 23 points of damage.

Round 10 of 40

Remsus's Spell List
Arcane (CL 7):
4 lvl 0: Detect Magic, Mage Hand,
6 Lvl 1: Shield,Mage Armor, Shocking Grasp,
5 Lvl 2:, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Invisibility,
4 Lvl 3: Fireballx2, Haste, Dispel Magic
2 Lvl 4: Charm Monster, Wall of Fire

Divine (CL 7)
6 lvl 0:
5 lvl 1: Bless, Prot from Evil, Shield of Faith, Command. Domain: Longstrider
4 lvl 2: Hold Person x2, Calm Emotions, Resist Energy. Domain: Locate Object
3 lvl 3: Bestow Curse, Blindness/Deafness, Dispel Magic. Domain: Fly
2 lvl 4: Restoration, Freedom of Movement. Domain: Dimension Door

GoblinWitch1: See invisibility
GoblinWitch2: See invisibility. -26hp
GoblinWitch3: See invisibility
Liontaur1: Rage, Bull's Str, Shiellegah. -36hp
Liontaur2: DEAD

Map: https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B1_Ez4LS5AXtNTUwNTYxM2ItMjg2Mi00MmE2LWFjOGEtM2M2ZGM3OTIzY2Y4&sort=name&layout=list&num=50

Captain Lucky AC1d20+17 HP58 of 64  d20+13=14 ;
Wednesday July 14th, 2010 5:53:51 PM

Updating header to include burning Web damage, sorry.

Lucky keeps walking across the bridge. Another balance check with +2 from luck points: A NATURAL ONE!

He loses those two Luck Points, putting him at 4.

What happens? Does he fall if he misses by one? Poor Lucky!

DM Addison: Cayzle, would you pass up this opportunity to take advantage of epic failure rolls if you were me?

Rathan HP 122/161 - CMD 17  d20+4=18 ; d20+13=31 ;
Wednesday July 14th, 2010 8:20:40 PM

Prior Round Resolution.

[ Orcus: Save vs DC 18. ]
[ Rathan: Prone from Bolo. ]
[ Rathan: Fatigued. ]

( DM. If I understand Fatigued correctly, taking an attack action would render me exhausted? With the duration attached to this one... man.. I can't believe my 10th lvl PC was just neutered for the entire module by a goblin with a 3rd level spell.

Holding my turn until I get confirmation on the effects. )

DM Addison: Per the SRD "Fatigued

A fatigued character can neither run nor charge and takes a -2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity. Doing anything that would normally cause fatigue causes the fatigued character to become exhausted. After 8 hours of complete rest, fatigued characters are no longer fatigued. "

So, the real question is, what would make you become fatigued normally? Sleeping in armor? ANything else?

Speck AC21/22(Dodge) HP:41/41 
Wednesday July 14th, 2010 9:21:54 PM

OOC: (Rathan: sounds logical, if the spell caster states casting on the defensive, the CombCast +4 would automatically be added. If the spellcaster does NOT state casting on the defensive, he's vulnerable to AOO whether the attacker is invisible or not.)

Remsus: yeah, see, my original target was the other goblin witch but I change my mind the last minute and forgot this one can see invisible. Oh well, his invisibility would keep others from seeing him and he had to do something that would not have affected the previous actions anyway...

Kiri -- AC17+10 HP42/62 -- Familiar(Sniff - AC19+10 HP27/27), Mithral Tap  d20+6=17 ; d20+6=16 ; d6+5=8 ; d6+5=10 ;
Wednesday July 14th, 2010 9:35:53 PM

The earth elementals lash out at Goblin Witch 1 with small, yet sturdy limbs of solid rock.
Elemental 1: Hit AC17 for 8
Elemental 2: Hit AC16 for 10

With Goblin Witch 1 now occupied, Kiri turns her attention to the Goblin Skirmisher. A number of bats start to gather in square O5, P5, Q5, and Q6 Summon Swarm - Bats

Currently Active Spells: Mage Armor, Protection from Evil, Shield, Invisibility, Polymorph (Harpy), Summon Monster V, Summon Swarm

Spells Available to Cast today:
Level 0 6
Level 1 3 (7-4:Summon Monster I, Mage Armor, Protection from Evil, Shield)
Level 2 5 (7-2:Invisibility, Summon Swarm)
Level 3 7
Level 4 4 (5-1:Polymorph)
Level 5 2 (3-1:Summon Monster V)

Captain Lucky AC1d20+17 HP58 of 64 
Wednesday July 14th, 2010 9:38:03 PM

Taking any old action while fatigued does not make you exhausted! Only taking actions that cause fatigue make a fatigued person exhausted. For example, if you were a barbarian coming out of rage, you would be fatigued. Then getting hit by something that fatigues you, like saving vs the ray, would make you exhausted. But in fact few things cause fatigue.

Speck AC21/22(Dodge) HP:41/41  d20+7=16 ; d20+11=23 ; d4+1=2 ;
Wednesday July 14th, 2010 9:53:25 PM

OOC: With Speck's Readied Action, when goblinwitch2 takes a 5' step back (an Action), that should trigger Speck's readied action, as stated above:

If she does not cast a spell on her turn but does something else, he strikes before her action/move.

She receives:
d20+11 = 29! Possible Crit. for Keen weapon, confirming d20+11 = 28! Crit confirmed!
Dmg = 2d4+2 = 5! whoopeeee! A 5 on critical dmg!

OOC: this is Speck's second attack roll since the first was calculated with Sneak Attack, wich is irrelevant.
I doubt she's dead with the additional 5 hp damage.

Will save:
DC16, d20+7=16! HA!

Speck moves from B18 to B19,20,21 then to A21 and takes another swipe at the goblinwitch2.

d20+11= 23, dmg if hit d4+1 = 2

Rathan HP 122/161 - CMD 17  d20+18=34 ; d20+18=38 ; d20+18=33 ; d20+13=28 ; d8+11=16 ; d6=6 ; 2d8+22=30 ; d6=4 ; d8+9=12 ;
Thursday July 15th, 2010 1:22:57 AM

(Thanks Cayzle.)

Standing up from prone, Rathan moves to P20, threatening both goblins near him for the time being.

Orcus takes a full attack on the Liontaur, clawing wldly.


[Rathan: Double Move.]

(Stand from prone and move to P 20. This will provoke AoO's. I dont know if a ranged weapon can take an AoO in 3.5)

[Orcus: Full Attack]

Hit AC 34 for 16(claw) and 6(fire).
Hit AC 38 (Nat 20) - Confirm on AC 33 for 30(claw) and 4(fire).
Hit AC 28 for 12 (bite).

61 slashing / 10 fire = 71 damage total.

(Go giant war badger! So even if Rathan is totally fatigued, he is still half useful, heh.)

Spider AC24/18T/24FF 63/69HP  d20+14=21 ; d100=73 ; d8+3=11 ; d6=2 ; d6=5 ; d6=3 ; d6=5 ; d6=6 ; d20+23=36 ;
Thursday July 15th, 2010 3:09:28 AM

Spider charges and springs forward once more to the attack on the Goblin Witch(#2), sliding his blade into it, then springs back to where he was, hiding in plain sight once more near the shadows.

Attack GW2; +10base, +2blink, +2charge: Hit AC21 (no dex to AC)
Miss % 73 Hit
32 damage (11base +21sneak)

Hide in Plain Sight 36

Captain Lucky AC1d20+17 HP58 of 64  d20+17=19 ;
Thursday July 15th, 2010 5:58:12 AM

Oh, I forgot my AC roll this round, although I hope my sweet sanctuary makes it moot. AC19.

"DM Addison: Cayzle, would you pass up this opportunity to take advantage of epic failure rolls if you were me?" -- LOL! I simply trust my kindly DM to be fair in all his rulings! :-)

Sir John, AC 26, 75/96, hps, Prot from Evil, Bless Weapon,  d20+18=19 ; d20+13=20 ; d8+6=11 ; d6=1 ; d6=6 ; d20+7=20 ; d20+2=12 ; d20+2=17 ; d6+5=10 ; d4+3=6 ; d20+8=24 d20+8=25 d20+12=25
Thursday July 15th, 2010 9:25:28 AM

Sir John sees that his foe is almost vanquished, and with a look of utter disdain for such a pathetic creature, he tries to finish the job quickly and painlessly, cutting his foes neck into two...

Attack 1 = Miss (Nat'l 1)...
Attack 2 = Hit AC 20 for 11 + 1 fire + 6 shock = 18 dmg

Joshua is now free to bite and kick at the same enemy...

Bite = Hit AC20 for 10 pts
Hoof 1 = Miss AC 12
Hoof 2 =Hit AC17??? for 6

DM Addison: Please roll your and Joshua's reflex save for the lighting bolt and apply either 8 or 16 damage, depending on whether you guys make the save or not. Also, roll the Ride check and take the damage that I posted in the last combat round for you...

Ken - Sorry, I missed all that in the DM's post and only caught that the first attack missed... Here are the rolls...

1. Save vs. DC16 - Reflex vs Bolt = 24... Joshua = 25... So both made it... Takes 8 and none next turn? Joshua takes none since he has improved evasion...

2. Ride Check to stay in saddle... barrrrrely made it... 25... SJ manages to stay in saddle despite bolt that tore into him...

OK, I think I got everything... 2 ST's, ride check, damage from ballista...

Joshua hps = 66/72, 26/26 AC

Remsus Kai HP 28/52 AC 15 (Fly, See Inv, Blurr, Spectral Hand) (DM Addison)  d20+10=16 ; 3d8=22 ; d6=1 ; d6=2 ; 4d4+4=13 ; 4d4+4=16 ; d20+16=19 ;
Thursday July 15th, 2010 10:26:53 AM

Lucky - Lucky tries to cross the bridge by balancing across it, but fails miserably and falls. Luckily (heh, see what I did there?), he catches on to the wooden and rope bridge just in time and is now dangling from his pinky fingers as flames lap up his leg.

Kiri - Neither of the Earth Elemental attacks hit. Nonetheless, Kiri summons a swarm of bats to surround the Goblin Skirmisher...

Speck - Does 7 damage total to Goblin Witch 2. She still stands.

Rathan and Orcus - Orcus still needs to apply the damage from making the save on the Lightning bolt... unless it has evasion. Nonetheless, Orcus finishes off the Liontaur in a fury of slashes and bites. Pieces of the kitty flutter into the fire pit. Rathan, fatigued, stands up from being tripped and moves to threaten both the Goblin Witch and the Bolo Thrower. Ranged weapons do not threaten any squares, but the witch does. She tries to stab you with a dagger.... and misses horribly (hit AC 8)

Spider - Stabs Goblin Witch 2 right in the gizzard and she drops, cursing the whole way down. Then Spider jumps back into the relative safety of shade.

Sir John and Joshua - Please roll your Reflex save vs DC 16 for the lightning bolt and apply damage accordingly. Also, please post an alternative action whenever an ally who is attacking the same monster as you does 70HP of damage to it in one turn. Turns go by posts, whoever posts first goes first, Orcus killed the Liontaur already... so you can go again next time. Also, you were hit very hard last round with a flaming ballista bolt that could have knocked you off of Joshua... and you take 2 more fire damage this round for not trying to put out the fire on you.

Their turn

Goblin Skirmisher - Really really REALLY wants to shoot at Lucky, dangling there, but she cannot will himself to do so... literally, Sanctuary got her. But she CAN attack the wooden bridge! She shoots a firey ballista bolt at the bridge, hitting it for 23 damage. The bridge shakes violently as ropes snap and planks of wood shatter.. then, HALF THE ROPE BRIDGE COLLAPSES, leaving only one side still attached to both ends of the fire pit. Lucky hangs in the balance as the wooden planks are completely vertical and most of the rope is on fire. DC 20 climb check to get up and then DC 22 balance check to walk the rest of the way across. (Each one takes a move action)

Goblin Witch 3 - Takes a 5-foot hop back from Rathan and blasts him with Magic Missile for 13 damage.

Goblin Witch 1 - She does not like these earth elementals around her, so she takes a 5-foot hop away and shoots Magic Missile at Orcus for 16 damage.

The witches laugh as they hit both ends of the Lost Child with the same spell at the same time.

Goblin Bolo Thrower - takes a 5-foot hop back from Rathan and throws ANOTHER Bolo at him, hitting Touch AC 19. If that hits, then you are tripped again... this is what you call a one-trick goblin.

Your Turn

Remsus - Sees Lucky dangling from a flaming collapsing bridge over the fire and casts Resist Energy: Fire on Lucky! You now resist like the first 20 points of fire damage.

Round 11 of 40

Remsus's Spell List
Arcane (CL 7):
4 lvl 0: Detect Magic, Mage Hand,
6 Lvl 1: Shield,Mage Armor, Shocking Grasp,
5 Lvl 2:, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Invisibility,
4 Lvl 3: Fireballx2, Haste, Dispel Magic
2 Lvl 4: Charm Monster, Wall of Fire

Divine (CL 7)
6 lvl 0:
5 lvl 1: Bless, Prot from Evil, Shield of Faith, Command. Domain: Longstrider
4 lvl 2: Hold Person x2, Calm Emotions, Resist Energy. Domain: Locate Object
3 lvl 3: Bestow Curse, Blindness/Deafness, Dispel Magic. Domain: Fly
2 lvl 4: Restoration, Freedom of Movement. Domain: Dimension Door

GoblinWitch1: See invisibility
GoblinWitch2: DEAD
GoblinWitch3: See invisibility
Liontaur1: DEAD
Liontaur2: DEAD

Map: https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B1_Ez4LS5AXtNzIyZDAzNTYtZjQ5ZS00NGM5LWJmMjAtNmIwYWNlMWNlYzRm&sort=name&layout=list&num=50

Sir John, AC 26, 75/96, hps, Prot from Evil, Bless Weapon, 
Thursday July 15th, 2010 2:48:28 PM

(Addison - I updated my post above and will take 2 dmg for this turn from the fire...

The alternative for me last turn is to double move across the bridge (if it would hold Joshua... Not sure on that... Would depend on how the bridge look) and take on the goblin guy at the ballista... I'd probably have to dismount when I got near him... SINCE this was before the skirmisher shot the bridge... I should be able to make it across before it blew up... I'll put up the rest of my post in a few minutes... )

DM Addison: No problem, just note that it is a DC 15 balance check to cross the bridge... that is before it collapsed. Also, please make your character sheet viewable through your header so I can roll saves and stuff for you if I have to.

Spider AC24/18T/24FF 63/69HP  d20+23=39 ;
Thursday July 15th, 2010 3:37:05 PM

Spider moves as fast as he can towards H21, then hides in plain sight amongst the flickering shadows.

Double move

Hide in plain sight 39

Still Blinking

Sir John, AC 26, 73/96, hps, Prot from Evil, Bless Weapon,  d20+18=36 ; d20+13=27 ; d8+6=9 ; d8+6=14 ; d6=5 ; d6=3 ; d6=3 ; d6=2 ;
Thursday July 15th, 2010 4:40:02 PM

Standing next to? the annoying little goblin, Sir John sweeps his axe in a low blow across its knees, hoping to knock it down a few feet of height or cripple it, as well as setting and fire and electrocuting it...

Att 1 = AC 36 for 9 + 5 fire + 3 shock = 17
Att 2 = AC 27 for 14 + 3 fire + 2 shock = 19

Total = 36 pts...

Joshua hps = 66/72, 26/26 AC
Sir John hps = 73/96, 26/26 AC

Captain Lucky AC1d20+17 HP58 of 64  d20+10=25 ; d20+15=21 ; d20+17=32 ;
Thursday July 15th, 2010 6:04:46 PM

Lucky does his best to struggle up the ruins of the bridge.

DC 20 climb check ... Lucky has a +7 to his climb checks ... and he'll pump 3 of his remaining 4 luck points into the check ... so at +10 ... a 25! Sweet! Lucky climbs! and he gets back a luck point.

But then a DC 22 balance check ... Lucky has a +11 on balance checks, and he pumps 4 of his remaining 5 luck points into the roll ... so at +15 ... a 21! Ah! He misses by one and loses all 4 of those luck points, leaving him with just one point left!

What happens to poor Lucky, having missed his balance check by 1 ... yet again!?!

OOC: Thanks for the fire resist! I may need it!


AC for next time it is needed: 32 after making a DC31 Will save to attack Lucky.

Currently Active Spells (duration only noted for spells lasting less than 40 rounds):
- Shield of Faith - raises AC by net +2 since it does not stack with his ring.
- Sanctuary - Must make a DC31 Will Save to attack Lucky. Duration: 6 rounds left.
- Fire Resist 20.

Level 0: Inflict MW, Virtue, Purify Food and Drink, Purify Food and Drink, Mending, Detect Poison
Level 1: CLW, Sanctuary, Endure Elements, Protection from Evil, Summon Monster I, Shield of Faith, Entropic Shield
Level 2: Gentle Repose, Find Traps, Bear's Endurance, Darkness, Cure Moderate Wounds, Shatter
Level 3: Meld into Stone, Inflict Serious Wounds, Magic Circle against Evil, Searing Light, Remove Curse, Pro Energy
Level 4: Sending, Air Walk, Dimensional Anchor, Chaos Hammer

Luck points: 1

Speck AC21/22(Dodge) HP:41/41 
Thursday July 15th, 2010 8:35:59 PM

OOC: before I post i got a question.
Q: from the map, it does not look like the fire pit goes from wall to wall. It looks like there's a 5' gap no each side. Is this correct?

A:... DM Addison: I like the way your thinking. Yes. You can jump to the spaces in between the brazeers quite easily. I think it would take a couple of move actions to get all the way accross, but yeah, go for it. What's the DC on a 5 to 10 foot jump?

Rathan HP 81/161 - CMD 17  d20+16=36 ; d20+16=34 ; 2d6+14=22 ; 2d6=8 ; d6=4 ; d20+13=31 ;
Thursday July 15th, 2010 8:58:08 PM

Grumbling and Feeling weak, Rathan stands again from prone and adjusts himself to R20. Swinging a large fist at the goblin bolo thrower, he hopes to end the little nuisance in one blow! His tear of viciousness backlashes him with some pain, but the crunch of the goblin is worth it.

Hit AC 36 (Nat 20) and confirm on AC 34? 22 (claw) and 8(tear) with 4 (backlash).

Orcus's foe dismembered before him, the large wolverine back up and a running start and leaps the fiery chasm as well, landing heavily before continuing towards the next accessable foe.

Jump: 31 vs DC 25 success.

( End at O-15 )

Speck AC21/22(Dodge) HP:41/41 
Thursday July 15th, 2010 10:54:44 PM

Speck takes a double move and ends up at D17 (if I read correctly where the door to this room is).

Kiri -- AC17+10 HP42/62 -- Familiar(Sniff - AC19+10 HP27/27), Mithral Tap  d20+6=8 ; d20+6=18 ; d6+5=10 ; d6=5 ; d20+16=24 ;
Thursday July 15th, 2010 11:02:34 PM

Elemental 1 lumbers to C8 and swings wildly at Goblin Witch 1 (miss!)
Elemental 2 steps to B8 swings a mighty fist at Goblin Witch 1 (Hit AC18 for 10)

Concentration Check to keep the bats: 24 - success
Thousands of bats now encircle the Goblin Skirmisher. The goblin takes 5 points of damage, and starts to bleed. Bats now occupy squares: O6, P5, P6 and Q6. 5,000 bats may do something to the goblins vision?

Kiri decides to put some space between her and the swarm of bats. She flies and hovers over the large wooden table Move to P11

Notes on the Bat Swarm:
Any living creature that begins its turn with a swarm in its space must succeed on a DC 11 Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1 round. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Any living creature damaged by a bat swarm continues to bleed, losing 1 hit point per round thereafter. Multiple wounds do not result in cumulative bleeding loss. The bleeding can be stopped by a DC 10 Heal check or the application of a cure spell or some other healing magic.

Currently Active Spells: Mage Armor, Protection from Evil, Shield, Invisibility, Polymorph (Harpy), Summon Monster V, Summon Swarm

Spells Available to Cast today:
Level 0 6
Level 1 3 (7-4:Summon Monster I, Mage Armor, Protection from Evil, Shield)
Level 2 5 (7-2:Invisibility, Summon Swarm)
Level 3 7
Level 4 4 (5-1:Polymorph)
Level 5 2 (3-1:Summon Monster V)

Sir John, AC 26, 73/96, hps, Prot from Evil, Bless Weapon, 
Saturday July 17th, 2010 10:24:07 AM

Checking in...

Remsus Kai HP 28/52 AC 15 (Fly, See Inv, Blurr, Spectral Hand) (DM Addison) 
Saturday July 17th, 2010 5:03:17 PM

I'll make the post before Sunday.

Remsus Kai HP 28/52 AC 15 (Fly, See Inv, Blurr, Spectral Hand) (DM Addison)  d20+5=25 ; d20+6=15 ; d6=6 ; 4d6=9 ;
Saturday July 17th, 2010 10:27:29 PM

Round 12 of 40

Spider - moves next to the brazeer, intending to jump/climb over it and cross the pit that way... blinking and hiding in shadows the whole way. Good thinking. Just give me like a DC12 jump check and a DC 15 balance or climb check per move action to cross.

Sir John - moved across the room before the bridge fell... pending a DC 15 balance check from his horse. Then, he marches up to the closest Goblin (I suppose you wanted the Goblin Skirmisher? But shes covered in bats now, so howabout the Bolo Thrower?) Sir John plunges his axe into the Bolo Thrower's thigh as he stands on the treasure chest, exposing bone marrow and sending jolts of electricity and flame throughout the room. The Bolo Thrower yelps in surprise and pain.

Speck - moves

Lucky - he climbs up on the single rope and tries to balance himself with his feet on the sideways wood planks. Flames lap up at him and the rope of the wooden bridge is catching on fire. It won't hold on long, and unfortunately Lucky cannot balance himself enough to move this round.

Rathan - punches the Bolo Thrower in the jaw... and his jaw flies into the fire pit with a woooosh. Did you also account for the penalties for being Fatigued? -2 to str etc. Orcus jumps over the fire pit.

Kiri - both of the earth elemental's attacks miss. The bats begin to slowly eat the Goblin Skirmisher. She rolls a natural 20 on the Fort save so she is not nauseated.

Their turn

Goblin Witch 1 - Running low on magic and will to fight, she whispers in Goblin Highlight to display spoiler: {"You can't hide from me!"} She Casts Glitterdust on Kiri. Will DC is 15 to close your eyes in time and not be blinded. But you are glowing golden nomatter what.

Goblin Witch 3 - She sees her sister's plan and thinks of a good one for herself as she casts Touch of Idiocy and lunges at Sir John, hitting touch AC 15. If that hits, you take 6 penalty to your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores!

Goblin Skirmisher - Surrounded by bats and bleeding, She freaks out and begins spinning in circles, throwing Alchemist fire everywhere. This deals 9 damage to both Kiri (Reflex DC 15 for half) and her swarm. But more importantly, the door that you must go through is BURNING. As a matter of fact, this whole room just might go up in flames it seems. The fire is spreading unnaturally fast! Speak Goblin Highlight to display spoiler: {"You will burn in this room with me! You will never collect all the pie pieces!"} she squeels

Your Turn

Remsus ; "No problem Lucky, lets get the hell out of here." the Drow says as he flies through the air to Lucky and tries to help him get his footing so he can balance across the burning rope bridge. Lucky gets a +2 to his balance check. I would just grab you and fly away with you in my arms... but Remsus's strength is too low and the Fly spell says you can only hold up to your max load. How much does Lucky weigh?

Remsus's Spell List
Arcane (CL 7):
4 lvl 0: Detect Magic, Mage Hand,
6 Lvl 1: Shield,Mage Armor, Shocking Grasp,
5 Lvl 2:, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Invisibility,
4 Lvl 3: Fireballx2, Haste, Dispel Magic
2 Lvl 4: Charm Monster, Wall of Fire

Divine (CL 7)
6 lvl 0:
5 lvl 1: Bless, Prot from Evil, Shield of Faith, Command. Domain: Longstrider
4 lvl 2: Hold Person x2, Calm Emotions, Resist Energy. Domain: Locate Object
3 lvl 3: Bestow Curse, Blindness/Deafness, Dispel Magic. Domain: Fly
2 lvl 4: Restoration, Freedom of Movement. Domain: Dimension Door

GoblinBoloThrower: DEAD
GoblinWitch1: See invisibility
GoblinWitch2: DEAD
GoblinWitch3: See invisibility
GoblinSkirmisher: -6hp and in swarm of bats.
Liontaur1: DEAD
Liontaur2: DEAD

Look at the map, if it looks like it may be on Fire, then it is...


Spider AC24/18T/24FF 63/69HP  d20+23=33 ;
Sunday July 18th, 2010 12:06:58 AM

It would be slow going, but spiders were never that fast. Spider turned his body slightly and began walking on the wall on his left thanks to his slippers of spider climbing (which looked more like boots cause he's not some ballerina in slippers, although he does dance a bit :) and moved Southward towards his prey. Knowing he wouldn't reach him quickly, Spider activated the Brahmah spell of Magic Stone in his left hand after pulling out three small stones he had in his pocket as he moved through the flickering shadows.

Spider Climb to L21 (20' move)

Cast Magic Stone via Brahmah tattoo

Hide in plain sight 33

Kiri -- AC17+10 HP37/62 -- Familiar(Sniff - AC19+10 HP27/27), Mithral Tap  d20+11=22 ; d20+7=18 ; d20+16=27 ;
Sunday July 18th, 2010 2:48:55 AM

Questions to DM: Who is Keela, how high is the room, and how high are the flames? Also, on the map the elementals had moved to C8 and B8

Ref Save vs DC15: 22 = Kiri Success, 18 = Bat Success. Kiri takes half dmg. As does the swarm of bats
Concentration check to keep the bats around, assume DC15: 27 = Success

Will post more when I have answers to the questions...

DM Addison: Keela is the wizard in another game that I am playing in. Sorry, hard to keep my peepz straight. Yeah, I forgot to move the elementals, but the goblin witch was just gonna 5-foot hop to avoid AOO anyways. And the room is about 20feet high. The flames are crawling up the sides, but as long as you stay away from the walls you should be able to avoid them... but if you stay at the top of the place, the smoke will make you nauseated unless you pass a DC 15 fort save.

Captain Lucky AC1d20+17 HP58 of 64  d20+13=18 ;
Sunday July 18th, 2010 5:40:17 PM

Lucky says, "Thanks, neighbor!" He tries that Balance check again, at +2 ... at +13 using no luck points ... an 18! Alas! Missed by 4 this time.

Kiri -- AC17+10 HP37/62 -- Familiar(Sniff - AC19+10 HP27/27), Mithral Tap 
d20+13=33 d20+6=12 ; d20+6=15 ; d6=6 ; d20+14=23 ;
Sunday July 18th, 2010 9:19:26 PM

Thanks DM! I sortof expected the Glitterdust was targetted at me, but one can hope :)

The earth elementals continue pursuing the fleeing Goblin witch, each taking another 5 ft step towards her. Their arms flailing wildly, they continue to miss their target (Hit AC12 & 15 - Missed on both counts)

The bats (8 out of 13HP remaining), however, are hungry. Their teeth are sharp and the goblins blood is fresh. The goblin skirmisher takes 6 damage and continue to bleed, losing 1hp per round.

Kiri turns just in time to see one of the witches cast a spell directly at her. Whilst not blinded by the spell (Will Save: 33!!!) her glowing outline is now clearly visible.

Concentrating to keep the bats pestering the goblin skirmisher, Kiri moves away from the growing flames - but not before being slightly scolded. She stays aloft, coughing on the smoke, but ok. Fly to R16. Fort check for nausea from smoke: 23 - success

Currently Active Spells: Mage Armor, Protection from Evil, Shield, Invisibility, Polymorph (Harpy), Summon Monster V, Summon Swarm

Spells Available to Cast today:
Level 0 6
Level 1 3 (7-4:Summon Monster I, Mage Armor, Protection from Evil, Shield)
Level 2 5 (7-2:Invisibility, Summon Swarm)
Level 3 7
Level 4 4 (5-1:Polymorph)
Level 5 2 (3-1:Summon Monster V)

Speck AC21/22(Dodge) HP:41/41  d20+15=32 ; d20+15=32 ; 2d4+2=6 ; 3d6=7 ;
Sunday July 18th, 2010 11:32:49 PM

Speck looks around and decides to be dashing. He Charges goblinwitch1, who seems to be evading two elementals.

Charge to D10

d20+11+2(charge)+2(flanked) = 32! Possible Crit (keen weapon)
d20+11+2+2=32! crit confirmed!

dmg 1d4+1 x2 + 3d6 (sneak attack) = 6 + 7 = 13 hps dmg

Note: AC this round is 19/20(dodge) due to Charge

Sir John, AC 26, 73/96, hps, Prot from Evil, Bless Weapon,  d20+1=8 ; d20+1=2 ;
Monday July 19th, 2010 10:51:53 AM

Balance Check for Joshua to skitter and tip toe (if a horse can do that...) across the bridge...

HOWEVER... Joshua doesn't make it (ignore 2nd roll, PC slow and I hit 2x by accident) and both rider and mount trip into the pit... (Last round... - let me know the dmg we take...)

This round, Sir John will stand (move action), brush himself off and take another move to begin climbing out of the pit...

Remsus Kai HP 28/52 AC 15 (Fly, See Inv, Blurr, Spectral Hand) (DM Addison)  5d6=23 ; 2d6=9 ; d20+5=6 ; d20+10=14 ; d20+9=15 ; d20+9=29 ;
Monday July 19th, 2010 5:11:50 PM

Round 13 of 40... the clock is ticking.

Spider - Runs along the wall much like a spider would... and he casts Magic Stone.

Lucky - Cannot bring himself to cross the bridge as it sways and creaks under his weight and the fire. Then, suddenly, the BRIDGE COLLAPSES! Lucky goes tumbling to the bottom of the pit, but only taking 3 fire damage, since Remsus's Resist Fire protected 20 points of fire damage. DC 15 climb check to get out of the pit.

Kiri - Is glinting golden, and she flies to the wall of the room... which I mentioned to avoid. The fire spreads in her direction. If you remain next to the wall you will take fire damage next round. For now, just give me another DC 15 fort save or be nauseated. The bats, on the other hand, take 18 fire damage (swarms double damage), or DC 15 save for half.

Speck - Charges GoblinWitch1 and shanks her in the side. She still stands though.

Sir John - Falls to the bottom of the pit on his horse for 23 fire damage to both. Sorry for the confusion though, just trying to follow the module rules. DC 15 climb check to get out of the pit.

Their turn

Goblin Skirmisher - Rolls a nat 1 on her fort save, so is nauseated, and thus cannot make but one move action this turn. She runs underneath the tapestries on the side of the wall and hides (DC 14 spot to find her... but you know she is under the burning tapestries)

Goblin Witch 1 - Being outnumbered, surrounded, and low on HP and spells, she thinks that there is probably only one more action she can take before she meets her god of choice. She pulls out a tiny pearl and whispers a prayer. A spell she recently casts comes back to her and she casts it again. (29 on the concentration check, no AoO). Glitterdust flies all over her and the enemies surrounding her! DC 15 will save or be blinded!

Goblin Witch 3 - Sees the room burn down around her and knows the end is near. "You shall never escape!' she shouts as she casts her final spell: Arcane Lock... on the only exit, the large wooden door. What SHALL YOU DO?

Also, the FIRE SPREADS EVEN FURTHER! Smoke fills the room and thus your lungs. Look at the map, if your character is on a space that is on fire, you take 9 damage, or reflex DC 15 for half (4). If you are not in the fire (or flying above it), then roll a DC 15 fort save or be nauseated for one round due to smoke inhalation.

Your Turn

Remsus - success on his Fort save, so he is not nauseated. "Let's get OUT OF HERE" Remsus shouts. He casts Create Water on the large wooden door, putting out the fire for a few seconds, and then he flies over there, trying to pry it open. But the door knob is melted and he is unable to budge the large door with his feeble arms. "Oh, what I would do for a Ring of the Ram right now." Remsus moans.

Remsus's Spell List
Arcane (CL 7):
4 lvl 0: Detect Magic, Mage Hand,
6 Lvl 1: Shield,Mage Armor, Shocking Grasp,
5 Lvl 2:, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Invisibility,
4 Lvl 3: Fireballx2, Haste, Dispel Magic
2 Lvl 4: Charm Monster, Wall of Fire

Divine (CL 7)
6 lvl 0: Create waterx2
5 lvl 1: Bless, Prot from Evil, Shield of Faith, Command. Domain: Longstrider
4 lvl 2: Hold Person x2, Calm Emotions, Resist Energy. Domain: Locate Object
3 lvl 3: Bestow Curse, Blindness/Deafness, Dispel Magic. Domain: Fly
2 lvl 4: Restoration, Freedom of Movement. Domain: Dimension Door

GoblinBoloThrower: DEAD
GoblinWitch1: -13 hp, See invisibility
GoblinWitch2: DEAD
GoblinWitch3: See invisibility
GoblinSkirmisher: -13hp and in swarm of bats.
Liontaur1: DEAD
Liontaur2: DEAD


Spider AC24/18T/24FF 63/69HP *BLINK*  d20+14=28 ; d8=1 ; d6=3 ; d6=3 ; d6=3 ; d6=5 ; d6=3 ; d20+23=25 ; d100=75
Monday July 19th, 2010 6:48:09 PM

Spider walks a few steps more then spring charges to attack the Goblin Witch (#3) with his bastard sword, shanking her in the back, then moving back to hide once more in the shadows.

Spring to N21

Attack vs GW3: +10base, +2blink, +2charge; Hit AC28 (no dex to ac)
21 Damage (4base, +17sneak)
Miss% 75 Hit

Spring back to M21

Hide in Plain sight 25

Kiri -- AC17+10 HP37/62 -- Familiar(Sniff - AC19+10 HP27/27), Mithral Tap  d20+14=19 ; d20=13 ; d20=12 ; d4+1=5 ; d4+1=2 ; d4+1=4 ; d4+1=4 ; d4+1=5 ; d20+16=19 ;
Monday July 19th, 2010 7:41:47 PM

Fort save: 19
Kiri coughs on the smoke rising around her, and flies away from the wall Move to Q15

Both elementals are blinded by the Glitterdust spell, and the shrill of the bats indicates they have perished in the flames. Not a good day for summoned creatures.

Not having to concentrate on the swarm any longer, Kiri unleashes a barrage of magic missiles against the large wooden door. 20pts damage. Not sure if a concentration check is needed, but rolled 19 just in case

Currently Active Spells: Mage Armor, Protection from Evil, Shield, Invisibility, Polymorph (Harpy), Summon Monster V

Spells Available to Cast today:
Level 0 6
Level 1 2 (7-5:Summon Monster I, Mage Armor, Protection from Evil, Shield, Magic Missile)
Level 2 5 (7-2:Invisibility, Summon Swarm)
Level 3 7
Level 4 4 (5-1:Polymorph)
Level 5 2 (3-1:Summon Monster V)

Rathan HP 73/161 - CMD 17  d20+9=13 ; d20+9=22 ; d20+6=17 ;
Monday July 19th, 2010 10:18:34 PM

Rathan and Orcus move together, meeting up near the wooden door and try to break it down.

Rathan: Aid another: Success

Orcus: Break DC 24

Rathan and Orcus save for half damage.

Captain Lucky AC1d20+17 HP58 of 64  d20+8=18 ; d20+17=20 ;
Monday July 19th, 2010 11:40:16 PM

Climb check to get out ... DC15 needed, using his last luck point ... An 18! Yes!

Lucky climbs out of the pit. And gains a luck point. He moves toward the door as far as his move will take him.


AC for next time it is needed: 20 after making a DC31 Will save to attack Lucky.

Current hit points: HP55 of 64

Currently Active Spells (duration only noted for spells lasting less than 40 rounds):
- Shield of Faith - raises AC by net +2 since it does not stack with his ring.
- Sanctuary - Must make a DC31 Will Save to attack Lucky. Duration: 4 rounds left.
- Fire Resist 20.

Level 0: Inflict MW, Virtue, Purify Food and Drink, Purify Food and Drink, Mending, Detect Poison
Level 1: CLW, Sanctuary, Endure Elements, Protection from Evil, Summon Monster I, Shield of Faith, Entropic Shield
Level 2: Gentle Repose, Find Traps, Bear's Endurance, Darkness, Cure Moderate Wounds, Shatter
Level 3: Meld into Stone, Inflict Serious Wounds, Magic Circle against Evil, Searing Light, Remove Curse, Pro Energy
Level 4: Sending, Air Walk, Dimensional Anchor, Chaos Hammer

Luck points: 2

Sir John, AC 26, 50/96, hps, Prot from Evil, Bless Weapon,  d20=2 ; d20=19 ;
Tuesday July 20th, 2010 10:26:36 AM

(Last round...) Sir John curses as he falls into the pit and suffers severe burns.... Since it's going to be hard to climb out, he takes his rope and grappling hook out and throws it to the nearest point on the enemy side... He first tries to see if he can tie the rope around Joshua (use rope?) but no luck... Use Rope= 2... Since Joshua is going to be much harder to rescue he must sadly be sent back so Sir John dismisses him...

(This round... Finally catching up...) Sir John begins pulling himself up the rope, trying to get to a safe point out of the fire... (Is this a DC 10 now that I'm pulling up a rope? My first goal is to get out of the fire... Climb = 19.) Once he gets out of the fire, he'll call one of his allies and yell, "Give me a hand getting out of this mess!!! I'm not in the mood to be barbecued!"

Remsus Kai HP 21/52 AC 15 (Fly, See Inv, Blurr, Spectral Hand) (DM Addison)  2d6=7 ; 5d6=9 ; 2d8+1=5 ; 3d8(7+2+1)+7=17
Tuesday July 20th, 2010 3:19:17 PM

Round 14 of 40

Everyone takes 7 fire damage for walking through or standing near fire this turn. Well. except for lucky. The fire spreads even further. It seems the entire room will collapse soon.

Spider - crawls up and stabs Goblin Witch #3 in the back. She squeals in pain as the sword bites into her. She is clearly on the brink of death, bloody and desperate.

Kiri - Shoots a Magic Missile at the door. The dense wood splinters and cracks under the spell, clearly moving in the right direction, but it does not destroy the door enough for anyone to get through.

Rathan - Orcus and Rathan resolve to a more finesse way of handling the door. Together they try to bash it down. The door splinters but the hinges stay intact. There is a hole through the door now wide enough for a small person to barely squeeze through to the other side with a DC 15 Escape Artist check. A medium person would need to make a DC 20 escape artist check to squeeze through the hole. You can see through the hole that there is another hallway that is free from the fire beyond the door.

Lucky - And then he moves as close to the door as possible

Sir John - Takes 9 more fire damage in the pit for the time it takes him to dismiss his horse and throw the grappling hook. He finally climbs out of the pit, scorched, burned, and his armor partially melted.

Their Turn

Goblin Witch 1- Now completely out of spells, exhausted, and surrounded, the Goblin Witch sees the fire approaching and decides to make a run for her hidden room. Full withdraw action. Desperate times call for running. She runs into the eastern secret room (Provoking an AoO from Speck only) and slams the door behind her.

Goblin Skirmisher - quickly notices that her tapestry she is hiding under is on fire. She crawls from her hiding place and scales the wall to the west side, trying to get back across the fire pit to escape the pink-skins. She runs through fire, burning herself badly on the way, but downing some healing pots while she's running.

Goblin Witch 3 - Now severely hurt and near death. She says a prayer to her profane god as she says in common, "You may have won the battle, but we shall win THIS war." she says as she jumps into the fire pit with the PIE SLICE still around her neck. Now, if you want to complete the module, you must rescue the pie slice as well.

The other Pie Slice resides on the corpse of the Bolo Thrower

Your Turn

Remsus sees the witch with the Pie Slice jump into the pit. "Oh my gods... Lucky, you are the only one who can survive going down there and getting it since you have my spell on you!" Remsus shouts as he flies to the Bolo Thrower and pulls the Pie Slice from around its neck. Then Remsus casts a healing spell on Sir John for 17 points of healing goodness.

Remsus's Spell List
Arcane (CL 7):
4 lvl 0: Detect Magic, Mage Hand,
6 Lvl 1: Shield,Mage Armor, Shocking Grasp,
5 Lvl 2:, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Invisibility,
4 Lvl 3: Fireballx2, Haste, Dispel Magic
2 Lvl 4: Charm Monster, Wall of Fire

Divine (CL 7)
6 lvl 0: Create waterx2
5 lvl 1: Bless, Prot from Evil, Shield of Faith, Command. Domain: Longstrider
4 lvl 2: Hold Person x2, Calm Emotions, Resist Energy. Domain: Locate Object
3 lvl 3: Bestow Curse, Blindness/Deafness, Dispel Magic. Domain: Fly
2 lvl 4: Restoration, Freedom of Movement. Domain: Dimension Door

GoblinBoloThrower: DEAD
GoblinWitch1: -20 hp, See invisibility, Hiding in secret room.
GoblinWitch2: DEAD
GoblinWitch3: DEAD IN THE PIT
GoblinSkirmisher: -15hp. running along the wall.
Liontaur1: DEAD
Liontaur2: DEAD

(Google Docs is giving me trouble with the map. It says "unable to read file" when I try to upload the Paint file... any ideas?)

Spider AC24/18T/24FF 560/69HP *BLINK*  d20+23=24 ; d20+19=32 ;
Tuesday July 20th, 2010 4:24:21 PM

Spider runs up to and through the locked door, "I'll unlock it from the other side!"

Double move if necessary

Blink through the door, which should be less than 5', so no damage.

Spider should only be taking half damage from the fire since he's only corporeal half the time, right?

If it's locked and can be unlocked by turning a bolt, Spider will do that then hide.

if he can't, then Spider will Open Locks on it asap (maybe next round if he had to do a double move), then hide.

Open Locks 32

Hide in plain Sight 24

Sir John, AC 26, 58/96, hps, Prot from Evil, Bless Weapon, 
Tuesday July 20th, 2010 4:40:30 PM

Sir John is burned more from the leftover flames on his armor, but the healing manages to offset some of his injuries. To Remsus, he says, "Thank you my friend, your healing was timely."

Since the pie slice isn't going anywhere (since Goblin 3 is dead and the pie is in the pit), Sir John turns his attention to the door Spider is trying to get through. He runs over to it and if Spider can't get it open, he'll charge and either bash it with his axe or simply use his considerable bulk and fully armored weight to knock it down...

It seems that his bulk and fully armored weight could be able to at least knock the door loose or open if Spider can't get it open... Let me know what rolls I need to make...

If Spider manages to open the door, Sir John follows immediately behind, ready to attack the goblin that's escaping... (Again, if she's there, I'll roll my attacks if needed...)

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