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Remsus Kai HP 29/43 AC 23 (Shield, Mage Armor, Invisibiilty Sphere)  d20+18=33 ;
Wednesday March 31st, 2010 12:12:53 PM

(OOC: Sorry for not posting and posting shortly. I had a parasitology exam today... yeck... havent showered in a few days b/c ive been studying so much...)

I wonder what would happen if I cast enlarge person or shield of faith on the boy with the guillotene over his head?" Remsus asks blankly.

Remsus also helps search the room (search =33)

Cleric Spells Memorized: 5/5/3/2
lvl 0: Detect Magicx2, Read Magic, Purify Food and Drink, Create Water,
lvl 1: Sanctuaryx2, Command, Shield of Faith, Hide from undead
Domain: Longstrider
lvl 2: Hold Person, Zone of Truth,
Domain: See Invisible
lvl 3: Searing Lightx2
Domain: Fly

Wizard Spells Memorized: 4/5/4/3
lvl 0: Disrupt Undeadx2, Mage Hand, Arcane Mark
lvl 1: Shocking Grasp, Protection from Evil, Enlarge Person
lvl 2: Command Undead, Blur, Spectral Hand, Scorching Ray
lvl 3: Halt Undead, Fireball

Traps and hostages (Sir John 54/58 hps) 
Wednesday March 31st, 2010 2:21:52 PM

East Room/Stairs

After examining the trap, Speck realizes that it seems that the mechanism was built into the wall supports during a renovation of the wall itself, and so it is built as an integral part... (similar to how you'd put a mechanism in between the 2x4 studs and then put up drywall over modern walls...) There doesn't seem to be any way to get behind it, at least from the stairs. There are no secret doors in the stairwell, but maybe another room has access to a crawlspace that would allow him to operate or disable the mechanism?...

Remsus ponders other options to disable the trap, but realizes that if he could shrink the child (rather than enlarge it), that might make it possible to have him crawl out. But the child would have to do this without touching any part of the wall...

So many options...

West Room

Sir John nods at Marcas' suggestion and goes across the main hall to the West Room. As he enters the room, the rest of the group hears a large organ start to play eerie cords...

The rest of the group hears monsters start to roar, chains move, and then a woman begins scream in extreme pain... and Marcas recognizes his mother's voice.

Sir John immediately yells, "We've got another hostage here, and you better get here NOW! She's being drawn and quartered by a trap, and I don't know how long she'll last before being ripped apart! We've got 2 foes to fight meanwhile and somebody get in here who can free her, while I fight them!

DM Info
Round 1 of trap...

Marcas (SteveK) AC 19 HP 84/84  d20+14=30 ; 2d6+9=17 ;
Wednesday March 31st, 2010 5:38:04 PM

Marcas doesn't wait, but sprints to the doorway. "Remsus, Speck, and Lucky: save the boy", he calls over his shoulder.

Hitting the doorway in a few strides (20 foot move), Marcas stabs at the nearest enemy, using his superior reach to cut with his ranseur. Then he is able to better assess the tactical situation of the enemy and the trap. "Sir John, my plan is for you to keep them busy while I sunder the chains holding Thorlathai upon the rack."

Move 20 feet
Attack AC 30 HP 17

Speck AC19/20 HP:14/16  d8+1=3 ; d20+8=13 ; d20+11=12 ;
Wednesday March 31st, 2010 10:32:39 PM

"My brother can wait," Speck says reluctantly. He first taps himself with his healing wand, then moves into the room and looks for a place to hide behind.

CLW wand d8+1=3

Bluff (to cause a distraction while attempting to hide if there are observers)
d20+8=13, bleh. :P

Hide (if there's something to hide behind he can get to without endangering himself)
d20+11=12, Well, so much for that. Hiding with Panash!

So Speck is some few feet into the room totally exposed!

Remsus Kai HP 29/43 AC 23 (Shield, Mage Armor, Invisibiilty Sphere) 
Wednesday March 31st, 2010 11:38:54 PM

Since Remsus is still invisible, he will go and cut the ropes that are pulling her with his dagger... that shouldn't undo invisibility right???

(DM Ken - They're thick, steel chains and manacles rather than ropes... I'll give a full description and map of the room once I hear Lucky's post...)

Ungrappled Lucky AC23 HP30 of 23  d20+8=23 d20+8=28
Thursday April 1st, 2010 1:48:01 PM

Lucky can't bring himself to abandon the boy in the guillotine. Marcus told three people to take care of the boy, and so far two have ignored him.

Lucky shouts at Remsus and Speck's backs, "I'll take care of the boy! You two go on and help Marks-On-Thighs and Sir John! No, don't worry, I can handle it! Go on, I don't need you! I've got it well in hand!"

The halfling moves closer toward the boy, until he is 20 feet away, and in no danger of accidentally triggering the trap blade. He looks around, without touching anything, for a lever or button or trigger to turn this thing off. They got the boy in it somehow; maybe there is a way to get him out. Or for anything else that might be helpful.

Search checks: 23, 28.

Traps and hostages (Sir John 54/58 hps, AC 21)  d20+15=25 ; d20+10=23 ; d8+5=7 ; d8+5=12 ; d6=6 ; d6=6 ; d20+9=20 ; d20+9=17 ; d20+7=13 ; d20+9=15 ;
Thursday April 1st, 2010 2:58:40 PM

(West Room) = Lucky sees the same type of thing that Speck did, and thinks that maybe an adjacent (or below) room might have some sort of crawl space that leads to the blade mechanism itself. For now, it seems there is no way to get to the mechanism from this side...

(East Room) = The scene in this room is one from a nightmare... A great dome of stained glass above the room depicts a wizened old man lecturing to a host of large and small creatures. Within the room, a stone altar is framed by a massive organ, its pipes running up the western wall. An eerie melody plays as the keys dance by themselves.

On the altar is Marcas' mother, manacled by sturdy adamantine chains. The chains run into the altar's base and are slowly drawing and quartering her...

Facing them are two monsters which look like winged demons, but mostly consist of smoke... which Marcas attacks and hits solidly... for 17 pts of dmg...

Sir John nods at Marcas' suggestion, and slashes at the same creature...
Attack - Hit AC25 for 7 + 6 = 13 and Hit AC 23 for 12 + 6 = 18: TOTAL = 31

Their combined attacks eviscerate B1, clearing the way to the altar...

Speck - Perform Check > 20Highlight to display spoiler: {You don't recognize the tune, but it seems that if you listen to it for a moment or two, you might learn something about how to stop the organ's melody and the torture on Marcas' mom... But you only have a brief time before she's pulled apart... }

Remsus sees that his dagger is useless against the adamantine chains...


At the end of the PC's turn, the organ continues to play and one more creature erupts from the organ's pipes, appearing as smoke or gas before solidifying... Now there are again two facing the party... The organ continues playing and the chains become tighter on Marcas' mother, causing her to scream louder as joints start to pop and muscles strain under the tension...

B2 rips at Sir John with both wings and its fangs, (All 3 miss AC 20, 17, 13...)

B3, arriving late, only has time to rip at Marcas with one wing = Miss AC15


Turn 2 of Trap...

B1 = dead
B2, B3 = no damage

Marcas (SteveK) AC 19 HP 84/84  d20+7=14 ; 2d6+23=28 ; d20+1=21 ; d20+1=5 ; 2d6+23=29 ;
Thursday April 1st, 2010 4:08:35 PM

(ooc: based on adamantium is Hardness of 20 and Hit Points 40 per inch of thickness. based on a steel chain is 5 hit points and so would be 1/4" thick. assuming adamantium chain is masterwork and so would be at least 1/2" inch thick and probably have 20 hit points...)

(ooc: can't see map for some reason)

Marcas ignores the smokey demons and moves into the room to where he is within 20 feet of his mother's chains. Gripping his ranseur in two hands, he shouts a mighty "KIIIIIA!!" and slams the cutting edge against one of the chains.

Power Attack: +7 damage, - 7 AC
AC 14 Damage 28
(if 5 foot step) AC 21 nat 20! Dam 29

One chain potentially takes 17 damage minus adamantine hardness

Remsus Kai HP 29/43 AC 23 (Shield, Mage Armor, Invisibiilty Sphere)  d8+1=7 ;
Thursday April 1st, 2010 4:51:25 PM

Remsus remembers that his Ghostly Scythe is still around and decides that using it to break the chain would work, since it overcomes any damage reduction. (SPiritual weapon attacks chain for 7damage)

(OOC: the map is not working for me. If I can, I think I will launch my fireball to hit the Smokey demons and the organ as well... but I can't judge where it will hit though b/c the map isnt working for me)

Cleric Spells Memorized: 5/5/3/2
lvl 0: Detect Magicx2, Read Magic, Purify Food and Drink, Create Water,
lvl 1: Sanctuaryx2, Command, Shield of Faith, Hide from undead
Domain: Longstrider
lvl 2: Hold Person, Zone of Truth,
Domain: See Invisible
lvl 3: Searing Lightx2
Domain: Fly

Wizard Spells Memorized: 4/5/4/3
lvl 0: Disrupt Undeadx2, Mage Hand, Arcane Mark
lvl 1: Shocking Grasp, Protection from Evil, Enlarge Person
lvl 2: Command Undead, Blur, Spectral Hand, Scorching Ray
lvl 3: Halt Undead, Fireball

Speck AC19/20 HP:14/16  d20+11=30 ;
Thursday April 1st, 2010 10:27:03 PM

OOC: map isn't working for me either, just a blank sheet. :(

Perform Check d20+11=30! oh now i get the good rolls :P

If Speck can skirt the smokey monsters, he will do so and make his way to the organ and take a seat (if there is a seat) and study the keyboards. (as per Spoiler, he's studying the tune to figure out how to work it, de-work it, manipulate it, warp it, or whatever.)

If he can't skirt the monsters, he'll study the tune but out of their reach.

Stymied Lucky AC23 HP30 of 23 
Friday April 2nd, 2010 8:53:56 AM

Lucky tries to calm the boy. He speaks softly and gently. He says, "The only way to get you out is to get to the other side of this trap. So you have to tell me anything you can remember that will help. How to get to you. Or what this raven guy looks like. Maybe you remember some clue that will help."

After hearing what the boy says, if anything, Lucky tells him, "I have to go get help and come around the other side. Be brave, and we will get you out of this soon."

Then Lucky goes to the party, since he might be needed.

Traps and hostages (Sir John 54/58 hps, AC 21) 
Friday April 2nd, 2010 9:24:10 AM

(OOC = Let me work with the map again and see if we can get it to work.... I'll send you google.doc invites and maybe that'll work... Let me know how it turns out this time... I'll let everyone post again once they see the map, if they wish...)

Speck AC19/20 HP:14/16 
Friday April 2nd, 2010 10:45:50 PM

OOC: I can see clearly now, the veil has been taken away... hmm-de-dum...

Speck glances around. If he Runs, he can skirt the smokey monstrosities and make it to the organ. He kicks his little feet in gear and runs around the battle to the organ. (Run move of 4x20=80)

AC next round 18, w/dodge 19.

Speck starts studying the organ and the music. This isn't his type of musical instrument, but he remembers the Circus organ and hitting its keys for fun. So what's the magic of this one? he muses.

Perform Check d20+11=30! oh now i get the good rolls :P
(from previous post)

Marcas (SteveK) AC 19 HP 84/84  d20+11=26 ; d20+11=27 ; d20+7=22 ; 2d6+23=30 ;
Saturday April 3rd, 2010 6:53:00 PM

Change to Action (I can see the map!) :-)

Marcas needs to get to Thorlathai, but there are two smokey demons blocking his way,.. temporarily.

The big minotaur lowers his horns and uses his great strength, bulk, and skill and literally runs over the two obstructions, smashing them to the floor! (ooc: Improved Overrun)

Through the prone demons, he sets his great strength into his arms and swings mightily at an adamantine chain, to break it in two!

Improved Overrun: B1 and B3 get AOOs against Marcas, but can't avoid his Overrun attack. Ovrun vs B1 = 26 v 10+B1s STR bonus; Ovrun vs B1 = 26 v 10+B1s STR bonus; both are now prone.

Power Attack: +7
Attack Ranseur on Chain: AC 22 Dam 30

Traps and hostages (Sir John 54/58 hps, AC 21)  d20+9=22 ; d20+9=12 ; d6+2=3 ; d20+15=31 ; d20+10=19 ; d8+5=12 ; d8+5=10 ; d6=1 ; d6=1 ; d20+9=12 ; d20+15=33 ; d8+5=6 ; d6=3 ; d20+9=19 ; d20+9=27 ; d6+2=8 ;
Monday April 5th, 2010 11:22:44 AM

(OOC - These creatures don't have feet and actually kind of hover in the air... They're belkers so is it possible to knock them prone? I'll assume it is, but I'll go with what the party decides... )
(OOC2 - Please tell me what squares you're moving into in the future, so I can update the map...)

The battle continues, as the party is split between two hostages...

East Room - As Lucky interviews the boy, he slowly calms down. The boy says, "All I remember was that he had a dark face, and had this horrible grin! Also, I think he had big teeth or fangs, and every time he came near, it was terrifying!!! I do remember him going down these stairs and into some room, and then I heard some metal sounds behind me... Oh please, can't you get me out of here! I'm so scared and I just want to go home!"

West Room - Marcas bull rushes both belkers, rushing to the chains, swinging his mighty axe and trying to cut them in order to save mommy! She sees him coming and cries out, "Marcas! Honey! What are you doing here! Get out while you can! That monster is using us to get to you!!!"

Marcas' attack manages to damage the chains somewhat (10 pts of damage after subtracting hardness), but it is only slightly damaged now...

Sir John sees that Marcas is taking the chain, so he keeps his attention on the belkers... Swinging his axe at the nearest, he cuts at its wings... = Hit AC 31for 12 + 1 fire = 13, Hit AC 19 (since prone) for 10 + 1 fire = 11. His attack manages to rip off one wing and part of the chest of the nearest belker, doing 24 pts of dmg...

Remsus weapon attacks the chain too, but its extraordinary hardness resists any damage...

Speck listens to the melody, and recognizes it as an old religious tune turned bar song... If he were to play the opposing key, then it may stop the machine from playing...
As Marcas runs past the belkers, each whips at him with their wings but only one manages to tear off a small chunk of his flank... (Hit AC 22 for 3 pts , Miss AC 12)

The gruesome scene continues, and yet another belker appears, coming next to Marcas and attacking him with its wings... Miss AC 12....

The organ continues playing its horrid tone, and the chains pull even tighter, and with a pop, mommy's shoulders and hips dislocate... Ligaments tear, tendons rupture and her skin is near the point of tearing apart... She begins screaming in agony now and the end is near... Can the party save her in time?

B2 and B3 both get up, provoking AoO from Sir John (B2) and Marcas (B3) - (SJ's vs. B2 = Hit AC 33 for 6 + 3 fire = 9)...

Once up, B2 whips at SJ but misses him...

B3 turns and claws at Marcas, hitting him solidly (Hit AC27 for 8 pts)

Chain = 10 pts
B1 = dead
B2 = 33 dmg
B3 = 0 pts
B4 = 0 pts

Round 3 of the trap...

(OOC - The chain's stats are - Hardness 20, Break DC30, Pick Lock DC35... )...

Marcas (SteveK) AC 19 HP 73/84  d20+7=10 ; d20+7=10 ; d20+7=17 ; 2d6+23=30 ; d20+7=10 ; 2d6+23=29 ; d20+1=17 ; 2d6+23=32 ;
Monday April 5th, 2010 2:40:32 PM

ooc: going to the MM and reading up on Belkers, ( and the DMG and PHB on Prone, Overrun, Knocked Down, Checked, and other abilities and conditions) I couldn't find anything that says flying creatures can't be knocked prone. Of course, Belkers can turn Gaseous as a free action fo up to 20 rounds per day, so once prone, they could assume thier smokey form, rise, assume solid form, and attack without incurring an AOO. :-) If I were DM on this encounter, that's what I would do!

"Your words of warning and love bring honor to the minotaur, my matron", Marcas exclaims through tears in his eyes, "and by Imod, that monster will never take from your calf what is me!"

Little scrapes are of small concern to the great warrior, and Marcasthai, renews his attacks on the chains, seeking to cut the first chain and continue to the second!

AOO B2 AC 10 miss
AOO B3 AC 10 miss

Att 1 AC 17 Dam 30 v Break DC 30
Sunder Attack to second chain AC 10 Break DC 29 (aw man!)
Att 2 AC 17 Dam 32 v Break DC 30

Speck AC19/20 HP:14/16  d20+11=22 ;
Monday April 5th, 2010 10:50:55 PM

OOC: I don't like to read up on monsters while we are fighting them, but in this case, since you asked...

Belkers can take a mostly solid form, which is what they do most of the time, (See Smoke Form(su): entry). In this form, I don't see why they couldn't be knocked prone. If they are in Smoke Form though, they can't be knocked prone. But you could argue that it the Improved Overrun roll was particularly high, their smokey substance could be 'disarranged', so to speak, in such a way as to give the 'Prone' penalties.

Sound reasonable?

IC: Speck has to act quickly to avert disaster! Noticiing the nature of the tune, he hopes he has the answer to counteract it. Placing his hands on the keyboard he takes three deep breaths and starts the counter-tune.

Perform d20+11= 22.

He dares not look around to see if it is working!

Slow Lucky AC23 HP30 of 23 
Tuesday April 6th, 2010 12:07:26 AM

Lucky runs into the room as fast as he can. As soon as he is able, he will move to Mama Minotaur and lay a healing hand on her.

Please let me know when and what rolls I need to make. Tumbles to avoid AoOs? Concentration to cast on the defensive? Thanks!

Remsus Kai HP 29/43 AC 23 (Shield, Mage Armor, Invisibiilty Sphere)  d20+8=10 ; d20+8=15 ; d8+1=4 ; 4d6=11 ;
Tuesday April 6th, 2010 1:32:26 AM

(OOC to DM: It says in the spiritual weapon's description that it strikes as a force effect spell, not as a weapon, so it is not subject to damage reduction of any kind, such as that from hardness of inanimate objects. It's like a magic missle.)

Remsus decides that the chain simply must go, so he directs his spiritual weapon, hitting AC 10, dealing 4 damage to it.

He also Casts Scorching Ray on the chain, hoping to melt it, dealing 11 points of fire damage to it.

Cleric Spells Memorized: 5/5/3/2
lvl 0: Detect Magicx2, Read Magic, Purify Food and Drink, Create Water,
lvl 1: Sanctuaryx2, Command, Shield of Faith, Hide from undead
Domain: Longstrider
lvl 2: Hold Person, Zone of Truth,
Domain: See Invisible
lvl 3: Searing Lightx2
Domain: Fly

Wizard Spells Memorized: 4/5/4/3
lvl 0: Disrupt Undeadx2, Mage Hand, Arcane Mark
lvl 1: Shocking Grasp, Protection from Evil, Enlarge Person
lvl 2: Command Undead, Blur, Spectral Hand, Scorching Ray
lvl 3: Halt Undead, Fireball

Saving mommy... (Sir John 54/58 hps, AC 21)  d20+15=34 ; d6=4 ; d8+5=12 ; d20+10=22 ; d6=5 ; d8+5=13 ; 3d4=6 ; 3d4=4 ; 3d4=6 ;
Tuesday April 6th, 2010 10:41:23 AM

(OOC - Remsus, I'l update the damage for the chain for the last 2 rounds for your weapon...)

Both Remsus and Marcas continue bashing at the chain with separate attacks, and chunks of adamantine fly off in all directions... (22 by Remsus (for last 2 rounds) and 24 by Marcas) as the chain finally breaks, releasing the pressure on mommy, barely saving her life...

At the same time, Speck plays an opposing scale on the organ, and as he plays the last note, it finally stops it's deathly tune. The tension on the chain tethers relaxes too and mommy is freed...

Sir John takes a 5' step north and continues swinging in all directions at the belkers...

Att1 vs. B2 = AC 34 for 12 + 4 fire = 16, killing B2...
Att2 vs. B3 = AC 22 for 13 + 5 fire = 18, cutting off part of it's tail/bottom...

Marcas, Remsus, Speck - Spot DC15 = Highlight to display spoiler: {On top of the organ, you see what seems to be a horn. The mist that has erupted each round from this area and turned into belkers is coming out of the horn. Stopping the melody hasn't affected the horn though... }

As Lucky leaves the little boy, he screams in panic and cries out, "Don't leave me! Please! I'm so scared! The bad man will come back and get me! Help me!!!"

Lucky runs into the room and goes straight for mommy... Since B1 and B2 are dead, he only needs to avoid an AoO from B3... (OOC = The distance up the stairs, through the trophy room, through the main hall through this room is ~ 140'... Would you still have any actions left? Tumble check or AoO depends on where you stop... Look at the map and assume you've got to travel 100' to get to the door (G4/G5) of this room...)

The organ's music stops, but mist keeps erupting from that area... Another belker arrives on the scene (B5) and appears on top of Speck... However, this time it doesn't leave it's mist form and encompasses him, trying to fill his lungs... (Fort Save DC 14 or inhale it, taking 6 pts dmg.)

B3 and B4 changes into a mist and also fill the space of Sir John and Marcas, trying to make them breathe its deadly fumes... (Fort Save DC14 or take 4 (SJ) or 6 (Marcas) pts of dmg...)

Chain = Broken
B1 = dead
B2 = dead
B3 = 18 pts (mist)
B4 = 0 pts (mist)
B5 = 0 pts (mist)
Mommy = lying on altar, near death...
Specks brother = still in wall, no damage but terrified...

Speck AC19/20 HP:8/16  d20+5=17 ; d20+4=5 ;
Tuesday April 6th, 2010 5:21:30 PM

Spot DC15 d20+5=17

Exclamations behing him bring him about, elated that his playing worked and thankful for the circus people for having the patience of listening to his tinkering on the circus organ. But more smokey things appear and just as Speck spots a horn atop the organ, just in time to see a smokey thing head for his tiny mouth!

For DC14 d20+4= 5! Nat 1! holy moley!


Slower Lucky AC23 HP30 of 23 
Tuesday April 6th, 2010 5:52:21 PM

OOC = The distance up the stairs, through the trophy room, through the main hall through this room is ~ 140'... Would you still have any actions left?

LOL! It takes Lucky two full rounds of running to get there. Maybe all the monsters will be dead by then.

(DM Ken - Well, I assumed that it took Marcas and SJ 1 round at a full out sprint... so lets assume that it will take you 1 round too...)

Slower Lucky AC23 HP30 of 23 
Tuesday April 6th, 2010 8:47:49 PM

Okay, thanks Ken! Lucky will run this round and move to cure next round.

Marcas (SteveK) AC 19 HP 73/84  d20+11=31 ; d20+7=15 ; 2d6+23=33 ; d20+1=7 ;
Tuesday April 6th, 2010 10:26:43 PM

Marcas is able to hold his breath and not breathe in the noxious monster. He nearly weeps in relief as the chains break and go slack, enabling the heroes a chance at saving his matron.

But the great minotaur ignores the dancing demons about him, ignores the whimpering pain of Thorlathai, and concentrates his great strength into his arms. Marcas raises his steel ranseur, and then brings it crashing down on the horn to split it in twain!

Sunder attempt AC 15 Dam 33
Sunder #2 AC 7 miss

Saving mommy... (Sir John 54/58 hps, AC 21) 
Wednesday April 7th, 2010 2:14:34 PM

(Waiting on Remsus to post...)

Marcas (SteveK) AC 19 HP 73/84 
Thursday April 8th, 2010 8:35:24 AM

ooc: can't post Thur - Sun; going to be at a training exercise.

Remsus Kai HP 29/43 AC 23 (Shield, Mage Armor, Invisibiilty Sphere)  d20+17=28 ; d20+8=27 ; d8+1=4 ; d20+8=14 ; 2d8=13 ;
Thursday April 8th, 2010 10:06:51 AM

Remsus notices the horn on top of the organ and decides it HAS to go. (Spot = 28)

So he sends his Spiritual weapon to attack it. (Hit AC 27, damage 4)
Then Remsus shouts, "The horn guys, Belkers will continue to shoot out until we destroy it!" he says pointing at the horn.

Thinking that Belkers are creatures of shadow and night, maybe a ray of sun will destroy the evil apparatus, so he casts Searing Light aimed right down the throught of the Horn, Hit AC 14 touch attack damage = 13 light!

Cleric Spells Memorized: 5/5/3/2
lvl 0: Detect Magicx2, Read Magic, Purify Food and Drink, Create Water,
lvl 1: Sanctuaryx2, Command, Shield of Faith, Hide from undead
Domain: Longstrider
lvl 2: Hold Person, Zone of Truth,
Domain: See Invisible
lvl 3: Searing Lightx2
Domain: Fly

Wizard Spells Memorized: 4/5/4/3
lvl 0: Disrupt Undeadx2, Mage Hand, Arcane Mark
lvl 1: Shocking Grasp, Protection from Evil, Enlarge Person
lvl 2: Command Undead, Blur, Spectral Hand,
lvl 3: Halt Undead, Fireball

Saving mommy... (Sir John 50/58 hps, AC 21)  d20+15=21 ; d20+10=18 ; d20+14=17 ; d20+9=22 ; 2d6+9=14 ; d20+11=13 ; 3d4=9 ; 3d4=7 ; 3d4=8 ; 3d4=8 ;
Thursday April 8th, 2010 10:44:52 AM

As the group continues fighting, Sir John sees the horn and recognizes it as some sort of magic item... Yelling at the top of his lungs, he calls out BEFORE Marcas and Remsus can destroy the precious item..., "Don't crush it Marcas and Remsus!!! There's got to be a way to stop it from pumping out those creatures besides destroying it!!! Maybe Lucky can decipher it or a dispel magic might work!"

Sir John also tries to resist the smoky creature (Fort = 13... Failed...) but a few puffs get through and he feels wracked by pains deep inside his lungs as the creature claws...

Before hitting it, Remsus sees that it is a very valuable item too... (Know (Arcana) check please...)

(OOC = A little deus ex machina here for you... Let me know if you want Marcas and Remsus to crush the item or stop their blows just before destroying it... I'm trying to help you out a bit here b/c my post wasn't quite specific enough to properly describe the horn...)

As the battle continues, there is action everywhere... Sir John continues bashing away at both belkers in front of him... Att 1 = Hit AC21, Att 2 = Hit AC 18... both miss AC 22...

Assuming Remsus moves his weapon to attack the nearest Belker rather than the horn... He swings at the mist surrounding Speck, trying not to hit him... Does 4 pts dmg...

(Steve = since you're gone, I'm going to roll for Marcas' attack on the nearest Belker instead of the horn.... Normally I'd wait for you to do it, but I'm trying to keep the flow going since you're on an exercise... ) Marcas changes his attack at the last minute and swings his great weapon at B3... MIssing the first strike (AC17) but hitting on the 2nd (AC22) for 14 points, solidly cutting deep into it's organs...

Lucky finally arrives on the scene to help save the day...

Marcas manages to hold his breath and avoid breating in the misty creature, but Speck is not so lucky...

The horn continues blaring a horrible tone, and another belker erupts, landing next to Marcas...

Chain = Broken
B3 = 32 pts (mist, inside SJ)
B4 = 0 pts (mist)
B5 = 4 pts (mist, inside Speck)
B6 = 0 pts (mist)
Mommy = lying on altar, near death...
Specks brother = still in wall, no damage but terrified...

B3 and B5 continue clawing at SJ and Speck's insides, (Fort Save DC14 to expel it from your lungs or take 9 pts SJ/7 pts to Speck... )

B4 keeps trying to get inside Marcas, refusing to give up... (Fort Save DC14 or take 8 pts as it enters your lungs...)

B6 enters the fray and decides to try the same tactic with Remsus, turning misty and filling his square... (Fort Save DC14 or take 8 pts dmg...)

(NOTE TO ALL PLAYERS: Even though a creature is inside your companion, there is still some residual mist outside and you can still attack it. The mist fills the PC's square... But if you miss, there is a chance you'll hit the PC instead...)

Healer Lucky AC25 HP30 of 23  3d8+7=21 ; 3d8+13=25 ;
Thursday April 8th, 2010 10:08:05 PM

Lucky moves next to the lady minotaur, but not right next to an enemy. He casts a Cure Serious Wounds over an Obscure Object. He cures her for 21 hp.

AC for next time it is needed: 25

Current Con Damage: -6 pts of Con.


Level 0: Inflict MW, Read Magic, Light, Mending, Create Water
Level 1: CLW, Endure Elements, Pro Evil, Det Evil, Entr Shld
Level 2: Owl Wis, Sound Burst, Undetect Align, Eagle Splen, Aid
Level 3: Obsc Obj, Remove Curse, Helping Hand, Circle vs Law

Luck points: 1

Tattoo Used: 1 of 3
Stones Used: 0 of 3

Sling Bullets Used: 1 of 16

Speck AC19/20 HP:10/16  d20+4=8 ; d8+1=9 ;
Thursday April 8th, 2010 10:28:23 PM

Speck, gasping for air, tries to expell the horrible horribleness from inside his lungs.

For DC14 d20+4= 8

He fails to expell the thing and his little lungs nearly give out! (1hp left)

Feeling himself begin to ebb into the darkness of the Unknown, he taps himself with his wand, barely able to whisper the magic words to heal himself.

Wand CLW d8+1 = 9. (Now THAT'S an act of Desperation there, eh? Up to 10 hp now.)

Remsus Kai HP 29/43 AC 23 (Shield, Mage Armor, Invisibiilty Sphere)  d20+13=17 ; d20+13=14 ; d20+8=27 ; d8+1=6 ;
Friday April 9th, 2010 10:02:15 AM

Well, since that is the case, Remsus sends the Spiritual weapon to attack the Belker that is attacking Speck's lungs. Hit AC 27, damage 6.

Thinking that perhaps the Belker can be exuded from Speck with a simple Protection from Evil spell (knowledge religion =14), Remsus walks over to the posessed Speck and casts the spell on him, hoping to shoe the Belker away.

Then Remsus thinks about the horn (knowledge Arcana =17)

Cleric Spells Memorized: 5/5/3/2
lvl 0: Detect Magicx2, Read Magic, Purify Food and Drink, Create Water,
lvl 1: Sanctuaryx2, Command, Shield of Faith, Hide from undead
Domain: Longstrider
lvl 2: Hold Person, Zone of Truth,
Domain: See Invisible
lvl 3: Searing Lightx2
Domain: Fly

Wizard Spells Memorized: 4/5/4/3
lvl 0: Disrupt Undeadx2, Mage Hand, Arcane Mark
lvl 1: Shocking Grasp, Protection from Evil, Enlarge Person
lvl 2: Command Undead, Blur, Spectral Hand,
lvl 3: Halt Undead, Fireball

Saving mommy... (Sir John 50/58 hps, AC 21)  d20+11=25 ; d20+14=34 ; d20+14=28 ; 4d6+18=29 ; 4d6+9=28 ; 2d6+9=20 ; d20+11=22 ; d20+15=34 ; d20+10=20 ; d6+5=9 ; d6=2 ; 3d4=6 ; 3d4=7 ;
Friday April 9th, 2010 3:09:42 PM

(REMSUS - Did you make your Fort save vs. B6's infiltration into your lungs? See last round's post...)

Lucky provides some timely healing to Marcas' mother, and color begins coming back into her cheeks... She begins pushing herself up, trying to get out of the line of battle and avoid any attacks from belkers... Of course the downside is that the party now has to both fight the flying menace and protect her...

Speck and Remsus both fight off the creature in his lungs, and Remsus weapon does a bit of damage to it, but not enough to end the effect.... Speck's healing is also timely, and he barely avoids death's cold grip... He's unable, however, to push it out of his lungs and it continues attacking him...

Remsus effort to fight off the menace via a spell helps Speck's save and AC, but doesn't force the creature out. (OOC - It's like breathing in smoke, except that this smoke is alive and tears you up from the inside... Your save is equivalent to coughing and hacking it out of your lungs rather than some magical act...)

Remsus does notice that the horn is a horn of blasting (lessor), and the entrance (small end) is inserted into a hole in the altar, thereby allowing the creatures to come through it and pour into the room... Somehow the Raven must have modified it to work in conjunction with the altar. When it's removed, Remsus assumes that it'll be back to a normal horn of blasting...

Marcas tries to resist the creature coming at him (Save = 25) and again it fails to fill his lungs... He strikes at B4 (Att1 = Critical Hit, yes for check, 29 pts/ Att2 = AC28 for 20 ), and manages to cleave straight through it and killing it instantly...

Sir John tries to cough the deadly mist out of his lungs and (Fort = 22, OK) is successful... With justified anger, he cuts at its wings, managing to finally bring it down... (Att1 = AC 34 for 9+2 = 11; AC20 missed...)

B3 = Dead
B4 = Dead
B5 = 10 pts (mist, inside Speck)
B6 = 0 pts (mist)
Mommy = 22/? hps...
Specks brother = still in wall, no damage but terrified...

This round, no more belkers come out of the organ and luckily that provides the group with a chance to focus on the 2 belkers left...

B5 continues attacking Speck (DC14 Fort save or 6 dmg), while B6 tries to get inside Remsus lungs (DC14 save or 7 dmg)

Remsus Kai HP 29/43 AC 23 (Shield, Mage Armor, Invisibiilty Sphere)  d20+6=19 ;
Friday April 9th, 2010 5:39:50 PM

Remsus's fort save is adequate to resist the Belker = 19.

Remsus will run up to the Horn of blasting and remove it from its holding device.

Speck AC19(21vsEvil)/20 HP:10/16  d20+6=21 ; d20+10=12 ;
Friday April 9th, 2010 11:27:18 PM

OOC: Assuming these Belkers aren't summoned, Speck would only get the +2 bonus on his Fort Save. If the Horn is summoning them in a way, then the Belker would not be able to touch (thus not be able to go down his throat) Speck. Going on the assumption these aren't summoned...

(DM Ken - No, they're not summoned. Rather, they were contained inside the organ/altar combination))

IC: Speck tries once more to expell the notious taste in his mouth without actually expelling his lunch as well.

For DC14 d20+4+2(PvsE) = 21!

With a loud GASP and several cat-like heaves, the smokey substance get's spat out.
He draws his short sword and takes a swipe at it.
"And don't come back!"

d20+10=12. back to the bad rolls again

The little sword swipes air.

Healer Lucky AC16 HP30 of 23  d20+11=16 ; d6+2=4 ; d20+13=16 ;
Sunday April 11th, 2010 11:48:33 AM

Lucky hurls a magic stone at the wounded gas-monster. He hits AC16 for 4 damage.

AC for next time it is needed: 16

Current Con Damage: -6 pts of Con.


Level 0: Inflict MW, Read Magic, Light, Mending, Create Water
Level 1: CLW, Endure Elements, Pro Evil, Det Evil, Entr Shld
Level 2: Owl Wis, Sound Burst, Undetect Align, Eagle Splen, Aid
Level 3: Obsc Obj, Remove Curse, Helping Hand, Circle vs Law

Luck points: 1

Tattoo Used: 1 of 3
Stones Used: 1 of 3

Sling Bullets Used: 1 of 16

Remsus Kai HP 29/43 AC 23 (Shield, Mage Armor, Invisibiilty Sphere) 
Sunday April 11th, 2010 12:39:21 PM

And if Remsus cannot rip the Horn of the device for any reason, he will cast Spectral Hand and send it to do the dirty work.

Cleric Spells Memorized: 5/5/3/2
lvl 0: Detect Magicx2, Read Magic, Purify Food and Drink, Create Water,
lvl 1: Sanctuaryx2, Command, Shield of Faith, Hide from undead
Domain: Longstrider
lvl 2: Hold Person, Zone of Truth,
Domain: See Invisible
lvl 3: Searing Lightx2
Domain: Fly

Wizard Spells Memorized: 4/5/4/3
lvl 0: Disrupt Undeadx2, Mage Hand, Arcane Mark
lvl 1: Shocking Grasp, Protection from Evil, Enlarge Person
lvl 2: Command Undead, Blur, Spectral Hand,
lvl 3: Halt Undead, Fireball

Marcas (SteveK) AC 19 HP 73/84  d20+14=31 ; d20+9=12 ; d20+10=12 ; d8+8=15 ;
Monday April 12th, 2010 11:39:01 AM

Marcas keeps his ranseur in his hands, but uses his unarmed skills to pummel the airy demons to pieces.

Hoof AC 31 Dam 15
Hoof AC 12
Horn AC 12

Saving mommy... (Sir John 50/58 hps, AC 21)  d20+15=26 ; d8+5=10 ; d6=5 ; d4=2 ; d4=1 ; d4=3 ; d20+15=17 ; d20+14=21 ; d20+9=29 ; d20+9=24 ; 2d6+4=15 ; d20+9=22 ; d20+7=20 ;
Monday April 12th, 2010 2:44:50 PM

As the battle draws to a close, the party members work to finish off the last few creatures...

Remsus manages to remove the horn from it's cradle with no adverse effects... Now that it is removed, there seems to be no danger of any further belkers emerging from the organ...

Lucky attacks one belker but the stone flies without doing any damage... There is a chance that he may hit Speck though...

(OOC- Lucky, since you missed, there's a ~ 25% chance you'll hit Speck unless you have the precise shot feat... Of course your shot would have missed Speck's AC so it's a moot point... I'm diverting a bit from strict PH rules but it's different than shooting into melee since it's a cloudy/gaseous foe...)

Speck manages to expel the belker with a great hack and cough, but is unable to do any appreciable damage...

Marcas, however, does serious damage to B6...

Sir John moves forward and attacks B6 too... (Att = Hit AC 26 for 15...)

B5 continues trying to infest Speck's lungs, even though it was just expelled... (Save vs. DC 14 Fort or take 6 more points..)

B6, seriously injured now, changes back to its solid form and isn't content to allow Remsus to get away... It follows Remsus and swipes at him with it's wings and claws... However... before it attacks, SJ and Marcas get an AoO... (SJ Attack = Miss AC17, Marcas (to keep the game moving, I'll roll this...) = Miss AC21...) but neither one hits...)

Attacks vs. Remsus = Hit AC 29 (Crit, Check = 24)... for 15 pts dmg, Hit AC 22 (miss), Miss AC20...

B5 = 10 pts (mist vs. Speck)
B6 =30 pts solid
Mommy = 22/? hps...
Specks brother = still in wall, no damage but terrified...

Marcas (SteveK) AC 19 HP 73/84  d20+14=33 ; d20+9=14 ; d20+10=29 ; d8+8=13 ; d8+6=14 ; d20+14=26 ; d8+8=13 ; d8+8=16 ; d8+8=9 ;
Monday April 12th, 2010 7:17:21 PM

Marcas methodically finishes beating on air monsters.

Hoof AC 33 Dam 13
Hoof AC 14 Dam 13
Horn AC 29 Dam 14
Cleave (if able) AC 26 Dam 9

Speck AC19(21vsEvil)/20 HP:10/16  d20+6=16 ;
Monday April 12th, 2010 9:31:58 PM

Ongoing dmg: Con -3pts

I gotta get outa here! Speck's mind shouts but before he can move the gaseous creature tries once more to go down his throat!

Fort DC14 d20+4(+2PvsE) = 16

This time Speck keeps his trap shut and he holds his nose, thus barely keeping the creature out. And to follow up with his thoughts, he makes a run for it, towards Marcas! (I'm counting on them not being able to get AOO while in gaseous form so Speck moves 40' towards and/or past Marcas if the other is dead, if not, 40' to the closest square to Marcas while not provocking AOO from B6)

Unlucky Lucky AC16 HP30 of 23  d20+11=14 ;
Tuesday April 13th, 2010 7:47:45 AM

Lucky tries again with a missile: a 14 will miss both friend and foe.

"Darn it! I should stick to spells!"

Remsus Kai HP 29/43 AC 23 (Shield, Mage Armor, Invisibiilty Sphere)  d20+8=16 ; d8+1=4 ;
Tuesday April 13th, 2010 1:42:40 PM

Remsus sends the spiritual weapon to attack the most damaged Belker: hit AC 16, damage4

"Now how are we going to save the boy in the guillotene trap?" Remsus asks as he thinks about his spells and options.

Maybe mage hand can hold the guillotene from dropping?

Cleric Spells Memorized: 5/5/3/2
lvl 0: Detect Magicx2, Read Magic, Purify Food and Drink, Create Water,
lvl 1: Sanctuaryx2, Command, Shield of Faith, Hide from undead
Domain: Longstrider
lvl 2: Hold Person, Zone of Truth,
Domain: See Invisible
lvl 3: Searing Lightx2
Domain: Fly

Wizard Spells Memorized: 4/5/4/3
lvl 0: Disrupt Undeadx2, Mage Hand, Arcane Mark
lvl 1: Shocking Grasp, Protection from Evil, Enlarge Person
lvl 2: Command Undead, Blur, Spectral Hand,
lvl 3: Halt Undead, Fireball

Saving mommy... (Sir John 50/58 hps, AC 21) 
Wednesday April 14th, 2010 12:23:28 PM

The group continues fighting off the remaining few belkers and after a round or two, they are destroyed.... (End of Combat)...

Though the fight is over in this room, there is much left to do. The party is bloodied from several battles, and if the Raven acts as he has in the past, there will be more traps, hostages and fights ahead...

The eerie mechanical sounds, muted screams and various other sounds still come from the upper level of the main hall. It seems certain that those screams are coming from family members who are in intense pain and terror... The moans and sounds grate at the party's nerves, and several are afraid to imagine the kind of torture being inflicted on their loved ones.

In this East room, there is little more to be discovered...

Remsus considers that using mage hand might work on the guillotine trap, but that would depend on if the blade weighs less than 5lb. If it doesn't, then it wouldn't work... However, Lucky remembers the boy saying something about a room below them that the Raven occasionally ventured into, possibly providing a way to get to the trap mechanism...

Sir John puts away his weapons and catches his breath after that long fight... He stops and considers their options...

1. Healing?
2. The young boy is still trapped in the wall in the West room's stairs...
3. Explore the room at the bottom of the West room's stairs?
4. Explore the upper level of the main hall?
5. What to do with mommy? She's somewhat healed, but could she truly be left here alone in this room of torture? If asked, she's terrified to be left alone here or anywhere in this building... After all, what if the Raven comes back and recaptures her if left alone?

Everyone gets 1200 xp for rescuing mommy and defeating the belkers...

Marcas (SteveK) AC 19 HP 73/84 
Wednesday April 14th, 2010 1:53:01 PM

As the last monster falls, Marcas moves to the side of his matron and slowly helps her to her hooves. "We need to get you outside, my dam, and you can make for the Constable House..." But then he stops, for the golems are still outside to fight anyone who approaches. Heroes and hostages alike are trapped within the library until the Raven is caught!

The other mechanical sounds and screams of the terrified assault his ears, and Marcasthai winces and shakes his great head. "No, you must stay with us, but behind near Remsus. We must free the others before any can leave."

"And we have to do it quickly" says Marcas. "Save your spells until uttermost need, for the Raven is sure to have planned his traps to make us become exhausted before he appears."

With that, Marcas heads to the door back to the main foyer, his ranseur in hand.

"We need to find and rescue each hostage", he tells the others, "and there are more screams coming from the Upper Level of the Main Hall."

DM's 2nd post (Sir John 50/58 hps, AC 21) 
Wednesday April 14th, 2010 2:08:22 PM

Sir John hears Marcas' concerns about the golems and says, "Well, that might not entirely be true. Since the golems let us through once, we may just need to utter the same passphrase going out, and then we'd be safe..."

Speck AC19(21vsEvil)/20 HP:16/16  d8+1=6 ; d8+1=2 ; d8+1=5 ; d20+15=18 ; d20+15=19 ; d20+15=19 ; d20+15=35 ;
Wednesday April 14th, 2010 9:11:44 PM

Speck wheezing after his run, slurps some water from his little water flask, trying to get rid of the taste of Belker.

"Ugh!" he exclaims. Taking no chances he taps himself once more with his wand.
CLW d8+1=6 ah! exacly what I needed!

Then he goes over to Remsus and does the same.
CLW d8+1=2, oh that's a do-over
d8+1= 5, Remsus is healed 5pts

Next, it's his brother! He puts on his goggles and looks for a secret door at the most logical spot in the room that would lead next to the stairs, then spreads out from there.

Search d20+15=18,19,19,35

Ken ( Lurking until introduced. ) 
Wednesday April 14th, 2010 10:07:47 PM

(( Just poking my head in to say hullo. ^_^ ))

(( Nice work with the chains. I was worried about the minotaurs mom for a bit. ))

Unlucky Lucky AC16 HP30 of 23 
Thursday April 15th, 2010 7:32:51 AM

OOC: Hi, Ken!

Lucky heads for the stairs, thinking he can get into that roomand get the boy out from behind.

DM's 2nd post (Sir John 50/58 hps, AC 21) 
Thursday April 15th, 2010 10:08:24 AM

(OOC - Ummm ... since we have 2 ken's now... let's try using our last initial to keep things straight if that works... I have to give the module credit for the chains idea, as I'm not a real creative person... I wasn't gifted with that ability ;-))) Ken M)

Marcas (SteveK) AC 19 HP 73/84  d20+7=21 ; d20+14=32 ; 2d6+9=17 ;
Thursday April 15th, 2010 12:06:30 PM

ooc: Hi Ken! I was worried for Thorlathai for a while myself. I wonder if Marcas should tell the Raven "don't make me angry... you wouldn't like me when I'm angry." ...

Marcas sees the next rescue has to be Speck's cousin, and so the large minotaur stands at the top of the stairs on guard for any mischief. He is much too large to go down the stairs without striking the wall, and that, according to Lucky and Speck, would be the end of the cousin. No, much better plan is to allow the experts to do thier work in peace: and Marcus provides that peace.

Spot: 21
Ready Action: strike first monster in reach AC 32 Dam 17

The Basement Archives (Sir John 50/58 hps, AC 21) 
Thursday April 15th, 2010 5:09:27 PM

After some timely healing, the group rushes back through the hall and continue to the West room, mommy following in their wake. The eerie sounds and screams of anguish still fill the hall, keeping them from relaxing or feeling comfortable... After all, it's their family members who are being tortured even as they speak...

They go down the stairs, past the whimpering boy in the wall, and at the bottom is a door. Mommy stops and comforts the boy, but is careful not to touch the wall...

Lucky doesn't find any traps in the door or wall (besides the guillotine), and the door is unlocked. He opens it, and looks into an room filled with row upon row of strongboxes and shelves brimming with official documents. Papers are scattered everywhere and it's obvious that the Raven hasn't hired a maid to clean up this room...

Spot or Search DC 15 - Highlight to display spoiler: {There is a small alcove to the left of the door, and it appears to be in the vicinity of the guillotine mechanism}

Speck AC19(21vsEvil)/20 HP:16/16  d20+5=6 ;
Thursday April 15th, 2010 9:54:57 PM

OOC: Welcome Ken2, glad you are having fun reading, 'cause soon you'll be in the mix and it ain't gonna be as 'comfortable' a chair as it is now. Ha! :)

I guess I got confused as to where we ended up at in saving Marcas' mom, I thought it was in the room just below Speck's brother's predicament.

IC: "Hold on little brotheeeeerrrrrr," Speck hollers as he rushes down the stairs. Pausing at the bottom, he lets Lucky check it for traps, then ventures in.

Spot d20+5= 6 :P must have had some tears in his eyes for his brother... sigh....

Speck AC19(21vsEvil)/20 HP:16/16 
Thursday April 15th, 2010 9:56:01 PM

OOC: I'll do a search after the rest of the group arrives. :)

Remsus Kai HP 29/43 AC 23 (Shield, Mage Armor, Invisibiilty Sphere)  d20+17=25 ;
Thursday April 15th, 2010 10:00:03 PM

Remsus notices the alcove and walks to it calmly and inspects it. Maybe it is what keeps the guillotine trap active? He will inspect it, hoping it is an interesting mechanical device

Cleric Spells Memorized: 5/5/3/2
lvl 0: Detect Magicx2, Read Magic, Purify Food and Drink, Create Water,
lvl 1: Sanctuaryx2, Command, Shield of Faith, Hide from undead
Domain: Longstrider
lvl 2: Hold Person, Zone of Truth,
Domain: See Invisible
lvl 3: Searing Lightx2
Domain: Fly

Wizard Spells Memorized: 4/5/4/3
lvl 0: Disrupt Undeadx2, Mage Hand, Arcane Mark
lvl 1: Shocking Grasp, Protection from Evil, Enlarge Person
lvl 2: Command Undead, Blur, Spectral Hand,
lvl 3: Halt Undead, Fireball

Lucky & Unlucky Lucky AC16 HP30 of 23  d20+10=30 ; d20+8=9 ; d20+2=6 ;
Thursday April 15th, 2010 10:53:30 PM

Lucky searches, putting his last luck point into the effort: Spot check 30! Natural 20! Lucky capers and cackles, "My luck is back!"

"Lookie here! This small space is what we are looking for!"

The mendicant pokes his head in the alcove and tries to find the way to release the boy. His search is a natural 1, for a 9. His Int check to figure it out is a 6. Oh well. Shortest run of luck ever.

Marcas (SteveK) AC 19 HP 73/84  d20+7=26 ; d20+14=32 ; 2d6+9=16 ;
Friday April 16th, 2010 3:05:13 PM

Marcas lets the smaller ones get to the mechanism thing. He will make sure they can do it without interruption!

Spot: 26
Ready Action: strike first monster in reach AC 32 Dam 16

Speck AC19(21vsEvil)/20 HP:16/16  d20+15=28 ;
Friday April 16th, 2010 9:23:54 PM

With Lucky pointing the way to the alcove, Speck also searches the area. Putting on his goggles...

Search d20+15=28

The Basement Archives (Sir John 50/58 hps, AC 21) 
Saturday April 17th, 2010 12:54:36 PM

As the various members search the area, they find a secret door. Opening it, they see that it gives access to the mechanism entrapping the poor young boy. Now that they've found it, it shouldn't be much trouble to disarm it... (Someone want to give me a disarm check to see if you do it?... Take +2 since you've got direct access to it... DC25 to disarm...)

Assuming the group disarms the trap (we know what happens if you fail by more than 4...), the question is how to get the boy out through the wall that he's trapped in... The hole in the stone is big enough for his neck, but much to small for his head...

Speck AC19(21vsEvil)/20 HP:16/16 
Sunday April 18th, 2010 6:27:18 PM

OOC: Specks Disable Device is +13. I suggest the hightest go for it, while the others that can use Aid Another rolls. Disable Device is Trained only.

Anyone higher than +13 bonus?

Lucky & Unlucky Lucky AC16 HP30 of 23  d20+2=17 ;
Sunday April 18th, 2010 7:37:10 PM

Lucky tries to help: Untrained disable device 17 should give a +2 if I can aid another untrained. Either way, Lucky's +1 friends bonus definitely helps.

Too bad you can't inspire confidence in yourself, Speck!

Marcas (SteveK) AC 19 HP 73/84  d20+7=22 ; d20+14=17 ; 2d6+9=15 ;
Monday April 19th, 2010 9:45:17 AM

Marcas lets the smaller ones get to the mechanism thing. He will make sure they can do it without interruption, but can't help but glance at the trapped halfling from time to time.

Spot: 22
Ready Action: strike first monster in reach AC 17 Dam 15

Remsus Kai HP 29/43 AC 23 (Shield, Mage Armor, Invisibiilty Sphere) 
Monday April 19th, 2010 2:29:17 PM

Remsus has no skill in disable device.

"Well. Given a day or so I can memorize Reduce Person and that could solve this problem. Want to leave him here and come back tomorrow?" remsus states flatly and unsympathetically.

Freeing the Boy (Sir John 50/58 hps, AC 21)  d20+18=26 ;
Monday April 19th, 2010 3:11:59 PM

(OOC = Since no one rolled the disarm device... Note that the bonus is +5(+2 from Lucky's aid, +1 for being his friend, +2 from the bonus I gave you = +5.... )... Speck would get a total of +18, so to move things along I rolled it and got a 26...)

Speck looks at the device, and since he's best suited for it, attempts to disarm the device holding his family member in place. He manages to block out the boy's moans and the eerie sounds emulating from above, and cuts the wire trigger connecting the wall pressure plate to the guillotine's release wire. The boy is in no danger, at least from the guillotine. But the Raven won't just let the group get away and leave the boy... He may provide a good meal for one of the Raven's hungry minions...

So how will the group rescue the boy from the solid stone wall? Or will you leave him with a guard?....

(I'm going to make you work for this one, but there is an XP bonus for freeing him...)

Lucky & Unlucky Lucky AC16 HP30 of 23 
Monday April 19th, 2010 8:46:35 PM

"Well," says Lucky, "We could use some metal thing or other to chip away the stone. A hammer and chisel would be best ..."

Then the halfling capers madly about, clearly excited about some mad idea. "Hee hee! I have it!" He gets his hands on the Horn of Blasting -- either from a friend or from back in the room, wherever it is. He positions it clearly and very carefully, so that the cone emanating from the horn will totally miss the boy, but will hit the stone holding him in. If he has to leave a half an ich of stone in place near the boy as a margin of safety, no problem. He sounds the horn!


Or at least he tries his darndest.

Marcas (SteveK) AC 19 HP 73/84 
Monday April 19th, 2010 9:30:28 PM

Marcas' easy demeanor changes to instant action as Lucky sounds a magical horn to break the stone walls around the boy halfling. Immediately, he drops his Ranseur and reaches in with his large hands to cup the boy's head like a fleshy helmet.

The minotaur is trying to endure any damage from chips and concussion on himself to spare the boy.

Speck AC19(21vsEvil)/20 HP:16/16 
Monday April 19th, 2010 9:56:02 PM

OOC: Sorry, meant to check back later and post but forgot! :(
Thanks for rolling for Speck. I was willing to spend my last Hero point, but looks like we squeeked by. :)

Too bad you can't inspire confidence in yourself, Speck! alas, I thought of that and looked it up. Sigh...

IC: "Excellent idea," Speck blurts out, exhausted from the fight and the pressures of disarming the trap over his brother. Before Lucky toots the horn, Speck removes his +1 mithril shirt and places it over his brother's head.

"Now just close your eyes, take a deep breath, and think of the apple pies mom makes," he says.

Remsus Kai HP 29/43 AC 23 (Shield, Mage Armor, Invisibiilty Sphere) 
Tuesday April 20th, 2010 1:30:16 AM

Remsus had the Horn of Blasting, since he removed it from the organ, but he willingly gives it to Lucky, as he had no use for it.

"Ah, what an ingenious idea Captain Lucky! I shall assist." and then Remsus helps hold the mithril shirt over the boy.

Cleric Spells Memorized: 5/5/3/2
lvl 0: Detect Magicx2, Read Magic, Purify Food and Drink, Create Water,
lvl 1: Sanctuaryx2, Command, Shield of Faith, Hide from undead
Domain: Longstrider
lvl 2: Hold Person, Zone of Truth,
Domain: See Invisible
lvl 3: Searing Lightx2
Domain: Fly

Wizard Spells Memorized: 4/5/4/3
lvl 0: Disrupt Undeadx2, Mage Hand, Arcane Mark
lvl 1: Shocking Grasp, Protection from Evil, Enlarge Person
lvl 2: Command Undead, Blur, Spectral Hand,
lvl 3: Halt Undead, Fireball

Freeing the Boy (Sir John 50/58 hps, AC 21)  d4=1 ; d4=1 ;
Tuesday April 20th, 2010 11:30:41 AM

Lucky takes the Horn of Blasting from Remsus and with joy and delight emanating from him, blasts the horn at the wall... He ensures that it's close enough to the wall that the boy won't be shattered too, and let's loose it's awful blast...

The blast wave slams into the stone, knocking chips and pieces everywhere... The boy is protected from most of the damage, but does lose a hp from assorted pieces of stone that were within the wall... Marcas also takes a hp of damage from a large piece that nips his flank.

Once they can actually hear again, the party removes the boy from the wall, who immediately collapses into Speck's arms, sobbing and crying. Marcas' mom comes over and tries to help soothe the boy as only a mother can do... He eventually allows her to take him away and she whispers softly to him, calming him down...

At this point, the party has:
1. Cleared out and searched the rooms that lie to the East and West of the main hall, including the lower archive room below the West room. Nothing else of interest can be found. There is little else to be found in the main hall too...
2. Rescued 2 of the captives, who entirely depend on the party for their safety.
3. Not yet checked the upper floor (which is accessible by the master stairway rising from the main hall), where screams and eerie sounds still fill the air, making everyone exceedingly uncomfortable...
4. Given the Raven an idea of their abilities and time to prepare other surprises for them...

OOC - Everyone gets 500 xp for rescuing the boy safely

Marcas (SteveK) AC 19 HP 72/84 
Tuesday April 20th, 2010 4:33:12 PM

ooc: 500xp gives Marcas another level. Should I level up in the middle of the adventure, or wait until the end? :-)

"Let us go back to the main hall and send Thorlathai and Speck's cousin outside with the golem password. They can make thier way to the Constables and tell them our situation." Marcas wants to ensure the Raven doesn't get away and that the rescued hostages remain safe, and this way he can do both at the same time.

"Then we go up to rescue more hostages." The big minotaur turns to the smallest party members. "Speck and Lucky, we need to know if the stairs up are trapped. It would be bad to charge up them if they are."

Speck AC19(21vsEvil)/20 HP:16/16  d20+15=18 ; d20+15=33 ; d20+15=30 ;
Tuesday April 20th, 2010 11:05:06 PM

Relieved that his brother is finally safe, Speck thanks Marca's mom for her help. "Thanks for helping me with my brother, Mam. I was never good at being comfoting. I just end up singing a silly song or trying to be silly and that usually doesn't work."

Speck helps see the two out (if that is what they do) after putting on his mithril chain shirt again.

Then, when all are ready, he puts his goggles on and starts checking the stairs for traps.
(here are some rolls for the stairs, don't know how many steps a Search roll covers)

Search d20+15=18, 33, 30

does three Searches cover the stairs?

Lucky & Unlucky Lucky AC16 HP30 of 23  d20+8=12 ; d20+8=12 ; d20+8=17 ;
Tuesday April 20th, 2010 11:13:15 PM

Luck helps Speck: Aid Another Three +2s on the rolls and another +1 from your friend Lucky.

Remsus Kai HP 29/43 AC 23 (Shield, Mage Armor, Invisibiilty Sphere)  d20+18=25 ; d20+6=22 ;
Wednesday April 21st, 2010 1:09:43 PM

"Yes, getting the civilians out of here is top priority. Then upstairs." Remsus says.
(search =25) (listen =6)

Freeing the Boy (Sir John 50/58 hps, AC 21) 
Wednesday April 21st, 2010 3:53:48 PM

As the group examines the stairs, they find nothing out of the ordinary.

However, as Speck nears the top of the stairs, he hears a distinct scream in terror along with loud machine sounds... and it sounds like it's coming from the room at the top of the stairs. However, he can't get a good look at the room, as the stairs turn at the top and lead into a room...

(Go ahead and level Marcas up and you don't have to wait until the end of the adventure. Just let us know what changes you make to your PC...)

(OOC = Marching orders please if you go in the room, and I need to know where mommy and Speck's kinsman are in the marching order too...

Furthermore, I'd like Marcas to NPC his mom and Speck to NPC his cousin. Not sure on stats though so I'll try to put something together for them... Maybe have mommy be a lower level NPC, maybe level 4 or 5, but in her elderly years? The boy would be a 0 level NPC? I'm open to suggestions or ideas on these two from you fellow DM's...)

Speck AC19(21vsEvil)/20 HP:16/16  d20+11=24 ; d20+5=23 ;
Wednesday April 21st, 2010 9:15:39 PM

OOC: I think the idea was that we would escort the two kinsmen to the doors, speak the password, and have them escape to the town constable and tell him what was going on. If you need us to NPC them for that, okey-dokey. But I don't think we intended them to follow along.

IC: Speck slinks down low, crouching, and peeks around the corner.

Hide d20+11 = 24 (if appropriate)
Spot d20+5= 23

Ken ( Lurking until introduced. ) 
Thursday April 22nd, 2010 12:51:23 AM

(( Still lurking. Congrats on saving the boy! ))

(( Ken E / Rathan ))

Unlucky Lucky AC16 HP30 of 23  d20+15=16 ;
Thursday April 22nd, 2010 6:45:38 AM

OOC: Yeah, could we dump the innocents back the way we came? The last thing we need is a fireball that wipes out the poods.

OOC: waves at Ken!

Lucky casts his Owl's Wisdom and follows Speck. "Come on everybody," he says.

[OOC: That should help his AC, but Lucky rolls a 1 on his AC roll! Unlucky this time!]

AC for next time it is needed: 16

Current Con Damage: -6 pts of Con.

Currently Active Spells: Aid, Owl's Wisdom, Endure Elements
-- Question to the DM -- The Aid has a duration of 8 minutes (80 rounds). How much time has elapsed?

Level 0: Inflict MW, Read Magic, Light, Mending, Create Water
Level 1: CLW, Endure Elements, Pro Evil, Det Evil, Entr Shld
Level 2: Owl Wis, Sound Burst, Undetect Align, Eagle Splen, Aid
Level 3: Obsc Obj, Remove Curse, Helping Hand, Circle vs Law

Luck points: 2

Tattoo Used: 1 of 3
Stones Used: 1 of 3

Sling Bullets Used: 1 of 16

Marcas (SteveK) AC 19 HP 72/84  d20+7=21 ; d20+12=18 ; d20+12=16 ; d20+12=16 ;
Thursday April 22nd, 2010 8:40:00 AM

Marcas leads the group back to the main doors. "My dam, you must take the boy to the Constables and tell them the Raven is at the town Library." Marcas then opens the door and waits for Remsus to speak the golem's command word to let the hostages escape. While keeping the door open, the minotaur scans the snowy and sooty street for any danger or help. Spot: 21

The older female minotaur moves with some pain and thier is a wildness to her eyes at the recent horror and near death experience, but she dutifully picks up the halfling boy and follows. "My duty is to protect the family and keep the hearth for the calves until they grow up." She breathes warmly on Marcas' face. "My calf has grown up, so I will care for this one. Do your duty and may Imod protect you." And then Thorlathai is gone, using the duty of caring for a child to keep the horror away.

Marcas then turns and lets Speck and Lucky lead the group up the stairs. Is there tears in his eyes? No, it must have been the blowing snow...

As more mechanical sounds begin and screams increase, the minotaur speculates. "We must have activated a trap again. Quickly, before a hostage is slain!"

The minotaur bounds up the last steps five at a time (Jump: 18, 16, 16) and bursts into the next room, ready to confound the Raven's twisted plans once more!

Danger in the Press Room (Sir John 50/58 hps, AC 21)  d3=2 ;
Thursday April 22nd, 2010 12:31:14 PM

(OOC = Cayzle, when did you cast Aid? That'll help me answer your question...)

Marcas and Speck carefully escort their family members out of the building, and after speaking the password, the two rescued hostages trudge away through the blinding snow and ash that is falling. Though the conditions are poor at best, they're still better than they were inside the building.

Deciding that time is of the essence, Marcas charges into the room and again, a horrifying scene meets his eyes. A deafening orchestra of gnashing machines thunders within this large room. Reinforced wooden flooring sags under the weight of a large printing press formerly used to mass-produce texts and chronicles. The press is a writhing forest of whirling gears, belts and cylinders. Heavy steel plates bearing the latest news form over 30 years ago hover over an elemental powered conveyor belt bearing thick sheets of high qualify vellum. The plates periodically slam down on the vellum with crushing force.

Above them are suspended one hostage. Sir John instantly stops in his tracks, as he sees his barely clothed sister hanging from cables. Not only is she bound to the cables, but her veins and arteries are riddled with exsanguination canals feeding the ink reservoirs above the steel print plates. As soon as Marcas steps into the room, the machines being vacuuming blood from her body.

Another person is strapped with more steel cables to the arcane conveyor splayed out over a sheet of vellum, more canals feeding from his arms into the pumps and press. As the machines begin, so does the conveyor and the person (Ken E, this is you) slowly moves towards the press (and death) itself... The blood starts to pour from his veins, feeding the press...

While all this goes on, gears and steel plates and bars whirl and whoop near the supine hostage (Ken E) and anyone standing near it may be hit by a gear, bar or plate.

To make matters worse, three large beetle zombies skulk in the room and move towards Marcas as he enters into the room...

Round 1 of ? of the trap...

Here is the link to the map. -> http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AqnAHbr9x2l9dDlXWVlHQXFJaXpQZm03VkRYWGRrZXc&hl=en

(Ken E/Rathan - Here's your chance to enter the game, albeit a gruesome and dangerous one... Am I right in assuming you're in both the Mithril Order and the Mithril Tapestry game. I'm in both too, and wanted to make sure I didn't have it confused...)

Marcas (SteveK) AC 19 HP 72/84  d20+14=22 ; d20+9=13 ; d20+10=12 ; 2d6+9=19 ;
Thursday April 22nd, 2010 2:29:37 PM

Marcas grits his teeth against the deliberate evilness of the Raven and steps into the room. "Quickly my friends! I will slay the monsters. You need to rescue both hostages here! They will need healing!"

His ranseur flicks out to destroy the beetles in order to clear the way for the other heroes.

5 foot step to C/D 1/2 (being a Large creature, Marcas takes up 4 spaces)

Full Attack v Beetle at C,5
Attack 1; 22 Dam 19
Attack:2: 13
Horn: 12

Ken ( Lurking until introduced. ) 
Thursday April 22nd, 2010 4:58:57 PM

((Right. I'll be in Mithril Order as soon as my character can be written in. Seems I like Mithril!)

(( Am I unconscious?)

Danger in the Press Room (updated info for Steve K, Ken E) (Sir John 50/58 hps, AC 21) 
Thursday April 22nd, 2010 9:40:29 PM

(Ken E, no you're fully conscious, which adds to the terror of the situation...)

(SteveK, remember that it may be a tight fit for Marcas by the conveyor if you take up 4 squares... and as I said in the post, there are gears and items moving around near the conveyor, so there's a chance you could be hit by a flywheel, piston, etc...)

Speck AC19(21vsEvil)/20 HP:16/16  d20+5=18 ;
Thursday April 22nd, 2010 10:13:15 PM

OOC: While all this goes on, gears and steel plates and bars whirl and whoop near the supine hostage (Ken E) and anyone standing near it may be hit by a gear, bar or plate.

Q: this does not also apply to Sir John's sister, does it? That is, if one could reach her, there are no gears and plates and bars flying around her, right?
Q: How high is the ceiling? How far off the ground is the sister? Mainly, If Speck were to climb onto Marcas' shoulders, would he be able to reach any rope or chain suspending SJ's sister?

IC: Speck moves to just behind Marcas and looks for a way to climb up to Sir John's sister. Since she's suspended, he looks for where the ropes or chains are ankored, or any other means of reaching the cables.

Spot d20+5=18

if he sees that the cables aren't too high, he yells to Marcas, "Pick me up and toss me there," pointing to a cable. (shouldn't be all that hard for a Minotaur to toss a halfling, eh?)

Figure out the DC for me to grab a cable, then I'll roll.

If the ceiling is too high, he looks for another way to climb up to the cables. (use same spot roll).

Remsus Kai HP 29/43 AC 23 (Shield, Mage Armor, Invisibiilty Sphere)  5d6=18 ;
Friday April 23rd, 2010 12:29:36 AM

Remsus casts Command Undead at one of the Unhurt zombie Beetles. "You will be my pet." he simply states. And after that, he will say, "Attack the other beetle"

DC 20 Will save to resist.

(the 5d6 was b/c I was thinking about casting searin light... but changed my mind when I saw that I had Command Undead)

Cleric Spells Memorized: 5/5/3/2
lvl 0: Detect Magicx2, Read Magic, Purify Food and Drink, Create Water,
lvl 1: Sanctuaryx2, Command, Shield of Faith, Hide from undead
Domain: Longstrider
lvl 2: Hold Person, Zone of Truth,
Domain: See Invisible
lvl 3: Searing Lightx2
Domain: Fly

Wizard Spells Memorized: 4/5/4/3
lvl 0: Disrupt Undeadx2, Mage Hand, Arcane Mark
lvl 1: Shocking Grasp, Protection from Evil, Enlarge Person
lvl 2: Command Undead, Blur, Spectral Hand,
lvl 3: Halt Undead, Fireball

Friday April 23rd, 2010 12:46:28 AM

( If I am awake, how am I bound? I assume I cannot cast a spell or wildshape to escape my current predicament?)

Unlucky Lucky AC16 HP30 of 23  d20+11=29 ; 2d6+3=10 ;
Friday April 23rd, 2010 7:00:30 AM

OOC to Remsus: How are you getting a save DC20 on that spell? I figure it for a 16.

OOC: Homework! Lucky cast his Aid on March 15. My sister's birthday!

Lucky moves up to 20 feet to E4. He throws a magic stone at whichever bug is not enspelled, maybe the one at C5. His attack hits AC29 or AC30 if the aid is up. His damage is 10 pts.

He takes a look at how the captive is bound.

He takes a look at the other person too.

Danger in the Press Room (updated info for Steve K, Ken E) (Sir John 50/58 hps, AC 21)  d20+2=5 ; d20+15=22 ; d8+5=7 ; d6=5 ;
Friday April 23rd, 2010 9:51:32 AM

(OOC - Here is some schematic information about the press, etc.

1. Six cables anchor Marie, and six anchor Rathan. Marie is above the press, though if someone were to stand on it, they could reach her. The ceiling is about 15' high.
2. Rathan, no, there's not much you can do right now. You're gagged, bound, and pierced with multiple IV's in your arms, as well as tied down with 6 steel cables. As the blood drains from your body, you'll suffer Con dmg too... Note that I won't let you die, and if the group fails to save you, then I'll introduce you in the next room and again and again until you have a chance to join the game... ;-) I'm winging it on having you in this piece, since it wasn't part of the module.
3. The conveyor moves 10' round, and it seems that you only have ~ 6 rounds before Rathan is smashes to pulp... You're not sure though on Marie and that depends on how much blood she has... That's part of the fear factor for this game.
4. Cables DC = Hardness 8, hp 15, break DC 25, use rope DC25
Conveyor - DC30 to disable device, DC25 to slow it for a round
Pumps - DC 25 to shut down for 1 round
5. Note that the conveyor is 10' ABOVE THE GROUND, so you'll have to get up there or use a reach weapon. To climb up the side of the conveyor is a DC15 climb.
6. If you stand ON or are adjacent to the conveyor at any time, you are attacked by gears, plates and bars...
7. Lucky, yes, aid is still good, but after this fight, it won't be valid anymore.
8. Speck, the DC to grab a cable would be 15.

The group moves into the room, taking their individual routes... Marcas moves and attacks the Beetle 1, crunching a piece of its shell, while Lucky adds to the damage...

Speck sees Marie on the ceiling and realizes that he could climb up there and try hacking at the cables or trying to unbind her (though it takes 6 rounds to do it since there are 6 cables and she may not have that long to live...)

Remsus commands one beetle to change allegiances, and it is unable to resist...

Sir John moves and yells at Lucky and Speck, "Rescue them both!!! Focus on the press and don't' worry about the cables!!!"

He picks Speck up and tosses him to the top of the conveyor (SPECK - let me know where you direct Sir John to throw you...), hoping that he can rescue Marie in time...
(I"ll have monster moves and map updated later... Have to go to a meeting...)
B1 = 29 dmg (19 AC)
B2, B3 = 0 dmg (19 AC)

Round 2 of 6 of trap...

Marcas (SteveK) AC 19 HP 72/84 
Friday April 23rd, 2010 9:54:02 AM

ooc1: Marcas is aware and will probably get smacked by gears and stuff. I wonder... can Marcas jam the engine with his body? :-)

ooc2: Command Undead gives no saves for non-intelligent undead... like zombies!

Remsus Kai HP 29/43 AC 23 (Shield, Mage Armor, Invisibiilty Sphere) 
Friday April 23rd, 2010 1:41:15 PM

Luck - your right. I was looking at the wrong spell list on my character sheet. Ah, having both wizard and cleric spells... sigh.

Cleric Spells Memorized: 5/5/3/2
lvl 0: Detect Magicx2, Read Magic, Purify Food and Drink, Create Water,
lvl 1: Sanctuaryx2, Command, Shield of Faith, Hide from undead
Domain: Longstrider
lvl 2: Hold Person, Zone of Truth,
Domain: See Invisible
lvl 3: Searing Lightx2
Domain: Fly

Wizard Spells Memorized: 4/5/4/3
lvl 0: Disrupt Undeadx2, Mage Hand, Arcane Mark
lvl 1: Shocking Grasp, Protection from Evil, Enlarge Person
lvl 2: Blur, Spectral Hand,
lvl 3: Halt Undead, Fireball

Danger in the Press Room (Sir John 50/58 hps, AC 21)  d20+11=23 ; d20+11=18 ; d6+5=6 ; d20+11=23 ; d20+11=30 ; d6+5=11 ; d6+5=10 ; d20+11=17 ; d3+1=3 ; d4=3 ; d20+10=19 ; d20+10=28 ; d20+10=21 ; 2d6=4 ; 2d6=6 ; 2d6=7 ;
Friday April 23rd, 2010 4:24:08 PM

Beetle 1 feels the crunch fo multiple blows, but isn't done yet. It slams at Marcas twice (Hit AC 23, Miss AC18). The one slam does 6 pts of dmg, and Marcas feels the onset of a disease (Save vs. Fort 16 or be infected with an unknown disease... If so, I'll email you the results as the game continues...)

Beetle 3 is a bit confused for a moment, and then looks at Remsus and hears his command. It scuttles towards Beetle 1 too and slams it twice (AC 23, 30), doing even more damage to it's previous companion (21 total points)...

Beetle 2 crawls under the catwalk and bites at Marcas too (Miss AC17...)

As all this transpires, the blood continues to be pumped out of Marie and Rathan, creating horrible drawings and images on the paper in the press...

They both take 3 pts of Constitution dmg, and become paler and paler... Also, Rathan is one step closer to decorating the press with his body, as the press moves on and on...

(OOC = Marcas, you could try, but I'd say you'd end up hurting yourself more than anything. They're driven by a large pump, hydraulics, etc.... I used to run a facility with printing presses in my 1st career, and they run with thousands of psi. I tried to imagine what would happen if a large taur tried to jam them, but the hydraulic gears move quickly and with a lot of force, and if you stuck a body part in their, it'd be smashed before you could stop it... As I mentioned earlier, the pump could be stopped though with a disable device check...)

Marcas tries to duck under the gears and machines, especially 3 that come near his large frame... (Tumble Check DC 15 to avoid them... Otherwise, (Hit AC19, 28, 21) all three slam into the minotaur and do 17 pts of bludgeoning dmg...

The beetles are small enough to slide under the gears...

(Remember that anyone who is adjacent or on the conveyor could be hit by machinery a gear... I'm not doing it against Speck since I assume he's flying in the air for now. But on the other hand, he'll be impacted next round...)

(Map is updated, so use old link)

Ending Damage
B1 - 48 pts
B2 - 0
B3 - 0
Marie/Rathan - Both have 3 pts Con Dmg
Round 2 of trap...

Speck AC19(21vsEvil)/20 HP:16/16  d20+9=19 ; d20+10=29 ; d20+7=18 ;
Friday April 23rd, 2010 11:31:46 PM

OOC: I was picturing being tossed to a cable and if successfully grabbing one, climbing it to the lady. Once there, pluck the IV's from her. That way there'd be no need to disable a device, or cut a cable. The IV's would just be sucking air.

That's why I suggested Marcas toss me, 'cause he's already as tall as the conveyor. With a 15' high ceiling, all he'd need to do is hold Speck up and he'd be at the ceiling. But Marcas is busy at the moment. sigh...

Let's see: Conveyor is 10', Speck is 3', Ceiling is 15'. So there's 2' that Speck needs to jump to hit the ceiling. Jump DC is 4 x hight to reach, or 4x2=8. This is assuming a cable is right over head.

IC: Speck lands on the conveyor belt and immediatly springs upward to grab a cable.

Jump DC 8? d20+9= 19 (or 20 if Lucky is close enough for his +1 luck bonus)

Grab cable DC15 (i'm using my Tumble skill but if this is wrong let me know) d20+10= 29 (or 30 if Lucky is close enough for his +1 luck bonus)

OOC: This looks like two moves, but it's just one. The toss is Sir John's Move, The Jump is Speck's 1st move.

Speck then climbs (legs crossed over the cable and hand-over-hand) the cable to reach the lady.
Climb d20+7= 18 (or 19 w/Lucky) vs DC? (how far to shinny along the cables to reach her?)

Next round he should be able to start plucking the IV's from her body. I hope. :)

Rathan Rathan 
Saturday April 24th, 2010 3:55:17 AM

(( Test ))

Remsus Kai HP 29/43 AC 23 (Shield, Mage Armor, Invisibiilty Sphere) 
Saturday April 24th, 2010 12:34:06 PM

"Don't hurt beetle 3. He is my friend for the next few hours. I name him Frank the Tank. Hmmm. how in the world to we get them down from there?"

(OOC: in a rush, action to come by sunday)

Cleric Spells Memorized: 5/5/3/2
lvl 0: Detect Magicx2, Read Magic, Purify Food and Drink, Create Water,
lvl 1: Sanctuaryx2, Command, Shield of Faith, Hide from undead
Domain: Longstrider
lvl 2: Hold Person, Zone of Truth,
Domain: See Invisible
lvl 3: Searing Lightx2
Domain: Fly

Wizard Spells Memorized: 4/5/4/3
lvl 0: Disrupt Undeadx2, Mage Hand, Arcane Mark
lvl 1: Shocking Grasp, Protection from Evil, Enlarge Person
lvl 2: Blur, Spectral Hand,
lvl 3: Halt Undead, Fireball

Archie, Cousin of Jenesie AC33 HP30 of 23  d20+12=25 ; d20+15=33 ;
Monday April 26th, 2010 7:18:22 AM

Lucky notices that the captive just over there. He tumbles to C5 (Tumble check (using two luck points) to avoid AoOs from the zombie is a 25 woot).

He rips off the gag off Rathan and shouts, "Jenesie! Jenesie! Old friend! I am so sorry to see you like this!"

If Jenesie looks even a little confused, and I suspect he might, Lucky adds, "It's me! Archie! You're favorite cousin. Don't worry, will get you free!"

(I'm assuming it is an action to remove the gag?)

AC for next time it is needed: 33

Current Con Damage: -6 pts of Con.

Currently Active Spells: Aid, Owl's Wisdom, Endure Elements

Level 0: Inflict MW, Read Magic, Light, Mending, Create Water
Level 1: CLW, Endure Elements, Pro Evil, Det Evil, Entr Shld
Level 2: Owl Wis, Sound Burst, Undetect Align, Eagle Splen, Aid
Level 3: Obsc Obj, Remove Curse, Helping Hand, Circle vs Law

Luck points: 3

Tattoo Used: 1 of 3
Stones Used: 1 of 3

Sling Bullets Used: 1 of 16

Danger in the Press Room (Sir John 50/58 hps, AC 21) 
Monday April 26th, 2010 2:18:54 PM

(Waiting on Marcas' post...; Cayzle - No, I'd say moving the gag from over his mouth would be a free action... If you took the time to remove it, then it would be a standard action)

(Also, my new email is kmeste1@yahoo.com, so pls update your records)

Marcas (SteveK) AC 19 HP 72/84  d20+2=17 ; d20+2=22 ; d20+2=16 ; d20+14=25 ; d20+9=28 ; d20+10=14 ; d8+8=13 ; d8+8=13 ; d8+6=10 ;
Monday April 26th, 2010 5:29:03 PM

ooc: sorry for taking long time. Monster DM post in COC.

Marcas is agile for such a large Taur, and the monk/fighter is able to dodge every whirling gear!

Seeing that one of the undead beetles is temporariliy commanded by the drow, the minotaur turns his attention to a different ankle-biter: Beetle 2.

Hooves and a Sharp Horn lower to smack into the undead abomination.

"Get the hostages down, or I will try and break the pump!", Marcas calls to his companions.

Tumble: 17
Tumble: 22
Tumble: 16 (WOW!)

Hoof (bludeoning) AC 25 Dam 13
Hoof (bludgeoning) AC 28 Dam 13
Horn AC 14 Dam 10

Archie, Cousin of Jenesie AC33 HP30 of 23  d100=58 ;
Monday April 26th, 2010 9:06:46 PM

Oh! An extra action for me!

After ungagging his cousin Jenesie, Lucky goes for broke! Well, it worked once before, so Lucky tries again -- he blows the horn of blasting at the pump mechanism, hoping to put it out of commission. He does his best to point it at machine parts and not friends or victims.

As I understand it, there is a percent chance that the whole thing will blow up in his face. Lucky stands so that even if it explodes, the blast might damage the machinery. If he rolls low, that's not good ... a 58! That should be okay! I hope!

Danger in the Press Room (Sir John 50/58 hps, AC 21)  d100=72 ; 5d6=18 ; d8=7 ; d20+11=21 ; d20+11=22 ; d6+5=10 ; d6+5=8 ; d20+11=23 ; d20+11=24 ; d6+5=7 ; d6+5=6 ; d4=3 ; d20+10=14 ; d20+10=29 ; d20+10=23 ; 2d6=9 ; 2d6=7 ; d3+1=2 ; d3+1=4 ; d20+11=31 ; d20+11=24 ; d6+5=11 ; d20+11=23 ; d6+5=8 ;
Tuesday April 27th, 2010 10:26:38 AM

The group proceeds to work and rescue the various hostages while fighting off the zombies...

Sir John tosses Speck upwards, who manages to grab a cable while avoiding the whirring and moving machinery... Once there, he moves quickly, hand over hand to Marie, trying to see the best way to save her. She has multiple (~ 5 - 2 femoral, 2 arm, 1 chest) IV's in her body, but Speck is going to have to be careful with each one, as she's lost a lot of blood now. Each time he removes one, he's goinig to have to clamp off the blood flow or it'll spurt out and worsen her condition... So I'll give you 1/round, since your other hand is holding you steady while you do the pulling...

Remsus commands his new undead friend Frank to continue fighting...

Archie first removes the gag from Remsus' mouth and then uses the horn and blasts a sonic wave at the pump... (It's been used once today, and Lucky realizes that there is a 20% cumulative chance that it'll blow up each additional time... (40% next time, etc.) (1-20 on d100) Check = 72 so OK)... The wave hits the pump solidly and does 18 pts of damage to the pump housing... It does some damage (assujme 22/40 hp left, 6 hardness), but it still pumps along...

Sir John moves and joins the attack on the pump... Hits it for 12 pts of dmg (d8 +5), but it still has some life left...

Marcas switches targets and 2 of his 3 attacks get through B2's shell and do 26 pts of dmg...
Though almost dead, B1 still has some fight left and bites marcas again... (Hit AC21 for 10 , AC22 for 8)... Since both bites tear into Marcas, he needs to save 2x vs Fort DC16 or be sickened...

B2 continues tearing at Marcas, Hitting him twice (AC23 for 7 , AC 24 for 6)...

B3 attacks B1, trying to have it for a noontime snack... Crit Hit AC31 (24 Check, OK, 22 pts dmg...) and
AC 31 (8 pts)...

B1 finally succumbs to the multiple attacks and collapses... However, to everyone's horror, a flying swarm of bugs, small beetles, flies, etc. rises from it's corpse, moving towards Marcas next round...

The machinery keeps moving and Marcas is again accosted by 3 nearby rotating gears... (Hit AC14 (miss), AC 29 (9 dmg), 23 (7 dmg)... Need 2 DC 15 tumbles to avoid the impact

Steve K, I still need a Fort DC16 check from last round, and 4 DC16 checks this round for Marcas... If you don't make any of your saves, I'll email you the effects...

The blood also continues flowing out of Marie and Rathan.. Marie loses 2 more, Rathan loses 4 more... Marie is near death now... She's so weak that she doesn't even have enough energy to weep in fear and agony... The end is near...

Rathan also continues moving closer and closer to the hydraulic presses...

Pump - 18 hp left
B1 = dead
Beetle Swarm 1 - 0 dmg
B2 - 26 pts
B3 - 0 (friendly)
Marie - 5 pts Con dmg , 5 IV's
Rathan - 7 pts Con dmg, 5 IV's
Round 3 of trap...

Speck AC19(21vsEvil)/20 HP:16/16  d20=7 ;
Tuesday April 27th, 2010 11:04:42 AM

OOC: I have an idea: If Speck succeeds in a Heal check (not that he has a great one), would that allow him to unplug 2 this round? If he fails his Heal check, it would just mean he had to take the whole round to unplug one.

How does that sound?
Heal Check d20 vs DC? = 7 +1 if close enough to Lucky = 8 (probably not good enough)
IC: Speck tries his best to remove one of the IV's, managing only one as he gets used to dangling on the cables and working upside down.

4 IV's to go. :{

Speck AC19(21vsEvil)/20 HP:16/16  d20=4 ;
Tuesday April 27th, 2010 11:08:19 AM

OOC: I suppose that just cutting the IV tubes would be much the same as removing them?

Heal Check to determine whether just cutting the IV's would be less dangerous than unplugging the IV's.

d20 vs DC? = 4 eeeck! getting worse!

(DM Ken - I'd probably make it a DC15 check to remove 2 since you've not only got to get them unplugged, but also closed up in a sanitary manner... Also, cutting them would be much worse, since then you've still got an open wound and the blood in the IV would eventually die off, possibly leading to infection... (full disclosure - Wife's a doc and I asked her what this would be like so that's where I got my ideas...) Also, you're trying an untrained check and removing an IV safely from those major veins is much harder than it sounds... The Raven did not want it to be easy did he... And I could be a mean DM and use the 4 and 8 against you and say that you broke the IV in her arm or simply tore her vein open... BUt I'm in a good mood today ;-))) )

Marcas (SteveK) AC 19 HP 19/84  d20+12=16 ; d20+12=26 ; d20+12=32 ; d20+12=28 ; d20+12=18 ; d20+9=13 ; d20+4=21 ; 2d6+19=24 ; 2d6+19=22 ; d20+2=11 ; d20+2=10 ;
Tuesday April 27th, 2010 12:35:01 PM

Marcas manages to fight off the diseased mandibles of the beetles, and, though wounded, is sure he can slay the large bugs. The problem comes when the bug swarm arrives soon... Marcas doesn't know how to handle that!

The punishing gears take thier toll in turn, and Marcas feels like he only has seconds to act before he is overwhelmed. He is determined to save the hostages and prove how a minotaur acts, so Marcas redirects his attacks... to the Pump!

The ranseur snakes out twice with righteous fury and strength that only the minotaur is capable of making; hoping to smash the damaged pump to smithereens!

Fort DCs: 18, 27, 33, 29, 19 Whew! (including Bless)

Reflex DCs: 11, 10 both fail

5 Foot Step and 20 foot reach should let Marcas get to the pump

Power Attack 5 (-5 AC, +10 damage double handed weapon)
Ranseur AC 15 (w Bless and Luck) Dam 24
Ranseur AC 23 (w Bless and Luck) Dam 22

Bless: +1 rolls
Lucky's Luck +1 rolls

Archie, Cousin of Jenesie AC33 HP30 of 23 
Tuesday April 27th, 2010 8:11:04 PM

OOC: Lucky degagged Rankin, not Remsus. Sorry!

More later.

Speck AC19(21vsEvil)/20 HP:16/16 
Tuesday April 27th, 2010 10:05:54 PM

OOC: Well, the original post didn't mention anything about a Heal check, so I presumed one wasn't necessary. SO, I thought that If Speck DID use a Heal check and roll high enough, he might succeed in getting two. And since no Heal check was mentioned in the first description of taking out the tubes, a low score would not be detrimental, only that things would work as originally stated, ie. 1/round.

Make sense? :)

DM Ken - Sorry for the confusion. For one IV, I didn't think you'd need a heal check, but with 2, you'd be rushed in a single round to do it and would probably need a heal check... And as you said in your last sentence, I didn't require a heal check in my first post (and still don't for 1 IV) and wouldn't have used your low rolls against you because of that ;-)

Archie, Cousin of Jenesie AC26 HP30 of 23  d20+11=22 ; d6+2=3 ; d20+15=26
Tuesday April 27th, 2010 11:19:24 PM

Lucky tries breaking the pumps by throwing a magic stone into the works: Hits C22 for 3 damage oh well.

AC this round: 26

Danger in the Press Room (Sir John 50/58 hps, AC 21) 
Wednesday April 28th, 2010 10:18:39 AM

(Anyone heard from Remsus... He hasn't posted this week so far... )

(Note to all - I'm moving tomorrow so probably won't post until Friday once we're settled...)

Remsus Kai HP 29/43 AC 23 (Shield, Mage Armor, Invisibiilty Sphere) 
Wednesday April 28th, 2010 10:37:29 AM

(OOC: Sorry for not posting. I have an organic chem exam 2morrow and it pretty much ruins my life... But if you guys can think of anything for me to do that is useful with my spells, just go ahead and tell me. I'm not very good at playing pure spell casters b/c my skills are so limited. I will post more later... but class is about to start now.)

Cleric Spells Memorized: 5/5/3/2
lvl 0: Detect Magicx2, Read Magic, Purify Food and Drink, Create Water,
lvl 1: Sanctuaryx2, Command, Shield of Faith, Hide from undead
Domain: Longstrider
lvl 2: Hold Person, Zone of Truth,
Domain: See Invisible
lvl 3: Searing Lightx2
Domain: Fly

Wizard Spells Memorized: 4/5/4/3
lvl 0: Disrupt Undeadx2, Mage Hand, Arcane Mark
lvl 1: Shocking Grasp, Protection from Evil, Enlarge Person
lvl 2: Blur, Spectral Hand,
lvl 3: Halt Undead, Fireball

Speck AC19(21vsEvil)/20 HP:16/16 
Wednesday April 28th, 2010 11:30:06 PM

OOC: well, shoot, Remsus, you got a lot of stuff. Sir John had to toss Speck up to the ceiling and Remsus could have cast FLY on Speck. :)

Sanctuary would allow someone to free Rathan without being bothered by the bettles. Or Hide From Undead too. Good use of your Command Undead. It's working well. I think Searing Light does extra damage vs undead. Halt Undead should come in handy later.

And, once the beetles are dead, Purify Food and Drink for a tasty meal. :)

But we're doing fine with these, in think, and the big battle is yet to come.

Archie, Cousin of Jenesie AC26 HP30 of 23 
Thursday April 29th, 2010 7:10:02 AM

Checking in.

Marcas (SteveK) AC 19 HP 19/84 
Thursday April 29th, 2010 3:56:07 PM

checking 2

Rathan Rathan 
Thursday April 29th, 2010 6:21:33 PM

Down and out, but checkin' in.

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