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Marcasthai AC 17 HP 65/84 (SteveK)  d20+8=28 ; d20+8=14 ; d20+3=16 ; 2d6+4=10 ; 2d6+4=12 ; 2d6+4=15 ;
Monday September 14th, 2009 10:54:01 AM

Marcas looks behind and sees most of his companions haven't moved into the alley; they are still strung out along the road! (ooc: at least that is what the map is showing...)

But the minotaur also sees the man on the roof sniping at his friends. "More can play than one slinger", the bull-headed man growls and raises his great longbow. Two arrows streak out, and one is able to nearly pierce his target in twain!

Full Attack:
1: AC 28 crit 14 Dam 10 (possible Crit Dam +12)
2: AC 16 Possible Dam 15

Sir John 
Monday September 14th, 2009 6:30:11 PM

Sir John calls out, "Keep moving everyone! We've cleared the way for you so get your hind ends out of those alleys!!!"

The man on the roof is probably still out of range for his javelin, so the paladin keeps moving forward, ensuring that the way ahead is clear. If he had a bow, things would be different... However, he has only his javelins for ranged weapons...

Speck AC18/19 HP:25(1)/26 
Monday September 14th, 2009 11:09:11 PM

Speck husltes over to M25 and yells, "Slip-Slip your but down here" as he activates his wand. A coating of grease covers a 10'x10' foot area under the sniper's feet. Ballance check DC10 + any modifiers for being on a tricky roof with snow.

OOC: his wand range is 25ft. Without getting my geometry book out, (and starting some 3ft for Specks hight), i think he should reach the roof just under the sniper's feet, albeit he'd be at the max range.

Pretty sure you can reach. Grease is such a fun spell :) -DM Troy

Cedric AC 20 HP 66/66 Character Sheet  d20+6=24 d4-1=0
Tuesday September 15th, 2009 11:35:31 AM

Cedric decides two can play at this game. Moving to gain a better angle, he releases a sling bullet of his own. It doesn't really do much however, drawling little blood.

Move south
Hit AC 24 for 1 damage.

Alley Combat, Round 5  d20+8=23 ; d20+10=14 ; d2=1 ; d20+10=11 ; 2d6=8 ; d20+7=21 ; d3+1=3 ; d4+1=3 ;
Tuesday September 15th, 2009 6:26:45 PM

Lucky begins to cast a long and complex spell. Marcas hits the foe with one arrow, piercing him deeply. Cedric's light bullet strike adds to the damage. Speck's attack however has a more dramatic effect.

As the grease begins to form under his feet, the assassin manages to remain standing for just a moment. However, the sloping incline and gravity take its toll. Sliding down the roof, the assassin falls off the roof. Attempting to land on his feet is as successful as remaining on the roof, and he lands prone south of Lucky, taking damage from the fall.

He recovers though, standing up and lashing out at Lucky. Oddly, he hits him with just his hand.

Now that you have a close up view of the aggressor you see a human male wrapped in dark clothing. Grey hair escapes from the edges of his cowl, and his steel blue eyes glare at you with malice.

Just to explain the rolls: 23 reflex save: he remains standing. 14 Balance check, he falls off the now slippery roof. 1: fall west or east. 11 tumble to land on feet: fails. 8 falling damage.

We are in combat rounds: Round 5
Alley Combat Map
Please move yourself on the map.

Enemy provokes AOO from Lucky and Speck. Lucky would loose the spell if he takes it.

Lucky is attacked by a unarmed strike from Enemy 1: Hit AC 21 for 3 damage. You will need to make a DC 13 concentration check or loose the spell. Lucky Highlight to display spoiler: { If the attack deals damage, please make a DC 14 Fortitude Save vs Poison or suffer 1 Constitution damage. In addition please make a DC 12 Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 3 rounds. You may make a will save DC 11 to read the next spoiler.}

Lucky Spoiler 2 (Read 1st spoiler before highlighting 2nd): Highlight to display spoiler: {The humanoid form wavers slightly, and you see an spectral illusion over him. Through the magical disguise, you can see taught, rotted skin over a skeleton. His sharp teeth are clearly dangerous, as are his claws. He has also used a non magical disguise to cover his appearance.}

Spot Check DC 15: Highlight to display spoiler: {The arrow wound didn't seem to do as much harm as you'd expect, and you notice a profound lack of blood from the wound.}

Sir John, AC 23, Prot from Evil, 58/58 hp  d20+2=7 ; d20+4=20 ;
Tuesday September 15th, 2009 7:21:28 PM

Sir John curses as his friends fail to follow him... He pauses for a moment, trying to hear what the heck is going on back there... "Oh heck," he grumbles to himself. He turns Joshua around and begins galloping back towards the group. For now, however, he'll cast Protection from Evil upon himself, boosting himself for a possible fight...

He'll try to listen (=7) and spot (20) any threats up ahead or around him...
Cast Prot from Evil, 24/24 rounds
+2 resistance bonus to saves, +2 deflection bonus to AC

Lucky AC18 HP43 of 46 
Tuesday September 15th, 2009 9:09:18 PM

Hey wait! He moved down the roof (move action) and stood from prone (move action). So how does he get an attack too?

OOC:He didnt move down the roof, he fell off it due to the grease. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

Speck AC18/19 HP:25(1)/26  d20+6=13 ;
Tuesday September 15th, 2009 10:22:45 PM

OOC: Cedric, 'drawling little blood' is always fun, even if doesn't do much. :)

OOC: Well, if I'm going to go 'by the book', i don't really get an AOO, 'cause I don't have a weapon ready. Speck put his sling away to draw and use the wand. But, if you let me, Speck can whip out his whip and take a crack at wrapping it around the man's feet to prevent him from running away.

If he can use the whip:
d20+6+1(Lucky) = 14 to wrap it around the assassin's legs.

If he can't use the whip:
"AHA! You Slithering Sliding Slippery Slop! We have you surrounded! Resistance is Futile!"

Lucky AC23 HP32 of 38 (1 pt Con Damage)  d20+11=30 ; d20+12=13 ; d20+10=19 ; d20+15=19 ; d20+13=16 ; d20+13=23 ; d3+5=8 ; d20+5=13 ; d20+10=24 ; 2d6+3=10 ; d20+7=21 ; d20+7=12 ; d20+7=12 ; d20+7=21 ; 2d4+2=6 ; 2d4+2=7 ; d20+16=21 ; d20+16=35 ; d20+16=32 ; d20+16=35 ;
Wednesday September 16th, 2009 8:20:04 AM

OOC: Well, let me not delay the game. I'll put all my rolls out here, for the DM to use as he sees fit.

This reminds me that I need to roll for AC each and every round. My own bad. I'll roll for this round after resolving the attack.

Lucky starts with six luck points.

He is hit for three damage. He is down to 40 of 46 max.

If Lucky is attacked and needs to make a concentration roll, then he puts five luck points into the roll, which jumps from +6 to +11. At +11, he rolls a 30 -- no problem, he makes it. His spell is not interrupted. And his Luck Points are now up to 7.

Then there is a DC14 Fort save. His normal fort is a +9, and he boosts that with +3 Luck Points, so he is a +12. He rolls a natural 1 -- a failure! He takes the point of Con damage and loses his luck points. His Con is now 11, and he is now down to 32 hp of 38 max. And his Luck Point are down to 4.

Then he has to make a Fort save vs DC12. He uses one Luck Point on the roll, and at +10, rolls a 19, no problem. He is now up to 5 Luck Points.

Then, there is a Will Save. Using no Luck Points, at his natural +15, he rolls another 19, and makes it.

Finally, there is a Spot check vs DC15. Lucky has a natural spot of +9, and he puts four Luck Points into the check, rolling a 16 -- enough for success! That gives him back the points he put into the roll, and one more to boot.

Now it is the end of the attack on Lucky, and he has 6 Luck Points.

Now it is Lucky's turn!

Lucky rolls his AC for the round: AC23

At the top of his round, Lucky finishes his spell and calls what would normally be 1d3 celestial eagles. But he pumps five luck points into the roll, using them up and leaving him with just a single Luck Point. But his roll for number of eagles is now 1d3+5. He rolls 8 celestial eagles! Within the range of the spell, he calls them to a point 35 feet up over himself and the enemy.

Lucky spends a move action commanding his eagles in Celestial, and shouting to his friends too.

To his eagles, he tells four to search nearby for enemies. He tells four to dive to attack this undead thing right here.

To his friends, he shouts, "This think is some kind of undead in disguise! Watch out for its poison! It is a skeleton, so try to crush it!

If he can do it as a free action, Lucky makes a Know Religion check to figure out what kind of undead this is, and what it might be able to do: a 13.

Lucky takes a five foot step back and throws a magic stone at the undead! His attack is at +10, and he hits AC 24. His magic stone, designed to hurt undead, inflicts 10 damage to the undead.

Then his four eagles attack! They are diving (search for dive on this page; it is like a charge that does double damage.)

His four eagles attack at +2 diving, and they are flanking, and they use their Smite Evil ability. They move to these squares to attack: N25, M26, N27, M27. They attack at +7, hitting AC21, AC12, AC12, and AC21 -- the ones who hit AC21 inflict 6 hp damage and 7 hp damage.

The remaining four eagles circle overhead, within 40 feet of Lucky, looking for enemies. Their spot checks: 21, 35, 32, 35.

I have placed/moved Lucky and the four attack eagles on the combat map. With Speck, they are surrounding the undead, so it will have a hard time escaping.


[Note: 3 hp nonlethal damage from cold, 1 point con damage, 3 hp physical damage]

0: Create Water, Resistance, Virtue, Read Magic, Purify Food
1: Sanctuary, Comp Lang, Inflict LW, Pro Evil, Pro Law
2: Lesser Restoration, Owls Wis, Find Traps, Spirit Weap, Shatter
3: Sum Mon III, Daylight, Remove Curse, Pro Energy

Tattoo: 1 of 3 used so far today.
Current magic stones: 1 of 3 used.

Current Luck Points: 1

Links: Celestial Eagles

NOTE: Lucky's bullets do bludgeoning damage, and the eagle's talons do slashing and piercing damage.

Marcasthai AC 17 HP 65/84 (SteveK) 
Wednesday September 16th, 2009 10:53:07 AM

Marcas echoes Sir John's growl of frustration. He moves back to support his friends, keeping the longbow in his hands just in case.

Ki'El HP:35/35 AC: 14  d4+1=2 ; d4+1=3 ; d4+1=4 ; d20+4=5 ;
Wednesday September 16th, 2009 9:30:33 PM

OOC sorry about my absence! I am back!

Ki watches as the enemy falls from the roof, the half-elf shows his exitement. He begins his incantations and flowing gestures. As he ends his spell three red and black energy missiles, shaped like thick arrows, plow into the poison slinging opponent. Ha!!! Ki screams as he sees the missiles slam into the person. After his spell, Ki makes his way toward Sir Jon, squeezing past Marcas and getting through the alley, away from the enemy.

Ki's AC is 14 so he takes 3 dam. Fort: 5..... (nat' 1 +3 personal mods and lucky's +1)
Spell: Magic Missile (3 missiles at 5th caster level) d4+1- three times 9 damage in all.

Cedric AC 20 HP 66/66 Character Sheet 
Thursday September 17th, 2009 10:49:20 AM

Cedric moves to block the only remaining route of escape for the assassin. Not willing to risk firing into a group, and saving his last wildshape, he simply acts as a body.

Alley Combat Aftermath  d3=2 ; d3=2 ;
Thursday September 17th, 2009 11:18:44 AM

Ki'El and Lucky fall victim to the assassins poison. The first is weakened, the second less healthy.

The assassin crumples under the combined attacks of the party. A tense few seconds pass, but it soon becomes clear that if there are other ambushers, they are not going to reveal themselves yet.

Getting a good look at your attacker, you can plainly see he now appears undead, with dry rotted skin stretched tight over bones. Makeup and other such disguise techniques are clearly applied in an attempt to allow it to pass as human, although something is now missing. You are positive just moments before his face was far more human looking. Perhaps a magical disguise of some sort that faded when it was destroyed? At a glance, it is carrying equipment that might be of interest, including a chain shirt that seems to be of fine quality.

Combat rounds are over. Lucky and Ki'El are poisoned, and may suffer further effects.

Lucky: Highlight to display spoiler: {Knowledge Religion: You are fairly certain this was a ghoul, though it was tougher and well trained as a rogue. OOC: Advanced Ghoul with at least a few rogue levels.}

Ki'El HP:35/35 AC: 14 
Thursday September 17th, 2009 11:53:30 AM

Ki breathes heavily, the poison sapping his strength. Why would some zombie attack us? And how in all the Wold did zombie do everything that thing just did? I know zombies as heartless, mindless listen-to-orders-type of undead. That was crazy!

Ki limps away, mumbling to himself about the absurdity of zombies shooting crossbows and climbing houses, and what kind of stuff the group has gotten into before he came along...

Lucky AC23 HP32 of 38 (1 pt Con Damage) 
Thursday September 17th, 2009 1:06:30 PM

Lucky answers Ki'El -- "That was no zombie. That was a ghoul, with some stealth training, I would say. Ghouls are not mindless at all."

"We should press on with all due speed to the graveyard."

Marcasthai AC 17 HP 65/84 (SteveK) 
Thursday September 17th, 2009 2:45:46 PM

Marcas agrees. He'll pick up the weapons and armor of the dead thing and put it in his pack for carrying.
"Let us go! Every heartbeat, a person the Raven has claimed is my dam is being tortured and is in pain!"

The minotaur leads the way back to the alley and then back on trail to the metal graveyard on a parellel track.

Ki'El HP:35/35 AC: 14 
Thursday September 17th, 2009 3:56:09 PM

A ghoul huh? Now that is something new.. Yes, lets make haste. Ki follows closly on the minotaurs heels, eager to see what the graveyard holds, and see to that Marcas's family is avenged.

Speck AC18/19 HP:25(1)/26  d8+1=5 ;
Thursday September 17th, 2009 7:13:23 PM

With a satisfied flourish, Speck puts away his wand. "Handy little thing," he mutters smugly.

He then whips out another and taps Lucky with it. "BE HEALED!" he cries.

OOC: Lucky is touched by a wand of CLW for d8+1 = 5 healing points.

Sheathing the wand, he pulls out his sling and mutters, "Not gonna be caught uprepared again".

And is now ready to keep moving.

Sir John, AC 23, Prot from Evil, 58/58 hp 
Friday September 18th, 2009 12:16:24 AM

Since the battle is over, Sir John turns and says, "Then let us move on! Marcas, would you care to lead the way with me, my erstwhile friend?"

To their poisoned and weakened friends, he says, "We need to get you healed before we go to the graveyard. I don't want to go into a fight with 2 of our number injured... We should seek a healer unless Speck can remove the poison..."

Lucky AC23 HP32 of 38 (1 pt Con Damage) 
Friday September 18th, 2009 2:37:22 PM

"That's right! I'm poisoned! I'm poisoned! Help! Help!"

Lucky starts running around in a circle.

Then he stops. "Hey wait! If it does any more damage, I'll heal it! I have a Lesser Restoration spell ready to cast!"

He waits to see if he has to make another save.


[Note: 3 hp nonlethal damage from cold, 1 point con damage, 3 hp physical damage]

0: Create Water, Resistance, Virtue, Read Magic, Purify Food
1: Sanctuary, Comp Lang, Inflict LW, Pro Evil, Pro Law
2: Lesser Restoration, Owls Wis, Find Traps, Spirit Weap, Shatter
3: Sum Mon III, Daylight, Remove Curse, Pro Energy

Tattoo: 1 of 3 used so far today.
Current magic stones: 1 of 3 used.

Current Luck Points: 6

Ki'El HP:32/35 AC: 14 -3 str 
Friday September 18th, 2009 6:18:41 PM

I was hit with a poison dart as well, my limbs feel a bit weak. I have no restoration spell available to me, but knowing the fact that Im not one for melee combat, we should continue on. Wasting time to get to a healer will hardly be needed. Lets just get to that graveyard.

Speck AC18/19 HP:25(1)/26  d20+7=8 ;
Friday September 18th, 2009 9:15:57 PM

OOC: Marcas picked up the weapons and armor but no one has actually searched the thing.

IC: "Hmm... wonder if this thing had anything to on itself to fight poison, or a map, or something," Speck muses.

While Marcas takes the thing's weapons and other stuff, Speck inspects the body.

Search d20+7=8. I guess he was searching in the dark, or Marcas' breath was making him woozie.

Cedric AC 20 HP 66/66 Character Sheet 
Sunday September 20th, 2009 8:41:50 AM

"If you can cure your damage Lucky, I'll delay it on Ki'El." says Cedric. He moves over and casts Delay Poison on him. "Moving in haste seems wisest."

Cast Delay Poison on Ki'El (8 hour duration)

Buffs: Longstrider, Delay Poison, Greater Magic Fang

You can't take it with you. (Alley Combat Aftermath)  d3=1 ; d3=1 ;
Sunday September 20th, 2009 9:00:42 AM

The party searches through their foes remains, and finds some things of interest. Marcas pulls off the weapons and armor, while Speck does a more thorough search. You can see that it's right claw seems to have a bluish sticky residue on it.

Lucky and Ki'El feel a bit woosy as the poison seeps through their veins. Lucky feels he can cure whatever damage comes, and Cedric delays further damage on Ki'El.

Most members of the party encourage haste in getting to their destination.

Ki'El please make a DC 14 fortitude save. Although it's delayed 8 hours, you will suffer 1 additional Str damage when the spell wears off if you fail.

Lucky please make a DC 14 fortitude save or suffer Unconsciousness for 1 hour.

List of things you find:
Marcas: 1 chain shirt of very fine make, a dagger, a sling, and 18 sling bullets of very fine make, 2 of which have some sort of sticky substance on them, likely the poison

Speck: 1 pair of gloves of fine make, fingerless, 1 hat of fine make, 1 potion, and a very high quality (MW) disguise kit,

Detect Magic: Highlight to display spoiler: {The sling bullets, hat, gloves and potion are magical.}

Ki'El HP:32/35 AC: 14 -3 str  d20+3=20 ; d20=15 ; d20=13 ; d20=6 ; d20=13 ; d20=15 ; d20+5=9 ; d20+5=17 ; d20+5=11 ;
Sunday September 20th, 2009 8:36:51 PM

Ki nods his hand to Cedric Thank you.

Without missing a beat though Ki is on to more pressing matters, Throw the stuff on the ground, in a pile. I'll see if I can't detect any magic on the items Ki works through semi-complicated gestures and speaks an odd ancient elven language*. As the sling bullets, hat, gloves and potion all glow slightly blue Ki'El smiles, Looks like we've found a few things my friends. I can try and Identify them, but Im not promising anything.

Fort: d20+3=20
* Cast Detect Magic spell
The next serious of rolls are:
1. d20+0=15 Spell craft check to identify items (Sling bullets)
2. d20 +5=18 Knowledge (arcana) check to identify items (sling bullets)

3. d20=6 Spell craft check (hat); 6) d20+5=9 Knowledge (Arcana) check on hat
4. d20=13 spell craft check (gloves) 7) d20+5=17 Knowledge (arcana) check on gloves
5. d20=15 spell craft check (potion) 8) d20+5=11 Knowledge (arcana) check on potion

OOC: If these wern't the right rolls (not really sure how this is done without an Identify spell) just let me know what to roll, or roll it for me.

With detect magic, you can make a spell craft check to determine the aura of an item. DC 15+spell level. --DM Troy

Sir John, AC 23, Prot from Evil, 58/58 hp 
Monday September 21st, 2009 8:54:42 AM

Sir John watches them identify the items, and urges them to hurry. "We're in a bad spot here, so let's move quickly. I don't want to run into any more 'friends' and we've got to get the poisoned members some aid..."

Lucky AC23 HP40 of 46  d20+12=30 ;
Monday September 21st, 2009 1:24:52 PM

Lucky pumps three luck points into his Fort save, giving him a +12 on the DC14 check. No problem. He casts Lesser Restoration to fix his damaged Con.

He looks over the gear. "Anything good? We'll have time to check it out later."

He follows Marcas.


[Note: 3 hp nonlethal damage from cold, 1 point con damage, 3 hp physical damage]

0: Create Water, Resistance, Virtue, Read Magic, Purify Food
1: Sanctuary, Comp Lang, Inflict LW, Pro Evil, Pro Law
2: Lesser Restoration, Owls Wis, Find Traps, Spirit Weap, Shatter
3: Sum Mon III, Daylight, Remove Curse, Pro Energy

Tattoo: 1 of 3 used so far today.
Current magic stones: 1 of 3 used.

Current Luck Points: 7

Marcasthai AC 17 HP 65/84 (SteveK) 
Monday September 21st, 2009 2:09:39 PM

"No", responds the minotaur, "no delays over looted equipment. Instead, we make haste to the graveyard."

Marcas lets actions follow words and keeps the items he grabbed inside his HHH. Instead, he moves off 20 feet following the map, and then looks to see that everyone is following.

Speck AC18/19 HP:25(1)/26 
Monday September 21st, 2009 3:59:07 PM

"Hey! Watch out! That gooey stuff is the poison," Speck warns as they pile the loot and Ki'El casts his spells.

Once Ki'El is finished, he scoops up all the lighter stuff (that would be everything except the chain chirt) taking great care with the two covered in poison (ie, not using his bare hands to handle them), and puts them in his backpack.

"Let's go. Time's a waisting."

Ki'El HP:32/35 AC: 14 -3 str 
Monday September 21st, 2009 5:03:59 PM

Ki grunts, and conforms, I'll study these later then. He says, following Speck and Marcas

Cedric AC 20 HP 66/66 Character Sheet 
Tuesday September 22nd, 2009 9:04:03 AM

"Yes, let's make haste, seconds matter." says the druid as he moves down the alleyway with the party.

Osgood's Graveyard - Outskirts. Twilight 
Tuesday September 22nd, 2009 9:25:44 AM

Speck is able to determine some more information on the items with a quick spell, but a more detailed answer must wait till there is time. Lucky is able to shake off the drowsy effects of the poison, and cure the damage done. Ki'El is still suffering some weakness, but his power does not lie in strength of arms, and the party pushes on.

The party continues to follow the directions, moving through places both open and cramped, seedy and respectable. You leave the city proper, and come to the edge. No further ambushes come en route, and you arrive at the outskirts of the 'Graveyard'.

The name is both misleading and true. While not a conventional grave yard, it is the final resting place of many. It is clear a great battle was fought here. The wreckage of several siege weapons litter the ground, half buried by years of abandonment. Some stone and wooden buildings, evidence of stronger fortifications, lay in ruins at various places. The battlefield is strewn with rocks, debris and garbage. The entire area is surrounded by a tall fence, with one archway serving as an entrance. A creaking noise pulls your attention to the archway, where a rusted metal sign reading "Osgood's Graveyard" swings with the falling snow.

You feel an involuntary shiver as you look about this desolate place, though it's probably just the cold of twilight catching up with you.

Approaching the archway, you find the gate locked.

Please make your standard environmental fortitude saves for exposure.

Opening the gate: Lock is DC 15 to pick, or DC 20 Str check to break the lock/gate
Climbing the fence: You may climb the fence easily enough, but make a DC 10 climb check or suffer 1d3 damage from the rusted metal. Failing the check still allows you to get over the fence.

DC 12 Knowledge Local Highlight to display spoiler: {You remember that this place is supposedly haunted. True or not, the locals stay well away from it. }

Ki'El Highlight to display spoiler: {The bullets are lightly enchanted with Transmutation magic. You'd guess they are +1 bullets. The potion shows an aura of illusion. }

Ki'El HP:32/35 AC: 14 -3 str  d20+3=6 ; d20+3=13 ; d20+2=11 ;
Tuesday September 22nd, 2009 10:00:18 AM

Place seems eeriy Ki says, shivering in the cold. Why didn't I get some warmer clothes... The half-elf walks up to the gate and sees that its locked, I'll open it... He mutters. Moving his hand about in small circles by the lock. Small golden streams flow from his fingers into the keyhole,* making a small click Then Ki pushes the gate open. He looks to Marcas and Sir Jon Lead on, noble warriors. I'll keep to the middle of the group, my limbs are getting number by the minute.

* Knock spell to unlock the gate
** d20+3=6 fort save: Fail 3 non-leathal damage
***d20+3=13 fort save: fail 3 non-leathal damage
****d20+2=11 Knowledge (local) check another failer....

Sir John, AC 23, Prot from Evil, 58/58 hp  d20+11=27 ;
Tuesday September 22nd, 2009 11:07:40 AM

As he rides, Sir John shivers despite his heavy armor and padding. (Fortitude = 27) For now, he suffers no damage from the cold, but he's not a big fan of staying outside. Joshua whinnies also in frustration at the cold and wonders when they'll return to the nice warm barn...

He watches Ki'El try to open the gate, but if needed, he can use his brute strength and axe to break open the lock...

Speck AC18/19 HP:26/26  d20+4=10 ; d20+4=6 ; d20+10=29 ; d20+3=19 ; d8+1=9 ;
Tuesday September 22nd, 2009 12:14:28 PM

Fort cold DC15 d20+4=10, fail
Fort soot DC15 d20+4= 6, fail total 6 non-lethal dmg

"Now where did I put those tools..., oh, oh well," Speck mutters as Ki'El opens the lock with magic.

OOC: if that doesn't work, Open Lock d20+10=29

DC12 Knowledge d20+3 (basic) = 19 (history +5 = 21, bardic +8 = 24)

"Erie indeed, Ki'El. No one ventures about in here but the dead. And according to the townsfolk, the dead roam the place. At the time I was here with the circus, I remember hearing something of it but was not interested and pretty much forgot about it until now."

Shivers and goose bumps crawl over his skin. Was it just cold out or was it realy cold out? Either way, he expells a cough due to the irritating soot and his breath forms a small white cold looking cloud.

Pulling out is CLW wand with a shivering hand, he bops himself on the nogin (head?) with it, "Be Healed," he says in a deep rumbly commanding voice.

CLW d8+1 = 9

Marcasthai AC 17 HP 65/84 (SteveK)  d20+11=28 ; d20+1=2 ; d20+7=24 ;
Tuesday September 22nd, 2009 12:27:21 PM

Marcasthai's natural fur and his armor ward off most of the chill, and the minotaur stoically waits for the elf to open the gate. Magic does the job, and, ranseur in hand, Marcas moves through the opening to give his companions cover.

He tries to listen to hear anything that can indicate a direction, but the wind whips away all but thier voices. "Any noise? Any tracks? Any clue as to which way to the Raven's lair?"

Weather Save: Fort 28
Listen: 2
Spot: 24

Lucky AC23 HP40 of 46  d20+5=25 ;
Tuesday September 22nd, 2009 11:35:50 PM

Knowledge 25.

"There's haints here, you know," Lucky says conversationally as he walks in next to Marcas. "Detect any?" he asks Sir John. The halfling has a magic stone in hand.

Sir John, AC 23, Prot from Evil, 58/58 hp 
Wednesday September 23rd, 2009 10:17:34 AM

Sir John looks around the general area, trying to see if he can detect any evil...

Cedric AC 20 HP 66/66 4 Non lethalCharacter Sheet  d20+15=23 ; d20+15=18 ; d20+8=12 ; d6=4 ;
Wednesday September 23rd, 2009 6:27:20 PM

Cedric follows the party, looking about for signs of trouble, shivering as the cold starts to bother him.

Spot 23, Listen 18
Fortitude save: Failed, 4 non lethal damage

Osgood's Graveyard - Inside the gate. Twilight 
Wednesday September 23rd, 2009 6:47:18 PM

Some of the party members shiver from the cold as they ponder the gate for a moment. You do not have to wait long however, as Ki'El chooses a magical solution. The iron lock opens with a click, and the gate creaks loudly as the party moves into the graveyard.

As you move further from the gate, you begin to feel a pervasive sense of dread, as if the very land is watching you malevolently. The feeling builds as you move further in.

After several minutes, you begin to make your way up slight knoll. Cresting the top, you can see below you about a hundred yards off what must have been where the main fighting occurred. Several buildings lay before you, all in ruins. A wall, the remains of some sort of fortification runs across the field. Broken siege engines litter the area in front of the wall. It would be difficult to travel through the area where they are scattered.

Sense of Dread: Everyone suffers a -1 morale penalty to attack rolls and saving throws. This is a mind affecting effect. In addition, immunity to fear makes you immune to this penalty.

Sir John Highlight to display spoiler: {Detect Evil: the entire area contains a very faint aura of weak evil, but you detect no strong sources within range.}

Knowledge Nature DC 12 Highlight to display spoiler: {In the Wold, natural areas have alignments, and you suspect this area is not exactly goodly.}

Knowledge Architecture/ Engineering DC 15 Highlight to display spoiler: {Some of the buildings do not look entirely stable.}

Marcasthai AC 17 HP 65/84 (SteveK)  d20+7=20 ;
Wednesday September 23rd, 2009 8:17:40 PM

Despite his great worry over his mother or maybe because of it, Marcas feels a growing sense of his own mortality. He can't shake it, so the great minotaur endures it until the group of heroes get to the bare knoll.

His black eyes pierce the landscape, but he still has no idea where to go. A couple of hoof prints towards the center of the 'graveyard', and Marcas looks to the others to see if this is indeed the proper course of action.

Spot: 20

Sense of Dread: -1 morale penalty to attack and saves

Sir John, AC 23, Prot from Evil, 58/58 hp  d20+4=9 ;
Wednesday September 23rd, 2009 8:31:08 PM

Sir John stops and looks all around their area, sensing a general evilness about the place, but nothing in particular...

Luckily his immunity to fear protects him from the sense of dread about the place, and he worries about its effect upon his companions... He calms Joshua, patting him on the flanks and whispering softly to him...

He looks in all directions, hoping to spot whatever dangers exist... Spot = 9

(OOC = I thought we were going to visit a healer briefly to heal some of our poisoned friends... Did we decide not to?)

Ki'El HP:32/35 AC: 14 -3 str  d20+2=10 ; d20+2=5 ; d20+5=18 ; d20+6=19 ;
Wednesday September 23rd, 2009 9:26:22 PM

Ki moves just behind Marcas and Sir Jon. Silently, he succumbs to the places evil aura. He visibly shivers, caused by the sense of Dread, and this makes him keep on Marcas' heels, staying very close to the taur. i don't like the looks of this place, not a place for one of good nature. He whispers to his horned companion.

As the two walk toward the center of the 'graveyard', Ki`El also peers around the forbodeing place. Perking his sensitive ears, and attempts to study the walls of the ruins.

Spot: d20+2=10
Knowledge (Arc&dun): d20+2=5
Knowledge (nature): D20+5=18
Listen: d20+6=19

Sense of Dread: -1 on all saves & atk rolls

Speck AC18/19 HP:26/26  d20+5=21 ; d20+7=14 ;
Wednesday September 23rd, 2009 10:29:00 PM

Feeling the warmth and comfort of the healing of his wand does nothing to stave off the dismality of the place. He shivers, not for the cold this time, but for the icy cold fingers of death that wrap the place.

He looks around and sees the same effect on his friends. "Tum-de-dum-de-tum. Why couln'd we come, in the daytime for once?"

Looking for tracks in the snow...

Spot d20+5=21
Listen d20+7=14

OOC: Sir John, we were going to the healer first, but Lucky shook off the effects and Ki'El had the effects on him delayed, so we went for the graveyard to save time.

Lucky AC23 HP40 of 46  d20+10=24 ;
Thursday September 24th, 2009 12:16:58 PM

[OOC: Lucky's Daylight spell lasts 60 minutes. Is it still going?]

Lucky looks around in the general area ... maybe he is looking for clues? or for something useful? or for teensy beensy undead things? SEARCH CHECK 24 (used a luck point).


[Note: 3 hp nonlethal damage from cold, 1 point con damage, 3 hp physical damage]

0: Create Water, Resistance, Virtue, Read Magic, Purify Food
1: Sanctuary, Comp Lang, Inflict LW, Pro Evil, Pro Law
2: Lesser Restoration, Owls Wis, Find Traps, Spirit Weap, Shatter
3: Sum Mon III, Daylight, Remove Curse, Pro Energy

Tattoo: 1 of 3 used so far today.
Current magic stones: 1 of 3 used.

Current Luck Points: 6 (or 7 or 5? Depends on result of search check.)

Cedric AC 19 HP 82/82 Bear Form Character Sheet  d20+19=20 ;
Thursday September 24th, 2009 1:06:42 PM

Cedric follows along, nodding at Ki'El's remark. "Yes, this place is a dark place. I think it best to be ready for anything. Ready when you are Lucky."

With that he shifts into the form of a bear, and continues on with the party.

Knowledge Nature: Passed.
Wildshape into Bear.

Osgood's Graveyard - The Knoll. Twilight 
Thursday September 24th, 2009 1:23:29 PM

The party contemplates the next move from atop the knoll. Looking around for tracks in the snow proves futile, the party finds none except the ones they have made coming from the gate. However, while tracks are not found, one odd thing is. While looking for tracks, Lucky trips over something hidden by the snow. Pulling it out he finds an old wooden table leg, with ornate silver inlay. Once part of a fine table, it now is just a cast off relic in the graveyard.

30 minutes have passed since the combat with the assassin. The party is currently standing on the knoll, marked on the map in green.
Osgood's Graveyard

Marcasthai and Speck Highlight to display spoiler: {Spot DC 20: You see something move down by the buildings. At this distance its little more than a shadow however.}

Lucky AC23 HP40 of 46 
Thursday September 24th, 2009 4:09:58 PM

Lucky hefts the chair leg. "Just the thing," he says, "if we come across something vulnerable to silver. Maybe luck is telling us something!"

"I think we should check out those buildings while my Daylight spell lasts," he suggests.

Marcasthai AC 17 HP 65/84 (SteveK)  d20+7=10 ;
Thursday September 24th, 2009 6:44:25 PM

"Yes, I spy movement. Let us go!"

And Marcas is off, moving down the hillside at a hustle to get to the movement seen earlier, his ranseur held across his large chest.

Spot: 10

Sense of Dread: -1 morale penalty to attack and saves

Sir John, AC 23, Prot from Evil, 58/58 hp  d20+4=12 ;
Thursday September 24th, 2009 7:27:32 PM

At the sound of movement, Sir John's heart quickens and he says, "Finally, some action... That'll help take our minds off of the dread..."

He follows Marcas down the hillside, his lance out and ready to pierce any foes he encounters... He relies on the others to locate targets for him, and is anxious for things to begin... He does keep a watchful eye for anything hostile...

Spot = 12

Speck AC18/19 HP:26/26  d20+5=21 ; d20+8=14 ;
Thursday September 24th, 2009 9:14:41 PM

OOC: New spot d20+5=21, success

"Yes, you are correct," Speck concurs. "But shouldn't we try to flank the buildings? Yo's with faster legs see about going around behind the buildings while we approach the front. However, let's not barge down there. Let's meander a bit and give time for the flanking maneuver."

In line with that, Speck acts like he sees something somewhat in the direction, but off by a bit, of where he saw the movement and points at 'it'. "What's that thing?" he yells. "Let's see what it was and if it still works!"

Bluff d20+8=14, :P

Lucky AC23 HP40 of 46 
Friday September 25th, 2009 10:38:39 AM

"Wait for me!" Lucky takes a double move to keep up with the party.

Ki`El HP:32/35 AC: 14 -3 str  d20+2=18 ;
Friday September 25th, 2009 2:50:21 PM

Ki follows Marcas downt he hill, still keeping close to the taur. What did you see? Where did It go? Ki now holds his glaive in both hands, the weapon crossing his body. He trys to keep pace with Marcas, but keeping a look out for anything at all.

spot: 18

sense of dread: -1 atk and saves

Highlight to display spoiler: { Zero-level Sorcerer spells: 6 per day
Dancing Lights
Detect Magic
Read Magic

First-level Sorcerer spells: 7 (6+1) per day
Magic Missile
True Stike
Chill touch

Second-level Sorcerer spells: 5 (4+1) per day (used 2 today)
Flaming Sphere, Knock

Cedric AC 19 HP 82/82 Bear Form Character Sheet 
Monday September 28th, 2009 8:25:51 AM

Cedric moves with the party, snorting slightly at the hint of danger from the structures ahead of them.

Osgood's Graveyard - The Battlefield. Twilight 
Monday September 28th, 2009 8:54:38 AM

The party moves closer to the battlefield center, having spied....something.. Whatever it was, it is now hidden from view. There is a distinct impression that something watches the party from among the ruins.

Tense seconds tick by with no sound but the wind and crunch of your own footfalls on the snow.

Round 1
Although there has been no attack, we are now in Combat Rounds.
Osgood's Graveyard (Overview)
The Battlefield (Combat map)

Please move yourselves on the map. I have placed you on the edge that you arrived from, you may consider yourself starting from any of the western edge squares and move accordingly. Remember we are in combat rounds.

Sense of Dread: Everyone suffers a -1 morale penalty to attack rolls and saving throws. This is a mind affecting effect. In addition, immunity to fear makes you immune to this penalty.

Marcasthai AC 17 HP 65/84 (SteveK)  d20+7=13 ;
Monday September 28th, 2009 12:36:58 PM

Marcas continues his slow, methodical advance with his Ranseur at the ready. His eyes search through the soot and cold wind for the elusive foe.

Spot: 13

Sense of Dread: -1 morale penalty to attack and saves

Lucky AC23 HP40 of 46  d20+12=25 ; d6+1=3 ; d6+1=5 ;
Monday September 28th, 2009 1:19:40 PM

Lucky walks forward 20 feet (move action) to 15E and uses the Ready action (standard action) to prepare slinging a Magic Stone the moment he sees an enemy. With the sling, his range increment with Magic Stone is 50 ft.

If an enemy pops up before next round, then Lucky pumps 2 luck points into his attack and hits AC25 (AC26 within 30 ft) for 3 hp (4 hp within 30 ft) or 8 hp vs undead (9 hp vs undead within 30 ft). And gets a Luck Point back.


[Note: 3 hp nonlethal damage from cold, 3 hp physical damage]

0: Create Water, Resistance, Virtue, Read Magic, Purify Food
1: Sanctuary, Comp Lang, Inflict LW, Pro Evil, Pro Law
2: Lesser Restoration, Owls Wis, Find Traps, Spirit Weap, Shatter
3: Sum Mon III, Daylight, Remove Curse, Pro Energy

Tattoo: 1 of 3 used so far today.
Current magic stones: 1 (maybe 2?) of 3 used.

Current Luck Points: 7 (maybe 8)

Sir John, AC 23, Prot from Evil, 58/58 hp  d20+4=21 ; d20+2=10 ;
Monday September 28th, 2009 4:40:55 PM

Sir John and Joshua continue moving forward, watching their flanks closely for any threats...
Spot = 21; Listen = 10

Speck AC18/19 HP:26/26  d20+5=15 ; d20+7=12 ;
Monday September 28th, 2009 7:49:15 PM

Speck finds himself at I18, next to Marcas. "I tought I taw a thingy over here" he whispers. He readies his sling with a bullet and keeps looking for movement.

spot d20+5=15
Listen d20+7=12

Cedric AC 19 HP 82/82 Bear Form Character Sheet 
Tuesday September 29th, 2009 12:04:07 PM

Cedric moves up, keeping even with the front line. He looks for any signs of their foe.

If you want Cedric to do something specific let me know, otherwise I'm going to stick with the meleers and attack whatever seems appropriate.

Osgood's Graveyard - The Battlefield. Twilight Round 2 
Tuesday September 29th, 2009 12:18:56 PM

The party advances on the buildings, eyes and ears sharp. Some members move into a flanking position, while others advance directly up the center. Some remain on the edge, ready to support from range.

The chilling breeze whistles through the smashed metal and wooden engines of destruction. There is no movement.

Then a figure covered in dark clothing steps from around the building, visible to Marcas, Sir John and Ki'El. He calls out to you in a harsh voice. "Why have you come here? The Spider does not want you here. Turn around."

Round 2
Although there has been no attack, we are now in Combat Rounds.
Osgood's Graveyard (Overview)
The Battlefield (Combat map)
Figure that spoke marked as F on map.

Please move yourselves on the map.

Sense of Dread: Everyone suffers a -1 morale penalty to attack rolls and saving throws. This is a mind affecting effect. In addition, immunity to fear makes you immune to this penalty.

Lucky AC23 HP40 of 46 LAST ROUND! 
Tuesday September 29th, 2009 2:28:06 PM

Hey! As soon as that dark figure steps out, its appearance triggers Lucky's readied attack, right? And the halfling pegs him with a magic stone!

That's about 90 feet from Lucky, so -2 on range and no Point Blank bonus. Also forgot the -1 from dread. So Lucky hits AC22 for 3 hp or 8hp if it is undead, right?

Your readied action is for the moment you see an enemy. Lucky can not see him, he is behind the building currently. Although reviewing the map, I think its fair to add Marcas to the list of people who can see the speaker. Also, I will mention that he hasn't done anything overtly hostile. Not that its unreasonable for Lucky to consider the speaker an enemy given the situation. -- DM Troy

Lucky AC23 HP40 of 46 LAST ROUND! 
Tuesday September 29th, 2009 3:26:02 PM

Oh, okay! Lucky can't see him! Fair enough, thanks! I'll post presently.

Sir John, AC 23, Prot from Evil, 58/58 hp  d20+7=23 ; d20+4=10 ;
Tuesday September 29th, 2009 4:06:28 PM

Sir John continues moving forward, but then hears the figure call out, and before Lucky attacks (hopefully...), he calls out, "We mean you no harm, and we're not here to cause trouble. We're looking for a friend of ours who got lost somewhere around here. Maybe you could help us? Also, we don't know who this spider person is, but if we're trespassing, we're very sorry. We only wish to visit and talk to you... May we meet him and offer our respect to him?"

Diplomacy = 23

He'll also try to detect if the figure is evil, or if there are any distinct sources of evil that have appeared...
Detect Evil,
Spot = 10

Marcasthai AC 17 HP 65/84 (SteveK)  d20+7=10 ;
Tuesday September 29th, 2009 4:28:17 PM

"We do not intrude here for one called the Spider, but for the Raven", states the brown-furred minotaur. "Give us directions and assistance to free hostages to bring the Raven to the ground, and the Spider may be left alone."

Marcas slows his advance, but continues to move forward while looking about for a trap.

Spot: 10

Ki`El HP:32/35 AC: 14 -3 str 
Tuesday September 29th, 2009 5:34:44 PM

Ki wakes up from his daydream, or daymare, and rushes to Marcas's side (Run 60'). Breathing heavily, for a sorcerer doesn't over exert himself very often, Ki adds to the discussion. Who is the Spider? We mean you no harm, you've done nothing to us.

Ki silently waits for a response. I should message Lucky, have him flank this thing... Surly its up to no good, or is The Raven himself..

Double Move: 60'

-1 atk roll and all saves
Spells:Highlight to display spoiler: {
Zero-level Sorcerer spells: 6 per day
Dancing Lights
Detect Magic
Read Magic

First-level Sorcerer spells: 7 (6+1) per day
Magic Missile
True Stike
Chill touch

Second-level Sorcerer spells: 5 (4+1) per day (used 2 today)
Flaming Sphere, Knock

Lucky AC23 HP40 of 46 LAST ROUND! 
Tuesday September 29th, 2009 6:37:24 PM

Lucky moves 20 more feet closer (moved on map) and casts Protection from Evil on himself.

"Gosh darn it!" he huffs, "Where's my dinosaur! I gotta get me a mount!"


[Note: 3 hp nonlethal damage from cold, 3 hp physical damage]

0: Create Water, Resistance, Virtue, Read Magic, Purify Food
1: Sanctuary, Comp Lang, Inflict LW, Pro Evil, Pro Law
2: Lesser Restoration, Owls Wis, Find Traps, Spirit Weap, Shatter
3: Sum Mon III, Daylight, Remove Curse, Pro Energy

Tattoo: 1 of 3 used so far today.
Current magic stones: 1 of 3 used.

Spells in effect: Daylight, Pro Evil, Magic Stone.

Current Luck Points: 7

Speck AC18/19 HP:26/26 
Tuesday September 29th, 2009 8:36:09 PM

Speck continues alongside Marcas (M20) and hears the call, but the corner of a buliding is in the way.

'Drat!' he thinks at first, then shrugs, 'Best not be seen either,' he adds to his thoughts and ends up at P20.

Cedric AC 19 HP 82/82 Bear Form Character Sheet 
Wednesday September 30th, 2009 9:05:06 AM

Cedric keeps pace with Marcas, waiting for the party to make a decision to move. He snorts slightly, seemingly bored, but is clearly ready to act if it comes to it.

Osgood's Graveyard - The Battlefield. Twilight Round 3 
Wednesday September 30th, 2009 9:23:10 AM

The party moves in closer. Some continue their flank, or remain hidden, others attempt to negotiate with the dark stranger.

His eyes dart back and forth under his cowl. "We can not help you. Go away, this is no place for you. You will make the Spider angry." From under the folds of his clothes he pulls out a small hand crossbow. He keeps it pointed at the ground however. "Leave!" he says abruptly. "Now"

Round 3
Although there has been no attack, we are now in Combat Rounds.
Osgood's Graveyard (Overview)
The Battlefield (Combat map)
Figure that spoke marked as F on map.

Please move yourselves on the map.

Sense of Dread: Everyone suffers a -1 morale penalty to attack rolls and saving throws. This is a mind affecting effect. In addition, immunity to fear makes you immune to this penalty.

Sir John Highlight to display spoiler: {Detect Evil 1 round: You do sense evil in front of you, stronger than the background evil of this place. It would not be illogical to conclude it is the person you are speaking too, but you would need to spend additional rounds to be sure.}

Those that can see the speaker may make a Sense Motive DC 15 check: Highlight to display spoiler: {He clearly does not wish you well, and glances once or twice to the building north of Sir John. (The furthest west building on the map)}

Anyone may make a DC 12 Knowledge Arch/Eng, or a DC 20 Spot check Highlight to display spoiler: {The upper level walls of the west most building are unstable. It's quite possible someone could push a good deal of stone down on anyone standing below it. }

Sir John, AC 23, Prot from Evil, 58/58 hp  d20+5=9 ; d20+4=10 ; d20+13=32 ; 2d8+3=8 ; d20+8=15 ; d20+8=21 ; d20+8=10 ; d20+9=16 ; d6+5=8 ;
Wednesday September 30th, 2009 12:01:50 PM

Sir John nods at the seemingly hostile figure and replies, "Friend, I understand you don't think you can help us. However, that's no excuse for drawing a weapon and threatening us... As I said, we're here looking for a friend, and have no intention of leaving until we find her..."

He continues trying to detect any evil, and realizing that there is some intense evil in front of him, says to his friends in a lower tone, "Guys, I think this character in front of us is evil, and I'm getting a strong sense of evil, especially in front of us..."

Sense Motive = 9, Spot = 10

He can't see or sense anything else except for the pervasive evil and makes a decision that it's time to fight rather than talk...

With a yell, he charges forward and lances the figure before it can get off a shot...

Move = Charge figure
Standard Action = Attack with lance (yeah! double damage since I'm charging... Get 'em Joshua!)

Sir John's Attack = Hit AC 35 (forgot bonus due to b/n mounted and charging) for 8 pts of dmg...

Ride Checks = 15 (OK attack), 21 (Josh Attack), 10 (Stick with Josh's normal AC)

Josh's Hoof = Hit AC 16 for 8 pts

Stats This round due to charge
Sir John AC = 21, Josh's AC = 22, 52/52 hps

Marcasthai AC 17 HP 65/84 (SteveK)  d20+1=19 ; d20+7=16 ;
Wednesday September 30th, 2009 1:31:14 PM

For a wonder, Marcas can read this man with a crossbow in front of him. "He is worried about the building to the north!", he whispers urgently to the companions.

And then Sir John charges the man. Marcas immediately springs into action and runs north around the first building. The big minotaur knows Sir John can handle one small person, so the objective is to get to the building as quickly as possible!

Marcas looks for a door to get into the building.

Sense Motive: 19
Spot: 16
Run: x3 speed (60 feet)

Lucky AC26/28 HP40 of 46  d20+13=26 ;
Wednesday September 30th, 2009 6:40:53 PM

Lucky runs, as fast as his little legs can carry him, 80 feet to 11U.

Hey! I've been forgetting to roll for Lucky's AC every round! Well, no matter, since he has not been attacked. But that could change at any moment!

New roll for AC: 26, 28 vs evil.


[Note: 3 hp nonlethal damage from cold, 3 hp physical damage]

0: Create Water, Resistance, Virtue, Read Magic, Purify Food
1: Sanctuary, Comp Lang, Inflict LW, Pro Evil, Pro Law
2: Lesser Restoration, Owls Wis, Find Traps, Spirit Weap, Shatter
3: Sum Mon III, Daylight, Remove Curse, Pro Energy

Tattoo: 1 of 3 used so far today.
Current magic stones: 1 of 3 used.

Spells in effect: Daylight, Pro Evil, Magic Stone.

Current Luck Points: 7

Speck AC18/19 HP:26/26  d20+5=25 ;
Wednesday September 30th, 2009 9:01:47 PM

DC20 spot check, d20+5=25! drat, i probably just waisted my only N20 this encounter! :P

The sounds of pounding hoofs alert Speck that something is up and the bounding hulk of Marcas around the north side of the building can only mean it is battle. With Lucky and Marcas to the north, Speck decides to head south and ends up at Q28.

A quick look around and he notices that it was good he moved. He yells at Ki'El and Cedric, "Stay away from that building," pointing at the building right in front of them. "It's top floor walls are unstable and could fall over on ya!"

Lucky AC26/28 HP40 of 46  d20+9=11 ; d20+11=30 ;
Thursday October 1st, 2009 7:27:02 AM

Lucky forgot to roll his checks!

Spot 11 nope

Sense Motive 30 Yup!

Lucky shouts, "Marks-On-Thighs, you are right!"

Ki`El HP:32/35 AC: 14 -3 str  d20+1=6 ; d4+1=4 ; d4+1=3 ; d4+1=3 ;
Thursday October 1st, 2009 5:42:55 PM

Ki watches as the figure draws his cross bow, sending Ki in a defensive stance, Glaive horizontaly across his body, he study's the figure, but cannot tell what the things motives are.

Then marcas yells, Building to the north and charges for it. Sir Jon whips by the sorcerer and attacks the figure.

Ki moves to a better spot to fling his spells from, the sorcerer chants quickly in the elven tounge, speeding through his gestures of this simple spell, and ends up with his hand outstretched, wiggling his fingers. Launching three red and black swirled energy missles at the dark clothed figure. Each slamming into the crossbow bearing thing. You should have just talked to us, but NO! your must threaten people, now you'll die! The half-elf smiles at the thought of killing an evil man... No more destruction from him anymore... Now, where is the Raven?

Move: 30'
Spell: Magic Missile; 6+4+3=13 damage from 3 seperate missiles.

Cedric AC 19 HP 82/82 Bear Form Character Sheet 
Friday October 2nd, 2009 9:55:47 AM

Heeding Speck's warning, Cedric veers away from the building somewhat, closer to the wall before closing around the figure.

Double move giving building wide berth.

Osgood's Graveyard - The Battlefield. Twilight Round 4  6d6=26 ; d20+6=18 ; d20+4=12 ; d20+4=12 ; d20+8=19 ; d6+2=3 ; d4+1=4 ; d20+6=25 ; d6+2=4 ;
Friday October 2nd, 2009 10:47:25 AM

Sir John begins aggressive negotiations with the figure, charging him and skewering him with his lance. Josh's hoof does not manage a hit however, turned aside by your foes chains shirt.

Ki'El launches a magical attack, striking the foe as well. It looks quite hurt.

The rest of the party moves up, and Speck shouts a warning about the building. A warning that comes too late for Sir John!

From the building directly north of Sir John comes the sound of shifting stone. Suddenly the second story wall comes tumbling down on those standing under it! Behind the wall stands three more figures, also dressed in dark clothes, but not disguised. You can see their undead faces snarl at you from above.

Around the further buildings come two more figures dressed in dark clothing, also undead. From the snow behind the wall springs one more undead. All advance on the party!

Lastly, scuttling into view on the wall of one of the towers, about twenty feet up, comes a figure straight out of nightmares. When it was alive, it was probably already a creature that would give grown adventures pause: dark skinned, with the upper body of a male elf, and the torso of a large arachnid. In undeath, its dark skin rotted and tight across its torso, its carapace molted with disease, it is an absolute terror. It wears a chain shirt, and a vestment over its chest is emblazoned with a red and black double helix. There is no doubt: this is Spider.

It hisses at you. "You were warned fleshlings. Now suffer my vengeance." From its vantage point, it casts a spell, sapping your luck.

Round 4
Osgood's Graveyard (Overview)
The Battlefield (Combat map)

Please move yourselves on the map.

Sense of Dread: Everyone suffers a -1 morale penalty to attack rolls and saving throws. This is a mind affecting effect. In addition, immunity to fear makes you immune to this penalty.

Everyone but Speck: Spiders spell: -1 Luck penalty to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks. This is a mind affected effect. Speck is out of range.

Renamed F to E1 for clarity: Hit for 8 physical and 13 magical

Sir John and Josh: 26 physical damage from the falling wall: Reflex Save DC 14 for half.

E1: Makes 2 claw and 1 bite attack on Sir John, but none of the attacks can pierce the Paladins armor
E2-4: Push the wall over.
E5 charges Cedric, managing to get a lucky bite in: 3 damage, Fort Save DC 12 vs Disease, Fortitude DC 12 or be paralyzed for 4 rounds.
E6 rounds the corner, but can not reach Marcas
E7 comes up out of the snowy wall and advances.
Spider casts a spell.

Damage Totals
E1: 21 damage taken
E2: 0 10' up
E3: 0 10' up
E4: 0 10' up
E5: 0
E6: 0
E7: 0
Spider: 0 20 feet up on side of wall of tower.

Knowledge Religion DC 12: Highlight to display spoiler: {Ghouls, though they seem to be a bit more well trained. Spider appears to be a ghoul as well, but created from a drider.}

Knowledge Religion DC 15: Highlight to display spoiler: {The double red and black helix is the high Woldian symbol for Jancassis}

Spellcraft DC 18: Highlight to display spoiler: {Spider casts Prayer}

Spellcraft DC 20 or Knowledge Religion DC 18 Highlight to display spoiler: {The process that creates a ghoul results in the loss of most abilities (class levels, spell casting, etc). You can thus deduce that Spider must have become a caster after he became undead. Something clearly drives this creature.}

Marcasthai AC 17 HP 65/84 (SteveK)(Lucky Luck, Spider Spell, Dread)  d20+7=16 ; d20+2=16 ; 2d6+19=26 ; 2d6+19=25 ; d20+13=19 ; 2d6+9=16 ;
Friday October 2nd, 2009 12:16:37 PM

Enemy at last, and they are keeping Marcas from an innocent's rescue, an innocent that might be his own mother! It is a great effort of will for the minotaur not to give in to anger and frustration, but his battle conditioning takes over. Years of study as a Hand of Imod makes his muscles move in conditioned reflex to end the travesty of life before him.

Marcas keeps his distance from E6 and powers two wicked slashes with his Ranseur at the undead body. So powerful that, should they hit, the grinning ghoul is sure to perish! "Kiiiia!!

If Marcas is able to cleave the enemy before him, he takes a small step. With his size and reach with his ranseur, the boss is in range, and he strikes directly at the Spider! This time, he carefully aims, sure that this boss has better protections than his minions.

Power Attack +5 (-5 to hit, +1 luck (Lucky), -1 luck, -1 morale) AC 16 Dam 26
Power Attack +5 (-5 to hit, +1 luck (Lucky), -1 luck, -1 morale) AC 16 Dam 25

Cleave Attack: (+1 luck (Lucky), -1luck, -1 morale) AC 19 Dam 16

-1 morale penalty to attack rolls and saving throws.
-1 Luck penalty to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks.

Lucky AC26/28 HP40 of 46  d20+13=24 ; d20+5=25 ; d20+5=20 ; d20+6=7 ; d20+5=14 ; d20+8=26 ; 2d6+2=11 ;
Friday October 2nd, 2009 3:15:31 PM

New roll for AC: 24, 26 vs evil.

Knowledge Relig Checks 1 & 2: 25 and 20! Woot! Spellcraft: 7 nope. Third Know Relig: 14 nope.

Lucky slings a bullet at the spider-undead thing, with -2 in penalties ... hits AC26 for 11 damage!

Then Lucky moves closer, to 15T.


[Note: 3 hp nonlethal damage from cold, 3 hp physical damage]

0: Create Water, Resistance, Virtue, Read Magic, Purify Food
1: Sanctuary, Comp Lang, Inflict LW, Pro Evil, Pro Law
2: Lesser Restoration, Owls Wis, Find Traps, Spirit Weap, Shatter
3: Sum Mon III, Daylight, Remove Curse, Pro Energy

Tattoo: 1 of 3 used so far today.
Current magic stones: 2 of 3 used.

Spells in effect: Daylight, Pro Evil, Magic Stone.

Current Luck Points: 7

Sir John, AC 23, Prot from Evil, 45/58 hp  d20+6=20 ; d20+14=28 ; d8+5=11 ; d6=1 ; d20+8=24 ; d20+8=28 ; d20+8=15 ; d20+8=26 ; d6+5=8 ;
Friday October 2nd, 2009 9:17:03 PM

Sir John yells in pain as the building falls on him and Joshua... They do manage to dodge most of the falling debris (Reflex 20) and only take 13 pts of dmg...

Really angry now, he calls out to his friends, "Let me take E1 and you spellcasters, take out that annoying spider caster thingy! Make him pay while we take care of these guys on the ground!"

Moving 5' to his right, he switches to his axe and cuts at E1, hoping that this will be the last thing it ever feels...

Attack = Hit AC 28 for 11 dmg + 1 fire = 12 total

Ride Check = OK to attack, Josh attack, stick with Josh original AC...
Josh hoof = Hit AC 26 for 8 pts...

Stats = Sir John AC = 23, 45/58 hps, Josh's AC = 24, 39/52 hps

Speck AC18/19 HP:26/26 
Friday October 2nd, 2009 9:27:07 PM

OOC: Speck probably doesn't see E7. How high is the broken wall he and E7 are next to?

Speck now sees that it is an ambush and trap orchestrated by undead. This Raven had undead attack them in the slums, now undead here. Oh, it is a graveyard! Doh!

Having much experience now with undead, Speck curses under his breath, "Undead! Won't they ever finally all die off?" The whole sense of the place unerves him and the others must be feeling much the same. Remembering a spell he learned from his bardic mentor who repeated every day, "Fear is your greatest enemy", he had taken certain precautions against that. Although he used the spell to combat the fear of performing before hundreds, or at great hights, hear was as good a place as any to use it as well.

Speck steps forward 5ft to R28 and calls out, "Cedric, may the Force be with you", and thrusts his palm forward. (Cast Remove Fear, duration 10 minutes, range 30ft - Cedric is right at 20, Target one creature, Effect - surpress any Fear Effect already in effect for 10 minutes, grant +4 moral bonus against Fear Effects for 10 minutes.)

Ki`El HP:32/35 AC: 14 -3 str  d4+1=2 ; d4+1=3 ; d4+1=5 ;
Saturday October 3rd, 2009 11:02:29 PM

Ki looks around as the wall falls, and four more enemies show themselves. All appearing to be undead monstrosities. The spider elf thing, assumed to be Spider, is throwing around spells! What have I gotten myself into? The sense of dread about the place don't help his thinking, or his spirit... He quickly understands that a spell caster must be fought with, well, a spell caster.

The half-elf moves northwest a bit, keeping his distance but getting a clear view of most of the enemies., he stamps his Glaive on the ground, goes through familiar incantations and wiggles his fingers yet again. FIring three more energy missiles, this time aimed at the Spider.

Move to R,24
Cast: Magic MIssile at Spider; 10damage..

Cedric AC 19 HP 82/82 Bear Form Character Sheet  d20+13=23 ; d20+13=17 ; d20+8=25 ; d8+7=15 ; d8+7=13 ; 2d6+3=10 ; d20+8=26 d20+8=25
Monday October 5th, 2009 8:10:16 AM

Unable to reach the Spider, who is a bit out of range, Cedric turns and mauls the enemy closest to him. Two claws and a bite later, he hopes to find the enemy crushed.

Attacking E5
Claw1 hit AC 23 for 15
Claw2 hit AC 17 for 13
Bite hit AC 25 for 10

Totally forgot fort saves: 26, and 25, both passed.

Osgood's Graveyard - The Battlefield. Twilight Round 5  d20+6=13 ; d20+6=19 ; d8+1=4 ; d20+6=23 ; d8+1=3 ; d20+6=19 ; d20+4=10 ; d20+4=22 ; d6+3=7 ; d3+2=5 ; d20+6=15 ; d20+4=11 ; d20+4=18 ; d3+2=3 ; d20+6=17 ; d20+10=19 ; d8+2=5 ;
Monday October 5th, 2009 9:39:46 AM

The party engages fully, committing themselves to combat.

Marcasthai delivers two powerful blows, but the attacks are turned aside. A rend in its clothing reveals that it is wearing a chain shirt, which has saved it. Both of Marcasthai's attacks miss. Lucky releases a magic stone, which strikes Spider soundly and burns his undead flesh, and then moves into a better position. Sir John and Josh lay into the enemy in front of them, and it falls under their combined attacks. Speck bolsters Cedric, clearing his mind of the fear that haunts most of the party, at least for a short time. Ki'El unleashes a magical attack, striking Spider with three bolts of force. Cedric uses his new-found courage to attack, striking two solid blows against his target.

The enemy retaliates just as ferociously.

The three above the battle field in the ruins of the building draw crossbows and fire! The rest of the undead advance and attack their targets with claws and teeth.

Spider climbs up a bit further on the tower, seeing the reach of the minotaur below it. But his eyes are focused on Lucky. It is clear he did not like the bullet. He casts a spell, and a dagger shaped weapon of force appears and attacks Lucky.

Round 5
Osgood's Graveyard (Overview)
The Battlefield (Combat map) Please move yourselves on the map.

Sense of Dread: Everyone suffers a -1 morale penalty to attack rolls and saving throws. This is a mind affecting effect. In addition, immunity to fear makes you immune to this penalty.

Everyone but Speck: Spiders spell: -1 Luck penalty to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks. This is a mind affected effect. Speck was out of range when it was cast.

Enemy Attacks
E2: Crossbow on Sir John: Ac 12, missed
E3: Crossbow on Cedric: Hit AC 19 for 4 damage
E4: Crossbow on Ki'el: Hit AC 23 for 3 damage
E5: Bite/Claw/Claw on Cedric: Bite hit AC 19 for 7, Claw missed AC 10, Claw Hit AC 22 for 5 damage.
E6: Bite/Claw/Claw on Marcas: Bite missed AC 15, Claw missed AC 11, Claw Hit AC 18 for 3 damage
E7: Advances on Speck and attacks with its Bite: Missed AC 17

Spider casts a spell that attacks Lucky: Hit AC 19 for 5 damage.

Anyone hit with a claw or bite: DC 12 Fortitude Save or paralyzed for 1d4 rounds. Anyone hit with a bite must also make an additional DC 12 Fortitude save vs Disease.

Combat Stats:
Undead are somewhere between AC 17 and 23
E1: Destroyed
E2: 0 10' up
E3: 0 10' up
E4: 0 10' up
E5: 25 damage taken
E6: 0
E7: 0

Spider: 21 damage, 25 feet up on side of wall of tower. Has been hit at AC 26

Spellcraft DC 17 Highlight to display spoiler: {Spider cast Spiritual Weapon}

The walls are about 2-3 feet tall rubble, with many gaps.

Marcasthai AC 17 HP 62/84 (SteveK)(Lucky Luck, Spider Spell, Dread)  d20+10=13 ; d20+13=22 ; d8+8=13 ; d20+11=17 ; d20+6=23 ; 2d6+13=24 ; 2d6+13=22 ;
Monday October 5th, 2009 10:47:44 AM

As the armored ghould closes on Marcas, the minotaur uses his long reach

Marcas grits his broad teeth upon seeing the chain shirt on the undead, and then breaks into a sweat as the small scratch nearly poisons his muscles into freezing.

But the armored ghoul did not escape from his attack unpunished. As the fiend closed in on Marcas, the minotaur used his long reach to tag the undead with an elbow to the head. (AOO: AC 22 Dam 13

"Your armor won't save you this time", the minotaur growls, "go back to death by the Hand of Imod!"

Less power and more accuracy, that is the key. Marcas takes a step backwards to bring into play his ranseur and lets fly in two glittering arcs.

AOO: AC 22 Dam 13
Claw Fort: 13 (made it, whew!)
Power Attack +2 (-2 to hit, +1 luck (Lucky), -1 luck, -1 morale) AC 17 Dam 24 (+4 dam)
Power Attack +2 (-2 to hit, +1 luck (Lucky), -1 luck, -1 morale) AC 23 Dam 22 (+4 dam)

+1 Luck bonus for wishing Lucky well
-1 morale penalty to attack rolls and saving throws.
-1 Luck penalty to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks

Sir John, AC 23, Prot from Evil, 45/58 hp  d20+15=32 ; d8+5=12 ; d6=4 ; d20+7=12 ; d20+7=12 ; d20+7=21 ; d20+10=26 ; d8+5=6 ; d6=2 ; d20+6=25 ; d20+6=19 ; d20+1=8 ; d6+5=11 ; d6+5=7 ;
Monday October 5th, 2009 8:00:45 PM

(OOC = I'm not sure how high E2-4 are... Can I reach them by dismounting (free action) and moving forward to attack? If so, he'll do that and have 1 attack.... Or is it in a situation where I can easily reach E2 without moving, thus saving my full attack and allowing Josh to attack??? I'll include all my attacks, assuming it's a full attack, but if not, just go with the first...)

Sir John changes his attention to E2, who is next to him... With a shout, he cuts his axe towards it's torso...

Attack 1 = Hit AC 32 (if remain mounted) or AC 31 (if have to dismount) for 11 + 4 fire = 15
Attack 2 = Hit AC 26 (mounted) or AC 25 (dismounted) for 5 + 2 fire = 7

If Josh can attack (full attack option only) =
1. Hoof = Hit AC 25 for 10
2. Hoof = Hit AC 16 for 6
3. Bite = Miss AC 8...

Ride Checks = 12/12/21 (all is fine, stick with Josh old AC)

-1 Luck penalty to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks

See Combat Stats section of post, have made it bold to stand out: They are 10' up. Yes you can hit them from atop Josh, but Josh can not hit them I do not believe. --DM Troy

Lucky AC16 HP40 of 46  d20+15=16 ; d20+6=12 ; d20+14=20 ; 2d6+3=9 ;
Monday October 5th, 2009 9:25:27 PM

Lucky laughs at the enemy's spiritual weapon (as he deduces it probably is) -- its attack on AC19 misses Lucky's AC28.

This round, Lucky rolls his AC: a natural 1! His AC, vs these undead things, is only 16! "That'll teach me to laugh," Lucky says, laughing.

Spellcraft check: 12 = nope.

Lucky throws another magic stone at Spider. He is within 30 feet, so he gets his point blank bonus. He decides to push his luck, and packs five luck points into the roll! But he still has -2 in penalties, so he is a +14 in total. He hits AC20. If that is a hit, he inflicts 9 hp damage.

Then Lucky moves to V14 and hides behind Marcasthai. (Hoping for some soft cover bonus, maybe.)


[Note: 3 hp nonlethal damage from cold, 3 hp physical damage]

0: Create Water, Resistance, Virtue, Read Magic, Purify Food
1: Sanctuary, Comp Lang, Inflict LW, Pro Evil, Pro Law
2: Lesser Restoration, Owls Wis, Find Traps, Spirit Weap, Shatter
3: Sum Mon III, Daylight, Remove Curse, Pro Energy

Tattoo: 1 of 3 used so far today.
Current magic stones: 3 of 3 used.

Spells in effect: Daylight, Pro Evil, Magic Stone.

Current Luck Points: 7 (8 or 2)

Speck AC18/19 HP:26/26  d20+10=26 ;
Monday October 5th, 2009 10:10:52 PM

"Yikes!" Speck exclaims as an undead unexpectedly props itself upon the wall right next to him and takes a swing at the hafling. "These things must be able to smell hafling a mile away!" he adds as he had thought he was hidden.

He takes a dive towards Ki'El (Tumble 1/2 move DC15 d20+10=26, no AOO from E7) and ends up at Q26.

Then, with the powerfull lungs of a bard hafling, he belts out:

"Famous we are in the Lands of the Dread
for there we dared to Tread

From Day to Night and Night to Day
we kept the Undead at Bay"

Inspire Courage, +1 moral bonus to saves vs Charm and Fear effects, +1 bonus to att and dmg rolls, for all who can hear. DM can determine how far the bard's voice will carry.

AC vs E7 is 19 (Dodge), AC vs all others 18, until further notice.

Ki`El HP:29/35 AC: 14 -3 str  2d6=8 ;
Monday October 5th, 2009 10:22:43 PM

Ki smiles as the spider thing casts its rudimentary spell Likes magic huh? Lets see how these undead vermin like this!

He carefully preforms one of his most complex spells. His arms waving intricatly, fingers going about specific determined routes in the air, and nearly screams his anceient elven incantations.

After a few seconds a medium sized sphere erupts from his opened palm, the ball ignites itself and the swirling flames envelope the sphere. Ki points his finger to the first of the undead standing atop the cumbled building (E4). The flaming sphere obeys and flys to its intended target, buring what flesh is left on the hideous abomanation.

Spell: Flaming Sphere (Lasts 6 more rounds)
Move actions: Direct Flaming Sphere Highlight to display spoiler: { A burning globe of fire rolls in whichever direction you point and burns those it strikes. It moves 30 feet per round. As part of this movement, it can ascend or jump up to 30 feet to strike a target. If it enters a space with a creature, it stops moving for the round and deals 2d6 points of fire damage to that creature, though a successful Reflex save negates that damage. A flaming sphere rolls over barriers less than 4 feet tall. It ignites flammable substances it touches and illuminates the same area as a torch would.

The sphere moves as long as you actively direct it (a move action for you); otherwise, it merely stays at rest and burns. It can be extinguished by any means that would put out a normal fire of its size. The surface of the sphere has a spongy, yielding consistency and so does not cause damage except by its flame. It cannot push aside unwilling creatures or batter down large obstacles. A flaming sphere winks out if it exceeds the spell's range.

-1 morale penalty to attack rolls and saving throws.
-1 Luck penalty to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks

Cedric AC 19 HP 67/82 Bear Form Character Sheet  d20+8=19 ; d20+8=22 ; d20+8=14 ; d20+14=34 ; d20+13=30 ; d20+8=17 ; d8+8=16 ; d8+8=10 ;
Tuesday October 6th, 2009 11:51:13 AM

Cedric continues to maul his enemy, attacking with claw and bite.

3 DC 12 Fort Saves Passed
Attacking E5:
Claw 1 hit AC 34 for 16
Claw 2 hit AC 30 for 10
Bite hit AC 17 (Miss)

Osgood's Graveyard - The Battlefield. Twilight Round 6  d20+3=14 ; d20+6=11 ; d20+4=15 ; d20+4=18 ; d20+6=26 ; d20+6=18 ; d20+4=22 ; d20+4=8 ; d6+3=4 ; d20+6=12 ; d20+6=21 ; d20+4=14 ; d20+4=13 ; d6+3=6 ; d20+6=18 ; 2d6+2=9 ;
Tuesday October 6th, 2009 1:41:49 PM

Marcas lands one solid hit on the undead in front of him, but it's not enough to end the abomination. Sir John lands an attack on one of the ghouls slightly above him, able to reach it from the height of his saddle. Lucky tries another attack on Spider, but his shot fails to land. Speck raises the morale of the party with his bardic gifts. Ki'El conjures a flaming sphere to attack the same foe as Sir John, burning it. Cedric continues to maul his foe, his last hit causing it to fall.

The undead retaliate. All but one of the crossbowmen shift to natural attacks, trying to stop the paladin. Through divine providence, only one bite manages to land. The remaining crossbowman reloads and attacks Ki'El, but its shot goes wide. Marcas's foe shifts in close again, and manages to bite the minotaur. Speck's foe continues to advance on him, but is unable to sink its teeth in.

Spider again casts a spell, and a swarm of angry hornets descend on Ki'El. They sting him over and over.

Round 6
Osgood's Graveyard (Overview)
The Battlefield (Combat map) Please move yourselves on the map.

Sense of Dread: Everyone suffers a -1 morale penalty to attack rolls and saving throws. This is a mind affecting effect. In addition, immunity to fear makes you immune to this penalty.

Everyone but Speck: Spiders spell: -1 Luck penalty to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks. This is a mind affected effect. Speck was out of range when it was cast.

Enemy Attacks
E2: Bite/Claw/Claw on Sir John: AC 11, 15, 18: All Missed
E3: Bite/Claw/Claw on Sir John: AC 26 (no crit), 22, 8: Bite hit for 4 damage (2 saves)
E4: Crossbow on Ki'el: Hit AC 12 Miss
E6: Bite/Claw/Claw on Marcas: Bite hit AC 21 for 6 damage (2 saves), Claw missed AC 14, Claw missed AC 13
E7: Advances on Speck and attacks with its Bite: AC 18 (missed due to dodge)

Spider casts a spell that attacks Ki'El: 9 subdual damage, no save.

Anyone hit with a claw or bite: DC 12 Fortitude Save or paralyzed for 1d4 rounds. Anyone hit with a bite must also make an additional DC 12 Fortitude save vs Disease.

Combat Stats:
Undead are somewhere between AC 18 and 23
E1: Destroyed
E2: 22 damage, 10' up
E3: 0 damage, 10' up
E4: 8 damage, 10' up
E5: Destroyed
E6: 22 damage
E7: 0

Spider: 21 damage, 25 feet up on side of wall of tower. AC between 20 and 26

Spellcraft DC 17 Highlight to display spoiler: {Spider cast Hornets Nest}

Marcas: There's no AOO because it only took a 5' step. If you want to have him move up and take one attack while provoking an AOO, you'll have to step back more than 5' and sacrifice your full attack. Also note when you power attack, you use the same value for all your attacks until your next round, including AOO's.

Sir John: They are 10' up. You can reach them while in the saddle, but Joshua can not attack that high. If one falls, it would be possible to leap up to the platform on a successful ride/jump check, but currently there is no room for you.

Marcasthai AC 17 HP 56/84 (SteveK)(Lucky Luck, Spider Spell, Dread)  d20+10=24 ; d20+10=12 ; d20+14=32 ; d20+9=16 ; d20+10=14 ; d8+8=13 ;
Tuesday October 6th, 2009 1:59:59 PM

ooc: ah, yes all that makes sense! :-)

Marcas gets bitten but is able to stay active and healthy, but not by very much. Plus, the large minotaur is getting pushed away from the fight by a little undead. This cannot be borne!

"I've wrestled with giant bone-clawed skeletons, and triumphed. I won't be bested by you!", he growls in his deep voice. Ignoring his ranseur, a hoof lashes out, and then a wicked elbow, followed by a tossing of his great horns.

Bite Fort1:
Bite Fort2:
Hoof: AC 32 Dam 13
Elbow: AC 16
Horn: AC 14

+1 Luck bonus "Everybody's Friend" to att, save, skills, to ALLIES in 20' for wishing Lucky well
+1 morale bonus "Inspire Courage" to att, dmg, and saves vs Charm and Fear
-1 morale penalty "Dread" to attack rolls and saving throws.
-1 Luck penalty "Spider spell" to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks

Lucky AC22 HP40 of 46  d8=5 ; d8=5 ; d20+15=22
Tuesday October 6th, 2009 3:04:08 PM

[Note to DM: Does the Spider's magic dagger attack Lucky again?]

You are correct, but I missed it so this round is free. But no, no need for defensive, it only attacks on the casters turn, it cant take AOO's

Lucky casts a spontaneous Cure Moderate Wounds on Marcasthai, over Spiritual Weapon. I think there is no need to cast on the defensive, right? The cure heals the taur with 16 hp of healing.

Roll for AC this round: 22 with the Pro Evil.


[Note: 3 hp nonlethal damage from cold, 3 hp physical damage]

0: Create Water, Resistance, Virtue, Read Magic, Purify Food
1: Sanctuary, Comp Lang, Inflict LW, Pro Evil, Pro Law
2: Lesser Restoration, Owls Wis, Find Traps, Spirit Weap, Shatter
3: Sum Mon III, Daylight, Remove Curse, Pro Energy

Tattoo: 1 of 3 used so far today.
Current magic stones: 3 of 3 used.

Spells in effect: Daylight, Pro Evil, Magic Stone.

Current Luck Points: 2

Speck AC18/19 HP:26/26  d20+10=27 ; d20+3=5 ;
Tuesday October 6th, 2009 8:22:35 PM

Speck continues to dodge the undead ghoulish thing and tumbles past Ki'El, hopping that the wizards will see his predicament and DO something. :)

Tumble 1/2 move DC15 d20+10=27, no AOO from E7 and ends up at S25.

Back on his feet, he continues his Inspired Poetry.

"Undead skeletons and undead zombies
a great pyre they made

A pyre of YOU we'll make too;
a fire as bright as day!"

Inspire Courage, +1 moral bonus to saves vs Charm and Fear effects, +1 bonus to att and dmg rolls, for all who can hear. DM can determine how far the bard's voice will carry.

AC vs E7 is 19 (Dodge), AC vs all others 18, until further notice.

Spellcraft check DC17 d20+3= 5 :P

OOC: Y'all don't forget to add +1 to hit and +1 damage, eh?

Ki`El HP:29/35 AC: 14 -3 str  d6=4 ; d6=3 ; d20+3=22 ; d20+3=10 ; d8-1=0 ; d8-1=0 ; d8-1=0 ; d8-1=6 ;
Tuesday October 6th, 2009 10:13:46 PM

{OOC: I sent the Flaming Sphere at E4, not E2. I correct this because it lasts for 6 more rounds (5 after this turn) I had meant for it to hit E4,E3,E2, Then the spider for the remaining 4 rounds. The error you made would not let this happen...}

Ki directs his flamingsphere five more feet east to burn E3.

He then drops his glaive and pulls out and loads his light cross bow, firing at the spider.

Move action: Direct Flaming Sphere to E3 for 7 damage (from E4 NOT E2)
Attack: Cross bow at Spider.Crit (19+3=22) Confirm: 10; Dam: 6 X2 if crit is confirmed

-1 morale penalty to attack rolls and saving throws.
-1 Luck penalty to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks

OOC2: Not sure if those rolls count or not, so I went ahead a re-rolled them. Imagine that though, 3 1's in a row! If they do count, o well....

Sir John, AC 23, Prot from Evil, 45/58 hp  d20+11=19 ; d20+11=30 ; d20+15=29 ; d20+10=15 ; d8+5=7 ; d8+5=6 ; d6=2 ; d6=4 ;
Wednesday October 7th, 2009 10:25:59 AM

(OOC = Robert, shouldn't both of my initial attacks hit from last round? If I didn't have to leave the saddle, then I didn't need a move. Thus, I get a full attack and both seemed to have AC's high enough to hit (32 and 26)...)

Sir John feels the bite of the ghouls claws and tongues (Fort = 19, 30), but is able to resist any further effects...

He continues bashing away at the nearest foe (E2) and says, "Thanks for the help Ki' El! They're starting to annoy me!"

Att 1 = Hit AC 29 for 7 + 2 fire = 9 total
Att 2 = Hit AC 15 for 6 + 4 = 10 total

-1 Luck penalty to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks.
+1 morale bonus "Inspire Courage" to att, dmg, and saves vs Charm and Fear

Cedric AC 19 HP 67/82 Bear Form Character Sheet  d20+14=26 ; d8+8=12 ;
Wednesday October 7th, 2009 1:05:09 PM

Cedric moves to clear the straggler that is attacking Speck. Lumbering over, attacks with one strong claw striking the undead solidly.

Move adjacent to E7
Claw on E7 hit AC 26 for 12 damage.

Osgood's Graveyard - The Battlefield. Twilight Round 7  d20+4=17 ; d20+6=26 ; d20+6=9 ; d20+4=11 ; d20+4=7 ; d6+3=7 ; d20+6=20 ; d20+4=24 ; d20+4=18 ; d20+4=6 ; d3+2=3 ; d20+6=15 ; d8+1=4 ; d20+6=24 ; d20+4=23 ; d20+4=17 ; d6+3=5 ; d3+2=3 ; d20+9=26 ; d20+4=19 ; d8+2=9 ;
Wednesday October 7th, 2009 1:32:23 PM

Marcas decides he's had enough of the civilized weaponry and smashes a hoof in his foes face. The creature buckles and falls, done in by the brutal strike. Lucky heals the proud warrior, bringing him into prime fighting shape. Speck continues to avoid his foe while singing to inspire his allies. Ki'El directs his flaming sphere to attack the next foe down the line, but this one manages to twist out of the way and avoid the flame. He then turns his crossbow to Spider, but the attack is deflected by the creatures hide. Sir John lands a solid hit on the nearest undead. It stands unsteadily, but it still stands. Cedric moves to shield Speck and Ki'El, landing a solid paw on the undead.

Another foe fallen, but the battle continues.

The foes above Sir John continue their attacks. The first one managages to land a solid bit that might have been much worse. The second sneaks a claw in on the paladin. The crossbowman manages to land a glancing blow on Ki'El. Cedric does not fare as well as Sir John: his undead claws the bear, and follows up with a deep bite. The dagger summoned by Spider attacks Lucky twice, but only manages to land one attack.

Above the battle, Spider laughs. He yells out "May the Lady of Vengeance grand me the strength to remove this obstacle". He then casts another spell, and seems to surge with strength.

Round 7
Osgood's Graveyard (Overview)
The Battlefield (Combat map) Please move yourselves on the map.

Sense of Dread: Everyone suffers a -1 morale penalty to attack rolls and saving throws. This is a mind affecting effect. In addition, immunity to fear makes you immune to this penalty.

Everyone but Speck: Spiders spell: -1 Luck penalty to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks. This is a mind affected effect. Speck was out of range when it was cast.

Enemy Attacks
E2: Bite/Claw/Claw on Sir John: Bite Hit AC 26 (no crit) for 7 damage (2 saves)
E3: Bite/Claw/Claw on Sir John: Claw Hit AC 24 (no crit) for 3 damage (1 save)
E4: Crossbow on Ki'el: Hit AC 15 for 4 damage
E7: Bite/Claw/Claw on Cedric: Bite hit AC 24 for 5 (2 saves) and Claw Hit AC 23 for 3 (1 save)
Spiritual Weapon on Lucky: Hit AC 26 for 9 damage, Hit AC 19 (missed)
Spider cast a spell.

Anyone hit with a claw or bite: DC 12 Fortitude Save or paralyzed for 1d4 rounds. Anyone hit with a bite must also make an additional DC 12 Fortitude save vs Disease.

Combat Stats:
Undead are somewhere between AC 18 and 23
E1: Destroyed
E2: 31 damage, 10' up
E3: 0 damage, 10' up
E4: 8 damage, 10' up
E5: Destroyed
E6: Destroyed
E7: 12 damage

Spider: 21 damage, 25 feet up on side of wall of tower. AC between 24 and 26

Spellcraft DC 19 Highlight to display spoiler: {Spider cast Divine Power}

Ki'El: Highlight to display spoiler: {You may have missed it: you were hit with 9 subdual damage last round from Hornests Nest. }

Sir John, AC 23, Prot from Evil, 31/58 hp  d20+11=19 ; d20+11=27 ; d20+15=26 ; d20+10=30 ; d20+10=13 ; d8+5=6 ; d8+5=6 ; d6=1 ; d6=6 ; d20+11=24
Wednesday October 7th, 2009 2:12:05 PM

Sir John grunts in pain as he's hit yet again... Now that he's suffering from multiple wounds, he calls out to Lucky, "If you have a chance, I could use some healing!!! It's 3 vs. 1 here, and even though I like these odds, I need a hand!"

Save(Fort) = 19, 27... No paralysis or disease...

He feints left with his axe, then tries to sweep the ghouls legs out from under it with the edge of the blade...

Att1 = Hit AC 26 for 6 + 1 fire = 7
Att 2 = Hit AC 30 (check =13 so no crit) for 6 + 6 fire = 12
Total Dmg = 19 pts...

-1 Luck penalty to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks.
+1 morale bonus "Inspire Courage" to att, dmg, and saves vs Charm and Fear

(Sorry, forgot 3rd save... Fort = 24... OK)

Lucky Eddie AC33 HP31 of 46  d20+15=33 ; d20+6=20 ;
Wednesday October 7th, 2009 2:57:03 PM

With his 20 feet of move, Lucky Eddie can't get to Sir John this round. So he rolls his AC: a 33! This emboldens the little mendicant! He ducks between Marcas' legs, moving to U18. Then he casts his Sanctuary spell. The Will save on the spell is normally 1d20+5, but Lucky puts a luck point into that, making it d20+6 ... a 20, sweet.


[Note: 3 hp nonlethal damage from cold, 3 hp physical damage]

0: Create Water, Resistance, Virtue, Read Magic, Purify Food
1: Sanctuary, Comp Lang, Inflict LW, Pro Evil, Pro Law
2: Lesser Restoration, Owls Wis, Find Traps, Spirit Weap, Shatter
3: Sum Mon III, Daylight, Remove Curse, Pro Energy

Tattoo: 1 of 3 used so far today.
Current magic stones: 3 of 3 used.

Spells in effect: Daylight, Pro Evil, Sanctuary (Will save 20).

Current Luck Points: 1

Ki`El HP:29/35 AC: 14 -3 str  2d6=3 ; d6+1=7 ; d6+1=7 ; d6+1=2 ; d20+20=22 ; d8+1=4 ;
Wednesday October 7th, 2009 3:40:45 PM

ooc; Do I need to make a concentration check? Can I cast another spell, mm, while keeping up Flaming sphere.? if so:

Ki directs the flaming sphere to E2; and sends three more energy missiles at the spider.

Move action: direct flaming sphere; E2: 2d6=3 damage
Standard action: cast magic missile at spider: 3d6+3=16 damage(+1 for lucky's song?; 19dam, +1 for each missile)

ooc; If Ki cant cast another spell, mm, while keeping up Flaming sphere:

Ki Directs the flaming sphere to E2; reloads his cross bow; fires A bullet at the spider

Move action: Direct Flaming Sphere to E2; 3 damage
Free action: reload light crossbow
Standard action; Attack spider, w/ crossbow; AC: 22, d8+1=4 damage

-1 Luck penalty to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks.
+1 morale bonus "Inspire Courage" to att, dmg, and saves vs Charm and Fear
+1 moral bonus to saves vs Charm and Fear effects, +1 bonus to att and dmg rolls, for all who can hear

Marcasthai AC 17 HP 56/84 (SteveK)(Lucky Luck, Spider Spell, Dread)  d20+12=23 ; d20+12=28 ; d20+11=23 ; d20+11=12 ; d20+11=16 ; d20+11=18 ; 2d6+9=17 ;
Wednesday October 7th, 2009 4:32:08 PM

Marcas grins, glad his foe is destroyed, and he takes a quick tactical assessment of the battlefield. The Spider is on its wall and getting ready for a showdown, but the three ghouls on the roof are making life difficult for his allies to get to the main fight...

The big minotaur grunts. It would be so satisfying to attack the Spider, but husbanding the resources of the group comes first. A flexing of his massive legs, and Marcas launches himself upward in a high jump to grab ahold of the roof and then pull himself up in a feat of Strength.

With his Ranseur at the ready, he holds the ghouls at bay. "Come dead things", he growls, "and move no more!"

Any ghoul (E2, E3, E4) that fires a crossbow or moves towards Marcas gets an AOO.

Vertical Jump: DC 23 = 5 feet up (4xheight) + 10 foot space +10 foot reach = can grab if rooftop is 25 feet up.
Climb DC 28 beats DC15 to pull up with move action
Potential AOOs
1 AC 23 Dam 17
2 AC 12 miss
3 AC 16 miss
4 AC 18 miss

+1 Luck bonus "Everybody's Friend" to att, save, skills, to ALLIES in 20' for wishing Lucky well
+1 morale bonus "Inspire Courage" to att, dmg, and saves vs Charm and Fear
-1 morale penalty "Dread" to attack rolls and saving throws.
-1 Luck penalty "Spider spell" to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks

Speck AC19/20 HP:26/26  d20+13=20 ; d4+2=5 ;
Wednesday October 7th, 2009 11:28:32 PM

OOC: I just noticed that I've been playing Speck with one worse AC point than he actually has. Fixed it.
AC: 10 + 3Dex +5armor +1size =19 +1dodge = 20. Doh!

'Yipee!' Speck thinks as the lumbering bulk of a fuzzy bear intervenes beween him and the undead. Then his thoughts follow with 'uhoh' as the undead tears into the fuzzy bear.

"Sorry, big guy!" he says as he pauses in his poetry. Not to let Cedric down, Speck puts himself right behind the undead (Q27 creating one AOO. Note AC for AOO is 19+1(dodge) +4(mobility)=24).

Having drawn his short sword as he moved, he now stabs at the undead.
d20+10 +2flanking +1InspCour = 20 - 1 =19, dmg if hit d4+1+1= 5

Inspire Courage 4/5 rounds, +1 moral bonus to saves vs Charm and Fear effects, +1 bonus to att and dmg rolls, for all who can hear.

AC vs E7 is 20 (Dodge), AC vs all others 19, until further notice.

Cedric AC 19 HP 67/82 Bear Form Character Sheet  d20+9=29 ; d20+9=28 ; d20+9=11 ; d4=1 ; d20+9=19 d20+16=22 d20+16=19 d20+11=23 d8+8=14 d8+8=10 2d6(1+4)+4=9
Thursday October 8th, 2009 12:08:42 PM

The bear manages to stave off the first two effects from the undead, and with heroic effort overcomes the last.

He attacks the enemy savagely, hoping to down the creature.

Disease save passed 29. Paralyze save 1 Passed. Paralyze Save 2 Failed:Forgot hero points: Hero point reroll: 19, passed, not paralyzed.

Attack E7
Claw 1 hit AC 22 for 14
Claw 2 hit AC 19 for 10
Bite hit AC 23 for 9

Osgood's Graveyard - The Battlefield. Twilight Round 8  d20+4=7 ; d20+11=18 ; d20+6=22 ; d20+4=17 ; d20+4=14 ; d20+6=8 ; d20+4=6 ; d20+4=21 ; d3+2=4 ; d20+9=15 ; d8+2=10 ; 3d8+8=26 ;
Thursday October 8th, 2009 12:50:43 PM

Sir John overcomes the undeads attack and counterattacks with two solid hits. The first one drops the nearest foe, and he continues to the next foe down the line with a second savage chop. Luckily moves to heal his party, casting a protective spell as he does so. Ki'El seeing his planned target fall, directs the flaming sphere against the same foe he hit last attacked, burning it, then launches magic missiles at Spider, striking him soundly. With a great leap, Marcasthai positions himself to threaten most of the remaining foes. Speck slashes the foe between him and Cedric, landing a good hit. Cedric takes the opportunity provided by Speck to land three savage hits, which dropes the undead.

The first undead continues its attack on Sir John, but its frustration decreases its accuracy, and it can not land bite or claw. The crossbowman drops his bow, and steps over to Marcasthai, attacking three times but only managing one hit.

Spider seems to loose interest in Lucky, and the floating dagger of force moves to a new target: Ki'El. It slashes at him once, landing a good hit. Spider then casts a spell, and its wounds seem to close.

Round 8

*DM Note: In cases where attacks are made against foes that are no longer alive, I moved the subseqent attacks to the next closest foe.

Osgood's Graveyard (Overview)
The Battlefield (Combat map) Please move yourselves on the map.

Sense of Dread: Everyone suffers a -1 morale penalty to attack rolls and saving throws. This is a mind affecting effect. In addition, immunity to fear makes you immune to this penalty.

Everyone but Speck: Spiders spell: -1 Luck penalty to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks. This is a mind affected effect. Speck was out of range when it was cast.

Enemy Action
E3: Flaming Sphere Reflex save failed: 7 damage: Bite/Claw/Claw on Sir John: Bite: 22 (miss), Claw 17 (miss), Claw 14 (miss)
E4: 5' Step (No AOO) Bite/Claw/Claw on Marcas: Bite 8 (miss), Claw 6 (miss), Claw Hit AC 21 for 4 (1 save)

Spider: Spider fails the Sanctuary spell, and sends the Spiritual Weapon at Ki'El. Spiritual Weapon on Ki'El: Hit AC 15 for 10 damage
Spider cast a spell. Spellcraft DC 18 Highlight to display spoiler: {Spider cast Inflict Serous Wounds spontaniously.}

Anyone hit with a claw or bite: DC 12 Fortitude Save or paralyzed for 1d4 rounds. Anyone hit with a bite must also make an additional DC 12 Fortitude save vs Disease.

Combat Stats:
Undead are AC 18
E1: Destroyed
E2: Destroyed
E3: 16 damage, 10' up
E4: 8 damage, 10' up
E5: Destroyed
E6: Destroyed
E7: Destroyed

Spider: 32 damage, 26 healed, 25 feet up on side of wall of tower. AC between 24 and 26

Lucky Eddie AC26 HP31 of 46  d8+5=12 ; d20+6=18 ; d20+15=26 ;
Thursday October 8th, 2009 1:12:39 PM

Lucky Eddie moves to 21U and then casts a cure on Sir John. 12 points to Sir John.

Spellcraft check vs Spider: 18 hits exactly! Lucky says, "He cast Inflict Serious Wounds on himself. Well, better him than me!"

Lucky looks at the wall directly under the spider. What's the climb DC? How high is the wall? Is there any place to stand on the top?

Roll for AC this round: 26.


[Note: 3 hp nonlethal damage from cold, 12 hp physical damage]

0: Create Water, Resistance, Virtue, Read Magic, Purify Food
1: Sanctuary, Comp Lang, Inflict LW, Pro Evil, Pro Law
2: Lesser Restoration, Owls Wis, Find Traps, Spirit Weap, Shatter
3: Sum Mon III, Daylight, Remove Curse, Pro Energy

Tattoo: 1 of 3 used so far today.
Current magic stones: 3 of 3 used.

Spells in effect: Daylight, Pro Evil, Sanctuary (Will save 20).

Current Luck Points: 1

Sir John, AC 23, Prot from Evil, 43/58 hp  d20+15=26 ; d20+10=14 ; d8+5=9 ; d6=1 ;
Thursday October 8th, 2009 3:17:50 PM

Sir John cheers as his first foe falls, and continues his attack on the 2nd. He quickly looks back at Lucky and thanks him for the needed healing. "Thank you my friend... I will honor your healing and as a famous commercial once said, 'This foe's for you...""

With that, he cuts and slashes again at E3, using the edge to sever its remaining limbs...

Att1 = Hit AC 26 for 9 + 1 fire = 10
Att 2 = Miss (AC14)

-1 Luck penalty to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks.
+1 morale bonus "Inspire Courage" to att, dmg, and saves vs Charm and Fear

Marcasthai AC 17 HP 52/84 (SteveK)(Lucky Luck, Spider Spell, Dread)  d20+10=12 ; d20+10=27 ; d20+5=7 ; d20+6=21 ; d20+10=30 ; d20+10=14 ; d8+12=13 ; d8+10=14 ; 2d6+17=21 ;
Thursday October 8th, 2009 4:34:42 PM

Marcas again overcomes the ghoulish poison and concentrates on bringing his undead foe down. A powered elbow connects to E4, a hoof misses, and a dip of the horns comes real close.

The large minotaur waits for his foe to fall so he can reach over and cleave E3 in half!

Fort DC 12 : whew!
Elbow Power Attack+4: AC 27 Dam 14
Hoof Power Attack+4: AC 6
Gore Power Attack+4: AC 21 Dam 14
Cleave Power Attack+4: AC 30 Crit 14 no Dam 21

+1 Luck bonus "Everybody's Friend" to att, save, skills, to ALLIES in 20' for wishing Lucky well
+1 morale bonus "Inspire Courage" to att, dmg, and saves vs Charm and Fear
-1 morale penalty "Dread" to attack rolls and saving throws.
-1 Luck penalty "Spider spell" to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks

Ki`El HP:19/35 AC: 16 -3 str  2d6=7 ; d6+1=3 ; d6+1=4 ; d6+1=3 ; d100=87 ;
Thursday October 8th, 2009 4:36:11 PM

Ki watches his intended target fall, and keeps his fireball burning the orginal foe, casting his missiles at the spider he doesn't even notice the magical sword coming his way. The half-elf staggers from the blow, Wha? He growls as his side is cut open, spewing blood over the snowy ground...

He tries to ignore the attack, moving his flaming ball to the spider, burning the undead abomination. He then fires three more magical missiles at the spider. Lucky? Care to share you godly powers?

move action: Direct Flaming Sphere to Spider: 7 damage
Standard action: Magic Missile at Spider: 10 damage

OOC: I've actually been down playing my ac, not sure why.... But its actually 16; Leather armor+2, Dex+2 and ring of protection+2. Also been forgetting spell failure, 10%

Ki`El HP:19/35 AC: 16 -3 str 
Thursday October 8th, 2009 4:39:19 PM

Spells: Highlight to display spoiler: {
Zero-level Sorcerer spells: 6 per day
Dancing Lights
Detect Magic
Read Magic

First-level Sorcerer spells: 7 (6+1) per day
Magic Missile***
True Stike
Chill touch

Second-level Sorcerer spells: 5 (4+1) per day
Flaming Sphere*, Knock**

* is the number of times I've used the spell today.

Lucky Eddie AC26 HP31 of 46 
Thursday October 8th, 2009 4:59:29 PM

OOC: I'm about to embark on a five-day family reunion, AND my laptop is in the shop, so I may miss posts on Fri, Mon, and Tues. If I'm lucky someone else in my family will bring a computer!

Speck AC19/20 HP:26/26  d20+11=21 ; d3=3 ; d6=5 ;
Thursday October 8th, 2009 10:58:59 PM

"Horray!" Speck yells as Cedric and his combined attacks flatten their ghoulish enemy. The thrill of victory inspires the bard, who drops his sword and draws his sling and aims a bullet at E3.

d20+11 +1 -1= 21, dmg d3+1 +d6shock = 4+5= 9pts dmg. forgot to add the +1 for the magic +1 of the sling.

"Hang in there, Ki'El. I'll help!" Speck says as he sees the sorcerer fighting a floating dagger.

OOC: Ki'El, next round Speck will use is wand of CLW on you.

Speck AC19/20 HP:26/26 
Thursday October 8th, 2009 11:05:43 PM

OOC: oops forgot :

Inspire Courage 3/5 rounds, +1 moral bonus to saves vs Charm and Fear effects, +1 bonus to att and dmg rolls, for all who can hear.

AC vs (next foe who attacks him) is 20 (Dodge), AC vs all others 19, until further notice.

Also, Cedric, remember you have the Remove Fear spell cast on you that should supress the Sense of Dread effects.

Cedric AC 19 HP 67/82 Bear Form Character Sheet  d8+5=9 ;
Friday October 9th, 2009 12:00:58 PM

Cedric moves over to Ki'El and casts cure light wounds on him.

Cast Cure Light Wounds on Ki'El for 9 HP healed.

Osgood's Graveyard - The Battlefield. Twilight Round 9  d20+7=16 ; d20+15=31 ; d8+8=14 ; d20+9=18 ; d20+4=12 ; d8+2=10 ;
Friday October 9th, 2009 12:21:45 PM

Lucky moves over under the protection of his spell and heals the stalwart paladin. Sir John responds by hacking his foe hard, getting in a good shot. Marcas becomes a whirl of hoof elbow and horn, oblitering the nearest undead, and moving on to the one closest to Sir John, destroying it as well. Ki'El, seeing the lesser undead fall, devotes his full attention to Spider. While the beast is able to dodge the firery sphere, he takes the full blast of the magic missles. Speck, seeing his intial target downed, turns his attack to Spider as well, but his shot can not pierce the creatures carapace. Cedric takes a moment to heal Ki'El.

Which is good, because moments later the spiritual weapon slices the half elf, drawing considerable blood.

With no more foes to hide behind, Spider brings the fight to the ground. It leaps off the roof and lands next to Sir John, landing a visious bite.

Round 9

Osgood's Graveyard (Overview)
The Battlefield (Combat map) Please move yourselves on the map.

Sense of Dread: Everyone suffers a -1 morale penalty to attack rolls and saving throws. This is a mind affecting effect. In addition, immunity to fear makes you immune to this penalty.

Everyone but Speck: Spiders spell: -1 Luck penalty to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks. This is a mind affected effect. Speck was out of range when it was cast.

Enemy Action
Spiritual Weapon: Hit Ki'El AC 18 for 10 damage, and missed on its second attack (12)

Spider: Reflex Save DC 16 passed: no damage from flaming sphere. Leaps down off wall, provoking AOO from Sir John. It then attacks Sir John:
Bite Attack on Sir John: Hit AC 31 for 14 damage (2 saves)

Anyone hit with a claw or bite: DC 12 Fortitude Save or paralyzed for 1d4 rounds. Anyone hit with a bite must also make an additional DC 12 Fortitude save vs Disease.

Combat Stats:
All undead destroyed except Spider.
Spider: 42 damage, 26 healed. AC between 24 and 26

Sir John, AC 23, Prot from Evil, 29/58 hp  d20+11=19 ; d20+11=25 ; d20+15=32 ; d8+5=11 ; d6=4 ; d20+17=29 ; d20+12=13 ; d8+13=18 ; d6=2 ; d20+7=16 ; d20+7=13 ; d20+7=13 ; d20+7=12 ; d20+7=20 ; d20+1=9 ;
Friday October 9th, 2009 2:28:03 PM

Sir John turns to the remaining spider and laughs in it's face, trying to enrage it and get it's attention away from spell casting... "Is that the best you can do? Come on and quit wasting my time! I've got better things to do than mess with you..."

AoO = Hit AC 32 for 11 + 4 fire = 15

Fort Save = 19, 25 (OK)

He swings his axe at it's head, hoping to finish this fight quickly..., and decides to use his smite evil ability too... Also, since the spider is adjacent, Joshua has an opportunity to attack too...

Att1 = Hit AC 29 for 18 + 2 fire = 20
Att2 = Miss...

Ride Checks = 16, 13, 13 (all OK, stick with Josh original AC)

Hoof 1 = miss AC 12
Hoof 2 = Miss AC 20
Bite 1 = Miss AC9

Total Dmg from Sir John = 35 (take that spider boy...)

-1 Luck penalty to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks.
+1 morale bonus "Inspire Courage" to att, dmg, and saves vs Charm and Fear
1/2 Smite Evils used...

Speck AC19/20 HP:26/26  d8+1=5 ;
Friday October 9th, 2009 9:21:55 PM

Speck scoots to Q25 pulling out is wand of CLW. "Be Healed," he announces as he taps Ki'El with it.

CLW d8+1= 5 points damage healed.

Inspire Courage 2/5 rounds, +1 moral bonus to saves vs Charm and Fear effects, +1 bonus to att and dmg rolls, for all who can hear.

AC vs (next foe who attacks him) is 20 (Dodge), AC vs all others 19, until further notice.

Also, Cedric, remember you have the Remove Fear spell cast on you that should supress the Sense of Dread effects.

Ki`El HP:17/35 AC: 16 -3 str  2d6=9 ; d6+1=7 ; d6+1=7 ; d6+1=6 ;
Friday October 9th, 2009 11:48:47 PM

Ki winces as the magical sword cuts open another nasty gash, nearly the same one that was just healed moments before.

Directing his Flaming Sphere to the spider, and casting 3 more magical missiles

FS: 9 damage
MM: 20 damage

Highlight to display spoiler: {
Zero-level Sorcerer spells: 6 per day
Dancing Lights
Detect Magic
Read Magic

First-level Sorcerer spells: 7 (6+1) per day
Magic Missile****
True Stike
Chill touch

Second-level Sorcerer spells: 5 (4+1) per day
Flaming Sphere*, Knock**

* is the number of times I've used the spell today

Marcasthai AC 17 HP 52/84 (SteveK)(Lucky Luck, Spider Spell, Dread)  d20+11=24 ; d20+14=31 ; d20+11=12 ;
Monday October 12th, 2009 10:31:58 AM

Marcas' bellow comes from the building above, "By the Hand of Imod!", and a shadow blocks out what little sun there is in the snowy and soot-filled sky. The large minotaur has Jumped from the roof of the building to attack the Spider on the ground!

A runnning start on the roof allows him to easily jump 25 feet away, leaping over the heads of Sir John and the Spider, and coming down with arms wide to grasp and hold.

A meaty hand snakes out and grabs a spider leg, but the speed of the minotaur's decent breaks the hold and keeps the black spider-taur from falling into the strong embrace of Marcasthai!

Move: run and leap
Jump DC 24 = 20 foot long jump to U,25
Possible Spider AOO for Marcas moving through threatened area
Standard: Touch Attack to Grapple: AC 31, no AOO
Grapple Attack: nat 1 fails! (Rats!!)

+1 Luck bonus "Everybody's Friend" to att, save, skills, to ALLIES in 20' for wishing Lucky well
+1 morale bonus "Inspire Courage" to att, dmg, and saves vs Charm and Fear
-1 morale penalty "Dread" to attack rolls and saving throws.
-1 Luck penalty "Spider spell" to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks

Cedric AC 19 HP 67/82 Bear Form Character Sheet  d20+14=18 ; d20+14=15 ; d20+9=24 ;
Tuesday October 13th, 2009 12:13:23 PM

Cedric attacks three times, but is unable to land a solid blow.

Osgood's Graveyard - The Battlefield. Twilight Round 10  d20+11=28 ; d20+4=24 ; 3d4+3=10 ; d20+9=18 ; d20+4=7 ; d8+2=8 ; d8+2=10 ; d20+13=21 ; d10=9 ;
Tuesday October 13th, 2009 12:25:46 PM

Sir John slashs at Spider as the creature jumps from its perch, and follows up with a devistating smite. Josh however is unable to land a solid blow. Speck cures Ki'El, ensuring he will stand at least another round. The sorceror responds with a missle barrage, striking Spider hard, although his flaming sphere fails to do any damage this time. Lucky moves up to Spider and attacks with spell, breaking his sanctuary but burning the undead's flesh. Marcasthai attempts a bold move, but is unable to get a firm hold on the rotted flesh. Cedric is unable to land a solid shot on their foe.

Spider stands beaten and nearly broken, but he has the strength for one more go. Glaring at the paladin that dared to smite it, Spider calls forth a horrible venom to strike down Sir John.

Round 10

Osgood's Graveyard (Overview)
The Battlefield (Combat map) Please move yourselves on the map.

Sense of Dread: Everyone suffers a -1 morale penalty to attack rolls and saving throws. This is a mind affecting effect. In addition, immunity to fear makes you immune to this penalty.

Everyone but Speck: Spiders spell: -1 Luck penalty to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks. This is a mind affected effect. Speck was out of range when it was cast.

Enemy Action
Spiritual Weapon: Hit Ki'El AC 21 for 8 damage, and AC 18 for 10 damage (2 hits)

Spider: Will Save DC 13 passed, 1/2 damage from Cure spell, Reflex Save DC 16 passed: no damage from flaming sphere. Cast Defensively: Passed (21) Cast a spell: Touch attack on Sir John make a Fortitude Save DC 18 vs Poison or take 9 Con damage.

Spellcraft DC 18 Highlight to display spoiler: {Spider cast Poison.}

Anyone hit with a claw or bite: DC 12 Fortitude Save or paralyzed for 1d4 rounds. Anyone hit with a bite must also make an additional DC 12 Fortitude save vs Disease.

Combat Stats:
All undead destroyed except Spider.
Spider: 58 damage, 26 healed. AC between 24 and 26

Sir John, AC 23, Prot from Evil, 29/58 hp  d20+11=14 ; d20+11=24 ; d8=8 ; d6=4 ; d20+8=23 ; d20+8=14 ; d20+8=13 ; d20+8=13 ; d20+8=24 ; d20+3=15 ; d6+5=7 ;
Tuesday October 13th, 2009 1:56:24 PM

Sir John feels the spider's spell attack (Fort = 27), but is able to resist its affects. Laughing even louder in its face, he says, "Come on now... I told you to give it your best shot and that's all you've got? I thought you were a worthy opponent, one I could tell my fellow knights about... It seems that now you're merely a bump in the road..."

Raising his axe, he drops it in two viscious swipes at the spider while Josh bites and strikes at the spider in unison...

Att1 = (Sorry, that should have been +16 on the 2nd roll... So it hits AC 19 but misses the spider...)
Att 2 = Hits AC24 for 8 + 4 fire = 12

Ride Checks = 23, 14, 13 (OK Josh attack, use both hands, old AC for Josh)
Josh Hoof1 = Miss AC13
Josh Hoof2 = Hit AC 24 for 7 pts...
Josh Bite 1 = Miss AC15

+1 Luck bonus "Everybody's Friend" to att, save, skills, to ALLIES in 20' for wishing Lucky well
+1 morale bonus "Inspire Courage" to att, dmg, and saves vs Charm and Fear
-1 Luck penalty "Spider spell" to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks

Marcasthai AC 17 HP 52/84 (SteveK)(Lucky Luck, Spider Spell, Dread)  d20+16=36 ; d20+16=26 ; d20+11=16 ; d20+12=17 ; d8+8=16 ; d8+8=13 ;
Tuesday October 13th, 2009 2:30:31 PM

Too close for his ranseur, Marcas keeps close to use hoof, knee, and horn. Keeping the Spider hemmed in between Sir John and himself, Marcas looks for those extra openings... and slams hoof hard into the carapace!

Hoof AC 36 crit! 26 Crit! Dam 16+13 =29!
Knee AC 16 miss
Gore AC 17 miss

+1 Luck bonus "Everybody's Friend" to att, save, skills, to ALLIES in 20' for wishing Lucky well
+1 morale bonus "Inspire Courage" to att, dmg, and saves vs Charm and Fear
-1 morale penalty "Dread" to attack rolls and saving throws.
-1 Luck penalty "Spider spell" to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks

Ki`El HP:7/35 AC: 16 -3 str  d6+1=4 ; d6+1=7 ; d6+1=6 ; 2d6=7 ;
Tuesday October 13th, 2009 5:37:15 PM

Ki flinches from the hits from the spiritual weapon, and nearly falls to his knees. He moves the flaming sphere to the spiders location, hopefully singing the creature.

He then fires three more energy missiles at the spider.

Flaming sphere: 7 damage
MM: 4+6+7=17damage

OOC: How much did Lucky heal me by? You didn't say, so Im sure Ki has more than 7 hp...

It was Speck, his post contains the info: 5 points

Speck AC19/20 HP:26/26  d20+1=21 ; d8+1=4 ;
Tuesday October 13th, 2009 11:22:34 PM

OOC: Looks like Ki'El was at 19, took 10dmg and was healed 5pt for a total of 14 before being hit by another 18. I may be wrong there. Either way...

IC: Speck whaps Ki'El again with his wand of CLW.

CLW d8+1= 4 points damage healed. (ignore the d20 roll, forgot to change the 20 to 8.)

Inspire Courage 1/5 rounds, +1 moral bonus to saves vs Charm and Fear effects, +1 bonus to att and dmg rolls, for all who can hear.

AC vs (next foe who attacks him) is 20 (Dodge), AC vs all others 19, until further notice.

Also, Cedric, remember you have the Remove Fear spell cast on you that should supress the Sense of Dread effects.

Ki`El HP:4/35 AC: 16 -3 str 
Tuesday October 13th, 2009 11:54:51 PM

OOC: Ok, Ki had 17, Speck healed for 5; making it 22; Spiritual weapon hit him for 18; putting him at 4hp. Then Speck just cured him again for another 4, but that would take effect on my next IC post, correct?

DM; is this right? So, tired, I got a bit confused there for a minute....

No worries: For resolution, the healing takes place in the sequence the post does, not on your next post. Any attacks made on you in my next DM post will include the latest heailing by Speck.

Lucky Eddie AC26 HP31 of 46  d20+6=7 ; d20+15=19 ;
Wednesday October 14th, 2009 7:51:08 AM

Lucky Eddie casts on the defensive: Concentration check 7 is a failure. He does not cast a spell.

AC this round: 19
I assumed a successful concentration check already. :)

Cayzle: No, wait! The spell he cast last round he was already okay with. This roll is for the new round.

But Lucky will take a five foot step back, too.

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