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Gathering at the Glitterdust

The story continues... 
Tuesday July 14th, 2009 4:04:19 PM

(OOC = OK, it seems that Kgoshi has left us, so we're down one player. For now, let's see where the adventure takes us before we add anyone else... How does that sound?)

The group following Mordreia see her finally return to the tavern.

She moves in about 15 mins before her starting time, and lets the bouncers know she's back. However, she does see Cedric and moves toward him. Sitting down next to him, she says, "So, you're the one who sang after me. I heard you were good and maybe you'll buy a girl a drink?"

A few minutes later, the cloaked figure follows her in and returns to his previous position in a corner table.

As Mordreia talks to Cedric, they see a flash of light from Speck's spell. They see a flash of startle the figure and for a brief moment, he sees a human male dressed in leather armor under his cloak. He also sees a pair of handaxes attached to his waist, but little more than that can be seen in the brief moment.

However, the flash of light also has gathered the attention of the bouncers. They move quickly to the figure and confront him about what just happened. He stands quickly and pronounces his innocence, but is quickly escorted out of the bar by 3 burly hobgoblins. He might have been able to take 1 or 2, but 3 is a little too much...

Mordreia sees the figure leave and the same worried look appears on her face. Cedric hears Mordreia mumble to herself , "Maybe he's the one who's been following me these past few days... I thought I sensed someone watching me..."

Speck AC18/19 HP:26(23)/26  d20+11=24 ;
Tuesday July 14th, 2009 10:23:08 PM

OOC: hmm.. don't think it makes a difference, but the flash was supposed to go off as Mordreia finished her next dance. I think the result would be the same though.

Ah, poor Cedric, how's you gonna explain it was a wee little hafling who sang, and not you? :)

Speck makes good note of the man's features and equipment, smiling inwardly that his mischievousness payed off. But he dare not go out and follow him anymore tonight, he'd be extra weary of such thing after the incident.

'If he is as good as he seems,' Speck ponders, 'he'll find another way to get in tomorrow, probably by a disguise. I'll have to be extra attentive.'

Noting the arrival of Marcas, (how can you miss it?) and thus Lucky, worry lines cross his brow. "Er, oh boy. I feel a bar-room braul a'coming."

He brushes past Lucky but does not make any signs of knowing him as he moves towards the front of the stage and slips through towards the back stage and dressing rooms to wait for Mordreia back there, just in case the mystery man tries to come in from some back door.

OOC: hmm... i guess it would be a Hide check to slip back there unoticed.
Hide d20+11 = 24

Lucky AC18 HP46  d20+9=24 ;
Tuesday July 14th, 2009 10:47:16 PM

Lucky looks at Marcas and shrugs. "Fate is a demanding mistress, my friend, and we twitch as she pulls our strings. Seems we were destined to be here at this time. For what, though, I have no idea."

As Speck brushes past Lucky, the halfling feels a sudden impulse that he cannot ignore. His hand darts out and raids Speck's pocket. Sleight of Hand, boosted with three Luck points, is a 24! That means that he got something, and that Speck has to beat a DC24 spot check to notice! Oh wait! That' actually a 26, since I forgot to add the Bluff synergy.

When no one is looking, Lucky checks out what he has lifted.

Current Luck Points: 4 for a new day, plus one for the successful SoH roll = 5

Marcasthai AC 19 HP 64/84 (SteveK)  d20+7=16 ;
Wednesday July 15th, 2009 6:56:34 PM

The brown-furred minotaur shrugs and nods, accepting Lucky's words. After all, he thinks, there are other powers at word in the Wold, and they are no less real just because they are not Imod.

But a dance hall of ill repute is not a place Marcas is comfortable in. He woodenly stays at the table, and if asked, will order a large flaggon of wine. He keeps his eyes open, blinking often, and taking large sips of the grape.

Spot: 16

Speck AC18/19 HP:26(23)/26  d20+5=7 ;
Wednesday July 15th, 2009 10:07:09 PM

Ok, let's see. Spot Check d20+5=7

Yeah, well, he's got someone else on his mind. :)

I'll let DM figure out what ye pilfered. Hope it was one of my caltrops. If you can't see my CS let me know and I'll try to fix it.

Cedric AC 20 HP 66/66 - |Riding Dog| Character Sheet 
Thursday July 16th, 2009 8:01:12 AM

The chocolate lab pants and barks as Mordreia talks to him. He howls when she mentions singing.

Looking over and barking at the flash of light from Speck's spell, he notes the handaxes and leather armor before returning to sitting at Mordreia's feet.

He thinks to himself "Strange woman. She must be very lonely asking a dog to buy her a drink. She know's she's being followed though, which is stressful. Can't judge her mental state too harshly. Her pursuer seems competent, which does not bode well."

Lucky AC18 HP46 
Thursday July 16th, 2009 10:38:06 AM

Lucky laughs when he sees the woman talking to the dog. "She must be a druid," he says to Marcas.

The story continues... 
Thursday July 16th, 2009 11:14:38 AM

After the stranger is kicked out of the bar, everyone else relaxes and turns back to the festivities. The bouncers are a little more on edge and seem to be looking for more people to throw out, but do nothing, at least for now...

Several members of the group sit at the table (Sir William, Marcas, Lucky), watching Mordreia talk in a friendly manner to the lab (ya, ya, laugh out loud ;-))) I missed the fact that he was in his dog form) ). She gives it a treat and rubs it's back. She keeps talking to herself about being followed and her fear of someone trying to get her... Eventually, she sighs and mumbles something about her break being over and how it's time to get back to work. She gets up and goes into the back hallway.

Meanwhile, Speck sneaks into the back hallway and finds a convenient coat closet to hide in. The door is just warped enough to allow him to see out of, while not being seen himself. He manages to hide just before Mordreia comes into the hallway and sees her go into her dressing room...

(OOC = Speck, are you going to do something more or wait for her to come out? If you're just waiting....)

... You see her come out of the dressing room in her dancing garb, which is quite stunning. She moves to the stage and begins her performance again, dancing and twirling...

This goes on for another hour, and then she finishes her routine. The manager notes that it's her final act of the night, and everyone hears the words, "Last Call." Finally, she leaves the stage and heads to the dressing room again, while the bouncers begin "escorting" everyone out of the bar.


Cedric, what are you carrying in your belt pouch or pocket? I couldn't tell from your PC sheet what is exactly in it...

Lucky AC18 HP46 
Thursday July 16th, 2009 12:59:45 PM

LOL! I think you mean what was Speck carrying in his pouch that Lucky picked?

The story continues... 
Thursday July 16th, 2009 4:51:57 PM

(Yes, I was thinking of dogs when I wrote it, but I meant Speck ;-) Unless you're trying to steal ticks and bugs from Cedric's fur...)

Marcasthai AC 19 HP 64/84 (SteveK) 
Thursday July 16th, 2009 10:01:32 PM

oh, not everything with fur has ticks and fleas. say that out loud and Marcas could get offended! ;-) and when offended he tends to break things...

like legs...


Marcas barely conceals his boredom and waits for Lucky's signal to return to thier inn for thier next steps. "I should have collared that hooded man", he mumbles, "if no one follows her, she can't be killed."

Speck AC18/19 HP:26(23)/26  d20+11=22 ;
Thursday July 16th, 2009 11:55:07 PM

OOC: I wouldn't put it past Lucky to favor a tick or two now and then. He's weird that way.

Speck want's to wait until she's left for the stage, then slip into her dressing room. (Hey, he's honorable!)

Speck waits in the dressing room until she returns. He quickly introduces himself as the one who sang after her performance, and then shows his badge. He tells her she's been followed by a mysterious person, the one who was thrown out.

Diplomacy: d20+11=22

"There are omens in the 'bones' that reveal danger here", he says. "Have you received anything lately that might be from the stranger?"

He goes on to ask a few more questions about other persons she might be aprehensive of, just in case the mystery man is just an enamored persuer.

He tells her about his friends and where they are staying in case she needs help.

He then slips out again and makes his way back to the main room and looks for Lucky.

"Someone should follow her again, but invisible this time, if possible. If not, I'll try again. But we need to know if this guy is still hanging around. Tomorrow I want to investigate his watch hideout."

Mithrik AC 14 HP 25/25 
Monday July 20th, 2009 2:19:25 AM

(OOC: Sorry guys, real life reared it's ugly head last week. I'd like to continue posting if you'll still have me.)

Lucky AC18 HP46 
Monday July 20th, 2009 11:03:21 AM

Sure, Mithrik! Jump in, please! Assume that you came in with Lucky, Sir John, and Marcas.

The story continues... 
Monday July 20th, 2009 12:49:51 PM

(OOC = I'll post once a few other people post... We're waiting on Cedric and Mithrik... If I don't hear anything by late tonight, I'll post an update and skip them...)

Cedric AC 20 HP 66/66 - |Riding Dog| Character Sheet 
Tuesday July 21st, 2009 8:24:05 AM

Cedric continues to wait outside as a dog. He raises his head when the stranger is thrown out, noting his actions carefully, as well as the direction he travels, if he leaves the area.

The story continues... 
Wednesday July 22nd, 2009 1:31:01 PM

(Sorry, go caught up in a pastoral issue... I'll post tonight and keep the story moving...)

Lucky AC18 HP46 
Wednesday July 22nd, 2009 3:58:12 PM

Lucky orders a drink and looks around. He whispers to Marcas, "So, you think they're on to us yet?"

Marcasthai AC 19 HP 64/84 (SteveK) 
Wednesday July 22nd, 2009 10:23:12 PM

Marcus looks at Lucky incomprehensibly. "I do not know who 'they' is." He looks for the exits to form a plan in case the team has to get away.

The story continues... 
Thursday July 23rd, 2009 2:05:43 PM

As the night goes on, the music and dancing continue. Marcas and Lucky don't see anything suspicious or out of the ordinary...

In the hallway, Speck greets Mordreia, who initially steps back in shock. She looks at him with suspicion, perhaps thinking that he is the stalker.... "Whoever you are, you're not supposed to be back here... And if you try anything, I'll scream...."

However, his grace and friendly tone (as well as his badge) calm her and she finally loosens up. "That strange person has been following me for weeks, but I don't know who he is. I've only had glimpses of him from time to time, but never had a clear view of his face. I think he's hiding in some abandoned factory across the street, but I'm scared to confront him by myself..."

When he offers to help her, she says, "Well, could you follow me home tonight? My shift is done in a few hours, and if you could wait, maybe you could follow him and at least question him... I don't feel safe going home alone... "

With an impish smile, she adds, "I might even give you and your friends a private dance if you take care of him for me...."

(OOC = Again, thanks for your patience. Had all kinds of RL stuff come up at once..."

Lucky AC18 HP46 
Thursday July 23rd, 2009 6:59:21 PM

Lucky takes a drink and asks Marcas if he would like to hear a riddle: "What work can a cleric never quite finish?"

If Marcas gives up, he tells him, Highlight to display spoiler: {Her autobiography!}

Speck AC18/19 HP:26(23)/26 
Thursday July 23rd, 2009 9:42:42 PM

Speck hides his worry lines well as he thinks, 'she thinks little 'ol me will try something?"

Speck smiles brightly and insures Mordreia that he and his friends will do their best. "Rest assured my frineds and I will escort you home, one way or another, tonight. So go out and enjoy the rest of your dances. We'll be out in the audience. When you leave, though, do not leave by the back entrance. Come into the audience where you will 'casually' meet my friends. Then we will leave through the front door and no one will be suspicious of anything."

Speck bows and then heads back to the main room and looks for Lucky. Finding Lucky and Marcas (and who else is there, Mithric, I think, and Cedric just outside, woof! woof!) Speck manages to convey to Lucky the plan to escort Mordreia home that night, speaking in hafling, hoping 1)no one else in the room understands hafling, and 2) their leader also understands hafling. :)

The story continues... 
Thursday July 23rd, 2009 10:18:02 PM

Mordreia agrees to Speck's plan, and thanks him graciously for his offer. "Thank you so much, and yes, please escort me home tonight. However, you can't escort me both day and night, so what are you going to do about whomever is following me? Please keep that in mind..."

She finally returns to do her final few scenes. Once she's done, she wanders around the crowd, thanking the well wishers and collecting tips. Finally, she comes to the PC's table and with a cry of surprise, acts like the PC's are long lost friends and warmly hugs each of them (even Cedric if he's back at the table...). When closing time arrives, she moves out the main door and waits for the PC's to escort her.

Sir WIlliam takes the position adjacent to her, with his weapon at the ready. "Madam, no harm will come to you, I promise on my honor."

Marcasthai AC 19 HP 64/84 (SteveK) 
Friday July 24th, 2009 8:57:19 AM

Marcas finds out that he doesn't understand the riddles of the non-taur. Lucky's expected guffaw is only a blinking of the eyes and confusion in Marcus. "Are riddles something that is often used to pass the time?" the minotaur wants to know, but is interrrupted by the arrival of another halfling, Speck.

Marcas reaches up to pet the white cat cuddled in his rucksack, and ponders the problem. "An escort is easy", he tells Speck, "but I can't help wonder that we're missing something. The first two murders are still unsolved by the law, but here we have a solution of the victim and murderer all in one night. Isn't this too easy, or are we missing something?"

Speck AC18/19 HP:26(23)/26 
Friday July 24th, 2009 9:18:09 PM

Oh, I'm sure we are missing something," Speck replies. "It would be too boring if not."

Speck greets Mordreia and follows along with the ruse. "Ah, I see you don't need a partner after all, Sweet Mordreia. Shame on me for thinking ye needed me to be a success those years ago."

In the idle conversation that follows, he inconspicously slips in the names of his friends so she can address them by name as if she knew them all along.

Speck also manages to whisper to Marcas, "You beeing the talest hear, keep your eyes peeled for other mystery folk. The one we scared off may have just been a scout, or accomplice for the real murderer, who remains lurking around."

Thus outside, Speck makes sure his voice is loud as they escort her back, going on about the circus he went with when Mordreia chose to go it alone.

Marcasthai AC 19 HP 64/84 (SteveK)  d20+7=23 ;
Monday July 27th, 2009 11:39:13 AM

Marcas nods and keeps a front of quiet stoicism as he escorts the human dancer. Blinking his black eyes, he tries to see through the dark and snow, and ash for any strangers.

Spot: 23

The story continues... 
Monday July 27th, 2009 9:13:25 PM

(Waiting on a few others to post...)

Lucky AC18 HP46  d20+11=31 ;
Tuesday July 28th, 2009 7:05:59 AM

Lucky shrugs and joins the escort. He says to the female, who greets him as if they were old friends, "Ah, Most fair Cornelia! I remember well the many sweet days of our youth, when we swam together in the old watering hole down, when we hunted together for tadpoles in the brook behind your hovel. Those days were fine indeed. And now I see that you are yourself a tadpole no longer, but a beautiful frog-princess!"

He returns the girl's hug, and uses the opportunity to try to slip a hand into her pocket or purse, in order to lift some small object from her person and discreetly place it into a pocket of his own.

Sleight of Hand check, with five luck points into the bargain: NATURAL 20! WOOT! a 31!

Anyone watching has to beat a Spot DC31 to notice.

Current Luck Points: 6

Cedric AC 20 HP 66/66 - |Riding Dog| Character Sheet 
Tuesday July 28th, 2009 7:47:24 AM

Cedric continues to wait outside, in labrador form. He looks up with curiosity as the entire group comes out with her. "unexpected, will scare off our quarry. Ah well, she will be safe tonight at least." he thinks to himself.

Since he knows where she is staying, he lingers at the alley outside the bar for several minutes after the group passes by. Perhaps the stalker will reappear. He then heads to hear apartment.

The story continues...  d20+11=22 ;
Tuesday July 28th, 2009 2:13:44 PM

Lucky tries to slip his hand into her pocket and finds a dagger in her pocket... He notices, however, that it seems to be magical and feels very cold to the touch... For now, she doesn't notice his hands in her pocket...

The group heads from the bar and goes towards her apartment. None of the escorts notice anything odd as they reach her home. Once there, she turns and plants a soft kiss on each person's cheek, and thanks them for escorting her home. "I have to get up for work early tomorrow, but do appreciate your brave escort. I guess that whoever is following me was scared off by the sight of such burly and big men. I'll give you all free private dances tomorrow, if you'd like (she says with a sly grin). However, I'd feel better if that figure is found and questioned about why he's following me..." With that, she smiles and prepares to go into her apartment...

As Cedric waits outside of the bar, however, he notices a figure appear from across the street, carefully following her. After a moment, he realizes that it is the stalker that they saw before... He doesn't seem to notice the dog as anything more than a wild dog looking for scraps...

Lucky AC18 HP46  d20+11=26 ;
Tuesday July 28th, 2009 3:46:44 PM

Lucky slips the dagger into his pocket. When she gives him a kiss, he tries to slip the thing he took from Speck into her pocket.

Sleight of Hand check 26! Hoo yay!

Now the thing he took from Speck is in her pocket (what was it?) and he has her dagger.

Lucky chuckles and asks her who the stalker was and what he looked like?

Speck AC18/19 HP:26(23)/26  d20+5=9 ;
Tuesday July 28th, 2009 4:18:46 PM

Speck blushes slightly with the kiss, more so with the promise of private dances, but keeps his composure.

Spot (what the heck) for sligh of hand d20+5=9 (soot in his eyes)

After she leaves to her apartment, Speck turns to Lucky, "Well, that was a very good scouting trip. What next, 'cough... cough... hack'!"

Marcasthai AC 19 HP 64/84 (SteveK) 
Wednesday July 29th, 2009 11:00:49 AM

Marcas doesn't bend down to allow the human dancer to kiss his bull-looking cheek. Instead, he gives a small and proper bow. The proper minotaur elects to ignore the dancers private suggestion in favor of sticking to the mission at hand.

"I also would like to question your follower more closely. But first it would be to catch him."

Really at a loss for what to do next, Marcus waits for those with brighter ideas to set the next course of action.

The story continues... 
Wednesday July 29th, 2009 3:14:36 PM

(Speck, can you give me an updated list of what's in your pocket, so I can see what Lucky grabbed... I wasn't sure what exactly was contained in it...)

(OOC = Waiting on Cedric to take action, since that'll determine our next step...)

Speck AC18/19 HP:26(23)/26 
Wednesday July 29th, 2009 8:43:51 PM

oh, ok, if i must. Lets see, caltrops... ah, that's about it. :) just kidding

His actual 'pocket' huh? Well, most of his stuff is in hs HHHaversack. So in his actuall pockets he doesn't carry much, but he does carry his sap, small metal mirror (hafling sized), and a pouch of coins (100gp).

can't think of anything else he'd have in his pockets. Didn't by anything new since the start, and most everything else isn't convenient to carry in hafling pants pockets.

Cedric AC 20 HP 66/66 - |Riding Dog| Character Sheet 
Wednesday July 29th, 2009 10:37:00 PM

Cedric follows the stalker following the group following Mordreia. He hangs back far enough to hopefully not be obvious.

The story continues...  d3=1 ; d20+13=17 ; d20+13=18 ;
Thursday July 30th, 2009 9:23:31 AM

So let's say his sap was taken.... and is now in Mordreia's pocket....

The stalker, as before, follows Mordreia to her apartment, remaining in the shadows. (Cedric, can you give me a Hide and Move Silently check please?) For now, it's not clear if he sees Cedric following him or not...

When the group reaches the apartment, the stalker moves to the nearby mannequin factory and again moves inside. Again it appears that that he is somehow going to merely be content with watching and observing her apartment...

After thanking the PC's for escorting her, Mordreia goes into her apartment and closes the door. A few lights come on, but little else is seen...

The sun is starting to rise and a new day is beginning. Street merchants begin setting up their stations, people begin trudging to work. However, the oppressive soot and snow is still harsh in the air and the sun has to struggle to shine through the mass of dark material in the sky. The fires are still raging in the southern quarter and they still hear a scattered explosion here and there...

(OOC = I'm going out of town for a few days for my 10th wedding anniversary, so I won't be posting until this weekend... Take care...)

(PC's, make sure you do your survival checks, since it is bad weather out...)

Marcasthai AC 19 HP 54/84 (SteveK)  d20+11=12 ; d20+11=17 ; d20+11=31 ; d20+11=15 ; d6=6 ; d6=4 ;
Thursday July 30th, 2009 4:09:58 PM

Marcas is still at a loss of what to do. "And how is this helping us for finding the source of those dragon-men?" he wonders.

Nevertheless, he helps out where he can on the streets; fighting fires, bringing freezing people to public houses, or even shovelling snow to assist in the flow of traffic.

Fort Saves
1: nat 1 6 damage
2: 17
3: 31
4: 15 4 damage

After 4 hours of work he is feeling quite chilled and attempts to go back to the inn for a full night's rest.

Cedric AC 20 HP 66/66 - |Riding Dog| Character Sheet  d20+17=26 ; d20+17=19 ; d20+17=21 ; d20+17=30 ;
Sunday August 2nd, 2009 4:56:06 PM

After watching the stalker for a bit, Cedric leaves the area and returns to the group later in the morning after having prayed for spells.

"He follows her, but does nothing else. Something is not right, but I can not say he is the killer.", he tells the group plainly. "Unless we choose to confront him, I am at a loss."

Survival checks: 26, 19, 21, 30

To confront or not to confront, .... that is the question... 
Sunday August 2nd, 2009 7:56:54 PM

Sir William nods at Cedric's suggestion and replies, "Maybe we should consider entering the warehouse and directly confronting him in his lair? After all, we represent the law in this situation and have every right to challenge him..."

Speck AC18/19 HP:26(20)/26  d20+4=22 ; d20+4=9 ; d6=3 ;
Sunday August 2nd, 2009 8:27:04 PM

Fort DC15 for Cold: d20+4=22 , saved
Fort DC15 for soot: d20+4=9, failed d6 non-lethal 3

"Perhaps, cough, hack, you are rigth, sneeze," Speck has trouble saying. "But I'd like to search his hide out first. And perhaps we wait until the second note arrives."

Lucky AC18 HP46  d20+7=16 ; d20+7=9 ;
Monday August 3rd, 2009 10:51:35 PM

Lucky rolls a 16 and a 9 on his survival checks. What does that mean?

He stands guard over the woman's apartment with Marcas. "I think we're supposed to make sure that girl stays safe," he says.

While standing there, he fiddles with the magic knife. [On a luck quest, a mendicant can use any fund object.] He tries to activate it.

Your survival checks are against the cold. Every hour you're outside, take a DC 15 check or suffer 1d6 non-lethal dmg from the extreme cold. If you have the survival skill, there could be a bonus (see pg 83 PH))

Speck AC18/19 HP:26(20)/26 
Monday August 3rd, 2009 11:06:06 PM

OOC: a fund object only works if it is properly funded. If it is funded by bonds sold to China, that's not properly funding, nor is funding by printing your own funds. :}

Marcasthai AC 19 HP 54/84 (SteveK) 
Tuesday August 4th, 2009 12:09:45 PM

ooc: LOL

To confront or not to confront, .... that is the question... 
Tuesday August 4th, 2009 2:35:38 PM

Sir William listens to the various arguments, and says, "Good point about waiting for the 2nd letter, but I'm still worried about her safety until then. We don't even know if this person is the killer we're searching for and something is just not right..."

"Furthermore, I'm not sure why, but I don't detect any evil in the stalker, so why he's following her is a mystery. He's either really good at hiding his "evilness" or there's more to the story..."

With that said, he moves quietly to the door to the warehouse and says, "I think we should move in, and which of you stealthy types wants to check out the door and take point?"

Speck AC18/19 HP:26(20)/26 
Tuesday August 4th, 2009 4:06:52 PM

OOC: From Cedric's observations told us earlier:

IC: "Well, stealth at this point is mute, since he's watching us now. We can just knock on the door and have all other exits guarded. Or, I could stay here and watch until he leaves, and send word to you to set an ambush in the building. We know he leaves to follow Mordreia to the tavern, then back to the same place when she's here. Seems an easy trap for us to set for him."

Lucky AC18 HP46  d6=3 ; d20+5=13 ; d20+11=22 ;
Tuesday August 4th, 2009 11:08:34 PM

"What, that's the fellow over there?" asks Captain Lucky. "That guy, right there? Well, what's wrong with a little negotiation?"

Lucky rushes over to the stalker guy. He takes out his badge. "Pardon me, citizen," the halfling says, shifting his voice down half an octave, in the belief that he will sound more authoritative. "Hi. I'm Deputy Donaldo, and I would like to ask you a few questions. Please respect my authority and tell me your name and why you are so interested in that lady performer. What makes you so interested that you will hang around in this weather?"

Diplomacy 13 Sense Motive 22.

[Note: 3 hp nonlethal damage from cold]

0: Create Water, Resistance, Virtue, Read Magic, Purify Food
1: Sanctuary, Comp Lang, Inflict LW, Pro Evil, Pro Law
2: Restoration, Owls Wis, Find Traps, Spirit Weap, Shatter
3: Sum Mon III, Daylight, Remove Curse, Pro Energy

Current Luck Points: 6

Speck AC18/19 HP:26(20)/26 
Wednesday August 5th, 2009 7:35:34 PM

OOC: Lucky this was what Cedric saw and I presume told us:

"When the group reaches the apartment, the stalker moves to the nearby mannequin factory and again moves inside...."

This was from Thursday, July 30th.

Lucky AC18 HP46 
Thursday August 6th, 2009 3:00:14 AM

But Sir William just detected evil. So he must be in range and sight, no?

To confront or not to confront, .... that is the question... 
Thursday August 6th, 2009 10:36:25 AM

(OOC = No, William did not detect evil. To clarify things, he didn't detect evil in the past when they heard or saw this stalker moving around... Since the target's now in the factory, William can't detect anything at the present. Sorry for the confusion. Simply put, the stalker is not evil or if he is, he's somehow masking it...)

Anyone heard from Troy or Stephen? We may have to fill some slots if we've lost Troy...

Marcasthai AC 19 HP 54/84 (SteveK) 
Friday August 7th, 2009 12:51:29 PM

ooc: back spasms kept me away from the computer for a couple of days.

Marcas nods, moving in makes sense if the woman is really the target. Again he nods at the talk of the stranger. He may not be involved in the slayings. "But questioning him is important. He is our only lead right now."

To confront or not to confront, .... that is the question... 
Friday August 7th, 2009 2:36:00 PM

(OOC = Lucky, did you intend on confronting him before he went into the building? I"ll assume so, since I was trying to move the action along. For this case, I'll assume that you did talk to him before he went in... Let me know if you don't agree.)

As Lucky approaches the man, he looks startled and grabs a pair of axes from his belt. However, the sight of the badge stops him from taking any further actions. He looks examines the rest of the group, and sighs in a resigned tone. "My name is Jarlos Takrain, if you must know. Mordreia and I were lovers in the past, and came from the same region of the country. We met in the midst of a civil war and to be honest, had to stick together to survive. That soon led to love, but alas, the war again interfered. You see, I used to serve as a ranger with the eventual losing party, but after my unit was destroyed and our nation surrendered, I fled to the wilds. That's when I met her. After we were together for several months, we were captured my bounty hunters and I was imprisoned for 2 years by the winning group (from the civil war) for supposed "war crimes." It was all a sham, of course, and they let her go. However, I had to serve the full sentence."

Pausing, the elven ranger continued, "I was recently released, and heard she was here in Tharn. I watched her perform several times, and finally visited her after a recent performance. However, she threw me out and claimed that she didn't want me anymore and I wasn't to ever see her again." With a sad look, he added, "There is something wrong with her, but I'm not sure what it is. She's never acted like this before, and it's like she's an entirely different person. Something is just not right..."

"So, I began following her to see what could be happening, but several times over the past few weeks, I've sensed someone else following her too. I've never been able to intercept them, and every time I tried to see whom it was, they escaped first. I've come here every night since, and to be honest, I thought someone from your group was who I was sensing. However, it seems to not be the case. Someone else is following her, but I've yet to discover whom..."

With that said, he looks at the group, and watches to see their reaction to his story...

Lucky AC18 HP46 
Friday August 7th, 2009 3:18:13 PM

Thanks, that's great. Also, Lucky had a Sense Motive check of 22 on his story ... any feedback from that?

Marcasthai AC 19 HP 54/84 (SteveK) 
Friday August 7th, 2009 8:11:45 PM

The large brown minotaur keeps himself in readiness to back up his companions.

Listening to stories, he tries to get his mind going and make sense of the puzzle pieces the group has been getting. So far, there are many blanks and few of the pieces connect. Marcas pets his white cat to help him think.

"For some reason, I think a personality change in this human dancer is important, but I have no idea why."

Speck AC18/19 HP:26(20)/26 
Saturday August 8th, 2009 9:51:40 PM

Speck rests his right elbow on his left arm as he rubs his chin and thinks. "Hmmm... Seems a good place to start is find out when she arrived in town, what she was doing then, and when did she start her dancing act. Would her dancing act also be contrary from her personality that you knew before?"

To confront or not to confront, .... that is the question... 
Monday August 10th, 2009 2:16:32 PM

Lucky gets a feeling that the man is being honest, and Sir WIlliam nods at your assessment. "It seems this man is true to his word, and appears to be truly concerned about Mordreia."

Jarlos thinks for a moment and responds to Speck, "No, her dancing didn't seem different than before. When I met her, she told me she had been a dancer in the past, and she occasionally freelanced at inns to help pay for our rooms or passage. I don't know what she's been doing since she arrived, since I can't get her to tlak to me. As you've seen, I'm not welcome at the bar, and that's why I have to disguise myself."

(OOC = I'll post that we have several openings in our game...)

Speck AC18/19 HP:26(20)/26 
Monday August 10th, 2009 8:54:48 PM

"Heh, err... Sorry about that flash-thingy. Just looking out for the Lady, y'a know," Speck sheepishly appologizes.

"Tell you what, we won't say nothing to her about our meeting. You keep up what you're doing, and we'll keep up what we're doing. Between the two of us, we will have a better chance to find out who this other person is. I doubt he, or it, has any good intentions towards her. But her behavior, if it has been altered, would seem to have been altered by someone else entirely. We need to find out what she does with the money she makes, if she keeps it or gives it to someone else."

Speck ponders, "Seen anyone else come to her rooms?"

Cedric AC 20 HP 66/66 - Character Sheet 
Monday August 10th, 2009 9:39:43 PM

Cedric takes in the mans story with a bit of skepticism, despite the parties reassurances.

"Do we have anyone that could detect magical influence? It may be best to rule that out before progressing further. There are many ways to influence someone, but magic would be the most easily detected. A zone of truth may help with the other ways."

Sorry I've been absent, I just got done with a hellish weekend that's occupied my time for the last two months. I'm back full time now.

Lucky AC18 HP46 
Tuesday August 11th, 2009 8:27:09 AM

Lucky says to Jarlos, "Hey, thanks! I like you. Keep in touch." He pauses, then adds, "Or hang around with us if you like."

He says to the group, "Personality change, huh? I say possession or doppelganger, most like."

Questioning the stranger... 
Tuesday August 11th, 2009 4:44:54 PM

Jarlos nods at Lucky and says, "I accept your apology and understand you weren't trying to be harmful. No, I haven't seen anyone with her in the rooms, though I haven't watched her every minute of each day, and someone else may have entered her apartment without me knowing it..."

He considers Cedric's invite, and says, "Yes, I'd be willing to join you, at least until we find out what is going on with Mordreia and who is stalking her. I don't have the ability to check on her, but do have a friend who is a young mage who has helped me inspect items I've come across. He's staying at the inn (same one you're in) and if I asked him, he'd do it for a nominal fee (e.g. detect magic on her...)"

Speck AC18/19 HP:26(20)/26 
Tuesday August 11th, 2009 10:13:24 PM

'Hmmm...' Speck ponders. 'If we get this friend deputized, then he'd do it for free, as it would be part of his job to help find the killer...'

"Ei Boss," Speck turns to Lucky. "Think we can persuade our employer to deputize these two, Jarlos and his friend? Seems they'll likely deputize just anyone, eh, just look at us?"

Ki'El HP:35/35 AC: 14 
Wednesday August 12th, 2009 11:54:23 AM

Hey everyone, Cayzle told me to post my character sheet link, and introduce myself. Im Marty Hoober, been playing D&D for around 8 years or so, playing in the Hook City campaign for about a month and love it! The wold is awsome! Anyways Im 20 yrs old, 2 kids a wife, a job and going to college to be a physciatrist.

Im playing Ki'El, Ki for short, A half-elf sorcerer shunned by his father, and chased out of his hometown and now wonders the Wold looking for ways to test himself, grow as a person and sorcerer, prove to everone he is not a evil freak of nature, and lastly to find a place to belong.

Ki is a slender half elf and has pale white skin, his short, spiky hair is usually unkempt and its black color stands out immensly aganist his skin. His black eyes are rounded and resemble two dark marbles. Solemn and short tempered he is always trying to prove himself useful and above average. Although he keeps himself distanced, with his emoitoins buried, he is overall a nice person.

Ki'El HP:35/35 AC: 14 
Wednesday August 12th, 2009 11:54:44 AM

O, I forgot, My email is skizzie89@yahoo.com

Speck AC18/19 HP:26(20)/26 
Wednesday August 12th, 2009 10:10:13 PM

welcome, Ki. Don't know if you've been following along, or been brought up to speed on the 'happenings'.
Just ask away.

Ki'El HP:35/35 AC: 14 
Wednesday August 12th, 2009 11:13:20 PM

Well, I tried to follow along, when I seen that you guys had openings, but I didn't have the time to read back pages, and pages. I know your looking for someone, a female, who has taken on a recent, and dramatic, change. Although I don't know why, or even where we are. Am I just jumping in the story or will DM introduce me. I've read everyones descriptions and things on their CS, so Im familiar with the party, and who they are, what they look like and do. Im willing to listen to anything your willing to throw at me. But I'd also like to keep OOC posts out of the game forum, If you could please Email these answers. I think the DM would like that as well... Email is Skizzie89@yahoo.com

Cedric AC 20 HP 66/66 - Character Sheet 
Thursday August 13th, 2009 8:38:54 AM

"Can anyone detect magical influence?" the druid asks again. "We should eliminate the possibility before we proceed. There's no reason we can not take care of that right now."

He looks over the group, hoping someone has a detect magic prepared.

Marcasthai AC 19 HP 54/84 (SteveK) 
Thursday August 13th, 2009 11:34:21 AM

Marcas, the 8 1/2 foot tall minotaur, shakes his brown-furred head slowly back and forth. This magical and sneaking parts, while useful, are not in his area of expertise. And so he keeps marking time by brushing imaginary specks of dust from the purple tabbard covering his silvery armor, and by occasionally petting the white persian cat perched on his broad shoulders.

"Ki", he rumbles in his quiet, basso voice, "maybe you have some ideas for finding the killer before he murders again."

Questioning the stranger... 
Thursday August 13th, 2009 11:39:16 AM

Both Jarlos and Sir WIlliam shake their heads at Cedric's question, but Jarlos says, "My friend can do it, if we need him to..."

Around them, the sun is starting to rise and dawn is starting to break. It's been a long night for the PC's and they've been up for a very long time. Sir William says, "It's getting late and let's decide what we want to do next. Do we want to confront Mordreia now, or wait to gather more information on her, or wait until the next clue comes out?"

OOC = We're coming up to the end of the first part of this module, and I'll have XP awards for you soon. Essentially, you've met most of the objectives... The natural end of this will be when you either get the 2nd clue/letter from the killer, or confront Mordreia and discover whatever you wished about her. Who wants to take over DM'ng at that point? I'll send you the next stage of the module, and we're about ~ -1-2 weeks at the most from the changeover... .

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