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Eclip and Spirit 
Tuesday August 8th, 2006 2:48:05 PM

Eclip continues to move three the mist towards Doloff, "We were sent to help. Our cryptic instructions were 'village of Little Notting is in need of your help, whether it knows it or not. Seek the one that is called Swiftly.' It seems we need your help, before we can help you."

Spirit keeps to Eclip's side turning an ear to the strange sound from the graveyard.

Poe & Cervantes  d20+7=21 d20+7=19 d20+7=27
Tuesday August 8th, 2006 6:14:44 PM

The dwarf tottles along with the group, humming softly to himself. The grey and liver spotted wirehair struts next to his dwarf.

At the creepy gate Poe seems to be pondering multiple factors that may be missing from this equation.

Softly speaking to the gathered band of heroes Poe raises the question, "His house is here, so when did or more importantly, does, his house disappear?"

Clearing his throat in a grinding, carrying manner teh pale-eyed dwarf addresses another concern; this time to the drunk and the fellowship.

"Master Swiftly, I'm a dwarf who loves a tale; as tall as can be fur me. Thur are some peculiarities to what I have overhurd thus far and I would like to clarrify them so my legend will be accurate. Whadjya say we helpjya up to yur place and we share a tale or ten next to a warm fire?"
gather info.21
sense motive.19
diplomacy.27 [NAT20!]

Breanna  d20+5=25 d20=19
Tuesday August 8th, 2006 11:04:58 PM

still very nervous, stick close to the group
gather info from swiftly regarding house disappearance

Still with sling in hand, staying close to the group, Breanna keeps her eyes and ears focused more away from Swiftly than towards him.
Asking back over her shoulder, "Will you tell us about your house disappearing?"

Listen 25 (nat 20!)
Gather Info 19

Lenoir  d20+6=18 d20+6=22
Wednesday August 9th, 2006 6:20:46 AM

Lenoir pats his horse on the neck "Easy1 Boy! It's a dog that's lock in the grave yard!" But he's not too sure himself. He look back and also listen. Trying to figer thing out?

Listen 18
Spots 22

Wednesday August 9th, 2006 11:06:11 AM

Doloff moves back toward the mist and is suddenly gone. A minute passes, then two. Is he still there?

Then the gate opens. "A... cryptic message, from a non-human messenger? Perhaps a herald of the Elemental Gods?" He askes, more to himself than the group.

He approaches the group hesistantly. "The house did disappear. I'm no drunk." He points up at the manor, which seems whole and solid. Doloff watches their expressions closely. Up close, you smell no alcohol. He has bags upder his eyes as if he hasn't slept for weeks.

(Sense Motive and Spot checks please!)

Eclip and Spirit  d20+3=16 d20+8=14
Wednesday August 9th, 2006 2:42:58 PM

(Sense Motive:16 and Spot:14 checks)

Eclip glances around not sure have Doloff managed to disappear in the mist only to reappear at the gate. "Mm? Yes, the messenger some sort of steam imp said he was sent by his Elemental Lord. Can you describe to us what happened the night your manor disappeared? Also, could we have a look around inside? "

Spirit sits next to Eclip's side.

Poe and Cervantes  d20+2=17 d20+4=15 d20+7=15 d20+7=21
Wednesday August 9th, 2006 4:53:41 PM

Scratching his shaved chin, the dwarf's pale-green eyes still twinkle, regardless of the mist, the waning moon or the looming impression of the manor. Straightening out his long lamb-chops into a fashioned style resembling two curved dragon fangs Poe clears his throat slightly once more.

"Swiftly, you say yer manor disappeared; we do not argue this point witcya. What I be curious about is how it came back to being. Once more friend, it seems as though we are on the same side hur. It seems as though you may know more about the mysterious powers that have requested our help in saving Little Notting."
sense motive.21

Breanna, AC 19, hp 38/38  d20=6 d20=14 d20=14 d20=19
Wednesday August 9th, 2006 6:23:01 PM

"This is starting to feel unnatural."
Breanna's nerves have not calmed, but as a profession adventurer they have not overtaken her either. She cranes her neck from side to side hoping to see or hear something, particularly something from behind, since the rest of the group's attention is focused forward towards Swiftly.

The sling remains loaded.

Sense Motive = 6
Spot = 14
Listen = 14

Lenoir  d20+6=13 d20+6=23
Thursday August 10th, 2006 5:54:25 AM

The Big Backman is silent, but follows the leader. Looking around and listening. For anything out of the norm.

Looking 13
Listening 23

Gentian  d20+4=10 d20+2=14 d20+13=21
Thursday August 10th, 2006 6:51:49 AM

The halfling keeps his eyes and ears open: Spot 10, Sense Motive 14, Listen 21.

He is eager to hear how Swiftly answers.

Mystery Inc... 
Thursday August 10th, 2006 1:26:12 PM

You get the impression that the man jogged down hill to reach you; his face is pink, even in this dim light.

"You say a steam imp came to see you? Little Notting is in trouble and you needed to find me to solve the mystery of why?" He slowly opens the gate.

Breanna sees and senses nothing behind the group, though another gutteral scream can be heard.

Spotting Breanna, a grin creeps up his face, Doloff continues. "Unnatural. I have to say young lamb, that this is quite a natural place. Things run close to nature here in Notting and indeed on all of Tol as you may well know."

"As for the steam imp, the Elemental Lords, the beings who created this world, tend to use elemental servants as messengers and guides. Actually, the elements run everything. Nature runs things."

"I know you are not from here, that much is obvious. If you were from anywhere on Tol, you would know that."

He turns and heads toward the house.
"As for the disappearence of the mansion... I have no real explaination for it. I was walking to the conservatory one minute and being hurtled out the window the next. When I came to, the house was gone and the grounds were as if the house had NEVER been there! I didn't stick around to see what was going on. I ran to the tavern, sheriff and even the council to get anyone's attention I could that might listen to me. No one did.
You see, my whole family has been surrounded by rumor and intrigue for about a hundred years or more, at least."

When Eclip speaks, Doloff pauses. "Inside?" He looks up at the house. "Well, you can go in if you want, but I plan on staying in town. Thats where I've been staying, at Mooney's for the past week or two, since it happened. Kolpis is a good friend. My only friend really, though, there are episodes, like the one tonight."

"I'll walk you as far as the front doors." He begins walking toward the manor.
"As long as your in town, you can stay in my house. Feel free to eat anything in the pantries. Most of it should be spoiled or spoiling, but the dry goods should be fine."

Heading toward the Manor, just beyond the large rod iron gates, are golden elm trees lining the drive, providing cover and shade (though, at night and in the mist, its just creepy), leaves have clustered near their trunks. Just beyond that, to the east are long, even rows of trees seperate from the elms. It is hard to tell what these are, however, they are undoubtedly apple. The smell is enticing.
Nearing the round-about at the front of the house is a large, beautiful fountain of white gleaming marble which must be fifteen feet tall. The water is not flowing.
The expansive yard is well kept but oddly wild in places. Conies hop about unconcernedly. Several look your way and scurry off, but just as many look with curiosity at the group and follow some of the way up the path.
In the dim moonlight, the manor stands in stark contrast to the rest of town. While the town is made of stone, mortar and wood, with thatched or clay roofs, the Manor is built of many brick chimneys, iron arches, expensive stone and stained glass. Gargoyles perch at the corners of the roof as rain spouts. They peer down on the courtyard suspiciously, with still, cold eyes.
(Think Gothic cathedral meets Georgian manor)
There are no lights apparently on when you approach.

He gets to the doors and turns to the group, "It has two main floors, one basement and an attic." Says Doloff, as if this was a tour.

Eclip and Spirit 
Thursday August 10th, 2006 3:48:57 PM

Eclip warily watches at the manor as they approach the doors, "Doloff, What about the intrigue surrounding your family? Could it have some bearing on why the manor disappeared? Also, the manor is not the usual construction found around here or at least not similar to what is used in town is it?"

Spirit follows at Eclip's side cautiously.

Friday August 11th, 2006 7:47:06 AM

Doloff looks at Eclip.
"Yes, the manor is older than the town. Our family only started settling here a centuary or so back."

Friday August 11th, 2006 9:17:11 AM

Gentian stands (or rides, rather) amazed at all this news. But he is confused.

"Mister Swiftly, please help me understand. The problem was that your house disappeared and then reappeared? And now you fear that it will disappear again? But what about those screams we hear? And why has your famly been surrounded by rumor and intrigue, if you don't mind saying? And why are these elemental gods, as you call them, involved in your house?"

Friday August 11th, 2006 10:18:02 AM

"I don't know that the elementals ARE involved. IN fact, I don't even know why they would be interested in the house.

My uncle was a bit of a hoarder and tended to collect odd things. I am also a collector and former cobbler. I guess people of humble means have a tendency to think hoarding is odd. I guess speculation about my uncle being a miser might have been part of it."

He looks at the house again. "And..." He pauses. "... the fact that every former owner of this manor has bad luck with it."

He sighs. "My wife died here, killed herself after fits of delusion.

My uncle went mad in this house. Kept hearing things and seeing things. Heard things for darn near 60 years. Died on his 115th birthday.

The owner before him fell to his death while picking apples. Ladder just slipped.

The time before that, the way I hear it from the older neighbors is that the lady of the house went missing one night. Took her evening stroll through the conservatory, courtyard and elms. Disappeared sometime before reaching the gates. The rest of the family

Things just happen here. Is it any wonder I don't want to live here anymore?"

He smiles, "As for the screams, its the Banshee who romes the church in the evenings.... or the ghouls digging up fresh corpses.... or the Grim scaring off evildoers. Rumors, you know. Its the wind in cutting through the mausoleums.
I can hear it in the manor very often... downstairs even."

"But if the Elemental Lords sent you to help, they must have the best intentions for Tol. They must think outsiders would beable to set things right." He thinks for a moment. "Maybe they sent you here now... because the problems happen right around the full moon. Full moon is in nine days in fact. It'll be a Blue Moon too. The first full moon after harvest."

Poe and Cervantes  d20+2=17 d20+4=22 d20+7=16 d20+7=12 d20+5=11 d20+5=22 d20+7=11
Friday August 11th, 2006 10:25:40 AM

The twinly-eyed dwarf continues a constant and friendly stare at Mr. Swiftly. He reaches down and pats the head of his mottled, wire-haired pup as three fingers tap out a beat on his djembe. Cervantes' ears perk up and instantly his nose buries into the grass, dirt, weeds, what-have-you in search of various scents.

"Master Swiftly, wouldjya be so kind as to tell us why you won't spend the night in yer own manor? I understand that thur is something.. a bit off with the place but iffen we are staying hur, ya have nothing to worry about."

Looking over the mounted combatant Poe nods approvingly of Gentian's words. "I too would find much interest in the story of yer family and their excentric past."
Gather Info.16
Sense Motive.11

Cervantes using scent

Friday August 11th, 2006 10:45:02 AM

The dog scents nothing. And only hears the moaning from the graveyard. Cervantes is rather calm but alert in this new place. He's quite interested in the conies running about, but stays at your heels loyally.

Eclip and Spirit 
Friday August 11th, 2006 12:43:32 PM

Eclip listens thoughtfully to Doloff's descriptions misfortunes connected to the manor,
"Full moons are times of strong natural and supernatural forces. A blue moon is even more powerful. I think it would be best to solve this mystery before the full moon. Perhaps the cause is some item collected by Doloff uncle. Doloff is there anywhere in the manor that feels particularly strong connection to these strange events?"

Spirit sits continently at Eclip's side scratching at some image flee bit.

Friday August 11th, 2006 1:31:53 PM

"I've never really felt things out of place. As for owning an item from my uncle, I own the house, these lands surrounding it and everything in it."

He ponders at Eclip's words. "Moons, yes things seem to go odder at those times. I just call it lunecy." He smirks at his own joke. "And as for any place in the manor I feel anything in, there are many places. I love my music room. The gallery. The workshop.
I really don't like the conservatory, though, my wife did, tended it all the time. I can't stand plants.

And strange connections.... mt room I guess."

Friday August 11th, 2006 6:15:21 PM

Lenoir sits on his horse, lisning and chuckles a little, But He keep his mouth shut.

He calm his horse because the horse give jerky motion from tim to time. "Easy1 White Hoof! We'll be on our way in a minute or so."

Friday August 11th, 2006 11:36:09 PM

Breanna feels a little more at ease with Doloff explaining some things, but not much more. She still holds her loaded sling in hand.

Sunday August 13th, 2006 9:49:27 PM

The wizard waits quietly on his newly acquired steed, wrapping his cloak more tightly around him in an attempt to ward off the encroaching chill ... and everything else.

The man is still fairly young, only just slightly greying at the temple and with no age lines to speak of. But he's not a wide-eyed teenager either. And walking through a tapestry to save a town that just HAPPENS to have a rare blue moon about to occur is just too much coincidence for his taste.

Calor looks over the Manor. Eventually, they're going in. Its just a matter of time. He wonders what they'll find.....

Posting Report For 
Monday August 14th, 2006 7:13:36 AM

Game Mithril Tapestry
For the week Of Aug 7,2006

Name . . . MTWTF
DM Jay, , , XXXX2

Lenoir - - -XXXXX
Breanna- - -XXXOX Sub By Robert.
Gentain- - -XXOXX
Calor- - - -OOOOOS
Poe- - - - -OXXOX
Eclip- - - -XXXXX

Adm Ceil

Monday August 14th, 2006 11:20:46 AM

"So should we spend the night in the house?"

Monday August 14th, 2006 11:37:24 AM

With no other questions, Doloff begins looking eager to leave this place.

Monday August 14th, 2006 2:00:32 PM

This fighter is getting a little antsy, so he figures to put in his two copper pices.
"Gee! We're all getting tired! So why not spend the night in the mansion??" Lenoir leans on his saddle horn, waiting as to what to do next??

Eclip and Spirit 
Monday August 14th, 2006 5:37:13 PM

Eclip grins at the others hesitancy, "I don't see any reason not to stay in the mansion. It would be more difficult to solve this mystery from the local inn. Let's have a look around! Thank you Mr Doloff. If we find anything or have more questions we'll look for you at Mooney's." Eclip tries the front door; if it is open, he will enter the mansion.

Spirit stays at Eclip's side.

Monday August 14th, 2006 11:45:50 PM

Breanna has a few more pratical questions for Doloff before he leaves. "Doloff, could you draw a map of where everything is in the house before you leave. I dont want to be hunting in the middle of the night for the kitchen."

Tuesday August 15th, 2006 8:03:54 AM

"EEER! I don't want to interfere But where would I put my Horse? In case the HOUSE MOVES? I would like my horse with me, if we move around??" Lenoir ask (and for the first time in quite a while Lenoir smiles.}

Doloff departing.... DM Jay B 
Tuesday August 15th, 2006 11:31:12 AM

Doloff looks at Breanna. "A map? I'll do you one better." He pulls out what looks to be a floor plan. "I've been showing this around to locals and visiting merchants hoping to sell the place, but locals done't want the place because of its history and the visiting merchants aren't looking to settle in such a remote location."
[Map in the map. :)]

He hands Eclip a large ring with a handful of keys attached. "These should open most of the doors. There are several rooms which don't have keys or you just can't get into. Upstairs is mostly vacant. The cellar is small, but its only a wine room, so it works great. Oh, yes, please don't touch the wine, there are rare and extinct vintages I can't get anymore.

I'll be at the Tavern." He trots off, not looking back.

Eclip and Spirit 
Tuesday August 15th, 2006 2:00:42 PM

The ring of keys jingles as Eclip examine them to select the one most likely to open the front door, musing to himself "Rare and extinct wine? ... Hmm..." In response to Lenoir, "If you bring the horse inside your are responsible for cleaning up after it! There may be a carriage house around the side?" If Eclip can get the door unlocked he will enter the mansion.

Spirit will follow at Eclip's side closely.

Tuesday August 15th, 2006 5:32:15 PM

The halfling rides his dog into the house. In fact, except for a moment when he helped Lenoir out of the net, the halfling has never dismounted.

Poe & Cervantes 
Tuesday August 15th, 2006 8:49:24 PM

Dropping the corners of his mouth down into the mime's look of being impressed, Poe nods appreciatively at Doloff. He then looks at Eclip and the giant ring of keys that jingle in his hand,

"Well, if there is a problem in this house then I s'spect the rooms we cannot open would be a mythical place to start. Never know what coul dbe in those rooms-in-all 'til we have a look-see."

With a snap of two pudgy fingers Poe produces a sound much like deep flatulence. Pe's ears perk up and his eyes meet with his dwarf's. Turning his snout upwards and away from Poe the grey, white and liver mottled hound trots off into some bushes.

Poe looks at the others with a juvenile smile and a slight rumble from his stomach.

"Looks as though Cer will be a moment, but no need to worry bout him messin anything in the Swiftly Manor."

Tuesday August 15th, 2006 9:14:25 PM

The wizard runs a nervous hand through his tousled brown hair, and dismounts. He looks around the fence a bit, obviously seeking something.
There's gotta be a hitching post around here somewhere he tells himself.

Calor will tie up his horse at the most convenient point, and then follows his more armored companions into the Manor.

Wednesday August 16th, 2006 3:29:06 AM

"I agree if you bring the horse in you clean up, and make sure it's out of the way." Breanna heads closer to the house, however she wont go in until the others are ready as she doesnt want to get caught by the house when alone.

Wednesday August 16th, 2006 7:40:12 AM

"That's fine with me! There must be a laundry room in back of the house some where? That would be a perfict place for the horses. Water, a troff for the hay and oats! Let me see the flore plan while you try to open the frount door!" Lenoir ask.

The Swift Manor 
Wednesday August 16th, 2006 1:28:23 PM

As Doloff abandons the group, decisions have to be made. Where to stable a horse and who will clean up after it.

There is a boot-brush near the door and a stone post by the stair that the horse could be tethered too. It has an unpolished brass ring attached to it.

Upon opening the doors, candles light, apparently of their own free will. On first look, the manor is quite large (the foyer large enough for several horses), quite gaudy and very spacious (as if the builder was doing his best to show dominance). It has an air of cheer with its paintings, bright tapestries (slightly yellowed with age), ornate carving (worn from constant polishing from diligent housekeepers) and gilding (peeling), however, there is an underlying gloom that catches anyone entering off guard. There are many rooms, so many, in fact, it is impossible to know how any one family could have lived here.
The manor seems large and spooky when it's dark but even spookier by flickering candle light.

At a quick glance, many of the rooms seem unkempt and really rather filthy.
There are white, dusty, linen sheets on much of the furniture, except for a handful of rooms; his bedroom, which has been set up down stairs and one kitchen (Doloff says that the group can feed themselves from the pantries.)
The music room also seems used and the conservatory is VERY well kept. The grounds also are well kept.
Much of the furniture and art is old, very old, priceless even to the untrained eye.

Opposite the entry door is a massive set of stairs which staddle the foyer. A door is set between the stairs. A chandelier hangs fifteen feet above the group, its candles lit, glimmer off the dusty odd crystals and cobwebs that make up its bulk.(anyone can make an Appraisal if you wish. DC will vary with distance and contact.) Behind the right set of stairs is another door. Off tot the left is a hallway. From your position you can see only one door in that hall, but there are likely more.

Wednesday August 16th, 2006 2:50:41 PM

Breanna enters the house and puts her backpack down on the stairs (hopefully it will be out of reach for the horses) she then waits for the others to come in. "Ok, where should we look first...hmm I think we should get some food on to cook before we start to explore. then after we look around a bit we can eat."

ooc: nice map, can we now have the 2nd floor, attic, & basement floor plans :)

Eclip and Spirit 
Wednesday August 16th, 2006 5:44:39 PM

"Wow! Nice place, but it looks as if its seen better times." Eclip says as he express his first impression of the place. "I agree Breanna, but it may take a while to find the kitchen first. Maybe if there is a library then there might be a detailed history of this place." Eclip will look a the foorplan guide that Doloff left the group.

Spirit barks once in the large room its echo booms back at him.

Thursday August 17th, 2006 12:36:54 AM

Breanna looks at the floor plan in her hands. "The kitchen's this way." she says as she heads towards it.

Thursday August 17th, 2006 5:51:41 AM

"Hey! exclaims Gentian, "One thing I know from all the stories I ever heard about haunted houses -- the LAST thing you want to do is to split up and each go in different directions! So let's keep together! First the kitchen, then the library, okay?"

"Maybe we should have a party leader ... to make sure we all stay on the same page!"

Lenoir  d20+6=16 d20+6=25
Thursday August 17th, 2006 6:06:48 AM

"Party Leader! Sound good to me!" Lenoir pipes in, "Who's got the floor plan? Breanna! Your the leader! Now let's eat!" Lenoir will follow the floor plans.
But will keep an sharp eye open, just in case.

Listens 16
Spot (anything) 25

Plans and leadership... 
Thursday August 17th, 2006 10:09:46 AM

(OOC: Floor plans will come as you get there! He gave you ONLY the ground floor.:) Remember, the cellar is small and upstairs is barely worth seeing. :) If you can manage to find the entrances to any of those places, I'll consider sending them your way!;))

A leader chosen, the group moves on. The kitchens seem the best place to start for most, the library is also a very logical step to others.

The horse seems to feel uneasy in this place, having already deposited his lunch on the floor in several places. (WARNING: WATCH YOUR STEP!) The animals, dogs and horse alike seem at ease.

Eclip and Gentian feel a power here. Calor to a lesser extent feels another source of energy. (Wisdom checks please from all three)

Poe looks at the library and is enticed by the size of it.

There are several directions one can go, according to the map, assuming the map is current. It looks old and tattered. It looks like things may have been erased and redrawn.

East, which is to your right when entering the house, contains kitchens, dining hall, conservatory and workshop. North is the ballroom and gallery. West is the recreation center of the house and Doloff's room.

Calor  d20+1=2
Thursday August 17th, 2006 1:05:05 PM

Calor follows the crew into the kitchen, his incredulous expression clearly indicating stopping for dinner wasn't on the top of his "Things to do when exploring a Haunted Mansion" list.

But the group seems committed - and maybe they should be - so the wizard trails along.

[Wisdom check - nat 1]

Breanna  d20+5=20 d20+5=13 d20+3=11
Thursday August 17th, 2006 2:00:35 PM

Breanna grabs her pack again as she leads the way to the kitchen. Once there she starts looking around "Ok, first how about we look for anything strange here, maybe one of you spellcasters can see if there's magic around."

Breanna will spend some time looking around, not wanting to get enchanted by anything in the kitchen.

listen: 20
spot: 13
search: 11 (for after she spots anything strange)

Eclip and Spirit  d20+2=14
Thursday August 17th, 2006 4:56:02 PM

Eclip and Spirit follow Calor and Breanna to the kitchen, "I can cast a detect for magic, but only once. Can anyone else?"


Friday August 18th, 2006 8:05:35 AM

Lenoir follows his friends to the kitchen, But he's on his own mission. There's a door next to the stairs that leades to a Dinning Hall, "Holy waters of the Gods! Look at his Room? It's bigger than most villages!!"

As he enters first he noitces the hall then he notices some double sliding door that lead to another room where people can sit and look in a indoor garden?? "Hmm! Maybe there will be a shouvel in there some place??"

OCC; Lenoir went into the Cloakroon then into the Dining hall, then look toward the open doors to the sitting Room, there he saw the Conservertory, wondering if there was a shovel for his horse little deposit?.

DM to players..... 
Friday August 18th, 2006 11:32:20 AM

I will be posting as off 1 or 2pm Pacific time, that is 3 or 4pm Wold time. Try to post before then, thanks. :)

Nice role playing by the way. Everyone gains 50xp role playing bonus for the last two weeks. ;)

Friday August 18th, 2006 3:31:01 PM

um how much xp did we start out with? my sheet only says I have +325 from last time you gave a bonus.

Gentian  d20=11 d20=2 d20+4=17 d20+13=26
Friday August 18th, 2006 4:53:59 PM

Gentian's Wisdom check reveals little -- a 13.

The halfling is pleased to follow Breanna. He looks around and listens for odd noises ... Search 2, Spot 17, Listen 26.

"Where to next, Breanna?"

Eclip and Spirit  d20+3=6
Friday August 18th, 2006 5:09:58 PM

Eclip seems to be preoccupied with the size of the house (Wisdom check = 6). "How about if we start at one end and search each room until we get to the end? May take a day or two."

Spirit sniff around the kitchen.

DM to players... (NON GAME POST) 
Friday August 18th, 2006 5:36:58 PM

All players should have started with enough XP to be 4th level.

Keeping track of additional character xp isn't really suppose to be my responsiblity.

If you level during play, thats great. :)

If you don't like extra XP, don't take it. ;)

The kitchens...  d20+16=25 d20+10=16 d20+15=26 d20+7=10
Friday August 18th, 2006 6:03:52 PM

The group makes it to the kitchens... three in fact, with several pantries and chilled boxes to store food. Fresh apples lay spoiling on the counter. A heated oven seems to be a permenant fixture... seems that the oven might be magically heated. Large oak tables and oak cabinets stand in the center of the rooms. One oak cabinet is strangely perched on top of one table. The others circle the center stack of furniture.

The candles come on automatically again. Seems every room, so far, has that enchantment.

A moon beam strikes across the floor.

Spot and Listen checks please.

Lenoir  d20+6=19 d20+6=19
Saturday August 19th, 2006 7:49:44 AM

OOC; This is the second time this week that I roll two of the same numbers. Spot 19 - Listens 19.

Lenoir is about to move into the Sitting room, but the back hair on his neck, rises.
So he'll back track and try to rember (after a quick glance at the floor plan)what direction the kitchen is.

He'll look for a shouvel later.

DM ~ Lenoir hears something all around the group.

Calor  d20+1=15 d20+3=16
Saturday August 19th, 2006 10:21:34 AM

[Listen 15, Spot 16]

"Nice," Calor exclaims appreciatively. He must admit, the kitchen seems friendly-looking. Maybe starting out here isn't such a bad idea.

The wizard wanders around behind his companions, idly looking around at shelves and tables - though noticeably not touching anything. If someone else moves to look at the cabinet on the table, Calor accompanies them. (But he won't be the first to touch it).

He recalls someone asking about Detect Magic spells.
"I've got one," he replies to the questioner. "But my guess is this whole place is magic, and it won't help much."

Dm ~ Calor, there is an odd scraping behind and above you.

Breanna  d20+5=18 d20+5=24
Saturday August 19th, 2006 2:38:19 PM

Breanna starts looking over everything to see if she can find anything really strange, she'll also look for a place to throwaway the rotting food.

spot: 18
listen: 24

Dm ~ Breanna also hears something in the room.

Saturday August 19th, 2006 4:30:31 PM

"What's that?" the wizard asks, turning around and looking up at the ceiling. "I thought I heard something."

Lenoir  d20+6=13
Sunday August 20th, 2006 7:05:36 AM

As Lenoir pat's his horse on the way to kitchen, "Easy there my big boy! I know you feel odd in this house!" He mermers to white HOOF.

He finally finss the rest of the party in the kitchen, But Stop just inside the door?? He put his hand on the hilt of his sword(like a fighter would react to unknown sounds.) He look all around, "Wait! Can you hear that?? the sound is coming from all around us?"

Now Lenoir will try to pin point the sound listens 13

Posting Report For 
Monday August 21st, 2006 7:00:43 AM

Mithril Tapestry Game
For the week of Aug 14,2006


Adm Ceil

Cookbooks and swinging copper pots... 
Monday August 21st, 2006 11:07:50 AM

Scratching sounds can be heard coming from just about everywhere. No one seems to see what might be making the sound.

The druids of the party feel that they are the sounds of rodents. But if that was the case, why would the sounds also be eminating from the inside of a heated oven?

Faint moonlight streams in through the open window; a cloud must have moved aside.

There are many basic kitchen impliments. Cleavers, butcher knives, cutting boards, pots, bowls and the like. There are three aprons hanging on hooks that look quite dusty and unused. There is a kettle on the counter which has blackened with frequent use and is steaming... why would it be steaming?

Please describe EXACTLY where you all are in the kitchens, if you all haven't recieved a map let me know.

Gentian  d20+4=17 d20+13=26
Monday August 21st, 2006 1:46:40 PM

Gentian keeps his ears open. Riding his dog, he puts his face in the moonbeam and looks out the window. He asks his bat if she "sees" anything with her sharp ears.

Spot 17, Listen 26.

Eclip and Spirit  d20+8=18 d20+6=14
Monday August 21st, 2006 3:50:16 PM

(Spot+8=18 listen+6=14)

Eclip and spirit enter the kitchen. Being curious about the steaming kettle, Eclip will move next to it, in order to examine it closely. Without touching it he will feel for heat radiating from it. Also, he will try to identify what's inside it if he can.

Spirit stays next to Eclip, while glancing around at the sounds.

Lenoir  d20+6=8 d20+6=21
Monday August 21st, 2006 5:14:13 PM

Lenoir is in the pantry, looking for food easy to cook, easy on the stomack. He is fully expecting to see some mice and mabe a rat or two. He pushes pot and pans also lookinfg for a pump for water, he already found the tea.

listens 8
Look 21

Monday August 21st, 2006 7:11:03 PM

"I dont like the sound of all that scratching, it cant be rats or it wouldnt come from the stove. If it doesnt stop and whatever's making the noise show itself at once I think I'll shoot it so we can find out what it is."

Breanna has her sling out and is ready to do what she says.

"Lenoir, I wouldn't eat that food until you know it isn't enchanted."

Monday August 21st, 2006 9:01:32 PM

The wizard spins slowly in a circle in the middle of the first kitchen, warily eyeing the stove, the moonbeam, the kettle, the scratching noises coming from all over. The hair on the back of his neck rises as he considers all the possible nasty things that could be coming to get him.

This is turning out to be not all that much fun.

Kitchens and food prep... 
Tuesday August 22nd, 2006 10:23:33 AM

(Okay, I need specific places. Upper kitchen, middle kitchen, lower kitchen, upper or lower pantries... I need to know everyones location relative to everyone else.)

Some concern is made for the foods condition.

Gentians bat senses food and something odd about it. Gentian gets the impression that it smells wrong.

Eclip is about to examine the kettle. He feels faint heat. (How do you approach? Examine? and Determine things about it exactly? I need details. :])

The moonbeam is filling the upper kitchen and part of the middle kitchen.

Rattling. A clatter. A chime of a grandfather clock, 10pm by the sounds of it. It seems Lenoir has found a set of porcelian and some tea. There is no pump for water, but it seems there's a decanter with a cork near each sink.

Tuesday August 22nd, 2006 1:05:44 PM

Calor remains where he is in the upper kitchen. He doesn't touch a bloody thing.

Tuesday August 22nd, 2006 2:18:37 PM

Lenoir Being In the middle Kitchen's Pantry, Takes some porcerlin tea cups, Sugar(wiping the dust off first), No milk but a lemon that look a little like a prune, Put's every thing a tray. He takes a pan, putting it under the lip of the black pump, He lifts the handle and the whole thing come up in his hand?? "Well! I'll be darn! It's not a pump at all?? It's a big decanter. He put the thing on the tray.

He leaves the pantry and is now in the middle kitchen. He now leaves the middle kitchen and will enter the top kitchen where every body is. "Look what I found tea, cups, sugar and what look like a lemon! At least we'll can have fresh tea with our trail food!"

breanna  d20+5=24 d20+10=26 d6+4=7
Tuesday August 22nd, 2006 4:16:00 PM

Breanna listens for more of the strange sounds and does as she said and shoots a bullet at them. Breanna is is the first kitchen (the one without a pantry) and standing in the middle of the room.

"Lenoir! I said dont eat the food until we know it's not enchanted. As soon as we finish checking the kitchens we can make some tea from what I brought!"

blindfold trick: breanna is considered to have the blindfighting feat & by making a listen check dc10 + hd/lvl of the target the sharpshooter can negate 3% of the targets concelment. if target is moving silently the dc is the move silent check + hd/lvl of the target.

listen: 24

attack: 26, +1 if within 30'
damage: 7, +1 if within 30'

Eclip and Spirit 
Tuesday August 22nd, 2006 4:46:41 PM

Eclip is in the kitchen contains the steaming kettle. To determine how hot it is he will place his hand close the side of the Kettle (within an inch to feel for heat.) If it is a stew pot type Kettle that has a lid, Eclip will look for a poker type tool to shift the lid so he can see what's inside it. If it's a tea pot type Kettle he will get a tea cup and use a hot pad to pour a little out into the tea cup.

Spirit remains next to Eclip while glancing about.

[OOC: I received the first map you sent of the ground floor. Is there a detailed map of the kitchens?]

Lenoir  d20+6=22 d20+6=14
Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 6:32:40 AM

Lenoir with a smile on his lips tells the leader, "I did not touch nothing but the caraff and the tea, The trail food is mine!"

Lenoir Will go to see what Eclip is up to and watches Him going through his paces. But he'll still on his toes fro he's listening and looking around.

Listen 22
Spot 14

DM Jay B with kitchen details 
Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 12:11:35 PM

Sorry, there are no detailed kitchen maps.

The kitchens span the length of that wing.

They are about 80ft in total length and 45ft wide.
The middle kitchen is where the table and cabinet are stacked and where you are hearing the sounds and the pantry where Lenoir found the tea.
An open hearth lies in the lower kitchen(thats the brick colored rectangle).
No moon beams are being cast into the lower kitchen windows.
The lower kitchen also looks to be where the prepare food for the masters of the house.
The upper and middle kitchen have the stoves, pots and cooking impliments.
The lower has silverware, plate and tea cups.

Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 1:21:37 PM

The mounted Gentian searches the upper kitchen, then the middle. He looks out the windows.

"I never heard of a haunted kitchen," he says. "Surely we must search out the crypt or the cellar."

Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 1:59:23 PM

Jay was that you're dm post for the day? if so what happened when breanna used her sling?

DM post for the day...  d20+5=7
Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 4:24:35 PM

Having not specified WHAT she was shooting at[source of the sound?](as Breanna "sees" nothing of merit in which to fire at), is unable to see THROUGH the stove to see what is scratching, though she HEARS it clearly enough.

She fires at the stove in hopes of hitting whatever it may be, losing her bullet and causing the scratching to stop. She, however, does 4 damage to the overwise pristinely painted stove, chipping the paint. The ping of bullet on metal resignates through the kitchens, echoing off pans.

(Breanna also failed to specify type of ammo... obsidian, plain, etc...)

DM Jay B 
Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 4:48:52 PM

Clarification for ease of play...

Okay folks, I'm going to ask a few things of you to make your playing experience and my dming easier on both of us. I need to at least be able to clearly picture what is going on.

I'm a VERY visual (and tactal for that matter) person. I NEED to visualize and be hands on when I'm learning something. Its the same way with gaming. I need to know where, what, why and who of the situation. When I don't have those factors, I get lost. So if I repeat questions or seem irritated, I am likely confused.

I like detail for that reason and in gaming, details help build character and story.

So when posting, keep that in mind please.

Poe & Cervantes  d20+4=10 d20+8=24
Thursday August 24th, 2006 12:50:57 AM

Wandering into the middle kitchen after staring at a grandiose library for some time, the bare-chinned dwarf raises an eyebrow to the scratching sounds echoing in the room.

"Iffen this place i'nt haunted then ol' Swiftly sure has one serious infestation on his hands. I can see why he wouln't want to be stayin hur, that's for sure."

Looking around the room, the bard randomly taps his djembe at his side in a hauntingly low beat.

The mottled, wire-haired hound sniffs the air with intent, trying to find some rodents to chomp on a bit.

ooc: sorry for sucking thus far guys, i will be making better efforts int he future.

Thursday August 24th, 2006 10:54:53 AM

The brown haired wizard follows Poe into the middle kitchen, circling the table in the middle room on the opposite side of where Lenoir is carrying out her tea experiments.

The cabinent setting on the table is proving to by too much of an oddity for Calor to ignore any longer.
[Assuming there is a closed door on this cabinet]
Contemplating the size, color, and material of the cabinet, he draws his rapier, stands back as far as his new reach will allow, inserts the point of the rapier into the crack between the door and cabinet proper, and attempts to pry open the door.

Thursday August 24th, 2006 2:51:12 PM

Gentian says that there is something wrong with the food. "Don't eat it." He will only eat and drink what he brought with him.

Gentian looks at the food and pokes at it carefully.

Then he looks around the middle kitchen for the source of those sounds. Maybe his bat can help with that too.

Eclip and Spirit 
Thursday August 24th, 2006 3:41:28 PM

Eclip is still investigating the Kettle (see previous post.) in the middle(?) kitchen. He comments to the others, "Maybe all the mice died and now they are hunting the kitchen?"

Sprit is still at Eclips side.

Um.... round one  d2=2 d4=2 d20+4=22 d20+4=23 d20+4=23 d20+4=13 d20+5=11 d20+5=15 d20+5=19 d20+5=18 2d4(4+4)=8 d20+6=21 d20+6=13 d20+6=26 d20+6=19 d20+5=10 d20+5=9
Thursday August 24th, 2006 5:14:51 PM

The food seems fine to Gentian.

Calor's caution pays off. The cabinet is oak and empty. The table is also oak as are the four chairs. (Make a wisdom check then a knowledge nature check please, DC 15 and 20)

The wire-haired dog growls at the stove, while Poe beats his drum.

Breanna seems stunned.

Lenoir virtually ignores the orders and reassures the lady that the food is his.

Eclip investigates the tea pot kettle. The pot isn't hot enough to burn you, but using the pad none-the-less, he tips the contents of the pot into the cup.
For a moment you think that there is something blocking the spout, then suddenly, the lid slides off and a smoking clump of fur rolls onto the counter spitting fire at Eclip.
The creature clings onto you, spitting a wad of fire in your face. (Hits AC 21, take 4 points of fire damage. Reflex versus your robes catching fire, DC 10) It leaps to the floor, causing the room to come alive.

Two jibbering creatures can be seen in the rafters and seem to be commanding the handful of four rats that are now swarming the dog Spirit. (Hitting AC 22, 23, 23, 13, 11, 15, 19 and 18 for a total of 5 damage) One of these rats can be seen flexing its muscles menacingly.

Lenoir was preparing tea, moving toward the with a pot of water as three smoking balls push up out of the round stove plates and spit three wads of fire at the large dark man. (Two hit AC 26 and 19, Take 8 fire damage.) The rat-like creatures clank the metal plates back down and hide again inside the magical stove.

The two creatures in the rafters seem to have a large box of sharp objects. Two butcher knives fall quite close to Breanna, missing.
"Get out!"

[OOC: The smoking rodents have 20% concealment due to their smoking bodies. There is only one currently scurrying across the floor. The three in the stove have total cover.
The two critters in the rafters have partial (or soft)cover (+4) from the beams.
And the four rats attacking the dog are in melee with said dog. These rats can not be flanked.]

Lenoir  d20+4=17
Thursday August 24th, 2006 5:49:12 PM

Lenoir AC19 42/50hp.

Lenoir is startle "Why you $#^@**& Come out here!" He looks for his dagger but cannot find it, "Of all the ding-dong silly things to do?? lost of a dagger." he swears at himself.

Now He takes an arrow out of his quiver, then start to pry the lid on the stove.

If he get's the lid open (using his strenth ac 17 to open the lid on the stove.) He'll try to stab them with the arrow.

Calor (AC 17, 28/28 hp, Mage Armor)  d20+1=8 d20=7
Friday August 25th, 2006 2:07:31 PM

[Wisdom check 8. Knowledge Nature check 7]
An empty oak cabinet on an empty oak table. Calor shrugs.

Then, the room goes bonkers. The wizard rapidly comes to the conclusion that right now would be a very good time to make himself harder to hurt.

Sheathing his rapier, he sketches a spell.
[Mage Armor]

"Hey! Knock it off!" he yells back to the critters in the rafters. "We're just trying to help!"

[How far is it from Calor to the critters in the rafters? less than 30' or more?]


Spells in effect:

Mage Armor - 3 hours

DM to Calor, the rafters are basically between 15-20ft from the floor.

Breanna  d20+10=29 d6+4=8 d6+5=6 d20+5=15 d100=79
Friday August 25th, 2006 5:16:45 PM

Breanna will fire bullets at the creatures in the rafters. She uses her regular bullets as she hasnt had a chance to make a sling that will work for the obsidian ones.

attack: 29, +1 if within 30'
damage: 8, +1 if within 30'

listen: 15
you roll 100 to see if you beat concelment right? 79

Dm sanity info

Hp: 38/38 ac: 19 Dodge +1 against the creature who almost got me with the knives

Active spells:

Blindfold Trick: Make a Listen check DC 10 + HD/Lvl of the target, the Sharpshooter can negate 3% of the target's concealment. If the target is moving silently, then the DC is the move silent check + HD/Lvl of the target. Each time the Blindfold Trick is taken beyond the first, an additional 3% can be negated. This trick applies to all attacks and does not require a standard action.

Eclip (AC: 17 hp:36) and Spirit (AC:19, hp:24)  d20+6=17 d6+4=6 d20+8=10 d6+2=4 d20+5=21
Friday August 25th, 2006 5:19:03 PM

Spirit snaps at one of the smoldering rats attack him. (Attack+6 hitting AC:17 , dam d6+4=6 )

Eclip recovering from the sudden face full of fire (Reflex Save+5 = 21 ) manages to avoid catching fire. Drawing his short sword and Sickle, Eclip uses his sword to strikes once at one of the rats attacking Spirit. (attack+8 hit AC:10 , dam 1d6+2=4)

Gentian (AC 19 HP 28)  d20+7=8 d20+8=20 d3+3=5
Sunday August 27th, 2006 7:50:16 AM

Gentian tries to judge if he could poke the things in the rafters with his lance (10-foot reach). If so, he pokes with a nat 1 and misses.

If he canot reach with the lance, he takes out his sling and lets loose a bullet. Hits AC20 for 5 hp damage.

Posting Report For 
Monday August 28th, 2006 7:38:17 AM

Game Mithril Tapestry
The week of Aug 21,2006


Adm Ceil Poe said that he'll do better.

Poe & Cervantes [trying to do better] [ac18 hp27/27]  d20+6=12 d8=2
Monday August 28th, 2006 10:52:04 AM

Watching as a circus of fiends breaks forth form every Nook and Cranny ::wink:: Poe begins to laugh a bit. Humor strikes him in the rats flexing their muscles at a snapping dog while knives are dropped from the rafters above. Humor strikes him that the large, exotic man just had fire breathed at him while Eclip tries to pour tea.

"This place is insane!"

With a deft, strong hand, the bard produces a light crossbow in such an instant that no one knows where it came from. In a matter of seconds he has the crossbow loaded and is looking intently to the rafters.

He glances sideways at his hound and returns to watching the rafters.

"Easy thur pup. Don'go biting unless they bite first. I dunna want ya to catch the mange or nuthin."

A stubby finger clicks the trigger of crossbow and a bolt flashes without resolve.
Draws light crossbow (Free acation due to quickdraw)
Loads the light crossbow (move action)

round two.... the Epic Kitchen Fray versus.... rodents!  d2=2 d20+5=15 d20+5=10 d20+5=15 d20+6=25 d20+6=17 d20+6=23 d4=2 d4=4 d20+6=15
Monday August 28th, 2006 1:24:40 PM

Lenoir easily lifts the lids, but the heat from the stove is intense so reaching the creatures is going to be nearly impossible without getting hurt.

Calor is within spell range. He also fails his knowledge checks.

Breanna hits one of the creatures and it falls to the floor with a squelching noise, unmoving. Highlight to display spoiler: {At a closer look, the creature is about a foot tall, with a round rattish nose, and is shaggy looking. Its skin is baggy and crusted with filth.}

Poe laughs at the situation around him but misses his attack due to his giggles.

Gentian can't quite reach, but perhaps he might get a better vantage point from the table tops.

Eclip misses his attack but Spirit has better luck, killing his. [The rats attacking Spirit are plain simple garden variety rats or so it seems. :) The one inside the kettle was a smoldering rat.] The tea kettle rat makes his escape under the stove between Lenoir's legs.


The remaining creature in the rafters nearly jumps out of his skin when his partner is killed. "Female!" He then disappears from sight.

The remaining rats on Spirit continue their assault. (hitting AC 15, 10 and 15, for 1, 1 and 1 damage)

The creatures in the stove look up at Lenoir and spit fire his way. (hits AC 25, 17 and 23, for 6 total fire damage)
Lenoir also feels heat between his legs then sees a smoking rat run under the stove. (Reflex save DC 10 or you boot laces catch fire!) Suddenly, a wad of flame shoots from under the stove at Lenoir's, um.... lower torso, missing!

The sounds of a wood on wood can be heard above the the group.

Breanna  d20+10=21 d6+4=6
Monday August 28th, 2006 3:12:57 PM

"Does anybody have alot of water or know a spell to make it? If you do use it on the creatures in the stove."

Breanna will sling a bullet at one of the rats.

attack: 21, +1 if within 30'
damage: 6, +1 if within 30'

breanna, continued  d20+5=23
Monday August 28th, 2006 3:15:11 PM

forgot some stuff

listen: 23
using blindfold trick (see last post) and precise shot

Dm sanity info

Hp: 38/38 ac: 19 Dodge +1 against the rat who is trying to set lenoir on fire

Active spells:

Lenoir (AC 19 29/50hp) 
Monday August 28th, 2006 3:20:46 PM

Lenoir yell "OUCH! YOU DIURTY RATS!" Spits into the stove. But some how he fell hotter than he was before??

Lenoir look down, he sees that his boot laces are on fire and the fire IS creeping up his pant legs. "OH! NO! the fire are getting to close to my ERR! FLY! WATER! WATER!" Yells Lenoir as he dances in the middle kitchen, Trying to get a bucket of water or jump into a tub of water!!.

Gentian  d20+12=21 d100=38 d20+7=10
Monday August 28th, 2006 5:01:24 PM

Sizing up the situation, Gentian commands his dog, Andergon, to leap up on the table. Per the Ride skill, he'll use his Ride modifier to beat a DC12 needed to jump up 3 feet. He backs up, races the dog, who then leaps on the table! (rolled a 21, no problem).

NOW the halfling stabs upward into the rafters, trying to hit one of those beasties! The one that just disappeared, in fact! Gentian's miss chance (on a roll of 1-50) is a 38, so he misses if it is invisible. If it is just concealed, then he hit AC10, so his luck is bad all around!

Eclip (AC: 17 hp:32/36) and Spirit (AC:19, hp:16/24)  d20+6=21 d20+4=7 d6+4=10 d20+6=13 d20+6=15 d6+2=5 d6=1
Monday August 28th, 2006 5:42:09 PM

Spirit bites at another of the attacking rats (Attack+6 hitting AC:21 , dam d6+4=10 ).

Eclip attacks another of the rats with his shortsword and Sickle, "Shoo Rats!"
(attack+6 AC:13 , dam 1d6+2=5) & (attack+6 AC:15 , dam 1d6=1)

Calor (AC 17, 28/28 hp, Mage Armor) 
Monday August 28th, 2006 9:16:45 PM

Calor notes with satisfaction that the knife throwing critter has run off, but he doesn't like that banging sound much.

"Hey people! What say we back up and regroup?" he yells.

Taking his own advice, the wizard moves back to the entrance of the upper kitchen.

Lenoir (AC 19 29/50hp) 
Tuesday August 29th, 2006 7:27:24 AM

Lenoir Yell back, "Just as soon as put out this fire! In Case All of you did not notice!"
Lenoir continues to dance, hop and roll on the floor!!. (All the time patting himself in sensatice places!)

Dm note, not post... will post around noon PST 
Tuesday August 29th, 2006 11:01:03 AM

OOC: As there are SEVERAL types of opponents, I require specified targets. There are the flexing rats on the dog. The Ash Rats near or in the stove and the creature in the rafters is out of sight.

All the Ash Rats remain near the stove and Lenoir.

One rafter creature remains, hidden or gone.

Three flexing rats remain.

Lenoir, I also require a Reflex save DC 10!~

Gentian Extra 
Tuesday August 29th, 2006 11:06:57 AM

If Gentian cannot strike at the creature above in the rafters, then he will ready a strike to hit any opponent that comes into his reach. But he rolled a nat 3 last post, so its kinda moot.

Poe & Cervantes [ac18 hp27/27]  d20+6=20 d8=8
Tuesday August 29th, 2006 12:15:12 PM

Poe pulls back the string onthe crossbow and settles it into place; drawing another bolt he nocks it into place and points towards the ash rats.

"You buggers should go back to yer holes!"

Poe shakes his head and lets loose another bolt, this time his shot is much more accurate.
load crossbow (move action)

RATS!! round 3  d20+6=26 d20+6=8 d20+6=10 d20+6=8 d4=4 d20+6=13
Tuesday August 29th, 2006 3:02:02 PM

Breanna attacks(I assume) one of the only visible rats on Spirit. She hits and the rat drops off twitching.

Calor moves out of the kitchen and calls for a tactical retreat.

Lenoir dances in place, patting fire in sensitive places.

Poe sees no ash rats as they are all in or under the stove near Lenoir.

Gentian has a dismal time attacking the rafters, but has managed to reveal something interesting. Highlight to display spoiler: {As he hits a dry dusty beam, a piece falls away revealing a cache of coin, silver and several other trinkets. They don't spill onto the floor, you are the only one who can see it. The beam might be hollow!}

Eclip misses both attacks but Spirit kills another on outright.

The creature in the rafters remains hidden or gone.

The last flexing rat on Spirit jumps off the dog and runs for cover, making it to the pantry in amazing time.

The ash rats continue what seems to be a taunting of sorts. The three in the stove poke their heads out of the hole and hiss, spitting at the dancing warrior. (Hitting once for 4 damage)
The one under the stove peeks up and spits at the warriors eyes, missing. By a fluke of chance, a wad of spittle hits a broom and it catches fire instantly. The fire begins its journey up the handle.


Anyone who went into the middle kitchen's pantry, make a Wisdom check.

Remember, there is a decanter, with a stopper, in each kitchen near a sink. Breanna was looking for water. Perhaps the decanters have some water.

breanna  d20=12
Tuesday August 29th, 2006 5:32:34 PM

As Breanna can only see the rats by the stove right now she'll grab her waterskin (the one on her belt, she has two more in her pack) and moving over to the stove pour it all over the next rat that shows itself.

attack, 12 + 4 base attack, +4 str/dex (their the same) = at least 20 (not sure what other mods to use.
damage, up to dm

Calor (AC 17, 28/28 hp, Mage Armor) 
Wednesday August 30th, 2006 7:52:06 AM

Calor rolls his eyes. If they'd had just left and then put out Lenoir, they probably wouldn't be in danger of burning the whole place down. Fighters can be so stubborn, sometimes.

Having nothing in hand to deal with a fire, the wizard looks around the upper kitchen for a source of water. If nothing is immediately apparent, he strides into the upper pantry, looking for a liquid of some kind.

Lenoir (AC 19 25/50hp)  d20=13 d20+6=20
Wednesday August 30th, 2006 2:59:03 PM

(Lenoir made his dc check)
(Spot 20)

Lenoir is ttill dancing, because the fire is hot in all the wrong places. He looks aroung For anything that might have water in it, He look around and spots the decanter with the stoper on it. He will grab it open the Pitcher and try to put the fire out, while holding his pants out with one hand and pouring with the other.

Dm, not a post 
Wednesday August 30th, 2006 3:00:33 PM

Okay folks, just a remember, I need to be off to bed around 2pm Pac time.

I work graveyard and therefore am in bed as folks are getting home from work, school, etc.

I will post my regular post between 1 and 2pm most days, the exception being my days off when I can stretch the posting times. :)

Gentian  d20+7=10
Wednesday August 30th, 2006 3:46:01 PM

The halfling shouts, "There's treasure in the rafter!"

He holds his lance ready to impale any enemy that moves within his reach.

Readied Attack: hits AC10! More bad luck!

Ratty and wet... round 4  d20+6=25 d20+6=9 d20+6=15 d20+6=20 d4=4 d4=1
Wednesday August 30th, 2006 4:32:58 PM

Breanna pours water onto the stove and steam immediately issues from the area, which soon becomes steamy then recedes just as fast. The waterskin simply doesn't produce enough water. The smoldering creatures, now obvisiously some form of rat, are drenched and unhappy but fine.

Calor finds several liquids. A pitcher of molasses, the decanters by the sinks and a barrel of pickled eggs. There are also loads of flammable items, lamp oil, cooking wine and old lard.

Lenoir manages to put out the fire in his loins.

Gentian shouts out his discovery. Curious, still no movement in the rafters.

Eclip and Spirit watch as the last flexing rat scurries away. (Sorry, I had to post.)

Poe looks on as the others call out suggestions. (Sorry, I had to post.)


The now soaked ash rats squeak and spit at the nearest target, still Lenoir. (Hitting twice, for 5 damage.) The ash rats quickly dry and begin smoking again.

[While the Ash Rats were wet, they had no smoke concealment. Lenoir could see them clearly.]

Eclip and Spirit 
Wednesday August 30th, 2006 9:43:58 PM

Seeing the last rat attacking Spirit flee, Eclip will see to the flaming broom by calling upon his spells of nature to summon water. (Cast create water on broom.) Upon completing his spell, a sudden heavy down pour of water appears out of thin air on and around the burring broom, and it continues for several moments producing 8 gallons of water, then it stops just as suddenly as it started.

Spirit growls and barks at the last rat as it runs away, then he proceeds to start licking his wounds.

[ooc: sorry for not posting earlier. My work was experiencing problems with the internet connection.]

Lenoir (AC 19 20/50hp)  d20+3=23
Thursday August 31st, 2006 5:05:28 AM

Lenoir yells at Brenna, "Why did you waist water on the Rats? While I was burning up?
Wait a Minute! That bucket is refilling it's self!"
Lenoir will go into the stove and grab a
smoking rat, then try to drown it!

Grapple 23 (natural 20)

OOC: I did not know the roll for drowning??

DM Message...Highlight to display spoiler: {When the water hit the heated stove and heated rats, it quickly turned to steam. No water lingered to drowned them.}

Calor (AC 17, 28/28 hp, Mage Armor)  2d4(2+4)+2=8
Thursday August 31st, 2006 9:01:29 AM

Calor comes back to the entrance between the upper and middle kitchens.

"Oh for the love of Alemi," he grouses.

The fighters are determined to have this combat, and Lenoir is getting creamed in the process.

Since the only critter he can even partially see is underneath the stove, Calor picks it as the target du jour. The wizard rips off two magic missiles that streak unerringly at the beastie.
[Magic Missile - 8 hp damage]

"Can anyone heal Lenoir?" the wizard asks. "He don't look so good."

DM Message... Highlight to display spoiler: {In order to see the three rats in the stove, you have to be standing over it looking inside. The one under the stove is only slightly visible from the door where you were standing.

MikeK says - Got it. Under the stove then.

Thursday August 31st, 2006 1:36:21 PM

The halfling is frustrated with waiting. He starts poking at the rafter with his lance, seeing what happens with a little provocation.

DM Message...Highlight to display spoiler: {You have seen NO movement in or on the rafters. :)}

Post, sort of.... (DM Jay) 
Thursday August 31st, 2006 4:04:39 PM

OOC: As it is nearly time for bed, and few have posted, I will have to post tomorrow. I do not want to leave anyone out of the next couple rounds.

The ash rats in and under the stove continue to cower.

Thursday August 31st, 2006 4:42:59 PM

"Sorry I didnt realize that it was so bad and I wanted to make sure they wouldnt make it worse." While Breanna is speaking she gets her other two waterskins out and pours them into the stove.

Eclip and Spirit. 
Thursday August 31st, 2006 5:04:45 PM

If possible, Eclip would include Lenoir in his impromptu shower of water.

Lenoir (AC 19 20/50hp)  d20+4=22 d20+6=20
Friday September 1st, 2006 8:44:49 AM

OOC; to Dm Jay- WE are having FUN at Lenoir's expence are We?(LOL)

Lenoir takes his cloak and rub the fire out, While Eclip makes a shower with the water, Lenoir also drops his glove, so he'll pick them up fromthe floor.

He spot a ash rat under the stove (Spot 20) and wil try to grab him (grapple 22). "What are you doing down here? We are not stealing your food!"

Epic rat battle continues....  d20+6=15 d20+6=16 d20+6=8 d20+6=18
Friday September 1st, 2006 12:44:30 PM

Frusteration seems to be rising in the group. Magic is fired off, fires put out and gallons of water are flung about, wetting everything down.


The three ash rats in the stove continue to cower, now spitting at random noises. The wads of fire are merely lobbed out with no real aim. All three miss, but things are getting burnt. A blob of flame hits a sack of corn meal which catches fire instantly.

The one ash rat under the stove spits at Lenoir for being too close, just missing!

Gentian  d100=25 d20+7=11
Friday September 1st, 2006 12:47:54 PM

The halfling directs his mount to hop off the table so he can poke at a rat. He rolls a 25 for his miss chance, if any. But he hits AC11.

Breanna  d20+10=29 d6+4=6 d20+5=8
Friday September 1st, 2006 5:39:42 PM

Breanna shoots a bullet into the stove hoping to hit one of the rats.

(ooc, could breanna reach into the stove with a sword?)

attack: 29, +1 for within 30' (rats one away from a crit threat)
damage: 6, +1 for within 30'
listen: 8

using ricochet trick and/or blindfold trick which ever applies.

Dm sanity info

Hp: 38/38 ac: 19 Dodge +1 against the rat who is trying to set lenoir on fire

Active spells:

Calor (AC 17, 28/28 hp, Mage Armor)  2d4(4+4)+2=10
Saturday September 2nd, 2006 2:29:28 PM

Calor remains standing in the doorway between the upper and middle kitchen.

Lacking any other targets, and apparently forced into a battle by the fighters of the group, he shoot another couple of magic missiles at the rat underneath the stove.

[Magic Missile - 10 hp]

"I'm pretty sure there ain't no rats over in this room," he remarks sarcastically. "Maybe, we could all step over here and regroup."

Post for checks... 
Saturday September 2nd, 2006 5:54:10 PM

Druids please make me a Handle Animal or Wild Empathy check; whichever might be better, DC 15.

The rest can make an Intelligence check, DC 20.

Your all roleplaying great, keep it up.

I will make the next official post when everyone has posted for this round.

Lenoir  d20+2=21
Sunday September 3rd, 2006 8:59:14 AM

Intelligent Check 21 (What I made it?? After getting his pants on fire?? and almost really hurting himself in the important places!! He rolls a 21 for intelligent?? Oh! You got to love this guy!)

DM ~ Well done Lenoir! ;)

Calor  d20+3=12
Sunday September 3rd, 2006 11:36:17 AM

Calor is too busy sulking to think straight.
Int check 12

breanna  d20+3=5
Sunday September 3rd, 2006 2:31:21 PM

int: 5 i rolled a 2!

Posting Report For 
Monday September 4th, 2006 7:03:02 AM

Mithril Tapestry Game
The Week of Aug 28,2006

Poe----XXOOO---3 {Holiday Week End)

Adm Ceil> Not bad!

Lenoir  d20+4=18
Monday September 4th, 2006 9:27:24 AM

Lenoir tries again to grab the little hot mouth, "I Don't want your Food, I got some of my own! NOW CUT THAT OUT!" Said Lenoir as his clothes smokes.

Monday September 4th, 2006 9:59:05 AM

Waiting for Poe and Eclip this round. I wanna be fair. However, if they have failed to post by noon, I will have to post. I realize its another holiday, but whatever. :)

Epic encounter... 
Monday September 4th, 2006 3:14:51 PM

Lenoir is the only one that realizes that the ashs rats are merely cowering and should be left alone. If they are left alone, perhaps they will stop attacking... him mostly.

Its surprising that the druids haven't caught on, they must be busy.

Just as Lenoir catches on that the rats want to be left alone now, a magical bolt slams into one killing it instantly.

Gentian leaves the table, failing to hit his target.

Breanna on the other hand hits one, but it just lays down in shock, breathing very fast and shallow.

Monday September 4th, 2006 10:31:27 PM

Listening to wise Calor, Gentian goes over there next to him, away from the rats.

He tells everyone about the treasure in the rafter -- which might be a trick! If anyone wants to climb up there to get it, Gentian will cheer them on as true heroes.

Breanna  d20+10=16 d6+4=10
Tuesday September 5th, 2006 5:35:22 AM

Breanna shoots another bullet at the rat, and will keep doing so unless told otherwise by someone who thinks she should stop.

attack: 16, +1 point blank
damage: 10, +1 point blank

Calor  d20+3=6
Tuesday September 5th, 2006 9:30:38 AM

Calor doesn't have any spells left adequate the situation. Hopefully the others will follow Gentian's lead, but until then, the wizard doesn't have much in the way of aid.

He looks up at the rafters, searching for the treause Gentian speaks of.
"I'm not a climber," he responds. "Maybe we can find a pole or something and push it down?"
He glances about the upper kitchen for inspiration.
[Spot 6]

If Lenoir breaks off, Calor will again ask if anyone in the assembled group is a cleric, and point to the scorched fighter as an example of someone in need of healing.

Eclip and Spirit  d8+1=9 d8+1=6 d8+1=7 d8+1=5 d8+1=9
Tuesday September 5th, 2006 9:59:30 AM

(Earlier checks for Animal Empathy = 11, Intelligent = 18 rolls lost due to refreshing the screen before posting.)

Seeing that the fight has gone out of the smoldering rats, Eclip looks around at the mess they have caused. Eclip pulls out his wand of curing and uses it on both Spirit and Lenoir.

(CLW on Spirit = 9, CLW on Lenoir = 6,7,5,9 = 27 total.) (Wand has 42 charges left.)

After a bit of practice with the wand, Eclip feels he is getting the hang of how to make it work properly.

Spirit barks once and licks Eclips face in appreciation.

Lenoir  d20+3=9
Tuesday September 5th, 2006 6:35:08 PM

Lenoir will give them some thing like bread so that the little spit fire Rat will go away, (He hopes).

"Now! Did I hear the word TREASURE being mention? Where up there?" He ask, trying to spot about where the treasure is falling.

Poe & Cervantes 
Tuesday September 5th, 2006 9:30:13 PM

Mumbling feverishly to himself, the dwarf shakes his head violently. "No, no, no....it rhymes but it's still weak." Rolling his hands together he shakes his head a few more times, lips moving inaudibly all-the-while.

The auburn banged hound sniffs the ground a bit and lets out a warning growl to the rats under the stove; then he nuzzles his dwarf's leg.

"Ohh, right, umm. Well, I guess we'll get em next time. Looks like this place hur is more in'tressin than I thought. I am quite curious to see what else this place holds fer us."

Wednesday September 6th, 2006 1:19:35 PM

If there are any fires burning, especially ones that might be dangerous, Gentian will look for somethng to help control them. Maybe water?

Defeat in the face of rats 
Wednesday September 6th, 2006 1:23:31 PM

Seems the majority of the group wishes to avoid further contact with the ash rats. The exception being Breanna who is persistant. (She misses due to rat concealment.)

The mention of treasure perks up several ears.

The smoking rats continue to cower. The one which was knocked out last round seems to be recovering.

A few smoldering embers remain scatter in the kitchen.

(Whether we are in combat still depends on Breanna's actions.)

Lenoir (AC 19 20/50hp)  d20+3=5
Wednesday September 6th, 2006 5:58:15 PM

Looking up toward the rafters, Lenoir sees nothing, "OK! I see nothing there? Are you sure you have seen Treasure? You know that there are strang thing going on in Here?? He'll look again.

Eclip and Spirit 
Wednesday September 6th, 2006 6:02:07 PM

Eclip help Gentian put out any remaining cinders, "The kitchen may have its mysteries, but I don't think they are the ones that are causing it to disappear."

Spirit is staying clear of the smoldering rats.

Breanna  d20+5=22
Thursday September 7th, 2006 3:13:48 AM

Breanna will let the rats go for now, but makes a note to take care of them later if they're going to be in the house for long.

She'll then look up at the rafters to look for the gold that has been seen.

spot: 22

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