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The Dance

Justin Webber (DM) Ball 
Saturday December 17th, 2005 11:28:19 PM

The group is allowed time to greet the people of the party and after while it is found out that some of the people have daggers or what looks like daggers and such on them but most look showy rather then for weapons. A dark robed man also is here who stands out considering his outfit.

After mingling with the crowd alittle which most just seem to ignore you Fabris meets up with the group and motions, "Beowulf will meet with you soon but hurry, come with me now." Fabris moves to a large tent andl eads you in where a couple ladies and guys stand, "Okay, dancing lessons everyone. Men who want better clothes meet with those two nice dressed men near the clothing area in the corner, lady to the other side when your finished to be fitted too." Fabris smiles, enjoying his job as he gets to watch each person try to dance, some probably succeeding. (perform dance checks people. DC:10 shows you have the basics and only will be tutored and snickered at alittle, DC14 showing you can dance at a normal ball and any DC over getting you applause from Fabirs and the dance teachers.)

This goes on for awhile and you get the lessons and new outfits for those who want them anyway before Beowulf walks in wearing a beautifully designed outfit of dark gray with silver embroider and the symbol of a leaping lion on the left side of the tunic...he wears a his sword though, the old but trusty blade hanging like a trusted friend. He smiles seeing you and moves over to take each person's hand and giving it a gentle shake, "It is so nice to see you all again. I trust the fort is nice and you like your new home? You must tell me all abut it. We have some time before the ball really starts and I want to hear everything and fill you in on the ball and my worries, etc."

Sir Henri  d20+4=19
Sunday December 18th, 2005 7:42:38 AM

Sir Henri follows the others into the tent, but refuses any customes, Telling them that his Uniform is almost new and the only thing he'll need is a mask.

When the dancing lessons begines, his fear is that since he has not dance in years, that his feet has developt into two left feet. But as the lessons progreses, it all comes bace to him, "This dancing is like riding a horse! Once you know how, you never forget??"

When Beowulf shakes his hand, Henri answers "Every thing is good, except for levers here and there. It is home to us. Thank you, Sir!"

Marek Isentomb  d20=14
Sunday December 18th, 2005 12:19:18 PM

Marek follows to the tent, "Dance lessons huh. Well it should prove amusing at least." As gruff and, well let's face it, unattractive as the hard warrior and thrill seeker is, he turns out to be a quick study and light on his feet. [Dance 14]

Marek will move over to get new clothes, to be fitted over his armor and to be sure thier is no restriction in drawing his weapon. Marek will point out to the others, he has only seen ceremonial daggers thus far.

Monday December 19th, 2005 3:41:34 PM

Hart avoids the dance lessons.

Fern  d20=3
Tuesday December 20th, 2005 2:34:44 AM

Fern nervously heads over to get dancing lessons, however first they want to see how well she dances. She performs awfully stumbling and tripping over her feet. After she takes her lessons she goes over to get fitted for a nice dress, and then take lessons on how not to trip over the skirt.

perform: 3 (if you say dex mod instead of cha mod for dance then add +4)

Sir Henri  d20+3=18 d20+18=30
Tuesday December 20th, 2005 6:53:50 AM

Henri watches Fern dance, it's all he can do not to laugh at her moves, so he tell himself that for once in his life, he'll have to lie.
"Fern! My dear, that was nice moves there on the Floor, I must have the first dance with you, please? That is if were not too busy." Henri smiles sweetly at Fern, "Now if they would only shorten the hem of you dress by one inch, every thing would be perfect!"

OOC: Rolled for Cha 18. and Diplomacy 30.

Tuesday December 20th, 2005 8:31:19 PM

Hart just watches the group.

Justin Webber (DM) Lessons and talks  d20+3=7
Tuesday December 20th, 2005 10:19:17 PM

Mykell watches everyone and then takes his turn and trying the dance lessons, he however declines the offer of a new outfit as he prefers his armor and such that he has cleaned up nicely.

Mykell's dancing is pathetic and he simply shrugs afterwards, "It would seem that I'm rusty but oh well." (dance DC:7)
After the lessons and while the clothing is measured and such the workers of the fabrics get to work and leave you all to talk to Beowulf who has waited patiently and even has had a small laugh at the dancing lessons.

Hearing the small comments made about the fort Beowulf nods and speaks, "I'm glad the fort seems to be workable for all of you and I hope the people I sent with you to give a hand are of some help also."

Beowulf stretches before sitting down, "I have asked you all to come to this ball as guests and guards also as you may of already been told by Fabris. I believe this is a chance for you all to form relations with some or all of the nobles and there is one atleast from most of the cities of the land here. I'll be honest with the fact that I been trying to keep this ball secretive but as you all may expect nobles are not the most secretive bunch and the darkness will most likely have eyes and ears open and this would be a perfect chance for them to take care of some resistence. The races do not stand a chance seperated but together we could very well push the darkness from our lands forever more."

Beowulf now turns to looks at Fabris and snaps his fingers, "Show them the other reason why I am worried Fabris."

Fabris moves forward and along with him is brought a small cage that comes up to about waist height and there is a cloth over it which Fabris pulls off quickly to show what looks to be a small child f about 10 inside the cage but the child is shadowed and seems to almost be made of shadows itself. The childs eyes glow some what but are a even darker black and the child hisses showing sharp teeth.

Beowulf looks to the child not in worry but more of sympathy as he speaks to the group, "My magicians have ran magic tests on him and it has came to our knowledge that he is 100% human child but infected with darkness in a way and degree we never seen before. It's melded with his human side and he is not just human but darkness also." Beowulf shakes his head, "My reports say that only days ago he was normal and he looked normal till we caught him trying to get into the castle and then he changed to look like this as he fought back. I believe the darkness is learning a new trick and this is why you are here. If one or more of those people out there are like him then a attack will come I know it and if one does then you'll prove yourselves as worthy guards I know and show that you are worthy allies. If nothing happens then you'll be rubbing elbows out there and getting to know the nobles."

Sir Henri 
Wednesday December 21st, 2005 6:31:33 AM

Henri sits beside Lord Beowulf, "My Lord! The people you sent to help are very faithfull, I cannot praise thrm enough. At first I though the they might be spies, But no there was no evil among them. They might be small but their hearts are as big as a giant."

Henri looking around, leans a little closer to Beowulf's ear, "As for rubbing elbows with the Gentry, I already know most of the hob-nods here. Except the one you invited call 'Mykell', I never seen him before and yet he wears the ring like the one you gave us. Can you tell me more about Him? also this other dark one who was introduce as 'J'hack, he seem dark and brudding?"

Wednesday December 21st, 2005 1:50:19 PM

The druid finishes the trade with the dwarf.

He comes away with ...

+2 dagger of defending
wand of summon nature's II
cure serious wounds potion
+1 dark wood staff of spell storing (two spells)
+? Dragon hide armor of ?
Crystal house ring of Beowulf

The armor is still a mystery to the druid.

Hart waits for group.

Wednesday December 21st, 2005 7:28:29 PM

Jhark walks into the tent having been slowed down by an interesting tapestry that he noticed on the way. He looks to Beowulf and then to the outfitters for the party. "Isss that necessssssary my Lord Beowulf." He seems to shrink further into his large cloak and robes. "I do not think that sssome would approve." He glances around to all those present and you hear a sigh from under the hood as he reaches up slowly to his hood.

It is now that you notice spiked gauntlets that end in four inch metal nails. As the hood is slowly slid back to reveal what is underneath, you hear another intake of breathe. Under the hood is the deep bronze scales and head of what would appear to be a dragon. The slitted eyes take in all the group as he watches faces closely. "Before you guessssss..I am not half-dragon." You hear a note of anguish and shame in his voice as he says that last.

His arms drop back to his side and the sleeves of his robe sip back to cover his gauntlets. He glances to Beowulf and inclines his head. "You sssaid I needed to work with them...ssso it isss only fair they know."

Sir Henri  d20+18=32
Thursday December 22nd, 2005 7:06:06 AM

The paladin watches as the new commer reviels his true form. Now he knows why he never detected Evil in this man?,

"Hmmm! I've seen worst, now all you need is a good mask and custume." Henry scratches his chin. "Mereck! what do you think? instead of wearing black, He should wear a light color? Hmmm! Like a Pumpernel?? Not a clown But with black boots, A rainbow coled Pants and Jacket, White shirt, black gloves, Ruffle colar, a long cut wig, Black hat with a wide rim, A full face mask with large eye-holes.
That should cover any ang all weapons that 'J'hark here will want to carry. Well what do you think??" ask the paladin to all, trying very hard to brake the ice of the suprise.

OOC; Deplomacy 32 (I hope this works, I don't want Jhark to hit Henry with those gloves!!)

Marek Isentomb 
Thursday December 22nd, 2005 2:08:29 PM

Marek nods to Beaowulf, "We'll do our best." When the child is brought out, his mood darkens almost to match the shadow creatures skin. "Damn" he more whispers than anything else. "OK now we got this, one question. Has any of 'hocus pocus boys determined how he got it and if it can be reversed. We talkin curse, affliction, communicable disease here or soul suckin? I assume he's the only speciman and that's why he ain't deasd yet"

Looking to his comrades in arms, "All right, we can almost asure ourselves that a shadow freak is gonna pop in on this party, So no one moves alone, no one moves without weapons and no one drinks."

The new guy drop his hood revealing a much stronger reptilian background than Marek was prepared for. Almost before he knows it, Marek finds his hand on the hilt of his sword, but old discipline leaps to action and he removes it just as quickly. Instead the soldier just scans Jhark up and down a bit more, taking in weaponry and armored defenses. After a few moments he nods, "Jhark, you're with Hank, I got Fern and Mykell you're with the saytr. All right, then eyes and ears open and into your dresses 'ladies'".

Thursday December 22nd, 2005 3:59:32 PM

Hart smiles at Marek, glad he didn't use his name like the other might have.

"Hello." Says the druid.

Justin Webber (DM) Ball Talks 
Thursday December 22nd, 2005 9:00:00 PM

(OOC:Sorry everyone for the delay, Christmas around the corner and all I figure you all will understand.)

Mykell watches the new person as he reveals himself and simply shrugs as he himself is really foreign to these lands and then looks to Beowulf and the child brought out, "I too wish to know more if any more info is known. If this child can not be changed from his current state then I saddly say he should be destroyed before he can mature and who knows what comes then."

Mykell looks to the others knowing his comment might not be taken well but also hopes they each understand his comment from a warrior's thoughts.
Beowulf looks to the gathered group and nods as he places a hand on the handle of his own sword, looking to the child as he ponders the questions given and then answers, "My wizards and clerics both have found no way of yet to change the child back. However the priests of Pelor have demanded the right to perform a exorcism on the child in hopes of driving the shadows from the child. I have agreed to this before I will ponder any other course of action. From what we know the shadows are part of him, mutated within the bow himself, something like a werewolf's bite. However where a werewolf only fully becomes one at the first fullmoon we believe this child is a shadow monster at this very moment and upon his infection."

Fabris looks to Beowulf and sighs before producing something from his belt pouch and holding out his open hand, "I'm sorry lord Beowulf but your wizard friend told me not to show this to you till the moment the Heralds were here so now I will. We found this black seed looking thing on the child. It is of no known species of tree, plant or anything known to any of us and magic is almost impossible to penetrate it. We have also found out that it does not break, however let me show you all something."

Fabris takes a clear glass of water and drops the seed into the glass.....shortly the seed slowly begins swirling and looks to of disolved, leaving the water looking clean yet, "Nothing still shows in the glass but a Beowulf's personal wizard tested in on a rat who experienced the same changes as the boy there."

(Jay, sorry about the email difficulty and the staff was a +1 darkwood staff of spell storing (2 spells, once released though amplified by two levels) and the other was +1 dragonhde armor (breast plate) with light fortifications)

Thursday December 22nd, 2005 10:52:22 PM

Fern just stares at the child with tears in her eyes. "I hope that the priests can cure him."

Thursday December 22nd, 2005 10:55:15 PM

could someone send an email with the final distribution of items, money, and the cash from the sold items?

Sir Henri 
Friday December 23rd, 2005 6:30:29 AM

When talks come down to fear of a child (no matter how he looks), Henri cannot halp but ask. "My Lord! Please! As you saw how the seed disapeadred in a glass of water, That must be how the child be came whta he is now, killing him is not the answer.
Let My Farther and his cleric see what they can do. Maybe if you gave half of the contents of the glass to your wizaer and the other half to the clerics. They just might find a solution." The Paladin tries to give the child hope.
Henri will go and stand next to 'J'hack and Merek, "I think that some one is using our people for they own army! If you ask me, We might be killing our oun people that way."
Then the Paladin grows silent.

Friday December 23rd, 2005 10:15:01 AM

As usual, Hart is tactless. "Perhaps the child shoould be put down." He says, while donning the new dragon armor.

(OOC: What sort of dragon is the armor made of Justin?)

Friday December 23rd, 2005 1:49:31 PM

Jhark watches the boy with a keen interest as the others talk. He can see some similarities to himself. "Thisss child mussst have a chance." He looks up to the top of the tent and then sighs as he knows what may need to be done. "Exhaussst all posssssibilitiessss before death." He has been pondering what the paladin, Henri he thinks its name was.

"I will ssstay with my robesss and cloak." He has no interest in dancing or getting to know anyone besides those that he will fight with. He does glance to Marek and gives him a reptilian smile that is accompanied with a nod of the head. "I am Jhark for thossse that did not ssspeak to me earlier...dessspite what you sssee, I am a wizard."

His attention is brought back to the water as the seed dissolves and is named the cause of the child's dilemma. "Depending on the darknesssss...it might be beyond any but the fatesss." He then steps back a little so that he is half hidden in the shadows. He does pull the hood of his robe back up to hide his features till he is needed in a different manner.

Sir Henri 
Monday December 26th, 2005 10:14:07 AM

The paladin watches every body's reactions, But when 'J'harkstart to slide into the shadows, Henri follows him reminding him the they are paired up in this party. "That means the we (US) watch the people and our backs! I'll be with you every minute. Safer that way."

Marek Isentomb 
Monday December 26th, 2005 8:31:45 PM

Marek just holds up his hand, conversation is going way past him and he was glad he really had nothing to do with any of the decisions about the child. "Doesn't change much as far as us being here. Eyes open folks"

To the water Marek looks to Beaouwulf "We're going to need to watch for that. Please tell me all food is in the same location?"

Monday December 26th, 2005 10:44:01 PM

Hart truly doesn't want the child to suffer.

Sir Henri 
Tuesday December 27th, 2005 7:22:07 AM

The Paladin goes to 'J'hark side, speaks sofly to him. "You know that there's a nice red velvet cloak over there, just as roomy , Hmmm! maybe a little roomier tham the black on you have on right now! The velvet one would make you more invisalble that your black one in this ball. Not that your cloak does not make you invisable in the dark places, But there will be no dark places in this ball??
So we would have a, Oh! how do you say?? Oh! yes A Leg Up On Our Opponents!" Henri smiles at his friend,

Wednesday December 28th, 2005 12:21:17 AM


Justin Webber (DM) Talks and Ball Again 
Wednesday December 28th, 2005 1:41:20 AM

(Jay: Dragonhide is of blue dragon scales.)
(Everyone: I hope everyone had a very good Christmas and a great upcoming New Year. Sorry for the delay in the game.)

Mykell listens to the talks and nods before getting ready to head back out to the ball.
Beowulf looks to everyone and nods, "The food is looked over carefully and my cooks are personally watching over the food and drinks that will be served."

Fabris looks to Beowulf and chuckles, "Sir, the food and drink is watched over better then you think. Servain your wizard friend and acolyte of the skin is in disquise of a normal cook and watching the food also."

Beowulf looks to the group and nods, "I would say that all you should get back out to the setting up of the ball, we talked long enough that the place should be more setup and getting really close to starting. Four of my personal guard will be standing watch also and they will stand out very much against the crowd. They are there primarly as a good show but are up to defending as well if anything happens. Either way lets wish this luck and hope everything goes well."

Sir Henri 
Wednesday December 28th, 2005 7:04:57 AM

As the word is given to move themselves and start their job, henri tells 'J'hark, "No time to change cloaks now, MATE! let us move out on to the dancing floor, do you think we should thae a look at the food,, Just to look over the crowd?"

Marek Isentomb 
Wednesday December 28th, 2005 10:27:36 AM

"If you say the food and drink are good, then we should not waste energy there m'lord. Let's keep our eyes to the crowd of guests then. It likely won't be a nobleman, they have taste testers, but look to thier enterage. And rtemember to stick together." Marek then looks at Fern, "Shall we mingle?"

Wednesday December 28th, 2005 11:25:29 AM

Prepared Spells: (*) cast spells
0) detect magic x2, purify food and drink x2, mending
1) wood wose*, faerie fire, charm animal, speak with animals x2
2) barkskin, spider climb, summon swarm, lesser restoration
3) neutralize poison*, speak with plants
Pearl Unused
Rod used once
Staff has call lightning (cast this morning from his scroll) and neutralize poison (cast this morning)

Spirit is invited to the party by Hart. (cast this afternoon) He likes dancing.

"Ees there a reason to think the food is bad?" He askes Beowulf.

The druid wears his new armor and carries his new staff. These are his best 'clothes'. Loran sits atop the new staff, appraising it with his beak.

Hart becomes a wall-flower and avoids the dance, while examining a vase of cut flowers. Aftere hearing that the food might be tainted or whatever, he drinks cheap wine from his Everfull Chalice and eat from his own food stores.

Jhark  d20+8=14 d20+11=17 d20+12=30 d20+9=25 d20+11=28
Wednesday December 28th, 2005 6:40:20 PM

Jkark smirks from under his heavy hood as there is not time to change clothes, not that he had planned on it anyways. He moves out with Sir Henri and picks a spot just a little ways from the dance floor and up a few steps. This angle gives him a better view of the room and puts him a little higher than the rest of the guests.

"The food and drink ssshould be fine...asss your man sssaid...the crowd isss the real problem." His eyes search for any odd behavior from anyone in the crowd as he tries to take in the whole room. Going over his spells he wonders if it would be wise to use one now to help out. He decides against it. "I guessssss that I will go with your group when you leave thisss party." It is more of a statement than a question, but it could be taken either way.

[gather information 14, listen 17, search 30, sense motive 25 and spot 28]

Hart  d20+22=29 d20+22=39
Thursday December 29th, 2005 5:08:02 AM

The druid maintains a position between Beowulf and the doors as the ball gets started. In his estimation, the guards look little more than hired thugs.

Spirit wanders the dance floor, looking up at any females present and offering his small hand to dance.

Loran would rather be hunting. Too many people around.

Hart is vigilant. (Listen 29, Spot 39)

Sir Henri 
Thursday December 29th, 2005 7:39:51 AM

Thae paladin smiles as he follows Jhark to the look out spot, He smiles at the people he knows, kissing a hand of a Lady or two. As him partner settles in a corner andstart scaning the room, Henri will stand a few feet in frount of him, Henri answers his new friend "I'm sure you'll be welcomed! no matter what back ground you might have." Henri turn to face his partner and smiles at him.

Marek Isentomb  d20+1=4 d20+1=4
Thursday December 29th, 2005 10:07:04 AM

Marek moves through the crowd and mingles, but always with Fern right next to him. he introduces himself and Fern as they move about. The others are all taking up mostly perimeter spots and someone has to move through the crowd. Why not himself and a lovely dressed Fern.

[Spot 4 Listen 4]

Justin Webber (DM) Ball 
Thursday December 29th, 2005 12:01:19 PM

(OOC:Everyone I regret to say due to time and real life Sheggar has left the game which means I will be looking for a 8th player once more. I also would like to ask for a couple things of the players here. First please keep in mind I want all of you to bring up comments on the direction of the game, what I can do to keep you and your pc interested. I know right now the holdidays are kicking alot of people around and I do hope that each of us can be patient with posting etc till the Holidays are over. I also would like to ask since we need a 8th character again is there anything you see the group needing? I would like to try and make sure any week links in the group are filled.)

Mykell moves out and keeps an eye on some of the quests and such as he does his best to fit into whats going on. Not liking crowds alot though he also stays out of the way mainly.
Those keeping a eye out see very little suspicious with the food, drink and the serving of it. Jhark does cetch one man with a bottle of dwarven ale trying to spike one of the punch bowls.

Noticeable now is the lanterns are still of since it is still light enough out to not need them yet. A group of bards have taken to the small erected stage and are performing some nice conversational music mainly as the people of the party just mingle.

most of the quest look normal enough except the wizard looking man in a black robe is still around and in this outfit, clearly he must not have no plans of changing to anything else.

Also there are a pair of men at the side of the crowd who look to be speaking rather quickly to one another and one of the men's face looks to be turning lightly red. Both men look to have a dagger on their person although the handle of one of the men's daggers looks more expensive in taste and closed hilt.

Thursday December 29th, 2005 10:10:42 PM

Jhark shakes his head as he lightly taps Henri on the shoulder. "Yonder." He points out the man that is attempting to spike the punch. He shakes his head again and sighs. "I doubt it isss anything bad...but." He leaves it hanging as he slips into the crowd to hopefully catch the man or at least get rid of the punch.

Sir Henri  d20+4=15 d20+4=19 d20+12=28
Friday December 30th, 2005 6:13:21 AM

The paladin ls about to kiss a lady's hand, but insted puts his other hand over hers, raise his head to where Jhark indecated.
Smiling at the lady, Henri ask her "May I have tis dance, My Lady? Will sweril her over to the bottle in question, once the paladin is near the offender. Henry will grab the bottle out of the offender hand, "Bad! Move! Sir! The Lord will not like adding wine to His Punch!"

Henri will releast the lady to another Dancer, but motioms Marek to come over.

Dance - 15
Grab bottle - 19
Deplomacy - 28

Friday December 30th, 2005 11:16:23 AM

The satyr rushes to Henri's aid at the punch bowl. "Paladin, should we kill him for this infraction? What was he doing?"

Marek Isentomb 
Friday December 30th, 2005 3:59:05 PM

Marek nods in Sir Henri's direction to acknowledge he see what is going on, but then gives a quick point to the crowd. Indicating he plans to stay where he is. They got it, but what about you fellas

"If you please Fern, Excuse us." Marek will say to the nobleman they are nearest to. The warrior leads Fern to the men with the daggers. not to engage in conversation but merely to take up residence in thier vacinity.

Sir Henri 
Saturday December 31st, 2005 6:36:50 AM

To the Satyr he tells him, "No my Friend, Just take the bottle to Marek. This gentelman was only trying to make things merrier,"

To the Man, Henri smiles then tells him "Sir! My Lord Beowulf has provided with the best of refreshments for all, No! need to make the Ladies merrier!" Henri bows then slowly returns to his post with Jhark.
Henri whispers to him, "Nice job, my friend, I wish I had eyes that sharp!"

Saturday December 31st, 2005 9:23:41 AM

Fern is nervous and worried that she will make some obvious mistakes. She has been standing near the wall and is obviously releived when Marek comes.

Saturday December 31st, 2005 10:29:13 AM

The satyr frowns and returns to the wall and plant vase.

Jhark  d20+8=24 d20+11=13 d20+12=27 d20+9=19 d20+11=14
Sunday January 1st, 2006 2:34:21 PM

With Henri handling the man he slips through the crowd with practiced ease. Despite his height and dress it appears that very few even pay him any attention.

He slips back into his place on the stairs before Henri shows back up. He does laugh when Henri speaks of his eyesight. "Merely luck." He dismisses it as nothing special. He goes back over all those that he passed on the way back to see if he saw anything wrong, as he continues to scan the crowd. He feels restless and distracted as he tries to keep an eye on the party.

[gather information 24, listen 13, search 27, sense motive 19 and spot 14]

Tuesday January 3rd, 2006 12:01:56 AM

Hart continues to watch the humans.

Tuesday January 3rd, 2006 5:39:33 AM

And watches...

Sir Henri 
Tuesday January 3rd, 2006 6:01:14 AM

Henri is still his charming self, watching the gentry, he is getting bored "Must shake this bordum off or we'll get hurt!" he tell his partner,
For once in his life, he hopes something pop up soon.

Justin Webber (DM) Ball 
Tuesday January 3rd, 2006 3:11:01 PM

(OOC:Okay everyone. Holdiday is officially over so I will be moving the game on regularly and hope you all will beable to keep up.)

Mykell watches the party yet, keeping to the side and mainly keeping a eye out for anything out of place and for people of his own kind, expecting to see some like him for some reason.
The man trying to spike the punch looks almost like he will pass out when so many come to stop him and he stammers through a bunch of "ummms" "uhhs" and such before going back to the ball.

The ball continues normally but the heated discussion or fight maybe in one corner suddenly erupts worse though as the older of the two pulls his dagger and slashes at the younger man. The younger man takes a small cut and steps back before pulling his dagger, however as the dagger leaves the sheath his weapon is truely revealed as a rapier and he looks to the older man seriously before speaking loud enough for the others to hear, "Sir, speak dishonorably about myself or such again or raise that dagger at me once more and I shall run you through."

The dark robed man leans on a staff that he had leaning near by but less noticable at the time and simply watches the goings on while some of the other onlookers watch also.

Beowulf is in the middle of some nobles a small distance away so is clearly in no way able to do nothing about this growing fight.

Also behind the younger man with the rapier has began to sneak a group of three more men in which one makes a hand gesture towards the older man with the dagger.

Marek Isentomb  d20+15=29 d20+5=24
Tuesday January 3rd, 2006 3:43:17 PM

Marek's long sword leaps to his hand and in 2 quick strides, he arrives bewtween the two. His long sword snaps powerfully out with the precision of a master batting the lighter weapon high and away. [Hit AC 29]

"Sheathe it!" His voice loud and commanding. [Intimidate 24] Maintaining a tone of complete command, but not as loud. "This gathering is under lord Beouwulf's command and my protection as such."

Marek's off weapon hand flicks to the thick warhammer at his other side, "The rest of you will cease as well." His eyes do not remain locked on the man in front of him, but rather they skip just over his shoulder to the other three.

Wednesday January 4th, 2006 2:26:33 AM

Fern hasnt been paying attention (to worried that she will obviously look like an outsider) but when the fight begins and Marek goes to stop it she decides to use the nobility's code of ethics to their advantage and steps between the two men. If either of the men wish to fight they will probably injure an innocent woman, very bad conduct.

Sir Henri 
Wednesday January 4th, 2006 7:25:00 AM

"Keep watching for more trouble, Jhark. I'll go help Fern." then the paladin will goes and stand behind the two men, that Fern is standing in frount of.

To make himself known, he tells then "Hell Patrons! Your not going to start any trouble when there is a Lady in frount of you? Are You?" at this point Henri unsheat his sword (whith a loud noise).

Wednesday January 4th, 2006 1:13:03 PM

"Open brawling in thees party!? Thees happen often?" Asks the druid.

Jhark  d20+11=31 d20+12=13 d20+11=17
Wednesday January 4th, 2006 11:14:29 PM

Jhark simply nods to Henri as his eyes continue to scan the crowd. He has a strange itching feeling that this maybe a cover for something else. Then again it might just be a noble dispute. He cares little if a pair of nobles carve themselves for dinner or not. "Pitiful." His only comment as he shakes his hooded head.

[listen 31, search 13 and spot 17]

Justin Webber (DM) Ball Dispute 
Thursday January 5th, 2006 2:04:03 AM

Mykell moves over to where all the argueing and fight is starting and smiles to himself hearing Hart's comment and speaks to his Satyr friend, "Actually I believe this happens rarely but still often enough to not make them uncommon. Usually over a female, politics, etc."

Mykell moves his hand to his katana and sheath at his waist just incase.
The older man who holds the dagger glares at Marek and Henri when he steps in also and does not look like he will back down easily, "This man deserves what the lesson I will teach him."

The younger man pops the point of his rapier into the dirt but keeps his hand on the hilt as he replies simply, "It's not my fault that your fair lady would prefer to dance with me then you. As it is where is she anyway? I suppose your hiding her or something."

The oler man seems to get more upset at this but he does not move, however one of the men moving in behind the younger man sends a fist flying out at the younger man's side, connecting quite nicely as it knocks the air from the young man's lungs since he wasn't expecting such a attack. However keeping his wits about him the young man does dive to the side as he gasps for air.

Clearly the fight is going to continue, however maybe alittle less lethal then expected.

Sir Henri ac 21 94/94hp  d20+3=19 d20+3=20
Thursday January 5th, 2006 7:13:17 AM

Henri (who was stamding behind the two Brainless Wonders) hit the thug (who hit the young man in the ribs) with the edge of his gloved hand ((a Rabbit Punch) it will not kill him, but send him to his knees, seeing stars).
With his shoulder, he'll will shoved (Thug #2) off balance, for a moment or two.

Now the Paladin is in fighting stance, with sword in hand. He smiles and tells Fern "Your Turn!My Lady!" watching the older of the gentelman (who brought the two Brainless Wonders in fhe first place.)

OOC: Rabbit Pounch 19
The shove 20

Hart (AC 26, DR5) 
Thursday January 5th, 2006 12:46:03 PM

Prepared Spells: (*) cast spells
0) detect magic x2, purify food and drink x2, mending
1) wood wose*, faerie fire, charm animal, speak with animals x2
2) barkskin, spider climb, summon swarm, lesser restoration
3) neutralize poison*, speak with plants
Pearl Unused
Rod used once
Staff has call lightning (cast this morning from his scroll) and neutralize poison (cast this morning)

The satyr is confused. He doesn't get the fighting and arguing. Weren't these people here to celebrate and talk of their riches and land?
He's almost tempted point his staff at the small group forming to watch the fight. A bolt of lightning would clear it out really fast. He points his staff slowly... NAH!

Jhark  d20+11=22 d20+12=17 d20+11=12
Thursday January 5th, 2006 10:57:41 PM

Jhark hisses from under his hood as he watches the events unfold near the two nobles. He shakes his head as he continues to scan the crowd, as he cannot get the idea that this is a ruse.

From his higher vantage he hopes to spot anything that does not look to be right. People moving in the wrong direction or someone reeking of evil intent. Still he cannot stop from looking to the fight that is about to break out.

[listen 22, search 17 and spot 12]

fern  d20+1=15
Friday January 6th, 2006 4:55:45 AM

Fern quickly thinks of what would be the best way to stop the fight then and do it.

using untrained knowledge check dm's choice as to what Fern thinks is best to do. if knowledge nature would work then add +4

1. scream and pretend to faint
2. attack the older man
3. attack the younger man
4. move so that she will take a strike from either the young or old man then scream and pretend to faint
5. call for the guards
6. find out what the problem is and try to fix it

Marek Isentomb 
Friday January 6th, 2006 8:05:13 AM

Marek lowers his blade as the rapier is lowered. Time to seperate some 'nobility' Marek shoots the younger man a look, a withering 'do something stupid and I'll break you in two' look and then promptly fully turns to face the elder of the pair.

"M'lord, if you would please come with me to a few feet further away. I would like this settled much less publically." Marek gives a nod in the direction he wishes the man to go and puts one hand on his shoulder and the other gestures away as well.

"Hank, seperate our young casanova there from those other three. Saytr, If any of the others do something unpleasant, you continue that last thought."

Sir Henri 
Friday January 6th, 2006 3:45:31 PM

The Paladin watching the two tugs, listens to Marek at the same time. "Yes Sir!" puts his hand go the young pup to get to this feet, telling the others "You will behave your self or (pointing with his thumb) He'll take care of your action!"
Henri takes the young gentelmen off to the side of the room and away from Lord Papa. "Now wait here and don't go back. The Farther has more money than you have, and the friends to go with it.
Cool down if you want to see the apple of your eye again! Understand?"

Hart (AC 26, DR5) 
Friday January 6th, 2006 3:49:36 PM

Prepared Spells: (*) cast spells
0) detect magic x2, purify food and drink x2, mending
1) wood wose*, faerie fire, charm animal, speak with animals x2
2) barkskin, spider climb, summon swarm, lesser restoration
3) neutralize poison*, speak with plants
Pearl Unused
Rod used once
Staff has call lightning (cast this morning from his scroll) and neutralize poison (cast this morning)

He is tempted to cast lightning.

Monday January 9th, 2006 11:05:21 AM

OOC: Waiting for Justin to post.

Hart stands around.

Sir Henri 
Monday January 9th, 2006 1:00:23 PM

The paladin goes back to J'hark, "I though we were in trouble with taht skermish. For a minute there, I could almost see the Devil himself on the dance floor!"

Marek Isentomb 
Monday January 9th, 2006 4:22:08 PM

Marek Chuckles hearing Henri, "Don't be too sure he's still not about."

Justin Webber (DM) Dance Interuption 
Monday January 9th, 2006 7:10:12 PM

(OOC:I plan to move on the game daily except weekends so I hope everyone will keep up.)

Mykell keeps an eye on everything and even the attack done by Henri as he keeps his hand on the handle of his katana just incase.
The young man looks to those trying to get him to move to the side and simply shrugs as he sheathes his rapier in the dagger like sheath and does so, "I will settle this later with him anyway."

The older man frowns as he picks himself up from the ground and motions his men down, "Wait! where is my wife you cur?"

The young man shrugs and looks to the group and the older man, "I do not know, I figured you had kept her locked up in a tent. If you have done something with her then so help me."

At this time Jhark notices something also as he was keeping watch, the man in black robes has vanished as has a couple others that he isn't sure about.

Tuesday January 10th, 2006 6:52:37 AM

The druid looks on.

Sir Henri  d20+6=22
Tuesday January 10th, 2006 8:01:06 AM

After the serperation of the two rock heads, they were escorted out side, The two were still very hostile.

Henri goes back to his post by the staircase, he notices that his partner is not there. He looks areond for J'hark, no where in sight and he's really loking (spot 22). I better let Marek know.

Sir Henri walks toward the leader, not too fast, smiling and greeting the gentry all the way. "Marek! is missing! I cannot find him! 'Greeting Lord and Lady Elsewere'. I have a feeling that if he does not want to be found, we woun't see him untill something brakes and he's needed!
I don't like this, this interuption we just had, when one or two of our guards come up missing? Have you seen Fern? Do you still want me at my post by that post?"

Tuesday January 10th, 2006 3:31:38 PM

Jhark shows up just as Henri is talking to Marek so he waits his time from behind the paladin. When Henri is done he takes a step forward. "The one in black robesss disssappeared...asss have a few othersss." He looks around at the others and wonders a little. "Wasss the fight a diversssion?"

Justin Webber (DM) Comment 
Tuesday January 10th, 2006 10:47:21 PM

(OOC:I'm giving everyone just abit longer to post so expect a post later tonight or early tomorrow everyone. I hope everyone will get their posts in by then. Fern, I just wanted to say I didn't ignore your post it was just it was pretty well settled with the others. Sorry for not commenting on your char thought.)

Wednesday January 11th, 2006 1:49:47 AM

Fern taps Henri on the shoulder "Boo! How could you not see me? I think you need a priest to look at your eyes."

Sir Henri 
Wednesday January 11th, 2006 3:49:17 AM

"Oh! There you are Lady Fern, It is not that I over look you, it is because I have a lot on my mind." he tells Fern and J'hark. "For one thing, What happen on the dance floor is not normal for the gentry. They usealy settle that kind of matter in dual.
For another thing, I think this little sceen was to find out what kind of safty plan Our Patren has and who to to take out first."

Henri turns back to Marek, " Now they know our force. They know at least Three or four of us, But I don't think They know about Heart or J'hark as of yet. I wonder? I don't recall a House of Elsewhere??"

Marek Isentomb 
Wednesday January 11th, 2006 8:11:32 AM

OoC I was under the impression we are OUTside. A large field with tents and what not, but everone else seems to think we are INside. which one is it?

Wednesday January 11th, 2006 11:07:59 AM

"He has kidnapped that gentleman's mate?!" He asks the group.

Marek Isentomb 
Wednesday January 11th, 2006 11:42:31 AM

Marek's large nose twitches and his bushy eyebrows knit together. "I don't think so Jhark, more like an opportunity. Put a group like this together and something is going to happen and you just need to be ready when it does. That said, no chances."

Marek turns and takes the younger noble by his arm. "Fern, you and the druid move about the perimeter and look for a trail where Mr. Black may have gone and if and when you find it, send word to that tent over there." Marek points with his other hand.

Marek then starts leading the noble away towards the indicated tent. "Hank, escort our other antagonist with us please. I think some private time is in order."

Justin Webber (DM) Private Talks and looking 
Thursday January 12th, 2006 1:00:52 AM

(OOC:The Ball is being held outside like my previous posts had said. People might of got abit confused since most balls would be held inside.)

Mykell follows after Marek and looks to Hart, "I think your right my satyr friend, we need to look into the lost woman also. We shouldn't let anything past our attention considering."
The young noble and older noble are escourted to a tent away from prying eyes and on lookers and a few of Beowulf's personal guard and Beowulf himself have finally been allowed to notice what is going on by the large group of people around them and so do their best to get everyones attention and the dance to start back up so the group can question the two men in private.

In the tent it is quiet other then the two nobles scowling at each other.

Fern and Henri search the area for any tracks from the black robed wizard and find nohing that looks like the sandled feet of the wizard but do find the marks of boots of various other people. (checks to note how many and such. track, spot, etc.)

Hart  d20+20=39 d20+23=26 d20+23=36 d20+22=34 d20+22=29
Thursday January 12th, 2006 6:50:16 AM

Hart rushes after Henri and Fern, so that they stay out of trouble. He leaves Loran and Spirit to watch the group.

He tracks the suspect. (survival track 39) Hart stays out of the way but watches the two friends from afar. (Hide 26, Move Silently 36, Listen 34 and Spot 29)

Sir Henri  d20+5=9 d20+5=7
Thursday January 12th, 2006 8:49:09 AM

The paladin ask Fern, "Did you get grass stain on tour costum? No! Ok then let's look around for boot and lady shoe prints".

Henri gives his arm to Fern, then they go around the Perimeter to looking for foot prints.

Occ: Serch 9 - Listens 7.
Poor Paladin, he's not only blind But deft too.

Fern  d20+8=17 d20+9=25
Friday January 13th, 2006 12:18:02 AM

Fern takes Henri's arm "I'm fine, why dont we find the missing lady."

If Fern finds tracks that seem to indicate a struggle or where the lady might have left she'll track them.

spot: 17
survival: 25 (for tracking)

Sir Henri  d20+5=20 d20+5=24
Friday January 13th, 2006 5:33:55 AM

Henri answers Fern, That My Friend Fern, is what we are going to do. The Lady and that dark cape man!". As the both od them serch and listen for any sign of ladies shoe print, odd boot prints or any signs of a strougle. They also keep an ear open, for any kind of sound, no use in being foolish!.

OOC: Listens 20 - Spot 25.

Marek Isentomb 
Friday January 13th, 2006 8:05:55 AM

Marek puts the two on opposite sides of the tent, "Now let's see if we can straighten this out. I want to know who is missing, description and such. I want to know who started this little problem and allowed her to go missing. I want to know who here would want to use her against either of you or lord Beaowulf. I want to straight answers to the spirit of my questions and not the precise question. Am I clear?"

Friday January 13th, 2006 9:01:10 AM

Continues his search.

Jhark  d20+10=13 d20+10=11
Friday January 13th, 2006 5:14:56 PM

Jhark stays behind to keep an eye upon the crowd. He suspects that more trouble may arrive here and wants to be ready. Before Marek leaves he will let him know of his decision. "Marek...I will ssstay to watch the crowd...more trouble may come yet."

He takes up a position near the band that is playing but far enough away that he can still hear pretty well. His eyes scan the crowd as he lets his hearing feel for sounds that may indicate trouble.

He does also keep an eye out for other members of the group so that he can make sure they are safe. Still he finds himself distracted by all the noise and swirling of colors that play out before him. He hisses lightly under his breathe at his inability to turn his senses to thier need.

[listen 13 and spot 11]

Monday January 16th, 2006 9:53:16 AM

The druid pokes around, searching for signs of the man in black.

Sir Henri 
Monday January 16th, 2006 1:00:13 PM

The paladin is looking foe odd foot prints with Fern.

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