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Tuesday June 21st, 2005 7:30:47 AM

"Perhaps if we all help with the door, we may get it open quickly."
(OOC: Remember about assisting checks, we can each add +2 to the primary character, if we hit DC 10 on our checks.)

"I can help you Friend Ogre. Just let me know if you would like help." The satyr smiles kindly, uncharacteristically. He seems to be ignoring the lycanthropy issue now.

Fern  d20+5=16 d20+5=13 d20+5=21 d20+4=24 d20+9=11
Tuesday June 21st, 2005 3:06:17 PM

Fern helps out where ever she is told and doesnt mention the lycanthropy issue. However she is still thinking on it.

craft cartogrophy: 16, will there be enough time for them to get back to the temple before changing. it wont help for them to leave if they change before getting there.

craft bowmaking: 13, thinking about how to take her silver pieces and coat some arrows and even daggers

knowledge geography: 21 will there be time for them to get back to the temple

knowledge nature: 24, nat 20 she's been thinking alot on anything she knows about werewolves and other lycanthropes and what to do about them.

survival: 11, what to do if they turn

ooc: i would appreciate info from the dm on the rolls i have made now and in the past for what she knows as he keeps ignoring them. Also please post to your other games.

Sir Henri 
Tuesday June 21st, 2005 8:50:45 PM

The paladin come up to the party, Stand there watching them go through their planes. Finally asks them. "My I ask as to what are you going to do to that door? Blow it up?"

Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 10:26:10 AM

"Yes, blow it up."

Kashmari  d20+8=25
Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 3:52:32 PM

"I will see what I can do," Kashmari tells Gargoloth.

She sets to work on the trap(s). (Disable Device 25)

Sir Henri 
Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 6:52:48 PM

The Paladin watches the planing of how to open the door, But when Kashmarie was going to attemp it, He tell her "Hey! You Go Girl!".
And ment every word of it.

Thursday June 23rd, 2005 10:20:14 AM

He waits.

Sir Henri 
Thursday June 23rd, 2005 12:01:31 PM

The paladin takes a questioning look at Kashmarie?? then ask Heart
"What is she going to do? Burn the darn door down? Well! at least that should take care of the Traps on it!"

Justin Webber (DM) Door and Plans 
Thursday June 23rd, 2005 9:51:59 PM

(OOC:Okay everyone, I want to get abit of info before REALLY moving the game on. Here it is, do you think it is prudent to get Marek and Myekll healed before moving on? I need to know to make betetr plans. I really wasn't expecting this problem to be honest when I through in the werewolves but that was my fault ;) Also I aplogize for the slowness of the game. I been working on a replacement module do to our previous computer being fried which you all heard about.)

(Jay: I swear I will get you MTap info to you asap so if i don't post you can make a post as ADM. Also please let me know how where looking on players for sure. If we are really low or lacking something class wise important then I can put a advertisement up to try and fill the slot.)

(Everyone: Once again I am sorry for the slowness of the game and will be working on correcting that problem ASAP. I plan to get this game back to flowing like one of the Woldian games in the Wold, meaning once everyday posts.)

Kashmari goes to work on the door but it is VERY heavy and going to be hard to move in any rate inless she can animate a very heavy object (not sure what your animate object limit might be. Also just convering this if you try that method.) The trap looks like the last one and connected to the door itself. However the trap looks to also be something worse then possible electric damage. She however isable to disarm the trap safly from the looks but this still leaves the problem of no odvious key hole.

Others make plans on what to do and such.

Fern knows that there is no easy way to use any f her silver jewelry to coat any of her items in silver. She also knows that it is possible for Marek and Mykell to make it back to the priest fort on horse back with a slight strain to the horses though. Fern also knows that if the two turn then it wil be a very nasty sight. There is only a slight chance that they would beable to retain the will to not attack their own friends. The only course of action would be to kill them or some how bind them with strong chains or manicals if they would turn and not beable to retain their minds.

(OOC:I know it's not normal rules but considering we are talking good players for one and the special powers the creator goddess gave all of you I would give you all a will check to atleast keep your minds when your changed, however each time you would change the will check would get tougher and eventually you just wouldn't beable to succeed in it. This goes against the rules but in this case and as DM I figure I have the right to make that ruling.)

Thursday June 23rd, 2005 10:34:09 PM

"I know we want to get things taken care of here, but if Marek and Mykell are to get healed they need to leave soon. They'll have to travel as fast as they can, and I think it would be best for a few of us to accompany them just in case they get delayed for some reason." Fern will now listen to the debates that this will cause butting in everyonce in a while reminding people that unless they want to fight their friends the guys have to be healed before they turn.

Friday June 24th, 2005 10:43:24 AM

Kashmari continues to work on the trap(s). She also does a few mental calculations to see if she can affect the door psionically.

((OOC: Sending e-mail about lycanthropy "issue".))

Friday June 24th, 2005 12:38:55 PM

As soon as the group finally decides what to do with the lycanthrope party members, Hart will likely go with them if they decide to go. He figures the party can do without him for the time being... besides, he's spent too much time in this stone coffin.

He stands back and waits.

Marek Isentomb 
Friday June 24th, 2005 5:34:54 PM

Marek watches on Kashmari's progress but also keeps an ear to all the discussion about him and Mykell. Damn they are right though, i need to change this operation to one of getting Mykell and I back safely and returing at best speed.

Marek starts nodding his head as he thinks it through, "Fern's right, you all are. Mykell and I are setting for the main temple, we will take several horses and move at all speed." Marek looks directly at Hart, "You're the best I can think of to act as guide so we don't get lost on the way back. Thanks"

The man looks about and then hands Fern 10 alchemical silver arrows. He also hands Tyal 4 oils. "A couple Silver sheens and Bless Weapons in case there are more."

Marek then moves out smartly for the stairs to the lower level and will head staright away out for the outside camp and some horses.

Saturday June 25th, 2005 4:12:09 AM

Fern hands the arrows off to Kashmarie and says "You dont think I'm letting two go off with just one other person do you? If you're delayed and change then there should be at least one person to stop each of you." With that Fern heads on out with the guys.

Justin webber (DM) Decisions 
Saturday June 25th, 2005 10:09:36 PM

The group goes over what to do with Mykell and Marek and it looks like the two will be leaving for the temple where the priests live.

As those two along with Hart and Fern begin to move away though Drifter steps out who has remained silent till now and speaks up quickly, "I'm pretty sure the master of those dogs would not of had them around without some type of backup plan to keep them from spreading their disease. If I'm wrong then you all can head out soon enough but behind this door is the leader of this place...I can feel it in my bones. To take him you will need to be at full stregnth, speacilly if who I think is behind this door."

Drifter looks at the door and then moves u0 close, running a hand barely over the door and nodding before stepping back and begins pulling his black jacket off to expose his bare arms and chest. Drifter is very lean but his arms still show the unique metallic look under the skin. As he fixes the door with a steady gaze he pulls a finally crafted rapier from his backpack now. The blade is thin but made of a highly strange material, "When my people funded their city it was on a site where great metallic stones came raining from the sky. We found this metal to be stronger, lighter then any metal in your world or still known to any race."

Drifter closes his eyes and slowly lets his crutch drop and he balances himself on one foot carefully before opening his eyes which have now taken on a metallic look also and darts quickly at the stone door, his blade moves in quick almost lightning like jabs and before long he moves back off to the side and sheathes the rapier before grabbing the leg he has been favoring as injured all this time, "The stone is very weakened now, I would advise the big ogre friend there to give it one really good back to take it down fully." Drifter looks up while rubbing his leg and smiles abit, "Do not delay either, he who is behind this door will know your here now and won't wait long before checking."

Monday June 27th, 2005 2:37:34 PM

"Are you saying there is a cure in this fort?" He asks Drifter.

Sir Henri (Sub Jay B) 
Monday June 27th, 2005 4:47:16 PM

The paladin simply waits, weapon drawn.

Mykell Zweihand 
Monday June 27th, 2005 11:25:30 PM

(Wow, was going to make a DM post shortly after my player post but not many players posts made yet. Hmmm, everything is alright I hope.)

Mykell looks to the door which Drifter has just weakened badly evidently and shrugs guessing one more fight won't hurt and if the leader is behind that door then atleast he would be out of the way.

(BTW: The player of Namfoodle contacted me a few days ago and I believe is returning from the game. He had a very good excuse for not posting which I will leave for him to say if he wishes when he gets back in. He is free to post ASAP.)

Tuesday June 28th, 2005 2:43:36 AM

Fern frowns "I'm not so sure of that. We're just assuming that whoever is in charge here would keep an antidote to lycanthropy. But what if he's lycanthrope himself or just plain doesnt mind lycanthropes because he has abilities to control them? I think we should go back to the temple. If we stay and there is no cure we will not be able to reach the temple in time. But we know if we leave that we will find a cure."

ooc: sorry justin, I know for myself i was figuring out how to work on the idea drifter gave in character not out. fern would never trust that there maybe an antidote.

Tuesday June 28th, 2005 4:53:32 AM

"I agree with the little one." Looking at Fern. "We must leave."

(OOC: Justin, I realize we are having a rough time with posting on a regular basis. I understand life can be a pain in the rear, but if we invite back old players without getting rid of several non-posters... I will have to back out of the Mithril game for good until things get straight. This also includes my ADM position too. I don't want to leave, but I will. The game is cluttered and confused with this many people. Email me if you like.)

Sir Henri (sub Jay B) 
Tuesday June 28th, 2005 4:55:19 AM

"Seems we're at an empass." States the paladin.

Tuesday June 28th, 2005 8:07:26 AM

"Fine. Let's get rid of the current occupants quickly..." Kashmari isn't too happy about risking full-blown lycanthropy in two of her team-mates.

Namfoodle the expert in timing 
Tuesday June 28th, 2005 9:26:21 AM

(OOC: Sorry to have been gone so long everyone, I was in a major car accident and...well make a long story short I'm okay now. Ready to move on and get back to my life.)

Rushing up the stairs, the little gnome bursts on the scene looking a little more than razzled.

He is relieved to see his friends, and in uncharacteristic fashion,"Thank the Gods I found you all." He takes a look around the room taking it all in,he takes a deep breath, "Last thing I remember was taking a couple prisoners and then it was as if I was somwhere else, like I was floating in an endless sea of space....", his eyes begin to drift and then he suddenly shakes his head much like a wet dog sheds water from itself.

"I will tell you the story later, needless to say when I came too I was alone," with a wry smile,"I am most glad that you left me a very clear trail of bodies to follow. It did make it a little less difficult to find you all."

As he looks closer he see two comrades wounded,"What has happened? Is everything alright?!?!?!" His deep voice riseing a few octaves.

Marek Isentomb  d20+4=21
Tuesday June 28th, 2005 2:40:33 PM

The human purses his lips in thought and then casts a glance at Fern. "I appreciate your concern for our safety, but if we go now I think it best if only Hart goes with us. one more person will matter little if Hart is faced with Mykell and myself."

Marek then looks to the orge and then to the door. "One more minute will not make a difference. Gargoloth if you'd care to follow me."

Marek then takes a quick rush at the door with the ogre. [Aid another breaking the door Str check 21]

Tuesday June 28th, 2005 11:15:33 PM

Tyal looks to the rest and shakes his head. "It would be wiser to make a full retreat than try to assault this place with half power." He looks around to see if there is anymore healing that needs to be done.

As he looks to Marek and Mykell he nods to each. "I will have to return with you when and if you go...my duty would not allow me to do otherwise." He will move towards the door to put himself in a helping position when they go through as it appears they will move on.

Yes, more religious posts or you may have me kicked out Jay. I have been very remiss in my duties here and it is unfair to all those that want to play.

Wednesday June 29th, 2005 3:57:09 AM

The satyr waits with the others who wan to leave. The druid is not accustomed to many ways of the humans, however, he knows when to retreat and regroup.
"Thees weell be best for us all when the fighters types get healed."

OOC: Thank you Jim, I didn't really want to be a jerk, but I, for one, am enjoying the game. There aren't many games that allow monster races.
I certainly hope Justin can find his module!

Sir Henri 
Wednesday June 29th, 2005 8:48:17 AM

The paladin arrive and watches Tyal sparks between himself and the Little Satyr. "Ahh! I see that our little Satyr Friend is having a little humer at the expence of Tyal Are WE??" Henri goes and bends to the Satyr ear and whispers "My friend Satyr, please do not push Friend Tyal any further, he is doing his best. But If you should push him further I Will Tell Him That Your Name is Heart, just for the fun of it.
I have honered you request this far, And I will keep my word longer. So long as you keep your pranks to your self."

Henri stratens to his full hight and ask "Deal?" He waits for an answer.

Justin Webber (DM) Door or Leaving 
Wednesday June 29th, 2005 3:25:36 PM

(OOC:Sorry, lost track of time yesterday with trying to do emails that take a few hours to load and send.)

Namfoodle returns to the group and sees what is going on.

Marek and Gargoloth look to be ready to possibly take the door and atleast take out the main person of the place before leaving.

Drifter looks to Fern and the others and simply shrugs, "I have no idea if the leader has a cure or not however it is worth a shot and also I think it would be best to not leave this place at full strength before you have to retreat. Face it a few guards is no big deal if nothing major has been done and I'm sure your friends will have enough time after this battle to go get healed if need be."

Drifter looks to Hart and smiles, "I understand your concern for your friends also and just ask you stay for a few moments longer to atleast handle this room." Drifter while having one hand on his leg moves a ancient coin from his home from a pocket and begins slowly rolling it across his knuckles. His forehead wrinkles in thought and something else. (Kashmari can make a psionic craft check or such to notice Drifter is being psionicly spoken too.)

(Eunice or Dom: With my email troubles I'm having I really need to speak to one of you. I'm trying to correct posting problems and need to speak about Aelanthir. If Dom is okay with it I can leave a DM only note here which he should beable to read.)

(To Justin) 
Wednesday June 29th, 2005 3:33:26 PM

(Don't leave a DM note here on the board. We will get hold of you some other way.)

Kashmari  d20+16=24 d20+13=15
Wednesday June 29th, 2005 3:38:27 PM

Kashmari "studies" Drifter and gets a sense that he is indeed either using or being influenced by psionics.
(Knowl. Psionics 24, Psicraft 15)

Wednesday June 29th, 2005 11:33:27 PM

Tyal nods in understanding to Heart and then turns to hear the words of Drifter. "One last room it is then." He seems more than ready for it and then speaks out again. "Anyone in need of healing before we take this last room?"

Halftime with Namfoodle 
Thursday June 30th, 2005 12:24:34 AM

Surverying the room it is easy to see that the morale of the group is in need of his special abilities.

"Friends, Namfoodle the Magnificent and Amazing is will not stand idly by as you are robbed of the joy that is life. This is unacceptable and Namfoodle will not allow it. When we unndertook this great and PERILOUS quest an unspoken contract was made. We are risking our ilves and probably our very souls to save all that we hold dear to our hearts." Emphasizing the word perilous. As he speaks he looks around the room at everyone.

"We have the element of surprise on our sides, to waste it could ruin our one and only chance to accomplish our tasks here." Walking to Sir Henri,"Good night isn't it your'e duty to defend the waek and innocent to the death?"

Walking towards Hart and speaking to the satyr in elven,"And my brother in song and love of life, will you stand idly by as all that is this world is befouled and tainted with the purest and darkest of evils?"

Walking to Kashmari,"My beautiful rose will you not join me as I spit into the very teeth of that which threatens to destroy all possibility of happiness and tranquility?"

"Namfoodle understands that you have all gathered for different reasons and fight for your'e own agendas, Namfoodle fights so that happiness, joy and the hope will will live eternally." At the last he flourishes his cape and draws his short sword and holds it towards the sky and asks, "Who stands with me?!"

Hart, Spirit and Loran 
Thursday June 30th, 2005 5:26:16 PM

Hart listens to the gnomes pleading, and is confused by it. In elven.

"Songsayer, you have not been with us lately. I have been the one stating that our friends must leave and recieve the cure, but many others have wanted to stay and continue their materialistic pursuits. The little one *referring to Fern* and I were the only ones offering to leave with the infected warriors. Several others said to keep them around and kill them if they turn. Is that not a dark act?
I will stand with you friend, but you must first understand the issues."
The satyr smiles.

Mykell Zweihand 
Thursday June 30th, 2005 8:51:26 PM

Mykell looks to Hart and the others and smiles, "Come on, we will leave after this last room then. I refuse to leave till we make this trip worth while and killing the leader will atleast do that before we go."

Kashmari ( mostly to Namfoodle) 
Thursday June 30th, 2005 9:39:18 PM

"Namfoodle our satyr collegue has not even told you the half of it," Kashmari seemingly overlooks Hart as she answers Namfoodle.

The psion looks at the door that drifter was just working on.
"We don't really have any element of surprise either with the noise that was just made; and neither Mykell nor Marek seem keen to leave to get a cure no matter what we have said."

Sir Henri 
Friday July 1st, 2005 6:00:33 AM

The Paladin watches his little friend Heart"s answer to the people involve. Unknown to those who do speak Elven, is that Sie Henri DOES understand every word that was said.
Henri smiles to himself, then bends again to whisper into his ear, this time in elvish. "I admire you with every step we take together, I'll alway be at your side."

Friday July 1st, 2005 7:22:03 AM

Turning and glaring at all that seem to understand him, the satyr continues his private conversation in sylvan with the gnome. Then repeat it in druidic.

"If we stay here in this stone coffin, our friends will die. We do NOT know what is beyond this door. It may end up taking longer than THEY have. I personally do not wish to risk that. Our friends don't seem to understand that this place can wait."

Friday July 1st, 2005 3:54:47 PM

Fern cant understand what Hart is saying some of the time but tells the others. "It's up to you guys. You're the ones who are infected. If there is no cure here it will probably be to late to get you back to the temple in time." Then speaking to Hart she replies in Elven "Why do you always call me little?" She's apparently getting upset at this.

ooc: why did hart call fern little? fern is a human not a halfling

Friday July 1st, 2005 5:07:08 PM

(OOC Well Loretta I think it's because, we have all played with you before and we have grown accustomed to you playing a halfling.)

Namfoodle listens to Hart's words, and he nods gravely. Looking down for a moment he looks up at his friend,and replies to the satyr in elvish,"Look at the warriors true, facing a fate worse than death square in the eyes and defiant still, more than defiant, ready to vanquish one last obstacle. Time is short and we must act. This is how we will handle it. we are a group and the majority shall prevail." Swithing back to common,"We are many and we must find common ground, we cannot waste anymore time on this one word from all of you stay or go? Majority rules."

(OOC sorry for it being slapped together so badly, but I have to head to work for the first time in a long time tonight.,and I am running a tad late.)

Marek Isentomb 
Friday July 1st, 2005 5:52:28 PM

Marek waits for the ogre to rush the door so he can help break it down.

Looking towards the debate team, "Let me put it this way, I'm going through the door here and taking this curse out of the hide of who ever might be on the other side."

Hart (OOC) 
Friday July 1st, 2005 9:33:06 PM

OOC: I know that Fern is human, but I have reread the descriptions everyone gave of their PC's back at the beginning, and you were quite vague in your description.

And being a quiet character, Hart hardly notices her and therefore considers her "Little One".

Namfoodle is Songsayer or Wordweaver. Mykell and Marek are warriors. And so on...

Besides, remember his superstitions about a persons true name?! He refuses to use the PC's given name because he doesn't want to give any reason for evil or darkness to have power over them. That is why he gets upset about people calling him by his name in public.

Native Americans in the 18th and 19th centuaries refused to have their portraits painted or their pictures taken because they believed their souls would be taken from them. This is the same reasoning Hart refuses to use real names. :)

I don't want to upset anyone, so I hope this explaination helps.

To Fern specifically, I'm not belittling you or your PC on purpose. I will, if you like, refrain from calling her little one for now on. I will strive to come up with a better nickname for her.

Friends, please remind me what your PC's are... race, class or biggest features. ;)

Justin, it might be helpful to start sending me PC sheets and the module.

Sir Henri OOC to Satyr 
Saturday July 2nd, 2005 6:40:34 AM

OOC: The paladin know the satyr Very well by now, even thow he insults the paladin, Henri take that as just so much talk. The satyr action in the face of danger, tell the paladin much.

The paladin came in when there seemed to be a argument, and the Satyr was just about to get the worse of it. SO my big paladin lugg step in to defuse the thing.

I just think that Heart was in character, That's all, and it gave me as a player, a chance to catch up on the story. (I had just come Back from Texas!)

Saturday July 2nd, 2005 5:43:31 PM

Tyal has taken no offense to anything that has been said to him of late. He understands the reasoning behind going into this next room, even if it may not be wise. He will of course hold with the wishes of those infected...it is more thier risk than ours at this point. "We are less at rish than they are...we will have time as they change to make an adequate defense of offense."

[Tyal - assamir, male, part ranger and part cleric, he is around 5'8" and weighing in at 188, follows Inana a battle goddess]

Justin Webber (DM) Room? 
Saturday July 2nd, 2005 11:56:05 PM

(OOC:I'm moving you on to the throne room. Ryan please try posting more often buddy. We need you in the game or to know whats up.)

After alittle goading Gargoloth will/can finally knock the door down the rest of the way. The room behind the door is very large and large benches are off to each side leaving a space off to each side of the room and straight down the middle.

At each side of the room is a group of 4 very large men with the greatswords that are hanging on their back. However they not only have greatswords but their fingers end with large demon like claws.

At the head of the room sitting on a throne is a even larger man who chuckles and holds up a hand that is just about half the size of a giants, "Well, I see we have guests...I thought someone else was knocking at my door since the technique used to weaken it seemed so familiar."

The man slowlys stands to his full height of about 7'8" and he is literally a wall of muscle. The man grabs the front of his nice looking tan shirt and gives a jerk which rips it off to show the dark skin underneath. Corded muscles flex much more powerful then you could imagine and now with the hood that was attached to the shirt gone you see small horns on his head and deep red eyes stare unblinking at you. Fangs can be seen in his mouth also. The most noticeable thing is the mans skin is kind of scale looking and he looks to have had a major magical demon grafting of some sort on a major scale compared to the other large men you have seen.

He points a powerful hand at you and reaches behind the throne to pull up a overly large sword with one hand which he slams to the floor, the blade piercing the stone, "Since you are brave enough to enter my home I shall introduce you to your executioner....I am Darkbeast. lord of this place and lord of the rogues you seen here....the only man who has injured me ever was Drifter who now has a bad leg by my blade and is no match for me....now, lets play for blood folks."

The 8 large men standing in groups of 4 off to each side of the throne now pull their swords and ready for a attack, under their dark cloaks can be seen the flash of steel. Clearly these ones higher ranking or maybe better demon grafted then the others you faced.

(OOC:A quick note people, remember Drifter is out in the hall yet, he seemed to of hurt his leg more by weaking the rock door enough for you to enter.)

Hart(AC 22, 74/84hps DR5/cold iron), Spirit and Loran 
Monday July 4th, 2005 7:07:57 AM

Still wounded from earlier.

Active spells:
Goodberry: 4/7 (lasts 5 days, rod used)
Wood Wose: (10 hours from mid-morning, rod used)

Prepared Spells~
Orisons: Guidance x2, Light x2, Cure Minor Wounds
First Level: Charm Animal, Longstrider, Obscuring Mist, Regenerate Light Wounds
Second Level: Earthfast, Master Air, Summon Swarm
Third Level: Harrier
Rod: 3 charge(s) used today
Pearl 1: Unused

The satyr wastes little time. He steps a short distance out of sight and casts an augmented summon natur's ally spell. (full round action, spontaneous casting, using earthfast)[next round]

He then prepares for another spell.

Spirit hides.

Loran flies to some other area, away from combat.

Fern HP: 33/37 AC: 21  d20+10=24 d8+3=11 d20+10=22 d8+3=11 d20+5=20 d8+3=8
Monday July 4th, 2005 11:17:29 AM

This is going to be hard Fern thinks as she starts to shoot off some arrows at Darkbeast.

attack 1: 24, +1 if within 30'
damage: 11, +1 if within 30'
attack 2: 22, +1 if within 30'
damage: 11, +1 if within 30'
attack 3: 20, +1 if within 30'
damage: 8, +1 if within 30'

feats used
rapid shot, point blank shot, quick draw, precise shot

Kashmari (Inertial Barrier, damage reduction 5/-, 70mins.)  d20+28=33
Tuesday July 5th, 2005 6:10:04 PM

Kashmari manifests Inertial Barrier (Concentration 33, no display).

Kashmari will not fully enter the room, just enough to get a glimpse of what is in there. She will back away; well out of sight, before manifesting the inertial barrier.

((Inertial Barrier: You create a skin-tight psychokinetic barrier around yourself that resists blows, cuts, stabs, and slashes, as well as providing some protection against falling. You gain damage reduction 5/-. Inertial barrier also absorbs half the damage you take from any fall.))

Marek Isentomb [AC 32 HP 68]  d20+8=11 d20+8=9 d20+8=28 d20+8=10 d20+8=18 d20+8=19 d20+8=22 d20+8=22 d20+8=13 2d6(2+1)+10=13 2d6(4+4)+10=18 2d6(3+5)+10=18 2d6(5+1)+10=16 2d6(2+3)+10=15 2d6(1+6)+10=17 2d6(5+3)+10=18 2d6(1+2)+10=13
Tuesday July 5th, 2005 7:48:16 PM

The old warrior in him surfaces and Marek knows this shall be a real test. The cunning veteran slips quickly forward inviting attack and rips the massive chain in his hand into a spinning machine of pain.

Whirlwind Attack Fight Def Hit AC 11/9/28 Crit10/18/19/22/22/13 Dmg 13/18/18/16/15/17/18/13

Marek notes grimly some score, but most do not.

Tyal  d8+4=9
Tuesday July 5th, 2005 8:57:06 PM

Tyal moves just far enough forward to touch Hart lightly on the arm. He sends healing into the satyr as he gauges the occupants of the room. A string of curses slips from his mouth as he looks to the group they are about to face.

He has no intention of fleeing in fact he looks to be about ready to lay down his own life. You still only know part of his history but these demon spawn are a part of it and his eyes blaze with hatred.

[CLW - 9 healing]

Tuesday July 5th, 2005 9:25:15 PM

Fern also takes a moment to think about making her body as hard as diamonds. (fern activates special ability diamond body)

Hart(AC 22, 83/84hps DR5/cold iron), Spirit and Loran
  d20+8=23 d4+6=10
Tuesday July 5th, 2005 9:50:36 PM

Active spells:
Goodberry: 4/7 (lasts 5 days, rod used)
Wood Wose: (10 hours from mid-morning, rod used)
Summon Nature's Ally II: (augmented black bear)[AC 13, 25hps]

Prepared Spells~
Orisons: Guidance x2, Light x2, Cure Minor Wounds
First Level: Charm Animal, Longstrider, Obscuring Mist, Regenerate Light Wounds
Second Level: Master Air, Summon Swarm
Third Level: Harrier
Rod: 3 charge(s) used today
Pearl 1: Unused

Hart give Tyal a nod and watches as his black bear shifts into existance.
He casts another summon spell, still using the wall as cover.

The black bear rushes into combat, against whichever opponent is closest. (hits AC 23 for 10 damage)

Myekll Zweihand 
Tuesday July 5th, 2005 10:48:18 PM

Mykell glances towards Darkbeast and feels a small shiver run down his spine as he wonders if they can take the man err creature for sure. Deciding not to test his luck on Darkbeast, Mykell moves in on one of the other large men in the room, reading his katana and sheath as he goes.

Justin Webber (DM) Fight Cont  d20+21=28 d20+14=15 d20+8=14 d20+14=31 d20+8=20 2d6(4+6)+10=20 d20+14=33 d20+8=12 2d6(2+1)+10=13
Tuesday July 5th, 2005 11:28:33 PM

Everyone bursts into action as they see who and what is in the room.

Kashmari steps uses one of her psionic abilities to help her in this combat coming.

Hart moves out and summons a black bear to aid in the fight.

Fern fires off arrows at Darkbeast, the first one slamming home nicely but it just shivers in his chest and seems to caused little more then to build his anger. The other two arrows miss.

Tyal steps over and heals Hart.

Mykell pulls his weapons and moves into the room, heading towards the big guys with Darkbeast.

The black bear rushes towards one of the large men in the room and makes a nice slash with it's claws, wounding the man slightly though.

Marek moves in and instantly begins getting his chain into the game. His whirl wind attack scores some nice hits on almost everyone in the room.

Seeming ready for it though Marek is faced with a small problem when Darkbeast snaps his hand out and grasps the end of the chain as it whipes at him. The solid man holding firmly and the muscles of the man's arm bulging like hardened steel. Darkbeast's red eyes narrow on Marek and his sword arm raises up and his pointer finger wiggles back and forth in a "tisk tisk tisk" gesture and then he speaks, "hmph, your certainly not in my league son and neither is the little dart spitter girl there....COME ON, GIVE ME A SHOT NOT A PLAYING WITH....Where playing for blood here."

Two of the large men move in on Mykell, slashing at him with their greatswords. (Can hit AC:28/15 Dam:miss/miss AC:31/20 Damage:20/miss)

One of the large men move in on Marek while his chain is being detained and swings a pair of overhead slashes at the man. (Can hit AC:33/12 Damage:13/miss)

Two large men rush in on fern also. They look like there moving in though defensively.

The last couple large men begin moving as if to block the door. They also being to far away to acomplish this in a single round so are about two movements away yet.

(OOC:K everyone, please remember to post. Namfoodle, Gargoloth, etc.)

Fern HP: 33/37 AC: 26  d20+10=26 d8+3=10 d20+10=30 d20+10=26 d8+3=10 d8+3=10 d20+5=23 d8+3=4
Wednesday July 6th, 2005 1:03:13 AM

Darts? what is he talking about? Fern thinks as she shoots off more arrows at darkbeast.

attack 1: 26
damage: 10
attack 2: 20, nat 20
crit: 26
damage: 10
crit damage: 10
attack 3: 23
damage: 4

ooc: justin in this and the last post fern is using her bow this bow is magic +1 with str bonus +2

Sir Henri 
Wednesday July 6th, 2005 6:22:32 AM

The paladin Stands with his friends But is confused?? He has made a mental map in his mind, But Cannot find the thrown room?

"Are you sure that this is the Room?" Henry ask.

Marek Isentomb [AC 36/32/33 HP 53/68]  d20+11=27 d8+6=11
Wednesday July 6th, 2005 8:14:02 AM

The sword rips through his armor and draws a dark line, quickly wetting his arm and shoulder with blood. A quick tug confirms that Darkbeast is much the stronger and Marek lets go of his weapon. He returns a steady gaze at the large man but does not respond. Eyes still locked on Darkbeast, Marek ducks under his opponent and spins left and through his flank to assist Mykell. A Warhammer leaves his belt while he moves and from his better flanking position on one of Mykells advasaries, Marek strikes.

Shouting back through the opponents "Tyal! Henri! Take the two on Fern, free her up Now!

Mykell Concenrate on one with me. And anyone else just try and slow down Chatty Cathy hiding in the back there"

[Mobility and Spring Attack draw weapon as part of a move. Hit AC 25 Dmg 11]
To Mareks original opponent his AC 36
To the opponent he just struck AC 33
To all others AC 32

Wednesday July 6th, 2005 9:29:11 AM

OOC: Use Tueday's post.

Mykell Zweihand  d20+12=19 d20+9=27 d20+12=32
Wednesday July 6th, 2005 7:23:48 PM

Mykell growls as one sword cuts through his defenses and he feels his blood drip down him and onto the floor. He quickly pushes back in though now, his katana missing with his first strike but the slash back making a clean, clear cut and his sheath coming in to bash the large man heavy against the side.

Mykell shakes his head and looks to Marek, motioning his head towards Darkbeast, "What the heck, your blows, the arrows and he isn't even slowing abit...is he out of our league really?"

Sir Henri 
Thursday July 7th, 2005 6:16:13 AM

The paladin enters the room, Sizes the scean and will try to advance to where he can strick,

Thursday July 7th, 2005 11:18:22 AM

OOC: Just checking in.

Namfoodle (AC 19 HP 51/51 Mirror Image 5 min)  d4+1=2
Thursday July 7th, 2005 11:58:11 AM

Namfoodle begins to chant ans weav mystical energies about himself and suddenly there are two Namfoodles where there was once one.

After casting his spell he reaches for his lyre and then proceeds to move into the doorway.

Tyal  2d8(3+7)+4=14
Thursday July 7th, 2005 3:32:40 PM

Tyal starts to move in to help out Fern and then changes direction as he comes up behind Mykell instead. He lays a hand upon his shoulder for an instant and pours healing into the warrior. "That should help you out for at least a few." He looks to Henri and calls out to him. "If you cannot engage in then use your bless...we will need all the help we can...if you still have it."

As he mentally goes over the few spells he has left he knows that he will soon be using his hand as his other spells are fading fast. "Anyone else able to use a wand and heal?" He has pulled a wand out of a special pouch on his pants and waits for an answer.

[CMW - 14 points of healing]

Sorry for being late with this post. Got booted off the computer yesterday and then had to do a virus scan. :)

Thursday July 7th, 2005 11:42:01 PM

OOC: Just checking again.

Justin Webber (DM) Combat Continued  d10+7=8 d6+6=8 d20+14=20 d20+8=10 d20+14=33 d20+8=10 2d6(1+4)+10=15 d20+12=17 d20+6=11 d20+12=22 d20+6=14
Friday July 8th, 2005 12:50:13 AM

(OOC:Sorry everyone and Jay, I had a small operation as they called it done on my toe and it has been hurting, not to mention the pain killers.)

Fern fires off more arrows at Darkbeast but once again they seem to do little good, this time he uses the hand he has the chain in to just slap and break the shafts off. He still seems less then hurt. (Small comment. I know you shot arrows, Darkbeast refered to them as darts as a insult and also because as you might of noticed there causing little actual damage.)

(Not sure which spell your casting for sure, earthfast or the summoning spell to summon more help. If it's summon monster then your creature appears to aid you this round, etc.)

Marek moves away quickly to aid Mykell and slams his warhammer home nicely on one of the large men attacking Mykell.

Mykell swings his katana in twice at the large man Marek attacked and the sheath once and is able to hit the large man once with the katana and once with the sheath.

Henri enters the room and moves almost half way to helping Fern with her large attackers.

Namfoodle casts a spell and another image of himself appears and he gets his instrument ready before moving into the room.

Tyal moves into the room and aids Mykell with some healing.

One of the men attacking Mykell presses his attack, he being the most injured now of the two. (Can hit AC:20/10 Damage:miss/miss)

The other man who was attacking Mykell turns and swings his greatsword at Marek. (Can hit AC:33/10 Damage:15/miss)

The two large men that were moving in one Fern attack her now, neither using their swords but both grabbing at her with their clawed hands. (Grapple:17/11(first large man) Grapple:22/14 (second large man))

The large man who was first after Marek when Darkbeast grabbed Marek's chain, changes course and heads for Henri, growling at Henri as he goes.

One of the large men heading towards the door cuts off and moves to engage Tyal, spitting at him as he does, "prepare to become lunch cleric."

The other large man stops and watches, abit unsure looking on who to attack at the moment as it looks like everyone in the room is covered for the moment.

Darkbeast sighs and shrugs, "So much fighting and nothing of my league in the lot of them...I was so hoping to have a challenge today....I ask to play for blood but these people couldn't play for peanuts."

From the door way a clear voice rings out and a lean looking man with pale white skin and hair comes walking in, this time he does not limp, his strides are graceful and a swagger is in his stride. The swagger is something of a cocky one to. Each of you notice the man to be Drifter but with no injury that he had been claiming, "I dear say Darkbeast that we have a game to finish. You want to play for blood and my friends here seem to have their hands full with your friends...of course you always were a coward who hid behind your allies but yet good enough to be a threat to my people."

Darkbeast's eyes flare red when he sees Drifter, "NO! your injured Lakothian, how?"

Drifter simply shrugs as he pulls his special rapier, "Ahh yess, the contest...you see, I had to fake my injury till the time came...and your people watched me even coming in here so closely that I couldn't let my desquise slip...you are a abomination of the Lakothian technology...a meld of man and demon...I Drifter have been sent to purify you of this evil and the world of you."

Darkbeast now stops talking and you see both of these two men charge each other. They meet each other in a loud clash of rapier and greatsword. Each of them are a blur of movements also and now in the heat of battle the true nature of Darkbeast is coming out. Great horns rip from his head and fangs can be seen clear, great leathery black wings also spread from Darkbeast's back. What might of been man once of Darkbeast is almost completely consumed by the demon meld he has went through.

Drifter's body goes through changes too that can be seen while you fight. His pale skin stays the same as does his hair stays white but his almost white eyes go a silver like in color and he two sprouts wings but his of metallic nature, he moves with speed and grace that could only be descibred as angellic. It at this moment maybe becoming more clear why Lokothian's were thought of as a legend and also of why their technology was suppose to of lead to their destruction.

Sir Henri (AC 21 72?72hp)  d20+12=29 d20+7=27 critical d8+3=9 2d8(6+4)+6=16
Friday July 8th, 2005 6:54:46 AM

Henri sees that the devil himself will be buzy for a while, But the rest of his party Will meed an extra charge of Bless. The paladin raises his empty hand, Mumbles "Bless these good children fo the battle ahead.

Henri now will attack one of the two brutes that is going after Fern, "How nice of you two to go after the smallest of the humans, Now tast my Blade!"

Attack Ac20 & Ac27 crit. - Damages 9+16=25 hp, of damages (I hope)

Namfoodle (AC 19 HP 51/51 Mirror Image 5 min)  d20+13=33 d20+13=14
Friday July 8th, 2005 9:02:37 AM

Concerned for Fern's safty, the gnome begins to play his lyre, using his mastery of music to boost everyone's morale.(Perform:Strings 33)

(OOC you all know the perks +1 tp hit and damage and +1 to will saves vs fear andmorale)

Namfoodle carefully surveys the room for unexpected signs of danger.(Spot 14)

Hart(AC 22, 81/82(81 before regen)hps DR5/cold iron), Spirit and Loran(AC 19, hps 25)  d3=2 d20+8=26 d20+8=11 d20+3=13 d4+6=7 d4+6=10 d6+4=5 d20+8=21 d4+6=9 d20+8=24 d4+6=9 d20+5=20 d4=2
Friday July 8th, 2005 12:25:34 PM

OOC: I was summoning. Druids can spontaneously cast using another spell slot... in this case, I used the earthfast slot. :)

Active spells:
Goodberry: 4/7 (lasts 5 days, rod used)
Wood Wose: (10 hours from mid-morning, rod used)
Summon Nature's Ally II: (augmented black bear, #1)[AC 13, 25hps](4/5 rounds)
Summon Nature's Ally III: (2 more augmented black bears, #2 and #3)[AC 13, 25hps](5/5 rounds)
Regenerate Light Wounds: [regens 1 hp per round while active](15/15 rounds)
Prepared Spells~
Orisons: Guidance x2, Light x2, Cure Minor Wounds
First Level: Charm Animal, Longstrider, Obscuring Mist
Second Level: Master Air, Summon Swarm
Third Level: NONE
Rod: 3 charge(s) used today
Pearl 1: Unused

Hart finishes his second summon spell (the one cast on Tuesday was third level, using the Harrier slot), as two more bears (rolled a 2) appear in the room and run off toward the beast.

Bear #1 takes a full attack on the foe. (AC 26claw, 11claw, and 13bite, for 7, 10 and 5 damage)

Bear #2 attacks the beast. (AC 21, for 9 damage)

Bear #3 also attacks the beast. (AC 24, for 9 damage)

Both bears are flanking the beast now.

Spirit pokes his head out of the hood to look around. Seeing winged creatures infront of them, he ducks away in the hood once more.

Loran comes shrieking into the room, full speed at the fighters attacking Fern. (flyby attack, hits AC 20 for 2 damage)

Hart casts Regenerate Light Wounds and looks around at the situation, then he ducks behind the wall again.

The fighters attacking Fern upsets the satyr quite a bit. The warriors were engaged already and the cleric looked like he was about to have his hands full. Where was the brother and sister? And now the ogre is gone?
This whole fight didn't have to occure, had they just left when I suggest it. He thinks to himself.

The druid's face becomes quite emotional(angry) and he begins to shake and twitch; this seems to surprise him a bit, he's not sure what is happening.
The others seem distracted or so he hopes. His body begins to shift in shape drastically, causing him some pain.

Fern HP: 33/37 AC: 26  d20+12=14 d8+3=7 d3=3
Friday July 8th, 2005 4:05:44 PM

ok so I wont get grappled (or hurt) i make an opposed grapple check against each guy right? and the bonuses are like this 10,+3 str, +0 size, +7 bab, +1 namfoodle's song, +1 henri's bless, +0 feats? to make 22 and my 22 beats the other guys right? I'm assuming so that's how I'm writing the post.

A big guy grabs for Fern but she easily slips by him and he barely touchs her, however she ends up right beside another guy and it takes a bit of wriggling to get away from him. She then moves back behind the fighters and if possible starts shoots an arrow at the first guy. (im assuming if i get an attack it's not a full attack action)

attack 1: 14, +1 for point blank
damage: 7
ignore last roll mouse slipped

Marek Isentomb [AC 33/32 HP 38/68]  d20+9=28 d8+6=14
Friday July 8th, 2005 5:17:08 PM

To the opponent now concetrating on him, Marek definately pays much more attention. Again the warrior is wounded and more blood slicks down the inside of his armor. This battle, as he thought, would not be a long one. Marek brings the warhammer in a large round house. The blows lands solid [AC 28 dmg 14]

Saturday July 9th, 2005 4:51:19 PM

Justin only

Highlight to display spoiler: {Justin, you are a great DM. You've been my dm in various games since before I joined the wold. In fact you introduced me to the wold. You only have one problem as a dm and that is: YOU NEED TO POST. Every single one of your games except mithral tapestry has died out due to lack of dm posts. Remember a few months back and I was in 4 different games that you were running at the same time? You would start up one game, post for a while and then start the next one. slowly but surely you stopped posting to the first, started another one and kept continuing the trend. I have to let you know if Artifact legends dies out due to lack of dm posts (you havent posted since june 25th) then poppy is going to appear in the mith tap. This is the first game you've let me have a flying halfling, she has 27 dex and I'm not giving her up. PLEASE POST}

Tyal [HP: 68/68 AC: 22] {bless}  d20+12=18 d8+5=7
Sunday July 10th, 2005 12:40:35 AM

Tyal watches the demon man turn to come his direction and avoids the spit. His face twists a little as he pulls his morningstar and turns his shield to meet the demon. "Come let me introduce you to Inana." He brings his morningstar in at the demon with as much force as possible.

[hit: 18 and damage: 9]

Namfoodle (AC 19 HP 51/51 Mirror Image 5 min)  d20+13=32 d20+13=30
Sunday July 10th, 2005 3:00:49 PM

As Namfoodle continues to play he surveys the fight for places he could make immediate impact and maybe turn the fight back into our favor (Perform 32,Spot 30)

Mykell Zweihand  d20+12=32 d20+12=22 d20+8=10 d20+12=28 d10+8=13 d10+8=13 d6+4=10
Monday July 11th, 2005 9:46:28 PM

Mykell smiles abit when the large man resses his attack and easily dodges both attacks before stepping in and swings hard, hitting good with his first katana blow and missing with the second. His sheath moves in also a gets a decent hit in also. (Can hit AC:32*crit:22*/10 Damage:13*13=26/miss Can hit AC:28 Damage:10)

Justin Webber (DM) Combat Continued  d20+14=32 d20+8=10 2d6(5+6)+10=21 d20+14=21 d20+8=11 2d6(4+2)+10=16 d20+14=22 d20+8=28 2d6(5+6)+10=21 2d6(4+6)+10=20 d20+14=26 d20+8=12 2d6(4+4)+10=18 d20+14=23 d20+8=14 2d6(4+1)+10=15
Monday July 11th, 2005 10:22:22 PM

(OOC:Loretta, I will be making a post there later today, be patient and it might be late tonight also.)

(OOC:Eunice&Dom, You guys okay? I haven't heard mucj from either of you lately and even knows my email is slow I haven't seen anything in email. Please drop me a note or something. I hope my email didn't make one or bother of you mad. Jay, might need you to drop a email for me to contact Eunice and Dom and see if everything is okay with them. Thanks.)

(Ryan: Hey bud, whats up? You haven't been posting for Gargoloth for awhile, let me know please.)

Sir Henri moves over to aid Fern and scores a hit with his second hit, his first missing only by alittle. The large man he hit looks abit upset from being hit or maybe it's just because Henri stepped in on the two large men's plans.

Namfoodle plays his lyre in hopes to aid everyones attacks and such and also looks around the room for traps and such but sees none around the room. (Everyone add +1 to attack and damage, etc for Namfoodle's song.)

Hart's bears he summons attack various enemies in the room. The first bear ripping into the man it was attacking with one set of claws but missing with the other and it's bite. The large man looks to be hurt some but angry at the bear.

Bear2 and 3 attack Darkbeast as he is engaged with Drifter but both miss in their attempts.

Hart himself lets his anger at the situation get to him and he begins to change in some way. (Jay, I have to look up your earthfast spell so sorry for not incorperating it at the moment. I will on the next round or you can keep it in your spell list depending on what it does. *have to look it up and find out what it does for sure*)

Fern slips out of both large men's graps and sends a arrow at one that goes to wide, missing.

Marek slams his opponent with his warhammer, making the man falter in his steps abit. The warhammer has made a nice damaging blow to the man but not bad enough to stop him.

Tyal swings at the large man trying to attack him and misses with his blow to. The large man looks kind of happy about this too.

Mykell presses his attack on the large man attacking him and is proud of himself when he sees the large man fall face first to the floor.

The large man that Henri attacked presses a attack back on Henri as he lets his friend continue after Fern. (Can hit AC:32/10 Damage:21/miss)

The large man who Fern attacks moves in on her and swings his greatsword at her now also. (Can hit AC:21/11 Damage:16/miss)

The large man attacks Tyal now as he moves in on him. The man's greatsword humming lightly as it slashes at him. (Can hit AC:21/28 Damage:21/22)

The large man presses his attack on Marek also, his blade slashing quickly at him. (Can hit AC:26/12 Damage:miss/miss)

The large man who was heading to take on Henri and who was now attacked by one of Hart's bears stops in his tracks as the bear seems to be doing a good job at slowing him down. He swings his sword at the bear in hopes of dropping it. (Can hit AC:23/14 Damage:14/15)

The last large man stands by the doorway yet with his greatsword out and ready to fight. He however doesn't move to engage anyone yet since most of everyone is engaged at the moment.

Drifter and Darkbeast still move in blurring movements though in their own little fight. Greatsword and rapier working in quick and rather precise patterns, these only being seen really by the flash of silver or glint of steel in the air as both people move. A few small wounds can be seen on Darkbeast already and Drifter himself has one wound on his side where the greatsword had gotten through his defenses and gave him a cut.

Just as you think the battle between the demon man Darkbeast and Drifter might last for a long time Darkbeast gives out a loud and very demon roar, his arms flex solid as his greatsword moves over his head and slams down with a powerful chop. Drifter moves his free arm up and you hear the steel of Darkbeast's sword clang against something that sounds very much like metal.

In shock anyone looking could see Darkbeast's blade buried neatly into Drifter's arm but not all the way through. No blood flows from the cut and Drifter's arm still is held up also just as strong as before. Words can be heard uttered from Drifter, "I gave a heavy price to become the hunter of you, your master and any more he might of made like you Darkbeast. In my home they call people who do what I have done "The Judges" and now I have judged you." Drifter's rapier does a couple quick flicks and then a straight thrust foreward, taking Darkbeast in the chest and directly through the side of his chest that the heart would normally not be on. Darkbeast lets out a feral yell, it making the place shake alittle before he twitches and goes limp on Drifter's rapier.

Drifter rips his rapier out of Darkbeast's chest and looks around, his metallic wings moveing around him as if as shields, "Well you guys, take care of the rest. This one has taken quite abit out of me." You can not be sure if Drifter is speaking the truth or not on this but he does look atleast alittle tired.

(OOC:Hopefully I'm leaking out enough of the Lakothian's to make you interested in them and their advanced city.)

Tyal [HP: 46/68 AC: 22] {bless}  d20+12=13
Monday July 11th, 2005 11:37:18 PM

Tyal is able to avoid the first telling blow of the demon but not the next. The shear force of that attack leaves him a little dazed but he cannot let in now.

He brings his morningstar back in with another viscious strike. He hopes to do damage but also make the demon back off some and maybe out of range...though he has his doubts. Unfortunately he puts too much behind it and overbalances himself, leaving an opening in his defenses that a blind man could spot.

[hit: 13 and damage: miss]

Hart(AC 22, 81/82(81 before regen)hps DR5/cold iron), Spirit and Loran(AC 19, hps 25)  d20+8=28 d20+8=12 d20+8=12 d20+3=17 d4+6=9 d6+4=10 d20+8=28 d20+8=27 d20+8=14 d20+3=19 d6+6=7 d6+6=8 d6+6=9 d6+6=11 d6+4=9 d20+10=30 d20+10=12 d4+6=10
Tuesday July 12th, 2005 12:22:34 AM

OOC: Forget the earthfast Justin, I didn't cast it, I used its slot for the a summoning spell!)

Active spells:
Goodberry: 4/7 (lasts 5 days, rod used)
Wood Wose: (10 hours from mid-morning, rod used)
Summon Nature's Ally II: (augmented black bear, #1)[AC 13, 25hps](3/5 rounds)
Summon Nature's Ally III: (2 more augmented black bears #3)[AC 13, 25hps](4/5 rounds)
Regenerate Light Wounds: [regens 1 hp per round while active](14/15 rounds)

Prepared Spells~
Orisons: Guidance x2, Light x2, Cure Minor Wounds
First Level: Charm Animal, Longstrider, Obscuring Mist
Second Level: Master Air, Summon Swarm
Third Level: NONE
Rod: 3 charge(s) used today
Pearl 1: Unused

The druid shifts into a black bear with a single roar, then charges into the other black bear fray with the Darkbeast. Hart is identical to the other black bears.

Bear #1 dissappears from the attack.

Bear #2 hits AC 28, 12 and 17, for 9, miss, and 10 damage.

Bear #3 hits AC 28(crit 27), 14 and 19, for 15, 9 and 9 damage.

Hart Bear charges the Darkbeast.[AC 13, 71hps](hits AC 30(crit 12) for 9 damage)

Jay B (OOC: Hart) 
Tuesday July 12th, 2005 12:23:38 AM

OOC: Bear #1 should be gone, not #2.

Fern HP: 33/37 AC: 26  d20+11=31 d20+11=12 d8+3=7 d20+6=20 d8+3=6
Tuesday July 12th, 2005 3:05:30 AM

Fern just gives a little smile as the man cant seem to touch her. She then tosses her bow back where it wont get steped on and draws her sword and attacks him.

attack 1: 31, nat 20
crit?: 12, doubt it
damage: 7
attack 2: 20
damage: 6

Tuesday July 12th, 2005 1:27:17 PM

OOC: Checking in.

Marek Isentomb [AC 33/32 HP 38/68]  d20+9=22 d20+4=19 d8+6=9 d8+6=13
Tuesday July 12th, 2005 3:03:25 PM

Marek is able to deflect the first and sidestep the second blow of his opponent. carrying slightly past him, Marek steps left to attempt to put his opponent into a flanked position as he brings the hammer in two quick jabs to throw him off balance. [Hit AC 22/19 Dmg 9/13]

Sir Henri 
Tuesday July 12th, 2005 5:10:13 PM

The paladin slashes away again, "You will leave Fern Alone".

Namfoodle (AC 19 HP 51/51 Mirror Image 5 min)  d20+13=21 d20+13=26
Tuesday July 12th, 2005 5:12:27 PM

Continuing to play and taking a step towards int the room, still looking for unwanted company.(Perform 21 Spot 26)

((OOC to Justin)) 
Tuesday July 12th, 2005 7:50:05 PM

((None of us are angry. I haven't gotten any emails in forever, and you haven't been on AIM, so I have not been able to "talk" with you. I will not go into any details here on the board.))

Kashmari  7d4(4+4+2+1+2+1+3)=17
Tuesday July 12th, 2005 7:59:22 PM

Kashmari will manifest Swarm of Crystals and send it in whichever direction the most enemies seem to be; anything caught within the area of effect will take 17 dmg. Her hand is covered in amber colored crystal and just as suddenly the crystals spray out in an arc striking anything in their path and inflicting many bloody lacerations.
She will not engage in any close quarter combat (melee).

Name: Swarm of Crystals
Discipline: Metacreativity [creation]
Level: Psion 2
Display: Material (You hand is briefly covered in a shimmering, translucent crystalline film (ectoplasmic seepage from the Astral Plane); which becomes part of the crystal shards you spray forth from your hand)
Manifestation time: 1 standard action
Range: 15ft
Description: Thousands of tiny crystal shards spray forth in an arc from your hand. These razorlike crystals slice everything in their path. Anyone caught in the cone takes 3d4 points of slashing damage.
Augment: For every additional power point you spend, this power's damage increases by 1d4 points.
Area: Cone shaped spread
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: None
Power resistance: No
Power Points: 3 + 4

Kashmari - FYI 
Tuesday July 12th, 2005 8:00:44 PM

She still has Inertial Barrier, damage reduction 5/-, 70mins active.

Wednesday July 13th, 2005 10:04:30 AM

OOC: Checking in again. Use Monday's post.

Justin Webber (DM) Combat Continued  d20+12=17 d20+12=27 d20+8=12 d20+14=30 d20+8=23 2d6(3+3)+10=16 2d6(4+5)+10=19 d20+14=29 d20+8=27 d20+12=25 2d6(2+4)+10=16 2d6(3+3)+10=16 3d4(1+2+4)+6=13
Wednesday July 13th, 2005 3:06:42 PM

(OOC:Nice to know Eunice, was wanting to make sure. Tell Dom hi and to take it easy please.)

(OOC:Sorry for not posting till today, we had some dark clouds and storming looking weather yesterday and I didn't want to risk the computer.)

Hart shifts forms and moves into the room to attack. Seeing that Darkbeast has been handled rather well by Drifter (Darkbeast was stabbed and killed by Drifter) Hart moves to help out Tyal instead since the priest looks to be taking some damage. Hart's attacks leave the large man bloody but not dead.

Tyal swings at his enemy and misses again. The large man looks very happy about this too considering the nice wound he gave the priest previously.

Bear1 vanishes and since Darkbeast is dead the other two also move to follow Hart in his bear form and attack the large man that is attacking Tyal. With the combined damage from both bears the large man crumples to the floor dead.

Fern presses her attack on the large man she is fighting. Both her attack hitting and wounding the large man but not killing him.

Henri (Ceil, please remember to roll damage and to hit for me.) attacks the large man attacking him and scores a nice pair of hits, leaving the large man injured but not dead.

Namfoodle continues playing and watching for unwanted compnay but of yet still sees nothing.

Marek hits his enemy with his first attack but the large man is able to side step the second attack. The man looks more banged up now then he was but not dead.

Kashmari scans the situation and then calls the power she wields to her and then casts crystal at the large man attacking Henri. Her crystals do a wonderful job of cutting the large man up and he crumples to the floor now, lifeless.

(Combined DM and player post for Mykell) Mykell steps over to help Marek. Swinging his katana and sheath in at the large man. He misses with his first katana blow and with his sheath but his last strike with his katana succeeds in dropping the large man.

The man attacking Fern continues to press his attack, he looked for a moment abit worried since Darkbeast is dead and only rwo of his companions stand. (Can hit AC:30/23 Damage:16/19)

The large man at the door finally moves into the combat now, he moves over and slashes at Hart in his bear form, growling as he does and also slashing with his clawed hand. (Can hit AC:29/27 (claw to hit AC:25) Damage:16/16 (claw damage:13)

Namfoodle (AC 19 HP 51/51 Mirror Image 5 min)  d20+13=27 d20+13=21
Wednesday July 13th, 2005 4:45:25 PM

Taking another step forward he continues to play, and pay attention(Perform 27 Spot 21)

(OOC How far away is Namfoodle from the newest participant in this fracass?)

Fern HP: 17/37 AC: 26  d20+11=29 d8+3=7 d20+6=13
Wednesday July 13th, 2005 4:51:06 PM

Fern flinches as the large guy hits her, but luckily he only hit her once. "Could someone start healing people please?" Fern calls out as she makes another attack.

attack 1: 29
damage: 7
attack 2: 13, miss

Tyal [HP: 46/68 AC: 22] {bless}  d20+12=17 d8+5=9
Wednesday July 13th, 2005 5:03:45 PM

Tyal gives the bear a wane smile as he salutes him with his morningstar. He turns to see where he maybe needed next to find that Hart is under attack.

"Time to make good a debt." He brings his morningstar in at the demon that has attacked Hart. He silently prays to Inana to let this attack be better than his last one. He winces as can tell that his attack is off the mark.

[hit: 17 and damage: 9]

Sir Henri (Ac23 72/72hp)  d20+12=27 d20+8=23 d8+3=7 d8+3=8
Thursday July 14th, 2005 6:53:26 AM

The paladin sees that his enermy is wavering, will do what is best for all. He attacks again and again.

OOC: Attact Ac27 & Ac23 - Damages 7+8=15hp.

DM Justin - Sorry But my palagin had battle feaver??

Kashmari, Inertial Barrier, damage reduction 5/-, 70mins  7d4(1+4+4+3+3+2+1)=18
Thursday July 14th, 2005 7:03:26 AM

She will make the same action against the bear-man as against the one who attacked Henri. The new enemy (and anyone in the path of the crystals) will take 18 dmg.

Name: Swarm of Crystals
Discipline: Metacreativity [creation]
Level: Psion 2
Display: Material (You hand is briefly covered in a shimmering, translucent crystalline film (ectoplasmic seepage from the Astral Plane); which becomes part of the crystal shards you spray forth from your hand)
Manifestation time: 1 standard action
Range: 15ft
Description: Thousands of tiny crystal shards spray forth in an arc from your hand. These razorlike crystals slice everything in their path. Anyone caught in the cone takes 3d4 points of slashing damage.
Augment: For every additional power point you spend, this power's damage increases by 1d4 points.
Area: Cone shaped spread
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: None
Power resistance: No
Power Points: 3 + 4

Hart(AC 22, 81/82(81 before regen)hps DR5/cold iron), Spirit and Loran(AC 19, hps 25)  d20+9=10 d20+9=15 d20+9=27 d4+4=8 d4+4=6 d6+2=7 d20+10=20 d20+10=15 d20+5=21 d4+4=5 d4+4=6 d4+4=7 d20+10=22 d20+10=22 d20+5=13 d4+4=8 d4+4=5 d6+4=7 d20+5=23 d4=1
Thursday July 14th, 2005 11:49:25 AM

Active spells:
Goodberry: 4/7 (lasts 5 days, rod used)
Wood Wose: (10 hours from mid-morning, rod used)
Summon Nature's Ally III: (2 more augmented black bears #3)[AC 13, 25hps](3/5 rounds)
Regenerate Light Wounds: [regens 1 hp per round while active](13/15 rounds)

Prepared Spells~
Orisons: Guidance x2, Light x2, Cure Minor Wounds
First Level: Charm Animal, Longstrider, Obscuring Mist
Second Level: Master Air, Summon Swarm
Third Level: NONE
Rod: 3 charge(s) used today
Pearl 1: Unused

Bear #2 turns to attack the demon attacking Hart, flanking, hits AC 20, 15 and 21, for 5, 6 and 7 damage.
Bear #3 turns to attack the demon attacking Hart, flanking, hits AC 22, 22, 13, for 8, 5 and 7 damage.

Hart Bear [AC 13, 32/71hps] looks mighty hurt but continues his assault non-the-less. He gathers all his might and turns to maul the demon who slashed him badly. (hitting AC 10, 15 and 27, for 8claw, 6claw and 7bite)

Loran swoops in and takes a passing talon attack at the demon attacking Hart. (hit AC 23, for 1 damage)

Marek Isentomb [AC 33/32 HP 38/68]  d20+11=31 d20+11=23 3d8(5+8+7)+18=38
Thursday July 14th, 2005 12:46:35 PM

Marek turns without a word from thefallen opponent and homes in on Fern and her troubles. Moving swiftly to a flnaking position he strikes a devastating blow the the mans exposed back. [Hit AC 31 crit 23 dmg 38]

dodge bonus to current opponent

Sir Henri (AC 23 72/72hp) 
Friday July 15th, 2005 7:19:41 AM

The paladin stand there waieing to see if his darn enermy will fall.

"Fern! my friend, do you need healing?" Henri ask her.

Friday July 15th, 2005 10:55:54 AM

OOC: Just checking in.

Fern (illegal 2nd post) 
Friday July 15th, 2005 1:16:21 PM

"Yes" Fern answers Henri.

Hp 17/37

Friday July 15th, 2005 8:31:12 PM

OOC: Back from a long absence. Will explain later. Posting soon.

Sir Henri  d4+4=8
Saturday July 16th, 2005 7:00:16 AM

The paladin will take a chance by shifting his sword from the right hand to the left hand. Now with his bare hand touches Fern on the cheek, healing her of 8hp of damages,

OOC; If there's enough time left, He'll shift the sword back to his right hand again.

Namfoodle (AC 19 51/51Mirror Image 5 min) 
Sunday July 17th, 2005 8:37:45 AM

(OOC still waiting on the distance before I post)

Justin Webber (DM) Covering Questions 
Sunday July 17th, 2005 2:34:21 PM

Namfoodle: I believe by your post that your not to far from the door really so you could easily move and attack the large man who just entered the combat.

Monday July 18th, 2005 4:46:03 AM

OOC: Just checking in. Use previous post.

Gargoloth  d20+13=25 2d8(2+5)+17=24
Monday July 18th, 2005 2:06:26 PM

The large Ogre blinks out of his apparent trance and charges headlong into the large man, swinging with all of his might.

"Leave 'em alone!" He bellows.

Attack 28( forgot to add magical weapon bonus)
damage 24

Monday July 18th, 2005 7:18:46 PM

OOC: Just checking in to see if there's any point to post yet. *sigh*

Monday July 18th, 2005 9:33:21 PM

Peeking in to see if all the enemies are dead and I have been proclaimed a Power....

Sir Henri 
Tuesday July 19th, 2005 6:18:28 AM

OOC: check in

Tuesday July 19th, 2005 5:37:21 PM

OOC: Checking in, again.

Tuesday July 19th, 2005 9:49:38 PM

(Waiting for results on the previous round.)

Justin webber (DM) Battle End 
Tuesday July 19th, 2005 9:56:12 PM

(OOC:Really sorry for not posting yesterday everyone. My computer kept disconnecting when I tried logging into chat last night. I will try and make up for the post.)

With the combined attacks of everyone the last two large men fall dead and you find yourselves now in the entrance hall as victors. Drifter looks around and then slowly flexes his metallic looking wings which slowly glimmer and vanish. He smiles faintly now as he bows and is still standing perfectly fine, "It is certainly nice to be walking on both legs again, the whole crutch thing was very much a pain in the butt."

Drifter also now grins and points to Darkbeast's body which lays on the ground, quite dead, "Now gentleman and ladies, I believe if you search Darkbeast's body you will find two things atleast of importance at this very moment."

Drifter now spins his rapier and sheathes it before walking slowly to the door, "An finally I bid thee all farewell, my mission here is done but I will stress that there is a dark secret here that you all may wish to find...it will give you background into this place...secrets about Darkbeast and reveal some about my people even." Drifter glances over his should and pulls out a set of coins and flips each person a single coin. The coin looks ancient and has the stamp of Lakothian, "Beware using it or selling it...some people find my people a risk and some will try ripping you off on how much it's worth."

Now that the battle is over and you can look over the room easier you see tapestires hanging on the wall that look nice and show various hunting and such scenes. The large benches in the room are mainly in good shape but two of them are damaged from being tipped over ot a dead person having fell through it. At the front of the room is the nice throne which Darkbeast was sitting in and behind it and to the right is a single small door whe map.

Tyal [HP: 64/68 AC: 22] {bless}  2d8(6+1)+4=11 2d8(7+7)+4=18 2d8(6+6)+4=16 d8=8
Wednesday July 20th, 2005 1:24:45 AM

Tyal slips the morningstar back upon his belt and pulls out a wand from a pouch on his pants. He taps himself with it and then looks around to the others. "Fern...if you would please." He indicates the wand so that she knows he is going to give her healing.

He then looks to Drifter as he is about to leave. He takes the coin and then calls out to the others in the group, knowing his duty. "Anyone else in need of healing?"

[Tyal 18hps and Fern 34hps]

Wednesday July 20th, 2005 4:13:16 AM

Fern accepts the coin from drifter then moves over to Tyal to get healed. "Thank you Tyal, that feels much better." She'll then go and search the guys she downed and later their boss.

ooc: tyal, fern was down 20 hp so eliminate the last roll and add it back to charges left in the wand. It wouldnt have been used if not needed.

Sir Henri 
Wednesday July 20th, 2005 7:16:39 AM

The Paladin listens carefuly to every word the Stranger is saying. When the stranger flips a coin his way, he tell the Stranger "Thank you I'll keep this coin as long as I live, so I'll always have you with me." Henri will put the anciant coin inside his boot.
Henri look up and the stranger is gone, he whisper "i'm going to miss him!".

Hart(AC 22, 81/82(81 before regen)hps DR5/cold iron), Spirit and Loran(AC 19, hps 25) 
Wednesday July 20th, 2005 8:59:13 AM

Active spells:
Goodberry: 4/7 (lasts 5 days, rod used)
Wood Wose: (10 hours from mid-morning, rod used)

Regenerate Light Wounds: [regens 1 hp per round while active](12/15 rounds)

Prepared Spells~
Orisons: Guidance x2, Light x2, Cure Minor Wounds
First Level: Charm Animal, Longstrider, Obscuring Mist
Second Level: Master Air, Summon Swarm
Third Level: NONE
Rod: 3 charge(s) used today
Pearl 1: Unused

Hart Bear [AC 13, 33/71hps]
If anyone approaches the 'strange bear' with a healing, Hart will refuse by shaking his massive furry head, If he is attacked, he WILL retaliate in kind.
But it is likely no one realizes its Hart, unless they saw him change in the hall or they put together the obvious clues.

Having jumped out of Hart's hood, Spirit wanders over to the remaining black bear and begins laughing.

Loran perches atop the wounded bear's head.

Namfoodle (AC 19 HP 51/51 Mirror Image 5 min)  d20+13=31
Wednesday July 20th, 2005 3:44:33 PM

Namfoodle takes another 5' step into the room as he continues to play.(Perform 31)

Marek Isentomb [AC 33/32 HP 38/68] 
Wednesday July 20th, 2005 4:53:45 PM

As the last opponent falls Marek is already in motion to get his main weapon back in his hands. The war hammer is stowed on the way. Drifter seems to suddenly have an aweful lot to say, pretty annoying to let them twist in the wind like that when it is quite obvious he could have saved a lot of blood and pain. Marek shakes his head a bit, self imposed rules and such of cosmic beings. Bah and be bothered with.

Marek's ears prick up at the mention of useful items on Darkbeast and he immediately goes about searching the body in painful detail. [Take 20 Search 21]

To the coin offer Marek gives his thanks and stores that bit of knowledge about these legendary beings from the past in the deep back corner of his mind.

Justin Webber (DM) Mykell and DM post 
Thursday July 21st, 2005 12:30:20 AM

Mykell cetches the coin when tossed and pockets it when Drifter tosses each person a coin and watches the man go before glancing around the room, "Well, looks like a nice meeting hall here or throne room. I think this would be a great place to sit up our meeting room."

Mykell also thinks over what Drifter said and frowns abit, "I wonder if he meant there is something hidden some place in this keep to give us more answers."
After Drifter leaves and everyone is cured people go about searching the dead bodies and come up with a few things of note.

1.) 12,000gps from all bodies.
2.) 8 greatswords (one takes the shape of a shortsword as Fern touches it.)
3.)Darkbeast's slightly larger then normal greatsword.
3.)a small cube
4.)5 crystal clear gems
5.)6 potions total (three were smaller vials and on Darkbeast. They are marked simply with a wolf's paw print.)

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