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Troll (OOC) 
Tuesday May 24th, 2005 7:16:46 AM

Trolls are giants Loretta.

Sir Henri (Ac22 72/72hp) Human  d20+8=12 d20+8=18
Tuesday May 24th, 2005 7:33:46 AM

Sir Henri sizes up the sceen, trolls are going after the their archer, the paladin tell Fern "Stand a little bit behind me for cover, I have a shield and will try to defleck what ever they throw our way? They are too far to engage in hand to hand combat!".

Henri with his sword in hand, has to wait untill they get at least ten feet from himself to be affective.

Deflect incomming missels wit shield 12/18.

Marek Isentomb [AC 27/28 HP 46/68]  d20+5=20 d20+5=13 d20+5=17 d20+5=20 d20+5=15 d20+5=20 2d6(2+3)+14=19 2d6(2+2)+14=18 2d6(6+1)+14=21 2d6(4+3)+14=21
Tuesday May 24th, 2005 9:51:40 AM

Marek finally lets a chuckle escape from his lips. Trolls at last something you can have fun with.

Marek attacks all 6 closing around them.
[Whirlwind attack 15' reach fight def +3 AC PA 2 Hit AC 20/13/17/20/15/20 Dmg 19/miss/18/21/miss/21]

fern  d20+10=13 d20+10=29 d8+3=6 d20+5=16 d8+3=6
Tuesday May 24th, 2005 1:32:17 PM

fern takes a 5' step to get behind henri and fires again.

attack 1: 13, miss
attack 2: 29
damage: 6
attack 3: 16
damage: 6

Tuesday May 24th, 2005 1:33:22 PM

if target (a grunt) is within 30' add +1 attack and damage for point blank shot

using precise shot so henri wont get hit :)

Trolls (OOC) 
Tuesday May 24th, 2005 11:20:54 PM

Please specify what trolls your attacking.

Leader, grunts #1, #2, #3, #4 or #5.

All grunts have moved in around the party, the leader is at least 40ft away.

Justin Webber (DM) Comments 
Tuesday May 24th, 2005 11:40:44 PM

Jay, thank you for making posts for alittle while and sorry everyone for the down time from the game really. Last week my computer got fried and for now I'm back or sort of as the computer I'm using might as well be a dinosaur that has been in a iceberg for awhile. LOL Anyway, I will post and move on the game tomorrow and will ask that people just bare with me for the moment as I have to either rewrite or wing the rest of this module since my maps, ability charts, module and such we all on my other computer which was fried in a lightning storm we had last week.

Thank you all for being patient and I hope everyone is ready to continue the game come tomorrow.

Once again thank you Jay. :)

Mystery trolls  d20+9=22 d6+6=8 d20+11=22 d6+6=11 d20+11=17 d6+6=10 d20+11=15 d6+6=7 d20+14=15 d20+14=20
Wednesday May 25th, 2005 12:06:13 AM

OOC: Remember folks, these trolls are NOT part of Justin's module. All resources will come back when Justin returns.

The grunts stop 10ft away and attack. (All trolls have 10ft reach, are Giants, and will get AoO against any archers)

Grunts #1 and #2 close enough to strike Fern, they are flanking her.
(#1 hit AC 22 for 8 damage)
(#2 hit AC 22 for 11 damage)

Grunts #3 and #4 close Henri, flanking him.
(#3 hit AC 17 for 10 damage)
(#4 hit AC 15 for 7 damage)

Grunt #5 notices how dangerous Marek is and closes on him, attempting to grapple.
(#5 hit AC 15(20), Marek must beat a an opposed check 20)

Troll leader stands back watching the fight. He seems to be studying the battle techniques of Marek.

The grunts who got hit seem to be healing the damage.
Grunt #2 is unhurt, all including the leader have been hit, however, the leader seems fine now. He seems very stout.

Hart  d20+10=17 2d6(3+2)+5=10
Wednesday May 25th, 2005 12:09:06 AM

Hart seems confused by the troll's arrival.

He attacks #5, flanking with Marek. (AC 19 for 10 damage)

Fern ac 21, 18/37  d20+11=27 d8+3=8 d20+6=11
Wednesday May 25th, 2005 4:08:33 AM

Fern gasps as the trolls hack into her. She drops her bow behind her, draws her sword and attacks grunt 1.

attack: 27
damage: 8
attack: 11, miss

using quick draw and if necessary after they get to go diehard :)

Sir Henri (AC22 72/72hp)  d20+11=18 d20+9=16 d8+2=8 d8+2=9
Wednesday May 25th, 2005 6:33:13 AM

Now Henri finds himself flank by two grunt. He'll swing at Grunt #3 with first attack (hit AC 18 - damages 8hp miss. For second attack the pivets on his feet to strike Grunt #4 (Hit AC16 - damages 9hp But another miss I think)

"Let's hurry Guy! I have to feed my hourse." uttera the Paladin.

Mystery trolls round 2  d20+9=21 d20+9=28 d20+4=23 d6+6=12 d6+6=9 d6+4=9 2d6(5+3)+9=17 d20+9=21 d6+6=10 d20+11=24 d20+11=17 d20+6=11 d20+11=15 d20+11=14 d20+11=15 d20+9=22 d20+9=25 d20+4=11 d6+6=12
Wednesday May 25th, 2005 9:22:51 AM

The grunts stop 10ft away and attack. (All trolls have 10ft reach, are Giants, and will get AoO against any archers)

Grunts #1 strikes Fern, they are flanking her, both are taking a full attack.
(#1 hit AC 23claw, 30claw, 23bite for 12, 9, 9 plus 17rend damage)(total damage 47)

Grunt #2 roars at delight that the human has been torn to ribbons and then turns toward Hart, moves and makes a single attack on the satyr. (AC 21 for 10 damage)

Grunts #3 and #4 attack Henri, flanking him, both are taking a full attack.
(#3 hit AC 21, 17 and 11 for no damage, all miss)
(#4 hit AC 15, 14 and 15 for no damage, all miss)

Grunt #5 loses grip because of Hart and turns on the satyr, taking a full attack. (#5 hit AC 21, 25 and 11 for 12 damage)

The leader begins laughing.

Marek Isentomb [AC 24/25 HP 46/68]  d20+6=23 d20+6=15 d20+6=25 d20+6=24 d20+6=25 d20+6=26 d20+6=9 2d6(3+3)+20=26 2d6(3+1)+20=24 2d6(2+6)+20=28 2d6(2+2)+20=24 2d6(4+4)+20=28 2d6(2+2)+20=24
Wednesday May 25th, 2005 10:39:46 AM

Marek twists away from the troll trying to tie him up and gives a nod to Henri for the flank. Dodging left of Troll 5 Marek cracks the spiked chain into the trolls on the group. trading more power for his own safety.

[whirlwind attack Pa 5 Hit AC 23/15/25/2425/26*no crit Dmg 26/24/28/24/28/24]

Troll blood flies and through the carnage of the giants, Marek looks towards the Leader, "You're next."

fern hp -29 
Wednesday May 25th, 2005 1:01:59 PM

fern falls to the ground in shocked surprise as she is literally torn into pieces.

Justin Webber (DM) Document room combat continued  d20+10=12 d20+8=20 d20+10=12 d20+8=23 d10+6=15 d10+6=16 d20+6=21 d20+6=25 d4+2=4 d4+2=5 d20+12=19 d20+8=14 d20+12=31 d20+8=10 2d8(5+3)+8=16
Thursday May 26th, 2005 12:13:57 AM

d20+10=27 d20+8=17 d10+6=15 d10+6=11 d20+10=22 d20+8=25 d10+6=16 d10+6=13 d20+6=11 d20+6=20 d20+6=15 d20+6=24 d4+2=5 d4+2=6 d4+2=3 d4+2=4 d20+12=22 d20+8=17 d20+8=25 d20+8=18 2d8(2+1)+8=11 2d8(2+1)+8=11 2d8(8+6)+8=22 2d8(1+8)+8=17
(OOC:Since I have no records of hit points on the enemies and how much damage they have taken over the course of the battle so far (sorry, slow computer so looking into the archives would be a major pain) I will be winging this. I hope everyone will bare with me. Jay, depending on who hasn't posted by tomorrow night can you drop some emails to those players and let them know the game is back running.)

Hart moves in to try and flank the enemy and give assistance.

Henri moves in to help Fern and slices a nasty wound on one of the rogues.

Marek takes a claw slash from one of the werewolves (need a fort check DC32) and succeeds in hitting two rogues with his whirlwind attack. (He succeeds in dropping one of the rogues)

Fern lashes out with a quick pair of strikes with her sword and succeeds in hitting one of the rogues with her first attack but the second misses. Fern's sword strike hits one of the rogues that Marek hit and drops him also.

Ragnalfr aims a spell at one of the werewolves to aid Marek and hits a nice blow on one, making the stench of burning hair and flesh fill the room.

Kashmari continues her burning assault on one of the large men.

Aelanthir is still peaking into the room with the dwarf and rogues.

Gargoloth slams the big man he fights with a nasty hit which sends the man back stepping abit but he still stands.

Tyal waits to see if anyone needs healing.

Mykell moves to help Marek also seeing the werewolves as the biggest threat.

Gargoloth's opponent presses his attack on him, swinging his two handed sword in savage slices. (Can hit AC:12/20 Damage:miss/15)

The second large man also moves in on Gargoloth as he fights off the pain of the burning Kashmari is putting him through. The man also makes a pair of strikes at the ogre. (Can hit AC:12/23 Damage:miss/16)

The remaining two rogues continue to throw fists at Fern as they see their buddies go down. (Can hit AC:21/25 Damage:4/5)

One werewolf presses it's attack on Marek. It snarls as it slashes at him in quick but furious slashes of it's claws. (Can hit AC:19/14 Damage:miss/miss)

The second werewolf turns on Mykell and slashes at his with it's claws. (Can hit AC:31/10 Damage:16/miss)

Hart(AC 25, 78/84hps DR5/cold iron), Spirit and Loran  d20+12=32 d20+12=23 2d6(5+4)+5=14 2d6(4+5)+5=14
Thursday May 26th, 2005 2:51:21 AM

Goodberry: 4/7 (lasts 7 days, rod used)
Wood Wose: (10 hours from mid-morning, rod used)
Spider Climb: [403 rnds]
Detect Snares and Pits: (concentration, 60ft cone)[361 rnds]
Barkskin +2: (extended)[911 rnds]
Shillalegh: (staff)[minimum duration]

Prepared Spells~
Orisons: Guidance x2, Light x2, Cure Minor Wounds
First Level: Charm Animal, Longstrider, Obscuring Mist, Regenerate Light Wounds
Second Level: Earthfast, Master Air, Summon Swarm
Third Level: Harrier
Rod: 3 charge(s) used today
Pearl 1: Unused

Hart hits AC 32 (crit 23), for 14 damage (crit 28).

Spirit remains in the hood, hiding.

Loran avoids combat.

Sir Henri (AC 22 72/72 hp)  d20+13=26 d20+8=28 d8+3=10 d8+3=9 d8+3=5
Thursday May 26th, 2005 6:55:13 AM

The paladin closes in between the two Grunts (who just did a masty job on Fern. He swings on Grunt#1 (Hiting him twice Ac 26/Ac 28 critical - Damages 10+9+5(crit.)=24hp of damages)
Henri turn to the other Grunt#2, yelling at him "Come My Enermy! and taste my sword!"

Paladin's Magic

Bless X2

Gargoloth HP 33/83 AC 20  d20+13=30 2d8(2+5)+23=30
Thursday May 26th, 2005 8:55:14 AM

Gargoloth barely notices as the blades cut deeply into his flesh, he is too enraged to feel the pain. He brings his great axe high over his head and, with a scream, brings it down on the wounded man in front of him with all his might.

Power attack: -5 attack +5 damage

Attack= 30
damage= 30

Marek Isentomb [AC 27/28 HP 46/68]  d20+12=27 d20+8=12 d20+8=27 2d6(4+6)+10=20
Thursday May 26th, 2005 4:28:41 PM

[Fort check 27 fail] Marek stays on the balls of his feet and backs slightly under the continuing rush of the werewolves. Ducking one claw, he swats another back, using the chain as a shield. Keeping his defensive posture he attacks each again with quick uppercuts of the spiked weapon.
[whirlwind def fighting Hit AC 12/27 Dmg miss/20]
The chain sails wide of the first, but Marek continues the blow and catches the second Lycanthrope hard in the face on Mykell.

Kashmari (Ubiquitous Vision, 70mins, Matter Agitation up to 7 mins. or until concentration on target ceases)  d6=3 d4=2 d20+28=47 d20+28=38
Thursday May 26th, 2005 7:41:07 PM

Kashmari easily continues to concentrate on hoding the power to burn the same enemy's face (large warrior with a large sword; now a screaming alpha!). She will leave the weres to the others for a tad bit longer.

The enemy swordsman's facial skin is burning steadily and all of his nearby hair is burning; the smell is nauseating to say the least (head and face burns for a further 3 pts of dmg).
Any metal on his person near his head scorches his skin (1d4 heat dmg; 2 dmg) and any lead jewelry et. al. on his person near enough his head will also melt.

(Concentration 47; to continue holding the power. Concentration 38; no display. Fourth round a further 3 points of local third degree burns and brightly burning hair; 2 pts dmg from this!)

Name: Matter Agitation
Discipline: Psychokinesis
Level: Psion 1
Range: Close (55ft)
Description: You heat a creature or object (non-psionic, non-magical objects). You can excite the structure of a non-magical object, heating it to the point of combustion over time. The agitation of the matter grows more intense in the second and third rounds after you manifest the power. If you shift your focus to another object, the first object cools down and the second object begins to heat up.
1st round: Readily flammable materials (paper, dry grass, tinder, torches) ignite. Skin reddens (1 pt of dmg).
2nd round: Wood smolders and smokes, metal becomes hot to the touch, skin blisters (1d4 pts of dmg), hair smolders, paint shrivels, water boils.
3rd round and subsequent rounds: Wood ignites; metal scorches (1d4 pts of dmg for those holding metallic objects). Skin burns and hair ignites (1d6 pts of dmg), lead melts.
(You can continue to agitate a chosen surface area up to the duration of the power if concentration holds.)
Note: on the 4th round and onwards this power continues to deal the same damage as specified in the third round.
Target: 2 sq. ft. of surface area of an object or creature
Duration: Concentration, up to 7 mins.
Saving throw: None
Power resistance: Yes
Power Points: 1
DC: 15

((The swordsman has taken a total of: 1rnd: 1pt, 2rnd: 3pts, 3rnd: 5pts + 4pts, 4rnd: 3pts + 2pts; total: 24pts of fire dmg to the warrior's face, eyes and head.))

Fern  d20+11=15 d8+3=9 d20+6=22 d8+3=6
Thursday May 26th, 2005 8:22:36 PM

Fern quickly strikes again.

attack 1: 15
damage: 9
attack 2: 22
damage: 6

Ragnalfr (Ac 22, Mage Armor, Fly[33/60], Shield[31/60])  d20+7=25 d20+7=13 4d6(2+5+6+3)+7=23 4d6(3+4+6+2)+7=22
Thursday May 26th, 2005 8:45:15 PM

Definitely going to run out of spells. How interesting, the silver haired elf thinks bemusedly.

Ah well.

The elf sends two more scorching rays at the werewolf he attacked earlier.
[Scorching ray. Ranged Touch attack
Ray 1 hits ac25 for 23 hp damage.
Ray 2 hits ac13(touch atk remember) for 22 hp damage.]

Almost reluctantly, Ragnalfr pulls out a rod.

Mykell Zweihand  d20+11=14 d20+6=26 d20+6=21 d6+5=8 d6+5=6 d20+11=16 d20+12=18
Thursday May 26th, 2005 11:44:55 PM

Mykell feels the slash of the werewolf's claws and bites his lip as he tries to fight off the pain. He spins his katana and slashes at the werewolf but frowns as the blade misses badly and almost as badly on the second slash. However his swing with the sheath cracks the werewolf squarely and solidly.

(Can hit AC:14/16 Damage:miss/miss Can hit AC:26 Damage:14)

(Fort check:18)

Justin Webber (DM) Fight Almost Ending  d20+10=20 d20+8=28 d10+8=12 d10+8=9 d20+8=21 d10+8=16
Friday May 27th, 2005 12:07:00 AM

(OOC:Sorry for the real short post here people. We have some dark clouds moving in and some rumbling off in the distance so I want to be dang sure to make this post and get everything taken care of. Not chancing another computer fry :). That reminds me, got some good fried computer here, anyone hungry ;).)

With Henri's help, Fern watches as the last of the rogues hit the floor dead.

Marek sends his chain into another flurry of attacks but once again misses the werewolf attacking him but does succeed in hitting the werewolf attacking Mykell.

Ragnalfr casts another round of spells and sends a scorching ray at the werewolf he burnt last round. This time h hits pay dirt as the werewolf infront of Marek falls to the floor quivering and charred.

Mykell swings his katana and sheath at the werewolf attacking him and succeeds in missing with his katana both times but hits nicely with his sheath and leaves a nice bashing wound on the werewolf which is still standing.

Gargolath in his rage slams his axe down on the large man fighting him. The Large man staggers for a moment and for just a instant looks like he might go down but doesn't yet.

Kashmari continues her burning of the large man that is fighting Gargolath and this time the large man falls to the floor.

Hart gets into the combat and strikes at the large man attacking Gargolath and hits squarely also but this big man looks to have some life left in him yet.

The large man seeing the satyr turns towards him and with a large spit at him comes in swinging his sword. (Can hit AC:20/28(crit AC:21) Damage:12/9(crit damage total if hit:25)

The last werewolf seeing that the odds are turning against him moves swiftly and with canine speed towards the stairs, leaping high as he begins to reach people who are by the stairs.

(OOC:Dom, what you going to have Aelanthir do?)

Hart(AC 25, 74/84hps DR5/cold iron), Spirit and Loran  d20+12=19 2d6(2+5)+5=12
Friday May 27th, 2005 1:41:20 AM

Goodberry: 4/7 (lasts 7 days, rod used)
Wood Wose: (10 hours from mid-morning, rod used)
Spider Climb: [402 rnds]
Detect Snares and Pits: (concentration, 60ft cone)[360 rnds]
Barkskin +2: (extended)[910 rnds]
Shillalegh: (staff)[minimum duration]

Prepared Spells~
Orisons: Guidance x2, Light x2, Cure Minor Wounds
First Level: Charm Animal, Longstrider, Obscuring Mist, Regenerate Light Wounds
Second Level: Earthfast, Master Air, Summon Swarm
Third Level: Harrier
Rod: 3 charge(s) used today
Pearl 1: Unused

Hart strikes again, not having been wounded too badly. (still flanking, AC 19 for 12 damage)

Fern  d20+11=22 d4+4=8 d20+11=26 d4+4=8 d20+6=12 d4+4=8
Friday May 27th, 2005 2:03:56 AM

As her opponents fall and the wolfman coming towards her and the stairs Fern drops her sword and quickly grabs and throws several daggers at the wolf man.

attack 1: 22
damage: 8
attack 2: 26
damage: 8
attack 3: 12
damage: 8

feats using: far shot (increase range to 20'); point blank shot (+1 attack/damage to opponent within 30', bonus already added); quick draw; rapid shot

Gagoloth  d20+18=24 2d8(2+8)+17=27
Friday May 27th, 2005 2:58:57 AM

Gargoloth takes a swing at whomever is left as his rage nears it's end.


Sir Henri (AC 22 72/72hp)  d20+3=23
Friday May 27th, 2005 6:52:23 AM

The paladin smiles as he sees his little friend show every body the stuff sha's made of. But that large man is heading toward Heart. Too late to swing (besides he has to duck that flying Dog!), sp Henri will stick his leg out.(to try to trip him after all the man is looking at Heart, not Henri's feet.)

OOC: Sir Henri attack the man by triping him, Like a bear fist attack, d20+3str=Ac 23, a trip. Now my question is for damages is it a d2 or d3 or a d4 sided die? That will be a times two for a natural 20?

Marek Isentomb [AC 24/25 HP 46/68]  d20+12=14 d20+7=14
Friday May 27th, 2005 11:55:31 AM

Marek nods an appreciation towards Ragnalfr as the werewolf falls and the other rabbits. Hart is the warriors first concern, fleeing opponents come second. Being able to keep a nice 15' distance between himself and his target, Marek shifts to full offensive mode.

Two strikes sail towards the large armored opponent on Hart, both make a find metal CLANG as they bounce off the heavy armor.

Aelanthir (invis) 
Friday May 27th, 2005 2:53:42 PM

Aelanthir looks to see if he can move into the room and over near the dwarf.

once Aelanthir is over near the dwarf, Aelanthir looks to see if any of the rogues are near enough to stop him from trying to free the dwarf. If none are able to Aelanthir will examine what is holding the dwarf and then will attempt to see if he can free him.

Kashmari (Ubiquitous Vision, 70mins)  d20+5=19
Friday May 27th, 2005 6:13:37 PM

Kashmari drops her concentration on the matter agitation power afflicting the now fallen warrior. She tumbles out of the way of the leaping werebeast. (tumble 19)

Monday May 30th, 2005 3:23:28 AM

Hart notices the incoming companions and gets ready to back out of combat to let in the real fighters.

Tyal  d20+12=26 d8+6=10
Tuesday May 31st, 2005 12:29:21 AM

Tyal steps in the way of the oncoming beast that comes after Hart. His shield is there first but the morningstar follows close behind. "Sorry for being so late." He is not sure if his ploy will do much good and he might just get bulled over but it will buy soe time.

[hit: 26 and damage: 10]

{Having to put together a new character sheet as mine was lost with the other computer. :(}

Justin Webber (DM) Battle Ending 
Tuesday May 31st, 2005 1:18:38 AM

With the combined efforts of the group the last large man is quickly over powered and is soon laying on the ground with blood pouring from various wounds.

The werewolf who took off running however has made it down the stiars and is either still running or down there waiting.

Aelanthir notices that the door is shut tight but not locked, the bars that make a window in the door allow him to see into the room. From where Aelanthir is he can tell the dwarf is chained at the ankles to short chains that are riveted to the floor.

Tuesday May 31st, 2005 6:10:38 AM

Hart waits to see if the others follow the beast down the stairs.

Sir Henri  d20+14=32
Tuesday May 31st, 2005 7:38:33 AM

"Where did the wolf go?" The paladin will make an effort to follow the wolf, but too many people in his way. So his attention will turn to Fern, "Are you alright? I hate it when some badies gang uo on one or two fighters!."

The paladin will serch the room if he can get through.

ooc; Spot 32

Gargoloth HP 21/71 AC 22 
Tuesday May 31st, 2005 9:57:39 AM

Gargoloth's breathing returns to normal slowly and he pants a bit, blood running heavily from his many deep wounds. He spits on the large man in front of him and braces himself against his great axe for balance.

Marek Isentomb [AC 24/25 HP 46/68]  d20+1=17
Tuesday May 31st, 2005 2:20:09 PM

Marek holds up Sir Henri, "There's no need to go after that one. He has speed and intimacy of terrain. He'll be back and we can deal with him then."

Marek visually finds Tyal, "Looks like the chief could use a prayer or two if you please. And see if anyone else is limping about."

Marek tries to shift his armor slightly to cover his own wound as he moves towards the captive dwarf [Bluff 17]. "Master dwarf." he calls through the door. "Might I have your name and how you came to be in the company of those occupying this fort?"

Kashmari (Ubiquitous Vision, 70mins) (53/53HP, AC 15)  d20+9=22 d20+4=17 d20+4=9 d20+28=29 7d6(4+5+3+4+6+3+5)+7=37
Tuesday May 31st, 2005 2:37:32 PM

Kashmari doesn't feel quite up to the task of confronting a werebeast, but Aelanthir isn't here and the werebeast may still be looking for a fight.
Tentitively Kashmari moves quietly back down the stairs, listening carefully for sounds indicating the where-abouts of the werebeast. (Move Silently 22, Listen 17)

If she spots the creature off at a distance; and if Kashmari is still near the foot of the stairs, she will attack the werebeast with an energy ball, type cold. (The energy ball will do either 37 or minimum 18 points of cold damage)

Energy Ball
Discipline: Psychokinesis [see text]
Level: Kineticist 4
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Long (680 ft.)
Area: 20-ft.-radius spread
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude half; see text
Power Resistance: Yes
Power Points: 7
Description: Upon manifesting this power, you choose cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. You create an explosion of energy of the chosen type that deals 7d6 points of damage to every creature or object within the area. The explosion creates almost no pressure.

A ball of this energy type deals +1 point of damage per die. The saving throw to reduce damage from a cold ball is a Fortitude save instead of a Reflex save.

This power's subtype is the same as the type of energy you manifest.
DC: 18

Kashmari - Oops! 
Tuesday May 31st, 2005 2:40:41 PM

The 29 is her concentration check vs DC 15 to avoid any displays.

Marek, the dwarf you are hailing it isn't the same one (the smith)Aelanthir is observering is it?

Marek 2nd post 
Tuesday May 31st, 2005 5:30:50 PM

went and grabbed the map

Fort Maps

I assumed the dwarf is in teh Smithy on the second floor, but reading way back he's not. Alenthir and the dwarf are in the Armory First floor.


Marek holds up Sir Henri, "There's no need to go after that one. He has speed and intimacy of terrain. He'll be back and we can deal with him then."

Marek visually finds Tyal, "Looks like the chief could use a prayer or two if you please. And see if anyone else is limping about."

Marek tries to shift his armor slightly to cover his own wound [bluff 17] as he moves towards the exit to check the hall. He notices the group is starting to splinter, but merely exhales and shakes his head.
Wouldn't listen anyway and I don't need the greif

Tyal  2d8(7+6)+7=20
Tuesday May 31st, 2005 10:59:14 PM

Tyal moves off to attend to Big G when Marek makes the point to let him know. His eyes do narrow as he looks to the dwarf and shakes his head. "Don't you be wandering off either...I will attend to you in a second." As he approaches the ogre he slows and ponders the man for a second.

"You are in need of healing." He does not say anymore as he lays a hand upon the big man's arm. Healing strength passes from Tyal into Gargoloth. He also pulls out a healing wand that he will start to use next.

[healing 20]

Fern HP: 33/37 AC: 21  d20+8=13 d20+8=24
Wednesday June 1st, 2005 1:18:19 AM

Fern looks around for her daggers as she answers Henri "I'm fine, most of them didnt even lay a blade on me." Suddenly she realizes that her daggers are nowhere to be seen and must still be in the wereman. She exclaims "My daggers, that wolf has my daggers!" and starts running down the stairs after him.

listen: 13
move silently: 24

fern is running, let me know what she sees when she reaches an intersection. As she has fast movement her base speed is 40'*4 is 160' this round (minus of course slowing a bit for the stairs so she wont break her neck.)

Wednesday June 1st, 2005 1:23:57 AM

ooc: where are the stairs they aren't on the map, and when are we getting a map with the 5' squares & info on where everyone is standing?

Wednesday June 1st, 2005 9:40:16 AM

The satyr follows behind Fern closely.

Sir Henri 
Wednesday June 1st, 2005 5:27:29 PM

As Marek hold the paladen stay on his feet, "Thank-you, my Friend." Henri will ret for a little while.

Justin Webber (DM) After battle 
Wednesday June 1st, 2005 11:43:37 PM

Mykell and Marek both feel a slight burning sensation in their body. Something just doesn't quite feel right and the claw wounds from the werewolf are burning alittle.

A few others move to chase after the running off werewolf. Down stairs Kashmari finds only Fern's blood daggers laying on the ground and a small trail of blood leading out of the room. The foot prints left behind have a slow change to them also, from werewolf feet to small wolf feet.

Tyal  2d8(8+5)+7=20
Thursday June 2nd, 2005 1:26:21 AM

Looking at the ogre he shakes his head and lays his hand upon his arm again. He once again pours healing energy into the big man. "Hope that help out more Big G." He smiles at the ogre hoping that he is not offended by the nickname.

[heal 20]

Fern  d20+7=16 d20+4=20 d20+8=20 d20+9=28
Thursday June 2nd, 2005 3:24:49 AM

When Fern comes upon her daggers she carefully picks them up and puts them away to be cleaned later before returning to the others. When she sees that Mykell and Marek dont feel well she asks "Mykell, Marek are you guys ok?" and loks at them to see if she can tell what's the matter.

heal: 16
knowledge nature: 20
spot: 20
survival: 28

Hart  d20+18=23 d20+22=28 d20+22=32 d20+23=32 d20+16=29
Thursday June 2nd, 2005 9:58:28 AM

Hart is uncomfortable with the fort and even more so now that there is something 'evil' loose.

(Hide 23, Listen 28, Spot 32, Move Silently 32, Survival 29 [for general survival])

Sir Henri 
Thursday June 2nd, 2005 10:31:11 AM

The Paladin look at his friend, He will do a Detect Evil on his two friends. Henri tell them "You know, you two really don't look well at all!".

Marek Isentomb [AC 24/25 HP 46/68] 
Thursday June 2nd, 2005 11:38:33 AM

Marek isn't much happy about needing the attention, but his is not that prideful either. Pride and adventure tend to equal dead in his mind. As Fern comes over the gruff veteran will sttop to let her get a good look. "I think our furry friends were packing more than just claws." Then louder for Tyal, "Can you detect Poison and or disease Tyal. And more importantly DO something about it if you find it?"

"Satyr, keep an eye in the hall since you're not doing anything else and take captain blast with you." Marek adds with a gesture towards Ragnalfr.

Thursday June 2nd, 2005 12:54:44 PM

The satyr nods and wanders over to Ragnalfr. "Come." He says simply, not commanding him, just simply asking. Hart moves slowly off.

He seems almost put-off by Marek, maybe a bit upset, but the man DIDN'T use his name, so he's happy.

Kashmari (Ubiquitous Vision, 70mins) (MISSIVE TO AELANTHIR)  d20+28=31
Thursday June 2nd, 2005 2:46:06 PM

Kashmari sends Aelanthir a missive; including an image of where she is.

"Danger Aelanthir. There are werebeasts about, come to me, please."

Kashmari will not track the werecreature any further. They can always follow the blood trail later if necessary. Kashmari will wait on the stairs for a few minutes for Aelanthir to arrive.

Name: Missive
Discipline: Telepathy [Mind-Affecting, Language-Dependent]
Level: Psion 1
Manifestation time: 1 action
Range: Close (75ft)
Description: You send a one-way telepathic message to a subject (any living creature in range). The message can be up to ten words in length. Missive is strictly a
one-way exchange from you to the subject. Augment: For every 2 additional power points spent, this power's range increases by 5ft and its save DC increases by 1.
Target: One living creature
Effect: Mental Message delivered to subject
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: None
Power resistance: Yes
Power Points: 1 + 6 (augment)
DC: 18

Aelanthir(AC 26 HP 35, See invis, Mage Armor, Spider Climb, Invisibility) 
Thursday June 2nd, 2005 4:03:52 PM

Aelanthir takes off at a reasonable pace hoping to get to Kashmari quickly but quietly unobserved along the ceiling.

Mykell Zsweihand 
Thursday June 2nd, 2005 10:24:44 PM

Mykell touches the claw wound he received from the werewolf and sighs before shrugging, "It seems Marek is right, I think that werewolf left us with a nice little something to remember him by. We'll probably have to seek out some help after we clear this place the rest of the way out."

Mykell spins his katana and sheathes it as he looks to the others and awaits to see what they decide.

(OOC:I will be giving people alittle but more time to get their posts in and make a DM post alittle later. We have some clouds rolling in so thunderstorms might be on the horizon for us. This is why I hate this time of year :( .)

Friday June 3rd, 2005 9:48:44 AM

Hart is vigilant.

He hopes the mage is nearby.

Friday June 3rd, 2005 12:24:57 PM

Kashmari waits patiently for her brother to arrive and make his presence known to her.

Sir Henri 
Friday June 3rd, 2005 6:04:28 PM

The Paladin will watch the two of the bleeding comrads, to see if thing does not get worst.
Sir Henri really want to go down stairs, and continue the serch of the first floo. "This place intrestes me!"`

Tyal  d20+18=19 d20+14=28
Friday June 3rd, 2005 9:13:56 PM

Tyal comes over and makes quick work of looking over the wounds upon Marek, sensing that the ones on Mykell will be much the same. As hed also slips through his knowledge he shakes his head. "If I am right then you have been inflicted with lycanthrope." He looks to Mykell and and Marek both as she shakes his head in sadness. "To cure this is beyond my skills...maybe if Haith has some wolfsbane upon him." He looks around to the retreating form of Hart as he should remember the name that he offered to use for him, instead of his real one. "Still there is danger even in that as it is poisonous."

[heal 19 and knowledge(nature) 28]

Sorry to change the name Jay but I lost all of that with my fried computer. :)

Marek Isentomb [AC 24/25 HP 46/68] 
Friday June 3rd, 2005 10:46:27 PM

Marek nods to Tyal's comments on the wounds "It is done done then, an honor to know you Tyal and more so to fight beside you."

Looking to Mykell, "It appears the hourglass has begun my friend. Let our time be well spent and memorable."

Marek moves to the door and enters the hall. A new look of danger on his face, weapon gripped tighter in his hand. "We push to the throne room. The map indicates it should be the cetral room with a door on the far side."

Marek turns left and moves down the hall.

Justin Webber (DM) Moving on 
Sunday June 5th, 2005 12:25:51 PM

Marek and Mykell get the sad news of them having lycanthropy now which can probably be healed but not by Tyal.

Aelanthir still decides on how best to help the dwarf or maybe returning to the rest of the group.

Marek prepares to move on and continue the clearing of the fort.

Sunday June 5th, 2005 1:54:06 PM

Hearing the news about the fighters, Hart steps away several feet and begins thinking about when the soonest full moon might be.
"Eet must be healed before the full moon or eet weell remain until they are killed."

((OOC returning to party)) 
Sunday June 5th, 2005 4:36:47 PM

((Justin read Dom's post, he had Aelanthir return to the party - or rather to where Kashmari is.))

Kashmari (Ubiquitous Vision, 70mins) 
Sunday June 5th, 2005 4:38:34 PM

Once Aelantir makes is presence known to her Kashmari will go back up the stairs and start to see if there is any way that they can block the stairs to keep the wounded Were from sneaking uo behind them later...

Sir Henri 
Monday June 6th, 2005 3:54:27 PM

"Well! Let's go fine this Thing!" Sir henri will head for the stairs.

Monday June 6th, 2005 4:57:37 PM

"Let's get going and clear this place out. Anyone know when the next full moon is?"

Fern thinks on ways of how lycanthropy can be cured or how to contain the two during the full moon. Maybe manacles made of silver? Could we try dousing their wounds with holy water?....

With the last thought she'll ask the others what they know of lycanthropy and if they have any holy water. If anyone has holy water she'll pour it over one of the guys scratches.

Monday June 6th, 2005 6:46:47 PM

Having been indoors frequently, on and off for the past few weeks, Hart has a hard time figuring when the moon will be full.

Mykell Zweihand 
Monday June 6th, 2005 11:13:16 PM

(OOC:Sorry for not noting Aelanthir moving to meet up with the rest of the party. I will post to that later.)

Mykell shakes his head and continues moving with Marek and glances over his shoulder and smiles, "Well, we can only do what we can do. Hopefully we can find a high enough leveled priest before the full moon. Maybe one of those dwarves or elves we brought here with us."

Sir Henri 
Tuesday June 7th, 2005 7:00:17 AM

The paladin moves down the stairs, wondering "I have seen alot of atrange being before?? But what has the full moon has to do with this?" He continoes to the first floor, where the beast disapers.

Kashmari (to Sir Henri) 
Tuesday June 7th, 2005 3:34:31 PM

"Henri, where are you going off to?" Kashmari asks the paladin inquisitively.

Hart  d20+16=35 d20+20=38
Tuesday June 7th, 2005 4:41:26 PM

(Knowledge nature 35, Survival 38)

Hart concentrates on the next full moon.

Aelanthir(AC 26 HP 35, See invis, Mage Armor, Spider Climb, Invisibility) 
Tuesday June 7th, 2005 5:12:15 PM

When Aelanthir reaches Kashmari he will whisper to her "I am right here Kash. Where is the others?"

Aelanthir will move along following Kashmari.

Sir Henri 
Tuesday June 7th, 2005 5:49:49 PM

Answering Kashmarie, "Kash! I'm going to grom my horse. Before the next full moon!" The paladin serches for the party on the first floor.

Tuesday June 7th, 2005 10:32:47 PM

Tyal shakes his head and looks to the two infected. "Do not give up hope...Mykell is right...we maybe able to find you help before that time." He turns to the rest and shakes his head. So many times upon the battlefield and he still does not like the idea of losing anyone.

Wednesday June 8th, 2005 8:27:22 AM


Justin Webber (DM) Moving on  d8+2=6 d8+2=3 d8+2=3 d8+2=9 d8+2=5 d8+2=6 d8+2=7 d8+2=7
Wednesday June 8th, 2005 11:48:08 PM

(OOC:Sorry about lack of posting yesterday. Once again all i can say is I HATE this time of year. Once again thunder and lightning storms hit and once again they hit earlier today. GRRR)

The group gathers together once again and begins to move on. As they do Hart and a couple others ponder when the next full moon might be. Being a druid (knowledge check was good enough) Hart knows that the next full moon is a full 3 days away.

(Since I see no spot checks, etc I have to throw this in people, sorry.)

On the second floor and shortly after exiting the document room Marek and Mykell step on a area of the floor that gives off a slight click. (Reflex save DC:20) Out of small holes set into the cieling area you here the twang of crossbow strings at the same time as the click from the floow and 4 crossbow bolts fly at each of you. (Marek Damage:6/3/3/9=21 Mykell Damage:5/6/7/7=24)

Other then these traps being set off no other sounds can ne heard currently and nothing looks to be out of the ordinary.

Justin Webber (DM) News 
Wednesday June 8th, 2005 11:49:54 PM

I forgot to mention on my DM post or earlier so I would like to let people know and make this official. Ragnafr (MikeK) has left the game do to time problems and such. I hope he may return once things lighten up for him but we'll have to wait and see.

Thursday June 9th, 2005 3:43:11 AM

"Can we cure them of their disease een two days?"

Sir Henri 
Thursday June 9th, 2005 5:49:05 AM

The paladin, who went down to the first floor. Is looking down the Hall. first the right side, then the left side. "Hmmm! I wonder if I take a look around the out side of this Fort? I mught find some odd tract or a secret door?"

Thursday June 9th, 2005 3:33:18 PM

Kashmari asks Henri, "doesn't Marek want us to regroup?", as Henri walks off down the hall looking for the were?

Next Kashmari answers her brother, "they are up the stairs at the moment. I presume we will be joining them?"

Aelanthir(AC 26 HP 35, See invis, Mage Armor, Spider Climb, Invisibility)  d20+11=22
Thursday June 9th, 2005 5:41:00 PM

Aelanthir continues along with his sister, moving along the upper part of the wall along the ceiling.

spot 22

Sir Henri 
Thursday June 9th, 2005 5:51:14 PM

Sir Henri stops and turn to face Kashmarie telling her. " I though that I saw a glimps of something around the back of the Fort. I will take my mount and take a look around the Fort Walls. You have more than enough power right now. I'll be but a few moments."

Sir Henri will go to the stables.

Thursday June 9th, 2005 5:52:13 PM

"Een three days, I refuse to travel weeth two lycanthropes. They must be saved or killed."

Marek Isentomb [AC 24/25 HP 46/68]  d20+7=25 d20+6=12 d20+1=17
Thursday June 9th, 2005 6:35:12 PM

Marek hears the clicks and dives forward with a curse levelled at the general rogue population. [reflex 25] Bolts ricochet off armor and stone about the warrior as he gains his feet on the far side of the trap. [Tumble 12]

"More traps." he intones behind to the group in his wake. Three lousey days and to go out like this. "Damn." he breathes to himself. Marek's mind steals shut to the task at hand, everything else can wait and unbidden thoughts and distractions are not what he needs right now.

Marek contines forward hoping to catch the hint of a trap before setting it off. [Spot 17]

Mykell Zweihand  d20+6=8
Thursday June 9th, 2005 11:33:07 PM

Mykell fails dodging the bolts miserably and is soon jerking bolts out of his armor and skin, grumbling all the time, "Dang thieves." Mykell does his best to shrug off the injuries and moves on, looking back at the others and speaking over his shoulder, "Might need some healing here if the next fight is nasty."

Fern  d20+4=9 d20+8=27 d20+8=18 d20+8=21 d20+9=15
Friday June 10th, 2005 12:54:37 AM

Fern keeps watch for more traps watching and listening as she thinks about what she knows of werewolves.

know nature: 9
listen: 27
move silently: 18
spot: 21

ooc: justin let me know everything that fern knows including from her previous rolls since i have received no reply.

Hart  d20+16=23 d20+20=35
Friday June 10th, 2005 10:35:13 AM

The druid keeps a very close eye on the infected party members. He ponders helping them himself.

He sighs then says, "I will be able to counter the effects for awhile, but I have not dealt with lycanthropes recently. I can counter your transformation for 12 hours at a time using the ritual... but I weell require some hair or skin from each of you.

Eef I had not been een thees stone coffin of a fort, I could have helped by finding wolfsbane.

Eef we are to cure eet, we will have to find a heirophant or high clergy of your religions.

You must both give me a lock of hair.

The best hope ees human clergy or finding one of my wandering friends."

He begins thinking of local druid croves close by and who might be there soon for the full moon rituals. (knowledge nature 23, survival 35)

"We really should move back to the courtyard so that we can go get help for the steel wielding ones." He says, referring to Mykell and Marek.

Sir Henri 
Friday June 10th, 2005 6:44:37 PM

Sir Henri Saddles his horse, making sure that his mount is fully protected. Now he mount "Ah! We are only going around the out side of the walls. Just to examin the walls, moat and the ground in general. But if we should meet trouble, Go Home until I call you!" Henri pat the horse the out the gate he goes....

Sunday June 12th, 2005 8:42:24 AM

Kashmari hears enough of Hart's discussion on what to do about the infection of Mykell and Marek to suggest,
"How quickly can we get Marek and Mykell to Beowulf? That city is certainly large enough to support high enough level clergy. We can make due unil they return with a some form of cure; and cured themselves. Beowulf will more than likely extend credit if the cure is costly."

Gargoloth HP 66/ AC 22  3d8(3+3+7)+5=18 3d8(4+3+3)+5=15
Monday June 13th, 2005 3:15:55 AM

The Ogre slugs down a few healing potions and looks about at the others. "Blimey! I hope them folks don't turn....we'll 'ave ta bash our own folks up real good. That's never a good thing."

Monday June 13th, 2005 10:54:27 AM

The druid ignores Kashmari for a moment and turns to the Ogre. "Large One, I will be able to keep them from turning. There will be no bashing of friends."

Turning to Kash, he says, "How long did it take for us to get this far? Seems like three months to me... but I've been away from the sun and stars for so long, I'm starting to speak like all of you." He smiles. "I figure we could return in about two days, if we start back now and hurry most of the way."

Tuesday June 14th, 2005 12:16:49 AM

"We brought wagons, supplies and support troops on the way here; "caravans" do take longer. I am suggesting that Marek and Mykell ride back to the city either only the two of them or with an escort of one or two people. That should not take too long if they leave now," Kashmari tells Hart in reply.

Justin Webber (DM) Continueing 
Tuesday June 14th, 2005 8:07:10 AM

Talks break out of Mykell and Marek and there new little problem. It is now brought up about them leaving and meeting up with the group again after they are healed? What will they do?

As Marek moves on looking carefully now he does notice yet another trap. This one looks like it drops something from the ceiling but he isn't sure.

(BTW, the trap is near the entrance to the throne room.)

In this area there are a pair of statues also with swords held high and wearing knight like armor. The statues face each other and look to have their eyes turned to the heavens.

The door to the throne room is something else too. The door looks to be a solid block of stone, no hinges are present either and from where you stand only a small circler hole is in the stone surface. This door would take quite alot of strength to move, even the ogre would have troubles with this door and to any looking at it for magic will find it radiates a strong magic aura.

Tuesday June 14th, 2005 10:42:04 AM

"I suggest leaving immediately. We may return later."

Marek Isentomb [AC 24/25 HP 46/68] 
Tuesday June 14th, 2005 3:42:32 PM

Marek eyes the trap, the statues, the whole general badness of teh idea of standing there and trying to open that door. "Definately looks like a not so bright idea." he says mostly to himself as one hand pulls at his beard slightly.

Looking to Mykell and then to the rest of the group behind him, "Anyone do anything about really big heavy stone doors?"

It is only then that Marek seems to register thier conversations. "Folks can we concentrate on the matter at hand. The folks we brought are craftsmen not powerful clerics or druids. Nor are they soldiers really. We started this assault and if we leave now the enemy will get to regroup and make a counter strike, which more than likely will remove alot of those craftsmen. So I ain't leavin', might as well start a different conversation."

Marek turns his attention back to the collapse trap and sits back on his haunches. perhaps just run through it again with a dive

Wednesday June 15th, 2005 3:20:16 AM

"Marek you and Mykell do not have time to waste trying to evict the current tenants. If you turn we would be forced to have to either destroy you or have you leave permanently. Having lycanthropes among us would be extremely dangerous to ourselves and our allies,"
Kashmari looks from Marek to Mykell,
"I can try and take care of the doors by animating the statues and having them clear the way. The rest of us can take care of some of the trouble here while you two go to Beowulf or the nearest large temple to get cured."

Mykell Zweihand 
Wednesday June 15th, 2005 11:44:26 AM

Mykell thinks over the statues anyway first and shakes his head, "Didn't the armor at the beginning room of this place say something about statues and such? Having these two knights bothered might interfer with things."

Mykell looks to the others and thinks before shaking his head, "Hart said he might beable to delay the change and we have two days. It's not going to take two days to clear this place and surely something will happen to help or such. The people we brought had horses with the wagon, it would take alot less time to get back to the temple on horse back and such then it took getting here with everyone."

Wednesday June 15th, 2005 1:12:16 PM

The ogre is obviously ignoring the situation and Hart is clearly annoyed. "Ogre, aren't you the crash and bash type or are you TOO weak to deal with the door?" He hopes to appeal to the ogre's vanity rather than it's anger.

"Eef we had a length of rope that could span the room, none of us need touch the floor. We could string the rope from here to the other side. Loran or myself could fly the rope across."

Wednesday June 15th, 2005 4:17:43 PM

The Ogre, momentarily distracted by a sputtering torch, comes back into reality as Hart makes him comment. He turns around slowly and fixes his gaze on the little creature. For a moment, the blood rushes to his face, but he regains his composure.

"Look mate, I messed wit' the last door an' look where it got me. An' I don't figure dat rope idea's gonna work. Let's 'ave one of them theify types check it out first."

Wednesday June 15th, 2005 7:33:37 PM

(OOC: I was under the impression that the door was open and we were looking into the throne room through the door.)

The satyr returns the ogre's gaze, unconcerned and emotionless at his apparent anger.

"We really need to take care of the lycanthropes. Perhaps you and I can escort them back to Beowolfs?" He suggests to Gargoloth.

Fern  d20+5=25 d20+4=13 d20+9=19
Thursday June 16th, 2005 1:00:13 AM

Fern listens to the others talk about what to do, not only with the room but about Marek and Mykell. She remains silent and thinks I wonder if a silver earring will prevent them from changing? what about silver chains or a silver cage? How far is it back to the temple, could they actually make it and be cured before they change?

knowledge geography: 25, nat 20
knowledge nature: 13
survival: 19

Thursday June 16th, 2005 2:44:53 AM

The Ogre scratches the scruff on his chin for a moment at Hart's suggestion. "Nah...if they wanna go back, I figure they can manage on their own. 'Course if they don't make it back a'fore they get the wolf in 'em, that be a problem too. I say we keep 'em close and do what we can fer 'em. If theys get too rowdy, we'll clap 'em in chains 'an drag 'em back home."

Thursday June 16th, 2005 7:35:56 AM

"Marek, Mykell, head back and get cured I do not want to have to deal with you as lycanthropes." tells the two.

Thursday June 16th, 2005 8:49:08 AM

He nods in agreement to the ogre. "Yes, we shouldn't cast off our own when they are een the most truble."

Thursday June 16th, 2005 4:50:08 PM

Kashmari isn't entirely certain if she heard both Gargoloth and Hart correctly.
If Marek and Mykell become lycanthropes they will cease to be a functioning part of the group and instead become only a liability and a major danger for anyone else near them. Odd no one else [outwardly at least] seems overly concerned about losing two members of the team.

"You don't clap lycanthropes in chains - you destroy them. Lycanthropes always have a malicious intent and are always a major risk and very real danger. They are undeniably uncontrollable as well. It doesn't matter who they were before the Change. They cease to be that person once the infection becomes permanent,"
Kashmari retorts irritably; feeling a strong stress-headache coming on from all the worries she is feeling right now.

((FYI, Kashmari isn't going to get into a descussion about were-bears; which as far as I know are the only "good" lycanthropes, since it was a were-wolf that infected Marek and Mykell. Were-wolves are never "good" as far as I know and that is what I have based Kashmari's comments on. I hope this doesn't upset anyone!))

Marek Isentomb [AC 24/25 HP 46/68] 
Thursday June 16th, 2005 9:58:34 PM

Marek turns his head over his shoulder from where he squats on the ground, "Kash, I didn't know you cared so." He then gets up and pulls an arrow from his quiver and places it on the floor just before where he believes the trap to be.

Marek moves back from the arrow a few feet and hurtles the distance. [take 10 Jump clears 11' lands on his feet]

Thursday June 16th, 2005 9:59:35 PM

"This is the way I see it.

We will lose them either way.... whether we kill them or they leave to be cured, we will be down two great warriors while we remain here clearing out this cursed stone coffin.

Currently, they are not evil and it is true that the creatures inside them ARE. However, they did not know that they were going to be infected. Any one of us could have been.

I don't know many custums of your people, but is it common to shun someone for what they had no control over?

I understand fear. It is primal and one of the base emotions. But compassion is what humans call 'a civilized act'.

I'm trying to learn the ways of the outsiders and non-forest dwellers.... you make it confusing." He says, looking at Kashmari.

"If they choose to leave for Beowulf's fortification, I will go with them." He looks at his warrior friends.

Looking back at Kashmari, his face grim, "I hope that when I'm in trouble someone would help me. Or is that too much to ask?" (OOC: Please, no one take offense. I was getting bored and I decided to roleplay a little more.)

Spirit pokes its head out of the hood and smiles broadly.

Loran flaps his wings.

Friday June 17th, 2005 12:32:36 AM

"If we allow them to stay here and not seek a cure we have in effect abandoned them. That is why I sincerely want them to leave now and be cured. I do feel that both of them will come back afterwards to finish the task here," Kashmari explains, "there is nothing we can do for them here except delay their symptoms and then lose them forever to that curse. That hardly seems fair to abandon them to such a fate."

Kashmari was going to see if she could work then traps but then Marek jumps off into the betrapped area?
Kashmari watches the unexpected act quizzically.
"Of course I care Marek; even if you do not."

Kashmari will wait for Marek to stop moving before she even reconsiders looking for and hopefully disarming any traps.

((No offense taken on my part Jay. Though it does seem that Kashmari and Hart are talking past eachother. If I can put it that way?))

Kashmari (addendum) 
Friday June 17th, 2005 12:39:26 AM

Kashmari also cannot understand how come Hart finds what she is saying confusing. All she is saying is 'get cured, if you don't you have comdemned yourself to a life as an outsider - feared and shunned - because lycanthropes are essentially evil [not were-bears!]. Infected people no longer have any effective controll over what they may or may not do once the disease becomes an intergrated part of themselves. The most merciful service you can do for a lycanthrope is to end their exsistance'.

((Oh dear. Unfortunately this was the shortest explaination I could write!))

Friday June 17th, 2005 1:40:08 AM

"What I am saying is it is NOT hopeless. They may be infected, but they can learn control.

The changed person is affectively evil in were-form. However, from what I understand, some retain their personalities and 'goodness' while in human form. Even still, there are some that don't even know they are infected and live perfect lives until the three day around the full moon. Of course, sooner or later, these folks discover it and leave to avoid harming others. But THEY leave on their own accord.

No one has even asked what the others truly want. At least, not that I've heard."

Friday June 17th, 2005 2:07:29 AM

The Ogre shakes his head, slightly confused at the conversation. He does add a bit of Ogrely advice, however. "Well, I fig'er if they wanna get cured, they better head on home. We can't do nothin' for 'em 'ere anyhow. If they don't wanna go, that's up ta them, but things'll get awful nasty for 'em if they turn on us."

Marek Isentomb 
Friday June 17th, 2005 10:14:33 AM

OoC Kashmari was going to see if she could work then traps but then Marek jumps off into the betrapped area? Hopefully over was the thought. Marek's not good with debates :)

(Kashmari OOC to Marek) 
Friday June 17th, 2005 10:39:53 AM

(('Into' was probably not the word that I meant; but then I have no idea how long the trapped area is! Let's just hope that Justin is going to be nice to Marek.)) ;)

Saturday June 18th, 2005 9:55:01 AM

The druid waits to see what happens with the trap. He stands back just in case.

Saturday June 18th, 2005 8:46:00 PM

Kashmari will wait to see what happens with Marek before she takes any further actions.

Marek Isentomb 
Sunday June 19th, 2005 2:08:58 PM

Marek will also wait to see what happens to Marek before doing anthing else

Monday June 20th, 2005 8:57:48 AM

The satyr slides carefully behind the ogre for cover from whatever blast will come from the trap.

Justin Webber (DM) onversations 
Monday June 20th, 2005 12:07:02 PM

(OOCLSorry for the slacking of posts people. RL sneaked up on me *sighs*. Anyway, new post here. Also Jay can we set a time to sit down and talk? I would like to work out details for posting just incase I'm unable to post, etc. Thanks bud.)

The conversation on what to do about Mykell and Marek continues. Some look like they avoid or just stay out of the subject as much as possible.

(Henri has went out to look around the fort and should be returning soon. *WB Ceil, I hope Woldcon was awsome :)* .)

Marek moves to jump over one of the traps. (K, hate to say this but I'm not 100% sure what trap you meant. You could of cleared any of the traps easily except the one on the throne room door which is actually on the door itself.)

(OOC:Letting people know that the throne room door was still closed I believe, it has yet to be opened by anyone. Of course it is much to big for anyone to open, including the ogre.)

Marek Isentomb 
Monday June 20th, 2005 4:22:37 PM

Justin you had mentioned a collapsing type of trap. As Marek moves on looking carefully now he does notice yet another trap. This one looks like it drops something from the ceiling but he isn't sure.

(BTW, the trap is near the entrance to the throne room.)

took this to mean in the hall and not right on the throne doors. if it is on teh doors...

Marek looks to Kashmari, "Kash, think you can rig this not to kill the chief there" a thumb end the sentence moving to indicate Gargoloth as the chief in question.

Sir Henri (Ac 22 72/72hp) 
Monday June 20th, 2005 7:42:43 PM

The paladin rides all the way around the outer walls of the fort, he see no secret doors or anything else that a monster could get through.

He returns to the stamle, feeding his horse, take off his gear, putting it away. then give his horse a good brushing, then bids his horse good noght.

He reenters the Fort and will seek the others out. But thinking all the way, 'I wonder where that monster went to?? Even as he was changing as he went, he had to go somewhere??'

Henri is looking for all the others, taking his sword our as he is walking.

Tuesday June 21st, 2005 1:23:46 AM

The Ogre stalks foreward and squints at the door. "Well, dis one looks pretty tough. I don't think I can bash it up...'course I didn't have much luck wit' the last one either, eh?" Gargoloth chuckles and looks at Kashmari expectently.

Tuesday June 21st, 2005 7:30:47 AM

"Perhaps if we all help with the door, we may get it open quickly."
(OOC: Remember about assisting checks, we can each add +2 to the primary character, if we hit DC 10 on our checks.)

"I can help you Friend Ogre. Just let me know if you would like help." The satyr smiles kindly, uncharacteristically. He seems to be ignoring the lycanthropy issue now.

Fern  d20+5=16 d20+5=13 d20+5=21 d20+4=24 d20+9=11
Tuesday June 21st, 2005 3:06:17 PM

Fern helps out where ever she is told and doesnt mention the lycanthropy issue. However she is still thinking on it.

craft cartogrophy: 16, will there be enough time for them to get back to the temple before changing. it wont help for them to leave if they change before getting there.

craft bowmaking: 13, thinking about how to take her silver pieces and coat some arrows and even daggers

knowledge geography: 21 will there be time for them to get back to the temple

knowledge nature: 24, nat 20 she's been thinking alot on anything she knows about werewolves and other lycanthropes and what to do about them.

survival: 11, what to do if they turn

ooc: i would appreciate info from the dm on the rolls i have made now and in the past for what she knows as he keeps ignoring them. Also please post to your other games.

Sir Henri 
Tuesday June 21st, 2005 8:50:45 PM

The paladin come up to the party, Stand there watching them go through their planes. Finally asks them. "My I ask as to what are you going to do to that door? Blow it up?"

Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 10:26:10 AM

"Yes, blow it up."

Kashmari  d20+8=25
Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 3:52:32 PM

"I will see what I can do," Kashmari tells Gargoloth.

She sets to work on the trap(s). (Disable Device 25)

Sir Henri 
Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 6:52:48 PM

The Paladin watches the planing of how to open the door, But when Kashmarie was going to attemp it, He tell her "Hey! You Go Girl!".
And ment every word of it.

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