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Sir Henri  d20+4=12
Friday September 3rd, 2004 7:41:29 AM

Henri is listening for trouble down in the tunnel for trouble. When the tipsy old drow points a bonny finger at him and telling the others, that she was like him.

Henri look at her and he wonder what she means. "Are you telling me that you are also a Paladin of Palor? That cannot be? We are loyal to the Sun God for one thing, but we seldom drink wine to excess for another!"

Henri goes back to listening for trouble.

OOC: Listening 12 - Oh Boy! Aetanthir better not need help??

Marek Isentomb 
Friday September 3rd, 2004 9:07:34 AM

Marek finishes with binding the drow and to Kashmari's comment, the old soldier nods, "If you have things here?" Not waiting for an answer he stands and moves over to the woman.

Marek pulls a blanket from his pack and goes to wrap it around her shoulders and also takes out some fresh water and an apple, handing those to her as well. AS he puts the blanket on her he will move her to a sitting position.
"Here take this and these, you may not know it, but it is cold and damp and you need to dry off and warm up." Marek takes a step back and then squats in front of her. "Can you give us any information on these drow? Do you know if this place is common knowledge to the city? How many are in a normal raiding party?, Can we expect them to reinforce their position here, or leave for home? How far is this small city? Do you pass any other small drow or any other groups coming here?"

Aelanthir (Invisible, Darkvision, See Invis)  d20+11=22
Friday September 3rd, 2004 4:21:49 PM

Aelanthir returns to the group then says "I did not see anything coming from the passage the drow tried to flee down. There is a side passage further down the passage but it looks like someone was trying to knock the supports out."

spot: 22

Sir Henri (adding)  d20+3=22
Friday September 3rd, 2004 5:35:38 PM

Henri is happt that Aelanthir made it back and with infomation, But his attention is on the drunkin Drow captive. He watches to see how fast she'll eat that apple.

There's something odd about her that he cannot put his finger on it. So he watches her every move...

OOC:watching 22

To DM Justin - this is something that I wanted to post before, but was interupted.

Friday September 3rd, 2004 6:35:25 PM

Kashmari waits for her brother to get back with any relevant info.
She has barely begun to pace, as she wants to get a move on ASAP.
She is slightly inquisitive about the unusual woman but leaves any contact and questioning to the others milling around her.
When Aelanthir returns she takes note about his observations about the supports being damaged.
"Aelanthir, did it look like anyone or anything fled away from us down that passage?"

Eiras  d20+13=31
Friday September 3rd, 2004 11:59:39 PM

Eiras will go down the passage looking for any tracks or sign of other drow fleeing down the passage {Track:31}

Fern  d20+6=20 d20+5=21 d20+5=9
Monday September 6th, 2004 4:41:12 PM

Fern moves to where she can see not only down one of the passage ways but most of the room (including the strange woman). If she hears/sees anything unusual she will take a closer look.

Listen: 20
spot: 21
search: 9,

Sir Henri  d20+3=22
Monday September 6th, 2004 8:56:26 PM

Henri watches the old woman, not too sure if she's drunk?? I she had that much to drink her breath would smell. He does not knoe what to look for but he watches her.

OOC; watching 22

Hart  d20+21=26 d20+21=27
Monday September 6th, 2004 11:18:11 PM

Hart just looks on, watching the group. (Spot 26, Listen 27)

Justin Webber (DM) Talks 
Monday September 6th, 2004 11:27:52 PM

Veira eats the apple, enjoying it and then uses abit of the water to drink and also wash the dirt from her face abit. Showing rather healthy white skin under the dirt.

Viera looks to Marek and shrugs, "The city is a long ways under ground and the side tunnel I came through is sealed now as your friend there says. Thanks to my training and some well placed kicks and punches." Viera shrugs at the other questions, really showing no sign of being drunk, "I have no idea if the drow will fortify or even bring more people here. I guess it will all depend on why they are here and the purpose behind it. I have no clue as far as that goes of why drow are here anyway or what family since I have heard nothing of it."

(OOC:If Aelanthir tracked clear to the next room he is right in the sense of he didn't see nothing. Also the floor is covered in a small layer of water so flower would turn to paste on the floor.)

Eiras moves down the tunnel that Aelanthir went down and sees no sign of tracks really beyond those of the drow who had been in the room you just came from. It looks like the drow came in and had either been waiting in the previous room for more orders or they had just moved on this far for some other reason.

Sir Henri 
Tuesday September 7th, 2004 4:31:27 AM

"I knew there was some thing odd about you. You are human Like me,and Not drunk like I suspected. Why did you do that Mother? Why did you try to make us think you was a drow? You didn't trust us??" Sir Henri will use Identafy Evil on this woman.

Hart, Spirit and Loran 
Tuesday September 7th, 2004 4:48:50 AM

Hart mutters something about '...cities being unnatural and living oonder tha earth ees unnatural...

Spirit shakes its head vigorously.

Loran drifts off to sleep atop the staff, again.

Marek Isentomb 
Tuesday September 7th, 2004 9:58:39 AM

Marek listens and brings a hand to his cheek to scratch an itch. His huge beard hides pretty much any reaction to her answers. Standing, he pats the woman firmly on the shoulder and turns looking for Sir Henri. "We should go after the ones that bugged out A-sap." INdicating to the woman, "her story tracks at least some, which means they may essentially be trapped on this side and we don't need that."
Turning to the priest he continues, "where is the arms and armorey chambers? That would be the best place to fall back to if they can't get home."

Fern  d20+6=22 d20+5=12 d20+5=15
Tuesday September 7th, 2004 12:36:13 PM

Fern continues to keep watch, but is a bit distracted by the conversation.

listen: 22
spot: 12
search: 15

Namfoodle  d20+6=26 d20+10=14
Tuesday September 7th, 2004 12:50:15 PM

Flashing a look at Marek and Henri.The gnome then looks at Veira as she washes her face,"You are quite striking without all the clown makeup." He winks at her slyly,"I can see that you are quite capable of taking care of yourself,I was curious how was it that you came to be a captive in the first place?" He sits down at her side and begins to play a soothing tune,"Carry on,I am listening but the music helps brighten the mood. I will stop if you would rather I didn't play." (Diplomacy 26 Natural 20 Perform 14) He sits and listens to the woman's story.

Kashmari  d20+4=22
Tuesday September 7th, 2004 5:27:58 PM

Not pleased that she hasn't recieved any answers she continues her pacing.
"We are wasting time aren't we? For all we know the drow are seeking the same thing we are."
She glances at the woman,
"and we don't even know if we can trust what she says... For all we know she could be lieing through her teeth!"

"So... Priest, Father... Bale, where do we go from here?"

Kashmari is now looking over the artifacts that the drow were mostly ignoring.

"Do we need any of these for later?"
Kashmari holds out one of the artifacts towards the priest and directs her question only to High Priest Bale.

(Appraise 22)

Tuesday September 7th, 2004 11:35:33 PM

Eiras comes back to relate the information he gathered from tracking the drow.

"Where to now? You did say that there was a sizable force of Drow?" He asks the priest.

Mykell Zweihand 
Tuesday September 7th, 2004 11:49:32 PM

Mykell listens to what is said by the woman and then looks to his friends as they continue to talk to the lady mostly anyway, "We should be moving on, if any of us don't trust the lady then we just have her come along till we know if she is truely friendly."

Mykell looks to the others when the comment of the armory is brought up and frowns abit, "High Priest Bale, didn't you say the armory was in the temple above ground? I do not see why you would put a armory underground inless it is some type of relic you wish to keep a secret."

Wednesday September 8th, 2004 8:43:16 AM

"Where do we go now?" askes the impatient centaur.

Sir Henri 
Wednesday September 8th, 2004 11:57:41 AM

Henri ask the little old lady,"Mother, can you hepl us further?" will listen a little further, than turn to the Hight Priest Bale, "Yes! Hight Cleric? what now?"

Wednesday September 8th, 2004 12:09:45 PM

Aelanthir walks over to the surviving drow that is tied up then kneels down by it. Quietly in undercommon Aelanthir says to the drow "where were you and your friends headed to when you were done here?"

Marek Isentomb 
Wednesday September 8th, 2004 3:35:20 PM

Marek waits for orders to move out.

Justin Webber (DM) Moving on 
Wednesday September 8th, 2004 9:04:35 PM

When the drow is confronted by Aelanthir he grunts and shakes his head before speaking, "We are claiming what is rightfully ours. Anything we find is ours." This is of course spoken in drow.

After alittle while of speaking the drunken or was suppose to be drunken lady stands and shrugs, "I have no problem with going with you all as long as I get out of here sooner then later. I been down here way to long."

Veira looks to the people speaking to her and shrugs, "I was captured while out from the temple I lived at. I was sent to gather water and herbs before returning to the temple. The temple was near to a elven village that the drow raided."

With this said the group moves out along with High priest Bale who shakes his head and points the way the group came, "The armory for the temple is back the way we came and a couple rooms down from the entrance to the catacombs. There is nothing down here except some old relics mainly."

(OOC;Figure people will comment on what they did with the tied up drow, etc.)

Hart, Spirit and Loran 
Thursday September 9th, 2004 1:47:52 AM

The Trio move off, close behind the group.

He feels stifled in the dank caverns, but moves cautiously along.

Sir Henri 
Thursday September 9th, 2004 8:36:02 AM

The Paladin unties the old woman, "I'm sorry that I doughted you! but you see you do look an alot like a drow. I had tomake sure. Come stay close to me! I'll protect you."

They bothe follow the rest of the group.

Thursday September 9th, 2004 11:56:27 AM

After talking with the woman,he stands up and preparese to move on again.

Kashmari  d20+4=5
Thursday September 9th, 2004 6:09:31 PM

Kashmari will help with guarding the drow if the group decides to bring him along as a prisoner.
Kashmari takes her time to point out to the drow prisoner (in Undercommon) that he would be wise to cooperate since the majority of the group would be most happy to kill him.
She also points out that she and Aelanthir are the only two people willing to safe guard him while he is a prisoner. Let him make out of her words what he will.
The Half-Elven woman was kneeling next to the drow prisoner while talking to him, she will stand up after she has finished talking.

(Just an Int check to see if she could pick up anything that the drow said in his native tongue. Either she didn't hear anything he said or she just plain didn't understand a single word of it; even with her knowledge of Undercommon. Int check 5...)

Fern  d20+6=13 d20+8=25 d20+5=18 d20+10=17 d20+3=15 d8+3=6
Thursday September 9th, 2004 8:28:41 PM

Fern stays to the back of the group as the priest leads the group. She pays attention to what she sees and hears and stays ready for an ambush.

Listen: 13
Move silently: 25
spot: 18

readied action, attack long bow
attack: 17 (+1 if in 30')
damage: 6 (+1 if in 30')

Thursday September 9th, 2004 8:38:47 PM

Aelanthir looks at the drow again then says in undercommon "she speaks true. I would ask that you tell us what we want to know as one day you might get to see your home again."

Friday September 10th, 2004 1:18:32 AM

The satyr continues on with the group.

Sir Henri 
Friday September 10th, 2004 6:06:32 AM

Henri Give a little more food to old lady, he ask of her "Tell me if you please, what is your name? I'm sorry I was not paying attention if you anounce yourself, my mind was elwere?" He leads her to where ever the party are going.

Tyal [HP: 38/49, AC: 25] [darkvision, bless] 
Sunday September 12th, 2004 6:30:37 PM

Tyal glances around at the others as decision are made. He is ready to move on and see what will happen next, but he will wait.

[Sorry, will do better to keep up with the game.]

1st: divine favor
2nd: barkskin
3rd: lesser aspect of the deity

0th: detect magic(2), read magic(2), purify food and drink
1st: bless, doom, endure elements(2), obscuring mist
2nd: hold person(2), shield other, sound burst
3rd: daylight, searing light

Extend Rod: 0/3 uses
Pearl 1st : unused
Pearl 2nd : unused
Pearl 3rd : unused

Justin Webber (DM) Moving on 
Sunday September 12th, 2004 6:37:28 PM

The drow shakes his head and looks to Kashmari and then Aelanthir and finally the others before speaking calmly in undercommon, "You will get no more info from me. Lollth be praised that I give you nothing."

The lady continues on with the others while High priest Bale also follows, looking over this and that as he follows along. The tunnel ahead which Eiras and Aelanthir has seen this already, the water in this area is covering the floor in just barely under a inch. You all find just before a bend in the tunnel the area where a passageway has been colapsed, another thing that Aelanthir found earlier. You still hear nothing coming from up ahead and around the been in a long hall way which looks like it opens up into a large room again.

Monday September 13th, 2004 4:30:03 AM

The satyr suggests that the two best scouts, him and Fern move ahead to scout terrain.

Spirit rejects this suggestion with a slap to the fey's head.

Loran remains asleep.

Sir Henri 
Monday September 13th, 2004 7:53:55 AM

The paladin follows askin the old woman, "Have you ever been here before?" Then enters the room very carefuly with swotd in hand.

Fern  d20+10=21 d20+6=15 d20+8=26 d20+5=24
Monday September 13th, 2004 12:12:24 PM

Fern will move to the head of the group and start to scout ahead. If there is light in the tunnel she hands her everburning torch to someone else, if not she keeps it with her.

hide: 21
listen: 15
move silently: 26
spot: 24

Marek Isentomb 
Monday September 13th, 2004 5:30:10 PM

"Good idea Hart, take about a 40' lead, but don't put to many corners between us and you."

Marek takes lead of the remaining group. Looking to Kashmari and then Aelanthir, "You two got the prisoner then. He flinches, kill him." Marek will point to the drows bound hands and then draw a line across his neck so the drow understands his position as well. Marek's voice in plain and matter of factly without malice.

At the final bend before the hall and eventual opening he waits holding the rest of the group up, while the two appointed scouts take a quick look

Monday September 13th, 2004 6:33:44 PM

Kashmari grins at the drow, and tells him in Undercommon.

"It is a pity that your Goddess won't help you now. You would be wise to cooperate. As you see there are those here would rather see you dead now. But it is your life..."

With her brother's help she will haul the prisoner to his feet. If he still refuses to share any information then she will gag the prisoner while they travel so he cannot warn any of his possible allies by calling out.

"Put the lady in the center of the marching order. No matter what she says we still do not know who she truly sides with.... or what her intentions are."

Kashmari is not near the head of the party while they travel; if Fern's target of a torch is passed back to her then she will most likely leave it behind rather than keep the beacon of light with the party.

Kashmari will either walk beside the prisoner or behind him. If he tries anything suspicious then she will either flay some of his skin or burn him to keep him in "good behaviour". Kashmari will certainly intervene if the drow even makes an attempt at harming either her or especially Aelanthir.

Hart, Spirit and Loran  d20+21=27 d20+21=31 d20+21=26 d20+17=21 d20+19=20 d20+20=37
Monday September 13th, 2004 6:56:59 PM

Hart moves off ahead. (Hide 27, Listen 31, Spot 26, Move Silently 21, Survival tracking 20)

Spirit remains hidden in the hood.

Loran opens his eyes, but remains atop the staff. (Spot 37)

Aelanthir  d20+11=28 d20+6=23
Monday September 13th, 2004 7:03:37 PM

Aelanthir looks to the group then to the drow with a evil glint and says "If you give anyone of use any problems or try to do something that would cause us harm I will make sure that you wish that you were going to be dead. Your kind has the reputation of being cruel torturors, well I will show you that your not the only one that can torture someone."

Aelanthir then checks to make sure that the ropes tying the drow go from his ankles to his wrists (behind the back.) The hands will be tied at the wrist then the thumbs and ring fingers will be tied togeather. Keeping the drow in front of himself Aelanthir will stay around the middle of the group with the drow.

spot 28
llisten 23

Sir Henri 
Monday September 13th, 2004 7:10:04 PM

"You know my Lady(The old woman)That is a very good idea, You stay in the center and we will all protect you. You know safty first!"

To Kashmari he smile at her "Very good! Friend, Very Good." following the rest of the party some where in the frount.

Justin Webber (DM) Moving Along 
Monday September 13th, 2004 9:48:52 PM

The group moves down the hallway, hauling the drow and also the lady has no problems with being in the middle of the group so stays there. The group talks over also sending the two best scouts in the group forward and await any opinion on that.

(OOC:I doubt there is no problem with the two scouting.)

Hart and Fern move forward to scout and find out in the room ahead is a large empty room and there is large wooden tables tipped over on their sides near the door way and in the far corners of the room.

Sir Henri 
Tuesday September 14th, 2004 7:26:07 AM

Sir Henri, who is in back of the scouts, listening to what they see "Hmmm? over turned tables, nobody in sight, sound like a perfice trap?? I say 'Better safe than sorry', and we'll never find out if we don't enter."

Fern  d20+10=23 d20+6=17 d20+8=9 d20+5=16 d20+10=27 d8+3=8
Tuesday September 14th, 2004 12:10:22 PM

Fern reports back what she sees in the room. She gets ready for an attack and stands near the door.

ooc: if noone took her torch & she's not using it she put it in her bag.

hide: 23
listen: 17
move silently: 9, nat 1
spot: 16

ready action: attack bow
attack: 27, +1 if within 30'
damage: 8, +1 if within 30'

Hart, Spirit and Loran 
Tuesday September 14th, 2004 5:16:24 PM

Hart waves the group to follow, QUIETLY!

Spirit mimics Hart.

Loran cocks his head at the darkness ahead.

(Hart has no problem seeing in the dim light.)

Tuesday September 14th, 2004 7:02:23 PM

Kashmari continues to keep watch on the drow rather than trying to see what is up ahead.If anything should occur then she will obviously either hear it or be informed by the scouts.

The psion smiles a wicked grin at what her brother says to the drow; she will be sure to support his statements even though she is not entirely certain that he would actually do what he says. At least if he is bluffing then she won't be the one to give it away!

- If Henry mentions his musings about traps loud enough for Kashmari to hear then she will hiss out this reply:
"Let only the scouts enter it. There is no point in all of us becoming pin-cushions."
- Obviously if he isn't speaking loud enough then she will remain quiet, and wait for the scout report.

Marek Isentomb  d20+10=29 2d6(3+2)+10=15
Tuesday September 14th, 2004 9:13:29 PM

Marek stays back 20 feet knowing he makes far too much noise. Whomever is in the room surely knows the party is near, but he figures if he stays back a bit maybe they won't know exactly how close some of them are.

Marek nods at Kashmari's comments. Marek points to Hart and Fern, then to the room and then to the left and right. Marek then holds up all five fingers and begins a slow countdown. Four fingers, three fingers, two fingers, one and then points into the room as he moves forward.
[Move 20 ready on an enemy. Chain has 15' reach Att AC 29 Dmg 15]

Eiras  d20+15=26 d20+11=31 d20+11=26
Wednesday September 15th, 2004 12:17:59 AM

Eiras turns invisible and stays at the back of the group. {Move Silent:26 Spot:31 Listen:26}

Tyal [HP: 49/49, AC: 25] [darkvision] 
Wednesday September 15th, 2004 12:24:36 AM

Tyal follows along near the front of the nonscouting group so that he can be of the most help. His eyes and ears are open to all sounds around them as he travels. He does not have any concerns for the newest lady that travels with them, leaving that to the others. He will keep his mind sharp and clear for the battles to come.

1st: divine favor
2nd: barkskin
3rd: lesser aspect of the deity

0th: detect magic(2), read magic(2), purify food and drink
1st: bless, doom, endure elements(2), obscuring mist
2nd: hold person(2), shield other, sound burst
3rd: daylight, searing light

Extend Rod: 0/3 uses
Pearl 1st : unused
Pearl 2nd : unused
Pearl 3rd : unused

Aelanthir  d20+11=21 d20+6=16
Wednesday September 15th, 2004 4:58:23 PM

Aelanthir pulls the drow closer to him changing his sword for a nice dagger so that he can quickly and quietly dispatch the drow if he causes any problems.

Aelanthir looks around to see if he can spot anything out of the ordinary.

spot 21
listen 16

Sir Henri 
Thursday September 16th, 2004 7:12:27 AM

Henri wait his turn to enter the Room.

Justin Webber (DM) OOC 
Friday September 17th, 2004 1:56:45 AM

Everyone, there will be a post later today. I was having some problems yesterday called a nasty little fever and staring at the screen to long was making me feel queezy.

Namfoodle  d20+7=23
Friday September 17th, 2004 1:19:49 PM

AS he waits to enter the room he tajes a moment to look around for any unpleasant surprises.(Spot 23)

Justin Webber (DM) New Room 
Friday September 17th, 2004 11:48:55 PM

The group decides on who to send in and slowly each member begins to enter in single file? As you enter Namfoodle gets a good look around and sees nothing at first.

There is no movements that you can see but who knows whats on the other side of those tables. With a startling realization Namfoodle does notice something finally as he looks up. Up at the ceiling hanging upside down and on a lizard are 3 drow lizard riders. The drow's are grinning and one issues a command in drow, "Kill the over worlders, send them to the pits the bath in the dark glories."

Suddenly noise can be hear from behind the tables across the room which are moved just right to block anyway around, the only way is over them or through them. You see a total of 3 archer with bows behind both tables and a group of atleast 4 fighters. 3 of the fighters on each side have longswords but the last 1 on each side also have a rapier and dagger readied.

Drow lizard riders are 120' off the ground suprisingly this room has a very high ceiling.

The drows behind the tables are 90' away.

Hart(AC 21), Spirit and Loran(AC 19)  d20+21=33 d20+21=24 d20+21=29 d20+17=22 d20+21=41
Saturday September 18th, 2004 1:16:33 AM

Hart steps off and hides(Hide 33, Listen 24, Spot 29, Move Silently 22).
He uses his wand of Shillalegh on the staff and prepares for battle, praying to Shalm.

Spirit disappears into the fey's hood.

Loran's eyes grow wide as he takes flight to the rafters(Spot 40, natural 20). He may even see invisible beings moving about.

Hart's Spell list 
Saturday September 18th, 2004 1:18:37 AM

Active Spells: Wood Wose (6 Hours, rod used), Shillalegh (wand)
Prepared Spells~
Orisons: Detect Magic, Create Water x2, Mending
First Level: Long Strider, Pass without Trace, Entangle
Second Level: Easy Trail, Flaming Sphere
Rod: 1/3 used
Pearl 1: Unused
Pearl 2: Unused

Namfoodle the nimble  d20+2=20
Saturday September 18th, 2004 3:06:23 PM

Seeing the threat,"More of them above us,watch yourselves" After giving the group warning he dives to the ground and tumbles around/over any nearby obstacles.(Tumble 20)

Fern HP: 37/37 AC: 21  d20+7=17 d20+7=20 d8+3=5 d8+3=5
Sunday September 19th, 2004 1:30:31 PM

Fern immediatly fires some arrows at the nearest bowman.

attack 1: 17
damage: 5

attack 2: 20
damage: 5

ooc: justin can we have a map?

Eiras {AC:20 HP:46/46 Invisible}  d20+15=29 d20+11=31 d20+11=28
Monday September 20th, 2004 12:26:56 AM

{Yes, I second the map motion!!!}

Eiras moves into the room, as quietly as possible {Move Silent:29} looking and listening for any and all threats {Spot:31 Nat 20 and Listen:28}.

He will, if possible look for a location to set up an archery position against the Drow archers.
{i.e. by overturning a table or some other furnishings...}

Aelanthir (Invisible, Darkvision, See Invis) 
Monday September 20th, 2004 3:51:41 AM

Aelanthir triggers his wand vanishing from sight while stepping away fromthe captured drow.

Sir Henri 
Monday September 20th, 2004 8:04:16 AM

Sir Henri tell Kahlkmarie,"Plrase take see to the old woman as I try to hold them off of you."
Then He enters the room, Ready for anything to comes his way.

OOC: Sorry! I had a tangle with the storm called 'Ivan'. Everything is alright with us. Conn. only had one death in this wind and rain (over 5 inches).

Marek Isentomb 
Monday September 20th, 2004 9:16:34 AM

Marek curses under his breath as the rest of the group frontally assaults a vastly superior foe in a defensive posistion. We're gonna get creamed
Marek moves into the room 10 feet, stows his chain and draws his bow. Calling the the group to pull back into the hallway. "Fall back!"

Monday September 20th, 2004 3:48:55 PM

Kashmari has no real clue what Henri is saying since she never even set foot in the room with the drow lizard-riders in it.

She stays where she was, but now standing very much closer to the captured drow with one of her knives held close to his throat as a reminder to not try and escape.

Kashmari moves herself and her prisoner close to one of the walls. This way her back is covered.

[In Undercommon to the drow prisoner of course] "Do not even think about trying to escape or call for any help - of course if you do call for help then your Spider Queen will likely reject you as a coward; and a complete waste of her time."

"I cannot guard two people at once Henri, someone else will have to keep an eye on her."

((OOC: Justin neither Kashmari nor Aelanthir stated that they were entering the room, just thought that I would let you know.))

Tyal [HP: 49/49, AC: 25] [darkvision]  d8=1 d8=6
Monday September 20th, 2004 7:37:24 PM

Tyal takes in the situation from the doorway and shakes his head. This is most definitely going to go bad for the group as part of them charge forward. Still with only a thought he calls upon the powers of his battle goddess.

With extended hand he brings it open palmed towards the group of archers behind the tables. "Bragollach en templa." A ball of sound races in that direction to explode behind them with a defening sound.

[sound burst - 6 damage, Fort 18 or stun for 1 round]

1st: divine favor
2nd: barkskin
3rd: lesser aspect of the deity

0th: detect magic(2), read magic(2), purify food and drink
1st: bless, doom, endure elements(2), obscuring mist
2nd: hold person(2), shield other, sound burst#
3rd: daylight, searing light

Extend Rod: 0/3 uses
Pearl 1st : unused
Pearl 2nd : unused
Pearl 3rd : unused

Monday September 20th, 2004 10:04:05 PM

Remains hidden until next post. ;)

Mykell Zweihand 
Monday September 20th, 2004 10:25:06 PM

Mykell frowns and looks by the others and at the drow in the room as he sighs and drops the vizor on his helm, speaking mainly to himself in elven as he begins to stride forward, "Money fuels my sword arm, I hope the money was worth it."

Mykell calls out to the others, "I second that, fall back everyone. Inless we have some trick to even the odds. Leave this one to me." Mykell smiles lightly as he stretches alittle and prepares himself.

Sir Henri 
Tuesday September 21st, 2004 6:16:30 PM

Henri is about to go into the room, when Some of them want to run him down comming back. "Whoe! there What's going on? too many out there? what are we face with?" then he turn to the old woman "Did you know that there was lizard men down here? Do you have any Idea why there here at all??"

Justin Webber (DM) The Drow Trap  d20+4=16 d20+4=15 d20+4=18 d20+4=9 d20+4=17 d20+4=14 d20+4=14 d20+10=20 d8+3=8 d20+10=27 d8+3=9 d20+10=22 d20+10=14 d8+3=6 d8+3=11
Tuesday September 21st, 2004 6:34:08 PM

Everyone prepares to enter the room or does except Kashmari and Aelanthir who hold back and wait.

Tyal is lucky enough to stun every drow behind one of the tables except one of the archers who looks very un happy at the fact that his friends are stunned.

Fern fires off a pair of arrows and misses with her first arrow just barely and the second hits the un stunned drow behind the table that Tyal had aimed his sound blast at. The drow now looks dangerously at Fern.

Eiras looks for a table or something to turn over and sees only one table at the side of the room. He gets there in this round but is unable to turn it over as of yet.

(I will try to get a map out asap but for now please try to work with me everyone.)

(DA=Drow Archer)*Table to the right of next exit/entrance*
DA1 is stunned/injured
DA2 is stunned/injured
DA3 is injured but not stunned.

(DF=Drow Fighter)
DF1 is stunned/injured
DF2 is stunned/injured
DF3 is stunned/injured
DF4 is stunned/injured

*Drows to the left of next exit/entrance*
DA4 uninjured
DA5 uninjured
DA6 uninjured

DF5 uninjured
DF6 uninjured
DF7 uninjured
DF8 uninjured

(LR=Lizard Rider)
LR1 is uninjured
LR2 is uninjured
LR3 is uninjured

The single unstunned drow archer on the right side takes aims and fires at Fern. (Can hit AC:20 Damage:8)

The fighters behind the table on the left side of the room quickly move over the table and stay back as they await the group to move in.

DA4 takes aim and fires at Eiras as he moves to over turn the table left in the room. (Can hit AC:27 Damage:9)

DA5&6 both take aim at Mykell as he steps out of the tunnel and tells the group they should fall back, both archers let their arrow fly at the same time. (Can hit AC:22/14 Damage:6/11)

LR1,2 and 3 stay where they are on the ceiling seeing no reason to enter the combat as of yet.

(The drow all have a AC of 20 except the lizards which no one has tried to hit.)

Aelanthir (AC: 18 HP: 30/30 , Invisible, Darkvision, See Invis) 
Tuesday September 21st, 2004 8:41:50 PM

Aelanthir looks into the room then at the ceiling. Aelanthir then casts Grease on the surface of the ceiling where the lizard riders are located.

DC for the reflex save is 15

Kashmari (HP 39/39, AC 15)  d20+25=40
Tuesday September 21st, 2004 8:45:49 PM

Kashmari looks at one of the lizards (LR1) and concentrates using matter Agitation (dmg 1 , skin reddens)(concentration 40)

Eiras (AC:20 HP:38/47 Invisible...) 
Tuesday September 21st, 2004 10:28:42 PM

{OOC: Eiras was invisible when he entered the room - just an FYI}

Eiras overturns the table and ducks behind it, readying his bow and arrows.

Hart(AC 21), Spirit and Loran(AC 19)  d20+7=9 d20+7=8 2d6(5+4)+5=14 2d6(5+6)+5=16 d20+5=9
Tuesday September 21st, 2004 10:46:48 PM

Active Spells: Wood Wose (6 Hours, rod used), Shillalegh (wand)
Prepared Spells~
Orisons: Detect Magic, Create Water x2, Mending
First Level: Long Strider, Pass without Trace, Entangle
Second Level: Easy Trail, Flaming Sphere
Rod: 1/3 used
Pearl 1: Unused
Pearl 2: Unused

Hart pops out from his hiding spot and attacks the nearest drow(hopefully a stunned one). (AC 9 and 8, 14 and 16 damage) [I know I missed but aw well!]

Spirit hides.

Loran flashes toward the nearest drow. (AC 9)

Fern HP: 37/37 AC: 21  d20+8=25 d20+8=25 d8+3=10 d8+3=9
Wednesday September 22nd, 2004 2:09:38 AM

Fern takes a step closer to the archers & makes sure she's out of the doorway before firing again.

attack 1: 25, +1 if within 30'
damage: 10, +1 if within 30'
attack 2: 25, +1 if within 30'
damage: 9, +1 if within 30'

Wednesday September 22nd, 2004 2:10:06 AM

oops, she's firing at the guy who hit her

Sir Henri 
Wednesday September 22nd, 2004 9:40:57 AM

Henri smiles at the people behid him, "Good get those lizards down from the ceiling and slap that prisoner a little!"
Henri will enter the Room and rush to the left where the Drow fighters areready to grab the end of the table and pull it to the side.

OOC: I think that is all that this paladin can do in one round? I hope that he can defend.

Tyal [HP: 49/49, AC: 25] [darkvision] 
Wednesday September 22nd, 2004 11:33:43 AM

Tyal will move in on the archers and thier table blockade. He will attempt to clear the tables the next round so that he can get on the other side with them.

A smile touches his face as he swings his morningstar menacingly and moves his shield around in front of him. "Time to play a little game." He hopes that the sound burst has bought the group enough time to make their moves and get into position.

1st: divine favor
2nd: barkskin
3rd: lesser aspect of the deity

0th: detect magic(2), read magic(2), purify food and drink
1st: bless, doom, endure elements(2), obscuring mist
2nd: hold person(2), shield other, sound burst#
3rd: daylight, searing light

Extend Rod: 0/3 uses
Pearl 1st : unused
Pearl 2nd : unused
Pearl 3rd : unused

Marek Isentomb [AC22 HP 48]  d20+8=14
Wednesday September 22nd, 2004 12:01:12 PM

Marek again calls for the group to fall back out of the room, the drow being 90' away, with cover and ranged capability.

Marek lets loose a single shot at DA3 and then moves 20' back and out of the room.
[Hit AC 14 miss]

Namfoodle The battle savy  d20+5=24 d20+2=12 d20+8=16
Wednesday September 22nd, 2004 2:09:36 PM

Not liking the the fact that once again the group finds itself severly outnumbered,he dives for the nearest shadows to get himself out of the donnybrook that is erupting around him,"He thinks to himself how did someone like me get into a situations like this...again?" Chuckling a little to himself at the randomness of that thought he dives for cover.(Jump 24 Tumble 12)

As he comes up he begins to conceal himself as best he can. (Hide 16) While hiding he takes out his crossbow and his lyre setting them at his feet With a quick inventory of bolts he thanks the gods for his foresight to pack whole extra case,seeing as how his first one only has six left. He sits there waiting for his time to strike.

Sir Henri  d20+3=18 d20+9=27 d8+5=12
Thursday September 23rd, 2004 9:41:54 AM

Sir Henri shoves the table (Str. 18 Better to get at the First fighter) attack the fighter nearest to him, He swing (Attack AC27 - Damages 12hp). Henri tell the other Fighters "I have come to show you the Light, My God is Palor, the God of Light. Come let me bless you with my Sword".

Justin Webber (DM) Drow Battle  d20+6=10 d20+6=11 d20+6=14 d20+6=13 d20+6=24 d20+6=25 d20+10=23 d20+10=16 d8+3=5 d8+3=11 d20+10=18 d8+3=6 d20+8=22 d8+4=11 d20+6=25 d20+6=18 d20+4=12 d8+4=6 d8+4=11 d4+2=5 d20+10=23 d20+10=17 d8+3=6 d8+3=6 d20+10=13 d8+3=10 d20+8=21 d20+8=26 d20+8=9 d8+4=10 d8+4=10
Thursday September 23rd, 2004 11:44:53 PM

Aelanthir's grease spell on the ceiling seems to do the job since the lizard riders all drop from the ceiling as their mounts could not hold on to the slickened surface. One of the three lizards lands hard but the other two land easily and the rider simply glare at the group as each grab their spears in readiness.

Kashmari focuses her mind on lizard one and it's skin begins to redden and blister some.

Eiras over turns the table and readies himself for combat. (Ignore the attacks on your character, I missed that he was invible.)

Hart moves out towards the table with the stunned drow behind it and swings at one of the fighters. His attacks miss though and he can only guess that the stunned drow is laughing at him.

Fern attacks the archer who shot at her back, injuring the drow badly and leaving it bleeding pretty nastily behind the table.

Henri runs across the room to move the table on the left side of the room that the drow are hiding behind, allowing the onces nearest him a shot at him.

Tyal moves in on the drow he has stunned, planning on moving the table when a chance arises.

Marek calls to the group to fall back but most of the group has charged in to attack. Marek's attack misses it's target badly and slams into the wall.

Namfoodle succeeds in diving into the nearest shadows and hiding as he readies himself for combat more not.

(Didn't make my post but here it is)
Mykell looks to the group and sighs as he realizes the situation and pulls a small gem from out of his gauntlet that was hidden and whispers, "May the elements help me and my friends. Come to my aid earthen one." Mykell launches the gem to the floor and when it hits and breaks a earth elemental appears, growling at the drow enemies.

All drow's that were stunned come to this round but stay behind the table that they were behind.

DA1&2 take aim and fire at Mykell. (Can hit AC:23/16 Damage:5/11)

DA3 takes aim and fires at Tyal. (Can hit AC:18 Damage:6)

DF2 takes a swing at Tyal as he tries to keep the table from being moved. (Can hit AC:22 Damage:11)

DF4 takes a swing at Hart with both his weapons. Slashing in quick movements. (Can hit AC:25(crit:18)/12 Damage:6(11)/5)

DA4&5 take aim and fire at the elemental who appeared. (Can hit AC:23/17 Damage:6/6)

DA6 takes aim and fires at Fern, yelling out, "The people first, elemental last." (Can hit AC:13 Damage:10)

DF5&6 move in quickly towards Mykell and his earth elemental.

DF7&8 move in and slash at Henri as he tries to move the table, growling at him. (Can hit AC:21/26(critical miss) Damage:10/10)

LR1&2 move quickly in on the door way to the tunnel that Aelanthir, Kashmari and now Marek is retreating too.

LR3 is moving in on Fern as the lizard's sticky tongue wags out a moment at her as if tasting the air.
High Priest Bale looks at the situation infront of him and pulls out a wand and calls out quickly, "speak up if your in need of healing you guys."

The monk lady looks ratheru n happy at all this going on around her and she rushes out into the mix. Her speed is uncanny for a normal person and she suddenly jumps and and spins in mid air, cetching the drow ridig L3 in the chest. The impact of the spin kick makes the drow wobble in the saddle on the lizard but not fall off.

(Monk lady is not noted on map, neither is High Priest Bale or drow prisoner.)

Justin Webber (OOC) 
Thursday September 23rd, 2004 11:58:47 PM

Having some small email problems. I'm going to try sending the map to someone and have that person email it out to the group.

Hart(AC 21, 58/64), Spirit and Loran(AC 19)  d20+7=25 d20+7=19 2d6(5+5)+5=15 2d6(4+4)+5=13
Friday September 24th, 2004 4:36:21 AM

Active Spells: Wood Wose (6 Hours, rod used), Shillalegh (wand)
Prepared Spells~
Orisons: Detect Magic, Create Water x2, Mending
First Level: Long Strider, Pass without Trace, Entangle
Second Level: Easy Trail, Flaming Sphere
Rod: 1/3 used
Pearl 1: Unused
Pearl 2: Unused

Hart takes a couple of angry swings at the drow. (AC 25 and 19, for 15 and 13 damage)
The fey smirks a feral grin and growls at the elf. "Shambola def'moma!" Hart curses in Sylvan toward the drow.

Hart(AC 21, 58/64), Spirit and Loran(AC 19)  d20+7=25 d20+7=19 2d6(5+5)+5=15 2d6(4+4)+5=13 d20+5=21 d4=2
Friday September 24th, 2004 4:37:53 AM

Active Spells: Wood Wose (6 Hours, rod used), Shillalegh (wand)
Prepared Spells~
Orisons: Detect Magic, Create Water x2, Mending
First Level: Long Strider, Pass without Trace, Entangle
Second Level: Easy Trail, Flaming Sphere
Rod: 1/3 used
Pearl 1: Unused
Pearl 2: Unused

Hart takes a couple of angry swings at the drow. (AC 25 and 19, for 15 and 13 damage)
The fey smirks a feral grin and growls at the elf. "Shambola def'moma!" Hart curses in Sylvan toward the drow.

Spirit sticks out his tongue at the drow.

Loran strikes at the drow. (AC 21, 2 damage)

Sir Henri(AC20 30/50hp)  d20+9=28 d8+5=12
Friday September 24th, 2004 6:45:48 AM

OOC: Ha-Ha! look at today's roll almost the same.

Henri was not quick enough to block the weapons, So he get hurt for 20hp, Henri will yell "High Priest! Please help this unwothy servant??"
As the paladin ask for help, he swings at his dark enermy (attacks AC28) wounding him for (Damages 12hp) across his unprotected chest. Henri smile at the drow asking, "Shall we do the dance of death??"

OOC: Attack AC28 - Damages 12hp.

OOC: Fighting Drow Fighter at (Y/f)

Namfoodle the sly  d20+6=25 d6+2=7 d6=4
Friday September 24th, 2004 12:55:01 PM

He peeks his head from his place of concealment,and looks around at the battle .(OOC Since I don't have a map yet I will just wing it)
Namfoodle will take aim at the closest drow that has his back towards Namfoodle,or whatever one I can flank.(AC 27 forgot to add the +2 from my crossbow damage Damage 11=7+4 sneak attack)

Aelanthir - OOC 
Friday September 24th, 2004 5:28:53 PM

Battle Map

Eiras {HP:47/47 AC:20 Invisible}  d20+12=21 d20+12=32 d20+12=31 d8+3=6 d8+3=6 d8+3=5 d8+3=9
Friday September 24th, 2004 10:27:13 PM

Eiras becomes visible as he fires two shots at DF7
{Hit AC:21 AC:32 possible crit. Confirmed AC:31
Damage:6 for first attack
Damage:20 for the second attack}

Fern HP: 37/37 AC: 21  d20+8=18 d20+8=19 d8+3=10 d8+3=9
Sunday September 26th, 2004 12:03:24 AM

Fern moves behind the table (Tq) and fires at the drow archer at (Cz).

attack 1: 18
damage: 10

attack 2: 19
damage: 9

Marek Isentomb [AC 22-23 against nearest Lizard Rider 48 HP]  d20+10=28 2d6(6+3)+10=19
Monday September 27th, 2004 10:27:51 AM

Marek drops his bow and as he steps five feet to the left, he draws his 15' chain and puts one end sailing out into the Drow on top of the lizard 10' in front of him. The spiked weapon impacts heavily to the defenders shoulder.[Hit AC 28 Dmg 19]

Sir Henri  d20+9=24 d8+5=12
Monday September 27th, 2004 6:12:30 PM

Henri take another swing at the drow, so he taunts them all the more "Come One! Come All! there's enough for all." the paladin hit hm again (ac 24 - Damages 12hp). then he look at the other beside him "Don't worry Your Next!."

Tyal [HP: 49/49, AC: 25] [darkvision]  d20+8=18 d8+4=6
Monday September 27th, 2004 8:03:38 PM

Tyal smiles at the two drow as they takes swings at him. The first is really short and the second he takes off his shield. With a laugh he launches an attack at the first drow.

[drow3 - hit: 18, damage: 6]

1st: divine favor
2nd: barkskin
3rd: lesser aspect of the deity

0th: detect magic(2), read magic(2), purify food and drink
1st: bless, doom, endure elements(2), obscuring mist
2nd: hold person(2), shield other, sound burst#
3rd: daylight, searing light

Extend Rod: 0/3 uses
Pearl 1st : unused
Pearl 2nd : unused
Pearl 3rd : unused

Mykell Zweihand  d20+11=31 d20+11=14 d8+6=8
Monday September 27th, 2004 8:45:13 PM

Mykell moves alittle and swings at then earest lizard rider. He grins as his sword hits deeply and leaves a nasty wound on the drow elf. (Can hit AC:31 *crit miss* Damage:8)

Justin Webber 
Monday September 27th, 2004 10:49:15 PM

(OOC:Since we are in the middle of combat I would like to wait for Eunice and Dom to post before moving the game on. Thank you all for being patient and also Eunice and Dom I hope you both are doing okay and not working to hard.)

Kashmari (HP 39/39, AC 15)  d20+25=39 d4=3
Tuesday September 28th, 2004 5:18:37 PM

Kashmari takes a step backwards further into the hallway while concentrating on the lizard (causing 3 points of dmg.)

concentration 39

Aelanthir (AC: 18 HP: 30/30 , Invisible, Darkvision, See Invis) 
Tuesday September 28th, 2004 5:23:29 PM

Aelanthir casts shocking grasp then readies both of his short swords.

Jay B (Hart) 
Tuesday September 28th, 2004 6:28:35 PM

OOC: YEAH!! They posted!!!! ;)

Sir Henri 
Wednesday September 29th, 2004 9:30:33 AM

OOC: the plaladin applause as he see Kakhmarie and Aelanlkir again. :)

Justin Webber (DM) Drow Fight Continued  d20+10=24 d20+10=25 d8+3=7 d8+3=6 d20+10=27 d8+3=9 d20+8=25 d20+8=13 d8+4=5 d20+8=23 d20+8=22 d8+4=9 d4+2=3 d20+10=21 d20+10=23 d8+3=10 d8+3=7 d20+10=12 d20+8=18 d8+4=9 d20+8=14 d20+8=26 d20+8=21 d8+4=5 d8+4=11 d8+4=10 d20+8=21 d20+8=23 d6+4=6 d6+4=9 d20+8=20 d6+4=8 d20+10=22 d20+10=23 d20+10=28 d8+4=11 d8+4=10 d8+4=7
Wednesday September 29th, 2004 1:52:51 PM

Hart attacks DF4, injuring it nastily but not dropping it.

Henri attacks one of the drow attacking him and gives it a nasty wound but it's still standing.

Namfoodle fires his crossbow and hits one of the drows also, injuring it but the drow doesn't seem to be bothered much by the bolt.

Eiras fires a arrow at DF7 and drops it, easing the pressure on Henri.

Fern is unable to hit her target with either shot. The drows seem to laugh at her as they move in on their targets.

Marek attacks one of the lizard riders, injuring the rider but not enough to drop him.

Tyal misses his enemy also.

Mykell slashes and injures one of the lizard riders, not enough to kill it either but leaving it just slightly injured.

Kashamari concentrates and injures the lizard worse this round then last.

Aelanthir readies his weapons and casts shocking grasp.

DF7 is dead

DA1&2 take aim and fire at Fern. (Can hit AC:24/25 Damage:7/6)

DA3 takes aim and fires at Tyal. (Can hit AC:27 Damage:9)

DF2 takes a swing at Tyal again as he grins and comments, "You'll die soon fool." (Can hit AC:25*crit miss* Damage:5)

DF4 takes a swing at Hart with both his weapons again. Slashing in quick and skilled movements. (Can hit AC:23/20 Damage:9/3)

DA4&5 take aim and fire at the elemental again. (Can hit AC:21/23 Damage:10/7)

DA6 takes aim and fires at Mykell since he summoned the elemental. (Can hit AC:12 Damage:miss)

DF5 moves in and attacks Mykell. (Can hit AC:18 Damage:9)

DF6 move over to the tale Eiras turned over.

DF8 slashs at Henri again and grins since he is keeping Henri from moving the table. (Can hit AC:14/26*crit 21) Damage:5/11*crit:21*)

LR1&2 move quickly in on the door way flanking Marek now as both riders swing their spears. (Can hit AC:21/23 Damage:6/9)

LR3 moves fully in on Fern and the drow rider swings his spear at her. (Can hit AC:20 Damage:8)
High Priest Bale looks over the poeple and keeps his wand ready and spells ready to heal people if anyone calls out their need.

The monk lady looks rather upset that the Lizard and it's rider moved away and follows LR3 and smoothly runs up it's tail and a flurry of blows lands on the back of the rider's head. The monk lady grins as the drow rider falls from the saddle.

Eiras {AC:20 (plus partial cover) HP:47/47}  d20+12=31 d20+12=32 d20+12=29 d8+3=7 d8+3=11 d8+3=8 d8+3=10
Wednesday September 29th, 2004 3:32:39 PM

Eiras nods at the dropped drow and turns his attention on DF6. He takes aim and fires at him twice at point blank range. (AC:31 Dmg:7 Points,
AC:32 possible crit. confirmed 29 Dmg:29 Points, total damage:36 HP!} If the drow is still standing, Eiras takes a five foot step back to try and squeeze another round of arrows off(unless I don't think I will be able to-in which case, Eiras drops his bow as a free action draws his longsword).

Marek Isentomb [AC 22-23 against nearest Lizard Rider 39-48 HP]  d20+10=25 d20+10=26 2d6(1+4)+10=15 2d6(4+6)+10=20 d20+10=20 d20+5=16 2d6(4+6)+10=20
Wednesday September 29th, 2004 4:29:15 PM

As the riders move in, the Spiked chain sails in against each of Mareks would be opponents [AoO Combat Reflexes AC 25 and 26 Dmg 15 and 20]

Marek steps five feet out of flanking position and continues on the Rider he inititally attack. Hard viscious archs of the magic chain aimed at the riders Chest [Hit AC 20 and 15(nat 1 miss) Dmg 20]

Sir Henri(AC20 -1/50hp) 
Wednesday September 29th, 2004 4:44:15 PM

the palatio after hitting his enermy in frount of him. The enery who waas on hid left side get in a very strong blow. Henri drops on the floor bearly breathing. (the paladin is now -1 Dying)

Hart(AC 21, 49/64), Spirit and Loran(AC 19)  d20+7=11 d20+7=14 d20+5=10
Wednesday September 29th, 2004 5:01:48 PM

Active Spells: Wood Wose (6 Hours, rod used), Shillalegh (wand)
Prepared Spells~
Orisons: Detect Magic, Create Water x2, Mending
First Level: Long Strider, Pass without Trace, Entangle
Second Level: Easy Trail, Flaming Sphere
Rod: 1/3 used
Pearl 1: Unused
Pearl 2: Unused

Hart twirls the staff over his head, strikes out the drow, missing both times.

Spirit giggles, remaining in the hood.

Loran makes another passing attack, missing. "Screeok!" He curses.

Aelanthir (AC: 18 HP: 30/30 , Invisible, Darkvision, See Invis)  d20+4=24 d20+4=16 d6+3=7 d6=6 4d6(2+5+5+6)=18 d6+3=7 d20+2=21 d20+2=9 d6+2=5
Wednesday September 29th, 2004 5:41:06 PM

Aelanthir moves in and attacks LR1 (hit AC 24 (possible crit AC 16) dmg 33(7+6(sneak attack)+18(shocking grasp))(crit +7 (total 40)), hit AC 21 (no crit) dmg 5)

ac 19 vs LR1 (dodge)

Kashmari (HP 39/39, AC 15)  d6=6 d20+25=31
Wednesday September 29th, 2004 5:43:57 PM

Kashmari continues concentrating on the lizard (causing 6 points of dmg.)

concentration: 31

Tyal [HP: 35/49, AC: 25] [darkvision]  d20+8=14
Wednesday September 29th, 2004 7:27:14 PM

Tyal finds a drow arrow finding a niche in his armor along with a drow weapon also finding hold. He winces with the sudden pain but bites it back as a blessing of his deity.

He makes no comment to the drow fighter as he just smiles at him. He brings his own morningstar in at the drow with as much power as he can muster.

[drow3 - hit: 14, damage: none]

1st: divine favor
2nd: barkskin
3rd: lesser aspect of the deity

0th: detect magic(2), read magic(2), purify food and drink
1st: bless, doom, endure elements(2), obscuring mist
2nd: hold person(2), shield other, sound burst#
3rd: daylight, searing light

Extend Rod: 0/3 uses
Pearl 1st : unused
Pearl 2nd : unused
Pearl 3rd : unused

Fern HP: 24/37 AC: 21 
Thursday September 30th, 2004 12:25:35 AM

Fern gasps as the arrows thud into her and luckily flinches just as the spear comes within a hair of skewering her. "Henry!" She calls out as she sees him fall. Fern RUNS towards Henry as fast as possible.

Sir Henri (AC 20 - -2/50hp) 
Thursday September 30th, 2004 7:58:16 AM

The paladin lays there as his life blood ozzes away.

Marek Isentomb 
Friday October 1st, 2004 2:52:09 PM

Marek eyes the two drow on him with the steely eyes of a well seasoned warrior. Sir Henri falls and Fern rushes o his aid. Marek will shift towards the pair to try and prevent any of the enemy from taking advantage of teh situation.

Justin Webber (DM) 
Friday October 1st, 2004 9:06:23 PM

Sorry for the slight slow down, I will post come morning since it is storming here and I can't risk frying my computer.

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