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Shadow Boundary

Justin Webber (DM) Into the shadow 
Saturday June 12th, 2004 10:07:08 PM

The group moves into the Shadow Boundary. Hart finds nothing wrong with his staff when he tests it and nothing happens to Henri's holy symbol either.

Inside the Shadow Boundary the group is welcomed by a site just like the one inside the magic flame that Servain used to scry the area. You see large, dark and twisted looking trees. Some brown leaves hang from the branches but the trees do not look dead as much as just like they are naturally this way. A smell of decay can be noticed in the air, not sure from what but there none the less. Some bushes are in this area also, large 4inch thorns on the bushes that area just as brown as the bush itself. The tips of the thorns look somewhat barbed and also have a tinge of red to them.

You see no sign in or outside of Shadow Boundary of movement. Either the creatures entering and exiting cover their tracks or something. The ground is rather hard though and not much grass grows near to the Shadow Boundary on the outside.

You can hear no sounds within the current area. No sun shines through the Shadows that make up the sky or the walls of the Boundary but yet it is lit up inside like it was sunny outside.

Hart and Loran  d20+16=21 d20+19=34 d20+16=28 d20+21=31 d20+17=20 d20+21=34 d20+12=31 d20+17=25 d20+20=28
Sunday June 13th, 2004 4:31:37 AM

The satyr is visibly shaken at the appearance of what they find inside the Shadow.

Loran tucks his head under his wing, as if shielding himself from the vision.

Hart takes a mental picture of the area where they entered and is soon back to his stoic self. (Knowledge Nature 21, Survival 34) He seems to take in everything around, even though the sight is agonizing.
He looks around, making the universal waving motion that means 'Quiet!'. He lowers his profile and slinks carefully into the brush. Hart also wants a 'higher' vantage point in which he can 'oversee' the forest.
(Hide 28, Listen 31, Move Silently 20, Spot 34(low-light vision))

The owl takes flight, careful to avoid stirring the branches. (Listen 31, Move Silently 25 and Spot 28(darkvision/low-light vision)) Loran might be out seeking something, or just trying to hunt. (Whats the story on the rodent population in the Shadow? Can Loran expect food soon?)

(What sorts of twisted versions of trees are around? Is the dirt 'normal'? Etc. Anything nature related, Hart looks at, ponders over and otherwise scrutenizes down to the last detail. He's especially intent on the thorns, since they seem to be the most prominent feature to him (what sort of plant?). Is foliage sparse? Are tall trees in short supply? Etc)

Sir Henri  d20=20 d20=10 d20=10
Sunday June 13th, 2004 8:35:00 AM

Henri step into the Shadow, he is shock at the scene in frount of him. he was not expecting this. Right now there is nothing evil here, but that could change soon, Very Soon.
He keeps his wits about him, he'll advance as quitly as he can and that is tough in metal armor, looking about all the time and listening to the slittest sound in any direction.

occ: Listen 20 - Spot 10 - Knowledge of nature 10 - Detec Evil

Aelanthir and Kuari  d20+14=34
Sunday June 13th, 2004 3:02:03 PM

As Aelanthir moves through the Shadow border Aelanthir motions to Kuari to come to him. Kuari takes the hint and quickly flies down to Aelanthir then flies into a pocket on Aelanthir's vest vanishing from sight.

Aelanthir then looks around trying to see if there is anyplace that may be used as a defensable location (spot 34.)

Kashmari  d20+4=20 d20+4=11 d20+6=17 d20+9=21
Sunday June 13th, 2004 3:46:45 PM

Kashmari spends no time gaping at the Shadow. She gives Mykell a "suffering" look for his bad attempt at a joke. Kashmari steps through the Shadow with no trepidation, then she takes in the dismal, twisted vista.
'I suppose that it is typical of demon kind to bring visions of the abyss with them when they travel. As it is said - home is where the heart is...'
She pays some attention to her surroundings as she follows the others further into the smelly, surreal landscape. The psion does her best to avoid getting too close to the weirdest plants; especially the thorny ones.

(Listen 20, Spot 11, Search 17, Move Silently 21)

Sunday June 13th, 2004 6:28:39 PM

Fern stares in horror at the sight before her then whispers "will we be able to leave?"

Huur hoots softly in distress at the sight and stands on fern's shoulder hiding her head in fern's hair.

Eiras  d20+12=29 d20+10=14
Sunday June 13th, 2004 9:22:13 PM

Eiras steps through the Boundary, on the other side, you see his shoulders shudder slightly.

Silently he looks around at the corrupted landscape. Like Hart Eiras looks at the terrain both to figure out the danger of the thorns and if there appear to be any signs of habitation on this side of the barrier (Tracking:29 Survival:14)

Mykell Zweihand 
Monday June 14th, 2004 12:07:08 AM

Mykell looks around and sighs as he does, shaking his head as he whispers mainly to himself, using Treant again to insure no one knows what he said since he doesn't want to sound sappy, "this is awful. Such misery for a place that looks like it could of been so beautiful in it's time."

Tyal  d20+8=15 d20+8=16 d20+10=17
Monday June 14th, 2004 4:46:49 PM

With a heavy heart he watches those of the wilderness type lose it for awhile. The first time he had entered here it had been his reaction too.

Glancing around as he scans the area for danger he speaks up a little. "If you think this is bad...wait till you see the wildlife." His eyes take on a sad look as he continues. "They are now twisted images of what they once were...mere monsters now." He wipes back a tear as he moves a little deeper into the boundry area.

[listen: 15, spot: 16, survival: 17]

Namfoodle the confused 
Monday June 14th, 2004 5:08:31 PM

Looking around he is saddened by what he sees,he puts out his torch,since it's not needed.

"There is no joy here? What kind of creatures could live in such bleakness,there is no music in the air,the earth is quiet. This..this...." A lone tear falls down his cheek,and he is silent.

Sir Henri 
Monday June 14th, 2004 5:39:35 PM

Henri look around hith a heavy heart. He thinking 'What king of evil is this? I hope I an do something to change all of this back to it's origenal beauty'.

Justin Webber (DM) Stiffen the upperlip 
Monday June 14th, 2004 5:55:44 PM

The group slowly gets a feel for the area they came in at. The main feeling being one of disgust at how the place has been twisted by the demons.

Hart finds that the dirt looks normal, the twisted trees look like some type of oak tree. The bushes look mainly like wild rose bushes to Hart but without the roses. All the trees are fairly well tall but of course most twist in the trunk here and there. As far as Hart can tell from the looks of the thorns they look to be oozing a almost thin and non visible layer of liquid. Foliage in the area is mainly simple dead looking bushes.

Loran comes back unable to find any suitable rodent. He can tell Hart about seeing a small (6") black horned mouse.

Sir Henri's detect evil ability almost sends the paladin into a stupor since the whole area sets off the detect evil.

Everyone else searching pretty much finds the same things as Hart. One thing is for sure to everyone and that the plant life, and wildlife have been changed so there is no idea how the place will react to you.

Eiras  d20+11=29
Tuesday June 15th, 2004 1:42:48 AM

Eiras looks around at the others, raising his hands slightly, *continue?*.

Still not speaking, he decides to continue moving perpendicular to the Boundary edge. Bow out, arrow nocked, trying to move silently for now {Move Silently:29}

{That brings up an interesting question - what does the edge of the boundary look like from this side? any differences?

Hart, Spirit and Loran  d20+16=26 d20+21=35 d20+17=24 d20+21=40 d20+19=21
Tuesday June 15th, 2004 2:17:02 AM

Zero Level: Create Water x2, Purify Food/Drink x2
First Level: Hide from Animals, Produce Flame, Speak With Animals, Wood Wose(CAST)
Second Level: Easy Trail(CAST), Lesser Restoration
Rod uses 2/3 per day

The satyr pops out of the brush just in front of the group. He reveals what he's discovered so far.
"Tha thorns are deadly. Tere ees fiendeesh mice weeth horns, haf a fute long. Those trees are oak. Follow me, stay close, very close."
Hart casts Wood Wose and Easy Trail, using his Lesser Rod of Extension on both, both last six hours.
(Note: Easy Trail is effectively hiding our trail/path. All within the 30ft cone BEHIND HART are in the affect. Tracking us raises the DC +5.)

Spirit appears and climbs up onto Hart's horns, trembles and covers its eyes. The Spirit is frightened.

The satyr raises his staff, parting the bushes and heads into the brush, opening a path wide enough to allow the group to pass unhindered by brush or thorns. The wake of plants close behind the last person on the path.
Hart himself isn't leaving a trail at all in the dirt. (Trackless Step)
The druid looks about, trying to figure the best route and the route with the most brush. He wants to make sure he notices the flora and fauna of the area, he also notes terrain type and weather(if any), in the Shadow. Is the climate different here, than from the outside (aside from the no sun, which means little or no heat)?
(Knowledge Nature 26, Listen 35, Move Silently 24, Spot 40, Survival 21)

Loran carefully lands atop the staff and preems his feathers.

Aelanthir  d20+14=33 d20+6=16 d20+14=19
Tuesday June 15th, 2004 4:22:35 AM

Aelanthir follows behind Hart keeping around 10 feet between them. Aelanthir shudders slightly as he looks around seeing the changes in the plant life.

Aelanthir draws his short swords and ready to defend himself and the group if attacked.

spot: 33
listen: 16
move silently: 19

Sir Henri  d20=18 d20=11
Tuesday June 15th, 2004 8:10:52 AM

Henri follows the others, not armed at the moment, but that can change fast. He watches every tree, bush, any and all places where an attack can happen.

OOC: Spot 18 - Listen 11

Namfoodle  d20+10=29
Tuesday June 15th, 2004 12:32:08 PM

Absently he grabs his lyre and begins to play a barely audble tune,this is not like anything he has played,there is no joy in the sound only dread sadness.(Perform 29)

He moves closer to the rest of the group,"Which direction?" is all he asks the usual mirth is gone from his voice. He seems to be more affected by the shadow than anyone else here.

Hart (OOC) 
Tuesday June 15th, 2004 8:05:10 PM

Just a note: Hart isn't skirting the Shadow close to the border, he's headed straight into the Core of the realm.

Tuesday June 15th, 2004 9:36:50 PM

Kashmari listens carefully to the satyr's report. She will follow Hart since she doesn't want to be left behind or "break" a new trail. Kashmari does not draw any waepons for the time being.

Justin Webber (DM) Up ahead 
Tuesday June 15th, 2004 11:01:47 PM

The group moves to follow Hart? (I'm taking all of you will go ahead and follow Hart). Hart can note that the climate in the Shadow Boundary is normal, pretty much just like it is outside of the place. It is warm but not blazing hot and as far as you can tell there is no sign of rain or anything else.

Eiras notes that the inside of the Shadow Boundary wall looks just like the outside and once again you can see out of the shadows.

You move on for some distance in the forest and bushes, Hart's help makes the going easier for everyone. After seeing nothing of note for sometime you finally notice something or rather hear something. Up ahead is the murmuring of some creatures, the language comes out in short hisses at the end. (Those with Demonic Language will know this to be demon tongue)

Eiras  d20+11=31 d20+11=29 d20+15=27
Wednesday June 16th, 2004 2:23:44 AM

Eiras quickly sheathes the arrow he had in hand, replacing it with another from a second quiver.

As the group moves through the shadowed land, Eiras will continue to listen and look for anything unusual. He will also continue to move as quietly as possible.
{Spot:31 Listen:29 Move Silently:27}

His body clearly tenses when he hears the hissing before you see him take a long deep breath and exhale.

With the other arrow nocked, Eiras moves forward again, intent on what might be up ahead.

Hart, Spirit and Loran
  d20+20=28 d20+17=28 d20+9=19 d20+21=37
Wednesday June 16th, 2004 6:41:18 AM

Active Spells- Easy Trail 6 hours, Wood Wose 'Spirit' 6 hours

Spells Left for the day-
Zero Level: Create Water x2, Purify Food/Drink x2
First Level: Hide from Animals, Produce Flame, Speak With Animals, Wood Wose(CAST)
Second Level: Easy Trail(CAST), Lesser Restoration
Rod uses 2/3 per day

As they move, the satyr stays alert. When he hears the hissing voices that he doesn't understand or like the sound of, he raises his hand behind and waves the others to stop.
He peers through the brush, if he can, trying to get a look at the demonic beings. (Spot 37, what do they look like?)

Spirit covers its eyes, then crawls down the satyr's shoulders, into the hood of Hart's cloak and hides.

Loran seems unconcerned with the sound and stares at Hart cocking his head, wondering when they are going to continue.
The satyr looks at the owl and rolls his eyes, then makes a gesture, putting two fingers to his eyes, then pointing them toward the sound.
Loran takes off immediately from the staff, avoiding contact with the brush and 'seeks' the sounds. (Spot 28 darkvision and low-light vision, Move Silently 28)(Hart's Wild Empathy check 19)

Hart retrieves (move action) his wand of Shillelagh and is ready (Readying to cast) to cast it, should the creatures notice Loran exitting the brush.

Sir Henri 
Wednesday June 16th, 2004 7:36:15 AM

Henri Stops when Hart hold up his hand, He will slip his gloves on, quitetly takes his sword out(he put two gloved fingers the neck of the sword, to muffle the sound of the methal sliding on methal), then he'll point the sword down ward for safty. He'll wait for further infomation.

Namfoodle the Hunter  d20+5=21 d20+8=20
Wednesday June 16th, 2004 11:42:01 AM

Seeing everyone arm themselves he once again opens the case where his repeating crossbow is held. He draws the crossbow with care and tenderly loads it. Setting it back in it's case he takes off his robe folding it neatly and the puts it in the case taking out his bow again and then returning the case to where he got it originally.

He then moves out to the left of the group staying low to the ground, careful not to make a sound. (Hide 20 Move Silently 21) Moving to flank the demons,his face is devoid of any discernable emotion.

Wednesday June 16th, 2004 6:22:58 PM

Aelanthir quietly pulls out his wand and touches himself with it causing Aelanthir to become invisible.

Mykell Zweihand 
Wednesday June 16th, 2004 7:20:51 PM

Mykell follows along with the others, stopping when he firsts notices the speaking or hissing up ahead. He frowns and slides his longsword out, readying himself as he waits to see what the group does.

Wednesday June 16th, 2004 7:58:05 PM

Tyal follows along with the rest, keeping near the front of the group. He watches Hart as best he can as he keeps his wits about him.

Then he hears the hissing whispers of demonic tongue and he slips a little closer to the noise, so that he can hear better. He does not follow Hart or the like just moves a little closer to catch the conversation better.

His grip on his morningstar and shield grows in pressure as he listens. He is ready for anything that may happen and to relay the conversation to his companions as needed.

[Tyal can speak and understand demonic.]

Kashmari  d20+4=17 d20+4=15
Wednesday June 16th, 2004 9:13:55 PM

Kashmari listens to the voices and looks carefully for the speakers. She realizes that the language being spoken sounds familiar enough, but she does not understand the words.
Kashmari watches the others take up flanking positions and her brother make himself invisible. She slowly and quietly draws her morningstar and then moves in the same general direction that she thinks Aelanthir went.
Kashmari feels a thrill of excitement building as they prepare for an encounter with what she thinks might be deomns.

(Listen 17, Spot 15)

Justin Webber (DM) Demon fun 
Thursday June 17th, 2004 7:14:09 AM

In the small clearing area ahead is a group of seven demons. One of the demons is a tall, gaunt humanoid looking demon. It's skin is black and leathery looking and behinds it's ears is a single horn that goes straight back. It's face is taken up mainly by a mouth full of teeth.

The six demons with it have long, slender arms and legs that end in sharp nails. They have bat like wings and small spiky hornes also the bodies of these creatures are covered in pustules.

The demons are pretty much mainly talking about leaving the shadow and seeing what sport they can find outside of the place till morning when they will return with their trophies.

Namfoodle the Stalker  d20+5=23 d20+8=25 d20+7=27
Thursday June 17th, 2004 1:27:34 PM

Carefully he stalks the demons,when he gets 25' away he stops and listens,not understanding what they are saying but waiting for signs of combat to begin.(Listne 27 Natural 20)

Eiras {AC:20 HP:46 Invisible}  d20+15=28
Thursday June 17th, 2004 3:08:18 PM

Eiras turns invisible and begins to move towards the right, circling the encampment and looking for a better vantage point to shoot at the demons. {Move Silent:28}

Kashmari  d20+9=14 d20+9=15 d20+4=18 d20+3=8
Thursday June 17th, 2004 6:49:59 PM

Kashmari moves into a flanking position after (hopefully) following Aelanthir. She still has her morningstar readied; its lanyard hanging about her wrist.
She tries to make sense of the words the demons are speaking, but only catches a few scattered words. The words she picks up are the ones that are similar in the tongue that Infernal entities speak. She is by no means sure if the words have the same meaning however.

(Move Silently 14, Hide 15, Listen 18, Sense Motive 8)

Hart, Spirit and Loran 
Thursday June 17th, 2004 6:53:52 PM

Active Spells- Easy Trail 6 hours, Wood Wose 'Spirit' 6 hours, Shillalegh 1 minute

Spells Left for the day-
Zero Level: Create Water x2, Purify Food/Drink x2
First Level: Hide from Animals, Produce Flame, Speak With Animals
Second Level: Lesser Restoration
Rod uses 2/3 per day, Pearl (unused)

The Spirit remains hidden in the hood.

Loran continues his flight.

Hart looks back to the group and has a confused look on his face, obviously clueless to what they are saying. He does, however, realize they planning something, but what? He shrugs and waits, continuing to watch.
He knows if he moves, it risks harm to the rest of the party when those thorns and other nasty plants snap back on them.
It's up to the others to decide what is to happen with the demons.
He does use his wand of Shillelagh and waits for the others.

Sir Henri 
Thursday June 17th, 2004 7:48:17 PM

Henri is tense, but in in a position to strick at a moment notice. With weapon at the ready, He'll charge when the signal is given.

Aelanthir (invisible)  d20+14=33
Thursday June 17th, 2004 8:13:36 PM

Aelanthir moves slowly around the group of demons trying to get into a flanking position (move silently 33.) Aelanthir has his short swords at the ready incase one of the demons notices him or the others and attacks.

Mykell Zweihand 
Friday June 18th, 2004 12:27:32 PM

Mykell frowns after bit and decides the heck with this and keeps his shield and sword ready as he moves into the clearing, figuring the groups pressence will be known soon enough anyway.

When Mykell enters the clearing he grins even knows his vizor helmet covers that and speaks out clearly in common, "Well, one wrong turn and I end up in here. Not to good of a resort area, all the people are ugly and so far not a female in sight. Any of you know a nice place for a person all alone to stay?" Mykell holds his sword in his right hand, spinning it once as he waits, figures maybe the dumb creatures will take it he is really alone by his comment.

Namfoodle the ready  d20+6=24 d4+2=5 d6=1
Friday June 18th, 2004 12:43:48 PM

As Mykell,steps into the clearing,Namfoodle,prepares to fire his crossbow. Taking aim at the single horned demon, smiling slightly at Mykells comments,he squeezes the trigger(AC 24 Damage 5 Sneak Attack 1)

Justin Webber (DM) Demons 
Friday June 18th, 2004 6:25:43 PM

The tall, guant demons look to Mykell and speaks even as it sneers, "Shutup human, kill him boys or capture him so he can see the full benefits of this place."

The six bat winged demons begin to fly in at Mykell, stopping as one takes the bolt from Namfoodle's crossbow right in the shoulder but continues flying ahead.

The six bat winged demons are a half movement from Mykell and almost the same distance from everyone else. (Will count it half movement for everyone else also.)

(OOC:If needed I can make another combat map but it will take abit to get up or emailed to you depending.)

Hart, Spirit and Loran  d20+5=11 d4=2
Friday June 18th, 2004 7:40:13 PM

I spoke on AIM to Justin, and he says the clearing is an 'O shape', 40ft total circumferance. That means its a tiny clearing.

Active Spells- Easy Trail 6 hours(cast when entering Shadow), Wood Wose 'Spirit' 6 hours(cast when entering Shadow), Shillalegh 9 rounds left

Spells Left for the day-
Zero Level: Create Water x2, Purify Food/Drink x2
First Level: Hide from Animals, Produce Flame, Speak With Animals
Second Level: Lesser Restoration
Rod uses 2/3 per day, Pearl (unused)

The satyr waves the group out upon Mykell's entrance. "Go, go! Sabe heem before he dies." Shaking his head at Mykell's 'show-boating'. (Readying to move.)
Hart then hoots two short 'hoots' to the owl (free action).

Spirit pokes its head out of the cloak and its eyes get large as he sees Mykell speaking to the demons. It ducks and hides again. The hood can be seen shaking.

Loran hears his masters command (the hoots) to 'defend the metal man' and then dive-bombs the demon attacking Mykell. (Flyby attack, AC 11 for 2 damage, non magical attack) He circles for another pass.

*Action when the entire group enters the clearing*
Hart will skirt the clearing to get to the otherside, where he exits opposite the group, intending to cover if any demon intends to escape.
(40ft movement, unhindered by non magical brush or growth, because of druid and/or spell benefits)

Eiras {AC:20 HP:46 Invisible}  d20+15=25 d20+15=27 d8+6=14 d8+6=14
Friday June 18th, 2004 9:45:03 PM

Eiras takes moves five feet back so that he is about 25 feet from the center of the fight and fires two cold iron magic arrows at the tall horned demon, reappearing as he does so. {Hit AC:25 DMG:14 and AC:27 DMG:14}

"May your black heart burst, Demon" Eiras calls out softly to himself.

Tyal - HP: 49, AC: 21 (darkvision) 
Saturday June 19th, 2004 12:38:48 PM

Tyal smiles as Mykell steps out and speaks to the demons. He glances to the others a second before combat starts. "They look for sport outside the boundry." His grip tightens on his morningstar and shield as he charges into the small clearing.

He mutters a prayer under his breathe and a soothing feeling settles upon everyone near him. It also make everyone feel more able to fight these demons with more confidence.

[Bless - 5 minutes 0 seconds - +1 to hit and fear saves]

1st: divine favor
2nd: barkskin
3rd: lesser aspect of the deity

1st: detect magic, read magic(2), purify food and drink, create water
2nd: bless water, divine favor, endure elemtents(2), bless#
3rd: bestow curse, searing light

Kashmari  3d6(5+4+4)=13 d20+26=43 d20+6=9 d20+5=6
Saturday June 19th, 2004 1:13:19 PM

Kashmari is surprised by Mykell's action. 'Hmm, hard to tell if that is genius or foolishness.'
She takes a mental inventory of what she might want to do to the demons. Meanwhile she readies her masterwork morningstar.
The Half-Elf notes the use of a few ranged weapons, so she settles on using a concussive wave on the the nearest demon to Mykell.

She focuses on the foremost demon and concentrates. An earsplitting, metalic, screeching noise is heard. It is annoying and hurts the ears, but only enough to cause mild discomfort and no permanent damage. Immediately upon reaching its cacophonic zenith the displacement of air occurs. Anyone standing in its path feels the creepy wave of pressure, but takes no injury. The Foremost demon however was pummeled fairly badly and would have been shoved 'off course' a ways.

(Concussion (psykin 2), (con), 150ft, Fort save of 9 (or better); if successful then half damage, 3PP, if the creature has power resistance and it is 6 or lower then the attack succeeds.)
(dmg 13, concentration 43, Fort save DC 9, Manifester check 6)

Sir Henri  d20+10=25 d8+2=10
Saturday June 19th, 2004 4:45:39 PM

Henri will cast Bless on all in his party.

Henri enters the circle, does not like to swing a sword in such small place, but it must be done, he swins at the nearest batwing demon.

ooc attack ac 25 - Damages 10hp

Fern HP: 37/37 AC: 21  d20+10=14 d20+6=18 d20+8=9 d20+5=12 d20+10=17 d8+4=6 d100+10=36 d20+10=27 d20+10=21 d8+4=5 d8+4=7
Sunday June 20th, 2004 8:32:15 PM

Shocked by the shadow lands Fern has remained quiet as she silently follows the others. Huur is on her shoulder hiding under her hair and trembling as they walk along. Fern and Huur freeze as they hear someone (or something) talking in an unknown language, anything that lives in this place is probably dangerous. Fern has Huur fly above while fern moves so that she can see whom ever is talking. DEMONS! She thinks, suddenly Mykel steps out and speaks to the demons and somebody fires a crossbow. the demons are attacking! Fern tries to stay out of sight while she grabs her bow and fires at the nearest demon.

feats used: quick draw, point blank shot, and rapid shot.

hide: 14
listen: 18
move silently: 9, natural 1
spot: 12
attack 1: 17
damage: 6
attack 2: 27, crit threat
attack 2: 21, crit?
damage: 5
crit damage: 7

ooc: sorry everyone for not posting, I havent been feeling well the last week.

Mykell Zweihand  d20+11=13 d8+7=15
Sunday June 20th, 2004 10:10:21 PM

Mykell steps foreward close enough to the nearest flying demon and swings his longsword at it as he glances over one shoulder to see what the others are doing for sure.

(Can hit AC:13 Damage:15)

Hart (Jay B) 
Monday June 21st, 2004 5:45:17 AM

OOC: Are we posting HP/damage in post or role playing the damage taken?

Are we posting relevant data in the post, such as AC and afflictions (poisoned, ability damage etc)?
[Of course these questions are in reference to our PC's.]

I prefer to ask Justin his preferrance.

Aelanthir (AC: 18 HP: 30/30 invisible)  d20+4=23 d20+4=13 d20=18 d6+3=8 d6=6 d6=6
Monday June 21st, 2004 7:14:57 AM

Aelanthir moves in behind one of the demons then strikes at it wiht both short swords (ac 23 no crit, dmg 8+6(sneak)=14 / ac 18 dmg 6)

Justin Webber (DM) Battle  d20+8=13 d20+8=13 d20+8=16 d3-1=1 d20+8=13 d20+8=17 d3-1=2 d3-1=2 d20+10=23 d20+7=25 d6+5=10 d6+2=6
Monday June 21st, 2004 9:50:18 PM

(OOC: Yes, please post hit points, etc like you would in a regular game. All injured should be played out in post.)

Hart circles around the clearing to cut off any retreats. Loran the owl misses his attack on one of te demons.

Eiras fires two arrows and hits the tall demon who growls and looks in his direction.

Mykell misses the demons with his sword.

Tyal casts bless.

Henri swings and hits the demon he moved to attack. (Note: Tyal casts bless already and bless doesn't stack so you saved your bless spell.)

Fern firest at one of the demons and misses with the first arrow but hits with the second.

Aelenthir moves in and attacks one of the bat winged demons and kills it, even knows his second attack misses.

Kashmari uses a cuncussion wave psionic attack and injures all of the demon. (Rolled earlier but a computer error caused the rolls to be lost but all failed.)

Bat winged demons have AC: 18
Tall demon has AC: 19

Tall Demon: Injured
Bat Demon1: Injured
Bat Demon2: Injured
Bat Demon3: Injured
Bat Demon4: Dead
Bat Demon5: Injured
Bat Demon6: Injured

Bat winged demon 1&2 move in and attack Mykell. Both swiping at his arms or other weak point in his armor. (Can hit AC: 13/13 Dam: missed)

Bat winged demon 3 flies in and attack Henri, scratching at his face. (Can hit AC:16 Damage:1)

Bat winged demon 5&6 fly in and attacks Aelanthir. (Can hit AC:14/16 Damage:2/2)

The tall demon moves in the direction of Eiras. When he reaches where Eiras is he slashes with his slawed hands and bites at him. (Can hit AC:23/25 Damage:10/6.)

Eiras {AC:20 HP:30/46}  d20+9=29 d20+9=28 d8+7=14 d8+7=14
Monday June 21st, 2004 11:20:25 PM

Eiras tosses the bow behind him {free action} as the demon closes, drawing his longsword {magical} for the first time.

The demon's attacks causes a small grunt of pain from Eiras but in return, he thrusts his sword at the demon's torso.

{Hit AC:29 possible crit confirm AC:28, DMG:14+14 more for the critical}

Monday June 21st, 2004 11:22:23 PM

{OOC: Is the tall demon larger than man-sized or just a tall medium creature?}

Hart(AC 20, 64hp, DR5/cold iron), Spirit(hiding) and Loran(AC 19, 25hp)  d20+8=9 d20+5=21 d4=1
Tuesday June 22nd, 2004 12:04:36 AM

Active Spells- Easy Trail 6 hours(cast when entering Shadow), Wood Wose 'Spirit' 6 hours(cast when entering Shadow), Shillalegh 9 rounds left

Spells Left for the day-
Zero Level: Create Water x2, Purify Food/Drink x2
First Level: Hide from Animals, Produce Flame, Speak With Animals
Second Level: Lesser Restoration
Rod uses 2/3 per day, Pearl (unused)

Hart steps out and strikes out at the nearest demon with his staff [Shillelagh counts as +1 magical].(AC 9, missing)
Hart simply smiles at his failed attempt to wound the creature.

Loran dives at his former target, striking it, apparently having better luck than Hart. (AC 21, damage 1(non magical talons))

Spirit's little hands remain on the brim of the hood, occassionally popping his head over the edge to see what the sounds are. Quivering, he ducks out of sight, again.

Sir Henri AC 20 - 49/50hp  d20+10=23 d8+2=6
Tuesday June 22nd, 2004 9:55:51 AM

Henri is waiting for that #3Demond, He swings and hits (AC23), doing damage of 6hp. The paladin will take a good look around, but will keep a eye on the demon he knows haw sneaky they all are.

Namfoodle the Beacon of Light(Hp 30/30 AC19)  d20+10=29 d20+7=26 d20+4=17
Tuesday June 22nd, 2004 3:00:54 PM

Standing up from his place of concealment,
be begins play his lyre and sing an ancient gnome battle hymn. His voice rises above the din of the combat surrounding him,the sound from the lyre blending with the sounds of steel on steel.(Perform:Strings 29 Perform Sing 26 Concentration 17)

The song is old and fills his allies spirits with new resolve. The darkness is not as overwhelming as it once was,and the demons do not appear as menacing as they did.
(all allies within 30' get +1 morale bonus to saves versus charm and fear,and +1 on attack and damage rolls)

Tyal - HP: 49, AC: 21 (darkvision, bless)  d20+9=25 d8+4=6
Tuesday June 22nd, 2004 3:06:31 PM

Tyal glances at each of the demons as they go about their combat routinue. He easily takes stock of the situation and then makes his own move.

He steps over to help out Aelanthir who is closer to him than any of the others. He keeps his shield at the ready as he swings his morningstar at a demon(6). His hit maybe true but does not pack as much of a punch as he had hoped for.

[hit: 25, damage: 6]

[Bless - 4 minutes 40 seconds - +1 to hit and fear saves]

1st: divine favor
2nd: barkskin
3rd: lesser aspect of the deity

1st: detect magic, read magic(2), purify food and drink, create water
2nd: bless water, divine favor, endure elemtents(2), bless#
3rd: bestow curse, searing light

Aelanthir (AC: 18 HP: 30/30 )  d20+10=27 d20+4=20 d20=4 d6+3=6
Tuesday June 22nd, 2004 5:49:25 PM

Aelanthir feels the air pass by him as the demons miss thier attacks. Aelanthir tumbles behind demon #6 and strikes with both swords again (hit AC 20 dmg 7 / AC 4.)

Kashmari (HP 39/39, AC 15)  d20+4=16 d20+5=18 3d6(4+3+6)=13 d20+26=38
Tuesday June 22nd, 2004 7:57:55 PM

Kashmari sees her brother being ganged up on. She does not hesitate to try and assist him. She prepares to use a new wave of concussive force against demon #5.
Yet again a burst of odd noise is heard. This time it sounds like a loud concert of clockwork crickets. The keening, grating sound heralds the new unescapable wave of pressure that slams into the demon, yet leaves her brother and Tyal unharmed.

(Spot 16)

(Concussion (psykin 2), (con), 150ft, successful Fort save halves the damage taken, 3PP, if the creature has power resistance and it is 18 or lower then the attack succeeds.)
(dmg 13, concentration 38, Manifester check 18)

Mykell Zweihand  d20+11=27 d8+7=15
Tuesday June 22nd, 2004 8:24:47 PM

Mykell almost laughs when the attacks miss and after moving to the side of the last attack he swings his longsword hard at the bat winged demon#2, smiling as the hit lands soundly.

(Can hit AC:27 Damage:15)

Tuesday June 22nd, 2004 8:35:31 PM

I forgot about Bless. Please add Bless to Hart's previous attacks. :)

Fern HP: 37/37 AC: 21  d20+10=24 d8+3=11 d20+10=22 d8+3=11
Tuesday June 22nd, 2004 8:43:35 PM

Fern quickly but quietly moves before firing at the tall demon. Huur is flying over head.

attacking with longbow magic 1, mighty 2
feats used rapid shot, point blank shot

attack 1: 24
damage: 11
attack 2: 22
damage: 11

acitve spells
Bless: +1 attack and save against fear

Tuesday June 22nd, 2004 8:49:00 PM

{OOC: Hey Fern, the tall demon is in melee which means unless you are also using precise shot feat, you have to take a -4 penalty for shooting into a melee since he is clawing and biting me. just an FYI}

Justin Webber (DM) Battle Coming to a close.  d20+10=26 d6+5=9 d20+3=17 d6+2=8
Wednesday June 23rd, 2004 1:40:53 AM

Eiras slashes and hits hard on the tall demon. Injuring the demon more then it was. (Demon is just a tall medium sized humanoid.)

Hart misses with his attack. His owl Loran attacks and pulls off a hit, although the owls attack seems to be no more then a minor annoyance.

Sir Henri swings and hits the bat winged demon thats attacking him. The attack injures the bat winged demon alot worse then it was.

Namfoodle begins playing and singing a ancient gnomish song that inspires the group.

Tyal moves and swings hitting one of the bat winged demons that is attacking Aelanthir. The blow injures the demon more.

Aelanthir slashes with both his weapons and scores a hit with the first one and misses with the second. The one hit injures the demon worse and it looks almost dead.

Kashmari uses a secondary concussion wave, the wave kills both bat winged demons attacking her brother. (Wouldn't matter if they passed their saving throw. No resistences.)

Mykell swings his longsword at one of the bat winged demons attacking him and scores a nasty blow that drops it to the ground.

Fern fires two arrows and lands the first one into the tall demon, the second one misses and breezes Eiras's ear. The arrow looks like it injured the tall demon even worse.

Tall Demon: Badly Injured
Bat Demon1: Dead
Bat Demon2: Injured
Bat Demon3: Almost Dead
Bat Demon4: Dead
Bat Demon5: Dead
Bat Demon6: Dead

The tall demon frowns when it notices it's companions are all almost dead and waves a clawed hand in a small gesture, "Excape, tell the boss."

Bat winged demon 2 turns and begins flying away from Mykell. (AoA for Mykell.)

Bat winged demon 3 turns and flies from Sir Henri as fast as it can. (AoA for Henri.)

The tall demon turns back to face Eiras and slashes at him again in a flurry and snaps his teeth at him. (Can hit AC:26/17 Damage:9/8.)

(OOC: Anyone who was hit by a bat winged demon let me know in your post at the bottom please. Also Ceil, why are you showing 1 point of damage? Sir Henri has a AC:20 and the bat winged demon could only hit a 16 last round.)

Hart(AC 20, 64hp, DR5/cold iron), Spirit(hiding) and Loran(AC 19, 25hp)
  d20+8=18 d20+8=22 2d6(4+2)+5=11 2d6(5+2)+5=12 d20+6=11
Wednesday June 23rd, 2004 6:04:22 AM

Active Spells- Easy Trail 6 hours(cast when entering Shadow), Wood Wose 'Spirit' 6 hours(cast when entering Shadow), Shillalegh 8 rounds left

Spells Left for the day-
Zero Level: Create Water x2, Purify Food/Drink x2
First Level: Hide from Animals, Produce Flame, Speak With Animals
Second Level: Lesser Restoration
Rod uses 2/3 per day, Pearl (unused)

Hart steps up to demon #2 and spins his staff, this time hitting his target.
(He splits the attack if the first strike drops the demon, provided he came reach the next target).
*ZAM, POW!* (AC 18 and 22, for 11 and 12 damage with +1 magic)

Spirit is still hiding, but is almost hit by Hart's staff when he pokes his head out. Spirit is shaken and ducks out of sight.

Loran turns in midair and comes in on demon #3. (I'm adding Bless into his attack, AC 11 miss)

Eiras {AC:20 HP:21/46}  d20+8=26 d20+8=22 d8+8=12 d6+7=9
Wednesday June 23rd, 2004 8:09:37 AM

Eiras steps back from the viscous strike of the demon but is missed by the second attack. Eiras pulls his short sword (free action - light magic weapon) and presses his attack by striking at the demon once with the longsword and once with the short sword. {Hit AC:26 and AC:21 (only +7 with the second attack), DMG:12 and Dmg:9}

Sir Henri(50/50hp)  d20+10=23 d8+2=8 d4+4=8
Wednesday June 23rd, 2004 8:20:28 AM

As his demon(#3) turn to fly off, Henri that advantage and swing at him. Hoping to cut him in half, "I hope he twiches his exentance away, Now who's next? You?? Big Pile of Lava??" While the Tall demon attention is on the paliden(such close quaters), Henri will put his hand on Eiras
body and boust him of 8hp.

Now the paladin will go after the Tall One.

OOC: Attact DC23 - Damages 8hp.

OOC: I had taken one hp of damage, because I though that the Tall Demon scratch Henri on the cheek?? But it heald really quickly.

Fern HP: 37/37 AC: 21  d20+9=16 d8+3=8 d20+9=27 d8+3=4
Wednesday June 23rd, 2004 4:45:40 PM

Fern quickly fires at one of the demons. (one of the escaping if they are still alive otherwise the leader)

feats using: rapid shot, far shot if necessary, point blank shot if possible

attack 1: 16, +1 if point blank, -4 if melee
damage: 8, +1 if point blank

attack 2: 27, +1 if point blank, -4 if melee
damage: 4, +1 if point blank

Kashmari (HP 39/39, AC 15)  d20+4=24 d20+4=21 d20+4=16
Wednesday June 23rd, 2004 4:59:59 PM

Kashmari isn't too keen on the demons fleeing. The team's best chance in her opinion is that their coming isn't forewarned. Either that or that the demons think them; or at least her, something other than they are. She takes a gamble and sends missives to the presumed leader of the pack of demons. The tall, horned demon.

[Missive: In Infernal to the tall demon] "Fleeing my human pawns? Such weakness for a great General."

[Missive: In Infernal to the tall demon] "Your 'boss' will have you flayed for interupting my plans..."

Both missives to the tall demon are spoken in a very patronizing, arrogant tone - designed to anger and degrade. In essence the way Kashmari believes a demon superior would speak to an inferior. Kashmari intentionally leaves the last sentence hanging.
She banks on the fact that the 'mysterious' waves of power should have been at least a bit unsettling to the demons.

Twice Kashmari manifests a faint brief silver halo of light. Correspondingly the tall demon also manifests two such faint halos, both of which disappear in the blink of an eye.

Kashmari stays where she was during combat, and does not physically confront the demon. It is better; and in her mind, more effective to remain in the shadows.

(Bluff 21, Charisma 16 (these effects are used to 'color' Kashmari's words with the right feel).)

(Used 2 Talents: Missive, Telepathy (Cha), Psion 0, Range: 40ft, One living creature, Duration: Instantaneous, Will negates (DC24), 1PP, subject is unable to differenciate between whether or not the voice was heard in thier mind or with the ears.)

Aelanthir (AC: 18 HP: 30/30 )  d20+4=21 d6+3=9 d6=4 d20+10=12 d20=17 d6+2=5
Wednesday June 23rd, 2004 5:03:07 PM

Aelanthir tumbles (tumble 12) in behind the Tall demon then attacks with his swords (hit AC 21 dmg: 13 (9+4 (sneak attack) hit ac 17 dmg 5) while saying to the demon in abyssal "You ! report what you have been doing!"

Tyal - HP: 49, AC: 21 (darkvision, bless)  d20+12=20
Wednesday June 23rd, 2004 6:16:30 PM

Tyal flicks demon blood off of his morningstar as he watches some of the demons start a retreat. He knows that he does not have a chance with getting his crossbow in time so he lets those with missile weapons take care of it.

He looks around to the group assessing everyone's condition to see who is badly off and in need of healing. "Sing out if you need healing." He wonders what will be the next thing they run into, this was actually a piece of cake. Would they be so lucky with the next encounter.

[heal 20]

[Bless - 4 minutes 30 seconds - +1 to hit and fear saves]

1st: divine favor
2nd: barkskin
3rd: lesser aspect of the deity

1st: detect magic, read magic(2), purify food and drink, create water
2nd: bless water, divine favor, endure elemtents(2), bless#
3rd: bestow curse, searing light

Namfoodle the Amazing  d20+10=22 d20+7=26 d20+4=19
Wednesday June 23rd, 2004 8:24:11 PM

Despite the carnage going on around him,the small gnome continues his battle hymn.(Perform strings 22 Perform singing 26 Concentration 19)

Justin Webber (DM) Battle End 
Wednesday June 23rd, 2004 10:33:35 PM

All demons lay in the small clearing dead now, their black looking blood coloring the ground quickly.

The group now find it rather silent except Namfoodle who plays and sings his song. It take the group a few mins to finally notice in the distance the sound of sword ringing on demon hide. The sound is loud enough to be hear rather easy by you which means the battle must be close. (Weaponsmithing DC12 will tell someone that the weapon being used is of great quality and most likely a sword of some type)

(The sound is loud enough that anyone with the track ability or other such skill should beable to find it easily.)

Eiras {AC:20 HP:21/46}  d20+14=30 d20+15=28
Wednesday June 23rd, 2004 10:43:27 PM

Eiras takes a breath, sheathing his swords and grabbing his bow up. He stands and then hears the sound of metal on demon hide - he freezes in place for a moment and then becomes invisible.

{Eiras will move towards the sound of combat, making a note to stay further back from the fight so that he can use his arrows more effectively. Track:30 Move Silent:28 *invisible*}

Hart(unhurt), Spirit(hiding) and Loran(unhurt)  d20+19=25 d20+21=33 d20+21=24
Thursday June 24th, 2004 12:14:53 AM

Active Spells- Easy Trail 6 hours(cast when entering Shadow), Wood Wose 'Spirit' 6 hours(cast when entering Shadow)

Spells Left for the day-
Zero Level: Create Water x2, Purify Food/Drink x2
First Level: Hide from Animals, Produce Flame, Speak With Animals
Second Level: Lesser Restoration
Rod uses 2/3 per day, Pearl (unused)

Hart clips Namfoodle in the back of the head with his staff, not hurting him.
"Shhh! Tat vas bery distracting! Tha song for tha entire battle?! Want to bring more down on oos?! Tis silent here. Your a beacon."

Spirit pops up, looks at the demon corpses. It grins and then makes a few punching motions in the air as if it had something to do with their deaths.

Loran lands near the bodies, hops twice toward it and then takes off and lands on the staff.

The satyr looks at the tracks of where the demons landed, but assumes they flew here.(Survival 25, Spot 33 and Listen 24)
"Move." He looks at the wounded and moves out.

Loran takes tot he skies, keeping under the canopy to avoid those flying beasts.

Spirit does hot leave Harts shoulders if it can help it.

Sir Henri 
Thursday June 24th, 2004 8:05:16 AM

Henri Stop swinging his sword, puffing a little and cooling down from the heat of the battle. After a few minutes the noise of a singing sword come to his ears. As the paladin wipes the black blood from his sword, he start to wanders toward the sound, right behind Eiras.

Hart(unhurt), Spirit(hiding) and Loran(unhurt)
Thursday June 24th, 2004 5:37:36 PM

Active Spells- Easy Trail 6 hours(cast when entering Shadow), Wood Wose 'Spirit' 6 hours(cast when entering Shadow)

Spells Left for the day-
Zero Level: Create Water x2, Purify Food/Drink x2
First Level: Hide from Animals, Produce Flame, Speak With Animals
Second Level: Lesser Restoration
Rod uses 2/3 per day, Pearl (unused)

Hart moves along, the others in tow.

(OOC: Sorry about the short post, but I'm working tonight and won't be able to make a post until early Friday.)

Aelanthir (AC: 18 HP: 30/30 )  d20+14=32 d20+9=28 d20+14=29 d20+6=25
Thursday June 24th, 2004 5:38:59 PM

Aelanthir moves quickly but quietly towards the sounds of battle (move silently 32, hide 28) keeping his short swords at the ready (spot 29, listen 25.)

Kashmari  d20+4=20 d20+9=15 d20+9=18 d20+6=21
Thursday June 24th, 2004 6:12:26 PM

To say that Kashmari is rather upset about her wonderful ploy being ruined by a bunch of blood-letting "Sir Kill-a-Lots" would be an understatement. Her expression could easily be compared to a storm-cloud.

She certainly hears the tell-tale sounds of combat off in the distance. "Lovely, some wandering 'hero' to save," the psion snarls; more to herself than to anyone else.

As she passes Namfoodle on her way to play 'saviour' she clasps the bard's shoulder in what is meant as a friendly gesture and says [almost sharply because she is still rather angry], "don't listen to that surly, tone-deaf curmudgeon. "Dat vas fery deestracting! Yur a beekon!"... Your selfless act of encouragement was a work of art." Kashmari in her fit of ill temper, does her best bad impression of Hart. [[Think bad impression of an Austrian and you have Kashmari's attempt at mimicking Hart.]]
She means well; she likes the Gnome bard, he is rather entertaining and useful. The Half-Elf actually likes the unusual Satyr as well eventhough he can be harsh sometimes.

Kashmari puts on some gloves and searches the demon bodies for anything of value and for anything that might be useful to the team before following the others toward the sounds of battle. After all she won't pass up a possible chance to gain a little 'spending cash' or some bit of useful information.

(Listen 20, Move Silently 15, Hide 18, Search 21)

((The Sir comment has nothing to do with any one particular person; though it certainly might sound like it. Jay no offense towards Hart, but I just had to toss in an attempt at mimicking him. His speech patterns are just so cool.))

Thursday June 24th, 2004 8:51:20 PM

Namfoodle looks sternly at Hart as he walks off.

When Kashmari compliments him,he smiles and bows extravagantly,laughing at her imitation,"Namfoodle shall teach that how to laugh. Namfoodle sees the bleakness has touched his heart and it wieghs upon him greatly. His pain is expressed in his music. He does not posess Namfoodle's love of life,but he will."

Catching himself staring at Hart again he looks up at the half-elf as if noticing her for the first time."Ah yes you are a fair one,another time another place,I would spend the rest of the night losing myself in your eyes and I write ballads to capure your beauty for the ages,but alas there is a job to be done,and Namfoodle cannot bear the gloom that this shadow is causing." With a dramatic flourish he twirls around and grabs his lyre and crossbow and is off towards the sounds of battle in the night.

Mykell Zweihand 
Thursday June 24th, 2004 10:32:31 PM

Mykell sheathes his sword, snapping his longsword down quickly which sends most of the blood off of the blade and onto the ground before sheathing it though.

Hearing the sounds Mykell frowns and moves quickly after the others, giving Namfoodle a nod as he passes to let the man know he is happy for the help given.

(OOC:Will be a late DM post in this game. Just want to let people know. I'll make up for it over the weekend.)

Hart(unhurt), Spirit(hiding) and Loran(unhurt)
  d20+19=27 d20+21=23 d20+17=36 d20+21=22 d20+12=25 d20+20=24
Friday June 25th, 2004 4:34:36 AM

(OOC: Understood, no problem, Eunice. :))

Hart looks at Kashmari and the gnome. "Was tat s'pose to heelp oos? Song has eets place, een a oonatural place during an oonatural battle eesn't eet. I do like moosic though."
The 'surly, tone-deaf curmudgeon' looks at the gnome again and squints his eyes. "Eem... umm.... urm.., sorry." The word seems to hurt as he says it.
(Survival 27, Listen 23, Move Silently 36, Spot 22)

Still leading, the satyr stops momentarily and shows the first possible sign of effection to anyone outside his personal Trio.
He stops a few minutes later, grabs the gnome by the arm and looks him square in the eye. "I deem you 'the Moosic Keeper, Hymnsayer'. Keep thees safe." He removes the plain pan-pipes and places it around the gnomes neck. "Break theem. Lose theem. I keell you." He actually smiles and winks at the little gnome, patting him on the shoulder.
"Hymnsayer." The satyr returns to his steady emotionless expression and continues moving.

Spirit claps at the gnomes bardic tune and thumps the satyr on the head. It returns to its hiding place in the hood.

The owl remains atop the staff, keeping watch at the skies as they move along. (Listen 25, Spot 24)

Tyal - HP: 49, AC: 21 (darkvision, bless)  d20+8=26 d20+8=28
Friday June 25th, 2004 2:39:11 PM

Tyal slips off behind the rest as he follows along. He will take the time to slip up to Namfoodle and lay his hand on his shoulder. "Do you know any battle songs...especially of Inana?" He has heard a couple of her battle songs sung, but never by anyone that could really sing.

He keeps his ears open for other sounds than that of battle as well as keeping his eyes alert for other danger.

[Bless - 4 minutes 20 seconds - +1 to hit and fear saves]

[listen: 26, spot: 28]

1st: divine favor
2nd: barkskin
3rd: lesser aspect of the deity

1st: detect magic, read magic(2), purify food and drink, create water
2nd: bless water, divine favor, endure elemtents(2), bless#
3rd: bestow curse, searing light

Justin Webber (DM) Stranger 
Friday June 25th, 2004 3:05:17 PM

As you move farther North in search of the battle noises you come upon a large clearing this time where you see a group of eight demons. Seven of the eight are laying with severe cut marks in their throats and other areas. The last one is one of the tall guant demons the group had fought abit ago, standing has a missing hand which is bleeding badly.

After scanning the clearing abit more you finally notice a single man who's black hair is tied back in a pony tail. The man is slightly kneeling and he wears a royal blue in color robe like that has a cord that is tied and holding the robe shut. The man also wears a pair of pants made of cloth like and of the same color as the robe. As you watch the man brings a very long looking sword that is curved around and charges foreward in a slight crouch. In a single side step in the charge he steps to one side and his sword slashes the demon across the throat and it's head goes flying into the air and lands on the ground.

The man having never turned to look at the demon brings the foreign looking curved sword up in a two-handed hold near shoulder level as he glares at the group and speaks quickly, "What brings you to this place? are you allies of evil? speak quickly and true so I "Sahikito" may judge and if your evil then my noble blade "Sweidiken" will end your evil life here."

Any sword lovers or work of art lovers in the group will notice on a Spot10 check that the sword is a work of art almost. The handle is made of darkwood and has been engraved to show a pair of lions fighting. The blade shows runes that probably say the blades name or maybe it is magical runes. The sword is also just as long as a greatsword.

Eiras {Invisible}  d20+15=31 d20+10=21 d20+10=16
Friday June 25th, 2004 4:11:22 PM

Eiras admires the technique used to finish off the last demon, but chooses to remain still and quiet while the others approach to make sure this is no Demon ruse.

{Move Silent:31 Spot:22 Listen:16}

Sir Henri  d20=19
Friday June 25th, 2004 4:40:25 PM

Henri enters the Large circle very slowly, watching this warrior very carefully. Stops a little way away from him, bow slightly from the waist, "Dom mari gatto Sahikito san, I am a Royal Paladin Sir Henri of Hardell, Royal Defender of the Temple Palor. I too come to vanquest the evil in this land."

He will stand there with sword in one hand and a cloth in the other wipeing the blade. But never taking his eyes off the man. Waiting to see what happens next.

Aelanthir  d20+14=19
Friday June 25th, 2004 6:17:21 PM

Nodding in appreciation of the exsquisit sword Aelanthir says "Excellent style and quality. I am Aelanthir. We heard your battle then came to see if anyone was in need of assistance, but you have handled them nicely."
Aelanthir cleans off his two swords then puts away the sword in his righthand then watches and listens.

spot 19

Hart, Spirit and Loran 
Saturday June 26th, 2004 2:40:04 AM

Active Spells- Easy Trail 6 hours(cast when entering Shadow), Wood Wose 'Spirit' 6 hours(cast when entering Shadow)

Spells Left for the day-
Zero Level: Create Water x2, Purify Food/Drink x2
First Level: Hide from Animals, Produce Flame, Speak With Animals
Second Level: Lesser Restoration
Rod uses 2/3 per day, Pearl (unused)

Hart admires nothing about the foreigner or the sword. In fact, the satyr (who might in fact look demonic with his horns in the darkness) is entirely unimpressed with anything he's seen in the Shadow he's seen so far.
"Eef you knew better, you wooldn't freely deebolge your name so readily to stangers. Tha power oof your name is tha only power each of us truly hold." The satyr looks inquisitively at the man. "I ally weeth nether good or ebil. I trabel freely where I like, when I like. Whot makes a blade noble?"

Spirit pokes his head out from behind Harts horns, smiles and happily waves at the man called Sahikito.

Loran, the owl, preens his feathers atop the staff.

Saturday June 26th, 2004 8:52:36 AM

Kashmari looks at the new gentelman with carefull inquisitiveness.

Namfoodle  d20+6=24
Saturday June 26th, 2004 2:13:09 PM

Carefully he put's away the satyr's pipes and move along with the group.

Warily he approaches the stranger,"You have to excuse Namfoodle's friend here. His spirit is in the right place. He just has a little trouble with the language." Bowing with a flourish. " Now..Sahikito was it,Namfoodle and his companions are here on a grave and perilous mission. Namfoodle and his companions, have come to abolosh this miserable eyesore,that shrouds our hearts and our eyes."

Looking at him carefully now,"Namfoodle would like to know what brings you here good sir,and how is it that you are alone here? Namfoodle would never venture somewhere like this by himself." Looking up at the taller human,"Namfoodle sees you have little trouble taking care of youreself,maybe we could be of use to eachother."(Diplomacy 24)

Mykell Zweihand  d20+4=16
Sunday June 27th, 2004 12:33:51 AM

Mykell looks at the strange fighter when they enter the clearing and looks over the sword for a moment <spot:16>, the sword is a nice work of art but Mykell quickly comeso ut of that when the man speaks and the others of the group reacts to his words.

Mykell waits to see what happens while laying a hand a few inches from the handle of his own sword.

Justin Webber (DM) Encounter cont 
Sunday June 27th, 2004 2:24:41 PM

Sahikito looks at Hart and frowns openly and then looks to Namfoodle when he steps forward and speaks. After many moments Sahikito lowers his sword and nods, "I will trust you for the moment. I'll know more once I see for myself more."

Sahikito looks back to Hart before he spins his sword once and for just a instant a black small lsit appears in the air which the sword slides into and vanishes for the moment, "Sweidiken has been in the family for many generations and was crafted by my father's grandfather's grandfather. The blade was folded over 1,000 times before being forged to make sure the blade is pure and before dying he sealed his soul inside the blade."

Sahikito kneels and places a hand on the ground, concentrating before standing and speaking, "I came here from the Forbidden City of Norag which lays across the sea. The ruler asked me to willing become a out cast of the city and come here do to my talents. I have a earth sense and my combat skills are almost unrivaled in the city." Sahikito looks around for a moment before walking to one of the trees and touches it a moment before nodding, "I must travel farther North. I must find out for the ruler what the demons are up to and see if they mean to spread past this area."

Hart, Spirit and Loran 
Sunday June 27th, 2004 7:35:09 PM

Active Spells- Easy Trail 6 hours(cast when entering Shadow), Wood Wose 'Spirit' 6 hours(cast when entering Shadow)

Spells Left for the day-
Zero Level: Create Water x2, Purify Food/Drink x2
First Level: Hide from Animals, Produce Flame, Speak With Animals
Second Level: Lesser Restoration
Rod uses 2/3 per day, Pearl (unused)

The satyr tightens his grip on the his staff when the man spins his sword.
"Ensouled blade?! Trapping ones soul eenside a blade ees nut among tha natural order. One dies, ones born. Tats natures way.
Your family has stopped a soul-cycle. Tat, een my mind, ees ebil!"

The Spirit wipes away a tear as the man tells his story.

Loran continually preens, seemingly fixed to one spot under a wing.

Sir Henri 
Sunday June 27th, 2004 8:37:02 PM

Henri watches Sahikito clean and put away his soelsword. When he kneels Listening to nature, Henri is very impress. But when thia man said that he came from the City of Norag (witch he has heard of some place), then the man said he had a quest and had to go up north to find out if the demons are going to expand their aria.

The paladin thinks tha he has to keep an eye on this fighter, so he'll ask of him "Sahikito san,(this time henri bows from the head)Could this unworthy Paladin travel with you?". Hanri also thinks that he would rather have this fighter in frount of him, than have this Samurai some where in back of him.

Monday June 28th, 2004 4:52:17 PM

Casting a quick glance at Hart,he thiks to himself,"That one needs to learn when to hold his thoughts to himself."

Listening to the mysterious fighter's story he finds it very interesting that a human would dedicate his soul to his family in such a grand way,these humans have surprising depth.

"Once again Namfoodle apologizes for his friend's words. That one is very particular about the natural order of things. What your ancestor did was a great sacrifice. Namfoodle's people have heard of similar things." Looking back at teh rest of the group,"It seems that we are heading in the same direction,and have a similar goal. Namfoodle does not think it would behoove us to travel together until our paths force us to do otherwise."

Monday June 28th, 2004 6:29:31 PM

"Hymnsayer does nut speak or apologizes for me."

Monday June 28th, 2004 6:42:30 PM

My comp is down, Justin please either npc Fern or get someone to play her

Eiras {Invisible}  d20+15=25
Monday June 28th, 2004 6:51:39 PM

Eiras continues to hold his tongue for now and stay invisible just to make sure that this new development isn't some sort of ruse. {Move Silent:25}

Tyal - HP: 49, AC: 21 (darkvision) 
Monday June 28th, 2004 10:14:21 PM

Tyal watches as the others talk to the samurai and shakes his head at the satyr. This man seems to have the manors of a grater.

He waits to see what the group will do next. He does not mind going the same way as the samurai, but will not mention it. Otherwise he keeps an eye out at the area for signs of trouble. He just wishes that they will hurry up, he does not like to be in one place for long...especially inside the boundary.

1st: divine favor
2nd: barkskin
3rd: lesser aspect of the deity

1st: detect magic, read magic(2), purify food and drink, create water
2nd: bless water, divine favor, endure elemtents(2), bless#
3rd: bestow curse, searing light

Justin Webber (DM) Moving Again 
Monday June 28th, 2004 10:44:52 PM

Aelanthir and Kashmari along with Fern also have stayed silent at this point and watches the group and what they do/say.

After some time Sahikito shrugs and turns to head North, "I head North, you may come along or go your own way." Sahikito glances at Hart and speaks slowly, forcing a practiced calm on himself, "Great horned man...my ancestor did what he did to protect the family. He served the ruler with out one mistake for many many years and his soul in the blade is what guides each family member that carries it. The wisdom of the old ones should never be discarded."

Sahikito continues on his way now. He is silent ad careful, every now and then his hand touches a tree like he had done earlier and then continues on. He is being very careful and watches everything.

Hart, Spirit and Loran  d20+21=26 d20+17=29 d20+21=24 d20+19=32
Tuesday June 29th, 2004 4:16:17 AM

Active Spells- Easy Trail 6 hours(cast when entering Shadow), Wood Wose 'Spirit' 6 hours(cast when entering Shadow)

Spells Left for the day-
Zero Level: Create Water x2, Purify Food/Drink x2
First Level: Hide from Animals, Produce Flame, Speak With Animals
Second Level: Lesser Restoration
Rod uses 2/3 per day, Pearl (unused)

Hart shrugs, turns and intends to continue on with the others. (Listen 26, Move Silently 29, Spot 24, Survival 32)
"We go."

Spirit waves 'bye' to the man known as Sahikito.

Loran preens away.

Sir Henri 
Tuesday June 29th, 2004 6:54:51 AM

Henri will also follow this odd fighter, but somehow he feel that this is the right thing to do. Hank keep a stone face but inside of him he smiles.

Eiras {Invisible - Confused}  d20+15=29 d20+12=27
Tuesday June 29th, 2004 10:43:10 AM

{OOC:Are we following the ronin or not?}

{On the assumption that we are}
Eiras will continue to stay to the flank of the warrior, stalking and moving as quietly as possible. {Move Silent:29 Track:27}

Mykell Zweihand 
Tuesday June 29th, 2004 11:26:38 AM

Mykell moves up by Hart and speaks gently to the man since he doesn't want his comment taken wrong, "I don't question other people's beliefs and ways of life. I'm sure that even you have things we humans and such would consider odd or even evil. We may end up at the city that man spoke of so we all should try to keep a open mind my friend."

Mykell glances at Hart again, lifting the vizor to his helmet as he does so Hart can see his face and he smiles once more, "Don't all familes want their sons and so on to be safe and to be taken care of? Anyway, what do I know. I'm a simple mercenary. Family and such things is out of my grasp."

Mykell hurries to follow the ronin now.

Namfoodle the troubleshooter 
Tuesday June 29th, 2004 12:10:37 PM

Walking on the other side of Hart,he speaks to the satyr in elven,"Humans are a strange lot. Look at what they manage to accomplish in such short lifetimes. Their beliefs and ways are different than mine and yours,but look around us,nearly all the races are represented here,and we are all trying to quell the evil that threatens to destroy us." Looking directly into his eyes. "I know I sometimes seem pompous and arrogant,but that is all an act,it's my stage personna,and by your'e logic,my pretending to be someone else is lying and probably evil. I am not trying to change your mind or make you give up your'e beliefs,all I am trying to do is get you to be more open minded,less judgemental. We are all different and come from different backgrounds."

Concern showing on the gnome's face,"Have you thought about the sacrife that human's ancestor made? He has given up his chance for eternal happines to be confined to a sword,he shall never know rest,but his family will always have him around to look out for them,in a sense. Think over what I have said. When we finish our buisness here we will talk about this in greater detail." Giving the satyr a sly wink,he falls behind to tell Kashmari a few jokes and flatter her a little more.

Justin Webber (DM) Moving on and sudden appearance 
Tuesday June 29th, 2004 11:44:39 PM

The group begins to move to follow the ronin as the ronin leaves the area. Just as you leave the area another person happens into the area. The man looks to be a fighter and currently rather lost since the Shadow Boundary is a confusing place.

(OOC:After everyone greets the new player you all can cetch up with the ronin and will see the following stuff. DanielK, please enter your character here and I will let you post your description for him :).)

The group follows the ronin for a many hours non stop. Sahikito does seem to know or a round about guess of where he is going or wanting to go. He does stop and kneel, touching the ground for a few moments before standing and adjusting his course alittle bit but still heads North.

After quite awhile longer Sahikito stops and kneels, moving some thick brush to the side with a stick he pickes up off the ground. He nods and looks back before waving you all forward but first picking up a leaf and crunching it carefully between his fingers and lifting a finger to his lips.

Ahead of you in a area big enough to fit the whole city of Har Dell is a large pyramid looking temple. Loud chanting comes from the temple in demonic and one voice even sounds relatively human. The large stone steps leading up to the top of the pyramid where a door way is is filled with many different demons. They are as thick as flies on the steps and most are kneeling and worshipping or maybe praying. Up at the top on either side of the door are a pair of large red demons, both hold a flaming sword in one hand and a fiery whip in the other.

(OOC:Side note, Fern, Aelenthir and Kashmari has mainly remainded at the back of the group through out the walk and such getting here. Kashmari of course does talk to Namfoodle as he comes back to charm her and talk to her.)

Wednesday June 30th, 2004 3:45:29 AM

Eiras comes back to the group, arms out with hands empty, to show the two newcomers that he is peaceful.

In a low voice, Eiras begins speaking (in Elvish),"There is nothing we can do about this. Look at them, they are as thick as flies on dung. I am fairly certain I can get back here, if necessary, since we now know the location."

Eiras turns to Sahikito, "I am Eiras, an elven tracker and hunter. I hope I am not being too rude in asking but how are you able to seek out this place?"

Wednesday June 30th, 2004 3:46:03 AM

{OOC: before returning Eiras becomes visible again}

Hart, Spirit and Loran  d20+16=32 d20+21=23 d20+17=26 d20+21=23 d20+19=28
Wednesday June 30th, 2004 5:57:49 AM

Active Spells- Easy Trail 6 hours(cast when entering Shadow), Wood Wose 'Spirit' 6 hours(cast when entering Shadow)

Spells Left for the day-
Zero Level: Create Water x2, Purify Food/Drink x2
First Level: Hide from Animals, Produce Flame, Speak With Animals
Second Level: Lesser Restoration
Rod uses 2/3 per day, Pearl (unused)

Hart responds to Namfoodle by nodding yes, but it's unclear which part he agrees with.
Upon coming on the temple, the satyr disappears quickly from sight and so does the owl.
(Hide 32, Listen 23, Move Silently 26, Spot 23, Survival 28)
He knows when not to make an appearance, the sheer number of demons is insane. One would have to be foolish or noble to directly attack the ceremony.

Spirit hangs behind in the hood.

Loran flies ahead and follows the stranger until coming upon the temple, then goes away out of sight.

Sir Henri 
Wednesday June 30th, 2004 8:18:05 AM

Henri follow the fighter all the way with a currious following. But when he and the others came across this black Temple, his feeling of hatred fill his heart. He has never felt this away before but he for one will have to have a part to distroy this Vile place. "Palor! Bless this poor servent and his sword."

Wednesday June 30th, 2004 11:29:31 AM

A little disapointed at Kashmari's lack of reaction,he plods on after the group.

Startled at the sheer number of demons,he stops and asks,"Namfoodle does not hink force will prevail in this situation." Looking around,"Namfiidle is open to suggestions."

Mykell Zweihand 
Wednesday June 30th, 2004 1:14:52 PM

Mykell shakes his head at the amount of demons before them and looks to the others as he speaks lowly, "We should take the info of what we see here back to Beowulf. There is no way we can defeat all of those demons or get close enough to gather more info."

(David: Sorry about the lack of response from Kashmari. I was late on posting so had to lump alot of posts into one since I'm running Kashmari, Aelenthir and Fern till those players get back.)

Marek Isentomb 
Wednesday June 30th, 2004 2:31:59 PM

Coming into the clearing just after the Ronin leaves is a human male. At just under 6 feet and only 170 pounds with plain brown matted and long hair with hazel eyes, he is hardly an imposing figure. His face is marked with childhood acne and is dominated by a nose even gnomes might consider large. The only things which seem to receive any attention is his weaponry and armor. A gleaming and well used spiked chain hangs from a belt strap slung side crossed over his steel breastplate. A re-curved composite short bow on his left side, a well worn hand axe on his right and carefully maintained quiver on his back next to a shabby back pack of cracking leather.

Calling his appearance unkept is being extraordinarily polite. Dried blood, dirt, road dust and most of his meals of the past few months can be found on his tattered clothes and his overly full beard.

Seeing the group, he stops and quickly surveys the scene. Bunch of dead demons with folk standing about talking. He raises a hand in greeting, "Seems you longer require help here. I heard the battle and well Came looking. If you are here at Beowulf's call I would like to join with you."

Tyal (darkvision) 
Wednesday June 30th, 2004 2:35:02 PM

Tyal follows along with the others keeping his mouth shut as he does. Though he has some interest in the samurai he says nothing to him or tries to make conversation, he does not feel this is the place.

Finally they reach the target that they seek...only to find it surrounded by demons in prayer or worship. He is suddenly glad that this is only a scouting mission and not something else.

1st: divine favor
2nd: barkskin
3rd: lesser aspect of the deity

1st: detect magic, read magic(2), purify food and drink, create water
2nd: bless water, divine favor, endure elemtents(2), bless#
3rd: bestow curse, searing light

Justin Webber (DM) Watching 
Thursday July 1st, 2004 12:14:16 AM

Marek watches as most of the group moves on after he enters the clearing. Fern, Kashmari and Aelenthir move over to greet the young fighter though. The greetings is short but mainly telling him that they are their on orders of Beowulf and had just met the ronin who they are following.

Everyone looks into the clearing ahead with a mixture of feelings. It is clear that rushing out there would be suicide though and Sahikito looks back at all of you and nods, "If you serve Beowulf like you all said then this info should be relayed to him as quick as possible."

Sahikito looks at Eiras when he shows up and nods to the man before looking out over the temple area and speaks, "The spirit in my sword tells me of the place, it can sense the suffering here. In the dimension pocket it tranfers the power of feeling evil and suffering to me. The other reason is my secret yet, you may find out in the near future."

Sahikito stands and turns away from the clearing, his eyes having shifted to a pure white in color for just a split second (Spot DC:20 to of noticed) and begins to walk away, touching a tree as he does and he almost goes rigid, "darkness comes, everyone move fast!"

Just as Sahikito gets the words out, in the brush just to the side of the direction you were looking into the temple area clearing is loud noises of something running through the brush and even scraping trees. The noise doesn't sound like it is on really feet in the sense of like humans but something else. It is moving fast whatever it is.

Eiras  d20+11=12 d20+8=24 d20+15=27 d20+11=19
Thursday July 1st, 2004 12:50:32 AM

Eiras fails to notice Sahikito's eyes but he does go invisible again and then tries to climb a tree with a fork or some other vantage point he can use to view the maruading 'jabberwocky' {Climb:24 Move Silent:27 Spot:19}

Hart, Spirit and Loran  d20+16=28 d20+19=23 d20+12=19 d20+17=31 d20+20=26
Thursday July 1st, 2004 1:11:47 AM

Active Spells- Easy Trail 6 hours(cast when entering Shadow), Wood Wose 'Spirit' 6 hours(cast when entering Shadow)

Spells Left for the day-
Zero Level: Create Water x2, Purify Food/Drink x2
First Level: Hide from Animals, Produce Flame, Speak With Animals
Second Level: Lesser Restoration
Rod uses 2/3 per day, Pearl (unused)

Off to one side, just in the brush, Hart hears the movement and thinks to himself. 'What does that creature sound most like?'
(Nature 28 and Survival 23... what kind of creature makes that sound while moving? What is large enough to scrape tree while it passes?)

Spirit shivers, shaking the hood of the fey's cloak.

Loran is nowhere around. (Listen 19, Move Silently 31, Spot 26) He's doing recon on the sound for Hart and will relay the info he gets.

Sir Henri  d20+3=17
Thursday July 1st, 2004 7:13:42 AM

Henri backs way from the center, arms himself and waits to see what kind of danger it is.

Marek Isentomb  d20+1=15
Thursday July 1st, 2004 9:13:50 AM

Failing to notice anything peculiar about Sahikito, Marek unclips his Spiked chain and takes a position near Sir Henri at the warning call.
"Can any see it?"

Mykell Zweihand 
Thursday July 1st, 2004 1:57:58 PM

Mykell looks to the others and shakes his head abit, "Whatever is coming sounds rather big and probably mean. Should we be waiting for it or trying to get out of here?"

Mykell pulls his longsword and readies himself some as he speaks again, "Anyway, remember how close we are to the darn temple."

Tyal (darkvision)  d20+6=18 d20+6=13
Thursday July 1st, 2004 5:06:38 PM

Tyal glances to the rest of the group and starts to slowly back away from the noise. He had noticed something in the samurai's voice that told him they were outmatched here. The evil coming their way is almost thick enough to cut with a dagger and yet these fools wanted to stay.

He glances in all directions as he plans his own escape route. "What comes is beyond us...the reek of evil is intense." He glances to the paladin who should have the greatest sense of this.

1st: divine favor
2nd: barkskin
3rd: lesser aspect of the deity

1st: detect magic, read magic(2), purify food and drink, create water
2nd: bless water, divine favor, endure elemtents(2), bless#
3rd: bestow curse, searing light

Justin Webber (DM) In Coming 
Thursday July 1st, 2004 8:05:32 PM

Some of the group stop to see what is coming and prepare themselves for battle as others get ready to make flight. Sahikito frowns when he sees most of the groups reaction and turns, calling out, "Darn it you all, run now!"

Just after Sahikito yells his warning a huge creature breaks through the brush. The creature looks like a humanoid frog but huge in size. It's forelegs are replaced by powerful arms and it's gnashing mouth has rows of blunt but powerful teeth. Spines run it's back also and it looks at the group like you all are mere morsals of food for it.

Sahikito frowns and clasps his hands together, whispering to himself now as he closes his eyes and soon 4 duplicates appear of himself. Something weird also happens to the group as a faint voice is heard in your heads, it sounds slightly like Sahikito but a deeper accent, "Too powerful for you." Right after you hear the voice the surroundings waver some and you suddenly appear away back from the fight but close enough that you can see Sahikito and the demon.

It takes the demon only a short time to smash the images of Sahikito and soon Sahikito himself is running towards you guys and ladies now calling out, "Seems the spirit of my sword that guides me thinks you guys should live....now run before this thing cetches you."

Eiras {Invisible}  d20+15=33 d20+12=23
Friday July 2nd, 2004 12:03:50 AM

Eiras will make his way back the way the group came on his own side trail, moving quickly but not recklessly and trying to stay silent.
{Move Silent:33 Track:23}

Hart, Spirit and Loran 
Friday July 2nd, 2004 12:47:49 AM

Active Spells- Easy Trail 6 hours(cast when entering Shadow), Wood Wose 'Spirit' 6 hours(cast when entering Shadow)

Spells Left for the day-
Zero Level: Create Water x2, Purify Food/Drink x2
First Level: Hide from Animals, Produce Flame, Speak With Animals
Second Level: Lesser Restoration
Rod uses 2/3 per day, Pearl (unused)

Hart bolts as fast as his fey legs can carry him away from the Slaad.
Mentally, the fey tells the man, 'Thank you.'

Spirit beats him on the back of the head as if to say, 'Move faster STUPID!'

Loran flies for his life, following the satyr.

Friday July 2nd, 2004 2:00:47 AM

Having already decided to himself that rtreat was the better part of valor,he grabs Kashmari by the hand and yells to Fern,"Move it or lose it!" Pulling Kashmari as he begins to run away.

He thinks to himself,"It can't end like this."

Sir Henri 
Friday July 2nd, 2004 8:49:01 AM

Henri take one look of this demon and will listen to the voice in his head. The paladin turn to Marek, telling him "When a voice in your head tells you to run, you listen to it. NOW! RUN!." Hank trys to run silenly but that is almost imposible but the paladin can move fast,hopefuly Marek can keep up with him.

Marek Isentomb 
Friday July 2nd, 2004 9:11:54 AM

Marek whirls on his heel and is off with the paladin chain still in hand, but it becomes very evident that ground speed is not the mans fortie.

OoC Marek has a speed of 20

Mykell Zweihand 
Friday July 2nd, 2004 10:31:11 AM

Mykell nods his thanks to the spirit that teleported them and turns to run also. He unfortunetly has a small problem of armor and movement but he does the best he can to get away. Mykell holds his sword readied in one hand while running and watches the others, "I'm going to have to look into something that will let me move faster."

(OOC: Don't feel bad Marek my character has the same run away speed.)

Tyal (darkvision) 
Friday July 2nd, 2004 11:53:53 AM

Tyal cusses or at least from the inflections and tone of his voice, that is what you think he is doing...though in several different languages. He listens to the voice in his head as he turns and makes a mad dash from the demon.

He does not say anything but wonders how long they can keep this pace up. It is well know that demons have amazing stamina.

1st: divine favor
2nd: barkskin
3rd: lesser aspect of the deity

1st: detect magic, read magic(2), purify food and drink, create water
2nd: bless water, divine favor, endure elemtents(2), bless#
3rd: bestow curse, searing light

Justin Webber (DM) Running for dear life 
Friday July 2nd, 2004 12:40:50 PM

Everyone turns tail and runs as fast as they can as the huge demon gives chase. You quickly can tell how come it was making so much noise as it smashes through the brush and such that gets in it's way, moving around the trees ever so slightly though.

Kashmari, Fern and Alenthir move quickly to retreat also as the huge demon gives chase. Kashmari being pulled along by Namfoodle.

Sahikito paces behind the last retreating pair and frowns at their speeds as he calls up, "You two need to beable to be faster." The forest blurrs around you as you run for dear life.

Sahikito mumbles a small prayer under his breath as he runs and each person in the group feels a renewed vigor in their bodies and are able to press on longer then normal. Soon you break through the curtain of shadows surrounding the forest within.

Outside is the sun that shines light on to the world and the grass blows in the light wind. Sahikito breaks through in time to call out, "Keep going, it still comes." As everyone runs on it is clear that the demon has followed as behind you you hear the great thudding of huge feet and Mykell and those of 20ft speed can swear they feel the hot breath of the demon on their back. Each can just imagine great claws or teeth gnashing at their bodies, ripping them to shreds before they die horribly.

Interupting these images though is a bright flash of light behind you and a feral scream of Sahikito. The scream does not sound like one of pain though and a hint of a melody like can be heard in his voice. Anyone glancing back will notice that a great change has occured in Sahikito and now the man who once wore the foreign looking clothes stands in a full plate battle armor but without a helmet on so his now almost translucent white hair blows in the light wind. Powerful and large white wings spread from his back and a single sword is gripped in one hand, the same curved sword though but now it glows with a almost angelic looking aura.

The demons stops now as it glares down at Sahikito, "So the heralds of light take note of us."

Sahikito glares down the demon and speaks slowly and in measured words, "These people have a great destiny before them. We, the heralds of light will not allow you to end their noble mission now. You will not go a inch farther and you will not be allowed to report to your master."

Sahikito's pure white eyes turn to the group and he nods, "Go, deliver your info. Tell Beowulf that the Heralds of Light have chosen sides and that the heros he seeks are found."

With that said Sahikito charges the demon and a great fight erupts before you. Magics, swords, claws and teeth are unleashed and before you you can picture the epic battle of good and evil beginning once more like it has many many times in the past of Har Dell. Each persons mind is briefly fuzzied with images flashing through your minds, including the poor spirit that Hart has. The images show countless upon countless battle with the darkness over the many years. You see heros unknown to you since they are before Beowulf, you see Beowulf and briefly you see yourselves before the images fade.

Friday July 2nd, 2004 1:48:30 PM

Not even bothering to glance back,continues to pull Kashmari,he yells in as loud as he can,"Don't stop whatever you do!"

Hart, Spirit and Loran
Friday July 2nd, 2004 3:58:42 PM

Active Spells- Easy Trail 6 hours(cast when entering Shadow), Wood Wose 'Spirit' 6 hours(cast when entering Shadow)

Spells Left for the day-
Zero Level: Create Water x2, Purify Food/Drink x2
First Level: Hide from Animals, Produce Flame, Speak With Animals
Second Level: Lesser Restoration
Rod uses 2/3 per day, Pearl (unused)

Hart, most likely the fastest of the entire party, (mostly due to lack of metal armor, no hinderance of brush and sure-footedness), he yells as he runs hidden in the brush. He leaves no tracks or signs that he's passed through the area, due to his Easy Trail.
"Pick up your feet Hymnsayer! Metal ones, streep tha steel oof your body! Fly, fly!"
(After a minute of running, Hart has moved 1600 feet. Page 162 DMG.)

Spirit holds onto the hood as the fey bounces him around.

Loran is off ahead of the party, directing Hart as needed around any demons and other obsticles.

Marek Isentomb 
Friday July 2nd, 2004 5:37:42 PM

Marek pounds on without a word, just the steady rythm of his breathing and sound of his armor marks his run. Though he knows he can continue for a great while, he can't outrun the demon. Just as he is about to turn and face the creature, the voice enters his head and pushes him on. Whoever Sahikito is, he means to make good thier escape. Then up ahead another voice rings out, "Pick up your feet Hymnsayer! Metal ones, streep tha steel oof your body! Fly, fly!"

Your Weapon is your life, never return from battle without it in your hand unless it is laid beside you. His first captains words sound clearly. It is never given another thought.

Breaking the shadow line, Marek keeps going until he hears Sahikito ordering them to report to Beowulf and only then does he stop to turn about. With a nod to the Herald of Light he turns again and continues for home at a hurried pace.

Mykell Zweihand 
Saturday July 3rd, 2004 4:20:16 PM

Mykell slows abit when he has the visions flash through his mind, he wonders exactly what the heck is going on but once they clear he just shrugs them off guessing for now it is best to get the heck out of here rather then ponder the meaning of such visions.

(OOC: Jay B has said that something in my posting or going ons in the game is confusing him so if there is any others who have questions about anything game wise then please email me your questions and I'll answer as well as I can. Stug_Netos@yahoo.com )

Sir Henri 
Saturday July 3rd, 2004 7:05:41 PM

Henri run for dear life, but look back to see if Marek is not falling behind, Tells him "Did you see that?? Deamon vs. Angle??" The paladin will keep in step with Marek. "This way! This way!".

Tyal (darkvision) 
Saturday July 3rd, 2004 8:16:11 PM

Tyal does not stop to listen to anything as he runs for his life. He has the mind to put his shield on his back as he runs and his morningstar away.

Then the visions hit and he staggers for a minute till he realizes what he is being shown. It does not take him long to recover and he runs on. His pace is steady and that of someone that is use to running in the heavier armors, with little rest.

He listens to what Hart has to say but does not listen. Let the satyr outdistance him if he likes, that will not stop him from getting away. Still if it is his Goddess's wish for him to die...then so be it.

[full out run can cover 120' even in breastplate...wonder why? :)]

1st: divine favor
2nd: barkskin
3rd: lesser aspect of the deity

1st: detect magic, read magic(2), purify food and drink, create water
2nd: bless water, divine favor, endure elemtents(2), bless#
3rd: bestow curse, searing light

Kashmari  d20+8=26 d20+26=29 d20+4=17
Sunday July 4th, 2004 7:38:14 PM

Kashmari feels a few brief stinging sensations in her left side but does not stop running.
She makes a mental note to apologize to Namfoodle for her vapid state of mind recently.
"Thank you for looking out for me Namfoodle," she says in a low somewhat winded voice, "your thoughtfulness is highly appreciated."
The Half-Elf woman would have smiled gratefully to the considerate gnome; hadn't running taken precedence.

(When camp is next set).
When there is time Kashmari will take time to find her inner-peace and then sort through as many of the mental images as she can to get a better understanding of them. She will share her understanding of the images with primarily Aelanthir and Namfoodle, and then with anyone else who cares to discuss the "visions". The psion feels that Sir Henri; and few other warriors, might even be rather interested in discussing past heros and their deeds. (Autohypnosis 26, Concentration 29)

Also when camp is set she will politely ask Namfoodle if she may speak with him. Kashmari would rather be very polite at first just in case he is upset with her. (Charisma 17)
Kashmari will try to explain that the Shadowlands had an unexpected effect on her for awhile. She describes it as annoying mental clutter, and because she isn't used to that she just basically blocked out a great many things in order to focus her mind. She will also inform the bard that thankfully the bothersome clutter has passed, and hopefully will not be a problem in the future.
She hopes that Namfoodle will wish to speak with her still.

After everything is hopefully set right with Namfoodle Kashmari will appraoch Marek and introduce herself properly. (Naturally Kashmari will spend quite some time talking with Namfoodle if he wishes to talk. She will not rush things.) She will excuse her rude, curt behavior to Marek but not go into any real detail as to why she has been behaving strangely.
The Half-Elven young lady will politely inquire about Marek's background, and ask why he has joined up with them. She is fishing for info on whether or not Beowulf sent him as well. Kashmari wonders if Marek was sent because Beowulf wanted to check up on the group, but she keeps that thought well-hidden from anyone else; particularly Marek of course!

(Autohypnosis 26 ('reviewing' the images of the heros et.al.), Concentration 29, Charisma (hoping to influence Namfoodle in a postive way, so he won't be too upset) 17)

((OOC: Thank you Justin for NPCing Kashmari and Aelanthir. Dom and I greatly appreciate it. Please just make a note of how much Kashmari was able to gleen; during her meditation and concentration, from the visions the "angel" sent Justin.))

Eiras  d20+8=20
Sunday July 4th, 2004 10:18:15 PM

When Eiras catches up to the group, he is visible and visibly shaken.

He quickly sets out to make a pot of tea, stripping of his cloak and scarf as he does. With his scarf off, for the first time you see his hair. It is black near the ends but the hair closest to his scalp has a greenish cast. His pale skin seems even more pale after the encounter with the demon.

Besides making the tea and making it available to the others, Eiras remains silent. He shakes his head to let Kashmari know he is not interested in discussing the flight from the shadow.

Eiras doesn't sleep at all that night, he stares off into the night sky and repairs gear and works on a few arrows (Craft:20)

Namfoodle  d20+10=30 d20+10=23
Monday July 5th, 2004 2:36:41 AM

Namfoodle,breaths a sigh of relief as he passes through the barrier.

After setting up camp for the evening,he makes sure his crossbow is secure,and that Mule is okay.

Seeing Kashmari once again acting normal,brings about a sense of relief. Naming the shadow the cause for her strange behavoir.

As she discusses her visions he listens carefully,remaining silent,partially to be polite and partially in amazement at the wonderful combination of beauty and ability.

He does laugh at her a little when she mentions Namfoodle being mad and responds,"Mad Namfoodle was not. Namfoodle was concerned. The spark of life that Namfoodel sees in you was in danger of fading away,Namfoodle could not stand and let that happen."

Giving her a sly overexagerated wink,"Don't worry,my interest in you has far from faded,actually,after listening to you talk,it has increased." The last was spoken in a very serious manner.

When asked to play,he practically falls over himself in trying to get his lyre,remembering he still has the satyr's pipes he grabs them as well. Walking over to Hart,he asks the satyr to accompany him in a song or two. Handing over the pipes he begins to play the song her first heard the satyr play at Beowulf's table.Perform 30)

Later after things have settled,and he feels the mood is well again,he oes to sit across from Kashmari and begins to play a quiet soothing song,for her.(Perform 23)

When he finishes he gets up bows gracefully and heads to his blankets.

Justin Webber (DM) Camping to rest 
Monday July 5th, 2004 9:16:23 AM

(OOC: Wow, saved me a boring post of you running along till you make it to the forest where you met the elves. Thank you for that, this is sincere also just a fyi.)

The visions assault peoples minds and passes, farther running yet goes on for abit before you finally make it in the forest where you met the elves previously in your adventurer. The woods are silent like before but you have no being watched feeling as everyone prepares the camp for the time being.

Everyone goes about there thing (read below for what Kashmari learns) and Namfoold plays a soothing song for the people and Kashmari which the song exhoes in the forest some as it is played.

Just before night begins to creep onto the land everyone can hear something strange, it sounds like the whistling of something flying through the air at great speed. Before much moving can be done a large, slender sword which everyone has seen before slams into the ground point first next to the fire. The blade has black blood and some silvery white blood running down it and even a few white wing feathers are blown into the clearing as a gust picks up for just a second. Each person can get a sense that this is a way of telling you all that your safe for now, that no danger is chasing you, maybe a final gesture.

Moments pass but the wielder of the sword never enters, not a moan, cry or sound is heard of the warrior and herald of light Sahikito. The forest has taken on a strange silence, almost as if the forest, the wind, the stars and even land mourns. This all can be sensed most keenly by Hart who may find it disturbing or maybe make a sense of pride that the land mourns the loss of such a man and also there is a small sense of justice that the demon Sahikito had fought was dead and would be one less darkness bring on the land.

(Kashmari learns from thinking over the visions with her talents that the images before Beowulf were previous heros. Most of them were normal humans and races that stood up against the darkness. The images of Beowulf is nothing that no one already doesn't know. Thei mages of the group are possiblities of the future. Either way the images show the group has a great hold on the out come of the what becomes of Har Dell in the future. Kashmari can also get the sense that the darkness coming is not really a coisidence or random occurance, this has happened many times in the past. It seems like some game of the dark and good gods, angels and devils and more. Something more powerful of both good and evil stands behind the lines of all this but there is no way of knowing what at the time.)

Sir Henri 
Monday July 5th, 2004 11:49:40 AM

The Paladin watches the others then makes his way over to the slender sword. With gloved hand picks up out of the ground, he wippes it clean, hold it up, point it to the sky (Like Shahikito use to do, "This sword belongs to Shahikito! If he need it, the heaven will take it."

OOC If the heaven opens up, Henri will go back to this quest. If the heavens don't open up, You (DM) better tell me what to do with it? Keep it? or Give it to stronger Player?

Marke Isentomb 
Monday July 5th, 2004 2:58:17 PM

Marek sits against a tree to catch his breath and settle down. To Kashmari he gives a couple shakes of his head. "I am a simple soldier. Heroes and Visions are for others not I."

Marek relaxes to the music and has several strong drinks with some dried rations. He then produces a pipe and has a smoke.

The sword lands and Sir Henri moves to get it. Marek eases back against a tree and watches but declines to say anything.

Tyal (darkvision) 
Monday July 5th, 2004 6:24:07 PM

Tyal finds the clearing with the others and leans over breathing hard from the exercise. He silently thanks his goddess for the training that she pushes her priests to endure. After several minutes he gets his breathing back under control and he is able to concentrate on getting things done.

He sets up an area that he can get some rest at and takes a cup of the offered tea. He sits on his blanket and slowly drinks his tea as he ponders the fate of Sahikito and the visions. He makes not attempts to socialize as he tries to come to grips with what he just had witnessed and get details straight in his mind.

The return of the sword but not the owner brings him some pain for a worthy warrior, but also a sense of peace. He could well understand duty and the fulfilling of ones duty. He will sleep well this night as he is tired, but not without taking a watch of his own.

1st: divine favor
2nd: barkskin
3rd: lesser aspect of the deity

1st: detect magic, read magic(2), purify food and drink, create water
2nd: bless water, divine favor, endure elemtents(2), bless#
3rd: bestow curse, searing light

Mykell Zweihand 
Monday July 5th, 2004 6:42:58 PM

Mykell huffs and puffs in the clearing and sits down against a tree as he pulls his vizor helment off. After many mins of cetching his breath, he looks up at the others.

Mykell's mind goes through the things that has just happened, interupted only by Kashamri asking to talk about the visions and also the sword that suddenly hits point first into the ground.

Mykell makes a small sign with one hand and whispers a prayer for the warrior before looking to Kashmari, "Any info you could get from the visions would be much appreciated."

Hart, Spirit and Loran  d20+16=18 d20+19=27 d20+21=34 d20+21=22 d20+12=28 d20+17=23 d20+20=23 d20+8=10
Monday July 5th, 2004 6:59:42 PM

Active Spells- None currently.

Spells Left for the day-
Zero Level: Create Water x2, Purify Food/Drink x2
First Level: Hide from Animals, Speak With Animals
Second Level: Lesser Restoration
Rod uses 2/3 per day, Pearl (unused)

"No moosic fur me dees night Hymnsayer, I am ooneasy. I take watch, after evening food. You play."
Hart lets the gnome hold the pipes for a while longer. He starts his own little fire(Produce Flame), finds a very flat rock(about the size of a saucer or small plate) and sets it in the embers. The satyr removes several small bundles of cloth or leaves from his pack, which are all containing some sort of food stuffs.
He unwraps one bundle of mushrooms and places several onto the stone. Then he removes salt and sage and sprinkles them over the mushrooms. The next bundle is some sort of dried/salted pink fish which he simply munches on as he watches the mushrooms.
He occassionally turns them with a stick. When the mushrooms are done, he places them on a broad, wide leaf he found along the way.
He then breaks open a bottle of FINE Elven Aleeian Wine and passes it around the group, after taking a large 'chug' from it (Fort save 10, failed). He keeps the mushrooms to himself, unless asked for a sample. :)
"Tha wine ees rare. Share eet."
Now dessert. He rolls up a Lotus peddle again, this time dipping it in honey then chewing it sparingly.
The satyr seems to have consumed enough wine that, even with his endurance, he's now very happy and does indeed play the pipes with Namfoodle. "Hymnshhaayyer, me pipes! Famnoodle! Gnome!" He snorts.

During his watch, Hart will search for wood or reed suitable for pipe making, all the while trying to retain balance. (Nature 18, Survival 27)
Watch. (Listen 34, Spot 22)

Early in the evening, Spirit pops away.

Loran goes on the hunt, returning later with a mouse that had a bad night. He also circle the camp most of the night, watching during several watches.
(Listen 28, Move Silently 23, Spot 23)

Monday July 5th, 2004 10:51:17 PM

The next morning Eiras is swathed in his scarves again.

"Shall we return to Beowulf altogether? I feel compelled to tell the Elven Court of our discovery."

Namfoodle  d20+6=22 d20+9=16 d20+7=25
Tuesday July 6th, 2004 11:50:13 AM

After only four hours of sleep he is up again,this time to water groom and feed the animals.( Handle Animal 22)

He carefully scans the perimeter of the camp for any signs of stray demons.(Listen 16 Spot 25)

He also checks his lyre for any damage that may have been done to it in the last two nights. He also takes a little time to sit down and write down notes of the things that have happened while they are still fresh in his mind.

After he has finished that he begins to put his bedding away. Remembering the imprtance of the large chest strappped to Mule's back he checks on it's contents as well.

As the rest of the group begins to stir,he quickly ducks behind Mule to cast prestidigitation,removing last nights dirt from his person. Gods forbid he be seen looking even slightly unkempt.

In response to Erias,"Our task is to report to Beowulf. Sahikito,gave his life to see that task done.The elves will find out of on their own,I would not be surprised if there were not one or two of them watching us right now."

Looking at everyone that is awake,"What we must do is report to Beowulf,and convince him that we must attack them before they can amass enough numbers to overwhelm us."

Tuesday July 6th, 2004 12:56:02 PM

"It does not take nine or ten people to report back to Beowulf. I did not ask Sahikito to give his life for me - I am grateful but I will not burdened with that responsibility. He made a choice, as did we all. I wonder now though considering the massive numbers of demons already massed, how come they haven't begun to overwhelm us yet. There is no single force that could stop that many demons. Maybe though if word could be gotten to the elves, humans and dwarves and any others interested, we could put together a semblance of resistance to the demons" Eiras looks at Namfoodle awaiting his response.

Tuesday July 6th, 2004 5:50:59 PM

"Eiras, none of us asked for Sahikito to give his life for us but he did just that so that we could get the information to Beowulf. I do not think that the demons will allow us to get the information to Beowulf or any others without trying to stop us. If we do not travel as a group they can pick us off one or two at a time, atleast that is what I would do in their position." Aelanthir calmly stays.

Aelanthir looks to the entire group then says "I think we should move as quickly as possible, while maintaining a carefull watch around us for attacks."

Tuesday July 6th, 2004 6:42:57 PM

Kashmari makes a few points clear. "They are not my visions, simply my review of the images that 'avian' chose to show us." In a clearly disgusted voice she concludes, "typically we are merely pawns in some twisted game; repeated time and again for reasons I am not privy to."
Kashmari does not believe in higher powers, as a psion she is quite certain that one's 'fate' is dictated through the actions of oneself and/or other sentient beings. In essence if you know yourself, have enough confidence, and apply your mind and will you can make anything happen; even "magic tricks" called Divine Magic. She is well-aware that magic exists of course, but she sincerely believes that it is a part of the wielder not from some outside, obscure entity or source.

"Mykell most of the images were past history. Basically individuals who just happened to be in the right place at the wrong time. By whatever means were available they vanquished the Dark Foes [spoken with obvious sarcasm] and became what peasants like to call Heroes. Beowulf's; and his companions, deeds were flashed through our minds as well. You probably recognized those events."
She pauses for a breather. "Then it went on to imply that we most likely will end up treading much the same path. True to form the outcome is still undecided, since we do have considerable say in our own choices and actions." Dryly the psion adds, "anyone who cares to can read up on Har Dell's history at any College or cultured noble's library. It seems the idea is that we have been baited to actively participate in making recent history."

The Half-Elven female smiles a curt, almost wicked, smile at the newcomer Marek, "Marek, that means you also. The 'visions' do concern you this time since you happen to be one of those individuals in the right place at the wrong time." With a wry grin Kashmari tells Namfoodle, "keep a journal Master Namfoodle. In time you might just end up lecturing on your first-hand accounts at the Bardic Colleges." Naturally her comment to the gnome bard is not intended as a joke or anything mean, just a jibe at how society often works.

"Eiras if you want to try and convince all Peoples that it is in their best interests to work together against the Demons you are welcome to the task. Best of luck to you. My business is primarily with Beowulf until he pays me for the time given over to this task." She adds almost as an after-thought, "if we cross pathes with the Elven patrol again it would be an honorable gesture to inform them of the danger the Shadowlands and the Demons seem to pose. Likewise should we encounter any of the Dwarven patrols. Let them all make up their own minds and devise their own tactics after they have gained the knowledge we have learned."

As is her wont Kashmari has helped with camp chores, participated in keeping watch (if necessary), taken what sleep she could get, and cleaned up and meditated after her rest. She does what she can to clean up after camp has been packed away as well. After all it isn't a good thing to leave a messy camp site behind you.

Justin Webber (DM) Morning 
Tuesday July 6th, 2004 8:13:16 PM

Night passes with each person doing their thing and even having abit of song and dance before the night is up. Henri holds the large sword up for the heavens to take or not but nothing happens, the sword seems to shiver abit in Henri's hands before a voice actually issued, "I can not go. Sahikito has family left in the home he mentioned. I will watch over the remaining family members as I have watched over him over these many many years. You all must find a way to get me there, maybe through this man named Beowulf." (Sahikito's sword is unable to be wielded by any of the group. The sword can be carried and handled but not wielded as it seems to refuse to.)

Morning comes with many activites of cleaning camp and preparing to move out in what direction left undetermined as talk of what to do comes.

In a few hours of wakingup and packing camp etc something surprising happens. First is the sudden appearance of a lone elf who holds a very familiar harp appears. The elf didn't showup till removing his cloak and smiles as bows low, "My my my, people of such high honor in the forest once more. Luck must be with you to of made it in and out of the Shadow without being harmed."

Melic smiles as he looks to each person and grins seeing Kashmari, "Ohh my, once again the world pales and times slows for beauty is once again before my eyes. Please give me a moment for my racing heart to settle and my eyes to adjust to such beauty."

Melic after a few dramatic mins of pause finally speaks, "News is not needed my friends, I caught just the tell end of your comments before making it here. Also Dramual of the dwarves has made it to our forest with alittle over 20 of his dwarves that went against the Shadow Boundary. I fear almost all that force was wiped out but his 20 but they by their word did cut down many demons before retreating." Melic glances to Eiras, "Thank you for wanting to deliver this news to us but I will handle the rest from here. We have sent the 20 dwarves to Beowulf's home since for now we can't let them in the elven city. I will be sending word to Beowulf on the elves position in this matter but I do not think he has much to worry about since the elves will go to war against the shadows as will the dwarves since recently a new threat has approached the dwarves door from the demons."

Melic runs a finger over the harp strings and suddenly thundering of hooves can be heard before a horse per person appears in the clearing. Melic smiles and motions to the horses, "elven steeds, they will get you to Beowulf quicker, deliver your information and we will see what happens from there."

Marek Isentomb 
Tuesday July 6th, 2004 8:16:19 PM

Marek looks back at Kahmari, "No the visions do not concern me. I may be in them, but I see them as nothing more than wishful dreams. As for this place and time I am exectly where I choose to be and nothing more."

Marek then finishes his pipe and goes to bed

Marek Isentomb 
Tuesday July 6th, 2004 8:46:54 PM

OoC apparently was typing at the same time

Marek gives a curt nod of acknowlegdement towards Melic and waits for Sir Henri with a look and simple "Sir?"

Assuming he moves to a horse, Marek Mounts up with him and makes ready from there to get underway

Hart, Spirit and Loran 
Tuesday July 6th, 2004 9:32:20 PM

ACTIVE SPELLS: Wood Wose (Spirit) 6 hours

Spells Left for the day-
Zero Level: Create Water, Detect Magic, Purify Food and Drink, Mending
First Level: Endure Elements, Long Strider, Pass without Trace, Speak with Animals
Second Level: Easy Trail, Summon Swarm
Rod uses 1/3 per day, Pearl (unused)

"I can nut ride tha beasts, my legs are too short and bend tha wrung way. Thank you elf, but I can get along fair enough."

The satyr prepares spells early in the morning, saying prayers to Shalm, god of Nature. Hart seems to be nursing a hangover.
He calls Spirit. (casts Wood Wose using rod)

Spirit pops in and waves to everyone.

Loran finds time in the morning to sleep atop the staff.

Tuesday July 6th, 2004 11:19:14 PM

Eiras starts to speak and then Melic shows up.
When Melic speaks to him, Eiras sketches a small bow.

"It looks as though we are for Beowulf then. Let us make haste."

Tyal (darkvision) 
Tuesday July 6th, 2004 11:29:55 PM

Tyal glances to the others and shakes his head. He has to agree that he sees no reason to split up the group...why make easy targets to pick off. He is about to say something himself when Melic shows up to give them advice and news.

With a nod to the elf he looks to the approaching steeds and lets a low whistle. "Such beauty is rarely seen in these times." He cuts the elf a deep bow, knowing that this is a great honor.

When the others are ready to pull out he will take a mount and prepare himself. He has not been ahorse very many times but he knows enough to keep up on it.

1st: divine favor
2nd: barkskin
3rd: lesser aspect of the deity

1st: detect magic, read magic(2), purify food and drink, create water
2nd: bless water, divine favor, endure elemtents(2), bless#
3rd: bestow curse, searing light

Sir Henri 
Wednesday July 7th, 2004 8:21:34 AM

Henri smiles at Marek, "If you wait a minute I will call my horse" The paladin raises his arms once again "Flash! My mount! Come I need you." There in a flash is his mount, a dark gray horse with a mark of a white lighting bolt on his forehead.

The paladin puts the sword under the saddle, then mounts and look to Marek. "Now let's ride!"

Hart (OOC) 
Wednesday July 7th, 2004 8:58:33 AM

OOC: Note, I should have one less first level spell on my list. I'm removing Speak with Animals.

Namfoodle  d20+10=14
Wednesday July 7th, 2004 1:15:26 PM

Seeing the elven bard,does not surprise Namfoodle,although he is genuinly glad to see him again. He observes him carefully,watching him "in action" so to speak. His instructor's at his bardic college alwasy told him,"That a smart bard will always work with another bard whether you know him or not because you can at least double your profits if not more."

He greets Melic,after his flattery of Kashmari,"I had a feeling you would turn up,before we made it out of your woods.He quickly pulls out his lyre and strums a few notes,"After we talk,how about we play a little diddy?"(Perform 14)

Looking at him seriously for a moment,and speaking in gnomish,"Do you speak my tounge?" Switching to dwarven,"Or this one perchance?" Hoping his hint at getting a private word with Melic gets across.

Mykell Zweihand 
Wednesday July 7th, 2004 5:32:51 PM

Mykell shakes his head at the sudden appearance of Melic and smiles abit, "Seems people like just showingup around us, maybe this is a new trend for the group."

Mykell listens to what is said before he looks to the horses called and walks over to look them over. Mykell isn't a very good judge all and all of horses but he can ride alittle and soon climbs onto on of the elven horses as he pats it's neck, "You going to beable to keep up with us then are good Satyr friend?" Mykell is remembering not to use Hart's name in public.

Aelanthir  d20+5=17
Wednesday July 7th, 2004 5:59:57 PM

"Thank you for the use of one of the elven steeds Melic. I hope that you be safe in your travels and battles."

Aelanthir will gather his gear and then climb up onto one of the elven steeds then hang on with as best he can if it takes off at a run (ride 17.)

Spells Prepared:
Level 0: Mage Hand, Touch of Fatigue, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Grease, Mage Armor, Shocking Grasp, True Strike
Level 2: Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy,

Kashmari  d20+4=21
Wednesday July 7th, 2004 6:58:03 PM

Kashmari smiles brightly at Melic after his compliments. Between Namfoodle and Melic she absolutely likes bards she decides.
For a split second the psion considers petitioning Melic to join his patrol. She quashes that thought quick as lightning though, immediately chalking it up as being flighty.

"Well met once again Master Melic. Assuredly it will always be a pleasure for me to hear your wonderful praises." Swiftly she adds, "I hope that my ungracious words earlier were not an insult to you or your shield-brothers. If so then I offer my sincerest apologies. I was merely thinking of expediency."

Kashmari picks out a suitable Elven steed. While gently holding the reigns she turns to face Melic, "thank you so very much for granting us use of these horses."

Kashmari (addendum)  d20-1=10 d20+3=14
Wednesday July 7th, 2004 7:01:50 PM

Of course even in her flighty moments she will not forget to take her gear with her before leaving camp!
It remains to be seen whether or not she can actually ride however...

(Ride 10, Dex check (just in case) 14)

Hart replying to Mykell 
Wednesday July 7th, 2004 7:41:55 PM

The satyr replies to Mykell. "I hafe a spell tat weell last fur several hours friend Steel Face." The satyr smirks in jest, almost thanking the man. "Eef I can nut keep up, I'll send my freend your way." Referring to Loran, who remains asleep atop the staff.

Justin Webber (DM) Talks&Moving 
Wednesday July 7th, 2004 11:09:08 PM

Melic looks to Namfoodle as he speaks in various languages. Melic grins after he lets the little man go through both languages and then replies once in gnomish and then again in dwarvish, "A bard learns to be talents in many different languages fellow bard. What do you wish to know?"

(OOC:I will handle Namfoodle's question in my next post plus also Namfoodle can make posts for moving on also inless the talks will take abit of time.)

The group quickly moves out after the talks between Namfoodle and Melic are over. Each person with or without riding experience gets a shock as each horse takes off easily and each person finds ease in the saddle that each horse has. The horses gallop off at a good speed, and it is clear that the stamina of the horses is something to behold.

For awhile the horses can out distance Hart and after a small amount of urging them to hold back the horses take alittle less of a gallop along as to keep Hart closer to the group in case of trouble.

(OOC: On horse back it will take the group less time to get to the city, so by just alittle while after mid day the group will reach the city once again. This includes Hart :) Each person can post up to reaching the city gates. Please do not post on entering them though.)

Tyal (darkvision)  d20+8=11 d20+8=16
Wednesday July 7th, 2004 11:31:44 PM

Tyal rides along with the others, amazed at the easy gait of the horses. If he did not see the horse he would swear that he was just sitting in a padded chair.

Without realizing that he has even done it he pulls back his horse to keep pace with Hart. Though he would like to talk to the satyr he keeps his questions to himself at this time, letting the man save his breathe.

As they near the city and he can see the walls in the distance he slows his horse further. He takes the time to look over the surrounding area as if looking for trouble (listen 11, spot 16).

1st: divine favor
2nd: barkskin
3rd: lesser aspect of the deity

1st: detect magic, read magic(2), purify food and drink, create water
2nd: bless water, divine favor(2), endure elemtents(2)
3rd: bestow curse, searing light

Eiras  d20+5=23 d20+8=25 d20+11=25 d20+11=23
Wednesday July 7th, 2004 11:39:41 PM

Eiras clearly enjoys the chance to ride such a swift steed. Along the way, he pulls down his scarves and bends close to the beast, whispering to him and patting his side (Wild Empathy Check:23}.

Eiras ranges ahead and to the sides of the group, letting the stallion run free. He is careful not to demand the horse exhaust itself but only to enjoy the run {Ride:25}.

Winded but slightly flushed with the experience, Eiras returns to the main group as they near the city walls. He sighs and says to no one in particular, "Never have I rode such a magnificent animal."

With that said, Eiras gives the horse one more rub on the side and pulls his scarves up. He begins to scrutinize the surroundings also. {Spot:25 Listen:23}

Hart, Spirit and Loran 
Thursday July 8th, 2004 12:53:34 AM

Extended Wood Wose (Spirit) 6 hours
Extended Long Strider (6 hours)

Spells Left for the day-
Zero Level: Create Water, Detect Magic, Purify Food and Drink, Mending
First Level: Endure Elements, Pass without Trace, Speak with Animals
Second Level: Easy Trail, Summon Swarm
Rod uses 2/3 per day, Pearl (unused)

The satyr casts Longstrider using the rod.
[base movement of 50 feet, running full tilt, unhindered by natural growth] (this means Hart should beable to move 10 miles an hour, in this case that figures to 60 miles in 6 hours)

It's obvious to the fey that the group is staying pace with him, so in the customary gruffness which is Hart, the satyr voices his opinion (which is no suprise to anyone.)
"Beast riders! Make haste! I follow close and will not lag behind."
Hart leaves no trail to follow as he runs in the wake of dust left by the horses.

Spirit bounces along in the feys hood, happy to be out of that place.

Loran soars above the group, likely out distancing them.

(OOC: I will happily make the save versus Running, Justin.)

Sir Henri 
Thursday July 8th, 2004 8:43:03 AM

When he rides his Celestrial horse, the ride is like flying through the clouds. The paladin forgets everything else except his faith, he feels as though he could touch Pator face. But all too soon the ride stops, Henri opens his eyes and there in frount of him is the city, he turns to Meric, "There she is, we are near. How was your ride? I'm a little hungry would you want someting to eat? So that our horses can drink, graze and rest for a little while. I have some extra rations, my mother alway pack extra for me. She knows that I give food away to the hungry children, their family and even the birds or assoted animals on my quest."

Marek Isentomb 
Thursday July 8th, 2004 9:25:08 AM

Not being experienced at riding, the infantry usually walks, Marek is pleased to find it easy and enjoyable. I wonder why the cavalry always made this sound taxing he thinks.

Sir Henri's voice snaps his head around. "It was good thank you. I ate in the saddle so I am fine, but the horses could probably use something and it looks like he might as well." With 'he' Marek gestures towards Hart as he dismounts.

Namfoodle  d20+10=27 d20+10=19
Thursday July 8th, 2004 11:50:51 AM

Smiling at Melic's response,and assuring his friends that he will catch up,but there is something he must speak with the bard about.

After the group is on it's way,"I am glad that you are willing to hear me out. I ask a favor of you. Can you send a messenger to my family,if I do not survive this. I know this is premature,but my momma and poppa deserve to know,if I don't make it." Looking very serious,"I am going to make it I know but just in case." Handing him a folded sheet of paper,"Here are their names and the name of the town I grew up in."

Quickly changing the subject,"So when are you going to have that grand ball we last talked about? I have a new routine,I have been working on,and that would be the perfect setting to reveal it."

After hearing the bard's reply,and talking to him about a few diffrent techiques to get more from your audience he bids the bard farewell.

Seeing as how he was not very long with the bard he catches up to the group rather easily,and instantly begins to play some traveling music and telling a few jokes most likely better suited for a tavern full of sailors.(Perform strings 27 Perform comedy 19)

Thursday July 8th, 2004 8:21:51 PM

Kashmari doesn't consider herself much of a rider so she is pleasantly surprised to find out how 'easy' it is to ride the elven steeds. In fact the ride almost seems to be over before much time has passed. She is amused by Namfoodle's entertainment even if it tended to be more appropriate for sailors.
Kashmari is not worried about Hart, she believes that the resourceful satyr will arrive at the city without any incident. Hart's words seem to validate her thoughts on the issue of his travelling capabilities.

The psion doesn't bother with much talk during the ride, and surprisingly she doesn't say much either when the group stops for the day near the city walls.
If there is any opportunities she will approach any gate guards not currently busy with some business or other and ask if there has been any news during these last few days. She particulary inquires about any possible strange sightnings (tales of monsters and such), any scirmishes and any significant movements of groups of people (like relocations of villagers, mobilizing of armies, what the other races might be up to). So while she has little to say to her travelling companions small-talk with the local guards helps to pass the time while she waits to see what happens next. It cannot hurt to keep informed about what is transpiring 'locally'.

Justin Webber (DM) City Walls 
Thursday July 8th, 2004 9:57:38 PM

Melic nods and smiles as he takes the letter from Namfoodle, "I will hold the party the day you all are able to come to the elven land and visit my new friend. This letter will be delivered to your parents without any problems I'm sure sir."

When the group finally reaches the walls of Har Dell they find that the city has most deffinetly changed alittle. Lining near the gates of the city are around fourty spears with ugly demon heads resting on each spear point. When the group reaches the city gates fully your are welcomed by a group of eight well armed and armored guards who hold pikes. One of ths guards grin as he seen you all as you were leaving the city.

The familiar guard holds up one hand and smiles, "Hail travelers. Beowulf is waiting for you at his home. As you can see we have had some minor problems while you were gone." The guard looks to Kashmari when she speaks to the guards and he shakes his head, "You'll hear enough on the way to Lord Beowulf's home I'm sure and Beowulf will fill you in on the rest f the details."

With the guards less then helpful with information the group slowly moves on towards Beowulf's house, on the way you can see the streets are full of people who are like before talking about the things going on. Most of the talk is loud enough for people to make out without trying and the things said are:

"Did you see what that servant of Beowulf's did....he turned into what looked like a demon and killed 4 of the demons attacking the city himself."

"I don't care if Servain is the servant of Beowulf. Beowulf is harboring a demon and Servain should be thrown out of the city or killed without a second thought."

Many of the other talks are strictly on this, alot of people have mixed feelings on Servain and what he did but a over all view seems to be that Servain saved the place but should be forced to leave in some way inless things are explained.

Hart, Spirit and Loran 
Friday July 9th, 2004 12:56:29 AM

The satyr appears from on the horizon, just behind the group, still about four minutes behind.

Loran flies and perches on the parapet of the Har Dell wall. He watches as the satyr approaches quickly.

Friday July 9th, 2004 6:07:18 AM

Upon arriving at Beowulf's home Aelanthir gets off the horse stiffly and rubs the horses neck while saying in elven "thank you for the swift journey my friend."

Aelanthir will call out to Kuari. Kuari comes flying out of the pocket on Aelanthir's vest and circles overhead. "Kuari, go find yourself a nice wild hare and come back here to eat."

Aelanthir then looks to the others to see how they are doing.

Sir Henri and Flash 
Friday July 9th, 2004 8:36:41 AM

As the paladin rides into the city, he smiles at the guards "Yes! I see you had a little trouble here. All I can say is Keep those Pikes sharp." Onward he goes to Beowulf house, listening to what the rumers of the day were.

He dismount and he arrives at the Beowulf's mansion, Henri goes to the head of his horse "Do you want to stay here for a while and wait for me? or do you want to go back home? If you stay there's a place to graze there (pointing to a field)and water to drink (pointing to a fountain) You know I alway love to have you with me. Hope to see you later."

Marek Isentomb 
Friday July 9th, 2004 9:17:24 AM

Marek nods back to the guard. "Well met." Marek rides to Beowulf's home in relative silence. If he can he will make a quick stop for a couple apples at a stand if they pass one. Upon arrival he dismounts, patting the horse on the neck as he looks for a hitching post. The horse now secure, he heads for the door and enters as he knocks.

Namfoodle  d20+6=26
Friday July 9th, 2004 11:24:05 AM

Watching Kashmari as she wanders off to question the guards,with a look of curiosity on his face He dismounts and grabs Mule's reins and leads him into the city.

Waiting for the rest of the group to move ahead he lingers at the gates for a moment. His sharp gnome ears catch the whispers of gossip and he begins to question people about recent events in town.(Gather Information 26 natural 20)His curiosity does not allow him to wait until he can speak with Beowulf.

Kashmari  d20+4=15 d20+3=12
Friday July 9th, 2004 3:43:23 PM

Kashmari will slowly head towards Beowulf's residence. By taking her time she will be able to lend Namfoodle a hand should the people become agitated.
The young lady is just as interested in what the people have to say as Namfoodle is. She is leading her borrowed horse through the city just like the others are.
Kashmari is not pleased with the sentiments the townsfolk show towards Servain. She figured that Servain was taking great risks by what he was doing, but he may just end up paying a higher cost for his actions than he might have intended. She mutters quietly to herself about how good deeds and heroics just don't pay off.

(Listen 15, Sense Motive 12)

Eiras  d20+11=26 d20+11=31
Friday July 9th, 2004 6:51:33 PM

Eiras keeps his thoughts to himself while he moves through the city. The same unconscious grace that he had before carries him swiftly through the crowds of people.

He gives no outward signs of his thoughts on the obvious sentiment and distaste of the citizens for Servain. He does keep an eye on the crowd and the surroundings, on the lookout for anyone paying them too much attention or behaving suspiciously. {Listen:26 Spot:31 Natural 20!!!}

Sir Henri 
Sunday July 11th, 2004 7:53:39 AM

The Paladin enters the Hall, takes his cloak off, handing it to the servant asking "Is the Master in?".

Justin Webber (DM) Meeting 
Sunday July 11th, 2004 12:40:54 PM

(OOC: Sorry for the lateness of this post and also for typing a book for people to read.)

Namfoodle, Kashmari and all others who travel through the streets slow to hear more info find little more but the talk of Servain and his saving Beowulf and the city but in doing so showing he looks or is part demon or maybe full. The citizens attitude is some what 50-50 but the bad 50 are also talking of possible rushing Beowulf's mansion and captureing Servain if something isn't done or said soon.

At the mansion when everyone arrives they find the door opens for them but no Servain this time or anyone else, in the main hall sitting in one of the padded chairs is Beowulf and across from him against the wall is Servain who currently wraps a bandage on his human looking arm.

Beowulf looks up and smiles seeing each of you and Merak also, "I pray you all have faired better then we have. A group of fifty demons attacked the city. It seems I have become slightly rusty in my age. Servain here had to save me from a couple demons."

Servain looks up and nods his head once, his demonic looking skin on one side of his face showing nothing much emotion wise but the human side showing relief you all have returned, "I'm glad you have returned also, please tell us what you have learned so I can try and help Lord Beowulf with defenses if I can before leaving the city." Servain looks to Beowulf, "Lord Beowulf, it seems my use to you now will be of little help. The skin whispers and says the people will turn against you and me. I for once believe the skin is right and will after planning defenses with you will leave this place and find another place to help while working on my illusion of human looks."

Beowulf nods saddly and looks to you, "Pray tell what you have learned and found. I feel time is short before the people grow too restless."

(This only happens after the info you give is habded over.)

Just as the last bit of info is given a medium sized demonoid appears, it grins wickedly and growls, "Good, now the master will know what you have found out. I will go warn him."

The demonoid runs for one of the small window in the room but Servain jumps up and rushes forward, slashing out quickly he grabs the demonoid by the throat with his demon looking arm and lifts him almost a half a foot of the ground, squeezing hard which makes Servain's demon looking arm flex solid as rock, "You will tell no one evil creature." There is silence other then gurgling for a moment and then with a quick and sudden shake you hear a snap from the demonoid. Servain looks like he takes great delight in killing a demon, maybe this is his vengence on them and his way of copeing with what he is now.

Sudden;y and unexpectedly the small window shatters and now a very small ugly, wart covered and bat winged creature appears, grinning as it speaks and takes flight, going invisible again once out the window, "heeee heee heee, fooled you it did....demon friend just a nice way of keeping your attention from things. heee heee heee humans and other races thing they are soooo smart but look how dumb they turn out to be. buh bye dumbies, thanks for playing."

Servain throws the dead demonoid against the wall and growls, "Dang it, this isn't good. We will have to plan our defenses more carefully now."

Beowulf shakes his head and smiles, "Calm down Servain. The gnome engineers are working on catapults and ballistas as we speaks. The elves has sent a small group of archers to help defend us also and we now have a dozen battle hardened dwarves."

The door to the mansion swings open suddenly and a single young man walks in wearing a silver robe with the symbol of Bahamut the King of all good dragons, "Sorry for interupting Lord Beowulf but the armerments of the city is a problem but nothing compared to what we have learned."

The man pulls a chart from his belt and opens it, having just noticed the group the man smiles apolageticly, "excuse me good people but this is very important and being the city's proclaimed heroes I guess you'll be interested also."

The man points to the blood moon that is shown on the chart, "As you know this moon can be seen at night and day, but only faintly at night. Well, we the Order of Bahamut have found out that this moon is directly linked to the Order of Tiamat. The Order of Tiamat has made a pact with the demons to revive their god and in doing so the demons will get a tool to help them win this war they are on. If our records are correct and the ancient archives also then a unholy ceramony of some type can be used once the correct items are gathered to resurrect Tiamat but only on a certain night when this moon glows a deeper, darker blood red."

Beowulf frowns at this info and shakes his head, "What do the dragon gods have to do with all this? they have never entered into any of the darkness wars in the past?"

The young man laughs at what Beowulf says and shakes his head, "Lord Beowulf, when you were our hero who do you think destroyed the castle Argentil? An freed the many fighters and people held inside? Bahamut ordered the good dragons to do this. All evil is linked and all evil helps each other in some form. Bahumat and Tiamat fought and in the end Bahumat was fatally injured and soon after went into a rest that will last hundred of years. Tiamat's soul was sealed by his followers in 4 orbs, one of which we got ahold of a moved to a save place which we are looking through the archives to find at the moment." The young man grins, "I fear that we need to find the chalice of life and the stream of four waters. The chalice and the stream is Bahamut knows where but with those we can awaken Bahamut to full strength and he can help defend us against the darkness to come."

The man looks to the group and smiles as he folds the chart up, "In our legend which is slightly different then legends in the common books it says a group of a ancient and powerful number will come to save us in our hour of darkness. With them they will awaken the light and once more darkness and light will battle. Only the Herald's can deliver too us the ancient numbers and only they can awaken the light needed to battle darkness."

Servain shakes his head, "An if thats true then you know the darkness have chosen ones delivered to the by the Seekers of Darkness. An you say they will resurrect Tiamat then? I find it unlikely any god would stoop to helping demons."

Beowulf shakes his head at all this, "Kings, folls and pawns. This is all like a giant chess game. Tiamat is a holy god and a dragon born to bring justice. Tiamat is also the opposite of Bahamut....There is not garantee that the light is Bahamut but I suppose it is a good start.....the picture is becoming bigger then I imagined, resurrecting gods now."

(OOC:Okay everyone, I know this post can be confusing so please email me specific questions and I will answer as best as I can. Thanks.)

Sir Henri 
Sunday July 11th, 2004 1:58:54 PM

Sir Henri goes to ask the servant another question, But there's nobody around. Until he reaches the meeting room. There with the others in the party, tells Beowulf all that went on, all what they did and all that was told to then.

Then the little frackus with the evil demonds, and the things that followed. Henri shakes his head, raises his eyes and to this old master hero, tell him "I must go and talk to my farther, I must make peace and ask his advice. Then I'll be back and finish this job."

Hart, Spirit and Loran 
Sunday July 11th, 2004 4:59:44 PM

The satyr listens and wonders, very confused and uncertain what gods and dragons have to do with demons and the Shadow.
Hart isn't really capable of knowing what all this means. Human legends and myths aren't fact, and speculation isn't proof of anything. The stories may have some baring in truth, but most often exaggeration and flamboyance preveils to make the tellings more interesting after millenia.
However, these humans seem concerned, very concerned. Could all this be that frightening?
Light has controled the current world for sometime, wouldn't it stand to reason the darkness might get a shot to run things at some point. It's balance, after all.

Spirit plays around the table legs, oblivious to the apparent danger.

Loran perchs, sleeping atop the staff.

Monday July 12th, 2004 1:08:38 AM

Kashmari leaves the informing of Beowulf to the others. They seem to have that well in hand and she sees no point in adding anything more.


Kashmari doesn't have any time to react to the demon spies; indeed it seems like no one really had any time to - except for Servain. 'I wonder why he didn't 'detect' those two demons? I thought he could feel demon presence or something?' The psion just shugs and rolls her eyes skyward.

Kashmari listens with thinning patience to the man who drones on about dragons and dragon-gods. She grows more and more displeased with what she is learning by the second.
"Good Sir, we are not the 'proclaimed heroes of the city' we are mercenaries - *shoots Henri an inquiring glance* most of us anyway - who just happen to have a contract with Lord Beowulf to gather information on his behalf," the Half-Elf says this with the merest hint of annoyance in her voice. "Oh, you can add that we are all the pawns of so-called Gods and appearently dragons as well," she dryly adds this last comment not caring if she offends the priest, the cityfolk, or any so-called Gods.

Monday July 12th, 2004 2:15:30 PM

Sitting back and taking notes of what is being discussed,he has little to contribute to the conversation.

The first demon catches the gnome off guard,and he lets out a curse,the second makes him lose all tact and the words that come from his mouth seem odd coming from one as good humored as Namfoodle.

After composing himself,"Now that whatever advantage we had is gone,they know how ignorant we are to their activities. Anyone have any ideas what to do now?"

Sir Henri 
Monday July 12th, 2004 3:10:41 PM

Henri just sits there and listens to every words, He's even notice the icy glance that Kashmarie gave him. 'But I must listen very carefully, there's some thing here, I cannot put my fingers on it.' So the paladin sit there andlistens.

Kashmari (commentary) 
Monday July 12th, 2004 3:38:39 PM

((OOC: Ouch Ceil, Kashmari was being inquisitive, wondering if she can sort of count Henri as a 'fellow merc', or if he is more the good-guy hero-type that would gladly give everything to charity. LOL. Didn't mear to be glaring daggers at poor Henri!))

Monday July 12th, 2004 5:16:53 PM

Aelanthir listens carefully to what everyone says, realizing that he does not have anything else to add.

When the demon showed Aelanthir is a little shocked at the fact that it was able to remain hidden with all of the people in the room.

"Why is it that I feel like we are just the playthings of the different gods."

Monday July 12th, 2004 5:28:38 PM

Tyal listens with rapt attention as everything is laid out before them..well as much as can be expected. The sudden appearance of the demon is enough to set him on ear and he seems rather annoyed. Still he says nothing to anyone as he waits to see what is decided.

The comment about them, well almost all of them, working for money is well enough true. Though he hates demons with a passion unlike most he does not do it for free. Maybe if he found the right demon then he would, but that has not happened yet. "I would not be above helping...but the price......?" He leaves it hanging as he waits to see if his comment is taken up by Beowulf.

1st: divine favor
2nd: barkskin
3rd: lesser aspect of the deity

1st: detect magic, read magic(2), purify food and drink, create water
2nd: bless water, divine favor(2), endure elemtents(2)
3rd: bestow curse, searing light

Eiras  d20+11=14
Monday July 12th, 2004 8:15:52 PM

Eiras is quiet listening to the messenger. As the speech continues, he pulls down his scarves so that his face is visible. When the words, "...heroes of the city" comes up, he cocks an eyebrow and frowns.

On the appearance of the demons, Eiras starts a string of invectives. He stands up pushing back his chair and grabbing for his bow. By the time the last demon escapes, Eiras has his bow out, doing spot checks around the room. {Spot:14}

"I have had it with fate and prophecy. WE decide what we will do. I decide MY own fate, not any god. Why have I been cursed to be the victim of these meddling gods? Where are these items - I want to be free from the yoke of deities!" Eiras finishes and looks around at the others, for the first time, a pale red flush is seen on his face.

Mykell Zweihand 
Monday July 12th, 2004 8:30:24 PM

Mykell looks to the others and shakes his head as he undoes the buckles and removes his vizor helmet slowly, "We are always pawns of someones game, specially mercenaries, lords and nobles and such never explain the whole situation to the poor souls the hire. I do not work for free either and refuse to work for nothing no matter what is said by you or the priest."

Mykell looks to Servain when the sudden appearance of the demon occurs and then looks to the others as he sighs, "resurrecting gods is a delicate matter and something I refuse to do for free. I can careless if we have been chosen by the Herlad's of Light to do this. Armerments and such will need to be taken care of if we are to fight anything of great power."

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