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Paying the Troll Tax. (DM Jim)  d20+10=26 d6+4=10 d20+14=28 d20+13=32 d20+13=17 d8+6=13 d8+6=11
Tuesday September 2nd, 2003 2:22:21 PM

Tratain hops on the next disc that comes close and starts across the room on it with Aramis's direction. Sly will hop on another of the discs and start his way across as well.

Dylan is grabbed by the troll that reached for him and pulled into the room. The troll leers at him as it brings him close. Dylan manages to keep his cool and draws upon his druidal powers. The flames begin to gather as if to strike, but then go out. Dylan cannot understand it, the power was there and then suddenly gone.

Lorth slashes at the arm of the troll reaching for him and strikes true. Jerking back its arm the troll roars in pain. Unlukily, Lorth overextends himself and tumbles into the room. He is now laying on his back looking up into the ugliest face that you would want to see.

The troll holding Dylan brings his teeth in at your shoulder, trying to bite you (hit: 26, damage: 10)[grapple check: 28, can break free by beating grapple check]

The other troll standing over Lorth grins,if it can be called that, and reaches for Lorth. It tries to grab you with both of it's clawed hands (hit: 32/17, damage: 13/11).

Lorth and Dylan will have noticed that there are six trolls in the room. Though at this time that does them little good.

Aramis AC 18 [Cat Grace +5 Dex, Endurance +3 Con, Potion +2 Cha, Stoneskin 35HP and Bull Str +5] 
Tuesday September 2nd, 2003 3:22:56 PM

"all a board, next stop Trollville." Aramis moves Sly and Tratain across. He also brings the third disk backn for someone else to get on. "Might I suggest some fire."

Dylan  d20+8=18 d20+11=23 d8+4=10
Tuesday September 2nd, 2003 3:31:31 PM

Dylan struggles against the grapple but cannot break free. "Get off me ugly," the druid manages to gasp. Dylan jabs his spear in the direction of the troll hoping in his currnet condition to be able to hit him hitting AC 23 for 10 points of damage.

Tuesday September 2nd, 2003 5:17:27 PM

Edge waits for his turn to ride accross, hopeing that everyone survives.

Appolo Hp:76 AC:27  d20+10=14 d8=8 d20+10=27 d8=1
Tuesday September 2nd, 2003 8:07:42 PM

Appolo prepares his bow by wrapping pieaces of oil soaked cloth arround several arrows light them then he hops on the nearest disc,when gets close enough he will fire a flaming arrow at piont blank rang in to the nearest troll.Then quickly relaod and fire agian.

Atack rolls 14,27,Damage 8+fire 1+ fire

Lorth AC 35 (STONESKIN 28 HP) (Magic Vestment +3 AC) (BARKSKIN +4 AC) 
Wednesday September 3rd, 2003 9:13:18 AM

Lorth attempts to roll out of the way, but one of the trolls claws rakes his leg. Scrambling back a bit, he stands up and readies his weapons, facing off with the troll.

Sly Foxx 
Wednesday September 3rd, 2003 10:29:20 AM

Sly will hop on a disk and ride it untill he get close to the opening to the room. the He'' say "erif Ouchies" a fire ball will strike the one enemy that he was eating. Hopefully any emermy near him.

Tratain AC 24 [20% Displaced; Bull's Strength(19 Str); Endurence(19 Con); Stoneskin 40 Hps]  d20+18=25 d20+13=17 d8+8=16 d8+8=10
Wednesday September 3rd, 2003 12:04:28 PM

After Reaching the other side of the room Tratain hops off the Disc and Attacks the Troll nearest to him. (Hits AC 25 and 17 for 16 and 10 Damage)

The Party Continues. (DM Jim)  d20+10=22 d6+4=6 d20+14=30 d20+13=23 d20+13=18 d8+6=13 d8+6=8
Wednesday September 3rd, 2003 4:04:15 PM

Aramis continues to keep the discs moving back and forth so the the party can get across and help thier friends.

Dylan manages to get his spear into play as the thing does not have his arms pinned. It drives deeply into the troll and it roars in rage, but does not let go.

Edge waits his turn to go across and mix it up with the trolls.

Appolo hopes on the disc that is returning to the trolls and pulls up his bow. He soon has the ends of the arrows flaming as he slowly gets closer. He fires off both arrows at the troll after Lorth. As the arrows enter the room the fires go out and it is just normal arrows that thud into the troll.

Lorth stumbles under the trolls first assault and quickly gets to his feet again to face off against his attacker.

Sly's disc is right beside Appolo's went he lets loose with a fireball into the room. Though it starts out ok, the fireball sputters and dies as it enters the room.

Tratain rides the last disc over from earlier and hops off to go after the troll that holds Dylan, hoping to free him. His first attack leaves a viscious cut in the things skin, but his other attack glances off the rubbery hide.

The troll(a) holding Dylan continues it's grapple (grapple check: 30, beat it and you are free) as it bites at him again (hit: 22, damage: 6).

Troll(b) continues to stock Lorth, even with the new assistance that has arrived. It takes another pair of swipes at him with both claws (hit: 23/18, damage: 13/8)

You notice that the rest of the trolls have stayed near the center of the room, not really seeing any need to get into the fray. Those in the room will notice the body of an elf laying on the floor that is partially eaten on.

Behind the trolls you see another door with no way to open it. There is a plaque beside it and you would guess another riddle to boot. Those that have seen it happen now several times, cannot understand why fire will not live in this room. The room is unnaturally cold, but not uncomfortable.

Sly Foxx 
Thursday September 4th, 2003 5:55:08 AM

"AAGG! Dragon doung! Just as I though, our magic does not work. Well we have to do this the hard way, Hand to Hand." Sly readies himself for jumping off the disc, Sword to the ready. (but to himself, *I better get a kiss from at less one of those Princess*)

Lorth AC 35 (STONESKIN 28 HP) (Magic Vestment +3 AC) (BARKSKIN +4 AC)  d20+17=22 d8+8=9
Thursday September 4th, 2003 7:43:24 AM

Lorth blocks the trolls two attacks with his shield and then turns his attention to the troll crushing Dylan. Aiming for its head he attacks it trying to get it to drop Dylan. (hit: 22, damage: 9)

Aramis AC 18 [Cat Grace +5 Dex, Endurance +3 Con, Potion +2 Cha, Stoneskin 35HP and Bull Str +5] 
Thursday September 4th, 2003 10:23:42 AM

Aramis continues directing discs and ferrying his companions.

Tratain AC 24 [20% Displaced; Bull's Strength(19 Str); Endurence(19 Con); Stoneskin 40 Hps]  d20+18=22 d20+13=21 d8+8=16 d8+8=13
Thursday September 4th, 2003 11:50:00 AM

Tratain Continues to attack the Troll (Hit AC 22 and 21 for 16 and 13 Damage) Tratain says "When one of these things gets knocked down I think we should try and toss it onto one of those fire tiles to finish it off"

Appolo Hp76 AC 27 
Thursday September 4th, 2003 1:49:00 PM

Appolo throws down his bow and arrows and draws his swords. He looks at Sly then says loud enough for the others to hear"No our magic does work, they just have a protection from fire spell up,can anyone cast dispell magic over the room." he then goes on the defensive.

Tea Party Looking a Little Better. (DM Jim)  d20+14=17 d20+10=16 d6+4=9 d20+13=18 d20+13=18 d8+6=11 d8+6=8
Thursday September 4th, 2003 3:48:59 PM

Aramis continues to ferry his companions to the other side, but unless the doorway is unclogged a little noone will be able to move into the room.

Sly pulls his sword and moves into the room towards one of the trolls, muttering to himslef.

Lorth turns on the troll(a) that is crushing the life out of Dylan. His sword bites into troll flesh, leaving a great rend in it. Though some of that heals over before his eyes.

Tratain also continues his assault on the troll(a) holding Dylan. His sword also bites into troll flesh and leaves nasty lashes in it's skin. He throws out an idea to finish off the trolls for good.

Appolo hops into the room, drawing his sword as he comes. Now all he has to do is pick a target he thinks. He also throws out an idea on the magic that surrounds the trolls.

Aramis, Edge and Ceira hop on a disc and ride it across to the door opening.

Troll(a) despite it's wounds continues to hold (grapple check: 17, beat it and you are free) onto Dylan. It once again brings it's teeth to bite (hit: 16, damage: 9)at the poor druid caught in his grasp.

Troll(b) makes a grab at Lorth, both claws (hit: 18/18, damage: 11/8) leading the way.

Troll(c) starts moving towards the group as more people arrive to help out the first two that entered the room.

The other trolls stand their ground were they are and watch. The biggest of the lot roars what must be encouragement to the rest.

[Troll(a)'s post may change depending on what happens with Dylan's reaction.]

[Have not heard from Ciera for awhile. Are you still around or something??]

Dylan  d20+1=13 d20+15=30 d20+10=29
Thursday September 4th, 2003 4:12:12 PM

Dylan attempts to free himself and manages only to get grappled a bit tighter for his work. The very breath being squeezed out of him and blood dripping from various bits on the druid show his only signs of wounding. Dylan takes a deep breath and caste Dispel Magic,<Concentration check DC 30>, to dispell the magic around them causing the fire spells and arrows to work.

Appolo HP:76 Ac:27  d20+13=33 d20+13=22 d20+8=20 d8+6=12 d8+6=10 d6=2 d6=1 d6=5 d6=4 d6=4 d6=3
Thursday September 4th, 2003 6:36:57 PM

Appolo seeing Dylan in trouble quickly moves around the trouble holding him and back stabs it,
with both swords.

OOC: Attack Rolls 33,20 one critical
Damage 12+8x2=40 first strike critical,Second Strike 10 for a ttal of 50

Sly Foxx  d20+13=32 d8+6=14 d8+6=10
Thursday September 4th, 2003 7:21:32 PM

Sly hops off and into the room, He goes to the troll that is crushing Dylan, with a little momentum run his sword (with both hands) into the troll left side through to the right side. Hoping that the troll will let go of Dylan (Also hoping that he did alot of damage to the trolls vital organs)

OOC: Role a attack of 32 critical hit - Damages 14+10=24.

Aramis AC 18 [Cat Grace +5 Dex, Endurance +3 Con, Potion +2 Cha, Stoneskin 35HP and Bull Str +5] 
Thursday September 4th, 2003 8:30:20 PM

With the door area pretty jammed up Aramis is going to stop 15' shy

Lorth AC 35 (STONESKIN 28 HP) (Magic Vestment +3 AC) (BARKSKIN +4 AC)  d20+17=27 d20+10=29 d20+10=24 d8+8=12 d8+8=9 d8+8=13
Friday September 5th, 2003 7:52:30 AM

Lorth again blocks the two claw attacks from the troll. Seeing the ammount of punishment that the troll holding Dylan is taking, from Foxx and Appolo, he turns his attention back to the other troll. He attacks it twice...
(Hit: 27/29 crit chance 24, Damage: 12/9 or 12/22 if crit is good.)

Tratain AC 24 [20% Displaced; Bull's Strength(19 Str); Endurence(19 Con); Stoneskin 40 Hps]  d20+18=22 d20+13=27 d8+8=12 d8+8=16
Friday September 5th, 2003 11:10:04 AM

Tratain Continues attacking the Troll Holding Dylan trying to break him free of the Trolls grasp. (Hit AC 22 and 27 for 12 and 16 Damage)

Edge  d20+14=27 d4+2=6
Friday September 5th, 2003 12:21:49 PM

Edge throws his dagger +2 of returning at troll c. It hits ac 27 for 6 points of damage.

Would You Like One Lump or Two. (DM Jim)  d20+13=29 d20+13=14 d20+13=30 d20+13=14 d20+13=23 d20+13=21 d20+13=32 d20+13=25 d8+6=13 d8+6=11 d8+6=10 d8+6=12 d8+6=9 d8+6=13 d8+6=11 d8+6=8 2d6(4+5)+9=18 2d6(4+4)+9=17 2d6(1+4)+9=14 2d6(5+4)+9=18 d20+6=9
Friday September 5th, 2003 2:40:02 PM

Dylan gasping for breathe is able to get out a spell of his own. One that he hopes will allow for the use of fire in the room.

Apollo brings both of his sword in to cut at the troll holding Dylan. He smiles grimly as the blades bite deeply into the trolls flesh and is sprayed by a fountian of green as he yanks them out.

Sly also charges in at the troll holding Dylan, his own sword running it through the one side and the point exiting the other side. Another fountain of green sprays as he pulls out the sword.

Aramis stops the disc that he is on about fifteen feet from the opening as he watches the melee before him.

Lorth lets his friend handle the troll holding Dylan as he turns back to the one attacking him. His weapon bites deeply into troll flesh and he smiles bitterly but without much compassion...trolls don't deserve that much sympathy.

Tratain finds the opening in the trolls defenses and takes it. His weapon hits home and he hopes that they will soon have Dylan free.

Edge flips the dagger over in his hand and flings it at the newest troll that plans on entering the fray. The dagger embeds itself into the troll's rubbery hide, but gives the troll little pause.

Troll(a) feels it's life slowly ebbing as it takes multiple hits. It's grip loosens on Dylan and then fails altogether as it slumps to the ground.

Troll(b) once again brings it's claws (hit: 29/14, damage: 13/11, if both claws hit rend: 18)slashing in at Lorth.

Troll(c) pulls out the dagger and flings it across the room. Chargeing in it makes straight at Edge, both claws (hit: 30/14, damage: 10/12, if both claws hit rend: 17)*beat opposed strength check 9 or be pushed back into other room* leading the way.

Troll(d) barks out some orders and the other trolls listen to her with undying loyalty.

Troll(e) moves into the fray as well heading straight for Sly as he helps get troll(a) off of Dylan. It swipes at him with claws (hit: 23/21, damage: 9/13, if both claws hit rend: 14), trying to draw him into a loving embrace.

Troll(f) moves to the side and over the fallen form of it's comrade to attack the one weak person that it sees...Dylan. It attemps to bring both claws (hit: 32/25, damage: 11/8, if both claws hit rend: 18) into play and drag Dylan into it's rubbery embrace.

Sly Foxx  d20+16=30 d20+11=27 d8+8=15 d8+8=16
Friday September 5th, 2003 5:24:23 PM

Sly Pulls his sword out of the troll body, when hefeels the pain. "Why am I not suprise?? Want to Play You Yellow teeth Son of a Basklis." As Sly feels his sword leave the Troll body, he will pivet on the ball of his foot, swinging down at Troll(E) hitting(ac30), contiuning the momentum around(like a windmill)to hit the troll with another down ward swing(ac27), Look to see what kind of damage he did.

Attacks AC 30 & AC 27 - Damages 15 +16 (I hope)

Aramis AC 18 [Cat Grace +5 Dex, Endurance +3 Con, Potion +2 Cha, Stoneskin 35HP and Bull Str +5]  5d4(4+2+1+4+3)+1=15
Friday September 5th, 2003 5:53:48 PM

ewww, things are getting messy. Aramis looks to the troll on Lorth (b) and extends his arm. A soft blue white glow builds into his as if condesing from the air about him. A fierce look upon his face, Aramis begins to softly chant and the glow, faint at first starts taking deeper tones of blue and begins to streak with purple. Aramis continues to chant, his voice building, his muscles flexing. The glow, a deep purple and hued with green tightens in his grasp elongating to the shape of a heavy bolt. Still chanting, Aramis reaches almost a shout and with a final word lets loose the bolt. It streaks, seperating into 5 distinct, but identical missiles and slam unerringly into the troll.
(Empowered Magic Missile (4+1)1.5=7.5 (2+1)1.5=4.5 (1+1)1.5=3 (4+1)1.5=7.5 (3+1)1.5=6 for total =28)

Dylan  2d8(8+6)+5=19
Tuesday September 9th, 2003 10:22:09 PM

Dylan gasps for air as the trolls lifeless arm slides down off of him. Rolling over to allow for wand room the druid attempts to cast from the wand onto himself healing 19 points of damage. The druid looks much better all bleeding seems to have stopped and color restored to his face. "Now what?"

Sly Foxx 
Wednesday September 10th, 2003 5:22:42 AM

Sly is still spinning from the attack.

Lorth AC 35 (STONESKIN 28 HP) (Magic Vestment +3 AC) (BARKSKIN +4 AC)  d20+17=21 d20+10=24 d10+8=14 d10+8=17 d8+8=14 d8+8=10
Wednesday September 10th, 2003 7:49:57 AM

Lorth continues his assualt on the troll attacking him, he blocks the two incoming attacks and counters with two of his own...
(Hit: 21/24 damage: 14/10 (IGNORE the d10+8 rolls they were a mistake.))

Tratain AC 24 [20% Displaced; Bull's Strength(19 Str); Endurence(19 Con); Stoneskin 40 Hps]  d20+4=23
Wednesday September 10th, 2003 11:42:44 AM

As the Troll that was attacking Dylan Falls, Tratain attempts to toss the body as far into the previous room as he can, towords the wall closest to him. (Strength Check 23)

Breaking Up the Tea Party. (DM Jim)  d3=2 d20+13=18 d20+13=31 d8+6=9 d8+6=9 2d8(1+6)+9=16 d20+13=22 d20+13=31 d8+6=11 d8+6=10 2d8(4+5)+9=18 d20+13=16 d20+13=24 d8+6=10 d8+6=9 2d8(4+4)+9=17
Wednesday September 10th, 2003 2:40:00 PM

Tratain lifts the troll up off the floor and with some effort tosses him through the door. The thing only flys about seven feet towards the left wall, where it lands on a red tile and is soon engulfed in flames that continue to shoot.

Sly's sword bites deeply into the trolls form as it comes at him. Another gout of greenish blood cascades onto the floor.

Aramis takes the opening that is provided and fires off a set of powerful bolts at another of the trolls. It rocks backwards with the ferociety of the attack and the sheer power.

Dylan rolls to the side a little and brings his wand to light on himself. He feels the healing powers flood his body and breathes a sigh of relief.

Lorth brings his own sword slashing into the still smoking troll that Aramis had hit earlier. Another gout of blood from his wounded troll flows onto the floor.

Troll(a) burning and dead.

Troll(b) starts to slump to the floor under the conbined assault of Lorth and Aramis, but then straightens as if he got a second wind. It smiles unnervingly at Lorth as it continues to attack him with renewed vigor (hit: 16/24, damage: 10/9, rend: 17)

Troll(c) awaits the reply from Edge before doing anything.

Troll(d) roars again as she sees one of her brood go flying through the doorway and smells the burning of troll flesh. She slowly stalks in on the group, looking to see who she wants to attack.

Troll(e) makes another assault on Sly for the cutting that he has received at his hands. Claws (hit: 18/31, damage: 9/9, rend: 16) leading the way as always it tries to rend Sly in two.

Troll(f) attemps to rip the life from Dylan's prone body. It had seen an opening to claw and rend him to pieces and was not going to let it go (hit: 22/31, damage: 11/10, rend: 18).

[Due to blood on floor dexterity or balance check DC 18 or fall down. Fifty percent chance of losing weapon when you fall...need to roll low to keep your weapon.]

Edge  d20+1=11 d20+14=24 d4+2=5
Wednesday September 10th, 2003 4:42:22 PM

The first attack missed and the second attack hit Edge, but he made his opposed strength check (11).

Edge's dagger returns to his hand and he throws it again. (hit ac 24 for 5 points damage)

(I could have swore I replied to that, but I must have been mistaken.)

Aramis AC 18 [Cat Grace +5 Dex, Endurance +3 Con, Potion +2 Cha, Stoneskin 35HP and Bull Str +5]  d4+1=3 d4+1=3 d4+1=5 d4+1=2 d4+1=4
Wednesday September 10th, 2003 4:56:04 PM

I hate when things don't stay dead. "I got him Lorth you go say hi to leader boy." With a quick gesture and word of power, Aramis sends 5 bolts of purple/green fire at the Troll on Lorth
(Magic Missile total 17dmg)

Sly Foxx  d20+1=18 d20+16=33 d20+11=20 d8+8=15 d8+8=16 d8+8=12
Wednesday September 10th, 2003 5:33:24 PM

OOC: Balance 18 - hit 33/20(a mayby hit)- Damages 15+16=31/12 maybe?

The floor is wet with blood and slippery. Sly is hit but he swing with his reflexe at the neck (trying to chop his head off)and tries to hit him a second time anywhere thats solid. Sly will stager back alittle for another attack if this troll does not go down.

Dylan  d100=25 d20+11=18 d20+6=14
Thursday September 11th, 2003 8:33:08 AM

Dylan manages to roll out of the way of the troll's first attack but righ into the second taking full brunt of the rend. Dylan attempts to pull his spear out and manages to do so hopint to hit the big ugly in front of him the druid manages to miss badly. "Out of the kettle and all that," the druid mumbles.

Lorth AC 35 (STONESKIN 28 HP) (Magic Vestment +3 AC) (BARKSKIN +4 AC)  d20+17=23 d8+8=10
Thursday September 11th, 2003 10:03:43 AM

Lorth bats the troll's attacks to the side and moves up to engage the brood leader.
(OOC: If I get there this round I attack once, Hit: 23, Damage: 10)

Lorth AC 35 (STONESKIN 28 HP) (Magic Vestment +3 AC) (BARKSKIN +4 AC)  d20+9=27
Thursday September 11th, 2003 10:05:18 AM

(OOC: sorry I forgot my reflex check, here it is: made 27)

Appolo Ac 27 Hp:76  d20+15=32 d20+12=17 d20+12=16 d8+6=11 d8+6=9
Thursday September 11th, 2003 11:38:54 AM

Appolo sees Dylan being attacked and agian goes silently in for the backstab.He slashes at the creature twice.

OOC:Not sure if I hit 17,16 respectively.
If so damges is 11x2 and 9x2,22 and 18.
Awhile back Dylan cast dispell magice agianst the trolls,did it work?

Tratain AC 24 [20% Displaced; Bull's Strength(19 Str); Endurence(19 Con); Stoneskin 40 Hps]  d20+6=22 2d8(5+2)+3=10
Thursday September 11th, 2003 11:50:35 AM

Tratain Manages to keep his footing and tap Dylan with the healing wand, Unsure as to how badly he is hurt.

Thursday September 11th, 2003 11:51:27 AM

Healed Dylan for 10, forgot to write it in my post

Sly Foxx 
Friday September 12th, 2003 3:25:28 AM

Sly is bleeding, But is still ready for another attack. "I wonder what's holding this Troll up?"

Out of the Frying Pan and into the Fire. (DM Jim)  d20+13=16 d20+13=16 d8+6=13 d8+6=8 2d8(8+5)+9=22 d20+13=20 d20+13=27 d8+6=9 d8+6=14 2d8(4+2)+9=15 d20+13=19 d20+13=17 d8+6=9 d8+6=12 2d8(7+1)+9=17 d20+13=21 d20+13=17 d8+6=7 d8+6=10 2d8(3+5)+9=17 d20+13=20 d20+13=30 d8+6=10 d8+6=13 2d8(6+7)+9=22
Friday September 12th, 2003 3:02:07 PM

*Last Post*
Edge easily dodges both clumsy attack and finds his dagger back in his hand. Putting a little room between him and the troll he pitches the dagger again. The dagger bites into troll flesh, but does not slow the troll down as it moves towards him.

Troll(c) just seem to grin at Edge as it marches in at him unafraid. Both of it's claws lead the attack (hit: 16/16, damage: 13/8, rend: 22) as it tries to catch him and then rend him to pieces.

*New Post*
Aramis yells to Lorth to take on the leader of the trolls while he finishes off the one that almost dropped last round. He fires off another set of magic missiles that slams the troll and drives it back a step.

Lorth watches as the troll starts to slump again and take the time to move around it to the leader. He brings his sword cutting in at the troll, biting into flesh but doing little real damage.

Sly keeps his balance on the blood soaked floor and brings his sword to bear on the troll again. The little bit of blood trickling down him gives him insentive to end this fight early. Both of his attacks connect solidly on the troll, the one had cut a severe gash in the things throat area...almost taking off it's head.

Dylan rolls to the side and away from the claws of the new troll attacking him. Much to his dislike he rolls into the other set of claws and feels the bite of troll claws.

Appolo slips in behind the troll attacking Dylan with a smile. His swords decend fast on the trolls unprotected rear and strike two grevious wounds.

Tratain forgoes his chance to attack a troll to heal Dylan for a little of the damage that he has taken.

Troll(a) burning and dead.

Troll(b) starts to slump to the floor under the magical attack of Aramis, but then straightens as if he got a second wind. It smiles unnervingly at Aramis but turns and stalks after Lorth (hit: 20/27, damage: 9/14, rend: 15)

Troll(c) awaits the reply from Edge before doing anything.

Troll(d) looks to Lorth as he attacks her and roars in his face. With amazing speed she tears into him with claws showing no mercy (hit: 19/17, damage: 9/12, rend: 17).

Troll(e) keeps up it's assault on Sly trying to get a kill for it's mate (hit: 21/17, damage: 7/10, rend: 17).

Troll(f) stays on the attack with Dylan, despite the fact that Appolo stuck it from behind, seeing an easy target in a prone creature (hit: 20/30, damage: 10/13, rend: 22).

[Rend only takes effect if both claw attacks hit. I cannot disclose if the dispel magic spell worked or not. You will note that Aramis is throwing magic missiles into the room, but was he doing that before the spell was cast.]

[Edge, please make a double attack post next time so I have one for last post and the new one. Thanks.]

Aramis AC 18 [Cat Grace +5 Dex, Endurance +3 Con, Potion +2 Cha, Stoneskin 35HP and Bull Str +5]  d4+1=5 d4+1=5 d4+1=5 d4+1=5 d4+1=3
Friday September 12th, 2003 5:22:37 PM

Aramis grins back, looks at his hand with a smile and then extends is index finger at the troll and another five bolts af arcane energy leap forth and slam into the troll.
(Magic Missile 23)

Edge (ac 27)  d20+16=23 d20+11=28 d6+5=6 d6+5=10
Friday September 12th, 2003 6:44:14 PM

Both attacks miss Edge.

Edge swings at the troll(c) with a mace+4.

(He hits ac 23 for 6 points and then ac 28 for 10 points.)

Sly Foxx  d20+16=31 d20+11=22 d8+8=14 d8+8=12
Saturday September 13th, 2003 1:49:26 AM

Sly grunts a little as he staggers but renews his efforts, Swings again (ac31), then hit the troll with his back swing (ac22). "Go Down! Down into your Black Hole!" Yells Sly as h's getting a little dizzy.

OOC: Attack AC 31 and Ac 22, Damages 14+12=26.

Dylan  d20+4=5 d20+4=22
Monday September 15th, 2003 8:01:46 AM

Dylan grunts as he rolls into the new set of claws and attempts to stand up,<Dex Check natral 1>, failing miserably the young man falls flat on his back again. Dylan attempts to stand up a second time and is successful, and starts fighting defensivly<+2 AC, -4 Atk>.

Lorth AC 35 (STONESKIN 28 HP) (Magic Vestment +3 AC) (BARKSKIN +4 AC)  d20+17=36 d20+10=28 d20+17=25 d20+10=12 d8+8=14 d8+8=10 d8+8=15 d8+8=14
Monday September 15th, 2003 8:06:36 AM

Lorth fighting two trolls, defends himself vigorously. He manages to block most of the attacks and the few that get by his sword arm, can't seem to get passed his full plate. He again attacks the troll leader...
(Hit: 36/28 possible crits on both attacks, crit checks: 25/12 Damage: 14/10 if either crit then damage is: 29/24)

Appolo Hp76 Ac 27  d20+12=32 d20+12=19 d8+6=7 d8+6=8 d8=8 d8=6 d8=7
Monday September 15th, 2003 4:22:44 PM

Appolo stabs in the back the same troll in the back twice agian.

OOCAttack roll 32,19.Damage 7x2=14+21=35,8
Total 43 The extra 21 is from back stab damage.

Tratain AC 24 [20% Displaced; Bull's Strength(19 Str); Endurence(19 Con); Stoneskin 40 Hps]  d8+3=6 d8=7
Monday September 15th, 2003 11:36:48 PM

Tratain Heals Dylan with the Wand again for 13. He then Calls out to the Group "Is anyone in need of healing, I'm having a difficult time keeping track of who is injured, call out if you need healing."

Sly Foxx 
Tuesday September 16th, 2003 6:32:08 AM

Pauses for a second breath.

One Long Party. (DM Jim)  d20+13=30 d20+13=25 d8+6=11 d8+6=14 2d8(8+2)+9=19 d20+13=21 d20+13=17 d8+6=11 d8+6=12 2d8(7+3)+9=19 d20+13=29 d20+13=32 d8+6=12 d8+6=14 2d8(8+2)+9=19 d20+13=32 d20+13=32 d8+6=14 d8+6=7 2d8(2+6)+9=17 d20+13=33 d20+13=26 d20+13=20 d8+6=14 d8+6=11 2d8(3+5)+9=17 d20+13=30 d20+13=28 d8+6=7 d8+6=12 2d8(7+7)+9=23
Tuesday September 16th, 2003 2:04:31 PM

*Last Post*

Edge slams his mace into the troll, sending a jarring into his own arm. The troll seems to take the blow in stride drooling even more.

Troll(c) takes a pair of swipes at Edge with his long clawed arms (hit: 30/25, damage: 11/14, rend: 19).

*New Post*

Aramis sends off another series of magical bolts into the troll that refuses to stay down. He smiles as the troll stumbles and slumps to the floor.

Edge slams his mace into the troll before him again. He feels more power behind this one than his last. He watches grimly as the fight continues.

Sly, maybe growing a little frustrated, continues to weave his sword in what could be called a dance. He cuts into the troll twice more, yelling for the thing to just die already.

Dylan is almost up and standing on his feet till troll claws drive him back down. With persistance he tries again and makes it to his feet, falling into a defensive stance.

Lorth pours more energy into his attacks on the leader of these trolls. More blood splatters the floor as more wounds are dealt to both sides.

Appolo stabs his own troll in the back again. his swords bite deep and leave large cuts in the troll's flesh.

Tratain yells out to the group to let him know who is in need of healing and he will come to thier aid. At the same time he hits Dylan with a little more healing.

Troll(a) dead.

Troll(b) slowly slumps to the floor once again, but never makes it there as it stands once again. Still having fight in it, it hit's Lorth from behind with it's claws (hit: 21/17, damage: 11/12, rend: 19).

Troll(c) crazily swipes it's claws at Edge, no showing any real tactics (hit: 29/32, damage: 12/14, rend: 19).

Troll(d) shows her displeasure at not being able to hurt Lorth last round takes her flustration out at him again (hit: 32/32, damage: 14/7, rend: 17).

Troll(e) feels the bite of the sword, but it is only a momentary pain...the kill is everything as it goes after Sly (hit: 33*crit 26*/20, damage: 14*crit 28*/11, rend: 17).

Troll(f) watches as Dylan makes his way to his feet after a viscious attack. It smiles some thinking this a fine game (hit: 30/28, damage: 7/12, rend: 23).

Dylan  d20+11=26 d20+6=19 d8+4=5 d8+4=8
Tuesday September 16th, 2003 3:32:02 PM

Even while fighting defensivly the troll manages to hit the young druid twice and begins to rend him. Attempting to strike out at teh ugly beast hitting AC 26 and 19 for 5 and 8 points of damage. "Sheesh wont these beasties just stay dead."

Sly Foxx 
Tuesday September 16th, 2003 5:25:44 PM

Sly take the damages and calls out, "I think I need some help!" as he fall to the ground.

Lorth AC 35 (STONESKIN 28 HP) (Magic Vestment +3 AC) (BARKSKIN +4 AC)  d20+17=27 d20+10=16 d8+8=14 d8+8=13
Wednesday September 17th, 2003 8:01:33 AM

Lorth barely manages to keep the leader troll at bay, and after her flurry of attacks answers with his...
(Hit: 27/16 Damage: 14/13)

Aramis AC 18 [Cat Grace +5 Dex, Endurance +3 Con, Potion +2 Cha, Stoneskin 35HP and Bull Str +5] 
Wednesday September 17th, 2003 10:34:23 AM

"Someone grab Sly and put him on a disk so I can get him out of there. Oh and might I suggest a retreat. Or at least take out a torch" Trolls won't stay down, everyone is fighting on thier own and no one seems to have a torch or oil. They're gonna lose the battle of attrition. and the trol I have smoked in on has a healing rate far beyond anything I have ever seen

Tratain AC 24 [20% Displaced; Bull's Strength(19 Str); Endurence(19 Con); Stoneskin 40 Hps]  4d8(6+2+4+6)+9=27
Wednesday September 17th, 2003 11:36:39 AM

Tratain Runs over to Sly and casts Cure Critical Wounds on Him (Healed 27) And says "Sly get to the back of the group until we can heal you some more"

Wednesday September 17th, 2003 6:32:41 PM

Edge is flung to the ground with gapeing wounds.

Appolo  d20+2=15 d20+12=27
Wednesday September 17th, 2003 10:38:35 PM

Appolo quickly sheaths his swords and grabs the wounded troll's arm and spins hurling the surprised troll out of the room and into the other one with the tiles hoping to fry it.This is knind of like a judo throw.

Strength roll 15 Attack roll 27. I hope I did this right.

Dylan  d20+1=18 d20+8=18
Wednesday September 17th, 2003 11:37:56 PM

Dylan turns from the troll attacking him, taking the attack of opportunity, and grabs Edge by the collar of his armor,< Hit AC 18> and attempts to drag him to the floating disk,<Strength DC 18>. Dylan then stands defensivly over Edge until he can help heal him.

A Battle of Wills. (DM Jim)  d20+6=11 d3=2 d20+13=33 d20+13=22 d20+13=19 d8+6=9 d8+6=9 2d8(4+6)+9=19 d20+13=26 d20+13=25 d8+6=8 d8+6=9 2d8(8+2)+9=19 d20+13=17 d20+13=21 d8+6=10 d8+6=7 2d8(8+4)+9=21 d20+13=22 d20+13=22 d8+6=13 d8+6=9 2d8(7+1)+9=17
Thursday September 18th, 2003 3:54:13 PM

Dylan manages to wiggle free of his troll as it rends at his armor and flesh. He manages to pull the now unconscious Edge to the doorway.

Sly is able to call out for asssistance right before he topples over.

Lorth avoids the blows of the she-troll and comes back on the attack. He now sees that they are fighting for their lives.

Aramis calls for someone to brings sly to the disc and safety. He also comments, loud enough for all to hear, about a retreat for the moment.

Tratain hits Sly with some healing and tells him to pull back for some more healing.

Appolo grabs onto the wounded trolls arm and literally flings him out the doorway into the tile room.

Troll(a) is dead.

Troll(b) flies through the doorway and into the tiled room. He lands on one of the red tiles and is soon ablaze.

Troll(c) roars as Edge is dragged from his clutches. It gives chase after he who would take his meal. It swipes at Dylan with reckless abandon and rage (hit: 33*crit 22*/19, damage: 9*crit 18*/9, rend: 19).

Troll(d) senses the weakness in the group as she roars anew to her fellows. She lets her claws lead on her assault on Lorth with new vigor (hit: 26/25, damage: 8/9, rend: 19).

Troll(e) also roars in rage as his meal is stolen by one of these other meals. It turns on Tratain as he is the one causing the problems (hit: 17/21, damage: 10/7, rend: 21).

Troll(f) lunges towards Dylan only to find another troll in it's way. It roars in rage at one of its own and then greedily watches Dylan. Not seeing anything else to attack or eat it goes after Tratain (hit: 22/22, damage: 13/9, rend: 17)

Aramis AC 18 [Cat Grace +5 Dex, Endurance +3 Con, Potion +2 Cha, Stoneskin 35HP and Bull Str +5 
Thursday September 18th, 2003 4:25:00 PM

If anyone is on a disk, Aramis moves it to safety. He then casts Flare into the face of Troll C hoping to allow Dylan more time.
[Flare fort DC 17 to negate or be -1 attack for 1 minute]

Sly Foxx 
Thursday September 18th, 2003 5:24:36 PM

Sly wakes a little bit, his eyes are blurry, His mouth is tastes of death (but it's really his own blood). He crawls toward the opening and the disk. He also tries to bump back of the trolls knees, if he cannot fight he'll try to trip them so that they'll fall and slide out the door.

OOC: DM I'm not sure how to roll on attacking with my body?

Appolo  d20+12=17 d20+2=13
Thursday September 18th, 2003 8:57:18 PM

Appolo seeing what Sly is trying to do moves quickly forward and shoves the troll backward over Sly and out into the tiled room with all his strength.

Dylan  d20+1=17
Friday September 19th, 2003 8:33:14 AM

Dylan ignores the pain of the attacking troll and throws Edge and himslef onto the first available disc making sure o cover Edge's body with his own.<Strength DC 17>

Tratain AC 27 [Shield of Faith; 20% Displaced; Bull's Strength(19 Str); Endurence(19 Con); Stoneskin 40 Hps]  d20+19=26
Friday September 19th, 2003 2:38:29 PM

Tratain barely manages to Block all of the blows with his shield. He calls out, Dylan try and Heal Edge and then come to me, Everyone else we need to stick together and find a place where we can defend where they all can't attack us at once, We're just going to get killed if we stay all spread out like this."

Tratain Then casts Shield of Faith upon himself defensively. And moves into a more defensible position.

Maybe a Retreat. (DM Jim)  d20+13=27 d20+13=17 d8+6=7 d8+6=12 2d8(6+6)+9=21 d20+13=26 d20+13=26 d8+6=12 d8+6=9 2d8(8+1)+9=18 d20+12=28 d20+12=28 d8+6=9 d8+6=11 2d8(8+1)+9=18 d8+6=12 d8+6=11
Friday September 19th, 2003 3:48:35 PM

Dylan literally throws himself and Edge onto the first available disc. He can only hope that the others make it out too.

Aramis casts his spell and the troll takes the full force of the spell, slowing it down and allowing Dylan to get away. He then starts the disc that now contains Dylan and Edge to moving away from the opening.

As Sly crawls towards the doorway he places himself behind a troll's legs. With a few well placed kicks to the back of the troll's legs it topples over him, but not before Appolo hits it full force.

Appolo hits the troll alright, but it is like running into a mountain. He stops dead in his tracks and shakes his head trying to clear the cobwebs (Fort DC 14 or be stunned for 1d4 rounds).

Tratain tries to relay some tactics for them to use as he blocks the blows from the troll. He knows that he is hardpressed to keep this up and they are not fighting as a unit. He gets out a single spell as he tries to catch his breathe.

Troll(a) is dead.

Troll(b) is dead.

Troll(c) is in a fit of rage now as he gets hit in the face with a blast of color. It howls as it rakes at it's own face with it's claws (damage: 12/11). Feeling blows to the back of its knees it losses it's balance and falls over Sly. Troll(c) is now on it's back and needs to get back up.

Troll(d) seeing the possible escape of her broods meal she lets fly on Lorth her anger (hit: 27/17, damage: 7/12, rend: 21).

Troll(e) feels that Tratain maybe on his last leg and getting winded. He continues the mindless assault of claws (hit: 26/26, damage: 12/9, rend: 18).

Troll(f) continues to carry the attack to Tratain as his fellow troll attacks him as well(hit: 28/28, damage: 9/11, rend: 18)

[Sly needs to make an unarmed attack or a grapple check versus the troll to knock it over. You will also get a +2 to that attack because of Appolo's help. If that succeeds then troll(c) will most likely fall, though he will not slide out the doorway and into the tile room he will be within six feet of it.]

Aramis AC 18 [Cat Grace +5 Dex, Endurance +3 Con, Potion +2 Cha, Stoneskin 35HP and Bull Str +5 
Friday September 19th, 2003 5:07:52 PM

Aramis having pulled the disk back, positions another for use of retreat. he then throws another Flare at Troll e
[Flare fort DC 17 to negate or be -1 attack for 1 minute]

Sly Foxx  d20+6=25
Saturday September 20th, 2003 8:32:15 AM

OOC: Grappling Check (+4 Sly Str & +2 Aplolo help=25)

Sly not feeling too good, tries to trip the smelly troll and roll out of the way of the falling troll, but Sly will start a True Strike spell to cast on himself for the next round. He feels his life force ebbing.

Appolo Ac 27,Hp76  d20+6=24 d20+12=23 d20+12=15 d8+6=10 d8+6=10
Saturday September 20th, 2003 8:21:48 PM

Appolo slams into the troll and gets his bell rung a little but shakes it off. If troll goes down Appolo grab Sly and pull him out of the way while handing him apotion of cure moderate wounds.If not he attacks troll.Swing twice.

OOC:Can't remember how much that is.
Attack 23,15,damage 10,10

Lorth AC 35 (STONESKIN 28 HP) (Magic Vestment +3 AC) (BARKSKIN +4 AC)  d20+17=27 d20+10=25 d8+8=14 d8+8=15
Monday September 22nd, 2003 1:24:00 PM

Lorth holds fast against the troll attacks, blocking them with his shield and armor. He then attacks back...

(Hit: 27/25 Damage: 14/15)

Remember the Alamo. (DM Jim)  d20+13=19 d20+13=17 d8+6=12 d8+6=7 2d8(7+5)+9=21 d20+6=8 d20+6=14 d8+6=11 d8+6=14 d20+13=29 d20+13=28 2d8(5+1)+9=15 d20+15=23
Monday September 22nd, 2003 2:27:21 PM

Aramis flings another flare at troll(e) trying to put her off her game.

Sly slowly struggles to his feet with a little help from Appolo. Sly gets his true strike spell off after getting up.

Appolo helps Sly up and while he does hands him a cure moderate wounds potion for him to drink.

Lorth holds off the attacks that are aimed at him and returns his own set of attacks. His sword cuts fast but he can feel himself tiring really fast.

Troll(a) is dead.

Troll(b) is dead.

Troll(c) struggles to it's feet still feeling the effects of both a spell and the fall.

Troll(d) presses her attack on Lorth, trying to get him out of the way and at the others (hit: 19/17, damage: 12/7, rend: 21).

Troll(e) grasps at his eyes as the flare goes off. It glares at Aramis (fort save 23), drool hitting the floor with small splashes, gnashing it's teeth and working it's claws in anger.

Troll(f) drools some more as it claws at Tratain with all of it's might (hit: 29/28, damage: 11/14, rend: 15).

[Will be needing a double post from Tratain for last post and this one. Will also need a double post from Dylan as well for last post and this one.]

Aramis AC 18 [Cat Grace +5 Dex, Endurance +3 Con, Potion +2 Cha, Stoneskin 35HP and Bull Str +5 
Monday September 22nd, 2003 3:48:04 PM

Aramis looks for an opening where he might safely get a lightning stroke through, but decides the room is too congested and flings another Flare at Troll f this time.
[Flare fort DC 17 to negate or be -1 attack for 1 minute]

Sly Foxx  d20+32=49 d8+26=30
Monday September 22nd, 2003 7:09:14 PM

Sly slowly (with the help of appolo) gets to his feet, drinking the potion on the way up. cases the spell of True Strike one last time. charges the nearest troll. "DIE! You Sons of a Sand Fleas!". Strikes and fall to his knees.

OOC: True Strick attack ac 49, damages 30hp.

Appolo Hp76 AC 27  d20=20 d20=3 d8+6=11 d8=8 d8=1 d8=7 d8+6=9 d8=1 d8=1 d8=3
Monday September 22nd, 2003 8:36:38 PM

Appolo attacks the same troll that Sly does,the struggling to get to its feet. Swinging twice at its back.

Attack 20+12 =32,3+12+15,Damage 11x2+{15 backstab}=37,9+{5 backstab}=14

Dylan  2d8(7+8)+5=20 2d8(6+2)+5=13
Monday September 22nd, 2003 9:23:13 PM

Dylan reaches over and heals Edge for 20 points of damage, as the rogue blinks his eyes and stands up Dylan touches him again with the point of the wand healing 13 more points.

Tratain AC 27 [Shield of Faith; 20% Displaced; Bull's Strength(19 Str); Endurence(19 Con); Stoneskin 1 Hps]  d100=87 d100=19 d100=67 d100=64 d20+18=30 d20+13=17 d8+8=10 d8+8=13 d20+18=27 d20+13=15 d8+8=15 d8+8=11
Monday September 22nd, 2003 10:21:36 PM

Tratain attempts to dodge the trolls attacks, but most hit, only one attack is foiled by his cloak of Displacement.(OOC: I didn't see any displacement rolls in your post so I rolled them, let me know if you made them and i missed them somewhere)

First Post:
Tratain Attacks The troll who is trying to kill him (Troll(f))Hit AC 30 and 17 for 10 and 13.

Tratain Continues attacking Troll(f) hopeing to kill it before it can harm him further. (Hit AC 27 and 15 for 15 and 11 damage.)

Edge  d20+16=34 d20+11=13 d20+16=36 d6+5=9 d6+5=8
Tuesday September 23rd, 2003 10:14:23 AM

Edge activates his boots of speed, moves to flank troll(f), and attacks with the +4 mace.

( He hits twice: 34 & 36 and does a total of 17 points of damage. Hopefully, the troll is now flanked. )

Remember the Alamo, part 2. (DM Jim)  d20+13=14 d20+13=25 d8+6=12 d8+6=12 2d8(8+3)+9=20
Tuesday September 23rd, 2003 4:32:23 PM

Last Post

Dylan heals Edge as they both lay on the disc. With some trouble he sits up enough to survey things.

Tratian brings his weapon in hard on troll(f) trying to end it's life or at least take it out of the battle.

This Post

Aramis seeing no opening to throw out a lightning bolt shakes his head. He tosses out a flare spell instead at troll(f) hoping to blind it for a little bit.

Sly in desperation gets his true strike spell out and charges at troll(c). His sword hits hard and cuts deep, but Sly finds himself on his knees having spent a lot of energy.

Appolo true to his word keeps his eyes on Sly. He hits the troll(c) in the back with his attacks as Sly hits it from the front.

Dylan heals Edge some more with his wand this time. Then shakely stands on the disc to see who he can help next.

Tratain continues his assault on troll(f) intent on cutting the odds against them further by putting it down, though most likely not out.

Edge having received all the healing that he thinks he needs at this time, jumps up and flanks troll(f). His mace cracks into the troll twice as he tries to be of assistance to the whole group.

Troll(a) is dead.

Troll(b) is dead.

Troll(c) staggers as he almost makes it up and then slumps back to the floor.

Troll(d) roars as she sees two of her number slump to the floor. Though she knows that they are not dead yet it is making her angry. She sweeps in on Lorth with renewed vigor and just a little bit of a rage (hit: 14/25, damage: 12/12, rend: 20).

Troll(e) sees the return of more fresh meat and lumber towards Sly and Appolo.

Troll(f) feels the effects of the attacks that have been made on it and slowly starts to slump to the floor. It has no way of trying to fight off the spell that hits it about the same time.

[Will be requiring two set of attacks or actions from Lorth for the last post and this one.]

Aramis AC 18 [Cat Grace +5 Dex, Endurance +3 Con, Potion +2 Cha, Stoneskin 35HP and Bull Str +5 
Tuesday September 23rd, 2003 5:12:37 PM

This is a bad idea.
Aramis moves up on the disk and hops off into the room moving towards one of the downed trolls and staying away from any others. "I'm gonna play 'Fling the trolls'. Keep the others off me."

Dylan  2d8(3+1)+5=9 d8=1 d8=6
Tuesday September 23rd, 2003 7:20:17 PM

Dylan stands shakily on the disc and shakes his head pondering the peril of the party when he notices Lorth getting hit heavily and scoots up behind him hitting him with his wand healing 14 points of damage, "We all need to get on the same troll so we can get out of this quickly!"

Sly Foxx  d20+16=35 d8+8=15 d8+8=12
Tuesday September 23rd, 2003 7:46:05 PM

OOC: attack ac35 critical - Damages 15+12=27hp.

Sly is very suprise that he is still alive, even though he is down on his knees, he is about to try to get on his feet, BUT there's a Troll(e) lumbering down on him and Appolo "Thanks Friend! for your help."
As the Troll approches, Sly(still on his knees) raises sword and with all his might will trust his blade(with both hands) into the soft part of the Trolls belly, then twist the blade. "All this for a kiss from an Elven Princess!" he tell Appolo.

Appolo  d20+12=16 d20+12=27 d8+6=10 d8+6=9
Wednesday September 24th, 2003 5:19:42 AM

Appolo looks down at Sly"Ya,but have you ever been kissed by one before.Believe me it's worth it." he the follows Sly's strike with two of his own.

Hitting 16,27 for 10 and 9 points.

Lorth AC 35 (STONESKIN 28 HP) (Magic Vestment +3 AC) (BARKSKIN +4 AC)  d20+17=18 d20+10=17 d8+8=9 d20+17=20 d20+10=15 d10+8=13 d10+8=18
Wednesday September 24th, 2003 7:50:38 AM

(OOC: Sorry I missed that day)

Lorth continues his assault on the leader troll, he blocks or absorbs all her attacks...

(OOC: 1st round HIT: miss/17 Damage: -/9)
(OOC: 2nd round HIT: 20/15 Damage: 13/18)

Tratain AC 27 [Shield of Faith; 20% Displaced; Bull's Strength(19 Str); Endurence(19 Con); Stoneskin 1 Hps]  d20+4=8
Wednesday September 24th, 2003 12:25:24 PM

Tratain Grabs Troll(f) and tries to throw it onto the red tiles to finish it permanently. (8 Str Check)

Remember the Alamo, part 3 (DM Jim)  d20+13=20 d20+13=17 d8+6=9 d8+6=14 2d8(1+4)+9=14 d20+13=22 d8+6=12 d20+12=19 d20+12=17 d8+6=11 d8+6=12 2d8(1+4)+9=14
Wednesday September 24th, 2003 3:37:03 PM

Last Post

Lorth can feel the weight of the battle taking it's toll on him as both of his swings go wild and he misses. He just hopes that things end soon for thier side.

This Post

Aramis, despite his own advice in his head, hops off the disc and attempts to give the downed troll a fling. *strength check please*

Dylan takes in the actions and moves to heal Lorth as he is taking the brunt of the damage.

Sly slams the sword into the troll's belly as it lumbers in his direction. He twists it savagely and is rewarded with a gushing spray of green blood that coats him completely.

Appolo keeps up the banter with Sly as he too hits the troll from behind with one of his two sword attacks.

Lorth attacks again despite the feeling of lead in his arm. His first hit bites into troll flesh but his second is turned aside by the rubbery skin.

With an act of desperation Tratain grabs onto the troll and attempts to toss it out of the room. Much to his dismay he cannot even get the strength to lift it let alone toss it anywhere.

Troll(a) is dead.

Troll(b) is dead.

Troll(c) slowly rises to it's feet as Aramis tries to pick it up and toss it around.

Troll(d) catches the one attack of Lorths as the other glances off her skin. She shrugs a little as she slams her claws back in at him (hit: 20/17, damage: 9/14, rend: 14).

Troll(e) smiles down at Sly as he is kneeling and has his sword stuck in it's gut. It sends a backhand at Appolo with great force (hit: 22, damage: 12).

Troll(f) fights through it's slight blindness as it turns on Tratain. It attemps to use it's claws on him (hit: 19/17, damage: 11/12, rend: 14).

[Double post from Edge this time around please.]

Aramis AC 18 [Cat Grace +5 Dex, Endurance +3 Con, Potion +2 Cha, Stoneskin 35HP and Bull Str +5]  d20+5=15
Wednesday September 24th, 2003 4:41:02 PM

Aramis grabs the troll just as he awakens and its face splits, a gisgusting smile of yellow teeth. ouch the thought is fleeting, he continues with the plan.
(str check 15) Heaving aon the troll to move him into the tiled room.

Dylan  2d8(5+2)+5=12
Wednesday September 24th, 2003 7:11:19 PM

Dylan sighs and cast from his wand again healing Lorth for 12 points of damage and waits to see what happens to the group. "WE NEED TO FIGHT TOGETHER GUYS!!"

Lorth AC 35 (STONESKIN 28 HP) (Magic Vestment +3 AC) (BARKSKIN +4 AC)  d20+17=37 d20+10=12 d20+17=32 d8+8=12 d8+8=15 d8+8=15
Thursday September 25th, 2003 9:05:03 AM

Lorth shrugs off the trolls attacks and moves to attack the troll he Aramis. "Dylan, thanks for the healing, I'm ok now."
(Hit: 37 crit chance 32 /12(2nd attack) Damage: 12 (27 if crit)/15 (2nd attack))

Tratain AC 27 [Shield of Faith; 20% Displaced; Bull's Strength(19 Str); Endurence(19 Con); Stoneskin 1 Hps]  d20+18=36 d20+13=23 d8+8=13 d8+8=12
Thursday September 25th, 2003 2:09:40 PM

Tratain continues attacking Troll(f) as he wasn't able to throw it onto the tiles. (Hit AC 36 and 23 for 13 and 12 damage)

Sly Foxx  d20+16=36 d8+8=16 d8+8=13
Thursday September 25th, 2003 6:29:25 PM

Sly passes out for a moment, then slowly wakes "What I'm still alive??". As the troll straitens up as he back hands Appolo, sly summons up all the strenth he has left, and trustes the troll again. "I wish I could remember a nice fire spell right about now!"

OOC:I guess my PC was scared when the power went out last Tuesday night??
Attack ac36 critical - Damages 16+13=29hp.

Remember the Alamo, part 4 (DM Jim)  d20+13=15 d20+13=18 d8+6=9 d8+6=8 2d8(3+6)+9=18 d20+13=14 d20+13=32 d8+6=8 d8+6=12 2d8(6+3)+9=18
Friday September 26th, 2003 2:30:42 PM

Aramis's attempt to lift he troll and toss him anywhere, let alone try and push him leaves him straining with no success. He is now staring into the chest of a standing troll.

Dylan hits poor Lorth with some more healing and comments about fighting together.

Lorth shruds off the attacks that are placed agaist him and tears into the troll with more zeal, if not a little tiredness.

Tratain continues his assault of the troll, trying to keep it down for awhile.

Sly, barely able to believe his good luck, slices his blade into the troll again. He gets another fresh gout of blood for his troubles.

Troll(a) is dead.

Troll(b) is dead.

Troll(c) is now fully standing and looking down at Aramis with a big yellow toothy smile, that more than gives him the idea of what comes next (hit: 15/18, damage: 9/8, rend: 18).

Troll(d) is oozing green blood from several wounds that are slowly closing over. It just smiles knowing that whatever they dish out she can heal. She then claws at Lorth again (hit: 14/32, damage: 8/12, rend: 18).

Troll(e) smiles disappears as it feels the blade bite in again and it slumps to the floor.

Troll(f) takes the blows that are rained on it with no problems. It had hoped to return the attack but it could not hold onto it's will to stand for very long as it slumps to the ground.

[Tratain - I am going to let you roll the % for your cloak as I seem to forget it. Anything 20% or lower negates an attack against you. I am really sorry for all the times that I missed your cloaks benefits.]

[Missing more Edge.]

Aramis AC 18 [Cat Grace +5 Dex, Endurance +3 Con, Potion +2 Cha, Stoneskin 28HP and Bull Str +5]  d20+15=23 d6+11=17
Friday September 26th, 2003 4:04:28 PM

Aramis quickly sidesteps the first mighty claw, drawing his club now that Lorth is in a flanking position. A wry smile coming to his lips is quickly removed by the second great claw. Spying it at the last moment allows him to shift and avoid most of the power behind the swing. A hiss of energy comes from Aramis as teh Stoneskin spell absorbs the attack leaving him undamaged.

Aramis grips his magical club and brings it around in a bonecrushing level swing
[hit AC 23 actually 25 forgot the flank Damage 17]

Sly Foxx  d20+6=26
Saturday September 27th, 2003 7:51:13 PM

Sly turns to Appolo Wait a mimute,I do have a Fire ball spell but Lorth is too close to her. I know! I know of another Spell It's Shocking Grasp?? Please help get up and I'll grab her arm." Sly grabs Appolo hand (to help himself up) chanting 'Protectus est appolous Slius um bad bad' (Sly just cast Protection from Evil.)

OOC: Casting Spell on Appolo and Sly ac26 (I hope this is right?)

Tratain AC 27 [Shield of Faith; 20% Displaced; Bull's Strength(19 Str); Endurence(19 Con); Stoneskin 1 Hps]  d20+4=23
Monday September 29th, 2003 12:46:11 PM

Tratain attempts to grab the Troll and throw it onto the tiles while it is slumped over (str Check 23)

Lorth AC 35 (STONESKIN 28 HP) (Magic Vestment +3 AC) (BARKSKIN +4 AC)  d20+17=29 d20+10=18 d8+8=13 d8+8=13
Tuesday September 30th, 2003 9:02:27 AM

Lorth flanks the troll with Aramis. Attacking twice... (Hit: 29/18 Damage: 13/13)

Dylan  d8=6 d8=6
Tuesday September 30th, 2003 9:04:27 AM

Dylan looks around and calls out, "Damage Report! Whos injured?" The first person who calls out will be healed for 17 points of damage.

Edge  d20+16=17 d20+11=21 d6+5=8 d6+5=10
Tuesday September 30th, 2003 1:03:35 PM

Edge slams the troll (f) two more times with his mace. (hit 17 for 8 points and hit 21 for 10 points)

Remember the Alamo, part 5 (DM Jim)  d20+13=19 d20+13=23 d8+6=13 d8+6=14 2d8(2+5)+9=16 d20+2=10 d3=1
Tuesday September 30th, 2003 3:18:46 PM

Aramis just barely avoids the attacks and even takes one off his stoneskin spell. With mixed emotions he takes his club and smacks it into the troll.

Sly slowly gets to his feet with the assistance of Appolo. Sly takes the time to cast a protection spell on the pair of them.

Tratain attemps to grab and throw the troll before him out into the tile room. This would help out the group a lot as another troll would be gone.

Lorth flanks the troll with Aramis and throws his own set of attacks at it. He can feel the effects of all the combat on him acutely now. Soon he knows that he will start having troubles in combat.

Dylan asks for a status report so that he can throw healing at whoever needs it most.

Edge slams his mace into the troll twice, but finds that he only gets solid contact with his last blow.

Troll(a) is dead.

Troll(b) is dead.

Troll(c) claws furiously at Aramis trying it's best to disembowl him (hit: 19/23, damage: 13/14, rend: 16).

Troll(d) feels a weapon impact on a side she had not expected. She slowly turns her head to see Aramis at her side. Then she feels more agony as a sword slices into her. Feeling heavy as lead she slowly slumps to the ground

Troll(e) attemps to struggle free from Tratain's grasp but has no luck. He is soon flying a little ways through the air and lands in the tile room. As it lands on a tile it's body is thrown back up jerking as lightning zaps into it.

Troll(f) starts to stand only to have himself slammed into the ground again from more damage.

Aramis AC 18 [Cat Grace +5 Dex, Endurance +3 Con, Potion +2 Cha, and Bull Str +5]  d20+15=16
Tuesday September 30th, 2003 5:44:45 PM

the trolls claws careen off the protective spell, and as the creature's vice like grip tears into his body, he feels the protective ward give under the onslaught. Bleeding, from several wounds Aramis coughs for a little air and spits to his side.
With his protection down a little panic creeps into him. Though the combat about is slowing, with only one troll active, now is not the time to make an amatuer like mistake Taking a small step away from the Troll, he defensively casts Shield. The air in front of him wavers momentarily and his clothes and hair ruffle, as if a wind came from behind him.

(Concentration DC 15 + spell lvl...16 success)

Sly Foxx  d8+3=10
Wednesday October 1st, 2003 11:45:46 AM

Sly is help from the floor and advances on the She Devil of a Troll, Sly let's go of Appolo and touch her on the shoulder, "bone ust Zap Zap" hitting her with a shock of 10hp of damages. Sly will step back and watch the suprize on her face.
Sly tell Appolo, "Friend! get your self and Aramis out of the way, I'm going to hit her with fire next."
Sly will prepare the fire spell.

Lorth AC 35 (STONESKIN 28 HP) (Magic Vestment +3 AC) (BARKSKIN +4 AC)  d20+17=30 d20+10=11 d8+8=11 d8+8=10
Wednesday October 1st, 2003 12:30:15 PM

Lorth feeling a bit heavy in the limbs presses his attack on the slumping troll.
(Hit: 30/11 Damage: 11/10)

Wednesday October 1st, 2003 5:04:51 PM

Appolo follows Sly's instructions agrabs Aramis pulling him out of the way."Come on my friend.Sly burn the witch!!" he then says to Aramis "Let's take out some trash,walking over he grabs the upper bady of a fallen troll that is behind and to the rightof them.

Edge  d20+16=36 d20+16=18 d20+11=22 d6+5=11 d6+5=6 d6+5=10
Wednesday October 1st, 2003 6:13:22 PM

Edge continues attacking troll(f).

(Possible crit with 36 if 18 hits, then 17 points of damage. If not, 11 points of damage.
second attack is 22 for 10 points of damage.)

Dylan  d20+11=13 d20+6=12
Thursday October 2nd, 2003 7:43:18 AM

Dylan switches his wand to his shiled hand so he can better grasp his spear and attacks the same troll(f) as some of the others. Dylan missing both times curses his inability to hit and prepares to strike again.

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