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Down the Hole and Downward Onward. (DM Jim) 
Tuesday August 5th, 2003 12:58:00 PM

the captain of the elves shakes his head and turns to Ceira. "He is beyond help for now...we must get him back to our village to get him brought back...if he is willing to return." Nodding to the other question posed to them he speaks. "That is the reason that we are here...to save our princesses, but we have no choice to leave mission unfinished." The two elves watch as you descend into the hole. "We are sorry that we cannot help you any further...best of wishes to you all."

The decent is a long one and your already tired muscles complain on the climb down (climb check DC 15). When you reach the bottom, one way or the other, you notice that this room is filled with a haziness. You see images dancing in the haze; some are of a elven maiden beckoning you to her, another of a bunch of bugs swarming over a dead body, an image of a group of shades come screaming at you, and the images of all you laying dead on the ground (willpower DC 20 versus first image*females unaffected*, fear DC 20 versus the last images).

Aramis AC 18 [Cat's Grace +5 Dex, Endurance +3 Con, Potion +2 Cha, Stoneskin 80HP, Bull Str +5]  d20+5=10 d20+8=9 d20+8=26
Tuesday August 5th, 2003 2:25:40 PM

Aramis will allow a couple fighter types and Rogue types to descend before him. Then grabbing the rope, [10] he tires and plunges to a horrible and painful fate. The only words one might hear as he slips is a mumbled "Freakin typical"
If he manages to survive, he heads for the maidens [9] "See now that wasn't such a chore!" ignoring the demon trick of his death [26]

Sly Foxx  d20+6=23 d20+7=21 d20+3=18
Tuesday August 5th, 2003 2:54:10 PM

Sly watches the elves as they ask us to save their Princess, then peeks into the hole in the floor. "It' really dark down there. Are these ropes tied well? I'll go down and meet you down there." Sly ties the rope around his waist for safty and climbs down in to this weirs mist like room {Climb= 23}.

When he hit the floor and unties the rope from his waist, he sees a elven females enticing him to come to them. He want to BUT know better to go off by himself {21}, the scene changes to a bunch of bugs swaming over a dead body, if the first was image so is the second. But the third image of all of people in the party laying there dead and Shades screeming{18}, is too much for Sly. He screem and covers his eyes "EEEEEEEEK! NO! NO!"

Tratain AC 24 [Bull's Strength 19 Str, Endurence 19 Con]  d20+4=18 d20+12=28 d20+12=32 d20+7=8
Tuesday August 5th, 2003 5:42:00 PM

Tratain Manages to climb down the Rope without falling off. At the Bottom he looks around to see whatever he can see (8 Spot).

Tratain Manages to shrug off the effects of the Mind attack and Fear attack. (Rolled 28 and 32 vs. DC's 20 and 20)

Tratain then says "No one go off into the mists on your own, it is probably a trap" Tratain will then attempt to prevent anyone from running in fear or heading off after the elven maidens which probably aren't really elven at all.

Tratain Continued  d20+12=30
Tuesday August 5th, 2003 5:44:57 PM

OOC: I think I might have missed a save, I thought there was only two, here's the third incase its needed. Also add +4 to the saves from being in close proximity to Lorth.

Dylan Swiftedge  d20+1=13 d20+11=24 d20+11=22 2d8(3+2)+5=10
Wednesday August 6th, 2003 8:53:30 AM

Dylan attmepts to gracefully swing doen the rope but all he manages to do is a belly flop onto teh floor below, curling up into a ball until the pain subsides the man sppears to be losing it. Dylan slowly stands up shaking off both images and zaps himself with his wand haeling 10 points of damage.

Lorth AC 34 (STONESKIN 72 HP) (Magic Vestment +3 AC)  d20+2=3
Wednesday August 6th, 2003 11:44:08 AM

Lorth eyes the rope. Well we are going to be here a while. He begins to take off his full plate armor...
(OOC: When I get my armor off, I tie it up with my rope, hang it off my back, and then proceed down the rope. CLIMB CHECK: 3 (Hah, I fell anyway))
...Lorth lowers himself over the edge and instantly loses his grip on the rope and falls...

Appolo Hps 76 Ac:27  d20+4=11 d20+4=21 d20+10=26
Wednesday August 6th, 2003 12:04:56 PM

Appolo follows the others and heads down the rope."You know whatever's waiting for us is going to be tougher then those statues." He says as he makes his dissent. Appolo looks around and sees the elven females and thinks that one is Valanthe the love of his life and is immediately drawn toward them." Hey look elves." he walks quickly toward the women. He is uneffected by the other images.

Edge  d20+6=15 d20+6=11
Wednesday August 6th, 2003 1:40:19 PM

As always, Edge fails every will save there is.
Edge is now somewhere between insatiable lust and intolerable fear.

Climb Down and Stuff to Come. (DM Jim)  d20+16=27 d20+16=34 d6+6=7 d6+6=9 d6+3=5 d20+16=23 d20+16=20 d6+6=11 d6+6=7 d6+3=5
Wednesday August 6th, 2003 1:48:56 PM

Aramis, Dylan and Lorth start to go down the rope when the loss their grips and start falling. They grab frantically for anything that will stop thier fall and save them (1st-climb DC 17 to stop yourself, 2nd-climb DC 19 to stop yourself or you fall the whole ways).

The others look around the room and see the different images before them, floating in the mist. Sly falls victim to the images of death and cowers in a corner screaming. Appolo sees the elven maidens and thinks that he recognizes one. He walks towards her with a silly grin on his face. The others are unaffected by what they see or have not gotten down yet to see it.

Appolo is pounced head on by a hazy outline that slams him full in the chest, racking with claws (hit:27/34, damage:7/9, rake:5). Both claws hit and it latches onto your chest, raking you with back claws.

Tratain is slammed from behind by another hazy attacker that claws him across the back (hit:23/20, damage:11/7, rake:5). You feels the claws latch onto your back and the racking begin from the unseen attacker.

The images in the haze change to dripping blood that runs down walls and everything. It also forms the laughing head of a demon. You see flames shooting up out of the floor, ceiling and walls.

[note that this first attack is flat-footed so no dexterity bonus unless you have uncanny dodge or some other way to keep you dexterity bonus, back attacks would also eliminate your shield bonus as well]

[no new saves need to be made for anyone that passed, anyone that did not pass will need to make another save, Appolo does not need to do this as he was attacked and can disbelieve the images]

Wednesday August 6th, 2003 2:03:09 PM

OOC: I don't know when to stop screeming?

Sly yells "NOOO! It' Comming TRUE! EEEEEeeee! Ceira Help Me!" still covering his head.

Aramis AC 18 [Cat's Grace +5 Dex, Endurance +3 Con, Potion +2 Cha, Stoneskin 80HP, Bull Str +5]  d20+5=16 d20+5=22 d20+8=27 d20+8=15
Wednesday August 6th, 2003 2:03:43 PM

OoC I think this will be correct

Aramis's mind races as he falls, how to get out of this. His hands grab for the rope [16], the sides anything [22] and at the last minute he succeeds. Dangling for a minute, he takes a few deep breaths and then finishes the descent.
At the bottom, [27] Aramis shakes the elven maiden away, "You are but a lie, like my own mother." Upon closer proximatey to the image of his own death and recent fall which could have very well killed him [15], Aramis breaks down.

Lorth AC 23 (STONESKIN 72 HP) (Magic Vestment +3 AC)  d20+2=18 d20+10=30
Wednesday August 6th, 2003 2:32:49 PM

Lorth attempts to arrest his fall... (Made DC 18) ... and he does. "Whew that was close." He then continues his decent. Lorth gives the elven females barely a glance. (Check DC 30) And the ghastly images don't phase him at all.

(OOC: If Lorth sees the fighting he draws his sword and wades in, if not he stops to put on his armor.)

Wednesday August 6th, 2003 5:21:32 PM

Although Ceira is an awkward shape for a liontaur to climb down a rope, her cat-like reflexes allow her to gracefully descent down using all four paws and her two hands. [Climb=17]

When she arrives, Ceira sees many disturbing images that envelop the group. Familiar with illusions, she is unaffected by the trickery. [Will=27]

"Is everyone okay? Say something to acknowledge me." Ceira will target those who do not acknowledge and move over to tickle their nose with her tail. If that won't work, she will grab them and shake vigorously.

[This post was made by DM Jim. Ceira's players has lost access to this tapestry for a few and I am trying to get that remedied ASAP. I maybe posting for Ceira for awhile, but they will all be posts emailed to me and not my own. Just a warning for all of you.]

Tratain AC 24 [Bull's Strength 19 Str; Endurence 19 Con]  d20+18=24 d20+13=27 d8+8=16 d8+8=10
Thursday August 7th, 2003 12:03:18 AM

Tratain attempts to Strike the Creature Clinging to his back in order to force it to let go of him. (Hit AC 24 and 27 for 16 damage and 10 damage)

Tratain Displacement Rolls  d100=54 d100=26
Thursday August 7th, 2003 12:19:30 AM

OOC: We keep forgetting about my Displacement cloak, 1 - 20 misses do to Displacement, 21 and above hit normally, Both still hit.

Dylan: AC 25  d20+1=13 2d8(7+7)+5=19
Thursday August 7th, 2003 7:14:09 AM

Dylan misses in a wild frantic ballet and falls straight down to lie on the floor. Attempting to move the druid merely removes his wand and casts cure moderate on himself curing 19 points of damage.

Slightly Light Room and Hazy Attacks. (DM Jim)  d20+12=13 d20+12=16 2d6(6+6)+3=15 2d6(5+3)+3=11 d20+16=36 d20+16=26 d20+16=22 d6+6=12 d6+6=7 d6+3=7 15d6(1+1+5+2+3+6+3+2+3+3+4+4+2+4+4)=47
Thursday August 7th, 2003 1:11:01 PM

All of you make it down safely but Dylan, who falls the whole way down (damage:47). The rest of you spread out a little as you watch Appolo and Tratain get attacked by something.

The torches flicker from their places on the walls and the illusions continue. Most of you are unaffected by this bought of tricks now, but they are distracting. Only Sly is still under thier affect and is still cowering in a corner.

Hazy(a) continues it's attack on Appolo raking with it's hind claws (hit:13,damage:15).

Hazy(b) continues it's attack on Tratain raking with it's hind claws (hit:16,damage:11) as well.

Hazy(c) pounces on Ceira hiting with a pair of claws (hit:36*critical26*/22,damage:12*critical24*/7)and then bringing it back claws in to rake (damage:7) at her.

Tratain shakes off the Hazy(b) and his cloak allows him to slip out of the things attack.

Appolo actions to be added later.

As you watch the room you will notice (spot DC 20) three more hazy outlines that fit the three that have attacked. If not you are unaware of the other three outlines and only by someone that sees them pointing them out to you will you notice.

Tratain AC 24 [Bull's Strength 19 Str; Endurence 19 Con; 20% Displaced  d20+18=31 d20+13=30 d8+8=11 d8+8=12 d20+7=23
Thursday August 7th, 2003 3:11:28 PM

Tratain Shakes off the Creature and then swings his Warhammer at it attempting to finish it off before it can latch onto him again (Hit AC 31 and 30 for 11 and 12 Damage)

Out of the Corner of his eye he notices the other 3 figures and points them out to his comrades while shifting position a little to deny his back to the three new ones.

Aramis AC 18 [Cat's Grace +5 Dex, Endurance +3 Con, Potion +2 Cha, Stoneskin 80HP, Bull Str +5]  d20-1=11 d20+12=22 5d4(3+4+1+2+3)+5=18
Thursday August 7th, 2003 4:11:38 PM

Aramis [11] doesn't notice the other shapes, but clearly sees the one attacking Ceira. With the snap of his hand five green flickering daggers leap from him to unerringly strike the creature. [magic missile beat SR22 for 18 Dmg]

Edge  d20+14=20
Thursday August 7th, 2003 6:16:50 PM

Edge climbs down the rope. made climb check dc 20

(sorry about lack of posting. I will keep up from this point on)

Sly Foxx  d20=1
Friday August 8th, 2003 3:42:24 AM

Sly is still screeming, "NO!... NO!... I got to get out of here!.." at this point sly gets up and runs... right into a wall, knocking himself silly.

Lorth AC 23 (STONESKIN 72 HP) (Magic Vestment +3 AC)  d20+16=27 d8+6=12 d20+1=2
Friday August 8th, 2003 7:45:18 AM

Lorth forgoes his armor and runs to help Ceira. When he crosses the distance he uses his longsword to attack the hazy outline... (spot: 2) ...he does not notice the other three hazy outlines.
(Hit 27 Damage 12)

Ceira AC 21 [AC 22 against Hazy(c)]  d20+4=15 d20+2=8 d20+6=14 d20+6=18 d4+1=5 d4+1=3
Friday August 8th, 2003 9:57:39 AM

Reeling from the attack, Ceira's vision is momentarily blinded by the blood dripping down her face. Thus, she is unaware of the three other figures [Spot=15].

She tries to wriggle free but is unable [Escape Artist=8].

Instead, Ceira will stand on hind legs and try to swat the thing off with both of her own claws [Hit:14,18 for Damage: 5,3]

HAZY COMBAT ONE (DM Jim)  d6=5 d20+12=16 2d6(2+5)+3=10 d20+16=31 d20+16=19 d6+6=8 d6+6=10 d20+16=29 d20+16=18 d6+6=12 d6+6=7 d20+16=32 d20+16=24 d6+6=9 d6+6=8 d4+2=3
Friday August 8th, 2003 1:56:50 PM

Tratain strikes are true as he sees the appearance of blood on the creature that he hit. Though he had hoped that it would be enough to drop the creature it still retains it's footing.

Seeing the plight of their leader, Aramis sends forth a flurry of magic missiles that cannot go wrong. Each on slams into the Hazy(c) on her back.

Sly's mind is still trying to cope with everything that he has seen, but fails to grasp it this time around. He jumps up to run away but ends up hitting the rough wall and knocking himself silly (damage:5,fort DC 14 or be knocked out for 3 posts).

Dropping his armor to the floor, Lorth charges into the Hazy(c) that is attacking Ceira. His longsword draws blood on the creature and it howls in rage.

Ceira's attempts to dislodge her opponent is unsuccessful as she cannot seem to get a good shot at it. Having gotten on her back the way it is she cannot reach it too well and desperately hopes that her companions can get it off.

Appolo and Dylan's actions to be inserted here.

Hazy(a) is still attached to Appolo.*will update when he posts*

Hazy(b) slowly backs away from Tratain leaving a trail of blood on the floor. It seems to not want anymore of this fight.

Hazy(c) rakes it's back claws down Ceira's back with a furry (hit:16,damage:10).

Hazy(d) moves in to block off Tratain from following after it's packmate. Rearing up a little it takes a pair of swipes at him with claws (hit:31/19*missed-displacement*,damage:8/10).

Hazy(e) moves in on the other side of Tratain to help in cutting him off. It also rears up and swipes at him with it's claws (hit:29/18*miss-displacement*,damage:12/7).

Hazy(f) moves in to attack the most unarmored party member. Lorth sees the outline of claws (hit:32/24,damage:9/8) as they come roaring in at him.

[Dylan and Appolo can make an extra move in thier next post so that I can update for the last turn, plus have one for this post. Sly can make a Willpower DC 16 to shake off the affects of the images he has seen.]

Aramis AC 18 [Cat's Grace +5 Dex, Endurance +3 Con, Potion +2 Cha, Stoneskin 80HP, Bull Str +5]  5d4(1+1+1+1+1)+5=10
Friday August 8th, 2003 2:14:00 PM

Aramis sends forth another barrage, continuing to pound Ceira's assailant Hazy (c). Then moves to a flanking postion with Tratain on Hazy (e)[Dmg 10] OoC 10?

Dylan Swiftedge  d20+4=8 2d8(1+7)+5=13 d8=5
Friday August 8th, 2003 2:34:44 PM

Dylan stands and moves slowly towards Ceira, "Careful there Ceira,"Dylan rasps his concentration on the wemic precludes him noticing the other hazy outlines. Dylan the reaches out and casts cure moderate wounds on the wemic from hi swand, "Darned thing, good thing I picked it up." Healing Ceira for 17 points fo damage.

Appolo Ac27 Hp 76/55  d20+13=24 d20+13=27 d8+6=12 d8+6=9
Friday August 8th, 2003 8:03:13 PM

When Appolo is attacked it still takes him acouple of minutes to realize what just happenned,thankfully the creatures second attack misses. Once he comes around Appolo produces bothe his short swords and slices vicisously at the creature twice."Is this the best you got.You son of a sea hag !!" He yells at the demon head.

Attack Rolls 24,27 Damage 12,9
OOC:Sorry about the late post.Thanks for the patience.

Sly Foxx  d20+7=9
Sunday August 10th, 2003 1:01:17 AM

Sly run into a wall and knocks himself out. All he hears is the little yellow bird flying around his head going "Tweet! Tweet! Tweet!"

OOC: Sly's Fort roll is 9, I don't think he made it?

Sunday August 10th, 2003 2:39:18 PM

( gamemaster please email me. ghost@wf.net )

Lorth AC 23 (STONESKIN 55 HP) (Magic Vestment +3 AC)  d20+17=26 d20+10=27 d8+8=16 d8+8=13
Monday August 11th, 2003 7:34:01 AM

Lorth gets hit twice by the hazy creature, but the claws don't seem to penetrate his skin, as his stoneskin spell stops them.
(17 points to my stoneskin)
Lorth continues to attack the creature that is attacking Ceira... ignoring the one that tried to intercept him.
(Hit: 26/27 Damage: 16/13)

Tratain AC 24 [20% Displaced; Bull's Strength 19 Str; Endurence 19 Con; Stoneskin 60 HPs]  d20+18=22 d20+13=25 d8+8=11 d8+8=16
Monday August 11th, 2003 9:53:38 AM

Tratain turns and attacks the Hazy Creature that is now closest to him. (Hit AC 22 and 25 for 11 and 16 Damage)

HAZY COMBAT TWO (DM Jim)  d20+16=17 d20+16=23 d6+6=9 d6+6=10 d20+16=33 d20+16=32 d6+6=12 d6+6=12 d20+16=31 d20+16=23 d6+6=12 d6+6=12 d20+16=32 d20+16=17 d6+6=10 d6+6=9 d20+16=26 d20+16=20 d6+6=12 d6+6=7
Monday August 11th, 2003 1:26:35 PM

Aramis fires off a round of magic missiles at hazy(c). Each one connects but he does not feel the flow of magic like he is use too.

Dylan moves in and heals Ceira, very glad now that he took a cureing wand with him.

Appolo comes around after the initial attack and throws the hazy(a) off him. Pulling both of his shortswords he drives them home in the creature.

Sly finds himself on the floor watching the pretty birdies in his head flying around. Everyone else hears a moan that signals that he is still alive.

Emailed Edge as he requested and now waiting for a reply. Will see what the tapestry has woven for Edge as we go along.

Lorth continues his assault on the hazy(c) that is attacking Ceira. He smiles with satisfaction when his attacks connect and send the hazy to the ground.

Tratain finds himself with two choices, but decides to attack hazy(e). He has noticed that Aramis has moved to flank that particular hazy.

Ceira's post to be inserted here as the tapestry weaves itself.

Hazy(a) takes a double swat at Appolo with it's front paws (hit:17/23,damage:9/10).

Hazy(b) slides back into the images that still flood the room and is soon lost (spot DC 16 to see).

Hazy(c)slowly gets back up off the floor and looks around. With a roar of rage it throws itself at Dylan (hit:33/32,damage:12/12).

Hazy(d)lunges at Tratian with both sets of claws leading the way (hit:31/23,damage:12/12).

Hazy(e) makes no notice of Aramis as he moves in to flank him. Hazy(e) throws slaps at Tratain with both claws (hit:32/17,damage:10/9).

Hazy(f) continues it's assault on Lorth, trying to break through his defenses. Both of it's claws had come up with no blood and that was very displeasing (hit:26/20,damage:12/7).

[I am still in need of a double attack post from Dylan and Appolo with thier next post. That will be thier attack for combat round 2 and another one for combat round 1. Email me if you don't understand, jade_dragon_1974@yahoo.com, why.]

[I will also be looking for double attacks from Ceira as well.]

Sly Foxx 
Monday August 11th, 2003 2:54:53 PM

You see Sly has spittle runing down from his mouth, "MOOOAAANNN!" What he sees in his mind eye are cute Medium size Blue birds going "Twetty! twet twet!"

Aramis AC 18 [Cat's Grace +5 Dex, Endurance +3 Con, Potion +2 Cha, Stoneskin 80HP, Bull Str +5]  d20+17=34 d6+11=15
Monday August 11th, 2003 3:15:10 PM

Aramis takes full advantage of the creature not paying him any heed and brandishes his club across its backside. "You just continue looking the other way sunshine." [Hit AC 34 Dmg 15]

Lorth AC 23 (STONESKIN 45 HP) (Magic Vestment +3 AC)  d20+20=23 d20+10=26 d8+18=21 d8+8=9
Tuesday August 12th, 2003 8:12:38 AM

Lorth groans as the Hazy(f) breaks through his stoneskin. A small line of blood can be seen on his arm.
(10 to the stoneskin, 2 to Lorth).
But that doesn't deter Lorth from continuing to attack Hazy(c)
(The one I knocked to the ground last round).
Lorth concentrates and focus's his will, "You die now foul creature, he says under his breath."
(Smite evil +20 to hit + 10 damage.) (Hit: 23/26 Damage: 21/9)

Ceira  2d8(5+7)+3=15 2d8(6+8)+3=17
Tuesday August 12th, 2003 10:34:32 AM

[Combat One:] Unable to reach Haze(c), Ceira pulls out her wand and reaches over to heal Lorth for 15hp.

[Combat Two:] After Lorth connects with his blow, Ceira is relieved of the pesky creature. "Thanks Lorth."

This time, she reaches over to heal Dylan for 17hp. She manages a smile even in the chaos of battle.

Tratain AC 24 [20% Displaced; Bull's Strength 19 Str; Endurence 19 Con; Stoneskin 40 hps]  d20+18=35 d20+13=29 d8+8=13 d8+8=15 d20+7=24
Tuesday August 12th, 2003 10:52:52 AM

Tratain continues attacking Hazy(e) hopeing to kill it (Hit AC 35 and 29 for 13 and 15 Damage, if Aramis or the First attack kill the Hazy then Tratain hits the other Hazy attacking him)

Tratain is able to keep track of the Wounded Hazy and keeps his eye on it for later (Spot 24)

Hazy Combat Three. (DM Jim)  d20+16=34 d20+16=33 d6+6=8 d6+6=8 d20+16=17 d20+16=18 d6+6=12 d6+6=8 d20+16=18 d20+16=22 d6+6=7 d6+6=12 2d6(1+3)+3=7
Tuesday August 12th, 2003 1:10:00 PM

Sly lays on the floor and moans while watching the little birdies.

Aramis slams his club into hazy(e)'s backside as it contiues it's attacks on Tratain. He feels the solid impact of his club with the creature.

Lorth takes the attacks and feels warm blood flow from some small scratches. He presses on and attacks hazy(c). His sword cuts deep and he is sprayed with blood.

Ceira delivers healing to first Lorth and then to Dylan. She gives a weak smile to both for the healing and for getting the beast off her back.

Tratain brings his weapon to impact on hazy(e) so that he can try and take it out with Aramis's help. He keeps an eye on hazy(b) to check on it's movements.

Hazy(a) continues it's assault of Appolo, swatting at him with both claws (hit:34/33,damage:8/8).

Hazy(b) slowly circles as he looks for an opening in someone's defenses.

Hazy(c) drops to the floor dead from the last attacks of Lorth. Blood quickly pools under him but the things form is still not easily seen.

Hazy(d) seeing one of it's own go down renews it's attack on Tratain. Both claws seem to come in harder and faster than before (hit:17/18,damage:12/8).

Hazy(e) falls under the combined attacks of Tratain and Aramis.

Hazy(f) leaps at Lorth with claws forward. It tries to latch onto him with it's front paws so that it can rake him (hit:18/22,damage:7/12,rake:7*if both claws hit*).

[Going on three posts now for Appolo and Dylan.]

Aramis AC 18 [Cat's Grace +5 Dex, Endurance +3 Con, Potion +2 Cha, Stoneskin 80HP, Bull Str +5]  d20+17=28 d6+11=14
Tuesday August 12th, 2003 1:56:14 PM

"That makes one! Nice moves Tratain." Aramis moves to flank Hazy(d) with Tratain. "And now for you, ya little..." He trails off into a grunt as he brings his magical club around [Hit 28 Dmg 14]

Lorth AC 23 (STONESKIN 45 HP) (Magic Vestment +3 AC)  d20+17=35 d20+17=21 d20+10=13 d8+8=14 d8+8=16 d8+8=10
Tuesday August 12th, 2003 2:25:51 PM

Lorth's wounds close up from Ceira's kind use of her wand.
He spins at the last second to see Hazy(f) try to disembowl him and just manages to dodge it's attacks.
Catching his breath, he moves into a fighting stance with hazy(f) and starts to square off.
He concentrates his attacks high and tries to catch the thing in the neck...
(Hit: 35(Crit confirm 21)/13 Damage: 14 +16 if I hit the crit/10)

Sly Foxx 
Tuesday August 12th, 2003 4:27:19 PM

Sly is still having birds swirling throught his head, but this time they are big black birds going "Caw - Caw". They are disturbing to Sly, his little drean is fast turning into a nightmare.

Appolo Ac 27,Hp: 76/35  d20+9=28 d20+9=18 d20+9=19 d20+9=13 d8+6=12 d8+6=11 d8+6=10
Tuesday August 12th, 2003 9:44:10 PM

Appolo gets hit agian and is now bleeding profusely aswings four time at the creature.He fights with an eery ,deadly silence ,no yelling or screaming jusy swing back.

Attack Rolls 28,18,19,13 Damage 12,11,10
Not sure of creatures ac ,but sure 13 doesn't hit.

OOC:Do to Microsoft Virus,my posting may be sporadic. It has severly effected my system and having trouble fixing problem. Plaes for give me. Also can't recieve e-mail.

Appolo Hp:76 /35 Ac:27  d20+13=15 d20+13=16 d20+13=20 d20+13=29 d8+6=12 d8+6=11
Wednesday August 13th, 2003 6:39:02 AM

Appolo spins into attack slicing at the creature viciously four times, connecting twice.
He does so in nearly complete silence.He has also began to bleed profusely.

Attack 15,16,20,29 Damage 12,11.If the 20 doesn't hit then disregard.
OOC:Because of the Microsoft Internet Virus that hit monday night,I am unable to post as reguarly as I would like so the DM can play Appolo if I miss a post.Thank you for your patience.

Appolo Hp:76 /35 Ac:27  d20+13=15 d20+13=16 d20+13=20 d20+13=29 d8+6=12 d8+6=11
Wednesday August 13th, 2003 6:39:03 AM

Appolo spins into attack slicing at the creature viciously four times, connecting twice.
He does so in nearly complete silence.He has also began to bleed profusely.

Attack 15,16,20,29 Damage 12,11.If the 20 doesn't hit then disregard.
OOC:Because of the Microsoft Internet Virus that hit monday night,I am unable to post as reguarly as I would like so the DM can play Appolo if I miss a post.Thank you for your patience.

Appolo Hp:76 /35 Ac:27  d20+13=15 d20+13=16 d20+13=20 d20+13=29 d8+6=12 d8+6=11
Wednesday August 13th, 2003 6:39:05 AM

Appolo spins into attack slicing at the creature viciously four times, connecting twice.
He does so in nearly complete silence.He has also began to bleed profusely.

Attack 15,16,20,29 Damage 12,11.If the 20 doesn't hit then disregard.
OOC:Because of the Microsoft Internet Virus that hit monday night,I am unable to post as reguarly as I would like so the DM can play Appolo if I miss a post.Thank you for your patience.

Dylan: AC 25  d20+15=34 2d8(1+6)+5=12 d8=3
Wednesday August 13th, 2003 9:38:42 AM

Dylan steps up to Lorth and quickly casts Barkskin on the unarmored man, casting defensivly<DC 34 easily> the spell is uninterrupted. Dylan then transfers his wand back to his hand and heals Lorth again for 14 points of damage.

Tratain AC 24 [20% Displaced; Bull's Strength(19 Str);Endurence(19 Con); Stoneskin 40 Hps]  d20+18=19 d20+13=24 d8+8=14 d20+7=21
Wednesday August 13th, 2003 11:34:05 AM

Seeing that Hazy(e) is dead Tratain switches targets and attacks Hazy(d) with Aramis (Critical Miss First attack, Hit AC 24 for 14 on second attack)

Tratain attempts to keep track of the one that moved off into the shadows (21 Spot)

Hazy Combat Round Four. (DM Jim)  d20+16=34 d20+16=33 d6+6=9 d6+6=10 d6+3=6 d20+16=36 d20+16=29 d20+16=34 d6+6=9 d6+6=12 d20+16=26 d20+16=19 d6+6=7 d6+6=12
Wednesday August 13th, 2003 12:39:03 PM

Sly slowly starts coming around. He moans and sits up holding his head, looking around.

Aramis and Tratain once again pair thier attacks to hit hazy(d). It staggers under he combined assault but does not go down.

Appolo's flurry of blows is enough to silence his attacker for good. He looks around and notices that everyone seems to be doing fine.

Dylan takes the time to hit Lorth with a barkskin and then some healing right afterwards.

Lorth twists out of the path of the claws and brings himself back on the attack. He gets two good solid hits on the monster, one seemed to have more power behind it than the other.

Hazy(a) falls over dead from the blows received from Appolo.

Hazy(b) sees an opening in Aramis's defenses and makes a lunge for him (hit:33/34,damage:9/10,rake:6*if both claw attacks hit*).

Hazy(d) turns thinking that Aramis looks the easier target and attacks him with a pair of claws (hit:36*critical confirm 29*/34,damage:9*critical 18*/12).

Hazy(f) throws itself at Lorth intending to try and rake him besides clawing him (hit:26/19,damage:7/12).

Wednesday August 13th, 2003 1:14:41 PM

Seeing how important it will be to continue the healing barrage, Ceira Invisibility on herself to be more maneuverable.

Sly Foxx 
Wednesday August 13th, 2003 3:06:14 PM

Sly moans then tries to open his eyes. Every thing and every one is swimming around, His face hurts, he has a nose bleed and his backside hurts. But he'll try to make it to his feet.

Aramis AC 18 [Cat's Grace +5 Dex, Endurance +3 Con, Potion +2 Cha, Stoneskin 35HP, Bull Str +5]  d20+15=31 d6+11=14
Wednesday August 13th, 2003 3:46:31 PM

The first creature assaults Aramis claws ripping and tearing to only illicit a chuckle from the arcane protected man. "Tsk tsk tsk. Such a display little one." he smiles. Thinking this to be great fun until a stinging pain comes from his calf and thigh, as the second creature penetrates the magical defenses and leaves two viscious rips. "Ahhhh! Little vermin!" Aramis whirls on his left leg, as the pain causes his right to buckle, striking at Hazy(d) wildly. [hit 31 dmg 14]

Appolo Hp:76/35 Ac 27 Boots of Speed  d20+13=20 d20+13=16 d8+6=9
Wednesday August 13th, 2003 6:43:35 PM

Appolo activates his boots of speed and with a burst moves forward and backstabs the creature attacking Aramis.Swinging twice,connecting once solidly. He then begins to feel the effects of his wounds and staggers back slightly.

Attack 20,16 Damage 9 x 3=27 {Backstab}

Dylan: AC 25  d8=6 d8=1 d8=2
Thursday August 14th, 2003 7:03:47 AM

Dylan lokks over to see Appolo hit the creature then quickly notices the bllod running from under his armor, moving quickly to the side of his group mate Dylan cast from his wand once more, healing Appolo for 13 points fo damage. "We need to fight together using our strengths against 1 at a time" Dylan calls out above teh din of battle,

Lorth AC 24 (STONESKIN 38 HP) (Magic Vestment +3 AC) (BARKSKIN +4 AC)  d20+17=37 d20+17=22 d20+10=30 d20+10=11 d8+8=11 d8+8=15 d8+8=9
Thursday August 14th, 2003 8:06:33 AM

Hazy(f) manages to connect with Lorth, but Lorth's magical protections absorb the blow.
He then throws his shield far out to feint off balance and then quickly recovers to strike twice more at the creature.
(1st attack Hit: 37, Confirm Crit: 22 Damage:11 or 26 if the crit confirms) (2nd attack Hit: 30, confirm crit: 11 Damage: 9 I'm sure the crit didn't confirm here.)

Tratain AC 24 [20% Displaced; Bull's Strength(19 Str); Endurence(19 Con); Stoneskin 40 Hps]  d20+18=35 d8+8=13 d20+13=22 d8+8=14
Thursday August 14th, 2003 10:17:59 AM

Tratain Swings once at Hazy(d) (Hit AC 35 for 13 Damage) and then switches targets (if possible) and uses his second attack against Hazy(b) (Hit AC 22 for 14 Damage)

Edge  d20+16=30 d6+5=8 5d6(4+1+6+3+6)=20
Thursday August 14th, 2003 10:41:20 AM

Edge moves to hazy(d) so that he is flanking.
He then makes a backstab attempt, hitting ac 30.
Damage = 28 (8 from mace + 5d6 backstab dice)

Hazy Combat End. (DM Jim) 
Thursday August 14th, 2003 12:40:41 PM

Ceira goes invisible once again seeing the need to stay mobile for healing.

Sly shakily makes it to his feet, holding his head. He gives a disheartened smile to the others and rubs the bump on his head gently.

Aramis takes the first series of blows from hazy(d) like it was a love tap and laughs. Then he feels the pricks from the claws of hazy(b) as it hits hit and he is no longer happy. Whirling he hits hazy(d) with his club and just barely keeps his balance.

Appolo is able to make a move in behind hazy(b) as it attacks Aramis. His sword bites deep and drops hazy(b) with the single blow.

Seeing Appolo stagger under all the punishment that he has taken, Dylan makes his way towards him. He taps him with a cure spells and then watches over him.

The creature goes down under Lorth's first attack, but he is not happy with that and stabs the creature again. He takes the time to glance around and notices that only one creature still stands that he can see.

Tratain brings his hammer crashing into hazy(d)'s skull and drops it with the single blow. Seconds before it would fall lifeless to the ground, Edge sneaks in behind it and drives his own sword into the beast.

Hazy(a,b,c,d,e,f) are all dead.

The room still has images flashing in the mist that fills the room, but they are of little effect now. Straight ahead is a large wooden door bound with iron bars.

Aramis AC 18 [Cat's Grace +5 Dex, Endurance +3 Con, Potion +2 Cha, Stoneskin 35HP, Bull Str +5] 
Thursday August 14th, 2003 1:53:44 PM

Pant "See" small gasp "That wasn't so hard."
Aramis limps to the wall and sits down gingerly looking over his wounded leg. "Yea, that's probably gonna scar." he mutters to himself. "Any of you cleric types got a spare minute," gesturing to his leg.

Sly Foxx 
Friday August 15th, 2003 12:06:18 AM

Sly tell eery body "I don't know what happen to me. I came down the rope and look into the mist, There you all were with your head chop off and all gizzards hanging out, even me. then the wall hit me and I don't remember anything. Did I miss the skermish?"

Lorth AC 24 (STONESKIN 38 HP) (Magic Vestment +3 AC) (BARKSKIN +4 AC) 
Friday August 15th, 2003 1:52:16 PM

Lorth cleans his sword and then heads over to where he dropped his armor. He immediatly begins to put it back on.
"Anyone know what those things where? I've never seen something like that."

Appolo Hp:76/51 
Friday August 15th, 2003 6:30:11 PM

Appolo looks at Dylan"Thank you my friend." He looks exhausted as cleans his weapons,then steps over to help Lorth put on his armour"No I've never seen them before either,just little nasties that had to put down.Would you like some help?" If Lorth says yes he will help with the armour then say"I think we should rest here before moving on we're all a little busted up and our priests and mages need time to recharge thier magic." After helping lorth Appolo walks around helps any that need it saying to Sly"Na you didn't miss much,just a minor disagreement about the decor." With a smile.

Friday August 15th, 2003 7:03:13 PM

" Alright guys, the blood and gore has gotten me all confused. I think my head is a bit cleared up now though. "

Dylan Swiftedge 
Monday August 18th, 2003 10:00:58 AM

Dylan sigh as the combat ends, "Whos hurt?" the druid says the slight pep in his voice sounding contrived. "Who else needs a bit of natures love?"

Aramis AC 18 [Cat's Grace +5 Dex, Endurance +3 Con, Potion +2 Cha, Stoneskin 35HP, Bull Str +5] 
Monday August 18th, 2003 11:14:46 AM

"Dylan, life long pal and chum. A little love of nature would suit me well." Turning to the rest, "I got lots of juice left so don't worry bout me. If we rest though, shouldn't it be up there,' pointing up the hole, 'where the elves said it would be safe?"

Decisions. (DM Jim) 
Monday August 18th, 2003 4:39:09 PM

The hardwwod iron bound door leads on further into the labyrinth. The rope still hangs from above were you left it.

The elves did set up the spot up above if you want to use it.

[Sorry about the slowness of this. Life sent me a loop that I needed to deal with.]

Ceira [Invisible 1hr-40min]  2d8(6+5)+3=14
Monday August 18th, 2003 9:45:25 PM

Ceira shuffles over to Aramis and also taps him with her wand for 14hp of healing. Her voice suddenly emerges in thin air. "How is everyone else doing? Should we rest or move on after healing? Time is of the essence so I would like to press on. I have no interest on having more of those hazy creatures emerge out of nowhere."

[OOC: Ceira will heal anyone else who asks for healing]

Appolo Hp:76/51 Ac:27 
Tuesday August 19th, 2003 2:14:23 AM

Appolo looks around"Well I could use quite a bit of healing.Ceira is our chosen leader so it is her decision weather or not to press on,rememember this will probably get harder as we go. So Ceira,do we stay or go forward?"He then coughs up some blood it is obvious that he still has some internal bleeding.

Sly Foxx 
Tuesday August 19th, 2003 3:35:26 AM

"If you could spare a little healing for this halfelf, Please? I have a bump on my fore head and a bloody nose." ask Sly "Your the leader, Ceira, If you say we go on then I'm with you."

Tuesday August 19th, 2003 7:37:46 AM

Lorth thanks Appolo for helping him put on his armor. He double checks his straps and decides everything is in the right place.
"I'm all for pressing on if Ceira makes that decision."

Dylan Swiftedge 
Tuesday August 19th, 2003 9:16:17 AM

Dylan looks towards the nothingness that Ceirs voice springs from and shakes his head,"I agree we should go on, if only to quicken our departure from this place."

Aramis AC 18 [Cat's Grace +5 Dex, Endurance +3 Con, Potion +2 Cha, Stoneskin 35HP, Bull Str +5] 
Tuesday August 19th, 2003 9:26:15 AM

"I say move on. I really do not feel like testing my luck resting down here, or my muscle in climbing up, or my agility during the inevitable plummet back down."

The Power of Leadership. (DM Jim) 
Tuesday August 19th, 2003 2:34:31 PM

You argue over the two options that you see open to you at this time. Just to make it nice you lay the ultimate decision on your leaders shoulders.

Keep going on? or Go back up and rest up for awhile?

Sometimes it is great to be the leader Ceira thinks and then there is now.

Tuesday August 19th, 2003 3:39:03 PM

"Do we have any casters who require rest for magic? Time is important, but so is survival.
We need to be prepared. I think we all know this place is going to be one life-threatening event after another. I have stated my concerns and will now fully support whatever decision you make, Ceira."

Sly Foxx 
Tuesday August 19th, 2003 8:04:23 PM

"Ceira, Ihad faith in you back then and I have Faith in you now! You give the word and I do my best, well I'l try not to run into walls anyway." Sly said as he rubs his nose.

Dylan Swiftedge 
Wednesday August 20th, 2003 9:31:47 AM

Dylan looks at teh battered party, "I still say we need to move on, the sooner we finish our mission the better."

Ceira [Invisible 1hr-39min]  2d8(5+4)+3=12
Wednesday August 20th, 2003 11:12:29 AM

Ceira smiles warmly at the group even though they cannot see her. "Sorry for not revealing myself during this discussion but I feel that we need to move on and I want to carry this spell over to the next obstacle."

"Thank you all for your trust in me. The desire to rest can certainly make our next obstacle easier. But a man named Dr. Rudolf Van Richten once said, 'The fight against creatures of darkness is a difficult, and often painful one! But it is a good fight, and one that must be fought.'" Ceira pauses to let the words sink in. "These are the words that drive me to continue charging forward. If we can pull away from this as the victors, then this is the stuff that heroes are made of."

"Let us heal everyone up before we move on and while we do this, let's check the next door for any traps. The deeper we get, the more deadlier the traps get." Ceira walks over to Appolo and taps him with her wand to heal him for 12hps.

Wednesday August 20th, 2003 11:39:15 AM

Tratain says "I am ready to move on, I still have the majority of my spells available. Does anyone still require any healing?"

Aramis AC 18 [Cat's Grace +5 Dex, Endurance +3 Con, Potion +2 Cha, Stoneskin 35HP, Bull Str +5] 
Wednesday August 20th, 2003 11:54:40 AM

"Appolo and Sly mentioned the need Tratain, I will just try and keep out of harms way from this point forward and use more of my natural skills." Then looking about, "So who's gonna play with the door here while I stand safely over here?" walking to a safe distance from the door to the other side of the room, but not aligned with the door itself.

Appolo Hp: 76/63 Ac:27 
Wednesday August 20th, 2003 3:20:46 PM

Appolo says"Thank you my firend" as begins to feel measurably better after Ceira heals him He then turns to Tratain"I'm feeling much better now,I think Aramis could use some though and as he said Sly as well." When the door is mentioned, Appolo aproaches it"Well, Edge what do think?"

Edge  d20+16=20 d20+7=25 d20+18=34
Wednesday August 20th, 2003 4:08:27 PM

Once Edge gets his mind on the door, he appears trancelike as he looks the door over and selects the tools he will need from a rolled up leather tool pouch. He then begins his job as carefully as if he were in surgery.

( I have included all rolls which may be required. search for trap 20. disable device(trap)25, open lock 34)

Thursday August 21st, 2003 7:49:37 AM

I am ready, let me know when we move.

Patchwork Rooms and Doom. (DM Jim) 
Thursday August 21st, 2003 12:49:31 PM

The decision made to move on is made and Edge checks the door. He is surprised to find it locked but not trapped in any way. His skillful hands soon have the door open and you look into a well light room. The first thing that you notice is that the floor is covered with colored tiles; red, blue and yellow ones. Then you look to the ceiling and walls and notice the same thing on them as well.

There is an open doorway on the other end of the room. You hear what could be light crunching from further on. Instinct tells you that this is most definitely going to get more dangerous.

Aramis AC 18 [Cat Grace +5 Dex, Endurance +3 Con, Potion +2 Cha, Stoneskin 35HP and Bull Str +5] 
Thursday August 21st, 2003 2:31:05 PM

"The decor just keeps getting better. Gold to guano them squares have magical nastyness associated with them. Keep checking Edge, we got you covered." Aramis will stand prepared near the doorway to lend support at whatever may pop out at the rogue.

Ceira [Invisible 1hr 30 min]  2d8(7+5)+3=15 2d8(8+4)+3=15 2d8(1+4)+3=8
Thursday August 21st, 2003 3:44:54 PM

Ceira uses her wand to touch Appolo, Aramis, and Sly for 15hp, 15hp, and 8hp of healing respectively. "Anyone else need healing?" asks Ceira. "There are plenty of charges to go around."

[OOC: What about the walls of the room? What are they made of?]

"I suggest we find a way to get across the room without touching the floor. I have some silk rope here. We should consider shooting an arrow to hit the top frame of the door on the other side. Then we fasten it down on the top frame of the door on this side. The danger of this is what lies on the other side. If only one of us can go at any time, we will be quickly outnumbered. I can try climbing across first to investigate while I'm still invisible."

"This plan only works if all of us are skilled in rope use. I doubt Lorth and Tratain's armor will hold well on the rope so we may need other ideas."

"We can always look for something to throw on those colored tiles."

Edge  d20+16=27
Thursday August 21st, 2003 3:58:19 PM

Edge carefully inspects the tiles for signs of a trap. (search check 27)

Sly Foxx 
Thursday August 21st, 2003 4:52:12 PM

"I have a spell of spider Climb, but that will not help me if the tiles on the walls and ceiling are trap?" Sly wonders as he look into the room.

Appolo HP:76 Ac 27 
Thursday August 21st, 2003 6:29:46 PM

Appolo looks at the room"Ok everyone stand back and let's let edge tell us what he knows."
He waves evryone back a step, He then looks at the door they just came through."Tratian or perhaps you Lorth,could one of you remove the door from it's hinges I don't want it slamming shut and cutting off our retreat."

Appolo HP:76 Ac 27 
Thursday August 21st, 2003 6:30:14 PM

Appolo looks at the room"Ok everyone stand back and let's let edge tell us what he knows."
He waves evryone back a step, He then looks at the door they just came through."Tratian or perhaps you Lorth,could one of you remove the door from it's hinges I don't want it slamming shut and cutting off our retreat."

Tratain  d20=2
Friday August 22nd, 2003 12:04:52 AM

Tratain says "I'm sure between the two of us we can probably get it off its hinges, either by Prying it off or smashing it."

Tratain will attempt to remove the door from its hinges, or assist Lorth if he is willing to try.

Friday August 22nd, 2003 8:39:27 AM

Lorth assists Tratain with the door removal. Sadly I cannot fly, or climb very well for that matter, so I'm thinking I might be resigned to running across. If it doesn come to that I volunteer to be the guniea pig.

Aramis AC 18 [Cat Grace +5 Dex, Endurance +3 Con, Potion +2 Cha, Stoneskin 35HP and Bull Str +5] 
Friday August 22nd, 2003 8:58:49 AM

"Lorth. You will do no such thing. Can't have my shiel..smile and wink..eer companion go running into danger like that. I have a disk spell that will support up to two at a time. I can either create many or use one as a ferry, depending on what Edge discovers. Though I do not think anyone would wish to be in combat on one of these things as they are only 3 feet in diameter."

Knowledge Will Set You Free. (DM Jim) 
Friday August 22nd, 2003 1:31:49 PM

Taking the door from the hinges is easy enough, Lorth and Tratain soon have it standing to one side as Edge checks over the tiles.

Edge quickly checks the tiles for traps and the like. His time is well spent as he notices that the tiles can be pressed down into the floor, though he does not press one himself. Glancing around the room more he notices that all the walls are well shaped stone, not an easy think to sink an arrow into unless you have special arrows.

You also notice that the ceiling is only eight feet high and that does not give much clearance. There area several fist sized rocks laying around along with loose dirt in patches on the floor of the room you are in.

Friday August 22nd, 2003 9:36:11 PM

Edge relays his discovered information to the party. " I don't believe this is something I can disarm, though I'm willing to attempt. I'd guess it is a puzzle we must solve. "

Friday August 22nd, 2003 11:19:39 PM

Dylan places his wand in his shiled hand once again and sets his spear in his hand. Looking thru the door after Edge opens it Dylan can only shake his head, "Well its a trap of course, but now what kind is the question?"

Sly Foxx  d20+3=20
Saturday August 23rd, 2003 8:50:37 AM

Sly sits haunches and looks for a paternin the placement and grouping of the tiles (looking for a patern or path to the archway at the other end (Int role 20). "I wonder if this is an evil puzzle of some sort? or if there's a safe passage?"

Appolo Hp 76 Ac 27 
Monday August 25th, 2003 11:05:44 AM

Seeing that the door has been removed from it's hinges Appolo listens to Edge's report and the others comments."Ok people back up some more
,youtoo Edge."He gently pushes and wves the others back,once the others have backed up agood five or ten feet,"Get ready."Appolo pulls out a dagger and throws into the middle tile as hard as he can.

Monday August 25th, 2003 12:19:15 PM

Tratain backs away from the room a bit as it becomes clear that Appolo is going to do what he has been thinging of doing.

Monday August 25th, 2003 2:29:33 PM

Aramis slowly and slightly raises his finger as if to object "Apol..." but the dagger leaves Appollo's hand. Aramis'eyes squint and with a sharp inhale awaiting for something truly unpleasant to happen.

Blast From Four Directions. (DM Jim) 
Monday August 25th, 2003 2:44:13 PM

Sly studies the pattern on the floor, but there is not pattern to be found. The tiles are arranged all over the floor in the three colors and nothing more.

Everyone steps back as Appolo applies his idea to the solutions. Stepping forward a little he launches a dagger into the room, it slams into a red tile then flips up to land in a crack between two tiles. But as the dagger made contact with the red tile four gets of flame shot out from the tiles.

The dagger is glowing red from its sudden emersion into the fire.

Edge  d20+12=23
Monday August 25th, 2003 3:09:12 PM

Edge gets an idea as he watches the glowing red dagger. He looks for a stone or something similar laying around. He throws the object into the room, aiming for a blue square.

(I made a ranged attack (23), because I didn't know what else to do. If you'd prefer a different roll, just let me know.)

Monday August 25th, 2003 3:58:31 PM

OoC- did the flames hit the whole room?
How big are these tiles? 1'x1', 5'x5'?

Ceira [ Invisible 1hr 25 min]  d20=6
Monday August 25th, 2003 4:04:04 PM

[OOC: Did the flames come from some kind of visible orifice?]

After waiting for the effect of Edge's stone on a blue tile, Ceira will follow by throwing a stone on a yellow tile. [OOC: Rolled a d20 for you to modify as you will. Probably a miss. (^_^)]

Sly Foxx 
Monday August 25th, 2003 8:13:44 PM

"Well,Appolo Red tile means Fire, We'll soon find out what the rest of the tiles have in store for us?" Sly sit down cross legged.

Tuesday August 26th, 2003 7:22:32 AM

Lorth waits for the tests to be over.

Dylan Swiftedge 
Tuesday August 26th, 2003 8:32:32 AM

Dylan nods as the others try their tests. Looking over the room Dylan searches for any doorways or other ways out of the til room.

Tile Room of Doom. (DM Jim) 
Tuesday August 26th, 2003 4:07:35 PM

Edge tosses his own stone into the room to test and see what the blue tiles do. As his stone comes in contact with the tile he aimed at, four frigid jets of pure frost shoot out from the matching tiles from the one that was hit. The stone is now ice covered and laying near the edge of the tile.

Ceira tosses another stone in to hit a yellow tile, but it misses and bounces across the room. It sets off a series of tiles as it go soon there are jets of flame, frost and lightning filling the room as the stone hits them.

The rest watch and wait, most likely swallowing hard and wondering how to get past this one.

[The tiles a 1'x1' and the room is covered with them. There are no other colored tiles to be seen. The jets come from the tiles themselves. Just the tiles of that color when activated in that line shoot flames.]



Above is what you would see for two rows across the room. When you hit a red tile then all the red tiles go off in that row, along with the ones on the walls and ceiling

Tratain  d20+7=13
Tuesday August 26th, 2003 11:16:39 PM

After Viewing what all the tiles do when hit Tratain says "I can probably get one person across the room, I can protect someone from one type of Elemental Damage so if someone is nimble enough they can just hop from one tile to the next. Maybe there's a switch or something to deactivate the tiles on the other side, can anyone see anything over there?"

Tratain attempts to examine the far wall to see if there appears to be any way to deactivate the tiles and trys to see the door to the next room. (Spot 13)

Sly Foxx 
Wednesday August 27th, 2003 6:09:53 AM

Sly watches the tiles go off, "Hmmm! the colored tile goes off in rows?? Across?? one row at a time and from all sides?? Floor, ceiling and Left and right walls. But still it's burn, freeze and Ouch!" Sly sit there wondering. "Edge is the tiles slipery?? I mean if I should have a running start, to build up my momenthom, then run and slide. How far would I get before I drop dead??"

Wednesday August 27th, 2003 7:17:03 AM

Lorth turns to Tratain, "Well thats the best idea so far. I'll do it."

Dylan Swiftedge  d20+4=10
Wednesday August 27th, 2003 9:02:59 AM

Dylan looks carefully across the room, "I can get across with no problems at all and perhaps get all of us there 1 at a time depending on where there is." Dylan says trying to spot a place to land on the other side.

Aramis AC 18 [Cat Grace +5 Dex, Endurance +3 Con, Potion +2 Cha, Stoneskin 35HP and Bull Str +5] 
Wednesday August 27th, 2003 11:41:05 AM

"I'm a bit confused. I can create a floating disk and ferry everyone across and no one would have to touch a tile at all, but somehow prancing from tile to tile hoping a magical element protection spell holds long enough to live to the other side is the better idea? I realize paladins and clreics have this overwhelming urge to prove themselves as often as possible and with luck demonstrating your ability to survive despite yourselves, but really gentlemen I must object this time."
Aramis makes a quick gesture a 3 foot diameter disk floating 3 feet above the ground. "Now it will last for hours and can hold 1,000 pounds, I can direct it from up to 50 feet and move it at a rate of 5 feet per second. I can create one for each of us or we can ferry in groups of 2 or 3 maybe." Araims looks towards Ceira's voice location and then to the others.
"I would also suggest preparing cover fire as there was something having a snack in the other room." He loads his heavy crossbow. "Shall we?"

Ceira [Invisible 1hr 24min] 
Wednesday August 27th, 2003 12:14:38 PM

"Excellent idea Aramis!" exclaims Ceira. "If Lorth still intends to go first, then at least let me cast Improved Invisibility on you to give you an advantage before reinforcements can arrive. If trouble arises, we will still aid you with whatever spells we can throw from here."

"Does anyone else have anything to add before we proceed?"

[OOC: If not, Ceira will case Improved Invisibility on Lorth]

Getting Across the Tile Room. (DM Jim) 
Wednesday August 27th, 2003 2:05:11 PM

What seems like a solution is soon proposed and started to be implemented. There is no sight of a switch of any kind across the room and there is no door, only a doorway.

[Need to know who is going across first and all. Remember to keep track of your spells and let me know what spells you have on you still.]

Lorth AC 35 (STONESKIN 38 HP) (Magic Vestment +3 AC) (BARKSKIN +4 AC) 
Thursday August 28th, 2003 7:55:06 AM

Lorth climbs atop the disc. Before Ceira can cast improved invisibility on him he asks, "Can I drop this spell at anytime? If I cannot, then I thank you, but refuse it. If I had to fight on the other side and was invisible, I would have a hard time attacking something that didn't know I was there. Seems quite unfair."

Dylan Swiftedge 
Thursday August 28th, 2003 8:43:23 AM

Dylan shrugs and climbs aboard a disk, "I will ride with Lorth incase of a healing emergency." Dylan says fingering his wand.

Aramis AC 18 [Cat Grace +5 Dex, Endurance +3 Con, Potion +2 Cha, Stoneskin 35HP and Bull Str +5] 
Thursday August 28th, 2003 10:56:22 AM

Aramis creates a disk for Dylan and after Lorth is on one and Dylan the other, sends them across the room to the doorway. AS the two glide acoss the room he calls out, "Get off as fast as you can so I can bring them back to bring the rest of us as fast as possible."

Sly Foxx 
Thursday August 28th, 2003 1:50:04 PM

"I think I'll go on the next disk. My idea will hurt all over." said Sly as he winks to Aramis.

The Other Side of the Great Beyond. (DM Jim)  d20+17=35 d20+17=28 d20+13=26 d20+13=28 d8+6=10 d8+6=12
Thursday August 28th, 2003 2:57:32 PM

Lorth and Dylan slowly float across the room, crouching a little as to not touch any of the tiles.

As you get closer to the doorway you see large hunkered forms ripping and chewing on something. One of the forms is standing and looking in your direction, spittle dripping from it's mouth.

Suddenly a pair of long greenish arms shoot out the doorway at Dylan. Another pair of greenish arms shoot out to grasp at Lorth as well. The others can only look on and hope for the best as Aramis calls back the discs.

you get an AOA versus AC 24 if successful then ignore the grapple

must make a reflex save to not fall off the disc DC 22, if you fall off do the following

*roll a 1d4 - 1=back, 2=forward, 3=left, 4=right
*roll a 1d4 - this is how many tiles you have touched, unless you fall forwards and into the room

melee touch attack for grapple
*troll(a) - hit: 26
*troll(b) - hit: 28

opposed grapple check
*troll(a) - 35
*troll(b) - 28

if grappled take the following damage
*troll(a) - damage: 10
*troll(b) - damage: 12

Edge  d4=1 d4=4
Thursday August 28th, 2003 6:34:15 PM

Edge points and fires with a wand of magic missiles. (Troll a takes 5 points of damage)

Tratain AC 24 [20% Displaced; Bull's Strength(19 Str); Endurence(19 Con); Stoneskin 40 Hps] 
Friday August 29th, 2003 12:57:04 AM

Tratain says "Who goes over next Ciera, so thiers no confusion when the disk gets here. Can anyone see how many of the beasts there are?"

Sly Foxx  2d4(1+4)=5
Friday August 29th, 2003 6:59:45 AM

Sly will usd magic missles (2) on the Drooling Troll (damage 5hp), "So far I can see there's three Trolls." Then ask Ceira (with out turning)"Leader Ceira! I'm a better fighter than a wizard."

Sly will wait for a answer and a disk.

Sly Foxx  2d4(1+4)=5
Friday August 29th, 2003 7:02:32 AM

Sly will usd magic missles (2) on the Drooling Troll (damage 5hp), "So far I can see there's three Trolls." Then ask Ceira (with out turning)"Leader Ceira! I'm a better fighter than a wizard."

Sly will wait for a answer and a disk.

Aramis AC 18 [Cat Grace +5 Dex, Endurance +3 Con, Potion +2 Cha, Stoneskin 35HP and Bull Str +5] 
Friday August 29th, 2003 9:39:27 AM

"oh right that would have been the flaw in my plan" Aramis pinches the bridge of his nose again and softly moans forjust a moment. With a deep cleansing breath he straightens and creates a 3rd Disk. As soon as someone get on he directs it across as the other two arrive at his location.

Dylan  d20+8=23 d20+9=25 d20+8=19 d20+15=32 10d6(6+6+3+5+5+3+4+4+5+3)=44
Friday August 29th, 2003 7:17:32 PM

Dylan manages to avoid falling of the disk onto the tiles but is successfully grappled by one of the trolls (A). Dylan finally gets frustrated and casts Flame Strike,<Concentration DC 32> centered on the drolling troll, catching all he canwithin the 10 foot cylinder.

Trolls At A Tea Party. (DM Jim) 
Friday August 29th, 2003 7:19:58 PM

The troll makes no real notice of the missiles that slam into it. Though they leave blasted marks on the things skin and a show of blood, it is soon healed over. No sign of the attack is even apparent on the surface of the troll's skin.

Aramis creates another disc to speed up the passage across and will recall the others towards him, as soon as Lorth and Dylan are off of them.

Sly quickly volunteers to be the next one across as he states that he can fight better than his magic would help out.

All the group needs now is a little leadership.

[will fill in troll actions once i get actions from Dylan and Lorth]

Tratain AC 24 [20% Displaced; Bull's Strength(19 Str); Endurence(19 Con); Stoneskin 40 Hps] 
Monday September 1st, 2003 10:20:26 AM

Tratain waits for the Disks to arrive and hops on one for the ride across if ciera doesn't decide someone else should go or no one else seems to be jumping on them.

Sly Foxx 
Tuesday September 2nd, 2003 9:06:21 AM

Sly paces back and forth, watching those ugly Trolls. He is a impatent to get there.

Lorth AC 35 (STONESKIN 38 HP) (Magic Vestment +3 AC) (BARKSKIN +4 AC)  d20+17=32 d8+8=10 d20+9=15 d4=2
Tuesday September 2nd, 2003 9:25:47 AM

(OOC: Sorry I missed a day)
(Hit AC: 32 Damage: 10)
Lorth swings quickly as the troll tries to grab him. He hits the troll's arm and avoids being grabbed... (Reflex: 15) ... but he over extends and falls off the disc, foward into the room. (Direction: 2 foward)

Paying the Troll Tax. (DM Jim)  d20+10=26 d6+4=10 d20+14=28 d20+13=32 d20+13=17 d8+6=13 d8+6=11
Tuesday September 2nd, 2003 2:22:21 PM

Tratain hops on the next disc that comes close and starts across the room on it with Aramis's direction. Sly will hop on another of the discs and start his way across as well.

Dylan is grabbed by the troll that reached for him and pulled into the room. The troll leers at him as it brings him close. Dylan manages to keep his cool and draws upon his druidal powers. The flames begin to gather as if to strike, but then go out. Dylan cannot understand it, the power was there and then suddenly gone.

Lorth slashes at the arm of the troll reaching for him and strikes true. Jerking back its arm the troll roars in pain. Unlukily, Lorth overextends himself and tumbles into the room. He is now laying on his back looking up into the ugliest face that you would want to see.

The troll holding Dylan brings his teeth in at your shoulder, trying to bite you (hit: 26, damage: 10)[grapple check: 28, can break free by beating grapple check]

The other troll standing over Lorth grins,if it can be called that, and reaches for Lorth. It tries to grab you with both of it's clawed hands (hit: 32/17, damage: 13/11).

Lorth and Dylan will have noticed that there are six trolls in the room. Though at this time that does them little good.

Aramis AC 18 [Cat Grace +5 Dex, Endurance +3 Con, Potion +2 Cha, Stoneskin 35HP and Bull Str +5] 
Tuesday September 2nd, 2003 3:22:56 PM

"all a board, next stop Trollville." Aramis moves Sly and Tratain across. He also brings the third disk backn for someone else to get on. "Might I suggest some fire."

Dylan  d20+8=18 d20+11=23 d8+4=10
Tuesday September 2nd, 2003 3:31:31 PM

Dylan struggles against the grapple but cannot break free. "Get off me ugly," the druid manages to gasp. Dylan jabs his spear in the direction of the troll hoping in his currnet condition to be able to hit him hitting AC 23 for 10 points of damage.

Tuesday September 2nd, 2003 5:17:27 PM

Edge waits for his turn to ride accross, hopeing that everyone survives.

Appolo Hp:76 AC:27  d20+10=14 d8=8 d20+10=27 d8=1
Tuesday September 2nd, 2003 8:07:42 PM

Appolo prepares his bow by wrapping pieaces of oil soaked cloth arround several arrows light them then he hops on the nearest disc,when gets close enough he will fire a flaming arrow at piont blank rang in to the nearest troll.Then quickly relaod and fire agian.

Atack rolls 14,27,Damage 8+fire 1+ fire

Lorth AC 35 (STONESKIN 28 HP) (Magic Vestment +3 AC) (BARKSKIN +4 AC) 
Wednesday September 3rd, 2003 9:13:18 AM

Lorth attempts to roll out of the way, but one of the trolls claws rakes his leg. Scrambling back a bit, he stands up and readies his weapons, facing off with the troll.

Sly Foxx 
Wednesday September 3rd, 2003 10:29:20 AM

Sly will hop on a disk and ride it untill he get close to the opening to the room. the He'' say "erif Ouchies" a fire ball will strike the one enemy that he was eating. Hopefully any emermy near him.

Tratain AC 24 [20% Displaced; Bull's Strength(19 Str); Endurence(19 Con); Stoneskin 40 Hps]  d20+18=25 d20+13=17 d8+8=16 d8+8=10
Wednesday September 3rd, 2003 12:04:28 PM

After Reaching the other side of the room Tratain hops off the Disc and Attacks the Troll nearest to him. (Hits AC 25 and 17 for 16 and 10 Damage)

The Party Continues. (DM Jim)  d20+10=22 d6+4=6 d20+14=30 d20+13=23 d20+13=18 d8+6=13 d8+6=8
Wednesday September 3rd, 2003 4:04:15 PM

Aramis continues to keep the discs moving back and forth so the the party can get across and help thier friends.

Dylan manages to get his spear into play as the thing does not have his arms pinned. It drives deeply into the troll and it roars in rage, but does not let go.

Edge waits his turn to go across and mix it up with the trolls.

Appolo hopes on the disc that is returning to the trolls and pulls up his bow. He soon has the ends of the arrows flaming as he slowly gets closer. He fires off both arrows at the troll after Lorth. As the arrows enter the room the fires go out and it is just normal arrows that thud into the troll.

Lorth stumbles under the trolls first assault and quickly gets to his feet again to face off against his attacker.

Sly's disc is right beside Appolo's went he lets loose with a fireball into the room. Though it starts out ok, the fireball sputters and dies as it enters the room.

Tratain rides the last disc over from earlier and hops off to go after the troll that holds Dylan, hoping to free him. His first attack leaves a viscious cut in the things skin, but his other attack glances off the rubbery hide.

The troll(a) holding Dylan continues it's grapple (grapple check: 30, beat it and you are free) as it bites at him again (hit: 22, damage: 6).

Troll(b) continues to stock Lorth, even with the new assistance that has arrived. It takes another pair of swipes at him with both claws (hit: 23/18, damage: 13/8)

You notice that the rest of the trolls have stayed near the center of the room, not really seeing any need to get into the fray. Those in the room will notice the body of an elf laying on the floor that is partially eaten on.

Behind the trolls you see another door with no way to open it. There is a plaque beside it and you would guess another riddle to boot. Those that have seen it happen now several times, cannot understand why fire will not live in this room. The room is unnaturally cold, but not uncomfortable.

Sly Foxx 
Thursday September 4th, 2003 5:55:08 AM

"AAGG! Dragon doung! Just as I though, our magic does not work. Well we have to do this the hard way, Hand to Hand." Sly readies himself for jumping off the disc, Sword to the ready. (but to himself, *I better get a kiss from at less one of those Princess*)

Lorth AC 35 (STONESKIN 28 HP) (Magic Vestment +3 AC) (BARKSKIN +4 AC)  d20+17=22 d8+8=9
Thursday September 4th, 2003 7:43:24 AM

Lorth blocks the trolls two attacks with his shield and then turns his attention to the troll crushing Dylan. Aiming for its head he attacks it trying to get it to drop Dylan. (hit: 22, damage: 9)

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