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DM Addison 
Monday August 30th, 2010 1:12:43 AM

1. Zach Ramage: https://docs.google.com/document/edit?id=1V2qv8XsgIakmYBEEOaoAlt1WqG8feFCf-T13vi97PVo&hl=en&authkey=COy5j8YD

2. Rob Christie: https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0ASnaNa7nFgVmZGM1cG52ZGhfMTNmam1qNzhjcw&hl=en&authkey=CNbUjaYJ

3. Jonathon Stout:

After all 8 people roll stats, I will calculate the average amount of stat points each person has and then adjust individual's stats accordingly so that we all are about on the same page. This way nobody feels any weaker than anyone else. Sound fair?

Zach Ramage 
Monday August 30th, 2010 10:44:43 AM

DM Addison,

I updated my character sheet. I hope Rob doesn't mind, but I kind of used his format. Also, I changed one or two things about Bruagh. First, instead of Iron Will, I took Heirloom Weapon. His Heirloom Weapon will be the Masterwork Dwarven Axe that he created himself. Bruagh also has his personality, appearance, and background posted in his character sheet. I also changed his skills a bit to make it fit his background better. I have 2 ranks in Profession: (Mining) instead of 4 and I put the two extra skill points into Diplomacy. This fits better with him only spending a about a decade apprenticed in the mines while he spent nearly 60 years working as a Smith. The diplomacy also fits in with him trying to talk his way out of confrontation, as Domi would want him to do. Please let me know if I need to change anything.

Bruagh: https://docs.google.com/document/edit?id=1V2qv8XsgIakmYBEEOaoAlt1WqG8feFCf-T13vi97PVo&hl=en&authkey=COy5j8YD

Zach Ramage 
Tuesday August 31st, 2010 4:03:53 PM

So it just hit me... on page 171 of the DMG, Gold Dwarfs are stat'd as a playable race. Pretty much the only difference between a Mountain (regular) Dwarf and a Gold Dwarf is that they have +2 Con, -2 Dex as opposed to +2 Con, -2 Cha and they have +1 vs. Abberations as opposed to a +1 vs. Orcs and Goblins. Obviously I mostly am curious because I'm playing a paladin and not losing the 2 Charisma would be very, very nice.

I'm not sure if it's been brought up before, but I had to ask.

Tahni Wyrmrider -- AC11 HP11/11 
Tuesday August 31st, 2010 9:17:52 PM

Hi all!

Rob C here. I'll be playing Tahni Wyrmrider, the dwarven cleric/mage. I see her role mainly to be in support - ie: providing buffs and healing - rather than frontline assaults.

Zach - No worries at all about using the same template for your character sheet. I can't remember who I copied it from. To be honest, I found that because it's just a plain text document, it allows you put a lot more detail and notes in where you need to. Good question about the Gold Dwarf too. Once we get a few more people we can also have a chat in terms of a backstory on how our characters came to meet, whether any history overlaps, etc.

Addison - Thanks in advance for DMing this. I say that now, whilst my Mithral Tap character nearly drowned :) Stat averaging sounds good, though I'm not sure how long it will take to recruit up to 8 people. As an fyi, as your ADM, I've started drafting a legacy item over in the Black Genie for Tahni. Its still very much a draft, and I'm relying a lot on Cayzle's expertise to finish it. That being said, I would value your input on it.

Tahni Wyrmrider -- AC11 HP11/11 
Wednesday September 1st, 2010 10:47:43 PM

Following on from Zach's question regarding gold dwarves, and perhaps broadening the question a bit more, are we assuming that the entire party consists of the same types of dwarves (hill, mountain, gold, etc) or can it be a mixed group? This would also help me complete my character description and background. Whilst the stats and bonuses are the same, for my background I would like to go with mountain dwarf rather than the standard hill dwarf.

DM Addison 
Wednesday September 1st, 2010 11:14:41 PM

Well. Let me run the alternative dwarf stuff by Jerry. I am inclined to say yes. Gold Dwarf paladin sounds sweet.

Zach Ramage 
Tuesday September 7th, 2010 12:20:49 PM

That sounds awesome, and I await Jerry's response. I'll shuffle the stats around and adjust my background accordingly when/if we get the green light. If not, I guess it just speaks to the old adage that, "A Dwarf, is a Dwarf, is a Dwarf."

Also, Rob C, would you want to intertwine backgrounds a bit, or keep them the separate.

Tahni Wyrmrider -- AC11 HP11/11 
Tuesday September 7th, 2010 10:08:16 PM

Hey Zach,

Problably keep the anciety history separate, but thinking of some reason why we're travelling together. Perhaps something we could write as some recent history to explain how the two met.

For example:
- Tahni was travelling around various dwarven villages, healing war wounds when she met Bruagh. He had just returned from defending xyz and had managed to carry one of the survivors with him to safety. When the survivor is healed, Bruagh mentions his vision to Tahni, she thought it sounded like something she wanted to be a part of

- Both are crafts people. Perhaps after seeing a finely crafted dagger (she likes knives) Tahni tracked Bruagh down to learn from him. On meeting, however, a more pressing matter got their attention and they were called away...

- ???

Again, the dwarven sub-races may influence the background here.

Zach Ramage 
Wednesday September 8th, 2010 9:21:38 AM


I have to say, I like the second example much better, as although Bruagh is older, he has not "adventured" yet. His vision is what is going to make him a Paladin, otherwise he would just be a Master Craftsman.

Either that, or they could have grown up in the same place and just have a knowledge of each other... eh, I tend to like the crafting idea.

DM Addison 
Thursday September 9th, 2010 8:48:58 AM

For Crafting - yeah, if you take a "sub-optimal" skill such as crafting and use it in roleplaying, then there will be incentives and rewards. I will find a way for you to use every skill you put points in, so nothing feels like a waste... its one of the tenants of being a good DM.

Zach Ramage 
Thursday September 9th, 2010 3:50:27 PM

Awesome... thanks Addison!

Question, how long does it typically take to get all eight people in a game and organized and ready to play?

No rush, just curious. I got nothing but time lol.

Tahni Wyrmrider -- AC11 HP11/11 
Thursday September 9th, 2010 10:11:27 PM

As any fyi Zach, I'm hoping to get a Tapestry module up and running in the interim, with spots reserved for yourself and Jonathon :) Just waiting for it to be signed off.

Zach Ramage 
Friday September 10th, 2010 4:18:29 AM

Awesome! Do Taps run with the typical 8 people, or fewer. Do you run with the same character or create a new one?

Tahni Wyrmrider -- AC11 HP11/11 
Saturday September 11th, 2010 12:30:59 AM

Taps are generally for completely separate characters, and usually run with between 6 and 8 people. I'll post more about it in the GG and LnB when its time to start :)

Rob C on Dwarven SubClasses 
Sunday September 12th, 2010 8:15:29 PM

Jerry has ruled that only Hill Dwarves are playable in the Wold. No Gold or Mountain dwarves allowed as playable.

Zach Ramage 
Sunday September 12th, 2010 9:36:44 PM

Ah well, had to ask. Thanks for the update. You know, its funny, only things I really wish I could change about my character... is have more skill points lol.

DM Addison 
Wednesday September 15th, 2010 2:46:57 AM

Well, Jerry has the final word on things like that, sorry guys. I would have liked to see a Gold Dwarf played for once actually. Could have been fun, like you coulda treated the Hill Dwarves as if they were slower red-neck distant cousins or something... just an idea.

Oh. And about the stats on the characters. Expect a few small changes. I will average everyone's stats and see who is the lowest and give him/her a little boost so we are all on the same page more or less.

Tuesday September 21st, 2010 12:40:31 PM

Hi everyone. Am the new guy on the block so thought I would drop in and say hello.

First of all, am thinking just a straight Dwarf Warrior. Nothing fancy.
Im old and forgetful. What level are our characters?
Once I know that answer I will get it set up.
Also, went to the Loot and Booty as requested and made my rolls.
Roll Stats=13, 12, 11, 14, 13, 15

Was told I might receive a tweak or two, so will wait on them as well before putting my warrior together.

DM Addison 
Tuesday September 21st, 2010 3:40:41 PM

Ok guys, I have an awesome announcement.

Since the website will be converting to Pathfinder pretty much around November, the DMs agreed that it would be beneficial to just begin this game with the Pathfinder rules.

We are starting at level 1
You get a Free handy Haversack, which cannot be sold or traded for anything else.
Dwarves are as they are in the Pathfinder rule book: +2con, +2wis, -2cha, with all the other cool dwarf stuff.
What I mean is, they have not completely adapted the Wold to the Pathfinder rules, so some things may/will be changed.
For example, I know that you will need special permission to play a Dragon-blooded sorcerer, there are also a few other special situations that will be taken on a case-by-case basis.

SO, have fun making your characters!

Archie - Those rolls kinda suck. Lets tweak them here. Take taht 11 and make it into a 18 and there ya go. Stats are 13, 12, 18, 14, 13, 15. Sound good? And yeah, fighter sounds like a winner! But don't be afraid to get creative with your character. I want you to define his purpose for being so willing to adventure, come up with some personality traits, describe him through his actions.

So far we got:

Zach - Paladin

Rob C- Pure Cleric of Alemi

Archie - Fighter

Need some arcane and a rogue and were good.

Rob C 
Tuesday September 21st, 2010 9:06:24 PM

Thanks Addison! A couple of things:

- Was Jonathon Stout also in this game?
- Yay for Handy Haversacks!!!
- Are we starting with any Traits?
- Just found this in the Pathfinder SRD: "You can never have more ranks in a skill than your total number of Hit Dice." Guess that means all our skills can have 1 rank max. Big change to 3.5!

Zach Ramage 
Tuesday September 21st, 2010 9:34:26 PM

This rocks... formatting to Pathfinder.

And yes you only have 1 rank at first level, but if it is a class skill you get a bonus of +3... so it evens out!!!

Rob C 
Tuesday September 21st, 2010 10:23:08 PM

Hmm... the number of starting skill points has also been downgraded. This should be fun :)

Rob C 
Tuesday September 21st, 2010 11:59:19 PM

and having been completely rude, I forgot our newcomer ... welcome Archie :)

If you need a hand with anything at all, just let me know! Everyone in this game is relatively new, so don't be afraid to ask questions.

Rob C 
Wednesday September 22nd, 2010 2:31:03 AM

Character sheet for Tahni has been updated to reflect Pathfinder:

Wednesday September 22nd, 2010 10:10:40 AM

Im not familiar with pathfinder.
Is there a place on the web that is like sdr20.com for it?

Yes, those stats are much nicer. Thank you.

DM Addison  d20+4=15 d20+7=21
Wednesday September 22nd, 2010 11:42:19 AM


Thats the content website. Some things are user-generated and approved by the Pathfinder team online, but are not printed in books. There are signs on these pages that say whether it is core or not. If it says "Third Party Material", then we are not using it. We are only using core stuff that is printed in the PHB.

Basically, the changes in Pathfinder is that every class is more powerful and has more options, skills are condensed and the amount of points are different at creation.

The new NEW guy, James Rosse should be posting here soon with his character ideas.

On Skills: Yeah, in pathfinder, at level 1, you get your class skills + int modifier. So a Ranger with 14 int gets 6+2=8 and can only put a max of 1 into each skill. For every skill that is a class skill, it gets a +3 bonus. So, fo example, his Knowledge Nature will be 1rank+3class skill+2int=6... unless they get a bonus from class abilities. Like the Rogue gets +1/2 rogue level to Perception pertaining to traps. Rangers get +1/2 level to survival pertaining to tracking etc.

The reason this was done was to make sure everyone could use a skill if enough ranks are put into it, but the correct class can always do it just a bit better (about +3 +1/2class better)

Posting guidelines for my game.

1) I want everyone, when they type something out of character to put it at the top of the post like this:

(OOC:Hey, my character is a little goofy, don't get offended by him.)

2) When your character speaks, I want you to BOLD the words by putting [ b ] and [ /b ] around them (minus the space), like this:

Zeph shouts, "I see those goblins sneaking around the back!"

3) When your character thinks, I want you to italicize with [ i] and [ /i] around them. Like this:

Zeph wonders, If they are going to attack us, then why did they send such a small amount of troops?... Oh no, the civilians!

4) Put your Character Sheet link, AC, Touch AC, Flat-footed AC, your CMD, HP, and any active spells in your header. Check out my character on The Uncharted Lands/Heroes page for guidance.

5) When you roll skill checks, post them at the bottom, above the spells, like this:

Survival = 15
Perception = 21

You can also opt to post the skill result while describing the action, like this:

Zeph, with hawk-like vision, focuses his eyes and spots the floating red orb in the distance (perception = 21).

6) Put spells for the day at the bottom of each post.

I'll think of more stuff later.
One last thing to consider: COME UP WITH A CLAN HISTORY AND STORY FOR YOURSELF. If you guys are as heroic as I hope, then your clan name may go down in Wold History.

Wednesday September 22nd, 2010 4:27:34 PM

Gonna give you a heads up.
My warrior will have a normal name, but, when introduced, the group will be told he's not quite fully there, and that everyone just calls him frootloop. gives you a hint on how I plan on playing him.

DM Addison 
Wednesday September 22nd, 2010 7:21:01 PM

Archie - sounds good for a personality.
But remember that fighters have more formal military training and tend towards lawful. If you truly want to be crazy... consider Barbarian? Or maybe a Ranger that has little sentient-social abilities.

I'm just trying to get some variety in our classes because it seems that our supposed 4th, Jim, will want to play a fighter-type as well.

Also, keep in mind that these games are scheduled to be played for several years so please develop a character that has many layers... like an onion... that you can explore and not get bored with.

Rob C 
Thursday September 23rd, 2010 12:45:10 AM

A barbarian dwarf would be insane - in a great way :)

Thanks for the update Addison. Any thoughts on whether we are allowed a trait or two as part of character creation?

DM Addison: Traits. So far as I know, they will now be allowed. If so, they will be tweaked and balanced for the Wold. Agent of Dusk is definitely not going to be allowed from what it seems.

Thursday September 23rd, 2010 10:40:09 AM

ok. never played the barbarian class before so would be an experience.
I think now about the drizzt series those battleragers of bruenors'

Yes, a dwarven battlerager (barbarian) who is affectionately known as Frootloop.
Dallon Darkbeard for his given name.

Charcter Information 
Thursday September 23rd, 2010 1:28:10 PM

Afternoon. Getting SW installed on the class machines today.

I am considering either a Dwarven Priest or a Dwarven Fighter. Let me run the numbers, and I'll get back to you on it soon.


Thursday September 23rd, 2010 1:51:13 PM

Still have background and stuff to write up, but here he is in rough form

Thursday September 23rd, 2010 1:52:03 PM

hmm, didnt work. How do you get your character to link in the Post name?

DM Addison 
Thursday September 23rd, 2010 2:02:17 PM

This is how you put a link on the site, copy and paste this, then remove my http:// and put in yours. and remove the space in between [ and link .

[ link href="http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dfrfhm2n_37dmp7wcd4"]Zeph[/link] AC22 HP 42/42

With no space, it looks like this: Zeph AC22 HP 42/42

And always keep that in your header. The site will save it there for you.

And Archie - make sure you give everyone permission to view your character sheet on google docs by clicking the "publish to the world" button... or something like that.

Charcter Generation 
Thursday September 23rd, 2010 3:52:23 PM

If we're using Pathfinder, not 3.5, I need to go buy new books. I have a copy of the PHB for 3.5, and the SRD.

Which OS are we using for the game?


DM Addison: Look at my previous posts for instructions and advice and the link to the pathfinder srd. You can create your entire character from the website provided.

Thursday September 23rd, 2010 5:02:31 PM


DM Addison: Perfect! =) Except that my browser says "not found" 404 error when I click on the link.

Tahni AC14/11/13 HP 11/11 
Thursday September 23rd, 2010 11:10:47 PM

Character sheet updated. History, personality, appearance, goals all finalised. Equipment done :)

Welcome to the gang, Hawk!

So far we have confirmed:
Zach - Bruagh Stormbringer - Paladin
Rob C- Tahni Wyrmrider - Cleric (with a view to multiclass wizard)
Archie - Dallon "FrootLoop" Darkbeard - Barbarian
Hawk - Priest/Fighter

Friday September 24th, 2010 11:36:35 AM

Mine too. wonder why

Friday September 24th, 2010 12:03:38 PM

Google is not loading for me. Wonder if they are having the same problems that facebook is having. OR maybe the internet provider i had is having problems, but dont think so cuz im able to go elsewhere without a problem.

FrootLoopAC16, HP20 
Friday September 24th, 2010 12:08:39 PM

Test again

FrootLoopAC16, HP20 
Friday September 24th, 2010 12:10:31 PM

Ok its working finally. had to bounce on to google from your link, Addison. Then was able to click the publish to the web button.

Will this weekend figure out his appearance and write up his background.

Charcter Generation 
Friday September 24th, 2010 12:59:42 PM

Reconsidering F/Cl role, working on a Paladin. Gets both worlds, with better fighting odds than a cleric and a shot at clerical spells when I level up some.


DM Addison 
Saturday September 25th, 2010 1:30:47 AM

Keep in mind the Multiclass system that is in Pathfinder.

Basically, every race (except half-elves, they can have two) can chose any one class to be their "Favored Class". When you take a level in this favored class, you can either gain one extra hit point or one extra skill point- your choice. But once the choice is made, you get that one point every level and it cannot be changed.

Tahni AC14/11/13 HP 11/11 
Sunday September 26th, 2010 11:16:07 PM

Hey Addison, do we have a planned start date or are we waiting on party numbers? Thanks.

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