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Kendry  d100=88 ;
Saturday August 17th, 2019 9:21:20 PM

Recorded in Humble's Ford game 2018-09-06

Pipewood family growth in Hovel
In Hovel Kendry's wife, Airin, bore not twins, but triplets! A girl, and a boy, and another girl, each one distinct. The labor was hard, but Airin came through with the help of the midwives. Their families rejoiced at this event. As the children are small, they are undergoing special care, so seeing them was delayed for a few weeks. Kendry's younger brother, Murphy, promised to come back to see them when he can do so proper. Brother Kendry told him they are waiting on a naming day for a short time, and will invite all who care to come at that time. Murph tells everyone in the group the news.

Kendry - Murphy test post 
Saturday August 17th, 2019 10:05:15 PM

Murphy notes that the giants pretty much ignored his warning.

He casts ice storm so as to encompass fire giants 3, 4, 6 & 6, and stone giant 4. Great magical hailstones pound down upon casting this spell. Those inside take 3d6=10 hp blugeoning damage, and 2d6=6 hp cold damage. For fire giants, perhaps double the cold damage to 12hp?

As the druid descends diagonally downward he telepaths to Pressi, "Tell Encompassing Mind that the giants were warned about their doom should they continue. They have ignored the warning. Ask her to tell Succotash & Tiana that, and Murphy STRONGLY recommends the blue gem be placed. Mountain giants coming - no time for niceness. And that the tower is beginning to glow nicely from the top, and the glow is spreading downward."

Toward the end of his descent Murphy whirlwind slams Stone Giants B, 6 & 7. In order to reach #6, his vortex drops to 10' above the base level of the ground - thus slipping slightly below the level of the ramp (about 12.5' high), and therefore kicking up a whole mess of debris - rocks, dirt, grasses - obscuring sight, even darksight (total concealment).

The stone giants need Reflex DC 26 to avoid the slam damage (SG B: 21hp; 6: 13hp; 7: 25hp). Each also needs to make the same save or be caught up in the now dusty, dirty, debris-filled vortex. Their perception (and Murphy's) is cut down by the debris field. The cloud obscures all vision, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. Creatures 5 feet away have concealment, while those farther away have total concealment. Any people outside the debris field who attempt to attack Murphy (or the giants inside the field) will have their attacks modified by total concealment. Of course, Murphy can't see out, either, at the moment. The debris field shows on the map as the dark yellow torus

Am going to assign 2d6+8=15 damage against Murphy for his digging so into the soil - mitigated by 10 hp due to stoneskin, for 5hp total. He has no movement left to rise higher this round.
Perception: 53 - nat 20, yet affected by the end of the round by debris field (total concealment) - he should be hearing very well, though, and seeing very well before his whirlwind encountered the ramp dirt
Spells in effect:
Greater Magic Fang 418 minutes 6 rounds
Longstrider 419 minutes 5 rounds
Freedom of Movement 778 minutes 6 rounds
Resist Energy (Fire 30) 128 minutes 6 rounds
Stoneskin 128 minutes 5 rounds (130-40=90)
Mage Armor 58 minutes 6 rounds
Call Lightning Storm 11 minutes 6 rounds (1 of 13 used)
Hide from Undead 8 minutes 8 rounds
Protection from Evil 6 rounds
Entropic Shield 0 round - done

Kendry - Murphy test post 
Tuesday August 20th, 2019 6:09:11 AM

Murphy (Kim) Druid(13) Huge Air Elemental AC 32 HP 96/128

[Aside from today's DM post, could find no where in the archives where it was said that placement of the blue gem was permanent. Would appreciate the locale of said citation. Without such, I shall assume that the Encompassing Mind just now let us know. Otherwise, Murphy would never have advocated for placement if he understood what was presently laid out. Will figure that Pressi just passed on this info to the druid.]

To Pressi Murphy replies, "Ah, placement of the blue gem is considered a permanent placement? Scratch what I said then. The two gems who form the Encompassing Mind should be more than enough. Oh, Succotash should not take the Iron Giant farther north than the edge of the berm - that's 90 feet from the Tower, and Tiana said no more than 100 feet away."


"Press, I'll work my way up to you, but meanwhile I need to pick up and drop off a few giants. Be there for you next round, toots, for the toss attempt. Say, let Talia know I could really use a haste boost when I get up to the Iron Giant's shoulder." [that'll be next round]

Murphy in Motion
The druid in his huge air elemental whirlwind form scoots north and up the ramp, no longer scraping the dirt. On the berm his path intersects the three fire giants there. Each will need to make the DC 26 Reflex save or take #1 FG 23 hp, #5 FG 15 hp, #2 FG 23 hp. The two Stone Giants already caught up in the whirlwind take #6 SG 20 hp and #7 SG 16 hp.

He ascends with as many as he was able to capture to a point partly above the ice storm. He drops SG #6 (24 hp falling damage) & #7 (40 hp fall) on top of FG #4 [placed on map a bit askew so numbers can be read]. SG #8 (dead) deadfalls on FG #7 (35 hp fall).

If he picked up any of the FG from the berm (#1, #2, and/or #5), he drops them. One of them falls upon FG #4 (39 hp fall). If more than 1 FG was caught, the 2nd hits FG #7 (34 hp fall), the 3rd hits FG #7 (36 hp fall). I leave it to good DM Carl to move FG #1, #2, and/or #5 from their spots on the berm to their spots over in or near the ice storm.

He takes advantage of the lightened load, and casts entangle (Reflex DC 26) so as to provide FG #6 and ST #2 with additional diversions in their waning time. It is part in the plant growth area, is bisected by the thorn wall, and comes quite close to the spike growth. The 5'-wide vortex opening is at 100 feet, and the 25'-wide top of the whirlwind is at 150 feet above the ground.
Perception: 52

Spells in effect:
Greater Magic Fang 418 minutes 5 rounds
Longstrider 419 minutes 4 rounds
Freedom of Movement 778 minutes 5 rounds
Resist Energy (Fire 30) 128 minutes 5 rounds
Stoneskin 128 minutes 4 rounds (130-40=90)
Mage Armor 58 minutes 5 rounds
Call Lightning Storm 11 minutes 5 rounds (1 of 13 used)
Hide from Undead 8 minutes 7 rounds
Protection from Evil 5 rounds

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