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Mysterious Stones
Stormy street Battle

Toyshop (DM Glenn)  d20+3=23
Wednesday December 12th, 2007 11:42:12 AM

(OOC: Note Jerry is looking closely at posting rates lately. He would like to see everyone make at least 9 out of 10 post. Last Weeks's posting looked a little weak. The Crescent Valley group has a very good record for the last 6 month! Let's keep it that way. Thanks!)

Not really concentrating on the chess game, Tobias loses to Fickle. While the rain beats down on the roof, Tobias works on Tewdwr's training. (OOC: A week would have passed after the group gets back from Dourscale. So you can make another training roll then.)

Kendry disguised as mild mannered Milo servers Mr Smith his dinner in his cell. The food is a cut above his normal fair. Smith eyes light up when Milo hands him a flagon of ale. In addition to maintaining the fiction of being Milo and using all his diplomatic skills, Kendry is trying to maintain concentration on his detect thoughts spell. (Concentration check DC7) (Smiths save 23 nat (20)). Smith's thoughts are unreadable. He tells Milo, "That's good news. I'll be glad to see my friends again. Where can I reach you, in the future? My friends may have some work for you."

After dealing with Smith, Kendry joins the others for dinner. Telling them his plan on how to bend the legal system in order to get more information out of Smith. Any lawful types would probably be appalled at his suggestions to rig a trial. Later he invites Airin to dance.

While at the dinner, Julian recounts the results of the river jumping contest and shows everyone his new purchases from the Catacombs. He agrees to take Kendry's letter to Calfast despite the driving rain outside, the warm and dry Toy Shop.

Jumping up and down about winning the chess game, Fickle stubs his toe on the table then begins to jump around while holding his hurt foot. (OOC: hope your foot starts to feel better! Do you need someone to sub for you? --Glenn)

Dwight is interested in following Smith, but feels it important to return the Thurible too. Kendry assures him it shouldn't slow down the delivering of the thurible. The arcane rogue offers to accompany Julian to deliver the letter. Best to travel in pairs on a stormy night like this. He doesn't see any one watching the shop, matter of fact he sees almost no one due the driving rain and wind. Everyone else seems to be staying indoors.

Selithe spends time with Julian and talks about shopping. Later she shows him how to play cards, demonstrating some of the tricks some gamblers use. Then she offers a clean game with "kisses for stakes." Blushing, Julian nods. (DM comment: Like shooting fish in a barrel.)
(OOC: Go ahead and send me the sheet and let me know what the changes you want to make. --Glenn)

Podo is amenable to dropping the charges and letting Smith go.

Accepting Kendry's dance invitation to Airin, the couple does themselves proud on the floor. The next day Airin will brave the heavy rains to make reservations for everyone. The clerk will make them for 10gp each.

Julian and Dwight make the trip to deliver the letter to Calfast. Upon getting back they are both soaked and report that the storm has intensified. One of them comments "It's not fit for man nor beast outside!"

[OOC: At this point please make your decision as to who is staying at the Toy over night. Also please post your current spell list. Note: when picking your spells keep in mind no one knew this morning about the strong storm that hit today.]

For those at the toy shop, about 2 o'clock in the morning there is a loud banging noise that can be heard over the sound of the howling wind and pounding rain outside. It's enough to awaken you. Wondering if it was just your imagination, you start to go back to sleep when you hear the loud banging noise again.

All at shop listen check DC15 Highlight to display spoiler: { The banging seems to be coming from outside the front of the Toy shop.}

For anyone not staying overnight at the toy shop -- Highlight to display spoiler: {You wake up from a sound sleep with thoughts of your friends at the toy shop. (not good or bad -- just thoughts.) You can hear the sound of the storm raging outside.}

Julian, Shark and Sallie, soaking wet  d20+5=7
Wednesday December 12th, 2007 3:19:16 PM

Julian casts Prestidigitation as he walks back in, and has it work Shark and Sallie over too. It almost seems that Shark and Sallie have learned to vigorously shake the water off from Julian.

"I'd rather not go out in that again. I'm sleeping here tonight, if that's okay with everyone.

"Where'd I leave my armour - I'd best polish it again."

Listen 7. Julian sleeps deeply, undisturbed, dreaming of the stories of Domi he learned at the Temple.

Spells Cast today
Prestidigitation x2
Enlarge Person x1
4 Cantrips & 4 1st level remaining

Wednesday December 12th, 2007 5:49:09 PM

PS: Julian likes to play cards...

Selithe  d20+2=10
Wednesday December 12th, 2007 10:58:13 PM

(LOL at Julian and DM's comments.)

Selithe smiles and looks to Julian as she would have returned with him to the toy shop... she shakes a bit and grumbles about the rain being a bit cold but otherwise not much else. She does hide a grin at Julian's comment at sleeping at the shop, "Well, I'm staying here too, don't get to stay home often and morning breakfast should be very good."


Airin and Fioni  d20+12=26 d20+8=21
Thursday December 13th, 2007 1:02:32 AM

Dripping from the heavy rain Airin finalises the reservations for the carriage.

"When do we pay? Up front? I'll give you the money as we board the carriage tomorrow. ok?"

Airin sleeps at the Toy Shop.

(Listen 26)

That night she wakes up from the loud banging coming from outside the toy shop. She gets dressed (armor) and goes to find her friends in the Shop.

"You guys hear that? Comes from in front of the Shop I guess... Gonna have a look through the windows..."

Airin walks downstairs and crawls to the nearest window looking out to in front of the shop. She peeks outside to see what the banging comes from.

spot: 21

Kendry  d20+6=26 d20+1=18 d20+3=6
Thursday December 13th, 2007 2:07:58 AM

[Listen: 26; Concentration (Read Thoughts: 18].

Milo says, "Well, thet might be jus' swell. What sorts o' work you thinkin'? I's pretty good wif numbers. I can whittle a little flute. Draw some pictures."


Kendry is alerted to the sound outside the front of the shop (listen: 26). In the middle of the night he wonders if Flavius has sent more undead their way by way of thanks for slight alterations to some of the spells in his wizardly book. He looks out the upstairs window to the street below [Spot: 6]. He alerts Tobias & Fickle - he'll let the spell casters rest up. "Some sort of noise downstairs. Want to check it out with me?"

He descends to find out what is making the noise outside. Just in case, he has a few weapons with him, and his haversack over his shoulder, and a tanglefoot bag available. "Anybody there?" he calls out loudly. He stands with hand near the latch of the door, and ready to pull the wedge back from the bottom of the door, and pull the slide lock from the side. Then he thinks, use the sliding peeper, dummy.

Kendry takes the handheld mirror that hangs from a cord next to the door. He turns the catch, and slides open the peep window in the middle of the door. With the mirror at a 45 degree angle, he looks out to see what he might, and varies the angle for greater coverage.

[OOC: Ha! I started on this post over an hour ago, got interrupted three times. By the time I posted, Airin's post was here, and I hadn't even seen it when I wrote the above.]

"Oh, hey, Airin. You heard it, too, eh?"

Together... they try to figure out what's up.

Toyshop (DM Glenn) 
Thursday December 13th, 2007 10:16:27 AM

Continued tale of Milo and Smith:
Smith grins as Milo list his skills, "Yea, I'm sure those would be useful, mainly my friends are interested in keeping informed about people and places. Also they value keeping quiet."

Back at the toy shop 2am howling storm & banging sound from outside:

Awakened, Airin hears the banging again. Slipping into her armor, she awakens her friends, then goes to look out the front windows.

In the toy store, Julian sleeps deeply dreaming of stories about Domi's deeds when it changes to playing cards with Domi and others, but the stakes are not kisses or coins, but lives. He is awakened by Airin concerned about the banging sound.

A bit chilled, Selithe tries to go back to sleep. Only to be awakened by Airin again as she points out the banging.

Awakened by the sound, Kendry wonders if the shop is under attack by Flavius' undead. Alerting Tobias & Fickle to the noise, he grabs a few items he goes to the front door checking to see if someone is there.

Awakened by the bard, Tobias and Fickle both fight off the groggy sleep as they wake up.

Dwight, woken up by the banging, wonders what everyone is doing up.

Podo dreams restlessly of his friends needing him.

Airin joins Kendry in the front room as she peers out a window.

Kendry hears a muffled response from the other side of the door, the sound of the storm is washing out the voice. Both Kendry and Airin see a tall sleek female figure human maybe elf wrapped tightly in a fur lined cloak hooded cloak, as she raps hurriedly on the door again, glancing up and down the street as if expecting something. The wind and rain are slashing about whipping the ends of cloak and loose strands of wet hair. "Please, op.. up. T..re's ..t ...h ti.e!" Her words are lost in a howling gust of wind and rain.

Thursday December 13th, 2007 11:31:27 AM

Tobias finally rouses from his sleep, and goes down to join the others at the front door.

Thursday December 13th, 2007 3:28:52 PM

Airin looks at Kendry as they both watch out the window...

" 'Not much time?' is that what she's saying?" Airin asks Kendry "Why wouldn't there be much time? What's going on out there?!?"

Airin turns to the woman outside and shouts back: "WHY? WHAT'S UP?"

"Or should be just let her in?" she asks Kendry again...

Kendry  d20+3=13
Thursday December 13th, 2007 4:03:26 PM

Kendry answers Airin's question by opening the door to the woman. He helps usher her in, looking to see if any others are with her.

Julian  d20+5=15
Thursday December 13th, 2007 4:43:21 PM

Sleeping through, didn't sleep in the hayfield yesterday...

Thursday December 13th, 2007 5:30:12 PM

Dwight sits up in bed and rubs his eyes, wondering if it was a dream or Zom. He looks around and "not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse." Of course, this might be because everyone else reacted immediately as Dwight realizes the beds are actually empty.

He stumbles to the window and looks about, but sees nothing between his blurry eyes and the rain. A chill runs down his spin, reminding him that twice today he was soaked to the bone.

Hearing the tap on the door again, just barely, he grabs a dagger and heads to the bottom of the stairs (or the corner near the door). From around the corner he looks for his friends and whomever is visiting during this hour.

Do undead knock? Dwight thinks not!

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Thursday December 13th, 2007 8:17:08 PM

"...Friends...need...help..."dreams Podo as he stands up straight from a frightful dream awashed in sweat. "Where am I?" thinks Podo to himself.

[OCC: stuck at work but will finish this when I get home. At an open house...H.S. teacher is never finished!]

Thursday December 13th, 2007 8:23:15 PM

When woken up, Selithe comes down to see what is up. She shrugs and looks to Kendry, listening to what he and Airin say before smiling a bit, she has no weapons on her but she has spells at her beck and call if needed.

Toyshop (DM Glenn) 
Friday December 14th, 2007 9:35:57 AM

Awake, Tobias joins the others in the front room.

Airin makes out what the woman is saying, and asks more questions of her.

Opening the door, Kendry lets the woman in.

Julian turns over refusing to be rousted out of bed. In his dream of playing cards with Domi, the god tells him it time to ante up. In front of him are makers with the faces of all the party members.

Waking up, Dwight drags himself out of bed to see what's got everyone else up at this hour.

Podo awakens from his dream with concerns for his friends. Wondering where he is. (OOC: Your choice as to where you were sleeping. The temple or extra bed at the toy shop.)

Selithe when woken up follows the others to the front room.

Having been awakened, Fickle pulls the covers back up over his head, not wanting to get up at this hour.

When the door opens, the female quickly slips in out of the gusting wind and blowing rain. The wind and rain push at the door, as Kendry struggles to shut it. The mysterious visitor lends a hand with the door effortlessly helping Kendry shut it. Gracefully pushing back her hood, reveals that she is a half-elf with a mane of damp redish-orange hair.

She quickly glances around at everyone, then as if coming to a decision, she pulls out a sack from under her cloak handing it to who ever is closest, "No time to explain, Bella told me, you could be trusted if there was trouble. Take these, your and others lives may depend on them. I'm going to try and lead them off. They mustn't get the stones!"

With that she open the door, the howling wind pushes it open once again as she steps back out into the dark stormy night. Glancing both ways, she quickly makes her way down the street disappearing into the blowing rain and fierce winds.

The door hangs open being blown by the wind, the rain is getting everything wet that near the door. All that is left of the woman is a puddle of water where she stood, and the lumpy sack.

It's two in the morning and the storm is still raging outside.

Airin  d20+1=5
Friday December 14th, 2007 10:07:02 AM

"HEY... HOW... WAIT..." whoosh and the woman is gone...

Nothing else to do than to shut the door first. Airin pushes against the wind hoping she will be able to close the door again.

Str: 5 - hmmm...

Tobias  d20+1=16
Friday December 14th, 2007 12:04:25 PM

Tobias shakes his head saying, "Wow, Bella has friends crazier than she is..."

And, then helps Airin with the door (16).

CDM Jerry 
Friday December 14th, 2007 3:57:19 PM

Greetings Woldians!

I am excited to tell you that BIG, even HUGE changes are coming for The Wold. The Wold is evolving and everyone one of you will be affected. But I'm not going to tell you about it here. I'm just going to whet your appetite:

--A new type of game
--Major changes to the website
--Greater choice for both DMs and players!

I will begin introducing the new material in the LnB sometime between now and Monday. You will need to start watching that board daily to understand what is going to be happening. This process will be ongoing for a bit, so you really do need to view the Loot 'n Booty board daily starting now.

I'm mass emailing this and also posting it on every game board so everyone sees it.

Enjoy your weekend!


Dwight  d20+3=23 d20+2=10
Friday December 14th, 2007 5:02:16 PM

Trying to grasp hold of exactly what is going on, Dwight rushes back upstairs to a window as the half-elf disappears. He shakes at the thought of trying to follow her in this weather.

Even after she is out of sight, Dwight watches on, to see if someone is braving the storm to follow her or watch us. (spot: 23., nat. 20)

If no one is spotted, he slowly joins the others. If anything is spotted, he yells to the others.

OOC: Is this type of storm typical for this season in the Valley? (survival:10)

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Friday December 14th, 2007 11:13:42 PM

Awashed with sweat, Podo wakes up to find he's in one of the spare beds at the toy shop. Getting presentable, Podo heads out to find the others.

Julian  d20+5=7
Friday December 14th, 2007 11:44:28 PM

OOC: Thought I'd make another listen check with all that door banging - listen 7


Kendry [message 140 minutes, invisibility 7 minutes]  d20+46=61 d20+4=18
Saturday December 15th, 2007 3:04:44 PM

When Airin goes to close the door, Kendry says, "Hold a moment, love." He casts message on himself and those around the door. "Hide this," he says regarding the bag, setting it down on the floor. "Close the door after me." He casts invisibility, steps out into the storm, and crosses the street. He finds a place to hunker down, seeking a tiny bit of shelter from the brunt of the storm in a protected corner or alcove outside of the building opposite the shop, where he may keep his eye on the street, waiting to see who is following the woman.

Kendry also invokes the Goblin Seal of Whale Watching, granting him a +1 bonus to Spot for ten minutes. (I figure there are enough puddles around to qualify for nearby water, needed for activating the seal.)

[Hide: 61; Spot: 18]

Airin  d20+8=23 d20+19=37
Sunday December 16th, 2007 9:46:32 AM

When Kendry prepares to move outside Airin tries to stop him: "YOU NUTS? You'll get blown away by that raging storm! Stay here!"

But of course Airin knows how stubborn her beloved bard can be and finally just before she closes the door she whispers goodluck to Kendry.

Then she takes the bag wondering where to put it. It's a toy shop... there probably are some toys where she could hide the bag in...

spot: 23
Hide: 37 - although this would be to hide herself but she uses the skill to hide the bag.

Posting Record Game 13 (ADM StevenVdB) 
Monday December 17th, 2007 12:57:01 AM

Posting Report for Game 13 for the week of December 10 - December 16

Name - MTWTFSS - #

DM Glenn - XXXXX-- - 5
Dwight - 2X-XX-- - 5
Fickle - ------- - 0 - everything ok? We missed your posts this week...
Podo - XX-XX-- - 4
Selithe - XXXX--- - 4
Kendry - X3-2-X- - 7
Tobias - XX-XX-- - 4
Airin - XXX2X-X - 7
Julian - XX2XX-- - 6

Weekly Summary : Training, resting and ... Huh?!?

The days slowly pass as our friends either rest or train at the WLA. Evenings are merry and no one worries anymore about the treacherous life out there in the wild.
The night before the night (edited conform Kim's correction) the group has planned to go to Dourscale by carriage a storm rages and all are awakened in the middle of the night by someone banging on the door...

[I think it is the night before the night before we leave. -Kim]

(Changed it :-) - thanks for the correction - StevenVdB)

Monday December 17th, 2007 7:42:09 AM

Fickle chases Ouch, and get lost> > > "Ouch!! OUch!! Were'z are Youz??

In the tall grass you hear "Grrr! Woof"

OOC to DM and all Play-mates; But I hurt my foot, could not stay in bed long or Sit long.
Have you ever got almost run over By A Little OLD lady (in a walker) determen to get into a elervater FIRST??
Well I did and could not walk right for almost a week. It still hurts thinking about it!!

Toyshop (DM Glenn)  d6=1
Monday December 17th, 2007 10:49:34 AM

Airin tries to question the mysterious woman, but she's gone just as quickly as she appeared. Airin struggles to close the door against the storm.

Tobias comments about Bella's friends and helps close the door.

Jerry makes a big OOC announcement, but don't say anything.

Trying to figure out what's going on, Dwight, rushes to an upstairs window to watch the half-elf disappear into the storm. He continues to keep watch hopeping to see who was following her. He sees some foot prints run splashing across the street, but can't see the maker.

Getting up, Podo brushes the tangles out of his hair as he joins the others.

Laying in bed half a sleep, Julian continues to try and ignore all the noise from the front room and people running up and down the stairs. In his dream of playing cards Domi leans over and tells him shouldn't you wake up now! Julian's eyes snap open and he is awake now.

Calling for Airin and Tobias to hold the door for a moment, Kendry quickly cast a spell, as he tells drops the mysterious sack handed to him by the mysterious half elf woman, asking some one to hide it. Then casting his second spell the bard vanishes. A moment later the invisible bard's foot falls can be seen in the mud soaked street as the crosses for a protected alcove. Commenting about his mental condition, Airin takes the bag and hides them among the toys.

Still half a sleep, Fickle chases Ouch getting lost in the thick blanket on the bed.(OOC: The old run over by a lady in a walker story? Could have been worse, you could have been run over by a reindeer! Hope your foot feels better soon.)

Selithe stands around with the others wondering what she should do.

Shortly after Kendry settles in on the far side of the street and while Dwight keeps watch from the upper floor window. They see the mysterious half elf woman hurrying through the storm back down the way she came; glancing over her shoulder every few moments. Not far behind her are two men obviously following her. Airin spots the movement outside through the window.

[OOC: To hear what they say requires a DC10 for those in the shop and a DC5 for Kendry in his sheltered spot across the street. Storm listen check & distance already adj for.]

The half elf woman stops suddenly, as three others approach from the other direction cutting off her escape. She is surrounded, in the storm swept street, by four men, a woman, and two wolfs. One man calls out to the mysterious woman, "Tiggy, you should have known you wouldn't be able to get away from us. Now, give us back the stones."

Keeping an eye on all five, Tiggy looks for a chance to flee. She does not once look or glance at the toy shop. Answering back, "You're mad Rex, if you think you can get them back from me."

The winds and rain continue to blow from storm. Unprotected flames would be extinguished. The strong winds make it difficult for any tiny or small flying creatures and for range attacks. The rain and wind also makes it more difficult to spot, listen and cast spells.

[OOC: Storm effects: -2 to range attacks, spot, search and listen checks. All spell casting while exposed requires a Concentration DC10+spell level check. Tiny or smaller are make a Fort DC10 check or be Knocked down by the wind. Note the wind and rain are gusting so effects can get worse!]

Airin  d20+12=27
Monday December 17th, 2007 1:52:28 PM

(Listen 27)

Airin spots movement outside and hushes her friends as she points towards the three outside. She overhears what is being said and worries for the woman. Exposing herself would possibly lead the men to the Toy Shop... not helping the woman could lead to her death...

"Love be careful out there" Airin whispers knowing the message spell helps Kendry to hear her.

She does ready her crossbow hoping to catch some in a sneak attack if needed...

Kendry [message 139 minutes, invisibility 6 minutes]  d20+6=24
Monday December 17th, 2007 3:27:31 PM

[Listen: 24]

Kendry marks the position & accoutrements of each person, and where the wolves are. [Map possible?]

He is reluctant to whisper under the circumstances, since the woman's pursuers are right in front of him, and right outside the shop. He watches and waits.

Monday December 17th, 2007 3:36:05 PM

Huh? Domi. Cards. Friends. Domi - wake up now!

Cards - Selithe? where's Selithe?

No! Domi - Podo

"Podo! Where is everybody?" Fearing trouble, hearing some voices downstairs and outside, Julian grabs his swords, then notices Dwight.

"Dwight, what's going on? Where's Podo? Where's everyone?"

Selithe  d20+7=12
Tuesday December 18th, 2007 12:10:37 AM

Selithe ponders what to do and goes over her spells and such, pondering what she can do to help what is going on outside, having a gut feeling atleast that the lady is in danger, specially after coming to the shop the way she did.

Selithe nods as a idea comes to mind and she moves a sling stone out of her pocket and casts a Prestidigitation spell to make it look special, maybe from a distance it might look like one of those from the bag. She hopes so since she hasn't seen one. She looks to Airin and speaks to her, "I can't let that lady get killed, I'm going to see what I can do."

Selithe slips out of the door and makes her way in the direction the elf lady should have went, figuring if she generally follows Kendry's foot prints but not noticeable as to bring attention to her brother. Selithe also grabs her cloak on the way out and jerks the hood up as to hide her appearance some.


[OOC: Justin - Kendry is directly across the street from the shop. The Lady and those who pursue her are directly outside the door you are talking about opening. -Kim]

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+8=25 d20+8=26
Tuesday December 18th, 2007 12:35:32 AM

Heading downstairs/out front to join his friends, but then notices the raging storm outside. "Where's Kendry?" asks Podo to the collective.

"What's with the weird storm outside? When did it hit?" wonders Podo.

Skill Checks
Spot DC: 25
Listening DC: 26

Dwight  d20+9=14
Tuesday December 18th, 2007 8:21:09 AM

OOC: Dang, I thought I had posted on Monday. Sorry.

Dwight stands and watches as the splashes are made away from the shop and wonders. At least they are heading away he thinks to himself.

As he looks further down the road he sees the woman become surrounded. He looks to his bow, propped against the wall and considers his ability versus the storm and distance.

Listen: 14

Hearing them shout above the storm and Selithe going outside, Dwight grabs his bow and pushes the window open just a little. Has Selithe lost her mind? he ponders as he takes aim.

Tuesday December 18th, 2007 10:47:52 AM

(OOC:Glenn, I misread your DM post for the round. Would it be possible to have Selithe slip out the back instead? I really would hate to blow this for the whole group as that wasn't Selithe's intentions. I figure if the elf lady can delay the bad guys long enough Selithe should still beable to try and get them off of her for atleast alittle while.)

(Sorry, I've already posted by the time I read this. -Glenn.)

Toyshop (DM Glenn)  d6=4 d20+3=13
Tuesday December 18th, 2007 11:18:29 AM

(OOC: Answer to earlier question by Dwight about the storm. This type of storm is not unheard of, but it seems more severe than would be expected for this time of year.)

Having spotted the group outside, Airin alerts the others and waits with her crossbow ready.

Invisible, Kendry listens to the group's verbal exchange as he too watches and waits.

Awakened, Julian grabs his sword and joins Dwight at the 2nd floor window.

Thinking quickly, Selithe cast Prestidigitation to alter a sling stone to look like what she guess the mysterious stones may look like. Grabbing a cloak she opens the door and steps outside.

Joining the others down stairs, Podo wonders where Kendry is and where the storm came from. He recalls it was raining hard when the had dinner, that's why he used a guest bed at the toy shop.

Watching from upstairs, Dwight listens to the exchange then sees Selithe step outside. He quickly grabs his bow and cracks open a window. He is joined by Julian.

The storm winds are gusting harder for the moment. (Due to rain and winds: -4 to range attacks, spot, and listen checks.)
[Severe Wind: -4 adj, Tiny blown away, Small Knocked down, Medium Checked DC15.]
[All spell casting requires Concentration DC10+spell level.]
[Selithe make a Fort save DC15 or be Knocked down by the wind.]
[Kendry make a fort save DC10 or be Knocked down by the wind. (part-cover)]

When Selithe steps out, she is immediately spotted by everyone in the storm swept street. The closest wolf turns and grows menacingly at Selithe, "GRrrrrr". Tiggy glances over, but doesn't portray any sign of recognition, "Are you going to try something in front a witness, Rex?"

Rex looks annoyed, then address Selithe, Go back in side little Halfling this is none of your affair!." he says with almost a growl like quality.

Rex turns his attention back to Tiggy, "You stole the stones, now return them before I take them back and your hide along with them!"

Map http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dhqmshcg_0f5gb3cf2

Tuesday December 18th, 2007 12:00:38 PM

Tobias hears the reaction to Selithe coming outside and waits to see what happens with her... ready to drag her back in if need be.

Tuesday December 18th, 2007 12:33:38 PM

Airin continues to observe through the window...

(ooc how does this window open? Can Airin push the window slightly open so that she can shoot through?)

At the first sight of trouble Airin will help protect Selithe.

(OOC: Windows on the bottom floor - lower half are fixed in place the top half is hinged along the top and can be swung out for ventilation. The 2nd floor windows are split in half vertically with hinges on both sides allowing the window to open like a double door. - Glenn.)

Tuesday December 18th, 2007 2:55:02 PM

"Dwight, what's going on?" Julian whispers.

"Is that Selithe?! Oh gods, she needs protecting - she can't be out there alone with them." Julian steps back and casts Mage Armour.

Moving downstairs towards the door with his badger following, Julian continues his questions,
"Hey," calling to whoever will listen, "who's that woman they're surrounding? Why is Selithe out there? Where's Fickle? and Kendry? Who else is involved in this? Are we all gonna go out there to protect her? We can't let Selithe get hurt."

Dwight  d20+3=16 d20+11=24
Tuesday December 18th, 2007 5:25:59 PM

Dwight turns to answer Julian, but he darts down the starts. Returning to the view, Dwight tries to see if he recognizes any of the people in the storm below.

spot: 16 (recognize?)

hide: 24 (hiding within open window and bow readied? - As far as I know, it is still dark upstairs.)

Selithe  d20+7=8 d20+7=27
Tuesday December 18th, 2007 8:38:51 PM

Selithe slips and slams into the mud and lets out a quick and very girly "ACK".

From this position she thinks quickly of her options and comes with a possible thing to do now and put on her best act, "I...I can't...papa needs a doctor badly. I...I think he might die if he doesn't get help." Selithe pulls her cloak about her more, glad she kept the stone she cast a spell on hidden for now since this might work better. Surely they won't risk nothing while she is out there and how bad would it look if she told people of them if her papa would die...well it was a bluff but still.

(Bluff:27 *nat:20*)
(OOC:Sorry group if I messed things up. Is time for Selithe's gambling side to spark more I think.)

Kendry  d20+3=22 d20+2=16 d20=15 d20+6=24
Wednesday December 19th, 2007 1:53:36 AM

[Fort save vs winds: 22; Listen to Rex, et al: 16]

About to whisper via message to Selithe, Kendry is relieved in one way... Ouch! he thinks as she is blown to the ground. Yet suddenly, he feels concern for the welfare of his Papa. What has happened to him? Wait, she's got to be bluffing. Papa is back in Humble's Ford, according to Leska. Good one, sis, he thinks. He marks both Tiggy and the potential opponents, looking at their clothing, checking for weapons sheathed or in hand, gauging their stances, picking up on accents, etc. [Spot: 15] [Sense Motive: 24] He considers what resources he has at hand. He hopes that his friends don't do something rash. Perhaps bloodshed can be avoided. Perhaps Selithe's ruse will work. He considers his course of action, and waits to see what direction things go.

If only we had a real mage in the group. Someone with disciplined arcane power. Kendry knows himself, as a bard, to be more of a dabbler, a dilletante. Podo is coming along as a cleric. Selithe, Julian, Dwight, Airin all have some light spell-casting abilities. Airin is growing as a druid.

Focus, Kendry, focus on this, here, now. No day dreaming.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Wednesday December 19th, 2007 2:41:06 AM

Heading straight for the front door and to the outside storm to see what ruckus is taking place, Podo opens the front door and heads into the bad weather; ending at about M16.

Balance DC:

Wednesday December 19th, 2007 8:48:04 AM

Realising she won't be able to do anything from down here Airin hurries up to the second floor to a window that she can open slightly and quietly.

If she can open it just an inch she could allready point her crossbow through it.

She won't have time to get there and opening the window in one turn. Even if she gets there she won't open it just yet. It's too dangerous with the wind and it would draw unwanted attention.

Toyshop (DM Glenn)  d6=2 d20+8=19 d8+2=3 2d6(5+4)=9 d20+9=10 d20+3=11 d20+7=12 d20+1=7 d20+8=17
Wednesday December 19th, 2007 11:00:38 AM

Windows on the bottom floor - lower half are fixed in place the top half is hinged along the top and can be swung out for ventilation. the 2nd floor windows are split in half verticals with hinges on both sides allowing the window to open like a double door.

Waiting, Tobias stands ready help Selithe.

Seeing Selithe outside, Julian becomes worried. He cast a protective spell as he rushes downstairs to her aid.

Still at the 2nd floor window hidden in the dark, Dwight sees Julian turn and race down stairs. Dwight doesn't recognize anyone on the street except for Selithe.

Caught off guard by the gust of wind, Selithe is knocked down. She quickly spins a convincing lie that would explain her presents.

Concerned for Selithe, Kendry almost believes his sister's story. Knowing better he studies the group on the street. Due to the blowing rain and wind he makes out that Tiggy has light armor and a longsword on under her cloak. Rex has leather armor with a long and short sword at his hip. The female (Ash) at Rex's side has leather armor, dark shield, and a staff. One of the others (Selim) has leather armor and a bow and sword. The remaining two (Gabriel & Mark) have chain shirts and longswords.

Podo opens the front door and steps outside to see what is going on!

Watching through the window, Airin decides it would be best to use a 2nd floor window. She races up stairs to the windows. She sees Dwight already at one of the windows.

Fickle puts the pillow over his head to block out the clatter of people running up and down the stairs in the toy shop at 2am in the morring.

The gusting winds past for the moment. The winds and rain continue to blow from storm. Unprotected flames would be extinguished. The strong winds make it difficult for any tiny or small flying creatures and for range attacks. The rain and wind also makes it more difficult to spot, listen and cast spells.
[Strong winds: -2 adj to range attacks, spot and listen checks, Tiny or smaller -- Knocked down Fort DC10]
[All spell casting requires Concentration DC10+spell level.]

When Selithe falls and she give her story, Selim and Gabriel chuckle at her bumbling. Angered by the interruption, Rex yells at Selithe, "I don't care how sick your fathe..." He is interrupted again this time by another Halfling (Podo) stepping out the door. Really getting pissed he snarls at the two Halflings.

Seeing an opportunity, Tiggy draws her longsword and attacks Gabriel while off guard chuckling about the hobbit falling (flatfoot). (hit ac 19, dam 3+9=12).

Gabriel's chuckles turn to howls of pain as a foot of steel enters his backside. Falling to the ground he seems to be convulsing uncontrollable.

Recovering, Rex draws his swords as he moves forward to attack Tiggy (hitac 10 missed) His wolf also move forward and attacks. (hit ac 11, missed).

Ash directs her wolf to attack (hit ac 12, missed), as she cast a spell and touches Rex (Spell craft 17 to Identify Highlight to display spoiler: {Bull's Strength})

Selim raises his bow and fires an arrow (hit ac 7, missed), and Mark draws his sword as he joins the attack (hit ac 17, missed), just barely missing her.

Map http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dhqmshcg_2c9wzcw5z

(OOC: Now in Combat round mode. Remember to list AC and hitpoints with name.)

Gabriel damaged 12 knocked down.

DM Glenn 
Wednesday December 19th, 2007 11:47:01 AM

OOC: Just check, but let me know if you currently run two characters in the Wold and it's not on the below list. Thanks!

2 char, Justin W, Selithe & Florin
2 char, Ceil L, Fickle & Flat-Top
2 char, Steven VdB, Airin & Ayreon
1 char, Kim M, Kendry
1 char, Anthony D, Dwight
1 char, Jon-Paul W, Podo
1 char, Pedro S, Tobias
1 char, Robert M, Julian

From the above list it looks likely that the Crescent Valley game will continue as a career game.

FYI - I plan to continue DMing CV until they tell me otherwise!
PS. I only have one char in the Wold.

Airin [AC17 - HP 52/52] and Fioni  d20+10=29 d20+10=27 d6=6 d6=5 2d6(5+4)=9 d20+19=24
Wednesday December 19th, 2007 1:07:25 PM

Airin quietly pushes the window open with her crosbow and carefully aims.

This Rex dude seems to be the leader of the villains. He's just within 30ft allowing Airin to take a sneak attack at him...

Bolt hits AC29 - CRIT check AC27 - 6HP + 5HP CRIT + 9 sneak attack
Total possible damage: 20HP

Fioni is inside - she did not come out of the bedroom.

After firing Airin takes a 5ft step to the right so she is possibly hidden behind the corners of the window.

Hide: 24

(OOC : planning to stick with the Crescent Valley!! I like Airin way too much and she's an intersting character. Far better than my other char.)

Dwight (ac 16, hp 35)  d20+8=22 d3=2 d6=3 d20+8=28 d20+8=21 d3=1 d3=1 d3=1 d6=6 d6=1 d6=6 d20+5=10
Wednesday December 19th, 2007 10:07:10 PM

Feeling committed now that Airin has added arrows from the window into the tense situation, which is now combat, Dwight lets loose his readied arrow.

He targets the same person Airin did...Rex.

#1 Att: 22-2(wind)+1(within 30')=21
dmg: 2(arrow)+3(sneak)=5 dmg

#2 Att: 28 (natural 20!!)-2+1 = 27
crit: 21 (OOC: sorry don't remember when to roll crit...so just in case)
dmg: 1+1+1 (sucks!)+ 6+1+6 (sneak)=16 dmg

Spellcraft: 10

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC: | HP: 3x] 
Wednesday December 19th, 2007 11:58:43 PM

Seeing the ruckus in the storm driven street and the attack made by the surrounded critter, Podo moves to help everyone involved. Raising his hands palms upward and outward, Podo speaks to Alemi asking for his saving graces in this trying situation as he casts Entangle outwards centered on position O11, the female in the center.

Regardless of what happens or doesn't happen, Podo attempts to subdue the attack..."Friends, Bothers, and Sisters, Can't we all just get along? Why this needless rough housing behavior and on a night like this...would you not rather be inside near a warm fire, sitting with an ale or two?" shouts Podo to the ruckus in the street.

Spells for this day
Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Create Water, Read Magic

1st Level
Cure Light Wounds, Deathwatch, Bless, Bless Water, Entangle(Su)*

2nd Level
Cure Moderate Woundsx2, Calm Emotions,

* denotes has been cast

Kendry  d20+10=30 d20+8=17 d20+12=21 d20+6=21 d20+1=14 d20+3=11
Thursday December 20th, 2007 3:34:49 AM

[Spellcraft: 30; Knowledge, local - about these people: 17; Knowledge, bardic: 21]

Recognizing the spell the woman cast on Rex, Kendry reaches into his haversack and withdraws a scroll of levitation. As he does so, and in the elven tongue - she's half elf, after all - he sings out to Tiggy, "Miss in the middle, let me give you a lift. No feet in the mud, once I give you this gift." He then reads the scroll of levitation, centering it on her. He hopes his words and voice will make her willing to accept the spell he casts. If she does, then she can lift up into the air (subject, I suppose, to the entangle of Podo) at up to 20' per round (subject to gusts). [Use magic device 23 (should be +8 for scrolls, not +6); Concentration: 14; Fort save: 11. Whew!]

As this is not an attack, but rather helping an ally, Kendry should remain invisible (though not inaudible).

He whistles for Cheann, who had been sleeping upstairs (although the dogs should be well awake by now), and he goes to pull out a collection of caltrops.

Julian in his nightshirt: AC 17, hp 55, Mage Armour  d20+12=27 d10+8=18
Thursday December 20th, 2007 5:51:03 AM

Julian races outside with his badger Shark. Seeing Selithe and a heap of hostile strangers he stands beside her, "I'll protect you, Selithe. What's going on?"
[Move to N16 (Barbarian, 30' speed), allies allowing me through their space? Podo in the doorway in particular]

Ready action:
Rage and attack anyone one of those strangers who appears to be hostile towards any of our group, who comes within range of his sword.
Hit AC 27
damage 18

Combat Reflexes: 3 Attacks of Opportunity

Thursday December 20th, 2007 6:53:11 AM

When Julian is raging, -2 from AC. I forgot to put that in.

Thursday December 20th, 2007 8:41:24 AM

Fickle runs (and limping)into a Black and white Centaur. "OOPs" said Fickle, "That ok! Little Man. Come and sit with us here at this Table and I'll buy you a nice drink." The centaur tell Fickle, With a very Smile on his Face. "Bartender a Flaming Green Gomish for my new Friend Here!"

Fickle will sit next to this Centaur, looks up at him, "Thank you Sir Center! I will have just one, because my foot hurts!"

The Centaur smiles at the little, "Don't worry after one drink You Foot Will Be Better."

The Drink arrives and Fickle tell the center, "My name'z is Fickle and this is my Little wolf is Ouch, because he bite'z"

Fickle puts a little part of the weard drink into abowl for Ouch. Then they both drink the Flaming Gomish!! they both slide down under the Table fast a sleep (the bout of them)

"ZZZzzz!" Snore's Fickle.

"ZZZzzz! Grrr!" snores and grouls Ouch.

Toyshop (DM Glenn)  d6=2 d20+8=16 d20+1=13 d20+7=16 2d8(4+5)+3=12 d20+5=19 d20+5=22 d8+4=8 d20+7=22 d8+4=8 d20+3=7 d20+7=25 d6+4=8 d20+7=14
Thursday December 20th, 2007 11:02:34 AM

Storm unchanged. The winds and rain continue to blow from storm. Unprotected flames would be extinguished. The strong winds make it difficult for any tiny or small flying creatures and for range attacks. The rain and wind also makes it more difficult to spot, listen and cast spells.
[Strong winds: -2 adj to range attacks, spot and listen checks, Tiny or smaller -- Knocked down Fort DC10]
[All spell casting requires Concentration DC10+spell level.]

Settling in at an upstairs window, Airin opens it and fires at the leader Rex, striking him deeply with a bolt. Having fired she tries to hid and takes cover. (-20 to hide while attacking.) Wounded and in pain, Rex catches sight of (spot 16-2=14) Airin as she ducks for cover (full cover)

See how Airin fired her crossbow, Dwight joins in and fires his arrows also from the second floor. Both arrows hit and the second almost hitting a vital spot (crit 21-2wind +1point blank = ac20 total dam=8)

Standing outside over Selithe, Podo prays to Alemi to entangle the ones fighting. (Concentration check DC11 due to storm. DM rolled a 13. success. Note! entangle requires plants to work. The center part of the street is clear of plants, so only entangle is only effective in the grassy walk and within 5' of the trees.) After casting the spell Podo implores reason and peace.

Still invisible, Kendry doesn't recognize any of the combatants as being local or by reputation. He does recognize what ills the injured fighter (Gabriel). Singing to Tiggy, the bard draws out a scroll and cast it's spell upon her, unfortunately she don't see to be a will participant.

In his nightshirt, Julian rushes out side with his badger at his side to attack prepared to attack any who attack his friends. (Hold action -- attack)

Fickle continues to toss and turn in bed, seeing a centaur in his half sleep.

Selithe stands up from where she was knocked down. (Can still take an action or move for this round in addition to next turn.)

Standing by the door, Tobias readies his action. (Can take two rounds of action next turn.)

Tiggy turns and attacks Mark but his is ready for her and she misses (hit ac 17).

Rex snarling in pain from two arrows and one bolt, calls "Selim, shoot the interlopers in the window." He body starts to convulse, as he appears to be in some type of pain.

The female Ash, pulls out a wand and touches it to Rex while muttering a command. (cure 12pts)

Selim takes aim with his bow at Dwight in the window (50% cover +4ac). He sends two arrows at him. ({adj -2,-4} hit ac 13, 16 miss, hit dam 8pt) The second arrow hits Dwight.

Mark continues to strikes at Tiggy with his longsword (hit ac 22, dam 8) connecting and drawing blood with a deep gash.

The two wolfs continue to bite at Tiggy. The first missed. The second hits biting deeply into her leg (hit ac 7, 25, dam 8)

Gabriel uncontrollable convulse subside as heavy fur sprouts across his body and his body changes shape to that of a wolf. From all fours he turns and snarls at Tiggy his jaws snapping on empty air. (hit ac 14)

Map http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dhqmshcg_4ptk4rjc9
Remember range attack adjustments -2 wind, -4 attacking into a melee.

Tiggy AC21 Damage 8+8=16
Rex AC 21, damage 20+8-12=16, changing
Wolf-R AC 14
Ash AC 18
Wolf-A AC 16
Selim AC 16
Gabriel(wolf) AC18, damaged 12
Mark AC 21

Thursday December 20th, 2007 12:54:32 PM

Seeing that the entangle may slow down the enemies a bit, Tobias goes to retrieve his short swords. Depending in how much he can do (I suspect this will take up all of his actions) he will grab both short swords and make his way outside into the fray... While inside he will awaken Tewdwr to come join in the fun.

Dwight (ac 16, hp 27/35)  d20+8=23 d3=3 d20+8=27 d3=2
Thursday December 20th, 2007 8:53:41 PM

OOC: Ouch, I really got hit with a +4 to ac, wind and 50% cover. That sucks.

Dwight tries to bear the pain and fires two more arrows.

#1 attack: 23-2(wind)=21 (hit)
dmg: 3

#2 attack: 27-2=25 (hit)
dmg: 2

OOC: hmmm, is my shortbow 1d3 or 1d4? I've been rolling 1d3 and I think that is wrong.

(OOC: Shortbows for small creatures do 1d4 - glenn)

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Friday December 21st, 2007 12:48:40 AM

Moving to position O15, Podo continues to ask "what the ruckus is all about and why they just can't get along like good Brothers and Sister?"

While moving to his closer spot, Podo reaches back into the haversack brining forth a sunrod stick. "Time for some illumination!" mutters Podo as he strikes the stick to ignite it. Holding it up, Podo tries to get a better look at the critters in the street.

After a bit, Podo will attempt to shove the iron rod into the dirt trying to get mother Yrth to hold it for him.

Kendry  d20+3=10 d20+7=15
Friday December 21st, 2007 1:26:52 AM

[Fort save vs wind: 10]

In halfling, Kendry projects across the windy roadway, "Help that lady! It's no fair, seven against one. Jules - take the guy who's changing into a wolf. Others - take the leader. Save the lady! Pode - Occupy the cleric - she's got a wand. Action! Get the dogs and wolf out here! Fickle!"

Since he has them in hand now, Kendry tosses the caltrops so they land in the vicinity of K10 [Thrown, range, adjusted d20+9-2=15 AC]. Not a direct attack, so he retains his invisibility. A grouping of caltrops is scattered about K10.

He is frustrated that the woman resisted the levitation. It would have saved her... although she might have then been blown briskly down the street.

Airin [AC17 - HP 52/52] and Fioni  d20+10=28 d6=3 2d6(6+1)=7
Friday December 21st, 2007 2:25:53 AM

Airin again takes a 5ft step to fire through the window. She noticed the spell weaver healing her companions and acknowledges Kendry'd suggestion to attack her first...

Airin aims at the female weaving the wand (Ash)

Bolt Hits AC28 -2 wind /Ash not in melee / damage 3Hp / sneak attack since Airin is flanking them? Damage 7Hp

Then Airin takes another 5ft step so she can take cover at the windows again. Clearly there's an ace archer down there...

Julian in his nightshirt: AC 15, hp 55, Mage Armour, Raging  d20+3=13 d20+11=16
Friday December 21st, 2007 2:28:47 AM

"Okay. Good. Thanks Kendry. Now I know what is going on." Julian moves to attack the man-wolf.

Reflex save vs Entangle: 13 [argh! I don't know if that is good enough. Hmmmm... Julian moves through the Entangle in such a way as to be adhere to the rules either way. It is probably better that he doesn't charge. Move speed 30 gives him enough even if he has half movement through the Entangle.]

Julian moves in to hack the man/wolf to bits, screaming in fury at his foe. Raising his greatsword high over his head he swings wildly at him/it, and misses.

Move to O13, flanking Gabriel.
Power Attack: 3
Hit AC: 16 [do'h, too much oomph]

Combat Reflexes: 3 AoO

Friday December 21st, 2007 5:40:04 AM

Whoops, forgot about Shark. He is right behind, just waiting for Julian to say, 'attack'.

Toyshop (DM Glenn)  d6=6 d20+4=22 d20+8=13 d20+8=14 d20+3=14 d20+10=24 d20+11=20 d20+5=22 d20+4=23 d20+9=10 d20+9=20 d20+5=25 d20+7=9 d20+9=25 d20+8=9 d20+3=5 d20+8=13
Friday December 21st, 2007 10:59:55 AM

Tobias quickly retrieves his two shortswords and Tewdwr then races back to the front door and out into the raging storm and battle followed by his two headed wolf.

Stung by the other archer's arrow, Dwight fires two more arrows from the cover of his 2nd story window. (At Who? Assuming Rex.) Rex has changed form too he is now a hybrid wolf human, still welding his arms and armor. The first arrow would miss, but the second still hits (-4 firing into a melee hit ac 17 & 21). The second arrow seems to fall out leaving no wound after a moment. (Damage reduction).

Podo continues to call for reason and peace over the howls of the wind and sounds of battle. The healer lights a sun rod and sticks it into the ground. The sun rod hiss and sputters in the drenching rain, but continues to burn. A good portion of the street is lighted; the rest of the scene is in shadowy light (60')

Still invisible, Kendy calls out battle orders or suggestions, as he tosses caltrops out into the muddy street. Thinking about it, The woman would have most certainly been blown down the street uncontrollably if levitated.

Taking Kendry's suggestion, Airin reloads her crossbow as she moves back to the window to fire again. (Can't take two 5' moves in the same round. So 50% cover at window.) Her bolt hits Ash causing her some pain (sorry to flank someone must be threatening her from the opposite side.)

The raging barbarian in his nightshirt, Julian move forward to attack, but is held fast by the entangling grass on the walk (Ref DC14, DC 20 strength or escape to break free, entangled, can't more from location, -2 to attack, -4 dex, cast spells Concentration DC15+spell level ) Julian's badger stay's at Julian's side as they move into the entangling area. (DM roll 22 for Shark's save.) Shark is slowed but not stopped by the grasping grass.

Fickle continues to chat with the centaur despite the sounds of storm and battle and Kendry calling him. (OOC: Fickle is only half asleep and can get up anytime he wishes. If your )

Selithe steps back into the door way for a little cover from the wind and rain. (OOC: can still take an action for this round plus next.)

The storm rages on, a very strong gust of rain and wind blows through the street.
The Windstorm and blinding rain make range attacks imposable as well as spot and listen checks. You can't see more than 5 feet.
[All spell casting requires Concentration DC10+spell level.]
[small blown away 1d6x10', medium Knocked down Fort DC18]

[Kendry and Selithe are partially covered from the wind so their Fort save is DC14 or blown away 1d6x10' west direction. & knocked down]

[Podo, Tobias, and Shark Fort save of DC18 or blown away 1d6'x10 to the east & knocked down]

[Julian (held by entangle) and Tewdwr (medimum size) save of DC18 or be knocked down]

Due to the blinding rain and wind no one can see more than 5' so the group can't see what is going on with the battle.

Battle that the PCs can't see Highlight to display spoiler: {
Tiggy (fort 24) still standing swings at Mark, but her sword misses the mark. (hit ac 13)

Rex in hybrid wolf/man from (fort 20) isn't knocked down. He attacks Tiggy three times and misses all three times. (bad doggy, bad!)

Ash (fort 22) isn't knocked down, ignoring the bolt she starts casting the spell call-lighting (1 round) Concentration check 25.

Selim (fort 23), can't fire due to blinding storm.

Gabriel in wolf form (fort 10) is knocked down by the strong wind.

Mark (fort 20) isn't knocked down he attacks Tiggy but misses (hit ac 9, nat 1)

Wolf --R (fort 25) tries to bit Tiggy too but also misses.
Wolf --A (fort 9) is knocked down by the strong wind.

OOC: made most of the saves, missed all the attacks!

Map http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dhqmshcg_63jmcgrgr
Range attacks are imposable this round! Can't see more than 5' due to storm.
Entangle DC 14 only effective on the grassy walk and within 5' of the trees.

Tiggy AC21 Damage 8+8=16
Rex AC 21, damage 20+8-12=16, hybrid wolf/man form
Wolf-R AC 14
Ash AC 18, damage 3
Wolf-A AC 16
Selim AC 16
Gabriel(wolf) AC18, damaged 12
Mark AC 21

(OOC: Everyone have a happy holiday!!! Posting is not required next week, but if everyone has posted then I'll probably post too, but don't look for me posting until the 26th. Thanks!)

Fickle & Ouch 
Friday December 21st, 2007 11:09:14 AM

Fickle wakes and sits up, But seeing Julian in his night shirt?? Scared Fickle!! Yells "A Ghost! A ghost!" Faint away again. Plop! under the table.

Ouch Stand there grouling at Julian in his night Shirt, "GRRR!"

Tobias (AC 20, HP 44/44)  d20+8=21 d20+11=25 d20+13=21 d4+2=4
Friday December 21st, 2007 12:05:52 PM

Tobias braces himself against the wind and does not fall over (fort save 21). He moves slowly to where he saw the battle and entangle. Not sure how fast he can move in this, but he will try to push forward past Julian (to N13), through the entangle (reflex vs entangle 25). And, if he still can, Tobias will take a swing at Gabriel.

Attack: 21
Damage: 4

Tewdwr [AC 17, HP 35/35)  d20+6=19 d20+6=25 d20+8=18 d20+8=28 d6+1=4 d6+1=6
Friday December 21st, 2007 12:10:42 PM

Tewdwr follows Tobias closely not losing track of him (fort vs wind: 19; reflex vs entangle: 25). He moves to O13 to flank Gabriel, and attacks the wolf man with his two heads.

Dryw attack: 18
Dryw damage: 4
Kynan attack: 28
Kynan damage: 6

Kendry AC 15/HP 40  d20+1=19 d20+3=14
Friday December 21st, 2007 1:04:24 PM

[Concentration: 19; Fort Save: 14]

Kendry casts silence centered on the intersection of M9, M10, N9, N10. Perhaps spell casters will be hindered.

He then sits down and pushes himself with his feet up against the inside corner of the doorway to further brace himself against the power of the wind.

Julian [AC 15 (13 due to Entangle), hp 67/67] Mage Armour, Raging  d20+13=26 d20+5=13
Friday December 21st, 2007 4:12:25 PM

Fort Save 26
Rage round 2 of 8
Str vs Entangle 13

Julian is more than raging, he is Enraged, "Get this stinking grass off me! Where the demon-spawn did this come from?! I am gonna..." fortunately a gust of wind fills Julian's mouth with water and leaves. He is left spluttering and coughing and unable to do anything else.

Dwight (ac 16, hp 27/35)  d20+11=27
Friday December 21st, 2007 8:48:54 PM

OOC: Dwight has precise shot feat. He should be able to fire into melee without the -4. Last round both arrows should have hit, though perhaps still no damage. Depend on how you do reduction. - and yes, Rex was the target.

Dwight gets ready to launch another pair of arrows, but can't seem to find his targets in the wind.

Trying to use his time wisely, he moves to the other side of the house, closer for when the rain lets up. (Moves to N17) -hide: 27

Selithe-AC:20-HP:43/43  d20+7=10 d100=46 d20+6=21
Saturday December 22nd, 2007 12:51:03 AM

(Glenn:My hp roll is on the L&B. Sorry for not posting the other day too people.)

Selithe last round thinks and tries casting a spell and summons a Celestial giant bombardier beetle, She will try to order it to attack the enemy. Selithe also smiles to Julian, "Thanks Julian, right now I'm worried about the lady there."

When she moves to the doorway however she finds staying on her feet a lot harder than she expected and once again hits the ground, letting out a small groan, "Stones this is getting annoying!"

(Concentration:21 Spell Failure check:46 Fort:10)

Saturday December 22nd, 2007 3:03:56 AM

Dropping the entangle at will, Podo rushes towards Ash while reaching for his blunted spiked chain from his handy haversack.

Airin [AC17 - HP 52/52] and Fioni 
Sunday December 23rd, 2007 6:43:51 AM

"Dwight I can't see a thing from up here!" Airin says to her companion next to her, "Let's go downstairs and see what those stones are all about. Perhaps they will prove to be of some use in this debacle..."

Airin rushes downstairs and goes to the place where she hid the stones. Unlikely she will have enough time to open the bag but if possible she'll feel the weight or have a peek inside the bag...

Sunday December 23rd, 2007 3:05:20 PM

Checking his mind, as Airin mentions stones, Dwight begins to follow. He finishes at the bottom of the stairs.

Posting Record Game 13 (ADM StevenVdB) 
Monday December 24th, 2007 5:50:45 AM

Posting Report for Game 13 for the week of December 17 - December 23

Name - MTWTFSS - # - %

DM Glenn - XXXXX-- - 5
Dwight - -2XXX-X - 6
Fickle - X--XX-- - 3
Podo - -22-XX- - 6
Selithe - -2---X- - 3
Kendry - X-XX2-- - 5
Tobias - -X-XX-- - 3
Airin - XX2-X-- - 5
Julian - XX-X2-X - 6

Weekly Summary : Oddities at night

Surprised by the banging on the front door most race down he stairs to see what's going on. An Elf woman puts a bag of stones in their hands begging them to hide them...
But then she is attacked by a bunch of shape changers... Or what are they?!?

Monday December 24th, 2007 8:50:07 AM

Checking in. . . And Ouch too!

Kendry AC 15 / HP 40 - Let's take them out 
Monday December 24th, 2007 7:17:41 PM

Once he has himself planted, Kendry says via the message spell, "These are werewolves - evil to the core from all I've heard. They have invaded our community. Let us eradicate them. Let me be clear. We kill these people. Podo, don't talk about getting along with them. If you personally cannot kill them, then at least knock them out - for they will try to kill us, now that we have attacked them."

Kendry recalls a distant cousin who was bitten by werewolves, and eventually was killed - only after he had killed several neighbors, and his own (not Kendry's) brother.

"Use silver if you have it, or magic - their skin resists normal weapons. Someone wake up Fickle. We need his strength. Attack from upwind."

Airin [AC17 - HP 52/52] and Fioni 
Tuesday December 25th, 2007 3:57:21 AM

Airin continues to race down the stairs.

Fickle & Ouch 
Wednesday December 26th, 2007 8:53:33 AM

Fickle loo to his wolf pup and ask, "Want a some funz OK! Let'z getz them> > >

Toyshop (DM Glenn)  d6=2 d20+2=11 d6=6 d20+11=21 d20+5=14 d20+5=25 d20+7=18 d20+4=18 d20+9=11 d20+9=23 d20+10=20 d20+8=22 d20+8=21 d20+3=18 d8+3=9 d8+3=6 d8+2=8 d8+6=11 d20+6=18 d6+3=9 d20+6=11 d20+8=12
Wednesday December 26th, 2007 5:08:34 PM

(OOC: Hope everyone has had a wonderfully holiday!)

Fickel wakes up momentarily only to faint at the sight of a raging Julian in his night shirt.

Bracing against the wind, Tobias moves forward through the entangling grass to attack Gabriel who is in wolf from. His sword hits the wolf, but the entire wound heals just as quickly as it was made. (DR 5 unless your weapon was silver.)

Tewdwr follows at Tobias' side also attacks the wolf who is Gabriel. Both heads bite deeply, and again both wounds heal. Only one leaves a small scratch (DR 5 silver 1pt dam)

Still Invisible and bracing himself in the doorway alcove, Kendry manages to cast a spell of silence on the battle area. Unseen by Kendry, all the people caught within the silence area immediately notice change from roaring windstorm drowning out all noise to a deafening silence in the night. Still the winds and rain tear at all in the street.

Raging and entangled by the plants, Julian struggles to break free.

Not being able to see through the strong wind and rain, Airin runs down stairs to retrieve the mysterious sack of stones wanted by Rex and his pack. (OOC: takes a full round to move between floors.)

Unable to see through the blinding rain, Dwight repairs to fire more arrows as soon as the winds gust passes, but quickly changes his mind deciding to follow Airin downstairs. (OOC: Sorry, yes last round both arrows would hit and both would have fallen out after a moment leaving no wound.)

Completing her summoning spell from last round, Selithe causes a Celestial giant bombardier beetle to appear next to enemy. When she goes to move, she loses her footing and the wind blows her down the street some 20 feet leaving her flat on her back again. The Celestial giant beetle immediately attacks Rex (hit ac 11), but its mandibles close only on air.

Concentrating for a moment, Podo dismisses the entangle spell. Then he moves forward while arming himself with a spiked chain weapon.

The bard Kendry using the message spell calls for the group to take the werewolves out using silver or magic.

Seemingly awake now, Fickle turns and talks to his wolf pup.

The storm continues to rages on, a very strong gust of rain and wind blows through the street.
The Windstorm and blinding rain make range attacks impossible as well as spot and listen checks. You can't see more than 5 feet.
[All spell casting requires Concentration DC10+spell level.]
[Small size creatures are blown away 1d6x10', medium Knocked down Fort DC18.]

[Kendry is partially covered from the wind so his Fort save is DC14 or blown away 1d6x10' east direction & knocked down]
[Podo, Selithe, Tobias, Julian and Shark Fort save of DC18 or blown away 1d6'x10 to the east & knocked down]
[Tewdwr & Celestial beetle (medium size) save of DC18 or be knocked down]

Due to the blinding rain and wind no one can see more than 5'.

Battle that some PCs can and can't see: Highlight to display spoiler: {
Half man and half wolf, Rex (Fort 21) keeps his footing (paws?) and attacks Tiggy with his weapons (hit ac 22, 21, 18 dam 9+6+8) hitting her three times and knocking her to the ground.
Wolf-R (Fort 14) is knocked down by the windstorm.
Ash (Fort 25), silently cursing whoever cast the silence spell, draws her weapon and attacks Podo (hit ac 18 dam 9). Her staff hits the healer.
Wolf-A (Fort 18) gets up from being knocked down and attacks the Celestial Beetle (hit ac 11 ). The wolf's bite misses.
Selim (Fort 18) Remaining on his feet, he still can't see any targets to attack.
Gabriel (Fort 11) gets up from being knocked down only to be knocked down again by the windstorm.
Mark (Fort 23) remains standing and continues to attack Tiggy (hit ac 12). He misses her even though she has fallen.
Tiggy (Fort 20) lays on the ground convulsing in pain.

Map http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dhqmshcg_8hhgw7xfv
Range attacks are impossible this round! Can't see more than 5' due to storm.

Tiggy AC21 Damage 16+9+6+8=40 (knocked down -4ac)
Rex (hybrid wolf/man) AC 21, damage 16 (DR ? /silver)
Wolf-R AC 14 (knocked down -4ac)
Ash AC 18, damage 3
Wolf-A AC 16
Selim AC 16
Gabriel(wolf) AC18, damaged 12 +1 (knocked down -4ac) (DR 5/silver)
Mark AC 21

Julian [AC 15, hp 67/67] Mage Armour, Raging  d20+13=17 d20+11=31 d6=6 d20=18 d20=1
Wednesday December 26th, 2007 9:23:00 PM

Julian's Fort save: 17
Shark's Fort save: 31, nat 20
Julian blown 60'
Rage round 4

Julian is blown down the street by a gust of wind. He makes a desperate grab at the tree [H14]to prevent himself from being blown further away. Trying to stay with his master, Shark follows him down the street.

OOC: I don't know what would be needed here. Will roll a d20, here's some mods [18]; Reflex save +3, Fort save +13, Strength check +5. [Ignore the second d20 roll]

Otherwise he is blown to C4, where he makes a grab for tree at B14.

Airin [AC17 - HP 52/52] and Fioni 
Thursday December 27th, 2007 2:31:37 AM

As planned Airin goes for the stones to check them out...

Fickle & Ouch 
Thursday December 27th, 2007 6:48:19 AM

Since Fickle is in shelter, looking for some food, but can hear the wind blasting out side. He'll turn and see his two friends ( near a window Airian and Dwight) "Yoy'z any thing out side'z??"

then tells his wolf pup, "Bad things going on out'z there! You'z stay Here! Okie Dokie??"

Ouch cock his head trying to figer out what Fickle said?? (I wonder if he'll listen??)

Dwight (ac 16, hp 27/35) 
Thursday December 27th, 2007 6:12:32 PM

Dwight hurries to where Airin stands and scans the rocks finally putting the pieces together. "These need to be split up, separated and hid to prevent those ruffians from getting them."

He quickly counts the stones, suggest one be hid in the room (for now) and the others be carried by Airin and Dwight.

He then asks Airin, "should we return upstairs or sneak out the back with the..um stuff. The combat outside likely needs help but the wind will likely prevent all my arrows and bows.

Kendry (AC 15/HP 40; Message; Invisibility; Expeditious Retreat)  d20+3=16 d20+1=12 d20+6=8
Friday December 28th, 2007 3:37:08 AM

Kendry sits with back firmly pressed into the corner of the doorway, his feet helping in that position (I'm figuring that his sitting position and bracing have got to help as well from having him blown away - maybe a +4 or so, although I rolled well enough this time without such a circumstantial bonus). [Fort save vs wind: 16. Concentrate for spellcasting: 12; Listen: 8-whatever - he just hears lots of wind]

Kendry, casts expeditious retreat, then, for the benefit of any (Airin, Tobias, +?) who received the message spell, "I can't see what's happening. Can we save the lady? What are you doing? They are in a silence spell. There are caltrops just a few feet from the lady with the wand, last I checked." He gets out some goggles to protect his eyes from the driving rain.

Fickle & Ouch 
Friday December 28th, 2007 7:50:36 AM

Fickle stands next to Airian and Dwight ""any thing'z I'z Can do??"

Ouch follows Fickle.

DM Glenn 
Friday December 28th, 2007 8:39:46 AM

OOC: The message spell is blocked for anyone in the silence area. Currently Podo & Tobias.

Kim, OOC, to all Crescent Valley players: Go to the Ghost! (NOW) 
Friday December 28th, 2007 9:41:43 PM

Friends - you can join many other adventurers of the Wold over at the Giggling Ghost. Have your Crescent Valley character enter through the fireplace of the inn, say hi to Fickle (& Ouch) and Kendry, grab a fishing pole, and roll a d3. If you roll a 3 on the d3, you get a prize. Look at the earlier DM post (and few player posts since the DM post) to find out which of 100 numbers are available.

Call out, for instance, "72!" - and, if you roll a d3, then you get prize #72. The DM will let you know what you won. There are only a few days left. There's some nice stuff to be had! So, go to the Ghost! Get some Christmas / Solstice / Holiday goodies. Eat some excellent pie.

[So far, Kendry has won:
Kendry hooks a Hide from Animals potion stuffed into the mouth of a stuffed toy squirrel.
Kendry discovers a disguise kit in a polished, red, wooden box.

One of my other characters, Bill Troublefinder, 'unwraps a masterwork mandolin, in a brown leather case.'

Kendry discovers 10 tightly sealed flasks of oil on a black leather bandolier.
Kendry unwraps a small Steel Mirror and a painted yellow hairbrush.

Dwight is now with us. C'mon, join in the rest of you!]

Saturday December 29th, 2007 12:00:56 PM

Greetings Woldians,

I hope you've been keeping up with the changes we've been discussing on the LnB. If not, you have a novel to read amongst all the posts.

Basically, we're doing the following things:

--purging all 2nd characters from everyone except DMs...that's their reward for being a DM.
--We're adding a new type game: Challenge Games. It is a 2 year campaign game. We're calling our normal games Career Games.

Anyway, because of the Challenge Games, which will begin ASAP for their first 2 year run, as well as the pruning of the 2nd characters, we'll be holding a vote starting


...and ENDING on


We'll be voting on one thing only:

Do you want to play in a Challenge Game or a Career Game?

If you choose Career Game, I"ll want a second piece of information. I will need to know if you want to remain in your current game or move to another.

That's it.

Voting is NOT accepted until January 2nd and all votes will be emailed to me here at gericko@gmail.com. I will not accept votes that are made on the LnB, though you may post your vote there if you want.

If you don't vote, then the ACDMs and I will be PLACING you into a Challenge game by default as that is the "new thing" and we're kinda pushing it as a new option.

Let me repeat that and reword it:

If you don't vote you lose your right to choose your game and WILL be placed. Yeah I know that is hard, but we're moving forward and don't want to have votes trickling in weeks later.

This email is just to get your attention in case you haven't been following the information overload on the LnB.

If you have a question about all this or are now totally confused, reply to me only or post on the LnB where you'll get 100s of people telling you what is going on. :)

Or you can IM me on AIM. My handle is Gericko.

Enjoy your day and don't freak out!

CDM Jerry

DM Glenn 
Sunday December 30th, 2007 10:59:57 AM

Wow look at the fancy, automated posting report below.

Good it doesn't appear if your not logged in.

But, how did Kim get counted with three post when he has only one?
[Kim answers Glenn from within his own post, and earns another post count. Glenn - as you know, I have permission from most of the folks on this board to make simple, non-destructive eidts. Umm - edits. Most of what I do is get rid of the extra returns when someone ends their post with several unneed Enter key strokes. When you, Glenn, mean the word 'quiet' but write it as 'quite', then I fix that. That gets counted as a post. That's how I earn extra-credit posts! -Kim]

[Aha! John Klinger changed his code, so that only posts, and not edits, show up in the end-of-the-page count. -Kim]

Dwight - OOC 
Sunday December 30th, 2007 4:48:53 PM

I'm logged in, but don't see a posting report.

Sunday December 30th, 2007 8:38:53 PM

Dwight - John Klinger is working on it - right now DMs and ADMs can see it. The PTB will decide whether to let everyone see it. Personally, I think it would be great.

Boy, lots of OOC stuff here the last few days!

Sunday December 30th, 2007 8:40:26 PM

"Airin, can you hear me? Are you all right? What is going on in the shop? Shall I decoy the werewolves away from here?" he whispers via the message spell.

Monday December 31st, 2007 5:41:05 AM

I can see it. Maybe I am still an ADM for Swords of Light....

Fickle & Ouch 
Monday December 31st, 2007 9:14:08 AM

Well it looks like I will have to leave this game//

Toyshop (DM Glenn) 
Monday December 31st, 2007 11:11:54 AM

Raging with nightshirt flapping in the wind, Julian gets blown around by the fierce wind. Shark avoiding being picked up by the same wind tries to follow Julian. (OOC It was an ill east wind blowing you around.)

Retrieving the bag from its hiding place, Airin check out the contents. Dwight having followed her downstairs peeks over Airin's shoulder as she peeks in the bag.

Inside Airin and Dwight find... Highlight to display spoiler: { In the bag is a collection of objects: A hard wood cylinder, a black stone cube, a glass sphere, a blue stone pyramid, and a steel wedge shape block. All a little larger than your fist.}

Out of bed and looking around, Fickle sees Airin and Dwight looking in a bag, he hears the roaring of the wind and rain from outside. Sensing it might be dangerous he orders Ouch to stay put. Ouch wags his tail having heard Fickle say his name.

Still hanging on and still invisible, Kendry cast a spell on himself then whispers via the message spell what information he has about the battle. He ask if Airin's hears him, and what do they know.
(OOC: BTW - Kim, thanks for making the little edits to keep our English proper!)

Standing against the wind (Fort 18 & 26), Tobias and Tewdwr continue to attack the flank of the wolf from that is Gabriel (DM rolls +2 flank Tobias 23 dam 5, Dryw 9 miss, Kynan 19 dam 3). Tobias and Kynan hit, but the wounds are ineffective against the wolf creature.

Getting back to her feet, Selithe braces herself against the wind again. (fort save 12) Only to be picked up and blown in the opposite direction by 10 feet. Her Celestial giant beetle attacks Rex again (hit ac 11), but its mandibles close only on air again.

Bracing against the wind (fort 19), Podo holds his place ready to attack. (OOC: take two actions.)

(Storm=1) The windstorm gusts, subside to only Strong winds. The winds and rain continue to blow from storm. Unprotected flames would be extinguished. The strong winds make it difficult for any tiny or small flying creatures and for range attacks. The rain and wind also makes it more difficult to spot, listen and cast spells.
[Strong winds: -2 adj to range attacks, spot and listen checks, Tiny or smaller -- Knocked down Fort DC10]
[All spell casting requires Concentration DC10+spell level.]

With the lessening of the rain and wind everyone can see the battle in the middle of the street as it continues.

Most striking change is that where Tiggy was there is now a rather large tiger that strikes Mark with a powerful blow to the chest causing him to fall to the muddy ground in convulsions. The large tiger easy jumps over the fallen man and moves to the east.

Out of reflex, Rex swings at the tiger as it moves away (AoO hit ac13), but his misses. Rex mouths several unheard curses due to the silence. He motions to Ash to follow him. The others he points to the interfering Halflings followed by a sharp motion across his neck. He moves after the tiger. The Celestial beetle snaps at Rex as he moves (AoO hit ac 14) but it misses.

Wolf-R gets up from the muddy ground and follows it master.

Ash fighting defensively moves to follow Rex. (OOC: Podo you can get an AoO on Ash as she moves away)

Wolf-A also bits at the Tiger as it moves (AoO hit ac 12), but it too misses. As Ash moves the wolf falls in at her side.

With arrows ready, Selim breaths a sigh of relief as the large tiger pass by him without attacking. Then turning he fires two arrows at the Celestial beetle (hit ac 22 & 14, dam 12)

The wolf Gabriel turns to face Tobias and Tewdwr. It bites at Tobias but misses.

Mark is on the ground his body is going through the process of changing into a wolf. He is caught in painful spasms as his bones and muscles rearrange.

The wind and rain continues to storm as the battle changes and splits.

Map http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dhqmshcg_10f469q9hr

Tiggy AC18 Damage 16+9+6+8=40
Rex (hybrid wolf/man) AC 21, damage 16 (DR ? /silver)
Wolf-R AC 14 (knocked down -4ac)
Ash AC 20, damage 3
Wolf-A AC 16
Selim AC 16
Gabriel(wolf) AC18, damaged 12 +1 (DR 5/silver)
Mark (wolf) AC 18, damage 11 (Down -4ac changing)

(OOC: Ceil and Justin, I hate to have to lose you two as players, but I understand that you both have older and well established characters in others adventures, so I understand completely. Currently to my knowledge no date has been set for when the second character must leave so I hope you keep playing and having fun. If you have any ideas about how you want to exit your characters let me know. (IE. Taking a job teaching? Starting a business, going to study under a high monk on some mountain....)

Podo Danderfluff [AC:20 || HP:31]  d20+9=28 d4=4 d6=6 d20+4=22
Monday December 31st, 2007 4:46:24 PM

Seeing the many changes in battle, Podo makes an AoO against Ash as she moves past him to follow the tiger.

Letting loose with a stunning fist attack for non-leathal damage with additional damage from his Merciful Tear, Podo hopes to stop her in her tracks.

Stunning Fist DC:28 Non-Lethal Damage:4 + 6 =10
Fortitude saving throw dc: 16 or be stunned.

{following your 2 move suggestion, I will take one...}
Podo will try to cast Calm Emotions on the group charging away with the center point of R10.
{Calm Emotions:
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)= 130ft.
Area: Creatures in a 20-ft.-radius spread

Raising forth his palms turned outward and upwards Podo asks Alemi to calm the emotions of this rag-tag group! "Oh Alemi, blessed One, Please him me to calm the emotions of these brother and sisters of Oerth. I ask this through you, oh lord! Amen."

Concentration Check DC(DC10+2 for success):22
Saving throw against your spell DC: 15

Spells Prepared/u]

Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Create Water, Read Magic

1st Level
Cure Light Wounds, Deathwatch, Bless, Bless Water, Entangle(Su)*

2nd Level
Cure Moderate Woundsx2, Calm Emotions*,

* denotes has been cast

[OOC: Podo, Please keep your two actions in relation to the two rounds Previous round You were in melee with Ash and you couldn't see more than 5'. You chose to run to Z11? (Note you wouldn't in position to then make the AoO at the start of the current round, and when you moved Ash would have been able to make a AoO on you. Also, you wouldn't know that they are moving away until the current round.) For the current round please make a concentration check of DC10+spell level to cast a spell within the wind and rain of the storm and please pick a center point for the calm spell. Thanks for putting the save DC for both the stun attack and spell!

You can repost if you would like. As is I would interrupt it as making standard attack & AoO previous round then moving to follow them and cast your spell. Thanks -Glenn]

{OOC: Glenn see email I sent. }
(OOC: I haven't seen the email yet, but I see you did modify your post. Thanks! -Glenn)

Dwight (ac 16, hp 28/35) 
Monday December 31st, 2007 8:18:59 PM

OOC: Now I can see posting report it looks good!

Dwight looks at each piece quickly, know he really wants to spend hours examining each piece and its relation to others. "Five, made of different things, in different shapes," he begins before drawing himself back into the chaos of the situation. "Friends and the storm!"

"Airin, I still think these should be separated, and hidden for the time being. It seems whoever brought them here tried their best to keep them from the wolf-man."

Unless Airin protests, Dwight will reach in and grab the glass sphere.

He will then rush back upstairs to the last window he was at. (017)

OOC: As Dwight is my only PC, CV is my one and only home. I'd like to keep it a career game.

Julian [AC 13, hp 67], Charging, Raging, Mage Armour, Nightshirt.  d20+9=16 d10+11=13 d20+13=19 d20+6=14 d2+1=2
Monday December 31st, 2007 8:51:33 PM

OOC: Hopefully we are all back to regular posting then?
Justin and Ceil, I hope you stick this game out as long as possible.

Julian, soaked to the bones in his nightshirt, calls out in Halfling,
"Little help to end this dance over here, please-" then in Common, "-and we can ask questions later - anyone know Speak with Dead?"

Julian charges the nearest wolf with his greatsword raised high in two hands. He brings it down with an almighty blow that cuts deeply into the wolf's torso, "Who's next for Gargal then, hey?"

Rage round 5 of 8
Power Attack 3
Magic +1 greatsword

Move to U12, attack Wolf R
Hit AC 16
Damage 13

Combat Reflexes - 3 AoO
Spells cast: 1 cantrip of 6, 2 1st level of 6.

Shark [AC 18, hp 33] Raging, Mage Armour shared.
Fort save vs Wind: 19

Julian's badger scurries along to fight with him, the same fiery look in his eyes. Through plenty of training and practice the Shark and Julian almost fight as one. The badger claws at the wolf's hind leg and Julian drives his sword into it.

Move to S12, Attack Wolf R, probably provoking an AoO from the Wolf
Hit AC 14
Damage 2

Julian addendum 
Monday December 31st, 2007 8:57:24 PM

OOC just read up on Podo's Calm Emotions, I missed it the first time.

If the spell effects everyone then Julian will hold off. I imagine that he is outside the area of the spell's effect. If someone is still acting on 'violent actions' Julian will 'dance' with them - use the above numbers. Both Julian and Shark have a base speed of 30'.

Kendry [;AC 15/ HP 40; message 138.5 minutes, invisibility 5.5 minutes, expeditious retreat 6.9 minutes]  d20+1=11 d20+1=16
Tuesday January 1st, 2008 4:18:21 AM

Watching what is happening with Tiggy [Spot 11], the moment he sees her change into a tiger, Kendry whispers, 'The lady they're attacking turned into a tiger.' He sees her attack 'Mark' then dash off. He notices Rex giving the 'kill them' sign across the neck, then start to run after Tiggy [Spot 16]. He now understands her name. As he has been watching, he also has stood up with the lessening of the wind, as well as reaching into his haversack for another box of caltrops.

'Some will stay behind, they are supposed to kill us. Some are running up the street, to the east. I'm running to the east. Use silver or magic,' he whispers. He also considers the pouch of silver he has - 36 coins last he counted.

He stands, then begins to run along the grassy area next to the buildings in the same general direction that Tiggy is running. [Move, run, (20+30)*4=200 ft/round.] He will be mindful if anyone cuts across his path, or looks about to do so.

DM Glenn 
Tuesday January 1st, 2008 11:50:27 AM

OOC: Only 4 of 8 posted. I'll check back later.

Happy new year 2008!!!

Tuesday January 1st, 2008 11:49:50 PM

Yes, Happy New Year, my friends.

CDM Jerry Voting Begins Now!! 
Wednesday January 2nd, 2008 3:45:22 AM


Here is the ballot: Please complete, copy, and post your vote in Lynn's Café Message Board on the site.

Please avoid any "additions" to the vote if possible. Yes, we know you're an individual.

You need to vote by Monday January 7th or you may be assigned to a game.

I'll post my vote after this one as an example.

If you have a question about voting, not a comment or discussion, post your question.

Take all comments and discussion about the votes to the Loot 'N Booty board please.




Character Name(s):

Current Character Game(s):


Place an X BEFORE your single choice of vote:

--I wish to play in a Challenge Game.

--I wish to play in a Career Game.


If you voted for a Career Game, please place an X BEFORE your single choice of vote:

--I wish to continue playing in my CURRENT game.

--I wish to play in a brand new Career game.

--I wish to play in a different Career game. (I want to join __________. Fill in the name of the game you wish to join.)


If you voted for a Challenge Game, please place an X BEFORE your single choice of vote.

--I wish to play in The Great Dwarven Adamantite Rush Challenge Game. [DM to be decided. May be Jerry(me)]

--I wish to play in The Uncharted Lands Challenge Game to be DMed by Bob and Carla.
--I wish to play in the HELL ON WOLD (Earth)!!!! Challenge Game to be DMed by Jim Frick.
(note that there may be other Challenge Games offered, but as these were the first to have an approved advertisement, I'm offering these to be filled first.)

Airin and Fioni  d20+19=39 d20+19=32 d20+19=33
Wednesday January 2nd, 2008 6:01:19 AM

"Indeed odd things... "Airin says to Dwight. "Ok let's separate them..."

Airin takes the cylinder, the cube and the Block and begins hiding them among the toys downstairs.

"Dwight here, take the pyramid too and put it somewhere upstairs."

Hiding items: 39, 32, 33

Toyshop (DM Glenn)  d20+5=7 d20+11=23 d20+8=12 d20+1=9 d20+8=28 d20+2=20 d20+7=27 d20+3=15 d20+3=23 d20=14 d20+7=14 d20+8=22 d20+6=21 d20+6=18 d4+2=4 d6+1=6 d6+1=3 d20+2=10 d6=2 d20+5=19 d20+5=25 d20+5=15 d8+3=9 d8+3=5 d8+3=9 d8+3=7 d20+7=13 d20+7=20 d6+4=9
Wednesday January 2nd, 2008 12:08:30 PM

During the previously round, Podo hits Ash with a non lethal stunning attack. The blow knocks Ash senseless causing her to drop her staff (Fort 7). Rex seeing her stunned grabs her arm (hit ac 23) and drags her long after him. During the current round, Podo moves out of the silence area and ignoring the storm, manages to cast a Calming spell on the combatants. The spell seems to only have an effect on Rex and his wolf. (Note requires concentration action and a DC12 concentration check every round to maintain the spell.) (OOC: good job keeping the top two NPCs off balanced!)

Having seen the stones, Dwight makes a comment to Airin as he grabs the glass sphere and returns to the upstairs window.

Raging, Julian sees Podo cast some type of spell, but has know idea what it does (DM rolled SpellCraft 14). Julian still in his night shirt attacks the nearest wolf with his greatsword mortally wounding it. Shark move with Julian in attacking the wolf, he bites the dying wolf as it falls from the sword blow. (Note: Animals when attacking move to the closest point to attack from.) Needless to say Rex is no longer calmed; he looks like someone just killed his companion!

Watching the battle, Kendry sees a tiger dash off from where Tiggy once stood. The bard tries to keep within sight of the tiger as it breaks into a run 160ft. Kendry runs 200ft/round currently should be able to keep up for as long as the spell lasts and the storm doesn't slow him down. (120ft Off map)

Looking at the stones, Airin agrees with Dwight about splitting the items up, she also starts to hide the stones among the toys. First the cylinder. (OOC: Hide 1 per round)

Seeing Airin hiding the stones, Fickle goes to help, "Me like hide and seek game!" He hides the pyramid (hide 14)

Tobias and Tewdwr continues to attack the Wolf/Gabriel (Tobias hit ac 22 dam 4, Dryw 21 dam 6, kynan 18 dam 3). All three hit, but two of the tree wounds heal completely and the third heals almost completely (1pt).

Not being blown around by the wind, Selithe get up and quickly moves back into the shop. Her Celestial giant beetle move to attack Gabriel (hit ac 10), but misses.

(Storm = 2) The strong winds continue. The winds and rain continue to blow from storm. Unprotected flames would be extinguished. The strong winds make it difficult for any tiny or small flying creatures and for range attacks. The rain and wind also makes it more difficult to spot, listen and cast spells.
[Strong winds: -2 adj to range attacks, spot and listen checks, Tiny or smaller -- Knocked down Fort DC10]
[All spell casting requires Concentration DC10+spell level.]

The large Tiger breaks into a full run into the stormy night 160ft/round. (150ft off map)

Rex (calm vs will 12) is momentarily calmed by Podo's spell, that is until it's broken by the death of his companion wolf. With hate in his eyes he looks about ready to abandon his tiger chase and attack Julian.
Wolf-R (calm vs will 9) is calmed by Podo's spell until killed by Julian's sword.
Ash (calm vs will 28) as she recovers from being stunned she is able to resist Podo's spell sees Rex's wolf killed by Julian and Rex's reaction. Knowing they can't let Tiggy get way she places a restraining hand on Rex. Nodding in agreement Rex marks Julian in his mind then he, Ash and her wolf break into a run to follow the tiger.
Wolf-A (calm vs will 20) resist Podo's spell follows Ash off the map.

Selim (calm vs will 27) resists Podo's spell, turns and fires two arrows at Julian (hit ac 19, 25 (crit 15) dam 9, 5+9+7=21 total 30)
Gabriel (calm vs will 15) resists Podo's spell and continues to bite at Tobias (hit ac 13), but misses again.
Mark (calm vs will 23) resists Podo's spell and completes his change into wolf form, then moves to attack Tewdwr biting him deeply (hit ac 20 dam 9).

Map http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dhqmshcg_12dt7vwghb

(off map 150ft)
Tiggy AC18 Damage 16+9+6+8=40

(off map 80ft)
Rex (hybrid wolf/man) AC 21, (DR ? /silver) damage 16
Ash AC 20, damage 3+10=13
Wolf-A AC 16

(On map)
Wolf-R damage 16 (dead)
Selim AC 16
Gabriel(wolf) AC18, (DR 5/silver) damaged 13 +1=14
Mark (wolf) AC 18, damage 11

Dwight (ac 16, hp 28/35)  d20+6=24 d20+9=26
Wednesday January 2nd, 2008 8:29:53 PM

Dwight arrives upstairs with the sphere he grabbed and the pyramid given to him. He considers firing or hiding them.

Against his best judgement he decides to hide one upstairs. He hates putting the shop and Kendry's family in such a position, but obviously these are worth something. He searches for a good hiding spot. (search:24, hide:26) Finding the best spot in the shortest amount of time, Dwight shoves the pyramid into a sack of blocks, shapes and other miscellaneous building items.

Julian [AC 15, hp 37/67] Raging || Shark [AC 18, hp 33]  d20+5=10 d20+5=16 d20+6=15 d2+1=3
Wednesday January 2nd, 2008 11:00:54 PM

Rage round 6 of 8

Julian ignores the pang of the first arrow, but the second arrow bites deep into his belly, his own blood now rapidly seeping into his already blood-covered nightshirt. He looks to the archer, "You are going down," and runs at him with his sword high, Shark right on his heels.

At the last moment Julian drops his shoulder into Selim's groin. Shark claws at the archer.

Move to Q9, to Overrun Selim. (Base speed 30', +4 Improved Overrun feat, -4 small size)
Overrun: 10
using last hero point: 16 (it'll have to do)

"Stay down or you'll know about it."
Shark claws at the human.
Hit AC 15 [that's a hit ONLY IF Julian knocked him down prone]
Damage 3

Combat Reflexes: 3 AoO's

Podo Danderfluff [AC:20 || HP:31] 
Thursday January 3rd, 2008 12:39:29 AM

Seeing the rest take off, Podo heads to catch up to them running at full speed (20' * 4 = 80')ending up somewhere near AB14.


Spells Prepared
Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Create Water, Read Magic

1st Level
Cure Light Wounds, Deathwatch, Bless, Bless Water, Entangle(Su)*

2nd Level
Cure Moderate Woundsx2, Calm Emotions*,

* denotes has been cast

Kendry [AC 15/ HP 40; message 138.4 minutes, invisibility 5.4 minutes, expeditious retreat 6.8 minutes] Running up the street 
Thursday January 3rd, 2008 3:57:26 AM

'Airin - send someone out to help Julian and Podo. I'm going out of range.' is all that Kendry can whisper via the message spell before he gets beyond the useful distance.

He looks ahead and considers a good turning place. In elvish as he draws abreast her he asks the tiger, "You did not want my levitation. Would you like my invisibility?"

Airin [AC17 - HP 52/52] and Fioni 
Thursday January 3rd, 2008 6:21:42 AM

Hearing Kendry's last question through the message spell Airin quickly speaks to Dwight and Fickle.

"Continue hiding the stones... Fickly, please do remember where you put them ok?"

Next she takes her Bastard Sword, goes for the door, swings it open... braces herself from the heavy wind... and goes out to help Julian and Podo...

(she will probably not get any further than N15)

Thursday January 3rd, 2008 8:44:44 AM

Fickle is wondering if he should stay or go??

Toyshop (DM Glenn)  d6+1=2
Thursday January 3rd, 2008 10:54:30 AM

OOC: lost my dice rolls when I refreshed my page. Sorry.]

Upstairs, Dwight searches for a good place to hide one of the stones he has.

Raging in a bloody and wet nightshirt, Julian threatens the archer as he slams into the man in an attempt to knock him over. Julian can tell the archer is very strong as the man tries to block (DC14), but Julian manages to throw the man off balance and he goes over losing his bow in the process. As the man falls in the mud, Shark manages to claw the guy.

Podo takes off after the three chasing the Tiger. (off map by 20ft)

Leaving a message for Airin, Kendry races to catch up with the Tiger and offers magical help to her. The Tiger roars in the invisible's bard direction, obviously frustrated with his interference, she keeps running at full speed. Looking back through the storm Kendry sees the pursuers slow as they change form. (off map by 310ft)

Airin continues to hide the stones with Fickle's help. Then move out to help Julian and Podo?

Fickle follows Airin as far as the doorway, wondering what to do next?

Selithe stands inside the doorway soaked and dripping with mud, wondering what to do next. Her Celestial giant beetle dissipates as the magical energies are exhausted.

Continuing to attack, Tobias stabs at the Wolf(Gabriel) (hit ac+8=27 dam d4+2=6) all but the tiniest of the wound disappears (1pt). Tewdwr turns to attack the other wolf(Mark) (hit ac+6=25,13 dam d6+1=6) the deep bite hardy leaves a mark (1pt)

(Storm = 2) The strong winds continue. The winds and rain continue to blow from storm. Unprotected flames would be extinguished. The strong winds make it difficult for any tiny or small flying creatures and for range attacks. The rain and wind also makes it more difficult to spot, listen and cast spells.
[Strong winds: -2 adj to range attacks, spot and listen checks, Tiny or smaller -- Knocked down Fort DC10]
[All spell casting requires Concentration DC10+spell level.]

the chase
The Tiger continues to flee. Heading towards the city gates.

Rex and Ash slow only long enough to turn into wolfs, as they continue chancing the tigers along with Ash's wolf.

the battle
Selim (archer) is knocked flat by Julian. Ignoring Julian's threats he scrambles to his feet both Julain and Shark get a (AoO on him as he stands.).

Gabriel in wolf from bites at Tobias (hit ac 16) missed again. (Note Tobias has Ac20 listed, but only Airin took time to put on armor. So his AC should be 16, which I will start using next round. Let me know if this is incorrect.)

Mark in wolf from bites Tewdwr (hit ac 20, dam 5) hitting again.

Map http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dhqmshcg_14fxnhx4w5

(off map 310ft)
Tiggy AC18 Damage 16+9+6+8=40

(off map 180ft)
Rex (wolf) AC 21, (DR ? /silver) damage 16
Ash(wolf) AC 20, damage 3+10=13
Wolf-A AC 16

(On map)
Wolf-R damage 16 (dead)
Selim AC 16 damage 3
Gabriel(wolf) AC18, (DR 5/silver), damaged 14+1=15
Mark (wolf) AC 18, (DR 5/silver) , damage 11+1=12

[OOC: Can someone post/sub for Selithe and or Tobias until they return?]
(Tobias AC 16, HP44/44), (Tewdwr AC17, HP 21/35) (Selithe-AC:20-HP:43/43)

Airin [AC17 - HP 52/52] and Fioni  d20+6=26 d20+6=26 d20+6=7 d8=6 d8=7 2d6(1+5)=6
Thursday January 3rd, 2008 11:17:24 AM

Airin moves behind the tree to Q14 so she gets behind Mark (wolf) hoping to flank him...

Once in position she swings her sword...

Hits AC26 - NAT20 - Crit Check - NAT20 WOOOT!! - No instant death - Damage: 6Hp + 7Hp crit damage - sneak attack? 6Hp
Total damage: 13Hp (19 if sneak attack)

Impressed by her own strike Airin gazes at the wounds she inflicted on the Wolf...

DM Glenn 
Thursday January 3rd, 2008 11:30:04 AM

Voted in Lynn's Café
Kim -- Kendry
Robert -- Julian
Steven VdB -- Airin
Jon-Paul -- Podo

(2nd character to be retired)
Justin -- Selithe
Ceil -- Fickle

Hasn't voted yet
Anthony -- Dwight
Pedro -- Tobias

Remember to vote. Non-voting PCs will default to a Challenge game vote!

Posting Record Game 13 (ADM StevenVdB) 
Thursday January 3rd, 2008 12:06:48 PM

OOC : sorry wasn't aware that we still needed to make the posting record. I thought the report at the bottom was going to replace this report. So a bit later than usual but here goes :-)

Posting Report for Game 13 for the week of December 24 - December 30

Name - MTWTFSS - #

DM Glenn - --X-X-X - 3
ADM - ------- -
Dwight - ---X--- - 1
Fickle - --XXX-- - 3
Podo - ------- - 0
Selithe - ------- - 0
Kendry - X---X-X - 3
Tobias - ------- - 0
Airin - -X-X--- - 2
Julian - --X---- - 1

Weekly Summary : Toyshop frenzy

Several tugs attacking Twiggy shapechange into Wolfs and continue to gnaw on the poor lady. Soon some of our friends come to her aid fighting in what seems to be an uncanny storm...
Inside the inn the bag of stones is searched wondering what could be so special about a few rocks...

Selithe-AC:20-HP:43/43  d20+5=24 d20+6=15 d100=69 d4+1=3 d4+1=5
Thursday January 3rd, 2008 8:06:01 PM

(OOC:Hope everyone had a Happy Near Year and a great Christmas. Sorry for being gone so long. Was going to post yesterday but I was under the weather.)

(Glenn:Was wondering if you got my email concerning Christmas stuff?)

Selithe blinks as she snaps out of her little day dream. For some reason she just had a feeling something was going to change with the group and everything and she wasn't sure if this was going to be a good change or not.

Not knowing what else to do Selithe begins chanting again. With the words said she points and fires two magic missiles at Selim. (2/4)

(Fort:24 Concentration:15 Spell Failure:69)
(I'll post spells next round. Hope thats okay and I'll note that Selithe has used a magic missile spell and summon monsterII.)

Dwight (ac 16, hp 28/35)  d20+8=14
Thursday January 3rd, 2008 10:09:17 PM

Having hid the pyramid, Dwight repositions himself at the window and fires one arrow at the only non-wolf Selim

1 attack: 14-2(wind)=12

The arrows flies wide with the wind.

Podo Danderfluff [AC:20 || HP:31] 
Thursday January 3rd, 2008 10:24:37 PM

Thinking the better of it, Podo heads back at a full run to stop at position P11. While running back, Podo will reach into his Handy haversack withdrawing his blunted Spike chain so as to be ready to use it next round.

Spells Prepared
Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Create Water, Read Magic

1st Level
Cure Light Wounds, Deathwatch, Bless, Bless Water, Entangle(Su)*

2nd Level
Cure Moderate Woundsx2, Calm Emotions*,

* denotes has been cast

Julian [AC 15, hp 37/67] Raging || Shark [AC 18, hp 33]  d20+8=15 d10+13=22 d20+6=19 d2+1=3 d20+10=17 d20+6=17 d2+1=3
Thursday January 3rd, 2008 10:28:25 PM

OOC: you missed me in the posting report (Robert McLean & Julian)

Julian - --1-- - 1
"I told you stay down..." Julian wildly swings his greatsword round into the torso of the man trying to get up as his badger claws at the man's legs.

Julian Power Attack: 4
Hit AC 15 (opponent prone -4 to AC vs melee)
Damage 22
Shark Hit AC 19
Damage 3 = TOTAL damage to Selim 25
Rage round 7 of 8

"Stay on this one, Shark. Keep him down."
Julian moves to fight with Tobias against the wolf attacking him and his own (two-headed) wolf.

Power Attack 4 (I think it has to be for a whole round), Flanking.
Hit AC 17, darn...

Shark continues to claw at Selim's legs. (Rage round 7 of 9)
Hit AC 17
Damage 3

OOC I'll post for Tobias if you like.

ADM StevenVdB : terribly sorry Julian. Report updated. Did not select the row you were in (doing this in excel)

Thursday January 3rd, 2008 10:33:36 PM

Forgot the movement: That would be Julian moving to O11 since Podo is at P11.

Tobias AC 16, HP44/44 || Tewdwr AC17, HP 21/35 (by Robert)  d20+10=11 d20+6=25 d6+1=4 d20+6=14
Thursday January 3rd, 2008 10:51:08 PM

"Thanks, Julian. I can't seem to hurt it much - it just heals over! Kynan and Dryw - this one first." Tobias and Tewdyr continue their attacks against Gabriel, grateful for the flanking offered by Julian and Podo.

Tobias Hit AC 11,
Kynan Hit AC 25, damage 4 -1 = healed over...
Dryw Hit AC 14 (forgot the flanking bonus, but it wouldn't have made the difference)

Kendry  d20+9=29
Friday January 4th, 2008 1:46:52 AM

Sensing that Tiggy wants him not to follow her any more, Kendry thinks things over. He cuts left and takes several steps into a street. He pulls out a whistle, and begins to blow it shrilly.

Between blows, he begins to call out, loudly, but with a light country accent. "Werewolves!! Militia! Town Guard! Bring out your silvered weapons! There are werewolves in the streets! No, ma'am, go back in side. Silver crossbow bolts? Yes, have your husband bring it. Captain! Your sword is glowing! Around this corner. With your eight men. Come with me! Wolves & Werewolves!" [Bluff, 29]

Friday January 4th, 2008 7:47:09 AM

I'm Soory, But the powers that be, told me that Fickle and ouch Has to go off into the sunset. It has been a good run, I'll miss you all.

Toyshop (DM Glenn)  d20+7=15 d20+7=20 d6+4=6 d6=6 d20+11=27 d20+5=7 d20+2=5 d20+9=17 d20+9=19 d20+7=12
Friday January 4th, 2008 11:02:43 AM

Moving, Airin tries to get behind the wolf-Mark. As she move to get behind him he get a snap at her (AoO hit ac 15), but his jaws catch only wind and rain. Airin stabs his deeply with her sword. Some of the wound heals over, but not much (total dam 14pt. good hit!)

Coming alert, Selithe cast a spell causing two magic missiles to hit Selim
(OOC: Yes get your email, find with me. Cost is zero.)

Opening the upstairs window, Dwight fires an arrow at Silim, but the strong winds blows it off course.

Having second thoughts, Podo turns around and runs back, getting his blunted Spike chain ready for use. Seeing the healer running up behind him Gabriel turns at snaps at Podo (AoO hit ac20, dam 6) biting him deeply.

Having warned the man, Julian swings and Shark claws as he gets up. The man falls back to the ground dead! Shark continues to attack the dead archer as ordered, as Julain steps forward and attacks the wolf-Gabriel, but just barely misses. (OOC: yes power attack is for whole round. Technically the first attack was an AoO from the previous round.)

Tobias and Tewdwr continues to attack the werewolfs. Only one of Tewdwr's bites hit, but it's no enough to wound the werewolf.

Changing plans, Kendry turns down a side street and start raising a ruckus that sounds like alerted militia or guards. (Off map by 340ft)

(OOC: Sorry that Fickle has to go, He is truly a unique character, and will be missed. Be carful of walking into sunsets, they are very hot!)

(Storm = 6) The storm intensifies with windstorm gust and driving rain.
Unprotected flames are extinguished.
The Windstorm gust make it impossible to see or hear more than 5'. Range attacks are impossible.
[All spell casting in the storm requires Concentration DC10+spell level.]
Small creatures are blown away d6+10' west unless they make a Fort DC18 save
Medium creatures are Knocked down unless they make a Fort DC18 save.

[Tewdwr make a Fort DC18 or be knocked down.]

[Dwight, Shark, Podo, Airin, Tobias, and Kendry make a Fort DC18 or be blown d6x10 feet west and knockdown.]

The large tiger is unaffected by the windstorm of driving rain and wind. She keeps running as she disappears into the storm.

The three wolfs (Rex, Ash and Ash's wolf) chasing the tiger are also swallowed by fierce Storm. They either can't hear or don't react to the bard's distraction.

Wolf-Gabriel is knocked down by the terrible wind and rain into the muddy street. (fort 17)

Wolf-Mark continues to stand against the wind (fort 19), he turns and attack the Halfling who stabbed he so deeply in the back. (hit ac 12) His savage bite misses Airin.

Map http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dhqmshcg_16c2vxzfdz

(off map ?)
Tiggy AC18 Damage 16+9+6+8=40

(off map ?)
Rex (wolf) AC 21, (DR ? /silver) damage 16
Ash(wolf) AC 20, damage 3+10=13
Wolf-A AC 16

(On map)
Wolf-R damage 16 (dead)
Selim AC 16 damage 3+7+25=35 (dead)
Gabriel(wolf) AC18, (DR 5/silver), damaged 15 (knocked down -4ac)
Mark (wolf) AC 18, (DR 5/silver), damage 12+14=26

Podo Danderfluff [AC:20 || HP:(31) 25]  d20+8=12
Friday January 4th, 2008 2:56:19 PM

The wind storm getting more the fierce, makes it hard to stand erect! The wind blows so hard, he falls over and is knocked backwards!

Spells Prepared
Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Create Water, Read Magic

1st Level
Cure Light Wounds, Deathwatch, Bless, Bless Water, Entangle(Su)*

2nd Level
Cure Moderate Woundsx2, Calm Emotions*,

* denotes has been cast

Julian [AC 15, hp 37/67] Raging || Shark [AC 18, hp 33]  d20+15=22 d20+13=29 d20+7=19 d10+19=26 d20+6=22 d20+7=12 d10+19=21
Friday January 4th, 2008 4:37:59 PM

Julian Fort Save 22
Shark Fort Save 29

Rage round 8 of 8.
Julian raises his sword high in his two hands and puts everything that he can into hitting this wolf, Gabriel. Shark runs into to help his master.

Julian Power Attack 7
Hit AC 19
Damage 26 -5DR = 19

Shark Hit AC 22
Damage: doesn't matter, it will heal over (1d2+1).

If Gabriel lives to try to stand:
AoO from Julian
Hit AC 12
Damage 21 -5DR = 16

Tobias AC 16, HP44/44 || Tewdwr AC17, HP 21/35 (by Robert)  d20+10=21 d4+2=5 d20+10=27 d4+2=5 d20+6=18 d6+1=6 d20+6=11
Friday January 4th, 2008 4:44:25 PM

OOC: found Tobias' Character Sheet in a group email, though I hit the wrong hit bonus on his first attack. Did he only take one short sword out to the fight?

Tobias and Tewdyr continue to attack Gabriel.
Tobias Hit AC 21
Damage 5 -5 =0
Tobias Hit AC 27
Damage 5 -5 =0

Kynan Hit AC 18
Damage 6 -5 =1
Dryw Hit AC 11

Selithe-AC:20-HP:43/43  d20+5=19 d20+6=13 d100=4
Friday January 4th, 2008 8:51:17 PM

Selithe waves her hands again going to cast another magic missile but frowns when the spell fails to work, "Shoot."

(Fort:19 Concentration:13 Spell Failure:4 *spell failed*)

0th:Detect Magic, Light, Flare, Mage Hand, Message
1st:Summon MonsterI, Magic Missile(3 used 2)
2nd:Melf's Acid Arrow(2), Summon MonsterII(used)

Kendry [AC 15/ HP 40-4=36; message 138.2 minutes, invisibility 5.2 minutes, expeditious retreat 6.6 minutes] Wheee!  d20+3=15 d6=5 d6=4
Saturday January 5th, 2008 2:44:46 AM

Kendry goes to blow his whistle again, when suddenly he feels uplifted. Yes, uplifted, and moved. It's almost a spiritual experience. He is swept off his feet, truly.

It is such a great moment, until he absorbs the full impact of this experience. Less than 50' westward is the side of a building. This helps him overcome the 'Westward, ho!' movement.

[Voluntarily rolling d6 for flight termination damage: 4]

As he crumples to the ground below, he blows a very feeble 'tweet' with his whistle. Good thing he did not swallow it.

As soon as he can, he will get up and running back toward the shop, staying to the grassy side he came down. And staying close to walls to have something to grab on to.

Dwight  d20+8=25 d4+1=4
Saturday January 5th, 2008 8:52:08 AM

OOC: Dwight is still inside, does he need a save?

Angry the storm prevents another shot from him, Dwight begins to weave a magic missle spell. He targets Mark and lets them fly.

concentration: 25
OOC: Not entirely sure I can cast this since Mark is more than 5' away, but I do have an aerial advantage.

Dmg: 4 (magic damage)

(OOC: Sorry, I meant to put Julian's name not Dwight's. Dwight doesn't need to save versus windstorm. -Glenn)

Airin [AC17 - HP 52/52] and Fioni  d20+7=15 d6=5 d20=3 d20=10 d20=6
Monday January 7th, 2008 1:17:18 AM

(Fort save: 15 - FAILED)

Airin too is knocked back 50ft West by the raging winds!! First she bumps into Mark (could this lead to a trip 'attack'? - if so DC3 :-) )
Next she bumps into Tewdyr and then Tobias!! It's like a game of bowling!! (DC10 and DC6 for Tewdyr and Tobias perhaps :-) )

Assuming Airin rolls past all three she should end up somewhere around G13...

"Ok... ouch... oowh... ouch... ok stop... pfew...now where am I?!? What was I doing?? Oh yeah that's right!"

Airin again attempts to stand up bracing herself against the wind once more.

(ooc: cool to have this battle in a raging storm!!)

Posting Record Game 13 (ADM StevenVdB) 
Monday January 7th, 2008 1:51:45 AM

Posting Report for Game 13 for the week of December 31 - January 6

Name - MTWTFSS - #

DM Glenn - X-XXX-- - 4 - 80%
Dwight - X-XX-X- - 4 - 100%
Fickle - ------- - 0 - 0%
Podo - X--2X-- - 4 - 100%
Selithe - ---XX-- - 2 - 50%
Kendry - -X-XXX- - 4 - 100%
Tobias - ---XX-- - 2 - 50%
Airin - --X2--- - 3 - 75%
Julian - X-XXX-- - 4 - 100%

Weekly Summary : Toyshop frenzy continued

The battle outside the Toyshop continues. Airin meddles in the fight while others inside hide the curious stones from the bag... Hopefully they'll remember where they put them...
While the storm rages on Twiggy runs away followed by some of the tugs... Kendry decides to stop the persuit and returns to the Toyshot.

OOC ADM StevenVdB:
Some clarifications of the percentages :
As you will notice there's a percentage given for every player. For instance Dwight was given 100% posting reliability although he only made 4 posts instead of the 5 that are usually required. However since the DM only made 4 posts I think players that enter 4 follow up posts on the DM have followed the DM's pace and are 100% reliable. The DM, for entering 4 posts, only gets an 80% reliability (I know you did this for the holidays Glenn!! - if you wait to enter a post because players don't post I will enter a post for you anyhow so your reliability does not go down because of us)

(OOC: You mean like the post I left for Tuesday Jan 1, 2008, Saying that only 4 of 8 posted? -Glenn No need to change the report.)

OOC2 : yup exactly that one. This week I did not take in into account given the holidays but otherwise I would.

Toyshop (DM Glenn)  d6=5 d20+7=11 d20+5=7 d6=3 d6=2 d20+7=21 d6+4=10 d20+11=13 d20+7=17 d6+4=7
Monday January 7th, 2008 10:57:48 AM

The wind picks up Podo and drops him some 50 feet west, leaving him face down in the mud.

Julian stands strong against the windstorm and puts everything he has into attacking the Wolf-Gabriel cutting him deeply. Shark holding against the wind bites the wolf, but doesn't do any lasting damage.

Tobias (DM rolled Fort+7 =11) gets blown around by the wind landing in the wet mud some 30 west. Being larger Tewdwr is merely knocked down by the wind. (DM rolled Fort+5=7).

Invisible to all but the wind and rain, Kendry is picked up and flung into a near by wall. (Non-lethal damage.)

From the safety of the shop's door, Selithe tries but fails to use her magic wand.

From the second floor window, Dwight contemplates using a magic missile spell, but he is unable to see his foe in order to target him. (OOC: you didn't cast the spell unless you really wanted to.)

(OOC: Selithe & Dwight: Magic Missile can hit any creature with less than total Concealment, unfortunately during the previous round due to the storm you can't see more than 5 feet giving everything 10' or more total concealment. If you can't see it, then MM can't hit it.

Even though you can't see, you can attack a square at -8 due to the storm winds and have a 50% chance to hit whoever is in the square.)

The wind picks up Airin and blows her over friends and foes. She is plopped down in the muddy street some 50 feet west.

(Storm=2) The windstorm gusts, subside to only Strong winds. The winds and rain continue to blow from storm. Unprotected flames would be extinguished.
The strong winds make it difficult for any tiny or small flying creatures and for range attacks. The rain and wind also makes it more difficult to spot, listen and cast spells.
[Strong winds: -2 adj to range attacks, spot and listen checks, Tiny or smaller -- Knocked down Fort DC10]
[All spell casting requires Concentration DC10+spell level.]

The tiger has vanished in the storm as well as Rex, Ash and Ash's wolf. You assume they are still following the tiger.

Still in the street in front of the toy shop in the driving rain and wind, are Rex's dead wolf, the dead archer Selim, and the two werewolfs.

Wolf- Gabriel gets up (Julian and Shark get an AoO on him as he stands). If he survives he bites at Julian (hit ac 21, dam 10) wounding him deeply.

Wolf --Mark gives a warning growl at Tewdwr (wild empathy 13 no effect), as he moves to attack Julian (hit ac 17, dam 7), the wolf/man bites the warrior savagely with his jaws.

Map http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dhqmshcg_18zgp43tg6
(note the Calm emotion spell should be gone. It will be deleted from the map next time.)

(off map ?)
Tiggy AC18 Damage 16+9+6+8=40
Rex (wolf) AC 21, (DR ? /silver) damage 16
Ash(wolf) AC 20, damage 3+10=13
Wolf-A AC 16

(On map)
Wolf-R (dead)
Selim (dead)
Gabriel(wolf) AC18, (DR 5/silver), damaged 15+19=34
Mark (wolf) AC 18, (DR 5/silver), damage 26

Kendry [AC 15/ HP 40-4(non-lethal)=36...; message 138.1 minutes, invisibility 5.1 minutes, expeditious retreat 6.5 minutes]  d20=3 d20=7
Monday January 7th, 2008 11:03:43 PM

The blast of wind having spent its main load, Kendry gets up and begins running [move 200] back toward the family shop... on the far side of the street on the grass, looking and listening as well as he can to see what and who might be ahead, or coming his way [Spot 3+?; Listen 7+?].

Dwight (ac 16, hp 28/35)  d4+1=4
Monday January 7th, 2008 11:31:14 PM

OOC: wow, 12 hours and only 1 post 20 minutes ago. YIKES!

OOC: Thanks, if Dwight can't see, he will still cast the spell but hold it until he can release it.

Dwight glares out the window, and finally sees someone as the wind an rain lessen. He lets his Magic Missile spell fly toward Gabriel. (magic dmg: 4)

Podo Danderfluff [AC:20 || HP:(31) 25] 
Tuesday January 8th, 2008 2:00:13 AM

The wind storm was so fierce, Podo gets blown backwards some 50 feet westwards!

Standing up, Podo tries his best to run back to his the toy shop, now that he's covered in mud!

Spells Prepared
Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Create Water, Read Magic

1st Level
Cure Light Wounds, Deathwatch, Bless, Bless Water, Entangle(Su)*

2nd Level
Cure Moderate Woundsx2, Calm Emotions*,

* denotes has been cast

Julian [AC 15, hp 20/55] Fatigued || Shark [AC 18, hp 33] raging (final round)  d20+7=24 d10+19=21 d20+5=9
Tuesday January 8th, 2008 2:59:47 AM

AoO: Julian and his Badger Shark both attack the wolf Gabriel as he stands from being blown over. EagerTooth makes a wide arc and bites deeply into the wolf, though the wound heals slightly as the Julian withdraws the sword. Shark scratches that legs of the beast, but these heal immediately.

Power Attack 7
Hit AC 24
Damage 21 -5 =16
[no need to roll for Shark, even success is unsuccessful due to DR]

Rage over = Fatigued
OOC: I am going to assume that Gabriel is dead, based on your 'if he survives'...

Julian slumps onto his sword from the effort of carving up the wolf. Grunting against tiredness he shoves his badger across to get a clearer swing at the second wolf, almost throwing himself off balance as the wolf bites him.

Power Attack 4
Hit AC 9 )-;

Tobias AC 16, HP44/44 || Tewdwr AC17, HP 21/35 (by Robert)  d20+5=12 d20+5=21 d6+1=7
Tuesday January 8th, 2008 3:07:34 AM

Tobias gets his footing, grabs Airin by the hand and runs back to fight the wolves, "We gotta work together..."

Tewdyr attacks the wolf (attacking Mark, if Gabriel is dead)
Kynan Hit AC 12
Dryw Hit AC 21
Damage 7-5 =2

Airin [AC17 - HP 52/52] and Fioni 
Tuesday January 8th, 2008 6:28:50 AM

"Thanks Tobias" Airin says as she's helped getting up by him.

Airin can not charge Gabriel since Tobias is standing in her way. All she can do is fight the blizzard and attempt to get closer as fast as possible.

Moving double speed to M13

Toyshop (DM Glenn)  d20+7=22 d6+4=10 d100=52 d4+1=3 d6=4 d20+9=10 d20+7=9
Tuesday January 8th, 2008 9:47:40 AM

Getting up, the invisible Kendry starts racing back to the toy store. (Off map by 190ft) if you make a full move next round you will be somewhere within the first 10 feet on the east side of the map.

Holding the magic missile spell, Dwight releases it when the winds subside targeting the Gabriel-wolf. The bolts of energy fly strait and true hitting the wolf and leaving nasty burns.

Covered in mud, Podo get up and runs back into the toyshop.

Julian taking advantage of the wolf's lack of defense, send his sword cutting deeply into the Gabriel-Wolf. It is the killing blow that ends the cursed beast's life. The wolf crumples to the ground as it once again takes on the form of a man in death. Julian make one final swing at the Mark-Wolf, but misses as he rage leaves him weakened and fatigued. Shark continues to attack even though any wounds he inflicts are nothing to the werewolf.

Tobias regains his footing and runs back into the battle. The Mark-Wolf turns and bites the ranger severely as he runs back to rejoin the battle (AoO hit 22, dam 10). Tewdyr gets up and attacks the remaining wolf inflicting a light wound that doesn't heal fully.

Thanking Tobias for the hand up, Airin moves back towards the battle ready to attack.

Standing inside the doorway and still holding the wand, Selithe tries to use it again (DM rolled spell failure=52 dam 3) a lone bolt of magic flies straight hitting the last remaining wolf causing a painful burn.

(Storm=4) The wind gust turn into Severe Winds.
The driving rain and wind makes it harder to see and hear.
Unprotected flames would be extinguished.
All spell casting in the storm requires a Concentration DC10+spell level.
Severe Winds: -4 adj to range attack, tiny creatures are blown away, Small creatures are Knocked down, and Medium are Checked if they fail Fort DC15 checks.

[Julian, Shark, Tobias, Airin, and Kendry Fort DC15 or be knocked down.]
[Tewdwr Fort DC15 or be Checked (can't move, but can still attack.)]

The tiger has vanished in the storm as well as Rex, Ash and Ash's wolf. You assume they are still following the tiger.

Still in the street in front of the toy shop in the driving rain and wind, are Rex's dead wolf, the dead archer Selim, the dead human Gabriel, and one remaining werewolf.

Wolf --Mark (fort 10) prevented from moving by the wind, continues to attack the Halfling that just killed his fellow werewolf. His bite fails to hit even the barbarian Halfling in his wreaked state (hit ac9).

Map http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dhqmshcg_20gmh6ncf8

(off map ?)
Tiggy AC18 Damage 16+9+6+8=40
Rex (wolf) AC 21, (DR ? /silver) damage 16
Ash(wolf) AC 20, damage 3+10=13
Wolf-A AC 16

(On map)
Wolf-R (dead)
Selim (dead)
Gabriel (dead) damaged 34+4+16=54 (dead)
Mark (wolf) AC 18, (DR 5/silver), damage 26+2+3=31

Kendry  d20=19
Tuesday January 8th, 2008 10:38:14 AM

Kendry runs full out.

(OOC: run Gump... err Kendry run! Pick a spot 10 feet from the east side on the map to return to. -glenn)

...until he arrives at Y9 near the middle of the muddy street.

Oh - forgot the fort roll: 22

Julian  d20+13=23 d20+13=28
Tuesday January 8th, 2008 4:21:20 PM

more when I've worked this out
Fort save vs wind 23
Shark's save 28, good they are both standing

Tobias (by Robert)  d20+8=25 d20+6=18
Tuesday January 8th, 2008 4:30:46 PM

same thing
Tobias 25
Tewdyr 18, good both standing.

Julian [AC 15, hp 20/55] Fatigued || Shark [AC 18, hp 33] Fatigued  d20+10=22 d10+7=15
Tuesday January 8th, 2008 9:21:59 PM

Weary and covered in blood, an arrow deep in his belly, seemingly unable to kill these werewolves, and his familiar is also fatigued, Julian almost crumbles. He pushes his badger along, raises his sword high and sweeps down at the wolf's back.

"One last dance, Wolfie."

Move to P11, Shark to Q11
Power Attack 1
Hit AC 22
Damage 15 -5 =10

Tobias AC 16, HP34/44 || Tewdwr AC17, HP 21/35 (by Robert)  d20+13=28 d4+2=4 d20+5=8 d20+5=15
Tuesday January 8th, 2008 9:37:57 PM

Not one to back down from a fight, especially if this is his last... "If we keep working him over together we'll get him down soon, Julian." Tobias sword doesn't seem to cut deep enough.

Attack Mark/wolf
Hit AC 28
Damage 4 heals over

Tewdyr only bites air, twice.
Hit AC 8 & 15

Selithe-AC:20-HP:43/43  d100=6
Tuesday January 8th, 2008 9:56:17 PM

Selithe watches the fight going on outside and decides to try once more to help out with the last monster alive.

(Spell Failure:6 Spell failed.)

0th:Detect Magic, Light, Flare, Mage Hand, Message
1st:Summon MonsterI, Magic Missile(3 used 2)
2nd:Melf's Acid Arrow(2), Summon MonsterII(used)

(OOC:Hey everyone. I'm really sorry to see the game will be closing too. I will let the cat out of the bag. I have in game some gifts to give out. I plan to hand them out none the less after the combat is ended. Let us atleast have a goodbye together I hope.)

Dwight (ac 16, hp 28/35)  d20+8=19 d4+1=5 d20+4=18
Tuesday January 8th, 2008 10:34:08 PM

Again Dwight concentrates on casting Magic missile (concentration: 19). He aims at the last of the enemies in sight (Mark/wolf)--(dmg: 5 OOC: YEAH!)

Dwight tries to look for his missing friends, Podo, Selithe, and Kendry (spot: 18, well two are inside) Did Kendry go outside and get blown away?

Wednesday January 9th, 2008 1:35:41 AM

After gaining entrance back into the Toy Shoppe, Podo looks to clean up.

Airin [AC17 - HP 52/52] and Fioni  d20+7=16 d20+6=24 d8=7 d20+1=20
Wednesday January 9th, 2008 3:18:14 AM

(fort save: 16)

The winds take on strength again but this time Airin keeps standing. She squeezes in between Tobias and Tewdyr in order to help and swings her sword...

Hits AC24 - damage 7Hp

Airin shouts to the Wolf knowing it can still understand her but not speak. (intimidate or diplomacy : 20 (don't know which one is needed))

Mark should notice he's the last one standing and that there's no way he can win this one.
Airin wants to interrogate this dude.

Toyshop (DM Glenn)  d6=2
Wednesday January 9th, 2008 9:41:04 AM

Still invisible and running full out, Kendry get back within sight of the toyshop and the battle.

Weary, Julian resist the severe winds and swing the now heavy sword at the remaining wolf. His sword bites deeply into the wolf/man. His badger continues to harass the wolf.

Tobias and Tewdwr standing against the storm attack the wolf, but do no lasting damage.

From within the building, Selithe tries but fails to activate her magic wand.

From the second floor window, Dwight cast a magic spell causing a bolt of energy to shoot out and strike the wolf causing a burring wound.

Inside the shop Podo soaking wet and muddy looks for something to clean himself with.

Resisting the strong winds, Airin moves to attack striking a heavy blow to the werewolf. Then calls for it to surrender. In answer the glassy eyed wolf reforms into the shape of a man as it crumples to the ground dead from its many wounds.

(Storm=2) The windstorm gusts, subside to only Strong winds. The winds and rain continue to blow from storm. Unprotected flames would be extinguished.
The strong winds make it difficult for any tiny or small flying creatures and for range attacks. The rain and wind also makes it more difficult to spot, listen and cast spells.
[Strong winds: -2 adj to range attacks, spot and listen checks, Tiny or smaller -- Knocked down Fort DC10]
[All spell casting requires Concentration DC10+spell level.]

The tiger has vanished in the storm as well as Rex, Ash and Ash's wolf. You assume they are still following the tiger.

Still in the street in front of the toy shop in the driving rain and wind, are Rex's dead wolf, the dead archer Selim, the dead human Gabriel, and the dead human Mark.

Thoese still standing within the silence feel the odd sensation of the raging storm, but total quite. Everyone is pretty much soaking wet and muddy and some are quite bloody. It's been quite a night and quite a battle.

No map.

(off map ?)
Tiggy AC18 Damage 16+9+6+8=40
Rex (wolf) AC 21, (DR ? /silver) damage 16
Ash(wolf) AC 20, damage 3+10=13
Wolf-A AC 16

(On map)
Wolf-R (dead)
Selim (dead)
Gabriel (dead)
Mark (dead) damage 31+10+5+2=48 (dead)

Dwight  d20+4=11
Wednesday January 9th, 2008 10:05:21 AM

Dwight looks around for Kendry (spot: 11) and worries a little.

He then shouts to those around the dead bodies, not knowing they can't hear him. "Let's move the bodies, there is not need to frighten everyone in town when they awaken."

Dwight then goes and grabs his wand of healing and heads to the front door as the only 'mostly' dry member.

Julian 17/55  d4=3
Wednesday January 9th, 2008 4:03:30 PM

Seeing the wolf transform, and lie dead, Julian declares at length, "

," He looks around with red eyes, sniffles, and continues, "


Carefully holding the shaft of the arrow in his belly Julian pulls it back out (3hp) dropping to his knees with the pain and effort of it. Breathing heavily he attempts to cast a spell, and finally notices the silence.

He clambers to his feet, dragging his sword and holding his nightshirt down from the raging winds and walks towards the Toy Shop, silently speaking,
" ....end? Where does the! Oh, I can hear again.
"Let's move the bodies, there is not need to frighten everyone in town when they awaken. But to where? The Constabu.... The Constlabu... The Guard House? They can deal with the werewolves now that we've made them safe. Then back to bed. Which way with the bodies?"

OOC: it's been great here with you guys, even with the troubles I've caused for some at times. I am gonna miss playing with all of you, and would love to play with the same character in Plateau City (if I get my first choice). I feel that Julian is changing in his ways a little, and looking for ways to deal more non-lethal damage, thanks to the influence of his Crescent Valley halfling friends.

Podo Danderfluff [AC:20 || HP:(31) 25] 
Wednesday January 9th, 2008 9:25:05 PM

Podo, standing inside the toy shop and totally covered in mud, passes a comment about the severe weather outside.

"Wow! Would you look at the storm outside? It's plain unnatural for it to be this severe inside the valley! I hope this horrible encounter clears up soon, I have a date with the dead in Dourscale. Won't want to break a vow!" says Podo to the occupants of the toy store.

Spells Prepared
Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Create Water, Read Magic

1st Level
Cure Light Wounds, Deathwatch, Bless, Bless Water, Entangle(Su)*

2nd Level
Cure Moderate Woundsx2, Calm Emotions*,

* denotes has been cast

Kendry [AC 15/ HP 40-3(non-lethal)=37...; message 137.9 minutes, invisibility 4.9 minutes, expeditious retreat 6.3 minutes]  d20+3=12
Wednesday January 9th, 2008 10:36:33 PM

Finally slowing down after a few all-out sprints, Kendry slows down at T10, next to a fallen wolf, and comes to a stop at R10. He looks about to see how things are, and how his friends are doing.

"I'm back. They are chasing her. But she kept her tiger form, and they changed back to their human forms, so she is faster for now. I offered her help, but she did not want it - as far as I could tell."

Kendry takes a moment to step into the area of silence. Now the feeling of the rain hitting his sodden hair is still there, but no sound carries to his ears. He sees the fallen men.

Back out he steps.

"Who is hurt?" he asks his friends. "Are all well?"

People can hear Kendry's voice, but cannot see his form. "All of us, I mean. That Rex fellow wanted us all dead." He sees Airin, and comes up to her. Softly he says, "It's me, honey. Looks like you made it just fine. Can I give you a muddy hug?" If she allows this invisible presence with the voice of her beloved to do so, he gives her a warm hug. "Can you tell me what happened? What did you see?"

Wednesday January 9th, 2008 11:44:38 PM

Selithe stands in the doorway of the toy shop and sighs abit as she steps back, it looks like the fight is over for now and she feels tired, muddy and wet. She shakes herself once to try and get abit of the rain and such off and hmmphs in abit of anger at her state, "Fine night so far. Hit the mud twice and now look at me."

If Selithe hears Kendry's comment she calls out, "I'm okay other then wet and muddy. Everyone should get inside though considering the storm and all."

Kendry  d20+5=25
Thursday January 10th, 2008 1:18:22 AM

"Hey, S'lithe," her brother answers. He notices Julian. "My. My oh my. Jules - you can't see me but if it's all right with you, let me help you a little. Looks like you got hit and bit. If you say I can, let me help heal you some."

If Julian gives the go ahead, Kendry touches him where the arrow struck, and heals him for d8+5=13 hp (I rolled d20+5 instead of d8+5, but since it was maxed out on the d20, I figure it'd be maxed on the d8 with that RNG).

"That's not enough, is it?" he asks Julian. "Hey, we need to get those wounds cleaned out, with alcohol. Did you get bit by a werewolf, Jules?" He asks Nalfein to get the strong liquor from Papa's cabinet, then pours it on Julian's wounds - likely stinging madly. "Dwight, you want to help him the rest of the way?" he asks as he notes the wand of cure light wounds his friend has.

He takes a minute carefully to pick up the caltrops he scattered in the street. He doesn't want to injure the feet of friends, neighbors, children or animals.

"Tobias - it looks like good Tewdwr was on the receiving end of some of the wolves. Let me help him. Or, wait. Podo. Podo! You're a cleric. Here is this wand of cure light wounds. Can you work with Dwight, and make sure everyone is restored to good health after all this?"


Over the next few minutes, Kendry gets some canvas from the store room, and works with his friends to wrap up the bodies and bring them within. Or to the constabulary, as Julian suggests?

First, though, once the bodies are collected, Kendry says, "These werewolves are dead. They attacked a friend of Bella's. And us. Their friends may come back - and we need to be ready if they do. Whatever magic or weapons they had now are ours. Let's take a quick look." He asks his friends and family to help sort out their possessions. "See if there are any 'tears' on the wolves, too," he recommends. "Eberyon's tears, like Bella's bear had, and - Pode - you have one, too, don't you? They stick to the fur, or to hair."

He casts detect magic, and examines the weapons, clothing, any jewelry, and other items worn or carried by the lycanthropes. "Airin - you have a good eye for finding rings and such. You still have the Teleperien signet rings, right? See if we've overlooked anything on these wicked fellows," he asks her. "Perhaps, too, they have some writing among their things. We need to find out what we can about them."

"You're right, Podo. Seldom do we have a storm so strong as this. I wonder the cause - natural, or called forth by some one?"

With a shop full of people with muddy faces, limbs and clothing, he suggests, "We can use prestidigitation spells to get us, and our attackers, cleaned up."

He later adds, "I got some of their names. Does anyone know these fellows' names?"

About five minutes after having arrived back at the Toy shop, Kendry's invisibility spell fades away, as his image fades back in the light of the shop.

He also thinks to ask, "Now, the stones Tigge gave us. That's the lady's name, who asked us for help. She can shape change into a tiger. Are they safe? The stones, I mean. Are they hidden? Should we take them somewhere else? And what would Bella want us to do with them?"

He looks to his brother, who likely has been helping out. "Nalfein, we need to improve our security here at the shop. You have any ideas? I know you've hidden a drop net above the inside of the front door. What else can we do?"

Thursday January 10th, 2008 4:07:19 AM

voting for a CV Challenge game

Airin  d20+8=26 d20+7=21
Thursday January 10th, 2008 9:01:57 AM

Comforted by the invisible hug (Kendry turns visible the moment he touches Airin though) Airin relaxes.

"Let's get the bodies inside the ToyShop and check them out"

She begins to drag one of the bodies into the shop.

Once inside she begins to search the bodies for evidence of their origin or other details. She'll also make an inventory of their belongings.

While she searches the bodies Airin informs the others about the stones they found.

search: 26
appraise: 21

Toyshop (DM Glenn) 
Thursday January 10th, 2008 9:51:59 AM

*** Having fought exceptionally despite the storm and werewolf's, Everyone is awarded a Hero Point for the battle!***

[Julian, Podo, Tobias & Tewdwr - Please make a note in your character sheet that you were bitten by an infected werewolf.]

The storm continues to rage on in the night, wind and rain sometimes gusting strong enough to blow a Halfling about.

Dwight missing Kendry can't seem to spot him anywhere. Grabbing his healing wand he heads downstairs after yelling to the others.

In total silence, Julian mutters something as the crudely removes one of the arrows from his body. He too suggests they do something with the bodies.

A muddy, Podo complains about the unusual storm and his promised trip to Dourscale.

Stepping back from the door, Selithe complains about taking two mud baths during the battle.

Boots still smoking, an invisible Kendry rejoins the group and tells his part in trying to help the tiger. He comments about Rex and goes to give Airin a reassuring hug.
Then getting down to business he uses a curing wand to heal some of Julian's wounds. Also, notes some wolf or werewolf bites. The bard organizes the post battle cleanup of bodies and muddy Halflings.

Airin helps drag the bodies into the shop before searching them.

(Note: the only name you heard would have been Tiggy, Rex and Ash)
What you find after the battle:
One Staff that Ash dropped (looks normal)
Rex's dead wolf.
Dead male human (Selim) with Mw Longbow Composite (+4st), 14 silver arrows, Mw Leather armor & 500gp
Two Dead werewolf male human (Gabriel & Mark) each with Mw Chain shirt, Mw Longsword silver & 500gp

Mysterious stones: In the bag was a collection of objects: A hard wood cylinder, a black stone cube, a glass sphere, a blue stone pyramid, and a steal wedge shape block. Now hidden about the toy shop.

Once you get the dead dragged in, searched and cleaned all the mud off you yourselves, it would be about 3am and it's still raining cats and dogs outside.

Thursday January 10th, 2008 10:16:43 PM

As everyone enters, Dwight offers to heal anyone needing it (Go ahead and roll a d8 however many times you need it and I'll subtract it from my total).

Once everyone is healed, bodies searched, assured dead and taken away, Dwight shows the party the glass sphere he has. "I have no clue what they could do, but obviously those guys wanted them badly. Anyone recognize something unique about this collection of shapes and materials?"

"I would suggest after we look at them all they again get separated somehow...some carried, some hidden."

OOC: hmm I guess separating them into different campaigns would really separate them. I'm sorry to see the CV group split up, I am very disappointed that they changed from 5 to 6, as our percentage was very high (actually 100% for those staying in the game with the new rules).

Friday January 11th, 2008 1:31:11 AM

Jules casts Prestidigitation, once out of the Silence, to clean and dry himself and Shark.

"We should talk to B-Heather about those things. No, that won't do, they'd be watching for us there. I don't know.

"I feel weird, about all this, this killing. There's a better way, isn't there?" Julian looks to Podo and Kendry in particular, "Why can't everyone see that there's a better way?"

Talking about the stuff that the dead have, "Interesting that this guy would have silver arrows... guess there's no honour amongst thieves. His bow has a strong pull on it, it's actually too much for me. I wish it were smaller, too. Perhaps I could take it to the Catacombs to exchange it and the arrows, now that I've got that fancy quiver for it. Perhaps some Sleep arrows too. Would that be okay with everyone?"

OOC: I will try to check in tomorrow morning, but I am going away for a week. I've called for subs and no-one responded - not surprising really with all that is going on.
I wish all of you well with the changes going on. I've had a blast playing with you all, and wish it could continue.

Friday January 11th, 2008 2:20:54 AM

Podo after cleaning himself up, tends to his own wounds, when he realizes he's been biten by one of the wolf things.

"Pipewoods? Any one else manage to get bitten by those wolf things?" inquires Podo to those assembled in the toy shop. "I am greatly concerned that those of us, might have contracted something through these bites. Anyone else know anything about these creatures?" asks Podo.

"I'm not powerful enough yet to help us in this situation...we need Alemi's help on this one. I suggest all of us that might have been bitten, follow me over to the Temple, and ask their help in resolving this issue for us." says Podo.

"Anyone know any legends about these creatures? Anything that forces a change, perhaps someone might recall some story they once overheard in an Inn or tavern? Something...Anything might might give us an idea of determining who may or may not be in a serious problem?" Podo inquires of the group.

While awaiting other input from his group, Podo "asks what was in the bag that the tiger had?" to the group.

Spells Prepared
Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Create Water, Read Magic

1st Level
Cure Light Wounds, Deathwatch, Bless, Bless Water, Entangle(Su)*

2nd Level
Cure Moderate Woundsx2, Calm Emotions*,

* denotes has been cast

Friday January 11th, 2008 2:51:34 AM

"Yeah, I took a bite. It's nothing though. You don't really think, do you? You do? Well, in the morning we'll go to the temple. Now? Really? Well, let me get dressed."

Kendry  d20+12=13 d20+12=32
Friday January 11th, 2008 5:18:10 AM

[Bardic knowledge about the 'stones': nat 1 (13 total) - Kendry's no help here. Bardic knowledge about lycanthropes, communicability of lycanthropy: nat 20! - total of 32]

[OOC to Steve: As long as Kendry has permission from Airin - which he asked - his giving her a hug should not turn him visible, I think. Say... what if it's just an invisible halfling who sounds like Kendry???]

"'Tiggy' - the lady who dropped off the stones, shouted after knocking on the door, 'Please open up. There's not much time!'" Kendry explains. "Airin made out her words pretty well.

"So we opened the door. She had reddish orange hair, and is a half elf. She said, 'No time to explain, Bella told me, you could be trusted if there was trouble. Take these, your and others lives may depend on them. I'm going to try and lead them off. They mustn't get the stones!'

"So, you're right, Tobias. Bella does have strange friends.

"I found out her name after she was surrounded by the men and wolves and woman. Their leader is 'Rex.' That body there," he points, "who shot some arrows to the upper story, belongs to Selim. And, yes, Julian, I think turning in his strength bow for one better fitted to your size and strength is a good idea. Tomorrow you might want to stop in the Catacombs outlet. The staff belonged, I think, to Ash. She cast a cure spell on Rex. She was trying to call some other big spell - I could tell it was big the way she was moving her hands - but the silence spell frustrated her plans."

Then, taking a moment to respond to his friend's unusually soul-searching questions, Kendry puts his hand on Jules' forearm. "There are almost always much better ways of dealing with others than killing them. But, Jules, werewolfs carry strong evil, and a curse, and they are one of the few creatures that I am willing to put down, as much as I find the taking of life so distasteful. I don't know if you saw it, but their leader, Rex, told those whose bodies are here to kill us all," and he repeats their opponents' leader's action of drawing the finger across the throat.

"And you know that I try to avoid killing in most cases. Keep thinkin' these types of things through, Badger." He glances over at another cousin. "I think he's paying attention to you, Pode."

He considers the inventory acquired. He takes a closer look at the staff. "We should take these all there, and get identified what needs it. And take the bodies ... to the constabulary? Or to Mungo?" he ponders aloud, hoping someone else will provide some direction in this matter.

"Regarding the question of the bites," the bard informs, "there's a chance a bite can turn one into an afflicted lycanthrope. And the werewolves are evil. Chaotic and evil. So we don't want the bites to go untreated." Kendry takes the step of pouring some of Papa Samell's strong liquor on the remaining bite wounds of his friends prior to curative magic, just in case it helps.

"Oh! Say, Airin, or Dwight - or anybody - do you have some belladonna? It's also called wolfsbane. Now, it can drop your strength down for a bit. There are other things. A powerful cleric can cast some spells to cure lycanthropy - certain kinds of it, anyways. Maybe we can visit the apothecary - but we need to do it fast! You've gotta take the belladonna real soon after a bite. I think."

Toyshop (DM Glenn) 
Friday January 11th, 2008 10:19:19 AM

Having healed anyone who needed it, Dwight gets down to business about the strange stones, and what should be down about them. Dwight suggest splitting them up.

Having cleaned himself and Shark with magic, Julian starts to question if there is a better way without all the killing. He also looks over the equipment the dead used.

Having cleaned himself up, Podo worries about the wolf bite he and others have received. Having heard stories about people bitten by half wolf half man, themselves turning into the same. He suggests a visit to the temple and wonders what others know.

Julian starts to worry about his own bite wound. Thinking about it he get a little hungry, and he has a craving for a rare steak, or is that just his mind playing tricks on him?

Kendry ponders any bardic lore about the stones, but is clueless. On the subject of lycanthropy he seems to be a veritable fountain of knowledge. For instance there are clans or family of natural Lycanthropes of different types living deep in Culverwoods each with their own territory, for the most part they see to their own. (OOC: In addition he the bard knows whatever he can glean from MM.)

The bard recounts what he knows and heard about Tiggy and the attackers. (OOC: yea you heard Selim's name used too. Good catch.) He agrees that Julian should take the bow and swap it for something more usable. Kendry wonders if Podo's ways are rubbing off on Julian. He also, suggest getting the items identified and maybe some belladonna for those bitten.

Being very late or very early, depending on how you look at it, the others have drifted off to sleep until morning.

As time passes, the storm starts to abate, and by morning, the wind is only a light breeze accompanied by an occasional light rain. The air is a little cooler, but fresh bringing with it new possibilities. There has been no sign of Tiggy, Rex or Ash since the battle.

You have one day before the Windhorn stage leaves for your trip to Dourscale.

repost of loot/items:

Staff -- normal quarterstaff.
Mw Longbow Composite (+4 Str)
14 arrows w/Alchemical-silver
Mw Leather armor
2x Mw Chain shirt
2x Mw Longsword w/Alchemical-silver
Coin 1500gp

Collection of objects:
A hard wood cylinder,
A black stone cube,
A glass sphere,
A blue stone pyramid, &
A steel wedge shape block.

Julian  d8=8 d8=3 d8=3 d8=5 d8=4
Friday January 11th, 2008 3:54:33 PM

hp 17/55 + 23 healing = 40 (isn't there a +1 or something to go with that, Dwight?

Julian is feeling a little paranoid about the werewolf thing, "Though a werebadger would be coooooool." He consents to any treatment, even going straight to the temple.

After all that he says, "Okay, I need to sleep a lot."
Eight hours later...

Julian is up and as bright as ever.
"So is it today or tomorrow we leave? Tomorrow, okay. What to do today? And what's for breakfast? I'm ravenous. I could eat a whole," he baulks at the sight in the toyshop,
"Ewww, the bodies are still here." Jules grabs one of the bodies by the leg, "Where to with these? Up a tree I suppose, and I'll leave my magic sword with it?" He raises a mocking eyebrow at Kendry.

Kendry  d20+7=12 d20+7=9 d20+7=23 d20+7=25 d20+7=26 d20+7=18 d20+7=25 d20+7=9 d20+7=22 d20+9=23 d20+9=28 d20+9=24 d20+9=25 d20+7=21 d20+7=17 d20+7=22 d20+7=12 d20+7=8 d20+7=10 d20+7=23 d20+7=17 d20+3=19 d20+6=24
Saturday January 12th, 2008 8:55:29 PM

"Tobias - you, and brave Kynan and wise Dryw, along with Julian and his badger were in the thick of things. It is good to have friends such as you. Pode - you did well to slow down the lady cleric. Thank you, bud.

"Airin, you were the only one with presence of mind to put your armor on before all this got out of hand. And you are the prettiest tumbleweed I know -- just kidding about the tumbleweed part. Oh - can you tell me what happened after the tiger took off? I followed her, and missed out on a little bit here. I mean, I saw the final results. I just like to know the details, too.

"Selithe - your words were sterling when first you came out on the street. You had me half-convinced that our father was dying. Great bluff, you card-sharp, you. It put them off balance for a moment, too. When I first saw you come outside, I was thinking to myself, 'No-o-o-o! Go back inside, sis!' But you came up with a better plan than I had myself. Good on ya!" He gives her a big kiss on the forehead.

"Dwight - I don't know what all you did, except I know you made to hide the stones. Good move. Fill me in on the rest, would you?

"Fickle - you're a good fellow, Ficks, but I can't figure out what you were up to tonight. Could you hear me calling out for you? Hey, is Ouch all right?"

Kendry passes on, to all who care to stay up a little bit longer, all he can think of regarding lycanthropes (see DM Glenn's info above - and he'll go through many of the salient information that might be found in the MM). The most urgent piece of information is this. "Usually, you've got to eat belladonna within an hour or so of having been bitten. Since Airin and Dwight and Podo and - well, no one spoke up when I asked about belladonna, I guess that's going to be a rough one to apply." He does mention various other spells and remedies, some to be cast during the time of the full moon, which can cure people afflicted with lycanthropy. As he talks on, he takes out his masterwork drawing materials, and spends nearly an hour drawing pictures of the ones he saw tonight.
Sketch List (ones whose names Kendry does not know are in parentheses):
1. Tiggy coming into the shop [12]
2. Tiggy out in the street, surrounded [9]
3. Rex [23]
4. The lady who carried the staff and wand [25] (Ash)
5. Street combat -early, between Tiggy & others [26]
6. Street combat -later, as halflings became more involved [18]
7. Pursuit of the tiger by the wolves [25]
8. An abortive sketch of Tiggy [9], which he tosses in the pot-bellied stove
9. A better sketch of Tiggy [22] "Something about her eyebrows was throwing me off, but I think this last one captures her... well, not so badly."
10. The fallen werewolf [adding a circumstantial +2 to their sketches, as the subjects are before him and not moving] Selim [23]
11. (Gabriel) [28]
12. (Mark) [24]
13. A picture of Airin apparently hugging air, she all covered in mud, but with pretty, rosey red cheeks and a sweet smile on her tired face [25]
He spends about five minutes looking over each of the objects that Tiggy left behind (that is, if the members of the group who hid them will let him know where to find them). Each he'll take, one at a time and examine in an inner room. He gets out the scales to determine the precise weight of each. He casts detect magic, and spends the time to determine the type of magic each one emits - if they do radiate magic. He sketches each one - front, top, sides, back, underside. The blue stone pyramid gives him the most trouble sketching, for some strange reason [hard wood cylinder-21 sketch, black stone cube-17, glass sphere-22, blue stone pyramid-12, 8, 10, 23, & steel wedge shape block-17. When done, he returns each one to the hiding place his friends earlier selected (unless he can think of better hiding spots). He goes to bed at about 5:30 for a quick nap, and arises just an hour later. He braves the waning winds of the storm, and goes to the blacksmith* to rent for a few hours a horse and flatbed or box cart that can carry something 6' long and about 650 pounds through muddy streets. By 7:30 he is back at the shop with said conveyance [if such is all right with the DM - otherwise let me know when he might have it]. He gets what help he can from Nalfein and - he rousts Fickle out of bed. "Why didn't you come help us outside last night, Fickle? We needed you!" Then he immediately repents of his words, having already asked something similar in the middle of the night. "Sorry, Ficks, you don't deserve that. C'mon, give me a hand." He knows Fickle is strong, so asks him to help him and his brother carry the canvas-covered carcasses to cart with him. If Tobias is up, he'll get his help, too. He then covers the five wrapped bodies (three humans, two wolves) with another canvas, tieing it down with care, then, asking who might want to come with him, sets out for the constabulary, thinking to follow Julian's suggestion.

{OOC: Kendry will ask anyone who is awake whether they have any questions or concerns about what he is about to do. He'll lay out to them what he plans to tell the captain of the constabulary, plus their trusted WLA leader. If none object, then he does the following.}

At the constabulary
"We were attacked last night," he reports in. "Let me speak with the captain, please."

He waits until the captain is available. He asks for a private room to speak with him. Then he relates what happened. If anyone from the group wishes to accompany him, that is fine with Kendry.

"A lady was set upon by a group of brigands in front of our shop in the middle of the night. We heard the noise and came to her aid. Their leader told them to kill us all. The leader and one or two others went running after the lady when she ran off. The storm was bad. They shot arrows at us, and swung weapons. Their wolves attacked us. But we overcame them."

He waits to see how the captain responds. If he deems the captain receptive and reasonable, he adds, "Their bodies are outside in a cart. Where shall we take them? If you wish to examine them, I'd recommend it not be done in the streets."

If the captain asks who the lady is, Kendry says, "I never saw her until about three this morning. She might have been a pretty human, or maybe even a half elf. It was awful stormy and rainy, as you know. She sure could run fast, though, sir. Almost like a blur. Hope she got away from the few who followed her. Maybe the bad weather, plus our help, allowed her to get away."


Assuming the captain does not detain him too long, Kendry goes to his training at the WLA for the balance of the morning. He yawns a few times, having gotten only about 6 hours sleep all told, but he's in decent shape for it [Fort save 19].

He also sees about talking with Fidel - the local WLA leader - in private about the incursion of werewolves last night. He gives him accurate information about their transformations. "They may be from the Culverwood. Wish I knew what they're doing here in Angel Springs." He hands him his sketch of Rex, the leader. He does not pass on that Tiggy met them shortly before the battle, nor that she gave them objects - at least not until he senses Fidel's reaction to what he has told him so far [sense motive: 24]


At lunchtime he quickly hits the Catacombs with a prepared list, and gets the items as fast as the efficient staff can provide them.

With Julian, Podo, Airin, et al

When next he sees Julian, he answers him, "Oh, definitely, Julian, up in the tree. As long as werewolves follow the goblin practices regarding trees, and you made a promise well in advance to give one of 'em your magic sword.

"Y'know, if it bothers you all that much, you can go get Olo's wand from the tree," he says with serious mien. "But if you take it, you have to ask Zom's permission first. Say something like, 'Zom, if you don't want me to take this wand, then just say so.'" Then he gives Jules a wink and a wry smile. "I know I do strange things sometimes, but I had made a promise. I didn't know how else to keep it."

He takes a few minutes to talk with Podo that evening. "Podo - I know you have a keen interest in following the ways of Alemi, and of Domi. This is excellent. You make me proud just to know you.

"I have been thinking, though. We know that when we die, we appear before Gargul. Can you find out more about him? What is he like? How does he determine who, having passed into the realm of death, might be given another chance to return to the land of the living? What kind of service does he desire? We had one of his clerics with the group for a day or so over at Lawni's Lens. But he left before I had much chance to talk over such things with him. Whatever you can find out, I would be grateful."

"Dwight - what do you think we should do with the gifts received?" he asks. "I have come to trust your judgment in many things, friend."

"Selithe - thanks, sis, for your support last night. And, y'know, one of these days we need to get you a more powerful wand. Like, a fireball shooter, or somethin'."

Kendry tells Airin, "Here, I drew a picture of you and me from last night." He hands her the picture of her hugging him while he was invisible. In the sketch, it looks like an unseen hand presses in against the fabric over her leather armor at the small of her back. "I don't look bad at all, do I?" he kids with her. "Can't see a speck of mud on me!"

Then he whispers in her ear, "I'm glad you were not bitten last night. I want to be the only one who gets to bite you." He nibbles lightly on her ear.

* Or to the cartwright? - I know where the blacksmith is, and I'm sure Kendry knows where the cartwright or livery might be found

Three pages long - I think this is my 2nd biggest post of all time here in the Wold. Sorry! --Kim

Kendry - separate post for Mr Smith  d20+9=10 d20+9=28 d20+4=22
Sunday January 13th, 2008 5:41:36 AM

Kendry asks the Captain in the morning (or whoever it was he had been talking with concerning the topic - was it via Calfast - arrrh, brain burp!) whether Mr. Smith might be released tomorrow at about noon (rather than today toward evening). [See many posts back about the arrangements he was looking to set up. Kendry proposes roughly the same ones, but with the delay of a day. He'll provide an extra 25 gp for the extra time and trouble so as to defray expenses.]

IF this can be arranged, and Kendry can return as 'Milo' to serve ... let's say dinner this time. He's too busy to get to him at lunch today.

Once Kendry has finished his last day of training with the WLA, he hurries home. He slaps his 'Milo' disguise together, then looks in the mirror. "I look like the dead people's auctioneer," he tells himself in the mirror [disguise: 10 (nat 1)]. He decides he needs more care. He sits down, starts over, and very carefully works to replicate the look, the clothing, the set of face of Milo. [Disguise: 28 - almost perfect] He has had lots of practice listening to bumpkins, so settles his internal patter into the pronunciation and turns of phrase that they tend to use. One part of his disguise he wears on a leather thong around his neck, and under all his clothing, so it is not readily discerned, an amulet [Ishagaran amulet on constitution - adds +1 to con, brings to 12, +1 con bonus].

He asks Nalfein to check to see if anyone is watching out back. At a propitious time, he'll sneak out the back door as Milo, and work his way over to the Constabulary.

At the jail he will, as before, take the food in. "Sorry Mister Smith, no ale, no cider - but I did grub up some fresh squeezed apple juice. No time for it to turn to cider yet. It's the kind they grow over in some of them Humble's Ford orchards, y'know. Say, I heared they put off your maybe gettin' out 'til tomorree. 'Too much storm cleanin' up to hear nothin' from some prisoner today. He kun wait till tomorree.' That's what they said.

"Oh, somefun else I fergot. Right back. Oh, 'fraid I have some bad news. Gotta leave the city fer a bit on family bidness. Back in a fortnight, er there-'bouts, I'm a-hopin'. And am a-hopin' I kun take ya up on that there offer... er, yup. If it ain't too long fer ya ta wait. Fer me ta get back, I'm a-meanin'. Right back."

Without waiting for a response, chattin' 'Milo' leaves the cell area. He goes to retrieve some blueberry jam to go with the two slices of bread. Just before he returns, he casts the spell detect thoughts, then walks in and slides that into the food slot. "There ya go."

He makes friendly motions signifying that Mister Smith should enjoy the food. He works to maintain concentration [22] on mentally discerning what Smith is thinking about, as he pulls a piece of jerked beef from his threadbear jacket to chaw on. Unless

If asked how Smith might contact him, Milo says, "How 'bout I put a picture of a duckie on the posting board? Next the time tower. That clock thing. You or your folks put a time down. Er how do we do this? Where ta meet?" Milo looks like so much thought is straining his mind.

Sunday January 13th, 2008 3:21:41 PM

Toy Shoppe
After the events of earlier this morning, Podo washes up when he realizes that some of his friends like himself have been bitten by the womans' attackers.

With what little he actually knows about shape changers, coupled with many stories, Podo explains to his friends how important it is to seek intervention.

Podo insists to his 2 other companions to go to the Temple with him to seek treatment from the clerics of Alemi.

Toy Shoppe
Later, after returning from the temple of Alemi, Podo speaks with his cousin Kendry, and learns from him, that Kendry has questions about death. Specifically, Kendry would like to know the answers to several questions that appearently have Kendry thinking..."We know that when we die, we appear before Gargul. Can you find out more about him? What is he like? How does he determine who, having passed into the realm of death, might be given another chance to return to the land of the living? What kind of service does he desire? We had one of his clerics with the group for a day or so over at Lawni's Lens. But he left before I had much chance to talk over such things with him. Whatever you can find out, I would be grateful..." Podo recalls of Kendry's discussion with him. Back to the temple Podo heads looking for Kendry's answers.

Temple of Alemi
While at the temple seeking answers, Podo prays for a new set of spells...

Spells Prepared
Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Create Water, Read Magic

1st Level
Cure Light Wounds x4,Longstrider(Su)*

2nd Level
Cure Moderate Woundsx3,Barkskin(su)

Monday January 14th, 2008 12:03:49 AM

Checking his bag twice, Dwight turns up empty on the request for Belladona. He was sure he had some, but it must of dried up beyond use.

Dwight will accompany Kendry to 'dispose' of the bodies. He would suggest burning them. He shares this with Kendry prior to arriving at the constables office hoping for agreement. Dwight is firm in this as he worries about the necromancer bringing them back, and has no idea how deadly they would become, but it gives him the shiver.


At some point, Dwight also inquires to Kendry about the wisdom of having detailed pictures of items that will definitely be sought after. While there is some advantage, it might be an unnecessary risk.

Monday January 14th, 2008 12:39:02 AM

"I don't know where to find the Belladonna weed Love and running off into the woods to go find some would be too late anyhow. All could do would be to produce a few good berries but I doubt that would be any good anyhow... we'll just have to find a cure later. Perhaps Bella would be able to help us. We probably will have time till the next full moon or so?"

While Kendry draws his sketches Airin talks about the stones and then about the time when she no longer could shoot from inside the building but had to go out to help down in the street. Of course she mentions being blown away by the terrible winds - though she leaves out the bit that she painfuly fell on her bumm...

In a whisper back into Kendry's ear "No one would be allowed to bite me either... saving myself all for yoy love..." She caresses a muddy finger from between his eyebrows down to the tip of his nose leaving a muddy line. Next she smiles with the well known twinkle in her eyes and kisses him softly on the lips.

Suddenly a bird comes flying in the Toy Shop.

"Fioni! Calm down!! Everyone is safe... or at least for now..."

Posting Record Game 13 (ADM StevenVdB) 
Monday January 14th, 2008 1:06:58 AM

(OOC: Not that it will be very important anymore here in the valley, but player postings can no longer exeed that of the DM. Even though Kim entered 7 posts he (only) has a 100% posting reliability)

['Only' 100% is good enough for me! And the extra posts this weekend are only to tie up loose ends so as to avoid unnecessary dithering and delays. :-) --Kim]

Posting Report for Game 13 for the week of December 31 - January 6

Name - MTWTFSS - #

DM Glenn - XXXXX-- - 5 - 100%
Dwight - XXXX--- - 4 - 80%
Fickle - ------- - 0 - 0%
Podo - -2X-X-X - 5 - 100%
Selithe - -XX---- - 2 - 40%
Kendry - XXXXXXX - 7 - 100%
Tobias - -2----- - 2 - 40%
Airin - XXXX--- - 4 - 80%
Julian - -2X-3-- - 6 - 100%

Weekly Summary : Toyshop frenzy comes to an end...

Hampered by the raging storm the brave halflings continue to battle the shapechangers. Their regenerating powers proove to be extremey tough for our friends and some are brutally bitten...
Even though at times our small friends are being blown all through the streets by the wind they manage to win and slay most of the werewolves. Kendry flies in once the battle is over doing unmentionable things to Airin while being invisible...
Later they carry the bodies inside and begin their search of answers and... thinking of a cure to help those that have been bitten...

Monday January 14th, 2008 2:06:33 AM

Kendry acknowledges what Dwight and Airin have to say about the herb. "Maybe someone can pick up some fresh belladonna from the Catacombs, in case there is another need for it in the coming days. I'll leave that to one of you."

He listens attentively to Airin's report in the predawn time... He listens sympathetically to her account of being blown about by the storm. "Yeah - it's hard to lose control like that. The wind picked me up and slammed me into the side of a building. Got a bit of a bruise, I think." He thrills to her return touch.

"Dwight, I think that is a fine idea. Let me recommend and request that we do that. With the necromantic doings of late, I'm reasonably confident that they won't object overmuch. I can say something like, 'Hmmm, so with a necromancer having recently been in the area, you don't mind him having some of his minions dig up the graves of werewolves so that he might turn them into a kind of super undead critter? Burning them, and their bones to dust, might be a safer plan.' Anyway, as the town's established keepers of order and enforcers of the law, I think it right we let them at least take a look at the bodies. After that, let's torch 'em. Meanwhile, you want to come in with me, or stay out with the wagon until things are settled inside? Or maybe Tobias wouldn't mind watching over the wagon."

"How about we leave the drawings with Mungo Hardbottle? I'll seal them with wax, inside a scroll case that is also sealed, and ask him to hold on to the documents for safekeeping. I trust him. At least I'm confident he's a good sort. What do you think?" he asks Dwight.

Tobias (by Kim) 
Monday January 14th, 2008 2:14:55 AM

Concerned for Tewdwr, he asks Podo, "You think the clerics at the temple you go to can take a look at my wolf friend? I don't know what the bite of a werewolf might do to them."

He helps load the bodies, and agrees to come along to the constables. "You two go in. Tewdwr and I can watch over the cargo."

He has Kynan and Dryw keep a watch while seating on the front bench of the wagon. He goes and sits up in back, resting his feet on the covering canvas. He takes out one of his short sword and and whetstone and sets to sharpening it, keeping an eye open to anyone who exhibits too much curiosity about what's in the wagon. "Constables' business. Mind your own."

Trip to Dourscale

DM Glenn 
Monday January 14th, 2008 10:47:49 AM

Feeling a little paranoid, Julian wonders if his feet are hairier than they were yesterday. In the morning his jest with Kendry about what to do with the bodies.

After the battle, Kendry finds something positive to say to everyone, giving out complements like there's no tomorrow. He passes on what wisdom he knows about Lycanthropes, concluding that it probably too late for belladonna to be effective. Not going back to sleep he sketches and writes about all those involved in the early morning encounter. He spends time examining the set of stones, they feel important, but they don't detect as magical yet they were made with great care. He does detect a weak magic on the armor taken from the dead men.

In the morning the bard rent's a wagon and with help load the bodies into it for delivery to the constabulary. There he relates the story to he captain. The captain dutifully records all the information about the event as give by Kendry and any others. He seem a bit busy there being reports of storm damage in and around the city. He lets you go, telling you someone would be by later to check into it. After having a look at the dead men he sends a guard with Kendry to help deliver the men to the undertaker.

During the day Kendry complets his training at the WLA and talks with the WLA leader about the occurrences. Fidel records the information, and passes on information and or rumors about the Culverwood lycanthropes. Apparently there are several families of different types of lycanthropes, each calming domain over a different area of the forest. For there own protection the families have agreed to a pack not spread the curse lest they be hunted down by all their Nabors. If this Rex fellow is one of the wolf family then they would be breaking the lycanthrope rules.

The busy bard also finds time to chat and joke with the others and to spend some personal time with Airin. The he plays Milo for Mister Smith setting up a way to contact him and trying to eavesdrop on some of the fellows thoughts. Smith seems a bit frustrated at how long he has been in jail and thinking he employer probably letting him set there as punishment for his getting caught, but then there are much worse punishments. Mister Smith, muses that the time hasn't been a total waste, he has a new recruit for him employer. Smith smiles at Milo, "yea a duck on the clock tower.!"

Podo insist everyone bitten by the wolf men go with him to the temple. At the temple, the priest are able to tell Podo that a remove disease or heal spell cast by a cleric of 12th level or higher can cure the affliction, provided the person receives the spell within three days of the lycanthrope's attack. The priest wonders why you are so interested in the lycanthrope lore and if you know anyone who was bitten, if so steps need to be taken to isolate them for the good of the town. Unfortunately they don't have any clerics to cast such spells.

Dwight finds a some old dried Belladona in his bags, he bets Bella would have some if she were here. Later he accompanies Kendry with the trip to the constables and questions the bard about the risk of keeping detailed pictures of the items and suggest burning the bodies. The bard images the necromancer creating some kind of undead werewolf or weredead-wolf. He also suggest leaving the drawings with Mungo.

Airin can't help the belladonna ether, but suggest Bella could do something before the next full moon. She spends some quality time with Kendry

Tobias accompanies Podo to the temple and is worried about his dog too. He finds out that the curse only effects humanoids and even some giants. When the priest ask if they know anyone bitten, Tobias tells them it information for what to do just incase, see there planning a hunting trip in Culverwood, and a bard told them a scary story about humans that change into wolfs. Well they wanted to know just in case. The ranger whispers to the others to keep the wolf bites quite, he's afraid that if people found out they would be hunted down just in case. He accompanies the bard and magical-rouge to the constables.

The day passes quickly. The next day bright and sunny and the stage to Windhorn and then the temple at Dourscale waits, surly they would have high level clerics there! Who's going?

The next morring, you find a note from Tobias it reads
"Friends, I've gone to find Bella. I'm sure she can help with the bite. If, I don't finder her by the next moon, I won't be back. Please don't look for me!

Tobias & Tewdwr

PS. Fickle insists on going with me."

Posting Record Game 13 (ADM StevenVdB) ADDITIONAL 
Monday January 14th, 2008 11:19:56 AM

Posting Report for Game 13 since June 11th 2007

Name - # posts - # weeks participated - %

DM Glenn - - 84 - 18 - 93,3%
DM Cayzle - - 59 - 14 - 84,3%
Dwight - - 138 - 32 - 87,8%
Fickle - - 138 - 32 - 82,5%
Podo - - 113 - 32 - 75,9%
Selithe - - 89 - 32 - 57,8%
Kendry - - 159 - 32 - 91,5%
Tobias - - 125 - 32 - 82,9%
Airin - - 145 - 32 - 91,3%
Julian - - 113 - 20 - 94,7%

Game Speed = 90,6%
Posts Required = 4,53 per week
Overal Posting percentage = 83,05%

- player reliability can not exceed 100%
- the DM sets the pace
- if a player makes 5 posts and a DM only 4 the game moves at 80% but the player is 100% reliable (not 120%)
- if the DM makes 5 posts and the player only 4 the game moves at 100% but the player is only 80% reliable
- Since the Game Speed is 90,6% players are asked to make (5*0,90,6)=4,53 posts per week

Julian (by Jon-Paul) 
Monday January 14th, 2008 7:18:25 PM

[OOC: Because of an issue with work & home emails, I didn't get Julians' PC sheet on time, please excuse his lack of post...my responsibility.]

Bodies & Trees
Seeing how concerned Podo appears to be about the wolf bites and their possible cure, Julian sets about to quickly "resolve" the bodies.

Long Trip
After all is said and down, Julian heads to pack for the long trip to the Big city.

Monday January 14th, 2008 7:25:35 PM

Returning from Temple

Upon arriving back at the Toy Shoppe, Podo explains "that a fast exodus to Dourscale, Plateau City, or a very Large city would be good now! Our meager temple doesn't have the spiritual help we need!" "Further more, I will not have this disease on my conscious if we delay one minute minute!

"Onward, I say! Onward to vast yonder city!! No time to delay...we need attention before yonder moons debut!" rambles Podo while trying to pack his stuff, gear, Sharles, and whatever else need be.

Kendry  d20+7=22
Tuesday January 15th, 2008 12:51:07 AM

Per Dwight's recommendation, Kendry tells the undertaker that the deceased are to be cremated - including the wolves. He will pay the fee to have this done - as soon as possible.

"Yes, Podo - in the morning, on the carriage. Fastest way, unless we can get a teleport."

He talks more with Nalfein and Leska Rose about figuring out some security measures, should Rex and the cleric return here some time in the near future. He shows them the sketches. He does the sketch of Rex again [Craft, draw 22 this time for Rex], since he left his copy with the WLA.

"Oh, and tell Papa I would like a good masterwork lute one of these days."

In the morning, Kendry reads the note from Tobias. "Ah, friends, why could you have not told us in person, for proper leave-taking? Well, may you be watched over by the good ones above, and protected from evil ones. You will be missed, Fickle, Tobias and Tewdwr. Selah."

After an early morning tasty breakfast from Leska, things all packed, Kendry gives his siblings an affectionate farewell, then says to all who want to go to Dourscale, "Let's go. As Pode says, onward!"

Airin and Fioni  d20+8=19 d20+12=17 d20+16=31
Tuesday January 15th, 2008 3:30:39 AM

Airin too is disappointed to hear that Tobias and Fickle have gone to find Bella alone.
At breakfast Airin is rather quiet.

Airin too packs her gear and saddles Blossom. The carriage was already hired to take at least 7 halflings to Dourscale but looks like there will be less...

"On to Dourscale!"

On the road Airin keeps her eyes and ears open as usual... Fioni flies high over their heads in lazy circles.

spot: 19
listen: 17
Fioni spot: 31

Stagecoach to Dourscale (DM Glenn) 
Tuesday January 15th, 2008 10:24:28 AM

Early the next day, Julian is ready and packed for his long trip.

Since returning from the temple, Podo is eager to get to Dourscale and its temple.

Having seen to the bodies' cremation yesterday, Kendry agrees with Podo's wish to make it to Dourscale with all haste. He sees to the arrangements for the shop security and packs for his trip.

Disappointed in the sudden departure of Tobias and Fickle, Airin packs her gear and prepares Blossom for the trip.

Selithe and Dwight join the rest of the group in the morning for the stagecoach trip south to Windhorn then the short hop to Dourscale. The weather couldn't be more perfect for travailing. The roads are dry and clear.

As for the security of the shop, Nalfein and Leska will keep an eye out for the others, but they feel you should keep the stones with you, after all if they are that important they don't think they could keep someone from taking them. Five stones and six people who wants to carry one?

You board the stage finding it ample enough in size to hold your group plus a few, but you seem to be the only ones traveling today. The driver suggests Airin ride inside, and just tie Blossom to the back. He'll keep an eye on her.

The driver explains the trip will take a day and a half. "We should make it to Windhorn by four in the afternoon tomorrow and from there it's about 2 hours to Dourscale." Just as the coach is about to pull out, another passenger comes running up, "Wait, Wait I'm got a ticket." An elderly Halfling lady dressed in mystical silks, wearing gaudy rings on every finger and a loud mix of jewelry, boards the coach and settles into a seat.

The stage gets moving, the old gypsy woman starts chattering, "Well now, what a fine group of fellow travelers - adventures, heroes and toy makers. I'm Madam Sara -- the all seeing psychic, I'm sure you all have seen my shop in town. All the well to do of Angel Springs come to me for weekly readings. Why last year I predicted that Mr Calfast would win the burgomeister election. No one believed me at the time." Madam Sara seem like a nice old chatty lady, maybe a little batty.

During the trip you learn that she is going to visit her nephew in Windhorn. She goes on, "He doesn't know it yet, but the cards tell me he's going to have the cold hand of death grab hold of him. I've got to give him a reading of the cards so he can know how to avoid the fate." She pulls out an old worn set of fortune telling cards.

Smiling at you all, "Who would like their future told first? No, no charge. Just something to do to pass the time. How about you deary? I bet the cards know you well." The last she said to Airin with a knowing smile.

Tuesday January 15th, 2008 10:40:29 AM

OOC: I'm sorry to see a finalized end date for CV :(

Dwight is a little disappointed Tobias and Fickle left without proper good byes. He wonders if they should have taken one of the stones recently acquired.

Once the bodies have been taken care of, Dwight wonders around town for a bit (spot:

Dwight (continued)  d20+3=22
Tuesday January 15th, 2008 10:45:55 AM

OOC: not sure what happened, hit roll and instead it posted.

spot:22) He wonders past Bella's old house, the spies house, the new WLA building, the clock tower and eventually boards the stagecoach.


Dwight will keep the glass sphere


Looking at the old lady, Dwight tries to determine if she is really the lady from town or someone else, but doesn't have anything to compare too. In the end, he smiles and accepts a reading from her.

Stagecouch to Dourscale (DM Glenn) Cont 
Tuesday January 15th, 2008 12:39:42 PM

The old lady has Dwight cut the cards then lays them out commenting as she turns them over, "The rogue card. You live by your wit and quickness. Coming from humble begins.

Mystic Power card. You know secrets enabling you to control unseen forces. Your life is in flux drawn to the chaos in life.

The green king card, you are bound to the fey to Eberyon.

Bearer of burdens card and the Wold card, perhaps you carry a piece of the Wold. Death hounds card, death stalks the bearer of burdens.

Card of Change and one of a journey, you will become a traveler far from your home, perhaps so death can't find you.

Lover's sorrow card, you will be parted from those you love during your journey.

Great works card, your future journey involves great deeds and works."

Tuesday January 15th, 2008 4:03:35 PM

Airin observes the old lady with some doubt. She listens to the future she foretells for Dwight.

"Sure why not..." Airin whispers to the old Lady wondering what she has to say about her.

Airin suddenly sees images in her head...
... a wedding ...
... She and Kendry walking down the aisle...
... a nice cozy home ...
... 6 children ...
... two bastard swords crossed together above the chimney ...

Then she's brutally brought back to reality and awaits the old lady's tales...

Stagecouch to Dourscale (DM Glenn) Cont 
Tuesday January 15th, 2008 5:08:58 PM

The old lady shuffles the cards and has Airin cut them. She lays out many cards some the same as Dwight some news ones. Know cards are The rogue, Bearer of burdens, Change, lover's sorrow and death hounds. New cards are the green plants, fire, bard, Recklessness, dark elf, and the magic gate cards.

Looking at the cards the lady tell you, "You had a reckless past where you learned to play with fire. You are quick with your hands and have a connection to nature.

"You bear a burden which death will follow. A chance to change this fate will come to you in the form of a gate if you choose to step through.

"In this new future are dark elfs, and in your past is a distant lover -- a story teller, yet not forgotten."

Tuesday January 15th, 2008 9:52:07 PM

"Ok, wise one, please if you have the time and the energy, look into your cards for me?" Podo aks of the wisdom aged woman.

"Julian? What do you think of the lady's offer? Would you care to take a listen while we await our dourscale?" Podo inquiries of Julian.

Julian (by Jon-Paul) 
Tuesday January 15th, 2008 9:53:07 PM

"Podo, I usually don't tempt the fates, but if you think if would help, and Domi or Alemi wouldn't mind... then I'll listen to her counsel as well..." states Julian to the coach occupants.

Tuesday January 15th, 2008 10:44:13 PM

Selithe snaps out of her thoughts of her future as those about her get readings about what is to come for them. Selithe makes no move to have her's read though as she looks to Kendry instead and speaks to her brother, "I been thinking Kendry that I'm going to look into renting a place to run a gambling area out of. Not sure if I have enough or not. Might have to talk to Ma and Pa about it too." Selithe looks down as she knows that this means she will see a lot less of the group too.

Trying to cheer herself up though she looks to everyone, waiting for them to get done with what they are currently doing before speaking, "I've been waiting to do this for awhile now. As most of you know, Gift Day wasn't that long ago. So, these are for my brave friends and family." With this said Selithe pulls her backpack over and begins pulling out simply brown wrapped items from it and hands one to each member of the group.

Kendry finds a pair of well made silver cufflinks inscribbed with the symbol of Wardd for luck.

Airin finds a well made silver hairpin that is designed to look like a bird.

Podo finds a well made silver pendant inscribed with a open hand to signify peace.

Julian finds a well made silver drinking flask inscribed with a picture of a halfling lounging with a pint in his hand.

Tobias finds a set of three well made leather collars with well made silver buckles. The buckles incribed with the halfling word for "friend".)

Dwight finds a well made silver bracelet inscribed with the halfling symbols for luck.

Selithe smiles and speaks after each person opens their gift, "I didn't know what to get some of you. Some of you are hard to choose for." Selithe can't help it at this point and quickly turns her head away, wiping quickly at tears and stiffling sniffles as she can't help but wonder if this will be the last gift she gets to give her friends.

Wednesday January 16th, 2008 1:37:58 AM

Kendry carries the blue stone pyramid in his handy haversack; Dwight has the glass sphere. Who takes the wooden cylinder? The stone cube? The steel wedge? The bard is happy to have each person carry one of the items. If not enough people take them, he is willing to carry the extra - but prefers they be split up.

Finally settling in for the ride, the bard rests his auburn hair on the seatback. He listens with curiosity to Lady Sara's prognostications. He takes out paper and pen and begins to take notes, and do some sketching. The carriage is remarkably smooth running on the ancient Tucri highway, but the motion of movement nevertheless does make his writing and sketching a little less elegant than is normally the case.

He finds his ire is raised by some things she says. Dwight being separated from the ones he loves, indeed! Who is this lady? Who sent her?

Yet Selithe manages to divert his attention away from the gypsy lady. "So, you want to set up your own place, eh, sis? I know it's been a dream of yours. Well, once we take care of this Dourscale business, that might be a good time for you to step away from adventuring for a while, and start to build your own business. I know there are enough folks in our valley who like to try their hands at games of chance that, should you find a good cook, a few people who can keep a sharp eye on the gambling, a security detail, some occasional entertainment - you and I could sing some songs together. Maybe Nalf & Lesk could join in some nights, too, for a decent quartet.

"Anyway, if you want to do that, and think that the time has come - well, I will miss you at my side on our adventures. And, if you need a break from business, feel free to come and help us out again." He fingers the charms that the released spirits gave her when she shattered Eberyon's crystal pumpkin. "You've often been a lucky one. Because you make your own luck."

He looks over the cufflinks she gave him with appreciation and gratitude. "I've got an entertainment costume I can wear these with. They're lovely, sis." He takes a look at the gifts she gave to others, too.

But after this diversion, his attention returns to the fortune teller.

"So, Lady Sara... are you able to divine another's future without resorting to cartomancy, or palmistry? I trust you'll make allowance for a bit of skepticism. I do not mean to be rude - but if, as you say, your foretellings can be avoided - how accurate would you say you have been? The wealthy have confidence in you, from what you tell us. Why? What do they seek that you provide?"

Then, with an edge to his voice, he asks, "How can you say that my love and I will be separated one from the other? I do not believe this." He takes Airin's hand in his own, and gives her a squeeze of concern.

Airin and Fioni 
Wednesday January 16th, 2008 5:45:03 AM

Airin too is shocked by what the lady has foretold.

Pondering these visions Airin is startled by Selithe's decision but understands her reasoning. "I shall wear this hairpin with joy dear Selithe. It shall remind me of our journeys together and be a beacon through time. We'll come and visit you as often as possible. And when our adventuring days are over we'll share good memories by the fire..."

But then a grim look comes over her face. What was that the lady said to her... the hand Kendry gave her feels cold and nervous... as if he too feels something is not as it should be in the Wold. Why would she leave him? What's this about death following her and a chance to change this fate by going through a gate?!?

Will she bring ill fortune over her friends?

Tobias, Fickle, Selithe... the group seems to be falling apart. Soo many unsolved things to be done. And then these riddles...

Airin's frighthened. She squeezes Kendry's hand too and whispers: "Don't leave me... I'm scared"

Stagecouch to Dourscale (DM Glenn) 
Wednesday January 16th, 2008 10:38:33 AM

The stagecouch continues to move speedily along the road only stopping occasional to water the horses or to change them out at a way station / farm. On board are Julian, Podo, Kendry, Airin, Selithe and Dwight.

Madam Sara the all seeing psychic has so far read the cards for Dwight and Airin. Next up is Podo. Shuffling the cares she has Podo cut the deck once, then she lay out the cards turning them over slowly revealing Life giver, monastery, Justice/Law, Divine power, Gods of Wold, Bearer of Burdens, danger, Wolf, Change, City and warrior/sorcerer cards. Muttering to herself, Interesting, most interesting....

Your core being is a giver or preserver of life. You spent much time in a monastery were you leaned justice. You have divine gifts from the gods of the Wold.

You to are a bearer of burdens, which puts you and all those around you in danger. You fear the call of the wolf. Change will come to you, in the form of a large city, but you do not travel alone your companion will be a warrior/sorcerer."

Julian offers to let the old gypsies read his fortune next. She shuffles the old cards once more having Julian cut the deck. Placing the cards face up in front of her she turns over the Hope, Worker, Family, Badger, Chaos, Warrior/Sorcerer, Peace shield, Violence Sword, Bearer or Burdens, Death hound, Change, City and Life giver. Madan Sara looks at the cards then to Julian and Podo as she comments, "Your life is also interesting. Your core being is Hope. You come from a large family. Your spirit animal is the badger.

You embrace the Chaos of extremes. Living by magic and steel you peruse violence so that others may have Peace.

You too are a bearer of burdens, which death stalks, Change will come to you, in the form of a large city, but you will travel with a Life giver companion. It would seem your's and Podo's future are one."

Mesmerized by the readings, Selithe talks to her brother about starting that gambling place when they get back. Later she pulls some gifts out of her pack and hands them out to her companions mentioning something about gift day. She doesn't ask for a reading from the old lady.

Placing the blue stone pyramided in his backpack, Kendry offers the other stone items to the others thinking it best if they were split up. Making notes along the trip, Kendry listens to the gypsy's fortune telling not liking some of it. He chats with his sister about her plan to start a gambling house and thanks her for his gift. Having his ire raised by the foretelling he questions the old lady about her accuracy how can she tell say that he and Airin will be separated.

The old gypsy lady smiles as at the bard's skepticism and distain for the fortunes told. She calmly replies, "The future is foreseeable for those who have the gift, but it is not fixed. It is only what will happen you continue on your current path. Such as you know this stage is going to Windhorn which is where you will end up unless your get off before then. I don't make the future, I only read the signs. I don't blame you for disliking the future, but from my reading it is clear, If the burden bearers return before it is time, death and danger will follow them!" Madam Sara puts away her cards and sit quietly minding her own business.

Pondering things, Airin sits by Kendry holding his hand and whispering to him.

The monotony of the stage ride and clatter of horse hooves seems to lull everyone to sleep, when the stage stops for the over night rest way station, everyone wakes up, but the old Gypsy woman is not among you, and you're pretty sure the stage didn't stop anywhere while you dosed.

Airin and Fioni 
Wednesday January 16th, 2008 11:02:22 AM

Earlier Airin will take care of the Black Stone Cube and store it safely in her Haversack.

When they wake again that evening when the carriage stops Airin is starteled to see the old woman is no longer there. She looks around still frighthened wondering what has happend...

But then she smiles and says : "Boy have I had the strangest dream! There was this old woman on the carriage reading our future! We were to be seperated!! Can you imaging! Hahaha... good thing it was just a dream. C'mon lads I'm famished from the journey. Let's grab a bite. Oh and Love... I still need to return that euhm... 'bite'..." and with a twinkle in her eyes she hops down the carriage.

Wednesday January 16th, 2008 7:42:26 PM

Dwight listens intently as he gets his reading and seems shocked and slightly embarrassed as a few of his secrets are revealed, though coded they are.

He thanks her for helping pass the time in an enjoyable manner, but wonders to what extent any of what she said could be true. Most could have been luck, hearsay, or most could easily found out through questions. Then again, who else knew his true connection with Ebryron.

Eventually he drifts off thinking these over and over in his head.


When awakened, and finding the woman gone he feels she must have completed her task. "Airin, she was here, I doubt we all had the same dream again." He adds somewhat comically.

Dwight isn't disturbed by her disappearance, but wonders if she was a friend of Tiggy's or Bella's.

Kendry gets too serious 
Thursday January 17th, 2008 12:44:07 AM

Kendry responds to Madam Sara (si se puede)

"Ah. Thank you, then, Madam Sara. It's just -- I have come across 'seers' who used their gift to manipulate others. But by your answer, I perceive you an honest one. Forgive me my... misapprehensions. If you would."

He does not, nevertheless, seek a reading from her. But he does meditate upon the things she told his friends.


"Love, I have no plans to leave you. But according to the words of Sara, if death approach you, and you have opportunity to escape his grasp, then take this gate she spoke of. I would one day have you for wife, if you would have me for husband. But if either of us go down to Gargul's realm, then how ever shall we have children?"

He looks round at his friends when they can find some privacy in the inn. "The burdens we bear are the stones left in our charge. Sara tells us that death stalks them. Bella has through Tiggy entrusted them to our care. I know not what they do, what purpose they serve. But from these foretellings, I fear what soon may come to pass."

Kendry jots down the following:
hard wood cylinder -
black stone cube - Airin
glass sphere - Dwight
blue stone pyramid - Kendry
steel wedge block -
"Podo, Julian - who shall take the cylinder, and who the wedge? Selithe - you plan to return to Angel Springs. Let not this 'burden of death' return with you to our beloved valley."

Kendry sits looking down at the floor, leaning his elbows on his knees.

Julian (By Jon-Paul) 
Thursday January 17th, 2008 2:45:55 AM

As the journey continues on the coach, both Juilan and Podo dream about what the old woman meant about the card reading and how their paths will cross.

"Kendry, I'll take whatever's left, please" says Julian.

Thursday January 17th, 2008 2:46:42 AM

As the journey continues on the coach, both Julian and Podo dream about what the old woman meant about the card reading and how their paths will cross.

Podo takes it as a sign to come if the path is true...and Alemi isn't carrying me.

"Ah, Kendry, I'll take the Steel object, please" states Podo to Kendry.

Kendry brightens up 
Thursday January 17th, 2008 4:08:58 AM

Kendry asks Airin to come with him on a walk away from the rest station.

At first he talks with her of recent events, and more distant. "I never thought, when you and that bushy haired Olo came sleep riding up to us near the riverboat encampment, that one day I would be talking to you of... this."

He turns and takes both her hands in his. Silently he looks and takes in her face - her ears, and cheekbones, how her black hair frames her face, her petite nose and lovely chin - then into her eyes.

"Airin, I give you my promise. I choose you. You to love. You to marry, if you'll have me." He pauses a moment, then puts a finger to her lips. "Of course, I will seek the blessing of your family. Don't worry - you have, and will have, that of my family."

Then he returns his hand back to hers. "Let me ask you, my fair one: Will you one day be my wife?"

Airin and Fioni 
Thursday January 17th, 2008 7:18:30 AM

Following Kendry's first post:

"How can you say that! Would it not be more prescious to have only a year... a month... even a few days together rather than spending a lifetime being seperated from you trying to outrun death alone?

Death comes to us all one day..."

Following Kendry's second post:

Tears roll down Airin's cheeks when Kendry asks her to become his wife. Oh how she longed for that question but now as he finally asks her it seems they will be ripped apart...

"How I have dreamed about the day you'd ask me to marry you and yes... yes... there's nothing I want to do more than to become your wife but how... how my love will we ever find eachother again if we are to go on seperate roads... What roads will we go and where will they take us? Only in our dreams we will be together."

Airin shivers of all the emotions

"Love... promis me we will find each other again one day and to that day will you wait for me?"

Fickle and Ouch 
Thursday January 17th, 2008 9:28:40 AM

"I'll neverz ride in the Back withs the bags againz! Come withz Me Ouch!" comands Fickle.

Ouch follow Fickle (Becaus he's the one that has his food.

Dourscale (DM Glenn) 
Thursday January 17th, 2008 9:47:20 AM

Storing away the black stone cube, Airin thinking that the old woman was just a dream she make a comment to that effect. (OOC: Nice how you put the link your character sheet in the Post name area.)

Surprised by the reading, Dwight ponders the seers words. When he wakens to find her gone, he reassures Airin that she was real.

Kendry having heard the reply from Madam Sara, apologizes. Later after her disappearance he has a serious talk with Airin. Also, feeling that the stones should be spread out and dispersed, Kendry tries to get everyone to take one, until they meet again.

Julian offer to carry one of the stones, as the thinks about the woman's warnings.

Podo offer to carry the Steel stone, as he ponders the card reading.

Is there a stowaway on board? It that Fickle mumbling something from the baggage area?

Kendry and Airin continue to talk about their future and possible separation. Kendry asks Airin to be his wife. Airin makes him promise to find each other and wait for her. Odd, you can almost hear the romantic violin music. Then they realize that someone is playing a violin of a type back at the night way station.

The over night stay is uneventful, the drivers of the stagecoach seem to behave as if you were the only passengers they have aboard.

The next day the weather is holding fair and the coach makes good time to the city of Windhorn. From there the same coach and crew take you the two hours to the city of Dourscale dropping you off at the local branch office. With a few questions to the drivers you find out where the temple of Pantheon is. Also, directions to a good Inn and that there is a local chapter of the WLA in town. It's about 6pm, it's been 2 days and 16 hours since the battle with the Lycanthropes.

Kendry updates his list:
hard wood cylinder - Julian
black stone cube - Airin
glass sphere - Dwight
blue stone pyramid - Kendry
steel wedge block - Podo

(OOC: I've updated the Crescent Valley archive chapter descriptions.)

Thursday January 17th, 2008 10:09:27 PM

Dwight, along with Podo likely, urges the group to seek out the temple immediately. While not bitten himself, he tags along and offers monetary support if needed. I hope they want donations and not a task done, we have enough on our plate , he thinks to himself.

Thursday January 17th, 2008 11:58:21 PM

Selithe will head with the others to the temple and hopes that those among the group will be able to be helped.

Thinking while walking Selithe breaks into a grin as a thought comes to mind, "I got it. Maybe I can get some help from the WLA with my business. Being a supporter and member of WLA maybe I can offer up some deal with them for support on opening my shop. I figure renting a place and getting the proper people, wages and such is going to take more money then I have currently and it would put less strain on Ma and Pa."

Podo  d20+6=15 d20+6=15 d20+6=16
Friday January 18th, 2008 12:23:28 AM

Coach ride & the steel object
Before long, and the end, Podo secures the steel object in his Handy Haversack.

Once the group arrives in Dourscale, Podo insist everyone bitten by the wolf men go with him to either a Temple of Alemi, Domi, or Pantheon. Once the group arrives, Podo will seek out a cleric saying "Peace and Love to you my Brother." Then asking "if they have a member of their order capable of casting remove disease or heal spell cast 12th level or higher?" Using Diplomacy, Podo will explain to the cleric in charge, "Brother, you see my friends & I got caught up in a scuffle with strange critters and afterwards a bard explained that they might be something called dopplegangersz or something like that. Fearing for our lives and not understanding what might be happening, we sought out your guidance, Brother." (Diplomacy DC: 15)

Podo goes on to explain, "Our little group has some monies to cover expenses."

If the group arrives at the temple of Pantheon, Podo will relay the same statements as above, but Podo "asks for the head of this temple for a private matter."

Private Matter
(Diplomacy DC: 15)
When Podo is allowed to have a moment with the head cleric, Podo explains the story of his vow to the dead.

"Peace and Love to you my Brother, allow me to introduce myself. I am a Podo Danderfluff Pipewood, humble walker healer of Alemi from the wonderful Crescent Valley.

"My friends and I on a trek into the Scab a few weeks back, came across an area of great sorrow. Feeling in my bones that something was wrong, I descended into a cravass until I reached the bottom and the epicenter of the sorrow. I discovered after a short while the remains of someone. In praying, I managed to speak with the spirit of these bones who calls himself "Sharles", Justicar of Pantheon. He explained to me his plight and requested that in addition to returning him to this temple for burial, that I do my best to retrieve a holy Thurible that was in his possession as the time of his devimse to a pair of Manticores. My friends and I dispatched the Manticores after a great while, and even managed to discover the being "Sharles" was hunting, although his body was greatly mangled and caught in a small crack in the rear wall of the Manticores' cave. "Sharles, even tried to 'buy' my services with a small magical ring, later which I learned to be a ring of sustance, which you may have back in addition to your holy Thurible. I pledged a vow to 'Sharles' to return him, his Thurible, and now this ring to this very temple and that his family somehow gain closure for their unknown loss. I do not have much to offer his family, but you may give this small pouch which contains a few gemstones to his family. The pouch contains 7 rubies worth 200gp each."

When Podo finishes what he came to say, Podo removes the bag containing Sharles from his back in addition to removing the Holy Thurible from the Haversack. Lastly, he removes the ring from his pinky finger of his left hand. Handing the Holy Thurible and the ring over to the Temple Master, Podo holds the remains of the Justicar as gingerly as a Mother holds her newborn child, cradling the remains to show his great respect for this man.

When all is said and done, Podo asks the Temple Master, "Brother, would it be all right for us to meet his family? I might be able to heal any sick they might have or spread some healing blessings, Brother." (Diplomacy DC: 16)

Spells Prepared
Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Create Water, Read Magic

1st Level
Cure Light Wounds x4,Longstrider(Su)*

2nd Level
Cure Moderate Woundsx3,Barkskin(su)

Kendry  d20+11=29
Friday January 18th, 2008 12:50:47 AM

Proposal and acceptance and joy

On hearing Airin's reply, Kendry takes her up in his arms, and swirls around, feeling a surge of strength and joy at her acceptance of his proposal. After a moment, he eases her legs back to the ground, and gives her a gentle kiss, with the sound of the violin playing.

"Should fate separate us for a time, love, I will battle fate itself if I must to bring us back together. Wait for you? For me there is no other than you, Airin Moondancer Turnbell."

Then, a thought occurs to Kendry. "Say, I'm supposed to give you something to put on your finger, right?" He scratches his head. "Well, I don't have a ring..." He reaches into a large velvet pouch on his waist, and extracts a pair of gloves. "As a symbol of the power of our covenant with one another, will you accept these? They are Ishgaran gloves of strength."

Extra company

Kendry is delighted to find that Fickle accompanied them, after all. "Silly! You needn't ride with the baggage, after all. Good to have you with us. Oh - did you and Tobias find Bella, or is he off on his own still looking?"

In Dourscale

"Yes, to the temple - of Pantheon. We return value to them. Podo can tell them of our fulfillment of promise. Perhaps they will be disposed to help us with our need. Time is very short, possibly, for Julian, if we are to ensure the lycanthropy does not take hold."

Kendry essentially confirms (or lightly corrects, as needed - werewolves, not dopplegangers) what Podo tells the people in the Temple of Pantheon, perhaps adding a small detail or two [diplomacy 29].

He also asks, "Have you a prayer book, and perhaps a book of instruction on the teachings of your faith?"

Julian (By Jon-Paul) 
Friday January 18th, 2008 1:13:47 AM

Coach Ride

After receiving the object from Kendry, he does his best to secure the package amongst his belongings.

Dourscale & a Temple

Following Podo's insistence that they find a Temple, Julian follows Podo with as much fevor as a Protector might use to defend the weak.

Airin and Fioni 
Friday January 18th, 2008 5:47:03 AM

Prior to the arrival at Dourscale

As Kendry offers the Ishgaran Gloves Airin's eyes widen. Those are remarkable gloves and Airin realises that's far too expensive.

"Love you need not give me anything. These Gloves are wonderful and I would be delighted to wear them at all times but you don't need to part from them."

(ooc: since Airin will lower in level in the Ust Delmah Game she can only have approximately 9000Gp... at the moment Airin own +14000Gp worth in items, gold and gems plus that 2000 for the Woldian League. I'm already cutting back drastically to get to 9000 (and kept silent about the WLA membership hoping the Ust DM will forget about it... darn that's the same DM we have here...) Adding the 2000Gp gloves would pose even more problems :-) )

"How about we throw an engagement party when we are in Dourscale? Let us have one last party with all out friends before... well before we will be separated."


Airin follows the group to the Temple. She has never actually prayed to the Gods of the Wold. Only to Mother Nature... But inside the temple Airin again wonders what the old woman told her. About the doorway... her departure... where and when will she find her inevitable fate?
Will she find answers here in this temple?

Friday January 18th, 2008 8:47:05 AM

"Well! Itz like thiss way Couz Kendry, I over slept and had to run z after the Coach! The was thez only way we'z, You knoe Me'z and Ouch could be'zz with youz!" Smiles Fickle. "We'z Made it! Now where doez we go now? Me'z and Ouch Is'm Hungry!!"

OOC To DM: I'm Back by some requests! I could not brind my self to say no. I hope that Jerry will not be mad at you!

Dourscale (DM Glenn) 
Friday January 18th, 2008 9:59:56 AM

The Halfling adventurers glance around the city of Dourscale where no one smiles.

Dwight is eager to find the temple.

Going with Dwight and the others who seek out the temple, Selithe does some more thinking about how to drum up business for her gaming parlor.

Eager to seek help, Podo leads the way to the temples. At the temple of Pantheon, Podo seeks out and speaks with the head of the temple. After Podo finishes relating his story to father Ted, the man is a mix of emotions on one hand he is relieved to know the fate of Sharles, but is sadden by his demise. He is overjoyed to see the return of the Thurible and Sharles' bones, and the unexpected addition of Sharles' ring and a monetary donation. Father Ted is overcome with gratitude. "Bless you, Bless you! Few would have done what you have. Truly you are an example to us all! As for the remove disease we will see to it imminently, it's the least we could do in exchange for your service by returning Sharles and the Thurible to use."

Previously: Overjoyed at Airin's agreement, Kendry give her a gift. The bard is glad at finding Fickle, and questions him about Tobias and Bella. Later at the temple, Kendry lets Podo take the lead in telling the story only adding a bit here and there. In addition he asks for a prayer book and a book on instruction on the faith.

Julian follows along to the temple.

Prior to arrival at Dourscale, Airin is hesitant to take the gloves thinking Kendry would need them. She suggests an engagement party in Dourscale. Once in Dourscale, Airin follows the others to the temple.

A hungry Fickle tells Kendry how he and Ouch ended up in the baggage. As for Tobias, apparently he gave Fickle the slip.

At the temple of Pantheon, the news spreads quickly. Father Ted personally casts the needed spells on Podo and Julian. He goes on to explain that unless the wolf-man who bit them was a natural lycanthrope you wouldn't be in danger of becoming one. The belief is that the curse is too thin in an infected Lycanthrope to pass on to any bitten, but that in ones born to lycanthropy the curse is strong - any bitten by them have a chance of becoming one.

A young man comes in. "Excuse me, Father Ted, but Sharles' wife Lily is here along with their son and daughter." Father Ted excuses himself for a moment to break the news to the family. After a bit he brings them in to meet you.

It's a bitter-sweet meeting. Lily and her daughter, despite the tears, can't thank you enough. Sharles' son thanks you too. He seems to be an initiate in training for clerichood.

Later Father Ted asks if you'll be staying for a day or two, they will be having the ceremony to lay Sharles' bones to rest in the catacombs of the temple. Lily asked that you be invited.

Kendry - general outline 
Saturday January 19th, 2008 2:16:36 AM

A & K

Selithe's plans

With Father Ted

Lily and children

The Dourscale Experience


A Funeral Worthy of a Faithful Hobbit

Saturday January 19th, 2008 2:30:25 PM

Selithe watches and listens to what is done and said. When Lilly, her son and daughter come in she speaks gently to them as she doesn't know what to say other than what she does, "I'm sorry for your loss. Sharles was a very brave man and one all of you could be proud of. I know he would be sad to leave you all behind but I bet he is smiling down also to be home and your waiting and wondering put to rest. Waiting for news must have been worse than knowing."

Selithe nods when the priest gives them the news, "I'm sure we will all be there." Selithe slips two silver pieces from her pouch, "May I make a request? Can you place these over the eyes? Is to pay the ferryman for the voyage to Gargul." With that Selithe waits for the group to be ready to head out.

Once out Selithe looks to the group, "I'm heading over to the WLA to talk some business. I don't think there is a striaght up gambling joint anywhere in this area or maybe I just haven't seen it." Selithe runs off, letting anyone who wants to join her come. Once at the WLA she will ask to see whoever heads the place, showing her WLA pin. If she is allowed to talk to someone in charge she lays out her ideas for the gambling place near her home and what she has planned. She also speaks of trying to get the WLA backing that she has some money but would need a bit of help and would like to give the WLA a chance in aiding her first. She also is willing to talk out possible arrangements for the WLA getting their money they invest back plus any perks members could get, also that her place when it gets going could use guards/bouncers and that she could take on newer WLA members who might need a bit of first hand training, etc.

(Kendry is probably laughing at the sudden business head Selithe has gotten.)

Julian (by Robert) 
Saturday January 19th, 2008 4:31:34 PM

Waiting for Kendry, he seems to be about to say a lot of things...

Julian looks to Selithe as she says she is going over to the WLA, and decides to go with her to talk.
"You want to settle to gambling. I understand that, but I didn't think you were going to do it now. I am at a loss. I don't know what to think, what to feel.

"I am going to find a temple to Domi and sit for a while, see what answers come."

Sunday January 20th, 2008 10:37:11 PM

Dwight agrees to attend the funeral, and feels both the sadness of knowing a father/husband has died, but the re-assurance of knowing he didn't leave them alone by choice.

Otherwise, Dwight's interaction is minimal.

Posting Record Game 13 (ADM StevenVdB) 
Monday January 21st, 2008 1:08:02 AM

Posting Report for Game 13 for the week of Januari 14 - Januari 20

Name - MTWTFSS - # - %

DM Glenn - XXXXX-- - 5 - 100% - 2 follow up posts made on wednesday not counted
Dwight - XXXX--X - 5 - 100%
Fickle - ---XX-- - 2 - 40%
Podo - XX-XX-- - 4 - 80%
Selithe - -X-X-X- - 3 - 60%
Kendry - XXX2XX- - 7 - 100%
Tobias - X------ - 1 - 20%
Airin - X22XX-- - 7 - 100%
Julian - XX-XXX- - 5 - 100%

Weekly Summary : A burden which death will follow

Worried about those that are bitten by the Lycans Tobias leaves the group to find Bella. Perhaps she wil find a cure to help them.
The rest of the group takes the Stagecouch to Dourscale to settle some old business.

On their way over there a strange old lady comes riding along and speaks to them in riddles about the future. A future that apparently holds no good at all...
Everyone seems to be holding the Bearer of Burdens card... Death seems to be following the group... Only separating from the group seems to be a way to avoid their fate...

As a side note, Kendry proposes to Airin. Will there ever be a wedding? Will they ever find each other after getting seperated?

Airin and Fioni 
Monday January 21st, 2008 5:38:58 AM

Airin sees Kendry open his mouth for a lengthy speach and waits... waits some more... hits the Bard on his head for he appears to be stuck in thoughts. ( ooc such a placeholder and nothign to say?!? ;-) )

Then Airin will of course attend the ceremonial burrial of Sharles.

But all the while she ponders the future that was foretold by the old woman. Wondering when and where she'll be seperated from her friends and most of all from Kendry - her soon to be husband...

Fickle and Ouch 
Monday January 21st, 2008 9:27:53 AM

Fickle looks around, the party is ceremonial but cannot understand as to what is going on??So he'll ask his cousin, "Cuz Kendry! Are we going to a bar-b-que?? Is that corpes going to be a meal and How'z me'z going to sayz No!??"

Dourscale (DM Glenn) 
Monday January 21st, 2008 10:34:57 AM

In the town of Dourscale no one smiles. It's late when the adventures leave the temple of Pantheon having seen to Sharles' last request and cleared up any remaining worries about lycanthropy.

Kendry seems to be collecting and ordering his thoughts.

Having offered two silver to pay for Sharles' last ferry ride,Selithe decides to seek out the local Wold League of Adventures to discuss business maters. A gnome wearing thick glasses called Alfred meets with Selithe about her gambling proposal. He's very cheerful and polite, and after Selithe lays out her plan he comments, "Your proposal is very interesting, but I must remind you that the WLA exists to combat evil, in all its deadly forms, and protect the innocent. How does being an investor in a gambling joint further those goals?" he eagerly awaits your reply.

Julian follows Selithe and chats with her about her plans.

Dwight aggress to attend the funeral.

Also agreeing to attend the burial ceremonial, Airin ponders the future as she waits for her betrothed to say something.

Fickle not quite understand the what the ceremony is, asks Kendry some questions.

Since it is late and everyone is a member of the WLA, it only makes sense that the group makes use of their facilities for the night. There's a hand full of other members also spending the night, they are in the common room discussing politics, monsters, places they've seen and famous adventurers they've met. "I've once meet one of the Gold dragon group, I was only a wee lad at the time and they were dragging some baddy they captured into town." Another one pipes up, "Yea, well I was in a tavern once where the Emerald dragons were having a party after defeating a huge monster." The third one speaks up, "I think you're both telling tall tales, but I did see a group of adventures in action once, I was working as a guard for the Plateau city when there was trouble down at the Plateau city defense league. I tell you if ever there was a group I'd join, it would be them! In a heart beat." The group continues, to chat and drink some wine.

Monday January 21st, 2008 8:53:46 PM

Airin & Kendry on the road (at the waystation)
When Airin seems to turn down his offer of the gloves, Kendry feels downcast. But when she suggests a party in Dourscale, he perks up. "Now, hon, you know that Dourscale is not generally known as a party town, don't you?" He gives her a wink. "But that's all right. We'll throw a good party, nonetheless."

Taking a more serious vein, he says, "I know that gloves are not the traditional engagement gift. It's just that - well, I didn't know that some seer was going to come along and - throw our plans to the winds, it seems.

"So... in Dourscale I shall seek out a ring. Maybe we can look together! One for each of us. Nothing fancy. Just a symbol of our promise to each other. Of ..." and Kendry gulps, "... of our love for one another. Does that sound better than gloves?"

He awaits her reponse.

Then he gives her a light kiss and suggets, "Now, let's go inside and find out who is providing that beautiful violin music."

Selithe's plans
Before she heads off to the WLA to make her proposal, Kendry tells his sister, "Best of luck. That's what casinos dangle before their patrons, right? Luck?"

With Father Ted

Kendry thanks the good priest for seeing to the needs of his friends, helping to ensure that neither Podo nor Julian contract the curse of the werewolf.

Regarding the prayer book and the book of instruction on the faith, Kendry is grateful, and offers a small donation. [It will have to be small - he's nearly out of money!]. He wonders whether he might learn some of the music of the faith of Pantheon. "Are some of your prayers put to music?" If so, he would like to listen and learn what he might.

Lily and children

Kendry asks Lily's son his name, and daughter her name. If they have middle names - or more (as do many halflings) he would learn those, too - and asks the children if they know how they came by their names (named for a family member, or for other reasons). If they don't know, he'll inquire of Lily. He tries to be mindful of their grief - but also to give them a chance to share the burden of their grief with others. If the moment feels appropriate, he asks, "Tell me a story about your daddy."

He hopes that Airin is with him as they talk. He also asks Lily what she might tell him about her husband. How did they meet? And how did he propose? Guided by her responses - not probing too much if it seems such is not desired by the widow, but gently asking other questions if it seems to help her, Kendry tries to draw her out. "You see, I would like to write something in honor of your husband. What would you have me include in a song or a poem? How would you have him remembered by the community, and your family?

He hopes to be able to find this out at least a day before the funeral, so that he has time for composition.

The Dourscale Experience

Kendry notes the countenances of those in the town. He schools himself to adopt a similar countenance when out in public, so as not to draw attention to himself. He encourages his friends to work to fit in, too. He is not overconfident of Fickle's comprehension in this regard.


"No, no, Fickle, it's not to be a bar-b-que. It will be a funeral. A funeral is when someone who has died is then buried. People who knew the dead person gather together, and talk about the person who died. They often have good and kinds words about that person. Some people pray. Some people cry. And afterwards, people eat food, and talk about that person, and about other things."

Later, in another place, he talks more with him. "Fickle, you are a remarkable fellow. Have I said that before? Look, friend, while you were stowed away in back, Madam Sara prophesied all sorts of strange things soon to befall our group. And one of those relates to a scattering. Well, I haven't heard that I'll be scattered, nor you, nor Selithe. So, just in case her words come true - will you try to stay with me? Maybe we can help my sister. Maybe we can work to get everyone back together again.

"Yes, yes, Fickle, what Ouch just did jumping for your finger was funny. Are you listening to me, Fickle?" Kendry realizes it may take several repetitions to get an idea firmly planted in this strong hobbit's ... well shielded mind.

So, he works on ways to encourage Fickle to try to stick together with him. "Except when I need to be alone - like, with Airin, or when I go to the privy, or a few other times I'll let you know about."

A Funeral Worthy of a Faithful Hobbit

Kendry learns what he can about the funerary customs of Dourscale and of the followers of Pantheon, so that the participation of him and his friends might add to this remembrance of Sharles' life.

At the WLA

The bard soaks in the stories others tell. "Well, I know someone who challenged the Dragonstone himself, that noble and incredibly strong half elf, Lord Valdor! There, in the castle of the Gold Dragons - this was right about the time that they and the Storm Dragons were preparing to emerge as the Platinum Dragons - y'know, when Eberyon re-awakened?

"There in the banquet room, Valdor showed up - hardly wearing much more than a loincloth, and his body all aglowin' with fresh perspiration. He had a towel about his neck, and nibbled on grapes, then swallowed a melon with just a few bites. Very noble of speech, he was, and a gracious host he seemed, with a handy sword by his side.

"Then a halfling, just invited in, he was, with some other halflings, started complaining about this and about that.

"Well, you could just see the ire begin to rise on the warrior's countenance. By the time the tips of his ears got red, some of the halflings who were paying attention looked at Valdor, then the complaining hobbit, and back to Valdor, and then got to looking for some safe barricade to go hide behind..."

At this point in the story, Kendry takes a few slurps of his soup, lest it get cold.

Monday January 21st, 2008 10:07:49 PM

Selithe speaks to Julian before he leaves, "Whoa, hold up there Julian. I just want to talk to them and get some ideas if they're even interested and all. I couldn't set up nothing for a while really."

At the meeting Selithe leans back and pulls out her pipe, beginning to fill it as she thinks. Just after lighting it she starts to talk, "The branch in the valley is pretty new still really. Last time I remember the places members were still only slowly trickling in. I mean no offense by that comment Alfred, just I could help advertise for the League if you think that would help. All sorts of people usually come to a gambling place. It would be a good place to help recruit. I would expect that the League could use an extra source of income also. If my place goes over then I can see that a percentage of the profits come here to help support, like any expanding you might like to do or equipment for the places."

Selithe lights her pipe and thinks more before speaking, "It might seem like something the League wouldn't want to get into but if my place goes over well I hope to get people from all over to come. A well known casino I have not heard of yet in the Wold but if I can make that place well enough then I think the advertisement might go over well for the League as well. The League has done a lot for me and my friends and I know I'm asking for support from it in a way that you might not usually do but I offer to aid the League in return. If my place goes then I can advertise for you, give a percentage of profits to help out and lastly rumors would circulate in the place so I can offer any gossip that might aid the League also." Selithe smiles to Alfred, "An' if my place doesn't go over well then I can always help out with the League, offer my time. I would work to pay back any money given. I have a small hand with magic, some rogue skills and have a bit of training as a stinger. I will understand though if this is not something the League would not want to commit to and simply ask one more thing. If not could you possibly point me in the direction of someone who might? I was going to ask Calfast but have been avoiding that approach for now. I fear he might just jump in because we have aided him and I would not want him or anyone else to agree without thinking it over carefully. I know there are risks involved."

No matter what Selithe goes to meet the others after her meeting. She puffs on her pipe and sighs softly, drained from her sales pitch as it was one of the hardest things she has had to do. Looking at Kendry she can't help but chuckle, "I don't know how you do it brother. One little sales pitch and I'm already bushed."

Monday January 21st, 2008 10:39:08 PM

Dwight sits back in deep thought after the ceremony and listens to the others tell stories. He listens as others disbelieve tales told, and wonders who would believe his own story. It all began as I attacked Ebryon and knocked the bracelet from his hand.... It doesn't even sound believable to him.

He sits late into the night and wonders where he is being called to next. With the thurible returned, Tobias gone, loose ends abound and then the warning from the seer. Others may take her warnings lightly, but Dwight has seen to much to ignore advice.

"If I can't return, where shall I go?" he mumbles to those that are trying to listen. He then mumbles various words about home, travelling, in search of what?

In the end, Dwight returns and goes to meditate near a small den of trees.

Tuesday January 22nd, 2008 2:20:21 AM

After the service for Sharles, Podo spends time with Lily and her family, seeing where he can lend a hand, and handing out healthy candy to the children.

Listening to teh other members speak, Podo beings to wonder what the Plateau city defense league is and how it differs from WLA, so Podo asks!
"Er, excuse me, fine folks, but what exactly is the Plateau city defense league and how does it differ from this fine organization, the WLA?" asks Podo to the assembled WLA members.

Spells Prepared
Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Create Water, Read Magic

1st Level
Cure Light Wounds x4,Longstrider(Su)*

2nd Level
Cure Moderate Woundsx3,Barkskin(su)

Tuesday January 22nd, 2008 3:50:35 AM

On the day after their arrival, Kendry will go with Airin so they can shop for engagement rings - likely simple gold bands, unless Airin wants us to go for something fancier...

He also works on composing a song or poem for Sharles' service.

And spending as much time as he can with his friends, getting to know this very different city.

Airin and Fioni 
Tuesday January 22nd, 2008 5:05:42 AM

"Kendry don't feel bad about the fact that I've advised you to keep the gloves!! As I said, I would be delighthed to wear them at all time but they are far to expensive and I don't need you to give me anything to proove your love for me! Yes, let us shop for a simple gold band ring. I would be honored to have that. Perhaps we can have just our names ingraved in them?
Nothing would please me more than such a plain and simple ring as a token of my love for you!"

Later Airin probably goes shopping with Kendry.

She spends a lot of time with him and her friends of course looking for a way to avoid the inevitable...

Tuesday January 22nd, 2008 5:43:21 AM

Julian loves to hear the tales of adventures, enjoys a few drinks and all too soon passes out from an excess of unpractised drinking. He sleeps with his head on the table.
Shark fervently guards his master.

Tuesday January 22nd, 2008 8:03:48 AM

Fickle sits on his butt (real hard) 'PLOP!', Listens to everybody say so, but cannot stop thinking that something very Bad is about to Happen?? but cannot put his finger on the Problen, So he'll ask his Cousin Kenny, "Cuz Kenny! We go some place? Me go with You? Or do I'z go back to me'z Magic Forest?"

Dourscale (DM Glenn) 
Tuesday January 22nd, 2008 11:05:18 AM

Kendry spends some time talking to Lily and her children, young adults really, the boy Sharles Kim Jr nearly 18 and Rose Sara just turn 15. Their father has been missing for nearly 3 years. He as aways going on missions to bring bad people to justice, or to clear their name. Lily met Sharles nearly 20 years ago when he was assigned to the newly built temple. He proposed to Lily just after they both participated in a pig wrestling contest at a fair, they were both filthy with mud.

In the common room of the WLA, Kendry join in with the discussion, with his own story about the gold dragons. The men listen to his tale, wondering weather its true are not, "So who is this brave or foolish Halfling?"

Father Ted explains that the ceremony will be fairly simple, the urn containing the bones will be placed in a burial chamber within the crypts below the church, some blessing will be said and any final words anyone has to say. The father lets you know that the ceremony is to be held tomorrow evening.

Selithe continues her discussion with Alfred of the WLA. Alfred listens and then comments, "Well as for raising funds is all fine, but the WLA would be more interested in the information that might be passed back and forth at such an establishment. I would have to talk to the higher ups before committing the WLA. How much are you looking for and where can we contact you at?"

Dwight spend a lot of his time in deep thought, about the warning and where he should go.

Podo spends some time with Sharles' family. Later he listens to the men's discussion in the common area of the WLA. Asking about the difference between the Plateau City Defense League and the WLA, almost causes one of men to choke on his wine. "The WLA and the defense league are not remotely the same. The defense league is a group of racial thugs with a high sounding name, they seem to blame elfs for their problems."

Airin goes shopping with Kendry, spending as much time with him as possible.

Julian listens to the tales of other men in the WLA common area, and drinks a bit too much.

Fickle listens to his Cuz Kendry wondering what he should do.

The next day about noon Alfred finds Dwight and hands a letter to him, "This was delivered today. Thought it might be important."

To Dwight Twiggebundler
Care of The Woldian League of Adventurers


You know I don't put words to paper much at all, so I have one of my friends from Angel Springs writing this down for me. Tell 'em who you are, Grady. (Hi, Dwight - this is Grady the Bookbinder writing for your pa. He brings me excellent birchbark a few times a year.)
So, I have letters from you. About the Druidic Grove - I found out later what that was about, mostly, I guess. Seems you were mixed up in the birth of a talking baby goat, is what I heard.
Son, are you sure you are with the right sort of people? I sure worry about you sometimes. You always seemed to keep things to yourself. Then, all of a sudden, WHAM! - some pearl of wisdom falls from your lips, and I have no idea where that came from.
I know you have a good head on your shoulders, son. And I was going to tell you I'd like to see you around here again, soon.
But there's been some trouble in town. Those folks whose company you have been keeping - There was a terrible hubbub when I delivered a wagonload of small cherry trees to a fellow who is planting them outside of Angel Springs. No, there was no trouble with the cherries. Rosy Tart Pie Cherries they were - the ones we have to put nets over so the birds don't eat them all up in the Spring.
But you don't need to worry about cherry trees. Tell you what I heard.
Some monsters have been showing up in Angel Springs. Monsters, I tell ya! There were these skeleton dogs that the militia took care of. One of the militia men told me himself! And he said that you were consorting with a skeleton maker! Well, I punched him in the nose, I did. Almost got arrested, but some of his friends dragged him away. Huh. Never thought I'd punch a militia man. You know usually I'm a peaceable hobbit. I know you would never consort with a skeleton maker.
There was a giant and a goblin that came with three ladies all the way from Hovel, and they were looking for you and your group, Dwight! Now, someone claimed they were your friends, but I can't believe you'd be so foolish as to make friends with a giant, nor a goblin. I didn't raise you so foolish, I know that. Someone almost killed the giant, until Burgomeister Calfast Rowgold Tunnely himself put a stop to it! And the giant didn't even try to defend himself. Just called out, asking for Proto and Slith and Kender and Arnon. And DWIGHT!
Well, that got me to thinking even more. ARE YOU MAKING FRIENDS WITH GIANTS? Son, son - don't be foolish. They can squish you with one hand! And remember what they tried to do to our valley some years back. Thankfully we've got those towers. But people are riled. "How did he get past the towers?"
Well, I have to admit, that Tunnely fellow has a way with words. He got folks to decide that the giant and his funny goblin pet are really decent. Bomar, I think they called the giant. Lomar? I forget.
Well, I got asking around town about you. Finally, a nice young lady took me by the elbow. Said her name was Leska Rose. She told me NOT to tell anyone else what she was going to tell me. Made me promise before she would tell me.
She said that you and your friends were off to Dourscale. And that you are with the Woldian League of Adventurers. And she said not to punch any more militiamen.
All right. It's best you hear this from me. DO NOT COME BACK TO ANGEL SPRINGS RIGHT NOW. That's right, don't come back right now. Seems there are some bad folks afoot who are trying to find you. I would say more, but I'm not going to, because if someone finds this letter, I don't want them to know what she said. And no, I'm NOT talking about the giant. I'm talking BAD FOLKS!
Look, you should tell your friends, too. You can let them read this letter, if you want.
Just don't come back right now, son. I don't know how long to say you should lay low.
Maybe when all this blows over you can come back and help me. You have a way with saplings.
We love you, son.
Write when you can.


Scribbled at the bottom is a hasty note in the same hand, albeit not as neatly written:
D - not sure how accurate all these stories are. When things are safer, though, drop in to my shop next time you're in town - maybe you can help me sort things out. -Grady.

Tuesday January 22nd, 2008 3:42:01 PM

Kendry likes the idea of having their names engraved inside the bands - on facing sides of the inner circle. He sees that they find someone who can do this.

"Say, Rinrin," Kendry says to Airin. "Didn't Sara say something about you going to the dark elves? Y'know, many of them have had an evil reputation - but not all. You'll want to know the language they use - it's called 'underdark.' Here, let me teach you a few words."

At the WLA, while finishing his soup, Kendry responds to those who want to know who challenged Valdor. With a shrug of his shoulders, he says, "Oh, I dunno. Ask him." He indicates that Podo might know the answer to their question. He gives his friend and cousin a wink.

"Fickle, if you have a hankering to return to the Culverwood - your Magic Forest - I certainly won't stop you. But if people are going to be scattering about, it'd sure be a comfort to have you around. Besides, you make me laugh - and I have a feeling I'm going to need someone to help me keep... a sense of proportion."

"So, Dwight got mail. Anything we should be nosey about, friend?"

Tuesday January 22nd, 2008 6:05:41 PM

Dwight looks over the letter and reads it 3 or 4 times. Normally Dwight would suspect a letter from his father, as he doesn't write much or well, but all the pieces fit. The right helper, the right trees to the right homes. It must be true. As he reads it again for the 5th time he gleans a piece of truth from each tall tale his father mentions. He then laughs to himself, "If only you knew father, the barest of the peaks you have hit."

Just then, he is interrupted by Kendry.

He smiles and the chuckle fades into a more serious tone. "It seems danger is behind us, lending truth to the seer's words. This letter is from my father, requesting I not return home for my own safety. He also suggests I pass the warning to my friends."

He then offers the letter to Kendry (and others) if they would care to read it. Dwight adds the letter must be truly from his pa due to the various details.

Tuesday January 22nd, 2008 11:42:56 PM

"Not return home?! I believe my father sent me letters asking me to return home - though I couldn't read then so I'll have to trust my brothers on that one."

"It is good that to have layed Sharles to rest. There are a few other loose ends that need tying up though. I wonder if they are chasing us anyway. Dwight, do you think that might be what your letter is about?"

Tuesday January 22nd, 2008 11:49:58 PM

The men's discussion

After Podo sees the violent reaction to his questions, Podo thinks to ask another one of the assemled group, when his cousin Kendry drops the V word into the mix...Valdor!

Looking up at the assembled group including his companions that are present, Podo looks around and begins to blush. "Ok, Ok, I admit it, it was me, Podo Danderfluff Pipewood, when I was just a humble Monk of Domi nearly two years separated for the monastery, during the time of the dreaded "Re-awkening".

Podo continues...
"For those of you that do not believe I could have done something so foolish, I have but one thing to say to prove that my words ring true. If any you, ever get the chance to speak with the Lord Valdor himself, ask him to whom he gave his Special Earring to during the time of the Re-awakening. By his answer you will know what I say to be true. As a member of the league, and as a LG humble walker monk of Domi/Healer of Alemi, if my words are not worth their breaths, then whose are?" finishes Podo as he wanders over to an empty seat.

Spells Prepared
Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Create Water, Read Magic

1st Level
Cure Light Wounds x4,Longstrider(Su)*

2nd Level
Cure Moderate Woundsx3,Barkskin(su)

Kendry? or Kender? 
Wednesday January 23rd, 2008 12:22:13 AM

The Letter from Dwight's Pa

He nods his head in response to Dwight's words, and takes up the letter to read.

As he reads, he too chuckles as his friend's father seems to get only distant echoes of the true tales. "Ah, the talking goat." "What? He claims credit for those uncrated wolves?! Ha-ha - he deserved that punch in the nose, on two accounts." "Oh, Lomar and Bobbles came looking for us. Hey - Proto!" he says, calling over to Podo. "I guess my name got changed in the story, too. Kender. Ha! Slith and Arnon - that must be you, Airin. He had to have misheard. Lomar knows our names." After a beat he asks, "Who were the three ladies? Might Aunt Marigold and her friends been the ones? Or someone else?"

He reads on. "Your Papa really cares about you, Dwighters. He sounds like a good hobbit.

"Hey, Selithe - listen - his father spoke with Leska. She told him something he would not relate in writing." Kendry ponders that for a moment. "'Bad folks.' I wonder which bad folks he is talking about."

He quickly reads through the letter again, cementing the words in his mind.

Bad Folks?

There are many people they have encountered who qualify for the designation 'bad folks.' The wolfmen. The two surviving brigands from the road northward. 'Mister Smith' and whoever he is working with. Necromancer Flavius and those he hired. The Sons of Dread who seem to be after Bella - or one of the other groups she mentioned. The lizard dogs they rescued Fickle from - although he doubts they would likely leave the Culverwood. Who else? He sits down and draws up a list of opponents and adversaries, trying to figure out the likelihood of the particular groups or organizations coming after them, then shows the list to his companions, seeing if they have any to add to the list.

When the group is together away from others, he says, "I can't help but think that the 'bad folks' are after our stones. No, not those stones, Julian," Kendry clarifies with a wry grin. "I mean the pyramid and cube and wedge and all."

Airin and Fioni 
Wednesday January 23rd, 2008 12:42:39 AM

Airin too asks if she's allowed to read the letter and realises all things said in the letter make sense. But wouldn't it be best to return if bad people are lurking around their homes?

Airin gladly accepts Kendry's invitation to teach her a few words of Dark Elves. It sounds like an awful language but most likely not as bad as demonic...

(ooc. Justin/Selithe : is Selithe going to open the casino at the GG? Apparently there are gambling games now in the GG :-) )

Wednesday January 23rd, 2008 6:09:15 AM

"Hey, you know, just rummaging through my pack here, the one I keep on Sallie the pack-dog, and look!" exclaims Julian, "Silvered bullets. A might expensive they were too. Wish I'd remembered I had these - what two days ago - would've been helpful. Still, you didn't really expect me to remember things like that at that hour in the morning. There's only one thing I usually think of when woken at that time, and I think I did my part pretty well. Usually it is the person who woke me up..." he says with a wicked grin.

Wednesday January 23rd, 2008 6:49:44 AM

"Have we taken the time to see if these things are magic?" Julian asks of the Hard Wood Cylinder now in his hand, as he continues going through his pack.

Wednesday January 23rd, 2008 7:00:48 AM

"Oh, yeah, I can do that. Sorry, my mind is all over the place. I was thinking back to when I worked at Sampson's - it almost felt like I was there right now. I remember standing on an upturned box scrubbing pots in the cafe, making just enough money to pay the rent and breathe the air..." He looks all wistful and trails off into his own distraction again, before focusing on the cylinder.

Cast Detect Magic on the Hard Wood Cylinder.

Wednesday January 23rd, 2008 8:58:20 AM

Fickle listens with great intrest, "You'z mean some friends and parentx are in danger? Those Dogface baddiez are back again?? Well I'm going backz and get those dog face baddiez!!

Kennie are youz comming too??" Ask Fickle. "I know you comming Ouch!"

Dourscale (DM Glenn) 
Wednesday January 23rd, 2008 9:58:34 AM

Kendry continues to spend time with Airin. When asked at the WLA who challenged Valdor, Kendry directs them to ask Podo.

Reading the letter a few time, Dwight relates the essence of the letter from his paw to the others.

Julian wonders about the letter and who is shadowing them? Later Julian, pondering the purposes of the stones tries to detect if there is any magic on them. The spell doesn't reveal any magic aura, but the items are very well made very likely the things wizards would to embed magic into.

Continuing his chat with the men at the WLA, Podo has to admit that the Halfling in question was none other than himself, and he adds a few details.

Having read the letter, Kendry ponders who the bad folks are and if it has something to do with the collections of stones?

Airin wonders if bad people are lurking around their home should they return rather then stay away?

Hearing that is danger back home, Fickle is ready to go beat back the dogface baddies.

The ceremony:

That evening Father Ted leads the burial ceremony for Justicar Sharles in the temple of Pantheon. Besides Sharles family and your group are several of his friends and a few relatives. The services is brief, prayers and blessing are said over the urn now carrying Sharles bones. Father Ted ask if Podo and his companions if they would carry Sharles just a little further into the catacomes to his final resting area. Father Ted leads the way, telling you to stay close.

The burial Catacombs are much older that Pantheon's temple. There are rows of side chambers and halls full of burial chambers. Some appear to be hundreds of years old. Down into the maze Father Ted leads the urn bearers followed by Sharles family and the rest of the Halfling adventures. Finally, he stops before a newly constructed burial chamber. The Urn is placed within and the Halfling adventurers are relieved of their burden. Father Ted, says more blessing before asking for any final words.

Finally the ceremony is over and Sharles is laid to rest. Father Ted leads the way back out of the Catacombs.

Airin only Highlight to display spoiler: {As everyone is following Father Ted back through the Catacombs, As you pass an arch way with an old iron gate. The gate creaks open and you clearly hear someone call "Airin" from within.}

Airin and Fioni  d20+12=24 d20+8=16
Wednesday January 23rd, 2008 12:42:33 PM

DM only Highlight to display spoiler: {Airin shivers as she hears someone or something calling out her name. Being respectful for the death Airin does not notify her friends of this.

Curious as she is she peaks into the archway. Drawn by the unusual closely listens to the sound...

listen: 24
Spot: 16

Wednesday January 23rd, 2008 7:09:02 PM

Dwights listens to Kendry and explains that it is just as likely his Pa misnamed everyone. Of course, tales of greatness rarely tell the true story.

Looking at the list compiled doesn't really suprise Dwight as he has been mulling over the list for weeks in his head. Glad though to be able to cross the thurible off the list though.

In response to Airin, "Return? It seems they are tracking us. Personally I would prefer to keep it that way, the abduction of the boy was a bit much for me and I would prefer to keep my home, friends, family out of danger. Not sure if they are after the new rocks or not, but regardless, I believe staying out of the valley might be a good idea for a bit."

He pauses, "My pa doesn't care for letters much, so he must really have some trusted information to ask another to send this letter to me. He also knows I'm mostly a loner and thinker, which often gets me in trouble, but never enough that I can't escape from. Here he sounds concerned."

Wednesday January 23rd, 2008 9:42:19 PM

Selithe thinks and speaks to Alfred when he asks about how much she is looking for, "Well, I have 2,000 of my own, I'm thinking if I can get around 1.000 from Ma and Pa and the same from the WLA that I can rent a building, get the gambling equipment, hire help and have enough to keep wages going for abit while waiting for the place to get on it's feet completely. I hope that doesn't sound to steep. I might beable to cut down on the loan if you might know of a building here that might be open for renting and depending on the price also."

Selithe knows she can craft some of the gambleing stuff herself but she isn't sure about roulette wheels and such since she has little knowledge of wood working and she would still need normal chairs and tables.

She has a decent nights sleep and in the morning she heads to the burial with the others and stays silent as she watches everything done and listens to what is said.

Afterward she will join the others and speak to them as she sits back and tries to relax some and pulls out her pipe once more, letting Bandit also have some fun running around, "Well, my talks with the WLA looks to went over decent, I might get the loan from them. Now all I need to do is send a letter to Ma and Pa and see if they might beable to loan me around 1,000gps which I will pay back and if they can I should be in buisness alittle later on."

Selithe leans back and closes her eyes some as she thinks, "Won't be doing this for awhile though as I have to wait for word so till then I'm free." Selithe smiles and looks to the group, "Looks like my dream may come true." Looking to her strong halfling Julian she smiles to him and speaks gently, "I know this put you in a dilema but I'll be here waiting for you yet and you will have a place to come home to as will everyone." Selithe sighs softly and watches Julian, feeling bad for him but not knowing what to do as she wants to follow her heart and doesn't know what to say, she can only hope that Julian will understand.

Selithe does look to everyone after bit, "I will need to hire some employees though when the place gets up and running. I'm thinking of another card dealer or two, someone to run a roulette wheel (I just know I'm not spelling that right.), maybe a wizard to make sure no magics are being used for cheating and bouncers. Maybe I can get some help from you all in picking the right people later too."

(OOC:Just to let people know. I have permission to use Selithe in the GG as a runner of gambleing games so you may see her in there off and on also. Don't be shy and come in off and on, or keep a eye on the board.)

Wednesday January 23rd, 2008 11:19:34 PM

Julian feels a little... sad, faraway, lost. Things were going so well and now, things are changing. Normally quite glad of change, "I just wish things could've stayed as they were for a bit longer. Tobias has suddenly left us, Selithe is settling down, Airin and Kendry seem to have something going on. Dwight getting strange orders from his Pa. Perhaps I should branch off for a while. Start something new. Go back to the beginning and try a different path. Back to Plateau City where I began my Adventuring... I dunno. Maybe I'll do that.
"There'd be a Temple of Domi there, right?"

Kendry... working backwards. 
Thursday January 24th, 2008 1:10:49 AM

"Julian - Plateau City has something of just about everything. Including a Temple of Domi. I've got that map of the city, remember?" Kendry mentions. "Devotion to Domi can be honorable service, cuz. I think your temperament is well suited to his character."

"Selithe - Maybe I can help provide some of the entertainment for your place - at least once in a while. But, in truth, I think my life is more well suited to adventure. To rescue the captive. To puzzle out riddles. To slay the dragon - unless it be a good dragon, of course. To make the highways unsafe for bandits, but safe for innocent travelers. To defend our beloved land from unwelcome invaders. To learn of the stars in the sky and the moons up above. To think, to dream, to plan, to travel.

"One day I will settle down, if enough days I am granted. And Airin and I will embark upon the adventure of growing our own family. We'll raise little adventurers, and singers, and perhaps a druid or two.

"But now does not, for me at least, seem to be the time to settle."

While out with Airin during the day, Kendry shares a few songs and poems and words with her. Some about her, her personality and ways, and about them, and about their friends. Some on other topics and themes.

One opens with a wry smile, and the whole he says with a light touch. Yet has Madame Sara's foretelling influenced the bard in the words with which he concludes?
Into my life upon an ass
One day arrived a sleeping lass
Knew I not then that she would move
My heart to depths before unreached
Nor that in time our love might prove
A key to hope, a means to teach
Only time might tell. If the rings are by now ready, he places one on her right ring finger, and lets her place the other on his right ring finger.

He thoroughly enjoys the time with her - and asks many questions. "Questions are building blocks of friendship, my Uncle Orby told me. And there is so much we do not yet know of each other." He answers as best he can whatever she might ask of him, too.

In the temple of Pantheon in the evening, at an appropriate time Kendry sings a short song in the style he learned from those here, speaking of the fidelity to truth, justice, and honor which characterized Sharles' life.

Just before entering the catacombs of the church, he buries his nose in Airin's raven hair, breathing in her scent. "Let us be faithful, love. To our friends, our purpose, and to one another, whatever may come our way."

On the way out of the Catacombs, he holds her hand in his.

Thursday January 24th, 2008 2:35:49 AM

After the services, Podo is at peace knowing he did all he could and more.

Podo reflects on the card reading given my the strange and mysterious coach passenger, thinking to himself "...a journey with burdens...I wonder..."

Dourscale (DM Glenn) 
Thursday January 24th, 2008 9:13:20 AM

Hesitating, Airin stands at the open gateway listening. Airin only: Highlight to display spoiler: { she is not sure if someone called her name or not, no one else seemed to have hear anything. She recalls the words of the old gypsy "A chance to change this fate will come to you in the form of a gate if you choose to step through."}

Glad to have returned the bones and thurible, Dwight comments about the wisdom of staying away from the valley for a while, not to bring doom upon his home.

While speaking to Alfred, Selithe does some quick accounting and comes up with a figure. Alfred tells her he will talk to his higher up and get back to her, but that it seems like a very reasonable amount. Later she chats with the others. (OOC: look forward to seeing Selithe in the GG!)

Feeling a bit sad because of the changes happing around him, Julian starts to think about doing something different for a while. He talks about visiting Plateau City.

Kendry comments on Plateau City to Julian, and then offers his services to Selithe as an entertainer. The bard reflects on the ring he gave Airan earlier and its inscription. On the way out of the catacombs he notices her linger by an old rusty gate.

Feeling at peace after putting the bones to rest, Podo reflects on the card reading and his future.

While Father Ted is leading the group out of the Catacombs, Lily hands Podo the ring of sustenance that he had returned with the bones and Thurible. "Sharles once offered you this ring as payment. I feel it is only right to offer it to you as a reward for what you have done in bring Sharles back home. Thank you." She gives Podo a kiss on the forehead.

Kendry  d20+3=22 d20+6=7
Thursday January 24th, 2008 10:10:11 AM

As he feels Airin pulling off to the side, Kendry says, "Sweets, if what Sara said comes to pass - until you hear otherwise, if you can write, send letters via Leska. She'll know where I am."

He looks at the gate she stands before. "Notice anything odd?" he queries her, looking with curiosity at the rusty gate [Spot: 22. Listen 7 - nat 1].

Airin and Fioni 
Thursday January 24th, 2008 10:41:39 AM

Airin stares into the archway remembering the words the Old Lady told her. Could it be they were true? Then Kendry questions her...

"... a gate would offer me a chance to change our fate ..." she stammers while tears are flooding her eyes, "... I just heard my name from beyond this gate..."

She turns away from the gate to face Kendry and clutches her arms around him. There she stands quietly at first. Then she looks into his eyes and says: "Love... I sense this is the gate Sara mentioned... this is where we are supposed to go on our separate ways... hold me..."

Moments slowly pass and Airin's fingers fiddle with her new ring...

Then Airin gives Kendry one last passionate kiss. One he will remember a lifetime. She makes it last for she as well wants to remember the taste of his lips and then says, "My heart belongs to you for eternity."

... without looking any longer at Kendry or the others she turns around, opens the gate and walks away into the unknown...

(ooc: Friends, I assume this will be my last post here on the CV board. It has been an honor for me to continue where Inge left and to RP with all of you. It's a pity this game has to end. Thank you all for the wonderful time here.)

Dourscale (DM Glenn) addedum 
Thursday January 24th, 2008 11:42:09 AM

When Airin steps through the gate, there is a bright flash of light and loud popping sound like a bubble collapsing. Kendry can see no sign of Airin. Father Ted rushes back, "Dear Oh Dear!" he says worriedly. "She must have triggered one of the old guardian magics on this place. This place is much older than the temple, there are tales of thieves trying to break into tombs here only to find themselves transported hundreds or thousands of miles way. I thought we had cleaned all the traps away. Oh Dear! Perhaps it is best if we get everyone out of here to safety. Oh Dear!" Father Ted escorts everyone out of the catacombs and comes back with several other priests to look for Airin, but they find no sign of her.

Through the use of some Scrying magic, Father Ted is able to find Airin with Kendry's help. They can see that she is alive, but unconscious laying in what appears to be a jungle. Fioni is there standing guard over her. The spell ends before they can learn anything else.

Father Ted tells you he feels horribly about this and that he will continue to try and keep an eye on Airin through Scrying magic until he knows she's safe.

The day passes and it's morning once again. The Windhorn stagecoach will be stopping by shortly, what destinations will you choose?

Kendry - Airin's kiss  d20+3=21
Thursday January 24th, 2008 4:31:04 PM

In front of the rusty gateway, Kendry and Airin stand. He listens to her words, and senses her sorrowful yielding to fate. When she asks, he holds her. They are not yet married, only recently betrothed. They really didn't even have a chance to talk with the group about their engagement, nor properly to celebrate it with their friends.

He feels as though in some ways he is just beginning to get to know her.

He holds her. With gentleness at first. Then Kendry feels within him passion growing. To gain... then to lose. A groan of quiet agony sits deep in his throat, as body and soul yet feel a foretaste of ecstasy in her embrace. His fingers he runs through the hair at the back of her head. What? Oh, that's only Fioni walking on his head. Fioni! Funny bird...

She lifts her face to him, and he returns the press of lips. He feels the warmth, the softness, the strength. He feels her love for him, and his for her. Soon his thoughts are lost...

As she eases away from the embrace, and Fioni hops back to his mistress, Kendry feels a trembling in his legs. He sees the eyes of his raven-haired beauty turn from him, and then her back, and lovely shoulders. She opens the gate.

Follow, Kendry. Follow. His legs betray his desire. He gathers his will to overcome his shaken foundation. About to step forward, the light floods his eyes, and blinds him. He takes one step into a stumble, then falls on his hands and knees to the stone floor.


Kendry's sight slowly returns. As it does, still he sees an outline of the light that swallowed Airin's form in a hazy blue-violet. "My soul..." he chokes out. Tears dampen the floor beneath him.

Then the priest's voice peppers his ears. What is he saying?

As he pushes himself back into a kneeling position, he feels something on the stone under his left hand. A feather. He holds it up. A black feather. Fioni's.

He resists leaving the gateway at first. He instigates a frantic search for something. A hair. He needs a lock - nay, a single... there, on his sleave. A black hair, round shaft. He tucks that, and the hawk's feather, carefully into one of the pouches at his waist.

But Airin knows, somehow, what she is doing. Does she not? He allows himself to be hustled out of the catacombs, nowhere near as mindful of his surroundings as he was when they came down here an hour or so ago.

Then the priests scry. Alive. Alive? Of course she is alive. Watch over her, Fioni. Awaken, sleepy one.

Sleeping she was when she and Olo came upon their group some time back.

"Watch over her, Alemi, Domi, Flower and Wardd. Pantheon, watch over her, I ask, for from your temple was she sent forth to - to wherever she may be. And, Good Ones above, I pray that not too long shall we be apart, for that I might not bear."

Thursday January 24th, 2008 7:43:46 PM

Airin's Teleportation
Podo like Dwight, is shocked to learn that Airin is not here. Father Ted tries to explain "that straying off the path, could find oneself in any number of places in the Wold, but the temple will do all they can to locate here."

Everyone seems to be distracted now that Airin is not with us.

WW Gear

Podo tells the group his 2 cents, "I am okay for now on gear, but I wouldn't mind a monetary share of the loot!"

The Future

Podo appears to be suffering from Post Mordem depression now that his charge has been laid to rest.

"I'm thinking of heading south of the Plateau city area, I need some R&R and something to take my mind off this last adventure," explains Podo.

Thursday January 24th, 2008 7:44:33 PM

Shocked to hear of Airin's disappearance, Dwight doesn't know what to say or do. All the danger she faced and she disappears like that. Dwight attempts to console Kendry by being near if he needs it, but can only imagine his thoughts.

As time permits, Dwight sees the group falling apart. It saddens him, first Tobias, now Airin, Selithe making plans. Slowly it become obvious he needs to adhere to his father's words and not return home. His other option, then is to travel outward...toward the red hills and new elenna. He had a snipe of informaiton at one point they had more details about the ishgara tree.

He speaks to each individually and announces his decision to head out, alone to seek person enlightenment and answers to questions he doesn't know yet. A few will understand, but it sees the best course.

Thursday January 24th, 2008 10:38:52 PM

"You too, Dwight. Airin's missing. Selithe is going into business. Tobias is gone. Is everyone gone mad? Is there some affliction affecting halflings? Perhaps the wolf-bite has protected me from this.
"Perhaps I should also head off. I mean if the group is collapsing anyway I might as well make my own path...
"I'm going to Plateau City. Anyone want to join me? It's a long walk. Kendry, could you copy the map of the city for me?"

Thursday January 24th, 2008 10:59:15 PM

Selithe is sad to hear of Airin's leaving and hides her tears before whispering to Kendry, "I didn't even get to say bye... she was the only other girl in the group that I got to really spend time with."

Selithe sighs and speaks to Kendry some about her business, clearing up her one comment, "I was actually meaning before about having help in finding and hiring the 'right' sort of people for the job. You have a good feel for people brother."

Selithe hearing Julian's comment, moves to him and does something she hasn't done in awhile. Standing behind him, and unless he stops her, she slips her arms around his neck loosely and kisses his cheek, getting him to turn his head before giving him a gentle kiss, "Julian, I want a place for you to come back too. I want a place for you to call home." She leans her head to his neck gently as she speaks more in a lower voice, "You're my strong badger and I have grown to like you a lot. I'm sorry if it seems like we are going our different ways but I want something for you to return to and hope that you will return to me one day." Selithe gently lets go of Julian's neck and stands back up, looking at him, "Write me, promise? I want to be able to tell tales of my brave badger off fighting evil."

Selithe looks to the others, "An' I want letters from the others here also. I want to hear your tales so I can weave them into stories that all who come to my place will hear. So Kendry the noble bard with a silver tongue, Dwight who seems quiet but but always there in a pinch to have your back, Podo the man who hopes for a peaceful way to all things and Airin, Tobias and Fickle will be known through out the Wold for their deeds and their hopes of making the Wold a more peaceful place for all." Selithe looks to you and grins, "Remember, I am a Stinger now and crafting rumors and such are my specialty."

Thursday January 24th, 2008 11:26:41 PM

To Selithe, "You know it is likely that one day there won't be a badger to come home, rather you might be called to attend a service like we've just been to for Sharles. You know I can't help myself out there in battle..."

Friday January 25th, 2008 1:23:06 AM

He receives and is grateful for Dwight's comfort. He also gives Selithe a fraternal hug as she expresses her sorrow at Airin's sudden departure.

Once he has had a chance to gather his wits, Kendry asks his good friends and family to gather together, before any others should disappear.

"Why this is happening I do not know. I confess I am shaken to the core that Airin has gone elsewhere. I take some small comfort to know that she seems fine, wherever she has gone. Some small comfort."

The bard puts his hand over his right ring finger, feeling the ring on it.

"We did not really have time to talk with you all about this. Airin and I wanted together to tell you that we have agreed to marry. Our names are engraved inside the rings." He holds up his hand that they might see the simple gold band. "We had wanted..." he begins, then swallows his words with a gulp.

"Friends, there is some power, or powers, who have contrived to separate us. For what purpose or to what end I do not understand. But this separation - though fight against it I know not how, for the time being - this separation - may it not last. May it be but a brief interruption of our fellowship together, rather than a long time cessation.

"But as this seems an aspect of our destinies, may we face the challenges of life with all the virtues we can muster, and grow and learn apart, so that if and when the time comes that we again are joined back together, our corporate strength and power and character may be the greater. May then fresh bonds of love between us be sewn with sinews of faith and hope, of justice and honor, of peace and strength.

"Each one of you is precious to me. Podo. Dwight. Fickle. Julian. Selithe. And Tobias, who has gone for Bella. Each of you I consider my friend. And as a group, consider the things we have done!

"Now, speak. Shall we now agree to rejoin, should the gods allow it, and in good time, and pick up our fellowship in adventure?"

He looks around the table.

"I myself may return in disguise, as Milo the lowly militia man, to Crescent Valley, and find out what our villain 'Mister Smith' and his ilk are up to.

"But I shall seek counsel before I do so. Returning, even in disguise, may not be the wisest of choices.

"First, though, I shall help Selithe, as I promised, get her gaming establishment underway. And yes, I shall help you choose as good a crew as we can find and train.

"Again - what about the rest of you? Oh, and Julian, for the sake of clarity - please note that you do not have our permission to go out and die. If that should happen, you will find yourself in BIG trouble with us."

Kendry with Dwight 
Friday January 25th, 2008 1:33:36 AM

Kendry will find an occasion to speak in private with Dwight.

Kim & Kendry - treasure matter 
Friday January 25th, 2008 2:17:44 AM

For something completely different - would anyone mind if Kendry took one of the two chainmail shirts that we got from the werewolves?

It costs 300 gp in the Catacombs to identify what we got from the werewolves. The weapons were all of medium size

There were the following items:
Staff -- normal quarterstaff - free
MW Longbow Composite Bow (+4 Strength) non-magic - 500 gp (Julian asked for)
14 arrows w/Alchemical-silver - 2 gp 5 cp each, 28 gp 7 sp total, trade-in 25 gp 7 sp 3 cp total
Leather armor +1 - 1,160 gp, trade-in 1,044 gp
2x Chain shirt +1 - 1,250 gp ea, trade-in 1,125 gp ea (Kendry asked for 1 of them)
2x MW Longsword w/Alchemical-silver - 405 gp ea, trade-in 364 gp 5 sp ea

1,500 gold pieces, less 300 gp for identifies, for 1,200 gp total

Let me know.
I know that Airin is maxed out, as she's stepping down 1 level for Ust Delma

Robert & Julian - treasure doesn't matter 
Friday January 25th, 2008 4:56:18 AM

Couldn't help myself with that title. Not that it matters much but I meant to ask for those arrows as well.

Dourscale (DM Glenn) and Beyond! 
Friday January 25th, 2008 9:57:34 AM

With the disappearance of Airin, the unity of the Halfling adventures seem to crumble. More than one of them may resent the bag of stones falling into their keeping, they may as well be cursed for the trouble they bring. First they are mixed up in a battle with lycanthropes, then they are warned of bring doom upon their home if they return. Now their very group of companion are being torn asunder and scattered to the four winds.

To protect those they love and hold dear the Halfling heroes make plans to go in one's and twos.

Airin is transported to some jungle.

Podo is heading to the Plateau city.

Dwight to head out on his own.

Julian announces his plan to go with Podo to Plateau city.

Selithe works on her grand plans to start a Wold renowned gambling house.

Kendry plans to return to the valley in the disguise of Milo.

One last duty before the stagecoach departs for far flung places, Kendry reminds everyone about the treasure from the werewolves. (Note no one did a detect magic on the treasure. Stones Yes, but not the treasure. If done the Leather and armor and both chain shirts are faintly magical.)

[Kendry did detect magic on their fallen foes. See his post of Thursday January 10th, 2008 1:18:22 AM. You may have missed it in the sea of words... :-) -Kim]
[yep, I missed it. Sorry. -glenn]

OOC: It has been a pleasure DMing for you! Thanks you! -DM Glenn

PS -- Keep a copy of your current character sheet for the planned tap game to finish the module!

[Kim added note above]
[Glenn added note above]

Friday January 25th, 2008 11:17:39 AM

"Oh, and before we scatter to the winds, please, friends - may I have a lock of hair from each of you?" Then he looks at Podo. "Or perhaps, odd as it may sound, a clipping of your fingernail? I've just learned about scrying, and will try to look in on you from time to time.

"If I find out that the pressure is relieved and it's safe to return, OR learn of a way for us to resolve the situation some way, I will try to reach you by means of the spell. So, if you sense some one reaching out to you magically, please understand it most likely is me. There's a chance I can get a message spell to work, and we can chat for, oh, 5 to 10 minutes."

Kendry will label and separately wrap each lock of hair (or fingernail clippings - yuck!), and store in pouches.

Before the stagecoach leaves with his friends, Kendry asks his friends to join with him in a traditional halfling song of parting.
[to be added here later.]
[OOC: Love you all. May this not be the end of Crescent Valley adventures. Thanks for your attentive & creative DMing, Glenn. Your friend -Kim]

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Friday January 25th, 2008 8:41:55 PM

Hidden Cache
"Ah, Kendry my cousin. Of course I have hair!" Podo reaching around to the back of his head, Podo pulls forth a small but sizable braided ponytail from its hiding place. "I know most people probably wouldn't agree to this pratice, but I couldn't really get rid of ALL my hair, could I?" grins Podo.

"My friends, alas I must regress and change my previous stance. If you find amongst the loot, anything you think I might be able to use, please let me gracefully accept it/them/it. As much as I would deny anything for the greater whole, I must think of my future when I might reluctantly need it or in fact rely on it to preserve my very life, should it come to that. All of you have touched me deeply more than I can say. A piece of all of you will always remain..." Touching his heart, Podo continues. "Here you are and here you will always be until a future date when you will continue to enrich those memories I hold dear." Sniffling, Podo finds himself at a loss for words.

Friday January 25th, 2008 10:02:22 PM

"Kendry, of course have some hair. Won't you come to Plateau City with Podo and me? and Fickle too?

"Selithe, I am going to miss you a lot, too. Dwight, fare well, don't get yourself killed. Fickle, stay with Kendry, he'll keep you outta trouble.

"Till we meet again...

"Let's go, Podo."

Saturday January 26th, 2008 9:43:06 PM

(OOC:I know the game closed Fri but anyway.)

Selithe looks to Kendry before pulling out her dagger and cutting a small piece of her hair which will stay platinum in color only for awhile longer with the spell she uses to color it, "Here you go brother. I will miss you all."

Selithe thinks over the loot and shakes her head, "No, I'm going into business for myself and with the money I'll be getting I should be sitting good. Split that among those who will be going out on their own. I hope Pa and Ma will be able to afford about 1,000gps to put into my casino and I can pay them back."

(OOC: I'm sorry the game is closing and to be honest it has made it hard to post here regularly this week for sure. I will miss you all and hope to see you around the Wold off and on. When the game continues I pray we will all get to be together again. Good luck to you all and happy hunting in your new games.)

Saturday January 26th, 2008 10:17:13 PM

"Thank you, Podo. If you want to take the leather armor +1, or the other chain shirt +1, that's fine with me, as long as the rest are all right with that.

"Thank you, Julian, for the hair, and the invitation. For the moment, I'll have to pass up your invitation - but you and Podo down in Plateau City - up? it's higher than us - will be in my prayers. And here, Julian, take the map. I'll get one later. It would probably take me a week to copy it - accurately, that is.

"Thank you, Selithe. Say, sis - are you thinking of setting up the casino here in Dourscale? Or Angel Springs? Or somewhere else?"

Saturday January 26th, 2008 11:29:08 PM

"Thanks, Selithe. I will pop by one day."

DM do we know what the enhancement is on the Chain Shirt? I would like one, now that I have fought in a night shirt.

[Kim responds: It's a +1 chain shirt. How about Julian takes the chain shirt, and Podo takes the +1 leather armor?]

Sunday January 27th, 2008 1:45:59 PM

[OOC: I am already wearing a Mithril Chain shirt. If Julian needs it give it to him. Trying not to loose my "dex mod" while keeping my armor hidden.]

"Given them what they need, I'll take anything you gift to me." explains Podo.

Monday January 28th, 2008 12:08:46 AM

"Pode - take the +1 leather armor. Trade that in, and you might be able to get your mithral shirt upgrade to a +1 mithral shirt. Or sell it in the Catacombs for whatever else you might need. Jules - you take the chain shirt +1. And you also asked for the strength long bow (500 gp value, or 450 trade in), and the arrows (just over 27 gp). As I said before, if I can take the +1 chain shirt, trading that in will help me get what I need to keep track of us all, and at least try to send some communications to you when the time is right.

"Anybody else want to speak up for these things before the stagecoach leaves?" Kendry asks all. "Whatever is not claimed I can try to use to work on communicating between us, and getting us back together at the right time.

"But, if we sell the two longswords for a total of 819 gp, and add that to the money left over after the identify spells cast by the Catacombs, that gives us 1,929 gp. Divide by 7. That gives each of us 275 gp, plus 4 gp left over. Podo, why don't you take the extra 4 gp, for 279 for you? Build a temple with the extra!" he kids his friend.

The Last Posting Record Game 13 (ADM StevenVdB) 
Monday January 28th, 2008 3:57:55 AM

Posting Report for Game 13 for the week of Januari 21 - Januari 27

Name - MTWTFSS - # - %

DM Glenn - XXX2X-- - 6 - 120%
Dwight - XXXX--- - 4 - 67%
Fickle - XXX---- - 3 - 50%
Podo - -2-2X-X - 6 - 100%
Selithe - X-XX-X- - 4 - 67%
Kendry - X2X5XX- - 11 - 100%
Tobias - ------- - 0 - 0%
Airin - XX2X--- - 5 - 83%
Julian - -232XX- - 9 - 100%

Weekly Summary : The Crescent Fellowship crumbles

And so our Crescent Valley Halflings find their own path in the Wold...
Podo and Julian are heading to Plateau City, Selithe opens a gambling house, Fickle and Kendry remain in the valley, Dwight decides to go out on his own to seek enlightment and answers to questions he doesn't know yet, and Airin... No one really knows where she ended up after dissapearing through the catacomb gate...

This board will probably close. It has been an honor to be part of it. Take care everyone.

Overall Posting Record Game 13 since June 2007 (ADM StevenVdB)

Name - # posts - # weeks participated - %

DM Glenn - - 95 - 20 - 95%
DM Cayzle - - 59 - 14 - 84,3%
Dwight - - 147 - 34 - 87,6%
Fickle - - 143 - 34 - 80,3%
Podo - - 123 - 34 - 76,7%
Selithe - - 96 - 34 - 58,1%
Kendry - - 177 - 34 - 92%
Tobias - - 126 - 34 - 78,6%
Airin - - 157 - 34 - 91,3%
Julian - - 127 - 22 - 95,1%

Game Speed = 91,8%
Posts Required = 4,59 per week
Overal Posting percentage = 82,4625%

Tuesday January 29th, 2008 6:33:25 PM

"Until we meet again," Dwight waves as he departs.

OOC: Hehe, looks like I got the last post.

ADM Steven 
Thursday January 31st, 2008 3:47:44 AM


no you don't :-) but it won't go on the posting record anymore :-D

Thursday January 31st, 2008 10:32:46 PM


I win again :-)

Kendry  d100=13
Friday February 1st, 2008 1:44:04 AM

As the carriage draws away, Kendry stands, watching most of his friends depart. His eyes well up. He watches until the vehicle disappears from sight.

"Come, Fickle. We need to find an outlet for the Catacombs."

Once he finds the store, he exchanges the chainmail for a mirror, and a few special components. Then he finds a place where he might cast a spell of scrying. He begins to look for Airin. He includes a message spell [35% chance to work - rolled a lucky 13%], that he might whisper sweet... somethings in her ear [as long as Airin does not make her will save vs scrying - for which she has a -15 will save modifier (-5 because Kendry knows her well, and -10 because he has a bit of her hair, as well as a feather from her animal friend Fioni the hawk), vs DC 17. So, her will save is 32 or higher to avoid Kendry's scrying attempt].

[The paragraph above ought to be rewritten, and broken down - it's too complex. I'll do it later.]

Monday February 4th, 2008 3:01:35 AM

Kendry sees visions of his love being captured in a wagon. After a bumpy ride she frees herself and climbs on top of the wagon...

A large set of slavers are battling with each other. Airin wearing no armor realises this is her chance to get out of here - but all her belongings are in a strong box inside the wagon. With no armor and a flame blade spell Airin charges her guards...

Tuesday February 26th, 2008 8:54:58 PM

After watching and talking with Airin for about seven minutes, Kendry's spell dissipates, and his vision of her and her present companions fades from the mirror through which he sees afar. Sad that no one would answer her question as to where she is, he resolves to look again a few days hence.

Friday February 3rd, 2012 5:38:54 AM

Time for another glance.

Tuesday January 5th, 2016 10:42:31 PM

And now - as of last year - Kendry and Airin are married.

Kendry  d100=88 ;
Saturday August 17th, 2019 9:21:20 PM

Recorded in Humble's Ford game 2018-09-06

Pipewood family growth in Hovel
In Hovel Kendry's wife, Airin, bore not twins, but triplets! A girl, and a boy, and another girl, each one distinct. The labor was hard, but Airin came through with the help of the midwives. Their families rejoiced at this event. As the children are small, they are undergoing special care, so seeing them was delayed for a few weeks. Kendry's younger brother, Murphy, promised to come back to see them when he can do so proper. Brother Kendry told him they are waiting on a naming day for a short time, and will invite all who care to come at that time. Murph tells everyone in the group the news.

Kendry - Murphy test post 
Saturday August 17th, 2019 10:05:15 PM

Murphy notes that the giants pretty much ignored his warning.

He casts ice storm so as to encompass fire giants 3, 4, 6 & 6, and stone giant 4. Great magical hailstones pound down upon casting this spell. Those inside take 3d6=10 hp blugeoning damage, and 2d6=6 hp cold damage. For fire giants, perhaps double the cold damage to 12hp?

As the druid descends diagonally downward he telepaths to Pressi, "Tell Encompassing Mind that the giants were warned about their doom should they continue. They have ignored the warning. Ask her to tell Succotash & Tiana that, and Murphy STRONGLY recommends the blue gem be placed. Mountain giants coming - no time for niceness. And that the tower is beginning to glow nicely from the top, and the glow is spreading downward."

Toward the end of his descent Murphy whirlwind slams Stone Giants B, 6 & 7. In order to reach #6, his vortex drops to 10' above the base level of the ground - thus slipping slightly below the level of the ramp (about 12.5' high), and therefore kicking up a whole mess of debris - rocks, dirt, grasses - obscuring sight, even darksight (total concealment).

The stone giants need Reflex DC 26 to avoid the slam damage (SG B: 21hp; 6: 13hp; 7: 25hp). Each also needs to make the same save or be caught up in the now dusty, dirty, debris-filled vortex. Their perception (and Murphy's) is cut down by the debris field. The cloud obscures all vision, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. Creatures 5 feet away have concealment, while those farther away have total concealment. Any people outside the debris field who attempt to attack Murphy (or the giants inside the field) will have their attacks modified by total concealment. Of course, Murphy can't see out, either, at the moment. The debris field shows on the map as the dark yellow torus

Am going to assign 2d6+8=15 damage against Murphy for his digging so into the soil - mitigated by 10 hp due to stoneskin, for 5hp total. He has no movement left to rise higher this round.
Perception: 53 - nat 20, yet affected by the end of the round by debris field (total concealment) - he should be hearing very well, though, and seeing very well before his whirlwind encountered the ramp dirt
Spells in effect:
Greater Magic Fang 418 minutes 6 rounds
Longstrider 419 minutes 5 rounds
Freedom of Movement 778 minutes 6 rounds
Resist Energy (Fire 30) 128 minutes 6 rounds
Stoneskin 128 minutes 5 rounds (130-40=90)
Mage Armor 58 minutes 6 rounds
Call Lightning Storm 11 minutes 6 rounds (1 of 13 used)
Hide from Undead 8 minutes 8 rounds
Protection from Evil 6 rounds
Entropic Shield 0 round - done

Kendry - Murphy test post 
Tuesday August 20th, 2019 6:09:11 AM

Murphy (Kim) Druid(13) Huge Air Elemental AC 32 HP 96/128

[Aside from today's DM post, could find no where in the archives where it was said that placement of the blue gem was permanent. Would appreciate the locale of said citation. Without such, I shall assume that the Encompassing Mind just now let us know. Otherwise, Murphy would never have advocated for placement if he understood what was presently laid out. Will figure that Pressi just passed on this info to the druid.]

To Pressi Murphy replies, "Ah, placement of the blue gem is considered a permanent placement? Scratch what I said then. The two gems who form the Encompassing Mind should be more than enough. Oh, Succotash should not take the Iron Giant farther north than the edge of the berm - that's 90 feet from the Tower, and Tiana said no more than 100 feet away."


"Press, I'll work my way up to you, but meanwhile I need to pick up and drop off a few giants. Be there for you next round, toots, for the toss attempt. Say, let Talia know I could really use a haste boost when I get up to the Iron Giant's shoulder." [that'll be next round]

Murphy in Motion
The druid in his huge air elemental whirlwind form scoots north and up the ramp, no longer scraping the dirt. On the berm his path intersects the three fire giants there. Each will need to make the DC 26 Reflex save or take #1 FG 23 hp, #5 FG 15 hp, #2 FG 23 hp. The two Stone Giants already caught up in the whirlwind take #6 SG 20 hp and #7 SG 16 hp.

He ascends with as many as he was able to capture to a point partly above the ice storm. He drops SG #6 (24 hp falling damage) & #7 (40 hp fall) on top of FG #4 [placed on map a bit askew so numbers can be read]. SG #8 (dead) deadfalls on FG #7 (35 hp fall).

If he picked up any of the FG from the berm (#1, #2, and/or #5), he drops them. One of them falls upon FG #4 (39 hp fall). If more than 1 FG was caught, the 2nd hits FG #7 (34 hp fall), the 3rd hits FG #7 (36 hp fall). I leave it to good DM Carl to move FG #1, #2, and/or #5 from their spots on the berm to their spots over in or near the ice storm.

He takes advantage of the lightened load, and casts entangle (Reflex DC 26) so as to provide FG #6 and ST #2 with additional diversions in their waning time. It is part in the plant growth area, is bisected by the thorn wall, and comes quite close to the spike growth. The 5'-wide vortex opening is at 100 feet, and the 25'-wide top of the whirlwind is at 150 feet above the ground.
Perception: 52

Spells in effect:
Greater Magic Fang 418 minutes 5 rounds
Longstrider 419 minutes 4 rounds
Freedom of Movement 778 minutes 5 rounds
Resist Energy (Fire 30) 128 minutes 5 rounds
Stoneskin 128 minutes 4 rounds (130-40=90)
Mage Armor 58 minutes 5 rounds
Call Lightning Storm 11 minutes 5 rounds (1 of 13 used)
Hide from Undead 8 minutes 7 rounds
Protection from Evil 5 rounds

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