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Necromancer has a bone to Pick
Someone's been looking for you

Someone's been looking for you [DM Glenn] 
Friday September 21st, 2007 11:14:19 AM

[OOC: Ceil, according to my copy of Fickle's character sheet he was 5th level with 12,000exp points. With the recent exp award, you should be level 6. I can send you my copy of Fickle's character sheet if you need it.]

Selithe thanks Julian with a hug for the cards.

The next day, Julian is the first to tell of a weird dream about Sharles. Tobias mentions Dourscale. Kendry relays his dream too, thinking it odd that is were the necromancer wished to meet. Tobia adds his thoughts about Dourscale and his dream. Hearing the others dreams Dwight shares his. Selithe shares her dream of Sharles as well. Podo too seems to have dreamed of Sharles family. Not to be left out, Airin tells of her dream of a wedding that turned into Sharles and Lilly's wedding. Fickle communicates in his unique way the dream he had. It seems Sharles or perhaps Pantheon had been very busy that night.

The group stops in Humble's Ford for a meal with relatives.

When the group is near Angel Springs Tobias greeted by Tewdwr. With two heads there is no escaping a thorough face licking.

It feels good to be once more back in Angel Springs, Kendry checks in at the family shop and ask for the whereabouts of Calfast. Podo seeks to pay a visit to Mungo and Morpth at the antique shop.

Those who go with Kendry to the Toy shop Highlight to display spoiler: {Kendry family is glade to everyone's back safely though you look a little thin. They inform Kendry that Calfast is in town and has been asking for you. In addition, a Halfling from one of the big cites has been poking around and asking a lot of questions about the group.}

Those who went with Podo to the Antique shop Highlight to display spoiler: {Morpth is gland to see everyone, and warns you about the nosey big city Halfling. Mungo believes he is a member of the guild.}

Podo only Highlight to display spoiler: {His private conversation with Sharles' bones don't provide any answers.}

Tobia questions, "Is there a temple to Pantheon in Angel Spring? Or at least of priest of Pantheon there?" No temples to Patheon, but from time to time there are traveling priest of Patheon.

Shortly after the adventures return home, the Burgomeister Calfast tracks everyone down. Catching his breath, "I'm glad your back! There has been a big city Halfling fellow asking about you lot. He's staying at the local tavern and he's got to burly Halflings friends with him. When asked why his interest, he only say he as business with you all. He's been polite, but I know a rat when I see one. Just wanted to let you known before they found you."

[OOC: Please note where your are staying in Angle Springs. Also, you now have a chance to visit the catacombs.]

Friday September 21st, 2007 11:28:07 AM

"Hmmm, ruffian halflings? Is that possible? Well, we're probably better off meeting them with out full complement, instead of being cornered one by one."

While with the Burgomeister, Tobias asks him if he knows whether the traveling priest of Pantheon is in town or expected any time soon.

Also, Tobias suggests checking in on B.... (she who must not be named ;) to see if she's made a reappearance. And, let her know that we've completed her task for us.

Friday September 21st, 2007 6:52:33 PM

Julian will go with Kendry and others to the Toy Shop to Hello his (distant, not that that matters to these halflings) relatives.

The tall self-buffing warrior in bright breastplate, with his badger familiar and riding dog, visit the Temple of Domi. He has a few questions for the priests there about becoming a Protector.

After this, Julian will head over to his friend's house where he will probably meet up with Tobias. He knocks on the door, and if there is no answer will check out the back, specifically looking to see if the host is a tree again.

Friday September 21st, 2007 10:53:50 PM

Selithe goes to visit her parents, so she goes with Kendry also. She greets them with hugs and smiles since it has been awhile since she seen them now. However she has been enjoying the traveling life also.

After this Selithe decides to go with Julian as he visits other places. Mainly to get a look around the town again and see more of what's going on.

When news of the halfling who could be a trouble maker comes up she frowns and ponders things, "Could be something to do with various things. We have been doing a good job of making enemies and such lately."

Friday September 21st, 2007 11:14:57 PM

"Hey Selithe, nice day for a walk together, isn't it?"

Saturday September 22nd, 2007 8:03:17 AM

OOC: You are rifgt DM Glenn, Fickle is Level five,But not quite enough to make it to Level six.

Fickle will follow his cousin Kendy, because he like the way he handles the pretty females.

He really way to learn how to be charming to pretty Girls.

Sunday September 23rd, 2007 2:10:10 PM

After visiting with Morpth & Mungo, Podo returns to the Toy Shop to be with his cousin and his extended family.

Podo will sleep within the Toy shoppe is there room for him.

For Kendry, Highlight to display spoiler: {
When Podo has an opportunity, he pulls Kendry aside and asks him, "Cuz, do you know what happened to all that Loot with discovered on that Halfling that was stuff up in that crack in the cave behind the Manticores? Specifically, the armor, boots, cloak, and spiked chain? Personally, I know about the ring of sustenance, but have lost track of the other stuff. Since I have become a Cleric of Alemi, I have a good feeling that I could actually use some of that stuff we found."

Dwight  d20+3=17 d20+3=5
Sunday September 23rd, 2007 10:39:57 PM

Dwight watches as everyone branches off to see loved ones and family. He takes this time to take a casual walk around town. He makes a point to walk down Bella's street and past her house, but only glances for recent life. (spot: 17).

Dwight also spends some time watching the house we investigated before across from Bella's house. He finds a tree to sit under and begins to think of what to tell his Pa. (Spot: 5, silly sun was in his eyes).

Otherwise, Dwight shows up for dinner and stays with everyone else.

OOC: I'll get to my sheet by Wednesday.

ADM StevenVdB : Posting Record Game 13 
Monday September 24th, 2007 1:15:24 AM

Posting Report for Game 13 for the week of September 17 - September 23th

DM Glenn : MTWTF-- 5
Dwight: MTWT--S 5
Fickle: MTWTFS- 6
Podo: -TWTF-S 5
Selithe: M-2TF-- 5
Kendry: MTWT--- 4
Tobias: MTW3F-- 7
Airin: 2T-T--- 4
Julian: 3TWT3-- 9

Weekly Summary: Carcasses 'n Dreams...
On their way back to Angel's Springs the Crescent Valley Halflings stumble upon a nicely picked carcass with a badger hiding inside and Buzzards ready to steal the leftovers. Look like our friends have left a trail of destruction behind!

Then one night an uncanny dream haunts our friends through the night. Sharles, hife wife Lilly, Pantheon and Dourscale seem to be in everyones dream. With the bones of Sharles still in Podo's backpack a new heading seems to have been given... First a quick stop at Angel's Springs and then they'll soon be heading for Dourscale.

But what's with the "Big City Halfling" poking around...

Airin and Fioni 
Monday September 24th, 2007 9:33:11 AM

"What's with this nosey halfling?" Airin asks her friends. "Kendy, do you still have that Hat of Disguise we once found? Guess it was on the Beer Run we found that one right? One of us could use it to sneak into the bar and find out something more about this guy..."

Airin also tells her friends about her latest purchases at the Catacombs.
"I've got some Hide from Undead, a Spider climb a silence scroll and a masterwork Mace for dealing with the skeletons by hand. I won't be able to cover the hide from undead for all of us, but it's a great scroll to sneak into the Necro's place once again... Think of how to deal with him when you go visit the cats friends."

DM Glenn 
Monday September 24th, 2007 10:24:58 AM

Hearing about the Halflings looking for them, Tobias suggest meeting them. Burgomeister tells Tobian, "Priest of Pantheon? Yes father O'Malley comes through about once a month, he was just here a few days ago, but I think he's already left." Later when checking on "B.." Tobias runs into Dwight, Julian and Selithe. (see below)

Julian visits the toy shop with Kendry and stops by the Temple of Domi for a little career counseling. Catching up with Tobias at "B.." you run into Dwight (see below).

Selithe drops by her family's store with Kendry then tags along with Julian later runs into Tobias and Dwight at Bella's place (see below). When hearing of the Halflings she is at a loss as to which foe they might be connected with.

Wanting to learn more about charming girls, Fickle chooses to follow Kendry.

After visiting with Morpth and Mungo, Podo heads back to the Toy shoppe.

Dwight spends some time watching Bella's house and her nosey neighbors. Eventually he spots Tobias, Julian and Selithe stopping by. There is no sign of Bella at her home, nor does it look like she has been back since you left nearly two weeks ago.

Airin wondering about the nosey Halfling suggest using the magic hat to spy on him. She makes a quick shopping run to the catacombs during the day.

Everyone ends up regrouping at the Toy Shoppe for a big family dinner, and to make plans. During dinner there is a knock at the door, a local halfling boy is delivering a note addressed to "The Adventurers". The boy waits saying, "I was told to bring back a reply."

The note reads, "A mutual acquaintance of ours asked me to conduct a transaction with you on their behalf. I think it would be in your best interest to meet with me an my associates at your earliest possible time. When should be expect you at the Glassy Glaze Tavern?"

Monday September 24th, 2007 12:34:59 PM

Tobias talks with Julian and Selithe at B's, "Well this is a bit disturbing. She's been gone for 2 weeks, and we have no idea where she's off to. Or if she's in trouble..."

"Well this seems like as good an opportunity as any to go see what they want... Perhaps the Burgomeister wouldn't mind having a couple of extra guards in the area when we do."

Monday September 24th, 2007 6:37:38 PM

Regarding Bella:
"I'd like to think that Heather can look after herself, though she has been nervy and on-edge lately. I wish we knew what was going on."

and this ruffian:
"A few extra guards, surely whoever this is won't try on anything in public. More likely to set us up for an ambush somewhere in the wild."

Julian is keen to meet up with this person, in full armour of course, perhaps even riding his enlarged badger.

Monday September 24th, 2007 9:14:49 PM

Selithe smiles and enjoys her time with Julian. When he makes his comment to her, Selithe giggles and smiles, "Yes, for once no fighting or anyway not at the moment...monsters meaning."

When the group regroups and the note is found and spoke about she frowns, "Well, looks like buisness is going to start up again."

(OOC:Curious, did the group get money at some point? With the computer problems and being gone abit I might of missed something.)

Monday September 24th, 2007 9:56:54 PM

Dwight doesn't really seem surprised by someone finally catching up to them. His interest are peeked since a conversation is requested and not their heads. He wonders, which of the several enemies or ongoing missions this is related too.

"Well, no need to put off the task." Dwight responds to the boy before the group recites their entire plan/fears in front of him.

"You may tell him we will arrive within 2 hours time and here is a little something for your trouble." Dwight tosses the boy a gold coin and then watches him until he is gone from eye/ear.

He then turns to the group. "Well, I gave us two hours to decide how to discuss whomever we are meeting about whatever is mutually beneficial. It's obvious they want to talk, but we should still arrive prepared without seeming paranoid. They likely know we all arrived back since they found us within the day."

Former DM Cayzle OOC 
Monday September 24th, 2007 10:17:24 PM

Friends, JonPaul did the good deed for you all of reminding you that you did get some treasure from the Manticore lair and from Sharles. A ring of sustenence from Sharles. A magic cloak and boots. Some wealth, partly melted.

I suggest that Podo remind the party of this, present his list, and perhaps you all can get an appraisal and split the loot.

[Glen, sorry to butt in. Please delete this in a day or two.]

Tuesday September 25th, 2007 12:43:13 AM

When the group reassembles next, Podo will remind them, "we did in fact discover some loot when we faced the Manticores and in discovering Sharles and his remains."

Occording to my list, we have:

Thurible of Pantheon. Needs minor repairs before it is useable. New straps, leather hinge. Also needs special blessed incense.

Several gems, and partly melted coins -- a meld of gold studded with copper and silver coins.

Masterwork halfling-size studded leather armor

Masterwork halfling-size spiked chain

A scroll case with map and letter; The map suggests that you have to find the Giant Stairs.

A magic cloak

Magic boots

Magic ring of sustenance

If it's all right with you all, I propose to get the items identified while we are here in town. Personally I'd like the spiked chain, as I feel I could actually use it. I am wearing the ring of sustenance as it was Sharles gift to those that helped him...I figure I'm carrying his bones for now...so I put it on. If there is someone that would like it after we finish laying him to rest, we can discuss it at that time." explains Podo.

Airin and Fioni 
Tuesday September 25th, 2007 1:17:05 AM

When Airin hears Podo mentioning the treasure they found near Sharles remains she says :"How could we forget about all that! But... isn't it weird to claim the things that were his..." and when she says 'his' she points to the bones in Podo's backpack.
"I know he won't be using them anymore but perhaps his wife Lilly could sell some items to support her and her children? Perhaps we ought to ask his wife what to do with the stuff... who knows she might have given him some of these items and would be greatful once they are returned to her?"

Later when they are discussing the visit to the tavern to meet this nosey halfling Airin says :"I'm no good with talking to strangers. I won't go. But I will be on the lookout for trouble. The note did not say we all had to go right?"

While spending time in Angel Springs Airin also trains with Fioni. Fioni has been with Airin for soo long that apparently she can learn a few new tricks and it appears as though Fioni has grown stronger from her last adventure following the Harpies.

Tuesday September 25th, 2007 4:45:21 AM

"No, hon... you asked me about that some time ago. We sold it to help pay for the WGA," Kendry replies to Airin's question about the hat of disguise.

Kendry nods his head at Dwight's instruction to the boy.

Once he has left, Kendry says, "Perhaps we might send word at the last moment that there has been a change of venue - have something set up ourselves at another spot. Still meet with them - just not at the place they suggested. That way, if there is some sort of scrying, or worse, arranged, we can upset that portion of their plans."

Podo's reminder of some of the things they gained is welcome. "Sweets, the ring, which Sharles already indicated Podo could have, and the thurible, the disposition of which we have committed to, are the things that Sharles had, I believe. The rest, if memory serves me correctly, we found on the remains of the halfling who had the tattoo - the one stuck in the crevice within the manticores' cave.

"I've no objection to seeing what we can do to help Sharles' family, but I'm thinking with some of the tasks that lie before us, it might be wise to strengthen ourselves, so as to be in a better condition to help them."

He reminds Selithe of the thousand gp value in gems that she was given - as each one was given - back in the valley of the four peaks.

Returning to the imminent business, Kendry says, "The necromancer sent his emissaries to meet with us. They are members of the Mailed Fist."

Tuesday September 25th, 2007 9:21:22 AM

Fickle follows his cousin Kendry.

Tuesday September 25th, 2007 11:49:37 AM

Tobias agrees with Podo that the items should be identified while we have a chance... And, he shows interest in the cloak or boots.

DM Glenn 
Tuesday September 25th, 2007 12:50:38 PM

Tobias is worried about Bella. He suggests getting more help from the Burgomeister in the form of guards.

Julian thinks Bella can take care of herself. He doesn't think this strange hobbit will try anything in public, but he would feel better being fully armed.

Enjoying some time with Julian without having to fight for one's life, Selithe frowns at the thought of more battles.

Not surprised about their past catching up with them, Dwight tosses the boy a gold coin and tells him they will be there in two hours. The boy's eye's just about pop out of his head at the sight of the coin, "Yes Sir, Right a way Sir! Do you need anything else Sir?" If there isn't anything else the boy will head back to deliver the message.

Podo brings up the topic of the loot found on the last adventure and what to do with it.

Airin wonders about returning Sharles items to his family. She suggest, that she would prefer to keep an eye on the meeting from the background rather than a participant.

Nodding in agreement to Dwight's instruction to the boy, Kendry recalls that the hat was sold to pay for WLA membership. After the boy's left, Kendry suggests changing the meeting place to somewhere more to their favor. When the talk turns to treasure, he agrees that they should help Sharles' family, but he wants the group to be prepared too.

Fickle practices being Kendry's shadow.

After the boy leaves, the dinner feast continues at the Toy Shoppe and home. The time slowly ticks away; you all have a little less than two hours.

[OOC: If you have any last minute questions for the boy or other questions feel free to ask.]

Tuesday September 25th, 2007 10:14:57 PM

Selithe nods in agreement on identifying the items the group has and will wait to see from there. For the moment there isn't alot that she is interested in other then maybe picking up some scrolls to add to her spell book but that will have to wait abit for she hopes to buy and add both in the same day and it looks like the group has plans that will cause some problems with that idea at the moment.

Selithe does think and moves over to speak to Julian, "Hey Julian, when we enter combat if you stay near me I can cast bull's strength on you or even enlarge you, depending on which would be preferable. I know the one doesn't cause any problems where the other does."

Wednesday September 26th, 2007 1:02:58 AM

"Thanks, Selithe, that'll be great. Extra strength never goes astray. I can Enlarge myself, if you remember. I particularly like to enlarge little Shark here," scratching his badger behind the ear, "then ride him into charge with a lance. I am saving my gold for a magical Hide Armour, made from a Rhino, though I might get a magic quiver before then..."

"Let's go tackle this problem with this ruffian. Try to tie up lose ends."

Airin and Fioni 
Wednesday September 26th, 2007 1:46:04 AM

As Kendry points out to Airin that she seems to be rather forgetful lately she's somewhat ashamed. She should have remembered those things.

But the oncomming meeting with this other guy is plenty to make sure no one pays too much attention to it.

"Do we all go together?" Airin asks.

Wednesday September 26th, 2007 2:22:35 AM

While awaiting his friends return, Podo heads off to the Catacombs to discover the nature of the 2 magical items and then to the Temple of Alemi to resolve some issue and learn some spells.

Before too long, Podo will return to the Toy shoppe to share with his friends his newly discovered information about the 2 magical items.

Wednesday September 26th, 2007 8:41:04 AM

Fickle is tired of folowing His Cousins, he talks to himself, "HmmF! Couzin Kendry is make kissy Kissy with prety Girl! Woman breaks up'z Famaly'z whith those Red Lips of hers. Woman'z who need them'z"

He walks away to sit under a tree.

DM Glenn 
Wednesday September 26th, 2007 10:11:05 AM

Selithe agrees the items need to be identified, and she could do with some more scrolls. Later, Selithe can be overheard talking privately to Julian, "...I can cast bull's strength on you or even enlarge you..." Julian can be heard replying "That'll be great... I particularly like to enlarge little Shark here, then ride him into charge with a lance...."

Airin wonders if they should all go together.

Podo Tells the others what the catacombs said about the 2 items. The first is a Cloak of comfort, and the Boots are of striding and springing. [OOC: be sure to complete the catacombs identification process. Also see above private post about temple stuff.]

Getting board, Fickle mumbles to himself something about Kendry, kissy kissy and pretty girl with red lips.

Dinner is winding down, Kendry's and Selithe's parents are worried about you all of you meeting with this stranger if you think it so dangerous. Looking at time you see there is about an hour and a half left before the meeting.

Wednesday September 26th, 2007 11:36:31 AM

Tobias just prepares to go see these halflings after dinner... Makes sure his short swords are ready and Tewdwr is near by.

Wednesday September 26th, 2007 5:09:12 PM

Dwight smiles at the young boy, "Nothing at the moment lad, but I may have some tasks for you tomorrow. Perhaps you could stop by just before lunch."


Once the boy has left, Dwight returns to his normal quiet self. Seems most of the group has tasks to do and he listens to the various tactics get tossed back and forth.

Eventually he adds his piece, but seems as relaxed knowing he has at least an hour before another adventure. "Whether we all go or not, know they know about all of us. We have been here less than a day and they knew when and where we would be eating. This note was delivered when they knew we would recieve it."

"I'm not much for these types of gatherings, knowing who might be involved. But the tavern is a very popular place and I suspect fighting is not their intention. If it was, our dinner would have been interuppted."

"Regardless, we don't want to be caught with out pants down, the guard should be alerted to watch the area with extra diligence tonight."

Wednesday September 26th, 2007 6:17:07 PM

Julian chickles at Dewight's mention of pants down, and in so doing nudges Selithe, indicates Kendry and Airin and says quietly with a grin, "You know who'll be caught with their pants down sooner or later..."

"Let's go to this meeting then."

Wednesday September 26th, 2007 9:15:07 PM

Selithe is ready to head out also and ponders on her spells and such to keep in mind what she can do if the need comes. She shrugs after bit and travels near to Julian, smiling as she plans to use her bull's strength spell the moment the need comes.

Thursday September 27th, 2007 5:18:28 AM

Kendry smiles good-naturedly at Julian's ribbing.

"As for an alternative meeting place - Podo - what do you think of asking Mungo if he would not mind some unusual guests - ourselves, and some folks from the Iron Fist?" Kendry asks. "Any precautions he may wish to take would be most welcome. He may wish to secure his antiques."

He then adds, "But if he will not have us, then there's always the greengrocer near him. Think he'd mind?"

After a pensive moment, Kendry asks, "Do you suppose they'll have a mind reader with them? They'll want to know where the little critter is, no? Anything we can do to thwart this tactic, should they use it?"

Responding at last to Airin's question, he says, "Yes, let's do this together. I want to make sure that Fickle doesn't get lost from the group!"

Thursday September 27th, 2007 8:44:20 AM

"Kendry, I think a meeting with those people at Mungo's shoppe would be a great idea...I'll go ask Mungo." says Podo.

Before leaving, Podo shares with the group what the Catacombs identified about the two magical garments; the cloak and the boots.

"The first is a Cloak of comfort, and the Boots are of striding and springing.

Does anyone wants either of these items, or is there a movement to sell them at the CataCombs?" explains Podo.

"I personal, will be wanting the Masterwork Spiked Chain, unless someone else knows how to use it and would like it and I also have the Ring of Sustenance that is the gift from Sharles for helping his return home. I guess if you don't believe me, you could always ask him." Podo explains.

Thursday September 27th, 2007 9:29:09 AM

Fickle tell every body, "Me'z got good belt, Me'z pant Don'tz not go down! unless I have to go! So There!"

DM Glenn 
Thursday September 27th, 2007 10:48:38 AM

Tobias is ready with his trusty Tewdwr near.

Dwight doesn't think they will be fighting, but he would like the guard alerted.

Julian chuckles, and is ready for the meeting. As is Selithe as she ponders her spells.

Kendry suggest asking to use Mungo's shop for an alternate meeting place. He wonders what have done to prepare. He also, thinks it best to go as a group.

Fickle seem to be ready, ready his pants well secured by his belt.

Podo agrees with Kendry and heads off to ask Mungo.

At Mungo's antiques shop, Podo glances around at all the rare, fragile, and expensive looking antiques setup for display leaving narrow walkways for customer to browse. When asked if thy can use the shop for a meeting, Mungo wonders why. He will agree reluctantly, if you can guarantee there won't be any pitch battles. By the time Podo gets back, there is less than an hour left.

Local knowledge DC10 Highlight to display spoiler: {You recall the tavern has a private meeting room.}.

[OOC: where does everyone head to? Tavern, Mungo's antiques, or Skip the meeting?]

Thursday September 27th, 2007 11:33:21 AM

"I think the tavern would be best. Public spot and not somewhere either group would want to make a scene at."

DM Glenn addedum. 
Thursday September 27th, 2007 11:44:29 AM

Mungo stops by for just a moment, "Hi Guy's, It occurred to me you could use an old warehouse, I rent in the docks area." Mungo will give give you directions or take you there, but won't hang around for the meeting.

Thursday September 27th, 2007 6:31:33 PM

OOC I am going on holidays next week. I will be back on Wednesday (I think I will be able to post on Wednesday). Does anyone here want to sub for me?

Julian is not sure where would be a good meeting place, "I just think that it should be a public space."

Thursday September 27th, 2007 10:41:06 PM

Selithe looks to the others and nods to Julian's comment before looking to her brother, "Kendry, we should use the tavern that Tobias mentioned. I think this person would be less likely to cause problems in a public place. I know if he does it could place some of the public at risk but your choice."

Thursday September 27th, 2007 10:57:00 PM

Podo heads back to the Toy shoppe to explain to Kendry what has been said by Mungo.

Friday September 28th, 2007 12:20:27 AM

"I'm good with the tavern. He said mutual, so I suspect if he can barter whatever he wants, he will."

Dwight stands and stretches making sure his daggers are close and hidden. He will then follow the group whereever. He is not opposed to the warehouse.

OOC: I can run Julian if you send sheet to me.

Julian OOC Robert 
Friday September 28th, 2007 12:40:47 AM

OOC thanks, Anthony, I will take you up on that. See you on Wednesday

Friday September 28th, 2007 1:15:17 AM

Kendry is delighted that his & Selithe's parents are here in town, as they usually remain in Humble's Ford. Yet once every month or two, their father (Samell 'Fingers' Pastna Piper) comes to town with another delivery of new toys and musical instruments, and more rarely their mother (Bekka Lilly Burrows Leafwin Pipewood) comes, as well. Sister Leska Rosehips Leafwin Pipewood, and brother Nalfein are the siblings most often at the shop. Sometimes younger sister Darcie Lee or younger brother still Demko show up, too, especially to help Pappa on the delivery trips.

"Fine, then, let's go to the place they arranged for us. Thank you, Pode, for checking with Mungo. It was kind of him to offer his warehouse. But I think Dwight has the right of it.

"And Podo, I'd like to try out those boots you took to the Catacombs. I'm not claiming them, mind you. Just want to try them out to see how they work."

Once all are ready, Kendry says, "Those who know where the object that Flavius the necromancer wants back, please don't tell them where it is. Those who don't know, don't worry about it. Let's hear them out. Perhaps we'll come to an arrangement, perhaps not.

"Proceed with caution, my bonnie friends."

Kendry, though neither really needs his help to do so, takes Airin and Selithe by the hand to help each up.

"When all this is done with, Julian, maybe we can try some of that brown ale you were singing about the other day."

And, Airin now in hand - if she will - Kendry walks over with his friends toward the Glassy Glaze Tavern.

[OOC: Now, Mr. DM Glenn - just where is that on our Angel Springs map?]

Airin and Fioni 
Friday September 28th, 2007 1:39:39 AM

Lingering in thoughts Airin just goes with the flow. (ooc sorry for missing yesterdays post)

Then - of course she will - Airin takes Kendry's hand and walks towards the Inn. Proud to be his girl she walks along with him.

Friday September 28th, 2007 9:29:43 AM

Fickle will follow any body that goes to the travern. "Me'z is thirsty, Me's want Ale! or beer or anything wet!" he tells the bartender.

Meeting where Max make make an offer.

The Meeting [DM Glenn] 
Friday September 28th, 2007 10:44:34 AM

[FYI: Knowledge check of DC10 or less can be made untrained by anyone using just their Int bonus.]

[OOC: Kendry -- Thanks - Sister Leska & Brother Nalfein normally run the shop. Where is the Toy Shoppe located in Angel Springs?]

Everyone eventually agrees with keeping the meeting at the Glassy Glaze Tavern, and the group heads out in time for their meeting. The Glassy Glaze Tavern is a large old tavern maintained just inside the Trader Gate. It's the first place inside the city to get a drink and it caters to both large and small customers. It's a cut above the dock taverns, primarily its customers are merchants and traders. It's best known for the dark larger beer.

As the group approaches, the see the two story stone structure that houses the Tavern. It's been dark for a few hours and the time is a little past Eight. Light shines out the colorful windows of the and the entrance way is well lit. A few ponies, riding dogs and one large horse are tied to the hitching post outside. They watch with board disinterest as you approach. Music from some type of string instrument can be heard coming from within. You have a few moments while outside to cast any spells or other preparations you wish to make.

Stepping up and entering through the large double doors, the group is blinded by the bright light for just a moments as your eyes adjust. Glancing around you see the large common room with lots of chairs and tables. There are two fireplaces on opposite walls with blazing fires and a small stage with a young human female playing a lute quite nicely. About half the tables are occupied. Most of the ones near the stage seem to be listing to the music. The ones farther back are more interested in their food, drinks or business dealings. To the left opposite the stage is the bar with doors leading to what must be the kitchen. There is also a stairway leading up to the second level balcony area where there are more private tables. The common area on the first floor opens up into the second floor area forming an atrium with the second floor balcony surrounding it. The patrons seem to be a mix of races. Over half are Halflings, but there are humans, elves, gnomes, and even a few dwarfs. The bartender is a big human, but there are several busy halflings running around delivering drinks and food.

Spot Check DC10 Highlight to display spoiler: {The boy who delivered the message is sitting at the end of bar eat a bowl of stew.}
Spot Check DC15 Highlight to display spoiler: {You catch the boy looking up and spotting your group. He quickly glances towards a private table on the balcony where three Halflings sit. One is a large halfing he eating a large plate of food and talking. The other two looks to be well muscled Halflings use to doing rough work.}
Spot Check DC25 Highlight to display spoiler: {Not only do you spot the three Halflings your sure are the ones your meeting, but you don't spot any obvious associates sitting elsewhere.}

After a few moments, one of the Halfling staff comes over with a friendly smile she asks, "Greetings, sit where ever you like. Can I get you something to drink?"

Tobias  d20+6=26
Friday September 28th, 2007 11:25:05 AM

Tobias has a good look around the tavern to scope out who is here. He spots the sorts that he believes are the ones they're here to meet. And, is pretty sure there are only 3 of them here in the tavern... He motions over to their table for those in the group that haven't necessarily spotted them yet.

When the waitress comes over, Tobias orders up an ale.

Spot: 26 (nat 20)

Kendry  d20+3=19 d20+11=26
Friday September 28th, 2007 8:28:55 PM

Spot 19 (+2 from Tobias' assistance = 21)

"Ah, yes," Kendry nods at Tobias' direction.

To the waitress, he says, "Two pitchers of your house lager, and... eleven cups, up there," he points with his chin to the balcony where wait the three halflings. He hands her five gold pieces. "Fresh bread and good cheese, some cold cuts would be nice to go with that."

He finds the stairs and heads up to the table. "H'lo, fellows. Thanks for the invitation." He looks to see whether it might make sense to pull up another table, or if the one the three share is large enough for ten halflings.

"I'm Kendry. Mind if we join you?" [Diplomacy 26]

[Map info for DM: The Winwood Toy & Music Shoppe is just to the west of the capital "R" where 'East Springs Road' is written on the Angel Springs map. The shop opens onto East Springs Road. Behind the room open to the public are a couple of offices, a few storage rooms, two small music practice rooms, a bath, two water closets; upstairs are a family room, a den, and some bedrooms, closets & a kitchen, plus a medium-sized sound-proofed room for group music practice. There is a back door down a hallway that exits into the marketplace. Oh, and as one comes in to the toy & music shop - toys are mostly on the left side, and musical instruments on the right side.]

Airin and Fioni  d20+8=15 d20+2=19 d20+7=25
Saturday September 29th, 2007 11:09:35 AM

Hand in hand Airin walks into the Inn with Kendry. She immediately spots the three halflings sitting at the table on the balcony. She's a bit worried that it might be a trap but can't see anyone else... but they might be hiding.

"Careful love, this might be a trap," Airin whispers to Kendry.

She follows Tobias and Kendry up to the Balcony and allows the others to sit and talk with these three halflings. Airin stands close to the table able to hear everything but as usual she won't meddle in the discussions.

Instead she takes out her bastard sword, a piece of canvas and a stone to sharpen the blade. While the others talk she first sharpens her blade till it can cut paper and then begins to polish the blade.

During her work on her Bastard Sword Airin keeps an eye on the three halflings...

Sense Motive : 19 (are they speaking truth?)
Appraise : 25 (observe their gear and weaponry)

By the time she finishes on her blade she expects the talkings to be over and to have a good idea of their strength...

If not... she'll take care of her crossbow and daggers :-)

Fickle  d20=16
Sunday September 30th, 2007 9:54:23 AM

Fickle enters the Tavern, Looks around for a place to sit, He look up and spot the boy serving a halfling a plate of food and two big halflings. then the boy looks toward their direction.

But Fickle says nothing for now, he'll wait a little while. "Bartender! Ale for me'z and my'z Friends HERE!"

Sunday September 30th, 2007 9:17:38 PM

Selithe walks in with the rest of her friends and family. She doesn't bother trying to spot the people they came to see since they are pointed out by others of the group. She can't help but sigh inwardly as she wonders what type of trouble this might bring about. With a shrug she moves to follow her brother and the others to where the halflings they came to meet are.

Dwight  d20+3=13
Monday October 1st, 2007 8:49:15 AM

Dwight sees the boys and looks where Podo directs. He tries to determine if he recognizes them, but is interuppted by the hostess before he concludes he does not.

"I'll take whatever you have that flames, I like it hot," he smiles.

He then moves with the group upstairs towards the trio. (Did they spot the party the moment we walked in?)

Julian (by Anthony)  d20=9
Monday October 1st, 2007 8:51:40 AM

Julian wonders if his badger is within earshot should he whistle for it. Otherwise he follows the other's lead feeling this is more a conversation than a fight: FOR NOW.

spot: 9+few. Julian also sees the group with Podo's help and considers that fighting is in their favor in numbers.

Monday October 1st, 2007 9:18:33 AM

Fickle watches as the Barkeeper give the Flaming Drink to Dwight, "I'll have one of those, Please'z" He wait's for the drink to be served.

Tavern meeting (DM Glenn)  d20+10=26
Monday October 1st, 2007 11:20:49 AM

Sharp eyed Tobias quickly spots the group they are to meet and that they don't seem to have any additional support hidden in the crowd. {OOC: Good Roll!}

Kendry spots the ones they are to meet. Ordering drinks and food he heads upstairs to meet them in a very likable manner.

Holding Kendry's hand, Airin spots the three. She cautions Kendry as they move to the meeting.

Letting the others take the lead for now, Selithe follows them to the meeting.

Dwight eyes the three trying to recognize them, but he doesn't recall ever seeing them before. After ordering a flaming drink, he heads up stairs with the rest.

Fickle is quick enough to catch the boy's glance to the trio you are to meet. He also orders a few ales, but changes his mind when Dwight orders a flaming drink to get the same thing.

Wondering about his badger, Julian spots the three and is pretty sure of the outcome if it comes to a fight.

The female halfling who greeted you at the door, nods as you give her your orders. "Right, two pitchers of house lager, bread, cheese, cold cuts, and two flaming gnomes! Be right up, but you're going to have to leave the zoo outside -- them's the rules," she says politely indicating any dogs, wolves, ponies or badgers that happen to follow the group inside. She didn't seem to include Fioni as part of the zoo.

As the group heads upstairs and nears the table with the trio of halflings, you get a better look at them and they you. The table is large enough to accommodate all of you. The two henchmen stand up flanking their boss who looks up from his mostly finished plate of food. On the boss's left is a wirey halfling fellow in loose fitting robes. He has an impressive tattoo going down his right arm, and he seems to be armed with only a dagger and light crossbow. He appears calm and at peace. The one on the right is actually a female halfling with a wild look about her. She has chainmail armor, a darkwood shield and a warhammer at her side. Her steely glaze washes over the group as she sizes each of you up. (Roll verses intimidation {d20+cha adj+level} DC 26 or feel intimidated by her.) The Boss is wearing some leather armor, and a fancy rapier handle can be seen at his side.

Smiling the boss motions to the table chairs, speaking with a city accent. "It is good that your are prompt, I really would have hated having to track you down. You can call me Max, these are my associates Zen and Barb. Youz are probably wondering why I called you here for a meeting?" He pauses and glances around at the party.

Remaining standing, Airin chooses this time to draw her bastard sword for cleaning.

Immediately, Barb draws her warhammer and Zen has his crossbow raised ready to fire. The Boss looking displeased speaks up, "I had hope, I would be dealing with a group of intelligent heroes from what your friends and neighbors said. Not a gang of hoodlums. It would be very wise to listen to my more than fair offer first."

About this time, the female halfling who took your orders is bringing a large tray with food, two icey pitchers and two flaming drinks in tall glasses. Seeing the tension with drawn weapons she speaks up, "There is no fighting on the tavern! Them's the rules." She serves the goods and heads back down stairs.

Airin proceeds to clean her sword while keeping an eye on the conversation trying to read their motives.

Still looking less than pleased, Max motions to his two henchmen and they relax a bit. He continues. "Now then, I have been contracted to negotiate the return of several items you took from a certain necromancer. Primarily two books and one pet. Do you still having them?" He waits to see how you react.

Airin only Highlight to display spoiler: {A quick appraisal of their gear reveal that they can afford good quality items. Barb's Darkwood Shield, Chain armor, and Warhammer are all masterworks. As is Max's leather armor and weapons, and what few weapons Zen has. So far, Max seems to be speaking the truth. (keep rolling)}

Tobias  d20+6=12
Monday October 1st, 2007 11:40:29 AM

Tobias keeps an eye on Zen, making sure he doesn't make a move to use his crossbow. He rests his hand on a short sword's pommel, but doesn't draw it, even when they draw theirs. He doesn't respond to Max's question about he necromancer's items. Instead waiting to see if Kendry can do some fast talking out of this situation.

Intimidation check: 12

Airin and Fioni  d20+1=13 d20+2=21
Monday October 1st, 2007 1:15:12 PM

(Intimidation check : 13)

Airin stops cleaning her sword as she gazes the female halfling. She sure looks intimidating to the frail looking Airin.

"Chill out friends... I was just going to clean the leftovers from a manticore... Who's jumpy here?!?" she whispers loud enough so all can hear.

When the talking comes to the delicate matter of the Necromancer Airin is at guard but does nothing yet. She waits to see the outcome...

Meanwhile she continues to observe Max and also keeps an eye on both henchmen.

Sense Motive: 21

Steven ooc 
Monday October 1st, 2007 1:16:38 PM

I'll make the posting report tomorrow moring. Had a rough day and am too tired.

Kendry  d20+10=30 d20+4=18 d20+11=31
Monday October 1st, 2007 6:23:57 PM

"Max, Zen, Barb," Kendry replies to the names given.

As Airin pulls forth her sword, eliciting a quick reaction from their counterparts, Kendry gives a bemused smile, looking down and shaking his head.

[Intimidation save: 30, nat 20]

"Please forgive my beloved her habit. She'll take advantage of whatever chance she has to keep her gear in shape. Hon - out of courtesy to these folks, maybe we can save that for another time?"

On the other hand, he is pleased that she mentioned the cleaning of the manticore bits. Her quiet words help build the group's stature. He'll save the compliments for his own for later, however. He also leaves it to them as to whether they choose to offer their names.

"Nice warhammer, Barb," he remarks pleasantly. "I'd wager it has been the author of a headache or two in its time, and more."

Kendry turns his full attention to Max after this kerfuffle. "Books? A pet?" he responds. "What name does the necromancer you represent go by? What kind of pet is missing? I'll have to admit, I'm not too partial to the sort of work that necromancers do. But it can be a shame for a person to be parted from his or her pet - especially if they are deserving of each other. Is this necromancer human, or something other?"

Then he adds, "Oh, and you have us at a bit of a disadvantage, I'm afraid. You know where we are from. What part of the Wold would you all hail from, if you don't mind my inquiry?"

[Sense motive, 18. Diplomacy: 31!]

ADM StevenVdB : Posting Record Game 13 
Tuesday October 2nd, 2007 3:49:49 AM

Posting Report for Game 13 for the week of September 24 - September 30

DM Glenn : MTWTF-- 5
Dwight: M-W-F-- 3
Fickle: -TWTF-S 5
Podo: -TW2--- 4
Selithe: MTWT--S 5
Kendry: -T-T2-- 4
Tobias: MTWTF-- 5
Airin: MTW-FS- 5
Julian: M-2T--- 4

Weekly Summary: Meeting a nosey fellow...
As soon as the group gets back a note is delivered to them asking them to come to meet someone in the Inn. Must be the nosey fellow!
Plans are made how to meet the guy but in the end the entire group and companions goes to the rendevous...
With a friendly smile they are invited to share a drink with a small group they have never seen before.

Fickle  d20+4=20
Tuesday October 2nd, 2007 7:48:11 AM

Fickle is happy for once, happy to see a flaming Ghomish. He's heard a lot bouth this drink, now he has one.

He looks up toward the Female standing next to Max, sohe takes a big gulp of the famus drink?? Cough twice?? Then downs the rest of the drink. "HI! Pretty Barb!" Then slops under the Table ! Drunk!

Intimidation - 20 FAILED.

Julian (By Anthony)  d20=15
Tuesday October 2nd, 2007 9:48:32 AM

Julian feels Barb can more than handle herself (intimidation: 15+2+5=22 Fail) one on one, but refuses to give into the impulse to cower.


When the situation arises, Julian with hand on sword hilts but refrains from pulling them out. AFter all the hostess said no fighting.

He remains standing in case the others choose not to follow the hostess' rule.

Dwight  d20=16 d20+3=21
Tuesday October 2nd, 2007 9:52:38 AM

Dwight feels (intimidate: failed) Barb will smash him into a pancake given the chance and sits on the far side of the table from her.

As the tension arises and then dwindles, Dwight again looks around the tavern from his aerial view. He first looks to the boy and then to see if others are taking any vested interest. (Spot: 21)

With his flaming gnome in hand, he listens but does not drink. He waits for their response given Kendry's inquiries.

Barb the Intimidating (DM Glenn)  d20+8=9 d20+11=28 d20+9=23 d20+12=13
Tuesday October 2nd, 2007 10:30:18 AM

Tobias keeps an eye on Zen, hoping Kendry can do some fast talking.

Feeling everyone's looking with her sword out, Airin quietly suggests everyone to chill. She still keeps a close eye on the trio.

Smiling at the flaming Gnomish drink, Fickle sees the glaring Barb with her shiny warhammner. He quickly gulps down the drink only to slip under the table when hit with its effects. (Fort save DC18 vs being drunk -1ac, -1tohit, -1saves)

Neither Julian nor Dwight seem inclined to mess with Barb. Both refrain from further provoking actions. Dwight glances around the tavern. The boy seems to glance up from time to time and the server goes up to tell the bartender something. He glances your way, but continues working.

Everyone seems to be intimidated by Barb, except the silver tongued Kendry. He quickly steps in with his soothing manners and honey soaked words defusing the tensions on both sides. After which all drawn weapons are noticeably lowered. Playing it cool, Kendry questions Max about the books, the pet, what the necromancer's name is and where Max is from. {Good rolls! Also, I rolled a bluff of 23 for Kendry)

Barb seems to dismiss all the others as beneath her, but gives a slight nod to Kendry. She is still holding her warhammer at her side.

Max smiles as Kendry talks, then he replies back to the bard, "You I like, Kendry isn't it? If you every decided to leave this quaint rual town from say Plateau City, I sure we could use someone of your talents." Taking a moment to size Kendry's words up, Max continues, "Are you sure you do not known anything about some books and a homunculus taken from a necromancer somewhere in the Red Hills? It would be unfortunate if Flavius had to send an army of zombies here to look for the books and his pet. It would wise to give them to me, and I will see that they are returned to him safely thereby avoiding any unpleasantness."

Zen is keeping an eye on everyone, but he has lowered his cross bow to his side.

Both Kendry and Airin can tell that Max is unsure about whether Kendry is being truthful. Both can tell that Max is a professional when it comes to this type of parley and that he won't let his like or dislike of the other side get in the way of his goals.

Kendry and Airin and anyone else with Sense Motive DC18 Highlight to display spoiler: {Max is bluffing about the zombie army.}

Sense Motive DC28 Highlight to display spoiler: {Max is not being totally honest! He is working some angle for himself.}

Tobias  d20+1=4
Tuesday October 2nd, 2007 11:54:08 AM

Tobias keeps a vigilant eye on Zen while the discussion continues... He gives a half-smile at Kendry's smooth delivery in getting Max involved and talking... But, he's not sure how this could possibly end well, without giving them what they want.

Sense Motive: 4

Kendry contra Max  d20+11=21 d20+9=25 d20+4=13
Tuesday October 2nd, 2007 4:40:25 PM

[Note: It's hard to discern a lie when a lie has not been told. Kendry has so far been asking questions. He is trying to gain information. And he has neither confirmed nor denied anything so far. Let's see how long this holds.]

"Well, that is right kind of you, Max. I rather like you, too. Seem to be a man of some substance, some savvy," he compliments their leader.

He turns to Zen for a moment as the halfling lowers his crossbow. "Are you a monk? You seem to have a... centeredness about you, Zen. You and my good cousin here," he says, nodding in Podo's direction, "might find a thing or two in common." Again, he leaves it to his friends and family as to whether they want to offer their names - although, judging by what has so far been revealed by these folks, they likely already have most of the names of the party members.

As the threat of invading undead is mentioned, Kendry's eyes go wide. "An army of zombies, eh? This... Flavius? would do that for us?" he asks with an air of wonder and apparent appreciation. "He must really miss his houndunculus," Kendry comments with sympathy, while suggesting a dog-like version of the necromancer's familiar. "And I'm sure our people would be amazed at such an exercise and show. Some of our local butchers, in particular, would likely enjoy the exercise. Could make for some interesting stories and songs, I'm sure."

Thinking it might not hurt to insert a little levity into the negotiations, he asks, "Are they any good as fertilizer?" Taking on the dry drawl of a local farmer, Kendry says, "Ayup. Them carrots and peas really shot up, sweet and tasty, after we added them ground up zombie butts to the garden."

He waggles his eyebrows a bit as he takes a slurp from the ale the waitress brought up.

Switching back to his own voice, he says, "Well, I'm sure we can do some looking around. What kind of reward is available for the return of these items? What titles is he missing, anyhow?" Again, he probes to discern the depth of Max's knowledge. [And here, if not lieing, Kendry may at least be dissembling - asking questions to which he already knows some answers - yet sometimes asking about something you know helps you to understand even more about it - or at least to know more about the person you ask.]

Then, switching tacks, he asks, "And, while we're at it - what was it that persuaded you to put in with a necromancer? They are generally of an evil bent, right? Especially the ones with humbukuli," he mispronounces the construct's designation again, "as their little friends. Fiends? Familiars."

What defense might Max come up with to associate with a producer of undead? Kendry thinks to himself that these three could turn to grim foes on the one hand, or, possibly, become their friends. And if not friends, still, they may be allies of sorts in the near or distant future. How will this play out?

[Diplomacy: 21. Bluff: 25. Discern motives: 13]

Selithe  d20+2=14 d20+2=12 d20=8
Tuesday October 2nd, 2007 7:33:53 PM

(Sorry for missing a post. Still getting use to our new DM's posting schedule.)

Selithe watches the going on's and frowns some at the idea of a army of zombies. Being a wizardess she doesn't know if the necro could do it but then again that isn't her field of studies either. Either way she looks to the others and thinks of the damage undead would do to the town.

Selithe can't help but say something though, "No offense to you and your friends here but if these items are found then how do we know that you won't do something to profit yourself and leave this place and us with a horde of nasties and a pee'od necro? I don't mind helping look for these objects but would hate to see this town in any trouble you see. I work with more garantees then chance inless gambling. An there are some gambles that even a gambler would turn down you know."

(Sense Motive:14 Spot:12 Listen:8)

Fickle  d20+4=22
Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 9:32:20 AM

"Yieps! The floor kick me?? Did you see that'z" He takes a good look at Max, "Me'z think You are Not telling the whole trouth!! Some thing Missing there, BUT missies with the cute hammer is Pretty! Want a green Flaming Ghomish?? It will Put Curl'z in you pretty Hair??" Fickle tells the lady with the hammer.

Bluff vs Bluff (DM Glenn)  d20+3=6 d20+8=17 d20+12=14 d20+11=22 d20+16=26 d20+11=25
Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 10:38:00 AM

While Kendry and Max talk, Barb glances at Airin with clear distaste, "Get a clue doll face, a real warrior would have cleaned the blade before sheathing it."

Zen ignores Kendry's remarks as he glances around at the other gathered around the table shaking his head at the apparently drunken Fickle. Next his gaze settles on Tobias, the quite Zen notes the good chain shirt and pair of short swords at his side.

Kendry realizes that Max is being almost as stingy with the facts as Kendry himself. After a bit of attempted small talk with Max and Zen and making fun of the zombie threat Max raised, Kendry gets back to the serious business about the items, possible rewards and what is Max's doing associating with a necromancer.

Seeming to enjoy the sparing of words, Max smiles as Kendry talks, "Well perhaps Flavius isn't the sort to send an army of zombies, but he is pretty smart and I'm sure he has already thought further than you are I on what to do next."

Picking up on the "reward" comment, Max replies back, "Well now that you mention it, Flavius did send a few gems with us, more as a finder fee than a reward. Let's see, I think it comes out roughly to about a thousand gold per item. I don't know why I'm telling you this since you don't known anything about the items."

Selithe joins in on the negotiations; she questions Max's intentions of what he would do and where that would leave them in relationship to the necromancer. (DM rolled bluff+3 check = 6)

Max smile increase as she finishes, he rejoin "Ah, so you do have the items. Otherwise why be concerned that the necromancer will still come after you?" Taking a breath, he continues, "As for my intentions and my association with Flavius, you have every right to be wary. In this case it strictly a business arrangement, and to prove it I have a scroll from Flavius authorizing my dealing on his behalf." Max pull out a tube and extracts a roll of paper from it, giving it to the party to examine.

It reads: "Pertaining to the matter of negotiating for the return of several books and a pet taken from me, I hereby authorize Max ThornFoot to represent my interest in this matter.

All things considered, I think I am being most reasonable.

- Flavius."

About this time Fickle apparently drunk sits up and accuses Max of telling fibs while making a pass at Barb. Barb looks at him as if he was lower than slime. Gripping her warhammer harder she growls at him (Fickle intimidation check DC25). Max shakes he head and ignores Fickle.

No one can tell if Max is lying or telling the truth from his body language.
Spot check DC15 Highlight to display spoiler: { There is no seal with the message.}
Spot check DC26 Highlight to display spoiler: { Something about the document doesn't seem right.}
SpellCraft check DC12 Highlight to display spoiler: {The spell book is about half filled in. Value 50pages x 100gp each.}
Appraise check DC20 Highlight to display spoiler: { The "Charom's Thorough and Sacred Guide to Hunting the Undead," book is probably worth 3000gp.}
Arcana Knowledge check DC15 Highlight to display spoiler: {The homunculus cost over 1100gp to make.}

Tobias  d20+6=9
Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 12:39:23 PM

Tobias keeps an appraising eye on Zen. And tries miserably to follow along with what's going on... So, he gives off a fake yawn.

Thinking to himself: I knew we should have just killed that stupid hom.

Spot: 9

Airin and Fioni  d20+8=28 d20+7=21 d20+7=27 d20+1=12
Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 3:06:39 PM

Spot: 28 (NAT 20)
Spellcraft: 21
Appraise: 27 (NAT 20 WOOOT!!)

Airin eyeballs Barb but still she is intimidated by this woman. But somehow she manages to put a little smile around her lips. She looks at Barb from head to toe and then asks : "You are a woman right? Odd... but then again I'm not a real warrior. There are other things a real woman enjoyes too besides pummeling around in heavy armor looking real intimidating... I bet you lead a lonely life and there's no one who hugs you goodnight. Must be a sad life..."

Then Max pulls out the scroll. Airin does not meddle in the discussions but she can tell there's something fishy about the document and either Max lies about the valley of the two books or he really doesn't know their vallue...

When poor drunk Fickle makes a pass at Barb Airin chuckles. She always liked Fickle's naive behaviour. But then Barb growls and Airin is startled... again she eyeballs Barb but this time she gazes with her mouth open...

"Exactly what are you? Poor thing! You've got it all wrong... rude, no manners, unable to have a normal conversation without growling... pfew... poor you"

(bluff: 12)

Then she turns to Kendry (keeping half an eye on Barb for she's worried the crazy 'woman' will swing her hammer at her) and says: "Perhaps we should discuss amongst ourselves what to do quickly?"

If Kendry turns to Airin and moves with her a few feet away from the table Airin quitely, her hand in front of her lips, whispers what she noticed about the scroll and both books.

Dwight  d20+3=6 d20+5=24 d20+2=3 d20+3=9 d20+3=15
Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 6:06:58 PM

Dwight continues to listen to the conversation, but chooses not to add anything as he is afraid too many voices will give away to much. As the scroll is passed around, Dwight takes a look at it, and considers if its a forgery (Could the script be written by human or halfling hands? forgery check: 15)

He is leary of Fickle, Airin and Barb's interaction, but keeps to himself on the far side. Zen, nearest him, seems preoccupied and Dwight fades from everyone's focus.

Julian (By Anthony)  d20=18
Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 6:11:46 PM

Seeing his friends get growled at, Julian steps forward a bit, barely keeping thoughts to keep weapons sheathed.

Julian tries to intimidate Barb himself (Normally Julian's intimidate roll is 18+6=24, but he was intimindated so I am sure their is a penalty.)

If she makes a hostile move with a weapon, Julian will counter it with his own weapon.

Julian (OOC) by Robert 
Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 6:19:34 PM

Thanks Anthony, I'd just caught up on reading and was thinking about using Intimidate. Great minds think alike, hey ;-)

A job well done, thank you.

Selithe  d20+5=24 d20+8=20 d20+9=29 d20=12
Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 9:30:28 PM

Selithe smiles as she thinks over the objects in her head and speaks up, "Someone is goofing a bit here. From what you told us of these objects, I figure them up to be worth quite a bit more than what you're admitting to... either you're trying to make a profit or you're being ripped off." Selithe smiles more and idly pulls out a deck of cards, her personal deck for now as she hasn't had time to play with the one Julian gave her and idly flips through it before speaking more, "Not to mention you have it all wrong. A person who cares for their home and cares for her friends and family would of course want the safety of them. Don't you agree? Or would friends and family not be a worthy cause to want to defend for?"

(Appraise:24 Knowledge Arcana:20 SpellCraft:29 (nat 20) Spot:12)

Kendry  d20+3=4 d20+8=22 d20+7=10 d20+4=22 d20+11=30
Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 11:58:37 PM

[Spot: 4; Knowledge, arcana: 22; Spellcraft: 10; Appraise: 22; Knowledge, bardic: 30]

Kendry has glanced at the spell book, and has read thoroughly the other significant book, Charom's Thorough and Sacred Guide to Hunting the Undead. From the latter he now better understands some of the strengths and weaknesses of the undead, and thus how better to fight and defend against them. He has on three occasions urged his fellow party members to read the book - but no one else - or was there one? - has read it. Ah, opportunities lost! Was it Podo who read it, too?

He recalls that Podo showed them six books from Flavius' library all together. He went through all of them, but four were of lesser consequence.

The bard also read the letter from the necromancer received earlier - just before they headed out of Angel Springs to the Valley of the Four Peaks. He compares the handwriting in this 'authorization' letter to what he remembers from the other missive, to see if the same hand did the writing (bardic knowledge: 30).

Kendry is not too keen on giving back to the necromancer... but Flavius seems to be taking a reasonable approach, all things considered.

Ah, Airin. "Yes, dear. You'll excuse us for a moment?" he says to Max. He is just about to step aside with her, but feels he must first address the rising tension. "Friends - let's not get agitated, here." He looks at Fickle, Selithe, Barb, and takes in the rest of his friends with a quick glance.

With a deep intake of breath, and his stature increased by a measure, he speaks with an air of authority, a voice of command: "I declare a bard's peace among us." Then, more gently, "Words may we use freely. But weapons or fists are not needed here. As a token of my good will in this discussion, please allow me." He looks to Max, to Zen, to Barb, and back to Max. "I hand you my rapier until this matter is brought to a satisfactory conclusion, and as a pledge of irenic will."

Slowly, he loosens the belt that the holds the frog & sheath in which is kept his rapier. Sliding the frog off, he hands rapier hilt first, resting still in its sheathe, still within the frog, to Max. His movements are slow, and he lays the masterwork weapon gently on the table before Max, then steps away, slowly rebuckling his belt.

"Now, my love has a word for me. We'll return in a moment."

He steps back with a slight bow, then places his left hand at the small of Airin's back, turns, and leads her down the stairs.

When Airin feels they are far enough away, Kendry listens to her whispered words.

higher bid (DM Glenn)  d20+8=9 d20+8=20 d20+3=9 d20+11=17
Thursday October 4th, 2007 11:01:02 AM

Bored with the negotiations, Tobias stares back at Zen. He observes a wirey halfling fellow in loose fitting robes. He has an impressive tattoo going down his right arm, and the only weapons he seems to have are a dagger and a good quality light crossbow.

Still intimidated by Barb, Airin makes a few comments to Barb about her lack of womanly qualities. Airin's eye's light up at the sight of the scroll, and she tries to let Kendry know what she knows.

Dwight looks at the document, but can't find any flaws, he continues to watch all interactions. As he tries to fade into the background, Zen shifts his gaze to him. Zen frowns a little obviously having trouble trying figure out what Dwight's specialty in the group is.

Disliking his friends being threatened, Julian steps forward in a intimidating manner towards Barb. Barb reflexively takes a half step back, obviously not expecting any of the group to find their backbone after being cowered by her (she rolled a nat 1).

Selithe speaks up accusing Max of ether trying to rip the party off or being cheated himself. Then she gives other reasons to be concerned about what the necromancer might do. (DM rolled Bluff+3=9) Max looks attentive when Selithe figures the items to be worthy quite a bit more. He comments to her, "You have quite a skill for appraising to value two books and a pet that you've never seen with such self-confidence?"

Kendry spends a few moments reflecting on books and documents Highlight to display spoiler: {Recalling what you remember about the first letter from Flavius, you spot several flaws between it and the one Max presented to you. You're sure it's a fake. A good one, but a fake.} Wanting to disarm the tension, Kendry declares a "Bard's Peace" and disarms himself placing his sheathed weapon on the table then steps away to hear what Airin has to say.

With Kendry's unexpected actions, Zen, Barb and Max glance at each other. Shrugging Max speaks up, "A Bard's Peace? Isn't that normally used between warring armies? But as you wish. Barb, stop agitating the locals!" Max watches Kendry and while waiting for him to rejoin the table, he speaks to Selithe, "Perhaps, I did miscount the gems Flavius gave me. Humm, Yes, maybe it would be more on the order of about fifteen hundered gold worth of gem for each of the three items?"

Having been chastised, Barb shrugs and puts her warhammer back in her belt. She then gives a self-satisfied smile.

Zen only gives a small shake his head, having watched Barb play her games before.

Sense Motives DC17 Highlight to display spoiler: {Max is starting to get a little desperate, thinking the deal is going sour.}

Fickle  d20+5=19 d20+5=10 d20+7=23 d20=17
Thursday October 4th, 2007 11:11:09 AM

Fickle sees thar the Female is not inpresse with him, will attemp to try again, "Ahhhh! Me'z Pretty One, will you have a drink with Me'z?" He figers what the harm, She wount slap him?? or would SHE??

But her Boss! is the other sence he picks up! He's swetting. 'Hmm! I wonder why'z'

Spot 19 (Made It)
Appraise - 10 (Failed)
Knoledge - (23 Made it)
Sence Motive - 17 (made it)

Tobias  d20+1=7
Thursday October 4th, 2007 12:01:44 PM

Tobias isn't really sure what to make of the negotiations... but he tires of this back and forth that's seemingly going no where. He tries to motion Kendry with sign language to see if we can just get the heck out of here.

Kendry [detect thoughts - about 5 (out 6) minutes left]  d20+4=14 d20+11=21 d20+4=6 d20+9=24 d20=19 d20=15
Thursday October 4th, 2007 4:54:52 PM

[Sense motive: 14]

Just outside the tavern he listens to Airin. "You're right, love. Those are not from the hand of the fellow they say it is. What do you say we invite them to come with us to Dourscale?" He gives her a quick peck on the cheek. "You're a feisty one, sweet Airin. I like that in you." Then he thinks to add to the topic at hand, "Or, we could pay a visit directly to the Red Hills."

Out of sight and earshot of the three - on the street, ensuring the tavern door is closed, as he talks with Airin, he mixes the words and motions to cast the spell detect thoughts, then continues quiet, innocuous conversation as he escorts her back into the tavern, and back up the stairs.

When Tobias signals him he'd like to leave, Kendry holds up his hands to say, nonverbally, patience - just a little bit longer.

He takes a few moments in which he quietly takes in what people are saying (for fifteen seconds or more). "Max, Barb, Zen - what group are you with? And is it Plateau City you live in, generally?"

Kendry wonders to himself whether these are with the Mailed Fist, and from Dourscale - as Flavius Aetius wrote him earlier. Or just some rogue group that heard of the familiar-napping, and who want to score a good profit on the items gathered?

He waits until they answer these first two questions before he continues with the following:

"No offense intended, sir, for I think you a very clever hobbit. But I am not convinced this letter is from Flavius, nor that you represent him. Do you happen to know his last name? What he looks like?

"And, if you are his genuine representatives, might we travel with you to meet this Flavius? I'm always interested in people who love good books."

Meanwhile, Kendry's detect thoughts focus on what thoughts he might find - first through Max, or if blocked, through Barb, or Zen.

[OOC: the spell also allows Kendry to discern "Number of thinking minds and the Intelligence score of each" - so please let me know those scores - although if someone has a score of 26 or higher, Kendry will be stunned, and the spell will end.]

[Afterthought rolls: Diplomacy: 21; Spot: 6; Bluff: 24; and two more unadjusted rolls (19 and 15) that the DM can use as he chooses]

Thursday October 4th, 2007 6:50:39 PM

Julian is starting to feel out of his depth here. He thinks that 3 lots of 1500 gp sounds rather good. Of course more would always be better, but he fears that pushing this negotiation may result in no gems, and a big fight to be had.

He looks about for a pencil and paper. Frustrated by not finding a neat pile of paper and an already inked quill he casts Prestidigation, and uses this cantrip to write a brief message to the rest of the party on his own back.

He steps in front of the rest of the party and says to Max, "We'd like to be able to wrap this up tonight, perhaps you could be more helpful."

The message on his back reads (in a very juvenile script)


Julian  d20+4=11
Thursday October 4th, 2007 7:02:31 PM

OOC Forgot to actually roll the Diplomacy 11

Selithe  d20+2=19
Thursday October 4th, 2007 9:53:52 PM

Selithe smiles and shrugs, "Well, was a rough guess." (Bluff:19)

With this she looks to the group to see what is decided, she had only put her two cents in anyway to see what would happen and not trying to provoke a fight herself, just not wanting the party to get shafted in anyway.

Dwight  d20+2=21
Thursday October 4th, 2007 11:24:01 PM

Dwight remains at the table, appearing to be absent from the wheelings and dealings. In reality he is focusing on the Max, Barb and Zen's uniqueness, height, size, scars.

Feeling Zen stare at him, Dwight will turn and look him straight in the eye (intimidation: 21). If Zen reacts, Dwight then casts a wicked smile, but says nothing and soon returns to his solidarity among the group.

His flaming gnome struggles to stay aflamed.

Airin and Fioni  d20+2=18
Friday October 5th, 2007 6:32:20 AM

(Sense motive check : 18)

Sensing Max is getting a little desperate from Kendry's diplomatic talking makes Airin feel a little more comfortable. Still at guard she eyes both Max and Barb closely. Somehow she can not connect to Zen as he's gazing at Dwight.

fight or flight (DM Glenn)  d20+7=16 d20+8=9 d20+12=22 d20+10=23 d20+13=23 d6+8=10 d20+7=16 d20+7=24 d6=3 d6=2 d20=12 d20+14=32 d6=4
Friday October 5th, 2007 11:27:12 AM

Fickle decides to push his luck with Barb and make another pass at her. She looks at him obviously in visioning his painful death at her hands.

Tobias is clearly board and ready to leave.

Kendry and Airin go downstairs and step out side for a minute. Airin eyes both Max and Barb as long as she can. They reenter the front doors after a short discussion. Kendry appears to be preoccupied or distracted by something on his mind (OOC: Concentrate on his spell.)

Selithe shrugs and tries to dismiss her valuation of the items value as a rough guess.

Remaining at the table, Dwight returns Zen's stare with his on intimidating stare. Zen looks uncomfortable (save:16 failed) under Dwight's menacing glare.

Standing in front of Barb, Julian looks frustrated as he sees the two return inside. Without a thought, He begins casting a magical spell involving obvious hand motions and clearly magical words.

Fearing an trick or Attack, Barb yells in rage (intimidate Julian DC23) as she draws her warhammer and hits Julian with a strong blow. (Barb hit ac23 dam 10)

Zen yells at Barb, "His not..", but he sighs as he strikes out at Dwight (hit ac16, 24, non lethal damage 3, 2) even shaken he still hits both times.

Max yells "You should have taken the deal!" as he jumps up and leaps over the balcony's edge to lands 20 feet below a bit hard on a table below despite his tumbling. (jump:10 tumble:32 non-lethal d6=4)

All the customers and staff are surprised by the sudden outburst and the fellow falling out of the sky.

Placement: I'll work on a map.

Kendry and Airin are downstairs between the door and stairs.
Julian is next to Barb
Dwight and Tobias are next to Zen
Fickle, and Selithe are sitting around the table.
Podo is ? (outside?)
Max is downstairs

(AC Max:19, Zen:21, Barb 21)

Tobias (AC 20, HP 44/44) [Message]  d20+13=33 d20+13=16 d4+2=4
Friday October 5th, 2007 11:52:27 AM

Seeing that the negotiations have apparently come to an abrupt end, Tobias moves to attack Zen. Drawing both short swords as his move. He attacks with one.

Attack: 33 (nat 20 - threat)
Crit Roll: 16 (single damage)
Damage: 4

Julian 35/45 hp, AC 23 Total Defence  d20+13=16
Friday October 5th, 2007 6:08:29 PM

Save vs Intimidate 16, fail.

"Oh dear," sighs Julian, holding back his rage. Rather, he feels deflated (and intimidated), having hoped that his simple cantrip would end the negotiations peacefully.

"Not in here, not now." Then he mumbles, "Domi knows how I hate negotiations."

Julian raises his buckler in defence, and chooses to not attack or draw a weapon. His badger, confused by Julian's inaction, hides under a nearby chair.

Total Defence, +4 dodge bonus to AC

Dwight (Ac 16, hp 35, taken 5 nonlethal)  d20+6=14
Friday October 5th, 2007 8:42:21 PM

Dwight slides under the chair and comes out on the far side of the table (somewhere behind Tobias and out of reach of Zen)

Tumble: 14

Appearing on the far side but staying crouched, Dwight considers his best line of attack.

Knowing that fighting is going to cause problems for the party and town, Dwight reluctantly adds to the chaos.

He pulls his daggers out while making motions of a Command spell. Then commands Zen to fall.
(DC: 13)

Friday October 5th, 2007 10:29:22 PM

Selithe frowns at the break down of actions and whispers the words of a spell under her breath, deciding she can't allow Max to get away.

Not knowing what else to do Selithe mutters the summon monster I spell and causes a celestial dog to appear like she has before.

(I believe the dog won't show up till the next round. I usually get that part messed up.)

(DM: Don't have the book close so if possible she will have the dog appear downstairs or at least close to the stairway, etc.)

Kendry (AC 15, HP 35) 
Saturday October 6th, 2007 3:59:30 AM

So much for subtle negotiations, and mind reading.

Kendry hears the sudden uproar above as Barb roars in rage and Zen yells as well - and he can't help but notice Max landing badly on a nearby table.

"What is going on up there?" Kendry hollers. He steps forward to lend a hand. "Max - are you all right? Will you help me stop whatever is happening? I think there's at least one hot head on each side. Let's get this straightened out before more than egos are badly bruised." He helps Max up - if Max allows him. If Max seems wary, Kendry will back off - wanting to communicate with his actions that he intends no harm, only help.

Noting too the way he fell, Kendry says, "I've a wand of healing if you or yours - or mine - have need of patching up. I'm heading up top."

Kendry bounds up the stairs. "Friends - stop this fighting at once!"

Fickle (Ac 21/58hp)  d20+8=26 d2+1=2 d20+17=20 d20+4=18
Saturday October 6th, 2007 6:59:32 AM

Fickle who is feeling the a little more sober (Since the fight began) Will bash (with his shield) the body guard Barb**, then jump over the railling, landing/tumbling down to be with the rest of the group. Looking at the group, he ask "What'z up? Mates!"

to bash Ac 26 - Damages 2hp
Jump - 20 made it. (is landing another Roll?? If the answer is Yes - then I rolled 18 for tumble.)

Airin and Fioni  d20+9=29 2d4(1+4)=5
Saturday October 6th, 2007 8:09:34 AM

Airin is surprised when she hears the roar upstairs and Max yelling they should have accepted the deal.

"What went wrong??" Airin mouths but then she sees Max jumping from the balcony and hears the clattering of weapons upstairs...

She agrees with Kendry's effort to try and calm things down again but never the less hesitates to follow him. Max should not get away no matter how this evolves...

"STAY HERE MAX!" Airin shouts at him hoping he will listen to Kendry.

If he doesn't listen to reason, Airin quickdraws a tanglefoot bag (quickdraw is her new feature) and throws it at Max hoping to stop his escape. Airin waits untill Max is within 10ft from her and then throws the bag...

Tanglefoot bag hits Touch AC29 - NAT 20 !!
and succesfully covers Max is the sticky Goo. The goo becomes brittle after 5 turns.

Having a move action left Airin will step in front of the door blocking anyone from getting out of the inn.

Monday's Post (DM Glenn)  d20+9=20 d6=6 d20+9=16 d20+13=22 d6+8=9 d20+11=16 d20+10=15 d20+11=18 d20+10=30
Sunday October 7th, 2007 2:56:52 AM

Tobias draws his swords and strikes Zen once drawing blood.

Intimidated for the moment, Julian holds his anger and defends himself with only his shield. (Intimidation only last one round. The waitress who greeted you asked that all animals remain outside.)

Moving, Dwight tumbles under the table and out the other side. Unfortunately, he is not quite quick enough to avoid an opportunistic kick by Zen (AoO hit ac20 non-lethal damage 6). (OOC: Needed a tumble DC15 to avoid AoO. Also moving under the table would be obstructed reducing movement by half. Still 10' is enough to get to the far side of the table.) Dwight scarcely has time to cast a spell commanding Zen to fall! Zen resist the magical compulsion (Will save 16). Dwight reaches for his dagger. (OOC: Can't draw a weapon while casting a spell, but can during a regular move action. Tumbling under a table is not a regular move.)

Selithe trying to stop Max start casting a summoning spell. (OOC: correct the creature won't show up until the start of your next round where it can act. You can summon it up to 30ft away. The floor is 20'feet down, so yes it can appear down stairs.)

Kendry steps forward to lend Max a hand asking him to help stop the battle. Max does seem very wary, so Kendry backs off and heads for the stairs yelling for his friends to stop fighting.

Feeling more sober, Fickle shield bashes Barb, before leaping over the railing and amazingly landing on his feet down stairs unharmed except for Barb's blow. (OOC: yes both a jump and tumble DC15 are needed to avoid damage from the 20ft drop.) Furious and enraged, Barb take an opportunist swing at Flickle as the jumps away (AoO hit ac22, dam 9) hitting him lightly with her warhammer.

Airin shouts at Max to stay. He doesn't seem to be in the mood today to listen as he jumps off the table as moves for the front door. Airin flings a tanglefoot bag at him hitting him as he passes. The sticky stuff covers Max, but doesn't stop him as she had hoped. It does slow him down.

Entangled and slowed by the sticky stuff, Max pulls out and drinks a potion vanishing.

Zen strikes at Tobias with his fist stunning fist attack, (hit ac 15 miss) unfortunately for Zen and fortunately for Tobias he missed.

Enjoying the battle, Barb yells at Julian to cower him again "Fight me, or you not man enough?" as she brings her warhammer down on him for another blow (hit ac 18 miss), but it is deflected by his shield. (Julian save vs. intimidation DC30 or -2 penalty on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws for 1 round)

Upstairs between the table and balcony railing is Tobias fighting Zen then Barb fighting Julian. Zen and Barb are between Tobias and Julian.
Dwight and Selithe are on the other side of the table.
Kendry is at the bottom of the stairs
Fickle is in the middle of the common room downstairs
Airin is at the front door downstairs.
Max was downstairs but has vanished. Fickle and Airin knows where he last was round.
Podo is Outside (He has been missing due to RL move.)

Max: AC 17, vanished, non-lethal damage 4 & entangled/slowed
Zen: AC 21, damage 4
Barb: AC21, Enraged 2r, damage 2

Crazly has trained you well everyone posted their AC and spell save DC numbers! Thanks!
Also, Crazly will be subbing for me for Tuesday and Wednesdays Posts! ]

Fickle (AC 15/49hp)  d20+11=21 d20+7=23 d4+4=5 d4+4=5
Sunday October 7th, 2007 9:21:09 AM

Fickle seeing that Barb also came down after him,will throw two knives, takes out of his boots, throwing at her! Hit he twice! "Take that! ands that! Ugly girl!"

"OH! I like'm Knives Better's Than Rocks!" Fickle to the party at the table next to him.

First knife - AC 21 (makes it) - Damages 5 hp

Second Knife - AC 23 (Makes it) - Damage 5 hp

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC: 20 | HP: 31]  d20+6=20
Sunday October 7th, 2007 8:00:41 PM

Hearing the ruckus erupt from inside, Podo knows one of the party hotheads did something foolish again.

Podo enters the Tavern quickly, running up the stairs to try to calm both warring parties down.

"Brothers & Sisters...Can't we all just get along? Why must every meeting erupt into fist-a-cuffs? I'm sure we can negoiate a mutually satisfying outcome without all this display of aggression! So, Brothers & Sisters, lower your weapons, your arms, and your anger...please come back to the table..."explains Father Podo. (Diplomacy DC: 20)

If no one heads Podo's claming words, Podo will defend his friends by placing himself between the worst aggressor and his friends. If need be, Podo will counter-attack using non-lethal blows.

Spell List
Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic

1st Level
Cure Light Wounds x4, Longstrider

2nd Level
Calm Emotions, Cure Moderate Wounds x2, Barkskin

Julian 35/45 hp, AC 23 Total Defence  d12=3 d20+8=17
Sunday October 7th, 2007 8:08:07 PM

Save vs Intimidate (1d20 + character level or Hit Dice + target's Wisdom bonus [if any] + target's modifiers on saves against fear): 17
[ignore the d12 roll, slipped with the mouse]

"I..." stammers Julian, "don't want to fight you here. Too many bystanders... You should leave."

He stands his ground, realising the tactical advantage of flanking, but will allow Barb and Zen to pass peacefully, if peacefully they intend.

Kendry (AC 15, HP 35)  d20+8=25
Monday October 8th, 2007 1:04:34 AM

Kendry dashes up the steps only to see the whole balcony in wild disarray - daggers flying from the ground floor upwards to strike Barb, Barb bashing in Julian's shield, Zen swinging at Tobias, Podo trying to talk sense into others.

Perhaps Zen might be reasoned with. Barb will not be. He quickdraws and tosses a tanglefoot bag at her - ranged touch attack, hits AC 25.

"My people - defend only, or strike to subdue - no lethal blows, friends - these are not our enemies - I hope."

Although, in truth, Kendry's hopes for a successful negotiation are rather dashed at this untoward turn of events. Blast! How did this start? He should have not left the group - even for a moment.

Airin [AC18 - HP52/52] and Fioni [AC19 - HP19/19]  d20+12=25 d20=9 d20+4=18 d20+5=6 d20+8=10 d20+12=28 d20+16=20 d20+4=12 d20+12=19
Monday October 8th, 2007 4:02:19 AM

Airin whinces as she sees Max vanish and feels like an idiot for not having drunk a potion of Mage armor like she usually does when heading into clear danger.

She realises Max will attempt to get out of the inn as fast as possible so whatever happens she has to stop him.

Airin knows Max will expose himself the moment he touches her or attacks. She has to give him this one attack and steps in front of the door blocking his exit bracing herself for incoming.
She also quickdraws a dagger ready to wound Max enough that IF he manages to throw Airin aside, he will leave a trail of blood while he runs away...

Balance: 25
Str check: 9
Dex check: 18
(all rolled for trying to avoid Airin being pushed aside?)
Dagger hits AC6 - Nat 1!!

The attack has failed but if Max throws Airin aside she will run after him. Airin commands Fioni to follow her as well.

Spot: 10
Listen: 28
Survival: 19 (quickfollow his tracks)
Fioni Spot: 20
Fioni Listen: 12
(alls rolled hoping to follow Max if he's still invisible)

ADM StevenVdB : Posting Record Game 13 
Monday October 8th, 2007 9:30:02 AM

Posting Report for Game 13 for the week of October 1 - October 7

DM Glenn : MTWTF-S 6 (sunday post is monday's post)
Dwight: MTWTF-- 5
Fickle: MTWT-SS 6
Podo: ------S 1
Selithe: -TWTF-- 4
Kendry: MTWT-S- 5
Tobias: MTWTF-- 5
Airin: M-WTFS- 5
Julian: MTWTF-S 6

Weekly Summary: How quickly negotiations can go wrong!!
Once all are around the table on the balcony it is obvious two hot headed groups have joined together. Almost certainly something will go wrong and both parties negociators, Max and Kendry, do their utmost best to avoid any unpleasantries. Intimidating eachother negociations are difficult and when Airin drags Kendry away from the table and Julian casts a harmless spell all hell breaks loose!!
Weapons are drawn - the first wounds are cut - Max jumps of the balcony and covered in goo he vanishes from sight hoping to get away...
My my... this certainly was an excellent course on "how to negociate" ...

Tobias (AC 20, HP 44/44)  d20+11=27 d20+11=18 d20+11=18 d20+11=29 d20+11=13 d4+2=4 d4+2=3 d4+2=3 d4+2=6
Monday October 8th, 2007 1:48:30 PM

Well Tobias doesn't really have the weapon for subdual... and isn't really inclined to it. So he decides to unleash a flurry of attacks on Zen instead (using his full attack action for a total of 4 attacks)... And then see if Zen still wants to continue fighting...

Attack 1 (right): 27
Damage 1 (right): 4
Attack 1 (left): 18
Damage 1 (left): 3
Attack 2 (right): 18
Damage 2 (right): 3
Attack 2 (left): 29 (threat)
Damage 2 (left): 6
Crit Check: 13 (miss, single damage).

After the attacks and a flourish of his swords, Tobias asks Zen if he'd like to surrender now...

Monday October 8th, 2007 10:01:02 PM

Selithe ponders her actions, it is rather close range for bow work now and such so she moves her hands to pull her bastard sword and dagger, "Well, if we have to do this then let us get to it then."

Selithe also calls out to her summoned dog friend, "Guard the door boy, Max is arround here some where."

(Actions: Readied weapons and gave orders to summoned dog. I'll let Glenn move the summoned dog if he will. The dog will stay around for 3 turns.)

0th:Read magic, Flare, Mage Hand, Prestidigitationx2
1st:Mage Armor, Summon MonsterIx2(used one), Magic Missile
2nd:Melf's Acid Arrowx2, Bull's Stregnthx2

(Sorry for not casting the spell Bull's Stregnth on you Julian, figure I better save spells for the moment, 3 people didn't sound dangerous enough right now inless things change.)

Dwight (ac 16, hp 35, 5 non-lethal)  d20+11=30
Monday October 8th, 2007 10:23:56 PM

Dwight feels caught between stopping and continuing. He hates that the fight started in the tavern and isn't very fond of Zen either.

Holding his action, Dwight waits to see if Zen concedes to Tobias' offer to surrender.

*If Zen does surrender, Dwight attempts to slide off and then disguise himself. (Hide: 30) Cast Disguise self, to look like a typical halfling shocked to see such in the tavern.

**If Zen does not surrender, then he must aid Tobias. He again attemps a spell: Lesser Confusion on Zen. (DC 12, Will). He also take another 5' step away from Zen and Barb.

Tuesday October 9th, 2007 7:56:19 AM

Fickle sits at the Table, with a silly smile on his face, "Me'z fight?? Not Me'z!"

Tuesday's Post (Sub DM Cayzle)  d20+6=13 [save vs tangle] d20+5=6[str check to break free] d20+9=28 [att on Julian] d6+6=7 [dam to J] d20+10=16 [att on Tobias] d20+13=26 [Tumble check] d20+11=17 [Save vs confusion]
Tuesday October 9th, 2007 11:07:24 AM

[Substitute DM Note: Not sure exactly how Glenn has been playing it, but in combat, if you are intimidated you become shaken for 1 round. A shaken character takes a --2 penalty on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws. You can still fight and act as you like, otherwise. Also, Barb has the special ability to intimidate as a move action and also swing with her weapon. Normally using intimidate in battle is a standard action.]


Last round Fickle jumped down from the balcony. As he jumped, Barb hit him a parting shot. She is still upstairs!. Fickle threw his knives up at her. One of them missed due to a range penalty, but the other one hit. [OOC: The DM is applying some circumstance bonuses here.] Fickle hits Barb for 5hp damage.

Podo enters the tavern, pushing hard against the crush of people trying to get out. He is able to enter the downstairs portion of the tavern. He sees Airin, Fickle, and Kendry on this level. Up above, on a balcony, Podo sees Tobias, Dwight, Selithe, and Julian fighting two strangers. He does not see any enemies on this level, so he cannot interpose from where he is now. He can climb the stairs to the Balcony as a move action next round. Podo notes that Julian is acting with what the healer might regard as admirable restraint.

Airin moves fast to block the exit. She has to stand her ground since other patrons are trying to get out. But her dagger and firm resolve keep the handful of customers still. She cocks her head to listen to the sound that the invisible Max might make.

Selithe's dog appears downstairs. Seeing that Airin has the front door covered, Selithe orders her dog to cover the other door -- the one to the kitchen. [OOC: In the absence of a map, the DM is taking a little liberty wth regard to the doors -- to the party's favor, of course.] The dog moves to block the remaining exit, and it sniffs and sniffs.

Max is stymied! Both exits are covered! He utters a soft curse, which Airin hears. Then he acts, in some way that is not obvious to Airin. Selithe's dog barks and barks, looking towards the spot that Max was seen in last.


Somewhat intimidated, Julian stands his ground and is ready to let the strangers pass. [OOC: See note above for actions allowed while intimidated.]

Kendry dashes upstairs, quickly drawing a tanglefoot bag. He tosses it at Barb while echoing Podo's call to avoid lethal attacks.

Tobias decides not to impair his efficiency by using nonlethal attacks. He simply strikes, and strikes hard. [OOC DM note: When attacking with two weapons, you CAN make four attacks a round. But the secondary attacks are at -5. So Tobias's attacks are at +11/+11/+6/+6.] So Tobias hit AC27 (a hit), AC18 (a miss), AC13 (a miss), and AC24 (a hit). Tobias hits Zen for 10 hp damage. Then Tobias calls for Zen's surrender.

Selithe orders her dog to guard the back door and look for Max. [OOC: Note that ordering a summoned ally is actually a free action. Selithe still has a full round's action to use. So please post actions for both Monday and Tuesday with your next post.]

Dwight uses the Delay action to see what Zen does first.

Barb rolls a 13, so she is stuck to the floor and entangled, but that does not stop the angry warrior! She sees that Julian has been neutralized by fear of her. Tobias and Kendry are has targets, but neither are in reach! This enrages her! She tries to break free by brute force and fails! (Rolled a nat one!) Frustrated into incoherency, she takes a sawing at Julian anyway! She hits Julian for 7 damage.

Zen decides that he needs more space to move around in, but he wants to get Tobias off his back first if he can. He tries to hit Tobias with a stunning fist. He hits AC16 -- not enough to touch Tobias. Then he tries to tumble away, to the far side of the table. His tumble check of 26 is plenty good to avoid provoking AoOs. He tumbles over to the far side of the table, next to Selithe.

Dwight decides to cast his spell on Zen, who saves easily.

[OOC: Dwight will go AFTER Zen henceforth because he took the Delay action.]

[OOC -- Entangled: The character is ensnared. Being entangled impedes movement, but does not entirely prevent it unless the bonds are anchored to an immobile object or tethered by an opposing force. An entangled creature moves at half speed, cannot run or charge, and takes a --2 penalty on all attack rolls and a --4 penalty to Dexterity. An entangled character who attempts to cast a spell must make a Concentration check (DC 15 + the spell's level) or lose the spell.]

Max: AC 17, vanished, non-lethal damage 4 & entangled/slowed
Zen: AC 21, damage 14
Barb: AC19, Enraged 3r, damage 7, entangled/stuck

Tobias (AC 20, HP 44/44)  d20+13=23 d4+2=5
Tuesday October 9th, 2007 5:19:15 PM

[OOC: oops I meant to to +6's for the second set of attacks]

If Zen does not surrender, Tobias would like to chase him down. But doesn't want to get into arm's reach of Barb. (Without a map its hard to tell if he can get to Zen, but I'll assume that he can.) When he gets to him, he will take an attack.

Attack: 23
Damage: 5

And he reiterates his call for surrender, "Lay down your arms now and we can stop this."

Dwight (ac 16, hp 35, 5 non-lethal) 
Tuesday October 9th, 2007 9:45:05 PM

Dwight quickly goes through his remaining options given that he is trying to do non-lethal damage.

Deciding to try one more time, Dwight again commands Zen to fall. (DC 13, Will)

Afterwards, Dwight will take another 5' step away from combat.

OOC: Next round, if Zen still stands and fights, I need to know how far apart Zen and Dwight are. Thanks

Selithe-AC:20-HP:39/39  d20+4=18 d20+3=12
Tuesday October 9th, 2007 10:19:34 PM

(Without the quick draw feat, isn't readying weapons a move action? I've tried readying a weapon and moving in my other game and got told it's to many actions. Sorry, confused.)

Selithe sees Zen tumble over towards her and seeing that this isn't going to settle to peacefully she moves her bastard sword and dagger quickly to fight Zen, speaking to him, "I would advise you to give up and let us talk this out again but since you two are to gun ho then I guess we have no choice."

Selithe wants to laugh at herself though when both her bastard sword and dagger miss Zen by a long shot. For now she ponders having her dog attack Max if it can but holds that thought for the moment.

0th:Read magic, Flare, Mage Hand, Prestidigitationx2
1st:Mage Armor, Summon MonsterIx2(used one), Magic Missile
2nd:Melf's Acid Arrowx2, Bull's Stregnthx2

Kendry (AC 15, HP 35)  d20+9=22
Wednesday October 10th, 2007 1:54:06 AM

Barb is implacable. Kendry takes the little-used whip off his hip and attempts to disarm her. d20+7+2(whip)=22 opposed disarm attack (if necessary to get within 15' of her, he steps forward, but otherwise remains where he is). [If she wins in the opposed rolls, then Kendry will simply let go the whip so as to not be pulled down. If he wins, he yanks the hammer from her, then drops it into his haversack - eyes on her, and says, "You can have your hammer back when Max and I agree you can have it back."

"Max, if you can hear me, this stupid combat - who started it, anyway? - does not mean we can't figure out something together - I still have a few questions, after yours and mine are healed up. Tobes - flat of the sword, please. Zen - if you stop, so do we. Badge, get away from Barb if you can." Unless he was successful in removing her hammer earlier, he doesn't bother trying to reason with her. Clearly, discussion is not her strong suit.

He is amazed - and pleased, to see that Julian, at least, has chosen not to wail on Barb. He plans words of praise for his normally first-to-the-attack friend. Along with healing his battered body.

"Waitress - can someone get a constable? There may be some things to sort out here."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC: 20 | HP: 31]  d20+6=15 d20+5=7 d20+6=16 d20+6=12 d8+1=9
Wednesday October 10th, 2007 1:57:13 AM

Podo, running up the stairs to try to calm both warring parties down, Podo tries using a combination of running, balance, tumbling, and
jumping to reach the balcony. (Balance DC: 15, tumbling DC: 7, jumping DC: 16)

Once on the balcony, Podo shouts, "Brothers & Sisters...Can't we all just get along? Why must every meeting erupt into fist-a-cuffs? I'm sure we can negoiate a mutually satisfying outcome without all this display of aggression! So, Brothers & Sisters, lower your weapons, your arms, and your anger...please come back to the table..."explains Father Podo. (Diplomacy DC: 12)

If no one heads Podo's claming words, Podo will attempt to heal Zen using the parties wand of healing (cure light wounds)which he obtains from his Handy Haversack. (Zen regains 9 hp's of health)

Spell List
Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic

1st Level
Cure Light Wounds x4, Longstrider

2nd Level
Calm Emotions, Cure Moderate Wounds x2, Barkskin

Airin [AC18 - HP52/52] and Fioni [AC19 - HP19/19]  d20+12=32 d20+1=12 d20+12=24 d20+6=8
Wednesday October 10th, 2007 3:21:33 AM

Warning everyone in the Inn to sit still Airin tries to localize Max. Relying on her hearing she turns her face towards the spot where she thinks Max is...

listen: 32 - Nat 20!

"Max please listen to us... we're not the badguys! Please let's talk this over quietly. Just you and Kendry there... Look I too will lower my dagger. Show yourself and I won't harm you and we can talk to eachother again... come don't be angry... stay where you are and show yourself so we can talk..."

Diplomacy: 12 (ohh Airin never was a great diplomat :-/ )

Airin does indeed drop her dagger. With a metallic clang it falls to the ground.

Her ears much better attuned than her diplomatic talk she tries to discern Max's actions. The moment she hears him coming towards the door instead of listening to reason she can't do anything else but quick drawing her Bastard Sword...


Again she braces herself to be pushed aside by Max.

Balance: 24

And if he so tries Airin takes a swing at the invisible target... (last resort!! Only if Max is unwilling to listen to reason)

Bastard Sword hits AC8 - miss (hey did you ever try to hit something invisible ;-) )

Julian: Enraged, hp 38/55 (10 temp), AC 17  d100=97 d20=18
Wednesday October 10th, 2007 4:54:10 AM

"I didn't want to get angry at you in here, Barb, but I will stop you from fighting very quickly."

Seizing the moment, Julian attempts to Overrun Barb, (? growing as he moves against her ?), hoping that the goo will stick her to the floor. He tries very carefully to control his rage, utilising its extra power for this Overrun.

OOC: From the Wold's Special Attacks page; You can attempt an overrun as a standard action taken during your move. (In general, you cannot take a standard action during a move; this is an exception.)

If your opponent blocks you, make a Strength check against the defender's Overrun DC.
Overrun DC = 10 + Dex or Str Modifier + Size Mod + Stability Mod

I think I can cast Enlarge Person as a Standard Action, then attempt to Overrun Barb as a Move Action. (I have a 30% chance of spell failure with my Breastplate and Buckler, but I'm not sure if a failure comes from 0-30 or at 70-100. I rolled a 97... I would think high is good.)

Strength Check for Overrun attempt;
with Enlarge Person: +6 = 24
without Enlarge Person: +5 = 23


Fickle (Ac 15/ Hp 49/58)  d20+10=24 d6+5=10
Wednesday October 10th, 2007 8:27:54 AM

Now Fickle lnows that he's very good at a sling and stone than any other weapon! he has a stonr in hand, will load the sling and fling it at Barb. "Ah! Yes! Takes that Barb my HoneyBun!" He taunts the Barb. "Want another Little Pebble??"

Fickle is not one to leave things alone, so he stick out his toung, then give her a real long rasburry "P~~~~~~~~~~~~*"
He hope she gets fustrated, if she does he hopes she'll make a mistake.

To hit - Ac 24 (made it)

Damages - 10 hp. (I hope she's madder than a wet hen!)

Wednesday's Post (Sub DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday October 10th, 2007 10:24:03 AM


Fickle canot see Max and decides to wait and see what is going on. He declares that he won't fight. Then he changes his mind and hurls a sling bullet at Barb, hitting her for 1d3+5, or 7.

Airin calls for reason to the unseen Max. Her natural 20 should cause her to hear the fellow's breathing, even in this crowded room, but she hears nothing at all of Max! She is ready to block or attack, but has the opportunity to do neither.

Selithe's Dog keeps guarding the kitchen door and barking -- at some unseen thing in midair!

There is otherwise no indication of Max, but Zen arrives (falls) downstairs at the end of the round.


Tobias can chase Zen with no danger of AoO from Barb [OOC: On that topic, with no map, assume I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.]. He dashes across (or under or around) the table and whacks the brawler with a solid 5 hp damage.

Dwight casts another spell and commands Zen to fall.

Last round Selithe drew her weapons. This round she takes a full attack against Zen, but misses. [OOC: If you have Two Weapon Fighting, you can draw both weapons as a move action; you can also draw your weapons as a free action while moving. Just FYI.]

Kendry tries to disarm Barb with his whip. Barb's Disarm DC = 10 + Attack Modifiers + Size Mod + Object Mod + Gauntlet Mod. That's 10+11-4+0+0=17. Kendry's disarm roll of 22 does the trick, and the warhammer falls from the raging stuck Barb's grasp. [OOC: A disarmed weapon falls to the ground unless you disarm with an unarmed attack.]

Podo races upstairs, drawing a wand as he moves. At the top of the stairs, he urges everyone to stop fighting. He sees Zen is wounded -- he sees Tobias wound him, most likely! -- and uses his wand on Zen.

Julian casts a spell (a standard action). Since he is standing next to Barb, that provokes an AoO from the stuck warrior -- but she has no weapon, thanks to Kendry's disarm, and therefore she threatens no squares and cannot take advantage of the oppotunity. Julian grows magically bigger, and the balcony creaks a little under his 8-fold weight increase, but still seems sound enough.

[OOC: An overrun requires a standard action taken during a move. "During" means that you can move, overrun, and then move some more. But doing so takes a whole round -- a move action to move and a standard action to overrun.

The barbarian caster thinks about raging and overrunning, but (per the rules) Julian will have to wait for next round to move and overrun.

"Why me!?" mutters the very busy Zen. First he takes a blow from Tobias, then is swung at by Selithe, and finally some stranger he has not ever seen before tries to hit him with a spell from what looks like a magic wand! "I just can't cut a break! Max, you owe me for this one!"

He tries to avoid the wand. Podo, you would have to make a touch attack to land the healing touch. Not knowing what the spell is, Zen tries to save against it -- and rolls an 18 -- plenty enough to resist the unknown spell. So the issue of whether Podo lands the touch or not only results in losing a charge from his wand (if he hits) or not wasting the charge (if he misses).

Happy to get his turn at last, Zen decides that discretion is the better part of valor, and tumbles off the balcony. His tumble check is 18 to avoid attacks of opportunity while moving, and his tumble check to minimize his falling damage is just enough. He still takes 3 hp nonlethal damage. He pulls a vial out of his pocket. Looks like he'll drink it next turn.

Dwight, acting just after Zen, casts his spell, but Zen's 28 saves against the command.

Barb strains again against the vile ropey strands of goo that restrain her. But she fails. She bends over and picks up her hammer. Doing so provokes an Attack of Opportunity from Julian. Julian, please take your AoO if you so choose and then also post your normal actions.

Max: AC 17, vanished, non-lethal damage 4 & entangled/slowed
Zen: AC 21, damage 19 +3 nonlethal
Barb: AC19, Enraged 4r, damage 14, entangled/stuck

[OOC: Rolls made off line today as I was on the train and off the grid. You'll just have to trust me for a change! :-) ]

Tobias (AC 20, HP 44/44) 
Wednesday October 10th, 2007 11:39:58 AM

Cursing Zen's tumble, Tobias makes for the stairs with a double move down... Telling Podo over his shoulder, "No healing until after the fighting is done."

Airin [AC18 - HP52/52] and Fioni [AC19 - HP19/19]  d20+9=23
Wednesday October 10th, 2007 2:48:01 PM

"Way to go doggie! He smells Max!! Point me towards him..."

Again a clattering noise is heard... this time Airin drops her Bastard Sword as she understands Max is in mid air! She has to find a way to make him expose himself!

She draws a waterskin from her haversack (move action) and throws it to the point the dog is looking and barking at...

Hopefully the bag will splatter all over Max so the drops of water falling from him will clearly expose him in mid air. She knows the goo from the tanglefoot bag will wear of soon so she has to act quickly before Max can get away.

Throwing waterskin hits touch AC23 dealing no damage but hopefully the waterskin will burst upon impact causing Max to leave a water trail behind...

"Listen to reason max... last call!"

Julian, AC 17, hp 38/55 (10 temp)Enlarged, Enraged (2nd r),  d20+6=26 d20+6=14
Wednesday October 10th, 2007 6:05:08 PM

"Come here, you little fool."
In his bigger form Julian plans to grab this obnoxious halfling and carry her kicking and screaming to the outside, where he will then give her the option to flee or be pommelled.

Grapple as AoO:
BAB +4, Str +6, Non-prof -4, size mod +0: 26 (natural 20!)

Julian plans to make a double-move action whilst carrying this halfling outside.

2nd Grapple, if required: 14
OOC: I'm hoping that the Tanglefoot bag, and fighting off a medium-sized halfling makes it very hard for Barb to escape Julian's grip.

Wednesday October 10th, 2007 9:15:45 PM

Selithe isn't sure what to do, most everyone is downstairs now except Barb who is in a mess herself. Shrugging Selithe decides to head downstairs by walking down the stairs.

(I think that is the 3rd round on Selithe's summoned dog too.)

0th:Read magic, Flare, Mage Hand, Prestidigitationx2
1st:Mage Armor, Summon MonsterIx2(used one), Magic Missile
2nd:Melf's Acid Arrowx2, Bull's Strengthx2

Dwight (ac 16, hp 35, 5 nonlethal)  d20+3=22
Wednesday October 10th, 2007 11:03:34 PM

Dwight quickly moves to the balcony edge. (more than 5 feet?)

spot: 22 (and notices Zen vial and Airin/Dog focussing on something above them) Anything else?

Feeling someone invisible is more a threat than anything else, he grabs his small pouch of crushed chalk. He empties the contents in a arc outward from where he stands hoping to cover the invisible person with chalk dust.

Of course, a bad side effect is everyone will be covered with dust... the barkeep is gonna be MAD.

OOC: I have no idea what I would roll for this, so the DM can feel free to roll for me. Of course, I might not be able to move, pull off pouch, and unleash dust in one round, but I'll do as much as possible.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC: 20 | HP: 31]  d20+6=20
Thursday October 11th, 2007 12:13:25 AM

Seeing Zen try to avoid the wand, Podo is startled. "Zen, I mean you no harm. I am a Healer of Alemi. I am trying to minimize the damage you have suffered at the hand of my friends. There has obviously been a misunderstanding. We are peaceful halflings. We came to talk, this aggressive outcome is not what myself or my cousin Kendry expected. Please let us continue our conversation in peace and then we can proceed from there. All this negative attitude does nothing to help anyone." Podo pleads with both parties. (Diplomacy DC: 20)

Kendry (AC 15, HP 35)  d20+6=20 d20=18 d20+1=12
Thursday October 11th, 2007 2:45:59 AM

Well, most everyone seems headed back downstairs. There's that dog barking at a spot in the air above where Max landed on the table. Kendry takes a run and leaps into the air, arms out, and aims to intersect the approximate spot that the dog is looking at, up there in the air above the table - about where Airin threw the water. [Jump: DC20. Not sure exactly what else to roll - so here's an unadjust d20=18 - modify for whatever - grappling? Ranged touch attack? - as the DM wishes - just want to come in contact with Max, if he's other than gaseous, if possible]

Immediately after Kendry passes through the area, he casts an instantaneous feather fall [Concentration: 12 - unless other adjustments apply].

Fickle (AC 25 - 49/58 hp)  d20+6=9
Thursday October 11th, 2007 8:24:03 AM

Fickle laught at Barb, then taunt her "Ahh! Me'z little Sweet Pea! Are you stuch to the floor? Well here's another Pebble for you!"

Fickle throw another stone at Barb. Bur The Lady moves too much, so he misses her. Fickle is so mad that he picks up the barmaid's tips and puts it in his purse.

Tavern Rumble (DM Glenn)  d100=71 d20+11=15 d20+4=18 d100=13 d20+6=18 d2+5=6
Thursday October 11th, 2007 11:15:39 AM

{OOC: Thanks Cayzle for Subbing for me!)


Cursing, Tobias hurries down the stairs.

The Enlarged and Enraged, Julian grabs at Barb (Grapple need a touch attack to initiate. DM roll a touch {+4bab +7str?=11} hits ac 15 vs her current touch 11ac Hits!) She struggles to break free, as she yells "Let go of me you big Oaf!" (Opposing grapple check 18). Try as she might she can't break free of Julian's big hands, but she is still stuck in place by the tanglefoot gunk. Despite Julians strength and size he fails to pull her free (used 2nd Grapple check to break her free DC17).

Selithe decides to head downstairs. She make it to the stairs.

Moving to the balcony edge, Dwight grabs and empties a pouch of chalk dust into the air. The white cloud of dust falls quickly coating everything in about a 10 foot circle. Dust from 10 pieces of chalk can only cover so much. The dust causes Zen, Fickle, and several tavern patrons to cough, but it only outline only that which you can already see.

Startled, Podo tries to reason with Zen. Zen looks back up, responding with sarcasm, "Pardon, me if I don't trust your motives Healer."


The sharp eared, Airin grabs a waterskin of all things and flings it through the air hoping to splatter Max with water. Airin is sure her aim was true, but the waterskin continues on its arc striking tavern patron as he tries to stay out of the way. Again, Max doesn't reply to Airin's demand.

Trying something disparate, Kendry takes a flying leap into the air arms out stretched passing through where he thinks Max is (touch hit ac 18+7=25, cover 50% rolled 13 miss). Having passed the point without making contact, Kendry cast his magic and floats safely to the ground.

Tobias makes it to the bottom of the steps by the end of the round.

Fickle taunts Barb as he throws another stone at her missing somewhat probably due to coughing from the chalk dust. Then he pockets something from the table.

Selithe's Dog keeps guarding the kitchen door and barking -- at some unseen thing in midair this time near a rear window! Being the third round the magic holding the summoned dog is starting to fade.

Almost everyone in the tavern has abandon their tables and chairs. Some are standing along the walls out of the way. Others are string to get past Airin at the tavern door.

Zen quickly moves out of the white dust cloud towards the small stage away from everyone else, he yells out, "Barb, when you finished playing here, I'll catch you later!" Then he drinks his potion and vanishes.

Grunting now, Barb drops her warhammer and punches at Julian (punch hit ac 18-2=16 missed ignore the damage roll) missing him due to being entangled.

Max: AC 17, vanished, non-lethal damage 4 & entangled/slowed
Zen: AC 21, vanished, damage 19 +3 nonlethal
Barb: AC19, Enraged 5r, damage 14, entangled/stuck, Grappled

Tobias (AC 20, HP 44/44)  d20+13=19
Thursday October 11th, 2007 11:33:00 AM

Tobias moves to the last spot that he'd seen Zen hoping to find some sign of where he might be... having no other chance, he decides to see if he can pick up his trail by tracking him.

Survival - tracks: 19

Dwight (ac 16, hp 35, 5 nonlethal)  d20=16
Thursday October 11th, 2007 1:03:52 PM

Having no way to find those invisible, Dwight turns his attention to the stuck Barb.

He then assumes, with Zen's remark, she will also attempt to escape. He prepares, and holds a Mage Hand to be used if Barb pulls a vial out. Dwight will attempt to use the hand to knock it out of her hand. (Base 16. Again, not sure what to attack, since its not really an attack on a person.)

Dwight also figures this is his last round of action, his next round will be cover away from eyes so that he can cast disguise on himself.

Airin [AC18 - HP52/52] and Fioni [AC19 - HP19/19]  d20+7=23
Thursday October 11th, 2007 2:39:46 PM

Airin is baffled when she sees the waterskin floating through the air and thinks she once saw something in a book that discribed magic like this... gaseous form!?!

spellcraft check: 23 (trying to understand the spell that was used here)


Immediately Airin shuts the door but she soon realises in some gaseous form they would be able to sneak even under the door or float against the ceiling or through the fireplace... damn!

How to stop something like that?!? WIND!

(ooc I haven't written Airin's spell list since countless posts and it would be too much to ask for her to have a Gust of Wind spell prepared... :-( )

DM Glenn OOC  d100=83 d100=42 d100=51 d100=6 d100=18 d100=12
Thursday October 11th, 2007 5:41:37 PM

Airin - The last spell list I found for you had

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, Produce Flame, Entangle

I'll rolled for your Level 2 spells: Cat Grace, Fog Cloud, Resist Energy.

After this encounter you should update your spell list!

Julian  d20+6=18 d20+6=17
Thursday October 11th, 2007 6:36:10 PM

Grapple (required again I suppose): 18
"Hmmmmph," Julian really puts his back into lifting Barb off the floor to take her outside. His face turns red, and his arms shake...

Str check: 17

...and he lifts her from the floor, strands of goo limping down from her captive body. Julian prompty, and quickly, marches her downstairs, careful to not know his head on the roof, careful to not trip over his own scary pair of feet.

"I've got a special delivery for some stable muck outside," he says with a grin, looking for a way outside. With Airin and the others covering the exits Julian has to pause, "Are we gonna take this party outside?"

The 7' tall halfling moves towards the bar saying loudly, "Bar-keep, I am sorry that this happened, and when I put this where she belongs I will return with some coins for the mess, and some more for a double shout for everyone here. Could you work out for me how much that will be? I won't be long."

Thursday October 11th, 2007 9:56:46 PM

Selithe will continue to make her way down the stairs to join the others down there. However when she notices the mist she winces lightly as she has little way to stop that escape other then to help keep the doors and such blocked.

0th:Read magic, Flare, Mage Hand, Prestidigitationx2
1st:Mage Armor, Summon MonsterIx2(used one), Magic Missile
2nd:Melf's Acid Arrowx2, Bull's Strengthx2

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC: 20 | HP: 31] 
Friday October 12th, 2007 1:10:44 AM

Seeing how this Zen character doesn't want his help, Podo makes his way visiting all the Patrons extending his healing arts to any of them that need it.

Kendry (AC 15, HP 35)  d20+7=16 d20+7=21
Friday October 12th, 2007 1:24:54 AM

"Max, did Barb start this fracas?" Kendry asks, though he expects no answer at the moment, as he moves again upstairs to help Julian with the wild halfling barbarian. "If you or Zen are around to hear this, I wouldn't give up on discussions with me just yet were I you. But we still have Barb to settle down."

He goes to lend a hand with Julian's dealing with Barb by placing a blanket over her head then helping Jules carry her down. "Someone get that hammer. We've got to get this lady calmed down - maybe tied up for a few minutes - before she hurts someone else." It might take a few tries (16, 21), and he figures she may try to wallop him while he's at it.

"All right, Badge, what happened up there?"

Friday October 12th, 2007 6:14:57 AM

Julian the Badger replies to Kendry quietly, "I 'spose it's my fault in a way. I used magic to write a message on my back, but he," nodding towards Max, "took it the wrong way, thought I was trying to hurt them I guess. I wanted to end the negotations quickly, I wanted to accept the next offer and move on."

Fickle  d20+7=17 d20+7=27 d20+7=15
Friday October 12th, 2007 8:40:20 AM

In all this confusion, Fickle will snach a pice of what he thinks is chalk, putting it his poket "Now Mine" he tells himself, "You (pointing Barb) Are a bad girls!"

He'll try to pick up her hammer.

Picking up Chalk - 17

Picking up Hammer - 27 natural 20- 15

Tavern Rumble (DM Glenn)  2d4(4+4)=8 2d4(2+4)=6
Friday October 12th, 2007 10:36:45 AM

Tobias moves to where Zen disappeared, and starts looking for tracks. The hard floor doesn't lend itself to holding footprints, but Tobias does spot a few tracks of smears of white dust leading there, but none leaving. While standing there, a nearby window opens of it own accord.

Airin makes an incredible deduction that Max must be gaseous form as well as invisible, but she is at a lost on how to stop him! If only she had a gust of wind spell prepared!

Still upstairs and fearing Barb may also turn invisible, Dwight prepares a spell to knock any potions out of her hand. (Note: Mage Hand can only lift one nonmagical, unattended object weighting up to 5lb.)

Also upstairs and still grappling with Barb, Julian pulls her free of the being stuck to the floor and starts dragging her outside (In a grapple you can move half your speed by winning an opposed grapple check, so it will take several rounds to drag her outside.) Julian make some comment about stable muck. Barb rages back, "Just because you can pick me up don't mean were engaged!" The bar keep still behind the bar holding a club but staying back, looks at Julian when he offers to buy a round, "Hey, who's going to pay for the damages!"

Selithe makes it down stairs, just as her summoned dog vanishes.

Checking around, Podo sees if any tavern patrons are injured. Mostly they are unnerved that such a violent battle, a few may have bumps and scrapes from getting out of the way. One dwarf has a bruise from being hit with a waterskin.

Still yelling at Max about who started it, Kendry go to help Julian with dealing with Barb. Trying to tie her in a blanked before they manhandle her out the door. Julian admits to casting a little spell that may have started it.

During the confusion, Fickle goes around picking up some chalk dust and Barb's warhammer.

There is no sign of Max.

A window opens by itself near where Zen vanished.

While being manhaned out the door, Barb seem to have given up the fight. She seems exhausted after her battle. Muffled laughter can be heard coming from the blanked Barb as well as a mumbled "D.. good figh..!".

Many tavern patrons leave once the doors are unblocked. Some stay for the free drinks. Others are still standing around. A few of the crowed are looking concerned talking among themselves, "Are they kidnapping her?", "Who started it?", "They tried to capture that halfing who jumped.", "Isn't that the group Halfling adventures?", "Adventures? more like thugs!", "Where is the city watch?", "Free drinks and a show? Yea!"

Max: AC 17, vanished, non-lethal damage 4 & entangled/slowed
Zen: AC 21, vanished, damage 19 +3 nonlethal
Barb: AC19, Enraged 6r, damage 14, entangled, Grappled

Airin - a 200exp bonus for figuring out the gaseous form.
Julian gain's one hero point for reframing from attacking Barb despite her hitting him several times. Also 30exp/level that comes with a hero point.]

Tobias (AC 20, HP 44/44) 
Friday October 12th, 2007 1:13:17 PM

Well since he doubts he'll be able to catch Zen now, Tobias makes back to the rest of the party... letting them know Zen went invisible and probably slipped out a window.

Julian, carrying a thug, buying a round or two, paying for damages. 
Friday October 12th, 2007 6:44:40 PM

Julian the Badger continues, with Kendry's assistance to lug the thug outside. On the way he politely reminds the bar keep that he said he'd give some coins for the mess. "And I'll have an Apple Cider when I come back in- I've heard they're particu'ly good in here."

"Thanks, Kendry, that's heaps easier. I knew she'd give up the fight soon enough. She'll be feeling weary now, she put a lot of effort into starting that fight. I'm a little worried that she might Rage again today, but it'll be a little while yet. She we just toss her in the river and let her swim away? or tie her to a tree? deep in the forest?"

"Don't worry about me, its only a bruise that'll fade in a day or two. You know, I almost feel stronger for it, too. Almost."

OOC, thanks for the Hero Point. Nearly 6th level. Nearly.

Kendry  d8+1=8 d8+1=6 d8+1=8
Saturday October 13th, 2007 10:44:02 PM

"Sir," Kendry says to the barkeep, "You should not be out a farthing." One hand on the Barb bundle, he takes out a pouch with 100 gp in it, and drops in on the counter.

Quietly he says to the barkeep, "There should be enough to cover it. We'll be back shortly to finish settling up, with apologies. We did not come for a fight - they swung at us first, and would not make peace despite our repeated offers and significant restraint. I am no thug."

He is not absolutely sure he can say that of 100% of the rest of the troupe...

They get Barb outside. He smiles at Julian's suggestions as to what to do with her. "The river, you say?"

He thanks Tobias for the information about Zen.

He calls out. "Max, Zen. If you're in earshot, I would not mind reconvening to continue the discussion. Mind you, discussion, not melee. We don't make tavern brawls a habit in this city."

There is in town a few holding cells - mainly for the occasional drunkard or petty thief. Some members of the group have been there - albeit not in a cell. He ponders going there for a moment, but decides to take another tack.

"Barb - you indeed do have a strong arm. I really don't think we want to fight you again, dear. So - are you from Plateau City? Max mentioned something like that. Oh, sorry, let me take the blanket off your head." He does so.

"This here is Julian. Julian, Barb. And I'm Kendry. Now, it looks like you took a bruise or two. I have a wand that can help cure folks who've been injured. Just so you know I'm on the up and up, I'll use it on Julian first, all right?"

He uses his wand of cure light wounds to heal 8 hp on Julian.

"So you see this does heal people, right? Would you like me to use it on you? You got a few nicks and bruises."

If she allows it, he uses two applications - 6 hp and 8 hp, 14 hp total. If she refuses, he uses the first one - 6 hp, on Julian. He again offers. If she accepts after that, she gets 8 hp back. If she refuses, Kendry will use the 8 hp on someone else - Tobias, most likely.

"Barb, I'd like to write a little note to Max. When I'm done, would you like to deliver it to him? Or would you prefer to visit the constable?" he asks with a big smile.

Sunday October 14th, 2007 8:22:27 AM

Fickle takes a good look at the piece of Chalk in his hand, "What'z this for? Is this white rock good for drawing'z picture?" He ask his Cousin Kendry.

Airin and Fioni 
Sunday October 14th, 2007 12:18:27 PM

Airin feels disapoointed and somehow responsible for the mess... Quietly she waits near the door until they are all ready to leave.

When Kendry passes her she says: "Sorry I dragged you outside... none of this would have happened if you were still talking to Max... I'm so ashamed for not being able to stop Max from getting away..."

ooc: thanks for the xp! Char sheet adjusted.

Dwight  d20+9=23 d20+2=22 d20+3=9
Sunday October 14th, 2007 4:36:17 PM

Figuring combat is over, and having done nothing successful, Dwight is alittle annoyed with himself. He wonders to what extent people are looking at him, since he was only a semi-participant in the 'combat'. He was of course, part of the group in the ruckus though. Dwight takes a quick look around the table to see if anyone dropped something of value (spot: 9--nope just chalk and goo)

If he believes he can find a location in isolation given the large halfing carrying the anger female halfling he would like to cast disguise self to appear as a shocked halfing in the tavern and mingle. (hide: 23)

If eyes remain fixed on him, he follows the party out. He looks to the barmaid as he get close. "Before you close, one of us shall return to cover damages and such. Not entirely sure why it came to blows, but we are sorry." Diplomacy: 22 (nat. 20, I don't have sheet, but I pretty sure Dwight has at least a +2 in diplomacy)

(If Dwight is allowed to mingle he will do so, and still approach barmaid before leaving in 20-30 minutes.)

Monday October 15th, 2007 2:44:37 AM

"Good for drawing?" Kendry responds to Fickle's query about the chalk. "Sure. Sure, that is, if you know how to draw!"

To Airin's remarks, Kendry answers, "Not to worry, my lovely dark cygnet. First off, I don't mind at all being alone with you. Second, you showed yourself resourceful - and, if I'm not mistaken, my sis Selithe came up with a great idea, too. But Max also is resourceful. No shame in that. None at all." He gives her arm a gentle squeeze. "No worries, Rinrin."

[OOC: After Julian and Barb are healed up, they can fight each other again so he can go up to sixth, maybe? ;-) ]

Monday October 15th, 2007 7:59:14 AM

Fickle Look up to his cousin (Squesing Airean's arm) "I'z can to draw, look I'mz drawing a rock" Fickle kneels on the floor and draws a picture of a rock. "There'z! I has drawn a pictureof me's favoret'z Roch! Mr. Kissie face!"

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+3=18 d20+5=25
Monday October 15th, 2007 9:08:56 AM

After assuring the patrons are healed or are healing, Podo will follow his friends.

Spot DC:18
Listen DC: 25 (NAT 20)

Tavern Rumble (DM Glenn)  d20+10=14
Monday October 15th, 2007 10:16:12 AM

Tobias reports about Zen's escape.

Julian discuss some options for dealing with Barb, as he carries her outside. The barkeep looks doubtful about your return, but isn't about to try to stop anyone from leaving.

The Barkeep looks a lot happier when Kendry tosses him a full coin pouch. Once outside Kendry considers what to do with Barb. Taking the blanket off the warrior, he offers to heal her after demonstrating a cure on Julian first. Barb shrugs ambiguously, "I've had worse and lived." Not being told no, Kendry goes ahead and uses the two cures on Barb. She doesn't try to stop him. Finally Kendry gives Barb a choice to visit the constable or deliver a note to Max. She shrugs again, "I'll deliver your note, but it may be a few days before they make contact with me again."

Fickle examines the piece of chalk wondering what's it good for. Kendry tells him it's good for drawing if one knows how to draw. Fickle proceeds to draw a picture of his favorite rock.

Feeling responsible, Airin apologizes to Kendry. He reassures her.

Following everyone outside, Podo keeps an eye and ear out for trouble. After a bit he hears a group of city watchmen's hurried approach.

Looking around the table, Dwight picks up Kendry's weapon still in its scabbard on the table. Later when he thinks no one is watching, Dwight finds an isolated place to cast his disguise self spell then returns and mingles in the tavern for a bit. The tavern slowly returns to normal. The overturned chairs and tables are righted, messes are cleaned up. Several rounds of free drinks are served to the remaining patrons. Most of the talk is about the fight, mostly everyone is confused about what was it about and who started it. Dwight sees no sign of Max or Zen.

After about five minutes a group of six city watchmen show up. Two of the men go into the tavern to check make sure things are settled there, the other four spotting the group outside approach you, "Evening, cousins. We heard there was a ruckus at the tavern, do any of you known something about it? Anything we can help with?" The watchmen do recognize who you are, being how everyone is related to someone.

Kendry  d20+11=18
Monday October 15th, 2007 7:05:43 PM

"Barb, Max mentioned Plateau City. Is that where your group is from?" Kendry asks, as she has not yet responded to his question of provenance.

Kendry greets the watchmen he knows by name. "Yes, there was a bit of a ruckus. Some out of towners - one mentioned Plateau City - were looking to make some sort of business arrangement. I'd been talking with a fellow named Max." He describes him, and says he could make a sketch for them, given a few minutes. "Something caught her eye," he says, nodding in Airin's direction, "and she wanted to talk with me about it away from Max for a moment. We stepped outside.

"Meanwhile, my cousin," and here he indicates Julian, "was growing a bit weary with the palaver, and made some motions with his fingers to signal something to his friends. Well Max and the two with him apparently were feeling a mite jumpy, and thought that his finger wiggling was an attack. So they started walloping on my friends and cousins. My friends tried to get them to stop with words and just blocking their weapons. Jules, here - I'll tell you, he's not the meek and mild sort in general - was letting this powerful lady hammer his shield to smithereens, not striking back, telling her that we were not trying to attack them. I spoke peace as well, and my good friend Podo here even tried to heal the fellow in the midst of it all.

"Long story short - none of the patrons in the inn were injured, to the best of my knowledge - Podo was checking up on that. Max and Zen took off. Barb here - quite a handful, she is - we're making sure she is all right. We paid the barkeep - one table was damaged, I believe. Yep, a bit of a ruckus. Not our intention, I wish to assure you. We'd be happy to come with you, if you need a more detailed report."

[Diplomacy: 18]

Monday October 15th, 2007 10:28:51 PM

Dwight listens to the tales that the patrons spin, and as tales go, he wonders what the story will be by the end of the week. Still he maintains his observation in the inn.

As the patrol comes in, he understand nothing has continued outside that needs his attention. He thus, orders himself a non-flaming drink. He isn't expecting much to happen, but keeps watch anyways.

Eventually he heads out, presumably to rest as the party has likely left the area.

Monday October 15th, 2007 10:50:56 PM

Selithe now that everything had settled down pulls out her pipe and taps it on her hand some to knock old fillings out of it and smiles abit as she lets Kendry do the talking, for the moment she has little to say.

She does however after things calm down more pokes Kendry with the end of her pipe, "When we have abit of time I need to shop for some scrolls. I hope to make myself abit more effective to the group. Also, what ever became of the stuff from before? Was it sold?" Selithe shrugs and smiles, not trying to be a money grubber but trying to find out how much she has to work with scroll buying wise.

(DM:I will be sending a updated CS once Selithe does her shopping. The previous 3000exp didn't make her level up so nothing has really changed. Considering Selithe has her bow and spells, I could hand over the magic missile wand Kendry gave Selithe if someone else could make use of it?)

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+3=20 d20+5=23 d20+6=23
Monday October 15th, 2007 11:07:10 PM

"Brothers & Sisters, it's just as Cousin Kendry has said just now. I tried my best to heal whatever scrapes the 3 of them might have suffered, but all refused, so I headed downstairs to the general patrons to lend my assistance. No harm done." explains Podo to the watchmen.

Spot DC: 20
Listen DC: 23
Diplomacy DC:23

Airin and Fioni  d20+12=23 d20+8=23 d20+13=30 d20+16=17
Tuesday October 16th, 2007 3:37:14 AM

Reassured by Kendry's words Airin observes the group. But then she realises something... they left the Inn in Gaseous Form so they can not float that quickly right. So they should be regaining human form somewhere nearby...no?

"Just give me a few moments" Airin quickly says and rushes outside. She sticks a finger in her mouth and then tries to discern where the wind is coming from. Floating max would be dragged away by the wind...

Once she gots the wind directions right she follows downwind checking the ground for traces that came out of no where... How long has it been since max left? A few minutes tops?
Not to mention the Tanglefoot goo will be all brittle now and will be easily removed from Max's body. So perhaps she'll be able to find tanglefoot goo instead and that should then lead her to some traces of Max...

Survival: 23
Search: 23

Airin works her way from the Inn window in a cone shaped region following the wind directions... she takes plenty of time.

She also spends a speak with animals spell (she always has one of those) and asks Fioni to fly with the wind and check for signs of Max or Zen...

Handle Animal: 30
Fioni Spot: 17 - NAT 1... OUCH!

Spell list:
Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals*, Produce Flame, Entangle
Level 2: Spider Climb, Cat's Grace

* marks spells that are used

ADM StevenVdB : Posting Record Game 13 
Tuesday October 16th, 2007 3:48:47 AM

Posting Report for Game 13 for the week of October 8 - October 14

Name - MTWTFSS - #
DM Glenn - ---XX-- - 4
DM Cayzle - -XX---- - 2
Dwight - XXXX--X - 5
Fickle - -XXXX-X - 5
Podo - --XXX-- - 3
Selithe - XXXX--- - 4
Kendry - X-XXXX- - 5
Tobias XXXXX-- - 5
Airin - X-2X--X - 5
Julian - --2X2-- - 5

Weekly Summary: Tavern Rumble!!
Max, Zen and Barb all enter the fight with our friends but they try to remain calm and to bring Max to reason hoping to end the meeting peacefuly. Max, covered in tanglefoot goo suddenly vanishes even though he is still seen or smelled by the summoned dog. Later Zen too vanishes from sight. Both Max and Zen float away leaving Barb into the hands of our friends... luckily it didn't all go wrong so perhaps with some persuasion Barb will tell more than she wanted...

Tuesday October 16th, 2007 5:51:33 AM

Julian has little to say to the watchmen, aside from nodding agreeance with his everspeaking cousin. He is keen to just move on now, looking a little glum. He moves towards Selithe, Podo, and Tobias saying,

"Dwight not here? I feel bad about that whole thing. I fear I've just frayed the rope further as we were trying to tie together some loose ends.

"I am just gonna go back in to add some coin, as I promised the bar-keep."

He walks back with his shoulders slumped.

Tuesday October 16th, 2007 7:16:49 AM

"Look! Julian! Me'z Draw Me'z Favorit Rock!" Fickle looks up, he see that Julian is sad, he gets up from the table. "Julian! Me'z go with you?" Then will follow Julian.

Post Tavern Rumble (DM Glenn) 
Tuesday October 16th, 2007 10:43:07 AM

[OOC: is there a Watchmen you interacted with before? If not then call him Bobby FlatFeet.]

Kendry press Barb about Plateau City. She shrugs and stretches, "Yea, that's where Max hired Zen and Me. Worked with him a few times before too." When the watchmen arrive, Kendry tells them everything in detail to Bobby. At one point Barb speak up indigently "Hey, he wasn't just wiggling his fingers he was cast a spell right in my face!" Kendry finishes his description and offers more if they need it.

Dwight continues to observe the tavern in his disguise and wet his whistle. The bartender looks at him askew when he orders a "non-flaming drink", but goes on about his business. Dwight doesn't learn anything more.

Pulling out her pipe, Selithe remines Kendry that she needs to do some shopping.(OOC: The group will have time to shop after you finish with Barb. So all pending CC delivers will be considered to have been made! So go ahead shop and update your Sheet.)

Being helpful, Podo adds his part in the action to what Kendry told the watchmen Bobby. Podo can tell the watchmen seem to be ready to head back.

Running around, Airin tries once again to locate Max. Thinking that the he had to reappeared somewhere nearby. With a Spellcraft DC10 she would realize that the potion would last about 10 minutes so he could be just about anywhere by then. There doesn't seem to be any strong winds tonight, and you can't find any trace of Max.

Julian lets Kendry talk to the Bobby and the other watchmen. He ask the others about Dwight, before he heads back into the tavern to settle up. The Bartender talking to the other two watchmen, looks a little surprised when Julian returns. He and the disguised Dwight here the Bartender finish talking to the watchmen, "Yea, there was bit of a ruckuses, but they already paid for the mess so a long as they don't cause more trouble, I say let them be."

Finishing his drawing, Fickle goes over to help Julian.

After a bit Bobby and the Watchmen are satisfied that the ruckus if over, "All right, you all should know better, And Barb maybe it would be best if you left Angel Springs. We don't need anymore hotheads around here." Bobby glances around at everyone. Then he and his men leave.

Barb looks like she's ready to be off too, she looks expectantly at the bard. "You going to write that note pretty boy or what? There's a tankard of ale with my name on it somewhere, and if I'm lucky another barroom brawl." She says with a grin.

Tuesday October 16th, 2007 11:39:33 AM

Tobias just watches the interaction with the guards and the discussion with Barb unfold.

Tuesday October 16th, 2007 8:14:45 PM

Julian has done all that he wants to do, and more, and now wants to move on, away from here, to do something that isn't counter-productive.

Dwight  d20+3=21
Tuesday October 16th, 2007 9:38:04 PM

Dwight sits and listens to the barkeep, the guards and Julian. Once they have left, Dwight casually leaves the tavern. He leaves 2 gold under the empty glass.

Once outside, Dwight takes a cursory glance around (spot:21) and then heads to bed making sure no one is following him.

Before he turns in for the night, he checks with the others to make sure no one has worried about his absence.

Tuesday October 16th, 2007 11:43:19 PM

(Having alittle computer problems at the moment so Cat's shopping will have to wait abit. Taking me almost a hr get here to make this post.)

Selithe is happy that from the looks everyhing has turned out okay for now and slips into the tavern to get a small drink and hears some of the gossip. She also takes the time to see what and if there are any new gamblers in town since she had last visited the tavern. She was never one to pass up a good game anyway.

Depending on rather she finds a good game or not she will retire to her toy shop of the families and get some sleep.

Airin and Fioni 
Wednesday October 17th, 2007 12:43:02 AM

After a while the little halfling lass returns to the Inn

"No sign of Max or Zen anywhere" she says "but I guess it was worth a try..."

"Any luck with her?" she adds with a frown on her forhead. Airin and Barb didn't exactly started on best terms with eachother.

"No what? I guess we'll need to confront the Necromander ourselves before he sends anything else after us..."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+6=9
Wednesday October 17th, 2007 1:18:16 AM

"Cuz, Kendry...I think we need to sit down as a group and decide our mission statement and our values...I can't have another one of those "event" like back at the tavern, just because our favorite "hothead" was bored. We have too much at stake!" says Podo to Kendry.

Diplomacy DC:9

Kendry  d20+7=24 d20+11=27
Wednesday October 17th, 2007 4:11:10 AM

"Thank you for your time, Bobby Flatfeet," Kendry tells the lead watchman, "and for yours as well," he says to the rest of the investigators.

Barb reminds him of the note he was going to write. He takes out a fresh piece of parchment, and writes:

It was a pleasure meeting you.

The letter you showed us was forged.
You might want to check your sources.

If you want to look me up again, you
likely know where to find me.

I am glad no one was seriously injured.
A rather jumpy first meeting, eh? I
take it Zen was reluctant to accept
healing from Podo's hand. Let him
know that if Podo offers to heal you,
he'll heal you.

May mercy, truth and justice
mark your life.


On the flip side of the parchment he draws a quick sketch of Max, Zen and Barb as he first saw them sitting about the table. Not a bad likeness (Craft, drawing: 24) of the three.

He then tells the brawler, "Barb, I can give you this and send you on your way. Or, I can offer you a place to stay for a day or two, and we all can get to know each other a little better. Without bruising each other in the process. Might be something in it for you, might be something in it for us. If you'd like, you find your own place, but join us for breakfast tomorrow. Your choice. Come with us now. Or meet us tomorrow. Or go your own way." He holds out the parchment. [Diplomacy: 27]

If she decides to come with us, then Kendry introduces - or allows the members of the group (except for Dwight, who is making himself scarce) to introduce themselves, to Barb. If she agrees to meet for breakfast, then Kendry mentions a different inn that serves excellent fare - meet at, say, 8 o'clock? If she decides to go her way, he lets her. If another party member wants to ask her a question or more, he has no objections.

Mayhaps a foe can turn into a friend. In any event, Kendry believes in the law of reciprocity.

To his companions, he says, "So, shopping, traveling, and setting policy are all on our agenda, eh? Come to think of it, I wouldn't mind picking up a thing or two. And yes, Pode, it might be good to have a discussion along those lines. And Airin, I'm with you on that."

He double checks to see if all in the group are healed up. If not, he assists them, or asks for Podo's help.

He will pop in to the Catacombs for a spell.

Lots to write in his journal tonight.

Fickle's 50th birthday with Jack in the box Skeletons

Breakfast (DM Glenn) 
Wednesday October 17th, 2007 9:55:53 AM

Tobias waits and watches.

Having caused enough trouble, Julian is ready to move on.

Still in disguise, Dwight leaves the tavern for his own bed. He keeps a sharp eye out, but nothing more happens tonight.

Returning to the tavern, Selithe gets the odd stare from the staff and any customers who recognize her from the ruckus, but no one asks her to leave. She even finds a group willing to play cards. Later she returns to the shop and turns in.

Airin returns after searching for Max. She frowns at Barb and figures they we eventually confront the necromancer.

Podo councils Kendry for the need to sit down and hammer out stated mission and values. Apparently, he didn't enjoy the ruckus in the tavern.

Kendry thanks the watchmen. He then jots off a letter for Max and includes a sketch. Before given Barb the letter he offer her a place to stay and breakfast. Later as the group heads home, he discusses shopping.

Smiling, Barb looks at Kendry after he made his offer, "Offering to take me home and serve me breakfast? Tempting, but your girlfriend might not like it!" Barb glances at Airin. Then taking the letter from Kendry, "Perhaps another time!" Barb heads off into the night.

The rest of the evening is uneventful; everyone makes it home eventually safe and sound.
Barb doesn't show up for breakfast the next morning, the day is bright and sunny.

Intelligent check DC12 Highlight to display spoiler: {You remember that it's Fickles half hundred birthday in a few days! Party?}

Fickle only Highlight to display spoiler: {You still have Barb's warhammer. Seems like a nice one!}

Wednesday October 17th, 2007 8:45:15 PM

Tobias has a hearty breakfast with the group and then goes to spend some time playing with and training Tewdwr. If there are other plans the party wants to do he'll tag along with those as well...

"Are we waiting for a response?"

Wednesday October 17th, 2007 10:37:20 PM

When Dwight awakens he remembers he picked up Kendry's sword. He returns it, and inquires about anything he may have missed. He discribes what little he found out.

Aside from a quick trip to the Catacombs, Dwight is ready to set off.

OOC: Has this changed our task? Could we mail the religious artifact?

Thursday October 18th, 2007 12:11:14 AM

Kendry thanks Dwight for his returned rapier.

"First off, we have this book we 'borrowed' from the library - thanks to Podo's efforts. Many times I have recommended that others in the group read it. It has good advice in fighting against undead - and, like as not, in our ventures together we will have more than one opportunity. I suggest we all read it, with however much remaining time we have before we return it - so, today, who will read it? Perhaps two at a time may do so, if your reading speed is equal." [OOC: It does something like granting you a +5 insight bonus in your attacks versus undead. Something like that... it's a fate item, and the group can benefit by having many of us read it... and there may be some details I don't understand. Whatever - have your character read it! Maybe someone can read it aloud to Fickle.]

Thursday October 18th, 2007 12:15:38 AM

Selithe after getting a decent nights sleep, meets everyone at the Inn for a bite to eat, she also plans to slip off to the Cats after breakfast so speaks up, "I'm going to the Cat's after breakfast so if any of you like to join me we could go together."

Selithe smiles and continues her light breakfast while thinking over the spells she wishes to buy, making a few notes of them on a a spare peice of her diary paper...summon monsterII, levitate..maybe a invisiblity spell if she is high enough to cast it...For the most part she is off in her own little magic wold at the moment.

Kendry - Conversation at the breakfast table 
Thursday October 18th, 2007 4:51:47 AM

"Podo brought up the idea of making explicit the group's purpose.

"A while back, I wrote a letter to my friend Duncan. He's the one who taught us his sign language. He was a neighbor of Polly... anyhow, the letter talked about..." Kendry leaves off speaking and goes to his haversack. After a moment of shuffling through a stack of parchment, he pulls forth one that now is a little worn along the edges.

"Here it is." [OOC: Go to the Crescent Valley archives, Volume 1: All in favor, say, "Pie!", Chapter 3: Cleaning Up, to the post labeled: Kendry's letter to Duncan from a week back dated: Saturday September 4th, 2004 3:45:24 PM]

Kendry clears his throat, and reads,
Dear Duncan Settlefoot,

Hallo! Well, we've been busy around here in Humble's Ford lately. Just got back from a wood gathering trip to the Culverwood.
"I won't read the whole thing - you can if you want. But I talk about some family members he knows, and the story of some time back when the giants tried to attack Crescent Valley, just after the wizard Shafbaffum erected the warding towers. I included my song, The Testing of the Sentinel Towers."

Kendry looks around and sees he may be losing his audience. "Well, here's the pertinent part. Don't worry - it's just a few sentences." He reads:
You know, I was thinking we ought to get some of our friends together sometimes soon, and go on an adventure. Like search for dragon's treasure, or rescue a princess, or foil some brigands who harry travelers, or the like. What do you say to that, good Duncan? It could make for some rollicking good stories, eh? And I think that my sister Selithe is getty antsy to get out and see more of the Wold, too. Maybe Nalfein, my second-eldest brother, could come along. And Slate, and Polly. Can you think of anyone else?
He looks up from the letter. "All right, I won't bore you with the rest. But I was all hot for adventure. And, we've had some great adventures! We made a difference at the rebirth of Eberyon. Dwight - you knocked that pumpkin magic thing out of his hand that he was using to kill many - and Selithe took care of it right well. We've teamed together to fight goblins, harpies, brigands, and manticores, and we did well in gathering materials for Bella's healing potions.

"We've made lots of friends - friends who might otherwise have remained, or turned into, enemies. Lomar, the friendly ogre - bard of word and drum. Bobbles the goblin. Slam the giant. That hobgoblin tribe - hey, I still owe them our old wand of cure light wounds.

"And we have found that our actions have the power to do good for the people of our valley. Why, when we started out, we had a hand in encouraging folk to vote in Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly as the valley's Burgomeister. Look at the people whose minds are now healed who had been shrouded in darkness and confusion. Yet, in the current circumstances, what we intended for good may also have worrying consequences, if we walk not with care in the coming days."

He looks around at the group for a moment, letting his eyes rest on each person present. Last he looks to Selithe. "Only you and I of the first gathering of friends are still with the group - Nalfein, our brother here at the shop, also was with us. But Duncan, Polly, Shale, Willoughby, Mayzie..." As his memory alights upon these friends and companions, he lets out a little sigh, wistful.

"Yet came then Olo, with his big bushy hair and excellence in the culinary arts - and Airin," he says with a twinkle in his eye.

"Well, I had not intended to run through a history of the group. Nevertheless, our past influences our present, and lays a framework for times yet to come."

He pulls out a journal and lays it on the breakfast table. "I'd like each person to get to know our story. It might take a couple of days to read through it - but it's a record of things we've done so far. Our stories, sketches, maps, songs. Look at how we have approached potential adversaries in the past.** Some remain adversaries. Some are gone - whether dead, or imprisoned. Many are friends - or at least regard us with greater favor now than at first.

"Each of us has his own bent. But, how can two walk together unless they be agreed?

"Let us be ready to take up the sword when the sword speaks best. But let us use more gentle forms of suasion when we can. A soft answer turns away wrath. Impervious impatience leads to unnecessary conflict.

"We are halflings, not half orcs. Crescent Valley is a place of homely values. Honestly, thrift, kindliness, good food, a good story or song, laughter, a pipe of fine tobacco or a smooth brown ale... children playing in the fields, mothers scolding and shaping their charges, friend comforting friend - these are some of our values, and pleasures.

"Let us not be known as thugs - as some in the inn last night labeled us. Let us have arms, but not thrust forth a martial display when a peaceful parlay will serve better our purpose.

"We were close, last night, to discovering Max's game. I believe there was no intention among us of cutting off that discovery.

"Some of you, my friends, are ready for action. You crave it. You seek it. Well and good! Adventure hardly beckons the lazy, the uninvolved. Yet, let us have the wit to discern when refraining from overt action will serve us better. I know there was tremendous tension in the room. It was there, in part, because of the posture that some of us initially took. And it grew as, I believe, Max realized the game was not going the way he had planned it.

"So much concentrated kindling takes but a momentary spark to burst into flame."

Kendry looks to Julian. "I know you did not intend for a fight to break out. To the contrary, it seems you wanted to take advantage of their offer, and let the negotiations be done with. My fear, though, Jules, is that, had we done as they asked, we might have bought ourselves more trouble than we bargained for. The letter from the necromancer was a forgery. Max was not leveling with us. I think he is not the undead maker's true representative.

"And I must commend you again for the restraint you showed in the face of Barb's assault."

He looks to Podo. "It was you who suggested we work out some, what, group philosophy? Guidelines? What are you aiming at, cuz?"

And to the rest of the group he asks, "What are your thoughts on this?

"And please, if my approach to things is not to your liking, let me know, and know why, and gain counsel in how you might change things."

** [OOC: May I recommend that each player read, or re-read, how the party handled their first 'encounter' - this one with some young toughs who wanted to extort a rumberry pie from a cart? We redirected our adversaries' energies, and provided them motivation to do something to help us meet our goals. It's the first section of the Crescent Valley archives. Eventually it came round to where we duked it out with them - yet still showed restraint at the end, and won great favor all in all. Here's a link that takes you from start to finish with the party's interaction with the gang lead by the corncob-pipe smoking halfling: http://www.woldiangames.com//archives/index.html?game=crescent&start=1091785181&end=1094740852]

Thursday October 18th, 2007 6:28:13 AM

OOC: sorry, really busy, too much to add, no time to do it. Maybe later.

Julian listens to Kendry's speech whilst eating breakfast. He thinks to add to the conversation, but he has a mouth full of food, and the moment passes.

Thursday October 18th, 2007 7:44:40 AM

Fickle fell a little old, after all it's his hundred Birthday! But he never told any body. So he flips the hammer in his hand, "Tell me'z Barb? Are you'z Leaving or Staying or have Dinner with me'z? If you want to have dinner with Me'z? Then afther a Birthday Kiss and Food (dinner), I'll give you'z the hammer."

Fickle never let's a good moment pass, He'z looking forward for that kiss.

(OOC: half a hundered birthday = 50th. Glenn)

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+6=22
Thursday October 18th, 2007 8:20:10 AM

"Good & interesting ideas, cuz! I think I shall explain my thoughts on all this right after my next meal! I'm down right hungry!" explains Podo.

"Where's a good eatery?!" says Podo.

Diplomacy DC: 22

A quiet week (DM Glenn) 
Thursday October 18th, 2007 10:31:26 AM

Being a early riser, Tobias eats a hearty breakfast and works with Tewdwr, while waiting to see what the others do. (OOC: Are you working on training Tewdwr any additional tricks?)

In the morning, Dwight returns Kendry's sword and makes a trip to the Catacombs. Dwight inquires about shipping the religious artifact home. He finds out that he could pack the bones and artifact in a chest and pay the Windhorn Express Carriage Service to deliver it, or he could take the carriage to Dourscale about a two day trip to deliver it personally.

Kendry thanks Dwight for returning his rapier. He suggests everyone try to read the undead book before they have to return it. The necromancer will be surprised when he discovers he was unknowingly running a public library. (see book description below.) Over breakfast while Kendry has everyone's attention, he talks at some length about the group's history and deeds. While the fight was regrettable, he believes Max was dishonest.

Over breakfast, Selithe plans her day and ask if anyone wishes to accompany her to the catacombs for some shopping.

Julian listens and thinks while he eats.

At breakfast, Fickle seems to be daydreaming while Kendry give his speech. He seems to be talking to Barb asking her for a birthday kiss and something about a hammer.
(OOC: half a hundred birth day or 50th to non-halflings.)

Podo listens to Kendry and offers to add his thoughts over the next meal. Even going so far as to ask where there is an eatery. Just like a Halfling to be planning their next meal before their through with the last.

After breakfast the group has the day to do their shopping, reading, training, or what not.

Selithe and Dwight go to the catacombs along with anyone else who wishes to tag along.

There is no sign or word about Max, Zen, Barb or the necromancer. It seems to be a quite and normal day in Angel Springs. There is some talk about a fight at the Glassy Glaze tavern, and another braw at a dock tavern, the usually talk of who's getting married, what so and so are doing, someone is looking for a youngster who is missing, and so on...

Post what your characters intend to do for the next week barring any emergencies that need brave adventurers.

(OOC: If you haven't posted your spell list lately please do so!)

{The book "Charom's Thorough and Sacred Guide to Hunting the Undead," the Gargullian book. It is a bestiary of sorts, describing all the common undead, their abilities, strengths, weaknesses, and habits. Anyone who uses this book gets a +5 competence bonus on Knowledge (Religion) checks to find out about the undead. 24 hours to read to read cover t cover. About 8 hours a day for three days.}

Thursday October 18th, 2007 12:15:32 PM

(OOC: Tobias is training Tewdwr for combat riding... and if we're in town for a week, he'll use that time with Tewdwr)

Tobias listens to Kendry's story about their past adventures. There's a time for parlay and a time for action. And, he reiterates that they started attacking, and he gave Zen plenty of opportunities to surrender during their fight. But he's not going to back away from enemies in a fight. And, actually he's a bit upset that Podo would attempt to heal an enemy in the middle of a fight... that is just not done. And, he mumbles something about the crazy customs of 'civilized' towns.

Finally, Tobias takes his turn reading the book as time allows...

Airin and Fioni 
Thursday October 18th, 2007 12:59:21 PM

Airin listens with open mouth to Kendry's lenthy speach. Yes she was with them not long after they all left on their first adventure and it has been a wonderful time since... a short leave in between but all in all a wonderful time. And is she would not have followed them back then together with Olo she would never have gotten involved with Kendry...

She enjoyes the rest but looks forward to go out and find the Necromancer in a few days.

Thursday October 18th, 2007 3:21:42 PM

Selithe listens to Kendry's speech and can't help but grin at how her brother likes to talk sometimes. She had wondered sometimes if he talked more then he really needed to but then that was her brother, many times had she heard their mom and dad comment about how Kendry could talk their ears off as a child. Ahhh the good ol days of no worries and a child's wold of wonder but how things change when you get older. Use to think your parents had the good life, while you went to school and did chores but now you see how hard it really was.

Selithe snaps out of her day dreams of the days past and nods, "Yes, many have come and many have gone. We can not change each other but just work with the abilities of each other. I would no sooner ask any of you to change then change myself. I'll look over that undead book and such when we have time brother." Selithe shrugs, figuring it will do some good to look over.

Other then this Selithe runs off to the Catacombs for her shopping once the talking ends.

(I was thinking of something and a quick comment only. I play Florin Jadenth in another game and he went into the Undead Hunter PrC. Shouldn't the Knowledge Undead from the book go straight to Knowledge Undead? When I asked if Knowledge Religion was good enough since Knowledge Undead wasn't in the book for the Undead Hunter, I was told that I had to have the ranks in actual Knowledge Undead. Evidently from what I was told, Knowledge Religion would give you the basic info about undead but Knowledge Undead actually gives info on weak points, how to destroy, habits, etc. This is just what I had been told back then by the PTB *Powers that be*)

Thursday October 18th, 2007 10:04:09 PM

Julian will spend the week keeping fit and training with both his dog and his familiar. A regular routine of jogging around Angel Springs and swimming in the river is established, as well as a lot of sword practice, and slinging. He returns to bed thoroughly exhausted each day, eating more than his share of a hearty meal at communal meals, and generously contributing towards the cost of meal.

Thursday October 18th, 2007 10:46:14 PM

Dwight takes this time to sit on his bum. All that walking has numbed his feet a bit. He will take Kendry up on his offer to read the book.

And aside from the Catacombs trip is ready to set off.

Friday October 19th, 2007 1:45:36 AM

Kendry writes a letter.
Flavius Aetius,

We will be in Dourscale in a fortnight, to make arrangements. See you then.

--Your visitors

P.S.: Do you know a fellow out of Plateau City by the name of Max?
He shows it to his friends. "Shall I send this?" he asks.

Friday October 19th, 2007 8:22:02 AM

Fickle still holding Barb's hammer in his hands, he like's the weapon, So he Keep It! He''ll walk out of the tavern with the weapon and the taverns mugg.

An average day (DM Glenn) 
Friday October 19th, 2007 10:31:26 AM

Tobias express his opinion about Podo's attempt to heal Zen during the fight.
During the following days, Tobias splits his time working with Tewdwr and reading the book. Tewdwar enjoys the play and training time with Podo.
(OOC: Training Tewdwr for Combat Riding takes a total of 6 weeks at least 3 hours a day. After 3 weeks you make a DC20 Handle animal check. Note: training him the individual tricks only take one week each and depending on which one is a DC15 or DC20. Since he has two heads do you think both heads have to be trained???)

Airin listens to Kendry. She doesn't like sitting around waiting for the necromancer to make the next move.

After listen to Kendry, Selithe adds a few words of her own. Later she shops at the catacombs and takes a turn at reading the book.

Julian spends his time training, keeping fit, working with his dog and familiar and eating heartily. (OOC: Is Julian teaching Shark or Sallie any new tricks?)

Kicking his feet up, Dwight relaxes while reading the undead book.

Kendry writes a letter to Flavius and ask everyone's opinion.

Fickle has taken a liking to Barb's old warhammer. He also seems to have taken up a new hobby of collecting. (OOC: what's Fickle doing over the next few days?)

Over the next few days, everyone starts to settle into some pattern or routine. Several of you visit the catacombs for shopping and re-supplying. (Is everyone up to date on there WLA training?)

Life in angle springs go on as normal, except the missing boy's family have organized a search effort to find him. There is even talk of Burgomeister Calfast offering a reward to encouraging everyone to keep an eye out for the lad. Apparently the boy is a nephew of Calfast.

Also, everyone but Fickle Highlight to display spoiler: {Hearing that Fickle's birth day is in a few days, Kendry's and Selithe's sister Leska decided to throw a small surprise party for him. Just a few family and friends. Can you keep him occupied for the next two days?}

Tobias, Selithe and Dwight take turns reading the The book "Charom's Thorough and Sacred Guide to Hunting the Undead." Over the next few days.

(OOC: Effect: Everyone who has read the book gets a +5 competence bonus to Knowledge(Religion) checks with regard to knowledge about undead creatures. This doesn't give you any ranks in knowledge(Religion), so those untrained are still limited to common knowlodge DC10 checks. Please make a note on your character sheet.

Friday October 19th, 2007 12:06:23 PM

[OOC: Hadn't thought about that... guess it's DM call for how many rolls. Actually he already has Come and Defend tricks, so he only needs the 4 others, so I will do each one at a time.]

Tobias and Tewdwr work on practicing Stay trick this week.

Tobias  d20+12=28 d20+12=21
Friday October 19th, 2007 12:08:44 PM

Ooops forgot the handle animal...
Rolls: 28, 21 (in case i need too)

So, Tewdwr learns Stay after this week.

[OOC: Rangers get +4 handle animal for their animal companions.]

Kendry  d20+10=25
Friday October 19th, 2007 2:35:57 PM

Hearing no objections, Kendry mails the letter.

"Fickle - you had wanted to join up with the WLA," Kendry says. "Care to do so now? Do you have enough money? It's two thousand gold pieces."

Kendry makes detailed inquiries about Calfast's missing nephew... [Gather information 25] Including from Calfast.

He also brings the Burgomeister up to date with an executive summary of the group's activities, Max's (apparent) scam - yet the awareness that if something is not done soon to deal with the necromancer, there may be consequences. "I just sent a letter, and we're off to Dourscale in a few days."

Friday October 19th, 2007 6:07:08 PM

Julian continues to train, running, swimming, sword play. This time however, he asks Fickle to join him,
"I want to train Sallie here," ruffing up his collie dog around the ears, "train her to Track scents. Could you help me? Could you help to lay a scent trail for Sallie to follow? I'll give you some different treats at first for the dog to find, then we can do 'harder' things to scent, like, er.... like armour, or wooden things."

Friday October 19th, 2007 9:24:59 PM

Selithe doesn't have a problem with the letter her brother wrote so lets him mail it without a bother from her.

Hearing everyone talk to Fickle, Selithe can't help but smiles, "Popular guy today Fickle. I might tag along too. We might even find some nice rocks while we are out." Selithe smiles, knowing Fickle likes rocks, it's possible they might find something special while out.

Saturday October 20th, 2007 7:53:51 AM

"Wla??Let'z see" So Fickle sits on the grouns, opens his money pouch, And starts counting " One...Two... Three... and so on untill he get to the number 430 gp. He look's up and utters one Word "NOPE!"

Airin and Fioni 
Saturday October 20th, 2007 1:34:07 PM

Airin simply continues to enjoy the time they have before going on the road again. She mainly hangs out with children of the town and plays with them. Doings little magic cantrips and making Fioni do some tricks. Children are fun... one day perhaps...

From time to time she checks with the others untill she finally asks : "So we'll be seeing our friend the Necromancer in a forthnight. How will we deal with him?"

Saturday October 20th, 2007 1:44:39 PM

"Look, Fickle, we'll all pitch in so you can join. Here is 500 gold pieces. That gets you almost halfway there. Just 1,070 to go. Who else can help our friend join?" Kendry asks the group.

Saturday October 20th, 2007 6:07:21 PM

OOC Didn't we each get a bag with 1000gp from Graeff only a few days ago?

[Yes -Kim]

Saturday October 20th, 2007 9:18:58 PM

OOC: My mistake, thought WLA was 2000, not 2500.

[It is 2,000 for initial membership of 1st-5th level characters. Fickle said he had 430 gp. Kendry's 500 brings it to 930. Another 1,070 - from whatever source(s) will bring it to 2,000. -Kim]

Sunday October 21st, 2007 12:15:31 AM

(How the heck did I miss that. I didn't make note of the 1,000gps. Was worried Selithe wouldn't beable to help Fickle much but now. :) .)

Selithe looks to Fickle and thinks before something gets her attention, a chittering like noise from her backpack. Wonderingly Selithe pulls her backpack off and looks in it before pulling up Bandit, her ferret familiar who is clasping a small bag that contains her gold from Graeff, "Why you little thief. No wonder I was short in the Catacombs from being able to buy all the scrolls I wanted."

Selithe pulls the bag away from her familiar who makes kind of angry sounding noises from having his "shineys" taken away and looks to Fickle before pulling out half of the 1,000 and handing it over to Fickle, "Here Fickle, I'll give you 500 like Kendry did. This will get you up to a 1.000 all together. Just abit more to go."

(Thanks for the reminder their guys.)

Sunday October 21st, 2007 8:01:39 AM

Fickle goes back into the Tavern and ask the patrions, "Who want'z to Buy this plus'z five War Hammer's?"

A Dwarf in the back(half drunk!) "Me! Sell it To burp Me"

Fickle sell the Hammer to the Dwarf. (wait untill the dwarf lern that the hammer is only a +2)

Fickle walks out of the tavern (with a smile) Tell all his friends, "Me'z got the Money Now!"

Sunday October 21st, 2007 6:10:58 PM

OOC didn't FIckle also get the 1000 gp?

Sunday October 21st, 2007 6:14:04 PM

Julian asks his cousin, "Kendry, do you have shares in the League of Adventurers? Perhaps Fickle would be better off with some new equipment..."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+6=15
Sunday October 21st, 2007 10:32:03 PM

Podo spends his time reading that book "Charom's Thorough and Sacred Guide to Hunting the Undead.

When it comes to the discussion of the groups mission statements, Podo asks for the others input before giving up his own.

Diplomacy DC: 15

Airin and Fioni 
Monday October 22nd, 2007 2:19:23 AM

"What's with the Book?" Airin asks seeing everyone reading through it. "oohhh... Hunting the Undead.. well perhaps I should consider this important literature as well!"

If there still is some time left Airin too will read the dusty book...

Spell list:
Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, Produce Flame, Entangle
Level 2: Spider Climb, Cat's Grace

* marks spells that are used

Monday October 22nd, 2007 3:08:38 AM

Kendry points to the boots he recently put on. "We can sell these to the Catacombs for about 4,950 gold pieces. If there are no objections, I'll do so, and give Fickle the balance of what he needs, and get some more tanglefoot bags and the like. I'm going to get a bunch of read magic scrolls so I can at least find out what spells that Flavius has in his spellbook, too. Or, make arrangements for the Catacombs staff to find out."

Kendry gives five minutes for anyone to object, then heads off to the Catacombs to make arrangements. [Dear DM, please consider that all of this is being done shortly after breakfast on the day after the Big Brawl.]

"Jules, or Tobias, or Podo, or Dwight, or Podo, or Airin, or Selithe - could one of you go with Fickle and this money, and help him get started on his training?" he asks.

The bard can cast read magic, and read 60 pages in an hour. He'll cast it twice, and thus read all of the 100 pages of Flavius Aetius' spellbook - unless it has more or less than the standard number of pages found in a wizard's spellbook.

With the 20 minutes left over, he reads (not invokes) many of the other scrolls that he already has in his possession, so that, when it comes time to use them, he will not have to waste time reading magic to invoke them, but will know their contents.

[Let me know if Flavius' spellbook blows up in his face, or the like.]

Kendry catalogs what he learns about the spellbook, taking quick notes as he progresses through.

ADM StevenVdB : Posting Record Game 13 
Monday October 22nd, 2007 6:14:14 AM

Posting Report for Game 13 for the week of October 15 - October 21

Name - MTWTFSS - #
DM Glenn - XXXXX-- - 5
Dwight - XXXX--- - 4
Fickle - XX-XXXX - 6
Podo - 2-XX--X - 5
Selithe - XX-2X-X - 6
Kendry - 2-X22X- - 8
Tobias -XXXX-- - 4
Airin - -XXX-X- - 4
Julian - -2-2X-X - 6

Weekly Summary: A quiet week
Further interrogations of Barb bring little extra informations. Letter are written, tales are told, time passes without much excitment.
But restless as the group of Halflings is they will soon be looking for danger once again...

Monday October 22nd, 2007 7:51:59 AM

Fickle look down at his clothing, "What'z matter witH Me'z Clothes?? Their a little dirty, Smell a little, But they'z still good!" His face has a little wrinkle of confusion??

Birthday bash (DM Glenn) 
Monday October 22nd, 2007 10:27:06 AM

(OOC: Yes everyone including Fickle got bags of gems worth 1,000gp from Graeff.)

Over the week, Tobias works with Tewdwrd teaching the two headed wolf to Stay on command.

Kendry sends his letter and checks to see if Fickle's ready to join the WLA. Getting wind of Calfast's missing nephew, Kendry checks around and pays a visit to burgomeister. Calfast looks a little tired as he tells Kendry what he knows, "Tommy, been missing for four days now. He just didn't come home and his friends don't known where he is. He's a good boy likes fishing. We sent searchers up and down the river looking for him. They haven't found a sign of him. I've authorized a reward from the town treasury, but if he's been kidnapped there's been no ransom demand." Calfast listens to Kendry's tale about Max's scam and the bards concern about the necromancer, "I've been told about the exchange blows at the Glassy Glaze Tavern, I've reassured the owners that your friends were merely defending themselves. This necromancer sounds like bad business. Do you think there is any connection between the missing boy and Max or the necromancer?"

Julian continues his training, he even invites Fickle to join him, by having Sallie track Fickle.

Selithe ask to tag along with Fickle and help him look for pretty rocks.

Asked about joining the WLA, Fickle opens his bag and starts to counts coins.

Airin hangs out and plays with the children doing magic tricks for them. Many of the children are being keep at home for fear of them going missing too.

Discovering some miscellaneous gems in her pack, Selithe offers to help pay for Fickle's membership to the WLA matching Kendry's gift.

Not wanting to burden his friends, Fickle heads back to the tavern and tries to hawk Barb's old warhammer, much to everyone's surprise. A half drunk Dwarf takes one look at the hammer and sputters, "Whatch you trying to do get me killed. That's what would happen if that warrior comes back looking for her weapon! I'll not buy that or anything else you've stolen!" with that the dwarf huffs off.

Julian questions Kendry's motives about the WLA.

Podo takes a turn at reading the undead guide. He also, inquires of the group about what they think should be the group's mission statement. He is convincing are you would really like to help him (Trying Diplomacy on PCs?)

Seeing everyone else reading the book, Airin takes a turn at it too. (OOC: thanks for the spell list.)

Kendry makes a trip catacombs rising more than enough for Fickle's WLA membership fee. Also, he spends some time reading the necromancer spell book. Kendry discovers the spell book is half-full. Fifty pages of spells of all kinds except enchantment and illusion. Most are necromantic school. The book does not blowup in the bards face.

Time passes, It's now been five days since the tavern meeting with Max. Everyone has had time to train at the WLA, read books, shop and work with your animals. Fickle has been keep busy if not out of trouble. Today is the day for Fickle's birthday party. Leska (Kendry & Selithe sister) has cooked up a storm and a large cake for him. At noon everyone hides in the toyshop ready to surprise Fickle. He comes in on cue looking for Kendry wondering why the shop is so dark and where everyone is?

In back the table is laden with a feast and a large cake with fifty candles ready and lit.

[OOC: Those with memorized spell list please make sure are current and have been posted recently. Thanks!]

Monday October 22nd, 2007 1:18:02 PM

Tobias is at the shop for Fickle's party and wishes him a happy birthday. He gives him a small wolf pup as a birthday gift. And, celebrates the evening away with his friends.

On the following day:
"Well now that the week is out, what are we going to do? Wait here until we get an answer from one of the other?"

Monday October 22nd, 2007 8:11:20 PM

Selithe is happy to help Fickle with the WLA dues and such if needed. Later though she also hides with the others till Fickle shows up. At this time she will leap out like any of the others would, "Happy B-day Fickle." Selithe smiles to her friend and gives Fickle a big hug and smiles, "We were hoping to surprise you so I hope we succeeded."

Later Selithe plans to spends time copying spells into her spell book.

(DM: Not sure if any rolls are needed so let me know if there are rolls needed. I also have a email being sent out shortly with more scrolls just purchased in the CC.)

Monday October 22nd, 2007 9:03:43 PM

Dwight enjoys the party, but wonders what the next challenge will be in his life. He doesn't fear the challenge, but does wonder if he will be up to it.

"SURPRISE" he shouts to Fickle at the appropriate time. He shares some of the cake and other food stuffs, but retires early.

He awakes early the next morning, ready for the two-day trip to Angel Springs to return the thurible?

Monday October 22nd, 2007 11:01:20 PM

"Surprise, Happy Birthday, Fickle!"

During the party he finds a moment to talk to Podo, "You said you'd like to discuss the 'mission' of the party. I for one think that we ought to be protecting those who aren't up for protecting themselves, and making things safer for people generally. That's why I wouldn't fight in the tavern. I feel terrible about how that ended up in a brawl."

Airin and Fioni 
Tuesday October 23rd, 2007 2:33:17 AM

Airin too hides behind the counter when Fickle steps into the shop. Then she pops out with the others


When she's able to get near to Fickle herself she embraces the party animal and kisses her on the cheeks.

"Happy Birthday. May there be a lot more years to come and a lot of exciting adventures."

Airin enjoyes the cake a lot but stops eating when she feels her armor getting a size too small...


"Our mission statement?" Airin asks Dwight. She never gave this much thought. It feels as if they have chosen to stick their noses in every bussiness they come accross... she never realised there was a mission involved :-)

"Getting wealthy, powerful adventurers and remaining in good health?" but she quickly notices Dwights face and realises that was not was he was aiming for...

"Protect the weak and safe the day?" in the end that comes down to the same she thinks to herself...

"What's your idea Dwight? I'm curious..."

Spell list:
Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, Produce Flame, Entangle
Level 2: Spider Climb, Cat's Grace

* marks spells that are used

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Tuesday October 23rd, 2007 4:57:01 AM

Joining in on the celebration for Fickle, Podo offers the little he can. "Happy Birthday Fickle!!! I'll give what I can to help you join up with the WLA." says Podo.

When the chance arises, Podo has a small talk with Julian about the groups Mission Statement; Podo takes notes during the chat.

Podo's "memorized" spells for the day:

Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic

1st Level
Cure Light Wounds, Deathwatch, Bless Water, Shield of Faith, Entangle

2nd Level
Cure Moderate Woundsx2, Calm Emotions,

Tuesday October 23rd, 2007 8:03:03 AM

Fickle enters the dark room, But when the light goes on and everybody shouts "Happy Birthday!" Fickle drop the stolen war hammer.

"Dah! Dah! I naver told you all that it was My Birthday? How you'z know??" But when Tobias gives him the Wolf pup, Tears come to his eyes.

Fickle takes the pup in his arms " me'z like you'z! you like me's?" the wolf pup bits his nose "*bite*" Fickle yells!"He like me! Me'z call you Ouch, good name for you and you'z sharp teeth!"

Then he look to friends, "Thanks all of you! Me'z like you all too!" He'll sit on the floor and play with his pup (Good chance it's a wolf pup and can play rough too!)

Birthday bash (DM Glenn) 
Tuesday October 23rd, 2007 9:47:34 AM

[OOC: Selithe I got your email of your CC purches. They are available now. Please send me a copy of your updated character sheet. Adding spells takes 24 hours to add one spell, cost 100gp per spell level in materials. Only Spellcraft check needed is to read the Scroll you are copying (DC 15+spell level). This Sepllcraft check is not needed if you use read magic, or the writer of the scroll helps you read it.]

Fickle is surprised as everyone jumps out, and is overwhelmed when Tobias gives him a wolf pup. Airin and Selithe gives Fickle a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Julian finds time to talk to Podo about the mission. Dwight enjoys the party and food.

As everyone is enjoying the feast and second or third helping of cake, there is a knock at the door.

"Ouch" the puppy yaps at the noise, as Leska answers it. She greets a group of three Halflings. One heavyset man and two workers carry a chest between them.

After talking to them for just a bit she directs them to bring the box into the room, Leska looking a bit confused "This is odd, we're not expecting any deliveries."

The supervisor looks at his notes, "Sayz right here to be delivered to the occupants of toy and music shoppy in Angel Springs. It looks like it might be expensive seeing how it's a triple lock chest. Maybe it a birthday gift, seeing how it looks like your having a birthday party. All I know is that I'm to deliver it here. Please sign here and initial here," he saids holding out a clipboard. His men set the trunk down with a thunk.

Leska asks, "Who sent it and from where?" The man looks at his notes "Doesn't have a origin listed, all I know is that it came in on the morning shipping wagon from Windhorn on the Windhorn Shipping Service. Hey, aren't you those people who befriend that ogre and saved Calfast election by bringing the beer?" He hold out his clipboard again, "Could someone to sign here please?". The two workers have already stepped back outside to their wagon.

As soon as someone signs the form, the supervisor thanks you and leaves.

The chest is a heavy-duty box about three feet wide, two deep and two tall. It has three locks, two exterior pad locks and one built into the chest itself. The two pad locks are of average quality (DC25 each to pick), the center built-in lock is a good quality lock (DC30 to pick). No keys were delivered.

Spot check DC25 Highlight to display spoiler: {No the three workers are not Max, Zen and Barb in disguise. They are local warehouse workers.}

Tuesday October 23rd, 2007 10:16:32 AM

Back with Calfast

Kendry takes in what the Burgomeister tells him. In response to the question as to the boy's absence and the necromancer's possible involvement, the young bard's face goes ashen. "I can only pray that it be not so, sir." He indicates he will do what he can.

Necromancer's Spellbook

What spells (necromantic or otherwise) did Kendry find in Flavius' spellbook?

Why WLA?

Kendry answers Julian regarding Fickle's joining of the WLA. "Lars Tokasis, the Hero of Annun Far, who opposed Marteaus in the Year of Ascension, and was Liberator of The Last Fortress - Lars founded the Woldian League of Adventurers to protect the innocent, and to combat evil in its many forms.

"You yourself, Julian, have benefitted from their training. If Fickle joins now, he will gain a feat that will not be available should he wait until later to join. He will gain skills that otherwise will come more slowly. And he will gain the support of the League... and, one hopes," Kendry adds with a smile, "some greater guidance in moral behavior. Maybe."

Then he adds, "Also, Jules, we've talked to him before about it, and he said he wants to join. The only thing that prevented him from joining earlier was a lack of funds, and the pressing issue of heading out of town once our erstwhile companion, Tibble, left on his own with Bella's potions."

A Song for Fickle

When first we met Fickle
He was caught in quite a pickle
Entrapped by lizards, by lizard-like dogs
And him we came to rescue
E'en lovely Airin came,
She who talks to fescue

Well fought we high
And fought we low
Tobias wrestled crocodile
Doggies barked and arrows arched
Some friends were wrapped
In fast growth vines

Julian grew to twice his height
And warrior bold he fought off five
Fickle up and got to rockin'
He bashed a dog guard on the noggin
Pseudodragon helped on high

Kendry stops his song, and laughs. "That's all I've written so far. But happy birthday, half-a-century boy!"

Tuesday October 23rd, 2007 11:34:38 AM

A good time is had by all at the party, but now Tobias is interested by what's in the box.

DM Glenn OOC 
Tuesday October 23rd, 2007 1:42:16 PM

The spells Kendry finds in the spellbook. 64 pages total.

0) Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Light, Mending, Read Magic, Presidigitation, Touch of Fatigue
1) Chill Touch, Exp Retreat, Magic Missile, Obs Mist, Protection from good, Shield
2) False Life, Ghoul Touch, Mirror Image, Rope Trick, Spectral Hand
3) Dispel Magic, Keen Edge, Vampiric Touch
4) Animate Dead, Arcane Eye, Fear, Stoneskin
5) Baleful Polymorph, Passwall, Waves of Fatigue

Dwight  d20+6=19
Tuesday October 23rd, 2007 9:24:51 PM

Dwight puts his fork down as the chest is delivered. As the crew moves it into position, Dwight takes a look outside.

He looks around at the various party members to see who will sign for the chest. If no one steps forward immediately, Dwight will, though he will sign it as "Frank Longhair Puddlefoot."

After the supervisor leaves, Dwight will then ask/state, "Perhaps we should move the chest somewhere else before opening it. I would hate to mess up the house."

Feeling he is putting a damper and dread in the ongoing party, he adds, "Well it might be rigged to throw paper shreads everywhere."

"I doubt I'm the most capable in opening locks, but I can try if no one else wants too." Dwight is more than willing to check for traps, but allows others to open it if they prefer.

Trap check: (search?) = 19

Tuesday October 23rd, 2007 10:17:20 PM

Selithe shrugs as the large chest is brought in and looks to the others before walking over and glancing over the thing slowly, "Hmm, I can give a hand in cracking this thing open if needed. I have abit of rogue abilities." Selithe shrugs and will aid any who try to open or seatch the chest for traps. (I believe that adds a +2 to another's check)

Wednesday October 24th, 2007 12:24:15 AM

Julian is keen to just smash the chest open, but chooses to say nothing. Upon reflection, that is forcing himself to wait a bit longer, he would agree that it is a good idea to not do so.

He stands back quietly enjoying the food as the others deal with the chest.

"Nice song, Kendry."

Airin and Fioni  d20+7=11 d20+12=25 d20+8=28 d20+8=27
Wednesday October 24th, 2007 2:39:42 AM

Being only partly a rogue Airin is not as experienced as you could expect from a true rogue. She also agrees with Dwight that it would be wise to open the chest elsewhere. If it throws 'paper shreds' around the shop that could be devastating... imaging the cleaning up afterwards...

Once the chest has been replaced - what's the weight? (appraise 11) While moving do they hear something specific about what's inside the chest? (listen: 25) - Airin investigates the chest cautiously. Looking for specific markings, possible traps, signs, writings, anything that can reveal where it came from... One thing that pops to her mind would be the sand in front of the Necromancer's lair. Perhaps she can detect a trigger or a hidden comprtiment that holds the keys. Who would send such a chest withoug further explanation or without telling where to find the keys...

search: 28

Airin definetely waits to start opening the chest. No one delivers a chest with 3 locks without further explanation. She informs the others of her findings while she examines the chest.

Forgot to make the spot check first: spot 27

Wednesday October 24th, 2007 6:13:30 AM

Kendry detects magic on the chest.

"It could be a gift for the group. Or for Fickle. It could be some ghastly tit for tat from our friend who lives twixt sand and cliff. It could be any number of things. It could be a kidnap victim. It could be potatoes and cream cheese. So, let's open it and find out. And if any fear the spread of little pieces of paper from it on opening, we can toss a canvas over it first. Nalfein," he calls for his brother, who works at the shop and who has the skills of a rogue, "how might you be at checking out something like this?"

Fickle  d20+4=20
Wednesday October 24th, 2007 9:15:53 AM

Fickle watches the others try to pick a lock, so fickle tells Ouch "Be good boy While me'z try to open lock!"

Fickle picks up a stiff wire, stick out his toung out of the side of his mouth. 'pick!' ' Pick!' ' Pink!'.

Picking lock 20 (i have taken Dex of +4)

(OOC: Fickle's open lock should be a +9. Did you get the updated character sheet I sent? -DM Glenn)

Birthday bash (DM Glenn)  d20+3=21
Wednesday October 24th, 2007 10:28:30 AM

Kendry makes his sells pitch for the WLA to Julian. Durring the party the bard sings the Fickle song he's been working on. (OOC: good one!)

Tobias's forgets all about the party as his interest is peaked by the mysterious box.

Being suspicious, Dwight checks outside when the trunk is delivered. Then steps forward to sign the form. Smiling the foreman looks at the paperwork, "Wait till, I tell the misses, I met the famous adventures 'Frank Longhair Puddlefoot' an friends!" He quickly joins him men and leaves. Checking over the chest, Dwight suggests moving it elsewhere before opening it. He finds no signs of gas tubes, poison darts, slicing blades or other deadly traps.

Selithe add her eye to the examination (Aid other DC10 DM roll for Selith search 21 success +2). Selithe points out a few more things like fire trap or glyphs for Dwight to check, but they all come up negative.

Julian seems to have hit on a idea on how to open the chest, but the waits giving the others a chance first.

Agreeing with Dwight, Airin thinks the chest should be moved before opening it. She gets Julain and Tobias to move the 200lb box carefully to out back of the shop.

Listening while the chest is moved, Airin thinks she heard hollow reeds or bamboo bumping together. She takes a turn at examining the container for markings, traps, signs, writings, triggers and/or hidden compartments. She finds on markings, signs writing, or hidden compartments, but oddly enough the chest looks like it made to fall apart when opened? (nice roll nat20)

Curious, Kendry cast a detect magic on the chest and studies it for several long moments. He doesn't detect any magical auras come from the chest or from inside it or from anything behind it. Calling his brother in to consult on the chest, Nalfein looks it over, "Humm, Nice workmanship! This is beyond my meager skills. You could hire a locksmith to open it? Maybe you should throw it in the river if you think it's dangerous."

A man of many hidden talents, Fickle tells his puppy "Ouch" to stand a side as he proceeds to poke at one of the two padlocks on the chest. He seems to have tickled the lock just right, because it pops open!

The well-made chest has been moved and now sits out back of the toy shop with one of the three locks now open. Two locks stand between you and the contents of the chest. Airin thinks the chest is designed to fall apart once opened.

(OOC: Open Lock DC for Padlock is DC25, the center built-in lock is DC30. You can make an Aid other skill check of DC10 to give someone else a +2 bonus.)

Nalfein and Leska watch anxiously from the doorway.

Wednesday October 24th, 2007 2:03:10 PM

"Maybe it's a little undead attacker," Kendry says. "Or a fun game. Let's get that canvas ready, and some protection spells, too, just in case."

He gets a large canvas and ties ropes in the eyes in the corners. He gets out a step ladder and a hammer and a light nail. He taps a nail through the canvas lightly into the ceiling - enough to hold the canvas up, unless pulled on a bit. "Fickle - you did a good job on the first lock. Why not try the second. Tobias - you want to take that corner? Julian, the one adjacent. I'll take the side opposite Tobias. Who wants the fourth corner?"

Wednesday October 24th, 2007 5:26:14 PM

"It's odd, how as an adventurer, such a plain chest becomes such a potential danger." Having said this, Dwight still keeps alert, wondering who would have sent this without attaching their name.

Trying to think positively, he wonders if "heather" would risk sending stuff in a box, or perhaps another surprise for Fickle. He mind keeps concluding that it is more likely from the necro.

Dwight will then take the fourth corner.

Selithe  d20+8=20 d20+4=13
Wednesday October 24th, 2007 8:17:25 PM

Selithe watches the others and shrugs as she sits back and watches. She has only some skill in this type of stuff since most of her training as a togue revolves around cards and gambling. However if needed she will try and give a helping hand.

(I'm thinking thats a disable device check, isn't it? If so Disable device:20 otherwise the check would of been 13)

Wednesday October 24th, 2007 8:51:19 PM

Julian helps with the tarp, and watches with interest as the other pick and poke and prod. He offers with a grin,

"I've got a sledgehammer round here somewhere..."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Thursday October 25th, 2007 12:22:37 AM

Podo stands at the ready incase the contents of the chest is what Kendry thinks it is, which is to say an undead attacker.

Airin and Fioni  d20+14=30 d20+14=29 d20+12=32
Thursday October 25th, 2007 8:00:11 AM

"Okay, let's open this cracker... Everyone be at guard. Fioni, fly outside."

Airin stretches her fingers and kneels in front of the chest. First she casts a spell on herself to make her fingers even more nimble to increase her chances with both locks (casting Cat's Grace on herself - increasing DEX by 4 - Dex modifier now +6 also increasing AC en reflex saves by 2 - open lock bonus to +14)

She examines the locks once again and then fiddles with the Padlock first.

Open Padlock : 30

The Padlock should open easy enough. Airin gets a little nervous and wonders about the last lock. She knows the chest is made to fall apart once she has unlocked the last lock...

Open center lock : 29 - not enough on her own but with an aid another from someone else it should open...

The moment Airin feels the lock is about to open she tumbles backwards...

Tumble: 32 - NAT 20

Of course it's very likely everyone will be laughing if the thing that is inside is not harmful at all :-)

Spell list:
Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, Produce Flame, Entangle
Level 2: Spider Climb, Cat's Grace

* marks spells that are used

Fickle  d20+9=28
Thursday October 25th, 2007 9:39:46 AM

Fickle yells, "HOO! Let me'z try that lock first! Then you can smash it!" he pleeds with Podo.

He goes to the loch putting his hea close to the lock, twist and turn the wire in the lock.

"Click! Slip! Click! Slip slip!" This is hard'z.

OOS; NO DM I didn't get it,

Birthday bash (DM Glenn)  d8=2 d8=6 d8=1 d4=3 d20+2=22 d20+2=13 d6+1=3
Thursday October 25th, 2007 11:02:00 AM

Kendry jokes about what inside the chest as he rigs a canvas tarp to drop over the chest. Kendry, Dwight, Julian, and Tobias hold the tarp corners. Selithe stands back ready to help. Podo stands ready to repel the short undead that kendry joked about. Airin starts to work on the locks. The first one she springs open easily. The second one she is very close to opening if only she had a third hand. Then Fickle jumps in with wire in hand helping Airin. Between the two of them the lock clicks open. Airin tumbles backwards out of the way, as the chest springs open and apart.

What looks like three tumble weeds of bones come tumbling out of the chest as the walls of the box fall flat. Immediately they unfold into full size wolf skeletons as they jump up and attack!
Anyone with a spot check DC20 Highlight to display spoiler: { A bone scroll case also fell out, when the chest popped open.}

The first boney wolf unfolds too far away from anyone to attack spotting a juicy looking Fickle it moves forward.

The second boney wolf finds Tobias to close enough to take a bite (hit ac 22 dam 3), it dead teeth taste flesh once more!

The third boney wolf standing next to Fickle snaps at him (hit ac 13 miss), but fails to connect! The bones making an eerie clacking sound as its jaws shut on air.

(Wolf skeletons AC 15)


The back of the toy and music shop opens into the Open Market Place. Apparently a small number of customers and merchants have stopped to watch the odd going on's. Two or three gasp when the wolf skeletons jump out. One male Halfling even shrieks in terror at the sight of them! "Ahhhaaaaa!!!"

Kendry  d20+3=6 d20+7=25 d8+2=6
Thursday October 25th, 2007 11:12:23 AM

"Drop the canvas," Kendry's words accompany his action as he lowers the cloth over the bony lupines.

He quickdraws his masterwork bastard sword, and steps forward (to N6), bringing it down over the back of wolf skeleton 3 for 6 hp damage (hit 6AC 25), striking the lump over which the canvas has settled.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 41/44) 
Thursday October 25th, 2007 11:22:43 AM

Tobias drops his corner of the cloth, and then draws his short sword, and takes a 5 ft back (to S5) preparing for the skeletal wolf thing to come out from under the cloth... He also calls for Tewdwr to come join him.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC: 20 | HP: 31]  d20+4=18 2d6(2+5)+7=14
Thursday October 25th, 2007 9:50:51 PM

Podo will try to turn the undead wolves. Opening his arms and spreading his hands, Podo looks upward towards Alemi,saying " Oh Alemi please grant me he strength to turn these undead things!"

Turn UNdead DC
Turning Check: 18
Turning Damage: 14

Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic

1st Level
Cure Light Wounds, Deathwatch, Bless Water, Shield of Faith, Entangle

2nd Level
Cure Moderate Woundsx2, Calm Emotions,

Thursday October 25th, 2007 10:09:40 PM

Selithe shakes her head and only half grins, "Well, a certain necro is not happy at our miss work with Max evidently."

Selithe will pull her mw bastard sword and ready to fight. Moving in a bit also as she figures they won't stay under the cloth long.

(Spells will be posted on next post if thats ok. Got to keep this post rather quick.)

Dwight  d4+1=5
Thursday October 25th, 2007 10:50:26 PM

Dwight also drops his corner. Takes a 5' step away from the canvas to M9. He then quickly casts a Magic Missile at W3. (dmg: 5)

"We really need to settle this matter," Dwight mumbles.

Julian, enraged, AC  d20+5=10
Friday October 26th, 2007 12:26:21 AM

Enraged that they should be attacked whilst celebrating Julian dives in to Grapple the nearest wolf (1).

Strength check 10, uh -oh.

Fickle (AC 21/ 58/58hp)  d20+8=23 d6+5=11
Friday October 26th, 2007 9:27:20 AM

Fickle will run into the Wolf Skeleton, hittimg him into his chest AC 23, Giving him Damaged of 11 crack and brolen bones.

as for Ouch the wolf pup goes in and pick up a bone for himsels, goes hiding to chew on the darg thing.

OOC to DM(unable to open the websight in your post, Must fight blind! and No I dai not get your E-mail??)

Airin [AC19 - Dodge AC20 vs Skeleton 1 - HP52/52]  d20+11=27 d6+3=8
Friday October 26th, 2007 12:03:21 PM

Airin faces the wolf skeletons as she emerges from tumbling backward. She realises arrows and swords are not as useful against these creatures as a nice Mace or even fire...

Airin casts a Produce Fire spell and immediately a Flame appears in her hand...

She throws the flame at Wolf Skeleton 1

Flame hits Touch AC27 - fire damage 8

Spell list:
Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, Entangle
Level 2: Spider Climb, *Cat's Grace

* marks spells that are used

Birthday bash (DM Glenn)  d20+8=15
Friday October 26th, 2007 12:21:23 PM

(OOC: Note treating the canvas as a net, except to escape one just has to move out of the area of effect. Effects are half movement and entangled -2 to hit and -4dex. Also, even so the undead have total cover from the trap {+4AC}, I'm ruling that it is soft cover and doesn't block the line of effect.)

Kendry drops the canvas as he draws his bastard sword stepping forward slashing the third skeleton while it is under the canvas. The sword if more effective on flesh than bone, so the damage to the wolf if minor.

Dropping his corner, Tobias steps back as he draws his sword and calls Tewdwr to him. The two-headed wolf comes bounding up to stand net to his friend, it grows and barks at the boney wolfs.

Podo calls forth the power of Alemi to drive these undead creatures away. He feels Alemi's power surge within him repelling all three undead wolfs.

Drawing her bastard sword, Selithe moves forward ready to attack.

Also dropping his corner, Dwight steps back as he draws and fires his Magic Missile wand at the third boney wolf. The magical energy strikes with full force.

Enraged, Julian jumps forward to grapple the first tarp covered boney wolf. (DM Rolled touch AC 15 hit). Grabbing the boney wolf, Julian is unable to keep a hold on it as it breaks free (grapple DC12 vs Julian's grapple attempt 10).

Under the dropped tarp, Fickle strikes the third boney wolf with his long sword, the force of the blow sends some bone fragments flying, but the weapon is not as effective as it would be against real flesh.

Airin cast a spell that produces flames in her hand. (OOC: Can't attack with the flame weapon from "Produce Flames" until next round, but you can keep the attack and damage rolls.)

The three boney wolfs are cowered and forced to flee by the power of Alemi that Podo projected. Boy can those boney puppies run! Directly away from Podo and towards merchants tents, merchants and shoppers.

Fickle get an attack of opportune at ether wolf #1 or #3.
Tobias get a attack of opportunity at wolf #2
Kendry don't get a AoO because of the total cover from the tarp.

The back of the toy and music shop opens into the Open Market Place. More customers and merchants have started to pay attention to the action. As the skeletons Wolf head into the crowded market place, some Halflings start to scream "Ahhhaaaa....!!!" and some run for cover others are frozen in place.

Wolf #1 ac15, turned
Wolf #2 ac15, turned
Wolf #3 ac15, turned, dam 12

Map http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/6456/birthdaybash2be9.jpg

[edited to add Airin's action.]

Tobias (AC 20, HP 41/44)  d20+13=20 d4+2=6 d20+13=29 d4+2=4 d20+7=18 d6+1=4
Friday October 26th, 2007 1:13:47 PM

First, Tobias gets an AOO and swings with his short sword.
Attack: 20
Damage: 6

Tobias sends Tewdwr after the furthest wolf skeleton (w2). And, he moves (to V6) and attacks a closer skeleton(w3).
Attack: 29
Damage: 4

"Quick don't let these abominations of nature out of our sights and loose on the town," Tobias yells to the others.

Tewdwr moves (to Z5) after that skeleton taking and attacks it with a might bite.
Attack: 18
Damage: 4

Julian, Enraged, charging, AC 14, hp 55/55, Power Attack  d20+7=25 d10+18=23 d20+7=17 d10+18=24
Friday October 26th, 2007 5:20:51 PM

"We have to protect the townsfolk from these things," Julian yells to his friends.

He charges after his slippery foe, easily overtaking it, drawing EagerTooth as he runs, swinging the mighty blade with two hands at the wolf.

Charge at Wolf 1 to W8, taking an AoO from Wolf 3.
Power Attack 5, damage +10 (2H weapon)
Hit AC 25
Damage 23 -5 DR = 18

Hoping for an AoO against Wolf 3 as it runs past Julian:
Power Attack 5, damage +10
Hit AC 17
Damage 24 -5 DR = 19

Friday October 26th, 2007 5:30:51 PM

OOC: great maps DM, and thanks for making the touch attack roll. I was in a rush and forgot about that.

Selithe-AC:20-HP:39/39  d20+6=15 d8+1=5
Friday October 26th, 2007 8:36:22 PM

Selithe hopes to get a swing at one of the wolves when they come out from under the cloth that had been covering them.

(Can hit AC:15 Damage:5)

(OOC:Did we get to rest or anything since our last battle? Otherwise I have to relook up my spells from the last one.)

(OOC:DM, I'll have my CS into you this weekend.)

(OOC: It's been a few days since the last battle so yes you had a chance to redo spells. Please post them ASAP - DM Glenn)

Kendry (AC 15/HP 35)  d20+4=19
Saturday October 27th, 2007 1:02:42 AM

Kendry drops his sword on the canvas as he moves forward. "Slow 'em down, tanglefoot 'em friends!" Kendry encourages. "Nalf! be sure my sword to tend," he shouts to his elder brother, getting into his bardic rhythm. "Airin, careful with the fire, doll," he cautions his lady love. As he shouts out commands, he quickdraws forth a tanglefoot bag (he always keeps at least one at his waist these days) and, at the moment he reaches T6, tosses it at Wolf 2, to which Tewdwr has just drawn abreast, with a ranged touch attack hitting AC 19 (d20+8-2-2). Alchemical goop spreads along the ribs and legs of the bony foe, slowing it, certainly, and perhaps even glueing it to the flagstones of the marketplace. He hopes that Tewdwr is not caught up in it. "Merchants, shoppers, GET BEHIND THE STALLS!" - the last said with the force and intonation he learned from the times he or any of his siblings or cousins ever crossed his Grandma Eglantine Gardner Pastna Pipewood.

His own father, Samell Fingers Pastna Pipewood, told him long ago that he thought Kendry had inherited his penetrating voice, in part, from Grandma Eglantine. "Although yours can be soothing, too, lad. Bless Wardd for that."

He hopes Airin doesn't kick him later for calling her 'doll.'

Dwight (ac 16, hp 35)  d20+9=22 d4=4 d20+9=21 d4=3
Saturday October 27th, 2007 8:38:44 AM

"Great, more to worry about," Dwight grumbles as the wolves make for innocent townfolk.

Grabbing his bow, and knowing they won't be as effective as they should be, he loads and releases.

(OOC: Since my bow wasn't in hand, I might only get one attack this round. I have rapid fire and have rolled two attacks just in case.)

Attack: 21 (hit W3)
dmg: 4

Attack #2:20 (hit W3)

(I reduced each attack by one since they are not within my 30' mark)

OOC: Magic missile was cast, not from a wand last round. just FYI

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC: 20 | HP: 31]  d20+9=29 d20+9=24 d6=1
Saturday October 27th, 2007 2:40:03 PM

Realizing what turning the boney wolfs has caused, Podo moving his hands outwards, upwards, fingers splayed open as if starting to heal, speaking an incantation in a strong voice, and with Divine Focus, leashes out with an Entangle spell targeting area Z7..."Oh Divine Great One, Alemi, I call forth your power to be focused and emitted through your holy vessel! Please , I beg you, ensnare these vile undead things!!"

If the spell works as thought, Podo will reach for, and take from his Handy Haversack the blunted Masterwork spiked chain while jogging to the entagled spot to beat down with blunt force & destroy the boney wolves using the blunted spiked chain.

Spiked Chain Attack
Attack DC: 29 (NAT 20!) Threat: 24
Damage DC: 1

[Effects of the Spell[/u]
Range: Long: 520 feet.
Area: Plants in a 40-ft.-radius spread; centered on Z7.
Duration: 3 minutes or until I dismiss it.

Fickle (Ac15 - 38hp)  d20+8=20 d20+8=22 d8=6 d8=8
Sunday October 28th, 2007 9:11:01 AM

Fickle will dog walk out from under the Tarp, useing his aoo will attack bone wolf #3 (Ac 20 - damages 6 - Ac22 - Damages 8)

"You'z leave Me"z friends Alone! or get more if these'z!"

Airin and Fioni  d20+11=16 d6+3=8
Monday October 29th, 2007 11:01:42 AM


Airin turns to face the running wolves and begins the chase. She throws a flame at W2 since he's furthest and then she won't harm anyone with the fire.

Flame hits Touch AC16 - damage 8 HP

Spell list:
Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, Entangle
Level 2: Spider Climb, *Cat's Grace

* marks spells that are used

Birthday bash (DM Glenn)  d20+3=13 d20+3=20 d20+3=22 d20=2
Monday October 29th, 2007 11:21:20 AM

Tobias Tages the boney wolf as it runs by only doing minor damage. He quickly sends Tewdwr after the furthest skeleton as he moves forward hitting the third skeleton this time doing no damage. However Tewdwr's bite seems to do full damage as he crunches on bone.

Yelling at his friends, Julian draws his weapon as he charges past the third wolf. Momentarily catching up he turns and strikes it with one powerfully blow from EagerTooth shattering the boney wolf! (Because wolf-3 is fleeing in fear it doesn't take a AoO at Julian as he runs just past it before he attacked. Also, sorry Julian didn't get an AoO the first time the wolfs ran past him, because he weren't armed, but he will get on on wolf 1 as it runs away.)

Ready to attack, Selithe is snub by the boney wolfs running away instead of towards. (OOC: Yes, you had time change spells. No, I didn't receive an updated CS this weekend.)

Dropping his sword, Kendry chases after the fleeing boney wolfs drawing forth a tanglefoot bag and throwing it at the second wolf hitting it. (DC15 Reflex save 13 failed). The boney wolf is entangled and stuck fast to the spot unable to flee. Kendry also, yells to the crowed to take cover.

Grabbing his bow, Dwight fires an arrow hitting the first wolf, but it flies through the wolf's ribs doing no harm. (Only one attack when drawing a weapon. Also, I don't know where I get the idea that you where using a MM wand last turn??)

Seeing the wolves flee, Podo now try to stop them by casting an entangle spell on them. (OOC: Please post the save DC for spells! 10+1spellLevel+3Wis = DC14, Since this is a Halfling city there should be plants about.) The spell covers the remaining boney wolfs, Tewdwr, Julian, and Tobias. (Wolf#1 20, Wolf #2 22) Nether boney wolf seems to be entangled by the grass, flowers and weeds that grow in the Angel market square. Podo grabs his weapon as he moves forward after casting the spell.

Fickle strikes the wolf inflicting a little damage as it flees, then he chase it out from under the tarp and into the market place trying to keep up. At first, the tarp slows Fickle down, but then once out he can run faster. Catching up he sees that the boney wolf he is chasing is now just a pile of broken bones!

With fire in the palm of her hand she chooses a boney wolf, Airin flings the fire striking the entangled wolf. The flames burst upon the wolf, causing bones to burn and crack as the skeleton collapses into a pile of charred remains!

Boney Wolf 1 continues to struggle forward through the entangling area for plants trying to flee the holy cleric. Julian takes an opportunistic strike at the wolf as it flees striking it with his large sword shattering the boney wolf just as he did the other one!

Boney Wolf 2 is a charred pile of bones, and Boney Wolf 3 is a broken pile of bones.

Tewdwr, Julian, and Tobias are in the Entangle areas please make Reflex DC14 saves or be entangled.

Many of the customers and merchants have started to flee, yelling about unholy skeletons let lose in the city, "Ahhaaaa!!!! Run for your lives! HELP!! A pack of Unholy wolfs are after us! RUN AND HIDE!" Some stalls are being overturned as Halfling flee.

Wolf #1 dead
Wolf #2 dead
Wolf #3 dead

Tobias (AC 20, HP 41/44)  d20+11=16 d20+6=11
Monday October 29th, 2007 11:58:12 AM

Tobias tries to escape the entangling plants, and so does Tewdwr (but with less luck)...

"Can someone remove these plants now that the skeletons are dead?"

Monday October 29th, 2007 5:28:03 PM

Julian raises his sword in triumph, calling out, "No wrongs against you will stand to pass whilst I breathe, good friends. Sorry 'bout the scare then. All sorted now."

Looking at his feet he mutters under his breath, then says, "Err, what's this? Oh, I get it, hahahahaha, nice joke. Trap the heroes once the fight is done, hahahahhaa. Come on, let's go."

Selithe-AC:20-HP:39/39  d100=49 d4+1=2 d4+1=5
Monday October 29th, 2007 8:58:36 PM

(OOC:Updated CS coming out shortly after this post. 500 of the gps mentioned before we gained from Greaf (misspelled I think) was given to Fickle for WLA training and the other 500 went on copying spells in spell book.)

Selithe frowns seeing the wolves continue running away and thinks before whispering the words for a magic missile spell and moving her hand out to point towards one.

(Magic Missile:2/5)

0th:Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Light, Prestidigitation
1st: Magic Missile(2 *used:1*), Summon MonsterI(2), Grease
2nd:Bull's strength , Summon MonsterII, Invisibility

Dwight (ac 16, hp 35)  d20+3=17
Monday October 29th, 2007 10:05:39 PM

Feeling that was a bit easy, Dwight squats low enough to grab a piece of the tarp. He pulls it enough to fully expose the now open and 'empty' chest.

spot: 17

Not seeing anything, Dwight remains suspicious the necro didn't leave something more diplomatic or threatening. Surely the necro would have expect us to be able to hand the skeletons. And he now knows we got the package and have opened it, if his magic works similar to my own.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC: 20 | HP: 31]  d20+10=18 d20+8=18
Monday October 29th, 2007 11:05:10 PM

Podo understanding that all the boney Wolfs are destroyed, drops the Entangle Spell.

Looking around, listening, and heading back over to the now splayed open chest, Podo examines the remaining chest.

Afterwards, Podo asks his friends his anyone is needs of healing, "What about yourself? Everyone at full health? What about the innocents?"

Skill Checks
Listen DC: 18
Spot DC: 18

Tuesday October 30th, 2007 12:10:36 AM

"Hahaha, thanks, nice one, Podo."

Airin and Fioni 
Tuesday October 30th, 2007 2:50:53 AM

Once the first flame was thrown a second immediately appears in Airin's hands. She turns around to face Kendry...

"doll...??" she asks raising her hand and narrowing range with Kendry...

"Doll?!?" she asks again the flame now reflecting in her eyes...

"DOLL??" she asks a last time now standing but 10ft away from Kendry...

Kendry  d20+11=31
Tuesday October 30th, 2007 6:13:45 AM

"Well, as pretty as a doll you are - but, much, uh, more versatile?" He prepares to duck in case Airin throws a flame in his direction. "It rhymed with 'stall' - look - it was a spur of the moment thing, Airin. Sorry!"

He looks at the fleeing merchants. "Uh, sweets, can we talk about this in a few minutes? We have some people to calm down."

The bard looks back and forth at the panicked people and Airin. "Sorry. I mean, you are pretty cute, you know. Especially when you're mad. But I've gotta talk with these folks for a moment."

Risking his life and limbs, he goes out to where the people are panicked. "Friends, merchants, people - do not worry. There is nothing here to hurt you! Come, let's pick up these things, so you all can get back to business!"

He motions for some of his friends to start helping get the square back into order, and puts his own hand to it. [Diplomacy 31 - nat 20]

Birthday bash (DM Glenn) 
Tuesday October 30th, 2007 10:09:55 AM

Tobias slowly pulls himself free of the entangling plants. Tewdwr is stuck. After the battle, Julian calls out in triumph, but then feels the entangling plants pulling at him.

Still in the heat of battle, Selithe prepares to cast another magic missile, but she can't seem to spot the three boney wolfs. All she sees are three piles of bones and a mass of lively plants.

Feeling that that was too easy, Dwight uncovers the open chest and something else! (see below)

Seeing the danger is over, Podo drops the Entangle spell, and asks if anyone needs healing.

With one battle over, Airin turns to face Kendry. Her hand full of flames seems to burn a bit hotter as she questions Kendry's choice of pet names for her. Kendry seems torn between the need of protecting his hide and calming the panicked citizens. The bard tries to sweet talk his way out of trouble, but eventually risks getting burned to restore order to the market square.

The chest now lies open. The for sides lay flat as does the hinged top. A thin sheet of metal seems to cover the inside surfaces. Also, no one noticed it at the time, but a bone scroll case did fall out of the chest when it popped open.
The bone scroll case is lying on the ground next to the chest.

The frighten Halflings sees to calm down quickly with but a few words from Kendry. While their adrenalin level is still high from the near disaster. With the help of the adventures, the few stalls that were knocked over are righted and the business of commerce starts to take hold once again.

There are a few comments from the crowds, "Thank Alemi, that you all were here to kill the unholy creatures! .... Was that an act? It was very realistic looking! ..... What where you thinking? Releasing those things here! The Burgermister will hear from me! ..... Wow, I want to be an adventure when I grow up! ..."

The puppy "Ouch" picks up one of the wolf bones from a pile and starts chewing on it.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 41/44) 
Tuesday October 30th, 2007 11:36:51 AM

Tobias has a minor nick (3 hp) and will take some of Podo's offered healing. Tobias goes over to help Dwight and sees the bone scroll case... Telling him that it's probably better not to open it out here.

Airin and Fioni 
Tuesday October 30th, 2007 1:29:35 PM

Airin listens to Kendry's ratteling speach and chuckles without showing about his internal struggle to set things straight with her and his need to talk to others...

She imagines the sight if she would throw the fire at Kendry's pants. She turns around and when she's almost certain that Kendry's not watching she smiles at his sister and winks.

She knows he meant it well but she enjoyes teasing him. Airin keeps the flame in her hands while the spell lasts.

ADM StevenVdB - Posting Report 
Tuesday October 30th, 2007 1:30:21 PM

Haven't been able yet to post the posting record but I do hope to have a bit more time tomorrow... sorry to keep you waiting DM.

Tuesday October 30th, 2007 9:36:17 PM

Moving over the where Tobias has pointed out the scroll. "I agree Tobias, perhaps a basement would be better."

Dwight pulls out one of his arrows. He carefully uses the tip to hook the scroll case. He then wonders if others would like to find a basement or head out of town before reading it.

Dwight would really not like to disturb the town anymore than they already have this visit. Surely it will make it harder for the WLA to get settled if we keep making such a threatening disturbance to daily town life.

Tuesday October 30th, 2007 10:07:29 PM

Selithe almost grins when she sees the wink from Airin and smiles before taking a little jab at her brother too, "Boy brother, where are your manners." Selithe hids another grin before heading over to Dwight.

Glancing at the scroll case she whispers to him, "I can use a simple spell to see if it's magical in any way. However we probably better get away from the people before we have people here complaining."

0th:Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Light, Prestidigitation
1st: Magic Missile(2 *used:1*), Summon MonsterI(2), Grease
2nd:Bull's strength , Summon MonsterII, Invisibility

Wednesday October 31st, 2007 12:13:05 AM

Julian laughs quietly at the banter between the girls and Kendry as he quietly collects up the remaining bones for disposal.

Kendry  d20+7=11 d20+7=16 d20+7=11 d20+7=16
Wednesday October 31st, 2007 3:18:09 AM

After helping to settle down the marketplace, Kendry answers the one who mentioned the 'Burgermister', "Sir, we thought it was a gift, and not of the sort it turned out to be. In hindsight, yes, another locale for its opening might have been better. But we contained the bony critters, and none were hurt here in the marketplace. You have my personal apology, nevertheless. I am Kendry. What is your name, sir, and is there any way I might be of assistance?"

And then, back with with the girls of the group, Kendry says, "Hey- you're ganging up on me!" Then he attempts to tickle them both. [Touch attack 11 vs Selithe, 16 vs Airin. And then again (if given the opportunity) 11 vs Selithe, and 16 vs Airin. Tickle.]

After that bit of frivolity, he concurs with Tobias, Dwight and Selithe on their suggested change of venue.

"Let's make sure we've cleaned up." He works with others to collect things, thanks Julian for gathering the bones, gets his bastard sword back from Nalfein, and folds up the canvas, letting someone else pick up the barrel pieces and locks - "We might be able to use those again. Perhaps our acquaintance wants us to re-use this box and locks. Hey, that rhymes!"

Inside, he suggests the linen closet. "There's enough room for two people in there. Selithe can detect magic on it. I, or someone else, can read it. And we'll see where we go from there."

If they are willing to have him do so, and after Selithe detects for magic - if no magic, he opens the scroll and reads it - silently at first. Then, if he discerns no potential harm in doing so, he reads the contents aloud to the others, through a crack in the door of the linen closet.

Birthday bash (DM Glenn) 
Wednesday October 31st, 2007 10:34:37 AM

OOC: It's Wednesday, Jerry need the Posting Report ASAP!

Tobias sees Podo about a minor nick, and suggests they take the scroll inside. Podo heals the cut easily and realizes that's the worst of the damage done by the boney wolfs.

Airin enjoying teasing Kendry, winks conspirator at Selithe. Dwight uses an arrow to pick up the scroll case, not wanting to risk touching it, he suggest leaving town to read it.

Selithe hides her grin and add a jab of her own for Kendry. She suggest casting a detect magic on it, but away from the crowds. Julian goes about collecting the bones and stuff for disposal.

Kendry tries to soothe things over with the grouchy complainer in the crowd with an explanation and offer to help. The older female Halfling just makes a hurmp noise, "This sort of thing wouldn't have happened under the Steady Party! I'm Merrliy Bitterweed Thornwood! You should know better young man, and your manors towards females are atrocious! If your mother heard you call them DOLLs she would wash your mouth out with soap and your father should give you a whipping where you can's sit down for a week!" She hurmps again and stalks off! Fickle stands awed of the elder lady's furry being vented on Kendry.

After cleaning up the mess, the group reenters the toy and music shop to examine the bone scroll case. Selithe is unable to detect any magic on the case or the scroll which they find within the tube. Kendry reads the message once then again out loud for everyone to hear.

I had hoped your group would have been reasonable to deal with in my attempts to procure the return of the items you stolen from me.

Unfortunately, because your band of privateers preferred to ignored my first offer and attack the purveyors of my second offer, I have been forces to take other measures.

Bring the two books and my homunculus to the hayfield a mile south of Angel Springs at midnight tonight. A mediator you know will meet you there to make the exchange of my books and homunculus for Calfast nephew Tommy.

The boy is unharmed and will remain unharmed as long as your group behaves themselves!

Don't try to involve any others.


It is about 2pm in the afternoon.

[OOC: Please keep track of your spell use for the day since you may not have time to regain them, before the next encounter.]

Wednesday October 31st, 2007 11:45:21 AM

Tobias shakes his head and says, "Well, now this is a new wrinkle. Do we have any choice but to return them now? I wish we'd just destroyed that hom from the start..."

Wednesday October 31st, 2007 6:38:05 PM

Julian expresses his frustration at this new turn, which could best be summarised as, "oh dear."

Trying to be as reasonable as possible he says,
"We need to be careful here now, don't we. I think I will stay back aways, a long ways. I've got a scroll of Exprecou... Expeedelici.. of Run Really Fast. Perhaps we should have a signal for me to charge in. I've another scroll of True Strike, so I won't miss, if you give me a moment to cast it. I could charge in and take out the necro.

"I think we should seriously consider taking him out for the good of all these good people here. On the same continent is living too close to a necro."

Wednesday October 31st, 2007 6:50:15 PM

Tobias to Julian, "I don't think he's making the pick up himself... 'a mediator we know' will make the exchange."

Wednesday October 31st, 2007 11:02:23 PM

to Tobias, "Oh yeah, it did say that, didn't it."

Wednesday October 31st, 2007 11:32:17 PM

"And our niceties have brought us to this. Endangering not only our lives, but that of a small boy. Unharmed perhaps physically, but being kidnapped definitely will have its toll on the boy."

Dwight is disheartened that a defensively boy is at risk.

"We have little choice here, folks. It is unfair for us to jeopardize a boy."

"I suspect the someone we know was last seen in the tavern or perhaps the house we watched last time."

Thursday November 1st, 2007 2:39:55 AM

Kendry decides not to tell Merrliy Bitterweed Thornwood that his father calls his mother 'doll' once in a while, and she doesn't seem to mind too much. Of course they're married. This woman reminds him of the man who upbraided them just before they went on the beer run for Calfast. He shrugs his shoulders, and heads on in.

When Kendry understands that Calfast's nephew was kidnapped because of this issue, his face pales.

"Well, what do you know. Perhaps Max was sent by Flavius. I don't know. There's something fishy about this whole thing.

"But you are correct, Dwight. At this point, we must put Tommy's welfare above knowing for certain.

"Julian, it will be well to be prepared for some sort of bad faith on Flavius' part. But I don't want us to have the whole thing turn out poorly just because you grow impatient. If you are held in reserve, can I trust you to withhold action until and unless I give you a prearranged signal?

"A boy's life is at stake." He looks at Julian, gauging his response.

"Now, we ought to be prepared. We know Flavius can cast fireballs. We ought not to bunch up. And we should have some scrolls and spells prepared to counter Flavius' magic if necessary. Who can cast dispel magic?"

He sits down on a stool. "Perhaps we walk in there, turn in the two books, the hom, and wait for Tommy's return, then come back to town, and all is well.

"I'd be willing to settle for that outdome, for the time being. How about you all?"

Thursday November 1st, 2007 6:01:25 AM

... with a huff Julian replies to Kendry, "Didn't I just say exactly that?!" and walks away a little to sit in a heap with his back turned.

OOC third post, just responding to conversation

Thursday November 1st, 2007 6:44:28 AM

"WoW! Me'z like that Female! Yes Siree'z my kind of woman!" said Fickle as he watches her walk away, "What you'z think Ouch? You'z like woman?"

The wolf-pup bites Fickle finger, "Ouch! OKie DoKie! We'z play!" So fickle and ouch continue to Play rughly.

ADM StevenVdB : Posting Record Game 13 
Thursday November 1st, 2007 6:48:29 AM

Extremely late due to work overload Posting Report for Game 13 for the week of October 22 - October 28

Name - MTWTFSS - #
DM Glenn - XXXXX-- - 5
Dwight - XXXX-X- - 5
Fickle - XXXXX-X - 6
Podo - -X-2-X- - 4
Selithe - XXXXX-- - 5
Kendry - XX2X-X- - 6
Tobias XX-XX-- - 4
Airin - XXXXX-- - 5
Julian - X-2-2-- - 5

Weekly Summary: Birthday Bash
During the celebration of Fickle's birthday an odd chest is delivered. 3 locks keep our friends from examining it's content. With united strength they open all locks ultimately facing yet another trap of the Necromancer...

Airin and Fioni 
Thursday November 1st, 2007 7:07:23 AM

Airin continues to smile as Kendry is lectured by the elder woman. She first dispels the flame in her hand and then walks over to him and gives him a hug. "I'm just teasing you... I know you meant well and I also know your father calls your mother that way... was that a hint perhaps?"

Sadly enough there are other pressing matters that need to be resolved first.

"Kendry and Julian are right. We need to think of the poor kids safety first. We can always deal with the necromancer later, when have selected our ideal moment to strike back..."

Spell list:
Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, Entangle
Level 2: Spider Climb, *Cat's Grace

* marks spells that are used

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Thursday November 1st, 2007 8:48:10 AM

Podo feels that any and all discussions about what we do and how we should carry on, like all personal conversations should take place in doors and in private. "It's not our place to air our dirty laundry to the outside world! Really, who would understand it?" wonders Podo.

Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic

1st Level
Cure Light Wounds, Deathwatch, Bless Water, Shield of Faith, Entangle*

2nd Level
Cure Moderate Woundsx2, Calm Emotions,

*denotes used.

Thursday November 1st, 2007 9:23:03 AM

"Podo, we are indoors," Kendry points out.

[OOC: Read with care that above we did go indoors before reading the scroll, and holding our discussion. It may be confusing, however, as our posts are addressing in part conversations outdoors, along with our indoor talk.]

Birthday bash (DM Glenn) 
Thursday November 1st, 2007 10:28:10 AM

[ooc: Steve, thanks for getting the Posting Report done!]

Having read the ransom note, Tobias and Julian are frustrated by involvement of an innocent youth's life whose fate is now tied to the groups' actions.

Dwight ponders who the mediator is.

The color drains from Kendry face, as he realizes the boy would pay for any mistakes made this time. He is a bit hard on Julian, as he gives out tactical advice.

Fickle doesn't seem to be affected by the news of the kidnapped boy as he plays with "Ouch" the puppy.

Having teased Kendry, Airin lets him off the hook as the party deals with the need to save the poor kid.

Podo urges his friends to use caution in what they do or say in public.

Standing around in the Toy Shoppe, the band of adventures are in a dark mood even with the remains of the Fickles' birthday feast around them.

Any preparations, before heading to the meeting place. It is just past 2pm currently, the group will have to leave by 11pm to make the hay field by midnight! What do you all do between now and midnight?

Thursday November 1st, 2007 7:53:40 PM

Selithe taps her chin and thinks over everything before looking to her brother, "This thing is just getting out of hand. I hate to say it but for now lets just trade the dang things to him before he actually does hurt someone. I don't think any of us want the blood of a innocent on our hands to we? There will be plenty of time to deal with the necro I'm sure."

Thursday November 1st, 2007 8:55:35 PM

"Selithe, I think we all agree on this. However, a thought just came to my mind. The book of undead, surely has been read by him and serves him little additional purpose. However, his spellbook is definitely important to him and will be used countless times in the future."

Dwight takes a moment as he puts his thoughts together.

"I am limited in the type of wizardic magic the necro casts, but wonder if we could return the book with some slight 'modifications'. Change a word or symbol here or there, or add an extra one within the spell itself."

"Ideally, this would accomplish the immediate goal of swapping books for the boy. However, it would still give us the upper hand. I cannot imagine the mutual acquaintance would be able to notice such changes. But would could keep a list of changes made, just in case we needed to bargain again later."

Dwight looks around to read others thoughts on his idea.

OOC: What was the 3rd book about? Or was it 2 books and the homuculus?

Thursday November 1st, 2007 10:09:26 PM

"Dwight, I agree with Selithe, I think we should just hand the book over. I guess we were just being greedy taking the books, and it serves us right, I s'pose."

Julian has a terrible taste in his mouth now any time that he thinks about this.

"I might go to the Catacombs to kill some time, and then Domi's temple. See you later tonight."

Julian walks off.

Friday November 2nd, 2007 3:01:42 AM

"Dwight - shrewd thought. Do so, if you wish.

"I'll join you in the Catacombs, Julian. Though all may go well, and Flavius honor the trade with no tricks, I'm not sure we can fully count on it.

"So, for the sake of the boy, let us prepare the trade. But let us prepare what defenses and counters we might should an ambush be sprung."

After another moment of consideration, Kendry asks, "What do you think of me talking with Calfast about the situation?"

[Please, Mr. DM, give us at least tomorrow, too, to talk things over before moving us forward to the evening.]

Friday November 2nd, 2007 8:14:22 AM

Fickle playing with the wolf-puppy, keep telling the pup "Don'tz bit too hard,if you'z play! Only bit hard if you want to Eats." He tell the Wolf-Pup.

Then it sinks in his head that the group is talking about a missing Boy?? "What'z this? A Missing Boy? Around These Area? Me want to find boy! You'z guys Comming?

Birthday bash (DM Glenn) 
Friday November 2nd, 2007 10:14:33 AM

[OOC: Basically it up to you players how many posting cycles it take before we are ready to move to the hay field. Also, for those planning to stock up at the catacombs before then. If you can't complete the transactions in the catacombs before the hayfield, then sending me a list of your pending transactions will be acceptable, but you will be required to complete your pending transaction!]

Selithe suggest playing it safe, then go after the necromancer later.

Dwight suggest making some alternations to the books before returning them. Notes about the books, the group did still more than two books, but the necromancer only seems interested in the spell book and undead manual.

Julian agrees with Selithe, and heads to the catacombs and Domi's temple.

Being a good boyscout, Kendry suggest everyone be prepared. He the others if Calfast should be informed. Then joins Julian for some shopping.

Realizing what is up, Fickle and his new wolf pup is ready to go look for the missing boy, but alase someone informal him that the necromancer has the boy and wants to trade him for the two books and the homunculus.

Nalfein and Leska start to clear the birth party food, cake and stuff. Leaska finds a discarded warhammer, "Did one of you drop this weapon?"

Deep in their own thoughtsPodo, Tobias, and Airin quietly help clear the table.

Friday November 2nd, 2007 11:06:34 AM

Tobias paces the day away waiting for the time to head to the hayfield... continuing to train Tewdwr, if he can stay concentrated on it.

Friday November 2nd, 2007 4:22:49 PM

"I really don't think we should mess with the book. He's willing to kidnap people already, who knows what he'll do if we try to mess with him further. Let's just hand it over. I want this exchange to be over.

"I'm going into the temple now. I'll be back later."

Friday November 2nd, 2007 10:37:40 PM

Dwight nods as Kendry agrees to his plan.

Understanding Julian's state of mind, Dwight pushes the matter as he leaves. "Julian, wait, the necro must be at a disadvantage because there have been several opportunities to get his books back from us forcefully and easily if he was at full strength. By returning the books and the homuculus he returns to full power with no garauntee of whether or not he will live the village alone."

"Won't returning the altered book and homuculus result in the release of the boy while keeping the necro at bay? Making it even more possible for us to deal with the necro eventually?"

Dwight pleads with Julian, "Consider the possible spells the necro could cast to stop you and destroy the village if we return him to power."

OOC: Taking some liberty here, as Kendry read the spells.

The spells Kendry finds in the spellbook. 64 pages total.

0) Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Light, Mending, Read Magic, Presidigitation, Touch of Fatigue
1) Chill Touch, Exp Retreat, Magic Missile, Obs Mist, Protection from good, Shield
2) False Life, Ghoul Touch, Mirror Image, Rope Trick, Spectral Hand
3) Dispel Magic, Keen Edge, Vampiric Touch
4) Animate Dead, Arcane Eye, Fear, Stoneskin
5) Baleful Polymorph, Passwall, Waves of Fatigue

"However, this is a group matter and I will not alter the book unless a majority thinks it is best."

Podo? Tobias? Selithe? Airin? Julian change you mind?

Friday November 2nd, 2007 11:47:03 PM

"Well, okay Dwight. I see your point. But when will we deal with the necro? Shouldn't we charge in as soon as possible, before he can make second plans against us...?"

Saturday November 3rd, 2007 8:50:00 AM

In response to Julian, "yes, the necro matter is far overdue. However, we have to be sure the boy is safe before any battle begins. Besides, the necro said he wasn't going to make the exchange himself."

"He should definitely be on the top of our to handle list.

Saturday November 3rd, 2007 6:11:29 PM

As Podo chimes in, he's sure most won't like what he has to say.

"Friends, new and old alike, what makes you think an evil mage regardless of what actions you do take, will stay true to his words? We here in the Valley have too much to loose if this event goes badly. The good and bad of it is this:
1) The boy gets harmed or killed -- Very Bad
2) One of us gets killed -- also Very Bad
3) After the event and the killing, our reputation goes south, and we are banned from the Valley cities. -- Worse yet
4) Kill the homunculus is a way to kill the mage, but he is sure to kill the boy then.
5) The mage knows the homunculus is still not dead, because I believe that constructs such as these are like familars, they keep in contact with their masters. Probably should keep it under wraps and in the haversack.

1) All goes well.

Simply too much to risk here to go off half-brained. Since I am a healer, I can not condone killing against any live race, although destroying the homunculus; being a construct; I could possible accept that."

Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic

1st Level
Cure Light Wounds, Deathwatch, Bless Water, Shield of Faith, Entangle*

2nd Level
Cure Moderate Woundsx2, Calm Emotions,

*denotes used.

Sunday November 4th, 2007 7:20:58 PM

Should be posting tonight. Have been away since Friday...

"All right. If we alter the book, we may have to deal, again, with Flavius Aetius, as our list of offenses against him grows.

"On the other hand, if we return it intact, as Dwight points out, he might the more readily use the contents against us, or others, at will. And from what I understand, baleful polymorph is not an attractive spell to receive.

"Now, keep in mind, before we took from him his... pet, and books, he had done nothing to offend us -- other than necromancy itself, in large part, being an offense against life, and an often evil practice.

"Now, he had more than offended a tribe of hobgoblins, they who allied with us as we went against Flavius. As an aside - I hold their leader's sense of tactics in reasonable regard. And I still owe him Olo's wand of cure light wounds.

"We, on the other hand -- albeit for good purposes, and with the motivation of using his pet to help heal others -- stole in to Flavius' lair, took pet and books, and made away. We did not harm his person, other than momentarily making him hard of hearing, as far as I recall - oh, and I rendered his feet tender after he tried killing me, with great enthusiasm, I might add. I speak of his enthusiasm, not my own.

"Then there's the matter of Max. I think we communicated poorly with him. What with sharpening blades, posturing, and getting twitchy, that whole negotiation - which had a good deal of potential, I think - went sour. Max and friends may be in the wings tonight - and likely not well-disposed toward us."

[More soon]

Fickle & (Oche) 
Monday November 5th, 2007 8:50:20 AM

Fickle Looks up to his cousin Kendry " Err! CouZ! Me'z and Ouch here will help save Boy'z?" he ask.

Airin and Fioni 
Monday November 5th, 2007 9:30:11 AM

"Look we started this mess when we took the Hom. We need to live with that. Due to us Calfast nephew has been taken... I think the one and only option we have is to return the Necro's belongings. Maybe we ought to have asked him for his aid using his Homunculus instead of stealing it and yes our negociations went entirely the wrong way so we're the ones to blame not the Necromancer. For the peace of our village we need to give in to his demands I think. If we're lucky he'll leave us alone afterwards... if he doesn't we'll deal with him and then we'll need to deal with him at full strength... I guess we had it coming..."

"Can we send him a note asking for him to meet in private with one of us?"

Waiting is the worst (DM Glenn) 
Monday November 5th, 2007 10:59:25 AM

Tobias impatiently waits for the evening appointment. The good news is that Tewdwr has learned the trick that he and Tobias has been working on all week long.

Julian thinks it best to leave the books alone. Dwight argues that giving the books back intact will only strengthen the necromancer. Julian agrees, but thinks the group will have to attack the necromancer, before he can retaliate. Dwight agrees, but only after the boy is safe.

Podo makes his argument by listing the pro and cons.

Kendry reviews the history between the group and the necromancer. Even so the Necromancer is undoubtedly evil, it was the groups actions that offended Flavius.

Fickle tells Kendry that he and Ouch are ready to save the boy! The puppy piddles on the floor.

Airin suggest for the peace of the village, they should return the necromancers stuff, and hope that is the end of the matter.

Time passes, as the group discusses whether to alter the books, what the repercussions might be. Some make last minute shopping trips, while others wait impatiently for time to pass.

Finally after several hours the sun starts to set. It's about 7pm, you estimate it will take about an hour to walk to the hayfield. Who is going and when? What animals are you bringing? Any special precautions you plan to take when approaching the hayfield?

Tobias (AC 20, HP 44/44) 
Monday November 5th, 2007 11:26:09 AM

Tobias and Tewdwr will go to the hayfield. And, he suggests they start going about 2 hours before the meeting time (just in case). And, perhaps a Message when we get near would be handy too.

Tobias doesn't think we should mess with the books or the hom at this point.

Dwight  d20=16
Monday November 5th, 2007 4:50:34 PM

Having convinced Julian, and with Kendry agreement, Dwight sets to altering the book. He understands Tobias' reluctance, but the majority agrees (3 to 1), but Dwight makes sure Tobias knows he view was considered and that the book was altered.

Dwight will ask Selithe and Kendry to help alter the book as minimally as possible. Changing one word or symbol should disrupt the proper casting of the spell according to the way Dwight understands magic. Since each spell can be paragraphs to pages, one added stroke per spell should not be noticed immediately. (OOC: I am think of changes such as 3 to 8, or "the" to "them", or even "all" to "ahh" or "att" and if they are runes, one stroke is even easier to add.)

Dwight will also keep track of all the changes he makes on a separate piece of paper, in case there is a need to be able to change them back.

OOC: I have not idea what to roll for this, or even if one is necessary. I rolled a natural 16, please add whatever is appropriate, and the bonuses if Selithe, Kendry or others aid Dwight.

Once the book is altered, Dwight finds a place to meditate, seeking the calm before the stressful situation that is soon to come. He prays in his own way that the boy is safe.

When time nears, Dwight agrees with Tobias to leave about 2 hours in advance.

Monday November 5th, 2007 10:33:42 PM

Selithe listens the talks about the wizard book and shrugs, "I don't mind as long as no harm comes to the boy over anything we do. U understand that we really don't want to return him to full power but I also don't want to think something we do causes the harm of the kid or the people here."

Selithe will let the group decide on the wizard book otherwise and for now just readies to go to this meeting, wondering if it will turn out anywhere near as simple as the group is kind of hoping it will be.

Airin and Fioni 
Tuesday November 6th, 2007 3:54:28 AM

Airin leaves the rest of the decision to the others. She said what she thought of it and will follow the group's judgment.

While the final conclusion is made Airin prepares in case she is asked to go along...

"Too bad we can't wait till morning... I could have used a few extra spells" she mumbles while she prepares.

Spell list:
Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, Entangle
Level 2: Spider Climb, *Cat's Grace

* marks spells that are used

Podo D. Pipewood 
Tuesday November 6th, 2007 4:06:22 AM

Podo volunteers to go, just in case.

In preparation to leave, Podo will store his gear back into his haversack, wearing only his standard Healer robes and the haversack.

Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic

1st Level
Cure Light Wounds, Deathwatch, Bless Water, Shield of Faith, Entangle*

2nd Level
Cure Moderate Woundsx2, Calm Emotions,

*denotes used.

Kim  d20=19
Tuesday November 6th, 2007 9:50:52 AM

[Sorry, friends - swamped. Gotta run -Kim] [Aid another for Dwight - 19 - not sure of adjustments]

Midnight at the hayfield

hayfield (DM Glenn) 
Tuesday November 6th, 2007 10:18:11 AM

Dwight undertakes the task to try and render the spells in the necromancer's spell book to fail when cast, but in a subtle. He has plenty of time to make the changes, but in order to do so he will need to first cast a read magic on the book. Also, he can only make subtle changes to the spells which he can understand (spells which appear on his class's spell lists). Other spells Dwight can deface, but not make subtle changes to. He could deface the spells without casting the read magic, but it would be easily noticeable. When studying the spell book, the subtle changes are noticeable with a DC25 spellcraft check. (DC is based on Dwights spellcraft skill + take 20 roll = 25).

Tobias suggest using a message spell.

Understanding the need to keep the necromancer weak, Selithe is primarily concerned about the boy's safety.

Airin wishes she could regain her spells first, but is ready to go.

Wearing only his healer's robes and a haversack, Podo is prepared to leave.

Kendry aids Dwight in altering the spell book. (Bumping the DC to 27)

Getting back from the temple, Julain joins in the group's field trip.

Fickle follows along while keeping an eye on Ouch.

Since the note was not addressed to anyone party member, it is reasonably to assume it was meant for any and all party members. The ransom note did ask not to involve others.

About two hours before midnight the, Tobias & Tewdwr, Dwight, Selithe, Airin & Fioni, Podo, Julian & Sallie, Kendry, and Fickle & Ouch set out for the hayfield south of town.

Fickle's wolf puppy seems easily distracted running this way then that and sniffing every rock, tree and shrub along the way. About halfway there the puppy tires out and has to be carried the rest of the way.

The weather is partly cloudy, a little cool with a light breeze. The moons play hide and seek behind the clouds, after about an hour's walk the group comes to a large field with numerous haystacks dotting the field. There is no order to the haystack placement, but any two neighboring stacks are about 60 feet apart.

The road borders the west side of the 600 x 600 feet field, a tree lined creek makes up the north and east field borders and a large wooded area makes up the south border. Being an out lying field, the hayfield is very secluded with no farm house in sight. The road and forest side of the field is higher than the creek sides.

It's about an hour till midnight.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 44/44) 
Tuesday November 6th, 2007 11:57:12 AM

Tobias shakes his head, "Altering the books will just buy us more trouble later... if it doesn't cost the boy his life tonight."

Tobias will volunteer to walk out with whomever is going to do the exchange. But there does appear to be plenty of spots to hide out for others in the group.

Julian  d20+5=8 d20+3=7
Tuesday November 6th, 2007 4:23:56 PM

OOC sorry to miss a post

Julian waits back at the edge of the hayfield, standing in the open. He casts Mage Armour at around 11pm, and waits quietly, too lost in his own thoughts to notice anything unusual.

Spot 7
Listen 8

Tuesday November 6th, 2007 11:00:21 PM

OOC: really I can only read/alter the spells I have in my list? Wow, would have thought it would have been much easier. O-well.

Being able to alter the least of the spells, without arising suspicion, Dwight reconsiders its worth.

Dwight will again ask, "Should we alter the book, if its going to be somewhat obvious we wrote in it?"

Unless others believe it is still worth it, Dwight leaves the book alone. :(

OOC: I'm not sure I can alter any since my spells are not written in a book? At best I could get rid of Magic missile subtlely. Could Kendry or Selithe make a decent alteration to make it worth it?


Dwight will stay near the back. He wants a view of the hand-off, but wants to be away from hand-to-hand combat if it erupts. He also wants to be checking to make sure they are not being surrounded by undead.

He secures a potion of hide from undead on his belt for easy reach.

Wednesday November 7th, 2007 3:14:53 AM

Kendry takes the lead on the spell book - he already has done the read magic on it. With Dwight's help, that will make the DC 27+2=29.

Airin and Fioni  d20+17=36 d20+19=33 d20+8=19 d20+12=23
Wednesday November 7th, 2007 7:04:00 AM

"looks like the perfect place for an amush... stop fiddeling with the spellbook, we need to think how to deal with this meeting.

As I am never any good in conversations I think it would be best for me to flank you guys and provide some cover when things go wrong. "

If agreed Airin will move to the rendevous point flanking the group 20ft to their right and 10ft ahead of them. Her Woodland stride helps her moving through the field. Since they have an hour left for the meeting Airin slowly advances to minimize any noise...

move silently: 36
hide: 33
spot: 19
listen: 23

For the moment Fioni remains with Airin. When midnight approaches she will ask the bird to fly above the field checking for any unpleasant surprises...

Spell list:
Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, Entangle
Level 2: Spider Climb, *Cat's Grace

* marks spells that are used

hayfield (DM Glenn) 
Wednesday November 7th, 2007 10:31:29 AM

[OOC: Dwight not just the spell you know, but any spell on the spell list for sorcerers and witches. (Same limitation to what spells you could cast from a scroll.) Which would be any of the spells in the necromancer's spell book. Kendry can only subtly alter the spells which are on the bard's class spell list.]

Kendry works with Dwight in doctoring the spell book. They finish in plenty of time to leave for the hayfield.

At the hayfield, Tobias, Julian, Dwight, Kendry, Fickle, Podo and Selithe stand out in the open just off the road waiting as a light mist forms in thin layers above the ground. Airin wait's hidden about 25 feet away. Dwight stays near the back guarding against undead.

Listen check DC30 Highlight to display spoiler: {You hear a single person moving stealthily though the field to the north about 150 feet. They are heading south. }

Listen check DC25 Highlight to display spoiler: {You hear some grass rustle to the north}

The light mist and clouds peek-a-boo moon light make it difficult to see more than 60 feet of shadowy illumination currently.

It's been about 30 minutes, the light mist and clouds peek-a-boo moon light make it difficult to see more than 60 feet of shadowy illumination currently.

Posting Record Game 13 (DM Glenn) 
Wednesday November 7th, 2007 2:42:39 PM

Posting Report for Game 13 for the week of October 29 -- November 4

Name - MTWTFSS - #
DM Glenn -- XXXXX 5
Dwight - XXXXXS 6
Fickle - OOOXX 2
Podo - XOOXXS 4
Selithe - XXOXO 3
Kendry - OXXXXS 5
Tobias - XX2OX 5
Airin - X2OXO 4
Julian - XX322 9

Weekly Summary: Birthday Bash
The group of resourceful adventures dispatched the three wolf skeletons with ease, before they could cause any harm on the good citizens of Angel Springs. Now having found the ransom note for a local boy they are being forced to deal with the necromancer's demands that they return the books and homunculus.

Dwight  d20+9=23
Wednesday November 7th, 2007 9:14:10 PM

OOC: Thanks for the clarification of altering the spellbook. I had misread it and thought I could only change spells I knew, versus those I could cast.

Dwight stands at watch be he fails to see or hear anything. He looks up at the moon, guessing the time when the clouds allow. He knows they set out early, but wishes it would begin. Waiting isn't the groups strong point.

spells cast so far:

1 1st lvl sorcerer
1 0th lvl witch

Julian (mage armour)  d20+5=20 d20+7=24
Wednesday November 7th, 2007 9:25:32 PM

Remembering the fireball, Julian suggests that they spread out a little. He waits quietly with his badger at his side, loaded sling curled up in hand so as not to be obvious.

Spot 20
Listen 24

Airin and Fioni  d20+12=16 d20+8=15 d20+19=27 d20+17=31
Thursday November 8th, 2007 12:49:54 AM

(thanks for the report Glenn. I was going to try and make it this evening...)

Airin continues to scout the field and remains in the same spot as quiet as can be...

Listen : 16
Spot : 15
Hide : 27
Move siletly: 31

Fickle  d20+6=26 d20+6=26
Thursday November 8th, 2007 6:33:18 AM

Listen - 26 rolled another natural 20 (So I'll use that one for spot)
Spot - 26

Fickle look around and sees that every body is leavin, "Hey'z! You'z! Where are You'z going?? Wait for Me'z!" Then Fickle run after them!

Podo  d20+5=20 d20+3=9
Thursday November 8th, 2007 9:06:10 AM

Podo adds some distance between hikmself and the others, just incase of spells.

Listening and trying to spot anything in this spotty moonlight field, Podo is not sure he even would know what he was looking at!

Skill Checks
Listening DC:20
Spot DC: 9

hayfield (DM Glenn)  d20=5
Thursday November 8th, 2007 9:56:42 AM

Dwight continues to stand watch. He becomes aware of the some grass rustling to the north could be the wind.

Julian suggest spreading out a little, as he move off about 20 feet. He too becomes aware of rustling grass to the north.

Airin remains in the same spot hiding.

Fickle Tells you to wait for him. He can hear the grass rustling getting louder until it clearly sounds like someone moving stealthily through the hayfield. They are about 100 ft to the north and still heading closer.

Also spreading out, Podo moves about 20 feet away. He too thinks he heard some grass rustling to the north.

Selithe, Kendry and Tobias continues to stand around waiting.

Listen check DC25 Highlight to display spoiler: Highlight to display spoiler: {You hear a single person moving stealthily though the field to the north about 100 feet. They are heading south. }

Listen check DC20 Highlight to display spoiler: Highlight to display spoiler: {You hear some grass rustle to the north}

The light mist and clouds peek-a-boo moon light still make it difficult to see more than 60 feet of shadowy illumination currently.

[OOC: Justin Webber is having internet connection problems. Would someone like to Sub for his character Selithe?]

Kim/Kendry OOC 
Thursday November 8th, 2007 10:37:32 AM

Sorry, friends, I've been slammed last several days. Might not be able to post today.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 44/44) 
Thursday November 8th, 2007 11:27:17 AM

Tobias and Tewdwr stand with the others preparing for the exchange. He suggests that perhaps a few more people should hide in or behind haystacks... And, he, kendry and perhaps one more should make the exchange.

Dwight  d20+9=22 d20+9=19 d20+13=27 d20+9=29
Thursday November 8th, 2007 1:41:53 PM

Dwight hears the grass rustling, but can't quite place how far away it is. (spot 22)

He nods in agreement to Tobias suggestion, and adds that Julian would be a good choice as the necro has already seen him, and if absolutely necessary, is already where he needs to be.

If the haystacks are solid enough to hold a halflings weight, Dwight will attempt to climb up one. (climb: 19, move silently:27, hide: 29 -natural 20) He will then prepare his bow.

Julian (mage armour)  d20+5=11
Thursday November 8th, 2007 8:03:30 PM

Listen 11

Julian waits quietly, his badger at his feet. He doesn't want to be a direct part of the exchange.

He rolls the loaded sling around in his fingers as he waits.

Kendry (Mage armor, message... levitate)  d20+6=23 d20+6=26
Friday November 9th, 2007 5:02:18 AM

Kendry, having already used read magic a few days ago on the scrolls he picked up early in the week from the catacombs, casts mage armor from a scroll upon himself about 45 minutes before the appointed meeting time. [Use magic device 23.]

A few moments later, he casts message to include: Airin, Selithe, Podo, Dwight, Tobias, and himself. He asks Julian if he could cast message to include Kendry, Fickle, & whoever else he wants to include (not sure how many people Jules can include).

Listen: 26

As the time draws near and Kendry hears the rustling to the north, he whispers via message to his friends that he is going to check it out.

He walks in a left-bent arc generally toward the sound (that is, heading initially more to the left, then coming back somewhat to the right in a gentle curve), but aiming to cross the path of the mover on the russley trail behind, by perhaps 40 feet. He makes no attempt to move silently, but rather whistles a happy little tune. Then he transitions into a song.
"Oh Flavius and friends, it's time to talk, and make the change you proposed.
We have some books and more than that, so let yourselves be exposed.

"I will offer one book - you can take a look - and you prove the lad is well;
then we'll take what steps will serve all best - no blood we need to spill.

"Why should you trust?
Why should we trust?
We've taken what is yours
Yet life you take
And unlife make
A foul thing most abhor.

"Yet good from evil sometimes comes
And such is the case now
We thank you - though 'twere 'gainst your will -
(in progress)

Airin and Fioni  d20+12=30 d20+8=23
Friday November 9th, 2007 6:19:31 AM

Waitin quietly near the meeting place Airin tries to listen closely or detect any unpleasantries...

Listen: 30

Airin suddenly hears rusteling to the north... she listens more closely and discerns that it is just one person moving south.

Airin checks if she can spot any of her friends (spot: 23) but since most aren't even trying to hide themselves she easily spots them. She can't seem to find Dwight though...

Carefully she signals :
1 finger in the air...
Pointing North...
making an approaching signal with her hand...

Then she waits some more, hiding and trying to find this single person...

Since the meeting now draws near Airin feels a tingle running down her spine... is she nervous?

Spell list:
Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, Entangle
Level 2: Spider Climb, *Cat's Grace

* marks spells that are used

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC: 23 | HP: 31]  d20+10=23 d20+8=22
Friday November 9th, 2007 9:28:03 AM

Taking into consideration, that whatever might happen, surprise being the best solution, Podo casts Barkskin on himself, by lifting up his arms, Palms outward and upward, and asking for Alemi's strength & wisdom.

Skill Checks
Listening DC: 23
Spot DC: 22

Spell(s) Info
Duration: 10 min./level = 30 minutes

Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic

1st Level
Cure Light Wounds, Deathwatch, Bless Water, Shield of Faith, Entangle*

2nd Level
Cure Moderate Woundsx2, Calm Emotions,

*denotes used.

Fickle  d20+6=21 d20+6=25
Friday November 9th, 2007 10:00:35 AM

Listen - 21

Listen - 25

Fickle arrives at the edge of this Tall grass, but to him it'd a hay-field. He hears a person coming from the North and headding his way and it's only one person.

So Fickle will stand there (with open arms) To welcom him (or her), but he knows it's only one person. "Welcome's" as that person is almost out of the Tall Grass.

hayfield (DM Glenn) 
Friday November 9th, 2007 10:26:51 AM

Tobias suggest he, Kendry and another should make the exchange, the rest should hide?

Dwight agrees, quickly he climbs to the top of a nearby haystack and readies his bow. The haystacks are about 10 feet in diameter with a pole sticking up through the center. The hay is packed tight and made to repel rain. Like a straw hut.

Julian waits quietly with his badger, his sling ready.

Having cast a scroll and a message spell earlier, Kendry hearing the movement whispers to the others and moves forward to check it out.

Airin hears the intruder moving forward, she signals to the others as she waits.

Podo cast a protective spell.

Selithe wait to see what happens.

Kendry moves forward through the grass in a round about way towards the noisy fellow whistling as he goes. Hearing the whistling, the lone person stops, a youthful voice calls out cheerfully "Aha shucks you, you spotted me. I brought you a gift!". Kendry continues to move forward as he switches to his song about Flavius ...., No blood needing to spill...., and 'gainst your will. Stepping out of a particular thick band of mist just a the moon clears a cloud, the bard is able to see his quarry clearly.

Standing about 40 feet away is a wide eyed young hobbit who seems somewhat familiar. Both Kendry and the boy are about 60 feet from most of the other party members and due to the uncovered moon you can see them both.
Spot check DC16 Highlight to display spoiler: { He is the messenger boy "Randy" who delivered Max's letter for a meeting. }

The boy carrying two packages freezes, clearly panicked he looks as if he's ready to flee, with a quivering voice "Yourr'rr no..not Lilly!"

Waiting with open arms, Fickle calls out "Welcome's"

Julian, Mage Armour, Message [AC 23, hp 45] 
Friday November 9th, 2007 11:39:07 PM

"Good idea, Kendry, I can include you and Fickle. Fickle, we can whisper to each other across distance with this spell."

Julian casts Message, pointing at Kendry and Fickle.
Duration 20 mins.

Other than casting this spell, Julian waits quietly.

Friday November 9th, 2007 11:40:29 PM

OOC that's two 0-level spells cast today.

Kendry  d20+3=22
Saturday November 10th, 2007 1:16:57 AM

"Oh, hullo, lad," Kendry says cheerfully. "We saw you a few days ago. Didn't you give us the letter from Max? I'm Kendry. Don't be afraid. Say - Randy? Did someone give you something for us? And who is Lilly? I know a few Lillys."

Tobias (AC 20, HP 44/44) [Message] 
Saturday November 10th, 2007 1:16:26 PM

Tobias keeps watch and guard over Kendry as he talks to the surprised boy.

Dwight (ac 16, hp35)  d20+3=21 d20+9=25
Saturday November 10th, 2007 3:18:04 PM

Dwight remains in position atop the huge hay stack. He has a much better view perhaps than others, but he is still limited by the shadow and clouds. (spot: 21)

Once he hears it is only Randy, Dwight fears this is more of a set up than he originally thought. He thinks in his mind about each member that has part of what the necro wants and does a quick scan making a mental note where each of them stand. He then tries to listen for anyone else for Randy can't be the handler (listen: 25).

OOC: Not sure if I need new hide+13/ms+9 rolls since I didn't move and we aren't really in rounds yet. If needed, DM feel free to roll.

Sunday November 11th, 2007 8:50:30 AM

Fickle look over the boys head, just to see if he's alone, "Hello'z Boy! What's your Name?" Fickle waits for an answer.

Sunday November 11th, 2007 6:11:20 PM

OOC: make that two 0-level spells and one 1-level spell that I have cast.

Selithe (by Kim) 
Monday November 12th, 2007 2:16:01 AM

In the moonlit night a wry smile plays across Selithe's face smile as her brother Kendry goes whistling through the field.

She takes the time to walk around one of the haystacks, looking and listening to see if there are other presences to discern in the area.

Posting Record Game 13 (ADM StevenVdB) 
Monday November 12th, 2007 3:22:08 AM

Posting Report for Game 13 for the week of November 5 - November 11

Name - MTWTFSS - #
DM Glenn - XXXXX-- - 5
Dwight - XXXX-X- - 5
Fickle - X--XX-X - 4
Podo - -X-XX-- - 3
Selithe - X------ - 1
Kendry - --X-XX- - 3
Tobias XX-X-X- - 4
Airin - XXXXX-- - 5
Julian - -XXXX-- - 4

Weekly Summary: The Hayfield
After some debate the group decides to go to the meeting to return the books and to recover Calfast's nepfew. After tampering with the spellbook it is of course questionable how the Necromancer will react...
Lurking in the Hayfield the group hears a rusteling noise... it's Randy...

Airin and Fioni  d20+12=13 d20+8=20
Monday November 12th, 2007 7:20:45 AM

Airin remains in place trying to detect others moving through the grass. Of course all other noises are now hardly detectable thanks to Kendry's singing...

listen: 13 - Nat 1
spot: 20

Monday November 12th, 2007 9:02:34 AM

Fickle look at the shy boy (who is shuffling his feet) "Now! Now! Boy! don't be shy! Nobodie's going to harm you. Now come over here, sit down and tell us why you are alone?"

hayfield (DM Glenn)  d20=17
Monday November 12th, 2007 10:16:44 AM

(OOC: Thanks StevenVdB making the Positing Report!)

Julian cast a second message spell to complete the group.

Recognizing the nervous lad, Kendry speaks to him calling him by name, asking if he had something from them and who's Lilly.

Tobias Keeps guard as Kendry talks.

On top of the small mountain of hay, Dwight fearing a trap looks and listens for others.

Looking around, Fickle ask the boy for his name. Then tries to calm the boy down as he ask why is he alone out here.

Selithe keeps a watch for other guest.

Also, keeping watch, Airin is having trouble hearing anything over Kendry's singing.

When Kendry calls the boy by name and recalls the fact they were the ones the boy delivered the message too, The boy calms down as he looks around at the party members, "Yea, you're the ones I delivered that message to and then you had that battle in the tavern! I didn't recognize you at first the way you sprang up out of the mist. I nearly died of fright! Thought you may be bandits and was going to rob me!" Pausing for a moment to look around suspiciously at the group some with weapons drawn looking like they are ready to fight, "Your not planning to rob me is you?"

Dwight and anyone else with a DC25 listen check Highlight to display spoiler: {You can here someone calling out to the south in the field at least 200 feet away. You can't make out what is being said, but it sounds like a female voice and she sounds a little frightened.}

Kendry's Message Spell: Airin, Selithe, Podo, Dwight, Tobias, and Kendry
Julian's Message spell: Fickle, Kendry, and Julian.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC: 23 | HP: 31]  d20+8=28 d20+10=23
Monday November 12th, 2007 10:25:10 AM

Being able to listen in on the messages between his friends; Airin, Selithe, Podo, Dwight, Tobias, and Kendry; Podo stands his ground to await further details.

While waiting, Podo attempts to listen and look for anything in his surrounding area.

Skill Check(s)
Spot DC: 28 (NAT 20)
Listen DC: 23

Monday November 12th, 2007 10:56:20 AM

Hearing the female voice, and its slight pitch of fear, Dwight whispers to those in the open. "It sounds as if a female is close, she seems a little worried. I suspect it might be Lily, as it does not sound like Barb.The voice is coming from the south"

Aside from alerting others, Dwight remains where he is, hidden and ready. He does hope the group stays close, otherwise Dwight's spot isn't good due to the cloud cover.

Monday November 12th, 2007 3:28:12 PM

Kendry laughs. "No, no, we're not here to rob you, lad. SO, you're here to meet Lilly, right? Let's see if we can help you find her. And trust me, we mean you no harm. But by way of fair warning, there may be some others in the area who do not share our intentions, so keep an eye out."

Then as Dwight communicates, he tells the boy, "Ah, my friend tells me he hears a worried voice to the south. Let's go see." He heads off in that direction, giving him a nod of assurance as he begins to move.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 44/44) [Message] 
Monday November 12th, 2007 7:27:50 PM

Tobias tries to keep a straight face while Kendry deals with this little lover's interlude... And, he teases the lad with a wink, "So what do you have worth robbing?"

Selithe  d20+2=15
Tuesday November 13th, 2007 2:10:32 AM

Listen 15

Selithe hears Dwight's words, so heads toward the south in the direction of the voice he mentioned.

Tuesday November 13th, 2007 5:15:20 AM

Julian stays back, out of the way.

Airin and Fioni  d20+12=25 d20+17=29 d20+19=29 d20+8=26
Tuesday November 13th, 2007 7:18:33 AM

When it strikes Airin that this is just a coicidence of meeting this boy out here in the fields. If this is not their contact... then where is he - or she. If only they had not exposed them all like this.

Airin slowly moves more to the north so that she can put some more distance between her and the noisy group.

Listen: 25
Move Silently: 29
Hide: 29
Spot: 26

Spell list:
Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, Entangle
Level 2: Spider Climb, *Cat's Grace

* marks spells that are used

Fickle  d20+6=21
Tuesday November 13th, 2007 9:06:36 AM

DC Toss - 21 (does not make it)

Fickle tries to calm the boy down, "Not'z to worry, You'z safe with Us'm!"

Fickle turn to Tobias asking "We'z don't rob children! We'z Good Guys!"

Turning back to the Boy, he ask "What are you'z carring and to whom'z are you going to give it to??"

hayfield (DM Glenn) 
Tuesday November 13th, 2007 9:58:01 AM

Podo listens to the whispered messages, while remaining on guard.

Dwight warns the others about the voice he heard. He remains on watch from the top of the haystack.

Kendry laughs off the boy's question as he reassure him, then with Dwight's message, Kendry with the boy in toe move south into the field looking for Lily.

Tobias hiding a smirk gives the boy a bit of teasing.

Selithe heads south to help search for Lily.

Staying out of the way, Julian keeps watch from where he is.

Airin having determined the boy is just a coincidence, Airin renews her effort to spot the expected contact. She also, slowly and stealthy moves to the north.

Fickle adds his reassurance to the boy that he safe and reminds Tobias that were the good guys. Still curious, he what they boy's carrying and who he giving it to?

Nervous and embarrassed, Randy answers "Err ... A box of chocolates sweets and a pretty necklace. The jeweler said it was made of real silver! There both for Lily. The chocolates because she is so sweet. The necklace is because I lover her! I'm going to work hard and earn a lot of money so that I can ask for her hand in marriage one day. Lily's the daughter of a farmer. She's the most beautiful woman alive."

Podo, Dwight, Tobias, Julian, and Fickle hold their position, as Kendry, Selithe and Randy move south. A stealthy Airin moves more north. It doesn't take long for them to move out of sight of the main group. The message spells keeps both groups in touch as they move south, also the crunching grass can be heard from several of them.

After moving about 100 feet south, the group looking for Lily can her nervous calls, "Randy! Where are you? If you think you're going to scare me again by jumping out you're wrong! I know you're out there. Stop fooling around and come out, I can't stay long! If my parents knew I snuck out to meet a boy, I would be grounded until I'm hundred and five!" The girl voice sounds like it is coming from about a 100 feet further south.

Randy yells back, "Here I am!" He starts running to the south to Lily.

The clouds are starting to cover the moons again, and the mist is still around, so you can see more than 60 feet of shadowy illumination.

Kendry and Selithe are about a 100 feet south of the main group
Airin is about 50 feet north of the main group.
Randy is about 130 feet south of the main group
Lily is about 200 feet south of the main group.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 44/44) [Message] 
Tuesday November 13th, 2007 11:23:37 AM

Tobias tries to keep up with Randy, telling hime that it would be best if he took Lily somewhere else because this field was about to get crowded...

Tuesday November 13th, 2007 9:48:04 PM

Dwight remains exactly where he is. He whispers to Kendry and Tobias not to advance to far in part because it could be a trap and in part because of the limited sight. "Call her to you, and come back towards us a bit, say 50 feet."


If it appears Randy and the others are not going to turn back, Dwight will slide down the haystack. He intends to advance and then reposition himself as before.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC: 23 | HP: 31]  d20+8=24 d20+10=25
Tuesday November 13th, 2007 9:53:38 PM

Being able to listen in on the messages between his friends; Airin, Selithe, Podo, Dwight, Tobias, and Kendry; Podo stands his ground to await further details.

While waiting, Podo attempts to listen and look for anything in his surrounding area.

Skill Check(s)
Spot DC: 24
Listen DC: 25

Tuesday November 13th, 2007 11:41:06 PM

Julian stays back, out of the way.

Wednesday November 14th, 2007 2:45:52 AM

Concerned for the youths' safety, Kendry runs on ahead, off to the left, perhaps 25' to 35' away from (to the left of) Lily.

"Sorry, lass. We're concerned about who might be out this night. I'm Kendry. Is all well here?" He also whispers, 'Come closer, friends.'

Selithe (by Kim) 
Wednesday November 14th, 2007 2:48:24 AM

Selithe hustles closer to the young couple herself. She moves off to the right of them (opposite side from Kendry). She looks about and listens.

Wednesday November 14th, 2007 8:35:34 AM

Fickle watches the boy (With The Chocolates) goint toward the Girl?? To Give her Candy?? And a Present?? "Hey Boy! Are you sure you should give thise gift'z to a Girl??"

Fickle wonder where the Wold is going to? People Giving good chocolat to Girl. Down the Tube in a hand basket! that's where!"

Fickle turn's to his friends. "Now where were we going before this this happen Horrible thing happen? Me'z forgot??"

Airin and Fioni  d20+8=14 d20+12=21 d20+17=34 d20+19=28
Wednesday November 14th, 2007 9:25:10 AM

Hearing everything that is going on thanks to the message spell Airin slowly continues on her path... lurking... hoping not to bump into anything but rather to detect whatever they were supposed to find in this hayfield.

Fioni stays quietly with Airin.

What's the weather condition? Open sky? Clouded? Rain coming? It's nighttime right... Moon still bright?

Spot: 14
Listen: 21
Move Silently: 34
Hide: 28

Spell list:
Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, Entangle
Level 2: Spider Climb, *Cat's Grace

* marks spells that are used

hayfield (DM Glenn)  d20+10=24
Wednesday November 14th, 2007 9:51:03 AM

Tobias rushes to keep up with the boy Randy.

Remaining on the on the haystack top, Dwight calls for the others to come back into sight.

Standing his ground, Podo listens to the night and others via the message spell.

Julian holds his place

Concerned for the youth's safty, Kendry runs ahead of Randy and to the left of Lily, while calling for the others to come closer.

Moving forward too, Selithe takes up a position to the right of the youths.

Fickle shakes he head at the though of good chocolate going to waste on a girl.

Remaining silent, Airin continues to hide and watch. (OOC: The air is slightly cool, it is partly cloudy with the moon appearing and disappearing from time to time. There is a light layer of mist hanging over the ground. (DM Survival roll 24 predict weater.) Airan can tell it's not going to rain tonight, but that the condition will remain about the same)

Randy rushes forward as Lily turns and rushes into his arms they hug and kiss ....

Suddenly, Lily spots Kendry, Selith, Tobias and Fickle taking up positions around the couple, embarrassed she stammers, "Randy, who are these people? O my god they will tell my parents! I'm so grounded."

Randy hugs Lily again, "It's okay, they are the group of adventures, I was telling you about from town. I don't know what they are doing out her, but I think it may be dangerous. I had better walk you back to home.' Glancing around Lily nods in quiet agreement.

Randy was right, Lily is a pretty young Halfling about the same age as him.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 44/44) [Message] 
Wednesday November 14th, 2007 11:58:52 AM

Tobias tries to usher the two lovebirds out of the immediate area... they'll be safer somewhere else.

After they've gone, "We should look around the field some more... make sure there are no more unexpected surprises."

Julian  d20+3=11 d20+5=13
Wednesday November 14th, 2007 3:39:19 PM

Julian stays back, out of the way.

Spot 11
Listen 13

Dwight (ac 16, hp 35)  d20+13=17 d20+9=15 d20+9=10 d20+3=17
Wednesday November 14th, 2007 10:25:12 PM

Dwight advances up as far as possible moving slightly and keeping to the shadows.

move silently: 15
listen: 10 (nat. 1)
spot: 17

(wow, 3 rolls under 7!)

He wants to be about 40-60' from Kendry and Randy. He will then attempt to find another hay stack to climb (for next round)

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC: 23 | HP: 31]  d20+8=15 d20+10=30 d20+12=26
Wednesday November 14th, 2007 10:57:14 PM

Being able to listen in on the messages between his friends; Airin, Selithe, Podo, Dwight, Tobias, and Kendry; Podo stands his ground to await further details, while trying to fade into the background, Podo listen and look for anything in his surrounding area.

Skill Check(s)
Spot DC: 15
Listen DC: 30 (Nat 20)
Hide DC: 26

Spell(s) Info
Duration: 10 min./level = 30 minutes

Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic

1st Level
Cure Light Wounds, Deathwatch, Bless Water, Shield of Faith, Entangle*

2nd Level
Cure Moderate Woundsx2, Calm Emotions,

*denotes used.

Airin and Fioni  d20+13=28 d20+19=25 d20+8=10 d20+12=32
Thursday November 15th, 2007 3:18:04 AM

"Where's that mediator..."

Airin whispers the spell for Fioni to understand what she's asking the little bird.

"Fioni, fly over this field and look for anyone walking through the field or waiting for us somewhere..."

handle animal: 28

Next Airin just waits again... waiting for a report from Fioni - waiting for some news on this mediator...

Hide: 25
Spot: 10
Listen: 32 - NAT 20!

Spell list:
Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: *Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, Entangle
Level 2: Spider Climb, *Cat's Grace

* marks spells that are used

Fickle (AC 15 38/38) 
Thursday November 15th, 2007 7:57:02 AM

Filckle runs toward the Couple, while telling the others, "Me'z don't want to meet them'z two?? Me'z want Chocolate's"

All the time He's running, he yells "ME'S WANT CHOCOLAT'S TOO!!"

hayfield (DM Glenn) 
Thursday November 15th, 2007 11:13:25 AM

Tobias impatiently ushers the two youths on.

Julian continues to keep a low profile, not getting involved.

Dwight comes down of his haystack as the move stealthy closer to the others. He finds plenty of haystacks around.

Continuing to stand guard, Podo watches and listens as he takes care not to be seen.

Impatient, Airin send her hawk Fioni to scout the field for the expected mediator. Fioni takes to the night sky flying overhead looking for anyone else.

Fickle having a chocolate attack runs after the couple beseeching them for some of the chocolate gift.

Kendry, and Selithe walk Randy and Lily back to the road to hurry them on their way, then head back to the group.

Concerned and embarrassed at being caught Randy and Lily start to leave the hayfield. Randy taking on the role of the brave protector insisting on escorting Lily all the way home. Fickle follows them, and starts yelling for some chocolate. The couple pauses long enough to give Fickle a handful of chocolate sweets, and then hurriedly disappear in to the mist as they head down the road.

After the couple make their exit, you take up your positions once more looking and waiting for the mysterious mediator to appear. A quick check of the field and Fioni flying over head reassures you that your group is now alone in the hayfield.

For the next thirty minutes you watch and wait for someone else to show up. The moon continues to play peek-a-boo with the clouds and the light mist still clings in layers through out the field.

At midnight, everyone hears Fioni's call over head and to the south warning you that she has spotted something.

It doesn't take long before the group spots a lone humanoid making his way clumsily through the field. After about 100 feet he stops and stands there waiting.

Spot DC12 at 20 feet distance or Spot DC 16 at 60 feet distance Highlight to display spoiler: {The humanoid a Hobgoblin is unarmed excepted for a scroll case. There is something not right about him as he stands totally still.}

Spot DC17 at 20 feet distance or Spot DC 21 at 60 feet distance Highlight to display spoiler: {The strange thing about the hobgoblin is he is not breathing. He looks like he is dead. Also he looks a lot like the hobgoblin leader and shaman "Zom" who helped you raid the necromancer the first time.}

Julian  d20+3=10
Thursday November 15th, 2007 4:34:41 PM

Spot 10

Following the sound of Fioni's call Julian looks to the south. He can see the humanoid, noticing nothing unusual he waits back, out of the way.

Dwight (ac 16, hp 35)  d20+3=9 d20+9=27 d20+13=20 d20+9=22
Thursday November 15th, 2007 8:53:02 PM

Dwight again climbs a hay stack and waits quietly.

spot: 9

Continuing to keep watch, Dwight holds his bow ready. He hears the bird, but can't make anything out. Turning his head to listen (27) he awaits a 'discussion'.

hide: 20
ms: 22 (though I am not moving)

Kendry  d20+3=22
Friday November 16th, 2007 3:34:13 AM

[Spot: 22]

"Zom," Kendry says to the undead hobgoblin, in the goblin tongue. "You've changed since last we met."

He walks up to their former ally, and holds out his hand for the scroll. If Zorn allows him, he takes the scroll, opens it, and reads. If light is needed, he steps back, and says in common, "I am taking out a small rod for light to read this." And he takes out a sunrod, strikes it on the ground, then uses the light to read the scroll.

Fickle  d20+4=21
Friday November 16th, 2007 8:55:51 AM

Spot - 21

After getting some chocolats, he holds them in his hands. His hands are warm and the chocolats melts a little before he can gobble them. Now his face is smered with chocolets mess.

He come back to the group, but making sure that the chocolet is all gone. Stops by the hay field, turns to his cousin Kendry and asking "Couz Kenny! doe's you'z have a rag that I'z could use??"

After Fickle wipes his face (some what clean), he looks into the hay field and just like his Cousin Kenny said, "It'z Zom and he look stiff?? Me'z gosh! He'z dead??"

Airin and Fioni  d20+8=20 d20+12=32 d20+17=29 d20+19=20 d20+16=20
Friday November 16th, 2007 9:12:34 AM

Hearing Fioni's call Airin slowly moves in the disignated direction. Still stealthy and quietly. Fioni continues to circle the Hayfields.

(Uncertain if Airin can allready see anything about the mediator.)

Spot: 20
Listen: 32 - Nat 20
Move Silently: 29
Hide: 20 - NAT 1 - OUCH!!

Fioni Spot: 20

Spell list:
Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: *Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, Entangle
Level 2: Spider Climb, *Cat's Grace

* marks spells that are used

hayfield (DM Glenn) 
Friday November 16th, 2007 10:04:59 AM

Still staying back, Julian sees the humanoid. As does Dwight from atop his new haystack.

Moving up to greet the new comer, Kendry recognizes the dead hobgoblin Zom. Unfortunately there is no return recognition in Zom's eyes.

Having quickly eaten the chocolate sweets, Fickle tries to clean the mess from his face as he approaches the mediator. Fickle realizes this is the hobgoblin Zom from Kendry's stories that helped the group against the necromancer. But that was before the group rescued Fickle from the dog like creatures.

Airin slowly and quietly move closer to the odd hobgoblin Fioni spotted. Fioni continues to guard from on high.

Podo and Tobias continue to stand guard.

The Zom the Zombie stands unmoving with no sign of life in his eyes. When Kendry approaches him Zom mechanically holds out the scroll for the bard to take.

Kendry removes the message scroll from the scroll case and lights a sun rod to read it by.


Free the homunculus and give the two books to Zom.
The youth will be returned to you by morning, unharmed.

Flavius Aetius

Tobias (AC 20, HP 44/44) [Message] 
Friday November 16th, 2007 11:36:55 AM

"We should give him what he wants and then follow the zombie to see where it goes. I don't know that I trust him to return the boy." Tobias says to the others through the Message.

Dwight (Ac16, hp 35) 
Friday November 16th, 2007 4:05:27 PM

Hering the scroll's words via the message, Dwight doesn't trust the sender. He mourns Zom, and likely his entire tribe, but the boy is his primary concern at the moment.

"Perhaps two of the three now and the last when the boy is set free? If we give all three,....well we can't be sure he is trustworthy."

"If I had to pick two, I'd say homuculus and book of undead."

Friday November 16th, 2007 8:28:30 PM

OOC: I will be out of town this coming Wednesday - Saturday. Is there someone that would like to make posts for me on Wednesday and Thursday? I will make the Friday post on Sunday.

Saturday November 17th, 2007 12:22:57 AM

Whispered through the Message spell (Kendry and Fickle) "Give it all over, as requested. Fioni can follow Zom, we can follow Fioni. We should attack as soon as possible."

Sunday November 18th, 2007 8:10:33 PM

"Dwight - I concur," Kendry responds.

"I brought the rest of his books, too."

He writes a note in one of the lesser books the party got, which says:
Flavius Aetius,

Once the boy is returned safe and unharmed, you'll receive your spellbook, and the rest of your books. Here is your homunculus, and your book on dealing with undead, and this other tome.

He lets teh others know what he wrote. "Julian, others - is this all right with you?" In halfling, he adds, [i]"We could follow this fellow back, at a distance - although likely we would be anticipated and spotted, I expect."

Podo  d20+8=22 d20+10=23 d20+12=32
Monday November 19th, 2007 2:08:05 AM

Podo stands his ground awaiting further instructions/strategy from Kendry.

While trying to fade into the background, Podo listens, looks, and melts into the surrounding area.

Skill Check(s)
Spot DC: 22
Listen DC: 23
Hide DC: 32 (Nat 20)

Spell(s) Info
Duration: 10 min./level = 30 minutes

Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic

1st Level
Cure Light Wounds, Deathwatch, Bless Water, Shield of Faith, Entangle*

2nd Level
Cure Moderate Woundsx2, Calm Emotions,

*denotes used.

Monday November 19th, 2007 5:17:08 AM

"It'll do. Fioni can follow Zom at a great distance, and we can follow Fioni. We should attack as soon as possible."

hayfield (DM Glenn) 
Monday November 19th, 2007 9:29:06 AM

[OOC -- Dwight is out Wen -- Fri, and Selith is still offline. Who else will be post challenged during the US Thanksgiving holiday?]

Immediately Tobias suggest following the Zom. It shouldn't be hard for a ranger like him to track a zombie.

Not trusting Flavius, Dwight suggest holding the spell book back until they have the child.

Julian suggest doing as the note ask, but have Fioni follow Zom and then the group follow the Hawk.

Agreeing with Dwight, Kendry quickly writes a note in one of the lesser books. As for following Zom Kendry expects they would be spotted.

Unnoticed, Podo listens and watches as he waits.

Again, Julian suggest letting Fioni follow Zom and then the group can follow the hawk. The warrior magic-user is keen on attacking the necromancer as soon as possible.

Airin continues to remain hidden, while Fickle, and Selithe standing around taking part in the planning.

Airin is sure her Hawk could follow Zom, but she not sure how they are going to track or follow Fioni. After all a druid's link with their animal companion is not like a wizard's link with their familiar.

The moon continues to play peek-a-boo with the clouds and the light mist still clings in layers through out the field. Visibility is going to remain about 60 feet through the night.

Neither patient nor impatient, Zom stands there waiting while the heroes magically whisper their plans back and fourth.

Monday November 19th, 2007 8:27:52 PM

Fickle wispers to Selitle "Wishper**Wisper**, Can you hear me'z? I cannot hear you too well"Z!"

Dwight (ac 16, hp 35)  d20+3=9 d20+9=17
Monday November 19th, 2007 9:35:17 PM

Dwight gives support for Kendry making a decision.

He then whispers to all. "I really doubt that Zom is going to lead us directly to the necro, and I also agree that following him will definitely result in us being captured, spotted or the boy killed. We still have to book, so the necro isn't likely to act to hastely since it obviously means allot to him. However, Fioni can certainly track Zom unnoticed."

Dwight remains in his hiding spot atop the hay loft as the exchange is made. He looks around, though he expects to find nothing of interest (spot: 9, listen: 17)

OOC: I am so glad we are not in combat, almost all of my rolls have been less than 10 for a week now.

Monday November 19th, 2007 9:58:04 PM

Selithe waits to see what the others do as she ponders her own actions and goes over what has been going on lately, things seem to of just been flowing along quite quickly.

(OOC:Thanks Kim for posting for Selithe. We had some severe phoneline problems and it looks like I'm back finally.)

Monday November 19th, 2007 10:44:26 PM

Julian says nothing, does nothing, except wait, with the appearance of patience.

Tuesday November 20th, 2007 3:41:48 AM

Continuing with the whispering conference, and keeping to the halfling tongue, Kendry says, "I see possible problems whatever we do. I may be mistaken, but I will return the book on undead, and the nasty familiar, and a note that the spellbook will be returned when the boy is returned, unharmed. And if he does return him, unharmed, then we give over the spellbook, and let him go.

"Yes, Dwight. Good thoughts. Airin, are you willing to have Fioni follow Zom?"

He adds to the note, so that the whole reads as follows:
Flavius Aetius,

We send your homunculus, and your book on dealing with undead, and this other tome on mushrooms. Once the boy is returned safe and unharmed, you'll receive your spellbook, and the rest of your books. I promise that if the boy is whole, healthy, alive, intact, and unharmed, we will give you these things. Further, let us agree to leave each other alone for the next three months. Beyond that time, I do not intend to bother you, unless you give us cause.

I am sad to see what you did with Zom.

But, you know, although it pains me to say it, I do perceive a measure of honor in you. I did not think I would ever say that of a necromancer.

I will be back here with my companions the same time tomorrow night.

He gives the book on the undead and the book about mushrooms to Zom. He asks Podo to take out the iron box containing the familiar. "We'll send it as is, in the locked box. He'll figure a way to open it." The two books he places in a bag, knots the end, and with silken rope ties the bag to the cage.

"Zom, I promised you this. I don't know if you understand me, or remember me, but this is a wand of cure light wounds. It belonged to a friend of ours. I had promised it to you. I fear your soul is no longer with us, but your animated body will have to do." He tells him the command word for the wand. He looks to see if the undead Zom-thing seems to understand a word he says. If so, he offers the wand. If not, then Zom is gone, and he will hold the wand in reserve for any of his people who still may be alive, hoping that some escaped the wizard of the undead.

He gets someone to help him place the wrapped books and cage in Zom's arms, and sends him on his way.

Posting Record Game 13 (ADM StevenVdB) 
Tuesday November 20th, 2007 5:01:28 AM

Posting Report for Game 13 for the week of November 12 - November 18

Name - MTWTFSS - #
DM Glenn - XXXXX-- - 5
Dwight - XXXXX-- - 5
Fickle - XXXXX-- - 5
Podo - XXX---- - 3
Selithe - XXX---- - 3 - SUBBED BY KIM
Kendry - XXX-X-X - 5
Tobias XXX-X-- - 4
Airin - XXXXX-- - 5
Julian - -2XX-X- - 5

Weekly Summary: The Hayfield
Realising meeting Randy and his girlfriend out here in the Hayfield was just a coincidence the group further stays alert to find the negociator.
After some more waiting Zom the Zombie - zomzombie zombiezom - appears and deivers another note from Flavius. Even though they are in no position to change the deal the group decides not to deliver all the items immediately... Hope this turns out allright...

Tuesday November 20th, 2007 5:02:57 AM

(lost internet yesterday)

Airin is unsure if the group is in any position to alter the deal Flavius made. After all they are messing with the life of Calfasts Nephew...

Still she supports any decision the group makes.

hayfield (DM Glenn) 
Tuesday November 20th, 2007 10:36:39 AM

Fickle tries to whisper to Selithe using the magic of the message spell, but he only seems to be able to talk to Kendry and Julian.

Supporting Kendry, Dwight whispers to the group his thoughts about keeping one book and having Fioni follow Zom.

Selithe ponders the group's actions. (OOC: Welcome back!)

With the appearance of patience, Julian says nothing and does nothing.

Having finished the note, Kendry puts the undead book, a mushroom guide book, and the note in a sack. He asking Podo, to get out the iron box that holds the homunculus. The bard tries to offer the promised wand to Zom, but there is no understanding or recognition in Zom's dead eyes.

Supporting the group's decision, Airin has her doubts about altering the Flavius' instructions. (Note since Fioni is trained to follow/track, it will require a DC25 handle animal roll. You can retry while Zom is still in sight.)

Tobias remains quite, obviously still thinking that they should follow the zombie to the necromancer.

As instructed, Podo gets the iron box out of his magical haversack.

The creature starts banging and scraping from within the cold iron box once brought out side magic prison. After a few moments it stops its actions and remains quiet.

When Kendry places the box and sack of books in Zom's arms. The Zombie holds the items. Zom continues to stand there in the cool night as if waiting for something more.

After a few moments a rap tap tap noise can be heard from the iron box, followed by a pause then another rap tap tap. Like someone would knock at a door.

Anyone who can make a Knowledge Religion check about Undead DC 17 Highlight to display spoiler: {Zombies and Skeletons have no intelligence, and can only follow simple orders. Whatever orders give to Zom doesn't seem to apply to the situation yet.}

Tuesday November 20th, 2007 12:18:44 PM

"It's a very bad idea to play with the boys life like this... You're putting him at risk with your game. Give him everything and let's follow. Better us captured than the boy returning to Angel Springs as a zombie as well."

Tuesday November 20th, 2007 3:30:27 PM

Dwight sits and wonders how specific and simple the directions could have been to make him remain, can zombies count? he thinks to himself.

In the end, he has no objection to everything being given over and/or following, though he is pretty sure following won't be productive.

Tuesday November 20th, 2007 4:19:16 PM

Can see only from a distance, and isn't hearing much through the Message Spell. He waits.

Kendry (One, Red) 
Tuesday November 20th, 2007 8:15:17 PM

In halfling, Kendry replies, "Speak in our own tongue, not common, friends. Tobias - I'm willing to go. But our following him may lead to the boy's harm, as well."

He takes back the note he wrote to Flavius.

"What do you all say? Do we follow, and risk the boy's life? Or do we send him off with spellbook and the other, and wait for tomorrow? Or do we send him off with one book, not the other, and the offer to turn in the spell book when the boy is released unharmed?

"He wants his spellbook to prepare for an encounter with us, most like. Twenty four hours with his book should prove interesting.

"Every option has its risks.

"If enough of you say follow, then will we follow. But if we do, then it's no new spells for us, most like. And no telling what will happen. Of course, no telling what will happen is part of adventure, is it not?"

Kendry, for a while in a quandry, seems to be talking himself in the direction of Tobias' recommendation.

"Zom is not leaving because he doesn't know the pet is in the box. He can't see it. I'm thinking we open it a crack so that Zom can see it without it getting loose, then close it tight again.

"Now. A vote. In halfling.

"If to give all, say 'One.'
"If to withhold the spell book, say 'Two.'

"Also, if to follow, say, 'red.'
"If not to follow, say, 'black.'

"We'll count the votes, then do as we decide together."

He swallows, then says, "One, red. Dwight, count the votes."

He walks over to where Julian is in whispering distance, and tells him the same thing, awaiting his response.

Julian, One, Black 
Tuesday November 20th, 2007 9:20:33 PM

Julian relays to Fickle what Kendry has said,

"Fickle, call out in halfling, One to give all the books back as requested, Two to hold one back - which is against the negotiations.

and if you think we should follow Zom also call out red, if we don't follow call out black."

Julian calls out in halfling, "One! Black!, until the boy is returned safely."

Tuesday November 20th, 2007 11:21:54 PM

Selithe listens to what is said as she stays near Julian and smiles as she looks to Julian before speaking her reply, "One, black." Selithe smiles, deciding to go with Julian on his vote this time around. She knows this is odd since she usually follows her brother's lead.

Wednesday November 21st, 2007 1:39:55 AM

Airin ponders on the votes a short while. She definetely feels they should not mess with the boys life so handing all the items is the only right thing to do - that is of course if the necromancer is to be trusted...


Then she thinks some more about following Zom or not. If the necromancer still lives in the same place they don't have to follow Zom and the Necromancer has used teleportation more than once to get his servants back so it is unlikely they will be able to follow Zom in the first place.

"I'm black but Fioni's a Red bird" she says in halfling.

"By the way," she adds in Halfling, "opening the box will allow the necromancer to see us if he's close enough. Remember a necromancer can see through the eyes of his homonculus... I'd say we leave the box sealed and try to explain Zom the creature is inside."

Kendry (knowledge, religion - undead check; and drawing)  d20+9=27 d20+6=10 d20+6=15 d20+6=22
Wednesday November 21st, 2007 2:30:56 AM

Getting Julian's vote with a nod, the bard walks back to the rest of the group.

"Ah, my Airin, a thoughtful answer."

He takes out a torch and lights it, letting it burn for a minute or so. Then he puts out the fire, stepping on it until extinguished. He takes out some oil. Taking the blackened portion of the torch, he gets a little charcoal, and mixes it with oil.

With the now blackened oil, Kendry draws a picture of the homunculus on the outside of the metal box. Not satisfied with his first rendition, he tries again, then again. The third sketch is adequate [Drawing: 10, 15, 22]. He relights the torch, and shows the drawing of the homunculus on the top of the metal box. "Take this to your master."

He also includes in a sack the book about undead and, depending upon the vote, either the book on mushrooms or the spellbook.

Fickle One - Black 
Wednesday November 21st, 2007 7:52:14 AM

Fickle is getting a head ache from thinking so hard, so finally Votes "Me'z think's ONE Hold one back! I don't trust. Black Not to follow him'z, if He's want bookk so bad? He'll follow us!"

hayfield (DM Glenn) 
Wednesday November 21st, 2007 10:19:04 AM

More insistently, Tobias voices his opinion to give him everything and then follow. The boy is at stake.

Dwight wonders about the zombie's orders (OOC: I didn't see a knowledge roll?). He thinks they should give everything then follow.

Limited to what he can see from a distance and what is whispered via the message spell, Julian feels uncomfortable.

Sensing dissent with his intended actions, Kendry reclaims his note and calls for a vote in codewords by the group after a brief speech laying out the options and hazards as the bard see them. Kendry votes "One, Red" followed quickly by Julian's vote "One! Black!"

Listening to what is said, Selithe sides with Julian "One, black'.

Pondering the decision, Airin calls out "One", but splits her second vote "I'm black but Fioni's a Red bird". She reminds the group that the necromancer can see through the homunculus if in range.

Rubbing his aching head, Fickle votes in his own way "One -- Black", but he may have confused the numbered option. It's an awful lot to keep straight.

Cautioned by Airin, Kendry draws an image of the homunculus using makeshift paint.

The drawing doesn't seem to inspire any action out of Zom who continues to stand there waiting. Like most zombies, Zom would make a poor art critic being equally unmoved by the world's best masterpieces or a child's stick figure drawing.

Again, the homunculus raps on the inside of the iron box. As if he is asking for someone to open the lid.

The band of adventurous Halflings continue to take their impromptu vote. The vote seems to be leaning towards giving the necromancer everything, but it is too close to call whether the group will try to follow Zom or not.

Wednesday November 21st, 2007 9:23:52 PM

Julian has nothing to add at this point.

OOC: Robert does though - we've been skirting around making a decision about what to do with the necro without anything much coming from it, hardly an opinion was given let alone a consensus reached. I like the voting idea that Kim/Kendry brought up - perhaps a more regular use of this will help us all to enjoy the game more.

I would even suggest that if someone feels that a vote needs to be taken that the question is put in the name header, and all votes also go into the name header. This will make it so much easier for anyone to determine the general will of the party on any particular decision.

DM Glenn 
Thursday November 22nd, 2007 9:27:27 AM

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Airin and Fioni 
Thursday November 22nd, 2007 9:57:17 AM

It seems a consensus will quickly be reached. But Airin ponders the question how to make it clear to ZomZom (short for Zombie Zom) that the Hom is inside...

"Perhaps we just ought to leave the Zombie here? He'll probably just go back once we have delivered our package?"

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Friday November 23rd, 2007 1:25:30 AM

Happy Thanksgiving!

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood (one, Red) 
Friday November 23rd, 2007 1:31:15 AM

Whispering to Kendry, in Halfling, Cousin, you know me, I would rather turn these undead critters, but you need to make a decision. Either way, the Necromancer, is not a good person. Whatever you do will have consequences with Consciences.

Friday November 23rd, 2007 9:04:01 AM

Fickle explains himself, "I like number One, andz i like color Black. So I sayz One - Black. There me'z vote!" Then he crosses his arms on his chest. (Fickle can be a pig-headed when hi want to, and this time he does not under stant the question!)

Kendry  d20+9=20 d20+13=27
Friday November 23rd, 2007 1:59:59 PM

"Yes, you're right, Pode," Kendry answers. "I would just as soon settle this once and for all. But let's wait and see how Tobias and Dwight vote."

Kendry walks up to Fickle and gently (and in a whisper) explains to him, "That means you want us to let the zombie go with all the stuff - that's the 'one' - and not follow him, but trust the wizard to return the boy - that's the 'black'. We all seem agreed on the 'one'. If you want us to follow him at a distance, so as to find out where the wizard is, that's 'red'. You can keep your vote the way you want - I just want to make sure we're clear on what it is."

After this is done, he returns to the sack of books. He pulls out the mushroom book, and replaces it with the spellbook.

"Zom - the homunculus is in this box. Take this box with the homunculus, and this sack with the books to Flavius. Go, Zom, with books and box. Take these. Go. Now."

He figures they can follow if Tobias and Dwight vote red and Fickle changes his stubborn or fickle mind, or let him go unfollowed, save for Airin's hawk, if the votes major in black.

He does not want to open the box just to satisfy the familiar's desire or Zom's incomprehension. He will do what he can [Knowledge, Religion, undead: 20, Diplomacy: 27] to convince Zom to take box and books and go. Pictures. Dances. Pantomime. Zombie treats. [Pretty please, Glenn - cut us a break. :-) ]

hayfield (DM Glenn) 
Friday November 23rd, 2007 10:18:21 PM

Everyone is in agreement to do as the necromancer asked to give Zom both books and set the homunculus, but they seem split over whether to follow are not.

Tobias, Dwight, Kendry and Podo are for following Zom.
Julian, Selithe, Airin and Fickle think it best for the boy not to follow Zom. Airin does think she should let her hawk follow Zom.

After swapping the spell book back for the mushroom book, Kendry once again tries to convince Zom to take the box and books and go with no success. It certainly make is easy to follow him if he not moving. Scratching his head Kendry rereads the note aloud from Flavius.


Free the homunculus and give the two books to Zom.
The youth will be returned to you by morning, unharmed.

Flavius Aetius

Kendry wonders why the stupid Zombie isn't going, He given him both books and the homunculus. Perhaps the necromancer messed up when the gave Zom its orders. Everyone who know anything about Zombies, know they can only be given very simple orders like "Follow the homunculus back after it's released."

What to do?
Maybe Zom is waiting for a tip?

(OOC: Kendry, was the Diplomacy check for Zom or the DM? Both are affected equally.)

Saturday November 24th, 2007 8:44:08 AM

Fickle watches the Voting, wondering as to what to do?? So he takes out an apple and eats.

Dwight (Black) 
Saturday November 24th, 2007 5:45:12 PM

Dwight listens as the group comes to a consensus. "I think we are going to have to let the homoculus free in order for Zom to leave and hopefully have the boy released unharmed. Following the homoculus might be even better than following Zom, but I would say "BLACK".

"With the books and stuff, he might return the boy. This is our hope, but if he doesn't, the book is of minor use to him," Dwight reminds the party in halfling whispers.

Should anyone release the homoculus, Dwight remains ready. If it attacks, Dwight sends (2) arrows at it.

OOC: Robert, good idea adding vote tallies in the subject

hayfield (DM Glenn) addendum 
Saturday November 24th, 2007 8:14:42 PM

With Dwight's vote, the group now has a consensus. To do as the necromancer asked to give Zom both books and set the homunculus, and not to follow him.

Reds: Tobias, Kendry and Podo are for following Zom.
Blacks: Dwight, Julian, Selithe, Airin and Fickle think it best for the boy not to follow Zom.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Sunday November 25th, 2007 11:33:39 AM

"Well, everyone, it's obvious what we are to do, let loose the construct and be on our way. Since it's against everything I believe, someone else can open the box freeing the thing and we can go from there!" explains Podo to the assembled group.

Sunday November 25th, 2007 9:14:13 PM

Julian nods his agreement that the hom needs to be freed.

Monday November 26th, 2007 2:48:22 AM

With Dwight's vote, Kendry's shoulders slump.

In halfling he says, "Very well." He gives hand signals for the rest of the group to get far away, to head back the direction we came. If need be, he gets about 120 feet away from the box holding the familiar, and whispers, "Everyone head back the way we came. I'll stay and let the familiar out of the box, then join you. I want it to see as few of you as possible. How about you go at least a few hundred yards that direction, and hide behind a haystack."

He asks if any disagree. If none offer serious objections, then...

He goes back to Zom and the box. He knocks gently on the metal box. In common, he says, "Little fella, in a moment I am going to open this box. Your boss, Flavius Aetius, wants you to go with this hobgoblin zombie back to him.

"If you understand what I am saying, then knock twice."

If there are two raps from the inside of the box, then Kendry continues.

"Now, I want to let you know that when I open the box, there will be two nets around it, and a blanket. So it will take you a few moments to get out. I am doing this because I want to move away once you are out of the box. I don't want to hurt you, but I don't want you to try to hurt me, either.

"So, you understand that I am going to open the box, but you will have to work your way through a pair of nets? If you understand, knock twice."

"Finally, do you agree to go with the zombie right back to your master? Knock three times if you will do this once I let you out."

Based upon what Bella told them of homunculi, Kendry understands that this construct cannot talk, but enjoys telepathic communication with his master, if within about 1,500 feet.

So he does not expect it to talk with him. But if it attempts to communicate beyond what he has suggested, Kendry will be alert to that.

He takes out two nets. One he ties loosely around the back of the box, so that there is slack to let the hom come forth, but not too far all at once. The other he wraps around the first, and shoves some corners of the second through holes in the first.

He swallows a vial of antitoxin.

If the captive has seemed cooperative thus far, Kendry uses a key and unlocks the masterwork lock. He makes sure that all is ready... and that he is at least 35 feet away from Zom as he does all this. He pulls his cloak's hood around his face. Once he is satisfied that nets and such are in place, he pulls the lock out of the posts, holding the door shut still with his hand. He unlatches any additional latches, then he tumbles backward on the side of the metal box away from the opening.

"You can come out now." He stands about twenty feet back (~55 feet from Zom), and watches to ensure the fellow can exit the box. His fingers rest on the small bag at his waist, ready launch a tanglefoot bag should the critter try to come against him.

Airin and Fioni  d20+13=26
Monday November 26th, 2007 3:06:27 AM

Airin is pleased to see a decision is finally made. She moves back with the others and makes it clear to Fioni that she should follow Zom and the Hom.

Handle Animal: 26 - track or follow Zombiezom 'n hom

Monday November 26th, 2007 7:01:18 AM

"Oh! Cousin Kenny! Why You give Him'z drink??" Fickle ask with a question look on his face. He look around then ask another question, "Him'z thursty??"

hayfield (DM Glenn) 
Monday November 26th, 2007 10:17:29 AM

Fickle munches on an apple as the voting is completed, when Dwight cast his black ballot. Dwight goes on to suggest that the homunculus will need to be freed in order to complete their part of the transaction. Dwight prepares to fire two arrows if the thing attacks.

Disgusted at the idea, Podo agrees that someone needs to free the thing, just not him. Julian nodes in agreement too.

Disappointed that the vote didn't go as he wished, Kendry he signals for everyone to move back asking them to remain out of sight. Whether they do are not, is beyond bards' ability to tell once he going back to Zom and the box.

Pleased, Airin make sure Fioni knows she is to follow Zombie Zom. The hawk takes to the night air and start to circle high above Zom.

Dwight with his bow ready insistent on keeping Kendry covered, which he can do at 60 foot range.

Kendry ask the homunculus to rap on the box in response to a series of questions. Satisfied with the proper tap responses, he then carefully covers the box with two nets, then drinks a antitoxin before opening and removing the lock. Kendry quickly retreats back ready to use a tanglefoot back if attacked.

Apparently watching Kendry from a distance, Fickle wonders about the drink Kendry pulled out.

The box lid slowly opens, as the Homunculus peeks out, making indigent winy noises as it works it way out from the two nets finally freeing it self. The ugly lumpy creature flexes it wings a few times as it looks about. Seeing the bard and an archer, the ungainly thing sticks out it's tongue and blows a raspberry at those that it can see, "Ppppzzzzz!" Then pausing for moment as if listing to instructions the, the creature leaps into the air and flies to Zom. The tiny creature struggles to pull each book out and casually flips through a few pages.

Satisfied, the homunculus snaps his fingers in Zom's face, like one would call a dog. Glance around one last time the homunculus flies south. Zom carrying the two books, turns and follows the homunculus in a clumsy lumbering walk about the speed of an average human. Unless stopped the two quickly disappear into the light mist of the night.

Fioni quickly disappears from sight too as she flies above the tress tops tracking the Zombie.

It is a just a little past midnight, the night is quite and the sounds of Zom walking slowly fade away. His tracks clearly visible in the damp grass.

Standing around everyone recalls that the note promised " The youth will be returned to you by morning, unharmed.". You can only hope that Flavius keeps his word and that the seven hours till morning pass quickly.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 44/44) [Message] 
Monday November 26th, 2007 1:27:44 PM

Through the Message, he tells the others, "Sorry friends, but I cannot trust the necro with the boy's safe return. The zombie should be easy to track and follow. Shouldn't one of us at least try?"

Monday November 26th, 2007 3:54:43 PM

"Tobias, there is no right answer here. Our presence is just as likely to get the boy killed as Flavius word of freeing him. I think the best we can do is wait." Dwight finishes, but it lacks the full emotion of something he feels strongly about.

Monday November 26th, 2007 5:35:07 PM

"We should wait. Get some sleep, refresh spells, pray for guidance. In the morning when the boy is safely returned we should end the matter once and for all. Or die trying."

Posting Record Game 13 (ADM StevenVdB) 
Monday November 26th, 2007 6:47:24 PM

Posting Report for Game 13 for the week of November 19 - November 25

Name - MTWTFSS - #
DM Glenn - XXX-X-- - 4
Dwight - XX---X- - 3
Fickle - X-X-XX- - 4
Podo - X---X-X - 3
Selithe - XX----- - 2
Kendry - -2X-X-- - 4
Tobias -X----- - 1
Airin - -XXX--- - 3
Julian - 22X---X - 6

A small glitch in the posting habbit but Thanksgiving probably has something to do with that :-)

Weekly Summary: Zombiezom'nhom
After a while the Crescent Valley Halflings realize they ought to free to Homonculus from it's box before the Zombie will go back to Flavius... Votes are cast to follow the Zombie and give back all the belongings from the Necromancer.
Results: Give back everything and no chase. Only Fioni will follow the Zombie and the Homonculus.
Time to go home and wait for the first lights of dawn.

Monday November 26th, 2007 10:17:04 PM

Selithe goes with the others to hide while Kendry goes about releasing the familiar as she just calls it.

Once the deed is done and everyone regroups again, she looks to Kendry and the others before speaking, "We might as well take this safe and slow. As far as we know the kid could already be harmed so rushing won't solve nothing will it? As long as Airin's little friend makes it back okay and all we will know where to go, etc."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+8=20 d20+12=22 d20+10=21
Tuesday November 27th, 2007 12:14:59 AM

Seeing as how there is not much to do, Podo heads back to the toy shop to spend time before morning preparing his spells for the next day.

On the way back, still cautious, Podo checks his surroundings...while staying in all available shadows.

Skill Check(s)
Spot DC: 20
Hide DC: 22
Listen DC: 21

Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Create Water, Read Magic

1st Level
Cure Light Wounds, Deathwatch, Bless, Bless Water, Entangle

2nd Level
Cure Moderate Woundsx2, Calm Emotions,

Tuesday November 27th, 2007 2:09:07 AM

"Flavius will take his book, and memorize some spells. He will be ready to use them against us in the morning.

"He likely will send the boy, safe, unharmed, in the morning."

Turning to Tobias, he says, "I won't stop you if you choose to follow. If any want to go with you, they may. But if great care is not taken, the boy's life, or yours, may be in jeopardy. I know I'm saying anything you don't know. I'm not too good at sleath, myself."

For some reason, Kendry just feels tired. Very tired.

Airin without Fioni 
Tuesday November 27th, 2007 2:22:45 AM

Airin now follows the group home and once back in the village she goes to bed as soon as possible. She is exhausted from the last day and needs to replenish her spells...

Hoping for the best she goes to sleep and quickly dreams of zombies and necromancers torturing a little boy... the boy turning into Kendry after a while being ripped apart...

With a scream she wakes the next morning...


then realising it was just a dream she tries to calm down wondering f the boy is back and where Fioni would be.

hayfield (DM Glenn) 
Tuesday November 27th, 2007 10:28:21 AM

The Zombie tracks taunt, Tobias's ranger senses just calling him to follow and the fact that you can't trust a necromancer.

Dwight half-heartily advises Tobias against following Zom. Julian agrees, wait till morning then finish the necromancer.

Selithe suggests they take it safely without rushing.

Imaging what Flavius would do, Kendry speculates aloud, then turning to Tobias he tells him he won't stop him, but neither will he join him.

Fickle glances around looking for his wolf puppy Ouch.

Seeing nothing more to do, Podo heads back to the town and the toy shop, being wary on the walk back. Airin accompanies Podo back to town and the toy shop, confident Fioni will find her.

Those who head home will make it back without any incident, except having to wake up the city guards at one in the morning.

Those who remain in the field find the air cool and damp as the night progresses. Only the sounds of night to break the quiet. An Owl hoots as it hunts mice.

As the minutes or hours pass you wonder if Flavius will harm the boy or return him unharmed. The only thing he would gain would be the group's vengeance; whereas unharmed would the group still seek to end the necromancer's threat?

Another thought may occur to the group, where will the boy be returned to?

[OOC: If Tobias or anyone wishes to follow the tracks it will be a DC16 and require 5 rolls each reroll will cost you one hour. Also, if you come across something how do you react?]

Tuesday November 27th, 2007 11:59:46 AM

Tobias and Tewdwr will stay in the field waiting to see if the boy is returned here. Tobias paces the night away waiting for the light...

Tuesday November 27th, 2007 4:40:46 PM

Julian will wait with Tobias to keep him company, if he doesn't mind.

Tuesday November 27th, 2007 9:15:54 PM

Selithe frowns at the thought of a couple members staying behind and is torn between staying with Julian and Tobias or returning to a soft, warm bed with pillows and a good morning breakfast, etc.

Sighing as she sees that little dream go poof, she walks to Julian and Tobias and smiles, "A girl along won't hurt your boy's night outside will it?" She smiles as she shrugs and speaks, "I can handle a night under the stars as long as nothing bad happens."

Dwight  d20+3=13 d20+11=13 d20+9=19 d20+9=25
Tuesday November 27th, 2007 10:16:04 PM

Dwight wonders if staying out here will make the group missing the boys delivery. After another 30 minutes, Dwight returns to town. In route he tells others which entrance he intends to watch.

Then finding a nice and secluded spot within sight of the entrance, Dwight hunkers down to watch. He is outside the town, but hidden.

spot: 13
hide: 13
MS: 19
listen: 25

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Wednesday November 28th, 2007 1:20:34 AM

Once Podo & Airin make their return to the toy shoppe, Podo will head towards his quiet place within in renew his spells for the next day.

Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Create Water, Read Magic

1st Level
Cure Light Wounds, Deathwatch, Bless, Bless Water, Entangle

2nd Level
Cure Moderate Woundsx2, Calm Emotions,

Wednesday November 28th, 2007 1:40:07 AM

Kendry bids farewell to those who return to town. "I will remain here in the field, and await here the boy's return.

"If he is not here within an hour of sunrise, I'll return to town. If you see him first, someone come get us who remain. Warn Nalfein and Leska to ready defenses at the shop -- just in case. Nalf has some interesting devices he's put together to slow down thieves or intruders, when necessary."

He kisses Selithe, then Airin goodnight, and wishes well to each member of the group who heads back to the city. "May Domi's courage be with us, Alemi's wisdom guide us, Flower's love bind heart to heart, and Wardd's luck be on our side."

The bard is glad to have Tobias and Julian for company, and Tewdwr as well.

"You've been working hard on training them. Him," he says to Tobias of his wolf. "Hey, Kynan," he says to the head on the left. "And wise Dryw," he speaks to the head to the right. "Maybe you can take turns sleeping. Listen for a boy tonight," he says with a light voice.

He knows the wolves won't understand his words. But he is feels affection for Tobias' unusual animal friend.

"I don't see Badger, Jules. Did ya leave 'im home? Wish I'd brought Cheann..."

Kendry spends about fifteen minutes walking back and forth between different haystacks, and walks around them. After he has laid down enough tracks to give a tracker pause, he says, "I'm going to catch a snooze under the hay for a bit. Wake me before dawn - if I don't wake myself. Unless you want to talk a bit before I hit the, uh, hay."

He's happy to talk with his two friends if they want to. If not, he nestles himself under a haystack, setting a mental note to get up an hour before dawn.

Wednesday November 28th, 2007 2:15:39 AM

Dissapointed that not everyone leaves the fields to get back into town she shrugs her shoulders for she needed the rest.

Wondering where Fioni might be Airin sleeps till morning.

The next morning Airin first prayes to mother nature and prepares some new spells.

(new spell list to come a bit later)

Zom's return

hayfield (DM Glenn) 
Wednesday November 28th, 2007 9:26:00 AM

Tobias, his two headed wolf Tewdwr, Julian, Selithe, Kendry, Fickle and his wolf puppy elect to remain in the field waiting for the boy's possible return. Kendry paces a bit before getting some hay time. Fickle and Ouch curl up in their own bit of hay.

Podo, Airin and Dwight return to Angel Springs. Podo and Airin rest and renew spells while Dwight watches one of the town gates from a poorly hidden spot out side the town. Airin's sleeps poorly with many fitful dreams.

It is a long vigil through out the night for those keeping watch from the field, out side the gate, or from their dreams.

About a half an hour before dawn, those at the field here the cries of Fioni returning, and shortly afterwards you here the shuffled walk of a single zombie.

A few heartbeats later you see Zom approaching the group in the field carrying the limp form of a young Halfling in his arms.

Fioni lands on a nearby haystack, glancing about for her companion.

[OOC: For those who have not slept, make a DC12 Constitution check or become fatigued (-2 str & Dex)]

Wednesday November 28th, 2007 9:53:01 AM

"OUCH! Here Ouch! Time for Dedie-By!" As Fickle look for his wolfpup.

As it happens Ouch was hunting rabbitsand caught one for lunch, "Oh! There's you are! take your thing there and come to bed when's you Finish!"

Fickle lies down for some sleep, just when fickle has slip into a nice dream, Ouch come along with his meal and lie down next to his master.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 44/44)  d20+2=22
Wednesday November 28th, 2007 11:56:23 AM

Tobias got little sleep throughout the night (Con check 22 - Nat 20), and he comes fully awake at the sound of the zombie approaching. Seeing that it's Zom carrying the boy, he moves to go take the boy's body from Zom. Once he has him, he checks for signs of life, hoping that the boy is still breathing.

Airin without Fioni  d20+13=18
Wednesday November 28th, 2007 1:02:47 PM

(Thursday post - will be out of town tomorrow)

After finishing her prayers Airin takes her gear and grabs a few bites for her companions still out there in the field.

Not knowing if the little boy has returned or where Fioni is Airin hurries to the field.

(I leave it to the DM's discretion when Airin arrives at the field)

At the field Airin quickly spots Fioni and whistles her tiny friend... Just talking in Helfling to the bird she tries to discern if Fioni has something interesting to say.

Handle Animal: 18

Julian  d20+3=14
Wednesday November 28th, 2007 5:33:37 PM

Con check 14 - not fatigued: could go for days without sleep!

Julian rushes alongside Tobias to the zombie, and watches as he checks for signs of life

"Its just Sleep, isn't it? He's okay, yeah?"

Dwight  d20=1
Wednesday November 28th, 2007 8:48:17 PM

OOc: Didn't have sheet, but a natural one, basically means I rolled out of the bushes as I fell asleep. That party must have really wiped me out.


Selithe  d20+5=19
Wednesday November 28th, 2007 10:43:23 PM

Selithe would of tried to get some sleep but also tries to not sleep to heavy as to miss anything. Due to this she probably doesn't get alot of sleep at all.

When Zom showsup, Selithe stays back some just incase this turns out to be comfrontation more then anything.


Kendry  d20=18 d20+6=15
Thursday November 29th, 2007 3:30:05 AM

[Con check 18, listen 15]

Fioni's cry awakens the bard.

He peeks out from under the hay. He stretches for a moment, then comes fully out, spending a moment to brush off most of the straw clinging to him in various places.

As he sees Julian and Tobias approach Zom, he walks briskly in that direction, breaking into a trot when he sees a figure in the zombie's arms.

[Question: Did Cayzle already know that Zom would become a zombie when he named him originally? That's just TOO much of a coinicidence!]


[Out of character and inappropriate comment by former Evil DM Cayzle -- Muahahaha! And to think that they laughed at me at the Sorbonne!]

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+8=26 d20+10=19 d20+8=19 d20+8=9 d20+8=27 d20+8=18 d20+10=30 d20+10=28 d20+10=29 d20+10=27
Thursday November 29th, 2007 8:54:59 AM

Awaking at dawn, Podo stretches and remembers that the boy should have been returned by now.

Looking around for his companions, Podo visits each to see if they are awake. If awake, Podo will ask them to join him on the journey back to the place where Zom was when they left to meet up with anyone that stayed behind.

If no other companions are awake, Podo quickly dresses and then heads out to the place where Zom was when they left.

On the way back, Podo will stop every so often to detect; via listening and spotting; for signs of a trap.

Skill Checks
Spot DC: 26, 19, 9, 27,18
Listening DC: 19, 30 (Nat 20),28, 29, 27

Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Create Water, Read Magic

1st Level
Cure Light Wounds, Deathwatch, Bless, Bless Water, Entangle

2nd Level
Cure Moderate Woundsx2, Calm Emotions,

hayfield (DM Glenn) 
Thursday November 29th, 2007 9:37:00 AM

Fickle and Ouch all snuggled up in the hay, with visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads. Oblivious to Zom's return.

Dwight feeling the effects the party and late night falls asleep at his hidden position out side the city gate.

Waking early, Airin finishes her prayers then grabs some food and heads back to the field.

At dawn, Podo wakes up. Check of the others he finds only Airin as she is gathering food for the others. Together they start the trip back to the hayfield. Airin spots a sleepy Dwight on the way and shakes him awake.

An alert Tobias is first to spot Zom returning with boy. He rushes out, taking the boy from the Zombie and quickly checks for signs of life.

Still going strong, Julian watches with concern as Tobia checks the boy.

Having gotten a little sleep, Selithe stays back and watches.

Awaking, Kendry stretches as he joins Julian and Tobias as they look the kid over.

Fioni watches from atop a haystack.

Tobias is quickly able to tell that Tommy is warm to the touch and he is breathing deeply with no signs of injuries. With a little bit of prodding he is able to rouse the sleepy eyed boy. Tommy looks around rubbing his eyes, obviously with no clue to where he is or how he got there, yawning "How awwaaa.. Did awwaa I get awwaa here? The last I remember was fishing at the river." The boy yawns and stretches, then his stomach grumbles loudly, "Feels like I've been a sleep for a week. Does anyone have some food? I'm starved!"

Zom stands mutely and unmoved by the scene with no breath or pumping hart to give him feeling.

[OOC: Perhaps, Fiendishly Evil DM Cayzle did plan Zom's fate from the beginning?]

Thursday November 29th, 2007 10:02:28 AM


Thursday November 29th, 2007 11:59:01 AM

Relieved to see the boy unharmed, Tobias passes him back to Kendry. Surprised that Zom remains, Tobias gives him one once over... looking closely at the zombie. Wondering if it would not be better for him to destroy this abomination now rather than letting him continue to suffer as an undead.

Airin and Fioni 
Thursday November 29th, 2007 1:08:59 PM

Seeing Fioni is also back and the boy unharmed Airin feels relief. Apparently they did the right thing to secure the boy's life...

Now should they wait for the Necromancer to retalliate on the group or should they now take the offensive... no time to think about that now since they will need to bring the boy back home.

Thursday November 29th, 2007 4:28:50 PM

"Gods, I am so relieved that the boy is okay," Julian says out loud to himself as much as anyway.

"What should we do about that? and his master? Let's get back to the others to discuss it."

Thursday November 29th, 2007 7:09:13 PM

Relieved, albeit wary, Kendry says, "Good morning, lad. You've had a long sleep. Yes, let's take you back to town and feed you some of Leska's pancakes."

"Let's let Zom's body alone, and just get back to the city," he suggests to his friends.

"Where's Fickle? Fickle... FICKLE!!!" If he does not arise, Kendry looks about for him until he finds him, then heads with the others back to town.

"So, Tommy, you've been sleeping for a while, eh? Have any interesting dreams?" he asks the boy.

Thursday November 29th, 2007 9:57:52 PM


Thursday November 29th, 2007 11:10:23 PM

Selithe smiles and is glad the kid is okay. She nods in agreement at hearing Kendry's comment and smiles as Fickle's snoring is probably heard fairly decent from the heystack he is sleeping in.

If Kendry calling him doesn't wake Fickle up then Selithe goes to wake him up so they all can head back together. However she is still weary of Zom since he isn't leaving or nothing yet.

Podo (by Kim)  d8+3=5
Friday November 30th, 2007 1:13:14 AM

When the group arrives back at Winwood Toys & Music, Podo checks him over. "Now stand still, boy. I just need to make sure you are all right. Do you know you have been missing for several days? Let me see your arms." He looks at his neck, his face, his legs, his feet. If he is in need of healing, Podo heals him [CLW: 5] in Alemi's name.

"Now, tell us your story, boy."

Fickle and Ouch 
Friday November 30th, 2007 9:00:08 AM

Fickle "ZZZZZzzzzz! Ouch!"

Ouck "ZZZZZzzzzzGrrr!"

hayfield (DM Glenn) 
Friday November 30th, 2007 9:40:45 AM

The puppy Ouch starts to lick Fickle's face trying to awaken him.

Kendry greets the lad and offers to feed him once they get back. First they have to find Fickle.

Relived that the boy is unharmed, Tobias and Julian wonders what to do about Zom. Kendry suggest leaving Zom alone.

Airin reunites with her hawk Fioni, the bird seem tired having tracked Zom for several hours.

Dwight wakes up with a crick in his neck from where he fell asleep.

Smiling that kid is fine, Selithe helps Kendry locate the sleeping Fickle. She wonders about Zom.

Having traveled with Airin, Podo checks the boy over carefully. The boy is fit as a fiddle.

Tommy shakes his head, "Yes, pancakes sound really good Sir. I bet I could eat a stack taller than me. Dreams? Urrr.. Now thatch you mention it, I did have some strange dreams about people dressed up to look like skeletons but with animal heads." The boy scraches his head wondering at the strange dream he just described. Then he sees Zom standing there, "Look out, what is that thing? I think it was in my dreams too." Tommy hides behind Tobias in fear.

Zom follows the group like a puppy, as they start to leave the hayfield in order to return to the toy and music shop.

You could almost imagine what the neighbors would say, "First a goblin and a Ogre, then a badger and a two headed wolf, Now they want to keep a Hobgoblin Zombie???? What's next?"

Friday November 30th, 2007 11:50:48 AM

"Sorry, Kendry, but the zombie is not following us into town. What should we do with it? Besides the obvious..."

Friday November 30th, 2007 4:24:55 PM

"How do necromancers work? I mean, can they just create and control as many of these as they like? Perhaps we should capture Zom so that the necro can't use him against us. Though, can they see through his eyes? Maybe we should destroy it.

"I think that just us here should be able to destroy it fairly quickly. What do you think?"

Julian moves behind the zombie, so as to be flanking it. He doesn't draw his sword yet. Whilst Zom is just standing there it would be better to get fully prepared first.

Friday November 30th, 2007 5:09:44 PM

Finding himself having fallen asleep and the sun past rising, Dwight makes for the shop. He is delighted, when Tommy is seen, but physically only shows it once as the ache in his neck reminds him of his failure to keep watch.

OOC: I am assuming Zom isn't there.

Kendry  d20+9=29
Saturday December 1st, 2007 1:42:07 AM

"If Podo were here, he could turn him," Kendry comments about Zom.

"Maybe I can feed him my brains," he jokes with Julian in halfling.

Then he turns to the boy. "He won't hurt you, Tommy. He is not inclined to do so, and, besides, we wouldn't let him. Just stand back a bit while we figure this out, but don't go running off. All right?"

"Zom - go back to Flavius Aetius the necromancer." He says this in common. Then he says it in the goblin tongue, pointing back the way that Zom came. He'll go through every language he himself knows, and repeat the instruction, or variantions upon it. If Zom does not obey, then Kendry casts detect magic and examines Zom, walking around him, and focuses in on any magic he may happen to detect.

[Knowledge, religion, undead: 29 (nat 20!)] Kendry thinks back to what he read in the book about the undead, trying to recall if there might be some useful tidbit there that may prove useful in this situation. If he does, he uses it.

If this works, great. If not... "We can tie him up and leave him here. Or you guys can... I wonder if any of Podo's associates might have the means to restore Zom to life. He was a clever hobgoblin, and served well as our ally."

He agrees that having Zom follow them back to town - unless they rigged a disguise - would not be a smart idea.

"Although he did a good job carrying things back and forth, and didn't hurt the lad. Do we need a baggage handler? Any thoughts, Tobias? I'm not partial to undead, and would just as soon see their unnaturally sustained bodies fully die, that their spirits might find rest. But again, Zom was, if not a friend, at least someone who helped us before and, in a weird way, has helped us again. Maybe some of his tribesmates are still alive. Wonder what they would want to have happen?"

Unless the others have a better suggestion, and if nothing else worked, Kendry asks the others if they should go ahead and disguise him - put a hood over him and cut some eyeholes, maybe, and take him into town. "You're right, Julian, if we take him with us, he won't be running other errands for Flavius - unless his desired errand was to stick him with us."

At the Shop
Kendry greets Airin with a big hug, then finds he didn't get all the field's bedding out of his clothes as a piece of yellow straw is passed from him to her.

Kendry writes a note, and finds a boy in the street to deliver it to Calfast, paying him two silver, and promising a gold piece if he brings Calfast or his representative back to the shop.
The Right Honorable Burgomeister Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly:

Please come to Winwood Toys and Music. One who was lost is found.

Kendry Leafwin Pipewood
He helps Leska serve the food.

Sunday December 2nd, 2007 5:12:06 PM

Laughing at Kendry, "Sure hope he's not hungry then! He'd be dying for more to eat. Not that I am volunteering..."

Monday December 3rd, 2007 9:12:40 AM

Airin returns the hug she gets from Kendry wondering why he didn't ask her to stay with him to make out in the hayfield...

All the time Airin has kept Fioni with her. The Tiny bird needs some rest from the long flight.
Airin waits for the right moment to question the bird to find out where she went.

DM Glenn 
Monday December 3rd, 2007 11:26:04 AM

OOC: Will be posting shortly. Delayed by computer booting problems. -Glenn

Dwight makes he way to the shop and waits their for everyone to shop up.

Tobias is adamant that the Zombie can't follow them home.

Positioning himself behind Zom, Julian wonders about the link between necromancers and their zombies.

Kendry throws out some options of what to do with Zom, from having Podo Turn him, tying him up, covering with a disguise, or even feeding him brains. Julian ribs the bard about Zom only getting a light snack off of him. (BTW, most Zombies if they had any feeling would feel insulted by the stereotyping of eating brains that is presented in story telling by bards nowadays. ::grin:: )

Reunited with her beloved, Airin lets her hawk rest before questioning it.

Fickle plays with Ouch as it playfully bites.

Podo can turn Zom, but after it wears off he might turn up at the city gates.

Selithe is weary of Zom.

If no one does anything about Zom he will continue to follow you.

Everyone who read the undead book or have knowledge of such things would know that uncontrolled undead can go rouge and attack all living things. Also, anyone relying on the knowledge from the undead book would find its words are starting to fade from their memory. (Now a +4 instead of the +5. Odd?)

Once back at the shop ether with or without Zom, everyone settles into a hearty breakfast of pancakes. Timmy has three huge stacks before slowing down. A note is sent to Burgomeister Calfast.

Julian  d20+9=11 d10+5=12
Monday December 3rd, 2007 3:37:56 PM

When we notice that Zom is following us Julian says to the others (in the hayfield)

[in halfling]"I am not having a zombie follow us around. I will cut it to shreds if there's no better option. What do you think?"

Ready action: Draw weapon and Attack Zom
hit AC 11 (oh well...)
damage 12

Monday December 3rd, 2007 4:31:27 PM

Tobias agrees with Julian, though not as impulsive as attacking the zombie just yet. "We cannot lead this thing into town. We will cut it to ribbons here if we don't think of something else. Perhaps we could see which one of us it is following (or is it the whole group)? Or, we could ask what else it needs? This seems like weird behavior for a zombie once it's task has been completed."

Either way, Tobias won't let the group get back to town with the zombie in tow... but he's hoping someone stops to listen before he has to attack.

Monday December 3rd, 2007 5:03:25 PM

"Good idea, Tobias. How about - you walk that way a bit, and I'll go this way, and [who else is here, Fickle? Selithe?] you go that way. But not too far, just to see who is being followed."

Dwight  d20=10
Monday December 3rd, 2007 8:22:25 PM

At the table, Dwight casually pulls someone aside to ask about the details of finding the boy and learns of how the group dealt with Zom.

He then thinks on its behavior. (10+4=14 knowledge undead)

Tuesday December 4th, 2007 7:41:01 AM

Airin is amused by the idea of spreading out to see whom the Zombie will be following but agrees that it's probably a good way to find out.

She and Fioni move opposite from Julian...

Posting Record Game 13 (ADM StevenVdB) 
Tuesday December 4th, 2007 7:41:22 AM

Posting Report for Game 13 for the week of November 26 - December 2

Name - MTWTFSS - #
DM Glenn - XXXXX-- - 5
Dwight - XXXXX-- - 5
Fickle - X-XXX-- - 4
Podo - -XXXX-- - 3 + 1 sub by Kim
Selithe - XXXX--- - 4
Kendry - XXX2-X- - 6
Tobias XXXXX-- - 5
Airin - XX2X--- - 5
Julian - XXXXX-X - 6

Good Posting friends!

Weekly Summary: The Return of Tommy and... Zom...
The night is cold an quiet. Some guard the hayfield - some fall a sleep and other go back to town. Waiting for a sign of the little boy.
Then finally at dawn Zom returns bringing back the sleeping Tommy. He is in good health and soon our friends return home.
Only... what's up with Zom?!?

Tuesday December 4th, 2007 9:27:29 AM

"Ouch! Ouch! Stop licking the inside of my mouth! I don't know where that mouth has been!" Said Fickle as he pets his woflpup. "Now lat's eat> Pancakes OK! we ned eggs. let's go find some!"

Off the Both of them go.

DM Glenn  d8=5
Tuesday December 4th, 2007 9:58:19 AM

Back in town with everyone gathered around the breakfast table, Dwight inquires of the group how they finally resolved the Zom problem. As everyone adds bit and pieces the story unfolds.

Julian was prepared to cut the Zombie down, when Tobias ask the group to spread out to see which if any Zom would follow. Amused, Airin moves off a bit as does Podo, Fickle, Selithe, and Kendry The boy stayed close to Fickle and the wolf pup. Zom followed Fickle and Tommy.

The tale of what happened to Zom is interrupted by the arrival of the Right and Honorable Burgomeister Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly and a few assistances, "Timmy! Praise the gods you're back safe and unharmed!" Calfast gives the boy a bear hug. Turning to one of his assistants, Calfast tells him, "Go and inform my sister and her family. Then escort her back here." The turning back to the group, "Thank you all for finding the boy, but where did find him? Tell me the whole story!"

As well as telling Calfast, Dwight prompts everyone to finish telling him about what happen to Zom? He's dying to find out!

Reflecting over the last week events: Dealing with Max, Zen and Barb, Fickle's party with the surprise boney wolfs, and then the ransom exchange. Everyone feels as if they have learned and grown a bit more.
(OOC: everyone has earned 3,000exp for their part in adventure. Please up update your character sheets.)

Tuesday December 4th, 2007 3:34:25 PM

Tobias asks Zom why he is still following the boy... though he's not sure that he really expects an answer... Tobias draws both his short swords and motions over to Julian, thinking that it's time to put this zombie to an end. Saying, "Undead wolf pup skeletons were bad enough in town, don't care to think what a full grown zombie would do."

Tuesday December 4th, 2007 4:15:33 PM

With a nod to Tobias, the grinning Julian moves to place Zom between himself and Tobias. He sword is ready, casually held in his two hands.

Tuesday December 4th, 2007 8:46:36 PM

Selithe is glad that the kid is home and that this small part is over, or atleast a small part of a whole since the necro is still out there to do his dirty work. Selithe kind of shrugs this off and watches and listens to the others, figuring her brother will jump in to spin his silver tale of heroics and dareing the group went through. Selithe grins over the last thought too.

Wednesday December 5th, 2007 6:55:29 AM

Airin wonders how long it will take the Necromancer to bring down every undead thing upon the group but shakes off the dark thoughts to enjoy the breakfast and the return of the young lad to Calfast...

Time to relax...

DM Glenn 
Wednesday December 5th, 2007 9:34:00 AM

The group finishes telling Dwight about what happened to Zom. Since they couldn't have a zombie following them around, Tobias and Julian cut short Zom's career as a Zombie. It was for the best, and Zom would have done the same for them.

Glad to be home, Selithe leaves the story telling to her brother.

Relaxing for now, Airin wonders about the next time they cross paths with the necromancer.

Wanting some eggs too, Fickle and Ouch set off to round up some fresh ones.

Podo sits quitly reflecting on the past events.

For once, Kendry don't burst out with a bardic song about the group's latest adventures, probably something to do with a huge bite of pancakes he's eaten just as Calfast arrived. Now's the chance for someone else to steal the stage and spin the tale, quick before Kendry finds his voice!

Calfast listens to what little the party has to say, "Friends I can tell you are all tired, Looks like some you slept in a pile of hay. I do want you to know that what every you did, you've earned the reward for Timmy's safe return. 20 rubies each worth about a hundred gold each or 2,000gp total each." Calfast motions to his second assistant, who starts handing out small pouches to Dwight, Fickle, Podo, Selithe, Kendry, Tobias, Airin and Julian.

Continuing Calfast ask, "So what are your plans now? ? I mean after a good night sleep." he glances around at everyone.

Wednesday December 5th, 2007 9:34:40 AM

When Fickle relaxes, he really relaxes. He looks as if he has no bones in his body. "ZZZzzz" and the wolfpup also sleeps beside him "Grrr! ZZZzzz! Wooff!"

Wednesday December 5th, 2007 10:01:51 AM

Dwight thanks Calfast for the reward, and brushes off some of the hay that he can't seem to get off.

Then in reply to Calfast, "It's in some debate at the moment, perhaps a delivery of a lost religious relic. However, I would suggest you keep up the town guard and watch for anything suspicious for the next few days; just to make sure Timmy and the town as a whole remain safe."

Then having eaten more a fair share of pancakes he turns in for long mid-day nap. After lunch he seeks to find the next task the group wishes to tackle....

OOC: thurible perhaps.

Wednesday December 5th, 2007 10:05:13 PM

Selithe is happy for the money but tries not to show it. She like probably most of the group still needs to pay for the next level of WLA training which is probably alot more then she has, not to mention she has spells yet she would like to get in her spell book and such..ahhh so much to do and so little money to do it all with.

When the comment on what the group is going to do next, she thinks and shrugs, "Myself speaking I really don't mind. We could return the items that Dwight spoke of or we could look into this Necro more. However if the Necro doesn't cause any more problems then maybe we should just leave well enough alone." Selithe shrugs, once again she will just go along with the others since she has been enjoying the little spats they get into along the way. Maybe sometime they might run into a place with a nice casino like place that she can have some fun at. The last though bringing a grin to her.

Thursday December 6th, 2007 12:00:14 AM

Julian sincerely thanks Celfast for the reward, and quietly stashes it into his pack.

Regarding what to do next, "The thurible, (did I say that right, Dwight?) would be a good idea. Keep the Gods happy, we have enough trouble without upsetting Them.

"I would like to send that necro to Koshe Marr, or worse, soon too. Perhaps we need some better gear and more experience first... Still, I would have a go at him. I could quickly get through the line of skeletons that was his defence before, and I think Tobias, Dwight, Fickle and Podo could too. The others can cause a lot of trouble from further back. I think it would be a case of the sword being mightier than necromancy."

Kendry (AC 15, HP 40) - Dealing with Zombie Zom in the hayfield  d8+1=4 d8+8=15 d20+8=15 d8+1=2 d8+1=8 d20+8=17 d20+8=24 d8+1=8
Thursday December 6th, 2007 12:58:17 AM

"Y'know, Tobias and Julian, I really don't like killing. And Zom has helped us twice.

"Of course, Zom already was killed, by Flavius. Let me ask him a few questions. If there's none of Zom left except his possessed body, then we'll despose of him. Honestly, I'm sad about doing it. But Timmy doesn't need a hobgoblin zombie following him about.

"Anyway, out of some overdeveloped sense of giving someone a chance..."

In the goblin tongue - since that is what Zom spoke in life - Kendry tells the zombie one last time, "Zom, you helped us - in life, and now in undeath. So I give you one more chance.

"If there is anything of the old Zom in you - tell me the name of someone from your tribe. Write on the ground if you can't speak. Draw a face of a friend."

He tries the same thing in the common tongue, too, if goblin does not work.

If Zom writes something... then Kendry will try to engage further. [What's with this bard, anyway??]

If he does not appear to respond, Kendry says, "Return to Flavius Aetius, your new master. If not, then this walking dead body will no longer walk. Return to Flavius, or die."

If there is no recognition, no comprehension, no obedience, then there's not enough of Zom left.


The following takes place only if all above tests fail:

Kendry says to Tobias and Julian, "It's time to end what's left."

He says to Fickle, "Please Walk Timmy to the other side of that haystack, out of sight."

"Zom, I told you that I would give you Olo's wand for your earlier help. I know you did not wish to become a victim to the necromancer. Here is Olo's wand."

He discharges Olo's old wand of cure light wounds, effecting 4 hp damage versus undead with the wand (touch attact vs zombie of 15 - ignore d8+8). To speed things up, in the 2nd round he hits AC 17 for 8 hp damage from cure light wounds. The 3rd round, if needed, hit AC 24 for 8 hp damage. Those attacks, along with whatever Tobias and Julian do, should finish him off.

[OOC: I just hope we don't have some sort of exploding or boobie-trapped Zombie here. I gave him every reasonable chance I could think of, without spending too much more divided time. So, Glenn, Zombie Zom will have to respond, or it's kill the zombie time.]

Also, IF Zom is unresponsive and we kill him, then Kendry wants those in the field to help him find a tree, that they might place his body up in the branches, as is the funeral custom of goblin races. He places Olo's wand in a small bag, inserts a note with the wand's command word, and ties it to a branch above the body.

"I made Zom a promise, to give him this wand, that was used by our cleric of Wardd, by the name of Olo. It has only" [7-number of charges expended to help kill the zombie] "charges left. I hope none will object."

And over the elevated gravesite, he sings a song in the goblin tongue, remembering what Bobbles taught him. And in common, he adds. "Gargul, please accept the soul of Zom the hobgoblin, and give him a good reward. Let his soul now rest, cleansed of the foul undeath laid on him by the necromancer Flavius Aetius. And Gargul, I pray: May Flavius either repent of his necromancy, or may we end his life to stop the spread of undeath. Selah. Amen."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Thursday December 6th, 2007 1:32:06 AM

"Well, I'm glad that you asked, Mr. Calfast, sir. I have made a vow to deliver some items to a local temple, and I intend to keep that vow. I'm sure we all have tasks that need to be accomplished since we last spoke," explains Podo.

Podo will get some sleep, food, and then assess where they stand, he stands with respect to Charles and the vows made.

Kendry - Pancake fest 
Thursday December 6th, 2007 3:47:03 AM

"Ah, sir," Kendry tells Calfast, "why is it that while trying to help some, we set in motion things that may cause harm to others?"

Kendry explains the chain of events. Perhaps some can sense his frustration.

"But it is good that Timmy is well, and capable of eating vast amounts of pancakes."

Regarding upcoming plans, Kendry allows, "I think some of us will want a couple days training with the Woldian League of Adventurers, and then, yes, as Podo has indicated, we have a commitment to keep - likely heading south for a bit. Dourscale."

After adding sausages and hash browns to his morning diet, Kendry adds once he is done chewing. "After that-- I wouldn't mind taking a break for a while. How about you, Airin?"

Before Calfast leaves, Kendry asks about how things are faring in the valley of late, and, in as discreet a manner as he might, how sits the mantle of leadership...

He also reminds the party of the fellow who tried to kill Podo. "We left him here in the lockup." If any have forgotten, he reminds them of the halfling whom they captured near Bella's place - the one who had been getting her neighbors to spy on Bella. "I suppose we should follow up on him."

He asks Calfast if he has seen or heard from Bella recently. He quietly mentions the Sons of Dread, and the wizard who hired several to attack in the Valley of the Four Peaks.

Thursday December 6th, 2007 4:27:51 AM

Julian is feeling exasperated.

"Actually, Kendry, I do object to wasting healing magic on something that was once a friend. I understand why you tried to reach the Zom within, sort of understand anyway.

"I understand why you want to 'bury' him in the tree - though doing that so near to Angel Springs isn't such a good idea.

"But giving away a wand to a zombie - I don't care who he was - because he isn't anyone anymore - it is just, well - mental. Are you losing your marbles? A life-giving wand for someone trapped in unlife? Even if he could use it it would harm him.

"So can we focus well-being of the group? on us? rather than these sub-species, these - these - monsters?! These are the same monsters that harm our own - halflings, and others of the noble races. They didn't stand and fight with us when they had the chance. They are not worth the breath you put into your songs for them, particularly as undead."

and OOC: DM said, "Tobias and Julian cut short Zom's career as a Zombie. It was for the best, and Zom would have done the same for them." - the deed is done...

Kendry, by a tree near the hayfields 
Thursday December 6th, 2007 5:24:07 AM

[OOC: Oops. I overlooked what Glenn wrote about Zom's final demise being a fait accompli.]

"Julian, I made a promise. I kept my promise. There are four spells still stored in the wand. Yes, I must be losing my mind.

"We have more wands. Maybe someone will find Olo's wand, and it'll do some good elsewhere."

Addressing another part of Julian's questions, Kendry answers, "Zom and his tribe helped us. We have been helped by a goblin, and by more than one giant. By showing restraint, and discerning character, and sensing motives, we have made friends and gained help, whereas we might otherwise have just had more dead bodies stacking up before us.

"Loss of patience serves to turn potential allies or friends into opponents or enemies. Go ahead, Jules, and make as many opponents as you wish - and make a notch on your scabbard for each one you kill. I prefer to make friends, where possible. To build allies for our group, and for our valley.

"You see me leaving the wand as wasteful, thoughtless. I see it as keeping my word, and planting a seed. Making an opportunity for someone else. Will that opportunity be Zom's? No. Not likely. But perhaps discovery of that wand by a young halfling will lead another of our people toward a life of adventure - to bring healing to our people, and protection. And fun. Perhaps it will just mend a broken leg.

"And if you believe I don't think about the well-being of our group, cuz, why don't you bring it up to the rest of our friends?

"And after that, then we can arm wrestle."

Kendry returns to town.

Thursday December 6th, 2007 5:54:18 AM

"Kendry, I just don't see the grey areas between Good and Evil the way you do.

"And if I expire before you, don't bury me in a tree with a Wand of Cure Light wounds. I don't like irony.

"Actually, spend my share of booty on a scroll of Flesh to Stone, and put me up as a statue somewhere - as a guardian to a lost pathway into a forgotten forest."

Thursday December 6th, 2007 8:42:46 AM

"I agree going to Dourscale and finally live up to our promisses is the right thing to do next. I'm sure the necromancer will find us in good time. But remember the to do list we had... I guess it's about time we start completing a few thingies on that list...

Sounds like a plan to head to Dourscale and return the thurible. ok?"

Thursday December 6th, 2007 9:15:30 AM

Fickle must have been verry tired, because he was sleeping almost past the pancakes. Untill he got a good sniff in his sleep/ "HuH!" Sniff, Sniff? "Pancakes" He yells " Pass the Cakes, the Butter, the honey and get out'z of the way'z"

DM Glenn 
Thursday December 6th, 2007 11:00:36 AM

The smell of a fresh batch of pancakes, awakens Fickle's hunger as he digs in to a stack.

Dwight thanks Calfast for the reward, and suggests returning the religious relic is high on his list.

Thanking Calfast, Julian agrees with returning the thurible, but would also like to take care the necromancer.

Happy for the money, Selithe is already making plans to spend it.
(OOC: I'm not entirely sure, but I believe you can continue you're per level training at the WLA without paying the next level of dues. You just don't get the bonus feat or rank increase. Is that correct Kim?)
[Kim responds: Yes, you are correct. You can continue to gain skills, but rank and feat await full payment.]

Podo tells Calfast of his intention to deliver some items to a local temple. Meanwhile he plans to get some food and sleep. (OOC: you mean Sharles the guy whose bones you have in a bag?)

Kendry muses over the odd twist of fate as he explains the chain of events to Calfast. As for plans a few days of training at the WLA then off to Dourscale.

Agreeing with the others, Airin believes they should go the Dourscale.

Before Calfast leaves, he lets everyone know "I find it relieving to have a group of adventures we can count in time of trouble. As for leadership it seems to be one crisis after another. Run here and make a decision, and someone is always unhappy with it. At times I just want to go back to farming. Right now the crescent valley seems quiet."

[OOC: How do you plane to travel to Dourscale? On foot, or by the Windhorn express stagecoach? Who needs to spend 3 days training at WLA?]

The continued story of Zom:

Having failing at any attempt to communicate with Zom the Zombie, in the end Kendry is forced to admit that the only thing left of Zom is his undead body. Out of personal honor or lawful tendency, Kendry feels strongly in giving Zom a goblin funeral and leaving him with the wand promised to him in life by the bard.

Julian doesn't understand Kendry's need to keep his promise to a dead hobgoblin. To Julian burying an item that can help them seems crazy. Perhaps it just his chaotic nature clashing with the lawful tendencies that Kendry is showing.

Kendry defends his action, and offers hope that maybe the wand will prove some good somewhere. He believes making friends and building allies is for the best in the long run.

Frustrated, Julian declares to Kendry how and how-not he would want his mortal remains to be deal with!

[OOC: Some times you all crack me up! LOL -glenn]

Thursday December 6th, 2007 8:30:38 PM

Selithe chuckles some at Julian's comment and moves to follow him as she quickly takes his arm in hers, "Well, I'm thinking when that day comes that we bury you with a big sword. You know, like a brave warrior from the stories." Selithe smiles and shrugs, "When I die though I'm hoping to be remembered as the greatest gambler who lived. People coming to see my grave from near and far, visiting the family shop to see where I grewup. Maybe one day I might open my own gambling place." Selithe goes into talking about unseen servant spells being used to help tend the place and other magical means of doing things. She might loose Julian in her talking but she is having fun for sure talking of her dreams.

After talking about that for awhile she looks to Julian and grins, "An what do you plan to do one day when we're done traveling? I mean, you have to have ideas too? Maybe you could find something to do in a gambling place with me." Selithe grins and since Julian probably wants to get some rest, she walks all the way back to his room with him talking. At the door to his room Selithe gives him a kiss to the cheek and smiles to him, "Mind if we talk alittle longer? Or is it safe in your room?"

Thursday December 6th, 2007 8:43:15 PM

By late afternoon, Dwight is again famished, but decides to take a stroll around the city first. He makes it to each entrance and ask the guards, (or anyone that appears to present and capable of given the answer), if anything suspicious has occurred during the day. He doesn't inquire to deeply, as not wanting to arouse additional concern. If word hasn't already spread, he lets it slip that Timmy has been rescued. Dwight doesn't want others taking needless risks trying to find the boy.

Otherwise he just enjoys the stroll and eventually makes it to the catacombs.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Friday December 7th, 2007 12:42:41 AM

Like everyone else, Podo is famished. Podo looks for a full belly then is off for a cat nap before heading to the Temple of Alemi.

Friday December 7th, 2007 1:04:18 AM

Tobias votes for stagecoach if we can all afford the ticket... And, he's ready to leave when the others are, next day if need be...

And, he still thinks that Kendry's efforts were misguided... "Living beings may be able to be reformed or show a soft side. Undead don't have that possibility, they are an abomination against nature, and best to be put down immediately. It was an act of mercy that I think Zom understood, and would have done the same for us."

Friday December 7th, 2007 4:30:00 AM

(ooc do we have our mounts around here somewhere?! I wonder where Blossom left... If the pony is around here somewhere Airin will ride Blossom to go to Dourscale)

Airin smiles at the conversations between Julian and Kendry. She herself has often wondered where the good bard kept digging up is curiosities in life. Leaving a wand even to Airin seems a bit odd but she perfectly understands Kendry has to do this.

"You did the right thing love" she whispers in his ears once the Zom matter has been settles and adds a little kiss on his cheek with it. Twkinkling lights in her eyes reveal she has not nearly spent enough time with him lately. Running from here to there has never given her much time for pleasure.

Perhaps the road to Dourscale will bring some pleasant times of song and laughter perhaps?

Friday December 7th, 2007 6:39:23 AM

To Selithe: "Me? done travelling? Mum and Dad had enough trouble keeping me in one place. I couldn't wait to get to Plateau City - remember? - and I stayed there longer than I should have, trying to earn my fortune the hard way, moving plates and forks around Sampson's Cafe. I want travel the Wold, and right the wrongs, strike down those who use force against others. I want people to live without the fear of a hobgoblin raid, or a platoon of zombies, and remember that it was that mightiest of halflings and his badger who cleaned their neighbourhood of evil." He places his arm on her arm linked in his.

"Kendry, I suppose, will have a friend or three in every nook and cranny across the lands, and I'll have to ask each zombie if he is, or ever was, a friend of Kendry the Eternally Forgiving Bard, Most Merciful of all Mortals, Next Deity of the Peacemakers.

"I can't imagine not living with sword at my sides, the smell of sweat and iron, the taste of fear in my throat.

"Of course we can talk longer," he says in all innocence.

"You know, I've finally learned to run fast - I mean really fast. You know like I was trying to before - all that running and swimming I suppose. Shark can, too.

"These gems are burning a hole in my pocket, you know. I wanna buy, well everything, so I find it really hard to save for stuff, like this armour I want. Are you going to the Catacombs soon? You mentioned once that you were saving for something big, can you get it now?"

To Tobias: "Stagecoach? Okay! That sounds rather fun, how much issit? I want to go to the Catacombs tomorrow, then 'look out Wold!'"

DM Glenn 
Friday December 7th, 2007 10:08:56 AM

After awhile, Timmy's family arrives. It's a joyfully and tearfully reunion, Timmy's mom thanks each of you repeatedly. Timmy seems a bit embarrassed by all the fuss over him. Eventually, Calfast, his assistants, Timmy and his family make their exit, leaving the group tired but full.

Hearing Julian's wish for a final resting place, Selithe expresses her wish to be known as the Wold's gambler, maybe open a gambling place.

After eating, Dwight strolls around making inquiries of the gate guards and spreading the word of Timmy's safe return. Most of the guards have already heard that Timmy's been found by the Halfling Adventures. Some of the guards even recognize Dwight as one of the Adventures, usually leading to lots of questions about how you managed it. All the guards tell you nothing out of the ordinary been happing. One guard tells you he saw a dragon fly over head, the other guards just laugh at him.

After filling his belly and a good nap, Podo go back to the Temple.

Tobias likes the stagecoach and is ready to leave the next day. He shakes his head at the crazy bard for treating the zombie like it a person.

Airin thinks about riding her pony Blossom to Dourscale, it probably needs the exercise. She shows her support for what Kendry did or tried to do for Zom.

Julian talks with Selithe about stuff past, present and future. He even images Kendry becoming the next deity of peacemaking. He thinks taking the stagecoach would be fun.

Fickle has a second helping of food.

Kendry is writing down the latest adventure, maybe even a saga for Zom.

Checking around, the group can find that the Windhorn express round trip cost about 10gp each. It travels between Angel Springs and Windhorn a two day trip each way, and that Dourscale is just an hour or two from Windhorn, an easy daytrip. The Next available coach is in three days.

Survival check DC15 Highlight to display spoiler: {It feels like a storm will be blowing in off of dragon bay. Likely to be cold, windy and wet for a day or two.}

(OOC: Please make updates to your character sheets and send me a copy ASAP. Thanks!)

Friday December 7th, 2007 3:06:10 PM

"Flesh to stone? I'll keep that in mind, hard head!" he jokes with Julian.

He nibbles on Airin's ear after she whispers in his. "I just have this compulsion to do what's right... or tasty!"


"I don't know about the rest of you, but I've got two things, minimum, to take care of before the coach next leaves.

"First - the fellow we had locked up with the constabulary. I want to find out more about him. I think this will take just one or two of us to follow up on, for the moment.

"Second - training with the WLA." Kendry works on getting training in riding (+1 to 5 ranks in ride) and jumping (1 rank now).

[Aside to DM on Fickle's behalf: I worked hard to ensure that Fickle had the requisite funds for WLA training the week before we exchanged familiar & books for Timmy. Any chance he actually was able to take that training? I sincerely hope so, because we've been trying for, I dunno, about six months or so real time to make this happen. That would have the benefit of him receiving the training at 5th level, thus getting the feat, etc.]

Friday December 7th, 2007 3:54:15 PM

"Okay, Kendry. Perhaps we could even train together on those two - see who can jump the furthest. I bet I could even clear the river - you choose the spot. What say you? Tobias? Fickle? Podo? Anyone up for a bit of sport between friends?"

Friday December 7th, 2007 10:16:10 PM

"Yes," Kendry answers Julian. "I like to get wet. Then I can practice my swimming more."

Airin  d20+10=11
Monday December 10th, 2007 7:42:02 AM

(Survival: Nat 1)

Not needing to spend time training in the league Airin will probably enjoy the time of. She'll spend her time swapping stories with the other adventurers.
She will of course train somewhat but not to gain extra skills (Airin didn't level up - how many have?)

When do we leave?

DM Glenn 
Monday December 10th, 2007 11:28:15 AM

OOC: busy this morning, will post later.

Monday December 10th, 2007 12:02:20 PM

At 10gp each, Tobias thinks the stage coach would definitely be best...

Dwight (weekend post) 
Monday December 10th, 2007 12:42:32 PM

Dwight agrees with Tobias. The coach seems the most efficient.

OOC: Is Dwight the only one without a mount (for riding non-combat)?

Kendry  d20+9=27
Monday December 10th, 2007 4:23:24 PM

Kendry talks with the constabulary, first to ensure that their captive is still in hand. He requests that he be allowed to bring meals to the man for the next few days.

He asks if they have learned his name, where he comes from, or anything else about him. He also gets the name of the constables & workers there.

He asks a few of his friends and family members, before he leaves, "Please call me Milo. Say, 'Hey, Milo, how are you?'" He explains that he is going to tell someone that his friends call him 'Milo.' "I want to be able to say that truthfully - even if in only a limited sense."

Kendry disguises himself (27), and -- if the constables allow him to do so -- takes meals to the prisoner.

"Howdy. Lunchtime for ya, mister. Got some carrots, goulash -- a few chunks o' meat in it, even -- bread, and prune juice. Eat up."

He has taken the appearance of a fairly simple fellow. He talks with his mouth almost closed, as he does not wish the assassin to see the gap between his teeth.

He stays a while.

DM Glenn  d20+10=25
Monday December 10th, 2007 4:26:00 PM

Kendry plans to do some training at the WLA, but first he follows up on the sneaky fellow they had locked up with the constabulary. Kendry finds the fellow is still where he left him, the constables are glad to see the bard, they tell Kendry the fellow has been behaving, but they can't justify keeping him in the pokey much longer. The sneaky fellow looks to be in good shape and is resting on his bunk when Kendry goes to visit him. (OOC: who else is accompanying Kendry?)

Julian is keen on training, he even challenges Kendry to and the others to a river jumping contest. The bard agree.

Not really needing to train, Airin will workout just to keep sharp and in shape.

Tobias thinks the stagecoach is the way to go.

Agreeing with the ranger, Dwight thinks the coach would be best.

Podo, Fickle, and Selithe hang out with the group waiting the couple of days for the next Coach run.

The day after rescuing Timmy, the wind picks up and thick clouds start to roll in from the west. About noon it starts to rain. Anyone traveling about will be soaked after 5min. The WLA has indoor space for training, so a little rain doesn't slow that down, but after a day or two of this rain the river will be a great deal more difficult to jump.

Kendry learns from the constables that they haven't leaned anything more from the sneaky fellow. With the permission of the guards, the bard disguises himself as a simple fellow called Milo who happens to be bring a meal to the prisoner.

(Edited to add more on sneaky fellow - Glenn)
The sneaky fellow looks up, "Prune juice again? I'll be a lot happier if it was a flagon of ale." The prisoner takes a long look at Milo, then shakes his head as if dismissing a thought, "What happen to Bob, the fellow who normally brings my meals?"

Monday December 10th, 2007 8:02:21 PM

Dwight decides not to see the prisoner with Kendry, hoping to minimize the sights a bit. As far as Dwight can recall, the prisoner has never seen Dwight out of disguise.

However, he does get caught by the rain an makes it to the training hall from the catacombs soaked and dripping.

Monday December 10th, 2007 8:53:06 PM

Selithe goes along with the others and will hand over 10gps for the coach ride also. Most of her time will be spent with Julian though as for the moment it looks like she has abit of freetime. As to not blow his cover, Selithe does her best to let "Milo" Kendry do his thing.

(OOC:Glenn, I'll try to have my CS in ASAP.)

Monday December 10th, 2007 10:10:20 PM

Julian is more than happy to spend time with Selithe. He suggests walking just out of the township, along the river.

"Wanna come for a ride on Shark with me?" Julian casts Enlarge Person on his familiar, leaps atop him into the saddle and offers Selithe a hand up.

"You should be safe behind me there. Shall we gallop along the river, into the woods, or through the town just to scare people? We've only got a few minutes."

Tuesday December 11th, 2007 1:31:37 AM

Podo after returning from the temple of Alemi, will await with his friends their transportation to Dourscale.

Posting Record Game 13 (ADM StevenVdB) 
Tuesday December 11th, 2007 5:29:25 AM

Posting Report for Game 13 for the week of December 3 - December 9

Name - MTWTFSS - # - %

DM Glenn - XXXXX-- - 5 - 100
ADM - ------- - - 0
Dwight - X-XX--- - 3 - 60
Fickle - -XXX--- - 3 - 60
Podo - ---XX-- - 2 - 40
Selithe - -XXX--- - 3 - 60
Kendry - ---32-- - 5 - 100
Tobias - XX--X-- - 3 - 60
Airin - XXXXX-- - 5 - 100
Julian - 2X-32-- - 8 - 160

Weekly Summary : The Aftermath of Zom

Zom's pitiful life is brought to an end and the group returns to the town with the little boy.
Reunited with his folks a party with lots of pancakes is held to celebrate the return of Timmy. Of course our friends are the guests of honor.

Rewarded with loads of gems the group finds itself once again on a turning point... What's next?

Kendry  d20+5=6 d20+6=8 d20+11=21 d20+11=28
Tuesday December 11th, 2007 7:28:48 AM

[Survival check to have no clue about your earlier request for a survival check: nat 1

Jumping... into the river next to Julian: 8]

"Yeah - ale's good at washin' things down, fer sure. But prune juice helps keep ya regular, if ya know what I mean. Oh, Bob? He's got the rest of the day doin' other stuff, so I gets to give you food. Folk call me Milo, by the way. What's your name, mister? Forgot to ask. They just said, 'Take this to the fella in the cell.' And how's that goulash tastin'?" he asks. "I thought it was good overall, but one potato seemed a mite undercooked," he offers his unsolicited opinion.

[Diplomacy checks with prisoner: 21, 28.]

Airin and Fioni 
Tuesday December 11th, 2007 8:16:36 AM

Reunited with Blossom as well Airin takes time to tend for both Fioni and Blossom. Being at the WLA gives her plenty of time for doing these things especially since the weather is far from what she expected...

And since she's not going on any quest at the moment Airin wears her green silk dress to dinner in the evenings. Perhaps she will be invited to dance...

DM Glenn 
Tuesday December 11th, 2007 10:28:05 AM

Dwight get soaked by the rain between training and shopping.

Selithe tags along with the others. She prepays for her coach ticket.

Julian takes a walk with Selithe and offers her a ride on his enlarged Shark.

Podo returns from the temple and waits for his friends.

Kendry continues to talk to the prisoner and get on his friendly side. The man looks up from his goulash, "You can call me Smith. The food's fine Milo, but could use more pepper. I haven't seen you around here before are you new?" Smith shakes his head, "It's a shame really someone of your talents being used as a common server. I bet they only pay you what about a silver a week. I know someone would gladly pay a silver a day for someone with your skills. Maybe when I get out I can introduce you them. Would you be interested?"

Airin tends both Fioni and Blossom during the day at the WLA, then later dresses up for dinner.

Fickle and Tobias remain indoors during the rain playing a game of chess. (opposing Int rolls to see who wins!)

As the day passes, the rain continues to fall and increases with strong gusts of wind. Any dirt streets now have standing mud puddles. Selithe and Julian get caught by the rain and end up soaked during their walk/ride.

Assuming everyone gets eats dinner at the toy/music family shop. The rain is really coming down in bucketfuls now and the wind is howling. The Windhorn stagecoach leaves the day after tomorrow, and those training at the WLA need one more day of training.

Tobias  d20=1
Tuesday December 11th, 2007 12:21:38 PM

Tobias continues to wait for everyone to prepare... training Tewdwr some more if there's time.

As for chess, he probably doesn't have much hope... (haha 1)

Kendry (Podo - please read - you need to respond to this)  d20+11=26 d20+5=17
Tuesday December 11th, 2007 1:07:04 PM

"A silver? A day??" Kendry, as Milo, gives a low whistle. "Sure could help my kinfolk a bit more'n with just one a week. But I does get an extra copper, besides. Got me a raise, y'know, fer extra work I does."

He narrows his eyes. "It doesn't involve sweepin' up dirt, now does it? Tired of sweepin', I'll tell ya."

Assuming 'Smith's' response is positive, Kendry, a.k.a. Milo, says he'll try to bring somethin' special for dinner.

He coaches the constables to call him Milo in his present guise, and promises to return to serve Smith's evening meal.

Morning and afternoon on the first day (following pancakes) are spent at the WLA (studying riding the first day with Cheann, and jumping the next day), with an hour break for donning disguise [take 20: 29] and feeding the prisoner.

Just before he enters the cell area, Kendry, clad as Milo, casts detect thoughts.

"Guess what, mister? Uh, Mister Smith. They're tellin' me they might not hold ya much longer." He slides the food tray in. "Gotcha some meatloaf tonight. An apple, and smooshed yams with butter. An' there's a pinch of pepper and a pinch o' salt on the side of the board fer ya. Couldn't get no papriker," he mispronounces 'paprika'. And he hands him the special thing he promised - a flagon of ale. [Diplomacy: 26] "So, watchya think ya might do once ya get out? This ain't no fine inn that anybody'd want to stay in, fer sure."

Kendry takes a quick bath once he gets back from the lockup, and joins his friends for dinner.

About to tell of his interactions with the assassin who tried to kill Podo about a month back, he spots Airin in her beautiful green silk dress. He gives an appreciative whistle, then asks in a shy manner, indicating the seat next to her. "Uh, 'scuse me, miss, but, is this seat taken? If not, I'd be much obliged if you wouldn't mind overmuch were I to sit down here. Beside you. That is, if it's no trouble." He flirts with her during the meal, sitting close.

During the meal, he asks others how their days have gone. He asks Fickle about what skills he's taking at the WLA.

He tells them of his conversations with the prisoner.

"We can have him released tomorrow, then 'Milo' can take him up on his offer to meet his contact. Can you imagine - I might be able to earn a silver a day!"

He turns to Podo. "Pode, it was you this 'Smith' fellow tried to bean. How do you feel about letting him be released, so we can learn more about his network? We know he's up to no good, and he could continue to cause grief for Bella. I was thinking, though, that we might arrange to have a trial for him tomorrow afternoon. If you want, you could testify against him. Or we could, as a party, drop charges against him.

"What do all the rest of you think? Let him go, and learn more about his contacts - but risk what he'll do with his freedom? Or maybe obviate the risk by setting a trap that, once he introduces me as Milo to his contact, we take him down, then have a real trial?"

He jots a quick note to Calfast, which he seals with wax.

The prisoner who hired neighbors to spy upon Bella, and who tried to kill Podo, who has been in lockup this past month, offered me a job once he gets out. He said he has a contact who will pay me almost seven times what (he thinks) I'm making now.

I disguised myself as a simple fellow and took food to him twice today at the constabulary. I gave my identity as 'Milo.' He said I should call him 'Smith.'

My thought is that a short hearing be held for him tomorrow afternoon. He be found guilty of assaulting a citizen (that would be Podo) with possible intent to kill. The assaulted party, however, has agreed that in exchange for the items found in the prisoner's possession at the time of assault, and for time served, and for good behavior, that the sentence be for a year and a day, and loss of said possessions. The judge will allow the remaining 11 months of his sentence to be commuted to probation. So long as he checks in once a month, and keeps his nose clean, he shall be released at the end of the day, once the paperwork is complete. If the prisoner agree to these terms, he will be given 100 gold pieces, which the victim of said assault has allowed the prisoner so he not be left destitute. He should check in once a month with the constable, or notify the constabulary if he plans to leave Angel Springs for more than a month.

Milo (that is, I) will make arrangements to meet with his contact, learn the terms of engagement, and learn more about what this spy is all about. Perhaps we'll get enough information to nab him (for attempted corruption of an official, perhaps, and for activities against the interest of the citizens of Angel Springs?).

I'm suggesting we play with this fish. Give him a little line, and see whether we net him again, and/or catch another fish or two while we're at it.

Please let me know if this course of action meets with your approval - or if you have another take on the issue. If the former, let's make arrangements for the hearing for tomorrow, and allow his release after supper at the jail.

My word, though, Mister Smith is one bad, and sneaky, apple.


P.S.: Please burn this note after reading it. My thanks!
This letter Kendry shares with his friends for their information - and to see if they have anything to add. He then seals it with wax, and places in an envelope. He's not sure he wants to entrust it to some lad in the streets. He asks if a member or two of the party can seek out Calfast tonight to give it to him directly.

After dinner, he clears an area, and gets his siblings to play some music with him. After a few warm up songs, he invites Airin to come and dance with him. [Dance: 17]

Julian  d6=2
Tuesday December 11th, 2007 3:24:18 PM

+++++ at the river +++++

"Great! That's great Kendry." Julian dives in towards his friend, splashes water in his face and laughs with him.
"I reckon I could jump that far with my armour on. And next you try to talk us out of a good fight, I know I can just push you in a river. Come on, let's swim upstream a while, to improve your fitness. Increase your breath-hold, so that you can sing to us in battle." [training in Swim for WLA]

Once out, Julian will cast Prestidigation to dry himself (sorry Kendy, Julian doesn't really know how to cast spells on others... dry yourself)

+++++ through the day +++++

Julian also trains in Riding on his riding dog, the rough-coated Collie named Sallie.

He also spends time with Selithe, "Teach me to play cards, but just playing, no tricks."

And he makes a quick visit to the Catacombs, empties his new supply of gems and returns with a pack full of scrolls and a fancy new quiver and crossbow.

+++++ at the Toy Shop +++++

Like a little boy, Julian has to show off his new quiver, "Cool huh? You should see what I can fit into this thing." He demonstrates - a lance, some javelins, "hope these are better made than those other ones I had," some bolts and a wand, "the human who served me at the Catacombs gave me a warning about this one, it is Reduce Person. He said it can be addictive, said it was 'Hobbit Forming,' then he laughed himself silly. I don't get it, I think he's a bit rude. I won't use it that often."

+++++ regarding Kendry's note +++++

"Sure, I'll go find Calfast. I'll stay out of armour too, cos you probably want me to be incon.... inconspik.... you don't want people to really notice me. Come on, then Shark, Sallie. We've a job to do. Selithe?"

To My DMGleenn 
Tuesday December 11th, 2007 7:35:46 PM

I'm Sorry to report That I have a bum Foot (Running away fron all those men around here) I'll Play again tomorow< OK??

Dwight  d20+3=6 d20+3=22
Tuesday December 11th, 2007 9:27:17 PM

Dwight agrees the potential of following the smith fellow is interesting, but wonders if it is important enough to set aside the thurible. He looks to see Podo's reaction, whom he feels will have the strongest opinion on the matter.


"Julian, I think I'll tag along and get some fresh air." DWight will accompany Julian to Calfast. As he leaves the shop and returns, he pays close attention to whether or not the house is begin watched (spot: 6/leaving, 22/returning)

Tuesday December 11th, 2007 9:56:37 PM

"Dwight - this should not slow us down from delivering the thurible," Kendry assures his long time companion. "I fully intend for us to be on that carriage at the appointed time. Oh - could someone make sure we have places reserved for ourselves and our menagerie? Who would like to see to that? Airin, you're not training with the WLA at the moment, are you? Would you like to make arrangements, hon?"

Selithe  d20+8=11
Tuesday December 11th, 2007 10:22:55 PM

(OOC:Glenn, I noticed something while looking over my CS. Would you be okay if I moved two skill points? If so then my CS is ready to be turned in.)

Selithe smiles and takes Julian's offer on the ride, speaking to him while holding on so she doesn't tumble off, "Good thing Gra isn't here, she might get abit jealous." As Selithe spends time with Julian she realizes she didn't answer his question earlier, "Actually, I'm thinking of using my money to buy a nice wand or such. However I need to be abit more magical knowledged before I can get a good one. Otherwise I like to get a staff sometime but they cost alot of money."

Selithe enjoys her time with Julian and looks with interest at his quiver when Julian shows it off, "Wow, that is neat. Isn't it near what magic can accomplish."

When Julian comments on being showed how to play cards, Selithe grins and pulls out the deck he bought her, "Ahh, something everyone should know, how to play a good game and not be cheated. You see, a very good gambler can palm a card and hide it rather easily but I promise, a clean game. No money, but I like some type of stakes. How about for every hand I win you owe me a kiss." Selithe grins at Julian.

(Profession Gambler:13 *forgot +2 for MW deck* To teach Julian and for the friendly game.)

Wednesday December 12th, 2007 1:41:29 AM

"Let 'em go, Cuz. Drop the charges...if he tries again, I'll turn the other cheek again..." explains Podo to his cousin Kendry.

Airin and Fioni  d20+3=19
Wednesday December 12th, 2007 2:47:08 AM

- at dinner that evening -

Airin greatly enjoys the attention she gets from Kendry. It has been far too long since they had such good times.

She even dares to join him to dance... (Perform dance: 19)

Her green dress waves as she glides over the dance floor with Kendry. Smiling and blushing she dances to the music till late in the evening.

- the next morning -

After breakfast Airin makes all the arrangements to get her friends on the carriage. She herself will be riding Blossom.

"G'day sir. I'd like to make reservations for seven places on the carriage to Dourscale. How much would that be?"

Wednesday December 12th, 2007 4:35:29 AM

He blushes furiously at Selithe's offer, and not knowing what to say, he nods dumbly.

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