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The Valley of Four Peaks

Welcoming Committee? (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday June 6th, 2007 10:07:56 AM

The party takes its leave of Slam the Giant. Fickle, Selithe, and Tobias take care to wish the big fellow well. Kendry confirms the names of the peaks, and consults the map to get oriented.

He and Podo agree -- this is without doubt the Valley of Four Peaks, the haven in which Graeff the druid ranger offers refuge and some healing for those who have suffered hurts of the mind. This is the home of the person for whom Bella brewed her healing potions. Your job is to deliver those potions here, to Graeff, and now that end is in sight.

But before you descend into the protected valley, Airin sends her beloved avian companion off with a note to find Julian.

Airin gets a feel for the soul of this place. In fact, there is an aura of good here, just as there was an aura of chaos in the Culverwood. Good-aligned creatures gain a +1 on all d20 rolls here in this valley. (OOC: Remembering to use your +1 is up to you. If you forget, too bad!)

The party's mood is light, and Podo and Kendry enjoy some joking. The group strolls down into the valley, following the stream from the spring, taking no special precautions at stealth. But Airin especially keeps her eyes open, so the party sees some people ahead just as they are seen.

There is a platform high in a stand of trees watered by the stream. Some people on the platform see you, and four people step out. They are clad in armor and carry drawn weapons. They are frowning and fierce.

If you make a spot check vs DC23, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {There is a bear hidden carefully in a blind of some sort on the ground within the trees.}

You are 200 feet from the armed folk ahead.

Kendry  d20+3=21
Wednesday June 6th, 2007 11:41:28 AM

"Hallo, good people!" Kendry calls out. "We intend no harm. May we approach?" He stands, hands on hips, awaiting their response.

Airin - no trace of Fioni  d20+10=23
Wednesday June 6th, 2007 5:06:02 PM

Spot check: 23

"Careful friends, there's a bear hidden over there..." Airin whispers to her friends.

Worried that the men have drawn weapons, Airin keeps her hand on the hilt of her Bastard Sword in case of unpleasantries.

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, Know Direction, Create Water, Light
Level 1: *Speak with animals, Produce Flame, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Dwight  d20+3=16
Wednesday June 6th, 2007 9:17:43 PM

"Hmmm,a welcoming committee?" Dwight says quietly. "It would make sense to have a border patrol next to giant country."

Dwight looks to Kendry as this seems to be a diplomatic issue coming. Dwight will stay with the group and try to get a decent count of all the people.

spot: 16 (how many people total including platform)

Are they human? halfling? Any not in armor?

Selithe  d20+3=18 d20=2
Wednesday June 6th, 2007 10:24:08 PM

Selithe smiles thinking of what Julian would of most likely said right now but no one has seemed to shown a hostile sign yet so she stays quiet and lets Kendry do the talking. If all works out right this will be a friendly enoucnter anyway.

(Spot:18 Listen:2)

CDM Jerry 
Thursday June 7th, 2007 5:25:57 AM

I need the report from last week posted and emailed to me please. Thanks friends.

Fickle  d20=13
Thursday June 7th, 2007 7:22:41 AM

OOC: Spot check 13 Miss.

Fickle follows his cousins Kendry and Dwight, when he notices the the armored guards, "hey'z not smiling!! Who'z going to'z talk to Them'z??"

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC:19 | HP: 37]  d20+9=21 d20+2=9 d20+1=14
Thursday June 7th, 2007 8:58:15 AM

Podo seeing the armed group just as the rest of his companions do stops in his tracks to concentrate on seeing what he can.

Of what Podo knows about the area, this place doesn't have armed escorts. When Airin shares with them that there is a captured bear in the woods and care has been taken to kept that fact from view and thus hidden from him and his friends, Podo knows that something is afoul with this senario.

Knowing that there is a bear in the woods, bound, and restrainded, Podo tries to spot it himself, but is unsucessful.

Knowing that this probably isn't the end of the journey, Podo quickly reviews his list of readied spells to aid if this situation comes to a head.

Skill Checks
Concentrate DC:9
Spot DC:21
Know(history) DC:14

Readied Spells
•Detect Magic
•Purify Food and Drink

1st level
•Cure Light Wounds x2

Tobias  d20+6=26
Thursday June 7th, 2007 1:46:11 PM

Tobias tries to keep a steady hand while giving Kendry a chance to talk with our welcomers, but he does keep a sharp eye out for any signs of an ambush or attack.

Spot: 26 (nat 20)

Thursday June 7th, 2007 1:47:46 PM

Also he spots a bear in a concealed pen, and tries to relay that to Kendry and the others as best as he can in their sign language.

Closed to Travellers (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday June 7th, 2007 4:41:36 PM

Kendry calls out, and the two groups come closer. Airin warns about the hidden bear. Dwight notes that there are two humans and two halflings in the group -- in leather armor. Selithe thinks about Julian and waits. Fickle wants to know who will talk to them. Knowing where to look, Podo sees that the bear is hidden, NOT bound. He also sees that the leader of the welcoming committee has two hands embroidered onto his tunic -- he may be a priest of Alemi.

Tobias also sees that the bear is in a blind, not a bind! LOL! Like a hunting blind! A rough, concealed lean-to behind which one can hide!

Sorry, you guys crack me up!

The leader of the welcoming committee speaks up, from about 50 feet away: "Who are you, and what hmanner of people do you be? I can see that you are hnalflings. This valley is closed to travellers -- we welcome no strangers hnere, so you hmight as well turn around and go hnome."

The fellow's language is distinctive, and if you make a Knowledge Geography or Bard Lore check vs DC14, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {The man is Hmanish, of a tribe of humans in the Windborn Hills. Some say the people are ancient dwellers here, firstcome maybe, and they keep their own ways.}

Thursday June 7th, 2007 8:39:47 PM

Figures things couldn't be all easy. thinks Dwight.

He'll give Kendry a chance to respond.

Perhaps they are closed for the sickness and we bring the cure. At least they have spoken to us first.

As Dwight listens to the conversation, there is some surprise that none of the halflings have spoken up as being related to Kendry yet. But then again we aren't in the valley anymore. Ahh the valley.

Dwight casually looks to the distance left and right to see how feasible it might be to skirt around this post.

Kendry  d20+11=23 d20+11=24 d20+3=23
Thursday June 7th, 2007 9:04:37 PM

Kendry walks forward to reply - stopping about 25 feet from the speaker. Kendry replies, "We are more messengers, than mere travelers. And we bear good news. For Graeff, from a friend."

He, too, notes one of the symbols embroidered on a tunic. "You serve the Honorable Healer, the Lover of Peace, and ancient friend of Domi. Him I honor and worship, as well." He motions toward Podo. "This, my bosom friend, is Alemi's servant."

He lets this settle for a moment, then introduces himself. "I am Kendry."

[Knowledge, bardic: 23. Diplomacy: 24. Spot: 23]

Fickle  d20=12
Friday June 8th, 2007 8:33:01 AM

Misses - 12

Fickle stand with his cousins, open hos mouth and>>>>"Berp!" in their faces.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC:19 | HP: 37]  d20+3=18 d20+9=27 d20+5=21
Friday June 8th, 2007 8:55:17 AM

Podo steps forth when Kendry motions towards him and says, "Hello", while give a short wave of greetings and a nice friendly smile.

Podo tries during his mini introduction to sense motive and spot somethign important among the opposite group.

Podo recognizes the group and the man as being Hmanish, of a tribe of humans in the Windborn Hills. Podo has heard that some say the people are ancient dwellers here, firstcome maybe, and they keep their own ways.

Skill Checks
Sense Motive: 18
Spot: 27
Know(Geo): 21

Airin - no trace of Fioni 
Friday June 8th, 2007 9:45:56 AM

Airin nods at the armed men in silence. Her blade still sheathed.

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, Know Direction, Create Water, Light
Level 1: *Speak with animals, Produce Flame, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Tobias  d20+6=11 d20+7=25
Friday June 8th, 2007 1:00:16 PM

Keeping an eye open, but waiting for the others to respond to Kendry.

Spot: 11
Listen: 25

Come And Prove It! (DM Cayzle) 
Friday June 8th, 2007 10:04:04 PM

Dwight waits for Kendry to answer. He evaluates the situation and deduces that sneaking around would require at least some pretty competent hide checks. And who knows what watchers are hidden.

Kendry claims friendship with Graeff and says that the group has come with a purpose.

Fickle burps rudely.

Podo nods a greeting and looks sharp -- seems to him that these people are suspicious and wary. He sees that both of the halflings wear a tattoo on their arms with a strange symbol on it.

Airin and Tobias stay alert and wait.

The leader with the strange accent says, "Fine, IF you are whnoo you say you are, then come with us and prove it. But if you are liars -- and I think you are -- then turn back hnow before it is too late!"

Will you go with them to "prove" your story, whatever that means? Or go back? Or something else?

Saturday June 9th, 2007 8:53:53 AM

Fickle is a little perturb, "Me'z No Lie!" and really wants to spit in to their eyes, but only his cousons can stop him.

Saturday June 9th, 2007 9:03:06 PM

Selithe shakes her head some at the man's actions and way of talking to the group but stays silent other then looking to her brother and speaking to him lightly, using the halfling tongue, "This guy has some nice manners brother. You decide and I'll follow you but I don't trust this much at the moment."

Airin  d20+8=16 d20+12=16
Sunday June 10th, 2007 10:38:37 AM

Leaving the talking to the others Airin checks the surrouncings. She does not like to be ambushed should that be the case. Eyes and ears finely attuned she tries to detect any possible threats.

spot: 16
listen: 16

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, Know Direction, Create Water, Light
Level 1: *Speak with animals, Produce Flame, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC:19 | HP: 37]  d20+9=20 d20+5=7 d20+2=16 d20+1=13 d20+3=10 d20+1=12
Sunday June 10th, 2007 4:46:08 PM

Podo hearing the words of the apparent leader of this group, steps forward to be tested saying in the most humblest of ways, " I Podo Danderfluff Pipewood Servant of both Alemi & Domi step forth to prove thyself."

As Podo steps forward to be "tested", what the group sees if a smallish halfling dressed in a white robe with silver holy symbol worn around his neck, sporting a mostly bald head. No visable weapons save his Darkwood Quarterstaff which Podo uses as a walking staff.

Listening to his companions and especially his cousin Kendry; boy that man can weave words; Podo grins at this current obstacle in their collective path.

Alemi...Domi...I pray that you will both be with me, and help guide me along this newest of tests in both my life and in my faith. Thank you both for being my everything...says Podo silently to himself, while looking around and listening to be able to take advantage of his surroundings lest this be a trap.

Skill Checks
Spot DC: 20
Listen DC: 7
Perform DC: 12
Concentrate DC:16
Know(history) DC: 13
Sense Motive DC: 10

Readied Spells
•Detect Magic
•Purify Food and Drink

1st level
•Cure Light Wounds x2

Dwight  d20=3
Sunday June 10th, 2007 9:45:01 PM

Dwight moves to the front and stands beside Kendry to add to the discussion. "We are willing to prove ourselves and that our purpose is both peaceful and helpful."

diplomacy: 3+2=5 (ycuk!)

Realizing he should have left the words for Kendry, he looks to him for added words of wisdom.

Kendry  d20+3=23
Sunday June 10th, 2007 11:45:39 PM

[Spot: 17; Sense Motive: 22; Diplomacy: 31 (not 23 - nat 20 - that +3 was supposed to be a +11 - my finger slipped... also, the 17 & 22 were from my earlier, DM only post above, Cayzle]

[Actually, Kendry claimed having a message from a friend, not that he himself is Graeff's friend.]

"Hold, there, Cuz," Kendry says to Fickle, placing a restraining hand on his shoulder. He acknowledges Selithe's words with a nod. He grins at Dwight's words. "Yes, I concur," he says in Dwight's direction, "...within reason."

He turns his attention to the human who addressed them.

"So, have a number of liars been here in recent times? I trust you'll find us a refreshing change. But, sir, lest we come to an impasse - nice bear you have there - in what manner shall we accompany you? For you do not trust us.

"And though you have given us no reason to harm you, nor, I hope, have we given you reason to harm us... where there is want of trust, there is fear; where there is fear, there is temptation to attack; where there are attacks, wounds and death might result.

"I think none of us want that.

"I'll not unduly endanger my people. I'm sure you do not want your people to come in harm's way. How can two walk together, unless they be agreed?

"So, again, good fellows - I trust you are good - in what manner shall we accompany you?"

Monday June 11th, 2007 8:11:24 AM

Fickle stand there looking at his cousin Kendry, then ask him "Concur?? Is that some thingie to eat??"

Monday June 11th, 2007 11:12:11 AM

... waits to see what will happen. Her hand still on the hilt of her sword and trying to detect any possible ambushes.

Monday June 11th, 2007 11:39:44 AM

Waiting alertly, to see their response...

The Truth-Hearer (DM Cayzle) 
Monday June 11th, 2007 4:38:11 PM

Fickle seems offended by the implication that the people you have met might not trust his honesty.

Selithe is suspicious.

Airin and Tobias keep alert.

Podo seems willing to be tested.

Dwight and Kendry too, though Kendry wants details.

The two halflings and two humans turn, and the leader says, "Follow me." Then he takes out a small horn and plays a carrying note.

They lead you down the path, to an intersection, and then to the right rather than onward. There are hedges on both sides of the path, and the plants grow to a height of ten feet. Airin thinks that the hedges have been encouraged with magic to grow into such a barrier.

The path leads to a round clearing, about 30 feet in diameter. The hedges make a ten-fooot wall all around. There are a half-dozen trees spaced outside the hedge-wall -- 20 feet up in the trees, there are at least a dozen people of several races with missile weapons in hand.

In the middle of the clearing is a stool, and sitting on the stool is a girl. She has on a clean shift and seems well cared for, but she is clearly troubled. She twitches. She fidgets. She clutches a square of cloth that she is folding and twisting.

The two halfing and two humans lead you within 10 feet of the girl. Then you are asked the following questions:

What are your names and titles?

Why are you here?

What are your intentions?

In your post, you must say OOC if your answers are honest or not!

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC:19 | HP: 37] 
Monday June 11th, 2007 9:43:43 PM

(OOC: My answers are as honest as I know them to be!)

Podo looking around, steps forward and answers the questions as honestly as he can.

Moving his arms and hands as if to visually cover all assembled by his gestures, Podo begins. "Peace to you all my Brothers and Sisters. My name is Podo Danderfluff Pipewood; humble of servant of both Alemi & Domi. In addition, I am a Walker.

"I am here to help a friend aid her friend Graeff. This friend has asked myself and my friends to deliver potions to Graeff's in an attempt to help nurse those who's minds are not what they once were.

"Our intentions are to deliver our charge and return home so we finish what we started. I also need to deliver another charge; to return what rightfully belongs to a religious order."

Once finished, Podo returns to his place in line awaiting further instructions.

Kendry  d20+6=12 d20+11=20
Monday June 11th, 2007 10:29:30 PM

"No, cuz, 'concur' means 'agree,'" he answers Fickle

Kendry pays attention to their surroundings, admiring the cultivated pathways, and listening to hear, if he can, evidence of others in the area [Listen: 12].

As they come into the clearing, he sees the girl, and some of those up the the trees. He takes note of some of the races represented [... which are?].

He allows himself to be led close to the middle of the clearing, and listens to the questions.

The first words out of his mouth are to the girl who sits there.

"Peace unto you, lass. May there be answers to your troubles."

He turns and faces those assembled. "I am pleased to be here with you this day. My name is Kendry. Kendry Leafwin Pipewood, and I hail from Crescent Valley. We are adventurers, seeking to aid those of good will within our lands and beyond.

"Titles? We are not given overmuch to titles of nobility within our valley, if that is what you mean. I am a singer and a bard, and travel with these my friends and family.

Then a thought occurs to him. "Oh, I am an initiate in the WLA.

"Why are we here? As I told this man," he indicates their questioner, "we are messengers who bear good news. And we come on a mission of mercy. But we are compelled to lay out the essence of that mission to Graeff. If he wishes others around when we do so, that is up to him, and is fine with us." Then he hesitates for a moment, and qualifies, "Well, it is fine with me. My friends will say what is fine with them."

[Diplomacy: 20]

[Kendry speaks honestly. The compulsion he refers to is based on Bella's request (Feb 7 2007) to speak of this to no one.]

Dwight (ac 16, hp 34)  d20+3=23
Monday June 11th, 2007 10:30:27 PM

Dwight looks around for a moment double counting the number of people watching himself and the group.

As Podo finishes, Dwight will begin.

"I am Dwight Twiggebundler and I too have been charged with the awakening of those that should be awake by Bella to Graeff. Once completed it is our intent to return home."

(As honest as Dwight knows)

spellcraft: 23 (nat 20: reason for circle or girl?)

Monday June 11th, 2007 11:10:58 PM

Selithe looks to the lady who asks the questions and allows some of her friends and family to go first before shrugging and speaking up, "My name is Selithe, sister to Kendry there. I'm a conjurer and striving to be the Wold's best gambler by trade. I also seek to aid Bella in her quest to help the people who need it with her potion or brew, however you wish to look at it."

Selithe shrugs now, yeah she said gambler instead of rogue but personally she thinks gambler sounds better then rogue.

Tuesday June 12th, 2007 12:10:30 AM

As Dwight mentions Bella's name, Kendry puts his hand over his face. And then his sister says their sender's name. And they spill the beans about the potions, and the healing.

Didn't they remember that Bella said, "Tell NO ONE!"?

He thinks to rebuke them for revealing all that they have, without really knowing the motivations and allegiances of those who now surround them. But what good would that serve at this point?

"Friends, can you not keep your word to the one who sent us? Both truth and discretion are fitting gems. One without the other can cause great harm. Tell the truth, but guard your lips - for we do not know whether we be among friends."

He considers the number of arrows and crossbow bolts aiming their direction. He is greatly frustrated with the loose lips of his companions. He knows that his own words now may turn some against him, but he fears lest others in the group tell more about them than they ought to at this point.

Tuesday June 12th, 2007 2:55:17 AM

As everyone steps forward to answer so does Airin. Although her answer is perfectly honest it's not entirely like the others...

"My name is Airin Moondacer Turnbell. I'm learning the ways of the druids and have been of much help to the group being partly a scout as well.

My business here? Making sure these lads and lasses, and more importantly Kendry, stay alive in the open."

Tuesday June 12th, 2007 7:28:45 AM

OOC: Fickle will answer every thing troufully.

Fickle Step up in frount of the Girl, "Please don'tz Cry! My Name Is Fickle Twiggeblunder, Pipewood, Cousins to Dwifgt and Kendery'z. I'm good Cook and Rock thrower! Me'z strong See!" Fickle raises his arn, rolls his sleve and show his musseled arm.

Dwight OOC 
Tuesday June 12th, 2007 11:22:53 AM

Hmmm, I thought about the naming of Bella, but I would SWEAR that Podo had mentioned it in his post prior to mine. (Kendry and Dwight simult. posted), but I thought it was odd that Podo mentioned it, and felt it would help to also mention it in character.

Perhaps I'm just a bit lost and am seeing things. Podo did you originally have Bella in your statement and then decide to change it after it was posted?

Tuesday June 12th, 2007 11:34:46 AM

"Hello young one, I am Tobias Thistlefoot Burrows, a ranger by trade... no title to speak of, though merchants in the Culverwood sometimes refer to me as Pathfinder. And, as my cousin Kendry says, we're here to meet Graeff with news."

Greetings and Welcome (DM Cayzle)  d20+13=24
Tuesday June 12th, 2007 5:02:23 PM

The girl -- a dwarf girl, you note -- listens intently to all that you say, and when you are done, she nods, and her hands fidget. Those here who know Duncan's Hand-Talk, please Highlight to display spoiler: {You see that in fact there is language and intent behind those movements, not insanity.}

The two humans and two halflings who brought you here relax slightly, and put away their weapons.

The archers and slingers -- mostly halflings and humans, with a few elves and half-elves -- climb down from their perches and go about their business.

If you make a spot check vs DC 24, then Highlight to display spoiler: {You see that a halfling remains in one tree, hiding, to keep an eye on you.}

The human turns to you and says, "Thank you for enduring our inquiry. This is hnot a civilized land, and we hnave hnad to cope with evildoers, doppelgangers, and the like. I am Comey, a druid and Keeper of the Watch hnere."

"Bella is known to us, of course, and Hmarge hnas vouched for your hmonesty. Please relax hnere in this clearing until this eveining, when you can place your gifts on our altar for safe keeping."

He arranges for benches, water, bread, cheese, and wine.

If you wish to ask any questions or converse with Comey or Marge, now is the time. You learn that Graeff is away and not expected back for a few days.

In the evening, you are invited to vesper prayers in the chapel of Alemi. You get the distinct impression that you are not completely trusted, since the honor guard of ten ranger-types seems as concerned with keeping watch on you as on threats aroundabouts!

Comey leads the service. During the prayers, Comey asks Alemi for strength in hunting, since food supplies are low, and wisdom in figuring out what monster has been raiding the community's flock of sheep. At the Offering, at which gifts may be made, he signals you to bring your potions to the altar and set them down there.

Kendry  d20+3=20
Tuesday June 12th, 2007 8:36:00 PM

When asked to lay the potions on the altar at this time, Kendry demures - and indicates to the rest of the party that they should not yet lay the potions down.

He explains to their hosts, "As you know Bella, then know that she asked us to give what we bear to Graeff.

"Both you and we know, too, that trust can take time to build. She herself led us through a series of tests to try us. It was through her wisdom and much risk and effort on our part that she was able to prepare this gift.

"Though I would not otherwise be opposed to the notion of laying the potions upon the altar, because Bella emphasized that we get them to Graeff himself, we shall await his return before laying them upon the altar - or handing them to him directly, as he chooses to advise us.

"I hope that this decision does not cause you offense, for none is intended. We simply wish to be faithful stewards of that which was entrusted to us.

"However, as a token of goodwill, and in appreciation for your kindness to us, I should like to place a few things upon the altar."

He places thereon, in separate sacks, each labeled, half a pound of saffron (enough for one good-sized family for a few years - or for many people for a few months), a pound each of wheat, flour, sugar and salt, half a pound each of ginger, cinnamon, pepper, cloves, green tea, black tea, and spice tea, and two 1-pint flasks of oil.

"This is but a small offering, and provides but little in the way of food. Yet sometimes spices can help extend the usefulness - and certainly enhance the taste - of the food that we eat."

When he learns at evening prayers about the want of food and raids upon the sheep, Kendry asks his companions, "Is there something we might do to help them with this problem, friends?"

Kendry talks with Hmarge 
Tuesday June 12th, 2007 10:02:52 PM

Kendry, having noted the movement of her hands, sees if there is any commonality with Duncan's sign language. Since Selithe knows some, and a few others in the group have tried to learn the language, Kendry shows Marge some of the hand signs that they use.

He shows her the signs for going, coming, talking, being still. He signs, 'Hand me a cup of water,' then tells her in common the meaning.

"How would you say that with your signs?" he asks her.

He signs something else, then in the common tongue, tells her that means, "I want another piece of your grandmother's rumberry pie."


The bard suggests to the others that they feel free to ask questions - as well as to tell the story of their journey here, and their encounters.

Tuesday June 12th, 2007 11:08:37 PM

Selithe goes abit teary eyed when she sees the hand signals, her mind going to Duncan. She had began to fall for the trusty halfling but like other he had to leave, hopefully to return one day to the group.

When the group is able under less watchful eyes for a moment she moves up to Kendry and whispers to him, "I'm sorry for mention Bella, brother. I forgot about our promise to her and pray when we see her again she will not be mad or hold it against us. Let alone that I might of just cause problems yet unseen."

Selithe has one of the potions (Sorry Cayzle, I know it's not on my CS but I remember one was pickedup by Selithe.) but she doesn't place it yet as her brother speaks up, not to mention Selithe herself is still abit weary of this whole situation. Guesses her trust is getting abit less lately or something.

Dwight  d20+3=13
Tuesday June 12th, 2007 11:30:49 PM

Dwight sits back and takes confront in the calming atmosphere of the evening. He isn't exactly relaxed, and he watches those watching him to see who they report to.

spot: 13

And he begins to wonder if they could recognize Greaff having never met him? He attends the service, only to be among his friends, but like them hesitates in putting the potions on the table.

Dwight waits for their response to Kendry's statements. "Perhaps we could help save their sheep in the day or so we wait. If something comes, we could at least scare it off."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC:19 | HP: 37]  d20+9=12
Wednesday June 13th, 2007 1:47:40 AM

Podo, not having had the charge of carrying the packages of potions, does not move to place anything on the Altar. Looking around, Podo tries to spot everything to create a memory of this time and place. (Spot DC:12)

Podo mumbles quietly to himself, Blesed Alemi & Domi, please watch over these peoples assembled here helping them to each receive thier daily fill of both Woldian and Spiritual food. Amen

Fickle  d20=16
Wednesday June 13th, 2007 8:20:33 AM

Fickle looks around (Spot 16), then ask his cousin Kendry "Who'es thems?" pointing over his shoulder.

Airin - no trace of Fioni  d20+8=17
Wednesday June 13th, 2007 11:05:50 AM

spot : 17

Airin is delighted to encounter another Druid. Perhaps later, when they can sit down and relax, she can talk to him.

But they appear to be friendly, so Airin lowers her defences and goes with the flow.

Wednesday June 13th, 2007 11:27:48 AM

Tobias had one of the potions, but awaits their response to Kendry before placing it anywhere.

He is also very interested in the signing that the child does. He moves to Kendry to try to decipher what she is signing and seeing what he signs back to her... Hoping to get an idea of her signs as the two go back and forth.

ADM Kim - Non-Posting Post 
Wednesday June 13th, 2007 7:58:41 PM

Apologies for failure to post posting posts.
Alternating between too busy and too sick.
Hope to resume tallies with this week's posts.

Dwight  d20+3=8
Wednesday June 13th, 2007 10:02:07 PM

As time permits, Dwight wonders, assuming they allow him to look around the cirlce and camp. Dwight tries to spot the bear again (spot: 8) and wonders if the bear was really someone in disguise.

The Ultimatum (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday June 13th, 2007 11:30:37 PM

At first things go well. Although the dwarf girl, seemingly a mute, does not use the same hand signals that you all know, it is relatively easy to learn a couple and "talk" a little. Marge (that's her name ... Comey calls her "Hmarge" because of his accent) seems happy that you are reaching out to her in this way.

But Comey politely declines Kendry's offer of food for the altar.

"Anything that is deadly or damaging that is put on the altar will be destroyed. Enemies hnave tainted and tricked us before, and so if you say you are bringing potions, then it is potions that you hmust put hnere. Even those who pass the truth test have hnarmed us, because they hnave been charmed or tricked themselves."

"Therefore, you must trust us and place your potions on our altar. If you refuse, then you hmust leave. If you do not trust us, then hnow can we trust you? If you want to return, come back in a week, when Graeff will be hnere."

Thursday June 14th, 2007 3:59:13 AM

"Very well, then. Now that you have explained your purpose... I do not believe that what Bella has brewed is deadly or damaging.

"A caution, however. Some substances in isolation can cause harm, whereas if joined with other, complementary substances can make something beneficial. I have studied a little the alchemical arts, though far am I from mastery."

Although beginning in this vein, Kendry decides to throw caution to the winds.

"Aw, forget all that. Friends, let us trust the altar of Alemi to rightly discern the purpose of these potions. Each who has one or more prepared by Bella's hand, please lay it here upon Alemi's altar."

Naturally, he is open to other's perspectives on this matter. And regarding the other things he offered and Comey refused, the bard says, "Then let this food and spices be given to your cooks." Then he adds with a wry smile, "Of course, I'm willing to taste test the items in their presence if my gifts or motives are still deemed suspect..."

Airin - without Fioni  d20+2=9 d20+8=23
Thursday June 14th, 2007 5:19:39 AM

Airin begins to doubt about these people more and more and wonders who else might be interested in the potions. If Graeff is not returning for a week would it not be best to hold on to the potions till he does?

Sense motive: 9
Spot: 23

Airin then observes her surroundings a bit more. Are there places she can duck away in the shadows... are there any bushes someone else can hide in... are there overhanging trees over the altar that can be used to grab the potions...

Still, Airin remains in the back of the group.


Thursday June 14th, 2007 9:46:22 AM

Fickle watches the going's on, then ask his cousin Kendry, "Cuz, want me'z to throw then'z a rock??."

Thursday June 14th, 2007 11:29:52 AM

Following Kendry's lead, Tobias places his potion on the altar. All the while grumbling something about understanding where Bella gets her paranoia from now...

Dwight  d20+3=21 d20+5=18
Thursday June 14th, 2007 10:50:54 PM

spot: 21 (anything happen to the potion Kendry put on the alter?)
spellcraft: 18 (same thing, what happened?)

"I'm a bit confused about this potion and the alter," Dwight states. "Are we, those bestowed on a peaceful and helpful quest to give potion to Graef and only Graef suppose to yield are mission. I have not problem trusting Alemi, but are we to leave these potions sitting here in the open for week as we wait for Graef's return. Or will we place them, see they are not evil or tainted and be allowed back into our possession?"

OOC: If the potion will only be there for a moment or so, Dwight will add his to the alter.

If the potion is going to sit there for a week, Dwight will only do so if all the other potions are their first.

Thursday June 14th, 2007 11:06:16 PM

Selithe looks to her brother and steps abit closer to him, "I know all the potions are important but why don't we set one for a moment and see what happens. Surely they will understand that."

Selithe if the idea is suitable to her brother will move to place her potion first and see what happens. She still is weary of this whole thing but some trust has to be given so either approach everyone like their enemies or approach them like they are friends.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC:19 | HP: 37]  d20+3=16
Friday June 15th, 2007 1:21:08 AM

Not having any of the potions, that he knows of, Podo looks to Kendry to take the lead on this one.

Looking towards the leader, Comey, Podo tries to understand his motives. (Sense Motives DC: 16)

Friday June 15th, 2007 1:31:46 AM

"Sure - put one on, see what happens. Wait for a bit. Then, if nothing untoward happens, place the rest," Kendry responds to Selithe's idea.

In The Safety Of The Chapel (DM Cayzle) 
Friday June 15th, 2007 7:30:54 AM

[OOC: There are five potions given to you to deliver. They are labelled "Coma Antidote." I'm assuming that they are now held, one each, by Kendry, Selithe, Airin, Tobias, and Dwight.]

Background on the Chapel of Alemi: The Chapel is a beautiful building made of marble. All the other buildings you have seen here are made of wood. If you make an Int check vs DC15 -- and Kendry and Fickle get a +2 on the check -- then Highlight to display spoiler: {Having seen the craftwork of Slam the Giant, you think that this chapel bears the hallmarks of his work, too.}

The Chapel is round, about 100 feet in diameter including the 20-foot-wide porch. The roof of the porch is held up by pillars carved to look like trees. The building proper, excluding the porch, is 60 feet in diameter. The walls are thick and have no windows. There is but one double oaken door. Inside, there is a 30-foot-diameter dome over the altar. Despite the lack of windows, the entire chapel is lit as bright as full daylight everywhere, clearly by magic. There is a continual flame cast in a crystal sphere on the center of the altar, but clearly that is not the source of the daylight that magically fills the structure.

There can be no doubt that this is the most secure structure in the camp, so far as you all can tell.

Kendry says, "Let us trust the altar of Alemi" -- then he, Selithe, and Tobias put their potions on the altar.

Airin holds back, thinking about ways to hide, but the brightly lit chapel offers little. She could duck behind an internal pillar holding up the dome, but with all the people here (the whole community, maybe), someone would see her.

Airin sees that Marge is looking very closely at her, almost staring into her head. She notes another person -- likely a patient rather than a healer or guard -- seems interested in her as well.

Dwight is also cautious, and wants clarification.

Comey explains that this is the safest place in the valley, and that the potions will be kept here -- not out in the open, but in a drawer in the altar.

Podo feels that Comey is sincere, and that he only wishes to keep these treasures safe until Graeff arrives back.

Fickle  d20+3=8
Friday June 15th, 2007 7:51:58 AM

OOC: Int Check 8 (he does not have a clue.)

Fickle watches, he has never seen such beauty. "WoW'zie!" He follows the rest of the party in awh!!

Kendry  d20+5=16 d20+3=4
Friday June 15th, 2007 11:23:37 AM

In response to Fickle's earlier query, the bard tells him, "No, I don't think you need to throw any rocks at the moment, friend."

[Int check 16; Spot check to see if Kendry notes others noting Airin: 4 (nat 1) - oblivious boy!]

Observing the interior of the chapel, Kendry thinks he sees a newly familiar style. "We met a giant on yonder rocky climb, a fellow named Slam. Was it he who did some of the sculpting of this beautiful chapel?"

He listens to the reponse. Then he asks Comey, "Tell us what you can of the history of this place. Not just the chapel, but the community. We should be happy to tell you some of our stories, then, too, should you desire."

Friday June 15th, 2007 11:39:49 AM

Tobias relaxes a bit after the potions have been placed. And, begins to take in more of his environment.... Not one that's much interested in the indoors, Tobias can still see that this chapel was built with great care.

Friday June 15th, 2007 3:46:09 PM

Airin notices Marge and the patient observing her and feels a little ashamed to doubt these people.

She looks back at Marge and the patient and says :"These potions are for you aren't they?"

Then she goes to the altar and puts her potion down.

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, Know Direction, Create Water, Light
Level 1: *Speak with animals, Produce Flame, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Friday June 15th, 2007 11:48:12 PM

Selithe after placing her potion, looks to the others, evidently it is safe enough so she steps back and speaks to those around her, "Sorry if we seem abit jumpy over things. We have been tested alot and also had various other things happen to us."

Kim - OOC 
Saturday June 16th, 2007 4:15:41 AM

I'm gone until... Monday or Tuesday

a.k.a. Kendry

Welcome at Last (DM Cayzle) 
Saturday June 16th, 2007 9:47:25 AM

Reassured as to the safety of the chapel, Airin and Dwight place their potions on the altar. The service is concluded, and afterwards, Comey tells you that a long time ago, Graeff was an wanderer in these mountains, a devotee of nature who was a loner. But when he encountered a band of refugees, he took mercy on them, especially when he saw that most were broken or injured in spirit or mind. He led them here, and established this community.

Yes, Slam the Giant is a friend of Graeff's, and he built this chapel as a gift. Seems Graeff saved his life long ago, and they have a deep friendship.

Marge shakes her head no when Airin asks if the potions are for her. She leads Airin to another building, a dormitory maybe, where people are sleeping. A nurse there tells Airin that they wake for an hour or so a day only, and then are so confused and troubled that they must be restrained and often force-fed the food and water that keeps them alive.

Has anyone said anything to Comey or the others here about the ideas you mentioned about helping with their sheep?

But it has been a long day. You are shown to a place to sleep. In the morning, Fioni arrives back.

Sunday June 17th, 2007 7:16:55 AM

"ZZZZZZZ Snort!" Fickle is awaken?? "What It'z morning so soon??"

Airin and Fioni 
Sunday June 17th, 2007 1:27:13 PM

Airin follows Marge as she leads her into the dormitory and feel pity for these people.

"What has caused these people to catch this illness? Such a rare disease can not be common in this valley right? Will the potions we brought be helpful for these poor people."

As a druid Airin attempts to learn something about the herbs or potions they use.

Later than evening Airin goes to bed with thoughts about those who got the strange illness and wonders if there's nothing she and her friends can do to help them.

The next morning Airin smiles as she sees Fioni return and checks to see if Julian left a note for her.

Sunday June 17th, 2007 10:48:23 PM

Wanting to keep watch on them, still uneasy Dwight watches carefully. As he learns Slam help build it, he relaxs alittle, but just a little.

Before going to bed, Dwight will inquire with Comey about problems occuring with the sheep. "Comey, since we it may yet be days before Gaereff returns, perhaps you can explain the problems I hear about your sheep and perhaps my friends and I can help."

Airin and Fioni  2d4(4+3)=7
Monday June 18th, 2007 11:00:21 AM

The next morning Airin also meditates - maybe even in the company of the other druids here.

She spends some time taking care of Fioni - who has completed a mission of her own.

Then probably breakfast comes.

At breakfast she looks to find a few fresh berries and casts a simple spell on them.
Airin now holds 7 fresh goodberries.

She walks over to Marge (if present) and offers the goodberries. I'm but a feeble druid compared to those here in the temple, but any little help can be useful don't you think?

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, *Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, Produce Flame, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Monday June 18th, 2007 11:28:43 AM

Tobias rests the night after their long trip, and awakens the next morning ready to explore their surroundings a bit more after breakfast...

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