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To Find a Dwarf Named Bikmo

Hot on the Trail (co-DM Philip K) 
Thursday May 4th, 2006 12:33:23 PM

As the party sets out, Airin and Selithe lead out, using their animals and their own skills to find the trail. Although there are no obvious signs on the ground, the animals seem to have a good sense of the trail.

Gra seems both excited and a little agitated and Selithe has a little difficulty controlling him.

Tewdwr is very much hot on the trail, especially with both heads sniffing the air and the ground. Several times, they try to dash off with Tobias using all of his skill to reign him back in.

With Kendry and Cheann more toward the rear and the scents being blended with the other party members, Cheann isn't as worked up and Kendry has no problems controlling his dog.

After about 30 minutes, Airin has an image flash through her mind. It's of a bloodied hammer on the ground about 100 feet ahead, but nothing else in the immediate vicinity.

The remaining members keep up their guard and a watchful eye. Dwight with his bow ready, Podo flexing his hands and keeping limber, they're pretty confident they'll not be caught unawares.


Actions needed
Selithe - Ride [DC13], Handle Animal [DC17], (Gra as well) Survival: Tracking [DC20]
Tobias - Handle Animal or Wild Empathy [DC24], (Tewdwr as well) Survival: Tracking [DC20]
Kendry (Cheann) - Survival: Tracking [DC20]

Kendry  d20+5=24
Thursday May 4th, 2006 1:17:06 PM

Kendry enjoys the chance to go off trail, and travel through the countryside, regardless the conflict which may be coming as the result of this jaunt.

He keeps his eyes and ears open, and is on the lookout for any clues that may show up along the way. [Survival: 24]

Tobias  d20+6=20 d20+6=15
Thursday May 4th, 2006 2:14:54 PM

Tobias tries to keep up with Tewdwr as he follows the scent. Tewdwr appears to be happy to be out of the city and out of the carriage. Being able to run in the woods is exciting his new friend.

Tewdwr's Track - 20
Tobias's Handle animal - 19 (forgot the +4 for being my animal companion)

Podo D. Pipewood  d20+3=12 d20+3=10
Thursday May 4th, 2006 9:05:07 PM

Looking about, Podo tries to spot by concentrating and scanning the horizon.

Seeing teh dogs are hot on a scent trail, Podo will trying listening to see if any other discernable clues can be routed.

Spot: 13
Listen: 10

Selithe  d20+5=24 d20+2=7 d20+3=5 d20+8=10 d20+6=8
Thursday May 4th, 2006 10:52:35 PM

Selithe continuss along with Airin and tries harder to control Gra her female riding dog. This time she feels she does better at it. While she does scout with Airin, Selithe tries her luck at her other rogue skills but with little luck. Selithe smiles and looks to Airin, "Looks like I have alot of work to do with my other skills."

(Handle animal:24 Listen:7 Spor:5 Hide:10 Move silently:8)

Airin and Fioni  d20+8=20 d20+10=14 d20+19=38 d20+12=24 d20+16=17
Friday May 5th, 2006 8:24:43 AM

"What's was that", Airin whispers to Selithe. "I thought I saw something that looked like a bloodied hammer... Something is up ahead. Maybe 100ft away... let's be cautious and hush the animals. we need to be more quiet. Someone can hear us coming from miles!"

[spot: 20]
[listen: 14]
[hide: 38]
[move silently: 24]

Fioni still circles around the group below, but suddenly for some inexplicable reason she decides to look directly into the sun! Blinding her sight for a turn... if only she will not fly against some tall tree ;-)

[Fioni Spot: 17]

A Bloody Discovery (co-DM Philip K) 
Friday May 5th, 2006 10:55:45 AM

Shortly after Airin gets her flash from Fioni, Tobias finally catches up with Tewdwr who had dashed ahead. He finds his two-headed companion standing over an object, Kynan is sniffing and licking it while Dryw seems to be keeping watch. As he gets closer, Tobias sees that it is a work hammer, most likely dropped by Bikmo. It's pretty obvious that the party is on the correct trail.

Kendry enjoys the change of scenery. It's great to be out of that cramped city, large as it was. Cheaan is able to keep the trail, despite the mixed scents.

Podo keeps his eyes and ears pealed, but with all the noise the dogs and wolves are making, he doesn't hear anything outside the party. Ahead in the distance (a couple miles at least), he spots what might be a large bird, but from this distance, he can't quite make it out.

Selithe struggles a bit with Gra's enthusiasm, but is able to keep her under control and not get thrown off. Though she attempts to practice her newfound skills, she finds that much practice will be needed yet. Like Podo, she can't hear much of anything above the din of the dogs and wolves barking and her eyes are firmly planted on the ground making sure Gra doesn't loose her footing in her excitement.

Airin, dazed for a moment by the information Fioni sent her, but with Tewdwr and Tobias confirming the vision, she realizes that it was an empathic flash. Advising caution and attempts at silencing the animals, she moves up with the others. Airin spots the "bird" that Podo picked out, but like him, can't make out what it is from this distance, but she's fairly certain that it's not quite a bird.

As they all move closer to their discovery, the bloodied hammer, all seems quiet, except for the animals and nothing appears to be around. Upon closer examination, the hammer appears to have two different kinds of blood on it: one appears to be the typical red blood one might expect from a member of a noble race and the other is a thicker, blacker blood, much like that on the rags Terapin gave Tobias.


Actions Needed

Cumulative Tracking [DC20/100]-- Roll Survival Tracking rolls. If your total skill + 10 is greater than 20, add all your rolls together until you meet or exceed 100. If your total skill + 10 is less than 20, add only rolls that are 20 or more together until you meet or exceed 100. The character with the fewest rolls will determine the amount of time for this next phase of the trail. Please list in your post how many rolls you made so I don't have to count them in each post.

Handle Animal DC17 (DC21 for Tobias since Tewdwr is still pretty wild)

Other possible actions -- Spot, Listen plus any other skills you might like to try to use to help yourself or the group.

I know the Cumulative Tracking thing is different. I hope my description made sense. It takes the place of Take 10 and Take 20. Those with an average skill (Take 10) greater than the DC have little trouble following the trail (all rolls add to the total). Those that don't have a skill that high will have a harder time following the trail (thus only successes count in the total). It's meant to show overall progress on following the trail.

Tobias  d20+10=22 d20+5=9 d20+4=19 d20+9=27 d20+9=12 d20+9=17 d20+9=20 d20+9=24 d20+9=14 d20+9=17 d20+9=26 d20+9=15 d20+9=20
Friday May 5th, 2006 12:44:43 PM

Tobias catches up with Tewdwr and examines the bloodied hammer. He picks it up to show it to the others, confirming with them that we're on the right track.

Tewdwr and Tobias try to pick up the trail again, hoping to find the dwarf still alive.

Tobias's rolls:
Handle animals: 22
Listen: 9
Spot: 19
Tracking: 27, 20, 24, 26, 20 (in 10 rolls)

Tewdwr  d20+6=13 d20+6=26 d20+6=7 d20+6=23 d20+6=26 d20+6=11 d20+6=14 d20+6=17 d20+6=23 d20+6=18 d20+6=14 d20+6=22
Friday May 5th, 2006 12:47:24 PM

Tewdwr can track too.

Rolls: 26, 23, 26, 23, 22 (in 12 rolls)

Kendry  d20+5=11 d20+5=12 d20+5=7 d20+5=23 d20+5=13 d20+5=10 d20+5=12 d20+5=20 d20+5=17 d20+5=10 d20+5=8 d20+5=6 d20+5=18 d20+5=24 d20+5=6 d20+5=9 d20+5=21 d20+5=14 d20+5=22
Friday May 5th, 2006 8:05:38 PM

Survival: Tracking: 23, 20, 24, 21, 22 (in 19 rolls)

Kendry follows along, composing some tunes and lyrics in his head, but still trying to be attentive to any clues or indications to help determine the right direction to travel. Meanwhile, he enjoys the local flora, noting any interesting or beautiful plants, and asking Dwight if he recognizes what they are.

Friday May 5th, 2006 10:07:17 PM

Selithe looks to Airin and nods as she tries to keep Gra silent and such and frowns when she sees the bloodied hammer.

(Not sure about the rolls thing but my pc does not have track.)

Podo D. Pipewood  d20+2=4 d20+3=18 d20+3=9
Saturday May 6th, 2006 2:29:23 PM

Seeing the scene such as it is, and knowing that there exists something just out of vision range piques Podo's curiosity!

Podo explains to the others what he thinks he spys in the distance. Afterwards, he will stretch, relax, and then concentrate on using his vision and listening skills to uncover that object in the distance.


Concentrate: 4
Spot: 18
listen: 9

Dwight (by Kim)  20d20(9+14+7+8+19+5+14+17+10+9+15+12+7+9+11+9+3+14+8+13)=213
Sunday May 7th, 2006 2:14:12 AM

Dwight's tracking skills do not approach those of the ranger, but, due to the looming assignment to work with Bella in helping her to find certain plants and herbs, he is attentive to the plants they come upon, and from time to time takes a moment to pick up a sample or two when he finds something interesting. This he does quickly each time, so as not to slow up the progress of the group.

If he recognizes anything about the plants, he'll pass that on to Kendry, since he asked.

[Tracking (untrained): 0 for 20]

Kendry, some details on his humming 
Monday May 8th, 2006 12:19:05 AM

Kendry warms up his vocal apparatus for the multi-toned open throat singing commonly heard among the Crescent Valley halflings. Rich with harmonics, overtones and undertones, he loves this style which his own family practices. Even Selithe can do this a bit. He was told that this is often helpful in countering or neutralizing certain sonic-based forms of attack or persuasion. Having heard from his companions there is a winged creature far ahead, he wants to be ready on a moment's notice should harpies attempt to work their wicked whiles.

"We might need to be closer to the lead group - despite their possible annoyance at our noisier movement," Kendry says. So saying, he urges dog and pony to pick up the pace so as to close the gap to say, forty feet.

Airin and Fioni  d20+8=27 d20+19=25 d20+19=37 d20+12=31 d20+12=29 d20+16=36
Monday May 8th, 2006 9:16:33 AM

Very carefully Airin moves ahead. Here caution is required and maybe pets should no longer follow. Airin's happy with Selithe by her side and will gladly Aid her in increasing her skills. (Aid another for Selithe for Hide and Move silently - she get's +2 on these rolls)

[spot: 27]
[hide: 25]
[Aid Selithe in Hide: 37]
[Move silently: 31]
[Aid Selithe in Move Silently: 29]
[spot Fioni: 36 NAT 20]

And the Scenery Changes (co-DM Philip K) 
Monday May 8th, 2006 11:00:43 AM

Examining the hammer, Tobias seem fairly certain that it belonged to the dwarf, Bikmo and that the trail is still strong indeed. With Tewdwr's assistance, he takes up the trail once again, hoping that with all that blood, that the dwarf is still alive.

Kendry runs through lyrics in his head, attempting to develop a new composition. While he continues this, he helps Dwight in picking out some herbs and plants in hopes that he gleans some knowledge that will allow them to better aid Bella upon their return to the Valley.

Selithe is noticeable upset at the discovery of the hammer, especially with all the blood. Has the dwarf met his end? She attempts to calm Gra down so as not to give away their position to those they trail.

Podo's concern for the "bird" he spotted makes him even more alert and aware of his surroundings. Straining his eyes and keying in on Airin's observations, he too comes to the realization that the "bird" may not be a bird after all. It is, however, still too far to be completely sure.

Airin grows far more cautious, especially upon seeing the "bird". She advises that perhaps the pets should remain behind as trouble may be ahead. Seeing Selithe struggling with her newfound skills, Airin lends some helpful advice to her companion.

As the party prepares to leave the site where the hammer was found, a light breeze begins to pass through the area, bringing with it the smell of stagnant water and rotting vegetation. As Tobias and Tewdwr follow the faint blood trail, everyone notices that the ground is becoming a bit spongy and the wildlife and vegetation is quickly changing. Over the course of forty-five minutes, the scenery changes from a living, vibrant forest to a dismal marshland. Apparently, this close to the Red Hills, runoff gathers here and just sits, causing this relatively small bog.

Keeping your eyes peeled, those that have been following the bird notice that it descends out of sight shortly after you leave the treeline and enter the wetland. Did it spot you? It's hard to tell. It seemed to simply drift down to the ground in no particular rush.

Five minutes into the soggy land, the ponies and the riding animals begin to find their walking to be very labored. The ponies are likely to be just too heavy to traverse the marsh without exceptional difficulty. The dogs, on the other hand, don't seem as hampered, and it seems the riders' extra weight is causing most of the problem. Those on foot leave far deeper impressions that you're used to, but are in no danger of sinking, thank the gods for the low weight of halflings.

Podo D. Pipewood  d20+3=4 d20+8=26 d20+1=6
Monday May 8th, 2006 9:24:15 PM

"It sure is wet here! I wonder if it gets any worse the further we travel inland?" asks Podo to no one in particular.

Scanning, listening, and searching for some clues, Podo stops to concentrate on the land.

Skills Used:
Spot: 3 (Nat 1!)
Listen: 26
Search: 6

Selithe  d20+5=21
Monday May 8th, 2006 10:10:11 PM

Selithe dismounts from her riding dog and tries to just lead Gra, speaking low to Airin also as they move along, greatful for her friend and who she considers a sister's help, "Thanks for the pointers and help with my skills Airin, maybe with your help I'll get better. I decided on the rogue stuff because I wanted it for my gambling partiually and I heard of this neat thing called a Arcane Trickster which I like to try and become one of." Selithe smiles and nods as she leads Gra on and follows the others who have keener eyes.

Kendry  d20+8=16 d20+8=20
Tuesday May 9th, 2006 4:07:34 AM

"Aw, Spencer, your feet are too pokey!" Kendry tells his pony. "You need duck feet for this ground."

He is concerned what might happen to his pony - whether they go forward, with him, or set him free, maybe to wander back to the carriage, possibly to get caught or eaten by something or someone.

He sighs. "All right. I've got to give you some sort of chance." He takes out a few items from the saddle pack and saddle bags, double-checking the cinches to make sure everything is secure. The bit he removes, and places in a saddle bag. He leaves on the harness, but ties off the straps so none drag or are likely to catch. He turns Spencer around, holding on to the edge of the harness by the cheek. "Go back to Daisy!" He slaps his hindquarters to get him moving back in the right direction. [Handle animal: 16]

If he balks or just takes a few steps and stops, Kendry goes again to encourage him firmly back to the road. [Handle animal: 20]

Once that matter is resolved, he continues on in the direction of the party, now walking along, and letting Cheann move on his own (near him) through the marshy ground.

Dwight  d20+1=14
Tuesday May 9th, 2006 7:40:46 AM

Dwight continues on with the group, though slower, more at pace with the rest of the group now that everyone is walking.

As they enter the swamp, Dwight begins marking some trees with a quick "D" everyone 20-30 feet. "We might need these to find our way out," he explains to anyone who looks on with interest. "It doesn't really harm the trees, as the mark doesn't got through all the thick layers of bark."

"I hope its not much further into this muck." Testing the tension on his bow, Dwight begins scanning the sky, (spot 14)for anything bigger than a bird, allowing the others to search the ground.

Airin and Fioni  d20+3=17 d20+12=18 d20+19=26 d20+8=24 d20+10=11 d20+16=25 d20+7=19
Tuesday May 9th, 2006 10:07:17 AM

"It's getting too dangerous to bring along our ponies."

Seeing Kendry send back his, Airin decides she should return Blossom as well. but what about that Ogre that felt like eating a few ponies?!?

"Go back Blossom. Go back to the main road..."

[handle animal: 17]

Airin decides to scout ahead. "Friends first take care of your pets. I need to go ahead and check the terrain... and possible encounters... Just a thought, maybe we need to tie a rope around our waist so if one of us begins to sink you can pull him out? I've got some silk rope in my backpack."

She turns from the group and carefully advances through the soggy land. She deliberatly picks rocks, grassy knobs, roots, anything that sticks from the ground. She avoids muddy pools at all cost!

Gently Airin whistles to Fioni hoping she will come down. "Fioni, fly above us. Alert us for a swamp or try to find that bird thing... be careful!"
[handle animal Fioni: 19]

[move silently: 18]
[hide: 26]
[spot: 24]
[listen: 11 - NAT 1]
[Fioni spot: 25]

A Light in the Distance (co-DM Philip K) 
Tuesday May 9th, 2006 11:07:35 AM

As the halflings from Crescent Valley begin to worry about their various animals in the marshy land, many take precautions...

Kendry carefully shifts and lifts some of the burden from Spencer and sends him on his way back to the carriage with Airin's Blossom in close pursuit. For as long as they watch their ponies, it appears they are traveling in the correct direction.

Podo keeps a lookout for potential natural and unnatural dangers. The noises of a swamp sounds particularly clear, but his sight is directed firmly upon the ground before him as he doesn't wish to sink into this spongy ground.

Selithe dismounts from Gra and helps lead her faithful hound through the murky terrain. She also tanks Airin for her tips on her hiding and sneaking as she also reveals potential uses of such skills in the future.

After sending her pony back, Airin decides to take the lead, carefully scouting the terrain for the safest path. She sends Fioni on ahead a little to alert her to anything that stands out.

After nearly another hour, Airin receives an empathic flash of a light, probably a campfire ahead of the party on their current course. Roughly 5 minutes later, Airin comes within sight of what indeed appears to be a small encampment a good 100 yards distant. Even with her keen eyes, she can barely see the camp, but does think she sees some movement, though it seems slow as if those in the camp are simply walking around.

Airin and Fioni  d20+8=17 d20+12=25 d20+19=34 d20+10=28
Tuesday May 9th, 2006 11:16:22 AM

Her mental link to Fioni once again alerts Airin that there's something up ahead. Once she spots the camfire, she signals her friends to be carefull and especially quiet.

She whispers the sight of the campfire and the fact that she will attempt to get closer moving somewhat to the right instead of a straight line towards the campfire...

The crossbow in her little hands feels reassuring and steadily she goes closer. Ultimaltey she wants to get just within 30ft of the campfire (sneak attack range ;-) )

[spot: 17]
[move silently: 25]
[hide: 34]
[listen: 28]

Fioni does not begin to circle the camp. It would alert those on the ground of the possibility that someone approaches.

Tobias  d20+10=21 d20+16=25 d20+13=26 d20+4=20 d20+5=22
Tuesday May 9th, 2006 12:50:36 PM

Coming up on the camp, Tobias slows down and quiets down. And, tries to quiet Tewdwr as well.

Seeing Airin's plan, Tobias also wants to move in quietly for a closer look. He'll stay out of Airin's way by going to the left side of the camp. Tobias tells the others that he'll return with any information about the camp. Then, he asks Tewdwr to stay here until his return.

With everything set in place, Tobias heads off towards the left side of the camp. Trying to get close enough to see who's in the camp.

Handle animal - 21
Hide - 25
Move silently - 26
Spot - 20
Listen - 22

Dwight  d20+1=11 d20+7=16 d20+7=14 d20+5=24
Tuesday May 9th, 2006 7:27:56 PM

Getting the word that a camp is near, Dwight watches as others take to each side. Dwight takes a moment to survey the land, (spot 11). Then not wanting to be left with the animals alone makes off just to the left and awaits for Tobias' return behind a struggling bush.

Hide: 16
Move Silently: 14
Listen: 24

Hearing his own loudness, Dwight is glad he did not scout closer. :)

P. D. Pipewood  d20+3=16 d20+8=28
Tuesday May 9th, 2006 9:42:24 PM

Sloshing through the boggy mess that this land has turned into, Podo keeps his eyes opened and stays alert.
(Spot = 16 & Listen =28 (nat 20!))

Tuesday May 9th, 2006 10:32:06 PM

Selithe continues to lead her riding dog along and stays back some since she doesn't want Gra to make to much noise and alert anything or one of their presence as they continue along.

Wednesday May 10th, 2006 10:17:16 AM

Kendry can't figure out why the group is being so cautious about such a good camp site. He notes Airin's wariness. "Eh - what's up? Something scary here?" he whispers to her.

Startling Discoveries (co-DM Philip K)  d20+3=8 d20+3=18 d20+3=14 d20+3=9 d20+3=19 d20+3=22 d20+7=25 d20+7=25 d20+7=14 d20+7=25 d20+7=10 d20+7=8
Wednesday May 10th, 2006 10:59:33 AM

As the campfire comes within sight, several in the party take this as a sign of trouble.

Airin and Tobias attempt to move silently closer to the camp leaving their animal companions behind. Dwight, a little timid around the animals, particularly Tewdwr, takes refuge in nearby vegetation. Podo stays back with the animals, but keeps a wary eye and ear open. Selithe continues leading Gra, but hangs back, allowing the party's scouts to do their jobs. Kendry is slightly dumbfounded by the party's reaction to what appears to be a simple campsite.

As Airin and Tobias move closer, they each spot bones of various creatures in varying degrees of decomposition scattered in the area about 50 yards from the camp sight. It's possible that those in the camp have been defending themselves for a while, or perhaps are the cause of the bones. There's no real way to tell. As both get even closer, they can see various human-sized people moving about while 3 seem to be just sitting about the fire. Airin seems to hear some kind of music coming from the camp, but it's unfamiliar to her. Tobias hears sounds from the camp, melodic, but indiscernible from his position.

Drawing even closer, Airin and Tobias are finally able to make out the humanoid shapes. They do in fact appear to be humans wearing garish, flowing clothing. Gypsies perhaps? There are six milling about the camp, three of them look toward the direction from which Airin is approaching. They crane their necks and strain their eyes, but don't seem to take notice of the halflings. The three around the fire seem to have their eyes closed and are singing a very pleasant melody. Off to the side, between two wagons are a set of five cages, three of which appear to contain goblins. Two of the goblins appear to be conscious, but lethargic, the third is sleeping or unconscious.

Podo's incredible hearing is able to pick out some kind of melody as well, but from nearly 100 yards distance, it's impossible to tell what it could be.

Wednesday May 10th, 2006 11:38:14 AM

Tobias returns to the party and Tewdwr to report on what he's seen...

"Looks like a gypsy camp of some sort. There are 3 humans around the camp fire, and several more around the camp area... But, there are also all sorts of bones leading to the camp, and they appear to have taken 3 goblin prisoners. We should probably be care with them..."

Tobias will go with the rest of the party up the road to the camp (if that's what we decide to do).

Airin and Fioni  d20+7=21 d20+19=31 d20+10=28 d20+8=21
Wednesday May 10th, 2006 11:48:31 AM

"What's all this" Airin thinks looking at the decomposing bones. A creeping cold crawls up her spine as she observes this Ghipsy camp longer. Now withtin 30 ft from the camp, Airin ducks behind a few tree trunks and quietly listens. Not moving, just observing. Paying attention to these men and Goblins. Any sign of the dwarf we were trying to find?

Are they armed?

As a test to see how they would react to something Airin picks up a stone or even a bone from the ground and when no one is looking in her direction she throws it as far away from her as she can! Then waits in silence and prays her friends back there are quiet too...

[throwing: 21 towards the opposite direction of the camp]

[hide: 31]
[listen: 28]
[spot: 21]

Wednesday May 10th, 2006 6:42:46 PM

Dwight listens to Tobias' description of the camp. "Not exactly what I was expecting," he whispers. "The bones are a bad sign, they are normally buried to prevent scavengers from getting to close."

"At best they are passing by like us, Should we attempt a peaceful introduction? Only six, so if things went bad,... uh well the animals help the odds."

"I'm probably not the best speaker, but I'll go in with an introduction party. I might be better use hiding in the woods with my bow though."

Wednesday May 10th, 2006 7:52:54 PM

Tobias responds to Dwight, "Umm, actually closer 9 humans... 3 around a campfire and about 6 milling about the camp."

Wednesday May 10th, 2006 10:10:13 PM

Selithe shakes her head upon hearing about the camp and seeing some for herself. She looks towards the others before speaking her opinion, "I don't like this really. I think if anyone goes in to talk that a few stay out here to cover them. Anyone staying out here should have spells and distance weapons though."

Selithe shrugs and just giving her opinion before also mentioning, "Not sure if our mounts and such should go in yet either, the dead an all being there."

Kendry  d20+5=18 d20+11=25
Thursday May 11th, 2006 3:10:18 AM

As the rest of the party considers what to do, Kendry pulls out his lute. "Come, Cheann," he tells his dog quietly. "Heel." He steps forward boldly, aiming to come in a direction away from his friends, singing a song, subtly playing off the tune the people sing - in counterpoint.
Now as I wander
through forest and meadow
Will I this day
Find me some new friend?

Bless me my soul
I see these fair people
May they know peace
And find needed rest
[Bardic countersong, lute, perform: string instrument: 18; perform: singing: 25] If the people keep up or increase their singing, Kendry as well does his, whether humming or with additional lyrics. He aims to make it a friendly competition, if compete they decide. If they are trying to lure with their songs, the halfling wants to provide his friends a defense.

Podo D. Pipewood  d20+3=21 d20+8=27
Thursday May 11th, 2006 9:02:06 AM

Sloshing through the boggy mess that this land has turned into, Podo keeps his eyes opened and stays alert.

Skills Used:

What was that? (co-DM Philip K)  d20+3=15 d20+3=8 d20+3=15 d20+3=12 d20+3=18 d20+3=15 d20+7=13 d20+7=12 d20+7=26 d20+7=12 d20+7=25 d20+7=27 d20+7=21
Thursday May 11th, 2006 11:07:34 AM

Tobias returns to the others to report what he's seen, a camp of gypsies and a scattering of bones a ways out from the gypsy camp. Not entirely sure what to make of it all, he does appear to be cautiously optimistic about meeting with the gypsies ("We should probably be care with them..." but willing to move up to the camp openly).

Airin, on the other hand seems to be more leary about the bones, how the gypsies might react to noises nearby, and whether they pose some kind of threat. As she continues to observe the gypsies, she notices that each seem to carry a simple dagger at their waist or basic clubs and that they are all female. At first, that didn't seem important, but it does seem a bit strange now that the initial surprise of finding the camp has settled. There does not appear to be any sign of the dwarf and the goblins simply sit or lay in their cages, looking dejected.

Airin chooses to test the gypsies alertness by tossing a rock as a distraction which causes two of them to prepare their weapons and investigate while the remainder seem to take up defensive positions of a sort. All of them appear to be looking around the area for what the source of the disturbance might be. All in all, they appear a bit jittery, but who wouldn't in this desolate place?

Dwight for a moment, misinterprets Tobias' description of the number of occupants in the camp, but is quickly corrected. He expresses great concern for the bones in the area as a bad omen. He speaks of potentially peaceful contact with the camp, but notes that if things do go bad, the animals with the party would even the numbers out a bit. He does suggest that some of the party remain hidden in the woods as precaution.

Selithe also listens intently to the description of the camp and expresses her dislike of the situation. It's obvious that she'd rather not be the one to enter the camp and agrees with Dwight about some party members hiding in the surrounding terrain as a precaution.

Podo remains silent, but alert, not at all certain what to do with this situation

And then there is brave little Kendry who, upon hearing of the chanting of the gypsies around the camp, decides upon a contest of skill. He pulls forth his lute and begins playing a little tune, intended to counter any vocal spells that the gypsies. He then boldly walks toward the gypsy camp.

Inside the camp, the gypsies go about their business: one stirs the pot on the fire, a couple others dig through some clothing crates while a couple others do appear to be keeping watch. The three around the fire continue their melodic chant. As Airin throws her rock, the two that appeared to be on guard, draw their weapons (one a dagger, the other a club) and move toward where the rock should have landed. The remaining four, though not drawing weapons, do perk up and scan the area around the camp. The three around the fire seem to take no notice at all. After a few moments, the first two return and the camp calms down somewhat, but seems a bit more uneasy now.

As Kendry comes up toward the camp, three of the gypsies step forward toward him and urge him to stop. The others take up positions around the camp on each of the four corners. The lead gypsy looks to Kendry and says with either a very thick accent or doesn't have a full grasp on common..."Vat are you doingk all the vay out 'ere, leettle 'alfling? Dis bog is not save as dere are many creatures dat leeve 'ere dat vould make a queeck snack ov you. Surely you're not out 'ere alone vor dat vould be foolish?"

Tobias  d20+10=17
Thursday May 11th, 2006 1:22:13 PM

Seeing Kendry walk off towards the camp, Tobias decides to follow along. Can't allow one unarmed halfling to go it alone. He motions Tewdwr to follow, but tries to get him to stay within the tree line (mostly out of view).

As he chases Kendry towards the camp, Tobias makes sure his trusty short swords are near at hand and their sheath unobstructed in case of trouble.

He walks into view as the gypsy is talking to Kendry. And, he responds, "He's not alone. I'm his traveling companion. And, what are you all doing out here in the middle of no where?"

Handle animal roll: 17

Dwight  d20+7=25 d20+5=20 d20+7=13 d20+1=16
Thursday May 11th, 2006 6:34:34 PM

Still away from the camp, Dwight mumbles about planning ahead and takes cover off towards the left.

Attempting to listen to/watch the conversation from his current distance, Dwight awaits for some sign that decides if this encounter is peaceful. (Not quite sure how far away he is, but i think it is more than 30')

He traces the pattern of the grain on this shortbow, hoping fate will land a solid hit if it comes to that.

hide: 25
listen: 20
move silently: 13
spot: 16

Podo D. Pipewood  d20+3=14 d20+8=26 d20+11=22
Thursday May 11th, 2006 8:23:54 PM

Trying to be a quiet as possible while sloshing through the boggy mess that this land has turned into, Podo keeps his eyes opened and stays alert while trying to move ever closer to the camp of the gypsies.

Thinking silently to himself "...I will position myself to where I can of the greatest use to my family and friends should the need arise to defend ourselves..."

Skills Used:
Spot: 14
Listen: 26
Move Silently: 22

Thursday May 11th, 2006 11:25:44 PM

Selithe stays out of sight as she kneels down and watches what her brother does, hoping he'll give some sign if it's okay to come in or if he is in trouble.

Selithe does look at her riding dog and smiles, petting her and whispering, "I'm sure he'll be fine Gra."

Kendry  d20+3=21
Friday May 12th, 2006 12:11:15 AM

"Kendry is my name. Seeing the sights is my game. Got some dogs - meet my friend, here, Tobias," he introduces himself & friend in a sing-song voice, his lute continuing the counterpoint.

"What happened to your menfolk?" he asks as he steps aside to draw closer to the campfire.

Spot check: 21. Looking for evidence of the dwarf, if any.

Airin and Fioni  d20+19=36 d20+8=9
Friday May 12th, 2006 4:48:55 AM

"Oh drat that stubborn loud mouth chit chat getting to meet everybody bard... if I did not love him this much I would shoot this bolt in his behind!" Airin thinks to herlsef, but can't help smiling at the same time.

She waits patiently to see what happens. Hidden away, crossbow locked and loaded ready to shoot if they attacked or prepare to attack Kendry.

[hide: 36]
[spot: 9 - NAT1! Probably she won't even notice if they hit Kendry on the head :-/]

Introductions and Accusations (co-DM PhilipK)  d20+7=10 d20+7=26 d20+7=17 d20+7=15 d20+7=11 d20+7=22 d20+3=23 d20+3=23 d20+3=5 d20+3=16 d20+3=8 d20+3=15
Friday May 12th, 2006 11:31:00 AM

Seeing Kendry's boldness and not wanting him to walk into the situation alone, Tobias joins his fellow halfling as they approach the camp. As the gypsies greet Kendry, Tobias announces his presence to them as well. Tewdwr follows Tobias' instruction, but only just. Something seems to be bothering him, but it's not clear what exactly.

Dwight moves in closer to offer protection to his fellows and although he does keep himself well hidden, the soft ground and dead foliage makes his movements rather loud. Perhaps the gypsies won't hear him over their conversation with Kendry and Tobias? He observes the camp from his position and sees it quite clearly. So far, he sees and hears nothing beyond what he's already been told about. Six "wandering" gypsies, three chanting gypsies, three caged goblins and 2 empty cages tucked between a pair of hard covered wagons. Unwilling to trust such a seemingly unusual camp in this area, Dwight prepares his bow, just in case.

Podo moves up toward the camp as quietly as he can, but appears to take no precautions to hide himself. Keeping his eyes and ears peeled for potential trouble. Thinking like a tactician, he tries to find the best place to be should trouble occur.

Selithe stays back and out of sight, content, though wary, to watch the proceedings. She awaits a signal from his sibling to come forth, whether out of necessity or nicety. She soothes her dog Gra, assuring him that her brother is smart enough to know what he's doing.

Kendry greets the gypsies with a song and introduces Tobias as well. He inquires of the males of this particular troupe as it seems quite odd to him that there don't seem to be any around. He scans the area of any sign of the dwarf, but doesn't see anything, but something about the goblins seems...off.

Airin can't help but be playfully angered by Kendry's eagerness to meet new people. Some day this is going to get him killed. But, he will be who he is and she can't completely fault him for that. She settles into a position that provides fantastic cover, however, it completely obstructs her view of the camp.

The gypsies that made initial contact with Kendry do the best they can to answer his questions. "Ve do not travel vith da men. Dey do not understand our vays and dere presence interferes vith our magiks. It is dese magiks dat protect us in dis svamp."

As they continue conversing, the gypsies hear and see some of the other party members moving closer. Though well hidden, four of the gypsies look over toward the area from which he's approaching, but none seem to be able to pick Dwight out. Though keeping to the brush, Tewdwr isn't being particularly stealthy in his approach and Podo though treading very carefully doesn't hide himself and the gypsies see them both approaching.

The two gypsies in the front point toward Tewdwr and Podo and say, "Dat is you dog? And vat of dat one? It also sounds like dere are more ov you? Vy are you trying to surround us? Ve 'ave done nothing to you." The six "wandering" gypsies all draw forth their weapons, but take no offensive actions. "Perhaps you are bandits or murderers?"

The three chanting gypsies seem to be struggling with their chant, but continue nonetheless and seem all but oblivious to what's going on around them.

[ooc: I'll try to e-mail a map of the camp to everyone by then end of the weekend, if not today.

Also, start listing AC, Hit points and prepared spells (if any) as the situation seems to be groing rather tense.]

Friday May 12th, 2006 2:56:51 PM

"Nay, neither murderers nor bandits are we," Kendry answers. "And, if you mean us no harm, nor harm to our friends, then let there be peace among us.

"There is another with us. Podo!" he calls out. "It is safe, come join us." Regarding Tewdwr, he says - "Oh, that is Tobias' dog."

He glances at a dagger or two to see what they are made of - glass, obsidian, or some other material.

His lute he continues to play. "We seek a friend of a friend. We hope he is well. Some of my friends and relatives practice magics that others do not understand, as do you. I do not fear such, nor do I oppose such, unless people put like magics to evil means or evil ends. But if they are people of goodwill, then is my will good unto them."

He turns and directs his attention toward the captured goblins - if that indeed is what they are. "I see you have some guests. Some goblins tried to kill us in our sleep last year. They all died, except for two. One became a prisoner, and one, surprising to me, became a friend. Never thought I would have a goblin as a friend."

He walks in a little arc to Z22 (so as not to get so close to W2 that she feels threatened). He calls out to the drowsy goblins in their own tongue. "Black day, no?"

He turns and looks up at the first woman to address him. "Have you seen Bikmo?"

Tobias  d20+4=24 d20+1=11
Friday May 12th, 2006 6:24:08 PM

Tobias also responds, "Our companions are extremely cautious, but mean you no harm. They were just concerned about waltzing into your camp without knowing knowing your intentions. Luckily, Kendry here doesn't have any concern about waltzing or singing his way into any situation..."

Tobias tries to defuse the situation a bit. He keeps an eye on the gypsies to see if that relaxes them a bit from their hightened state.

Spot: 24 (nat 20)
Sense motive: 11

Dwight  d20+7=23 d20+7=23 d20+5=16 d20+1=13
Friday May 12th, 2006 9:24:04 PM

Realizing that was a close call, Dwight stays hidden(23) and silent (23) while listening (16) and watching (spot 13). He doesn't advance this round, but waits. He tries to keep a idea of where all 9 people are.

Selithe  d20+2=19
Friday May 12th, 2006 10:30:26 PM

Selithe watches and waits to see what happens yet, not wanting to come in to soon and it still feels to soon to approach, she glances to the others who haven't went in also if she can see them and then back at the clearing, stroking Gra's back gently while waiting.


Podo Danderfluff (AC18; 28/28hp)  d20+1=19 d20+5=18 d20+6=21 d20+3=10 d20+1=11
Sunday May 14th, 2006 9:15:27 PM

Being called out by Kendry, Podo relizes there is no reason to appraoch with stealth, he makes his prescence known to all.

Sloshing without a care, Podo approaches Kendry and Tobias, and the later Gypies.

"You called Kendry?"

Looking arond at the observable scene, Podo tries to take everything in. (Spot & Listen checks) In addtion, Podo tries to sense the motive of these "Gypies" through the words and their actions.

Uisng Diplomacy, Podo introduces himself to the assembled "gypies Women". "Allow me to introduce myself, Ladies, I am Podo, a simple servant of Domi. Would you like some candy? I got some homemade Sweet Maple and Peppermint Candy Compliments of the Catacombs the other day?"

Skills Used:
Spot: 18
Sense Motive:10
Gather Information (by looking):19

Airin and Fioni  d20+19=37 d20+8=24 d20+10=18 d20+2=3 d20+7=20 d20+8=26
Monday May 15th, 2006 10:35:05 AM

"So far the stealthy approach" Airin thinks to herself grinning "Not that I expected anything else..."

There's no real cover up north, although Airin would love to sneak up to the wagons. Instead, she remains hidden away behind the little bush. Now however she makes sure she gets a clear line of sight at the camp.

Tucked away, crossbow ready, Airin waits untill things unfold. She attempts to see how genuine these Ghipsies are yet right now they can threathen her friends she wouldn't even think they mean harm them. Instead she focusses on their gear and weapons and tries to appriase that.

Also, Airin listens to the words the chanting Ghypsies are speaking. Can she recognise any of the words? Or else she tries to read their lips to possibly understand the words that way.

[hide: 37]
[spot: 24]
[listen: 18]
[sense motive: 3 - NAT 1]
[appraise: 20]
[spot to read lips: 26]

The Subtle and the Creepy (Co-DM PhilipK) 
Monday May 15th, 2006 11:29:18 AM

As Kendry attempts to reassure the gypsies that they are not here at the gypsy camp for ill reasons, the gypsies listen, but it doesn't appear they are fully assuaged. The daggers he sees drawn look like normal steel daggers, if not poorly crafted. He introduces the other members of the party that were visible upon approach. The gypsies seem a bit more defensive as attention shifts toward the goblins. As Kendry tries to make an arc toward them, one of the lead gypsies moves to keep in his path as does one of the gypsies from the back. Spot and Sense Motive please.

Tobias keeps a sharp eye on the gypsies, not entirely trusting their intentions. He also attempts to reassure the gypsies that they mean no harm and that they were just being cautious in so harsh a place. The gypsies did seem to relax somewhat, but as the goblins were mentioned and as Kendry attempted to move further into their camp, their tension rose again.

Dwight breathes a silent sigh of relief. "Whew, that was close." He almost lifts his hand to wipe the sweat from his brow, but keeps himself controlled and hidden in the light brush he's found. He listens and watches the proceedings carefully.

Selithe remains behind, not wanting to cause undue attention, but she keeps as good an eye as she can on the others that moved up. With the scattered brush, it is a little difficult and she can't help but move up a bit (still off the map, but I figure about 70yds away will allow you to see the others still and not likely be seen by the gypsies unless they specifically look for you, let me know it that's not ok.)

Podo gives up on the stealth approach and steps into full view as Kendry calls for him. He watches the gypsies intently and although they seem legitimate (sense motive) there are some subtle clues in the camp that don't seem quite right. The goblins mouths are moving as if speaking, but nothing seems to be coming out. The chanting gypsies haven't moved at all since he's spotted them, other than their mouths with the chant. The gypsies colors are all different, like they're all from different clans.

Airin moves slightly to unobstruct her sightline and keeps a sharp eye and ear on things. Her keen eye for quality shows that the clothes the gypsies wear are completely off from their weapons. Their clothes are very fine and well tailored, yet their weapons are very crude. As she reads the lips of the chanting gyspies, she finds it's in a language that makes no sense to her.


As Kendry tries to move around the gypsies in the front, one of them (W2) steps over to intercept him as another from the back (W3) moves up as well. "Vere are you goingk leetle 'alfling? Ve did not give you leave to come into our camp. For someone that says he is not a thief, you sure act like one."

Just as the gypsy finishes her statement, Kendry feels drawn to look at one of the chanting gypsies (C1). This gypsy's eyes suddenly snap open looking directly at him with pupil less hollow eyes. The look on the gypsy's face is still very calm and serene, her chant never falters. And, just as quickly, her eyes close as if nothing happened.

[ooc: The map has been sent about 10:55 am central time. I hope you all got it.]

Tobias  d20+4=7
Monday May 15th, 2006 12:54:17 PM

Tobias keeps a watchful eye on the gypsies that have drawn their daggers. And, he's drawn to the area where the two are blocking Kendry's way.

He speaks to W2 trying to divert some of his attention, "I have no love of goblins either. I've fought and killed quite a few in my time patrolling the Culverwood. But, have never been moved to take any captive. Do you plan to make these your slaves or pets? Are there other goblins in this area?"

Spot: 7

Selithe  d20+8=27 d20+6=19
Monday May 15th, 2006 6:18:28 PM

Selithe pats Gra's neck again and whispers to her as she ponders her actions, "I don't like this Gra, something just doesn't smell right you know girl."

Selithe tries to get Airin's attentions without drawing notice and motions about moveing closer. Selithe moving her comp. shortbow and a arrow to be ready. She wants to move into range to make use of her bow if need be and letting Airin atleast know of her intentions before doing so.

(Hide:27 Move silently:19 Not sure if I'm trying to do to many actions at once though and not sure what type of roll to do to get Airin's attention without giving away her position or anything.)

Dwight  d20+7=23 d20+7=18 d20+5=21 d20+1=4
Monday May 15th, 2006 10:31:47 PM

Dwight remains hidden (20) and silent (18) by staying in the same spot and watching everyone. He continues to listen (21) intently to the ongoing songs and conversation. He also (without moving) attempts to scan around, making sure he isn't missing any signals from friend or foe (spot 4--nope don't see a thing :( )

Kendry  d20+3=5 d20+3=18
Tuesday May 16th, 2006 12:37:46 AM

[Spot: 5; Sense Motive: 18]

Kendry takes a step back when the chanting gypsy gives him her hollow stare.

"What happened to her eyes?" he whispers to the lady who suspects him of being a thief.

He awaits her answer, then says, "Look, regarding thieves - kidnapping is a type of thievery, isn't it? We are missing a dwarf. Some harpies attacked some people on the road. Have you seen any of them flying in the area? Maybe if you could point us in the right direction, we could look for them, and ... do you have any idea what I'm talking about?"

All this time, he considers the chant, and is prepared to counter theirs should the need arise.

Podo D. Danderfluff (AC18; 28/28hp)  d20+3=16 d20+8=14 d20+3=19 d20+1=10
Tuesday May 16th, 2006 1:05:46 AM

Podo walks up to position Z23 to join Kendry in seeing what he wanted; as if there was not Gypsie issue at hand.

Turning to the Gypsies, Podo (using Diplomacy) calmly explains that he meant no harm, but only approached to see what Kendry wanted. "Boy, sure is nice to get out of the boggy sloshie mess. How do you keep your feet so dry?" asks Podo.

Skills Used
Movement Rate: 30'
Spot: 16
Listen: 14
Sense Motive: 19
Diplomacy: 10

Airin  d20+8=15 d20+19=37 d20+12=27 d20+8=17 d20+10=27
Tuesday May 16th, 2006 10:17:33 AM

[Spot Selithe: 15 / Selithe has a Hide of 27 so I doubt Airin can spot her intentions.]

Airin observes the scene and gets a creepy feeling from these men. The chanting doesn't sound familiar to her, but somehow she's not reassured by it either.

(I suppose all or certainly most gypsies are looking at Kendry and the rest?)

The wagons are still 30ft away from her present location so she can not sneak up to the wagons. Perhaps she could crawl? Are the weeds or any other growth sufficient cover for Airin to crawl towards the wagons? If so she does this (probably will take two turns considering the distance)
If this is impossible Airin remains in place, constantly keeping an eye out should things escalate...

Can Airin hear anything in the wagon? Can she hear anything the Goblins are saying, begging? She can not understand Goblin, but are they really just sitting there?!?

[hide: 37]
[move silently - crawl: 27]
[spot: 17]
[listen: 27]

Questions and Answers and More Questions?(co-DM Philip K) 
Tuesday May 16th, 2006 11:44:56 AM

Tobias moves up to help offer support to Kendry while keeping a close eye on the gypsies, particularly those with daggers. He speaks to one of the gypsies blocking Kendry's path as both a distraction and to help diffuse a potentially volatile situation.

Selithe is getting a little itchy. She's feeling less and less right about this whole situation the longer she waits. It could be just impatience or woman's intuition or just that she's getting bored. She starts to move closer to the camp with Gra, trying to carefully maneuver into crossbow range. While she moves up, she tries to get Airin's attention, but she's got herself too well hidden from Airin to see her and if she were to be too blatant with her signals, she'd likely give herself away to the gypsies. (Selithe and Gra will still be off the map, but they will be within 50 yards after this "round").

Not wanting to risk the near problem he has a few moments ago, Dwight contents himself in just sitting tight and watching the situation further. He listens to the almost haunting melody of the gypsies and can't help but wonder what it's all about. He watches the others for some kind of signal as to what he should do.

Taken aback, Kendry can't help but ask about the eyes of the gypsy that just looked at him. He then tries, once again, to reassure the gypsies that his actions are innocent and that he and the others really aren't thieves. He inquires about the missing dwarf and harpies. The chant continues to poke at something in the back of Kendry's mind. His own countersong doesn't seem to have any effect on it, but something about it just bothers him (Bardic Knowledge).

Podo is unwilling to allow his companions to stand before the gypsies alone, so he steps up near Kendry. He too attempts to reassure the gypsies that he's not trying to be aggressive. As the ground hardens a bit under his feet, he's definitely happy as the wet, sloppy ground was starting to annoy him. He inquires as to how the gypsies don't seem to be affected by the marshy ground.

Though it will be difficult, the sparse vegetation might offer just enough cover for Airin to crawl toward the wagons. Sadly, she's going to get very dirty and likely very smelly doing it, but at the moment, stealth is far more important than appearance. She does her best to keep the others in sight and hear their conversations. At one point, something Podo asks about gets her thinking too. From her current position, the goblins are mostly obstructed from her view by the wagons, but Airin can see that one goblin appears to be unconscious, the other two appear quite lethargic.


The gypsy that Tobias addresses (W2) looks puzzled for a moment when he inquires about goblins, but a quick look over her shoulder at the caged goblins and she responds, "Oh, dose gobleens, dey are not pets and ve do not use slaves. Dey attacked us a few days ago, but ve subdued dem. Ve were goingk to take dem to de next town ve stopped in to turn dem over to de constable. Ve 'ave not seen any gobleens in da svamp. Dese were from before ve got to de svamp." (Sense Motive for Tobias, Podo and Kendry)

When inquired directly about the dwarf, the gypsies (W1, W2 and W3) each state quite frankly that they've seen no dwarves. As for the harpies, they all seem quite shocked for a moment until one speaks up (W3), "Ve 'ave seen no harpies around. Surely you are mistaken? Ve cannot 'elp you find vat ve 'ave not seen." (INT checks for all but Selithe)

In answer to Podo's question about the ground, "Ve try to find de firm ground to make de camp." At this point, Podo finally notices something odd. He looks at the dirt and grime and mud on his feet, but notices that there doesn't seem to be anything like that on the wagon's wheels. Crawling through the mud toward the wagons jogs Airin's thinking to a nearly identical conclusion that Podo notices. "I'm covered in muck, why aren't their wheels?"

Kendry, just being a typical curious little hobbit  d20+3=19 d20+3=16 d20+3=22 d20+9=25 d20+5=18 d20+5=24 d20+6=13
Tuesday May 16th, 2006 12:47:31 PM

[Intelligence check: 19; Spot: 16; Sense Motive: 22; Bardic Knowledge: 25; Knowledge (arcana): 18; Spellcraft: 24; Listen: 13]

"Well, why are some of you ladies singing that song? Is that how you keep the goblins from acting up? Or at least keep them quiet, so that even though their lips move, no sound comes out? Are you still afraid of the goblins, even though they are in cages?"

Dwight  d20+7=24 d20+7=26 d20+1=5 d20+5=23
Tuesday May 16th, 2006 7:08:04 PM

Remaining hidden (24) and silent (26), Dwight mumbles to himself as he considers the situation of their group.

spot 5 (still nothing visibly odd to him)
listen 23

Selithe  d20+2=10
Tuesday May 16th, 2006 8:39:44 PM

Selithe keeps her comp. shortbow ready and watches what goes on below carefully as she ponders what to do for sure. She doesn't want to just shoot but this is all starting to make her wonder...something didn't seem right but the gypsies weren't making any real threatening movements yet or were they and the group just wasn't noticing...


Tuesday May 16th, 2006 8:55:50 PM

Almost as an afterthought, Kendry asks, "Would you mind if I talk with those goblins? They can't attack us from the cages, can they?"

Podo D. Danderfluff (AC18; 28/28hp)  d20+3=7 d20+1=18 d20+3=8 d20+8=23 d20+3=21 d20+9=14 d6+2=5
Tuesday May 16th, 2006 9:21:49 PM

While using Diplomacy Podo speaks to the closest Gypsy, "Wow! You ladies must be strong! You managed to lift those wagons back there, across the boggy mess so the wheels wouldn't get dirty. I'm amazed." (sense motive = 7)

Without waiting for the gypsie to follow Podo's line of sight, Podo hums. (int = 18)

If the Gypsies move to attack, Podo will thrust a stunning Fist blow into the closest Gypsy. (AC: 14, Dmg: 5 & Fortitude saving throw DC 15 or be stunned)

Skills Used
Movement Rate: 30'
Spot: 8
Listen: 23
Sense Motive: 7
Diplomacy: 21
Intelligence Chk: 18

Tobias  d20=18 d20+1=6 d20+4=19
Tuesday May 16th, 2006 9:27:07 PM

Tobias responds, "Well that's good. We don't wanna run into any surprises with goblins around here."

He keeps alert to the gypsies's movements.

Int check: 18
Sense motive : 6
Spot: 19

Airin  d20+12=30 d20+19=36 d20+8=27 d20+10=26 d20+3=19
Wednesday May 17th, 2006 7:39:25 AM

[Intell check: 19]

"YUK!" Airin thinks to herself as she gets covered in goo. Then she notices the weels from the wagons that don't appear to be dirty... why?!?!? "Oh well, maybe one of us knows a prestidigitation spell that can clean me up..."

She needs to crawl further untill she reaches the back of the wagons.

[move silently: 30]
[hide: 36]
[spot: 27]
[listen: 26]

OOC: woot! Fabulous rolls this turn!!

Dwight  d20+2=17
Wednesday May 17th, 2006 7:41:52 AM

Dwight's intelligent check: 17

What'd She Say?!? (co-DM Philip K) 
Wednesday May 17th, 2006 11:18:51 AM

Kendry's curiosity begins to get the better of him as his questions become more and more direct. The chant of the gypsies seems to have elements of illusions mixed into the timbre, but exactly what type of illusion, he's unable to determine.

Dwight grows increasingly impatient, but hold still. He quickly mutters out a spell and scans over the camp. This first round he detects Highlight to display spoiler: {the camp definitely has a presence of evil in it. Next round, should he continue concentrating, he can learn some more specific information.}

Selithe, like Dwight is growing ever more impatient and suspicious. She's sure that the gypsies aren't what they appear. She grips her bow tighter and contemplates making a preemptive strike against the gypsies.

Podo noting the seemingly flawed view of his dirty feet compared to the gypsies clean wheels points out the discrepancy in his own sarcastic way. The gypsies seem very confused by his statement and obviously have no idea what he could mean.

Tobias is happy to hear that there aren't more goblins in the area, at least according to the gypsies. He's still suspicious of them though and keeps a close eye on them.

Airin is completely disgusted by the mud and grime she's collecting upon herself, but presses on. She amazes herself and comes to the conclusion that she must be part mouse because she barely heard herself move over the last bit of her crawl. She's nearly to her goal and the ground begins to firm up...a lot and starts to feel like stone. From where she's at, she would expect to be able to look through the undercarriage of the wagon and see the goblin cages, but as she peeks under, she doesn't see the cages at all, it just looks like bare ground where she's sure the cages should be.

Kendry, Dwight, Podo and Tobias all come to the eyebrow raising conclusion that the "bird" that was spotted earlier had to have been very nearly right over this camp. And the more they think about it, the more sure they become that it had to have been a harpy. Surely the gypsies saw it.


As Kendry and Podo fire off their questions, the gypsies become increasingly flustered, but do their best to answer his and the rest of the group's questions...

"Well, why are some of you ladies singing that song?" "Eet creates a protective barrier around da camp to keep de beasties away."

"Is that how you keep the goblins from acting up? Or at least keep them quiet, so that even though their lips move, no sound comes out?" "Day are gobleens, day do little more than grunt and screech, magic is not needed to keep dem quiet."

"Are you still afraid of the goblins, even though they are in cages?" "Ve 'ave no fear of de gobleens, Day are leetle more dan a nuisance."

"Would you mind if I talk with those goblins? "Dere is no need. De gobleens are leetle more than mindless beasts. Day can tell you nothing."

"They can't attack us from the cages, can they?" Day cannot, but like de caged animals, day may still be dangerous."

The other gypsies begin to move toward Kendry, Tobias and Podo, though don't take any aggressive actions. Gra and Tewdwr begin to get noticeably agitated as Gra begins to whine a bit while both heads of Tewdwr begin to growl.

One of the approaching gypsies (W6) speaks in a language other than common to the others. (If your character knows the Giant language Highlight to display spoiler: {"We should stop all this talking. They look plump and tasty. And we have them more than outnumbered."})

[ooc: Map was sent out at approximately 10:30 central time. Hope everyone's got it.]

Selithe  d20+3=14 d20+7=9 d20+6=7 d20+2=21
Wednesday May 17th, 2006 7:16:35 PM

Selithe frowns and tries her best to look over everything better and thinks over stuff more while pondering she raises her comp. shortbow up more and ponders fireing on the gypsies since this isn't right....Selithe would gamble these gypsies aren't what they seem and is finding her dislike of this situation starting to come to a head.

(Spot:14 Spell Craft:9 Knowledge Arcana:7)

She shakes her head and finally says the heck with it and calls out to Kendry, Podo and Tobias, "Back off guys, this is all wrong. Somethings just wrong here."

She also calls out to the gypsies after calling out to her brother and friends, "Take another step and I attack, understand? Tell your friends to stop chanting also, now! I see no threats here besides possibly all you and I will take a gamble you'r eall more than you seem and will find out even if I have to put a arrow in one of you to find out." Selithe adds a bluff into her next words, "If you really force my hand I'll throw a fireball into your lot and have done with it." Selithe just figures words aren't working well so it is time to press the gypsies hands.


Kendry  d20+4=24 d20+5=24 d20+7=26 d20+7=19 d8+2=9 d8+2=6
Wednesday May 17th, 2006 8:00:27 PM

"Hold there on that arrow and fireball," Kendry says. In the giant tongue, he calls out, calling first to one side, then the other, "Morqmar, Lomar, Teumar," If you know giant, Highlight to display spoiler: {"don't throw the boulders unless these harpy witches try to snack on us."}

He smiles. In common he says, "I may be plump and tasty, but if you think we are your next lunch, you'll end up very tender and juicy." With a smirk on his face, he says, "I just love improved invisibility." He looks up and his right, and touches his finger to his temple. In the Auran tongue, the language of avian creatures, he says -- (If you know Auran) Highlight to display spoiler: {"No. We don't kill them unless they resist. If any take to the air, you then have my permission. If her icy blast does not kill them first."} In common he continues, "And your count is way off, lady. Now - if you want to live," and he switches to a voice of command, "DROP your daggers, and KICK them away from you. Lie FACE down on the ground. Don't THINK about disobeying. DOWN! NOW!" [Bluff, nat 20!: 24] "And if you don't want to be baked apples, then SHUT your mouths."

If the women obey, Kendry hands out silk rope to his friends. "Tie their hands and feet. If they comply, then don't hurt them. If any resist, you may kill them, for they already have spoken about eating you. Ha! As if... We can just have Lomar and Teumar sit on them if they cause trouble. I won't let Morqmar do that, though. He really would eat them if I let him get so close. Cheann: Guard!" he commands his dog.

On the other hand, if any make as though to attack, Kendry tumbles (Tumble: 24) to the side, quickdrawing his bastard sword and countering with a vicious slash. [Hit AC 26 threat, crit if AC 19 or worse, for 9hp+6hp=15hp dam. Yeah dice roller!]

Wednesday May 17th, 2006 10:27:42 PM

Focusing on his target, not understanding most of what has been spoken, Dwight continues his previous action.

As the conversation turns to bluffs and terms of surrender Dwight is prepared to shoot his bow should it come to that.

Airin  d20+12=30 d20+19=38
Thursday May 18th, 2006 3:05:03 AM

"What's going on here?!?" Airin thinks and searches a clean spot on her clothes to wipe her eyes "Where are those cages?!? There must be dirt in my eyes..."

If nothing helps Airin begins to worry... something's fishy... something's really fishy...

Then she hears Kendry's voice change to a more agressive stance.

Assuming all gypsies are now watching the rest of the group, Airin crawls behind the wagons (AD-14)

Unable to attack (because she was prone before) this turn, she readies her crossbow and takes a closer look at the wagons. The beams from the wagon should still offer some concealment, so know she kneels, ready to shoot next round if things go wrong.

She's in perfect sneak attack position...

[move silently: 30]
[hide: 38]

Kim to friends 
Thursday May 18th, 2006 3:12:42 AM

Most of what Kendry said was in common - anything you can read from his post, you should have been able to understand. Just not the two spoilers, unless you know the appropriate languages (Giant and Auran).

Podo D. Danderfluff (AC18; 28/28hp)  d20+9=17 d6+2=7 d20+3=18 d20+8=11 d20+3=22 d20+3=7 d20=5 d20+9=18
Thursday May 18th, 2006 9:08:29 AM

Listening to Kendry, Podo sensed that there was something amiss.

If the Gypsies move to attack, Podo will thrust a stunning Fist blow into the closest Gypsy. (AC:17 , Dmg: 7 & Fortitude saving throw DC 15 or be stunned).

When Podo gets the chance, he will tumble to a better vantage point and ready another another.

Skills Used
Movement Rate: 30'
Spot: 18
Listen: 11
Sense Motive: 22
Diplomacy: 7
Intelligence Chk: 5
Tumble: 18

And the Situation Breaks Down...Literally (Co-DM Philip K)  d20+7=19 d20+7=24 d20+7=24 d20+2=5
Thursday May 18th, 2006 12:04:23 PM

Selithe has had enough. Her growing suspicions have finally come to a head in a rather dramatic fashion. Not only does she threaten to attack the gypsies, but to do so magically. Despite her lack of magical abilities, she is very convincing, almost to the point of making her fellow party members believe she can cast spells.

Hearing Selithe's outburst and picking out the veiled threat from the gypsies, Kendry continues the buff by doing his best to convine the gypsies that not only does the party have superior numbers, but also superior size in the form of giants or giant-kin. He orders the gypsies to immediately surrender.

Dwight hears various languages he does not understand tossed about, but what is said in common is very clear. Any diplomacy has gone right out the window. The gypsies are very much not what they appear and are apparently quite despicable. Expecting trouble, he begins speaking words of power as energy begins to crackle between his fingertips.

Feeling the stone under her and being unable to see the cages through the undercarriage of the wagons, Airin is very confused. Nothing seems to be right here. The gypsies seem off, the camp seems off, even the entire discussion seems off. She continues her crawl to what should be a safe place and kneels preparing to strike. At this point, the camp goes into an uproar as various party members spout accusations and orders to the gypsies.

Podo's suspicions come to fruition as the others abandon their talking and now are demanding the gypsies' immediate surrender.


The chant comes to an abrupt end as all three chanting gypsies open their eyes. On gypsy (C2) looks directly at Selithe and gives her a knowing grin. The same one that stared at Kendry before (C1) is once again staring at him. Her vacant, pupil-less eyes seem to look right through him and he can't help but shudder a little as a creepy feeling runs up his spine. The last one (C3) stares directly at the gypsy that had spoken giant (W5) and says, "That was foolish sister. Their actions and your words have ruined our plans. You are on your own."

As the music fades, the camp does as well. Airin finds herself kneeling next to the entrance of what appears to be a cave-like pit. The "wagons" were the rocky coverings of its entrance. She can hear what must be the "goblins" in their cages, but from her vantage point, can't see them.

The images of the gypsies quickly fade. The six gypsies that had been wandering around all shift into the form of harpies, while the three chanting gypsies become green skinned, hunched human-like women. They have white wispy hair, hooked noses, leathery, warty skin and their limbs are twisted as if stricken by severe arthritis. And finally, the goblins are revealed for what they truly are, a dwarf and two humans, they are however, truly in cages and gagged rather severely.

Each one begins a new chant, all different and the party reacts. From his hiding place, the energy coursing over Dwight's fingers releases in a small globule of light that strikes one of the green women (C1 squarely in the back (roll damage please Dwight). Selithe, expecting that the gypsies were up to no good, reacts more out of shock than anything and lets loose her bolt toward another arthritic women (C3) (please roll an AoO please Selithe). Fortunately for the whispy haired women, they are still able to retain their wits and their spells go off. First, the entire camp starts shimmering making everyone feel a little woozy (no real game effect) and begin seeing double (Everything within 40 feet of the "fire" is now under the effects of a blur spell). Second, harpies seem to glow with a dark aura momentarily. And lastly, the hags (yes, they really are hags) shimmer out of sight. A moment later, you each hear..."You have not seen the last of us little halflings. We will have our revenge for you ruining our plans."

The harpies all take flight and begin choosing targets. As the blur effect is making them just as disoriented, they are only able to move this round. The one that flies up toward Podo gets a solid crack in the ankle causing her nerves to flare out of control (stunned).

Anyone with spellcraft that's curious what all just happened, please roll...
DC10 Highlight to display spoiler: {"The camp was some kind of illusion."}
DC15 Highlight to display spoiler: {"The camp was some kind of glammer spell, covering sights and mildly effecting most of the other senses, but not completely."}
DC20 Highlight to display spoiler: {"The camp was some kind of imperfect veil spell"}
DC25+ Highlight to display spoiler: {"The camp was a modified version of the veil spell but was most likely a cooperative spell, meaning that the chanting hags were somehow combining their magical abilities to create and sustain it, though it did have flaws which suggests they either don't work together completely yet or the spell was hastily created."}

Tobias  d20+11=31 d100=74 d4+2=5 d20+11=26 d4+2=5
Thursday May 18th, 2006 1:12:28 PM

With the rouse revealed, Tobias steps to the harpy/gypsy that he was standing near, draws both short swords, and takes one attack.

Attack roll: 31 (Nat 20; crit threat)
Blur check: 74 (hits)
Damage: 5 hp
Critical roll: 26
Critical damage: 5 hp
Total damage: 10 hp

Then, he gives a whistle for Tewdwr to step in from the treeline. Tewdwr moves this round to get within attack distance of the harpy Tobias is engaged with.

Selithe  d20+7=25 d6+1=4 d6=2 d100=77
Thursday May 18th, 2006 4:18:45 PM

Selithe fires quickly at one of the green hags, watching her arrow fly through the air nicely. (Can hit AC:25 Damage:4 *sneak attack damage if able*:2 d100 for blur:77)

Selither ponders what to do next so decides on a course of action and weaves her magic and casts enlarge person on Tobias. (+2 str, -2 Dex, -1 to hit and to AC. Hope the penalties don't outway the benefits)

(Phillip, just wanting to let you know. Selithe has a darkwood composite shortbow worked over to allow her +1 str)

Spell (Conjurer*wizard*) *extra spell per level for being a specialist
0th (4+1): Resistance, **Acid Splash, Detect Poison, *Detect Magic, Read Magic, Dancing Lights, Flare, Light, Ray of Frost, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Arcane Lock, *Prestidigitation

1st (2+2): *Mage Armor, Summon Monster I, Mount, Identify, *Magic Missile, *Burning Hands, *Enlarge Person

Dwight  d4+1=5 d20+6=19 d4=1 d100=33
Thursday May 18th, 2006 6:13:22 PM

Damage to C1: 5

Surprising himself, Dwight draws his bow back and attempts to shoot at one. If the hags cannot be targeted, the next closest harpy is aimed at.

Attack: 19
dmg: 1

Don't know if i'm included in the blurr but here is my %: 33

Thursday May 18th, 2006 8:20:28 PM

lol, wish you hadn't done that Selithe... my attack bonus is based on dex (due to weapon finesse). But, at least my damage will be higher.

Podo D. Danderfluff (AC18; 28/28hp)  d20+9=16 d6+2=3 d20+9=12
Thursday May 18th, 2006 8:55:10 PM

Podo will thrust a stunning Fist blow into the closest Gypsy. (AC:16 , Dmg: 3 & Fortitude saving throw DC 15 or be stunned).

When Podo gets the chance, he will tumble to a better vantage point and ready another another.

Skills Used
Movement Rate: 30'
Tumble: 12

Thursday May 18th, 2006 9:26:46 PM

(OOC:sorry for that Tobias, the penalties for you are pretty nasty then. I'll keep it in mind next time though.)

Kendry  d100=61 d20+5=22
Thursday May 18th, 2006 10:11:31 PM

[I'm going to go ahead and use Kendry's conditional attack from the previous post, if that is okay. Rolled 61%, so his attack is not invalidated by the blur spell. BTW, I have not seen the map, so am going off the previous one.]

Kendry leaps forward and swings his bastard sword to attack W3 (or W2 if W3 is out of range) with his bastard sword just as she and her companions decide to head into the air. [Hit AC 26 threat, crit if AC 19 or worse, for 9hp+6hp=15hp dam]

"Cheann, attack!" He also, knowing the threat of their voices, and seeking to encourage his friends, sings in the halfling tongue:
Though hags this spot put under veil
And harpies hid their feathered tails
The veil is lifted, captives seen
And now we'll pluck their captors clean
Inspire courage, +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 save vs charm, +1 save vs fear for all party members. If any harpies begin to sing, he modulates his song to counter theirs.

[Forgot to roll Spellcraft check, came back and did so - 22]

Airin [ AC 17 - HP 35/35 - Dodge bonus +1AC vs nearest harpie]  d20+8=22 d6=5 d6=2 d100=45
Friday May 19th, 2006 4:47:49 AM

Once the chanting ends Airin hinds herself ducked next to a large rock! Now that's a change!!

And then she notices the harpies attacking her friends.

Airin will shoot at one, within 30ft, that is not under heavy fire from her friends...

[HIT AC22 - 5Hp damage - Sneak attack damage 2Hp - Blur check:45]

She takes a 5ft step to get a better view on other harpies ready to sneak attack again next round.

Cheann (Kendry's dog)  d20+3=13 d6+3=6 d100=6
Friday May 19th, 2006 2:11:55 PM

On hearing his master's command, Cheann moves to AB22 and leaps into the air to attempt to bite (AC 13-2=11) W2. But the blurriness of the figure throws him off, and he nips only air.

Feathers and Claws and Double Vision (Co-DM Philip K)  d20+7=12 d20+2=21 d20+2=22 d20+2=16 d20+2=16 d20+7=20 d20+2=12 d20+2=6 d20+2=22 d20+2=7 d20+7=15 d20+2=3 d20+2=4 d20+2=11 d20+7=11 d20+2=14 d20+2=4 d20+2=7 d20+7=23 d20+2=13 d20+2=14 d20+2=5 d6=3 d3=1 d4=3 d3=3 d4=4 d6=4
Friday May 19th, 2006 3:23:02 PM

As the scene devolves into an out and out melee, the heroes stand their ground and stave off the harpies to the best of their abilities.

Tobias draws forth his blades and takes a vicious stab at the fouls woman-beast. She wails in pain as his blade finds vital areas and tears at soft tissues. (successful critical on W1 for 10 damage). Even before he whistles for his lupine companion, Tewdwr is already bounding forth to help protect his friend.

Her suspicions confirmed, Selithe lets loose an arrow at one of the chanting gypsies just before they fade out. She's quite sure her attack strikes as she sees the arrow lodge itself in the hags shoulder (Hit C3 for 4 damage) just as they shimmer away. Thoughts race through her mind as to what to do next. Coming to the conclusion that increasing the capacity of one of their more powerful fighters, she twists the fabric of reality around Tobias and he expands to the size of a human. His reaction, however, tells her that maybe that wasn't the best choice, one that she will remember for their subsequent encounters. Selithe and the harpy that closed with her are not in the blur effect and receive no bonuses or penalties from it.)

The magical motes of energy surge forth from Dwight and strike the chanting hag just before they flicker out of sight (Magic Missile at C1 for damage 5) and he immediately draws forth his bow, preparing for the harpy's and hag's retaliation. As the harpy swoops toward him, he barely snaps off a shot, but does nick the foul she-beast (Hit W5 for 1 damage). With the harpy now closed with him, his bow appears to be a poor choice of weapon at the moment. (Dwight and W5 are not in the blur effect and thus have no bonuses or penalties at the moment.)

Podo's nerve strike still has the harpy that approached him reeling in pain (you don't have to Stunning blow her again unless you want to) and he takes the opportunity to dive under her and come up flanking her with Kendry. He flexes his fists, knuckles popping as he prepares to unleash a series of blows that only a monk can pull off.

Kendry begins singing a song that bolsters his companions resolve (Inspire Courage) and prepares to shift the tone and pitch to ruin the harpies song should any begin to use it. As his harpy flies up, he brings his bastard sword to bear on the wretched creature and his blade finds a solid mark, slicing through skin and muscle and crunching into bone (successful critical on W3 for 15 damage).

Airin is still a bit dazed by the wagons suddenly becoming rocks, but quickly assesses the situation and determines which of her friends that she can see needs help first. She brings her crossbow to bear on the harpy (W3) attacking Kendry and lets the bolt fly. To her...enjoyment, the bolt flies true and embeds itself in the harpy's thigh (Hit W3 for 7 damage). She then steps a bit away from the stone to get a better view of the situation.


The harpies try to mount a counter offensive. Each has taken a target (except W6) and by being off the ground, it gives them a bit of an advantage.

W1 attacks at Tobias swinging a club and raking with her feet claws. He's pretty sure that the attacks that hit him would have without his enlargement, but one was almost deeper than he would have expected and another was closer than it would normally have been. The club thumbs him squarely on the shoulder while one of her feet rakes him across the abdomen (AC12, AC21, AC22 (no crit), AC 16 -- dmg 3 + 1 = 4)

W2 was still dazed enough that Podo was easily able to dive under her, but recovers enough to spin around and swing her dagger at him. Her first slash cuts Podo across the arm and her second raking kick hits too close to a vital spot for his comfort (AC20, AC12, AC6 AC22(no crit) -- dmg 4+3 = 7)

W3 thrusts her dagger at Kendry and finds it a home in his gut, but she is otherwise unable to kit the nimble bard (AC15, AC3, AC4, AC11 -- dmg 4)

W4 swoops in on Selithe, but the change from being in the blur effect to normal vision apparently has her confused enough that all her attacks are in vain (AC11, AC14, AC4, AC7 -- dmg 0)

W5 flies in at Dwight and it appears that sheer momentum helps her first strike with her club, but like W4, the visual change makes all her remaining strikes worthless (AC23, AC12, AC14, AC4 -- dmg 4)

W6 begins singing a haunting melody that makes each of your minds swoon (Will save DC16). Kendry does his best to counter the effect (use Kendry's Perform check as your will save if you're within 30' of him). If you succeed or Kendry's song is enough to protect you, you act as normal. Otherwise, you move toward W6 as directly as possible, captivated by the harpy (you may defend yourself, but can take no other actions). All animals of the party must make a save as well.

A moment later, a loud rush of air can be heard from near the camp fire and the fire flares momentarily, then settles back to normal.

[ooc: Please post AC and Hit points in your header each round and have all active and memorized spells listed at the end of your posts. Thank you, Philip]

Tobias [ AC 18 - HP 25/29 - Enlarged]  d20+7=26 d20+7=26 d4+3=5 d4+3=7 d20+7=27 d20+7=21 d4+1=4 d4+1=5 d20+3=20
Friday May 19th, 2006 4:33:14 PM

Tobias takes the brunt of the harpy's blows, and remains mainly unphased - prepared to return her attacks. He takes a 5 ft step around trying to split the harpy's attention between him and Tewdwr. Then, he strikes with both of his short swords.

Attack 1: 26 (crit threat 19)
Critical: 26 (double damage)
Damage 1: 5 hp
Critical Damage: 7 hp
Attack 1 Total: 12 hp

Attack 2: 27 (wow! nat 20 crit threat)
Critical: 21 (double damage)
Damage 2: 4 hp
Critical Damage: 5 hp
Attack 2 Total: 9

Will save: 20

Memorized spell: Longstrider
Active effects: Enlarge

Kendry (AC 15, HP 19/23; inspire courage) & Cheann the dog (AC 16; HP 20)  d20+11=17 d20+6=24 d8+3=10 d20+2=18 d6+3=6 d100=95 d100=82 d20+9=21
Friday May 19th, 2006 4:50:58 PM

[Perform (Singing): 17 - everyone within 30' of Kendry (Podo, Tobias, Tewdwr & Cheann) use this as your save vs. the harpy's song. If you are outside the 30' - you still get +1 on your will saving throw due to inspire courage. It looks like Selithe is 35' away, Airin 40' away, and Dwight 60' away - so you three add +1 to your will save.]

"Ouch!" Kendry swings again his bastard sword, striking harpy W3 (AC 26 (should be +8, not +6) for 10 hp damage).

Cheann up and bites into harpy W3 (AC 20 for 6 hp damage). So far she has sustained 31 hp of wounds.
Heed ye not the siren song
Clear your mind - you know she's wrong
Show no mercy to these witches
Prepare their bodies for the ditches
The halfling bard smiles a bit, thinking that the danger of combat has him taking poetic shortcuts, lessening the quality of the lines. Well, no time for composing a masterpiece now. We've gotta take these foul gals out, he thinks in the back of his mind.

[Afterthought - neither K's nor C's attacks failed due to blur - 95 & 82, well over 20. And, although due to the countersong I don't think I need it, just in case: Will Save: 21]

Tewdwr  d20+3=5 d20+3=13 d6+1=7 d100=29
Friday May 19th, 2006 5:20:30 PM

Tewdwr takes a couple of bites at the harpy too.

Tewdwr uses Kendry's song vs the harpy's song.
Kynan Attack: AC5 (missed)
Dryw Attack: AC13 (did that hit? 7 hp if it hit)
Blur check: 29 (hit)

Dwight  d20+5=15 d20=18 d3=3
Friday May 19th, 2006 7:17:33 PM

Will save: 15+1(Kendry)=16 (Whew!)

Tossing his bow to the side, Dwight waves closed fists and opens them in the direction of the oncoming harpy. (Acid Splash: Touch attack 18 + 1(for melee?)) Dmg: 3

remaining spells

Selithe-AC:15-HP:26  d20+7=23 d6+1=6 d20+5=25 d20+1=9
Saturday May 20th, 2006 12:16:30 AM

(I'm taking for granted since the harpy is flying it is high enough to not make Selithe take penalties on her to hit.)

Selithe is glad for the miss by the harpy that attacked her and prepares another arrow and fires it at the harpy.

Selithe does notice Gra moving off since the harpies song got to her. Selithe calls out as she sees this happen, "Kendry or someone help Gra please!"

(Can hit AC:23 Damage:6 Forgot to roll Will check first but Will:25 Will check for Gra:9 (still have to get Gra on my CS so for the moment just gave it Kendry's encourage bonus for the song.).)

Podo D. Danderfluff (AC18; 28/28hp)  d20+10=19 d20+10=26 d6+2=5 d6+2=8 d20+3=22
Monday May 22nd, 2006 11:40:21 AM

Next round, Podo will use it to relase a Flurry of Blows move into the stunned harpy.

First blow (Ac:19, Damage: 5) Second Blow (AC: 26, Damage: 8)

Spinning around and tumbling to a new location to ready another attack.

Skills Used
Movement Rate: 30'
Tumble: 22

And the Feathers Fly (co-DM Philip K)  d20+2=20 d3=1 d20+7=24 d20+2=6 d20+2=19 d20+2=11 d20+7=22 d20+2=17 d20+2=13 d20+2=10 d20+7=22 d20+2=4 d20+2=6 d20+2=21 d20+7=15 d20+2=15 d20+2=4 d20+2=7 d6=4 d3=1 d4=4 d4=3 d4=4 d3=1 d6=4 d6=2
Monday May 22nd, 2006 12:16:21 PM

Tobias and Tewdwr face down the wretched beast woman, taking tit for tat. The thump upon his shoulder and the rake across his gut are little more than scratches for the trusty ranger. In return, Tobias lets loose with his twin blades, cutting deeply into the harpy's flesh twice (crit twice, 21 damage, 31 total on W1). As the harpy nearest Airin begins to sing, Tobias shrugs off the effects easily. The blur effect seems to be effecting Tewdwr's sensitive eyes more than anticipated as the brave lupine companion is unable to bit anything but air (missed the harpy's AC on both attacks).

Kendry's song of inspiration and resolve urge his companions on through their attacks. He grits his teeth through the harpy's attacks and swings his sword at her once again, connecting solidly (hit for 10, 32 total on W3). His faithful hound, Cheann also leaps at the harpy, biting down solidly upon her foot (hit for 6, total 39 on W3).

Dwight recognizes the futility of trying to attack a foe that has closed within melee with a bow, so he tosses it aside and opts for a spell. He throws his hand toward the hardy, incants a few words of power and a small glob of acid flies toward her. The harpy finds herself sprayed with the magical acid and screeches in pain (hit with Acid Splash for 3, 4 total on W5)

Selithe attempts to nock and fire another arrow at the harpy that closed with her, but finds the harpy's kicking foot talons very distracting (AoO hits AC20 for 1 damage) but is able to get off the shot (hit for 6 damage, total 6 on W4 [ooc: The harpy may be flying, but it is closed in melee combat with you.] Although Selithe's mental resolve is strong, Gra is unfortunately captivated by the harpy's song and begins to wander toward her.

Podo tumbles into action, and releases a couple hefty blows onto his harpy (hit for 13 damage, total 13 on W2) [ooc: Sorry, you said you moved and I didn't move you on the map. It will be corrected on the new map and although it didn't matter for these attacks, I would have granted the +2 flanking bonus]

Airin tries to take in the scene, but the hazy field of action is making it difficult to concentrate. She's quite sure her last bolt hit and she prepares another.


The harpy's launch their next counter offensive...

W1, though looking very wounded, continues her own attacks, unwilling to allow the enlarged halfling and his two-headed wolf companion to take her down. She swings down with her club again and kicks at Tobias again and thumps him solidly with her club again and rakes him with a claw (AC24, AC6, AC19, AC11, Dmg 4 + 1 = 5)

W2 follows Podo's tumbles, but the pain in her leg prevented her from attacking. But that pain has now subsided and she has no problems attacking now. She stabs at him and kicks with her talons, sticking him twice, but is unable to hit the nimble one with her feet (AC22, AC17, AC13, AC10, Dmg 4 + 3 = 7)

W3 wonders, very briefly, which she should hit first, Kendry or Cheann, however, the clumsiness of Cheann's bit makes that answer easy, he halfling. She stabs down with her dagger, then kicks at him with her feet, striking solidly with the dagger and finally with a talon (AC22, AC4, AC6, AC21, Dmg 4 + 1 = 5)

W4 looks down at Selithe and grins evilly as she realizes that the halfling appears content using a bow against her in such close quarters. She swings her club down and kicks wildly at her halfling target connecting with two solid thumps of the club (AC15, AC15, AC4, AC7, Dmg 4 + 2 = 6)

W5 ponders the intelligence of a continued attack on an arcanist and decides the direct approach may not be the best. She flies up 5 feet and begins to sing a haunting melody, drawing an AoO from Dwight (Will save for all, DC16 or be captivated by W5 and move toward her. Kendry can attempt to Countersong again, but as it is a new harpy song, it will be another use of the ability)

W6 sees that her song has done little, but it has at least captured one of their enemies in its embrace and continues her song. (No new Will saves against W6 except Gra, who gets Kendry's newest countersong)

Harpy AC = 15

Tobias [ AC 18 - HP 20/29 - Enlarged]  d20+9=23 d4+3=4 d100=44 d20+9=27 d4+1=2 d100=18
Monday May 22nd, 2006 12:58:02 PM

[ooc: Tobias took a 5ft step north last round.]

The harpy's club blow did nothing more than anger Tobias. He takes another 5 ft step to the northwest, so that he's in a flanking position with Tewdwr (and the harpy in between us). And, he attacks again with both short swords.

Attack 1: 23
Damage 1: 4 hp
Blur 1: 44 (hit)
Attack 2: 27
Damage 2: 2 hp
Blur 2: 18 (miss)
Total Damage: 4 hp

Tewdwr [AC 15 - HP 14/14]  d20+5=19 d6+1=5 d100=30 d20+5=23 d6+1=4 d100=16
Monday May 22nd, 2006 1:03:29 PM

Tewdwr is tries to recover from the blur effects and nips after the harpy.

Kynan Attack: 19
Kynan Damage: 5 hp
Kynan Blur: 30 (hit)
Dwyr Attack: 23
Dwyr Damage: 4 hp
Dwyr Blur: 16 (miss)

Cheann, then Kendry  d20+5=19 d100=43 d6+3=7 d20+11=16 d20+8=9 d100=96
Monday May 22nd, 2006 3:05:07 PM

As the harpy focuses her attacks upon his master, Cheann moves five feet (to AC23) and bites the nether regions of W3 for 8 hp damage (if Cheann gets inspire courage bonus - 7 hp if not).

IF Cheann's bite does not take W3 down, then Kendry swings on her as he modulates his countersong to accommodate the new singer [Perform (singing): 16 - the exact DC needed to overcome the harpy's song]. If W3 has gone down due to Cheann's attack, he swings instead against W2.

In any case, his swing misses (nat 1), though not due to the blur.

In the halfling tongue, he sings:
Gra to Selithe now return
Help her then the bird bring down
Courage all! This rescue turn
Fight like heroes of renown.
Anyone within 30' of the bard does get the benefit of his countersong, and all allies within the hearing of his voice the benefits of inspire courage.

Selithe  d20+5=11 d20+1=15
Monday May 22nd, 2006 8:33:10 PM

Selithe tries to fight off the harpies song once again but this time finds it's effect on her is to much. (Will:11 you said all so figured Selithe needed to make a save too.)

Gra is unable to break her hold either and continues moving too, all though she comes close. (Will:15)

(If I missed something then please let me know and I'll repost.)

Dwight (hp 20/25, ac15)  d20+5=18 d20+1=8 d4+1=2
Monday May 22nd, 2006 9:03:05 PM

Fighting the urge from the new song (will: 18), Dwight grabs his metal dagger and takes a wide swing, missing his extra chance to hit the harpy.

With the harpy out of reach, Dwight again allows the sparks of electricity to leave his hand towards the upward harpy (magic missile, dmg 2)

spells remaining
3 0-level

Dissension in the Ranks? (Co-DM Philip K)  d20+7=13 d20+2=10 d20+2=13 d20+2=21 d20+9=27 d20+4=23 d20+4=17 d20+4=22 d20+4=16 d20+7=24 d20+2=7 d20+2=9 d20+2=22 d20+7=8 d6=4 d4=1 d4=4 d4=2 d3=2 d3=3 d4=2 d3=2
Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 11:14:13 AM

Tobias and Tewdwr continue their assault on their harpy. Tobias takes a quick step to the side to get a more tactical advantage with his wolfen companion just prior to swinging his twin blades. He strikes the foul woman-thing with one blade, but loses her momentarily to the hazing effect (hit W1 for 4 -- 35 total). Kynan is able to bite down on the harpy's leg, but this and the blur twists Dwyr just out of reach (hit W1 for 5 -- 40 total).
Kendry and Cheann take their licks and give them back in spades. Cheann, seeing the harpy attacking his master leaps for the she-beast and rips into her with a nasty chomp (hit W3 for 8 -- total 47). Though severely wounded, the harpy doesn't not yet succumb to her injuries, though Cheann knocks her back in such a way that Kendry's attack is horribly off kilter and he's unable to get the proper swing to his blade. Luckily, he's able to continue his song and modulate it enough to stem the effects of the new singer.

Selithe is ready to strike out at the harpy attacking her when she succumbs to the alluring song of the new singing harpy. She lowers her weapon and begins to walk toward the harpy. Gra, however, having passed close enough to Kendry to be inspired by his song is released from his own trance and returns to his master's side. [ooc: You are correct, the range of the harpy song is a 300 foot radius, far more than enough to cover the area. Sadly, you're out of range of Kendry's song (30 feet), so you use your own saves. However, Gra moved within range of Kendry's song and thus uses it for his own save and he is no longer captivated.]

Dwight momentarily covers his ears when the harpy before him begins to sing and is able to resist her wiles. With her out of reach, he calls forth mystical energies and releases them against her for mild effect (magic missile to W5 for 2 -- 6 total)

Airin continues to be baffled by the haziness in the area, trying to clear her vision enough to properly target one of the harpy's attacking her companions.

Podo watches the harpy he was attacking move away, stunned in disbelief that she would just move away from him like that.

W1 -- Swings her club and claws at Tobias but is unable to connect until she kicks that one last time (AC13, AC10, AC13, AC21 -- Dmg 4)

W2 -- Seems momentarily unconcerned with Podo, but sees her sister being hacked down by Kendry and Cheann. She moves to flank with her sister and swings her dagger and talons against the little bard. She hits him with every strike, her second dagger strike hitting the bard squarely in the neck (AC27, AC23/AC17 crit, AC22, AC16 -- Dmg 1 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 3 = 12 total)

W3 -- Seeing how clumsy Kendry's last attack was and how much Cheann's hurt, the harpy turns her attention on the dog. He stabs and rakes at Cheann , hitting him squarely with her dagger and a foot (AC24, AC7, AC9, AC22 -- Dmg 2 + 2 = 4 total)

W4 -- Hearing her sister's song and watching Selithe walk off, the harpy allows her to go and swoops in to help her sister with the two-headed wolf. She brings her club down upon the lupine but clumsy is too nice a word to describe the attack (AC8 nat 1 -- Dmg 0)

W5 -- Sees how badly things seem to be going for two of her sisters and begins to back away from the area slowly, continuing her song like a Pied Piper, dragging Selithe and in a way, Gra along for the ride.

W6 -- Seeing that all her potential song victims have either resisted or been coaxed away by Kendry's song, she ends it and looks around for the one that fired the bolt at her sister.

Harpy AC = 15

Podo D. Danderfluff (AC18; 21/28hp)  d20+4=7 d20+9=10 d20+1=12
Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 11:21:12 AM

Podo runs and jumps up trying to tackle & then grapple a harpy out of the air that is attacking Kendry & his dog.

Skills Used
Movement Rate: 30'
Grapple: 12
Jump: 7
Tumble: 10

Inge ooc 
Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 11:24:22 AM

Guys, terribly sorry, but I'm very sick at the moment and am at home. I will probably moss quite a few turns this week. Just at the moment where it gets fun :-(
Anyone willing feel freet o post for Airin.

Again, terribly sorry.

[ooc: No worries Inge. I've been trying to have the harpies mostly not see you as they've all been engaged for the moment. The only one that isn't had been singing and is only just now trying to find you.] Edited by Philip K to add the ooc.

[Inge: So sorry to hear that. If you have no objections, I'll go ahead and post for her. Get well! -Kim]

Yes please do Kim. Thank

Tobias [ AC 18 - HP 16/29 - Enlarged - Inspired]  d20+9=15 d4+4=6 d100=63 d20+10=27 d4+2=5 d100=99
Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 1:03:14 PM

Tobias cannot believe this flying bird-woman is still standing. And, he's concerned that a second harpy has moved towards Tewdwr. He screams and forces two heavy blows at the harpy.

Attack 1: 16 (15 +1 for inspire courage)
Damage 1: 6 hp
Blur check 1: 63 (hit)
Attack 2: 27
Damage 2: 5 hp
Blur check 2: 99 (hit)
Total Damage: 11 hp
Harpy W1 has taken 51 hp of damage.

If that kills W1, then Tobias takes a 5 ft step south to help support Tewdwr against W4. Otherwise, he remains in flanking position

Tewdwr [AC 15 - HP 21/21 - Inspired]  d20+4=6 d20+4=23 d6+2=4 d100=78 d20+3=6
Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 1:17:10 PM

Tewdwr focuses his attacks on the harpy coming from the south (W4). Dwyr is able to bite the harpy's ankle and attempt to trip her.

Kynan attack: 6 (missed)
Dwyr attack: 23
Dwyr damage: 4 hp
Dwyr blur: 78 (hit)

Dwyr trip check: 6 (probably not)
*need an opposed check from W4.

Cheann the Riding Dog vs W3 (AC 16, hp 16/20)  d20+5=21 d6+4=8 d100=35
Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 5:35:56 PM

Cheann bites back at the furious harpy, wrapping his jaws firmly on the bicep and twisting his head to throw her to the ground (AC 21, 8 hp damage, no blur miss).

If she (W3) is now unmoving, Cheann leaps around to get a piece of the harpy, W2 (heading around Kendry to Z24).

[Note to DM: In an earlier post, Cheann's first bite doing 6 hp damage should have been 7 hp... bringing the total, with this 8, to 56 vs. W3]

Kendry (AC 15, HP 7/23; inspire courage)  d20+8=28 d20+8=26 d8+3=8 d8+3=9 d100=92 d20+11=24
Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 6:34:15 PM

Something turns in Kendry's blood as he receives the fury of this harpy's assault. "I warned you!!" he sings. Swinging his bastard sword from behind him low, twisting torso and hips against his planted feet, he brings the blade up full against the breast of the unwholesome creature, making a diagonal slice upwards. [Nat 20 threat AC 28, crit AC 26, 8+9=17 hp damage, no blur miss.] "Fight on, my friends, fight on!" the bard continues to inspire courage, maintaining his countersong against the seductive songs of the harpies [Perform (singing): 24]

Dwight (hp 20/25, ac15)  d20+6=18 d4=3
Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 7:09:59 PM

Quickly moving 5 ft (to P24), Dwight recovers his bow and aims at the flying harpy (W5).

Att: 18
dmg: 3

[Dwight - add +1 to hit and +1 to damage from inspire courage. Thus: AC 19, Damage 4. -Kim]

Selithe-AC:15-HP:20/26  d20+5=13 d20+5=12 d6+4=6
Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 9:12:06 PM

Selithe still can't break the song from her mind and continues walking towards the harpy.

Gra however is upset at this siutation and seeing her master as being in danger will try attacking the harpy that Selithe is following. (Can hit AC:12 Damage:6)

Airin (by Kim)  d20+8=22 d100=78 d20+7=18
Wednesday May 24th, 2006 12:39:33 AM

Airin wonders whether the nearby singing harpy might try something else soon. Since she is nearby, the rogue pulls out a tanglefoot bag, steps forward (to AA17), and throws it in an arc up and over the cage at the harpy by the cages (ranged touch attack, AC 22 not sure of positional adjustments, no blur miss), hoping to perhaps stick her to the ground, or at least make it so she can't fly away. She aims her loaded crossbow in her direction, ready to loose it the moment she can get a clear shot, without endangering those in the cages. [Will save vs charm: 18, for harpy's song.]

And They Begin Falling (Co-DM Philip K)  d20+8=23
Wednesday May 24th, 2006 11:31:14 AM

Unwilling to have his target just leave him, Podo attempts a flying tackle on the harpy, but his little legs just don't quite have the spring needed to launch him high enough to get a solid hold on her (miss W2 with grapple check). He comes up ready to go again right next to her though.

Tobias lays into his harpy as Tewdwr finds himself being attacked from behind. The anger and frustration that this harpy has not yet fallen and seeing his wolf now being attacked is all he can stand and he stabs her violently twice as she falls like a baby bird from its nest (hit W1 for 16 -- Dead). He then steps toward his wolf, ready to help him as soon as he's able. Tewdwr turns his attention on the new harpy attacking him. This time Dwyr's enthusiasm (hit W4 for 4 -- 10 total) blocks off Kynan from getting in his bite. However, Dywr's bite doesn't get a solid enough grip to successfully pull the bird woman down.

Kendry and Cheann keep up the pressure on the harpies around them. Cheann leaps up and bites down hard on the harpy before him and brings it down...hard (hit W3 for 8 -- Dead). Kendry, stunned at the ferocity of the series of attack he just took, spins with his sword, his whole body behind the swing and connects solidly. He feels a crunch that he can only assume is either tendon or bone, if not both (Hit W2 for 17 -- 30 total)

Dwight scrambles for his bow and snaps off a shot at the retreating harpy. He glances a shot off one of her wings, but it's not enough to stop her retreat (hit W5 for 3 -- 9 total)

Selithe still enthralled by the harpy, continues walking toward her, barely avoiding anything in her way. Gra, distressed by her master's predicament, dashes onward, but is unable to quite catch up to her, let alone jump high enough to attack [W5 was 10 feet in the air and out of reach, plus, Gra did not have a straight line to her to make a proper charge, sorry]

Airin sees that one harpy seems to be in retreat and suspects that the one nearest her might also try the same. She runs forward, drawing a small pouch from her bag and hurls it at the former singer. The bag explodes with a splortch as its gooey contents splatter over the beast woman's body. Unluckily for Airin, she swings her wings back just in time and just enough that they don't get stuck in the substance and she's able to stay aloft (Ref 23). This close to the cages, Airin can clearly see a dwarf, a human male and a human female all gagged very tightly. The humans have barely enough room to even fit in the cage and the dwarf is a bit squeezed himself. The human male is unconscious and the human female looks to be just barely conscious with an obvious head wound. The dwarf is rattling the bars, but with next to no leverage, he's got no chance of getting out on his own


W1 -- With Tobias' last set of attacks, this harpy falls to the ground with a thump, unmoving.

W2 -- Seeing not one, but two of her sisters fall and that she's now surrounded, this harpy knows that she's not likely to survive and opts for retreat. She flies straight up 40 feet (withdraw action)

W3 -- Cheann's final bite and yank pulls her very unceremoniously from the air as her head bounces awkwardly off the ground.

W4 -- Though relatively unscathed, this harpy is not stupid as she sees her sisters die or retreat, she does the same, flying straight up 40 feet (withdraw action)

W5 -- Seeing her sisters dying, she gives up her song and simply flies away at best speed (move 160 feet and accelerating, well off the map)

W6 -- Covered in the tanglefoot glop and unwilling to fight while hampered thusly, this harpy flies off to the north at full speed (move 160 feet too the north, well off the map)

Airin (by Kim)  d20+9=26 d6+2=7 d100=28
Wednesday May 24th, 2006 1:24:38 PM

Airin lets the nearby glopped harpy flee, and swings around, releasing her readied crossbow bolt at W2 as that bloodied harpy rises into the air (AC 26 for 7 hp damage, no blur miss). As a free action, she reloads, then goes to look at how the cages are secured. "Put your head near the bars, Bikmo, and I'll untie your gag," she offers.

Kendry (AC 15, HP 7/23; inspire courage)  d20+8=18 d8+3=6 d20+8=21 d4+3=7 d100=26
Wednesday May 24th, 2006 1:33:08 PM

If due to a less than straight vertical ascent Kendry can get an attack of opportunity on harpy W2, then he gives her one last swipe of his sword [AC 18, 6 hp]. [If not, then disregard this AoO.]

Kendry drops his sword and quickdraws his bow and arrow, and looses the missile at the female who just wounded him so grievously. The arrow embeds itself in her flesh [AC 21, 7 hp damage, no blur miss].

He sings out in halfling, "Friends, quick, launch your arrows against that one!" indicating the harpy he and Airin just hit (W2).

Wednesday May 24th, 2006 4:09:27 PM

(is storming so quick post)

Selithe frowns when she is released by the spell and the harpies are flying away, confused at what is going on for sure since she didn't know why she walked this way.

Dwight  d20+7=16 d20+1=14 d4+1=5
Wednesday May 24th, 2006 6:44:54 PM

Convinced his harpy is actually fleeing, Dwight rotates and takes a shot at the harpy Kendry is referring too (W2).

Seeing only one harpy, Dwight fires.

Attack 16
dmg 5

(OOC: other d20 was accident, trying to roll for dmg)

Tobias [ AC 18 - HP 16/29 - Enlarged - Inspired]  d20+11=31 d20+11=23 d4+2=4 d4+2=6 d4+2=6
Thursday May 25th, 2006 10:52:37 AM

Following Kendry's lead, Tobias drops his swords and draws his darkwood short bow. He unleashes a perfect strike on the fleeing harpy (W2).

Attack: 31 (Nat 20; crit threat)
Crit: 23 (triple damage)
Damage: 16 hp

Making a Hasty Retreat (co-DM Philip K) 
Thursday May 25th, 2006 11:13:19 AM

Airin seeing her chance at the glopped up harpy near her fly away, turns her attention toward the ones nearer her companions. She draws a bead on it with her crossbow and launches a nice shot into her hip (hit W2 for 7 -- 37 total). She then moves toward the caged humanoids to see what assistance she may be able to lend.

Kendry finds that even with her angled ascent, the harpy has enough presence of mind to back away in such a way as to not leave herself vulnerable to melee attack. He quickly discards his sword for his bow, nocks an arrow and lets it fly, finding its target in the harpy's arm (hit W2 for 7 -- 42 total). He let's out a tactical call to the others to focus on that same harpy to hopefully bring her down.

Selithe begins to snap out of the harpy's influence. She shakes the cobwebs out of her head and wonders why she's wandered so far away from the main battle.

Dwight hears Kendry's call for help and convinced that the one he had been fighting is truly fleeing, he turns and snaps off a shot, hitting the harpy in her other arm (hit W2 for 5 -- total 47). Even riddle as she is, she still stays aloft, but is obviously struggling.

Tobias also drops his blades and pulls forth his bow. His woodsman training does not fail him as he let's fly a devastating shot on the harpy, hitting her up under the chin and piercing the back of her skull (crit W2 for 16 -- Dead) and she falls to the ground with a sickening thud and crack.

Podo finds that his hands are a poor weapon when dealing with flying targets, especially when those targets choose to fly well up out of his reach.


W1 - Dead
W2 - Dead
W3 - Dead
W4 -- This harpy flies toward the south at best possible speed (160 feet), but appears to be making a slow arc toward the west. Most likely, she's trying to get and stay out of missile range, but trying to catch back up to her sisters that left in a more northerly direction. Before she turns and flies away, she curses "You'll pay for killing our sisters!! You'll pay dearly!!"
W5 -- This harpy arcs her flight toward the north and toward her tangled sister.
W6 -- This harpy, though hampered by the tanglefoot mess flies as best she can (80 feet) almost due north away from the camp.

[ooc: Opps, nearly forgot to say, G1 = Dwarf, G2 = Human Male, G3 = Human Female]

Podo D. Danderfluff (AC18; 21/28hp)  d20+3=16 d20+1=9 d20+8=21
Thursday May 25th, 2006 11:22:11 AM

Realizing that his hands are no use at this point, Podo runs to see about Bikmo and his friends. Once at the cages, Podo will use all his skills to ascertain if releasing them will be difficult.

Skills Used
Movement Rate: 30'
Spot: 16
Search: 9
Listen: 21

ooc Inge 
Thursday May 25th, 2006 12:01:12 PM

Getting a lot better. Thanks a lot Kim for covering once again. I'll start posting again on monday.

Glad to hear you are recovering, Inge. We'll look forward to having you back with us soon. Go over to DFR3 to see Kendry ride the neck of Flame. :-) -Kim

Tobias [ AC 18 - HP 16/29 - Enlarged - Inspired]  d20+7=9 d20+4=24
Thursday May 25th, 2006 1:10:50 PM

Seeing that he still has a minor shot at W4, Tobias lets loose one more arrow. Giving the cursing harpy something to think about as she flys away...

Attack: 9 (missed)

Having missed with his one shot, Tobias looks around the camp trying to figure out what happened to the chanting hags.

Spot: 24 (Nat 20)

Kendry calls back (HP 7/23) 
Thursday May 25th, 2006 1:19:51 PM

"Never threaten to eat a halfling!" Kendry calls back to the cursing harpy, "And DON'T kidnap people!"

He places his strung bow diagonally across his chest and back, and pauses to place his hand on his neck where the harpy stabbed him, and sees the blood on the right side of his abdomen. He looks around at others, and notes that Cheann has a dark spot on one shoulder. Tall Tobias, too, has multiple wounds. "You sure shot up fast, there, cuz." His eyes do a quick inventory of the rest. "Is everyone all right?" he asks as he leans over to pick up his bastard sword. "Let's see to each other, and those in the cages." He begins to walk slowly toward where Airin is.

Airin (by Kim)  d20+12=20 d20+12=18 d20+12=27
Thursday May 25th, 2006 1:26:59 PM

Airin works on the lock on the dwarf's cage, since he didn't move close enough for her to untie the gag [Open Locks: 20].

If it unlocks, she swings open the door, and unties his gag. "You must be Bikmo, right?" she asks him. "Some of your friends sent us. Do you know these two?" he asks about the man and woman.

Next she goes to unlock the man's cage (18), then the woman's (27).

After they are all unlocked, Airin sees about untieing wrists and ankles. "These people need some help!" she calls out to her friends.

Thursday May 25th, 2006 2:35:59 PM

"Yeah cuz, I've been eating my vegetables and look what it's done." Tobias jokes with Kendry.

Tobias is a little worse for wear after the battle with the harpies, but not too badly off. He notices the wound on Tewdwr and is glad to see that it doesn't look too bad.

Thursday May 25th, 2006 3:18:33 PM

Selithe looks to her brother and then others before moving to rejoin them and speaking to Gra, "Come on girl, lets get back to the others."

Selithe and Gra move to the others before she speaks to her brother, "Whats the chances we can track them down bro? I don't like the idea of letting them just get away, specially when they had old green skinned females with them who had quite abit of power. Do you think the hags or whatever might of left here and attacked the road crew?"

Dwight  d20+6=19
Thursday May 25th, 2006 10:45:44 PM

Dwight, amazed, releaved, hurt and tense all at the same time. With bow still in hand, Dwight wanders to where the hags were. His fingers still tingle. "I, I...um, tingling, from fingers, harpy fled," Dwight mumbles to himself.

Looking around, Dwight searches for clues to the harpies plans, (search 19) near the fire and entrance to the cave while others handle the ex-prisoners.

Dwight will then wonder over and search the dead harpies if no one else has.

And the Prisoners are Released (Co-DM Philip K) 
Friday May 26th, 2006 11:25:57 AM

Podo determines that the harpies are will out of range by the time he has his sling ready, so he decides to go help with the hag/harpy prisoners. Still tense, he checks the area pretty thoroughly, but aside from the lingering blur effect (that appears to be fading slowly) he's unable to find nothing.

Tobias is unwilling to let the harpies leave so easily and fires off a shot from his bow, but the range makes the arrow fall well short. He turns his attention to the immediate area wondering what happened to the hags. After all their casting, they didn't seem to do anything. Even with his phenomenal eyes, he's unable to find any sign of their presence. He jokes a bit with Kendry about his newfound height. Then he checks over Tewdwr's injuries and is happy that although he was hit, it wasn't much more than a good scratch for the wolf.

Kendry returns the harpy's curse with an exclamation of his own. Seeing that taking any more harpies down is highly unlikely, he puts his bow up, checks his own injuries which are quite substantial, then checks on the others as well. He jokes with Tobias about his human-sized height then moves over to see what aid he might be able to lend Airin at the cages.

Airin tickles the locks on the cages with her picks and coaxes each of them open after spending a few moments on each. As she releases the dwarf that she assumes is Bikmo, he practically springs out as his muscles finally have a change to stretch out once again. He is, however, quite injured and immediately falls to the ground, exhausted. [ooc: None of the prisoners are bound, just gagged.]

Selithe checks with her brother than calls for her riding hound, Gra, who had chased after the harpy a bit longer before giving up pursuit. She hates the idea of the harpies getting away and wonders if they would be able to track them down. She brings up the unpleasant thought that the hags may have gone to attack the road crew while they were occupied with the harpies.

Dwight's adrenalin rush is beginning to fade causing him to shake and tingle slightly. Like the others, he's curious as to where the hags may have gone. He searches the area for signs of what the hags and harpies might have been up to. He checks near the entrance of the cave, which doesn't appear all that deep. When he gets near the edge, he catches a glimpse of something shiny down near the bottom.


Dwarf -- As the dwarf's cage is opened, his scrunched up muscles finally have a chance to flex which launches him out of the cage, but his injuries and the position he's been forced to keep for probably several hours have taken their toll and he collapses to the ground, exhausted. <huff huff> "Thank ya lads and lasses. Dunno what they were gonna do with me, but the boy there don't look too good and I can only imagine what they'd of done with me..." the dwarf's voice fades out as he passes out.

Human Male -- As the cage door is opened, the young man tumbles limply out of the cage. He is breathing, but it's very shallow and he's quite pale.

Human Female -- When her cage door is opened, she falls hands first to the ground, her head lolling about as if she's barely able to lift it. The wound on her head looks to be at least a day, maybe two days old. She appears to be struggling to remain conscious, but it looks as if it's a battle she's slowly losing.

Friday May 26th, 2006 12:40:09 PM

With the danger apparently gone for the moment, Tobias puts away his bow, gathers his swords, and walks over to where the prisoners are being freed to see if he can lend a hand.

After a few moments, his adrenaline returns to normal levels, and he begins to feel the full extent of his injuries. He asks if anyone in the group has healing magic.

And, I assume he returns to normal size soon too.

Kendry  d8+1=8 d8+1=6 d8+1=7 d8+1=6 d6+1=2 d6+1=4 d6+1=7 d6+1=2 d6+1=2 d6+1=4 d6+1=6 d6+1=3 d6+1=6
Friday May 26th, 2006 12:56:57 PM

"A-yup. Vegetables will do it to ya every time!" he returns to Tobias.

Kendry answers Selithe, "Well, those are some good questions, sis. They can fly - and are aware of what we can do. Some of us are wounded, so I think now is not the time. Although I don't like the idea of them getting away, either. I don't know whether they plan on going after the road crew - but doubt they'll try it immediately. One of the hags threatened retaliation for spoiling their plans. One of the harpies for killing their sisters. They flew north. That's the direction we are going, too. Yep, those are some important things to think about, Selithe. But first, we have these people here to think about, too," he says, indicating the people Airin just set free.

Kendry takes from his haversack the wand that first was Olo's, then given to him, given to Airin, and returned to him by Airin. "This wand was given us by our friend Olo, and has healing power," he explains to the captives.

Kendry, cure light wounds wand:
Woman: 8 hp cured
Man: 6 hp
Bikmo: 7 hp
Tobias: 6+4=10
Podo: 7 hp
Selithe: 4 hp
Dwight: 6 hp
Kendry: 6+3=9 hp (current hp 16)
Charges left in wand: 31-10=21

He looks at the dogs and the wolf. "Tobias, Selithe, how badly do you think your friends," and he indicates Gra and Tewdwr, "were hurt?"

If any took 6 or more hp of damage, he will use the wand on that one (or on those).

As the prisoners benefit from the CLW, he next offers them some water to drink. He tries to gauge how much more healing they may need.

"Hello, friends. My name is Kendry. This is my love, Airin, who opened your cages." Not wanting to overburden them with too many names from his own lips, he says, "My friends will introduce themselves, too. But please, tell us your story. How did you come to be captured by the harpies? Have you heard the plans of them and the hags?"

Friday May 26th, 2006 3:18:23 PM

Selithe nods and her brother's comments and looks to Gra before walking to her and kneeling, checking Gra out slowly, mainly by just rubbing her down to check for injuries.

Thinking she also looks to Tobias and smiles, "I hope the spell was of some use Tobias. I wasn't sure who to cast it on so just picked someone. Might be good to talk to people in the future to find out who would benefit the most from the spell."

Podo D. Pipewood 
Friday May 26th, 2006 5:20:03 PM

"HI! I'm Podo Danderfluff Pipewood. Monk of Domi and cousin to Kendry here," says Podo as he extends his hand to motion in the direction of Kendry.

Friday May 26th, 2006 6:42:10 PM

"Ahh, thanks Kendry, that's much better. Tewdwr looks ok for now, he just got a minor nick."

Then, he responds to Selithe, "Well, it made it easier to reach the harpies, but that's about it. Most of my attacks are based on quickness not raw strength, so anything you have that might make me more agile would work better. Or, maybe you could cast that spell on Tewdwr next time. Nothing would scare creatures off more than a large two-headed wolf..."

Tobias hangs back and lets the prisoners catch their breaths and tell their stories. Once they're done, he'll introduce himself.

[OOC: Tobias now down only 2 hp; Tewdwr is down 4 hp.]

Airin (by Kim)  d20+8=15
Saturday May 27th, 2006 1:54:05 AM

As Kendry goes about with his wand, having done what she can to free the prisoners, Airin figures she'll check out what's around and under the rocks. "Notice anything, Dwight? Say, did you just cast a spell a minute ago? It was kind of blurry, but it looked like some little light shot from you toward the hags."

If she notices something shiny toward the bottom of the little cave, then first she'll check for traps. [Search (trapfinding): 15]

"Dwight - keep an eye out for me," she asks him.

If she finds no traps, then carefully, if she can fit down into the cave, she climbs down to see what that shiny thing is. She looks around as she descends.

Dwight  d20+1=7
Monday May 29th, 2006 5:53:32 PM

Dwight allows the others to help the ex-prisoners and awaits for thier story before introducing himself.

"We should definitely check out the cave. Saw something shiny a moment ago." As he points towards its location. "I think that would be a description of what i did. The harpy came so fast I couldn't drop my bow and pull my dagger. I flung my fingers outward and out came a bolt, then acid, then another bolt. Luckily, the harpy thought I knew what I was doing and was just as afraid of me as I was of him. I think I only barely injured him because he still flew off fast enough.

After Airin has searched and considers entering, Dwight considers tying her off. "Perhaps we should secure you with a bit of rope before you enter, to avoid another possible illusion or trance walking." If there isn't any protest, Dwight will hold one end as the other end is tied to the advancing Airin.

(additional spot while watching Airin: 7)

Airin (by Kim) 
Monday May 29th, 2006 6:14:21 PM

"So, you're a wizard, then, or sorcerer?" Airin says to Dwight. "Uh, did you see any male harpies?" she asks him.

Regarding the use of the rope he suggests, she agrees, and takes advantage of the rope as she descends into the small cave.

[inge: ah ok thanks Kim. I was waiting for a DM post to post again :-) As usualy you have saved Airin and me once again... extra Xp to Kendry as he should be geven a percentage of Airin's Xp.]

Kendry  d8+1=4 d8+1=4 d8+1=9
Tuesday May 30th, 2006 1:49:29 AM

Concerned that they are not yet responding, Kendry uses Olo's wand once more on each of the people. The dwarf and man gain 4 more hit points each, and the woman 9 more. "Hullo? Can you talk? Can you hear me?"

A Little is Learned (Co-DM Philip K) 
Tuesday May 30th, 2006 11:31:01 AM

Tobias tries to lend a hand with the prisoners, helping them to their feet, giving them water, etc. After a couple more minutes, the enlarge spell finally ends and her returns to normal size. He thanks Kendry for the healing and let's Selithe know the pros and cons of using the enlarge spell on him, and suggests that it might be better on Tewdwr.

Kendry uses the wand of healing quite liberally around the party and on the prisoners just in case things are not as safe as they appear at the moment. He also hopes that this will restore the prisoners with enough vigor to be able to respond to a little questioning as he and the party are still curious as to what the harpies and hags were after. Though he would like to get after the harpies as Selite suggested, he feels that it would be better to get these folks back to the work crew and better help than he can provide. Once the healing has been handed out, he introduces himself and allows the others to introduce themselves as well, then he begins his questions.

Selithe checks over Gra carefully to be sure her hound isn't hurt, then asks Tobias about the effectiveness of her spell. She suggests discussing such spell use prior to actual use in the future to avoid possible conflicts.

Podo introduces himself to the prisoners and indicates that he's Kendry's cousin.

Airin decides that with her skills, helping the prisoners might be more of a hindrance and decides to help Dwight with the search. She brings up the fact that she seemed to have noticed Dwight casting some kind of spell(s) at the harpies, something she's never seen him do before. With her skills, she decides to descend carefully into the cave/pit which is only about 20 feet deep/long. Finding no traps, she finds two chests and a smattering of other belongings, including some coin. One chest clearly has the name Terapin on it and the other one has a nameplate as well engraved with the initials G.T.J.. The chests are not horribly heavy, but their size makes them a little awkward.

Dwight seems almost as shocked by his newfound magical talents as Airin. Before she can enter, he secures Airin with a rope as just a precaution and helps lower her into the pit.

Bikmo -- After a little healing and some water, the dwarf is able to sit up on his own. "Thank ya laddie. Indeed I am Bikmo. I did the best I could with me hammer, but dwarves just ain't much good in the air. I ain't sure what they wanted with me, but I suspect it was lunch or dinner. These two were here before I was and from the looks of the boy, it's been a while. The foul beasties were mostly talkin' in giant, but it sounded like they caused the wash out somehow. They was talkin' about toys and pretties a lot, but I'm not sure what that was all about."

Ezra -- After she's received a dose of healing, the human female perks up a bit, but her eyes still look a little vacant from her head wound. "Thank you little halflings. I don't know what we would have done if you hadn't come around. Grayson and I have been here a couple days. We came up to a washed out portion of the road and as we were turning the carriage around, the winged women attacked. I got hit in the head and that's about all I remember before we were here in the cages. I struggled to stay awake and I saw the green skinned ones doing things to Grayson. It looked like they were taking the life right out of them. Is he alright? We were on our way to Plateau City for our honeymoon. I really hope he's alright."

Grayson -- The noticeable wounds have been healed by Kendry's wand, except for what appears to be a brands on his forehead and the palms of his hands. However, the human male still looks abnormally pale and still does not wake up.

The mouth of the pit is about 5 feet across. It descends at a fairly steep angle about 10 feet then levels out and goes in about another 15 feet. The back of the cave is roughly circular with a diameter of around 10 feet. From the lip to the very back of the cave, the distance is only about 20 feet. Other than the chests and the smattering of belongings, the cave is empty. [ooc: Need to send Cayzle the treasure list before I list it for you all, just in case I try to give out something he would object to. I will be doing that right after this post is put up.]

[ooc: Sorry for the no post yesterday, guys. I went away from home for the weekend on a spur of the moment thing and only got back about an hour ago.]

Tuesday May 30th, 2006 3:42:42 PM

Tobias is glad to hear that Bikmo is faring relatively well given the circumstances. He tells him that Droldol sent them to recover him. And, it appears that we may be able to fulfill his request.

Tobias is concerned that Grayson does not appear to be recovering from his injuries. This appears most unnatural. He hopes that Podo might have some thoughts on why this may be happening and what those brands are...

Tuesday May 30th, 2006 4:10:10 PM

Helping Airin from above, Dwight pulls the chests and Airin back out of the cave. "Hmm it seems the harpies hadn't quite figured out what to do with their new stuff yet, " Dwight manages to say between pulls.

"Any chance we can make it out of this murkiness before dark," inquires Dwight as he is ready to set out.

Tuesday May 30th, 2006 11:40:41 PM

Selithe looks to the others and waits for all the questions and answers before looking to Kendry and the others, pondering the hole and what might be down there and looking to her brother once more, "Depending on whats down there we might have to come back to it. It looks like the young man there needs more healing then we can offer."

Kendry  d20+5=24 d20+9=16 d8+1=8 d8+1=2 d8+1=8 d20+5=18 d20+5=14 d20+5=22 d20+5=24 d20+5=6 d20+5=15 d20+5=24 d20+5=7 d20+5=20 d20+5=6 d20+5=7 d20+5=10 d20+5=25 d20+5=25 d20+5=25 d20+5=6 d20+5=9 d20+5=19 d20+5=24 d20+5=16 d8+1=2 d8+1=7
Wednesday May 31st, 2006 2:48:14 AM

"Here, let my ease your pain a bit more," he says to the woman. He discharges Olo's wand again, this time gently in the area of her head, and she regains another 8 hp from cure light wounds. Kendry asks the woman her name. "Grayson - is he your brother? Your husband?" he asks her. "Is Grayson his given name, or family name?" he also asks. "Just before you came to the washout in the road, were you heading southeast, or northwest?"

"Good boy, Cheann," Kendry finally gets around to praising his riding dog. "Looks like you got yourself a mighty scratch there. Yeah, me, too. We'll get you fixed up later, though, boy. Most of us still have some wounds left." He takes out some food he brought along for Cheann, Gra, and Tewdwr, setting each portion in a separate spot to minimize canine / wolf competition.

"No, Selithe, I doubt there will be a coming back here," Kendry answers his sister. "We take what we can take, and carry whom, and what, we can carry."

Kendry projects his voice so that all in the vicinity can here. "I think we need a few more minutes here to investigate this site before we leave. Search the bodies of the fallen. Look about the cages - move them from where they sit, and see if there is anything hidden underneath, or within. If you are good at finding hidden things, then look. If you can detect magic, then do so."

If any look to be just standing around idle, Kendry encourages them to quickly join in helping out. "Look lively."

"This good man needs help beyond what I can provide. Perhaps someone yonder will have greater ways and means. If any of you think you can help him - help Grayson - please do what you can."

He speaks with the dwarf. "Bikmo - you look strong. Do you suppose you could carry Grayson here? Tobias - when it's time to set out, might you help Bikmo with that task?" He offers Bikmo another touch of the wand, for another (reroll 1) 8 hp restored to him.

"I know it's distasteful, but let us gather the bodies of the dead here in one spot." He pulls, or helps pull, the two he had fought directly).

He then takes a moment to examine the brand on Grayson's forehead and hands to see if he might have a clue as to what it is. [Bardic knowledge: 16; Decipher script: 24. Languages known: Halfling, Common, Elfish, Giant, Sylvan, Goblin, Duncan's sign language, Draconic, High Woldia, Aurun.] He then casts detect magic and sees if that reveals anything else about the brand. He spends four rounds examining the brand - and anything else that might appear magical about Grayson - to discover what he might learn.

Then, still concentrating on the detection of magic, he checks out the bodies, clothing, and any possessions of the harpies, then the cages, then - if Airin and Dwight have by this time managed to pull them forth - the two chests. He'll also take a gander down into the cave with detect magic (range: 60'). He has the ability to use one run of detect magic for up to 40 rounds, and he'll take advantage of that whole time, should circumstances allow. [20 spellcraft checks for DM use: d20+5=18, 14, 22, 24, 6, 15, 24, 7, 20, 6, 7, 10, 25, 25, 25 (3 nat 20's in a row!), 6, 9, 19, 24, 16.]

"Shall we bury the bodies of the harpies?" he asks the others. "Or lock them in the cages?" If they decide on burial, Kendry pitches in on this, as well.

Just before they leave, Kendry uses one more charge from the wand on Grayson (reroll 1: +7 hp to him).

[Olo's Wand of Cure Light Wounds: now 14 charges left.]

Airin  d20+7=15 d20+7=21 d20+12=26 d20+12=25 d20+10=19
Wednesday May 31st, 2006 9:36:48 AM

Before letting Dwight pull the chests from the pit, Airin checks them more thouroughly...

search: 15

as she probably won't notice any unusual tingies, she secures the ropes Dwight uses and helps him pulling everything up.

She will either use Dwights rope or climb from the pit herself.

Once she's out of the pits she takes a second look at the chests. Then she puts her ear against them... it's weird that she does that, but there's something about these chests that makes her curious...

Search: 21 (rogues trapfinding etc)
listen: 19

She examines the locks and if she finds nothing unusual she tries to open the chest.

If locked, she begins fumbling the locks untill they open.

open lock chest 1: 26
open lock chest 2: 25

Wednesday May 31st, 2006 10:35:55 AM

Tobias lends a hand in gathering the harpy bodies and jokes with Kendry, "This would have been easier when I was bigger..." But, he thinks that the bodies should be burned rather than spending the time needed to dig graves.

He also agrees to help Bikmo cart Grayson back to the road.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Wednesday May 31st, 2006 10:54:19 AM

"Wow, look! Stuff from the pit! Do you need any help?" asks Podo.

Seeing how everything looks like his friends have a handle on events, Podo will get aquainted with Bikmo, Ezra and perhaps Grayson.

And the Clean-up Begins (co-DM Philip K) 
Wednesday May 31st, 2006 1:36:02 PM

Tobias informs Bikmo of Drodol's wish for the party to find him. He's concerned that Grayson doesn't seem to be recovering, despite the magical assistance and wonders if Podo has any insights as to why. Though he doesn't care for the dread business of dragging the dead harpy bodies around, he lends assistance where he can and opts for burning the bodies as burial would be too time-consuming. When asked to assist with carrying Grayon back to the road crew, he agrees without pause.

Dwight and Airin continue excavating the cave and dragging out the chests and other items. Airin takes the precaution of searching the chests and the cave thoroughly for traps or hidden compartments, but comes up with nothing out of the ordinary. Dwight makes mention that there seems to be a lot of stuff the harpies and hags collected, but little of it seems to have been used. He's also concerned about getting at least out of the swamp before nightfall. Once everything's out of the cave, Airin takes special care before opening them up.

Selithe listens to the questions posed by her companions and answers received from the humans and Bikmo. Having a bit of a greedy touch at the moment, she voices her concern about being able to carry all the items they've liberated from the harpies and hags, even suggesting that the group may need to return to get it all out.

Kendry pushes the young woman for a little more detail, perhaps trying to find out more about what the hags and harpies wanted. When he's finally satisfied with the answers, he turns to his dog, Cheann, gives him praise and each of the animals some food which they all gulp down quickly. He tells the others to fan out and search the area with both skill and magic where possible and to collect the bodies and items found in one area for ease of disposal and/or appraisal. He states that coming back will not really be an option. Not only will something else most likely move in once they've gone, but they're still expected back in the Valley soon. He asks Bikmo and Tobias if they can carry Grayson as he doesn't seem to be recovering, despite the magic of his wand, then begins to examine the young man's brands both magically and mundanely. Highlight to display spoiler: {The brands, though hard to read as they are fairly new and very puffy, seem to be High Woldian symbols of Life (left hand), Death (right hand) and Curse (forehead). Though out of his normal frame of reference, Kendry believes that this might be some altered form of a vampiric touch spell.} As he looks over the gathered items and filters out the background magic of the faded blur effect, Kendry is able to spot that a scroll recovered is magical, but that's all in the immediate area.

Podo seems to be fascinated with the items brought out of the pit and offers to help haul it out. Once done, he tries to acquaint himself with Bikmo and Ezra, but Grayson still seems to be out and likely will be for a long time.

Bikmo -- "Aye, laddie. Now that I've had a chance to stretch out me legs and back a bit, I should be able to carry the boy, with a bit of help. About how far are we from the crew, anyway? As fer the beasties, I say let em rot. Serves em right." He spits in the general direction of the bodies.

Ezra -- As Kendry asks his questions, she does her best to answer. The second dose from wand seems to help clear her head, but it appears that the trauma and shock of all the events may be playing a part in her fog. "Grayson is my husband, we were heading to Plateau City for our honeymoon. We were coming from Angel Springs to see the great falls, we've never seen the falls before. Grayson is his given name...Grayson Todd Jensen is his whole name. I think we were going south-ish."

Grayson -- As the young man lays there, he seems to take a deep gasp and his eyes snap open. Anyone able to see his eyes notices immediately that his eyes are milky white and the barest sight of his irises and pupils can be seen. Suddenly, he arches his back in a spasm, he lets out a bit of a grunt, then his body relaxes and his eyes shut once again as he lapses into unconsciousness. If you had detect magic up Highlight to display spoiler: {Just before the young man opened his eyes, the brands glowed briefly. Just as the spasm started, some kind of energy surged out of the brands and into the air and wisped out of range for the detect spell almost immediately, heading northwest.}

Recovered items...

Chest 1 -- Has Terapin's name on it, and Bikmo points out that it's the payroll box and would prefer that the party not open it. As far as he knows, the harpies just tossed it in the pit as they arrived and hadn't touched it since.

Chest 2 -- Has a nameplate with the initials G. T. J. engraved on the name plate contains various trinkets which appear to most to be wedding gifts of various kinds.

The remaining scattered treasure contains...
1100 Gold
80 platinum
6 gems
a vial
a masterwork dagger (from one of the dead harpies)
a simple lock
2 medium sized masterwork heavy steel shields
a silver holy symbol to Alemi
a climber's kit
a disguise kit
a scroll that detects as magical.

Wednesday May 31st, 2006 7:10:34 PM

Selithe chuckles some, kind of wishing she would of kept the enlarge person spell and looks to Tobias, "Could of enlarged your wolf there and he could of helped move the chest and such out of here easier."

Selithe sighs and looks to the others pondering how to do this before looking to Kendry, "Maybe the Gra and Cheann can carry the chests a small distance to make it easier." Selithe thinks more and looks to Bikmo, "Is there any ground that would be easier for the riding dogs to move with the extra weight in the area that you know of? They had trouble with a rider earlier and if the chests are to heavy then it might cause more problems for them."

Selithe will pitch in with the harpy work and does comment quickly, "Rather we bury or burn doesn't matter but smoke attracts things so if we burn them then we better move quick, if we bury them however we'll be here for that much longer."

Wednesday May 31st, 2006 8:09:20 PM

Tobias laughs at Selithe's suggestion. "Tewdwr isn't really trained for that. Not sure how he would take to it..."

"How far are we from our ponies? Could we get these to the edge of the swamp, and let the ponies do the rest?"

Dwight  d20+2=8
Wednesday May 31st, 2006 10:09:19 PM

Having helped with the chest, Dwight wraps his rope back up. Dwight votes for burning the bodies as it is the quickest and surest way to prevent these same harpies from returning.

"Perhaps if we leave the chest, and spread the items we can take everything with us. Anyone have any ideas what GTJ stands for? Could it be Grayson?" Dwight inquires towards Ezra.

sense motive: 8

Thursday June 1st, 2006 6:57:12 AM

Kendry notes the High Woldian symbols. "On Grayson's left hand - you see, it looks like an eye? - is the symbol for life," he explains to his friends. "On his right, the symbol of death. On his forehead is the symbol representing a curse. It may be some sort of application of an effect called vampiric touch, in which a person can draw, temporarily, some measure of the life force of another."

As the man convulses, Kendry starts. "The power of the symbols is drawn to the northwest - the direction the harpies flew, and perhaps the way the hags traveled."

He takes the time to discern the nature of the magic enscribed upon the scroll (detect magic, 3 rounds).

"Well, ma'am, sorry 'bout these troubles you and your husband've run into. Glad we got to you before it - well, just glad we got to you."

As Dwight asks he question regarding the chest, Kendry tells him, "Yes, you are right. You were occupied when Ezra told us, but her husband's name is Grayson Todd Jensen, Dwight. These things in that chest are theirs, and any wedding presents." He asks the poor woman to let them know what belongs to her and her husband, just to be sure.

As the consensus seems to gather around the plan to burn the bodies of the harpies, Kendry provides three flasks of oil to aid in the process, and three tindertwigs. He chooses not to be the only one to ignite the fire, though. He asks whether any others will join him in this necessary, but odious task. He carefully pours oil over W2, who first spoke with them, allowing others to prepare the bodies of the other two for immolation. "Had they let you go, and not fought, they need not have died, perhaps. Considering their vile deeds, however, I do not spend my tears on these women. May their curses find no home." He strikes the tindertwig on a small rock he picks up, and lights on fire the bloodied body.

After that is done, he tells the group, "I shall be able to carry the chests, perhaps. Tell me as soon as all are ready to depart, and I shall grow enough to do the job."

Once all are ready, Kendry sings upon himself the spell alter self, and grows into human stature (strength now 17, weight ~170 lbs, height ~6'2"). He picks up a chest under each arm, and begins to walk back to the road.

Podo D. Danderfluff 
Thursday June 1st, 2006 10:36:20 AM

Podo spends time to get to know Bikmo, Ezra and helps his friends whereever he can.

Thursday June 1st, 2006 10:41:42 AM

Accepting the fact not to open the payroll chest Airin whistles between her teeth as she opens the second chest. Gold and platinum and gems all over! She's way too high from the sight of that wealth to hear kendry's explanation on who this chest belongs to.

The variety of other items makes Airin even more curious. Is this a chest with loot from various people or should we assume this G.T.J. is a rich human cleric that disguised himself from time to time... interesting!

Now what about the vial? Maybe one of the true spellcasters in the group can identify that?

Then she suddenly captures a few sentences from Kendry to Dwight "...occupied when Ezra told us, but her husband's name is Grayson Todd Jensen, Dwight. These things in that chest are theirs, and any wedding presents."

Blushing Airin closes the chest and looks around hoping no one saw the gold rush in her eyes...

Starting Back to the Crew (co-DM Philip K ) 
Thursday June 1st, 2006 5:32:41 PM

Selithe mentions a different use for the enlarge spell she used earlier and suggests using the dogs to carry the chests and other loot. She then asks Bikmo about the terrain and what might be the best path back to the road crew. As for disposal, she points out that burning might bring unwanted company, but burying will take quite a while.

Tobias is uncertain how well Tewdwr would handle something he's not trained for, then asks about the ponies for possible use in carting things away.

Dwight gathers up his gear that was used for extraditing the recovered items. He votes for burning the bodies as it is the quickest means of disposal. He then takes notice of the initials on one of the chests and puts two and two together and asks if it belongs to Grayson, who seems to have the same initials.

Kendry explains to the best of his abilities what the brands on Grayson seem to be and for what they seem to be used. He notes the energy that seems to have been pulled from Grayson's body and that it seems to have flowed in the direction that the harpies escaped, supposing that the hags escaped in the same direction. As he examines the scroll further, he finds it contains 3 spells (See Invisibility, Chill Touch, Web) all appear to be scribed at the minimum required level to cast the spells. He apologizes to Ezra for not arriving soon enough to save Grayson from the torture he seems to be under. He concurs with Dwight's conclusion as to the owner of the initialed chest. Once the bodies are finally gathered, he says a few words, tinged with a bit of regret, then lights them on fire. Once the party is ready to depart, he alters his personage to that of a human and hefts the chests and begins to head out. Though more than a little awkward, he's pretty sure he'll be able to carry them quite a ways.

Podo continues to get to know Bikmo and Ezra as he helps the others to gather up the treasure they've discovered.

As Airin roots through the initialed chest, she looses herself in the shiny trinkets inside. Thoughts of big money flood her mind as she imagines who it once belonged to and one other thought...Finders keepers... A sly grin begins to curl up the corners of her mouth when she finally hears Dwight and Kendry discuss who the chest belongs to. With a forced look of innocence, she begins to replace the items that she'd already slipped into her pockets, hoping no one is the wiser.


Bikmo hefts up the limp body of Grayon near the shoulders, allowing Tobias to take his legs. "All righty folks, let's get this show back on the road. I don't know this area much. Terapin called us in when he found the wash out. He'd know the ins and outs like the back of his hand as this is his region."

Ezra barely takes notice of the chest as she's focused in horror at her new husband's tremors. When asked if the chest is her husband's she gets out, "Yes, it contains some of our wedding gifts." She walks next to her husband, holding his hand and barely noting the trail at all.

Grayson seems to be at peace for the moment. There is no sign of more tremors or signs of activity from the brands.

Dwight  d20+1=18
Thursday June 1st, 2006 7:29:18 PM

Helping torch the bodies, "May the others find the light given your loss and choose to set Grayson free."

Ready to follow Bikmo lead, Dwight checks his bow and prepares to take up the rear.

spot: 18

Thursday June 1st, 2006 8:52:13 PM

Selithe moves along with the others and thinks over what is happening to Grayson and sighs deeply before grabbing her brother's hand and pulling him to the side and speaking to him, only once Ezra is out of hearing distance...Selithe looks down as she speaks not liking to be the one to speak of this, "Kendry...we could have a problem. You see, some creatures have the ability to cause changes in other things through various spells....I don't want to cause real alarm but Grayson if drained of his life could become something twisted and evil. I just think it is fair to say this so you know atleast." Selithe chews her lip thinking back to her studies and snapping her fingers as she comes to a example, "I do not know a name right off of one but certain undead can create other dead creatures by draining life from a living creature."

Selithe continues moving once speaking this over with Kendry and to help brighten her own mood she wiggles her fingers and speaks a few words lightly casting a Prestidigitation spell which cleans Airin's clothes and such of the much she crawled in. Selithe hides a grin afterwards.

Friday June 2nd, 2006 8:45:00 AM

Airin is greatful to Selithe as she helps cleaning her clothes. Once rid of the mud she smiles at the others. Waiting for the next scheme.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Friday June 2nd, 2006 9:12:05 AM

Podo begins to whistle trying to carry one of Kendry's more famous songs.

Digging into one of his pockets, he asks everyone if they would like some maple and peppermint candy.

Friday June 2nd, 2006 10:46:04 AM

Tobias helps pick up Grayson and carry him away. Humans tend to be heavy, but with Bikmo's help they're able to lift him without too much trouble.

Friday June 2nd, 2006 12:42:14 PM

Kendry listens to his sister. "Good counsel, sis. We'll keep our eye on him. I just hope we arrived in time before they could finish their plot."

He joins Podo in singing along their way, meanwhile picking his footsteps with care.

The Tiring Road Back (co-DM Philip K) 
Friday June 2nd, 2006 6:17:20 PM

Dwight helps light the harpy corpses on fire, says a little prayer of sorts, then heads out with the others. He takes up the rear position to protect the party from anything that may try to come up from behind. He keeps a sharp eye out, but detects nothing out of the ordinary all the way to the edge of the marsh.

Selithe searches her mind for information about what may be afflicting Grayson and comes to a possible, disturbing conclusion. She pulls Kendry aside and out of earshot to let him know her concerns. Perhaps the hags and harpies were in league with some kind of undead creature that left the marks to turn Grayson into an undead creature. This is only speculation, but from what she knows, it definitely seems plausible. To help lighten her mood, she whisks up a minor spell and cleans off Airin from the muck and grime she exposed herself to.

Airin keeps pace with the group as they travel through the swamp. She's glad to be rid of the filth she'd been covered with and smiles a thank you to Selithe.

Podo tries to lighten the mood by attempting to whistle one of Kendry's own songs. Though he doesn't have anywhere near his skill, Podo does a decent enough job of it. After a while, he offers everyone a bit of candy.

Kendry agrees with his sister's assessment of Grayson's condition and watches him carefully as he takes his place in the group for the trip back.

Though a bit cumbersome, Tobias carries Grayson along with Bikmo as far as the edge of the swamp. It's there that they are both tired enough that they'll need a little rest. As the party's main tracker and guide, Tobias can easily determine that the party has about 2 maybe 3 hours worth of traveling left to reach the road crew.


Bikmo is noticeably fatigued as he helps carry Grayson, but in typical dwarven fashion and stubbornness, he doesn't complain or speak out in any way. Once at a good spot to rest, he sets the boy down carefully, then rubs and stretches his muscles, but says very little.

Ezra accepts Podo's confectionary offering, then quickly turns her attention back to her husband. Not once does she let go of his hand, obviously willing to give of herself to save him if possible.

The trip through the marsh is a bit more difficult than coming in as the party is a bit more weighted, but you're able to exit the marshland without incident. It's getting on mid evening and it will be dark by the time you get back to the crew. The area you come to seems to be the spot where you let the ponies go and it appears to Tobias that they did indeed head back toward the road crew, so, unfortunately, lightening your load here will not happen without leaving things behind. Though, with only about 2-3 hours left, you're pretty confident that you can tough it out after a little break.

Friday June 2nd, 2006 8:24:07 PM

After a bit of a rest, Tobias is ready to tough out the rest of the trip with Grayson.

Friday June 2nd, 2006 11:11:32 PM

Selithe still is worried at her thoughts on Grayson and looks to Kendry before speaking to him, "She would give warning to the others too brother? I don't know about telling Ezra though, don't want to worry her anymore then she is."

Selithe tries to tell this to Kendry during their small break and in some place where Ezra won't here.

If Kendry decides that the others should know then Selithe will wave everyone over and ask Kendry to keep Ezra busy while she explains to the others her concerns on Grayson. Selithe doesn't like her thoughts quite noticeably since she feels bad for Ezra and dearly hopes she is wrong on her thoughts.

Dwight  d20+1=19
Friday June 2nd, 2006 11:16:05 PM

Keeping to the rear, Dwight watches Ezra and Grayson as the groups rests.

Dwight passes on the candy, not wanting his fingers sticky if the need to use his bow arises again.

Once the group begins again, Dwight returns to the rear. spot:19

Saturday June 3rd, 2006 9:38:45 PM

"Maybe, Selithe, maybe," Kendry responds slowly. "But I don't see that there's anything we can do right now. I think already we are taking care. Perhaps someone on the road crew will have some ideas. Perhaps we'll need to take them back to Angel Springs, and see if someone there may help. Perhaps even Bella may know what to do. But he needs our help now, and I plan to keep giving that help. Understand? Let's not allow ourselves to be overcome by fear of what might happen, sis. And no, let's not spread anxiety by murmuring. Everyone already has heard the meaning of the symbols. For the moment things seem stable." He bends over and gives her a kiss on the forehead. "It's just a few more miles back, kiddo. We'll make it." He tweaks her nose lightly. "And if we don't, you can say you told me so!"

Back to the Break (Co-DM Philip K) 
Monday June 5th, 2006 12:56:20 PM

During the rest stop...

Tobias rests a bit before taking up young Grayson for the remainder of the trip back to the road crew.

Selithe suggests to Kendry that they tell the others, except Ezra, about Grayson's possible predicament. She's highly concerned that he might become some undead beast that may turn on the party at any moment.

Kendry, however, although concerned, knows there is little to be gained in telling everyone this, other than get everyone on edge. With only a couple hours until they reach the road crew, he suggests waiting at least until then, and hope that the crew knows what may be ailing him and perhaps able to help him where the party cannot.

Dwight keeps an eye on the humans, probably more out of concern than caution. Passing on the candy, he wants to keep his fingers as clean as possible in case they're needed for his bowstring. Once the party sets out, he again takes up the rear guard position.


Bikmo takes a bit of a rest and remains pretty quiet.

Ezra stays with her husband at all times and pays little mind to everyone else, unless asked a direct question.

Grayson remains unconscious and seemingly at peace. He does appear to have a bit of a fever as he's sweating a bit, but not overly so. It's likely he's had this fever the whole time, but everyone was so concerned with other things up to this point, they didn't notice it.

After the rest stop...

The party presses on through the dusk hours toward the Teucri road and the wash out. After a couple hours, they begin to hear the sounds of orders being shouted, trees falling, hammering and sawing. The crew is still hard at work and up ahead, you can see that a patch in the forest ahead is lit quite well, though not quite as bright as sunlight. It would appear that you have arrived...

Monday June 5th, 2006 3:38:18 PM

Tobias is heartened by the sight and sounds of the work on the road. He helps take Grayson the rest of the way to the road, but is exhausted by the bulky load once he gets there. He drops Grayson in a safe, quiet spot and goes to find his own place to rest...

Monday June 5th, 2006 5:15:25 PM

Selithe is happy to see the road crew and smiles as she hopes that the group can find some type of aid for Grayson and such and looks to Kendry before racing ahead to speak, "We're back. We found Bikmo and a couple other people. One needs some help though." Selithe stops now since this should get people's attentions.

Dwight  d20+1=21
Monday June 5th, 2006 7:38:34 PM

As others begin to notice our arrival, Dwight tells the others he is going to take a quick look around.

Dwight them does a preliminary scout around the vicinity. He is particularly interested in progress made, location of carriage, and flight paths (overhead clearing), and perhaps locating the ponies.

spot: 21

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Monday June 5th, 2006 10:59:43 PM

Podo continues his whistling trying to list the mood of the group as they traipse across the landscape.

Kendry  d8+4=10
Tuesday June 6th, 2006 2:29:16 AM

Kendry returns Terapin's unopened treasury to him. "You might want to check it. We found it thus, and did not open it."

The G.T.J. box he lets Terapin know belongs to the newlyweds. "We found other items, which we are willing to let you see if you wish. However, unless someone else has a clear claim to them, I expect we may keep this ourselves."

Kendry casts cure light wounds on Grayson, healing an addition 10 hp damage to the poor groom.

"Ezra, I'd like to have you talk with your husband a little bit, if you would. There is a song of divination I know which may help me to discern what he is thinking, at least a little bit. If you are willing, just talk with him as I watch and listen. If you do not want me to try this, then tell me - although I do not think it will cause any troubles at all, and may help us understand a bit better how we might help him."

If Ezra agrees, then, Kendry casts detect thoughts, and works to probe whatever it is that the unconscious man may be thinking. [He can spend up to 4 minutes on this, and hopes that Ezra's conversation with him will stimulate some sort of discernable thoughts that he might read.]

He both looks at and inquires how the repairs are going, and how soon the horses and carriage might be able to go to the north side of the break.

Tuesday June 6th, 2006 10:16:45 AM

There isn't that much for the little lass to do so she quietly follows the group as they talk to the newly found friends.

All the time though she keeps an eye out for trouble.

A Happy But Concerned Return (Co-DM Philip K)  d20+1=10
Tuesday June 6th, 2006 2:00:24 PM

Tobias is happy to see the work site for more than just safety concerns. His muscles ache, particularly his arms. He finds that catching his breath is particularly difficult for a while, just from the exertion, but after several hours of good rest and he feels that he'll be ready to tackle whatever comes next. [Note: Tobias is fatigued, see below for more details.]

Selithe is also very happy to see the work area. It means that this little quest has come to an end and she and the rest can relax a bit for a while. She greets the road crew cheerfully and announces the party's discoveries of Bikmo and the two humans. She also alerts them to the need for aid for Grayson.

Dwight is still a little leery with everything that's happened and decides to scout the area a bit. After so many hours, he's interested in what kind of progress has been made on the repairs and he's shocked to see that a nearly usable temporary bridge spans nearly the entire gap. It's plainly obvious to him that this crew is, if nothing else, efficient. He doesn't see the carriage as Ezra's description would suggest it's somewhere on the other side of the gap. The ponies, however, seem to be having a grand time munching on the grasses in the area. Directly over the road, there is very little cover. Further off the road, there is some, but most of the area is plains with a smattering of copses of trees, like the one near the washed out section of the road.

Podo continues to whistle to help lighten the mood as he takes in the sights and scenery. Once out of the muck of the marsh,
it's actually a fairly pleasant journey.

Kendry greets Terapin and hands over his payroll chest. He then explains what the other chest is and the party's claim to the rest of the items if they aren't claimable by someone in the crew. He heals up Grayson again as it seemed to help a bit earlier, then suggests some magical divination that might help reveal more detail about his ailment. Like Tobias the load he was carrying has Kendry's arms burning once he finally puts the chests down. [Note: Kendry is fatigued, see below for more details.]

Airin keeps mostly to herself. The activities of the day seem to have taken their toll on her. Perhaps she's simply shy or tired or still concerned about what's happened is unclear. Either way, she keeps her eyes peeled for possible trouble like any smart adventurer would when in the wilderness.


Terapin greets the party, "Ho there fine Halflings! Good to see that you've returned safely. Ahh! Good to see you again Bikmo, we were worried about you friend. Oh, the payroll and other prisoners too? You truly are effective as well as brave. Well done and thanks to you all. If all goes well, we should have a workable, though slightly unsteady bridge by the morning. The ogres should be able to hold it steady when you cross it, then well work on making it sturdier. Please, come eat. We have some extra, surprisingly, I think we found a bottom to the stomachs of the ogres."

Bikmo searches out Droldol and soon finds him directing things in the pit. You all hear a lot of yelling and hollering and you could swear they might break out into a fight at any moment. Then suddenly, they throw an arm around each other's shoulder and let out deep belly laughs that echo throughout the area.

Ezra asks Kendry, "Will it hurt him? I do so want his pain to end. He's such a gentle, but strong man." Once assured that the spell will cause no harm, she agrees and begins speaking to Grayson. Most of what she says is about how they met, what their wedding was like, their plans for the future, and her love for him.

Grayson's thoughts are chaotic to say the least. As Ezra mentions something specific, his thoughts shift momentarily to that, but as her comments become more general, his mind wanders into a cacophony of nightmarish images. Sights of the hags and harpies, twisted and even more horrific than normal permeate his mind. Then another memory of Ezra and him pushes back the dreadful images.

A fatigued character can neither run nor charge and takes a -2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity. Doing anything that would normally cause fatigue causes the fatigued character to become exhausted. After 8 hours of complete rest, fatigued characters are no longer fatigued.

Tuesday June 6th, 2006 6:11:57 PM

If there are no other requirements of Tobias, he makes sure that Tewdwr is fed and finds a relatively quiet spot to rest - perhaps in a carriage...

Dwight  d20+6=22
Tuesday June 6th, 2006 8:13:31 PM

Returning from his small scouting trip, Dwight relays what he saw.

"They have been quite busy during our trek. The bridge is almost done," Dwight remarks.

"I also saw your ponies eating some grass over there," Dwight points in case the owners had not seen them yet. "Seems they found there way safely and the ogres were luckily full."

"Is there some way to dispel the touch laid on him." Dwight tries to think of an herbal remedy that would help. (alchemy 22). If something comes to mind that can be found quickly, Dwight will offer it.

"I'll take an extended watch tonight as I've done so little during this last bit. Not nearly as tired as some of you." With that, Dwight looks for a warm spot that shows a lot of land and sky to watch from.

Tuesday June 6th, 2006 8:33:34 PM

Selithe looks to the others and ponders everything as she tries to relax more now. Thinking a moment she speaks up, "I can also take alittle longer watch then normal since I didn't carry nothing or such. Others need more rest then us."

Kendry  d20+5=6 d20+5=9 d20+11=31
Tuesday June 6th, 2006 9:09:43 PM

After 'listening' in to Grayson's thoughts for a few minutes, he considers. "Dear Ezra, I will tell you in a few minutes what I learned."

Addressing the half-elf overseer, Kendry says, "Food and rest would be most welcome, Terapin. Good work you and your crew have accomplished. As for the rescue, we had good fortune, and my friends are most valiant.

"You should know, however, that there were three hags who sung to enspell their captives, and they vanished, as well as three of the six harpies. Three others died, and are now burned. But the harpies flew towards the north."

He takes Terapin aside for a moment. "Do you know of any among your crew who have the power to break a strong enchantment? Perhaps a simple dispelling of magic, or removal of curse would be sufficient. But poor Grayson, newly wed to Ezra, had High Woldian symbols inscribed on his hands and forehead. I do not know precisely how to counter this. If you know of someone with the power to do so, please help us in this matter."

If Terapin offers no immediate recourse, then a bit later, he takes Selithe with him, and with her takes Ezra aside. "Your words and your presence are a balm to your husband. Dark thoughts of the hags and harpies afflict him, but your voice and your presence comfort him.

"I have heard your words, dear woman. Since the hags and harpies use music to work their foul magic, then perhaps music more fair might help to counter their work."

Kendry is not advanced far enough in his bardic studies to perform the song of freedom, but he will take the words of Ezra, and the stories he has heard her tell, and weave them into a song. He asks Selithe to join in with him, to sing and harmonize.

"And you, good wife to Grayson, as we sing, share with him your love. Touch him, stroke his hair, whisper of your love. And pray for him, and for his troubled soul."

Playing lyre - oops, he broke a string [perform (stringed instrument): 1]. He replaces it, and begins again... [Perform (stringed instrument): 9] - no, just forget the lyre. His hands are tired from carrying those boxes for so many hours.

He spends perhaps fifteen minutes to half an hour singing a capella [Perform (singing): 31 (nat 20)] with Selithe and ministering to Grayson. If the music appears to help, he is willing to go longer than this, though the day has left him weary.

As he sings, he beckons Airin over to sit beside him. If any others want to come and join in, he welcomes them, too. Part of the time he holds the hands of his love and of his sister. After a bit he places a hand on Grayson's shoulder, and on his head, and sings on. There is much more to his song, but part of it goes...
Remember when you met my father?
Nervous you, to meet his glance
But you held your breath and then
Asked, "With your daughter may I dance?"

Grayson Todd Jensen
Don't you give up on me
I've married you forever
And won't let you leave, no never
So Grayson, my dear Grayson
Don't you give up on me!
[PhilipK - I'm not sure how strenuous singing is - I would think not overly so. But if you deem it enough to lead to exhaustion - then Kendry is willing to perform to the point of exhaustion, if it seems to help the enspelled man. -Kim]

[Kim - Na, singing wouldn't be that strenuous, except on your throat which you haven't really been exercising. Unless you plan on singing for hours, you won't be exhausted, but you won't recover from your fatigue either. - Philip K]

Airin  d20+2=17
Wednesday June 7th, 2006 10:20:12 AM

As Kendry beckons Airin to join him in his song (knowing Airin is a terrible singer she won't sing) Airin takes hold of his hands. Instead of singing, Airin dances on the sweet melody.

Perform dance: 17 - that's not bad!

Rest for the Weary (Co-DM Philip K) 
Wednesday June 7th, 2006 1:21:35 PM

Tobias is tired from all the day's activity, especially the last few hours carrying the unconscious Grayson and decides to find a quiet spot to lay down for some much needed rest. The carriage the party was traveling in has plenty of room for the tired tracker to rest and recoup.

Dwight is very pleased with the progress and that the ponies arrived back here safely. He checks with his own special skills as to whether he might be able to concoct a remedy for poor Grayson, but alas, it appears to be too magical for his elixirs to correct. Being more rested than most of the party, he offers to take a longer watch than he normally would and finds a good, warm place to keep an eye on the sky as well as other avenues into the area.

Selithe also offers to take a longer watch than normal as she carried a relatively light load compared to some of the party and, although tired, is not as bad off.

Kendry is concerned by the thoughts in Grayson's fevered mind, but believes the combined effort of his songs and Ezra's voice may be able to counter or at least slow the effects of his malaise. He thanks Terapin for the offer of food and congratulates the crew on a job well and quickly done. He gives Terapin a report on the hags and harpies, then asks if there are any in the crew that might be able to counter Grayson's sickness. Thoughts of the method of the hags casting come to mind and he wonders if perhaps its some form of twisted bardic malady and wonders if, perhaps, a bard of more skill might be able to counter its effects.

Airin fearful that her voice may ruin what Kendry hopes to accomplish, but wishing to help, dances along with the song. Her steps, though not flawless, are quite ingenious and a pleasant sight to behold.


Terapin is mildly shocked to hear of the hags involvement, but knowing the terrain as he does, it's not completely unbelievable to find hags in a marshy area. He checks on Grayson himself, then says, "I'm afraid that everyone here, save myself and Droldol are either craftsmen or common laborers. Droldol was quite the fighter in his prime, but his skills don't pass much beyond that path. I have a little divine skill, but nothing close to what it would take to be rid of something like this. What I do know is that it's not from natural magic and I concur with your assessment that it is likely a curse. That way it uses High Woldian, would suggest a rather potent one at that. I'm afraid I'm of little more use than that, but perhaps Bella in Angel Springs can help. I met Bella a couple years ago and she seemed quite skilled in alleviating or at the very least researching such conditions. Weren't you heading to Angel Springs?"

Ezra is more than happy to continue trying to comfort her husband and is very pleased with everyone's willingness to help him.

Bikmo, after having a drink with Droldol, settles in for the night as he too is quite fatigued with the day's ordeals.

The rest of the crew works in shifts throughout the night. Continual torches and simple spells keep the area lit well enough that it keeps the danger of accidents to a minimum. Luckily for those that are trying to rest, most of the require lumber had already been cut and thus only a few trees are felled during the night.

[ooc: Feel free to post actions for the night. There are no encounters as the crew makes enough noise and all the light keeps pretty much everything away.]

Wednesday June 7th, 2006 4:47:33 PM

Taking a double shift, Dwight walks the perimeter several times to keep his blood pumping and his eyes open.

He checks in often with others that are awake or want some company. He also examines Ezra and Grayson several times, hoping Grayson can hold on few more days.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Wednesday June 7th, 2006 10:22:10 PM

"Bella? The one on Wart lane?" asks Podo. "If this Bella you speak of is the same person I believe she to be, that's where we were going before we met you folks! Wow, what a small world the valley is." says Podo incredulously.

Kendry  d20+11=13 d20+11=31 d20+11=18 d20+11=30 d20+11=27 d20+11=31
Thursday June 8th, 2006 1:20:33 AM

When Airin begins to dance, Kendry thinks to join her - but his limbs are so very tired, that the mere effort of a moment spoils his singing [Perform (singing) slips to 13]. So, reluctantly, he sits back down, and picks up where he left off. And sings very well, indeed, cheering himself and perhaps others [P(s): 31; 18; 30; 27; 31 - two perfect rolls, and some decent to excellent ones besides] as he sings the story that Ezra told.

Finally, he finds it hard to sustain the effort. "I'm sorry, good Ezra, but I must now sleep," he tells her. He prays aloud, "Alemi grant health, Domi grant courage, and Flower bless the love that lives between these two. Watch over them, and guard us well. Selah."

He closes with a halfling evensong. He bids the crew, his friends and family good night. "Good night, sweet Airin." He kisses her gently on the forehead, and on each cheek, rubs her nose with his, then slips into his bedroll, and falls asleep in a moment.

Thursday June 8th, 2006 12:22:21 PM

Tobias kids Podo, "See Podo, and you were worried that this little excursion would distract us from our meeting with Bella..."

Thursday June 8th, 2006 1:21:38 PM

Enjoying the trip back Airin is cheerful that their little side step did soo much good and did not delay their meeting with Bella.

A good night sleep, and then with renewed vigor back on the roads!

Nighty night!

A Well Deserved Rest (Co-DM Philip K) 
Thursday June 8th, 2006 2:59:03 PM

Dwight keeps an eye on the camp, looking around, checking in with the others, seeing how the progress on the bridge is coming and to see how Grayson and Ezra are doing. All in all, it's a pretty boring night for him, but he does feel a little bit of pride in having had the fortitude to keep such an extended watch.

Podo is very shocked to hear Terapin mention that Bella may be able to help with Grayson's ailment. At first, he can't believe that it could be the same Bella, but as Terapin nods his head in confirmation to all of Pdod's questions of verification, it's very obvious he's referring to the same Bella. Seems the party's luck is quite good indeed as of late. First, a fairly easy fight, a clean rescue, some extra loot and now the paths of their current quest and healing Grayson seem to be crossing quite nicely.

Kendry sings quite nicely for a while, but finds that his efforts of the day make it impossible to continue. He wishes the blessings of the gods upon Grayson and Ezra and bids everyone a good night. He gives a special goodnight to Airin just before he slips into his bedroll for some much needed sleep.

Tobias, hearing the news about Bella's possible aid in their current situation and Podo's amazement about the size of their little corner of the Wold, pokes a little fun at him by pointing out that all of Podo's worries from earlier were apparently unnecessary.

Airin is also happy to find out that not only have they helped rescue someone, but that their current quest won't be delayed and that Bella may be able to help with Grayson as well as the quest they're presently on. What a way to end the day she thinks to herself as she lapses into slumberland. The next morning, she's refreshed and ready to go.


Terapin confirms that the Bella he mentioned is in fact the same Bella the party is supposed to be helping up on their return to Angel Springs. He mentions that he's worked with her a few times, mostly in finding some various roots and herbs as well as bodyguard a time or two. He's confident in her abilities as both an alchemist and as a healer that she should be able to help the young lad. As the party members begin to retire, Terapin returns to his own duties with the road crew.

Ezra and Grayson sleep through the evening. Ezra holds Grayson's hand the entire night. Both have fitful nights sleep, Grayson obviously being the most disturbed by whatever nightmarish images may be flooding through his mind.

The Road Crew continue through the night. Despite having worked through the day, the ogres seem even more energized once the sun's gone down and by daybreak, a workable, if not slightly unstable, bridge is complete.

Phineas and Rowtprie have the carriage and horses all ready by the time the last of the party arises in the morning. The only thing missing is the party and their belongings. Both look a little tired from their efforts in helping the crew the day before, but they are both alert enough for the journey ahead.

Thursday June 8th, 2006 5:50:55 PM

Less refreshed than the rest of the group, Dwight looks forward to the hot, bumpy ride inside the carriage to rest his feet and eyes.

"With two more, the carriage will be quite cramped, I'm more than willing to walk once I get some shut-eye. If that's okay with everyone else."

Before they depart, Dwight finds Terapin to inquire more about Bella, "As my friends said, we are to meet Bella as soon as we return, for a mission of hers as well as to help Grayson. It seems Bella has quite a few contacts in the valley and is quite well respected from what I can tell. I don't mean to pry, but can you tell more about her? Perhaps a brief story about an adventure you had with her?" Dwight is eager to find more about her, but doesn't want to be impolite about it. In the end, he'll thank Terapin for any new information and for getting the bridge fixed enough to keep their schedule. He also asks Terapin to extend the thanks to the ogres.

Kendry  d8+1=5 d8+1=9 d8+1=6 d8+1=2 d8+1=9 d8+1=4 d8+1=8 d8+1=9
Friday June 9th, 2006 3:32:10 AM

Oooo - the bard's arms and lower back are rather sore when he awakens.

He decides to use Olo's wand a little bit more. His dog, Cheann, receives 5 hp (back to full), and he touches it to his own still-injured body (9 hp - back to full 23 hp). Tewdwr receives 6 hp, Tobias 9, and there are three more cures available to the first who claim them: 4 hp, 8 hp, 9 hp. [If more are in need after these three, just roll a 1d8+1, reroll natural 1's (that is, a result of 2), and note in your post that you asked Kendry for a bit of extra healing.]

Kendry suggests, "Let's get all of our stuff across the bridge, first, then work on getting the carriage across. We can pack things once we get it across. Our ponies and dogs can cross separately from the carriage, too."

He also asks if ropes can be held on either side of the carriage as it traverses the temporary bridge, and if the ogres and dwarves - anybody who wants to help, really - might steady it on its way.

He feeds the animals, and takes a light breakfast, himself.

Once all are across the bridge, he finally relaxes a bit. He does mention, again, the trio of hags and the three harpies who flew off northward. "We ought to have someone keeping their eye on the skies at all times, just in case." He offers to be the first one to do so.

"Terapin, we shall carry out your request to let the authorities in Angel Springs know about the bridge - and, don't worry, I'll sing them praises for the good work that you all are doing here. If I come across them, would you like me to send my friends Lomar the ogre and Bobbles the goblin to help you out any?" he asks.

Just then, another thought occurs to him. "Say - we know a fixer, who was helping to repair some things in town just before we left. If he's still there, and available, shall I send him your way, too?"

Once underway, Kendry wears a pair of the darkened goggles he bought, similar to those for Bobbles the goblin, so that they protect his eyes somewhat from the brightness of the sun and sky. He'll offer another set to anyone else who wants to wear them - he has enough for everybody. While on the roof of the carriage, he has his bow strung and held in his hand, quiver of arrows nearby, as he scans the skies and the horizon for any looming threats.

Airin  d20+8=13 d20+10=25
Friday June 9th, 2006 9:43:49 AM

Airin gladly helps to get the carriage and everything accross the bridge.

Then as they are on the road again, Airin feels it is her duty to keep an eye out too.

Humming the melody Kendry sang last night the road seems less long and with good companions it's more fun.

[spot: 13]
[listen: 25]

Friday June 9th, 2006 10:32:51 AM

Tobias wakes up refreshed and starved. After a hearty breakfast, he helps move the group's gear across the bridge, and watches the carriage come across. Once we're all across and onboard, he enjoyed the continued trip home.

Podo D. Danderfluff 
Friday June 9th, 2006 4:35:08 PM

"So when we leaving for Angel Springs?" wonders Podo aloud.

Kendry in accounting mode  d20+4=24 d20+4=8 d20+4=22 d20+4=21 d20+4=5 d20+4=15 d20+4=18 d20+9=25
Sunday June 11th, 2006 2:30:52 AM

During the carriage ride (when he trades places with someone else for the lookout above) Kendry looks over the six gems and the vial that Airan gathered from the unclaimed portion of the treasure the harpies and hags left behind, and seeks to appraise the gems' worth, and the vial's contents. If any of the gems appear identical, he groups them together.
1st gem (or group): Appraise 24 (nat 20)
2nd gem (or group): 8
3rd: 22
4th: 21
5th: 5 (nat 1)
6th: 15
Vial: 18

In addition, he calls on his bardic knowledge (DC 25) to see if that provides him any additional information regarding the character of the contents of the vial. (If need be, he opens the top, and, holding it away from him, waves his hand across the top so as to bring any scent toward his nostrils - but not so as to breathe it deeply.)

Kendry examines the two medium-sized masterwork heavy steel shields; the masterwork dagger; the simple lock; the climber's kit; and the disguise kit.

With all of what Airin recovered arrayed before him (except for the scroll he earlier found to contain the spells invisibility, chill touch, and web), he casts detect magic, and spends several minutes looking over the items - even the coins and platinum pieces.

He asks any of his friends who might have a feel for the appraisal of items to offer their own valuations, especially for the gems and the vial, but for any other items, too.

He gives this summary:
1100 gold pieces
80 platinum = 800 gp
6 gems = ?
vial = ?
masterwork dagger = 305 gp
simple lock = 20 gp
2 medium sized masterwork heavy steel shields = 170 each = 340 gp
silver holy symbol to Alemi = 25 gp
climber's kit = 80 gp
disguise kit = 50 gp
Scroll with 3 spells:
- See Invisibility (Brd 3, Sor/Wiz 2) = 150 gp
- Chill Touch (Sor/Wiz 1) = 25 gp
- Web (Sor/Wiz 2) = 150 gp
Once he finishes with his calculations, Kendry addresses his friends in the halfling tongue. "I reckon, if we sold all the items at the Catacombs (except the gems, coins and vial), that would bring us 1,030 gold pieces and 5 silvers. The gold and platinum coins total 1,900 gp value. Together that's 2,930.5 gold.

"First, let's take 10% of that for a party tithe. What's that for? Taking care of other folks. Helping people out. Maybe giving something to a temple or some clerics.

"So that's 293.5 gold for the tithe. That leaves 2637 gp. Then of the remainder - we split it seven ways. That's one share for group treasure, and one share for each of us.
Split seven ways, that is... 376 gold and 7 silver each, with one odd silver left over.

"Maybe we'll want to keep the scrolls, the two kits - Podo - do want the holy symbol of Alemi? And Airin - the simple lock? Anyone want the fine dagger? We don't have to sell everything. But it's maybe not a bad idea to lay down some general guidelines.

"Now, I don't want to be in charge of the party treasure, except insofar as being a member of the group, I've got a say-so, just like everybody. Same thing with the tithe. Just a suggestion here, and anybody who wants can come up with other ideas, but I'm thinking that maybe Podo might be put in charge of the tithe, seeing as how he's visiting all these temples and clerics, and Dwight be in charge of the party treasure. I trust 'em both.

"What do you all think about these ideas?" he asks, figuring the group has some time during the carriage ride to discuss such matters.


Later on during the ride, he adds pages to his ongoing journal of the Crescent Valley Adventurers, along with sketches and maps.

Kim - OOC to Philip 
Sunday June 11th, 2006 2:56:56 AM

Philip - Thank you so much for DMing for us for the past few weeks. I pray your pilgrimage goes well, bro. We'll miss you.

Dwight  d20+6=24 d20+2=14 d20+2=15 d20+2=6 d20+2=11 d20+2=20 d20+2=4
Sunday June 11th, 2006 6:18:54 PM

After taking a good nap once the carriage gets going, Dwight is surprised to hear his name. He's never been in charge of anything.

"I like the idea of keeping an extra bit, to help others. It's always a bit hard to contribute individually when something comes up, especially when time is a factor."

"I'm not all that knowledgeable about tithing, but I do know it can't hurt to be in favor of the gods."

"I can't say I've got a fixed interest in any of the items, though I would rather keep the kit and scroll within the party than sell it, not to mention the vial. Even if that became part of my share."

"Can't say I can offer much about the vial and gems, but I'll take a look."

alchemy on the vial?
14, 15, 6, 11, 20(not natural), 4

OOC: I will be out of town on vacation starting this Wednesday through Tuesday (20th). Is there anyone willing to cover my posts during that time. I'm going to post it on L&B on Monday, but would rather have it covered within game.

Kim to Anthony 
Sunday June 11th, 2006 8:20:53 PM

Unless someone else wants to do it, and if you'll send me Dwight's updated CS, I'd be willing to run him for you from Wednesday through Tuesday.

Airin  d20+7=23 d20+7=17 d20+7=21 d20+7=20 d20+7=22 d20+7=19 d20+7=25
Monday June 12th, 2006 11:01:26 AM

As Kendry sits down to examine everything they found Airin kicks in and helps a bit.

1st gem (or group): Appraise 23
2nd gem (or group): 17
3rd: 21
4th: 20
5th: 22
6th: 19
Vial: 25

Then Airin listens to Kendry's proposal on how to divide the plunder.

"Sounds good to me love. Who carries the least weight? I would certainly keep those two kits. They might come in handy sometimes."

"I'd put that masterwork dagger in the party treasure too. You never know when one of those comes in handy... If you want me to I'll conceal it with me... the lock? ... hmmm never thought I would carry one myself" Airin smiles "Usually I'm the one to open things - not close them - but again who knows when we might need it"

While they are on the road Airin checks to see where Fioni went? She hasn't seen that crazy bird in some times now... hopefully Fioni is flying high above their heads following the carriage...

Tales of Bella, On the Road, Home at Last (DM Cayzle) 
Monday June 12th, 2006 11:41:42 AM

[OOC: First off, let me second Kim's appreciation for Philip! He helped out in a pinch while showing all the skill of a ready-for-prime-time DM! Good luck with everything, my friend!

Second off, hi everybody! Please put my e-mail address in your address book: cayzle@cayzle.com.]

Dwight asks Terapin for tales about Bella, but he seems put off, or maybe angry at that. "I don't know what tales you may have heard, young fella," he says, "but don't you go listening to them! Bella is a nice lady, no matter if ignorant folk whisper behind her back. You don't pay attention to any 'stories' you might hear! Just because a healer woman lives alone and makes her own way in the world is no reason to slander her!" But Dwight soon smooths things over by thanking Terapin and asking him to pass on thanks to the ogres.

Kendry, Airin, and Tobias help with the passing over the bridge, and Kendry offers Terapin word of a Fixer. He says he thinks they'll manage okay, but thanks.

Kendry also looks over the treasure and appraises it like this:

Gems seem to be worth about 140, 70, 140, 60, 30, and 60 gp each. The mundane items are per the PHB. I have no record of a potion ... but there is a flask of alchemical fire. The scroll you know. I've posted this info for the Catacombs -- feel free to go sell stuff there please.

Airin thinks that Kendry may have undervalued a gem or two.

Once on the road again, Podo wonders how long it will be to Angel Springs. It seems clear that another day or two will get the party back to the Crescent Valley -- and just in time, since Bella had only given the group two weeks before she planned to go a-looking for her herbs.

And in fact, a day and a half of uneventful travel -- marked, of course, by Ezra's grief and Grayson's tortured torpor -- the stagecoach arrives in Angel Falls, at the end of the Teucri road.

Monday June 12th, 2006 5:37:29 PM

Dwight is glad to finally be back in Angel Springs. Once the carriage has been unloaded, and good-byes and thanks given for the ride, Dwight is eager to get to Bella. "Hopefully she is awake and already has something that can help Grayson."

Once the group arrives at Bella's house, Dwight knocks on the door.

Monday June 12th, 2006 6:51:33 PM

"Nice to be home again." And, Tobias helps unpack the group's things. Then, heads with the others to Bella's house.

Tobias takes some time to show Tewdwr around the town and get him acclimated to his new surroundings. Being further out near the woods and away from larger populations, should make Tewdwr happier and more relaxed.

Tobias is happy with Kendry's scheme for splitting the treasure, and is fine with that becoming group policy.

Monday June 12th, 2006 9:26:16 PM

On the road
With Airin, Dwight and Tobias seeming to concur with Kendry's proposal, he asks Podo and Selithe for their thoughts on the division of goods.

When Airin suggests that he may have underestimated the value of one or more of the gems, he asks her to specify which ones.

He enjoys the time with his sister, cousins and friends on the road, swapping stories, recounting what has happened to them all thus far in their brief seasons of adventuring. He adds further to his journals, and reviews some of what he already has written.

In Angel Springs
Kendry thanks the coach drivers, then makes a quick stop in the Angel Springs store that acts as an outpost for the Catacombs, then pops his head into his family's toy and music shop. "We're back! Later!" He quickly comes back out, and joins the group to hasten on to Bella's place.

Tuesday June 13th, 2006 2:37:03 AM

Podo whistles a happy tune to keep everyones mood elevated... knowing that the Grayson lad is not in good spirits doesn't mean everyone needs to feel down.

Learning forward, Podo offers candy to anyone that would like some.

Airin  d20+9=20
Tuesday June 13th, 2006 8:01:15 AM

Roads are never uneventful! Airin rests a bit on the couch showing the Gems she thinks Kendry mis-praised. The she follows on Blossom her pony giving the trustworthy pony some fun by galopping ahead of the group and back.
And as it was the Druid Clover - member of the Druid Circle of the Culverwood - told her to learn as much as possible from plants and animals in the Wold Airin spends time getting to know the herbs on her way. Those she don't know she takes a sample (gloves on storring them in glass vials) till they get back to the Valley to ask Bella what they are - or possibly ask Aunt Marigold.

[knowledge nature: 20]

Fioni - Airin's eagle. An eagle that once attacked her and her friends and that was knocked unconcious from the sky by Airin that later became her follower - paints lazy circles in the sky occasionally diving for little rodents that pass on the road ahead.

Back in the Valley Airin goes along with her friends to see Bella.

Cayzle OOC 
Tuesday June 13th, 2006 1:33:17 PM

There should be at least 6 PCs, right? Dwight, Tobias, Airin, Kendry, Selithe, Podo. Am I missing anyone?

DM Post to come a little later ... hoping for a post from Selithe?

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